And That's Why We Drink - E21 Four Pounds of Uneaten Bacon and A Deeply Holy-Some Blonde

Episode Date: June 25, 2017

Take a trip with us down the extremely windy road of episode 21, in which Em compares Christine’s upcoming wedding to an axe murder and we also discover Em’s alter-ego is a wacky waving inflatable... tube man.Em and her gelatinous limbs tell us all about the Villisca Axe Murders, while Christine’s story about the still-at-large killer Robert William Fisher the turns into a sort of dark version of Sesame Street.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 baby geo baby geo baby geo mama mia let me go he's so handsome little baby baby geo he's so sweet he's so sweet i'm touching his ear ah he's so cute welcome to and that's why we drink and that is why i drink sure because you're full fucking engaged now yay which means no no in the bad way hi i'm engaged hi like what like not even a hundred hours into being engaged i'm already getting texts about her with her wedding magazines and she's found a venue already she already texted me it was like are you free next october to fly with us to cincinnati so like it's all been planned it only took a week guys that's so embarrassing no the embarrassing thing do what you can do with your with your hand now oh she'll she'll go everywhere now with a with a glass of wine in her left hand she'll go look what i can do
Starting point is 00:01:07 i can make a toast with my finger she does it all the time it's not fun anymore she's like hey guess what i can do ding ding ding ding and i'm realizing how much wine you drink because you do it all the time so embarrassed oh yeah that true. I constantly have a wine glass in my hand. Yeah. The thing is, I very much was not expecting it. Like, I was expecting it sometime this summer, but for sure not on the day that it happened because I had not washed my hair and we were eating Indian food and my improv team was coming over. But that being said, after it happened, I was like, I guess I'm allowed.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Like, I never was the kind of girl who was like, I'm going to have this at my wedding and this at my wedding. And then it hit me yesterday that. You can have whatever you want. I can actually plan, like, a real event and it's okay for me to go online and Google dresses and shit like that. You probably could have since you've been with him for five years. Right, but it was something where I was like, well, I don't want to, like, get ahead of myself. And all of a sudden I've just, like, nosedived off the deep end into, like, these Pinterest, basically.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I definitely thought it was going to be a secret I kept for several months, not several weeks. It was, he thought so, too, and I thought so, too. Well, I definitely, because I remember I was telling Kirk, Kirk at work. Aw. Oh, we're Kirk. Why don't we call him that? I don't know. That's clever.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I was telling him probably, like, three weeks ago now, something like that. Almost a month ago. I was like, Christine's an idiot because you were saying ahead of time before you knew that you were getting proposed to, you're like, if, if Blaze ever like tries to take me on an adventure, then I'll know. Then I'll know that like, that it's, that's, that's the moment he's going to do it. And then a week later you're like, oh, well, Blaze is taking me, like, to some hiking thing for our anniversary. And it did not hit you at all.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Or you didn't bring it up. And I was like, Christine, you said yourself that you would assume something. Well, I knew. And you hadn't said anything at all. I knew that's when it was. But I didn't want to get, I'm, like, that person who never wants to get her hopes up. So I'm like, you know what? If it doesn't happen, it'll be a fun trip for us.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Maybe he'll do it over Christmas. Like, I don't know. I don't like to like get ahead of myself. So I was like, it'll just happen when it happens. And then it happened when I was for sure not expecting it. And I was like, God damn it, Blaze. He really did catch you off guard. Oh, I looked so horrible.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I was like, well. And my stepmom goes, did he take you to a beautiful, nice dinner overlooking? And I'm like, no, no, no. He was in your dirty apartment with your dog i had not and then i immediately had to swiffer because my use my improv team was coming over what he was doing was showing you what your life will be like forever he's like stay in this mess with me for eternity he's like i see you like this and i still want to marry you so that has got to mean something it's okay i'm gonna make fun of you for for all that but i'm not even dating anyone so like who's the real winner here not me i'm just excited and i'm so
Starting point is 00:03:50 happy that i met em before all of this so now she can be a part of it and when i told her finally that like we had gotten engaged which she like knew was coming at some point she goes oh i left my phone charger in the car i'll be right back and she comes back with engagement gifts from her car they've been sitting in my car for months because i knew you were getting proposed to soon like he had already told me he was getting you a ring i just love that they were in your car not like in your apartment you were like i knew i knew you would probably try to surprise me which you did of course and so i was like well when she does that i have to be able to immediately surprise her so i look like damn i'm an equal friend for sure so i thought i thought
Starting point is 00:04:25 ahead of you thinking ahead yeah you one-up me yeah and so i've had those gifts in my car since the day after he told me he was getting you a ring so it's been sitting there forever and i was like you guys it's a mug that says i'm getting married bitches and i drink a coffee out of it every single morning and i send my mother a snapchat of it single morning. And she's like, yep, uh-huh, I get it. You've shown me that multiple times. You know what would be crazy? Tentatively, it's October of next year. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:04:51 You know, only five days in. We'll see how it goes. Yeah, we'll see. But that would be cool if by that time this podcast takes off and, like, think of how many fans will be saying thank you and congratulations. Aww. You'll have so many fans. I already had so many listeners write me and be like, we're so happy for you'll have so many fans i already had so many listeners write me and be like we're so happy for you and i'm like you are i don't know you but now
Starting point is 00:05:10 i'm crying people have been so nice but yeah so i'm very happy and em's coming to cincinnati with me and we can go on a haunted tour we'll be on a plane together for the first time it'll be a weekend of firsts i'm so excited yeah so that's my news and emma's the best and she's been so like patient tolerant patient with me throughout the whole thing so thank you the whole five days i can't wait to do this for a year and a half you're welcome um what are you drinking i'm drinking boxed wine welcome to my i'm an engaged woman when you're married maybe he'll buy you real wine well well I don't want to get my hopes up. What are you drinking?
Starting point is 00:05:47 The same as always, a house of pies milkshake. Aw, stick with the classics, just like me. Aw. Look at that. Classic Christine. Classic Christine. Why do you drink this week? Oh, you already told me.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Because you're married, or you're pre-married. I drink this week. That was also my reason because i'm engaged and then yesterday i was like blaze's aunt called and goes oh so when's the wedding we're like haha like she goes no no really when is it and we were like well we don't know she's like well you got to get started and then i like just googled like a basic what to do when you go first steps and the first steps are like 400 steps and And I'm like, wait, what? And there's every, I mean, it's, it's. It's like what bow tie to get geo.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Literally every little detail. And I'm like, wait, I didn't realize that I had to like suddenly be on board with all of this. So. Are you wearing a shirt with her face on it? Lisa's? Yeah. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Also, can I tell them your wedding hashtag? Wait, do. Oh, yeah. And came up with this. So Blaze's last name is Lampagnale. Very Italian. And so I decided that, like, Christine was like, oh, I'm trying to figure out what my wedding hashtag should be because that's like the trend.
