And That's Why We Drink - E17 Flo & Frankenstein and Christine Has Another Stroke

Episode Date: May 29, 2017

Goodbye, Australian listeners! In episode 17, Em and Christine butcher Australian accents while singing some #classic Australian tunes. They also discuss the Stanley Hotel, the very hotel that inspir...ed Stephen King’s The Shining, as well as the infamous Katherine Mary Knight, who may or may not have cooked her husband’s head on the stove. And that’s why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what are we doing are we recording or something yes what are we recording i don't remember but i feel like it might be important ah or maybe not i don't know hi hey hey i would ask how you are but we've been talking for like three hours man i already know how you are i know how you are, but we've been talking for like three hours. Man. I already know how you are. I know how you are. I know all about you. So I guess that's it. That's the whole podcast. Nobody wants to know anything except about us and our lives. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Well, here's the thing. We just realized in one of our conversations tonight that we don't actually know each other very well at all. No, it's crazy. Like anytime I've ever hung out with christine we just talk about weird things but when it comes to basic friendship knowledge we have no idea what we're like it's like we skipped three levels yeah and went straight to the weird shit like without like the like yeah the basic like we realized in day one that we both like ghosts so we just skipped over the like the shallow conversation yeah like the charade of like like the surface info and we were like tell me about yourself let's just dive deep in yep so
Starting point is 00:01:09 tonight i asked christine what her favorite color is and i was surprised and i was surprised at yours and we were like what a moment we just had i know who would have thought my favorite color is yellow i said mine's green but the truth is if glow-in-the-dark were a color. Oh. Yeah. What about tie-dye? Okay, it's funny you said that because I didn't want to be like a douche, but I actually wanted glow-in-the-dark tie-dye. I knew. I could tell. I was like, I know you don't mean that. Okay, but my like out of ROYGBIV, I like like Crayola original green.
Starting point is 00:01:39 That's a good one. Or green screen green is like my favorite. Oh, interesting. Yeah, like the t-shirt. I do like mac and cheese color from Crayola, that yellow orange. That's a great color. Also, Purple Mountain's Majesty was a good purple. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I like... I like Cerulean Blue. Cerulean, yeah. How do you say it? Cerulean? That's probably how it's pronounced. I'm still thinking of it the way the five-year-olds say it. I went, what's that sweet one?
Starting point is 00:02:04 And I said it the way I think it is, who knows i also enjoyed razzmatazz do these colors exist anymore in creole or have they totally redone that like what the fuck what do they do is it just an american thing like are all of our international listeners like what the fuck is razzmatazz creola is an international national well maybe it is well because in germany they have all these fancy ass pens how do you say crayon in german they usually just say stift which means like anything you write with basically what do you say stift it's just like a okay yeah it's just like a writing thing it's like a very generic like oh well that's not fun at all i know there is a word okay but how do you say butterfly schmetterling yep that's a fun oh thanks you're do you say butterfly? Schmetterling. Yep. That's a fun one.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Oh, thanks. You're like, yep, you got it. Schmetterling. I know. It's a weird word. But also, butterfly is a weird word, too. How are you? Even though we already tried answering that.
Starting point is 00:02:56 We realize we're not friends. That's how we are. And that's why we drink. We're in a weird place now in our quote-unquote friendship. Okay, well, let's start slow. What are you drinking? Okay. I don't know it's called wish flower oh how stupid it's called i'm sorry i picked it well they won't be sponsoring us yeah oops it has a really pretty label that's why i picked it okay it's called wish flower oh oh my god what in the 1800s young girls commonly used dandelions for romantic wishes
Starting point is 00:03:27 it was believed that if you blew on a dandelion and all the seeds flew away your loved one shared your feelings or you have a good lung capacity that's probably an asshole eventually this tradition spread to encompass all wishing romantic or otherwise we embrace the optimism of making wishes and hope and the fact that they might never come true whatever and hope that our wines in some small way can help your dreams come true okay okay that's the first part where you're right it's like you can keep reading that or you can just drink away the whatever yeah like why didn't you say that right off the top anyway that's what i'm drinking what are you drinking i already drank it because we've been talking for four hours too many hours uh but i wanted my hand at the
Starting point is 00:04:10 s'mores frappuccino again because last week was coffee flavor and i drank half of it yeah with a knife oh man but so at um starbucks i'm apparently a celebrity there because without fail, I can go in there at any time now and the employee will go, hey, M, no matter who it is. Like, it's not one person I've now befriended. It's the whole crew. Oh, man. And so there's one girl there who gives me the hookup. And I said, oh, I really want the s'mores cream frappuccino.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And the milk chocolate sauce that they put in there is so good. Like, so like, oh, I really want the s'mores cream frappuccino. And the milk chocolate sauce that they put in there is so good. Like, oh, my God, I want to take fucking shots of it. It's so good. And I told her, I was like, can I have extra of that milk chocolate stuff that you put in the fraps? And she said, well, we usually do two pumps. Do you want, like, three or four? And I was like, fucking four. Yeah, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:05:04 But I guess, no, I really said fucking said fucking four like i really reacted that way it was just like such a natural instinct to like look at her like she was an idiot and she gave me this face like i'm sorry and i was like no no i'm sorry like i i i overreacted it's not you it's me but so she ended up giving me five pumps and i was like we gucci i know i like how you think you're famous because you're recognized in starbucks when like half of america's elementary school moms are also recognized in their local starbucks you're really just like i'm shitting all over my ego i just remember i would take my sister there after school because her friends would buy like from her preppy school because her friends would buy
Starting point is 00:05:43 cake pops and their moms would get like skim soy lot whatever the fuck and they would always be like um hi janine like what do you want today okay well they say it with a smile they're like hey m okay at least they're excited they're like yeah i don't make them feel bad why do you drink um we should make like a song like why do you drink oh yeah like a fun little jingle we'll work on it what what why no no no no wrong false rewind okay uh i drink because uh okay i'm not going to talk about it very long i just want to say because it's all we've been talking about for three hours i already know what you're say. It is the elephant in the room. To use the most hackneyed phrase of all time. Em, what are you doing? I'm, I don't actually really know. I thought you were saying, okay. I was stretching in an odd way and it looked like
Starting point is 00:06:33 I was presenting. I thought when I said it's the elephant in the room and you put your arms up, I'm like, no, not you. Oh, I really don't know what I was. I was just stretching in a weird way and now I'm insecure. Okay. Just tell me're why you're drinking let's just tell everyone the elephant in the room so the elephant in the room is that i have started studying this thing and i feel like a lot of you are going to be like i roll i roll i roll this is a test of your loyalty yes which is what everyone in my immediate vicinity also has done and they've stuck with me for 48 hours so i'm hoping you guys can stick with me too i've studied this thing i started studying this thing called the akashic records where you go it's sort of like the book of life or like a kind of like an imprint an energy
Starting point is 00:07:14 field an imprint of everything related to one soul and you can go in and kind of ask for guidance and i've started studying it and um I went to a workshop this weekend. It's a lot of synchronicities that led me there. I ended up at this workshop. Anyway, long story short, you're not allowed to drink 24 hours before you do any sort of reading. So for three days, including over the weekend, I have not had any alcohol. And I will say it's been an immense struggle, which makes me sound like, I mean, an issue, a real issue. But it's been three days.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I hadn't had anything to drink. And yesterday, Blaze was like, are you mad at me? Like, are you OK? Are you mad at me? Like, he was so worried. I'm like, why? What? I don't understand what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And he goes, you're just so like down. Sober. Yeah. And then he goes, is this what you're like when you don't drink and it hit me and i was like oh shit i'm a garbage person so he goes it's 9 30 and he goes let's get ice cream i'm like desperate to fix it yes let's get ice cream we'll reason a million why he's amazing it's 9 30 let's get ice cream he got me a churro ice cream sandwich i was like thank you very la of you by the way i know nowhere else in the world you just get chur get ice cream. He got me a churro ice cream sandwich. I was like, thank you. Very LA of you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I know. Nowhere else in the world do you just get churro ice cream sandwiches. At like 10 o'clock at night, yeah. But anyway, it's great. I'm drinking now. I feel like it might hit me harder because it's been 72 hours. Which means the story will get even more interesting. That's the fun of it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 The story is good. But anyway, sorry. So I'm doing this crazy. LA has made me like the most woo-woo granola person in the world. Trying to fight it. It's real hard. Gio ate my crystal the other day and I was pissed, but I got it back. After?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Did you have to wait? I let's not go there. Okay. So why do you drink this week? I drink because two, well, two things about the same topic. I drink because two, well, two things about the same topic. So we have, I don't know if a lot of people know this, but when we moved out here separately, the reason we moved out here is because we went to grad school together and there was a program that brought us out here on our own after graduation they were like see ya yeah and so one of our friends from the program just moved out here yesterday matt and he's a very nice man and he's got a wife and they're very big fans of us just got married they just got married like a minute ago madame chanel hi hi and when they drove cross country here from boston they'd listen to every single one of our episodes.
