And That's Why We Drink - E211 The Echelon Twins and a Rotary Butt Dial

Episode Date: February 21, 2021

Welcome to episode 211, where this week we're spreading the bad news so it doesn't turn into worse news... Join us as Em dives even deeper into the world of conspiracy theories for the second part in ...their series on QAnon. They cover the antisemitism at the root of it, just how people are getting sucked in and the rumors about who could be behind the infamous Q poster. Then Christine takes us back to Psych 101 class with the case that prompted not only the Bystander Effect but the origins of 911 itself, the murder of Kitty Genovese. We also look into Kitty's badass life as a bartender, "bookmaker" and girlfriend. And lastly, is Em a gummy worm sinner? ...and that's why we drink! Check out the blog posts Em mentions in their story here: consider supporting the companies that support us! Try Acorn TV free for 30 days, by going to Acorn.TV and use promo code DRINKHead to for 25% off your first two orders! Select your child’s book club and start them on a literary journey like no other!Go to now to find your perfect-fitting bra… and get 20% off your first purchase!Try 5 pairs of glasses at home for free at Download Best Fiends FREE today on the Apple App Store or Google Play!Go to and use code drink10 for 10 free meals, including free shipping!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right i'm very excited to uh hang on like can i start at this time oh sure yeah and now christine's introduction to and that's why we drink introduced by m schultz i wanted to beat you to the punch but for the last like month you've been going welcome to and that's why we drink because you go uh you're right you which is i'm introducing your introduction i appreciate it thank you for doing that for me and let's try again okay well here's christine's introduction of and that's why we drink hello this is and that's why we oh em already said that um this is episode 211 okay i did write that part down and i have i have a big regret what we didn't change our names again oh it's okay you're just gonna call me poopy head again yeah so a couple
Starting point is 00:00:58 people noticed it only like three which i was very disappointed uh em and i were texting and em said something like oh love you i was like love you Em and I were texting and Em said something like, oh, love you. I was like, love you too. And then Em, like 40 seconds later, was like, never mind. I take it back. And I said, why? And they sent this screenshot from Instagram of someone being like, Em's name on the YouTube video this week says Em Schultz, aka Poopy.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And I was like, oh, I forgot I did that. But I was very proud of it because we didn't change our names. And I was like, people were so into that. And I was like, we were on a I did that. But I was very proud of it because we didn't change our names. And I was like, people were so into that. And I was like, we were on a roll. And then we totally forgot. And you were being a big butthead that week about Lemon's birthday or something. So I changed it. That sounds right.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I remember also thinking right after we recorded that episode, oh, we forgot to change our name to something funny. And then I saw poopy head and I went, OK, that works. We've done it again. So, well, I'm editing power again this week. So we'll see what happens. I look forward to, I imagine whatever my name is, lets the audience know how nice I was to you the week up until you're editing.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Or just like what mood I'm in, because it doesn't really reflect it on you so much as it reflects on me and my attitude problem. So I wouldn't worry about like it reflecting on you. It's mostly me and my issues. Whatever the title is, I'm proud to own it as long as it's not too disgusting. Or that I'm like Lemon's best friend. Don't fucking put that. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Oh, God. Eva, write that down, please. Speaking of, I don't know, I was like, what can I latch onto here? I don't know. Speaking of anything at all. Speaking of literally anything, which is what we do. of i don't know where i was like what can i latch onto here i don't know but anything at all speaking of literally anything which is what we do we have a live show that we keep forgetting to mention at the beginning of the episode yes on february 26th we're super excited we're doing like a ticket
Starting point is 00:02:34 giveaway that we're super excited about uh on instagram or on social media our lovely pal jess who does the newsletter and some of our social media uh is setting up this awesome uh activity i don't even know what it's called but it's super cool and fun and we're we're gonna be like giving away tickets it's gonna be great so you can follow us at atwwd podcast or you could just come to our show which is uh on february 26th right yes february 26th do we know the link oh is it and that's why we drink from our couches or that's the email oh yeah yeah no i don't know it was like i sent this to you two weeks ago in a fucking chat um also for those of you it is uh gonna be us reading new listener stories that you can submit uh for us to read on the show or during
Starting point is 00:03:17 the live show those live stories or those personal stories should be sent to atwwd from our couches at yes that is correct also eva just chatted us and said on location slash atwwd and she's double checking on that but i think that is the ticket link so come show up it's what 10 bucks we're gonna have a super good time and i can't wait i just want to get that out there before we forgot him no we have really have been forgetting i feel bad because the last the last two uh live shows we really really really like pushed it and like pushed and this time we're like oh yeah we have a live show and now i feel like it's like what day is that again fall into the wayside but anyway please come to our live show it's definitely a nice way to spend a friday i suppose yeah it'll be really fun we're gonna i'm gonna be boozing it up with you
Starting point is 00:04:02 cannot wait there's gonna be like a q a a intermission um and uh can i make one teeny announcement oh yeah okay uh i'm just very excited because as a lot of you apparently don't know i host a podcast with my brother um called beach she's sandy water too wet but he also started his own show called human seeking human where he reads like personal ads from old old newspapers and he had me on as his first ever guest and it was super fun and he found literal photos and articles of me from newspapers from like 2005 in Cincinnati that I didn't know existed from like me in the school play all these like just horribly embarrassing outfits and uh he just sprung it all on me. And then he made me tell my worst dating story ever.
Starting point is 00:04:47 So if you want to hear that, you can listen to Human Seeking Human. It was a fun time and also really kind of brought up a lot of terrible memories. So thanks, Sandy. Yay, thanks for the trauma. I'm not going to ask what your favorite worst dating story was, obviously, because they should go listen to that episode.
Starting point is 00:05:04 But was it Blaze? It was not blaze it was just a rough time i tell you what you would have heard about it if it was blaze but it was the time when i thought that person had a dog let's just leave it at that and they didn't is this you've told me this story yes i think so i don't like to talk about it but i tell it pretty often for someone who doesn't like to talk about it so i do remember this story yep uh i understand why you don't like to talk about it, but I tell it pretty often for someone who doesn't like to talk about it. I do remember this story. Yep. I understand why you don't want to share it. I was, like, really mortified.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I was like, why am I saying this on a microphone? Also, just heads up, my sister just texted me the words, blood can be used as a substitute for eggs in most recipes. Nothing further. You know what? It's shocking that, like, it took three kids to find a mini renata through the child like yeah she had to have three of you to find someone who was just her clone and it's disturbing a little bit yeah um so anyway speaking of siblings so m do you have any news why
Starting point is 00:05:57 do you drink uh unfortunately no i'm a very unnoteworthy person. Oh, I do have, I guess, something that, so I'm starting London Fog Fridays because- Oh, yes, you have started a freaking cult, man. I really have, especially in the times where I'm talking about a cult as my topic. It's very interesting. I bought one and I'm a coffee drinker and I went and bought one and was like, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:06:21 So I also, first of all, thank you. I appreciate the love, even though I reap no reward other than my pride. They're great, though. Yeah, you were right. For those of you who are wondering, I have seen a few people say that they tried it and they just didn't like it. And I want to be very clear. And let me make this my London Fog PSA, my LF PSA, if you will. If you are getting a London Fog, a lot of people have been saying, how do I order it so I know that I'm getting your experience? And it's, for some reason, the hot ones are always basically made right. The cold ones, like, a lot of employees, and when I say a lot of employees, I personally am talking about Starbucks because that's where I order mine from.
Starting point is 00:06:58 They, like, fucking forget, like, their brains break when you ask for an iced one. Like, every time I order one, they like look a little shocked because I think they're trying to figure out how to make it the fastest because with an iced London Fog, you have to basically let the tea steep for like 10 minutes before you can put ice on it. And so Oh, God, you are that customer. Well, I tell them and so to let you know how I order it. I do tell them in advance like hi I'd like an Iceland and fog and I then say I know it takes a while I don't mind waiting okay just because I think a lot of the reason why they look so shocked is because they have they feel like they probably have to relate to me that it's
Starting point is 00:07:36 going to take forever for that drink to be made right but so if you say like I know it takes I think eight minutes to seep say that and also make sure that they are putting vanilla in it because one of the reasons it can taste like trash is because they're making it the shortcut way, which is they're not steeping any brand new tea. They're just using iced tea and throwing milk in it, which is not the same thing. That's like their, if you get a London Fog,
Starting point is 00:07:57 if you ask for an iced London Fog and it takes a minute and you have a cup in your hand, they made it the shortcut way and it's not the right way. And make sure that it does have vanilla in it. So I'm just saying that now because I've been asked by I swear like 300 people exactly how I order it. So there you go. A lot of people say, not a lot, but I've seen quite a few say they're allergic to lavender or they don't like lavender. Is that in Earl Grey or what is that? I think it's the, I don't know enough about Earl Grey, but I, or I don't know enough about earl grey but I or I don't know enough about tea
Starting point is 00:08:25 in general but earl grey has the lavender yes tea leaves in it right yeah so that could be an issue if you're not a fan of that just I would recommend that an English breakfast maybe uh as a as a second situation sure sure okay I love a Darjeeling but we could get into this on another podcast anyway so uh London Fog Fridays because so many people have been posting pictures and basically my entire Instagram feed has been me reposting everyone's London Fog experiences. We're doing London Fog Fridays now where if you basically I'm going to be every Thursday, which actually is starting today. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Wait a second. Every Thursday, I am going to be posting on close friends, which means you do today. Oh, yeah. Wait a second. Every Thursday, I am going to be posting on close friends, which means you do have to join Patreon for this. To be able to see my close friends, I'm gonna be posting a secret word or a code word or whatever. And if you take a picture of you with your London fog, and tag me in it on a Friday, this is we're only doing this on Fridays. If you tag me in a picture of you with your London fog, and you use that secret word as the hashtag. So I know that like you saw the hashtag and I know you're a close friend and part of Patreon uh you're gonna be in a running for me to personally
Starting point is 00:09:34 Venmo you five dollars so you get your next London Fog on me such a cute idea I love it and thank you and also if you happen to not go to like a Starbucks or somewhere else, if you go to a black owned shop, also write the restaurant in your tag so I can look it up and make sure it is a black owned place. And you'll be in the running 10 times. Love this. This is so fun. So wait, sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So you post the code word on Thursday and then I'm going to post it. That way you have all you see it all friday got you okay and then friday you have the time to post your yeah because a lot of people have been tagging me in pictures before i even wake up on friday so if i post it on thursday at least everyone's starting friday and we wake up late so so if you take a picture of yourself with like today i have coffee bean sorry but click click click i know but if you take a picture of yourself with like today I have coffee bean. Sorry, but click, click, click. I know. But if you take a picture of yourself with your tea.
Starting point is 00:10:29 That's also not a London fog. What's happening? Because coffee bean doesn't offer London fogs on their Postmates menu. So it's just black tea. But if you take a picture of yourself, one, with your tea. Two, tag me in it. Three, use the hashtag that I post on close friends. And if it's a black owned restaurant or a black owned coffee shop also write that down so i can double check it's a black owned space
Starting point is 00:10:50 and you'll be in the running for not only a five dollar venmo from me but i think we're also going to do a shout out for you in the newsletter so fun um if you would like to be a part of that london fog fridays are a go and then that way all of the London Fog pictures I post on Instagram won't just be 100% of my feed all week long. So are you reposting those posts though? Or just to your close friends? I'll repost them to my close friends. Okay, makes sense. So people don't cheat and steal the code word. Exactly. Got you. Okay, cool. Well, I'm excited. I bought one yesterday. So i missed the cutoff but maybe i'll i'll save the photo okay now i'm just giving people ways to cheat uh never mind it's
Starting point is 00:11:32 my way to cheat you can't take now you have to also take a picture of like like a calendar a calendar doesn't work because you can say look what calendar on your phone i gotta know what the dot is you know oh my god anyway this has been very long-winded and you asked why i drink and it's because i'm happy to announce london fog friday amazing i'm excited to enter and uh not win because i don't that's not how this works but i'm excited to have an excuse to drink more london fogs perfect um but yeah that's all i've got you're a poopy head uh i was on human seeking human we're doing well i'm doing london fog fridays and we have a live show oh and i pronounced beaujolais wrong which people are like not happy about and i apologize i looked at it after after
Starting point is 00:12:18 we recorded and i went oh yeah i completely butchered that it's beaujolais not boujolais okay i'm sorry but i was drinking it when i was like 19 sorry mom and dad so it sounds like bougie like I get it yeah yeah and I know it made me sound like an uncultured swine and I apologize um but that's what I am wine out of a box I know I'm like what did you expect from me uh French is also not my for any language third fourth fifth first let's uh I'm just putting it onto the world that like since you like box wine specifically trader joe's maybe they should make one called trader joe's delay hang on that's great oh speaking of which look what i brought since it's uh five my time now look at you cheers it's uh it's actually white today but it's um probably not very cold anymore but that's okay cheers cheers to you
Starting point is 00:13:05 uh we do have a lot to cover today and yeah let's go warning everybody because uh a lot of you like to listen from most recent and you're working your way down if you're new so i'm telling you right now it is going to be impossible to listen to this episode. And don't take that as a challenge without listening to the previous episode, because this is a part two. And a lot of things I'm going to say are not going to make sense, especially because this is a conspiracy theory. So if I just dive into lizard people, you're not going to know what the fuck I'm talking about. So also, I want to say thank you to everybody who has been sending me really nice comments about i just i worked really really hard on these notes like a lot harder than i'm gonna admit to but i worked really hard because this isn't just a conspiracy theory which i would
Starting point is 00:13:57 usually cover like you know project pegasus and like time travel is fun this is a a conspiracy theory that people are dealing with right now and it's a really big situation and it's become it's radicalizing people at like wild rates and it's super political or it's not political but it's it's inserted itself into politics and so um i appreciate everyone being really nice and i feel for all the people who are suffering right now and because i have tried to put so much information into this unfortunately for those who don't like this topic this actually has to now become a three-parter so no you guys you can't not like it because this is one of my favorite topics you've ever covered it's so creepy and fun it's true crime and conspiracy it's not fun i mean you know it's funny i got you
Starting point is 00:14:45 up way it's like interesting and that's that's also the fine line that i feel like we have to ride too because it is really fun it's like you're totally right and that it's like fun and bananas and like holy shit out there people think about this stuff but at the same time it's really topical yeah like it's like it's people's reality i mean it's like when we talk about like jonestown or something that's crazy now but like can you imagine back then when people had family members in it right or like people who know people who died you know so yeah you're right it's like when it's so timely and people are who are listening could be like oh shit my brother or whomever yeah yeah it's and also uh to remember that even though like it's it's funny in one way
Starting point is 00:15:26 because we're talking about things that to people who aren't invested in this it is so outlandish and wild but this is just you know it's a really good reminder of how easy it is to fall into things right uh and like and all the people that we're talking about even though you may want to think of them as terrible people who think all the most extreme things at the beginning of it at least in terms of q anon uh they are victims of brainwashing right so let's remember that um yeah just in case someone is you know with their friends and like gonna joke about this right now while they're listening just remember there are people who are like truly suffering right now. Yeah. So anyway, here's.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I'm going to light a candle. It's called Nordic Cabin. Oh, perfect. Just for you. It's nature cozy. Nature cozy. Settle in. Settle in.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And also, I'm a lot of things I said I would address in this episode. But I'm a lot of things I said I would address in this episode, I now have to address in the next episode, because this is the weird middle part where I stand on a story because we yeah we try to do fair reporting yeah yeah today i'm not gonna do that i am coming to a i'm just announcing my personal opinion entirely this is a fucking cult like just after after everything that i've read yeah especially because this is the group that tells you to, quote, do your own research. Okay, I did my own research, and this is a fucking cult. So, and if you think that it's not, not to sound like I'm in part of QAnon, but do your own research because it is absolutely a cult. Yeah, we welcome you to do that. And one of the things that I'm going to be talking about today, I'm at least going to be talking about some of the ways I'm going to really focus on that in the next episode. I have a whole
Starting point is 00:17:28 section called ways that this is a cult. So look out for that next week. But this is all the stuff kind of leading up to it. Okay, great. I'm so excited to just hear the rest. So for those of you who are not listening to me and are listening to this episode first um before last week's episode i'm just going to remind people of some of the crazier beliefs out there and i'm doing that mainly to let you see how extreme it gets okay because as a conspiracy theory which i would identify as a cult um i don't identify as a cult as i would define as a cult oh my god wait a second hang on and fog fridays are becoming kind of troubling so i don't know uh but it's it's to let you know that like it starts out really really innocent it starts out really gradual and it just fucking
