And That's Why We Drink - E214 Em's Sleep Skin and Christine's Day Skin

Episode Date: March 14, 2021

It's episode 214 and you know what that means... a lesson in face washing direct from Em's apartment that didn't have running water at the time of recording! Sit back, relax and let Em regale you with... their post-pandemic fashion predictions followed by the creepy and sad story of the Headless Nun of New Brunswick. Then Christine takes us to Fargo to cover the brutal story of the murder of Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind. Christine also exposes us all to art via her trenchcoat... and that's why we drink! For more information on how you can help combat the genecide of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, please donate any time or resources you have to organizations like the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women, It Starts With Us, No More Silence, Sisters In Spirit, and The Native Alliance Against Violence. An enormous thank you and sincerest apologies to Talk Murder With Me by Natalie DeGroot. We unintentionally used portions of her article on the murder of Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind without giving proper credit and we wholeheartedly want to rectify that. Please check out her article, "The Murder of Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind" here and Talk Murder With Me here, both fantastic true crime resources.Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to and enter promo code DRINK to get $25 off your first box!Check out all the amazing shoes, bags and masks available right now at the switch to Native TODAY by going to or use promo code DRINK at checkout, and get 25% off your first order!Download Best Fiends FREE today on the Apple App Store or Google Play!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it occurred to me as i was getting up to go pee that the audacity was still recording so poor eva had to listen to me peeing in the audacity file oh hi everybody welcome to the that's why we drink uh a podcast where i can't stop myself from just being gross a podcast where we can't get it together you think we would it's just never gonna happen it's never gonna happen um em came up with a fun name today and i'm still brainstorming so give me a minute and it'll come up when i come up with it for a second i was like what was the fun name I came up with? But yes, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:00:46 If you watch our YouTube, you can see what our, what our name, what my name for myself is this week. A lot of you seem to really enjoy when we do that. I shouldn't have said it. I feel like it's fun when people realize it, but by themselves, but oh well. I'm insecure about not having a name yet. That's all. Hi Em, how are you?
Starting point is 00:01:05 Christine, I've got so many things to complain about. Well, what else is new? What's up? What are you complaining about today? Slash why do you drink? Well, the main thing, I didn't even plan on complaining about this, but let's just add it to the docket, is that our apartment, one of the many cute traits of it is that weekly our water gets shut off because what because they have to
Starting point is 00:01:26 fix something with the pipes oh my god it's literally every goddamn week there's a sign on our door that says oh yeah well you're not gonna have water for all of tuesday and it's like and so i woke up to do this and like i'm one of those people who i need to wash my face when i wake up there's just no ifs ands or buts about it and there's no water right now so my face feels very grimy i'm sure it's fine but it just doesn't feel clean so i'm sitting here feeling like i have like a film on me and it's very gross and i found out after i put soap in my hand and then oh that's the worst that's the worst that's the worst so then i had to like fling it off and dry it on a towel that's the worst there's a film now on your hand for sure oh i hate that yeah well uh that blows sorry i i wish i were the type of person
Starting point is 00:02:16 who had to wash my face when i wake up but i'm certainly not so oh well that's absolute alison does the same thing she's like i don't need to wash my face when I wake up but I'm like what is wrong with you like I can you just walk around like with your sleep skin on like what it freaks me out I need to like have it all exfoliated and skin oh that's how it feels put it that way I feel like I just have like a sheen of grease on me all the time if i'm not washed cute i know and i'm fine like realistically there's nothing going on but my i've convinced myself i've convinced i've convinced myself it's a lot worse than it is so that's that's now the problem of today but i'm so sorry for you and all your water loss do you have a reason why you drink um yeah it's because i couldn't find this beautiful object
Starting point is 00:03:05 of mine for a couple days and i finally found it what is it your zach bacon's blanket oh look it was in the guest room closet because i gave it to my sister when she spent the night and so it was in the closet i was like where did i put that blanket and so i finally found it um let's all hear christine again so you gave you give this to your guests that's that's right i didn't even hear myself say it but absolutely this is like here this will keep you warm at night i'm gonna miss it a lot but you can have it for the evening um yeah so it's it's uh it's keeping me cozy today and that's really it i mean i, I'm going to visit Blaze's family in Connecticut this weekend. So I'm excited about that.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I'm not excited because we're driving like 12 hours to be there, to get there with the dog. So that should be interesting. But we haven't seen them in like a year and a half. So it'll be kind of nice. We're all vaccinated now. The whole fam. I'm very excited for you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That's a big deal. As I sit here unvaccinated and sobbing. And unwashed, unbathed. Unbathed. I feel so unclean inside and out. Your immune system and your whole, what did you call it? Sleepskin. My sleepskin.
Starting point is 00:04:18 You know what? Someone's going to be really grossed out by that. That's not you. And someone's going to understand it like me. So I feel like we're like we're I mean I guarantee you I have a sleep skin I just don't really care I think is the difference like I just walk around my house like I don't care because no I don't wear pants I don't wash my face well you know what I don't wash my face when I go to bed which I think a lot of
Starting point is 00:04:38 people would think is worse because that's my day skin that I'm going to bed yes that is worse I would say yeah also not great at that on my end so I I'm not to bed with. Yes, that is worse, I would say. Also not great at that on my end. So I'm not judging because I'm just bad at, I guess, cleaning myself ever. So especially this time and time and age, time and place of my life, I just, you know, just don't feel the need to be presentable. Why would really during a pandemic? Well, truly still, why would you, you know, someone like I saw something posted posted like, why are we all complaining about which jeans to wear? Who the hell is wearing jeans?
Starting point is 00:05:09 And I was like, that's a great point. Who the hell is wearing jeans? Who cares? At this point, if you don't have a fear, wondering if your jeans are going to fit when you finally put them back on. I'm not about to buy a whole new wardrobe of jeans, right? Like, forget it. I'm not even going to try.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I'm too. I don't have. I don't have the funds. Well, my thought is like, I haven't worn jeans in a year so i'm i'm afraid that they're not gonna fit when i put them on again i know but that's what i'm saying like we're gonna have to buy all new jeans no thank you i'm not interested in that so just avoid them altogether i haven't even thought fear then you don't have the the monetary spend just wear stretchy pants yeah i feel like after the quarantine like i you know fashion i you know me a fashionista fashion yes and why don't you
Starting point is 00:05:53 regale us with your tales of fashion well you know how like you know style comes from whatever's going on within historically oh you can see from the eye of the beholder. That's beauty. Thank you. We can't all have that. Sorry, different from style. Okay. But no, I would like to think fashion comes from whatever's going on historically in the world.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And so I would think after the quarantine, it would just be like shaggy hair and joggers is all the rage. And no one should. But then what's going to happen? The next historical thing is everyone's going to feel safe to go outside again. it's going to be like sun dresses and shit oh it's going to be like high heels which like no all the things you've been thinking of wearing during the pandemic yeah it's going to be a very look if i'm right whenever this pandemic is over if this is how fashion looks i'm okay to be fair you just gave two opposite suggestions of what fashion is going to be so like it could either be you'll fall somewhere in between those or the other and nowhere in between so uh anyway let me know fashionistas you know fill me in in
Starting point is 00:06:56 six months how how we're doing um so that's where i think we are i'm not gonna go into gene territory i'm gonna stick with i'm gonna stick with the pandemic era fashion, you know? Joggers and shaggy. Well, I guess not shaggy hair. Allison cut my hair this weekend. Very, very glam. You know, that's what I go for with my sleep skin. Anyway, welcome to And That's Why We Drink, where we tell a paranormal story and a true crime story.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Have you picked up on my name yet? No. M. Sleep Skin. drink where we tell a paranormal story and a true crime story and have you picked up on my uh my name yet no m sleep skin i was like m just to to spoil it for everyone m's is christine's sleep paralysis demon and i was like i have to come up with something equally scary and then i was like what is equally scary oh m's or yeah m sleep skin is probably just... What would I see as a sleep paralysis demon? Em and their sleep skin is what I would see. Christine's day skin? Oh, that is scary. You're right.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Just Christine's skin in general is scary. Thank you, Em. You're welcome. The problem is now nobody's ever going to see the sleep paralysis demon because apparently it changes it for the entire recording. Oh, no. I know. It's really annoying.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Well, for people who are guessing, it originally said Christine sleep paralysis demon. And now we've got a set of skin, a couple of skins between the two of us. Night skin and day skin. This is, it is really scary sounding and grotesque. So, yeah, we, I think we, we, we nailed it. Anyway. We nailed it. I think we did.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So, anyway, would you like to hear a story christine i would love to i'm gonna actually take my zb blanket get it kind of cozy here cover up your your little day skin see what happens yeah i know now how insecure i'm supposed to feel about never washing my face so yes and i know i need to wash my face okay i know i watch youtubers i get how important it is. I just don't do it. Because here's the thing. Don't your sleeves get wet? I can't understand how people wash their face. This is going to sound so dumb.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And I've been thinking it for years. And I don't know how else to ask, except I'm just going to say it in public now. How do you wash your face? Because my sleeves all get wet and it runs down my arms, the water. And I'm just like, how do you do it without getting water all over the bathroom? Yeah, tell me please I know you well enough to know that all of your long sleeves they're weirdly loose long sleeves like they're all they're all droopy drapey so like because what my answer is like you just
Starting point is 00:09:16 put your sleeve up yeah but then it runs down your arms and then it gets all over the counter I mean I know that's probably a me thing too because I I'm, as Em knows, I'm not really particularly clean or organized when I'm doing any sort of task. But I feel like water gets all over the place. Like, how do you keep it? Somebody said wants to buy those like 80s sweatbands. So I did that for a while, but then they got all soggy. I'm sorry. Wait, someone, it's a good suggestion for someone who's as messy as you but they're really someone else out there says to put 80s sweatbands on your wrist sweatbands to keep the water from pouring the water yeah well okay but no okay i thought you were gonna be like yes christine i totally get it and you're not saying that now are you not saying that i'm saying i
Starting point is 00:10:00 understand because i shit oh shit i thought i was, I'm going to nail something that Em has had a problem with and has nailed and I'm going to get a solution. And Em's like, literally, what are you talking about? No, no, no. I'm not saying what are you talking about? Because I know, I understand the complaint. But I have, so I always like double wrap up my sleeves. So they're super tight.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Sure. Like I'll even like roll the sleeves to make sure that they're tight on me so they're tight now i got my my space camp sweats speaking of fashion my space camp sweatshirt on i also i also always have the washcloth or towel next to the sink before anything happens so that way i can just grab it with your hands and then dry it with a washcloth you wash it with the washcloth how do you perform this action okay a lot of people are gonna give me shit because i know that nobody teach me how to wash my face that's the big problem well the thing is i was i think i was taught how to wash my face and then i just still actively went against it because if i was too lazy
Starting point is 00:10:57 but like uh so i wash my face with my hands and i'm pretty sure you have to do it with a washcloth to like exfoliate right it's like buff it or something i don pretty sure you have to do it with a washcloth to like exfoliate right it's like buffett or something i don't know you're looking at me who literally doesn't know how to wash their face thank you for asking i just use my hands and soap and then just like my face and then i take like hand soap like a bar like a bar soap or a hand soap or whatever's nearby okay well that i know you're supposed to not use just bar soap that's gonna just oh no whatever don't you have a facial cleanser or something soap yeah i probably i don't know whatever is that on my sink i use i don't know boy i i know i know people are gonna scream like but whatever palm oil you just spread all over your forehead
Starting point is 00:11:40 what if it gets in your eyes oh god i had i have used that in the past in a in an urgent in a need where like i didn't have anything else in my face felt gross i have used like dish soap but like dawn i have my thought was like if it can get the grease off pans it can get the grease off my face and all of the moisture and nutrients of my skin yeah i mean those were in pinches but like i've like whatever soap is in my bathroom, I don't really pay attention to it. So I but then I just like use my hands and then I do the thing where I make a cup with my hands and get all the water. And then I just press my face on your face. But then it goes all over the floor.
