And That's Why We Drink - E169 An Uncooked Goose and a B-Side Conspiracy

Episode Date: April 26, 2020

Have you eaten the uncooked goose? Don't worry, we'll let you know! This week Em takes us into the realm of reincarnation, past lives and ancient Egypt with the story of Dorothy Louise Eady or Omm Se...ty. Then Christine takes us to the mountains of Malibu for the upsetting and extremely frustrating case of Mitrice Richardson. We'd suggest listening to some Faith Hill or thinking about past lives before bed to de-stress... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! You can grow thicker, healthier hair AND support our show by going to and using promo code DRINK to get 20% off!Get a special offer from that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage AND a digital scale without any long-term commitment. Just go to, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right um welcome to episode 169 169 wow i've waited a long time for this episode it's finally here here. 100 episodes. 100 episodes since the last 69. Yeah, and then in 100 episodes, I'm probably make the same exact noise. So don't worry about it. I'll keep the tradition going. Excellent. Hello, everyone. Hello, Em. Hello, how are you? Are you are you faring well? I am faring okay. I counted on the calendar I haven't seen you in 24 days 24 too soon I gotta say or too late what is it what's the one where what is it where is it where I never see you again and that's what I want what are you trying to are you trying to insult me I want to imply that I wish it was a thousand days what is that
Starting point is 00:01:02 that is uh that you quit the podcast guess, which please don't do that. I don't want to. Also, speaking of which, I know a lot of people just saw us. This will come out in a couple of days, but a lot of people just saw us on Instagram live. We just did that right before we recorded this. And I'd like to reiterate that I made a lot of jokes but no christina's not pregnant that was thank you for saying she's pregnant with triplets is what i wanted to say she to the story that i forgot to mention oh my god no somebody for some reason like i had put on this
Starting point is 00:01:40 like really weird oil serum beforehand so i looked really shiny my face. And someone said, Oh, you have that pregnancy glow. And I was like, Did I miss something? And then all these people were like, Christine's pregnant. And meanwhile, I'm sitting there talking about like, vodka, and like how much I love vodka. And everyone's like, Oh, no, I'm not pregnant. Trust me. I really so yeah, someone said that you were glowing and then i just ran with it and then people were coming on to the instagram live later and we didn't discuss it again so people took it seriously so i'd like to apologize i just don't want to not to christine just to other people anyway point being i'm not pregnant. But my favorite was that a lot of people were saying,
Starting point is 00:02:26 oh, God, you guys like terrified me. I got this pit in my stomach when I thought Christine was pregnant. I was like, okay, well, clearly people are not going to be excited whenever that happens. Well, I mean, well, I listen, I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I wouldn't be nervous. I'd be like, can you travel? What can we do? Well, to be fair, none of us can travel. So that's true. It doesn't even matter anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Although it is cold and that's why we drink. And if two of us aren't drinking, I mean, you've been like the glue in this whole podcast because of your because of your boxed wine. But think of all the bitching I could do. Oh, wait a minute. They wait a minute they wait a minute and that's why we and then like a little triangle punctuation thing wish we could drink uh triangle punctuation thing i don't know what it's called sad um anyway yeah so we i also wanted to mention i'm glad you said that because we do i don't think we've talked about this, but we do, every Thursday we're doing a happy hour live stream on Instagram just for fun.
Starting point is 00:03:28 So anyone who wants to join can watch and ask questions and watch Em and me, you know, catch up. And yeah, so that's what we're doing every Thursday. So that's on our Instagram, ATWWD podcast. What else? Oh, so I guess I wanted to add add because a lot of people have been asking um so our entire tour spring tour is postponed um yes i think like we just kind of assumed that was clear but i guess not all the venues have been updating people as thoroughly as we'd hoped but so the may shows unfortunately are all postponed if you check our website some of the
Starting point is 00:04:04 cities have new dates, some don't. And so we're just keeping tabs on that really closely. But the second we know something, we will tell you. But as of now, yeah, we don't have anything planned until the rescheduled. Yeah, just in case you had some sort of doubt that maybe your show wasn't going to be rescheduled. They all are. They're all going to be rescheduled they all are they're all going to be rescheduled and uh sorry about that sorry i know it's a real bummer and we've just kind of had to like give into it basically um but i will say lucky jenna jenna drysdale drizzdale i don't
Starting point is 00:04:42 know is the patron of the week this week so Jenna thank you for your long standing support I appreciate it dearly I hope you still listen to the podcast who knows anymore but if you do you are very special to us go ahead they're so stupid
Starting point is 00:05:01 okay it's stupid but I'll say it so I've been like updating my close friends patreon list on instagram and um i asked people to vote and help me pick my new warby parker glasses and um some people got real salty with me and like i posted this one picture and it was like the jeffrey dahmer style glasses like the 80s glasses yeah and i really like them but people were coming out of the woodwork to be like those are horrible and you look like jeffrey dahmer and i was like okay so of course i like really hate when people tell me i know what i can't do let me guess you bought them so i definitely ordered them for the try on yep that's a pack or whatever and i was like you know what fuck you guys and i mean even blaze was like that looks like what an 80s murderer
Starting point is 00:05:52 would wear i was like well that's because it is it is what an 80s murderer did wear yeah good job you finally caught on to something true crime related uh but yeah so thank you to those people who helped me pick my glasses and also no thank you to you because some of you were not nice some of you were very nice and were like no those look adorable so i was like thank you i know you're just trying to make me feel better but well there you go i'm i'm not surprised at all you didn't even have to finish the story because the second the second you told me that people said no i knew christine immediately it was like well i bought three of them.
Starting point is 00:06:25 It's because I want to prove people wrong. I'm like, I don't like people telling me I've just like done something terribly wrong, especially when it's on my face. Then somebody said it's not about what do they say? Oh, my God, this was probably one of the rudest ones. And trust me, whoever hears this probably is gonna be like, Oh, I said that. I'm not saying it like I took it really personally. It just was like cracking me me up but one of the comments was like one of the comments said it's not about jeffrey dahmer they're just horribly tacky or ugly and then and then literally just wrote you're better than that and i was like and that's the that's the message uh whoever you are close friend that's the message the best part is you're not better than that because you've still got them.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Exactly. And the fact that they told me I was better than that, I was like, you watch. You watch how much I'm not better than that. Yeah, trust me. That's the truth. I will prove it to all of you. Anyway, so that's my new update. Life is thrilling, I guess I am trying to say.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I have one update so i was on uh the podcast um the carrie allen picture show which is hosted by my friend dennis um i know you guys hear me talk a lot about um how much i'm i don't know if you hear me talk about it a lot but i have mentioned on the show before that um i listened to the show in acquired taste and i am really good friends with bethany who's the one of the hosts of the show and uh through her i met her boyfriend dennis and him and i hit it off like almost even better than me and bethany did if possible and um so while we're all quarantined i i was on an episode of his show so i wanted to give that a shout out i didn't know that yeah it was called uh it's called the carrie allen picture show carrie is c-a-c-a-r-y but if you guys want to go listen to me talk about back to the future by all means absolutely i do it's not like i don't
Starting point is 00:08:17 hear that every day i'm just kidding well that's the truth he asked a lot he was a very good interviewer he asked me he had clearly done some research and was asking me some of like the questions i was not expecting i had to defend myself on why i used to think i was a boxcar child so but yeah i like to hear that no you don't yeah i i follow them on instagram and he's very very cool like he's like a filmmaker, right? Yeah. He's just very New York and very cool. Like I'm intimidated by him. Very New York. When him and I hung out, we were comparing his Italian mom to my Jewish mom and we realized we had the same mom. Oh boy. Yeah. Well, I'm very excited. I did not know this, so I'm going to tune in for sure. Cool.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Well, that's much more exciting than my fucking update. So I'm glad that I went first. Anyway. Yeah. I don't know. Do we have anything else? I guess that's it. I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah. I feel like every week I'm like, shit, I forgot to mention something. But basically, we just told you the whole tour was canceled. Come to our Instagram. We love Jenna. And I'm like shit I forgot to mention something but um basically we just told you the whole tour was canceled come to our Instagram we love Jenna and I'm Jeffrey Dahmer and you're yes and also Christine doesn't know how to walk away from someone telling her no so that's true that is a life lesson that everyone has just learned yeah so my my story this week is one that I know you're gonna like a lot for two reasons i was kind of just perusing the google net if you will oh and uh i found this story totally by accident and the two main themes in it are both like the most christine thing i could think of. Oh, and you're going to enjoy it a lot. So,
Starting point is 00:10:05 um, my story is a person this time. And the person's name is Dorothy E. D. It's E. A. D. Y. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:13 later known as Om Sety. O-M-M-S-E-T-Y. Om Sety. Whoa. Okay. And so this is considered one of the most, uh, probable and believable cases of reincarnation ever.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And she claims to have been an Egyptian priestess. Oh my God. I'm so excited. Egypt and reincarnation. And I was like, sign me the fuck up for Christine. Yeah, you just gave me some goose cam. I'm ready okay so dorothy edie um so she in 1904 her story starts it was dorothy louise edie um she was born in london and she was an only child her parents were um in a irish lower middle class um status they were a tailor and a homemaker um they didn't have a lot of money
Starting point is 00:11:06 but they tried their best to always take care of dorothy and um at three years old in 1907 they were at their home and dorothy fell down the stairs and when she fell down the stairs she hit her head pretty hard and the doctor came because that's when house calls were a thing um right and the doctor pronounced her dead like she was whoa she was gone and uh the doctor returned an hour later to issue like their death certificate and to like take the body away and when he got back dorothy was not only alive but like playing games as if nothing happened oh my god um so after the fall Dorothy started showing some really odd behavior um so when she fell she potentially hit her head um well she definitely hit her head let's be clear but she
Starting point is 00:12:01 either I think they because she died, and then like woke up having this weird personality, people immediately thought something weird was going on. So she was really detached. She was really depressed. She was amazed by everyday things. She was like things that she had seen before she was just shocked by as a she'd never seen them. Oh, she also had a foreign accent syndrome, which is fascinating to me have you heard about this no tell me everything so i i if it's this if it's what i'm thinking of it's the same uh situation that comes from uh a lot of people that wake up from comas they'll just wake up and have a random accent they'll like stop or they'll like no languages that like they that is so wild to me like uh
Starting point is 00:12:46 there have been stories of people waking up from a coma and all of a sudden like speaking fluent spanish and like not having ever known that they could do that and so i think foreign accent is on the same line where you just wake up and have a totally random accent that makes no sense based on who you were before the accident um my god but so she begins also asking to go home but her parents tell her you're already home and so she starts getting really upset and is regularly asking to be brought home um she begins to have these really wild dreams about big ancient buildings with columns with fruit and flowers wrapped around the columns. And she constantly is demanding that there so I guess in one of her books, she found a chapter on ancient Egypt. And she demands that her parents
Starting point is 00:13:37 read it to her over and over and over again. And she doesn't care about any other story. I don't know if it's the same book, but in a book at the same time, she ended up finding a picture of ancient Egypt and she said, there, that's my other home. Oh my God. Yeah, she's like, take me home. They're like, we're not flying to Egypt, but nice try.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Nice try. It is also like 1907. Like, I don't know how to take you there. We can't fly. Never mind. We're not getting on a boat. So as of 1908, her parents, like she's still acting really off, but her parents are trying to give her the best education they can give, given their financial status.
