And That's Why We Drink - E194 A Lisa Frank Ouija Board and Spider Egg Gum

Episode Date: October 25, 2020

HALLOWEEN IS HERE!! And Eva's currently calling a lawyer because episode 194 is so spooky, it might just be illegal. We're also worried Zak Bagans is going to sue and/or block all of us now... Because... as a Halloween surprise Em is covering the history of our favorite paranormal investigator and the origins of Ghost Adventures!! Christine then takes us on a wild Halloween ride that may very well be the basis for the urban legend that had our parents combing our Trick-or-Treat candy for poison, the story of The Candyman Ronald O'Bryan. Tune in to hear all about our spooky live stream, see Christine's Lemon costume, and get a sneak peek of Em's undying alien love, Xiinön! And may we never forget Xiinön's catch phrase: She put on a few falsies, so SUE her... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! ThirdLove knows there’s a perfect bra for everyone, so right now they are offering my listeners 10% off your first order! Go to now to find your perfect-fitting bra… and get 10% off your firstpurchase!Check out all the amazing shoes and bags available right now at That’s Style and sustainability meet to create your new favorites!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Halloween is here. This is a weird week or weird month because the episode, we had an episode that comes out day after Halloween. Yeah. And then we have this episode that comes out like a week before. So this is technically our Halloween episode. This is technically it. Leading up to Halloween. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And then, yeah, we're the prelude. Is that how this is? Sure. Prelude? I don't know. I don't know. Wow. Half as ardently.
Starting point is 00:00:37 How are you? A lemon? Apparently, Christine. Oh, yeah. Isn't to be found. I am not here today. This is my counterpart and your nemesis lemon your head to your toes that's right uh so i wore this for our halloween stream okay there's a lot going on first
Starting point is 00:00:53 of all i appeared in los angeles yes my arms are tired and then i went to the apartment and oh yes wow folks were hiding behind the counter and absolutely, like, wrecked my nervous system probably for the next month. Yeah. So Eva and I, since Christine left, only like a couple days after the last time Christine was here. Like last month, yeah. We've been taking this whole time, and we haven't been telling Christine, but we have been organizing our apartment, which for those of you who know, Christine and I share an apartment out here, which it's so cute. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 And that's why we drink studios. And it was not looking hot for a long time. And during like live streams, we would like try not to show the room. People would be like, can we see the apartment? We'd show like a corner and be like, that's it. We were squatting. We were essentially squatting. And I was sleeping on the like a dusty, it was like a air mattress but then i would roll off into the dust
Starting point is 00:01:48 bowl of the corner it was just like an apartment that like we we got it a week before quarantine and so like before we knew anything was going to happen so we never got to furnish it and make it a nice home it just ended up being like a squatting space yeah and so uh i wanted to surprise christine and give her like the apartment of her dreams it was a no joke like no joke i was like you reached into my psyche from like eighth grade and like created there's literally a a bulletin board with all these like photos of my friends and family and then at the top there's like a little barcode a spotify barcode and it goes to fallout boy's greatest hits yeah there's like a poster, a watercolor of Zach Bagans,
Starting point is 00:02:25 like on the wall facing my bed. Don't worry about it. There's also like a beautiful, like mural of elephants behind the bed. I mean, it's really, my personal favorite. I got you the,
Starting point is 00:02:36 Oh no. My favorites are all the ones that you didn't mention. So I guess it's a perfect blend. Cause it's the, I got her a poster of a threat level midnight. It was a, these are all on red bubble by the way if you'd like them yourselves you can also furnish your own atww
Starting point is 00:02:49 fashion your own creepy home uh there's also a poster of uh mothman like do like a boot in the boudoir pose yeah martini glass and then um there's i got you a canvas print of elisa frank weegee that thing is beautiful it's so that's your bedroom like all our fan art is on the walls that people have mailed us over the years that were in boxes um from my old house like it is we have a whole cross stitch wall now yeah oh yeah in the kitchen it's so cute so it's all very beautiful maybe we'll i have pictures we'll put them yeah we should put photos and then we can maybe do like a tour of it for patreon at some point yes we did a little bit of a tour on our halloween virtual yes and then we did a two-hour virtual
Starting point is 00:03:29 party and guess what i have bad news i was blocked again i was blocked again by zb who blocked our stream because we were watching ghost adventures i felt that it fell under parody law. Apparently, Scripps International had other ideas, and so did Zach. So we had a virtual Halloween party, and I had come up with some games that I wanted people tuning in onto the live stream. Tuning in, is that what people say? Yes. Okay. I'm just going to say, yeah. Tune in on the online radio.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I had games prepped, and one of them was Ghost Adventures Bingo. And so everyone was going to watch Ghost Adventures together. You could generate this little card and play. So cute. And I feel like I'm the stupidest person in the world, because if you follow me on Instagram, I do Marvel Mondays, and it originally started as a viewing party every Monday. But Instagram very quickly let me know that I was breaking copyright laws.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. They can hear you all the time. It's very frightening. Apparently, they record all of your audio and they can figure out whether or not it's coming from a copyrighted track. It's very scary stuff. And so when I found that out, Marvel Monday became a Q&A thing for the most part. And so I should have known better than anyone that we couldn't just play Ghost Adventures.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And of all people who want retribution against me, it had be answers answers answers anyway so we re-uploaded the stream with that part cut out and a little note um you know zach interference so in any case it was a great time thank you to everyone who came it was really great um i think like 2 000 people it was super tuned in. People saw us. You were dressed as lemon. Yes. I was dressed. And I still am.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Still are. Haven't changed once since two days ago. And I was dressed as Z. Oh, that's right. Okay. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:18 If you don't know who Z non is, you're missing out. You need to join Patreon and go watch the space cam video, which was our birthday celebration. it's like a weird like scavenger hunt that we're making you learn things to like because we're entertained by ourselves and we're like you go figure it out but it is xenon was uh an arts and crafts project that quickly came to life xenon is my i found my version of lemon i waited a long time i waited a long time to let myself embrace an inanimate character an inanimate character i found her i love her uh i really i think your souls are pretty intertwined i would say oh she really she's like the you know how like gemini's have like
Starting point is 00:05:55 the calm side and then like the demonic side that's xenon's my little devil on my shoulder right and you're definitely the calm one. And I didn't want to get... Oh, no. We're both the demonic side, actually. Just to be clear, yeah. Just double Gemini negatives. The balance isn't there, but I think that's why Xenon works so well.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Well, so we made Xenon, and we thought, like, oh, she looks like she's someone who, like, drinks a lot of pumpkin spice lattes. She loves a good frap. She's, like, just swerving around in her UFO. Yeah, she does a thing a lot of the time She's like just swerving around in her UFO. Yeah, she does a thing a lot of the time where she'll drop something on the floor,
Starting point is 00:06:29 her cell phone usually, and then she'll go looking for it, but she's still driving, you know? And so kind of swerving around. She's like going to the Starbucks drive-thru. Really living her life. And the reason we gave her that persona is because when Christine decorated her,
Starting point is 00:06:43 because this was Christine's decoration. Arts and craft bejeweled her together she had these massive hoops and she had these falsies that went on for days and she had this bright pink lipstick oh my god and the second you said uh she put on a few falsies so sue her i lost my mind your switch like you like i've never recovered i somehow yeah triggered some weird switch inside your soul that uh yeah you're never gonna recover so I I didn't want to dress up as xenon again because if you fall if you saw the live stream it was a lot it was a lot of effort a lot of body paint so I'm not dressed as xenon but I did bring something and uh is it a frappuccino I used one of our lovely partners vista print no oh you bought a mug oh you know what i'm so upset my mug didn't come on time to bring i brought you something i
Starting point is 00:07:31 created something on vista print for you a mug but it's not here yet i got this for you let me see it i'm scared i wonder i'm gonna i'm gonna do a thing that's probably gonna piss them off i'm gonna get a little closer to the camera so they can see it. But I want your eyes to be closed. You're going to piss them off. So you don't know what's happening. Okay? Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I'm going to just go to this camera. Okay. I'm wearing yellow sunglasses, so I can't see much anyway. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Can I look? Yes, you can. Here she is. And on the back, I put, she put on a few falsies so sue her oh my god here you go i am quaking in my rothies right now she's yours really to drink in the ufo to have a little psl in there how did you do that it was a process was it but now we have now we have a transparent png of xenon look at her gabbing away she's oh i'm hanging out happy right now and now if you're on our youtube you can see what she looks like without even having to go look for it like we demanded you do um so sorry
Starting point is 00:08:38 to everyone in there that i adore it i adore it so much this is my new favorite oh i got it i and eva has known about that also. Eva's known so many tricks lately. Poor Eva. But I got that and I was like, I am not sure if I'm even going to give it to Christine because I'm so in love with it. Now I'm like, I feel bad. But now I'm going to go on Vistaprint and get my own again.
Starting point is 00:08:55 It's fine. Okay, good. We're okay. Well, I made you something anyway. It's a mug and it arrived the day after I left. So clearly we had like the same cool fun ideas in our brains. I'm just going to put it that way. Is it a way fucking lemon I don't want it what is it well it's lemon related let's just put it that way it's like a cursed object now shut up I've definitely I definitely had a few glasses of
Starting point is 00:09:16 wine and then decided to create a fun collage out of some fun things and some fun quotes with comic sans but you'll see it anyway it's on a mug so okay finally speaking of mugs this is the last thing we are releasing halloween merch this week presumably yeah that's the plan this has been something we've wanted to tell you guys for a while a lot of people have been saying when are we getting new merch it's been uh it's a process merch is a process a lot of processes a lot a lot trickier of a road than you're probably aware of because i had no idea until we started doing it yeah but um kirk from work made them so if you've liked our aesthetic in the past you're gonna love these there's five shirts when we made our logo too and our tour
Starting point is 00:09:54 yeah we i think god it's like yeah five designs five new shirts we're also coming out with accessories we've got coasters wine glasses i think are back or at least planning to be back uh we've got some good stuff when we're recording this, we don't have the full details yet, so it might be slightly off. Follow us on socials. Follow us on is the website. Yes. And patrons, we're going to give you a discount code. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So I'm really excited about that. And so we're going to send that out to all our patrons. So that's another thing. Yes. You get a discount code. So much stuff to eat code there's a lot happening i'm sorry we didn't do like a drum roll or anything into the merch but like we just wanted to like rip off the band we knew we had to say it and i was like i'm so afraid we're gonna forget
Starting point is 00:10:33 to say it that i'm just gonna we've been telling them halloween is the release date yeah so at least we said like oh it's as close as we can get to halloween yeah yeah so this week at least some time some announcements from us. Sometime soon. We'll yell it at you. So anyway, happy Halloween. We're excited. We have some stories.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yes. Sorry for that long intro. But also, you've been here for almost 200 episodes. It's Halloween. It's us. What did you expect? And Mercury's in retrograde. I wish you would just sit down for a minute and stop getting angry.
