And That's Why We Drink - E230 A Cauldron of Mac and Cheese and Sugar Free Gummy Bear Consumption

Episode Date: July 4, 2021

Let it be known that a man had the audacity for the millionth time and it was only the 1500s... Welcome to episode 230 for something old and something new! First Em covers the Wise Wife of Keith aka A...gnes Sampson, an accused witch and healer in North Berwick, Scotland during their infamous witch trials. Then Christine covers the extremely recent kidnapping of Jayme Closs and the piece of trash behind the mask who kidnapped her and killed her parents. Please send Jayme all the love and light for peace and healing. And lastly, if you look Em up on YouTube, you just might find some surprise secret Sims... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Visit for 10% off your first order!Right now, you can go to and use DRINK, for 20% offyour first box!Become a member today by going to and you'll get 50% off your first order with free shipping!Go to and use promo code ATWWD to get $20 off, with a minimum purchase of $100!Go to for a free 30-day trial, just pay for shipping and handling!Simply visit for a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome to episode 230 of and that's why we drink i'm christine and that's m and today is the anniversary according to facebook of when Facebook, of when you let me be Geo's plus one down the puppy red carpet to the cafe, the dog. Oh, my God. What was it again? It was a dog comedy show? Yeah, I used to work for Two Girls, One Pup. We did comedy shows with dogs. Good times.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You know what that also means today is the anniversary of? comedy shows with dogs good times you know what that also means today is the anniversary of the time you had diarrhea in my bathroom because you fed him too many and on my bed because you fed him too many french fries interesting today is also the anniversary of allison's and my facebook friendship 12 years strong oh so fun we had each other and we're like hey do you want to what do you want to coordinate allison's like do you want to what do you want to coordinate i was like do you want to coordinate bedspreads and i was like um no and then she was like sorry my my sister made me ask you that i don't want to do it either and i was like okay cool okay but now that i know that i'm gonna go to her sister later and be like so like in college did you like coordinate were you like so cool she did it was so funny oh yeah um carrie was like that that's what you do i don't know what you do anyway i was like sure and then
Starting point is 00:01:32 i was like mom what do i do we already bought all my bedspread from ikea and my mom was like please just say no and i was like no i want to be friends well it worked out for everyone uh right now everyone in this conversation it worked mostly you yeah i now. Everyone in this conversation, it worked out. Mostly you, yeah. I'm glad that 12 years ago, it was already in the mix that eventually her and I would find each other. Wow. Well, so I guess there's a lot of reasons I drink today. Thank you for bringing up the memory of Gio having some intestinal issues, distress on my bed. Why do you drink this weekend?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Why do I drink? Oh, oh man i had an answer i don't know oh my god christine what today guess what was announced it will be so uh in the past by the time this episode comes out what in the moment guess who is going to be first of all what's my favorite show that i dream of being on one day you're stressing me out um oh hot ones yes and who is the woman i'm in love with that is not allison uh something olsen yes she's gonna be on hot ones oh my favorite person on my favorite show that's exciting i am hyperventilating about it i'm very excited you can be drinking away oh my i'm gonna i literally promise that for an entire week minimum i will be watching it on loop i'll have every answer memorized i am so excited wow okay i'm excited for you thank you congratulations i'm excited for on your big miss elizabeth i hope that she does elizabeth as well
Starting point is 00:03:01 lizzie as the friends call her apparently liz call her apparently we're not there yet we're not there yet got it okay only in my dreams anyway uh that's why i drink so it's a good reason this time and also i drink because 10 minutes ago or as other people will know a week ago 10 minutes ago you ruined me with a really horribly uh awful story i'm so sorry about that by the way so really i know retroactively we're recording this in advance but i know i bummed everyone out and i apologize i um also retroactively and also in hindsight because by the time this comes out you will have to apologize after the fact isn't that the same word it sure is i was thinking yes just checking i mean i don't know
Starting point is 00:03:42 i really don't know i I'm just checking, honestly. What was I going to say? I am not mentally prepared for you to ruin me twice in one day, but here we are. Maybe you should ask me why I drink then, and I can tell you. I thought you drank because I gave your dog diarrhea. Well, I did, but I have a reason actually prepared. Okay. Well, I drink because one of my good friends actually i found out not only has a a sim version of me that's existing on another planet but also apparently publicly plays the sim persona
Starting point is 00:04:15 of me in a public forum and i just had no idea i don't even know i'm so i was i don't know how you don't know i mean i guess we just never talk so taken aback. I don't know how you don't know. I mean, I guess we just never talk about it. You never told me. How was I supposed to know? I have. I've said, oh, I'm streaming The Sims. We just never talked about it after that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 This is what happened. Well, this is what happened yesterday. No, this is what happened the whole time. Oh, okay. So, well, yesterday, it all began yesterday when I was watching Handmaid's tale with blaze on the couch and we were just you know bummed out it's you were like could it get worse could it get worse could it get worse and guess what it could and then i saw on instagram there's a swipe up link and i was like that's weird m doesn't usually do swipe up links so i just swiped up and all of a sudden there's this video playing on youtube and I see Em's face in the corner and I'm
Starting point is 00:05:05 like is this like a twitch stream like I don't know what this is and I'm watching Em and I'm like whoa cool what is this little house Em's got going on the sims and there's like a live chat and all of a sudden I hear Em go Christine's just gonna leave that trash on the floor I know her and there's this lady walking around who looks a little suspiciously like me and I was like excuse me and I pause the tv and Blaze is like what are like me and i was like excuse me and i paused the tv and blaze is like what are you watching and i was like that's me and then i see somebody in the comments go where's zach christine and zach need to blah blah blah and i was like is this a weird like fan fiction of me and zach i don't really and i was so taken aback and then like i started commenting
Starting point is 00:05:41 and you didn't notice for probably 15 minutes that I was there and you kept going on and on about like oh Christine's gonna do this she's gonna eat 12 servings of mac and cheese and I was like hello I was giving you a dream world so I know no I then em facetimed me well em facetimed me and was like you knew I was doing I was like I didn't know you're doing this because once you said you sent me a picture like three in the morning of me bald or something and said this is a sim version of you but i thought you were doing that like by yourself i didn't think this was like a public forum no i'm with an audience i talk about it i guess maybe i don't know i've i talk about it all the time on marvel mondays i talk about i don't go to marvel mondays anymore i used to every monday but no i don't i talk about it on so many platforms.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And I think it was just like how we were talking with Eva, how we all think we're always in the loop because we're always talking about different things. Yeah, we assume we know things. I think just Ships in the Night just totally missed you. I thought for sure you knew this whole time. No idea. If I knew about this, we would be discussing it, Amethy. No, I just thought.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Totally stunned. Totally totally like what is this there's a whole and then there's a ghost of m and like i learned that m had this whole thing can you explain what this is like people are like i was kind of digging you explaining it without knowing i felt i don't know i still don't totally know like my brother streams things so i assume it's something similar but i don't really get it oh i just do it on youtube um i i don't do it on twitch but um how do you do that like how do you get it to play the sims while you're rj has all the streaming programs and stuff so i just use his computer for it okay but it's like a third party thing and then it goes um yeah no i made the zach bagans haunted mansion and i this was kind of voted on originally this started back when like wandavision was on because i started doing i was trying to make so
Starting point is 00:07:34 in the show wandavision she like builds a whole neighborhood like that's the whole story that she like made a world and so i was trying to make the world on sims and then when i was streaming it everyone was like you have to do Zach Bagans Haunted Mansion. I was like, oh, okay, I guess we're shifting complete gears here. And so I started doing that. And I was like, I'll just put me and Christine in Zach Bagans Haunted Mansion. And all of it came out of the minds of others who were watching me stream. I would have not come up with any of it on my own.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And people were like, oh, well, now that you're at the mansion, like there has to be a ghost like it has to be haunted sure of course and then i was like okay well how do i add a ghost and i haven't touched the sim since i was nine murder somebody they literally were like you have to kill one of them and i was like well i think it'd be most funny if christina and zach lived alone in a house together so i i killed my sim and they taught me how to do it i literally last time you didn't know how to kill a sim that's the only they taught me how to do it. I literally, the last time I touched- Wait, you didn't know how to kill a Sim? That's the only thing I know how to do on The Sims. Pull the ladder out, baby.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I had not played The Sims since 2001. So it was- Oh my God. Like Sims 1, everything was like- For all your Hossifua talk, you really are- I was obsessed at nine and then I never touched it again. So you never drowned anyone in a pool without ladders? I have now. It was me. you missed like an important part of childhood which was kind of like
Starting point is 00:08:49 realizing the inner sociopath in all of us i know i well so i didn't uh so yeah i'm dead and then now there's a ghost attached to the house and weirdly enough the day that it apparently came full circle that now you're in the loop on the haunted house that was the day my ghost showed up for the first suddenly m's ghost appears and it looks just like m and all of a sudden it like pees all over the floor and i'm like what is going on and zach is mopping up stand that i think someone needs to explain me why the ghost is dripping everywhere because you drowned yourself didn't you oh is that why if i died in a different way would i not be dripping everywhere i think so i think it's why someone fucking tell me that months ago.