Starting point is 00:09:45 They Snapchatted us listening to our episodes. I'm like, you guys must have wanted to... A road trip is hard enough being trapped in a car. They're listening to, like, 20 episodes of us talking about murder and ghosts. They probably never want to see us again. They're like, we've had enough. So the reason I drink is because when I saw them yesterday, they told me two things. One really fucked me up.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Uh-oh. And the other will probably fuck you up. What? I was trying to, like, blow their mind with a fun fact. And then they ended up countering it with a better fact. Oh. So I told them, if you're 24 or older, then you have lived 10% of America's life. Cause America's right now until July, it's 240 years old. Oh man. So if you're, if you're 24,
Starting point is 00:10:35 you've lived 10% of America's lifetime. That's fucked up. So we've lived 10% of America's history. That's, oh my God. Yeah. So anyway, I was trying to tell them that and then he just looked at me and he was like when did you graduate high school and i graduated seven years ago and and he said well i graduate i guess basically he looked at me and said as of next year i'll have been out of high school longer than i was in it. And that made me really feel old. Wait, we've all been out of high school way longer than we've been in it. No, like, we were in high school for four years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And he's, I don't know. How am I fucking this up? I know there's some weird fact that I read on the internet. I'm going to text him and, like, ask him about this. So this is why I drink, because I'm just like, what the fuck? This is why Matt drinks, because he's like what the fuck um this is why matt drinks because he's sitting there ripping his hair out going that's not my fact well the other thing that fucked me up that they told me like the other reason i drink is because apparently in one of our
Starting point is 00:11:36 stories and one of our listener stories episodes we talked about um jonathan nunez who killed his girlfriend and matt was like yeah i used to play football with him in high school oh my god like i i don't know the positions of football but when they like were in a line you know what i mean like i like don't get sports you know better than i do when they were in a line you know what i'm talking about what do you call that sweating um like we're in a line you know what i'm talking about what do you call that sweating um like a line backer i don't know you watch football yeah but i don't know what line you i mean there's a lot of lines i don't know which one well linebacker sure the big guys they're all like okay all i know is that matt and him used to stand next to each other i like your how you're like what was
Starting point is 00:12:20 matt you watch football i'm like oh well whenever okay let's say they're like we're they're all i don't know just like okay whatever they played football together i probably sound like a fucking moron they played football together wait so wait the guy who killed his girlfriend right yeah and left like matt and him used to like not oh yes the one that left her in the woods and drown her in bleach yes just to clarify yeah so they used to like not only go to high school together but played right next to each other, like, in football. Oh, my God. And I think Matt was, like, he was a big guy in football back then. So, like, he was, like, during all of high school, I think he played football with this guy.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And they hung out, like, by themselves. Oh, my God. Before he married his wife, Matt one time went to Chanel's house. And I guess Chanel's mom wouldn't, like like let her out of the house that night and so um Matt decided to be like goofy to like turn the radio on his car and like start singing to her up to the window and he was in Jonathan Nunez drove with like they both sang to her in the window like he'd like they hung out alone I just got chills and so Matt was like it's hard to believe that he did that because according to matt he was like i had no idea that guy had an item to do something like that
Starting point is 00:13:29 does he know the girl who sent in the story she went to the their rival school or something like that so she didn't know they didn't know the girlfriend but they knew the girl that jonathan nunez broke up with to be with that girl oh i guess what we're doing we're bringing the world together oh but anyway so those two things are the reason i drink dude that's fucked it like brings it home of like oh like it's it's very six degrees of separation if we know a lot of serial killers oh wow that's dark i was thinking more like this is real for people but like yeah oh yeah it's also real we also know serial killers i guess okay anyway that's why i drink are we are we buckled in because i'm
Starting point is 00:14:06 harnessed in for a bumpy ride okay a bumpy indeed listen i'm this is i'm okay i tried on these notes to make it a so at least clean it up a little bit and i definitely definitely picked something that was ghost heavy because the last one i really wow just gave everyone a tour of beer I was into that though I know but a lot of other people were probably like what the fuck I'm not here for this so I apologize I'm team milkshake and what the fuck I'm so sorry for what everyone had to go through so I made sure to pick not only something that's like super paranormally active but something that everyone knows and something that someone requested. So this was a request. This was actually, I want to give myself a little credit because I did plan on doing this,
Starting point is 00:14:50 but I was going to hold off on it. And then I got a request and I was like, okay, I'll do it. I'll do it sooner than I expected. So this was a request from Emma McLullin on Twitter. And she requested that I do the Stanley Hotel. Yay! and uh she requested that i do the stanley hotel oh yay so for everyone who doesn't know the stanley hotel is the hotel um that inspired the overlook hotel and the shining that i've been waiting for this one have you yeah love the shining interesting you never told me about it or wrote it on a board do we even use the board anymore look what's on the board it's our poster it says alexis and geo forever
Starting point is 00:15:26 that was not me that's it also says sleepy pony that's my improv team's name god damn it christine okay so the stanley hotel which is in colorado fuck i should let did not sound confident at all but it is in colorado you're gonna say the shining i was like oh no But it is in Colorado. I thought you were going to say The Shining. I was like... Oh, no. It is in Colorado. It started in the 1800s when the land was called Estes Valley. Fun fact, since we're getting to know each other on a personal level, my first grade teacher's name was Mrs. Estes. Really? Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Oh, okay. So there's that. Mentally noted. Okay. She is all right. Okay, so Estes Valley was once native land to several tribes in the area, and it had, like, streams and meadows and beautiful animals. Like, it was just, like, kind of what you imagine heaven looking like, you know? They're just perfect nature.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Okay, so. Okay, got it. Okay. In 1872, the fourth Earl of Dunraven oh yeah him yeah my guy he moved to america from ireland and began running a very successful brothel in the area oh what because when you're an earl in ireland you might as well move to colorado and start a brothel and start a brothel so he was always on the lookout for young women to come work for him so he's already kind of known in the 1870s
Starting point is 00:16:51 as a slimy dude who's he was always pestering the ladies in the town even if they're married he's like come work for me ew he's like very dedicated to his craft oh wow good for him uh after seeing how like pretty and um all the views that the valley had to offer he decided that he was going to keep it for himself because he's the earl of ireland so i guess you can just do that cool and he was going to make it a private hunting preserve and so he may have been irish but like a true american he took the land from the natives so and wanted to hunt on it and wanted to hunt on it and kill all of their animals great he may have been Irish, but like a true American, he took the land from the natives. So... And wanted to hunt on it. And wanted to hunt on it and kill all of their animals.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Great. In 1903, though, so I guess he owned it for 30 years-ish. And in 1903, an inventor from Massachusetts, his name was Freeland Oscar Stanley. Aha! And he arrived to the valley. So he had tuberculosisculosis which back then was called consumption and so when i read this i was like he's sick from eating too much i have fucking consumption all the time get over yourself i should move to colorado so he i googled it and
Starting point is 00:17:59 i was like what the hell are the symptoms of consumption now like it's such a big problem and it's a tuberculosis and i was like like, oh, that's a big one. It's not too much cake. Okay. So he was sick with tuberculosis. And I guess at the time, the only, quote, cure for tuberculosis was a lot of fresh air. Oh, yeah. They would move you to, like.
Starting point is 00:18:18 So the doctor said, you have to move from Massachusetts to Denver, Colorado. And so they did that. And I guess he wasn't getting better. So the doctors were like, listen, just move to the mountains to die. Like you have, I'm not kidding. They're like, you have a couple months left. Like just move to like the freshest air you can if you want a chance at living. So that's the truth. Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So he and his wife moved to the Valley. Um, and after spending the summer there, he was cured. Like he just like had no more tuberculosis. Damn. Um, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 After spending the summer, um, in the Valley, he was cured and believed that it was a sign that him and his wife should move there permanently. Uh, so he, they ended up buying the land from the earl of ireland and they now owned this land it was like 35 acres and the only thing that they didn't like about the land was that they were used to like the east coast posh environment of like having all the sophisticated stores yeah and instead
Starting point is 00:19:26 they're like on the West in this tiny little Valley like there's very a very small community and so they wanted to build a community together that made them feel like they were back East and they built the Stanley Hotel and they equipped it with electric lights tele telephones, en suite bathrooms, a staff of uniformed servants, and a fleet of automobiles at the guest's disposal. Holy crap. So one of the things I said at the beginning about Freeland Stanley is that I said he was an inventor. So he invented the Stanley steam car. Okay, I was about to say, where the fuck is he getting this money?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Yeah. Okay. the stanley steam car okay i was about to say where the fuck is he getting this money yeah okay so uh he built the stanley steam car and then for like the until like 1920 it was the most popular car in america wow so he was like making big bucks like fine and so one of the benefits of this place one of the perks was that they had a staff of servants and a fleet of automobiles at the guest disposal but all of the cars were stanley steam cars so if you were not only at this lavish hotel with electricity and running water you also had like top of the line most popular car driving you wherever you wanted in the town i'm just picturing like a tesla hotel wherever yeah these days it would be the
Starting point is 00:20:39 tesla hotel like running off of this is also one of the first hotels west of the mississippi to have electricity really in that whole area it was holy crap like a castle for them by the 1970s the hotel started fading um and mainly because 30 years before in 1940 um freeland stanley died and since he was always flipping the bill back up until 1940 the hotel was running swimmingly but then when he died no one else could afford to pay that so it was slowly dying out so 30 years later by 1970s it was pretty much like about to go out of business oh but then in 1973 stephen king visited the hotel and stayed a night with his wife. So he and his wife were the only guests at the hotel that night because just like in the movie, it was about to close for the winter because they didn't have heat. So they were going to close down.
