And That's Why We Drink - E193 An Afterlife Guard and a Rosé Colored Flag

Episode Date: October 18, 2020

Welcome to episode 193 where we're bringing you to both Hawaii and Alaska! First, Em tells us the creepy, cool story of the Night Marchers of Hawaii, the deadly ghosts of warriors past. Then Christine... shares the story of a serial killer she's deeming one of the scariest she's covered yet: heavy hitter and Alaska-resident Israel Keyes. And, in the meantime, should we start peeing on ourselves now just in case it wards off ghosts? And that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to and enter DRINK for 20% off online purchases of Phantom wine.Daily Harvest makes it easy to eat clean, undeniably delicious food, no matter what your day brings. Keep it simple with Daily Harvest! Go to and enter promo code DRINK to get twenty-five dollars off your first box!If you’re a homeowner, head to right now to get started. They’ve saved their home and auto insurance customers an average of $1,127 a year. Policygenius: When it comes to insurance, it’s nice to get it right.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 important halloween message we have a very exciting announcement which is that we are having a virtual halloween party halloween is here vocalize with you we are yeah thank i appreciate it our voices do best when we're in sync uh yeah we're having a halloween party it's going to be october 19th and it's going to be at 6 p.m pacific standard time 9 p.m eastern standard time and we're gonna be dressed up in costumes we're gonna do some maybe some spooky crafts maybe some spooky games eat some spooky snacks um and we probably are going to be streaming ghost adventures so yeah a lot of it is tbd but that's how we like to do it.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Cause we like to show up and just like create chaos as we go. I say all these things, but we have planned none of it yet, but that's the fun and the mystere. But yeah, so we're going to have a blast. It's going to be a party of two and it's going to be a virtual. If you want to be a part of it and watch some of that spooky stuff,
Starting point is 00:01:03 then you can join us on our Patreon page at slash at WWD podcast. We will be streaming it, I think via YouTube through our Patreon site. So if you are a patron, you will be able to join us and we're very excited for this exclusive event. And I will be in LA so we'll be in the same place. So it won't be you know, we won't have the usual concerns of two people trying to figure out tech, it'll'll be in the same place so it won't be you know we won't have the the usual concerns of two people trying to figure out tech it'll just be in the same room maybe we'll maybe we'll go trick-or-treating which is me asking you for candy and you just give it to me we'll just I'll just stand in a closet and you can keep knocking on the door anyway uh I haven't told Christine yet what my costume is but I'm very excited about it So if you would like to see what that is, then you can join our Patreon and be a part of the stream that night.
Starting point is 00:01:48 That's right. It is, again, Monday, October 19th at 6 p.m. Pacific, 9 p.m. Eastern. So join us at slash atwwpodcast. Halloween is here. Okay. On October 19th. Almost. No October 19th. Almost.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Oh, not quite. Hi, Christine. Hi, Emma C. How are you? Good. Look at you in your modern cottage core boho farmhousehouse look at me attire look at me you look very very uh what is it what was the final draft comfy chic comfy chic wasn't that what it was pajama chic perhaps perhaps well you look great oh thank you you do as well what also as what's my what's my style you are really
Starting point is 00:02:47 wackadoo exactly core poor core i was like i look poor well i mean you did call me trash but yeah whatever i climbed out of a dumpster to get here so i think we're all okay um i also buy my furniture from dead people so i guess we're in the same boat um look i think we've both dumpster dove at least once in our lives certainly more than once and just because it's i mean that's a it's a thrill and it's a bargain and it's a bargain and now i mean nowadays don't because like who knows what trash has touched what germs but um you know no matter who you are it is exhilarating agreed yeah it's a great time the end how are you oh i'm excellent thank you how are you you know just looking like i dumpster dive apparently i said core i said
Starting point is 00:03:39 i said something i look i look uh future, I'd say. Okay, yeah. I knew you were going to come up with your own phrase anyway and not use mine. So we'll use that. We are rapidly approaching Halloween. Rapidly. And because we're doing this so early, this is still... We're in September. Arguably early September. Why is it mid-September?
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, we're mid-September. But still, we don't know what we should be announcing in our halloween episodes yet we don't have any clue and we we're gonna regroup and then the next episodes when you come back out here we'll have a lot to say on the um maybe on a good day we're not prepared so on a day where we're a month ahead or three weeks ahead we're certainly not prepared it's interesting because we're prepared but like by we're too prepared that we like we have no idea what we're able to announce does the future hold who's to say what is that the future oh it's like why are you swinging all your accessories at me i like how my leg is an accessory yeah they're tree trunks right so i don't know my tarantula legs tarantula legs
Starting point is 00:04:44 um anyway i don't really i feel like have any more updates because i yelled a lot of them at you um i'm trying to remember hopefully we're still caught up on close friends i think we are i hope that's part of the future i've been feeling a lot more confident in that good okay me too um you're still probably verified and i'm still probably not that's a future i can foresee for myself. And I talked about my ghosties. And that's, I think that's that on that, man. I think that's that on that. I'm looking forward to when this comes out, where paranormally you'll be in your house.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Oh, God. Because it might be so much worse. Well, and I'm really bummed out because Blaze Works Halloween. But I'm like, I'm'm in a real neighborhood now. Oh, so you can actually trick-or-treat. With little kiddos and stuff. A lot of people for... Are people trick-or-treating?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Well, there's a lot of creative people at home coming up with socially distant ways to... No, to give candy out. Like making haunted-looking slides. How cute. So that way you can drop the candy down, then they catch it on the other side of the slide yeah i guess everyone's gonna have to clorox their children's candy which sounds really dangerous but i guess if you're just cloroxing the wrappers i don't know i don't know i'm clearly not a parent i live in an apartment and you would think that that would be like the ultimate like trick-or-treating experience because like you can just like run down the
Starting point is 00:06:01 hall and knock on every door and get like a of access. But there's not usually a lot of kids, I think, in LA apartments. No, there's not. There's not. It's such a shame, though. If I were a kid, I would have a goddamn blast. Well, that's what it means. I'd be like, look at all these. Have you read Eloise in New York?
Starting point is 00:06:15 Running through all the apartments? I mean, it's actually kind of genius. My mom said that when she grew up in apartments, it was the best trick-or-treating she ever did. Because it was like, and only like the distance between one suburban house to another you actually had like 10 homes you are handy also exercising when you're outside and i'm not a fan of that part really um so in any case i'm probably home alone on halloween and frightened well you're never alone in your house i'm not alone all your estate sale buddies with my stomping cat that frightens me every time i turn a corner um and seems to breathe in my face while i sleep which i don't
Starting point is 00:06:50 love uh anyway so that's my update today i oh i know what i was gonna say i am really freaked out by my story today like this is one that sometimes we get asked in interviews like oh like what do you do to like wind down after you read all this scary stuff and I in recent interviews have said to people oh I've gotten so much better at distancing myself and like putting up boundaries and protecting myself and like this one really got me to do it talk about like my core I really this one kicked my butt and when I researched it it kicked my butt and then last night I was going over my notes again to like rearrange some of it. And I was up to like three, just like shaken. And it wasn't even that I was scared. I was just like really dark. Like it was really dark. That's so weird. Cause this one isn't super spooky. Last, last week's episode was pretty wild. Yeah. That got too dark.
Starting point is 00:07:41 This one, this one's a little tamer and it's one that a lot of people have requested for a while. Okay, good. Oh, this is one that people have also requested for a while. So hopefully we make people happy. I think we're going to balance out on the scare factor. Good.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Mine. Mine's going to be, mine's just dark. Okay. This, this is light. Um, um,
Starting point is 00:08:00 I'm the yin to your yang today. Um, so this is, uh, a story. I've gotten it. I don't want to say a lot of people have sent in requests for this, but consistently since we started,
Starting point is 00:08:12 there's always been one or two people being like, when are you going to cover this? Right. So this is the story of the, it's in Hawaii. I've never covered a story in Hawaii before. Ooh. This is the story of the night marchers. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I was supposed to be in Hawaii last week for Blaze's brother's wedding. And now where are you going to be instead? Now I'm going to be right here in this very chair. Yeah. Oh, yeah. On Zoom. But I'm very bummed out because that Hawaii trip was going to be a hoot. A hoot.
Starting point is 00:08:41 But now it's all postponed. Well, I will say I apologize in advance advance i'm going to try my best to pronounce the all the hawaiian names fun fact for a while i was trying to teach myself hawaiian and i got actually kind of far and then that was like three years ago so now it's all history have you been to hawaii no but one of my friends who has passed away uh used to live in hawaii and loved hawaii and so it was kind of like an in honor of him i was trying to just learn it in my spare time just to like know some like for literally no reason at all except like i think um one of those language apps had just come out
Starting point is 00:09:17 and hawaiian was an option i was like oh that'd be like you know might as well learn some fun phrases for fun fact yeah do you know any of them um no not anymore but like i was actually like pretty proud i was like getting kind of into it and then like classic me i have such fleeting interests yeah like once i like i'm amazed how long we've kept this project going so yeah it's like i really had one of those um it was one of those really intense interests that i was really really into and once i knew enough that i started feeling confident in it i just literally never touched it precisely how i operate yeah it's the most toxic frustrating toxic thing i know a little bit about everything yes but not a lot about anything i've started so many projects like
Starting point is 00:09:59 gifts and things and then i get like halfway through and i'm like look how cool it is and then i show the person and i go anyway i don't feel like finishing it i think that's why like things like the escape room and all that it's like we like i had actually told i've said this before but i told eva months in advance i was like one day i'm gonna do an escape room i should start that now i should start that now but if i allow myself many months to do it i just won't do it i have to decide at three in the morning i have 48 hours and this is it. And I will spend weeks being like, we have to do this thing.
Starting point is 00:10:28 We have to do this thing. And then one night we'll both just be like frat frenetic. And then like, it'll be done. It's like, I want to say the like, Oh, it's like procrastination helps,
Starting point is 00:10:36 but it's really like, I only have like, like even with like learning like Hawaiian phrases and things like that. I had a solid two months where I really gave a shit about it. Yeah. And then after that, like my energy depleted itself. When it came to like the escape room, I was like, I have 48 hours. And after that, I'm not going to care.
