And That's Why We Drink - E217 A Mantis Manifesto and a Serial Killer's Dentist

Episode Date: April 4, 2021

If you see a praying mantis while listening to this episode, cover it's ears! Because this week in episode 217, Em takes us on a deep and disturbing dive into the world of praying mantis aliens (segoo...-ing from the evil dark lord mantis from Laura Clarke's story last week). Then Christine brings us her first two-parter ever with part one of heavy hitter Richard Ramirez. Also, remember to be on the lookout for large bugs in robes... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Just go to to get your FREE 45-day extended trial! Try 5 pairs of glasses at home for free at podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and And That’s Why We Drinklisteners get 10% off their first month at to and use code DRINK for 20% off Flex Disc Starter Kits—or 10% off your first Flex Cup—PLUS free U.S. shipping!Use coupon code DRINK for $10 off your first box at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello christine fresh emothy oh that almost rhymed a little bit how are you doing on this fine and that's why we drink day slash night thank you well i'm um i it's april fools technically when we're recording this and i didn't think to fool you but i did wake up and blaze said it's snowing outside and i was like haha and i thought he was fucking with me and then sorry i swore already in the first two minutes and then i went to the window and looked out and there was literally snow on the ground i'm so angry it was 75 degrees a few days ago. And I'm thrown for a loop. I'm cold again. I turned the heat back on. What's happening? I don't know. I'm not loving it. How are you? Well, I woke up really early today. What? Why? Is that a... Oh, you're fooling me. No, I'm saying... Well, I guess in a way I'm
Starting point is 00:01:03 fooling myself because my version of early is not anyone else's early. So no one would pity me. Basically, I am a walking fool, whether or not someone tries to prank me today. But you don't need to. OK, leave us alone. We already know we're fools. You don't need to make a point of it. I did wake up at like 930, which was tough for me.
Starting point is 00:01:21 That's early to me. OK, you and I are on the same page. We both know i function better in the middle of the night so going to bed at four and then waking up at nine doesn't feel great and so i did wake up thinking you must be fucking joking like to the skies oh no i miss the times when we would record in person and bring starbucks except part of me misses it but part of me doesn't because it was really, oh, you have Starbucks. Oh, well, then get away from me.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Actually, this is knockoff Starbucks. I'm just using the cup. Oh, I was like, it doesn't look like any Starbucks drink I've seen before, but no judgment. But I do miss those days. It was so much fun. It was like a little hangout
Starting point is 00:01:59 with a picnic and snacks. I know. And we never actually recorded. We would sit there for five hours and then be like, well, I guess we can record tomorrow. Like it was just a nightmare. We would just have fun. We would just have fun. We would just have fun. And then so much stress, but fun at the first half. So thank God Eva's around. I mean, I don't know how exactly that fits in, but I do feel like at least someone else is holding us accountable. I agree. And I think having the doing this over zoom means we have
Starting point is 00:02:25 to actually set a time like we have to show up on the computer. So it's been actually kind of nice to have a schedule where we know we're going to be done at a certain time, which is good, because today I'm getting my second COVID vaccine in a few hours. I'm very happy for you. I am still sitting here zero for zero and these empty arms free these empty vessels of mine those biceps haven't been juiced up well eva's have yesterday she managed to get on there so you better hurry it up dude i know now that both of you now that both of you are at least ahead of me in the vaccine race i'm feeling a little fomo um but also we were just talking about this i have an incredible fear which i'm willing to get through but i have
Starting point is 00:03:05 an incredible fear that the vaccine is really gonna just wreck me like like the the second one how people have been saying that the second one is really bad i just have a feeling within me that i'm one of those people i tried to comfort em and i was like hey you know a lot of people don't get sick and like uh you know i think it'll be fine at least you know it'll be gone in a few hours and em was not having it they were like it's not gonna feel good and so i'm not happy about it well i also feel like my my time is due i feel like i because the last time i even had a minimal cold was flu rida which was march we named an entire state after your illness so like that's how bad that's how well you know what, dramatic it was for poor Amethy.
Starting point is 00:03:46 You know, it's weird about Florida, though. That was March 13th, 2019. And then March 13th, 2020 was the day the pandemic of lockdown. What are you doing to us? So this March 13th, I was really white knuckle in it, hoping that something wasn't going to happen. Luckily, nothing did. I just glanced at my calendar.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Okay, good. We've made it through but since i haven't i literally have not been sick at all for two years i am terrified that the world is going to be like you've had your time in the sun let's bring you down okay but the thing with this is not it's not a real illness like you're having some reaction to the shot but like it'll like it's not gonna like last for more than a day or two like it's gonna be gone i know good part i know but it'll be it'll just be a taste it'll just be a taste of whatever karma is coming my way that's all good i mean i'll text you tomorrow because my when i got the first one
Starting point is 00:04:35 it kicked my butt and like that's not even supposed to really happen but my immune system's so shot and screwed up that like it just freaks out so uh it sucked so i'm getting the second one and it's gonna probably be bad so at least you're doing it on a friday so like that's why i scheduled it for it was supposed to be went uh tuesday of this week which is the day before recording and i was like not happening not happening i'll tell you right now whenever i get my shot the next day next two days i i don't you don't know who I am. I am. Oh, yeah. Do not worry. I'm away. So I will be MIA as well, out of the office, as they say, and just in bed. So don't worry. Well, I'm very happy for you. I'm very happy for you. Thank you. I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:20 I'm just glad that things are rolling along here for a lot of people. And finally, finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Oh, and can I say one thing real quick that I keep meaning to mention and I haven't yet? So Em and I recently did a gift opening video. Well, a few with Eva. Many. Many. And I recorded those over Zoom. And so I have to get those edited and put up.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I haven't done that yet because you know oh is that is that it is that the uh no there's one more thing i want to mention but so just to let you know they're not not all of them are up yet but we're working on it um oh yeah and i wanted to say thank you because uh so many people a sent great gifts that m and eva opened on their end in burbank and then i was like really surprised because i had quite a few boxes here in cincinnati and i was like oh my gosh people send them directly to me like i wondered what they are and they were a lot of them were just so kind and like thoughtful and uh the one that's like every single night gets me like sort of teared up which usually is after some wine but that's besides the point is yeah it's blanket? Yeah, it's the blanket. It's on my little blanket
Starting point is 00:06:25 ladder and it just makes me emotional. So the ATWWD Stitchers group, which is, I guess they'd crochet and knit and all that good stuff. And it's, I think, a Facebook group. And they, so I opened this beautiful like lemon, like handmade blanket. It was like all these lemon squares and like so cute. And I was like, wow, somebody made this. And then I read the note and it was like all these lemon squares and like so cute um and i was like wow somebody made this and then i read the note and it was all these different people everybody sent one square in that they made for the blanket and then somebody put them all together for me as like a i don't know like a gift yeah like a beautiful gift from everybody um after the like the whole miscarriage video and so i was just so i don't know it was just so kind and like, I was so taken aback
Starting point is 00:07:08 and had no idea this was going to happen. So just want to say thank you to everybody who was involved in that and who wrote a nice note, who took the time to mail, like from Australia, even like a square in to put, make this blanket. And I'm just very thankful. So there's something different about it than just a normal random act of kindness it feels like yeah i think because it was such a global collective project random act of kindness that so many people like rallied together for something you didn't even know was going on but it really was so sweet i remember seeing it being like i don't know what the story to this is
Starting point is 00:07:39 but that's one of a kind it was like jaw drop it and it's so beautiful i mean i was amazed and i was like wow i have zero talent again i'm reminded every day but wow it was and then uh the our pals on patreon like made gave us some really great gifts and donations i mean we're just uh really thankful and we don't deserve you all that's my that's my message that if you weren't a part of it uh some lovely lovely lovely folks i think it was 85 of them because i was counting but uh they had they put together a listeners episode but it was instead of people sending in listener stories about you know ghosts and all that the listeners wrote in stories about how and that's why we drink was important to them and then the the two uh patreon folks who were running it they filmed themselves
Starting point is 00:08:26 and looked like they were doing a podcast they were impersonating us and they were doing like all of our like mannerisms which i didn't even know i did some of them but i realized it when when they did it and um and then at the end a la original old school listeners episodes when we used to read all the patreon names at the end. Oh, yeah. They read all the people who contributed in some way to the video. And it was so sweet. I just sat there in awe. I sat next to Eva who was crying. Like it was it was a very it was emotional experience. So thank you, everyone. Those are just two highlights. But we got Yeah, we got a lot of kind gifts and letters and cards. I mean, we're just thankful for you. And I feel like it's hard to kind of express that sometimes because we're, we open them
Starting point is 00:09:07 by ourselves and you don't see it necessarily. So I should also mention now, I, I, in, in the one day of us opening gifts, I got three menches on benches. So, which apparently and asked for, we don't even remember, which I'm cool with. I mean, one of them is hanging out right there. One of them is in the living room i mean like it's fine but uh we've if you were planning if you were like i really gotta get a new mention on the bench for m i'm good but thank you m also ate the last of the
Starting point is 00:09:37 caramel apple lollipops and i said you spoke too soon because we're doing a gift video and lo and behold more caramel apple lollipops so i now have two new uh brand new bags of caramel apple pops so funny it's one of those things i'm just never gonna get rid of in my life and i'm okay with that yeah you've cursed us in like the best way i don't know uh so yes thank you for mentioning that thank you so much to everyone who sent us anything it's just really cool and special if you would like to send anything in the future you can send it to 1920 hillhurst ave number 2655, Los Angeles, California, 90027. Or Christine also has her own P.O. box. I don't know it.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It's on our website, though. Oh, OK. If you want to send anything specific to Christine. But yeah. So we're not saying send us presents, but it is. It was just really special. Send us presents. Well, M is.
Starting point is 00:10:22 But not caramel apple lollipops because we have enough for now we'll tell you when we run out we're grateful we're very grateful very grateful just taking the time to appreciate you yes so that's all my updates but cool well i got a story for you i don't know actually i don't have too much of a story but an info dump if you will yes um and it's just because our the last episode that we did, just to jog your memory. Oh my God. Are we supposed to talk about the fact that we just hung out with
Starting point is 00:10:51 Terry Carnation? I was going to say, are you talking about how we literally met Rainn Wilson? Okay. Yeah. We're just going to skate right past that. Wait a minute. We literally got to zoom with Rainn Wilson.