Starting point is 00:14:20 They're trying to also make sure she's like socializing well and, you know, trying to get her back to who she was but dorothy's behavior starts like really pissing a lot of people off so she gets kicked out of sunday school for comparing ancient egyptian religion to christianity and so they were like uh goodbye go away wow ouch okay she also ends up getting expelled from school in general because she refused to sing a hymn that apparently in this hymn it contained a verse that um asked god to curse the egyptians what and so she was like i'm not singing that and then she got kicked out of school god that sounds like my school growing up we had to sing the goddamn we had some kids who were jewish and they were like we don't want to
Starting point is 00:15:05 do this and they're like you have to so yikes oh my gosh for you oh yeah it was bad allison and i were just re-talking about your school we were trying to explain it to rj and i was like i don't think you understand like when we say a castle like we mean this this school is like a literal like i'm not being dramatic and saying this school is like a big mansion like it was literally like picked out of england and brought over and it's a castle i'm not even gonna give them the the benefit of saying their name i did not have a good time there let's just put it that way but yes it is uh very grandiose just google image castles in ohio and you might find christine's oh my god um anyway it was very
Starting point is 00:15:47 bougie it made i i felt like such trash thinking like i went to private school when i saw that you apparently went to europe for school you were like what's in that building i was like that's the chapel and you were like what and i was like that's where we go every wednesday and then my brother and i were talking about this too because we were like yeah you know we went to the same school for 18 years like it was never a thing and then we went to college and I were talking about this too, because we were like, yeah, you know, we went to the same school for 18 years, like it was never a thing. And then we went to college. And we were like, yeah, well, you know, where you can't walk on a certain part of the marble because the nuns are buried underneath. And they were like, what? And we were like, yeah, the nuns were buried in the catacombs underneath the chapel. And people were like, what are you
Starting point is 00:16:17 fucking talking about? Pavilion Island is where Christine basically went. Yeah, I mean, truly, like their graves in the in the chapel that are like the surface of the ground and you you're you walk over them and uh we weren't allowed to walk on them to respect you know sister sister theresa and uh let her be buried in peace it's very weird that's a very creepy situation anyway like a really sad version of harry potter um yeah it's like a really unfun version with no magic. Yeah. To me, like if I were to be like the devil's advocate here,
Starting point is 00:16:50 Harry Potter's life didn't sound that great either. It sounded like he was like really going through it. Oh no, you're totally right. Every time I watch Harry Potter, I'm like, oh, I'd be dead. Like by now. Like, I don't know how he survived this long. I'd be dead in the first movie, for sure. Because I, you know, snoop around on TikTok,
Starting point is 00:17:04 I found a really good tiktok of uh someone pretending to be harry potter or someone that went to hogwarts and uh just like a random hogwarts student being like i would like to leave and dumbledore's like why and the guy was like why are you kidding me like why do i want to be here? Let me count the ways. That's like entire castles on fire. Oh my God. So yeah, she was expelled from school because she didn't want to sing about cursing Egyptians.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And then Dorothy also got kicked out of mass in general. So now she's like kicked out of general school, Sunday school and church. Just, Oh no. And her family's Irish. So they were like devout Irisholics and she got kicked out of mass because she said it reminded her of quote the old religion so oh so they were like you gotta go so um small child they're like the parents are like no no
Starting point is 00:18:01 trust me it's a phase she was like how is how is no one understanding what I'm going through? Oh, sad. So one day her parents, I guess they're like trying to educate her on their own now. And so they start bringing her to museums and they bring her to the British Museum. And apparently when she was there, she saw this ancient Egypt exhibit. And this girl sounds a little dramatic to me, but also i have i don't remember any of my past lives so who's to say at this point but she saw the ancient egypt uh exhibit and she dropped to her knees started kissing the feet of the statues and said these are my people
Starting point is 00:18:36 well that's what happened when you went to canada i was like we're in the airport like we're in the fucking vancouver airport get off the ground it is filthy down there m that was exactly what i did every single i was like amazed again i wait actually was i experiencing uh another life because i was amazed i was amazed by everyday things i was like look look at this water bottle like yeah i know do you remember when i experienced like fruit by the foot but in canada and i was like oh my gosh it's like i've already figured by the meter fruit by the meter or something i was like what is happening over here i was blown away isn't
Starting point is 00:19:17 it or fruit by the yard or something i don't know no it was it was like or is that just oh that was just a joke that we made uh right i just kept calling it fruit by the meter so don't at me i know that's not actually what it's called uh but i even i remember we uh we were in the airport and everywhere instead of saying bathroom or restroom it said washroom and i was like oh my gosh i'm in heaven oh Oh my God. Okay. So anyway, uh, we'll get back to this little girl dramatic or anything, but, but I also like kiss the feet of every Canadian that walked by me.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so we'll get back to my own reincarnation at some point, I'm sure. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:59 well, yeah, I'm sure. Uh, yeah. So she said, these are my people. Definitely what I did in Canada.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Um, and at one point in this museum, she apparently recited words that seem to be from another language. Like she just started like talking to like the artifacts, but with a different language. And she even found a picture that showed the ruins of the temple of Seti the first. um she apparently said that's where she used to live she said because remember she was saying i want to go home right she found this picture of the ruins of the temple and she said this is where i used to live but wait why is
Starting point is 00:20:39 it all broken and where's the garden oh shit i just. I just got chills. So she's this. This reminds me of that one story of like the little kid who in a past life died on the Titanic. And he saw he saw blueprints of like the ship or he was watching the movie. He was watching the movie. Yeah. And he was like, oh, that didn't go over there. The boilers were like over here. And also that wasn't my room.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah. Like he's like the windows didn't face that way or whatever. Like spooky. So then she saw a picture so since they were near the temple of seti the first she saw a picture of the mummy of seti the first who was a late 13th century um bc by the way late 13th century uh pharaoh and she claimed that she knew him personally and said that he was a very kind man oh and uh so she starts to go to the museum as often as possible and learn as much as she can and her interest in anything egyptian starts uh like growing and growing and eventually she catches uh the attention of a guy named wallace budge and i know sorry wallace sorry wally and so better
Starting point is 00:21:49 than walter then the walters have died down since uh since that one episode i think well technically walter and wallace could both be called wally no this sure they have the same nickname yeah so we gotta be careful on that they could be trying to trick us so uh wally budge as i'm gonna call him from now on love it so he was known at the time back in the early 1900s he was like the guru the expert on egyptology like he was the one if you wanted to he's like how carl sagan is known for his field wally budge was known for his field of Egyptology. Cool. And so he was at the museum one day and started noticing her whenever he went to visit. And so he even offered to tutor her in hieroglyphics.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Cool. And she was only like 14. But he was like, there's something wild about her. Like, we got to tutor her and get her involved. So he noticed how quickly she was kept on to learning the hieroglyphics and dorothy uh at one point reportedly told him that she wasn't learning it she was just remembering it from before oh my god that's so spooky and so within two years she was able to read hieroglyphics perfectly, like as well as he could.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And that usually takes most people like much more than a decade. Like she just. So then. Holy shit. She, later on in life, she ends up moving away to be with her grandmother, but she continues to study Egyptology. um egyptology and she claims at 15 years old that she starts being visited by pharaoh the said pharaoh seti the first who is who she saw the picture of and was a very kind man so she said that she used to know him and now he's visiting her in her dreams oh god and pharaoh seti uh has is showing up more and more in her dreams until basically he's in every single one of her dreams
Starting point is 00:23:45 and telling her about what her life was like in ancient Egypt. And with her memories, by the way, also came nightmares and sleepwalking. And her parents even put her in like a mental hospital a few times because she was getting so wrapped up in this they didn't i guess it was too much for them which i don't necessarily blame them sure um but so a couple years later um her parents were still kind of supportive about all this regardless because they like just knew that she was really interested in this stuff and so um they are still funding her either, you know, going to school or trying to learn as much as she can. And eventually they help her move back to London in 1931, where she works as a writer and a cartoonist at an Egyptian English magazine. And so she actually started not being well liked there either,
Starting point is 00:24:44 because in all of her cartoons, she was very clear that she was supportive of Egypt being independent from the British, which it was still occupied at the time. Got it. And while there, she meets an Egyptian student named Imam Abdel Magid.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And so I'm just going to call him Magid, his last name. And so they started dating. And even when he moves back to Egypt, they still have a romantic relationship. And eventually, a couple years later, Magid becomes a teacher and proposes.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Despite her parents' approval, she's like, I'm going to marry this guy. He's Egyptian, and i'm moving to egypt with him and this way their approval or their disapproval uh despite their disapproval sorry got it got it got it they were like we don't want you to leave the country and she was like it's fucking i see she's like it's fucking egypt i'm going she's like it's my home yeah she's like do you not know what my plan have you figured this out yeah and so uh when she again when she got there she kissed the ground and said i'm finally home wow um they got married
Starting point is 00:25:53 and lived with his family and um throughout this entire time she continued being visited by pharaoh seti and he kept showing up in her dreams apparently at one point he almost started manifesting himself because some of mcgeed's family swear that they saw pharaoh seti in their bedroom while she was sleeping as if he really shit as if he really was there and like manipulating her dreams oh wow but regardless so she ends up uh'm going to get into like what she learned about her, her childhood or in her past life in a second. But so she is living in Egypt with her husband and his family. They end up having a baby. She literally names the baby Seti after the Pharaoh against her husband's wishes.
