And That's Why We Drink - E196 Pop Icon Werewolves and Christine's Trash Can Cocktail

Episode Date: November 8, 2020

Welcome to episode 196! It may be a little too on the snout, so to speak... because Em is covering the history of werewolves in the first of a two part series! Then Christine takes on another Hallowee...n related story with the tragic disappearance of Cindy Song. And conspiracy of the week: did Jesus know about werewolves? ... and that's why we drink! We're also sending everyone love, peace and rest after this stressful election week! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Special offer for ATWWD listeners! Get 10% off your first month at Order your FabFitFun Winter box today! Use coupon code “DRINK” for $10 off your first box at Go to and use code DRINK90 to get $90 off including free shipping.Right now, just for our listeners you can go to and use promo code DRINK at check out for 20% off your first box.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 apparently we're recording so i don't know okay great i don't know how much that got caught but i have a i had a charlie horse in my booty for a second we're good yeah welcome to and that's why i drink that's why i am drinks today in that moment yes in that moment that's why I drink. That's why I am drinks. Today in that moment. Yes. In that moment. That's why we all drink in solidarity. Solidarity. I was just saying I have such a weird fear of Charlie horses after I saw a really terrible YouTube video of one. I really didn't like that. We're going to talk about this twice.
Starting point is 00:00:36 But yeah, I hate that video. I've seen videos like that and it's not fun. I stumbled upon it by accident and I was like, what am I looking at? And then I went, oh my God. Now every time I get a Charlie horse, I'm terrified. I'm going to like, it's going to get that bad. So anyway, my butt is safe and sound now. So we're good. Oh, thank God. Well, hello, everybody. Welcome to And That's Why We Drink. This is, oh, I don't know what episode it is, but it's somewhere in the 190s because I know we're, we're, my, my sweat pricks every time I think how close we're getting to 200. I know it. I know it.
Starting point is 00:01:07 But 190 something. We're not there yet. And real quick, I'm wearing it's hard to see on the video camera, but oh, here it is. I'm wearing our new merchandise, everybody. We can finally talk about it. It says Live Left Lemon and the lemon is written like in a demonic font. Okay. It's a little like demon.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'm so glad that you wore our merch because I thought the same thing too of like, oh, I'm gonna wear some of our merch to like promote it on our on the podcast today. But I've already worn all of it. And it's all dirty. It's like, it's like you were all like 11 shirts. I did. Well, there were a few that I actually sent to my mom so she could promote it from fredericksburg i was gonna say i actually gave some to my parents too um and my sister but honestly every time the are the lovely people we work with who do our merch every time they send us like a sample of something i just like geek out because i'm like the quality is so good like they do such a good job with it um i'm just so proud of it and like we worked really hard with kirk i mean we didn't really work hard but kirk worked really hard kirk really took it seriously for us yeah
Starting point is 00:02:09 yeah yeah we worked hard to make sure like we got the you know things that we thought you guys would enjoy and kirk who made our logo kirk from work did an awesome awesome job and we have a bunch of new designs we have live laugh lemon which is like my dream i always wanted we even have an in citrus and in health so we got double lemon designs which is m's favorite it's actually well it's okay we all know how i feel about lemon but the in citrus and in health shirt i actually love so much it's so sweet and we also have a sassy's clown college shirt we've got our that is just it's arguably my favorite but another another runner-up is uh retrograde really got us this time i think retrograde really got us this time is like actually my all-time favorite
Starting point is 00:02:50 because it's just so the design is so cute and like sparkly and fun and like silly i don't know i just think that whole design is so much fun i just love it i love it uh and then we've also got a it's not you it's not me it's houdini, it's not you, it's not me, it's Houdini. Or it's not me, it's not you, it's Houdini. Oh my God. I'm so proud of all of it. Oh my gosh. It looks so good. And we've also got some new accessories.
Starting point is 00:03:11 We've got more wine glasses on the site. Look at this. I brought it. We've got a blood mug. A blood mug. A mug with a blood coaster that comes with it. Do you even know? It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:03:22 That one we didn't get as a sample. So I'm like purchasing that for myself on the internet. Yeah, I'm mad I didn't get that one. I got 15 shirts that say Houdini on it, but I did not get my blood mug. Yeah. So anyway, we're clearly very proud. There are even coasters. So we're just really proud of it.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And we've been waiting a long time to announce this to you all. And you can see it at And oh, patrons get a 20% discount. Yes. And that's like you know good for any purchases it's not like a one-time use thing please if you are a patron please don't share it because it's a little secret club and i'll we trust you we do you guys so far uh throughout the entirety of the podcast it's it's i've said it before but it's very delightful and precious how uh how loyal you are like when we've asked you to keep a secret in the past you sure do keep it so well done
Starting point is 00:04:11 em and i are very bossy gemini's and we're always amazed because people in our lives don't follow our rules so we're like why do they fall that's it's a special feeling it's like as we expect like if we tell eva like don't tell christ Christine because I'm making a surprise. Like, it's only one person who has to keep a secret. But when we ask the entire, like, audience, like, listenership of And That's Why We Drink to keep a secret, it still works. And we're so pleasantly surprised. We don't usually expect our demands to actually pay off. And sometimes they do.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So anyway, thank you, everybody. I'm just really proud of it and i'm excited to be wearing only our merch from now on which i mean not surprised uh about that um also i have a really big announcement um do i know it already yes which is finally i've i've reached your echelon almost i'm one step lower than you i've reached reached your echelon. I got a blue check. ZB stepped up to the plate. I think after our episode on, it was two days after you released the ZB episode last week.
Starting point is 00:05:14 It just, it was like suddenly within 48 hours, it was like I was released. We cracked a curse. I mean, it was like people were commenting like, but is that really and I was like I think maybe actually that's what happened like I don't know I can't figure it out nobody knows um but I'm just I clearly I made a big deal about it because you know me and I posted my wedding photos with a blue check instead of blaze listen and that that was comedy
Starting point is 00:05:42 gold is what I call that oh guess, guess what? The most embarrassing. I appreciate that because the most embarrassing part is that I made that in April when I first thought I was going to get it. It's just been sitting in your drafts since quarantine began. It's literally been sitting in my Photoshop Adobe cloud. And every time I like went in to get something, not that we use it that often, but anytime I go in to get like a Photoshop thing, I just saw it and I was like oh you mother fucker me anyway so that's the embarrassing part of this you know what that just goes yeah it goes to show how little
Starting point is 00:06:15 I check our adobe account because I have not noticed that it's in there with a lot of weird stuff so I might have password protected it just so you don't see because sometimes I plan things that are in the future that you don't know about but anyway oh my god um yeah we'll talk about that another day i'm drinking beer today also everybody great i'm drinking water because here's the thing uh i i thought i was gonna get here in time to stop at the fruit stand downstairs and i was gonna like get apparently there's currently a an offer or an option for watermelon juice which is my favorite juice there's nothing I love more than just like a squished watermelon and but then I ended up being on the phone with my grandma and we talked about uh a lot of unnecessary things for way too long and I couldn't get my watermelon juice so now I'm
Starting point is 00:07:02 drinking water so now you're mad at grandma got it I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I wasn't a little upset I was like I gotta go and she was like but first I have to tell you all about your cousin I'm like I know about my cousin we're good oh I just want to talk about watermelon juice and that's she just wanted to talk trash about my cousin it's fine it's okay I mean hey okay that is fine um I oh okay sorry I like wrote these like really crazy scribbles all over um like in the margins of this I mean, hey, okay, that is fun. I, oh, okay, sorry. I like wrote these like really crazy scribbles all over, like in the margins of these notes because I just kept thinking of things I wanted to say.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I apologize. No, please. I also wanted to add that for Halloween, so happy belated Halloween, I guess. But I also wanted to add that for, I was really excited because I had recorded, I finally recorded my crazy Carl neighbor creepy Carl story of my the white hand and I finally wrote it out it took
Starting point is 00:07:52 me like forever um and I recorded it uh now that I have my little podcast room set up and I thought about it and I was like oh I guess it's kind of a let's not meet story and I'm a huge fan of the podcast let's not meet which is like based off the subreddit uh that I used to read on the plane for like years of my life and um so I emailed Andrew Tate like I just like cold cold called him but via email um and he I was like I like have this story but like if it's bad don't worry about it like I was just really an awkward turtle about it and then he was wow, I'm a huge fan of your show. Like, thank you so much. And he's like, I would love for you to read it on the Halloween live stream he did.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So anyway, I recorded it. I was so proud. And I so I wasn't like live on the stream, but he had the video like play in the stream and I got to watch it anyway. So it's on the newest episode of Let's Not Meet, which is season four, episode 23. And I'm just so proud because it's a show that I love a lot. I'm so proud of you. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Good job. Thank you. I fangirled a little bit. And a little shameless self-promo. The video itself is also on my YouTube channel, The X-Teen Files, if you want to see the video version. Perfect. So that's somewhere on the internet as well. Oh, and I never mentioned this but i know
Starting point is 00:09:06 we just mentioned merch discounts for patrons um i also i love seeing everybody's they got their halloween postcards we never really talked about that but we sent out a halloween postcard to everybody um so it was really cute to see everybody receive those and uh i think that's it m okay sorry that was just like a train wreck of just me talking but i i just didn't want to forget what do you think this podcast is christine okay fair okay fair valid anyway i i know it's uh it's november and i think at this point we're already like well into november but i don't care and And I'm still going with the Halloween theme. Wait, I am too.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Oh, yay. Oh, my gosh. Listen, during quarantine, during what's going on in the world, and also when this comes out, who knows what the election looks like. Maybe we all need a little extra Halloween. I certainly do. Let's do that. So my story this this week i know last week i covered frankenstein so yes this week i would like to cover werewolves
Starting point is 00:10:12 oh that is spooky spooky ooky and this is actually going to be a two-parter so next week expect more oh my goodness okay i'm ready listen the werewolves are a dramatic bunch they sound dramatic i feel like i've already i kind of already relate to them a little bit um also i have a bottle of wine here that i will probably be opening during your story so i'll try not to be too you know distracting no no i hope to be interrupted by like the pop of a wine bottle after you finish your beer listen it's been a long week also it's geo's birthday on thursday i forgot to mention that so geo's birthday when this comes out it was a couple days ago scorpio season at the end of the episode i'm gonna read a geoscope to mark the occasion oh little baby it's been a while he turns five everybody he's literally gonna be a 35 year old man yes wow and he doesn't act like
