And That's Why We Drink - E221 Family Nuts and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Backrooms

Episode Date: May 2, 2021

You asked, Em covered the wrong story, and then we finally delivered... this week on episode 221 Em is officially covering the topic so many of you asked for: the Backrooms Theory. And, wow, is it cre...epy! From mobile mannequins to death sheep to the currency of boiled almond water, you won't want to miss this wild ride. Then Chrisitne covers a story we can't believe we hadn't heard before: Abraham Shakespeare and his tragic murder over lottery money by Dee Dee Moore. And don't forget to check out the link below to an announcement so big only one man could do it justice, but for legal purposes may or may not have actually been involved... and that's why we (don't) drink! Christine's big announcement! consider supporting the companies that support us! Simply visit and get your FREE year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs today! Try Acorn TV free for 30 days, by going to Acorn.TV and use promo code drink (in all lower case letters)Finally, a pair of glasses designed for the 21st century. Go to to shop glasses that work as hard as you do! Start feeling better with Feals. Become a member today by going to and you'll get 50% off your first order with free shipping! Go to and enter promo code ATWWD to get $20 off anypurchase of $100 or more! Right now, you can try Zip Recruiter for FREE at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi how are you i'm good i uh i i i'm drinking water uh wow congratulations thank you feeling hydrated right now uh eating some almonds um and well you're eating communal almonds let's be clear i am anyone who's got youtube get right i so us in the apartment i don't know if like we all get a bunch of almonds at one time and then just like don't know what to do with them or maybe this is bulk and I don't remember but like I have I just own a whole canister of almonds like it's like a nondescript like we clearly took them out of a bag and I'll put them in a single glass that's the weird part is I was like oh are they like Costco like Kirkland brand and then M lifts themet, it's in this like nondescript, like reusable jar. And I'm like, somebody had to transfer those into this
Starting point is 00:00:49 fancy jar. And I don't know if there were already almonds in here. And then I got almonds. I was like, oh, we have too many almonds. I don't know what happened. But like, with like, at different times of different days, I'll see like Allison grabbing at them, RJ grabbing at them. I usually grab them in the morning. So like it's just a communal almond jar. I just love that this has become just the norm in your household. Like, oh, just the communal almond jar. It's like when people, when you have family.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Okay, this is maybe a really niche reference. But I feel like when you go off to college or something and you've been living with your family your whole life. And then you start to learn like other people don't necessarily have the same weird habits that you did growing up and people are like what do you mean the communal almonds and you're like your family didn't have a communal jar i didn't i we had a communal chocolate chip jar actually uh well that would be ideal i wish i had that and now i'm with two people who like run for a lifestyle and shit so now i have a communal almond jar but um yeah i don't know where it came from this is this is a pandemic thing obviously it's one of those random mundane things that have just become part of your daily life so it's also become part of mine because every time we get on zoom m's like
Starting point is 00:01:55 i'm seeing some communal almonds it's just really odd my family nuts um but yeah so anyway got my almonds got my water um anyway why are you drinking water today or do you have any reason i i have i have two things i wanted to say really quick um one is happy one is not so happy one is uh so the not so happy as i went to apologize for last week because i found out way late apparently that there is some controversy with Neil deGrasse Tyson whoops I did not know and thank you to everybody who uh put me in check on Twitter um kindly you all yeah everyone was very very sweet about it yeah I had no idea there was any obviously I didn't either to be clear we were just blabbing on and on. We would have said something had we known, and I just had no idea.
Starting point is 00:02:46 So I apologize to people in general, I guess, if you were offended by that. One of the things that I thought was interesting is that we talked about, like, oh, how he gave you that handshake that was, like, so, like, looking to your soul. And then did you read the Wikipedia? No. All I saw was, like, the main headlines, and and i was like that's enough for me so well apparently one of the allegations was that he held a woman's hand really like intently like that and looked at her and then it became very creepy and he started to make some commentary and uh touch her in inappropriate ways but it was like yeah like it was basically the story of like he held
Starting point is 00:03:24 her hand in a very deep, like meaningful way. But then it got out of hand. This was at least the allegation. I don't know beyond that. But I was like, oh, no, we literally talked about his handshake. Apparently that had led to bad places, according to people who've filed these allegations. So apologies that we didn't know about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Again, I just I, just a general. I'm sorry. Whoops, whoops, whoops. Not cool. So then the thing that is happy and super cool is that as of the time that this comes out, we have three or four days left for the voting on the Webbys. So if you have already voted, thank you so much. If you have not voted and you're like on the fence with it and you're like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I'm telling you, like every vote counts. Please, please, please go vote. It's super important to us. And this is a really big deal. And we're very grateful that we even get the chance. So it would just be like a cherry on top if we could win. So anyway, it would it would mean a lot. And I'm grace graciously begging on my knees my knees please go vote please go vote graciously
Starting point is 00:04:27 but not um graciously while white knuckling to the sky please yeah go vote not charmingly not like attractively but we are great graciously it's not pretty no no no you're gonna text people about it later yeah but if if you wanna go do that it's at slash atwwdvo, all lowercase. Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you in advance. And those are the reasons I drink.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Why do you drink? Another thing is that I found out literally within three days of the episode airing on The Somerton Man, they announced they were exhuming his body. And I was like, whoa, because one of my last bullet points was they have refused to exhume his body up until now. And then the news broke. And our lovely pal. That's eerie. That's eerie, Christy.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It was eerie. So our lovely pal Jess, who posts on social sometimes for us and does the newsletter, posted like, what a weird coincidence. And I'm like, this is not a coincidence. I have changed the world. And someone needs to give me credit. Jess, this is me creating ripples in the community of, you know, mysterious. You know what? That's correct.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It is very odd that within like 48 hours of you talking about it, all of a sudden it was like, oh, yeah, he's going to be exhumed. And in my mind, I was like, either this is like someone found a fake website and like thinks it's real after listening. Like, I was like, there's no way this is legit. Like it was such, such weird timing. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, well done on your clairvoyance, if you will.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Thank you. I can't decide if I'm clairvoyant or if I just created this. Okay, we get it. You created ripples in the community. We know. Thank you. Yeah. No, I'm being facetious, everybody.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I know that i did not literally cause the australian government to change their mind but we did manifest it we manifested at at least one percent as did probably others so this audio vision board sometimes works ah that's fun okay yeah anyway those are the small reasons we drink christine why do we drink drink well I I'll be honest I actually don't drink um right now and I was going to tell you all because I was like well this is some some news I want to share with you but then I was like I'm not worthy of sharing this kind of news right so I was like I wasn't worthy of sharing it with em I wasn't worthy of sharing it with you folks and so I just know myself better than to even though I just said I created ripple effects in the entire true crime community all the way in Australia. I do have a little bit of shame and a little bit of self-awareness sometimes. pillar of the community who's who's destined for this destined to bear this information that's
Starting point is 00:07:06 exactly right thank you m so instead um i've i have uh commissioned another greater pillar than i to share this news and how do i transition to telling you them where to find this news that I'm not. Let's say that there's there's a there was a an outcry from Christine to relay information on our behalf. And you can find that Christine compiled it very well. We wanted we wanted to do something new and zhuzh it up with the specific sort of information. And so you made a very lovely video on YouTube. Thank you. Well, so if you want to find this information in this news, you can go to And that's why I don't drink. And that is where it was. It's also maybe how I found out this information as well. So you can ride that ride with me. That's exactly right. So I was not as much... Here's what I'm trying to say. I was not equipped
Starting point is 00:08:09 to share this news with you all in as much as I was who could be. And I was also not equipped to share this information with Em in particular. So I commissioned someone else to share the news on my behalf. And if you go to slash and that's why i don't drink you can you can learn alongside m and everybody uh what this what this announcement is that i just don't feel like you know it's just it's not my place you know it must be it must be a visual let's just put it that way it's got to be visual so if you were to um if you were listening in the car for some reason it's just not worth only hearing it it's a full body experience that's right and my voice just isn't cut out you know my voice it never was this horribly high-pitched situation happening out
Starting point is 00:08:56 of my face just isn't equipped um so i didn't want to i want to do it justice so uh you know i'm stepping aside stepping off my podium and letting the master master who may or may not have a very deep and ominous voice. Brooding, brooding voice, brooding muscles. Brooding muscles, brooding biceps. Smells like bagel bites, maybe. I don't know. No, no, no. He certainly smells. He smells like colostrum. Strong cologne. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Definitely that's the case. But so that person may or may not, for legal reasons, may or may not have been the one to step in. Let's just leave it at that. Quite a guest feature. Let's leave it at that. Everyone listening is like,
Starting point is 00:09:41 literally what the fuck are you talking about? This makes no sense. They've got one of like five things going on on like what this could be what the announcement could be or like zero total just zero understanding um and i don't blame you for that because i really didn't go into this with any sort of script prepared so i apologize for the chaos but you know i just felt like but welcome also and you're welcome also i like it anyway that is why i drink at least that's why you all will probably drink that's why christine is doesn't that's why i don't drink okay well there you have it and uh we'll discuss maybe uh in the next episode episode yeah yeah we'll episode 222 my lucky episode oh good i can't wait to hijack your episode i was
Starting point is 00:10:26 gonna say crash in my parade that's okay yeah yeah yeah yeah in honor of the chaos that just fucking happened uh between us i hate myself already when i'm editing this in the future like christine why didn't you just write down it was genuine it's that's what that's what matters i'm sweating a lot so I hope you guys are happy. Okay, so that was chaos. Here we go with more chaos because we are finally discussing the back rooms. Oh, I'm so excited. I was hoping this is where we'd be.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Here's what's going on with the back rooms theory. We Hmm. So if for those of you if you're listening to this episode before the last one that's probably fine but just to catch you up uh i thought i was doing this last week and then i realized at the end i was not doing this classic um and by the way i want to say everyone was shockingly kind like i like we got so much positive feedback about that episode compared to normal i mean we usually get wonderful feedback on twitter and all that but i was noticing like an excess and yeah people loved it which now i'm like well what have i been doing wrong this whole time if everyone
Starting point is 00:11:36 loved that and that was an accident like what what other power do i have well maybe it's because you said oh like no one's gonna like this and they had to reassure you I see they did I don't know I appreciate whatever it was a great episode a lot of people said that I should just start a whole quantum physics show and I was like don't put that in it I was like well I was like also like this was a one-off like not only a one-off in like terms of me having the capacity to do this but a one-off and you enjoying me reporting on it like yeah if i had a quantum physics show not all of them would be as funny and seamless as that because i would just be confused the whole time yeah i feel like
Starting point is 00:12:14 and that was not even just like an episode on quantum physics it was like it was like skirted it skirted quantum physics it just just brushed up and kissed black holes, you know? Anyway, so that was not the backrooms theory. Today is the backrooms theory. And to reiterate, it is not the backwoods theory that I kept saying last time either. Jesus Christ. I think that might have been me. I don't think you even know. I listened back.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I said backwoods like 10 fucking times. Oh, you did. Okay, good. Not just me. So last week was back doors theory. This is back rooms theory. There is no backwoods theory to clarify. Yet.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yet. For all I know, it's going to happen tomorrow. You're going to get a ton of tweets. They're going to exhume the Somerton man. And then there's going to be this backwoods theory of how he is. Wait, that would be epic. So the backrooms theory, remember I said the reason that people wouldn't stop talking about it is because it was apparently topical and i didn't know how something about tiktok i heard yes so it
Starting point is 00:13:11 already existed before tiktok or it was already a thing and then tiktok kind of has this little habit of like resurfacing things that everyone already knew but forgot about uh hence your ratatouille t-shirt look the ratatousical was the best thing to come out of this pandemic please don't come at me i oh i'm not coming at you i'm just saying this is a perfect example of how tiktok can resurrect something that we've all kind of thought we got past in a beautiful way i mean i most beautiful i literally bought the ratatousical um playbill and i have it like in like in the baggie so it will never be harmed and i'm gonna make my children bring it to a show and tell one day when they like report on
