And That's Why We Drink - E19 A Great View of the DMV and There’s No Such Thing as a Fun Best Friend Murder

Episode Date: June 11, 2017

Welcome to episode 19, in which we learn that there’s no such thing as a fun best friend murder. PLUS, we have our first-ever guest! Em’s childhood best friend and longtime paranormal partner Deir...dre tells a kick-ass ghost story about the Hilltop House Hotel, giving Em and Christine the chance to gasp simultaneously (this is a rare experience, folks). Then, Christine tells Em and Deirdre about teenage murderer Christine Paolilla, who had the fun nickname “psycho” and may or may not have ripped her weave off amidst her high-school angst.  This episode is brought to you by unWine. Download the app in the app store and start discovering wine the fun and social way.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's this is a good time to record them all right and we're live in the studio in christine's kitchen um welcome to episode 19 of and that's why we drink 18 i just accidentally called it 19 oh no it's 19 it's 19 christine god damn it you would think 20 episodes i'd roll well like maybe we'll know what's going on um okay welcome to 18 or 19 just one of them um we have our first guest on the show which is uh my best friend since we were six years old oh Oh, my God. Her name is Deirdre. We're so excited. And do you want to say hello, Deirdre?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Hello, Deirdre. Hello. There you go. There she is. We're also all learning today because we've never used three people in a two-person equipment audio system. So it's going to be interesting. Christine and I are going to get very close sharing one microphone. and we're gonna let our guest professionally have one microphone it'll be
Starting point is 00:01:09 like um lady and the tramp so before we go anywhere i do have i have two announcements okay one well actually hang on elevator music okay you ready yeah i'm ready okay because it's our 19th episode, Kirk, who has done our logo. Kirk is our idol, by the way. He listens to every single one of our episodes religiously. God. Found something for you. What?
Starting point is 00:01:36 And I've had this since episode 15 and wanted me to give it to you on our 19th episode. So close your eyes. Okay. Close your eyes. Oh my God. I'm sweating. It's heavy. I'm sweating. i'm sweating okay so you already have an alcohol in front of okay you already have alcohol in front of you
Starting point is 00:01:53 but i'm sure that's going to be gone very soon oh my god kirk got me the 19 crimes wine that we always talk about and never get sponsored by and never get sponsored by. And never get sponsored by. And that I'm too cheap to buy. And it's 19 Crems for our 19th episode. So apparently 19 Crems is a wine bottle that, it's like a wine company. Yeah. That every different type of wine has a different label of a different criminal. And then on the back, they have their mug shot and like explain what they did. So that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Uh-huh. Wait, there's more? So as you guys know in like the last million fucking episodes it's my birthday today yeah let's let's take a moment to remind everyone so um deirdre got me a birthday present but it was so good that you're gonna fucking love it so i want you to have the same experience i did okay deirdre says it's a present for christine yeah thanks deirdre deirdre will be on the mic pretty soon, but I needed to steal the moment just so
Starting point is 00:02:48 everyone can experience this. So close your eyes. You're going to lose your fucking mind, Christine. You're making me so nervous. You're going to lose your fucking mind. I'm sweating. Okay, go. Ah! Holy shit! Isn't that the coolest thing in the world? Did you make this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I know. I know. I don't have... I know. Isn't that the coolest thing in the world? Did you make this? Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know. I don't have. I know. For people who don't, who are not here. English has escaped me. Continue.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Explain. Was it a cross stitch? Is that what it's called? Yeah. Deirdre did a cross stitch of me and Christine with, it's like a whole scene of and that's why we drink as a cross stitch. And she's got me with a hat and a milkshake. Christine's got her hearty glass of wine filled to the brim. And there's ghosts and bloody knives.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Oh, my God. I'm going to cry. It's pretty awesome. We'll take a picture and post it. Christine, all day. Oh, my God. We saw each other yesterday and it took everything in me to not tell you. How did you not?
Starting point is 00:03:41 It was so hard. I would have lost my mind. You're doing it right now. My armpits are sweating. I'm literally sweating through my shirt i might have to change okay well anyway there's kirk and didra are now my new favorite people in the world there you go sorry it's been done to everyone else so anyway those were my two announcements i don't want to let go of it though okay you can hang on to it you can have it well no you can't have it but you can like hang on to it can i just have a photo of it so that we have to post it for people to see my phone background well also i told deirdre
Starting point is 00:04:10 i was like i don't think you know this about christine but she does cross stitching so you basically gave you gave us the greatest gift this is like i so there you go and now i like you even more because i'm like you crossed it too yeah my my best friend in la and my best friend in Virginia are meeting, by the way, as of yesterday. So this is their second time hanging out. And exchanging cross-stitch. Mine just says fuck 2016 right now. But this one is like a new level. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I'm like sweating. Thank you, Kirk. And thank you, Deirdre. And it's not even my birthday, but I'm just so emotional. It's your birthday tomorrow. It is in like six hours. Yeah. In a while.
Starting point is 00:04:44 We'll probably still be here recording. i guarantee you we'll still be recording in four hours so those are my two announcements kirk thank you for so much for the wine that is amazing what are your announcements well now i'm just all get your shit together discombobulated guys i'm sweating okay um i do want to say that uh someone named paul davies on facebook wrote in and just said here i thought you'd enjoy this and it it's a joke okay i like jokes i like jokes are you ready it's a good joke yeah why don't people tell many jokes about the reverend jim jones because the punch line is too long oh fuck oh fuck holy shit come on that's a good one all right good i hope he's a dad i hope he says that to him
Starting point is 00:05:30 um and then okay so thank you paul that was really funny um short and sweet uh also ethan wrote an email okay and he said just want to share this little tidbit it's not paranormal but my friends seem to think it was a crime. Em talks about how she said fucking four out loud to a Starbucks barista. Yes, I did that. Regarding the number of chocolate shots she wanted. This reminded me of the time I told a Chipotle barista. Baridista?
Starting point is 00:05:59 I was one of those, and I don't even know what it's called. Oh. Well, okay. The Chipotle employee out loud to, quote, mess me up with corn. I can tell you the stairs I got were the stuff of legend. Your boy just wanted some corn. Fun fact. I worked at Chipotle just to learn the recipe for the corn and then I quit.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Oh, I'm on. So I'm so you and ethan are the same person and then i wrote back oh man this is scarier than any crime story we've ever received and he wrote ouch af okay well thanks ethan for being one of us and so i think that's all i gotta tell you today i just a little fun facts that's good fun oh wait there might be one more i'm sorry they're all like on the email we have so many fans wow we're so unlucky there's so many people that want to talk to us it's like god why don't they like why are you so obsessed with me yeah why i don't know okay where is it oh oh my
Starting point is 00:06:54 god yeah it's about the shoes the discombobulated feet what the fuck are you talking about i'm having another stroke hang on let me regain my composure. Okay. Um, the feet. Remember you had such a problem with the disembodied feet. Oh yes. Yes. The boot. The foot and the boot.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Oh yeah. I had a really big issue with that. She had a really big issue. I still am not really over it to be honest. Okay. Well, here you go. Uh, I haven't been to listening to your podcast. I'm almost caught up. Um, it's full of, it's funny and full of friendship and creepy as fuck okay
Starting point is 00:07:26 good goal that's what we that's what we do that's why we're here um the reason i'm dropping you this note is about lost feet and shoes you know the sad episode about the two european college girls who go volunteering and get lost in the jungle and one of their feet is discovered still in a shoe right and then m had a thing parentheses conniption a thing is a good word conniption's a better word about how a foot can just become detached from a body. So here you go. For a number of years, feet and shoes have been washing up along the Pacific Northwest Coast and being randomly discovered by people taking walks on the beach.
Starting point is 00:07:54 From 2007 to 2016, 12 human feet washed up on the shores of British Columbia. That's six people. And a few more in Washington State. Is it six people or is it 12 individual one-footed people now? They've just found random feet. So what happens is the feet that have been discovered are not severed. They are disarticulated. And with the advent of air shoes such as Nike Air, Reebok Pump, and other sneakers like that, they become more buoyant.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So over time, when they get disconnected from the body, they float to the surface and are pushed by the shore uh pushed to the shore by a current so they're not severed there and she says so hopefully that helps answer em's question and puts her mind at rest about the feet did she research that just for me because that's probably the nicest thing that's ever happened it's still creepy but but then again that's why we drink um and i am positive there's some guy in my it department right now wondering what the fuck is she looking for online? Okay, so she did research it for me. And that's why we drink and Pacific Northwest feet issues.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Good. Sounds like a good time on the internet. Stay thirsty, ladies. All right. Thank you, Nicole. Awesome. So I know that this has been weighing on your mind for many weeks. Actually, it's never left my mind since we started talking about it.
Starting point is 00:09:02 So I feel like maybe we can put it to rest. Maybe. Yeah. The door's closed on that now. All right. What is that? That's all announcements. I'm drinking gin.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Okay. Okay. I'm drinking Coke. Deirdre, what are you drinking? Oh, I'm not drinking a milkshake, by the way, guys. I drink it on the way here and I was, I had no control. So I'm not drinking. I'm not drinking wine because I had a psychic feeling that Kirk was going to give me a bottle of wine.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Okay. Well, you were right. Deirdre, what are you drinking? I'm drinking a screwdriver. Oh, yeah. She's the fanciest one here. Deirdre's team wine. Can you tell?