Starting point is 00:11:08 it but that's okay still acts like he's a five-year-old human but i'm almost 30 and i don't act like it so so he's older he's older than either of us now that's true he was for with he was the same age as me for a while there and you but almost wow what a good boy happy puppy okay so here speaking of uh canines here is the story of werewolves oh good point wow i could have not picked that better for geo's birthday all right geo here are your hybrid ancestors okay yeah uh okay so here just i'm just starting off hot with some famous werewolves because I thought I needed to get in the zone before I did a little research myself. So in Harry Potter, there are some werewolves. There's Lupin, and then there's Fenir Greyback.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I never got that far in Harry Potter, so I don't know if I said that right. Also, I feel like Greyback sounds like we probably probably this is coming from someone who literally does not know what happened in the books or the movies but grayback sounds like none of us knew it was a werewolf and then we found out and their last name was grayback we were like wow that makes so much sense now okay it does it's like a it's like a slight hint like a wink like a wink like they should have called him like finnear like furry paws or something but like that would have been yeah totally two on the snout so um oh god then there's and from teen wolf there's scott howard from an american werewolf in london there's david kessler
Starting point is 00:12:39 obviously from twilight we've got jacob team j And Daniel Osborne from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Quentin Collins from Dark Shadows, and from the Vampire Diaries, there's Tyler Lockwood. So did you have a point of reference for werewolves growing up? Like who was your pop icon werewolf? Was it Jacob? Who was everyone's pop icon? Yeah, it was Jacob.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I feel like I don't know many of the werewolf lore except for, like, Professor Lupin and, um, what's his face? Jacob. Okay. Okay. So, basically, the teeny bopper. Yeah. That was just me, the basic bitch teeny bopper. I, uh, yeah, I would say was was the most popular werewolf in my life
Starting point is 00:13:29 also so um that sounds like a cosmo girl quiz who's the most popular who's your favorite werewolf um but yeah so let's get into the history a little bit um also when i say history a little bit what i mean is this whole episode is the history of werewolves and next week's episode is you'll see as i go through this there's a there's a very uh large period of time where werewolves were um a priority a higher priority than they are today and there's a lot of stories from that time so next week's episode is going to be a bunch of the werewolf cases from that time period so the age of the werewolf the age yeah yeah got it got it got it got it i get it sometimes as you say got it got it got it i should say you get it get it get it get it get it okay
Starting point is 00:14:19 help me okay i can't so you're too far gone yeah yeah and too far away so the original definition for werewolves which uh i guess isn't super surprising it's not super different than what today's is but um it's definitely not the actual definition of a werewolf today it was more of a supernatural transformation um where people were more of shapeshifters first that could become werewolves versus only turning into wolves. So it was more, I guess, a lot of the early stories are people would have to be wearing something from an animal to then shapeshift into that animal. Right. And I think it was probably earlier beliefs of like if you wore something from the animal, you could almost take on their powers. It sounds like a skinwalker type lore.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Kind of. Yeah. Yeah. And now nowadays the current broad strokes definition is when you're turned into a wolf either by being bitten by a werewolf or by some sort of sorcery. And you turn into a werewolf either by will or otherwise, usually at night, most often under a full moon. And,
Starting point is 00:15:37 but you return to human form like by dawn or whenever the sun. Got it. So it's hard to track exactly where the idea of werewolves originated but there's old english and norse storylines that have werewolves um they're probably the earliest um versions of werewolf stories out there so the the original etymology for werewolf uh originally came from norse and old english where the words meant where man and wolf wolf obviously we didn't like the sound of where we went with wolf though we like that sound i like that sound then there's the ancient greek lycos meaning wolf and thropus meaning man so
Starting point is 00:16:17 together they made lycanthropy um and it's also a reference to King, what I'm going to assume is King Lycon, Lycion, Lycion. Um, because that's actually one of the original stories where a werewolf has been seen. Oh. About, which we're going to get to in a second. So, the very first mention of werewolves anywhere in literature that we can find, or that I can find, was in the Epic of Gilgamesh. And it's the oldest known Western prose from around 2100 BC. It was written on a clay tablet, fun fact, because it's so old. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:17:00 If they messed up, they didn't have anyone to just edit it out. You know what I mean? They could have just smeared the clay and like had like brand new space to write you know but didn't they i thought it was oh is it in clay i always thought it was like they etch it with like a chisel but i could be wrong oh no you're probably right see my thought is like if you have clay i guess my thought is like something like a little stick or something you could write it and then you bake it like wet cement yeah whatever probably not right at all um but anyway so i've never read uh the epic of gilgamesh i think we had to read that in 10th grade english i think i'm pretty sure we read beowulf which i guess is another we definitely read wolf book okay blaze and i literally had like in that cab that murder cabin i was in we spent like 20
Starting point is 00:17:45 minutes because they had a copy of beowulf on the shelf and we were like did you have to read beowulf i had to read why would you put that you got to be so bored you just got to throw that into a cabin i guess it's right somebody left it behind for a reason well did you ever have to read grendel yes oh god that was arguably worse actually beowulf was worse i think it was like the preamble to beowulf or something i don't know listen now i'm gonna get yelled at on twitter but it was either the prequel or was like his mom from like the opposite perspective or something grendel was his mom i think it was like the prequel sort of and whatever both of those now all the english teachers are mad at me but i definitely read both of those miss clark evans if you're listening i still hated beowulf um miss rosero i promise i never
Starting point is 00:18:30 cheated even though you thought i did but zoltan was cheating off me not the other way around i'm gonna be totally honest i don't remember if i cheated or not but i will tell you i didn't enjoy the book um whether or not i cheated that book was terrible um also okay so we're back to gilgamesh so i never read it but from what google tells me it was a collection of stories written for um the king of what was later mesopotamia um it was so it was all these stories written for the king and it was about this the goddess of fertility and love and sex oh and uh and apparently this goddess falls for gilgamesh but gilgamesh isn't interested because he's heard how she used to treat her past suitors
Starting point is 00:19:19 so people who used to be interested in her she like treated them very poorly and now she's liking gilgamesh and he's like i'm not into you because I've heard how you've treated people. He's like, I know your story. Right. Here's what happened. Apparently, one of the suitors used to leave offerings at this goddess's shrine all the time because he was so in love with her, wanted to be with her. But the goddess grew bored of him, turned him into a wolf, and then he was eaten by his own hounds, by his own dogs. Oh, no. And then Gilgamesh
Starting point is 00:19:46 was like oh you're interested in me no no no I'm gonna pass thank you yeah thanks but nice try yikes so apparently that is apparently there's a little um uh disagreement between whether or not that is the first werewolf story or not because uh i guess this was through magic not because it was a werewolf bite um right and also because it was they then gilgamesh or not gilgamesh the suitor became a permanent wolf like remained a wolf for the rest of his life it's not like he changed in and out of human form got it it, got it, got it. So a lot of people say, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a story about becoming a wolf, but it's not a werewolf. And so scholars have disputed whether or not it's legitimate.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And then people who don't think that work is the first mention of a werewolf say that the first one is actually the story of Mount Lycaon. Lycaon. Oh, that story of Mount Lycaon. Lycaon. Oh, that sounds right. Lycaon. Okay, great. We found it. We got there. I say with zero understanding. Well, so that is another... So Mount Lycaon was in Greece, and so if this really was the story of the original werewolf,
Starting point is 00:21:04 it would make sense why they used their phrase their their wording to create lycanthropy later sure um etymology wise so the story of mount lycaon is uh it's about a roman oh no the roman poet ovid have you heard of him okay uh-huh okay uh miss clark evans anyone no uh so the roman poet ovid tells a story of king lycaon of arcadia in the 1500s or 1500 bc sorry um so the story of king lycaon is that he ruled this area and one one day Zeus comes down and tells the people of Arcadia that he is Zeus himself. He's like, hey, just popping in. I'm actually Zeus. I'm a divine being.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Do something about it. And King Lycaon doesn't believe him and is like, you're not Zeus. Like, first of all, why would you be here? Which, like, is a fair point. I mean, fair question. Right, right, right. And so he thinks that someone is um being disrespectful to the gods and so he's like i'm gonna kill this person
Starting point is 00:22:10 because he's claiming to be zeus and that's not oh no so he literally murders somebody and then as like a sacrifice i suppose and then fed that human body to Zeus. And Zeus later found out that he ate a human being and was pissed off. Yeah, that doesn't seem like the way to also get rid of somebody who's faking to being, like, I know what to do. It's like of all the things, you're gonna turn him into a cannibal
Starting point is 00:22:42 without him knowing? Yeah, yeah, turn him into, I mean, I guess that would be kind of rough so that would be mental torture at its finest i suppose yeah that's like the that's like playing the long game but i'm too impatient for that this is the long game so uh yeah so zeus finds out he's like what the fuck and so he burns the whole place down and turns king lycaon into a wolf okay which arguably if people if like scholars are saying oh no that the first story isn't real because the guy's turning into a wolf through magic but this one's real it sounds exactly the same to me sounds pretty damn similar yeah so um the difference here
Starting point is 00:23:21 is that king lykeon had a chance to become human again. So he had a chance of there being a reversal of this curse or, you know, whatever you want to call it. So Zeus said the punishment would last nine years unless King Lycaon, or as long as King Lycaon did not eat human flesh while he was a wolf. And if he didn't eat human flesh while he was a wolf, then he would become a human after nine years. a wolf then he would become a human after nine years but if he did eat human flesh he would remain a wolf forever got it i get i get it i get it good good good good good good and apparently uh he stayed a wolf for the rest of his life so he must have eaten humans during his time as a wolf i mean he already had a thing for eating humans i I think, from what we learned earlier. It was already, like, he was thinking about it. He couldn't not do it at that point. So I think this is actually probably closer to the real origin of a werewolf where they bite you or they eat humans.
