And That's Why We Drink - E180 An Alien Silver Fox and Skeleton ASMR

Episode Date: July 19, 2020

We're so close to the big two double oh! Join us for episode 180 where we promise to celebrate episode 200 by secretly flying to each other's houses while Eva finally quits! Today Em gets sultry with ...some poetry from outer space and the epic (and sometimes uncomfy) love story of Elizabeth Klarer and her alien lover. Is it the alien Twilight? That's for you to decide. Then Christine brings us a whopper of a story and covers Jeffrey Dahmer. From skeleton ASMR to the notorious chocolate factory, this one is a doozy of a story you won't want to miss. Also be sure to check out Elizabeth and Akon's love missives with the links below... it's definitely why we drink! Click if you dare for Elizabeth and Akon's erotic story: consider supporting the companies that support us! Get 10% off your first month of Better Help when you go to to for a great deal and free shipping! Use coupon code DRINK for $10 off your first box at https://www.fabfitfun.comGo to and enter promo code DRINK to get $25 off your first box!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can't wait until one day where one of our sponsors is our fish flops. I will talk about them forever. I've refused. That will be my one veto. Every time I wear them, someone goes, everyone's like, I love your shoes. And I go, holy mackerel, you noticed? Oh, you hurt me physically. Should we start?
Starting point is 00:00:30 I suppose. Okay. We can't end first, you know? What if we just ended instead of starting? Just like, bye. Okay. What if we just didn't say anything and just started talking? Like, I don't know. I feel like we always say hello and it becomes a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Why don't we just skip the pleasantries? Just like, how do we say hello backwards? Ole. That's got to be something in Swedish, right? Like, I don't know what you're saying, but it might be offensive. Isn't that how you spell hello backwards? Ole. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I mean, we did spend a long time trying to figure out how to spell Megan backwards and that didn't go so well. So I still am not sure how to spell Megan because there's so many damn ways to spell it. Okay. That's true. There's no proper way. I did just get a message from a Scorpio Megan and that episode hasn't even been released yet. I'm sorry. A message from a Scorpio Megan. I'm like, Megan, just wait till this, this next episode. You're going to love it. Do you know how many Scorpio Megans tweet me? and I'm like, I don't know how much interaction I should allow. Anyway, hello, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:30 This is episode 180, which means we are only 20 away from 200. The big two double O. That's what I say. We keep saying we got to figure something out like party wise. And I have yet to do that. I know we got to actually map it out and make sure we know the date because one day we'll just sit down and go, oh, shoot, it's episode 200 and not have anything planned. I feel like episode 200 is going to be the day where we both fly to each other's cities by accident. And Eva's having an aneurysm.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And Eva just quit. Eva finally quit. We did it. We did it. We drove her to the brink. It's like, again, the office episode where they're like, if I get her to depression, I'll at least have done my job. The stages of grief. Exactly. I wanted to say real quick, I finally got my little, I got a mini set up here. Um, I can tell because my old look was so bland and you get to record in the studio now. And, and now I have, I am giving me these lemon lights, um, for my birthday. Yes, I did. And, uh, I have a little tail here. Have you, have you set them up? You know, they're too short to reach a plug. So I got to find an extension cord and really get it, you know, pretty wild. And that makes that will take me some time. I might, you know, my Skillshare course hasn't fully ended yet. My
Starting point is 00:02:48 final exams. The final chapter is buy batteries for your fucking lemon lights. I'm pretty sure there's probably an entire chapter like please don't buy lemon lights or put them up anywhere in your house. If you're thinking about bringing in lemon print, you've done it wrong. I have way too much lemon print in my house i love it um also oh i have my wine look i have a little table for my wine look at you i'm prepared i even opened it already 19 crimes who's our prisoner du jour this guy he he's actually really handsome um oh i don't know his name but the crime is grand larceny theft above the value of one shilling. So you and I at the Cheesecake Factory have already broken that rule.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Absolutely. At least by 10 shillings. At least by 10 cheesecakes. Cheesecake. How many shillings is a cheesecake? How are you? What are you drinking? Why are you drinking?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Do we do that anymore? We should. We should. We've got 20 episodes to really bring it back. And then on the 200th. Yeah, we've got to really like get to our roots. So let's see. Why am I drinking?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Hmm. I don't know. I've been in a little, in a weird headspace lately. Just, I guess I'm, it's not that I'm drinking in a negative way or a positive way. Just kind of in like a meh way. Oh, no. I mean, I get that, though. We're in the middle of this pandemic. I think it's finally catching up with me because like I spent the last like 120 days being like, this is great. And then now I'm like, oh boy,
Starting point is 00:04:15 like I, you and I were both so confident in the beginning. Cause you were like, oh, it's fine. I like to be home. And I was like, I'm an introvert. I like to be home. And now we're like, oh, I think it's, I honestly think it's that like now there's the um I'm I'm being seduced by some of the things that are opening up and because they're open part of my part of my brain is saying like oh well I can go do that but like I yes I have like the world was making the choice for me to stay home when everything shut down and now it's like up to me. And I don't have everyone. And I have a lot of discipline.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I'm going to stay inside. I'm just getting sad because I realize not everyone is inside. It's hard because I mean, I'm in Ohio and everything is like they were like way ahead of the curve with the whole. I mean, obviously now it's a different story, but they were way ahead. So cases were super low and they reopened. And now everyone's like at bars and literally on my street, there's like two bars and I like have to walk past with my mask while I'm walking G and I'm like, I can't have a beer there. I mean, this is ultimate first world problems. But you're right. Like it is a different vibe now because
Starting point is 00:05:18 some people are going out and it just feels weird. Like we have to kind of follow our own set of rules. Yeah, I think it's as you might say, after our last conversation with Skillshare, the final test, um, because, uh, I feel like, uh, again, I thought the world, you know, the world was deciding for me, but I went camping with Alison last minute a while ago. And obviously we were in the middle of the woods and secluded and we're not near anybody for a very long distance but um as we were driving we just saw people walking through the like doing their own thing on like normal busy streets and i was like one idiots two i wish i was them so jealous of those idiots i know it's hard it is i, the only time I leave my house is to go to the
Starting point is 00:06:05 doctor, which is not as exciting as I imagine. Not. But I also I guess for a good thing, a good reason why I drank is because last week, actually the same day we came back from camping, I think, or maybe it was the night before we watched the Hamilton movie. Oh, we watched that too. Yeah. It was really good. I did my thing because I knew I would want to talk through it. And I also knew I would want to like sing through it. And I was like, I'm not going to do that to Allison because she's never seen Hamilton. So I had like a nice five minute, a prelude where I was like, these are all of my thoughts. I will nudge you when they happen. I
Starting point is 00:06:45 will not speak. Oh, that's very thoughtful of you. I had never seen it. And like, I don't think we talked about this, but one of the, the big gift that I got you for your birthday was supposed to be four tickets to Hamilton in LA at the Pantages. And it was supposed to be you, Alison, me and Blaze. I bought four tickets. And then obviously that didn't happen. And StubHub finally refunded me because that was not it. They were like, oh, we'll give you a coupon. I was like for Hamilton ticket prices. No, no, I want my money back. So they were very good about that, thankfully. But yeah, so I felt really like sad because I was watching and I was like, Emma and I were going to see this live with our friend Lynn, who doesn't really want to associate with us.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Our real goal, you bought those four tickets so that we could get backstage and tell them our Houdini idea. I bought them that week, actually. I actually bought them thinking I was afraid that when our friendiversary came along, I was afraid that you would like do something crazy. So I like bought them just in case. I bought them as a birthday gift. And then I was like, that's fair. I'll buy them now just in case something happens. then you like shit all over Kremit and it just was you know I was like you don't deserve these tickets listen honestly we should just get four tickets for Kremit because they deserve it for sure um no we had we had a great uh a great birthday by the way we we really did not talk much about the things we did because it definitely got upstage with your massive gift of appearing like Houdini. Right, like Houdini and
Starting point is 00:08:10 also all the nonsense that the rest of the world was doing in June. We were like, let's just let them have this for a minute and let the conversation revolve not around us for a hot second. Exactly. Yeah, that's but we had a good time. So do you have a reason why you drank? I should ask real quick. Well, you know how I have AC. it's busted up in the third floor where I'm sitting. So I'm hot as hell. And I'm back in humid country. So my native deodorant is working overtime. And I know I just mentioned two sponsors in like the span of 10 minutes, but it's like the real deal. I've had to carry my native deodorant in my purse like a giant weirdo oh no um anyway but uh other than that I'm like I feel like our house are oh
Starting point is 00:08:51 the painters painted everything what's it look like so nice I'm so happy with it I'll have to like do a little Instagram live tour or something um but I'm very happy with it and also I'm happy there's no more strangers in my house every day. But the AC would be nice. Yes. The AC would be nice. So let's hope that kicks in by next recording session. Just find yourself a box, fly out here. You can have my AC. It's fine. Oh, okay. I'll find myself a box. Also real quick before we get started, I just want to put out there really quick that I'm so excited for my story today. So if you're listening to this part, just, just don't leave before I start my story. Cause it's a doozy. I'm pretty excited about mine. I'm nervous. And that a lot of it is me reading direct quotes,
Starting point is 00:09:33 but also you will see that these are quotes that I could not paraphrase. Everyone needed to be involved. I like when you read quotes, it makes it feel so like you're telling me a story. I like it when I read quotes cause I have to do less research um but exactly just copy paste um i will say this story is like kind of fucking bananas it's kind of like i don't know i don't know how to describe it i don't know why i never heard of it before i found most of this information i would say 99 of this information came from one article on mysterious universe um i love that website i do too it's and again i don't know where why i hadn't heard of this story before but it's pretty much like it's apparently real but it sounds like twilight fan fiction oh my okay wait twilight or twilight zone no no twilight twilight like it sounds like a stephanie
Starting point is 00:10:27 meyer book oh i was really hoping it was twilight zone but i guess we're gonna go the other direction all right it's not about vampires but like it's like if instead of edward being a vampire he were an alien that's it's like what's that whatever the supernatural version of Twilight is. Is this an alien love story? Oh, my gosh. I'm excited. The UFO light. Okay. So this is the story of Elizabeth Klerer.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Okay. Klerar. Klerer. Klerer. Okay. So. Kleru? No.
Starting point is 00:11:01 K-L-A-R-E-R. Silence. Okay. So Elizabeth Clare, this is a story in South Africa. Elizabeth was born in 1910, and she, up until this story, was like a very respected person in her community. She studied music and studied meteorology at Cambridge and Trinity College. She was a pilot for the royal air force and she worked with the south african air force intelligence to decode secret transmissions
Starting point is 00:11:31 during world war ii so like has like a legitimate valid background of like having a good head on her shoulders right and then 1950 hits and then oh um eliz Elizabeth reads a book on UFOs, and all of a sudden all of these repressed memories from her childhood comes back. Oh, shit. And so it started when she was seven years old, and apparently her and her sister saw a lit up silver disc in the sky. And it flew over their farm. And she also happened to see a bright orange crater fly by at the same time.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And she soon after this story, after like that memory from when she was seven came, many more sightings of the same disc started flying by her over the years. And I guess her memory started flooding back of this one UFO she kept seeing over her farm. Okay. So most locals say that this UFO was a lightning bird that was in their lore.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It sounds like it may be like a thunderbird. I might be confusing the cultures. It's their version of a mythical lightning bird. So I guess a lightning bird and a thunderbird are different things, but, um, this is in South Africa, right? You said, right, right. Okay. Yeah. So they're different things. Um, Oh, I don't know. I'm just, uh, well, I think thunderbird is like an indigenous thing. I see. Like in the U S in the U S. Yeah. Uh, obviously I don't remember my own fucking research so please if you know let me
Starting point is 00:13:05 know but most most locals swear that it was like some uh cryptid or a mythological creature um but elizabeth said no it's a ufo um she said that she saw a lightning flash which would explain why other people saw a lightning bird or something like that. I just love that it's kind of like, oh, that's ridiculous. That's not a UFO. That's a mythical creature. Yeah, exactly. Flying past. And then she's like, it's not a mythical creature.