Starting point is 00:13:50 2020 and i got a second one as a backup in case that would okay anyway wow you are prepared okay anyway backroom's theory the reason it got big was because tiktok tiktok brought it up again and it was so creepy and vague that people were like, what the fuck is this about? But part of the backrooms theory, I'm just, I'm already overwhelmed. I'm gonna just read my notes. How about that? As I should. How about so the backroom, the backrooms theory is that the backrooms could be another dimension of sorts sorts or it follows the theory that we're living in a simulation and there is a back end in our computer programming of this universe. And the back rooms are the,
Starting point is 00:14:33 the back end of the programming that you're not supposed to find. But if everything we know is a computer program, if you could find the back rooms, then you can get into the back end of the program and not necessarily change anything, but you can get into the back end of the program and not necessarily change anything. But you can just like be you could have access to that space. And it's from what I understand, it's seemingly multiple dimensions that you can enter with ease once you're in the back end or once you're in the back. Oh, my God, I'm so excited about this. I know to be clear, by the way, everybody, I know nothing about this. I sometimes go on TikTok to
Starting point is 00:15:05 read about like better ways to clean my bathtub. But that's as far as my TikTok experience goes. So I'm new to all of this. So the I'll get into the TikTok part of it in a second to better help people on TikTok understand it because I did my notes. And then I checked TikTok just to double check that I was looking at the right thing because I should have done that last week. Oh my god. And a lot of people will look up like back rooms explained as the hashtag because people are like what the fuck is this concept and so most of the videos out there are always just explaining like one part or one um room of the back rooms or one object that you can find so it's it and it's we'll get there i'm gonna show this is gonna be a picture heavy episode so i'm gonna send you pictures in a second of the back rooms which in
Starting point is 00:15:51 theory people have gotten pictures of once they've accessed it the back rooms is a large space that we are not supposed to know about but we can access through it's called no clipping which is basically intentionally glitching into the matrix which isn't always intentional apparently people can accidentally no clip i mean just like how there are glitches in the matrix that you stumble upon now yeah i didn't know you could intentionally do this on the other hand i think that's like it's usually a one in a million chance that you'll be successful at it but some people have apparently been able to do it oh so um it's called no clipping in this case and i guess it it stems from like in a computer program if something isn't clipped properly there's like a glitch in the program okay like clipped like or attached
Starting point is 00:16:36 in the coding or something um so the back rooms itself when you enter you're in the the main part of the back rooms which is uh it's got dim fluorescent lights yellow walls yellow like damp carpets it's supposed to look really like it's supposed to look like an abandoned retail space like really eerie really eerie like in a strip mall situation yeah and like it's you're all by yourself in this really like spacious decrepit kind of place and apparently for different people, it looks more or less withered. But I'm imagining it's like, I feel like we've all kind of been there in our dreams, you know, like that's really like, like creepy space. Yeah. So it's supposed to look like the back rooms of a bustling shop or a place where you would usually see a bunch of people where and you're by yourself so it's like an added level of eerie um each level has its own type of monsters um which they call entities i'll get to levels in a second but basically by levels i mean different rooms in the back rooms it has its own type of entities and you can also find different items
Starting point is 00:17:43 in these levels to gather or trade with people you might come across in the back rooms. What? This sounds like a video game. It's it's all going to make sense in a second. Hang in there. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hang in there. I wrote it so it would be kind of confusing. And then it's going to get explained. Okay, cool. So most people who encounter entities only get to like like tell a quick story about it before like gets a report about it online and then you never hear from them again so in theory like the entities ended up finding them and attacking them after being reported on apparently in the back rooms time is completely warped and there are um and there's nobody has ever been able to escape
Starting point is 00:18:23 which sounds confusing but hang on so once you find yourself in the back rooms you will in theory die wandering through the corridors forever looking for a way out of the back rooms not only is there not an exit to be found but the corridors have false exits and traps that get you that have you like ending up further in the back room so when you think you're walking through the exit door and you're out of the back rooms and you're free, it's actually a trap and you're deeper in the back woods or the back rooms than you were before.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So to get to the back rooms, you must no clip out of reality, which there's no official way. Usually it happens at random, but there are tips to do it. So if you're looking for a way to potentially glitch out of the matrix find a potential entrance and usually those spots look
Starting point is 00:19:11 like places that would be like in a story from the glitch in the matrix like if a door leads to nothing or if there's a like a corner that looks really creepy and you get a weird supernatural vibe if you go towards that you just try to like think about it really intensely and walk into the wall like nine and three quarters status like just kind of like walk into it and apparently it's all about luck if it works like which is like one in a million chance if it does work you will probably find yourself at the main entrance of the back room so that like poorly luck sounds like not the not luck sounds like not the right word but i guess if you're trying to do it if you're trying to do it then and you quote succeed then you'll end up in the back rooms that has no escape and monsters but sure
Starting point is 00:19:56 so okay none of that makes sense i know that i know a lot of people are like, I'm this is not your best episode. Hang in there. So this is a creepypasta. Oh, well, I mean, okay. Yeah. I feel like that explains a lot of things so far. So it's technically a creepypasta. It's from Reddit. And the back rooms has become this really detailed, and yet also not detailed at all but a very collaborative um effort uh from a bunch of people on reddit who have built out this theoretical world and so it's kind of understood that there's all these like like it's all canon like there's all these rules you have to follow there's all these story arcs there's different people that you'll meet in certain rooms there's different monsters in each room there's different and so it is lore but so many people have treated
Starting point is 00:20:51 it like it's legitimate that i think that's what spawned it on tiktok that a lot of people were like what are the back rooms and nobody i was so confused too because when i was checking tiktok to like get confirmation about this nobody i, I couldn't find a single account where people introduced at first with like, this is lore and came from Reddit and everyone's world building and it's a fun story to play with. Everyone is just taking it at full face value
Starting point is 00:21:17 and they're like, the back rooms are the back end of society, the back end of the world. And if you access it, you will end up in different rooms of your biggest fears and all this shit and it sounds really creepy and people were like what is this place and thought it was a legitimate paranormal theory and so if you've been on tiktok and been confused and you just wanted an answer i'm telling you that this has been like a world being built on reddit that everyone is just really riding the
Starting point is 00:21:45 wave on if that makes sense that's freaky though because i feel like even though i mean now i'm probably going too far but i feel like even when people kind of build out these worlds and it becomes a collective consciousness thing like i don't know then i start to get freaked out where i'm like okay let's stop doing that because i'm i'm worried it's going to manifest itself that's what i think too it's like it's like i don't like that i don't want to say it's like in a similar way but the the worst example i can think of is like the power of prayer or like it's like if everyone is creating your reality yeah yeah it's like giving it that much energy from that many people then like the collective consciousness which they have proven that collective consciousness can shift energy and can
Starting point is 00:22:25 have uh causal effects and this makes me think about last week where just to try to find a way to tie this in we did talk about the multiverse and if there are infinite universes there is in theory a back rooms world so yeah and it might maybe maybe when you go back there that's how your brain perceives it because that's what you you can understand is like a back retail space, even if it's just right, right, your consciousness projecting it. Okay, everyone's like, Christine, you're really? People are talking about it like it's legitimate. And there are people out there. I'm sure there's some website somewhere that I didn't find in enough time that actually does explain this in depth. But I will say, as a person who was trying to research it, the research did not present itself easily. Like they it's been done very well to like, wow, keep people vaguely freaked out and like not really totally understand it.
Starting point is 00:23:23 That's why the biggest hashtag for it is back back rooms explained because like people are just like what is this what is this fucking thing all they can tell is that it's creepy and terrifying it sounds it's like yeah i mean it's it was just a little bizarre so i'm i'm telling you now it's just like this thing that you know happened online and people are taking it very seriously in terms of like a a world building event and they have gotten to it they've gotten it to a point where like i said uh people take it so seriously that they think it's legitimate lore not like reddit canon so um i don't even know if i'm saying reddit canon properly but i don't know how let's really describe it but this is where i'm going to start
Starting point is 00:24:05 sending you pictures and i i'm sorry to have ruined it for people if you wanted me to keep going and say like oh no this is real and then at the end ruin it within the next five minutes i was going to say this sounds a lot like a creepypasta and then it would have gotten awkward and yeah i've been like okay well at some point it was going to get too fucking obvious. Yeah. And also the things I'm going to say are so like not realistic that people or at least not realistic in our world. And you would have been like, this makes no fucking sense. So what are you talking about? So I'm going to show you the original picture of the back. I've also never forgiven you for the Russian sleep experiment.
Starting point is 00:24:42 That was my inspiration to not fuck up. I appreciate you. Yeah. that was my inspiration to not appreciate you yeah that was my inspiration this time uh okay so text is probably easier than sure yeah okay christine i have your text open already also do i'll do it in geo's trio that way eva has them too so this is you're so smart look you are right um okay here is the original picture of the back room so in theory you find a part in the wall or like a weird glitchy feeling space and then you just try to walk into the wall or you accidentally fall into this a lot of people say when you're sleeping you can end up in this place when you're dreaming or maybe you have a better chance of if you're lucid dreaming or
Starting point is 00:25:22 astral projecting or something but no any no matter how it happens you wake up and you're in the back rooms and this is what you will probably see first so this is the the original room okay oh whoa okay actually this is already i know i know we've already discussed that this is um okay eva eva texted in and i hate it like instantly instantly i probably didn't even really register the picture and just went Eva texted in and I hate it. Like instantly. Instantly. I probably didn't even really register the picture and just went, I hate it. It's if you guys aren't on, I'm sure we'll post these on Instagram for clarification. A lot of people were very pleased we did that with Somerton Man and with the ectoplasm.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Okay, perfect. Two weeks ago. Was that two weeks ago? No, last week. No, because last week I did the backdoors theory. Oh, right. Yeah. Who could forget?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Who could forget? So people were very pleased about that. So maybe we'll start putting more pictures up. Cool. On episode release date. But if you're not looking at that, basically, it looks like I'm described like a empty retail space that used to maybe be like an H&R Block or something. Yeah, it looks like it i i was thinking of like an outlet strip store like a strip mall store or something yeah but it feels
Starting point is 00:26:31 retail but it also has wallpaper and carpeting which makes it feel more like it feels like a really run-down 80s strip mall outlet store yeah it's it has the the fluorescent lights like the popcorn ceiling i mean it's creepy so according to the magnet the back rooms this picture specifically is uh one of the reasons it's so creepy is because it gives off a sense of canopsia canopsia canopsia what's that and it's apparently quote the eerie forlorn atmosphere of a place that's usually bustling with people but now it's abandoned and quiet so oh m wow what's the word for that uh it's k-e-n-o-p-s-i-a canopsia canopsia i've never heard of this oh yeah canopsia and it makes i mean one of my favorite things to look at on
Starting point is 00:27:19 tiktok or youtube or anything i and i've told christine this i've said it on the podcast before i fucking love abandoned places well that was one of the ideas for the podcast like before we made the podcast one of your suggestions was like abandoned theme parks yeah i god i would give anything to visit an abandoned theme park but so apparently that gives it gives off the same sense of like it's supposed to be bustling with people but it's abandoned and you're alone and it gives off this creepy sense of peace but also intense anxiety so like i can't believe i mean i can believe a word exists for that but like it's such a specific yeah so it says here some examples are a school hallway in the evening an unlit office on a
Starting point is 00:27:54 weekend vacant fairgrounds we have an abandoned renaissance fair in fredericksburg that is very creepy at night people yeah i bet we would party there uh in high school oh that sounds fun just hang out in an abandoned running songs bar um but yeah so so anyway so this specific room this yellow creepy room is known as level zero okay so uh because i i in this picture specifically go fucking figure this Reddit trend, which made its way to mainstream social media, um, happened on 4chan.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So this was actually, oh my gosh. Oh, we're only a week away or we're a week ahead, but April 21st, we're filming this on the 28th, April 21st, 2018. So as of three years ago um this picture
Starting point is 00:28:48 was posted on 4chan and it was anonymously posted in a forum specifically about cursed images so someone posted this and was like this feels like a cursed image it does uh it didn't have any that was like your h&r block and you were like, wait. No, we were just cleaning. In hindsight, this is probably just like the person who had to help move out all of the account and files and shit and just took a picture before they left. To like prove to their boss everything was in the clear. Look, we vacuumed really well. So yeah, it's supposed to be, it was in a forum for curse images, but had no caption or anything to it. Just got posted.