Starting point is 00:12:19 No, this is because you said splash and I said press into my face. Yeah. Potato, potato. It's like I imagine it's a little pool and I'm a kid trying to hold my breath underwater. I just kind of go. And then I let go of the water with my hand in the sink. And then I grabbed the towel and then I blah, blah, blah. What do you do? Apparently you splash around.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I get in so much trouble ask allison she lived with me i used to just i still i can't do anything whether it's brushing my teeth washing my hands washing my face without just a like a lake like i just create a lake around me it doesn't matter what i'm doing there's just lakes of water wherever i go and uh it's it's just bad it's just messy and it's bad and now I have my own house and so I have to actually be like pretty damn careful about destroying my home so I'm like I don't want to get water all over the floors and the but that's what I do it's it's just a disaster I don't understand next time we're in the same room together we'll like I'll I'll you teach we'll
Starting point is 00:13:19 wash our face together and see what happens because I also don't under I know people can like accidentally drip everywhere but I don't know people who can make like monsoons like you can so um wow I suddenly feel so special in the worst way you teach me and I'll teach you how about that I'll teach you what not to do okay anyway sorry that was such a derail but I was like it just suddenly hit me why I don't wash my face because I find it so difficult, which is the stupidest thing ever. But it's just like I feel like I don't know how to do it properly. And so it just ends up being a huge complication of my life. My issue with washing my face a lot, especially when my hair is like longer and on my forehead, is I don't know how to wash around my hair when it's like in my face.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So that was an issue. But then I just got one of those little hairband things. I just like held my hair up. Oh, yeah. That actually is smart. Anyway. Okay. Well, if anyone else has this problem, let me know because I'm going to feel real dumb
Starting point is 00:14:13 in about how many days? Four days when this comes out. So thanks in advance. Anyway, please tell me a story while I hide under this large photo of Zachary. Okay. Oh, can I make an announcement, by the way? Of course you can. This late in.
Starting point is 00:14:29 So I don't know how on earth my worlds decided to collide like this, but one of the people that Allison works with, her name, I don't know if I necessarily want to say her name. I don't know. We don't have permission. But let's just say her name was Bea. And somehow Allison was working with her at her job where allison's not in the entertainment industry she's like in public
Starting point is 00:14:50 she's like she's like the only la individual who doesn't work in the entertainment and she was she met this person who works for uh cbs and does casting for let's make a deal and allison trying to like bond with her was like oh yeah well you know my my significant other's parents are doing uh have been done let's make a deal and all this and she like freaked out like when to meet them and all this and basically long story short my mom and tom got on the pandemic zoom version of Let's Make a Deal. Stop it. Which- What?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Which airs soon. I can't tell you what happens. I can't tell you if they win or not, but it will be coming out soon. You're kidding me. That they got- There's like literally Let's Make a Deal decided to make a remote episode or- You're kidding- And Allison basically casted linda on my my
Starting point is 00:15:45 mom are credible allison got them to connect and apparently my mom and this person are now like friends in real life of course they are i mean duh what did you expect and so uh they like i my mom because and let's make a deal we remember the bucket you have to be like dressed in a costume that usually helps you out. They really like to see people in costumes and all amped up. And so my mom, because it was during the pandemic, she worked with what she had, and she dressed her and Tom up as their cats,
Starting point is 00:16:16 which she also got during the pandemic because she was home alone for too long, and so she started collecting pets. Sure, as we all do. And somehow she was able to very perfectly make costumes that looked exactly like these animals oh my god she dressed up her and tom dressed up for their interview and they had a bunch of interviews it wasn't just like this woman like just got her on the show it was like a normal casting situation wow where they had like
Starting point is 00:16:42 four or five interviews over the weeks where they had to be i don't know if they had to be dressed up yet but my mom was like not allowing them to not get on let's make a deal just a cat the whole time she every time she would send me pictures of her and these in her cat costume with like full makeup crap like like little paws and everything and she kept saying like i have another interview with Let's Make a Deal. And I have a feeling no one else interviewing at that early on was in costume. Yeah, but she made it.
Starting point is 00:17:11 She made it. Her and Tom, they're gonna be on the show and I can't tell you how far they get or if they win or if they lose or anything like that, but it will be out soon. So, okay. Well, we'll definitely have to post about that because I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:17:24 As someone who attended the original event because i'm excited um as someone who attended the original event i'm excited to watch it from inside my home in safety and no costume without having to stand in a casting line for eight hours what a nightmare for any la resident really what a nightmare if you if you happen to have someone who lives in la don't ever ask them to take you to a tv taping because it's it's the thing we hate the most is going to tv tapings it sounds fun and it is as a one-off but it just becomes so unfun i know that sounds so jaded but like it's like eight to ten hours yeah and without your phone they take your phone they like because they don't want any spoilers or anything so you just sit you get on one bus go to another bus go to another bus you just sit in like never air conditioned it's just
Starting point is 00:18:04 nightmare it's just a nightmare. It's just, it takes literally minimum four to five hours to even get into the studio. And then the taping is always longer than what you see on TV. So you sit in this, like on the set for hours, not being able to do anything until the camera's on. It sounds so LA douchey,
Starting point is 00:18:20 but I'm just giving you advice. Please don't ask your loved ones. By all means, go ahead and do it. Cause I'm sure it'd be a fun experience but once you do one you're like oh i see this is not as fun as it sounds my my mom when her and tom came to visit la for the first time she planned like three tv tapings and i was like i love you but i'm not going to all those with you it's like too much i'll go to Let's Make a Deal. And then I literally didn't call out of work. I went to work instead.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And you went with my mom to the taping. My brother went. Oh, my brother and I went. That's right. My brother and I went. Yeah. We were such suckers. Get falling into your little trap.
Starting point is 00:18:59 That was very nice of you to take care of my mom and take her to the TV taping. I appreciate that. I blacked it all out. Don't worry. to take care of my mom and take her to the tv taping i appreciate it all out don't worry here is this is um some lore and some canadian lore okay um this is the story of the headless nun what okay um and this is a super fast story just so everyone knows so um i'm trying to break even with all the q anon stuff from a few weeks ago. It's going to take us a few years, but we'll get there.
