And That's Why We Drink - E20 Fun Times in the Body Chute and Em’s Hairy Torso

Episode Date: June 18, 2017

You’ve asked, you’ve begged, you’ve pleaded…and we finally succumbed to your requests - episode 20 features the one and only Waverly Hills Sanitorium (not Sanitarium, we checked) as well as a ...pretty terrible guy named Gregory Scott Hale. In this episode we ask the important questions: Is it more acceptable to eat people if they’ve been cooked? Where can I find Jesus the biggest? What’s so traumatizing about a torso?Perhaps most importantly, we get our FIRST FAN MAIL but our excitement quickly devolves into concern when we can’t decode its mysterious symbols. (For real guys, if we go missing, blame this anonymous person in Utah.)Christine also rescues a bug, but Em doesn’t approve of that segment. And that’s why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, hey, welcome back to our special show. Our very special show. Called In. That's why we drink. What? Oh, my God. What? I'm just opening my milkshake right now.
Starting point is 00:00:12 What? Look at how empty this fucker is. That's my whole milkshake. They gave me half a fucking cup. There's just like a cherry in the middle. Do you not eat the cherry? No. Can I please eat it?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Are you kidding me? That's my favorite part. Did you ever see How I Met Your Mother? We're doing the olive theory. Oh my god. Which ended up being a lie, though. Okay, well. Remember?
Starting point is 00:00:34 I didn't finish the episode. No, it was in the end of the series. It turns out the entire time, spoiler alert, the entire time Lily was pretending to not like olives. That's love, though. I know, because she knew how much he liked them. And, like, so she played along for, like, ten years. Well, I really hate maraschino cherries, so please eat them all the time. Oh, I thought you were just doing it because you love me.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Oh, I was. Just kidding. Thanks for that. All right, so, guys, while Em drinks her tiny milk milkshake. I'm pissed. This is going to take three spoonfuls. It's a big-ass milkshake. I'm a big-ass person. If it were in a different cup, it would look like a big-ass milkshake i'm pissed it's gonna take three spoonfuls it's a big ass milkshake i'm a big ass person if it were in a different cup it would look like a big ass milkshake just just do what
Starting point is 00:01:10 you're supposed to say all right we got our okay eminem had a moment last night because we got our first fan mail to our po box yep we did and they sent me a little photo also do you want to like say our address or anything so we can get more? I can triangulate something finally. Oh, yeah. 1920 Hillhurst Avenue, number 1064, Los Angeles, California, 90027. Yep. I memorized it. Good.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And then you have to address it too, and that's why we drink. Yeah, we definitely triangulated a location that you and Gio will be at at some point. There was an episode of My Favorite Murder where Georgia was like, I'm scared to go to my P.O. box because I don't want people to be waiting for me. I'd be cool with people waiting, just not the ones that want to kill us. They'll definitely recognize Gio. A thousand percent. I don't want anyone waiting. If they're waiting for me, they have a problem okay you heard it here first she won't be impressed
Starting point is 00:02:09 if you're there so just stay home unless you have gifts for me okay that's all it takes all right we got well that counts so we have this beautiful letter it has like a purple paisley envelope and it's from utah it is from utah we're gonna open it oh wow look at the card it matches that's very immaculate it's very oh oh there's two cards one for me i wonder is there one for me i don't know why you're laughing open it that's for you that's for me how do you know okay well i won't read mine yet do yours yours first. No, no. Just open it. Are you sure? Oh, that's really actually adorable. Please. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Happy late birthday, Em. And ransom. Someone literally cut out a magazine. I've always wanted someone to do this for me with not involving a kidnapping. They wrote X-teen because they didn't want to write all the letters of my name. Did they really? X-teen. That's adorable.
Starting point is 00:03:05 That's holy shit. What's this? What's this symbol? I don't know what it means. Oh of my name. Does it really? X-team. That's adorable. That's, holy shit, what's this? What's this symbol? I don't know what it means. Oh my god. Are we like, are we bad for not knowing? Wait, that's... Are they gender signs? It looks like it, but then there's a...
Starting point is 00:03:15 But then there's a cross. Uh-oh. And an S? Wait, is this a puzzle? Are we gonna die? Oh my god. Is this actual a ransom? Oh no.
Starting point is 00:03:24 We might have to crack a code. Uh oh, I think I triangulated a little too hard. That's definitely a gender. Yeah, that's... Wait, this is a gender too. Yeah, they're both genders. So then what's T and S? T and S.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Transsexual? Maybe! I don't know. Are we supposed to know? I'm scared. Is someone blackmailing you? Oh, I don't know what to do. Blaze, you have a Yale degree.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Come here. You're a doctor. Come here. You need to come here. He doesn't seem happy. A lot of people would be thrilled to be on the podcast. I don't think it means anything. I think they're just the random symbols that they decided to assemble.
Starting point is 00:04:06 What? X? I'm scared. Who did this? Okay, here's the other thing. They didn't put a name. Maybe they did it just to freak you out, to make it look like Zodiac Killer stuff. Oh, maybe it's a Zodiac Killer stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Oh, this is fun. He has a Yale degree. Wait, maybe it means that they're crossing out the two genders or something. Fuck binaries? Is that what it means? Maybe. I think we're looking at this from a social aspect. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:34 They're probably like, wait, this is not at all what was happening. Could it have anything to do with the fact that it's happy late birthday? Maybe. It's the gender symbol is the only thing that we can for sure make out. I'm a piece of shit. I don't know which is the female one and which is the male one what's the blaze which is the female one hang on i'll just look it up i'll look at it huh the one that's erect is the boy yes oh the one that goes down is the female the one that's standing okay so that's a man that's a woman maybe, like, the person who made it is their, like, signature? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah, maybe we're just reading into it. Maybe this is, like, their own little thing that they do. Maybe she's like, my name is Toose. I'm sure that's not right. My name is male-female TSX. My name is male female tsx that's for sure what it is cracked it my brother will be like uh you're dumb slip this under the door tell him tell him tell me okay
Starting point is 00:05:37 okay should do like some blood splatter on it he says in a couple minutes all right so this week i'm drinking 19 crimes from kirk my dude i'm surprised you haven't finished it well i wanted to save it till like we were what's it tastes like is like? Does it taste different? It tastes different. It's called a dark red. It tastes good. It tastes better than the wine I buy. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:10 What are you drinking besides your tiny ass milkshake? I'm drinking. I went to that diner again that I went to a while ago that had like the 50 milkshakes. Wait, so was it different then? Did they give you a bigger milkshake? Yeah, they gave me an appropriately sized shake. That's weird. Okay. different then did they give you a bigger milkshake yeah they gave me an appropriately sized shake that's weird um okay first i want to do a quick special shout out to derek because we accidentally left him out of last month's uh listeners patron shout out episode we're garbage
Starting point is 00:06:36 i know sorry derek it was my fault because i was transferring all the names over so she's the one that color coats them so i read all the colors that i was supposed to read i know it's not em's fault it's my fault i sent him an email to apologize he's like that's okay and i was like no it's not okay so derek sorry thank you for your support you know that is fun that you since you do so much of the work you will also have most of the responsibility if we fuck up i take the blame he's's entering. Oh. Did you solve it? I slid it under your door. Okay. Do you want to guess what Blaise's guess was? Yeah. It was, oh it probably doesn't mean anything. I'm like what? That's the least likely scenario. Like a girl, a girl drew that twice. Like there
Starting point is 00:07:23 was a reason she drew it. She didn't just like color around for no reason how do you know it's a girl it's a girl because it has a killer that's what she said that's what blaze said oh that's what this is how blaze gets no credit ever because everyone says i get i do things i don't do anything blaze's loud answer is it doesn't mean anything and then he whispers maybe so nobody then he whispers, maybe it's a side act. So nobody knows what Blaze thinks. Maybe it's her family seal. Yeah. What the fuck? Well, now all the listeners are interested.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And then once it's revealed. Oh, my God. We should do like a crack the code. And then it'll be something really inappropriate or really offensive. It's probably like, it means eggplant, dick. It's probably like, I hate transgender people. I hate this podcast. i hate you and christine i hate any male and or female who is involved in this podcast all right yeah maybe we'll have like
Starting point is 00:08:13 a crack the code special anyway christine remember in our first episode when we were like let's be really quiet and hide everyone and now the dog and alex Alex and Blaze are all out here eating and watching TV. And I'm forcing them to talk into the microphone. We've really lost our game. We've lost our finesse from the early episodes. Welcome to And That's Why We Drift. Aw! He has so much popcorn.