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's a UFO. Like, no matter what, it's ridiculous. Yeah, one of them, either one is pretty wild to me. Tough to swallow, some might say. By the way, your makeup is looking delightful today. Let's just mention it let's just let's just see what happens when i say it and put it in the world what happens well i appreciate that very much because last episode we were all zoomed in my face and i didn't realize
Starting point is 00:13:55 i had like lipstick on my face last time and i was like oh no i looked so ridiculous so i've i tried to a distance myself from the camera which i I should have done from the start. Good choice. And, uh, B I was, I bought setting spray. I don't know if it works, but maybe that's what's happening. Maybe it's not leaking all over my face anymore in the humidity. Are you wearing your fuck Trump lipstick? I think I'm wearing, um, notorious RGB RBG. Yeah. I think I'm wearing RGB today, but maybe fuck Trump.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I always like to say I'm wearing that one because it's more fun. Well, you look delightful. I appreciate that. From what I can see of you on your throne, you also look delightful. You got to say that because I'm on a throne. What else is new? I know. I'm your peasant. Okay elizabeth sees this lightning flash and sees a ufo humming like making kind of that like mechanical sound um and inside of it so she says that there's like it looks like a kind of a classic ufo where there's a dome in the middle and there's portholes um that you can either look into or look out of and inside of the porth, she sees a humanoid creature looking back at her. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:15:12 This is a quote from Elizabeth. Oh, he was very handsome. Em, that literally sounds like the conversation we just had with one another. You realize that, right? I said you looked really beautiful, and I was like, wait a minute. I feel like i knew what was coming and it just came out i'm like in an alien porthole just looking back at you i really should have been like you look
Starting point is 00:15:34 like an alien right yeah yeah uh it's a compliment she said oh he was very handsome tall with an angular face and hair that was graying at the temples so he's a silver fox apparently oh he is huh a little salt and pepper and she's a child oh oh oh oh right i did kind of is quickly um quickly not paid attention to throughout this because she so she's a child and then a spoiler alert she ends up like seeing seeing this UFO throughout her entire life. So I don't know what the age is during each part of this story, but like it's happening through like her being like 50. So. Oh, wow. Okay. I'm going to assume as the story goes on, so does her age. So, um, so apparently she saw this very handsome alien and then all of a sudden she felt this incredible heat pouring off of the machine. Almost like it was, I guess like when you're near a heavy machine you feel the heat generate off of it.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Sure. The exhaust. Exactly. And she began having these, she started feeling really close to this alien. And she started. Oh boy. She felt like she had this telepathic communication with it uh she later found out that this creature's name was acon stop okay hold on nobody wanna see us together
Starting point is 00:16:55 wait i never knew what that song was written about it makes so much sense now i got you isn't that akon no i don't think so who's who's it oh akon's the lonely one right lonely no akon sings the song about uh butts well that's a lot of people i guess okay well that did not stop hang on akon convict all right okay hang on what's that song i'm looking at it up. Akon songs. This is embarrassing. No, okay. I was right. Lonely is one. And then you're right.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Don't matter. Oh, wait, because I got you. Wait, am I right both times? Maybe that is. Maybe. I'm thinking of Akon from my high school years at like Homecoming Dance. You're right too. We're all, wow, we're so on top of it.
Starting point is 00:17:40 When are we ever? You're thinking of the song Smack That on all the floor. That's the one. All on the floor. I just, that's literally my memory from high school dances where i was like why are we doing this does anybody look like look around do you see what we're doing we're literally children this is so weird um well by the way i don't want to smack anything yeah okay well that's interesting i didn't realize he was an alien life force, but I guess it does make a little sense now. He did have a lot of that, whatchamacallit, what's the thing where they change their voices?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Oh, I don't even remember. Auto-tune. Auto-tune. Yeah, very alien. Between Akon and Trey songs, I'm going to have the whole rap community against me. Correct. Yes. songs i'm gonna have the whole rap community against me um correct yes also i can't stop thinking about that song now and how it makes so much sense that it would be about an alien and a human not being allowed to be together there's literally no possibility that it's about anything else so uh you heard it here first news flash so acon uh was apparently from the planet called meton and meton is in the galactic region of alpha centauri um and he was apparently on this ufo particularly he was a scientist on board
Starting point is 00:18:56 and uh elizabeth and him i guess had this exchange and then they ended up becoming friends over time. And so she would regularly go back to that spot, hoping to see him. And after like 18 months, he finally like showed up again. And I guess this hill literally began being called, uh, um, flying saucer hill.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I think it's still actually known as that. Not outside. Okay. Like even outside of the story. Um, and so 18 months later in 1956 she saw the this craft again in the sky and it came down to the hill and this is a quote i knew no fear he had the most compelling hypnotic eyes and i ran straight into his arms and he said to me, this time you're not afraid, are you?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Oh my, this is literally Stephanie Myers. I know. Like a competitor, competing author. This is spot on. Mephany Steyer. So apparently Akon took her on board this time and introduced her to one of his crewmates who was the astrophysicist and botanist on board. We don't know his name.
Starting point is 00:20:09 We don't know his name. It's probably Jason Derulo. Jason Derulo. Oh, God. And so she was eventually taken to his solar system, which apparently is not too far from here. That's quite a euphemism, though, it sounds like. He took me to his solar system. And basically they brought her up to a different craft,
Starting point is 00:20:34 which was a larger cigar-shaped mothership. And apparently this mothership was literally so massive. It was like five miles long. And it had cities in it. It had parks. It had trees, flowers, and lakes. Oh, my God. So I almost called her Stephanie Meyer.
Starting point is 00:20:53 So Elizabeth said that these creatures look just like humans, but, quote, taller, better looking, more considerable and gentle, not aggressive and violent. Okay, well, so a peaceful human not like humans whatsoever got it okay cool and uh apparently they were originally from venus sure and uh they had to relocate to meton eons ago after venus had become uninhibitable a lot of this by the way is is definitely, um, from mysterious universe if you're reading along in the article. Um, so Venus was originally like super
Starting point is 00:21:32 thriving. Like it was pretty much as thriving as earth and it's a day and a long time ago. And, uh, over time it just became like too, hostile or i i don't know maybe climate change or some shit like that um yeah so i guess they all ended up having to leave this is an actual quote um of her explaining this later in an interview um so elizabeth says the venetian scientists uh they recognize the sun was a visible star with maximum and minimum periods of sunspot cycles, which happens to this day, but at certain epochs in time, it expands. So now the sun is expanding and contracting all the time, but it has more intensified radiation. And this is what happened to Venus, and it began getting closer to the sun and it was drying out uh whatever fauna she had remaining and the great civilization from venus uh which we call the mother planet so i guess
Starting point is 00:22:31 venus is the mother planet uh they needed to get away so they landed on earth and the moon as way stations and eventually moved to meton um which now was their home planet because it was very similar to what venus used to be. Wow. And so she says that they still visit Mars and Earth and the Venus people left a section of their civilization on Earth to look after the planet and advance the mentality and consciousness of the indigenous people on the planet. I don't think that's what we ended up doing. I think we I think we forgot our mission. I think we got a little lost there. You're right. So so she's saying that there are aliens among us.
Starting point is 00:23:08 She's saying that not every Earthling is from Venus, but some of us are descendants of original Venus creatures. Got it. Hopefully we would be able to help the other Earthlings here
Starting point is 00:23:23 I guess fix this planet. I think they gave them too big of a project. With very little instruction. They really expected a lot from us. So Elizabeth then went back to Earth and then kept seeing Akon every now and then. But over time realized that she was attracted to him. Well, I mean, over time, I think we realized that pretty much right away. But OK, he played her one of his like mixes, one of his singles.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And she was just in it to win a mix. A mixtape. That's so romantic. So here is a quote. I'm just going to read the hyperlink. Maybe we can put it down here or something. But so this is again, spoiler alert, she ends up writing a book about this and I pretty much found like a PDF version
Starting point is 00:24:10 of it online. And there's so much good juicy shit. Like this is just a couple excerpts of something really just jaw dropping. So it's 200 dash slash English slash Svetlana. Sure. Okay, we'll put it in like, we'll put it in the link somewhere. I hope none of you, if you're driving, please don't try to type that into your browser. Also, what's weird about this link is I had to, I realized over time that the best excerpts I had to like do like control F and like find, I searched for the word chin because. Chin, like your chin. realized over time that the best excerpts i had to um like do i control f and like fine i searched for the word chin because chin chin like your chin because apparently that was in every little
Starting point is 00:24:52 sex scene the word chin was somehow involved in all of their sex so she had a thing for the chin got it uh let me show you let me show you so this is a quote um after i looked up the word chin love it uh beloved one this is a quote this is her quoting him talking to her oh my god by the way officially ruined the phrase beloved one to me um oh is that a phrase that you use pretty often it wasn't and it never will be now beloved one i shall be with you always, Akon softly replied. Okay, hold on. I need to pour my wine. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I feel like this is... I thought it could last longer than that. This is my retaliation for when you held my hand on stage and sang me like a poem from a serial killer. Okay, that's a really good point. And then I did it again. Well, it's about to get really fucking uncomfortable. It's about to get super duper uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Maybe for our next friendiversary, I'll just send you this letter. Please do. In your own handwriting, please. I'd prefer it. In cursive. Yes. Beloved one, I shall be with you always, Akon softly replied.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Our destiny is bound together. A telepathic link binds our souls in eternal love. Our lives are entwined as a thread of gold weaves a pattern in the sky. Gently, he put his hand under my chin, tilting my head up and back, and looked deep into my eyes. My love, my life, my chosen mate, I will return to possess you. Oh. And so the seed of my love within your delicate body. Okay. The mark of my love will remain within your soul forever goodbye Akon this has quickly become
Starting point is 00:26:28 much more problematic than I thought at the start it's like is it twilight or 50 shades I'm confused yes oh boy it's a lot eventually Akon gives her a ring um not I not necessarily for marriage but you better give her a damn ring after all that nonsense she deserves it well he gives her a ring and apparently it will enhance their telepathy so when they're apart they can it's like a long distance lamp like you gave me but i want that oh yeah our long distance lamp but like put it on your necklace or something like slave a slave i'll just put a massive fucking color changing lamp on my chain and just wear it around the house waiting for you. And you literally have shoes that are that look like actual fish.
Starting point is 00:27:11 So I don't think I don't see why this is so strange. I haven't done it yet because I don't know how to do it is the problem. Okay. Okay, fine. So it gets worse. Because so she gives he gives her this ring. And this is the story of the ring and Elizabeth's words, not mine. Although I will be, uh, dramatically reading it for you. Um, so basically Akon, uh, a real quick paraphrase before I get into it as Akon told Elizabeth that, um, she was actually the reincarnate of, uh, a being on Venus that Akon told Elizabeth that she was actually the reincarnate of a being on Venus that Akon was once in love with before Venus fell apart and everyone fled.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And apparently she died on Venus. Akon said that sometimes, like, it's lucky that she is now an Earthling because sometimes his people will take Earth women as partners as the offspring will be stronger by having mixed blood. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Oh, boy. So this happens in 1958. They've known each other well for like four years now.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And... You okay over there bud allison was allison was working i she was on a conference call while i was like doing my notes and i was reading this and i started cackling and had to leave the room because she was giving me nasty looks i thought you started like whispering the words to her no i was just i was nervous laughing because I was so uncomfortable. So point blank period, they have sex. Oh, wait, what? Okay, wait. Is she adult now?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Please, I pray to God she is. So this was in 54 and she was born in 1910. So yeah, she was 44. Oh, thank God. Okay. Thank God. Okay, so apparently she has a bath. And when I tell you she has a bath, I'm giving only that quick little blip so I can get
Starting point is 00:29:05 to the really uncomfortable part but the link the link that I want everyone to like look into like it's so worth it because she goes on for like a page about like how different baths are there and how the water feels like silk and shit so like it's okay we put that in the show notes yeah people can click on it it's really it's worth the read. Like I, as someone who does not read, I could, I couldn't stop like, like going and going on these paragraphs. The second M told me just now to read something. I was like alarm bells. Something's either wrong or very right. I can't decide. It's very wrong. And you're about to see why. So she takes his bath, which like went on for three pages. Sure. And then this is, this is very long.
Starting point is 00:29:46 This is like half a page worth of a quote, but I had to read it and you have to hear it. So. I'm going to get my wine. I'm going to sit back and relax. Storytime with him. Take a bubble bath.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Elizabeth says, after the bath, standing naked before the mirrors, Akon came behind me and put his hands into my hair, tumbling it up against his face and burying his lips into its mass. Listen, it's going to get real fucking XXX in here.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Okay. Wow. So people get mad that we swear in this show. Things are about to get so much weirder. And they're already terrified of aliens. Like just keep them away from this entire story, especially this section. especially this trigger actually like a brand new uh a phobia in our listener like a new fear that people didn't even know they had
Starting point is 00:30:31 that i didn't even know i had um also we do a lot of like pre-teen fans or like young it doesn't get wildly erotic but it gets very wordy with like the romance i'm not gonna we're not talking about body parts. We're talking about love, Christine. How dare you? I'm sorry. I have a hard time differentiating. Holding me close to him, he removed a ring from his little finger, little finger, and
Starting point is 00:30:55 placed it over my middle finger. Okay, so now we know that her middle finger and his little finger are the same size. It was exotic and beautiful, made of beaten silver and green enamel with a great stone a great stone of light set in the middle of it it's too large for you my beloved one so we will place a half band of silver within it i want you to wear it as it's always a so you're always a part of me to maintain our telepathic connection and communication for all time i could feel and sense the magic properties emanating from the ring akon put his hand under my chin tilting my head and tilting my head up and back
Starting point is 00:31:35 and he kissed me with a long and lingering kiss on the lips uh picking picking me up in his arms he carried me to the silken platform by the curved wall and our bodies with luxurious comfort i gave myself to the man from outer space the people who have crushes on um are having the best day of their lives right now this is the closest to like reading like erotic erotic information you'll ever get out of me i really hope so i i really hope so christine look you've had this is a long time coming after you made me listen to you twice with that poem i don't deny it i don't deny it my beloved my life acon whispered again and again as i surrendered in ecstasy to the magic of his lovemaking.