Starting point is 00:09:36 I know. Thank God. That was my next question. What team are you on? Team wine. Yeah, it's definitely team wine. Woo! I just needed to hear it out of her mouth. 20 years of friendship means nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:44 She throws it all away. I know. are we is this how we're talking now is this what we're doing it's it's very romantic it's really sweet is it interesting for you to watch i'm really enjoying it myself can you get a picture of it for our fans if this is how we end up being for the entire show i could feel your body heat. It's interesting. Stop being away every time I try to take a photo. I can feel your body heat. You're such a creep. It's special.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Okay. It's the exact heat I'm looking for, so we're fine. The heat of a woman. In the heat. Okay, I'm done. All right. Okay, so are you drinking for any reason
Starting point is 00:10:29 oh my god yes i am i am i am i am really an emotional you're about to be bummed the fuck out there was a dog was who was dear to my heart she did not die so don't make any assumptions but she might soon oh that's still fucking dark that i'm presenting this in a terrible way okay let me start from the beginning all right what happened was that i was on my neighborhood facebook group i wasn't on it i don't like to sit on my neighborhood facebook group okay but i was on my news feed and there was a picture of a dog and this woman who lives near me wrote, I found this dog on the side of the road, um, abandoned.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And I called the number on her tag. Her name was Sophie and she's a German shepherd. And she called the number and the parent, the family said, we don't want her anymore. And so she's like, and I can't keep her in my apartment. So is anyone able to help? So I was like, please, please please and my brother's out of town so i got what i wanted and the dog so the dog came over today and they made me and i was like oh boy the dog is a lot bigger it was like 90 pound german shepherd it was old like a senior dog and then the owner go or the woman who found her goes yeah she seems
Starting point is 00:11:43 to have like this big, tumor on her back. And I'm like, oh, my gosh. And her, like, she was all matted. And, like, it was just so sad. So I tried to take care of her and gave her a bath and everything. But I was like, it's not going to work. She's too big for the apartment. She's a lot bigger than I thought.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And she's, like, I can't pay the medical bills. So I had to return her to the woman who found her so she can find her another family and I just cried Christine texted me today talking about how she's just an emotional wreck all day I'm so sad it sounds it sounds like a rough time I miss Sophie already and she was just so sad and she did and I the fact that her family just abandoned her and when they called the daughter answered the phone and was like, yeah, that's my dog. That's Sophie. And then she handed the phone to her mom and her mom goes, no,
Starting point is 00:12:27 we don't have a dog. We don't, that's not our dog. We don't want her. That's the most fucked up part of this entire thing. I cried for a long time today. And then that made blaze cry. So then we were both crying and Gia was like,
Starting point is 00:12:38 what the fuck is going on? And that's why I drink. Why do you guys drink? Why do you drink? Um, yeah, well, I drink because I'm unemployed as fuck right now. Hey, hey! Oh, yeah, you haven't told anyone.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You quit your job. Yeah, I quit my job. Sorry, Mom and Dad, they don't know. That's why your parents drink. Surprise! Anyway, go on that that's it listen that was my reason for eight weeks when we started this podcast every week i was like still don't have a job that's why i drank it was really easy yeah what's your reason now um my reason okay this is another thing that you forgot to mention
Starting point is 00:13:21 but it's definitely the reason why i drank. So Gio was supposed to get famous this weekend. Oh, shit. He had a job offer to be on a show on VH1. He was discovered by a producer. He was discovered by a producer, by one of our friends who helped discover him. Okay, but on Instagram. Right. It's a long, messy story, but basically it didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And we were very close to getting him on screen, and I was going to mind can you imagine if geo was on a okay anyway yeah it was a disappointment this week weekend is really turbulent emotionally and it honestly would have done a lot for our podcast so that's all i needed it for you know what um yeah it's your birthday so i can't yell you okay okay so instead of me doing a ghost story uh this week we're gonna have deirdre do it because you guys have heard me say a lot of times that i've experienced a lot of crazy stuff and deirdre was pretty much on my side for just about every single one of those experiences so she's seen a lot of shit too and i was like well you're you're perfectly qualified to tell a ghost story then so i'm gonna i'm gonna pass it on you made the cut really you made the cut so this will be fun
Starting point is 00:14:29 because she'll tell the story and then m and i will share a microphone and we will be we've never done this before where we both reacted to something it might be we might both gasp at the same time can you imagine did you see on this it says hashtag gasp at the end of the cross what happened was that i looked at it and I went, right as I saw it. And I went, oh my God, this is so meta. So I couldn't even explain it. It says hashtag gasp and hashtag let's crack it. I can't even handle this right now.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's so funny though, too. Like when I was doing it, cause I hadn't met you in person and I texted Emily and I was just like randomly, I was just like, how is Christine short? Is she tall? What is she? I'm shorter than Em. I look just like that actually. Yeah short is she tall what is she i'm shorter than m i look just like that actually yeah you did pretty well we did it turned out i'm a brunette with a glass of wine that's really it i'm like a white girl with a glass of wine that's what it boils down
Starting point is 00:15:15 to anyway you did a good job so also please be um very understanding that if i sound really far away or if my audio is fucked up it's's because I'm playing ping pong with microphones that aren't mine. So I'm just kind of hanging out in the background this time. She's like the third wheel trying to get attention. Yeah, I'm just kind of shouting out, waving my hand in the back of the class. Okay, so I'm going to move over to you. Okay, elevator music.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Okay, so we're going to start with your story. i don't even know what you wrote about you said the name and i already don't yes so i picked the hilltop house hotel in harper's ferry west virginia oh okay this is gonna be good wait i've never heard of this so yeah it's it's like a tiny uh little place but it's there's actually been quite a few people who've visited, like noteworthy people. And I picked it because I actually stayed there once and had a crazy experience. No way! Oh shit! Okay, even better.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, so that's why I really wanted to do it. I was thinking about doing the homestead for a little bit because me and Emily had both been there. Yeah, we still have differing views on what happened that night. We'll get into that later. We'll crack into it oh yeah we'll crack into that there we go okay so also harper's ferry is a big thing in our area everyone kind of knows it as a haunted spot so i know about it just from living in virginia but i've never been yeah just like um anybody who
Starting point is 00:16:40 grew up in the south probably got a lot of Civil War history. Yes. So, yeah, that's actually why we went there. It was for class. We went there for class? I think it wasn't with the school. It was, like, my stepmom's idea of, like, an enriching trip. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:58 What a stepmom. Whatever. It ended up being interesting. Harpers Ferry is, like, such a weird little town. And it's, like, literally, I think I think it's like a population of 500 people. So tiny. Yeah. It's tiny and super weird.
Starting point is 00:17:11 It's tiny. Cause I've heard of it. Yeah. I think a lot of people have heard of it, but I didn't know it was so tiny. I just assumed it was small. Um, but like to give a little bit of background on the Hilltop, or Harper's Ferry, I guess, first. Sure. So the town is located at the Confluence?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Confluence? The what? Confluence? Like where the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers meet. Okay. Confluence. Confluence? Yeah, Confluence.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Nailed it. Bam. Yeah, so it's best known for the 1859 raid on the armory by abolitionist john brown during the civil war oh that guy i remember learning about that yes john brown and he was he ended up he was not it was not successful and then they hung him yeah they hung him in harbors ferry okay so that was like was that one of the first deaths, you think? You don't have to know. It's one of many.
Starting point is 00:18:12 So that's the other thing about, because it was located where the two rivers met, it was a great, like a really strategic place for people to be during the Civil War. And because of that, it changed hands eight times during the Civil War. Oh, my God. Okay, so a lot of shit happened there. Yeah, lots of, there's a ton, ton of deaths. Oh, God. Yes. And then, later on, Harper's Ferry became very, like, bougie and popular.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Wait, what? Yeah, no, like, after this. That's a good sharp left turn. But that's because, besides it being on the two rivers, it also is, it also had the B&O Railroad going through it. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Oh. That's in Monopoly. Okay. Oh, well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:18:55 You buy the B&O Railroad property? Okay. I'm very historically not there. I didn't know about this part either, but apparently, like, because it had the railroad going through, everyone from, like, the DMV, which, for people who don't know, Emily thought I was talking about the Department of Motor Vehicles. That's what I thought, too. Yeah, no, like, the D.C., Maryland, Virginia area. Okay, to be fair, I knew about the DMV. I just thought we were talking about a very different conversation.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Okay, I was wrong. No. Like, D.C, Maryland, Virginia. Yeah. So all the like really wealthy people would go, ended up coming to Harper's Ferry to like vacation and honeymoon. Like it was a really big honeymoon place for whatever reason. Um, so there's a quote from the newspaper and this is during like the early 20th century
Starting point is 00:19:41 because that's when it became really popular. Um, and the mayor said, quote, society people came from the city for the whole summer or for a week or two during the racing season over at charlestown at hilltop house guests included bank presidents businessmen and real high society i want to like jump off the bridge i wrote that yeah i don't know like it's so weird though to go back now and you wrote that about me yeah exactly high society deirdre ghost wrote it during racing season exactly so the hotel itself um is situated on it's literally on a cliff and it's what it is built on the side of a cliff and it overlooks the i think it's the the Shenandoah River. And like, I've been there, so the restaurant,
Starting point is 00:20:26 like it hangs off the cliff. It's scary. It's scary. I'm not into that. Are you serious? I'm dead serious. Have you been to the restaurant? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Do you feel safe eating? I did not feel safe. I will tell you, because you're literally hanging over this cliff and it's an old, this is an old ass hotel. And what year was this hotel built? Yeah, so it was built in 1888. All right, chill the fuck out. She's going to tell you in two seconds. And it year was this hotel built? Yeah, so it was built in 1888. Alright, Emma, chill the fuck out. She's gonna tell you in two seconds.