Starting point is 00:11:04 OK. Have a cup of tea. Let me wetten my whistle, Christine. reason retrograde i wish you would just sit down for a minute and stop getting angry okay have a cup of tea oh let me let me um wetten my whistle christine that's gross i'm so excited do you want to use this mug i thought about using it but i wanted to hand it to you and so i didn't want to pour anything in it because then you would have you'd be holding my tea so oh god i got it got it got it got it got it i have not been more excited about a story for a while what really you're also gonna get a kick out of this i have had it in my back pocket for a while um and i decided halloween was probably a very appropriate time otherwise i think i would have waited several more months what is it is it ouija boards here we go go. Okay. Close. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Close in that it's of similar interest to you. A more interest. I'd say it's more interesting to you. Yes. Than a Lisa Frank Ouija board? Wow. This is something very near and dear to your heart. What?
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'm. What is it? Happy Halloween. This is the story of Zach Bagans. Shut the front door. Are you being serious right now? Wait, hold on. Woo. Okay. This is the story of Zach Bagans. Shut the front door. Are you being serious right now? Wait, hold on. Woo, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Here is the biographical. You should have told me to put my drink down before this happened. We're really testing our limits here with getting blocked and technicality. I'm just stating facts. I'm going to leave you for the op-eds either call a lawyer now so we can just prepare for the inevitable i learned things oh my god i think you're gonna learn them too i'm okay because god okay listen if you knew about certain things you would have oh i screamed about them for the your i don't think i know them tell me oh my god i'm freaking out okay there's only one big thing that really i had not heard of but it
Starting point is 00:12:49 was very interesting to me okay okay let's do it this doesn't feel i keep checking if i'm in a lucid dream i honestly so classic me nothing's changed in three years i did these notes at 3 a.m so i also think i'm lucid dreaming right now so this is quite a retelling i feel like zach bagans somewhere is like pulling his hair out like somebody's doing something bad he woke up today having weird vibes he's like something's off bro something's off aaron go find out what it is well he's you're right zach something is off and it's me telling your story so this is is the story of Zachary Alexander Bagans. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:13:27 He was born. Zab. Zab. Mr. Zabby. He was born on April 5th, 1977 in Washington, D.C. He would be a friggin' Aries. He's an Aries. That's like, but that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:13:39 A tornado. A whirlwind of sorts. A whirlwind Gemini tornado. Destructive as, destructive as a whirlwind, yes. And so tornado destructive as destructive as a whirlwind yes and uh so he was born in washington i'm so excited to tell you the story i can't even breathe right now it's it's not very lengthy but wow the quality is there and like if you've ever wanted to know we have answers answers answers there you go so on his museum's website but he was born in dc he was born in dc oh i didn't know that i didn't either okay like all right uh on his museum's website he quote developed
Starting point is 00:14:14 a profound interest in the paranormal when he was just 10 years old scouring nearby garage sales with his mom in search of odd and spooky collectibles okay so far i'm on the same page yeah yeah i'm like I love that for you. I feel like this is like almost like, you know, the Broadway Wicked where it's like in the prequel, everything's great so far. You like get it.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You're on board. You're on board. You're on board. And at some point we turn. Some point you fall off the UFO and ZB just keeps going. At some point the entire town thinks you're evil. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:14:42 And now you're the Wicked Witch of the West. Okay. Oh, fun. So, yes. So, and also I wanted to make a joke the entire town thinks you're evil um and now you're the wicked witch of the west okay oh fun so yes so and also i wanted to make a joke at one point where i was like wow he has his own autobiography on his website what a loser and then i was like we'd have that i'm like pretty sure every website has that but i do i just wanted a reason to like jab i love the energy though like i keep up with the energy though i came in hot with opinions and then i was like i really need to like be realistic here and check my own shit okay so like i'm gonna do that part for you no wonder i was like you need to banter today with me about this because it's
Starting point is 00:15:13 pretty short but like it's not gonna be hard for you and i was like oh i mean it never is but like now i get why i said it with a confidence of a thousand suns because i was like you i know you're gonna have something to say this is a quote from Zach about his childhood. Ever since I was little, I had these really weird experiences. This creature would visit me in my room as a little child. Cool, cool, cool. It's so vivid to me. I didn't understand what it was.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I didn't know I could have these sorts of experiences. Okay. Well, I mean, who does, right? Until they do, right? Amen. Amen. That's what I always amen amen that's what i always say that's what i always say uh so zach was actually raised in florida okay that makes a lot more see that's what i was checking out during his you know what it's making a lot of sense i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:15:56 he's currently florida man but he left his energy there that's correct and that's what's causing all the florida man that he's still i'm not saying that he ships in bulk all his hair gel from orlando but like it's possible and i'm not not saying it i'm not saying he is best friends with ed hardy and that's why he owns all of his shirts i'm just saying i'm fully saying that though maybe is ed hardy i'm not sure um what if at the end there was a twist where i was like by the way what if if Ed Hardy's a creature that visited him in his dreams or whatever? Follow my aesthetic. So he was raised in Florida.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And then his parents divorced. And I guess it sounded like they split up and one moved to Illinois. And that's the one he moved with. So he ended up going to Illinois. Wow. He graduated from Glenbard West High School. He was a class of 1995. And he moved to Michigan to go to Western Michigan University. But eight months out of it, he dropped out to go study at a different school.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Okay. So he went to the Motion Picture Institute. Oh. To study filmmaking. Interesting. Okay. Yeah. So far, again, like, okay, I'm kind of, we're on the same page.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I'm a little scared that, like, I love this journey for you and me. zach i i love that i'm hearing both of our journeys at once yeah yeah um so in 2003 so remember he's in michigan now in 2003 while living in trenton michigan zach had what he considers his first paranormal encounter which is interesting to me because his quote from childhood says that he had experiences yeah but i think this is the one that he's referring to in the ghost adventures intro where he's like i never believed until something came face to face with me but also it's very scary you never believe but also you know all the words but yeah yeah you said you didn't believe but also this quote says that you always had experiences so get it together explain that buddy that's my first dig at you don't sue me it's a good one um i would just like a correction okay so he this was
Starting point is 00:17:52 his face-to-face experience i suppose um the spirit was a woman who he later learned died by suicide in that apartment building oh good and he would see her in his apartment every night. Oh, no, no, no. Without fail. No, thank you. So every night at 3 a.m., of course, he was awoken by a woman calling out his name. And not even a week into this,
Starting point is 00:18:16 he felt someone touching his back. Oof. And he felt paralyzed. Oof. I don't know if that's, like, figurative, like, paralyzed in fear, or, like... Sleep paralysis. sleep paralysis. But he actually this quote is from a Facebook live that he did.
Starting point is 00:18:32 He said, I couldn't move. So I flung onto my back. Wait a minute. You couldn't move, but you flung. And I saw her standing at the corner of my bed. That changed everything. Which I want to be like okay it changed everything you're being dramatic but also it literally changed pivotally for his
Starting point is 00:18:50 entire life because he became like also if i saw a lady at the edge of my bed i things would change but not probably in a good way like it did for him mentally spiritually emotionally i would never be the same yeah um okay so he uh i guess it freaked him out so bad that even though he couldn't move he got up and ran out into the parking lot okay um and later i guess one of the maintenance men in his building they were talking and somehow the story came up and the woman that zach described uh the maintenance man was like that woman literally just died a while ago at 3 a.m oh no so i think it was enough confirmation for him to be officially spooked oh my goodness so and again this is when he was in michigan and he was in film school uh so he graduated with
Starting point is 00:19:40 honors and then he moved to Vegas to make documentaries. Um, and he was obviously doing the side hustle thing. And so he had many, uh, side hustle jobs, but the one that everyone knows him for, do you know this, what he did?
Starting point is 00:19:55 I know he went on wheel of fortune. Is that it? He was on wheel of fortune. Is that his side hustle? His side hustle was that he was a contestant on a game show. Um, that's something I would put on my resume trying to like fill it like one time i was and i was working at a show when i say i was an intern at the prices
Starting point is 00:20:10 right i just mean i was a full-time contest you just kept trying to get on the show right no i don't know i don't think i know this so he was a wedding dj i did know this yes i did vaguely know this so he was sometimes people send me the youtube like to his like soundtrack or his like album or whatever it's really good oh my goodness okay well let's leave it at that so um so he was a wedding dj and that i think he actually was a wedding dj when he went on that game show because i remember when they gave him like oh tell us about yourself he said something about it i think he did yeah also that if you ever want to like look him up he looks wildly different because he clearly hadn't learned all about ed hardy or lifting weights yet right or
Starting point is 00:20:55 like or hair gel anything about his current persona i guess it was it was the last real like image of pre pre bagel bites yeah um so yes he was a wedding dj and one of the weddings he did was for a couple and the groom's name was nick groff shut up so that is how are you for real nick he has no clue apparently now he's like the boss of nick this is a weird turn okay anyway let me spin some tracks and also go in the basement wow um so once so they i guess at the wedding started talking about ghosts somehow how is the groom not preoccupied enough if blaze were just like behind the you know talking i'd be like talking to the live band your grandma's over here can you please well they made some sort of
Starting point is 00:21:41 connection i guess and it was uh kismet love it yeah and that and they decided like oh we should actually go on investigations and film it and uh zach was like oh i i know a buddy i'm assuming it was from film school he was like oh i know a buddy who can like run a camera his name's aaron shut up are you serious yep i didn't know they were all like this little three months get to your buddy group before that's they decided they decided together i think i'm gonna assume it was pretty quickly after they like became friends like they had this like common interest which again is very weirdly us what happened to us right because we didn't really know each other we talked once about ghosts and decided we were gonna start on a tractor of all things also. Not at a wedding, but like, close. Maybe like,
Starting point is 00:22:25 like a, like a rustic wedding. Yeah. With Farmer Bob. This is still a little too much because it's too synonymous to what's happening. Oh.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Don't worry. It shifts left real quick. Okay. So they decided they wanted to, you know, start filming. And once the Ghosts of Ventress crew was created,
Starting point is 00:22:48 Zach decided that he was going to leave the dj life although he did not leave the music life okay which uh it sounds like this is something you already knew about but this was the thing that blew my goddamn mind at three in the morning i think that i have always kind of known, but I can't actually wrap my head around it. Zach Bagans is a musician. Yikes. Okay. I assumed you didn't because had you known and I knew you knew, we would have been talking about it for years. But you know how I do that thing where something will happen and I will just say goodbye and I will never mention it again? Well, it sounds like you must be lucid dreaming right now.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah, I do this a lot. And then people are like hey what about that like giant thing and i'm like well let me confirm for you zach bagans oh my god is a musician i'm gonna leave a question mark at the end of that just like make your voice go a little higher he makes music let's call it that okay um also i'm not i also feel like i'm lucid dreaming i can't confirm whether or not he's making music because it's not 10 out of 10.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It's an 11 out of 10. I got you. I got you. I feel it. It's not really music. It's kind of like techno-y, right? We're going to do it. Don't worry. So basically he has done they say he's done the vocals for a few music tracks that are mostly electronic.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Good. Good. Although I will, and we're going to talk about the music in a second. But I do want to say when I say he's a musician, I hesitate because it sounds like any song he has been a part of is just like really weird club music. And someone like copy and pasted audio from ghost adventures on to the track like it's like clearly him during spirit box sessions world we will never understand it's like he's clearly i like it actually even that it's like he's he's clearly doing an evp session and someone like literally just took his words right out of the episode it doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:47 sound like it's like quality like he's not shouting it into a into a mic for the song it sounds like someone made like you know on youtube where there's those music videos that people make about like their two favorite characters in something and then they like take every clip possible of them and like play some really weird sappy music as like their own little compilation it's actually really frightening yeah it's like someone did that but electronica and zach audio only it does sound like something i would have done in high school so i'm really glad that it wasn't me unless i did block it out and i really this is all written by it actually this is a little frightening it could have it could have been me so he has collaborated
Starting point is 00:25:24 so the the way we have confirmation that he's chosen to do this himself and this isn't christine in the middle of the night okay thank god is because he has worked with other musicians where apparently all their music kind of sounds this way got it um he's worked with a band called lords of acid oh good sounds exactly like something but he would do oh my and another one called praga con um where he was credited as a featured artist a primary artist and the vocals an artist an artist although realistically like it's like just giving him credit for the audio that you're using if it were a weird compilation video like oh well he's the vocals because i took his audio well you know i mean whatever is what it is you can google this yourself and and you know
Starting point is 00:26:06 you have your own opinion of it but apparently he himself has an album i checked on spotify it is not there but it is on youtube yes it is called necrofusion cool cool cool cool cool cool cool and it was released in 2012 the songs uh include that's too recent for my comfort level i'm just gonna put that out there here are two of my favorite songs because I googled Zach Bagans music and on YouTube, all of a sudden, it just said Necromancer. And I saw all of the videos.
