And That's Why We Drink - E177 Gio's Burner Phone and a Very Slow Steamship Tour

Episode Date: June 28, 2020

Yuck... we mean congratulations! This week we're reliving the glory days of our digital child Chremmett (Chremit?) and 4am sleepover madness. Em then covers the Pittsburgh Congelier House, which may o...r may not be debunked but the lore is still alive in everyone's hearts. Then Christine takes us to Ventura, California with the abduction and murder of Sherri Dally. Also, is Hell a lot closer than we think?... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to for free shipping!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hi em hello christine uh this is an this is a new one for the books i think this is a first we keep doing these firsts we keep saying like no everything's normal and like we're not gonna like change up the vibe and every episode, it's like someone has traveled to a different location. We're Geminis. We literally don't do the same thing every week. It's impossible for us. So Christina's back in Ohio. And I am also still in LA. But the wonderful people at cast said that I could come in by myself. And I was like, that sounds way more fun than sitting in my bedroom. So I'm got a taste of that leather chair and was like, Oh baby, I can't go home now. I was like, I gotta, I gotta take this one for the ride for as long as I can. So I'm actually
Starting point is 00:00:52 sitting next to the empty chair that used to be where you sat last week. I hope it's covered in your tears. It is actually, I had to switch chairs cause that one was all wet with my tears. So, um, but no, I, so I'm still here. I wanted to look as beautiful as possible, obviously. So I needed all nine light fixtures again. Um, Christine's home. That's the answer. And I'm here also. Um, I get to be on apparently a big screen that I'm looking at, which is super fun for me personally. There's many spots that Christine is in right now because we were trying to figure out how i can look at the camera while also still interacting with christine's face um this is arguably the one time i thought i wouldn't have to see her face and now there's just
Starting point is 00:01:34 multiples of them um so we've got nice try your little your face is down here on a little screen and it's on a big ass screen over there so i feel like i'm watching just like my big moment. It's like I'm FaceTiming you while you're on a TV show. I'm just like looking at you from both directions. I made it. I made it to the big times, the big leagues. That's what they say around here at Cast Studios. That's what I say in my head all the time. I've made it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I want to say quickly before we start too, I asked Blaze to... I keep talking about this, but I asked Blaze to go get me some Sour Patch and he came home with like the family size. That's a husband right there. Yeah. So I just like have these now on the desk where I record with you. So I think just for the next foreseeable future, this is like my my go to snack. Your go to snack. my go-to snack your go-to snack speaking of uh you you triggered a memory for me with the with the sour patch watermelon because i remembered them scattered across our personal studio when
Starting point is 00:02:33 you came and spent the night here or two nights here oh the the last time that we recorded the last episode you saw was the day after christine surprised me And then later that night, I think, was it later that night that we recorded? Yeah, we went to Cheesecake Factory. Oh, right. We should talk about the Cheesecake Factory. That was way fun. We wouldn't stop talking about it last time,
Starting point is 00:02:53 so why should we stop now? It's like the momentum is going. We can't stop. We had a blast. We shared some avo toast. Very LA. What else? I had my-
Starting point is 00:03:04 I had some cocktails. It was great. It was. i had my my chicken and we both we got like three slices of cheesecake it was a fun time um and then we had a sleepover that night so that's right and eva came it was so fun like a big slumber party it was the first time all three of us like used the the studio that we the apartment that we rent together as like a sleepover spot. So. And it was just filled with candy and wine. So.
Starting point is 00:03:30 We got like 20 Taco Bell tacos. We watched Ghost Adventures. And then we, I don't know, gossiped until we fell asleep in like four in the morning. It was so much fun. Em and I did that fun thing we do where we are in the same room late at night and we can't stop speaking. And so we were on an air mattress till like 4 a.m. Cackling, like cackling like crazy people. Like I was, I think at one point I sobbed.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I was just like so overcome with like joy. You were like cry laughing. I was like, I've never laughed this hard in like the entire year. We woke up the next morning like pretty much still laughing, which was very creepy. Like we were like, remember how funny that was? And then like continued laughing. I actually, my phone, I guess at one point while we were laughing so hard, I'd like almost like kind of butt dialed into my camera.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And so I actually filmed like 12 minutes of us laughing for no reason. That's nightmare fuel that you could accidentally record us. It luckily was all laughter. But even the night before, Allison was like, so are you going to have a sleepover there? Are you going to be coming home? And I was like, look, when you get me, Christy and Eva in a room alone, I can after two tours with them, it's I'm pretty certain i will be up until four in the morning and we probably we might not return we'll see um anyway yeah it was crazy and basically m played the video the next morning and it was like all i could hear through the like cackling sounds was like cram it and i was like oh god help me oh my goodness he thought I was the asshole
Starting point is 00:05:05 you literally don't know what 50 human child looks like I forgot he had teeth and we're like that's a baby he shouldn't have a dog reminder for people who don't know that story christine and i had a baby and she was born and she rejected our baby and i did not she chose a different you did anyway please if you know who crem it is i'm sorry and if you don't know you're probably better off and if you're crem it i'm sorry your mother doesn't love you the best is that we we introduced crem it like the week we started
Starting point is 00:06:04 putting these on youtube and so that was like the worst power you could ever give me because i just started putting pictures of cremate in the video no she started putting pictures of random babies and then she was like this is the one we she still doesn't know what our child looks like that's what the video sounded like. By the way, if you want to make your own baby with someone you love, go to morph This is not an ad,
Starting point is 00:06:30 but by the way, they should sponsor us considering how often we talk about Kremit. Is it called morph thing? That's such a horrifying name. Literally called morph And we made a baby. We made many babies that night in an, in a hotel in New York city,
Starting point is 00:06:44 by the way, it was a, we made a babies that night in an in a hotel in new york city by the way it was a we made a lot of babies um i made one with uh zb it was like me and zach baggins face it had a strong nose it had a strong nose and then on i put it on patreon and i feel like patreon was like what why are you putting this here this is not the bonus content we asked for. But I put it on Patreon. Nobody asked for it. God didn't ask for that. It just happened. So I put it on Patreon. And it's just a video of Em going, like, I'm making a video of me and Zach after many glasses of wine. And I video a morph baby. You kind of froze there for a second. But I'm gonna think that was like, I think that's what the Lord wanted there. froze there for a second, but I'm going to think that was like, I think that's what the Lord wanted there. Shut up. Okay. I have one more line. I see that you're trying to kick me out this
Starting point is 00:07:29 conversation, but I'm going to say one more thing and I will fight through the static and I will fight against the word of God. And I'm going to tell you that I made this baby with ZB and then Em just said what did you say? I said yuck I mean congratulations. Yeah yuck I mean congratulations and that line has just stayed with me. I'm like I'm afraid that if I ever do have a child Em's just going to look at it and go yuck I mean congratulations and I won't be surprised. I'll at least whisper at that time like was was Zach though I mean that was the strongest nose and the strongest jaw I'd ever seen on a fucking newborn
Starting point is 00:08:10 so big eyebrows too it was a really intense baby um okay you can talk now anyway wow for those of you still listening and for those of you who have just finished up figuring out what your baby looks like on morph Um, welcome to another segment of, and that's why we drank by the way, Kremit was why I drank for a solid three weeks. Um, Kremit was why I couldn't drink. Cause he was my bun in the oven. Oh no. Okay. It's just terrible. Um, so anyway, how, how has Ohio been since you've been back real quick? Oh, it's been great. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I'm just eating a lot of candy and trying to stay indoors. And I found Gio a new doggie daycare place, so he's been going there. Is he socializing well? Is he getting used to the house all right? Yeah. He loves the house. Junie loves the house. So there are painters here painting, and I just had like a miniature meltdown because
Starting point is 00:09:04 I picked all these nice shades of gray and then everything turned blue which is apparently a thing that happens but i like cried a little bit about it because i was like well i just paid several thousand dollars and now everything's blue oh boy but it was yellow before so it's better than nothing um that's true so gia's at daycare and they keep sending little report cards with like which friends he played with that day. It's the sweetest thing. What is what's like the best report card you've gotten so far? What's his like cutest update?
Starting point is 00:09:32 Blaze and I can like read between the lines because it'll say like today I was very sweet and quiet. And I'm like, OK, so he hid in the corner like underneath the table. Like who are his favorite? Like today I played with the following friends and it's like Marissaissa and i'm like okay marissa is like the employee so marissa is definitely a human he's having a good time but he misses you m look i know we text i know um he we have we have a code an sos code in case it becomes too much and he ever needs me to take him away from you. It's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I don't doubt it. I see him typing the little bubble sometimes and then they disappear. So I think he's like on the verge. And like mom walks in the room and he's like, damn it. He hides his burner phone that I mailed him. Yeah. Anyway, so getting to spooky things. The story that I am covering this week is something that was requested back during Christmas. And this has been on my list ever since then.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And it's interesting because it's like from what I've been able to read, it's known. I guess it's more of a lore than a haunted house even though it's like explicitly a haunted house but everyone knows that it's fake but everyone still goes with the stories it's like i guess an urban legend it's in pittsburgh it is called it's got a couple names it's called the congelier house it's also called the haunted house on ridge avenue and it's called the Haunted House on Ridge Avenue, and it's called The House That the Devil Built. So it's got multiple names, and everyone in Pittsburgh is like, oh, yeah, that house is haunted. And then they're like, it's really not. But we just all say it's haunted.