Starting point is 00:20:48 And it's actually pretty interesting. It was built by Thomas S. Lovett, who was a local man, and he was of African-American descent. Interesting. Yeah. In 1888? Yeah, isn't it? It's impressive, yeah. And the reason he ended up wanting to do it in Harper's Ferry was because of the John Brown's Raid.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's like this very important place. That's interesting african-american culture so originally the hotel had 65 guest rooms and then it um obviously you could see both the rivers from it and you also had views of three different states holy shit virginia yeah because it's it's like right that's prime realty today yeah it's it's pretty amazing. You can see Virginia. You can see the DMV from the. You can see Russia from your house. You can see Ohio, actually. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, for God's sakes. Anyway. Sarah Palin, talk about high society. Am I right? Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Keep going. She'd probably like this hotel.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I'm sure she would. So, the hotel burned down in 1912 and then they rebuilt it and it burned down again in 1917 sounds like a lucky 18 and then they built it again and it fell off a cliff and then this time well anyway okay so they built it and then this time they added a couple rooms on, so there are 72 rooms now. Just a couple. Just a few. And the structure that's there today is pretty much exactly that building from 1918 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Oh, shit. So it hasn't changed. Wow. Oh, my God. Yeah. That's literally, as of next year, it'll be 100 years old. Yeah. It's pretty old, believe me.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Em's really good at math. It's the only math I'm good at is subtracting by one subtracting by one yeah so the hotel was visited just to give you an idea of like who was coming here like how big of a deal it was back in its time um there was mark twain pearl s buck alexander graham bell and then seven different presidents and that's just like seven presidents yeah wow it was the place to be guys do you know which what do you know were they like all the under Graham Bell, and then seven different presidents. And that's just like a couple. Seven presidents? Yeah. Wow. It was the place to be, guys. Do you know which one?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Do you know, were they like all the Virginia presidents? Because a lot of presidents are from Virginia. Like, honestly, the only one I'm thinking of. I think Woodrow Wilson visited. I think Bill Clinton visited. I don't know. Probably Virginia ones. I would assume Virginia ones.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Well, can you see Arkansas from there? Because then that would make sense. Yeah. Maybe you can see the hot springs from the Shenandoah. Oh, Lord, guys. Okay. So that was the history I had on it. Good history.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yes. We're going to go right into the ghosts. Let's crack into it. Okay. Yeah. First, so I wrote my notes by hand, so they're a little disorganized. Perfect. But while I was doing it. We wouldn't have it any other way, believe me. So, yeah. First, so I wrote my notes by hand, so they're a little disorganized. Perfect. But while I was doing it...
Starting point is 00:23:26 We wouldn't have it any other way, believe me. So yeah, I'm going to go back to one particular room, which appears to be the most haunted, and that's room 66. Of course it is! Of course! Room 66, yes. So the first thing I wrote is, employees have experienced a lot of activity. Good. Okay, so one night manager reported the sound of furniture being thrown around in the dining room beginning at 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:23:50 In this particular experience, every time he heard the furniture scraping, he'd go in and check, and then there's, like, nothing there. So he'd just go back to his desk. Nothing's moved at all? Nothing's moved. Like, everything's fine. But he keeps hearing and going back in to check. And then eventually
Starting point is 00:24:05 at 4 30 i think he he was supposed to get off at like five or six um he went into the the waitress pantry i don't know to make coffee oh the waitress pantry yes let me go into the waitress pantry yes yeah we all have one and when he turned around to leave there's a figure of a man and it's very specific details he said he was about six feet tall red wavy shoulder length hair full beard and mustache gray suit and black boots and he was blocking the doorway but he said that he did have a kind face it was like thank god what the fuck like so the other thing about this hotel is that they get reports of Civil War soldiers all the time. Oh, that sounds like a Civil War uniform. With a gray suit. Oh, the gray suit. Yeah, the gray suit. I was picturing
Starting point is 00:24:49 like a business suit. Oh, no. No, he's an elitist is in Harper's Ferry. Yeah. And then there's been a ton of guests and employees who've reported groups of Civil War soldiers, like a battalion that walks through the halls and they walk into your room. Oh, shit! If a battalion walks into my fucking room. fucking room there's one where a lady said she was like sleeping and
Starting point is 00:25:09 then she woke up and they were coming toward her like charging yeah no no not today i do not if you imagine if you were lying down you saw a whole swat of troops just charging at you like civil war troops with like bayonets did they just you know if they disappear in front of you yeah she i guess she said like once you turn the light on they just disappeared oh my god that's horrible you have to get out of you have to move from the shuck and turn the light on for them to go i just don't understand you stay after that i i would go home immediately yeah i'd be going home um and then calling my therapist no thank, thank you. Room 66. Okay, this is the first one. Lots of activity.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I'm ready. So the main ghost in here is supposedly a little boy who died in one of the fires. The last fire, yeah. So he can be heard crying in the room. And then there's also a portrait of the young boy, of a boy, like, in the room. And it's been said that he cries real tears wait no shut the fuck up serious wait the picture yeah the picture is supposed to cry why would they do that get that out of there i know it's really creepy why don't they just like keep a camera on that that would be pretty cool i don't know
Starting point is 00:26:20 like a live cam used to be investigated like there was a lady back in the 90s and if you go like onto youtube and look for her um her name was shirley doherty she used to do like a lot of paranormal investigations there right and i think she might did she yikes well you see the painting i'm sure she has like i'm sure there's videos of her talking about it oh my god because that's a big one that people report that's a and that's that's that sounds like it's something that would only happen once but like a lot of people are talking about yeah yeah people will go to just to see the not for me that's not my thing yeah um okay so there's a report of a maid um who was cleaning room 66 she said while she was cleaning the bathtub she heard a woman's voice behind her like very clearly say ma'am and then when she turned around there's no one there um yeah and then the same maid while she um i guess
Starting point is 00:27:11 after she had been in the room she was taking laundry down to where i guess the basement where they do the laundry um when she was like at the foot of the steps somebody something shoved her oh yeah and she almost fell down the stairs of the steps yeah she was gone that's like yeah and she like she was okay but then when she looked at her like in the morning she had a bruise on her shoulder of a handprint um no and then the last one from 66 is um one woman and her friends and were investigating the room and they recorded 15 minutes in there so they were in there 15 minutes trying to get something um and then they decided they were gonna go and the door just opened up behind them oh okay great so they left and then later when
Starting point is 00:27:56 they were back like trying to go over what they had recorded they realized only a minute and a half had recorded and when they played it yeah and when they played it it was just the sound of a pistol shooting firing oh my god what the hell that's pretty wild no no no i never get to react to paranormal stories but this is exactly how it happens like holy shit that's so cool now do you wonder why i gasp all the time yeah yeah i get it oh my gosh yeah yowza okay last or one more. Um, so another night worker might've been the same guy, but, um,
Starting point is 00:28:27 he went to lock the front door one night. Um, and when he went to go and try to open it, or when he went to go try to the lock, he was shoved out the front door and then he tried to get back in. It was locked. Oh yeah. It was locked.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So then he was like out in the parking lot, I guess, walking around, um, trying to figure out what to do because the middle guy he's just like wandering around aimlessly old guy like walking around and then he went back up to the front door he's walking back up and then he looked in the window and there was a man wearing an all white general's uniform standing on the other side just watching him yeah and then um he he waited a little bit and then tried the door again and it opened and he went back and reviewed the footage and you couldn't he said that you could see a man pacing in the yeah no yep yes that's awesome but terrifying it's pretty like the part about him just like wandering the parking lot
Starting point is 00:29:22 i know that's my favorite part. That's Christine after a cup of wine. Where's my car? I can't find it. Especially in a town of 500 people. It's like, who's going to come help you? Literally no one. There's nobody there.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And then another thing that's been reported a lot is people waking up in the middle of the night feeling like somebody is sitting on them and strangling them yeah may i ask did you spend the night here i spent the night here i spent the night here why did your exact story no no my question is not tell you my question is why why did you do that we i mean so when i went on a field trip i don't care if someone's strangling people in their sleep no idea i mean like. I mean, like, the internet... I mean, I guess the internet was around, but this is, like, 2002, I think?
Starting point is 00:30:10 And, like, we had dial-up computers, so I wasn't really on the internet much. We had Ask Jeeves. Exactly. Ask Jeeves was my jam. Yeah, Ask Jeeves. Like, didn't have a cell phone yet. We had that paper clip that talked to you on Microsoft Word. Exactly. It was like, how can I help you? We did have that. that's all i had
Starting point is 00:30:25 so it took me a couple of years so you didn't know people were getting strangled in there no no didn't didn't know that um gotta confirm yeah i was like in fifth grade i think so your sim seems like a really class act class act yes sorry for bumping you in the face. So that's why I saved this last ghost, because this is the ghost that I experienced. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, so. And this one gets reported a lot. So if you have a room that's above the kitchen, between, I think it's the hours between like 2 and 5 a.m. Please pause.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Linda just posted on my timeline. I got a notification. Sorry. She's the first person to wish me a happy birthday is your mom. Oh. God damn it. It's three hours ahead of East Coast. Oh yes it's literally 12.08 right now East Coast and my mother's the first person to tell you happy
Starting point is 00:31:14 birthday. Sounds like I've been replaced. Did your mom wish you a happy birthday at 12 o'clock last night? No she didn't. She called me at like 11am. And she said I hope that you find someone who treats you like Christine does. Yeah, my mother called me today. And the first thing she said was, I want you to marry a woman like Christine.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Wait, is this real? I'm not kidding. This happened today. When I went to Starbucks today, she called me and she was like, first things first. I really like Christine for what she did for you last weekend. And I need you to find a woman that treats you the way Christine treats you. Well, that's true. It's true.