Starting point is 00:24:17 So that's kind of part of the evolution of this lore. So most stories of werewolves are based in mythology at least originally but then they kind of branch into different versions depending on your local history or your religion or apparently some cults also have their own views of werewolves um the next story uh that did anything for werewolves or that kind of grew um the lore was in 425 bc which is interesting that means christ knew about werewolves i mean jesus no bc is before oh right right right and then after death yes sorry i just see jesus knew nothing about werewolves just to be clear he had no idea and he still doesn't.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So don't tell him. Listen, for all the Greenleaf I've watched, I never really got a confirmation on whether or not Jesus knew about the werewolves. Okay. Well, I'm here to tell you. I went to Catholic school. I know. They don't mention it in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I'm just saying there was no mention of werewolves. So it could or could not be. Okay. Anyway. It's a mystery. it's a full-blown mystery if there were werewolves in the bible i would have read that thing a lot honestly there might be in like revelations i wouldn't be surprised there's a lot of fire and brimstone and other creatures so there could be when i was 14 my bible was twilight so i guess i kind of read it so ah that's the good book yes you're right the good word the good news the good news
Starting point is 00:25:46 so uh in 425 bc before christ lord uh there was a greek historian who wrote about the neuri n-e-u-r-i if you'd like to look it up and apparently they are a tribe of men who would change into wolves for several days each year um they honestly i think it sounds like the story really stemmed from them wearing like wolf fur in the winter in harsh climates um and it just kind of stemmed into like oh well they look like wolves and now they just turn into wolves i think it just kind of blew out of proportion um but that got mentioned a lot. And then also, only a couple years later, 432, a few years later, 432 AD, this time. Just a couple years. Just like, you know, just a smattering of years.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Like a blip on the radar. Help. smattering of years like a blip on the radar oh help okay so in 432 a.d uh saint patrick himself is involved in a werewolf story so saint patrick was uh in the middle of converting pagans at this time to christianity and he met a pagan tribe that had no interest in becoming Christian. And they even mocked St. Patrick and God himself. Oh. And they began to howl at St. Patrick and almost as if they were wolves
Starting point is 00:27:16 because the logic behind it was their howling made as much sense as his beliefs that he was trying to force on them. I see. So no comment, but that is a story but that is a story that is a thing that is a story so enraged about this saint patrick then prayed to god for retribution and apparently like the next time he saw this pagan tribe they were all literally wolves and so okay so i was wrong jesus clearly does jesus. I'm telling you, like that's my conspiracy of the week.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Jesus. You know, you're right. Uh huh. I know I am. I regret giving the wrong factual information because I was wrong and I'm clearly been proven wrong. Everyone go to your local church.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Tell them what happened. Um, tell them the good word. Tell them the good news, which is that it is good news in my opinion maybe jesus was a werewolf maybe that's why we never saw him in human form again maybe don't tell your church that part but tell them the first part but think about it but think about it think about it near them so maybe like it'll kind of like they'll absorb your vibes you
Starting point is 00:28:20 know right just ruminate yeah yeah yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, apparently these, this pagan tribe that he saw as wolves, apparently a lot of them were either trapped in wolf form for seven years in a row, or they, every seven years, had like one night where they transformed into a wolf. We're unsure about that part, but the
Starting point is 00:28:39 fact that they turned into wolves was for fucking sure. That's not a rumor, right um and apparently they were called the werewolves of ossory o-s-s-o-r-y in case you want to look that up so cool uh anyway this i think this is also because in irish culture the gray wolf was like a big part of history but they have been extinct since the 1700s so So I think that probably that's where some of the werewolf storyline kind of came from. Just from the lore of like, where the fuck did these wolves go? Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:13 So the full moon aspect. Let's talk about that real quick. Oh, I love it. So that comes from medieval Europe, who took from the natural event of wolves howling at night and thus to the moon um basically they added to that and said well if you sleep out under a full moon wolves are going to be howling for sure and you might become one yourself oh so it that's another thing that just kind of like, you know, morphed its way into common storytelling. So some legends are, some legends say that you can't actually become a wolf without wearing some sort of enchanted clothing made from them.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Other legends say that you can be cursed to have this happen to you. And again, I've mentioned this a few times now, but either in one consistent strip of time or, you know, a certain date throughout time, that's like always your like, big cursed day. Apparently, science has actually suggested that full moons do cause people to transform in a sense, at least psychologically. There have been a few studies one of them was from august 2008 to july 2009 at australia's calvary mater new castle hospital and apparently there were 91 violent behavior incidents that came out of a hospital during that time and about a quarter of them all happened during a full moon yeah blaise's mom is a nurse and she always she's like i don't know but all i know is that the full moon does something and honestly i believe it because i make the argument that if we're 70 water and if the moon controls the tides and we don't you know i mean i'm with you
Starting point is 00:31:03 you know you're it's a formula you're not sounding crazy to me i think especially as especially as people who believe in like energies and vibes it's like if i mean we literally talk about retrograde all the fucking time we better also believe in the moon and the moon like physically controls the ocean so why not control our bodies you know checks out i think it checks out mathematically speaking i mean let's talk to jesus and the werewolves next time we can i was like as a bible expert as a reverend um so yeah so about a quarter of them happened during the full moon these attacks included being like biting um the staff spitting on them scratching pretty much is acting kind of animalistic um
Starting point is 00:31:46 then again people have said they could have been you know on have some sort of substance in them they could have been drunk or high um but it is unclear why they were so intensely violent specifically during full moons the timing yeah also fun fact uh the word for lunacy does stem from luna so i was hoping you'd say that. I love that. It makes me laugh. I like it a lot. It makes me tick. It makes me laugh and think all at the same time. Yes. Uh huh. What a fun like you act. That's like you. Okay, so in 1865, in the apparently there's a book called The Book of Werewolves, which holy shit, why don't we have a copy of that? it there's another method apparently of becoming a werewolf and apparently
Starting point is 00:32:30 if you are a woman and i i feel like i'm reading this quote the sentence itself doesn't make sense so i've had to do a little like thinking um ew oh god forbid well this doesn't make sense to me so maybe you can explain it to me i'll just read the quote and then i'll tell you what i got from it so the quote is if a female at midnight stretches between four sticks with four six or what i don't understand okay stretches between four sticks the membrane which envelops the foal with its brought, which it's brought forth and creeps. It literally makes no sense. I think there was a sentence, a part of it that like maybe got deleted from the website I was looking at. I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 00:33:14 But what I'm gathering is if you see a horse that is pregnant and you like mess with its membrane, like the fetus membrane or something. its membrane like the fetus membrane or something if you're naked at the same time you will bear children without any pain but all of the boys that you give birth to will be werewolves that's what you got from that quote i'm like i got like six words from that quote okay not no because the end of it from the the end of it i should literally just finish this fucking sentence like how on earth did you gather all of that from i ended it i ended i stopped even trying because the sentence made no sense and it was like why am i going with this what it's what it sounds like is if you stretch the membrane across four sticks oh okay thank you yeah i i don't know but i don't know so if you're a female at night
Starting point is 00:34:01 at midnight and you stretch and you stretch between four sticks, the membrane which envelops the foal, which is like a baby horse, then it is, and you creep through it naked, she will bear children without pain, but the boys will be werewolves. Oh, so you base, that's horrifying. I mean, it's horrifying. But yeah, you have to stretch like the membrane of a horse uterus and you have to crawl through it naked. Okay, well, listen. So like, it's almost like an anti-birth right yeah ew or because you're naked
Starting point is 00:34:30 crawling into like an amniotic set into a membrane oh okay all right listen this is not fun what i'm gathering from this really is like you just really have to want it like you just have to you just really want to be a werewolf. Oh, you really got to want it. You just like there's no accidentally doing any of that. That's true. That's true. I know I don't usually find myself in that circumstance, you know, by mistake. I don't ever see a pregnant horse and like strip down and like then climb into the membrane.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Okay. No, no. So here are some other methods throughout time where people have believed you could become a werewolf this way. Not as weird as that one. I'm opening my wine because I've already done with that whole thing. So one is you have to be born as the seventh son of a seventh son. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:20 It's very specific. Very. And a lot of childbirth involved which yeah yikes in which case your parents really wanted it like that's not on you if you yeah you still really wanted it someone wanted it well to prevent this so let's say you are the seventh son of a seventh son and now you're a werewolf and you're like holy fuck like this is not what i planned for myself you can get baptized in seven different churches, or you can get baptized under the name Benito, and your oldest brother will be your godfather. If you do, if you either
Starting point is 00:35:51 get baptized in seven different churches, or you get baptized under that name, and your oldest brother is your godfather, then you cancel it out. Don't ask me why. Can you imagine though, like if you're going through your rebellious phase and you're the seventh kid and you're like i'm gonna cancel out and then your parents are like we worked so hard to make you the seventh son of the seventh son and they're like i'm benito that's a great point because that's like legacies planning in advance and you're like that's like generations it's kind of like like like a high school musical situation where it's like no dad this isn't what i want it's what you want and it's like now i'm benito and you can't stop me it's that just the wildest that's the wildest shit i ever heard but i am so on board with it you can also to become a werewolf eat
Starting point is 00:36:40 wolf meat that one seems like the easiest why would you find a fucking pregnant horse and name yourself Benito? Okay. That's the easiest one. So eat wolf meat. Enter into a pact with the devil. Arguably the second easiest of all these things. Yeah. Be murdered under a full moon.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And I guess hope. Arguably maybe the easiest. Actually. That's actually the easiest for sure. In my book, that's the easiest. I should have just said like, look, Halloween 2020. It's a full moon. Please kill me.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And then you'd be a werewolf. Stand and wait yeah also fun fact did you know that every 19 years there's a full moon on halloween i did i because only because i googled it because i everyone was like did you see the full moon and i was like i'm so ignorant i didn't even know it was a blue moon too i think oh nice oh yeah i only knew that because of the beer oh anyway well uh okay be murdered under a full moon avoid practicing catholic sacraments for 10 years i think i'm a werewolf right does that make me a werewolf hold on yeah i think that makes both of us you could also be cursed to become a werewolf or have sex with one. So everyone who's fantasized about Jacob, you're in for a rude awakening. I think you're imaginarily a werewolf now.