Starting point is 00:06:58 My first statement was, do I need one? I guess so. And I said, yes, I've already came up with it. Oh, sure. So if anyone, aka everyone has seen Anchorman... Because I've already came up with it. Oh, sure. So if anyone, a.k.a. everyone, has seen Anchorman. Because you've already referenced Will's vagina. Yeah. San Diego.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I have. Yeah. San Diego. So in honor of Anchorman, I've decided that their wedding hashtag is ILoveLamp. And I'm so excited. That's the funniest thing, dude. You know that I made a bookmarked folder on my on chrome google chrome um with like just uh bookmarks of venues and stuff and it's called i love lamp i just think
Starting point is 00:07:32 it's so perfect the second i thought it i was like that's the one i don't know how you came up with like that was clever i came up with it within 30 seconds of you saying do i need a hashtag and i was like let me spit ball and the thing that was probably one of the first ones I threw at you that is a line that has like bit I love that movie and I love that line and you love lamp and I love lamp and Steve Carell is my favorite actor of all time so it's like perfect perfect perfect anyway anyway so when you guys are talking to Christine about her wedding in October 2018 you can all hashtag I love lamp we We'll know what it means. I love lamp. I'm going to make that a secondary hashtag because my parents will be like, I don't want you. What do you mean? You love lamps? At your wedding, whatever I'm wearing, I will be bringing a cape
Starting point is 00:08:15 that says I love lamp on it. And I'll just fly around the church. You'll fly around the church. Oh, can I get Gio a little, a little cape that says I love lamp? I can't even handle it. I'm going to do it. Oh my God. Oh, I'm so excited. I'm cape that says I love lamp? I can't even handle it. I'm going to do it. Oh, my God. Oh, I'm so excited. I'm so happy that you're so patient and kind with me. Someone has to. Someone has to be.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Someone has to when Blaze is out. When Blaze is at work. All right. Okay, before we start, I just want to say, give like, this is, I'm going to bring us down for a minute. Oh, that's fun. I know I just want to mention the event that happened this morning in Fairfax Virginia with that the 17 year old Muslim girl yeah Nabra Hassanin who was murdered outside a mosque after saying her Ramadan prayers
Starting point is 00:09:00 and it kind of threw me off today because I was prepping for our episode and I just wanted to make like a statement saying that you know we have to remember there are real people involved in these stories and although we're a podcast about murder and ghosts like we understand that people are real there are people real people and real families behind our stories and so my heart goes out to anyone who, you know, has been affected or feels like they're being targeted and her family. And we're kind of exploring a dark side of humanity with this podcast. So it's bound to be, you know, less than stellar at times,
Starting point is 00:09:36 but just wanted to send my, send my thoughts that their way. And that's all. That's my little's my little tribute i agree good i don't have i don't there's no way i can make that i'm glad you agree light-hearted what if you were like no i disagree no let's argue people who hate people for no reason are shitty people people who hurt other people anyway so that's kind of i just wanted to say i'm sorry to every single minority all the way up to simply being a female 100 and i just want to say we understand that you know we have to remember there are real people real victims and we're just exploring a darker side of humanity and that's that that's that all right um do you want to tell me is there anything else we got to cover are we good
Starting point is 00:10:26 i just have to do my regular apology for not being organized in my story okay so you're elementary school m again okay good lm entry lm entry uh because elementary my dear m i thought i was going to you didn't appreciate my... I heard it. I was just going to carry on with my life. That was a good call. I should have recognized it. Smart career move.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Should have accepted it and let it go. You didn't read the room. You just kept pulling me back in. Sometimes I force my way. Force my humor into the conversation. You're like, excuse me, did you hear me? I'm like, yeah, we did. Don't you want to talk about how funny I am?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Okay. Poor Blaze. Well, he chose that. That's true. I could still walk out. Oh, my God. For the rest of our lives. That doesn't even, that's not even a thing that ends.
Starting point is 00:11:21 That just keeps happening now. And then there'll be another ring and I can do a double, you know. One'll like be able to scat like boom oh man it's gonna be great that'd be a good time at your wedding i'll just do a little performance no no you're not there that's not what i'm talking about you're like you're on you're over somewhere else what wait a second you're holding the sign you're you're the person on the street doing the sign that's saying like go this way with like a car wash sign like you're gonna have like a i'm gonna have you do it a liquidation sale sign at your wedding it'll draw the crowd in are you also gonna have one of those giant like gumby men that like float around and
Starting point is 00:11:55 all the wacky waving inflatable tube men yeah those guys i mean i i kind of am one in human form you know what i mean so technically yeah he'll be there at the altar you'll just be like do you walk down the aisle just like my gelatinous limbs there's just there's no rhyme or reason oh man oh man i'm so excited see you there uh don't you dare do that in my way oh yeah i get to walk down your aisle too i know oh actually you're in for a treat that would be highly entertaining to me and only me pretended i didn't have like knee joints have like knee joints. Literally nobody would think it's funny except me.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Everyone would think I have a condition and you'd be laughing. They wouldn't be entirely wrong. Or screaming. But it's fine. Are you, you think you're going to be a bridezilla? No, I don't. Cause I, I've grown up with so many parents at this point in my life, like four parents who have.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. We've seen a lot of weddings between the two of us. A lot. Yeah. And extreme, they have extreme opinions. So I seen a lot of weddings between the two of us. A lot. Yeah. And extreme. They have extreme opinions. So I've learned so well to just like make everyone happy. So I feel like I'm just going to be trying to like balance everybody's like desires at once, which kind of sucks.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I can't wait to meet your mom, October 2018, Renata. I'm coming. Emma's coming with her gelatinous arms. I'll probably be crashing at your place. Yeah, probably. Because I don't have a home in ohio fortunately my house was built in 1890 and has 17 rooms we can ghost hunt in your house on the same weekend you get married it'll be the event of a lifetime listen i am losing my mind so
Starting point is 00:13:38 we got to talk about this afterward okay we'll get there i need to get my wedding journal out asap that's a vomitous good luck editing by the way thanks um i'll need it so i'm what the fuck am i doing okay yeah here's the story that i'm doing i totally forgot are you having i really i really have not prepared whatsoever this is a good 10 minutes of information i thought i have the strokes around here no i'm gonna have at least four today oh because i thought i would be able to do some of this after work i thought i was gonna be able to edit it i ended up becoming obligated to another task and then i didn't get to it so here we are so per usual one of my uh during my presentations in college i'd go up and be like what am i doing again oh yeah so we've done step one i really enjoyed it personally a plus okay so i'm doing the i i definitely won't
Starting point is 00:14:30 be able to pronounce it even when it's right in front of me um it's the valiska axe murder what i was gonna do that next week were you really yeah shut up did you already research it i mean i know a lot about it. Okay, well, then you can help me. But it's all good because it's my favorite story. I didn't know it was paranormal. Honestly, this is a crazy story. It is, and because I just learned of it 12 hours ago,
Starting point is 00:14:59 if you have anything to say, which you will, just jump in. Okay, so the veliska axe murder raw house smooth sailing so far one solid start um okay so veliska is in ohio correct oh iowa iowa i was like it's not in ohio i'm thinking about your wedding in october please stop equating my wedding to the velisca axe murders. Thank you and goodbye. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Okay, so one thing I learned. Different websites are telling me different things, but Villisca actually means either pleasant view or it's named after the Indian tribe that used to bury their mentally insane on the land. And it's called, it means place of evil spirits so take your pick good of those so the family involved is the more family um it was a husband wife and their four kids and then uh two girls who were friends of the oldest sister and the oldest sister was 11 i think and uh or 10 basically they all were out to a church function that night and i guess it was a children's program or something
Starting point is 00:16:12 like that and then they ended up coming home around 10 so the reports say and then they went to bed and by morning they were all dead and via axe in case we didn't pick up on it via axe so um and that is not the body spray that is the the large metal weapon right but they're both spelled the same uh they're both pretty heinous okay won't be wearing axe around you note taken um okay so the way that most of the stories went was that the neighbor recognized that the next morning none of the kids were up and the wife wasn't up and nobody was doing their daily chores. And so she kind of freaked out and was like, what's going on? So she tried knocking on the door. Nobody answered.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Nice of her. She let their chickens out of the coop so that she could feed them. Oh, kind. And then she was getting more nervous as the day went on, because the husband, Josiah, usually leaves for work really early, and now it was, like, noon. So the neighbor then got nervous, and she started calling, I think the first person she called was Josiah's brother. And so the brother ended up coming over. He had his own set of keys, so he went in,
Starting point is 00:17:23 and the first thing he saw down the hall were the two guest girls. Their last name was Stalinger? Stillinger. Lena and Ina Stillinger. And they were 12 and 8, and they, I guess, came home with the family to have a sleepover after the church program. So they were sleeping in one room downstairs,
Starting point is 00:17:44 and he saw them first and so the bodies of lena and aina were discovered um first by him and the 12 year old it's kind of graphic but at the foot of her bed was a kerosene lamp and it was possibly used to project light on her body and she was lying in a really sexual pose with her underwear down and there was blood smeared across her legs. So there were also defensive wounds on her arms and investigators believe that it was sexual abuse before she died. So that's rough.
Starting point is 00:18:21 So he ran back to the neighbors, said, call the sheriff. And as pretty soon soon like within the next hour everyone in town knew about it and there's rumors that literally hundreds of people in the town were going into the house and looking at the crime scene and like touching the bodies and thank god dna didn't exist back then like or did but no one could find it but dna was not it just actually wasn't there yet god was like oh wait but people were just going like i can't imagine there being a murder and just wanting to go check it out and touch the bodies of people i hung out with last night like it's a museum like yeah wandering through anyway that's the people i hung out with last night um
Starting point is 00:19:03 so the face of each victim had been covered in garments after being killed and the mirrors also had cloths covering them so i guess the investigators were thinking he didn't want to look at himself do it or he couldn't face it afterwards um their murder weapon which was an axe in case we didn't pick up on that yet um it belonged to josiah it was discovered in the bedroom where the stillinger sisters were sleeping downstairs so the thought is they were killed last um and although it was covered in blood it was obvious that the killer had tried to wipe it off like there was like smears on it and the ceilings in the bedrooms had gouge marks on uh to like represent that it was from like the swing up yeah he hit it so hard that he that he left gouges in the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Ugh. Also. Listen, I feel like you're stealing my thunder here with this story. I know. I've really been doing a good job of finding good murders that lead to paranormal. And I'm sorry. It's all good. Until you want to do a crossover with me, I'm just going to have to take a couple of your stories.