Starting point is 00:26:32 My two favorites on title alone are In My Dungeon, which is the most Zach Bagans thing I've ever heard. My God, I'm so glad I wasn't drinking a beverage at that very moment. And I'm very jealous he snabbed this from us because like we we could have used this in some jokey way immortal portal well hey that's good that sounds good some good stuff if he pitched that song first i would have been like i'll give that a listen hell yeah well so here here's another song called paranormal
Starting point is 00:27:00 energy by lords of acid featuring zach bagans oh my god and here are some of the lyrics oh i i'm not mentally and psychically and spiritually prepared for this no one is yeah and by some of the lyrics i think i mean almost all of them and also tell me if these are lyrics or like his resume i want to prove that ghosts exist i fully understand the risks taunting spirits from the shadow worlds, getting physically attacked, bloody scratches on my back, getting followed constantly by evil ghosts we cannot see, knowing they are entities captured on our DVDs, different types of EBPs,
Starting point is 00:27:35 strange kinetic energy. Hell yeah, they're extreme. They are fearless. They are mean. They hunt, investigate haunted places state by state. It's tough, So full of risk. They want to prove that ghosts exist on a guest to, on a guest to prove their right. Quest.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Maybe. Oh yeah. It's just spelled wrong. On a quest to prove their right. They deserve to win their fight. Why am I correcting? Hell yeah, they're extreme. Why am I correcting you?
Starting point is 00:28:01 I don't like that. I'm going to assume guest was literally their actual lyrics wow but it literally sounded like a resume it was just like in like it was like an english class like my eighth grade diary it was like a it was like you got assigned to talk about yourself in limericks for a second what rhymes with what rhymes with risk exist yeah close uh-huh imagine if we wrote a song it Imagine if we wrote a song. If we wrote a song and it was just like, I like milkshakes, I like milkshakes, I like milkshakes.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I like wine and then put pony underneath it. There's a ghost. That's the whole song. I love... Actually, TM, TM, TM. I actually like that, Em. Someone take all that audio, put it on YouTube, give us an album, and feature us as the vocals. Immortal Portal 2.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Immortal... 2.0. 2. Because then we can't get sued question mark no i don't think so or we could just change it like our portal is immortal or something the portal is immortal so we could just we'll just steal in a different way it we'll just do like the like the uh the dollar tree version of it the discount where it's like instead of cheerios it's like happy oh bargain bin so okay uh like Happy-Os. Bargain bin. So, okay. Anyway, so that's some real quote music if you'd like to go listen to it.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Wow. I would. In 2004, just getting back on track if there was one to start with, the Ghost Adventures crew started officially filming Ghost Adventures. So this was in the midst of him also becoming an up-and-coming musician. 16 years ago. Wow. There's 20 seasons of Ghost Adventures right now.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Holy crap. They've been doing this a long time. And like, we're making fun of you, Zach, if you're listening. You're not. But we are making fun of you. But it's about to, we're going to turn it around too in a second. Well, I'll read. I don't have a 20 season TV show. I have no room to make fun.
Starting point is 00:29:46 We're, we'll, as we get further into this, we're going to have a lot of positive things to say about you. I don't have a 20 season tv show i have no room to make fun we're we'll as we get further into this we're gonna have a lot of positive things i don't have a one to be clear i don't have a one season tv i don't have a 20 season tv show it's if we're going by years we have a three season podcast but also we decided day one to not do season so really we're still in our first season and we'll end on our first season yep so uh in 2004 the ghost adventures crew started filming um originally it was going to just be a film like one movie um and then two years later a production company called for real produced it as a documentary oh um and it came out in 2007 so they made it three years before it came out in 2007 it aired on the sci-fi network or as my dad lovingly calls it the siffy
Starting point is 00:30:25 channel um and it had such crazy rave reviews that they were like oh shit like maybe wow and i want to say something this is just a random piece of trivia that i know um like i didn't i didn't research it for this but i just happen to know that before 2007 um we have to i would say give zach bagans the credit for like haunted tourism because yeah true because before 2007 it was not common for you to go to like a metropolitan area and have like a ghost tour available right it all started popping up in 2007 and And so arguably people freaked out because this might have also been like the first really investigative production that people had seen.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And then cities kind of started making it an attraction as well when they realized people liked haunted stuff. So here's my hat to you, Zach. I think you created literally a whole brand of tourism. He's like, I know. He's like, yeah, I already knew that. That's the point. Thanks for your weird condescending comment.
Starting point is 00:31:27 So actually, the documentary also got the Grand Jury Prize at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival. And on October 17th, 2008, so only a year later,
Starting point is 00:31:40 Ghost Adventures had its own series on Travel Channel starring Zach, Aaronaron and nick until season 10 and then nick left and um billy and jay joined and i tried to find like the beef if there was any because i was like if i'm gonna do a story on zach i need to know the hot goss i need i need to know the girls are fighting as they say on tiktok so um but i couldn't find it they've done a really good job of covering that up.
Starting point is 00:32:05 If there was beef, maybe it was just like a graceful bow out. I'm not really sure what happened. But if you have watched Paranormal Lockdown, Nick Groff is the star of that show. So he's doing fine. Also, Ghost Adventures, this is where I bring up one of our biggest concerns with the show, is that Ghost Adventures often gets criticism for being aggressive or taunting the spirits. Um,
Starting point is 00:32:30 I would like to take this moment for Zach to speak for himself. And in 2009, in an interview with paranormal underground magazine, he said, I don't want, hang on. I don't want the public perceiving us as the taunting provocative ghost hunters.
Starting point is 00:32:44 We do that only to the bad spirits who we know are attacking the living okay it's like okay but also like let me let's refer back to your song uh mr musician sounds like we're in like the worst courtroom ever hang on let me refer back to exhibit a of uh of Paranormal Energy by Lords of Acid. The first line is, I want to prove that ghosts exist. I fully understand the risks. Taunting spirits from the shadow worlds. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:12 But also you could move while you ran to the parking lot. So whatever. It's all unclear. Here's a fun fact about the Winchester Mystery House. I know it sounds like we're going in a million directions, but I don't care. I certainly don't either. Well, this came from originally I was talking about Ghost Adventures and that he taunts the ghost, but then doesn't taunt the ghost. And then there was a few episodes like highlights I wanted to mention, but really the only one I want to focus on is Winchester Mystery House just because it was our first episode that we covered.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And I'm selfish. So here's a fun fact that involves zach and the winchester mystery house so that uh he investigated that house in season five and this was the only building where he stopped the investigation like cold turkey for real um i think afterwards he might have but this was the first time he ever halted an investigation and it was because out of nowhere he got this like extreme overwhelming sense of grief oh no and he was like he was so shaken he was like we have i can't be oh that's horrible and then he found out that at exact same moment
Starting point is 00:34:17 his grandmother passed oh m oh no yep and now our hearts are growing three sizes too big for zach that was very sad to read so it's interesting paranormally and that like oh it's confirming that like something spooky was going on but also fun fact has to do with the winchester house also a moment of sympathizing with zach yeah so it's a very weird man he's he's powerful, this man. I'm on an emotional roller coaster right now. Yeah, same. So getting away from Ghost Adventures, in 2017, let's bring it to a little more recently, Zach Bagans opened Zach Bagans the Haunted Museum, which I always thought was like. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Why do you have to throw your first name on it? Why not? It's not even like Zach Bagans. Is it? Maybe it is. I'm just not reading it right. Zach Bagans and the apostrophe. I think it is Zach Bagans. Okay. Because I was going to be like, why not? It's not even like Zach. Is it? Maybe it is. I'm just not reading it right. Zach Bagans and the apostrophe. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Zach Bagans. Okay. Because I was going to be like, did you just, it's like saying like M Schultz ice cream parlor. It's like not M Schultz. But why not? I mean. You know what?
