And That's Why We Drink - E179 Gio's Quantum Point and How to Spell Meghan Backwards

Episode Date: July 12, 2020

Get ready for some Tik Tok adventures because this week we're "heavily inspired by chaos theory"! First, Christine gives us an update on the potential hauntings of her new house... during a thundersto...rm. Then Em covers a synchronicity of synchronicities, the phenomenon of Randonauting and the Randonautica app. Christine then continues her two-part series on the epidemic of violence against Black trans women with the tragic murder of Riah Milton. Please find links to donate and ways to support Black trans lives below. Also please randonaut while thinking of our podcast and let us know if it takes you to cheesecake... and that's why we drink!How to contribute to the fight for justice for Riah Milton and Black trans lives: Harper's Bazaar, "Where to Donate to Support Black Trans Lives": Milton's funeral fund (currently closed by the organizer): consider supporting the companies that support us: Get 2 free months of Premium Skillshare Membership for free at to to find your perfect-fitting bra… and get 15% off your first purchase!Check out all the amazing shoes and bags available right now at a special offer at that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage AND a digital scale without any long-term commitment. Just go to, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, hello, welcome to the second episode that we were recording today. It is still June. It is still June, although to no one else it is. Technically in our world. And also I'm drinking wine now. So welcome to the second part of today's recording session. Was that your thunder? Mm-hmm. It is still storming. I'm so jealous of you.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I haven't seen rain in so long. Maybe like maybe a week out of every year. But it's never thunderstorming. It's like just like shitty drizzle. Do you know, yeah, last night, Blaze and I, we had dinner at my mom's and we were driving home and we like stopped driving and looked around because there were A, fireflies everywhere. And we were like, oh my God. And then B, there was like heat lightning, like in the distance. And we were like, what is that? Like, this is like summer from my childhood. That's so sweet. That's, Ohio sounds like a magical place right now yeah not really especially because my story
Starting point is 00:01:06 takes place in ohio and you're not going to want to come after i tell it for the summer aesthetic it sounds really really exactly top tier it is actually quite nice and geo loves it except for the thunder is really freaking him out but he'll get over it so i know you don't have as big of a yard as you used to is he doing well adjusting to that? Because he was quite a spoiled brat for a long time. See, the problem was we thought, oh, he got so much exercise because he had a yard. And then I was like, no, he literally just lays out there. Like he didn't like move.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Like he would just lay out there and then we try to get him inside and he wouldn't move. He'd do the occasional dig and destroy the lawn. But here, like we walk him multiple times a day and our neighborhood's like extremely walkable so we'll like go to get indian takeout and like walk there and like walk to the store and it's really nice so we walk him everywhere and there's so much more nature and so he's just like constantly sticking his face into everything um so he's loving life remember the one time we took him to a cemetery and he just like started like diving into the hedges like around graves and i was like i don't know what the respectful
Starting point is 00:02:10 thing is to maybe the respectful thing was to not fucking bring him and put it on youtube by the way that was like our that video you made that one time um yeah he loves it he's very happy um and juni just is always hiding so he loves it too but we miss happy. And Junie just is always hiding. So he loves it too. But we miss you though. I miss the rain. I miss Gia. Okay. Well, I do have actually a house update if that's okay. Yeah, no, no, no, definitely. Okay, cool. Since this was a good sagoo. So I was really, this is not how I envisioned
Starting point is 00:02:38 telling this story because I'm home alone and Blaze got called into work um early so he's at work right now and i'm here alone with a thunderstorm outside uh i there's something i think may be going on in the house and i don't want to like give it shut up i know i'm not making this up and i'm a little freaked out and i haven't even told blaze yet because the first couple weeks we were here we were like wow it's just so calm and peaceful and serene and like nothing has been weird or like misplaced or woken us up or made any noises and like the last few days I don't know we had people like painting the house um just a couple rooms and stuff and so there were a lot of people in and out and then like in the evenings when I'm walking around and like cleaning stuff up I keep like seeing what I think is someone like I keep seeing someone out of the corner of my eye, you know, and like the only reason it's like really like
Starting point is 00:03:30 bothering me is because this didn't happen for the first like we've lived here like almost a month and it hasn't happened at all. And now all of a sudden I'm like I keep seeing glimpses of somebody and I turn and think it's Blaze and like nobody's there. And then I started hearing like noise. Here comes the thunder. Oh, God. So then i started hearing like noise here comes the thunder oh god so then i started hearing noises so like i was like fixing the curtains or something and i kept hearing like creaks and that's not a thing like that has happened like footstep kind of or like
Starting point is 00:03:57 the door kind of moved and hit the wall a little bit and like little taps and knocks are we still telling ourselves at all the like, oh, it's a new house and I'm just not used to the sounds? So I can't really do that because literally for a full month, I was just like so gloriously happy that nothing at all was going on. There was no creaking. There was no noises. Like everything was so normal and fine and quiet. And then all of a sudden there's like the occasional like the door swings open and hits the wall and i'm like well i've been sleeping in this room for 30 days and that's never happened yeah so i don't know i'm i'm a little freaked out um oh the other thing which m kind of knows about this because we talked about it like literally back in 2017 but okay
Starting point is 00:04:41 well then i don't know what are you talking about remember when we met in 2014 and we had that one conversation you remember that thing okay you're right because I said it out loud and I went what the hell am I I probably don't even remember it what am I talking about we just recorded five minutes ago. What are you talking about? Okay. Okay. That's fair. Okay. So I have this weird thing that hasn't happened in a long time. But like, remember when we like, I discovered like Rosa, my like, you know, spirit guy and all this. And I like every time something kind of weird would happen, I would have this like strange
Starting point is 00:05:20 feeling in my left side of my body, like this tingling. Like a heart attack. Great. Yes. Like a heart attack. It's it's true oh my god i feel blaze is like headache starting somewhere far away right now um but so i also get this feeling it's also the same kind of feeling um on my left arm and like the back of my like going up the back of my neck when someone's watching me and i don't mean that in like uh like i just mean i can i don't i never i guess even yeah like you can tell if you have ever
Starting point is 00:05:49 been someone who can sense someone in the room with you who was not you cannot see like you can just sense that something's next to you right is that what you're talking about well so i know so i mean like literally when i'm out somewhere and like i feel that i like look around and there's someone looking at me like i can like a spidey sense. A human is like looking at me. And there's actually a book about this, which I Jim Harrell talks about called. What is it called? Let me see.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I wrote it down. The sense of being stared at. And it just gives me the creeps. But I mean, I get the sense of when I'm being stared at, but I don't ever have a physiological sensation. I just can feel it internally. OK, interesting. Yeah. Cause I've never read that. And I'm curious if any of you guys have read it, like our listeners, because I've always like, that's just so normal to me that it doesn't really occur to me, but here in this house now I've started feeling that all the time. Like I have goosebumps right now because I'll, I'll feel it. And then I'll immediately look
Starting point is 00:06:44 out the window being like someone on the sidewalk is watching me or like a neighbor can see me because it's just such an ingrained feeling like I know when I'm walking somewhere and someone's looking at me we'll have to test that next time that I like get in a box and fly to Cincinnati that's true that's true yeah you didn't have a goddamn sense that I was in the room with you because you were not dead I was talking about the afterlife. I can sense when people not living anymore are around. Yeah. I wonder if that's like an empath thing where I can like sense when someone's putting attention on me. I don't know what it is, but it like freaks me out. I mean, it doesn't freak me out because it happens all the time. But so now I'm in the house by myself and I keep feeling that same like up my neck feeling
Starting point is 00:07:21 and I'll spin around automatically and like obviously no one is there watching me or are they I don't know but it's really like the last couple days I'm just like on edge um so I just wanted to point that out and also now I'm home alone so great I don't know what's gonna happen but I felt like I had to say it well I wish I'd given my update first because this is a proper sagoo into my uh into my story um but i'm gonna give i'm gonna interrupt it real quick with my own personal update we don't like a proper sagu we like it all over the place sagu for people who think we're stupid sagu is an inside thing that many other listeners are aware of someone we are stupid you are correct on that front also someone
Starting point is 00:08:02 brand new is probably like do they really think it's called fucking pronounced sagu well we did or m did no i thought segue was spelled like the machine segue and then i spelled it and i said no no it's spelled s-e-g-u-e and i went what sagu and i was like you're the stupidest person i've ever met in my life um okay so what's the sagoo bring it on the sagoo is uh it the sagoo also comes with like a a notice to our listeners so the sagoo is we so rj has been puppy sitting the uh this weekend that we're recording this at least um we were puppy sitting for one night only his mentor uh his like one of his swimming coaches uh has this little golden retriever puppy named buddha and by the way no i'm not announcing i'm getting a dog before people like okay i was about to freak i can feel people's adrenaline rushing that's not what's happening
Starting point is 00:09:00 here i'm just giving an update about i got to hang out with a puppy my actual heart attack was beginning and i was like, oh, my arm. I was like after last time where I just like go on and on before I announce something. That's not happening. Yeah, thanks. But no, I just wanted to update that like even though Gio isn't around, I've been getting to hang out with a puppy dog. His name is Buddha.
Starting point is 00:09:18 He's very precious. And we were only supposed to hang out with him for one night and he left yesterday. But then this morning, apparently the owner was like, hey, when you dropped him off yesterday and you said you like you would want to watch him again. I my friend asked if I could go camping this weekend or this week. So I know you just dropped him off. But can you repick him up? And so now instead of one night, we get to be with him all week. Oh, I'm so happy
Starting point is 00:09:45 because those videos were just like, my heart melted. He's darling. He is darling. He is just the perfect little golden retriever puppy dog. And he is potty trained and likes puppuccinos. And he like doesn't tug on the leash. Like we all took him for like a good 20 minute walk
Starting point is 00:09:59 and like the leash was loose the whole time. And he doesn't beg at the table for food. I mean, he was like truly the perfect dog. Okay, but like he'll spend a week with you and then suddenly he'll do all those things. You realize that that's how this all started with Gio, right? I mean, I'm not, I can neither confirm nor deny. I'm like, yeah, Gio also used to not beg for food. Until Funkalem helped him discover peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And then all of a sudden. And french fries. And french fries and popcorn. And, you know, maybe sometimes a piece of burger. It's fine. But anyway, so I'm very happy I get to hang out with a puppy dog. And everyone under the goddamn sun keeps telling me, why won't you get a dog? Every Instagram Live, every Marvel Monday, I feel like I have to keep explaining myself.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So let me just say here. And now I am terrified of commitment. I am terrified of responsibilities. One day. I hope to not be, but that time is not right now. And I, Alison is not a cat fan.