Starting point is 00:11:15 It's very weird. It's a weird situation here. So it seems like this house has five different chunks to it for it's like the different legends that people hear or the different stories people tell about it. There's five different plot point plot points, I guess. But all of them have like heavily be been debunked and like everyone knows it. And they're just like, OK, yeah, but like we just tell people that's what happened. So I think it's kind of more of a rite of passage as a teenager that you like go up to the spooky house or something like that.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Listen, I'm of the belief that if you put energy into something, it will reflect that energy. So I don't know. Maybe it is haunted because everyone is acting like it's haunted. It probably is now like an accidental vortex of energy. Right? Like people are like creating some, I don't know. acting like it's it probably is now like an accidental vortex of energy right like people are like creating some i don't know if enough people interested in spirits who probably have spirits somewhat attached to them going to this place someone's bound to hang out there a little
Starting point is 00:12:16 longer than they should i think i'm saying all right so anyway here is the congelure house, haunted house on Ridge Avenue and the house that the devil built. So it's known as the most haunted hoax in America. It's in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And it is it was first mentioned in the book Haunted Houses by Richard Weiner and Nancy Osborne. And so we jump right into the story here. This is basically kind of different than what I usually do because I'm just straight up debunking every storyline in this the whole time. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:55 But it was it's good. And I'm sure people in Pittsburgh are going to like the story. So maybe I can re-bunk it. OK, wait a minute. Everything I say is a lie. I should have done this on April Fool's Day and really messed with people. Oh. Too late.
Starting point is 00:13:08 It's June. So the first part of the story, or I guess where people usually start when they tell this urban legend, is that the house started with a family called the Conjoliers. The husband's name was Charles Wright Conjolier. And he made a fortune in Texas. And then he ended up moving from Texas after the Civil War with his wife named Lyda, L-Y-D-A, Lyda. And I guess they had a servant named Essie. And so they decided that they were going to leave Texas and they took a like steamer boat down the river and ended up in Pittsburgh. And they were like, this will do. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 As you do, just take a never ending boat ride. That's like our tour. With all of your stuff. Steam ship. Wait a minute. Let's do a steam ship tour next time. Let's just do that. And just ride down the river and just talk about ghosts everywhere we go.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Like really slowly. Like almost like it's not moving at all. So the boat docked in Pittsburgh, and Charles Conjolier and his wife were like, this looks like a good place. Let's just unpack here. And so they ended up building this house. This was in the 1860s. They ended up building the Conjolier House, which was at 1129 Ridge Avenue.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And it was one of the finest houses in the area. It was known for social gatherings and elite parties. And he became a pillar of the community. And he did not become a killer, but he became a pillar at the very least. And then, and again, that was, he built the house in the 60s and it was called 1122 ridge avenue um only a couple years later i guess congelier and the servant essie started having an affair um or that's how the story goes at least and one day lyda found out about it she was calling for essie and essie wasn't um guess, responding to her calls or she wasn't anywhere to be found.
Starting point is 00:15:09 So Lida started looking for her and heard some very interesting rambunctious sounds in their bedroom. And so she goes down to the kitchen in a passionate rage and grabs a butcher knife and a cleaver and she goes upstairs and she stabs her husband 30 times oh so oh my god so she's the killer the pillar married the killer this time that's a twist though that's the one i've been looking for this whole time so then apparent it's alleged that she also then probably killed Essie as well. And days later, these are like socialites in the area and nobody had heard from them. So one of their friends went to go knock on the door and just check in on them. And this is where it gets very urban mythy where you kind of just whoever's telling the story gets really into it and is like
Starting point is 00:16:04 knocked on the door and didn't hear anything but heard heard just one creak in a room and like you just kind of like get real you know finesse it yeah really zhuzh it up and uh the story the basic plot points are that the friend knocks on the door doesn doesn't hear anything, goes in, hears this weird creaking and starts following it and asking if anyone's home and doesn't hear anyone saying anything, but keeps hearing this creaking and eventually goes into one of the back rooms and sees Lida in a rocking chair and just rocking in the chair, not responding to him. And he basically says like, are you okay? okay what's going on and she's not even looking at him she's just staring out the windows rocking and holding what looks like
Starting point is 00:16:51 a baby like a little pink bundle and because she's not responding he's like waving his hand in front of her face and nothing so she he puts his arms in and tries to grab the bundle out from her and realizes it's covered in blood. Freaks out, drops it and out rolls Essie's head. And that's like one of the big like urban legends of like someone was beheaded there. Oh, boy. So that's the first part of this. So let's let's break that down, aka totally debunk it. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I thought at least this part, I mean, not that I'm happy anyone was killed, but I was like, that is quite a tale. I should have known you were going to debunk it. Too tall of a tale for me. I'm going to shorten it. Yeah, it's pretty damn tall. First of all, no one named Charles Wright Conjelier ever existed. There's no records of him or his wife, Lida.
Starting point is 00:17:43 At all? At all. existed. There's no records of him or his wife Lida at all. There was a Charles Springer that lived a couple houses down at a different time. That's like the only there's a Charles at some point. Why would they come up with that? If you're making up a story, make it like John Smith. Like why would you make it the most confusing name ever? So there is a reason for that. I'm glad you asked. So there is no record of a Charles Wright congolier or a Lida congolier, and there's no record of either people by those name at any point living in Pittsburgh. There's also no record of a murder ever happening in this house. And also, like, if it's a socialite who murdered her husband and, beheaded his mistress that would have made like
Starting point is 00:18:25 the front page of the news so like you'd think so unless they have like some other really wild shit going on where they're like that was too tame to talk about i don't know it's pittsburgh so they've got uh there's like no news reports of this no crime reports of this um the house was also described as a mansion because he was a very rich socialite. But the house was like kind of a middle class house in a neighborhood where there weren't a lot of rich people. So it doesn't really make sense geographically that that would have ever been a mansion to begin with. I see. And also the house that stood there for a long time.
Starting point is 00:19:03 So just spoiling this for everyone, the spot is no longer a house. It's actually like part of like a highway or something. But when the house stood there, it was never a mansion. It was kind of a smaller house. And it wasn't built until the 1880s. And the story goes that they built it in the 1860s. Oh, damn. Also at the time, the address was different. Oh, damn. Also, the only death around this time that had ever happened in the house was in the 1890s, which was 30 years later when a tenant was living there.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So it was never actually owned by the congelier family. So you were asking how come they use such a complicated name. So the congoliers actually do exist. exist and the argument could be made that it's called the congelier house now because one of the most recent families that live there were the congoliers and it just kind of got known as that so they were like we didn't ask to get sucked into this ridiculous story yeah it's like it's like if my like you living in the house that you're in that's like crazy haunted but now it's called the sheifer house and it's like oh i actually I'm really on board with that I would actually prefer that we start doing that now okay so maybe the congoliers felt the same actually wait a minute maybe they embraced it
Starting point is 00:20:31 yeah they were like you're damn right the congolier house was haunted so um basically it was actually their original name the family was not called the congoliers they were originally called the cancelliers but it's um they're italian they're from sicily and their name kept getting misspelled just in general but also it was being published wrong in newspapers and things like that so they ended up changing it to congolier when they moved here it'll just be easier to like fuck up our own name it'll be easier to have an equally complicated name yeah so um anyway so they ended up changing it so they were originally the cancelliers and they did move into the house in the 1920s but um so by that point they were known as the congoliers and all this lore had already happened around the house so that's probably how it got the name congure house um it was built um in 1886 by john jacob lawrence so a lot
Starting point is 00:21:28 of people say oh well no the congelure built this house no it was john jacob lawrence in the 1880s um and a lot of people can't actually find records of even the husband of the canceller family owning this house in the 20s but it was because he was actually part of organized crime. And so he left the house in his wife's name, which was something that they did pretty regularly, I guess, to avoid the property being seized by law enforcement. So people also argue, well, the cancellers aren't a real family either because their names aren't on any records, but his wife is if you look for it i see okay so that was a lot of debunking basically that story just did not ever fucking happen the second part to this is that in 1892 so this was um realistically this was i guess eight no
Starting point is 00:22:23 six years after the house had actually been built in the real world. So the house is six years old. And in 1892, the house was turned into apartments for nearby railroad workers. And that being said, even though the story I just told wasn't accurate, people do still swear that they're hearing some weird shit and experiencing some creepy stuff in this house. And so it could have been, you know, the stories that were already being passed on at that time, or maybe there really was something going on there. But the railroad workers say that they would hear blood-curdling screams. They would see an apparition of a woman walking through the halls and crying in empty rooms.
Starting point is 00:23:07 They also saw black shadows. They would hear growling from the walls. They would get pushed. They would see weird orbs and lights, and they would smell really gross smells. Apparently, others have also heard a woman rocking in a chair and humming lullabies which sounds like goodbye sounds like what uh lyda congelier was doing so that kind of head to the head so it sounds kind of like that story at least already existed by this point and it was only like like 1892 so that's so weird yeah so that story is arguably the oldest and people are still like seeing the aftershock
Starting point is 00:23:47 of that i guess of hearing a woman humming um so after it was just so scary um for them to be for them to be living there they all just moved out they were like we would rather just not live here or work as a railroad worker so they ended up um abandoning the house and then two years later in 1901 um dr adolf brun richter brun reichter r-i-c-h-t-e-r reichter richter yeah richter richter okay sounds german so i'm just trusting you sometimes m looks at the monitor and so i think they're looking at someone else but apparently it's my face on the monitor so I just like stare back like waiting for whoever I was talking I want the biggest part of your wisdom I'm just like tell me everything uh no but so it sounds German so Brun Richter it well so does Adolf so yeah I think you hit the nail on the head with that one
Starting point is 00:24:39 okay I didn't want to assume anything but yeah that, that sounds about right to me. No, you're in the right. So 1901, so Dr. Adolf Brunn Richter, he ended up moving in after the house had been abandoned for two years by the railroad workers. So he apparently, they knew right away when he bought this house, he just seemed off to people. Oh boy. He was kind of a weirdo. He kept to himself. He stayed in the house. He didn't socialize with people. Oh, boy. He was kind of a weirdo. He kept to himself. He stayed in the house.
