And That's Why We Drink - E184 Cheesecake Drunk and Dog Fashion Swimming

Episode Date: August 16, 2020

Get ready to rumble with some cheesecake this week! Episode 184 has us sugar high and waxing poetic about everything from Christine's cursed staircase to Em's haunted tea time. Em then covers the spooky Preston Castle and the possible possession of our favorite ghost hunter. Then Christine covers a case so full of plot twists, we're on the edge of our seats: the story of Angela Diaz. And who's joining us for Steeped in Stories TMTMTM? ...and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get a special offer that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage AND a digital scale. Just go to , click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in DRINK.Try 5 pairs of glasses at home for free at coupon code “DRINK” for $10 off your first FabFitFun box at www.fabfitfun.comGo to and enter promo code DRINK to get $25 off your first box!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and yeah hi i'm still here oh great but now i'm filled with cheesecake can we talk about it yeah okay everyone knows that whenever Christine's in town, now we just eat cheesecake. And so this actually, I should have known because the last time we recorded, which I guess was two episodes ago now, because you weren't here yet. Yeah. I, so Dustin, who was working here, obviously we talk about cheesecake way too much on the show now. Way too often. And when I was here, Dustin, who is on the other side of this wall i was saying
Starting point is 00:00:45 like what is your guys's deal with cheesecake like are you guys the deal do you what do you like so much about her like is a cheesecake factory specific or is it just cheat like why do you what's the deal and i was like oh we just like every time we get together it's just kind of become a thing where like all of us get cheesecake together level habit and he was like oh okay and then we just didn't talk about it again and then the last episode you just heard we're in the middle of recording two episodes at once so we just recorded last week's episode and then we went to go take like a pee break before we started recording this and there was a shitload of cheesecake on the counter and i was like where did this come from and apparently dustin remembered that like you were coming into town
Starting point is 00:01:21 it was just a casual gift it was just like there was just so much we thought we were gonna have to wait till nighttime to eat cheesecake yeah now we're fired up on i have it inside of my belly right now we are ready to roll ready to rumble even though we still don't know what that means i did not look up rumble but we i rumbled with that cheesecake and i won yeah to be clear and oh the cheesecake won for me but either way there's still and there's more like it was like what like a half a dozen slices of cheesecake and we were like okay we see you we were like it's very easy to get to our hearts but it means a lot once you do dust and also now that you're probably listening to this episode we expect that every week yeah so you set the bar
Starting point is 00:01:57 very high next week we want a dozen a full baker's dozen um also yes uh yeah so we had cheesecake we're here also before i forget um like listen i'm here are we gonna go randonauting yes okay good thousand percent i just like wanted to make sure on air so that you're committed i'm committed i told so i told um yeah i'm glad you have the audience really backing you on this to like check in um but uh you have to do it we are we are definitely going random i was just telling christine that uh i since christine's in town i was like i don't know if we're having a sleepover i don't know what the deal is i'm assuming and so when i left the apartment today to go record i just brought like my big ass quilt and like allison saw me leaving
Starting point is 00:02:39 and i was like i'm not coming home bye and just left so i just left my house and since then he was like i'm not coming home bye blaze was like sure i left my house and since then he was like i'm not coming home bye blaze was like sure i get it blaze and allison probably have their own group chat with geo being like this is some bullshit huh oh boy but yeah so we're probably i assume i'm telling you that to tell you i cleared the day so i assume you know we at some point we'll find nothing to do for ourselves and go random correct i think that's exactly plan. So we will hopefully we record again in a couple of days. Hopefully we'll have an update for you then. And also like we are just full of exciting news.
Starting point is 00:03:12 We have this virtual live show, which you probably heard in the promo if you're listening to this like right now, but we are doing a virtual live show on the 22nd again because the first one was so fun. Yes. And it sold out. So we want to like make sure people get to come,
Starting point is 00:03:24 but we're doing a more spiced up version but i give it a little spice so something something we uh so a lot of people have been asking if we're going to do another show and we have heard your cries and uh clamoring from afar we hear you from our thrones from the castle um we've got like two tweets now we've got three okay kidding uh but no so we obviously there's some interest so we were like well and we had wanted to do one on our own anyway right um so instead of this time instead of us doing our own notes this time we're going to do a listeners episode version where it is a live show listeners edition so what that means is eva is going to be reading the top 10 stories that we get submitted and we built out a email address specifically for this show so if you we're taking
Starting point is 00:04:16 this very serious if you want to write out your story and you want it to be a part of this we made an entirely different email address so only those stories are in the running for this live show. That address is ATWWD from our couches at You can ignore the AT in the beginning and the dot in the middle. I think I'm like cheesecake drunk. I'm just slurring. Also, a lot of times I've noticed people write ATTWD. So just like
Starting point is 00:04:45 just like save the name of the show there's a ww in there a double w a double w if you will yeah um so send in i guess the prompt is scariest stories and then if this goes well if you guys enjoy it if you know then maybe we'll do more um and keep those in like their own little gmail inbox right um also this time we are uh donating proceeds to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute yes it's ten dollars ten dollar tickets um we don't have a ticket link quite yet um but I'm sure by the time this comes out maybe we will oh we probably will so well just look in our social media as of today as of as we're speaking if we don't but we'll work on that like it's somewhere and we'll be posting about it on
Starting point is 00:05:24 Instagram like we'll make sure you guys can see it somewhere. And we'll be posting about it on Instagram. Like we'll make sure you guys can see it. Yeah. But yeah. So if you want your story heard for our live episode. Make sure it is in that. It goes to that email address. Just make sure that Eva knows what she's reading.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And. Yeah. We're really excited. And we'll see. It's August 5th. August 22nd. Yeah. August 22nd. From at 5 Pacific Standard Time to 8 Eastern Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. You talk. My goodness. I'm just, the cheesecake really. Em's not used to being drunk. I am. 5 slash 8 if you were watching a TV screen. Yeah, like 8, 5, no.
Starting point is 00:05:54 5, 8. 5 PM. 5, 8 Eastern. Listen, don't worry about it. It'll be there. You'll be there. We'll be there. 5 PT slash 8 ET.
Starting point is 00:06:02 That's right. Also, can I just give a quick ghosty update before I forget? I think they'd be angry if you didn't. Okay. I just have a really quick one. And I think I've heard this on our live stream. We did like a Thursday live stream like we usually do. Happy hour.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And somebody asked. And like, okay, I will say a lot of people have written in and sent some really interesting information to kind of like debunk what's going on. And I am the first to consider those options. And I found it really interesting information to kind of like debunk what's going on. And I am the first to consider those options. And I found it really interesting. A couple people have mentioned there's this phenomenon where like if you're used to a lot of noise, like I was in LA and then you go somewhere quiet, sometimes your brain like fills in sounds. Interesting. And so that's one thing that I heard. So you're causing your own haunts, really. But and so that is something I've considered. However, I will say it is it sounds very much like a person speaking in the other.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And it's not often. And I'm pretty used to it being quiet because I lived there for a month with nothing happening. And then all of a sudden it kind of started. But what I realized, I was like, when did this start? It started when we hired a bunch of people to come paint the house and paint those church step those creepy church steps okay also there's creepy church steps wait you painted the church steps yeah you didn't tell me that well i didn't on purpose i bet just now okay what did you paint them what before we get into the spooky thing decor wise what did we paint them okay so uh what did they look like were they exposed brick or wood or so they're okay so here's the thing okay let me tell the cat story and then i'll
Starting point is 00:07:30 explain so okay this is how this is what cheesecake does dustin's never gonna buy his cheesecake again we weren't sorry dad you made a mistake you should have told us after we recorded this cheesecake eva should have told you actually eva should have hidden them from us she knew better she wanted to see how this episode would turn yeah yeah yeah and i hope she's enjoying herself um so basically what happened is i was in the kitchen and blaze was at work and i was home alone and i had already thought like okay yeah maybe i'm making this all up in my head and like i'm fine and then i'm sitting there and i'm at the sink doing dishes or something and i like see something out of the corner of my eye uh and there's a whole side of my house that doesn't really have windows because it's like against another building and so I kind of look over and I'm like I thought I saw
Starting point is 00:08:11 something like a weird flash or a movement of somebody or something and I was like oh it must have just been like a reflection or whatever right and then I realized Juniper has whipped his head around and is staring directly at that spot and I thought okay maybe both of us saw a flash or a light or something and then i'm like i'm just gonna keep doing what i'm doing i'm looking at a cat out of the corner of my eye he's his eyes are following something from exactly where i saw something and now it's walking right past me and he's looking at it and watching it wander through and his tail starts flicking and he watches it all the way into our dining room which is like across the entire kitchen into the dining room and i'm just standing there watching my cat like no no no no no no no no it's like can you can your eyes wander out the door somewhere far away from me and so i was like
Starting point is 00:08:58 whatever was i didn't see it my cat saw it um i was like is there a dust particle but like i couldn't figure it out and that's the first time that's happened so he just was tail flicking watching something walk across our kitchen living room and then into the dining room and then he stared at it for a while and then he just kind of moved on and i was like what was that um but so then i realized as i was telling em on instagram live is that it was right it was at the coming down these stairs we have that are kind of in the middle of the our like living room kitchen area and then i realized the stairs the previous owners had gotten those uh salvaged those from a church that was being torn down in cincinnati
Starting point is 00:09:36 sounds like those people wanted an experience so there's no way they did that and didn't think right it's like a really old old like, like thick wooden set of stairs that they had taken and refurbished and put in the house. And you painted them? So, okay. So then I didn't paint the wood, but so that, you know how when you go up the stairs and there's like those little like panels. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So they had, listen, gotta love them, but they had painted them this very interesting shade of yellow that the entire house was kind of this interesting. That's where, that's when the house should have been haunted. That should have been the ghosts of the church being like, take this away. This yellow is no good for me. It was kind of like a pale mustard yellow, like as if you mixed mustard yellow with mayonnaise. It's not godly.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It's not godly. It's not godly. It's not holy. It's not holy. It was cursed. So I did have people come paint the house because i was like i don't want to like buy furniture and stuff until like i have you know at least like the living room the color i want it and i'm not kidding everything was yellow not just the walls
Starting point is 00:10:36 the door frames the doors the window frames all of it the window frame nothing was like trim like everything was yellow and uh the whole it's almost like this those people had like a like a reckoning like needed to needed to make a point like the yellow power it sounded like they went to sam's club and like had a deal i don't know so i was like let's just paint the trim white and the walls a nice navy and it looks really nice and then on the stairs they were this yellow so i was like can you just paint those white like so that they match sure but so that was the point it was that week where it was like something weird and at that point we had people painting so i was like i'm probably just
Starting point is 00:11:11 hearing like what i think are the painters but it has not stopped and um we painted a lot of the house so now i'm like so i mean that fits well with like it being renovated in some way and you're mixing up messing with the energy yeah and i don't want to give too much away as in triangulate my location but it is a built in like the mid-19th century it's like mid-1800s and was um a number of things it was uh tenement housing for a while it was someone's absolutely died in that house airbnb for a while there were just a lot of people in and out of this house a lot of families multi-family house for a while like it was just a lot of different things so it's also any spirits that were attached to those people going into this place anything that might have now come and gone from there so anyway in that case
Starting point is 00:11:54 all i wanted to say was like i do love the theories because i think it's very interesting that our brains play tricks on us and i that's like one of my favorite things to read about and think about but i'm having a lot of trouble uh kind of rationalizing that with what's happening so i here i am in la no wonder you fled uh okay well i'm glad i'm not living there um oh that's just would make sense why it was silent for a month and then we had people people and suddenly i'm like i feel like you're getting in my head because in the last few days i feel like in my apartment i've also been hearing my name getting called oh god and we have probably me coming from i think it has to be all right i'm coming it has to be either you astral projecting or me or me thinking up something because nothing has changed or happened that would all of a sudden stir something up.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But in the last like week, I swear I've heard Allison calling my name like three or four times, which is it's creepier if it were a random person calling my name. Somehow that's less creepy. It's more creepy because it's like it's trying to mock someone that lives there. It's imitating something you already know. And I know for allison isn't calling my name because it's like in the middle of the night everyone else is asleep goodbye and like i'm hearing it from like like the hallway i wonder if it's doing it's because we're doing so much intensified research maybe because we're trying to record as many episodes while christine's here so i've been we've been steeped in steeped in stories maybe that could be it tm tm tm that's
Starting point is 00:13:26 our spinoff steeped in stories that's where we have tea time hold on hold on oh no i gave them to this okay well i'm also panicking because i forgot i never sorry you guys gave us cheesecake so sorry um like never ending they're probably rolling their eyes like jesus christ get to the stories okay but i keep forgetting to tell you and i i sent you a picture on my actual birthday i think and i said remind me to tell you this on on the show certainly didn't remember neither did i and now it's what august or something yeah um but no so i've been wanting to tell you this since my birthday um uh so one of the things that allison gave me for my birthday the main thing she gave me for my birthday was um she made me like a personalized advent calendar she's really trying to set her game up with wow she's pulling an m there she's kind of like a christine there too oh my god uh oh god now i feel threatened
Starting point is 00:14:22 she uh no it was like it's like probably the most creative that's cute i've i've seen uh gift wise and so um it was an advent calendar but every day was a different present oh shit i know but some of them were tiny to be clear she didn't spend like she definitely probably spent in total a lot but like not every day was like this big massive thing some of them were already right yeah i only got three ferraris um but she uh like some were just like a little phone stand or like a mini card game or something oh cute but um first of all before i tell you the thing i want to tell you my favorite day was she planned a day we all know i love my duggers she gave me a dugger marathon and they're obsessed with fucking pickles and so she gave me so my gift was watching duggers and then she brought out a jar of pickles for us to eat while we watch the duggers and they're obsessed with uh tater tot casserole and they
Starting point is 00:15:17 have their own recipe you told me she made me tater tot casserole i was like this is the one i was like that i know like of all the things and she's fine still delivered let's go well also like of all of the gifts she gave she was like not happy that that was my answer for what was my favorite one because she put so much thought into other ones but that one came with layers where i was like that's so like thoughtful of what you like it's like all the things we could have just watched the duggars but you also knew the things she'd clearly been listening. Very nuanced.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I told her like what they eat and shit. And then she planned. So anyway, the thing I've been wanting to tell you about was arguably my other favorite gift. And I should have brought it, but you're in town, so we can probably do it.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Okay. What is it? I'm dying. She, before I, everyone's going to ask. It's from American hauntings website because i know people are gonna ask what is it i'm dying they so american hauntings has their own line and i'm so
Starting point is 00:16:12 mad that we didn't beat them to this their own line of haunted teas tea so they have like beverage yeah tea leaves so they they live like a small little tea company where there's like probably like 15 different teas that they make, but they're all named after different stories, like different haunted cases. Stop. And I think I've covered all of them too. So I got to like, I knew the stories of each tea. And that's so cute. Get this.