Starting point is 00:11:03 We sure did. I don't know how else to even like express that to you and then and then as if the divine were were here for us ironic because they're also going to kick my ass with the vaccine but they they bestowed upon us a second chance and we also instagram lived with them so we've now spoken to rain wilson twice in our lives what is happening that we like we don't deserve any of this so we're just so humbled this week very this definitely the most exciting thing we've ever done probably will ever do and uh thank you everyone uh i must i'm speaking prophetically because i don't know yet because we're filming this we're recording this the day that that episode comes out right so i don't know how you'll react to it but i'm just gonna assume it's positive and i'm gonna say now
Starting point is 00:11:50 thank you so much for all the warm kind words and if you a lot to us yeah and if you saw like oh we have a guest episode and you're like i'm gonna skip it it's really fun it's really short it's uh terry carnation played by rain wilson so if you're like i don't know who that is um it's worth checking out he's so funny and like one of like, I don't know who that is, it's worth checking out. He's so funny. And like one of our actual heroes, like, you know, the character is a character. But like in reality, also, we were like fangirling out and fan-thaying out. I don't know how you say that. Fan-peopling out.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Fan-humanizing out. I don't know. And so it was just really cool. So if, you know, check it out. Let us know what you thought. We had a good time. We don't ever really have guests, as just really cool so if you know check it out let us know what you thought we had a good time we don't ever really have guests as you know so this was very special yeah all of a sudden we we got the opportunity to an email just slips through like do you want to talk to rain wilson and i was like i sure do i sure do i couldn't answer because i do that thing
Starting point is 00:12:40 where i immediately close out everything all the tabs in my head when something comes in like that so it took me like six hours and I was like I mean yeah I do does anyone need to actually ask me that the answer is yes my wow I was like Eva this is just an early April Fools joke yes I thought so too um so thank you to everyone for who tunes into that episode it was very very special to us and uh and then the final thing i have to update everyone on is by now the escape room is up and i had such a fucking miserable week if you were to ask me why i drank this week that was going to be my answer because i i if you recall back during our 200th episode i surprised everyone with an escape room a lot of people fucking hate me now because of that escape room because including me apparently pretty pretty tricky not everyone can
Starting point is 00:13:28 facetime m during the escape room to ask for hints well i recognize my privilege in that way so well and then because during that 200th episode i also said i want to make this a more of a thing for patreon people or some some paraphrasing of that where i want to make that a perk where if you are part of our patreon every i said quarter so every three months you'll get a new escape room from me and so three months have come and i have made another escape room it is on patreon um it is harry price themed and uh i hope that you have fun with it. And because I also recognize Christine's privilege in being able to just ask me things. I don't always get an answer, to be clear, but I can ask.
Starting point is 00:14:11 For all next week, I'm going to have different times where I'll at least have my DMs open, but there'll be like an hour each day that I post about where people can just reach out to me and I can help you along the way. All right, catch me in there then, because I'm sure I'll need it so anyway uh and this is coming and i'm saying this for the next week so you know what whatever april 4th to 11th or whatever i'll let you know but thank you to
Starting point is 00:14:36 everyone who is participating in that moving on to our story slash info dump are you there yeah okay i was like do you not want to hear it no i just i don't i know we already you already said and i yelled yay and i don't want to oh okay pretend i'm surprised again since i already heard it wouldn't have hurt my ego but that's fine yay what an info dump holy crap i never even believed believed such a thing could happen to me today no i know okay so to jog your memory from last week we covered the abduction of laura clark um it was a real shit show she has been through a lot and uh one of her memories beyond just hanging out with the grays hanging out yikes with the greys for many many many many decades of
Starting point is 00:15:26 her life one of the characters that she happened to see during this was this massive like six foot completely black praying mantis about that and uh she said that she could tell telepathically that it was like the leader of the group when she was on board and she got the immediate without even having looked at him yet full body experience of complete dread why did you make me yell oh i'm so excited before you told me this i'm sorry um you're not a bit okay so i was like well i want to dig more into that And so I want to see like, what is it about a praying mantis that felt evil or something? So I ended up looking up mantis aliens, which is a thing apparently. I don't appreciate it. Well, buckle up.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Great. We are going to go straight into surprisingly very little information I could find on mantis aliens. But most of this episode is just going to be quick stories of people who have experienced these beings. So the first thing I'm going to say, this is from, this is according to a researcher named Dr. Boylan. And Dr. Boylan, when describing these creatures, said that they have long, faces and long narrow eyes and
Starting point is 00:16:45 the eyes slant up and down uh very much like an insect what makes them look even more like praying mantises uh this is a quote from dr boylan they have extremely thin long torsos long extremely thin arms which are usually crooked at the sharp bend at the mid joint and with the hand and fingers sloping almost vertically downward from the wrist so imagine that these little fellas these puppies are arms like forearms stop it you know i don't like this and legs also bent at an almost right angle at the mid joint creating a crouched pose the overall effect is the characteristic praying mantis look. It should be noted that the experiencers feel that this type is no insect,
Starting point is 00:17:32 but rather an intelligent, sometimes gentle-spirited, and jerky-moving human life-like form. They are both males and females. What about non-binaries, Dr. Boylan? Nope. Apparently not. And they are usually described as standing at six to seven feet tall um so that was a full quote from from dr boylan but just to give you a a quicker definition they are often dark brown or green sometimes they're black they
Starting point is 00:17:59 have a segmented exoskeleton a lot of reports um from people who have been abducted they've said that they see some sort of weird oily substance coated all over them so they look really shiny but other people have described it as metallic looking so they think that their skin might be just like kind of like a exoskeleton i'm thinking like a beetle how like they're yes yes yes because also a lot of people have said that their experiences with praying mantis aliens, they also were hanging out with an alien that felt very beetle-like. Oh. Yeah. Okay. Weird.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And a lot of times these creatures are in robes. Sometimes they are. Nude. But I think the... Scandalous. I think the robes are maybe an indicator of a higher rank. I'm not going to lie. It is slightly comical i
Starting point is 00:18:45 don't be mad at me man to seize but it is comical to picture a large bug in a robe that makes me feel a little better it's more comical to see a large bug in a rope and then another large bug without a rope because it implies that one of it implies that they need to be closed yeah you're right or that it means something to cover up yeah yeah. Yeah, that's true. So weird. Really, if you're thinking of a praying mantis, you're probably spot on in the characteristic. Yeah, I picture it. I hate it. It just looks like a humanoid praying mantis.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And this alien is not only called a mantis alien, sometimes it's called a mantidian or a mantis man. Okay. The mantis men are after me so there are several theories as to where they even come from most people i mean i'm just i would just run with the group that says that they're aliens okay but another theory is that their insect-like nature actually implies that they're from earth originally because they look so much like a creature that's already here right i like to think of it in the reverse of like maybe praying mantises are just little versions of them from space oh my god that's a really good point now in my head i'm thinking maybe praying mantis bugs on earth are just tiny little like first years and like they're they're doing their
Starting point is 00:20:08 trainings yeah oh my gosh how interesting the the bigger they get or the longer they're here the more evolved they become okay well now you're extra freaking me out okay by the way if anyone's listening to this and you spot a praying mantis cover its ears because i am giving away its secrets and you spot a praying mantis cover its ears because i am giving away its secrets um also some people do think that because insects have been around forever they if they were alien in any way or like that little theory i just had of like maybe they are super intelligent or something since insects have been here forever they have had a lot of time to evolve and that's why some of them have reached this ascension of this high intelligence. And they don't even live on our planet anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:49 A praying mantis in a robe run away. It's evolved to an evil state. If you see a praying mantis, take a picture of it and Photoshop a robe on it and then show it to him and put it on his vision board. And that's... Oh, he can manifest! A mantis manifesting. i love that a mantis man who's manifesting his mantis man oh that's kind of sweet so a lot of people do like to back up their argument with the fact that the oldest insect fossil is around 400 million years old a cool 400 million yikes so that would give bugs if they've been around for 400 million years old a cool 400 million yikes so that would give bugs if they've been around for
Starting point is 00:21:27 400 million years you think what have you know humans done the time they've been here but if bugs have had 400 million years to evolve then there's no reason to assume that they haven't achieved greater heights than we're aware of that's heinous but thank you it's pretty terrifying a lot of people think that that includes advanced technology and so they're actually maybe they're not in the sky maybe they are living amongst us but they have this technology we're not aware of that keeps them invisible and so there's just giant praying manchester's all around or some shit like that feels very q anani but yeah a little bit there's also this one is very fun,
Starting point is 00:22:05 there's, I think, a group of people, it seems like it's a catch-all for, like, indigenous people in South Africa. They're called Khoisans? K-H-O-I-S-A-N. Khoisans? No idea. Okay, well, one thing that's really
Starting point is 00:22:21 cool about their group is that they say that the praying mantis was the first creature on the planet. Interesting. I didn't even heard that. Essentially, it feels like it sounds very godlike and that it gave us animals. It gave us fire. It gave us all the things we need to sustain ourselves. The mantis did.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yeah. Oh, wow. A praying mantis. And apparently, I thought this was funny, too. The praying mantis created the moon by throwing a gallbladder into the sky. Oh. Was this gallbladder retrieved in a positive way? That's a great question. I don't know where the gallbladder came from.