Starting point is 00:08:36 But this was his debut. He has so much popcorn in his mouth. And I smell it on my face now because he just leaned in. Starring Alexander Schieffer. Are you? Welcome to the second episode of The Newlywed Game. There you go. Aw. Look, he's got in. Starring Alexander Schieffer. Are you... Welcome to the second episode of The Newlywed Game. There you go. Aw, he's got it. I'm Christine.
Starting point is 00:08:49 He's got it. Are you okay? I had to swallow my popcorn. Okay. Why are you drinking again? Oh, because so, I'm not going to say the name, but there's a deodorant company out there that has been getting a lot of uh lawsuits
Starting point is 00:09:07 dub degree acts i'm not saying i don't want to get sued but like they had like this huge outbreak of i guess a lot of people were saying that they were getting chemical burns from it like the rashes yeah so i got that so it's supposed to suck it does suck it does suck so bad like it like it's like bad wait afterward you have to tell me because i just bought new deodorant you have to tell me no i know you don't wear this deodorant oh because you saw my deodorant yeah in the bathroom and i've smelt you before you don't we don't wear the same deodorant i've smelt you okay fine all right and uh and he doesn't either because i've been in your bathroom not because i smell blaze doesn't like wear deodorant because
Starting point is 00:09:49 he somehow doesn't smell bad ever yeah a million reasons listen let's just put that on the list of why he's perfect clinical strength deodorant and my boyfriend's like i won't wear it today and i'm like fuck you i'll just walk in the breeze and see what happens yeah so anyway that's what i'm dealing with right now so i like i researched it for a while i was like what the fuck is going on with my armpits and i had to google it and i found out that there was like all these cases and i was like oh shit so now i i haven't bought new deodorant yet and so like today i was like i'm not gonna deal with this anymore so i didn't wear deodorant today so like i feel stinky i don't i like keep checking but i just like feel gross i know you get that feeling of like i forgot something like yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:10:32 i just feel so i keep like checking but i think i'm good um you want to know why i drink why do you drink i drink because i was on my birthday i hosted the or i was at the two girls one pup show and this girl and her friend walk in. And I go, hi, are you here for the show? And they both kind of look at me. And as I'm, like, finishing my sentence, I realize it's Aubrey Plaza. Oh, really? As in, like, from Parks and Rec, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And then she just goes, I just wanted to buy some dog food. Like, can I buy some dog food? I was like yes please like the store's still open we're just hosting a comedy show and she's like okay and just walked that must have been the weirdest thing for her to have walked into if you're not aware totally and i like didn't realize who it was so i was like are you here for the show and there's like all these dogs and she's like what the fuck is going on because it's literally a pet store it's in a pet store it's like going to pet
Starting point is 00:11:25 smart and there's now like a red carpet and a comedy show happening yeah like so she was probably like what the fuck is she's like i just go to this pet store every week to get my dog food and now there's like kyle canane is performing nice to know that she's a celebrity who goes on does her own errands yes and she also wasn't wearing any makeup and everything, and I was like, oh, she looked great. Like a normal person. The other reason I drink is that I quit my job. I know we said this last time, but... It's official now?
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's official. It's my last Friday on the job. I have three more days, and then I'm going to focus on this fucking podcast, guys. I have a whole list of stuff I'm going to discuss with them about our Patreon page. No spoilers, but there's a lot of cool shit that i think we're going to plan for you guys people who are already donating there's more coming and people who want to donate like your money's going to a right a good place because we have a lot of ideas so many we just currently can't afford many of them so we're picking and choosing brainstorm currently yeah so we're creating all
Starting point is 00:12:25 sorts of cool new stuff i have like a whole list of brainstorming ideas that emma and i are gonna have a production meeting and come up with new patreon ideas um to everyone who's written in itunes reviews thank you if you guys could just leave us a review it takes like a minute if that and it really really really helps us on in itunes rankings um and that's my only promotion for right now so that's all i have no updates we love you guys so now i guess now that we've just wasted everyone's time for a while do you want to tell your story yeah let me crack it open oh you were so close you almost said your catchphrase i know i i heard it i heard it happen like a pirate christine just pulled the cork out of her bottle with her teeth at least it's a bottle with what are you drinking
Starting point is 00:13:11 all right we already talked about this in me yeah okay i almost just like went right into these notes i almost just like said the first bullet without actually introducing it i was like on october 8th in 1883 um, so I'm doing a place that was recommended by a couple people. It's called the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Oh my god, people have been... Yeah, people have been talking about this. Like, tweeting about
Starting point is 00:13:36 it and Facebooking about it. Alright, so the Waverly Hills Sanatorium? Sanitarium. I should probably know, but I don't. I like how you look at me. Yeah, I'm like, hmm, what is it? Sanitarium. Sanitarium. I should probably know, but I don't. Like, hey, you look at me. Yeah, I'm like, hmm, what is it? Sanitarium.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Sanitarium. I think so. Yeah. Okay. But also maybe Sanatorium. Waverly Hills. That's what we're going to call it. It sounds like a country club.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I got it written somewhere in here. We'll find out. Sanatorium, I was wrong. Sanatorium. Interesting. Okay. So the story begins in 1883. It was a dark and stormy night.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Okay. Well, no, it wasn't. So, Waverly Hill was a plot of land, and it was purchased by Thomas Hayes in 1883 for him and his family. And since the new home was so far away from existing schools, he decided to open it as a local school for his daughters to attend. So it was a one-room schoolhouse. And he hired one woman named Lizzie Harris to be the teacher. And since she wanted to really teach English, she was really passionate about these novels called Waverly Novels,
Starting point is 00:14:41 written by Walter Scott. And so she named the school the Waverly School after the novel she wanted to teach. So Major Hayes liked how peaceful sounding it was, which is the opposite of what it became. Yeah, I was going to say. Foreshadowing. So he named the property Waverly Hill. So the Waverly School was on Waverly Hill. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So this was in the 1880s, so it was right around the early 1900s and that was when tuberculosis was really big oh god aka the white death aka the white plague aka consumption as we learned and uh as you learned so i as i learned so this was the waverly hill i should have said was in like louisville Kentucky. Oh, that was my next question. So that was also actually pronounced Louisville. Louisville in Kentucky. So in that area, it was a lot of swamplands, which meant like perfect breeding ground for the bacteria of tuberculosis at the time. So that whole town was like it got hit really hard with tuberculosis, so a lot of people got sick there.
Starting point is 00:15:47 So pretty much right away the school ended up becoming a hospital. Oh, God. So the board of tuberculosis, I guess there's a board for that. Sure. They ended up buying out the Waverly School because there was something that was happening where a hospital that was getting built in the city but they made some law that they didn't have to recognize like serious cases of tuberculosis patients because I guess either they were a lost cause or they were more of an inconvenience because they would get other people sick something like that
Starting point is 00:16:20 and so instead there was a grant to the board of 25 000 where they could go build another facility for like the really bad cases so that way they were all kind of quarantined in another area just like put them somewhere else yeah so to try to contain the disease they bought the waverly school and also built a two-story wooden sanatorium sanatorium got it originally it housed 20 patients and uh eventually once they used the 25 grand and built it up they were able to fit 40 patients as of 1912 but in 1914 a new section was created for children patients and patients of children because once you had tuberculosis you really couldn't take care of your kids oh wait what do you mean patients of children yeah like the patients like tuberculosis patients couldn't take care of their kids anymore so they had a section
Starting point is 00:17:15 for those kids to like live essentially you mean children of patients yeah uh so they had that whole new area and eventually the full capacity of the sanatorium was 140 patients. And Waverly Hills, the whole, because remember from the last story where we talked about consumption, which was the Stanley Hotel? Yep, yep, yep. Because the biggest cure at that time was just fresh air. Sure. biggest cure at that time was just fresh air sure so the waverly hill waverly hills was so far away from everyone that their whole they they considered the whole plot of land the property of the sanatorium but it was so big that it had its own zip code oh shit fun fact it was a self-contained
Starting point is 00:18:00 community but like it had its own um post office water treatment facility it grew its own fruits and vegetables and it raised its own meat for slaughtering and are you serious yeah it was like a whole its own community holy shit but the downside to that was once you were on that land like you had you could never leave because you were surrounded by really sick people you were quarantined it was basically a death sentence like, you could live there and never had to go anywhere else, but it's because you never, you couldn't. You weren't allowed to. So, I mean, who else lived there?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Like, nurses? It was just, like, hospital staff and employees. And then patients. So, you were an unlucky hospital staff who had to work there. Ugh. But also, I like to think of it as, like, LA interns where it's like, I'll be quarantined with a tuberculosis patient. Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Please give me a job. I got a job working in medicine. Yeah. Yeah. So, I'll be quarantined with the tuberculosis patient. Sure. Please give me a job. I got a job working in medicine. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to roll with it. Oh, so in 1924, due to constant repairs and,
Starting point is 00:18:54 uh, like they just needed more space so they could house more people. Uh, construction began for it to become a five story building, geez, which happened in 1926 and it was able to hold more than 400 patients. Oh, shit. So that was, like, that was the final number of patients that were housed there.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. And although the hospital tried to help its patients with, like, several different sorts of medical methods at the time, a lot of them, of course, were inhumane. Ugh. So one of them was, I guess, to help put fresh air in their lungs. Oh, no. It's nothing like the last story, so we're good. Nothing is like...