Starting point is 00:32:30 S.O.S. Okay. I'm just not even going to say anything. I'm just doing the real uncomfortable laugh right now, like the legitimate one that you guys rarely hear because we try to avoid extremely uncomfortable things. Apparently we used to. Not anymore, I guess. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I'm not done. Okay. I'm sure you're not. If I were done, I would be so uncomfortable. Okay. Yeah. I'm like crying a little bit. I were done, I would be so uncomfortable. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to cry a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Okay. But it has to be. This is important. This is integral to the story. You got to listen, everyone. It's not integral. I just need everyone else to know what I had to read. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Our bodies merged in magnetic union as the divine essence of our spirits became one and and in doing so i became whole gross uh as our bodies became one the fusion of the electric essence of life was attained and the ensuing magnetic emotion of mind and body and perfect unity of okay listen if you're writing like this you had the best night of your life like um yeah and also you have a really good thesaurus because a lot of those words just kind of meant the same thing. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure, too.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Basically, like it's there. I mean, obviously, we all know what they're doing. And then it gets kind of homophobic because then a super you thought we were done. So Akon then says so they've they've done it. And now she's in like just a fucking ecstasy, apparently. And Akon says, The true purpose of mating is not only for the reproduction of offspring, but to retain and satisfy opposite forces of electricity
Starting point is 00:34:12 so that these elements may fuse and retain nature's balance between the sexes. Oh, yeah, no, don't love that. One is not balanced without the other. Okay, Akon, I don't agree. The purpose of mating is not, oh, I already love that. One is not balanced without the other. Okay, Akon. I don't agree. The purpose of mating is not, oh, I already read that. Each is necessary and vital to the other, speaking only men and only women. And also, like, you're nothing without the opposite sex. Yeah, and also gross.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Like, if you're saying that after you've already done it, it's like, now because of me, you are fulfilled. Gross. You are whole. Magnetic attraction and mating by natural selection has a beneficial effect on forming the mind of the unborn child. And then this is where it gets kind of creepy. If you weren't already. Oh, sorry. This is where it gets creepy, folks.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's been really comfortable and happy, easygoing. Why do you think I'm telling you guys to please go like click on the link in our show notes and read the rest of this for yourself? Because it's all bananas. I literally don't know why you're telling me that because I'm never going to do it. But thanks. Do it with a tall, with a stiff glass of alcohol. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:17 So then says, my beloved, there is no need for you to say anything. I know everything. I've observed you before. It is a knowledge and an understanding that we share. And now you belong to me. Well, super. It was only necessary for me to wait until you had grown up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Well, that was the nice, I guess that was like the least he could do. To be one of us, you must think as we do. I observed you first when you were a child with your sister in the garden of your home adjoining the hill. At other times, I have watched you growing up flying through the skies of Earth looking at me, and I watched with a lightning high in the sky, wrapped you with its purifying flame to make you mine. So basically, this alien has been stalking her knew that knew that she had like a seven-year-old crush apparently on him and then waited till she was 44 seduced her and then gave her a ring that gives her powers and she still he says to this day she's oh for sure sounds like a
Starting point is 00:36:20 predator and uh by the way until she died she swore that all this happened and never changed her story even a little bit i mean it's kind of too too too late right once you write that down you're like what are you gonna do may say i made it all up then you're probably even weirder it gets even worse because apparently that amazing night led to a pregnancy and uh during this, so I didn't get to see any of this in full detail. Maybe it's in that long PDF I didn't finish. But apparently during this, she was also being harassed by like Russian spies who were trying to like kidnap the alien baby from her. Oh, so that was a B plot. Got it.
Starting point is 00:37:01 It's a really subtle B plot. Like they really just wove it in there. You barely even see it. The Russian spies stealing your baby. Apparently, she only had the baby, like, in four months or something. And the baby's name was Ayling. A-Y-L-I-N-G. It was a son.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Okay. I mean, it sounds like it's sick, but I guess that works. And I don't know if like it was four months because that's like how aliens have babies i'm confused they're gestational period yeah i don't know either so uh elizabeth wanted to stay with her lover and her son but apparently as she described it the magnetic vibrations of that planet didn't align with her like earth body and so it was making her sick to stay up there oh no and so she ended up having to go home and she left her son with akon um and she uh she went back to earth but every now and then she would come back to the
Starting point is 00:37:58 hill and meet up with them through like holograms which sounds like FaceTime to me. And she used this as an opportunity to go out into the world and preach about like peaceful societies and love. And she thought it was going to be she could have gone another direction. Oh, yeah. A lot of directions. So I'm glad it was at least she would have been valid in either direction, too, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:20 She became a celebrity in the UFO community. She was interviewed by a lot of people from MUFON, which is the Mutual UFO Network, the big alien organization. And she was also the guest of honor at the International Congress, which is like the big annual UFO convention. Got it. She published a book in 1980 called Beyond the light barrier which is the link that i'm trying that i keep talking about i think it's just a pdf version of that book um it was called
Starting point is 00:38:52 beyond the light barrier and apparently there's like an alleged rumor that this is the c plot that the government was trying to silence her from actually putting the book out or speaking more on it or uh silencing her and saying like admit this is fake they just like read the advanced copy and were like i don't feel comfortable with with the weird sex scenes you've written they also like they also control f'd like uh they found chin everywhere and they're like we gotta we gotta put an end to this um but so apparently she was also in the middle of writing a second book called The Gravity File, but she died before it was finished in 1994. But she never contradicted herself.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Even though there's really no evidence of this happening, there's no proof that she was ever pregnant. There's no one wondering where she went for four months while she was like on Venus or some shit or on Meton having a baby. There's also like the ring that he gave her went missing. So she doesn't have that. In 1983, though, she addressed her entire story to the house of Lords in England and her paper was read at the United Nations meetings.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Holy shit. And wait, that paper, apparently, can you imagine being the one like some stodgy you know old man being like okay second up on the agenda and then having to read like my sexual chin story uh i don't know i think it was just like her story in general maybe she wrote like a shorter version but the book was already out by then i I think. So it should have. Oh, my goodness. And then in 1984, the British Ministry of Defense looked into her story and did announce that UFOs do exist.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Okay. And then also in 1963, so this is a little further in the past, but it happened only like 10 years after she met Akon. She ended up marrying an ex-British intelligence officer named Aubrey Fielding, a major Aubrey Fielding. And he has been asked about her experiences with Akon. And Major Fielding said, quote, my wife's been in love with a spaceman for 20 years. That's all right with me as long as he stays in space where he belongs. Oh my God. That's Jacob, right?
Starting point is 00:41:04 Like in the story, in Twilight. Like there's no other explanation in my mind. Apparently, when he died, his ashes were also scattered on Flying Saucer Hill, which feels a little like cuckoldy to me of like. Yeah. Yeah. So the man that she really loved, he was his ashes were scattered on the other man's meetup spot. Yeah, yeah. So anytime he visited her, he'd have to visit this guy too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 This bozo. And then there was another rumor on some website where it was like maybe Akon killed him out of jealousy. I don't know. It was just a rumor. But obviously no one knows for sure because no one's just a rumor that the alien was trying to murder this man. Um, and then like, I wrote like another whole half a page. I'm not actually going to read the whole thing, but, um, there are a lot of quotes where she described like what the UFO was like, what the people there were like. It sounded pretty much like a utopia,
Starting point is 00:42:05 like just perfect heaven. She described everything all the way down to like what the carpets were like and how they had like kind of a trampoline springiness to them. That's fun. The walls apparently changed color when you would like walk into the room. Like, that's so cool. I mean,
Starting point is 00:42:20 she wrote, I, I have it here, but it's just a lot. She did an interview a while ago, um, uh, on a website called, uh, Zaman, Zamanda Yalkaluk. Okay. Well that's okay. But there was an interview where she answered a lot of questions from like, were they armed? What did they eat? Apparently one of the things she was like, they eat very simple food,
Starting point is 00:42:45 but boy, do they love their wine. And I was like, I'm pretty sure Christine is on board. I'm actually on board the mothership already. I'm on board all the way to Mee-Ton. And one of the questions was, she was asked if they had anything to do with Atlantis or Lemuria, which if you listen to my Mount Shasta and Lemurian episodes,
Starting point is 00:43:06 you'll know what I'm talking about. And she said that they are somehow involved. They are earlier descendants of those ancient civilizations. Wow. Okay. You can find all that at the link below. I'll also add the link to the interview she did. So just so you guys have all all of it but wow
Starting point is 00:43:27 the end wow anyway there's a list of clearer i am just like you told me you were excited to tell your story i had zero percent clue what you were going to talk about especially i think afterwards i still don't totally know what you're talking about. So how fun. I didn't ever plan to read something so X-rated, which like it really wasn't very X-rated. It wasn't even that bad. Coming out of my mouth and my soul felt wrong for talking about it. It doesn't feel super good, especially when we have a camera on us. Yeah, I think maybe, maybe not. But I'm very proud of you for getting through that. Thank you. I apologize for my nervous laughter, but it could not be stopped. So
Starting point is 00:44:09 oh, it was not going to be stopped. Okay, well, I am I have like the butterflies in my stomach. I'm very excited about my story today. All right, let's hear it was about today. about? Today, I am going to cover for you, and this is supposed to be your birthday gift, but a lot of other things happened instead. I'm covering Jeffrey Dahmer today. No way. I'm so excited. I've been working on this for a long time. Wow, that is a happy birthday. I'm so glad because listen, June just ended last week and I'm still better. So thank you for this gift. It's been a rough year folks. I figure I might as well just throw a Jeffrey Dahmer in here and see what happens. Blend it up with everything
Starting point is 00:44:56 else going on. Don't you do that. Also like how I was, I'm shocked this isn't like a two-parter. Yeah. You know what? It's,'s it's I would manage to make it pretty succinct. I mean, it's a big one, obviously. But it's all like, under one big umbrella. So I didn't I didn't see I've never done a two parter before, like before those two separate cases I did last time. So I don't know how to split a two parter. That's okay. I'm excited. I'm very, very excited. I want to you're just gonna have to listen to me talk for a long time. Awesome. I, I know that this is, uh, obviously like a notorious case, but I, I'm just happy that I finally know kind of about a case before you tell me about it. So I can like pretend to join in on some of the info. Um, yeah, no, I mean, you've wanted me to cover this for so
Starting point is 00:45:42 long and it took me forever to get here. So this one's for you. Okay, so we begin. I'm going to start this story off July 22, 1991. At approximately 11.30 p.m., 32-year-old Tracy Edwards flags down two Milwaukee police officers named Mueller and Roth, who note the handcuffs attached to the man's wrists. Edwards tells the officers of the quote weird dude in apartment 213 who likes watching the exorcist three and says that he's the man who put the cuffs on him and then threatened to kill him with a large knife. Okay. So the police attempt to remove the cuffs off of Tracy and
Starting point is 00:46:27 their key doesn't fit the cuffs that are on his wrists. So instead they decide to take Edwards back to the apartment 213 to get the handcuff key. What? Okay. Okay. It's insane. It's insane. I'm going to keep my mouth shut. shut let's go feel free to stop me because i feel like this becomes a very big like timeline thing so if there's anything that you feel like i know i just i'm just like why on earth would you why wouldn't you just like take him to the station and like crow like like cut them off or something or like or like leave him at the the car and go check yourself for the key. Like not bring him back up.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Like it just seems so wild to me. Clearly he's escaped from something dark. So like why bring him back? Okay. Exactly. But they do and he goes. So the trio arrives at 924 North 25th Street, which is where Jeffrey Dahmer lived, apartment 213. And Edwards shows them the
Starting point is 00:47:25 apartment and the police officers finally get to meet the quote, weird dude. This weird dude is a 31 year old, six foot tall blonde man. And he's the sole occupant of the foul smelling apartment. And he acknowledges that, yes, he did put the handcuffs on Edwards. And he says, I'll go retrieve the keys. They're in the bedroom. So Edwards, uh, tells Mueller and Roth that the bedroom is where the knife is located. And Roth decides, you know what? No, I, I'm going to stay in the living room with Tracy Edwards and the weird dude to the victim and the weird dude, Dahmer, while Mueller goes to the bedroom to retrieve the keys. Like we don't want to let this guy out of our sight. Right, right. So Mueller goes to the bedroom and he sees the knife kind of there's actually a photo of it, a crime scene photo, the knife is underneath the bed. So he
Starting point is 00:48:15 sees the knife, he grabs the handcuff keys from the nightstand, but something catches his eye in an open drawer. He sees a number of Polaroid photographs of deceased young men and teens in various stages of dissection. Oh my God. Yeah. I knew that because it's Jeffrey Dahmer, but it's still shocking. Yeah, it's one of those things
Starting point is 00:48:38 that I feel like we get kind of numb to maybe because you just hear about his name so often and then when you get into the details, you're like, oh dear God, that was really already i i forgot i didn't realize that it was 1991 it was like literally the year you were born that this happened yeah it it it is a lot more recent um that he was caught than it sometimes feels i think yeah i put him in like ted bundy era so like i think of him in like the 70s or 80s and that's a good point. And then also with like, I didn't realize he was only 31. Like it grosses me out that I'm so close in age to him.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I didn't even think about that either. Yeah. He did start in the 80s. I will say that, but you're right. Like he was caught in 91. So I guess he kind of was early nineties, but mostly in the eighties. But yeah, he was really young. He was really young and he did a lot for such a young man. Um, very accomplished in his craft. Yikes. Yeah. He's a 30 under 30, uh, in his own right.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Forbes, Forbes is least proud list. Yeah. Yeah. yeah. We don't put him in the magazine. So he sees these Polaroids, and Mueller walks out with the Polaroids, and the weird dude sees them, sees that this officer is holding them, and he tries to make a run for it. But the officers thankfully subdue him, put their own handcuffs on him, and they call for a second car for backup. So Edwards, before they go, Edwards says, hey, there's something horrible in the refrigerator that maybe you should look at. So Roth continues to pin the man to the floor as Mueller opens the
Starting point is 00:50:20 fridge and he lets out a scream at the sight of a severed human head resting on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Okay. I love that the friend or the, not the friend, the, the cop's partner was like, something's in there. I'm not going to tell you what. No, no, sorry. The, the victim said that. Oh, I see. So I like that there was no warning, just like something's in the fridge. It's kind of disturbing. Go check it out. Also, I'm like, I wonder how he knew that. The victim. Right. Because like he had been drugged and subdued.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And I wonder how he kind of like saw what was in the fridge. Like maybe. In my brain. I don't. Like when they first got up to his apartment, he like went to grab a beer and then almost freaked out. And that's when Jeffrey Dahmer drugged him. That's a really good point. You know.
