And That's Why We Drink - E209 A Ghost's Recliner and the PTA of Covens

Episode Date: February 7, 2021

Conjure us up a set of bleachers because we want to cheer on your coven! This week episode 209 takes us first to Arkansas and Em's story on the creepy Bettis House and the rumored legend of the Dog Bo...y. Then Christine covers an extremely gruesome tale of lesser known serial killer Sean Vincent Gillis, the OTHER Baton Rouge Killer. We also learn what is and isn't Hoboken style, baby! ...and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Use coupon code DRINK for $10 off your first box at fabfitfun.comGo to to get 20% off your order!Go to for a free 30-day trial, just pay for shipping and handling!Go to to get your FREE 45-day extended trial! Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello everybody and welcome to and that's why we drink it is a true crime paranormal podcast and it is hosted by two beautiful souls i'm christine i i guess i'm the other beautiful soul uh oh no sorry i meant, but I guess you could. Okay. Oh, sorry. I meant three. I'm sorry. Let me take that back.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I meant three. It's hosted by three really wonderful, beautiful souls. I feel like I can hear the sounds of swerving through traffic in my head. Just trying to get to the end here. Can you hear my sweat? Just like, oh, no. I was wondering if there was a leak in your house because i was just just puddling underneath you well speaking of a
Starting point is 00:00:50 leak uh okay that's a terrible way to start i take it back i gotta take it back that's not what i meant what i meant was speaking of i there is literally no sagoo here that i don't know why i said it like that are you well what's happening i'm trying to force a conversation what's happening um oh my god wait you almost always do am i in trouble or is it no i want to tell you about my fluffy coat happily okay look i i just like to know before i get into a conversation where i how i should feel you know what i'm saying oh don't worry you would have received a text that said something like, smiley face, I'd like to talk to you today. Just kidding. And then you would get an emoji of me running away in a gust of wind.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Oh my god. No, so I've been obsessed with fluffy things lately. And since it's supposed to, we're getting an Arctic blast here in Cincinnati. The hell is that? Listen, I don't fucking know. But Google told me it. And apparently it's going to be in the below zeros here. So I've bought some fluffy stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And I'm super cozy and floofy. And I'm just, you know, I'm trying to embrace it, live my life. What is the difference between an arctic blast and a bomb cyclone? You know, I'm glad you asked because I have absolutely no idea. I thought as much. But you know what? It's good to know. For those of you who don't know, we once got stuck in a bomb cyclone in Salt Lake City, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:02:10 A bomb cyclone! That word never fails. Was it Salt Lake City? That's a bomb cyclone. That's what it was called. And we were just horrified. And our Uber driver kept saying, oh, it's a bomb cyclone, you know? And we were like, what is that?
Starting point is 00:02:22 I was like, we're in an Uber. We don't live here. You can tell we're in an uber we don't live here you can tell we're from california right uh well good luck with your arctic chill or whatever you just said but uh it sounds like the name of a mountain dew drink arctic blast i think it actually is the name of a beverage and it sounds like it would be a really nice like a bright neon crayola teal doesn't it uh oh arctic it is it's a cane rain flavor or something that's what i'm thinking you're right a glacier freeze that's what you have next i'm gonna have a glacier freeze outside and that's why i wear these nice fluffy clothes maybe
Starting point is 00:02:58 by the end of february there'll be a glacier freeze near you um how are you what are you what are you drinking why oh i'm drinking for a few reasons um nothing like really necessary like nothing nothing big but it's all the little things that just add up and i'm just like i'm so over this i'm drinking tea from coffee bean because that fits we because we know the the traumatic story of starbucks not bringing me london fogs anymore absolutely um i'm drinking a 32 ounce because i felt like i deserved it by doing nothing but i was like you know what this is my moment my moment with the coffee bean my time to shine um why do i drink well i i have have a personal disappointment in that I have been trying really hard to not bite my nails anymore.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And then last night I really went to town on my thumb. I don't think I knew that you bit your nails. Oh, that's to other people in my life. That would be shocking because. I mean, like, I know you do that, but I didn't know it was something you like actively cared about. Yeah. No. So ever since I was like a little kid it's been really
Starting point is 00:04:05 bad like it used to be like my fingers would be bleeding by the end of the day bad and so i've been like i'm gonna not bite my nails anymore and it was a really hard habit to break just because i've been doing it my whole life and i've been really really good for like two and a half months now i like basically carry nail clippers with me all the time and then something happened where allison was showering or i couldn't get to the nail clippers and there was like one thing i kept getting stuck on my nail kept like catching on things and it was yeah i couldn't take it i couldn't take it and so last night i like bit my thumb all the way down to like the bone basically and the bone okay that's how it feels all right let's not be dramatic it
Starting point is 00:04:42 doesn't feel good every time my hand like catches the air, I can feel it. So I'm drinking for that. Why else am I drinking? I'm sure there's other reasons. Oh, there always are. We'll find them along the way, rest assured. But we're going to start today with nails and see where it takes us. Also, I'm trying this thing.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So if you're watching youtube you can see like a little situation sitting in front of me so i was i got remember last time or two two weeks ago where i was like oh i'm gonna try to start soundproofing and audio treating um on my end that way like it doesn't sound like i'm in a cave because i'm in a big empty room with trey songs above me um so i got this thing and it was I did what I always do and I misjudged the dimensions. If you know what I'm talking about. One time I wanted to get Christine like a little tiny Hot Wheels tractor and I basically bought her a real John Deere tractor.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And so I wanted to get Amazon. You know what? I had that big ass tractor for too long too, by the way. But so I got this, it was supposed to be like a little sound booth cube for you. Just put your microphone in. So it's surrounded all on it on all ends.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Oh yeah. The thing is like way bigger than even the table that I sit my mic and my laptop. And I mean, this is the, for those of you looking, this is the box. It's like,
Starting point is 00:06:04 Oh Jesus. Holy crap. Big. laptop and i mean this is the for those of you looking this is the box it's like oh jesus holy crap big and there was just no way i was going to be able to like finagle it so i just took one of the foam panels and i'm trying to like cone it around my microphone so as much of my my mic is like is uh protected as possible dampened but it's just like a big foam square so i'm actually using allison's necklaces to weight it down is that what that is i'm trying to curve the foam thing around my mic and on the bottom i she has like two pound weights and so like i have them like kind of pressed into like it's i really i'm trying to do what i can with what i've got here but um hopefully the audio sounds better this time At least one side of it is protected.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It sounds good to me. So I don't know anything about it, but I... Anyway, I drink because I have only nine nails and also I am not a professional in terms of sound quality. Why do you drink, Christine? Oh, thank you for asking. Well, first of all, I'm drinking this lovely... I received this in my little Warner Brothers gift package they mailed me about that Natalie Morales show.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And it's a little Stumptown cold brew coffee with oatmeal corchata. And I was like, wow, I can really live my L.A. lifestyle over here in Kentucky. I was going to say. Yeah. They don't have that in L.A.? They have that in L.A. for sure. Oh, sorry. They don't have it outside of L.A.?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Oh, I don't know. I don't really leave my house here. So i haven't been able to explore very much um there are definitely some coffee shops near here but i haven't really delved into their wares um they mostly have those they're mostly of those pickup windows where you can walk up and but the problem is so i this was in the box and i was like cute so i took a couple days opened the box saw this and then i read on the back like keep refrigerated and i went well it certainly hasn't been refrigerated since however long they had it in this box so i've refrigerated it since but i'm gonna drink it and if it's terrible i brought my carvana car cup just in case oh god for emergencies
Starting point is 00:07:58 because it's not wine time yet if you if you uh fall over finally there's like a potential that i'm not the one that murdered you. It could have just been, like, another product. Unless you were somehow involved in this Warner Brothers, Natalie Morales situation, which I wouldn't put past you. Unless I work at Stumptown and, like, injected that box of coffee alone with something. But anyway, so, oh, it's actually pretty good. I think it's fine. That's how I wanted's actually pretty good i think it's fine that's how i wanted it to taste i think it's fine um so anyway that's currently why i drink it's not
Starting point is 00:08:31 wine time yet so i'm sure i'll be drinking later but i have it i have the weirdest reason ever why i drink which is i don't even really know how to start this because oh god it's just i've been thinking about it non-stop uh since blaze told me so um i've been with blaze for probably like oh god i don't know seven or eight years at this point a million many lifetimes um and you know you get to a point where you're like oh i feel like i know pretty much everything like we know everything about each other i mean you know i love to sprinkle in fun facts every now and then about things that i forgot existed sprinkle and fun facts are pepper and information about how he might be murdered one day and he'll never see it coming yes right okay fine all right maybe i like to aggressively force
Starting point is 00:09:15 uh really really uh questionable facts about my past into our relationship that's fair but like i i don't know i feel like i know blaze's family really well like i know all his friends growing up and stuff and the other day i was falling asleep it was like one in the morning and all of a sudden i don't know how we got on this topic but blaze brought up a teacher of his from elementary school and i was like okay he blaze was like he was such a weirdo and i was like oh okay i don't know and i was trying to fall asleep and i was like oh why and blaze went into this fucking story about this teacher he had where I was like I thought I was the only one with like a really fever dream
Starting point is 00:09:50 like elementary school experience Blaze was telling me I don't think I've laughed so hard in my whole life he was telling me about this teacher and then he kind of paused he's like oh and one time he took me to a beanie baby auction and And I was like, wait, okay. So I turned the lights back on. Was his name Bernard? That's true. My dad literally still has a laundry basket full of Beanie Babies somewhere at his house. But he's like, yeah, he took me to and I was like, wait, what do you mean? And he was like, well, it was a prize. And I was like, okay, I'm going to turn the lights on and make you tell me this whole story because I don't like that we're just glossing over it. I like how you're like, I need the lights on so I can look around and make sure that I am in a
Starting point is 00:10:28 real environment and not my own headspace yeah yeah I'm not lucid dreaming right so I was like can you tell me what the hell you're talking about and at this point I'm like fascinated and he tells me this story about how his teacher like had this well one time his teacher it started because he said his teacher threw a valentine's at him one time um his mom had brought all these beautiful homemade valentines pokemon valentines and uh his teacher just like threw them at him and i was like that sounds like a very christine memory but then he's like yeah he also took me to a beanie baby auction and i said what does that mean please tell me and he said well it was a prize because i guess if he was like the cool
Starting point is 00:11:04 teacher and i guess if you were the citizen of the month, which is what the school called like student of the month, which I certainly never was. No. He was like, then you got to go with Miss. I don't want to say his name with Mr. Blank. Mr. Smith. Let's call it Mr. Beanie Baby Man. Mr. Beanie Baby. Mr. Schieffer.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I mean, hold on. Mr. Smith to the Beanie Baby auction. Andieffer I mean hold on uh Mr. Mr. Smith to the Beanie Baby auction and I was like why and he's like because he was obsessed with Beanie Babies and he was convinced he was become gonna become a multi-millionaire so he collected them and I said so like was it a class trip and he's like no he would just take one student at a time and I was like okay this is starting to sound really questionable and he goes well his wife was there and i was like his wife was there and um it turns out like blaze and he's like he phrased it as if it were a recovered memory he was like wow yeah it really was a strange experience my mom just dropped me off he drove
Starting point is 00:11:57 me to this auction outside of a christmas tree store uh and it was in the parking lot it was freezing out and they started auctioning off beanie babies and his wife was there it was just me and at the end he got to take home a beanie baby the i don't know the 90s were a weird time because now i no boundaries no boundaries the fact that your mother who i've or her your mother-in-law who i've met and it's like pretty sharp oh yeah was just like oh well yeah have fun bye i know i was like i thought only renata did shit like that but so i texted blaze texted her because he's like i need you to understand that this was real so he included me in a group text with his parents and his mom was like yeah looking back that was like a really
Starting point is 00:12:39 weird time and blaze and i were like you know what as the oldest i feel like we sacrifice a lot because then our younger siblings don't have to go to beanie baby auctions in the cold with their male teacher um anyway i just i can't stop thinking about it that's all you know that's the end no that's it'll never be the end now because a lot of people are gonna have a lot of opinions but i that's i want to say i'm surprised after everything you've ever told me. I'm just like another drop in the bucket. But it's weird. It is weird.