Starting point is 00:18:18 skyrocket so dangerous though yeah like you said so here are some of the beliefs uh i'm gonna repeat what i said last week and i'm also gonna add on a few things that i found in this week's research so the i just copy and pasted this from last week's notes the core belief at i'm not talking about the super wild stuff you can hear about that in last week's episode the core belief though uh when you really hit like peak q anon is that hollywood is stealing children especially newborns or babies and uh keeping them in underground caves elites such as democrats and hollywood celebrities are hosting occult sacrifices and uh with these babies they are
Starting point is 00:19:02 either possessed they're holding these sacrifices for babies so they can eat these babies, they are either possessed, they're holding these sacrifices for babies so that they can eat these babies. And then these Hollywood elites and Democrats, unbeknownst to us, are actually either interdimensional demons or reptilian lizard people. They shed their skin and drink the blood of these babies because the younger you are, the more adrenochromes you have in your blood, which is a chemical that apparently is either a psychedelic or works as a fountain of youth. Or some say that it helps you gain power above Trump and all these people, and therefore they're controlling the mass media. Mass media is part of it because Hollywood is in on this and they're covering it up. Also, there's a term that the storm, where eventually the storm is coming and the storm is that everyone's going to find out about all of these celebrities. They're going to be imprisoned, executed on Guantanamo Bay. And after the storm will be the great awakening where after all the bad people are gone and we realize QAnon was right all along we will enter a utopia where we have saved all of the babies from human trafficking and that's just the basics guys don't worry that's just just i know that
Starting point is 00:20:16 seems really vague but the one person who decided to like listen to this first is like oh fuck now they're like they're checking they're going i see i've tried to warn you and you didn't listen so uh everything after that which there's a fucking lot um everything after that all the way down to like the government made monsters inc because they felt guilty or wanted to like leak this information that was one of my favorites everything that else you hear in q anon falls into just different factions but the root of all of this stays with this hollywood demon ring and some of the other things that i learned in this week's research are that obama's the antichrist uh the pope is a hologram the moon is hollow of course uh you should stop paying your debt so this is where it gets a little culty. You should stop paying off your debt.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I'll do that. Because apparently one of the beliefs is that there's like, there was this financial program that from the nineties that was like defunct, but they think it's coming back and they're going to pay off all your debts, which one of the things about cults is that they start taking your money. And even if you're not paying
Starting point is 00:21:25 your money to anybody they are giving you financial struggles um what else uh oh yeah the government is going to steal your children and your neighbors might be in on it oh god and trump if he would have won would have actually only been the 19th president instead of 40 like one 2020 like if he won in 2021 or yeah if he won 2020 sorry he would actually like how he's known as 45 45 president yeah he actually would have just been the 19th president because uh we'll get into it um okay also one ex q anon member said in a quote to anderson cooper that one of his beliefs was that q is a group of fifth dimensional interdimensional extraterrestrial bipedal bird aliens called the blue avians so like wait that's the q group like that's one of the beliefs of who q is they thought that these
Starting point is 00:22:16 were oh like the q the person person so you're not a person that's the wrong word uh the b the b i guess the bird okay so they think that one of the options because one of the things i said i would cover in this week's episode is who is q because ah yes that's right uh to remind everybody q is the anonymous poster who has been on 4chan and then 8chan and that it's has been leaving all these quote clues for people to decode and that's how they're coming to realize all these things yeah and there's a lot of conversation about who q is we still don't know apparently some extremists think that they are interdimensional blue aliens or something oh my but anyway let's really get down to one of the probably most important things that i absolutely did not
Starting point is 00:23:02 discuss last week because i just really needed the time to do more research is that in the core belief that there is this hollywood democrat elite group of people trafficking children and drinking their blood if you have any at all background with uh anti-semitic tropes the core value this core value of q anon just fucking screams anti-semitism so um i'm gonna say now not all of q anon is anti-semitic but a lot of factions and the fact that the core belief of q anon is anti-semitic i think it's not 100 anti-semitic but a lot of people in there would really like to push that narrative. I don't know. I don't want to offend any, I'm trying not to offend anybody. Because a lot of people remember QAnon is this huge
Starting point is 00:23:55 conspiracy theory where anyone can fall in. So like, you're not inherently anti-Semitic when you join QAnon. And a lot of people just don't know the historical roots which i'm about to explain but a lot of people don't know that that's even an antisemitic trope so when they fall in they have no idea they're being fed this antisemitic narrative right and then it because they're still part of it they're still part of it and have no idea at least in the beginning then again there are people who are falling into this who already know that trope and agree with it in some way and they're running it. So there's a lot of different levels of people in here who actually agree with that shit. But over time, the more extreme you become, the more sinister that thought process gets in. And it's another wonderful way for white
Starting point is 00:24:41 nationalists to become your friends so love that love it anyway love it so let's talk about it because i don't think enough people know and i also think that this because a lot of people don't know this might actually be a really good way to maybe rattle some of the people who are lost in q anon right now if you teach them the anti-semitic history of some of the core values they might realize holy shit this is like i don't fully hopefully who knows but it might be the thing that rattles someone so yeah um so since the 12th century there's this really horrific thing called uh blood libel accusations and uh basically it's that jewish people ritualistically murder Christian children.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And for some reason, the intention is to gather or harvest those children's blood. Which sounds fresh out of QAnon. Yeah. Interesting parallel, yeah. Once you know that, it becomes so clear where this was inspired by. Totally. And some might say that means that the person who is Q and starting off all of these paranoid beliefs is probably a white nationalist. Some people.
Starting point is 00:25:56 That's an easy one to believe. But also a bird. But also a bird. Like just like if Hitler and a bird had a baby. Jesus, it's a racist bird baby. God. No, don't follow the racist bird baby so apparently the belief that uh that jews are drinking christian's blood comes originally from this book called or a pamphlet i guess called the protocols of the elders of zion
Starting point is 00:26:21 um and this was in 1903 it's a fake pamphlet by the fucking way like the text is not it's fiction and it's pretty much just a massive book just listing all the most anti-semitic things you could think about a person sorry i just spit all over one of the big things being blood libel um and this wasn't just a one-time thing this has been following jewish people for almost literally a thousand years. There have been many times in history where Jewish people were tortured. It was kind of like the witch trials where even if you weren't a witch, you would just get tortured until you admitted guilt. Yeah, you can't win that, right?
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. So it only bolstered this opinion. They're like, oh, see, Jewish people are admitting to this. And it's like, well, no, this is not's like well no this is sure yeah that's yeah so uh other beliefs are that are through this it's just you know through telephone things warp and spiral and so there's also been other blood libel beliefs that like jewish people don't drink wine they actually drink blood okay um or that on like jewish uh certain jewish holidays they'll mix children's blood into their pastries like it gets really fucking weird um if you happen to be someone who's new to q anon or if you know someone who's new to q anon and looking into it
Starting point is 00:27:37 if you look up powerful elites killing babies and drinking blood the thousand year old anti-Semitic narrative will surface real quick. If you just Google it, you don't even have to put Jews in there, or you don't have to put, you know, any anything that's directly anti-Semitic. If you just write that kind of basic concept into Google, you're going to start being really fed a very specific belief system. Anyway, so most anti-Semitic tropes that are inspired or that have been inspired through q anon all kind of come from the protocols that pamphlet whether or not you realize it um and here are just some of the other things that are maybe a more modern version of that so one of the big beliefs is that uh Soros and the Rothschilds are in control of the
Starting point is 00:28:28 world. If you don't know, they're very wealthy Jewish people. A lot of people say that they own most of the world's wealth or they're part of the Illuminati or something like that. And they often get really involved or their character gets involved in a lot of these cults because a lot of angry white nationalists and a lot of angry anti-semitic people uh like to throw their name into the mix when they're angry about like an easy target exactly um to a point where there have been a few social media marketing companies who have been keeping tabs on like posts about them and pretty much every single one has at least one death threat in the comments like oh my god there's just a lot of people have a lot to say about jewish people and jewish families who aren't doing anything seriously like give it a rest like give us a goddamn break um also q anon mentions a lot the elders of zion or a zionist government
Starting point is 00:29:22 that also comes from the protocols basically i i kind of hinted at it earlier but it comes from jews almost controlling the world or controlling the media like if you were to type in the media or whatever is eating babies it because it it stems from jews drink children's blood um it comes from jewish people often being democrats it also is probably has been really reinforced in this last election sorry an alien an alien's coming by an ambulance coming by xenon oh my god xenon not to be got a new not got a new horn not to be confused with zion let's oh geez yeah no no it's very different zionists uh but yeah so the idea that there's a zionist government comes from the protocols and it's that it's this conspiracy theory that uh
Starting point is 00:30:13 jews control western state governments and that comes from jewish people often being democrats and uh again like i just said is probably heavily reinforced in this last election. But because Hollywood has a lot of Jewish people and because Hollywood is mainly democratic and because Jews are mainly democratic. And that means that all three of them combined, if you're in Hollywood, a Democrat and or Jewish, I'm apparently a triple threat. Then she was like, oh, my God. Whoa. You said the magic words apparently uh they they're the ones in charge of running the child ring uh the the human sex trafficking ring that everyone's afraid of in q anon so uh let's see it leads to the trope sorry i also wrote these notes super late
Starting point is 00:31:02 last night so if i'm repeating myself a lot i'm sorry I just wanted to really get the point across that like if you are in charge of Hollywood you're basically in charge of the media and so now when people say the media has a human sex trafficking ring that trope is so associated with Jews at this point that you don't have to say the media people already know especially those who follow the protocols yeah they know that when you say the media or democrats or hollywood you mean jews and when you say it's like anything about babies yeah yeah so you only have to know really like basic context to be able to read between the lines very clearly totally um and uh then there's another thing in the protocol is called the great replacement which is just a terrible white nationalist conspiracy theory that uh my people are
Starting point is 00:31:52 apparently leading immigrants of color into the united states purely so that we can wipe out white people um god's sake and white nationalists will say that this is quote the biggest genocide in human history oh for god's sake okay uh-huh christ uh and this is, quote, the biggest genocide in human history. Oh, for God's sake. Okay. Christ. And this is not the first time we've heard anything like this from white nationalists. But apparently the theory is alive and well. You also heard it at the, I remember because I was, you know, Charlottesville isn't too far from my hometown.
Starting point is 00:32:21 And during the Charlottesville protests a few years ago, a lot of the neo-Nazis there were saying Jews will not replace us. And that was in reference to probably them following the protocols and being afraid of the great replacement. So it's just horrifying. I mean, obviously, it's like that. It just doesn't classic fear mongering. It doesn't change. Like this has been the same, like you said, for thousands of years.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's just going to keep cycling. It's horrible. It only gets worse. Like this has been the same, like you said, for thousands of years. It's just going to keep cycling. It's horrible. It only gets worse. And like and a lot of people were wondering why I didn't talk about this at all last week. And I hope you can see now, like there's just a lot that I wanted to cover and there was just no way I was going to get through it quickly. But so another belief that QAnon has regurgitated out of these protocols is that global conspiracy global conspiracies in general are something that
Starting point is 00:33:07 q anon really loves to push and at this point after so many centuries globalists has just kind of become a sneaky way of saying jewish people um at least in conversations like this so when you hear q anon saying there's a global conspiracy no matter how new they are or unaware they are of anti-semitic tropes they are now pushing to what some people will hear as jewish people i see okay so other global conspiracies are that the jews had some responsibility with 9-11 like it's it's all great stupid um and so many people in q anon are uh obviously alt-right and that means that they probably know a few white nationalists that they don't identify as that themselves um and even if you don't identify as it you probably say some pretty white nationalist shit
Starting point is 00:33:56 um and so they like i said earlier some people don't really understand this stuff yet but some people really know about it and they are for pushing this narrative in a sneaky way where people don't even really know what they're saying until it's too fucking late because it has seeped within their psyche over time and now they believe these things and it's too late to tell them like hey that was pretty anti-semitic of you to think these things so that still makes things super dangerous for people especially white nationalists because now instead of saying directly hey i think jewish people are eating our babies you can say hey i think that there's a human trafficking ring in hollywood and god yeah it's
Starting point is 00:34:39 a global conspiracy and it's like yes so loaded and you don't even realize and because you can be so because it's such a passive way of being anti-semitic you almost get validated and this new permission to spread that information without getting harassed for your opinion so it's just extra sinister because now it's almost like people with these genuine beliefs are able to recruit people without anyone noticing. And so QAnon definitely, white nationalists have been spreading this hatred to newcomers for a while now. Actually, I would say QAnon became mainstream in 2018, halfway between Pizzagate and this election. I guess there was a few midterm elections in 2018, where people started really
Starting point is 00:35:25 repping QAnon at rallies. And so that was when it really took off. And I'm not saying that that's the reason for it, that there were all of a sudden these people reading into anti-Semitic tropes, whether or not they were aware of that. But in 2018, there was a 12% increase in anti-Semitic incidents. In 2019, there were uh it hit a four decade high according to the anti-defamation league of anti-semitic shit going on in the country um in 2020 the capital which for many reasons yeah yeah i i was just gonna say it half as haphazardly haphazardly and then was like, I can't even get through that sentence. But there's a lot of reasons why a lot of people were angry or had their own view of what storming the Capitol meant.
Starting point is 00:36:15 But a lot of it had its hand in anti-Semitic ideology because a lot of QAnon people were there. A lot of white nationalists were there. Even if you're one but not the other, you all kind of have the same core beliefs. You might think that you don't like Jewish people. This one might think that Hollywood is lizard people, but they both come from the same history and you can bond in that.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And it was just a bunch of angry people who think that they're right, especially because a lot of white nationalists have read this book called The Turner Diaries, which is more or less. Some say their Bible, the white nationalist Bible. Great.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And it's about a violent overthrow of the government, which is so a lot of let's, let's put it this way. A lot of people who stormed the Capitol that day, their quote Bible is a violent overthrow of the government. The book ends with mass lynchings, a fire in the streets of dc and quote this isn't a direct quote but a paraphrase that every jew's throat is cut cool and that's
Starting point is 00:37:12 victory for them cool what a cool paraphrase thank you for sharing you're welcome um and so people who were there who apparently see this as a crucial text were hanging out with other people who are being fed this kind of information in a really insidious way. And also we saw a lot of people there who were just beyond anti-Semitic. There was apparel, there were signs, there were symbols, there were people there wearing Camp Auschwitz shirts.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Jesus, I didn't even see that. Yeah, and the motto underneath it was the English version of the, I don't know how to say it in German, but it's the thing that's on the thing in Auschwitz. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The work. Work brings freedom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:54 So that was the, it's written in German at actual Auschwitz over the gates. But the English version. It makes me sick to my stomach. The English version was written under the camp auschwitz phrase cute great that's hilarious who lets them make these t-shirts i mean jesus somewhat and well really the answer to that and at least terms of q anon not not white nationalists although i would imagine the answer is the same is that there are surprisingly so many people somehow in this movement that everyone's got a trade everyone's got a skill and someone's skill is making true
Starting point is 00:38:24 you're right it's like its own environment yeah so uh anyway so those people were floating around the capital that day and they're also floating around q and on pushing this narrative that democrats and hollywood are running this human sex trafficking ring and anyone that knows basic knowledge of anti-semitic tropes knows that if you say democrats globalists whatever you basically mean jewish people um and then that and then white nationalists who already knew about the protocols or know about the Turner Diaries are hearing this information and not disagreeing, and maybe even writing their own friends into this group where they're understood. And so I do want to say really quickly, I got a lot of this information from some really wonderful websites, I am going to
Starting point is 00:39:04 link a few of them. I'm going to have Eva put them in the show notes just so people know where I got this information because it was really well done. One of my favorites was this blog called Religion in Public by a guy named Paul, I think it's Juppe, which is funny because it sounds a little like Jew, but Paul Juppe, D-J-U-P-E. Jupe, right? I have no clue. Well, anyway, he made an incredible several posts on his blog called Religion in Public. And they were charts. There was a bunch of charts of correlations right now.
Starting point is 00:39:38 I would argue these are some like the first real studies we're seeing about QAnon and how they're affecting people's mindsets. Oh, wow, in terms of antisemitism, because they were charts that had to do with antisemitic tropes, being a nationalist or having nationalist views, and your interaction with QAnon and seeing how all of those work based on every antisemitic trope one by one. So it was really super interesting. There was another one he did where it just had the comparisons and charts involving nationalists in QAnon. It's really interesting. So I'm going to have Eva put those in the show notes. Please go look at them.