Starting point is 00:26:39 She's like, oh, no, like, no, no, no. This is what's got to happen. So Dorothy not only is now being visited by the pharaoh in her sleep, but she's also being visited by an Egyptian spirit named Hora. So H-O-R-R-A. Hora. Okay. And that's when she also begins going into trances at night and automatic writing. Oh. and automatic writing. So basically she's kind of half awake, half asleep,
Starting point is 00:27:06 but she's essentially by accident writing out dream journals about what she's being told by Hora. And she's writing them in hieroglyphics. Whoa. And so she was, this is what she found out about her past based on all the dreams that she had had. So in a nutshell
Starting point is 00:27:25 she was born in the 13th century um her dad was a soldier and her mom was a vegetable seller her name was bentrishite or bentrishit i'm not sure which one um but it means harp of joy okay um and at three years old which interesting. So this is when something kind of traumatic happens to her in her past life at three, but at three years old in this life, that's when she had the head injury and all of a sudden started acting weird. Interesting. So at three in her past life, her mother died and she and her father couldn't afford to keep feeding her. And so sent her to the temple of later what would be the temple of Seti. And she was raised as a priestess and became a consecrated virgin at 12.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Whoa. Yeah. And apparently at some point, I think at 14 years old, Pharaoh Seti showed up or was visiting the temple and met her and they fell in love and uh she got pregnant even though she's supposed to abstain from that oh and at this point so i saw this on one article i thought it was very interesting so she wasn't allowed to be sleeping with anyone but they you quote, ate the forbidden fruit. But apparently the ancient Egyptian version of that quote is eating the, quote, uncooked goose. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I saw that in an article and I was like, they ate uncooked goose? What the hell? But apparently they were doing what they shouldn't be doing. You don't know all the cool euphemisms. I mean, it goes with, like, goose cam, though goose cam though you know cook the uncooked goose cam yes that we have some uncooked goose cam going on over here you know the truth and so um so yeah so they were sleeping together and she got pregnant and uh the high priest asked her who got you pregnant and she didn't want to say because it was a pharaoh
Starting point is 00:29:26 and she didn't want to get in trouble um and she didn't want to embarrass him and so the high priest apparently said well the penalty for this is probably death um oh just if people find out about this that'll probably be your punishment and so to avoid that well to avoid being killed and to avoid um any embarrassment for pharaoh seti she died by suicide oh no but apparently in her dreams she learned that uh he did remain in love with her and eventually in between different incarnations their spirit had their spirits had met back up together wow so that's pretty precious that they found each other later um so again dorothy kept dream journals um in written in hieroglyphics and ultimately she had 70 pages of her story all written in ancient egyptian jesus so 1935 so she's 31 now um Her husband takes a preaching or not a preaching, a teaching position in Iraq.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And so they end up separating. Now that she's on her own, she decides that she's going to move closer to the Giza pyramids. And she's with her son, Seti. And at this point, this is where she gets her name, Amseti, which apparently means mother of Seti. Oh. So this is because in some of the regional traditions, the parents will take the name of their eldest son. So it's like mother of or father of. And so she became mother of Seti. I see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:58 So Amseti. So while at the pyramids, she actually meets an archaeologist who his name was Salim Hassan. And I think he was actually like one of the most famous archaeologists of the time. And he ended up meeting her and realizing how knowledgeable she was and what a resource she was. And so he was one of the first people to credit her with having like invaluable advice during his research there. And from there, she gained this reputation. And she was later hired as a research assistant by an archaeologist named Ahmed Fakhri. And apparently he was also another one of like the top archaeologists of the time. So she in the archaeology world in the 19 early 1900s she is
Starting point is 00:31:46 a woman with no educational background and all these people are relying on her for their like most prized esteemed research right so during these years she also was like taking that and like using her privilege of like people were going to kind of look out for her because she was so resourceful and so needed but she kind of took advantage of it and so she would like sleep inside the pyramids and like oh she would like perform strange rituals and she would like she would do weird things that nobody's really allowed to do but because she was so well respected by her colleagues they were just like oh just go do it like they didn't really judge her or holy shit they didn't
Starting point is 00:32:25 question her or tell her she couldn't also they were probably like we can't stop her so she'll do it anyway she also got a reputation for i guess not just having remembered the language or like knowing random information that she really should never have had the the resources to learn about but she inherently happened to gain this um interpretation of inherently having these skills that nobody could have taught her and like she could have never learned given her circumstances so she got to be well known in the city as being unafraid of cobras and she could spell bind and hand feed them oh my god with no training but she said it just came from within and she just knew what to do. Oh my god. She also had really powerful medicinal abilities where she
Starting point is 00:33:12 could heal herself as well as others, pretty much of anything. And some of them included arthritis, appendicitis, and she healed herself into not needing to wear glasses anymore whoa so apparently she was best known to cure impotency oh and she said that this is a quote but she was able to cure people of this quote through what she had through what she said were spells written in ancient texts that nobody could have taught her oh my gosh she was just reading like ancient egyptian and so well that nobody else could have taught it to her because nobody else knows how to read it that well and she was realizing there was like spells and incantations that were helping her medicinally what the fuck what is going on with this woman so this is like bonkers she ends up becoming the first woman um to work for
Starting point is 00:34:06 egypt's department of antiquities okay she works there from 1936 to uh 1964 she becomes known as a master of deciphering hieroglyphics and ancient art so both of those things experts were coming to her for um and she starts assisting two of the world's foremost egyptologists at the time and she's known to help translate works edit books or even like give some sort of source material that they could have never found anywhere else and i mean it's crazy to me that at the time like these well-respected incredibly educated people who put their life into learning all this, they're going to someone with no formal education and just trusting her blind. And they're just like,
Starting point is 00:34:53 she knows. And there was never a doubt. It's so wild to me that so many people, maybe not necessarily put two and two together that she was living out a past life, but she was you know living out a past life but she was just so apparently confident and a lot of people have been quoted saying that she was just so sincere and genuinely wanted to help that they just took everything she said at face value because she had nothing to lose so so even to a point where 1964 uh or 19 1950s uh the late 1950s early 1960s i don't remember um but her job was actually um she was gonna have to retire based on her age and then they like found a loophole and let her keep working for another five years because they were like you're too you're too needed you're too essential for it to like walk away so they even like gave her a job until she was in her 70s and then eventually her um her job was terminated just the job ended
Starting point is 00:35:52 itself and so she had to she took a position later as a uh she she worked in a town called abidos abidos i don't know how to pronounce it but it was where pharaoh pharaoh seti the first temple was oh she ended up working um at the place where she used to see all these pictures when she was a little kid saying like i used to live there and so over time she's slowly moving closer and closer to this space that she says used to be her home right and this is just from her previous job before i get into the one i'm talking about now but the one where she says used to be her home right and this is just from her previous job before i get into the one i'm talking about now but the one where she was allowed to work there until her 70s the um just before i forget the head archaeologist there um like knew that she knew a lot of
Starting point is 00:36:37 information and knew that it was weird how much information she knew and kind of was believing this past life theory that was kind of circulating throughout the city. And so he decided one day that he was going to take her to a closed off part of the temple where nobody but him had been so far. And it was just super dark. You couldn't see anything. It was just a dark section of the temple. And there was nothing there anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And he asked her to describe the artwork on the walls if it were to exist. What did it look like? And he asked her to describe the artwork on the walls if it were to exist. What did it look like? And so she did so. And she did it so perfectly that she even included details that hadn't been discovered yet and wouldn't be discovered for many more years. Oh, my God. And then as they're walking through this part of the temple, she starts leading them to this location at the back of the tunnel and remember even as a little kid she was saying but wait where are the gardens like that was where
Starting point is 00:37:31 yes so she starts walking to the back of this temple and she keeps saying oh this is where the gardens are supposed to be where are the gardens i don't know where they are and again besides her stories there is no evidence of gardens ever existing there. Like in no research and no excavations, there's no such thing as a garden that ever existed. Oh, my God. But trusting her, the team ended up digging out that area. And eventually they located stumps from where massive trees used to be. And there were signs of gardening. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And she's like, there it is. She was like, bingo. Finally. So then, yeah. So then she was required to uh to leave but then they gave her five more years and then um after this she uh lives near the temple of seti like i said in that town abydos abydos and um even though she's retired and in her 70s and just living closer to the temple, I guess that's where a lot of archeologists were going to be anyway. And so they started seeking her out for like on call work, like just to get advice from her,
Starting point is 00:38:33 just to ask her like what she knew if they could help on her excavations. Damn. So in 1981 she unfortunately dies. But due to her beliefs, neither like Christian or Muslim cemeteries would let her be buried on their sites because it was so controversial so she's being buried
Starting point is 00:38:52 outside of one of the cemeteries and there's like a stone circle that marks her site but she's still known by historians to be unrivaled in her knowledge of hieroglyphics and just ancient Egypt in general. And unlike most folks who say that they're reincarnated from, you know, any given time, she was so well respected
Starting point is 00:39:13 that even if they didn't really believe if she was, it was a past life thing, they like couldn't do anything but defend her. And even some of the like top researchers in their field all say that like she contributed to their research paper. She's the reason why their books sold the way they did and so she even appeared in two tele documentaries um one was for bbc and one was for national geographic one was called om seti holy shit om seti and her egypt and another one was called egypt quest for eternity and she was in both of those right before she died. Some speculate that her fall as a child may have resulted in brain damage. And this just led to a bunch of like weird obsessions with Egypt.