Starting point is 00:13:10 It's also weird that Blaze, the person who I expect the least to be put in that situation. Yeah, the only stable person in our multi-relationship dynamic. The fact that even he was saying it like it was normal is the odd part where usually he would say something like that and be like exactly usually he'd be like this is weird but the fact that he was just saying it and then over time was like huh why are you turning the lights on why do you think this is a fever dream why are you calling the authorities christine yeah i think that's why because i feel like i do that a lot and people are like christine are you hearing what you're saying but then i got to be the are like, Christine, are you hearing what you're saying? But then I got to be the person who said, Blaze, are you hearing what you're saying? This is so creepy and strange. And also what Beanie Baby did you get? And then he was like,
Starting point is 00:13:52 that's the worst part. I didn't even get like a cool Beanie Baby. He gave me like some generic one that wasn't ever going to become make me rich and famous. Not to make it about me, but it feels a lot like the Musk situation where all i wanted was my fucking steak and then the worst part of it all was at the end after this really weird experience where i was all alone you don't even uh where blaze's mom apparently dropped me off there was no steak at the end and i mean after all that i was like i bet you never wanted to be citizen of the month ever again because what a terrible prize you know yeah well at our school it was if you were the winner or not the winner, but like the student
Starting point is 00:14:27 of the month or whatever, you got to, I don't know if people still do this, but when you would have to line up and someone was like the head of the train, someone was the caboose. No? Okay. Oh, yeah. I mean, I guess. Yeah. Like, it was like, if you became, if you were student of the month, you got to be the caboose,
Starting point is 00:14:41 which was at the very back of the line. And I was like, LOL. That feels not right. Are you sure that's not what they just told you to make you feel better? That would check out because I certainly didn't deserve student of the month ever. I deserve the caboose. I mean, that's better. I feel like if you're student of the month and you're in the front of the line, everyone just like rolls their eyes at you. I guess if you're in the back, maybe you're like cooler. So we used to have actually, I would love to find this video. It's got to be somewhere in my basement but there was one thing in first grade where every month there was uh there was
Starting point is 00:15:11 only 18 students in the class but there was this one thing called special person of the month or whatever and you got to bring your parents in bring in your favorite toys bring in like a bunch of your favorite stuff and like once every i guess it was a month that doesn't make sense though because there weren't 18 months of first grade for me shockingly maybe not everybody got the month no everyone got a turn so maybe it was like special person of the week oh we did that in elementary school where you brought in a poster about your said about me you got to do a presentation on yourself it was it was really fun for the job that's like our i was gonna say that's our fucking jam man this is officially we've done a special person of four years now we forced ourselves it's only the two of us because
Starting point is 00:15:54 every month we get to be the special person of the month and bring our parents in yeah well it was uh and so you would sit up there your parents would come in and then you would do a presentation yourself and everyone was assigned a question to ask you. So by the end of the experience, everyone had gotten a chance to ask you a question about yourself. You would answer it. And you would bring in like your favorite snacks, your favorite toys, you would explain everything.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Your parents would tell their favorite stories about you. And then everyone would sing Getting to Know You. And that was special person day. everyone would sing getting to know you and that was special person day and then and then until the next special person presentation you were the caboose of every line every time you went to field trips and shit okay that's sweet i will see i didn't really speak english in first grade so i just showed up with a poster about myself and everyone i remember they we had the same thing i'm actually getting really upset now i have a stomachache already because i remember that i brought my poster in and i was trying to talk about myself and they had to do like the questions and the first person asked why are you so weird and then
Starting point is 00:16:52 everybody laughed and so that was my memory of being that's why they were assigned questions we all had a popsicle stick we had a popsicle stick with a question on it and so the teacher would like have had a can of popsicle sticks and you would pull one before the presentation i see that way yeah our teachers were a little bit crueler and thought it was hilarious um and someone said why do you sound so funny and i was like fuck off okay i wasn't i just was quiet and then i cried you should have like like said a little german curse on them i should have hexed them do you know what hex means in uh in german no the word you know a witch and a hex it means a witch checks out it i know it's not fun hex out i don't get it hex oh my god um moving on quickly uh i had a fun fact and m had to turn it into a bad pun
Starting point is 00:17:41 i'm just saying i didn't know that but it makes sense because hexes and witches like they're always the words are always put together um also another fun fact did you know what pokemon means because i just found this out yeah i found this out once on a podcast actually uh was it this podcast am i saying it again i'm a time traveler i forget though i like i always pocket monsters yeah that's right yeah that's right it blew my oh no it was pikachu that i learned what it meant apparently pika is like mouse what's true in japanese i think like it's like a mouse sneezing am i making that up i don't know look i just found out what pokemon means but it blew me away i was like how on earth did i not put that together yeah i knew that because in other languages they're called pocket monsters
Starting point is 00:18:27 yeah well oh okay pikachu means sparkle mouse noise which is why he goes like that's that's precious and sparkle because he's like a lightning pokemon maybe yeah that's probably why that's fun anyway sorry this got off the rails as usual but welcome to our show m tells a ghost story or a creepy story i tell a creepy story that's about murder so welcome to the show and i guess shall we begin yeah oh wait oh we have an announcement we're doing a live show and m always gets mad at me like oh christine's delaying the show but like when did i get mad about that you went oh because because you were the one ironically talking about how we keep derailing. And then you like.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Well, because neither of us brought up the live show we're doing. Well, we are doing a live show February 26th. It's a virtual live show. Ten dollars a ticket. And it's going to be worse having listener stories submitted. And if you would like your chance at your story being read during the virtual live show, you can send them to ATWWDfromOurCouches at Yes. Okay. And what's the link?
Starting point is 00:19:33 I don't remember. Oh, well. Do you know? Nope. But we can, we'll post it on our, we're going to kind of try to social media blast it. So you will, you will see it. Maybe Eva can put it in the chat here and if she types it in the chat then i'll just say it while we're whenever it shows up
Starting point is 00:19:50 yes um but yeah so if it doesn't show we have a uh and that's why we drink it'll be like in our bios on our social media oh yeah it'll be social media and on our website too but yeah we're really excited we haven't done one in a while um it'll be our first of the year uh we're super excited the last couple have been really fun and we really like picking you know the scariest stories we get oh okay here it comes on location slash atwwd thanks eva there you go but yes please come uh it'll be fun we are going to be live reacting to the stories so we will all be finding eva wrote you got it we will be finding out what these stories are about all together so yes it'll be fun it'll be fun um and there's a q a like during
Starting point is 00:20:30 the intermission and stuff it'll be love a good intermission yeah so please come we're very excited about what day does this come out oh no it's still very early in february oh my goodness okay never mind then not that anything is being announced here's what i was gonna say i'm i'm currently working on the new um escape room so sometime sometime in march that's gonna be ready and i was gonna say something about it if this comes out in march but it absolutely isn't because it is so early in february anyway be on the lookout for an escape room here's my story let's just let's just try to do this so here's my story this is the story of the bettis house in quitman arkansas oh this is also known sometimes as the legend of the dog boy but
Starting point is 00:21:16 i feel like that's a leading that's um because my thought is that the dog boy becomes like a main character here and i feel like what's the opposite of burying a lead like hmm unearthing a lead yeah it feels i feel like it it makes it sound a lot more spectacular if i go with the dog oh you're saying like it's a misleading title oh misleading instead of burying the lead i don't know yeah whatever but here's a story of the bettis house featuring the dog boy so it's in quitman arkansas which fun fact was a major trading center until 1870 it's also an important halfway point to get from from tennessee to arkansas it's it's a big like travel area it's heavily populated and especially during the civil war it was a place where a lot of folks enlisted
Starting point is 00:22:06 for the army so there's a lot of soldiers in the area and arkansas i did want to throw in like a little fun extra paranormal story before i talk about the bettis house just because it's super quick but apparently in the same area there is a vanishing hitchhiker everyone knows about where there's i guess the story goes that a man was driving to Little Rock and he saw in the middle of the night this girl sitting on the side of the road. And she had like a cut on her eye and her dress look kind of fucked up. And he pulled us over to ask if she was okay. And she said she had been in an accident if he could drive her home. And so he gets to the address that she gives him knocked on the door and like a man opened the door and he said, hey, there's this girl that's in my car.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And so she lives here. She's been in an accident. And the guy that lives there will say like, oh, no, that's my daughter. She died in an accident years ago. And it's pretty common that she will show up for people in the middle of the night and ask them to be driven home. That's so spooky. Can you imagine like being that family though and like every time the doorbell rings at night you're like now i have to talk about my daughter's death again like that must just be so traumatic to
Starting point is 00:23:13 every single time have to explain to people like it's not real she's not alive it would it would also be in like the the most silver lining of ways really comforting to be like oh yeah she's still fucking around she's still hanging out she's like but she's like still traumatized on the side of the road you know like reliving it over and over again yeah i luckily uh we don't have to experience that but i it would be i think it'd be comforting at least one percent to be like oh yeah she's still out there she's still hanging out so anyway a lot of people experience this girl and so nowadays he's like oh yeah no just go back to your car you'll see she's not in the car anymore she's vanished at this point but so if you see a little girl and you're near little rock arkansas and it's midnight might might be a ghost so i just wanted to throw
Starting point is 00:24:01 that out there well before i got into the the real here. So Quitman, Arkansas has the legend of the dog boy. But apparently there's another story called the dog faced boy, which this is not. Apparently people mix them up. Not to be confused with. Dog boy. Not to be confused with the famed dog faced boy. Apparently. Of course.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Very different. Dog faced boys in Russia. Russia. Fun fact. Oh, so like like completely different not even a little bit nearby got it okay so uh they call them dog boy at least nowadays because folks will say that they see the silhouette of a 300 pound dog man hybrid with glowing eyes oh and they call it a cute boy instead of like a 300 dog man hybrid with glowing eyes they say it's just a little dog it's just shorter it's just shorter to say dog boy you know i guess so he apparently will look out the windows and he will chase people down this there's a few reports saying that he'll chase people down trying to bite at your heels like
Starting point is 00:24:59 like they're a dog more dog than man it makes me wonder like which part is dog and which part is man in terms of the hybrid combo here like is it a christine body with a geo head or is it a christine head on a body both are equally not uh not great predators so i'm not sure which would they're both very good at eating popcorn that that's what that's about where it yeah that's about where the line is drawn uh so the house that folks see him in was originally called the Garrett House. I don't know why, and I don't know when it changed, but, or I do know when it changed. I don't know why it was originally called the Garrett House, though. And now it is called the Bettis House, which is on 65 Mulberry Street.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And the house was originally built in 1890 in Cleburne, Cleburne County, which is in downtown Quitman. And it's said to have the dog boy and also additional ghosts in the house. So peppered in with extra fun, as I like to say, if I were a real realtor trying to sell this house. Peppered in with extra fun, with surprises down the road. So they actually, next to this house is a long time neighbor who has helped give a lot of information about the families over time so most of our info that we can get about the butters house uh has somehow been circulated through this neighbor so it could really just be like a desperate housewives neighbor who's just like has nothing but time to make up shit. But if this happened to be all real, they're basically like a free archivist for the neighborhood. Oh, love it. Love it.
Starting point is 00:26:36 So it's up to you what you believe. Maybe you believe in the 300 pound dog man hybrid. Maybe you believe that the neighbor is bored it's up to you both i believe both is that possible uh so when it was known as the garrett house the a family the jackson family lived there which is why i don't know why it's called it's not called the jackson house interesting i would have thought the family were the garretts but whatever so the jackson family lived there when it was the garrett house and in the Jackson family, the husband's name was Ben Jackson. His wife had died at 28. And then their son, who ended up becoming like a World War I vet, he also died at 21. I think both of them died in the house.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So both of their spirits are known to haunt the building now. And I'm assuming there's probably some story out there that, oh, and then Ben Jackson died, and now he haunts the house with his wife and son. So there's a family of ghosts, if you will. And then their dog, Man Hybrid, died and also haunts the house. Yep. You know what? You nailed it. Ben actually was a werewolf, and now he's a ghost.
Starting point is 00:27:41 He's half and half. He just could never figure it out. So in the 1950s after they died the bettis family moved in which is when the house became the bettis house got it and this is the 1950s so floyd and aileen bettis uh they moved in and four years into living there i think they had their son named Gerald. And some people or some sources also call him like Jeral or Jerelle. It's like with a J. But the one that people most know is Gerald like from Hey Arnold.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Got it. And so he was born in 1954. And I guess right off the bat, he was a really difficult kid. and i guess right off the bat he was a really difficult kid not only did he have issues at school with like having a hard time learning or he was getting bullied or whatever but according to neighbors maybe this one very loud neighbor quote his parents were good people but gerald was a brat vicious and cruel oh goodness okay that's he was never student of the month i'll tell you that much he deserved the caboose before anyone except and not in the special person way he definitely deserved no beanie babies certainly not uh apparently he had some really weird behaviors including
Starting point is 00:28:58 collecting cats and dogs which like i don't love the phrasing of that so when i heard collecting cats and dogs i was like okay gerald you and everyone else in the 21st century you're not special like everyone's got a million cats and dogs which by the way is what led him to the name dog boy because apparently it was oh he's dog boy because he was primarily uh collecting. Can we clarify, like, collecting dogs, like, in an okay way or, like, in a murderous way? What? Why are you doing that face? Because collecting means catching and torturing. Fuck! So, and that's as far as we go there, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So one neighbor claims that he, I'm confused about this because I don't know if they mean Gerald himself once he was an adult or Gerald's parents did this favor for him or something. But at some point, an addition was built onto the house and the rumor circulated that they were building room so they could fit more animals in the house. Okay. All right. That makes sense. Which like Christine would build an addition on her house for a right that makes sense which like christine would build
Starting point is 00:30:05 an addition on her house for a million more geos like to be clear um that's like but not for nefarious purposes right well the nefarious purposes would be so you would have more souls to drink wine with and watch ghosts yeah i just need a lot of attention okay just for the socializing of it all um so he he apparently also really liked attention which like okay no surprise can't fault him for that yeah and also can't relate lol it certainly can lol not at all apparently during a family reunion gerald once laid across a couch in front of everyone and fed himself grapes which like sounds like oh my god you and i both have done that and i don't even i'm not
Starting point is 00:30:45 even gonna ask because i know you that's what i did at my special person presentation ask me questions about myself now um so this really does sound like it could have been us if we took a really dark turn like it's just it's just yeah here we are talk about me i'm gonna feed myself grapes and build an addition on my house for my dogs that like that much period end of the story is definitely us for sure checks out so uh unfortunately eventually the abuse from the animals carried over to his folks and as he got older he became he got he was in control of his family so here's a quote i think from the neighbor he kept his parents virtually imprisoned upstairs he would feed them only when he decided it was time to eat. By the time he was an adult, he was 6'4", 300 pounds, just like the dog boy.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And Gerald was known for beating up his father and once even threw him out of an upstairs window when he was in his 70s. When the dad was in his 70s. Jeez. when the dad god dad was in his 70s jeez apparently there was one particular time where floyd in his 70s got thrown out the window and had to hang on to the ledge until the police showed up which like was the neighbor just like taking notes this whole time because i'm like what is this nosy neighbor that makes me think it's a very desperate house of like oh just sitting on the porch drinking my tea watching him get thrown out the window again seriously also just like taking some notes the upper body strength like i i am 28 and if someone threw
Starting point is 00:32:09 me out a window i'd be like guess i'm hitting the ground like just wave on your way down yeah there's no there's no grabbing on there's no chance i wouldn't even try if i saw a ledge i wouldn't even grab it i would just be like what's the point it's just gonna it's just gonna wave at the ledge just keep going it's just gonna make this process take longer might as well the inevitable yeah uh so in 1981 floyd the dad died from quote illness at home which we is pretty vague but locals say he was probably pushed down the stairs and broke his neck or something along those lines oh they they assume that gerald had something to do with this okay um just because he was getting abused left and right anyway and then it was such a vague
Starting point is 00:32:49 explanation for his death so a neighbor said this about gerald said that if you had ever seen his eyes they seemed to glow at night so this is kind of the beginning of rumors of oh he's already known as dog boy and his eyes seem to glow at night so right we can see where this is leading uh they seem to glow at night one time he came over here and got onto us because we had trimmed a magnolia tree that overlapped into his backyard and when they started cleaning that house up after floyd died one of his uncles even came to my house to borrow a gun because he was afraid that his nephew gerald would get riled up during it jesus so his whole family is terrified of him and the neighbors know about it and probably
Starting point is 00:33:31 the neighbors were like threatened into silence or felt nervous or something so he's basically in charge of the neighborhood at this point so after floyd's death gerald's mom aileen she fell and broke her hip so she went to the hospital. And apparently while at the hospital, another neighbor who happened to be a nurse at that hospital could report that she witnessed Gerald visiting her in the hospital and quote, slapping her around and telling her I'm going to have you arrested if you tell anyone what I did. Oh, Jesus. Okay. We never find out what it is that he did. But I think we're assuming it's that he killed Floyd. His dad.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So not long after Aileen was put into adult protective services, because I guess the nurse was able to finally get her help. So she got away from Gerald. And once she was gone, he got arrested because he built a grow room in his house. And so he had a bunch of pot everywhere. Got arrested, went to prison. he built a grow room in his house and so he had like a bunch of pot everywhere got arrested went to prison and in the 80s while in prison he died at 34 of a drug overdose my goodness and his mom was still alive until 1995 the niece inherited the bettis house but soon it was sold to a truck driver named tony and his wife. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Whoa. What a roller coaster, man. Yeah. So that's the history of the Bettis house. So big Tony got the house afterwards. And there is apparently, this is precious, there's an organization. I hope it's still around. It probably is.