Starting point is 00:40:11 It's super, super interesting. So anyway, that's my little anti-Semitic portion, which I never thought I'd say that sentence. Fine. Welcome to our show. Anyway, it's a really good lesson in that even if you fall into QAnon because you're really into time travel or you're really into just wanting to save people from being human trafficked or you're into the New Age movement, whatever it is, these tropes already exist. And whether or not you know the history, they're going to slowly be enforced on you. And by the time you realize it, it might be too late. That's the whole point of this. And as a topic that is more or less about people who are being brainwashed right now, this is some of the information that they might not even really realize is happening to them because it's seeping in so gradually. So I just
Starting point is 00:41:01 want people to know where some of the roots of this come from or the type of people who are recruiting loved ones yeah I did say last time I was going to talk about who is Q so I don't want to leave people hanging on that because there's a lot of theories basically Q followers see this is kind of the um the best irony of all by the way we're not talking about anti-semitism anymore so like we can all take a big breath and like you know leave that space and be a little more jovial even though this is still a really sad topic but we can at least leave the leave the jewish people alone for a second thank god let them take a breather they deserve it i'll take a breath for all my fellow jewish folks oh my gosh um i'll put my wine down have some water i feel like i need to
Starting point is 00:41:47 rehydrate i just rehydrate too that was really it was really exhausting to cover that because i was like i don't want to offend anyone but also people need to know about this shit so it's definitely a different reporting than ghosts and aliens slightly yeah so i i i'm used to getting to be lighthearted with my stuff and wanted to make sure that i wasn't upsetting anyone more than they already know you did a great job so who is q anon the the the biggest irony of them all to me is that q anon is this whole group that tells you don't trust on source or unreliable sources don't trust unreliable sources and yet q is an unreliable source and that's where they're getting all these like fucking codes from and all these little messages from so for them to see the the secrecy of q and not knowing who he is in this
Starting point is 00:42:39 and they consider that the ultra credibility is just beyond to me and it lets you kind of get a quick glimpse into how warped this thinking is yeah yeah like how it just doesn't even doesn't even click you could go to someone and be like oh i don't trust sources i can't i don't know like i don't know exactly well oh okay well then who's q well i don't know okay well then why are you fucking listening to him it just doesn't track So there are big names that people think could be Q although big names in QAnon like famous YouTubers and all these people who are profiting off of the QAnon movement they say that they have opinions on who they think Q is but they won't even hint who they think it is because they think Hollywood would find out and they would get killed like he
Starting point is 00:43:25 would get killed and compromised or whatever so wouldn't want that yeah wouldn't want that so 4chan which i've talked about before my favorite trusted source that's the only source actually i don't trust anything you're saying because i get all my news from 4chan there's nothing i love more than trusting only 4chan oh and ebombs world oh right right right and but that's it okay but actually had some fun stuff on there slime volleyball man oh i was the i like the parking car one way to park into the parking lot that was fun we had fun games kids we had parking games okay my day you could park a car online to play in the computer lab all right so i don't
Starting point is 00:44:07 know what else you want to hear on my family computer where i had to unplug the phone if i wanted a chance at dial up or if we had phones that plugged in it's a whole thing anyway so okay so 4chan was a again please go listen to the last episode. Also, please go listen to episode 175 because that's where I cover Anonymous slash 4chan. And that will give you a lot of insight into this really quick thing I'm going to mention because I assume everyone's already heard me talk about it. 4chan was originally for pretty lonely people who, this was back in the day before there was a lot of internet and a lot of content out there so on 4chan people could go say whatever they wanted and since being viral was kind of a brand new
Starting point is 00:44:50 thing everyone wanted to be viral and so since you were anonymously posting you could get away with some really shocking shit with the intent of being the one that goes viral or the trying to grab attention before anyone else could so one of the big genres on 4chan to grab people's attention were things like QAnon. So one of the things I find interesting is QAnon was never even a novel idea that there was this top secret anonymous person leaving codes for people or trying to help people wake up and see behind the scenes. QAnon was actually a huge playing field there was fbi anon there was hli anon which is high level insider there was cia anon there was cia intern there was white house
Starting point is 00:45:33 insider anon and so there it was all more or less the exact same thing where they would say i have top secret clearance or i know something the world doesn't know but i can't tell you who i am but here are different clues for you to decode okay and during this genre of 4chan other people like knew it was a joke or if they didn't they at least didn't take it that seriously but the goal was like to keep the thread moving people would uh boost it by leaving other comments like oh no wait I'm I'm FBI Anon wait a minute did you i just see you in the break room or like they're like oh got it it was a joke it was a game of like playing along or trying to make them stumble like oh if this is your proof then how come this this and this so it was very
Starting point is 00:46:16 lighthearted compared to today and if it was taken seriously at least enough people weren't touching it then nothing happened but for some, when QAnon showed up, people just fucking rode that wave compared to all the other times. I don't know what was going on. Must have been something in the water. Just like hit the right nerve, maybe, or the right timing. Hit the right person who had a desire to spread it, which is probably exactly what happened because there were three people.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Two of them were 4chan moderators, and one of them was a YouTuber their names were paul ferber coleman rogers and tracy diaz who are now i think all very huge people in the q anon world they're like q anon celebrities all three of them basically took what q was saying on 4chan and started spreading it on social media aha okay so that gave it a platform sort of gave it a they it spread amongst it went farther than just a bunch of lonely people on 4chan who would ignore it eventually yeah and so eventually the three of them kind of got really well known one of them even went off and created this thing called patriot soapbox where i think i don't know which one it was but one of them created patriot soapbox which has now become this like huge youtube i think live streaming
Starting point is 00:47:24 platform where like politicians have guessed it on this or like people in power are guesting on this as a Q with a QAnon host or whatever. So that's, again, only furthering the narrative. But anyway, so a lot of people think it could be Patriot Soapbox. Some people think it could be Patreon. It's our Patreon. It's our Patreon. If you spend $2 a month, you can see cruz talk about his vacation with cq and i'm really really with with all the lizards um but so yeah some people think it was the original q was patriot soapbox or one of the
Starting point is 00:47:59 three people because since they already were somehow invested in spreading it on social media one of them must have cared interesting be furthering it and they already were somehow invested in spreading it on social media one of them must have cared interesting be furthering it and they're clearly still invested enough that like it's yeah important thing to them yeah it gave them their careers basically so of course if q exists they would want to be in on the breadcrumbs or whatever it is a lot of people actually also in q anon either are really big fans of them or judge them because it sounds like if it was them then they never really cared about Q at all they just cared about profiting and getting ads on YouTube and a lot of times when they talk about QAnon they'll like
Starting point is 00:48:35 actually list their Patreon for donations and stuff so it feels like they made this whole thing up just for profit right okay so diehards will say, no, that's not the case. Other people have said like QAnon could exist. And if they're responsible, then they only really wanted it for the wrong reasons. Right. Right. Okay. So the other big thoughts, there's three main theories for who Q is.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Basically, it's either a single individual, it is a collective, or it was an individual who became a collective. So if it was, if it was an individual, it could have been some people literally fucking think it's Trump. Right. He's very, very intelligent. You could pull that off for sure. According to them, he is super smart and all of his tweets that are spelled wrong or something like that. That's right.
Starting point is 00:49:18 All actually are codes. You did teach me that last week. I forgot. So I'm too stupid. teach me that last week i forgot so i'm too stupid a lot of people think that trump is one of quote the smartest men in the world because he plays dumb to the people who are sheeple and unaware of what's going on but to the people who are awake he's giving them cues codes and stuff yeah so either it's trump it's a white house or trump admin person uh some people think it's one of the original influencers like i said some people think it's literally a random fucking kid in his basement who had just spiraled out of
Starting point is 00:49:49 control one day because he was like i just wanted to play the fucking game on 4chan everyone else was playing white house intern got to play exactly so imagine that kid also can you imagine and you're like jewish or something you're like this is not what i intended okay that's like the darkest funniest thing though of like you're like it was ironic i so didn't fucking mean for this to happen oh my god that's horrifying it's really horrifying really horrifying i really hope that's not the case because i don't know what i hope because like part of me is like well is it worse if it's a white nationalist like exactly i don't know it's all just fucking terrible it could be anyone from any spectrum especially under the belief that it was an individual and know it's all just fucking terrible it could be anyone from any spectrum
Starting point is 00:50:25 especially under the belief that it was an individual and now it's a collective because then it almost removes the original responsibility from the first person and it really could have been just a random person online thinking they were playing a game and now all of a sudden he was like fuck this and out of hand yeah um people think it could literally be jfk jr because if you listen to my last episode the last episode we, we talked about how JFK Jr. is alive, according to some Q people, dead, according to some Q people. Dead, according to like everyone. Dead, according to everyone else. A lot of people, which I will get into this one in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:51:00 But one of the things that some ex-QAnon people have come out and said is that they think it could be a boomer baby boomer okay because some instead of them reading the weird breadcrumbs or reading the weird codes that Q is leaking that didn't make sense to the rest of the world but if you were trying to figure it out you'd understand what he was saying a lot of people ran headfirst into it and said okay so these are codes that's why he's spelling things weird but other people who got out said i think this is a baby boomer who doesn't know how to fucking type oh my god can you imagine that realization you leave q anon you're like oh my god it was just like someone's grandpa the whole and for the whole time like who doesn't know how to use a keyboard exactly so a lot of people have thought
Starting point is 00:51:44 like this doesn't make sense he's like q anon is telling us that he like i'm just gonna say now but there's one guy who's really big in helping people and he said that the thing that got him was q anon was talking about like how he had just deactivated seven satellites and this guy was like you can deactivate seven satellites but you can't't fucking figure out like where the dots and the slashes go. Oh my God. And so that's another thing about it being kind of culty in my mind of like the most obvious things that should break you don't work. But the smallest weird thing that everyone else knew all along is the thing that wakes people up. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:23 So anyway, people think it could be any of those individuals a lot of people think it could also be jfk specifically because they have this belief that jfk is going to be found out to have been alive this whole time the only a lot of people think that he was alive and he was leaving clues for us because apparently his gravesite is literally shaped like a q so people thought thought that like, Oh my God. JFK Jr. was letting everyone know since the beginning before people were even paying attention to QAnon to like, I'm Q. Okay. People also think Q could be a collective,
Starting point is 00:52:55 which means it could be a bunch of 4chan people together. It could also, according to QAnon people, could be a co-op of intelligence operatives all sharing access to this account so like i'll leak whatever they can when they find out about it some people think that it could be uh it was originally like a random 4chan person and then like intelligence operatives took over i mean it could be anything but uh the biggest running theory i don't know how how much bigger it is than the rest. But one of the
Starting point is 00:53:25 most understood theories is that it is actually a man and his son named Jim and Ron Watkins, because they currently run the platform that Q writes on. Oh, so for so 4chan was the original place that Q started. But then in 2018 2018 4chan got too hostile and they literally you don't say i never thought anyone would say those words 14 got too hostile it's like uh i thought that was understood they were too hostile in like 2006 like can you imagine yeah like from literally the first hour yeah so apparently it got so bad that q actually got banned on 4chan. Wow. And so Q ended up moving to a different forum called 8chan. Right. And one day 8chan mysteriously also got deleted.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Like not just QAnon got banned from it, but 8chan itself went the fuck away. Like the website went away. Okay. And so Q ended up having to move again. And so basically Q seems to be hopping around the internet because what QAnon people thought or what QAnon followers believed is that he was getting found out and censored. And so Q had to keep infiltrating new spaces to share this information. Really what happened for the people who are not in QAnon is that 4chan did take Reddit down because there were some really
Starting point is 00:54:45 extreme 4chan boards going on. A lot of people who were interacting with Q on 4chan ended up trying to go somewhere else because they didn't like that they were being censored. If you remember from my anonymous episode, one thing a lot of 4chan anonymous people fucking hate is censorship. Right. And so when they got banned from certain boards and saying what they wanted they just stopped using 4chan altogether so there was this guy named fred brennan and he created 8chan he was definitely like i think a 4chan person on his own and then he created 8chan because he thought that 4chan didn't allow enough control sure so he created 8chan when everyone got banned all of a sudden he noticed that his page got banned, all of a sudden, he noticed that his page 8chan was all of a sudden getting all these people and he was like, Oh, shit, like,
Starting point is 00:55:30 I never thought it would take off like this. But he had created it right after a bunch of anonymous people had been censored and they needed a new place. And he was like, he literally he quote said, I made the shitty decision to let all of the users stay because his he was his website was gaining traction and he never saw that coming and since he he had basically created a community of people who agreed with him like i don't like being censored either so let's all hop on here and continue the queue so it's another case of like oh i didn't mean for that to happen basically yeah there was i think more intent because he was hoping for people to treat it like 4chan but more i don't know i don't want to say he hoped for it to be more hostile
Starting point is 00:56:10 but he hoped for people to feel like they had more freedom to say whatever they wanted and amongst the 4chan community that kind of means like i'm gonna give you full permission to do whatever the fuck you want and let's see what happens yeah okay and it really fucking went there so like he be careful what you wish for i guess because he yeah he wanted them to have the freedom to say what they wanted on his page and they had the fucking freedom wow uh and in a few cases remember i told you that once q moved from 4chan to 8chan and then 8chan just mysteriously fucking went away one day yeah yeah so that fred brennan's company 8chan it vanished one day because apparently so many people were writing really
Starting point is 00:56:50 wild extreme shit on there that they ended up finding at least three cases of really really brutal murders and the people before they had either committed these murders or were imprisoned or whatever they had left like manifestos on eight chin oh dear god okay and so it just goes to show you how wild human nature will take something um right like the it'll just end up this the lowest denomination like it'll get dragged to the lowest point so basically fred was like around the same time he was already in talks with a guy jim watkins who uh already basically ran an 8chan or ran something similar to it in the philippines and jim watkins was like let me take over 8chan for you and after those three murders it was specifically one murder in el paso that really did him in
Starting point is 00:57:43 where he was like fuck this i don't want the responsibility anymore i'm giving jim watkins eight champs oh so he backed out like he personally he was like this is this is too fucking much it wasn't like the government was like this is too much it was like he chose to shut it down or to leave so so okay no you're you didn't i didn't say something correctly so after that that el paso shooting where they found a manifesto the hosts the network host that was actually putting out 8chan in like stepped in and they were like fuck this oh okay 8chan anymore and they wiped it out at the same time fred was like i don't want the responsibility anyway so if it comes back on like that's jim walkins yeah like good for you bye okay got it got it got it that makes sense so Jim Watkins ended up taking over 8chan turning it into I think like an extension
Starting point is 00:58:30 of his own company which happened to be called like 8kun 8kun 8k-u-n what does that mean I don't want to know I don't want to know either I I don't know I since it's in the Philippines I just assumed it was like a Tagalog word for oh chain or something I don't know. I, since it's in the Philippines, I just assumed it was like a Tagalog word for Chan or something. I don't know. If I'm wildly ignorant in saying something that I shouldn't be saying, please let me know and I'll apologize. But it was 8-K-U-N. So yeah, so you're right. Maybe it was just like a translation of 8-Chan.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah, that's what it felt like to me as someone who's not involved in this stuff. But so anyway, after Fred stepped out, Jim Watkins and his son ended up taking it over. And they had been following Q since before it was even on 8chan, I think. And they had. Oh, geez. And so one of the big running theories is that they're either Q themselves or they have friends who are willing to be Q on their behalf. friends who are willing to be Q on their behalf just so that because Q had become such a big hit on their platform they were either pushing the Q narrative or paying other people to do it or had friends who would do it that way the numbers would keep growing on their platform
Starting point is 00:59:37 got it so I have a quick question so I don't know if you know the answer but so are they based in the Philippines themselves or is the site just run through philippines jim watkins is in the philippines he is okay so q might be in the philippines q might be in the philippines okay i don't totally understand jim watkins whole situation fred had a lot to say there was a really good vice documentary where they interviewed him and uh he was talking about jim a lot and there's also been he's been in other interviews where he is like i 100 think it's jim watkins oh really he's just trying to uh he's just trying to push his own he's not even trying to push his own narrative he's just trying to go with what everyone wants to see which is q anon shit sure and i'm going to get into this later about like
Starting point is 01:00:20 what the personality traits are of people who usually fall into this kind of thing gotcha but one of them happens to be if you're really christian apparently fred has been like jim watkins was never religious i never knew him to be religious at all but now if you follow like his individual social media stuff it's all very christian it's almost like he's trying to lure in people um also like his son ron who's also big on the platform he's really into like yoga and ambient electronica music and then q all of a sudden like randomly started posting yoga stuff with that music in the background can you imagine you're like dad can i please just share my newest electronica beat on on your website please just one link i just need a little bit of a viewership
Starting point is 01:01:04 well so a lot of the a lot of especially fred but a lot of people also think that like a lot of the tenants or some of like q's more random breadcrumbs or q drops they all very much followed suit to like something that jim or ron would be interested in also jim jim watkins loved the protocols oh god what a creep uh i don't know if he well i don't want to get in trouble and say that he loved the protocols and was incredibly anti-semitic but let's say that but yeah okay scrap that he i will say he according to fred he definitely knew about the protocols and he was very aware of conspiracy theories. So whether or not he loved it or liked it, he definitely knew about it and was definitely pushing the narrative.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Okay. Which is more than a lot of people, so it makes sense. So I take it back. He didn't love the protocols. However, he did. I guess. We don't know. Allegedly.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Allegedly. Allegedly. But apparently he definitely knew about it, according to Fred. Okay. love the protocols however we don't know i guess we don't know allegedly allegedly allegedly but apparently he definitely knew about it according okay and so similarly there were a lot of tweets on jim or i guess on ron's personal twitter that was almost identical to shit that q was then saying like within the same couple hours or within smooth he's trying to get his followers count up like what is he doing yeah stupid well it sounds like ron was posting these things first and then they would randomly show up on q and then like ron's original post would get deleted so it looks like it looks like okay so maybe jim and ron are q because they're posting the same shit on different
Starting point is 01:02:44 feeds and then hiding one of them oh weird so anyway Fred this is a quote from Fred where he says I definitely definitely 100% believe that Q either knows Ron or Jim Watkins or was hired by Ron or Jim Watkins and some of their friends do include Paul Ferber who was one of the original three who spread Q all over oh dear okay so people think like it's interesting that you two are friends yeah also so i said this last episode but q originally came out on 4chan but in a specific thread called calm before the storm right which is a whole other q fucking thing but q came out on a thread called calm before the storm which was ran by paul ferber
Starting point is 01:03:27 who also then ran with the q stuff and spread it all over mass media and he's friends with jim watkins yeah again so which then was owned the platform who then owned the platform that this yeah so then yeah and jim watkins so he's known the original person who spread Q shit from the beginning so it's like a lot of things click to make it very shady yeah yeah yeah and Ron and Jim have said I don't know anything about that so like they're like I we run an actual anonymous website we don't know who Q is but then you could easily say well that's what someone who was Q would say you know sure yeah exactly that doesn't prove you innocent at all. So I've got two more little categories.