Starting point is 00:21:33 But in an emergency, they were there. They showed up at the hotel like a week before they were going to close. So they were the last people there. And The Shining was inspired by the events that took place while he was there and the overall experience of being secluded in a grand resort hotel all by yourself um it wasn't as crazy as the movie it was definitely like inspired not based on true events i sure hope so so yeah just like floods of blood that was my first thought i was like yeah that shouldn't be anyone's experience so he had a nightmare of his son running down the hall screaming and being chased by a wild
Starting point is 00:22:10 fire hose and he also said that he encountered a bunch of children wandering around the halls even though they were the only guests there he also said he witnessed a party in the ballroom but no one else was checked in uh he also said that he witnessed a young child uh like walking around in his room as well as a chambermaid like he saw a maid that looked like she was in older clothes in his room when there shouldn't have been anyone in there um so that was all in room 217 which this day is the hotel's most requested room and it books up like literally years in advance especially for halloween weekend like for the next 10 years it's it's booked and for halloween weekend and during halloween they also host a costumed shining ball oh my god um so early
Starting point is 00:22:59 early in the novel the son danny is told to a room is told to avoid room 217 just like the one that he stayed in in real life yeah but if you watch the movie um the stanley kubrick version they tell you to they tell danny to avoid room 237 because the the hotel that they filmed in was afraid of losing guests and so they they made the people uh the writers for the movie pick a number that didn't actually exist in their hotel so they said room 237 because they didn't actually have a room 237 so they really so they wouldn't lose customers um fun fact the exterior shots of the movie were filmed in oregon at the timberland lodge Timberline and the interior shots were filmed on a studio lot in England really and the Stanley Hotel didn't have a hedge maze that um Stephen King wrote about but now in
Starting point is 00:23:54 honor of the novel they built a hedge maze so Stephen King actually I'm just throwing in the fun movie facts while we're here so Stephen King king didn't like the stanley kubrick version of his of the movie and so he stephen king ended up going back to the stanley hotel and filming his own mini series there like to get the truest adaptation of it that he could so there's a mini series based on the novel and it's supposed to be truer to his actual encounter there and so depending on whether or not you like the stanley kubrick version or the stephen king miniseries there's a channel i think it's channel 42 at the hotel that plays a non-stop loop of both of them are you serious yeah so if you're at the hotel you can always watch the movie that is hilarious can you imagine being into 17 and watching i would i would i wouldn't i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:24:46 let's book it right and that's why we drink yeah for 10 years from now so um the hotel has 138 rooms and it's on 35 acres and there are there are two different types of tours one's a 90 minute tour and the other is a five hour tour but that one comes with like your own paranormal equipment and you get to like go into all these like secret rooms and you get to hear a lot more information the stanley also has a resident psychic and professional paranormal investigator on staff at all times are you serious a resident psychic how do you get that job what a cool job though what a cool fucking job so staff at the stanley are quick to point out that there are never any reports of sinister or evil events that happen there because all the half there are only
Starting point is 00:25:30 happy ghosts there are only happy ghosts apparently good that's i mean i call bullshit though i was about to say i mean like how can you really quantify like right or qualify how happy all your ghosts are so the main ghost is the one in room 217 where stephen king stayed and that's the most famous one uh so what happened in that room back in 1911 there's a girl who was a chambermaid named elizabeth wilson although some stories also call her mrs smith but she was one of the chambermaids of the Stanley, and she was actually one of the oldest chambermaids there. She started back when the Stanleys bought the place. So there was a really bad storm outside one night in 1911,
Starting point is 00:26:19 and the lightning killed the power. And so her job was to go to each room and turn the gas lamp on so that the people staying there could see right and i guess one guest tried to turn off the light but the gas was still on at one point so the gas was still on and didn't realize it and in 1911 you they didn't put the smell in the gas so she didn't detect that there was a gas leak so all she had to do was open the door to the room with her candle that she had in her hand. And the whole place exploded. Oh, Christ.
Starting point is 00:26:51 So all of room 217 got taken out and all of the rooms up until like three floors up. All of those rooms got blown out. Holy crap. She was thrown by the the force of it she was thrown into the like through the floor into the main floor dining room oh my god so she like literally went like through the floor into like the dining room downstairs uh and the blast destroyed the entire west wing of the hotel which was 10 of the hotel and the hotel was 70 000 square feet so 7 000 square feet of a hotel holy shit destroyed
Starting point is 00:27:33 somehow she survived only breaking both of her ankles so she was in the hospital and they like paid for all of her medical bills and stuff like that. They actually, I saw an article that said that Mr. Stanley paid for all of the hospital bills, promoted her to, like, head chambermaid, paid for all of her kids to go to college, and he was also like, you can do whatever you want at our hotel, but you'll never be required to light a gas lamp again. Good for you. It's like, well, you're damn right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So after. imagine today you'd be a millionaire if that happened oh my god like like i'm kind of at a stage right now where i'm like please let me go into a fiery room i'm not joking please shoot me through a floor i think the reason i just saw that casual comment i saw a woman get hit by a car we'll talk about another day but that's certainly why you drink i guess it is but i think the reason i saw that is because i keep joking oh i wish a car would hit me so that i can like gain the insurance money and then and then you saw it happen to someone i watched two like incredibly horrible car accidents in a week in front of my apartment i was like get it got it good moving on anyway go on so after she did eventually pass away, people still regularly see her in room 217.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And they see her walking through the room and into a wall. Because now room 217 has been turned into room 217 and room 215. But it used to be a bigger room. So where she's walking through the wall, she actually is, like, walking into another part of the room. Wow. room so where she's walking through the wall she actually is like walking into another part of the room wow uh she's been known to hang up people's clothes put their suitcases away straighten up their room um people will come back from the lobby and they'll see that their shoes are all lined up on the foot of the bed and she also has like a real like strict like opinion about unmarried couples oh no because if anyone first of all how do you know that they're not married like that shows some divine
Starting point is 00:29:30 intelligence but if anyone who's not married is about to like do the bump and grind do the deed uh they'll feel like of cold angry presence between them in bed to keep them from doing anything so don't schedule your honeymoon for that. No, schedule your honeymoon because you're married. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Just don't schedule, like, Tuesday, you know? Like, if you're unmarried. Sorry, avoid Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Okay, so one cool thing that came out of that room recently, I think, like, only a year or two ago, they found, I guess an engineer was trying to clean up the air ducts in there or something like that, and they ended up finding remains of the original wallpaper and carpet. Oh, wow. So they, I guess the wallpaper had brightly colored floral patterns in red, pinks, and greens. Gross. And the carpet fragments had uh it looked
Starting point is 00:30:27 like it was like grass colored green with yeah with red and blue details and they matched the original photos of room 217 when the stanley first opened but they were always black and white so i didn't know the colors and so they like saw and like matched it up and found out like exactly where that is so cool the remnants were and the people who found it were freaking out because they were like they i mean it wasn't their job but they were really interested in history which is why they were working there and they were quoted in an article being like it's so cool that a hundred like over a hundred years ago someone picked these patterns and like now we can confirm that like they're still here like it's so cool so that's a fun fact for you i actually really love
Starting point is 00:31:10 that so like because i guess the wife of freeland stanley picked them out herself wow so they're like it's so cool that we can see what her taste was exact colors her taste wasn't great no it seems a little tacky but she did did her best. It's fine. So, okay. So Freeland Stanley's wife was named Flo Stanley. Oh, Freeland and Flo. Freeland and Flo. So I'm now this I've done with the history.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Now we're just talking about the ghosts now. Whoop whoop. Okay. So now we, and also before I get questions from people, I looked everywhere to figure out where all of these deaths happened on the property, and I couldn't find anything. So, like, there's just a bunch of ghosts with no background. Oh, they're just there. The only one is the chambermaid. That's the only one I know who actually died on the property.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I don't know where the rest of these fucking ghosts came from. So, Flo Stanley, his wife. Yeah. Flo and Freeland. and frankenstein so flo stanley who is his wife um she was often seen her main thing i guess was she liked entertaining guests um and so a lot of times you can hear her play the piano oh at pretty much any time of the hour like oh god any time of the day um and she also would play music next to the music room where people are actually trying to practice real music what a bitch like i don't know what's like that's just the pettiest thing i've ever heard of. Like, oh, maybe I'm a little better.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Just play louder. Yes. So she's known to do that. And then pictures are often taken of her on the main staircase. Oh. Like, you can just, like, find her there, I guess. That's cool. Her apparition has also been seen gazing out the window of the music room.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So basically music-oriented is what she's up against so her husband mr stanley his apparition has been seen walking through the main lobby has been seen walking in the bar has been seen like overseeing people do their duties like making sure people are still you know keeping up with what they're supposed to um he's pretty much often just seen everywhere still overseeing the hotel as is um but lord dunraven from ireland still floats around too shut up on the fourth floor near where the nannies used to go so like fuck off so like try and like steal them away from the hotel and like give them a job at the brothel what a creeper so he also steals people's jewelry and then people they find it in random places later um you can smell tobacco in the air and the flashlight um the flashlight game that i used to like playing during
Starting point is 00:33:59 investigations that's the best way people have gotten him to talk so that's how they found out that it was him because he would give yes or no answers to the flashlight game there's also for some reason a bunch of children that are just ghosts on the property and i can't figure out where they died how they died why they're there oh no we're just gonna accept it as fact that there's a lot of little ghost children yikes so the sound of them running and playing in the hallways pretty much everywhere is common but mainly the fourth floor because that's where the nannies and kids stayed in the beginning um you can also hear them whispering in closets yeah no i don't like that like you know did you ever
Starting point is 00:34:36 see that scary movie where the girl would clap like do you think i saw that hide and seek that's what it was called and if in the way you found you found them was you would find them clapping you know i didn't see that okay anyway that's you could hear kids whispering i'm already upset about it one uh entity of a little boy will try to wake up sleeping children on the fourth floor because he wants to play so a lot of kids have like ptsd no maybe i was gonna say they like their parents find them awake in the middle of the night, and then they'll say, like, oh, he keeps trying to wake me up. And another little boy will turn on the TV really loud. He'll turn the lights on and off.