Starting point is 00:16:35 This is where I'm really going to, everyone's going to be like, okay, now I fucking need it. Because it comes in little like apothecary bottles. Sure, of course. With little corks in them. And they all come in this if you get the it's like a sampler like you can just buy them as one individuals but she got me kind of like a flight if you will because she knows i'll drink all of it and um the box that it comes in is uh like slabs off of a haunted house next to them from like the 1800s wait what are you serious yeah
Starting point is 00:17:05 it's like an actual piece of like and it's like an old house that people that no one lives in anymore and so the thing that you're not allowed to do because you will bring ghosts into your home so they took like it's not even like i guess they refurbished it but it looks like they literally took slats off of a house and built little boxes to put all your haunted t-flights in it's the most me thing but get these people on the phone anyway so i know people are going to ask it's american hauntings and i've already had some friends ask like where did you get that and then they got it and then we facetimed and had haunted tea time together so okay i'm gonna well how have you not told me about i'm so i've been waiting to tell you for
Starting point is 00:17:39 literally that i don't get to do haunted tea time i can go 10 minutes down the road literally and grab i've never wanted anything more in my whole life. Let's have tea time tonight. Is there a TMTM, a wine company that does this? And then we can have like- 19 crimes. Wait, 19 and crime, like wine and then like true crime for you. And then ghosts and tea for me.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Right. Bingo. Bingo bango. That's, you have 19 crimes. I'll go get the teas. Okay. Okay. Holy crap.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Moving on. Anyway, let's talk about this. Welcome to And That's Why We Drink. I'm sure you've skipped all 20 minutes. I'm sure that the teas. Okay. Okay. Holy crap. Moving on. Anyway, let's talk about this. Welcome to And That's Why We Drink. I'm sure you've skipped all 20 minutes. I'm sure that's why you drink. So I don't know why I brought that up. Something about why did I bring the tea up? I don't know. There was a reason. There was a reason. It's I think it's because I said, oh, it's because I said, I made a hilarious joke about our spinoff show. Oh, yes. Steeped ined in stories okay all of that is so we should we should get like them to work with us and we'll use that tea for steep and stories
Starting point is 00:18:31 steeped in stories bingo okay okay also american hauntings if you're listening we created you got the tea we get the steeps and stories name we spill the tea okay thank you okay hold on my story today is Spill the tea. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Hold on. My story today is a doozy in that it was, it, okay. I really liked the story. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did until I got to what I now lovingly call Zachapedia. Zachapedia. Because I've been listening to a lot of office
Starting point is 00:19:05 ladies lately and they always go to the producer or the director or something for all the behind the scenes stuff that they forgot and they call it Kentopedia because his name was Kent so I've now started on my own have been calling it Zachapedia whenever I get to watch Ghost Adventures
Starting point is 00:19:20 so I'm covering Preston Castle and it's in California. It sounds familiar but I don't know anything about it. I thought I'd already covered it but apparently I haven't. The name is just familiar for some reason. It's in I think it's called Ion Castle or Ion California. Ion? I-O-N-E. Ione. That doesn't sound right i don't know it's in california um but this is also the location which i will get to later of um bagel bites's first ever possession oh my m earlier was like we have to watch the episode i'm gonna talk about yeah now i'm not so sure i want to this okay
Starting point is 00:20:00 and i i feel guilty because only a couple days ago you texted me and you're like i'm watching ghost adventures what are the scariest ones that you've seen actually i texted you i'm trying to This, okay, and I feel guilty because only a couple days ago you texted me and you were like, I'm watching Ghost Adventures. What are the scariest ones that you've seen? Actually, I texted you, I'm trying to make Blaze watch Ghost Adventures. Oh, were you? I didn't read that part. I had posted a picture on Instagram of Blaze in the Bagel Bites blanket. I should have put those two things together.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Oh, sorry. I thought that was... It was probably clear and I just actively ignored it. Blaze just kind of was like, why are we doing this? And I was like, trust me. Well, okay, go back home and watch this episode with him because I feel bad that I hadn't watched this episode yet. Otherwise, I would have said this one for sure.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I don't know if the Possession's going to make Blaze convinced, you know. Okay, fine. Well, you and I should watch it then. I don't think it's going to make me convinced. And everyone else watch it too. It's actually one of their first episodes too. I think it's like only like, it was like episode one of season two or something. Oh, early Bagel Bites. Early Bags. Yeah. episodes too i think it's like only like it was like episode one of season two or something early
Starting point is 00:20:45 bagel bites early big early bags yeah um okay so the preston castle is somewhere in california and it is known actually as the preston school of industry but it looks like a castle so it also kind of lovingly became known as the castle that's cute um it is a california historical landmark number 867 and it's listed as in the uh six five three five three oh nine is probably actually like your house or something um and it's the other half of this haunted duo yeah you and the present castle um and it's also listed on the national register of Historic Places. So this once served as a reform school for boys. Great. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So when I said lovingly referred to as the castle, it wasn't probably lovingly. There's like thunderclap behind it as I say that. Yeah. It's just a crescendo of lightning. So, yeah. So it was a reform school for boys it was one of the old it's to this day known apparently as one of the oldest and best in the nation for its time period okay um so it was like oh if you went there you were like at the castle reformed you were reformed yes um so it was built because before then boys as young as 12 were um being sent to literal prison
Starting point is 00:22:08 if they like broke a rule so cute so fun so fun so cute so uh socially appropriate so masculine going to prison at 12 so um so uh yeah so boys as young as 12 were being sentenced and I guess the local prison or the state prison was San Quentin. And so they were like, we need a juvenile facility. So that's how this came to be. Um, and it was one of the self, I feel like this was every reform school or hospital in this time period, but it was one of the self-sustaining schools where the boys did everything. So they gardening, gardening, they took care of livestock as young as 12 they were in charge of like the slaughterhouse so they had meat and uh they learned i guess during the day during the mornings they would do academic stuff and during the afternoons they were learning a
Starting point is 00:23:02 trade so when they theory this always sounds like so good it sounds never goes well well it sounds so universally correct but i think it also sounds a little bit like a um like a utopia oh i was i was expecting you to say something darker but like learning a trade as a kid like i think that's awesome but then i feel like this always turns a little bit utopian where it's like it's too good. Like something's going to go wrong. Well, I guess because you always like the only people part of this potential utopia are like people who like are troublemakers. So it like ends up kind of twisting itself around. And there's also these adults who are intent on like punishing these children, too. So like it's not a good intention or well intention, I guess.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah. I think the the general understanding from like far away is like that sounds like a great idea. And then you zoom in. It's a bunch of like abusive people in power. Yeah. Troublemakers who like don't really want this. You were like children and shouldn't be going to prison. OK, got it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 So it was opened in 19 in 1894. By the way, a lot of this information, I feel like, I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but the Ghost Adventures episode seems like it had completely different information than the rest of the internet. Oh, you mean Zakopedia had its own entry. Zakopedia and Wikipedia were completely different things. But I know I was, I know this, like, maybe there were two Preston Castles. They were the same castle
Starting point is 00:24:28 because they talked about the same deaths. Maybe his show just focused more on certain things. I feel like they have researchers that, like, talk to people that you may not necessarily see online. So maybe they got, like... Yeah, they definitely interviewed like, actual people who work there and stuff. Like, maybe that's where they got it. It seemed like
Starting point is 00:24:44 any show I watched about this, it seemed like they were at different times so maybe different people who worked there cared more about different information yeah um okay that's interesting but i remember doing all of this information i was like just for the heck of it i'm also gonna watch um ghost adventures and then i was like i would i did not know upside down so uh it opened in 1980 in 1894 and it got its first residence um there were seven offenders who came to the juvenile facility there it was 46 000 square feet had 120 rooms apparently oh wow which from what i saw it didn't seem like it was big enough to have 120 rooms but maybe i'm maybe i they only showed like a sampling of the rooms or something um and the wards which is a fancy word for it sounds like
Starting point is 00:25:31 inmates uh they spent half of their days in school and the other half learning a trade um it was open for almost 70 years and there were several escape attempts there was a lot of violence there was a lot of inhumane punishments allegedly from one website i saw that there were also many murders and uh alleged sex abuse so i'm and that was all i didn't ever get any more nitty-gritty when it came to like punishments or anything like that there was no real information on it um the most famous death there was Anna Corbin, who was the head housekeeper. And in 1950, right before a staff meeting, her body was found and it showed intense signs of beating. Oh, no. Some say that she was found in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Other stories say that she was in the mattress room, which I don't know if that means a bedroom or a storage spot for mattresses. For whatever reason, that gives me the creeps, the mattress room. It don't know if that means a bedroom or a storage spot for mattress for whatever reason that like gives me the creeps the mattress room it's almost like a black eyed kids phrase of like where is your mattress exactly and it's like that's exactly it's just like off but it also reminds me of those like old school pictures of like the quote-unquote like um insane ward where the the walls are padded like a padded room oh i don't know if that's the same but i hadn't thought about that but that it just also adds a layer of creep oh for sure um what are they just like taped mattresses um also i don't know what this is the disinfecting pool oh my god
Starting point is 00:26:59 like a bleach lake like that just sounds so bad all of this also bleach lake sounds like it could be the name of an actual team oh i was gonna say like a 90s punk band but oh i like that also like yeah it sounds like blake lively's evil twin um so or she or other rumors that she was stuffed in a padlocked closet this is all very bad it's like moral of the story like pick your poison at that point um she most of the stories at least from actual um staff members say it was the kitchen that she died in or at least near the kitchen the kitchen is something i can understand of what that actually is i at least know the word kitchen i at least spend a lot of time in that room oh most of it most most of my awake life i am in a kitchen um so she was found this this is pretty consistent in the story
Starting point is 00:27:54 she was found with a rope or a wire like wrapped really tight around her neck um and some of the the shows i watched also said that she had been bludgeoned so hard in her face that it was unrecognizable. Many of the words were suspects because a lot of them had violent tendencies. But most people, for some reason, believe that it was one word named Eugene Monroe. He was put on trial three different times for her murder um but he was never found guilty but then years later he ended up being uh incarcerated for a completely different murder that he admitted to oh so it like just kind of leads to like well you so you definitely did have the the you know the tendency to be able or the capability to do it yeah it's like we can't