Starting point is 00:31:49 That's true. That is true. You really, you did so much. And then she ended the phone call with, I need to meet her mother. Gotta go. I'm making jello shots. Yeah. I saw those pictures earlier.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Linda is my soulmate. That's all. Yeah. Thank you, Linda. I haven't read your post but thank you anyway back to the story to you sorry continue i just had like a mini meltdown it's fine go on so this like i said this is one that gets reported a lot but if you get a room like if you stay in a room that's above the kitchen um i think both fires originated in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:32:24 so apparently there are a ton of ghosts down there because they both fires originated in the kitchen. So apparently there are a ton of ghosts down there because they were all murdered in the fire or died in the fire. So between the hours of like 2 and 5 a.m., you can hear pots and pans banging around. You can hear laughter, all kinds of voices, like people talking to each other. So, yeah. So when I went and stayed there, and let me just, I have to explain what this hotel is like. talking to each other perfect so yeah so when i went and stayed there and let me
Starting point is 00:32:45 just i have to explain what this hotel is like please do because it was supposed to be fancy this place was fucking creepy and run down so we went in 2002 um like you go into the room and it's literally like putt-putt grass shut up it's'm dead. I'm dead serious. AstroTurf carpet? Yes. That is what was in this room. I don't know if they were all like very. The classiest of all floor furnishings? So that's great. Oh my God. And then the other thing.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So the room we had, I don't know if all of the rooms were like this, probably not, but it was like one huge room with, I think there were four beds in there. And then there was a tiny little creepy room off the side. This room. Just listen. And shut the fuck just listen off to the side so when you open it up and the room slants downward there's a little tiny bed in there and apparently you can sleep in there so my family like uh fun fact i snore really badly it's true um well we're getting to know each other yeah so um everyone's just like haha you're gonna sleep in there tonight and i was like i'm gonna fucking sleep in there and then like the time came to go
Starting point is 00:33:48 to sleep and my son-in-law was like no you really have to sleep in there this is your room harry potter under the literally that's what it was like i know her son-in-law and i'll i'll i will confirm this that it absolutely happened how old were you i was like um 10 oh my god 10 yeah oh my god okay i don't know i was a kid you're pushing the little corner yeah yeah so yeah so i'm in this room by myself freaking the fuck out because this is already a creepy ass hotel what did it look like in there in that room it was like literally just it looked like um a tiny closet in like a cabin yeah it was like a walk-in closet but like all the all the walls were like wood was there a door yeah there was a door and it closed like did they close you in no i would not let that okay they you know what they might have the thing is
Starting point is 00:34:40 what happened what happened was i was not cool obviously obviously. A 10-year-old trapped in this creepy-ass little room. So I waited. I couldn't go to sleep. I was freaking the fuck out. So I waited until everyone fell asleep. And then I opened the door. And then I went and got in bed with Ian, my brother. And so I couldn't sleep.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I was just really scared because the room was creepy. And it got super cold. And this is the middle of summer. And this is an old hotel there's no ac it started getting really cold and i didn't i started hearing metal banging what and yeah so i heard a ton of metal banging and i was like i don't know i didn't know i was just like oh it kind of sounded like somebody was throwing rocks against a dumpster it's like maybe it's the garbage i was like the garbage yeah i was like it's it sounded like maybe like a you know you're 10, like, what are you? Yeah, I was like, it sounded like maybe, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:25 garbage trucks are fucking loud, like, picking up the trash cans. So I was like, I guess that's what it was. And I wasn't scared, actually, once I came out into there. I was like, fine. I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:35:33 they're just really loud. And then I woke up in the morning, we went down to the front desk, and I was complaining about it to my stepmom. Like, did you hear that noise last night? Like, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And the front desk was like, ha ha, no, no no those are the ghosts to a 10 year old i was like what to a fucking 10 year old who got locked in a tiny ass cabin closet yeah i was like oh what and she's like oh yeah yeah no um if you're in one of those rooms the ghosts like to rearrange the pots and pans at night because they don't like how we have it set up now. Fuck that. And I was like, oh, cool. Oh, well, that's good. Good, good, good. And so that was my experience there. Did you feel like anyone staring at you or anything?
Starting point is 00:36:15 No. And honestly, like, after I left the tiny room, like, I wasn't scared at all. I was, like, really peaceful. And I had, like, a good experience there, but there's obviously a lot of activity and then also when we were there i guess another thing that happens is people like slam their ghosts slam doors and so it was like slam slam slam slam all night i was so worried you were going to be in that little room and they were going to slam the door no oh my god no that's like horror movie status no it was okay we left the next day but But the thing about this hotel now is that it's, I think it ended up closing, like, maybe a year or two after we had visited.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And then it fell into, like, huge disrepair. And then a company bought it and was supposed to restore it. But right now, like, they haven't done anything. So it's just rotting. It's literally just rotting. And it's been sitting there. People are not happy who live in the town. And, like, a big thing to do is to go investigate.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Like, people love to break in there because it's super easy. Sure. And it's really creepy. And they can get a lot of stuff. Holy crap. Yeah. But they do. They have plans to knock down the building that's standing right now and then rebuild
Starting point is 00:37:20 it to the plans that they had from 1918. So just another hotel, though? Yeah. Oh, cool. Okay. Yeah. That's cool. And they're going to do it to the same. So it looks exactly the plans that they had from 1918. So just another hotel, though? Yeah. Oh, cool. And they're going to do it to the same, so it looks exactly the same. That's the plan, but it's been sitting. Next year, it'll have been sitting for 10 years after that company bought it, and they haven't done anything.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Oh. Who knows what's actually going to happen? I guess there was the recession, so maybe they're ramping back up. Yeah, I hope so. It was a really cool place. Maybe it's just too fucking haunted. I don't know. Sure, Em. Maybe that's it. the recession so maybe they're yeah ramping back up yeah i hope so it was really maybe it's just too fucking haunted sure and maybe that's it i don't know that's just i mean that's i've never been but that's pretty gnarly i yeah that sounds pretty terrifying it was definitely besides the farmhouse i had a farmhouse experience that was the most like real ghost experience
Starting point is 00:38:02 besides the farmhouse oh my god what was your farmhouse experience okay do you feel comfortable telling yeah no no that's fine um so in high school like our thing me and emily and like our friends are you talking about slaughter pen no it's not slaughter pen you were were you there i probably was okay she's probably there i guarantee you she's there okay um our thing we used to just like go find creepy houses and like break into them we just like to yeah we've discussed so we like to explore um so my one friend brandon from his backyard you could go on this like mile-long trek through the woods and you end i don't like that which is which was this was this was what we did and then you ended up on this big plot,
Starting point is 00:38:45 like this old farmhouse. Like, and it was, Oh my God, you walk a mile through the woods and end up at a farmhouse. What is wrong? What is wrong with you people? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I don't know. It's still fun though. Like I'd go do it again right now. I would absolutely right now. The stupid thing is that I'm complaining. And then the second that you guys would be like, do you want to go? I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:39:04 yes, I do. Let me take my out of van and then I'll be there in a moment. Oh, yeah. No. So one time, we had been there before, and it wasn't much, but this one time we went back, and Emily was there, and then a bunch of other people. And so when you go into this house, first of all, there's a basement in the house and it has this creepy fucking well in the bottom of it. Like that one story you said. The one place.
Starting point is 00:39:29 What was it? Oh, the, um. The portal to hell. Oh, the, um. The Bobby Mackey's. Yes. Bobby Mackey's. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:36 There's a well like that in the basement. No. So I never went into the base. I would not. But yeah, so we went into the house. When you go in, you go to the back and then to the right. And then there's this room with like child handprints all over the walls. And like, yeah, which is disgusting. You can't see Christine's face, but she's fucking over this story.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I'm not having any of this. And we'd been in there before. And did you come in with us? Not the time not this year. I think Emily was outside yeah I was like fuck this even Emily was scared we're in there and like my one friend is like a dickhead
Starting point is 00:40:17 so he starts he goes in there and we're in high school so he starts breaking shit like he's what? yeah he's just being a dick like he's such a high school guy I know he's like pulling things out of's just being a dick like he's such a high school guy i know he's like pulling things out of the wall like the lights and stuff and messing around and then out of nowhere like in that room with the handprints there's like this crazy growl like i'll never forget it i'll never forget that no thank you it was it was horrifying no it was like satan wait
Starting point is 00:40:43 i have a question about the handprints were they like paint handprints or like dust i don't know it looked like maybe they were just stained or they just like were stained there on the walls yeah it looked like dirty handprints like dirty kid handprints disgusting yes i do want to say that this story of the growl the the this is the only story i've ever seen and deirdre and i've seen a lot of shit and we've broken into a lot of houses but hey linda um but without a doubt this is the story that shakes her the most like i when she told me for the first time she like couldn't get through the story oh yeah she like it fucked her up like did i i seriously did not feel safe we ran out of there and we were gone like no we didn't you didn't even tell anyone. You literally booked in. We just followed you.
