And That's Why We Drink - E210 The Golden Plunger Award and the London Fog Cult

Episode Date: February 14, 2021

Let's plunge into it! Episode 210 celebrates all things lemon and plunger related as we also spill bread crumbs all over the floor... That's because Em is taking us on a very timely journey through th...e wild web of beliefs of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Then we segoo flawlessly into cult territory as Christine takes us to Antelope, Oregon in the 80s to cover the Rajneesh Movement and their plan to poison an entire town. We also learn how Christine finally made the cut for Hoboken Style, baby! ...and that's why we drink! Here are some real sites you can visit for more info on the fight against human trafficking: freedomunited.orghumantraffickingcenter.orgassetcampaign.orgThe National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1.888.373.7888Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Calm is offering a special limited time promotion of 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at now, you can go to and use DRINK, for 20% off your first box!Go to and enter promo code DRINK to get $25 off your firstbox!Visit and get your FREE year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs today!Check out all the amazing shoes, bags and masks available right now at the switch to Native TODAY by going to, or use promo code drink at checkout, and get 25% off your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome to and that's why we drink the podcast about true crime and also comedy and also spooky ghosts is this is this a thing you're doing now yes and you never go along with it and you instead you just interrupt me and ask what i'm what's going on and i wish you would just improv with me okay yes and and say okay let's play along okay try again try again try again i'm ready okay hello everyone welcome to and that's why we drink your top spot for true crime ghosts the paranormal the spooky and sometimes lemons i'm christine that's me i am your favorite co-host m shultz did you just say that's me after i said i'm christine yeah i had i was trying to jump in and upstage you did you not hear me did you not hear me say the the favorite the favorite part that i'm everyone's favorite co-host yeah but, but I said I'm Christina. You said, yep, that's me.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, hang on a second. Wait, hang on. And here I am. I can't do this. Yeah, I know that. That much I can tell you. You're not playing along. You're just trying to override me.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I need a musicale entrance. So maybe next time do a little humming. We'll see where it takes us you want me to sing for once is that what you're saying you'd like for me to start preferably german uh in rhyme well i can only sing as you know in flemish that's true okay i want that song uh okay anyway hi welcome welcome to the podcast of christine wonderfully introduced twice and i butchered thank you a million times uh actually it's been about 30 times um and you've butchered about 31 but that checks out okay great well welcome we are here um it's fitting that i'm i'm feeling cranky today because i am pretty mad at you why because you
Starting point is 00:01:57 refuse to honor the holiday oh my god of our podcast that has yourself you know what um i try to bring joy into this show okay hang on you try what hey got a second with who okay here's the thing lemon had a birthday it came and went without so much as a flutter from M's stupid little mouth and nothing happened and nobody celebrated there were no parades there were no floats there were no gidgets and gizmos
Starting point is 00:02:35 and gadgets and who's it and M just sat around blabbing around and poor Lemon trapped in M's freaking closet had to wither away celebrate another birthday in the dark and dust do you want it to be worse because he's actually alone in the that's where you drink apartment why are you doing this to me which maybe he threw like a real kegger
Starting point is 00:02:58 like he knew he couldn't get away with that at my place that wasn't kind of he and robert the doll who both live together now they're roommates question what is like the the lemon to to human year like what number did he really turn well jess who makes our newsletter uh so wonderfully put in the newsletter happy third birthday lemon you don't look a day over 87 so i think that might be the equation i i guess somewhere in the 80s is where he lies now good that means he's aging real quick wait was it 2018 no it was 2019 it was 2019 so he's two so he's two so he is like roughly like 58 or something you know i don't know he's 87 that's what jess said well look don't look a day over 87 well i look congratulations to lemon i do feel bad because
Starting point is 00:03:46 i i didn't i really didn't know that the day truly passed and i didn't know otherwise even though it's on everybody's hoodies from our tour i'm not looking at everyone's hoodies i'm inside but how do you own that hoodie you wear it had i had i remembered i would have done something over the top so i do feel so that's even worse. It wasn't even intentional. I'm just fucking forgot. Here, I promise you, give me your little pinky. No. You want this. You want this. Okay, what? I promise that there's going to be a random that you don't know about lemon appreciation day. And I will be only nice and I will be as extraordinary as I should have been on the extraordinary okay fine okay thank you promise so i took matters into my own hands and i went and took our and that's why we
Starting point is 00:04:32 drew credit cards and i spent a lot of money and i spent a lot of money without asking and i texted eva or even i were on the phone or i forget we were talking and Eva asked something about the the cards that we send out to patrons and I said oh it's been a long Eva fucking in on this yeah well she knew about it she had no she had no way of stopping me so don't blame her that I can that I know she was like maybe we could send out another one soon and I was like how about right now because it's lemon's birth I was like Eva when's lemon's birthday she's like in two days and I was like okay well I'm mailing it out tonight so within i literally threw everything aside i was working on and spent like two or three hours creating a beautiful card and then i sent it out to the thousands of our patrons a birthday card to celebrate this holiday the national holiday
Starting point is 00:05:19 that is lemon's birthday and on the card it says m doesn't know about this, so that nobody can blame poor M or poor Eva for my sins. And then I wake up one day to a tagged Instagram post, many tagged Instagram posts, by the way, where everyone's like, I got my card. And I went, what happened? I spent all that money. I didn't even tell M. I still feel bad about it. I don't care. You know what that's
Starting point is 00:05:45 that was uh that was my retribution and i think lemon was happy and m have you have yours has yours arrived yet your postcard no mine always arrives super late okay okay so i'm probably gonna get i know the second i uh the second i saw that that card existed i was like mother fucker i was like now i have to hate my mailman for the next few days. The best part is that a lot of people have like a UPS service where it sends them a photo of their mail before they go pick it up. And they were like, why is there what looks like a photo of a lemon in a glass mirrored case? That is comedy. In my mailbox.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Comedy gold. I gotta say, that's hoboken style baby finally i made the cut i i am happy that lemon had someone remember their birthday i know you wouldn't forget but even my mortal enemy should have someone remember their birthday so yeah that's that's at least one rule we live by so m i before i forget i know that i was mad at you that's why i drink by the way i just wanted to preface that's why i drink okay but i want you to i sent you a present for lemon's birthday in honor of lemon's birthday are you fucking kidding me okay so i knew about the gift i don't know when i got so much time on my hands all of a sudden like i don't know or money
Starting point is 00:06:59 that part that part's all on credit that part was easy that was expensed our credit okay i was excited about that so christine texted me and said by the way a package is coming your way don't open it until the show so i haven't opened it and i did say to you the other day or yesterday i was like please god if it has anything to do with lemon i'm gonna be so upset and now i'm hearing it doesn't i don't believe you let's we're we're all going to find out together. Here's the thing. I sent you that and then I forgot. And then yesterday you said that your package arrived and I said, what package?
Starting point is 00:07:30 And you were like, I think you mailed me something. And I was like, oh yeah. So it is. You got too sidetracked by other things like Lemons. I did. It happened to coincide with Lemons holiday, but this is a gift because I feel like you've been suffering over there. And I needed you to have some some comfort you're not here to torture
Starting point is 00:07:49 me well exactly exactly since we're not recording together and i can tell it's painting you you and your soul so i thought maybe you should open this thank you i before i open it i like how your thought of i'm suffering is i'm not there so i know that you're really a fucking mess yeah okay do you need me to explain that any further no because i would do the same thing it makes sense i'm just i want to make sure you hear it um so i did cut it open but i haven't opened it oh good so i just wanted to make things just don't show your address for anybody's beautiful also i'm trying not to show my crotch because i'm only in underwear so hang on oh. Oh, good. And you're holding that thing. What is that again?
Starting point is 00:08:25 A foam square. It probably does nothing, but it makes me feel good. Okay. So it's like my security blanket on the podcast at this point. Well, I think that goes pretty hand in hand with what I've mailed you here. Okay. Did. A gift wrap that I forgot.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Why did I pay $5 to gift wrap that i forgot why did i pay five dollars to gift wrap it so it's about time you get a professional setup from c and l oh i did sign if m i have no memory of this i think i was drunk you think hmm i wasn't there and i have a hunch I know what the answer was. Okay. So what on earth did C and L get me? I bet everybody can already guess what it is. Is it a foam square? Is it another foam square? No. Hang on. Why are you laughing so hard? Because it's funny. I crack my skull. It's a little plunger. Look, it's a plunger for your own plunger fort since you have to always hold your little squares up and down. That's actually going to be so
Starting point is 00:09:32 helpful. I just saw your pain and suffering not having your own little plunger fort like we used to have. You know what? You're onto something because I really could have this entire time used an actual plunger for it. And I think we have a plunger at the apartment. But I thought maybe I'll send you one that doesn't have toilet germs on it.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Please. Thank you. Oh, I love him. He's so tiny. I feel like he's like not normal sized, which makes. That's so weird. I tried to find a normal length one. But okay.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Apparently not. But that one's cuter than a normal size. He's literally like a couple inches bigger than the mic. Okay, well, maybe you can pull an emicruseed and stack him on some loaves of bread and textbooks. I love him. I'll use him as a drink, like a flask. Really get weird with it.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Oh, actually, okay, I do love this. Thank you, you l whoever you are whoever mysterious l holiday l's own holiday congratulations this is our new way of celebrating that make i'm gonna have to figure out how to include little p in this which i'm gonna i'm gonna figure him out don't you worry oh he's gonna sit right here i'm never gonna let him leave the table and allison's gonna be like get that plunger off my fucking table already hates me for the things that i do to you oh that's so nice okay well thank you i appreciate it anyway there's been a lot on my mind this week so one you know what we should do at this point here's a random had no context
Starting point is 00:11:03 thought go for it we should at this point have like our own and that's why we drink awards like the dundies but we should have the golden plunger absolutely we need to give out plungers as awards and only we win them because we're the only people who work there us and eva or eva wins that's what i'm saying all three of us we could do like a secret stand like pull hats and each of us awards the other with a random golden plunger. I love that idea. Okay, I'm on the case. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Lil P and I are hot to try. Don't worry. Anyway, new and improved plunger fort. Just wanted to bring things, you know, back to our roots. It makes me so happy. Thank you. I would like to be able to use this as an actual plunger for it, but it's this tall. So it's not going to serve that purpose.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It is. It is. I'll spray paint it gold as the first, the golden trophy or whatever. Anyway. I love you. Thank you. That's very nice of you. I love you too.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I miss you a lot. I can tell. I guess. This is what I do when I miss people. I behave really erratically on the internet this is like uh i feel like this combined with the lemon card is me and eva's retribution basically for the the book that we sent you oh yeah em and eva sent me this weird freaking package and i opened it and it just was from amazon and again it was wrapped and it was like the princess and
Starting point is 00:12:23 her celibate prince i don't remember what it was called it was about being celibate and it was like the princess and her celibate prince i don't remember what it was called it was about being celibate and i was like why are you mailing this crap to me it was so because even i are obsessed with the plaths and so one of the documentaries are the like very very very fundamentalist christian purity culture documentaries sure shows that book and eva was like wouldn't it be funny if we sent that to christine and i was like it't it be funny if we sent that to Christine and I was like it's already in my cart we're doing this and we just we wanted you to be included we want you to read up you know just in case um I just in case I have it my in my living room and my mom came over and didn't that was the most painful part she didn't even ask what it was which is really
Starting point is 00:13:02 embarrassing because like if she had asked I'd be like oh it's a joke but then i realized she had looked at it and immediately dropped it and walked away and i was like that's so much worse because she's like scared to ask me what it is and it's literally about being celibate it's a really disturbing uh children's book it's really it's about it's about saving saving yourself for your whoever your first prince your prince or whatever it's very odd it's just like not our thing and i knew christine but apparently we we contribute funds tons of money to uh the cause by gift wrapping it and just like five bucks it was for the sake of the joke it was worth it but uh it was worth it for the joke you're right i did appreciate days later christine was like what the
Starting point is 00:13:43 fuck did you send us and you were probably like i don't remember like i do like at least it's you know it was that or a plunger so i don't know that's those are the only options here i think i'd rather have the plunger but i appreciate the book and i can't wait to read it to my grandchildren in someday you know what if you're gonna read them like strudel peter or whatever you can read them this they're equally odd this might actually be more harmful which I never thought I'd say that this might be more harmful than German children's tales, but like it could be. Finally, Krampus has a competitor. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Anyway, so let's dive in, I suppose. Dive in, plunge in. Plunge in. Also, I'm going to light this candle in honor of the holiday we're celebrating. Oh, excellent. Happy birthday, Lemon. How sweet. in plunge in also i'm gonna light this candle in honor of the holiday we're celebrating oh excellent happy birthday lemon how sweet how old are you 87 how old are you i'm gonna set this here in front of my geo shrine sweet okay so let's get into into these into my story plunge into it plunge into it uh so christine knows my story this time around and yes i i do want to i'm going to be annoying with the psas or the warnings in advance just because my goal here is to not offend anybody but it is very topical i know that's shocking because our
Starting point is 00:15:07 goal usually is to offend everyone usually my goal is to be a raging dick but this time around m's really good at it so it's gonna be really hard to avoid well i believe in you this is a very topical there's some topical content that a lot of people are affected by in one way or another so i just wanted to warn everybody also apologies in advance to your devices algorithms because i'm going to be saying a lot of shit that's going to end up on your feeds so i'm so sorry um so i'm going to give you like the next couple seconds to like turn off all of your like listening devices. Um, unplugger, you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:15:50 Unplugger. And I will also preface this with I would really like people I know some people like to listen backwards or whatever it is. But if you need a refresher, I would suggest you go and listen to episode 175 before listening to this episode because my topic is QAnon. Dun, dun, dun! And episode 175 is Anonymous, which is where QAnon comes from. Oh, I'm so amped for this.