Starting point is 00:28:44 that doesn't really necessarily help confirm that it was you but it doesn't help that it wasn't you yeah it hurt our case uh so new words the only thing i found about um i thought this was punishment actually what is lie is lye i don't know that's a word that. Is it a chemical? It sounds like a chemical. I feel like it is, but like. I should have looked it up. A natural chemical, like from an animal? Am I making that up? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I don't. All I know is like, I wasn't sure if this was a type of punishment. Are you going to look it up? L-Y-E. Hey, Siri. What is lye? Lye. A lye is a's what I was gonna say
Starting point is 00:29:33 no thank you it's basically like a caustic like from wood yeah okay so yeah it's like a chemical so it said new wards when they first came in were forced to swim in a pool of lie is that the disinfectant pool that's got to be it right you crack the case listen cheesecake has me like humming i'm like on a different level
Starting point is 00:29:57 my whole body's on vibrate no i'm you really it's like wow if i ever need to like solve a jigsaw you are there well that escape room was a chance to prove myself that i didn't succeed you were only 15 minutes shy of success it's okay um although if you have forgotten all that we could play again anytime you're here given that maybe you forgot the rules more embarrassing um okay so they're apparently forced to swim in a pool of lye and the and that was like the end of that bullet apparently um and then in the castle the second floor housed the staff apartments in the dorms where apparently there's a lot of activity today so the wards
Starting point is 00:30:38 also not only were there a lot of punishments um and abuse but they apparently died of several illnesses um wards were in allegedly even killed by the guards and some of the guards were killed by the wards apparently there was also um gangs in in the in the housing so maybe that was that fit into that somehow. And a lot of people died of disease. So in 1886, there was the biennial report, and they said that the facility was exposed to pithesis. I don't know what that is. Okay, pithesis. Don't make me ask Siri. She's going to talk forever.
Starting point is 00:31:17 She's going to talk forever. It's like she had cheesecake. um was exposed to pithesis typhoid scarlet fever smallpox influenza tonsillitis malaria pneumonia apple and there were also chronic illnesses such as epilepsy cholera regular fractures bruises abscesses and contusions on the wards this is like weren't treated probably that were not treated properly weren't treated at all um also he goes on like the bruises was listed next to like um also he goes on like the bruises was listed next to like seizure i know those are quite different levels but okay um apparently the report goes on to say quote one death was due to an accidental burn resulting in intestinal ulceration oh my god and one was caused by pulmonary congestion um and so those were two different deaths and their resting places are properly marked so that
Starting point is 00:32:07 if in the future their parents or friends so desire they may be moved to other places for burial so that being said i'll talk about this in a little bit but there's also a graveyard on site sure um so some of the death records are pretty shady okay what a surprise there's like 20 somewhere in the 20s 23 or 26 um like mysterious deaths that like no one really ever investigated um right and so one of them was a boy named grant walker and he allegedly died from typhoid fever but the report says that he died oh he's the one that died from an accidental burn resulting in intestinal ulceration cool but he allegedly actually died from typhoid it's interesting there's another yeah it's all so i don't know if that means that there's a abuse that they're trying to cover up in some way or maybe they just like didn't give a shit they're just like not taking care of their they were just like their files
Starting point is 00:33:04 are just totally fucked up um there's also nicholas hamilton who apparently died from tuberculosis and he was kept isolated from all the boys to avoid contamination or at least that's what they told people okay it sounds like according to this sworn affidavit from a doctor that um nick actually hurt his knee when he was trying to escape and then the doctor said i found him lying in the hospital suffering great pain i examined the knee and found it badly swollen and inflamed dr adams had also examined him and confirmed my diagnosis treatment was at once instituted but then the superintendent decided to examine the injury he rudely grabbed the boy's limb and began vigorously flexing extending and rotating the limb okay heedless of the yells and of pain
Starting point is 00:33:51 emanating from the tortured boy but his only reply was lie still i'm the boss here okay and so that was just one and also him being sick was never in the sworn affidavit it's right so tuberculosis or whatever it was right so they they wrote it off like oh he died from tuberculosis and was easy thing and was isolated from people right but this doctor says no he really like hurt his knee and he was getting abused and so this kind of scandal broke out and he might have never been sick, but it's implied that once the news found out that there might be abuse, the boy was quarantined to keep the superintendent from looking bad. And they were like, oh, you can't see him or the kids don't know where he is. He has tuberculosis and no one should get near him right now. That's awful.
Starting point is 00:34:42 A.K.A. no one will hear his side of the story. Or even see that he's okay. Or see that he's okay. And then he died six months later. Well, there we go. Yeah. So who knows how he died. Maybe it was like random tuberculosis.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Right. Or something else happened. We don't know. In those six months. Yeah. Yikes. And so also in 1914, this one wasn't super mysterious. But one of the deaths was a drowning where one of the boys went swimming.
Starting point is 00:35:08 He claimed that he was going to swim a doggy, or I guess back then doggy paddle was called dog fashion, which is kind of precious. Hold on, let's bring that back. Again, kind of like the black eyed kids of being like, I will swim dog fashion. Like truly. Oh. I will eat this apple with ketchup and swim dog fashion in your mattress room. You better watch out because your mattress room is going to have a lot of apple ketchup on it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So yes, he was swimming dog fashion. Or he said he could at least, but then he dove in and pretty much sank to the bottom. Oh my God. He came up once for air screaming for help. Two of the boys tried to save him, but he't be found it was like a pretty quick drowning um which i guess as far as drownings go like hopefully it went quick like but i mean it's still like one of the worst ways to go oh in 1919 there was one guy named Sam Goines, who this is interesting because my understanding of Sam up until Ghost Adventures was kind of a blip on the radar as far as the stories go. Like there wasn't too much information on the on the Internet about him.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And then we got to Bagel Bites and he was like, Sam Goines is known to be the biggest poltergeist in the building and i was like what the fuck i didn't know about that so um sam goines was uh 20 years old and he was an inmate for burglary but apparently he was shot by one of the guards while during his stay there for burglary so uh a news article came out saying that sam actually it was like his third time trying to escape and uh it sounds like in some way he was trying to run off and the guard whose name was j.e kelly um he tried to shoot him in the leg like one of the one of the rules there was like if you take off and you don't you know we'll try to tell you to come back and we won't hurt you but if you disobey after that then we're going to try to at least like shoot you in the leg or something to stop
Starting point is 00:37:12 you right so he which i guess that was protocol so this wasn't anything specific but it tried to shoot him in the leg but it happened at the exact same second that um that sam actually like bent over to get under some wire fence oh so he his body was bent so like where his leg would have been his back was so he got shot in the back um there is a little bit of a of a controversy there because there's another story that suggests that sam had already tripped and while he was down he got shot oh boy we don't really know which one but according to newspapers which who knows how accurate any real story from back then was but according to newspapers um there were other people there who did testify with the guard saying like he didn't mean to
Starting point is 00:38:07 kill this guy he really thought he was just gonna like stop him from running okay um and so uh that's one death although that's kind of shady because we never got the full story um and then there's another guy named frank and he died from an abscess of the brain oh which was caused by an accident that happened before he came in okay um he had a motorcycle accident um a couple months before he got admitted and then uh and then he died like within a week of having been there but what's interesting about that is that if apparently ever since his accident and then he came in ever since his accident, he was not himself. He clearly wasn't in good shape. Like he looked messed up.
Starting point is 00:38:51 He had a brain abscess that people either did or didn't know about. And so I guess the protocol then is that they wouldn't have taken him because he was in such bad shape. They would have like demanded he go to a hospital. Right. And they wouldn't have taken someone who was so sick but they took him anyway so there's some controversy about like why did they kind of break that rule to let him come in and then he instantly dies right so it's just something that we don't know um also there was no record of him being sent to preston castle and so it's just kind of interesting that they fudged any paperwork about him even being there. Shady. So anyway, in 1999, so we're really like going 100
Starting point is 00:39:31 years into the future. The name was changed to the Preston Youth Correctional Facility. Okay. And only two years later, it closed. So notable w at the time. I don't recognize any of these names. Sorry. But apparently at the time, these were notable awards. Musician Merle Haggard. Merle Haggard? I don't know who he is. Who the hell is that?
Starting point is 00:39:55 Very famous musician. Oh, are you making fun of me? Or do you know who he is? Yeah. Oh, I have no idea who he is. Writer Edward Bunker. He's a famous writer. Don't you know? Yeah, I know. I don't know who that is. writer edward bunker he's a famous writer don't you know yeah i know i don't know who that is i should and then um this guy i don't know but i would like to um his name is
Starting point is 00:40:13 tony cornero um he was apparently a famous bootleg bootlegger and he was in california and he was known as tony the hat oh hell yeah and he he built the uh stardust resort and casino in vega oh that's fun tony the hat i love tony the hat speaking of we're really going off on cheesecake tangents today which is what i'm gonna start calling those but speaking i just heard tony the hat and it made me think of something i haven't told you is one of those embarrassing things in a in a relationship that like you don't let the public know about oh great yeah yeah bring it on say it louder so uh how did it start um okay so this is obviously really like disgusting and like probably cute to people who are like in the honeymoon phase of love but other than that
Starting point is 00:40:57 it's like barf-erific but when uh i hate it probably but every time I I tell Allison, she's cute probably a bajillion times a day. And how does it start? It merged into something else that made me think of Tony the Hat where I basically said, like, I'll say anything like, oh, you know, you better tell me I'm cute or something or else and like it turned into something where I would say something cute and then I'd be like you better or else and then at one point she was like or else what and I'll be like or else I'm gonna I'm gonna uh smack you with some kisses like something stupid like that I know it's super disgusting but I'm glad you said kisses at the end because I'm gonna smack you well I know that's that's the that was kind of the point of it where like it like sounded like it was gonna be violent but then it wasn't violent but it turned into like a a thing where it was like trying to sound like some sort of like old mafia guy mobster old mafia guy and uh and now and it morphed into this thing where now
Starting point is 00:42:01 anytime we disagree with each other about something silly, like. Like not an actual fight. Like you're so cute. No, you're so cute. And it's like if you're trying to win the fight, we have RJ settle it since he's like the third man in the house. And it's a weird combination of things. But there's this one chocolate bar that we fucking love out here called Tony Chocoloni. And so.