Starting point is 00:19:33 Nothing's like... LaLaurie. LaLaurie Mansion. Nothing. That's a dark spot. Honestly, I did that just to desensitize you enough that this won't mean anything at this point. So... I have a guess of what it is patients lungs were exposed to ultraviolet light um to try and stop the spread of bacteria
Starting point is 00:19:49 so they would put you in sun rooms which were artificial light in place of sunlight uh-huh so if it was dark they would still keep you in bright light so your body would think you were in fresh air but you end up just going crazy because you could never sleep oh they didn't like literally expose your lungs like you. They exposed you. Oh, I thought they were going to cut them open and expose their lungs or something. Also, so it's like a tanning bed forever. Like you live in a tanning bed.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yes. Okay. And that's healthy. Patients were placed in front of windows or open porches to get fresh air like 24-7. That's awful. No, but 24-7. That's awful. No, but 24-7 no matter the season. So there's a lot of old photographs that show the patients in chairs while literally covered in snow. What the?
Starting point is 00:20:34 As if that's going to help your... It's freshest. It's the freshest air. It's pure white snow. Your immune disease. Right, yeah. And so other treatments that were involved. This one's kind of fucked up.
Starting point is 00:20:44 But they inserted balloons into the lungs. Oh my god. And then filled the balloon with air so they would, underneath the lungs, help expand the lungs so that the lungs would be more open so you could breathe more air in. But there's a fucking balloon in the way. Like, no one thought about that. Is that a thing? Does that work? No.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Actually, someone actually had a collapsed lung because of it. Ugh, fuck. I was going to say, it seems like in the 1800s, maybe that actually had a collapsed lung because of it oh fuck i was gonna say it seems like in the 1800s maybe that actually was a really smart idea it seemed to revel it seems almost like sensible in a way but they also were doing it to a point where they were breaking people's ribs yeah no because like they were like the lungs were inflating so much that before the lung could puncture the and p.s i would never let someone put a balloon in my lung but also it's one thing to like break your rib from the outside in, but the inside out.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It's just like a Freddy Krueger. And collapsing your lung. Okay, uh-uh. So operations involved muscles and ribs being removed so that they could expand the lungs even further than necessary. Other patients suffered electroshock therapy, typical. Oh, right. Because why not? Other experimental surgeries, including intentional lung collapsing.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Because apparently they thought they could revive it in time. What the fuck? They would also put heavy sandbags on the patient's chests to keep them in the same position for several hours instead of trying to move. What? Just things like that. That doesn't even make sense. As if I'm expecting any of this to make sense.
Starting point is 00:22:03 In the 1800s, I could have been a doctor and been like, let's all eat candy, and they'd be like yeah that's what's that what's that robin williams patch adams yeah patch adams well also that's a fucking clown so i would be patch adams oh my god basically that was you in a past life except my movie wouldn't suck except you weren't what that was a great movie i didn't like it it actually i think it made me maybe i it reminded me too much of myself and it made me cry a lot so maybe that's why it was very sad yeah because he died spoiler spoiler there you go uh so on the property there was an underground tunnel this is the cool part of course there's always there's always a tunnel i love the tunnels on the property there was an underground tunnel that led from the entrance to the bottom of a steep 500-foot hill.
Starting point is 00:22:47 From the entrance? Did I read that right? Sure. Yeah, from the entrance, and then there was a hill. Well, you'll figure it out. You'll figure it out, because I'm about to explain it better. We have a whiteboard. Do you want to draw me a diagram?
Starting point is 00:22:59 No, so basically, before I finish my notes, basically it was used during the winter to gather supplies without having to go down the hill to have to lug it back up or to expect cars of that time to have to go up icy hills and bring you the supplies. So they had like a cable system through this tunnel that would bring everything up to the hill for you. Gotcha. Okay. I'm probably about to just repeat that. Yeah. Staff used it to receive supplies in the winter and coal too, because they didn't have heaters back then.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Sure. And it also was easier to get more supplies at one time instead of having to do small trips. Right, and then nobody had to go into the actual... Right. And also because it was underground, and during the winter, the people who were on either end of the hall like they didn't have to actually really go outside they just had to like stand by the tunnel and drag things and it just like kept everyone warm especially when they were sick and you know then again the staff gets to stay inside the tunnel to stay warm but we're gonna put all of our patients out on the snowy porch i was like they didn't get the same health benefits as all the people lying under a snowbank so this area
Starting point is 00:24:02 this tunnel specifically became known as the death tunnel. Oh, good. Or the body chute. Oh, that's fun. Because not only was it a loading dock for supplies, but it became a loading dock for the patient's corpses. Dun, dun, dun. And the tunnel, doctors and morticians would also prepare the bodies and drain them.
Starting point is 00:24:19 No. Because at that time they thought if you basically disemboweled and totally, like, basically wrung the body out of any liquids, it, like, put all the bacteria. It got rid of all the bacteria, so you were just throwing the body away without spreading the disease. Oh, no. But if you wrung. Listen to this. They were putting. They were wringing all these bodies out and basically juicing them.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And guess where they were putting it? In the sewer. Oh, oh, oh, Em, that's disgusting were putting it in the sewer oh oh oh and that's disgusting like in the septic tanks like so like that's disgusting anyway enjoy not catching tuberculosis that's fucked up to be continued i like my whole microphone almost fell um that was my slow motion falling because that was me going whoa but in slow motion like is that what is that oh okay i mean that wasn't intentional but it worked out i liked it so the doctors and morticians would prepare the bodies drain them and put them in caskets
Starting point is 00:25:17 so they would then be loaded onto waiting trains at the bottom of the hill to be sent to funeral homes or to crematoriums. If the bodies began to stack up because it was so cold out that new loads weren't coming in regularly and the bodies were literally stacking up, they would just cremate them there on the spot without preparing them. Would literally just set them on fire in a giant pile. God. They would cremate them before they would actually be able to ship them to a proper crematorium. And it was done down here.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Not only was the cremating done down there, but the whole preparing a dead body and loading it out to the hill. They did all of that downstairs on purpose so that none of the patients upstairs who were sick would have to see everyone's bodies because they were trying to, like, keep them in cards. Morale. Yeah, for morale, really. Literally to boost really literally to boost morale oh fuck i mean at least they tried well i guess because one of their methods to get them better is to keep them outside all the time through this tunnel they could put them onto the trains without if anyone was outside and looking they still couldn't see the caskets being loaded in there were there wasn't like a pile of right like bodies on fire you just never had to see the bodies oh good and the majority of the hospital's patients ended up going through the death tunnel they going through the death went down the body shoot that is just so dark so it was um in. That's all the history of it, but I'm just going to catch up to where we are now in the world.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So that came out in 1926 was the beginning of the big 400-person hospital. And then in 1943, the invention of streptomycin came out, which was basically like a cure-all for TB, or at least was the beginning of a cure-all. And so tuberculosis started declining really drastically and there was no need for a hospital anymore. So it was open for another like 15 years or so. And then by 1960, the hospital closed. And then it kind of, they dabbled with it being a couple other things, but the only real thing that stayed for a while was it became a geriatric nursing home. Oh, boy. And I guess a lot of those patients were also abused and they were neglected.
Starting point is 00:27:36 And electroshock was still being used on some of them because most of the people in that nursing home had dementia. And so they thought electroshock therapy would bring their memory back. Oh, I mean, that's like elder abuse is one of those things that it's just so sad it's just the darkest darkest thing we could we could really have a dark conversation about that in private sometime because i could i could get into that me too let's do it another let's if you want a bonus episode on the dark on the dark i thought you were gonna say if we get through this fast enough my reward is we get to hang out and talk no if you're a patreon subscriber you can get a reward of listening to a dark episode on geriatric abuse you're welcome yeehaw thanks for giving us your money
Starting point is 00:28:15 okay so uh so it stayed a geriatric home for a little bit and then due to all of the neglect and abuse that ended up shutting down real quick like god within like 10 15 years wow actually no more like 20 years but still it was it was gone yeah so then by the 80s there were all these ideas for it to become like a minimum security prison they thought it could become a bunch of apartments and like they they were trying all these things but nobody wanted to donate the money to it. So they always ended up falling short. And the plans ended up getting scrapped. Right. So by 1990, it was just abandoned.