Starting point is 00:29:24 supposed to be it was in a forum for curse images but had no caption or anything to it just got posted and a while later another user replied with this caption quote if you're not careful and you no clip out of reality in the wrong areas you'll end up in the back rooms where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet the madness of mono yellow the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum buzz and approximately 600 million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in god save you if you hear something wandering around nearby because it sure as hell has heard you i'd so like to not know about this anymore can we go back to where i didn't know about this can it be an h&r block again wait a minute i would go back to my accountant i don know about this anymore. Can we go back to where I didn't know about this? Can it be an H&R Block again? Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I would go back to my accountant. I don't like this anymore. So that was the framework set up for like, okay, so this is just the entrance to literally hundreds of millions of square miles. Because if you can't see the picture right now it's kind of um in an illusion where it looks like it's this labyrinth or it looks like it's the beginning to this winding set of multiple rooms and you don't see an end to it so yeah um this was setting up the idea that this is the entrance and the further you go and the further you go the deeper within these hundreds of millions of square footage you uh you're stuck in and the creepiness
Starting point is 00:30:46 of that like it looks the same so you can't find your way back out i mean yeah it's very maze like so now people like i said earlier continually are world building and giving the back rooms more and more context as if they've been there so that's why earlier when i said people will report on these entities and then all of a sudden their accounts go blank and it's assumed that like they got attacked but then i also said nobody ever escapes that's why i was like i know it sounds confusing but hang in there so if anyone has reported on the things that they've seen there and yet they're not supposed to have escaped it's because they're just on reddit helping build up a story um because their classes have ended for the day and they're home with some extra time on their hands. Exactly. So, and I will say nearly everything I got information on this from was the wiki page for the Backrooms Theory or just Backrooms.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And it is the most extensive series of wiki pages I have seen for, I mean, like, if this is Reddit people just, like, building out building out a world like build out a world they have like i i could not get i like in the time that i was doing research for this there's no way i would have even been able to read it all let alone like wow report at all i mean this people are taking this real seriously so but the wiki page at least the first few pages are supposed to be quote a beginner's guide um so if you choose to explore the back rooms on your own in this world where like let's say you go and try to no clip and end up in the back rooms the wiki page is supposed to be the beginner's guide where where people can add information as they discovered on their own journeys to help future wanderers when they explore the back rooms okay so it's basically the encyclopedia for back rooms but they call it they're like oh how come you can see this but it's supposed to be like on the other side of the simulation it's the guide apparently like a hitchhiker's guide to the
Starting point is 00:32:36 back rooms rather than bingo the galaxy bingo so got it and when i say people have gotten so into it that it's like overwhelming there are when I there are different levels, aka different rooms in the back rooms. And there's not just like a few Christine, like in the wiki page, there's different. The thought of it overwhelms me like, there's, there are so many rooms that people have voluntarily written about from quote their own experience when they visited the back rooms. I couldn't even read all of the different rooms that there were in a, in an amount of time, like, like hundreds, hundreds, like maybe thousands and there's, and like, because it's Reddit and it's like kind of stem from 4chan. So there's like people who are doing like playful trolling. Like it's not just like level one, level two, level three,
Starting point is 00:33:28 it's like level 420, or like negative 7.3 B grandma's house. Like it's, it's like, so it's truly multiverse where it's like, even if you think like, oh, there's a level eight. No, there's like 10 different sub levels to level eight some of them are negative some of them are positive some of them are at your grandma's house some are at your grandma's house there's one called level fun which apparently is not fucking fun it's like i don't want to go there there is like random or uh i mean here so i will show you i'll send you a link, and I want you to click through it yourself. I'll send it in a second.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But so even just like reading all the rooms, I cannot give you a proper set of information on this. Like I can't go in depth because there's so many that all deserve like mentioned. Well, it sounds like they're being added to, right? Constantly, constantly. Yeah. So not only are there several rooms like that, there's several entities, like different monsters per room.
Starting point is 00:34:30 There's also, like when I say world building, there's these huge, there's a huge list of different groups of explorers who apparently regularly go in that people have like written stories about. And I think if I'm correct, like certain Reddit users identify as being part of certain groups, and then they've all built their own rivalries and alliances and
Starting point is 00:34:51 like, and then like all of these groups have their own storylines, like some of the groups have like disbanded, like literally disbanded, some of them are being joined right now, some of them have created in the canon of am saying canon right i feel like i've thought it so many times right but so in these story arcs they've also created like little outposts where based on what room you're in in the back rooms you can find people from that explorer group selling items that can help you in future rooms oh there's i mean it's bananas so okay this is just one this is on the back rooms wiki page and it's called all main levels this is just the main levels so like just click that and tell me how many fucking levels you see because good luck oh no those are all individual rooms i could be
Starting point is 00:35:42 reporting on right now okay but this is cluster one. And then you scroll and oh, there's cluster two. Let's just say there's five clusters. And to date, there's at least a level 4,010. At least. Do you know what my dumb ass was about to say? I'm going to estimate probably a few thousand here. They're literally 4,010 and each one you can click
Starting point is 00:36:07 and it'll give you information on what that room is so it's like I mean there's no way I was going to report on all these there's literally thousands you can click through so this is its own podcast like this would be an endless podcast maybe that's what we should do we should just go through a different room each time and also uh and also the the sick part of it with like the playful trolling. And I do say playful trolling because it's just like people like building a world together and it being fun. Even though I say that it looks like there's about 4,000 amount of levels because the last one I see is level 4,010. Someone for fun could have just like, there could be like no levels 25 through 3000. Like it's just like they just at random pick like their favorite number and make a level
Starting point is 00:36:49 for it. And so. Okay. Well, just for fun, I clicked on a random one. Can I tell you about this one? Yeah. I clicked level 1256 and it's called Closet Madness and it features millions upon miles. Wait, that's not really correct.
Starting point is 00:37:04 This level is millions upon miles of closets. When you open a closet door, it will only lead to others every time. Oh, my God. The start of the level has no clothes and rarely has green closet labeled 82. These closets will slowly replace every normal closet. These 82 doors will be common in the dark zone. The closet doors you open will slam shut exactly 10 minutes after opening them. This is a class one area.
Starting point is 00:37:30 What? Oh my gosh. And some of it doesn't totally make sense, like how you were stumbling on certain things. It's because those are part of the storylines for other rooms. Right, like class one, whatever. It's really like the marvel cinematic universe if you don't start from movie one like you're not gonna get all the nuances for every other little thing so it's there's all these little easter eggs and all this that you have
Starting point is 00:37:55 if you're really involved in it you like we would probably be like oh the the doors with the number 82 on it obviously like obviously so it's it gets really overwhelming and that's just all of the main that's the main levels apparently here i'll show you this one there are also just as many negative levels which i don't even like not negative like in like i don't think meaning like negatively favored or positively favored like literally like they're just the number like negative 125 or 1000 it's like getting on an elevator and you've hit for negative 43 000 like for no fucking reason and i don't know why they're divvied up that way maybe they actually do have a difference i'm not aware of it well
Starting point is 00:38:35 level negative three has a lot of disco balls and omnipresent hounds goodbye oh hounds are one of the entities oh no so and some of the entities are good some of the entities are bad while we're here but it has wi-fi okay yep that we're gonna talk about that oh really yeah oh god okay this is crazy anyway so like when i'm telling you that like this is quite a um like just like an early intro. Skimming the surface. Skimming the surface. Thank you. I totally lost my mind for a second.
Starting point is 00:39:08 But there's no way I can tell you every single level. And no one would want to hear that many levels either. There's no way you could retain that much information. So anyway, so that's what I'm talking about with those. And then I also wanted to talk about the entities, which I'm also sending you a link to so you can see. about the entities which i'm also sending you a link to so you can see i couldn't even cover all of the monsters that are in this world because there are so fucking many some of them are just the seven deadly sins created it like made into chicken monsters there's hounds there's smilers there's excuse me there's a death sheep oh there's death moths by the way i don't like that um i mean it's there's so many okay
Starting point is 00:39:46 these are terrible there's one called children of the broken then there's one just called limb scratcher these are mannequins okay oh yeah there's like there's living statues that can kill you so if you're like you end up in a room and all of a sudden even when even death sheep like there's somewhere like you end up in a room and all of a sudden even when death sheep like there's somewhere like you end up in a room and there's like what you think are mannequins but then they're like living statues and they'll like they'll come at you there's one there's one thing called um sticks s-t-i-c-c and those are living stick figures and apparently they'll like they'll sprint at you like like random shit. And it's just like the creation of random people online being like, oh, yeah, like here's another Monster Dad.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Here's another Monster Dad. It really does remind me of like a creepypasta where you're like no sleep, where you're like, what's the weirdly unsettling thing that scares people but we don't even know it would scare us? And it's like, yeah, a living stick figure that runs at you is one. scare us and it's like yeah a living stick figure that runs at you it's one it's almost kind of in in a q anon space where it's like every conspiracy crammed together it's like every no sleep fear crammed together in the back rooms and they all live together happily ever after in a big brother style house i mean this is awful so the levels of the back room here's a quote this is from the back room subreddit this is a quote about levels levels aren't like the levels of the back room, here's a quote. This is from the back room subreddit. This is a quote about levels.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Levels aren't like the levels of a building. Instead, they signify how deep into the back rooms you are. So with this in mind, there are no levels, just back rooms. The idea behind this is that everything that is seen at a certain level in the back rooms is just a part of the back rooms as a whole. And you don't necessarily have to go deeper to come across it. So in that way, there's no linear way right there's no like oh i do level 10 then level 11 then level 12 because if you're in level 10 and you see a door that says exit and you're trying to get out you might end up in level negative 31 20 b grandpa's house yeah like who knows who knows? So like, there's the idea is that you are trapped
Starting point is 00:41:46 indefinitely. Because no matter how you think you could escape, you just end up deeper and deeper. The only way it starts out linear, for the most part, I guess there's some ways where it could switch or something. But for the most part, the first few levels are linear. And then after that, it just really breaks off into chaos. So you start at level zero, which is that creepy yellow picture I sent you, right. And then eventually, you will find yourself at level one. But as time goes on the journey, again, it can branch off. So when I said, in that quote, things probably won't be done in that order. There's also so many random rules written into the concept, into the lore of back rooms, that most levels to enter them require some sort of weird loophole or trap door. So if you're intentionally looking for like level nine, you have to do certain things or you have to get lost enough to find a certain room
Starting point is 00:42:41 that is the only access point into that level. So it gets really fucking crazy um here's an example because i wanted to at least do like with a few of the levels i wanted to give you some like um examples of how people enter them or leave them yeah and i'm only going to give you one because it's such a fucking headache so this is just how this this is just for um level zero the main room oh my god okay and it just goes to show you that people are just constantly building on this and building on this with their own random information that becomes like concrete knowledge apparently sure so this is a quote from uh the wiki page for level zero you can break through the floor to go to level 27. If you
Starting point is 00:43:26 find a scratched wall, which is extremely rare, it's weaker and breaking into it will transport you to level 111. If you wander long enough, you can get through the manila room, hallway ZZX, or room 0, which is different than level 0, apparently. You can take
Starting point is 00:43:42 an elevator that leads to level 153 or level 152 or noclip through a broken, damp wallpaper and enter level 251 or by entering a white door in level 251. If you punch a hole in a wall in this level and go through it, it will send you to level 4002. And it was recently discovered that staring at fluorescent lights for too long in any level can send you back to level zero. like that was the most chaotic thing i've ever fucking read that was more chaotic than q and m as somebody who was literally uh recently diagnosed with uh developmental
Starting point is 00:44:17 topographical disorder i think that this is actually a hack and i think you're you know what the funniest part is physically harming you know what the funniest part is physically harming me right now the funniest part is that you would be the one who just seamlessly made it out of the back i was i was thinking that i was like either it would be my worst nightmare or i'd be like oh cool a wall i think this looks correct and i would like accidentally wander right back into my bedroom like yeah exactly maybe it was meant for me it would have to be dumb luck like just sheer fucking of the most lost person but but yeah so like i mean that's just an example of all the things
Starting point is 00:44:51 you can do in one level and there's thousands of them so really at random you could pick a level and one level but all the rooms at that level all the and they're not even i mean so the the places i mentioned you can transport or teleport from level zero level 27 level 111 level 153 level 152 level 251 level 4002 or the manila room hallway zzx or room zero so like none of it makes sense it's just complete fucking chaos oh my god and because there's literally hundreds and thousands of them, and I'm not going to go through them, I will at least go over what is called the main nine. So let's do that. So level zero, we've already covered level one is the next one that you in theory would approach next. And that one's apparently the room is called
Starting point is 00:45:42 lurking danger. Great um it looks different to different people but it mainly has the same yellow palette with like concrete walls and dim lights it has more staircases so it's already hell for me well yeah i was like wait i thought there was elevators why are there staircases there's there's stairs in this one there's hallways there's crates with random items so apparently the items are important in the lore where like if you see a certain item, you can trade it with other people that you meet along the way.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Some of them might be explorers with their own outposts. Or a facelink. Or a facelink. Or a death sheep. Facelinks are in level one, by the way. Oh, are they? Apparently facelinks are friendly. But one of the other creatures...