Starting point is 00:10:53 So we got to get it done right away. Yep. Well, I'm proud of you for somehow learning some Hawaiian at some point. Thank you. Well, anyway, I actually had heard about this from my friend who passed before he passed goodness um his name was not after he passed after he passed that guy he listen he's an sob because we promised each other this is the one from the segue no yeah yeah so his name was adam we were very uh we were co-workers but he was like my buddy at work and uh one time we were both playing around with um like paranormal equipment right um we'd like i forget what the event was but it was like this
Starting point is 00:11:33 massive ghost tour that we were like leading and he usually wasn't part of the ghost stuff but they asked him to be additional help so i was explaining some of the ghost stuff to him and i was like he was like do you think this stuff works like he was very skeptical and I was like I don't know let's make a bet like whoever goes first will like test like what you and I always say like oh if one of us goes
Starting point is 00:11:52 we're like let's test it and then he actually did pass and I was like all right now's your time like let's see I'm like freaked out now I'm like is it like the light's gonna turn off none of them none of it ever none of the machines are off
Starting point is 00:12:04 are you here and I have a hunch he did it ever none of the machines are you here and i have a hunch he's he did it just just to win the argument you know oh he didn't believe in ghosts you know he was super skeptical so you're saying he was like yeah okay fine if it's real so he might just be sitting there like yeah i don't want to give you the satisfaction god yeah like i sat there with all the equipment i was like all right adam let's go and i never nothing ever went off and i was like you like we had just go and it never nothing ever went off and i was like you and like we had just had the conversation which is very ironic yeah but it's like okay well as
Starting point is 00:12:31 long as you win i guess doesn't like turn off the cameras or like make us record this over again i'm fine you can i hope like if you're gonna show up like what eight years later that would uh that's not classy no make it a solid 10 um okay so anyway this one this one's for adam i suppose yay so okay uh i wish i had a drink i need to pour one out pour one out for not on the floor of the studio that would be bad so uh this is the story of the night marchers which i think is called huaka elelpo. I think. Sure. Maybe he'll come back and correct your Hawaiian. That's when he'll show.
Starting point is 00:13:09 That's when he'll show. Okay. So according to a documentary called Haunted Hawaii, there's a quote saying, the Hawaiian culture believes that for everything visible, there is an invisible part and everything you do in the physical world is matched by a movement in an invisible realm. That's fucking cool. That's cool and creepy
Starting point is 00:13:25 uh when you come to the island you are not only embraced by the people and by the land but also by the disincarnate and there's no one that comes to the island that does not feel something hovering around them wow i love that pearl harbor once and there's certainly an air and energy i've never i've never been yeah you can just feel it i mean it's just like such a intense big story right um according to a website called to hawaii um they say hawaii is full of myths and legends and this state has a very deep connection with nature a hawaiian chant speaks of them as many as having as many as 4 000 gods wow wow i don't know if i hope that's true otherwise i just said something really false but to hawaii says it's true i like that that is the 4 000 guys i
Starting point is 00:14:13 hope that's true otherwise what i said was false it's just like i i know i'm speaking on something i don't know much about so hopefully uh just like trust your notes, I guess. It's like, I, I, I think we're good. Um, so there are beyond the night marchers. There are two spirits that haunt Hawaii. Um, there's more obviously, but there's two I'm going to talk about, um, that are not the night marchers. One of them is called Pele, uh, or Pele. And, uh, it's the goddess of fire and volcanoes. Apparently she's very respected.
Starting point is 00:14:44 She lives in one of the most active volcanoes in the world cool as she ought to as she deserves right yeah she's earned that right um apparently she lives in the summit of kilauea and uh on in a crater on the big island okay and uh many hawaiians have made journeys to that crater where they offer her prayers and gifts and apparently sometimes gin, like booze in general. She, again, deserves it. Yeah, of course. Like, if you're going to live in one of the most active volcanic craters, you should be having alcohol delivered to you. You should have some gin brought to your doorstep.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Well, in return, she will offer messages about the future and she is seen through the island as a beautiful woman with a white dog well that's nice precious wow wow i can see why people love lady i can see why people love her um she's sometimes seen on roads and drivers will offer her a lift but when but when she gets in your car apparently she will age into an old woman give you advice and then disappear well that's fun she's she's cryptic i like that i appreciate a little bit of a shape-shifting situation i don't want it's like yeah i want the chase a little bit she's like i don't want you to be distracted by my beauty so i'll add a few wrinkles i'll i'll say my piece and then i'll
Starting point is 00:15:59 leave you yeah so apparently the other spirit i was going to mention um beyond the night marchers are the choking ghosts cute which uh there's not too much on them i just wanted to like throw them in as they exist right apparently they attack you in your sleep good and they are the souls of hawaiians who died by illness brought from the europeans in the 1800s so color me shocked yeah kel surprise the europeans didn't do something right they were being foolish really hard to believe but yeah so anyway they like to apparently choke people now okay well they deserve to again at that rate um okay so then there's the night marchers i just wanted to bring those two up just because they were fun. Gotta. So, yes, so the Night Marchers. Apparently, if you, like, even look in their direction, by the way, they'll, like, kill you or something.
Starting point is 00:16:50 What? Wait, the Chokers or the Night Marchers? The Night Marchers. Oh, no. The ones I'm going to talk about. Oh, no. So, there is one person named Kamuela Kenashiro, who says that they are considered the deadliest ghosts in hawaii um so shout out to um i'm just gonna the last name is easier for me to pronounce kind of shiro
Starting point is 00:17:13 um so shout out to them they uh host legends from the pacific which was super useful for this episode and also they guested on the spirits what is it like a tv show or no no a person you said they host something oh a podcast legends from the pacific okay and then um they they guested on spirits what is it like a tv show or no no a person you said they host something oh a podcast legends from the pacific okay and then um they also guested on spirits podcast oh also a fan so he also worked with um hawaiian folklore and history specialists on specifically hawaiian paranormal activity and did some series on that one of the series was called chicken skin which is yeah goosebumps goose cams goose cam um so okay so here's like cool very very very quick hawaiian history i'm not we both know i can't just let me i'm not saying anything okay um okay so
Starting point is 00:18:03 this is just like a broad brushstroke so uh haw So Hawaii is a collection of volcanic islands in the Pacific. It was first settled as early as like 400 BC by Polynesians that traveled to the big island. Fun fact. Captain James Hook was the first European in Hawaii in 1778 and named the islands. Of course, a European named the fucking islands. Okay. Named the islands the Sandwich Islands. Cool. So if you're gonna name an island
Starting point is 00:18:32 I get it. We'll give it to you. When it's the Sandwich Islands. Although apparently the Sandwich Islands was named after his sponsor the Earl of Sandwich. Yes. Haven't heard of that fella. Who also did actually name the sandwich. The sandwich sandwich. I think the story is like he ate, he wanted something he could eat while also playing cards.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Right, he wanted to keep his hands. He wanted something, like a one-handed meal. Right. I gotta hand it to the Earl of Sandwich. Yeah. He's done me many favors. He's done us some good in this world. It's one European did one thing right.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh um so yeah so that's apparently named in the sandwich islands um and i just wanted to throw in the sandwich fact if i'm being totally honest so uh hawaii ran as a caste system where they were multiple there were multiple chiefs i think there were multiple chiefs per island. Okay. And these chiefs were called Alii. And Alii, I hope I'm saying that right. And among those chiefs, so among each island, there were different Alii. And above those were the ruling chief.
Starting point is 00:19:38 And they were called the, oh man, I lost my spot, Noho Alihi. So they were like the ultimate one running that island. Got it. So these chiefs weren't just the leaders. They were seen as having like incredible spiritual power. And they were often thought of as like representatives for gods or the representation of gods. And so each island, they had their own chiefs and then like the ruling chief uh and they all had their own rules i'm kind of confused about the this word about the definition
Starting point is 00:20:14 specifically but it's called kapu and it's the rules for things that you cannot do specifically like like the taboo like these are prohibited sure i think i think that's if i'm understanding it right what's that called verboten verboten is that german oh yeah i mean it's a word that a lot of americans use it's like i've never heard that word not a lot prohibited like not allowed like forbidden yes yeah oh look at me okay yeah okay so uh kapu uh according to um one source ancient hawaiian gods is the is the website um these were some of the i think general kapu per island unless you were a ruling chief or a noho ali'i you weren't allowed to wear red and yellow feathers okay uh you were not allowed to look directly at your ruling chief um like whether if he was
Starting point is 00:21:12 around you're not allowed to look at him um you were not allowed to have your head be higher than his you weren't allowed to come in contact uh with his hair or fingernails i'm gonna try my best on that one. Can I just, I'm just going to wonder aloud what happened. You know how you have some rules where you're like, who broke that? It's like, who did something where we had to throw that in? Where we had to make that a rule? Whose fault is this rule?
Starting point is 00:21:36 What did you do to his fingernails? What happened here? Men and women could not eat together. Some foods were illegal for women to eat, such as pork bananas, coconuts, because apparently they represented gods. No coconut? No bananas? No nanners?
Starting point is 00:21:51 And the shadow of your chiefs was not allowed to touch you. Oh, that would make a fun game, though. Not to make light of an actual historical situation. That's like a Peter Pan game. That does feel, yeah. I'm such an ass i'm sorry so uh when i first read these i was like wow that's kind of intense you can't even look at them but if their belief was that these are physical representations of gods it's like you're not worthy no you know um don't climb up that ladder and be taller you know right
Starting point is 00:22:21 exactly do you think you are and uh this is all linked to preserving their their power or their spiritual power called mana okay so it was very much like if you're looking at them not only like are you not worthy but also there's this belief that you might be trying to steal their mana in some way or challenge them or absorb some of their, their, their goodness. Um, and so they believed that the commoners, you and I wanted to steal their mana. So if you challenge them at all, or like did anything against Kapu, then you were trying to,
Starting point is 00:22:55 sure. If you're touching them or in their shadow, like maybe you're, yeah. Right. Yeah. Maybe if you're like, if you're trying to grab their fingernails,
Starting point is 00:23:01 you might snag a little piece of mana out of that. Please don't grab fingernails. It's so gross. gross grabbing specifically the fingernail i can feel it in my hand i don't love that i'm gonna state that rule in this very studio okay here's kapu for us to don't touch my fucking nails okay um so if you committed kapu um i hope i can you imagine if this whole time it's like capu or something and I'm a real asshole? I mean, yeah, I can because it's happened to us many a time.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I'm pretty sure it's kapu. You would be killed by lesser chiefs and warriors. Basically, the ruling chief would tell the other chiefs, okay, go kill that guy because he's trying to steal my power. That's so bummer. Such a bummer. And it was in order to get your the mana back to the original oh interesting because it was like if they took something from me like now i want it back that's
Starting point is 00:23:53 my understanding okay again this whole episode is me trying my best and i hope everyone sees that um but it's it sounds like in order to get their mana back you had to kill the person who tried to absorb it or take it from them in some way got it or maybe it was just like a you were being disrespectful and yeah yeah so um so when the ruling chief the noho ali would travel um he would move in a process and like in a procession with the other chiefs and warriors sometimes blowing a conch shell to alert people because they were aware that one of the rules was like their shadow can't touch you and so they kindly like they didn't want to kill you right they were aware like there is the accident of like our shadow might touch you so they would
Starting point is 00:24:43 walk in this in this group together and make themselves as like make everyone as aware as possible like get out of the fucking way like here we are coming in hot shadow is coming on the shadow is big and bad and you better get out of here so it's big and bad so that was basically what they were doing is just warning people like you gotta hide because also if you see us coming then that's also kapu, because you're looking at us. You can't look right at me. So, like, we'll blow conch shells, or, like, they would also, like, have, they'd have torches. Like, you could look at the torches.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Basically, like, step aside. Yeah. Yeah. GTFO. And look down. You have one hot second to move. Yeah. And so they would, you know, chant.