Starting point is 00:35:01 There was an organization in Arkansas called central arkansas society for paranormal research aka casper love that is that not so fun so cute so fun so cute so cute oh my gosh um arkansas if you're listening i would like to join casper as an honorary member and so the founder's name is karen schilling so miss karen if you're listening hi miss karen of casper i'd love to join too casper's karen casper's karen so uh karen says that the weavers pretty much right away experienced a lot of activity and she ended up knowing them because tony and his wife saw an ad for casper in the paper old school arkansas love it and uh they called karen for help because they were like there's too much shit going on in this house
Starting point is 00:35:57 at first the weavers would notice that the lights were turning off they would go to work turn the lights off before they left and when they came home every single light was on and soon the activity got stronger i hate that it builds like that that always freaks me out like it's gathering energy over time it's just yeah it's it's almost like it's trying to see what it can get away with and then once you're it's not that you're necessarily giving it positive or negative energy but because you don't seem to care you're not forcing it out or so it can build on itself or sometimes i think what if you're afraid because you're already freaked out by the lights and then it like feeds off of that you know what you mean like feeds off your like energy and being afraid that's what i would guess i don't know
Starting point is 00:36:38 though because this is just all sounds terrible probably a little bit of both i don't like the things growing out of my skin right now what are they called fucking goose can man what are they called all the little all the little hills building on my arms um so at first oh this is a quote from karen about one of the experiences that we pretend one time this is probably the weirdest too and i i love when i hear something original finally so i gotta give this ghost credit for uh creativity one time pennies floated down the stairwell from the upstairs of the house and the coin stopped and fell to the floor all at once right in front of her pennies was like someone was it's like someone was holding like two little coins and they were
Starting point is 00:37:25 invisible and they got to the bottom of the stairs and they went and just like dropped that's so like freaky like it's like seems harmless but also is so terrifying well the freaky part is whether or not an alive or dead person where was doing that with the coins no matter what it makes no sense it's just creepy for because like what does it even mean yeah yeah if it were like even if it were something like a like a newspaper or something it would be like okay so maybe there's an invisible ghost reading the paper but it's like two random coins floating around together like a plate gets shoved off the table it's like okay classic move ghost but like that's such a specific set of items i don't know
Starting point is 00:38:06 i wonder if it has to do with like the material of it like maybe because it's like maybe if they were copper or something i don't know i don't know um maybe he's like here's my two cents i'm m and i love puns stop it that's hysterical that's that's hysterical i want that to be the reason actually that it would have something to do with me but no we're isn't that how dowsing rods work aren't they made of copper or something um i don't know i don't know but i know pennies are made of zinc so i'm not sure if that's didn't they used to be copper until the 50s probably yeah probably i'm asking a lot of questions about things we would pennies are definitely a thing, but I think most of the time there's zinc. Well, I'm asking a lot of information from you about things nobody prepared for.
Starting point is 00:38:51 That I don't have any idea about. Yeah. I'm just answering as if I know. I appreciate the confidence, though. At least it felt like you knew where this was going all along. So anyway, so the pennies floating around on the stairs is super creepy. And then Tony, Big Tony himself, their last name I'm saying is Weaver. going all along so anyway so the pennies floating around on the stairs is super creepy and then tony big tony himself tony his their last name i'm saying is weaver it's actually chocolone this
Starting point is 00:39:11 is one of his experiences one day i was working on the house and i saw a man looking through the foyer into the living room he looked like a world war one soldier complete with a helmet he looked so real and when he walked into my living room i ran after him but no one ended up being there so we think that this world war one soldier is probably the son from the jackson family who was a world war one the first family right the first family so at this point so far we're thinking like okay maybe it's just the jackson family haunting the place and it hasn't even really processed that this could be like the bettis family and gerald's right right right right um so tony also reported this is where uh gerald bettis likes to show himself tony also started
Starting point is 00:39:56 reporting a dog humanoid creature in the windows oh but goose camp but he also thought he must be imagining it because he was like that literally makes no fucking sense sure so within six months of living there activity had actually escalated so much to a point where the weavers didn't even want to live there anymore so in 2003 they ended up selling the house to eventually i think actually the neighbor that i've been talking about the desperate houseperate Housewives neighbor. Yeah. I think she hooked up her nephew with the Weavers,
Starting point is 00:40:31 and the nephew ended up getting this house. Which makes me think that, like, maybe none of this happened at all until all of a sudden the neighbor was like, oh, my nephew's going to move in. What if I told them some silly stories about the house's past? Scare them out of the house. I would do that. I wonder. If my nephew was going to get a house next to me and there was a bunch of families who lived there before that I knew about, I would just be like, oh, yeah, I've known about that house for a long time.
Starting point is 00:40:53 You don't even want to know what they've fucking seen. You're such a jerk. So, I mean, like, for all we know, this, like, 2003 is, like, when the stories started. I would not do that. I'd be like, oh, sorry, nephew. There's no houses anywhere near me. And I'm responsible for you please move somewhere far away so apparently the nephew's name was quentin white and his wife stephanie were the two who moved in next to silly old aunt neighbor quentin immediately actually started reporting activity too saying this is also
Starting point is 00:41:21 creative strange things would happen on a regular basis like the toilet would flush on its own no that's odd so that's fun also he i used youth slang to stay with the times for today for today's listeners but what he actually said was the commode would flush on its own oh that's fancy we should bring back the word commode but i did also that word i just kept that from happening before i went back that's what i was like you should have leaned into it okay i don't i was about to do like a really old timey accent but then i remembered i don't know how to do one don't do that don't do that for my sake please the commode would flush on its own um they also heard chairs dragging through the house. And some say that Gerald himself was Gerald like dog boy himself was seen screaming at them to get out.
Starting point is 00:42:09 So I wonder if that means like you saw him from afar, like how the previous family said, or if now this ghost is getting more comfortable and like truly running up to you and saying get out. Because earlier he was outside. Right. And so now they're saying he's inside screaming at them to get out or something like that it was either he was outside or they were outside and saw him in the windows or but then they also saw like the world war one vet so maybe that is who was saying get out i don't know but they they're seeing a man say get out of my house and then vanish okay so one day quentin was actually on the phone and he was with, he was on the phone with his wife and he heard a crash upstairs.
Starting point is 00:42:47 He went upstairs to a room to check on the noise. And in this room, he happened to have left a bunch of two by fours, like in a pile on the floor. And when he got up there and poltergeist fashion, they were all standing up straight. No, no, no. All around the room. Ah, that gives me such terrible creeps. no no no ah that gives me such terrible creeps i something about like moving objects into perfect formation is just the worst just the worst i also don't like that they were probably scattered
Starting point is 00:43:12 across the room and at some point let's say like the ghosts stop doing it's like magic and all of them like clearly can't balance probably like they're and they just all crash at the same time oh how creepy would that be dude oh i hate it i hate it i hate it like the fact that like you know that to keep one standing up you need to keep your hand on it and there's a bunch of them it's like do ghosts have a million hands or are you controlling it from above and then you just decide that you're gonna leave the room and all of them come falling down at the same time anyway no matter what it is it's fucking creepy it's fucking creepy.
Starting point is 00:43:45 It's not good. Because all we know is that he got up there and they were all standing up straight, but we don't find out how they stopped standing up straight. Maybe they were just balanced so perfectly, like how you can balance, I don't know, a really thin object if you're super careful. I would still like to hear the ending where he had to go board by board by board and collect that's true
Starting point is 00:44:05 like somehow they ended up not being that way i would imagine it'd be like dominoes like around the circle be like fucking splinters galore i would like to think it's something extra eerie that like made him interact with the ghosts were like they all stood up straight by themselves until like he tried to start collecting them and when he grabbed when they all, they all stood up straight by themselves until, like, he tried to start collecting them, and when he grabbed one, they all collapsed or something. They all just, yeah. Like, it was, like, watching him. I don't know. I'm trying to make it scarier than it was,
Starting point is 00:44:30 but it was already pretty fucking scary. Yeah, I don't think that is needed, but yikes. So the couple also would wake up every night to the sound of a dog nearby howling, but nobody knew they had a dog, so I think they were ignoring it for a while, and then probably when they heard the rumor of dog boy they were like aha that checks out let's let's stick with that story so tony tried forever to sell
Starting point is 00:44:52 the house like could like he'd lived there for or no not tony uh yeah sorry the quentin or whatever they tried to sell the house i was like oh well i know someone's nephew who actually needs a house so if you want me to hit them up, I get 10% commission, right? Okay. For sure. Like,
Starting point is 00:45:08 you know that you really sold some because you said that like, it's just, there's peppered in a bunch of surprise layers. That's right. I learned from the end school of realty about how to phrase. The end school of realty is either it's nature cozy or it's not fucking worth it. That's.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Or it's not worth it. Or it's not worth it. Every house must have cookies. Yeah. Wait a minute. Wow. You get an A. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Thank you. I didn't even teach you that. I've never gotten an A in one of your courses before. Can you imagine if you were special person of the month at my realty class? Yeah. And you were like, here are cookies. And that's all I needed to do. Do you know what would be the best is that it was just me.