Starting point is 00:37:52 To be fair, though, I think everyone who was in love with Jacob fully wanted that. That's what they wanted is to become a werewolf. I don't think they minded. I think they knew the risks involved and were like, whatever. Let's just take it one day at a time. When What's-Her-Face was like, I want to be a vampire, and vampire and i was like stop i feel like that's what everyone else felt about being a werewolf i get it sure i mean you know what of all the things on here having sex with a werewolf isn't the weirdest so whatever no it's certainly not the weirdest so in modern lore uh you can only
Starting point is 00:38:20 kill a werewolf do you know what the only way is? A silver bullet. Yes. A silver bullet. Yep. Oh, I thought maybe that was a vampire. I wasn't sure. No, that is like garlic or daylight. Although arguably a werewolf would also be daylight.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Aren't there silver nails though for a vampire or something? Oh, right, right, right. Yeah. Like to pierce their heart? I don't know. A wooden stake in the heart. You just covered this. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I'm ignorant. I didn't do vampires. I did Frankenstein. Oh oh why am i thinking you did dracula okay and vampire i've done bella lugosi's mirror that was the closest thing to i think dracula i've done um but yeah i know that's a wooden stake in a heart for vampires or i think silver silver nails that were also blessed in holy water if you nail them into their coffin they can't get out yes that's what it was and then they can't drink blood and then they like starve to death or something womp womp um but yeah so with a werewolf apparently also there's a understanding that werewolves don't like water which is i didn't know that one but um the one i've always heard is
Starting point is 00:39:21 you can kill them with a silver bullet. But throughout history, silver bullet has actually kind of, it's the evolution of an earlier solution to werewolves, which is actually just quicksilver, which is liquid mercury. That'll kill anyone, actually. Yeah, it's like, oh, really? That'll kill a werewolf? It'll also kill me. Yeah. That'll kill a werewolf. It'll also kill me.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah. But so apparently it was originally quicksilver, and I think it just kind of blossomed into like silver bullets. Okay. Also, if you suspect a werewolf invasion, apparently salts around the perimeter of your house will keep them away because it will suck all the water out of their body. Fun fact. Oh, goodness.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And then I wanted to say say so in the 1800s there was a dr blom who was an assistant professor in the netherlands uh of psychiatry and he was in charge of the school's archives and he found that there were actually at that time in 1850 there were 56 cases of people who actually believed they were animal like animals that were like turned into wolves oh um and 13 of them met the clinical criteria for lycanthropy which is the delusions of thinking that you're a werewolf or that you will turn into animals um so a lot of of these people had these thoughts at night where they really believed they were turning into wolves and running around the forest at night um and that's clinical lycanthropy
Starting point is 00:40:52 apparently um the delusion of feeling like an animal or behaving in a manner resembling an animal there is also another condition that has nothing to do with lycanthropy um but it's like nickname it's like which is like not totally pc is like uh it's called werewolf syndrome and it's actually hyper trichosis and it's abnormal hair growth on your body so right right right that's a totally different condition but uh lycanthropy is like the psychology of believing you are a werewolf or believing you're a wolf or an animal. Like a more psychological thing. Right. And then hypertrichosis is just, like, abnormal hair growth.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah. Which is, like, pretty common, too. Apparently, like, really extreme cases, people have, quote, looked like werewolves because they have like fear on their face and like places where usually your skin doesn't have really thick right um so just wanted to also shout that out because i wasn't aware that either existed and now that i know about both so um so there was also just to turn into christine for a second sp Spain's first documented serial killer was known as the Werewolf of Alarez. Oh, no. So this was in the 1800s.
Starting point is 00:42:14 This is super quick. His name was Manuel Blanco Romosanta. He was a cook and he was also a mountain guide. So he would take people through the mountains when they needed help crossing if there were women and children who hired him he would kill them and then he would uh forge letters to their families pretending that they were them so no one would notice they went missing um but he got caught because he started selling soap that was rumored to be made of human fat and people were, where are you getting this human fat? And so he ends up getting arrested and he admitted to 13 murders.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And he gave the defense of lycanthropy because he thought he was a wolf. And he thought because he's a werewolf, he's killing them at night as a wolf. And then he comes to human form and doesn't know what to do with the body. So he was turning them into soap. Right. You know, werewolves and their soap. And their cleanliness. I mean, just ask jesus so yeah he knows one of the modern tales one of the more modern tales of werewolves is in hull yorkshire england there's actually a werewolf with really
Starting point is 00:43:17 bad breath called old stinker um he's also known as the beast of barmston drain apparently he was first reported in the 18th century but he still pops up to this day the most recent was in 2016 um he's been known for being eight feet tall he has a human face and his breath is so bad because he digs up corpses from cemeteries oh no so i think it's probably just like a local lore, but they call him a werewolf. And people still have sightings of seeing like a wolf with a human face called Old Stinker. And he was last seen terrorizing women and then leaping over fences. Oh, no. So real quick, just to give you. So that's the end of this episode.
Starting point is 00:44:03 But I am going to talk for just a minute or two i want to give you guys a smattering sampling trailer a little sneak peek if you will of next week so without getting too into it next week specifically are going to be is going to be um the topic of the werewolf trials which apparently they're just like how there was a witch trials there was a werewolf trials, which apparently there, just like how there was a witch trials, there was a werewolf trials from the 15th century and everyone was like getting like called out for being werewolves. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Which I've never heard of the witches. They just like totally upstage the werewolves. So these classic witches. So these are some of the stories that were just kind of shorter. There's three of them, I think, and they're just super short. so i'm not including them in next week so i just wanted to give you a smattering of what to expect um next sunday so the first one is the werewolf of chalon or the demon tailor uh this was in france in 1598 and apparently it was such a really like such a graphic story
Starting point is 00:45:07 and it broke so many taboos that the parliament of paris deemed the court transcripts so unpleasant and burned them so all that's left is just retellings oh no so by day apparently the werewolf uh being mentioned was actually ran a tailor's shop and would lure children in uh and then he would abuse them in many ways that's as far as we'll go he would also slit their throat he would cut up their bodies he would eat them and there were apparently one or two cases of necrophilia yikes he stored them in barrels in the shop's cellar and he also did the same thing not just with children but with lost travelers who would ask him like directions ask him for directions he ended up being found out and burned to death another story is hans the werewolf
Starting point is 00:45:57 from 1651 in estonia he is actually the youngest person to have ever been executed for lycanthropy and also witchcraft at 18 years old. Hans was thought to be a werewolf and a witch and was brought before the judges. And Hans made a confession that he had been a werewolf for two years, but he had not taken the form willingly. Apparently he had been bitten by a man in the forest wearing all black garments which the uh i guess his government was um more christian and immediately assumed that this was the devil himself so they assumed that hans had been bitten by satan and uh they assumed because he was bitten
Starting point is 00:46:42 that it was evidence of a packed witchcraft, which sounds a little victim blamey to me. Yeah. And so they ended up sentencing him to death for being for like allowing to get bit, basically, which is terrible. Oh, come on. Even though there was no evidence that he actually was a werewolf. They just expected him. They just expected that he was. Another one is the Wolf of Ansbach in Ansbach, Ansbach in 1685.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Apparently the town was plagued by all their livestock being killed by wolves. And they assumed, naturally, it couldn't be real wolves. It must have been the mayor that just died that they hated. it couldn't be real wolves it must have been the mayor that just died that they hated who came back who came back from the dead as a werewolf to kill all of the livestock in the city that he did not take care of i love that he was so disliked that they even once he died they were like shit now we can't gossip about this guy anymore i guess we got to pretend he came back to life his his name was burt bjergermaster he was the chief mayor yeah okay he was the chief magistrate and apparently he was just so
Starting point is 00:47:52 fucking hated that they were like every time livestock is dead and killed here it must be because our dead mayor is doing it so unfortunate so what about the new mayor was the new mayor like guys i'm over here. He was like, thank God you don't hate me as much as that guy. Yeah, true. Yeah, it was definitely him. So apparently they had a hunting party and the dogs found this wolf and then killed the wolf. And all of the citizens chopped off the wolf's nose.
Starting point is 00:48:20 No. They dressed it in men's clothing. They added a human mask and then they hung the body from a pole and the carcass was later installed in the local museum to warn future mayors to not mess with the town and then apparently the town never had a mayor again because why would anyone want that the mayor was never seen again and apparently the wolf did not resume its human form upon being killed which apparently one of the things is like you know you've killed a werewolf when they turn into a human afterwards and because he didn't turn into a human afterwards they were like all
Starting point is 00:48:56 embarrassed because they're like oh clearly this was literally just a fucking wolf hey that's really sad don't do that so there's that story and then the last one i'm going to tell you really quick is there was apparently a whole specific type of werewolves called the ben and donty ben and donty werewolves who were known as good walkers and they were a group of visionaries from italy in the 1600s and apparently they claimed to astral project at night to fight off dark witches to ensure good crops for the upcoming season oh that's nice so they were wolves good wolves versus bad witches all to save the crops of the town which like you really stephanie meyer you really have to be invested in your fucking town like if all the corn went bad in fredericksburg i wouldn't go
Starting point is 00:49:43 astral project and fight witches for it oh i would but i mean we have different you know outlooks on life we have different priorities um apparently all ben and dante werewolves were did not choose this and could not become it magically but it was their birthright because they happen to be born with a call do you know what a call is no apparently. Apparently it is when you are born with your placenta. It's when you're born with your placenta and your amniotic sac, like on your head or on your face. Like intact. So I've heard of that.