Starting point is 00:25:23 They'd have drumming they would have their conch shell they would have torches they did everything they could to at least warn you and then i guess the thought was like and if after all that you're like if you're still trying us then like we'll kill you yeah yeah yeah um if people heard or saw them you need to make yourself scarce um and hope they that they didn't see you seeing them or anything like that today it's believed that the spirits um continue their duties of upholding kapu and this is the night marchers who haunt hawaii so it's almost the spirits of the chiefs before us that are still doing their job their duty oh my gosh yes how cool um and so people say that they have seen bright red torches with lights and the they've
Starting point is 00:26:08 seen the lights in the front and the rear and then three in the middle of the group i guess five was is a significant number in hawaiian culture um and today it's believed that the spirits uh yeah they still continue their duties people sorry i already said that they'll see bright uh red torches they'll still hear drumming they'll still hear a conch shell they'll smell rot and decay which is apparently the stench of battle because some of them are warriors um and the night marches are said to look like hawaiian men and women or sometimes only men sometimes they have dogs with them um and the legend has been passed down through the generations that they're still doing their job in one way or another just to remind you they weren't used or they were used to protect high-ranking chiefs that was one of the reasons why they all walked
Starting point is 00:26:55 around together in a big posse um and they were so sacred that no mortal man or woman was allowed to look at them so their job isn't necessarily to terrorize people it was because they were protecting the ruling chief of the whole island and if you broke the rule then like they gave you fair warning right um so in 1883 the first written account of night marchers shows itself and i say written account because for a very long time hawaiian was just a spoken language i see okay so in the 18 the late 1880s was the first written account of it got it um and it was described as someone saw the spirit of king kamehameha um the great and apparently uh they saw him being followed by ghost soldiers um also there are there's more like picture evidence photo evidence from the 16th century and petroglyphs um at the puako petroglyphs uh archaeological park so it's not maybe not a
Starting point is 00:27:55 written account but you can still see images of cool these of the night marchers having been seen wow um they're still reported at night especially on the last four hawaiian moon phases before the moon goes completely dark um this certain moon phase apparently is called pokane pokana um it's basically it's the night that falls at the end of the lunar cycle oh okay and so the four nights the four moons leading up to that is when they're most often seen. They tend to appear mostly in sacred sites on the islands in a notable cultural spots where like big events have happened. They're sometimes said to be traveling from temple to temple or they could be en route to battle since some of them are warriors.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Sure. Or they have, they're guided to places of importance where they're like welcoming new warriors or, I mean, there's a lot of theories about what it is they're doing. The significance of the journey. Wow, that's really interesting. So apparently some people have said the Hawaiian gods are present in the little entourage. It's like, it's the ruling chief, the Noho Ali'i, and then the other lesser chiefs, warriors, and sometimes gods are also present. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And when they are, the torches are apparently much brighter. Whoa. Okay. So you, if you are someone who experiences this, you can expect hearing chancing, horn blowing, distant drums, bright torches, and sometimes even they're accompanied by lightning, thunder, heavy rain, high surf, really thick fog, even if none of that has to do with the current weather. Oh, goodness. Sometimes you just like all of a sudden there's a thick fog, but you can still see the torches and hear distant drumming.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Spooky. And apparently it's like, if you see that, you better run. Because like, even if they're dead, you're still about to break Kapu. Wow, this is freaky. Okay. So they are usually bands of tall, muscular warrior looking men dressed for battle either floating or leaving massive footprints in the ground whoa so either they're not walking or they're fucking walking you know you better know they're walking goodness um and they will even walk through barriers that are in their way so
Starting point is 00:30:02 if they're walking in like a march yeah they're if there's a tree or a house starbucks they're gonna walk right if there's a target nearby they don't it doesn't even phase them that's interesting i wonder if that's that same theory of like uh blueprint walking the blueprint of like i wonder back you know that was the route they took and right you're just gonna keep taking it i'd say yeah your starbucks can't get in the way as someone who doesn't know much about this i'd say yes okay um so uh let's see i was at the bottom here oh here's some there's probably my favorite part of it all so apparently again if you break kapu or if you do something that they wouldn't like they are at least when they were alive they would kill you right um but in death and as spirits they apparently still i don't know if they like legitimately kill people but i think people are still either out of respect or out of like
Starting point is 00:30:58 curiosity still fearful of them um i don't know enough about you you know, if there's been deaths since, but they apparently still recognize people, like, even though they are dead. If they come by you, they'll still recognize if someone breaks kapu. Oh, no. Because a lot of people have said that they have experienced these night marchers and found out that they actually still respect bloodlines. So if you're actually related even distantly to one of the original Nightmarchers and you hear them,
Starting point is 00:31:30 they will like, and they like know if you're related to them, they'll claim you and you don't get hurt. Oh, but they don't claim you and like take you with them. No, they like, you get a pass. They call out to the group, like that one's with me basically.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Whoa. So they say the na'u which apparently means mine so they'll shout na'u na'u and it means mine mine mine like don't like the like finding emo holy shit but uh so that way you're essentially like safe like oh no like that one's fine that just gave me like that they can tell yeah just from looking even if you're looking at them from far away or you just gave me, like, that they can tell just from looking at you. Yeah, even if you're looking at them from far away or you just hear them and, like, haven't looked and haven't, like, insulted them at all. They know.
Starting point is 00:32:11 They apparently still see you. So here's one account where, this is a quote, a woman who had come in contact with night marchers heard some spirits shout in Hawaiian, kill, but others called, wait, wait. Another person said, go ahead, kill, but others called wait wait another person said go ahead kill but then another spirit called stop no spirits and another spirit answered no and the spirit who had told the others not to kill her apparently was a relative of hers so it was like protecting her spooky um yeah listen to that guy please please. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I wonder what happens if you're a dumb European like me and you're not related. Let me tell you. Oh, God. If you aren't related to one of them. No. I feel like this is the Hawaiians absolutely fucking with us. But maybe this is legitimate. Or maybe they just want to see dumb white people do this. Maybe they want us to leave them alone.
Starting point is 00:33:03 What is it? You must strip off all your clothing oh god lay down on the ground close your eyes first of all pray that they don't find you um play dead and pee on yourself hold on so wait sorry so this is if you see them at all or is this like if they're like i don't going to kill you now so i don't know the answer but if i were in a situation where i heard distant drumming even if i were like a mile away from a band playing if i would be at a concert i would immediately be naked and peeing on myself just in case i'd
Starting point is 00:33:35 be doing it by accident because i'd be so fucking scared i don't want to i don't want to know so i would just do everything preventative early on i don't know at what point you say like, ah, now I pee. Like now I've looked at them for too long. I see a shadow. Now has the time. Oh, there is a torch. Time to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I'm not sure. But apparently if you pee on yourself, it's for two different reasons. I don't know which one is correct or if either are correct. The two common threads I saw was if you if you pee on yourself it's one to show that you're unclean and they shouldn't get near you oh or two it's because it's to show that you are so afraid of them and like it's a sign of respect right like i get it you're it's like you are above you are alpha sure here i'm just i'm just peeing on myself i'm just a little lowly lowly pee head i'm just a pee pee head god damn it um so i i think i have i also saw on websites
Starting point is 00:34:35 they were like so this is a rumor that you have to pee on yourself and like lie on the ground and all that but you know what a rumor is a rumor and a rumor is fact for me what i don't know what the truth is i'll just do it all so oh my goodness um unless like what if that's like a joke and like that's actually like really insulting that's what i'm saying that's what i was oh i thought you're saying what if it's insulting that we're saying oh this is what they say and it's not but oh that's that's a constant insulting that's a constant fear throughout this story. Sure. Um,
Starting point is 00:35:07 but it seems like, I mean, a lot of sites said you, it wasn't just like one dummy on the blog. It was like an actual source. Rumor has it. If you pee on yourself, they will steer clear.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Okay. Like, listen, um, I'll believe it. If you're, if you're Hawaiian, first of all,
Starting point is 00:35:23 I'm so sorry about all this. They've stopped already listening probably but also let me know if the p thing is real um i'm curious where are we so uh apparently these phantom processions they frequently appear on anniversaries i said places that are important like national or local events um some say it's the spirits of dead chiefs still traveling from village to village to even just attend festivals which is fun um and sometimes the marchers uh even escort a dying person's spirit to a point where they can go into the next world wow i like that that's cool where they're like protecting you until you get to the end of the line um night marchers move relatively slowly compared to another type of ghost called the
Starting point is 00:36:07 runners oh i don't like that one bit no no no no no um so the runners apparently again hawaiian was a spoken language for a long time so there was no writing letters to people so like if you had to get from one if you wanted to relay a message interesting there were people hired called runners where you would tell them a message and then like a really like extravagant game of telephone they would run from one island to the other and relay your message to someone from an island to another island yeah you mean like would they get in a boat they there were tunnels apparently what okay so that's just me being dumb they're. They're called lava tubes. Oh, okay. And they're paths under the islands. Okay, got it, got it, got it.