Starting point is 00:28:50 A lot of squatters were in there. One homeless man actually was sleeping in the building. And two teenage boys who were involved in the occult, of course, entered the building, murdered him in the name of Satan, and threw his body down an empty elevator chute. Em, what the fuck? He also had a dog with him. I was wondering if I should even bring that up. There was no information about the dog, for the record. That dog might have left.
Starting point is 00:29:13 He might have gotten out of there the second he sensed trouble. So, in 1996, someone bought it. His name was Robert Alberhaski. Yeah. And he and his church bought Waverly Hills to construct the world's tallest statue of Jesus on the site, along with like an arts and worship center. It's about time. It's about, I've been waiting actually.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's about time somebody does. Where can I find Jesus the biggest? Somebody does some good around there. So once again, there was not enough to donate that. Well, keep in mind, he wanted like a state of the art worship center and church church and then wanted to do all these like wanted to make a park so they could have all their like so it wasn't just a statue of jesus no it was like a full church plan like they had like they wanted the land to become all church activities it was a 12 million dollar project holy and they ended up saying no thanks so they dropped that in 97 although now these days with
Starting point is 00:30:03 mega churches that might they could bring that back now oh those things exist in where i'm from for sure so then it stayed abandoned again and as of 2001 it was sold to a couple who now hold tours there and it's like they do like the haunted house attraction during halloween um and all the proceeds go to restoring the property wow and they plan on turning the facility into a haunted bed and breakfast i was about to say guarantee it's a bed and breakfast it's going to be and they currently i thought this was the coolest part they currently host laser light shows during christmas so if you guys have seen like the youtube videos of like a house and like all the windows going crazy like you don't actually go
Starting point is 00:30:44 in there for the laser light show. You stand outside and the entire thing lights up through the windows. Do they have the music? Yeah. So cool. So they hold laser light shows during Christmas. So anyway, that's all the history and that's what they still currently do. I checked and they have tickets right now for their Christmas light show starts this Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I only live a couple hours from Louisville if you want to come home and see it with me. It's a date. That'd be fun. Oh my god. Someday when it's a haunted bed and breakfast, we should go. One day when we get enough Patreon donators and they fund us traveling around
Starting point is 00:31:17 looking at haunted houses together with like half wine tour, half haunted tour. When we don't tell anybody that we're using their money to uh do you realize how many like perfect dates will be going on together oh my god it'll be adorable i don't know if you you never responded but i put a uh on our twitter i saw i put a poll i intentionally ignored it because here's what's here's what's going on can i explain what it is first maybe okay if i stay quiet long enough thank you i put a poll on twitter and i said i said should m take christine on there's a bug in here and just spit her milkshake up
Starting point is 00:31:52 that's a full block that's a bug there's a bug yeah it's moving let me see i mean it's like a gnat or a fly i'm sure it's it's brand new because there's no actual ice cream on it do you want me to get him out i'm not gonna drink that thing now christine it's just a bug no it's like a fruit fly i don't want it i didn't even i was already i was gonna drink it but it's root beer i don't like root beer and i spit in it okay let me save the bug though hang on oh my god he didn't do anything wrong he ate my milkshake he's a bitch he's a bitch he's covered in milkshake! He's a bitch! He's a bitch. He's covered in milkshake. I don't think he can fly anymore. Just kill him. Just kill him, Christine. He would have been... Now he's gonna fly around and I'm gonna be pissed. I never thought of you
Starting point is 00:32:39 as the gnat-saving kind of person. I'm kind of grossed out. I don't want him to be alive. That's not good news. Don't show him to me. He was in my milkshake. Just flick him. He'll figure it out. Push him out the nest. Blow on him. Christine, why are you even talking?
Starting point is 00:33:02 This whole time a bug is just sitting on your fucking finger and you're not even grossed out. No, it's a gnat. It's not like a bug. It's got furry legs. There he goes. Furry legs? Under a microscope, he has furry legs.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Under a microscope, you have furry legs. Probably true. Oh, snap. I went there. Meaning the follicle, I guess. My legs are hairy without a microscope so gross what is it gross are you one of those people who doesn't shave your legs too no i'm just lazy half the time no okay i'm sorry do i need to shave my legs no you don't i just i mean i'm learning about
Starting point is 00:33:37 how you save bugs you might also be one of those people people am i one of the are you one of those people i wouldn't have i judge you more for the bug thing you could have the longest hair on your legs and i would judge you less than i don't care people shave their i think it's stupid they wouldn't have to shave all their hair but whatever go save a bug or something been there done that i've never saved a bug and i never plan to what's wrong with you nothing okay so here's all the ghost stuff okay wait there was something that was happening yeah and then you decided to say i was telling a story and then you spit your mouth oh you did say something what'd you say if i keep my mouth shut long enough you literally spit up so that i would stop talking i just conjured a bug hello everyone we're back i rescued a bug and m's not
Starting point is 00:34:22 happy about it also i've made this poll on twitter called should m take christine on a paranormal investigation and the options were yes of course and definitely yes and there were 66 results and they all said how did that happen either yes of course or definitely yes that m should take christine on a paranormal investigation and m refused to acknowledge any of it give me your pinky are you sure christine look at my eyes to take alexis because she's been asking me every day then i can't even give you the pinky promise i was gonna do i was gonna say we it's a friday night we can literally go tonight i asked you on our sleepover to bring your emf reader guess what you didn't bring christine it's friday do you want to have
Starting point is 00:35:01 a sleepover and we can go right now we won't't be out long. If we do this... Wait, ow! Where are we going? I... This isn't... Finish your story. So is it yes or no? My brain isn't even functioning there yet. Can we do it here in my apartment? I don't want to leave the apartment.
Starting point is 00:35:19 What do you want us to do with it? Just sit here? I want to play Ouija boards. No, Christine! want us to do with it just sit here i want to play ouija boards no you said you'd bring your emf reader you did not bring it so i can't i will literally go get it can can we can i make the decision after we finish to see how long it takes us to finish yes because at this rate we're not going to get out of here by midnight okay all right okay here are the ghosts so the first one is there's a man in a white coat named joseph ew i know i hate the name too well a man in a white coat well so he was
Starting point is 00:35:56 a doctor there so he had like to take you away he had the white coat like a doctor oh blaise has a white coat oh ew is his name joseph too how did you yeah gross he had a white coat. Oh, ew. Is his name Joseph, too? How did you? Yeah. Gross. He had a white coat ceremony. Aw, did you go? Mm-hmm. So sweet. Let's kill it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Okay. So, he was a doctor who contracted tuberculosis from his patients. Great. That would suck, dude. If Blaze ever has a patient with TB, run away. Far, far away. He is known to wander the halls near the surgery room, and that's because he died mid-surgery where they were also removing his ribs to give his lungs a chance to heal after inflating and getting so swollen.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Oh, God. But he died during the surgery, no surprise, and is often seen in the building, especially when it's dark. Like, if people bring flashlights or anything like that, he doesn't show up. But you'll still feel him around. You can, like, feel a presence. But when you turn off the lights and he knows you're, like, super susceptible and vulnerable, that's when he usually shows. But you can see him clear as day.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Like, I was reading a couple, like, personal experience,'s like i guess i can't really yeah and there was one guy who's been on a lot of investigations so he's like he's he usually knows when his eyes are playing tricks on him right but he saw clear as day like a black shadow in a white coat walking through walls and looking at him it's pretty creepy the creepy thing is that white coat somehow is just so spooky to see that in the dark. Well, it's weird to see a ghost in uniform. Right. Ew.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I think. It's like you just imagine they're all kind of wafting around. But when you've got something. It's not just like part of our world. A shadow. It's like it has a coat on. It has a purpose. Well, that's like the Stanley where you said that it was like the military coming.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. In a battalion at you. No, no, that was Deirdre at Harpers Ferry. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was her story. Yeah. Also freaking terrifying. Creepy.