Starting point is 00:23:01 But I'm hoping he just kind of like did his mantis magic and kind of just summoned it or something yeah he didn't just like find someone sleeping and like cut out their gallbladder throw it into space of all things though like why a gallbladder if you're gonna pull anything and make it the moon i wonder if it looks like a moon like there must be some connection that they would say gallbladder i don't know gallbladder this is a big mistake um this is a big mistake this is a big mistake good luck to you oh it's only diagrams does it look like a moon short answer no okay so it's changed over time much like the mantis event i guess yeah maybe yeah maybe it's evolved into a planet or not a planet. Fucking rock. A big fucking rock.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Forget it. It's just it's like it's like Lemon. He's just like a really petrified gallbladder. It's just really come far in his existence. Also, he glows bright white for for light years. Also, I don't recommend if you're not like in medicine or not used to this kind of thing. Don't Google gallbladder photo because instead of just a normal photo, they just show you like bad ones that you don't want if you're not like in medicine or not used to this kind of thing don't google gallbladder photo because instead of just a normal photo they just show you like bad ones that you don't want to see i can't remember what it was i just had to look something up that was really
Starting point is 00:24:13 really awful for my internet algorithm oh i forget what it was it was something where i was embarrassed i was like is it q anon well that was something else i was embarrassed about being on my computer i don't remember what it was i'll have to think about it and let you know but i remember thinking like this is really bad that that sounds really awful oh well i guess then i don't have anything to complain about it was one of those things where like it actually wasn't bad but completely out of context it looks horrid um okay so yeah so people think or some people think that the praying mantis was actually the first ever creature, which I think is part of the argument of like, some people say that the praying mantis was even potentially, you know, God or the first creation on Earth. There's insect, there's proof of insects from 400 million years ago and actually there are even petroglyphs that may be up to 40 000 years old of praying mantises and even creepier is that because that
Starting point is 00:25:15 wasn't creepy but i'll tell you how to make it creepy apparently that those drawings that could be up to 40 000 years old had weird little circles drawn all over their limbs. And I think researchers are saying that it implies that they were humanoid versions. It's like, it's a total like theory. Like there's no proof of this, but the circles on the limbs imply that there was more of a roundness to them
Starting point is 00:25:41 on their extremities. So like feet and hands and things like that. Ew. And so it just, for the people who think that a praying mantis may be like have been walking this earth for over 400 million years has highly evolved itself and there's proof of potential humanoid praying manti from all the way then it's it goes with the theory of like there are praying mantis aliens and even you know people 40000 years ago were running into them. That's definitely scientifically exactly what I was thinking. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Well, apparently the carvings that they've been talking about or the drawings they've been talking about, these petrographs. Petrographs? Am I saying it right? Petroglyph? Petroglyphs. Yeah, I know I was saying it wrong. They apparently suggest that this creature, which, by the way, is a bug, it was in a stance where it looked a lot like the, quote, squatting man motif, which has been seen in a whole bunch of carvings all over.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Oh, interesting. The lawnmower man decided that my window was where he needed to be. I don't love every time. I tell you this every time, but, like, we'll be recording, and I can't hear it from my end, so all of sudden m will like freeze and look behind them like really quickly and i feel like someone's about to murder you in front of me it's i thought i was i heard what i thought was a chainsaw behind me so i was a little terrible okay this time fine i'll give it to you but anyway so yeah the the petroglyph looks like uh this weird stance that a bunch of other drawings from all over the world from thousands
Starting point is 00:27:07 of years ago have been seen as drawing but it's a this one's a bug so I wonder too if like you know how sometimes they would give I mean I don't know this for a fact but I feel like I've seen where they would give human characteristics to creations or I don't know beings that they looked up to or like thought of as a higher status like not necessarily it looked that way but maybe they were applying human characteristics to like an animal or to an insect or something like that like maybe it was just representative of like symbolic how they perceived this praying mantis as like godlike I don't know I went to one exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center about the mayans now i'm like
Starting point is 00:27:47 suddenly i think i'm some sort of expert so just probably ignore me yes that's exactly what a lot of the researchers were talking about which is like anthropomorphize yes thank you sorry that was a dumb way of saying literally the word well the only way i ever think of anthropomorphizing now is because when i learned about it in social psychology the example they gave us was how like if you look at the front of a car, you can see a face with like the two lights and the bumper and all that. And so now every time I think of anthropomorphizing anything, I just think of like little cars. Herbie fully loaded? Like with the flat, the little eyelashes on the headlights and stuff. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It freaks me out so much. But anyway, you are completely right that that people are saying maybe they were just anthropomorphizing things that they had seen near them but other people happens when you go to museums kids oh the one time the one time uh also so this is where it gets a little wilder um a lot of people say that since bugs have been around since before the dinosaurs they have had like how i was saying earlier with the evolution, they have had a lot of time to really perfect their advanced technology. And they've also had time to perfect their own awareness of themselves. And therefore, their technology and themselves are heightened in a way that we can never match unless we're also around for 400 million years.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Which, like, the rate we're going we won't be but no and i i feel like i keep saying ew because it's like my instant reaction but i really i recognize how like stupidly ignorant that is because if anybody if any other creature or alien being were to think of humans evolving to what we've become they'd be like ew big ew big fat ew i am a human and i'm like ew exactly so i i get it but also i think it's just an inane innate reaction of like i think humans and bugs evolutionarily don't necessarily get along super well i also just don't like bugs so i and i don't like the idea of being abducted by aliens so combine the combo not good the two to me is something i don't really like um i just don't
Starting point is 00:29:44 want to come in contact with it i like how you say i don't like bugs and i say evolutionarily speaking humans and insects like i don't know why i can't just are a woman in stem and you know what you're talking about and i i just don't like bugs oh my god did i ever tell you about the time that when i my ex she was a bio major in college and so one of her classes was like all she had to do was catch bugs all yes and she literally for a year i my girlfriend would have to walk around with her in her sticking out of her backpack like the day one of that class they all got butterfly nets and oh my god and the professor was like you have to have this with you everywhere you go because you never know when you're going to find a really cool bug and so for a year we
Starting point is 00:30:29 just i would walk around all the time with her carrying a butterfly net and you never knew what you were going to find and then their final project was like showing all the bugs that they had collected it was awful that's sad are you killing all those poor bugs i look no comment all i didn't like it to begin with let's just put it that way yeah on many levels um so because so many people think i think that i think it's um not the craziest argument to think if things have been around for 400 million years they've had a lot of time to grow that makes sense to me but then it starts morphing into some stuff i don't totally agree with where uh they were it turns basically into the aliens either creating or coexisting with the reptilians and for those of you who don't know there's a lot of people out there who think that
Starting point is 00:31:18 like lizards live under the ground they're like humanoid lizards who are in charge of the earth named hillary clinton named hillary clinton yeah it become i have no doubt that there's some q anon people who believe in like praying mantis aliens living amongst us not to say the people who are not in q anon also think that but yeah it really starts to very quickly get into oh well if they are bugs with higher intelligence then they're they've also created other creatures to be their minions and do their bidding and and take care of us conspiracy theory like yeah almost fear-mongering type of yeah immediately and their uh their advanced technology apparently includes them being able to now shape shift and go invisible at will um oh so now you for all you know they're
Starting point is 00:32:07 around listening to you all the time and if you're lucky and you catch them in the middle of them not camouflaging those are the stories people have witnessed of great mantis aliens you have to catch an enlightened one because then you'll just see a robe floating around and you're like, what is that? It's his invisibility cloak. Yeah, you'll be like, why does that robe have six arms? Oh, no. Oh, my goodness. I don't know how many arms a praying mantis has. Probably not six.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Why are your thighs going backwards in a robe? God, you're bending the wrong way. Oh, my God. So in many abduction stories, people have said that these mantis aliens appear to be at the top of their hierarchy and they're supervising others um a lot of people have said they've never seen them outside of the ship and so they're not usually the one that does the direct kidnapping or abducting of people they just happen to be on the ship all the time maybe that's for the best like maybe let's leave those guys out of sight out of mind for a little while it also i wonder what the conspiracy theories follow of like of like oh
Starting point is 00:33:09 well you never the only time you can see them on the only time you can see them is when they're on the ship because when they're not on the ship they've been following you invisible or something like yeah i wonder how how wild it gets but people have only ever been able to see them for the most part at least when they're being abducted they've only been able to see them for the most part, at least when they're being abducted, they've only been able to see them on the ship. Also, there's a lot of reports of them being able to give off a calm energy if they want to,
Starting point is 00:33:33 that they seem like they want to protect earth and they have the power to like calm down abductees telepathically. I don't know who Laura met up with, but that was like the rogue dark lord praying mantis yeah it sounds very Star Wars many contactees have also said that they were shown holographic pictures of earth being destroyed but it wasn't because that was like their mission it was it was the praying mantises showing them how reckless we are and what's to come if they don't interfere yeah i mean that part i can get on board with yeah um some people have also said that some contactees have had experiences
Starting point is 00:34:13 with having higher psychic abilities after their time with a praying mantis interesting so because a lot of people think that these praying mantis aliens have the power of telepathy, maybe because you're near them or maybe they gift you this or however it goes, people end up having this clairvoyance about them for the rest of their lives after an experience with a praying mantis alien. Cool. There was one study. So Kathleen Martin and Denise Stoner are both people who have been abducted and they wrote a book called The Alien Abduction Files. And they came out with a study about 50 different abductees that they interviewed or surveyed in some way. And they found that, quote, 72% stated that they are more sensitive or intuitive than they were prior to contact. And 79% stated that they had developed new psychic abilities after a contact experience. Ooh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:05 So that all sounds fun, but there's also people like Laura who felt dread and danger and says that the praying mantises want to take over the planet or are completely evil or however she said it. Some people have also agreed with her and also said, like, we need to be prepared because the praying mantis aliens already have a hybrid program on Earth where they are taking humans to create a new species with them. Quick cue, quick cue, quick cue. Yeah. How, hmm, how do, how does one prepare, I guess, is the question. We need to be prepared. Sure, I'm on board.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I'll be prepared. What the hell are you talking about? Be prepared. the question. We need to be prepared. Sure. I'm on board. I'll be prepared. How about, what the hell are you talking about? Be prepared. Quickie. Quickie. Quickie. Um,
Starting point is 00:35:49 because I don't know. Um, so not a quickie. I got it. So a very boring one. I, when people are like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:35:57 be prepared because they're, they're breeding us with their own kind. It's like, what do you expect me to fucking do? Be prepared. Like, yeah, like that's just, okay. How just sit here and with my little tin hat and hope that no one comes by
Starting point is 00:36:10 anyway that's all the information i could find but here are some stories about them so the first one is from 2002 or it's from the early 2000s it's actually in 2004 but as of 2002 this space in new jersey had had several sightings and reports of a creature that now is a local cryptid there and it's called the mantis man or mantis men and so now that's like a local lore and i don't even know if they considered an alien or if it's like their little like their big foot or something but anyway there's an area in new jersey that has mantis men and one report was in 2004 that basically there was this guy fishing with his boss and he was chest high in the water and from the corner of his eye he saw a seven foot humanoid moving around them and by humanoidoid, humanoid, massive praying mantis. And seven feet tall,
Starting point is 00:37:07 and you're in the water chest high. Like that's, that feels like when you're trying to run out of a dream. And you're so vulnerable. Yes. You're like frozen in jello. Wait, so was it in the water? Do we know?