Starting point is 00:36:46 That sounds really cool. Yeah. Just run through the lava tube and get my message to the... Can you imagine? What a job. What a job. So runners would go through the lava tubes to pass messages verbally. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But apparently, sometimes you can see the spirits of these runners who will dart along the road and then disappear into the mountains wow but they're they're running the marchers are marching like there's a difference and the runners are probably not like you can't look at me uh-huh they're like look how fast i can run yeah they're like i'm actually pretty impressive yeah i need you to look at me so i'm known as like like employee of the month because i'm the fastest yeah i am fast and also don't pee yourself because i'm not really here for that yeah um so in apparently this was a weird fact but apparently if you're let's say the blueprint theory where like they walk in a specific line path right if your house if your front door or a door or a uh i think even a window like any sort of opening to your home is directly in line um apparently they will go through your house and so you have to get it
Starting point is 00:37:54 blessed or um i think there's some general worry of their like being like their energy has passed through your home so you make sure it's blessed or something right so to keep them out of your home and evil in general right apparently there's uh a plant called tea leaves but they're ti oh okay tie leaves tea leaves but they're plants that uh a lot of people put in their house and supposed to keep them away from entering your home um apparently it's known that hawaiian people will cultivate these plants and uh just to provide protection in general cool um in 2012 um the uh kenna shiro the guy i mentioned earlier earlier um i don't know it's a different person sorry i'm so stupid um i read a different k word and assumed
Starting point is 00:38:47 it was the same person that was so wildly ignorant so in 2012 uh kappa nui is the name of this person apparently this is a this is a case where night marchers were actually caught on footage um kappa nui uh they met with uh attorneys on a 23rd floor level and they said that the building security cameras actually caught night marchers wow so i haven't checked youtube but i would like to see that i want to know what that looks like i imagine it's like um like a lot of torches i that's what i'm thinking session yeah yeah yeah i'm imagining the torches are probably the easiest part to see session yeah yeah yeah i'm imagining the torches are probably the easiest part to see in it sure just because they're probably the brightest wow also another case or another sighting as a native uh cleaning lady was working when a column of
Starting point is 00:39:36 mist appeared and then she died the next day what i don't know what that means like maybe she wasn't supposed to look at the mist maybe maybe they're not related but that that story has been mentioned a few times no also a native hawaiian historian and storyteller named uh lopaka kapanui um i think that's the same guy you just mentioned right oh yes what is wrong with me i because this time put the first name on this one and not the last one i switched them by accent that's what i was like i do that because i read it and i was like doesn't this person have a first name or a last name okay i do that a lot don't worry it's on the other side of my page um so the same person i just mentioned who talked about the cleaning lady right um is a native hawaiian historian and storyteller um who has many stories about the the night marchers but this was my personal favorite
Starting point is 00:40:26 and this is a quote from them um one night people showed up late for a tour and i had no idea that it was actually the night of the night marchers there was no moon this is like the most yeah crucial night of it i had them stand in a line and told them to empty their minds and take long deep breaths when they finally felt calm i wanted to point to an area that they i wanted them to empty their minds and take long, deep breaths. When they finally felt calm, I wanted them to point to an area that they think the night marcher trail might appear. Several people pointed in different directions, but one six-year-old boy pointed right here, and he went straight to the space.
Starting point is 00:40:58 His parents took a picture of him, and when the picture came out, there were orbs right above his head, and about a foot behind him in the tall grass were the head and shoulders of Hawaiianaiian soldiers and feathered capes and feathered helmets some of them holding a spear all 40 of us individually one by one got to see this picture and when the last person saw it all of a sudden the picture deleted itself no and i said there goes our proof and the second i said that this wind came out of nowhere and the grass and trees uh out of but it bent the grass and the trees and it wasn't a cold one it was a very hot wind it left as soon as it started and it smelled of something that had just died and then we heard the sound of drums
Starting point is 00:41:35 holy crap um so holy smokes you got chicken skin. Got some chicken skin. Chicken cam. Chicken cam. Okay. So for one episode only. Yeah. This is a special episode. For Adam. For Adam. So here is Kanishiro, the person I thought I was, person from earlier who I thought I was talking about a second ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Apparently, he has a direct line to one of the hawaiian ali'i and has been has been known to say quote if you're hawaiian and you haven't experienced at least three unexplainable things in your life you're just not paying attention whoa so that is the hopefully a good version of the story of the nightmare that is so cool that's fascinating i had no idea isn't it super i had i got a lot of chicken skin from that one yeah that one really got me also if you are hawaiian and i mess it up at all i am very open to constructive criticism and i will correct myself in the next episode we'll do another corrections corner um wow that was good yes that was really good thank you i i thought it was super
Starting point is 00:42:42 spooky i knew of them but i didn't actually know i had no idea in my mind from when i heard about it like years ago i thought i didn't know they were ghosts i thought they were just like people who were like hired to like this was a current day thing like they were like lifeguards and they just like walk the shore at night or something i don't know maybe they are lifeguards maybe in a way in a way an afterlife guard wow wait a minute. An afterlife guard. Talk about Baywatch.
Starting point is 00:43:07 That would be a fun spinoff. Eva, please write that down and also trademark it because that's a good one. That's actually a good one. I don't know how much it costs to trademark something, but if it's like less than $50, I'd like to trademark it. But if it's more, like, let's not because I think tomorrow we might already forget about it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Okay. Well, I have this one that i am i'm excited for this one scared of i'm excited i you're quite a ringing endorsement on this one i'm frightened really and i was last do i know this story i don't know this is one it's the story of israel keys you do you know it i feel like i've heard you say it yeah and that's why i came up recently in like a face Patreon live stream because some people asked about it. And I said I was covering it soon. I think I only know it because you've said I want to cover this.
Starting point is 00:43:52 But I don't know anything about it. And I knew I'd be covering it, but I didn't want to, you know, give it away. But it's one that I get probably requested most or at least top five of like requests. Yeah. It's very commonly requested um and i didn't know it i like knew the name and i but that's it i knew nothing about it i just knew it was a creepy story wow okay well knuckle and buckle i mean maybe it's just me maybe there's certain just like triggers in here that like got me personally but i i find it very frightening um great and i listened to uh again a crime junkie
Starting point is 00:44:27 episode on this as well and also spooky um so this is the story of israel keys um takes place in anchorage alaska so we're doing a hawaiian episode oh my gosh fun okay um no it's not fun anymore so february 1st of 2012 a young man who lives in anchorage goes to pick up his girlfriend 18 year old samantha where she works at a coffee stand called common grounds it's like this it's like a stand with one employee who serves coffee in a parking lot it's a common thing you know it's always those places that have the best of anything exactly and i guess it's more common up there but it reminds me of like a mall kiosk do you know what i mean like it's just like one employee yeah so it's called common grounds there's
Starting point is 00:45:13 can i do a shout out to a restaurant out here in la of course you may i think it's in it's it's closer to the valley it's called bill's burgers which is funny because it's like bob's burgers oh but it's literally like this this old dude and his wife at basically their own little like kiosk stand and they make like the best burgers. Really? Okay. So that was my first thought. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I have a photo of Common Grounds here. That's precious. I know. It's like a little. Loving the color. It's a little teal. Really pops against the snow. So this is where things just get really unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So he goes to pick up his girlfriend, Samantha, who 18 years old she's working at common grounds and he gets there and she's not there and at first he thinks like the one employee isn't there the one employee that he's picking up is not there they must have shut down the whole company yeah uh and he's like that's weird maybe i missed the time i messed up the timing. I don't know. Maybe she got a ride with someone else. Then he gets a text from Samantha. And it says, hey, I'm spending a couple of days with friends. Let my dad know.
Starting point is 00:46:13 No, she's not. No, no, no. Certainly not. No, she's not. That's why you got to have code words. The owner of the coffee shop says we have CCTV. So they pulled the video. And you can watch it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And it is very frightening. She's in the stand. A customer approaches the window. She makes him a drink, hands him a cup, kind of turns around as if he, like, pointed at something. And when she turns back, she jumps like she's startled. She throws up her hands. So someone has a gun or something? Exactly exactly as if she's being held up um and then it's it's kind of a long series of events over several minutes but she she has her hands up she turns off the lights um but you can still see from like parking lot lights or outside lights um and then she lays on the ground then you see a man in a ski mask crawl through the
Starting point is 00:47:08 window crawl yeah okay into this tiny little thing right i was gonna say this thing looks like a concession stand yes exactly like a one person stand crawls through the window takes samantha and grabs her and pulls her out the window with him. They didn't just go out the door? I guess not. Maybe she would unlock the door. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Okay. But he crawls through like the window, grabs her, pulls her through and then leaves her down the street. So, of course, her brother and her dad watch this and they're like, oh, my God. um so of course her brother and her dad watch this and they're like oh my god uh and they don't know if this is like someone she knows or like someone she's gotten into a fight with or someone who has like stalking her or who knows what um but they look through social media they're trying to figure out like how this guy might have found out she was working there or what have you and they just keep hitting dead ends and there's nothing um and then two and a half weeks later this is the first update they get is two and a half weeks so that must have been just a nightmare period of time of like i would
Starting point is 00:48:13 have assumed the worst at that no clue right i'm like okay what else can you do i mean and part of you has to have hope i guess so it just must be so scary and frustrating so it's two and a half weeks later uh february 24th 2012 uh samantha's boyfriend gets another text from samantha's phone and it says connor park which is the name of a dog park in town sign under pick of albert ain't she purdy i hate it but i also don't understand so what i'm gathering is connor park there uh there's a sign under a picture of albert who i guess is like there's like a plaque or something to some guy named albert and then it says like look under the picture of albert at the dog park and then it says ain't she purdy is it her body they don't know what's gonna be there so they go
Starting point is 00:49:06 to the dog park and find a ziploc bag with a ransom note and a picture of samantha with that day's anchorage daily news uh so to prove she's alive and the ransom demands thirty thousand dollars so police recover the note they help coordinate the transfer of money um which samantha's father facilitates and raise raises from the community her family doesn't have thirty thousand dollars who does who's talking about yeah i just said i would trademark say for 50 and i'm already regretting it um but yeah so they they managed to raise thirty thousand dollars um and they gather the money alongside the fbi and their deal with the bank basically is like we'll put this in the bank and uh as soon as it's accessed we'll go after whoever it is so the problem is anytime the atm is accessed
Starting point is 00:49:59 they have to rush to that location like they don't know in advance and so by the time they get there he's gone so they're like chasing this guy like cat and mouse basically um and there are three times the guy accesses uh the atm with samantha's pin so he has her atm card and her pin number um and it's the correct one because he's withdrawing the daily limit of 500 each time wow so trying to figure out the next step they're like how do we anticipate where he's gonna be uh they're just kind of stuck and then on march 7th can't they like reach out to like banks like security cameras and be like what bank is he always going to so that's kind of what they did he went all over the place but he was always covering his face with a mask okay so they were oops so they were like just stuck a little bit so they were like they told the bank like if somebody comes into the bank of course you know like every person
Starting point is 00:50:56 who like withdraws five hundred dollars today are like oh i guess it's well they have the number yeah so it was like triggered every time he used her card. But he was so fast that by the time like they got to that bank or that ATM. And, you know, there are ATMs, too, that are like not at a super public place. So maybe he was finding them. I don't know. But he was able to evade them until March 7th. So they're now. So he's in Anchorage, right?