Starting point is 00:35:17 There's another little girl who likes to play peek-a-boo with people by the staircase, which means, like, she just, like, shows up and then leaves and then shows up and leaves that is creepy uh last year there were actually two pictures that started kind of hitting the news like cnn posted both of them really because different tourists there was one guy named henry yow and he took a photo on the staircase when he was totally by himself and there's like very clearly a person there and uh i guess the the it was like two people in the picture and there shouldn't have been anyone and the figures were described as women a woman in old-fashioned clothing with a child sitting next to her oh my god and uh the other picture was a woman took a picture of her fiance in front of the house and when she saw
Starting point is 00:36:04 when she zoomed in behind his shoulder there's someone definitely looking out the window in a room that's been closed off for years oh oh that's even creepier so now pretty much everything i have to say is about individual rooms so if you wanted to stay in a room and have an experience? These are your options. Great. So in room 302, a male ghost has been seen as a shadow in the room walking near the walls. Photos of him have, not photos of him, sorry, photos on the wall have been known to fly off of the walls on their own. And in the show Ghost Hunters, the investigator named Grant stayed here. And while changing film, he watched the table levitate. Oh, while changing film.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, of course. Of course, while changing film. So we're just taking his word. I believe you, Grant. So that was room 302, if you want your own table levitating experience. I don't want that. In room 413, several guests have reported seeing a man in old-fashioned clothes standing in the corner. 413 several guests have reported seeing a man in old-fashioned clothes standing in the corner and you also see his face in a blue ball that has been seen on the outside door of the room i don't know what that means the face of a man in a blue ball like a like an acid trip like an acid
Starting point is 00:37:18 trip uh there's also a spirit named eddie who shows up he used to show up with a gross smell and then he got the nickname stinky man oh poor guy so he started feeling bad and uh started showing up with a pleasant smell so like i guess you can just change that at will oh my god but his presence is still super discomforting and people like don't don't like when he's around like you can they don't like the feeling of him when he's nearby so even though it's a nice smell it still kind of triggers the employees to stay away oh my god and they've had a lot of mediums try to talk to him and i guess he had a really tough life and that's maybe where the feeling of discomfort shows up poor guy so they don't know if he's actually a bad guy and makes you feel bad and he's trying to like mask being bad with a good
Starting point is 00:38:04 smell or if he's actually a good guy that makes you feel bad and is trying to, like, mask being bad with a good smell. Or if he's actually a good guy that just everyone seems to hate. And in his past life, he had a rough life, too. And that's where all the energy is coming from. And also in Ghost Hunters, there was an investigator named Jason who had a glass on the nightstand while he was sleeping. And it shattered on it by itself. Like, it exploded while it was on the nightstand. In the hallway, this is a story that I read about one of the people who stayed there. They said, my siblings and I were wandering around the hotel when we rounded the corner and we saw a small opening in the wall.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And when we looked through, there was actually a hidden passageway with a very narrow and steep circular staircase that descended into pitch blackness. And then they tried to look at each other to be like, what the fuck was blackness and then they tried to look at each other to be like what the fuck was that and when they tried to look through the hole again later the wall was completely closed shut up yep another story uh this time in the ballroom uh like in the basement ballroom this girl said my sister and i were visiting and ditched the official tour to take our own we we came across this big room with chairs covered in white cloth Oh, no. What the fuck? another person said in a bathroom at the stanley the shampoo bottle was thrown at me from the tub and once when i was in 1302 i've had my voice recorder knocked over and
Starting point is 00:39:34 windows open and closed by themselves and room 401 someone said men don't feel particularly welcome in here and there's usually a feeling of pressure on them to get out of the room uh the open the closet doors will open and close on their own and another glass of water shattered in here by itself oh great in room 407 people have reported being tucked into bed by no one there and one guest said that he kept kicking his covers off but they kept coming back on him throughout the night. At another time, another guest reported feeling something sit on the bed, and when she turned the light on, no one was there, but she could see the indentation of someone sitting. Yep. Nope.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Covers are sometimes removed during the night. Hangers are known to move around. Bathroom lights go on and off by themselves. A guest one time woke up to being tickled by no one. Listen, that tickling is already not fine. there's already something beyond creepy about tickling someone you don't know yeah yeah uh especially when you wake up and you have the feeling and no one's there that is probably the worst one you've said yet one person uh actually many guests have fallen asleep in room 418 and woke up to feeling like their legs were being hugged.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Ew! In room 428, a ghost cowboy tends to frequent this room pacing the end of the bed while the guests sleep. And the female guests will wake up to him leaning over and kissing their forehead. Oh no! Which in my mind, it's like, I don't think it's a ghost when I see someone waking. No. If you see a person in your no like someone's about to hurt me like someone's gonna like assault me if they're leaning over to kiss my forehead if you wake up to a man leaning over you in bed and you don't know who that guy is and you're in a hotel that's not a ghost like that's that's a that's so i'm in danger one of the most reliable spirits is a former maintenance man named Paul who used to work at the Stanley Hotel for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Reliable Paul. Reliable Paul. And one of his responsibilities was to enforce the 11 p.m. curfew. So a lot of times in different areas of the hotel at 11 o'clock, you'll hear someone say, get out. Oh. Which I think is pretty cool. Yeah, I love that. So reliable of Paul.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Goddammit, Paul. Even in his after years. Hashtag classic Paul. Classic Paul. cool yeah i love that so reliable of paul damn it even in his after years hashtag classic paul classic paul and uh a construction worker also said that one time he was trying to fix something in one of the rooms and by 11 he had thought he had heard someone say get out and then kept working and he felt someone like physically nudge him towards the door and he felt like his arm getting pulled on so paul's really like committed paul's good at his job he'll also flicker the lights on around 11 o'clock at night to like that time like a bar
Starting point is 00:42:13 closing um shadows will come out of the corner of people's eyes towels will fall off the racks on their own the tv will shut off by itself or the tv will turn on by itself and the volume will go all the way up and then when you try to approach the tv to turn it to like turn it off it'll turn off by itself that is terrifying i've had that happen to me wait seriously oh yeah it's no joke the volume turning all the way up is so creepy to me the last ghost is there's a little girl in a pink dress named lucy and her connection to the stanley is not known but so many people have seen her that they've just given her the name lucy um it's assumed that stanley is not known but so many people have seen her that they've just given her the name lucy um it's assumed that she was like a runaway or a homeless
Starting point is 00:42:49 girl that just was living there but a lot of people will hear her humming and a lot of people have gotten pictures of her and a lot of people on tours will be like why is there a girl on this tour and when they turn around again she's gone she'll also go through the music hall and play with the lights and she's known to be super active during investigations when people want to try and talk to someone wow so uh the last story i have is about the music hall and someone didn't write this into me but wrote it into a website and i'm totally stealing it so this is that story that's what we do at the beginning of the tour you go to the music hall which would often be occupied by children playing during the daytime you're seated in an observation
Starting point is 00:43:30 box and told that a lot of the activity was thought to be that of children especially in the music hall one guide asked us which of us were good with kids and those who raised their hands she gave a lollipop for them to hold out in the palm of their hand as if giving it to a kid oh my god sometimes the spirits would take them from you if they felt comfortable enough and some people claim to feel movement some didn't feel a thing but i personally watched this fucking sucker drag from the middle of my hand all the way off of my hand to the ground and then she said i wasn't a believer before that day but the experience has fucked me up permanently oh that oh my god and then on one of the review sites for the stanley hotel it's a quote that said there's a quote that says we have more nights with activity than without it's a disneyland for spirits wow holy crap yeah i didn't realize like how haunted like i knew it was the shining hotel