Starting point is 00:16:16 So I just wanted to say I know a lot of people. I know a lot of people, especially because I've been doing Tea Time Tuesdays. For those of you who don't know, shout out. That's a perk for Patreon. But on Tea Time Tuesdays, a lot of people share with me that they are dealing with losing somebody to QAnon, which is like... No way. So I am going to be respectful. And this is also a two-parter.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I'm going to be respectful. I was going to be respectful anyway, but I'm going to try to be really sensitive to that well this I feel like is more of a true crime angle you have to take yeah you know usually it's like victims you know it's more of my my wheelhouse so I feel like it's going to be a big episode it's definitely big for me and that it makes me really appreciate what you have to go through every week because I usually don't have to live with a little bit of fear in my heart. I really I commend you for doing this because it's scary. I probably don't have to live with fear in my heart. I live with tons of fear for many things.
Starting point is 00:17:16 But I appreciate the acknowledgement. Thank you. Everything. I'm going to say everything in this when I'm talking about specific people is alleged. Sure. Yeah. And I also want to say everything in this when I'm talking about specific people is alleged. It is. Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I also want to say that, oh, and to go on to your thing really quick, because I do
Starting point is 00:17:32 feel like this is kind of stepping on your toes in a way, because usually I would imagine that you would cover cults and I would cover conspiracy theories. But this is kind of a bridge in between the two. Oh, yeah. No, this definitely fits your your vibe i think for sure so if i do talk about anything you plan on covering stop me and we can stop it i'll give you my notes but uh oh actually can we stop then you give me your notes so that for the future i have an extra bonus episode bingo um no no because especially since you did anonymous i feel like this is such a like hand in hand. Well, I wanted to personally apologize
Starting point is 00:18:09 in case this was one of your stories you wanted to cover. And I'm- No, no, I'm just excited to hear about it, honestly. And then the last little warning, I guess I'm gonna do is that for all I know, I don't know. There are a lot of different people that listen to this show. I would say most of them tend to follow our line of thinking. But I know that there are some people who have different
Starting point is 00:18:31 opinions than us that happen to listen to our show. And I don't know, amongst everyone that listens, someone is probably affected or maybe for all you know, there are some similarities that in your beliefs with QAnon, and that's not to attack you. One of the quote, worst parts of QAnon is that it's so gradual and subtle, and it kind of feeds into things that people might believe. So if this is treading on territory that is personal to you, I'm not trying to attack you. I'm just trying to give as much information as possible. So if you are someone who even aligns with q anon and you're a supporter i might be saying things in this episode that are going to
Starting point is 00:19:09 offend you so if your thing is to just not listen to that then i'm warning you now yep so good to know so should i leave you should you should just hop off yeah i'm gonna talk me and little p got this so i'm being replaced by the by my own spawn okay little p is not my spawn to be a little p is my spawn uh yeah one day oh my gosh one day he can hold lemon we can just oh that's cute one day when you free him from his shackles his citrusy shackles okay so uh i wanted to cite a lot of my source. I'm going to try to cite as many sources as I can. But there were so many. I mean, QAnon, I didn't know anything about it. I knew kind of like the more fringe parts of it, because those are usually the most shocking and worth talking about.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Sure. So I didn't really know a lot. So I am telling you about this as someone who didn't know about it like 48 hours ago, and is trying to catch you up. So just letting everyone know and I used pretty much every source that I could find on the first page of Google or the first page of YouTube. So that does include Wikipedia. I know a lot of people have issues with that. But this is such a wild story, or such a wild belief system, at to me that wikipedia was almost one of the only sources i could find where it was really well chronologically documented so
Starting point is 00:20:32 well nowadays wikipedia has to like have not has to but typically has sources and footnotes and it's not just like it was a really good source it was a really good and also our generation has has always respected wikipedia our parents maybe not so much or not so much maybe not so much yeah so i always feel like whoever's listening i have to like give a caveat but the two that i really want to give a shout out to the there was an article in the atlantic by adrian la france or la france and i just if you happen to be a listener like this was the fucking best article. Like really should get promoted for this article.
Starting point is 00:21:08 It was so useful, especially with a topic that is just so tough to wrangle in and like serve it well. You did such a great job. So there's an Atlantic article. It's apparently part of a whole series of conspiracy thinking in America. Whoa. So that was really good. And then the other one I want to
Starting point is 00:21:25 give a shout out to is there's a podcast called QAnon Anonymous. And it's three guys who have been researching this, I think from the very beginning. And it's super useful. One of the hosts specifically, his name is Travis View. And if I feel like he's been doing interviews everywhere trying to get information out there about QAnon. So Travis View or Adrian LaFrance, if you either of you listen to this, I hope I did you justice. So when I so when I talk about some of the more wild theories, I also want to say that these are not believed by every QAnon person. So all of this varies. So when I talk about QAnon, some people could really be at the very beginning stages of it and not actually think the more extremist things. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:06 But I'm also going to talk about the extremist things. So it all started. It all started October 28th, 2017. Okay. I'm just like, I'm not even breathing. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So for those of you who are defying my request and not listening to the anonymous episode before this, really quick, the anonymous started on Reddit in a 4chan on a 4chan thread or in a 4chan on 4chan in general, which is basically at the time that it was created was used by people who are typically loners and kind of were trying to impress each other or compete with each other to post the most wild viral thing. Which if you listen to anonymous, you can get a full scoop of that. But everyone on 4chan, unless you put a username, most people went by anonymous. And so QAnon, which I didn't even know, the Anon part is because this was an anonymous poster on 4chan. By the way, what do you know about it?
Starting point is 00:23:09 I mean, just like the shit you see on Twitter. Okay, cool. Like the very basics, but like, honestly, probably less than that. Okay, that's where I was, though. So this is supposed to be kind of like a crash course for people. I also know that there's a TikTok channel. I don't know the name. Otherwise, I would say it.
Starting point is 00:23:24 But apparently, they're also doing like very quick, like 101 videos on QAnon, too. people i also know that there's a tiktok channel i don't know the name otherwise i would say it but apparently they're also doing like very quick like 101 videos on q anon too so go check them out fun so uh on 4chan on this like this board where people could write whatever the fuck they wanted in october of 2017 there was one anonymous user who called himself q clearance patriot okay and he posted in a thread on 4chan that was called calm before the storm which i will discuss that in a second but this is the very first post from q which now makes sense q anon it was q a member of anonymous sure or not a member of anonymous anonymous please don't fucking attack me but they they were an anonymous poster sure um so this is the post and it's not supposed to totally make sense hillary clinton will be arrested 7 45 a.m and 8 30 est on monday the morning of october 30th
Starting point is 00:24:18 2017 and then there was another post right after that that said, HRC, Hillary Ron Clinton, HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross-border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 1030 at 1201 AM. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the U.S. to occur. USMs will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check, locate an NG member, and ask if activated for duty across major cities. So you're not supposed to totally get with that. National Guard?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Sure. That's my guess. I don't know. Well, so it was supposed to, and I'm going to talk about, I did mention really quick, this is going to be a two-parter. And in the second part of this, so next week's episode, I'm going to talk about exactly how this came to be and how QAnon spread. So I'm going to talk about I'm going to if I sound like I'm leaving things out, because I plan on talking about the next episode. But there was a
Starting point is 00:25:17 lot of basically posts like this kept coming in where it was acting like someone was Intel. Basically, he was a non that called himself Q. He claimed that he was a high level government insider. And he came from a top level clearance given by the Department of Energy. And it was Q level clearance. So that's why he calls himself Q. So Q level clearance gives this poster access to classified materials. And over time, the whole thing about q posting on 4chan was that q was going to be posting this classified info for people to figure out but so q wouldn't get in
Starting point is 00:25:52 trouble would post it in code aha and so this intel came in codes that a bunch of other anonymous people were trying to decipher and so these these cryptic messages, first of all, they were really cryptic. A lot of them were in weird abbreviations. A lot of them had like poor grammar, but then part of the thought is like that was on purpose and you're supposed to figure out all these clues. So the cryptic messages continued appearing on 4chan and people were solving them to understand insider knowledge. So the very beginning of this was super seductive, because you were like in on this thing and trying to figure it out together. And nobody else knew about it. And it was like a secret society. So it just it was very alluring. Yeah. So the blanket
Starting point is 00:26:38 summary is that insider knowledge is the blanket summary is that this insider knowledge is the original of QAnon and the several theories and factions that now exist all kind of bled from this okay and so basically if something does not fucking make sense to you the best way I can describe it shorthand is like it was probably some code that someone deciphered and decided that's what the message meant okay which definitely helps because I'll list some of the things that they think are real. And the only explanation is they, in my opinion, mis deciphered a code. So these coded Intel posts that are super cryptic, they're called Q drops. So basically, they're hints coming from Q.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And they're not supposed to totally make sense. But these Q drops are also known as breadcrumbs, because they're supposed to lead you to the truth. A lot of QAnon folks who follow these breadcrumbs call themselves bakers. Okay. Which because they take the breadcrumbs to make bread, which is backwards to me, because you need bread to make breadcrumbs. But I feel like a like a Hansel and Gretel angle would have made more sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I guess we can go with that. Sure. Also, if you would like to see what Q drops look like for yourself or these breadcrumbs, you can go to, P-U-B, and it's just like a compilation of, I don't know if it's all of the breadcrumbs or just some of the more wild ones, but it'll give you a taste of like how chaotic a lot of these look and why people think they must be codes to decipher.
Starting point is 00:28:08 So now should we go on an incognito when we do this? Or is this like a common website that people- This is just a common website. Okay. As far as I know, you don't have to do any weird backend stuff to have access to it. I looked it up last night and no one has come for me yet.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I guess we've looked up weirder fucking things on our browsers. So I don't know why I'm even asking. No, it's a fair question. Fair question. So it's just You don't even have to be in 4chan or on Reddit or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:36 So these bakers, they all started banding together trying to analyze Q's messages. And then because they were trying to take it from 4chan and then spread awareness of trying to take it from 4chan and then spread awareness of it on their public platforms these original bakers ended up becoming like many celebrities in the QAnon community so there's a lot of famous QAnon people that have been
Starting point is 00:28:58 awake from the start oh great okay that's not crazy yeah right and and they're i think they're pretty proud of like like they go to like there's q cons like q and on conventions and stuff and they speak there they've written books they've done mini series to like which is i mean we i'm trying to not get into like how damaging the internet has allowed this to get but a lot of them have also made miniseries on their youtube channels of like the basically q anon 101 to kind of like feed you the the nice softball information so it doesn't sound that bad and then sure and then it over time gets a little worse and worse so um a lot of these crumbs and messages have become slogans and phrases over time in the QAnon community. And I said earlier in that very first message that happened in 2017, that they were claiming in three days, Hillary Clinton is going to be arrested. And it didn't fucking happen.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But they kept posting anyway, which this becomes kind of a pattern where they're posting things, making predictions, the predictions aren't happening, but they still keep posting with hope that it will eventually. But some of the phrases that have been getting popular in the QAnon community are very cryptic. And they're ones that people have tried to decode. And some of the phrases are find the reflection inside the castle. And then also like QAnon in the middle of his posts have said, I've said too too much follow the money and some things must remain classified to the very end i've said too much okay three five qx hashtag i've said too much oh no i spilled my bread crumbs all over the floor um and then a pretty popular one with q is that he will finish things by saying enjoy the show
Starting point is 00:30:46 oh that's so fucking creepy okay so another thing that i'm going to talk about in the next episode but i'll kind of mention now is that there are a lot of one of the reasons people think this has cult tendencies is because there's a lot of initial falling for like biblical. Enjoy the Show is very apocalyptic. And a lot of the things that get spoken about in QAnon have some really religious backgrounds, or at least. So a lot of people kind of fall for it as easily. Pretty easy if they're already familiar with the Bible, because it's something they know and it's easy to latch on to.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It like speaks to them on some level. Yeah, got it, got it. So other things in case you happen to look through these q drops just so you know the word castle means the white house crumbs again means clues a one that a lot of people have put on like posters and signs and when they're at rallies and stuff is wwg WGA, which stands for where we go one, we go all and that's like their their like unifying slogan. It's really scam. Yeah, it's wild. Another one is the Q clock, which apparently a lot of people it's like a calendar that
Starting point is 00:31:59 Q supporters use to try to decipher codes. I'm not too sure on that one. Q plus means trump red pilling means uh when you're joining the movement and you're finally seeing the truth which is very like the matrix yes it is also it's the color for republicans so i don't know if that has anything to do with it um or like maga at the time the maga hat sure sure and uh panda i don't know what that means because in one of the vice documentaries i watched they wouldn't even mention it because it was apparently so sick and awful but panda
Starting point is 00:32:31 panda's like a bad word um oh okay and then the other thing is cbts which means calm before the storm which was the thread that this all started in right um right so i'm sorry for like throwing all that at you but it's just if you want to try to start getting educated in this and try to learn what this is about then that's what some of the words mean okay so basically all of the messages that q has for people ultimately have something to do with the fact that if you want to be a patriot you need to be paying attention and ignore the media and the press and what they're saying and here's where it starts getting kind of wild um some of the other now famed captions are you are the news now nothing can stop what is coming trust the plan oh and then also very apocalyptic is when the world as we know it comes to an end, everyone's a spectator. Oh my god, this is scary.