Starting point is 00:51:24 All of a sudden, the ATM transactions start happening in Arizona, then Lordsburg, New Mexico, then three days later on March 10th in Texas. Wow. So he's, they're traveling. Booking it. Right. So somehow got from Alaska to Texas. How do you?
Starting point is 00:51:43 Or Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. So he's like on a clear path to like yeah through the states um so they're watching all these like helplessly watching these the security footage when they notice that there seems to be a white Ford Focus in the background whenever he's there pulling in money so they're like okay that's his car this white ford focus that he's getting into so they put out an apb on this white ford focus being like well i mean i drive maybe i shouldn't say what car i drive but i drive a very similar very generic right car and so i think any white ford you know, that's a very generic thing.
Starting point is 00:52:25 They don't have high hopes. Let's put it that way. Also, my fear would be, like, even though you're trying to help, maybe you're hurting. Because, like, if you put something out that obvious, then won't he just change cars? Yeah, that's true, too. But I guess that was just an APB to the police. I don't think it was, like, a media thing. I'm sure if they got a hold of it, you're right.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It would have probably given him a tip off. Right. And then it's like, okay, now we're looking for everything was like a media thing. I'm sure if they got a hold of it, you're right. It would have probably given him a tip off. Right. And then it's like, okay, now we're looking for everything but a white Ford. Like a black Toyota. Right. It's just exactly everything but a white Ford. So they put out an APB. And luckily, a Texas Highway Patrol corporal named Brian Henry alongside a Texas Ranger named Stephen Rayburn are on duty when they spot a white Ford Focus.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And they don't have a reason to pull this car over. So they're like, let's just follow and see if he does anything. And he's driving three miles over the speed limit, three miles per hour over the speed limit. So they pull him over because technically he's speeding. And they ask for license and registration. He hands them the ID and it says Alaska. And they're like, holy shit, this is literally our guy wow gives me the shivers the name on the id is israel keys
Starting point is 00:53:34 so they have the guy uh he has they search his car he has samantha's debit card and cell phone, but Samantha is not in the car with him. Samantha's dad is a genius. She has to be. You don't have to say anything yet, but I have a hunch. Can I just end the story then? Can we be done? Oh, my God. And that's why.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Certainly why I drank this evening. No, Samantha. So from Lufkin, Texas, which is where he was apprehended keys was extra extradited back to alaska for a hearing and that took place in may of 2012 part way through it keys broke free from his steel leg shackles jumped over the railing in the first row seats and was tackled and had they had to use a taser to subdue him. Oh my gosh. Like he's. On the plane? No, no, no. At the, no, at the hearing.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Oh, sorry. On the plane. Oh God. Well, I just thought like, I assume they flew him there, right? Yeah, he was. I assume so. My thought immediately was like,
Starting point is 00:54:38 imagine being on that fucking train. Traveling from Texas to Alaska with this fucking guy, right? Who broke free from steel shackles. Well, that's what he did when they were at the trial. And I had, it was a plane.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Oh, on the plane. Right. Yes. Um, so he jumps over the railing into the gallery area. He's tackled by deputies. They use a taser to subdue him.
Starting point is 00:54:59 And he later commented, come on, let's face it. I'm a bad guy who tried to escape, but nobody really thought I was a good guy before that. So he tried. But if you see a picture of him, he doesn't look like a scary dude. And I know that sounds like a dumb thing to say, but it's even scarier because it's just a normal, friendly looking guy.
Starting point is 00:55:18 It's scary because like if he was a, quote, scary looking dude. Exactly. he was a quote scary looking dude exactly like at least you feel less guilty or stupid for not knowing noticing like yeah or someone who looks like super straight laced and normal it's like it's more it's more creepy because it's like wow any like i was totally taken off he could have just fooled anyone yeah and like the way on crime junkie they described it i think Britt said he's like any other guy you'd see at a barbecue, which is what you said about me, by the way, the other day. I just realized when you were describing my look. Look, I have obviously changed its sense.
Starting point is 00:55:55 You have really. To comfy chic. You've gone in loop-de-loops all over. I've gone on quite a roller coaster trying to figure out exactly what I meant. And now I'm standing firm. So basically that's, he, like, we'll have a photo in the video um i don't have one for you right now and i'm sorry but picture just a just a you know white dude and he just he looks white dude a serial killer there's a white dude that's impossible i probably descended from europeans okay just kidding but yes i understand what you're saying uh gosh yeah so
Starting point is 00:56:26 he looks very just like a normal dude you'd pass down the street you know like when you look at a picture of a serial killer who looks really ferocious or whatever you're like god you can see in his eyes you've got the eyes yeah he's like has bad intentions yeah he just looks pretty fucking normal and i agree it is super weird it makes it creepier worse i'm just like it is really it could be anyone so he later said no one in my life really knows me no one would ever suspect me i can be both people a killer and a normal neighbor and family man and it turns out he literally was so he had a girlfriend and a daughter who had no idea about this where do they think he was this whole time well i'll tell you so when he was in texas on the lam he had even been at his sister's wedding
Starting point is 00:57:09 that's literally why he was in texas he went to his sister's wedding nobody fucking knew what he was doing can you imagine being like next time i'm at a wedding i'm gonna like scan the crowd and be like who here looks like they're sweating bullets about something everyone because it's a bunch of people at a dance floor but i think it's because of our podcast so it's an abnormal amount compared to others but for us probably on a daily basis i think like it's gonna sound really toxic but like in my head i'm like i can't imagine being a serial killer and having like being worried all the time that i'm gonna get caught i think it i think some people just don't worry every day i think that i'm like but you and i that i think it's because of our podcast
Starting point is 00:57:52 hope so but you and i aren't serial killers and therefore you and i couldn't do it because there are people like this who are sociopaths and they don't care they don't think they're gonna get caught there i mean i guess there's people who just definitely just don't care and i'm way too emotional about that stuff yes you and i couldn't be serious we don't we don't have the ability to just be like step back from it you know i do think all the time i'm like oh thank god i'm not a serial killer like i couldn't handle that pressure oh my gosh i always think the opposite of thank god i'm not a serial killer's victim okay well that goes without saying but i think about the the the about the paranoia I myself would have. But that's why we'd be caught immediately if we did something.
Starting point is 00:58:31 I would just turn myself in. We would be too stressed and guilty. I would just be like, I'm so sorry. I mean, serious. Like, yeah. Yeah. So I don't think people like this have the same emotional capacity or threshold threshold that we do perhaps do you know what i mean yeah no i know so in any case he literally has this completely separate life and nobody
Starting point is 00:58:52 fucking knows um he he was at his sister's wedding and during the ceremony was ranting about how he didn't believe in god so maybe he would be easier to spot if you were at a wedding oh the one interrupting the ceremony i'm not gonna call it a red flag but it's certainly an orange one it's it's uh it's not a pretty one it's peach it's a little it's getting a little rose in there um so it turned okay so i'm just gonna give you background on this motherfucker so israel keys was born in cove utah on january 7th 1978 to heidi and john keys who were a mormon family they moved to colville washington when he was between three and five
Starting point is 00:59:31 where they converted from mormonism to fundamental christianity which israel would later describe as a more militant militia sort of church uh he was second of 10 children and along with his siblings whose names included autumn rose charity hosanna andanna, and Sunshine, which I'm like, this is going to be an interesting household. Sunshine. Hosanna, that one got me. Hosanna is one of the Plaths. Charity is one of the Greenleafs. Yeah, I figured maybe we'd be hitting.
Starting point is 00:59:58 You said fundamentalist, Christian, and I went, here we go. You get it. You get it. So he lived in a one-room cabin. Again, he's second of 10 children. Lived in a one-room cabin with no electricity or running water. As they were homeschooled, there's not really much record of them, of the family growing up. But multiple stories attest to him having a normal upbringing, which I'm like, normal?
Starting point is 01:00:21 Under whose standards? Gods. Under the one true god okay sure hosanna in the highest uh the sunshine i literally get a song my ex-boyfriend's name was sunshine what my ex-boyfriend's name was such i had to say it i was gonna blurt it out this is why i can't be a serial killer yes you had a boyfriend named sunshine well it was like his nickname but yeah that's what we called him that's what everyone called him is it the boyfriend i'm thinking of i don't know who you're thinking of the main one the main x you have oh no who the fuck was sunshine who's my
Starting point is 01:00:52 high school boyfriend okay we're still learning about each other we're still i don't know why i never like tell people that sassy and sunshine that's a fun fact fun fact. Kind of thing. Okay. Yeah. I made. Why sunshine? Because he was happy? I literally don't know. Actually. Now that I think about it, I'm like, that was just his name. Sunshine.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Okay. Well, great. I don't know what else to say. I wonder if Ryan listens to this. That was his like real name. Ryan sunshine. I wonder if he listens to this. Probably not.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Doesn't anymore. He doesn't anymore. He doesn't anymore. He's like, oh, and now I've been targeted. He's like, why are you calling me out specifically? Don't blame me. My name's Sundrod. I do feel bad. Anyway, hi, Sundrod.