Starting point is 00:45:43 But you would definitely wait to give me special person of month like i wouldn't get it right away you would wait to to decide when i got special i'd be like i'll see you in december also you're the front of the line and the caboose yeah yeah yeah true so uh they tried to sell the house forever and they fucking couldn't get it together and i think probably because at this point that one neighbor had gone around and spread the rumor so intensely that it was haunted and also imagine if you've already been telling people it was haunted and now your nephew lives there so you have like real artistic license to be like no i have like an in it's oh i know right so at one point they tried uh i think quentin stopped by the house and tried to set down his like sunglasses or something on the table while he was there, got angry that nobody was interested in the house.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And so he said something along the lines of like, I'm tired of taking care of this place. And his items that he had left there went missing. Oh, so now things now it's really fucking with him. Whoa. Also, as they were trying to sell the house, interested buyers kept saying no, because even though they really liked the place, once got there they felt something was really off that's not good so they felt chills they felt like they were being stared at they felt anger and hatred they some of them like lost balance or fell over or felt like they were getting pushed people on the stairs would get really really really fucking sad oh also people would hear door slams they'd hear footsteps there was
Starting point is 00:47:05 problems with electronics apparently there was a cat that would just like hiss and vanish okay uh and then there was also the apparition of the soldier in the hall who would appear so goodbye for that goodbye so there was a lot of reasons for people to be like uh thank you but no thank you yeah one time actually this is my favorite one again a for creativity this makes me think that it has to be the neighbor spreading rumors because i never get original little tidbits at this point like every ghost is opening cabinet doors and knocking on the walls and that's it yeah but i feel like also it's so random and specific that like the plywood or the the two by fours yeah like why would you make up that i mean what was the other original thing the fucking pennies the pen and then uh apparently the
Starting point is 00:47:50 recliner in the home would open itself up and expand like someone was sitting in it that's really creepy i don't like that either it just sounds like a really frugal carpenter lives there like he's just frugal carpenter carrying his pennies around checking on his plywood sitting on his bark lounger showing off his his two cents they're literally his two cents his fucking cat hates you and so anyway there that was just another thing that happened where people saw the recliner open up on its own which i gotta be honest even if that was just like the spring is broken or something it would terrify me that would be that would be bad because that's like you know what the person is doing exactly like you can see how they would be or what they want
Starting point is 00:48:33 you to think they're up to that's true too they would be putting on a show for you if i thought like oh i've got a ghost that just likes to sit in a chair i would be more likely to buy the place versus like oh they're opening up the recliner so you think they're sitting there but they're actually like up to something else with their pennies on the stairs yeah they're propping their feet up so that they can sneak past you and put all your wood planks upside down or something bingo uh also apparently there was one prospective buyer prospective yikes i was like a prospector a prospector uh someone brought their pet to the house while they were looking that's actually smart i feel like i never thought to do that
Starting point is 00:49:10 yeah bring a child and or an animal for sure well someone brought their dog and the dog wouldn't even enter the building goodbye turn around that's how you know and if there's cookies in there like then you know something's really up you gotta leave to leave. Here's what you do. You bring a dog and you bring a child. In the kitchen area, you leave a big plate of, like, rotisserie chicken meat for the dog. And for the kid, you leave, like, a bunch of candy. And if neither of them touch any of that food on the counter during your tour of the house, that's a bad fucking sign. They were too uncomfortable to eat their favorite foods. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I'm just saying. Like, 101 for my realty class eat their favorite foods. Yep. I'm just saying. Like 101 for my realty class. I was going to say, I'm taking notes. Don't worry. I know there's pop quiz at the end of the week. Well, you got the cookies thing. So you already got your extra credit for the semester. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:55 So the next person to live there, eventually they finally fucking sold this place, was a pilot or a former pilot. His name was Ed. And he... I like how you say that with such disdain i was like i want him to have like a really cool name because you were really into big tony uh big tony mr mr chocoloni had a lot to say i know speaking of mr chocoloni uh just really taking two topics and taking the widest bridge to them possible we were talking about tony chocoloni or at least i fucking was
Starting point is 00:50:25 i've another reason this isn't why i drink but this is why allison drinks this week is because i've recently gotten back into the depression phase where i'm obsessed with cake boss which like oh yeah i feel like we we all at some point we're in love with either cake boss or ace of cakes absolutely and cake boss is more fun to me because of how like bizarrely like i would love to go to a therapy session with him just to he's just like so like bombastic and loud and in your face i mean they're like kind of doing like the we're a stereotypical like italian family like we're like loud and we shout with each other and all that and they're always like mia familia and so i fucking love it it just gets me going and poor allison since i got into this she i've really not actually seen her this annoyed with me in a long time but i can't stop
Starting point is 00:51:19 pretending i'm the cake boss oh my god stop and so every time in the last like three days allison does anything any fucking thing i'm just like quoting the cake boss and not even realizing it what are you shouting every she could do something very wonderful or very terrible and every time i'm like now that's hoboken style baby stop it you are very very annoying and like and then if she does something bad i'm like oh that's not hoboken style baby that's not hoboken style oh i would probably punch your head and so and last night i was like something happened but she i feel like the last three days she has wanted to completely twist my head around on my neck and just completely just end my life
Starting point is 00:52:03 and uh anyway i was thinking tony chocolonian in my head every on my neck and just completely just end my life and uh anyway i was thinking tony chocolonian in my head every time i kept thinking like the boss that's the boss right there mia familia okay i can't do it anymore thank you for bringing this to my attention that should be allison for the last three days last night i was like can we watch the boss and she was like absolutely not also can i is there like a way where I can grade you? I know it's your class, but I'd actually probably rather grade you this time. For a second, I thought you were going to say, is there a way I can time travel five minutes back into time where I didn't know about this?
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'd rather travel five minutes. I'd rather travel five hours ahead so I can already start forgetting it. Now that's Hoboken style, baby. Stop it! I hate that. I don't know why I hate it, but I hate it. I hate it so very much. It just, it fits with everything.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Every time, you either love it or you hate it. That's, you know. I know that some of our, like, diehard M fans are going to be like, I love it. But, like, imagine living with this behavior in your partner. A lot of people, I do tell Allison a lot. I'm like, do you realize, like, other people, like, would kill to be sitting next to me hearing, that's Hoboken style, baby? Oh, my God. You're such an.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And she's like, you need to get the fuck over yourself. I'm like, why? I'm the boss. What are you talking about? Do you know how many people would kill to sit next to me? M. Schultz. Oh, my God. Not M. Schultz.
Starting point is 00:53:22 The boss. I just want. I want her to know that there are other people out there who would in unison shout now that's hoboken style baby instead of complain about it you know like someone out there would so just i'm putting it out do you want me to start reading our uh once our itunes reviews and see like do a tally of how many people love it and hate it that wouldn't be hoboken style baby so i don't know about that um okay moving on quickly uh anyway please quickly okay i thought we passed the bar for quickly but yeah let's move on okay sorry i just i saw tony chocolony and i was like that's the boss right
Starting point is 00:53:56 there okay so where are we oh yeah ed see that's why i said ed like that that doesn't even it's nothing none of it is anything i was like with the amount of serotonin that's why i said ed like that that doesn't even it's nothing none of it is anything i was like with the amount of serotonin that's been flooding through my veins with italian names lately i heard ed and i was like okay whatever just okay why don't i just turn into eddie murphy and we'll do a little doctor do a little business and then you can realize how much you hate you would hate to be next to me that would be delightful oh my god wait can you be eddie murphy you and i i feel like i'm like oh i would hate that and then the second we were in the same apartment we'd be like oh like you and i would
Starting point is 00:54:29 be the fucking worst like i act like i'm so annoyed but like i know full well i would be immediately involved like the way you hate lemon but still are very involved with lemon christine that's why i'm 100 ignoring all your weird like your your like side jabs in honor of Allison because I know the second if it were you you me and Allison in a room though you me and Allison in a room the first half of the night you would be on her side and be like you're so fucking annoying and once like a couple glasses of wine kicked in you'd be like I'm the boss you better poor Al you would just be sitting there with like your empty bottles of wine and me and allison on the other side you'd be like mia familia poor allison i'm sorry i tried really hard i really did oh god i if we were roommates it really would be dastardly how many weird characters we would
Starting point is 00:55:15 have for ourselves oh my god we would be the fucking uh what's i mean look at us we have a fucking podcast we've got xenon and lemon and all this bullshit. We never stop ourselves. What's his name? Akon? No. Oh, Trey Songz? Trey Songz. What's wrong with me? Akon is the alien that Elizabeth Clare was dating.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Yes, that's correct. And the one who featured my homecoming. Yeah. So we would be like Trey Songz, but probably worse because we would just be shouting in fake Italian accents all the time. Much worse. Much worse. Much worse.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Anyway, I appreciate you trying to defend my girlfriend but we know who's we know whose side you're on i tried that's hoboken style baby okay so you can't stop it you're gonna go downstairs later you hate it because you're gonna fucking do it later blaze and allison are gonna finally make their pact and like don't even explain that it has to do with the boss just from now on whenever blaze is something really great or really wonderful just slip it in see what happens i'm gonna try it and see so eventually ed uh he got the house from tony chocolone and he could only renovate the house at night because at this point so many people knew that the place was haunted that they were disturbing him all day long but he could only get shit done at night okay great you know what that's not but uh so ed this is a quote from ed
Starting point is 00:56:34 he said i don't believe in the paranormal but since i've been working on this place i've felt very uncomfortable like someone's watching me so even he's i love when they're like i don't believe it but get this it's like okay come on you gotta like at one point admit that you believe it right it's like you okay so you don't believe it but also you're paranoid yeah got it ed also said one of his experiences when he started seeing things himself he said when i pull up in the driveway at night i see a man looking down at me from the window i would never enter that home again no why would you why would you go inside uh he is dressed in a brown jacket and a bow tie like from another time period that sounds like dr who but also or dr doolittle
Starting point is 00:57:17 or dr doolittle but like if you truly if you saw a silhouette of a man in your home why would you then go time for bed i don't believe in the paranormal but sometimes i see this guy in my window especially by the way if you don't believe in the paranormal because if you don't believe in the paranormal then you have to think that what you're seeing is a grown human that murderer yes exactly that's none of it's good none of it's ed doesn't sound like he's the sharpest um so ed also reported seeing the ghost of gerald bettis aka dog boy in the house apparently he would see gerald staring at him and every time he saw gerald's he would also feel a cold wind on his neck
Starting point is 00:57:57 that's not hoboken style it's certainly not i don't know what it is but it isn't that here's a quote from him about seeing gerald he was this huge i guess he was this huge somewhere around from here to here what what shitty journalist is that me being like how big was he this big okay okay so imagine my arms like stretching as far as possible he was this huge uh and a weird looking cat human so that's interesting that he sees a cat not a dog oh wait maybe he meant he's this he was this huge that checks out uh he was this i'm not sure i think that's what i think that's what happened that was some amelia bedelia reading right there okay no i followed right along with you i was like what an idiot they shouldn't put a comma after huge if they don't want me to pause that's you're
Starting point is 00:58:57 right that's the problem he was this huge weird looking cat human there we go with long brown hair creepy eyes and great big arms and hands he walked right in front of me and glared at me and right after i saw him he walked through the hall and disappeared sometimes i would hear something slam or someone walking across the floor but i couldn't see anything and i knew it was him letting me know that they were there oh god letting me know that they like no no no no no but also this fucking guy i don't believe in the paranormal okay yeah seriously so what like a cat dog man is just hanging out in your house and you're like what a kooky neighbor yeah at that point it's weirder to believe that that's just a yeah random at some point you're making yourself look worse if you're like that's just my roommate
Starting point is 00:59:40 i didn't invite in my cat person my cat man so in 2005 uh that's when i don't know if that was when casper investigated the house or if that's when karen is just uh talking about their investigation but karen was the lead researcher with casper investigating the house at this time they did two investigations the first time they picked up a lot of cold drops and electromagnetic spikes that had no explanation. Karen also said that they were able to track something through the kitchen and one investigator felt something touch him. This is a quote from Karen about the first investigation. When we went outside at one point to get some items from a car, we looked up and saw a face peering down at us. Okay, so the same window guy.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Oh, yeah. All three of the team members witnessed the face in the window but it was confirmed that nobody was upstairs at the time the second investigation they brought a medium with them who allegedly made contact with gerald and the medium says that gerald cursed them and told them to get out so that at least confirms or coincides with people saying they've seen someone screaming to get out of the house yeah yep they also caught videos of orbs flying into walls and unexplainable flashes of light and they got all of those on videotape but eerily all of those tapes went missing after the investigation what yeah that's bizarre also there was uh just to finish this off there is one article
Starting point is 01:01:03 there were very few articles about this by the way so um just to like put it out there there was, just to finish this off, there is one article. There were very few articles about this, by the way. So just to like put it out there, there was only like four sources that we used. But there's an article called the Quitman Arkansas Ghost Story. And it was written by Barbara Duncan. It's an online article and people are still commenting on it, even though it was written back in like 2010 or something. And one of the comments from years ago says the stories are true i grew up in quitman my dad went to school with the dog boy and that house has scared me since the first day that i saw it before i knew about the legend
Starting point is 01:01:37 they have been maintaining it to sell i guess this was at the time when like they couldn't sell the house they've been maintaining it to sell but no one wants to live in that haunted house the lady across the street the neighbor could tell you a thing or two about that house and next time you go up there you should bring your dog to see if he'll even go on the porch she'll tell you a thing or eight she'll tell you a thing or a lifetime or the entire town history or about her nephew who's moving in soon two years later barbara the author of the article commented on the article oh that's fun i like how they're still checking like years later it's like oh let me see if i need to respond to anything so barbara commented on their own article saying that the person who knows the real story of dog boy quote would be the next door
Starting point is 01:02:23 neighbor who is sidekick well i didn't see that coming wait hold on it's a last minute twist who is psychic and knows all about the inhabitants of the house she is very interesting is how that's ended which i can can yeah the least shocking statement of this entire story only a couple years ago now people are still responding to either barbara's comment or to this article in general and one person uh said quote gerald was a mean person i know of him throwing and hitting throwing and hitting floyd his father then he would abuse his mother aileen i've seen her many times with a black eye at our reunions the at is the internet at sign oh uh of course things had to be his way or no way but i was never afraid of him he would barely speak okay but so even in 2017 that was people are still commenting about how they themselves
Starting point is 01:03:21 knew about gerald and can confirm all of the awful stories about him and even if no one can for sure say like how dark his behavior got in that house no one is surprised that it has at least some negative energy there so yeah anyway that is the bettis house featuring the dog boy that was fascinating and i you know you think like when people are commenting in 2017 like i knew him i feel like that's so rare because when you hear about haunted houses, it's always like 300 years ago or like, you know, in the 1800s, this woman and like nobody can say, oh, I knew her. She was really fucking weird. But like, yeah, it's that there's a ghost that people know from real life.