Starting point is 00:39:54 But at the same time, like there's scholars who like there's no explanation. And they insist that her knowledge was not only like impossible for anyone to have figured out. But she was right every single time every single time she made a prediction or she helped someone out and like just guessed that something would be there yeah she was never wrong so that's been i mean the fact that all of these like top researchers and scientists are saying like oh yeah no she's helping a lot is like enough proof to me of like she's something's going on yeah i mean for all the people who like should know this better than anyone to be like i don't fucking know i'm setty what's your opinion and then they're just
Starting point is 00:40:37 like well whatever she says goes oh my god there's even a quote from one of them saying if i'm setty we're still here today i would take her word word where I would take her word on where things are. Any day over the most state of the art equipment even made today. So they're just like, if she says it's somewhere, if she says that there's something here, then there is. And if she says there isn't something here,
Starting point is 00:41:01 then there isn't. Wow. So there's, there's one theory on what type of reincarnation this is, because apparently there's different types. So there's a reincarnation researcher named James Matlock who says that this is a case of, quote, replacement reincarnation when a person briefly dies, which is what happened to her. Right. dies which is what happened to her right and when she when waking up ends up having different memories and behaviors as if a as if almost she was an empty vessel and all of her lives uh that are a part of her a new one just kind of latched on a new personality took over so
Starting point is 00:41:40 it's which is an interesting thought of like oh it's just like this empty chamber and all of your memories, like which one's going to go in and take over. And the fact that they can just be kind of like jostled out of you by a head, like a head injury is wild to me. Oh, my God. So apparently there's three traits of replacement reincarnation and she hit all of them. So there is a suggested terminal condition that is reversed. So yeah, she was claimed to be dead and then she woke up.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Right. Then there's a change in personality and then a sense of belonging elsewhere that never fades. Wow. So what's interesting about replacement reincarnation is that usually when you hear about past lives, they're toddlers who it's almost like
Starting point is 00:42:25 they haven't totally stepped out of that past life yet. Right. And it slowly fades as this life takes over. But in replacement cases, it's usually after a few years that someone's been alive. And because it's kind of knocked into them fresh of like since it's like disturbing or disrupting this current life right those memories tend to persist instead of fade away like in most cases holy shit the fact that that's the craziest thing too is like they just were still there after decades for her whole life which makes me wonder too it's like all of us probably somewhere in our sub psyche have yes assuming that reincarnation exists which i believe it does me too but given that that is a real thing it means that those
Starting point is 00:43:11 memories really are inside of me and i just can't tap into that but maybe if like you just clock me in the head really good i'll remember way better you know okay i'm coming over i'll put on my mask and i'll uh bring something heavy i'll bring that uh skull bowling ball my aunt gave me that's exactly how i'd want it to happen anyway so perfect i know i figured so in 1979 there was a new york times article about her that called her quote one of the western world's most intriguing and convincing modern case histories of reincarnation. Wow. And what's why this is she died back in the eighties, but as recently as 2015, archaeologists are still finding ruins and tombs that she predicted before
Starting point is 00:43:54 her death. So there's still someone just must've taken really good notes when she was alive and wrote down all the shit she said, because they're still listening to anything that she suggested. So when she was alive back in the 70s, she remembered knowing the secret location of the tomb of Nefertiti. Sorry, this is not my field of interest.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Oh, it's not? Well, just wait till I whack you on the head. Then you can tell the story again. Who knows? Maybe I was Ne, just wait till I whack you on the head. Then you can tell the story again. Who knows? Maybe I was Nefertiti. You probably were. It sounds right to me. It feels right. It feels right. So in the 70s, she told people that she remembered from her past life the secret location of Nefertiti's tomb, which apparently at that point, everyone was looking for and nobody was able to find. But she was like, know where it is but it's a secret location and i know that the pharaoh wouldn't want me to tell you but and like people like i know something you don't know
Starting point is 00:44:54 they're like oh the pharaoh oh i understand but like also the pharaoh was around 3 000 years ago can you just tell me where this fucking tomb is right right yeah the pharaoh the pharaoh we get it right and we get it you knew a pharaoh we get it you're not that special um so she um she ended up saying later that it was in the valley of kings near i'm sorry tootin commons tomb there's a place yeah tootin common king tut oh is that king tut yeah is that his long name yeah tootin common let's look i'm just you know what you ask me about any marvel character i'll say the full fucking name i listen the only reason i know i like you said is because i've had a lifelong fascination with egypt so i've been to every museum exhibit in cincinnati that has ever had anything pertaining.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I know about, I've heard of King Tut. I did not know that Tut was a nickname for a longer version. I feel so, I was blind, but now I'm found. So she later told people the secret location was near king tut's tomb um which at the time went against all common knowledge they were like that can't be possible like she even if she knows she's like giving us like this red herring like there's like that's not where the tomb is so later in the year 2000 so like 30 years later and 20 after she's died they did a radar scan of the site and they ended up
Starting point is 00:46:25 finding evidence of two unknown chambers that were even deeper underground of king tut's tomb wow and i guess there was some like just happenstance where they had to quit that excavation but six years later they came back to it and in 2006 there were chambers that were found underground that were quote extremely that they had, extremely that they had quote, extremely well-preserved equipment and supplies used for the mummification of elite Royals, which as Nefertiti. So it's understood that that's probably Nefertiti's tomb.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And it's pretty understood amongst the, the, I don't know the, the top researchers even today that she was right and that's where it was wow i mean that's just fascinating to me fascinating so i anyway so that's that's the story of dorothy edie slash om seti but i i heard that like i saw a blurb of it on like wikipedia or something I was like, if Christine doesn't hear this, yes, she's going to lose it. It's so funny because I was just thinking like this is exactly what we became friends
Starting point is 00:47:34 over because I would come over and this is the shit we would talk about for hours. Like, did you hear about that one lady who thought like we would just go for hours and hours and hours. So I cannot believe we're literally sitting here still three years later, like doing this for a job. It's just the coolest thing. I mean, truly. And also, this is absolutely someone that I would have mentioned in the past.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And then you would have gotten obsessed with her. So. Oh, for sure. So I'm for sure. Yeah. I can't believe I've never heard about this. I mean, I already wrote the name down, so I'm ready for some late night research tonight. Just some some deep dives.
Starting point is 00:48:07 But yeah, wow, that's so cool. And she is in those two documentaries. And I think they have like, I mean, she also published a lot of her own personal work. And she, I think, was part of a lot of interviews or like maybe like TV things. She was only really mentioned in the two documentaries, but I think she was filmed in other things. So what you're saying is there's a lot of content I can play animal crossing to while i watch it got it i mean that's actually literally what i'm saying i cannot wait and you were looking for a rabbit hole here's one for you i'm always looking for a rabbit hole and you always deliver so i appreciate it thank you
Starting point is 00:48:40 all right anyway i love it okay awesome I guess now it's my turn to bring everything crashing to a sad, sad halt. That is what I love to hear. Yay. Okay. Glad I have one strength and it's making everyone feel like crap. I love it. It makes me so happy. At least you feel better. I love it. It makes me so happy. At least you feel better. You at least say it was such a joyful voice. I mean, it comes off very chipper. I know if someone had to deliver bad news to me, I would want it to be you because at least you do it with like a little warmth, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Yeah, I try. You know, I try desperately to make you guys not hate me. You've got three years of practice. It's a lot of practice um okay well that being said i have a story for you it's one i've wanted to i'm i'm curious if you've heard of it i've wanted to cover it for a long time it's like really bizarre and also extremely frustrating so it's like just it was a lot but um this is the death of my trees richardson have you heard of it no okay say it again my death of who my trees richardson i don't think so i'm gonna feel like a fool if i should know this one no no no i don't think necessarily i mean i'm just in the right internet circles to know these things
Starting point is 00:49:58 i see is this a virginia thing no no it's an la story um oh no i don't know who this is okay so it's it's really i mean it's fascinating bizarre fucked up and like frustrating you'll see why so uh as we say white knuckle and buckle folks buckle up white knuckle it let's knuckle and buckle we're trying to make it a thing still not a thing but we are determined you know what if we're the only people who say it then at least two people say it that right. And if we say it for the next five years, then it's been a thing for half a decade. Yeah. And everyone else is on the fringe for not wanting to join. Oh, boy. Okay. So this is the story of Mytreese Richardson. I'm just going to jump into it. So she was born April 30th, 1985 in South Los Angeles, California
Starting point is 00:50:46 to Latisse Sutton and Michael Richardson. But she was primarily raised by her mother, Latisse, and her stepfather in Covina, California. So that's where she grew up. Okay. She went to West Covina High School. She was a really good student. She was a competitive cheerleader and dancer. She was like described by her mother as a girly girl. She wasn't like really into outdoor activities. She loved like being in pageants and that kind of thing and dance competitions. And so that was kind of her childhood growing up. And then in around 2005, 2006, my trees had been had spent a few years kind of like evaluating her sexuality and in 2006
Starting point is 00:51:25 she came out to her family as gay and uh they said in the show i mean sorry i watched this i watched an episode on investigation discovery uh disappeared and if anyone wants to watch it it's called lost in the dark season six episode one okay and um her family's interviewed extensively on that but they said basically you know she had been worried that her family wouldn't accept it but like they just wholeheartedly embraced her and it and like her sexuality and did not it didn't change a thing between them so oh good um they just seemed like a very like close-knit um stable family and so she was described by friends as even though she was kind of in like
Starting point is 00:52:07 pageants and that kind of thing. She's also extremely intelligent and talented. In 2007, she began a relationship with a woman named Tessa Moon, and they would date for a couple years. And in 2008, she graduated from California State University Fullerton with a bachelor in psychology. She moved in with her great grandmother, Mildred, into an L.A., South L.A. neighborhood. And basically what she did, her great grandmother was 91. And she kind of moved in to keep her company, be her companion, also help her with, you know, daily tasks, that kind of thing. And she actually started doing clerical work at Santa Fe Springs Shipping, which was owned by her girlfriend's father.