Starting point is 00:33:26 It just it's kind of just like, if you're decoding all this stuff, and you're finding you think you're coming up with like, wild things. It really explained for me why a lot of really extreme versions of QAnon people seem to be so against listening to logic because their backup backup it's so easy to deflect when your answer is oh well i'm supposed to ignore that i'm supposed to totally like that's just completely off the table yeah yeah it's just like it's so so easy to isolate yourself when the main rule is don't listen to what people are telling you fascinating yeah and so he would always sign things as q there were certain times where he would even like post Bible verses about putting on the armor of God to fight against the devil.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I mean, it's cool. So it got really wild. Yeah. So now the calm before the storm, which was the name of the threat. one of the very first things that implied that Trump was also behind this, because what you'll see with a lot of QAnon people is that Trump is their savior, as what what a lot of the extremists will are so far to believe. So this, the thread was called calm before the storm. And that's because only a couple weeks before Q ever first posted on 4chan. So I guess this was the few weeks where the calm before the storm thread was building itself. Trump did a photo op with a bunch of senior military leaders. And he there's footage
Starting point is 00:34:51 of him saying, you know what this represents? He was like with the military people and he was making a weird motion with his hand. And he was saying, Do you know what this represents? Maybe it's the calm before the storm. And the reporter was like, what before the storm and the reporter was like what's the storm and trump was like could be the calm before the storm we've got the world's great military people i'll tell you that and the reporter was like what storm mr president and trump said you'll find out ew and so it was like kind of you really could just toss it up to the fact that personally nothing he's ever fucking said has made sense but like but like anyone who's like listening and don't pay attention to the media and if you're a real patriot you'll follow the the thread here people took that and the hand motion he was doing looked also a lot like a cue like he was drawing a cue so this storm becomes a huge thread in the in q anon everyone's like the storm is
Starting point is 00:35:47 coming the storm is coming and this is where we get our first real kind of crazy great i don't want to say the word crazy kind of odd noodles bananas noodles thought yeah and this happened this the storm is i know i keep saying it's like the big popular one but this is the one that kind of lures everyone in from the very beginning this is especially now like when you're like how are like random like soccer moms getting in on this how is like sure my grandma finding out about this so the storm is an eminent event where eventually the storm is going to come and we are going to see that thousands of elites specifically the democratic party and hollywood stars they will be arrested and possibly even executed for their nefarious ways they'll be imprisoned at guantanamo bay and
Starting point is 00:36:39 executed and their nefarious ways are that the Democratic Party and the media elite are part of a huge human trafficking ring. Right. Specifically children trafficking. Right. And so this is how they get a lot of people because they start out really easy where it's just like, don't you want to save kids from being trafficked? And then, I mean, originally you're like, of course I do. Like, that makes so much fucking sense. Why wouldn't i want to be in on a group like that and we're like and i i mean another thing i'm going to talk about next week is that one of the wildest parts about q anon is that they
Starting point is 00:37:14 have found a way to combine all of these very like almost ancient at this point conspiracy theories i mean this is not the first time people have thought there was like a crazy, you know, trafficking ring in Hollywood or whatever it is. This, by the way, I want to say, I am not comparing this to like the Me Too movement or like Hollywood actually having a real problem on their hands. Yeah. But there is a conspiracy theory that's been around for decades and generations
Starting point is 00:37:43 that there's like this Hollywood sex ring. And so they'reatching on to things that people have already kind of heard about so it is familiar and it's easy to to swallow in terms of a conspiracy theory but the big one is that and often they were using hashtags to promote saving kids from this child trafficking ring the hashtag was called save the children and that was like the main thing in their social media posts again of course you're gonna think like yeah i want to save the kids and uh okay so that's how it starts and then as you get more and more into q anon it goes from just you're aware of there being a human trafficking ring in Hollywood that the Democrats are a part of. It very gradually and again, kind of cult likey because you don't see it coming. And one day you're an extremist believing the worst of the
Starting point is 00:38:39 worst. And here is the worst of the worst. This is what a surprising amount of people believe. Hollywood is stealing kids, especially newborns. Some say they're even breeding them, like just to continually have a supply of newborns, keeping them underground in caves. And elites are hosting occult human sacrifices with these babies. And then these elites, the Democrats in Hollywood, they are either possessed by demons or they have been lizard people all along and shed their human form. Oh, my. That they can either eat the babies or drink their blood in order to harvest what is called the adrenochrome, which is a psychedelic chemical that basically works as a fountain of youth. Okay. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. So some of these elite, by the way, are Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama. Chrissy Teigen.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Chrissy Teigen. Maybe us. I don't fucking know he is a staple of hollywood that's someone who lived in los angeles i can tell you he is the top dog he uh and then also the big ones are hillary clinton and the obamas those like the hi sure also ge George Bush is a big one. So. Oh, interesting. He's invited. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:08 He's invited. I think because he's friends with Ellen DeGeneres. I'm not sure. Sure. You're right. They did go to a basketball game together. So that makes sense. Anyway, so those are just some of the people.
Starting point is 00:40:23 But apparently one number I saw was up to like 100,000 people are in this ring, are involved in this ring. Oh my God. saw was up to like a hundred thousand people are in this ring are involved in this ring god and the storm that's coming is that all of these people will finally be found out and arrested taken to guantanamo bay and executed um after the storm will be the next big part of this and by the way like pay attention to the biblical references here of like the storm like that's maybe like the flood or something like that yeah after the storm comes the great awakening oh great um can't wait where people and this is again where there's a tinge of cultiness um just a tinge just a tinge where the great awakening is after they've been arrested we will finally see that q anon was right all along people will want to follow q and
Starting point is 00:41:03 we will enter a utopia that's how it always ends isn't it it always ends with a goddamn utopia yeah yeah it's always a goddamn utopia and yet everyone dies at the end so like explain that to me um so that's the main idea everything else after that because there's a bunch of different random completely have nothing to do with each other theories. But really, whatever faction you focus on or what theories you favor, that's kind of the factions you fall into. So that's why I say, I would say most people have some belief about this human trafficking sex ring in Hollywood. But they all branch off into their own sub factions after that so not everyone believes in lizard people some people just believe in like they're that they drink adrenochromes or
Starting point is 00:41:51 something i i don't know sure so um oh my god i'm sorry i'm just overwhelmed is adrenochrome something they invented like because i've never heard of that before. So my literal next bullet is they believe that children are being, so they think adrenochrome, what they think it is, is that it is harvested in children and the younger the better. And the only way you can access it or harvest it from these children is by torturing and killing them. Oh my God. Because the only way to access adrenochrome is through quote, adrenalization.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Oh no, I don't like that. AKA adrenaline spikes from fear or pain. What in the, okay. PSA, this is according to a Vice documentary that came out two weeks ago. Oh. Adrenochrome is a real chemical compound. It's used for blood clots sometimes,
Starting point is 00:42:43 not a lot, but sometimes. And it is not harvested by torturing children. I would hope not. Just so you know. So the next big part of, I would say the second big part of QAnon is that in some way, Q is a savior in all this, or Trump is a savior in all of this. Q and Trump sometimes are the same person, sometimes they're not depending on your belief system. The really fucked up part about this is that there is no crystal clear line of anything. Everyone believes different versions of, in my opinion, craziness. So they think that Trump is a savior. A lot of people follow Q obviously,
Starting point is 00:43:19 because he's giving them signs on how to save the world. I do want to also really quick say that they were using the hashtag save the children to in their social media posts to like recruit new QAnon people or kind of lure them in. I want to say that this hashtag was hijacked by QAnon people and save the children is a real organization that has no affiliation with QAnon. I actually know of that actual organization so it could actually exist apparently a lot of human trafficking organizations q and on has fucked with them because they are they like genuinely want to help and like they don't want to be associated with that's horrifying i mean because obviously child trafficking human
Starting point is 00:44:02 trafficking is like a very very very real modern day slavery issue. And so to like, yes, just muddle it up like that is so horrific. Yeah. And so they've been having a really hard time distancing themselves from QAnon while also trying to do their job. But QAnon is out there preaching, save the kids, save the kids. And it's like, yeah, save the kids. But like, but leave it to us. We're doing that. Yeah. And also like our social media team to us. Like we're doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And also like our social media team is fucked now because you took our hashtag. It got to a point where Save the Children had to be banned on a bunch of social media sites because only the wrong people were using it. Wow. And so then they were like, we can't even like tag ourselves and shit.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Oh my gosh. So anyway, I just wanted to say, I'm going to do a shout out about, a shout out about human trafficking, yikes, at the end. But I'm going to do a shout out about a shout out about human trafficking. Yikes. At the end. But I'm going to give you like some like actual organizations you can look at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah. But hashtag save the children. Just go to their actual page if you want to talk to them because you don't even know anymore what you can tag and what you can't. Yeah. So a lot of people think that Trump might be Q or. Trump. Okay. So a lot of another thing I'm going to cover in next week's episode is who is Q.
Starting point is 00:45:09 But one of the leading thoughts is that Trump is at least on the Q team because there's a thought that Q is now being managed by a bunch of people with the same login. And they're all like, are you using the password? Who's trying to log in? Should I approve this login? I'm trying to get on my shift on Q. Oh my god. I got a new Android. Somebody approve my device.
Starting point is 00:45:32 So a lot of people think that Q could be a team. A lot of people think Q could be like a random person in their fucking basement. A lot of people think Q could be just an individual like working for Trump. Some people think Trump either is Q or he's part of the team. And he's posted a couple times, but not all the time. It could really be anyone. And when I say it could be fucking anyone. I mean that one of the bigger theories. This isn't funny. Is it you? What is it? Your face? They a lot of people think and say this very casually there was a jim jeffries interview
Starting point is 00:46:07 i watched where the guy said it with the most dead pan of faces was like oh well because q is jfk jr who is dead i'm sorry i was like i think i'm missing something no i'm not i'm not jfk jr is dead um or he's alive and he's Q. Or he's dead and he's Q because lizard people don't die. Or I don't know. I don't. I'm trying to follow the thread here. So he basically JFK.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Basically, there's no basically. Let me simplify it real quick. So this is this is this is a thread that i'm pulling from where the main thing i'm trying to explain to you is that trump is seen as a savior by these people so how why do they think trump is a savior how is he involved in this sex human sex trafficking ring because obviously jfk is alive and he has been in hiding this whole time since he quote died. And JFK and top military people have been looking at Trump since the 90s. And for some reason, they thought that he would be the only one powerful enough to stop the human trafficking ring, maybe because of his ties to Hollywood or something like that. Or he had a lot of money. I'm not sure. maybe because of his ties to Hollywood or something like that, or he had a lot of money. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:47:25 But so the theory here, which gets very Project Pegasi. Yeah, I'm thinking that too, yeah. Is that he was recruited back in the 90s, that JFK went to him with plans and said, this is what we want you to do. We're going to start training you and prepping you now to become president one day. Start golfing now because you're going to need it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 You're going to need to know, you're gonna need it you're gonna need to know you're gonna have to know exactly what you can land on every golf course um so basically jfk helped him with his presidential campaign and with the help of jfk and top military officials trump will end the sex ring and so that is where he becomes a savior to all these people because they're like he's going to end human trafficking how can you not think he's a fucking savior oh my god okay first of all jfk is a catholic and like i'm sure they don't fucking like catholics so now i'm very confused i guess is are they saying jfk turned on his people hollywood and catholics and is now against them and that's why he's like a hero i guess i don't know what like the original reason for him
Starting point is 00:48:25 going into hiding was but another big failed prediction with q anon was that july 4th 20 july 4th 2019 jfk was going to reveal himself as having never been dead and then he never should how awkward can you imagine i mean especially because people are believing this for real like waiting for jfk to show up and you're like checking your twitter feed and he just doesn't show i mean they're like where is he come on on earth they also uh the next thing that happened after that because one of the things that i will get into that's very culty is that you're you're making predictions that are failing and instead of that disillusioning you you're finding reasons to defend it and you're making excuses for why these predictions aren't coming true.
Starting point is 00:49:05 When he didn't show up July 4th, 2019, they said, oh, well, because they changed, they changed the plan and he's actually going to come out in 2020 and he's going to run as Trump's like right-hand man in his presidential campaign. And so, and so a lot of people thought, well, right before the election, at jfk is coming he's coming he's coming obviously and then he didn't show again color me shocked also there's there's a whole other faction because remember even though they're all q anon they all have different
Starting point is 00:49:36 sub beliefs a whole other group of people think hillary clinton killed jfk jr so sure they can't even agree with each other in some ways but anyway when asked about q anon just to like get back to trump himself he has been asked about q anon many times and he's never been able to give a firm fucking response color me shocked again um he has said well i don't this is a quote well i don't know much about the movement but i understand they like me very much which i appreciate it's pretty much his very fine people yeah yeah you're very loved yeah yeah he said i've heard it's gaining a popularity these people who don't like seeing what's happening in places like portland chicago and new york i i heard these people just love our country that's what i heard yeah uh-huh he also this
Starting point is 00:50:20 guy who knows nothing about nothing he also has regularly reported about QAnon content. And according to a company called Media Matters that has been tracking QAnon this whole time, says that as of last August, which God fucking knows what the number is now. But as of last August, he, quote, amplified QAnon messaging at least 216 times by retweeting or mentioning almost 130 QAnon affiliated accounts, sometimes multiple times a day. Oh, my God. So even if he let's pretend there's a world where he doesn't know what he's doing, or he doesn't know what's going on. He's still amplifying their voices and perpetuating it and making people feel special.