Starting point is 01:04:08 I'm sorry. This is so long. I just take your time, dude. I'm fascinated. I could sit here all day. I'm so sorry also to people. I keep repeating myself and I hear it, but I just feel like there's so much wild bullshit I'm trying to say so quickly that... No, I need it.
Starting point is 01:04:23 I need to like process it. I just feel like it's helping it's okay good I know you're doing it you're not repeating yourself and if you are I'm only getting it once so it's clicking I feel myself I'm looking at my bullets and every time I'm going through a new bullet it's like I already said that a couple minutes ago but then it's like and then I feel like you're just saying it in a way that is more digestible I'm trying to remind myself like where the hell this comes from like what what yeah i'm trying to make so anyway this new category is called
Starting point is 01:04:49 personalities most likely to fall for a conspiracy theory oh boy oh boy and by conspiracy theory i do mean genuinely conspiracy theories at first oh any any um okay this kind of this episode morphed from q anon to conspiracy theories in general because I then wanted in the next episode to say why I personally think that this is a cult. Gotcha. That's gonna be your like thesis statement. In conclusion, this is a cult. So this is personalities of people who fall for conspiracy theories slash QAnon. Like, I mean, that's that's included in this umbrella.
Starting point is 01:05:27 So the first one right away is that conspiracy theories usually kind of pop up in general during civil unrest, which, hi. Hey, what's up? So it's when a lot of people are feeling out of control, when they're feeling alone, when they're looking for answers. And it certainly helps when they have nothing but time on their hands and part of this civil unrest is a year-long quarantine so uh really the the perfect storm in many ways because i don't i think i'll get into it more next week, but it, there really is something to be said about the climate that we're in and how it just couldn't be more perfect for breeding conspiracy.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Because if we weren't in a pandemic, if the coronavirus didn't exist, cube might exist, but it would not be as fun. I mean, it would still exist because it existed before the pandemic, but it would not be what it is today. The only reason it got where it is,
Starting point is 01:06:24 is because everyone was home alone, bored and desperate for social interaction. Yeah, it's like fuel to the fire. Yeah. So we'll get into that a little bit later. But so those are some of the main personalities, personality traits. Usually, you have to be on the end of a political spectrum, the more extreme you are on either end, the more likely you are to fall into a conspiracy theory and that that includes democrats and liberals a lot of people think that this is all republicans and all conservatives but surprisingly a lot of q anon people started as bernie supporters they were all really disappointed when hillary beat bernie out um at the dnc or for the dnc and so they were online talking about it and very quickly swayed
Starting point is 01:07:07 by anti-clinton content and this anti-hillary clinton content leads you to pizzagate right which in the last right and then how do you like you said how do you say you turn away from human trafficking at that point like in their words so it people fall into it really fast and anyone is uh capable of this so i don't want to just blame trump supporters even though i sure would like to but some people on the winning team also end up on the losing team in my opinion right so wow that was deep and beautiful i don't know but i expect someone who voted for Trump to yell at me on Twitter now. But well, they do anyway. I mean, that's not new for us. That's old news. So at first, a lot of people who were in QAnon, because to me, QAnon is only as old as this pandemic, because that's as
Starting point is 01:08:00 early as I'd been hearing about it personally. Sure. That's when it was like more mainstream, right? Like that's when it kind of it became more mainstream in 2018. But as of 2020 is the big boom, the big QAnon boom. Got it. Okay. And that's where in my head it lives. But I do have to remember that QAnon has been around since Pizzagate. So 2016. So there are people who have been in QAnon for years. And at first in those early years the first people involved and even early on in our in this pandemic and i would still say the majority of people uh falling for q anon are older white christian conservative trump voters but because of the pandemic and social media q anon has swept into all different audiences. And I want to take this moment to, to remind you that yes,
Starting point is 01:08:47 this is a conspiracy theory, which I think has turned into a cult, but this is also, we're watching, we're, we're in the middle of the history right here where we're watching people become brainwashed day by day. And a lot of people want to say,
Starting point is 01:09:02 which I know we've addressed before, when it comes to you covering cults, a lot of people want to say, oh, how could you be so stupid to fall for this shit? But like anyone of any intelligence can be brainwashed. It's just different narratives that people follow that lead you to the same thing. Taken advantage of in a way. Yes. So no matter how smart you are, you can accidentally fall into something like this. And it is true.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Statistically, those with lower educations are more likely. There are some... Oh, did I keep the stats? It was... I didn't keep the stats. But there was a surprising amount of surveys of people falling for QAnon who not only had finished high school or college, but had post-grad degrees. I mean, every...
Starting point is 01:09:44 All groups of people are falling for this. Other personality traits are high levels of insecurity. had finished high school or college but had post-grad degrees i mean every all all groups of people are falling for this um other personality traits are high levels of insecurity high levels of anxiety feelings oh i know um feelings of anxiety anger feelings of isolation a need for a purpose a need for control especially when the world feels out of control a need for validation in your own theories and the need for feeling special so uh-huh interesting uh and there's nothing more special than thinking you've cracked the code to a top secret top secret plan you know yeah and you're in on it you you know the secret you're in on it with other people and if people don't believe you that's exactly what the world wanted to happen anyway so you're only
Starting point is 01:10:25 validated by people not believing you because you are so above the echelon we're trying to show our postgraduate degree we're like we know a big word the only thing i got out of uh having a master's is i know the word that's me too and we went clearly apparently went to the same school because boston university that is our five star rating we now know the word that's me too and we went clearly apparently went to the same school because Boston University that is our five-star rating we now know the word thank you by the way for that I know how to hold a camera that's pretty cool uh okay so those are uh some other traits and usually the more untrusting you are or the more anti-establishment or anti-authority you are which is interesting to me because it's also the more like uh militant or
Starting point is 01:11:07 uh like right like wanting to be part of a yeah it's weird because it's like two completely different things to me but the same thing we're like interesting i know what you mean i know what you mean thank you i mean i want to be you so nobody else gets it but i get it i speak your language you have you're on another echelon somebody said wow twice in one episode beautiful so yeah if you're really untrusting if you are anti-establishment also if you're really skeptical of science if you have an interest in debate um this is i have none of those two last two so basically what i'm the that's the nice way of me saying if you're a white man who likes playing devil's advocate like yeah um actually well actually yeah well actually uh also if you are arrogant or stubborn
Starting point is 01:11:52 um and have you said arian i was like well we've covered that okay i see i see i didn't put that on the list but apparently that does make some of the qualifiers. Apparently so. So if you're arrogant or stubborn, and by that I mean because once you have fallen for this, you are either too arrogant to think you're wrong or you're too stubborn to accept that you were wrong. Got you. Okay. And if you have a big ego, because then you're going to have people validating how smart you are to have cracked the code. That's very fascinating because it's almost like you're insecure, but this is a dangerous combination of you're insecure,
Starting point is 01:12:27 but you also think you're better than other people. You have a big ego. You're looking for a group, but you're also, I mean, it's, yeah, that's a dangerous combination. It's really weird because it's like, really, I'm just describing any type of person. Like it's like you could be,
Starting point is 01:12:41 you have a lot of anxiety and a lot of insecurity, but also you're wildly overconfident. So it's like, or like you and a lot of insecurity, but also you're wildly overconfident. So it's like, or like you have a lot of fears, but also you fear nothing. Like it's like, what the fuck? Yeah, it's a very interesting polars. Yeah. Also, I think this probably goes for most conspiracy theories that turn into cults. But I would say, especially with the pandemic in this case, one of the, I don't know if
Starting point is 01:13:02 you'd call it a personality trait, but having mental health issues know if you'd call it a personality trait but having mental health issues has definitely i call it a personality trait i mean me too if you have mental health issues and by that i mean if you have anything that uh is like that allows depression to be a comorbidity because depression especially high functioning depression or actually any version of depression will have you isolating yourself from people and right anxiety will have you escaping into the internet to remove yourself from social interaction right and during this year i mean raise your fucking hand if you've been depressed you know anyone's like anyone can yeah well and like looking for a purpose is
Starting point is 01:13:41 interesting too especially now when people are like you said, at home, there's nothing to distract you. If you lose your job like so many people did, you really you know, what else are you going to do? You're looking for also if you're going to play the Sims or you're going to like find a also because to push the age, the age range of people being older and they're looking for a purpose. Not only is there a pandemic, but a lot of people lost their jobs early or are retired right so now it's like what's your new purpose like even if you didn't get fired but you still are out on a job so it's basically if you've been depressed you have a chance of being sucked our entire podcast population as far as i can tell we're all screwed if you hear anything about lizards just look the other way
Starting point is 01:14:25 look the other way unless it's like when our listeners post cute photos of their actual lizards those are the only ones to the podcast uh let me see oh and then the last one that is also pretty crucial is you don't have to fall into any of these categories but these are just like little signs one of them is being uh is having a high value in a religion and not to be someone who is like, you know, poo-pooing on religion because I don't care. If you believe in whatever makes you happy at night
Starting point is 01:14:54 and you're not hurting anybody or yourself, I don't care. But a lot of people could say that if you value religion, you have already been trained or primed to just kind of ride out blind faith in something that doesn't logically make sense sure so yeah i mean the faith aspect is huge you're right like something you can't see i mean i like i don't personally i don't ever really like use
Starting point is 01:15:18 this term but i've heard people before who are um not religious say like oh so you like believe in like a man in the sky or like a talking sky daddy sky daddy like and it to someone who is religious it could be insulting but to people who don't believe that stuff it is easy to see how illogical it can seem but then you could argue the same thing with q anon people of like oh yeah like of course i if i can fall for fall for that i'm not that's not my words but I'm trying to paraphrase other people here if you can fall for that you can fall for something else that sounds kind of ridiculous to people who aren't invested in it to be fair we believe in like ghosts and things yeah exactly and uh time travel things that like have not been proven and we just blindly are like nope it's
Starting point is 01:16:03 real you know so I mean also like I'm and this is a really good time because you kind of brought it up this is a great time to mention that when I say anyone could get into QAnon one of the reasons this is so toxic and dangerous right now is because anyone can get in if you have fucking oppression if you're scared about the state of the world I mean raise, raise your goddamn hand. Yeah, yeah. If you believe in anything, I'm like right for the picking with QAnon. Like you cannot convince me otherwise that time travel doesn't exist. Right. I gotta believe there's a faction of QAnon who are ready to talk to people about time travel and then work you into Q.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Totally. There's probably some quantum shit in there, which would get me talking, you know. Exactly. So, I mean, anyone, this is, I'm just listing some of the more common things that people have said before. There are a lot of former QAnon people who are now speaking out. And a lot of them had said that they grew up Christian in the beginning. This is, again, not poo-pooing on Christians. This is just the people who have come out and talked about what brought them in a lot of them will say that their faith got them in but a lot of people have also said that their faith got them
Starting point is 01:17:11 out so there's that um one person is quoted saying christianity played a role in my being primed to believe that something was outlandish uh or some or to believe something out outlandish at all um the fact that you can have that kind of faith in things leads you to oh leads you to be open into believing things without there necessarily being proof and then another former q anon person who grew up in the faith said quote theories about evil evolution science denial and the end of the world rapture return of christ stuff is all pretty crazy, too. I was just thinking creationism. Like, it's an extreme, you know, form of belief system.
Starting point is 01:17:50 And if one of the big things that they're trying to lure people in with in their core beliefs of QAnon, first of all, is that the bad people are anti-Christian. Right. Is the real core of it. And also, like, all these weird weird little terms like the storm and the great awakening and things that like already kind of play into religion revelations like end of day stuff it's very easy to coax people in who already know that lingo you know yes totally and for them it's a comfort like a lot of religious people um they have religion because it's a comfort to them and to explain events in the
Starting point is 01:18:26 world. And a lot of people looking into conspiracy theories are looking for answers about what's going on in the world. Like some control, like you said, yeah. So when a conspiracy theory, when their answers are, you know, they sound a little faith based and like, oh, well, there's a storm coming, there's an awakening, there's going to be a utopia, everything is happening for a reason, there's a plan. It's an awakening there's going to be a utopia everything is happening for a reason there's a plan it's really easy for people who already grew up with those thoughts to be like oh well this sounds like right up my alley and it feels like a comfort zone so um also the good versus evil trope you're already kind of you've been primed into that um so q anon specific um if you believe in a conspiracy theory, you can probably be learned into Q, like I just said about me and time travel, you and quantum physics.
Starting point is 01:19:11 One of the worst slash best things, one of the worst things in terms of how insidious it is, but one of the best things for people recruiting others into QAnon is that according to the BBC, this is a quote of theirs, q anon is just an amalgamation of all the greatest conspiracy theories thrown into one big belief so if you believe anything fucking crazy you're invited to the party and all that's just going to be the faction you focus most interesting so like you can be part you can be like oh i don't believe in all that but like i believe this part of it one of the funniest things to me is that QAnon, there are groups of people who they all swear by Q. They think Trump is their savior, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:19:50 But in terms of like another conspiracy theory that's pretty popular, they'd be like, that's fucking stupid, though. You're a crazy person for thinking that. But anyway, the lizard people. Right, right, right, right, right. So in that way, and I mentioned this later, I'm really going off cue here or off topic, but. Off cue. Off cue. I don't know, but I like it.