Starting point is 00:37:50 So on the third floor, there's a little girl with a face that has no eyes. And she runs up to you and through you. That's out of that fucking Sinister movie or some shit. That actually is. It's like out of one of those movies that you invent. Like, terrifying. So then there's also a little boy named Timmy who was six or seven when he died in the hospital, but he used to play with this leather ball all the time, like this bouncy ball.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Bouncy leather. A bouncy ball. But now he's seen with a leather ball, and he just, like, plays with it. And a lot of visitors will bring him toys to like invite him to play. And visitors will see a ball rolled down the hallway out of nowhere and then like land at your feet. And then when you turn around and look back, it's gone. That's creepy. And then when you turn around and look back, it's there again.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Like it'll keep like disappearing and reappearing. Ew, that's. Or the ball will follow you. Like if you see it at your feet and you walk away, like half an hour later, it'll roll out of another hallway at your feet. Oh, that's so creepy. That's my friends.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It's Grease Live. Hello. It's John Travolta. So there's also a hearse, like a phantom hearse that appears in the back of the building and it drops off and leaves caskets ew so like you can see the thing leave coffins there and then drive away and you can see the coffin still sitting there and then they'll slowly fade out of your of your sight and that's from it happens right where the death tunnel is so i guess they
Starting point is 00:39:22 used to leave the caskets there to be able to put the bodies in for them to load you can also smell cooking um it's usually the smell of fresh baked bread that like that kind of a haunting i'm down with down with that you know it's like oh i smell if i die and your kitchen smells like brownies you're fucking welcome i'm gonna smell milkshakes and also it would be like it would also still be a fuck you because you'd smell really good brownies but there wouldn't be any fair fair point that's where i get you but i'd rather have that than like a man in a white coat or a girl with no eyeballs coming at me maybe every now and then i'll just throw a coat at you you'll just remove your eyes and run toward me which i don't like at all okay solid i'll put that in the in the books in what books
Starting point is 00:40:08 like my to-do list of things i plan to do when i die first like on the shit out of you got you okay good uh so there's also moving shadows obviously cold spots unexplainable screams and wailings uh slamming doors you know typical stuff there's also the strange sounds and eerie footsteps but there's loud banging from nowhere only when you're alone um and you can be in one room and another person can be in another room on another floor and they'll both hear the banging at the same time it's like they'll walk each other and be like i'm hearing banging right next to me and they'll be like me too but they're the only two people in the whole building why are there anybody alone and they'll be like me too, but they're the only two people in the whole building.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Why are there anybody alone? And why are you doing that? Cause I think they're braver than us. Obviously. So then there's balls of light that literally get thrown at you. Oh good. Like energy balls will just get thrown at you and try to like hit you. I don't know what happens when they hit you,
Starting point is 00:41:01 but they do. There's also lights in the windows as if power is running through the building which is a lot like slaughter pen yeah and uh objects are thrown at visitors so one of the accounts i read this guy saw the the guy in the white coat and then tried to follow him and then all of a sudden he heard this loud growl and he was trying to run like run away and he saw something at the corner of his eye like fly past him and like heard like a like a clank against the wall and he looked or he looked down to see what passed him and it was a fucking brick like someone threw a brick at him and almost hit
Starting point is 00:41:37 him which is better aim than i have and i'm alive. What? And I have muscles. Well, not a lot of those, but I have more than a ghost. I have like an arm, you know? I just want you to keep explaining. I have an arm. All the things that you have. I have torque and physics behind me.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I have a muscle. Well, some muscles. Well, like a muscle. I have an arm. I have like a space where muscle should be. I'm like alive. One day it might fill itself. Also, people get punched in the face by invisible forces. And spirit clouds will just appear in front of you and then vanish.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So what the fuck is a spirit cloud? They'll just, like, mist clouds. And they'll punch you in the face? Maybe. I don't know if they're like related i can't imagine if you just see this beautiful mist forming and almost just get knocked out like sucks you and then clocked in the face so one of the main rooms is called uh room 502 which is apparently where a lot of nurses died so one nurse was stabbed to death by a patient what wait oh i thought you meant of tv suddenly she's being stabbed to death yeah this is real
Starting point is 00:42:49 the fuck another nurse named mary hillenburg who allegedly hung herself because she was hooking up with a doctor who got her knocked up and then didn't want to take responsibility like a typical man fucking male privilege let's talk about it you and your big old penises listen well little penises well don't any size don't compliment them listen if you donate to our patreon you can hear an episode of where we talk about male privilege and all the sizes of penises what are we doing that? Well, because we already did one on geriatric abuse. Oh, we haven't done it yet. You're just telling me now we're going to have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:43:31 If you guys want to hear about it. I can talk about penises. Oh, my God. We're going to lose every donation we've ever gotten tonight. I mean, I'm not saying it'll be accurate, considering I have zero experience. I've had way too much wine. But I can guess. Oh, boy. I can guess oh boy i can guess and i
Starting point is 00:43:46 not full full slight we'll see how that goes we can hear what m thinks about penises well that's it folks is that worth your patience thanks for volunteering i'm drinking too much it's friday keep going okay so yeah this is important another nurse named mary hillenburg hung herself because dr got her pregnant didn't want to marry her so she either hung herself um on a pipe in the bathroom or she jumped off a building we don't know which one but they like the main the main one is that she hung herself like every that's the one that they would tell you about the on the tour that's heartbreaking and then while she was pregnant yeah oh god and then there's another version
Starting point is 00:44:37 where the doctor didn't want her to have the baby it also tried to have an abortion and then like fucked up the abortion and then just killed her to cover up his story. Well, I was worried there was an abortion involved, too, but all of this is just equally bad. Mm-hmm. Well, and then you think, like, but think about it. She was stuck in this place because she can't leave and, like, go back to her family if she's pregnant. Right. She's stuck there.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah. Ugh. And then another nurse jumped from the top of the building right above room 502. So there's a lot of nurses dying there. So, in room 418, two patients named Elizabeth and Jane, I guess, were best friends. And they both had tuberculosis and were dying. Oh, my God. And they made a pact that whoever died first would contact the other.
Starting point is 00:45:19 This is literally us. We literally just had this conversation. You just said you'd bake brownies and then come at me with no eyeballs well i agreed to half of that okay but i would definitely show up in a mist and then punch you in the face oh yeah that one that's a good one uh they promised they would show up by appearing in the facility uh like in the room that they were in so that room is now a hot spot for activity too so people say that they've seen an old woman whose legs and hands are chained bleeding running and screaming at you wait what i guess they were held down i don't really know what's going on oh this sounded like a fun like oh we're best friends let's
Starting point is 00:45:56 contact each other yeah but now they're both dead so they don't have to prove it to anyone so i guess they turned into evil ghosts and they're just chained and chasing people good well maybe that was our pact. They were like, let's actually, let's make that our pact. That would be more fun. Yeah. Let's scare the shit out of people. Whoever dies first, we will haunt the other until the other one goes.