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's a really good point. I mean, it could very well have been that um so he basically right so the victim is like by the way before we head out of here like you should check the fridge and then the one officer's like i'll stay with the weird guy you can go check the fridge um he literally screamed uh and found a human head on the bottom shelf goodbye so they arrest the weird dude turns out no surprise his name is jeffrey dahmer and as they arrest him and lead him outside dahmer turns his head to the officer and says for what i did i should be dead wow okay and that is the prelude to this story i see what you're doing here. Very cinematic of you. I'm trying, you know, try to keep things a little like that would be in like the Marvel world. Like they would like zoom in on him saying that.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And then all of a sudden, like the Marvel comic book, like theme would like show up. Okay. Or I'm thinking more of like Nickelodeon. like you're probably wondering how we ended up with the head in the fridge. Like record scratch. Yeah, exactly. So record scratch and comic book flip. I'm going to go back, tell you a little bit about our friend Jeff and his upbringing, which is just all wildly interesting to me from like the day he was born all the way to the end. So I will before you start. I did watch. I'll never know the name of it.
Starting point is 00:52:24 all the way till the end. So I will before you start, I did watch I'll never know the name of it. So before you shout them at me, because there's so many documentaries about Jeffrey Dahmer, I'll never know which one it was that I saw. But I saw a movie version about his life where he like it showed him like living with his grandma for a while. And like, yeah, so I, I kind of know what's going on. So hopefully I'm helpful instead of just honestly, like yeah so I I've I kind of know what's going on so hopefully I'm helpful instead of just honestly like I didn't think I knew anything really about him because I felt like I'd never really looked him up but then as I was watching those docu same documentaries I was like oh yeah I kind of know what happens next and I don't know why yeah that I must have like seen this before I don't know it's weird he's very pervasive i feel like everyone
Starting point is 00:53:05 knows kind of something and then like our collective subconscious can build out the story right exactly um yeah yeah not that he deserves it but no here we are so jeffrey dahmer uh jeffrey lionel dahmer was born may 21st 1960 1960. Another Gemini for us, I believe. Right on the cusp there, I think. We don't claim him. We don't. There are a lot of them that we don't claim. So most of the Geminis don't claim each other, I guess.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Right. That's what it boils down to. A lot of them heard us. A lot of them, they didn't give us a good name. Yeah, no, they're not really giving us a good rap. I think nobody can deny that. So he's born May 21, 1960, to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Joyce and Lionel, his parents, both have advanced educations.
Starting point is 00:53:55 They're considered affluent in their community. Joyce had a lot of medical issues. So she, during her pregnancy with Dahmer, had been on 20 or more medications. Yeah, exactly. And she was suffering from a couple mental illnesses, and she also had various unnamed physical ailments that we're not really sure what they were. And so, I mean, like back then, too, there were a lot of things people didn't even know were dangerous during pregnancy. And so if being on 20 plus medications, who knows what those were, right? Probably not great. But obviously, there's no for sure way to know if that had anything to do with it. But for what it's worth, Jeffrey did
Starting point is 00:54:36 appear to be a happy and energetic child. In 1964, he had a surgery for a double hernia. So he's only four years old. Wow. And after the surgery, his demeanor immediately changed, which that often happens, I feel like with a head injury. Right. This surprised me. I mean, maybe he was traumatized. I don't know if something happened, but apparently he changed from like a happy, energetic child to a really shy and subdued boy. Okay. So in 1966, when he was six years old, the Dahmer family moved to Doylestown, Ohio. And Joyce gave birth to another son.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And Jeffrey's parents said, you get to name your little brother. Aw. Which I feel like is cute until maybe something until your six year old actually names your child. It's cute and very brave. Very brave and also probably pretty dumb. I don't know what the hell I would have named like unicorn or something like Lisa Frank. I don't know what I would have named my younger sibling. SpongeBob. Oh my God. Squidward, I think is probably what I would have gone with. So Jeffrey, instead of doing something creative, names his little brother David. So I guess his parents were lucky with that one.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Right. When David was born, Jeffrey became even more withdrawn and actually started to feel pretty neglected by his parents. His teacher even wrote a letter home being like, hey, your son is expressing that he's feeling pretty neglected at home. And in 1968, the family moved. So Joyce and Lionel were constantly fighting. The marriage was deteriorating. deteriorating. And Jeffrey recounted later that that had a really big impact on him,
Starting point is 00:56:34 basically, like his parents, marriage falling apart. And a lot of people point to that, too. But then part of me is like a lot of people's parents get divorced and go through really that, you know, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be a murderer uh but yeah here we are so the family moved to um a large wooded lot uh in bath township ohio and it's around this time that jeff he's about eight years old he becomes fascinated by the sound that small animal bones make uh as his father cleans them out from under the house. Uh-huh. So he starts hearing the noises, and he becomes really fascinated in how they sound and also how they fit together.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Also, how many bones are under your goddamn porch where there's enough for an ASMR where you're like, oh, I love the sound of dead skeletons clacking together. It's like later in your life, and you're like, oh, I love the sound of dead skeletons clacking together. It's like later in your life and you're like, it always reminds me of the good old days when Pop Pop would like clean, clear the skeletons from under the porch. All of the birds and bunnies would just be shoved into a bag together. Like, ew.
Starting point is 00:57:40 They did live out in the middle of the woods. So, I mean, I guess that's part of the problem like mice and and rodents and uh voles i don't know just for it to be that many that there's a clear enough sound and for it to happen so often that it becomes a fond memory that he develops yeah yeah uh yeah it's no it's no not great um and part me is like, that's not necessarily bad in and of itself. In the context, it's really bad. But like in general, if your kid is interested in skeletons and anatomy, it's like, okay, that's probably a good thing.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I mean, us and everyone listening to this show is interested in death a little bit. So like, exactly. So far, Jeffrey Dahmer gets a pass so far. That's a good point. I mean, we've said this before, but if one of us became a murderer, like they would make a movie being like, well, look at all the signs, you know, we definitely offer a lot of signs, you know, we definitely offer up a lot, probably way too much. Some might say, but too late Pandora's box has been opened in episode one of this stupid podcast. Okay. So, you know, all the skeletons. And later, Lionel would reportedly
Starting point is 00:58:48 allege that around this time, a neighbor boy molested Jeffrey. But Jeffrey denied the event ever taking place. And Lionel later said, Oh, no, I never said that. So it's kind of a weird fact where it was mentioned once and then both of them denied that that ever happened so it's hard to tell whether that was truth or not uh jeffrey later uh identifies this time as when he became aware that he was different i see i see gay in 19 what gay is that what we're talking about oh i mean i think it's probably a number of things however gay is definitely one of them okay gotcha i think also maybe the bones identified something within himself that was also different um but also like right now like he's discovering that he
Starting point is 00:59:38 is a child of near divorce queer and likes like true crime. So it sounds like us. Right. Well, at least me on the queer front, but. Yes, you're right. It's, it's, it's like a troubling thing. And then you're like, well, well, and I'm like, Andy's in Ohio. Andy's a Gemini. I mean, listen, we're not that far off. I'm waiting for you to tell me like the twist here is that their name is actually like M Schultz. So. Wait till the till the last page you never know that would be a twist um so in 1970 one night during a family dinner jeffrey asks his father who by the way is a chemist so at this point his dad is like amped his kid is so into science and like bones and anatomy yada yada so he asks his dad um what would bleach do to chicken bones and his father trying to encourage academic interest uh proceeds to show him how to
Starting point is 01:00:36 preserve bones with a bleach solution okay so uh jeffrey begins to practice with chemicals like acid to strip the meat off of bones of roadkill that he finds and preserve the skeletons. This is when I think as a parent, I would start to get a little more concerned. This is when as a parent, I would wonder if I'm parenting well. Right, exactly. For like to teach him the skill and for it to be the only skill he's really like taken a knack for. the skill and for it to be the only skill he's really like taken a back for right like this could have gone so well in another universe where like he becomes the next you know great scientist to cure cancer but instead it went a really bad way um so in 1971 jeffrey began to kill the animals
Starting point is 01:01:19 uh in order to uh preserve their corpses and that's obviously when things start to go really south. He started displaying the corpses in really gruesome manners. So he would, for example, impale them, decapitate them. Sometimes he would crucify them and nail them to trees. So it got a little dark. One neighbor actually remembers Jeffrey creating and maintaining a small cemetery at the side of the house where he would bury all the animals he killed. That's when as a parent I'd be like, okay, like you had your interests and now it's done. And now my rosebush has a gravestone in it. Right. For a squirrel.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Not because there was a dead squirrel, but because you killed a squirrel and put it there. You made a dead squirrel. Yes. Right. Yeah. It's bad. So in 1972, when Jeffrey was 12, he gets his first job selling shrubbery. In 1973, he begins to drink daily as his parents' relationship further deteriorates.
Starting point is 01:02:23 So he's 13 at this point, and he is drinking heavily. Okay, like very heavily. In 1974. He says that is when he realizes he's gay. And so at 14, and then throughout high school, Jeffrey, Jeffrey had a very interesting high school experience. So he was basically considered the class clown, which is kind of surprising because he seemed a little bit like a loner and a lot of people described him as isolated. But he was considered the class clown, although he did drink constantly throughout school every day.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Got it. Like he would literally just keep booze in his locker. Like a flask. Right, or like anything. Apparently a classmate said he will drink anything he can find. He'll just take it to school and drink it. Like it didn't matter. He's troubled. He's very troubled. Okay. Yeah. It's not good. Not good. On a class trip to a science museum, Jeffrey finds himself aroused by the sight of a bisected human. Um, and what really does it for him is apparently the quote slick sheen of viscera so basically the sliminess of one's guts goodbye is what turns him on okay well i already hated
Starting point is 01:03:39 the word moist and now now it's just taken on a whole other level of disgust to me and skin slippage you hated that one too and here we are and i hate the word well yeah that my everyone's like for the most part everyone hates the word moist i hate the word flap oh that's true there's a lot going on here that you don't like especially when you put them together, moist flaps. I hate that. And like now all you've told me is he's aroused by moist flaps. So no, thank you. My bad. So he starts to fantasize about having intercourse with a corpse. And despite being kind of categorized as a loner nowadays, he was actually pretty popular for all of his class clown antics. He did have a close group
Starting point is 01:04:27 of friends at school. Some of his pranks included faking seizures, which doesn't sound like quite a prank to me. However, I did know somebody who did that in school. It was very scary and bad.
Starting point is 01:04:42 He would yell randomly. He would. So apparently he did this thing where he'd be in the library and it was like really strict librarian. And, um, he would, and since he was considered like kind of the quiet, shy kid, he would scream her name and then just look back at his book and the librarian would like whip around and be like, who said that? And like, nobody would say anything. And I actually thought that was quite funny because like apparently he just did that to her a lot. If I were in high school, that would have been the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Right. Like I was amused by that, honestly.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I would never have done it because I'm a big baby, but I would have been amused. And all the people who were amused by his antics created a Jeff jeff dommer fan club which nowadays has way different connotations than it did back then imagine how uncomfortable everyone in that original group now feels they're like oh can you imagine they probably like made pins and stuff back in the 70s um so they also called his pranks if you did a prank like that at school, you were doing a dommer. So he was quite popular. He would, yeah, okay, so he would sneak into yearbook photos. This is one that people often know, and we'll put a photo up, but he would sneak into yearbook photos that he wasn't involved in,
Starting point is 01:05:59 like of groups that he wasn't involved in. And he did this to like tons of different groups, including the Honor society which made me laugh uh he's like snuck in and he just kind of sat stood there very solemnly like in the jeffrey dahmer way and just stood in the middle of the group and apparently someone who did the yearbook got really upset and started and so he sharpied out all the faces of him in every group photo which makes it extra creepy now because it's like Jeffrey Dahmer's face like scribbled out in everybody's book. So I thought that was kind of funny too before the whole scratching his face off. But he also played clarinet in the school band. He competed in intramural tennis. He was still pretty active for being like, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:43 kind of a weird kid um during a junior year trip to washington dc jeffrey called the vice president's office like of the united states pretending to be someone important and he landed uh him and two of his friends a vip tour uh of the white house i imagine like it was so much easier to get away with shit like that. That's probably true. When there was no like real security like at least compared to today. And also there was no caller ID
Starting point is 01:07:13 and no internet to like verify information. No internet. So like there was also like no like real IDing anyone. If they just said a name you kind of trusted it if there was confidence behind it. Exactly. I mean that's still very impressive, like still a great story. Also, you got to be really ballsy to do that, I think. Yeah, I think all the White House assumed like, why? Why would someone do? Exactly. Why would a child do that?
Starting point is 01:07:39 In 1977, when he's 17 years old, Lionel Lionel moved. Sorry, when Dom are 17 years old, Lionel moves, sorry, when Dom is 17 years old, Jeffrey, his father moves out of the family home because he and Joyce are filing for divorce. And there's a really long drawn out custody battle for David, the younger son. And apparently this divorce like really screwed up, screwed up, screwed with Jeffrey's head, I guess is a good way to put it. Um, he was an average student and despite his increasing alcohol dependency, um, to cope with his, his parents' marriage and divorce, um, his friends and classmates for the most part, a lot of whom were like interviewed in some of these movies, uh, saw him as just a normal guy who sometimes did something like goofy or strange for attention. He went to prom with a girl and attended his graduation. He was just like a normal kid on the surface.