Starting point is 00:35:15 He's got enough money. He can do whatever he wants. It's working. Whatever he's doing is working. Our asses went there. So like, who am I? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:27 asses went there so like yeah why yeah uh so he opened the haunted museum which features a wild amount of uh haunted items pretty much anything under the sun that is haunted i assume at some point zach's estate will purchase yeah and he will one day just collectively own every haunted it's really becoming like a very scary like portal it is immortal portal if you will again this is where we say nice things about zach because that was the most fun museum I've ever been to. It was wild. And talk about like being like the top of the industry. Like you don't, there's no one that can compete with you. Like if you're Zach, I don't know how he gave himself a name where like there is no competition.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And if anyone tries, people will be like well there's zach bagans already so why are you trying like when it comes like a haunted museum it's like okay you could have like local tchotchkes maybe but like if nobody's gonna buy him out yeah who's gonna buy him out he has bought so when i say that i'm saying like he has literally bought other buildings to put inside of his building yeah um which we'll talk about up neighboring buildings he bought a neighboring house he's like bought up neighboring buildings. He bought a neighboring house. He's literally bought other property
Starting point is 00:36:28 and then demolished it and then brought it in and rebuilt the homes inside of this museum. It's wild. So the haunted house is now inside of his house. Yeah, it's really wild.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It's insane. This place has everything. It has PTD, so shout out to episode 79. Whose name will not be mentioned. The doll that we won't talk about. Which also if we won't talk about it on a podcast far away, but he literally sees it every day at work.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yeah. Okay. Hats off. I'm going to either you're dumb, brave, or both. I'm not sure. I'm just going to say brave because I couldn't fucking do it. There's also like he bought like Jack of Orkians van. Right. He has everything you can imagine. Brave or both. I'm not sure. I'm just going to say brave because I couldn't fucking do it. There's also like he bought like Jack Kevorkian's van.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Like he has everything you can imagine. If he doesn't have it yet, he will at some point. I'm convinced he will buy the Ed and Lorraine's occult museum. They had the first one. But wasn't there a whole thing that people keep messaging us? Like they said the one thing they won't do is their estate will never go to him. I don't know what they're like. Right. At least I remember.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Cause we mentioned once, Oh, I bet Zach will buy that. And all these people were like, no, he can't because like, they won't let him or like, that was probably their last,
Starting point is 00:37:34 the last thing they put in their will. The only thing in their will. I mean, I know Lorraine Warren knew Zach pretty well. Like they had done stuff together in the past. I could be wrong or the dms could be wrong i'm not i don't blame you all but maybe i should um i don't know all i know is like it's uh i wouldn't be surprised if it happens whether or not they're saying it could happen right
Starting point is 00:37:54 at the very least till like i won't buy the house but i'll just buy everything piece by piece in there or something right right right so uh is is so the museum is one of the most recommended tourist attractions. It's voted in USA Today as the number one best haunted destination. Can confirm. I would recommend it to literally anybody. I would even argue, like, just go to Vegas just for that. Yeah, it was next level. And then, like, hop on over five minutes away, and you've got the Marvel Museum.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Well, and it's true crime, too. Right. Well, and it's true crime, too, because it's true crime too because he has like you know yeah anson artwork uh he's got some gacy artwork like he also has some if you go you should also be prepared to like true crime because there are some really dark it's really heavy it was like fun and games for a minute and then like you go into another room and you're like oh shit and i think they do that on purpose for people to take the museum seriously yeah but it worked so it worked um you know i just remembered who owns annabelle the warrens oh it was the warrens okay then i don't know what i'm never mind i would he has to was it harold oh it was harold maybe that we said oh i
Starting point is 00:38:58 bet zach will buy him and then someone was like that guy the guy refused that's what it is sorry so the owner of har Harold the doll is, oh, by the way, he prefers caretaker. Sorry. He's Harold's caretaker. Best friend. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I only know that because he has tweeted us directly. Ooh, that's right. Yeah. I think he doesn't want to. That's what it was. Yeah. He's like,
Starting point is 00:39:17 no, Harold's mine. Right. Don't blame you. And so other than Ghost Adventures, Zach has gone on to produce direct right and or star and other shows including paranormal challenge paranormal paparazzi oh ghost adventures aftershocks deadly possessions ghost adventures graveyard of the pacific ghost adventures serial killer spirits demon house ghost adventures screaming room help my house is haunted destination fear and ghost Demon House, Ghost Adventures Screaming Room, Help! My House is Haunted, Destination Fear,
Starting point is 00:39:45 and Ghost Adventures Quarantine. And we're going to talk about a few of those. But I want to do my like, I mean, we're talking about my personal top three. Okay. So I love Deadly Possessions. I think it's such a great show. Oh, that's the one where he talks about like the actual items, right? It's basically like the best PR for his museum like antiques road show but like it's literally every episode is just a different item from his own museum and they film it in his museum we actually saw the filming the set in the museum we walked past and they're like oh and that's where
Starting point is 00:40:17 they filmed deadly possessions and like the cameras the lights were all set up but uh yeah i mean this man is just all too powerful. But for those wondering, like, why does he have so many, like, failed shows? They're not failed shows. They're all miniseries. I see. Like branches, sort of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:35 He's kind of, again, like us in that way, where he's like, I have this really incredible project that I'm going to get bored of in three months, so let's just call it a miniseries. Oh, I was like, how is this like us? I have an incredible project that doesn't sound familiar at all. So let's just call it a miniseries. Oh, I was like, how is this like us? I have an incredible project. That's not, doesn't sound familiar at all, but the boredom does the boredom does. I,
Starting point is 00:40:49 but no, I like doing something like with all your might and then being like, okay, next thing. Well, I love that. Cause it's like a core. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like, yeah. Yeah. I like that. So that's what, that's kind of what these are. They're like, he picks four or five episodes to do on it and they never touch it again.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Um, and so that's deadly possessions there's only one season of that and it's really good um on it he has discussed ptd um again episode 79 i'm only telling the ones that we've also covered for like our own bare minimum promo to a show that you're already listening on um but he also covered ed gein's cauldron and bella lugosi's, which were both in episode 85 of ours. He covered The Divot Box, which we did in episode 11. And he covered Robert the Doll, which is in episode 6.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Thank you for writing all that down. Yes. The second one I want to talk about is Demon House. This was a production he did in 2018. It's a documentary on Amazon Prime. And it was made by the Ghost Adventures crew. And their caption is is view at your own risk oh great and we actually have from the zach bagans haunted museum an autographed demon house
Starting point is 00:41:54 movie poster yes framed in our apartment yes it is that's probably why we're cursed but it is hanging in our apartment signed i it's beautiful if demon house sounds familiar to you it's also known as the house of 200 demons um that is also a uh is that the one in gary indiana yes okay and that's i we have covered that um that's episode 58 of ours i'm gonna go listen to that i'm like it's the episode is titled wicca instead of wHow. and the return of Rice Pudding 9. Oh, no. Never mind. I don't want to listen to that.
Starting point is 00:42:30 So Diebenhaus, he did a documentary on him investigating this house, I think while it was still haunted. And it was an exorcism case of a family in Indiana. And all I know, I haven't watched it yet i actually would like to later do a two-parter on this and cover that documentary because i have covered the amens family case um in episode 58 but i haven't seen the movie demon house um but all i know about it are two things one apparently in this investigation uh the a spirit or something got so angry at zach that it threw something at him and hit him in the head and ever since then that's why he now needs to wear glasses because he's like he has like some terrible vision issues now and he's oh oh vision i thought you meant just to protect his head no
Starting point is 00:43:23 he like got hit in the head and like his like eyes got fucked up so like now he always wears glasses what and that was what they told us that on the tour so that's how i remember that okay i don't know i heard it on the tour so there's that and then the second thing is that that the demon house is the one where they demolished it and they brought it into his museum and one of the exhibits we got to go into is they tell you in advance they're like this one we're warning you if you don't want to accidentally pass out or something do not go in this room i know some of you do want to accidentally pass out if you're not willing to take that risk do not go in this space because they literally took the property and moved it into a section of the mansion and then you can they open up a door and
Starting point is 00:44:06 all of a sudden you're literally in a basement and literally they took the rubble the dirt all the original wood posts of like the cellar where i guess the exorcism happened and so you're standing on the ground and the dirt and the rubble is that the only one they wouldn't let us go in uh they yeah they roped it off and said like actually we are not allowing people at this time because people keep getting injured something like that yeah i remember we were allowed to peek in and i remember i just looked at the ground and i have the worst feeling and like em and i were like ready to go see anything and i feel like we went into a room closed off from everyone else and stood alone with ptd and looked from the fucking like let's chat but yeah this one i i
Starting point is 00:44:44 think maybe we would have been like yeah i look at it from here i felt really uncomfortable so if you would like to feel uncomfortable too you could do that there and then the third show i wanted to talk about is the one where we're really going to sing his praises because oh my gosh we have we've said this maybe on the show before but like we it's so you know during this season of life when covid hit um zach bagans decided that him and his ghost adventures team when originally we were all supposed to quarantine for only two weeks lol uh they decided okay well we have to shut down the museum but how about instead of quarantining at home all of us decide that we're going to isolate ourselves together and we're going to live in the museum for all two weeks and we're going to have cameras
Starting point is 00:45:30 running the entire time and do a two week long like 24 hours a day investigation on this museum just the four of us if nothing else he's a business genius truly it is the smartest on it right away the smartest move i've ever heard of and so like you didn't have any it was just them filming it was them editing it on the fly it was them so it's very like raw it was really good so it's called ghost adventures quarantine it was a four-part miniseries i've still only seen the first two episodes with you and then i keep watching like the first two they rocked me to my core they were actually so scary i'm actually very afraid to watch the last two by myself i think that i'm gonna wait to be christine and i held each other we were literally on that
Starting point is 00:46:09 air mattress i was telling you about we were on the air mattress like okay okay this is not funny anymore this is really frightening for all the bullshit that we say to you zach like i i take it all back after i saw quarantine i was like you know what this guy's on bow down i was i was really free like i was freaked out i like to think he's kind of like just another paris hilton where have you seen her like recent interviews i've seen she did like a little auto by or she did some interview recently where she basically came clean and was like that entire persona you knew about me was totally wrong in the interview her voice sounds completely different she was like no the producer told me to make up a voice they told me me to answer, like play this character.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Kind of like ditzy. And so she like just made it so clear. Like I knew what I was doing the entire time. I'm actually a bad business bitch. And like, I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:46:54 Zach Bagans is the same. Yeah. I mean, he knows what he's doing. He knows he has a museum that can't even, you can't even begin to try to compete with it.