Starting point is 00:19:29 We'll get there. So the story begins in the mid-18th century. We know it well. I think it was... Definitely know it well. What was it? I think 1750-ish? And it was in Nova Scotia.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Apparently in this area, the British and the French were fighting over land, which, by the way, did not belong to them to begin with, but okay. And the French people at the time, at least a subset of French people, were called the Acadians. I hope I'm saying that right. Acadians, Acadians. I think it's Acadians. Acadians who became Canadians. I don't know. That's a fun little ditty. I don't know if it's true, but it feels right. But so in 1756, eventually, as they were as the British and French were fighting over this land, the Acadians or the
Starting point is 00:20:23 French were driven out of Nova Scotia by the British, and they basically all fled to Quebec. But there were a few of them who ended up going to New Brunswick. New Brunswick, by the way, is the part of Canada I'm currently obsessed with. It varies, but I'm really into the most eastern tip of uh of canada right now interesting so i've been planning my fake canada trip to new brunswick lately so anyway so about 3 500 of them went to northern new brunswick and they stayed in a town called miramichi apparently miramichi is, it translates to Micmac land. So in the town of Miramichi, I guess there were indigenous people called the Mantagne. Mantagne.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And they called it the Micmac land because they hated Micmacs. And they were calling it the land of bad people, basically. What are Micmacs? It was a whole other tribe. Oh, I see. Or group of indigenous. I don't know. I don't totally know what the terminology is. It was just a different group of native folks. Yeah, and so there was the Mantagne and the Micmacs.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Got it. And the Matagne or Matagne, they called Miramichi the Micmac land because it translated to the land of bad people because apparently they didn't like the Micmacs. And it was like them just like, let's name a town while also roasting the people we don't like. I love that. Okay. And so the Acadians who went to Miramichi,
Starting point is 00:21:55 who ended up in this area, they made a fort to fend off any others of the British that were to come and try to fight them. The place where this fort, where they built this fort, is called french fort cove and it's now a park that you can go to fun fact um so it still exists and the fort had the reason that a lot of the acadians were afraid that the british would find them in miramichi and attack this fort is because around this area there was a lot of timber and so they thought the
Starting point is 00:22:22 british would try to take over the land and then take the resources for whatever they wanted to use it so the french settlers who went there and built this fort not only were they dealing with the british trying to find them and fight them and take their resources but they were also dealing with the fact that they didn't have a lot to eat and apparently there was an outbreak of leprosy. Oh, shit. Yeah. That's a double whammy there. Yeah. So no eating, leprosy, and also the British keep trying to kill you. Woof. So to try and contain the spread, the people who had leprosy were exiled to a nearby island called Sheldrake Island.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Just to like put them somewhere, I guess. Yikes. just to like put them somewhere, I guess. Yikes. And hearing what was going on in this, near this fort with all the leprosy and people dying and needing help, there was a nun and this nun wanted to go help the people in Miramichi.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Her name was Sister Marie Nkanu and she wanted to help those who sought refugee. And there is one historian who claims that in Kanu was actually latin for unknown so it either means that her last name was literally unknown or that she has an unknown last name right that they just call her that like a Jane Doe type situation exactly exactly and a lot of people uh there's actually i did see this one website where someone tried to make the joke i think she's like a mom or like god forbid or like i mean it just feels like a mom it feels like a mom joke that like on their blog
Starting point is 00:24:00 they tried to make a joke of someone asking like what the nun's name was. And someone saying unknown, what unknown, what? Like, Oh, like a, like a, um,
Starting point is 00:24:09 three stooges scenario. Yeah. He's on first. Yeah. It was, I just was like, okay, let's,
Starting point is 00:24:16 I appreciate the attempt. Um, do you, I, I know it exists. Let's put it that way. We acknowledge it's exist. But anyway, that's apparently a joke at least one person has made and now two because I'm saying it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah, wow. I love that. Love it. So Sister Marie. So I don't know, by the way, if Sister Marie Inconnu actually is just basically Latin for Jane Doe, basically. Jane Doe. Because Marie is also a super common name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Especially for nuns catholic nuns yeah yeah i don't know so sister marie they according to the lore at least uh she was probably born in northern france and she i don't know why but they the story goes that she was the youngest daughter in the family and apparently at the time if you're the youngest daughter you were expected to go be in a convent and like become a nun also i feel like that's rough because how do you know because what if you get pregnant again right well shit i thought we already sent the youngest to the convent now why we gotta send another one every daughter ends up in a convent apparently i guess because you're like you're currently the youngest yeah i was
Starting point is 00:25:24 gonna say that's probably actually a pretty solid plan if you're trying to send everybody yeah it's like oh you're you're the youngest for now we're not going to tell you we're pregnant but it's a technicality so i don't know how true that is i think that might just be part of the lore but anyway so strangely i feel like i've heard that before that like the youngest goes away to a convent i feel like i've heard that before that like the youngest goes away to a convent I feel like I've heard that before I just never really processed what that meant as far as like the youngest also for now if that's true I wonder historically like why like what yeah trying to protect your your youngest virginal child oh maybe or maybe you're just like listen I'm married off the rest
Starting point is 00:26:01 I'm just too tired to find you a husband I have no i have no more funds for dowry this is no more dowry that could be it because like the youngest daughter i feel like you're kind of screwed right if you have multiple siblings who are either boys or uh older girls because wow you're kind of shit out of luck yeah that's probably it floating around so this is my history this is our historic research this is why we don't actually get phds in uh history we just kind of make shit up that's the reason why we don't have a phd yes that's the only reason so uh sister marie uh i guess went to the convent i guess she was the youngest daughter and she began to hear the stories about what was going on with the acadians and she begged her comment to assign her as a missionary sister and to go help them so in 1750 she left for quebec and in 1756
Starting point is 00:26:51 uh she ended up moving to miramichi um she moved to a community on miramichi called le camp d'esperance and uh beautiful thank you uh so in in this community she became like a huge uh value to people and people really really loved her and so one of the responsibilities they gave her was in case the british ever came back all of the women wanted to make sure that their jewelry and everything was safe and so they gave gave everything to Sister Marie to protect. Now if this were a grift, this would be a good grift. Because you could just say, wow, I'm a nun. Let me watch your valuables.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Exactly. Like run out of town. If you're out there and you happen to be a grifter, this is the job for you. All you have to do, put on a habit. And then when someone says, what's your name? Be like, Jane. Uh-huh. Doe.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Doe. Uh-huh. And then ask everyone for their pearls. Ask anyone who's maybe coughing a little bit for their pearls. Just for safekeeping. If they're coughing or hungry or like their husband is out at war, just say, you know what? I have some empty hands that can hold things
Starting point is 00:28:05 important to you and i have a large cloak that i could hide some stuff in and lots of pockets they're already filled so don't look it's like a cargo cargo habit a cargo cloak and i will say uh you may risk contracting leprosy but that's part of the gig okay that's part of it half the fun i yeah i uh i have always wanted one of those cargo, one of those jackets where you have- Trench coats? Trench coats where you have a million pockets. Yeah, trench coat. That's like what perverts wear, but yeah, in stereotypical.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I would have- I had a trench coat growing up. I would have different intentions than like a flasher, but- Yeah, yeah, yeah. The fact that there's so many pockets, why wouldn't you at least want one? You know? I don't think there are pockets. I think people just like pinch it to the inside, right?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Or pockets. See, I always literally just took the comic. Maybe there are pockets and I'm just like, because I had a trench coat. It definitely didn't have. You know what I did is I pretended to flash my friend. Listen, it's a whole thing. Don't worry about it. I pretended to flash my friend listen it's a whole thing don't worry about it hey pretend to flash my friend and then uh the other friend took a photo and then we wrote
Starting point is 00:29:08 and then we wrote expose yourself to art never mind we thought it was clever it is we thought it was really clever it is original i will acknowledge that it exists let's put it that way oh no I'm the unfunny mom help no okay it is hysterical it's a it's very on the nose it's on the tip if you will it's it's basically what I did when I was 16 and everyone else was drinking beer this is how I spent my my time so that is I would I would like a copy of that picture if you've got it actually i can we could post it on instagram can we print can we print that as a canvas option because i what's uh what's our uh canvas uh sponsor uh i don't remember anymore we haven't worked with them in a while it's been a
Starting point is 00:29:57 while what's wrong thank god for them they're probably like get out i don't even want like we had a bad feeling we pulled we pulled out before you guys got to this point i would like it to look artsy like as like a a nod to the fact that watercolor yeah like like an oil painting maybe um maybe some stipple oh sure you got stipple it some cross hatching um but yeah if you could if you could send me one of those that would be super great i'd like to be exposed to art if you know what i'm saying yeah i i will i will certainly expose you to art so just just wait i'll expose you like a monsoon in my bathroom it'll be that powerful and that's really saying whoever handles the out of the and that's why you drink out of context please write i will expose you to my monsoon in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:30:47 It's very powerful. Okay. I'm sorry. Tell me about the nun. I'm going to stop talking about grifters and perverts. All I just wanted to say was like, I really took that, the comic literally where you would see someone like, like who was, who like sells you a bunch of watches. They just had hundreds in there.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And I was like, wow, so many pockets. It's pretty cool. If someone could just make me a trench coat full of a hundred pockets of watches, that'd be great. A creepy coat. Yeah. In a much more literal sense. A creepy coat and on the inside more pockets. It's so many pockets, it's scary. Yeah. Well, also because
Starting point is 00:31:19 you'd be kind of a big creep, but yeah. It all works. It all molds molds it's a double entendre so many layers are happening right now so layered um anyway leprosy um sorry you told me this was a short story and i took that to mean why don't you ruin it we do tell whatever we do tell each other like hey we've got a short story feel free to banter we should not give each other that license anymore dangerous license to give um okay so anyway she was as much as we just totally made fun of her she actually was super fundamental to the community oh and not a grifter not a grifter not a pervert not exposing anyone to anything except love
Starting point is 00:32:00 oh and uh the exact opposite of the person we just described, actually. Yes. That was me putting myself in that position, to be clear. Christine is the exact opposite of Sister Murray.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Sister Christine would be problematic for sure, so don't worry. It's not Murray's fault. I feel like if I met a Sister Christine, I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:32:18 she already sounds fun. She already sounds... She has a flask in her pocket, certainly, somewhere. She has... In her Bible, there's a carved-out space for a flask in her pocket certainly somewhere she has in her bible there's a carved out space for a flask yeah um so she yeah so everyone loved her and they gave her all of their treasures uh because they genuinely did trust her and they only trusted her and one
Starting point is 00:32:38 other person in town with this role um and the other woman died of scurvy and so it was just sister marie who knew exactly where all this treasure was because her and the woman who died from scurvy they decided that they were going to hide all the treasure by burying it somewhere and they were never going to tell anyone the location oh shit and then the woman died and so sister marie was the only person left who knew the location of this treasure oh no And then let's remember that the story is called The Headless Nun. Oh, I didn't forget. Don't worry. So she becomes headless because one day she was walking home from work and she basically
Starting point is 00:33:18 got robbed and murdered. Oh, no. So there's different accounts where it was either two people who had escaped from sheldrake island and they were because they were people with leprosy and they were trying they like heard about her somehow knowing where all the treasure was and they thought if we rob her we can get enough money to like flee and like get out of town um another version of that is instead of it being two people from sheldrick island with leprosy it was two sailors with scurvy and then there's another account where it's just like a