Starting point is 00:09:25 They did. Like four people told you that in the comments. I was reading them. Yeah, but why didn't people tell me that before I chose to die by water? I would have chosen something else where I didn't cause problems dripping water everywhere. Oh, that's your big issue that you drip ectoplasm? Zach was ready to mop it up. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Well, anyway, yeah. So anyway, I do that after marvel mondays and actually i'll just make the public announcement now because i said it last night you've never posted a link to this before like i've never seen even can you text a group chat and let me know if you knew about this because i feel like i'm like i'm like i'm like so shocked that i didn't know but i'm like does anybody know i feel like no i had said before i like i was i was streaming but not really talking about it because i didn't know how you were streaming me i thought it was just like you were streaming like i was streaming the sims what did you think i was gonna create it
Starting point is 00:10:14 was only gonna be you didn't think i'm sorry but i uh no i never really talked about it like on the show because i didn't want to have to commit to it if i decided it wasn't for me you don't have to we don't come to jack shit and we talk about shit all day long and don't commit to it do you know how many like patreon things we've attempted and then never followed through because well we're not good at it anyway i do want to say i am probably actually going to only start doing that on mondays and not even doing movie mondays anymore because our our internet is such fucking garbage that for the last like six movie Mondays in a row uh my internet's been kicked off and
Starting point is 00:10:52 people have been said it's have said it's super laggy and stuff like that so I think and what I was doing is movie Monday for an hour and then I was doing an hour of Sims and now I think I'm just gonna do Sims because you can all we can hang out there anyway i cannot believe i mean i'm gonna hang out now i just had no idea eva i need you to tell me in the group if you knew about this i'm waiting for your response i'm just so stunned now i have no idea if i ever told eva i have no clue blaze and i spent an hour yesterday just watching this going like what is this there's a whole world i will say i don't i don't do anything bad to you which i think you should appreciate i always do the best possible like a lot of people have wanted me to do the like make whoopie option with you and zach absolutely not every time i say no no no all i'm gonna do is
Starting point is 00:11:35 get so i i think you're referring to a woohoo but yeah i'd like to not participate in that thank you um no i make you uh eat a lot of mac and cheese i also i encourage you because there was a few times where you were super sad so i brought you over to the mirror and i made you give yourself a pep talk okay wait wait first of all the funniest part is that m was like yeah oh my god so i m didn't know i was there and i'm just lurking in the audience i mean i'm screaming in the comments but m didn't see that but i'm lurking in the audience for lack of a better word and i just hear i'm go man christine's been so depressed that i died and i'm like what is this weird life that emma's created but then when we facetimed
Starting point is 00:12:13 emma was like no yo christine like you were a wreck okay this is the first day you're finally coming back into normalcy the first day from your grief the first day since i made this back in whenever wandavision was around and then it quickly changed into zach's house you've been sad every monday since then like cannot get out of bed sad and i was like girl get it together like and that the day you show up in real life is the day that like your personality comes back so something happened and then and then the ghost of you came back and we reunited and uh m's options on the sims were like for the ghost to like gossip complain to each other complain about problems gossip and like tell
Starting point is 00:12:52 a joke about aliens it was like so on brand and then m went to see what zach could do with the ghost and it was like tell joke about barnacles and we were like what the fuck zach sounds like a zach thing anyway but it's uh yeah so, and also I'm really bad at it. So I don't tell, I don't mention it a lot, like publicly anyway, because like, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't want to get screamed at by people who know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:13:14 So it's very much me just being very confused and anxiety ridden the whole time. And this was actually the first time I've ever actually played The Sims. Before this, every other streaming has been me just trying to build the thing. So you showed up on the first time i've ever actually played the sims before this every other streaming has been me just trying to build the thing so you showed up on the first day we were playing what okay i like i'm totally taking it back well i wanted to invent something where i now go back and watch all the series and live comment like it's gonna be really boring but i
Starting point is 00:13:38 you can do it okay maybe maybe i'll do the ones now that are like more storytelling one that's gonna be more fun for you. Okay. Maybe the other ones are really just sitting there. Frenzied not being able to figure out which lamp I want. Like you didn't know I was there. I was laughing so hard because like you didn't know I was there and you were just going on about Christine is over here and Christine's over there. And I was like, does M like not?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Okay. It was just so trippy is all I'm going to say. So at the Zach bagans house i have made the i made a cemetery outside and underneath the cemetery is actually a dungeon uh seance room and then it is also a speakeasy into a haunted bar and it's a dream but so i bought the paranormal pack so i could use a bunch of paranormal stuff and i saw this big cauldron i was like oh that shit is gonna rock my world in the seance room and so i had christine go down to the seance room and i wanted her to like make potions with the cauldron but if you click on it the only option is make mac and
Starting point is 00:14:35 cheese and i was like wow so christine's about to eat an entire like 20 person cauldron sized cheese and was like excuse me i just gave you 12 servings of mac and cheese. And was like, excuse me, I just gave you 12 servings of mac and cheese. And I was like, okay, you're right. I shouldn't complain. This is the best life I've ever created for me. I've never done anything. Whether or not you were there, I have only given you the best life. So you're good.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I do appreciate that. Because I feel like if I were in charge, I would have like fucked you over. I'd be dead by accident. Not on purpose. You'd be dead by accident. You'd be a ghost a long time ago. And I would have done it like in a worse way than a pool. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Anyway, I guess now I'm publicly announcing that if you'd like to watch my streams every Monday on YouTube. Listen, I'm not saying Em has to continue this. I'm just saying this is why I drink because I sat there screaming like, Blaze, are you listening to this? And he's like, what are you watching? And I was like, I don't know. I wasn't trying to be secretive like to you or anything i just was just not saying it like out like on the show because i i didn't i didn't know what i was doing yet but now i guess like once that you did but you said it so nonchalantly and like noncommittal that i i know but i just kind of assumed like oh well it's not a real thing
Starting point is 00:15:38 like i just assumed i didn't even know that it was featuring. Like, it just was so trippy. Anyway, I clearly have made my point. Go subscribe on YouTube. Listen, I'm not saying you have to keep doing it. Wait, I'm sorry, what? I heard bathroom. Doing what? What did you do? Yeah, I'm just assuming Eva's been, I'm assuming Eva's been in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:15:57 because I keep screaming at her to text us. Eva, if you're there, can you tell me if you knew about this, if you knew about this Sims world Em created about this uh sims world m created for me and zach and m's ghost because if so i'm gonna feel like i missed something major and i'm just the problem i feel like it was probably those things something where i did say in front of you and you just weren't listening or like no you mentioned but you mentioned it so nonchalantly like you were like oh i did this once but i like i don't know i don't think i'll ever like you said it like meh it's not ever happened and i didn't think it was like a regular I assumed
Starting point is 00:16:28 if it happened you'd be like oh Christina I'm making you in this world and I would like know about it but no oh here wait Eva says sorry I was totally in the bathroom I think M mentioned it in passing but I didn't realize it's still ongoing and built out this much yes okay that's what it was I was like my own little world my own little secret i guess sorry charlie i don't know what to tell you but yeah no i'm i'm amped i feel so honored i was like wow i'm eating mac and cheese in this like other alternate reality that i just happened to stumble upon by the way also christine you know what i did find out last night after you made a guest appearance on my stream i didn't even know you had a youtube like i'm so new to all this okay sorry what apparently someone made lemon for you so there is now a lemon character that will i requested it in the comments this is why you
Starting point is 00:17:14 didn't want me there i really am derailing your whole shtick i'm so sorry you show up for one fucking second and now there's a lemon sim that anyone can download m's ghost is peeing all over the floor and there's a lemon sim this is actually my. M's ghost is peeing all over the floor and there's a lemon sim. This is actually my best case scenario. So anyway, I'm sorry you didn't know. I'm sorry I didn't. No, it's way better this way. It's way more fun this way.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I just stumbled upon a world where I'm eating out of a... It wasn't meant to be anything like that. I just was trying to not talk about it like to the masses. And I guess that means... You did it. You did a good job. I guess it trickled all the way down to you. So sorry about that. it like to the masses and i guess you did it you did a good job i guess it trickled all the way down to you so sorry i just i just was so stunned to find myself eating uh mac and cheese out of a
Starting point is 00:17:49 cauldron with zach bagans and i was like you where am i right now i don't know you're having a good time you got to level three as a piano player last yeah i was great at the piano i took a picture actually um to send you and then i got completely distracted that you showed up that you showed up so i never even sent it to you um here is okay eva i'm so glad it's not just me i felt really dumb but also like okay proof that like i thought that you knew because i planned on sending you these pictures okay so here's this one even just said cauldron of mac and cheese is now the name of the episode which might be problematic because i'm pretty sure last week's episode is going to be named something like the Mac and Cheese Mansion or Mac and Cheese House or whatever. So it's going to be clearly on brand.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Tell me if you got that picture sent to you. This is literally you in real life, too. Shut up. Read it out loud. Notification from The Sims. Christine has acquired the comedy skill. from the sims christine has acquired the comedy skill christine's new skill in comedy allows her to capital t capital j tell jokes at a capital m microphone and write jokes on a computer i was like literally i was like all christine actually does is tell jokes into a microphone and write
Starting point is 00:18:57 jokes on excuse me look at me go this is my life and I was like playing the piano and like eating mac and cheese. I mean, honestly, I'm kind of like. Also here, I was just lurked. You really should have because here's also a, you don't have to watch the whole thing now, but it was, it's a whole one minute video of your Sim.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I'll show it to everybody actually while we're here. You are making mac and cheese in the cauldron. That is a huge call. I never actually saw the cauldron that is a huge con i never actually saw the cauldron oh i'm sweating oh my god that's why i was so mad that you were i was like well now that we've made it am i gonna have to make her eat all of it literally the duggers anyway okay so we've talked about this for a far too long i'm sorry i meant to just
Starting point is 00:19:47 throw it in the air and now it's just become like the most chaotic sorry about okay sorry everybody speaking of you at a cauldron i do have a witch story for you today oh hell yeah her name is christine schiefer she just acquired the comedy skill and she makes back and she's out of her culture um so this is the story of agnes sampson by the way i love it because i speaking of wandavision wow this is all full circle the witch on there her name's agnes you know what i i thought that because i mentioned recently i was like well if we if we have a girl maybe i like the name agnes for like a middle name and then um blaze was like is it because of that song you like and i was like maybe because my favorite glass animal song is called
Starting point is 00:20:36 agnes and he's like didn't you tell me it's about a girl who who died who died of a drug overdose and i was like well yeah he's like fine if you want to explain that to your future child go ahead i thought you were talking i literally was still on wandavision brain because when you said oh the song you like and i thought you meant the song that came oh no i do know that one too because you showed me that but no so i was like he was like well if you want to name your child after like someone who died of a drug overdose and a sad song go for it and i was like it's pretty i don't know she for of me i guess we'll see it feels like you're just carrying on the the title that uh carrying on renata's work of just having some it's exactly right very interesting reasons for
Starting point is 00:21:15 just random information very dark stuff yeah oh i totally forgot to eat uh right back to your mom after she sent me that whole thing about you as a cryptid i really need to get back to her oh well she'll be thrilled to hear from you if you're listening renata i appreciate all the hard work because that took a lot she's not but um but i'll tell her okay well let her know i just forgot to get back to her but i appreciate her okay so agnes sampson also known as the wise wife of keith love it and i'm confused by that because apparently it's in i don't know what the language is it was if they're in scotland is gaelic isn't in scotland that's in ireland right or is that also in scotland don't look at me like i'm supposed to know this it was written it felt like it was written in some sort of gaelic is irish but i
Starting point is 00:22:00 don't know why because she's a widow and also her husband's name was not Keith. There's Scott's Gaelic. Oh, maybe that's what it is. Oh, wait. Gaelic is Scott. OK, hang on. Uh-oh. There's two Celtic languages. OK, this is bad.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Don't do this to me. But wise wife of Keith, it makes you sound like she had a husband named Keith. That's not true. So I don't know why she's called the wise wife of Keith. OK. But when you read it out in Gaelic, I think it's just pronounced later in English as the wise wife of Keith. And I think it actually probably means something else. Also, she lived in an area with the name, with the word Keith in it.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So maybe it's like. Well, that's probably what it means. Like the wife of this area or like the woman of the area. Yeah, something like that. So anyway anyway let's get back to the um 1500s great so in 1590 there was james the sixth and he was not the best he was he's 24 at this point he's the son of mary queen of scotts and he marries the princess of Denmark or Norway, Denmark, Norway, Anne. And Anne came back with him to Scotland.