Starting point is 00:47:01 He saw an opportunity with a closed shut off most haunted attraction in the world to himself yeah and it's really it's really good so he plays into that character yeah he gets made fun of and he plays heaven paris must text each other all the time like oh my god he's literally dating like holly madison right so like literally they could probably be pals i feel like they run in probably probably Probably. Those 2000s A-lister circles. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:29 So recently he, this is the most up-to-date information I have. Beyond my favorite fun fact, which was in 2017, or no, not in 2017, 2013, he blocked you on Twitter. Why was I not expecting that? That uh so oh all we know about that we're gonna go there all we know about that uh that i'm pretty good is that uh christine
Starting point is 00:47:55 texted him a few times i think maybe margaritas were tweeted i didn't text tweeted i wish i i tried i certainly tweeted him and i don't know know what the content was or anything. None of us need to know. All that was said was what was said. And the next morning, Zach blocked her. Yeah. It was actually that night because I was tweeting and suddenly it said, you may no longer tweet this person. And I went, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:48:18 And Twitter was fairly new to me. And so I was like, I was like with my friend, Celine, and I was like, it won't let me tweet him anymore. And she was like, I was like with my friend Celine and I was like, it won't let me tweet him anymore. And she was like, why? Well, in the words of Zach Bagans with his very first face to face experience, it changed everything. Because he didn't realize in 2013, he was catapulting himself into 2020 where we talked. I didn't realize it either. And here we are.
Starting point is 00:48:41 But so that happened. And then we got blocked in 2020. Copyright blocked from our own live stream so yeah that's true he continues to make our lives difficult well here is the most recent stuff he was actually recently trying to investigate joe exotic's famous zoo yeah everyone keeps tweeting that in oklahoma and because apparently it's very haunted um not including all the other suspicions that are going on with Joe Exotic. Yep. Joe has said apparently multiple times that people love the zoo so much that they would bring their family members who had passed and would spread their ashes.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Yes. At the zoo. Wow. What a weird thing to do. Therefore, a lot of bodies and energy is there and therefore it's incredibly haunted. And Zach smelt out a weird pr op yeah like he's very timely with his he's like let's collaborate yeah let's do like a little crossover situation so he was recently filming at the zoo and then filming got shut down in the middle because i guess there was a police investigation that uh surfaced because dogs started smelling out decay aha yeah and smelled
Starting point is 00:49:46 human remains so they had to stop their own paranormal investigation oh my god for it to become a crime scene which again is so on the nose just it's like he's creating his own reality at this point it's like we're it's like we're just like vicariously living through yeah also kind of literally living the same it's like we make fun of him because he's so much like us yeah yeah anyway but like also so much more successful and famous and he's what we want to be and we hate ourselves i don't know what's happening here but uh yeah so he uh apparently it became a crime scene. And so they ended up halting the paranormal investigation. But he did tell the Las Vegas Review Journal that he found unique artifacts at the zoo, which he plans to display at the museum,
Starting point is 00:50:35 which doesn't sound right if it's an active crime scene. I just took these, put them in my pocket. Don't worry about it. His exact quote, where some of these artifacts are personal effects that used to belong to Joe Exotic and his husband travis yeah um so that's the the update on where he is filming wise but if that's not enough for you he has written three books so get ready for your eyes
Starting point is 00:50:55 to do a little dancing are excellent graphic design work they about they look exactly like his necrofusion about as i, about as good as the album. The books are called Dark World, Into the Shadows, I Am Haunted, Living Life Through the Dead, and Ghost Hunting for Dummies, which we own. Yes. Oh, my God. Our apartment is kind of a shrine in some ways, I think. It is.
Starting point is 00:51:19 It's actually kind of upsetting. I really like Ghost Hunting for Dummies, although I have seen a few videos where people proved that videos where people proved that a lot of it was like just straight up copy and pasted from other. Oh, that's not cool. I don't know if it was like, like Zach had already written about it and then just used his own words and put it right back into a different book or something. Buy it for the cover alone. It's excellent stuff. Oh, I'm still going to say you should buy it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:42 So. I'm still going to say you should buy it. Yeah. So. Also, like, just a side note, in case you're, like, living under a rock, there is some really delightful merchandise of Zach Bagans. So if you need a real, I guess, dopamine rush, serotonin rush, something like that, the waltz all over to Etsy or Redbubble or. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Like, in general, just like. Not his merch, but like. No, no,. Like in general, just like, not his merch, but like... No, no, no. Like other people's merch. Fan art, you might say. You can find Zach Bagan on some really great stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Including a watercolor above my bed in my new apartment. That one is from Redbubble. Uh-huh. And on Etsy, we found a mug that says,
Starting point is 00:52:19 think this coffee strong, have it come fight me in the dark. Oh, God. That was made by Fugly Barbie, just to give you a shout out. Good. And there's a pot holder by Pixel Lute that says, there are things in this kitchen that
Starting point is 00:52:32 we will never fully understand. We want answers. That's good. But those are just two. But there's also some really just delicious art that people have created. So please go check that out. I have a blanket that you gave me with his face all over it i have there's zach bagans blanket for you to sleep this is actually troubling now that i'm saying it all out loud we also have uh shirts with zach bagans name all over there
Starting point is 00:52:53 yeah so uh though zach doesn't consider himself a psychic medium he does consider himself a sensitive fun fact he is dating holly madison and also there's a conspiracy apparently that he has a daughter that we don't know about what um her name is either melissa or missy um or some people i don't know why i tried clicking the website and it like went to like a spam link that doesn't really exist anymore but you can still see kind of like the little the first line of it on google search and apparently there's a there's a story out there that he has a daughter named alexis michigan nevada bagans what which i i were like what what states has he lived in so michigan was where he had his first ghost experience and nevada is where he lives now yeah so Nevada Nevada yeah I only know this because people like to tweet it but uh but so apparently that's a little uh piece of
Starting point is 00:53:51 information I've looked high and low for more information it doesn't I don't think it's true but it was just something for you to go uh search in the deep deep web now and although he's not afraid of ghosts I'll end on this he has throughout his uh career made very clear to us the things he is afraid of which are heights snakes dolls wax figures and clowns wow and that is the story of zachary alexander bagans um this is the best day of my life anyway i'm sorry that was so long which is shocking because it was not long but well that was my fault i think we have a lot to i'm sorry that was so long which is shocking because it was not long but well that was my fault i think we have a lot to discuss wow and that was this is the best day of my life
Starting point is 00:54:30 happy halloween this is the best halloween ever i'm like this you just really brighten my soul i do what i can yeah that was excellent uh also i was gonna say um oh so there's i found somebody showed me this yesterday on twitter there's a reddit conspiracy thread in our uh subreddit called like general discussion why christine isn't verified on social media and of course the top answer is like i bet zach has some sort of like like hand in play if that's the conspiracy theory that we're running with let's run with it i guess right so i'm like and that was the top voted answer and i was like uh or upvoted and um i don't know if i don't know why are you looking at us on reddit no they like tagged me in it and said we made a promise oh i don't look through the reddit i i scrolled down to the top comment
Starting point is 00:55:19 and went no going no further because i was afraid it's gonna be like she's too ugly for twitter or some stupid shit i was like i don't want to read this but i did see the top comment was uh that zach bagans was involved in social media has his hand in which i'm like at this point i wouldn't be surprised i think he's like his own mom yeah he's like his own mom he's got his own hand in everything it seems like that actually as much as it's a joke like might actually be true because again twitter and instagram seem to both not want to let me you know he's a joke like might actually be true because again twitter and instagram seem to both not want to let me you know he's probably said like look i've had to block her a million times already so can we just not what if he just has a list of people he's blocked and he's like
Starting point is 00:55:55 i wonder if i'll ever get blocked by zach i'm waiting for the day well it took a lot i will tell you took a lot of margaritas and it took a lot of brazen energy. I had like four followers, so it didn't matter what I was tweeting. And before you go looking, they're all gone. I would love to know. I would love to know his thought process because so many people have stories about getting blocked by him, but like he doesn't know them. Like why is he, how is he just randomly blocking? I think he's just one of those people like the second something like negative just blocked them. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I don't know. It's wild. I mean, listen, mine weren't negative, by the way. I was just like very interested in some people have propagated this idea that I was on there like bullying him. I was not bullying him. I was just probably being a pest. I was like, I had just seen Robert the doll for the first time in Key.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I was in Key West, Florida, and we were watching his TV show. And I was like, I need to find him on the internet. And I was like, cool Twitter. I'll talk to him there. And he was like, no, you won't.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And that was that. Um, well, I'm over it though. My, that's the fun fact is that I'm over it. My favorite closest personal story we have is that at a meet and greet, we did meet someone who says that she has indeed slept with zach bagans yeah and i that
Starting point is 00:57:06 sent me in a turbulent like headspace i don't remember your name but if it was you please dm us and also we've already told them to dm us like three times so i'm sure it's in there somewhere it's probably in there but um but so that happens and in one of the stories i think i forget what episode it was because i'm saying this on the fly and I didn't look up the episode. But we covered the, I think it was called the McRaven Mansion or something. Yeah, that sounds great. And I think their name was Jay. Yes. Who worked there.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Jay was in the episode as one of the staff who was helping. Yes. Who was helping the Ghost of Mentos crew. I was involved when they were filming. Jay listens to the show or at least did that back then, and DM'd us and was like, oh my gosh, I can tell you all about what Zach was like behind the scenes. So we've got our hand in things too, ZB.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yes, Zach. Okay? Jeez. Anyway, that's that. And if you see our live show when we go back on tour, we also mention Zach because why not? Because he inserted himself. Let's just put it that way
Starting point is 00:58:06 buy our tour tickets whenever they come spoilers we actually bring zach bagans on stage we're all friends surprise this is a total ruse oh my god also if you went to our show please don't ruin it and tweet what we're talking about you guys have by the way i know you're about to tell your story i'm sorry but i do want to take a second while we're on this topic and thank all of the people who have come to our tour. You have been so loyal about keeping things under wraps because before we made that promise where we wouldn't look at Reddit anymore. Yep. I had seen people going on Reddit trying to like figure out like what goes on at our show.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And every comment was like, I went, but they said they don't want us talking about it. People are not happy about that. And we're not going to say, but we promise it's really good and it's worth going. Because people were like, I bet they're just doing the same story over and over because they're lazy or something. We did not. We worked so fucking hard on the show. And people were like, trust me, they didn't, but I'm not allowed to tell you what they did. It's been so nice to see so many loyal people out there keeping the mystere.
Starting point is 00:59:04 So thank you so, so much. We really appreciate it. keeping the mystere so thank you so so much we really appreciate it and we'll show it to you soon we will be back with the same show so i can't wait anyway i also have a halloween story for you this is the story i don't know i guess that was a halloween story it was like my ultimate halloween it was it was what you needed yeah it was what i needed this this sad sad season of 2020 um i have a story called the halloween candy man oh is the candy man a serial killer spooky he's a killer wow yeah okay isn't candy man also a horror movie probably yes it sounds like it there's two candy man murderers btw there's this guy and then then another guy who I think was a serial killer. I'm not covering that guy right now.