Starting point is 00:50:15 If that happens, then you are immediately a Ben and Dante werewolf and it is your birthright to fight the witches to save your town's crops. Wow. Wow. Okay. I've also heard that people believe you have a second sight if you were born that way. So that's probably also where that stems from. Yes, you're just really special.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Some sort of gift. But anyway, that is the first half of the history of werewolves. Sorry it was very long, but I hope it was entertaining. No, I loved it. All right. Hello, Em um and everyone this is another story i have for you today and this is also a halloween who knew how many crimes took place on halloween i have another halloween story for you great spooky season is still abound it's always and everywhere and every day so this is the story of cindy song and everywhere and every day so this is the story of cindy song and oh i feel like disappeared well every time i say i feel like i know that story i'm wrong so just continue not always sometimes you know i probably don't lorraine about it i did know lorraine about it but that was that was a
Starting point is 00:51:17 a freak accident that like we just happened that was an hour away from me of course i was going to hear about that one so oh that was about somebody's somebody's penis you're bound to know about it if it's a really like violent like crime like that i'm probably gonna hear about it at some point yeah i imagine um well this one i actually had not heard of before okay um but this is a disappearance of cindy song so takes place halloween night 2001, uh, Penn state senior Cindy song attended a costume party with her two friends, Stacy and Lisa at a place called players nightclub. Uh, so for people who are familiar with this area,
Starting point is 00:51:55 which I am not, um, the Penn state area, pretty much, uh, the club, it was called players nightclub from 1990 to 2008. And it was,
Starting point is 00:52:04 uh, then named Indigo. And then it was then named the Basement Night Spot in 2018. So it's currently called the Basement Night Spot. So if you've been there, that's where the story took place. And what was the original name again? It was called Players Nightclub. Players Nightclub. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:21 And then it was called Indigo. These are all very nightclubby names. Yeah. Indigo sounds like a swanky town town like a swanky spot to go sounds like it has like blue light and stuff you know yeah well it's got if it if it were called indigo and had fucking yellow lights i'd be so angry so silly why would i even say it you're right so silly so the basement night spot so currently um that's the current nightclub. Their motto is drink, dance and be social. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Live, laugh, lemon. You know, anyway. And their signature drink. Now, this is where I can suddenly relate is called dumpsters, which are six dollars i heard myself say it and i didn't even mean because of okay man i really just walked right into that one one i can relate it's called dumpsters okay i'm sorry it's called it's got a dumpster it's six dollars and the reason i said i can relate is a because i'm trash but because there was a drink at miami which miami of ohio where blaze went to school where i used to go after i graduated college and decided i needed a social
Starting point is 00:54:03 life and it was called the trash can. Okay. There we go. Okay. That makes more sense. And I relate to both of them equally. You said dumpsters so cheerily, like you were just so proud to identify as a dumpster. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Wait, what did you call my look that one time oh i don't know i'm classy trash or whatever it was something i've honestly i'm so embarrassed still that i called you that and so i it's totally on board with it literally not one person was like but what i i think i got to like boho farmhouse or cottage boho cottage cottage core or something it was much better than fucking dumpster like a dumpster class and um so anyway there was a drink at miami of ohio called the trash can shout out to all of you uh miamians call okay so it's called trash can and i used to drink these and let me tell you what's in it okay one. One part vodka, one part gin, one part rum, one part triple sec, one part blue Curaçao.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And then you top it with a splash of sour mix and turn a can of Red Bull upside down inside it. So I used to drink those a lot. It sounds like a new age Long Island iced tea to someone who's never drank. It is. Yeah. It's basically like every type of liquor mixed together. But then you also add an energy drink, which like will. H your real fucked up yeah yeah yeah is it tasty do you like it is very sweet it's like extremely sweet yeah gotcha um i like it great but also i relate to it
Starting point is 00:55:37 yeah true true uh yeah i'm in a i'm in a special class. Anyway, that is literally so irrelevant to the story. I apologize, but I thought that was interesting. So anyway, Cindy was dressed up as a Playboy bunny, but her friend described it as cute rather than like trying to be sexy. Okay. So she basically said she had bunny ears and a tail. It was a very cute outfit. It wasn't like a sexy outfit.
Starting point is 00:56:02 It was a very cute outfit. That was her thing. She was very cute. She liked to look cute. So it was very much like i'm a cute bunny rather than like oh yeah i'm not i'm not trying to like sexy i'm not trying to woo anyone i'm just trying to you know i'm here to party have a good time or i'm trying to woo with my cuteness rather than like my like gotcha i don't know i don't know how to i don't know what it's like to be, you know, cute or sexy. So I'm a dumpster. I was going to say very few dumpsters also have a va va voom effect to them. But that's so true. I'm sorry. It's my favorite. I literally created all of this, this entire scenario for myself. Oh, my gosh. Okay, so the three friends all partied into early hours of
Starting point is 00:56:46 the morning and the club closed at 2 a.m they didn't want to end the night so they drove downtown and stopped at a friend's apartment where they played video games for the next couple hours at 4 a.m cindy was dropped off at her apartment on the 300 block of west clifton avenue by her friend stacy and then the next day november 1st, Cindy's roommate, Youngju, who was also known as Catherine Kim, gets back to their apartment. So that was her roommate after visiting family in Philadelphia. So her roommate comes home. There's nothing unusual about the state of the apartment, but Cindy is not there. So it took our friends three days, so until November 4th, to suspect that something was wrong and to report her missing. Nobody had heard anything in that time, but it was also common for these group of seniors to not see each other every day or not chat every day.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So the fact that she was gone for a couple days or wasn't texting or whatever wasn't that weird to anybody. They needed to study. They had social lives. They also, you know, had classes and that kind of thing. And Cindy lived off campus. So it wasn't like super alarming right away that she was gone for a couple days. So she was studying integrative arts, which is a course that also offered engineering, communications, and science. And she majored in art while also working two part-time jobs. So she was a busy bee. When she didn't show up for one of her jobs, waitressing at the Seoul Garden Korean restaurant and then couldn't be reached by phone, that's when her friends started to worry.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Gotcha. And think, like like something is up now that she's not showing up for work right according to her friends cindy always had her phone on her so when she wasn't responding to texts or calls um they knew something was wrong so it was two days later on november 6th so now it's been six days since halloween right november 6th the police searched cindy's apartment and like the roommate had initially thought nothing seemed abnormal about the apartment um except that cindy was gone however they did find a couple things that seemed pretty odd so that night on halloween cindy was wearing her bunny costume
Starting point is 00:58:55 and part of that were these uh fake lashes much like xenon would wear you know big fake lashes you had me at xenon big ass falsies got it big ass falsies exactly so she had worn these um falsies uh as part of her costume and those were found on the bathroom counter uh in other words she had clearly yes exactly home to take them off exactly and as someone who has worn falsies literally the first thing i take off of my body i mean if if i'm wearing a bra and falsies the falsies go first well you've got two hands for a reason you gotta go falsies at the same time yeah you're right god gave me two hands for a reason uh yes and those are the reasons uh take off a falsie take off a boob trap okay so a booby trap okay anyway okay so she took off her falsies and so they were like okay so clearly she got into the
Starting point is 00:59:56 apartment and got into her bathroom however uh there were a couple things missing um so her purse was gone which had her driver's license, her keys, and her credit cards. However, they did find her backpack in the apartment and her phone was in it. So that was. That's a red flag right there. Right? Like, so if you see your friend's stuff and, like, the wallet is missing, you're like, oh, but then the phone, it's like, why would anybody leave with their wallet but not their
Starting point is 01:00:23 phone? Right. Doesn't make sense. like oh but then the phone it's like why would anybody leave with their wallet but not their phone right makes sense it's like if you checked my room or my apartment and there was like a nice steaming steak on the table oh and i had been missing you'd be like oh my god sound the alarms what happened murdered what happened yeah there's falsies everywhere and a steak and it's been me cross-dressing as xenon my falsies are just in the steak it's crazy oh man what a look though what a look so uh right so her phone is still there which is alarming but her purse with her
Starting point is 01:00:56 driver's license keys and credit cards is gone so it's believed that cindy entered her apartment around 4 a.m when she was dropped off off by her friend Stacy but then left shortly after her roommate said the door was locked when she had gotten home which insinuates that when Cindy left the apartment she locked it on her way out because she wasn't in it and it was locked and it was empty right seemingly she had locked it with her own keys after several delays in the investigation for unknown reasons police finally got around to scanning Cindy's phone and bank details. And there was no unusual activity. So she hadn't made or received any calls. She hadn't sent any emails from her three email accounts.
Starting point is 01:01:36 She hadn't bought anything on her credit cards. And as a sociable person in their 20s and she was a senior in college, it was just odd. It was odd that she wasn't emailing anybody or buying anything so at this point my my because whenever you do a mystery obviously i'm gonna throw in my two cents that mean nothing but no no i love it my thought so far is that she was abducted from her own home and someone locked the door on the way out because she would have brought her phone if she planned on going somewhere and then got abducted there that's a good point my only thought is wouldn't they just abduct you and not make you lock the door that just seems like excessive i guess so i mean but
Starting point is 01:02:14 you're right i mean it's i guess if they were trying to make it look like she had been home and like this was she had just left for the day she would have they would have also grabbed her phone okay i don't know yeah i don't know but but you're right. I mean, yes, that's, I mean, that's a, that's a very fair point because it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense either way. Yeah. The locked door is odd. The locked door is odd. Yeah. That's, that's throwing me off. It is. It's throwing me off too. Um, so little, little, uh, nothing's happening on any of her accounts. So, although Cindy was sometimes known for being spontaneous, she didn't have any travel plans in November. And her friend said it was uncharacteristic of her to just leave without warning. She also didn't have a car, so it wasn't like she could have hopped in the car and driven somewhere and maybe, like, crashed or who knows what.