Starting point is 00:10:57 So we are only limited to dogs between the two for us. And dogs are much more high maintenance, at least from what i can tell from you dog owners um and i i just not feeling it yet i will one day but it's not today so please stop asking okay there you heard it from the the mouth the mouth the mouth of the dog the mouth attached to the body that that's the one and that means it's official so just saying i've had to answer that question i feel like 50 times in the last like several days because i mean i was posting about
Starting point is 00:11:30 a very adorable puppy so it was right for people to ask well m did this like mean thing where i think m likes to like kind of stir up like mini drama not drama maybe not the right word but like m will like send me things and then like accidentally not explain them so that i like i like to do a little something a little out of context sending a little it's not nice because Em will like send me things and then like accidentally not explain them so that I like assume something. I like to do a little out of context sending. It's not nice because it'll be like a video of a dog and Em will be like, also look. And there's just like a dog in Em's apartment. And I'm like, well, I know what Em wants me to think, but I'm already mad because I'm like, I know that's not it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And then I'm going to be like, oh, why did you think that? I'm just dog sitting. And so I went, Em, I'm not going to react. You it and then I'm gonna be like oh why did you think that I'm just dog sitting and so I went em I'm not gonna react until you're so silly Christine with your thoughts literally and so I was like I'm not I literally texted I'm like I'm not even gonna react until you confirm say that you really confirm that this is like whether your dog or not because I'm not gonna sit here and scream and like call blaze and like make everyone look at the video of em's new dog and then be like just kidding em. Em was lying to me. So I will say if I ever get a dog, you will be finding out on the podcast because I want your live reaction. So like if I ever send you a video of a dog, like you can just assume it's not my dog. I know I was more mad that I knew you were not
Starting point is 00:12:37 explaining it to me because you were definitely hoping I would assume it was your dog. And I was highly like, I was just like, you're toying with my emotions. You read me like a book, Christine. That's the problem. You read me like a book. And it's a book you don't like, but that's okay. It's a book I don't love. And since you don't even like to read books at all, I'm sure it's a book you don't love either. So it's a terrible analogy. So quit sending me videos that you're trying to toy with my emotions. I don't know if I can. I'll try. I might fail. That dog is so cute, though. Oh, my God. That and then we were bouncing back into the segue about. Oh, yes. So you're haunted. Do you
Starting point is 00:13:15 have an update, by the way? Any other updates? Oh, that's my only update for the week. It's a ghost ghosty one. First of all, I love it. Second of all, I swear to God, if I find out you touched a Ouija board, I'm going to lose my mind. I have not because no one's here to do it with me so that's why hurry up you've got geo's little paws what are you talking about also a lot of people are probably gonna write in and say it's walter but it sounds like it's immediately not walter it sounds like you've got a new guy that's a really good point though but but you know what that's a good point maybe it is walter because well maybe well, remember when we first- Maybe he's mad he had to leave. He was like, I had made my peace in LA.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah. And also, remember when I first moved in there, that's what people would see is like flashes of a person. I absolutely saw someone walking through your goddamn house when we first moved in, when you first moved into the place. Yeah. And that was exactly what we would see. And I would always see things out of the corner of my eye and then that kind of slowed down so maybe this is just all starting over again i don't know excellent i remember one time i when i was puppy sitting geo and i sit at your house i remember waking up in the middle of the night and feeling someone staring at me from across the room and i was like get the fuck away from me and then i found out it was walter and i was like okay you're chill but other than that yeah yeah if you weren't walter i'd be scared yeah you were sleeping in the room where his gin was kept so i think he was not feeling it at the time i was on the other side of the room
Starting point is 00:14:32 from his gin he can be he was over with his gin actually he's probably just drinking and judging me exactly so maybe i should get the gin out i don't even know where it is maybe i should get the gin out and that'll calm him down maybe just leave the gin next to a ouija board and see if it spills itself okay i don't know or if it just oh jesus christ juniper just walked in the door and gave me like the actual fright of my life um okay so my story is i'm gonna do the thing where like it probably doesn't have an actual connection to what you've been talking about but i'm gonna spin it so um but i do i feel like there is a connection here. Because the thing I'm going to talk about, first of all, wildly topical, a lot of people have been wanting me to cover it, I feel like I'm doing it a little too early. But this is like, it's like been wildfire, people have been asking
Starting point is 00:15:19 me to cover this. So I'm gonna do it. But I feel like this relates a little bit to you and that I'm afraid to even tell you about it because I know you and you're gonna fucking do this um I feel like I'm just like feeding you information for how to get yourself into trouble um so especially because you've been saying that like you have feelings going on and like oh no i feel like you're about to uh manifest something blaze's headache is growing i feel it i i'm getting a text from blaze right now being like what did you do what have you what have you done so again i do feel like i'm doing this a little early maybe i'll do a follow-up if more stuff comes out. But the youths have been like on top of me wanting to cover this. So I think I know what this is.
Starting point is 00:16:10 You do know what it is. Do you want to say it? It's the TikTok. Yes. So I found this today by myself before I even saw. I went on TikTok and I went, what the F is this account? And then people started tagging us and I thought M's going to talk about it. So I left it alone.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Oh, wait, what account? Oh, I thought that's what you were talking about what account are you talking about someone tweeted us in something is that what you're talking about no i just found it on amazon tiktok and then this lady was like oh there's a noise coming from my basement and then she went down there and she lives in this haunt so i am gonna try to cover that too you were okay You were on the right page. This is also TikTok adjacent. It's very trendy. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Oh, see, then I don't know. I'm not really in on the trends. I think you do know it though. I'm going to say it and I have a hunch you'll know. So this is the topic, Randonautica. I love how blank your eyes are. I saw that on Twitter and I feel like I vaguely read it and then I lost it immediately out of my brain. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So you're going to like it. You're also going to hate it. Blaze is certainly going to hate it. Uh-oh. So I've known about this for a little bit, but by knowing, I mean, like, I had a general understanding as, like, an adult not involved. I, like, knew of it and then really didn't i knew of like one famous case that has been circulating the world right now um but there's also a few others so ranzanotica is actually an app on your phone um which i've already added i'm going to probably wait until you get here because i'm sure
Starting point is 00:17:44 when you hear the rest of this you're going to want to do it and then you're gonna say we should do it and then i'll say yes begrudgingly but i just preemptively got it on my phone um and so i feel like i've seen this on people tags in it but i don't remember it is uh kind of very atlas obscura and you know i love a good atlas obscura so yeah uh i'm just going to first read you so i went on their website um i'll explain what the app is and everything but i first want to give you their little slogan this is um this is their their one-liner when you uh when you're about to add the app or when you add it for the first time it says the world's first quantumly generated choose your own adventure reality game break out of your reality tunnel recalibrate your mind and have fun on an adventure
Starting point is 00:18:33 into the world you never knew existed oh my god so what what that alone makes me want to do it for sure um and the teams are already on it so you know it's like hopping hipping and hopping this sounds like an episode of black mirror faux show it feels like black mirror but an app like a like a interactive there is a black mirror about an app like like this is the inverse of that okay i hope so so this is an app where basically they say it's like kind of a combination of spirituality and the world of like kind of manifestation, as well as quantum physics, which I know you love. Love it. So basically you share your location on the app and then you set an intention for yourself. So this is where the spiritual manifestation comes from.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Excuse me. And I'll get into kind of more details on that. But you set an intention, whatever it is. And then after you've shared your location, it will generate a location for you to go to. a location for you to go to and in theory you're kind of it's like kind of geocaching mixed with like a virtual atlas obscura kind of situation so sure it takes you to this location um and there you will find something relevant to your intention or that's the glue so your intention really can't be anything there were some people obviously like this was the easiest research i've ever fucking done because i just got to hang out on tiktok so it could be literally like colors like my intention is the primary colors was one of the
Starting point is 00:20:16 videos like blue red yellow okay and then you put in your location and then it finds quantum points which is literally just like geo markers yeah but they call them points um and so you follow this point or you do use gps to get to this point and then once you're there you're supposed to kind of explore and you will find something there that has to do with the primary colors whether it's you find a random item that happens to be red blue and yellow or there's a red yellow blue car all next to each other it's always kind of creepy um like how accurate it is um and so it could be anything from primary colors to an animal some i know there was one that said like we were looking for butterflies one is um you could also like your intention could be feelings. So like happiness or peace or closure or anger or creativity.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I mean, it could literally be anything. Okay, interesting. And a lot of people, because of one particular video that went viral, a lot of people do this with a morbid curiosity and their intentions are a little darker. And somehow Randonautica is equally accurate with those intentions and people have been finding some really weird shit that's of course i know what you're talking about now i didn't make the connection yes yes oh my god by the way most of the information i got was because i think randonautica is so new there's really few articles about it that go into detail.