Starting point is 00:20:02 So, other details include a pan of bloody water found along um the table so i guess he was like trying to dip the accident or something oh i didn't know that also very me if i were a killer he um four pounds of bacon were found all over the kitchen oh yeah and i'm into it i mean i'm not into the fact that he didn't eat it but well he left it there so no one was ever convicted of the murders um but the main theories are that it was one of three people so um one was a serial killer that happened to also kill other people a couple months later one including the serial killer killed his mom right it was like he killed a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:20:44 so they think maybe this family was one of the first ones. They also think it might have been a traveling preacher who I guess was no one really knew of him. But he was caught on the train the next day confessing to it, saying that he was slaying and slaying utterly which i guess is a passage from the bible oh good and before his confession he also had written a bunch of letters to authorities about the deaths like while on the train before he confessed and he sounded really obsessed about the murders and was writing things that only the killer would know wasn't he like mentally ill too though yeah but i wonder if his letters had anything to do with the bacon i wish i had eaten that bacon my only regret is the uneaten bacon so uh the main focus and the main assumption is that the
Starting point is 00:21:37 person who killed him was josiah's former boss because he was mad that josiah left the company and became successful on his own and there's also rumors that throughout the town, Josiah was sleeping with the boss's daughter. Not good. While cheating on his wife with the boss's daughter. And then also left the boss to go be more successful. So they think his boss hired a guy to kill him. Interesting. So those are the main ones.
Starting point is 00:22:02 So the Moore home is now a national, like a historic national landmark. And is now restored back to how it looked in 1912. So you can still go in there. And it's open for people to spend the night. But it's mainly there for paranormal investigators. And I was looking at some of the shit online last night. And it's crazy. Like there's a lot of youtube videos of like evidence of this place and it's all cool holy shit which i will get to in a second i wish
Starting point is 00:22:33 we had done this as a dual thing because there's so much like crazy shit about the actual murders but i'm trying to keep it sweet and certain never heard about that i'm just maybe i'll do like a maybe this is the abridged version you can do a full maybe maybe we can flip and i'll find and you can do one of my stories let's flip as a paranormal you know what i mean we'll have to we'll make that like an anniversary thing like on our like like a special episode where we yeah we should make like every 25th episode oh that's fun four times a year we do like a four times a year girl that's four times every two years oh god i'm not good at math oh my word i was thinking so twice a year our biannual
Starting point is 00:23:10 i was thinking flip-flop 25 like times 100 i'm stupid i got you go on 25 times 100 2500 you know i know so um where was i okay uh so it's always open to visitors throughout the year, but it's mainly ghost enthusiasts and, like, really diehard investigators. And some people stay here alone, but not a lot of them because they're very quick to find shit on their own and they get scared. So one guy was a DJ in town and he thought he was, like, bad and tough and tried to stay and didn't even make it through the night because he heard children laughing next to his bed. And then he was like bad and tough and tried to stay and didn't even make it through the night because he heard children laughing next to his bed and then he would wake
Starting point is 00:23:48 up and no one was there typical DJ typical tours have been cut short because of falling lamps moving objects banging sounds and again children's laughter oh tours have actually been cut short that's crazy um psychics have come here and claimed to communicate with spirits from the dead which other people have also done and they've had some pretty gnarly experiences uh so like the earliest examples of stuff happening was in the 1930s a couple moved in and the wife was saying that she was waking up in the middle of the night to see the shadow of a man with an axe standing over them oh god um oh also uh fun fact slash not actually a fun fact at all the axe murderer only um used the axe to like split someone's head open uh one time it was josiah's
Starting point is 00:24:37 and he went like he swung right into the middle of his head but every other person in the house he just used the blunt end of the axe to, like, smash their head in. That's so fucked up, dude. Especially when, like, those two girls had nothing to do with it. They were just sleeping over. So they also, because I'm jumping so drastically, the assumed theory is while everyone was out at the church event someone snuck in was hiding in the attic right until they fell asleep and then around midnight um started hurting people and by 12 45 everyone was dead jesus christ and so by 5 a.m was when the neighbor woke up and
Starting point is 00:25:17 didn't see the mom waking up to cook dinner or anything like that and um so when the sheriff came they said like the blood's already coagulated and like it's it's definitely been several hours so they think around 12 45 a.m jeez so um the first couple that moved in she saw a shadow of an axe a guy carrying an axe standing over their bed she would wake up to hearing strange noises in the night she would hear children whispering in the house so she started freaking out and uh she told her husband and he didn't believe her and he was like i'll prove it to you i'll stay up all night and like watch over you and he started hearing weird things too to a point where he didn't see anything but he
Starting point is 00:25:58 woke her up and was like i don't want to be here oh no he ended up going into town the next day and like asked someone at the bar about it. And through a friend of a friend of a friend, he found someone who used to know the original family. Mm-hmm. And they pulled out a box that had some, like, trinkets and mementos in it. And part of it, one of it was part of Josiah's skull. Oh, no. And I'm like, what friend found that? But I guess if you're, if there's hundreds of people in the town just tromping through the just grabbing whatever they want yeah so anyway he found a
Starting point is 00:26:30 part of the skull from the guy who lived there before and he like left that night with his wife oh i mean you think like someone's right smacking your skull open i'm sure there's pieces lying around for people to pick up yeah oh yeah and, yeah. And so another family moved in, and the grandfather in that family wouldn't even sleep in the house. He built a shed in the barn. And regularly the front door would always just swing open, even if it was locked or barricaded shut. Great. And it got to a point where every few minutes at night someone would have to get up and close the door because it kept opening. The front door to the house yeah oh um the so another family moved in and it was two
Starting point is 00:27:10 young girls and their parents but their parents always lived away so it's basically the two girls in the house by themselves and this was in the 60s and they would wake up every night to hearing children crying and they also heard screams a couple times as if they could hear like what had happened in real time. On occasion, they would return to their rooms and find drawers open and closed on everywhere, a.k.a. poltergeist. Yeah, actually. During the evening, this is where it gets violent. Because one evening, the dad of those two girls was at home, and he was sharpening a knife, and it stabbed him through the hand.
Starting point is 00:27:44 of those two girls was at home and he was sharpening a knife and it stabbed him through the hand and um like he without any explanation like it just like went into his hand and then there's other accounts where he stabbed himself in the hand and doesn't remember it oh god um that happened multiple times no this was just one time that was when they left because he didn't believe his daughters when they're like there's something wrong with the house oh and then one night he was sharpening a knife and he stabbed with the house oh and then one night he was sharpening a knife and he stabbed himself in the hand and then didn't have an explanation for it oh and he was like fuck this and got out um there was also another former resident who over the years has been very outspoken about like the house isn't haunted people are making
Starting point is 00:28:19 the shit up and so in 2003 she got invited by a by a documentary crew to go spend a night in the house. And all she wrote was, no, thank you. And then they tried to find her. Wait, did she stay there? No, she literally just said, no, thank you. And so she ended up agreeing to meet with them to talk about, like, just to talk about the house. And she was really short about it. And they were like, are you sure you don't want to come?
Starting point is 00:28:44 And she literally just stood up and drove away like she like wouldn't like for someone who's claiming that it was never haunted she's pretty terrified of it weird um so this is just a quick list of all the things that happened there uh every owner that leaves it's because uh one of the reasons is because they've seen a man with an axe good there's giggles doors uh slam and shut and open by themselves footsteps especially in the attic where the man was supposed to have said that it's supposed to be said that he was staying there um another man ended up stabbing himself in the hand a couple years later crazy cold air gusts like if you're talking to ghosts, because a lot of investigators will go in now.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Right. They'll have conversations with these things. And immediately will feel, like, snow cold chills on themselves, even when it's really hot out and there's no AC in the house. Ugh. White light will just surround your body, like, or particular limbs. You can look at your leg and you'll just see a bright white light on your leg and no one else can see it. So there's an evil presence that sits around the windows. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And if you try to look out the window, you'll feel someone push you away from the window so you can't look outside of the house. People have been held down, scratched, locked in rooms. Some kids have... This is the stupidest thing. Some kids have actually broken into the house and used Ouija boards and practiced the occult in there. Good. So if it wasn't bad before, it's worse now. Really good job, guys. Oh, yeah. Some kids have actually broken into the house and used Ouija boards and practiced the occult in there. Good. So if it wasn't bad before, it's worse now.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Really good job, guys. Oh, yeah. They'll, like, literally, like, spray paint the pentagram on walls and shit. Are you kidding me? Like, vandalize the house. What is wrong with people? I don't know, but it pisses things off in there. Obviously.