Starting point is 00:42:22 What? If you haven't had it, it's really good. Wait, it's a real chocolate it's a real chocolate bar called tony choccoloni it's really good where is this from uh grocery stores really yeah it's really good okay i've never heard of it but uh somehow our like i when i was trying to act like a big uh like i was trying to act all tough like oh you better else i'm gonna like smack your ass with some kisses and I was like and if you don't listen then then I'm gonna have to call Tony Chocolony you're gonna get in real trouble and then it's like basically it's like you better
Starting point is 00:42:51 agree with me or else I'll give you a kiss and chocolate so else you know it's like what parents threaten their kid of like you know I'm gonna call yeah except I'll call Tony Chocolony Tony Chocolony anyway I heard Tony the hat and i almost said chocolony and then i felt like people might have heard me hesitate then i felt the need to explain it well i will have you know i'm sitting i literally no joke started checking if i was lucid dreaming because i was like none of this sounds real no none of it sounds real it's one of those things where it like is an inside thing that becomes another inside thing that becomes another and then you're like oh if i explain it'll make sense and then as you say it out loud you're like oh maybe it doesn't make sense just
Starting point is 00:43:26 know that in my relationship there's an imaginary person named tony chocolone who is like he will get you this real rough and tough mafia guy who's gonna like who's also just like who's gonna like give the final word on whether or not like i'm cute versus allison anyway it's a real mess by the way also allison's parents listened to this sometimes. So now I'm humiliated. Perfect. Anyway, Tony Chocolony,
Starting point is 00:43:49 no, Tony the hat was award here. Tony Chocolony was award at like Willy Wonka's factory. Probably in your house. So anyway, it closed. The place originally closed in 1960. It stayed open until 2001. In in 2000 or it didn't stay open
Starting point is 00:44:08 to 2001 but it was at least on the property until 2001 then started to deteriorate which is interesting because it closed it closed in 1960 but in 1999 it was named maybe they like attempted to maybe they tried to bring it back and then in 2001 two years later it closed didn't work i don't know i don't know uh they gotta call tony the hat and figure it out tony chocolone just raised too much of a ruckus you know what i thought that was like a i think that's like a very it at least would be like a cool um a cool what i was gonna say like there's already tony the tiger i was gonna say it would be a cool like character like if you're already called tony chocolony it is right it's a chocolate
Starting point is 00:44:50 bar like it's literally imagine if like there was a little like mafia guy on the bar being like you better eat this chocolate i don't know we'll shop it we'll you'll shop it i'll shop it and then i'll text you about it and then we'll have an update at some point great okay uh so in 2001 the the preston castle had its own foundation that acquired a 50-year lease and their goal is to restore it um and many people to this day since it has opened as um since they've started restoring it people have been seeing a lot of ghosts so mainly people see uh anna anna's body oh jeez um the one who died somewhere in the castle um and apparently she's known to roam the halls and uh you know hear strange voices and noises noises and things like that there's the cemetery on the
Starting point is 00:45:42 grounds apparently there's 23 graves recorded and um there's many more alleged deaths um the castle right now apparently does overnight ghost tours for a hundred dollars that's pretty cheap for a ghost for like an overnight stay i think it's like pretty cheap i guess so yeah um does that like do you get to like i think you like to do your own investigation okay well that's fair um because I think they just kind of leave you there. I'm not sure. And also there are apparently basic tours that are offered almost every Saturday. And then this is something I don't think we've ever talked about before, but we should.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So every year for the last at least five years they have their own paranormal conference um it's called paracon which i've heard about before paracon yeah i didn't i didn't know if you know but like we've not you're right we've literally never talked about it apparently it's always held at preston castle and really experts and vendors and psychics come out and oh my god it sounds fun come on come on and it's not too far well for me it's not too far maybe i'll go and tell you how it goes when's the next one the next one um i well this one got that got canceled this year because of covid what's the next next year i don't know when it is am i invited yeah of course um and so that was the internet information but i do want to tell you about the story the tv shows i watched so ghost hunters and ghost adventures have covered it so i'm going to tell you about
Starting point is 00:47:11 ghost hunters first okay ghost hunters uh this is just some of the things that they heard or i guess when they were doing their walkthrough this is things that they had heard about before they had their own investigation they the people that work there say that they have heard doors slammed they've seen misty figures they've heard children's voices and giggling firm pass uh in the doctor's office uh on tour two different on a tour two different people saw an apparition of an older man in a doctor's coat and then vanish um in the infirmary the inmate sam apparently died there because even though he was shot in the back he like survived for a little bit and then died in the infirmary. Yeah. I thought it couldn't get worse than that.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It did. We always think it can't and then it always does. People have seen shadows in the corner of their eyes. And apparently this is I've never heard this one. It's always fun when I get a new one. Yeah. People have heard have seen sparkling. Oh, like around their faces.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Sparkling. I don't know what that means fun i imagine i'm like inside a lacroix and it's just like pixie dust everywhere sounds like yeah like fairy dust um and so women have uh been heard humming uh people have felt like there's webs on their face like webs on their faces they've had like peel something off but there's webs on their face, like spider webs on their faces. They've had to like peel something off, but there's nothing there. Ugh. Which is exactly how Skylar is going to handle being bad. He's just going to haunt people. And, oh, women have had their butt pinched.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Well, okay. Which makes sense. I mean, like it's. It makes sense. I don't approve of it, but it makes sense. In like a ward of boys or in like a. I see. A bunch of troublemaking boys. Like it makes sense that if there was a
Starting point is 00:48:45 girl there all of a sudden like someone might get pinched which is not good i'm just saying i'm not surprised either yeah um it fits it fits and the in the quarantine room one of the i think this was the owner that was saying this story felt like she had literally gotten like electrified oh not electrocuted but she felt well maybe she said she felt like her finger had been put in a socket that's how i feel after that cheesecake i'm serious i'm like buzzing we're really on one today and uh she said that she felt it especially in her back but she felt a complete static charge in one of the dorm rooms you can hear a whole room of voices like there's a party there but then you turn the corner into the room and no one's there that's the kind of thing. That's the creepiest one to
Starting point is 00:49:28 me because like, you can stand out there for as long as you want and be like, I know what I'm hearing. And I know when I go check, nothing's going to be there. And that's what I'm saying. It's like, when I hear those voices in my house, it's like, it's not like, oh, I just heard like a, it's like, yeah, I hear something happening. And I'm like, there must be someone here. I've said it before. But at my, my dad's house, my stepmom used to say that she could hear things in the living room and she would literally open the door and go like, shut up. We're trying to sleep.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And then she'd slam the door and the noises would go away. So actually they were very respectful. It's a song screaming shut up. Yeah. But yeah, so I believe that's a thing i luckily have never experienced that i think i would oh when you want to come over just kidding i haven't heard a party full of people it always sounds like two two or three people talking two people maybe gotcha like an introvert party like like my kind of party my kind of party yes um
Starting point is 00:50:22 in the oh one tour guide said that he saw a hand so a tour guide obviously he's standing in front of everybody and walking and he thought someone from behind him was like waving their hand to get attention and he caught it from his peripherals and he turned around and nobody was behind him great um also in the i also saw mist in the ceilings that just like disappeared immediately um in the laundry room the chairs will move on their own and you can hear them like squeaking and shuffling and you can also see doors close on their own in the kitchen where anna's body apparently i don't think her body was found there but her a part of her death was involved in the kitchen it
Starting point is 00:50:59 seems um you can uh people will hear a woman screaming, help me. Oh God. Um, people have gotten in touch. They felt their sleeves getting pulled. They've heard knocking. You can hear a female voice talking to you. Um, there's been an EV. Oh, and then while they were, so this is now after the walkthrough and this is them and
Starting point is 00:51:18 actually investigating. Um, they got an EVP, which I'm telling you, like, I i'm i try to be kind of skeptical when it comes to evps this one was fucking creepy if it was real it was you hear like a real one or like a clear one yeah you're like i'll give you the spooks you're like holy crap so grant um one of the investigators he very clearly heard his name get called out yeah um and then he later was he said like were you trying to say my name and then you could hear his name again oh um and they play the they play an evp back later of hearing the name grant and uh it really sounds like grant like it's so obviously that's a very specific sound i feel like yeah yeah and so um uh what was i gonna say
Starting point is 00:52:07 oh and also right when that happens a shadow figure also walks by when they were talking to anna they all of a sudden heard creaks on the floor like she was walking towards them um for a second they saw a full-bodied apparition on the other side of the room kind of like observing them um they saw lights outside where there wouldn't be any lights coming through in the doctor's office uh the temperature dropped really drastically and they saw flashes of light then they heard squeaking and thudding and shuffling and bangs all all that good stuff and as they were trying to find the sound because it was coming from all around them they heard this this loud-ass scream in real life.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Oh, dear. And they were by themselves in the castle. Oh, dear. They later found out that the squeaking, thudding sound they heard was the gurney in another room rolling by itself. It was actually moving. It was moving. They were, like, testing things to figure out what the sound was, and it matched perfectly. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And when they were talking to Anna again later, they heard a high pitched voice, a shadow of someone was walking by. And also they saw another apparition. They heard the door open by itself and heavy footsteps walking in the room next door. Nobody else was in the house. And then they also heard men speaking. They heard like different voices talking to each other um when they said anna corbin are you here they got an evp of a female voice either saying something like slow down or go away it was kind of the way sound yeah so it's you could hear the first word a lot better than the second word but something happened and it was definitely a female voice um also on their thermal camera they caught something um near the door you
Starting point is 00:53:50 couldn't really make out what it was but there was definitely like a temperature irregularity going on um and then they replayed the grant evp at the end which was super fucking creepy um and then real quick i'm gonna tell you about my favorite mr zach bagelpedia bagelpedia yeah yeah i'm trying so uh apparently couldn't find this anywhere on the goddamn internet but immediately in their walkthrough you find out that in 1965 which doesn't make sense because i thought it closed in 1960 i was about to say but okay okay so already this is kind of bagelpedia somebody fact check this in 1965 and the agricultural teacher was murdered on the farm because he asked two of the kids to stay behind
Starting point is 00:54:37 to help him and two of the wards beat him with a lead pipe so i'm hoping i'm right and it closed in 1960 and that didn't happen yeah i mean or my research is wrong and it did it didn't close unfortunately it did happen right um i didn't even hear a lick of that information from anywhere else but you're right maybe it is like they're just talking to people who work there who like have yeah info that's just not online they have like quote favorite stories yeah yeah yeah um also as soon as they go to where one of the rooms where Anna's death was involved, because it sounds like she was attacked in one room, then dragged into another room and then died in another room and then was shoved into another room or like hidden in another room.
Starting point is 00:55:19 It sounds like her death was kind of all encompassing of this house. Yikes. But in one of the rooms where it was involved, I think it was the infirmary. They walked in and there were like dead roses on the floor. And Zach was like, where did those come from? And the owner was like, we're the first people to come in here since we reopened after the winter. Like, I don't know where. What?