Starting point is 00:23:10 They apparently had terrible weather on the way, which is important to note later. But on their way back from getting married, moving to Scotland, they had terrible weather. On their way home, though, or as they were on their way home, looking back at Denmark, her whole family and everyone in the area was just riddled with nerves about the rise in witchcraft. Uh-oh. So we're going to get back to James VI and Anne, but for now they are going to Scotland. And we're just talking about Denmark now. But for now, they are going to Scotland. And we're just talking about Denmark now. So Denmark was about to have their version of the witch trials, which were the Copenhagen witch trials.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And I talk about it a little bit. I might do a whole episode on the witch trials one day. But this is we're just going to talk about one witch today. Okay. So one victim of these trials was named Anne Coldings, who also known as the devil's mother what a badass nickname how cute and when she was sentenced to death she said under duress as many victims of witch trials did they were they just were forced into confessing things that weren't true of course she confessed that she had gotten together with a bunch of witches and cursed james and anne's trip from denmark to scotland so they that's why they had
Starting point is 00:24:33 such terrible weather because they were trying to get them in a shipwreck oh no they did this quote by sending small devils up the keels of the ship yeah they're like how did you do it and she's like um i don't know like she's being coerced into this coming up with i mean can you imagine like on the fly having to think of like an evil thing and just kind of writing a story like and also it's like for your demise like truly forced to do this improv for terrible terrible reasons yeah you're forced into this improv that will put you to death kill you right either be put to death now and say nothing or be put to death later and and be a little clever i guess yeah oh so anyway so that was how that was how james and anne's trip was so stormy allegedly and james had gotten really invested in hearing about
Starting point is 00:25:21 uh these witch trials back in denmark i'm assuming through his wife who was from there so he decided that uh he was because of the copenhagen witch trials which i might cover another day he decided that scotland should have their own witch trials and so this is fun the north derrick witch trials not so fun fact at all in denmark's witch trials 13 women were burned at the stake just i just wanted to make sure i let you know that before we move over to scotland and then it's i think in the north barracks it's a lot worse so james the sixth said let's do this let's have the witch trials and one of scotland's uh most famous victims was agnes sampson who was a midwife who lived in nether keith which makes sense with the keith and she was said to have uh healing powers so again this was the 15th through the 17th century the definition of a witch at the time is really important to why certain people were accused
Starting point is 00:26:24 of being witches so 15th to 17th century were accused of being witches. So 15th to 17th century, the definition of a witch was someone who tried to get supernatural powers through making a deal with the devil. And somehow the Bible got tied into that. And when you looked at Genesis 316, which is in sorrow, thou shalt bring forth children, it basically implies that giving birth is supposed to by god biblically it's supposed to be painful it's supposed to be it's natural to feel pain from labor because that's what god intended how wonderful to punish you yeah so if you were someone womanly uterus so if you were someone who either gave or received pain relief during labor it was an unnatural experience you were
Starting point is 00:27:06 having and therefore it was associated with witchcraft great super duper so just like another way to completely like kick women while they're down like it just it always is right like just like even nowadays though like even epidurals it's like well that's not natural it's like what is wrong with you nothing's natural we live in the 21st century okay think of how many people today i've we've said it before but think of how many people today would be accused of witchcraft just by like oh yeah us doing this are you fucking kidding me this is talking over can you imagine in the 15th century if you went to live across the country i'd be like well i guess that's the end of that friendship maybe a letter will get to you finally i can talk trash about her um so but yeah so even
Starting point is 00:27:49 like an epidural at the time if they had heard of an epidural they'd be like that's satanic because even like herbs to try and like easier cramping was like their version of pain relief back then was powdered herbs and yeah so so that's why i mentioned earlier that agnes was a midwife because midwives were very regularly accused of witchcraft because they were helpers and healers especially during that pisses me off so really anyone with medical knowledge was considered unnatural or blasphemous at the time because they were accepting or receiving medical care and yeah it was anti-biblical to be giving pain relief so before the 1800s pain relief was considered magic and dark and then by the 1800s maybe someone was like wait this pain really feels pretty good let's so let me guess some guy was
Starting point is 00:28:37 like oh this is oh well you know now if i can take advantage actually no longer it's the devil's work it's actually from god let it be known a man had the audacity for the billionth fucking time and it was only year 1800 um and so uh so over so this is it was funny and now it's sad again because over 200 years um when people were being tried and executed for witchcraft the number it was around 40 000 people who were oh in total not shit i think i think overall not like in just one time yeah so this time was also known at least in scotland as the burning times oh god that's when you know it's bad yeah and uh where several thousands were accused and tortured for witchcraft and agnes is said to be scotland's oldest victim which like why did we even have to mention her age
Starting point is 00:29:31 but different sources say that she was either middle-aged elderly or quote the eldest of them all okay whoa it's like again kick her even further while she's down like seriously and what i did find out shockingly is like half i freak i wish i remembered what it was do i have the note yeah so um witchcraft in scotland oh like about half of the women were 40 like over 40 so most of them were middle-aged to elderly and i guess her being uh the eldest of them all means she was like maybe 52 i don't know like so here are we so she was a widow with no kids and she is said to have learned a lot of her life skills including witchcraft though from her father and her midwifery clients had ranged from lower to upper class.