Starting point is 00:52:49 OK. And at this point, she's living with her great grandma. She's working and she decides she wants to go to graduate school. OK. And so her goal was to go to graduate school and get a PhD in child psychology. Again, she was very bright, graduated with honors, et cetera. psychology again she was like very bright uh graduated with honors etc and uh meanwhile she also worked as a go-go dancer with the stage name hazel at a popular gay and lesbian nightclub in long beach california okay so that was kind of her like social outlet was typically there at this
Starting point is 00:53:19 nightclub gotcha um so this guy this investigative journalist named Mike Kessler, who writes for Los Angeles Magazine, he was actually interviewed in the episode and he wrote a really extensive piece on this in L.A. Magazine. That's super interesting and in-depth. So according to Mike Kessler, Mitrice and Tezza had broken up in the early summer of 2009 after about two years of dating and the reason was that my trees had become infatuated with a woman from long beach named vanessa okay and vanessa was a regular at the club where she danced uh and unfortunately vanessa did not feel the same way toward my trees so this was like an unrequited love situation gotcha and she's still also with her girlfriend or did they break up so they broke up because so sorry so they broke up in 2009 after two years of dating because my trees had gotten so infatuated with this other one i see okay gotcha
Starting point is 00:54:19 so that's kind of what broke them up. So Vanessa actually had a girlfriend. And unfortunately, that only made Mitrice more determined to win her over to the point she became obsessed. And one night after her go-go job, Mitrice drove all the way to Las Vegas by herself to basically crash Vanessa's birthday celebration. And by the way, just so people know too, like, cause we did that drive for your bachelor party. That's like a five to six hour drive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:50 It's 11. If there's a, there's fire on the highway, which there was for me. But typically it's like four to six hours on a good day. Like if you were driving with me that day, it would have been that much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:03 We had left at the appropriate time we might have missed that gigantic fire but yeah uh so basically she really committed to making this drive and like going to see this person who does not care about her exactly and halfway through the drive two hours in she didn't think you know what maybe i should turn around she went all the way there and yeah became she kind of crashed her birthday party. And to the point that Vanessa had to tell her she needed to stay away, especially because Vanessa had a girlfriend and was like, this is too far. So according to Kessler, who wrote that article, Vanessa had found my Teresa's behavior like
Starting point is 00:55:38 increasingly bizarre. And just, it was like, you need to get out of my life. Essentially, like you're being creepy. This is too much. You're obsessed, yada, yada. and just it was like you need to get out of my life essentially like you're being creepy this is too much you're obsessed yada yada so uh by august 2009 so later that year basically that fall my trees had become a regular guest model at the playboy mansion's hot summer nights parties so it's kind of funny she was like basically like the all-around package like she was a model and then also like getting her phd like she just seemed like a fucking shining star of a person
Starting point is 00:56:12 um and her friend so that that fall she's she's doing a lot of this like uh stuff on the side um getting ready for graduate school and at at this point, her friends and family kind of realized that she hadn't been talking on the phone with them as much. She'd become kind of distant. And she also started to, when she did contact them, she sent really weird messages. So, for example, she sent some, quote unquote, peculiar texts to her mother. And her mother would often respond saying, like, do you need help? Do you want to talk? What's wrong?
Starting point is 00:56:50 Call me. And I have a couple examples of the texts that she would send. Okay. And one of them said, I feel joy, mommy. Not everyone has to die to live. I heard in the Bible Jesus dies so we can live forever. Now I have to prove the unlogic what there's like kind of jumbled like nonsensical things like that that sounds like someone's sleep
Starting point is 00:57:11 talking or right you know it's just like very strange and she would send these to her mom who you know was like slightly getting concerned uh and then based on so she also posted a lot on MySpace and Facebook. And she posted these long rambling kind of blog like entries. And based on the amount that she was posting, they could tell she was rarely sleeping. So she would write all night and then like start texting people based on like timestamps and stuff like that. timestamps and stuff like that exactly yeah so it like when they went through like the days in a row like it just they were like there was no time for her to even be sleeping at any point like she was just constantly posting constantly texting these like strange rambling writing in her journal like just constant um based on timestamps like you said okay uh and so one of the examples of one of the posts on myspace just to give you an idea of how weird and random they were, said, have you ever woke up at 7am crying on a Saturday? Because now that you see the light, you see all the people lost in the dark. Welcome to my reality. What? weirder like they there's nothing it's just kind of babbling it's almost like this grandiose like i understand the world but like it doesn't make a whole lot of sense um weird okay yeah it
Starting point is 00:58:33 gets kind of creepy it's it verges on that like unsettling territory of like something's off it's like how safe am i allowed to feel in this? Yeah, exactly. It's like really unsettling. So September 15 2009, right around when her family's kind of learning, like learning this weird behavior. My trees goes to her aunt's house, who lives in town. And she, you know, her name was Hazel at this as she was a dancer at this um club and she had these like business cards that said hazel on them she went to her aunt's house and just dozens of these cards she like put in the bushes she put like all over the front porch i know like on her aunt's stoop and her aunt was like what am i supposed to do with your bit like your business cards and thank you like where does
Starting point is 00:59:23 this go thank you hazel yeah and she wandered around and just stuck them all over in the mailbox on the floor under the doormat like everywhere around the yard and uh just super strange and then before leaving she wrote a note to her uncle that she put uh on on his windshield like under the windshield wiper. Okay. And it had like a big smiley face and some like incoherent jumbled writing. And then she like kissed it with lipstick and like stuck it under the thing. And just so strange. She's living it. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Yeah. And her- It seemed like she has a grip on reality. Yes, exactly. And her family was like, what a grip on reality yes exactly and her family was like what is going on but these seem to be like so on sudden onset and like so sporadic that they were like is she okay like is she just in a weird place like mentally nobody kind of knew what was going on and all happened so fast um then on september 16 2009 uh my trees so she and her grandmother or her great-grandmother used to uh have dinner
Starting point is 01:00:27 pretty much every night and anytime that my trees had plans she would let her know in advance so my tree said to her great-grandma hey i'm not going to be able to make dinner tonight because i have plans so her great-grandma's like okay have fun sure and my trees gets into her 98 Honda Civic, which I drove a 98 Honda Civic for many moons. I love that car. And she drove the 40 miles north to Malibu, California. So from South LA up to Malibu. And again, 40 miles in Los Angeles is a very freaking long drive. If you're driving for 40 miles, you're gonna be in that car for at least three hours. That's freaking long drive. If you're driving for 40 miles, you're gonna be in that car for at least three hours. That's a long time. And you better have a good reason why you're going because coming back is going to be a pain in the rear. Yeah. So she drives up to Malibu.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Some people think so she had an interest in Pepperdine at this point because she was, you know, graduate school. So some people thought, oh oh maybe she was going to visit Pepperdine and see the campus um but otherwise there's truly no reason she didn't know anyone up there so there's no other really clear explanation as to why she would go up there um but so she drives up to Malibu that evening the night that she told her great-grandmother she had plans and um she after so it's after sunset at this point. It's September 16th in the evening. She pulls her Honda into the parking lot of Joffrey's, which is like a really famous classic upscale restaurant off the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. That's like upscale and well known.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Okay. And I've never been for obvious. Swanky town. Yeah, it's a swanky restaurant it's it's it's very malibu i've definitely not been there for obvious reasons um but i have for obvious reasons yeah exactly i just drive m there and wait outside in your honda civic ew honda civic uh i know because i was looking at this. I was like, well, in 2009, like a 98 Honda Civic is not so bad, but I drove mine like last year. So that was a much different view of a Honda Civic.
Starting point is 01:02:34 So let's see. She pulls her car into the parking lot and the valet says, okay, it's valet parking only. So he's like, I'll be right back. I'll take care of you when i get back he goes to park someone's car and when he gets back he finds my trees sitting in his car oh no and instead of her own and she is rifling through his cd collection okay and he's like what are you doing and she responds it's subliminal ew i know it gives you goose cam right it's so freaky it's subliminal you know what it reminds me of is the bryce les pisa story where like the events leading up to it are so strange and inexplicable right like you can't fully fathom like you know right the he was uh yeah the guy in the car and he was yes exactly i mean she could have also to be fair just been reciting lyrics from like faith
Starting point is 01:03:31 hills this kiss so like maybe she saw that well she was going through his cd collection you were just looking for her copy of it obviously she's like man i lost i broke mine it's stuck in the v in the in the cd player i need to i need to hear that song it's subliminal come on like when you obviously this is now making sense m you're on the case finally she's just a closeted country fan that's okay i mean it makes sense she came out as gay and they were like you're so brave and then she came out as a country fan they were like get away how dare you are not part of this family. You're really tipping the limits over here.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Yeah, you're pushing it here. That's not a lifestyle we support in this family. Oh, boy. So, yes, she says it's subliminal. And then she says, I'm here to avenge the death of Michael Jackson. Okay, well. That one we can't necessarily explain. Is that a faith hill
Starting point is 01:04:25 lyric though i don't i don't think so i don't i will have to check back on my on my discography yeah check the b-side album it might be like a b-side track i just have to flip the cassette i've just never done that before that's that's the that's probably what it is um children are like what is happening the b-side yeah flip the track um so she's yeah so she decides she says uh i'm here to avenge michael jackson's death and he's like um okay and uh you know she she like literally doesn't know what to do she's sitting in his car but she seems friendly and so she gets out she gives him uh her keys and she says is vanessa here goodbye do you remember vanessa yeah and that's i mean las vegas girl yes exactly so he's she says is vanessa here and he
Starting point is 01:05:16 like doesn't know what she's talking about you know he has no idea who that is and then she says well look out for a girl with tatted arms. I guess presumably that was Vanessa. I'm not sure. But she said, look, keep a lookout for a woman with tatted arms. So the valet helps my trees into the restaurant. And he tells the hostess that my trees is, quote, pretty weird. And basically says, like, why don't you keep an eye on this one? Like, she seems a little bit like struggling with something.