Starting point is 00:21:51 The article I used the most was Bustle. They put out a really good article about this. Just in case you hear me reading basically the Bustle article, I just want to make it clear that I got most of my early information from this. But so apparently a lot of the traveling you do during uh randonautica because you're a randonaut by the way and during travels um you can pick a radius to see how far you're actually willing to go it won't pick something in like alaska for you you know um and usually they're short walks or drives away and i went on the app last night to try to use it myself so i could better explain it but i think i just further confused myself um i think you can pick multiple points so let's say like you want to do like a whole day of randonautica it will send you 10 points oh wow so i think you can go like their options were one two five or ten that i saw
Starting point is 00:22:42 so you could do 10 different locations or maybe it was like here are 10, just pick one. Like I'm not really sure which it is, but it'll give you up to 10 points for you to choose from. And they're usually pretty short. Being pretty honest, the Bustle article did say that a lot of the locations are usually kind of dead ends. But maybe they just weren't looking in the right place you know so yeah um but a lot of the places are usually are usually um really uninteresting or maybe they're like private access so you actually can't get to them or they're abandoned or like too secluded or dangerous so it ends up being a lot of dead
Starting point is 00:23:21 ends unless you happen to be one of these really wild adventurers who like doesn't mind kind of breaking some laws um or getting hurt so people have been willing to go into the depths and find some really creepy stuff but other people say that you have to kind of do like 10 rounds of randonautica until you end up getting uh a really cool story out of it what you seek so uh exactly so even though i'm going to tell some of the cooler stories just remember that this is probably like only a fraction of like what people actually experience with random nautica a lot of it is probably just not that creepy and these are just these happen to be the concentrated creepy ones um but basically it's all based on um a quantum random number generator um so basically the theory or what the introduction video because there's an intro video when you
Starting point is 00:24:14 get the app uh it tells you that uh the whole thing is based on a quantum random number generator that gives uh specific high energy coordinates so in theory it's only finding like these plot points of like not necessarily like vortex energy but like more energy than different areas and as you're setting before you even um figure out what your points are you're supposed to set your intention before doing anything else. And in theory, the power of your mind is manipulating what energy points are going to cater to you and what your intention is. I mean, you know, I'm like fully on board for this already. I know. I literally was reading this and I was like, I feel like Christine was only like a step away from creating this app herself. I was gonna say I was probably like an investor like a silent investor in this so basically your adventure will be quote or the adventure in general will be quote
Starting point is 00:25:11 influenced by the user's thoughts and consciousness and you will find synchronicities to your intention yes which is a synchronicity on its own right because you and i just talked about this the last time we recorded our listeners episode and i was like what's a synchronicity I literally said I want stories on synchronicity and literally oh your intention was synchronicities and now I'm covering a story on it oh my god I asked for stories about synchronicity and I'm said I didn't know there was a word for that and then like discovered a story on sync oh that okay that's creepy so all right welcome to your your audio randonautica so basically the app is supposed to be a combination of manifestation and quantum physics which i will get to the quantum physics part in a little bit but uh since the app since the quarantine alone there have been over a million downloads of the app
Starting point is 00:26:01 and uh the app asks you to discuss your findings actually on reddit to encourage more users i'm pretty sure but um the real title reddit is that before it was an app apparently this was something that of a thread on reddit was already doing oh and it became an app at least if i'm understanding it right but so randonauts was actually i think a a forum on reddit originally um and so the app existed before a few months ago but it really blew up this month during a specific video that went really crazy on uh tiktok specifically where uh i basically a, I'll get more into it later. But basically, there were randonauts, there was a group of teenagers who found a who found human remains. Yeah, that's the one because I mean, it makes sense why we were both tagged in that because
Starting point is 00:26:58 I was tagged on it more as like the true crime angle of like, right serial killer, and you were tagged in it probably more about because so i didn't even like see the the reason they found it i just knew about the actual finding yes i you're i the same thing happened on my end where i was like i don't know if i want to cover it because it's true crimey but i did look up the actual articles about it and there were so few i decided to take the leap because you probably didn't couldn't have enough information to cover it oh yeah i was actually gonna even say like there's not enough now i'll wait and see if anything happens but like the story i didn't even know where it came from so i had no idea there was like this whole backstory here you go so oh my god that video uh got went viral on tiktok um it also
Starting point is 00:27:40 started joint it started being a part of your like the You page, where it fits into your algorithm and everything. All these people who had no idea what Randonautica was, all of a sudden were getting this TikTok showing up on their feed. And so that is what, even though the app existed a while ago, after this video came out, that's when the app went like fucking bananas. Got it. I guess one of the co-founders actually said um it's comparable to dropping a or when it comes to uh oh fuck i i put the wrong quote in the wrong spot
Starting point is 00:28:15 that's okay i'll do you want me to make one up yeah it's comparable to um to a conflagratic google what it was the conflagration conflag. It's comparable to a synchronistic conflagration is what I would personally say. You can quote me. I'm an investor. You can quote me. Um, I probably moved it for a reason at some point. We'll, we'll find it along the way. Or maybe your intentions moved it. Wait a minute minute hang on a second so uh but yeah so it got it went viral after tiktok is what i was trying to say so there are a lot of times like i said where you will get sent to locations with no access or
Starting point is 00:28:55 their private properties or something like that um and this is also a quote from the co-founder uh josh lengfelder who said it's comparable to dropping a piece of sand from the sky on a map the app has no control over the coordinates it shares with the user so you can't necessarily blame it it's literally a random coordinate generator right so they're they're not like putting like oh this is a private property right so for all you know like literally like your house could actually accidentally be oh well fucking great a random coordinate it's just a matter of like so for example one thing that would be super duper creepy is if someone manifested or had an intention of like our podcast and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:29:37 literally one of the coordinates would be your goddamn house well try it out folks let's see what happens you know who who fucking did that was holly from that drinking delivery service i mean to be fair that was me i was like i would like my intention to be wine and then holly was like i guess i'm now being dragged to this point so all you know she was a randonaut who was like i'm listening to this podcast and then ends up at your goddamn house so um but in theory whatever your intentions are will uh work in in the worlds to figure out the coordinates for you they like they work with the random coordinating so wow yeah it basically just randomly selects places but the whole goal of um randonautica is for you to get out of your
Starting point is 00:30:26 comfort zone because it's going to pick a random location that you probably wouldn't go to on your own um and so then it gets into like well is this really an accurate app or is this confirmation bias because like you're already going to a creepy place you don't know anything about and you're looking really closely for something yeah you literally are setting intentions for what you're trying to find so like if you're looking for green and then you end up in a fucking forest like congratulations you found green or just like in your bedroom and you're like oh there's a green poster yeah it could be either way my intention is a nap oh look my bed you know oh look a forest i can sleep here that being said there are some really like creepy um instances that like it's just odd we'll get to that but oh i'm excited for that so um i
Starting point is 00:31:14 love a good anecdotal evidence it basically well i'll give you some and so uh like i said it's uh it takes you to places that you've never gone to that's the whole point of it for you to go on your own adventure. And so these places are apparently called blind spots. They're places that you wouldn't usually go on your own. And the quantum physics element to it is that, according to the same co-founder, Josh Langefelder, this app is, quote, heavily inspired by chaos theory, obviously. Well, so are we, but yeah. So basically, any small change, the chaos theory is just that any small change will set off a series of unpredictable events, which makes sense if you're already having a change to your routine by going somewhere you've never had before.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Like very intentionally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally. So by going to a place you've never been, you're intentionally yeah yeah totally so by going to a place you've never been you're already causing a change and you're already kind of setting off chaos theory uh but so there are three types of locations that you can choose from which i looked at the app before i looked at my research or before i did research so i didn't know i did them backwards i wish i knew this before i checked my phone. Oh, sure. But so there are three types of locations to choose from.
Starting point is 00:32:26 In a tractor of a track, not a tractor. In a tractor. A tractor is one of the, that's where you and I met or became friends. Holy shit. Wait a minute. And my intention that whole day was to fucking sweep you off your feet and be friends with you. So yeah, the universe was like, oh, you said a tractor. Did you mean tractor?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Because we have a tractor for you. We have one of those, that's for sure. That's hilarious. So a tractor, void, and anomaly. So in a tractor location is a dense area with a lot of quantum points and so in theory that means there's a lot of creepy energy there um because there's a lot of a lot of spaces in that area where your intentions could actually find a connection or a synchronicity and when you say creepy is it just like that it's like fitting or is it like creepy like bad uh energy usually it's just it's weirdly
Starting point is 00:33:27 fitting to whatever your intention is okay but if your intention is also evil like there could be like some sort of additional dark stuff absolutely but if your intention is butterflies it's not necessarily like dark energy for butterflies demonic yeah okay right you know it's just like it's just weird it's synchronicities it's just like, it's just weird. It's synchronicities. It's just like very uncommonly odd that there would be so many points. I'm not gonna lie. It's super weird that in three years, the first time we even use that word, and then like you did a story about isn't that the weirdest? Yeah. The other is a void where apparently there's very few quantum points. I didn't really get more information
Starting point is 00:34:05 on that i don't know why you would want to go there yeah maybe it's like if you your goal is to like find a more abandoned secluded area find like nothing yeah uh and then anomaly is the third which is arguably the strongest kind of location to visit um that is where you uh if you have a quote strong intention and you're on a mission for answers. So, like, that's like if you almost, like, have a question for the universe. Like with a concrete answer. So, this is a quote, not necessarily a quote, but an anecdote from Bustle. The author ends it up deciding, like, okay deciding like okay well i'm gonna try this game
Starting point is 00:34:45 and uh ended up in a parking lot near a white truck and you can tell that the bustle author is like definitely more on the skeptical side of like okay this is mainly confirmation bias um but so just for the for principle um the author ended up in a parking lot near a white truck and for the sake of the game decided to think about like what could a white truck mean to the author. Sure. And it ends up leading to a memory they had of an old friend who had a truck like that. And because he sat around and I don't know if it was a he because they sat around and thought long enough. thought long enough they ended up associating it eventually to a friend that because he and they ended up thinking about this friend they like called them and got back in touch and reconnected
Starting point is 00:35:32 with a friend so it was very much like yeah it worked in that like i did something different than i usually would but like for a creep factor like i ended up somewhere with a white truck and like i forced myself to do something with it like to have like make the to make it accurate so um it was kind of like had i not played the game or had i not humored myself then nothing would have happened but it was still an interesting thing to happen that wouldn't have if i didn't give it a try it still seems to match the chaos theory thing of like it wouldn't have all started the series of events it's very butterfly effecty yeah if i didn't do it then xyz wouldn't have happened um so uh basically the understanding is if you set an intention and you're looking for a meaning in these random locations because of confirmation bias you will an intention and you're looking for a meaning in these random locations, because of confirmation bias, you will probably find what you're looking for.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Also, oh, this is where the quote is. Wow, I really threw it all the way down here. Okay, so remember I lost a quote. I do. It's down here. So this actually is put in the wrong spot. It was supposed to be up there when I was saying, oh, well, it got really big because TikTok went, this TikTok video went viral.