Starting point is 00:46:22 Well, sometimes they can be violent, Em. Oh, I see someone is on the wiki page and well one time there's a faceless child with a red vest and i'm gonna have the worst nightmares of my life thank you for all of this there's also in level one another entity called the skin stealers which apparently are humans they are humanoid figures who wear the skin of their victims here is a quote about skin sealers. Their outer layer of flesh is covered with microscopic bumps similar to the suckers of an octopus's tentacle. Which, by the way, I will say I noticed a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I don't know if one person is really into octopuses and and like wrote about that on a lot of pages. But I noticed a lot of like squid octopus humanoid creatures. noticed a lot of like squid octopus oh humanoid creatures um this skin uh will stick to torn off humans and it will push and pull on it to make the skin of the victim fit until the skin stealer looks identical to a human so it'll like shrink wrap your skin onto its body until it looks like you after about 24 hours the skin will be digested through the surface of the skin stealer and then the skin stealer will enter a docile state and wander around aimlessly so if you see a skin stealer and he's acting pretty calm he just ate another human oh my god so that was my favorite part about level one again has all of the crazy fucking chaotic rules as level zero had but we're not getting into it and then there's level two, which is apparently called Pipe Dreams. And it is very dark.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It has narrow hallways. It has a bunch of pipes that drip black liquid. And apparently it can get very, very uncomfortably warm in there. Yikes. Entities in here include, but are not limited to, crawlers, smilers, and clumps. So crawlers sound horrible.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Smilers sound worse. And and surprisingly clumps are the scariest um let me send you a picture of a clump no thanks eva are you ready to see a picture of a clump i'm like keep looking behind me there's just one corner and it's like six inches but i keep looking just in case okay this is a clump you can find these in level two you can also find these in multiple levels. It just happens. One of them happens to be designated in level two. So here you go. That's a clump.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Oh, no. It's basically a clump of limbs that climb surfaces and crawls through the vents to find you. Here is a quote from Wikipedia or from the Backrooms wiki page. Oh, no. Every clump has one very long arm which they can use to grab you from eight feet away no once a clump has grabbed you they'll reveal a set of sharp teeth and begin to pull you in and eat you it is believed if you are eaten your own limbs and possibly fragments of your mind are absorbed into the clump so it just gets bigger and bigger as it
Starting point is 00:49:02 takes new victims of your mind a lot of the rooms have to do with losing your sanity obviously then there's level three which is called the electrical station which apparently is also very narrow and anxiety-ducing but has the strongest wi-fi um okay watch some tiktok it'll be fine and uh apparently the back rooms also have their own cell data and landlines useful landlines i love that somehow uh millennials on reddit tiktok still know what a landline is that's comforting well they it also has their own like computer sources some of the rooms you'll just find like rows of computers and apparently there's ways to hack into different rooms of the back rooms if you know programs to set up on those computers.
Starting point is 00:49:46 So like part of the lore is if you go into this room and see this computer and run this program, then all of a sudden the rooms will like reverse or, you know, wild things like that. So sure. Do you hear that? What is that? That's my roommate. They're not my roommate. Basically, my roommate fucking Trey Songz. I just heard like tapping. It was a clump, actually. I literally thought. Fucking Trey Songz. I just heard tapping.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It was a clump, actually. I literally thought you were going to be sucked in by a clump. Apparently the Wi-Fi password is itheardyou, just so you know. And apparently once you log on to the Wi-Fi, they advise you don't, but if you need it, it's there. But if you do log in, then all the entities can track you. Oh, well, I still need it because so i can't function i need to order instacart later i need to at least get myself a pizza while i'm being eaten by a clump so maybe if i give the clump pizza he won't eat me so who knows if you give the clump of pizza if you give the mouse a cookie yeah so level four is
Starting point is 00:50:42 an office space without furniture and with windows sometimes, but the windows are trapped, so don't go near them. Sounds like we're back at the haunted H&R Block again. It sounds like it. And there's also fewer entities there, which means more people gather there because they feel safe. So a lot of times when you're starting out, if you want to find outposts that sell goods that can keep you safe while you're there,
Starting point is 00:51:01 or if you want to talk to other explorers, then you can go to like level four because it's more likely you'll while you're there or if you want to talk to other explorers then you can go to like level four because it's more likely you'll run into people there keep in mind there are also really bad people that are there so like they're like it's it's also a toss-up there of like if you see somebody do you want to interact with them level four is apparently easier to find to get back to which is nice um it also has hot water fountains just so you know um also the fountains i will say so here's a big part of the back rooms which i totally don't understand and it had to have been a random reddit troll and then it just took off the back rooms are obsessed with almond water obsessed with
Starting point is 00:51:38 almond water what's almond water well i don't know but i i could provide some um maybe you're obsessed with almond water and you're just projecting. My communal almonds. So, yeah, so the water fountains everywhere is almond water. If you find vending machines in abandoned spaces, you'll see almond water in them. Sometimes you can trade like almond water is like a big commodity there and you can trade almond water for other goods to stay alive. I'm assuming this is like coconut water but with what okay so according to the wikipedia page almond water is in specifically for back rooms almond
Starting point is 00:52:13 water is a healing substance dipping one's hand in the water will soothe and relieve the skin while silencing voices inside the user's head helping one to stay sane raw almond water however is poisonous and can cause convulsions and severe migraines so boiling it makes makes it safe to drink so now you have to get a fucking stove and boil the shit oh my goodness so anyway apparently almond water is like the catch-all potion to keep yourself safe okay i'm just googling this to see if it's actually anything i it's gotta it truly had to have been like a random person on Reddit just created this and everyone ran with it because now it's like a theme. Wait, no, it's a popular European drink.
Starting point is 00:52:54 So I guess it just came over here. But apparently on Shark Tank, somebody's been... In this last fall, somebody came with almond water and was trying to sell it to the sharks. So must be trendy there you have it so level five is uh moving just moving on quickly because level five is the oh it says my internet connection is unstable that's fucking yeah you're frozen a little bit sorry oh is that better you're you're back on now oh shit okay terrifying it's like the back rooms are trying to hey hurry type in they heard you um okay so level five is the smallest level it's pretty safe but it's easy to get lost and it's
Starting point is 00:53:34 one of the oldest and most cluttered there's also another squid humanoid creature there who only goes after mentally unstable people so i'm dead we're all screwed apparently if you use cell data here google maps will tell you that the location is listed as hollywood california that sounds about right and there are two different areas in this space one is a hotel and one is the boiler and there are elevators there but if you take them you'll die immediately um okay level level six is just pitch black empty metal rooms rooms. Also like a boiler room. It's very dangerous. You will go insane if you find level six.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Level seven is a room that is flooded by endless water for as far as the eye can see. And on the ground underneath the water, there are skeletons and tar all over the floor. The water is distilled. Oh, thank God. And to leave level seven, you have to find a hole in the carpet underwater or you have to take a door back to level four i'll take the door i i'll take the door level eight is the last one i'll talk about but it's a pitch black cave with many spider-like entities some that will kill you um also near the dead ends of this cave people will get dragged
Starting point is 00:54:42 down into the ground and their bodies will get slowly ripped apart cool almond water drips from the cave ceiling is it distilled also just real quick side note uh what you just explained about your body being ripped apart sounds a little bit like spaghettification i'm just saying i'm telling you there's a lot of weird overlaps here um so there's also the hub, which apparently is this concrete collection of tunnels. I think of it as like an abandoned subway station. And it's got a bunch of different tunnels that lead to different back rooms. And entities can't gather here. So it's another place where people visit a lot.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And then my favorite room is the end, is not the end by the way um it is it's a false room to like make you feel hopeful that you're you finally escaped but you haven't and it's a library with no books but a bunch of computers and a lot of people try to use the computers to like type in programs or something allegedly it's not real and tricks people into thinking they've gotten out some people think it's actually a secret passageway into the true exit, but nobody's ever found it. The true exit, for all we know, is called Level Nothing. Oh. I won't, I'm not getting into all the entities
Starting point is 00:55:53 because there's just so many of them, but a fan favorite. I think I've heard enough. You can tell me one more. There's, apparently this is a popular one because every time I looked up entities, this was like the main searched one. So his name is Jerry.
Starting point is 00:56:07 He's a blue parrot. He likes sunflower seeds and almond water. Yeah. And if you don't have any almond water to give him, just avoid him at all costs because he'll try to convert you into his cult following is what I've been told. Wait, wait, wait. So if you give him almond water he's like never mind i don't want you in my cult but yeah i guess so okay um he apparently will he's like indoctrinated hundreds of people already they call themselves the followers of jerry and
Starting point is 00:56:35 they call jerry himself father bluebird yeah i'm in already i mean he's convinced me just by that i'm in didn't take much so that's one of the entities that you can come across in the back rooms it's apparently a fan favorite although sounds like he's already got a little bit of a cult following so it makes sense and then the last thing i'm going to say is there are many groups and apparently colonies of like people who have gotten stuck down there and now they're just people who live in the back rooms there's um the groups that are explorers and are intentionally researching it so they can help you find a way out. All in the storyline, if you were to go into the back rooms, you'll find these explorers. One of the groups that's an explorer group is called the
Starting point is 00:57:15 MEG, which yikes, sounds a lot like Megan. But it stands for the Major Explorer Group. And they created a list on this wiki page for what you should bring once you find the back room so like what should be in your like emergency kit when you're in the back rooms some of the items include a first aid kit antibiotics an easy to conceal weapon but not a gun because the sound will lure in entities apparently a crossbow is okay um also a timer because since time is warped there you'll need to see how long you've been down there. Creepy. Obviously almond water.