Starting point is 00:50:57 And they're like, the president isn't on this. The president isn't saying that this doesn't exist. The leader of the free world is propagating this exact information yes directly so all just just spreading fake news ironically um and one also in one campaign uh at an event they asked if he would denounce the group and he just said well q anon opposes pedophilia so that that was his answer another time an interviewer hitler was a watercolor painter like cool another time in an interview uh the interviewer themselves was explaining what q anon is and they were saying q anon is a satanic cult and they are they think q anon q anon thinks that there's a satanic cult being ran by like hollywood elites and it is not true it is not true and Trump
Starting point is 00:51:45 said quote no I don't know that and neither do you know that what so like of course if you believe this shit like he's only making it worse and right he's very much feeding into it yeah yeah yeah that being said many people like I said think Trump is their savior and many think he is much smarter than he lets on because he hasn't given away any information but he's not denying anything this is a quote it's one of the wildest theories so far he that he's smarter here's a quote here's a quote this is from the jim jeffries interview that i saw where he had a panel of q anon people show up this was a quote from one of them donald trump is one of the most intelligent men probably in our lifetime like top five uh that hurt me a little bit here are some of the reasons why
Starting point is 00:52:28 and also like oh good there's reasons let me see it back hang on I want I mean I as a Gemini get it because like I desperately want to fit like little pegs in the wrong holes a lot just to fill my own belief system so I I get where people are trying to go with
Starting point is 00:52:44 this like in terms of like forcing a reality but and by the way gemini's and q and i are not the same yeah i was like but i'm not jumping into your fucking pool here em you can be whatever gemini you want i'm just saying i can relate anyone can relate with like if you desperately yeah it's a very human thing to do if you want something to work you're gonna look for the coincidences very easy especially with the internet to to fit anything into your belief system so here are some ways people have fit into their belief system and trump is fucking intelligent knows all about the human trafficking ring but he's saving by the way he's of course taking them all out so everything he has done
Starting point is 00:53:18 apparently has a meaning to it so basically the hollywood elite and the media and all the people you're supposed to ignore think that he's being really stupid or he doesn't know what he's doing but all of it is either an act or it's a strategy to let q anon and the people who are awake know what's going on so when he drank from a fiji water bottle apparently because i know because fiji is one of the most human trafficked areas okay it's also one of the most drug water bottles and stupid by rich people. So this is what I'm saying though, because if you desperately wanted like a lemon present, you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:53:51 well, I'm in a yellow room. So it makes sense. That's what I'm saying about like the weird connection. There's a lemon in that Fiji water bottle. Now you're talking. Exactly. So another time,
Starting point is 00:54:01 another thing that's pretty common is when he misspells things in tweets, like Kofeifei or whatever. he's giving you clues stupid how don't you know that i'm such an idiot uh for one in one example one tweet he capitalized a bunch of random words which like i would just think it's autocorrect grandpa does that yeah every grandpa does that apparently the capitalized words if you follow numerology they make up the number 17 which is q the 17th letter in the alphabet okay another thing is a lot of people do kind of like the the free britney thing of like asking for a clue and then seeing it later yeah so people have said trump can you say this is like through q on 4chan trump can you say tippy
Starting point is 00:54:43 top that in in a speech and the next speech he did was during an easter during the easter speech where he said quote we keep it in tippy and tip-top shape we call it sometimes tippy top shape and so like that one's weird i'm sure there's like a an argument against it but it was weird and i guess if i believed in q anon that would be like it's just feeding directly smoking gun right um so another time he also wore a yellow tie which apparently means coronavirus isn't real because i could have told you that yeah because the tie is the same color as a certain maritime flag that means health i so i mean like they're when I say they're shoving, they're, they're coming up with a code. And then because they're supposed to go against what everyone's saying. It's the
Starting point is 00:55:32 perfect formula to always hype yourself up that you're right. So even if the code totally could be wrong, ignore the press, ignore the media, ignore government officials, you are awake, and they're not seeing the truth. And so if you're trying to come up with these random codes and fit reality in wherever you can, it's so easy. Yeah, especially if you're saying, oh, everything he does is on purpose. And so it's like, he misspelled something he he's no, he's doing that on like, there's no the second you can't argue against that. Well, I didn't put this in my notes but this that atlantic article the the writer went and talked to a bunch of q anon people and even said something like well do you have evidence of this and they were like do you have evidence that it's not true right and it's like
Starting point is 00:56:14 right okay well i guess i'm fucking stumped but like exactly it's the second that you decide something broad enough like trump does everything on purpose then you're gonna try to find that narrative wherever you can you win every time like there's no arguing against it so i'm just gonna tell you a list because i originally i was very overwhelmed with q anon for many reasons obviously but i was overwhelmed because i wanted to like there's like stories about like lizard people and shit and all this and i was like i want to find the origins to all this i want this to be really well encapsulated and understood where all these come from but then i remembered that this is borderline cult behavior and not everything has a logical beginning right so i was like the best thing for my mental sanity is to just in one clump explain kind of the
Starting point is 00:57:00 different maybe not the factions but a smattering of what all the beliefs are amongst. Sure. And I'm sure I'm missing a lot of them, but these are just the ones that I could find on like a Google search. So imagine what you could really find if you're diving deep. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Here we go. A smattering of beliefs from QAnon. By M. Schultz. By me. A PowerPoint presentation to my fifth grade class by M. Schultz. If I had a laser pointer right now, things would be so much easier. Let's just start with the big one. COVID is a hoax.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Duh. Bill Gates created COVID. Sure. China created COVID. COVID is bio-warfare meant to target only pedophiles. Which, like, by the way, that means if you got COVID, you're a pedophile. Also, like, isn't it kind of bananas because like according to my understanding of things the people not wearing masks are most likely to get COVID and
Starting point is 00:57:53 they're also most likely to believe in QAnon so like and also wouldn't COVID be a good thing if it was meant to target like it doesn't mean it's from your side doesn't that mean you want people to you are the one who created you want it to it to, like, pull out from behind the curtain who all the pedophiles are. But then if all of your family is getting COVID, then aren't you pedophiles? Maybe it went wrong somewhere. Maybe it went wrong somewhere, many ways. Well, that's for sure. Or maybe they're just two completely different factions.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Who fucking knows? True, true, true. But one of them is that if you have COVID, apparently you're a pedophile. Anti-vax people, that's a big following in QAnon. The vaccines have trackers in them. Specifically, Bill Gates donated $100 million to the World Health Organization so they would help him insert the trackers into the vaccines. A lot of flat earthers are in QAnon. Trump is our savior a lot of the classic conspiracy
Starting point is 00:58:49 theories that 9-11 and all the mass shootings were inside jobs great robert muller's looking into russian interference was actually a cover so he could look into the pedophile ring which confuses a lot of people because you would think in different times him and trump would be against each other but that was a cover-up so you wouldn't even really know anything was going on. Also MKUltra is real. Here's a very, very, very common one that surprisingly a lot of people believe in. And also was wildly transphobic. But they think Michelle Obama is a man.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh my god. Apparently the government created AIDS. Apparently Black Lives Matter is just to distract us from the media sex ring. Like if you look at this thing over here, you're ignoring the thing we're trying to protect ourselves from. You know what it makes me think? I just moved to Kentucky, as many of you know. And I have a Black Lives Matter sticker on my car. And every time I drive down to bring you to daycare, it makes me just wonder now.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Like who is looking at that and going, I know what that really is about yeah exactly she knows the truth about that it's like that would never have even crossed my mind and now that you're saying it's like oh my god people believe that after researching this for like 24 hours of my life I not that I started believing this stuff but it it was almost like a slippery slope and that I could understand the quick gradual I definitely didn't fucking believe any of this. But like, in terms of like, oh, Black Lives Matter is just to distract from a media sex ring. It's very easy to think of it in terms of like a sleight of hand of like, oh, here's something we don't want you to look at. Like a smoke screen. Yeah, exactly. So like, I can see how easily it is for people to fall
Starting point is 01:00:24 into these rabbit holes if you are just at home clicking around. Oh, sure. And if you're desperate for some sort of thing to cling to. Oh, we're going to cover all that next episode. Don't worry. So also that cancer has been cured, but the government doesn't want us to know the cure. I love that one. Because of big pharma.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Sure. because of big pharma. Also, there is an industrial bleach called Miracle Mineral Solution, which is a miracle cure for COVID, which I thought didn't exist, huh? Also, did say inject yourself with bleach. So I guess it does go hand in hand. There you go. Anti malaria drugs apparently cure COVID-19, which is not true. Don't do that. Please. we are telling you begging you also 5G wi-fi towers interfere with the body's natural chemistry and therefore transmit COVID through the fucking waves of the sky um uh Wayfair this is a fun one I love this one Wayfair is involved in human trafficking also and you can tell because they leave clues for
Starting point is 01:01:26 q to find out about this by naming expensive furniture after after the missing people that they have kidnapped and then charging a wild price for the furniture and that money goes straight to like the buyer of the human trafficking do you remember when this went on our facebook page this one like mini viral on our Facebook page. Yep. And people were reporting it. And I had to go in there and be like, y'all, we're not getting involved in this because we are not getting involved in QAnon.
Starting point is 01:01:53 QAnon is not welcome in this in this little Patreon safe space. Also, that was all over TikTok. I remember that one. Well, so we're going to talk about the Wayfair thing specifically next week, because a lot of QAnon stuff started on Facebook. But to gain traction with you, it all went to TikTok and Wayfair got like 80 million views or something because of this. And then they had to put out a release.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Anyway, so so apparently Wayfair had a whole scandal. And also, like, I'm confused confused by that because why would the company involved in the sex ring want to post clues about it to people so they'll figure it out like that would be a fun thing on criminal minds but that doesn't make sense in real life exactly and so
Starting point is 01:02:36 what else what else what else just throw it at the wall something's gonna aliens reptilian people and interdimensional demons are real oh okay can't confirm to know at least our show aliens and demons i'm behind i got that that one we are maybe part i'm pretty sure like belief system that would be the way q anon got to us when they were like aliens aliens and demons i'd be like yeah i know about that well duh right uh okay so aliens reptilian
Starting point is 01:03:05 people and interdimensional demons are real the sex ring arrests with all of hollywood's elite has already begun and that's why if you're looking hard enough all of hollywood in their pictures and videos all of their ankles are always covered because they have ankle monitors so that they can start gradually imprisoning people but it's it's so subtle you wouldn't even notice. But people are slowly getting ankle monitors attached to them. Also, a fun one, the Queen of England is a shapeshifter. And a whole group of people witnessed her change form and were not talking about it.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And my personal favorite is that the government was behind the creation of monsters inc wait what hold on that i was not that was that was a new one for me that was a new one for me if they were good bravo because that's one of my favorite movies of all time well the point was for it to be such a great movie so everyone's eyes would be on it so people would wake up and see. The best thing that could come up with was Monsters, Inc.? Really? It's supposed to be an allegory for the human sex trafficking ring because they, just like Hollywood, baby, All of these people, all these monsters are harvesting the adrenochrome or something of children that you wouldn't want them to steal.
Starting point is 01:04:34 But they need it for their own company and their own global corporation. By scaring them. Okay, I got you. And so it was supposed to be monsters are harvesting children's screams or monsters harvesting their adrenochrome. Just like the Pope. Just like the Pope. Just like the Pope. Don't you get it yet? I get it. Who was sitting in their basement like, oh my,
Starting point is 01:04:50 like just like high watching Monsters, Inc. Like, oh my God, I got to post about this to my friends. They figured it out. The best part about this and like by the best, I mean like the wildest part is that remember that like 4chan started as like a trolling place. Yes. Like literally someone in their basement.
Starting point is 01:05:08 People pretending to be Nazis. Like what are you talking about? So people like were literally in their basement thinking like, oh, look at the similarities of this weird conspiracy theory. And I mean, it's just like those memes where it's like, make it make sense. Or you can't explain. You know, it's like, oh, Monsters, Inc. and human sex trafficking. Try to find all the similarities. And then someone ran with it. And now real people, it's like, oh, Monsters, Inc. and human sex trafficking, try to find all the similarities. And then someone ran with it.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And now real people believe it. So. Oh, my gosh. So how did this all really start historically? And this is the last big section I've got. But how did it all really start? Like, where the fuck did this come from? And I know in 2000.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Please tell me. I know in 2017 was like the first like mention of Q. But what really got this ticking and the answer is Pizzagate uh yeah sure so Pizzagate for those of you who don't know and I'm embarrassed to say it took me a long time to learn about it I think I was overwhelmed I at first literally during a Marvel Monday someone was like what do you think about Pizzagate and I was like I like pizza no it was during ours oh Oh, was it? No, it was during our Instagram live because people kept saying, you guys have to cover Pizzagate. There's so much dark. And I
Starting point is 01:06:11 kept going, I like pizza. And I was like, stop it, stop it, stop it. I didn't fucking know. I had no fucking clue. And you know what? If someone from QAnon was watching that live, it would be me like approving. I love pizza, wink. And me going, man, going shut it down and they're like oh my god they're trying to reveal the clues and i'm like drinking cocktails on instagram yeah so anyway i do like pizza but i do not like pizza gate and this is not to be confused with pizza rat which was a fun sensation that also occurred a few years ago okay there's too much pizza happening here i never thought i'd say that i never thought i'd say it. I never thought I'd say it. Okay, so the most common understanding of Pizzagate was that it was a viral conspiracy initially during 2016.
Starting point is 01:06:57 I am going to talk about Pizzagate here, so I guess you get a two-in-one situation in terms of storytelling. But basically, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta's personal email account was hacked and then the contents of that were published on wikileaks which i also talked about in the anonymous episode so please check that out in the emails were coded messages which like and remember this was before q anon so this is the first of coded messages that are showing themselves but there was allegedly coded messages about politicians and elites specifically specifically Democrats, and restaurants that somehow all combined into a child sex ring. Sure.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And so that this was kind of the predecessor of this sex trafficking theory that everyone on Reddit is trying to debunk. So one alleged restaurant happened to be the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in DC. And people went through, and by people, I mean people who were trying to troll this company. They went through their social media, found pictures of like kids at the restaurant and ended up claiming that it was evidence of the sex ring that was happening at the restaurant.