Starting point is 00:25:08 He didn't socialize with people. And then one day the neighbors called the police because they saw this massive red flash from inside the house. And then everyone's like furniture shook, windows shattered. You could hear screaming in there. So it was some sort of explosion happened inside the house and then everyone's like furniture shook windows shattered you could hear screaming in there so it was some sort of explosion happened inside the house so they apparently it smelled like ozone sidewalks cracked and furniture and other people's houses shook so people thought there was some sort of earthquake and that was just like ground zero um and so uh the police and the fire department ended up going to find him in this house and they never found him.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But they did find a decomposing woman's body on the bed. Sorry. Her head was also missing. No. So don't worry. They found it very quickly in another room. um so don't worry they found it very quickly in another room um and apparently there were four to five other women's bodies that they found either there's some stories saying that the bodies were buried under the floor and they had to find them that way or that there were graves already made
Starting point is 00:26:18 for them near the house or that the bodies were just like in another fucking room but um basically they found several beheaded women in this house nah don't love that and after looking a little further they found out that the electrical explosion that happened might have been one of his um experiments because they found out that he was experimenting. He was trying to prolong life by beheading people and then trying to sustain them and keep them alive. So in one of his accidents, I guess the house exploded and he took off and they never found him. Tell me this is one of your fake ones.
Starting point is 00:27:03 So this is one of the fake ones. Oh, thank God. them tell me this is one of your fake ones so this is one of the fake ones oh thank god so this is a big story though of like you know how easy would it be if someone new moved to pittsburgh and was like oh you know they found like five beheaded like bodies in there after another woman was beheaded in there so i think that also could have been where the first story was inspired because maybe this story one of one of the stories probably inspired the other because like why else would there be two beheaded women stories yeah they're very connected so this one could be like the new it like updated revamped version of the congeler what year was this second one this one was 19. So this was supposedly only like 40 years later.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Okay. But six beheaded women in 40 years in the same house is a lot of beheaded women. Statistically, I think that's pretty high. That's pretty high. I've only had like three at my place. Ugh, lucky. So apparently there is an additional story. There's like a caveat that's still fake, that apparently police later ended up finding Adolf and he was homeless and they arrested him for drunken public. And he ended up admitting everything to them.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And he was like, oh, yeah, I'm the guy that used to live there. That's how they got this whole story of I was trying to prolong life. And then they were like, we don't have enough evidence. And they only put him in jail for like a year. And then no one ever heard of him again. And we also know that that's fake because there's no record of this man existing ever. So there's no arrest. Oh, so not even the homeless guy.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah, there's no arrest report of that happening later on in life anyway. What? But so anyway, there was never, the house was never purchased by an Adolf Braunrichter. There's no record of that man existing at all. There's no papers that apparently when he was found in the 1920s and he was like, I'm Adolf, this happened. They wrote a newspaper article about it called the Pittsburgh Spook Man. But that news article has never been found. So that's hard to believe too.
Starting point is 00:29:13 There's no mention of the explosion or beheaded women in any of the news reports. Again, that would have been frontline, a frontline paper. Frontline, front page. I'm so stupid. stupid i went right with it i heard it and it felt right if the front line is the flea and tick medication oh right yes that sounds right that sounds more right um definitely not you're not going to find that story on the back of some flea medication i mean you might these days you You never know. That would be a fun. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:29:45 okay. Sorry. I was about to get into branding. There's also no record. There's no record of anyone named Adolph living on Ridge Avenue. So people thought maybe he changed his last name, but that's not the case. And there's, again, no arrest report of Brunrichter's arrest in New York in in the 20s so all of that is fake um the third part is kind of a shorter story which is that the house then became abandoned and gained even more of a reputation for being so wildly haunted um i guess a lot of people this was during the 1920s so this was during the spiritualist movement a lot of people in psychics and mediums were all interested in visiting the house. So it kind of just built up its notoriety. Actually, Thomas Edison in 1920 is said to have visited the house and he felt some really weird stuff. And nobody knows much more detail than
Starting point is 00:30:37 that, except for whatever he did experience inspired him to create his spirit phone, which was one of his like failed inventions that he never got to finish. But he did, it is known that he tried to make equipment that helps you connect or communicate with the dead. So the running rumor is that this house is what inspired his interest in that. So, and there's one medium, I don't know if she was a regular medium that visited or
Starting point is 00:31:06 if she owned the house for a little bit because it was abandoned at times. And then in the times where it was occupied, it was trading hands a lot. But Julia Murray either visited a lot or lived there at one point. And she said that she felt spirits around her that were powerful enough to throw objects by themselves and they had the potential to kill and they also had the potential to travel outside the house so they would follow you oh casual um and also uh apparently thomas edison uh reportedly worked on this spirit phone until he died but no one's ever really seen a prototype of it or it's not really well known. And the story to this is that all of that could be true,
Starting point is 00:31:53 but there's very little evidence of a Julia Murray even existing. And there is no record of Edison visiting this house, which again, if like a famous inventor was coming to the town, you would have seen it in the paper. So yeah, a lot of this is probably a lot of this is dependent on the fact that like there were really shitty journalists at that time or this just didn't happen. So like, damn, it's one of those two things like someone did not know like how to write a story or the story just never existed. Or the story just never existed. So the fourth section of this, the fourth of five, is that in 1925, after it had been abandoned for a little bit, nearby was a gas company called the Equitable Gas Company, the EGC.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And it was only a few blocks away. And they were in the middle of building this massive storage complex for natural gas. And to cut costs, originally there were American workers there. They relieved all of them to then hire on Italian immigrants. And apparently, they then reused this house as apartments again. So just like how the railroad workers were living there, were boarding there, these Italian immigrants were living there while they were working at the gas company. And again, the workers immediately felt some really weird stuff, but it was explained away by the landlord and their boss
Starting point is 00:33:12 that it was just the American workers who had gotten fired. They were pissed off, so they were pranking the new employees who were going to have to live there so that they would quit. It's a really weird stretch, but. Yeah, it seems like they had a lot of energy and time on their hands to be pulling that off, but okay. Basically, it was like, oh, no, you're being pranked by people who got fired before you, but who never lived here. So. Oh, yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It makes no sense. But it was their way of explaining it away and then one day basically they ignored it as long as they could all these footsteps and screams and shadows they ignored it as long as they could until one day there was like a dozen of them all sitting at a table together and two of them are brothers and one of them got up to like clear the dishes for everyone and went into the kitchen and you could hear him talking to you like from the kitchen. They were having kind of a back and forth with him. And then they realized at one point that he never came back into the room.
Starting point is 00:34:11 So his brother gets up to go into the kitchen and check on him. And all of a sudden you hear the brother screaming. And so everyone else in the dining room runs over to see what's happened. And the basement door, which is right next to the kitchen, the basement door is open. And neither of the brothers are there anymore. And they go downstairs and they see that one of them has hanged himself from the ceiling beam. And the other one has a huge wooden plank through his chest and out the other side. Within minutes of having just talked to both of them.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Oh, Lord. And basically, then the group of men obviously freaked out, but they couldn't even get up the stairs because they felt unseen forces shoving them around. They felt cold breeze. They heard footsteps and laughter, and they saw the door slam in the basement by itself. Oh, no. And then they finally got upstairs. They called the police, and the police considered it both deaths accidental because they think that there was a, I guess, one of the steps down to the basement.