Starting point is 00:30:25 But whatever is in there is very good at communicating with the flashlight game. like it's very responsive like immediately responsive um it'll also be incredibly responsive to like can you open the door like you'll say it like you can watch this on youtube someone will say can you open the door and the door will just swing shut up and then they'll say never mind i don't want to go in can you close the door and it'll slam shut shut up i like watched a 10 minute video of someone doing this non-stop like just staying there being like um can i like talking to one of the little girls essentially being like can i come play with you can you let me into the in the closet and the door cracks open oh it's not just the front door no it's a closet door in the house and she's just standing there next to a door kind of like if we were staying next to that door
Starting point is 00:31:02 just like oh can you let me in? And then the door cracked open. And then the woman asking the questions turned to the camera person to say something. And I guess the little girl was like, oh, you're not coming? Oh, you're just messing with me? And just slammed the door. And so then the person speaking again was like, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you think I was bored. I do want to come in.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Can you give me another chance? And the door cracked a little bit. Shut the fuck up. It was crazy. I just watched a to make you think I was bored. I do want to come in. Can you give me another chance? And the door cracked a little bit. Shut the fuck up. It was crazy. I just watched a whole 10-minute video of it. Okay. Look on our social media for links to the above. There's also one of the boys there, and I think the girls also do it, too.
Starting point is 00:31:43 But you can literally roll like play you can interact with these ghosts where like you can roll balls to them and they will roll it back and they've shown videos of people leaving the ball there and jumping next to it to show that the floor isn't uneven they're like it's not it's not like wind or waving yeah it's not like a draft it's not like the like anything is causing it but all of a sudden you can push the ball and it'll you can watch it do a full turnaround and come back to you or like you can tell they're done rolling the ball with you if they push into another room when it's just sitting still in the room with you and i've watched the actual videos like i've seen this
Starting point is 00:32:17 it's very cool they even use the balls as a game uh with the little girls being like oh do you like me if you like me can you kick the ball towards me? And the still ball would all of a sudden start rolling to you. And, like, not roll a little, like, roll to your feet. Like, roll feet away from you. These poor little babes who are stuck there. So I thought that was pretty cool. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Apparently, if you try to confront the killer, he'll growl at you. He's still there, too? Yeah. God. There's, like, a lot of heaviness in certain rooms rooms especially the ones that people got killed in not surprised um the evp and spirit boxes with um like conversation when you're trying to talk with them both of those meters have caught a lot of cool stuff and one of them that i saw was an emf detector, which is not EMF, a voice recorder. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And a spirit box, the one that does the radio frequencies. Sure. At the same time, they both caught a voice saying, like, I guess they just turned on all the meters. And they're like, if you're here, we want to communicate with you. And right at the very beginning, both of them caught something saying, I'm so ready. Ew. Yeah. Who do you think that was?
Starting point is 00:33:24 I don't know. But I felt like it wasn't nice or safe. caught something saying i'm so ready oh yeah who do you think that was i don't know but it i it i felt like it wasn't nice or safe but it doesn't sound friendly uh one time investigators were using a ouija board oh and the uh my favorite the voice recorder picked up i will possess you oh fuck and then when they tried to close out and say okay we're going away now um wherever you came from you have to go back the voice recorders you can hear them you can hear multiple ones say fuck you what in different voices wait are you serious yeah who are these multiple voices all of a sudden it's not just a killer it's like no it's like a like a killer
Starting point is 00:34:00 maybe it could just be like fuck you like don't make us go back like maybe we want to keep talking i don't know um when they tried to um oh there was one investigator who kept getting really dizzy um he like he kept getting really really dizzy and then before he closed the conversation he said what are you and the voice recorder and the spirit box both picked up the word dibbick no dibbick box which means evil demon oh no yep throwback to our dibbick box episode you can find it at and that's why we drink dog on um that is creepy one investigator used a ouija board and was uh like totally overcome by like the killer's spirit like totally felt it like go into him oh god and um he became super nauseous and he began smiling and laughing no people weren't talking to him and he started like talking to himself and laughing when no one like no one was interacting with him and when asked when people were asking the
Starting point is 00:35:06 room why won't the demon here leave the investigator replied on his own and said i can't and then and they were recording him as he said it and in the night vision you can see an orb come out of his mouth when he says it fuck up um and he got so sick eventually and so irritated during that session that he tried to leave the room and all of a sudden he like kind of falls over and we they took his shirt off there's claw marks on the back of him oh my god yeah oh my god so it during another investigation in the first six minutes of being there they got 20 evps that they in six minutes in six minutes of being there, they got 20 EVPs that they... In six minutes. In six minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:46 They went back and listened to the voice recordings and they had 20 different EVPs. Some were a child's voice. One was a female voice laughing. Another was a faint voice saying, come here. Someone else was saying, somebody needs their mom, which was super sad. Oh, God. An older male voice says, who are they? A child says, mommy. you can hear a growl another child's voice a voice appearing to say that's funny you can hear
Starting point is 00:36:14 whistling you can hear two men um speaking to each other you can hear another growl um after the phone after someone's phone beeped, you can hear something say, what's that? Oh, creepy. You can hear someone breathing right into the recording. Oh, ew. Even though no one heard it in real time. You can hear, oh, when they were saying, is there anyone here? Is there anything you'd like to say?
Starting point is 00:36:43 You can hear an evil male voice say, tell them. Ew. And then you can hear, this is really sad, but later that night, that same group got an EVP that lasted about a minute long, and you can hear everyone that got killed that night screaming. What? Like, you can hear the whole murder essentially through an evp you can hear screaming like you can hear like you can hear a girl say please don't what are you doing to me and then all of a sudden you hear multiple voices screaming
Starting point is 00:37:16 oh no um and then that's about it can you do you have links to those because people keep asking if we can put the evps i'll just i'll just um start doing like i'll just start sending i'm uploading like the links that i use okay because they're usually connected to like a youtube or something like that yeah so we'll link to those um to those evps right you have links to those i have links to some of them some of this is research that i just evps right you have links to those i have links to some of them some of this is research that i just read but there are definitely links to the evps i talk cool we'll put the links to the evps on our website and that's what we we have show notes on there with photos and links to everything i it's i only started doing that a couple episodes ago
Starting point is 00:38:00 um so maybe someday if i have time i'll go back and like add information to all the past episodes but probably not okay um so the show notes for the last couple episodes are up there so if you want to hear the evps or see what we have um you can do that on your own free volition all right sorry i took your murder from you no no it's, it's good. I mean, the story... I'm sure the story itself is even more fucked up. I was just... Yeah, it's crazy because I was like, how is this going to be... I had no idea there was paranormal stuff involved.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Oh, yeah, it's one of the most haunted... I think it's the most haunted house in Iowa. I had no idea. No idea. It's the most haunted house in Iowa. I guess it's just such a famous murder that, like, that's the focus, maybe. Right, right. But, yeah, so maybe someday I'll do an episode on, like, the murders. This is just such a famous murder that like it's that's the focus maybe. Right. Right. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:45 So maybe someday I'll do an episode on like the murders because there's some crazy. You can always come back to it. Do a part two. And there's I mean, the stuff you said was like. Accurate. Right. Like the story. But there's like some crazy theories and details.
Starting point is 00:39:02 All right. So I'm going to tell you about Robert William Fisher. Okay. This murder takes place in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2001. Okay. Our friend, Robert Fisher, was born in Brooklyn, New York. Our friend? No.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Okay. Our enemy. Our frenemy. Our frenemy. Robert Fisher was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 13th, 1961. His parents divorced when he was 15. And according to friends and family, he took their divorce really hard and suffered long lasting emotional scars and damage from their separation. As an adult, he still sometimes brought up his parents' divorce with coworkers at the Mayo Clinic Hospital where he worked as a respiratory therapist.