Starting point is 00:44:23 but i don't think i realized like how actually haunted it was i don't either also uh one of our podcast friends oh has done the stanley hotel that's right uh hillbilly horror stories did an episode um on the stanley hotel several weeks ago and it was great yeah we just wanted to give that yeah it was it was really good and i wanted to give them a shout out because they deserve it yeah they deserve it okay they're great and you your story reminded me of their episode oh great and we love you guys great i mean we love y'all yeah there you go all right tell me a murder all right so my story is about Catherine Mary Knight. Okay. Which, by the way, is the first, I realize, the first normal name that I've picked in a long time.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Yeah, I can pronounce it. Because finally I'm not, like, having real anxiety when I introduce the story. Good. I went ahead and looked up her sign. She's a Scorpio. I thought maybe you'd, I don't know know why i was reading about her and i'm like i wonder what star sign she is which is not is she the killer or the victim the killer okay obviously so i thought you should know because it best that you did it came to me um okay so as per
Starting point is 00:45:38 usual she had a shitty childhood oh who didn't yeah what a surprise for these i can't wait for the serial killer where you're like everything went great actually she was so loved and supported uh yeah so this seems to be running pattern her father ken was a violent alcoholic who raped her mother up to 10 times a day oh oh my god already just okay a garbage start okay uh her mother would tell her daughters intimate details of her sex life and how much she hated sex and men um at one point katherine complained to her mother that her partner wanted her to do a sex act that she wasn't comfortable with and her mother responded by saying put up with it and stop complaining oh my god so that's how you know that's how you know the
Starting point is 00:46:25 beginning of the end is is happening it's not already here absolutely it's not a healthy upbringing um katherine claims she was uh sexually assaulted by several members of her family but not her father although what a what a man he was just to clarify but a lot of psychiatrists say that that's bs so it's probably unclear whether's true or false, but that's her alleged claim. I mean, at this point, it's not, like, highly unlikely, but whatever. The only two people Catherine were close to were a twin sister and her uncle, Oscar, who committed suicide in 1969. Did Uncle Oscar do shit to her? Not that I know.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I mean, I imagine if you're close to him, he's probably a good guy. No, no, no. So she was really close to her uncle, and he committed suicide in 1969, which destroyed her. Right. And to this day, she says her uncle's ghost visits her. So that's fun. So that year, the year that her uncle, Oscar, committed suicide, her family moved to Aberdeen. This is taking place in Australia, by the way. Oh, okay. Yeah. I was like, I don't moved to Aberdeen. This is taking place in Australia, by the way. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah. I was like, I don't know of Aberdeen. Just mild disclaimer. Okay. Hello, Australia. Hey, Aussies. Hey, Aussies. I really like Outback Steakhouse,
Starting point is 00:47:37 which is not Australian at all. Oh. I'm just trying to like... It sounds like a really... I'm trying to like fit in with them, but I don't know anything about Australia. I'm sure they love Bloomin' Onions. They actually probably don't.
Starting point is 00:47:49 No, I'm sure they... That's, like, not an Australian thing at all. Fucking hate it. That's just Americans being stupid again. Oh, it's a thousand percent. Hmm. Anyway. Sorry, Australia, for who we are.
Starting point is 00:48:01 We're really just horrible people. Oh, Lord. Like, at least we know we suck. Don't lump me in. i didn't say anything about americans oh yeah oh yeah we suck oh american in general yeah oh yeah we suck oh we're terrible yeah okay as long as like as long as sure yeah glad we're on the same page sure um but i do love blooming onions but okay that's the side point. I like steak. Oh, me too. Cool. I'm sure Australians like steak. Oh, they sure do.
Starting point is 00:48:29 They like a slab of kangaroo and koala on top. Another... No, don't say another shrimp on the barbie. They'll murder us. They'll murder us. I paused to let you... Shrimp on the barbie. Hey, you can't say it and not let me say it.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Okay, we'll say it at the same time. Go. Another shrimp on the barbie. And we have lost all of our australian listeners goodbye so that year the family moved back to averaging um so katherine started a new high school apparently she was a total loner um she bullied small children she assaulted a boy with a weapon one of her teachers injured her because she was acting in self-defense um but apparently when she wasn't having bouts of rage she was a great student oh good and she
Starting point is 00:49:16 got awards for her good behavior why shouldn't she like what the fuck um so at age 15 she left school and apparently had not learned to read or write yet oh my so whatever that is about how did how do you leave how do you how do you get good grades and if you can't read or write then are you just telling like you're just talking to people i don't know like is someone saying do this assignment and you recite it how are you doing that at age 15 i don't know is every one of your pieces of homework to draw like a picture of or to just like think really hard i'm sure that's not it it's probably like your book reports okay yeah somehow i made it just do it ended
Starting point is 00:49:59 um if you told me when i was 17 years old that i would have a master's degree and a phd offer i would have like okay going back to 17 year old me a phd offer in neuroscience i would have absolutely thought you were punking me like without doubt even knowing you now i'm like but then if you if you told 17 year old me i said no to the offer to go work in tv i'd be like ah that's that's more like to start a radio show on the internet about death about death about ghosts yeah you'd be like oh that's more like 17 year old me is like yeah that's that's exactly what happened oh yeah badass oh my mom's so so proud of me yikes yikes um so apparently she did not learn to read or write but she got her dream job
Starting point is 00:50:46 which was cutting up organs at the local slaughterhouse that was my job bitch she took it from me god but you had to get a master's degree for that i know whatever so she just just chopped up fucking unfair and guess what She was quickly promoted to boning the animals. Whoa. That's like the best part of the job. That sounds way worse than it looks on my page. Okay. Boning. I just read that out loud and thought.
Starting point is 00:51:13 With the wall of wooden dildos. Oh my God. And I wrote boning in quotations and I was like, whoa. I wrote these notes at 7 a.m. So who the fuck knows. But she got promoted to boning and giving her own set of butcher knives, which she hung above her bed for the rest of her life. You know what? Butcher knives are expensive, so that's a real gift.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Like, you get that at housewarming parties, you know? Yeah, but you also get, like, a KitchenAid. You don't hang it above your bed. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Okay, the placement was wrong. your bed oh yeah that's a good point okay the placement was wrong anyway so she hung her knives over her bed which she did at every home she lived in in her adult life uh and at her dream job she met her dream man of course she did listen you know i have my dream job right now as a podcaster and i have not met my dream girl so when maybe she's right in front of you. You find your dream man.
Starting point is 00:52:06 She was literally 10 feet from you right now. Get over it. It's such a refreshing thing to hear. Accept it. So, this guy, her dream guy. David Kellett. He was a what? Kellett.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Oh, interesting. Okay, David Kellett. How very Freudian of you. David Kellett was an alcoholic. Surprise, surprise surprise dream man what if i was like he was a sober christian isn't that everyone's yeah yeah just a dull man just a dull dull man who wears khakis okay so she requested they get married in 1974 and he was like i guess that's fine so my dream man's that enthusiastic about marriage too i guess that's fine apparently she dominated him completely they arrived to the service on her motorcycle she was driving and he was completely
Starting point is 00:53:00 wasted sitting in the passenger behind her uh Apparently her mother told him, David, quote, you better watch this one or she'll fucking kill you. Stir her up the wrong way or do the wrong thing and you're fucked. Don't ever think of playing up on her, quote, cheating on her. Or I.E. cheating on her. Right, right, right. She'll fucking kill you.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Oh my god. But they got married anyway. So that was a beautiful wedding. Have fun committing to this person. Yes, beautiful wedding toast from her mother. I can only hope my mother is that... She'll fucking kill you. Heartwarming on my wedding day. They got married right away.