Starting point is 00:41:25 We were like, they're running. So we just all ran through. It was fucking creepy. And the chandelier was like a chandelier in the main part when we were coming out. And it was just moving. You also heard footsteps following you guys around. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I guess this is your story, but you were saying you were trying to run away from the were trying to, like, run away from the sound, and it was following you. Yeah. Because it, yeah, it was like a big circle, the house. Anyway, that was good. You did a good job. Holy crap. That was really good. I just, I, for some reason, I can't, I can't stop picturing the hotel, like, hanging off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:41:59 You've got to see it. Like, look up pictures. How did you eat feeling like you weren't going to fall through? It was, it's scary. And people go in there, and it's, like, literally rotting because of the mist coming up from the rivers and people go in there and like fuck around because you know that like old like mildewy smell exactly when wood is like oh no and there are videos like if you go to youtube like it's a big thing like people are like oh i'll give you a tour there are if you go to like the side with the rivers literally the walls have decayed
Starting point is 00:42:25 oh my god like all mold and mildew and people are walking around and i'm like you're gonna fucking fall oh my god i'm just creeped out so creeped out all right guys are you ready for it mudda no i know me neither but here we are okay take it away deirdre are you ready for me to tell you about a murder for the first time ever i'm really excited oh see someone someone appreciates me thank you well that's good um okay guys oh blaze and blaze enters the scene are you ready for a murder come on he's like how do i talk myself out of this okay i have a story because i'm vain it's about a woman named christine no surprise there actually what i was gonna do is since you two were both on the podcast i was like oh i'm gonna find a fun like themed story i looked up like best
Starting point is 00:43:20 friend murder and then i it got really yay it's honestly a surprise that neither of us have murdered each other yeah i was like that'll be cute and fun and then i looked at it about six stories and everyone i was like oh no like uh so i do have a story about you instead great we got it no it's about friends it's oh but i it is about but it's very dark so i don't want to be like ha ha ha it's about you guys i can't wait to try and make this funny for people you're welcome i've i've given you a lofty task all right here we go so this is a story of christine pale lilla there you are with the the names i went i went on a 2020 i watched a 2020 episode just to figure out how to pronounce her fucking last name. And then the 2020 episode was so good that I just watched the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:44:11 But yeah, Christine Paolilla was born in Long Island. When she was two years old, her father was killed in a construction accident. Her mom began abusing drugs and eventually lost custody of her and her older brother, John, who went to live with their grandparents, uh, in kindergarten, Christine was diagnosed with alopecia, which is where your hair falls out. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:31 so she lost her hair, her eyebrows and her eyelashes. And she began wearing wigs and makeup to like try and cover it up. And she was in kindergarten. So she was like a little girl. Um, so she was like bullied all the time. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:42 she was called a clown cause she like her, she like drew her eyebrows on. she was called a clown because she like her she like drew her eyebrows on it was very sad um and she had like different wigs that she was wearing several years later she was reunited with her mother after her mother um had beaten her drug addiction and had gotten remarried and they moved to clear lake city texas a suburb of houston and christine started clear lake high school so um having been bullied her life, she was super excited when two popular students named Rachel Coloradus and Tiffany Rowell befriended her and they were like the cool girls at her school.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I mean, seeing how this goes, Regina George. Well, see, the interesting thing is they helped her improve her appearance so they, um, so that she could like fit in and be comfortable. So, so exactly so they helped her like find wigs that like fit her face and like made her look more normal they taught her how to do her makeup um and so it reminds me kind of like a clueless but like okay oh yeah you know like they like adopted her as like right okay so they were her best friends and so the three of them got really close um and the makeover was actually so successful that she was voted miss irresistible by her girls this is mean girls by her school class by her class yeah yeah um did she break the crown into a bunch of pieces and talk to the audience she took her wig and just snipped pieces wow okay like rupaul's drag race just
Starting point is 00:46:07 ripping the weave off ripping the weave off for everyone in her class um and that same year so it was 2003 um that same year she started dating 21 year old christopher lee snyder how old is she again uh 17 and And what year is this? 2003. I don't like that. Who had an extensive criminal record and was a frequent drug user. Well, there we are. So she started experimenting with various drugs when they were together. Obviously, her family did not approve. It was an abusive relationship.
Starting point is 00:46:40 She was an extremely jealous girl. His family actually called her Psycho. That was like their nickname for her every good nickname when they had it's really original like i've never heard anyone i can't wait to date someone who calls me that yeah like her family calls you that yeah right so after fights with christopher she'd um a lot of times spend the night on his the front lawn of his family's home um she would like threaten to kill his family like she just was a very jealous girl and then she was trying all these drugs and stuff so it was not good right um one day on july 18 2003 she and christopher
Starting point is 00:47:15 her boyfriend um drove to tiffany one of the girls houses and um brutally murdered her and rachel her two best friends, and their boyfriends. Holy crap. That's like a turn. It's kind of like the Heathers now. Yeah. It took a turn. All four victims,
Starting point is 00:47:34 so it was the two girls, her best friends, excuse me, and their boyfriends. And all four victims were shot multiple times. After they left the crime scene, Christine told Christopher
Starting point is 00:47:44 she had to go back inside to quote make sure they're all dead oh just in case she saw rachel crawling on the floor trying to dial 9-1-1 on her cell phone despite having been shot 12 times holy crap so she's got moxie so she used the butt of her pistol to bash her skull that's so much more intimate just shoot her again just i mean don't do it don't but i mean if you have yeah just bash your skull in. Oh, God. That's so much more intimate. Just shoot her again. Just... I mean, don't do it. Don't. But, I mean, if you have... Yeah, just bash her skull in.
Starting point is 00:48:08 That's meaner. Then she shot both women in the crotch. That's rude. After they were dead, which is supposedly, like, a sign... That's intimate, Emily.
Starting point is 00:48:17 That's intimate. That's the intimate. And you spoke too soon. I know. But supposedly, psychologically, that's, like, an indicator of sexual envy so like
Starting point is 00:48:26 right as and uh neither of the men were shot in the crotch so she just shot the women there so it's an interesting thing um an hour after the murders christopher her boyfriend drove christine to walgreens so she could clock in for her shift behind the makeup counter uh just fun fact yeah because i know after i do my killing i want to go to walgreens and teach people how to put on choking to death the poison is working dear drug oh my god dude just trying to take over the podcast and teach people how to put on eyeliner. Okay. I'm back. Back in the game. So Christopher and Christine left practically no evidence at the scene. The police assumed the murders were drug related because Tiffany and Rachel's boyfriends had sold drugs from the house.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And all they had was, like, all they had as far as evidence went was descriptions of the suspects from neighbors who witnessed two people leaving the house um and so they had a sketch artist come in and draw like what the neighbors had seen from a distance it wasn't very clear evidence uh and the killings were so brutal that police just assumed they were the result of deep, deep personal hatred. They called it complete overkill. And they couldn't imagine it was the work of a 17-year-old best friend of the two girls who had been murdered. Imagine a murder being called overkill. It's like how brutal must that have been? Like absolute overkill. And the case went unsolved for three years because...
Starting point is 00:50:03 Seriously? For three years because... Because of the things I just said that they couldn't imagine a 17-year-old girl... And the case went unsolved for three years because... Seriously? For three years because... Why? Because of the things I just said that they couldn't imagine a 17-year-old girl... I know, but they couldn't, like, close it at all? No, for three years they had no leads. They spent... They had these crazy campaigns.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Like, they... Oh, wow. It was national news. And they just couldn't figure it out because they left, like, zero evidence. And it was such a shocking, like, out-of-nowhere thing that, like, nobody was like, oh, she had motive. Like, she was her best friend. It just didn't add up. So a year after the murders, Christine and her boyfriend, the guy who she killed them with, broke up when he went to jail for car theft.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And she had gotten, like, hooked on drugs at this point. Like, she was not in a good place so she went to rehab in curvil texas where she met stanley justin rott a heroin user and they started dating and fell in love uh they married the following year and christine actually came into a trust fund uh left to her from her father valued at 360 000 because of his like construction accident because he'd been killed in the job so there was like yeah so like when she turned 18 she got like buku bucks the money yeah so they bought a condo with that money um and lived together and in the 2020 episode they interview the husband the guy stanley rott yeah and um they interviewed him and he said like the first couple years or
Starting point is 00:51:26 like the beginning was so happy we were so happy and he like showed them the condo that they had bought um and then one day um in the 2020 episode that i watched uh she started devolving into this like deep depression because she had like stopped using drugs and she went to this deep depression over the death of her friends and he was like yeah she was just in this horribly dark place deep depression because she had like stopped using drugs and she went to this deep depression over the death of her friends and he was like yeah she was just in this horribly dark place like understandable and then one day she requested that he drive her to a billboard and on the billboard were sketches of the suspects that like the sketch artist had drawn three years ago and they had kept the billboard up so she drove her boyfriend there and just said do you think that looks like me oh
Starting point is 00:52:06 oh and it looked just like her and he was like uh what and i guess she had a breakdown and like confessed everything to him and after that she became like completely paranoid obsessed started hallucinating like just went off the deep end confessed what she had done with her ex-boyfriend in detail and then they started using again they went to hiding um fuck is this there's some kind of mental illness here right there's gotta be i mean there's gotta be you don't shoot people no you don't well that's the, that's the moral of the story. So what they did was they spent eight months in a motel room in San Antonio shooting up heroin and cocaine. Every day they would go to the ATM, take out $500, and then just use that much of cocaine and heroin.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Oh, my God. $500 a day? Daily. Wow. That and food was, they spent the full 500 every day oh my god i was reading an article in the new york post um by a guy named larry getlin um and he said that uh they were living on cheez-its reese's peanut butter cups and soda and then heroin and cocaine and they spent so the 500 wasn't really even going to food at all. No. Yeah. It was on Cheetos and cocaine. Yeah, exactly. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:53:26 She never left the room once the entire time for seven months. Oh, wow. He would leave to like pick up food and drugs and stuff. What a gentleman. I know. What a guy. They never let housekeeping in. So by the time that, by the end of the seven months uh the room was strewn with blood vomit dog feces
Starting point is 00:53:46 there were over 100 needles in the room um the fuck that whole time her mom and dad her mom and stepdad had no idea like whether she was alive where she was because like she had been in rehab she was happy she bought a condo and then she just like vanished so they were like she must have overdosed or like so they were looking for her and nobody knew what the fuck was going on and then on july 8 2006 so that was like seven months later after they'd been living in this hellhole 10 days before the third anniversary of the murders the police received an anonymous tip via crime stoppers regarding the murders it was a male caller who said he had been in rehab with christine
Starting point is 00:54:25 and she had admitted to having participated in the crime and the caller was her husband mr rott stanley what's his first name stanley rott stanley rott and he had called in and turned her in after seven months yikes um so police tracked them down in san antonio because it was like an anonymous tip. So they tracked her down in San Antonio. They arrested her on July 19, 2006 but he was also arrested because they found 70 vials of heroin in their
Starting point is 00:54:53 motel room. Holy crap! 70. On top of the 100 plus needles and everything else. That makes our parties look like nothing. Yeah. God, you guys were so lame. That's a different kind of party. We're like eating like birthday pudding and they're you know to each his own i guess yeah oh my gosh we like breaking into houses so it's fine that's sad and she's still very she's young yeah she's uh 21 maybe
Starting point is 00:55:20 oh that's like too young before your brain's even fully developed. Like, she's young. Shit. College age. That's not good. That's not good. That's not good. So her husband, Stanley, admitted to the police when they interrogated both of them that Christine had confessed her participation in the murders.