Starting point is 00:35:18 They must have had something where they, brother number one tripped on it, and then his neck got caught in wiring on the way down falling down the stairs the second brother probably saw his brother down there also tripped on the same thing and he just landed on a loose piece of lumber that went through him oh my god so they think it was accidental um but basically that story also doesn't really seem to hold any real weight um apparently in the 1920s the egc did lay off american workers and replace them with italian immigrants but there's no record of any accidental deaths at that location while the immigrants were staying there so which again like a death that wild and at this point a notoriously haunted house would have been
Starting point is 00:36:07 in the news also they probably would have looked into murder if that were if they stumbled upon the scene and they were like oh this was an accident it was an accident that five minutes ago you were talking to both of them and now they've both had incredibly awful deaths. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, it's, that doesn't seem to hold any, um, real truth either. Um, just because like someone would have had proof of that or there would be some record of it. Um, two years later, the same company, the EGC, there were, um, 16 and remember this was only like a couple of blocks away this is why the the workers were staying there um but 16 of the workers at the egc were on the roof of the company because apparently they were fixing a gas leak i remember this is a natural gas storage complex so if
Starting point is 00:36:57 there's a gas leak in this massive building in town it's a big problem um so unfortunately they didn't fix it and not only that tank but two other tanks nearby all exploded um throughout the town um all 16 of those men were like hurled off the roof of the building um and then there were windows were blowing out buildings were shaking from like 20 miles away apparently um trains had been knocked over like it was so heavy trains got knocked over buildings and homes were destroyed and people were buried under the rubble even those who were trying to rescue everybody um neighborhoods were flooded from broken main lines and there were hundreds left homeless at least 24 to 28 people were killed and over 600 people were injured um sadly i don't know how exaggerated that is but for the most part that is all true that story is all fucking true
Starting point is 00:37:53 so like into the fact that these were all all these deaths were not true oh boy there are there are news clippings saying like 24 dead or 24 dead, 500 injured, 28 dead, 600 injured. So that's so sad. Unfortunately, that's true. Um, but the lore about that story still surrounds 1129 Ridge Avenue because it
Starting point is 00:38:15 was only a couple of blocks away. And the story goes that all of the homes in the neighborhood surrounding this house were totally fine except for the fact that like maybe there was a little structural damage but like nothing really bad um but that one house specifically even though it was surrounded by houses that were fine that house literally fucking disappeared like there was a all that was left was a massive like 100 foot crater like a crater hole like a hole like a crater hole as if the whole house had been dragged down and a lot of people um telling the lore say it got
Starting point is 00:38:52 dragged down to hell by the devil himself so he didn't do a very good job he did only only like 80 feet down to the ground is how far hell goes apparently maybe hell's a lot closer than we think and that wouldn't surprise me i suppose actually you saying that i feel like i should feel shocked and yet i'm not right but so basically there was the story goes that after that explosion um the house just vanished and the house was intentionally forgotten about because nobody went to rebuild a demonic house after all of the stories over all the decades. And after that, the house became a highway expansion. They just like paved on top of it because they wanted to ignore it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 The real story is that that house actually never got pulled underground by the devil. I don't know if that shocks you. But it only suffered minor damage. It had like some windows that were broken. What is wrong with people just like forcing these weird stories out of this house? Can you imagine being in that house where like you just are never, like it probably never wanted to come back either. It was like, leave me alone, boys. It was like, please suck me into the ground.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Every 10 years, it's like, what are people going to say about me next? So actually a descendant of the Conjolier family, remember it was originally the Cancelier family. At this point, they're actually the Conjolier family. So one descendant named Robert, he said that the house was actually around for years after that explosion. So one descendant named Robert, he said that the house was actually around for years after that explosion. Interestingly enough, during the explosion, so it's kind of a full circle and kind of this weird, like, fucked up poetic storyline here. So all the stories started with this congolier house and, like, nothing but tragedy afterwards. But an actual member from the congelier family did pass away because of the explosion nearby oh no she was our age her name was marie in the stories but
Starting point is 00:40:53 apparently she actually was mary but in the stories it's just kind of morphed into marie and um some glass that had exploded from somewhere flew past her and it ended up severing an artery and so she bled out on the way to the hospital very tragic that alone is pretty awful um and since she was so people think that since she a congeleer actually did die only a couple blocks away from the house that is where the congolier story happened or the origin of the congolier i see lore because up until the 20s maybe there was a family that lived there in the 1800s and there was this lore already of someone being beheaded there but they just kind of heard the congolier name and then they were like okay let's just add that name to it you know
Starting point is 00:41:42 to be honest like they can't even spell Mary right or Marie right, and they can't spell chandelier or whatever the hell their name was. So, I mean, at this point, I don't trust them to write any story correctly. Yeah, exactly. So basically because that is one confirmed death with that actual last name, and she was a descendant of the Cancelliers, who at one point did own the house. Right, right, right, right. So I think, yeah, because her family at one point owned the house in the 20s when it kept being handed off in between people.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So I think it was like, okay, well, several generations have lived in this house. And one of them did die in this. And they were attached somehow to this allegedly haunted place. Let's just call it the Conjolier House. So basically it ends with people have circulated rumors around the Conjoliers for away, and it was just a gas explosion that had nothing to do with this house, because there's that small section where a congeleer is involved in both of these stories, it gets attached to the lore of the haunted house on Ridge Avenue, especially because several mediums in the 20s said that the house was so evil and the spirits
Starting point is 00:43:03 could travel away that they could curse other buildings in theory, and that house was so evil and the spirits could travel away that they could curse other buildings in theory and that building was so close that maybe its explosion was caused by one of the ghosts at the congelier house it was a very goodness quite a stretch but yes anyway this is probably the only time i will say this but i have a hunch that all of the lore around the congelier house is not correct either way. Um, I wanted to cover it. So that was the story of the congelier house slash the haunted house on Ridge Avenue slash the house that the devil built or not built. I mean, slash the chandelier house slash the chandelier. I, uh, I love a good urban legend, so that was still fun. Well, there you go. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And honestly, it was nice to hear that not all of these people were beheaded and murdered, just like some of them. Yeah, all the people who didn't die were beheaded in stories, and the people who did die actually had an arguably equally tragic death. Yeah, like really gruesome and awful. Yeah, that's true. At least of like the 10 deaths that we heard about, at at least only one of them was true i wish zero were no at least it wasn't 10 yeah like at least nine of them didn't end up coming to fruition right i guess that's one way
Starting point is 00:44:17 to look at it it's one really awful way to look at it but i can't think of a good way so anyway well thank you m that was I'd never heard of it before and I I like Pittsburgh which is a controversial opinion as a Cincinnatian but um I we went there for a tour I know remember the time we had a show in Pittsburgh you remember what you did on stage I don't think it was smart Blaze is still not a fan of what I did I wore a Steelers jersey on stage and of course everyone freaked out especially a lot of the dudes who were there who later said that their significant other had dragged them there and we get a lot of drag along sometimes and they were like oh yeah Steelers and then I took that off uh not in like a I took it off and then there was a Bengals jersey underneath and that really didn't, didn't get anyone fired up. Um, and I stood there and I smiled the whole time cause I don't
Starting point is 00:45:10 understand football. So I was like, I was just like, I really didn't want to be a part of this. I was like, I think everyone hates you now, Christine, at least you made me look good today. So I remember that. All the drag alongs were like, I don't know who that is but i like that one better that was fun though and i remember we stayed in this really cool like like hipster hotel that was very like industrial and i just thought it was so cool it was like in an old high school and they had like a high school gym it was so cool um oh yeah wait yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait um and then there there's that damn marathon going on and so we had to like walk we had to park i knew i hated this story i was like i was like yeah i do remember loving it why do i hate it
Starting point is 00:45:57 though and then you said that yeah we parked like a mile away and then had to walk to the car at like five in the morning no what christina is not saying is that for the people who literally came to town to talk about true crime and how you should be like on your toes at all points we literally walked through like this old scary ass park in the middle of the night of in pittsburgh that was my idea i'm sorry with all of our expensive shit by the way i was like was like, we are going to get so fucking robbed. I was like, I don't even know where we are. This could be a safe spot or not.
Starting point is 00:46:29 But it's dark. I'm scared. It's the middle of the night. And I hate you, Christine. And when we say expensive shit, I don't know what Emma's talking about. Except that all our Gucci accessories we were wearing. Oh, right. This wasn't our current tour.
Starting point is 00:46:44 This was just like our laptops. Oh, yes. OK wasn't our current tour. This was just like our laptops. Oh, yes. Okay. I was like, what? Expensive shit. I was like, I don't know about you. Our new tour, by the way, comes with some pretty expensive stuff that we carry around. I thought you meant like my Steelers jersey. I was like, yeah, no, that was from Amazon. No, no, no, no. Anything Christine brought, please just rob her. Just rob her Steelers jersey. No, so we, yeah, we yeah there was no thank god no giant suitcase of equipment this that time but we were walking in to the hotel and i was like well here's a shortcut and i was like i don't think that's a good idea and i was like well it's fine and it was uphill
Starting point is 00:47:15 i was over it i was like i literally literally an abandoned playground at like 11 30 at night and you were like i don't want to do this. If I've ever wanted to commit a murder, it's exactly right now. And it's so mad at me. Oh, my God. I was so I love anyway. OK, well, I'm going to come your way. And my story is in Ventura County, California. Hey, OK. I don't know why I'm excited about that. I too far from you. I don't know. Because it's like I'm coming right back to you in your leather chair. Finally. If only. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:49 So this is the story of the abduction and murder, sorry, spoilers, of Sherry Dally. Okay. Dun, dun, dun. Sherry who? Dally. Dally, okay. Like Dilly Dally? Dilly, you mean the thing I do all the goddamn time?