Starting point is 01:03:01 She didn't have a car, so that wasn't an option. And the other thing they found in her apartment now this is interesting were britney spears tickets oh my gosh yeah wow another place she would have worn her falsies i'm just saying exactly she got saved those uh these britney tickets were for britney's dream within a dream tour and although she had a few dates around philadelphia on november 8th she was supposed to or she did perform at the bryce jordan center which was a 15 minute drive away from penn state so that is most likely the the concert she was going to see right and so it just was odd that she had these tickets for november 8th and then would like like intentionally vanish right like
Starting point is 01:03:42 she's got like 24 hours before this concert where the fuck is she she's gotta how could you leave yeah yeah how could you intentionally leave behind your britney tickets just doesn't make sense no one forgets those no one forgets those um and as a quick note the dream within a dream tour so now i've been really obsessed with this whole um the britney thing right yeah the britney the britney drama and uh and sinisterhood did like a series a three-part series on this and i was obsessed with it um it's so fascinating and so uh the conservatorship with her dad and everything in her tiktok account free britney for britney exactly all i know is like i don't i haven't listened to any podcasts i heard much
Starting point is 01:04:22 about it all i know is that like people think that it's, like, not actually Brittany or that she's, like, super, like, high on substances or something. Or, like, not acting like herself because, like, someone saw a video where her teeth look different. But then she's also, like, I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm not sure about much of it. So the account was started and it seemed really odd. Like, it was verified as her. But people were saying, like, like are we sure this is britney like she's acting so weird um her all the i watched all these tiktoks i went to like a rabbit hole all the tiktoks are very blurry like
Starting point is 01:04:55 it was a like it's a crummy phone and everyone's like does britney spears have an iphone 4 like what is going on like she have an android what's happening here that is impossible again yeah but so it was just really strange and like um her dad has conservatorship over her and so basically britney fans started saying like if there were comments and the you know the top comment would say if i mean listen to the centerhood episode they do a way better job obviously like if something's wrong wear a yellow shirt or like do some sort of clip like hints and then like those are actually happening yeah it said wear a yellow top and do a spin and literally in the next tiktok she's wearing a yellow shirt and she spins around in a circle like three times and it's like oh my god and she's just like holding flowers and it's
Starting point is 01:05:39 like you should cover that for an episode then it's so i mean sinister hood did such a good job that i'm like i'm just probably gonna flop it but i might because it's really interesting and apparently she expressed like her support of the free britney movement like she's like i'm part of it so it's like oh okay something's very very creepy and timely but anyway so i've been obsessed with that but so speaking of the dream within a dream tour which was happening at the time in 2001 uh i didn't see britney live ever which i is one of the biggest failures of my life um but according to the review of the a review of the tour on britney international the tour commenced with a woman dressed in what seemed like 18th century pajamas telling everyone what the performance's theme would be.
Starting point is 01:06:28 A dream within a dream. Bewildered, the spectators looked on as an almost stage-length screen revealed Britney for the first time. Will all my dreams come true, she asked before disappearing. After a few more minutes of on-screen oddity, it was time to get down. Okay. I'm so mad that I didn't see Britney live. That's all. That's quite a description of it, though.
Starting point is 01:06:51 That is, right? Somebody is away with words, and it's not me. So this led her friends and investigators to believe Cindy had no intention of leaving town unless this were all a part of some ploy where she bought the tickets as like to throw people off right like as that that's yeah yeah yeah it just seems far-fetched but also it sounds expensive like that's an expensive expensive that's quite a uh wrench in the in the mix you want to throw you are actually very that's a very good point um so unless she's trying to throw people off course it seems like she wasn't intending to leave town. But according to a Penn State Daily Collegian staff writer, and the Penn State Daily Collegian is their college newspaper, Cindy kept creative scrapbooks packed full of past concert tickets. So she loved going to concerts. It just wasn't likely that she would skip this or miss it intentionally. Also in support of the theory that she didn't plan on leaving,
Starting point is 01:07:49 she had a receipt for a computer, which was going to be delivered in a couple of days. So she had a lot of reasons to be home. Yes, exactly. And like expensive ones at that. Right. As you mentioned.
Starting point is 01:08:00 So a detective for the Ferguson township police department at the time of Cindy's disappearance and his name, I'm just gonna get it out out of the way his name is detective sprinkle his name is brian sprinkle that poor that poor poor detective uh detective detective sprinkle detective sprinkle that's detective sprinkle to you can you imagine the the comments that guy got as a kid well he's interviewed in the unsolved mysteries about this and he just looks pretty fucking like classic like a dude just like just a cop dude right detective like classic it doesn't he doesn't seem like he'd be have a fun name i bet he's just heard it so many times he's probably over it he grew up being like i have to make sure I completely deviate myself from Sprinkles.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Yes. I can't change my name. So I guess you could, but I think it's a fun name and I would embrace it. Right. So Brian Sprinkle, that's Detective Sprinkle to you, said, quote, we have no body. We have no crime scene and we have no actual crime. So it's been very frustrating without any of those pieces of the puzzle. And because of that, it seems like she just vanished in thin air. So although they had found the fake eyelashes, it seems they were
Starting point is 01:09:14 the only part of the costume left behind. So basically, according to Detective Sprinkle, we know that whenever she left the apartment, she was wearing the clothes she had on that night, which was the bunny costume. Right. Okay. That wasn't found in the apartment right okay we also know that her purse her pocketbook or whatever she had with her that evening contained her driver's license and credit cards were with her too because we could not locate those in the apartment so in early november in the days that followed her pictures plastered everywhere there were photos on like telephone poles tv TV broadcasts, newspapers, websites, places all over campus. And they all showed Cindy Song's face in the hope that the image would spark someone's memory.
Starting point is 01:09:55 They searched a wooded area near Penn State University but couldn't find a trace of her. And meanwhile, Cindy's mother, Ban Soon Song, traveled over from South Korea to the U.S. after her disappearance, which that just always breaks my heart when it's like a foreign exchange student or somebody whose family lives in another country and they have to travel all the way to hear the news that like their child is missing or killed and they have to travel to America. I mean, it's just like worst case scenario of sending your child off to another country. I can't even. It's somehow worse than just getting a phone call and hearing about it.
Starting point is 01:10:29 It's like, oh, you have to like, here's a whole excursion you also have to do in order to. Yeah. Now you have like a 20 hour trip. It's just such an elongated experience of the worst thing that could happen to you. Right. And then when it's happening, you can't even be at home. Like you're in a foreign country.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Right. Like you can't even be home with family. I i mean it just sounds that part always gets me so her mother bansung flew from uh south korea cindy had grown up in seoul south korea and her full name was actually hyunjung song but her family and friends all called her cindy and when she was 15 in 1995 she had moved to the states to live with her aunt and uncle in springfield virginia i don't know where that is yeah somewhere in virginia that springfield is actually like pretty close to manassas where uh oh lorena poppet happened there we go yeah did you know there's a springfield in every state and that's why they named the simpsons yeah i very weird that you mentioned that because i was going to be my first comment
Starting point is 01:11:28 about i feel like that's one of those things that i think is a fun fact but like everyone knows it maybe maybe not everyone maybe you just blew someone's mind wow let's pretend okay um so she had moved to springfield virginia to live with her aunt and uncle and she was on track to become a graphic and fashion designer, according to an article by Lynn Funk in the Penn State Daily Collegian. And she had a personal website that described her as an international student orientation leader, a member of the Korean Underground Association and a Red Cross volunteer. So ultimately, Cindy's mom, Bansun, wanted to be involved in the investigation as much as possible and is quoted as saying, my life is my family and to not know what happened to my only daughter is devastating. She attended all of the vigils for her missing daughter. And unfortunately, police quickly got kind of sour with the family. family so i feel like this happens sometimes in these cases where suddenly police are just like
Starting point is 01:12:26 over it and don't want to not really participating or not yeah moving forward with this or yeah and want to cut the family out of like being involved sort of like right like they're in the way or a nuisance or something um so basically what happened is bansun was allowed access to cindy's apartment by police um and much to police chagrin she cleaned up the whole apartment uh which oh no so she tampered with all the evidence basically yeah so uh what's the word i'm thinking of she i think that's a destroyed evidence yeah it starts with a c it doesn't matter oh no i don't know contaminated contaminated contaminated the the crime contaminated the crime scene right yes and to be fair it wasn't positive that it was a crime scene um because nobody knew if she
Starting point is 01:13:19 if anything had happened at the apartment but if if there had been evidence, like now it had been tampered with. Yeah, exactly. So police were agitated, but at the same time, like they gave her access to the apartment. Right. So I'm like,
Starting point is 01:13:32 wouldn't they have known that she would be in the apartment anyway? And yeah, it's like, you're going to go into it. If I just found out that someone I love died and now I have access to all their things. Of course I'm going to touch that shit and like look through it and like, and you're going to like take it home probably back to sleep in the bed
Starting point is 01:13:47 take a shower cook at the in the kitchen like clean up her belongings that people have probably rifled through like i mean i think it makes sense and also again like police told her she can go in there so i'm like it would have probably been tampered with anyway because like if she's in there you don't know what's been tampered with right so i think if um if we could go back in time but that wouldn't have happened yeah i think like they shouldn't have told her she could go in there if they didn't want her to touch anything right um so for a while police also thought this might have been a drug related crime um because they went through her diary and she had written how she and her friends had experimented with marijuana and had tried ecstasy which i'm like that doesn't make it a drug-related crime like a college student tries marijuana okay
Starting point is 01:14:36 now suddenly it's a drug crime like in that case everything's a drug crime right exactly i'm like okay you read someone's diary you could probably find the worst case scenario about everybody's. Yeah, if that's the case, then literally anyone who's ever died and was of college age is... Exactly. It's part of a drug crime. Yeah. It seems like that's...
Starting point is 01:14:55 And so it was just odd because it doesn't seem... There wasn't any evidence anyway that anyone had taken part in any drug activities the night of the Halloween party, so it was ruled out as a factor. Her family also told police she had broken up with her boyfriend a month before her disappearance. So maybe they thought like she might have wanted to die by suicide. It was like a depression thing or maybe she was so upset she left town.