Starting point is 01:07:55 They even inserted their own pictures from locations that were not a part of the restaurant because the restaurant doesn't have a basement. And they were saying like, oh, the ring is held in their basement. Oh my gosh. Anyway, the pictures and this theory, like the monsters inc one i assume like people were just like oh here's this and this theory now make it make sense and it went crazy
Starting point is 01:08:13 on reddit and people even started finding out that these coded words and emails if you looked at all the food related words you could tie it into like codes about pedophiles or whatever it's kind of it's but to me it's like listening to a song and like trying to think of it into like codes about pedophiles or whatever it's kind of it's but to me it's like listening to a song and like trying to think of it and like or like watching like a like a conversation on tv and like you want it to sound a certain way and you can like tell make your brain think that so people were using like confirmation bias like yeah exactly so people were thinking like oh pizza and pasta mean like little girls and little boys. What? Okay. So that's where Pizzagate basically came from, I think, because it had to do with one of the terminology.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Also, one of the words in the emails was walnut sauce, which I don't even want to know what it meant to begin with. Ew. But then that became one of the words that people now still use in QAnon because it has to do with Pizzagate. But anyway, obviously the Reddit page got completely out of control. It even got banned and then people moved to another page and people involved at this pizza place were getting doxxed and harassed. Oh, jeez. Just so everyone knows, this pizza place, Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in DC,
Starting point is 01:09:18 is not affiliated with a human sex trafficking ring. They were just real collateral damage. They were fucking victims of being really very trolled to make pizza for you people were i mean the the owner was saying like everyone was getting death threats like all of his holy shit all the people that worked there were like getting docks the building got set on fire oh my god it even got to a point where there was a shooting and so eventually pizzagate because it turned into this like wild spiral of conspiracies it became less about hillary clinton and became more about the
Starting point is 01:09:51 hollywood sex trafficking ring and pizzagate got broadened into pedogate i see so pedogate and pizzagate pedogate was the uh successor if you will y yikes. The successor, yeah. And basically it was a satanic group of elites of a new world order, and they were involved in sex trafficking. So Pizzagate then resurged in 2020, and it stayed around all these years, but in 2020 during the election year, while everyone was inside during a pandemic
Starting point is 01:10:20 and like had nothing to do, and people were very quickly climbing into QAnon territory. And everyone, including us, discovered TikTok. It resurged with a whole new population of people who weren't involved with it before. And so Pizzagate, that's why that's why we got it. Yep, yep, yep. People started getting like really invested. Yep. Hashtag Pizzagate reached over 80 million people and that's why i didn't know what it was about because i wasn't on tiktok yet um but i just saw it on
Starting point is 01:10:50 twitter and i was like this is not something i would like to associate with but then you're right like our listeners were like you guys need to look into this and i remember being like i was like where the fuck did this come from i was like y'all maybe you should click on those links and read what's actually happening because i don't think any of us want to know what this is about well a lot of q anon people associated with like the epstein situation so like i mean right right and i think those things combined at that point uh-huh it was just like obviously people were talking about it also it got even further believed by q anon people that justin bieber did an instagram live stream and they asked like, touch your hat if you were a victim of this sex ring when you were a kid and he like, touched his beanie. And people freaked out like,
Starting point is 01:11:30 Oh my god, I'm telling you now as someone who has done Instagram live streams with a lot of people, you do not see every comment. And so there is a massive chance he just if you're Justin Bieber, like, oh my god, see like point 0.01 of your comments coming in yeah so like a lot of people freaked out realistically he probably just fucking touched his hat after someone posted yeah that's like blink blink if you're guilty of this exactly yeah so apparently other people then went on to say that either he is the he he was a victim again this is all alleged justin bieber please god don't sue me no but he was an alleged victim of the ring and then there was another like weird twist that he became a member of the ring and that like the song yummy had to do i remember that oh my god i mean for god's sake like just
Starting point is 01:12:16 leave him alone then there was another video that came out called frazzle drip which apparently was like the worst of the worst videos of hillary clinton that got leaked in the emails and it was her like wearing a child's face like a mask or something so QAnon all of these things even though they feel really dated now QAnon has been perpetuating them underground like they're still being talked about right and so anyway Pizzagate is generally the beginning of Pedogate which led to the sex ring craze which then then led to QAnon. Got it. And the basic understanding of how QAnon came to be after enough influence, Q supporters began committing crimes in the name of Q because they were now inciting violence because they were so mad that this ring wasn't getting
Starting point is 01:12:56 saved or Donald Trump. A lot of people, even though they think he's a savior, they think he like wasn't doing his job well enough and that they should start doing like vigilante work or like whatever it is. So some of those crimes were in 2018 um matthew wright took guns and drove an armored truck over the hoover dam and blocked the entrance and kept everyone basically held hostage on the hoover dam with a sign that said release the oig report which apparently is a list of all the people on the ring because a cue drop or a bread
Starting point is 01:13:25 crumb told him that trump released a very edited version and he thought trump wasn't doing his job of upholding the oath also in 2018 another a guy in california apparently had tools to make a bomb and he planned to attack one of the capitals like the illinois capital or something and he wanted to quote make americans aware Pizzagate and the new world order who were dismantling society end quote Jesus in 2019 this guy named Anthony Camillo he killed a mob boss named Frank Cali or Cali because a cue drop told him that he was protected by the president to do a citizen's arrest on this mob oh boy because apparently the mob boss lived in the
Starting point is 01:14:05 deep state and for people who don't know i forgot to say this earlier the deep state is like the hollywood elite dark underbelly of all this scandal um so if you hear the deep state they're talking about like their mortal enemy right so anthony camillo thought he had permission and protection that's protection to go find uh frankie, found his house online, drove his truck into his truck and then shot him 10 times. And during his court during his court appearance, he had drawn cues all over his hands. Oh, God. In 2019, there was a fundraising event at a school. First of all, can you imagine being a mob boss and a literal child online found you and killed you like it was a child it was like a teenager or something he was uh i think he was
Starting point is 01:14:51 like 20 something he was like 20 early 20s but like i mean he was a random guy on reddit who thought oh i have to go kill this mob boss and that's how the mob boss died jeez anyone should die a certain way but the irony of like it wasn't even someone like in a mob it was just a random person on the computer right it wasn't like the way a classic mob hit yes it wasn't the godfather no not quite uh but yeah i mean terrible that it happened at all but i mean it's just like what are the fucking odds so like you would think a mob boss would really have all the protection in the world um and then oh in 2019 a school had a fundraiser but the school was called the grass valley charter school in california and it had to be canceled because apparently there
Starting point is 01:15:31 were tweets that basically the there was a trend going around called five jobs i've had and all of the jobs that a former fbi agent posted his job spelled out g vcsf which was the school okay so a lot of people thought that that meant that there was like a planned attack at this school apparently the time he posted it also had something to do with 9-11 so people took that as a sign so then like this random school has to shut down all their fundraising events because q anon's coming after them also multiple parents tried to kidnap their kids who they thought might be like in danger or trafficked in some way from their own other parents and were like taking them away from custody and then in 2020 there was a girl named jessica prim who had knives and live streamed
Starting point is 01:16:16 that she was going to take out joe biden and when she was arrested she screamed have you heard about the kids hillary clinton this is a quote have you heard about the kids hillary clinton this is a quote have you heard about the kids hillary clinton and her assistant joe biden and tony bodesta need to be taken out in the name of babylon i can't be set free without them gone wake me up and then she said my god and then she said to check out q for clues i'm like freak this is goose camp central also in 2020 the wildfires apparently q anon folks believed all these false rumors that antifa activists were going to were intentionally setting the fires in their area to loot evacuated homes and therefore they refused to leave but the oh the firemen were like you you need to evacuate your houses on fucking fire and they were like no i'm not good
Starting point is 01:17:03 like antifa is gonna swarm my house i'm gonna defend my property and so it ended up putting their themselves in danger um and it ended up perpetuating it got worse and worse i think allegedly according to like wikipedia trump and attorney general bill barr um allegedly also perpetuated this and said that like antifa was like coming in buses and stuff to like loot homes or something so and then also in 2020 something very recent the coup good times good times good times one of the uh Q supporters was shot by police while storming the capital um other people who stormed the building were seen wearing clothing with Q and signs and
Starting point is 01:17:45 are wearing Q on their clothing and on signs. And they also had phrases on their clothing and signs like follow the white rabbit and trust the plan. And because follow the right rabbit, white rabbit is like rabbit holing and getting further and further into QAnon's beliefs. Another Q supporter, and I keep saying Q supporter, I mean terrorist. Yeah. Another Q supporter who got attention that day was Jake Angeli, the shaman, the stupid fucking horns and fur. LOL. Yeah, I will never get that image out of my head. Who, by the way, got transferred from one prison to another for because he wanted to eat organic food or something. Get out of here. That sounds very fucking L.A. Hollywood to my friend it sure does okay so with uh so many events of incited violence the p the fbi published a memo that q anon is now classified as a domestic
Starting point is 01:18:36 terror threat but it because of fucking q anon their whole purpose of don't listen to the government don't listen to the media or everything's on purpose and you're awake and look at the narrative and we're the sheeple yeah yeah they ended up seeing this memo where people were like oh q anon is a domestic terror threat they read it as oh that doesn't really mean anything but q anon is now a publicly released memo. And now the press has to ask Trump about it, aka Trump will spread the word of QAnon to others. My God, again, sounds very culty of like, oh, this bad thing is happening to us. But we found a way to warp it into like, we're getting press, we're getting attention. So last thing I have to say is from These are just some of the other failed predictions that are pretty common
Starting point is 01:19:25 one is that the storm the arrests would take place on november 3rd 2017 they said it again on uh joe biden's inauguration neither of that happened a major event would take place a major event okay would take place on february 1st the major event was that i ate a fucking sandwich um people targeted by the president would die on February 10th, 2018. There would be a car bombing in London. Oh my God, today's February 10th. I was like, uh-oh. No, 2018, 2018.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Okay, okay. There would be a car bombing in London around February 16th, 2018. The Trump military parade would never be forgotten. It was canceled um and also in may 2018 both a revelation about north korea and a quote smoking gun video of hillary clinton would emerge neither of that happened they couldn't even photoshop that like it didn't even they didn't even try it'd be too easy uh they also think they also said that john mccain would resign from the senate mark zuckerberg would be forced to resign facebook and jack dorsey would
Starting point is 01:20:29 be forced to resign from twitter they also said pope francis would be arrested on felony charges and trump would be re-inaugurated january 20th 2021 despite losing the election um in the words of trevor noah all of these predictions not coming true hasn't changed the movement. And quote, that is the classic sign of cult behavior. Amen. So next week, we will talk about one, how QAnon has spread through politics and social media. Two, the difference between a cult and a conspiracy theory. And three, who exactly is Q?
Starting point is 01:21:01 who exactly is Q. And until then, the real human trafficking resources you can look at are, Human Trafficking Center, Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking, and the National Human Trafficking Hotline, which is 1-888-373-7888.
Starting point is 01:21:17 That was the best PowerPoint I ever watched. Thank you. It was literally fucking... I'm like waiting for my homework. It was literally so long. I didn't know how else to do it no this feels like a like a college course that everybody wants to sign up for and you're like waiting for my next seminar i worked i'm not going to tell you what time i went to bed last night but
Starting point is 01:21:37 i was i wanted i really wanted to make sure that like i wasn't throwing anybody i wanted to do justice because like a lot of people that listen to our show are also suffering with us in some way so so yeah there you go well it's big and it's current and it's dangerous and it's far-reaching far-reaching yes you did a great job honestly I don't know how I would have been able to pull that off so good job it was a lot of sweat and I ordered like literally eight drinks from Starbucks yesterday. And I just made them work. I was like, every hour, I'm going to chug something. I talked to you at like eight something p.m. my time. And you were like, sorry, I have to grab the Starbucks from the door. What are you doing over there? Why are
Starting point is 01:22:16 you getting Starbucks? It's like six o'clock. I drank so much tea yesterday just to stay awake to get all this done. Anyway, there you go. Yeah um really i'm amazed and i i only knew vague snippets and i was always kind of embarrassed at how little i knew about this story a lot of people wanted me to cover this or well and or pizza gate at one point and i was like i'm not even gonna touch it because i don't know how to begin a lot so there you have it wow great job thank you well fun fact for you i have a cult story as well oh my gosh this is so topical about my topical topic oh my gosh wait a minute oh my god i mean mine goes back to the 80s so it's a little scary that yours is so much more current and this is more of just like a look back in history but i guess i bet you there's gonna be some uh overlays here yeah yeah yeah okay so this is a story i've also wanted to cover since 2018 it was there was a documentary a docu-series i guess released on netflix in 2018 called wild
Starting point is 01:23:19 wild country oh i've heard about that i have not watched it it was very good i watched most of it back then and then i remember feeling so overwhelmed by this topic because it was just such a big story and like went all over the place that here i am in 2021 finally actually committing to it but i finally finished the docuseries it's a great show um it is about this is about this is about wild oh wild wild country was about this yes so wild wild country is a docuseries it's a great show um it is about this is about this is about wild or wild wild country was about this yes so wild wild country is a docuseries about the rajneesh movement which is a cult that i will be covering today so a lot of that info is from that docuseries and a lot of the info in the docuseries is not in the notes because it's such an extensive documentary
Starting point is 01:24:01 highly recommend even i bonded over it a long time ago. Oh, maybe that's how I know about it. Perhaps. Yeah, it was really big in 2018. And it's been a while. I remember it being all over like Netflix or something, right? It was all over the goddamn place. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yeah, it was a big deal. And it's kind of amazing because I, again, I'm kind of embarrassed. I'd never heard about this. I didn't know it. You're just gonna hear this and go wait what it's it's one of those things where you're like shocked you never wow you missed this like this just wasn't on the radar so this is a story of the Rajneesh movement okay now here we go uh here we go the main character of our story is baguan shri rajneesh and it starts with this lovely man i have a hunch
Starting point is 01:24:50 he is not very lovely his name is baguan okay sometimes known as osho which historically uh at least in in japanese it's an honorary title meaning the blessed one often translated to the blessed one on whom the sky showers flowers so that's a fun little uh fun fact for you sorry i'm updating the my seat my butt has been in the same position for a long time oh no go for it it deserves a new resting spot it's been it was like okay it was like gravity's taking its fucking toll it It's time to shift things around. I've perched your anxiety for so many hours now. All right, I'm ready. So he was born December 11th, 1931, and raised in a small village in central India.
Starting point is 01:25:32 He completed his BA in philosophy in 1955 and earned an MA in philosophy in 57 and began teaching as a professor. And then he started traveling and outside of academic institutions started teaching and eventually gained a large following for his belief system and the teachings he was his philosophical teachings. He lectured mostly on capitalism, science, technological advances. He was critical of institutional religions, socialism and popular figures such as Mahatma Gandhi. popular figures such as Mahatma Gandhi. And over time, as often starts with cults, he attracted quite a few wealthy supporters who ended up being his patrons and basically supporting this new movement he was creating. Got it. So one of his first quote unquote disciples was a woman named Lakshmi Thakarsi Karua, and she bid at the first opportunity to become his secretary.