Starting point is 00:36:49 The co-founder said that, uh, this, the app has done so incredibly well without really even needing any formal marketing purely because people see how easy it is of like, join an app, tell your experience on your social media and then all of a sudden you could go viral so like he hasn't even really had to do anything to make random nautica go so viral that's like a dream for a business owner like just natural marketing that does itself uh he says people see an interesting adventure decide to try the app themselves, post a TikTok of what they find, and Randonautica ends up self-propagating. So works out really well. Maybe this is how we finally start our TikTok account that we've been meaning to do.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Our TikTok adventures. It's just Randonautica adventures. I think we would have a great time, whether we find anything or not. I think it would actually be pretty fun. As long as we don't have that poor intentions i'm down let's not let's not have any poor intentions please until someone has too much wine bra and uh well and then all of a sudden it's like i want to try something okay so on tiktok the common hashtags are randonaut challenge and randonauting those have really taken off very well and uh the randonaut reddit forum or the subreddit forum how old am i the subreddit um it now has at the time of this article had over 60 000 members um so now i'm just going to tell some of the stories that i found on there
Starting point is 00:38:21 and also there was i'm ready there was also a lot of them listed. On this bustle article. And I think there was also a few. IB times junkie. Buzzfeed daily mail. So there's. A few that have actually also taken pictures. There was a few screen grabs of. Different ones that people have posted on the subreddit.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's kind of actually a really interesting thread. It's just like a bunch of people posting the picture of where they ended up after what their intention was. So hopefully we can get some of those pictures up. I do want to read to a screen grab from the actual Randonaut app. The first thing you see when you join is this list of tips. And it says, Randonaut, make sure you are randonauting with a positive mindset.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Bring a trash bag to help the environment in case you end up somewhere. Oh, well, that's lovely. Isn't that precious? If you normally wouldn't adventure alone, go with a friend or a group. I feel like this tip should be changed to do not ever go to an abandoned area alone.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Don't, yeah, don't maybe. Don't be Christine and be like, well, I alone don't yeah don't maybe it don't be christine and be like well i'll be fine don't maybe it yes randonauting is best done as a daytime activity i like that they added that in here thank god yeah um always randonaut with a charged phone i like that use situational awareness thank you be respectful of property owners never trespass do not go into dangerous areas so they covered their territory there um yeah i will say it's interesting that they had to put the caveat of randonauting is best done as a daytime activity because the second that randonauting went viral
Starting point is 00:39:59 with a really true crime supernatural like ting to it um now there's a lot of videos i watched where people were going obviously in the middle of the night obviously their parents do not know where they are um okay now i'm understanding why i've been seeing videos on tiktok of people like finding abandoned barns and i'm like what what are you doing there and there i get it now the whole time i was watching these videos i was like damn if this came out when i was 17 it would have been game fucking over like i imagine absolutely like without fail would be dead from rand nodding so often oh in the worst in the worst situations possible you and i would have had be been the reason those rules were invented on their website truly i mean the the houses that I used to like walk around by only,
Starting point is 00:40:49 um, look at from afar, the abandoned like places that were like local legends of being really haunted and like nobody lived there. So like they were known for like teenagers, my age to like party in a cornfield next to the haunted house and maybe go into a room or two. But like imagine Brandon nodding. Truly like the amount and the like what's the right word?
Starting point is 00:41:15 Like the abandoned with the reckless abandoned with which I played Pokemon Go. I cannot imagine how I would have behaved playing this game. Imagine if they were like oh there might also be like something for your like mental vision board at the end of this. I feel like an Ekins also around the side of the barn. Go find it. A pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but the rainbow is actually black and white and totally monochromatic.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And a dead body most likely. So, and there's also a corpse at the end, not a pot of gold. So always a dead fucking body. There's Megan. and there's also a corpse at the end not a pot of gold so it's always a dead fucking body there's megan so there's a megan there's always a megan at the end of the maybe maybe maybe there's a maybe megan is the eckins now i'm just giving myself a headache wait what's megan so backwards nag nag him nag him all-em? Sounds like a classic Ecken situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Or unless there's a bunch of H's in there. Nag-em. Nag-em. With a silent R in there somewhere. Silent P, silent L. I'm sorry. I love all the Megans. There's a squiggly line in there
Starting point is 00:42:25 i'm sorry megans we love you oh wait i definitely spelled megan with an h backwards wrong whatever i don't care um so okay so here are just some of the stories that i either found in the articles or just actually these are the ones i found in the articles and then i also have my phone ready because i saved a few i favorited a few and i'm just gonna just to jog my memory be like oh and this one this one this one there's only like four or five but i thought they were worth mentioning oh so um giving good and bad so there are some people who have their intention was something magical that would inspire creativity that's a good intention that's nice and uh i'm only saying the like a little blurb about it but most of these also had pictures with them um so something magical that would inspire creativity and this person ended up
Starting point is 00:43:17 finding like a beautiful like meadow with like flowers and it was very like straight out of a fairy tale um one tiktok user his name is matt hall apparently he has done randonauting quite a few times um he actually his first one got 6.7 million likes on the app or something and i also definitely forgot to write what he actually saw. Cool. Oh, no. Look at Matt Hall. You'll find him. Oh, my gosh. What a cliffhanger there. 6.7 million people have seen it.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Now you go find it yourself. Also, TikToker Alex Bennett apparently ended up in a graveyard. And when he got there, he found a tombstone with his last name on it goodbye and he ended up finding out that they were literally his relatives and he never knew they were buried there what okay that's better than like finding it and being like so is this the end of the road for me i guess right like i wonder what that intention was um i do too my personal favorite and we have a picture for that that too, but one of the Redditors who posted their intention was a glitch in the Matrix. No, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Literally found a stoop that was clearly meant to have a door, and there's no door. Has a little awning to where the door would be has a stoop and railings it's just like a harry potter nine and three quarters wall oh my god goose cam um it like makes no like architecturally it's like oh great you'd put everything there except the door to get inside um someone wanted to their intention was see something unexplainable and ended up in the middle of a field with a recliner in the middle. Oh, I love that. One, I think this is a TikToker whose handle is slug Alexa. Their intention was my mom's lost dog and went to the middle of the desert and literally found a random dog running around and like cuddled them and hung out with them and ran around oh my gosh like out of all the things
Starting point is 00:45:30 in the world a middle of a desert a fucking dog just shows up well now i'm just sad that the other dog wasn't found right yeah yikes well hopefully uh the this writer set their intention as happiness and ended up like at a really pretty landscape during the sunset uh one woman and her boyfriend uh made secret intentions but they're like i'm gonna have an intention you have an intention we're not gonna tell each other so we like know that we're there's no confirmation bias we're both finding what we're looking for right and they ended up at this random spot totally set up in the woods it like should have not been there and it was a perfectly like a man-made little wedding chapel or was like a setting like built
Starting point is 00:46:12 for a wedding with like pews and everything what and uh she said that her intention had been love and he his intention was where he would propose one day. Is that not the wildest? Also talk about like if he planned that the whole goddamn time. It was like. Oh, wait. Yeah, that's. Was this on TikTok?
Starting point is 00:46:35 Because that sounds like a very bullshit TikTok move. That one I didn't find on TikTok. But it's like. What are like. That would have been real slick if he could have pulled that off. Like knowing what she would have wanted her intention to be. Dude, I'm having like full on goose camp. i had to pull my sleeves down because i'm like freaking out this is wild okay here's another one i'm glad you had a good time there another user set death as their intention see like why don't fucking do that but then again us as 16 year olds
Starting point is 00:47:03 would have done stupid shit like that too. Oh my gosh. The whole reason I was near abandoned locations as a teenager anyway was for the afterlife. So why wouldn't I pick something really fucking dark? We would have been like possession, demons. Absolutely. I would have at least picked a demon once or twice. So anyway.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Zozo. Set death as their intention. Assuming like, oh, I'll a like a deer on the side of the road or something and uh boy ended up driving around not finding anything the points didn't really apparently make too much sense went home found out that their cousin died oh no okay i want to tell that person it was not your fault that your cousin died like that's a really wild situation but i hope they're not like holding on to that now as, like, I did this. Yes, this gives a perfect little foot in the door for us to remind you that this just happens to be, the app says that very weird synchronicities happen, which just weird things that should not, it's just weird, very weird coincidences that make literally no sense.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah. That happens to just be one of them. A different time, someone set their intention as sad and found an old house that apparently was abandoned, but found two nooses hanging from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Oh. Oh. Oh, God. Oh, no. BuzzFeed did an article where they set the intention of uncomfortable okay that's kind of fun and they were led to a run-down house that had a rocking this is a quote from them we were led to a run-down house that had a rocking chair on the front porch occupied by a large stuffed animal that had two other stuffed animals on its lap and two straw hats on its head oh that is uncomfortable it's just like i don't know how to feel so i guess i am
Starting point is 00:48:50 uncomfortable like back away slowly uncomfortable yeah um and then real quick before i get into the i think the last one i had i want to um quickly go through some of the tiktok ones that i found um my favorite one was uh that there was uh one person who i guess because of corona had to uh say no to their out-of-state dream school and instead had to go to their um i guess their local state university which was i guess kansas university that's and um so they were like okay i, I'm going to go. Ran to nodding and my intention is closure because like I'm really bummed that I have to say no to my school. And was driving around and got to their quantum point or whatever and ended
Starting point is 00:49:37 up in a horse field and like mowed into the grass was KU. Isn't that crazy? That is nice there's also one by uh i don't know if it's marilyn or marlin oh marlena sanchez um apparently literally ended up at like a church or something and found a woman just like waving a knife in the driveway or in the parking lot what ew um another person you know the intention or no i don't know what the i probably would if i turned on the audio but i don't know if that's like a copyright thing um don't worry about it not worth it um there's another one mg i think brun click um they i guess there was like a group of friends who decided that they
Starting point is 00:50:28 were going to uh their intention was fears and one of them is terrified of heights and they ended up at an in a neighborhood called some something heights oh no and so the point that they got brought to literally was like the sign of the neighborhood saying like, Welcome to Blank Heights. Another one. I think this is Tia Langley is the handle. And literally ended up in the middle of like the abandoned woods. And if this is the one I'm thinking of, they literally all of a sudden found like random trash bags in the middle of the road they put on their high beams and then allegedly someone started like chasing them
Starting point is 00:51:11 and like out of the middle of the wood just started running at their car no thank you that's the one for sure because i remember that little scene of like they started freaking out like you could see like people charging their car and they're trying to like drive away as fast as they can no thanks someone else uh oh this one was actually in la and uh this one uh i think that the intention was fears or sad or anxiety or something like that. I can't remember without the volume on, but they ended up at a, they ended up at a random like parking sign or like road sign on the sidewalk. And the sign literally said,
Starting point is 00:51:55 this will end in tears. Oh no. So fucking weird. And a lot of these are like truly like people finding their way into some really shady areas like really abandoned places um people are finding bones people are finding like smashed cell phones with the batteries taken out and like random clothes lying everywhere people are finding buildings that have like just recently clearly been broken into with glass shattering um people have like again seen people sprinting at them with knives people have found some really shady stuff and so the argument can be made the like okay well if