Starting point is 00:53:39 On their wedding night, Catherine tried to strangle David. Oh. But she had a perfectly valid reason did really because he would only um he fell asleep after only having sex with her three times and she won oh so she killed him for being a man she tried a surprisingly impressive man by the way because don't most of them do like one time and then sleep yeah right so okay so you have a great guy and you just kill him so she says well she didn't kill him but she tried to strangle him oh but uh so they had a pretty violent marriage surprise um at one point when katherine
Starting point is 00:54:17 was heavily pregnant she burned all of his clothing and shoes then hit him on the back of the head with a frying pan because he had arrived home late from a darts competition after reaching the finals of said darts competition which like i'm way more i wish i knew more about that yeah because like i'm really interested we could be really good at darts i'm like dude if my husband were like in the finals of a darts championship i'd be like i mean i don't even i would just be impressed, go guy. But apparently she wanted to kill him. So he ran away and collapsed at a neighbor's house with a severely fractured skull. Oh, but she talked him into dropping the charges. Did she talk him into it or threaten him into it?
Starting point is 00:54:59 You know what? What's the word? Que sera, sera. I don't know the phrase. Are you being a stroke again you know that feeling when you're having a stroke uh there's that phrase where you're like oh i got it tomato tomato in case people want to know it's midnight on a sunday and we have to go to work tomorrow okay so anyway like i said she was heavily pregnant so she soon had her first child
Starting point is 00:55:35 their first child melissa ann and then david left her for another one because he couldn't cope with her violent behavior i wouldn't either so the next day um after he left her for another woman because he couldn't cope with her violent behavior. I wouldn't either. So the next day after he left her, Catherine walked down Main Street with her newborn baby in a stroller, throwing the stroller violently from side to side like a crazy person. Cool. Was admitted to the hospital with postpartum depression, spent several weeks there. When she was released, she promptly put her two month old daughter, Melissa, train tracks and oh and left her there so sure her depression wasn't cured oh no okay no her whatever was happening wasn't cured uh then she stole an axe and wandered around town threatening to kill people for any and all reasons no zero just oh she put her baby on the train tracks and then stole an axe and wandered around okay um not someone i'm gonna invite to a party enter old ted old ted who you for sure would invite to a party okay because old ted was forging by the railroad tracks when he discovered
Starting point is 00:56:37 melissa the newborn baby also the baby didn't die yeah he rescued her minutes before the train came through wow they arrested katherine but somehow she recovered overnight and was released the next day to be back with her baby. So a few days later, Catherine took one of her famous knives and slashed a woman in the face with it. Oh, damn ass. Hey. Because it's Monday. Because it's Monday. Then she demanded the woman drive her to Queensland, where her husband David had moved with his new lady friend.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Oh, no. When they stopped at a rest stop, the woman escaped. Okay. But when the police arrived, they discovered that Catherine had taken a young boy hostage with her knife. Uh-oh. The police attacked her with brooms. Uh-oh. I read an article about this on
Starting point is 00:57:27 and it said quote the police arrived and beat her into submission with brooms because law enforcement in australia is apparently hilarious and i was like yeah there's no other explanation right i read the wikipedia article and another article and it was like they beat her into submission with brooms i'm like does anyone understand why that is how this happened no yeah all right uh anyway so they took her to a psychiatric hospital where she told the nurses her full plan which was to kill the mechanic at the service station who had repaired her husband's car so that he could leave town to leave her so she wanted to kill the mechanic because he repaired her husband's car so that he was able to leave so really anyone that was against her at all right and then she wanted to go see her husband and kill him and his mother. Okay. Sure. Good. Sure. Plan. Yes. Sure.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Okay. So then the police were like, listen, David, this is what your wife wants to do. So he left his girlfriend and moved back to Aberdeen with his mother to support Catherine. Oh. That's the whole. That's it? I was writing these notes and I was like, oh, the police told him and warned him right and then i wrote thank god and then it said and then he took his mother and moved in with her and i was like wait wait no that's not where this is supposed to go someone was held at
Starting point is 00:58:56 gunpoint somewhere wrong wrong wrong okay bad decisions this is not anywhere near the fucking end believe me okay oh okay so anyway she got another job at a slaughterhouse good dream job right uh they had another daughter and then in 1984 she left him because i guess she was bored i don't know uh so shit gets really fucking crazy here in 1986 she met a 38 year old miner named minor named David Saunders. Okay. A few months later, he moved in with her and her two daughters. She threw him out of the house a lot because she would get jealous of what he did when she wasn't around. Whatever the...
Starting point is 00:59:36 What would she do? I don't know. Watch TV. I literally don't know. Maybe he was in a dark competition and was in the finals. I don't know. But she kicked him out all the fucking time. I mean, I get jealous all the time when you're with Gio and I'm not.
Starting point is 00:59:48 That is true. So maybe there's a story like that going on. That's true. Could be really deep-seated, like our relationship with Gio. In full abusive relationship fashion, she'd kick him out and then beg him to return, obviously. And he would comply. In May of the following year this is upsetting if you are uh if you have a dog or love a dog oh my oh my i know she um cut the throat
Starting point is 01:00:16 of his two-month-old dingo pup oh my god it was a baby two Two month old. And it was his puppy. Oh. In front of him. Oh my god, Gio's sleeping right now. I know. He literally like jumped up but I think it was because we both went. To show him what would happen to him if he ever had an affair. Just slit its throat. Two month old. Did she basically buy the dog to kill it?
Starting point is 01:00:41 I'm not joking. Like a two month old pup is like the size of your hand like oh my god and you oh my god and i can hear the little whimpers then she knocked him unconscious with a frying pan um and i will just add that if someone ever cut my dog's throat i would i would fucking kill them i would set them on fire i would i that's too nice no it's too nice i would well i was gonna say I would cut their throat But I'm like no no no I would cut half of their throat
Starting point is 01:01:07 And then I would So they could just feel The rest of it happening And then I would I hate this person I know She's terrible It's too late
Starting point is 01:01:15 For me to be hearing this She's a Scorpio Duh So Instead He stayed with her They had another daughter Oh my god and bought a house together i would be vasectoming myself left and right yeah i would set her on fire i would literally
Starting point is 01:01:33 wait till she's asleep and then set her on fire the wife i would literally somehow become like lauren santoria to send her soul into hell like i don't even know yeah i would just destroy her forever oh yeah uh so anyway she really had an eye for decorating though and she everyone's got a silver lining yeah exactly i mean she filled the house with um animal skins skulls horns rusty animal traps leather jackets old boots machetes rakes and pitchforks you know i fell for your joke i thought you, like, something other than dead animals. Oh, you don't think that's a nice decor? I mean, the feng shui is just a
Starting point is 01:02:11 kilter off. Alright. I mean, you know, to each their own, but... I really thought you meant, like, marble and granite and, like, leather. I wasn't expecting bones and hooves. Contemporary furnishings. No.