Starting point is 00:37:18 Or was it just kind of floating? So he was in the water fishing. And from the corner of his eye, he saw it moving also in the water fishing, and from the corner of his eye, he saw it moving also in the water. He originally was calling it a grasshopper, which I guess is pretty similar. Yeah, I think they get confused sometimes. Yeah, they're just like the plebeian version of the praying mantis aliens. If only they could never.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So he kept calling it a grasshopper at first, but he said that he first noticed this creature's thigh. So I guess he wasn't too deep in the water, but noticed that it was bending the wrong way. And then their eyes locked as if both of these creatures could see each other. And the way that he explains it is that he thinks the creature thought he was camouflaged and he was shocked. Something could see.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Ew. Em. m no don't say that to me so here's a quote i get the sense that he can't but he can't believe that i'm in the water that i can't believe that i've seen him that i'm not perturbed at all something of all three i don't know just astonishment oh my god um i hate this very i just hate this very much. I just hate this very much. That's all. Look, I also hate it. I also hate it because if he's right where he thought the thing thought it was camouflaged, that means next time you're chest high
Starting point is 00:38:33 in water, there could be one just like hanging out. I will never be chest high in water ever again. Ever again. That's my new mission in life. So, thank you. Well, he ended up saying that it did look like a praying mantis and then he said quote and no i would not say it was a big bug it was definitely humanoid despite the mantis slash insect qualities i sensed the strong impression that the mantis man was
Starting point is 00:38:57 cloaked and i caught it just right it abruptly found itself against a new background and was adjusting quickly and i can tell you that its arms were normal and not the literal mantis forelegs that i have seen in drums so that's a mod podge of uh it's interesting that he like got the sense of like oh i he was trying to be careful because like if they're telepathic yeah fully understood what what was happening which such a good point without that do you think he just heard like whatever the the praying mantis language is for oh shit oh shit oh shit no i thought i was wearing this cloak so uh like i said the mantis man has now actually become a local cryptid in new jersey even though it has very minimal sightings like i think fucking three or something but how traumatizing if you were that fisherman and you're walking around and like now
Starting point is 00:39:44 they sell like stuffed animals of it and you're like i don't want to see this guy everywhere like just i all i had was his thigh and i don't want any more of that you know camouflage him please so the apparently the mantis man in new jersey is known to be a seven foot tall bug-like creature seen by people in or near the river and it's been featured on monsters and mysteries in america fun fact oh the last person to witness it was someone named mr strickler i don't know if that's like a code name or something principal it sounds like a principal yeah mr strickler reminds me of mr strickland which was the principal back to the future so that might be my i don't know subconscious maybe you're telepathic now and i'm just gathering all this evidence no clue how i knew that hang on a second uh so mr strickler says quote i noticed something to my left this is the most recent person who saw the mantis man i think it was 2011 but i i wrote the i wrote it the
Starting point is 00:40:37 information i didn't write it down i noticed to my left something standing in the river just off the south bank i showed the car or i slowed the car down and i looked closer it wasn't a person and it was transparent like with a weird shape that freaks me out that it's transparent because that means it's invisible or has the ability to be it moved slowly towards the bank and into the trees i drove further so i could see it coming out of the trees and that's the last i saw of it it was tall eight feet or so and had long thin arms hanging off of it the color was a pale brown but i could see right through it yes no so i don't know if the all of these are now stories from this book but i would say most of them i would say half of
Starting point is 00:41:19 them are i've got let's see one two five, six stories. And they're all super short. At least three of them are from a book that I actually read many pages in. And I'm very proud of myself. It was called Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. It's by Brad and Sherry Steiger. And look, if you're into the Praying Mantis Aliens, that book had at least a whole chapter on Praying Mantis stories. So so go check that out and so a lot of these will have been from that book others are from different articles i read but in case you're wondering where some of these came
Starting point is 00:41:53 from so one of the stories is a guy from paul in the uk this was literally two months ago uh he was 26 and at 5 a.m he was riding his bike home from his night shift and he saw something orange and bright in the sky and thought maybe it was like just a really bright star or something. And it was a lot closer than it normally is. So he stopped to take a picture. And right when he was about to take the picture, the object started rotating around and moving by itself. And he got this gut feeling that he needed to leave. Oh, no. When he tried to leave leave it began to follow him
Starting point is 00:42:26 because this is what my dumb ass would do i would be like let me get a photo to send to m and then like immediately it would follow me like i'm screwed if i come across this thing well naturally he had to get home through a forest which means he was now by himself being followed by a glowing orange star and uh he said that the woods felt eerily creepy and then quote standing a few meters ahead of me is what i can only describe as a humanoid praying mantis this thing was at least seven feet tall light green with a triangular head and big oval black eyes it had all the features of a mantis but stood on two legs and had somehow human-like shapes about it i was completely frozen with fear and then paul says that they locked eyes just like how that
Starting point is 00:43:11 fisherman did in new jersey paul says that they locked eyes and they were staring apparently right into each other and they could read each other's minds oh no here's what paul experienced with that my fear was replaced with completely alien thoughts of utter hatred and evil that i felt projected from this thing so this one feels like someone laura might have ran yeah it sounds like the same guy i suddenly snapped out of this hypnotic state and it made me step back as if it was going to pounce on me so apparently he ran into a not so great praying mantis it's also like bad sign that usually they want to be invisible and this time they're like oh no i'm coming to show you yeah well since you've
Starting point is 00:43:51 seen me anyway since i'm outed here yeah here i am another quick one is uh in 2011 wait did he get away or what that was it that's all i that's all i could read no i'm assuming he made it out to be able to tell us that story yeah fair um so in 2011 in connecticut there was a woman who was driving at midnight and saw a two-foot praying mantis which is not six foot but it's still not two inches how cute it's like a teenage one yikes also maybe maybe they they go they don't grow but they shrink i'm thinking of um if there's a two-foot praying mantis out there versus the seven foot does that mean it's a child one or does that mean it's actually like an older wiser one because remember in the laura clark episode she saw a creature in a robe and it was so small it was smaller than her toddler and then that's right and telepathically he was like yes but we are very old which makes me think do they benjamin button they get smaller
Starting point is 00:44:52 as they grow wiser or somebody made a mistake when they were when they were evolving this creature and was like oh we should have gone the other way it's more intimidating uh-huh yeah yeah yeah interesting or maybe in their world it's like like elephant syndrome or something where like how an elephant is terrified of mice because they're so tiny maybe the smaller of a praying mantis you are the more powerful you are which makes me go back to my theory of like our actual on earth praying mantises are so tiny maybe they are like god himself like they are just above their supreme beings they keep one in the cincinnati zoo insect enclosure and that thing is gonna that's what they want you to think christine burn down cincinnati when it gets out of that cage we are done for um so okay so this woman saw a two
Starting point is 00:45:39 foot one running by the road in the middle of the night in 2011 apparently it was mahogany brown it never took its eyes off of her the entire time so they both locked eyes again and it found a storm drain and jumped down which feels like a very cgi experience like some sort of weird bug movie if it feels like a 2005 like yeah cgi film yeah i'm just like and then just jumping into the storm drain so gross that was someone's experience another one sounds really intense this one is one of the ones from the books it's gonna fuck you up this quote but i'm going to tell you at the end of it it's actually there's a weird nice twist okay all right just do it okay so here's the quote i it's a weird, nice twist. Okay. All right. Just do it. Okay. So here's the quote.
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's a long one. I didn't even want to try to paraphrase this one. It was just too good. No, you might as well read it as is. Basically, the context in this story was that the person who's telling the story, their friend had recently gone through an accident that was really bad, and they had had traumatic head injuries. Oh, God oh and so they
Starting point is 00:46:45 were in the in the hospital and people were just even afraid to touch this girl because she had like part of her skull removed or something it was really terrible yeah um and then all of a sudden these creatures come in these they're like now's our time to shine i mean what on earth they just fucking waltzed in so here's the quote i stood there helpless for the longest time not knowing what to do but feeling a sense of panic something had to be done quickly all of a sudden there were two beings that appeared next to my friend they seemed to push right aside me and silently went to work on her like skilled surgeons they stood to her left standing work standing together and working furiously on my friend. I had no idea who they were, what they were doing, but the first thing I thought of was, are these aliens?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Okay, I love it. Like, just to clarify, I didn't know these guys. Like, oh, yeah, I would hope not. Otherwise you have some explaining to do. I don't hang with them. I don't know. I don't know what's happening here. I stood there and watched and I thought they look like praying mantises,
Starting point is 00:47:42 alien praying mantises. Then I focused on my friend and saw that I'm sorry, her head was split wide open. Goodbye! I'm gonna expire. Like these aliens sliced it perfectly open. I'm leaving the earth. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I saw freshly sliced raw flesh and these aliens slash praying mantises were busily removing pieces of bone, rock, or whatever was from her brain. This did not look anything like what I would have imagined inside a brain to look like, but it was such a clean cut. These two alien praying mantises worked quickly without speaking a word, and I seemed to black out and I don't remember any more of it. So that's obviously really traumatic. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:48:27 I actually had a great time. Thanks for sharing. But the writer also pretty much implied at the end of it that it all felt very much like afterwards, that she really actually felt peace, that they had actually come in to try and save this person. Did they save her? So I think the complete answer to that is apparently the
Starting point is 00:48:48 friend ended up passing later but there is a sense of that like they prolonged her life or something or helped get rid of whatever was going on oh i i'm too terrified to even touch my friend because you know she's so fragile right now and then all of a sudden these two creatures came in and did we'll touch her yeah he likes it's like we'll fucking fix it let me poke around in this brain i wonder if she was part alien like if they were trying to if they were part of her their group and they were trying to save her that's what i'm thinking too it felt very much like why would they show up for this one of us unless they had a connection or like maybe it was like oh you know someone like a laura clark who they've been following forever and they needed to take at least vitals or some shit like that so damn that's scary though can you imagine if you
Starting point is 00:49:33 woke up and there were just like these creatures also can you can you imagine the like like talking about like praying mantis advanced technology like they literally sliced her face in half and then with what right like with their freaking little paws i don't know what they're called but these things and then you can't and then you you come to and all of a sudden your friend's face isn't like mutilated like what did they do to like completely also why are there so many rocks inside her head also well maybe they were implants or something maybe they maybe they like they were from if she had a relationship with them maybe there was a previous thing i don't know i have no idea what it is it could have also been like a very human reason that there was maybe it was
Starting point is 00:50:15 part of like the the injury that she sustained yeah true but you know if you're talking about it from a supernatural thing like like were they going into like, take out the, take out her implant or something, or were they trying to save her or were they trying to, I don't know. I have no idea. Freaky.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Oh yeah. Maybe they were like, shit, we can't be discovered. And they took out her like, yeah, that's a good point too. I hadn't thought of that.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I have no idea. So anyway, that's one story. And after that i did that was really interesting to me and apparently there are a lot of uh theories about praying mantis aliens especially because they at least sometimes give off that overwhelming calmness that they're healers and then i also saw a few stories where people were saying that like praying mantises in general like the actual bug are known to be
Starting point is 00:51:05 healing or really rare or good for your health or something so it's interesting that they both kind of have that correlation so if the little if the little guys down here are healers in a way and then the highly advanced ones that are cutting your face open are also healers just saying it just gives you more proof that maybe they have alien connections to each other yeah so another one is in 2001 there was one guy named jim from london this one's also from the book where he at one one night he woke up and saw two of these creatures standing over him while he was sleeping they were making clicking sounds to each other one of them looked more like a beetle and he was wearing a robe and he was crouching by the bed and the other one was a more classic praying mantis nude and uh basically he said that the praying mantis was at least seven feet tall because it had to crouch
Starting point is 00:51:58 uh because of the ceiling so he knew that this thing had to be big to be crouching in his room which i love that logic happening in your head like well my ceilings are notoriously seven feet tall or whatever or this guy has horrific posture yes valid i mean as someone who also has that people must see me walking around and be like oh my god do you think the ceiling is about to hit you or something oh my god em are you four feet tall i don't know i think my logic is backwards so apparently they say that this this guy jim said that it also had a pointy head and thin forearms and the beetle one specifically looked very emotionless yikes with a domed head maybe some sort of metallic armor or it could have been its own skin that was really shiny and the praying
Starting point is 00:52:41 mantis leaned over jim's bed and was holding what looked like a very long needle i don't with that had a green light coming from it so jim's like it could have just been a laser which one's worse well the needle the needle's worse in my opinion whichever one it was that light either on purpose or accidentally ended up glowing into his eye. And Jim said it was really painful because a laser hit him in the eye. I'm just imagining this alien kind of fumbling around with a laser pointer he found in your room, and it got in your eye,
Starting point is 00:53:17 and you're like, ah! But I don't know. It could have been on purpose and one of their tools or something, and it could have been a really invasive experience. Jim did say later that he felt something else. This feels more on purpose. He felt something stick into his skull, whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Okay. Whatever that means, I fucking hate it. And I'm so sorry. My skin just felt like it was going to fall off my body. I just am so not here for that. I'd rather just leave, vacate the earth. Jim, if you're listening, I'm so not here for that i'd rather just leave vacate the earth jim if you're listening i'm so sorry about your eye and your skull that's all just fucking awful i wonder if it was the same thing like the laser goes into your eye and then it protrudes into
Starting point is 00:53:54 your skull and inside your head yeah oh and by the way as i was reading this a lot of things are happening to faces which is interesting because when i think of alien abductions i think of like a full body like medical procedure i don't think of it as staying like neck up that's interesting that one person who was in the hospital and had their face literally sliced open this guy had something with his eye in his skull then there's another one in 1977 this person's anonymous and they were eight at the time and they apparently got beamed up they saw a bunch of greys and they met a praying mantis who apparently was trying to calm them down and like be very kind and make while it was taking her eye out okay oh my god um so leave my husk behind so that is also from the book that i mentioned just so you
Starting point is 00:54:48 guys know this is the worst book ever stop telling people to read this book it's my strule pizza apparently your cautionary tales uh but so yeah so eight years old gets beamed up is hanging out with a bunch of gray aliens apparently and then they met the spraying mantis who they said was very kind proceeded to take her fucking eye out very kind and then and then apparently it put her it put the eye back in her head before bringing her back so i wonder if that's where the rocks are behind her head that's what i was thinking i'm like that's three stories of yes someone's face getting fucked with in some way. And two of them were something getting put either behind or through your eye. And then that's, and the third story was them opening up her head to take something out where
Starting point is 00:55:32 her brain is. So, I mean, it feels like that's where the implant is because they know you'll never get it out. They probably like something in there. Yeah. They probably learned like,
Starting point is 00:55:43 oh, well humans can't get rid of their brains so let's put the implant there because that's where it'll be the most and how often do you get like a x-ray of your brain like an mri unless you have a head injury which maybe is why they were like we got to get that out before they do another x-ray or mri i don't know but so one one thing that i also thought was super interesting about this story story is that they got beamed up and were hanging out with a bunch of greys. They also apparently visited like an alien sports arena or something and saw a game where the greys were like a literal space jam, literal space jam. They were putting they were pushing fireballs back and forth telepathically, like playing catch or something or kickball or dodgeball or something with
Starting point is 00:56:25 fireballs and using their minds instead of their arms. And if you got hit by one of the fireballs, you literally burned to death. Oh my gosh. And this is a quote from that story. I felt the telepathic cheer in my mind as if someone scored a touchdown in football and no remorse. So.