Starting point is 01:20:09 They're getting in my fucking head. Oh, no. Somebody get a helicopter extraction going. But one of the things is that, like, you don't have to believe in all the same stuff, which kind of makes it feel more anti-cult because you're not being led to believe all the same stuff you're almost getting permission to as long as you believe in this one thing you can believe in anything else sure so there's there's almost um it's less strict than what a normal cult might be plus there another personality trait or another quality of a person that makes you more susceptible to this is that if you believe in a conspiracy theory the most telling way that you can believe in a conspiracy theory is if you
Starting point is 01:20:49 already believe in another one like it sure it's once you believe in one it's a slippery slope and it's sure the likelihood of you be the likelihood of you being able to fall for something else is so is massive the significance is crazy and this one guy who did an AMA on Reddit, he was an ex-QAnon person. He was answering a bunch of people's questions. He said a quote, at this point, the problem isn't Q. It's gullible people who lack critical thinking skills and gain a massive ego boost and thinking they have a secret. It's worth noting that conspiracy thinking hooks the brain because it feels like critical thinking even though it isn't. Aha.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Right, because you're piecing together clues and but the clues are fucking nonsensical but if you're piecing them together you're smarter than everyone else yeah or it's just it's sensical but you're ignoring a bunch of other information that would yeah yeah that makes sense disqualify so um this is all one quote but from the article i read about his ama they called him db in this because his handle is db db avoids the rabbit hole now because he's an ex-member db avoids the rabbit hole now by embracing doubt and as as he added some fucking worldview humility so oh he's just added into his own in his own thinking his own critical thinking felt like he might just be
Starting point is 01:22:05 wrong sometimes like interesting he said uh quote the problem with fundamentalist religions cults and conspiracy theories is they all demonize doubt and all and are all so absolutely certain that they have the total truth of reality figured out i hold my beliefs now more humbly and i acknowledge that i could be wrong so as one of the big tricks or one of the big suggestions or on how to get someone out is to just get them to accept that you can doubt things. Right. And that's a hard thing to do. I mean, I get that. Like if you're really believing something, it can be hard to be like, maybe I'm wrong. I get that.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah. I mean, that there's just I'm so sorry. This is so long, Christine. I'm so sorry. No, I feel bad. Gio keeps barking. I'm trying to there's just, I'm so sorry. This is so long, Christine. I'm so sorry. No, I feel bad. Gio keeps barking. I'm trying to mute myself every time it happens. No, I just feel terrible because this is for those people who really wanted a long episode or say you love them. Here you go. So a lot of you say this is your time to prove it. Okay. The next the last section is how people got sucked in and how they act once they're in the cult, which I called it a cult it's
Starting point is 01:23:05 technically a conspiracy theory it's my opinion is different but how people got sucked in and how they act once they're in the conspiracy theory of q anon so again it's usually people got sucked in because this was a time of unrest and when tensions were incredibly high in society and in politics and 2020 was really just the perfect environment in terms of unrest usually people only need one thing in terms of civil unrest to start feeling out of control and seek answers and right now like i can't even list how many i unmuted myself to laugh okay i mean it's just like the the fact that usually it only takes like one situation for people to start losing their mind and slipping away and oh my god and all of 2020 is just a fucking spiral not funny but it's funny because it's so not funny no i mean it's
Starting point is 01:23:59 absolute nervous laughter of like yeah it's horrific like wow it would only take one issue to make you become a conspiracy theorist well here's 2020 where everyone is spiraling in their own way and i didn't get this from any um any articles or anything so i don't want people to think i'm referencing an actual phrase but i through my research have um considered that this is like in terms of cults or conspiracy theories, this is like the first real internet scandal or digital cult maybe to me, because there was a mass hysteria and desperation for some sort of solace or community when there was none for anybody, the entire world just shut down and everyone was desperate for an answer. And so most stories of people joining QAnon during
Starting point is 01:24:46 the pandemic is just they had nothing but time on their hands and they got quickly sucked down rabbit holes. And originally, like I said, older folks were more likely to be in QAnon because they actually didn't know what rabbit holes were. They like don't understand algorithms. On top of that, like just not understanding like how quickly you can fall into something on the internet because you just like kind of lack the digital literacy there is an ex-neo-nazi that's been going on a bunch of interviews discussing her stance on q anon and uh her name shannon foley martinez and this is a quote of hers from a news interview.
Starting point is 01:25:30 She said, QAnon folks tend to be middle-aged and older people who feel like they're tech savvy, but they aren't actually. So their ability to fact check is often limited and they think they're doing it right. So it's just a combination of pretty much baby boomers who don't know how potent the Internet can be, thinking they're doing proper research. Which is ironic because they were like the people who told us to not trust anything on the internet. Yeah. And now point. So I have a good point. And a lot of younger people,
Starting point is 01:25:53 because we were all, we're all in a pandemic and it started seeping into other age groups. Usually the people, our age who get invested in this are part of like new age Facebook groups or things like that. And then through the algorithm, they're only one or two clicks away from page from pages like the Great Awakening because Oh, God, there was one person. Her name was Melissa. But she truly found QAnon and was like a huge like huge in QAnon like super radicalized. And it was because she followed a bunch of like facebook
Starting point is 01:26:25 pages about like frequencies and energies and i mean how quickly can we fall down that yep oh god i just got goose care like i need to check my facebook page and her algorithm said like here's a page you might be interested in it was just called the great awakening which sounds very like woo-woo energy lingo like that yeah and before she knew it she was a mesh in the goddamn community and so oh my god because it's it just starts with like energy blah blah blah and then it's like oh you know these people know how to do energy this way and oh did you know that this is energy that trump uses and then it becomes like this huge like trump is our savior and he is the light and all this bullshit so um so there's one company called grafic, and they're like a social media analysis group. And they said that since QAnon is easily and vaguely anti-establishment, it can seep into just so many fucking algorithms because everyone in one way or another is fuck the system.
Starting point is 01:27:14 And so it best. Well, most of us. Most of us. Yeah. But probably if you listen to this show. Probably if you listen to this show. At least after 2020, all of us have a problem in one way or another with how things are going. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And so because QAnon is anti-establishment or anti-government in at least one way or another, each faction has their own way of feeling angry at the government or the system or whatever you want to say. So they can just go find really anyone and have something to talk about and it's apparently grafica they what they found was that q anon people best seep into people through spirituality and religion forums oh boy and their quote is that uh people are often most vulnerable when they're seeking spiritual information online and more susceptible to alternate views because you're already opening yourself up to things you don't totally understand of course so ironically some folks just got sucked in this is just a whole other faction of people that joined q anon they are people who were the probably 99 percent uh white man who wanted to be devil's advocate and they fell into q anon because they were looking through forums to have ammo when
Starting point is 01:28:26 they created online debates they were just like if they wanted to deal fight with a liberal online and they wanted their own facts they would be like do your research and then all of a sudden they very quickly fell into q anon because they were looking for more usually source or whatever right wing sources and sure once you're looking at right wing sources very quickly q anon becomes an option in your algorithm um not to say that if you are right winged you are q anon but it only takes like one or two less clicks to end up in that kind of stuff in terms of algorithms um so once you're in the cult um you can or sorry i keep saying cults i'm sorry look after next week you guys will all feel the fucking same but once you're in q anon you are quickly immune to fact checking because the whole point
Starting point is 01:29:20 is that you can't trust anyone you don't trust your facts which is ironic because people are like looking for facts and researching but you shouldn't trust research but like i think it's if you don't trust science that's like its own form of i guess it and from what i've seen the don't trust research is like don't trust people who are backing mass media because they're affiliated with the human sex trafficking rings. And if you're listening to those big corporations, then either you're falling for what they're pumping out to distract you or you're enabling it or whatever.
Starting point is 01:29:53 So I think it's the less credible the source is, the more homemade it is and the less it's been affiliated with pedophiles and sex rings and lizard people. So therefore you can trust that stuff. Yeah yeah that's what i always say yeah just trust the most fringe and cringe you know so uh it's very easy to trap yourself in confirmation bias because well there's one quote here that says q anon is such a good story like this insider is leaking secret government information so of course like people are fascinated and want to know even if you at first don't believe it, you just want to be in on the scoop of like, I mean, that sounds like something
Starting point is 01:30:32 you and I would like chat about for fun if it weren't obviously so sinister. But yeah, but even then, like we could easily fall into it because we don't realize it's sinister. Or even if they're saying crazy things, it would be something to almost laugh at with your friends. If you don't know the context of like, I can't believe someone's saying the shit. And then all they have to say is one thing that you kind of agree with, and they've hooked you. Yeah. And if anyone, once you like find out that there's like this secret government guy, and he's leaking information, if anyone doubts the secret info, I already said this earlier, but it just means that their eyes haven't been opened the way yours are. You just you're ahead of the game.
Starting point is 01:31:09 And so when people doubt you, they'll figure it out eventually. But for now, like you're on top of it. And so with Internet and social media, you can find pretty much any information you want to confirm anything you believe. So even if it's wrong information, if your goal is confirmation bias and your goal is, I have this crazy theory and if I have to do my own research from sources that aren't part of mass media,
Starting point is 01:31:33 you can probably find, quote, bad information or fringe information anywhere if you're looking hard for it. Especially when the goal is to avoid credible sources and you're just looking for other people maybe in their basement with the same thought and now you have to agree with you agree with you yeah and now by the way like it's not just people in your basement it's all these fucking people who've been infiltrated and now they're like just involved in our society they're fucking
Starting point is 01:32:00 doctors and lawyers and shit and politicians so so just normal everyday people so the more people that get invested in it the more people are pumping out their own sources for you to agree with them on and so it just it's so chaotic so quickly it just snowballs um and people have noted that it's very similar to a choose your own adventure game or uh like an alternate reality game which by the way by the way those do really well or like an alternate reality game, which by the way, by the way, those do really well amongst like the original lonely 4chan anonymous people.
Starting point is 01:32:30 I mean, they're like, I'm totally stereotyping here, but a lot, a lot of people are into like, and this isn't just 4chan anonymous people, even people our age, like people are into like the,
Starting point is 01:32:39 the Dungeons and Dragons kind of stuff of like, if you're someone who's online looking for attention looking for control and someone saying you're the dungeon master it's like fantasy role play stuff exactly I mean it's like it's so seductive like I totally get why people would be about that like oh you mean this is a belief system I get to be in control of and help create I mean it's sure fantastical um there was one W wired article about an actual alternate reality game developer who says that q anon behaves like an arg because it's clue cracking it is a multi-plot a multi-platform scavenger hunt it it creates realities that uh for people that are sometimes
Starting point is 01:33:22 bigger than yourself so you feel like you're powerful by creating something so powerful plus it this is still part of his quote plus it turns one's armchair warrior googling into a heroic quest for truth and if players solve one puzzle they crave the fun of tackling more and more and more so I mean
Starting point is 01:33:40 it makes total sense how on earth can you not want to be a part of QAnon if that's the angle you get seeped in with of like, here's a fucking escape room. Figure it out. Like, or here's like. And it's like real life. It's not just like a game. It's like you're really cracking the real code and saving babies.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Yeah. And then think about like the camaraderie of like everyone joined together. There's like almost like a brotherhood or something of like we saved the world or we're on our way to save the world I mean I I'm talking about it and I'm excited about it and I don't even want to join you know like do you imagine I hope do you imagine like how quickly someone could fall into that so yes absolutely so one of the issues with QAnon on social media is that every single day QAnon becomes a new fucking thing because new breadcrumbs are released. People's interpretations are varied. More people are joining.
Starting point is 01:34:30 So more interpretations are muddling other interpretations. And basically every single day the narrative is changing because everyone's got their hand in designing the newest belief or the newest breadcrumb that has to do with another conspiracy. Right. It's just a web tangling into webs into webs into webs this makes it really hard for people who are trying to get loved ones out or um even like data scientists trying to keep track of this shit it's really hard to monitor and it's really hard to shake people out of this because you get invested so quickly if on day one you're the dungeon master and you're fucking solving puzzles and saving babies by like fucking day 10 like it's too late you've already like convinced yourself of all of these different
Starting point is 01:35:10 worlds you probably invested a lot of time and energy so much time so much energy and so with all the time that you've invested and all of the the clues that you have found yourself realizing it's so quickly it's so it's too late to back out plus if someone doesn't agree with you just tell them to do their own research it's basically this is just QAnon is just a stadium of stubborn people saying I'm right like and like if you're if you don't believe me you just haven't done the research which means they're all also conflicting with each other it's just a belief system that says everyone's right everyone's wrong if they don't think you're right and everyone needs to do their's wrong if they don't think you're right.
Starting point is 01:35:45 And everyone needs to do their research. And if they don't do the same research you did, then they're still stupid or unaware. Then they're doing the wrong research. Yeah. There's no fucking rhyme or reason. And so that, like I said earlier, it's unlike a cult because it gives you the freedom to believe whatever you want, even if it's different from other people in the same movement. But, again, all stems from this big hollywood sex ring human trafficking situation so like that's all you really need to agree with
Starting point is 01:36:11 ultimately one day even if it sounds extreme now if you get there everyone involved in q anon is just doing their own research in their own faction and on top of it they have a fucking public figure trump a literal fucking president one of the most powerful people in the country or in the world um not denouncing you which is enough to bolster their beliefs and their movement and they feel their loyalty solidified and their opinions validated and in q anon trump also reminder is their leader in saving babies from human trafficking. So to challenge a QAnon follower with comments of stupid things Trump said, it's not going to work because it's their leader. It's their savior.
Starting point is 01:36:54 It's someone who is leading code. So, of course, you think what he's saying is stupid because you haven't figured out the messages he's actually relaying. So it just makes them double down and so they're it also helps them affirm their own belief that trump stands for the same things if you know you happen to be someone who thinks the election was a fraud or covid was man-made or all these other little things that q anon says on their own and then trump is on tv saying the same thing you're like my god my superhero is confirming that i'm on the right totally here totally it's and so uh if you had those opinions and now he's saying them of course you feel validated and a lot
Starting point is 01:37:33 of lost people uh believe that their purpose is or people think that they have found purpose when they were already lost they found their purpose in q anon so now if you're threatening q anon or challenging them or saying it's stupid you're it's a threat to their own self-identity. And the time they've invested, like you said, the community who understands them, the community who's helping them save people and challenging them just doesn't work, which makes it very similar to cults. Because all you're doing is helping them dive deeper into the community that they should be running from. Right. Like dig their heels in. Yeah. So when your belief system is that the more pushback you're getting, the more you're on to something that they don't want you to know. It is just again, on top of an already perfect storm with how wild the last year has been, and everyone's home
Starting point is 01:38:21 and looking for social interaction, all that. And on top it the reasoning is or the on top of that your note your new belief system is if people say you're wrong you're right it's just like it's a vicious yes i mean there's no escaping it so i feel like i just keep saying the same thing over and over again no but it's like fast it's like every time i'm like oh my god so when there was one time there have been a few things i'll talk about social media next week but social media has tried to change their policies or add fact checking whenever like misinformation was spread. And QAnon just saw that as a good thing. And not because like they were being fact checked, but because it meant that they were doing something right that they had scared Facebook into now shoving additional fake news out. Which is probably the enemy of like, media yeah yeah yeah and also that's a credible source to some people whatever but it's like it's a credible source because it's not a
Starting point is 01:39:11 credible source i guess but oh my god but so to them they saw that as a win because even though they were being attacked they were because they were being censored and uh media was trying to reroute people's attention or distract them with this information, it was because the information that they were onto was so right that even the media is starting to feel rattled. And every challenge to their logic is just affirmation that they found the real truth and they just don't want you to pay attention to it. Which, by the way, leads to things like wearing masks. pay attention to it, which, by the way, leads to things like wearing masks, like when all of those people out there who are anti maskers, and they scream fake news at you, what they're saying is when you are wearing a mask, you're listening to the media tell you to wear a mask, which means you're, you're listening to the media, and you're blind to reality. And you're enabling the deep
Starting point is 01:39:58 state, which is the people wrangling all of this human sex trafficking. Oh, my bad. So that's when I in my head before all this studying, though, I'd be like, how is screaming fake news actually even logical? And then after hearing all that, it's like, I understand your process, your thought process, twisted. Yeah, yeah. So when QAnon also implies that news sources are basically the devil, because they're part of Hollywood, and you know know news sources are part of mass media and the sex ring I mean it's just it's wild so people in QAnon go against credible sources aka fake news because those are the sources working with Hollywood to hide the truth um you can trust you can't trust the fake news if uh if they're just trying to distract you
Starting point is 01:40:42 from the real issues and one of my favorite quotes is from that Vice documentary I mentioned. One of the documentarians said, quote, all these people are acting like this is a grassroots movement, but it's some 4chan guy who just put ideas in their head. So I love that because it's like all these people think that they really have just grown into this thing where they're a massive force to be reckoned with which sadly they are becoming but it's all because potentially some guy in his basement
Starting point is 01:41:11 got taken too seriously one time so basically when these people are challenged they it's easier to you've talked about this before on with cults but and which is why another reason i think this is a cult personally and that is not anyone else's opinion but when they're challenged on their beliefs it's so much easier to fill gaps in your current belief system and then to realize that your belief system has gaps and so the more you're able to rationalize your own thoughts basically means that you're looking for random fucking information to fill in the holes just so you can keep thinking the way you do, which means you're just falling deeper and deeper into a conspiracy, especially as a movement that tells you to do your own research. Because if someone challenges you and you have to think about it because something actually is a crack of doubt, it just means it's their way of saying like, oh, that's not a crack of doubt.