Starting point is 00:52:40 everyone's doing it for kind of the creep factor of course you're going to go in the middle of the night to a secluded area where you would not go normally so it's kind of the creep factor, of course, you're going to go in the middle of the night to a secluded area where you would not go normally. So it's kind of just like the perfect environment for chaos. Um, the most popular one that I do want to talk about, um, I'm pretty sure I,
Starting point is 00:52:55 this is the right person, but their handle on Tik TOK was, uh, Henry. And, um, basically these teenagers, I don't know what their intention was clearly something really
Starting point is 00:53:06 fucked up and they found a black suitcase by the shore they were at the beach at the quantum point took them to the beach and on the rocks seattle right in seattle and uh they found a black suitcase on the rocks and i guess they were in the tiktok they're like climbing down the rocks to try to get to the suitcase and see what's in there that's why i originally thought that this was like a geocaching app because i was like oh you found like your treasure yeah um yikes and so apparently the captions in the tiktok were that like the smell was overwhelming i think at some point they said they saw something kind of peeking out of the suitcase and then in the tiktok you can see them literally calling the police because they're
Starting point is 00:53:48 pretty sure there's a dead body and they were like trash bags in it i think that's what they were like we don't want to open that yes further yeah exactly so then they literally called the cops and at the end of the tiktok is like a screen grab of um an article that was posted online saying that like literally human remains had been found um and this is actually this so the seattle police department uh actually did make a comment saying detectives are currently investigating after several bags containing human remains were located near the water and the 1100 block of Alki Avenue Southwest this afternoon. Police responded after receiving a call of a suspicious bag on the beach. Another bag was located in the water.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Once the contents were determined to be remains, Harbor Patrol is now assisting on the call, and detectives will work closely with the King County Medical Examiner's Office as the investigation proceeds. This remains an active and ongoing investigation so um i know that's like a terrible terrible awful thing but like also for like the sake of a person who like created the randonaut app like all of a sudden like had people like going crazy and wanting to see like what else they could find oh my goodness that's kind of where all this like all the spooky videos are coming out because people are probably making their intentions a little more dark now that that's like a potential um but so uh another one that kind
Starting point is 00:55:18 of shook me up last night was that a tiktok user uh i think it's McKenna Ray. This one I don't think was like for clout or anything. Not that any of these were for clout, but she was like really incredibly sobbing. And the video said that her intention was death. Oh, come on, guys. And while she was driving down the road, she literally found a man dying on the side of the road oh my god um saying that he was laying in the gutter and his wife was holding him
Starting point is 00:55:53 what the fuck and he was apparently allegedly shot she and she pulled over and called the police for them while her friend wrapped a jacket around him um and then she was posting a tiktok like saying what she i don't know if it was like a warning like you know don't make bad intentions with the randonaut but that one really fucked me up there's another oh there's another uh case where two friends found another suitcase and uh in the video they're running away after finding a shoe that still had a leg attached to it um goodbye they did later admit that there was no leg and so this is kind of one of the first signs that people are now doing it for clout um and so you can't really trust what you see every time i mean people really could be setting stuff out in a random field or they could live
Starting point is 00:56:41 literally in a fucking field and like be videotaping this as if it's a crazy place um yeah so basically the app is telling randonauts again i said this earlier but it the app does say like do this during the day with multiple groups of people like be safe um but you can't always control how people handle it um and with things with things that everyone has been finding this could be a coincidence, it could be a synchronicity, it could be the result of mind over matter connection that your intentions are actually, you know, working with the world. It could be confirmation bias, it could be kids just getting into abandoned areas at night, which is exactly where you find
Starting point is 00:57:20 the creepy stuff. It could be lying for clout and like i said earlier only one percent probably of this is like really extreme i'm sure most of the randonaut app is not you're not going to find a dead body um and uh some people think that this is interesting some people think that randonautica is actually accidentally proven that we are all in a simulation and we're all reality jumping so that's that's the extra fun part apparently a while ago i think it was like they have reworded it since but there were a few articles that came out that in antarctica like parallel universes had been proven to exist um and then it got taken back and they're like no it just got worded weird that's not the case and now people are saying like we're just like reality jumping first like
Starting point is 00:58:10 there were parallel universes and now there's not and it's like okay guy like it's getting kind of crazy how the fuck did we end up in the worst goddamn parallel universe like we're literally in the worst one like how do we get back to the other one stop everybody stop intentioning death everywhere and weird shit like that. Right now, let's all intention like just kindness, please. Like peace and kindness. So most people just say that all of this has to do with synchronicity. Two or more events that happen to occur in a meaningful way and at a time where they
Starting point is 00:58:40 really shouldn't be like connecting that way. And the chance that they would occur by random chances, small, it's kind of, I got this from, I got this from dimension 11, Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Oh, that's interesting because the example I was going to give is it's very much like seeing 11, 11 everywhere or how, like, I swear that i see 22 everywhere it's like you've already kind of primed yourself to always be ready for that and so you see it even though you're probably seeing like 35 million as a number right at the same right and it's it's
Starting point is 00:59:18 like the beta reinhofer it's like the second you're consciously aware of something it'll like pop up everywhere exactly sort of so this is all pretty much confirmation bias it just got some really spooky um undertones to it but if you want to try the app you can i have it on my phone i'm sure the next time you're in town you're gonna make me give it a whirl like i'm literally gonna get in another box now and see you in a moment my intention is actually christ. So let's see what happens with that. Anyway, there you go. quantum or like energy i don't know um so i don't know maybe even just being like attracted fit like geographically to things that you're yeah intentioning i don't think opening yourself up for your energy to coincide with the world's energy and yeah lets you gets you places there's
Starting point is 01:00:19 death happening so like it's gonna if it's gonna draw you there it's not that hard probably to find it but right um yeah i don't know and that's kind of wild's gonna draw you there it's not that hard probably to find it but right um yeah i don't know and that's kind of wild like i know you were saying oh there's so many creepy things being found but you're right like on a day-to-day you're not just going to random locations you're going very intentionally like to the kroger or to the bank and then like home and so i feel like it's just so there's probably so much shit out there that like nobody's looking at the ground to find or there were some i mean obviously the people whose intention is death they're also probably picking like whatever one of those three locations was for like the most
Starting point is 01:00:54 secluded area they're also going at night so like i'm sure they're finding these things because it's so easy to find them at that time in that place. But there's also people who, you know, are intentioning, like, the color red, or, like, a boat. Or there's one picture here that I had where, like, someone actually, this one I thought was really cool. Someone's intention was unexplainable, and then went to the beach and found a pyramid in the sand uh that looked like a vortex kind of pyramid it looked really eerie and like kind of geometric or um but people also will like their intention is peace and then all of a sudden they find like a book abandoned in the woods that's like all about peace so it's really like it could be anything and at the end of the day it really does seem like whatever you're looking for like if your intention is, you might walk by the dead body and like see a book about
Starting point is 01:01:48 peace. That's a good fucking point, dude, because you're totally right. And that's why I think like this whole manifesting shit sounds super cheesy, but I think it does work in a way of like, even my old therapist, she used to say that too. And she has a PhD, so I listened to her. But she said, she said like subconsciously, i listened to her but she said she said like subconsciously if you're they've done studies that like subconsciously if there's something that you're like thinking about or working towards so like i don't know say you want to
Starting point is 01:02:13 be the president or whatever but you're like unconsciously intent setting that intention um then it's like always in the back of your mind and you'll like automatically be swayed to do things that will lead you there even if you're not necessarily like, okay, the president's probably a bad example. But you know what I mean. Like you'll subconsciously your brain will like lead you to where your goal is. I mean you could really like depending on whatever your intention was, you could be, you know, walking past so many other things that you would have noticed if your intention were different. walking past so many other things that you would have noticed if your intention were different but now since you're focused on like like my mom always used to use the example of like if you think about everything that's red in your room all of a sudden red is going to look like the
Starting point is 01:02:51 like 90 of the colors in your room right until all of a sudden you switch your thinking to okay everything that's blue in the room and all of a sudden there's not a lot of red in the room so it's just yeah where you're where your mind is and if you're so interesting step one is set your intention then all it's saying is prime yourself for whatever the adventure is going to be which doesn't make it any less creepy by the way if you're finding bodies in you know abandoned buildings like like knife slinging people in the parking lot the hash slinging hasher i was literally thinking the same thing i just couldn't figure out the word so i did i couldn't either hash that slash slinging slasher okay well you got it hash slinging slasher um anyway so that's that's uh that's pretty wild i want to play it immediately so uh you were right i already know
Starting point is 01:03:37 it's going to be some weird date you make blaze do every single time oh for sure but you and i aren't going to do it first maybe we can do it and i'll just like in my intention will be cheesecake and then guess where it'll take us you know i'll actually just put like the coordinates into the factory uh on my on my gps and i'll be like no no it's the app you just you missed it what it brought us to the beverly to the grove it's the quantum oh my god the cheesecake factory would be like your quantum point yeah for sure yeah so learn that everybody if you if your intention is this podcast or just m it'll probably just take you to cheesecake and it's not a bad thing um it would be interesting if someone is willing out there to for their intention to be our podcast i would be curious to see where the energy points
Starting point is 01:04:22 for that are can you guys try that for real? I'm very curious. I'm very curious. Considering your intention is supposed to like kind of morph with what's going on celestially in the world and then link up to all these specific coordinates. It'd be interesting if they were like, if any of the spots were like a place we've covered on the show or like places we talk about on the show or maybe like your old apartment where it started. That'd be pretty cool. Guys, if like you do that and you end up at like one of our houses or house
Starting point is 01:04:49 of pies or something like i'm gonna freak out i want to know what people find i'm so curious believe in this and we will be like we'll be immediate spokespeople for this app if you find us with your intention if you find us if you're walking up with a also legally do not break into our houses well maybe don't do that part yeah yeah yeah um oh my goodness okay well that was fascinating i had no idea about that i didn't either until this morning how freaky okay so i guess it's my turn and now things are going to be less fun and just they always are they always are it's okay our intention is to make this really positive yeah yeah we can try um so last week i covered uh dominique fells and i mentioned that this is kind of a back-to-back mini series because there were two stories i wanted to cover and there was too much to do it in one so this week i'm covering ria milton um and they're different cases but the reason they're
Starting point is 01:05:51 kind of back to back because they highlight the same problem and they occurred within a 24 hour period right yes yes but they're obviously their own stories so just as a refresher um dominique remy fells um was a black trans woman who was murdered in the beginning of June. And Rhea Milton, just to spoiler alert, is also a black trans woman who was murdered within a 24-hour period as Dominique Remy Fels. And that was this past June. Again, during Black Lives Matter. Were they in the same areas or was this different parts of the no they were totally so this one was in ohio um in cincinnati actually