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yes. Got it. Yes. Got it. Except for that time we were in the playground and you were like, we're not dilly dallying today. This is not the time for that. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Me and my Gucci belt need to get back to the hotel. It's like our expensive. What are you talking about? Look, I'm used to now. My job when we travel now is to carry like all the suitcases full of equipment and so like i'm very aware of all the stuff that we have you are and like the equipment like we need for every show so it's like you i don't know why that became my job but like chris well it's probably because i travel because you you took the job listen no one forced
Starting point is 00:48:39 it upon you okay that's probably true but i definitely am the one you were the one who purchased it and was like i want to take care and you literally told me I was not good at using it and so it's your job okay we're not gonna get into this today but like let's stay on zoom after this recording to chat okay that's fair that's fair uh yes people are at cast are like but you have to go home first m I don't want to be part of this but also please actually please don't rob us like now especially now like maybe a year ago in Pittsburgh, it would have been OK. But now, please don't. Yeah. And the things that we have that are expensive are not things anyone wants. So don't worry about it. Absolutely. OK. OK, so we are going back to 1996.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Love it. This is in Ventura County, Californiaia which is pretty close to la yes um around 7 a.m sherry dally who is a 35 year old mother of two leaves her and her husband's family home in ventura county to run some errands so first uh as always she drops her kids off at school and drives her van over to the local target to get a Mother's Day gift. Okay. Inside the store, she has a short conversation with a friend who is also actually the head of security there. And then shops and makes her purchases and leaves the store. According to the closed circuit TV, she leaves the store around 930 and heads into the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:50:03 She leaves the store around 930 and heads into the parking lot. Out there, witnesses later testified that a blonde woman in a tan suit walked up to her, identified herself as a police officer, told Sherry that she was under arrest because they had found drugs in her home. Then Sherry put her wrist behind her back and the blonde detective put her in the backseat of a teal Nissan and they drove away with Sherry in the backseat. What? This is the opening montage of this story. What a montage. Okay. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:50:36 I mean, and then the teal Nissan. It's like you think you can't get any wilder. At first I was confused about the tan suit and then I was like, I'm sure Mariska Hargitay has worn something like that at some point. So I excused that immediately. And then you threw the teal Nissan at me. And I was like, okay, at that point, I would have asked to see a badge. I would have had some questions, right? Hold on. I'll get in it. Like you're literally already in handcuffs. So you're like, I was like, you already you look like Mariska. I get it. But like, I'm gonna need some more proof like full respect honestly but yeah i just need a little more okay i got it so around 3 30 p.m that day so that was early in the morning like 9 30 around 3 30 p.m that day sherry's husband michael dally called the school from his
Starting point is 00:51:17 job at vaughn's supermarket where he was a manager to see if his boys had been picked up from school the school office manager says yes, and Michael responds, really? And then the secretary corrects herself and says, oh, wait, no, sorry. You're right. They haven't been picked up. So Michael goes to pick the boys up at home and then heads home to see if Sherry's there, and she is not home yet. So at 4 p.m., Michael calls police and is like, hey, my wife is missing.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And they're like, well, you need to wait 72 hours to file a report because sherry is an adult she seems psychologically sound but michael starts freaking out he calls friends and family to look for sherry and as they're searching they find sherry's unlocked van in the target parking lot where she had been earlier that day okay they find her keys in the ignition her driver's license is attached to the key chain and her purses are in the back seat sorry her purchases are in the back seat i was like her purses oh maybe she's walking around with some expensive gucci going on i mean she might be carrying all of our weird laptops and equipment or all of our stage equipment for sure that's true yeah oh no one even knows it's all there in the back seat um so all her purchases are in the back seat and michael
Starting point is 00:52:33 tells the security guard the target security guard that sherry has been quote nabbed nabbed a weird yeah is that like a weird is that slang for kidnapped i think so like oh someone nabbed her right sure i mean if someone said it i would understand it but now that we're isolating the word i'm like why it's really weird when you put it around quotes yeah it makes it seem really strange that's true so obviously now they have this car and they call you know they inform the police and the police see this abandoned vehicle and are like, oh, this might actually be a missing persons case. There's no reason why this car would be abandoned with all her stuff in it, including ID. So then they start investigating.
Starting point is 00:53:18 So witnesses from the Target parking lot immediately tell investigators, hey, by the way, there was this blonde chick in a tan suit who appeared to be a cop and arrest sherry this morning and another witness is like there was also a teal nissan and that witness was m who was like that was me being like off i was like that one that was too colorful to to not be mentioned that one that's a weird one mariska just waltzed right in like it was her goddamn nissan, Mariska does not drive a teal car. We all know that. We all know it would be like a black Tesla because that's what she's worth. It would be, and it's because she wants to save the planet and doesn't want to use gasoline.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I bet you. That's exactly it. So another witness is like, yeah, so here's teal nissan and it had rental plates on it like uh like it was from a rental place um police are like okay so all these witnesses literally broad daylight saw sherry get arrested by this woman so they're like okay let's call all the local law enforcement agencies um to see who arrested her. Big shock. There is no report of Sherry being arrested by anyone in town. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And so this seems to be a missing, not a missing persons case anymore, but an abduction. A nabbing. And she, yes, she was nabbed. Exactly. So when investigators look into into so first, obviously, husband is always the first one they look at. Not always, but mostly. And so when investigators like look into their marriage, they notice a few red flags pretty much right off the bat. So I'm going to tell you about these two real quick. So Sher dally michael dally so the way that um sherry's
Starting point is 00:55:06 grandmother clarice clarice clarice i don't know clarice it's spelled c-l-a-r-i-s so i guess it's oh okay right it's kind of weird but anyway you threw me for a second i felt smarter than you and then i was like oh i don't know anymore i just i just wanted to put the spelling out just so anyone could you know tell me what it's at. Sure. But I think you're probably right. You're probably right.
Starting point is 00:55:28 So Clarice told the LA Times of Sherry and Michael, quote, she never looked at another boy after she met Mike. He was the one person in her life, her one and only love. Oh, so sweet. So, so sweet. So Sherry and Michael, they grew up together in ventura county and actually began dating in high school um when sherry was a junior and michael was a senior they were both popular but michael was more like of the outgoing and charming type
Starting point is 00:55:55 and sherry was more into like i don't know outdoor or outdoorsy activities like a 4-h club and something called Pioneer Girls. Hey, yo. Wait a minute. Is that our band name? Hang on a second. Hold on, everybody. Girls with a Z, obviously. I'm loving it.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Pi is a Pi icon, just like an apple pie. And then Onear. Yeah. Our first album is called Nabbed. We want to add a little bit of like- featuring uh mariska hargitay yeah we wanted to be like a tiny bit badass yeah exactly um so she was more like that kind of gal um the couple married after high school in 1982 and they both worked at vaughn's supermarket in oxnard california and in 88 shara gave birth to their birth to their first son whose name was devon
Starting point is 00:56:45 and at this point she left vaughn's to open a home daycare center with a friend named Debbie. So in 1990, which is two years later, Sherry and Michael have another child, a son named Max. And around this time, perhaps earlier, Michael begins cheating on Sherry regularly, sometimes with sex workers sometimes not he often used cocaine despite the family living paycheck to paycheck so yikes kind of taking money away from the family and what they needed and using it to buy drugs um and the weird i mean to me a little bit weird part is that friends and family said that michael's infidelities and like his wild side were he did not even try to keep them discreet at all. Oh, you just like just open about it. Huh?
Starting point is 00:57:32 OK. Yeah. So he starts seeing this woman named Sally Lowe pretty frequently. And meanwhile, Sherry is like trying her best. It's just so sad. She's trying her best to like be a doting wife and mother, just trying to like you know be good to the kids and make make it work bye exactly make it work and make sure the kids are like happy and healthy um basically her whole life is focused on family meanwhile michael despite his like indiscretions is promoted to manager at Vaughn's. And, uh, I guess now he, now that he's hit the
Starting point is 00:58:05 big leagues, he's, um, becoming an even worse person at home. Um, Sally and Michael, uh, so Sally's the girlfriend. Okay. Sally and Michael broke up in 1993. And, uh, in that, that same year in December, a woman named Diana Hahn, who's 32 applies for a job at Vons and Michael the manager hires her now Diana is a former model uh who had some early success in print work and her career never really took off uh so she kind of she worked at uh the Vons but also supplemented her uh work with modeling gigs like side jobs gotcha Gotcha. And Michael and Diana immediately bonded over their shared heritage because both were multiracial with Japanese mothers. And that was something they were very proud of. Okay. And so that was like a huge part of why they
Starting point is 00:58:58 became fast friends and then more than friends. Fast friends and then fast friends with benefits and then yes i see okay and then just spiraling into chaos exactly so in january 1994 so literally a month later uh michael and diana began to have an affair and according to friends and co-workers again they were not discreet whatsoever and so michael and sherry's marriage is just like total chaos. Michael calls regularly calls Sherry fat, ugly and boring. Oh, my God. What is his deal? Like so wild. Like, I don't even know at this point.
Starting point is 00:59:33 What are you doing? Like you're just leave. I don't understand. I just leave. Like not her. Like him. Like, oh, see, they break up. Well, you'll see.
Starting point is 00:59:43 OK. I just don't understand if you're like if you hate someone that much and you're openly cheating on them, why don't, they break up? Well, you'll see. Okay. I just don't understand if you're, like, if you hate someone that much and you're openly cheating on them, why don't you just break up? Because you need the money for drugs? I don't know. I don't know what the details were. It just, on the surface, makes no sense. I don't want to speak for anyone, but I know, I have read a lot of times where someone will
Starting point is 01:00:03 stay because they still want that like family life but they also want this like side light you know what i mean like they want both and it doesn't mean it's gonna work or that you should have both but i think sometimes people like that life of like sneaking around and like having affairs but then also having a wife who cooks for you and a wife who uh you know pays the bills and a wife who takes care of your kids i think it's just like that dual lifestyle that some assholes really want i guess i not for me but okay oh really um yeah what a surprise not really my cup of tea if we're being wildly honest i would think probably not yeah so sherry at this point is like desperate to keep the family together so she starts losing
Starting point is 01:00:45 weight um she's sewing michael like shirts and making him clothes like she's just trying to like keep him around um and keep him interested in her and the family it's just heartbreaking meanwhile michael is just like fuck you and continues his affair with diana um and he and diana both have this like party lifestyle they do drugs they drink all the time and they have a mutual interest in the occult which i'm like don't ruin the occult come on man it's like i really liked having i liked having like no relatability to them and now it's yes exactly like nothing is sacred anymore i know um so one of michael's friends said that the couple oh my god they would suck each other's blood excuse me um okay well yeah not i guess this
Starting point is 01:01:32 is a different all of a sudden we no longer relate anymore so we're good again i was like i think it's a different kind of a cult than like our kind of you and i do not suck each other's blood so i think we're okay i know this has been a rumor going around a while, but it's not true. Whatever you see in the tabloids. Whatever's going on on Reddit, we are not drinking each other's blood. We've asked. We've dabbled. We've talked about it.