Starting point is 01:08:32 But inwardly, maybe not so much. So it's about this time that he starts imagining these elaborate fantasies about hitchhikers and joggers with, quote, Chippendale swimmer body types. And his fantasies would involve complete control over these men. And in some cases, death of the fantasized individual prior to performing sexual acts on them. So I think we can see where this is going. We can see clearly where this is going.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Yes. You're painting quite a picture. I'm just kind of dumping the paint onto the canvas and saying, look, it's a mess. Right, right, right, right. So just after Jeffrey's graduation in 1978, Joyce takes David, the younger son, and moves to Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. And since his father had already moved out and was staying at a hotel until the divorce was finalized, Jeffrey just lived in the family home by himself at like age 18. Okay. So on June 18th, 1978, Jeffrey is driving home drunk when he, as fate would have it, spots a handsome, bare chested young man hitchhiking to a concert. Oh, and this is sort of where he said in one of the one of his not confessions. Well, I guess sort of a confession. But when he described
Starting point is 01:09:52 his past, he explained this as like being fate where he he thought like, I shouldn't do that. But if it happens, it happens. And then he's like, I was driving and saw like my perfect fantasy walking. Yes, my perfect prey, my perfect prey my perfect prey so he offers the young man whose name is steven hicks um he's 18 years old he offers him a ride and asks if he wants to smoke some marijuana at his place and steven's like sure um they have a few beers they smoke some pot and then uh jeffrey says he realized pretty quickly that Steven was not gay. So there was not a chance that, you know, he'd be interested in hooking up. So when Steven said he wanted him to leave, Jeffrey kind of panicked and was like, I don't want him to go. I want him to stay with me. And he had this like fear of abandonment. So worried that he'd be
Starting point is 01:10:39 abandoned. Jeffrey grabbed a 10 pound barbell and hit Steven over the head with it and then continued to strangle him with the barbell until he was dead. Yikes. So at this point, um, Jeffrey just jumps right in and dismembers the body. Uh, and really just full steam ahead. It's full steam ahead. Like this is fate. Like, no, it's, it's you doing this not fate wow you're just you've just been thinking about this for a long time so he dismembers the body and then he uh performs sexual acts on steven after death uh he then wraps the pieces in plastic and buries them in the backyard of the family house so that's Oh, I guess with the graveyard, there was that little cemetery already had it all built up. Yes. How disturbing is that? How disturbingly convenient is that?
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah, exactly. The neighbors like, oh, I saw his little cemetery for animals. And it's like, well, well, it's getting added. There's we're doing a we're flipping it. Yeah, we're doing a renovation. doing a we're flipping it yeah we're doing a renovation uh yikes yeah no good so in july 1978 joyce and lionel's divorce is finalized and jeffrey digs up steven's decomposed remains he then removes and dissolves the flesh that's still on the body places the bones between a set of sheets and pulverizes them with a sledgehammer. He then takes these shattered bone fragments and scatters them along a ravine in the woods behind his house. So Stephen Hicks, who was his first victim, and he was just shy of his 19th birthday,
Starting point is 01:12:14 was Jeffrey Dahmer's first ever victim, and nobody, unfortunately, ever reported the young man missing. So very sad. And there was a point in uh the netflix documentary that came out this year uh about dahmer they're still making them i tell you uh the where they interviewed lionel the dad jeffrey's dad and he said um when he learned that uh jeffrey's first murder took place in their family home like like their childhood home. He was like, it was the most disturbing feeling. Like he did this under our roof in our home, which is just,
Starting point is 01:12:51 I can't imagine. Yikes. Like knowing you're just walking around in a place that like has so much energy and like, you're not aware of it. Yes. I mean, first the animals and then just like total escalation. So in 1978, in August Lionel and his fiancee, Sherry, move back to the Bath Township home, and they find Jeffrey living there alone. At this point, obviously, they don't know he just murdered someone in the house. At the end of that month, Dahmer enrolls at OSU, O-H-I-O, at Ohio State University to major in business. And he moved to Columbus, Ohio.
Starting point is 01:13:32 And at the end of November 1978, Dahmer dropped out of OSU because he failed all his classes except for one. And I want you to guess, I mean, it's so so random but do you have any guess which class he got a b-minus in uh something involving oh if it's random then no I was gonna say something involving like biology or like dissecting that's a good point though I mean it looks like he literally failed all of his classes including science but he did get a b a B minus in riflery. So there you go. He never used a gun as a weapon. So that would make sense. Why? Maybe he got an A in cutlery or something. Exactly. That's a good point. So in January of 1979, so he's out of OSU at this point, out of college. And at the behest of his father, he enlists in the U.S. Army, where he trains as a medical specialist in Texas. And by July of 1979, he's stationed in Germany.
Starting point is 01:14:33 And while he's there, his drinking worsens. And although there's no confirmed violent incidences during this time, two men have since come forward 30 years later saying that he had beaten, abused, drugged, and raped them. Oh, wow. And subsequent investigations by journalists have been unable to corroborate the men's experiences, but also, like, that seems like a really hard thing to corroborate 30 years later. Yeah. So I absolutely don't discount that at all. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:02 In March of 1981, Dahmer receives an honorable discharge from service under chapter nine of the code of military justice which covers alcohol abuse so that kind of was his ticket out of the military and he was sent to south carolina for debriefing and then he was offered a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world that's a lie anywhere in the country. That's a lie. Anywhere in the country. Okay. I was like, okay, well, that sounds like quite a deal. Yeah. Anywhere in the world is a little much, especially if the U.S. Army is sending you just on a whim. But anywhere in the U.S. he was allowed to go. So after his debriefing, he chose to go to Miami Beach, Florida, which, okay, I guess that makes sense. Sure.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I mean, probably better than going back to Ohio. No offense to me. From the end of March 1981 until September of the same year, Dahmer works at a deli and lead lives at a motel until his drinking leads to his eviction. And this is when he calls his dad and asks for a plane ticket home. So he moves back home with his father and now stepmother in 1981. And pretty much right away, he's arrested for disorderly conduct for drinking in public. And he pleads guilty, pays 60 bucks. Life goes on. In December of that year, he moves in instead with his grandmother in West Dallas, Wisconsin.
Starting point is 01:16:24 So this is the part that you mentioned kind of remembering. Yes. I don't remember anything else except that he was there and like at some point there was a body or something under the bed. I don't remember. You would be exactly correct. Yes. So his grandmother temporarily does have a positive influence on his life. And when he moved in with her, he basically, he later said he thought to himself, like, this is my chance to fix things and, you know, be a good Christian again. And so he starts going to church with her. Um, but obviously that does not last very long and, uh, pretty quickly, uh, things go downhill again. So he's working at this point as a phlebotomist in a blood plasma center so probably exactly down his alley yep and then uh later that year he exposes himself to a crowd of 25 people
Starting point is 01:17:12 including children at the wisconsin state fair park oh and he said actually explained this at one point thinking like he had these urges and he's like so i thought maybe by exposing myself i would uh fulfill that urge without having to kill somebody so that was like actually his way of trying to avoid violence which is very interesting okay um so he tried uh didn't work uh in september of 82 he's fired from the plasma center and then in 84 he's trying he's still trying to like uh quell these urges i guess you would say okay so the next thing he tries is he goes into a department store dressing room and waits there until closing then when the store is closed he sneaks out and steals a male mannequin uh puts it in a sleeping bag to steal it and take it home and begins to use it as
Starting point is 01:18:05 a sex doll and uh it worked until his grandmother found it and made him throw it away how i doesn't it doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter i literally don't know and at one point i mean i don't want to well spoiler alert he uses a skull also to sexually gratify himself. So I'm like, I don't know the anatomy of how any of this is working, but apparently he's doing something. He's doing something that he's enjoying. Um, and you know what, if it's with a mannequin, great. Yeah. I'd rather be a man that a dead body than a person. Right. So in January of 85, um, he finally gets a steady job he's working the night shift at the ambrosia chocolate factory so that's fun that sounds fun in 85 he discovers the lgbtq2s
Starting point is 01:18:56 so lesbian gay bisexual transgender transsexual queer questioning and two-spirit um scene in milwaukee uh which at the time was called the gay club scene, but obviously since then has been redefined for obvious reasons. And it was known at the time as the gay club scene in Milwaukee. And he would frequent these clubs, bars and the bathhouse. And he has a series of one night stands, but he is always disappointed when their time together ends because he just wants somebody who's going to stay with him and he says they never wanted to stay and he wanted like control of them and that so that he could tell them where to go what to do uh not to leave him ever you know he just wanted control
Starting point is 01:19:37 over somebody um and in june of 1986 dahmer finally discovers he can do what he wants if he drugs the people that he's having one night stands with bingo there it is uh so he does this at least a dozen times uh during these days he uses this sleeping pill it's a benzo but it's uses a sleeping pill called halcyon and he starts drugging uh the people he's sleeping with and then raping them. And this pretty quickly gets found out. And he is his membership to the bathhouse is revoked. Oh, good. Because they I know at the least the least we could do because they said consent. The one thing that mattered there was that no men know, which I was like, OK, they're like, do whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:20:23 We don't judge. But no means no. So he broke the one and only rule. Well, thank God for that. At least they have a good a good untarnished name after this story. Yeah, exactly. So he this is wild. This is like the epitome of a fun fact that is not fun. Oh, hell yeah. He reads in the newspaper that an 18 year old boy recently died. And he reads where the funeral was held. And he decides he's going to go dig up the body. Because again, he's trying to find ways to do this without murdering somebody. Right. I see. So yeah, so he tries, but the ground is too hard and he is unable to take the body out of the ground, which is good, I guess. At this point, he kind of finally realizes like his overarching goal. And that is he wants never ending companionship with a human who he sees whom he sees and uses as an object that is under his complete control.
Starting point is 01:21:21 OK, so that is what he defines as like his ultimate desire. So a slave sort of yeah but also like a lover yeah okay yeah but also like um actually he describes it later as a zombie he wanted to create like a zombie who and he tried by the way we'll get to that but he wanted to create like a zombie who he could fully control and manipulate. And regardless of what, of what you were doing in your relationship with them, like, right. It didn't have to be about sex, just all just total control always. Yes. Cause sometimes he wanted them to just lay with him and they didn't want to do that. And he got like really upset and would drug them or beat them to make them like lay with him. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:22:07 So in August of 1986, Dahmer is arrested again, this time for masturbating in front of two young boys near the local river. He says he was just urinating and they believe him. So they change it to disorderly conduct and he receives one year probation and in order to undergo professional counseling. In November of 1987, Dahmer picks up 25-year-old Steve Tuomi at a Milwaukee bar and the two head over to Dahmer's room at the Ambassador Hotel. So at this point, Dahmer says he had intended to just, quote unquote, to owe me. Um, but he thinks he got some of the drug in his own drink by accident and he doesn't remember what happened. And he woke up from a drunken blackout on top of Steve to owe me who was beaten and dead. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:23:07 So Dahmer had bruises on his arms and he concluded that he had killed the young man but didn't remember it. Wow, okay. So at this point, he locks the room of the hotel, goes to the store and buys a suitcase, puts Steve's body inside the suitcase, has a cab take him to his grandmother's house. He even describes that the poor valet put the suitcase in the trunk for him. And when he gets to his grandma's house,
Starting point is 01:23:30 he just puts the body in the suitcase in his grandma's basement. So about eight days later, he disposes of Tuomi's body. And first what he does is he severs the appendages from the torso. You know how I feel about a torso. No, thank you. Oh, yeah, I know. So he severs the appendages from the torso, including the head. Then he removes the bones and he cuts the flesh into pieces and puts them into small plastic bags. Then he wraps the bones up and annihilates them with a sledgehammer like he did back in 78.
Starting point is 01:24:05 And finally, I mean, he had a thing for bones, if you recall. Oh, I remember. Oh, you remember? That was not forgotten. None of this has been forgotten. None of this will leave any of our brains probably for the rest of time. Maybe that he was bad at riflery or whatever. Finally, he bags everything up,
Starting point is 01:24:26 including, I'm sorry, excluding the head in a garbage can on his grandmother's street, just like for casual garbage day. December 5th, 1987, Dahmer boils the head in a chemical mixture
Starting point is 01:24:38 and keeps the defleshed, which is probably my new least favorite word. Deep flesh? No, sorry, defleshed. So like, yeah, isn't that bad? That flesh no sorry defleshed so like yeah isn't that bad that's terrible defleshed yeah yeah it's bad so uh he keeps the defleshed skull to pleasure himself with okay yikes okay so we've made it to that part of the story i see we've gotten we've gotten pretty damn far and it just keeps getting worse. Trust me. So until it becomes too brittle, and then he smashes it up and disposes of it.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Oh, no. Okay. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. So Steve Tuomi is reported missing shortly after by friends and family who realize they can't find him.