Starting point is 01:03:59 It's very I was just saying this to somebody. And I mean, there's like those regular tweets and memes that are always coming out about like, oh, how come you never like hear about like a 2007 Britney Spears ghost? But like, but yeah, it's always interesting when people are still around to be able to confirm people that are said to haunt places. I think that's so interesting and like confirm their behavior in real life i also add to the story i also wonder if ghosts from like the 17 and 1800s that we all seem to see all the time i wonder if people gave a shit about them back then or do you think like in like the 1800s the ghosts they were talking about were like from the 1500s and they're like why don't we ever see any modern 1800s ghosts any modern ghosts maybe like you have to go through like a 300 year purgatory before you
Starting point is 01:04:45 can haunt again and that's why we haven't seen any 2000s people yet you know like oh man yeah i wonder yeah why don't you ever see a ghost playing the victriola you know that's what i always wonder i don't you know daily i would say i think about that yeah i don't know i mean i guess we do see modern day ghosts like for when people like when people tell us their personal stories but i feel like it's still so few and far between because you never hear of like known haunted manners yeah but i feel like that's because it hasn't had enough time to like build that reputation like i'm sure in like a hundred years all these places that are currently like haunted but not like huge stories might become more yeah famous i don't know
Starting point is 01:05:25 like haunted but not like huge stories might become more yeah famous i don't know because like an 1800s ghost has had many many hundreds of years to build up its rep also build up its energy maybe you get stronger and more noticeable over time or that i don't know sometimes i like to get really fucking existential with it and like really like i think i was meant for the stoner community and sometimes with my own thoughts because i'm like that is a real mind fuck but i like to include time travel into the afterlife sometimes and think like what if i'm being haunted by my own ghost and i don't know i think that too like people from the future yeah but then i'm like if if future me had the ability to haunt me and let me know what was up i would have fucking done it by now you'd know it by now i'd be like you're right hello but i do think about that or like my own guardian angels or when i feel like someone like protecting me maybe it's like future me looking
Starting point is 01:06:15 out to make sure i stay alive long enough to like do whatever i need to anyway we could talk about that shit forever and ever oh and we will we sure will i guess we have a show to do we should start a second podcast where it's like the the after show of and that's why we drink and that's why we drink after dark that's we'll shop it we'll shop it tm tm tm tm anyway there's the better sauce for you love it okay i have a story for you and this is the story of a serial killer and his name is Sean Vincent Gillis. Okay. So he's not as well known as you would think once you hear this story. I feel like you're going to be like, that's odd that I don't recognize this person.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Oh, really? Because he's pretty prolific. But I'm going to tell you anyway. So I got a lot of this from the True Crime All the Time podcast. Also, Crime Watch i posted a helpful video and uh as far as like warning content warning there's brutal violence and sexual assault uh as per usual as per usual yep here we go so we are going to baton rouge louisiana and uh the year is 2004 oh okay so this is pretty wild within a 10-year period louisiana had five active serial
Starting point is 01:07:27 killers wait i know say that again within a 10-year period louisiana had five active serial killers wild operating and that's not a huge hugely populated state i mean compared to other you know is there a bigger state is there Is there like a cultural historical reason for that? I don't know. Honestly, I'm not sure. And it was so recent that like, I wonder if anybody's even had the time to like properly study it. Yeah, I was I was trying to think and this I was trying to think of like, did something
Starting point is 01:07:55 happen in Louisiana that like, mess with a lot of people or like really like... Katrina, but that was in 2006. So nevermind. Yeah, I don't know't know i not to say like hurricanes cause serial killers but like i'm that is our we're gonna die on that hill that's our new statement that i heard that from the neighbor down the street from the bennett's house she's psychic by the way so she knows what she's doing yeah yeah um yeah so on february 27 2004 43 year old donna bennett johnston was found in a drainage canal south of Louisiana University.
Starting point is 01:08:29 She had been murdered, raped, and strangled, and her body had been badly mutilated. Her breasts had been slashed, and she had had a butterfly tattoo on her thigh, which had been cut out of her flesh. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Wow. wow rough start rough start rough start yep okay times a thousand um a task force was established on march 3rd to look into donna's murder as well as a few other women who had also lost their lives in a similar fashion some of those women had been linked to another serial killer named derrick todd lee who's a much more famous and well-known serial killer um i don't know if you recognize him, but I guess I just run in those circles,
Starting point is 01:09:09 unfortunately. You definitely, I'm sure you're right that they're well-known, but I'm just like, I like to think of myself as like the grandparent who you're teaching the apps to, but like, I'm just like the clueless one with, in terms of serial killer knowledge. It's always shocking when people are like, oh, well, you've got to watch this true crime thing. Or what are your favorite true crime documentaries? And I'm like, I don't watch that stuff. But that's kind of the point of our show, right? Like is that you are the expert in ghosts and I do the true crime and we tell each other and we don't know about it.
Starting point is 01:09:38 You know, I know. But it's still surprising how many people ask me for like true crime suggestions. I'm like, I got nothing. The whole point of the podcast is Christine educatesates me in real time i got like cake boss check it out i'm like i could tell you it's hoboken style baby but that's about it that's as far as i go yeah um yeah hit me up folks i've got all sorts of recommendations for you i just started watching dexter for the first time so that's oh i saw you post about that i also i would because of you i would suggest crime watch daily because you mentioned that shit a lot they they post a lot of it it's like super duper informative so it's like
Starting point is 01:10:14 very it's it's like very and also i'm trying to think of the name of the other one yeah but it's very informative so if you're like looking for like serious info i think the more entertaining like night stalker was really good and terrifying but also like keep you on the edge of your seat type of show. That's a new one on Netflix. Anyway, just hit me up on the IG and I'll tell you. So anyway, they established a task force. A lot of the women who had been killed in a similar fashion were victims of Derek Todd Lee, who was like the more well-known and actually was named the Baton Rouge serial killer. So when certain cases couldn't be linked to Derek
Starting point is 01:10:50 Todd Lee, who had actually been apprehended the previous year for his own murders, fear started to grow that maybe there was another serial killer on the loose. Maybe they didn't realize at this point that like, yeah, maybe four more, actually. total to their credit i don't blame them for thinking like there's no way there's five i mean i it's like i i feel bad for them in hindsight when like they had no clue how bad it was about to get yikes it truly and like especially since they were killed in similar ways it's almost like you'd be like no please don't tell me like somebody's doing this in almost the same way i don don't want to know. Please. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:26 No, we already got the guy. But yep, it was somebody different. So what ruled Derek Todd Lee out is that the female victims that they were finding now had DNA underneath their fingernails that did not match to him. But of course, when they put it through the database, it didn't match to anybody who had their DNA in the system. didn't match to anybody who had their dna in the system so eventually through some snoopery uh which we'll get into on april 28th they found their murder and his name was sean vincent gillis so here's the story of good old sean okay sean gillis was born on june 24th in 1962 to norman and yvonne gillis his father suffered from alcoholism and had several mental illnesses and this caused like a deep had a deep impact on his relationship with his wife and his son Norman and Yvonne Gillis. His father suffered from alcoholism and had several mental illnesses.
Starting point is 01:12:06 And this caused like a deep, had a deep impact on his relationship with his wife and his son. At one point, he even held a gun to his son's head when he was a young child. So just a lot of trauma in that way. But Norman put his family's safety first and actually admitted himself into a variety of mental institutions. And although that was to keep his family safe, safety first and actually admitted himself into a variety of mental institutions wow and although that was to keep his family safe it ended up leaving his mother to raise sean by herself and she had a job and uh you know had to raise or had to make money to raise her son but also it's just
Starting point is 01:12:37 a lot for for obviously a single mom to do sure um so despite the tumultuous relationship with his father gillis was really close with his mother and his grandparents so for all intents and purposes he had like a pretty decent upbringing like there wasn't anything i mean obviously there were some traumatic incidents but like there wasn't anything it wasn't as traumatic as you see a lot of serial killers like you can see very clearly from day one like more or less was it an average upbringing comparative yeah like you can see very clearly from day one. Like more or less was it an average upbringing comparatively? Yeah. Like you wouldn't have been able to look at that kid and go like,
Starting point is 01:13:09 oh, it's like something terrible is going to happen. He was one of the people where in hindsight, everyone's like, I don't, I didn't see that coming. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's exactly what it was. So at 10 years old, Yvonne and Sean moved to a nearby neighborhood
Starting point is 01:13:22 and she worked really hard to get Gillis out of public school and into a Catholic elementary school and although she really thought the world of him a lot of the neighbors and his schoolmates thought he was a bully but that unfortunately wasn't the worst of it so Gillis and two of his friends actually became interested in satanic worship and well that's us on the playground am i right i know and it actually is because interestingly enough they didn't like do it but they went and watched other people do it which i feel like would be you and me that's exactly i just want to see what would happen that's exactly my comfort zone i'd be like listen i'll go hang out with a coven i don't want to totally be involved in it but like i want to be on the bleachers if y'all got some of
Starting point is 01:14:03 those conjure up a bleachers and i are bringing snacks oh okay i would love to be like actually can we just consider ourselves now like the pta of covens i was gonna say the soccer i'm the soccer mom i want to bring the orange slices to keep your energy up that's and by orange slices you mean gushers and i'll bring a wine bra and we'll be the soccer parents but but the satanic if your coven needs like sports parents to cheer you on we're in it i'm fucking down we need jerseys where your people because we make a good team we make but yours would look better than mine because you're out of my league but i mean like other than that like whatever just just yeah if you happen to be a witch and you're going to like your weekly meeting soon, pitch it.
Starting point is 01:14:45 See what happens. And I'm not saying that that's satanic. I'm not saying that those are the same thing, to be clear. We're not saying if you're in a coven, it's satanic. I feel like we happen to be associated with more covens. We're more comfortable with like a healthy witchcraft lifestyle than like. We just have a better chance at making it as the PTA members. Valid.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Valid. So I'm switching it over to coven got it okay because yeah this was definitely satanic which i'm sure em and i would love to go and watch as well but probably be a little more scared of um i just out of pure ignorance but i would love to be like the pta who really fuck it like the member who educates the shit out of myself yeah yeah so we would definitely be this person but they would go they'd watch uh locals engage in the rituals of satanic worship um and they smoked pot together so that was like the extent of kind of his that and like bullying he was like not a great kid but it wasn't anything like truly hurt like he wasn't collecting dogs or whatever that other guy's doing gerald he was just a pta dude he was just a dad currently he's just a pot smoking dad it just it just it turns real sour
Starting point is 01:15:52 real quick it does it certainly does so however everything kind of went south as m said the following year when okay so sean's father kind of came back into his life when he was 17 and he hadn't been in hadn't had a relationship with him in a long, like since he was a kid. So he and his father became pretty close, but that all kind of turned sour when Sean discovered his dad's collection of photos of naked men in various sexual positions. And he and his father just kind of went their separate ways, and he was no longer interested in a relationship with his dad. kind of went their separate ways and he was no longer interested in a relationship with his dad. After graduating from high school, Sean got a job as a clerk in 7-Eleven stores and he spent pretty much the rest of his life working as kind of a clerk. That was sort of his go-to job position. Clerk life, clerk life.
Starting point is 01:16:37 You live in that clerk life, you know? You know, we all do, we all do. He apparently hated it, but that's just what he did. So he said instead of working, he preferred sitting in front of his new computer to watch porn, but not just any old porn. So he was a very big fan of porn that featured rape, death and dismemberment of women. Yeah. So that was his go to. And as you can imagine, his obsession with pornography affected his job, his other responsibilities. He would skip work like he would miss an entire shift because he was just addicted to watching this violent porn on his computer and remember
Starting point is 01:17:09 this was like a while ago so this in the 90s so this is like aol dial-up days i was gonna say how did he get access to this kind of stuff back then oh i mean i mean i don't you know what they say but you know what they say is that technology is always driven by humans' desire for porn and sex. So even with VR, the first thing they do is figure out how to turn it into porn and sex. Can confirm. So the second internet existed. Wait a minute. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:17:35 I said can confirm. What? Yikes. Okay. What I meant is I'm aware that one, sex sells. I what I meant is like I'm aware that like one sex sells and two I'm Allison and I are watching that show upload where like literally we just watched a whole episode about virtual sex suits yeah and my my mom when I got the uh oculus quest and I like lost my mind at like the technology of it my mom was like I wonder when the sex industry is going to take over so oh they did already yeah
Starting point is 01:18:01 I read an article about it's fascinating it's the first thing they do because that's just how humanity, what we're driven by, I guess. Anyway, what I said can confirm. I did not mean like, oh, I know all about that. We heard about your vanilla lifestyle. Don't worry. Thank you. I felt the need to defend my vanillaness very quickly.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Yeah. Yeah. But basically, he, I mean, you know, internet existed. Like, there were definitely porn sites. It was just like old school. Like, there were definitely porn sites. It was just, like, old school. Like, you had to not be on the phone. You had to watch it, like, line by line as it uploaded. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Oh, my God. Do you remember that? I sure do. I fucking hated that. The lines would, oh, God. Okay. Not of porn, to be clear. We're not talking about porn.
Starting point is 01:18:40 We're talking about, like, Neopets. Okay, just to clarify. When I was a kid, when I was a teenager, yeah. But not the same kind that this guy's up to our own experience but i do i do remember the picture having to upload and like oh it was the family computer so that took a lot of courage and also like your like like mom could walk down any second and need the computer the desktop i mean really you're waiting for the image to upload to like download no just oh it was just the worst experience kids to pull an old person phrase kids these days will never know how
Starting point is 01:19:11 easy they have it with their cell phone with their cell phone porn that they can watch porn on their cell phones without any sort of i watched my mom interruption i watched my mom teach my grandpa about cell phone porn which sounds really wild but like he was shocked at technology he was like wow you could do anything on the internet she was like i mean you could literally get like your mom is i like how your mom's first always first instinct always sex let's discuss the porn part she's the common denominator in the fact that sex sells but my yeah my grandpa when like an iphone first became a thing he was like wow internet and my mom said something like i mean people literally have porn in their pocket these days. And he was like, oh, they don't have that.