Starting point is 00:55:40 So those like random roses kind of surfaced. Although you could argue that like someone came in and put them down before recording you know whatever um apparently in this room they get a lot of evps um apparently also in this room a black mass has come out of the floor and flown away and also shadows will walk past the doorways that That I don't like. Apparently, this is where I found out Sam might be the poltergeist that everyone talks about. Even though I'd never heard about a famous poltergeist. I never even heard about a poltergeist before this episode. But apparently Sam is like the craziest, most active spirit there.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Apparently in Anna's old room, people get possessed in there. Oh, here we go. Okay. And apparently you also hear in like two or three in the morning, people have heard the sound of a buzzsaw. Oh, goodness. Who knows what that means? I don't. But it sounds really jarring.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Also during the walkthrough on the stairs where Anna was dragged, apparently they heard in real life a little girl crying. And also Zach feels a wave of energy hit him it's crazy i love when he feels a wave of energy it's very convincing and um the the crew also so i gotta say like all of this stuff kind of started happening all at once and it did seem like they were in the whole crew was in different areas of the room. So they were kind of saying something to their own camera and then they would meet up and someone else would say the same thing. So it sounded, it came off like they were confirming without realizing.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Oh, interesting. Each other's things. Like one person was like, it smells kind of bad down here. And then got closer to everyone else. And someone was like, do you smell sulfur? Like, so it sounded like they didn't know what was going
Starting point is 00:57:28 on it all was actually experiencing it but also keep in mind i don't know if i've mentioned this in a long time but usually the smell of sulfur means that like a demon is right it's like no good it's no good like a happy pleasant demon doesn't smell like sulfur. So he starts smelling sulfur at the same time that he's hit with this wave of energy. And they hear the little girl cry. That all happens within like the same two minutes. The equipment begins failing. Like you hear it on the camera. That freaks me out because that you can like watch happen.
Starting point is 00:57:59 You know what I mean? And like you can tell that like they didn't even notice it right away. And then like a battery pack died. And like you can see them like they're kind even notice it right away. And then like a battery pack died. And like you can see them like they're kind of freaking out. Humbling. Yeah. Right. And so that all happened while in Anna's room.
Starting point is 00:58:12 The like the battery pack died. The girl was screaming. They smelled sulfur. Their equipment was failing. And apparently in there, there's also a thick fog that shows itself. And people have seen have heard knocking in empty rooms. Employees have actually been scratched and during the interview two different employees were scratched um oh my god so that was interesting because one person actually had already been like relieved from being interviewed and then came back to be like i have a massive scratch on me
Starting point is 00:58:40 which at first i was like okay guy like you could have scratched yourself and then wanted more camera time yeah like just trying to like be like realistic of like so you were gone and now you're back with a scratch right um but then after it was after the interview both times one employee came back and said i got scratched and then another person was um was brought in to be interviewed and afterwards she was like i just got scratched on my leg and both of them had it in the same spot and it looked the same that but because they probably knew the spirit or whatever probably heard everyone like kissing the first time i was like no that was me i was like i'll get you this time don't worry purpose so um right away into their oh and also they had a um a medium with them and she said that she was seeing apparitions like left and right um one of the scratches by the way did draw blood apparently
Starting point is 00:59:30 so it was pretty tough pretty wild um so right into the investigation they hear sounds i gotta tell you this is probably arguably if not my favorite in my top three of all ghost adventures for creep factor not for like joking around about bagel bites. Like this like spooked me for two in the morning. Okay. Um, love it, love it.
Starting point is 00:59:52 So, uh, uh, they immediately start hearing sounds. It really was like, if you're trying to go investigating, like this was like the Mecca, like instantly they were getting really creepy shit.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Um, and Zach, because Zach started taunting the ghosts. was like the mecca like instantly they were getting really creepy shit um and zach because zach started taunting the ghosts he even says in his like narration he's like oh well as i'm taunting the ghost he literally admits to it so when people are like you guys are cruel i'm like he says he does it i would literally never taunt a ghost in my entire life. So he's, and when I say taunting, I mean like, keep in mind, he is probably, in his defense in the first half of the sentence, he is probably meaning this towards like the adult scary demons. The negative ones. Not like the children ghosts probably. Not the children ghosts, but like the scary demons that are scratching people. But keep in mind, he is in a reform school for like children boys.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And he is walking around with like this, I think a belt and like whipping the tables. He is? And being like, if you come at me like this is what happens. Listen, I'm not gonna lie. That seems a little problematic. But I don't think he was implying he would beat children. Probably was not intentionally meant for anything. But it seems a little problematic but i i don't think he was implying he would beat children probably was not intentionally meant for anything but it seems a little i don't think he knew how it was gonna come across yeah it was experimental let's just leave it at that um experimental yeah
Starting point is 01:01:15 i remember i was i was making a cake in the middle of the night while i was watching this episode and i was licking the batter off a fork when i saw that scene i went oh i was like he's like whipping the table zach okay oh my god um so uh so he starts pretending like he's gonna beat them up if they come near him and then he immediately immediately as he's doing that here is like a woman or children talk like a light uh more feminine voice please just stop screaming at us he hears him talking from down the hall and you hear it in real life what's really cool about this is not everything was evps you heard a lot of the shit in real life which like i it doesn't happen often yeah super rare so then he says did you die from a disease in here and an evp picked up i don't
Starting point is 01:02:01 know um there was another evP that said the word talk. While lying in the old beds, like, they literally lied in the children's beds, and then they got an EVP saying, get out of here. This is my bed. This is my mattress room. And then they keep hearing random sounds, but then Zach commands them to speak or make a sound
Starting point is 01:02:22 or something. And they got a pretty clear EVP of a child going come on you can do it whoa like as if it was talking to someone else like you make the sound yeah um your turn and then all of a sudden heard knocking i have goose cam just it was a really creepy episode it sounds spooky picturing him laying in these children's bed of like a reform ward it sounds very spooky it was super it was creepy to me at least and so then zach gives them permission to take their energy and use them as they see fit uh to take his own energy oh his and aaron's after a threatened his and aaron's
Starting point is 01:02:57 after threatening to like beat the shit out of them wait a second like okay now use my energy my belt uh and uh so then they see him miss as he like commands this or whatever sure then all of a sudden you see mist caught on the camera one of their um electrical electrical pieces dies and then you hear very loudly a feminine voice scream oh like in real life and they were like what the hell was that and then they had like um uh they had one of those meters where like if any electromagnetic activity passes by it'll do a really very loud alarming sound it's called a millimeter um and it it just shrieks forever and until something it sounds like it shrieks forever it's only supposed to go like bloop and then if something moves on it'll stop but if it like
Starting point is 01:03:50 remains if it remains it's essentially something just holding its finger on the machine or like just standing in its field and so if it's beeping forever that means like something is right next to you and it's not leaving and that's what was happening so it was like just going on forever right after hearing a woman scream right after the battery died on this thing right after the mist right after he said take our energy this is all bad um and nick all of a sudden sees something behind him and freaks out for a second at the exact same time aaron is hearing a woman still screaming and nick feels something drawing them downstairs and he's like and nick is usually kind of like uber's here i need to go nick is usually kind of like the more
Starting point is 01:04:32 quiet one from what i've seen in these episodes but he was like on another one it's like he had two pieces of cheesecake he was like he was like we've got to go down there something's dragging us down here i can feel it like something wants me down here that means you don't go down there exactly humble exactly also if you're usually the quiet one and now you're like desperate to get down there it's like let's reel it in guy yeah yeah yeah so anyway they go down there of course they do and they start hearing uh they start hearing sounds an orb flies into the back of his head at the exact same time so it kind of implies like this thing is messing with him or trying to like use him and bring him down there um he feels something touch him he like
Starting point is 01:05:11 literally starts booking it down the hall because he feels something grab him aaron's leg is burning they grab footage of his leg and there's three scratch marks which is three claw marks that's never a good sign never a good sign. And Zach is apparently not feeling good. They start hearing sounds. Zach says Anna's name, and then all three of them hear a female voice. And then Zach feels something dark get near him, like something step up next to him.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And then he's really not feeling good. And he also narrates that this is his first ever possession experience. He narrates it. He does in like post, I'm sure. But he is clearly getting agitated. Oh, I thought you meant he narrates it like, at this moment, I am experiencing. This is something I don't understand. That was Aaron in the background.
Starting point is 01:06:01 That was Dan. That was Dan. Who invited Dan? Those were the first up those anyone remember dan those are the previous episode re-entered he is never welcoming he keeps showing up um and so anyway so zach doesn't feel good he's like clearly getting agitated he's losing control of his feelings you can see his breath which you can't see with the other ones and he literally i'm telling you like if he's faking a possession if this is just like fucking bagel bites being real flashy he did an excellent job because it seemed for all the possessions in the world i've witnessed
Starting point is 01:06:34 it seemed really legitimate and it seemed real fucking out of character for him this while i'm drinking wine and i'll probably get just as spooked i hope so like i talk big game in the daylight he he really like especially for him because in future episodes when he's possessed while I'm drinking wine and I'll probably get just as spooked. I hope so. Like I talk big game in the daylight. He really like, especially for him, because in future episodes when he's possessed, he's just like kind of standing there and gets real gruff and angry. And then like shoves Aaron. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:53 He like gets really aggressive for no reason. But this is like not Zach. This is like out of fucking character. See that? I don't. I have a hard time picturing. He's literally playing another. Traipsing down
Starting point is 01:07:05 the hall yeah see that i can't like him playing another character is different ball game like it literally it looked like it felt like from what i saw it looked like anna had possessed him which was interesting because they were right by her room i think um he kept saying her name yeah exactly they kept hearing a woman screaming they kept feeling getting drawn every time they mentioned anna here you know and he starts jump roping he's fucking just skipping and so um he literally like they catch it on camera he's now just like they're all freaked out and staying together and then out of nowhere he's like really agitated and his breath is really cold and all of a sudden he just acts like too calm and then he just kind of like wanders off
Starting point is 01:07:45 and like like someone put a xanax in his drink basically okay and like wanders off in a way where like they haven't been down there yet and he's wandering off like he knows exactly where he's going and the camera people are like wait wait wait and he's like super like flouncy like his like limbs seem like kind of light and like he's not like i we used to call them luggage men in uh in college because they look like they're always holding like suitcases light and like he's not like i we used to call them luggage men in uh in college because they look like they're always holding like suitcases you know how he always looks like a luggage man yes yes like he is like light and like kind of flowy it's like very creepy and he just like wanders off like he's gone down this hall a million times and so he's clearly not
Starting point is 01:08:19 acting like himself aaron and nick are fucking scared yeah and they can't find him they literally cannot find him they literally cannot find him and when they get to the end of the they're like calling his name like zach where are you like they're like where are you and usually he'd at least be like i'm in this other room playing peekaboo he's saying nothing they get down to the hall and at the end of the hall it he's literally in a room sitting in a chair facing them and has bye and is not speaking to them is not speaking at all and then they're like good night they're like are you okay are you okay and he literally just calm as a cucumber like too calm he's like why don't you come in here real
Starting point is 01:08:55 now and uh he's just like why don't you come in here just come in here it's okay and the name of christ is going on i don't like this story and i literally waves them in like it's just like, why don't you come in here? Just come in here. It's okay. What in the name of Christ is going on? I don't like this story. He literally waves them in like, it's okay. Like, come on in. I'm having a tea party. And they're both like, what do we do? They're looking at each other like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:16 You go first. And so he waves them in. And then he is still acting super weird. And he just goes like, this is where Anna lived. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye and good night and good luck. Because I'm leaving.
Starting point is 01:09:31 They literally were like, we're going to go down to the basement. We're going to go somewhere else is what they're thinking. We actually just remembered we had plans. So he literally says, Nick or Aaron are like, we should go to the basement. And Zach literally says, quote, you shouldn't go down to the basement you're gonna get hurt okay which like his favorite thing is maybe getting hurt like that's zach's favorite if he thought you could get hurt he'd be like aaron you go down first right like he'd be like i'll tape you going down he literally and he's again acting super common we're and he's like you shouldn't go down there.