Starting point is 01:15:17 But her friends were like, nope, she was over her breakup. The night she went missing, like Halloween night, she was having fun. She was totally over it. She was in her breakup the night she went missing like Halloween night. She was having fun. She was totally over it. She was in good spirits. Like could it have been the boyfriend or the partner who like did something? Oh, maybe. I don't think I think that he didn't even end up being wasn't even a suspect looked at. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:39 That's a good question. It just like wasn't even part of the story. Usually the boyfriend's like the first person you look at. And also you don't mess with the apartment i know well maybe it was a long a long distance really i don't know oh maybe maybe because i feel like usually in these scenarios if they live in the same town they get questioned at least a little bit right yeah you'd think so i mean maybe it was just like so not part of the maybe he was ruled out i'm not sure um but anyway so on cindy's personal website she had written the words i'm strong i'm beautiful I mean, maybe it was just like so not part of the maybe he was ruled out. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:16:09 But anyway, so on Cindy's personal website, she had written the words, I'm strong. I'm beautiful. I can do anything I want. So get it, Cindy. Yeah. Okay. So she was clearly like not still crying over this guy. So what seemed most likely is that Cindy might have headed out to a nearby 24-hour convenience store, which is a place she went often, and could have been abducted on her way there
Starting point is 01:16:32 or on the way back. According to her friends, going to the store at whatever time of day is something she'd do often, especially like a 24-hour convenience store. If you want a snack, if you want anything, I mean, it makes sense to just run down the street and go there. store if you want a snack if you want anything i mean makes sense to just run down the street and go there um however what seemed odd was that before stacy dropped her off the two of them had stopped at a uni mart like a the same kind of thing like between three and four a.m they'd already stopped at a convenience store right so what was the point of having to go out and get it
Starting point is 01:17:01 go again yeah so it could have been like oh they didn't have the ramen i wanted or something and she went back out or like i right you know it's 3 a.m i've been drinking i forgot to buy hot cheetos it's the middle of the night and i want to make a depression cake and i forgot eggs exactly i forgot exactly been there for sure also been there in terms of going to the store, coming home and going, I literally didn't get the one thing that I meant to buy at the store. So true. So I get it. So it's entirely possible she just went back out to grab something, especially because
Starting point is 01:17:35 she went to the store a lot. Anyways, but there wasn't any activity on her debit cards. Right. So if she had gone, it would have happened before she got there. Right. Basically. Or she wouldn't have purchased anything right um so a few days after cindy was reported missing a witness came forward who said she had seen a woman matching cindy's disappearance crying and yelling for help in philadelphia's chinatown district which is 200 miles from cindy's apartment okay so apparently 100 miles yeah okay so like totally different town totally different part of the state uh when the witness attempted
Starting point is 01:18:13 to intervene she was chased off by the man who told her to mind her own business and then police created a sketch like a composite drawing of the man with olive to light brown complexion and medium length hair um but the police quickly lost faith in this witness and didn't believe her story to be really not that they didn't believe her story but they didn't believe it was related to cindy's disappearance because she changed her story multiple times and it seemed it just started to seem unreliable who knows if it was or not but it pretty quickly was disregarded and according to detective sprinkle uh cindy's case was his biggest at the time he said quote we get missing penn state students all the time but come sunday night they come back for a class on a monday morning
Starting point is 01:18:58 so uh even though it was as he said his biggest case at the time a lot of people were not happy with the way he and the police department responded well yeah if you're if your first response is like people go missing all the time it's like okay well you're clearly not taking this very seriously because you're waiting until monday to see that she made it to class when really in the first 24 hours we need to be the most concerned and yes and that's the thing is like remember there was earlier when i said like oh for unknown reasons there were many delays until they looked at her phone and bank right account and oh yeah you said that earlier of like oh and then they finally got to her phone it's like that's the first fucking thing you should be looking at a college student goes missing and
Starting point is 01:19:39 you have her phone at your disposal like your phone and her credit cards like yeah yeah exactly so it was just like really heartbreaking and again that goes back to like the parents being in a different country that just breaks my heart of like they're so far away they can't there's only so much they can even do and also a language barrier probably yeah they can't even yell at them properly right so then when they get here it's like how can you even be you know expected to be taken seriously or like say what you're trying to say to the proper authorities? I mean, it just sounds so frustrating.
Starting point is 01:20:10 So in any case, yeah, he was like, this is my biggest case at the time. But people were very frustrated with like how the police were handling this. And one of the people, unsurprisingly, was Cindy's mother, Van Soon. And in support of her, an action group was formed with Penn State students in various community groups, and it was called the Coalition for the Search for Cindy Song. Aw. I know. It gives me goosebumps a little bit. Snaps for Penn State. Damn.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I know. I know. They banded together. So on January 31st, 2002, three months after Cindy's disappearance, the coalition held a press conference in which they fiercely criticized the ferguson township police department for not doing enough to solve the case they compared the case to a local 13 year old white girl who had gone missing on new year's day pointing out that over 50 fbi agents were tasked with finding her while song's case was initially run by a single investigator mr detective brianled to you yep so uh and they only extended to a team of six state police um after public pressure from penn state's black caucus and the korean undergraduate students association so it was one guy and then after quite a bit of pressure from different coalitions i'm sorry different groups they extended it to a team of six police officers. And meanwhile, you know, 50 FBI agents were tasked with finding this other girl in similar time periods.
Starting point is 01:21:32 So it's like they're just very frustrated, understandably. So Penn State, its Alumni Association and the Song family came up with a $27,000 reward. But according to Black Caucus officials, Penn State did not use their clout to push the investigation along, which I find really disheartening. So even though the groups at Penn State, so like the Black Caucus and the Korean Undergraduate Student Association, they got together to do what they could. The university itself wasn't using their power right very according to them they weren't using the power to they had a voice and weren't taking
Starting point is 01:22:09 and weren't taking advantage of it exactly exactly silence is violence yep yep just saying js okay js nbd js okay nbd wid okay so uh right so they complained that the university should J-S. N-B-D-J-S. N-B-D. W-I-D. Okay. So... Right. So they complained that the university should have been held responsible for ensuring that students who go missing are found and take more responsibility for that, which I totally understand. But,
Starting point is 01:22:38 to be fair, at the same time, investigators were in a tough position in that there wasn't a crime scene, there wasn't a body, there was barely any evidence. And it was sort of like a weird, I don't even know the right word, like stuck between a rock and a hard place. Okay. They're getting pressured to do more, but at the same time,
Starting point is 01:23:00 it's like they don't really have anything to go on, if that makes sense. Yeah, i get that like there's no body there was no evidence really except the falsies just kind of stuck yeah kind of stuck um so uh but about oh so they did give cindy's mother an on-campus apartment and internet access for what it's worth i guess thanks um yeah also like an on-campus apartment like a dorm room okay wow thank you like wonderful furnished cement walls cement floor kind of internet if you have an ethernet cable those carpets your daughter's dead so also you're surrounded by like 18 year olds have fun who don't speak your language yeah right yikes and are drunk always so um anyway in february of 2002 one student wrote in the collegian quote there is a
Starting point is 01:23:54 sister of our penn state community missing right now and nobody even cares yes i can swallow the fact that this grand university has essentially ignored sinusa's appearance because old state has its happy valley reputation to maintain but to see this apathy coming from my fellow peers is unbearable and at today's press conference organized by the coalition to find cindy song my eyes were opened as to how apathetic this community really is and then in that same article it was reported that someone called a person in state college at 2 30 a.m claiming to be cindy and police traced it to two 17 year old girls who said it was just a prank what can you imagine are you serious these literally these two teenage girls called at 2 30 in the morning claiming to be cindy and it turned out they were just playing a quote unquote prank i hope karma
Starting point is 01:24:48 gets him good like that i'm sure it will at that rate it's like you if you don't know what you did what kind of behavior that is like i don't know what to tell you you're a lost cause at that point right exactly exactly um so one key question amongst all this was if Cindy was headed toward the shop, the 24-hour convenience store, surely there would have been some sort of CCTV footage or security footage. But since it had taken so long to look, I mean, everything had already been recorded over. A lot of those tapes just replay, you know, every 24 hours they record over themselves. So in my opinion, I they record over themselves so in my opinion i'm not sure but in my opinion if they had checked that right away maybe they would have had a better
Starting point is 01:25:31 better chance of getting sure if they did a lot of things faster it would have exactly yeah so exactly um but again since her credit cards weren't used who knows how far she even got down the street before making it to the convenience store, if at all. So Ban Soon-Song, her mother, got a lawyer named Jin Han, a New York based attorney and the family spokesperson who commented that after four months of no real hard information surfacing, quote, words cannot begin to express the agony the Song family has felt since the disappearance of their daughter. This has been compounded by the poor investigation and after this in a seeming retaliation the police stopped contacting the family just like bye um which led by investigator detective sprinkle uh who claimed this was done for cindy's sake in the case and not the family adding quote we pretty much cut them off so the case was featured on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries toward the end of 2002
Starting point is 01:26:28 and also Without a Trace in 2003. And that did lead to some renewed public interest in the case and a whole slew of unfortunately unsubstantiated leads. At one point, Cindy's disappearance was thought to have been linked to the disappearances of some other young people around this time uh josh guillemot oh episode 188 uh if you recall erica dollquist chris jenkins and michael null and that was part of the smiley face killer theory uh-huh so basically it seemed like a lot of times anytime somebody kind of a college age student went missing in that time period, it was like, could it be part of the Smiley Case Killer Theory? It could be clumped together with just anything else.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Yeah, especially because the Smiley Case Killer Theory spans so many different states. Right. So that was one of the theories. One of the theories. And then in 2003 came the biggest breakthrough yet, which was that a man named Paul Weakley, who was facing felony charges and was acting as a police informant in prison to reduce his sentence, claimed he knew who had murdered Cindy Song. Oh, OK. He claimed that a man named Hugo Selensky murdered Cindy with the help of Michael Krakowski,
Starting point is 01:27:44 a pharmacist who ran an illegal drug ring. So Paul Weakley claimed that the pair, so Selensky and Krakowski, saw Cindy walking in her costume, quote, mistook her for a prostitute, end quote. Oh. Even though she looked cute, not sexy.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Exactly. Yep. Exactly. even though she looked cute not sexy exactly yep exactly uh so they quote that's his his line so who knows but that's his quote kidnapped her and took her back to selensky's place where she was imprisoned in a walk-in safe assaulted numerous times over the course of a few days and left to die oh my god so police swarmed on selensky's house believing this to be a credible lead and they didn't find cindy song oh okay but they did find uh-oh uh the charred remains of five bodies okay yeah so which is worse i don't know got it so it's like oh well that's shitty that they didn't get answers but also now holy shit there are so many more victims here what's going on um so they found the charred remains of at least five bodies and basically they had just stumbled upon with
Starting point is 01:28:59 this tip a serial killer and a mass graveyard at his home holy shit yeah so by the time selensky's yard was properly excavated the number of bodies had risen to 12 oh my god yeah so depending on how you look at it unfortunately and fortunately uh yeah this was not among the bodies found which is always like the dilemma i think of like i want answers but obviously i don't want the worst outcome right must be very frustrating um however they did find the body of michael kirkowski the one that this paul weakly guy said was his like so he partner in crime maybe paul weakly was trying to push it off on this guy who was already dead is that what happened okay Yes. Yeah. Got it. Listen, you can see right through these people, Em. Listen, you give me just about 99% of the information and I can figure out the rest. Don't you worry.