Starting point is 01:26:22 So over time, he ended up basically having all these people kind of infatuated with him bowing down to him doing his every bidding um and so one of these people was lakshmi and she herself had powerful ties to politicians political parties and helped him raise enough money to give up traveling in order to settle in mumbai where they could create like a real like an ashram a place for a religious retreat where people could come and follow his teachings rather than him traveling around the world it was like a central spot uh for him to to you know propagate his his do his thing do his thing do his thing exactly thank you this is why you're my TA uh or I'm your TA I think can you
Starting point is 01:27:04 imagine if i was the teacher and i was like yeah so you found this land to do his thing i'd be like hold on let me write that down how do you spell that okay how many a's silent x if you ask xenon but so eventually uh his team purchased two large houses on six acres of land this became his ashram place of religious retreat it was sort of like an oasis and this was built in pune india and it was there that he started to preach his beliefs which was a mixture juxtaposing experimental avant-garde western therapies such as primal gestalt and encounter with classic eastern meditations like kundalini yoga and zazen so you know i mean we get it so far it sounds kind of swanky yeah it sounds like our podcast kind of like same ideas
Starting point is 01:27:52 it sounds like what we deserve after the podcast yes just like a little meditation a little zen yeah nice little gestalt psychology a little gestalt mixed in yeah sprinkle it on top the whole is greater than the sum of its parts i'm feeling it yeah yeah yeah always always so this is kind of what he started and it took off pretty quickly so there's this guy named josh baron who ran a support organization in berkeley california called sorting it out and this organization was for people who had left spiritual groups and needed like guidance and assistance in leaving like a for example like an intense religion or cult or something like that so he described the practice of baguan to be quite fluent in various altered states of consciousness much more than other cult leaders
Starting point is 01:28:40 i know of his techniques included chanting meditation sufi dancing staring into lights for extended periods of time and powerful music all of which induce altered states of mind what went on at his ashram in pune was literally a smorgasbord of altered states of mind okay so that'll get you i mean that'll get you it sounds like a lot of it is also like some form of like a delirium or like like like yeah it's like altering your without even without drugs it's like altering your consciousness maybe i was gonna say originally it was like sleep deprivation but that doesn't really sound like it what it was the the looking into lights with loud music of course that's gonna fuck up your oh absolutely like that's
Starting point is 01:29:20 there are two things that your senses are your senses are an overload so of course you're overwhelmed exactly like you're. You're overwhelmed. Exactly. Like you're over, over stimulating yourself. So, okay. So far it sounds, if, if someone, if I stopped by this place and they were trying to pitch it to me, I would be wary. I think that was like an expert's class and I, and like, I wasn't ready for that yet,
Starting point is 01:29:40 but so far I haven't left the building. I'm just going to sign up for like a beginner's like a stretch. You're in the doorway with a pamphlet. Yeah. Kind of like with your hand on your phone, like texting your friends like, here's where I am in case things go south. But I'm still going to stay a little bit longer. I heard that they had like free, you know, little muffins or something. So I was there.
Starting point is 01:29:58 They do give out beer. Well, you're not into that. They also have sex orgies. You're not into that either. I don't know um this might be more my thing this sounds more like uh like you would be texting me about it and i'd be like yeah i'd be like um talk me out of it and you'd be like no girl do your thing do your thing do your thing yeah so that's where it all began so you can understand how people got kind
Starting point is 01:30:23 of into this right away. Yes. It was also during that time, 70s. I was going to say, this feels like kind of like psychedelic. Everyone was really into like the... Free love. Yeah. Like the whole thing. Finding like a new way of living.
Starting point is 01:30:38 So far, totally. Releasing the past. Totally makes sense. Totally makes sense. Yes. It's pretty on brand for what we expect from that time period cult wise so a clinical social worker in berkeley named hilly zeitlin also described baguan to be one of the best hypnotists i have ever encountered quote the way he uses language his tone of voice the way he sequences ideas all all are essentially hypnotic so i'm gonna read you
Starting point is 01:31:01 a lecture or not i'm gonna not read you an entire lecture i'm gonna read you like a sentence from a lecture uh to give you an idea of how he kind of spoke to his followers okay so at one point in wild wild country baguan lectures one of the most interesting words in the english language today is the word fuck it is a magical word sure it can be it sure so far wait a minute christine okay so i think i know what you're about to say like the whole little spiel here because this was like a common like this was in a bunch of like i don't know if you knew this this was in like a bunch of weird like gag gifts so like not maybe adult stores but like quirky chachki stores i remember like many things in my house my mom fucking loved anytime she could collect like a piece of paper or like they had like greeting
Starting point is 01:31:52 cards or whatever where it had the spiel of like how wonderful the word fuck is because you can use it in every part of the sentence what are you talking about what was this like irreverent like picture books or something i remember it no it was like you know how like little like trinket stores where you could get like oh yeah like keychains and stuff there i remember growing up and there my mom obviously didn't try to hide cuss words for me as a child but i remember there being like multiple trinkets growing up that like had this as a quote written down and like of like fuck is such a great word because you can use it as a verb you can use it as now and you could use it as a blah blah so this is definitely not new then this is like linda's like been there done that man maybe she was part of this fucking cult uh-oh okay actually
Starting point is 01:32:34 hang on wait a minute because they probably uh sold keychains that's what i'm gonna say checks out okay she had it on a koozie i think like anyway please read the quote because it's gonna bring me back to my childhood okay i'm gonna read it to you one of the most interesting words in the english language this is the longest key chain of history by the way it's one of the most interesting words in the english language today is the word fuck it is a magical word it can be used as a verb both transitive john fucked John fucked Mary, and intransitive, Mary was fucked by John. The disciples laugh and the guru continues, ignorance, fucked if I know, fraud, I got
Starting point is 01:33:11 fucked at the used car lot. So this is just an idea of how people in the 70s were like, oh, I get it. It's free thinking. We can say the F word. You know, it's not very open minded. Sorry, Blaze keeps calling me. He says there's a blizzard coming what where do you live i i know there's like another dry patch for a year or so coming our way um it's like crazy
Starting point is 01:33:33 i'm looking out the window and he's like you need to leave and get geo and i'm like i'll be fine oh my god he says you won't be able to leave oh he's freaking me out okay i'm just gonna keep oh my god until he tells me evidence that... We can always do this later too, if you want. I don't know what to do. He's freaking me out. I'm going to be... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:50 It's just snow. I don't know why he's so freaked out. Oh God. Biggest winter storm in years batters Cincinnati. Winter storm to slam Cincinnati overnight. Do you need to go get geo no it's fine are you sure it's only 3 30 we can just put on elevator music and come back to another day for three hours um no it's fine i'm gonna keep going if if it gets to that if it's the point of no return you'll let me know and then try to do something about it. And then I'll end up in a ditch and you'll have to bail me out.
Starting point is 01:34:29 I'll have to what? Helicopter. I'll chop her my way to Cincinnati. I guess so. Put out the call on Twitter. I don't know. Have someone rescue me. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Okay. Well, let me know. I don't mind if you have to. I appreciate it. I was like, why is Blaze calling? It's fine. All right. So.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Anyway, we were on how much my mother loves the word fuck. Yes, the key change she had for you growing up. So the Rajneeshis over time, as I kind of hinted at, became known as a sex cult because Bhagwan would encourage his followers to seek sex as a form of liberation in what they called therapy sessions, which is where things become a little troubling as you can probably imagine i sure have imagined it already yes yep yep yep so one ex-disciple named rosalind smith who went through six months of therapy at rajneesh's ashram in pune from 1980 to 1981 says that coercive psychological pressure was applied in the ashram especially on
Starting point is 01:35:26 women to enforce participation in sexually promiscuous behavior and in the ashram's notorious group sex orgies and her quote which is disturbing is the lingo at the ashram was say yes and say yes to life good one night i know it's like oh it really by the way in that metaphor where where i am in terms of the building i am on the highway now i am it's not a metaphor you're literally in the snowbank on the highway i'm actually on the other side of the country oh my gosh okay okay okay okay yeah so she said one guy made an approach to me and i wasn't the least bit interested but i felt guilty for refusing him because i felt i wasn't saying yes to life. Sex orgies were castigated by group.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Sorry, women who refuse to participate in sex orgies were castigated by group leaders for being selfish, frigid and rejecting. Oh, good. Bye. Yes. It escalated very quickly into a cult, by the way. It did. It did. yes it escalated very quickly into a cult by the way it did uh it did and i i'm skipping forward a bit just because the banana stuff happens once it's been established as a cult sort of got it got it but yes it did quickly become like a free sex kind of idea where people were flocking to it
Starting point is 01:36:38 for that reason and became problematic pretty quickly so the whole group of rajneeshis as they were called were red and that was another i mean that's a very classic like cult thing where everybody dresses the same and it kind of equalizes everyone on the you're not your own individual anymore everyone's together you're one of many exactly and so they all wore red like gestalt psychology one of many okay i get it look at you you. Oh my goodness. Okay, okay. Are you driving back? Do a Yui on the highway come back?
Starting point is 01:37:09 I thought about it. I saw the exit sign and I went, nah, I'm going to keep going. And I was like, Em, come on, come back. You were like, no. I almost stopped for a gas and I was like, I'd rather just die on the side of the highway. Just, you know, not even worth it. Whatever. Not even for snacks.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Yep. So Bhagwan had a huge following. In fact, by the late 70 70s Rajneesh's community thrived and received on average 30,000 visitors a year uh with many of those coming from abroad mainly Europe and North America and until 1981 the ashram was the Rajneesh's home to his spiritual teaching his lecturing and these therapy sessions however Bhagwan began to run into some problems with the indian government so lakshmi his secretary slash like devotee disciple was sent out to scout for a new ashram somewhere and okay while she was sent out on her mission um okay well i'll tell you first why india
Starting point is 01:37:59 was pissed so what happened was the indian government gradually caught wind of rajneesh's fandom and was like we got to put caught wind of rajneesh's fandom and was like we got to put a stop to this community that's like america to us somebody stop it gets out of hand the boozers and shakers they're out of control all their all their we don't even have anything as all their lemons all their lemons yeah i'm like we don't even have anything as dramatic as free sex movement. We're just kind of like hanging out and drinking at home, but still a force that can't be stopped. So the government cracked down on Rajneesh with allegations of drug use, tax fraud, physical harm to his followers and visitors.
Starting point is 01:38:40 And also the ashram was growing at an unsustainable rate so Bhagwan knew he had to do something and get out of there before things got out of hand and he was stopped by the government or things got out of control as far as like being unsustainable so Lakshmi was out looking for a new ashram as she had been sent to do but while she was out she got replaced by another female disciple oh my god very scandalous because she just was sent on a mission and when she came back she'd been replaced so kind of fucked up um sorry it's a little funny so the woman who replaced her was named ma anand sheila and sheila becomes one of the main if not the main character in this story, aside from Bhagwan.
Starting point is 01:39:28 So it was because of Sheila that they found a new location. So they were moving from Mumbai to, you guessed it, Oregon, USA. I sure did. You know what? Tipping my tongue. It's pretty obvious. I know. Where else would you go, right? So this is where in the TV show I'm watching or the docu-series and I was like, Oregon?
Starting point is 01:39:44 Uh-huh. Because if it's in a different country, you're like, oh, I get why I haven't heard of this. But then when it's suddenly like in the United States. Like home turf. You're like. Home turf. What a minute. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:39:53 You know, you've heard of Jones Town. Obviously, that was very dramatic. But like, I can't believe I've never heard of this story. So in any case, Sheila's like, I found a new spot for the ashram. It's in Oregon. Okay. So they acquire 64,000 acres of land which um fun fact was the ranch it's called the big muddy ranch where John Wayne and
Starting point is 01:40:11 Catherine Hepburn had once filmed the movie Rooster Cogburn hey my favorites not really I've never seen it but I'm sure it's great that's my after hours name that yeah that's like in your robe with that sounds like my edgar allen poe name like rooster cogburn like one of those when we put our mexican wrestler names online like it comes out with i was gonna say too like for like people like obsessed with like bridgerton right now it sounds like one of those like like basically the gossip girl name like i'm for sure obsessed with bridgerton just fyi in case anyone's with me on that doesn't it sound like rooster cogburn would be married to some one of those family members it absolutely does creating some sort of scandal yeah um so they they renamed uh the big muddy ranch to
Starting point is 01:40:57 rancho rajneesh okay and the followers of the followers of baguan labored around the clock to construct a huge meditation hall an open open air mall with restaurants, clothing boutiques, which only sold red clothing. And a shop that sold hundreds of books and videotapes by and about only Rajneesh. So you're thinking, I don't know what you're thinking. So far I'm thinking whatever comes next, I'm going to ride that ride. You're like, what don't know what you're thinking. So far I'm thinking whatever comes next, I'm just going to ride that ride. You're like, what could possibly go wrong? Yes. So, you know, what I'm wondering, which is answered pretty quickly, is how on earth did they afford this?
Starting point is 01:41:36 Well, you guessed it. It's a cult. So everybody who was part of it. I keep guessing it. I'm so lucky. You're so smart. I'm so full of brains and intelligence. Your brains are just leaking out your ears that's
Starting point is 01:41:46 your mother would be so proud i know it so everybody was forced to donate large quantities of money according to oregon live the ranch was bought for 5.75 million dollars at the time which today equates to 16.2 million. That's how much money these followers were contributing as part of their- Holy shit. Being part of the greater whole, basically. Wow, what was that number again? $16.2 million today.
Starting point is 01:42:14 $5.75 million back then in 81. Jesus, okay, wow. So people, these Rajneeshi followers began flocking to the area. A lot of them bought houses in the closest town, which was called Antelope, Oregon. Precious. Which also becomes a central player. Oh.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Yeah. Most, however, journeyed for another 19 miles up the mountain roads to the plateau where Rajneeshpuram, which was the name of the community, rested. Pretty bananas. So Bhagwan, meanwhile, had taken a full oath of silence so he's the leader of this whole organization they called it a religion this religion but he had decided to take an oath of silence before even arriving in the u.s and therefore sheila was in charge got it so sheila took charge and this allowed baguan to be as vague as he wanted by not saying anything and this allowed interestingly
Starting point is 01:43:06 enough like you were just talking about allowed followers to project whatever they wanted to believe onto him by saying like oh he wants you know whatever they wanted it to be it kind of became because he wasn't saying yes and he wasn't saying no it's i mean it sounds a lot like in the q and on things of like if you're not going to like, officially, directly say that you are not for something or for something, like how would anyone know? If you're just going to retweet it and not say anything, it's like, well, we're going to read into that, you know? Exactly. Yeah. So even though Bhagwan was silent and was not saying a damn word, he was living the dream. He, at this point owned 93 rolls royces
Starting point is 01:43:48 oh my god nowhere this made him the single largest owner of rolls royces in the world now that's hoboken that is that is a fun fact i okay i just reported about q anon and that was that one took my breath capital f capital f the boss fun fact owned the largest number of rolls royces in the world his community of disciples and supporters showed their devotion to the great osho by increasing his private collection to a total of 365 rolls royces one for every single day of the calendar year what oh no yeah oh boozers and shakers step it up i have an old ford hang on a second we i we i just got a tweet by oh yes you did i got a tweet from someone who said like vm schultz when are going to stop asking your fans
Starting point is 01:44:45 to make you or buy you or send you things? And I was like, well, not today, girl, because now I need 365 DeLoreans from Back to the Future Part 2. From all of you. I love that tweet. And then they responded and tagged me in a second tweet and said, by the way, you don't do any community service. I'm like, are you stalking me?