Starting point is 01:10:05 You're going to get hurt. It's like super creepy. You just goose cammed me. Thank you. And so then Nick asks, since he's clearly acting weird, I think Nick is like, carpe diem, bitch. And so he's like, he starts talking to Anna and he is like, Anna, why don't you talk through Zach?
Starting point is 01:10:24 And like, you're all clearly Zach's like kind of one foot on either side. So he's like, go full in. And he's like, Anna, why don't you talk through Zach? And Zach, it's so fucking weird. Like, so weird. Like he starts giggling and humming. If this is fake, then like there's a lot of weirdness. If it's fake fake he deserves an
Starting point is 01:10:45 oscar okay he like but he's like humming and giggling and like acting kind of feminine like kind of like ha ha ha ha like okay that's feminine by the way and he you're the expert i guess he like he's like acting very not like himself and like in a way where i imagine he would have been embarrassed to act that way i've never heard or seen him in this manner after three years of watching him closely this was different after going to this fellow's museum yeah yeah and so and he's like giggling and like kind of like like not evil giggling but like a like a woman just sitting there kind of hanging out with herself giggling and uh all of a sudden you see an orb fly into his head and zach literally tells nick because in the beginning during the walkthrough they left flowers next to where anna's body was found
Starting point is 01:11:36 but not the dead ones not the dead ones they brought they brought their own flowers and put them next to where her body was found which is different than the room where she actually lived got it and so they they were like and on a different floor and so zach all of a sudden tells nick still creepy as hell he's like hey nick why don't you go back up to that spot by yourself uh why don't you go up there by yourself where her body was found and bring the flowers down here and then he kind of pauses and goes she wants them here and so nick is like you want me to go by myself and he was like yeah you'll be fine just go up there by yourself and then like that also means
Starting point is 01:12:12 like which would you rather be because nick is being told as if someone has a plan for nick to go up there by himself or this is kind of foreshadowing because remember this is early on in their career yeah this is kind of foreshadowing the fact that everyone hates aaron because now aaron's stuck with a possessed person oh no it's like nick why don't you go away so i'm in the room alone with aaron oh no and aaron is so scared he's like clearly new to this literally leaves nick leaves oh shit um he's like also panicked by the way like neither of them want to separate but they're like also scared of what could happen so uh basically nick leaves aaron is by himself and then he's so freaked out being in the because when nick leaves he like closes the door behind him so like aaron's like what have you done now i'm in a closed fucking room with this guy so he
Starting point is 01:13:00 freaks out and he like like pulls the door. He runs out into the hall and just like decides he's going to watch Zach from the hall. And instead, by the time he turns around, Zach is standing in the doorway. Good night. Farewell. And so he turns around and Zach is just standing there watching him. And Aaron is like, are you okay and he's acting still super cool and calm he's like yeah i'm fine i'm good and aaron's like why don't we why don't we come out in the hall real quick i just want to see something like why don't we go out in the hall real quick and zach literally is like no i'm not gonna go out there like i don't i don't want him to stay in there yeah it's like the room where she lived apparently it's where her power is i suppose but
Starting point is 01:13:43 he he literally was like i'm not going out there i don't want to step out there um and at the same time the camera is recording the sound of something frying in the kitchen which is weird um nick also gets an evp while he's by himself upstairs that says hey um and he also gets at the same time as he's getting the evp that says, he grabs the flowers. He feels something pinches like in that room and he just fucking books it while getting the EVP that says never again. Going back down to Zach, he is now turned toward Anna's empty room and talking to someone who is not there.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Zach is? Yeah. Aaron is watching Zach look into an empty room and he's saying yeah i'll come back inside i'll come back inside it's okay stop it m and then uh he's got to be full of it i don't he is acting like he's literally talking to someone and then uh the it basically ends with zach putting flowers in anna's room and literally just want it they didn't even end it with like him being okay or anything they ended it with zach putting the flowers in the room saying oh here these are where you wanted them
Starting point is 01:14:49 and then he's still clearly not himself because he literally starts wandering down the halls again singing loudly loudly singing what is he singing i don't know i i don't know what the words but anyway that is what the fuck happened to him. 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9, 10. And that's the Preston Castle, and that was much longer than I expected it to be. Well, I was riveted, though. We have to watch that episode.
Starting point is 01:15:14 This is going to be a long night, long slumber party. It was such, I'm sorry, like I basically, obviously like copyright all Zach Bagans and Ghost Adventures. Oh, is it Wikipedia? If you wanted the spark notes of that episode, that's what you're gonna see and it's what the fuck okay well i will get
Starting point is 01:15:31 into this crime story so that you and i can go slumber party and watch this episode and randana and eat cheesecake oh my god sounds like we have a great drink wine this is like the dream okay this is the story of angela diaz now remember when i talked about that cracked article about like uh crime stories with unbelievable plot twists yeah so this is also from there yes okay i just was like on a kick where i was like whoa whoa like i just wanted to like entertain myself i don't know scroll of the mouse is an adventure. It is. It is. So I found this story that I'd never heard about. And I got a lot of the info on a blog called Orange Juice Blog, which is about like the OC, like Orange County. I love that.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I know. I was like, that's such a fun name. And then The Cut, which is a site I use a lot, LA Times, OC Weekly, Daily Beast. And OK, so BuzzFeed News did this like really long in-depth piece on this. And that's where a lot of this came from. So credit to them. OK, so theFeed News did this like really long in-depth piece on this and that's where a lot of this came from. So credit to them. Okay, so the year is 2013. 26-year-old Michelle Hadley is looking for love online.
Starting point is 01:16:35 So she had only ever been in one relationship and that was with her high school sweetheart. And they had married when she was 22 and had recently split up. So she was kind of like out of her first ever serious relationship and was like looking for a new man. A beau. A new beau. So she's dating online and she meets 35-year-old Deputy U.S. Marshal Ian Diaz. And they hit it off pretty quickly. Sounds like they hit it off if her last name is also Diaz. Do they get married? No, her name is also Diaz. Do they get married?
Starting point is 01:17:05 No, her name's Michelle Hadley. Oh, damn. Did I say Diaz? I thought so. Huh. Maybe by accident. Her name is Michelle Hadley. I don't know why I would have said Diaz.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I think I heard Diaz in the beginning of this. I could very well have said that. Who knows? Or maybe I'm like, I had a premonition. Maybe it was because I said BuzzFeed. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I said, it's entirely possible I accidentally said Diaz.
Starting point is 01:17:29 I apologize. Who knows? Michelle Hadley. Okay. And she met Ian Diaz. And he's a 35-year-old deputy U.S. marshal. And so they move in together after about a half year in the spring of 2014. And they do get engaged.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Okay. So you were sort of on track with that one okay i guess i'm just like a really bad medium got it there's like something's there you'll figure it out though i don't really want to figure it out myself you can figure it out i can let you know that something is happening what it is i don't know and then go back to your tea now give me five hundred dollars um so pretty quickly even though they move in together uh things start to go south so ian becomes controlling possessive um it starts when he insists michelle wear quote sexy clothes he pressures her into wearing like really revealing crop tops wearing
Starting point is 01:18:18 like acrylic nails even though she didn't feel comfortable in them um he even like basically forced her to have her belly button pierced like he was like controlling her look and everything uh he also forced her to take a pay cut of twenty thousand dollars to leave her position um where she currently worked for another position at his former employer and what he called his favorite place which was disneyland okay so he it's many people's favorite it is many people's including good old Ian. Good. And so basically, she believes he wanted his ex colleagues to keep an eye on her. And that's why he pressured her to take a job at his old workplace. And she took a huge pay cut for that, but like was just basically pressured into it. He began spying on her computer, he tracked her with GPS anytime she went out of a certain radius, like just immediately very abusive behavior.
Starting point is 01:19:06 He basically controlled her every move. And like, obviously, this is already very heinous. But then obviously things get worse. They must. We're only at the beginning of the story. Surprise! So he starts insisting that Michelle have sex with strange men while he watches and films from the other room. Oh, my.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah. So she is not comfortable with this she i don't blame her she doesn't want to do this however uh she said there was so much pressure so much emotional abuse uh mounting on her that finally she just gave in on valentine's day of all of all days on 2015 um she took otc like over-the-counter nighttime like nyquil like cold medicine and a few shots of fireball because she's like i just couldn't bring myself to sure yeah so she needed to want to be there like liquid courage in the form of like nyquil and fireball which i mean that'll do it i think go bye-bye like the second you can yeah so she went through with it ian filmed her having
Starting point is 01:20:01 sex with a guy he found on craigslist oh it's not even someone you know i know it's not right there's not even like a like a background or history or like i don't know if that's better or worse but it just seems extra it just feels like how can you really trust somebody i mean i guess if you meet up with certain intentions but she clearly wasn't on board so it's like no matter what i just feel like you can't trust it like you're like your sexual health is compromised or anything. Yeah. Yeah. It just felt very, like, rushed and sudden. And she was clearly very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Right. Like, that above all else. Right. I'm just trying to think. With it being Craigslist, for some reason, it just adds a whole extra level to me. Craigslist has such a bad rep, too, that, like, anybody you meet on Craigslist automatically has, like, the ring of, like, something bad's going to like something that's gonna happen like just primed after the craigslist killer exactly exactly so according to buzzfeed the next day michelle felt sick with regret um and begged in to destroy the tape that he had made but he refused allegedly telling her quote no one put a gun to your head
Starting point is 01:21:01 which is like so gaslighting so abusive and disturbing manipulative right use of thing you can because like what do you even say to that that's the point of abuse is like no one has to hold a gun to your head because you're it's abuse because you're the one right you're literally i'm already i'm already there like it's already terrible exactly um that summer michelle and ian moved into a brand new two-story condo in downtown anaheim they took out a mortgage together moved in but uh things shockingly were getting even worse so ian uh despite his previous statements was now becoming physically abusive in addition to everything else um especially whenever she indicated she wanted to leave or might leave him or threatened to leave you know obviously that would escalate the abuse um not long after michelle and ian actually did break up for good he took
Starting point is 01:21:45 back her engagement ring um he accused her of cheating on him even though she claims she hadn't uh but she just kind of turned around packed up her car and drove away like fortunate to get out of the situation unfortunately they were still tied together by this condo because they both shared the condo they both were paying for it and had a mortgage together so there was like this year-long battle that ensued as they tried to come to a financial agreement as to what to do with this condo. Michelle felt sure Ian was using his ties to law enforcement to like track her. I mean, he had done it before. And she felt like he was trying to intimidate her into like giving up this battle for the condo.