Starting point is 00:56:43 These things are ruthless. She's watching a game where it's, it's hunger games and space jam all mixed together because people are just cheering every time someone dies and then this guy i guess you can't be surprised later when the kindest one of them takes your fucking eye out yeah um not only that but when uh they came to with both eyes intact um after their experience this is a quote from them i have retained one thing from my encounter i still have the power to see major global disasters before they happen i only report them to my fiancee or close family members but when i see something clearly and tell them it always happens which like okay why are you not hanging out with like
Starting point is 00:57:21 mr biden right now and telling him like hey Hey, this is coming up. But then I guess like who would believe you? And also, right, right, right. Cause I'm sure there's a whole lot of shame, you know, that you might feel with like the story at all or.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah. Yeah. But I'm, I'm sure that's a question that they've gotten a million times of like, Oh, well then why don't you go save the world? So excuse me for being such a jackass that I shouldn't have said that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:42 but yeah, I mean, it's a natural question. I mean, also wasn't that in the seventies? So maybe there. well i guess they'd still be well in 77 they were eight so they were born in 69 they were a kid yeah yeah yeah i'm sure you've gotten that question a million times if you're not you've got your own reasons i should have not assumed something yikes i'm i'm sorry man you're such an asshole and i mean i just i real as i said it i was like oh i'm sorry man you're such an asshole and i just i real as i said it i was like oh i'm sure that's
Starting point is 00:58:06 like a oh you're a comedian tell me a joke it's like oh my god for me yeah what's the next i was almost was like what's the next thing and i'm like i don't want to know we have coronavirus it's enough yeah i don't want to know imagine the the psychology that this person has to deal with be a curse yeah to know to know like oh something really fucking terrible is going to happen and i can't stop it if i want to do anything about it because also maybe like what what are you gonna do you're gonna call the president like you're gonna you're gonna write the president and he's gonna take you seriously of all the other people who are making predictions like yeah and that's kind of that same like catch-22 of like but then is it bound to happen no matter what if you predicted
Starting point is 00:58:40 it like the that's a raven principle of like it'll happen no matter how much you try to stop it yeah i don't know well anyway so that is something that uh it's just more proof that clairvoyance comes with these praying mantis abductions and this person also said that they found an implant in their thumb afterwards um and they literally ripped it out of their thumb and the person says that aliens put a device in their thumb and the praying mantis said if you take it out you will die so i guess that was like just fear-mongering because then that person just literally took it out of their thumb and was like i'm fine bye-bye garbage disposal it was probably a way just to keep tabs and this
Starting point is 00:59:21 person took away their tracking device because ever since um they said i don't feel like i'm being watched anymore and i used to feel like i guess they said i knew that something was going on because even after that one experience i never remembered anything else but i know that they were coming back and wiping my memory and i hated the feeling so i ripped this thing out and ever since and i haven't had that sensation i have major goose cam now this is all very bad well here's my favorite one this is the last one this comes from the uk he's a councilman and a driving instructor his name is simon i think i'm actually going to end up doing an episode on him because i found a lot of information on this but just to give you like
Starting point is 01:00:01 the short and sweet part of it he was adopted by a nine foot green alien. What? No. So this comes from apparently there's a Channel 4 documentary called Confessions of an Alien Abduction. And Simon says that an alien once. Simon says. Simon says, which it's all true. And I'm going to believe all of it. Simon says an alien reached for him using, quote, two green stick things like bean poles. And I thought he's British.
Starting point is 01:00:33 This is precious. They're not mummy's hands. Mummy's hands are pink and mummy has thumbs. These are green and pointed. And there's four of them. I was looking straight into its face. pointed and there's four of them i was looking straight into its face it entered my mind through my eyes and it sent a message down to my optic nerve into my brain another eyes and brain thing it entered my mind through my eyes and sent a message down my octave octave nerve into my spine
Starting point is 01:00:58 saying i am your real mother i am your more important mother. Oh, that's not very nice. Poor mummy. Poor mummy. Yikes. I hope mummy never heard about this story because that poor woman. So Simon apparently has started meeting this creature at 11 and has been on like hundreds of gallivants in space now because of this experience. Because apparently they would hold hands and when he would say, I'm ready, it like they were the craft was getting consent that like okay you want to get beamed up now or what oh my god that's how he would go on all these escapades apparently oh my god simon says he's had hundreds of experiences and he even has a kid named zarka um with an alien that he
Starting point is 01:01:42 calls the cat queen is the child earth side or is this space side actually space okay good because i was like this poor if this is a child on earth and the dad's like you're actually an alien my parents are the cat queen and simon says um yeah i'd be very confused but apparently uh simon has been taken up to space many times to visit zarka so he's got like you know custody which is nice he's got some some custody it's wild so i was fascinated by this and i did find out that there's some very very lengthy youtube documentaries or youtube interviews where he goes into full detail i have not watched them i wanted to save them for the next time when i decide to cover another alien story but simon does is still around so simon if you listen to this i i would love to ask you some questions myself before we report
Starting point is 01:02:36 also i'm sorry i laughed i just was i think i was just so taken aback i would think simon's pretty scared the vibe i got from simon and like the little clips i saw was that he was super chill like he was oh good i feel like he kind of knows that like yeah this is gonna sound weird but this is my story so we're running with it so listen we we believe you okay whatever you want to tell us we'll believe it if that's not the truth simon and you're not chill and like you're let us know if you if you want to participate in this because i would love to cover you i plan on it so if you would like to give your two cents i am here for it so wow anyway so that is some of the many stories of the mantis aliens that was
Starting point is 01:03:17 terrifying thank you i don't think i realized how terrifying it would be but it's very scary i'm interested i'm curious that the laura clark one though she really made it seem i would have stereotyped all praying mantis aliens after that as really really awful they're on the demonic creatures yeah i'm not gonna lie i don't have the sense that they're super good either though i feel neutral uh with a tinge of fear but i i definitely would have said like oh apparently praying mantis aliens suck and it's like okay well a lot of them seem to be like really calming and maybe healers but i mean and you can say that about humans too it's not like sure they have to have the same
Starting point is 01:03:55 personality not all praying mantises okay not all get it get it together oh my god that's our new stance and we will stand by it not all praying mantises all right well there it is uh i i hope to cover simon eventually so i would like to hear more about this cat queen obviously we are all intrigued by that um but yes there it is wow well that's scary i mean a couple people have tweeted that they were freaked out when you said uh we know him too like we know god and that's still to this day like every time i read that tweet it re freaks me out which makes me think again that like if we're going with this theory that the praying mantis people were the
Starting point is 01:04:36 first of their kind and they're the supreme being then of course they would know god because they're like nice try they're like ha ha ha oh yeah you're talking to the talking to the man right here you know yes i don't know i it is very weird that they how many connections i also didn't notice the connections until to until today about the how many people have had eye or brain experiences it's a lot it freaks me out all over again because i thought i was gonna have to worry about like my extremities or well you usually worry about your belly button and stuff like that yeah it's very freaky obviously but like your eyes no and laura clark like the only like stuff that really happened to her was next to her belly button too so i feel like this was like one random praying mantis who like wasn't going up to protocol or maybe he was like you know like satan is like just a fallen angel maybe this praying mantis was like just the fallen of his
Starting point is 01:05:29 order and he was like i'm doing things my way you know and he's rebelling yeah i think that's what that was against mummy yeah we've all been there oh well anyway thank you for uh letting me share a little more of that. That was great. Awful thing. I mean, that was scary. You've been scaring me lately. I love it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:50 So perfect timing. I don't have to speak anymore. And now my yard is as silent as ever. And now it's Christine's turn. Yay. Well, that's okay because I am going to scare you this time. Once again, I actually, for the first time ever today and next week, I'm doing a two-part episode. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 01:06:12 To be fair, I should have done two-parters like Jeffrey Dahmer, which was like a three and a half hour episode. So I recognize that there were plenty of times for me to do that, but I just never did. And so now I'm doing it. I'm so excited i'm predicting now this is about to become a thing that christine does because once i realized the power of multi-parters once i realized the power and the freedom that that gave me of like oh my gosh i don't have to panic and do 50 pages of notes tonight and you don't have to like cut things out that you really want to share, but it's too
Starting point is 01:06:45 long. Or you can hear the first episode and then like see people's feedback and then touch on it in the next episode. I mean, it's great. I think we haven't done it yet, but it's great. I this is the beginning of a new era for Christine Cheaper. I think people don't hate it. Everyone get ready for several multi-parters because i think we we've found christine's niche
Starting point is 01:07:05 all of a sudden all right don't be mad yet okay folks just listen to this first and then no it's a good thing we can decide if you like it or not um so today i'm going to cover the first part of richard ramirez the night stalker christine i have been waiting to do this for a long time Snaps by the way to you have a very successful true crime podcast with over 200 episodes and you still haven't covered the knife stalker there are so many big ones I still have to do which is
Starting point is 01:07:35 wild I mean I didn't do Jeffrey Dahmer until this year or this past year still I mean props to you still finding content that's that's Christine right there I'm pleased about it because I waited inadvertently until this docuseries came out. And when I watched that, I was like, thank God I haven't covered this yet because this is – It was honestly –
Starting point is 01:07:56 I don't really get scared by those true crime shows anymore, not to brag, but my brain has just been overloaded so much that I think I just shut down nowadays. but my brain has just been overloaded so much that I think I just shut down nowadays. But Night Stalker, the documentary on Netflix, scared the absolute bananas out of me. Like, it really, really freaked me out. Have you seen it? Probably not, right? I have not seen it.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Yeah, it is frightening. It's very gory. It's very graphic. I was gonna say, what's so scary about it? It's something about, like, his crimes are very scary to begin with and then they really go into like the graphic details and this guy i just didn't realize how wildly pervasive this guy was i to be honest it's he's one of those figures where kind of like with uh i would say he's put in like clumped into like the big five or whatever of like you know really horrific uh murderers and with all of them i'm learning that
Starting point is 01:08:52 i really didn't know anything about them until you give me the the scoop because what i think of i didn't know really anything about ted bundy i didn't know anything about jeffrey dahmer but because we hear the name so often i just felt like i knew it assume you yeah totally and when it comes to the night stalker i actually don't know i mean to be honest i didn't either i didn't really either so this docu-series was like very eye-opening and very terrifying um i tried to get blaze to watch it with me again last night and he like wouldn't so we watched it instead we compromised got it but so this is a pretty intense story it's pretty graphic it's uh very brutal so i just want to warn you a couple people not really a couple well yeah a couple people were like your stories are really intense lately tone it down