Starting point is 01:45:04 How do you know that? Like, what a strange thing to yell the bio said something like i want you to hate me or something it's like okay it's well okay great i was very taken aback by that i was like i don't do community where did this come from it was like so random i don't know anyway i'm in one of my 365 deloreans but that the boozers and shakers have acquired me. No one tweeted at Bogwan to stop asking for cars. And here I am in my Ford and getting yelled at. Also, what did I ask for? I don't know. Tea? A creepy coat?
Starting point is 01:45:34 I don't know. A creepy coat or like a crocheted blanket or something. I don't know. I feel like people read into some of the stuff we say. Look, if that's the cult that we have cultivated, great. Cultivated. Let's go. I'm in. I appreciate it. I appreciate people people read into some of the stuff look if that's the cult that we have cultivated cultivated let's go i'm in i appreciate it i appreciate uh people wanting to drink london fogs that's obviously that's become a big big part of the drink of choice sandwiches or the food choice i mean
Starting point is 01:45:57 i really am starting something i think so and the fact that we have one singular hater is proving that it's working so once you've got a hater in the midst that rings success in my book her bio even said i want you to hate me and i'm like well if you're creating this persona you're really just feeding into our god complex here um okay m and m in their subaru me and my ford we're gonna takeFR. We're going to take over this one horse town. You and me, they'll all see. They'll all see. Watch out, Kentucky and your stupid snowstorm.
Starting point is 01:46:31 I'm coming through in my Ford. Okay. Anyway, here we go. So he had 365 Rolls Royces and they were proud of this fact. So he would drive. Should be. I guess so. Fucking should be.
Starting point is 01:46:43 He would drive his Rolls Royce down the road, a different one, every afternoon. And all of the followers, this like sounds fake. All of his followers would stand along the road dressed in red, wearing a locket with Bhagwan's face on it. Get out of here. I know. And they would bow and place roses on the guru's car. I mean, it is like something out of a movie.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Okay. This, first of all, if you've got the time and you've got the cars and you've got the people, why fucking not? If you've got the people and the roses, go for it. So far it sounds like he has a swanky end of this deal. And also it reminds me a lot of Sarah Winchester where she was like just because she fucking could and had nothing but time and money. She was just building different rooms every day. This guy's just driving a different car up and down the road every day just because we got nothing else going on just collecting the love sounds like the pandemic sounds like what rich people are doing during the pandemic of like i've just just drive up the street with one car
Starting point is 01:47:36 money to spend down the street with another car got time to waste but love to collect exactly uh so rajneesh puram shockingly was not going to thrive in this way because unfortunately the neighboring city of antelope which i told you about was not thrilled about this sudden influx of random people this is rural oregon and this population of antelope had 75 poor antelope i know and these people are interviewed in the docu-series about their experience through this and it is just the wildest story to hear them tell it from their perspective so there are like thousand plus rajneeshis versus 75 antelope citizens so the locals were obviously nervous that the rajneeshis were moving in. They were even talking about how they could hear them having sex all night long. Can you imagine being in a town that only echoes because nobody lives there and it's
Starting point is 01:48:33 just all these people having orgies around you? Orgies. And they were describing, they were like, it was so uncomfortable. And this is like our property value is going up. Children, our children are like at risk here. They don't know what's going on. There's this headquarters of a free sex cult down the street. And it gets worse because, well, this is an example of how things go wrong pretty much
Starting point is 01:48:53 immediately. So the town of Antelope starts a petition to get rid of the menace that is the Rajneeshi. And according to New York Times article in 1982, the guru's followers took over the Antelope General Store and Cafe, named it Zorba the Buddha, and began serving only vegetarian meals. And then according to The Atlantic, in 1982, enough Rajneeshis voted in nearby Antelope's local elections to win a majority of its city council seats. of its city council seats soon thereafter the new council members changed the town's name from antelope to rajneesh raised property taxes to extract money from the few remaining local residents and passed other bizarre initiatives including renaming the local recycling center the adolf hitler recycling good night that's that is um i'm glad that of all the facts you could have picked you picked that one but also it's so bananas i'm saying glad that of all the facts you could have picked, you picked that one.
Starting point is 01:49:45 But also. It's so bananas, I'm saying. First of all, of all the things you could have fucking named that place. But I mean, truly like that poor town. So they must have intentionally set their sights on a town they could take over because there was, in terms of numbers, right? Well, there was that huge plot of land, muddy ranch and it was just empty so they bought this like 5.7 million dollar tract of land and then the nearest town yeah it was this tiny town that they were like yeah we can we'll just dominate them aside yeah exactly very easy to take over i mean 75 people so there was a lawsuit filed in 83 by the state of oregon
Starting point is 01:50:22 to invalidate the city's incorporation but the these attempts were blocked the followers began to build an antelope take over build houses uh again change the name of the general store they changed the street names like they took down main street and put up like rajneesh boulevard or whatever like they took down everything so things got even wilder when the guru's personal secretary, Sheila, loved – she loved to say provocative things to the media to piss people off. Like, she was the public enemy number one of basically everybody in the state of – like, she was the face of this – of the Rajneeshi movement because Bhag because baguan was just like the silent guru in the background and she was up front going like buying property like putting people down taking over elections and i will tell you she gets violent and loony tunes like it goes it goes even wilder than you can imagine so uh okay so she's definitely like the alpha ohst. Yes. And she's interviewed in this documentary as well.
Starting point is 01:51:27 And she pretty much just tells her side of the story, but still doesn't look very good. Like she definitely still stands up for what she was doing. And everyone kind of still stands by what they did, which is a little bit questionable. So over time, pamphlets began coming out and they would mix hunting humor with dehumanizing characterizations of the Rajneeshies. These pamphlets would come out in Oregonian gun clubs, turkey shoots. One of them declared an open season on the central eastern Rajneesh known locally as the Red Rats or Red Vermin.
Starting point is 01:51:59 So this is becoming like high tension, like racially fueled. It's becoming disastrous. But the Rajneeshies are like racially fueled. It's becoming disastrous. But the Rajneeshis are like, fuck you. We don't care. We're more powerful than you. And Sheila is like, sure, be mad. Try me. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:52:15 She doesn't give a shit. So tensions remain high. The Wasco County Commission throughout this point, there's nothing they can do, which is the county that they were living in. And then in June of 1983, there's this hotel called hotel rajneesh in portland and an islamist militant group named jamat ul fukra bombed this hotel and thankfully nobody was killed in the bombing but it put rajneesh on their guard and sheila kind of came out and said after the bombing it was clear if i didn't take measures
Starting point is 01:52:45 to protect our community no one else would do it that's when we went out and bought weapons whoa that's where so like sheila got rattled she was like she was like it's time to really step up our uh our presence here wow yes exactly she was like you do not trifle one does not trifle with sheila with the sheil you know with the shields and not get a get a little get a little we're gonna if you want if you want to tussle we can tussle oh i'll tussle you downtown with my gun if if you if you come yeah i'm your son yeah that's what i said it and i mean it i that's me by the way trying to pick a
Starting point is 01:53:28 fight i'm like that's you and i arguing it's the worst it's why we don't argue it's just not worth it it's so stupid we just end up laughing by the end we're like the whole time i'm just like i literally cannot get one fucking word in yeah so they went bought semi-automatic weapons um oh it's not funny anymore got it no yeah it becomes unfunny pretty fast um they very intentionally create an image of imminent violence to oregon uh to native oregonians which became even more dramatic because the oregonians in their gun clubs turkey shoots are not loving that these so-called peace peaceful people showed up and suddenly bought assault assault rifles so sure uh meanwhile the commune itself was embroiled in a range of legal disputes
Starting point is 01:54:11 for example the oregon attorney general maintained that the city was essentially an arm of a religious organization and was violating the principle of separation of church and state so they were trying to like hold their own and they felt like they were being persecuted as a religion okay so they're going through these fights with the state and the government already and then finally in the summer of 1984 the rajneeshis decide that the only way to obtain the building permits they need was to take over wasco county in november's election whoa okay unfortunately even though they had more people than Antelope, they only accounted for less than 10% of the county's population. Oh my gosh. God forbid.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Wow. So they would need to unseat at least two of the three sitting commissioners and replace them with Rajneeshis. But don't worry, Sheila had a plan. Excellent. I was worried about where we were going with this. I know. Well, you should be because she had a two-step plan. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Yeah. Step one, build even more numbers in the community by launching an initiative called Share a Home, where Rajneeshis chartered dozens of buses and went to various cities around the United States and offered people experiencing homelessness the opportunity to come and join the Rajneeshis. Okay. They were promised a place to stay free food as well as a free beer every night okay initially this was a wildly successful initiative and more than 2300 people were brought into the ranch as soon as they got off the bus
Starting point is 01:55:37 they were forced to register to vote because that was the whole point of bringing them there was that they would up the numbers and vote on behalf of the Rajneeshi. However, it was soon discovered this wasn't as easy as Sheila had planned because a lot of the people who had moved in were suffering from severe mental illnesses and they did not have the capacity to treat these people or to take care of them. The Oregonian called it an unruly mob that showed up and they were not equipped to handle all these people. mob that showed up and they were not equipped to handle all these people i mean it's pretty upsetting when you watch the docuseries and the newscasters keep describing them as street people which is just the term that was used in the 80s i guess and okay like literally you would say like ronald so-and-so street person like that was their title wow yeah it's not even trying to not even pretending okay um so all the news were like the Rajneeshee bringing in street people to try and bolster their vote.
Starting point is 01:56:29 But things were not as smooth and peaceful as she had hoped. But she said, you know what? Don't worry. I got this. So what she would do is she would awake the new arrivals 530 every morning, blindfold them, and force them to listen to hours of religious chanting and then when that wasn't really working she started to spike their beer kegs with haldol which is a prescription medication often used to treat severe schizophrenia um so she was drugging them in order to subdue them and this was again just in an attempt to get their vote to increase their numbers wow so obviously state officials pretty quickly found out about this and the voter fraud scheme. And the Secretary of State halted voter registration and invoked an emergency rule
Starting point is 01:57:10 to prevent anyone from registering to vote in the county. Everybody had to appear personally to prove that they had satisfied Oregon's 20 day residency requirement to vote. So the Rajneeshi were overruled because they were like this is voter fraud you don't get to do this sure no that totally makes sense so it's kind of up in the air they a lot of them still argue that this was unconstitutional i mean you can argue this probably back and forth all day nothing like this i don't think has ever really happened before so it was very new territory it's easy to see both sides yes i agree um yeah i feel like i want to give a an opinion but i don't it's hard to say yeah you can definitely see both sides and if
Starting point is 01:57:53 things had been maybe spun with a more positive it's all about it would have been easier to really yeah yeah yeah yeah i think since i know where this ends i don't really want to give my vote of confidence but so next up there's remember two steps to this plan so here's step two fuck okay don't you forget step two sheila decided to depress turnout among regular voters so like native oregonians she wanted to depress the voter turnout by poisoning thousands of residents with salmonella. Excuse me? Oh, my God. No, Jo.
Starting point is 01:58:30 How does she plan to do that at first? She planned and she did. Oh, no. I know. It's bananas. Sweet poor Oregon. Oh, no. It's really rough. So basically what they would do.
Starting point is 01:58:39 So there's this town called the Dalles. And this was the largest population center in wasco county what she did was she chose the biological agent salmonella enterica typhimurium oh so literally just a literal salmonella salmonella like salmonella extract yes just like a little a little dropper of it she bought it from medical center then they cultured it in labs secret labs within their commune oh my god and then they spread it all over salad bars in 10 local restaurants whoa so also now i'm scared now that i realize how easy it would be yep to poison a whole town especially while we're in a pandemic it's like wow this has next level like meaning now. That's sinister.
Starting point is 01:59:25 It's very sinister. So by September 24th, 1984, more than 150 people were violently ill. By the end of September, 751 cases of acute gastroenteritis were documented. 45 people had to receive hospital treatment. Some were pregnant and ended up extremely ill in the hospital. And in a more aggressive measure, the group allegedly poisoned wasco county commissioner bill hulse by offering him contaminated water on a hot day and he ended up being in the hospital for four days uh i'm sure he chugged that shit yeah right like why would it you it's so diabolical you know but we can be thankful that they didn't
Starting point is 02:00:02 go with their alternate plan their original plan which believe it or not was even worse and more diabolical. So the original plan was to poison the local water supply or crash a plane loaded with bombs into the county courthouse. Wow. Just no fucking prisoners. Just, it's just like, Oh,
Starting point is 02:00:19 nothing. It's too extreme, I guess. Wow. Um, so ultimately they actually lost the election. And as soon as they lost the election, Sheila kicked all of the people that they had brought, all the people who had been experiencing homelessness that they basically dragged there with the
Starting point is 02:00:34 promise of free beer, kicked them all off the compound. She drugged them and then dropped them off on park benches. And if anybody saw what was going on, they would point assault rifles at them and say, like, don't, like, step back. Why is this still shocking i know what is going on it's so bad it's so bad so you can see this all progress this is a six-part docuseries so it's definitely like a longer storyline but in wild wild country you can see this progress that sheila pretty soon finds out osho is having private conversations with his personal doctor and it turns out sheila had been spying with spy equipment on everything osho was doing and
Starting point is 02:01:13 she was a very jealous person no i know and she was the one who replaced that other woman lakshmi and so clearly this is like a pattern so she finds out that Osho is having private conversations. Now there's this doctor. His name is George Meredith. Or once he joined the Rajneeshi, he became Swami Devaraj or Devaraj. Now, Dr. Meredith or Devaraj was married to a woman named Francoise Ruddy, who was the ex-wife of Albert Ruddy, who produced The Godfather in Hollywood. was the ex-wife of Albert Ruddy, who produced The Godfather in Hollywood.