Starting point is 01:01:55 But the answer is a firm no. We've decided. Yeah, we'd be lying if we said we haven't. No, but it hasn't happened. I promise. We've at least considered it right now, but the answer is still no. So they legitimately did this. And he also told his friends that he was on the dark side, which I'm like, if you tell
Starting point is 01:02:15 someone you're on the dark side, it no longer feels to me that you're actually on the dark side. It seems like you're just trying too hard. It's like when a skater kid's like, I'm a bad boy. And it's like, OK, well, you immediately just discredited yourself. It's like, I'm really cool. Like, that's just not gonna work. It's like, if you have self-awareness about how awful you are, you're probably not that awful because you have the self-awareness, you know? Yes. Yes. And it seems like he had no self-awareness. He really thought he was just like the baddest boy of all time. They had pagers, obviously.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And this also hurt my feelings because I feel like this is our thing or should be our thing is that their code name for each other was 666 listen you have driven it into everyone's head that our code name for each other is like lemon or something so at least we have something to fall back on but you're right at some point 666 should have been involved in something we did. We could do. Maybe we can drink each other's blood and then like draw in each other's blood like 666 or something. We could do a squeeze a lemon in there just to sweeten it up a little bit. Just to zhuzh it up.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Zhuzh it up. Lord alive. Okay. Also, the drinking blood thing, that was one of the episodes of my strange addiction wasn't it oh was it i'm pretty sure it was where she like had friends that like allowed her to drink their blood and i was like that's a fucking friend because i i'm not that kind of friend i know i've asked a million times but that's i remember there was a
Starting point is 01:03:43 while where i was forcing christine to watch Strange Addiction with me at all turns. Those were some weird nights we had, TLC. And by weird, you mean the best. And like, I'm obsessed with, My Strange Addiction is a show, My Strange Addiction. And the blood drinking one, that one I couldn't, that one I couldn't do. That was too much. Because that's how we, that shows how we met Sugarbush. And that's when I was like, well, this is a great series.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Sugarbush. Pour one out for our homie Sugarbush. I haven't talked about him in a while. He's still alive, right? Like we're not saying RIP. I never want to find out. He'll always have eternal life to me. What are you trying to tell me?
Starting point is 01:04:18 Okay. Just pour one out for our, for the spirit, for the undying spirit of Sugarbush. Oh, for God's sake. Now you're scaring everyone. Okay. Okay. 666. Anyway, Michael also had other sexual dalliances that Diana and Sherry were unaware of.
Starting point is 01:04:39 So he also at this point moved on from powder cocaine and began to smoke crack cocaine. Great. So he's just escalating left and right. At one point, Sherry actually confronted Diana in the Vons parking lot and they had a screaming match. I don't blame her. I probably would have. I don't know. No, I don't blame her either.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Punched her head. Punched her head? I don't know what I would have done. No, I don't blame her either. Punched her head. Punched her head? I don't know what I would have done. In the summer of 1995, Michael tells Sherry that he decided he needed to be alone to figure out what he needs.
Starting point is 01:05:14 So he was going to move out. So he moved out and moved directly in with Diana. Okay. Way to really spread his wings. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Diana at this point is like, oh, oh my gosh she's moving in with me i think we're gonna have a family together and she actually has this like gives me like the worst kind of goose cam she had like professional family photos taken you know
Starting point is 01:05:37 like at the mall with michael and sherry's kids so like he had them over and she like took them all to the mall to do like family portraits. It's just so bonkers. It's literally that's literally the Michael Scott move of Skeezan's greetings. It's like too soon, but also like it's going to always be too soon for this behavior. It's like never not soon enough. So they have these photos. the meanwhile sherry is like trying to get michael back so some of the things she does she picks up his car from diana's house and washes and waxes it for him and then like brings it back okay um sherry also loses 50 pounds
Starting point is 01:06:19 uh she changes her hair color and she starts to dress quote-unquote sexier it's just really sad okay um and then after six months michael realizes he cannot afford to support both his girlfriend and his wife and sons so he moves back home with sherry which is what she was you know wanting him to do anyway and he says okay listen i'm gonna prom i'm promising right now to end my affair with diana uh-huh you're great okay yeah For those of you who need to wonder, it is cheaper to only be committed to one person legally at a time. Legally, in case you're wondering. In case you're wondering, maybe it's just cheaper to not have a girlfriend when you've got a wife at home. And if one of them is named 666, maybe that's the one who needs to go for now.
Starting point is 01:07:03 If there's one that wants to drink your blood and there's one that doesn't maybe go with the one who doesn't want to drink your blood m and i should write a well just m m should write a relationship book i'm pretty sure i'm advice i'm the love guru i'm i've been told so oh boy um okay so obviously he promises to end this affair with diana doesn't even stop it for a second he continues seeing diana along with several other women some of whom are sex workers some of whom are not and he just completely flaunts his relationship with diana in front of sherry uh to give you an example diana gave michael a pillowcase with her own face screen printed on it fuck off and he put it on a pillow in the bed he and sherry slept in oh my god like literally she was sleeping in the bed with the girlfriend's face on a pillow that is just noodles all the way to the top. There's nothing else. Just the fucking bananas.
Starting point is 01:08:06 It's so bonkers. I can't. I can't. So Sherry, again, confronts Diana at Vons and screams at her to stop sleeping with her husband and stop, I guess, giving him pillowcases
Starting point is 01:08:17 with her face on it. Please stop putting your faces on things I have to sleep next to. Instead, in March of 1996, Diana and Michael take a Mexican vacation together. So they literally did the opposite. Okay. When they return, Diana... Sorry, what? No,
Starting point is 01:08:34 I'm just still in shock. That's all. Continue. When they return, Diana tells a co-worker at Vons that she intends to make a human sacrifice for her boyfriend's birthday. Okay, let's replay that. What did you say? What's that? Let's hear that one more time. Replay, instant replay. Okay. When they returned from Mexico, their romantic Mexican getaway,
Starting point is 01:08:59 Diana tells a coworker at Vaughn's that she intends to make a human sacrifice for her boyfriend's birthday. Okay, well. Now, can you imagine being the co-worker and being like, how was Mexico? I didn't even think about that. Oh my God. It's like the poor forgotten character in this story who's like, what about me? I mean, truly, you came back from your honeymoon in Belize and I should have been like, any
Starting point is 01:09:24 human sacrifices you're thinking about doing or you just love them that much? Oh, my God. What did so what did I mean, do we get to hear more about what the co-worker thought after that? Like, did she that's nothing. That's something you text. That's something you text your neighbors about to come over and like we have like margarita gossip time. Like, correct. Amundo.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Correct. come over and like we have like margarita gossip time like correct the mundo um correct i mean i i literally until this very moment it didn't really occur to me where i was like what about this co-worker though like that blows that's the moment you text your friends bitch and everyone knows exactly what that means you said you text your friend 666 and they're like i know what that means oh boy so anyway she says this and her and this is in march and michael's birthday to be clear is on may 21st because of course he has to be a fucking gemini um yep we're not surprised trust me i wish i was so i wish i was too uh so throughout the month of april uh 1996 diana meets michael for his breaks around 4 a.m and they kept going off alone together according to co-workers and then at the end of april beginning of may sherry gives sherry the wife gives michael an ultimatum she says you have to go to rehab for the drug use or i will file for divorce so despite michael's um initial help
Starting point is 01:10:47 so back to the you know the tan suit and the the teal uh oh right all of this was a fucking prequel okay right right this is literally a sigh as like a you wonder how i got here sharp left turn and then right back into the sharp right turn. Record scratch and now it's back. Yep. Literally, you could like add that. I imagine that woman at the desk hearing her coworker be like, I'm going to do a human sacrifice for my husband. I imagine the record scratch there of like, you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. This should literally be the story.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Okay, TM, TM, TM. We should write the story from the perspective of the coworker at Vons. Who's literally watching like the fights in the parking lot. Like the, finally they're gone in Mexico for a week and she's like, oh, things are back to normal. And then suddenly she shows up and it's like, oh, we should do it from the perspective of the teal Nissan of just like watching. I didn't ask for for this oh yeah the teal nissan so you remember anyway so despite michael's initial like sadness and concern uh with the search and his calls to the media but which by the way they have clips of that i watched a forensic files episode about this and they have clips of him like on camera holding a photo of her in front of their house like
Starting point is 01:12:04 as the camera pans and he's looking off into the distance like the cheesiest 90s shot and i'm like fuck you so he calls the media and he's like my wife she's so she's the she he calls her the backbone of our family and i'm like no shit goodbye goodbye so he suddenly stops assisting the search what a shock uh and within five days of sherry's disappearance uh michael diana and michael's and sherry's sons go shopping for a jet ski great so he also files for separation from sherry while she's missing and makes inquiries into her retirement pension and her fifty thousand dollar life insurance policy oh really does he which yeah right oh really which again like life