Starting point is 01:42:04 That's not a hole in the system. that's not a gap in your thinking you just haven't done enough research yet to justify it for when people challenge you so even in other belief systems or maybe this is the same in all cults or whatever or conspiracy theories but it's just another way of doubling down where like finally there's like a shed of light of realization that something could be wrong but this group specifically is telling you do research to make it make sense and make that make that doubt go and that research exists so and it exists somewhere maybe it doesn't maybe it's like the shadiest weirdest youtube video you've ever seen but if it patches up that hole ride with it yeah so um and once you've justified your beliefs
Starting point is 01:42:47 however you do it your belief is reinforced and you're you're in the know and everyone else are just sheeple because they haven't done the research as intensely as you have one poster uh on the ama that an ex-q anon person did another person wrote in the comments saying, the I guess he was also an ex QAnon person, by the way, because the way he's talking about it, he says, quote, the idea behind the research is that you are more likely to believe a source that you stumble upon versus if I tell you to watch this video, right? If I tell you that Hillary is a lizard person, watch this video, it's easy to dismiss me as crazy. But if I tell you, I think Hillary is a lizard person watch this video it's easy to dismiss me as crazy but if I tell you I think Hillary is a lizard person but don't take my word for it and you come across hundreds of videos and
Starting point is 01:43:29 articles about how Hillary is a lizard person it makes it all more believable especially since there's so many articles now of Hillary not being a lizard person because because if it wasn't true why would people make videos and articles having to debunk yikes yikes so it's almost like a reverse reinforcement of like if people are arguing the opposite that means something there's they're arguing against something right exactly yeah oh my god that's horrifying so to boost their own ego and keep them feeling empowered um conspiracy theories basically make quote followers think that they're thinking more critically when they're actually thinking less critically um and that's what i've got today it literally like two fucking hours in and i'm so sorry no i got just today wow i just want you to tell me more well i have the categories already for next week's notes and they're and i quote because they're from my own
Starting point is 01:44:22 document by the way called i I Want to Fucking Die. Oh, no. Because I was trying to rack my brain and read like literally 100 pages of notes to get through this. But the topics are how did this mega conspiracy theory spread so damn fast, political consequences, ways it's like a cult, and how to help someone get out. I'll take ways it's like a cult for 400, Alex. It sounds like Je jeopardy categories if you would like to hear any of those things about QAnon please tune in next week for the final uh section which will be shorter by the way this was the longer bit of that so wow oh my god it's so creepy I'm gonna have the weirdest dreams tonight I appreciate everyone hanging in there but it's this. Usually I would try to trim things for the sake of not having such a long
Starting point is 01:45:10 episode. But this is something that I think a lot of people that listen to our show don't realize how many people that listen to our show are being personally affected. But I can tell you, especially after last week's episode, I already thought that some people might be hurt because during tea time tuesday a lot of people say that they're dealing with q anon parents right now and then after the last episode came out so many more people than i even suspected are saying that they they needed this um so hopefully i did it some justice and i didn't offend anybody or anything but a lot of people really need to hear this information to help maybe save the or if they feel like they're responsible for it um saving people in their worlds so thank you to everyone who is sticking
Starting point is 01:45:56 with it and even if you're not uh attached to this world at all at least you're being educated because maybe someone in your life might hear about this kind of stuff and you can stop it in advance now so sure yeah maybe like they'll approach you with something similar and you'll know spreading the good news or really the bad news so that you can keep it from becoming worse news you know yeah the end the end i get it the end holy cannoli i'm scared now i like have to go pee but i'm scared to leave please go pee i'm so sorry, Christine. That was so long. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Don't be silly. That's, this is like one of my favorite topics you've ever covered. I mean, honestly, it felt like we were at a sleepover and I was like, what is it? So welcome to finally Christine's portion where I still monopolize this conversation for a second because I wanted to, I wanted to show you something for people watching the YouTube you'll appreciate this what's the YouTube uh-oh boomer okay uh if you uh if you're watching YouTube you get to see it with your own eyes but I wanted to show you my the gift my stepsister got me for Christmas finally came in what is it and I just could not be more in love with it it's just so fucking wild and shaped as
Starting point is 01:47:04 fish I don't know it's a shirt it's just so fucking wild and shaped as fish i don't know it's a shirt it's a t-shirt but i just want to show you it because it like gets me every time it's so fucking random and wild what the fuck is that it's for those of you who can't tell it looks like a like an occult sacrifice it it pagan circle it's it's like it looks like an upside down pentacle with like baphomet's skull in it and it's on fire and it says celine dion my heart will go on and it looks like the skull is eating a heart or something like has a literal organ what the fuck i i just love it so much i can't wait to wear it and just, you know, I almost called you Renee, which should tell you how I feel. I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:47:48 What the fuck is your name? Oh, my God. My name is Celine Dion, bitch. Well, my other friend I almost said was Celine. I was like, this sounds like something you they would. This is wild. This is next level shit. When I wear this shirt, I will only go by Celine Dion.
Starting point is 01:48:06 And oh, my God, look at that bloody font it makes me so happy and so baby baby steps and little rewards and treat yourself but after reporting on q anon my uh present to myself was i was going to take a nice hot shower after this episode and i'm going to put on my celine dion shirt so i'm very excited about it i totally approve and you deserve that and I hope you don't have to do any work tonight I'm gonna have to re-listen to this episode again tomorrow but I will drink enough tonight that I forget and then I'll listen again and it'll be all new to be honest I'm so paranoid about how I just covered QAnon that I'm probably after this gonna go back and listen to the GarageBand file just to make sure that I do you want to edit it while you're doing that? While you're there. While I'm there.
Starting point is 01:48:49 No, I think you did a great job. And I think everyone's going to back me up on that. And that's not just me saying that. I mean, I would say that no matter what, obviously, but I'm being very sincere. I appreciate that. I'm not lying. Because if I like I told Em before the break ended, quote unquote, but if I'm drinking and i followed it like you were doing something really well like i said earlier it's just i i very rarely i don't think ever have talked about anything as serious as anti-semitism as my topic when usually it's like jeff the talking mongoose so i just i'm just extra paranoid because i'm out of my comfort zone and wanting to do it justice. It's a much more problematic area. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:26 Yeah. And sensitive and touchy. Exactly. On that note, I want to hear a... Badly. Just another topic for my end of the world. Badly, yes. This is actually probably one you know.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Oh, what? This is the story of Kitty genevese you know it nope okay you will oh okay i'm like 99 sure you will you'll see why is is it virginia or something no oh okay go ahead i want to know uh okay i'm gonna tell you so okay we're gonna start with the story and then lead into like the bigger picture here so okay, okay. The story begins 1964, March 13th, 2.30 a.m. Catherine Susan Genovese, otherwise known as Kitty, who's a bar manager, left her bar Ev's 11th Hour on Jamaica Avenue and 193rd Street in Hollis, Queens. She drove home in her red Fiat and while waiting at a traffic light on Hoover Avenue, she happened
Starting point is 01:50:23 to be spotted by a man named winston mosley who was sitting nearby in his parked car okay kitty arrived home around 3 15 a.m parked her car in the railroad station parking lot about 100 feet from her apartment door which uh she could access via an alleyway at the rear of the building and as she walked toward the apartment complex mosley who had followed her home after spotting her got out of his car which he had parked at a corner bus stop and quickly caught up with her he was armed with a hunting knife okay yeah yeah yeah seeing a man chasing after her with a knife obviously kitty ran toward her door as quickly as she could but unfortunatelyoseley overtook her,
Starting point is 01:51:10 stabbed her twice in the back. According to some neighbors, she screamed, oh my God, he stabbed me, help me. It was only when one of the neighbors, Robert Moser, shouted, let that girl alone, that Moseley ran away and Kitty slowly made her way toward the rear entrance of the building, which was out of sight from anybody who was watching or witnessing this wow she at this point was seriously injured and in a critical position uh however okay let me say this next line first according to witnesses mosley got into his car and drove away however it gets worse that's where i insert that famous christine line also question so this homie just stopped stabbing her when someone said, leave her alone. That was all it fucking took?
Starting point is 01:51:47 Uh-huh. And also, did leave her alone guy go check on her? So that is... Or did he just, like, go sit back in his fucking Barka lounger and was like, anyway, back to my tunes. Well, you're hitting the story right on the head. Okay, okay. I don't know. That's English isn't my first language.
Starting point is 01:52:04 You'll figure it out. It shows. No's english isn't my first language you'll figure it out it shows no it isn't thank you for agreeing for once um so so he drove away but then 10 minutes later he came back okay yeah he was hiding his face with a wide-brimmed hat okay that'll change things up okay that now i don't recognize you at all yeah i don't vividly remember the trauma of 10 minutes ago when that your face uh stabbed me got it your dumb dumb face showed up yeah uh but now there's a hat over it so he hid his face from with a wide-brimmed hat began searching the parking lot train station and an apartment complex where he eventually found Kitty.
Starting point is 01:52:45 This is horrifying. She was barely conscious and lying in a hallway at the back of the building where a locked door had prevented her from getting inside. So he then stabbed her several more times. Then he sexually assaulted her, stole $49 from her wallet, and ran away again. So he came back to the scene to find her and like quote unquote finish the job first of all can you imagine being no one should but can you imagine being kitty and thinking it's finally done and you got away inside yeah like you made it you're done it's so you're in your own building like it's really next level horror stuff and imagine like i don't
Starting point is 01:53:21 even know how to get into the mind of that guy. But for him to think, like, that wasn't enough. I needed that $49 fucking dollars. Like, what are you talking about? To drive away and come back is, like, so. And risk that after people saw you. Usually you would be so, like, adrenaline ridden. I would imagine that, like, the last thing you can do is. I mean, you're in the, like, to me, fight or flight.
Starting point is 01:53:42 And you're, like, gone. You're already. You escaped it without getting caught. Like, you already did the thing. Yeah. me, fight or flight, and you're, like, gone. You're already, it's done on both ends. You escaped without getting caught. Like, you already did the thing. Yes, exactly. Why would you come back? Yeah, exactly. It's shocking.
Starting point is 01:53:50 So a neighbor and close friend named Sophia found Kitty shortly after and held her in her arms. The first call to police came in around 3.50 a.m., and they showed up shortly after that. They then called for an ambulance, who picked her up at 4 15 a.m but tragically she died on the way to the hospital and she was buried on march 16th 1964 in lakeview cemetery in new canaan connecticut near her family and uh only six days after killing not only six days after killing kitty mosley was arrested during a house burglary that he was committing and at the time of his arrest get this he was a pillar of the community uh he had been working a steady job had no criminal record and was married with two children so just not your average criminal on the street you know
Starting point is 01:54:37 except according to and that's why you drink definitely your most criminal exact criminal average criminal exactly exactly so from pillar to killer pillar to killer starring emma christine uh from interviews with him it seemed like his killing was completely random which almost makes this more fucked up he later said he had simply quote wanted to kill a woman oh that yeah uh-huh the fact that it's so simple makes it so much worse doesn't it it's like it's it's like because you don't even need a you don't even need like a psychologist to do a whole history background it's just like oh matter of fact i just wanted to do it it's like senseless it's like there's not even logic or anything it's just random it's i think i think as as what i consider
Starting point is 01:55:23 like typical human beings in terms of empathy and like having emotion and not wanting to kill anybody i feel like we cling to wanting an explanation yes and when someone doesn't give it to you it's just like extra fucking difficult to process because it's so so not the natural way we don't get it it's like that israel key story where he just casually flew around the country and picked a couple doesn't matter what age doesn't matter what city they live in what gender what race none of it matters it was just like random which is so much scarier it's so much and also like you think like you never want to compare crimes or like compare like victims or anything like that but you always you always hope that like if something like that
Starting point is 01:56:05 were to happen it's because it reminded the killer of someone and there was like an emotional there's like a narrative like a narration or something a narrative thank you no you're good but but yeah but for it's it's for it to be a senseless act is just always so much fucking worse in some way it is it's like weirdly at least in one way you know it's in one way at least it's very difficult to swallow so that's exactly what it was it was just so fucking random he's like i just wanted to kill a woman uh he told police he left his sleeping wife at home and drove around looking for a victim finally spotted kitty in her car followed her home to her parking lot um and despite pleading not guilty by reason of insanity mosley was found guilty and
Starting point is 01:56:43 sentenced to death uh with the judge erwin uh shapiro commenting i don't believe in capital punishment but when i see a monster like this i wouldn't hesitate to pull the switch myself which that's not quite right in my head i'm like you don't believe in the death penalty unless you're emotionally invested that's not quite how that works in my mind right um so i'm gonna call bullshit on that one but that's besides the point so he was uh sentenced to death however his initial death sentence was reduced to lifetime imprisonment to which two additional 15-year sentences were laid on top for crimes he committed when he escaped from custody on march 18th 1968 yes that's right he escaped so mosley had made a getaway when he was being taken
Starting point is 01:57:26 back to prison from a buffalo hospital he hit a corrections officer took the man's weapon before fleeing to a nearby vacant house and when the couple who owned the house checked on their house a few days later he bound and gagged them and raped the wife then stole their car fled to another house where he took a woman and her daughter hostage left them unharmed after holding them captive for two hours and then surrendered to police shortly thereafter so i would look to the end of the psychology behind that thought process of like all of those motions you know it's so wild it's like it wasn't even like he was trying to get away necessarily it was like he was trying to get away but also inflict the most damage while he did it it was just like the most chaotic escape yeah and like come up g sorry
Starting point is 01:58:10 he's being needy i think he has to go potty come here do we need to take a pee pee break no that's okay it's like eight degrees out so i'll just do it afterward it's eight degrees i'm too fucking cold it is too fucking cold for me to take him out now and after. And he doesn't have a yard anymore, right? No. Oh, no. He lives a very tough life. Oh, he's so sheltered. He's so sweet, though.
Starting point is 01:58:33 It's so hard to be Gio. Look at the happy little nose. It's so hard to be Gio. I wish he could hear you. But he can't. Gio! I wish he could hear you. Is it high-p pitched enough that he gets it
Starting point is 01:58:46 no i might break my ears though it's probably for the best he can't hear me because i'd probably get him riled up right you would rile him up yeah does he still know my voice no he forgot about well because when we when we facetime he seems unbothered and i'm offended that's what he does he's like it's like i thought we got away from you yeah that's his normal attitude problem don't worry so sweet the little top of his head is so good he's gonna bother me for the next hour um so anyway he escaped in a very chaotic fashion uh then he was taken back to prison and then in the days immediately following uh okay sorry he was taking back to prison blah end in the days immediately following. OK, sorry. He was taken back to prison.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Blah. End. In the days immediately following the murder of Kitty, the story didn't get much coverage. It was only until NYPD Commissioner Michael J. Murphy took a New York Times editor, A.M. Rosenthal, for lunch where Murphy told Rosenthal that that Queen's story is one for the books. And that's when the Times launched a full investigative report, which culminated in an article. Maybe this is where you'll figure this out. Published on March 27th, called 38 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police. Sound familiar?
Starting point is 01:59:57 No? Okay. All right. Is this like the Grinch? Are you on to something and you're waiting for me to like finally catch it? I'm going to start singing again. No, I don't know what this is yet. Okay, well.
Starting point is 02:00:10 I feel bad. No, now I feel bad because I'm like putting you on the spot over and over again. I'm sure a lot of people are like, how the fuck do you not know about this? No, probably not. I just thought you would specifically. You'll see why. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:22 So as later referenced in June 1988 by author Harlan Ellison in an article for the magazine of fantasy and science fiction, quote, the murder was witnessed by 38 neighbors, not one of whom made the slightest effort to save her, to scream at the killer, or even to call the police. So we know that's not technically true based on the above info. Is that where 38 comes from too all the all the witnesses yeah so the new york times article the headline was 38 who saw murder didn't call the police and so then okay got it later it was referenced in other magazines other articles and this author or this journalist cited reports he claimed to have read that one man quote viewing the murder from his third floor apartment window stated later that he rushed up to turn his radio so he wouldn't hear, turn up his radio so he wouldn't hear the woman's screams. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Yikes. Yikes. However, in police reports, I will say, one witness said his father did call the police after the initial attack and told the police there was a woman being beat up, but then she got up and was staggering around. And additionally, a few minutes after the final attack, another witness named Carl Ross called two friends for advice on what to do, which is like fun little detour you took there. Called two friends to ask what to do, the second of whom called a third friend who eventually called the police who arrived at the scene. That is not how you handle an emergency. That is so many phone calls.