Starting point is 02:01:46 So she was this, like, big Hollywood woman. And she was the ex-wife of The Godfather producer, who had, like, won an Oscar. And so she was very wealthy. And she was married to this doctor. And the two of them joined the Rajneeshi movement. So they had powerful connections to money, to Hollywood, to underground alligator sex rings. I was going to say. I was going to say. So obviously, they're part of the storm or they're gonna you know they are part of the storm is coming it's coming in hot
Starting point is 02:02:13 because sheila suddenly is finding out that osho is having private meetings with these two and starts favoring these two wealthy hollywood elites over sheila herself his private disciple secretary and sheila is pissed and she finds out that osho baguan is having these conversations and he asks she's listening to her spy equipment and she hears him ask dr meredith or devraj about death he asks him how would one die in a like peaceful way like how would you initiate death in a peaceful way and dr meredith or devraj explains that you would uh you would inject somebody with morphine then you would use a paralytic and then you would stop their heart so sheila's listening to this she's jealous she's she decides, I'm going to use that angle and tell my followers, we need to save Osho from these two horrible Hollywood thieves who are going to kill him.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Oh, no. Because she's like, they're bringing in drugs. This is a drug-free zone. I mean, not really, since they're literally drugging people. I was going to say, OK. Yeah. But she's like, they're bringing in drugs. They're promoting this idea of him dying.
Starting point is 02:03:25 We need to save his life. So she uses that angle to kind of rally her troops. And she says she needs to eliminate Devaraj and eliminate him and his wife. So after hearing this news, Sheila had meetings with her circle to plot the killing of the doctor in order to protect Bhagwan. And her own secretary, Sheila's secretary, who is also one of the main characters in this docuseries, agrees to murder Devaraj on behalf of to save Bhagwan. But really, there's a lot of other underlying issues here. But so what she does is she's given a syringe of adrenaline and during
Starting point is 02:04:06 like a big joyous meeting of dancing and whatever she leans in to tell the doctor something and stabs him with this needle and basically like pieces out just and he survives so he does not die however later she does go to prison for 10 years for attempted murder but he does survive but according to the to sheila because of the lengths she had gone through to murder this man and the fact that the scandal was going to come out she was like i need to leave this commune like a she's pissed that baguan is has like abandoned her right it's like now with these two rich hollywood folks b she just tried to murder someone it didn't work and now it's gonna come out that she tried to murder somebody gotta run gotta blast she's in a corner gotta blast so she's like i gotta go and her inner circle who also helped try and murder this man are like well we're gonna come with you
Starting point is 02:04:55 so up and leaves doesn't say goodbye just peaces out and this was apparently like the most heartbreaking thing like to this day when she talks about in the docu-series she's crying and she's like we were the same like she you can tell she was like in deep like wow disciple wise like this was her spiritual god basically and she had to leave him behind so this was a big deal that she left so they mysteriously left for europe and disappeared didn't tell anyone where they were going and then baguan broke his silence and came out against her and basically went on the fucking attack because he was like sheila left us she tried to murder somebody in the commune and of course everybody who's in this commune is like wait what she tried to like they're living in this fantasy that this is like
Starting point is 02:05:42 peace and love and free they're finding out the hard way they're like in this fantasy that this is, like, peace and love and free sex. They're finding out the hard way. They're like, hang on, where did... Murder. What? What? Exactly. Like, this is totally new. It was heartbreaking to all these people who had, like, given up their lives to be a part
Starting point is 02:05:54 of this happy free love cult. I'm sorry, religion. And so September 1985, about a year after the Salmonella incident, Bhagwan publicly shamed, sorry, blamed Sheila and her team for the bioterror attack. He told, he admitted the Salmonella incident. Said, oh, yeah, we did that, but it was Sheila. Wow. He also brought against her alleged crimes, such as the attempted murder of the doctor,
Starting point is 02:06:22 more poisonings of like local authority figures, like that guy that, uh, who was sent to the hospital, the water guy. Yeah. Um, her spying. He warned his followers that she was always jealous of people close to him
Starting point is 02:06:33 and that he had never had sex with her. And that's probably why she was upset. Uh, he said she has proven that she is not a real woman, but a real bitch. So, Oh, it got like drama for someone who
Starting point is 02:06:47 was silent for so long he got real loud he he had built up a lot of thoughts and words over that year several years of silence yeah not a real woman but a real bitch and everyone starts cheering like i mean he's turning everybody against her it It's like, here's the real cult. Let's all really go against her. Now we have a public enemy, basically. So a warrant was granted to investigate more. And basically, U.S. authorities discovered that in Sheila's bathroom, there was a button you could press that would lock all the doors in the building. There was a false back panel in the closet in her hot tub room. Don't worry.
Starting point is 02:07:24 It was in the hot tub room. Okay. worry. It was in the hot tub room. Okay. Wait. We really just went right over that. Yes. That should have been topic number one earlier. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:33 But also we should not be shocked because she had spy equipment earlier too. Yes. And she had apparently, they said it was like one of the biggest espionage cases the FBI had seen. Like it was a massive, and she had like high tech. I mean, these people had millions and millions of dollars like they were buying 365 rolls royces so she could afford like top-notch security stuff okay that's so fair yeah and uh you know this is the 80s so this was like
Starting point is 02:07:55 next level so the panel in the hot tub room had a ladder that when they climbed down there that's where they were brewing the salmonella culture in this secret lab underneath her bathroom. I mean, it's like so bonkers. So they were said they were down there in the dark and one of the investigators backed up against a bookcase and it sprung open. And they said it was like being in a Nancy Drew mystery. Like, it sounds like an Abbott and Costello movie. Oh, for sure. Like if that were my parent as an investigator, I'd be like, tell me again the story of how the bookcase sprung open behind. I mean, it's fascinating. It's like being a cop in like a mad lab.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Yes, it's like you never expect this kind of thing to be real life. And here it is. So they found numerous glass vials of salmonella. so they found numerous glass vials of salmonella the cdc later concluded that indeed the ones discovered in the salad bars in the dalles were from sheila and her confidants that they had brewed in her fucking basement and so in 86 they hunted sheila and her confidants down she pleaded guilty to attempted murder electronic espionage within the commune, immigration fraud, poisoning incidents. And she was regular or sorry, widely recognized as the architect of this attack. So she was sentenced to 20 years in prison for her crimes to this day. Like when she was interviewed in prison,
Starting point is 02:09:17 they said, do you have any guilt about like making people sick? And she's's like people get sick every day and it's like oh my word the point that's like saying oh uh covid is really bad well people die all the time it's like that doesn't make anything okay like yeah she clearly hasn't learned anything right that's what i'm hearing yes yes and she definitely hadn't at least in the interviews i watched she didn't seem to have changed much of her mind so as for baguan according to the ex-mayor of Rajneeshpuram, who turned state's evidence, and he became a huge enemy of the group because he basically went against them and said, I have insider intel on the entire cult. If you promise I won't go to jail. So he turned state's evidence. He was the former mayor of the cult and uh he was
Starting point is 02:10:07 comparing apparently baguan was comparing himself to hitler toward the end of this uh quote-unquote religion stating that wait like actual hitler or like the recycling plant no no i'm just talking about the recycling center come on oh my god i didn't even think about that apparently he's comparing himself to hitler saying that hitler had been similarly misunderstood like he was okay uh when he sought to create a new man like baghwan was trying to do uh-huh so not a good look um half a month later rajneesh renounced his status as religious teacher everything Everything started to go downhill. The ashram citizens and supporters burned 5,000 copies of the book of scriptures that they had. That was basically the book of Rajneeshism. Wow.
Starting point is 02:10:55 Say that 10 times fast. Yeah, yikes. The book of Rajneeshism, which was like his scriptures, basically. They burned the signature red robes in a bonfire. Hundreds of them deserted Rajneeshpuram for good. A lot of them were heartbroken because this was like their life. They raised their families here. They were like deeply invested in this cult.
Starting point is 02:11:15 And all of a sudden it was like the wool had been removed from their eyes. And they were like, wait, people, there's espionage and murder. And like, we didn't know we were a part of all of this. Wow. So it was really hard for a lot of people. People were becoming like, what's the word? Disillusioned, basically, to like what was really going on. So Bhagwan continued alleging that Sheila was entirely responsible for anything that went
Starting point is 02:11:39 south, even though he was also Hitler. So, okay. I guess that's not really a fair argument, but whatever. Right. Yeah, okay. I guess that's not really a fair argument, but whatever. Right. Yeah. Okay. And he was ultimately, this was a huge deal in the show, but ultimately he was deported from the United States for,
Starting point is 02:11:55 according to federal prosecutors, arranging a series of fake marriages between Indian nationals and his followers to gain them resident status. So that's basically what they caught him on. Okay. Is they were like okay well we can prove that you're sending people off the compound to get fake married so that people can gain citizenship and then they're coming back to their real lives and real partners on the compound got it so once they were able to kind of prove that he pled guilty he
Starting point is 02:12:21 was deported uh and after his deportation he was denied entry by 21 different countries um so that's how bad of a dude people were like we don't want you in our oregon you are not well in our oregon antelope don't you take our antelope valley get out of here precious antelope so 21 countries rejected him he ultimately returned to india indiana oh my god india uh the other organ you know the other organ he returned to india where he was given like a god's welcome and people were cheering and this is when he rebranded himself as osho and he basically just continued living his fucking guru lifestyle wow uh he expanded his spiritual teachings he devised a series of new meditation methods he began to focus his discourses
Starting point is 02:13:12 entirely on zen and then in 1990 ultimately he passed away his books had been translated into more than 60 languages and to this day the os Osho International Meditation Resort continues to attract around 200,000 visitors a year. It's still like a huge deal, has a big following. Books are still sold on Amazon about his teachings. And essentially the entire city of Rajneeshpuram, which was meant to be sort of a utopia, was dissolved. The remaining valuables, including the 365 Rolls Royces, were all sold off in auction. Not the cars! Not the 365 rolls royces were all sold off no in auction not the car um and after 39 months sheila was paroled uh she now runs two residential homes for people with disabilities uh near basel in switzerland which is perched on a hill surrounded by a forest
Starting point is 02:14:02 overlooking a small village of 900 people and she has lived and worked there for more than 20 years mostly just in peace um it was kind of hilarious at the end of the interview she she just kind of looked around said is that it i thought this would never end and then she said we all need a drink and she just like stood up and walked out of the room i was like what a fucking ending wow so. So there's like, I know I rushed through that. It's probably because I'm watching a blizzard pile up outside. Oh my God. But there's a lot. If you watch the docuseries, everybody, like there's so much I wish I could have put.
Starting point is 02:14:34 Like one poisoning example, there was this woman who said like, later authorities asked me like, were you ever poisoned? And she's like, and then I remember one day i was handed a coffee and i ended up in the hospital i was uh like in a coma for several days and she didn't know why and it turns out that sheila had seen um this woman during one of the rolls royce parades uh the car was covered in roses and bogwan had said to her like pointed at the roses she said do you want me to take one and he said take all of them and she picked up all the roses. She said, do you want me to take one? And he said, take all of them. And she picked up all the roses.
Starting point is 02:15:06 And I guess Sheila got jealous and literally fucking poisoned her coffee and put her in a coma for several days because of that incident. Oh, my God. So that just gives you an idea of like how dangerous this woman was. Wow. And how much danger she put people in uh and now which uh even i've talked about the the compound interestingly enough has become the home of the young life community which which now uh is a an organization also a religious organization that preaches abstinence so when they interview the folks of antelope, they say like, listen, while we're still not thrilled, there's this new group next door.
Starting point is 02:15:50 At least we're not hearing them have wild sex all night. At least it's the exact opposite. Exactly. So they're like, we'll take it compared. But it was kind of cool to see like they had a party when the city was finally given back to them. renamed the antelope they put up a statue like they it was really fascinating to see because like how have i never heard of this this whole town was taken over yeah and i mean you just never knew about this rural oregon oh poor little antelope but now these people are like yeah it was a weird time of our lives anyway yeah they're like huh that's funny funny history remember that bob wild okay wow anyway that is the story of the rajneeshi i highly recommend the netflix docuseries wild wild country it's a six-part series very fascinating interviews all
Starting point is 02:16:38 the people involved just really really next level stuff that I couldn't even begin to cover at all. But that's the case. Well done. Well done. Thank you. Same to you, man. I could have just listened to you talk all day about that. That's why we got a podcast. And I will.
Starting point is 02:16:56 Catch you next week for even more. Yeah, no, next week will be fun because it's a lot more information too. But it's crazy stuff. I mean, both of us covered some pretty wild stuff so oh yeah people are bananas sure are well uh thank you everyone for listening to the chaos that was this week and uh hopefully you're doing well that's uh when is valentine's day it's coming up uh it is thursday the 12th it's on it just happened when you listen to this valentine's day everyone is with their loved one and enjoyed time with their loved one
Starting point is 02:17:28 and and if we're your loved ones i'll take it yes exactly that that yes oh this comes out on valentine's happy valentine's day oh okay then yay it's it's us dj cupid back in the house and uh yeah we also have our live show we should keep we keep forgetting to mention oh yeah we have our live show on the 26th uh so please buy tickets a virtual live show um and yeah i gotta go get geo out of the snow man it's getting bad out there find us on patreon follow our social medias hww podcast we have a website that's what we and uh that's it and can't wait that's why we go get geo from the blizzard and drink and hopefully not end up in a ditch yeah i need you to helicopter me out of there though if i do i'll put eve on the case i'm too
Starting point is 02:18:15 tired all right i'll take it bye

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