Starting point is 00:30:25 She seemed to know everybody in town. She like was working with all types of families. And as far as I would be concerned, she was just like a run of the mill woman doing her job. And she often healed her clients with medicinal combinations of the time and also had some decent clairvoyance or at least that's what people claimed at the time it sounds now a lot more like some OCD tendencies for example she would chant prayers for her clients to get better but if she didn't recite them perfectly she would consider it an omen that they were going to die oh that actually fully sounds like yeah my OCD and so she uh spot on so I'm thinking she probably wasn't clairvoyant I think she just had routines and if they got messed up she took it as signs
Starting point is 00:31:13 well I'm just gonna start saying I'm clairvoyant bingo I mean why not oh my god it's clairvoyant Christine crazy that's crazy it's crazy it's always crazy four four four so uh but yeah so i would say now instead of her being clairvoyant i'd say she was just superstitious and the medical combination she used at the time were now first of all really fucking gross in my opinion but also they were just common but because it was pain relief, that was a problem. So apparently, there was one book called Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland that says that some of Agnes's elixirs were basically like pickled eggs or whiskey ointment on your back. I mean, it was all simple things. Right. But a lot of them came from either including like powdered flowers and herbs and you know there was some i think there was a one thing that she did where
Starting point is 00:32:11 she'd be like oh the husband when you're giving birth should put one of his shirts under the bed and it's almost like the husband's energy protects it's some bullshit like that but my but like a little you know quote wives tales that all played into this. Oh, is it witchcraft? Oh, sure. She also was known to assist another witch named Barbara Napier, who ends up getting accused later in life. But they were known to associate with one another. And that's probably how they ended up both getting accused of witchcraft during the first witch trial in scotland agnes was accused by a woman named gillis gillis g-e-i-l-l-i-s gailis good great i have no clue okay well anyway it was accused by
Starting point is 00:32:56 someone big g big g uh and honestly this was as it was for most cases i imagine it was this person probably being accused and trying to redirect the attention from herself to someone else and saying oh i'm not a witch this person is just for self-preservation sure but this she was known big g was known to sneak out of her master's house and heal people at night and she happened to know a lot about like botany and herbs and all that so i mean that just screams witch god apparently and so when she got accused she said oh no agnes samson is so she also accused by the way on her way out because she was sentenced to i think she was sentenced to death she was at least in jail when she confessed
Starting point is 00:33:37 that uh 70 other people in town would are witches that they didn't know about yet and agnes happened to be one of them she's like i'll tell you about one every week and like listed every fucking person on the block apparently you can just keep me alive as long as i have more people to give you oh my god awful uh when agnes was on trial according to a pamphlet called news from scotland no matter what they tried to do she would not break and she did not confess anything she actually was sent to jail and tortured and she was this was apparently very common she was searched for a devil's mark uh-huh yes which apparently at some point one witch had i think this was like in the middle of just shouting things to prove you were a witch to
Starting point is 00:34:19 stop the torture someone said oh no you can tell who's the witch because there's a devil's mark on us that shows that the devil had licked us ew i didn't know it was from licking apparently it's from the devil licking you maybe kissing you but it's from the devil putting his mouth somewhere on you and it is usually on a private area with hair so that way it is less easy to be found my gosh that way like you can get get away with it for longer so it became commonplace for women to get basically strip searched and shaved so that they could see if there's any birth marks there uh talk about uh just even more further humiliation. Holy crap. Yep. And also the devil's mark could look like anything. So it could be a random birthmark, a wart, a mole, a scratch.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I mean, anything. So if there's a fucking microscopic flaw on you, good luck. Ingrown hair after all that shaving. Oh my God. Oh, bingo. Yeah. And you know, you know know those razors were not clean those were some rusty fucking blades a fucking gillette like probably just used a sword and just got like a real close cut like so uh uh she was ordered to have her all of her hair shaven off of her body apparently i only saw this on one source
Starting point is 00:35:43 and it sounds terrible but apparently one form of torture was they just took a rope and yanked her head around for an hour what which like i can't even imagine i don't do that i had must have read that wrong i was like that's so i don't know i mean some of this stuff just doesn't make any sense and it's still true somehow then they searched for her devil's mark go figure they fucking found a birthmark on a person of course and then they tortured her for days and for many many days she refused to confess to anything and one of the ways they tortured her was they put agnes in a witch's bridal do you know what that is oh no but i'm assuming it's like a horse bridal pretty much it's uh an iron muzzle it's also called a scolds bridle a branks bridle a gossips
Starting point is 00:36:27 bridle or sometimes just the branks or that you're branking well because it's used to keep people silent and remember when you said i left town and you started suddenly but gossiping about me you should watch out this would have been my fate probably you would be in trouble so there is it it's an basically an iron it's an iron cage for your face, basically. It's an iron framed helmet slash mask that went on top of your head. And a horse, like a bridle bit would go, would be forced into your mouth on top of your tongue. And it would be like kind of like on the sides there were, I guess, screws or a handle or something that would tighten it. So that it would press down on your tongue so that you could move your tongue oftentimes that
Starting point is 00:37:09 bridal bit that was laying on your tongue also had a spike what on earth is wrong with these people so that way it didn't it didn't immediately lacerate or slice up your tongue but if you tried to talk at all your tongue would get like punctured and that's disgusting um sometimes while wearing this people would also get beaten because that way they wouldn't be able to scream since their tongue was being if they did scream their tongue would get torn up oh m oh my god m oh my god it caused extreme pain also because it had your mouth in a very specific position you dealt with like hours if not days if not weeks of lockjaw which like i can't even imagine the torture of that alone no uh obviously
Starting point is 00:37:53 psychological trauma because if someone came at you you couldn't even scream or say stay away because of your mouth oh sleep deprivation because for as long as it was on you were not sleeping and as for as long as it was on you were not eating sleeping. And as far as long as it was on, you were not eating. So you're also being starved. Okay. This is just so fucked, dude. Also, just like a vanity torture is that you were also excessively drooling, which I imagine were side effects of like, I don't know if I can't imagine what excessive drooling would do to you, but I imagine there could be some sort of like rawness on your face afterwards.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yeah, I can't feel good. Can't feel good. Well, you probably can't swallow so it's like just oh you can't swallow dry try swallowing without moving your tongue impossible so you're probably just oh yeah so it's just a sore ass throat choking on spit oh god it's awful i imagine there was some sort of like strep or some weird dry raw throat cold that came afterwards because if your mouth is open and you're just breathing in like hay all day in a dungeon like you're definitely just breathing in bacteria well and i'm assuming you're bleeding because your tongue is being punctured i mean this is all so sick so um fun fact this was meant to be used on gossips nags the rude and people who i it says troublesome speech i imagine that means like swearing and
Starting point is 00:39:05 shit. We're in trouble. We're in, we're in big, big trouble. Swearing and shit. So like, I'd already be in trouble. Swearing and shit. So another fun fact, just to like remind you of the patriarchy. And just like, if you happen to know, I forgot about it. If you happen to know a man, and you felt like, like, you were like, I really want to get in a fight today. But like, I can't think of anything. But you still want that manipulative experience just think back to the past and this contraption was created and also almost exclusively used on women at the request of husbands who were tired of listening to their wives scold them and nag them oh yeah she said a swear word she told me to do the dishes. So you wouldn't have to prove anything.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I mean, oh, yep. So it was true. It was mainly husbands being like, she's a nag, like lock the tongue up. Horrid. So during all of this, Agnes did not confess. She had to deal with this for days. And the only way that she ended up confessing was with a different type of torture called a garrote.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Yep. Do you know what that is? Mm-hmm. You do. Okay. Yes, I do. So for those who don't know, imagine you're like sitting. Isn't it a garrote?
Starting point is 00:40:14 A garrote. Is that what it is? I think. So imagine that you are, your back is lined up to a wooden post and around your neck, bolted to the metal post is a collar so basically your neck is trapped against this piece of wood um in this collar and someone is slowly tightening the collar so it's getting closer and closer to the wooden post so your neck is getting closer and closer and eventually strangled on this post yeah so i think a garage just means like a if you have um like it
Starting point is 00:40:47 was it's in a lot of like like crime cases and like for john benet ramsey too it's like when something is around your neck and you turn um i'm trying to think of the best way to describe it like i let me send you a picture of the i think the one that the actual like torture device yeah this one's actually from the torture museum which is extra fun yikes i like this question is death by grot painful yeah no shit well i think death by anything is painful yeah true okay so what i'm gonna send you is um i don't know if this uh model was used on her but a lot of the garats also had a like a little spear sticking out of the wooden post so as your neck was getting pushed into it it was you were also getting stabbed slowly further and further into your spine so tell me
Starting point is 00:41:41 i'll show you the one that i'm thinking which is just oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is i'm sending you just like the picture of what they say yeah like twisting you twist it yeah and it adds so much tension and force to this dysregulation because you're using a tool to like twist it it's really fucked up well the one i have is even worse where your neck is locked your whole body is locked in so even if you're wriggling like you're using a tool to like twist it it's really fucked up well the one i have is even worse where your neck is locked your whole body is locked in so even if you're wriggling like you're stuck yeah that's that's full-on torture device yeah your neck is locked in with a spear going into your head as your head your neck is tight cute cute cute cute basically you're getting strangled and
Starting point is 00:42:19 also stabbed at the same time if that was the one that she had with the little how fun for her so obviously that one like that's not oh your tongue is being held down and might get cut up this is like you are literally about to get beheaded slowly and slowly and slowly so she confessed i imagine that was like the last resort option for forcing a confession and she said that she had killed jane kennedy who was the companion of mary queen of scotts uh she said in 8 in 1589 jane and jane's servant susanna uh both drowned on a boat that was taken down by storm that agnes had conjured that storm so that their ship would sink uh she apparently sank this ship successfully by this witchcraft, which I guess she pulled out of her ass like last minute desperate for a confession. She attached a bunch of corpse pieces to a christened cat and then drowned the cat in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Oh, what? And apparently that was how she conjured up a storm so intense it would kill people on the boat the next day okay um she also uh says that she helped with creating the storm with there was another woman named agnes earlier i think was that her name agnes the woman who said that she had uh created the storm that james and ann were on that that James VI and Anne took. Oh, yeah. And they had those stormy seas on their way to Scotland. Was her name also Anne or something?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah. It was a name I'd also already said. But Agnes said she was also involved in that. In that, like, fun circle. In that fun circle and helped try to conjure the storm that made James and Anne's trip so difficult. She said that she had she also claimed that she had uh hanged a black toad upside down to collect its venom and then she wanted to use
Starting point is 00:44:14 it on a piece of the king's clothing arguably maybe his underwear to make him infertile oh she confessed to working with the devil. She confessed to collecting and powdering bones to be used in charms. She confessed to digging up corpses and removing their finger joints, their noses and their toes. We don't know how much of all of this is true. But I do think some of those things were not necessarily used for charms, but they were used in healing for pain relief at the time. So I think she probably just like really sensationalized it to prove a point. Also, she claimed that she had gone to the Devil's Convention, or as I like to call it, Devil Con. And apparently... Or as I like to call it, the That's Why I Drink Live Tour. So the Devil apparently, she saw, I guess he was like doing a panel or something because she said at devil con uh the devil spoke against the king and so that must be why she also hated the king
Starting point is 00:45:15 and conjured a storm to kill him and want to make him infertile and she also named other witches but agnes was a fucking homie and all the people that she named had already died from being accused of witchcraft so she wasn't yeah so she's like fine i'll finally sacrifice myself once you're like beheading me but i was like i'm not used to throw anyone under the bus exactly at least as far as the sources i read i don't want anyone coming at me being like actually maybe i will name my rancid person maybe i will name my future child agnes we'll see agnes so far i mean you got katherine han playing an agnes you got agnes sampson saving people kind of into it so uh
Starting point is 00:45:51 anyway so she named other witches who had already died uh she also says that at least at the convention the devil wore a black hat and robe very she she and he checked in he was literally at like the front line like at the desk where like he checked people into the convention and they paid guess what their cover charge was what an obscene kiss oh hell yeah do you know what an obscene kiss is it's not making out yeah is it like uh apparently the obscene kiss is also known as the osculum infame or the kiss of shame which is heard it was heard of uh more around witch trial times than any other time and i think this might
Starting point is 00:46:40 have just maybe been i don't know enough about witch history, so I hope I'm not getting it wrong. But my guess is that this was just another thing that like someone who was accused cried out trying to end duress, but apparently it is part of a witch's initiation into becoming a witch is she does the kiss of shame with the devil. It is when a witch pays homage to the devil by kissing him while he's in animal form and kisses either his feet his anus or his generals his generals genitals sorry i couldn't even say the word a kiss on the anus is is an interesting thing uh well apparently so i didn't write this down so i'm gonna butcher it because i'm just remembering it from my notes but apparently the kissing them on the butt is because there was one version of the story where the devil actually has a smaller devil on his ass and wait what like he has an actual devil like like the
Starting point is 00:47:37 devil actually like if he were to like pants himself like just drop trow he has a another devil's face on his butt so it's almost like no like a devil face like an actual head like a valdemore face yes and um like yes i guess if you're kissing the butt you're actually kissing the lips of the devil on the devil's butt that was one very small version but i'm glad you let me talk about that for a second. You're so welcome. I could tell you wanted to. Sometimes the roles were reversed and the devil would be the kiss-ee or the kisser. Well, the witch was the kiss-ee, which I appreciate that there was that role reversal there. Like everyone had a chance.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Yeah, that's why it's so blasphemous, you know? Oh, yeah, because a woman might be the one getting kissed. Yeah. blasphemous you know oh yeah because a woman might be the one getting kissed yeah uh so this is only really heard of again during the witch trials although there is some historical context from the 1300s that something like this was going on but i didn't look too far into it because it had nothing to do with with the witch trials but it might have been like inspiration for how this story came to be okay james also asked for proof of agnes's powers after all this by the way james was like part of these trials like king james was like i don't know if he was
Starting point is 00:48:53 king yet but uh james the sixth was part of these trials that he had when he created the what were they called not the scotland witch trials the north barrack witch trials he was like i'm gonna sit in and enjoy all of the torture and hear all the confessions. What a sicko. And when he asked for proof of her power, she used her clairvoyance to recite a conversation that James and Anne had probably had on their wedding night or had definitely had on their wedding night, according to Agnes. It was a conversation that no one would have, quote, no way of knowing.