Starting point is 01:25:26 find him um and this is about the time when he establishes his hunting grounds quote unquote um in and around the milwaukee uh club and bar scene which at the time was called the gay scene um in january of 1988 dahmer lures this is okay he lures 14 year old james dock sater to his grandmother's house with the promise of 50 if he would model for him okay in his grandmother's basement he drugs 14 year old james and then strangles him he leaves the body in the basement for a week then disposes of it the same way he did with twomey and he kept the skull uh again until it became too brittle. Holy shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah. In March of 1988, Dahmer meets a bisexual 22-year-old man, and his name is Richard Guerrero, and he is at the popular gay nightclub Club 219. And he's interviewed in some of these documentaries. Okay. Dahmer lures Richard back to his grandmother's basement with the oh sorry this is the wrong richard he is not interviewed because unfortunately he does not survive this i was thinking of robert who we'll get to next okay my mistake damn how many names are there jesus and so many so many it's bad so uh richard guerrero uh he's lured back to his grandmother's basement with the promise of $50 if he spends the night hanging out with him. Once they're
Starting point is 01:26:53 in the basement, he drugs Richard and strangles him with a leather strap, after which Dahmer engages in necrophilia with Richard's corpse. And then within 24 hours, the body is dismembered and disposed of again, except for the skull, which we've learned the pattern pretty quickly. And he later destroys the skull once it has become too brittle for his liking. So this has just happened like three times in a row.
Starting point is 01:27:19 So at what point did he, because it seems like he had some guilt and tried to avoid this for a while. At what point did he because it seems like he had some guilt and tried to avoid this for a while. At what point did he just go like, I don't fucking care. And every it seems like every day it was happening instead of like we're in the we're in the quick descent. So it was no, you're totally right. Because when he moves to his grandmother's house, that's kind of when he starts being like I'm gonna change myself and I'm not gonna do this anymore and he really tried I mean not hard enough obviously right um but but he
Starting point is 01:27:52 really did do a lot of things that were kind of outside of his later like patterns just because he was trying not to murder anyone which is interesting I feel like it's very rare that you find some like a serial killer who's like that self-aware almost right um or who cares that much i guess um but yeah it's basically once um once he he murders uh twomey he just kind of plummets into like he got a taste of it and it was too it was over yes exactly it was just It was just, he tried everything else. He tried drugging his victims. He tried just raping people.
Starting point is 01:28:31 He tried exposing himself, like just nothing was enough. Wow. So he, this is when it kind of, we're kind of in the midst of it all just snowballing. So April 23rd. So, I mean, you're right. This is back to, this is less than a month later, the next victim. It's like so quickly that this is happening. Um, on April 23rd of 1988, Dahmer lures another young man to his house and drugs his coffee. Um, however, his plans are interrupted when his grandmother sees him, uh, with the man after he has been drugged. So Dahmer drives him to the hospital and drops him
Starting point is 01:29:06 off. And when the young man wakes up, he, this is the one I met who was interviewed. Um, his name's Ronald Flowers, not Robert either. Clearly. I just can't remember their names. I'm so sorry about that. A lot of R's. A lot of R's. Ronald Flowers. Um, he wakes up in the hospital and he believes he's been sexually assaulted. He tries to report it to police. And he believes rightfully so that the officers wouldn't file a report due to his sexuality and his race. And he is pretty much dismissed and not taken seriously, which as sad as it is, that's not even shocking to me. Yeah. yeah. So, um, he was interviewed in the most recent Netflix documentary, uh, and kind of gave his side of the story, which is obviously really fascinating, but also just
Starting point is 01:29:54 really fucked up. Um, so the April 23rd incident when, um, when his grandmother found him with this drugged victim, this drugged young man, the drunkenness, the smells coming from his area of the house. This has all taken a toll on his grandma. And she's basically like, hey, can you please move out? I'm just trying to quilt and you're like ruining my life. And she doesn't know, obviously, that he's like murdering people. She just thinks he's living this like extreme lifestyle where he's like, you know, doing crazy drugs, having different people over every night, you know, etc. But it's actually so much worse than she thought. Wow. Yeah, for sure. Dahmer moves into an apartment at North 25th Street in Milwaukee. And the following day, so he's literally been in this apartment for one day, he lures a 13-year-old Laotian boy to his apartment where he drugs, photographs, and molests the boy before letting him go. And then the day after that, he is arrested at his job and charged with sexually exploiting a child and second degree assault.
Starting point is 01:31:13 He is released on twenty five hundred dollar bail and his trial is set for May of nineteen eighty nine. But in January, he pleads guilty and on Easter break from work. So he was arrested at work, but he kept his job. So like, OK, and he was arrested and pleaded guilty but he still kept his job whatever um he moved back in with his grandmother because uh he didn't last very long at his new place so march 25th 1989 dommer meets 24 year old anthony sears at the end of the night um at a in town. They go to his grandmother's basement to have sex and then Dahmer drugs and strangles him before engaging in necrophilia. This is a bad word. He flays the body. He what? He flays it. Flays it? Oh, God. Yeah. Do I have to explain it to you?
Starting point is 01:32:05 It's not a good thing. It's basically when you like cut and like. Filet. It's like a filet. No. F-L-A-Y. Flayed it. It's like kind of.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Opened it like a butcher, like with an animal? I think so. Okay. Now I'm making sure. Filet. Definition. This is like when I'm serious at my NSA person. Yeah. So you. Okay. Now I'm making sure. Flay definition. This is like when I'm serious at my NSA person. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:27 So you, okay. Exactly. You peel the skin off of something. Okay. Great. Okay. Okay. So I feel like it always reminds me of like medieval torture and stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I don't know. So. Oh, that's exactly how I'm imagining it. So yes. Yeah. We're on the same page. So he flays the body. He peels the skin off. He always had such a fascination with like insides that you know it just it was a
Starting point is 01:32:50 matter of time at this point it was a matter of time uh for before he got into medieval torture uh as part of his crimes yes so um he disposes the body except for the head and genitals which he preserves in acetone and keeps in his locker at work, which remember, please, that he works at a chocolate factory. Oh, my God. I'm so scared of going into a chocolate store now. I'm so scared of eating chocolate. Can you imagine like edible arrangements having like... Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Oh, no. Oh, no. Of all places to work, why would you ruin that for everybody else? Oh, gross. Why did he leave it there for safety i guess he didn't want his grandma to find it maybe he wanted the chocolatiers he wanted willie wonka to find it okay no okay that's a good point oh no also like that's the place where like at least your grandma like you probably can have like a compartment hidden somewhere in your room but like when your boss probably has a master key to your locker i can just like yeah see a peen hanging out like on the shelf goodbye yeah hanging out in willy wonka's factory things got really dark and weird i'm pouring more wine sorry i'm not i'm not peeing. I promise. So he explained later that he kept the body parts because he found Richard exceptionally attractive.
Starting point is 01:34:13 So I guess he just wanted. He got he deserved to keep them in the afterlife. Yes. Like he should be flattered that that his body parts were that special, I guess. Jesus. Yes. Oh, my God. Yeah yeah it only gets worse um may 23rd 1989 dahmer is sentenced to five years probation um one year in the house of correction with work release and he must register as a sex offender then in february of 1990 lionel dahmer
Starting point is 01:34:41 sends a letter to the parole board requesting that they not release his son yet okay so which he actually reads in the documentary um he begs basically he begs the parole board to get his son's psychological treatment prior to believe to release because he is sure jeffrey is mentally ill and will certainly reoffend if they let him back out. Wow. So I think that is like very telling that his own father is that concerned. Yeah. His letter unfortunately received no response.
Starting point is 01:35:12 At this point, how many bodies does his dad know about? I don't think he knows about any of the bodies. He just thinks about like him being, him drinking and like disorderly conduct. Well, and also like the the rape allegations oh right with the child like he was um arrested for uh sexual exploitation of a child so those are the things where his dad is like this might there's something wrong with my son and you shouldn't let him out but uh two months earlier than scheduled in March of 1990, Dahmer is released and he begins his probation period of five years. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Two months later, he moves out of his grandma's house for the last time and he moves into the apartment 213 that we mentioned earlier. And he brings with him all of his trophies. Trophies, like genitalia and heads. Yes. Okay. The peen on the shelf. The peen on the shelf um at this point nobody knows about these trophies because nobody knows that he is a murderer um right does he keep it in a box that
Starting point is 01:36:12 says trophies like how does he how does he store it like the r is backwards how does he store these things like tupperware like what keeps them fresh at this point, it's like decomposed balls, right? Well, he kept the one in acetone. He kept the peen in acetone. Okay. But the head he kept, I guess, in the fridge and then the skulls would just end up breaking. So he probably didn't keep them very well. Did he bubble wrap them? I mean, it's such a stupid thing to ask about, but it's like, I don't think he took very good care of them. You would think if these were his like prized possessions, like he might care about them a little bit but then again he's i mean you can find a skull anywhere apparently exactly like he pretty quickly realized the skulls are expendable and he can just get another one terrible um as horrific as that is and the
Starting point is 01:37:01 the peen he has kept especially in acetone in a jar to preserve it so i think that's the only thing he's been like very careful about so far and he has all the photos of like the little boy and all that right okay so who knows what else the trophy box holds but nothing good um so in june of 1990 he offers 32 year old raymond smith 50 for sex once at his apartment he proceeds with his usual method of drugging and strangulation and necrophilia the following day he purchases a polaroid camera and photographs raymond's dismemberment um and so that became a new part of his pattern is that he would dismember the body but he would photograph the process okay to like look at later.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Right, right, right. Which is what that guy found later in the nightstand. That makes sense. Okay, got it, got it, got it. So he tries, oh, this, excuse me. This answers your question, Em. He tries a different process of freezing the skeleton and the skull in an effort to preserve it. Wouldn't that make it more brittle?
Starting point is 01:38:04 That sounds so stupid. It does not work. Okay. And the skeleton is dissolved in acid after the skull explodes in the oven after a failed attempt to dry it out. Okay. Wow. So this is like the world's worst science experiment gone so wrong.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Imagine just shattered skull fragments in your oven and there's no one. In your oven. Where you like eat things. But I mean, I guess here we go with Jeffrey Dahmer. It's not a concern to him, I guess. Ugh. So Dahmer later expresses regret at the waste because he didn't get to keep any of it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Yikes. Let's just let that sink in. In early September of 1990, he runs out of drugs. So that's unfortunate. So he kills 22 year old Ernest Miller by instead slicing his carotid artery. Ooh. Yeah. That's one way to go.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's one on the list that I hope doesn't happen to me. Cause I, you know, when you think of like, what's some of the worst ways to die? That's one of them. I had such a fear. I've like that word.
Starting point is 01:39:09 I can't even think of that word. This whole thing is full of that word. I literally like sitting on my own couch. I think about this literally all the time. Like I'm a crazy person. I like, if I do this, like just like lean backwards, I'm like a random person behind me is going to slice my throat. I think about that too.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Or like I hate stretching like this because I am convinced the whole time like my wrist is exposed and someone's going to like grab my wrist or like cut my wrist. Like I get like any part where like if it gets cut, I'm for sure bleeding out. I'm always so nervous about like even just stretching or sitting on my own fucking couch. Oh my God. I'm so paranoid. I'm so paranoid about it. I know. I've had to stop watching Criminal Minds because like I will literally be, I mean, you know
Starting point is 01:39:52 how I do this. Like when I'm nervous, I hold my neck. I get like really weirdly protective of my, of, of, oh. When I'm like, my comfiest is when I'm like sitting on the couch for all the lucky viewers. When I'm sitting on my couch at home, I sit like this, like, or like I sleep like this too. Like I have like my arms up, like I'm stretching and the whole time, like I sleep like that too. Well, a lot of times when I'm on the couch, cause we don't have a couch up against a wall. We just have it like an open back. So a lot of the times, like I'll just have my arms hanging over the couch. And then I'm like,
Starting point is 01:40:23 I can't even see who's next to my wrists right now like I get so paranoid it freaks me out I'm sorry this is not about me oh wait it is it's my podcast okay uh oh wait everything is actually it's your world everything is about us no um sorry moving on the one of the worst ways to die got it yes uh it's all bad it's all bad but uh he is literally brings his 22 year old home and then realizes he has no drugs and is like well guess i'll just slice his carotid artery okay um i know it's just hell uh he photographs the dissection and keeps the entire skeleton and parts of earnest biceps and legs and heart because he wants to eat them why would you want to eat that specifically so he thought that if he ate certain parts of these victims that uh he would get some sort of
Starting point is 01:41:19 power or attribute from the victim oh so we're really getting like kind of fucking crazy now like yes like if i he thought he could like absorb their life power or something i mean let's be if i could eat biceps and then have biceps i would have eaten rj by now like it's like it's obvious you're gonna eat rj if i want those i just want that extra app just one i'll just we'll give you one app we'll just take them off one by one and we'll just go. And then all of a sudden we're Olympic swimmers. And then we're right. Then we're athletes.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Athletes. So he's like really losing it now. It's not just like, I want to kill. It's like, I believe I can transform. Well, also part of it, which I thought was even more telling is that he thought he really had like, I don't know if guilt is the right word, but he like really had a concern that he was ending these people's lives. And he would consider it he called it a waste when these people would die.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Interesting. He was like, I need to do it. But it's still a waste to end this person's life. So he thought and he explained later that eating them maybe would keep them alive in some way. Like he would keep them alive even though their bodies were dead. That's interesting because in that episode of My Strange Addiction, the wife who lost her husband and had him cremated, she at one point was like moving and the urn fell on the ground and some of his ashes fell out and so he she was like i don't want to vacuum up my husband and so she literally ate the ashes because she was like i don't know like i don't know what the best thing to do is but i'm not going to throw him away but i also can't put him back and i don't know why she could i think the
Starting point is 01:43:00 urn shattered or something right like it feels less she didn't have a cup near her or something, so she just ate it. And then her strange addiction became literally eating her husband. Apparently it tasted good or she felt like there was a connection there. And so she like... And then eventually at the end of the episode, they're like, what happens when you eat all of him? You don't get more ashes of your husband.