Starting point is 00:46:14 But then when we're both dead, we will team up and the other will start haunting everyone else. Oh, yeah. We'll scare the shit out of them. Can't wait. Oh, and then when Gio dies, we'll all just. But that's the thing. Gio will never die. Well. Because I can't wait oh and then when geo dies we'll all just but that's the thing geo will never die well because i can't accept that but when geo dies i'll die at the same time so right i have a broken heart a thousand percent i'm there with you so maybe we'll all die together
Starting point is 00:46:34 right i've told blaze many times i'm gonna jump off a bridge when he's dead and he thinks i'm i'm he's like that's not a funny joke and i'm like like where's the joke yeah no it's not a joke and i know i shouldn't say that but i can't comprehend it any other way so it is I mean this is the closest thing you've had to a child so like I will love him more than any child ever to be quite honest I hope your children hear this one day too they need to understand future children I love a dog more than you good luck living as I drink my wine they're like good luck adjusting well on earth you know they're in therapy already oh a thousand percent so okay so in room 18 on that whole floor on the fourth floor there's also loud crashes thermal detectors have picked up shapes of full-bodied people moving around there's a distinct sense of being watched wherever you go but like watched incredibly close on you
Starting point is 00:47:21 some shadows are intelligent and dimensional enough to be able to seem looking around corners like you can see them bend around corners and they will look directly at people who shout at them which is the fucking crazy they're supposed to ignore you like you don't matter but then all of a sudden they go boom that gives me chills i gave me chills too that's creepy that's the worst also if i saw a ghost i would not shout at it but if i did i would hope it wouldn't actually hear me because it kind of doesn't have ears right it's supposed to just but its soul hears you and then it goes what do you want and then it like notices you as a person i'm like i know me too i'm losing my mind right now
Starting point is 00:48:01 oh everything that has ever happened at the waverly hills or everything as far as we can go back um about the ghosts that haunt the place have all been confirmed by the security personnel who are still on the grounds now oh no and they all say like they are willingly admitting that the building is haunted they have seen like little timmy like roll balls down the hallway they've seen the shadows of like the white coat man they've seen the girls running through the halls they've seen things get thrown at people they've seen the lights as if there's electricity flowing through the place like they've seen it all and they say there's nothing that we deny it's always the employees like they know yeah well they say it it's like well they see something
Starting point is 00:48:43 it's like well they have to be there eight hours a day. And they don't want to be, so it's not like they're looking for it. There's also just a couple. People have had bricks thrown at them to avoid going into certain rooms. And puddles in the building, because remember, it was such an open space because they needed all the fresh air in there for the patients. So a lot of the building was built to be open. So there weren't a lot of doors and walls on these places and since they never really restored it there's still all these openings that are just straight out into nature so leaves get in water gets in all that stuff so they had you know if it rains and there's
Starting point is 00:49:20 puddles in the building you can see wet bare footprints like leaving tracks all around the building and a couple different accounts because i didn't believe the first guy and then i read that other people had witnessed it too that if you're in a room by yourself and you're talking to someone and there's a puddle you'll hear a splash and look down and you can literally see footprints form and walk away from you i cannot with that um that is terrifying so this was this is kind of buzzkill-y but people also need to hear it um so rumors suggest that the hospital in its prime when it was a sanatorium over third over 63 000 deaths happened at this facility which statistically was one every half hour like one death every 30 minutes jesus and
Starting point is 00:50:06 the number was 63 000 or more but um a lot of people who worked there at the time and also looking back on medical records people have been able to debunk that which sucks because like it's big draws people like wow like in what like 50 years of being a hospital, 63,000 people died. I mean, that does sound like excessive. Yeah. But it also sounds really haunted, which is why a lot of people freak out about this place. Sure. But I have to look in forms and I can't be misleading people. You guys were a really intellectual podcast. We have master's degrees. Yeah. In television, which is why we have a radio show so let's take a moment of silence to to cry about that let's take a moment of silence for my phd and also for my
Starting point is 00:50:54 student loans okay thanks anyway moving on if you want to donate to our patreon oh man guys okay so uh records from the assistant medical director as well as a historian that worked there for 30 years. They both confirm that the worst year for deaths on record was 1946, where 162 deaths were recorded. It was actually 152, but then different files said 162, so it's just like a typo. Hashtag typewriting. hashtag typewriting hashtag i don't have a funny joke okay there was no backspace on a typewriter for the millennials listening so what's a typewriter right yeah so there was 162 deaths in its worst year so going off of that statistic the worst case possible was that there was an average of 104 deaths every year
Starting point is 00:51:47 which is around a death every three days not a death every half hour if you go by the statistics that are in the records the highest that the death rate could have been was up to 8700 that's still 8 750 years that's still a shit ton of people. Yeah. But so people, but I've seen a lot of like those quick, like 30 second videos where they try to like sell you like a scary haunted house. And it's like, they show you like a couple of quick facts. All of them will say like over 60,000 people died.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And it's like actually over 8,000 people died, which is like still horrible, but it's totally like it's just still a fraction of what they're trying to sell you. Totally. I get it. Yeah. So anyway, that's the Waverly Hills. I thought when you were going to say buzzkill, it was going to be like some people say it was never a hospital at all.
Starting point is 00:52:37 It actually never existed. Exactly. Okay. I'm ready. All right. Listen. Okay. Okay I'm ready Alright Listen Okay How long is it? Welcome
Starting point is 00:52:51 It's not long Okay I'll try to keep it sweet And certain Will you? I'm gonna try That's all I ask of you Is to keep it sweet and certain
Starting point is 00:53:01 That's my middle name Yeah And sweet and certain Schultz You name yeah and sweet and certain schultz you're the most sweet and certain person i know hey what's happening to us all right nothing good all right here we go let's talk about this is me trying to amp myself up losing it do you need to amp yourself up again i'm amped pass ready the cranberry sauce mashed potatoes oh the turkey looks great thank you for loving me thank you for being there everyone's thinking the whole world's thanking you thanking us for thanking you kill the turkey okay where i have to go geo did not
Starting point is 00:53:40 even flinch look at him he's like i'm fucking it. He's like, Christine does this four times a day. Okay. This story is about Gregory Scott Hale. I don't know who that is. You know how I found him? I went on Murderpedia. There's a list of letters where you can look people up by their letter. I clicked on a random one.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And then I just kind of was going through and I picked one. And it sucked. So then I picked another one. Oh. And that also sucked. And then I picked this one. And also sucked. And then I picked this one and I was like, this will work. I didn't want to set it up
Starting point is 00:54:08 like it was so magical that it was the first one I picked. No, third time's the charm. Yeah, the first one I picked was about killing a bunch of American Indians and I was like, I don't want to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's really just not, no, it's not okay. All right. Not that any of this is okay. I want to preface that. All right. I'll be the one to okay. I want to preface that. All right. I'll be the one to judge that. You'll be sweet and certain.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I'll be sweet and certain. Gregory Scott Hale. All right. On June 6, 2014, 36-year-old mother of six, Lisa Marie Heider, was on her shift at the liquor store where she worked in Tennessee. shift at the liquor store where she worked in Tennessee. She called her ex-husband, who she was so close with for a ride home, but he was in another town, so he told her to wait there until he could get back.
Starting point is 00:54:50 A couple hours later, when he finally got back to town, he called her, but she wouldn't pick up the phone. Oh, no. Not a good start. She gone. She gone. She gone. She gone, bitch. And Hood Christine is out to play and help me germany's here thank god i edit this because if other people edited this i would be so
Starting point is 00:55:14 i think this is why i think that's why i let you edit because i'm like she's not gonna make us sound so bad i think i like run such a tight ship on the editing because i'm like there are things that no one cannot be known no one is allowed okay but can you keep that part in because it bad i think i like run such a tight ship on the editing because i'm like there are things that no one cannot be known no one is allowed okay but can you keep that part in because it was so good i never hear you say bitch and it's always a treat it's always a treat because i'm obviously the more crude one out of the two well you're the sweet and certain one and i'm only by day i'm the hood one i don't even feel comfortable saying hood. Which is why I'm the crude one out of the two of us. My skin is crawling.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Okay. Anyway. So her ex-husband came home finally and spent the weekend trying to get a hold of her because so they had, she's a mother of six, but she and this ex-husband, they had two children together. And the youngest was only a year old, but they talked to their mom every day. children together and the youngest was only a year old but they talked to their mom every day so he spent the weekend trying to get a hold of her and she would never answer the phone so she he was like obviously worried because uh she spoke to her kids every day a couple days later
Starting point is 00:56:16 police got a call from a man who said his neighbor had asked to use his digger, like his digging equipment. Shovel? No, like a digger, like a... Oh, like a cat? Yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay. What the fuck? I don't know. The machinery.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yeah, like the... Construction equipment. Digger, yeah. A crane? No, not a crane. Why are we so bad at this? It's called a digger. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yes, it is. My stepdad literally owns one. It's called a digger. I mean, I get it. Cat is the brand. Yeah, but it's... There'sger no it's not yes it is my stepdad literally owns one it's called a digger i mean i get it cat is the brand yeah but it's there's another word for it it's the one that scoops what is it called an excavator yes okay it's called a digger slash excavator okay okay so a couple days later police got a call from a man who said his neighbor had asked to use his excavator to hide a body he just straight up asked he was like can you help me out help a neighbor out it's bold at least he's direct
Starting point is 00:57:11 about it he's like len you know what you're in for yeah he's like he's not putting any wool over your eyes he's not like i'm planting some petunias yeah with an excavator with it's a big garden i have a lot of plans i I'm planting an oak tree. I have really big plans for my backyard. Just wait. Just give me the excavator and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll know what it means. You won't be sorry.
Starting point is 00:57:35 So the police arrived at the neighbor's home and found human remains on his property. Yummy. This guy was named Gregory Scott Hale. Theale the body the guy the guy sorry let me start that no i think i just forgot the yeah okay so the police arrived at so the they got this tip from the neighbor then they arrived at gregory scott hale's home who was the one asking for the excavator they found human remains on his property how many let me tell you big plans big plans for his backyard by p by petunias i met people there's all sorts all sorts of fun things under the manure they took hail into custody to question him and he immediately confessed to everything telling telling them the gruesome details. It turns
Starting point is 00:58:26 out Hale had offered Heider, who was the woman who worked at the liquor store, a ride home. But instead of taking her home, he took her to his parents' house where he lived, and proceeded to murder, dismember, and eat her. Yummy. Wait, eat her?
Starting point is 00:58:42 Mm-hmm. Raw? That's not enough detail. IDK. I judge him more if she's raw here's what the police i know you have a thing about how it's okay to cook bodies and eat them but i don't think it's okay i just think like if you're gonna if you're gonna do it do it right no no that's what i say to that here's what the police report officially states. Quote, subject beheaded her, cut off her hands, placing her head and hands in a plastic bucket. He cut off her feet and other body parts, placing them in another bucket and buried the victim's torso in a burn pile at the residence. Police found the torso without its limbs. And I have a thing about torsos, and I don't know why, but, like, torsos really upset me.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Like, there was a thing in Boston. Like, even when they're attached to people? Like, does mine bother you? Yeah. I can't stop staring at your fucking torso. I get it. Cover that shit up. I get it.