Starting point is 01:06:31 okay and uh the other one was in philadelphia um so yeah so they were it was within the same time period but yeah different different towns um and it was obviously, like I said, June, so Pride Month, during the midst of all the demonstrations, Black Lives Matter protests, and during the four-year anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shootings. So it was just a really wild time. It's always a wild time for these things to occur, but it just, again, it's a conflagration, as decided last week a big fire accidentally completely right so destructive fire that i accidentally meant to say totally um so this week i'm covering ria's murder and on my quest to find out more info about this um because it's such a new uh story i was seeing if any podcasts have covered it and i discovered this podcast called the slay queens i know and uh each week hosts ashley and wayne take a deep dive into the dark side of the rainbow are you is that a synchronicity right there that monochromatic rainbow didn't you say that i just got like goose cam again i didn't even think about it until i said it out loud that's some neg ham stuff right there that's miss megan right there with a silent q in the middle yeah nag ham i'll never know how to
Starting point is 01:07:55 spell megan backwards oh me neither when we you know what megan doesn't know how to spell her name forward so we're fine it's okay that was m not me i didn't say that unless your name is felt like fucking normal megan i there are my favorite part about not one it's one of my favorite parts of being on tour is whenever i was about to say this whenever a megan is in our meet and greet she always megan if you're out there and you plan on being in a meet and greet you know you know who you are every megan that comes up to us tells us without us asking how they spell their name and they're like unless it's like super weird and then they're like they don't admit it and we're like we know we we've had Megan's be like my name's Meg it's like they want us to trash them it is like it's hilarious I'm like hi what's
Starting point is 01:08:39 your name and they're like my name's fucking Megan and I'm like okay Megan that's the most Megan thing I've ever heard we get like more Megan's and Scorpio's at our shows than like any other star sign or name it's so wild sometimes you get the the double the double whammy of there's a Scorpio named Megan in our line that happens we had one I think it was in Denver where did we get really incredibly altitude sick was that that Denver? Okay. Denver, we had a Scorpio named Megan in our meet and greet. And Megan spelled her name M-E-G-H-E-A-N. And I was like, get the fuck out of here, Megan.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I was like, you are exactly what I'm talking about. And she was like, I know, I know. I know. I love it because they just own it. And it makes me so she's probably the queen of this like this dark rainbow at the end oh for sure you can find her at the end of it yeah her and all of her h's it makes me laugh and sometimes i love the megan's because sometimes i'll be like my name is me, but I spell it the normal way. And we'll go, what way? And she'll be like, M-E-A-G-H-A-N. And we're like, that? No.
Starting point is 01:09:48 You've deluded yourself. We met one time. I think it was in New York. I think it was at the Grammar's. No, I don't know. Somewhere in maybe Philadelphia. Who cares? She's Megan.
Starting point is 01:10:01 That's fine. But she was like, my full name's Megan, but I go by Meg. And I was like I was like that's fine and she was like it's spelled M-E-G-G and I was like okay get out of here oh my god but I love how much they know like to tell us it makes me happy because they're clearly just all about it I'm so tickled every time. Yeah, same here. It cracks me up. Anyway, back to not being happy. Let's keep going. Back to Ashley and Wade and the Slay Queens podcast. So yeah, they do a deep dive into the dark side of the rainbow, which I just thought was the coolest thing.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Didn't realize it would be such a synchronicity. So they did an episode, and they talked about Rhea Milton in a recent episode. They did mention on Instagram that they had technical difficulties. So just a warning that the sound might be a bit wonky, but I really liked the two of them and the way they talked about the cases. Plus, then I found out they're Cincinnatians. They live in Cincinnati, which then I realized Queen City, Queens maybe had something to do with it. But like I said a conflagration um this case is in Cincinnati so I'm like okay well synchronicity is left and right I
Starting point is 01:11:12 guess is is what I'm calling it um yeah so the case is oh you know what another synchronicity was by the way when we were talking recently we were talking about how to spell zhuzh and then I was watching I was like I don't know that I've ever seen it spelled out and then i was watching queer eye and literally with the subtitles uh bobby was like let's zhuzh it up and i went it was like minutes after we stopped recording and i was like oh how weird is that listen i'm telling you just manifesting weird i have that i used to think i was psychic specifically because anytime i think about a tv show episode i swear like within week, that episode is on my TV. And I'm like, I just thought of this.
Starting point is 01:11:49 It happens so often. I was like, I'm pretty sure I'm a psychic. I was, like, convinced. It's a very specific psychic power. Yeah, but one that's always worked. It was always right. I love it. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Well, anyway, so this is, it was kind of crazy because i found this story it was cincinnati then i found this podcast they're cincinnatians now this whole rainbow thing um so let's crack into it and zhuzh it up that's what we call pride month by the way this whole rainbow thing that's not what i meant i meant the rainbow synchronicity the dark side of the rainbow yes exactly um anyway so this takes place oh here's another fucking synchronicity, the dark side of the rainbow. Yes, exactly. Anyway, so this takes place. Oh, here's another fucking synchronicity. It takes place in Liberty Township, which is a place I had literally never been to until we did a live show in Liberty Township, which is like really far out.
Starting point is 01:12:38 It's like 45 minutes away from like downtown Cincinnati, like out there. But it's technically like greater Cincinnati I guess um but so I don't know much about that area but it was definitely weird when I saw it because I was like oh we did a live show there okay um so that's kind of just a fun fact uh so according to here I wrote it out human rights campaign uh read our last episode yeah yeah let's pretend that didn't happen um so i have another like pretty startling shocking and disturbing fact here uh according to yeah human rights campaign the life expectancy of transgender women of color is 35 years old um so that's alarmingly sobering um and with that i guess let's just fucking crack into it that was a great way to start this just the most sad fact i've ever heard i had that fact
Starting point is 01:13:36 and i went where do i put it i don't want to put it right at the end and then be like bye so i was like well that is the absolutely the most jarring statistic i've heard it is out of all the sad things just it's sickeningly disturbing the only thing that rivals that i think is like the number of pregnant black women who are dying of of corona like that just the statistics are so like bingo heart-stopping yeah it's really bad um it's really bad. That's my take, everyone. Jesus. My words. Yes, but I mean, it's like between those two statistics, like how can you compare the worst of either of those? They're just fucking awful.
Starting point is 01:14:16 It's just like tragic. So, okay, this case takes place June 9th, begins June 9th, 2020. So it's the day after Dominique Remy Feld's body was found in Philadelphia. 25-year-old Rhea Milton was lured to Liberty Township by three individuals intending to steal her car and money. So according to Fox 19 local news, a fight ensued during the robbery and Milton was shot twice. In the aftermath, the suspects fled with her car, leaving her body behind in the 6,000 suspects fled with her car, leaving her body behind in the 6,000 block of Spruce Creek Drive near Liberty Park. And it wasn't until the following morning at 5.30 a.m. that investigators were called to the scene of a dead body, which turned out to be Ria's, and she was pronounced dead on the scene. So Ria was 25 years old. She was a
Starting point is 01:15:03 student at the University of Cincinnati and worked as a home health aide. Her sister, Ariel Marianne, described her as a joyful person who was always smiling. And Ariel and Rhea are actually birth sisters, but they didn't meet until elementary school because they were separated when Ariel was adopted. and they weren't really close, but they stayed in each other's lives. They cared about each other like sisters, and they had last talked in April, which was two months before Rio was killed. Okay. And what was the age difference between them, or do we know that? I don't think we know that. I don't think it was said anywhere how old she was.
Starting point is 01:15:42 I'm sure that's the least important information in this entire story. I was just trying to think. It's a good question. Yeah, I don't have it. It didn't get mentioned. I don't believe in the article as far as I can tell. I think she's relatively young, though. Like, I don't think she's much different age wise from Rhea, who is 25. So Ariel herself identifies actually as a trans woman.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Oh, which. Yeah. um so ariel herself identifies actually as a trans woman oh which uh yeah so it made it even obviously harder for her to hear how her sister's death was being reported in the news um so ria was referred to by investigators and subsequently by the media as her by her dead name um as well as male pronouns and this was just an extra blow to obviously her friends and family. Now as for dead naming, like, I know what this term is, but I know a lot of people don't. So I don't know if you wanted to explain it as someone who knows more about that. Yeah. Or if you want to like, because I don't put you on the spot. Like I have a definition in case you don't feel comfortable doing it. But I don't care. i'll try to keep my my personal interest in ranting
Starting point is 01:16:45 about it forever to a bare minimum um i just didn't want to like mansplain dead naming to you you know that would have actually been way funny um but uh okay dead naming for the people who don't know if you consider yourself an ally which i pray to god you do if you're listening to this show especially but if you happen to be a cisgender person and don't know what deadnaming is, it is the previous name that someone went by before they came out as living in their truth. There's a reason why I go by M, not the longest version of that name, because it is my deadname. It is not the name I like it is it reminds me of
Starting point is 01:17:25 what I am not trying to present to the world so that's that's basically I'm trying to keep it as sure as possible but if you are dead naming or if you happen to be someone who's like oh I have a friend who's transitioning or goes but you know if you're one of those people who's like oh they go by this but this used to be their name that is literally the worst thing you can do please do not do that do not ever ever ever tell someone's name if they no longer go by that at least in the queer community um they there's a reason they don't want to be known by that so don't address it it's literally nobody's business and it could be really damaging and yes even if you think oh it's just like a fun fact it's yeah it's it's like that's information
Starting point is 01:18:12 that they should be able to decide if it's worth sharing so completely completely um especially if it doesn't like fit their identity and thank you for explaining that in a much more poignant way than i probably would have the i will say for the people wondering why it like why it's such a big deal. It's like if Bob used to go by Ashley, there's a lot of shitty people out there who when they first meet Bob, now they're only going to know Bob as Ashley. Or they're going to be like, oh, Bob doesn't deserve or shouldn't have, you know, he, him pronouns. You know, all I see now are all the feminine features that Bob is probably so insecure about. Because now I know that Bob was once Ashley. It fucks with people's heads and then it ends up fucking with the actual person who matters.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Totally. When it's almost like giving a caveat of like, oh, sure, I'll call you Bob. But if you're even mentioning the old identity, it's like, yeah, why even bring that into play? Like if they're if it's Bob, don't be like, well, it's Bob who used to be Ashley. Like, that's not. Yeah, it ends up feeling like you're not seeing someone as who they are. You're just humoring them because you're trying to be like a good person in society, but you don't really mean it. a good person in society but you don't really mean it yeah exactly exactly and so that's kind of what happened it's not kind of it's absolutely what happened um and so uh i will say i was actually pretty pleased because most of the articles that i did read um were they never mentioned the dead name uh her dead name so i was very impressed by that because it was only in one article i found where i was like oh i hadn't even seen it yet but you know seeing it even is like oh
Starting point is 01:19:51 like it just puts a different thought into your head of like that person's identity and that's not fair if they're that's not what they don't want to present right so i was very surprised um that like once surprised and pleased that once you know this got corrected like nobody reported with the dead name at all not even saying like oh uh one article said like oh other news agencies reported her name as this and i was like just leave it out like just why you know it's just it feels gross it's like it's like whatever you're the most insecure about like let's say you have like some really wild scar on your face it's like me being like oh my friend christine is coming over she has a massive scar on her face it's like why are you saying that like why are you talking about the one thing she's probably the most insecure about exactly like the one the one thing that she does
Starting point is 01:20:33 not want you to talk about right or identify her as the one thing she would like you to not know her by is the one thing you're going to address her with the lady has the big scar on her face yeah right exactly no that's exactly it so i was i was actually like pleased that i didn't even run into the name um doing the research aside from one time so obviously i'm not going to even go there but right um ariel so her sister said at this point she was out as a transgender woman everyone knew her as ria she added it costs nothing to call me ariel to use she her pronouns to call herhea, to say that she was my sister. It costs you nothing.