Starting point is 00:57:50 And then they said to bring a ski mask to hide your identity, but also to prevent frostbite, which I don't know what that means. Oh, no. They also, I looked up the page for the Meg on, on the, the back rooms, wiki page. And apparently they sell, sell in this world, their own emergency button for when you're in the back rooms to signal Meg explorers to come help you out of certain levels.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Because most levels lead to death in case you didn't know, or like losing your mind, apparently in their designated outposts or their fake shops in the back rooms, you can buy an emergency button for 10 bottles of almond water and according to their back rooms wiki page the button is currently on sale it's not just for 10 bottles of almond water it's on sale for either five dollars of almond water or they will sell it to you in exchange for items such as ice cream so um wow
Starting point is 00:58:42 last thing fun fact in case you'd like to see the back rooms on your own safely and realistically, there are many game companies and rising game creators who are making simulator versions of the back rooms for you to enjoy yourself. You know what? Like with that VR, the Oculus, that would be very creepy. Oh yeah. To play something like this, like endless tunnels and games and creek every room is scarier than the last with different monsters yeah so anyway that is the back rooms that is
Starting point is 00:59:12 just the creepiest thing and um i've never even heard of it that's how uncool i am and i'm looking at this now it's called victoria's kitchen almond water so i don't know if maybe they're sponsoring this whole creepy pasta or what. Because it sounds like maybe Big Almond Water has a stake in this whole operation. Big all, big all, you know. So who's just, listen, I'm not trying to slander them. Just throwing it out there. Anyway, that is what people have been freaking out about because they probably seen like
Starting point is 00:59:44 creepy images like the back rooms on tiktok and then they weren't getting like direct answers about what the fuck it really is yeah they were just seeing like the lore written about it and getting really scared so people want me to report on it but i'm here to tell you it is uh a world created out of rennet as most things apparently are that i talk about thank god that one episode i talked about anonymous where i like did a whole deep dive into 4chan thank god because that has become weirdly useful a few times oh good like i mean q anon the back rooms they're anonymous there have been so many times that like knowing the history of reddit and how it came to be has somehow found itself in my
Starting point is 01:00:25 stories here i feel like our entire reality is now becoming just created by reddit it feels that way yeah um so i just lit a candle to just cleanse myself of all this oh you know death sheep and faceless folks and all this business i'm kind of i not feeling it. I don't know what to tell you. It was intentional that I made you feel that way. Don't worry. You don't need to tell me. I already knew. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Well, I have a story for you that I'm excited about because I had no clue about it. And it is just one of these strange one-off stories that you don't necessarily hear much about but that is just bananas oh my gosh so this is a story of abraham shakespeare and yes that is his given name that is a man's name shakespeare it is indeed and you will hear more about him so we're going back to 2006 uh on november 15th abraham shakespeare a 41-year-old man living in Tampa Bay, Florida, who worked as a casual laborer, just had a normal day. He was, according to the Tampa Bay Times, he was assigned to ride shotgun for a truck driver that day named Michael Ford on an overnight food route to Miami, basically where they just drop off groceries and food at different different stops and almond milk or almond water at different just almond water don't you dare say almond milk we're gonna have to bleep that out i'm so sorry i'm sponsored by almond water we weren't sponsored
Starting point is 01:01:55 by the by the dairy version apparently the non-dairy version so uh they were dropping off almond water at all these different spots and they they made a delivery in Winterhaven, then a Townstar Mini Mart in Lakeland. Nope, sorry, in Frostproof, Florida. There's all sorts of fun names down there. Yeah, wow. And in Lakeland. And then Ford asked Shakespeare, Abraham Shakespeare, if he wanted anything, and Abraham asked for a pair of quick picks lottery tickets worth two dollars so they're on this drive and this guy ford is gonna run inside the mini mart and he says you
Starting point is 01:02:33 want anything he says yeah can you buy me a couple of lotto tickets so that night the lotto numbers came out and abraham won big oh how big yeah big? So according to the Florida Lotto website, to match all six of the jackpot numbers would be a one in 22,957,480 statistic, but he had done it. He didn't just win the lottery. He won the jackpot. He won $30 million. Oh, good night. I know.
Starting point is 01:03:04 So he won big time uh do you want to guess what the numbers were maybe you'll win i have a winner how many are there six uh six is 22 one of them no yeah well then i'm not gonna win is you lose 49 one of them nope well neither of us were gonna win okay well they were 6 12 13 34 42 and 52 wow so he won the lotto and uh it was 30 million dollars he won the jackpot and according to the sun instead of choosing annual payments of a million dollars uh abraham opted a to a once-off payment of 17 million dollars so that's like with all the taxes and everything taken out. So he got $17 million handed over to him. So if I'm going to give you, you know how they say like, oh, you know, back in to give you some context of inflation, like a gallon of milk cost this much back in the
Starting point is 01:03:57 30s versus now. So I'm going to give you kind of a little just a way to kind of comprehend this magnitude of money so uh yeah so if you're picturing what might 17 million dollars look like if you went to zach bagan's haunted museum merch store on his website uh you'd be able to buy 1,708,543 copies of his new cd necrofusion which retails for 9.99 so wow something you'd like to purchase how much to purchase the haunted mansion how much to purchase zach bagans oh uh probably he's priceless i know you know what that was more than 17 million dollars. Yeah, that's more than 17. Worth every penny in my eyes. Worth every penny. So this was obviously a game changer for Abraham. He had been born in Sebring, Florida in 1966 and had dropped out of school after the seventh grade. He was at a state run juvenile detention center from ages 13 to 18.
Starting point is 01:05:05 He was never taught to read or write. He had no car, no credit card. He was making $8 an hour. And the Tampa Bay Times tells us that, quote, he had a long criminal record. Mostly he loitered. He drove when he wasn't allowed to drive. He stole. He hit people.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And later he didn't pay for the child he fathered. He went to prison twice. After he got out in 1995, he lived with his mother. So that was his background. And when he collected his winnings, he said, I don't have to struggle no more. And he put that ethos to practice straight away. And despite this kind of checkered background, you might say, he was an extremely generous man and pretty much immediately tried to make it right with everybody that he owed that he felt that he owed oh okay yeah so when the government called upon the almost nine thousand dollars in
Starting point is 01:05:53 child support he owed for example he paid that and then put one million dollars in a trust fund for his son um his life as you can imagine like completely flipped upside down he bought a 2006 f-150 pickup a 2007 bmw and he bought himself a 1.1 million dollar house that was 6,519 square feet large oh my gosh decked out with a pool and two two-car garages so big old house he also bought a separate house for 125 000 to uh with plans to rent it out and yeah so not only was he kind of buying himself stuff he also started giving money away question yes question that has nothing to do with this i just have a human question oh yes ask what would if you had that much money what would be the first thing you got? The first thing I purchased? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Like, what would be your big thing? I mean, knowing me, I'd be like, wow, we should all go out for sushi. Like, I wouldn't be able to comprehend, really. I think I'd be too afraid of spending a big amount of money, I think. I wouldn't know what to do. What would you do? Instantaneously, I would get the Back to the Future shoes that are worth like 50 grand. Oh, yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Then I would get a first edition Charizard from the base set. Sure. Then a DeLorean, without question. And I would get it all fixed up to look exactly like Back to the Future Part 2's set of the DeLorean. And when would you pay me back for all that you owe me no no no that's no no that's not in the plan and then i would get like and then i would get like one of every like official i would buy out like a captain america shield from marvel itself which is like each shield is like thousands of dollars i feel like i would be afraid to be one
Starting point is 01:07:42 of those people they always do features on where they spend all their money and then they're broke like i'd be so afraid of like spending all my money collectively all of those things would cost well a delorean is about 30 to 50 and then getting it souped up let's say let's say 60 to 50 million no no thousand dollars oh oh my god and then another 60 and probably I would need like a quarter million dollars to like live out my wildest fantasies. And then the rest I could- A quarter million? That's it? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Oh, okay. And then I would pay you the rest. I mean, there are- Oh, thank you. I mean, there are cars that cost more than a quarter million. So I'm surprised at that. I mean, I'm going to to sushi so i shouldn't judge but we'll eat sushi in my delorean okay that's the okay here we go i think i would probably like
Starting point is 01:08:31 if i were going to spend a big amount of money i would probably go on like a vacation like i would go on a trip probably with my family or something like i would like that's like a big hurrah and i would help my mom um redo her kitchen because she's been talking about that for probably two decades and i'm like it's about time somebody just does her damn kitchen just just just fix up the kitchen i mean you've seen the house you've seen our house you need some work i would i would then spend my money to have it redestroyed just to put the creepy balloons back on the walls sorry didn't mean to like take you away from the story but i just like that was like no that's actually worth worth the money for sure.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Felt right. Yeah, I would probably buy. I would probably like open up like a little store and go on a vacation. I don't know. I don't know. I would get I'd get like a like a oh, I'd get like a like a like a tree house, a tree house mansion in Canada. And then I would also have a tiny house like to park underneath the tree house. So then I have two floors. But that's a great great idea like I would get a place in like California so I could
Starting point is 01:09:30 come like stay I mean I guess we have the apartment but I would get like you know a like a permanent place or I would get a place uh near Blaze's family I feel like I would just try to I don't know have a little have have have your little footprint on all sorts of worlds out yeah yeah yeah yeah uh so sorry not the most exciting answer everybody but i'll think about it maybe i'd buy oh you know what i would do i know what i would do buy a big farm where i like rescue animals you are uh you've got quite the tender heart and meanwhile i'm like i want a tree house and a captain america shield no but like i'm in you know know, I'm in Kentucky now. There's a lot of land out here.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I would just buy like a big thing of land, but then I'd have to hire people to take care of it. That's where I think the money would go because I'm not about to learn how to till the land. Okay. Your heart is in it, but your hands are not. Yes, I see. Help!
Starting point is 01:10:21 Yeah, I'm just flailing around. Like help the animals. Like I'm too stupid to actually know how to do it but i'd probably buy like an elephant sanctuary i don't know i would probably just do stupid stuff that that ends up like i don't know listen it's good i'll probably think about this all day and continually text you with all my new updates so perfect anyway anyway oh wait i'm such an idiot that's not what i would do i would buy 1,708,543 copies of zach bagan's snecker fusion what was i thinking i was shocked that didn't come up but okay stupid
Starting point is 01:10:52 i take it all back i take it all back that's my answer at the end uh anyway so he starts buying he buys himself two cars he buys himself a house uh makes sense, a rental property. And he decides to start paying back the people that he felt had looked out for him and cared for him throughout his life. So with that in mind, his stepfather got a million dollars. His three stepsisters each got a quarter of a million dollars. And he paid off his friend's $185,000 mortgage. Nice. Yeah, he's very generous, like right away. He gave his brother's son's best friend 40 grand.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Damn. That's a good friend of my son, apparently. That's three degrees removed somehow, and you're still... Man, that must have been a smooth-talking son of a friend of a friend. I know. He paid $60,000 of a mortgage for a man whose last name he didn't even know. He paid off $53,000 of a mortgage for a man, as Abraham put it, out of the neighborhood who he'd been knowing for a few years. So just kind of people around in his life he was starting to pay back or at least support
Starting point is 01:11:56 financially. And then he even started paying for people's funerals. If they couldn't afford their family members' funerals, he started paying for those as well and poke county sheriff grad judd would later comment that it became common knowledge that people were tugging on him for bunny so much so that people even began lining up outside of his house to try to talk to him which again is what you hear that if you win the lottery don't announce it you don't you immediately is what i've heard i mean not that i have plans to i've heard the same thing too like just don't tell anyone because like even if you're trying to be wonderful and helpful like there's going to be people who take advantage of it always people and like especially if you have a hard time saying no and you know people you know and people who
Starting point is 01:12:37 just have bad intentions um and i think the thing that i've heard at least so everybody listening out there google this before you take my advice but if you do win the lottery I've heard, at least, so everybody listening out there, Google this before you take my advice. But if you do win the lottery, I've heard that you should immediately hire a financial person to take that money and keep it and be careful with it. Because it's so easy to just not know. I mean, even when we started our business and we started making money for ourselves rather than a job, we were like, help, what are taxes? It's so confusing. It's like, yeah, like yeah oh no the the responsibility is outrageous it is and that's not even a million let alone 17 million you know so i can't fathom but yeah they say like find somebody like profession not a haunted h&r block
Starting point is 01:13:17 like a real uh real financial office that can like be responsible and help you and also i feel like that would be a good way to say you know if your brother's cousin's daughter's dog needed a million dollars you could be like i'm sorry you know my my money financial manager yeah is handling and i can't so i feel like that's a good scapegoat yeah i'm this is me giving lottery advice to people you're giving really good sound financial advice we'll have to call leo later and be like did everything christine say makes sense it's gonna be like actually we've been fielding calls from lawyers you're really fucking shit up stop telling people what to do with their money we don't want to help you anymore actually we've already discontinued working with you as a client good luck with taxes next year, good luck. We already know you're going to be in jail.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Okay. So anyway, people were lining up outside his house. And because they knew, hey, this guy's just handing out money. Like, I can ask him for money. He'll hand me money. So one of the people to hop on the bandwagon was Abraham's colleague, the man who had actually bought the ticket, Michael Ford. was Abraham's colleague, the man who had actually bought the ticket, Michael Ford, who they remember they had been on that car ride together, dropping off almond water at all the quickie marts. I remember. Yeah. So he actually decided in April 2007 to make the claim that
Starting point is 01:14:37 Abraham was a liar and a thief and had stolen the lotto ticket out of his own bag or out of his own wallet. Yeah. So smooth move. He took him to court. And at the trial, which began in May, Abraham arrived with garbage bags full of all the lottery tickets he had bought over the years. He had so many lottery tickets that he's like, oh, yeah, I stole these from your wallet. Well, like, look at these thousands of tickets I've bought over my lifetime and tell me that I had to steal these tickets from you, you know? So he brought those in and it slowly became obvious that the verdict was pretty much a no-brainer and Ford was just jealous and wanted a chunk of change for himself and was probably bitter he didn't buy the right ticket or who knows what. But so on October 19, 2007, the jury found Abraham not guilty of stealing Ford's wallet.