Starting point is 00:55:38 He told police that she had gone back into the house after the shootings and beat Rachel to death with a gun. Like, she had told him all this. house after the shootings and beat rachel to death with a gun like she had told him all this um christine at first denied killing her friends um and eventually admitted to being involved but blamed her ex-boyfriend for the whole thing um she said that he had convinced her to go to their house to rob them because they had like drug money like they were selling marijuana or something um and she said that he convinced her to go rob them, but surprise her by thrusting a pistol in her hand before the robbery.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Then said he surprised her again during the robbery when he shot, made the first shot. And she said that the first shot triggered a rampage inside her. This is from a guardian article I read. And she claimed the gun just went off on its own and she just began firing rapidly and sobbing the whole time yeah yeah that's basically what she claimed is that like it triggered like a reaction she just didn't know how to like take her finger off the trigger yeah and she was just like somehow managing to shoot her friend 12 times in the crotch like oops you know what kind of gun is this yeah
Starting point is 00:56:42 exactly like a like a laser pointed gun i don't know like a target uh heat seeking missile i don't know i've never been that mad at someone but i just blacked out and they didn't have a crotch and shot them 12 times yeah shot anyone how mad no no i don't think so good moving on as far as let's not dive too deep into that but police said that actually the crime scene the way that they assessed it showed a clear-eyed execution so it was like very methodical very planned um they counted 40 shots fired most of them were directed at tiffany and rachel um and on july and there was actually it was horrible horrifying they showed a photo
Starting point is 00:57:21 they're like crime scene photos on the internet but there's a photo of rachel after she had died and her cell phone is like in her hand or like an inch from her hand like she was about to call 9-1-1 and they said her fingerprints were on nine and one oh that's so sad but then her head was bashed in yeah yeah that's fucked up yeah um so on july 21st 2006 christine and christopher and they still hadn't found Christopher at this point. Okay. Well, because, like, they had broken up a long time ago. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Were both charged with capital murder. It turns out that Christopher had moved to Greenville, South Carolina, and was living with a woman he met online. One of his family members called him to inform him that police were looking for him and had issued a warrant for his arrest so he disappeared into the woods with a bottle of pills and some soda and his body was found on august 5th 2006 dead from a deliberate drug overdose um so christine was the only one on the stand like um on trial at that point and thanks in part to her testimony from her husband who had like heard the whole confession basically right um a jury convicted her of four counts of capital murder uh but she was a minor when the killings occurred because she was only 17
Starting point is 00:58:34 so she was spared the death penalty and was sentenced to 40 years to life in prison good and it's still not entirely clear why she brutally murdered her best friends. Like, there was no, like, clear motive. What is, like, one of their best guesses that, like, I mean, she was with that guy who was super abusive, right? He could have probably just, like, manipulated her into it. I mean, the thing was that she was extremely abusive with him. It was an abusive relationship more that she...
Starting point is 00:59:02 So it was probably drugs then, like, they thought. Like, they were, he wasn't a great guy either. Like he was a drug addict and whatever. But like she was also the one sleeping on his lawn and threatening to kill his family. So she's the one that shot like their crotches. Right. All the bullets in them. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Right. Fair. Like it was her choice. That sounds a lot like an intentional thing to do. Yeah. And she it's interesting because she had called these two girls the quote the only people who would never stab me in the back and that was like the way she described them because they i mean they truly were like best friends but i'll shoot them in the crotch yeah they won't stab
Starting point is 00:59:33 me so i'll fucking put 40 bullets in them i mean god but um most people including a psychologist who studied the case believe it was an intense case of jealousy um and they think that since she grew up in this like horrible bullying situation and then these like popular girls quote-unquote like took her under their wing and like they weren't mean girls like they took care of her and like helped her but they were like really beautiful and like had boyfriends and stuff and i guess something was she was still insecure a lot of people think that like, she just had a jealous rage toward them. And, you know, she was experimenting with experimenting with drugs. So who knows like what exacerbated it.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So her boyfriend, Chris, who the one who had committed suicide, his sister was quoted as saying, his sister Brandy was quoted as saying, I rememberine being intensely jealous there must have been some underlying jealousy between christine and rachel when i saw photos of rachel i knew that's what it must be she was so beautiful um and yeah and the two girls had been shot in the crotch multiple times and uh the guys hadn't so it's just a very uh dark deliberate thing and it's it's looking at the photos like she had like wigs and makeup and then the photos where she's at her trial like she doesn't have much hair like just a little bit and like her she doesn't have facial hair like eyebrows and she just is like crying it's very sad like i don't think i I don't know. I mean, I don't have a, I'm not a doctor, but.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Right. Last place. Psychologically speaking, it sounds like she had some issues. I don't think she was a psychopath because she was clearly, like, so distraught and had, like, emotional damage from it. Yeah, like, she was hallucinating them in her dreams and stuff. But anyway, so. Sad. Sad friendship story so that's me trying to make
Starting point is 01:01:28 a fun theme for our podcast not all not all friendships last i guess so good luck having a nice slumber party tonight guys at least we're past that age and neither of us was cool we've neither of us were right neither one was like taking the other one i wore hawaiian shirts for an entire year yes she oh yeah she told me to tell everyone um what did i tell she used to look she used to dress and look like shia labeouf i did from even stevens oh that's why we drink that's why i drink good that's why i drink my 19 crimes wine from kirk um oh boy guys how was oh dear how was that did you enjoy it or was it just a hellish experience for you no it was it was good it was probably pretty accurate it's pretty much what we prepared you for right yes just like a big mess absolutely good good i'm glad we could deliver on what we promised. A big mess. A big mess.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Perfect. You did a really good job with your story, too. Well, yours was the only one that was, like, coherent on time. Mm-hmm. And then we derailed quickly. That was one of the only stories that you've gone through that I haven't experienced with you. But we've gone through, like, a lot of stuff on our own. We've seen a lot of shit.
Starting point is 01:02:44 We've seen a lot of shit. Do you have we've seen a lot of shit we've seen a lot of shit do you have like a favorite experience that we've had i really liked when we went to the homestead together which is this really weird old place um like hotel out like right on the virginia west virginia line ew yeah um it's a hotel it's hotel. It's like a really old resort and they have a bunch of hot springs around it. Um, like Thomas Jefferson went there. It's really old. It's from like this.
Starting point is 01:03:13 It's for, it's pre revolutionary war. Jesus. Yeah. So this is really, really super old hotel. Um, and my family goes there every year for early Christmas.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And one year me and Emily went together. Oh, God. And like the probably the biggest ghost there is. So there's there's a 13th floor, but in the elevator just skips it. Right. Go straight to the 14th. So the 13th floor is completely shut down. And it's I guess it used to be the old maid's quarters. And apparently there's
Starting point is 01:03:46 a bride, like a ghost bride, that will stop you and ask you what time it is. Stop! Yeah. Wait, a ghost bride? Yes. What the fuck? Yeah. The story, no, yeah, so the story is that a bride was supposed to get married one day
Starting point is 01:04:02 and then the husband got, or the fiancé got cold feet and left yeah he left her alone in her room on the 13th floor and then um after she realized that he wasn't coming she killed herself it's really sad yeah so she now she wanders the 13th floor and if you're up up there you're not supposed to be on the 13th floor if you're a guest but if you're up there she there's a bride that will stop you and ask you what time it is so she can get to her wedding she can figure out where that fiance is makes me it's really sad that's really breaks my heart it's a sad one but also there are other things that happen there like one of the big things is that people get locked in the bathrooms
Starting point is 01:04:38 or they get locked in rooms yeah speaking of the bathrooms locking people in that's a perfect segue for me to tell you my side oh no aka the fucking truth oh no of this story this dear to this day does not fully believe me but i swear on everything on geo okay now we're getting real here that this happened um i visit i went with them and she's got a big family so everyone brought their own friends and it was like a big party essentially there's a big group of us was it like a birthday no it was like we go they go every year as a tradition and then usually they get to bring each sibling gets to bring a friend oh so um i went and i think we had been i think i'd been aware that it was haunted i'm not really sure but at the time nothing clicked there was never like a a realization
Starting point is 01:05:33 of what was happening was a ghost but when we first got there immediately our everyone in our party started getting locked in the bathroom even though there was no like the door wasn't wedged at all it wasn't stuck it just wouldn't open at all or like the handle would be totally loose it's not like the door felt locked it's that you just couldn't pull the door it's like somebody was like leaning up against the door it's like someone was holding you in there and it the first time it happened it was kind of stuck and you could pull it open and then the second time it stuck even longer and eventually got to a point where deirdre was stuck in there for like two hours and i could just hear her from
Starting point is 01:06:09 the other side going guys this isn't funny i really need you to not lean on the door and we were like trying to crack it open and we could not get the door open oh you poor thing and how old are we 14 no we were probably like 12 13 i remember us on the car ride being like i can't believe we're gonna start high school soon no yeah there's no way so we're already in disagreement about yeah because ryan was 16 that makes us 14 so maybe eighth grade i remember this because it fucked me up and no one believes me so that started happening and i never i never put together that all of these different situations would make sense that we were being haunted in this room.