Starting point is 02:01:52 Okay, so in my apartment, obviously, there's like a crisis every goddamn day. But we've called the police a lot. And luckily, nothing's ever been happening to us. But we just happen to be in a weird pocket of burbank where like we've had a lot of people in the streets at different times saying call the police call the police and it's like i don't even know what the situations are i don't know if they're fights i don't know what what's happening but i've had to call the police a lot
Starting point is 02:02:20 and and the the sense of urgency that you get when you hear someone saying call the police you don't have time to call one person and then wait for it to fucking ring forever and then it hang up and then you call a second person and then they're like hang on let me call my buddy you don't have that that's like the wildest chain of events it's like so the first one was like i don't know i gotta go it's like what the fuck i was like yeah i can't okay so i'm already kind of lost here but i'm okay i've only ever called 911 for ambulance there were so many ambulances an ambulance so many for an ambulance it happened in la constantly at the los feliz apartment i called four separate
Starting point is 02:02:56 times for like really really terrible car accidents i saw remember that lady that old lady not the one across the street who flipped the car the old lady who when i got hit by it she got hit by a car and flew like fucking 30 yards and i had to stand there and measure it for like paramedics it was horrifying anyway well what about the one where like they like almost like ran through a window yeah they ran they these two drunk girls drove into a bunch of trash cans hit the curb flipped their car upside down i call 911 blaze ran outside and like pulled them out of the car upside down and when he pulled them out the one girl kept going wait can i go back and get my iphone and he was like fucking sit down like you just got pulled out of a wrecked car upside down and you're wasted like sit down it was horrible
Starting point is 02:03:42 at least he's like he knows what he's doing medical yeah i know he was like just fucking sit here he's like i drove an ambulance for thank god he didn't drive an ambulance in l.a but he drove an ambulance for years in cincinnati that was its own drama anyway sorry sorry no no oh we're in a different echelon no you're too cute no you're cuter um no but my my point was i've as someone who has sent the urgent cry of needing to call the police like to hear that this guy was like what do i do and like took probably 10 minutes out of like you don't have 10 minutes you don't have 10 minutes yeah so again you're right you're right on track here so um let's see it was actually later discovered in fact that uh through follow-up
Starting point is 02:04:28 investigations that the march 27th article in the new york times was not wholly correct and not wholly fair okay to the extent that the number 38 had been like completely hyperbolized uh and some facts had been completely made up um just like sensationalized journalism quote-unquote journalism okay um like i said two people did call the police several of the witnesses interviewed claimed they didn't realize the screams were cries for help some people thought uh they just heard yelling and thought she was in an argument they weren't sure from their apartment what they were hearing um not that that doesn't you know necessarily excuse it fully but like it actually it explains it a little bit
Starting point is 02:05:03 like i didn't know she was being stabbed to death or i would have called the police i thought she was having an argument with her boyfriend or something right um so in 2016 i've actually talked about this in the lululemon murder episode the new york times itself called its own reporting flawed so it they they came back in 2016 and were like hey we have to correct ourselves and say like that was bad journalism um stating that the original story grossly exaggerated the number of witnesses and what back in 2016 and were like, hey, we have to correct ourselves and say like that was bad journalism. Stating that the original story grossly exaggerated the number of witnesses and what they had perceived. In actuality, only a few people physically saw Kitty Genovese and her attacker.
Starting point is 02:05:40 The others just heard her screams. Not great, but, you know, still not correct in the article. And Kitty's brother, William, later created a movie called the witness that delves into this and i will tell you why this is so important like why this has been addressed so much so this obviously opens like a whole ethical can of worms it opens like can you blame the neighbors who didn't call police even if they knew she was like who's at blame here um it it like opens up a whole can of worms of like obviously the guy who stabbed the woman is guilty but then it's like what about the people who heard her screaming and didn't do anything like the distribution of responsibility of like right because there i mean there's so many what was that i feel like everyone learned it in like psych 101 in college but like if something were to happen ding ding ding ding ding ding hello oh that's the story oh it's a kitty genevieve that is yeah
Starting point is 02:06:27 yeah now i get it okay i was like you're gonna connect the dots at some point i got it well yeah because like 101 baby you always learn that like if you don't point at someone and say do this or like if someone isn't like if you're not assigned a task everyone's gonna like wait around for someone else to do it. And then nobody does. Yeah, it's like a diffusion of responsibility. Exactly. Diffusion of responsibility.
Starting point is 02:06:50 I don't know if that's correct. That's kind of a word I just made up. But we'll get to the real words that are actually psych words that I'm not making up shortly when I stumble upon the correct bullet. This is so fun. I mean, this is terrible. But like, okay, I get I'm on. I'm glad.
Starting point is 02:07:05 I'm glad you get it now. I'm like, yeah, where are we gonna hook you okay so you should have just said the i think it is diffusion of responsibility is like the the coined term of like i think it's a different word but it's a it starts with a d i know it starts with a d okay we'll get to it no no no it's the bystander effect bystander okay i think diffusion or distribution of responsibility is part of that definition. Maybe is part of it. Anyway. That would make sense. So anyway, obviously ethical can of worms.
Starting point is 02:07:34 That's where I got you. I said ethical can of worms and then diffusion of responsibility. We got there. We got there. We got there. So although what happened to Kitty obviously was a fucking tragedy, the shock of what happened to her shook not only the people of New York and honestly the whole world to do some introspection. So one thing I want to point out, which kind of gets at what you were saying earlier, is there was no 911 back then. You couldn't just call 911.
Starting point is 02:07:58 Oh, right. OK. Do you know what I mean? OK. So that adds a whole layer of like, well, if it's way more complicated to get emergency services like does that add anything to it or you know like if you don't know how to reach the police or wow so you really just let me fly through that tangent no no because it's a good but it's a good point because that's where people argue of like well they should have taken the time to find the
Starting point is 02:08:22 police number but maybe that's what that guy was doing, calling his friend saying, what's the number for the police station? Who knows? You don't know, but they could also have called the operator and asked for police. So it's like it's very up in the air and that's why. So there was no 911 emergency calling. And actually, this case became the catalyst to creating an emergency response system in the United States. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:44 So that's when they were like, crap, like we need a phone number to call because all these people are like. We need a hotline. I'm just going to. Yeah, we just I'm just going to turn up my radio, I guess. Like, you know, there needs to be a number to call. So isn't that so wild that at one point there was like a like a mindset of like, well, there's nothing I can do.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Might as well ignore the trauma. Yeah. Well, and if you think it's like the city like in new york and like so much shit goes down every day it's like you hear screaming it's not necessarily like right the only time you've heard someone screaming in the streets of new york right right again not that that makes it right but it's just like maybe that's something you're more used to it might have been just part of the culture of like you hear a loud noise and you ignore it and like it maybe it didn't even register as a scream at first, you know. Or if you like a lot of them said they thought she was in an argument or they didn't realize it was cries for help. So it gets very iffy, very gray area.
Starting point is 02:09:35 So up until the 60s, there was no centralized number for people to call in case of an emergency. If you did need to call the police or the fire department, you would call the nearest station by number. Like you have to call their phone number. Yeah. Or you had to call the police or the fire department you would call the nearest station by number like you have to call their phone number yeah or you had to call people who were older than us are like yeah yeah wow or you had to call zero to reach an operator and say i need this the local police which again is a whole nother step added to this process right um and so it took three years after her murder before the u.s took steps to create 9-1-1 but president lyndon johnson's um commission on law enforcement and administration of justice they love those long names uh issued a report recommending that citizens have the ability to contact police departments using one single telephone number and that's when it all kind
Starting point is 02:10:20 of began so at&t in 1968 which at at the time operated nearly all telephone connections in the U.S., decided to establish a 911 line. So that was in 1968. Now, I'm – what? I was going to ask you a trivia question. I was going to ask you a trivia question. I was going to ask you a trivia question. Do you know why they picked 911? I was literally going to ask why did they pick 911.
Starting point is 02:10:43 I wrote guess because I knew you were going ask me and i wrote yes well my first thought was i was thinking of rotary phones but nine is so fucking far away like is it nine or it's one one was the one that's far what's the one that's no no nine or zero is the farthest but nine i would think like but it only takes like point five seconds if someone's in your house though that trip from nine all the way to the clip that's that's a long distance we talked about this once and somebody literally dm me and said there was a case of a woman who died while dialing on her rotary number for nine you would think like one one one would be the one but but that's way too close to accidentally butt dialing in my opinion is that why they did it then because
Starting point is 02:11:25 like nine was like an intentional one versus two quick ones i don't know why so here we go they wanted a number that was short easy to remember so okay unique and 911 had never been used as an area code before or any sort of uh code before any phone number so it was like completely unique brand new and so it could be taken as like a totally separate i mean i'm not saying one one one wasn't i don't know but i feel like one one one is a lot easier to like accidentally in my mind butt dial which i'm sure you didn't butt dial on a rotary phone because that would require a lot of gymnastic effort a lot of a lot of twerking on i'm telling you yeah it'd be a lot of really delicate butt movements which i don't have the ability to do um but in my mind one one one seems
Starting point is 02:12:12 a little i mean isn't that what is it in um now i'm gonna look like a real idiot okay never mind i'm not gonna go there oh well no that's interesting imagine being the person who had to go like comb through every goddamn area code to find the one that's different than everything else i know and it's so taken for granted like 911 you know like you don't ever think about it they really it really was not um ergonomically friendly though in terms of how far that nine is on the road yeah because they they really weren't taking into account like the you have a split fucking second yeah i do like your your notion though that it that it's intentional, though. It's not like...
Starting point is 02:12:47 Maybe. I don't know. Like, the last two are real quick, but the first one you have to admit to. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. But it was mostly because it was easy to remember, short, and wasn't used in any other context before. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:13:01 Yeah. So, anyway. Where am I? Fun fact. And what... Oh, at&t okay cool yeah and they figured i mean to be fair though if you're using a rotary phone back then you were dialing seven numbers so 911 is still a lot shorter than dialing the local police station do you know what i mean i wonder why they didn't just do two numbers like what was the three about
Starting point is 02:13:21 you know i don't think anything's two numbers is it well it was anything before the operator is zero was anything before that three numbers like well i know the operator is zero so i don't know you would think if zero is the operator then like nine could have just been the police and like that was like i wonder why like 911 is much more unique though because if you're like 91 that could, that could be like 9-1-7 or like, I don't know. Anyway. I feel like 9-1 is just its own unique combination that you can't really. We're really, I'm like still in like QAnon mindset where I'm trying to find reasons for every goddamn thing.
Starting point is 02:13:56 Anyway, it doesn't. Continue. That's very interesting. I did not know that. It's short number, easy to remember, yada yada. So fun fact, February 16th, 1968 was the first 911 call ever made. Huh. I know.
Starting point is 02:14:09 This is where it gets real fun. It was made out of Haleyville, Alabama. The town is extremely proud of this. Apparently, it was a ceremonial call between two Alabama politicians. But, nonetheless, each year since, the city celebrates with the Haleyville 911 Festival, which features live music and lots of food. Can you imagine being a cop in that town? Being like, this festival is about me.
Starting point is 02:14:33 Yeah. Or the dispatch. Like, finally, my phone number gets the recognition. This is my moment. Yeah. So, either way, as said by Kevin Cook, who wrote a book about Kitty Genovese called Kitty Genovese, the murder, the bystanders, the crime that changed America. Quote, the 911 system grows more or less directly from the outcry from Kitty Genovese's death. So Kitty Genovese also inspired the creation of a neighborhood watch program and other reforms, including crime victim compensation, sex offender registries and laws that allow victims
Starting point is 02:15:05 families to speak during the penalty phase and felony trials according to cook and there are cases that i've covered that more i would say more directly led to like the sex offender registry for example um but this case was definitely like a starting point for all of those pivotal yes pivotal great word so the murder of kitty also piqued the interest of quite a few psychologists um as mentioned above although it wasn't quite 38 people who could have prevented her murder uh kitty's girlfriend at the time mary ann zelonko reflected in a 20 i'm sorry a 2004 interview saying i still have a lot of anger toward people because they could have saved her life i mean all the steps along the way when he attacked her three times and then he sexually
Starting point is 02:15:48 assaulted her too when she was dying i mean you look out the window see this happening and you don't help that's how do you live with yourself knowing you didn't do anything yeah so now this is where you start wondering like well why didn't people intervene like if they're seeing this why didn't they do something and of course there's like the issue of like, well, you don't want to put yourself in danger, but there's, I think more to it.
Starting point is 02:16:10 Like you were saying that the murder of Kitty Genovese sparked this insight into the, the, what they call now the bystander effect. And it's, it's this, it, it got people thinking like,
Starting point is 02:16:20 how did this happen? That so many people, they can't all just be vicious assholes like there has to be some reason that this group of people yeah presumably from all different walks of life and different you know families and whatever all kind of sat around and didn't do anything yeah isn't just like the assumption that someone else will that's a big part of it yeah it's like that well i shouldn't be responsible someone else is going to be responsible um and it's not even someone else someone else might be more experienced yes yeah exactly like if there was a i would i mean it's like a now it's like a
Starting point is 02:16:50 thing like it's understood so i don't feel stupid or bad about saying this but if i saw a car accident and like i don't know if i would react properly like first of all there's fight or flight and i'm definitely flight but i mean if i were amongst a group, I'd be like, someone else might be Blaze, like a doctor or like, well, not a doctor, but you know, like in medical training, who is better equipped for this or someone might be, you know, I'm not the person meant for this task. But then I think if everyone's thinking that exactly, then nothing happens person. Yeah, yeah. Because Blaze could be thinking, well, there might be a surgeon who could you know whatever or wasn't there i really keep going on to off tangents here but i when i we first started becoming friends didn't blaze do some sort of like weird
Starting point is 02:17:34 like physical medical training where they like taught you how to respond quickly to shit like this and there was like a oh gosh i don't remember i feel like i remember him going like on a like doing some sort of retreat or something when he was still in oh god um i i can ask him probably that sounds like something he would sign up for but i definitely don't remember because i'm also kind of like it was something to prevent things like this where it was like it trained him early to like if something happens respond respond because nobody else will. Okay, I'll ask him. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:18:08 Anyway, sorry. I should remember, but I don't. I'll ask him later. But da, da, da. So let's see. So that author, Kevin Cook, was quoted saying, On one hand, the crime stirred something primal, the terror of being alone in the dark when a predator strikes. But the story also captured a modern anxiety too the fear that you might have a thousand neighbors only to die alone
Starting point is 02:18:29 while they stood by their windows watching shivery and just uh like that in years to come psychology textbooks would begin to attach kitty's name to concepts like pluralistic ignorance and the bystander effect terms used to describe how people can lose their moral compass in a crowd so the term bystander effect refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present the less likely people are to help a person in distress so when an emergency situation occurs observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses but being a part of a large crowd makes it so no single person has to take responsibility. And I think a lot of that is subconscious, obviously,
Starting point is 02:19:09 which is why it's studied so in depth, but it's not like, oh, well, I'm not responsible. It's more of like, oh, like you said, like, oh, I'm sure someone else has got this handled and you don't even necessarily think about it consciously. I also want to add that this is a somewhat controversial theory. Like I have heard, I don't know, whatever. I wasn't taught anything different, but I was also taught a long time ago.