Starting point is 01:22:23 She kept seeing his SUV parked near her school like she was at Chapman University. And she kept seeing his SUV but without the license plate on it so that she couldn't like prove it. Oh, I don't like that. Isn't that creepy? Like a car, any car you keep seeing without a license plate is bad news. It's like the one you definitely want with a license plate. Yeah. So she kept seeing it. And so Chapman University security banned him from the campus. Her anger escalated to the point that she like lost control. She actually called it like a fugue state almost like she like like she said exited
Starting point is 01:22:58 her mind basically. And she wrote this angry email. I'm going to read it to you. She sent him this email that said, your sins sins are many including defiling me and my family with your wicked and evil sexual acts your financial coercion and irresponsibility your gluttony your greed your lust your sloth your wrath your envy and most of all your pride i will bring the full force of the law and the word of god against you to judge you according to daily beast further email suggested he was guilty of uh the seven deadly sins most of all pride was his worst uh sin i guess she said and that her patience was at an end and then she signed off the email with so let it
Starting point is 01:23:36 be written so let it be done just like very ominous yeah and she was very angry, clearly. Yeah, I didn't expect the I didn't expect like all the religious stuff at the end of that letter. I was expecting like something completely different. And then you started listing all the sins. And I was like, Oh, shit. Okay, I got real. I like and so in my head, I was just trying to think I was like, did she nail all of them? I think she did. So she actually grew up in a really conservative religious household so i think when she like kind of snapped in this way not snapped like the tv show snap but snapped in like in like she said her mind like left her body um she probably out of body almost like she called it a fugue state she like basically reverted to that like angry religious that makes it so yeah right something about that it's always like the
Starting point is 01:24:29 criminal minds episode where they were the killers like in a few are trying no or like trying to like reference the bible or they're like oh yeah i think it's it's more i wouldn't say creepy but it's interesting though like if she was in this state where she was not in control of herself but that was just her instant go-to of like biblical right yeah but i wonder if that that makes it kind of eerie of like oh you weren't even thinking about it yes exactly that you're thinking of and that's what i'm thinking like with these there's like episodes of criminal minds where i think it is where the guy like bases his murders off the seven deadly sins and like finds people that are like guilty of like sloth and guilty of
Starting point is 01:25:04 if it weren't about murder that's the coolest storyline yeah like it sucks that are like guilty of like sloth and guilty of if it weren't about murder that's the coolest storyline yeah like it sucks that that actually happened no it's a criminal minds okay oh okay i was still thinking of snap sorry all i want to talk about is matthew gray google um that's no i guess i mean that's like very original at the very least it's original yeah it's just a creepy when you bring like the wrath of god when you bring like old school literature like dante's inferno and shit it just gets very you would have killed me for gluttony for sure gluttony like a foul do you see me with those cheesecakes sloth gluttony i'm just thinking of all the ones that we'd be oh sloth yeah we're gemini so easy to like if your goal is to hurt someone from sloth like that's got to be sick walk around they're probably taking a nap it's easy um okay so
Starting point is 01:25:46 basically uh finally at the so she wrote all this email all these emails at the end of 2015 um hadley so michelle and ian hired property lawyers to help end their dispute and they agreed that in six months which would be early june 2016 um ian would fully assume payments for the condo and she would uh basically be off the hook and if he couldn't afford the payments then they would sell it and split the cost okay so that was kind of they finally were like we can go our separate ways we are no longer tied by this like financial right thing we can see away condo yeah we can separate officially. So Ian himself was especially moving on because in January of 2016, he met 32 year old Angela Connell, also online and the two of them fell in love. So I feel bad for her. Yeah. So really wish we could go back in time.
Starting point is 01:26:45 were so in love that within a month angela moved in with him and where did she move into into the condo that michelle was still paying for for the next six months so keep in mind she's still paying these payments on this condo that spring ian and angela so the the new the new gf traveled to boise idaho to see her family and that's where she announced to both Ian and her parents that the happy news that she was pregnant. Oh, my gosh. With twins. Oh, double trouble. Hooray. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:27:11 So their relationship, shocker, moved pretty quickly. So quickly, in fact, that they did get married and she became Angela Diaz. So it's entirely possible. That Diaz that I heard earlier then. Oh, I said this is the story of Angela Diaz. I'm such an idiot it's literally in bold on the top of my page okay so i am not a psychic iac oh bummer i was really planning a whole business out of that it's okay off that one thing that one half everyone was probably
Starting point is 01:27:38 screaming like hit rewind 30 seconds and probably was screaming like christine literally said angela diaz sorry so angela did marry him and became angela diaz that's interesting okay so anyway they got married she's pregnant with twins um shocker things were not good for long shortly into their relationship angela began receiving mysterious disturbing emails um They featured photos of decapitated bodies, photos of dead babies, and biblical threats. Excellent. Trifecta. Trifecta. Those are the three.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Such as, quote, there are legends that Adam had a wife before Eve who was named Lilith, but this is not found in the Bible. The legends vary significantly, but they all essentially agree that Lilith left Adam because she did not want to submit to him according to the legends lilith was an evil wicked woman who committed adultery with satan and produced a race of evil creatures i hope you are scared of death tomorrow be prepared don't sleep be watchful of the daughters
Starting point is 01:28:40 of god we will steal your child and we will watch as it dies he is using you for everything don't It's really bad. That one's, okay, Eva is over here and she's losing it. Okay. Can she hear it? Oh, I didn't know she could hear it. Wow. Should I say it louder she could hear it. Wow. Should I say it louder? You are my treasure princess.
Starting point is 01:29:13 He is obsessed with me. I am his treasure princess. You are nothing. Okay. Wow. That's really just the creepiest. It's just a lot. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:24 I feel like there was a heaviness that sank onto me listening to that one okay there's one more line oh great what is it i know you are leaving work sorry eva this is this one's not directed at you i promise i'm sorry it sounds like it is but it's not you're a good princess treasure whatever it is oh my god it says i know you are leaving work i watch as you walk let's play a game why would you end it like that okay why would you start it or have the middle or the fact that it's the ending but let's play a game instantly i would just go into it's like from saw right that's from or like happens in Saw. Jigsaw? Saw, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:06 So, not that I've ever seen that movie, but then it continues. There's... I forgot there's more. Sorry. Okay. I keep thinking there's not more, but then there's another quote. Great. It says, there is no place you will be safe anymore.
Starting point is 01:30:18 You might be beautiful. You might be the one he married, but you are still a sinner and you must be punished. I will make sure you are reminded of your place by force and that's the last one for now for that is when i would grab like a sleeping bag and then move into a police station just like hide yeah um so then things escalated i know you think they couldn't, but they did. They are certainly really testing my limits of what's possible. Okay. On June 24, 2016, Angela called 911 to report that she'd been attacked in her garage by a strange man. The man explained he was allegedly responding to a Craigslist ad.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Oh, my God. Turns out some... To rape her? Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Turns out someone named Lilith Hadley had responded to a Craigslist ad called Rape Fantasy saying, I have been dying to have a rape fantasy occur.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Watched while walking my dog, following me to the door and forcing me into my condo. I am 30, tall, gorgeous, and ready. I have a Yorkie I walk every night, say 8 p.m. Come find me. Then listed the address of my condo i am 30 tall gorgeous and ready i have a yorkie i walk every night say 8 p.m come find me then listed the address of the condo wow wow i've heard it so that's actually happened that's been a storyline for a lot of like lawn order svu that is a very svu it happens in maybe not all the time but like i've seen at least like three episodes where like someone is in the house because they thought they were fulfilling a fantasy. And you think that's what it is. And then they're like, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:31:52 I thought this was an agreed upon thing. Yeah. I thought it was understood that like this is exactly how I would be doing things. Exactly. Oh, my God. So that happened. Thankfully, it didn't happen. But that was kind of what she called the police about
Starting point is 01:32:05 as if that wasn't enough the response also featured photos of angela that had been taken from her instagram and this happened multiple times so uh police asked who might be responsible for this horror show that they were living and angela said i know exactly who's behind it it's my husband's ex-fiance michelle hadley who is still bitter over like their separation she's still pissed about this condo and she probably wants me out of the picture and ian was like freaking out he basically uh when police showed up that night he asked police is there any way we can get this girl in cuffs tonight because he was afraid for his pregnant wife's safety wow so. So fortunately for them, police responded pretty quickly. They drove to Michelle's house in Ontario, California, and arrested her.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Michelle spent the night in jail, but her parents managed to post the $10,000 bail to have her released the following morning. And almost as soon as she got home, Angela was like, I'm getting these emails again. They haven't stopped. She didn't get scared into like stopping um in july she called 9-1-1 again reporting a mysterious person lurking around her condo and was like i know this has to do with michelle and the next day for this reason michelle was arrested again but this time her bail was set at one million dollars which was not what her
Starting point is 01:33:23 parents could afford so she was in jail now. The Orange County DA's office explained, we believe we have a true public safety issue. And if Michelle Hadley is not arrested, then Angela Diaz will eventually be raped or killed. So Michelle was labeled a sex offender. According to BuzzFeed, she was basically spent her time in jail being strip searched, confined to her cell 23 hours a day um and allegedly denied access to things like toilet paper sanitary product products contact lenses the piece like went into like the conditions of jail living as part of the story which in its own right is its own horror story obviously um so let me see sorry i'm rearranging this a little bit let me figure out the best place to say this
Starting point is 01:34:08 next part so anaheim cops uh filed 10 felonies and misdemeanors against her meaning if convicted she could ultimately spend the rest of her life in prison wow unfortunately nobody in law enforcement seems to have taken it upon themselves to prove that these threatening emails were indeed from michelle and if they had taken the time to trace the ip addresses they would have found that the emails that angela had been receiving had been coming from within ian and angela's condo the whole time okay so i plot twist there's okay i see i did think for a second i was like getting those emails and i was like what if that person was in like the fucking closet watching her this whole time get these emails and then i was like no no no no that won't happen and who do you think it is i don't know no no i don't know i don't know i don't know it was a thought that i had in my own head and then you just said that and i was like oh my god
Starting point is 01:35:09 i was on to something oh well here's the twist i guess i thought you had figured it out but here's the twist angela had been sending herself the threatening emails the whole time oh yeah that i did not okay got it sorry that wasn't clear it could have have been either Ian or Angela, but it was Angela. She had been sending these from her own phone and computer to herself. I see. Got it. Yes. Yikes. So obviously doing this, meanwhile, framing Michelle, calling the police repeatedly to
Starting point is 01:35:39 get Michelle in trouble, which worked. Yeah. She was charged with 10 felonies. Like, this is bad. Wow. trouble which worked yeah she was charged with 10 felonies like this is bad wow um after raiding angela's computer the police arrested her and finally exonerate exonerated michelle who by this point had spent 88 days in jail for this and by the way had never met angela and was like i do not know what is going on like this poor girl was not even knowing what she looks like or anything
Starting point is 01:35:59 like literally no clue what is so did ian know that that Angela was doing this? So interestingly, during the pretrial hearing, all sorts of fun details about Angela emerged. Excellent. Some of which Ian was learning, some of which he had figured out. Let's just say she was lying about more than just these emails. So an ex-boyfriend named Jason Rayburn, who also had worked in law enforcement, testified that when they started dating, Angela had not only told him she was an attorney, which like she was not. She also stated she was suffering from cervical cancer. Oh. And she took this really far.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Like she forced him to rearrange his house so she could properly receive her chemotherapy treatments, which didn't exist. Oh, my God. And this was really hard for him because his son had special needs and, like, the way he rearranged his whole living space and situation was really hard on his son. So it's just, like, extra fucked up that she was, like, forcing him to do this. Yeah, it was mentally messing with multiple people. Yeah. According to Jason, Angela shaved her head and had photos of herself getting chemotherapy.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Jason began to suspect something was up after a while so he had a friend like watch the house one day while she was supposedly scheduled for chemo but she never left the house and he was like okay something is up yeah so jason and his friend started searching google for phrases like chemotherapy cervical cancer and basically found all the photos that she had been sending like of people with ivs and stuff like to pretend like she was at the hospital right yeah um so yes exactly so she had a co-worker at the time who had become a close friend and like had really rallied for her also thinking she had chemo um she started to grow suspicious that like angela had no side effects like she would come over and get like
Starting point is 01:37:42 really wasted with her but like never seemed to have any like yeah ill or like right have any side effects of chemo super tired and groggy from chemo like right and like actually talk about it or act like it was she just felt like something was off she wasn't telling the whole truth um so she called the hospital and asked if she could come keep angela company during her next treatment and the staff was like we don't know an angela diaz or treatment. And the staff was like, we don't know an Angela Diaz. Or sorry, at the time she was Connell. We don't know an Angela Connell. Wow.