Starting point is 01:29:52 I mean, I probably couldn't after a glass of wine, so I'm proud of you. So they did find the body of Michael Krakowski in Selenski's yard. And that was the guy running an illegal drug ring and they also found the body of kirkowski's girlfriend tammy facet both of whom were assumed to have been on the run at the time um selensky's lawyers refuted that he had any knowledge of cindy song he's like yeah he murdered these like 12 people and his friend but definitely not this playboy bunny so don't worry about it got it um so they repeated that he had any knowledge of cindy providing witness statements and that proved he was hundreds of miles away from her abduction and his alibi was like pretty much watertight so
Starting point is 01:30:36 oh okay he kind of didn't do it and that's where they turned on paul weakly in prison and we're like right why did you just put us onto these two guys one of whom is a murderer like slight of hand over here distracting yeah exactly why are you sending us that way right like you're the common denominator here paul weakly could have kept his mouth shut and never said anything and neither crime would have been figured out right this is true but since he wanted to be a police informant he was hoping that he could like i say get a bit a reduced sentence by spilling something yeah spilling it yeah exactly which seems weird too because it's like well your information was wrong but i guess also you saw a b for effort yeah yeah yeah exactly so it's kind of weird um so they turned on paul and then his story kind of fell apart so then he he suddenly switched his story and he said oh well what
Starting point is 01:31:32 happened was selensky murdered kirkowski and his girlfriend tammy because kirkowski had wanted to keep cindy's bunny ears as a souvenir of the murder and that's why selensky was so mad that he killed him and his girlfriend uh and pretty soon it came became clear that that was all bullshit uh selenski hadn't killed michael kirkowski because of bunny ears but because of sixty thousand dollars that he had hidden in his house so it's it's very convoluted i know it's like a lot of names um but basically this guy in prison is like no these two killed this woman cindy and then gotcha they're like well one of them is dead and he's like right right well he killed the dead one okay because of the bunny ears that the
Starting point is 01:32:17 it's listen it's all very convoluted i apologize oh no no you're doing a good job essentially then they were like okay so he's just making up lies here. Why is he coming up with this bunny ear lie? Why is he trying to push us in this direction? Maybe he had something to do with Cindy's disappearance and he's trying to push us away from him. Right. So he later admitted to participating in,
Starting point is 01:32:42 long story short, he later admitted to participating in the murders of kirkowski and facet his girlfriend facet uh in exchange for the sixty thousand dollars that was stashed in his home so it was basically a red it was all a red herring to divert attention from himself yep even though he was part of the the murder this is so complicated i'm sorry it's really not it's you're doing a good job it's like three different people but two of them have like polish names and i'm just krakowski yeah yeah yeah yeah uh krakowski and salenski and oh my god a lot of crackly sounding names yes yes yes yes yes in any case paul weakly is full of shit and really just sent them on a wild
Starting point is 01:33:23 goose chase that also ended up solving a bunch of other crimes yeah it worked out question mark question mark okay in a way yeah and then it turns out paul weakly was involved in those murders anyway so cindy was just like a red herring that he found the information on and was like oh i'm gonna use this to try and get myself out of this other murder right so they searched his computer and found that he had downloaded numerous articles about cindy but i mean the idea at least in my mind too is like he was probably researching the case since he was going to use it as a red herring right like he probably was just researching the case to be like i want to know my facts so i can divert attention i don't think it was because he murdered her um so a more chilling theory
Starting point is 01:34:06 also arose it which is that perhaps weekly was the murderer and he was keeping all these clippings as souvenirs and but it ended up being discounted and he didn't end up being a serious suspect so in 2004 the police decided to consult a california psychic oh after being i know after being approached by the penn state paranormal research society shout out hey yo hey yo uh so carla barron who lives in north hollywood shout out wait a minute hey yo hey yo is a self-described psychic detective according to abc news she has no formal training but a wealth of spiritual contacts and had previously provided some helpful information in the Elizabeth Smart abduction. So apparently Detective Sprinkle had never worked with a psychic before. But when he did with Carla, she laid out tarot cards, looked at a picture of Cindy and asked Cindy questions as she hunted for clues in the spiritual world.
Starting point is 01:35:04 So cool. of cindy and asked cindy questions as she hunted for clues in the spiritual world so cool um yeah so sprinkle had given her the names hugo selensky and michael krakowski oh my god the ones i gave you that just make everything so complicated as potential suspects because they weren't sure like he gave those to the psychic i mean right right like because they weren't sure at the time if if maybe they were involved this was before they were ruled out, I guess. At least they were taking it kind of seriously before they just, like, completely shut, like, disregarded it. But. The two.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Like, the two names, even though, like, Michael Krakowski or whatever was already dead, at least they, like, kind of still had him in the running of, like. They were like, maybe this is something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. At least they weren't neglecting evidence like they did with like the phone and all that yes and the woman in chinatown and yeah exactly that's a good point well according to carla quote cindy's telling me she is in a different place now she knows why this is excuse me she knows why this happened to her when asking cindy how did you lose your life the answer apparently coming to carla was this was somebody obsessed with her selensky and kirkowski were at the helm
Starting point is 01:36:09 they were orchestrating but the person she knew the person wow carla then accompanied detective sprinkle on a drive around pennsylvania that easter of 2004 um she wanted to look for some railroad tracks water and some sort of generator which had come to her in a vision. So they pulled over and found an area that looked like her description. And looking at the landscape, Carla said, they didn't walk down here with Cindy. They threw her. So Detective Sprinkle reflected on Carla's help to the case, saying, quote, she's given us a lot of information, but nothing that has been helpful at this time. It may turn into something down the road.
Starting point is 01:36:48 So it didn't pan out into anything, but who knows if the case, I kind of already hinted that it was an unsolved mystery, so we don't have an answer, but maybe. There were 21 binders of information on Cindy Song in Ferguson Township Police Department, originally in detective sprinkle's office uh the only active lead is the tie to selensky but apart from that
Starting point is 01:37:12 um it's kind of a dead end yeah there's there's the bunny ears but like that doesn't seem to be very likely uh in any case the case is still unsolved. Um, it's just really sad. It's just really heartbreaking, but there, there is the Kate, the sketch of the Chinatown suspect, and you can look at photos of Solensky weekly and Krakowski in case, you know, maybe they are involved somehow. And then in 2003, detective Brian Sprinkle told the collegian Cindy's dead. I don't have any belief that Cindy is alive. So eventually Bansun song returned home to south korea where she continues the long arduous wait uh hoping to hear about her missing daughter ferguson township police chief diane conrad says the investigation is ongoing and that song's dna is part of various national law
Starting point is 01:38:02 enforcement databases so i mean fingers crossed with all these dna you know yeah breakthroughs hopefully something is solved and if you do have any information regarding the whereabouts of cindy song you can contact the ferguson township police at 814-237-1172 wow and that is the case of cindy. And I really hope it gets figured out. Yeah. Well, well done, Christine. Oh, thank you. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:38:31 I know that was a lot and a lot of names. Again, a lot of Polish people involved. A lot of werewolves, a lot of Polish people. We got a lot happened today. Happy birthday, Gio. Oh, I have also whenever you want. I also have a Scorpio scope. I want it now.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Okay, great. So this is a hor I want it now. Okay, great. So this is a horoscope for Gio. Oh, dear. Happy fifth old Giovanni. Happy birthday, Giovanni. Okay, Scorpio, whenever things aren't going exactly the way you want them to, you need to start getting creative about your expectations. But you also have to know when to stand your ground and not give in.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Oh, he knows when. An inch. Yeah, well, don't worry. He's a Scorpio. He won't give an inch. Speak up if you just can't go along with what everyone else is saying or doing. Sometimes the only way to get people to listen to you and respect what you say is by forcing them to.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Yep, that's Scorpio right there. A quiet word to the right person will get you the satisfaction you need. Gio doesn't know a quiet word, but you know, otherwise. Yeah. Good luck being quiet, Gio.
Starting point is 01:39:33 It's not going to work. Good luck. You're going to do everything by force. You're going to really make your, make yourself known. You're going to walk into the room. Everyone's going to know a Scorpio walked in. They're going gonna bow down and
Starting point is 01:39:45 you're gonna have a great birthday and it's gonna be the same as every other day of the year oh well anyway happy birthday to giovanni uh happy belated halloween uh i'm sure it's like mid-november now no no happy. Happy Scorpio season. Fingers crossed the election went well. If it didn't, I hope everyone's like real fucked up and watching their favorite
Starting point is 01:40:10 like depression movie right now. Just lock your doors. I don't know, man. This is the last time we will be recording without information about this.
Starting point is 01:40:19 So, excuse us if we seem naive and bubbly. We don't know what's going on in the future. We're naive and ignorant.
Starting point is 01:40:27 So Em's going to go drink some watermelon juice. I'm going to go drink some wine. I'm very excited about it. All right. And that's why we drink watermelon juice. Oh, yeah. Yum. Clink.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Okay, bye. bye

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