Starting point is 01:05:47 So my tree sits down. She's in a great mood. She orders an ocean breeze cocktail, which I love personally. I actually had one last night before even realizing the connection to the story. You were just you were sinking in really well. I must have just been. Yeah. If anyone wants to know, it's cranberry, pineapple and grapefruit with vodka.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Very good. Very tasty. Without vodka. Really? Right. Yes. It's good without. I mean, my stepmom used to call it a Bahama Mama, but.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Oh, are they the same thing? They're really similar. I think without the cranberry or grapefruit cranberry, one of the juices out of it is a bahama mama but i see it's a bahama mama with a little extra something something with a little breeze a little ocean breeze a little bahama papa maybe oh shit talk about b-side flipping the track a little bahama mama and her drunk sister so oh no oh boy um so anyway she orders a an ocean breeze cocktail and a kobe beef steak um and she is sitting by herself eating and then she notices this fun crowd at a nearby table it's like a big group of people and so she walks over and she says
Starting point is 01:07:02 can i join you and they're like um i guess okay and she kind of just inserts herself into the conversation great yeah my worst nightmare by the way i'm just like yeah i'm like terrified of this kind of an interaction but so she starts she seems friendly um she starts talking about astrological signs but in this way that doesn't really make sense like it's they can't follow you know what she's saying sure um a couple servers come over to be like hey is everything okay because clearly they're watching this and they're like she did not come with them you know we want to make sure this table of people is not like super uncomfortable so poor valet who was like i might as well have just kept her in that goddamn car i know like just tell her you've avenged michael jackson's death no worries goodbye uh yeah so they're all kind of the servers and stat weight stuff are all kind of like
Starting point is 01:07:57 on edge you know but she seems really friendly and when they asked uh the table like is everything okay one of the guys says you know know, it's bizarre, but manageable. And they seemed like relatively amused because she was just like fun and flirty and friendly. And they were like, all right, you know. So eventually she went back to her own table, but she kept returning to their table to like insert herself and say more things that didn't make sense. She told them she was from mars they asked where she was from she's like i'm from mars with like no hint of irony or joking you know okay well it's time to go yeah at this point i'm like oh if i had a feeling if someone like
Starting point is 01:08:40 plopped themselves down into like my space with my friends and all of a sudden like was at least being friendly i'd be like okay like this is 50 really creepy and then the second that they said they were like at mars i'd be like well time to go back to my home of jupiter because i need to be yeah that's when i'm like i don't know the conversation has spun out of my control i don't really know how to continue i like to pride myself in being able to bring things back usually, but I don't. Yes. Yes. The banter.
Starting point is 01:09:10 We can't banter with that kind of conversation. So she kept kind of doing that and, and like they were, they started to get nervous and they told the servers like, Hey, you know, obviously something's going on here. Like I would keep an eye on it.
Starting point is 01:09:25 But she seems she's not, you know obviously something's going on here like i would keep an eye on it um but she seems she's not you know aggressive or anything she just is kind of out of it um so eventually the table leaves they pay their bill and leave and um my trees uh finishes her meal as well and she heads for the door but as she's walking out the manager blocks her from exiting and says hey you haven't paid your bill and the bill was 89.51 and at first she's like oh the other table should have paid and they were like no they didn't pay and then she says i'm busted what are we gonna do and the manager was like she seemed kind of like she was in a trance as he spoke to her. She was like muttering something about she would settle the debt with sex. Like she just seemed really out of it.
Starting point is 01:10:13 And the manager instructs the hostess to call the police because they're like, somebody needs to like check on her or something's wrong. So there's actually like footage of of this nine-on-one call um on that episode i told you about and the hostess tells the dispatcher we have a guest here who is refusing to pay her bill she sounds pretty crazy she may be on drugs or something we want you to come give her a ride okay so the police come and um when they ask her you know hey what's uh what's up? What's going on? Tell us about yourself.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Where do you live? Who is your family? She says, my parents are dead, which, by the way, is not true. Oh, okay. She says her parents are dead. Her mother is Mother Earth. Okay. Yikes.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Okay. And that she lives with her great grandmother, Mildred. That part's true. That one i could that one i could vibe with exactly so she gave the phone number and they were like great because that's someone they can call and they call mildred and poor mildred she's 91 she's very confused what's going on um and she says hey let me get my credit card i'll pay the bill over the phone and the manager says no you can't pay it over the phone you need to drive the 40 miles to malibu to sign for it oh my gosh and she's like i'm 91 i can't do i can't
Starting point is 01:11:31 drive to malibu right now at nighttime and uh then they say well then you have to fax in a copy of the card and she says i don't have a fax machine and so she's like shit out of luck basically yeah um and she's like willing to pay. It's just really frustrating. So Mildred spoke to my trees briefly and she said she sounded really unfazed by the whole situation, even though the police were there and just seemed like, oh, everything's fine. You know, great grandma. Don't worry. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:00 But she definitely like sounded like she had some concern. Yeah. Like she's about to be in trouble for something, for like an actual crime. Yeah. So basically members of the L.A. Sheriff's Department arrive while Mitrice is still on the phone and they kind of assess the situation. At this point, Mildred is calling Latisse, Mitrice's mother, and saying, hey, this is going on in Malibu with Mitrice. And deputies, meanwhile, are searching Mitrice's car, which is outside, you know, the 98 Honda. And so they find her ID.
Starting point is 01:12:37 They find several bottles of alcohol, half a case of beer, along with some scraps of marijuana in the center console. And the marijuana was less than an ounce but you know america yep um sure so i sure yeah unfortunately so one deputy notices that you know my teresa still making these odd statements appears to be intoxicated so they give her a sobriety test she is stone cold sober what and they're like yeah and they're like oh okay i did not see that coming okay no i know and so something else is going on here um she's arrested at this point on suspicion of defrauding an innkeeper which seems like a really old school law it sounds like something that would happen in like shrek like that's actually the
Starting point is 01:13:26 shrek legal code um yeah yeah no it sounds like you know when jesus was at the inn and like they wouldn't let him let mary give birth like deep rotting it i know exactly what you're talking about shrek was there that's what i'm talking about like right that kind of yeah that version of shrek 16 or whatever it was i think you mean like jesus 200 what is going on jesus in the swamp it's a whole it's a whole parable don't worry about it one where jesus and shrek like swap lives like prince and the pauper oh like freaky friday it's super fun anyway this is this is what happens when you go to catholic school your whole life you just can't wrap your head yeah oh the castle right um oh my god so
Starting point is 01:14:15 basically they arrest her for that and they also arrest her for possession of marijuana under one ounce yikes story for another day um her honda civic is impounded and taken to a nearby lot uh did you know when for a long time when cars were impounded i thought it meant that they were like pounded into squares you know how they do that at junkyards interesting i mean one you're wrong but two you're not like totally wrong like i get what i get where your head would gone. It's one of those words I learned when I was younger and I just never got it really fully out of my head that like impounded doesn't mean they're like crushing your car. It means like they're just taking it away. Like the connection makes total sense to me, especially as a little kid learning English. But like, I also think like it, it at the very least probably kept
Starting point is 01:15:03 you from wanting to make sure that never happened to your car so it still worked and like as a concept yes it's true it did it did instill deep fear in me so uh so there's that so that was actually pretty healthy for my psyche i think over the years compared to everything else that you decided was an accurate representation of right yeah okay that's fair oh my god so her car is impounded but kept safe i'm sure so latice called the malibu slash lost hills police station to ask if my trees would be released that night or in the morning okay because she was worried about her being released in the middle of malibu in the middle of the night um and the jailer assures Latisse that, yes, she is on the way to the jail, but she will not be released until morning.
Starting point is 01:15:49 And he'll even have her call her mom when she gets to the jail. In the phone call, which was recorded, Latisse expresses fear that her daughter would be alone at night in a place she's unfamiliar with. She's from, you know, L.A. proper and doesn't know Malibu at all. Also, if you guys haven't been, I'm sure most of you have not. But Malibu is very rural. Like it sounds very fancy, but it's like mostly ranches and woods and desert. The reason all the celebrities live there is because there's nothing else there.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Like you're hidden by nothing. Yeah. Like, yeah, hills. Like you're just. You get like yeah hills like you're just you get like acres of land if you can afford it and that's not a thing you get anywhere else in la and like a lot of celebrities or you know wealthy people who live out here have ranches out there where they keep you know horses that kind of thing that's like what malibu is typically known for so even that in calabasas are very much the same thing where
Starting point is 01:16:45 they're like several hours away from not several several hours but like two hours away from the city so like they yeah then if they need to work but for the most part like nobody is going out there so they can like kind of no normal lives right it's like their own like little neighborhood basically and obviously malbu has you know the beach and and a lot of land whereas calabasas is more like a slick yeah chic chic living yeah all the kardashians and justin bieber live in calabasas that'll give you the best idea yeah and then like a lot of people who own ranches like ellen deeneres live out in Malibu. So just to give you an idea. Oh, and I live right in between.
Starting point is 01:17:28 I actually have a house in both. I actually have a glass bridge that connects me to both of them. And you have Eva just like pedal you over in a wagon to get you to come on out. I have you drive me in your Honda Civic. That's right. Oh, I'll just put on some Faith Hill and drive you over the bridge. No, no, no. Make it Michael Jackson. I'm trying to avenge him. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yes. So basically, she's at the jail. She gets there.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Unfortunately, the call to Latice to assure that my Teresa is safe never comes. So my Teresa is booked at the jail. She spends a couple hours in a holding cell and around 12 30 a.m on september 17th so midnight uh deputies tell my trees that she's released and they give her the option of staying in a cell uh or in the lobby until morning or she can leave okay and again the night before latice just like begged the people at the jail, like, please hold her until morning so that I can come get her safely. Because she does not know this area. Don't release her in the middle of the night. Well, it's 1230 a.m.