Starting point is 01:09:38 and i was like um i actually planned them way in advance like they're i can't change it now i'm sorry you know i mean i was like well it's like well i just did like 30 hours of research so uh no and it's not intentional like i'm not doing it because you told me not to uh it's just because i can't it's too late i can't change it now so we're recording tomorrow and i can't give proper notes this uh this in advance as i read your text or your so this is the warning if you're like i'm i don't want any more of this like uh here are some specific trigger warnings blood rape or then just skip it and i i get it um yeah we totally understand i mean not that it's you know we like to put out content people want to listen to but we're also very aware that there's just some shit that people can't listen to like that's fine yeah yeah exactly but good good good point
Starting point is 01:10:31 that you have actually been doing some pretty gruesome ones lately but intense but you know what props to your research and also now we know that it's a two-parter so if you happen to be someone who maybe feels squeamish or uncomfortable with listening to this then you know that maybe we'll see you in two weeks yes exactly so we'll see what happens how you feel um but this to consider that your warning and i apologize um so let's get into it i'm sorry let's crack into it who am i kidding i don't know i don't know so we are in the 80s it's los angeles baby friggin sunshine height of 80s pop culture la is hopping and bopping uh i love the intro to night stalker docuseries because they're it's like 80s la like convertibles and it's i just love it um so march 17th 1985 esther pechar an la resident remembers the following quote i was working at at&t and across the street was a mini mall and there was a salvation army store
Starting point is 01:11:33 and i would just spend my lunch hour in there and once i was in there there was a table that was full of junk and there was this hat and i picked it up because the letters on it said acdc and i didn't know what it was so i threw it back down and then on my right here comes this man and he stood right there and he picked up the hat looked at it turned around and looked at me and kind of smiled a little bit and he had the devil on his hand and he got the hat and walked away when i finished work i was on the freeway freeway with my little car and here comes somebody speeding behind me then all of a sudden he just swerves around my car it's like he's right there and he turns and he just he's looking at me it's the same guy i saw at the thrift store and he had this horrible big grin and he's missing all these teeth it was like a killer clown oh my god i by the way i did
Starting point is 01:12:17 not mean to gasp at the part about bad teeth that was not the plan i think it's the grin it was the grinning that i was freaking out about but before anyone like thinks that i like take an issue with teeth or something yeah no it's like the grinning without yeah there's something like really spooky about that and like the intentionality of it of like it has the killer clown vibe of like the happy thing that's not actually happy gross yeah so on that saint patrick's day march 17th a 32 year old detective gil carillo who's kind of like the the main character of the docu-series you kind of follow the investigation through his eyes was sent to a location where a garage door was open and blood spatter was found
Starting point is 01:12:56 both on the floor and the door which separates the garage from the condo so it's like one of those systems where you drive into the garage and walk into the house yeah so detective cario goes inside the condo and sees a bloody phone inside the bedroom and finds 34 year old dale okazaki lying on the kitchen floor she had been shot in the forehead wow okay maria hernandez who was dale's roommate had narrowly escaped so this is one of the wildest like encounters you'll ever hear so maria had entered their house via the garage door which she opened with a remote she then got her keys out to open the inside door to the house before turning around to see a male suspect with a stargazed look wearing an acdc hat oh shit he had his arms stretched out with his gun pointed
Starting point is 01:13:43 and he launched toward her. She put her hands up as he pulled the trigger. And then in like this wild turn of events, the bullet deflected off the keys in her hand. That was God. And those moments, that's one of those things where I'm like, there's no explanation. That's it's wild. It's so unheard of. I mean, and so they however the the blast knocked her to the floor and this guy the suspect obviously like doesn't think that he missed or doesn't think
Starting point is 01:14:13 that he's deflected it so he assumes she's down and he's killed her so he leaves her and uh you know she had been pushed back by the blast anyway so she's on the ground but like not shot which that moment of like trying to figure out if you've been shot must be so harrowing i can't even imagine so she's on the floor and he obviously assumed that he had done the trick and he left her there and went inside the condo and she it must have also been horrible because she knows her roommates inside and so he goes inside she sees him go inside so after he left maria jumped up and started running down the alleyway when she heard another gunshot and that was when she kind of realized like oh shit my roommate was in the house he just killed my my friend just oh my god so uh
Starting point is 01:14:57 concern for her housemate dale maria goes to the front door this is wild because she thinks whoever whoever this guy is will exit the way he came because he came in through the garage so she goes to the front door which was like a smart move thinking like okay he won't go in out that way he will go out the way he came in yeah but here he comes he walks right out the front door and they both like freeze kind of like this praying mantis like they both like freeze eye to eye like both shocked to see each other because she's like thinking he's gonna escape the other way he thinks she's dead in the garage and she's standing there without blood on her um and so they kind of
Starting point is 01:15:34 freeze and stare at each other and then maria puts her hands up and says to him hey you already shot me once do you really have to shoot me again oh my god wow okay okay badass badass and then he just puts the gun down like to his side and walks away and doesn't shoot her again so i think he was like totally jarred by that moment of she just came back from the dead and he's like in his mind you, for lack of a better term. Oh my God, she's a superhero. Yeah, yeah. So, I mean, it's really, really sad she didn't get to her friend in time because Dale was found dead.
Starting point is 01:16:14 But the next day, police find out that 40 minutes after Dale's murder, the Monterey police had also gotten a call and a murder had occurred only a mile from Dale and Maria's house that same day. Ah, shit. Okay. Yeah, so this guy's, like, running rampant. So a young woman, and this one, I think that one of the reasons that he's so scary is that he had so many different MOs, like... You can't pick where he's going to be next. You can't guess. It's like Israel Keys, like, there's no rhyme or reason.
Starting point is 01:16:40 It's just kind of all over the place. Well, I was going to say, do we know, I was going to say, later on, do we find out what the reasoning for that house was or was it very Israel Keyes? It's just kind of, it seems to be opportunity. Yeah. Yeah. There doesn't seem to be too much rhyme or reason. And so like, this is a perfect example. So a young woman was driving down the street and all of a sudden she stopped by another car and yanked out of the car and shot for no reason. Wow. Just driving down the street. A nightmare.
Starting point is 01:17:12 A nightmare. Like a nightmare. And her name was Tsai Lan Yu and she was only 30 years old. She was left sprawled out in the street and her last words were, help me. Oh, my God. He just pulled, like for no apparent apparent reason just pulled her out of the car shot her there and left her to die oh my god okay yeah so really just like alarming for police obviously it appeared to be the same caliber of weapon a 22 caliber gun but it was too early to
Starting point is 01:17:37 assume this was the same murderer but obviously this connection was noted at this point. Meanwhile, Maria Hernandez, who was the housemate who had the superhero who had escaped his, you know, attack. Yeah. She is at the hospital. Police send a staff artist around to get a sketch of the murderer. And she describes him as a tall, thin, light-skinned Hispanic or Caucasian man who had disheveled hair and brown stained gap teeth. He was wearing all black a members only jacket and an acdc hat so that is the description she gave to police so 10 days later after the murder of okazaki and you on march 27th there is a double murder out in whittier county california
Starting point is 01:18:21 okay so vincent and maxine zazara their house was entered via an open bathroom window also so scary these like break-in entering through windows just so scary to me i don't know yeah that it's okay just keep going i'm with you that's exactly how i feel yeah um so the place was ransacked and forty40,000 worth of jewelry was stolen. Take the money. Fine. Leave me alone. Well. Take the money. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Nope. Maxine, this is not good. This part's not good. Is this the part with the plates? No, that was... That's Euron's. That was Euron's, yeah. Okay, okay. Also so scary.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Also so scary, but I didn't know if they had the same and the same things they sometimes he sometimes went after couples but it wasn't as prominent or as like specifically targeted as uh joseph d'angelo was okay um yeah so maxine age 44 was found on her bed with several stab wounds she had been raped and the murderer had cut her eyes out yeah i know this episode on eyes man i know i don't like it i wonder psychologically what that means like he was ashamed and didn't want to be looked at yeah he mentions it later he threatened someone i mean i'll just tell you now but he threatened someone if you look at me i'll cut your eyes out it might have been like he was they looked at him called called her she called the bluff well no so the next well maybe but the next person he said or a person later
Starting point is 01:19:56 victim later he told her if you look at me i'll cut your eyes out presumably which is why he cut this yeah first persons oh my god wow just heinous and i want to be clear i don't know if this which is why he cut this first person's. Oh, my God. Wow. Just heinous. And I want to be clear. I don't know if this happened. I tell myself this happened post-mortem. I was going to look it up, and then I was like, it's 2 a.m. I can't look this up for my own mental health.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Yeah. But that's what I'm assuming just for my own sanity and well-being is that this happened after her death. Wow. And she was stabbed several times her husband vincent who was 64 was murdered as he was sleeping on the couch with a gunshot to the temple so typically it is kind of the same situation where the man would just be shot once just to kill him and then the the woman would typically be more brutalized um are we talking about sa assault assault or sexual assault well he raped maxine if
Starting point is 01:20:50 that's what you're asking okay yeah i didn't know how brutal it got i yeah so she was found with several stab wounds she'd been raped i think the eyes cut out got um overshadowed that maybe yeah i definitely my brain didn't process the first 10 seconds before that what that's how he would like if you look at me essentially while i'm committing this i see assault then i will i think that was kind of the threat behind it can we just assume that every victim throughout the story for the most part is going to be no okay i mean the first two weren't the the remember he just walked into her condo shot shot her, pulled a girl out of her car. I'm trying to, like, piece it together before you tell me, and I'm like, does it just escalate and escalate and escalate?
Starting point is 01:21:32 I mean, he was convicted of 13 counts of murder, so just, we're only a couple in. So it's hard to say what's worse and not worse because it's all just so bad. I know, I know. But that's the thing is, like, he doesn't have a clear MO. It's just all over the place. So, you know, this is his first double murder. He goes in through the window. He, you know, sexually assaults Maxine.
Starting point is 01:21:56 He shoots her husband. However, the biggest – so it was a.22 caliber gun. So that was another clue that they connected to the other two murders. But it's also L.A. County, like – or this is even whittier county but it's also los angeles area like you can't just say oh it's the same gun it's the same guy you know what i mean like it's it took a lot to actually put all this together so uh the biggest clue that the suspect had left behind was a shoe print so this becomes definitely a big thing so the soil outside of the restroom window retained a rough print of a shoe sized 11 to 12. So that was where he had entered through the open bathroom window.