Starting point is 01:38:09 You know, so they're learning all about this in court. Like he's finding out all this information about her. Some of it he had known. This I think he's finding out in court. Yes. From the previous boyfriend. I think one of the perks of being a judge is like you just get to hear gossip drama all day. I mean, yes. Also drama and like also like really like disturbing cases and also
Starting point is 01:38:30 like the legal system is fucked but yeah in the event you are an excellent judge with good moral character i think the one slight perk is like what kind of gossip am i gonna hear in reporter yeah maybe a courtroom okay let's say then you can select where you go to which courtrooms you go to let's let's make it that um so the friend teamed up with the boyfriend jason as this point at this point they're both like she's lying about a lot of things and they held an intervention they said we know you don't have cancer and angela replied yes i do and jason said and we know you're not an attorney and she said yes i am you want to talk to my mom what she'll prove it
Starting point is 01:39:12 oh my gosh my mom would probably if i was like tell them i'm a lawyer she'd probably be like yeah i don't know i feel like you're that's such a useless argument talk to my mom yeah my mom but if i told someone i was a bunny rabbit my mom would agree with it sure you're that's such a useless argument talk to my mom yeah exactly my mom but if i told someone i was a bunny rabbit my mom would agree with it sure you're darn too what i always said um so they asked to see angela's chemotherapy port but she refused to take off her jacket um and then she basically just moved out and they were like well fuck her right um and it actually really broke her friend's heart because another child was affected her son was in second grade at catholic school and he had prayed like day and night for Angela to get better.
Starting point is 01:39:48 He had his whole class, like his whole second grade praying for her, like writing about her. Yeah. And Angela had created her own hashtag. That was hashtag Angie Warrior. And like they would use it to like promote her health and stuff. Yeah. So in addition to lying about her job and her cancer, guess what else she lied about? What?
Starting point is 01:40:10 She was not pregnant at all. Okay. Which is not shocking now. Not anymore. But she had purchased sonograms off Etsy for $7.50. Etsy. Etsy. You can do that.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Also, you can buy used pregnancy, like positive pregnancy tests. People sell them. online people buy them to like trick partners and things like that hopefully for less sinister reasons but that seems to be what i've read for like some weird some weird hilarious joke right i don't know none of that none of that seems that hilarious like maybe if you're like it'd be funny if you were like a gay couple or something. And it's like, I'm pregnant. And it's like, okay, well. They thought that was funny. Not that gay people cannot have a child.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Yes. But like if Allison gave me a pregnancy test and said it was positive, I'd be like, explain. Like, are you married? Like, what is going on? Right, right, right. Yes. Okay. There are very slim possibilities this
Starting point is 01:41:06 could be used for a hilarious joke but this is not the case unfortunately for angela she also had purchased these positive okay no she hadn't even bought positive pregnancy tests so ian had found this part out before by himself because he googled sonograms and the first ones that came up he's like this is literally and you could fill in like your name and the first ones that came up, he's like, this is literally. And you could fill in like your name and the doctor's name. Like you could order them like pre-filled out. It's so wild. There's weird ways to make money in this world.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Certainly. Certainly. Okay. That's like the ultimate example. Fair point. Moving on. And so he had also found the test positive pregnancy test but in the bag like she had shown them to him but in the bag was a marker a pink marker and she had literally like drawn the line and he was like she never let me look at it close enough that's trash
Starting point is 01:41:58 that's not even it's not even well done right it's like and she left the marker with them really yeah so anyway um he had figured that out so at this point he's like and she left the marker with them really yeah so anyway um he had figured that out so at this point he's like dude she's screwy like i will testify against her she's right blah blah um so the thing that frustrates frustrates me about this case a lot obviously but like the the whole ordeal michelle went through and like she was harassed and targeted by ian and like in the beginning and then she was made out to be this like crazy hysterical woman who like couldn't handle you know and they didn't even like do a basic check to see if she was the one sending the emails they just like put her in literal jail and like what i was gonna literal
Starting point is 01:42:44 jail not figurative jail what i was gonna read earlier too is like when she was in literal jail and like what i was going to literal jail not figurative jail what i was going to read earlier too is like when she was in county jail she learned how much worse it was for those who weren't white or young or healthy and this is something she still talks about um so according to buzzfeed michelle's roommate was this black 85 year old woman who was hard of hearing and like slow moving had struggle had trouble walking and she said michelle said this inspired taunts and abuse from deputies it was like so much harder on her roommate in jail than it was on her um and so that was just part of like the buzzfeed article was like this is what she experienced and learned about and um so she just knew, she had a feeling.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Okay, this is the other frustrating part. She had actually gone to police about this weird stuff. She was like, I kept getting like weird notifications that my Gmail account was deactivated. But it was like an email address I didn't own. It would be like Michelle H. It has been deactivated for like abusive conduct or something. And she's like, that's not my email. So she's getting weird. And like Craigslist, like your account on Craigslist has been deactivated for like abusive conduct or something and she's like that's not my email. So she's getting weird and like Craigslist like
Starting point is 01:43:47 your account on Craigslist has been created and she's like I felt like someone was using my emails or like hacking into my stuff which they were. She just didn't know the extent of it. She had literally gone to the FBI with this and been like this man who has been stalking me, harassing me, abusing me. I think something's up.
Starting point is 01:44:04 I think he's like using just totally dismissed and then she ends up in jail for this so it's just like really frustrating and like she's presented as like unhinged this was presented as like a cat fight between two women fighting over a guy like it was just the whole thing is just really off-putting to me i'm not shocked that if like your ex is like super abusive and gaslighting and like yeah they're gonna find a way to also like paint you out to be like a horrible hysterical witch right um according to her lawsuit this was not some sort of sophisticated cyber cyber crime and angela's attempts to impersonate her were sloppy and easily spotted if investigators had
Starting point is 01:44:41 even taken a moment to check it wasn't like it wasn't like angela had some like super serious well also like angela didn't she like not even draw the line like she drew a line with a marker she's like not like her thoughts are there but she's not executing the plans the way that she could working and that's the most fucked up part is like she literally got someone almost sentenced to life in prison because she's sitting in her own condo not even her own condo this other lady's condo the condo that that michelle's paying for and emailing herself being like oh and also there was no proof ever that anyone came to the house to rape her quote unquote because they checked the security footage and there was not one person really yeah so that like the time that she called and said so they didn't even hadn't checked that like nothing yikes it was all just
Starting point is 01:45:29 very sloppy poorly executed and yet somehow working and yet somehow they just assumed that michelle was some hysterical lady who couldn't deal with the fact that her uh ex-fiance had met someone new wow and like was unhinged, you know, it's just really frustrating. So while Michelle was in jail, her parents had worked super hard to build her case. Like they were the ones who had to go and like make sure to like find out where these emails were coming from the IP addresses. They actually proved that she couldn't have been online at the time. Like a lot of these emails and Craigslist messages were sent, which wasn't that hard. They literally had records of her being in class. She was in the hospital at one point and they had records of that or like otherwise indisposed during the time she was supposedly sending all these emails and stuff. And they
Starting point is 01:46:12 were like, she was not on her, like there's proof that she couldn't have been doing this. So after the deputy district attorney on her case apologized to her, it still took three more months for officials to publicly exonerate her. And that time she was instructed not to speak publicly about the case even though the story had gone viral so like everyone on earth is talking about this like right all these magazines and stuff and she's not allowed to say a word or defend herself so her lawsuit alleges that the anaheim police department was just basically concerned with covering up its own complicity in the case. And that's why they were like, just don't say anything. So Michelle told BuzzFeed, everyone wanted to silence me.
Starting point is 01:46:53 And that's the worst thing as a victim. How can I heal when the true story is not even out there? And people are asking questions about the, quote, love triangle. And then she's like, there was no love triangle. Ew. Yeah. Three months after her release, fed up with waiting. And she had this, like, ankle monitor she had to wear for weeks before she was, like, there was no love triangle. Ew. Yeah. Three months after her release, fed up with waiting. And she had this like ankle monitor she had to wear for weeks before she was like exonerated. So degrading.
Starting point is 01:47:10 So degrading. Right. And she like had scars from it because she was like, I just had to wear it all the time. So three months after her release, she was finally fed up. She told prosecutors that if they didn't announce her innocence soon, she would go to the media and tell them all the investigative steps that law enforcement had seemed to skip in order to lock her up. So finally, on January 6, 2017, Angela was arrested. And three days later, they finally publicly exonerated Michelle. And that October, Angela pleaded guilty to 10 felony charges. And while Michelle had faced
Starting point is 01:47:40 a potential sentence of life in prison, Angela struck a deal and only got five years which she's currently serving meanwhile ian diaz just kind of like waltzed out of the picture so michelle and ian uh michelle and her supporters aren't so sure that he was like fully innocent and all this even though he was like angela's cuckoo right um because like after all the abuse michelle had like alleged that he had put her through yeah she's like i'm pretty sure he was involved like i think he wanted me away from this condo situation i think he was sounds like i mean i also i imagine he would i feel like it makes sense i mean he had done enough to gaslight her and like abuse her that it wouldn't shock me if he were involved but again there's no this is all there's no proof of this um because nobody looked to be clear um so according to buzzfeed michelle has since obtained her mba has moved across the country
Starting point is 01:48:36 to new york to like escape orange county good for you um while she's in a much better place she's obviously like scarred by being, you know, through all of this. Yeah. And like, it just treated as one of the worst type of prisoners in jail for 88 days and confined to herself for 23 hours a day and like just, and didn't even know why, didn't even know like who this person was. Whew. Really backwards.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Um, she's attempting to pay off all the debt of the excuse me all the debt that built up while she was wrongly imprisoned and although ian has sold the condo they own together she never saw a cent of it oh my gosh that's such trash like cherry on top of the whole cake um perhaps one of the only i guess lights in this story is that after she got out Michelle persuaded her parents to help um her her roommate from jail uh the woman uh who was her roommate in jail uh pay for an attorney so her family helped this 85 year old woman who was really struggling in jail um pay for an attorney which is great and she said as a family they've lost the faith they once had in the justice system. Like I said, she had been raised in a pretty like conservative, you know, middle to upper class family.
Starting point is 01:49:51 And so they had had this kind of position where they were just prone to assuming the best of the police, which. Sure. Hello. Yeah. Fresh. She says her entire family's view of law enforcement has changed yeah i don't blame you me either right um and if all of this is not uh you know noodles all the way to the all the way to the top enough for you it turns out angela was also the entire time planning to sell her story
Starting point is 01:50:20 as a lifetime tv movie okay and she had titled it already like she literally what did she title it a darkness within the angela diaz story shut up oh my gosh that's so tragic end of story isn't that bonkers i everyone in that everyone in that story was kind of bonkers at least at some point when i thought for sure that michelle might be involved and then poor michelle was just like so that's why it was so easy to implicate her she had sent that email that like kind of biblical sounding email and so angela or ian whoever had like started this had basically just read that and then like copied they were like we can just work off that and like just keep keep with the time go in and police were like, yeah, she's nuts. Let's lock her up. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:06 Well, poor Michelle. Thank you,, for the really wild article. Wow. And Michelle, hope you live a happy, healthy, fruitful life. Fruitful, yes. My goodness. Wow. Well, thank you for listening, if you're still here.
Starting point is 01:51:23 And I guess that's it. got we gotta go randonauting we gotta go randonauting you can go check out all of our stuff on our website and that's and also please uh our is our listener or is our live show still a thing yes i didn't know if the 22nd so the. So the 22nd. So this upcoming weekend. If there are still tickets, go get those. $10 and they're for a good cause. And also submit your stories to ATWWD from our couches at And our socials are ATWWDpodcasts on everything. And we'll see you at Steeped with Stories.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Steeped in Stories. Steeped in Stories, yes. We'll see you there. We'll see you there with our haunted tees What is it? Steeped with stories. Steeped in stories. Steeped in stories. Yes. We'll see you there. We'll see you there with our haunted teas. If we ever remember the name of it. And that's why we drink.

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