Starting point is 01:15:27 It only took them an hour to reach that decision. And even though it was a good outcome for him, it did cost him $800,000 in legal fees. $800,000. Oh, my gosh. That's a number. I don't even understand that number, really. But yeah. How many zeros?
Starting point is 01:15:42 A million? Holy shit. Too many for my brain to comprehend. really but yeah how many zeros a million holy shit too many for my brain to comprehend um so now that it was over he told the tampa tribune that he was looking forward to waking up in the morning getting a fishing pole and going fishing so at this point he's like i just want to be myself and be you know i clean my hands i wash my hands from this i wash my hands of this and i go catch some trout so by this point ab Abraham had obviously become overwhelmed with the amount of people, from friends to complete randos, asking him for money. And with his generosity being tested, one of his childhood friends even remembers a conversation with him where he revealed, I'd have been better off broke.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Yeah. So he gets to a point where a couple people confirm this. And there's a guy that we're going to bring up later named Gregory Smith, who was a friend of his and was his boss for a while. And Gregory becomes like a big player in this. But basically, he was saying, yeah, he got to a point, Abraham got to a point where he was like, I wish I'd never won the lottery. Like, that's how hard it was on him. And that's how much stress and hardship this was bringing him is that he really wished he had never even gotten to that point. He wished he
Starting point is 01:16:49 had been back to the old old ways, which is quite a sounds like a parable of some sort. I don't know, but it's, it's really sad. So he basically was in of the mindset that I'd have been better off broke. Wow. So he said, I thought all these people were my friends, but then I realized all they want is just money. So, you know, he realized he's been taken advantage of. He's like hemorrhaging money, basically. Right. And one stranger who had found out about this generous lotto winner.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Here we go. Her name is Doris D.D. Moore. She was a 37-year-old white woman, also from Sebring, Florida, who was a wheelchair-bound writer and businesswoman who decided that she was going to step in and do a good deed for Abraham, this generous lotto winner who was being tested by the world and by other people. So Dede hears about Abraham's success at a business conference in Kissimmee, Florida, where real estate agent Barbara Jackson was like, hey,
Starting point is 01:17:51 we have this client in Tampa Bay who actually won the lottery and he won 17 million dollars a few months ago. So Dee Dee is like, ding, ding, ding. You need to put me in contact with this guy because I want to write a book about him. So. Okay. Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:12 So this Barbara woman puts Dee Dee in touch with this man, Abraham. And they agree to set up a meeting and they decide to meet at Abraham's house. And this is pretty much immediately where the red flags begin waving because the agent later recalled to the Tampa Bay times quote, when DD came to the house, she jumped out of a Hummer walking. She said she had healed herself from the car accident that had put her in a wheelchair through scuba therapy. Okay. I don't,
Starting point is 01:18:40 but I don't know enough about having your legs not work and then you do scuba. And I feel like it doesn't sound right. It doesn't sound. Well, what you don't understand is that it was scuba in almond water, not regular water. And that is a healing property, as I've learned. That's exactly right. So you take a little dive, a diveroo into some almond water and those legs are fixed right up. So she comes running out of this Hummer and she's like oh yeah that oh don't worry i took scuba therapy and i'm better and it's
Starting point is 01:19:11 like okay weird all of a sudden i want to take scuba therapy and figure out what was wrong the whole time and like didn't i didn't even notice it until like i do scuba and then all of a sudden i'm like a hundred times a better version of. All of a sudden you'll be like explaining black holes in quantum physics and we'll all be like, wow, the next genius on this planet. Also, yeah, because I did not mean that like she's better because she can walk now. That is not how I meant that. I felt like it sounded off. Don't worry, because I mean, she was not actually. I just meant like, let me go scuba dive and then see like if i can sleep less than
Starting point is 01:19:45 12 hours a day you know like something like let's see like how how does it manifest in every person i mean it's it's it's scuba therapy it's not magic okay i wouldn't expect so much you're right i'm sorry it has miraculous healing properties but not like that extensive you know what i i it was too much it was too much you're right man i mean and to be fair she was in a wheelchair allegedly due to a car accident it wasn't like it was like an injury rather you know what i mean right right allegedly anyway i just didn't i didn't mean to offend anybody with my uh poorly thought out joke sorry i understand we all think you're hilarious don't worry um so she shows up comes running out of this hummer and is like oh yes
Starting point is 01:20:25 scuba therapy do not even worry about it and uh anyways so they meet in october 2008 and they decide to chat about this book idea dd has okay but then she suddenly decides she has a bigger calling in this whole scenario scuba is it scuba is it almond water scuba therapy no she's like i have a great investment opportunity sharks it's called almond water so she decides she has a bigger calling and she can do so much more for this poor man uh as a businesswoman herself yikes so she has heard about abraham's generosity that has been taken advantage of and the fact that he spent a lot of his winnings already and she decides you know what I'm gonna extend the generosity back to you with all of my extensive business management skills so they agree that Abraham would allow Didi to live in his house rent-free in exchange for her quote-unquote business management oh okay here we
Starting point is 01:21:22 go yeah yep yep yep yep yep I see where it's going and I don't like it. Yeah, it's not good. It's red flags galore. So with that in mind, Abraham signs his houses over to Didi's company, American Medical Professionals, LLC, which sounds like the most generic company name ever. And in January 2009, he gives her ownership of all of his outstanding loans,
Starting point is 01:21:47 which amount to $400,000. And Dee Dee claims this is to ensure that Abraham doesn't get screwed over by people again. But from a police perspective, the first notable event to come out of this new relationship occurs in November of 2009. So November 9th, 2009, a man named Cedric Edom reports to police that his cousin Abraham is missing. Ugh. Yeah. So what's even more bizarre is that Cedric hadn't seen Abraham since April of that year. So to give you kind of a timeline or to, like, recap this. So in january of 2009 he signs over his houses his bank accounts everything to dd in april is the last his family sees him and then in november they report
Starting point is 01:22:34 him missing and so it wasn't just cedric his family also hadn't seen him in all of this time but they kind of didn't think much of it because they thought like he was out traveling i mean he just won 17 million dollars they're thinking like i'm sure he has stuff see you never yeah right like oh yeah you're at your uh your what did i say i was gonna buy a house and i don't know i'll come up with something better than connecticut and california okay maybe canada that's your house that's your tree house i know uh can you imagine if you bought a tree house and i'm like hi i'm your neighbor you'd be like oh no i left i'd be like i would close my the blinds aka the leaves of my tree house i would put like one leaf at a time try to hide from me crisscross the branches until you were no more oh my god you'd put a bunch of rose bushes so that
Starting point is 01:23:25 mother thorns would keep me from entering yeah so basically they're thinking oh he's probably just running around with his money and trying to kind of get away from all the stress and all these people who keep asking him for stuff so they didn't really think much of it for a while and uh his friends had remaining contact with him via text. So they thought, well, like we're talking to him just because we haven't seen him. Everything's fine. And another person who had heard from him was his mom, Elizabeth Walker. So a couple of months ago in August, Abraham had sent her a card for her birthday, which had included a cross, a $100 note, and Abraham's signature in his all capital handwriting that he was known for. Abraham's signature in his all capital handwriting that he was known for. And everyone up until this point just assumed he had been trying to escape all the people who are taking advantage of him
Starting point is 01:24:10 and calling him constantly, literally lining up outside his house. So they just thought, okay, he's probably just, you know, taking a break from the world. Sure. So they thought there was another incident that happened around this time, which is that he had had a second son born to a much younger woman that had sort of spiraled him into this frenzy because he did not see it coming. It wasn't part of his plans. And they thought maybe, you know, this happened, all this stress, and he just decided to take time off and go elsewhere. So in an interview, go elsewhere so in an interview dd revealed to officers don't worry he wanted to be missing okay wow i'm sure every serial killer has wanted to try that one out about can you imagine like you can't come up with anything better than that uh she says he wanted to be missing he was off
Starting point is 01:24:59 enjoying a holiday and he had actually recently talked to her about traveling to the caribbean sea and they're like oh yeah and she's like oh interestingly enough i actually have a video of it and they're like a video and she's like yes let me play you this videotape so she has a video that she had filmed earlier in the year and this is the conversation and they do play it in like the 2020 episode i watched it goes as follows dd, do you get tired of people asking you for money? You're just ready to start living your life, huh? He responds, they don't take no for an answer. She says, so where do you want to go?
Starting point is 01:25:32 He says, it don't matter to me. I'm not a picky person. She says, California, foreign country, Cozumel, are you going to miss your home? And he said, if I miss it, but life goes on. And so she's like, see see he wanted to leave and i video recorded it and they're like why did you video record yeah was this like was this like off the cuff like like she left the camera on on the counter by accident or was she like she was holding it action oh yeah she's holding it and it's so sketchy because you can't even tell if
Starting point is 01:25:59 he knows he's being filmed it's sort of like this shaky like so tell me do you want to leave this country forever it's so i'm calling it now premeditated murder yes it's premeditated fully because it's like oh i have a video of him saying he wants to leave the country first of all what a weird what weird odds that you happen to videotape this moment yeah well in the video you're going do you want to leave the country do you want to escape do you want to get away? Like throwing him low ball questions. Leading the witness. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So let's see. She's like, no, no, this is proof that he wanted to be missing.
Starting point is 01:26:32 So friends and family start to become more suspicious. And one friend said, it would be amazing to me if he just up and left. It was so out of character for the man who used to show up at the Super Choice supermarket every day. So this guy had a life here. He was going to the supermarket every day. He had friends and they were like, I mean, I know he, you know, won all this money, but it just doesn't strike me as he doesn't strike me as someone who would just peace out on his whole life. But, you know, I guess it happens. So nobody quite knew. But in December, Abraham's mom received a more detailed letter from Abraham explaining that he was fine and that he liked being missing. Okay. I beg to differ, but okay.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Yeah. So on the surface, like, maybe a letter like this would be comforting. But instead, it was immediately disconcerting to all of his family and friends because, remember, he had never learned to read or write. Oh, that is a red flag red flag that's a bright red flag yeah that's a hot pink red flag hot white it is that it goes back to white all the burning yeah hang on hang on it's actually a pile of ashes it was so hot that it just melted it's actually a bolt of lightning from the sky it's we're all we were all being smited yeah so his mom is like okay i got this detail and his poor mother she's like in her 70s she's just worried about her son she gets this
Starting point is 01:27:58 birthday card from him and she's like i guess he's fine and then she gets this long ass letter and she's like wait wait he didn't know how to read or write like he couldn't hang on my son can write what's going on here yeah did he learn to do this in cozumel maybe i don't know right and also for someone who's never written i bet he had beautiful handwriting you know i know i mean even some of his friends were like yeah it was weird because he would text me but like he didn't know how to spell so like the texts that were coming through were like really well written and like it's just not how he wrote. Wow. So just all very fishy.