Starting point is 00:59:33 It's, honestly, it's big and hairy and gross. It's all hairy. What if you had a hairy torso? It's just got a bunch of furry hair on it. Just a big old what? Just one big hair. Get your furry, hairy torso out of here actually i'll find it later do you have a long hair yeah but like i have like a permanently
Starting point is 00:59:52 long one doesn't that freak you out when you're suddenly like where did this come no but i've had it my whole life it like literally goes out to here seriously yeah it's really weird and then if i like if i like pull it or tweeze it literally it comes back it like but it'll be back within like seven days it's that long again like my follicle is just a superman that's crazy i have a thing about torsos this is where we begin this conversation because when we were in boston someone told a story about finding it there was like a guy who found a torso in a suitcase and somehow that upset me so much that it was just a torso with no head arms or legs it
Starting point is 01:00:27 was just a torso and something about that like skeeves me out so bad i don't know why i don't know why i it's just like i could i can understand that my my first thought right away is did they like was someone alive when that got cut off because like i wonder like did you have to feel it or are you dead and like well because it's so much nicer to think you were dead and didn't feel that experience i mean if the head is gone i feel like you're a goner right but if you're just finding a torso in a suitcase like you don't know what happened to the body well no sure but the point like and then someone said well wouldn't you rather find the torso than the head and i'm like no i'd rather find the fucking i swear to god i'd rather find a head something about it i don't know why like it makes you look like a snake doesn't have the
Starting point is 01:01:07 yeah it's just gross okay so anyway oh okay so he also admitted to eating parts of her body as part of a satanic ritual of course satan's involved uh he told investigators that he fulfilled an obsession in wanting to kill a person and dismembering them. And he also admitted to eating her. So any guess? This is where the fun interactive part begins. Do you have any guess on? Choose my own adventure. Choose your adventure.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Who do you think his role model was in all this? Albert Fish. No. Good guess. Hannibal Lecter. Who? Also a good guess uh richard ramirez the night stalker he didn't eat anyone though did he i don't think he did i don't think he did either okay but he i'd love it he was sort of like a satanist or whatever so he like was a quote-unquote satanist he thought he was the Night Stalker, basically. He followed Richard Ramirez's manifesto to a T.
Starting point is 01:02:14 There was a psychiatrist and serial killer expert, which, by the way, that's a cool-ass job. Yeah. If you go on a Tinder date and they're like, I'm a serial killer expert. Well, that's a hit or miss. You're right. That could go really wrong. It could go really well or really bad. And if it goes bad, you're probably're probably but if it goes really well that's probably the one for you yeah i wish i had one of those like one of those like it's it's a make or break that would be like mariska
Starting point is 01:02:34 harkisay but if it goes bad it's like you're dead probably yes anyway um so his name was dr deets and he interviewed ramirez in prison and said, Hale thought he too was a night stalker. He identified with Ramirez, looked up to him and idolized him. Ew. I know. Uh, he hadn't killed anyone before as far as they could tell, but Dr. Dietz believed that he likely staged rehearsals where he would stalk women and imagine how it would
Starting point is 01:03:01 be to rape, kill and capture them. Holy crap. Holy crap. Okay. in and imagine how it would be to rape kill and capture them holy crap holy crap okay um and another uh guy named dr stephen egger who's an associate professor of criminology university of houston said that if hale hadn't been caught after this first murder he probably would have gone to several others and become a serial killer so he like had everything in the making to become a serial killer um but he was caught and i think one of the reasons that once they arrested him i mean he was dumb enough to ask his neighbor for help in like burying the body um but i think one of the the
Starting point is 01:03:38 dr deeds guy he said that he thinks that he confessed because he just wanted the notoriety of being a killer and he okay he was so obsessed with richard ramirez that he was because he just wanted the notoriety of being a killer and he he was so obsessed with richard ramirez that he was like i just need the attention of like oh this guy murdered and dismembered this woman like he needed that attention and he couldn't wait any longer you know and so he just gave himself up um so after we're after they you know put him arrested him he was put on a 1.5 million dollar bail um then they started to look into him uh hale's neighbors and associates called him weird and a devil worshiper uh they found out police found out that he was once fired from his job at a meat processing plant slash slaughterhouse uh after the owner caught him performing a satanic
Starting point is 01:04:26 ritual at work yeah uh and co-work which is probably like of all of the jobs the place you could get away with it the easiest because if you're chopping up heads anyway you know you're slaughtering bad at the satanic ritual must you be to get caught with cutting an animal up the wrong way the thing is like right like a satanic ritual is literally slaughtering an animal and if you work at a slaughterhouse it's like you did you did your job you just light a candle and then suddenly i think maybe that was the trick the boss was like you don't light candles when you kill them you're not supposed to pray to satan while you're not supposed to draw a pentagram on the animal you're supposed to kill them this is a hamburger that was that was i think what he got caught up in it must have been that
Starting point is 01:05:10 was that was the sign god damn it um he also mistake we we we could it could happen to us listen i draw pentagrams on everything it's like and you draw a pentagram on the wrong thing and suddenly you're all of a sudden you're a devil worshiper? Oh my god, it's like... Honestly, it's rude. It is. It's like, learn to respect people who are different from you. Maybe I'm just practicing my shapes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 With five points. Did you see that thing about Outback Steakhouse and... I'm sorry. I really love Outback Steakhouse. I'm sorry. Can we talk about this? I will always try to segue into it. I think it was Outback Steakhouse or it was like a Walmart.
Starting point is 01:05:50 It was like a chain. We have no more Australian listeners after that one episode. No. It doesn't really matter what you say. No, we don't. No. No, no. I don't know how we got on that after like a meat processing plant.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I don't remember. I really don't know. So he was once fired from his job at a meat processing plant after don't remember i really don't know so he was once fired uh from his job at a meat processing plant after the owner caught him performing a satanic ritual at work uh co-workers remember him taking eyeball blood and bones of the animals home with him that might have also tipped them off it's like nobody thought to report that oh he took the eyeballs of the cow home yeah okay uh his facebook so then they looked into his facebook and that was also full of disturbing Nobody thought to report that? Oh, he took the eyeballs of the cow home. Yeah. Okay. His Facebook, so then they looked into his Facebook, and that was also full of disturbing images, creepy comments.
Starting point is 01:06:33 He referenced cannibalism, Scandinavian mythology. Oh, yeah, that one. Oh, you know, the creepiest of all. Yeah. According to his Facebook, he had a girlfriend and a teenage son named after a norse god they did not tell me the name who doesn't i bet it was thor you know what it probably was yeah i mean asgard is pretty close so um there were photos of him holding okay this is so creepy There were photos of him holding weapons, like a long blade sword and a mask.
Starting point is 01:07:07 And I have the photo for you. What? Oh, and that's him with a snake, too. I ruined the surprise. That's him holding a bladed sword with a mask. That's fucking creepy. That's him holding a snake. Nice.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Uh-huh. He looks exactly like the kind of person i would want to take to parties he looks like the kind of person that would for sure put a torso somewhere yeah and ruin my life right okay uh one of the photos had it was like his face and it had this demonic like face paint with like i don't even know how to describe it. Like avatar lines all over his face. Like tribal prints. Yeah, like tribal lines, exactly, all over his face. In another picture, he's cradling a snake, which I showed you. He had an anarchy symbol tattooed on his shaved head. Yeesh.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And then I have some screenshots of his Facebook statuses, because I'm a creepy Facebook stalker. Oh, show me. Scott Hale, April 10th. This was, like, right before he murdered her. Okay. I was thinking today and wondered if someone was to become a cannibal
Starting point is 01:08:15 and eat a vegetarian, would the vegetarian taste like that fake soy meat like they got in some fast food places? Fucked up, but also an intriguing question but also he ate a woman so i mean i know but like if we're playing like a hypothetical game he doesn't exist like it's like having a grass-fed cow versus like you know what i mean no no but a grass-fed cow doesn't taste like soy it's still a cow it's right but wouldn't like it doesn't suddenly taste like not meat because it's i know i know but, I know. But I do think, like, whatever human meat tastes like, which is apparently pork.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I know it's fucked up, but, like, just play along. But, like, depending on what they eat, I wonder if they would taste slightly better. No, I'm sure they would taste different. It's the same with, like, cows and stuff. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They don't taste like soy. No, I disagree with that. I think that's too far.