Starting point is 00:59:47 The Candyman Dean Corll is a separate killer. This is not that. This is a different Halloween day. This one's more fun. This one's specifically seasonal. This one's festive. Okay, got it. This one is 1974.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Deer Park, Pasadena, Texas. Okay. Thursday night, Halloween, 1974. Children are out trick-or-treating uh imagining what 1974 might look like as in terms of um you know candy i have a couple fun facts here can i can i guess yes okay so guess what were the big candies um okay available in the 70s okay in the 70s hmm uh snickers yes and wow snickers were created in 1930 i wrote the names of the dates okay also i'm just gonna do one spoiler candy corn apparently was invented in the 1880s yikes no wonder it's because it's made of no wonder it's disgusting um we're gonna get like probably
Starting point is 01:00:46 the most hate we've ever gotten for that i look i am not on team candy corn i'm sorry um me neither uh okay uh snickers and was oh reese's pieces yes or reese's yeah okay oh no et was in the 80s not in the 70s right yeah true but reese's yeah and M&M's not M&M's I don't think but at least the big ones Starburst apparently were 1960 Swedish fish old Swedish fish and lemon heads which makes sense lemon heads I get and sweet tarts you're a fucking lemon head I'm a literal lemon entire body even yours a lemon body I've just like taken over the whole it's taken over my whole being um so uh that year also bubble yum came out um and it had that like punk duck on it with the nose piercing still does yeah it's the coolest thing i've ever seen it's it's fun um so that was the most popular candy the following year 1975
Starting point is 01:01:39 um which is weird because i just feel like gum is I didn't expect that to be the most popular candy but yeah Halloween was here's some trident happy Halloween winter fresh okay um also according to Reader's Digest there were quote persistent false rumors that bubble yum was soft because it contained spider eggs and that was a rumor and then the company had to spend over a hundred thousand dollars to try and fight that well I think they probably spent their money slander and uh shoved the conspiracy onto something else because growing up my favorite gum was um the strawberry bubblicious oh and i thought i heard that story my whole life i think that just became like a widespread rumor yeah they probably just put it on any yeah gum candy that people enjoyed i wish i didn't have
Starting point is 01:02:25 adult teeth like and by adult teeth i mean like nerve wise because it like now like if it's too sugar i can't chew it oh but bubblicious strawberry bubblicious that stuff was i to this day i'm like drooling a little bit thinking about it it was so fucking good that stuff was excellent good and full of spider eggs just kidding that's why i'm drooling that's a joke it's parody law not really okay so um candies that had not come out yet skittles runts nerds sour patch kids were 1985 airheads and those chupa chup lollipops do you know those okay because we used to get those from germany and i didn't know if that was like a thing here those chupa chup well i remember dum dums more fondly yeah dum dums were more american what about tootsie rolls like tootsie pops that's those are old timey right oh are they no you're
Starting point is 01:03:14 probably right like they that must have been there runs runs feel 70s it does it does okay um anyway so i've like a lot of fun facts uh about halloween before we just get into the like the very much not fun fact well i thought we were also going towards the costume route and i was gonna say star wars oh we're getting actually that's the next section oh shit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay great so um let's see the the most popular candy in 1975 was the bubble yum in 1974 it was blow pops which is more gum what's going on with the 70s kids? What is wrong with you all? Okay. So now two of – okay.
Starting point is 01:03:50 We're in Pasadena, Texas. Okay. Wherever that is. And there are two kids going out to trick-or-treat named Timothy and Elizabeth O'Brien. And they lived in the Bowling Green subdivision, which is kind of like an upper middle class area. And they were trick-or-treating with their dad, Ronald, their neighbor, Jim Bates, and then his son, Jim Bates' son. So two kids, their dad, and then the neighbor and his son. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:04:17 So we don't know what Elizabeth and Jim Bates' son were dressed up as. But according to the 2014 documentary Killer Legends, which I watched, I think on Amazon Prime, but it's very good. Timothy was wearing a Planet of the Apes costume. Ah, okay. Which came out in 1968. I have a milkshake fact. Do you?
Starting point is 01:04:37 About Planet of the Apes. What is it? So the original Planet of the Apes that came out, all of the extras were in like those really heavy, like gorilla or, gorilla, ape suits. Yeah. Geez. Planet of the Apes that came out, all of the extras were in like those really heavy like gorilla or gorilla ape suits. Yeah. Geez. Planet of the Gorillas.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And so and it had like they had full face costumes on that they would have taken forever to take off. The only thing they could drink on set was milkshakes and they put a straw through the mask. And drink milkshakes. That's like a nice thing to drink when you're like hot and stuffy. Yeah. But that was that was the only thing that the extras on the set of Planet of the mask and drink milkshakes. That's like a nice thing to drink when you're like hot and stuffy. Yeah. But that was, that was the only thing that the extras on the set of Planet of the Apes drink. I would love a behind the scenes photo of the straws, like in the costumes.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I hope it's curly. Yeah. Oh, how fun. I had no idea. Timothy was wearing a Planet of the Apes costume and like a big mask. So according to Cosmopolitan, do you want to guess some of the,
Starting point is 01:05:24 I don't know if you'll guess i want to okay i'll be wrong but i'd like to guess okay the big one the big popular one at the time for anyway for costumes yeah i would have said i would have said star wars i bet i bet star wars was the one that at least cosmopolitan said was daisy buchanan from the great gatsby huh i would have no i know that's why i was I'm just going to tell you because I don't think. I would have thought Luke Skywalker. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Which, I mean, I don't know the year that started. Or a Stormtrooper or something. Yeah. I feel like it's the right time period for that. Although, what year did Star Wars even come out? 78? No, not 78. 70.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Because it's 74. So maybe we're like. 74, I think, was Star Wars year. Oh, maybe it just came in too close to halloween to get the costumes out maybe i'm not i'm not a star wars head but i know clearly none of us are and it was earlier than 78 because i liked the show well this is 70 show this was 74 so star wars was a thing for sure okay okay so anyway um i'm taking the sorry i know it sounds like i can't
Starting point is 01:06:25 read because i can't because i'm wearing yellow glasses and it's like whoa my eyes okay sorry let me get back to my notes can i wear them yes they might hurt your head they're a little tight oh nice catch we should just switch glasses and then you really can't read so o'brien and bates families are trick-or-treating they find one house and the lights are off so they're not sure if like the lights are off because it's like part of the spooky decor or if the people inside are like in bed and it's done so they're like i'm not giving you any more candy yes they're like so we're gonna check just in case so they go and bang on the door no one comes to the door we're gonna find out for sure if you don't want to give me candy sweet tarts we will find them so they bang on the door nobody
Starting point is 01:07:09 comes so the kids go off to the next house and uh ronald is like i'll just check and see if anyone answers nobody answers and he goes and meets up with them uh and he says okay i stayed back for for a few minutes we got your eyes sorry m looks good right now in case you're not on our wow okay you look like you and i are lemon together now feeling good okay super super duper i'm also lizzo also there's that fun fact. Not Liz Lemon. Lizzo Lemon. Oh. Well, shit. Okay. So nobody answers the door. So the kids go off and their dad says, I'll just wait and see if anyone answers. Because they're just, the kids are like eager to keep trick-or-treating.
Starting point is 01:07:55 So the dad stays behind. And when he meets up with them a few minutes later, he says, good news. Somebody did answer the door and they did have a few pixie sticks left over. Oh, pixie sticks. Yes. And so they had those did have a few pixie sticks left over so yes and so uh they had those big 22 inch pixie sticks yeah the fun fun ones so he gives them to the kids and then there's a boy uh nearby that he recognized from church named whitney parker and who's 10 years old and he gave him the extra one so it starts raining um so they head home and uh they'd only been trick-or-treating for about half an hour uh which sucks because like boo sure the rain ruined it i guess um so before bed ronald says okay each kid can pick out one piece of candy sure um which obviously
Starting point is 01:08:40 the smart boy biggest bad goes i want this giant pixie stick. It's funny how like fun size usually means small, which is an oxymoron. So not fun. Pixie sticks fucking went there. We know what fun size is. Fun size? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Get out of the way, Snickers. Right. So he's like, he's still in his like Planet of the Apes costume, interestingly. So the pixie stick, it just reminded me of the straw. Like the straws. Yeah, it's like basically, okay. He might have known the milkshake fact.
Starting point is 01:09:04 He's like, I know what fits in my eight mask. He's like, I got to see the behind the scenes footage. So Timothy picks the pixie stick, picks the pixie stick, whatever. And so it's like the powdered sugar. So it's like kind of stuck. So his dad like helps him get it out of the container. Like banging on the end of it.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Yeah. Like a ketchup bottle to dislodge it. And kind of rolls it in his hands and gets the gets the candy out and um apparently the candy tasted really bitter so ronald grabbed timothy a glass of kool-aid this is just a very 70s story uh and then all of a sudden timothy starts to have awful stomach pains and vomiting in the bathroom was it cyanide i didn't mean to be like as you said bitter and i remember you saying bitter last time was just straight up like not even mixed with anything just direct straight up cyanide so well i'll tell you i'll tell you i'll tell you also holy shit yes terrible bad bad so he he starts vomiting and then he goes into convulsions and passes out.
Starting point is 01:10:06 So, of course, his dad calls an ambulance and about 10.30 p.m., less than an hour later, according to a 1974 article by Craig Smizer, who was a reporter for the Houston Chronicle, Timothy had died. He had been rushed to Southmore Hospital, but like on the way to the hospital, died in his father's arms. Oh, come on oh come on fucking horrible so mike called dr joseph a jikimsic is how i'm gonna say it okay uh who's the chief medical examiner of nearby harris county oh sorry to be clear mike is the uh he works for the pasadena
Starting point is 01:10:42 police department sorry so he mike hinton hears that a eight year old boy had died. So he calls the chief medical examiner and says, quote, I told him the situation and he asked what the young man's breath smelled like. Oh, almonds. Yes. See,
Starting point is 01:10:57 I'm learning things. I know you're, you're getting it. Usually, other than, I wouldn't have known if you had told one less cyanide story it was like the last one you told that i like cemented all this also this fucker sounds like the reason why we have all these stupid rumors every halloween about like like razors in your brownies or whatever it's
Starting point is 01:11:17 this is literally the story that this is exactly that it like propagated the urban legend and that's why there's a story called killer legends on amazon that's like basically these two documentarians um going to like examine different urban legends and seeing like what the truth was and like the truth a lot of times is worse or like even just as scary right it has to start from somewhere terrible exactly like there's some truth to it um so that is where this is like part of that yeah very very halloween brand though right very what this is like well it's a halloween story unfortunately too because i'm like sadly very sad um but so he says the the medical office
Starting point is 01:11:58 examiner says what does the boy's breath smell like and he called the morgue and there was indeed a scent of almonds coming from his mouth. And Dr. Jakimczyk said it's cyanide. So you are correct. This was later confirmed by a pathologist in an autopsy.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Timothy had consumed enough cyanide to kill two people. And it turns out they did tests and the top two inches of the pixie stick tubes had been replaced
Starting point is 01:12:24 with cyanide. So like a good chunk was just pure cyanide it was the it was fun size too so it was like not normal right exactly it was like a big chunk of cyanide oh my god and uh the the right so the rest of it was pixie stick but then it had been replaced at the top right so like the part the part that you get taken the first bite yeah oh so it's really gross um as m is now an expert of cyanide is an incredibly poisonous chemical um it's been used as a killing agent in gas chambers it's just a very very lethal substance especially for an eight-year-old boy who's just eating it yeah um it's been used to lace medicines and that kind of thing in murders. Is it also the Tylenol murders in Chicago?