Starting point is 01:18:33 And they say, hey, you're free to go. They're like, it's morning now. Yeah, I guess. True. And so, Latrice has nothing but the clothes she was arrested in, which is jeans, two t-shirts, a belt. By the way, pink alligator belt. Just just thrown that out there. That's the most valuable thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:18:51 And sneakers. So she is nearly 13 miles from where they impounded her car and she's 40 miles from her home. And again, this is 1230. Like I said, it's a really rural area. When they offered her to, you know, she can stay in the lobby overnight or in a cell. She says she makes a few phone calls and she says, oh, no, my friends are picking me up. And she leaves the station. So she's out there. There's no buses running.
Starting point is 01:19:17 There's a strip mall nearby, but it's closed. She's basically stranded in the middle of nowhere. At 535 a.m., Latice calls the station first thing in the morning to arrange the bail but she's told my trees was released five hours prior at 12 30 in the morning and she's probably like what the fuck were you thinking one million percent she's like that is exactly against what you promised me right um and she calls back immediately and she says when can i file a missing person's report is it 24 or 48 hours and in the call the dispatcher so the policy actually um is that there's no waiting period to file a missing person's report if if uh if you want to report
Starting point is 01:19:59 one it's available to you however the dispatcher advises her to wait a few more hours okay so that's not good um at 6 30 a.m a former ktla news anchor who lived in uh the monte nido area of malibu which is about six miles from the station uh spotted a woman who ended up being my trees in his backyard what okay yeah he sees her sitting there. He asked what she's doing and she replies resting. He moves to another window to kind of get a better look, but she has run away. She's gone.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Okay. So at this point he calls the police to report a prowler basically and be like, someone's like roaming around my backyard early in the morning. So they go out there, but they don't see anything and it takes two more days before the sheriff's department actually starts a real search for my trees because at this point she has still not been found she's only been spotted in that guy's
Starting point is 01:20:55 backyard six miles away okay so they start the scent dogs at that news anchor's house because that's where she was last seen. And they discover footprints. That first appear to be walking. And then running. And the footprints are lost. At a certain point they disappear. Near Dark Creek. Which leads to Dark Canyon.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Which they don't end up searching. And because Mitrice is a resident of the city of LA. The LAPD missing persons unit. Takes over the case. And then three days later it's handed off The LAPD missing persons unit takes over the case. And then three days later, it's handed off to LAPD's homicide division. And even though they're saying, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:31 this is still a missing persons case, but the homicide division has more resources, which is why they're kind of on the case now. Okay. So the LAPD, you know, going through all her journals, which they found in her impounded car and her MySpace
Starting point is 01:21:45 and her texts, conclude that she had been sleep deprived for several days prior to her disappearance. Excuse me. And to the point that... Oh, God. Birth control. You don't need that anymore since you're pregnant. Oh, my
Starting point is 01:22:02 God. I was like, this is proof. Oh, God. Oh, God. Well, I better oh my god i was like this is proof oh god oh oh god well i better take that later you guys might be prophetic or something i forget please take it please take it we all want you to take it yeah i clearly don't want to trigger anyone's anxiety like i apparently would everyone else's like as if your anxiety wouldn't go flying can you fucking room. Can you imagine? Yeah. Oh, God. Okay. So let's see. Now I just, like, frantically lost my page.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Okay. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh, chaos. Okay. So they determined that she had been sleep deprived. And when I say sleep deprived, like, there was literally no break in her posts. been sleep deprived and when i say sleep deprived like there was literally no break in her posts like she would just type write and type and text wow for days without like any sort of significant break for sleep also like at that point like i'm sorry but at that point what are you typing like
Starting point is 01:22:56 for 24 hours straight like are you writing a book and like i feel like my mom would try to do that accidentally put it in the facebook wall post oh god yeah well so like why how how were they able to i mean i don't expect you to know this answer but how were they able to determine like was it every like within every 10 minutes so they knew she at least wasn't sleeping for 10 i think it was probably like there was no significant amount of break as in like several hours like i don't think it was like every five seconds but i think it was like you know she would post at 11 and then she'd post at 12 30 and then she'd post again at three like there was no like uh in over several days there was no like significant amount of sleep that would
Starting point is 01:23:37 no consecutive REM yes exactly exactly exactly um and so she's just posting and posting and it's all that same kind of rambling stuff that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, which is, again, really unsettling. determined that my trees may have been suffering from an undiagnosed bipolar disorder and was perhaps having a manic episode. And, you know, she believed that this maybe explained, you know, her erratic behavior, her like, overzealousness to talk to other people, her kind of spontaneity and driving to Malibu and like not paying her bill. So just really, you know, that kind of thing, it started to add up like all her ramblings on how she understands the meaning of life. Like this, this psychologist said that could perhaps point to undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Sure. At the same time, both of my Teresa's parents said,
Starting point is 01:24:39 you know, she, they said, you know, she must've been having a psychotic break. Like there, this is the only explanation but her former girlfriend tessa said she never saw any signs of mental illness previously i mean at the same time though like this is just me speaking armchair armchair wise but um you know a lot of these uh mental illnesses do manifest in your early 20s so it could be a situation where maybe it hadn't presented so strongly before right you know kind of surfacing or showing yeah yeah so i think uh just the fact even that her parents were like something she had had a an issue some sort of mental illness was
Starting point is 01:25:18 playing a part um is pretty telling uh so remember how police said oh she called friends to pick her up uh at the jail so they looked at phone records and it showed that the only calls she made were to her great grandmother uh before leaving she made four calls however mildred doesn't remember receiving the calls so that was a little shady um but that's what they said uh detectives also discovered in her car her cell phone her id her checkbook and her atm card and she had over two thousand dollars in her account so she had more than enough to pay her restaurant bill so there was never a point where she like couldn't pay the bill like she had money on her person interesting she was just like creating this whole situation yeah she just didn't know what to do or or yeah was she forgot the
Starting point is 01:26:05 concept of payment or something or that yeah and so she basically just had the money and that makes it even stranger that just didn't add up yeah that's the eerie part because like none of this had to happen exactly exactly it was like one step away from like being solved. So questions started to arise at this point as to why the Malibu deputies released someone obviously unwell into the night with no means, no means of transportation, nothing on her person, like all this stuff. Even when her grandma was like, I'm coming to get her just like keep her there. Yeah, that was that was her mom. But yeah, her exact exactly though, like her mom was like, I will pick her mom but yeah her exact exactly though like her mom was like i will pick her up at 5 30 in the morning i'll be there right and like instead at
Starting point is 01:26:50 12 30 they released her with no wallet because again her atm cards in her car no cell phone nothing um and so they release her into the pitch black of malibu night um which is also very like wilderness heavy area a lot of like woods and brush and that kind of thing um so the department spokesperson at the time said that the decision to release my trees um happened because she exhibited no signs of mental illness or intoxication quote she was fine she's an adult which okay uh however journalists immediately pointed out that deputies from the same station had no problem giving mel gibson a ride back to his impounded car when he was arrested in 06 three years prior there it is and by the way arrested for way worse fucking things than
Starting point is 01:27:39 less than an ounce of marijuana let's just put that out there um so the richardsons had hired a civil rights attorney uh to represent them and he made a statement that quote if my trees richardson's name was spears or lohan they would never let her walk out by herself they would have escorted her home and that's kind of where the whole um just this whole uh fight began between the family and uh their supporters as well as you know the actual la sheriff's department the malibu police department um and so latice and her sister lauren uh so my trees's aunt asked for security tapes from the station they wanted to see uh security tapes to see what my trees was doing like maybe they could get some hint of what was going on before she was released right and uh the captain tells
Starting point is 01:28:30 them no there are no tapes they don't exist the cameras we have are only for observation and they don't record anything then why okay well first of all why wouldn't you want to record something you might observe you'd think that right okay like basically he was saying it was just like a security camera that someone monitored but they didn't like save the recordings yeah okay um but yeah exactly so then on january 6 2010 um latice and some family members met again with cap this captain and the sheriff lee baka and they told them oh you know what we actually found the recordings in in my top drawer of my desk and yeah okay and they were like why did you say there weren't any and he literally said um he literally said well i thought you said you were
Starting point is 01:29:17 saying you wanted footage from outside the jail not inside the jail off okay well and she was like what are you talking about like of course we wanted it of her in the jail like okay so that's the one thing they haven't to this day been able to say like yeah that was all coach that was right you know because yeah that made sense like a lot of the stuff has been defended that's one of the things i've noticed they never outright said like no we were in the right like i they said they say in a way of like should we have been more forthcoming perhaps like yeah yes perhaps i believe so mayhaps you should have been um thou shall oh my god now you're sounding like shrek i'm just part i was actually a background actor in jesus 200 where he swaps with the swamp in the castle what is happening okay um let's see so
Starting point is 01:30:15 it takes even though now they have these tapes on record uh it takes three more months before the family can see them that's how long it takes them to like let the family take a look uh and this time this whole time she's still missing so like any every second counts you know right um then on january 9th 2010 uh one of the largest searches in los angeles history was launched with nearly 400 search and rescue volunteers covering an 18 mile radius around where my trees was last seen wow unfortunately they found nothing um and then at finally at the end of march so again she disappeared in september and now we're in march uh at the end of march after what the sheriff's department attributed to technical difficulties uh the family is finally allowed to view the footage from the jail uh of my trees great yeah so they look at
Starting point is 01:31:07 the footage and uh are shocked like it's pretty much what it confirms their fears that she looks agitated she's rocking back and forth she's like hanging on the bars uh her mom said it was almost infantile behavior like she clearly wasn't well She was just like pulling on the bars and hanging on them. And like she didn't look well. It also appears to be edited, which is super sketchy. And also quite believable if they were taking forever to show it. Technical difficulties. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Yeah. And so, for example, my trees was holding a piece of paper. And then in the next frame, the paper was crumpled on the ground. And there just seemed to be like some time slip where like, oh, what happened? Who knows? Oh, my God. OK, so like very obviously something was either tampered with or some footage was erased. The recordings also show a deputy leaving the station just after my trees, despite police having confirmed to the family multiple times there were no deputies present that's why no one offered her a ride nobody was able to help
Starting point is 01:32:10 her because there were no deputies there and then they see a deputy they're talking to her like in the room and so they're like why didn't that guy give her a ride and there's just like no confirmation as to and it's just lies are building up at this point they're just like we should have been more forthcoming yes mayhaps yeah mayhaps yeah so both so at this point it's kind of weird there are a bunch of sightings in las vegas of my trees and one of the sightings is of uh was by my trees's father who said he saw her on the strip like walking around and he tried to chase after her and she disappeared then shortly after a high school friend claimed to have seen her um in one of the casinos and police went and followed those leads but got nowhere basically but apparently like 70 to 80 people um filed like you know sightings of her in las vegas at this
Starting point is 01:33:03 time wow so they really thought this was like a a legit lead so they went but they they couldn't find her um and it's really sad because when you watch the show when they're talking about this um latice says i this is horrible um she says i knew her light had gone out like i her father said that he saw her in Las Vegas. And as much as I wanted to have hope, I knew her light had gone out. And she said the worst part was that she knew she still had to find her. Like even though she knew basically in her soul what had happened. She said, I just I knew I still had to find her.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Which is like the most heartbreaking thing. So it's at this point, July 2010, that Latice files her first lawsuit against the sheriff's department for negligence in releasing my trees. And then on August 9th, so almost a year later, I think it's 11 months later, two park rangers were checking on a former marijuana grow site that had been defunct, but they were checking to make sure and it was about two and a half miles from where my trees was last seen and it's a really really
Starting point is 01:34:11 like rocky uh inaccessible area it's full of poison oak and sumac there's like boulders and debris there's no uh trail to follow so these ranch or sorry that's rich these rangers are going through and um you know it's a difficult uh incline and at this point they figure out okay looks like this marijuana growth site is still defunct they're satisfied with this conclusion so they go back downhill and they're kind of following the terrain to get down and on the, they discover a skull as well as the semi mummified body of a naked woman lying in the brush. Oh, shit. OK. So they call the discovery into the sheriff's office and the sheriff's office arrives to secure the scene.