Starting point is 00:33:50 random person in the woods just found her and wanted whatever she had on her um whatever the case was um she said no she wasn't going to help them rob her and i'm not gonna help you rob me actually you have to put in all the work here okay yeah i'm just gonna sit down um so anyway she she refused to give them anything and uh the person or people uh cut her head off oh i mean i knew that was coming but like startling still yeah Yeah, it was. If it's the sailor story, then they use a sword and just like with one slash got her. I also think the story that had to do with like the two people with leprosy that it was like they just had knives on them. But apparently they hit her. They cut her throat so hard her head just immediately was severed, which I don't know if you can physically do that with a knife can you it doesn't matter and it's also lore i don't think i don't
Starting point is 00:34:49 know if this actually happened exaggerated or yeah fingers crossed this never actually happened this is just like a random spooky tale you tell people in canada yeah so fingers crossed it never happened to somebody but anyway so her then the next part is that they either took her head and threw it into the river to keep her from being identified uh some other versions of the story are that they just ran off with her head in their hands either way they removed the head from the situation so that nobody would be able to identify the body sure but i guess people saw her in a nun outfit and they were like you're probably sister marie so they were we know you yeah they probably realized she wasn't like anywhere to be found and they were this person
Starting point is 00:35:39 was wearing her clothes so the body ended up getting sent to France so that, well, they, a bunch of soldiers heading towards the fort ended up discovering her the next morning. And then her body was sent to France to be with her family. Um, and that means the treasure was never located.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Wow. Who died with her. So today sister Marie is still seen as a headless ghost. And, uh, there's again, different versions of this story some say that she is there to protect the treasure some people say that she's there to find her head
Starting point is 00:36:12 other there's another story where she already has her head and she is just trying to bury it with her body um she has been seen throughout the whole area but she's usually seen next to the bridge where she died. Wow. Which I thought I had the name of that bridge. Oh, Crow Brook Bridge is the name. That's a creepy name already. Yeah. And apparently a bunch of, I don't know if like the name came after the scenario or the scenario came after the name. But it happens to be Crow Brook Bridge and a bunch of crows are seen gathering at sunset
Starting point is 00:36:46 so it's all bad yeah thank you no and let's remember a group of crows is called a murder because precisely precisely um i don't know why by the way why did like zoologists or whoever give every animal a different name for their group it's it's really kind of rude a rude practical joke if that's what they're pulling can we just say a group of birds a group of fish a group i mean everything's got to have its own damn name i mean you can kind of probably say whatever but probably like i i could say a gaggle of crows if i wanted a school of crows way more silly and light-hearted than a murder of them yes so anyway uh this this bridge happens to be where she ran into these robbers and died and so that's where people most often have experiences with her um legend has it if you see her at the bridge this is a weird take on the account but
Starting point is 00:37:42 maybe my favorite one where people say that they have seen her and she will offer you a thousand guineas to help her find her head apparently nice a thousand guineas in 1756 when she died is equivalent to like almost 220 000 today holy shit so i would sure like to help you find your head or your body or something can i ask like kind of a gruesome question but how does she offer that if she doesn't have a head i don't know but there are some people who say that they see her holding her own head and are like either she's completely headless looking for her head or she's holding her head and looking for her body or she's holding her head hoping you'll help her find the treasure i mean
Starting point is 00:38:25 it's it's always a different form of you know its own lore and also i don't know scientifically how that would work either but whatever um so in the blog called dark hauntings here is a quote about uh what people experience with the headless nun people have reported a powerful feeling of being watched and studied by an unseen force on the bridge and that she is said to haunt ghostly voices have been heard in the wind and an uncomfortable feeling of being followed and stalked in the woods past the bridge which is where it is believed sister marie was killed visitors to the area have claimed they were approached by sister marie's spirit late at night asking them to help her find her head others believe she has found her head and carries it in her arm asking
Starting point is 00:39:09 them to bury it with her body the presence is very active in both day and night but but becomes stronger upon sunset um and apparently she will only come forward to those who she thinks would help her so basically if you're a people pleaser you're shit out of luck yeah we're screwed em if we showed up we'd be like well oh this is awkward i guess we have no way of saying no i already felt like kind of obligated but now that you're offering me money okay i guess uh two two birds one stone here so the upper end of the french fort cove which you can still go to today is said to be also heavily active because not only do you see Sister Marie here sometimes, but you can still hear ghostly sounds of cannons from when they were fighting the British. There was one documentary that mentioned the Headless Nun or a few different stories of the Headless Nun where one treasure hunter heard about Sister Marie's treasure and went looking for it. One treasure hunter heard about Sister Marie's treasure and went looking for it.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And when he found where he thought the treasure might be, he like hit something solid in the ground with his shovel and then he got pushed. And when he fell to the ground and looked up, he saw the headless nun hovering over him. Oh, geez. She's still protecting it. Yeah. And I guess that wasn't enough because the next morning in his hotel room, he died. Oh, shit. Yeah. They found him dead.
Starting point is 00:40:25 They say it was a heart attack, but people like to link the two things together. In the 1920s, there was apparently a mailman who was trying to cross the bridge with his horse, but the horse refused to go near it. And so the next day, the guy went to go check it out and see what was going on there that might have spooked him. And he just saw two footprints standing in the middle of the entrance of the bridge with no other footprints that would suggest someone was it like in the snow or something it was like in the dirt and there was like oh but yeah so that's very less less uh and then also there was a group of tourists once who were crossing the bridge and one of the guys felt someone kind of like tap him on the head uh apparently tap him on the head he said it felt like fingers and he got tapped three times um and when he turned around
Starting point is 00:41:10 he saw the headless nun and the next day the spot where his head got tapped on the hair had turned white whoa that's not good yeah and then the lore goes further on to say that he like went mad or something like that oh geez what i feel like this nun's suddenly getting very i know so aggressive i feel like the like there's a huge gamut like a very wide yeah for like the stories here because it sounds like she's was a lovely person in life and she just wants someone to help her find her fucking head or her body or the treasure like put it to rest or something she just wants closure and she never did anything wrong and then all these other like random stories come out where like she's killing people it like sounds really out of sorts yeah she's like cursing people who are just crossing the bridge they're not even
Starting point is 00:41:54 like what is that noise that you're that's hail that's the hail oh my gosh you guys earlier we were talking before the recording and eva made a face like she was about to get stabbed and i was like well good thing we're recording this for the police and then uh she screamed it's hailing and then she disappeared and came back and said i tried to get you a hail and we were like thank you eva and uh so now em emothy it's hailing on you now huh i know well it sounded to me like that the door was opening and i was gonna tell alice i'm like get out i'm recording but it was i literally was like your cat's coming in and i was like it sounded like a cat was trying to get in the door oh it seems like it passed really quickly that was the whole thing loud though um it was loud and i was gone did you get me a hail though
Starting point is 00:42:39 uh in spirit but no oh i couldn't leave couldn't leave. I didn't have enough time. But anyway, so yeah. So it sounds really wild that like she went from being like really like loved and respected and trusted by a whole community and now she's like killing people. So I think. For just crossing the bridge. It's not like they were like trying to find the treasure. It was like they were just taking a walk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So it feels like the stories have just really like gotten hyped up and it's very. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah so it feels like the stories i've just really like gotten hyped up and it's very yeah yeah yeah or also like not to like put her in a category here but like there's i'm sure the headless nun it feels like kind of a broad story so maybe when you hear about the headless nun you know you might not always be talking about the same ghost it's just like oh the other headless nun the other so many headless nuns that we started calling them incognito or whatever sister incognito um but yeah like for all i know it could just be like another like
Starting point is 00:43:29 people could be just mix and matching stories from all their own hometowns or whatever i don't know i don't know it just it doesn't make a lot of sense to me why yeah her story would be so wide and in variety so there's one uh there was one guy who talked about his experience with the headless nun. His name was Mark Robert Allen Steves. He said he once went to the cove looking for the treasure or to find the nun with his friend. And he found a really old cloth. And then he got stuck in quicksand. And it felt more like an adventure tale.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And then the next time he went back to the cove, he while in the cove or while near the cove looked out and saw a guy having a fire, a campfire. He saw two people out by a fire and one of them was sleeping, but he was sleeping really close to the fire where his clothes looked like they were almost going to catch on fire. but he was sleeping really close to the fire where his clothes looked like they were almost gonna catch on fire and so he sprinted at them and pushed the guy away from the flames and woke him up and was like where's that other person that was with you and he said oh i've been here alone and apparently he remembers that that second figure almost like you know either allowing this to happen or or it felt like the story was implying that this guy was like asleep or like in a trance and couldn't be woken up because the second figure was like having him catch on fire was rolling him into the right slowly pushing him closer to the plane okay
Starting point is 00:44:55 but so then that's another thing where it's like okay so that's like apparently the sinister headless nun but i just was trying to give where's that person who was with you who was dressed like a nun and also didn't have the head where did she go i thought she was your friend who was dragging you by the collar right into the flames it was like rolling your body into a live fire yeah so uh anyway so there's a a lot of stories about the headless nun most of them are just that you see her at the bridge and she either asks you to help her apparently someone has at least once been offered money um what do you do like do you like if you say no is she gonna give you a heart attack or like i don't know i feel like you're screwed either way or if she said you say yes i would like
Starting point is 00:45:36 to think if you say yes then like you blink and all of a sudden she's not there or something yeah that's what i'd like to think as well i would like it to be like a really tame story like that, where it's like, oh, I agreed to help. And then she left me alone. You know? Yeah, yeah. I would feel like that's probably most of it. I would also imagine near this bridge, there's a lot of teenagers who go there and swear they saw a shadow where their car doesn't start or they hear crying or, you know, just like a murder of crows come flying in all at once. But anyway, you can still go to this park um the french fort cove they do have a headless nun tour oh okay and uh this is a a little nod to beach you sandy but here's a review for you um from sandy m who says great tour with some very good
Starting point is 00:46:22 acting so apparently there's actors on this tour oh shit a headless non-actor now that is quite a role to play uh may may be somewhat frightening for children as the cove is very dark and people jump out of the dark areas great value as the cost was only ten dollars per person and you get a tiny souvenir flashlight that's cute it would be yeah it's kind i like that i'm getting a freebie out of ten dollars worth of a tour i'm i'm wondering the quality of this tour for it to only be 10 bucks and they're also paying you in flashlights you know um anyway so there's the i'm just going to end on an excerpt from a poem by doug underhill about the headless nun um and this little this line says she won't hurt you she's just alone she's just asking make my body whole which is sad but also goes completely against all
Starting point is 00:47:14 of these scary stories i just told you like she won't hurt you it's like i beg to fucking differ well i don't beg to differ but a lot of people sure would. Apparently people are having heart attacks and shit. So I would say that all of the more elaborate stories are not very on par. Or if they are, it's a different headless nun that has been misconstrued with this one. Because it sounds like this one's just very lovely. And you happen to just walk by her every now and then. And maybe she has a head, maybe she doesn't. But we love her no matter what. Maybe she thinks that you're the one who beheaded her.