Starting point is 01:12:52 insurance alone is i don't think necessarily always a red flag but if it's literally in combination with and now i want to buy a jet ski with my new girlfriend uh let's look into it whose blood i'm drinking yeah i'm gonna start i'm gonna be a i'm gonna be aware let's just leave it at that does this does this jet ski uh allow for two passengers if we have some activities what color what color red are these jet skis in can it match my my behaviors we don't want to sit a stain the leather you know that's exactly it um so witnesses and security footage place michaels at vaughn's working at the time of the abduction so he does have like a solid alibi and investigators check into so they start going
Starting point is 01:13:38 to all the local car rental companies and um finally they stumble upon a budget car rental. And so they ask, so they were going around to all these car rental places and they ask, hey, has anyone named Michael Daly rented a car here? And they're like, no. So then they ask, has anyone named Diana Han? And they look through and they're like, oh, yes. And they're like, well, that was easy. Okay. She rented a teal Nissan. Bingo. Bingo, bingo. So they find this teal Nissan. Sorry, I got myself all worked up and now I lost my place. Listen, I can't imagine you not getting
Starting point is 01:14:20 worked up after this story. It'd be weird if you're like, don't worry, I'm still cool and calm and collected. They find this car and they just take a little peek-a-roonie inside. And oh, boy, is it covered in blood. I'm sorry. I know this is like obviously a sad story, but that's probably my favorite sentence you've ever said. They took a little peek-a-roonie and I don't even remember what you just said but it was like and boy did they find lots of blood just like don't even know it's like not a shock it's not a surprise there's like no other way to say it um got it now interestingly okay so they find this car they see that there's blood in it the car was rented the
Starting point is 01:15:02 day before the abduction on may 5th and returned the day after on or the day after the abduction on may 7th and the uh car was rented by diana and paid for with a check written in green pen now um crime scene so the so they asked the clerk like okay you said it was diana han Do you recognize this woman? And they hold up this picture of Diana. And it's her normal appearance, which she has long, dark hair. And the person at the budget rental is like, no, I don't recognize that person. I don't think I saw them. So just another weird little twist. think i saw them so just another weird little twist uh apparently when they used luminol to check the back seat uh they described the interior as lighting up like a christmas tree so that's fun
Starting point is 01:15:51 oh boy and then they find a few uh strands of blonde hair and they're like okay so they do a little uh peek-a-roonie with a microscope um and they realize that this is not hair this is actually it has these like arrow shapes in it um in other words it's synthetic and it is probably from a wig wig yes you called it i was too i was getting too flowery with my language so you were like look you gave me time to figure it out that's i didn't know i didn't know originally but now i feel way smart okay yes exactly then they go to diana's house because they're like uh hello what's going on here and she answers the door first of all in like a like a lingerie set um clearly having just gotten out of bed and then
Starting point is 01:16:44 behind her is literally michael standing there in his underwear and this is like days after his wife has disappeared and he's been on the news going like i miss her i need her right okay so they're like he's having he's having a grand old time yes he's having right he's having a blast he's on his jet ski you know things are good for him aha okay um she's asked to come down to the station to answer some questions obviously and uh diana tells detectives that on the day of the murder she actually went on a really long bike ride and they're like all by herself not a witness in sight my hair blowing in the wind just wanted to be
Starting point is 01:17:22 around me and my blonde wig. That's all. So then they're like, well, do you have proof? But she's like, of course. And then she shows them some scratches on her forehead. And they're like, sorry, what? And she's like, this is because I fell off my bike. What? Also, look how pretty my nail polish is.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I painted it the day I went bike riding. What? Okay. That's okay nothing it's nothing she's like oh these scratches on my forehead those are from falling off my bike that's proof i went biking and they were like that's really not how this works do you know what proof is yeah okay yeah no um apparently she had also been 15 minutes late to work that day she had arrived at 3 15 instead of 3 p.m and she also told detectives that she just happened to lose her wallet and checkbook and she had reported them missing a couple days after sherry's abduction how convenient so investigators informed diana that michael is uh cheating on her with sex workers but she does not
Starting point is 01:18:23 seem to give a shit um and so they were like well that didn't work so she wasn't phased and they didn't have a body and they didn't have and they only had circumstantial evidence so they let her go but her handwriting is sent in for analysis so investigators at this point are like learning of all of these women that michael is sleeping with um all of the drugs he's been purchasing and using um around this time michael is starting to give away sherry's possessions just like give them away okay they take uh blood samples from the teal nissan that poor teal nissan and they prove uh that they belong that the blood belongs to Sherry. So they're like, well, that's a checkmark right there, I suppose.
Starting point is 01:19:09 And then on June 1st of 1996, two of the volunteer searchers, unfortunately, do find Sherry's decomposed remains in a wooded area approximately 12 miles from the target where she was abducted 26 days earlier okay so now they have her body and although it's been somewhat disturbed by animals medical examiners are able to determine that she was stabbed about a dozen times around the face neck and chest with a serrated blade while handcuffed so unable to fight back wow whoa wow okay that's a layer to it um they also find like a shard in her jawbone and it turns out to be a blade a piece of the serrated knife the knife snapped off in her fucking jaw yeah like like a shard of it good fucking bye i know okay and then a side blade like a like a hatchet or an axe um was then used to hack at cherry's head and neck nearly decapitating her what is with all these beheaded women in this shit i literally don't know how i didn't like put that together when
Starting point is 01:20:19 you were telling your story what all the six times i talked about beheaded women and by the way let's add a seventh oh my gosh by the way terrible and this one has to be true of course of all of them yikes i wish i could say this was just an urban legend thanks for taking that bullet for me yeah you're so welcome okay so anyway she's getting her literally she's getting beheaded yes uh so she's been nearly decapitated and then it appears that she was stabbed inside the nissan and then also outside the car and she likely died pretty quickly after being abducted um investigators had like you know how they had had diana han on file and had her signature well she was like when they had brought her in she she was like, no, no, no. That form, that was fraudulent.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Someone forged my signature. And so they were like, likely story. But they had to let her go, like I said, and they sent her signature in for analysis. But when they were looking at it, they were like, that is weird because the signature on the rental form is actually different from the one on her driver's license. So they're like, that's actually a little bit strange. So we're gonna look into that and meanwhile uh investigators are trying to locate diana's checkbook uh that she has quote-unquote loss and also subpoena her bank records and when they find all this stuff
Starting point is 01:21:37 they discover that diana had used personal checks from her missing checkbooks checkbooks excuse me to purchase the following a blonde wig at a discount wig shop on may 4th 1996 uh she was identified by the clerk and she used green pen to sign the check oh by the way all the checks were written in green pen so that just adds to the whole thing okay she had also made and uh some additional strange purchases on the same day as buying the wig including a tan suit a hatchet matches and lighter fluid from a local department store well if that doesn't again more green ink uh investigators also discovered that diana had used cash to purchase a fake police badge so that would answer your thing of I need to see a badge. She thought it through.
Starting point is 01:22:29 So she had a fake police badge from a place called Uniforms Etc. Which, wow. Yikes. Okay. In Ventura. And the following day, so she had purchased that. Then she went back the next day and purchased handcuffs. I guess she had forgotten to buy handcuffs the first time.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Or maybe she and what's his name used them up and she needed new ones i don't know right holding each other down with their with their weird activities okay yeah who knows what their dalliances oh his last name is dally sorry i just picked that up at the same time too it's like a dilly dalliance oh my god okay okay let's end it let's end it please quickly okay so at the so they've figured all this out and then the forensic handwriting expert is like hey i've analyzed the signature on the budget rental form that diana claimed was forged and he found that even though the signature on the form didn't quite match her current signature it actually matched the way she used to sign her name years earlier so okay this is so fascinating she had attempted to forge her own signature and thought she had done it and sort
Starting point is 01:23:33 of had but she had inadvertently used the same handwriting pattern she had used like decades before so like dummy as like a teen maybe or something she wrote her name a certain way and so she tried to fake it and like subconsciously wrote it the way she used to write it. So that was really interesting. Okay. Diana used a calling card from a pay phone on May 6th and called a dry cleaner. So they talked to the dry cleaner and the dry cleaner was like, oh, yeah, this woman called and asked how to remove blood stains from the backseat of a car. Can we just arrest her?
Starting point is 01:24:08 I'm having fun finding all these pieces. I don't know about you. But can you imagine, there's no incognito mode on Google at this point. You have to literally call the dry cleaner and be like, how do I get rid of blood? You have to ask a real person. Not Jeeves. Not Jeeves. Not Jeeves. So at this point, a grand jury indicts Diana for murder and kidnapping, but doesn't indict Michael Daly.