Starting point is 01:22:30 And they found a print of a shoe. So this was his fourth murder within 10 days. And to make matters worse, around this time, there had also been a series of child abductions going on. So I know. Fuck. Oh, my God. Trust me. I don't know how to frame this except just i didn't even know
Starting point is 01:22:47 kids got involved with this story wow that's why it's so confusing and scary and like ridiculous is it's so all over the place there's like no rhyme or reason all over the place nobody's safe you know there's nothing you can do to not be a victim like not that i ever think you can do something to not be a victim but you know what i mean like there's no there's no there's no like like at least son of sam like oh everyone get a wig or diary yeah exactly or stay inside well that doesn't seem to work here right um yeah except the location of southern california but that doesn't really help you much if you're in that area but right yeah so anyway uh let see. So this is when also simultaneously during these four murders, there were also child abductions going on.
Starting point is 01:23:29 So one of the survivors was Anastasia Hronis, who was six when she was awakened in the middle of the night by someone who she thought was a family member. In her words, he looked familiar. He abducted her in the night, put her in his car. And she remembers while driving that he told her to open up the glove compartment. She did. And there was a gun inside. He shut and said just so you know that's there so just as a threat oh my god okay yep in their time together he forced her to look at him touch him and made her get into a zipped up duffel bag saying you need to be quiet do what i say he then carried her into a dingy house where he abused her
Starting point is 01:24:06 sexually then he put her back in the bed i don't know any more details than that that's just all she gave uh he put her back in the bag the duffel bag when they left the house um and then put her in his car pulled over took her out of the duffel bag told her to walk across the street to the gas station and have them call 9-1-1 to get her family to come pick her up just wild so uh also that feels like he kind of wants to be heard or seen or recognized because if he's saying oh specifically call 9-1-1 could he just well i think he had a weird thing about protecting children in a sick twisted way of like i won't murder them okay you know what i mean like the child abduction abductees survive typically okay oh okay which you know he was saying like once he did whatever he was doing which does not show any
Starting point is 01:24:53 kindness or love toward children so right i think that's a moot argument but i think in his own head he had like a line he didn't cross or something okay kids finally a moral somewhere deep down and i doubt this was even a very stringent moralist probably just like out of convenience at some points but so he told her like okay now go across the street call 9-1-1 that's it so she didn't have any really real information about this guy but this was only one of the plethora of other accounts of abduction and sexual assault of minors going on in the area at the same time so detective gil carillo who i mentioned earlier was working on the four murders that happened within 10 days and he was the one who noticed that the child's descriptions of their perpetrators matched the perpetrator provided by maria hernandez so tall thin light-skinnedskinned, Hispanic or Caucasian, had disheveled
Starting point is 01:25:45 hair, brown stand gap, teeth, and a pungent odor. We've added that now into the mix. Cute. So he's thinking now there's a strong likelihood this is the same person. And I'll just tell you right now, people were like, you're ridiculous. Like you're an amateur. You're like, what? In your early 30s, like you don't know what you're talking about. to be fair it is i think highly unlikely that a guy is abducting kids letting them go and meanwhile randomly assaulting grown it's just like not a clear mo right which it was exactly what his mo was like his mo was exactly to throw you off the fucking set every time he just had no like real target. It was just kind of everybody is potentially a target.
Starting point is 01:26:30 So he brought this outlook to a meeting in the L.A. area. But the rest of the folks in law enforcement literally laughed. They told him like this just doesn't happen and like turn their nose up at his theory. So he's for now just kind of on the outside and they're like drop it you know it's like that classic cliche of like drop it to the investigator who has like a theory you know yeah so on may 14th the killer struck again william doy was shot to death before his wife lillian was raped and beaten detectives say william saved his wife's life by calling 9-1-1 before he died so when detectives found lillian on the thumb of her left hand she was wearing thumb cuffs which are like handcuffs but they're like only for your thumbs which i mean i googled them they
Starting point is 01:27:16 look exactly like what you'd expect and i guess they were initially used for uh they were intended to be used for like drug arrests and things that weren't i guess as as they were meant to fit inside the pocket of whoever it was whoever was arresting you okay they're like very small and i guess they just hold your thumbs together so you can't move your hands interesting i feel like you're i feel like it makes sense that you you you cuff something you cuff something smaller than your hand so your hand can't get through but a thumb to me feels like you can just you know yeah you can't really get out of them i don't think i mean they really do like
Starting point is 01:27:55 kind of clamp down on your thumbs but also they're not really used so i guess they're not as effective as handcuffs okay um so really odd like they're very rare you don't see them very often so it was a weird thing for police to find on a on a victim sure um but so she was wearing these thumb cuffs the next day the killer drove to burbank yikes and snuck into the home of 42 year old carol kyle at gunpoint the killer bound carol and her 11 year old son with handcuffs and ransacked the house he released carol so she could direct him to where the family family's valuables were and then he raped her he repeatedly ordered her not to look at him telling her at one point that he would cut her eyes out if she did so that's kind of where we get the idea of why maybe that was
Starting point is 01:28:40 part of his thing yeah uh he fled the scene after retrieving her son from the closet and then binding them together with handcuffs again so it's odd because now he didn't kill her this time but maybe it's because of her son like the only connection i can think of is like she had a child with her oh and he seems to not kill the children So that's the only thing I can imagine as to why he didn't try and kill her. Okay. So around the same time, one of Detective Gill's friends who worked in Monterey showed him a picture of a footprint that was taken at the crime scene of one of the child abductions. The girl was eight years old, was taken from her house to a construction site, sexually assaulted, and then just set free. And at the construction site
Starting point is 01:29:25 they had luckily poured concrete that day so in the concrete they found a shoe print oh okay so gill recognized the shoe print right away it was the exact same footprint that was left at the zazaar crime scene outside the bathroom window so they matched exactly okay and now this is getting this is evidence pointing to his theory of the child abductor and the murder rapist is the same person. Yeah. Okay. So meanwhile, the killer is just still on this rampage. First, Patty Elaine Higgins, only 32 years old, was killed viciously in Arcadia. And four days later, Mary Cannon, age 75, had her throat slit. katia and four days later mary cannon age 75 had her throat slit oh my god wow it really is just fucking random isn't it and it's it's you know some are children some are elderly some are in the middle some are shot some are stabbed it's there's it's just bonkers like there's no rhyme or reason so then on the 5th of july which was only three days later sierra pd get an alarmed call a man had broken into the bedroom of 16 year old Whitney Bennett.
Starting point is 01:30:28 He had beaten her with a tire iron and tried to strangle her with a telephone cord. But as sparks flew from the cord, the man gave up and fled. Wow. He would later reveal that he believed this to be a sign of divine intervention. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So I'm sure she did too. Like, okay, fine. That's the divine intervention. Get out so i'm sure she did too like okay fine that's the divine
Starting point is 01:30:47 intervention get out of here wow so he dropped the cord and whitney began coughing and breathing again as he fled so she survived and i wonder that makes me think with the first with gail's murder if or sorry dale's murder if um maria her housemate said, like, you already shot me and I survived. I wonder if that was him saying, like, okay, this is my point. Like, you survived. It's not in my hands anymore. It was divine intervention that you were supposed to survive this. So here I go. And you even called it that, you know? Yeah. So maybe, you know, and he had such a twisted thought process of how all this worked. I mean, we'll get into that later. But, you know, i think he had some weird belief system that he'd built in his head about
Starting point is 01:31:29 what he was allowed to do what he wasn't allowed to do what was part of the plan what wasn't i mean i know we've said this before i know we've already said that like it's crazy how random these victims are but also it's super interesting to me how random the choice of or the the weapon of choice because usually it'd be like okay i'm just gonna you know usually how you kill people um i would imagine like you've got at least like one good skill that you're confident in will do the really horrible job or something that you that like satisfies you as a killer and that's why you do it like a knife there's something even more unhinged about like not even having like a connection with your own weapon yeah of like not having a yeah a method or something yeah it's just
Starting point is 01:32:17 like oh i'll slit this person's throat i'll shoot this person i'm gonna strangle you with a phone cord yeah yeah it's it's it's really that's a good point it does feel so unhinged and like sporadic which like obviously any murderer with any weapon is like unhinged presumably any serial killer but like it adds an extra layer of like creepiness somehow i don't know um so at this point no fingerprints had been found at any of the recent crime scenes however they did find a shoe print in blood and you find a lot of shoe prints same one i know he's kind of dropping the ball there in theory if he didn't wear shoes if he wouldn't barefoot to all of his killings would he have made it out like are the shoe is that the smoking gun his no oh okay interestingly i know but also you
Starting point is 01:33:07 wonder don't your toes have prints i guess so that's a good point they would have caught him with the toe print or maybe if you're going if you're going all the way with like random victims random weapons start wearing random fucking shoes like pick different shoes every time he definitely didn't like yeah think of that wear some fish flops or something like throw them off the sand no one will catch you if you're wearing fish flops i'm saying so the following day july 6th police received groundbreaking information a woman named lorraine rodriguez had fallen asleep on the living room couch while her husband john slept in the bedroom she woke up to a very loud noise and thought it
Starting point is 01:33:44 was john so she got angry because she didn't want him to wake the kids then the house went really still and she knew immediately it wasn't john she woke him up and got he got his gun and walked around the house they noticed a window that they never opened was all the way open and it's scary terrifying and when they shined a light outside into the flower bed they spotted a perfectly distinct footprint in the mud so i guess the soil had been perfectly saturated to the point where like a shoe print was perfectly able to be cast out of that dirt wow luckily so the deputy who arrived on the scene first did everything he could thank god to preserve the integrity of the footprint so that they were able to get like a perfect copy of it
Starting point is 01:34:25 so wait this family survived like nothing happened to them yeah because she thought she woke up and was like angry at her husband for making so much noise so the killer fled like she she woke up he didn't he made too much noise and she woke up gotcha i would have thought he would have been like yeah i made a lot of noise because i'm about to kill you and then just like well it was also a family with kids i think maybe it was too much like he was like intimidated or something because it seems like he comes up on people sleeping a lot or when they're you know not expecting him i mean obviously when would you ever be expecting him but yeah i don't know i think he just got scared off by her waking up it's always shocking when a serial killer gets scared off it's like that's the
Starting point is 01:35:03 thing that fucking scares you away like that i woke up and yelled john shut up yeah it just it just proves like how random it is like i mean you have no idea what's going to be the thing that saves you yeah totally and he screwed himself because he left that perfect shoe print so you know even though he didn't hurt anybody there he left like really good evidence so they were able to make a cast of this and they found out it was an avia shoe which at the time was very uncommon and it only just started to be manufactured i'm pretty sure they're more common now but it was quickly confirmed they were looking for an aerobics shoe of avia brand size 11 and a half and at this point detective gill has been assigned a new
Starting point is 01:35:45 partner detective frank salerno so now they're like the duo on the case and frank was actually famous amongst the force for having put together the 1977 case of the hillside strangler so he already had like a reputation of like you know solving really big cases so now he's on they're a real power couple yeah well people were kind of rejecting gill at this point and they were like why does gill get to work with him because gill's running around saying oh the child abductor is and he's really young and so he was getting a lot of criticism and judgment but yes ultimately they become a power they become a power couple yes they were kind of criticized like he was criticized and people were kind of like why
Starting point is 01:36:24 does he get to work with this awesome, like, hot shot detective? But then, yeah, the two of them together are a power duo. So Salerno flew out to meet the designer of Avia shoes who provided him with spreadsheets of their sales data. And what police learned was that on January 9th, 1985, 1,356 pairs of these model 440 avias entered the u.s from taiwan for distribution and because of the description of the suspect given by survivors they reckon they were looking for a black pair of shoes because people had seen him wearing black shoes and there were only six black eleven and a half aerobic shoes manufactured five went to arizona and only one went to Los Angeles. Whoa. Again, that's some divine shit right there. Wild, right?