Starting point is 01:01:36 It didn't go well. I mean, it went well, and then it didn't end well. I guess no Xs end well. Okay, let's just change the subject. I'm sorry. Sorry, Sunshine. Sorry. i'm so sorry okay sorry rainy cloud over here had something to say um we'll talk about it later okay so the uh at the time keys became friends and neighbors with uh someone named chevy kehoe chevy spelled ie though chevy chevy chevy kehoe who later became a white supremacist and currently it's not funny but it's just it's just like hey could it get worse oh wait it's not funny we within 60 seconds went
Starting point is 01:02:21 from sunshine to white supremacy no i can't oh my god i can't even make this shit up it's it's so bad okay so shivai who's shivai shivai kiho later became a white supremacist and is currently serving three life sentences for the kidnapping torture and murder of a gun dealer named william muller as well as his family wow yeah went from sunny to not so to like really fucking dark uh keys attended something called the ark and christian israel covenant church uh and if you think about his name was israel so he's like israel hosanna like this is just right it makes sense that they were very you know strict fundamentalist yeah so they taught uh christian Christian identity as like their belief system, which I guess is this like really anti-Semitic, racist, white supremacist interpretation of religion, which believes that all or not even religion, just like humanity, which believes that all non-white people will either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve the white race and the new heavenly kingdom on earth under the reign of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Hosanna in the highest. If God says so. Oh my God. If the weird old white man who probably runs this church says so. That's the worst. And who was the person who said this? This was Israel? Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:36 This was just what their belief system was. This was his upbringing. Christ. Like that's the church he attended. And then they're like, if that's God, I don't want to know him. ABC News says he had a normal upbringing.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And I'm like, you're damn right. If that's god abc news says he had a normal upbringing and i'm like you're damn right that's normal yikes i mean no wonder we're all screwed i guess oh my god i can't believe it yeah it's just i can't believe it i just don't want to believe it you know you said i can't believe it with like no conviction whatsoever i can't believe it this is so shocking kill fucking surprise wow okay what's next christine oh god are you sure you want to know uh as a teenager keys renounced his christianity um because he instead became interested in atheistic satanism oh he really ends up a specter did a 180 yeah uh instead of worshiping the devil as a real figure in atheistic satanism which i feel like we mentioned sometimes is like it's not like oh i'm drawing pentagrams on the ground i'm like kind of down with the satan yeah i mean it's i've i've seen some of like their commandments or whatever i'm like i think i'm a satanist yeah
Starting point is 01:04:32 i mean it's like respect people and be nice basically like anti-establishment anti-corporate i mean typically as far as what i've read yeah it's got it's got a a bad rep in the public from the 80s yeah from our from our parents not knowing what they were talking about yes uh so basically instead of worshiping the devil as a real figure in atheistic satanism the image of satan is embraced because of its association with social non-conformity and rebellion against the dominant system um anton sandor lave the creator of the atheistic satanism religious movement stated that the reason it's called satanism is because it's fun it's accurate and it's productive productive productive
Starting point is 01:05:11 for what i don't know but perhaps um alongside like this satanism thing he developed and chilling with uh future serial white supremacist hero killers teenager, Keyes was known for shooting at houses with BB guns, breaking into homes, starting fires in the woods, stealing firearms, and he later admitted to killing cats. Okay, well. None of this is normal upbringing.
Starting point is 01:05:34 If it is, that's not good. No. That's my hot take, by the way. The hottest take of them all. Okay. So this is just where things, I mean, this man's bananas we're in the the trash in the ground already and it's just getting worse so then he served in the u.s military interestingly excellent after all
Starting point is 01:05:57 this anti-establishment stuff he joined the military uh from ages 20 to 23 well a man with these beliefs with a little bit of authority now. I can't wait to see where this goes. Yeah, right, exactly. He worked as a specialist where he was known to be quiet and often kept to himself. He drank on weekends.
Starting point is 01:06:15 He drank his favorite drink, which is wild turkey bourbon. Shout out, Kentucky. He drank excessively. In his final year in the military, which was 2000 to 2001, he was stationed in Egypt for six months. According to the anchorage daily news he and some other soldiers would often frequent tel aviv which was about 700 kilometers away in his namesake country israel so i think
Starting point is 01:06:36 that's you know why not to pay for sex workers um which nothing inherently wrong with that um no i just don't like anything one um no i just don't like anything one bit no i just don't like him like no i feel bad like sex workers please leave him alone please don't go near him he seems but again like he looks really normal right chill and handsome and if he's you know whatever i don't know if he's handsome i only like looked at a photo once and then i freaked myself out last night so i'm gonna show that in the we'll show that on the youtube or you can google it um another one of his favorite pastimes was uh listening to his favorite band do you want to guess what his favorite fucking band was the killers no but they're great i think that's a little too mainstream um the stranglers from the last
Starting point is 01:07:20 episode oh my god um his favorite band was insane clown posse okay well that should have been in my my i think you should have guessed it that should have been that's sassy's favorite for sure yeah uh-huh um no so in case you don't know what icp is uh i actually dude that's fucked up my friend nicole's podcast did like a really good episode it was like their second episode it was really early um but they remember you talking about such a good episode on it to the point where I was like I had no idea about how like insane big insane um this posse is like I had no idea how like their cult how deep their culture like you know is goes I don't know too much but I know Fago what they drink Fago oh okay soda yeah that's like a
Starting point is 01:08:07 big thing yeah yeah i didn't i don't think their association with fake i don't know i didn't know the connection i didn't know that they were associated with fago it's like a huge thing yeah oh okay so they're an american hip-hop duo if you don't know what i'm talking about composed of violent jay and shaggy too dope um he called myself he no it isn't um he had a picture of them on his wall here i'll show you the photo i'm okay so you want to like have some inspiration of icp yeah here they are i love their look cute um so you know just quite a store quite a quite a culture they have we're not getting into it but but the people who didn't make it out of loves and laughs you know they didn't graduate they didn't graduate from loves and laughs they were the ones who got detention all the time
Starting point is 01:08:52 yeah uh they perform a style of hardcore hip-hop known as horror core with supernatural and horror themed lyrics um and their their their fans or their listeners are called juggalos the juggalos so uh the duo also found the independent founded the independent record label Psychopathic Records. So now we're all combining all of this into a nice little stew. With a pretty little bow on it. With a big bow on it, yeah. And this is what Israel is, who he is, what he is. So after he's back from the army, or I I guess while he's after he's back from Egypt, he's still in the army station at Washington's Fort Lewis base.
Starting point is 01:09:30 He begins a relationship with a woman who was a member of the Maka Indian tribe who later gave birth to their daughter. And they remain anonymous for the best in most publications. the best in this most publications um after he was honorably discharged from the army in 2001 the three of them moved to the maca reservation in nia bay washington um where keys worked for the tribal authority and there's not much known about their relationship at this point or like what was going on with him all we do know is that he later admitted to investigators that it was no surprise he was going to commit his first murder soon after moving to Neah Bay because Neah Bay is a boring town. So around 2005, Keyes was convicted of driving under the influence and other traffic related charges. But that was like the first brush with the law, I guess.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Sure. In March of 2007, when he was 29 years old, he and his daughter left her mother after the parents' relationship broke down. And that's when he moved to Anchorage and moved in with a different woman, like his new girlfriend, with his daughter from the previous marriage. In Anchorage, Keyes started a construction business called Keyes Construction, working as a handyman, contractor, and general laborer. And then, now we're skipping skipping forward this is how he established his life in anchorage now we know what happened at common grounds and then he drove to texas and now he's back and they're like what the fuck is going on so that's his background how he got to anchorage like record scratch you're probably wondering how i got here it's like we're playing
Starting point is 01:11:01 the insane clown posse on the victriola stupid show this is a fucking stupid show okay um wow i just can't stop thinking about whether sunshine listens to this okay i'm like so embarrassed. Okay. Not about him, but like to him. Like, I'm sorry. We've really covered a lot of territory while covering nothing at all. Oh my God. It's so bad. The Red Surfer in Sunshine. The Red Surfer.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Stop. Oh no. I'd rather be a burrito with no pants on. Me too. I'm so jealous. So now he's in custody it back in alaska and police are like they demand to know about samantha and what happened and he tells them don't expect her to come home it turns out she's been dead almost the entire time he's had her. So he tells them what happened. In February of 2012, he decides he's going to kill someone.
Starting point is 01:12:10 That's it. And this is what adds to the scariness. He had no connection to Samantha. He just saw that Common Grounds was the, he said, I think a coffee shop's a good place to kidnap somebody. The fuck? Yeah. And then saw that it was open the latest.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Oh my God. So he just went there that's the strangers shit right there that's the fucking movie where they just go to like well because like right before the final the final scene when like spoiler alert spoiler everyone fucking dies but oh no but right beforehand the girl is about to get killed goes why us like why did you knock on our door why are you why us and they were like because you were home that's exactly it he basically is like he had no preference it wasn't like he found her you know attractive or he wanted it just he just was like why not which i think is why this story becomes just so fucking unsettling it's like the strangers where it's like just wrong place wrong time yeah you had no way of avoiding it like there was just no way to know what what he would do next so uh he kidnapped sam as seen in cctv but you can't really see what he's doing apparently he put her in zip ties um then he took her back to his so he pulled her out of the window apparently
Starting point is 01:13:22 she escaped while he was walking her to his van and ran for a while screaming for help. And he grabbed her again and nobody heard her. So that is also really upsetting. And then he took her back to his shed where his girlfriend and daughter were literally asleep in the house behind the shed. Oh, my God. And it's like a really cute little blue house. Like, again, unsuspecting uh like that's the house oh my gosh just like a cute little blue house and he just puts her in this little shed
Starting point is 01:13:51 and which again like i know i said this earlier about like you know um like he was at that wedding in texas and it's just like now i wonder like every time i go to a wedding i'm like who here like is feeling the most paranoia about something that they're not talking about yes it makes me want to like when I drive through neighborhoods I'm like which house has a kidnapped person in it oh I think that a lot too like I'm just like well I think about it a lot and like when I'm walking down the street I'm like who am I walking by that like thought for a second that they should probably kill me like like who who has like some homicidal tendencies that I've walked past and, like, I got away? Probably more than we'd like to know.
Starting point is 01:14:29 If the answer is one or more, I'm scared for the rest of my life. Greater than or equal to one. It's probably at least one. Sure, right? Maybe that's, like, maybe that's my ego talking. Like, someone must have wanted to. But, like, you know, like. But there's all these stories of, like, in Cleveland where the women were held for 10 years in this guy's basement.
Starting point is 01:14:47 And it's like the neighbors were horrified because they were like, we had no fucking idea. Like, you know what I mean? It's really scary. So he puts her in the shed. And also it's like Alaska in February. So it's not like there's heating in this little shed. So he just ties her up in there. Then he told her, listen, I just want ransom money.
Starting point is 01:15:09 If you cooperate, I won't hurt you. That was a lie. He had no intention of keeping her alive. So when he realized that Samantha didn't have her phone on her and he wanted to send ransom text messages, he's like, where's your phone? She says it's at the coffee shop. So he literally leaves her there, goes back to the coffee shop, breaks in and gets her phone and then comes back. And then he's like, well, where's your debit card so I can get the money? And she says it's in my boyfriend's truck.