Starting point is 00:39:46 He once told a coworker that his life could have been very different if his mother hadn't left the family. So he was clearly holding on to some resentment and bitterment as an adult. In 1979, after graduating high school, he joined the Navy and he served as a petty officer until he suffered a back injury that prevented him from oh i was in my bare feet just touched that was intimate that was some skin on skin contact that's what happens when i have an ikea table that costs 99 i think you're gonna say that's what that's what happens when i have some wine but i guess an ikea table also you know works in that it's a combination of the wine the diamond ring and the i actually think growing up this was the exact table my friend my friend cloudy used to have really yeah my mom bought me this is um when i
Starting point is 00:40:35 moved to boston as like a um like a gift i'm pretty sure this is the exact table i grew up eating at their house i love it anyway anyway casper mattresses are great yes tables are wonderful we love ikea blue apron snacks snacks wine we like snacks um he once told a co-worker that his life could have been very different if his mother hadn't left the family so he was still clearly holding on to a lot of bitterness and resentment. Oh, sorry. I already said that. He served as a petty officer until a back injury prevented him from serving in 1982. So he suffered a pretty bad back injury, had to have surgery. He was discharged and he became a firefighter in rural San Diego County.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Pretty soon after that, he joined a Baptist church and met a woman named Mary Jean Cooper, who was described as a wholesome blonde. Wholesome. And a deeply religious woman from Chicago. Oh. So deeply holy-some. Deeply holy-some blonde. Wow, we're terrible.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You know, that E doesn't get enough attention in the word wholesome anyway, so... Holy-some. Holy? Holy. Holy-some. you're welcome english and the slap happiness has begun and that's why we drink making we're just making phonetics easier for everyone uh-huh alterations to the English language. Remember Hooked on Phonics? Hooked on Phonics. Did you learn that?
Starting point is 00:42:06 German girl? No, I didn't need Hooked on Phonics. Oh, I did. And I spoke English right away. Sorry. No, I remember. It was a good time. Hooked on Phonics was fun.
Starting point is 00:42:15 My stepdad and I made a weird bumper sticker that said, Hooked on Phonics. Learn to read good. And we thought it was so funny. It wasn't funny. It was just rude. But we thought it was so funny it wasn't funny it was just rude but we thought it was really funny in second grade we had hooked on phonics and we got to practice by using exacto exacto exactly knives no what's the the expo expo markers oh very different yeah so
Starting point is 00:42:37 it's like wow as seven-year-olds we got to use expo markers and do hooked on phonics practice on the windows oh that's fun that was a good time yeah i didn't anyway i didn't use that but you're probably sure it was fun probably we're just better at the english language than me huh well the issue is that i learned it as a second language half as hardly half as hardly so i learned it with all the grammar included before i learned the idioms and shit gotcha anyway um yeah so she was deeply religious she was extremely close to her family and considered becoming a mom one of her highest goals oh which is sweet that is sweet very wholesome not one of my very holy some not one of my highest goals but you know it's up there well you already did it technically
Starting point is 00:43:25 oh with g my baby g my baby g baby g is so sweet looking asleep um so the two of them married in 1987 and they had two children together named britney and robert jr okay the younger one robert jr was named bobby they called him bobby okay um at 8 42 on the morning of april 10 2001 fire shut up christine what laurie okay the laurie mansion uh-huh what story did you tell on during the laurie mansion i don't remember okay that story the story you told last week and this one are all april 10th oh i want to say that's a cool creepy coincidence but i think you just keep fucking up your notes i think we're we're using the same word document every time true and it's you just keep the same first sentence of in april 10th no this is the fourth or fifth story where it's been april 10th
Starting point is 00:44:16 no no because last time i said i just listened to it was like i said june 9th and you were like oh and then you're like oh wait no that was June 6th. To our most dedicated fans, go through and find every time Christina said April 10th because this is not the first or the second or the third. Let them figure it out. All right, we'll see. It was just the Lori Manchin episode. No, no. Okay, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Okay. um okay uh 8 42 on the morning of april 10 2001 firefighters responded to a natural gas explosion and fire at the fisher's house oh no the blast was centered in the living room and the fire that came after burned the entire house into rubble oh no the explosion actually managed to collapse two brick walls of the house and even rattle the frames of all the neighboring houses within a half mile due to minor explosions during the fire which they can't think came from either like paint cans or rifle ammunition that had been left in the house firefighters had a really hard time getting in until the fire pretty much completely died down and once they were finally able to enter they found the bodies of mary fisher his wife age 38 britney fisher age 12 and robert jr or bobby age 10 they were dead and had been
Starting point is 00:45:33 burned badly in the fire but when they investigated more closely they discovered that mary the wife had been shot in the back of the head and the children's throats had been slashed. No! That's aggressive. And Mary's throat had been slashed. No! So clearly it looked like somebody had tried to cover up the homicide with a fire. And the way they did it was by pulling out the gas line from the back of the home's furnace and either lighting the pilot light on the water heater or a candle and then leaving it there. So it would eventually catch on fire. on exactly so then several hours later it exploded
Starting point is 00:46:07 um they couldn't find robert william fisher anywhere uh he was named an official and as of today the only suspect of the case as of literally today as of right now oh okay he's the only suspect i thought you meant like, as of this morning. Oh, no, yeah. No, no, no. Sorry. Since then and as of today, he is the only person who's ever been listed as a suspect. On April 20th, a week after the murders, police found Fisher's Toyota 4Runner and his dog Blue in the Tonto National Forest, which is a remote mountain area about 100 miles north of Scottsdale. is a remote mountain area about 100 miles north of Scottsdale.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Police thought he might be hiding in one of the hundreds of caves that were in the area, so they issued this giant manhunt, but they still couldn't find him. Two months later, the Arizona Supreme Court issued a state arrest warrant charging Fisher with three counts of first-degree murder and one count of arson, and he was soon declared a fugitive by the state. As for his surface life, according to friends and family, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He seemed like a, quote, normal family man. As they do. As they always do, right?
Starting point is 00:47:14 He was an experienced outdoorsman, an avid hunter and fisherman. He worked in a career that served others as a respiratory therapist at the Mayo Clinic. Coworkers claimed he was well was well respected at his job and loved his kids and talked about them often one co-worker who had worked with him for several years called him just a normal guy he spent a lot of time with his kids teaching them how to fish taking them camping their family life pretty much revolved around those outdoor activities as well as church activities they were extremely religious and people described the kids as the daughter as like really studious and she played basketball so she was also like they're just good people yeah and she was a little jock they said like she seemed her grandparents later
Starting point is 00:47:53 said she seemed nerdy but if you really looked like she was also a jock like she was really good at sports but she was also like on top of her schedule and was really successful in school sounds like blaze yes a little bit um and the the boy was like loved going out fishing with his dad and they were all very close so it was just a big shock to a lot of people um even people who really knew them um family friends and relatives just, uh, who spent holidays with them and things like that described them as a very normal family. Even Mary's friends described them as happy. And some people said, um, that, you know, he wore the pants in the house or like, she was just a very, um, submissive wife.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah, exactly. And, and they were like, but that was their thing. Like it wasn't like we never saw it out of control or anything it was just you know he was the man of the house and that's how it went they were just a traditional family exactly exactly exactly especially with the whole religion aspect right right right so then after some digging the investigators looked a little closer at the divorce that had you know messed him up so badly at age 15. It turns out his mother had left his father,
Starting point is 00:49:10 leaving him and his two sisters in their father's custody. And it had severely impacted him emotionally. And it turns out the Fishers had gone to their church's pastor for marital counseling a couple years prior to the murders uh he told his co-workers about a one-night stand he had had with a prostitute he met in a massage parlor that left him with a uti from which he suffered for several days yeah well those suck i'll tell you that they do they really do suck if you haven't had one, be so thankful. They're the worst. But don't tell your coworkers about how you got it from a prostitute. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's like the one person you don't tell.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Go to urgent care. Get some antibiotics. Tell your friends. Be like, guess what the fuck happened to me this weekend? Or just go to the, I've gotten a UTI not from a prostitute. Go to the urgent care and be like, I have a UTI. And then they'll give you antibiotics. Yeah, or do that. Do Christine's thing. That's actually smarter. I'm smart.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Yeah. Do what I say. Also, don't sleep with a prostitute at You Met at a Massage Parlor. Okay. Okay. Now that we all know what we should and shouldn't do in every aspect of our lives. This is Sesame Street with Em and Christine. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Sponsored by the letter... F. U-T-I. By the letters U, T, and I. Oh. I thought it was F-U. Oh. Well, F-U.