Starting point is 01:24:32 So Diana is arrested finally for the kidnapping and murder of Sherry Daly on August 2nd, 1996. They find literally in her purse when she's taken into custody, they find the damn green pen that was used to write the checks. The smoking gun. A smoking smoking gun literally a green pen yeah and she not literally obviously but you know what i mean um so they find that damn pen and they literally have someone analyze it and it's the same ink so that's like smoking gun like you said after diana's arrest michael continues to see sex workers and do drugs like nothing has changed or happened no surprise and i'm just fat sad about thank god like the grandparents were alive but like these poor kids are in the middle of this you know it's just really awful yeah yeah so when they search diana's house they find uh that she is what
Starting point is 01:25:20 forensic files calls quote a master of disguise. Really? Honestly, I don't think she's that much of a master. From going to uniforms, et cetera, and getting a synthetic weave or a synthetic wig? Literally. They find wigs, outfits. They find photos of her in different get-ups because she's like a model and does all these side gigs. So she has all these different like outfits and wigs and things like that um investigators began to connect like these phone calls that had been made between diana and michael the day of the murder there were a bunch of them and then sally lowe so the reason i
Starting point is 01:25:56 mentioned her earlier she was michael's like former girlfriend um that they had dated during early during sherry and michael's marriage so she comes forward and she's like yeah i just want to speak out and say my part when he and i dated i remember that he would often fantasize aloud about sherry's murder oh okay that's a bad sign um she says that he wanted sherry kidnapped and stabbed then asked asked her if she would do it. Right? I'm like, it's horrifying. So he asked her if she would do it.
Starting point is 01:26:29 And she's like, I didn't take him seriously. And then we broke up after that. So that must just be the shittiest feeling to be like, oh, my God, he was serious that whole time. Well, and also, yeah, that and also like Diana. Is that her name, Diana? Yeah. Didn't she literally say like, oh, I want to do a human sacrifice for him. So like they were both like on the same track.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Like they both went. I mean, he probably brought that up to her like, hey, I want her to die. Consider it a human sacrifice. And she was like, done. She was like, easy. I love you, 666. 666. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Okay. It's disgusting so uh police also noted obviously michael's lack of concern for sherry um friends and co-workers told police that michael used to say he'll that he'll never get a divorce like basically like she won't do it or they won't ever go through with it uh tamra leach who was described as a petty criminal who had several liaisons with michael revealed that he told her quote i guess i'm a single parent now before sherry was even found so like just an insensitive dickhead um like at the least and then on november 15th 1996 michael was indicted for murder kidnapping conspiracy and
Starting point is 01:27:47 special circumstance of financial gain which i hadn't heard before wow and this mofo pleads not guilty okay well well okay okay my favorite line from him is always okay well and that's the end of the sentence he's literally i don't know what else to say i'm just like okay diana i see everything you're saying in those two words i'm don't worry thank you i speak in okay so diana is re-indicted the same day with the added latter charges so they were basically like oh yeah yeah we want to indict her on those ones too so she pleads not guilty so in the summer of 1997 is when diana's trial begins before michael's the jury is chosen from santa barbara county to get out of the area because of tainted you know media coverage the prosecution contends that diana and michael came up with the elaborate murder scheme to kill sherry and avoid a costly divorce in addition to collecting her life insurance.
Starting point is 01:28:48 And they call over 125 witnesses to the stand. Wow. Yeah. So the defense argues that though she may have unwittingly purchased some of the items used in the kidnapping, Diana's innocent. And one of the sex workers Michael had been seeing was framing her and that michael probably helped her to do so so okay that's diana's uh defense got it on september 26 97 however diana was found guilty on the charges of murder kidnapping and conspiracy in the death of sherry dally uh a month later on october 27th diana was spared execution and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole and then the following winter begins
Starting point is 01:29:32 michael's trial trial in which the prosecution argued that michael had convinced diana his co-conspirator to help him plan and carry out the murder of his wife sherry dally to avoid a divorce and to cash in on her retirement and life insurance policies so that he could maintain his party lifestyle the case against michael was largely circumstantial and relied mainly on the over 100 witnesses uh and they're basically to bring up the incriminating comments and his suspicious actions um and the prosecution painted him as a drug addled sex, sex-addicted sociopath. And they had sex workers and drug dealers on the witness list to add to this whole picture they were painting. And the defense throws Diana Hahn under the bus and contends that she is an obsessed Satan-worshipping mistress who went rogue and murdered the woman she viewed as her competition, Sherry.
Starting point is 01:30:28 So basically both of their defense teams argued that it was the other ones doing. Right. So like, wow, what a match made in heaven, these two. I know. Sorry. Perfect chaos is what I call that. Perfect chaos. So the defense say that, you know, Diana went rogue. She was, I want to say this instant replay.
Starting point is 01:30:44 She is an obsessed Satan-worshipping mistress who went rogue she was I want to say this instant replay she is an obsessed Satan worshipping mistress who went rogue and murdered the woman she viewed as her competition I was gonna say that I was like what what a what a a title to like out on combination words truly what a sentence
Starting point is 01:31:00 you know the defense calls many character witnesses and Michael's father offers an alibi which is demonstrated to be false by the prosecution's witnesses the defense team also reiterates that there is no evidence that ties him directly to the abduction since he was at work at vaughn's at the time however on april 3rd 1998 michael dally is convicted of murder kidnapping conspiracy and two special circumstances of financial game gain excuse me making him eligible for the death penalty oh oh boy things are getting heated then on june 9th
Starting point is 01:31:33 1998 michael is instead sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole and is ordered to pay ten thousand dollars in restitution to the state and fifteen thousand in restitution to Sherry's family. So that is the end of their trials. I have a couple like lines of an epilogue, I would suppose, I suppose. The Daly children are sent to live with their paternal grandparents. Diana and Michael both blamed each other for everything that transpired. And they, anytime a journalist like even came to talk to them at all, they would blame each other at any given chance. In one prison interview with Michael that was featured on Forensic Files, a reporter asked him to describe Diana's and Sherry's relationship. And he said, not good.
Starting point is 01:32:19 They hated each other. They both wanted me. OK, yikes and gross. But I like how it just started with, not good. Not good. Literally without even a verb. Just not good. Could be better.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Could not great. Yeah, could not great. And Sherry's mother in the same episode said, Michael had also said, it's not my fault that two women love me. It's like, what a sick bastard. That alone makes me hate him him despite all the other things like that alone is enough yeah that alone if i heard him say that at a party i would walk away and be like oh yeah oh yeah we're not we're not meant to be you're like i don't actually think i want
Starting point is 01:32:55 to suck your blood after all but thanks for you know what that's exactly it you find someone else to suck your blood so both diana and michael appeal their convictions but by 2001 both are denied um eventually a wrongful death suit against diana hahn awards devon and max so the two sons 6.4 million dollars which is way better than the 15 000 michael had to pay i was gonna say michael dally was granted an investigation into clemency by governor jerry brown but nothing came of it as far as we know that was in 2018 diana hahn and michael dally are currently serving their sentences at central california women's facility in chowchilla and respectively california state prison in lancaster devin dally said the son the oldest son has spoken publicly in support of his father's
Starting point is 01:33:41 innocence which is very interesting who um the son the son wow i know that must be just so hard um wow max has never spoken publicly nor issued any sort of statement regarding his mother's murder and his father's incarceration for the crime whoo so that's the story of Sherry Daly. Hmm. That's a lot to take in. That's a lot to take in. That sucks. That is awful. Yes. Yes, it does.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Well, and also their kids are like our age, right? They're like only a couple years older than us. Yes. Yeah. They were born in, I think, 86 and 88. Wow. I know. That's crazy that people, the stories you tell, I know this is, like, such a duh moment,
Starting point is 01:34:28 but, like, it's wild when you tell stories that are more recent and, like, people you're talking about, like, are just, like, walking around. Yeah. Whenever they're, like, super far removed and, like, a distant true crime, it's so different versus, like, oh, people who were affected by that are just, like, our age living life. That's crazy. It's really wild, and that's why it makes me really anxious sometimes to cover obviously cover some of these but i have gotten like messages from people on other cases who were like oh my i was sorority sisters with this person or you know i knew like bryce list pieces family
Starting point is 01:34:58 or whatever it might be which is always like so fascinating to me um and it's always been very kind and you know respectful and supportive but always been very kind and, you know, respectful and supportive, but sometimes they add information that I, you know, never would have found online, that kind of thing. So it's, it's really, it is really crazy. Adds, adds a scary layer. I do have one update. Let me see if I can find it real quick because I did not plan to do this, but you just reminded me. Um, let um well i don't think i'm going to be able to find it so i'll have to paraphrase it but someone did reach out to me and said that they had a friend who is very um well known in uh anonymous and said that apparently this member of anonymous listens to the show
Starting point is 01:35:47 and listened to the episode and did say that i got a few things wrong but for the most part they they were impressed and they liked it so not to switch gears totally but i before i forgot i wanted i know so i'm like kind of scared i was i was like, I wish I could read the message. But like I was like such a sigh of relief of like, OK, so you're not going to like find my deepest, darkest secrets. I don't even know I have it and do something about it. So thank you. I'm glad that I like didn't make enemies out of anonymous. That's like all I've ever wanted. So we meet you at a live show and you won't.
Starting point is 01:36:23 You're not going to tell us who you are, but I hope we meet you just so I can like. Just show up in a V for Vendetta mask and like, like a Guy Fawkes mask and I'll know exactly who you are. So yeah, no one else will know. Don't worry about it. That's crazy. I did get some things wrong. I, that was all the information I got.
Starting point is 01:36:39 So it wasn't a hundred percent accurate, but it was pretty accurate. So yay. Well, that's all we hope for sometimes. So hooray. Well well thanks everyone for listening if you are a member of anonymous let us know or don't because you're not really allowed um and continue to be on our side and don't do anything mean to us love you thank you oh boy all right okay shall we anyway and that's why we drink.

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