Starting point is 01:02:26 That was a list from Wikipedia, actually, because I thought it was just the most comprehensive. She literally put rusty animal traps, skulls, animal hides, animal skins, pitchforks. And apparently no space, including the ceilings, was left uncovered. Oh, my God. There's a store like that in Hollywood. hollywood of course there is or no not hollywood i think it's in wilshire it's called necromance have you seen that place like everything is actually a skull i've looked in it i haven't gotten it i literally saw a a taxidermied no not tax whatever you call like when you turn them into a rug but it was a two-headed cow rug i don't i was so confused i i like i never went back
Starting point is 01:03:08 no i wouldn't either everything they have like what kind of store is it i've just seen it's literally just like a weird fucking animal skull store like everything has to every it's basically like everything creepy like there's a doll in there made of human hair from like 800 years ago is it robert the doll no it's like it's like it's like literally like it's like pocket size okay all right it's really gross and then they have a picture next to it of the girl whose hair it is jesus christ it's very weird it's the whole thing is weird everything's like made of eyeballs no i'm glad you said that because i've walked past them like, oh, a quirky store. I'm glad I've- Quirky, yes. No, I didn't even, like, know what it was. Okay, nope.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I'm glad I looked. Oh, and then by the cash register, there's, like, this display case, and there's human skulls. Are you kidding? And there's, like, a sign that says, like, it, like, is a disclaimer of, like, we legally got these from a medical school. Like, some HH Holmes shit. But, like, they had to had a right like in case someone tried to sue them and be like there's human skulls here can you imagine like now hiring like if you tried to work there if you got a job there like how creepy to close up that shop oh my god you
Starting point is 01:04:16 met you some someone's something's gotta be there it's gotta be you're like using their skulls for show as like oh in ooh, in Hollywood. Yeah, like, when I, because I know I want to be an Oregon, or I am an Oregon donor. Sure. But, like, if I died and found out that my skull was just on display in a creepy store, I'd be like, that's not what I meant. In, like, a bougie-ass area of, like, ooh, people are paying thousands of dollars. Yeah, I meant, like, I did not mean put myself in Hollywood. Yeah. Not, like, be a bougie ass skull
Starting point is 01:04:46 in a case oh okay sorry anyway so she was clearly ahead of her time right um okay so at one point uh they got into an argument she hit david in the face with an iron um and then stabbed him in the stomach with a pair of scissors why wouldn't you yeah she was mad uh he moved out uh but came back um because you know why wouldn't you right why not and discovered she had cut up all his clothes so the nicest thing she's actually ever done i know that's the calmest thing yeah even the fire was a little much but the cutting up it's like okay he went to hiding it's like that it took the cutting up the clothes yeah right like she can slit the throat of a two-month-old dog she can stab you in the stomach with scissors she cuts up your shirt and you're out it says a lot about you he bought that at banana republic
Starting point is 01:05:37 that was not cheap i don't know that was it that was the the turning point he left her with his daughter by the way to be fair though it is usually the smallest thing that like the trigger yeah what is it when the shoe drops that but there's another one the camel's back oh the straw on the camel's you were doing this like a motion like you're dropping something i'm thinking like the straw what is it it's this the last straw on the camel's back that's it it. Yeah. I thought you were, like, dropping a shoe. I'm dropping a straw on a camel's back. Hmm. Duh.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Did you know that, did you know, like, the phrase for the other shoe to drop? Do you know where that's from? No. It's from when people started moving into cities, and so they were building apartments on top of apartments on top of apartments. So people had never lived on top of each other before. Uh-huh. And so people would all be coming home from work around the same time, and so everyone sits down and takes their shoes off.
Starting point is 01:06:34 You're kidding. And so you would be sitting there, and you would hear your roommate upstairs take off their shoe, and you're just waiting for that suspensive for the other shoe to drop. You're kidding. Yep. I had no idea. Because back then the shoes were so heavy and it was just like
Starting point is 01:06:46 plywood like it was just like you could definitely hear everything above you how crazy so it that's where the it meant it came from anticipation because you're waiting for the other shoe to drop holy
Starting point is 01:06:56 shit no I had no idea I'm so lit okay here's some fun fact since okay wait because we're trying to learn about each other there's nothing I love more than etymology. I love etymology.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Okay. Okay. Let me finish this one. Okay. She hit him in an iron, blah, blah, blah. He left his daughter. Okay. So he went into hiding because she cut his clothes up.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Okay. Because we were talking about how the shoe dropped. Oh, the shoe dropped. Jesus Christ. Okay, so several months later, he's like, hmm, how's my daughter? So he went back. Okay, I don't want to judge him. He was in a terribly abusive relationship.
Starting point is 01:07:31 But yes, he went back to see his daughter and found out that Catherine had actually gone to the police and told them that she was deathly afraid of her husband, who she, like, frequently stabbed in the stomach. So she kind of did the whole gaslighting thing where she right turned on him um a year later she uh casually decided to get pregnant by a former co-worker from the slaughterhouse casually and they had a boy named eric uh they started a relationship that lasted for three years then she was like i'm gonna leave you for a man that i've been having an affair with for a while now it's fucked up yeah so she peaced out and i met this dude john price john price so john price is a main character in the story oh this is where it gets good okay uh so john had three children of his own and um two of
Starting point is 01:08:20 them lived with him okay he was called Pricey by his friends. And a terrific bloke. A terrific bloke. That's how I hope to be remembered. In the Outback. Oh, yeah. That's how they say that. In the Outback.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I'm going to teach you a lesson. Let's go out back tonight. What's that song about Australia? I don't know. What's the song about Australia? It's a really good song. Is it their national anthem? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. What if that was it? That's all I know about Australia. That's literally the closest thing to an Australian song I know. What? I come from a land down under. Oh, is that Australian? I guess it is, because down under. Yeah, I come from a land down under.
Starting point is 01:09:04 That's the one. It's by Men at Work. I'm sure the Australians are not listening anymore. I come from a land down under. Do-do-do-do-do-boom-boom. You better run. You better take cover. You better run.
Starting point is 01:09:21 You better take cover. We have no more Australian listeners. All right. Okay. I'm so... Oh, my voice is so deep okay let's talk about john price named pricey okay um okay so john aka pricey knew full well about katherine and her um reputation as like being you know a person who like stabbed people in the stomach that's that's a good reputation yeah i mean it's like fine um so apart from some violent arguments they had a splendid life okay together okay at first at first um in 1998 they had a fight uh because john refused to marry her so to get back at him, Catherine videotaped items he had stolen from his job. Videotaped items? Yeah, she videotaped a set of items he had stolen.
Starting point is 01:10:34 But it ended up just being outdated medical kits that he took because they were expired. So he took them home. So I guess they were first aid kits or something. So he took them and brought them home. But she videotaped them and technically it wasn't allowed so he got fired from a job he had worked for 17 years oh my gosh so he kicked her out that day good and then how'd she retaliate a few months later uh he decided to rekindle their romance i don't know what why she must have been like super fucking charming she must just be really good in bed to be honest it doesn't take much listen that's probably it it really doesn't
Starting point is 01:11:10 take much um this time he refused to let her move in with him though okay trying his best uh they started fighting more and more apparently he lost most of his friends um sounds again very abusive relationship oh a thousand Obviously at this point. Um, so in 2000, after attacking him a few times, Catherine stabbed him in the chest. Why wouldn't she? And then he was finally fed up. Yeah. It only takes like two or three gut stabbings.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, she got him in the chest that time. That's, that's scarier to me. Yeah. Cause there's, that's so much scarier. Cause you've got like more bone and like you got things that should never ever ever ever be punctured that's the protected
Starting point is 01:11:50 part you know that's your shell um and then he took out a restraining order and he told his co-workers if i don't come back to work tomorrow um i'm dead katherine did it oh shit okay they begged him not to go back to his house he's's like, but I'm worried about my children. So when he got home, he found out that Catherine had sent the kids off to a sleepover at a friend's house but was not there at the house. So he's like, okay. He spent the evening with his neighbors, got home around 11 p.m. turns out earlier that day catherine had bought black lingerie um had videotaped all her children while making comments that were some sort of like a crude makeshift will almost like she made like a creepy videotape of like a will sort of um and then uh while he was sleeping she showed up at his house and watched tv for a while before taking a shower.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Then she woke John up and they had sex. First mistake on his part. So she's very much like a black widow. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. She's, like, leaving a trail of, like... Well, she, like, sleeps with them before she kills them. I mean, she hasn't killed anyone yet. Well, she will.
Starting point is 01:13:00 But they're all, like... She's currently slept with everyone. Severely injured. She stabbed them in the stomach. She's, like, a shitty slept with everyone severely injured she's like a shitty black widow yeah she's like she like she can't kill them she's just really mentally torturing right she's like a wannabe black widow almost yeah she's like a black widow in training yeah exactly okay um so she woke john up and they had sex um first mistake then he fell asleep again second mistake um when john didn't show up for work the next day his co-workers
Starting point is 01:13:31 were like well he warned us of this so they called the police uh they broke down the door and found katherine uh comatose from overdosing on pills listen okay listen to what happened okay what's happening oh my god okay this is what this is what happened this is what happened this is what happened she had stabbed she had stabbed john with a butcher's knife while he was sleeping oh okay according to blood evidence he woke up after she stabbed him and tried to turn the light on before attempting to escape he was chased through the house managed to open the front door then was dragged back into the hallway where he bled out and died she had stabbed him 37 times then katherine went into town and withdrew a thousand dollars from john's atm ATM account. And then she decided to do some more home decorating.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Okay. With his body? She skinned him. Hung his skin intact in one single piece. Oh, okay. I'm impressive. I know. She worked at the slaughterhouse, you know.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Oh, right, right. She does have her background. Yeah, her knives, her dream job. That takes true skill, oh yeah it was like i don't even know how you could do that precise it's like it's like a lot of those um really precise serial killers are doctors because they have the medical knowledge right right right wow um so she cut his skin off in one intact single piece hung it from a meat hook on the beam of the doorway into the living room wow then she was like i like can't even wipe my mouth without tearing the napkin like how do you get a whole body i'm just stretched into a i was thinking
Starting point is 01:15:19 that too i'm like skin is so i'm like i imagine I don't know how elastic a piece of skin is, but I imagine it's kind of like loose. Because I'm thinking your toes and everything. Like, how? Yeah, how do you like web through each finger to like peel it out the right way? That's so specific. There's a lot of like nooks and crannies on a body. There's a lot of unanswered questions here. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Keep going. I don't think I... What about like his little... His wee-wee? His situation. Yeah, like do you... Do you like... Do you go around it?