Starting point is 00:47:50 She's getting her vengeance i'm surprised that storyline didn't come up in all of this that she's like looking for the person who hurt her but i guess if she's not a vengeful ghost then that would dismiss that too but then also dismiss the heart attack and all that yeah that's rough man i mean and you know what would be really rough is if you were you recovered from your leprosy and you were like i'm ready for all my pearls and then it's like awkward we actually hope you had insurance because they're under the ground somewhere so apparently this uh this treasure is still out there though so if you happen to be someone who doesn't mind pissing off a very kind ghost i guess you could go find it but please don't because apparently just don't don't start digging in random places that you're not supposed to be digging well that's that number
Starting point is 00:48:31 one and number two also we don't want anyone to accidentally die on our watch because a ghost might get you you know yeah but that's definitely a big reason i just i know i talked about how i love my metal detector oh right people saying like People saying like, hey, just so you know, like people shouldn't be metal detecting in public places. Oh, you know, that's where archaeologists and people who are meant to study history should be taking the reins, which I understand. Then let me let me retry this. If you're an archaeologist and you happen to be near the French Fort Cove. A risky archaeologist. If you have an adrenaline rush that you're trying to pull out of yourself. Satiate.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah. A thirst you need quenched. Maybe go digging around French Fort Cove and see what happens. And say it's all for science. It's all for science it's all for science all for history so we get 10 please and that's that's the story of the headless nun so wow that was fun um i i didn't expect that when you said lore i thought we were gonna go with like a uh a uh a cryptid or something so i was pleasantly surprised no ghosty you know what's
Starting point is 00:49:43 weird is like it's for i don't know why but in my head lore and ghost stories are sometimes completely different and sometimes exactly the same thing and yeah i can see that and her lore it's like a story how you become a ghost and all this yeah it felt like it was a ghost story that happened to be part of an urban legend or something right right because you don't know if the history is actually real for all we know this literally there really was like a nun who i guess by their standards at that time it was called it was basically jane doe but it was marie in canoe and uh there could have very well been a jane doe nun who got killed one day so they just made a story about it so i don't know i don't know how real it is i don't know i just imagine a bunch of teenagers use that to like scare their little siblings now or
Starting point is 00:50:29 something and a bunch of grown-ass adults use it to scare each other like us yeah it works all right well i have a story for you today this is the story it's pretty disturbing so i apologize in advance but it's the story of savannah lafontaine graywind and we are headed to north dakota oh north dakota have we ever i know have we ever been to north dakota i don't remember this is a story in fargo so i'm not sure if we've been to fargo um also never watched the series watched the movie but never watched the series so i uh feel kind of bad about that because it's supposed to be good uh humblebrag i worked on the series oh did you watch it i did watch it but i also watched it for work so not because i was at home yeah that was like if my brother mentioned this the other day
Starting point is 00:51:15 where sorry to bring the office in again but when someone when pam was like have you read this book and he's like read it i own it no i've never read it yeah okay i worked on it i worked on it so that should be enough for you but no i've never watched i've never sat down with a bowl of popcorn and watched it oh my brother said it's very good so i'm just gonna trust him on that so um we are going back to 2017 so not even that long ago it's a summer day august 27th, 2017, around 5.45 p.m. on the Red River of the North, which is a river that forms the border of North Dakota and Minnesota and empties into Lake Winnipeg in Canada. Two kayakers are out on the Red paddling. The Red is, you know, what they call it. When they spot a strange looking object bobbing several meters away.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Ruh-roh. It appears to be hooked onto a log log so the pair decide to get a better glimpse of what this object could be uh-oh uh-oh they paddle over and immediately notice it's not an object at all it is unfortunately a body tightly wrapped in plastic and duct tape fuck yes indeed so obviously call law enforcement they pull the body from the river around 8.20 p.m. And the body was soon identified to be 22 year old mother to be Savannah LaFontaine. Mother to be. That becomes the focal point of the story. So that's another warning.
Starting point is 00:52:36 I will warn you guys when we get closer to kind of the more disturbing aspects of the story. But and it's not like super in-depth or anything but it's pretty i'll tell you when we get there but okay so she had first been reported missing uh eight days earlier on saturday august 19th and i want to say at this point that i wanted to mention shout out a little podcast that i found called wounded a native true crime podcast. And I listened to their coverage of the story. It was so well done. And I was it I just really, really, I found the host very endearing. And I really enjoyed the show. So I went to follow them on Instagram. And they took a hiatus like they went on hiatus last week. And we're like, Oh, for the indefinite future we're going on. I was like,
Starting point is 00:53:20 no, I just found you. So just shout out. I really like their show. It's called Wounded, a Native True Crime Podcast. So they did a great job covering this. Just want to give a shout out before I continue. So Savannah had been reported missing eight days earlier on August 19th. If this tragedy hadn't happened, the following months, as you kind of noted, were going to be life changing for Savannah and her family. She had been living with her parents and brother in a basement apartment in Fargo, and she was about to move into her own apartment with her boyfriend, Ashton.
Starting point is 00:53:51 He was her high school sweetheart. They'd been dating for seven years and were very close, but he worked out of state or out of town, and so they were finally going to be able to live together. And on top of that, in four weeks, they would be welcoming their first child to the world so in other words she was eight months pregnant yikes okay yes sorry i'm just not yikes that she's pregnant but no yikes it just makes the story that much more disturbing yeah exactly like she was like like that was a full-ass baby yeah eight months is very far along so uh from what I know of the mothering world.