Starting point is 02:19:31 So if there's anything, we're old, if there's any opposition to it, I just don't know it. So I remember when we studied it, I don't know why, but our professor was like, here are the reasons against it and like told us. So i i remember hearing that and i will say i do want to correct myself i'll mention this later probably but i'll just say now um that i want to correct myself in that lululemon episode i called it like a myth or something and like that was not the right terminology um it's kind of it's been debunked that this that her case was as extreme of an example for the reasons i said people did call the police there was no easy way to call the police people thought she was having an argument
Starting point is 02:20:11 obviously somebody could have helped so sure that's besides the point but it wasn't as hyperbolic and extreme as the original new york times article said of 38 people just stood there and watched her get stabbed to death especially because the crime happened in two locations one was outside one was inside that's so wild because the story of the bystander effect that i was taught literally in college in an in an education institution was that this it must have been for like flair effect or something but was that someone in the middle of like a busy street got stabbed to death and everyone just watched it fucking happen like yeah that's what this story was like that's what this story was presented by the new york times is like 38 witnesses on this new york city street yeah turned up their radio and ignored it and it wasn't quite that extreme but that is which is why i
Starting point is 02:21:00 misquoted it saying or mislabeled it as a myth. That's not the right word. So I was wrong in that instance. But it is there is definitely some controversy surrounding like the legitimacy of the original story, which the New York Times even said, like, no, we did terrible journalism. But obviously, this is a very, I think, a real effect that takes place. And some people do argue against that as well. But whatever, we're going to go with it. that takes place and some people do argue against that as well but whatever we're gonna go with it so anyway so the notion of uh the bystander effect and why we continue to look away in the face of danger remains a very real phenomenon that still occurs to this day like you were saying um it was
Starting point is 02:21:37 first addressed because of what happened to kitty uh 10 days later after kitty's murder psychologist john darley had lunch with another psychologist bib latin latin a and they discussed the incident saying the newspaper explanations were focusing on the appalling personalities of those who saw the murder but didn't intervene saying they had been dehumanized by living in an urban environment we wanted to see if we could explain the incident by drawing on the social psychological principles that we knew so instead of being like these are just asshole urban folks who just don't care about a young woman it's like there's more to it than that and it's a human instinct rather than like it's just these 38 assholes so darley and latin published a series of papers in 1969 looking at what would later be known more famously
Starting point is 02:22:22 as the bystander effect sometimes known as the kitty effect which is also how i learned it um they wanted to show why the witnesses to kitty's murder behaved with quote apathy whether they could quantify a minimum number of people present to create that kind of like indecision so like is it when there's five people is it when there's 20 people that like you lose that instinct to respond um so they figure it out they did these yeah so they did like very specific experiments which are so interesting and like i love this shit so in 1968 they asked participants to sit on their own like just by themselves in a room and complete a questionnaire on the pressures of urban life but in reality what they were going to do is pump smoke
Starting point is 02:23:02 but it was actually steam but it looked like smoke was coming through a small vent in the wall into the room. So they were sitting in a room alone and smoke, quote unquote, started filling the room. Within two minutes, 50% of people who were in the room alone had taken action and 75% acted within six minutes. Wow. So that was pretty quick but in groups of three participants so if you're in a room with two other people um 62 carried on working for the entire experiment without saying that's so wild i know isn't that wild you're so affected by other people which makes sense and like i'm sure i've been in that boat a million times where you're like well no one else is freaking out so right no truly i guess it's fine you don't
Starting point is 02:23:45 want to be that guy you don't want to be the paranoid one yeah one of my favorite story or psychology studies was where they did different lengths of the lines have you seen that it's they had like different length lines on a poster or something and they had a group of people and oh yes yes i know what you're talking about there was only one who was not a plant got it like they were trying to part they they asked people like are these lines the same or different is that we were talking about yeah it was like which one's longer or something or yeah it was something like that like a very basic obvious question but there was only one person in the room who was actually a study participant and everybody else was like a plant
Starting point is 02:24:25 i guess and they i think if i'm remembering correctly and everybody in the room said oh like the top one's shorter when obviously it wasn't and so they studied this and almost every single study participant agreed with the rest of the group even if it was obviously the wrong answer which is just so fascinating to me it's like you don't want to just say the opposite because you're like maybe i'm missing something really like it's got to be just like a such a not like a human instinct like a fear of rejection or like being like not part of part of the group yeah i mean i i imagine like primitively like we're supposed to be part of the pack right so oh my god you're not going to disagree and like be right the outcast exactly. I just think that's so fascinating.
Starting point is 02:25:06 So it's the same idea. In interviews afterward, participants reported feeling hesitant about showing anxiety. So they looked to others for signs of anxiety. But since everyone was trying to appear calm, the signs were not evident. So they thought they were misinterpreting the situation and redefined it as safe. Because they were like, no one else is freaking just like it's just literally a room of anyone today it's just like a bunch of anxiety-ridden people all being like this is fine like i'm fine i got this handled and it's like does anyone else feel this way no yeah completely it's like on
Starting point is 02:25:37 instagram when you're like everyone else has their shit together no no we're all lying exactly exactly so a few years later darley ran a study with a psychologist daniel batson that saw a student this is horrifying i've i also remember this one so it had students at princeton walk across campus to give a talk that they were scheduled to do so along the way the students would pass a person slumped over and groaning in a passageway this was an actor used for the study the experiment was conducted and it seemed there was only one factor that influenced whether someone stopped to help the person do you have a guess as to what the factor was is it something really horrible like they had like money hanging out of their pocket or something what they were late for their presentation what if they were running late
Starting point is 02:26:20 they wouldn't stop if they were on time they were much more likely to stop interesting right isn't that wild so only 10 of students stopped when they were in a hurry more than six times as many helped to stop when they had enough time to get to their talk i guess that means i'm a raging consistent asshole i'm late to everything so i guess i would help zero people just like blinders on you know that reminds me of um remember a while ago at this point maybe it's gotta have been over a year ago allison and i were watching uh that show the stan lee who wants to be a superhero or stanley prison experiment wait what's in for prison no stan lee from marvel oh stanley okay remember he made the the tv show who wants to be a superhero or do you want to be a superhero or
Starting point is 02:27:10 something we talked about you oh with kids yeah yeah yeah it was the last season was with kids and the other ones were like adults but okay um it was way ahead of its time if it existed when like the marvel cinematic universe was a thing this would be like fucking the newest american idol but it was way early on and like totally flopped but that's part of what makes it hysterical is they would give people who like wanted to be a superhero like superhero tasks and one of them happened to be that there was like a little girl lost and crying but that happened to be a plant in the middle of the environment where they were supposed to do a completely different task because that's so smart so like
Starting point is 02:27:50 the a true hero would have stopped and helped the little girl instead of like finish the race that they they had no idea this little girl was a plant they just thought they had to race through like a market square well it's like the same idea where they were like you have to go give this presentation and you're running late for this presentation that's the study and then it's like yeah since it was a race it was like you are already basically late because you have to beat someone else's time exactly and there was only like one or two people out of all of the superheroes in this race who stopped to help the little girl exactly so it's like when there's a sense of urgency about something else it seems to just like completely blind that instinct which is
Starting point is 02:28:26 fascinating shocking so uh lateness and the presence of other people in this case are some of the factors that can apparently turn all of us into bystanders in an emergency so another important factor which what a shock not is the physical characteristics of the person needing help which is awful but true and not a surprise. So research has shown that people are more likely to help those they perceive to be similar to them, including others from their own racial or ethnic groups. You've probably seen a million videos like this demonstrating the element
Starting point is 02:28:56 of the bystander effect. Like there's one video where actors of different demographics are, and wearing certain clothes to denote wealth lie seemingly unconscious or in pain on the street and the production company times how long it takes for someone to intervene spoiler alert the public will check in on cis men in a suit in the shortest amount of time not shocking uh according to now if i see a cis man lying on the street i'll be like the other 20 people can grab that guy someone else can handle this i have a girl to save from a fire right um i'm late actually to christine's house to record right um side note a side note we will save someone if they're hurt yes that's like that's
Starting point is 02:29:36 like being i'm joking being facetious i promise yes um according to a mental health website called which i actually really like and recommend you check out, uh, there are two major factors that contribute to the bystander effect. First, the presence of other people creates a diffusion of responsibility. Okay. So I didn't make it up. I read it. And then that's like the only part of it.
Starting point is 02:29:56 I remembered this whole diffusion of responsibility. It sounds so smart. I was so proud of myself. Okay. Um, because there are other observers individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action the responsibility to act is thought to be shared among all of those present the second reason is the need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways which i know i'm very guilty of of this same idea of like well i don't want to be
Starting point is 02:30:20 the one person who acts differently and makes a scene if everyone else says this is fine so i'm definitely guilty of that um so when other observers fail to react individuals often take this as a signal that a response is either not needed or not appropriate and like it's very i think hard for some people including myself to override that feeling of well i don't want to be inappropriate socially and sure cause a scene so i get that especially especially if you're socialized totally totally if you're if you were socialized as female growing up you're much more likely to try and fit them all yeah to try and stay under their calm being calm quiet polite don't disturb society or in other words not hysterical don't be hysterical don't don't get in the in the men's way don't get in the way stay quiet yeah um so researchers have found that onlookers are less
Starting point is 02:31:12 likely to intervene if the situation is ambiguous so in the case of kitty genevieve's like i said many witnesses reported they believed they were witnessing a lover's quarrel did not realize she was being murdered um other psychologists including joachim kruger have gone on to prove how the bystander effect actually affects us on a day to day basis so he says it's the volunteer dilemma if there are seven billion people who could save the world why should it be me so it's like if you're about to should i wash out this bottle and recycle it well think about all the other people on the planet who aren't or why should i be the one who has to do this? There are so many other people.
Starting point is 02:31:47 I mean, it's that same idea of like... It can even happen, like the bi-standard effect can happen when the group of people aren't even there. That's true. And it's like a virtual or like mentally. Yeah, that's so true when you're not even in the same place. So this can apply to much bigger world issues. You're probably expecting this, everybody, but the Holocaust, Rwandwandan genocide climate crisis very easy to not feel responsible for recycling or saving the
Starting point is 02:32:11 planet if you're like well there's a bunch of other people who could do this better than me or and so you don't do your part and it's very common so these findings force us to consider how we'd perform under pressure um they reveal that kitty genovese's neighbors might have acted in the same way we would have not because they're urban assholes or whatever the new york times says but just because that is human nature however it is important again like i said earlier the crime the real crime is the man who raped and stabbed her winston mosley so i don't want to like forget that fact however that being said it is widely believed that someone could have prevented her death so then it becomes like morality ethics can of worms again of like well then who's responsible obviously the killer's responsible but like who could have stopped it who's the aftermath
Starting point is 02:32:57 responsibility fall on yeah yeah or like if you could have stopped it are you also murder a murder like it's like i don't know it's like a? Like, it's like, I don't know. It's like a survivor's guilt. It's like a, in some ways, it's a survivor's guilt, I think. At least if you were one of those people, or if you're like the mad friend who's upset with all the bystanders, because it's like, you could have saved her and you didn't, and therefore I blame you as part of this. Yeah, yeah, it's like there's some sort of blame on you, where you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You weren't planning on murdering
Starting point is 02:33:25 anybody but like maybe you could have intervened and then i mean in my head it goes to the whole trolley problem of like well am i a murderer if i prevent these people from dying but i kill this person but that's a whole nother thing so we'll get to that another day anxiety is fun isn't it spiraling help okay i'm gonna join a cult so one source called making queer history notes it's interesting that in a story used to highlight the ways people ignore each other kitty herself usually goes by unnoted um so a little bit about kitty herself born july 7th 1935 in brooklyn uh went to an all girls high school and her senior year quote was the class cut up that's kitty she's quite a gal you know always doing things for a laugh like going swimming in the snow she sounds like a gem yeah
Starting point is 02:34:11 um after high school she lived with her grandparents for a while uh she married a military cadet in 1954 but it was annulled within a year and this was a shock to her family but once she was independent kitty took full advantage of her newfound freedom she found her calling as a barmaid and the picture she's most recognized for uh the picture that's attached to the famous article about her murder is ironically a mugshot which was taken in 1961 for bookmaking aka gambling because she ran a small betting system out of her bar the she sounds like a goddamn blast she was yeah she was uh she took patrons money for horse racing she was known for her skill and good humor and she had actually been brought into the police station for that and let go like right away because she was just very
Starting point is 02:34:55 charming and like easy to you know dismiss um it was a minor charge and one that she kept as a secret from her family back in connecticut which makes it extra sad that they used that photo right after her death as like the photo the shocking photo so she also lived in a neighborhood that wasn't like super dangerous or anything unlike what the article said people left their doors unlocked people in the area knew her they saw her come and go from work she went out to dinner with them every now and then uh and they knew her roommate mary ann zelonka who i also already mentioned was her girlfriend as another bartender who painted on the weekends like i've kind of hinted they were not just roommates um they had met at a place called the swing rendezvous which was a lesbian bar run by a woman named mitch at the time and marianne was called to identify kitties
Starting point is 02:35:46 it sounds like um god what's that tv show okay it doesn't matter uh l word what never mind um i'm sorry the lesbian bartender named mitch just really got i know isn't this just like it sounds like deliciously queer i know it sounds like a script of like a fun hbo quirky drama yeah i love it i want to i want i know it sounds like a script of like a fun hbo quirky drama yeah i love it i want to i want to play mitch wait a minute oh boy nobody gets murdered in our version though right no no no so marianne was called to identify kitty's body after her murder uh was given little by comfort uh by the officers who accompanied her she said they took me down to the police station in
Starting point is 02:36:25 queens and for six hours they questioned me so at the same time or sorry at the time same-sex partners were often immediately suspected in violent crimes on an assumed motive of jealousy uh so that's a cute look um it was just assumed that same-sex couples were more jealous of each other and caused them to murder each other okay okay okay yeah okay calm down um same-sex couples were more jealous of each other and caused them to murder each other. Okay, okay, okay. Okay, calm down. Same-sex partners were also questioned for longer and on less evidence than heterosexual partners. Again, not shocking. Sounds right.
Starting point is 02:36:55 Police were as likely to arrest them as to help them. And remember, in 1964, homosexuality was actually a crime still under New York law. So this wasn't even something you could defend yourself with right um so marianne took the stand as a legal witness under the guise of a friend and roommate uh prosecutors knew the truth however they were afraid that if they brought kitty's sexuality into it that it would sway the jury which is a fair point it's not yeah great but if they're gonna judge her differently on it like okay i guess if we're trying to pin her murderer i don't know that's another right can of worms i guess oh this is a whole wormy full of worms this is just a lot of a lot of entanglement happening here factory of worms okay so let's see if we're talking about worm factories here let's talk about trolley and the
Starting point is 02:37:41 i would love a good gummy worm no they may make those out of gelatin you gotta eat a non-gelatin gummy worm otherwise you're eating horse hooves all right whatever it's it's easy to ignore it when it's delicious oh that sounds very interesting mr cult situation mr bystander effect well okay if everyone else is eating them okay anyway i have like four points left i'd not i don't want to start a um a crusade against him right now i like i like gummy worms and that is probably not why eat a sour patch kit or skittle or so uh no sour patch we'll talk about this later i could i could oh i could be converted twizzler sour patch Sour Patch, Skittles. Okay, we'll get to it. Look how easy that was.
Starting point is 02:38:27 I told you. Just do your research. I know, goddammit. I'll say that to you later. I'll send you my source wink. Right, right, right, right. So anyway, homosexuality was a sin. Not a sin.
Starting point is 02:38:42 It is a sin in a lot of places. It is a crime at that time under New York law. Call me a sinner. I do. Not for that reason, but for other reasons. The gummy worms. Yep. So, like I said, Marianne took the stand as a legal witness under the guise of a friend or a roommate. They didn't want the killer to get off with a lighter sentence because people had preconceived notions and judgments.
Starting point is 02:39:04 because people had preconceived notions and judgments so it is pretty wild to think that kitty was basically unknown who and only became like an international and like public figure and source in to this day that's recognized in the field of psychology after her death which is just so wild to think like it wasn't until she died that she became such a huge name um so this is a great quote by harold takushian who has a phd um in an article for the general psychologist he said kitty is known only for the last 28 minutes of her life not the first 28 years which is like very powerful in my mind um and if you do want to find out more uh there's a book called kitty genevieve's the murder the bystanders the crime that changed america that's the one I referenced earlier
Starting point is 02:39:45 have not read it, looks great the cover is outstanding I have not had time to read it but I'm sure it's lovely and I probably will eventually, so that was the story of Kitty Genovese and the bystander effect and how that kind of created 9-1-1 neighborhood watch
Starting point is 02:40:01 it created a lot of things, a major psychology term, yeah well, that's pretty cool anyway well i i i had no idea and now i also it makes me want to go back and look at like old psychology notes and stuff like that so i know i'm like you gotta check your notes do my research obviously do your damn research and not at university no no no on fortune well after uh after being so like invested in all this q anon stuff i like i feel like i could say do your research about just about anything and technically be right so i guess it's pretty easy it's like if you don't know the answer you could
Starting point is 02:40:38 be like do your research yeah it's like come on no you tell me you tell me a bit also like use the sources that i want you to use you know yes exactly you get it anyway thank you everyone for tuning into the only important source which is and that's why we drink uh this is your prime source this and ebom's world and uh thank you for putting up with us in general and uh we'll see we'll see you next week please come to our live show on the 26th yeah um and submit your stories again if you would like to uh possibly have our have us read your story on the live show and look out for london fog friday also a good marvel monday tea time tuesday i got them all there's a lot happening and puts a lot on their plate if you want tickets to our show it's on slash ATWWD.
Starting point is 02:41:28 Yay. And? I got to take Gio out to pee. That's. Why? Smooth. We. Go pee if we're Gio, I guess.
Starting point is 02:41:37 Gotta pee in the snow, you know. Drink. It's more fun to pee in the snow. Don't eat the yellow snow. That's where we were trying to go and it didn't happen. And that's why we snow. Don't eat the yellow snow. That's where we were trying to go and it didn't happen. And that's why we drank. Don't eat that snow cone. Okay.
Starting point is 02:41:50 Bye. Bye.

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