Starting point is 00:50:35 F... I mean that too. As in fuck. This sucks. Okay, yeah. That's also accurate. I was like, what's F-U-T-I? Foodie.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Foodie! Male, female, X-T-S. Oh, we should say, we figured out what the symbol means. Oh, yeah, remember that? We were all so close. We were all so close with the Zodiac Killer. It was Son of Sam. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Blaze almost had it. Blaze almost had it. My brother almost had it. And then I almost didn't even come close. Oh, no, we did not and it's i should have known because son of sam is like my mom used to grow up and well i grew up and my mom used to tell me about son of sam when she was a kid right because she grew up during that time where everyone was terrified and like you didn't stay in your cars and if you were a girl and you like you had to gas, like, you hid in the car while you got gas.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Like, you just never knew if you would get hurt. That's so creepy. That same thing happened. It was a sad full circle, but during the D.C. Sniper. Right, right. I grew up an hour out of D.C. and actually the second shooting, like, God forbid, but it was supposed to be my mom. What? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:51:43 My mom was supposed to be the second victim. What do you mean, supposed to be? She, true to form, was wearing a hot pink blazer. Linda! She was at the gas station, and she was filling up her tank, and the guy behind her was being a real dick and honking at her, telling her to hurry up, because he wanted his turn in line. So she hurried up fast and got in the
Starting point is 00:52:06 car and drove away and he pulled up and got out and he's the one that got shot are you kidding me so like my mom's hot pink blazer was probably the target but are you fucking kidding me no my my mom my mom was at and it was the gas station right next to where i went to school as i triangulate my hometown because my mom was getting gas before she picked me up from school and she was still on the she was still in the parking lot and she looked over and she could see the body there what of where of where she was like she was literally seconds from getting fucking shot wait so she was still in the area when like yeah emergency responders came and stuff no like she like she got in her car drove away and before she like turned out of the gas station she heard bang and saw the guy where she was only seconds ago
Starting point is 00:52:51 and then she and then she called my school to be like a shooter like we had all been really scared about the shooter like we were all really all on edge in our town holy fuck and um when she called the school they somehow already knew they were like yeah we've already been getting phone calls we already know but that whole year of my life we've already been getting phone calls. We already know. But that whole year of my life, we had recess indoors. Like, we just did jumping jacks by our desks every day for a year because we weren't allowed outside. And a lot of my teachers were ex-military. And so all those teachers volunteered to, like, help us carpool out to the car every day after school.
Starting point is 00:53:19 That's so sad. Like, every, we all thought we were going to get shot. So sad. Like, every, we all thought we were going to get shot. I remember, this was, like, a regular thing that if you, let's say my mom picked me up and we were going to the mall after school or we were going to the grocery store after school. I remember I was with my friend. It's, like, I'm laughing because I'm nervous. But, like, my friend Cole and his sisters, I remember being with them one day going to the mall and his mom having to turn to us and be like, get out of the car and run. What?
Starting point is 00:53:49 And if you hear a gunshot, don't look back. Like, just keep going. Like, I remember. What the fuck? I mean, that's, like, super, it's, like, in hindsight, super dramatic. But some people were really scared because, like, it was happening right next to us. It was happening all over the D.C. area. So no one knew. Well, it's crazy because I remember that happening when I to us it was happening all over the dc area so no one knew
Starting point is 00:54:05 well it's crazy because i i remember that happening when i was how old were we i was 10 right so we were that age and i remember it happening but we were like not even close to understanding well no but we weren't even close to dc but we were like oh still terrified i was i was like 45 minutes no that's what i'm saying but like we were we were in Cincinnati and we were like, holy shit. Like you can be walking around and someone could, and I was like 11 years old and I was like, someone can literally just shoot me out of nowhere. Like the first person that got shot was at, um, was that a Michael's? Um, it was a girl, it was a woman who was, she opened up her van and was, um, putting
Starting point is 00:54:42 the stuff that she just bought into the back of her van outside of michael's and then she got shot in the back and she like fell into her car jesus but that michael's is like not even 15 10 minutes away from my house oh fuck and so like it happened but it so that michael's the one that like people i know still go to all the time to this day if i go to that michael's i get scared because i'm like someone got shot in this parking lot that like five feet from you and then the second person who got shot was almost my mom like so like that i don't know how we got on this topic that's just fucked dude i don't know how we got on this topic the way that we usually do okay
Starting point is 00:55:19 we just deep anyway everyone say like a prayer for everyone that had to go through something hi hi and if you're an atheist, fine. Just still believe in good energy. Hi, mom. I love you. Thank you for getting out of that parking spot. Oh, God, Linda. But also I'm sorry to the person who got in the parking spot.
Starting point is 00:55:35 I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to fix it. Linda, stop wearing a pink blazer. She's good. She's good now. On that note. I don't even know how to get back. But it's just one of those things where we're
Starting point is 00:55:46 gonna have to have an episode because you have crazy stories and i have crazy stories about my mom and like my dad just like crime and like paranormal stories and i feel like we should have an episode where we we should have an episode where somehow one day when our patreon donators give us enough money we can fly both of our moms out and they can host a show and we can just interview them shit that they've gone through. Because my mom's gone through a lot of... And also, she's gone through a lot of paranormal shit, too. My mom, too, but she...
Starting point is 00:56:11 I'll come to... We'll see. My mom probably won't either. If she's on air... I think my mom's vain enough that she'll say whatever she needs to get the time. If my mom's on air and I'm like, well, Linda has great stories, she'll be like, well, I do, too. I feel like I'd just be like, Mom, thousands of people are listening to you right now. She'd be like, oh, well, where do I begin?
Starting point is 00:56:29 She'd be like, finally. Yeah. My mom too. She'll be like, well, if Em's mom has stories, I have stories too. I feel like you'll be drunk before it even begins. And then my mom and I will both be drunk. My mom will also be drunk. Good.
Starting point is 00:56:43 The three of us will be drunk. I'll just be watching this and I'll have a migraine because I'll know how much editing you'll have to do later. Definitely. Awful. We went into this tangent because of Son of Sam. Because we found the... So it actually has nothing to do with the story anyway.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Just like usual. Anyway. Just a horrible chain reaction. We're back. horrible chain reaction we're back um we should just have a uh a sound effect for every time we go off a tangent and then come back and it'll just be us going we're sorry and do you realize that that would happen the way i edit it like nobody knows that every 10 seconds we go on a tangent i know we're sorry it would happen all the time all the time you're right i don't know what i'm thinking um yeah so he was really traumatized by his parents
Starting point is 00:57:33 divorce his mother had left his father and left him and his siblings in their father's custody uh the fishers went to their church's senior pastor for marital counseling in 1998. And apparently he told his pastor about the sex worker that he had had an affair with. Okay. And somehow his wife had found out. And it's unclear whether he told her or whether she just knew something was wrong and he was having an affair. A lot of sources claim that she had found out about that, and then that he had had a second affair with someone at work,
Starting point is 00:58:13 and she found out about that and was like, that's the final straw. So it's unclear, but she found out that he was being unfaithful. Okay. Essentially. With Becky, with the good hair? It's always fucking Becky. Always Becky. Always Becky. my middle name is becky it's not becky it's rebecca it's it's if my name if my first name were rebecca it'd probably be becky maybe okay so weeks before her death mary had told several of her
Starting point is 00:58:40 friends that she was planning on divorcing her husband. Apparently she had found out about the affair one way or another and said she wanted to separate. But Robert had told friends and coworkers that he could not live without his family and that he vowed no matter what their marriage would never dissolve and he would never get a divorce no matter what it took. Okay. So aggressive. So he's going to kill them and get instead? A little alarming.