Starting point is 01:19:48 And she was like, give me your phone. I'll fucking show you. She's like, wait, let me log in real quick. Linda. No, but I just remember watching my poor, sweet, innocent grandfather's eyes just completely, like, flood just with shock. Oh, Linda, you're always ruining everyone's innocence. She really wants people added to her team, I guess. Man. Well, anyway. We really derailed.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all good. I'm just saying, yeah, it was old school. But he spent all his time on the computer watching really fucked up porn to the point that he risked his own job uh so in 1992 sean's mom yvonne took a new job in atlanta and when sean said he didn't want to go with her he was an adult at this point so she left him behind to live on his own but she continued to pay his mortgage on the house that they had lived in so he stayed in the house and she moved and
Starting point is 01:20:41 sometime after his mother left according to neighbors he began to act pretty strange so for example some people saw him yelling at the sky cursing his mother like out in the street at the sky really bizarre behavior huh okay um just the kind of thing where you like close your blinds you know you're like oh okay yeah but you close them but like you keep one of the blinds open right you keep your eye through the blinds. Keep the blind closed, but the window open so you can still hear what's happening. And your cell phone recording because like I'm going to show Em later and we're going to talk about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there were a lot of disturbing events happening after this.
Starting point is 01:21:17 He was caught peeping into a female neighbor's house and when asked what he was doing, he claimed he was looking for his cat which is i imagine some sort of form of clever word play i'm not sure uh but after that he would bang on people's doors late at night at one point he was standing outside banging on garbage cans and the police came and when they arrested him he told he asked that police asked why are you making such a ruckus and banging on these trash cans and he said because i don't have a girl so he was desperate for i guess female affection uh he was he was really leading with that it seems i guess yeah i mean not that this is explaining much of the behavior but that seems to be his his mo his go-to his public go-to yes his public excuse right so two years later he met a
Starting point is 01:22:03 woman named terry lemoine who worked as a convenience store clerk and they met through a mutual friend and terry later remembered that her best friend walked in and said sean this is terry terry this is sean y'all have everything in common y'all should get to know each other and uh this best friend uh reckoned they would both get along because of their love of sci-fi and star trek but she didn't quite realize how much they had different not just how many things they also didn't have yeah exactly they kind of outranked what they did have in common um there's only so far you can go with the shared love of star trek
Starting point is 01:22:35 is is what i imagine that's what i always say i know you say it all the time actually it's getting really one day people will listen one day one day um so their relationship was actually platonic because as terry remembers it sean didn't believe in sex and had been taught that it – well, to be fair, he went to Catholic school. So, like, yeah, we are taught to not believe in sex. So maybe that's part of it. Sean didn't believe in sex and had been taught that it was a nasty thing and he shouldn't do it. And, again, obviously there's – I don't know. I'm saying again.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I haven't said this yet. But there's nothing wrong with being in a platonic relationship, of course. But in the context of he was watching like really violent porn pretty much all day, every day. Right. It's just like a telling red flag, I guess. Sure. So eventually Terry moved into Sean's house with him, the one that his mom paid the mortgage for. And she continued working at the convenience store.
Starting point is 01:23:24 He would drive her there, pick her up um they spent a lot of time together and when they moved in together that year was the year that sean vincent gillis killed his first victim and to be clear it was not donna bennett johnston the one i mentioned earlier with the tattoo uh there were many more before her so great i know so start from square one uh his first victim was actually 81 year old ann brian oh i know it's pretty dark um she lived at an assisted living facility across the street from his work in baton rouge and she was an artist musician and enjoyed playing bridge with her friends and he entered her apartment on march 21st 1994 via her front door which ann left open because she wanted to allow her nurse easy access into her place that's so sad isn't that so sad and it's like she's never had a problem her nurse
Starting point is 01:24:18 comes in and helps her out it's the 90s she plays bridge she's an artist and like he just waltzes right on in it's also really sad when like obviously if anyone is ever attacked it's it's i'm not trying to compare situations here but it is especially awful when it's someone who is more or less helpless and that like they keep the door open they probably aren't moving around a lot or i mean not to say that like younger people i feel less bad for anything it's just like it's just no it's just they're more vulnerable yeah like yeah you know yeah no i totally get it and like you're just taking advantage of the fact that this person is a vulnerable member of society who's doing nothing wrong and is like yeah is like just so sweet and
Starting point is 01:24:59 like has a great reputation it's just ew gross and is trusting of society and it's just really fucked up yeah so according to sean he initially only entered her home in an attempt to rape her but when she screamed he panicked and slashed her throat and then stabbed her around 50 times in the head genitals and chest oh my god yes um so the sheer amounts of wounds to her head nearly decapitated her decapitated her oh my god she was almost disemboweled that's how many times he stabbed her wow that's some fucking anger right there really fucking brutal and he very very intentionally stabbed her breasts genitals yeah like intentionally so wow that tells you something and this was his first murder so he had never even done anything like this before
Starting point is 01:25:53 oh my god wow so police i know it's just a terrible start so police at the time had no clue who was responsible for this and meanwhile sean was at home just basically becoming more and more obsessed with violent porn that depicted rape death dismemberment and he even showed terry his girlfriend like the porn he was watching and she was like um no thanks i'm not interested in that and on the one hand it's like you know just because someone's interested in something online doesn't mean that they're acting this out right in real life but it was definitely a red flag to her of like okay i guess let's keep having this platonic relationship because i'm not interested in that kind of right sexual behavior sure sure so she knew that he watched this and some people say like well then how did she not know he was a serial killer but it's like those don't necessarily equate like
Starting point is 01:26:43 there are plenty of people who watch fucked up porn and don't go out and slash 81 year old women to death yeah just because someone is into and don't say can confirm because no no no no but but uh you know yeah that's definitely that porn exists because someone's into it yeah there's an audience there's an audience it doesn't mean that that's something they actually do maybe it's just their own mental escape in some way it's just their thing right everyone's got a thing everyone's got a thing i tell you what just ask linda just ask linda she'll tell you she knows it all i'll tell you what's it all so after the murder of ann bryan uh sean wouldn't kill for another five years so i guess he got his first fix and then waited another half a decade interesting i know so on january 4th 1999 the body of katherine
Starting point is 01:27:32 hall age 30 was found murdered and naked at the end of a dark rural road and according to a documentary on crime watch daily the most horrifying fact was that she was found on her back in a kind of balletic pose so like ballet like like kind of dainty ballet that's a balletic pose next to a dead-end sign which was thought to be his sort of sick sense of humor oh no isn't that gross that's fucked up yeah and one more horrifying detail about the discovery according to detective barry white he had sex with her after she was dead which i'd like to insert my own commentary, which is this is called rape. Not right. He had sex with her, but sure. OK, he raped her after she was dead.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Very close examination of her mouth showed that there was a pubic hair with a root ball, which is like sounds disgusting, but it's like the the root of the hair. It had the the root ball, hair right right uh it had the the root ball which allowed for full dna testing well at least but that being said yes so they had a dna sample exactly but unfortunately uh he wasn't in the system so there was no way to kind of tie it back to him but again they knew it was not derrick todd lee so they were like well shit it's somebody different it's such a very it's such a such a small silver lining but at least at least they got dna yeah yeah exactly yikes um so another four years later well you'll see because it seemed like four years later but it turns out later on he admitted to other murders that occurred within that four-year period but at the time it seemed like another four years later
Starting point is 01:29:02 um after the discovery of katherine's body according to detective oh sorry no wait i'm reading the wrong bullet again look at least i'm just impressed you can read so oh thanks i've worked really hard in your class so i appreciate you teaching me that's why my in my reality course all of the manuals are picture books because i oh right i wouldn't expect anything else they're also scratch and sniff which is super fun they sure are they sure are oh okay so anyway seemingly another four years later uh the killer struck again so on october 9th 2003 johnny may williams a mother of three and an avid baker was found face down in the woods decomposing and it was actually a little boy who found her he ran to tell his father and at first the father said don't play around but when the father went
Starting point is 01:29:49 over to see what the boy is like insisting he found he finds exactly what the boy insisted he found which is a dead body and according to the police gillis had posed her looking for the shock factor so her this is so gross i'm sorry her legs had been sliced down the back and the front um and she had her arms folded under her so when she was rolled over her arms fell out and her hands had been cut off so they like rolled out of the body oh isn't this just like that's really next level gruesome i mean this is like the dexter show i'm watching like it's so fucked up and psychologically i want to know like what the what the message there is and like what what's causing him to want to go quote above and beyond
Starting point is 01:30:37 in such a sick way yeah i mean you know what later he actually wrote a letter i don't think i have it in my notes but later he actually wrote a letter to the best friend of one of his victims and it might have been her actually and he said i don't know what in me like drives the need for this kind of like violence and sadism like he literally said i'm not sure what like he recognized it almost like i can't figure out why i have this need this urge he's like i also don't fucking get it yeah he's like trust me i don't get it either it's just it's like it's it feels i mean i i'm no fucking expert but it feels like he wants to stand out and be different from anyone else that's done this stuff i mean to to go that to be that i don't want to really use that word but to be that extra yeah and the the posing and have like the shock value dead end sign and then to like plan ahead so when they roll her over
Starting point is 01:31:26 she her hands you realize she doesn't have hands i mean it just feels like i want you to fucking remember me well you're this isn't your your everyday murder you know well you're completely onto something because he did have like a hang up he had like um an insecurity about derrick todd lee because he was compared to him but was like always always wanted to outdo him and was always scared that Derek Todd Lee was gonna outdo him I'm pretty sure I'm BD Wong from Law and Order then I mean I just if you were BD Wong I would have a much much greater obsession with you sorry um unfortunately maybe it'll develop over time but fingers crossed I but I I really i that in
Starting point is 01:32:06 that moment i was like that psychology degree really you fucking hit the nail on the head thanks mom for the for all that college uh support you gave me em you gotta watch mind hunter that's like you gotta watch it i know you don't watch the true crime but it's so good i know i know okay so in any case where are we right the hands fell off so even though her hands were cut off an inspection of the body a human hair was found on her and they could tell it belonged to a caucasian male so it seemed like it was the same person who had struck several years before and then he would strike again thankfully for his final time on february 27 2004 so now we're back to donna bennett johnston with the tattoo okay so
Starting point is 01:32:46 two residents were looking for their dog when they stopped at a bridge and saw what appeared to be a white female lying face down in a ravine which would later be determined to be only blocks from sean gillis's home it was donna bennett johnson johnston mentioned earlier and it became apparent to police that this was the act of the same killer of the two previous crimes and as i mentioned earlier she had a butterfly tattoo on her leg and the tattoo had been like carved out of her leg which is like sick um from the inspection police knew that donna fought her murder so they found his dna under the fingernails of her right arm and i specify right arm because her left arm was missing oh wow it's almost like each
Starting point is 01:33:27 of these crimes is like so sadistic but they're different like he does something different each time you know yeah i mean it's like it's definitely and it makes me wonder this is a really sick thing to say and i'm not trying to sound funny i really am not but it sounds like he's almost going for creativity there like it's like and i i mentioned it earlier and that like he wanted to like stand out yeah but it's almost like he kept having like he was almost in competition with himself yeah yeah like trying to be like okay how do i make this one how do i make this one more shocking than the last how do i make this one more shocking than the last so well and i also wonder if it's like him trying to figure out his own like perversions or his own desires, because I feel like over time he developed this MO.
Starting point is 01:34:08 And like with this with this murder, they later found the left arm at his home and he had been using it to masturbate. So like for that, he used it fully for himself. So I wonder if like over time he was like, you know, what would be great for me this time or, you know, developing. That's interesting. I was going to say, too, like like the the tattoo was missing i was like did he save it like did he use yeah i don't know because you know a lot of murders will like take something from the crime scene trophies or i was even thinking do you think he goes into each murder knowing already what he's gonna do or on the fly he's like okay i'm gonna take your arm off or did he plan that that's a good question because he left hairs on the body so he wasn't like super
Starting point is 01:34:51 duper careful yeah it feels impulsive like he left dna yeah and uh but yeah you wonder if he planned it ahead because with the arm too that he brought home he um painted the fingernails and like gave it a manicure like it's just gross and then he used it to masturbate so who knows what the fuck was going through his head um interesting bd wong are you gonna help me no i got nothing bd wong this is this is the stumper this is why bd wong kind of take like a second senior year or something like you mean go to the fbi and get a phd after after his victory lap he had a little success yeah yeah yeah yeah got it okay after his victory lap um so according to police uh okay wait let's see where am i so they found donna her tattoo was missing her arm was missing so now police have four women who have been murdered and horribly mutilated and they know
Starting point is 01:35:42 it was probably the same person because of the mo and geography and as mentioned before police are armed with a lot of dna evidence from under the fingernails so they when they run the dna again it doesn't match anybody it does however match the dna from the other three so they're determining all four of these victims were killed by the same man got it so investigators return to the crime scene and they are like looking around to see if anything around where they found the body could give them any sort of clue and there pressed into the mud was a clue that they almost missed and it was a tire track wow okay i know something i never i would have stomped right on over that oh i would have rolled over with my own car and
Starting point is 01:36:21 mixed it all up driven over the tire track. Now back to my hunch, as John Mulaney would say. Yeah. Oh, my God. I don't want to get out of the car. I'm just going to drive over there. Yeah, exactly. Oh, boy. So they find this tire track in a cow pasture.