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yeah, do you like go hamburger or hot dog way i mean i'm trying to think of like your store the necromancy like i guess they don't include that stuff so she just like ignore that part she's like you have too many details you're like too intricate of a cut of your muscles and your penis oh okay all right no that's that's a good point it is yeah it's, it's interesting. So then she was like, I should make dinner. So she cut off his head and boiled it in a pot on the stove with some vegetables. That's not even the part that you eat. There's like no meat on a face.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Listen. Okay. She cut pieces of his body off and pan fried them. Okay. You know, for some protein makes sense she cooked pieces of his butt with baked potato pumpkin beetroot zucchini cabbage yellow squash and gravy okay also that does sound like a delicious fucking meal if it weren't his butt i mean yeah but you people eat rump from other animals i mean that's from a human i know but if if i were going into this
Starting point is 01:16:45 person's house not knowing she was crazy and offered me dinner and told me oh we're having rump roast with like all these great gravied vegetables i'd be like this sounds like it's gonna be a good night and there's like a penisless skin hanging from the doorway what wow listen i'm like that's the i'm the last person who wants any part of that i mean listen that's why i stopped eating that's why i'm like trying to go vegetarian oh because i'm like again something i didn't know about you that you're deciding to go vegetarian because of some penis skin no because of the rump roast i'm like it's just upsetting i feel like you're you're reading too many true crime stories these days to be able
Starting point is 01:17:21 to eat meat i can't eat meat i like i eat chicken occasionally but i feel guilty about it i had red meat all weekend it's been so great and it's like i that's fine but like for me i can't eat red meat and it's a lot of it's a long story anyway it doesn't matter um then okay so she cooked piece of his butt you know then uh she set two place settings at the dinner table with a place card for each of his two children. Okay. Beside the plates of food. Aww. Well, did they enjoy the meal before they knew what was going on?
Starting point is 01:17:56 They didn't eat it. Oh. She just said it. Oh. I know she, like... She had set them off for a sleepover. That's true. I thought maybe, like, she fed it to them the next day or some shit like that.
Starting point is 01:18:07 She tried, but no. So she. Okay. Okay. Because like, I mean, like sick, but like if someone fed me like you, I'd be like, I would like, okay, if I died and someone fed my body to you, I'd hope you at least enjoyed it. Because like, otherwise that was all for nothing.
Starting point is 01:18:25 But you don't want to, as a, like... I mean, I would hope you wouldn't know what was happening. As an eight-year-old, you're not going to eat your dad. Like, that's so fucked. But did they know? Did they know it was dad? Like, eat this, this is dad. They would know. Especially if the house was covered in fucking...
Starting point is 01:18:42 Oh, like she didn't clean up the house or anything? No, she's Looney Tunes. She, like... Okay, okay okay up until now i thought she like killed him cooked him served him to a shop off his head oh yes but the kids weren't there to know his skin from a hook in the living room and as a child even if you didn't know it was him you'd find out once you knew he was murdered and you became an adult that you ate him for dinner if she didn't want them to know she could have hidden it pretty well no not really she was so looney tunes that she right but if she wanted to if she wasn't looney i don't think she wanted to i think she was just out of control crazy okay whatever okay
Starting point is 01:19:20 it's hard to argue about someone who's bananas. Okay. You shouldn't argue irrationality. So the police found a third meal thrown onto the back lawn for unknown reasons. One of the speculations is that she might have tried to eat it herself but couldn't go through with it. Okay. Then she arranged the body by draping his left arm over an empty soft drink bottle and crossing his legs then she left a note on top of a photograph of john the husband uh it was covered with blood and small pieces of flesh and it read because remember she never learned how to read or write. Good. Time got you back, Jonathan, for wrapping my daughter. Raping my daughter.
Starting point is 01:20:11 That's not something I should laugh about. You to Beck, who's John's daughter, for Ross, for little John. Now play with little John's dick, John Price. It sounds like when Charlie's trying to write something on, it's always something I thought of. It's like, worm hat. She literally spelled daughter D-O-U-T-E-R and wrote rapping instead of raping.
Starting point is 01:20:35 But they investigated, police literally investigated the claims or the accusations. There was no evidence of any of the, anything that she like claimed. Catherine tried to plead guilty to manslaughter which was obviously rejected manslaughter right uh she was charged with murdering him and pled not guilty okay then she abruptly changed her plea to guilty a few days later still unclear why um especially because she still uh claimed she she didn't do it she's not responsible right sure uh during the trial uh the skinning and decapitation were described on the stand
Starting point is 01:21:12 oh wow and katherine became so hysterical she had to be sedated yikes most of the psychiatrists who assessed her supported her lawyer's claims that she suffered from amnesia and dissociation but still considered her sane and said she knew perfectly well what she was doing when she did it that's all that matters i know and two psychiatrists concluded she suffered from borderline personality disorder but supposedly she knew full well what she was doing and um did not get away with any of it wow she was sentenced to life in prison um and her papers were marked with quote never to be released which is the first time uh life imprisonment without parole has been imposed
Starting point is 01:21:51 on a woman in australian history wow um and in june of 2006 katherine appealed the life sentence claiming that her punishment was too severe the judge responded with, quote, this was an appalling crime almost beyond contemplation in a civilized society, and the appeal was dismissed. And she is still in prison. Okay. She cooked his head, tried to feed his own children. Not her. His body. His children.
Starting point is 01:22:28 His ass. His butt. Not even her children. Right. She had a million other children running around. But his children, she set creepy place settings and wrote threatening notes to them and tried to feed them. And then threw one of the plates into the backyard. I mean mean she was
Starting point is 01:22:45 bananas she's bananas she's for sure bananas anyway that was a that was just a weird one that i discovered so on that note wow on that note silence so what's up um i don't know how to come back from that do we have a geo horoscope the weird thing is that now when i google scorpio horoscope it's gonna be her horoscope also oh yeah geo's friend in the astrological sphere oh is he so in love with me? Keep doing what you've been doing. The family members you've been trying to help will finally realize what you've been up to. And believe it or not, you may even hear a thank you or two.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Aww, baby boy. It's not as funny, but. He's so handsome, Christine. My sweet bear. He's such a babe. All right, well, at least we're ending on that instead of, like, ass eating. In one sense of the word. Aw, baby Gio, he's so handsome.
Starting point is 01:23:51 That's why he's there to help you. Oh, my sweet sweet. Honestly, he's there to, like, here's what I think Gio is. Like, he has to be on some level an emotional support animal for this podcast alone. Oh, yeah. He's here to support us. Because the second I'm like, oh, this place is haunted, and you're like, mm, let's rip apart this guy's head and put eyes and scarves.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I'm like, oh, gee. Oh, come over here. Oh, come over here. Anyway, um, the last thing I want to say is I just love everyone who listens to us and supports us. What the hell's wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:24:21 I just love them so much. Christine's been very emotional today. I'm so emotional. I've, like, never seen Christine cry, and she's been on the verge of tears all night. The verge. I don't know what to do. Like, what do you need me? I don't.
Starting point is 01:24:34 What do I do when you're sad? I just call Blaze. He says give her wine. I already. She's drinking wine, and tears are almost out of her face. Wine makes me stop crying, because if so, we really don't know each other. Anyway. Before I forget, we should remind everyone that our next episode will be a listeners episode.
Starting point is 01:24:55 So if you want a chance at having your story in the next episode, you have about two days left to do it. Yeah. Otherwise, the next episode will be July 1 days left to do it yeah um otherwise the next episode will be july 1st holy crap i know that is crazy uh and we're gonna do a fun blooper reel where we uh play the newlywed game that is something we'll do so excited so if you would like to hear the blooper reel uh you have to be a patreon member and you can become one at and that's why we drink dot com. Yes. You can also find us at all of our social media.
Starting point is 01:25:27 H.E.W.W.D. podcast. You can email us to put a listener story in. And even if we don't plan the next one, like we save them all in a folder and we're going through. Yeah. So just because it doesn't make the cut for one month doesn't mean it's disappeared. We have all of them saved. Yes. I don't have it's disappeared. We have all of them saved. Yes. I don't have any other updates.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Listen. Except I can't believe I have to go to work tomorrow. It's bedtime. Okay. Well, until then, I guess you'll hear from us in two days. Yep. And you'll hear from me on Twitter being like, hey. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:04 We're both so tired. We're both so tired tired i just don't want to go to work tomorrow i need to be up in like six hours jesus okay bye guys and that's why we drink and that's why we drink

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