Starting point is 01:28:29 And so, you know, this is when they were like, uh-oh, something is wrong. But what followed in December of 2009 was a call that Abraham made to his mother. That, quote, unquote, Abraham made to his mother. Where he spoke to her on the phone and said, don't worry, I'm fine. Everything is fine. So really fishy, really shady. And it would only be a month later, December, I'm sorry, January 29th of 2010, that investigators were led by a tip to a backyard of a property owned by 23-year-old Shar Krasnicki. So this 23-year-old year old man shar had a property and underneath this property under nine feet of dirt they found the body of 42 year old abraham it had been buried under a newly constructed slab of concrete he was found wearing red denim trousers a white shirt and a bomber
Starting point is 01:29:20 jacket but his shoes had been removed along along with all metal, like the zipper of his coat. Huh. And so apparently somebody had been thinking of metal detectors and had removed any metal off of his person. So clearly this was a plan. Again, premeditated. Yes, exactly. Like, this was clearly not an accident. So Dr. Dolette White, who is an assistant medical examiner, would discover in Abraham's autopsy that his body was mummified, partially skeletonized, and that he had been underground for a few months. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Yeah. Well, I'm not so surprised, but just what a shame. Yeah, it is a shame. It's really. Especially he was such a nice guy. He was just trying to help everybody. I mean. It's really. It truly is like.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Oh, my God. I almost said Shakespearean. It truly is like very fucking tragic. It's like something good happens and just downhill curse all the way until the end. And I will tell you every episode like 2020 and True Crime Daily, the number of Shakespearean references, wink, wink. They're like, but she was but this shrew wouldn't be tamed and i was like oh my god get out of here dorky but they they didn't act like they were being funny they took it very seriously and it was like okay okay well i i hate love it i hate
Starting point is 01:30:38 i know i was like amused but i was like oh are we not laughing at that okay i get it i didn't need this if i didn't need this for my own research i'd be really impressed yeah yeah exactly uh this shoe this shoe wouldn't be tamed so uh anyway so they find his body obviously extremely tragic he had been down there for months and two bullets were found lodged near his spine and his heart so he had been shot twice geez so now you're thinking who is char krasniki this random dude well my friends it turns out char was the boyfriend of none other than a certain doris didi more okay yeah yeah that's her boyfriend so that being said didi claimed to be just as surprised as anyone else uh that her boyfriend had the body of her friend abraham in his backyard guffaw guffaw egad egad well i guess guffaw means to laugh doesn't it but
Starting point is 01:31:35 oh egad is good egad egad is excellent uh egad so she is shocked but then uh then she's like well maybe it was drug dealers and uh also maybe it was his lawyer who killed, so she is shocked. But then, uh, then she's like, well, maybe it was drug dealers. And, uh, also maybe it was his lawyer who killed him. So she just starts spiraling into like all these potential things of what could have happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:53 She even blames her own 14 year old son and says, well, maybe he shot him. That's a toxic relationship right there. Blame your child, but not your boyfriend. Okay. Mom.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Yeah. Wow. So then she suggests, suggested well maybe i had something to do with it but it was self-defense she's all over the place so on february 2nd 2010 dd moore was taken into custody and charged as an accessory after the fact although dd continued to assert the quote the money was like a curse to him and now it's become a curse to me god knows i would never take another human being's life oh that's why i made my boyfriend do it that's well well well well i'll give you some more details so we got
Starting point is 01:32:32 some more details here that suggest otherwise miss dd that maybe you are full of shit is another way of saying that so now is where we do act three the curtain kind of the curtain closes we all clap and then maybe like get a gin and tonic refill i'll sit back down i get my raisinets a spray you get the raisinets and a sierra mist i grab my large vodka and we sit down and we're ready for act three where everything comes to a head oh we beat we beat the bathroom line oh my gosh now we can just sit here and get back to our texts real quick yeah just check a few things make sure the babysitter's you know watching geo and everything's fine yeah so we're back in act three and this is where shit's gonna go down so as a recap we
Starting point is 01:33:22 remember abraham won the lottery November of 2006. January 2009, he transferred his home over to Didi. And it turns out that wasn't the only thing that she was transferring because all of his financial assets started to slowly trickle into her account as well. So while she's, quote unquote, being his financial manager, it's not just his know his house that she's taking over it's just slowly she's taking money straight out of his bank account sure sure yeah uh it turns out that she the following month like the month after he had signed over her house uh his house to her she bought a chevy corvette uh for her boyfriend which came out to seventy thousand dollars cashew wall damn and a week later she bought a 2009 hummer priced to seventy thousand dollars casual damn whoo and a week later she bought a 2009 hummer priced at ninety thousand dollars for herself didn't she already have a
Starting point is 01:34:11 fucking hummer yeah so she had two now she has two hummers it's a new hummer oh right okay the other one was she bought a 2009 hummer uh-huh i i'm sorry the first one was a 2008 it was too grody now yeah well you think she'd be caught dead scuba diving in that thing i don't think so uh she paid for both with a cashier's check from her business account in other words she's transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars into her own account from him uh and it would later be revealed by her ex-husband's videotaped interview that dd then quote asked him to dig a hole on her property with a backhoe that april so she could hide
Starting point is 01:34:51 chunks of concrete from a building inspector he said she called me one afternoon wanted me to come dig that hole she told me she was going to put concrete and stuff in it said james moore i left she called me back later asked me to come and fill it in and that's what i did moore said he knew nothing about abraham's murder or details of his ex-wife's relationship with abraham i've never met the man he said i've never seen the man i never put no body in a hole okay so that's where we stand he dug the hole but he's like she told me she was putting trash in it i didn't know there was gonna be a body in it i feel like if anyone asked me to like dig that big of a hole i'd be confused i wouldn't i guess i wouldn't ask i would wonder but i wouldn't ask yeah it depends
Starting point is 01:35:33 i wouldn't do it because i don't know how but that's a different story like i don't know how to build a big thing if i if i had to dig something that looked eerily life-sized body shaped i think i would i would play dumb and then i would like go tell the police anonymously be like just so we all know i dug a hole i don't know what's going in it but it looked it was a specific size and i would never dig the hole i'd be like sure i'll do it tomorrow and then i'd go to the police and be like she wants me to dig a hole can you check because i don't want to dig the hole so if you could find some criminal activity and i don't need to dig the hole that would if you could find some criminal activity and I don't need to dig the hole, that would be ideal for me.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Can you imagine if she really just wanted him to dig a hole and the police fucking showed up that morning? The police are like, what are you doing? And then the police leave and the two of you are just stuck looking at each other. And she's like, so you thought I was a murderer? And he's like, I'll dig the hole for free now. I'm sorry. She's like, I was just going to put trash in here, but OK. Thanks. That shows what you think of me so yes he dug a hole and he was like what the hell i had no idea that's what
Starting point is 01:36:31 it was for and it was later found that the timeline would sync up with the timeline of the murder obviously so as i mentioned earlier the last his family had seen of him was april of 2009 but his cousin hadn't reported him missing until November. So it turns out that that month's long span is probably testament to Dee Dee's keeping up with his cell phone. So basically, during these months, she would send text messages to friends and relatives. And friends, like I said, would later claim, like, that's weird. They didn't sound like him because he didn't know how to spell so this was like really well written it's not how Abraham used to write and
Starting point is 01:37:10 if big questions ever came up in the text she just like stopped responding and after reporting his cousin is missing Cedric revealed to police that Dee Dee had actually paid him five thousand dollars to hand over a birthday card to abraham's mom that august pretending it was from abraham wow so cedric was like well i think the the jury not the jury that's not the right word but like the the basically the consensus ended up being that he did that because everyone a lot of people assumed he was fine and didi was insisting like no he really is just traveling but could you just like give this card to his mom to make to make her feel better that like nothing's wrong and so he like took the money and did it but then he was like i
Starting point is 01:37:54 don't know something feels weird about this so he told police hey just a heads up like she had me do this and something feels off good yeah see something say something take the money first then say something no i'm just kidding that's not my advice get paid and then and then blab yeah get paid then and turn on your alarm because i don't trust that people aren't gonna try and come after you um let's see so uh so he brought uh abraham's mom a birthday card from him and that was the card that i mentioned earlier that she had received that was signed with the hundred dollar bill and a cross um so after cedric filed the report for his missing cousin in november and investigators began their work on the case dd quickly took action so it turns out that the month after
Starting point is 01:38:41 abraham was reported missing she sold her friend, her recently bought Hummer, for $49,000. And remember, she paid $90,000 for it. So she just handed it off for like $50,000 because she said she was in need of quick cash. Okay. And around this time, a new main character steps onto the scene. And I alluded to him a little bit earlier, but his name is Gregory Smith. And Gregory is a friend of abraham's he owns a local barber shop and not only was abraham a good friend of his but he had also worked odd jobs at the
Starting point is 01:39:11 barber shop before he had won you know 30 million dollars right can you imagine a multi-millionaire just doing odd jobs at your barber shop okay so actually well i'll get to that later but yes maybe he's a very humble man maybe he's just literally what happened so okay that's part of his his character that i remember my words i eat my words so exactly but before the lottery win like that was his kind of one of his odd jobs was working at the barbershop and he was a friend of gregory's so they were pretty close and because he knew abraham gregory also knew abraham abraham's mother and dd knew about this and she took advantage of this connection and she asked gregory to call abraham's mother on the phone pretending to be her son
Starting point is 01:39:57 this is a little sketchy but this is another situation where like gregory is the one interviewed on he's like the main character in most of these kind of documentaries, these crime, like, 2020. And he explains what happened. He said, you know, she was, like, really upset, Dee Dee, and she was like, he's fine. I swear to God. Like, he's on his way back probably. Like, I swear to God nothing happened to him. But can we – do you mind calling his mom just to ease her worries?
Starting point is 01:40:25 She's really stressed out. She's really upset. She's in her 70s. Can you just give her a call to make her feel better? So he took $300 to make the call. He agreed. Okay. And he told 2020 he thought he was just giving Abraham's mom some peace of mind while they
Starting point is 01:40:40 waited for him to come home. So Dee Dee took Abraham's mom to a loud restaurant and when the phone rang she said oh that could be your son maybe you should answer it sneaky sneaky lady okay so what so you know the mom answers the phone and gregory is like talking in kind of a stilted way he said said he was trying to talk the way Abraham talked. Right. And apparently Abraham's mom was like, okay, sweetie, like, you know, whatever. Gotta go.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Gotta go. So the phone hung up and apparently Dee Dee assumed that the mom had been appeased and all was well. Off her case. So what Gregory didn't know is that police had already had their eye on dd and they were therefore tracking her phone fun okay got it i know so they caught the call coming in from gregory and shortly after he made the call he was pulled over by police who had tracked his cell phone and instead of arresting him they offered him the chance to help police bring Dee Dee down. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:50 So he had no idea Dee Dee was even involved in any of this. And they were like, hey, fun fact, that lady that you just kind of helped out who paid you $300, she's actually, like, wanted in connection with the disappearance of your friend. Can you please help us out can you imagine being him and he is like oh my god i totally helped facilitate like this weird escape that she got the thing she got away with exactly and it's it's sort of like it's a good thing it happened because it allowed the police to kind of bring him in to be part of the team but also it must just feel so icky afterward to be like i didn't know i was a part of that you were contributing to like furthering his disappearance or whatever yes like covering it up exactly and so i think that is why he starts he gets really involved and he's
Starting point is 01:42:37 dedicated to bringing her down because he's basically like i knew i needed to make up for this and i need needed to make it right um and so he's like yes i agree i will they didn't even know at this point i want to point out this was before because we had you know act three we'd gone back in time this was before they even knew he was dead they just knew he had vanished and he was reported missing so gregory doesn't even realize that he's dead but he's like okay they the police think dd has something to do with this i'll help figure out what it is so he began meeting with dd regularly building rapport and they offered to put a wire on him but his direct quote was i'm from the streets i know how to do this and so back off okay mr greg okay mr gregory gregory uh had a plan he took a red bull can he cut off the top of it
Starting point is 01:43:29 he hid a microphone inside the red bull can he put it in his uh cup holder and like put the top back on it and then he would use it kind of as an ashtray so that she wouldn't question like why it was in the compartment and so he had this just old can this old red book can and inside of it was a microphone so that is pretty old school that is pretty badass right there genius i mean it's better than like being wired up you know he just had this little mic in between them and it worked great like you can they play all of the conversations and you can hear it i mean it's he did a good job so they had a ton of meetings mean, this whole time she thinks he's on her side. So apparently there was $63,000 that Gregory owed, I believe, on his house.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Okay. And I think Abraham had loaned him that money. And so Dee Dee was basically saying, I will forgive that loan. You won't have to pay me back or pay Abrahamraham back if you help me do this if you help me that's just i mean it feels fishy though it feels like if someone gave me that offer i'd be like that's a that's a really one-sided that feels only useful to me on my end yes right like if someone if someone said like oh you don't have to pay your grad school student loans if you just like make a phone call i'd be like something's up
Starting point is 01:44:46 some i don't like that like i like it i don't like it i like it but i don't i don't want to like it but i do like it i like it but it feels like i will get like someone's gonna be mad at me and i don't like that yeah i think maybe i'll regret this uh and so you know obviously she doesn't know he's working with police at this point. But she thinks, well, I mean, with the offer of basically like forgiving $63,000 in debt, like he's just going to agree to it. So she thinks he's like fully on her side. You know, I'm going to be honest. I don't remember if either she offered to pay him $63,000 to cover his mortgage or if he had already been paid that and she was forgiving
Starting point is 01:45:25 the loan. All I know is there was $63,000 in play that he would no longer need to worry about if he helped her. And at this point, she hadn't made it clear yet that he had died, but she had made it clear that something had happened and that she needed his help to steer the police away okay again just another reason for me to be a little hesitant but a little worried but again you know with the promise of like 63 grand she was thinking well i mean it's not surprising he agreed to this like it's a big chunk of money and if it saves his butt financially then maybe he'll go along with it. So they had a ton of meetings. She thinks he's on her side.