Starting point is 01:43:21 I was wondering that too. But so that would... I kind of get it from i mean they're two very different two very very different sides but they're kind of they make sense in that like you want to kind of oh you want to like absorb the other person like you want to absorb the other person and keep them with you in a weird way, which we've seen with other murderers too. Like they eat their victim as a way of like becoming part of them. Like, I mean, it's just a...
Starting point is 01:43:51 Or like trying to think of like the best way to not... There's no word for it, but I understand what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah. And so there were, I mean, it seems like there were a couple reasons why he did this. And obviously the other one is that he thought, oh, I can get some life force out of these people. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Excellent indeed. He also, I'm just going to put this one out there. I don't even know how else to prepare you. But he compared the texture of the biceps to that of a filet mignon. So that's cool. I don't think it tasted like it, but he said the texture was like it. Yeah. It's just horrific. Uh, can you imagine being that person's like mother or, or sibling or friend or whatever? And you're like listening to this guy casually talk about how, well, you know who I think, well, first of all, we all know
Starting point is 01:44:44 my ass is gonna eat filet mignon within the next seven days and now I'm all gonna think about his biceps but sorry uh what was I gonna say oh it reminds me I don't remember what the episode was anymore but there was one I've never been able to look at corn the same way because you said something you said there was a killer who was like eating he like had a girlfriend and like killed her and like literally was eating her and like when he got to her like booty cheeks oh my god apparently because there's like a lot of fat in the butt there was like he like described as like chunks of corn and in the meat i've never been able to look at corn again. And so like, but so that's
Starting point is 01:45:26 what I'm thinking of. Holy crap. I do you remember that? I can't forget. I said that. You sure did. I don't make that up. I like, Oh God, that's horrific. Anyway, in case you're wondering what the consistency of butt meat is, apparently it wasn't, you told me you're the one who told me i there i gotta figure out it was a story where he wanted to he would he wanted to practice cannibalism but then there was a girl that he was interested in who like either rejected him and they stayed friends oh my god yes um the uh exchange student oh my gosh is uh That's the story I'm thinking of. What is his name? It starts with an I. Yeah, I'll find it. I don't want to know it. I don't know. I don't want to know either.
Starting point is 01:46:11 That's the story I'm thinking of where I've never been able to look at corn the same or because you said there, I don't know why corn, maybe you didn't say that word, but that's how I envisioned it when you were describing it. You literally just told me that I said that word. So now you're saying I didn't and I feel a lot better already. We'll have to listen to back eventually. I'm pretty sure you said porn. Okay, let's please, please quickly move forward. This is horrific. I really I'm very good at putting things into compartments of my brain that I will never look at again. And you've just like unlocked it for me and dumped it all over my lap so thank you for that you're welcome um let's see september 24th 1990 dahmer murders 22 year old david thomas
Starting point is 01:46:52 um he drugs him and strangles him but he does not engage in sexual acts with him or with his body he does photograph the dismemberment but he says he retains no trophy of him because he didn't find him attractive okay but you ate his biceps you clearly kind of wanted his no no that was the next guy oh i see okay he ate the biceps of the guy that he found very attractive this guy we're already on to the next victim david thomas he uh murdered him he drugged and strangled him um and photographed dismembering him but didn't eat him or keep a trophy because he wasn't attracted to him okay sorry i'm sorry he didn't too many fucking bodies there's a lot of activities and a lot of bodies he didn't engage in sexual acts with the body is what i meant got it um he continues to maintain his regular appointments with his probation officer so they don't know anything is wrong um and neighbors in the apartment building begin to complain about a smell coming from Dahmer's apartment. And they, I can't even imagine if
Starting point is 01:47:50 you're slicing carotid arteries in there, what that place probably smells like and you're cooking skulls and eating biceps. I mean, I can't, I cannot even begin to imagine. So they, they literally interviewed the neighbor in this documentary. And the guy is like, yeah, my wife had to call and be like, what is up with this guy's apartment? It smells so bad. And apparently he told them his freezer broke and all the meat rotted and some of my tropical fish died and they are rotting too. And everyone believed him because like, I'm sure it smelled like rotten meat, you know? Exactly. Like, why wouldn't you, if this guy's
Starting point is 01:48:31 like, shit, I'm so sorry. My freezer, you know, whatever. Like it's, you wouldn't immediately go, I bet he's cooking a skull in there. My ass would. I like after we would, you and I would. After this podcast, I smell meat fresh or not fresh. And I'm like, there's a dead body. I'm convinced. We can't even eat corn apparently anymore. No, we cannot. We're screwed. On each occasion where he's like confronted about this, he promises he'll fix the smell.
Starting point is 01:48:57 And neighbors are like, well, he was really quiet and friendly and polite. So they just kind of assumed it was fine. Okay. and polite so they just kind of assumed it was fine okay um by this point however he decides he is going to build an altar with all the skulls and skeletons he's collected why not at this point he's tried literally everything else with these body parts that's true so from october 1989 to february of 1991 um he tries and fails to lure anyone back to his apartment. So he's like lost his edge. Uh huh. I don't know if they can like sense the altar behind the door or what, but like they don't go back to his place. They're like, no, there's something different about your your aura is off.
Starting point is 01:49:39 You ate a bicep or two too many and something's wrong. Yeah, your aura is really whack, I guess. Yeah. So he's unable to lure anyone. I guess he changes up his routine because February 18th of 91, he lures 17-year-old Chris Strotter back to his apartment with the promise of nude. I'm sorry, with promise of money for nude photographs. They have sex and then Dahmer drug, strangles, and photographs the dismemberment. He keeps the hands, head, and genitals probably for his altar. April of 91, so literally two months later,
Starting point is 01:50:16 he brings 19-year-old Errol Lindsay back to his apartment where he drugs him. Now this is when he decides he wants to make zombies. And he wants to make zombies um and he wants to make zombies for his own like sex zombies basically okay like we talked about earlier yes so he decides the way to make zombies is to drill a hole into the victim's skull while they're alive btw so this is some madame mallory shit yes it it's exactly like it's the same i mean it's not exactly but that this actual procedure is one of the ones she did i think yeah the brain stirring wow this is not a good episode you and i no it's a really bad episode you and i
Starting point is 01:51:00 you did the uncomfortable laugh twice which i I only get to hear like at least like a minimum, I'm sorry, a maximum, like once every two weeks. And I've heard it twice in two hours. Things are not good for us. Um, so he, he doesn't do brain stirring, um, which was a word I really hoped we'd never have to get into again, but here we are. Um, instead he drills a hole into Errol's skull while he's while he's unconscious and he pours hydrochloric acid into it goodbye oh uh it doesn't work i know that shocks you probably um but it doesn't work uh he instead strangles him when he realizes his zombie idea isn't gonna happen he decapitates him and
Starting point is 01:51:45 disposes of his remains and before he does get rid of the remains he tries to leather the skin um but i mean he's literally picking from picking and choosing from like every other serial killer like there's like ed gein in here there's like uh there's like uh what's his name? John Wayne Gacy. There's like pieces from all these different murder, like Madam LaLaurie. Like, I don't know. He just can't decide. He can't pick a lane, I guess. He just picked the whole highway. He just like drove the wrong way down the highway. Yeah. um so his his leathered skin becomes too brittle so again he gets rid of it um in may of 20 i'm sorry may 24th of 91 he uh murders a deaf man who's 31 years old named tony hughes he leaves his body wrapped in a sheet in his bedroom uh and guess what by the way just a fun fact this whole time he's still working at the chocolate
Starting point is 01:52:45 factory shut the fuck up um who the hell hired him who was that who was like had so little staff where they were like this guy can stay i mean i guess they don't know too much beyond his arrest but like shouldn't you have wondered how that went down or like checked in on him or tried to learn a little more about him? You know, like get a beer after work and ask about his trophy box. Right. Yeah. Or like open his locker every once in a while. I feel like I would at least look in his locker and be like, is there any evidence here that proves that that arrest, you know? Right. Like there's got to be.
Starting point is 01:53:24 This guy's off i guess um but i guess maybe he wasn't that off because nobody else seemed to notice anything was wrong so maybe he was just a master manipulator yes so uh anyway after he murdered tony hughes he's still working at the chocolate factory but his performance begins to falter um three days later may of 1991 Dahmer lures a 14 year old Laotian boy uh named Konarak it's a thasmophone um back to his apartment and get this by pure coincidence Konarak was the younger brother of one of the victims that Dahmer molested in 1988 like just by pure coincidence they just happened to be related. And he happened to stumble upon them in Milwaukee, like, uh, years apart.
Starting point is 01:54:12 That's awful. I, my heart really goes out to that family. Synthasmphone. Sorry. I just remembered how to say it. Yeah. It's horrific. Like both sons were victims. Um, and the, the brother was, uh, was quote unquote released. quote unquote, released. He ended up surviving the attack. However, unfortunately, his younger brother becomes a victim of Dahmer's in the worst way. So he drugs and molests the boy. Again, he's 14. He then drills a single hole through his skull and injects hydrochloric acid into his frontal lobe. When the boy loses full consciousness, which I guess he hadn't done yet, he leaves the house to get more alcohol for himself. Then Konarak regains consciousness and stumbles naked out of the house along North 25th Street. This is when things get so infuriating, you just want to punch a hole in the wall.
Starting point is 01:55:16 So two local 17-year-old girls, one of whom was interviewed in this documentary and kind of retells this experience, see this boy, this young child stumbling around, they call the police in an effort to help him. But either to the drugging, either due to the drugging, brain injury, or both, he couldn't like say much more than basic Laotian. So like he knew English perfectly well, but like, I guess someone had drilled into his frontal lobe. Okay, so I don't blame him for not having full capacity of language at that point. Um, so he's really struggling, like they can't understand him. Um, so Dahmer returns home and sees the, the two girls with Konrack. So there are two 17 year old girls
Starting point is 01:55:58 and he tries to take Konrack back to the apartment, but the girls are like, no, the police are coming. You can't take him away. We're, we're calling the police. So two police officers named John Balzerak and Joseph Gabrish arrive at the scene only, uh, and they, they show up and they talk to Dahmer and he is a obviously 30 year old white dude. These two girls are black and basically they tell them to butt out. It's none of their business and basically don they tell them to butt out. It's none of their business and basically don't allow them to be part of the conversation, even though they're the ones who called the police and saw what was going on before the police arrived. Dahmer tells
Starting point is 01:56:35 the police like, listen, it's just a misunderstanding. This is my 19 year old boyfriend. He had a bit too much to drink. I have pictures of my apartment to prove it. If you want to see them, we're, we're together. And the officers totally ignored the two girls who kept saying like, this is a child that is not a 19 year old. That is a child and something is wrong. So they escort Dahmer and Konrak back to apartment 213. Oh my God. And they, if they had checked, they would have seen pretty quickly that Dahmer is a registered sex offender, but they don't even run a basic check on his name. Why would you? Why the fuck would you?
Starting point is 01:57:12 Why though? Like, why would it even matter? So they let him go home. so Konrack is this close to, uh, being saved. And then he dies.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Yeah. So Dahmer does show them, them uh a folded pile of his clothes of Konarek's clothes and some Polaroids that he had like just taken of him and I guess that was enough to prove that they were together um and by the way Tony's body that one of his victims is still in his bedroom wrapped in a sheet at this point. So he literally is so cool as a cucumber that he lets them in the apartment with a dead body in the other room. And is like, no, no, this is just our place. Everything's fine. Don't even worry about the head in the fridge.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Okay. So Konrak is back inside with Dahmer, who injects more acid into his skull. And this time, it kills him. who injects more acid into his skull and this time it kills him the i remember i do remember this when they were doing the interview the the woman who was a 17 year old girl at the time he had called the police said she went in and told her grandma what was going on and was like you need to like help me figure out what to do here and she goes back out and everybody's gone. The police are gone. Nobody took a statement or anything. So the, the, her grandmother, uh, calls the police to be like, Hey, we just want to check up on what happened to that boy you guys found. And they were like, no ma'am, that wasn't, uh, they have the full taped call. They were like, no ma'am, that wasn't,
Starting point is 01:58:39 uh, a young boy. That was the man's boyfriend. He's an adult. And she's like, are you sure? Because like my granddaughter swears it was a child. And he's an adult and she's like are you sure because like my granddaughter swears it was a child and he's like no ma'am um it was it was a full-grown adult they're together there were photos of them together in the apartment um and that's so fucked they make it yeah they make it very clear this is just a boyfriend boyfriend thing a boyfriend boyfriend spat and they want nothing to do with it so yikes um may 28th of 91 dommer calls in sick to work at the chocolate factory because he decides he wants to spend the day dismembering tony and conorac um who are now both dead in his apartment and obviously keep the
Starting point is 01:59:18 skulls the following month which is june of 1991. Happy birthday, Christine. Well, welcome to the world. Oh my God. Okay. Yikes. Uh, Dahmer meets 20 year old Matt Turner at the gay pride parade in Chicago and
Starting point is 01:59:36 convinces him to come to Milwaukee to, to stay with him for a little bit. Turner is drugged, strangled and dismembered, but Dahmer places his head and internal organs in plastic bags and stores them in the freezer. July 5th of 91, so a couple days later, Dahmer brings 23-year-old Jeremiah Weinberger back to his apartment from Chicago as well with the intention of spending the weekend together. He drugs him, drills a hole into his skull, injects boiling water into it this time. That's like no better or worse than the other things, but it's just new information.