Starting point is 01:37:07 That's weirdly convenient. Well, it's not because once they figured that out, they were completely at a dead end and it went nowhere. Oh. The end. So it feels like it's going to be the smoking gun and then it like fully is not. It's very frustrating. You know what? That's the other thing about this documentary that I'm remembering now is that every time you're like, oh my god,
Starting point is 01:37:28 they have to get him now, something happens where it's like, no, like, you want to pull your hair out because it's like, they could, they were so close. And then, you know, they didn't catch him. What a yarn dangle, like, for like... Yes, it's like a tease. Yeah, it's so, it's honestly, it was infuriating to watch i remember like just my watch was like you need to breathe please before you die and i was like i can't so yeah so they the dead end fully dead end with the shoe but it still became an important factor in that it linked the suspect to other crimes so you know they were still able to see the shoe print and say okay well it's the same guy as this place this place in this place so at least it had that
Starting point is 01:38:09 benefit um so even when the la news found out about this detail and wanted to publish it police like begged them not to reveal it because it was like one of the only things that the killer didn't realize he was leaving behind his shoe print and they wanted him to keep wearing the shoes so that you know they could catch him yeah so basically now gil creo and frank salerno began visiting every unsolved murder in la which i presume is a lot hoping to find a connection between this guy and these other cases so one of the cases they identified was the case of mabel and florence bell on May 29th, 85. They were two sisters. This one's, I mean, they're all really sad, but this one's really sad.
Starting point is 01:38:57 They were two sisters in their 80s and they lived together in Monrovia, California, up in kind of like a secluded hillside area. They were very close. One of the sisters took care of the other one. A gardener found them in their bedrooms two days later. Mabel had been sexually assaulted and beaten to death with a hammer and florence was left in critical condition barely alive she survived for six weeks after the attack but she died on july 15th holy shit just really brutal really violent really nonsensical and sad so the suspect had entered through a rear door and while committing
Starting point is 01:39:26 the murder had stepped on an alarm clock which i guess had fallen on the floor during the attack and they were able to match the shoe print on the alarm clock to the shoe print this man needs to cut his feet off because like he it is always one step away from, I mean, he just keeps his stupid feet. He's like, I'm wearing gloves. I'm not leaving any hair, nothing else. But he's like literally stepping on clocks. And he's like, he's the only one, like there's only one pair of shoes in LA. I mean, there's always so many, almost with just his shoes.
Starting point is 01:40:00 And that's a frustrating thing is you're like, this should be able to catch this guy. But instead you see they're so close. and then these two elderly women get murdered and it's like it's so infuriating because you're like they were so close to saving all these other people or you know preventing all these other murders so it's it's just extra sad and scary so apparently after he stepped on this alarm clock and you know did what he did pretty morbidly which we see sometimes which always freaks me out is that the suspect had apparently gotten super comfortable after killing mabel and then like had a snack in their kitchen which always like i mean you know golden state killer did this too it's just extra freaky um and for a first time which became somewhat of a
Starting point is 01:40:40 pattern he drew a pentagram in mabel's lipstick on the bedroom wall and then he drew it on one of the sister's legs after she died weird i mean that's awful and it's also weird because it's like yes for some reason i understand that like he's already killing people so he's already mentally unstable but there's something even it feels like the the lack of stability has increased yes it's almost like he's just completely especially like it's not like he planned it either he just was like oh let me find something to write with yeah i can talk about satan for a second like it just so and then have a snack and also was he being called the night stalker at this point like did he did he want
Starting point is 01:41:20 the name night stalker was he that was a given name, which I think they usually are in these cases. But I don't actually remember at what point he kind of got the moniker. So I don't know. It was probably around this time. Okay. I'm not sure, honestly. Because I wonder what it feels like to like be named after someone else that already did this kind of stuff. Like, because if there was already the original Night Stalker. i don't think he was called was he called the original night stalker
Starting point is 01:41:48 before the night stalker i don't know oh i don't know who came first well the original night stalker came first but i don't know if they like yeah i don't know i don't know the naming how the naming worked that's a great point my my thought would be like if you really want to make a name for yourself and all of a sudden you just get the same name someone else already had i don't think he had then i don't think the original night stalker was called i think he was called east area rapist at that point but i'm not totally sure okay anyway it's literally so unimportant i was just wondering like i wonder for his own ego how it must feel to like just share the name with another serial killer that's a good point because it says here on the internet on wikipedia it says d'angelo was known as the night stalker in the area before being renamed the original night stalker after richard ramirez
Starting point is 01:42:37 received the name night stalker so technically he could have saved the east area rapist well because i was gonna say that since richard ramirez is on the west coast they could have stayed the east area rapist well because i was gonna say that since richard emerges on the west coast they could have had like east coast night stalker west coast night stalker well they were both on the west coast they're both southern california oh really i think i heard east area and i assumed east coast it's just the east side of the town of like visalia or whatever but um it was no it was southern california it was like the same area sorry i'm totally interrupting you no you're good i mean yeah i hadn't really thought about that but i think night stalker was just like such a creepy name that he didn't probably care yeah it just it
Starting point is 01:43:14 just reminds me of that story you most you recently did oh yeah the louisiana whatever baton rouge serial killer and it was like a different serial killer yeah he ends up just getting called like the other one so i'm wondering like was Richard Ramirez just the other Night Stalker and like did he know that about himself I think he got the Night Stalker which is like super spooky and I think people even tried to be like don't call him that it's like giving him credit you know of like being cool and creepy yeah but I don't know I mean and also the reason that Euron's had multiple names people didn't know it mean and also the reason that iran's had multiple names people didn't know it was the same guy for decades you know i mean so he was in different
Starting point is 01:43:49 areas so it wasn't even like clear that they were the same murderer so anyway um so at this point police began a question is this person somehow like linked to satanism and it was an 80s satanic panic you know people like loved this link to the devil and teens are practicing satanism and it was an 80s satanic panic you know people like loved this link to the devil and teens are practicing satanism and this was just a big thing back then uh and so you know but now he's like fully showing pictures of pentagrams so he really played right into that and as they continued researching older unresolved cases a newer case made them raise their eyebrows so there was an attempted kidnapping of a young woman in eagle rock and she had fought the suspect off and he left in a toyota and pretty soon after that he made a traffic violation so he was pulled over
Starting point is 01:44:35 but he didn't have his driver's license so the traffic instructor traffic instructor the traffic officer instructs him to remain at his vehicle while he goes back to his motorcycle to get his citation booklet of course uh the second he turns around the suspect gets out of the car but before running away he draws a pentagram on the hood of his own car uh and then runs away and it turns out this car is stolen so it doesn't even like link him to anything oh my god i know but he he draws a pentagram on the car and then just like books it away and escapes so now there's this new link to satanism like twice and uh so creo and salerno urged for the car to be scanned for fingerprints so they give it to lapd and they say like we have his car he's been driving this car like check it for fingerprints right um just a warning it's
Starting point is 01:45:25 another pull your hair out situation but seems like it's gonna go well so uh on the night of july 7th detective creole gets a call from his friend and crime scene technician linda arthur and she says you better get over here because the lady across the street from me just got raped and i think it's related to what you're working on so his friend literally calls and is like something just happened on my street and i think it has to do with this guy you're looking at wow okay so pretty wild um so it was a woman named sophie dickman and she had begun yelling for help from linda the neighbor after a man had gained entry into her house by pulling out her cat door oh isn't that horrifying oh i'm like no no don't do that oh my god okay so he pulled out her cat door he then raped and handcuffed her to the bed before ransacking the house and then
Starting point is 01:46:15 fleeing and then to tally up another five cases in 10 days on july 8th in monterey park police discovered that 60 year old grandmother Joyce Nelson had been killed during the night by someone who had broken into her house um and it's also sad because you see all the family members talking about like how close they were with you know their grandma and like you would never expect your grandma to be brutally murdered in such a way it's it's really sad um so large amounts of blood had been found on the bed and the floor he had beaten her to death left a footprint on the side of her head from like kicking her head oh my god but he did not rape her which was like against some of the other m.o's where you're expecting it and then he doesn't like it's just you know
Starting point is 01:46:56 again all over the place and also his goddamn footprint his fuck he's footprint he just like it's like this is the episode of this is the episode of eyes and feet i was like what's that oh this yeah it's our episode it's our show the last show i ever wanted to host every five seconds it's just another goddamn shoe print that is no one's gonna do anything about it it's so upsetting it's it's really frustrating so you know it was later discovered that after this murder the suspect went less than a mile away from joyce's residence where he entered the house of sophie dickman who was the woman i had just mentioned that he went through a cat door so these literally happened a mile apart the same night so i mean he is active so again no dna was found at the crime scene so
Starting point is 01:47:39 on july 9th the detectives our pals the duo check in with the lapd about the car they'd been scanning for fingerprints to be like hey any results we're having more murders here like we want to get this guy yeah and uh turns out the lapd like just didn't process the car for prints um and counterintuitively they had left the car out in the sun so any skin or dna traces had been completely burned up wow i can't be i could not be more upset about that okay it's moving on it's infuriating um that being said they did find something which was that left inside the car they found a cheap plastic case and within that was a business card of a dental office in chinatown yeah so this is kind of where we start the ball rolling a little bit they were probably
Starting point is 01:48:23 like fucking finally oh my god thing which it's gonna be another moment but it's fine we'll get there so so they find this card and it was written under the name richard menna m-e-n-a and it had a fake address filled in like they went to the address and it was you know fake address but they would later find out that the suspect had visited this dentist on july 3rd it was now july 9th so they had missed him by six days because they were not allowed access to the car so like another situation of like shit we could have literally met him at the dentist's office if we had figured this out and caught him so the police collected the suspect's x-rays from the dentist and salerno took the x-rays to a personal friend of his who happened to be a dentist to see if anything could
Starting point is 01:49:10 be inferred from the x-rays and the friend said to him i can tell you he's going to be back he's got an impacted tooth and it's going to be killing him soon if it's not already so this is music to salerno's ears and he was like all right he's going to be back this office. I'm going to place two police officers on surveillance of the dental practice. And we're going to wait for him to arrive. Wow. And that is the first half of the Richard Ramirez Night Stalker case. And it's now picking up steam. Amazing storytelling, Christine.
Starting point is 01:49:38 And also, can you imagine being a dentist being like. I know. I was thinking that. First of all, my hands have been in the mouth of a serial killer. And also now I'm part of this operative sting. Like talk about like a case of the Mondays, you know, truly, they're like, well, he's gonna walk back and you have to act totally normal. And we're gonna be watching like, oh my god, he seems on it. He seems on it. He volunteered. He was like, he'll be back. Don't worry. Yeah. So that's exciting. I can't wait to see what next week sounds like. Yeah, it's pretty wild. There's several more pages, obviously. And so I wasn't able to cover it all today, but it is 329. So I got to run to Kroger.
Starting point is 01:50:15 So I apologize to peace out so abruptly, everybody. But I'm going to go get my bicep juiced up. And I'm so excited. That's good luck to you. And complain to m all the way tomorrow that's why we get vaccinated please please do it the end

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