Starting point is 01:46:11 And she tells him, if police ever question you about any of this, you should point them to this guy named Ronald. And he's like, who's Ronald? And she's like, oh, it's a drug dealer I made up. So Mr. McDonald. I i know that's my first thought too and she basically said this guy's ronald and he's a drug dealer and he's very dangerous he's not real to be clear but this is the guy we're gonna pin this on and uh gregory's like yeah sure totally ronald got it it. I'll tell them Ronald did it. So in January of 2010, Gregory had built up enough rapport with Dee Dee that she confided in him. And finally, she says, hey, I need to know if you know anyone who will confess to law enforcement for the killing of Abraham in exchange for money.
Starting point is 01:46:59 And this is when Greg finally knows, like, okay, Abraham is dead. Wow. greg finally knows like okay abraham is dead and wow obviously it was just a horrible horrible feeling to know like there wasn't even hope left anymore he was definitely dead um and he said it was really difficult to hear but it also gave him a way to help abraham after all the help he had given him during his life so he was like okay this is my chance to me i know it was really sweet he was like this is my chance to make it up for him or make it up to him so it becomes apparent that he is not the only person dd had tried to pay to take the fall she had spent a lot of time by this point trying to find a scapegoat and when that wasn't working uh was looking for someone she could pay to excavate abraham's body and move it
Starting point is 01:47:40 to another location oh god okay yeah and she's desperate which you know does not usually lead to a smooth secretive operation no so she tries offering the mother of abraham's son so remember how his he he had fathered another son right during this time so she tried offering the mother of his son 200 000 a 200 000 house in exchange for telling the police she had seen him recently. Spoiler alert, she ends up testifying in court and being like, this woman's fucking shady as hell. So that didn't work. Gregory seemed to Dee Dee to be a more promising
Starting point is 01:48:18 and trustworthy lead. Little did she know. So she was like, I need help. I need you to find somebody to take the fall and he says oh i know just the guy his name is mike smith um yeah okay it's i like how she so quickly i know someone immediately don't worry i have just the guy for this mike is just as shady as we are his name is mr smith and by the way i'm mr sm Mr. Smith because I'm Gregory Smith. And also there's now another Mr. Smith. It's just like, she's pretty damn stupid.
Starting point is 01:48:49 So he goes, oh, his name's Mike Smith. This guy's an undercover cop. I think probably none of us are shocked by this, but he's an undercover cop. And he shows up and he's like, yeah, I can do this, you know, and he's wearing a wire. So Mike shows up. He's posing as a jailbound drug dealer. They meet in a car park and like i said mark is wearing a wire and this is the conversation that ensues dd the situation has gotten big i am
Starting point is 01:49:12 in way over my head undercover officer we can do this but i'm gonna need a body dd why would you do that though for me mike i'm going to prison anyhow dd you do this, you're going to be a very popular person. You're going to be a legend. Oh, my God. Mike, once I go ahead and confess to this shit, they done with you, but they're definitely going to want the body. Dee Dee, okay, deal. Like I said, I know there's a body. I'll fix everything, where he's at and everything.
Starting point is 01:49:38 And then what do you want? Mike, $50,000. Dee Dee, okay. So they come to this agreement that Mike would be paid $50,000 to take the fall for Abraham's death and he said I'll take that money go to prison I'm going to prison anyway but I want to give that $50,000 to my family so she believes this story and four days later they tell her so at this point Gregory's telling her well we need a weapon we need to prove that this guy killed him and we can't prove it without an actual weapon so she's like okay i'll give you the gun oh my god okay
Starting point is 01:50:10 so she shows gregory smith and mike the concrete slab where abraham is buried and she also gives him the 38 smith and wesson revolver that she had used to kill him she's immediately arrested and in the investigation it becomes apparent that this fraudulent behavior had not been a one-off at all it was discovered that dd had once come up with a ruse to keep her lincoln navigator which was like she was behind on insurance payments so they were going to take it from her so she comes up with this wonderful plan uh basically she had someone store the car in a garage in pasco county then she staged a scene where she taped her own wrists threw herself into a ditch and claimed and when
Starting point is 01:50:52 she was found by a group of people she claimed that she had been kidnapped sexually assaulted and carjacked by three hispanic men who then stole her lincoln navigator whoa she even agreed to a rape exam but she pleaded no contest for the charge wound up being guilty for fabricating this whole story and just got a year of probation so she already had a shady as fuck history this lady so december 10th of 2012 dd moore was found guilty of murder was sentenced to life in prison i mean they literally have clips of her talking and saying like i have the gun i'll give it to you right right now it's like how much more oh like wouldn't you be worried like when a guy just shows up and is like oh yeah i'll do this for you i would like fifty thousand dollars like what it feels she's so done
Starting point is 01:51:35 i don't know maybe i'm just not maybe i'm not in the right headspace but it feels like everything you've told me this entire story every step of the way felt shady i don't know how nobody picked up on this i think she's the only one who didn't realize it because everyone else is like involved and is like wow this lady's just fucking walking her way into prison like she's just right blabbing and blabbing skipping skipping hopping all the way to prison so she was sentenced to life in prison without parole she they have some clips of her in the courtroom it was a really dramatic trial she kept breaking down into tears she at one point said she went into anaphylactic shock while in custody because she had a cut on her ankle and took like some antibacterial thing oh my word because she had a cut from her handcuffs so she started stumbling over her words and she said oh my tongue has gone into anaphylactic shock. I mean, this woman is fucking cuckoo bird.
Starting point is 01:52:28 And she also, when they were like, well, she claims her to this day insists she's innocent. And every time someone says who did it, she's like, this is so embarrassing for her. They have her in the interrogation room and they're like, well, we know you did this. She's like, no, I didn't. This was the work of a drug dealer named ronald oh good night and they go oh ronald and she goes yeah his name's ronald he threatened to kill my son i know he and they were like girlfriend we have literal clips of you saying you made up ronald like how stupid she's like oh ronald's a fictitious drug dealer i made up and then she's fucking in the interrogation room she's like oh ronald's a fictitious drug dealer i made up and then she's fucking in the interrogation
Starting point is 01:53:05 room she's like there's a scary man named ronald and they're like you met we know you made him up what are you talking about lady what a looney tune wow she's but cuckoo bananas so she was described as a sociopath by a psychiatrist who said this classic sociopathic behavior of somebody who thinks they're going to outsmart everyone, even when they so clearly aren't outsmarting anyone. She just believes like literally delusional, delusional, so confident, so confident in her brilliance that she thinks she's going to talk her way out of this, even though literally nobody believes her. It's on tape that she's a murderer. Wow. So essentially, what happened was, at least what she's been convicted of, is that she got all of his money. He found out about it as an Abraham.
Starting point is 01:53:49 He threatened her, and so she killed him first, shot him. So obviously this is all about money, not surprisingly. She had been stealing it from him. He found out. And then in 2017, Dee Dee appeared in Channel 4's documentary, Women Who Kill. And she used this and every other platform that I've seen her on to prove her innocence. She does these horrible crocodile tears that are just like I had to mute I had to mute my laptop it was so obnoxious she's like I mean she's just like
Starting point is 01:54:17 wailing. Tell me they she mentioned Ronald and then they did a side by side where they played the audio of her saying she mentioned Ronald she mentioned mentions Ronald in every freaking interview and it's like she's just trying to create some backwoods theory backdoor theory where she's like no this is real I swear uh so crazy so she says I had money I didn't need money I could have made as much money as I wanted Abraham was worth more to me alive than he was dead. I would not have killed a man in the only carpeted room in the house. Come on, I'm a woman. Oh, that has a lot of things I could comment on.
Starting point is 01:54:55 I would never threaten the carpet of this beautiful mansion. Not me. This beautiful McMansion carpet. So since 2017, Bustle has reported that Dee Dee is looking for a retrial because her original attorney didn't allow her to testify. However, her attorney says, oh, no, she insisted she would not testify. She's just blatantly lying. Oh, good. And she claims that Greg Smith had tampered with the jury and she maintains her innocence. And in the 2020 documentary, this is my favorite part, she explained that she would never hurt nobody
Starting point is 01:55:25 i liked mickey mouse and donald duck and disney and tinkerbell excuse me well that's how you know and i liked spongebob and time travel and and many other like what what does that mean what does that fucking mean she is so looney tunes she's on there going i could never hurt anyone i like disney and tinkerbell it's it's so like honestly it's so infuriating because you're like i know you murdered this man and you are being a little bitch about it i mean it goes to i mean it goes to show you that like how void of reasoning she is where for you to think like oh here's how i'll prove i'm not a murderer i like tinkerbell it's like embarrassing'll prove I'm not a murderer. I like Tinkerbell. It's embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:56:07 It just proves like you are not on the same realm as everybody else. If you think that's what equates to. It's delusional. Yeah. And nobody believes her. Not one person. Nobody even gives her the time of day. And she just is so insistent.
Starting point is 01:56:19 She says, I think people who don't believe me are stupid and ignorant and have no brain cells and i was like wow okay yeah well well final agree no oh don't you but she likes tinkerbell so oh my bad okay yeah so final note here abraham shakespeare is survived by his children and his mother elizabeth walker who is devastated but remembers him as the kind of person who if someone asked him for help he was always trying to help them and I think that was very much showcased by his you know lottery winnings his friend Greg and the owner of the barbershop loves to share stories of Abraham to this day he told now this goes back to when you were saying oh can you imagine somebody working at the barbershop he told one funny story of Abraham
Starting point is 01:57:04 still coming to sweep the barbershop even after winning all of his millions. He would come in and sweep and Greg would be like, what the hell are you doing here? And he's like, oh, I'm just cleaning up like I'm supposed to. And he would occasionally pick up pennies and he would say, why are you picking up pennies? You're a multimillionaire. And he would say, I've got dollars, but pennies make dollars dollars i just thought that was really wow wow what a just genuinely good person i know it makes it really extra tragic and in somewhat incredible news that barely seems credible which i guess makes it incredible uh this headline appeared in the ledger in 2017 quote mother of slain lottery winner abraham shakespeare's son
Starting point is 01:57:42 so this is the the mother of his son that i mentioned earlier yeah wins one million dollar jackpot in lakeland florida what she won a million dollars in the lottery what yeah wait that's so bizarre isn't that wild like the odds of that must be like astronomical i i mean how what was the what were the odds for him and then like what's another like million right of a rate i mean whoa isn't that mind-blowing and so that honestly like it sounds uplifting but to me it sounds ominous because of what happened last time somebody in this family won yeah if i if i won the lottery after like the the my friend abraham my relative abraham did that i'd be like oh we're
Starting point is 01:58:26 telling fucking no oh i'm donating this to the bird society or whatever exists the first charity i find i wash my hands from this yeah so weird weird coincidence uh and that is the story of of abraham shakespeare wow well done that um wild wild wow you know what so yeah well i mean this is just for me but the the fact that some the the last thing you said that that she ended up winning the lottery that's weirder to me than almost everything else in this story statistic because statistically like that makes that's so out there that really threw me that really yeah um wow anyway okay i mean well done that's a great it's that's a sad story for him like you never actually um not that you don't ever talk about you know victims who like were really wonderful people but he really just sounded like nothing but a kind person i know it's it just
Starting point is 01:59:24 makes it extra tragic that like something that was supposed to be so good and exciting was like a curse was his downfall yeah um yeah it really sucks so that's the story of abraham shakespeare and this was a weird it felt like kind of an alternate universe episode uh just felt kind of bizarre um our story seemed weird but if you want to learn about our fun announcement you can go to slash um and that's why i don't drink or you could vote for us for the webbies slash atww vote you can do whatever you want you can go buy a lot of ticket do both also get a lottery ticket and then if you win don't tell anyone don't tell anyone except us except we would like patreon donors to tell us
Starting point is 02:00:05 if you win the lottery just kidding uh uh thank you so much everyone and uh we'll see you uh next week for my my lucky episode two two two can't wait and that's why we drink

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