Starting point is 00:49:26 conversation that no one would have quote no way of knowing i can only imagine that because he was 24 and and was 14 uh i bet that conversation was him explaining what sex is yep yep yep or just saying oh god so she probably uh i'm guessing we don't know what the conversation was but i'm guessing it was had something to do with that, where she was. If it was something predictable, she had to guess. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. And here's a quote about his astonishment.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yikes. The king's majesty wondered greatly and swore by the living God that he believed that all the devils in hell could not have discovered the same. Okay. Acknowledging her words to be the most true and therefore gave them more credit
Starting point is 00:50:03 to the rest which she, which is before declared uh which is like wow he was so amazed but also like he's like he just never thought he was so predictable i think he thinks he discovered sex that's what i'm thinking like i think he created it and it's shocking that someone else would know about it anyway apparently this wonderful talent of hers has now put her right in the grave and this was proof of her being a witch she was strangled and then burned at the stake on january 28th 1591 after all that her execution only cost i don't know what's the little sign in europe where it's like
Starting point is 00:50:39 is it quid is that what they call it a quid no i don't think so well well okay hang on i'm gonna see what the quid sign is her uh quid sign yeah a quid uh it was like a pound a euro or something yeah i'm so stupid a pound a pound i'm pretty sure a pound and well six of them is how much her a whole execution cost it was a very cheap experience and uh she died in 1591 and she yeah quit is the slang term of pound sorry i just want to make sure i got that right six pound okay so agnes before she died confessed to 58 of the 102 accusations thrown at her oh it's so sad fun fact except not at all the researchers at the university of edinburgh have identified over 3 800 cases of witchcraft accusation in scotland between the 1560s and 1730s and apparently in that time like right in the middle so it was like the 1590s to the 1660s there were five like very large scale witch hunts
Starting point is 00:51:46 jeez so that's awful james the sixth leader uh became king of england and also wrote demonology which is a book about i think it's actually several books about dark magic sorcery witchcraft and spirits and agnes is still said to haunt where she was sent for trial which was the palace of hollyrood house she is known though her ghost name is bald agnes oh come on because she was seen beaten she's usually seen beaten bloodied and bald as she was when she died this is so fucking sad now you're giving me a bummer the most recent sighting was 2014 when a maintenance man uh repaired i was repairing a lock and saw her limping towards him from a corridor and then she vanished how scary and sad i hope she i hope that's just residual
Starting point is 00:52:39 i think i hope so too i i have to imagine she's living a better life than that. I hope so. I really do. Anyway, that is the story of Agnes Sampson, aka the wise witch of Keith. Well, if I end up with a future child named that as a middle name or otherwise, welcome to your inspiration. Can't wait to read that baby their bedtime story
Starting point is 00:53:04 every night all about them night how fucked up is that i like that this convinced me more so that this is a good name rather than the other way around you're like i'll tell them all about the the gossips bridal they'll love it oh god that'll be like a cautionary tale from my childhood oh boy well that was that was fascinating em thank you very much you're welcome you're welcome i didn't know if we were still we were going i'm just shifting my shifting my weight around have you ever had a nose hair that makes you want to scream for the rest of time because that's what's happening in my face right now oh yes where it just keeps itching yeah also i found a new um playlist for you that i
Starting point is 00:53:47 would like to shout out to everybody i sent it to eva last night as well and uh i sent it out i sent it to everybody um did you send it to me i didn't send it to you because i'd already sent you because it already sent you three playlists and i was like this is overkill oh but they're great if anyone would like to look it up the playlist is on youtube it is literally called this playlist will make you feel like a 19th century villain descending into true madness and i love it and i was like wait a minute it can't possibly and then i pressed play and went oh my god i am descending into oh my god here i go here i go here she goes okay is that the first song anyway so if you'd like to ever wonder what it is i'm listening to when i do my notes it is that playlist well at 3 58 a.m i received let's see well it was midnight your time 12 24 a.m you're at a party at gatsby watching daisy's green light oldies music
Starting point is 00:54:43 crickets waves three hours then you sent me you're a hopeless romantic, but in the 19th century, a playlist. And then you said, wait, just kidding. This one, this playlist will make you feel like a 19th century villain. But it was not the descending into madness yet. That one I take back. The one that's this place will make you feel like a 19th century villain. No, it will not. But then when you listen to this playlist descending into madness
Starting point is 00:55:05 one that one is what i was hoping the first one was my new favorite honestly is the one i mean it's one of the the harry potter one i do like the harry potter one a lot but it's the one um it's also by uh nemo's dreamscapes and it's the one of like the little chipmunks sleeping and the one the mom is knitting and it's just like this fire crackling and thunder and it's just oldies. It's the one I have it like playing on a screen so that I can see the little rocking baby sleeping. What is that? Look, if there's anything I've ever been more proud of, it's finding that playlist or finding that artist and showing it to every person I know. And when they say oldies it's
Starting point is 00:55:45 like old-timey like crackly radio like a phonograph so yeah it's like railroad music like it's like really comforting in a weird old way that it's just so strange how that works the harry potter one i'm currently in love with where it's like you're uh you're on the train to hogwarts while harry and hermione sleep and they're and it's like it's just the two of them like kind of sleeping on the bunk and like there's rain on the window of the train and like you're just sitting there countryside going by you can hear like the train sound god damn it i just kept laughing at the z's coming out of their heads nemo's dreamscapes if you listen to us or someone knows nemo's dreamscapes i need to personally
Starting point is 00:56:25 thank them for all of the sanity they have allowed me to keep as i work so 100 i actually sent them a donation yesterday because i listened to it so much and then they were doing like a lot they were like you know we get we only are funded by donations and it was like over the past however many weeks we received like a hundred dollars and i was like oh my god okay so i felt like i had to donate i'm gonna go donate too yeah we should donate because it really is and uh it really is just a cool a cool service that they do i mean i'm just oh yeah also i just got a mysterious text that says hey girl so who is this wait a minute it's so creepy it's like there's no I don't know the number. It just says hey girl. Anyway. Oh my god. Okay. Ignore that for now. Hey you. I found you. I finally found you.
Starting point is 00:57:17 It's you. Oh my god. I don't know who you are. I'm so sorry. Okay okay this is the story for today it is the story of jamie closs okay and it is a pretty recent story okay uh this kind of uh what's the word it kind of wound wound down no like it ended it's a fun game um it like it uh culminated i think is what i'm trying to say oh okay like the whole story kind of culminated in early 2019 so got it that's like when the most recent stuff happened so this is uh in gordon wisconsin and it took place on thursday january 10th of 2019 a local woman named jean nutter was walking her dog when she saw a teenage girl who looked to be in distress and was not dressed appropriately for the freezing january wisconsin temperatures only wearing a
Starting point is 00:58:10 sweatshirt leggings and slippers and jean nutter told cbs she could tell that quote wherever she had been she had left in a hurry and so i quickened my pace and got to her and she just sort of fell into me and said i'm jamie and i said i know what q title sequence oh my god oh my god okay okay okay i'm jamie and i said i know okay i know goose cam goose cam indeed goose cam central so rewind to several months prior, October 15, 2018, in Barron, Wisconsin. Wait, what was the name of your witch thing? Agnes Sampson? No, like the bear something witch trials. Oh, the North Barrick.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Oh, okay. Well, this is Barron. Never mind. Oh. In Barron, Wisconsin, the Kloss family were woken up at about 1230 a.m. to the sound of their dog, Molly, barking. Jamie Kloss, who was 13 years old, peered out her window to see a vehicle parked outside the house. The shape of a figure stepped out of it and began approaching.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Ugh. Yeah. Nervous, Jamie ran to her parents' room to let them know. So Jamie's father, James, went to the front door while jamie and her mom denise went to hide in the family bathroom i mean this is like nightmare already already you're like a sentence in christine i'm sorry i'm sorry just play your radio old-timey radio broadcast i need my dreamscapes your dreamscape um so as james got downstairs this is why you don't open the door i'm not victim blaming him i don't blame him at all i'm just saying downstairs this is why you don't open the door i'm not victim blaming him
Starting point is 00:59:45 i don't blame him at all i'm just saying like this is why my paranoid brain is like i just don't open the door i don't even i assume james opened the door james opened the door oh my word okay oh my word james opened the door because he didn't know who it was he for whatever reason assumed he was dealing with a police officer because his daughter and wife upstairs heard him order the figure to show me your badge. Shortly after that, in the upstairs bathroom, Jamie and her mom heard the sound of glass smashing and a gunshot. The intruder had shot James through a... Oh, you know what? I lied.