Starting point is 00:54:27 So Savannah had also recently been given a job as a nursing assistant. She was hoping to fully qualify as a nurse specializing in elder care soon. So basically just one of these tragic stories where her life was just picking up steam and she was, you know, getting in the career she wanted. She had a steady boyfriend, was starting a starting a family just all very tragic tragic yeah yeah so savannah her family and her boyfriend were members of the spirit lake sioux tribe and according to the spirit lake nation website in 2014 the tribe had 7256 members savannah was extremely close with her family and she was only moving out of her parents apartment to have more space for her and ashton to raise their daughter so this was kind
Starting point is 00:55:10 of cute i learned this from the wounded podcast i guess her parents moved with her so after high school she moved to fargo and her parents went with her her family went with her which i just thought was so cute that they were that close that that is really sweet and got pregnant they were like we'll come too, which I think is very... Can you imagine, though, if you happen to be someone who is trying to get away from your parents? Right. In specific circumstances. Like, oh, we'll just come too. And it's like, no, no, no, no, no. I'm moving out of state. Yeah. Valid point.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Very sweet. Very sweet of them. Not all of us can say how pleased we would be in that scenario necessarily um but i i see what you're saying yeah but for them it was a very um like a loving supportive move rather than like a clingy helicopter like if like my mom she would be like linda showed up in burbank you know i think i thank god for tom all the time because i'm pretty sure if my mom were still single she would have absolutely absolutely moved to L.A. to be with me. And I'd be like. She would have married Wayne Brady after that.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Let's make a deal. And move to Burbank. You would be screwed. She'd have been like, let's make another deal. God. In her bucket. Sometimes I think about that bucket and it just makes me so happy. Anyway, sorry. sometimes i think about that bucket and it just makes me so happy uh anyway sorry this is just such a tangent off of um oh my god yeah i'm sorry disturbing story uh so to get back to what is happening here so savannah um was living with her family and was
Starting point is 00:56:40 going to be moving out soon to have more space for her and Ashton to raise their daughter. They, like I said, her family had followed her to Fargo when she moved after high school. And so I just want to describe their apartment complex real quick. So it was more of like a house type of building. It wasn't like a big complex. It was sort of like a multi-family house. Okay. So the apartment above the LaFontaine- fontaine graywinds apartment it was like kind
Starting point is 00:57:06 of catty corner was occupied by 38 year old brooke cruz and 32 year old william hone they were a white couple who had begun dating in 2014 and had moved to this apartment in 2016 and they were known throughout the complex as being that couple who was constantly fighting constantly screaming like constantly getting in these physical altercations and shouting matches what my neighbors upstairs oh i thought you were telling me to be quiet i was like no sorry i was thinking like oh that that that couple in the complex oh we all know we all know one of those loud loud uh neighbors yes exactly so they were known as that couple um their their shouting matches sometimes like shook the ceilings that sounds familiar from your experience sure does
Starting point is 00:57:52 um so in fact not long after they moved in william pleaded guilty to assaulting brooke after throwing her in the bathtub the court ordered that william have no more contact with brooke but six months later police responded to a disturbance report found william in the apartment so he was charged with violating the no contact order so they just had a very toxic hostile violent relationship is basically the moral of the story so far um so brooke and william had several run-ins with the law separately before they had actually met so both had had a long string of partners before meeting and with these respective partners brooke had seven children and william had two and neither of them had any contact with their kids from
Starting point is 00:58:34 previous relationships uh they were known as just not being supportive of their children their their previous partners brooke had been sued repeatedly for not paying child support uh for any of her seven kids and so just very not well respected members of the community i would say not pillars not not pillars yeah uh not in the not in the pillars i am well well yeah pillars i feel like usually means a bad thing in general in the show but not no you're right they were not known as pillars of the community that's a good point so um let's see savannah and her family didn't know the couple that well um they only saw them around the apartment building in passing and mostly heard them upstairs that being said a couple
Starting point is 00:59:20 weeks before savannah was found dead brooke had come to their apartment and asked savannah if she wanted to come smoke weed with her and savannah was like no thank you so i guess brooke was trying to befriend her um so jumping back to the day that savannah disappeared which was august 19th 2017 there was nothing especially unique about this day to start off with it was a warm summer day in the mid 80s savannah who was eight months pregnant at the time was struggling in the heat so her family had popped out for some reason i don't know where they were going but they were just spending the day out of the house and she wanted to stay home kind of put her feet up and like just be home alone for a while yeah just veg um hopefully with some air conditioning and she was home alone and she was startled by a knock on
Starting point is 01:00:06 the door so of course it's brooke uh on the other side of the store she asked savannah if she could come up later to model a dress she was making for a sewing project and brooke says if you come model this dress for like some photos or whatever uh i will give you twenty dollars so savannah's like sure i guess i'll do that which part of me also like red flags at20. So Savannah's like, sure, I guess I'll do that. Which part of me also like red flags at this point because it's like she's eight months pregnant. Like unless this person is doing maternity wear, which maybe she is, but it's just such a specific like, can you model this eight months pregnant? Yeah. This dress I'm making.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It just seems so. Also, it doesn't sound like they're that close. It just sounds like. No, they're not. It just sounds like this person keeps knocking on her door and asking for favors or asking for passing acquaintances at the most yeah i'm thinking of like my upstairs neighbors who do nothing but piss me off came downstairs and was like hey can you model some stuff for us in our apartment and i'll give you 20 bucks i'd be like you owe me more than 20 bucks for how fucking
Starting point is 01:01:01 annoying you are this horrible but yeah and i feel like um savannah was one of those people who just was like friendly and you know didn't ever think anything bad of people really um and just you know was just one of those easygoing people who yeah you know this woman said i really need somebody to try this dress on and she's like sure i'll do it um just yeah yeah, as a favor, basically. Or I guess for 20 bucks. Which, again, it just throws me off that she was eight months pregnant. Because I'm like, wouldn't you try to find somebody who wasn't eight months pregnant to model your new dress?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Unless, again, unless it was a maternity dress, which seems like a very specific. Unless it was a maternity dress. And also, like, you couldn't think of any other person to contact before yeah exactly before a stranger yeah a little weird it's a little weird um so yeah it's definitely strange especially like you said they don't know each other that well so at 1 24 p.m savannah texts her mother and her boyfriend letting them know about her plans to help brooke she orders a pizza for lunch to share with a family for when they return but by the time the pizza arrives she's already kind of running late she has to run out the family for when they return. But by the time the pizza arrives, she's already kind of running late. She has to run out the door for this appointment at Brooke's place.
Starting point is 01:02:09 So she leaves the pizza cooling on the countertop, runs upstairs to Brooke's apartment. Norberta Gray, who is Savannah's mother, replied to Savannah's text about helping Brooke but never heard back. Ashton texted her as well to ask more about this and never heard back either. Ashton texted her as well to ask more about this and never heard back either. So Norberta continued to text her daughter throughout the afternoon but never received a reply, which was strange because Savannah was not the type to just ignore messages from her family. At the Grey Wind apartment, Norberta got home and sees the pizza untouched on the counter and is a little bit worried because at this point I'm assuming it's cold and not one slice has been eaten. And Savannah's purse is also in the kitchen. When she checks outside, Savannah's car is still in the lot. So she's a little bit weirded out,
Starting point is 01:02:56 and she sends her son, Savannah's 16-year-old brother, up to apartment five to remind Savannah she needs to drive him to work later. but when he goes and knocks on the door nobody answers so norberta is like fine i'll drive you to work we'll figure this out later so around 4 p.m they still haven't heard from savannah and norberta starts to get pretty worried she's like okay i understand if the appointment went long but it's been hours and we haven't even gotten a text back so she goes up and knocks on the door herself and at this point brooke answers the door and norberta says where's savannah and brooke says oh she left around 2 45 p.m to go home uh so obviously this is like red flag central for norberta she knew that her daughter
Starting point is 01:03:39 wouldn't have just like left brooke's apartment and then like left the building without her purse or there was no reason for her to leave and in addition to that her feet had been really swollen and painful from this pregnancy and again it was like in the 80s she was she if she was going somewhere she would have driven like she had to go to the grocery store the bank whatever she would have driven and her car was still in the lot so just extra strange like where would she have walked off to right especially without her purse she didn't have you know a wallet with her so she gets really suspicious norberta does and she obviously doesn't trust the couple living upstairs because of the constant fighting she knows pretty well like this is an unstable couple here um i already don't
Starting point is 01:04:22 trust him trust them they're you know constantly having run-ins with the police they're she's a little freaked out already by like the fact that savannah was even at their apartment for some strange reason to begin with and now she's just kind of disappeared so at 4 30 norberta reports her daughter missing to the fargo police officers arrive at the building around 5 p.m and after speaking to norberta they make their way to brooks and williams apartment which obviously was savannah's last known whereabouts so they search the apartment on august 19th then they come back on the 20th and search the apartment again but neither savannah nor any clues as to where she could be are found
Starting point is 01:05:01 in the apartment in other words she had seemingly disappeared. Sure. Yeah. So Fargo Police Chief David Todd would later comment, we were running constant surveillance and investigating several different theories regarding Savannah potentially being held against her will. And Norberta was not having any of this. She basically said they were not running constant surveillance. That's,'s like totally false
Starting point is 01:05:25 according to her the investigation felt lackluster and she would later tell a reporter that she felt as though they were not taking her daughter's disappearance disappearance seriously and that they really didn't seem to care so you know as much as the police said oh we were doing constant searching and surveillance norberto was like that is not how it went down um so she also remembered later saying more needs to be done i begged them from the beginning from the moment i called them i pleaded with them there's something wrong you've got to do this now and it just felt to her like they weren't particularly concerned and just kind of did a brief peek in and said no nothing and left so brooke and william were the only suspects in savannah's disappearance but the police
Starting point is 01:06:11 weren't really getting any information of value from them and that changed when police stopped at william's place of work to check out what people at work were you know saying about william and this is where things got a little strange so the police began questioning william's co-workers who revealed some somewhat confusing anecdotes about their colleague william multiple employees at the roofing company told police that william had recently been talking about the new baby he had at home oh fuck yeah uh yeah so i just got goose camp from my own story so um this was of course incredibly suspicious to police because there was no sign of a baby when they were searching the apartment multiple times nobody had been hearing a baby so this is the
Starting point is 01:07:00 first in other words this is the first they're hearing of a baby at the house. So that's when they realized, like, uh-oh, things might be more nefarious and worse than we had imagined. So the reports of William and Brooke's new baby, quote-unquote, were enough to grant police another warrant to search their apartment again, which they did finally on August 24th. Okay. They arrived at the right time, and luckily enough, Brooke was home. warrant to search their apartment again which they did finally on august 24th okay they arrived at the right time and luckily enough brooke was home she was in the apartment and on the bed lay a perfectly healthy newborn baby girl oh fuck that's yeah okay so great it's pretty much exactly what you're imagining so what i would what i would hope the police would do next is take that baby and then somehow, like, get a blood test and confirm that it belonged to Savannah. Precisely.
Starting point is 01:07:51 And they could charge her for at least kidnapping and then also where the fuck is Savannah? Precisely, yes. So that's where this, exactly, this is like the breaking point where everything kind of came apart. I'm just saying what I think should happen before what i find out is this is not what happens no no no that's what happens so uh so they find this baby they obviously arrest brooke right there they go to william's work arrest him and three days after they find the baby there they find savannah's body uh by the it was discovered by the kayakers like i said earlier uh just across the border from
Starting point is 01:08:26 fargo in moorhead minnesota so they do they run a dna test on the baby girl and this confirmed that she was savannah's and ashton's baby horrifying really horrifying at least the at least the baby was okay yeah yeah i mean the baby survived and was healthy so that's at least good oh it's still that's so least good. It still looks so terrible. It's just so traumatic and horrible. So the daughter was taken to live with Ashton. But from what I heard in that other podcast, Wounded, too, they were saying, you know, it took days for the DNA test to come back. So this whole time, Ashton and Savannah's parents don't have access to this baby. And it's like, that's my child. That's our grandchild. And they just weren't able to even hold the baby until this DNA test came back. So it must have been excruciating those couple days.