Starting point is 01:09:03 But I wonder which would taste better. He said, would a vegetarian taste like soy. No, I disagree with that. I think that's too far. But I wonder which would taste better. He said, would a vegetarian taste like fake soy meat? No, because you're eating flesh of a person. I wonder what the average standard of a human meat would taste like. All right. M, clearly, if anyone's going to become a cannibal out of this podcast. I would never become a cannibal, but I would love to know. Just have an inherent knowledge of it without anyone having to do something.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Why do you want to know that? There's a fun fact. If you incite somebody who listens to our podcast. no no like just have like an inherent knowledge of it without anyone having to do something why do you want to know there's a fun fact if you incite somebody who listens to our podcast nobody eat a human don't i know it tastes like pork disclaimer that's how do you know that because enough people have written about it this is why i'm turning vegetarian okay next uh his other uh facebook status from that year was rip night stalker wish i could have met you when uh richard ramirez that's fucked up died in prison uh the video that he posted look at this r.i.p richard ramirez the night stalker rest in peace richie i love you my friend no so he quoted that and you make fun of me for shit like wanting to know like
Starting point is 01:10:06 random facts about what things taste like but you think like I like we're not gonna like get hung up on this on what this is fucked up of course it's fucked up that's literally the point of me telling you it's fucked up but I don't want to experience it okay fair I know it's fucked up it's very fucked up me telling you about eating people and you're saying oh that's interesting is different from me saying this guy richard ramirez who murdered a bunch of people and raped a bunch of people died he's a horrible fucking person also like the i love you my friend is the creepiest part yeah i don't know who the fuck posted that yeah someone had to originate that for it to get shared
Starting point is 01:10:44 then this is one of his quotes i get shared then this is one of his quotes i hugged the this is one of his facebook statuses i hug the people i hate so i know how big to dig the hole in my backyard smart like if you're gonna do it at least he's thinking ahead yeah but also don't post it on facebook like thinking right that's very like he's not thinking that far ahead if he's like outing himself think in your head and then leave it at that be like oh okay three feet he had he had a plan and then went two steps backwards by accident and then was like oh social media oh oops i forgot officers who responded to the tip found two plastic buckets filled with human remains and Hale gave no true motive for the killing.
Starting point is 01:11:28 After the police arrived at his house. Oh, no, he told police that after he and the woman arrived at his house, they were sitting around the fire and talking when he decided to attack and kill her before dismembering and eating her and so on. to attack and kill her before dismembering and eating her and so on so heider so lisa's lisa heider's ex still blames himself the one who she called who was like can you give me a ride that's fucked up i know he said he was unloading his truck in a different town and wish he could have gotten there a little bit faster uh the quote was usually i rescue her every time something goes wrong uh they'd been married for six, but the year before they'd gotten divorced. She had had a longstanding problem with alcohol and was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. But her ex said no matter what had happened, he still loved her deeply.
Starting point is 01:12:18 And they had two children together. That's really sad. The youngest was a year old, so it was just really, really heartbreaking. them together that's really sad the youngest was a year old so it's just like really really heartbreaking um i remember reading that he actually forgave hale for for killing her yeah and he said like it's just i'm gonna forgive it forgive him and move on her dad though said um my daughter was mangled butchered and chopped up like a liver there's nothing left yeah i would be i would not be able to forgive it and said he at this point in his life he can't forgive him which good for you to even say at this point in my life i can't
Starting point is 01:12:55 forgive him like i'd be like too nice i will spend the rest of my be like i will find a way to fuck you up my i would literally commit my soul's eternity to fucking you over i'd be like and here we are here we are i don't care what karmic like what i'm supposed to learn in this lifetime my soul for the rest of its existence would fuck you over yeah that's my goal so her aunt uh wrote the following words that her cousin so so her aunt's daughter, Amanda, read aloud to reporters. So many people in your life tried to help, but it was not enough. God finally said, enough is enough. He loves you and will now give you the love you have always been wanting so desperately.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Oh, that's sad. So Hale was charged with first degree murder and abuse of a corpse. Okay. Uh, he was sentenced to life without parole after pleading guilty and he is still in prison. Well, I, I wonder if he was going to get the death penalty or something for him to like, if his plea bargain is life in jail and he's like, I'll take it. Yeah. Well, his family, I guess, or I'm sorry, her family is still when, at at least when these articles were written two years ago, were saying they were fighting for the death penalty.
Starting point is 01:14:10 So. Gotcha. I guess that didn't happen, but they were definitely. How old is he now? Do you know? I mean, at the time he was, what, 37 in 2014. So he's, what, 40. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:22 So he's got a while. Oh, he's young. Yeah. Well, have fun there i know i read an article that was like he could get out but who knows i'm like what the fuck it's like the american judicial system like we'll see we'll see he satanically butchered a woman but isn't that horrible that some people can go to jail for like seven years for murder but then go to jail for like 30 years for marijuana? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 They'll have an ounce of marijuana and they spend the rest of their life in prison. So stupid. And their family has to live without them. And then someone puts a torso in a burn pile and they're there for five years. Yeah. Okay. That's fine. Good.
Starting point is 01:15:02 America. America. Red, white, and blue. I think everyone that doesn't live in America that listens to us is like, we're all better than you and everyone is it. Oh, yeah. I'm like, yeah. Oh, yeah. You're right.
Starting point is 01:15:14 You're not wrong. So that's that. So that was a whirlwind. A whirlwind. Yeah. Guys, I'm sorry. You know, we really did try to make our story short this time. And boy, did we struggle.
Starting point is 01:15:34 So we're not going to the graveyard tonight, I guess. No, we're not going to the graveyard. Well, thank you guys for maybe staying this long on the podcast and still listening to us. No one's here anymore. It's a miracle that anyone listens to us, actually. I mean, I'm not even here anymore, so. By the time these come out, I completely forget what we've talked about, and I'm still shocked with everyone else.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Oh, every time I re-listen, I'm like, what the fuck are we doing? Oh, yeah. All of a sudden, I'll say something random during the story, and I'll listen to it a week later, and I'm like, why the fuck did I doing oh yeah i'll all of a sudden i'll say something random during the story and i'll listen to it a week later and i'm like why the fuck did i bring that up now like poor christine has to edit this but it doesn't stop me as you can tell from today we just get we're like devolving into just worse habits we're just turning into the worst kinds of people everybody in our apartment is asleep including geo right there, he's so sweet. Including Blaze,
Starting point is 01:16:26 including Alexander. Everybody's just out. Including us in about a half an hour. Oh, yeah. I'm struggling. Thank you guys so much for joining us.
Starting point is 01:16:35 We love you. We do this for you. We do this for you. I'm such an idiot. We do this for... This goes out to all our fans. I gotta be honest.
Starting point is 01:16:44 We do this for us we do it for Gio we do it everything we do is for Gio he's so sweet every little thing she does is magic oh my god I can't tell if that's the wine
Starting point is 01:16:58 or the sleep deprivation it's a really beautiful mix of both well if you guys want to follow our absurdity and our obscenities, you can find us at ATWWDpodcast on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. And you can email us at and that's where we drink at where you can also send in your listener stories. The next one comes out July 1st. where you can also send in your listener stories. The next one comes out July 1st.
Starting point is 01:17:28 You can also help us a lot at Patreon, which is also on our website, and that's Oh, and we just had one of our listeners, Desi, helped us so much by fixing up the website that I made and then kind of fucked up. And then brought back to life again. She was like, let me know if you need help. I was like, please help me. Let me me know i'm letting you know right now yes thank you
Starting point is 01:17:49 for your kind email fix everything and uh also the first of uh july is your uh our patreon donators deadline to get the next round of merch um New things are coming. We have some sort of production meeting coming up at some point this week where we will discuss new fun things for you. We sure do. I have a list. Also, we're getting the... All the May donators,
Starting point is 01:18:16 we're getting your packages ready right now. Yes. So all the May donators, your packages are going out this month. The June ones will be going out next month etc yes well thank you guys also uh the new blooper reel just came out yeah it did it was super funny working on number three now and we have a newlywed episode coming out on patreon we do have a newlywed the birthday one went really well that was a fun one that was good
Starting point is 01:18:42 let's we finally got to talk about happy things i know people people were shocked by our reactions hilarious they were like oh you guys sound so genuine and thoughtful it's like because we're not talking about murder yeah people are like wow you're so happy i'm like oh i'm glad people are like we're gemini's we can do this glad you're so surprised at how pleased we are we're finally not talking about dead people all right guys thank you so much for listening and um that's all she wrote why we drink oh that's also why we drink god okay one two three that's why we drink why we drink god okay try it again okay one two three and that's why we drink bye we did it

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