Starting point is 01:36:37 And it was a Goodyear tire. And thank God they made a cast of the tire and found that it was a very rare tire that was manufactured very briefly and barely ever sold fucking lucky i know that's like so lucky exactly it's not just like some costco special you know um i say that because i'm getting new tires next week because i my car doesn't know what snow is interesting okay it's it's really good for me and my anxiety make sure you get the most commonly used tire yeah you're right you can never find you also the person who made like made the first like like rubber mold of a tire track for a murder case must have felt like a fucking genius yeah be like let me get some my kids doing a uh what are they called when they put plaster uh paper
Starting point is 01:37:22 mache paper mache let me get some of that glue and put it in this tire track can you imagine like i like i like to think that the person who did the first like casting was probably like his dad like didn't believe in him for his art passion yeah and then he was like i'm gonna change the fucking world and he solves a murder yeah he wanted to go to art school that's such a good point i i love that tmtm we're gonna write a story about it a movie yeah perfect we're gonna we're gonna end it where like it's the thanksgiving dinner where he tells his dad like what he's been up to at work and he's like his dad's so impressed by like this case that has been solved and then it he finds out his son
Starting point is 01:38:00 it was me dad yep it was me all along it was me all along you'll see they'll all see you'll see they'll all see wow now he sounds like he's becoming a murderer that'll be the second film in the series that's the spinoff and then they and then they use his his own tactics against him to solve i see they're like he loves that plaster of paris uh also pretend you heard nothing because this is spoiling the entire film series so don't worry. Oh, I thought you meant spoiling this. I thought you meant spoiling this exact story. No, I'm sorry. That would have been.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Not only am I BD Wong, I'm also a bestselling author. And you're that psychic neighbor who knows exactly what's about to happen. I have so many great qualities this week. You are so disturbingly many different personalities. It's the truth. So, okay, they find this tire track and it turns out that there are only a couple hundred sets of this particular tire that have been sold in the area so they have about 200 people on a list and they're like go through
Starting point is 01:38:56 every one of these people and rule them out until we find the guy so the task force goes and talks to everybody who has purchased these tires within the last 12 months and uh sean gillis is number 26 on the list wow that i know also also very lucky that they were able he's pretty close to the top shave down so much time because they could have had to do that another like seven times or something i wonder if it's alphabetical because g is pretty early in the alphabet i wonder i don't know i'm not sure um a lot so they ask them to go talk to everybody who bought these tires and get a dna swab from their like an oral sample an oral dna swab from everybody so ultimately they interview sean he's one of the people on the list and sure enough he's called in to be interviewed and uh he was unemployed at the time and police remember him being very soft-spoken uh very intelligent according to officers who
Starting point is 01:39:50 interviewed him he had no criminal history he came across as a mild-mannered science fiction geek and was even wearing a star trek uss enterprise belt buckle at the time so yeah he was a fucking nerd i was gonna say i thought it said t-shirt and i was like okay i wear t-shirts that oh a belt buckle that's next level fandom yeah that like you have to go out of your way to find a belt buckle for all my fandoms i don't i don't have a single belt buckle so me neither yeah we're such fair weather that guy's really he's committed a committed sci-fi he's hardcore yeah so uh sure so blah blah blah they interview him and they at first they were like okay i guess technically like he hypothetically got away with it there's nothing on first impression that was
Starting point is 01:40:37 like a huge red flag until he says to officers um as he's like getting ready to leave he tells them that he actually knew johnny may who was one of the victims and they were like oh oh let's look at our handy dandy notebooks and write that down oh that sounds important and he said he used to pay her to clean his house sometimes which was actually true and so they were like that that's odd. And he even admitted then to being near Donna Johnson's particular crime scene. And when they asked why, he said, oh, you know, my time tracks actually might be in that field. It's like he was almost trying to like, excuse himself before they could give him a chance. That's yeah, that's what I get the sense of. Like he's trying to like own up to some stuff. That way it looks like he's not shocked and guilty later.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Yes. So if they can prove they're his tire tracks, he's already given a quote explanation as to why they're there. He's beaten them to the punch. Yeah. Which like, don't say a word, folks. Like if they're asking you these questions, if you didn't do it, if you murdered someone, let's tell everybody by all means. But if you didn't, just wait for your damn lawyer.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Don't say a damn word. So he admitted that his tire tracks might have been there. And they were like, why? And he said, oh, well, you know, I had some beer and needed to go to the bathroom real bad and knew I wasn't going to make it to the house. You know what I'm saying. My bladder was how they put it. Cheech and Chong put it one time. My eyes are floating.
Starting point is 01:42:04 That's how I felt. So they put it. Cheech and Chong put it one time. My eyes are floating. That's how I felt. So they're sure. Yeah. So they were basically like, okay, he has weird excuses that he's giving us before we even blame him for anything that he knew or he knew one of the victims and he may have had tire tracks right near the second body. Like a little fishy. So they're like red flag red flag but they can't necessarily keep him because they don't have proof so they finally got a warrant they uh searched his car and they found blood in the car and don't worry he explained it i was not
Starting point is 01:42:39 worried because he seems like he's really good at explaining things do you have a guess like just take a fucking guess at what he what his excuse was for why there was blood in his in his car um i want to say something as simple as like a nosebleed but you're you're on the right track but he was flossing too hard that's a good one what that would if you ever find blood in my fucking car i promise it's probably because because i was flossing not even that hard it just all my gums just fucking suck yeah my mouth just exploded at the thought of flossing that's um so he told police that his wife had been on her period i was okay i did think it and i did not i knew i had a feeling you were on the right track with that um because it just sounds like the dumbest excuse on the planet
Starting point is 01:43:29 um and i met his girlfriend sorry not his wife um but he said about a month after we got the car my girlfriend got her period she had her period and it just soaked through the front car seat i mean it's like i said it looked like a massacre in that front seat and nice cute charming well also also like i feel like that's not good enough the reason i was gonna not say nosebleed is because like can't you just check that so quickly like match the dna oh yeah and don't worry there were there were more questions before they even checked because they said well why is there blood all over the back seat and do you have a guess as to how the blood got in the backseat? She was ashamed and threw her underwear in the back or something? No, that's a better excuse than he gave, which is that the wind was really strong that day.
Starting point is 01:44:11 And it blew her blood out of her vagina and into the backseat. So when, first of all, we're just going to ignore defying physics. Defying physics. When, first of all, we're just going to ignore defying physics. And then went through the car from the window, scooped underneath her, and then wasn't strong enough to lift a human body, but definitely wiped her clean like Cinderella in a chimney. Just got rid of it all, and it all ended up in the back. Well, you're actually on the right track, but you didn't totally get the whole physics of it so what happened m let me explain it like bill nye would so what happened is please she got had her period you know it got all over the front seat and then suddenly the wind picked up right and the gust of wind you know she was surfing the red
Starting point is 01:44:56 wave as i like to say on my baseball cap i know it oh here it is let me put it on real quick to explain this is my handy dandy period hat okay what's your name la roja something surfer roja rojo surfer rojo okay surf in the red wave so essentially right she starts bleeding the wind picks up and it goes out the window and then back into the window it goes oh so it's not going okay so it's not actually going over the middle console exactly it's going loop-de-loop around the window right it's doing like half a figure eight yep yeah back into the car because a little semi-circle now that's fucking stupid that's so fucking dumb he said in that in that moment if i were the cop i would have been like turn around i would have been like
Starting point is 01:45:42 i quit this is so dumb i can't even hear anymore i quit the force goodbye i i would have been like, turn around, please. I would have been like, I quit. This is so dumb. I can't even hear anymore. I quit the force. Goodbye. I would have been like, just put your hands behind your back. Just walk into jail now, please. Yeah, he said that his girlfriend's period blood flew out the front seat window, then flew back into the car to land in the back seat. So the police immediately called for a search warrant of his entire house. And they called the crime lab to prioritize processing his DNA swab.
Starting point is 01:46:07 The lab worked super fast. And in the time they had to wait for the test results to come back, the police were worried that Gillis might run or might kill again. So after several excruciating hours waiting, the phone rings and it's a crime lab. And they say, it's him. So they're like, got him. Bada bing, bada boom. Now that's Hoboken style, baby. Yeah. The boss has spoken um so they call a court judge to get a warrant for the arrest and on april 29 2004 at 1 20 a.m
Starting point is 01:46:34 1 20 a.m they burst into his house to arrest him a SWAT team enters to find gillis in bed with his girlfriend terry as they enter terry's obviously startled has no idea why a SWAT team is in their house she begins yelling what's going on what's going on and according to terry sean just looks at her shrugs his shoulders and says sorry honey bunny good night which apparently is a quote from uh pulp fiction which someone says in pulp fiction which i learned from true crime all the time because i'm not cool enough to remember that from the movie can you imagine being this fucking woman by the way in history where like now she has to be like yep i'm the one whose period flies around like a fucking bird she's like you said what that's right i'm the bloody honey bunny that's me honey but that does sound like pulp
Starting point is 01:47:18 fiction put that on a hat in spanish hang on a second oh so then one of the SWAT team says to terry didn't you know you're living with a serial killer which is like okay shut up guy and she remembers just laughing and saying boy do you have the wrong house because she literally didn't believe it she was like what are you talking about um so later once sean had been taken into the police station uh while still in a state of disbelief that the police were accusing her boyfriend of these heinous crimes she went in to speak to him and she said like sean how did you kill three people and he said oh there were eight oh and so she apparently like collapsed on the floor and he said sorry honey bunny again okay it's like the
Starting point is 01:47:57 joke didn't land the first time it's not nobody got it bud no one got it bunny or whatever oh so then terry was like so shocked because at first she's like well now i feel like shit because he's murdering these women and i didn't even have a clue you know and so in retrospect she does remember that once she was in the car with him and he had like the car had an awful odor in it and she was like what is that smell and he told her he had hit like roadkill like he had hit an animal and she went back to bed and he went and cleaned the car and it turns out later he had been driving her around with one of the bodies in the trunk that's just the worst i mean i've no personal experience here but it feels like the like hindsight knowing that you were so close to a really fucking yes awful situation and just like like sleeping next to him you know the second i
Starting point is 01:48:46 found out about that that i was driving around in a car with a corpse i'd be like aha well thank god my therapist is on speed dial because here i go thank god my fair my menstrual blood can defy gravity because uh it needs to take me away i'm about to ride it like a magic carpet on the way to therapy surfer red surfer right surf it on out of there surf the wave out the window i tell you really so on another occasion she noticed that he was racking up a lot of miles like on the odometer and she wanted to know who he was driving around with thinking he was cheating on her but as police later said he wasn't cheating he was hunting and that's how he got all those miles that's not the word we need to use it's's not a good word. It's not a good word.
Starting point is 01:49:25 So, of course, as soon as he's interrogated, like, the truth comes spouting out of him like a fountain. He is so proud of his achievements. At one point, he even says, I'm sorry I hurt people, but I would do it again, which is like, so you're not sorry. Okay, cool. You mean, I'm sorry, honey bunny. Yeah, honey bunny. So he didn't even show any shame? No. Wow. I mean,
Starting point is 01:49:50 he said a couple times like, Oh, yeah, I feel bad for what like, I feel bad that I did that. But not genuine. Like, I don't think he was even lying. I think he was just like, Oh, yeah, that wasn't a great thing to do. But he didn't really care. You know, like he was thinking not a cute look. Yeah, exactly. And I think it's one of those things where it's more like, that sucks that I got caught. and now I'm in jail. Wow. Big bummer for the year. Womp womp. Yeah. So he also said, if anything in my useless life comes out, help the little girls of today not to be the premature corpses of tomorrow, which is like, why don't you help the boys not make the girls premature corpses of tomorrow? How about we go from that angle, idiot? girl's premature corpses of tomorrow how about we go from that angle idiot um and so when delving into the four women he was accused of killing police realized that this is only the tip of the iceberg when he began naming other victims so he admitted to the four they had arrested him for and
Starting point is 01:50:36 then he admitted to four more so they were hardy mosley schmidt who was found in saint james parish near a bayou on highway 61 in 1947 sean gillis had hit her with his car as she was jogging uh as she was jogging through pollard estates on her morning run okay i said 1947 i think i meant 1997 sorry uh 19 i was like how no um he's also a time traveler yeah i guess so 1997 he this is what he did he saw her jogging he like tracked her like he hunted her for lack of a better word then he fucking drove her down with his car jumped out and i'm gonna tell you now which i haven't told you yet how he murdered them oh i hadn't even thought of it it's very scary and it it really is gonna give me nightmares tonight he had industrial strength zip ties
Starting point is 01:51:25 and he would put them around their neck and tighten it no christine that's it i don't i'm done goodbye emothy this is why i couldn't say it up top i was like i have to like gather my strength that's okay because at first you hear oh he killed them with zip ties and it's like okay but then you think about it and it's like once it's tightened like you can't untighten it even even if he fucking regretted it even if he changed his mind or even if she ran away like yeah oh i know so it's fucking awful and they were industrial strength so they weren't coming off hey guess what i have a new fucking fear thank you me too i was listening to the true crime all the time podcast and i was like why would you do this at nine in the morning i was driving you to daycare
Starting point is 01:52:09 and i was screaming like how could you put this thought in my head i'm like i'm like making weird like like neck i know it's trying to keep my neck expanded like keep trying to like like i know just oh christine that's really it's so the fact that i mean like in my head in this moment i still can't even process that that happened to a real person i'm in my head it's still being treated as a hey wouldn't that be terrible if someone actually had to deal with that but someone has had to deal with that exactly it's almost like when you watch at least when i watch like dexter whatever i'm like okay or criminal And I'm like, this is so heinous. And then I get in my head and start thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:52:46 And I'm like, okay, it's a TV show. Like it's just a TV show, but this is just the worst. Cause you're like, oh no, this actually happened to several people. God, that's just, I hate this. And the people that he also targeted, a lot of them were sex workers
Starting point is 01:52:58 and he would describe them as people that society wouldn't miss. And so that's how he kind of decided he was going to victimize people and that's how he often got them into his car uh so just just another fun fact um but yeah so the zip tie thing is probably the worst thing i've ever really that really is just so so terrible oh my god i can't stop thinking about it it's like a new fear that's gonna keep me up at night that i didn't know i had um so sorry i had it so now everyone else has to have it so he picked her up off the side of the road after he hits her with his car grabs her puts the zip tie on tightens it
Starting point is 01:53:35 as quickly as he can again and puts her puts her in this is just the the first one on the list i'm just describing how he did it so yeah he he hit her with his car grabbed her put the zip tie on tossed her in the trunk oh and that's the one that the girlfriend was in the car and smelled something later oh my god yeah wow so uh joyce williams was the second person that they hadn't known about she had gone missing november 12th 1999 but her body was found behind a levee in baton rouge in january 2000 according to his confession gillis picked her up on highway 19 and rode around for a while singing along with the songs on the radio he then brought her to rosedale road in port allen and killed her with another nylon zip tie before bringing her to his home where he dismembered her cut off her nipples and ate them okay i'm sorry i don't know what to tell you but
Starting point is 01:54:31 it's so bad christine christine sorry christine sorry christine holding it like a comfort blanket i'm holding the sound i am i've been so i had a bunch of panels so while this one's been sitting here i've been trying to angle the other one so i've like is that what's happening that's what's been happening but now this is just like an ipad i was like oh i was playing best fiends over there no i've been trying to like make a like a 360 wall around the microphone but i see yeah now it's become a comfort now it's just my thunder buddy at this point. What the fuck? Your thunder buddy. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:55:08 Okay, well, now we know my oral fixation, and now all I can do is imagine the consistency of a nipple between my molars. Okay, well, now all I can do. God damn it. Oh, I'm sorry, Christine. I'm sorry. You're right.