Starting point is 01:06:47 So people kept getting locked in the bathroom and it was getting increasingly worse. And then every night the, the French doors that opened into the room kept busting open by themselves with no wind. There was no storm in the middle of the night. Yeah. By themselves.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Emily, Emily had one of the like rollaway beds and it was like right up against the fresh doors so they kept smacking it to be the middle of the night so and also i had a cot for the first night and then your stepmom and uh johnny started sleeping in that room so johnny got the rollaway and i got the fucking chair i got to sleep in the chair for the rest of the trip but i also didn't mind because the doors I got to sleep in the chair for the rest of the trip. But I also didn't mind because the doors kept smacking me in the middle of the night. And I remember this was the first night where I was the only one that for some reason woke up. And at the
Starting point is 01:07:35 time, knowing her family so well that like they're all deep sleepers, I was just like, maybe I'm the only one awake because they're deep sleepers. But something was only waking me up because I would try to wake them up. I was like pushing all of them, like shoving them. I was like, what's going on? Why are the doors opening? There's not a storm outside. It's literally opening. And if I pushed on them, I could feel a pushback. Like something was holding them as if it was really windy and the door was pushing itself open, but there was no wind. And so I was like, fuck this. So i think that's why i moved to the chair i was like johnny can have the cot i don't want this so like those two things should have made sense
Starting point is 01:08:11 and then the thing that happened that get to it okay all right so there's some clearly some disagreement happening deirdre's i'm gonna be judge judy go ahead sister julia got to bring her friend named julianne who I don't know. Like, there's no reason. There's no reason for Julianne to ever approach me before I wrap her up. We need to get Julianne on this show. Yeah, let's find her. Can we do a call-in?
Starting point is 01:08:39 We need Twitter to go find Julianne. I don't know what her last name is. Julianne in Virginia? Yes. Are you there she she i should have been the last person she ever spoke to if she needed help with anything what is it what what help i'll get there m literally what the fuck are you talking about okay so here's the fucking story. I don't even know what to do with it. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Like, Em has told me this story, but I already forget what the fuck is going on. So, I was asleep on the chair. Everyone else was asleep in their beds and cots. And in the middle of the night, Julianne, like, has to be, like, three in the morning, which, of course, is the perfect hour to do something like this she wakes up i notice she's not blinking i will tell you that now okay sleepwalkers don't blink though okay fine fine maybe she's sleepwalking maybe but this story did happen regardless if it was sleeping okay or whatever just adding that fun fact so
Starting point is 01:09:41 she woke me up in the middle of the night and she kept saying my name and I woke up and I was like what? And she was like I forgot my purse downstairs I'm like, okay Go tell Julia the person you came with or her mom or one of her siblings like I you don't know me Why would I help you at three in the morning? So there's so many people she could have talked to first because we're both guests on this trip I'm not about to like leave while everyone's sleeping and so julian's like she's being really aggressive she's like she was like i need my purse i need my purse and i was like go ask someone else i'm trying to sleep it's three in the morning
Starting point is 01:10:17 and then eventually she kicked my kick like i was on a chair with a hassox like your feet go up yeah she kicked it until my feet fell off and she she was like, you need to go downstairs now. What the fuck? And I was like, I, why? Like she was getting really mean about it. And I was like, why? And she said, you're not supposed to be here. What a little bitch.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And I was like, I don't, I don't know what that means. And so eventually she just got so aggressive that I, I was like, fine, I'll just like, I'll at least walk you over to the door. So I got up and I followed her, and she didn't say anything. I just remember her just, like, turning around, like, fucking Tron, and just, like, moving to the door. And I was like, okay. So I go over, and I say, let me go to the bathroom first, and the door's stuck. And she's just staring at me.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Like, she's just staring at me as if she knows I can't get in the bathroom. And then she was like, you need to go downstairs. Like, she just kept repeating it. She was like, you can't be here. And I was like, what do you want me to fucking do? Like, I don't have a key. I don't have shoes. I go downstairs. Yeah. I was like, I don't have any way of getting back in here. Like what if they wake up and see me? And she was like, you have to go, you have to get out of here. And I was like, what the fuck is wrong with you? And so eventually I was just like, I'm not going. Like she tried to open the door and I put my hand on her to be like, no, like I'm not like I try to, I was trying to close the door when she was trying to open it.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah. When I was trying to close, I'm trying to figure out how to describe it. But when I tried to hold the door shut, I realized she wasn't even turning the handle. Like she didn't, it's like, she didn't know how a door fucking worked. Like she just started kind of like tugging on it. And I was like, that's not, what are you doing? That's not how a door works. And she looked at me and was like, I'm going to go now.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And then she turned around and went back to bed. And then I'm just standing there and I'm like, what the fuck is, what the fuck is going on? And so I just went back to sleep. And then, dear to the next day. No. All right. All right. Judge Judy, bang, bang.
Starting point is 01:12:04 All right. Silence in the court court your turn to speak all right there are already some problems with this story all right i'm so ready because first of all i i don't know what i was asleep for all this i i wasn't awake but i know for a fact that lisa woke up and did something she said there was some kind of like go to sleep to you at least. And that's why you went to sleep. But she says that she. Wait, who's Lisa?
Starting point is 01:12:30 Lisa's my stepmom. Oh, so a grown up. Yes. So according to her, this is what, and I've asked her multiple times. I'm like, okay, tell me the truth. I still don't know. I don't know. Deirdre will regularly be like, just honestly, I won't even be mad.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Just tell me what happened. And I'm like, I'm telling you what happened. I don't. It's just such a weird story. According to Lisa, she woke up and like Emily was trying to convince Julianne to go downstairs with her to like the vending machines. I don't. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:04 I don't know. Hmm. Interesting. And she got mad and then told you to go to sleep and that's what that's her story but i i mean listen yours had more detail listen my brother slept walked all his life and he wakes up and says the creepiest creepiest shit again doesn't know how doors work either like he'll walk up and just like pull on things one time when i we were in germany and we were sharing a room and I was terrified because my grandma's house is like gigantic. And I didn't, we were like put in a creepy room together. And he woke up in the middle of the night and just was staring at me and he doesn't blink. And then he goes, I lost it.
Starting point is 01:13:39 And it was like out of a fucking horror movie. And I was like, what the hell? And I was reading a book and I remember that I put the book, it was like Harry Potter or something. And I like lifted it to cover his face because I was terrified. I can't look at you. And then I lowered it and he was closer. And I was like, yeah, okay. And then he walked over to my bed and he's like, I said, I can't find it.
Starting point is 01:13:59 And it was out of a horror movie. And I'm like, can't find what? And he goes, I can't find it anywhere. And then he grabbed my covers he ripped them off the bed and was like i can't find them and just started screaming and i'm like oh my god where's my mother like in this house and what i did was i locked him out of the bedroom because i was like i was like yeah it's over here whatever you're looking for and then i just like locked him out and he was out there just like yelling and like i can't find it and then eventually i heard him there was like silence and i heard him go christina hello and i was like hello and he goes what's going on i'm like are you awake he's like yes and i'm like you have to
Starting point is 01:14:38 prove it to me like and i like quizzed him because i was so nervous anyway he goes i had a dream that i couldn't find the eight ball because we'd been playing pool earlier. And we had like lost like the eight ball somewhere in the apartment. And he goes, I had a dream that I couldn't find the eight ball. And I'm like, I fucking hate you. But yeah, he did the same thing where he was just like tugging on the door. And I'm like, I was like, let me open that for you. And then I locked him out.
Starting point is 01:15:00 I feel like that does make sense that she was sleepwalking. Sleepwalkers do crazy shit. That sounds like it checks out. So she could have been sleepwalking, but for a while I was fucking convinced that she was possessed. Well, no, but it's scary as shit. Especially after everything else that had happened. I was like, of course this would be like the next level shit after a couple days of being here. It's scary as shit.
Starting point is 01:15:20 And for several years afterwards, I was terrified to ever be in the same room as your stepmother because i thought that she hated me for breaking out for vending machine snacks which does sound like something i was gonna say actually that's kind of a likely story maybe you were sleepwalk or do you not sleepwalk no i sleepwalk but only in my room at my house and i wake up like i this happened multiple times i'll wake up in the middle of the night and I'm sitting up and my lights on it's fucking creepy it's so scary I'd like to see a camera of you just like waking up yeah and just sitting there it's so it's so creepy when I come out of it because it's always the same thing like I'm just sitting up and that is fucking my lights are on and I don't know like I don't know how know how I got there. I'm glad you stay there though. Cause my brother, I don't have a lock on my room at home and he used to just stand at
Starting point is 01:16:09 the foot of my bed and just stare at me. Like it was like out of the fucking exorcist. Like he would just stand there and like kind of wave or yeah, like wobble back and forth when he, and he doesn't blink when he sleepwalks and his eyes are like bloodshot red and he'll just stare directly at your face. when he sleepwalks and his eyes are like bloodshot red and he'll just stare directly at your face it's it is probably the scariest thing and it's like explainable because it's like oh he's sleepwalking but it's also like oh no he's a demon right now and i will throw shit at him i don't care if you're not supposed to wake sleepwalkers like i will violently throw things at him oh yeah
Starting point is 01:16:41 oh it's so creepy like i the only experience i've had where i was not the one sleepwalker was with my brother too and we were at some random house in pennsylvania it's always when you're out of your element like usually people sleepwalk more when they're like in a new or traveling or in a new place yeah yeah we were there and we had been drinking a little bit and he like he passed he passed out somewhere and then we were all up still drinking in another room and i realized he was missing or whatever and i went to go check on him and he wasn't like a horror movie no this was actually terrifying and it was in a house i hadn't been to either before and i went to go check on him and he wasn't there so i'm just walking down like this
Starting point is 01:17:20 dark hallway and i'm like ian are you there where are you where and so like there's a door like one of the bedroom doors is open so i'm like okay i go in there and i'm like just looking for him and this was like a pitch black room so i turn the light on there he's not i don't see him in there then i like go to open the closet he's standing in the closet in the dark facing the wall it was the scary that's probably one of the scariest things I've ever... That's some Blair Witch Project shit. I was terrified. That's exactly. Oh, exactly, that's exactly what it was like.