Starting point is 01:21:07 It costs zero dollars to be fucking respectful. It costs zero fucking dollars. She said you have zero excuses as to why you cannot call people the names they want to be called by. And I just was like, yeah, that's exactly right. And for Ariel also to be a transgender woman, be like in the same boat as like, yeah, how the fuck? I just love that there's at least like somebody who can speak out and be like i understand how this feels like don't fucking call my sister right you know the wrong name yeah um so sergeant kim peters of the butler county sheriff's office
Starting point is 01:21:36 wrote to the cincinnati inquirer that friday uh and he said the confusion came about when ria's parents referred to her as their son um sergeant peters explained that although the sheriff's department was sensitive to these matters which i was like oh i love some examples please please just enlighten me i have all day i would love some examples of your sensitivity to these matters quote unquote okay let's hear um right so oh they're not there um don't worry they're just kind of alluded to in a very mysterious way uh excellent that makes it even better so uh although the sheriff's department is extremely sensitive to these matters during the investigation the victim's parents referred
Starting point is 01:22:17 to ria as their son oleg which is the ohio law enforcement gateway an information network for police has the victim listed as a male and that is what the coroner's report also said which is i suppose what they're saying is where the confusion stemmed from uh however according to usa today ria's birth mother uh so not her adopted adoptive mother but her birth mother tracy milton acknowledged her child as a transgender woman she said she did not raise ariel or rhea but became a part of their lives after they turned 18 and one of rhea's close friends 28 year old eden estes who describes ariel as like a little sister has reached out to multiple media outlets hoping to
Starting point is 01:23:00 correct rhea's name and pronouns in public reports So she has a lot of people like on her behalf going out. And I've seen a lot of stories. I covered one a while back. I don't remember the episode, but of, you know, people who are, who are trans and their family doesn't acknowledge the correct name. And it just becomes like, nobody stands up for them except for maybe strangers on the internet. And it's just really heartbreaking. nobody stands up for them except for maybe strangers on the internet and it's just really heartbreaking you know it really is such a few things really punch me in the gut but finding out and these i mean these are just two stories that you're covering but i've heard of other you know oh there's similar cases where you know they're just being misgendered after death left and right and nobody's defending them and it's just the wildest thing that's one of the only things where like i'm completely fucking moved just like how can how can no one stand up
Starting point is 01:23:51 for this person who's dead like it's already awful like you can't let them have one fucking thing they're literally like the alt like a victim here and nobody's not even calling them by their name i can't stand it it's almost like yeah it's almost like that gets erased it's just really disturbing um so i also okay so i also want to add to that this is something that i kind of realized or thought about that was a kind of a sticking point or like a thinking point i guess for me is that um the intentionality behind dead naming doesn't change the fact that you're dead naming somebody so like even if you accidentally say the wrong name like it doesn't mean you were doing it to be an evil overlord but like you still did it did the act and it
Starting point is 01:24:37 still deserves to be corrected and you know whatever and not always i will i will defend you know i have cisgender allies you are not one of them but i have cisgender allies who knew me for a long time with a different name so there is a difference between dead naming someone because you are outright being disrespectful and you are adapting and adjusting and you're learning and you made a mistake that's i feel like you've always been so like um patient with people and you didn't even have to be obviously but you were always very like patient with people i mean i understand there's a difference between me i don't want to like tell someone they're like fucking canceled because they like made a mistake you know
Starting point is 01:25:18 it's like i mean how many it's a very easy fix and i know when people are genuinely apologetic and or they're like oh well fuck you you know there's a very easy fix. And I know when people are genuinely apologetic and are there like, oh, well, fuck you, you know, there's a difference. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:28 But I just wanted to make that clarification because some people who are trying to be better allies might be afraid of making a mistake. Right. I just want to make. That's exactly right. Yeah. No, you're totally right.
Starting point is 01:25:38 And I think the, the, the difference comes when, or the like gray area comes when like, for example, I mean mean i'm not gonna like make a thing of this but somebody commented on one of our posts and and misgendered you and as always one of i think it was eva commented like hey just a reminder like just oh just always kind of a gentle reminder because a lot of times people are early in the podcast and haven't
Starting point is 01:26:01 caught up to current day and we can't fault them for that my own goddamn fault because i should have definitely i wasn't to be fair i wasn't i wasn't ready to right i wasn't ready to make that change yet i just it's just wildly inconvenient that i had to make that change like after people knew me one way and then have to adapt later and we've talked about this on the show i think before but a lot of people in our person we i don't mean to make this all about me i'm aware this is like a really dark topic but it's topical and worth mentioning especially since it is we're recording on the last day of pride month so yeah let me fucking have this and our birthday month by the
Starting point is 01:26:39 way by the way it's still gemini season to me um. But so we've had a lot of people who are wonderful allies and are trying their best. But sometimes it comes off a little aggressive for the people who just made an honest mistake. And so sometimes it's easier for us to handle it on our own when someone misgenders me in a comment. Because otherwise that person again i'm grateful for the people that are at my defense but there have been some like one percent of people um who are defending me and like end up scaring that person out of probably not wanting to become an ally because they have now felt so cornered about being able to even ask questions so right and attacked and it's it's one of those things where not enough i mean episode 10 if you're on episode 10 like you just simply don't you don't know it's
Starting point is 01:27:30 not your fault you don't know that i later go by different pronouns so well and so the example like of somebody commenting and so eva had given like a gentle reminder and just been like hey just so you know you know um m goes by them pronouns. And then this person kind of, instead of saying, you know, oh, I'm sorry, like I'll delete my comment or whatever, like went on a very, very, very angry defensive rant about how they didn't know. And we were like, no, we understand you didn't know. That's why we're telling you. And they just went on this very, very aggressive thing where I was like, you know what, but that's why we're telling you and they just went on this very very aggressive thing where i was like you know what but that's the point here that i'm trying to make is that you can dead name someone not intentionally but totally accidental what matters is that afterward you acknowledge it
Starting point is 01:28:14 and right reroute yourself or correct yourself um so that was a basically my whole point is that like whether the media outlets or police knew or not it still happened and it was still damaging yes and it's also it's more it's a little more painful and comes off as much more disrespectful because it was you know if we accidentally misgendered somebody in person let's say like anybody not just you or me but if if i was walking down the street and met someone accidentally misgendered them it's a quick correction and then I've learned. And I also had, I didn't know beforehand, but when it's a news outlet,
Starting point is 01:28:51 it just hurts a little more because it's like you could have just done some basic due diligence or like you could have done some basic research or like if you make a mistake. Like called her mother or called her sister or like looked on her Facebook or yeah. It just seems like it's a grander accident that like,
Starting point is 01:29:07 if, if you, if you knew you were going to report about this person, you should have learned about this person. Right. So, and I'm just like super, I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:14 in general, this is probably not even my place to be, but I'm just really proud of a lot of our most, all of our audience who are listeners who are just like been, have been like super on top of it. Just, we just have like so many awesome listeners that makes me super proud um uh and so you know there are some people
Starting point is 01:29:31 some trolls or whatever who come along and will say to m like well then why don't you put them in your twitter bio and m's like they're literally in my twitter bio so i'm just sometimes like baffled that people will get so angry and be like you need to do the work and I was like I literally put it there and it's not my fault if you don't check the bio before you yell at me to anyway so sometimes it just feels like I told you this was going to be this is going to become a rant we just we both are very sorry about this I'm sorry it just like becomes one of those things where it's like don't put that back on em if if if you're like well it's M's. Like M tells you and puts it in their bio. Like don't say put it in your bio.