Starting point is 01:55:21 I'm in the wrong. You're right. Also, cutting off nipples is something i think about a lot and like just terms of pain yeah i know that's so weird but i i think about i think about like nipples falling off of bodies way more than is probably mentally healthy but like the fact and i've always it's been like a secret fear in my head and now that you just said that out loud i was like oh so someone has made that a reality oh certainly fuck and then chewed on them like they were little pieces of gum or something and then went gulp yeah he also
Starting point is 01:55:53 practiced that's the thing where i was saying earlier like he was practicing different things trying out different things to find he certainly fucking was yeah that's some that i'm sorry like that's not even musk experimental that is just like that's very much illegal homicidal experimentation um yes but i'm saying like i've never even didn't even cross my stupid little mind until you said someone has chewed on that's worse than ed gein using the nipples as a tool at least this guy was using them as a fucking movie theater snack oh my god yeah take it please continue it's really heinous so i'm just gonna keep talking because you know this is fun um so
Starting point is 01:56:31 chewing cannibalism he tried it out why not um the third person was lillian robinson who disappeared january of 2000 but was found march of 2000 he had also killed her with the industrial zip tie and then brought her to his home before dumping her into the bayou and then the fourth one the last one that they hadn't known about was marilyn neville's 38 who was murdered in october 2000 gillis picked her up in lafayette on his way to visit his godchild how charming oh yeah cute when she got into his car he reached for a zip tie but mara this is this is um i'm sorry okay christine i hate christine i've never had such a guttural reaction against the story of yours you had me at nipples you had me at fucking zip ties and now whatever is about whatever you're about to do to me i don't
Starting point is 01:57:20 like it okay he what what just say it's the same sort of okay he uh reached for zip tie but she fought him and escaped from the car he chased her across a field and then hit her with a piece of metal rebar and before she could get away he wrapped the zip tie around her and tightened it so it was like she almost got away and then at the last second he got that zip tie and it was like at that point you're screwed because you even if you run away you can't get that off it's too late yeah it's too late um it's just terrible so he brought her to a car wash laid her on the ground while he cleaned his car and yeah all these fucking little activities like oh he was just humming to the radio like legitimately it's heinous out of here um he heinous um he put her on the ground took her home then
Starting point is 01:58:05 took a shower with her corpse uh before bringing her to river road and leaving her body on top of a levee and the saddest part was that for four until he was arrested and admitted to it not one person had ever reported her missing that's sad it is sad and and that was like what he explained was his his goal was he would target sex workers who he believed would be the least quote unquote missed by society, which is so sick in its own way. But yeah, nobody ever reported her missing. Wow. And a lot of these women had children and families, obviously. So and were further traumatized by the media portraying a lot of these women.
Starting point is 01:58:41 And not all of them were sex workers, but the ones who were the media obviously like leaned into that too and that was extra hard on the children who were like she was a person right like you know um so he also talked police through his uh ritual as soon as terry left for her night shift which was you let me out on the street i'll find somebody before sundown he would hunt women kill mutilate them and then use their bodies for sexual gratification he'd look for sex workers people with drug addictions anyone who looked helpless or willing to get into his car or not because then he would just fucking run them or not yeah or they would run away and he would drag them back to his car um once inside his car he'd use a white nylon tie lock like a zip tie um and he said we're talking two and a half feet long maybe five so like mega industrial ziploc so like giving himself as much line basically as he needs
Starting point is 01:59:33 to like to like pull it motherfucker and then he said and then i slip it on her head then he explained casually to the police what he'd do once he brought the bodies back to the house which he had a lot of time because his girlfriend was at work um with donna johnston he said he held her bathed her held her to himself um and then he said you know no i don't know um no cannot relate and then cannot relate uh and then he said i mean we were taking a shower you know why do you keep saying you know well he also keeps calling people like little bunnies or something so i i don't get it yeah and so like i said he gave a manicure to the severed hand uh and while terry was at work he even performed an autopsy on joyce williams body on the kitchen
Starting point is 02:00:16 floor yeah you know you know fucking casual you know after discovering this when police sprayed the baseboards of the kitchen floor the cabinets lit up like a christmas tree with uh luminol of you know blood spatter yeah gilson's computer was analyzed which obviously had plenty of fun evidence on it as well uh he had taken photos like trophies of his victims bodies um when he staged them so that he could take them home as trophies uh he even took a picture of the victim in the trunk of his car and in the photo was his own goddamn license plate fucking idiot guy yeah smart um he had 45 digital pictures downloaded to his computer of johnson's
Starting point is 02:00:56 mutilated body alone and on the other okay another thing they found on his computer was a document called DTL, which stood for Derek Todd Lee. And that was the other serial killer who was active around the same time. And in this document, he would store news and information about Lee's crimes. And he later went on to allege that he feared being outdone by Lee. So he was like tracking him to make sure he could one up him. Like doing recon to make sure. Yeah. Oh, he hasn't he hasn't outsmarted me or out disgusted me yet. Yep. Yep. was like tracking him to make sure he could one-up him like doing recon to make sure that yeah oh he
Starting point is 02:01:25 hasn't he hasn't outsmarted me or out disgusted me yet yep yep like i want to be remembered like he said in the interrogation they also broached his upbringing to to be like where does his necrophilia come from and your obsession with like raping people after death and it turns out he actually had a sexual fascination with his own mother which seems to be a common fucking thing in these stories and uh when asked whether he had ever thought about having sex with his mother he responded with yes of course you know you know say you know but yeah i had the same thought uh he responded with yes of course she's not an unattractive woman even if you see her and meet her now i thought if she passed away y'all would find me in bed with her yeah oh my god and his mother is still alive to hear all this bullshit come out of his mouth isn't that great yeah she's like wait what oh my god and she thought he was like an
Starting point is 02:02:16 angel and imagine that poor i don't know if they were roommates or partners or the platonic relationship oh his girlfriend yeah they were dating they're dating okay like imagine that poor woman who now looks back and says like oh well you definitely have the wrong house this guy's like nothing like what you think he is to then hear things like oh so we were platonic the whole time you were thinking about banging your mom and a bunch of corpses okay oh my god i just at that point be glad he didn't want to have sex with me i'd be like i know i'd be like dodged a fat bullet yeah totally especially when she's like i'm not interested in this violent photo you're showing me don't want to practice that with you no thank you um sean vince aguila stood for trial july 1st 2008 and while in court even more evidence emerged um there was a letter like i was saying earlier where he wrote to a friend of his final victim donna johnston and uh tammy had been her
Starting point is 02:03:10 name was tammy and she had been corresponding with sean while he was in jail and in his letter he like wrote out a confession of what he had done in detail um and he narrated donna's murder to her which is like can you imagine i mean it's so fucking dark and he said your friend died quickly she was so drunk it only took about a minute and a half to succumb to unconsciousness and then death and then signed it yours oh so beyond sorry sean vincent gillis so beyond sorry so beyond don't believe you and also like what like what's what was the goal there was he thinking the friend would like be proud of him or like was he bragging yeah like i don't get what the point was because he doesn't sound fucking sorry and it's not like anybody would think oh she's gonna enjoy this
Starting point is 02:03:54 confession i'm about to write her like she'll feel better right it's like twisted i'm not really sure what the point was so who knows if he was just trying to like fuck around more and get more attention i'm not sure um but so that letter on top of everything else gave them first degree murder without any shadow of a doubt so with the overwhelming evidence the verdict was undeniable he was charged with the murders of katherine hall johnny may williams donna bennett johnson he was sentenced to three life terms and a year prior to the sentence he also pleaded guilty and was convicted in the killing of 36 year old joyce williams so to date he has been charged and convicted of seven of the eight murders police are still trying to gather more evidence to charge him with lillian robinson's
Starting point is 02:04:34 murder and final note he's now 58 which surprises me because to me he feels much older but now i'm thinking like this was in the 2000s so it's not even that long ago um but so many of these stories are like older you know yeah um but yeah so he's only 58 he's at louisiana louisiana state penitentiary um sometimes this is the best this is the best line sometimes he's known as the other baton rouge killer what what a perfect dig i know oh my gosh yeah so because derrick todd lee is known as the baton rouge serial killer uh so he's known as the other one which i'm sure just ticks him off to no fucking end um so as for terry she actually still lives in the house in the house they shared in the house that she moved into that was his sean's and his parent his mom's house back in the day so she still lives there which is like all right you do you man i
Starting point is 02:05:30 mean wow that'd be tough mentally for me but she's still there uh she still has gillis's car which is named buffy so that's let bd wong handle that one i, okay. I shall. You froze me in that moment. I was like, I got nothing. Yeah, so Buffy is still there sitting in the backyard rotting away. And that is the story of Sean Vincent Gillis, the other Baton Rouge serial killer, as I like to call him.
Starting point is 02:05:57 I love that. I love that they gave him a name. It won't give him the satisfaction. Yeah, that's, I mean, come on. That's, they should also really nickname him like the shittiest one or like the one that like no one loves or cares about like what's his name the unimpressive one yeah yeah the boring unimpressive guy wow the one star rated murderer one star serial killer well and interestingly enough in that same letter he actually mentioned too like it was only until 10 years ago that I ever felt an urge to harm another person.
Starting point is 02:06:27 So who knows what the fuck happened 10 years before that, like, made him decide all of a sudden this was his new plan. Because until that point, it's not like he had, he said he never had fascination with murder growing up. He never had, like, he never killed anyone or hurt anyone until he was that age. And then he was like i can't help it i'm gonna do it wow well weird hmm all right i anyway great story i mean it takes a lot to make me cringe and it does i feel pretty i mean as fucked up as it is i feel pretty honored that uh you know episode 209 i i gotcha all it took was the was chewing on nipples i got instant uh goosebumps on that one yeah actually i'm getting it now still
Starting point is 02:07:14 so like it's nice to know like if if like i don't i don't even know i don't even know i where are we going with this sentence i don't know i i froze halfway through and i was like even i don't know so never mind um thank you I was like, even I don't know. So never mind. Thank you for the trauma. I can't wait to call my therapist. Thanks for the trauma. Thanks for the... We'll chop it.
Starting point is 02:07:34 We'll chop it. We'll chop it. Anyway, also thank you for those who chose to stick around after that. You had the option to not listen. Yeah, this is not our fault. You stayed in a chair. Jealous of you. I would have turned off the show by now. had the option to not listen so yeah this is not our fault you stayed jealous of you and i would
Starting point is 02:07:45 have i would have turned off the show by now um but thank you for listening to another episode of and that's why we drink and we appreciate uh you putting up with that that was great yes you can find us at atww podcast our website is and that's why we um if you want to buy tickets to our live show our virtual live show which is going to be super fun, go to slash atwwd, and we'll be reading creepy stories that you sent in. So can't wait. And you can send them in to, don't send them into our normal website or our normal email address, send it to atwwdfromourcouches at And that's, those will be the stories that are picked from or selected from. Yeah. And I that's those will be the stories that are picked from or
Starting point is 02:08:25 selected from yeah and I believe the 22nd is the deadline for that yes okay perfect oh thank you everyone and hopefully this was the next time hopefully this was the most traumatic part of your week see you next time and that's why
Starting point is 02:08:41 we drink

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