Starting point is 01:34:56 And the protocol is to contact the coroner's office right away. But it takes them over two hours before they call the coroner. What the fuck is going on over here i know i know and it's just so frustrating this whole thing um even after her death like it's still just so frustrating um so the sheriffs then tell the corners they don't have a helicopter to fly them there so uh don't worry about it basically right and the protocol is that the corner needs to see the location and look for evidence in the soil around the corpse before the body is taken away. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:30 They need to. Exactly. Like get as much evidence as possible and investigate the scene. So after a while against policy and after more than six hours, sheriff's deputies, instead of getting the coroner involved loaded up her remains into a body bag and airlifted it out of dark canyon and um just totally out of policy i'm not even a cop and know that that is what you're supposed to do i watch enough criminal minds to know basic procedure not even but this seems really off to me uh really fucked up to people who aren't even like like exactly in this field no exactly um the and this is even more horrifying the only
Starting point is 01:36:15 photos taken were ones that the park rangers had taken so the sheriff's department didn't even take any photos they literally just said who fucking fucking cares? You found a body. We might as well just like throw it in the river. Yeah, it's getting dark. Who cares? Let's get her out of here. That's what it sounds like at the very least. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:33 And so August 12, 2010, Sheriff Lee Baca made the really tragic announcement to the public that the remains found in Dark Canyon were indeed the remains of Maitreya Slavon Richardson. Oh my gosh. were indeed the remains of maitre slavon richardson oh my gosh and um they although the coroner's office could not determine cause of death uh investigators why not but they had such a careful and close look but they did such a good job being as meticulous as possible yep um so some investigators suggested uh oh sorry so it's they said oh we couldn't determine a cause of death um but investigators determined that no foul play had taken place uh some investigators suggested that my tree suffering from the bipolar disorder that the
Starting point is 01:37:17 psychologist had believed she had uh walked into the canyon took off her clothes and succumbed to anaphylactic shock from extensive poison oak exposure. So that was one of the possible reasons as to how she ended up there. And so then the family was like, no, fuck this. So they hired a an internationally renowned anthropologist named Clea cough. And she went and looked at the pictures, examine the body. and she went and looked at the pictures examined the body uh and she disagreed with the coroner's findings because she said there was lack of animal disturbance uh there was mishandling of evidence etc etc and a later visit to the site uh they found a finger bone that the sheriff's department had missed like just laying there so that's how like thorough they were, you know? Um, so in 2011, Latice filed another suit against the sheriff's department. This time my Teresa's father,
Starting point is 01:38:10 Michael also filed. And later that year, the sheriff's department settled, uh, for $900,000, 450,000 each to, uh, my, uh, Latice and Michael. So finding the initial autopsy incomplete, Mitrice's body was exhumed again on July 13, 2011 to perform a second autopsy. And Latice wanted the FBI to conduct the examination, but the LAPD did it instead. Okay. Great. Findings from the second autopsy were not made public, so we don't actually know the results of that at this point um however several conduct and internal investigations against the sheriff's department concerning the handling of my trees's case were launched okay um and the investigation actually found no wrongdoing whatsoever uh in the handling of her case okay do we get an explanation for why? Great. I mean, you get a little more context, I guess.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Okay. So thankfully, at least changes in policy have since been made. So despite having found no direct wrongdoing, the policies were changed since then. In 2016, the California Attorney General's Office announced there was insufficient evidence to charge anyone involved in handling Mitrice's case. office announced there was insufficient evidence to charge anyone involved in handling Mitrice's case. Several investigative journalists have since found many inconsistencies in the investigation, most of which relate back to that initial night when she was at the station in Malibu. That's kind of where all of the chaos began, basically. And as recently as September 2019, on the 10th anniversary of the last sighting of Mitrice Richardson, the current Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva stated that the case
Starting point is 01:39:49 is still open, but he will not open another investigation into the L.A. Sheriff's Department conduct. However, fun fact, this is your little context that hopefully is at least a little beneficial here. So Sheriff Lee Baca, who was one of the people who gave them a really hard time with the video footage, etc. Sheriff Lee Baca, along with several members of the LA Sheriff's Department, are currently serving prison sentences on unrelated charges ranging from bribery to corruption.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Well, good. So if that gives you any sort of answer. That makes me feel so much better. I was like, what the hell is going on at this police station? Like, what is happening? Yeah, apparently things. I mean, just saying if you're if you're thinking that, like, this is where Mel Gibson goes when he's arrested. And, you know, I can see why there might be some corruption and bribery going on in a place like Malibu just saying uh but so whether or not failures by law enforcement were as my
Starting point is 01:40:46 trees family and many other people believe based in racism potentially homophobia and police corruption or as the current sheriff's department asserts the result of poor policy and loopholes everyone uh across the board agrees that my trees richardson paid the ultimate price and unfortunately her family is still suffering through that and that is a case of my trees Richardson paid the ultimate price. And unfortunately her family is still suffering through that. And that is a case of my trees Richardson, which has been like looming in the back of my mind for about a year now. That's just always one of those cases that gives me the, like,
Starting point is 01:41:16 I want to punch a wall, you know? Yeah. I mean, I don't blame you at least, at least there's that silver lining of like the people who were involved in it or like, you know, put away. but then again
Starting point is 01:41:25 it's for unrelated reasons for something different and they and the the investigation was like nope they didn't do anything wrong which just must be so heartbreaking and frustrating as a family i can't imagine being a part of her family and just being like oh we're not going to open another investigation into their negligence it's like yeah how yeah how do you not do that yeah especially now that they're in jail like i think that gives you a good idea of what was going on exactly anyway um yeah so that's that case that was a doozy man that one had me on the edge of my seat i know that one's crazy and it's it does remind me of the the priceless piece because like even though this time you know they did find her body
Starting point is 01:42:05 there's still like so many unanswered questions you know like what was going on in the weeks leading up to this like what happened how did she end up you know two and a half miles it's from where from like a very detached perspective it's the most interesting for a like a really fucked up thing that happened to someone but like it's also upsetting because there's no answers at the end it's like exactly exactly what happened and it's i don't i know and i don't either and i mean i think the the assessment of like obviously you know i think some mental health issue was being was at play considering you know she was completely sober um but just like you know what did was it homicide her parents believe it was homicide um some people believe it was just you know she walked out into the woods and died of you know
Starting point is 01:42:54 exposure or whatever but it's just like we'll probably never know which is extremely upsetting right yeah but well that's that the end well everyone and go listen to faith hill this kiss um go listen to some very good accent um go listen to m on on the podcast yes the the carrie carrie allen uh picture show so yeah uh but yeah so i'll let me make sure that i'm saying it right or i that i spell it right for you guys in case you got you want to look it up um carrie i just want to make sure because i always get the i always want to put an e in carrie so it's the carrie allen picture show c-a-r-y-a-l-l-e-n picture show got it but, go listen to that.
Starting point is 01:43:46 You'll, you know, at the very least, just go support Dennis because he's a very good friend of mine. He's a very nice person. So, but yeah, other than that, we hope you're doing okay. We hope that you're not also punching walls right now after that story.
Starting point is 01:44:01 I know. Go look up Dorothy Eadie. Go have a fun time learning Learning about her multiple lives. Let's think about past lives. Before bed. Just to kind of calm our nerves. I hope everyone is doing okay. We are thinking about you.
Starting point is 01:44:15 We are missing each other. We are missing you guys. Since we are missing all our shows. It's a tough time. We are trying to connect as much as possible. Keep an eye out on our social media. We're trying to stay to stay up with you there and we'll just keep plugging away on the podcast, whether you like it or not.
Starting point is 01:44:33 And we'll keep reminding Christina to take her birth control just in case. Oh, thank you. I got to go do that. Oh boy. And that's why we drink, especially because I'm not pregnant. So I can drink. Okay.

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