Starting point is 01:00:20 He didn't open the window. I misspoke. He had just said, show me your badge through the door. I forgot about this part. And he had been shot through the glass window on the door. Oh, my God. He hadn't even opened the fucking door. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I misspoke. Wow. But that's just even more tragic. You would never expect that. Yeah. Whoa. OK. So it was like the decorative window that was part of the door.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And so he said, show me your badge before I open up. Yeah. As a very reasonable, smart person would do. And he was shot through the decorative glass window in the door. Horrifying. So Jamie and her mom thought it would be safer to stay where they were in the bathroom. And Jamie's mom quickly called 911 from her cell phone. Before she could even speak to the dispatcher, the door to the bathroom was smashed in.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Oh my god. Oh my god, wait, this is for sure a wrong number. Sorry, I just got an updated text. Saying what? I hope those pills I gave you help. What? Maybe they're such I gave you help. What? Maybe they're such good pills you don't even remember taking them. I'm like, did I take pills? I doubt it.
Starting point is 01:01:31 I hope the pills I gave you help. If you continue to have the shits, make sure you call Pete. Who the fuck is Pete? I. What is this? Also, like, that's absolutely a prank text because if they i feel like you don't just start a conversation with i hope the pills are going well i don't know maybe maybe you do if that's the kind of friendship you have i don't know please write something back
Starting point is 01:02:01 being like oh my god i've been having the shits all day it's insane well here's the rest of the text pete has the best remedies to get rid of that make sure to not eat sugar-free gummy bears again lol what's happening i don't know who this is i'm so sorry please write them back while we're doing this okay we should just say i feel like my diarrhea has been out of sight no No, I'm not saying that. I feel like it's a local area code, so I bet they just have the wrong number. But, like, I'm trying to think. I'm like, I never would have. I can't.
Starting point is 01:02:34 This obviously is not somebody I know. Just do, like, dot, dot, dot. Like, what if I mix those pills with something else? Or, like. No. What if I, hmm. I don't want to. I feel like I should. no what if i uh hmm i don't want to i don't know just say at what point at what point is
Starting point is 01:02:47 too many shits and so like when do i call pete like at danger zone are we at four or we have five what are we thinking so what if i just didn't bunch of SOS emojis? Pete has the best remedies. Like, what is this? This is creepy. Does he have... Hmm. I mean, maybe it's something, like, innocuous and the pills are just, like, some constipation.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Like Imodium? Maybe they're like Imodium. Yeah, some Imodium or something. Imodium, sugar-free gummy bears. For a second, I was like, oh oh my psychiatrist is too and i was like that doesn't make any sense i was like oh the pills she gave me wait a second no that that's not anything um just right just be like yeah i'm really gonna need pete's number this is insane and then conspire with pete to prank this person be like pete you don't know me but i know a lot about you this person thinks you think i'm shitting a lot
Starting point is 01:03:45 so let's like really get her we need to play my fake intestinal distress up for all it's worth okay oh my god like i don't even eat sugar-free gummy bears i'm allergic okay so i don't know what to tell this person but i love that they put it they put a laughing emoji though so just write something else back completely different just be like oh my god did you watch the latest episode of kyle xy then it probably will be like christine is this you and i'll be like oh shit yeah that was too spot on something i would actually say um you should text them to like top podcasts go and then if they if they say yeah good podcast then it's a test then they win then we win how
Starting point is 01:04:27 trippy would it be if they listen to the podcast and they're like wait a second i sent that message no i doubt if they're like any show but and that's what i drank that one fucking sucks and i'd be like you know what i'm calling pete okay pete and i are getting together and gossiping about you anyway carry on with this horrible story i think you may have the wrong number no christine i want i want to know who it is let me say who are you looking for no no one ever responds oh i do wow well so many opportunities to play a fun game oh come on i know i'm sorry i i won't who are you a mom like you've got three more months of socially anxious. I don't I'm socially anxious. I feel like if I get the wrong number, the last
Starting point is 01:05:10 thing I was you got three more months before you got to start texting like a mom and I can't judge you. You got it. Oh, come on. Play it up, man. Well, I will shop it later. We'll shop it. Oh, God. Fine. Okay. You already said just to social? No, but I'm just too socially anxious to like... Give me the number. Give me the number. I'll text them. No, I will not do that. Now I know that's going to end poorly.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Oh, my God. Do it. I'll be like, hey, this is Pete. New number. Yo, that person with the pills is like, won't stop pooping out gummy bears. And she keeps ordering sugar-free gummy bears on Amazon, and I don't know how to make her stop. She just won't listen to your advice.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Okay, I'm going to keep going. So, this is terrible. I'm so sorry. The worst time ever to crack jokes. That was really not okay. It really was terrible timing. Whoever this is needs to apologize. Pete?
Starting point is 01:06:00 Pete? Gummy bears? I'm talking to you, Pete. Okay, sorry. Back in the zone of actually actually i just wanted to just have that one moment where we had joy before this got sad again so just a little moment of happiness yeah so anyway anyway they're in the bathroom um denise decides to call 9-1-1 and before she can even begin to speak to the dispatcher the door to the bathroom is smashed in fucking horrifying i mean horror movie level so a man
Starting point is 01:06:26 dressed head to toe in black and carrying a shotgun orders oh my god yeah like i don't know why that terrifies me more just because it's a bigger gun it's just like 110 this guy shows up like yeah and they just heard the gunshot so they know now also that their dad has been the dad has been shot so he orders denise to hang up the call the intruder uh also orders denise to cover her daughter's mouth with duct tape because uh jamie is sobbing so he has denise cover jamie's mouth with duct tape she's again 13 and then right in front of jamie the intruder shoots denise in the yeah it's just like fucking awful i can't imagine nope bad bad news what the fuck happens next to this poor girl okay well nothing good so um
Starting point is 01:07:19 knowing that denise had called 9-1-1 and the police would probably be there any minute the intruder quickly tapes jamie at her, marches her outside, forces her into the trunk of his car and speeds off. Oh, my God. Kidnaps her. So sure enough, deputies had followed up with the 911 call and had rushed over the Kloss household after Denise had called. But even though they'd only arrived within minutes of the call taking place, the intruder had already fled with Jamie. they'd only arrived within minutes of the call taking place the intruder had already fled with jamie so once they get to the house obviously police find the bodies of jamie's parents who had both been tragically murdered only minutes earlier and apart from the gunshots the intruder
Starting point is 01:07:55 had left nothing like no no sign or piece of evidence behind so obviously they notice that jamie is missing uh and so when the intruder later opens his trunk jamie had no way of noticing of knowing that she was now in a town called gordon wisconsin which is roughly an hour away from her hometown of baron so he's driven her about an hour outside of home wow and she is led into a bedroom where she is freed from the duct tape. And the kidnapper tells Jamie, who had unfortunately wet herself in fear, as we all probably would, to take all her clothes off, which he puts in a bag. And then he gives her a pair of pajamas, which would later be revealed to belong to his sister. She's like a sicko. And along with the bag of Jamie's clothes, he throws everything, the duct tape and his gloves into the fireplace to burn the evidence. jammies clothes he throws everything the duct tape and his gloves into the fireplace to burn the evidence so jammy was then forced to crawl under the man's bed and this would become her
Starting point is 01:08:51 living space for the next 88 days just under the bed yeah yeah so the man warned her that if she tried to escape he would do the same thing to her as he did to her parents. And it's time to introduce you to the piece of trash behind the mask, which is my new game show that I'm inventing. Oh, great. Finally, at least you have a game to play. I made it fun. Not this is the piece of trash behind the mask. It's kidnapper 20. The kidnapper is 21 year old Jacob Thomas Patterson.