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah. Exactly. Which is when they used to have the caps that you could open and just put stuff and close them back up, which is different nowadays. Fun fact, that's what they do in movies. They put powdered sugar in it. I put powdered sugar in it. That powdered sugar in it that's how i know
Starting point is 01:13:27 fun fact yep um so what was i gonna say cyanide i was gonna say oh and so like i said the almond smell i think only like 70 of people can smell it or there's a certain percentage i wonder if it's the same people who think cilantro is disgusting oh now that would be a fun 23 and me fun fact if you're a super taster you're also a super smeller that's a good question we should we should get some cyanide and try it because i have the cilantro we should go buy some cyanide together yeah how fun because you like cilantro i have that soap gene yeah yeah yeah so maybe you could smell cyanide and i can't interesting i would love to know that that's a great idea okay well eva well can you buy some cyanide please eva eva i need it on uh i need a two-day delivery please yeah amazon primate please thank you um so uh another person who headed down to the hospital was a guy
Starting point is 01:14:15 named lieutenant gold who was off duty but heard about the eight-year-old boy that had died and went to the hospital he also he was in this movie interviewed and he said he had a young son himself who was like looked a lot like him so he said it just like hit him yeah hit him really hard um he said it devastated him that it happened to this child who looked so much like his son it was just like a very personal connection um and he promised ronald uh timothy's dad that he would catch the individual who did this to their son and was like that's when i like was like i'm on this case and i'm gonna figure out who did it um there wasn't much time to grieve because the other pixie sticks were still out there remember and so they're like well shit like if you got four pixie sticks so okay my thought or if i were the
Starting point is 01:15:03 chief of police in this situation i first of all, I would not know what to do. In those glasses, you really look like you could be. But I at least would know, I would at least assume, oh, wherever this kid got the candy, I know that it's within so many miles of this neighborhood. So I would at least be able to pinpoint, like, it's someone that lives in one of these houses. Yeah, so they did actually end up taking Ronald to be like, which house? Which house did you go to? Like, can you remember which house it was? So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:32 So that does happen in a moment. Sorry. No, no. It's true. I'm too fast for you. You're just like Lieutenant Gold. I know it. With those gold glasses.
Starting point is 01:15:41 That's me. Lieutenant Lemon. Lieutenant Lizzo Lemon. Oh, my God. I can't okay i quit actually goodbye um so they were like well shit there and he was like there's three more pixie sticks out there my daughter has one and then the neighbor's kid has one and then that boy from church had one so they're like we need to find out if they're eating these too. And yeah, could be dead also.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Like a race of racing against the clock. Yes, exactly. So they thankfully got the one from Timothy's sister. They got the one from the neighbor, but then they had to track down that boy from church, Whitney Parker, and make sure he wasn't eating the pixie stick. So his parents are up, he's in bed. And they were like, here's the bag of candy. Go through it.
Starting point is 01:16:28 And the pixie stick was not in the bag of candy. And they're like, he probably took it up to his room. So they go up to his room. Fuck. The son, his mom's obviously freaking out. They run in and they find him asleep holding the pixie stick. But like he hasn't opened it yet oh my god i know i that was an angel like closing his eyelids seriously mr sandman showed up real quick
Starting point is 01:16:52 one right million percent in the nick of time so he it looked like he had tried to open it but like couldn't open it and fell asleep i mean that's me with my candy i'm like literally that's us with like anything i'm just gonna take a depression it's like man that was too tiring for candy i'm like i can't that's us with like anything i'm just gonna take a depression it's like man that was too tiring for me it's like when you get like those in death like the kettle chips with the bag and you can't open it it's like i just fall asleep with the chip tear-stained chip bag instead now also comforting though yeah um so yeah thank god he hadn't been able to open it so he was okay and was alive which yikes his mom must be traumatized from that um so obviously uh they're all mortified uh and this pixie stick that the now they have the
Starting point is 01:17:34 other two and it turns out that somebody had stapled them shut because like they had had to open them right and then so they were stapled shut which is why he had such a hard time opening it. So thankfully, at least that. So this obviously like became a huge drama in town because they're like somebody in our small neighborhood is like poisoning children. Definitely worth the small town gossip. Yes. This is one of those times when it's actually warranted. So someone is out there lacing candy with poison so people are turning their kids candy into police to have it examined um the second i mean i'm sure
Starting point is 01:18:11 every other parent did this but like the second i heard that there was a chance the candy was poisoned yeah and it was it hadn't yet been a widely like like traditional urban legend right during halloween i would have swiped that candy so quick i'd have been like we're going to target yeah i'll buy you candy i'll buy you three times i'll buy you an ice cream cone or something yeah yeah yeah so naturally um police went to ronald and like it's tough because he was still like grieving i mean his son had just died but they're also like we need to figure out who's doing this i know you're hurting more than you ever thought you ever would but like now i need you to be as sharp as a tap yeah it's like a really tough line to walk so obviously they're
Starting point is 01:18:50 like well he's the one who got the candy from that house so uh they asked what do you remember from getting this candy and he said he had only seen the person's arms and they were hairy oh okay cool not like hairy arms are gross but it's like creepy that like the person's arms and they were hairy oh okay cool not like hairy arms are gross but it's like creepy that like the person like preemptively knew to hide their face that's the only thing yeah that he could see so initially when speaking to police he couldn't remember which house he had gotten this the candy from which they're like okay yeah you're probably like in turmoil um and then timothy's funeral came along and the church was packed um he was only a third grader at the time it's really awful uh the o'brien family is obviously devastated
Starting point is 01:19:34 um at the service his dad ronald sang a hymn and went on to tell reporters he was all boy he loved football basketball anything he never met a stranger but i have my peace in knowing tim is in heaven now so the following day they take him out again. And they're like, we want to jog your memory and see if like this time in the daylight, you can figure out what house it was. So on the third trip around the neighborhood, he finally remembered the house. And pretty quickly, they learned that the owner of the house was an air traffic controller, and he had not gotten home until 11 p.m. on Halloween night, and there were several people to verify his alibi. Over 200 people could verify because he was at work.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Was he at a concert? He was at a concert. I guess he worked at an airport, so plenty of people saw him, I guess. So he was like, that was not me. I don't know if his arms were hairy or not. So is the theory that it was the wrong house or that someone else broke into his house and tried to look like him? Let's see. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:20:32 So his wife and daughter had been home that evening, but they ran out of candy, which is why they had turned the lights off. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. And they said no one answered the door. None of us answered the door that night. So with no leads, they were like, shit, this is just like back to this urban legend. A sadistic stranger is out here on a random
Starting point is 01:20:50 neighborhood handing out candy and like laced with poison for fun? I don't know. So the first documented case of something like this happening was in Long Island in 1964 where a woman named Helen Feil was upset with older kids that were trick-or-treating
Starting point is 01:21:05 so she handed out dog biscuits steel wool and poison ant buttons um and she said it was just a joke but she was found guilty of endangering children and then following this in the 70s there were more reports of tainted candy um some stated that several children have died and hundreds have narrowly escaped serious injury from razor blades so that was the one that like we used to hear razor blades all the time in your candy bars i remember hearing like lsd and i talked to my brother about this recently he was like who's giving out their lsd like it doesn't make sense i mean i always heard the like like oh people i always heard either razors and like the candy that you're gonna like chomp down on or it was that people like people were putting drugs in
Starting point is 01:21:45 your candy it's like who on earth why are you giving away your expensive exactly that's like shut up that theory doesn't even make sense exactly but i heard it and some people legitimately in my hometown believed like oh i have to check their candy because there might be drugs in there yeah i mean like unless it's like anthrax like what are you talking about like ant poison also but like like cyanide or cyanide but like no nobody's handing out their joints like it doesn't make any sense like their cbd vape you know well that oh that's fun i would love that in fact uh so um timothy's case became like this i mean people were basically like crazy this must just be this urban legend come true basically um so obviously it's like wildfires spread on the media
Starting point is 01:22:31 um ronald o'brien went on to say to the deer park progress it's so disheartening to think there wasn't more we could do we thought we were being so careful we had even wondered if we should go out this year so uh pretty soon information began to flood in that suddenly turned the case in a very different direction 180 the police got a call from an insurance company reporting something a bit odd ronald o'brien had taken out a 31 000 life insurance policy on both of his two oh no i'm space on both of his two children just five days before halloween that is fishy and after timothy's death he had called the insurance company to ask when he could come collect his check okay well problem solved yeah as the investigation continued
Starting point is 01:23:20 the police also discovered that ronald was over a hundred thousand dollars in debt which nowadays is about was more than half a million dollars in debt um and this was followed with calls into the police reporting that days before halloween ronald o'brien had been asking his colleagues about cyanide okay so this like mystery is no longer it's no longer a mystery okay um no hairy arms he made it all up so uh the police realized pretty quickly this was not the work of an anonymous creepy killer. This man had murdered his own son. So Tuesday, November 5th, um, which was five days after the death of his son, Pasadena
Starting point is 01:23:53 police held a news conference to announce that 30 year old Ronald O'Brien had been arrested and charged with the cyanide poisoning of his son. So that's why he was rolling it around and messing with it. Cause he said that the pixie stick sugar was lodged. So let me fix it and play around with it because he said that the pixie stick sugar was lodged. So let me fix it and play around with it and then put cyanide in it. And then no one else had to worry about their candy. No, there was cyanide in all of them.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Oh, shit. He just casually was like. Oh, okay. There was cyanide in all of the four tubes. That makes it worse. Yeah. Wow. And he took out a policy on both of his kids because he wasn't sure which one was going eat the fucking cyanide it's heinous like it's really fucking heinous wow like so premedit like the definition of premeditated um so but you know he tried to play into that urban legend was
Starting point is 01:24:36 like i don't know there must just be some mystery psycho on the loose you know i mean it's me it's me actually oh god so i mean and to think he feel bad about it like did he if he felt bad i don't i mean he wouldn't have killed his children yeah there's plenty of time to change his mind sorry i'll never understand that well no right exactly thankfully i'll never understand yeah i don't think we could understand a person who would ever even think to do that um so as far as motive they just always said no comment on june 3rd 1975 a jury took 45 minutes to find o'brien guilty of his son's death as well as four counts of attempted murder on the other children uh and he was sentenced to death wow uh in a slightly ironic turn of events uh he was originally sentenced to be killed, executed on October 31st, 1984 on Halloween. Really?