Starting point is 00:59:07 His friends and coworkers truly said, he told us that no matter what happened, he refused to get a divorce. Like, whatever went down, that was the last possible option because of what had happened to him as a teenager. had happened to him as a teenager. He even refused to take his children to Disneyland because that was the last, that was the site of the last screaming fight that he saw between his own parents. This guy has some demons. Some real issues, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:35 And then the night before the explosion and the fire, a neighbor reported a loud argument that happened from their house. But Mary kept her husband's dark side a secret from everyone, including her own parents, who lived, like, actually really close by in the same neighborhood. Even when the house, you know, went up in flames and emergency responders came, the parents pleaded for Robert's return because they thought there was a break-in and something had happened to robert too so even when all this was going down and they only found the wife and the two kids um mary's parents thought something had happened to robert because they were like there's no way he they didn't even it didn't even occur to them that he could have
Starting point is 01:00:20 been the one at fault yeah um on june 29th 2002 about 11 months later uh fisher was placed on the fbi's 10 most wanted list he's also on the america's most wanted dirty dozen list of the show's most notorious fugitives oh yeah so he's pretty high up there as far as the spot where they found his car some people think he hitchhiked or somehow got a ride away from there and went elsewhere because they found his dog curled up under the car. And they think if he had left on foot, the dog would have followed him. Right, right, right. So they think that he had somehow gotten into either an escape car or he had hitchhiked. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And the dog remained behind, but no one's really clear. Most people believe that Fisher is alive to this day he was born in 61 so he's really yeah he's 56 yeah he's like middle-aged um though some people speculate he might have killed himself although fbi because i guess more than half of um patricides which is like a family right right right um when a dad kills the family right like a right exactly like the father murders uh family members i guess more than half of the time the father commits suicide oh really following the murder but typically that happens very close to the site of the murder so it's like he like can't handle it right away right so it's
Starting point is 01:01:45 like an immediate reaction rather than like he drives away for two days and then kills himself like it's typically right by the site of the murder um and an fbi special agent named robert caldwell says the fbi does not believe he's the type of guy who would kill himself because he's very egocentric and introverted on top of the whole statistics thing of like most people kill themselves right near the site if they're going to kill themselves right making being introverted means you're less likely to be suicidal um they said that he was like really the fact that he's egocentric and introverted so he's like he very self-centered like just like very like oh i understand okay
Starting point is 01:02:26 self-possessed rather than like relying on other people almost i think that's what they meant i'm not sure okay cool they believe he's alive to this day either in the u.s canada or mexico he's considered armed and extremely dangerous he has ties to florida and new mexico and might be living under an assumed identity. He's described as a loner and is thought to live alone in an isolated area. Although some people think that since he was able to kind of take his wife and like make her a submissive person that he might have found a woman to be submissive to him. So it's not clear whether he's alone or with another partner. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:03 There was a documentary released in 2011 called where is robert fisher about the hunt for him and a journalist for the phoenix new times went to a screening with a friend of his who had actually known robert fisher and uh although he was somewhat disappointed in the movie's execution he described their favorite scene as an excerpt from a home movie that mary fisher had taken in the 1990s oh no and this is how he describes it i'm just going to quote it directly with her camera on mary walks into a dimly lit room at the fisher abode where robert is seated in a big chair having a quiet moment with the children who are then about four and two respectively robert is clearly unhappy with his wife's who are then about four and two, respectively.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Robert is clearly unhappy with his wife's and the camera's presence, and tells her tersely to turn the damned thing off. She demurs, noting that the precious moment should be memorialized. Robert tries to go along for a second, but he's really pissed about something. He addresses his little daughter, Brittany, who is right next to him, telling her, like he's addressing a circus animal, to smile and to spin around a few times. Finally, he instructs her to scream, which he does at the top of her lungs. And that's the scene that they included from the home video in the documentary. It's very weird. They said it was really creepy in context of the documentary.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Really creepy in context of the documentary. As of right now, there's a reward of up to $100,000 for any tips leading to Fisher's arrest. There have been over 300 unconfirmed sightings, including one man in Canada who they really thought was the guy who was basically a doppelganger. But the Scottsdale, Arizona police went all the way up to Canada to fingerprint him, and it was not him. But the FBI says they get tips almost daily as to his whereabouts. Mary Fisher's family still has no answers, but they believe he's alive. And her dad said something along the lines of, I think he started a second family, and he's alive somewhere. Scottsdale police actually believe that Fisher himself called into America's Most Wanted in August of 2001.
Starting point is 01:05:11 There was a call made from Chester, Virginia that they've studied and they think it was actually him. They believe that Fisher may be either working in a medical position or living in a small town with a menial job. Oh, no. As far as his description robert fisher is six feet tall with brown hair and blue eyes he has a bad back and maybe on pain medication he has scars on his lower back from surgery and may walk with an exaggerated erect
Starting point is 01:05:36 posture with his chest pushed out due to his surgery he has a noticeable gold crown on his left by his left first bicuspid tooth. So I think he's pretty far close to the front. And frequently chews tobacco. So if any of y'all know where he is. Well, you said he's in Virginia. So all my friends, watch out. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Watch out. Put a tip in. Get yourself a hundred grand. Yeah, so it's a pretty fucked up one. He really... That home video part's kind of odd. Get yourself a hundred grand. Woo! Yeah, so it's a pretty fucked up one. He, uh, he really, uh... The, that, uh, home video part's kind of odd. It's creepy, right? Do you have any weird home videos?
Starting point is 01:06:13 Oh my god, I have every home, weird home video. The only one I, it's not really weird. It's not weird at all. But there's a home video of me in the bathtub when I was super little. And you can hear my dad going going like, my dad being like, Linda, put, put clothes on her. You can't just film a kid with, with clothes on and, uh, or without clothes on. And my mom was like, no, this will be really embarrassing one day for her when she has a boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And in my head, I'm like, Hey, I got you then. I got you now. You were like, at that moment you were like, well, I will play both of you. I was like, oh, you're going to surprise me? How about I surprise you? Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Oh, my God. Listen, my parents filmed us naked all the time. My mom got a, she had like a camera. Because in Germany, like being naked, it's not a thing. Like people don't wear tops to the beach. It's like whatever. Oh, like it's like normal to be as naked as possible yeah like they don't care they're not like you're saying it's not a thing i was thinking
Starting point is 01:07:09 like being naked is not a thing no no no right so it's not a thing like it's not an issue it's not an issue got it and we same same in my my mother's household right i think we've chatted about how our parents just walked around naked all the time uh and my mom got it had a camera like you know back in the back in the olden days when you had to like bring a camera to the right kodak counter and have it developed because that's the olden days the olden days before like you know a photography office or i don't even know what was there a camera store yeah we're like what what happened before we're talking about kodak stat like kodak in cvs like wow that that rite aid kodak booth is so old it's so sad i know and now polaroids are like cool
Starting point is 01:07:53 again i know um but yeah she brought the film to she went to pick it up at kroger back in ohio and they called the police and the police came to arrest her i mean i feel like we need to really have an episode on like our parents crime like stories but their personal crimes it's crazy but my parents my mom like they like detained her and my mom was like what's going on they're like we've gotten a report of child pornography because i was probably three and my brother oh my god i know oh my god i know and we even today oh my god but that was like what 20 years ago in 1995 that's not even an issue in 1925 1995 i'm not that old oh wow my mom said there was like a thing back then of like oh child pornography like there was like this huge remember there was like that pedophile like
Starting point is 01:08:43 i guess scare and so i guess this woman at kroger like called security and then security was like i guess we should look into it that girl was a tattletale when she was a little kid i know it's your freaking kid and it was like it was literally like we were wearing like diapers or underwear and we had like this body paint that my aunt had sent us and so we like decorated like we you couldn't even see anything because we were covered in body paint but it was i literally have pictures right now in my phone of me as a child naked with my naked other cousins like just running around your children because your children and family and it's a sexuality should not already be pressed on you you're it's doesn't it's a little naked body exactly and so my mom got in trouble and then she got a mark on
Starting point is 01:09:25 her green card which was the first of many so we'll see yikes we'll talk about that another day oh my god but anyway yeah so that was yeah that was that anyway if anybody knows where he is let us know so that we can take part in the hundred thousand dollars all right but also it's really fucking shitty for his her family and i mean yes it's horrible it's horrible and they really still want answers and want to find out what happened to their daughter and their kids but oh so that's my story of the day i wish there were, um, there was a story like that where the guy's name was Waldo. Because the headline would have been perfect. Whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Where's Waldo? That's so good. Or if it were a woman, Carmen Sandiego. Oh. Oh my god. How could you forget? How? There has to be someone named Carmen Sandiego, right?