Starting point is 01:09:24 He was apparently known to be a bit of a loner at school um he basically didn't have an online presence and according to the new york post he'd spent spend time in his family's remote cabin just reading books about outdoor survival and the military and that was pretty much all he did with his time his former neighbor tristan roberts remembers one time seeing his dark side after tristan accidentally brushed his bag against patterson's head on a school bus as he was like walking past and roberts later told the daily mail he turned around and punched me in the nose i was looking down at my phone at the time not expecting it then we got into a scuffle and the bus driver
Starting point is 01:10:00 actually stopped the bus it was a good fist fight we both got in a few shots and based on the experience he tells the paper so is jake patterson capable of doing something terrible i would say yes he could shoot someone i saw the rage in his eyes so that's just one example of like how this guy got along with others which is not well um so he besides this had no previous convictions like he hadn't been in trouble with the law. But after graduating high school in Menong, Wisconsin, he had enlisted in the Marine Corps, was released after one month. I'm not sure why. But he worked for the Genio Turkey Plant in Barron for one day in 2016 before he quit. And this was the only, like, weirdly enough, the only link he had to the Kloss family because Jamie's parents both worked at the Genio turkey plant whoa so that was just kind of a strange I mean I guess
Starting point is 01:10:52 we'll find out later yeah that the we'll talk more about later but uh that was the only now it makes no sense it makes no sense exactly and he worked there for one day so it's not like they knew each other right yeah okay so, back to Jamie's experience. This fucking asshole has forced her underneath his bed, which he would then barricade with like dumbbells, like workout weights and other heavy materials. So she wouldn't be able to escape. So she was like also pressed into the ground. She was, yeah, basically just like.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Like she wasn't just like hanging out and rolling around down there. She was like being pressed in so she could crawl out of the bed so he just blocked off the oh block it off the bed sorry i was thinking like put it on the bed so the bed was too heavy to hold oh no no and she was being crushed okay no no he just blocked um the bear he barricaded the bed with like weights and other objects to keep her underneath it so long periods of time would go by where he wouldn't give her any water or food she would be down there for hours on end um he wouldn't allow her to use the bathroom he would even sometimes have certain visitors like his dad and his friends come over to the house all while jamie was hidden underneath his bed uh and he would just leave his room
Starting point is 01:12:00 blasting with loud music so no one could hear her screaming which is like can you also like thinking as this jacob guy like the immediate sense of i got away with it confidence and that like oh i can have people over and not even worry that like i'm gonna get yes or maybe he liked the thrill of maybe i will get caught and it honestly just continues in that exact vein of him just thinking he's hot shit yep right yeah and like this is my psa if you have a friend or family member who has never done this before and then suddenly when you come over locks their room and blasts loud music maybe at least inquire like why why are they doing this what are you doing in there and not that like not that that's something to tell you oh my son has kidnapped a child but like just still maybe just see something say something see right if you feel weird maybe
Starting point is 01:12:54 check it out that's all um again not blaming anybody else but him but just saying like i'm just i feel like every time i read one of these stories i add another paranoia to my yeah exactly okay so uh so he'd have like his dad over and he would just have jamie under the bed it would be blasting loud music he later told police this is kind of in response to what you said he later told police that he was so confident of the control he had over jamie that he quote knew she was just fucking terrified of me so that was well yeah you shot both of her parents in front of her and also like oh my god that's like the tip of the iceberg but yeah yeah so uh as said before jamie was kept under patterson's captivity for 88 days which is nearly three months to like a quarter of a year just underneath this bed nothing to do nothing just like also like let's not forget like
Starting point is 01:13:46 peeing and pooping and like like all just like having nowhere to go so just like also being like probably like not clean like i'm sure she's not getting showers like she's just like sitting in tears oh my god just also your your back pain of just lying down how uncomfortable true for three sleeping down there i mean on a hardwood floor just lying there for three horrendous so during so for the majority of the time jamie would be underneath the bed surrounded by weights and big tubs as i said so she wouldn't be able to free herself and during the 88 days on one occasion he brought her out to his yard to walk around with him he'd sometimes get jamie to play board games with him this is just added to the level of like fucked up in this
Starting point is 01:14:31 of this apparently he once brought her back a starbucks drink um he had wanted to at one point change her appearance by cutting her hair but he then decided against it because jamie said she didn't want to oh finally she has a say in something. Right, right, right. Exactly. Exactly. Good for you to let her have that. Jamie recalled that on one occasion he did physically abuse her by beating her on the back with a cleaning item. But after her escape, she was unable to recall the event that triggered the punishment.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Wow. I'm surprised she was able to remember anything. Same. My brain would have shut the fuck off. Same. Same. My brain would have shut the fuck off. Same. Completely. What is evident, though, is that as time went on, poor guy Jake Patterson struggled with his guilt because of his actions. He found it hard to talk to Jamie about what had happened.
Starting point is 01:15:17 So for the most part, he avoided the topic. Oh. Aw. You want to make it awkward, you know? oh uh you want to make it awkward you know the face you just made when he said ah was just like exactly what my brain feels right now um one night he claims to have been over so overcome with guilt that he got drunk and made a promise to jamie that if she wrote a letter to her auntie that he would send it however the following day when he sobered up he decided against it believing that he had just gotten
Starting point is 01:15:44 away with his crimes according to the chicago tribune and he decided never mind don't want to risk it so wait at this point has is she like now just like free to walk around the house or is she still under the bed she's still under the bed um every now and then coming out every now and then yeah he'll let her out sometimes to like use the bathroom but that's about it she the fact that she was even brave enough earlier by the way to say i don't want to cut my hair when like at that point i would have assumed i don't get to say what i do or don't want i wonder why she was saying like can i at least like not sleep on the can you at least give me a mattress under the bed like something well this is my next bullet at times he did get jamie to
Starting point is 01:16:19 sleep in the bed with him but thankfully his guilt quotequote got in the way of him acting on any sexual fantasies he had i like that that's what had to keep him far right uh-huh yeah too far uh which i mean at least thank god but still it's like so the only option if you're not sleeping under the bed is you're in the bed with him which is like arguably worse or equally as bad you know so he was so cocky that what he that what he called mind stuff which i'm which presumably is like mind games of terrifying jamie was enough to keep her captive and because of this he didn't take extra precautions like locking rooms or doors or windows wow so he was real confident real fucking confident i mean even like letting her sleep in
Starting point is 01:17:00 your bed when like the second you fall asleep she could just get up and leave. Exactly. Exactly. Just totally thinks he's got this covered. And so on Thursday, January 10th, 2019, when Patterson told Jamie he was leaving for a few hours, she knew this was a now or never opportunity. Also to tell her you're leaving for a few hours. Yeah. That's confident. How dumb can you be? Or just stupid.
Starting point is 01:17:24 But, yeah. So he tells her, i'm leaving for a few hours she goes this is my chance she slipped on a pair of patterson's shoes and just ran out of the house and again it's january in wisconsin freezing cold she ran to a nearby road which is where she spotted gene nutter walking her dog and that moment must have been just like i can't fathom i can't fathom yeah gene would recall Jamie sobbing, saying, I'm Jamie Kloss. I don't know where I am. Please help.
Starting point is 01:17:49 I want to go home. And then Jean delivering her iconic line, I know. So of course, during this time, Jamie's face had been all over missing persons reports, on posters, broadcast in the media. And that's how Jean knew who it was. Like this girl has been all in the media and that's how gene knew who it was like this girl has been all over the media and the news had kept the world posted on the funeral that had been held for jamie's parents during jamie's captivity and the gathering of hope ceremony her school had hosted
Starting point is 01:18:16 in october like just hoping they would find jamie somewhere alive um so with that in mind gene knew exactly who this girl was uh when she ran up to her 13 years old by the way i just can't get over that neither so gene told cbs she had to work hard to not reveal how not calm inside she was um which good for her to be like i need to be the stoic one yeah exactly um she asked jamie only a few questions she said first of all where did you come from and she told me i said is said, is he home? And she said, no. I said, is he in a car? And she said, yes. And I said, what color is it? Because if we ran into the car, I wanted to have some other plan in my head. I'm like going to cry. This like makes me so. What a bad ass. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:19:00 Like just having this plan immediately. There's a photo of her and her dog. And it's just this older woman walking her little pup. And it it's just like you would never think twice about going out for a stroll and like saving a life yeah saving a child that oh my god horrifying so ultimately jean made the decision to knock on someone else's door to call 9-1-1 um so a mere 11 minutes after police had recovered jamie they found jake patterson in his car and arrested him the idiot's not very good at hiding when he got out of his car he said i know what this is about i did it oh stupid okay so all right uh nobody doubted that but whatever so uh in the investigation into patterson there was not as we mentioned earlier a clear connection between him and the kloss family apart from that one day at the turkey
Starting point is 01:19:50 factory uh so department of justice documents revealed this is horrible this is like this kind of israel keys shit where it's just like it was just puts you on it it was just fucking random like it's just so i was this whole time i was like i can't wait to figure out why he picked them and now i just there's it just adds such a layer of terror of like they there's no way nothing they could have i don't know it just adds like a level of did he ever say what his plan with jamie was yes well or lack thereof but yes uh that's actually the next part here so according to document department of justice documents that later revealed that patterson had told investigators he had planned to abduct a teenage girl for around a year just take a girl and that if it wasn't jamie
Starting point is 01:20:37 it would have been someone else i thought about that a lot oh to think that there's somebody you may know or run into who has been for a year thinking of abducting a teenage girl is just something it would never cross your mind i mean and then what she was just gonna let her fucking go like well according to patterson remembered maybe a year after that i was starting to think about how actually i how actually do i do this like more specifically not just in general i was more like thinking I could kidnap a fucking girl and just like keep her and shit as if this is like a fucking turtle or something you pick up on the side of the road.
Starting point is 01:21:11 I mean, oh, my God, horrible. So they asked him whether there was anything about Jamie in particular that made him believe he could take her. And he said, I don't really know. It was kind of like I just thought I could do it. I don't know how to explain it other than that. So what happened was on his drive to a cheese factory, which is not a cheesecake factory.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Thank God. Which I was like. Close. Too close to the sun, my friend. Because he said he worked there. And I was like, no. But he worked at a cheese factory which to be fair hurts my feelings but you're not a cheese a cheese fan right but to me that hurts my feelings but at least not
Starting point is 01:21:50 cheesecake factory so on his drive to a cheese factory where he worked oh he only worked there for two days by the way so he worked at the time wow this guy could not keep it together are you kidding me not even for like half a week like. On one of the two mornings he worked there, he stopped behind a school bus and he saw Jamie get on the bus in front of her house. And he had no idea who she was. Had no idea who else lived at the house with her. Whether she had siblings. If her parents lived there with her. And he just decided, okay, that's where I'm going to go and take that girl.
Starting point is 01:22:22 From that house. Oh my god. Just noted the address and decided. girl from that house oh my god just noted the address and decided because he pulled up behind a school bus on the way to work and just saw a kid just saw her so patterson told investigators that he immediately went to a walmart in rice lake wisconsin where he purchased items to use in the abduction which included a black colored balaclava type mask to conceal his identity uh he said that he had tried to kidnap jamie on two previous occasions as well but the time wasn't right oh my god isn't that fucking scary like chilling ew yeah i don't even there's no more detail than that except apparently he just like
Starting point is 01:22:58 didn't like the gut feeling wasn't there something yeah he just was like no no it's not the right time which is like sick so abc news reported that on october 15 2018 patterson took his father's 12 gauge mossberg pump shotgun with him because he had done research and knew that the mossberg brand shotgun was one of the most heavily manufactured or owned shotguns and assumed it would be more difficult to trace so in some ways he has like a plan or like right it's like at random but yeah strategic he's like yeah strategize um he also stated that he felt a 12 gauge slug would inflict the most damage on someone and would most likely be the best choice of shell and weapon to kill someone he also told investigators that he shaved his beard and head and showered before leaving his house so that he would not leave any DNA or hair at the scene.