Starting point is 01:30:08 That drives me up the wall. Anyway, but that's not. We'll end this rant on that. Like we'll just sum it up with a nice little bow and that like, yes, to all of our, first of all, our allies, you are, thank you for being allies. We have the best audience, I swear to God, of like any show ever. I love it. And for those who are also, you know, queer or queer allies, because not everyone is trans
Starting point is 01:30:30 in the queer community, but are non-binary or whatever it is. I still don't know what the fuck I am. I'm somewhere in there. But to anyone that is either queer or has is an ally of the queer community, thank you for doing your part. And honestly, one of my favorite parts of going on tour is meeting other babies and people questioning either their sexuality or their gender or realizing through our show that like, you know, maybe they need to reevaluate. They didn't know something about themselves that they're discovering. discovering. And also, the part that always makes me and Christine cry is when parents come up to us and say that the show has been able to help them understand their children better. And
Starting point is 01:31:12 it sounds like again, like we're like bragging about ourselves, which is not what we're trying to do. We're just trying to say, we appreciate our audience. And if you are someone that we have just listed, we see you and we hear you and we hope that you're gonna keep furthering this especially not just because it's pride month but throughout you know all time for all time it's just like so heartwarming because like if we'll comment like hey just so you know like 45 people will like that comment and i'm like that's just so they're just you guys are all just so supportive and lovely and it sounds like we're talking about us but really we're talking about you but we're making it sound like we're talking about us i'm legitimately not even talking about us i just feel really fortunate and lucky that we have the listeners that we do because i just feel like we're always
Starting point is 01:31:54 very supported and loved and you guys should know that you're loved back and i just anyway i feel bad that this person was not appropriately respected that's what this 45 minute fucking tirade that we've been on is is about but it also just hits so close to home because it's like this is a person that you can look at in the news but like this is also a person that you could know in real life or look up to and respect or like be friends with or you know i mean it's it's like us it's everybody it's not just like some person um who's misgendered on the news like it's a it could it's a problem it could be anybody yeah exactly so in any case that being said um when asked if rhea milton was targeted because of her identity as a transgender woman
Starting point is 01:32:37 butler county sheriff richard jones replied no no absolutely not this person was lured there to be robbed and ria's friend eden says ria's death should be considered a hate crime um ariel uh for what it's worth her sister says she doesn't know if her sister's identity made her a target for assailants or not but what she does but what she does know is that black transgender women like we said last week are among the most vulnerable groups in american society and that's not only to murder, by the way, that's to unemployment, poverty, homelessness, physical violence, coronavirus, things like that. It's just rampant. It's horrific. According to WCPO local news, the American Medical Association described anti-transgender violence as an epidemic in 2019. But unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:33:26 according to a Cleveland law firm called Friedman and Nemechek LLC, Ohio does not currently make any reference to crimes that are motivated by prejudice against a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. So in other words, in Ohio, hate crimes are limited to targeting by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin rather than um your sexual identity or or gender identity so that is wild to me but is apparently that's awful yeah it's it's pretty surprised i mean i guess it's not but it's not necessarily surprising but it's kind of horrific um so ria's death is believed to be at least the 14th violent death of a transgender or gender nonconforming person this year. Keep in mind, I said violent death.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Oh, right. I thought you were going to say 13th because last week you said your previous case was the 13th and this is the 14th. Exactly. Yeah. So this was the 14th. Like they she was killed the day after they found Dominique's body. Wow. So,
Starting point is 01:34:26 um, right. 14 violent death, at least again, that term. Um, and yes, Ohio is probably pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Um, as far as like, uh, laws, but unfortunately, nationally speaking, it's really not that much better. Also not very shocking.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Um, according to the HRC, there are currently very few explicit federal legal protections for transgender or gender expansive people uh nationally despite some marginal gains in state and local policies that support and affirm transgender people recent years have been marked by anti-lgbtq attacks at all levels of government this is like so not a surprise i mean we know what just happened with Trump reversing like Obama era protections in health care. It's none of this is shocking, but it's still just disturbing. Jarring. Yeah. And doing that during Pride Month in 2020 during everything that's going on is's a nice solid fuck you it is a nice nice solid fuck you
Starting point is 01:35:25 yeah um as for ria's murder according to cbs news investigators in butler county have arrested all three of the suspects in ria's murder uh the first man was identified as 18 year old caleb marshall toosen who accidentally shot himself during the robbery oh and smooth and was treated at a hospital before being arrested he faces charges of murder and aggravated robbery a second man named tyree jeffrey cross of cincinnati remained at large until this past friday and the third suspect here's a little uh twist for you the third suspect was a 14 year old girl and she was arrested alongside tucson and faces charges of complicity to aggravated robbery complicity to murder and tampering with evidence wow so cross uh who was just most recently he was
Starting point is 01:36:14 at large for a while but um was finally apprehended on friday is wanted for complicity to murder complicity to aggravated robbery and unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, which I saw in one article was that 14 year old girl. Um, okay. And I saw that in one article and it was not confirmed in any other. So I just want to point that out, but that is kind of what I'm led to believe. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Um, and that was written at one point that the 14 year old is the one that he was having sexual conduct with yes um so what a trio i guess right um ariel is fighting to fix the way her sister was represented in the media she wrote on twitter that she wants to make sure she's remembered in death like she was in life and um this is like a really strange turn of events that i discovered that also kind of led to because this is where the story sort of quote unquote ended um but i found this like weird article in city beat which is a cincinnati publication and then i found it like more information on buzzfeed but basically um kim kardashian tweeted about ria's uh murder okay and it turned into like a really
Starting point is 01:37:29 kind of awful situation so basically ariel and other members of ria's family had to beg kim kardashian to take down a tweet after she tweeted a picture of a woman she thought was ria milton but wasn't oh okay and according to buzzfeed news the incorrect photo was originally posted by the human rights campaign in their article about rhea and ariel received a screenshot of this article and it was not a picture of her sister but a picture of her aunt shana okay and she wrote to the author who immediately removed it and apologized profusely but the next day uh ariel was horrified to see that kim kardashian had tweeted gotcha a graphic that said black trans lives matter along with a photo of ariel
Starting point is 01:38:12 and ria's aunt so it was not ria basically it says rest in power on top and then it has a picture of who of dominique fells on one side and then it has a picture of a woman that kim thought was ria but it's not and ria's aunt aunt exactly and there's like greenery greenery around them their names are like faded into the background um and ria's family was like um that's not ria that's our aunt shana and what made it worse is that shana had actually died in april like unexpectedly that makes it definitely a little worse yeah so then it was just suddenly this like oh my god suddenly they're deceased aunts photos everywhere and they're still grieving about that um yikes and so shana's daughter marisha was really upset um she said it basically added salt to the wound and
Starting point is 01:39:04 um she told buzzfeed news everyone else used the same picture of ria except kim and it makes me question if she really cares about black trans lives my mom and my cousin ria do not look alike at all and i will confirm they do not look alike at all weird okay i'm just surprised that like kim's like pr team didn't catch that like catch that or double check but um meanwhile according to the le times the man who created the original graphic um is an oakland-based artist and poet named alan uh lopez alan pill oh gosh pilat play plies god sorry lopez uh and he released his error and quickly made a statement saying action needed i used a
Starting point is 01:39:45 photo from a statement hrc ran two days ago to make an image the photo is not ria milton please help me by reporting the tweet with the image that kim kardashian has made as it's not a retweet but a screen cap i don't want my mistake to cause more hurt as a side note um kim also didn't credit him for the artwork like he had made this whole graphic so even if it was correct she didn't credit him which also is like so shitty in its own way okay um but by the time uh kim k or her so all these people are begging her to remove it basically by the time it was finally removed it had been up for three days um and by that point it had more than 3 500 retweets and 22 000 likes obviously the damage was done at this point marisha said the graphic contributes to the erasure
Starting point is 01:40:32 of black trans women who already face disproportionate rates of deadly violence and this is just one more slap in the face basically to the family um according to buzzfeed news the hrc who posted the original wrong photo has actually long faced criticism for failing to include transgender rights in its advocacy, um, and for systemic issues stemming from its leadership's lack of diversity and inclusion. So this also didn't help their image. Um, Kim K nor her team, uh, have issued any sort of statement or apology. They just kind of removed it. And all in all, basically Rhea's family has gone through utter hell this past month, just getting worse. And in a recent statement by Rhea's sister, Ariel, she said, it may be a sad song, but we're going to sing it again. I will
Starting point is 01:41:16 continue to fight and push for the voices of black transgender women to be uplifted until the day I die. We deserve to be heard, to be loved, and for our very existence to be acknowledged. So that's the story. I have a couple of ways to like, if you want to help, I'm going to put the same link in the show notes as last week with just a list of on Harper's Bazaar of places you can contribute, donate your time, money. Rhea's funeral GoFundMe is set up by her sister Ariel, is still trying to reach its goal as of this recording. So any money that is left over after paying for the funeral will be donated to various organizations focusing on supporting the arts, the supporting of foster care kids, because Rhea had been in foster care herself, and the supporting
Starting point is 01:42:01 of black transgender individuals. And that link will also be in our show notes so you can check that out and that is my part two of one of the saddest um you know topics i've covered it's also our part two of uh black trans lives matter of our of our uh our own personal little rants about that um wow that's sad it's a heavy one folks um it's very very sad and uh you know what i mean we just got to talk about it yeah it needs to be said even if it's not exactly what we want to talk about or what we should have to talk about but it exists so i think even the fact that it's so uncomfortable and like horrific makes it even more important to exactly not hide from yeah so well so i put everyone in a bad mood um that's okay everyone go put your intentions on uh
Starting point is 01:42:58 some dessert or some boxed wine or something good puppy cuddles um i am really interested to see what if you guys wouldn't mind tagging us if you guys do decide to do please random not it doesn't have to be about us i know we were just making it like such a gemini fucking thing saying like oh about our podcast but like if you anything that like if if hearing us talk about it is what got you to use the app if you find anything cool or creepy like definitely tag us i want to see what you guys come up with please do let us know what your intention is i'm so curious i'm downloading it right now i'm home alone and i think there's a ghost in my house so this is going to be a weird night but the best part will be when
Starting point is 01:43:38 your intention is like something haunted and then the geo quantum point is literally your own house i feel that thing up my neck and i'm like oh well anyway hopefully uh you guys all end up at cheesecake factory so until then we'll be there too we'll be there too uh thank you for listening and i guess we're probably halfway through july already huh holy cannoli or at least close or at least close so anyway uh thank you for listening and check out our website and that's what we drink check out our socials at wwd podcast follow us on uh either of our personal socials xt and chiefer and vm schultz you can uh add us on you can donate at patreon um at w podcast, a whole lot of stuff. It's all out there.
Starting point is 01:44:27 It's all out. You'll find it. You'll get there. Google us. Give us a googs. Give us a quick goog. Quick googs. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:34 And? That's. Why? We? Googs. Oh, googs. That's why we eat Cheesecake Factory. Okay, bye.

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