Starting point is 01:10:22 Well, there's definitely someone named carmen in san diego that counts where in the world is carmen in san diego that's pretty where in the world is carmen san diego maybe the answer was right in front of us all along let's ask san diego no let's ask the show maybe there was maybe that was the answer where is carmen question mark san diego period oh they had us going on all these adventures trying to find her we just had to stay in california they sent me to greece bitch what the hell i'm getting it now wow yeah that's deep yeah it's like me it's like it's like if we did a spinoff show it'd be called where Where is M, House of Pies. It's like, oh, it was right there all along.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Where is Christine in her living room? Where will Emily be, hell? You know? Like one day. Maybe that's the finale. It's not as catchy. Where in the world is M? Speaking of burning in hell, I'm officially a redneck right now because this weekend I was out in the sun all day.
Starting point is 01:11:23 And my whole neck is like, it hurts to move my head. I'm so burnt. That's the worst feeling when you can't even like lay down on your back. Yeah. I was a farmer for a while. Oh, okay. Okay. That's an exaggeration, but I worked on a farm for a while.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Did you? Yeah. And, um. Why? At what age? Um, it was like my senior project, but then I fell in love with a farmer who worked there. So then I was like, Mark. Wait, is this a real story?
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah. It's a long story. You fell in love with a farmer? Yeah. It didn't work out, I guess. Well, considering I'm engaged, no. Like as of October 2018, I guess it really wouldn't have worked out with Mark. Yeah, we'll see.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I'll let you know in October. Farmer Mark. Farmer Mark. Farmer Mark. But I'm going to tell you something. His name was Mark with a C. I know. I know. It's like, are you trying to pretend Marcus has a nickname?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Well, and all my friends were like, that's not a thing. Stop. And so, anyway, it was a long story. But point being, I spent a long time working there because i was in love with mark the farmer and i got a legitimate farmer's tan to the point where like i was like six shades deeper on every part of my body except like my torso and i bet farmer mark was into that though no i wish i wish no no. He was like, you're 18. Please stop. How old was he?
Starting point is 01:12:47 Probably in his 20s. I don't know. Christine. An adult. I was a youngin'. Christine. But yeah, so I got my real, I was like, I have an actual farmer's tan where I worked on a farm for six months and I got like, how did you find a farm for six months and you didn't have something to do?
Starting point is 01:13:04 I live in Ohio. Just drive an hour north, you can find a farm for six months and you didn't have something to do in ohio just drive an hour north you can find a farm you must have really loved farmer mark i love farmer mark where is he now he's he he was he got engaged while i worked there and i was like oh fuck this you're like i'm never coming back to this fucking farm mark fuck you walked out fuck your carrot patch anyway good story good way to end this so everybody the rejection of farmer mark that's i like how this began with like my exciting engagement and then ended with like fuck farmer mark who rejected me talk about all the ways i've been rejected that's a long list listen we need to create i get rejected on tinder all the time we're going to create a patreon episode called all the ways we time. We're going to create a Patreon episode called All the Ways We've Been Rejected.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Oh, that would be a good episode, actually. Colon. No, like. Colon. There are many. Go on. No, like, instead of, like, a spinoff of the newlywed game, which we still have to fucking post.
Starting point is 01:13:57 We're going to do that. We'll have an episode where we just talk about all of our failed relationships. Oh, Em, we're going to talk for 45. And that's why we drink we're gonna talk for so many hours nobody wants to hear that i've only dated like three people in my whole life so it's not like i have a lot of good stories but i've been rejected by a lot of people i didn't even date they just saw me and were like no but that's the point like rejections rejections ripe it's a ripe and true experience wow okay well patreon donators listen up get ready how much of
Starting point is 01:14:29 how much of uh our lives do you really want to know you'll find out do you want to know everything we'll tell you at all you probably don't we we have nothing to hold back at this point we'll tell you anyway thank you for being our favorite people in the world and for making me smile all the time on twitter and facebook and instagram and thank you for we just joined um audio boom as our podcast network so they're kind of hosting us now so if you're a pod bean listener well if you're a pod bean listener i guess at this point you're not listening to this because you're not yeah okay i had a couple people be like where's your episode i'm i'm a listener on pod bean and i was like oh shit oh yikes so i guess if you are a pod bean listener or were a pod bean listener you found us yep so good just go back to iTunes. Go to Audioboom. Go to... We're on, yeah, Google Play, Stitcher.
Starting point is 01:15:26 We're still in a lot of places. And soon we will be in even more spaces. Yeah. We can't... I don't know if we can say anything yet. Yeah, we can. Okay, you say it. So I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Yeah, so we're... Shut the fuck up. Yeah, so soon we should be on Spotify and iHeartRadio. So that's kind of exciting. Woo! Because we're growing. Also, today is our five-month. Blah, blah, blah. Because we're growing. Also, today is our five-month anniversary. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:15:48 I can't believe it. Today? Five months ago today, I asked Christine if she would start a podcast with me. And I sat there for three hours going, hmm. She didn't respond right away, so I felt like, oh, just another one of those rejections I can throw in the arsenal. What's my answer she decided no at first but we got her we got her into the swing of things i changed my mind pretty quickly but so five months and we're on audio boom now so if you want to check us out there how would you did you think five months ago when i was like hey do you want
Starting point is 01:16:21 to start a podcast you would say in five months we've been offered to be hosted on iheart radio zero percent we're moving on up to the east side changing okay so you don't know that song you're just gonna pick a different i'm gonna make up my own all right is what's happening okay changing our lives well i thought we were going ch-ch-ch-changes. Or that. Turn. Do you not know that song either? Ch-ch-ch-chia. No. Jesus Christ, Christy. I'm sorry. I'm trying. Okay, but fun fact for everyone who actually really enjoys us, and God knows why,
Starting point is 01:16:56 but next week should be a twofer for you because it will be a, um, you'll be getting another episode and you'll be getting a listener's episode that's right so lucky lucky you oh man you get to hear our annoying voices in your earbuds for even longer than normal so there you go those are i think everything that's it um sometime by the end of next week well actually based on when this comes out it might be the end of this week. I'm not sure. Within the near future, the May batch of Patreon donators will be getting their merchandise.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Yes. May stuff is going out soon. Soon. Within the next couple days. Then June stuff will be going out in a couple weeks in July. Yes. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:40 That sounds right. It sounds right. We'll be more timely about that in the future but it is coming we haven't forgotten about you it just on our end it takes a while to get everything and collect it all and then be able to send it and then shipping time we're just so pleased that so many people are actually donating yeah we're like wait what like we're so impressed but we also feel bad that we can't give you things immediately like right away we're it's not our fault and we're trying very hard to make it get done as fast as possible it's not our fault it's not our fault
Starting point is 01:18:09 so can you just like chill just like stop blaming me for everything why are you so obsessed with me why are you so obsessed with us anyway christine's gonna have to edit three hours of conversation you're welcome so um i guess we should sign off before you rip your hair out later. Okay. Okay. I'm down with that. Keep sending in your listeners the episode, Jesus Christ, listener stories. God, stop drinking, man.
Starting point is 01:18:33 It's really embarrassing when you drink so much. I really just stumbled through like three different words there. Aye, aye, aye. Please send in your listeners stories. Please keep sending us nice compliments because we're vain. Send us so many compliments. Honestly, the more you send us, the better. We just want to know how pretty we are.
Starting point is 01:18:51 It's fine. Also, this is the first episode where we can announce Gio has a Twitter. You can find him. Oh, Jesus Christ. I have nothing to do with this. At Gio Schieffer. Okay. If you want to follow Gio, you can, but I have nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 01:19:05 She doesn't like that sometimes he has an attitude. He has a really big attitude because it's literally M tweeting at me. It's me just texting her, feed me, but using Geo's face so maybe she'll do it better. Yeah, like I think we're going to pretend it's Geo, but it's M just sending me passive aggressive notes. It's me just tweeting out things that I think Geo's actually thinking, but Christine doesn't have the heart to actually post. Sure. Because we all know he's got a big attitude.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Probably a little gay. A little gay. Sure. Like, at least 10%. He's got the attitude. Wouldn't be surprised. He's at least part of the community. At the very least, he's an aggressive ally.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Oh, yes. For sure. And I think he's got a lot to say and a lot that you don't want to hear. So I have to do it for you. All right. So if you want to follow a fellow ally, Gio Schieffer is the one to go to. Aw. Little baby Gio.
Starting point is 01:19:55 He's so sweet. Okay. Thank you guys for listening. We love you all so much. Have a good week. And that's why we drink at And that's... Oh.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Oh. Jesus. week and that's why we drink at and that's oh oh jesus atww podcast is our social media and that's why we drink no we did it we did it right sort of good job em thanks

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