Starting point is 02:00:09 It's just like a whole brand new horrific thing that we've just uncovered. I keep thinking there's not going to be any more bad information. I don't know. It's true. Like I'm nearing the end of my notes and it's still just getting worse. Like somehow, I don't know how. Jeez. Jeremiah remains in a coma for two days
Starting point is 02:00:26 before dying and being dismembered by dommer who keeps his skull july 12th of 91 dommer buys a 57 gallon drum uh for muriatic acid that he will dissolve the body parts and torsos in uh three days later he meets 24 year old ol Oliver Lacey on a street corner near his apartment. He lures him back with promises of money for photographs that where he drugs him. He takes the following day off from work. But then I guess taking the time off from work is enough. And they're like, you're suspended from your job. So I guess finally, he crossed the line at work. Great. Not showing up. Yeah. He strangles Oliver. He, uh, has sex with the corpse. Uh, he then dismembers him. He keeps the head and heart in
Starting point is 02:01:14 the refrigerator and his skeleton in the freezer. And I guess I shouldn't say he has sex with the corpse. Like he sexually assaults, he rapes this person. Um, it is not consensual obviously by any means. Um, he keeps the head and heart in the refrigerator he keeps the skeleton in the freezer oh july of 1991 dommer is finally fired from the ambrosia chocolate factory for poor performance i know it took a while holy crap can you imagine if that was your favorite chocolate bar and now you're like can you imagine if you were the boss like you must look like such an asshole after all you've gotta you've gotta like there's no way anyway um the same day dahmer brings 25 year old joseph
Starting point is 02:01:54 braidhoff to apartment 213 where he drugs and strangles him he leaves the body in the bedroom this is grody uh he leaves the body in the bedroom until it's infested with maggots um he then decapitates and cleans the head then dismembers the corpse placing the torso in the acid drum along with two others on july 22nd tracy edwards agrees to go to dommer's apartment and drink and this is bringing us back full circle tracy edwards is the person we brought up in the prelude, who was handcuffed, thrown with a knife, escaped, flagged on police, was brought back to the apartment, which now is seeming like a really similar or familiar story. Cops at this point. I mean, really. So the worst part is there weren't the same cops. There were four different ones who
Starting point is 02:02:42 kind of did the same sort of thing. Obviously, the first one was much worse because A, it was a child and B, it ended much more poorly. But after Jeffrey Dahmer's arrest, the chief medical examiner says of the crime scene, it was more like dismantling someone's museum than an actual crime scene. So I have a list here of some things they found in his apartment. Here we go. Okay. A human head and three bags of organs, which included two hearts were found in the refrigerator. Three heads, a torso and various internal organs were inside a freestanding freezer. Chemicals, formaldehyde, ether and chloroform plus two skulls, two hands and male genitalia were found in the closet. A filing cabinet that contained three painted skulls, two hands, and male genitalia were found in the closet. A filing cabinet that
Starting point is 02:03:26 contained three painted skulls, a skeleton, a dried scalp, male genitalia, and various photographs of the victims. A box with two skulls inside, a 57-gallon vat filled with acid, and three torsos. Victims' identification cards, bleach used to bleach the bones and the skulls, incense sticks, uh, in an attempt to cover the smells when the neighbors complained. They found a claw hammer, a handsaw and three, or sorry, two drills, um, along with separate drill bits, a hypodermic needle, various videos, some pornographic, and I guess some not pornographic. I don't know what the other videos like. Jeez. Like American Tail. Like Balto. I don't know what the other tapes were. Oh, no. But some of them were pornographic. Some weren't. That seems probably like the least
Starting point is 02:04:20 problematic part of this whole list. Right. A blood soaked mattress and mattress and blood splatter throughout the apartment, as well as a King James Bible. I was going to say, there's got to be a Bible in there somewhere. Something. Something. He was trying to be a good Christian man, remember? Oh, yeah. So beginning on July 23rd and over the course of 60 hours, Dahmer admits to his crimes and
Starting point is 02:04:41 describes everything in great detail for detectives. It's revealed that most of Dahmer's victims were the most vulnerable of society. So runaways, sex workers, convicted criminals, gay youth who had been cast out by their families, some of whom, like I said, were never even reported missing. Many were black or of mixed race, which fueled speculation that he was racist when he was picking his victims. However, psychiatrists disagree on this. Some believe that he was, but a lot of people, a lot of psychiatrists who have studied this blame victim demographics because he generally hunted in close proximity to his apartment.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Okay. And he lived in a predominantly black neighborhood, so they think maybe that's why his victims happened to be black. Okay. So often some psychiatrists point out that he killed people that he didn't want to leave him. And so he was just more attracted to those people. And those were the ones that he wanted to kill. I mean, none of it's good. Uh, and this is also disputed by one of the alleged rape victim, rape victims. And, um, from his army days who said, no, that was nothing to do with
Starting point is 02:05:48 it. Like he didn't just like, quote unquote, like black people better. That's not, that doesn't explain his behavior. It was also suggested at certain times, clearly nobody fully understands his motives, but some suggested that Dahmer was self-hating and by killing gay men, he was attempting to kill the part of himself that he couldn't love. But most people dispute that generalization. I personally think that's a weak excuse and has troubling connotations about somebody being gay and having, you know, it's just, I don't, I don't really fly with that, but whatever um because dahmer admitted his guilt his trial uh which began on january 30th 1992 ended uh two weeks later they had a big uh debate about whether he was sane at the time of the crimes um psychiatrists for the prosecution and the defense agreed that he
Starting point is 02:06:40 definitely had one or more mental mental illnesses excuse me, but they differed on whether or not he understood the difference between right and wrong. Got it. The witnesses are contentious with each other in and out of the courtroom. I mean, think about all the witnesses, like the number of victims and then the number of people who were involved. It's just like massive quantity of people. Yeah. The jurors agreed that Dahmer was sane on 15 charges of murder with 10 jurors in agreement to dissenting. He was sentenced to life plus 10 years for the first two counts and life plus 70 for the each additional count for a total of 957 years. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:22 And Wisconsin abolished the death penalty in the mid 19th century. Very progressive. So he was sentenced to life multiple times, but not death. He was, however, extradited to Ohio for the murder of Stephen Hicks, which was the first victim when he was 18. Right. And he pled guilty to that and got an additional full life sentence for that. At that point, he's like he's like what else is now like right he's like just bring the tape recorder i have a lot more to say yeah he talked and talked and talked like it i mean i'm sure you've heard it but like it's in all the documentaries like his personal explanation of what he did and what he was feeling and why he did it i mean it's it's crazy so fucked up but it also gives such insight into like the mind of a serial killer
Starting point is 02:08:06 you know i mean he explains and admits to everything so the apartment complex was raised and demolished so that's probably good um i can't imagine the energy in that place yeah can you imagine renting that place afterwards no you'd have to disclose that i would think like you'd have to i couldn't even imagine especially with like a laundry list of all those things they found it's like every section of that room it's like where do i put my couch like where do i like literally sleep and know that where was there no blood or like what patch of this room doesn't have a dead body attached to it or like powdered skull in the oven i mean how do you even oh yeah how do you ever cook again you couldn't how do you put
Starting point is 02:08:51 anything in that fridge you buy a new fridge jesus oh no um so dahmer spent the first year in prison in solitary confinement for his own protection but then at his request he was slowly integrated into the general prison population uh he recorded hours of confessions for posterity to assist both forensic psychologists and law enforcement. And because Dahmer was averaged to slightly above average intelligence, he was able to articulate like the variables and feelings that led him to kill so gruesomely, and like the thought and feeling behind it. So that kind of led to a better understanding of the mind of a serial killer. According to Dahmer's father and his minister and friend, Roy Ratcliffe, Dahmer became a born again Christian in prison and was baptized
Starting point is 02:09:36 in May of 94. However, in July of 94, he was attacked and slashed by a fellow inmate. The wounds were superficial, but at this point, his dad said that his son believes he deserves that whatever happens to him in prison is something that should happen to him. So I guess at this point, I mean, he did turn to the officer or the cop when they were when he was getting arrested and said, like, I deserve to die for this. So clearly. Right. He knew what he was doing. He knew what he was getting into. Right.
Starting point is 02:10:07 In November of 94, Dahmer and two men named Jesse Anderson and Christopher Scarver were left alone on work detail in the showers. When guards returned, they found 34 year old Jeffrey Dahmer beaten to death with a metal chair leg and sodomized with a broom handle. Jesse Anderson had also been beaten and clung to life for two days. Scarver, who had killed them, was diagnosed but, sorry, had diagnosed but untreated
Starting point is 02:10:33 mental illness. And he says he killed them because God told him to. He spent many years in solitary. But later he elaborated on his story saying Dahmer would taunt the prisoners and the guard by molding his food into the shapes of people and drizzling ketchup all over it like blood before eating it. And the day of the killing, Scarver said Anderson and Dahmer were taunting him because they were white and he was black. And that's what triggered the attack. All right. In 96, Dahmer's estate was auctioned off. The proceeds were going to be given to victims' families who sued the estate. However, there was a group called the Milwaukee Civic Pride who were disgusted by the fact that people were bidding on the pot that Dahmer boiled heads in. 400,000 for everything in the Dahmer auction.
Starting point is 02:11:24 Then they destroyed everything, spread it out and buried the pieces in various unnamed landfills so that Dahmer memorabilia couldn't be glorified, which I'm fully on board with. I'm like, I don't think it's fun to collect. Like, like I get the interest, but I don't think it's like cute and kitschy to like taste.
Starting point is 02:11:40 Yeah, no. And to have like, especially the things that were, that killed these people or like held their dead bodies it's just like i get a letter from uh john wayne gacy or a painting that's okay sure but like like the actual item involved in like a victim's death yeah it just feels so icky to me especially if you're paying like enormous amounts of money for it.
Starting point is 02:12:05 To be like, yeah, exactly. Like you're you're so eccentric with your decor. It's just wild to me. But I mean, I know people disagree with this. I do have an issue with like glorifying serial killers. And like, I just think it's important to tell the stories. I don't love, you know, decorating your house with their posters or whatever, but that some people like to do that. So I like the idea of them being collected for the sake of museums, like the museum of death. Like if you want to go somewhere to be educated on it, sure. Right. But like to just have it and then like actually cook other food in it and then make some weird joke about like, oh, heads have been cooked in here. You know, like that's like, like, that's like someone's mother is crying. Well, you know, right.
Starting point is 02:12:48 It like, so dismisses the whole pain and pain and horror of the whole thing. Um, so yeah, I'm, I'm with you for sure on that. Um, Joyce,
Starting point is 02:12:57 his mother, who we like haven't talked about at all since the beginning, um, had just reconnected with Jeffrey right before his arrest. And that must've been quite a reunion um but she died of cancer in 2000 david the younger brother changed his last name and he lives in anonymity which good for him sure um i wonder if he changed his first name too since jeffrey dahmer literally named him yikes so officers Balzarac and Gabrish, who were the ones who handed Konrack back to Dahmer,
Starting point is 02:13:29 were initially fired once his crimes were revealed, along with recordings of them making homophobic statements in relation to the incident. However, they appealed and got their jobs back. So good for them. Of course. Why not? Konrack's family was awarded $850,000 from the city of Milwaukee after they sued the city for the officer's neglect. And Balzarek became president of the Milwaukee Police Association, really, for several years.
Starting point is 02:13:55 So, fuck you. Excellent. Many movies and books have obviously been written about Dahmer. Many movies and books have obviously been written about Dahmer. Most notable is probably the graphic novel My Friend Dahmer, which was written by John Backdurf about his friendship with Jeffrey Dahmer during their teenage years and then was adapted to a film in 2017. There are a couple on Netflix. One came out this year.
Starting point is 02:14:19 They all seem to be pretty thorough just because there's so much information and Jeffrey himself gave so much you know first hand information that they're like pretty thorough and clearly they're still making them so um that is the story the uh there's there's a lot and that is it wow well thank you for finally telling the story but also wow wow, what a doozy. Sorry it took me so long. No, I mean, I think when you say Jeffrey Dahmer, people just kind of buckled in. I think it's like, well, we know what's coming.
Starting point is 02:14:55 Yeah, I think if they even glance at the show notes and see probably like a two-hour episode, they're going to be like, well, I better drive in circles today. I better clean the entire house three times. Yeah. I wish I were, I wish I could listen to our own show and people are always like, you inspire me to vacuum. I was like, I wish I could inspire myself to vacuum, but it hasn't happened yet. Yeah. No, a lot of times, uh, I also know, listen to our show while we're like, like if we're cooking or something and I'm like, can you turn me off? It's so weird. I can't, I don't, I don't want to cook to my voice. Like I, I already don't shut up. I don't need two of me. You and I hear our own
Starting point is 02:15:31 voices so consistently and constantly that like, we don't need to be reminded of how much we talk too, too much. Well, thank you guys for listening. And I hope your house is sparkling now and your car is the tires are rotated nicely. So I guess that's it, right? So I think that's it, man. I don't have AC so I'm sweating. I'm gonna go turn a fan on or something. Okay, well, I guess that's it then. So thank you for listening and come back next week. Yeah, please come back. I promise we'll be exactly the same and nothing will change. Okay. And that's why we drink. I guess I'm literally drinking today. So I'm on board. All right. Bye. Bye.

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