Starting point is 01:17:52 That scene where he's about to get killed. That's what it was. And I was like, Ian. Are you alright? I would have just shut the fucking door and been like, never again. Yeah, and then he started peeing, so it broke the... It broke the... The weirdness. The fear. The trance. The started peeing, so it broke the... It broke the... The weirdness.
Starting point is 01:18:05 The fear. The trance. The fear. The weirdness continued, but... The fear was gone. Right, like, it turned into a different kind of weirdness. It was different. It was different after that.
Starting point is 01:18:14 It got scary in a different way. Do we have time for one more story? Absolutely. You want to talk about Slaughterpen? Yeah, you start. What the fuck is that? We still, for someone, for people who went there all the time i still know very little history about what happened in the slaughter pen do you know any were people slaughtered it was a farm they slaughtered cows
Starting point is 01:18:34 and pigs maybe yeah like a slaughter house yeah it's yeah it's a it's a national landmark i'm pretty sure and that's because um there was a battle fought during the Civil War there. So, yeah. Is it, like, abandoned or is it still a slaughterhouse? No, it's abandoned. It's all, I don't know, though. It might be the ghosts. It might be somebody there.
Starting point is 01:19:00 There's definitely a lot of activity, and in when you first come up to it there's like a farmhouse there and that there have been lights on like weird colored lights on inside of it so okay so it's a whole it's a it's a farmland and there's a bunch of different where is it by the way it's in our town fredericksburg virginia it's off route two off route two i need to triangulate every location that I hear. It's right by the field house. Everything has like a name, like the slaughterhouse, the field house. What was the other one?
Starting point is 01:19:32 The Bowman Distillery. That's the best one. Cece and your brother got married at the Old Silk Mill. Holy shit, you guys. That's a lot. That's a good time. You can't make this shit up. holy shit you guys it's a good time you can't make this shit up so um it's it's a giant plantation with a bunch of buildings off of it all the buildings are different types of barns and
Starting point is 01:19:52 some house the animals some were i guess used to butcher the animals some i mean there's there's like a whole barn just full of hay there's a barn that was clearly just used for storage but there's up front a house where i guess the farmer at the time lived like the family yeah and then in the back there's another house there are probably about 10 to 15 buildings in all there are quite a few this is creeping there's like a couple big barn like barns with hay and then there are like stalls like maybe horse stalls or animals cows and then just probably slaughter buildings and there was um but they're all right next to each other so since it's a landmark a lot of people who are historian buffs which is just about everyone in virginia
Starting point is 01:20:38 because that's how we're raised you'll just go and walk around and wander. But we were teenagers and reckless, so we liked going into the places that were restricted. And so one of them was a house in the back. And the one that we were talking about with the lights was the one up front. So the one up front, when you look through the – it was very weird because half the time this happened and half the time it didn't, at least for me. It was very weird because half the time this happened and half the time it didn't, at least for me. But when you look through the window, it looked really clean, like someone could still possibly be living there. And then if you turned around and went in the back where you could look through the windows, it looked like a kitchen that was abandoned 50 years ago. Cabinets were open, old cat food was on the floor. It's like someone truly just up and left.
Starting point is 01:21:23 But that's half of the house, and the other other half the house looks like it's livable the first like the first farmhouse when you first come in it looks it looks fine like if if you went in you'd be okay like walking around there aren't any holes or anything unexpected right and there's the one in the back that is uh there's totally in disrepair like it's like a separate house there's like a bunch of different is it like a servant's quarter i don't know i don't maybe like a barn like you know it looks it's like it looks like a house on the answer there's a kitchen and a living room is it staircase rooms yeah it's smaller it's probably like the farmhands or whatever probably we really we have no idea all we know is we went in it a lot. You have to walk down this huge hill, like not the hill, like down this path, like a
Starting point is 01:22:07 dirt path. Yeah. You have to go past this cornfield. And when you get to the house, because it's never used or really kept up, there was a door that was missing. So you just walk right into the house. And if you went in, there was definitely a spot that used to be a dining room. There's a place that was a kitchen
Starting point is 01:22:25 but now like a tree is growing out of it oh like it's an it's old and abandoned there's a fridge there like it looks like nothing got moved out it's just like nature is growing around it now and the carpet's like half ripped out and there's like a hole in the middle of the house there's you know when this place was from like is there a year that it was like i mean it's pre-civil war i don't know that's creepy enough all right i'll take it yeah it's at least uh 150 years old oh my god wait why was there carpet i think like just being getting lived in yeah it was used up until a point there was a staircase there too that i think you were the guinea pig for that but someone slowly went up the stairs to see if it was like if we were able to get up there and after going a couple times we slowly started going up the stairs and seeing what was in the
Starting point is 01:23:15 different rooms and did you ever go into the bedroom with the dresser with the handprints so there is in one of the rooms there was like an there was one part of the room that we never went into because it looked like a loft and we were like sure that it would cave through if we stood up there but on the other side there was what looked like a like a one bedroom and when you go into the closet part there's still a dresser up there with um children's like little kid handprints almost as if they almost as if it was a dusty dresser and they put their hands on the dresser and then swiped. So you can see like a dust stain. Fabulous.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Children's hands swiping away, which makes me think like, was it, was a kid getting pulled away? Which, something to think about. No, I like, I like to think something dramatic happened. I think it's, it's, it's weirder if a kid went like this. Right, right. Than if a kid went like that. I tell myself a kid got yanked away.
Starting point is 01:24:07 I want it to be worse than it is. Let me have my moment. All right. Okay. So a kid got yanked away from the dresser. So we were starting to go a lot, and we started, at least I did, and I think you did too, and a couple of our other friends started feeling like attachments to this place. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:24:22 We started going a lot. Yeah. There's some kind of weird draw about it like even now thinking about it i'm like we could go back well yeah actually it'd be all right the first thing you said i was like i wish i'd been there yeah i don't know there's something i want to go well we'll take you oh no no i don't want to it's it's easy to get to get stuck and like wanting to go because it's also a very beautiful place. A lot of senior high schoolers get their pictures done because it's nature. Yeah, it's very picturesque.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Oh, yeah. No, and also I forgot about this, but one of the first times we went, we went right before sunset, and there was another guy out there, like an older guy. I think he had a metal detector and recording equipment. He was just like, yeah, come out here all the time to speak to the ghosts. And like, yeah, he was just like all about the place. Like, yeah, this is a great place. It's a great place to go. He's like, go down there.
Starting point is 01:25:14 You'll hear some stuff. And we're like, oh, we should hang out around here. What the fucking hell? Yeah, this is a guy like probably like his 60s. Just like... Dude, that's... I want to be that that's gonna be it'll be me yeah that'll be yeah yeah he was like telling his stories i can't remember most of it now though the if you drove up at the right time there were like weird colored lights
Starting point is 01:25:35 and i don't understand that and there were there were it was like green purple lights in the top window and this is a house that like isn't used anymore that no one's paying an electric bill like there should be no lights going on. What the fuck? And it was going on and off as if there was a TV up there. And you could see, like, something walking back and forth by the window. Like, literally, it looked like rave lights. Like, somebody was having a rave up in the.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I don't. It's so weird. It was very weird. It's just weird. Like, I was getting really scared because I just felt, like, this weird negative energy when I would drive by it at that point and my friend didn't believe me that the lights were there and so i said okay well i'm i'll drive by the house i'm gonna stay in the main road since it's the middle of the night no one's gonna come by and you can look at the window and then once you once you believe we're gonna drive away because i don't want to be near this house
Starting point is 01:26:21 and she looked up and three seconds later she like did this weird gasp and freaked out. And she turned around to me in the car and was like hysterically crying. And she was like, just drive. What? And I was like, why? What happened? She's like, fucking drive.
Starting point is 01:26:35 And so I drove and 10 minutes later or so, she was like, I saw the thing walking back and forth by the window and it turned and looked at me and had laser red eyes. And I was like, okay, we're never're never going back dude fuck that nonsense right now anyway there's that story we did a lot of stupid stuff like that but it's better than drugs anyway guys that was our first special guest episode featuring deirdre. Yeah. Thanks for dealing with everything that just happened. To anyone who stuck around long enough to hear all this,
Starting point is 01:27:10 thank you. Sorry for your next therapy session. Do you have anything you'd like to say before we close out? I do just want to say one thing, which I feel like I say every week, but I read we got a couple new iTunes reviews, and they're so nice and thoughtful and i'm
Starting point is 01:27:26 like people took the time to write so i always get emotional and then i screenshot all of them and send them to m like a crazy person um but thank you guys for like subscribing and reviewing because it i personally sit there and go through i do too i do too uh thank you everyone who listens if this was your first time sorry oh god sorry and uh you can follow us on atww podcast on twitter twwd god damn you do that southern thing where you just like leave off the last letter oh yeah whoops atwwd podcast on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
Starting point is 01:28:11 You can follow Christine or you can follow me or you can follow Gio or all of the above or all of us or Deirdre or Deirdre. Would you like to do a shout out Deirdre? Our special guest. She's like Deirdre's in the closet. Apparently she goes, no thanks. She goes, I regret being associated with this project.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Um, you can also find us at, and that', and you can send in your listeners' episodes at andthatswhywedrink at Our next listeners' episode comes out July 1st. My birthday's in seven minutes. Okay, bye. Okay, bye. Just kidding. I had to say it one more time before we...
Starting point is 01:28:42 You want to do it with us, Deirdre? Do what? And that's why we drink. Oh? And that's why we drink. Oh. And that's why we drink! We're so good at this.

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