Starting point is 01:15:40 So this motherfucker goes to her boyfriend's house and breaks into his truck and gets her debit card wow and the boyfriend saw him it's really this is rough too because the boyfriend saw him breaking into the truck and like tried to chase him down but he got away and like you just wonder like what if he had caught him or what if he had run and gotten him on time or right oh my gosh so he gets the that's probably added guilt on the boyfriend too of like wow if only i ran a little faster he turned behind to like call for help and then by the time he got back outside like he was gone and it's just like it just makes me feel really awful for that for him it just sounds wow like added pressure and guilt um so while he was out like running around grabbing
Starting point is 01:16:31 all her belongings he had her tied up in a shed and playing the radio at high volume so no one could hear her which is also just fucking scary um he so he comes back now the following day february 2nd 2012 she's in there overnight um he rapes her and then kills her after he pours himself a large glass of wine and just is like now i'm going to kill you can i ask how um does it matter i don't actually know if we know how i hope it was swift yeah i don't know it wasn't a torture thing i'll tell you it was already torture yes but he yeah yeah um it's fine we'll learn more about his methods so maybe that'll give a clue jesus okay so after he killed her he went back into the house and he and his family packed for a cruise that they were going on fuck off okay so he like already did a he was on his way to a wedding after the cruise right exactly so he just had so many vacations planned he's a very
Starting point is 01:17:34 popular guy so he left her in the shed they traveled i'm not gonna go on a cruise and be like who here feels paranoid literally don't go on a cruise that's my first tip do you know what happens on cruises the toilets break and everything goes awry and that's it that's the only problem it's a big problem and then everyone has poop in the halls okay so he and his family pack for this cruise then they go to new orleans and they're on a two-week cruise in the gulf of mexico and she's just in the fucking shed like dead wow yeah so crew there's a thing called the Cruise Law News. Don't even get me started. The Cruise Law News, and they made a statement that said,
Starting point is 01:18:10 I suppose that the only point to be learned is that when you cruise, you never know who you're cruising with. A few thousand people did, in fact, sail out of New Orleans with a serial killer with fresh blood on his hands. If you cruise, will a serial killer be aboard? Seems unlikely to me okay that's like literally what happened yuck cruise law news also a question did he so to be a serial killer don't you have to have killed many people mm-hmm uh i i see okay okay this was
Starting point is 01:18:40 the outlet into his life also so he kill so killed her, and then they went on the cruise and just left her body in the shed. Was he not worried about when they got back, like the smell or cleaning it up before his girlfriend found out? Also, February in Alaska, so her body just- So she was preserved. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Got it. And I guess, my guess is that the girlfriend just didn't go in the shed because it never seemed to be a concern. If we had a shed, I'd never go in there so yeah okay yeah fair so you don't have to explain that what i mean in february and going into a small shed i don't know unless you had something to get out of there so it wasn't until he got back to anchorage that he put together the ransom note in the picture that's why two weeks later the boyfriend got a text yeah because he was on a fucking cruise but remember when the photo had her with the newspaper it was her dead body
Starting point is 01:19:32 he took a picture of her dead body took a needle and fishing line and sewed her eyes open good night to make it look like she was alive but she had been dead for two weeks in that photo is this not like the most fucking horrific thing you've ever heard it really troubled me last night and every other night that i've thought about it um i feel like if i had that picture if someone sent me a picture, I feel like I, this is not trying to like victim blame at all. I would have noticed something was off about my girlfriend's body if her eyes were so open. Well, also she's literally kidnapped.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Right. Her, you're right. She doesn't look stoked. No. And like, if you see the photo, it's just like a, you know. So weird. I feel like. I've seen the photo by the way. And it's just like a you know so weird i feel like i've seen the photo by the way and it's horrifying
Starting point is 01:20:26 i was gonna say the thing that i'm that's happening in my head is like i'm shocked that it didn't look more unnatural or like that it doesn't matter sorry keep going i mean this is all blowing my mind yeah well done on this story it's uh i'll show you the photo later if you want to see it it's one of those things where if you see it you're like oh my god she looks so scared and then later you're like no she's dead uh-huh like you just don't even know you wouldn't think of it i don't think anyone would think oh maybe her eyes are sewn open this also makes me think like he's just a terrible play like he clearly isn't like uh um he didn't plan any of this he's just like actually like one of the most
Starting point is 01:21:03 carefully planned really like because right now it sounds like he's just like actually like one of the most carefully planned really like because right now it sounds like he's really just kind of putzing around well and this is why this one for whatever reason was his undoing because he didn't do a good job you know what's wild is if he hadn't if there weren't security cameras there he might have gotten away with all of it right yeah well no because he was texting them remember oh right right i think that was and the card thing sorry yeah no no but you're right i mean because that's such a big clue to like be on video but yeah i guess the thing that got him screwed was that he texted them and was like right he probably would never have gotten caught if he hadn't texted them for money
Starting point is 01:21:38 if he didn't try so hard yeah yeah um okay i mean i've been like nauseous all day so he took a needle and fishing line sewed her eyes open and then can you imagine being the dad of the parents and the boyfriend and being like well also like now looking at the picture again after having it this whole time and now realizing a new thing about it and it's that she's dead. Yeah. It's really... Revolting. Revolting, exactly. So, ugh, it makes me sick. He then dismembered her body, drove to Madineska Lake, I think that's how you say it, where he built an ice fishing shelter around himself,
Starting point is 01:22:15 which is a thing I guess people do to keep warm. So he built an ice fishing shelter for himself so that he could dispose of the body, the pieces of the body, in the lake and no one noticed um they found her body there when he told them where it was uh and they were able to bring her to her family to lay her to rest um so police are unsettled as fuck basically at this point and they're like this can't be his first murder this can't be like the way he's acting he's cool calm and collected yeah like it's not the first time and he's like yeah you're right
Starting point is 01:22:54 but i'm not going to tell you anything until you promise me that you will have me uh executed within the year what he's like i don't want to live in jail for the rest of my life oh i know boo fucking who oh you don't oh i guess we'll give you what you want asshole i make sure you stayed in jail alive me too and well so he yeah so he's like i want to be executed before i get end up caged in jail for the rest of my life um poor baby he said i don't want my story to be sensationalized and apparently he didn't want his daughter to hear about the details of his crimes even though he seemed to have no remorse so it was a little weird it was like he was very concerned that his daughter didn't hear all this but also what the fuck like then don't do it like what did you think was gonna happen what do you
Starting point is 01:23:37 think was gonna happen all she'll do is google you one day yeah yeah well he didn't want any of it to get out in the media he was like i don't want okay this publicized right so uh it takes several hours of interviews uh you can see all the interviews online uh eventually he starts to hint at the additional crimes so they're starting to gather information it's super creepy he tells police you will only know if i killed people if i tell you i killed them all of my victims are just missing persons and you would never think to connect me to them. Wow. I'd like have goose cam because it, I mean, it's literally true. So it turns out that the murder of Samantha was the first and only time he ever killed
Starting point is 01:24:17 in a town that he lived in, but he was also a prolific serial killer. So the FBI spent six months trying to piece together his past. And it turns out he spent much of his adult life traveling and was like a scary meticulous planner. So he would take trips just to prepare for future murders. He would fly somewhere, rent a car, then drive to a random town.
Starting point is 01:24:41 And then he would bury what he called a kill kit. It was like a bucket with weapon cash restraints drano to hide evidence and he would leave it there sometimes for years before he just decided this is the month i'm going to go and use my kill kit in some random fucking town in america wow so he the victims were always victims of opportunity. No planning of the victims. Just like I want to do a murder in Vermont today. So it's just so scary. It's he said he had buried kill kits in Texas, Wyoming, Alaska, Washington, New York and Vermont, sometimes in the woods. Sometimes you would go to find a house that he thought he could break into. Like maybe it had an attached garage or something.
Starting point is 01:25:27 And he thought he could break into it easily. He also sexually assaulted his victims and it didn't matter if they were men, women, how old they were. It just was part of his MO. It didn't matter if they were alive. Didn't matter if they were dead. But that was the one thing he refused to talk about.
Starting point is 01:25:43 He was so uncomfortable when that came up and he said i don't want that leaked i don't want my daughter hearing this i don't want the public hearing this like that was the thing that he was embarrassed about or like you know that was too far i guess you don't really get the right to be embarrassed exactly more exactly and what now you're fucking have the gall to try and protect your daughter yeah after you did this to someone else's daughter and countless other people so he said i want my kid to have a chance to grow up you know she's in a safe place now she's not going to see any of this i want her to have a chance to grow up and not have all this hanging over her head which is weird because then it seems like he has an element
Starting point is 01:26:17 of like understanding and remorse or not even remorse but like an understanding of what he did when it's like someone who does something that terrible has children it's like how can you not imagine like what how you'd feel if that happened to them yeah exactly which like that shouldn't have to be how you see it to understand something exactly you would think that at least be a last-ditch effort of like hey someone you love this happens well he later said he never the only he would never hurt children or dogs those are like off limits. But cats are fucking fine. Cats are fine.