Starting point is 01:09:11 You're probably going to say it, or maybe I should have already put it together. But was this a situation where they killed her and cut the baby out? You'll find out in pretty fun, specific detail momentarily so don't worry about that um yes and i will warn you folks before i kind of get into that so a dna test confirmed she was savannah's and ashton's um it took a few days so again like must have been just excruciating for the family to not know what was happening to the baby whether she was safe whatever while the police were holding her i assume she was in some sort of foster care or situation i'm not totally sure on december 11th of 2017 brooke pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit murder conspiracy
Starting point is 01:09:55 to commit kidnapping and lying to police she was weeping throughout her testimony and apologizing and was like it just kind of icked me out to be honest it was like you fucking suck you can't just lay here crying and be like oh no i'm so sad it's like like she was acting like pisses me off she was acting like super like sugary apologetic like you know exactly what you did yeah it's almost like this wasn't an accident you know it just feels and for all i know like she was fully sorry for what she did i am not saying that but it's just like i just didn't like watching it um she you know she apologized she said i can't believe what i did savannah's family uh she said there's no excuse there's no rationalization there is nothing my actions devastated a family and shocked the community that i called home which like yeah i mean yeah
Starting point is 01:10:50 you're spot on with that i guess yeah so brooke revealed that now this is where brooke tells us pretty much what happened so brooke revealed that savannah had come to her apartment on august 19th under the pretense of modeling a dress for her as soon as savannah arrived brooke began arguing with her i'm not sure about what and the two ended up fighting in the bathroom where brooke pushed savannah causing her to hit her head on the sink and fall unconscious now this is brooke's story so we don't know you know it could have been like oh i'm not saying this is what happened but like you don't know if she changed right she became unconscious but right just pointing that out that we don't know if all of this is 100 true
Starting point is 01:11:31 so that's what she said happened she said um brooke went into the kitchen and retrieved a knife because that was the first thing that came to her mind when savannah fell unconscious did i mean i'm i'm operating under did she think that she had killed savannah and now she has to use the knife nope oh and you'll see why so she thinks okay this this girl is alive and i'm still on my way to grab an opportunity yeah okay i see yeah which is why i'm almost hesitant to believe the full story of well it was an accident she hit her head because it's like you seem to have a fully laid out plan for what happened once she quote-unquote hit her head yeah like okay so she hit her head and that was an accident and it was also accidental that once she was unconscious then you went to go grab a knife yeah it doesn't line up for me personally
Starting point is 01:12:18 and again like we don't know what actually happened but to me it seems more intentional everything else is so intentional that the hitting the head on the sink seems a little bit like are you sure you didn't intend for that part or like hit her with something or who knows so here is where i want to give a pretty a trigger warning for a childbirth and pregnancy trauma it's a pretty short description but it's it's pretty fucked up i'll put that out there so you can skip ahead if you're like no thanks so on returning to the bathroom she proceeded to cut into savannah's abdomen and yeah and his face and what and pull the baby out of her womb i know and at this point savannah was drifting in and out of her womb. I know. And at this point, Savannah was drifting
Starting point is 01:13:06 in and out of consciousness, so definitely still, like, fully alive. I know. Oh my god. I know. So, she had lost enough blood at this point that she was basically on the verge of being, you know, fully
Starting point is 01:13:22 gone or unconscious at least. So, her loss of blood it led her to drift pretty much in and out of consciousness the entire time it's just the most horrific it's just the most darkly horrific thing i i don't even know how else to to explain it other than that but so that is the end of the the the gruesome detail i guess but um pretty terrible so while brooke was cleaning up the blood from the bathroom floor william returned home to find brooke holding a newborn baby and she said to william this is our baby this is our family oh that's i mean i'm sure not the first red flag but like definitely one of them
Starting point is 01:14:05 yuck in terms of like you just walk in and she's holding a baby and you hope that she just adopted a baby magically overnight but also where did it come from uh-huh yep so for a bit of insight into basically brooke and williams relationship leading up to this um just to kind of give you some background into what went on behind the scenes before this occurred earlier that year in january of 2017 and again this is in august so eight months later brooke had told william she was pregnant um after he had threatened to leave her fun fact she was not pregnant so essentially it was a ploy to say stay with me i'm having your child which they mentioned this on wounded like i'm surprised this worked because she had seven children he had two that they didn't associate with or care much
Starting point is 01:14:59 about so it's odd to me that this would be like the thing that kept him in her life that's a great point care about the other kids you know like they didn't have any association with their other So it's odd to me that this would be like the thing that kept him in her life. That's a great point. He didn't seem to care about the other kids, you know, like they didn't have any association with their other children. That's a great point of like, like you, that's, it's not like children have been something you attach yourself to in the past. Right, right. And also this, I'm sure you're going to get into this, but like, so is that the story that she ran with this whole time? And was she like filling up, like putting pillows under her shirt and stuff? So it made it look like she was pregnant or?
Starting point is 01:15:28 So it actually ends up having more to do with William giving her an ultimatum. But I'll read that to you in a minute. It's just what you would not expect. So at this point, obviously early on, she's pulling out ultrasounds from her previous seven pregnancies. And she had quite a backlog to work with. She had a backlog. Exactly. She had enough to work with to convince him for a while, like you're saying, before she
Starting point is 01:15:53 had to, you know, stuff her shirt or anything. So this, okay. Oh, God, it's horrible. So later, there came a point where Brooke just couldn't lie to him anymore. And for whatever reason, instead of saying like, hey, I lost the baby or, you know, something of that nature, she admitted that she had made it all up. So William flipped out after he found out she had lied to him about her pregnancy and in rage, he ambiguously told her to produce a baby or he would leave her. Wow. What a magic trick though like wow it's like wow just careful what you say so hmm i'm wondering what he thinks well remember his
Starting point is 01:16:37 co-workers are saying oh yeah he's talking about his new baby like he's clearly fully on board with this because his co-workers are like yeah he, he says he has a baby at home. No, but for him to be saying like produce a baby, was that his like are we now treading really lightly into like sexual assault territory where he's trying his best to get her pregnant? Or does he literally think like she's just going to like immaculately conceive? No, I think he just since this was so many months later, I think he was like, well, you baby so where's my baby like it was very ambiguous again like i don't know weird if anyone knew if he meant like find one or like adopt one or steal one or gross create one like i i really don't know what it means i don't think to this day we have any full understanding i think he was just angry and screamed that at her and she took it very literally jeez like i don't care how this happens but i need a baby here in nine months make it happen to say no like now because this was like months later
Starting point is 01:17:35 that he found out like she's lying this whole time he's she's been lying oh okay and so at this point he's like well you promised me a baby coming like any day now give me one so she's like okay and took him literally at his word and this was basically brooke producing the baby for william i mean really next level like you would never expect this twistedness to happen on the part of both of them in this it's just so beyond anything i could comprehend so it just gets worse so in the bathroom with savannah on the floor william asked savannah or asks uh brooke if savannah is dead to which brooke replied i don't know please help me then according to brooke william left the bathroom and came back with a rope which he tightened around savannah's neck
Starting point is 01:18:19 until she was no longer breathing and then he said if she wasn't dead before she is now so that's brooke's story um they then yeah they then stashed savannah's body in a closet in the bathroom clean the blood off the bathroom floor and this is where people often bring up like the ineptitude of the investigation um both times police said they thoroughly searched the apartment and were doing full surveillance but it's it's hard to believe a that they hadn't been able to find savannah's body if it was in the apartment that whole time right but at the same time you could argue which they had brought up in wounded that you could argue that without a warrant you can't
Starting point is 01:19:00 open anything you can't open drawers you can't open closets okay so if something's behind closed doors you can just look you can't open anything so in some way i guess that's an excuse but these also don't feel like the most smart people in the world who would have known that loophole i feel like they if that's the case they just are really locked real lucky or they've had enough encounters with police to know that because right they've just been in this situation before but as one publication puts it brooke and william weren't exactly criminal masterminds okay like you were just saying because how did they get away with this for so long um with the body like they were sleeping they were going to bed with this body with her body in the closet i mean it's really beyond and the other thing that blows my mind is like there was a baby in there the whole time nobody heard a baby crying nobody heard yeah anything it's just baffling i mean i don't know what they were doing i'm i was just shocked
Starting point is 01:19:56 when the baby appeared days later and nobody had ever yeah and also expected it i mean i'm not a cop so i don't really know what it into an investigation process. But I feel like in every show I see that there's at least a black light on the carpet. Like you couldn't see blood? Like, I guess not. I guess they just kind of did a cursory glance to see if she was in the apartment, didn't see anything. They probably bleached the floors and wow yeah that was it so it's definitely debated how thoroughly the place was searched and i'm sure people go back and forth on this but just want to call that out so so the murder likely occurred from what they can gather between 2 and 3 p.m and the police arrived at the apartment at 5 so basically like you're saying they would have had to really pull something together to hide this from police officers walking through the apartment like right two hours ago we murdered someone on this floor and now you're walking through and you couldn't have possibly bleached everything then because you would have smelled bleach after two hours there would have been bleach that's a good point yeah and well there's a now a newborn baby in here like where are you hiding it right it's
Starting point is 01:21:09 just so baffling to me that they were in the apartment multiple times and with a two hour old baby exactly like hours old newborn so baffling honestly baffling so that may that makes me feel like they really didn't do that good of a job because of an investigating because if there was no way they could have really like scrubbed that place down then they definitely could have found evidence of something yeah it was probably a very cursory like yeah let's peek in and see no there's nothing here you know right um i can't imagine if you didn't go near that bathroom that you wouldn't have at least had a sense like right something's the right like i don't know anything but again i was not there but that's just at least the thought in my head so um even william later revealed in testimony that each time