Starting point is 01:25:27 Yeah. Wow. So not long after he was convicted, unsurprisingly, his wife divorced him. Good. If she didn't, I would have been like, what is going on? Yes. You can't find that much on her. Her name is Danine O'Brien.
Starting point is 01:25:39 She refused to speak to anyone after her husband's conviction. Can you imagine what she's going through? No. Holy shit. She's probably still going through it. Horrific. So apparently she broke her silence to a newspaper called UPI. She said she remarried four years after Ronald's sentence and has since commented,
Starting point is 01:25:55 I don't hate Ronald. I just feel nothing. My concern during these years have not been for myself. They have been with my daughter. She has no ties to him. I think she has struggled through that, but she accepts the fact that he intended to kill her too we refer to him in this house as ronald and he is her biological father only and nothing more she also said there were early signs in our marriage that he was a liar he only admitted to me once that he lied but never about tim's death and
Starting point is 01:26:19 remembered once before tim's death that he quoted the Bible story about how Abraham must have felt about sacrificing his only son. Ew. Okay. Sicko. Sicko. Wow. She actually never cashed the $31,000 life insurance policy to this day because she calls it blood money and understandably doesn't want to use it. Right. We're going to do like drive around in a car. Right. It's like that came out of your son's death. Yuck. Yeah, while on death row ronald was despised by his fellow inmates for killing his own child apparently that's like not a good look even in prison oh even i've i mean not that i know but i feel like it's a uh like an understood thing that like crimes against children yeah if you if you hurt a child in jail like you're like scum of the earth yeah so he was not liked let's put it that way not favored um they would call
Starting point is 01:27:12 him candy man which is where he came up with that name i see uh and so the inmates apparently petitioned to hold an organized demonstration on his execution date to express their hatred of him wow that's literally how much they hated him wow uh during his time at huntsville prison when interviewed on tv o'brien said i have stated from the very beginning that i've had nothing at all to do with this i maintain that now if i were to take a polygraph now just like i was from the very first time they arrested me because i have no guilt i'm not worried about what happens to my physical body when i die i know where i'm going this is the worst sentence of all when you consider the victim of this crime it actually turns out to be me shut the fuck is that not the most like that's the most narcissistic bullshit i've ever heard in my life that's when
Starting point is 01:27:56 you know before you even said it i was like this is gonna be something i can't even process it like churns my stomach really so the reporter said you are accused of ruining halloween for everybody and he replied well that's a matter of opinion it's like oh is it though it's a matter of everyone versus your weird shitty opinion yeah you're like non-opinion yeah and just horrible crime so on march 31st 1984 at 12 40 a.m o'brien was officially executed by lethal injection before his execution he continued to insist that he was innocent, and a crowd of demonstrators gathered outside as he died, some even mockingly shouting, trick or treat. Oh!
Starting point is 01:28:32 His final, yeah. Okay, like, I'm not going to condone any of this, but I am going to say, like, A-plus on creativity. Yeah, I mean, it's... It's an original... It's hand in hand, yeah. Yeah. It works well.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Nice full circle. His final statement he had written on a piece of paper was quote what is about to transpire in a few moments is wrong exclamation point is it no it's not however we as human beings do make mistakes and errors like i guess murdering my own child by the way i'm only saying no it's not because this is the bullshit coming out of this guy's mouth of like it's it was an error it's like fuck you yeah like like i am not a proponent of the death penalty let me just be clear about that so that's not what i'm saying but also what i'm saying is but
Starting point is 01:29:09 we're not sympathizing either with the fact that like yourself a fucking you have made a mistake a simple error an error in judgment that is not what this is yes that's exactly it yeah so the execution is the way you wrote the execution is one of those wrongs yet doesn't mean our whole system of justice is wrong therefore i would forgive all who have taken part in any way in my death also to anyone i have offended in any way during my 39 years i pray and ask your forgiveness just as i forgive anyone who offended me in any way it's so arrogant and condescending to be like i forgive you like nobody asked for your fucking murderer like i i don't want your forgiveness who like we haven't done anything wrong i'm not sorry that you're in jail uh yeah so he said i pray and ask god's forgiveness for all of us respectively
Starting point is 01:29:51 as human beings ew to my loved ones i extend my undying love to those close to even my daughter that i attempted to murder like christ i mean to those close to me know in your hearts i love you one and all god bless you all and may God's best blessings be always yours. Ronald C. O'Brien. P.S. During my time here, I've been treated well by all TDC personnel. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 01:30:13 He's literally giving like a customer service review. A five-star Yelp review. Yikes. And they're like, we don't want to be part of this. Oh my gosh. So out of fear of what happened to Timothy, trick-or-treating was banned for a long time in Deer Park. And around America, the 80s saw hospitals offering x-rays for Halloween candy.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Ronald had basically tried to hide behind the smoke screen of an urban legend. To this day, he is like a validation of people's worst fears, like parents' worst fears. Sure, like it's possible. It happened, yeah. However, like, you know, this was a very premeditatedmeditated like he just used that as a cover it wasn't like he was the guy out there poisoning random i mean clearly he was going to poison other children as well as part of his plan or didn't care they were collateral damage but anyone but there could be one person out there who doesn't have a personal goal of needing to get out of
Starting point is 01:31:02 debt it could just be one person who wants to hurt kids who well so that's the whole urban legend but that's never really happened outside like this case he hid behind that urban legend of like oh there's mystery men out there giving out poison and it's like there's no proof of that anywhere right this was not a mystery man he murdered his own son on purpose and then hid behind that whole right but like you said it's a validation that it's it's a valid fear for people to now be like, well, if you did it, someone else could. Yeah, that's true, yeah. So, yikes.
Starting point is 01:31:31 So with COVID-19, obviously, who knows what the hell is going on with trick-or-treating. I know in my neighborhood, it's 6 to 8 p.m. I'm still trying to decide the best way to handle that. A lot of people are getting PVC pipe and making a slide. Yeah, that's actually, I have a photo of that here for our YouTube because that is a thing a lot of people are doing.
Starting point is 01:31:51 So obviously, apparently surface, like surfaces of candy are not a high level of exchanging germs. I don't know, apparently, but obviously any sort of, you know, touching anything is still dangerous I
Starting point is 01:32:06 wonder if you can get the light bulbs that they use in here and like just put it like on top of the bowl of candy and just just have it constantly disinfected oh like a uv light yeah uh it's kind of smart um so some people some other things people are doing I guess are scavenger hunts around the house at home um costume parades like virtually over zoom uh halloween movie nights and if you are trick-or-treating um so apparently according to a guy named dr more johnny like i said the transmission of the coronavirus on services is low but if you are nervous you can wipe down the candy wrappers before your kids touch them for safety purposes um and they recommend not allowing children to eat candy as they trick-or-treat like eat something
Starting point is 01:32:46 because you're touching it and put it in your mouth yeah and like you're you haven't had a chance to wash your hands or anything like that um make sure to look through candy because i mean this is pretty much all you can do is just to check that you know your pixie stick hasn't been stapled shut or that the candy hasn't been tampered with um you know if there's pinholes discoloration tears in the wrappers, just throw it away. So it's best to stick to neighborhoods where you know the people handing out candy. That's just another safety tip.
Starting point is 01:33:12 And if you are handing out candy, it's safer for one person to do it than have, you know, a communal bowl where everyone's grabbing pieces. And then there's this other idea that some people have done, which is a reverse drive-by halloween setup which like people kids stand in their own yards with their costumes on and then adults drive through and toss candy their way which is kind of fun i like that's like kind of like a parade situation yeah like an opposite parade like so i thought that was kind of fun um and there there's this youtube channel called wicked makers and they created
Starting point is 01:33:44 a candy slide uh where you can drop candy through a tube and like i said we have a photo of that here um and that's that so i it is on in my neighborhood i'm a little nervous because i did decorate for halloween so i'm like i feel like obligated to not like hide in the dark but also i'm like i don't know if that's safe so trying to figure out the best method of how i like the idea of the slide i think that's fun and also like i mean the i know they make uv uv light disinfectant things for your phones you could probably instead put your phone there throw a little like fun size candy in there just like leave it as like a little container that's disinfecting and then like so i kind of like dump it into the slide and just send it
Starting point is 01:34:24 this way yeah i don't know i we never get trick-or-treaters because i'm in an apartment which always blows my mind because i feel like an apartment is the best place to go trick-or-treating because it's so much i know but there's just so few kids i feel like in those places i know a lot of cockroaches now that i'm like in a they might knock on my door they they don't need to they don't do they don't knock right in like they fucking own the place so anyway happy halloween please be safe please be careful. Please don't go to Halloween parties unless they're virtual.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Really, really don't. Maybe just host a Halloween party and watch Zach Bagans quarantine or Grace Dementor's quarantine. That's the ultimate Halloween party. You'll have a great time and you'll be very scared by the end. Yeah. Then let us know what you think on Twitter, I guess. Thank you guys so much for listening to our Halloween spooky, spooky episode. I feel like we really pulled out all the stops, at least with the Halloween live party.
Starting point is 01:35:07 If you got to watch that, see me dressed as Xenon. See me as a lemon again. Lemon for the millionth time in your life. Oh, we did a Ouija board on the live stream. We did a Ouija board. It's still up there. And we're also putting out another additional little bonus video on Patreon because there was one Halloween activity we didn't get to. And so the next day I went over to the apartment and did it with Christine.
Starting point is 01:35:30 So there's a little bonus footage from what should have been the Halloween party. And again, we have merch coming out this week and patrons get a discount. So we'll send that your way as soon as we have the code. And that's why we drink at home alone on Zoom because parties are dangerous. The end. Halloween is here after this week. Almost Christmas. Bye!

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