Starting point is 01:26:49 And also all human beings that are not children sized. And also Samantha, who's 18 years old is fine, I guess. But my daughter, I don't want her to know. So in any case, he literally says the problem is that nowadays, the more stuff my name is attached to, the more somebody is going to, you know how it is, this true crime bull that people are obsessed with fucking piece of i feel attached shit yeah me too and i'm like but the reason that we're interested in this shit is because i need to know that these fucking i don't need to know but i want to know that these people exist yeah and hey i'm gonna lock my door tonight and probably not sleep for a long time um anyway authorities are like fucking fine just tell us about your crimes and we'll talk we'll we'll see if we can like keep this out of
Starting point is 01:27:30 the papers um and that's when he decides to tell them about the murders of lorraine and bill courier so june 2nd 2011 which is eight months before he murdered samantha he flew to chicago where he rented a car drove a thousand miles to vermont uh where he ran so he flew from he literally drove from chicago to vermont a thousand miles very far very far trip where he randomly uh selected two victims bill and lorraine uh courier the only reason he picked them is because their house had um an attached garage and he thought that would be easy to break into which i guess it was so if you have one of those just lock the door get an alarm system um on the night of june 8 2011 he broke into the courier's house via the window in the garage um once inside he cut the phone lines burst into their bedroom um encouraged
Starting point is 01:28:20 them to put on slippers rather than walk on broken glass because he wanted to protect their feet uh until he damaged them however he wanted correct he then led them to the car where he tied them up then drove them to an abandoned house don't ever go to a second location um and how did he find this farmhouse uh we don't know according to a new york post article um it was around 4 a.m quiet and dark the road and sky horizonless when Keyes pulled up to an abandoned farmhouse off Route 15. That had been the reason for his drive earlier that day to look at houses just for this moment. He had prepared like in a way in advance which cat which fucking abandoned farmhouse he was taking them to. So he took them to this farmhouse, shot sexually assaulted lorraine strangled her and then
Starting point is 01:29:08 in the middle of the murder by the way he went out to smoke a cigar in the backyard and but with the other one he had a glass of wine yes true he likes having an intermission apparently yes and also like boohoo this must be so stressful on you have a glass of wine um so to this day the bodies of bill and and Lorraine have never been found, although Keyes has said he put them in trash bags and covered them in Drano. He later noted that when he was in Vermont on the trip to kill the couriers, he had gone fishing and he bought a legal fishing license. He didn't want to break the law, you know.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Well, thank God. It's just beyond me. An upstanding citizen. Yes, a pillar pillar one might say pillared killer police interviewed keys for dozens of hours um to try and get more information on samantha's murder and the courier's murder um and they really quickly realized these were not the only crimes he had committed um the tone is so bizarre the police are like trying to make him more comfortable to talk but it looks like buddy buddy so it just adds to the creepiness they're like bringing him snacks and stuff um it turns out between 96 and 98 when he was around 18 to 20 he confessed to sexually assaulting a
Starting point is 01:30:14 teenager in oregon who was around 14 um he said he had intended to kill her and perform a satanic ritual on her but he let her go instead okay he reflected on the incident in the interview saying it's because he wasn't violent enough enough right enough yeah uh he then confessed that once he had left the military he began robbing banks for 11 years um to fund his murder spree because it's expensive to rent a car and drive to vermont right an fbi report said that keys robbed multiple banks spanning from new york to texas burglarized 20 to 30 homes across the united states during this time oh my gosh but most horrific at all keys hinted that he had killed far more people than the three the police knew about uh head investigator godin remembers he told us about
Starting point is 01:31:01 a couple in washington state another victim in that area and possibly others in surrounding states he told investigators that at least some of the disappearances resulted in news stories so it's in the media that these people are disappeared but he's like you would have no idea it was me however because he often looked for victims in campgrounds remote trails and boating areas a lot of the cases were not flagged as suspicious and were just thought to be accidental they went missing or succumb to the elements that's so he's like i went to campgrounds and picked them jesus i mean it's really horrifying that's okay he's probably the scariest one you've ever told me about right they call him like the scariest serial killer serious scariest serial killer you've never heard of yeah Yeah. Right. It's horrifying.
Starting point is 01:31:45 So he confessed to killing a woman in New Jersey in April of 2009 and burying her in upstate New York. But it's he never confirmed who this body who this woman was and her body was never found. FBI Special Agent Barbara Woodruff told CNN that when Keyes was shown a picture of missing woman, 49 year old Deborah Feldah feldman keys paused and said i'm not ready to talk about that one that might have been the new york victim um police suspect that after killing samantha he killed another victim while in texas you know for the
Starting point is 01:32:16 wedding uh where he also robbed a bank and set a home on fire oh my god there's also been so there's nothing he won't do exactly he's just except dogs and except dogs and babies there's also been um a lot of like online uh like a chatter about the possibility of him being involved with uh the disappearance of maura murray who was that really case we did i think it was let's see episode eight that was the queen mary episode two yeah it was our first fight franzia stains or something um and 21 year old nursing student maura murray who went missing after crashing her car in northern new hampshire um so it's possible they're related it's like who knows um and throughout the whole
Starting point is 01:32:58 interview he was like really teasing about it um he once said the information that i still have might come in handy uh he might be linked to as many as 11 deaths in the u.s and there might be even more victims outside the country because he also traveled internationally i mean remember when he was like in egypt and he was going to tel aviv like who knows what the fuck he was doing over there so he revealed he had hidden the kill kit for the vermont double murder of lorraine and bill courier two years before the murder in 2009 and then moved the kill kit to parishville new york and police later found it i have a picture of it for you
Starting point is 01:33:31 so fucking creepy dude uh do i yes i do so it's like ski mask ropes uh screwdriver glad trash bags uh flashlights gloves now every time i go to walmart i'm like okay why are you buying glad who's buying these ropes yeah nylon string a belt that might be the key to what was going on there's a belt with like arty in the loop i also feel like can you actually ever buy those things all together at one time without someone's it's such a trope in those sitcoms where they like accidentally murder someone and then like go to buy like 80 000 trash bags and like bleach so here's a couple sound bites that were said throughout his interviews with police okay
Starting point is 01:34:23 ready yeah and reflecting about how BTK killer Dennis Rader had remorse for his killings after he was caught, Keyes called him a wimp. When asked why he committed crimes, he reportedly replied, why not? What the hell? He told investigators he admires serial killer Ted Bundy. They asked retirement plans,
Starting point is 01:34:44 and he said he wanted to build a dungeon in his home what the fuck he they said do you have any boundaries and he says i won't kill children and dogs uh congratulations and from the interviews police formed an mo basically he had no obvious victim profile it was just like whoever's convenient random random no connection with the victims uh planned them a long time in advance burying murder kids sometimes years in advance he killed far from home like vermont from alaska to vermont um and then would just fly home and no one would ever fucking know um he never killed in the same area twice on his murder trips he would turn off his cell phone
Starting point is 01:35:22 pay in cash or go to parks campgrounds trails, boat docks where people wouldn't be spotted getting abducted. If he targeted a specific home, he scoped for houses with an attached garage, no cars in the driveway, no kids, and no dogs. So, to this day, Samantha and Bill and Lorraine are still the only confirmed victims of israel keys his trial was scheduled to begin in march of 2013 but on december 2nd of 2012 exactly nine months to the day after he had abducted samantha he was found dead in his cell good no because he had all this information like they were like thank god i was like i didn't know what okay i mean i'm happy that like no but remember he was like i want to die and not be in this thing and then he oh yeah okay now and he never went to trial he never was like they never got the justice
Starting point is 01:36:15 from other about other people yeah but like also her family never got the justice of like him be going to jail like being you know sentenced yeah or like pleading guilty or whatever so anyway he it's just so heartbreaking because he like had so much information and we'll never know we'll never know um i mean maybe but maybe not um he was 34 he uh was found dead in his cell after taking his own life by hiding a piece of razor in a pencil and slitting his left wrist oh so he died by suicide oh yeah i thought someone killed him oh no no he took his own life because he was a fucking asshole who didn't want to um give anyone what they wanted wow yeah or give anyone 34 yeah yes he did all this he accomplished that much can you imagine
Starting point is 01:37:06 if he hadn't gotten caught wow yeah so scary um so police to this day cannot figure out how he got this razor blade um he had been on suicide watch a couple months but had been taken off and then his funeral was attended in december of 2012 by his mother and four of his sisters. The family did not make a statement to the press. I don't blame them. So underneath his body in the cell, they found four pages of bloodied yellow paper. It was a suicide note, and it was called An Ode to Murder. Ew.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Yeah. So Dr. Stephen Montgomery, who's a forensic psychiatrist at Vanderbilt, said the writings showed an intelligence and a clear understanding that he knew his behavior was wrong. He said, Keyes is writing this so that people will find it and talk about it and further magnify his own self-worth. And of course, it has no remorse, no regard for human life or the victims. And that fits with that type of psychopathic personality. They were also reminiscent of a. Of a silence of the lambs type killer.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Is what he said. So I'm not going to read you this fucking full note. Because like he doesn't deserve the airtime. But this is kind of just to give you a gist. This is how the note starts. Where will you go you clever little worm. If you bleed your host dry. And then the end of the fucking poem or whatever it is says land of the free land of the lie land of scheme american eyes
Starting point is 01:38:32 watch close while i work now feel the electric shock of my touch open your trembling flower or your petals i'll crush oh my god yeah he's fucking horrifyingly disgusting. And I'm not even going to give it any more time. So that was the only thing he left behind, except they found these drawings. Eleven skulls in a pentagram. And they found it under his jail cell bed. And he had drawn them in his own blood. Excellent. And under one skull, it says, we are one.
Starting point is 01:39:06 And people believe that this means his 11 victims that he had murdered. So the FBI published an in-depth timeline of transactions and travel from 1997 to 2012 to try and jog the memories of anyone that might have had dealings with Keyes. And it could answer a lot of questions if he's linked to any of these cases so to report tips about the israel keys case you can call the fbi casually at 1-800-CALL-FBI oh or you can probably just go online and see where there might be a um a place for you to contact but i'm going to also show you the picture of the skulls and wow done in his own fucking blood pentagram wow so that's that it's like he made killing easy look easy like for him to have done it so it's horrifying because he like had patience and just did yeah you know what i mean he just was
Starting point is 01:40:02 like it wasn't like he was all over the place like he literally planned the murder of bill and lorraine two years in advance wow like how scary is that thought like that you're just like spending your day going to bed after watching tv and like also like doing that for two years having no idea that some like you've been on the back of someone's mind yeah like if that were one of us that means like that could be they've been on the back of someone's mind. Yeah. Like if that were one of us, that means like that could be, they've been planning against us 2018 or in 2022. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Something's going to happen and it's already planned. That's disgusting. Isn't that sick? That's so disturbing. Wow. The good job. Yeah. So that's that story.
Starting point is 01:40:37 That's officially the scariest story you've done. Okay. I'm glad you agree. Cause I was like, I was losing sleep over this. Like it really scared me. That one's wild. Next time someone says says like what's the scariest story that we've covered like true crime wise that's my answer okay good well i was in a very dark place last
Starting point is 01:40:53 night so excellent if anyone has tips on how to cleanse my aura scott michael scott only michael scott michael scott yeah to like cleanse your aura and be like to feel better and michael scott oh watch the office you're saying yes i thought you meant he has tips for me i was like well what are they i'm sure he does you just got to go look up some inspirational quotes from him he's only a little stitious he's only a little suspicious okay anyway thanks for listening um yikes hit me up and tell me how to feel better yeah with them digits uh yes we have our website and that's where we drink we also have our social media, ATWWD podcast. And in case you do listen to these backwards,
Starting point is 01:41:28 we also put out listeners episodes at the first of every month. Yeah. So if you would like to submit your own personal story, you can find, you can, there's a submission on our website. Yeah. So, oh my gosh. Wow. Does everyone feel safe now?
Starting point is 01:41:43 No, absolutely not. We're listening to this in the middle of your doors please go lock your doors go double check even if you say oh i already locked them i don't believe you go lock your door you don't believe yourself and you know it and make sure everyone's alert keep your keep your dog alert get a dog get a dog hey but don't buy it from a puppy mill right and then adopted from a shelter name it no god help me this is a horrifying episode for me thank you guys and we'll see you next week which is technically actually next month for you and me that's right so i miss you it's actually october i miss you and that's why we drink yeah yeah a lot
Starting point is 01:42:18 a lotご視聴ありがとうございました

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