Starting point is 01:21:58 the apartment was searched by the police he was in bed and the baby was just hiding under the blanket next to him like literally he was laying with the baby was just hiding under the blanket next to him like literally he was laying with the baby and just like threw a blanket over it are you serious oh my god nobody just even noticed he was there it was like holy shit i mean my god yeah so during her testimony brooke confirmed that while william had demanded she produce a baby he didn't know of her plan to murder savannah and claim her baby as her own brooke would later in her testimony even admit to bringing the baby to walmart in public uh just like basically took this child and was like it's mine now and lived her life um i mean like i said even william was going to work and describing his happy newborn life you know new dad just beyond
Starting point is 01:22:43 twisted um so while brooke testified that william had strangled savannah this was disputed by a fellow inmate of brooke's who testified that brooke had actually told her she had strangled savannah herself um it's unknown whether savannah died of blood loss or strangulation the autopsy only listed homicidal violence as the cause of death so we don't know which of the acts uh actually killed her on august 20th after police had searched the apartment for the third time with no luck william hollowed out a dresser and stashed savannah's body in it and then in the early hours of august 21st brooke and william put the dresser in their jeep drove it to a bridge hauled the dresser over the side and dumped it into the red river whoa yes so it wasn't for six days that that's not english it
Starting point is 01:23:32 wasn't until six days later that her body was found however it was not in the dresser like i was saying it was like attached to a log almost so it's unclear whether the dresser was ever found and on february 2nd 2018 brooke was sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole. And then on September 4th, William pleaded guilty to conspiracy to kidnap and for lying to the police. He was also charged with conspiracy to commit murder, to which he pleaded not guilty. He was tried and acquitted of this charge on September 28th, 2018. But at the same time, he was already charged with plenty of other things so he's still far away yeah um he was originally sentenced to life in prison but the sentence
Starting point is 01:24:11 was overturned by the north dakota supreme court who in october 2019 re-sentenced him to 20 years instead of life wow the judge told william i want to sentence you to as long as i can by law before somberly noting that savannah graywin's child who survived the attack will still be in high school when William is eligible for parole. So by the time she's in high school, this motherfucker is basically has a chance to get out of prison. Like the man who put your. Yeah, it's it's horrific. Oh, my gosh. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Very, very dark so his exact release date will likely be decided by the state department of correction so we don't know that yet but on august 19th hazley joe had been born hazley joe hazley joe and her grandpa's middle name was her grandpa's name was joe so she was named after hazel joe such a cute little that's so sweet i know i can't imagine that the parents to it throughout all this of like horrifying yeah at or savannah's parents yeah yeah just like to know that your kid was like mutilated and stashed away and then not even like a cursory look as you're saying like wasn't even found but it could have been so easy to find and then your baby was just like living
Starting point is 01:25:31 with these people your grandchild exactly and like yeah i just can't imagine those days where the baby had been taken into police custody and they couldn't see the baby knowing it existed knowing she existed like i can't imagine how fucking awful that weight must have been especially like like that baby is the last link you have to your kid that like you also don't know where she is and completely wow completely so hazley joe had been born august 19th and as her prosecutor johnson mart martinez put it uh taking her first breath as her mother was taking her last wow really sad that's really really miserable and yeah wow so despite the traumatic experience thankfully uh hazley joe was actually born remarkably healthy so at least we have that
Starting point is 01:26:19 uh to thank 22 year old ashton and his daughter became inseparable but he also found it obviously incredibly difficult to deal with the fact that he had a baby but no savannah ashton is being supported by his and savannah's families so um at least he has a support system around him hazley will be four in august this year and has been described by ashton as a calm happy baby who is always smiling oh my gosh you want to cry um yeah it's just next level horrific so a public facebook group run by the great one family frequently posts photos of little hazley joe uh growing up and some some sweet ones of her at her mother's grave they visit it quite often from what i can tell savannah was buried on thursday september
Starting point is 01:27:04 7 2017 at first assembly church and almost a thousand people attended the service a lot of them wore red shirts to uh red shorts to honor savannah and other missing women from the area and this is kind of where the aftermath there's at least a silver lining here in that as a result of savannah's murder former north dakota Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp introduced Savannah's Act in the U.S. Senate in October of 2017. And it was co-sponsored by Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. And the bill, quote, aims to improve tribal access to federal crime information databases
Starting point is 01:27:38 and create standardized protocols for responding to cases of missing and murdered Native American women. So basically, it requires the Justice Department to report statistics on missing or murdered Native Americans, develop guidelines for responses to these cases, conduct outreach to tribes and Native American organizations, and provide training to law enforcement on how to record specifically tribal enrollment for victims in federal databases. Wow. So at least something good came of all of this. Aside from Haisley Joe,
Starting point is 01:28:12 obviously. And then in September of 2020, actually, so only a couple months ago, Savannah's Act was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. And Republican Senator John Hoeven of North Dakota and chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs co-sponsored the bill. He stated, Savannah's act addresses a tragic issue in Indian country and helps establish better law enforcement practices to track, solve, and prevent these crimes against Native Americans. We appreciate our House colleagues for passing the bill today and sending it on to the president to become law. At the same time, we continue working to advance more legislation like this to strengthen public safety in tribal communities and ensure victims of crime receive support and justice and then this bill was signed
Starting point is 01:28:49 into law by president trump this past fall so thankfully we have at least again another um positive change legally that came from this obviously you would have thought you would have hoped that something like this would have already been in effect long before 2020 and long before it took this to happen but at least something came of it um so savannah's act was passed alongside the not invisible act which also aims to increase coordination efforts to reduce violence against native american people and in uh just to kind of give a little overview i know I've covered this when I did a story. God, it's probably almost a year now that I kind of went more in depth because it was right at the start of the quarantine. It was like one of our first Zoom episodes that I went into
Starting point is 01:29:36 more of the missing and murdered indigenous women statistics, but I'm just going to refresh everyone's memory. So in the.s indigenous women are twice as likely to go missing than white american women even though they make up a far smaller percentage of the population wow in many parts of the country indigenous women are 10 times more likely to be murdered compared with the rest of the population and in canada specifically the issues of the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women has been formally described as a national crisis and a canadian genocide statistics showed that between 1980 and 2012 indigenous women and girls made up 16 percent of all female homicides even though they only made up four percent of the female population so
Starting point is 01:30:15 whoa just wildly out of proportion and wildly wow yeah wow so crimes against indigenous people are underreported and when they are reported are often insufficiently investigated, which kind of links back to this story. In other words, non-natives often commit crimes against indigenous women because they know there is a higher chance they'll get away with it. So just fucking horrible circle. Wow. Sorry, I feel like all I'm saying is wow over and over. It's hard to say anything. I feel like I'm just spewing out numbers and information, but it's just all really sad. It's just all really, really sad. So this brings us to the end of the story. But on August 1st, 2019, a Nibi or water walk along the 550 mile Red River took place over
Starting point is 01:30:58 two weeks to bring awareness to the tragedy of missing and murdered indigenous women. Nibi walks are described as indigenous led extended ceremonies to pray for the water. Every step is taken in prayer and gratitude for water or our life-giving force. And as of August 1st, 134 bodies of indigenous women have been found in the red. Oh my God. Yeah. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:21 So I'm going to have Eva put a link in the show notes and I'll put it in the YouTube as well to a website listing resources for both indigenous folks, native folks, as well as others who want to learn how to, you know, support and be an ally. So instead of reading that aloud because it's a long link, I'll just put it in the show notes. But there's definitely things you can do to help and ways you can call your representatives um you know contribute any resources you might have so yeah you know just touches on that whole subject again but within that is just a horribly gruesome story yeah wow well the end the end now welcome to our podcast now we're all happy i uh um but wow thank you for uh telling a story about uh indigenous women i know yeah no a lot of people want to hear us talk more about that stuff so yes yeah i've been definitely looking into them i definitely have a lot saved um obviously i don't
Starting point is 01:32:17 just want to you know go hard in the paint on it's just i you know i like this sounds really bizarre but i like to keep things mixed up you know so that sometimes we're like let's cover a a cult you know just like a switch up the the narrative every week a little bit but um it sounds fucked up because it's like hmm which type of victim am i talking about today but there's not one that's like more exactly right that's it it's hard to put into words but um you know i i just like to spread the you want knowledge you want variety in your stories but variety in the stories but also in the most fucked up way representation matters yes exactly it certainly does i mean i fully believe
Starting point is 01:32:57 that and i figured it was about time to kind of touch on this it's been almost a year now since i first you know went into that yeah really long-winded story about, I remember it was being very long. So, yeah. There we are. Well, thank you. Hopefully everyone listens to this and then finds a way to have a positive day. Feels bummed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:19 My bad, everybody. Sorry to bring you another bummer, but that's what I'm here for every single week. That's my job and i do it well hopefully this is your low of the entire week and it just only gets better from here so that's what we do we drag you down as far as we possibly can so that you only can go up from here that's the that's the truth well thank you thank you welcome for uh for tuning in and hopefully you are looking forward to us bumming you out next week we'll do it again and again and again we promise we will do it every sunday until you don't want us to and then we'll probably still do it a little extra do it to ourselves if you're not listening
Starting point is 01:33:57 anymore well thank you so much um you can find all of our information on and that's why I Um, yeah. And the, the escape room will be out next week also. So, and, uh, I'll put my, we'll have Chester,
Starting point is 01:34:11 you've put my, uh, expose yourself to art picture on Instagram. Yes. If anyone's interested, I certainly am. I would like it. Except,
Starting point is 01:34:20 um, it's just going to be one like, and it's just, um, it'll be, I'll find a way to call Instagram, make it a love instead of just a like. I'll be like, I need this.
Starting point is 01:34:27 I need the heart to explode when I click on it. Christine's going to cry for the rest of the week if I don't give her one heart, one love on her stupid post. I can't wait to turn it into legitimate art and then the circle will be complete. Wow. Beautiful. Full circle. Well, thank you guys.
Starting point is 01:34:44 And that's why we drink. Certainly need one now. Yes.

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