Starting point is 01:23:47 So he takes a shotgun. He puts on his brown steel-toed work boots, blue jeans, a black jacket, work gloves, and his mask, and he heads over to the Kloss household middle of the night. And a really kind of spooky element, too, of all this is that he was really close to being caught on the night of the murders. is that he was really close to being caught on the night of the murders because there's actually police body cam footage from that night which has been released by the department of justice and you can watch it and the footage shows two officers responding to the call and you can overhear the men saying do you want to see if you can pull any plates off cars going the other way how about that maroon one that just yielded well we'll have him on camera and in the footage you see the police car police car pass a maroon truck driving on the other side of the road and jamie was in the trunk
Starting point is 01:24:30 of that car oh my god when they saw it when it's on camera which is like again so chilling but the problem was that he had actually thought ahead to uh put stolen plates on his car so they didn't make the connection and weren't able to track it so horrifying that on the way there apparently he saw the police cars heading toward the class home and he pulled over thinking they'd discover he had jamie in his vehicle as they were just a matter of feet away from him so he was 20 seconds away from the home when police were zooming by to go to the house like that's how close they passed each other whoa which is just awful um oh my god so that was just luck because as he later revealed to the cops he didn't really put much thought into this which is just some also level of fucked up of like he didn't even really care also when you
Starting point is 01:25:27 think back on like he planned on keeping the kid for whoever the kid was going to be yeah for a year and then logistically i know he said he wasn't thinking logistically but logistically what were you going to do then like let them go and assume you wouldn't get caught like the only option really would be to kill them well they asked him that he said so well it's in one of these upcoming bullets he revealed he believed that jamie just would never be able to escape nor would want to escape and she loved being there yeah she listen sometimes i played boggle this is what you have to understand my fucking god i got her starbucks one time i got her a londonog and I thought it changed our relationship forever. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Yeah. Yeah. So he believed she wouldn't want to escape as he said, I just trusted her and trusted that she wouldn't try to get out. I mean, this guy's twisted in the brain, obviously. He also demonstrated no thought about any long term plans as to how he would hold someone hostage and what that even meant. So there you go for that question.
Starting point is 01:26:26 As the 88 days slowly went on, he truly believed he had gotten away with the kidnapping because he didn't leave a digital trace behind such as Googling Jamie's address or bringing his phone to her home on the night of the kidnapping. So some things felt very smart. Like he didn't even bring his phone with him so that it couldn't be traced. And he did, he shaved so he wouldn't leave hair at the scene, but then like kidnapped her and went like well now what you know it's like
Starting point is 01:26:48 some of this is so weirdly thought out he went really he really went into like making sure everything was good until like one part of the plan and then he got like okay well yeah it's like short-term thought sort of yeah he did a really good job on the first half of the project yes which is awful yes exactly and so he never really planned what to do so he just kind of thought he had gotten away with it um and he said after a while i thought i could get away with this i mean i understand how when there's no connection a person has no connection to someone how that's fucking almost impossible to solve or really hard to solve which is so so scary. And I know I keep bringing up Israel Keys, but it's that same idea of like you can't just trace their coworkers or it's just like a random person, which makes it so much harder to figure out. And just so it makes it so much scarier as like we're all potential victims of someone just, you know, wrong place, wrong time, wrong place, wrong time.
Starting point is 01:27:42 And like and sometimes wrong place, wrong time is your own home. Like, right. Exactly. Exactly. You just happen to be in the way of somebody with really bad intentions. So Jake Patterson was charged in connection to Jamie's kidnapping and her parents' murders to which he pled guilty in March of 2019.
Starting point is 01:27:58 He is currently serving life in prison. And as for Jamie, she said in her statement, which was read aloud at the trial and try not to get emotional okay her statement was read aloud at the trial and it uh it read jake patterson can never take away my courage he thought he could control me but he couldn't jake patterson will never have any power over me i feel like i have some power over him he can't take my freedom he thought he could own me and he was wrong i was smarter i watched his routine and i took back my freedom i will always have my freedom and he will not what an amazing
Starting point is 01:28:30 13 kid are you kidding me who's now only like what 15 yeah wow so so okay i was i was gonna say do we know where yes yes so the case is is provided for what it's worth. A lot of other parents of abducted and endangered children, such as Kayla Berg, who we recently discussed. That was the YouTube video that they thought was connected to. And then it was a hoax, that case. So it has provided a lot of families with some hope, which is good that, you know, sometimes something feels hopeless and then someone escapes or something happens and the case is correct however while the whole family's obviously thrilled about her return there is some obviously very dark sadness that comes with it jamie's grandfather has said you can tell she's not quite the same i mean how could you be how
Starting point is 01:29:20 could you be that's not at all her fault yeah and then when jamie went missing twenty five thousand dollars had been offered as a reward for information in order to find her. And that was actually offered by Jenny O. Turkey stores, which is where her parents worked. So when Jamie escaped, Jenny O. Turkey's parent company, Hormel Foods, placed that money in a trust fund for Jamie. And the CEO of Hormel Foods, Jim Snee, said, on behalf of the entire Jenny O. and Hormel Foods family, we are overjoyed at the news of Jamie's safe return. Her bravery and strength have truly inspired our team members around the world.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Our hope is that a trust fund can be used for Jamie's needs today and in the future. Wow. And she now lives with her aunt and guardian, Jennifer Naberg-Smith, who said in a statement in January 2021, so a couple months ago that jamie is taking life day by day jamie is doing good she's enjoying dance school activities and many other things as much as as is possible in regards to now dealing with the covid restrictions she is surrounded by lots of loved ones and that's the story of jamie claus both of your stories this uh this time around were well they're being recorded in advance but today both of your stories this time around were, well, they're being recorded in advance. But today, both of your stories you did were, like, super recent.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Like, both had COVID mentioned in them. Weirdly, like, updated. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Wow. Oh, my God. What an amazing kid. I know.
Starting point is 01:30:40 That's just so tragic. Such a badass and, like, so not something any kid or any human deserves to go through but still just like at least the silver lining of like she's okay now you know but just to have your parents lost in that way too it's just horrifying so where was this again and in the wisconsin wisconsin wow oh my god that's so terrible well again wow just another person to send nothing but positive energy to and another person to send all the negative energy toward right exactly well so glad that that person has life in prison yep me too wow so that's that sorry we spent 25 minutes talking about sugar-free gummy bears and also the sims also oh my friend responded oh really oh what did you say i said hey who are you looking for and she said omg i'm so sorry i'm looking for my friend brooke i am so embarrassed
Starting point is 01:31:40 so it really wasn't okay again i was just afraid give me the phone number and i'll be brooke i was just like girl i heard you were looking for me i can't believe you texted the wrong person what is wrong with you my dream which is such not it's like so so like unlikely but if this person just or brooke just happens to listen to the podcast like can you tell me because this would be so funny if they have some connection or you know these people it's a Cincinnati number so if anybody knows if you know Brooke or Pete uh like let us know let us know we if you know anyone who's suffering indigestion due to sugar-free gummy bear consumption please let us know if you know
Starting point is 01:32:22 a guy named Pete with a great remedy for most things let us know who has like homemade imodium or something like i'm not really sure well thank you everybody uh this is what day does this come out this is on the 11th this comes out on the 11th what oh no fourth the fourth yeah. Holy crap. Oh, so today's my anniversary with Allison. It's also an anniversary. Independence Day. Happy anniversary, Al. It's also Captain America's birthday. Cool.
Starting point is 01:32:52 It's also a month after my birthday, which is the most important. Ooh. You're like officially 30. I'm embracing it, man. So anyway, thank you everyone for listening. Please send good energy to all the people who deserve it that we reported on today and uh i guess also find me on sims or on youtube if you'd like follow like and subscribe sorry for like doxing your sims you know experience but it's
Starting point is 01:33:18 okay i don't have a username yet it's just just look up my name you had like a banner i was like what is this i had no idea you were even on youtube that was all rj he's amazing i was so excited i was like m literally has a banner on youtube i didn't even subscribe to you well apparently there's someone who has slash the m schultz and they made no way and like they made the account in 2009 and it never posted are you sure it's not you it wasn't me oh that would have been funny if you had some old ass account and so i there's no i can't get the url so that sucks i know so well do you follow me do you subscribe to me i think so i actually i don't
Starting point is 01:33:58 know interesting i really don't i genuinely don't know probably uh probably not because i think the only thing i am subscribed to is limo streamscapes and nothing else oh my god look at this it has like um subscriptions your imdb linked wow this is profesh you can thank rj for all of that this is dope keep well because one of his big things like months ago he's like you should do streaming because he was really into twitch and i was like okay rj you set it up and we'll see how it goes and that's where this all started okay i just went to your videos and it says i've watched the entirety of the most recent one and then there's just like a page of all these other videos i'm like i have a lot to catch up on here uh how do i see my subscription i'm literally i have no idea about
Starting point is 01:34:42 this three months ago i'm so out of the loop dude i need to get on it the only subscription i have is nemo's dreamscapes and then english heritage well you can subscribe to me now um also the uh the most recent the one if you want to watch where i discover what the fuck is going on it's called my ghost is here which is uh it was a good time to watch it was also the one apparently where I finally got over my depression over M's death so yeah I honestly I like if you're trying to watch streaming you
Starting point is 01:35:14 probably won't enjoy any of the ones up until this most recent one so I will not be hurt if you don't watch that I'm actually encouraging you to not watch any of the this is you and everybody else I would start at the very first one that that uh is currently on there called my ghost is here the rest of it is me just kind of panicking trying to design things it's not really worth it so um but if you would like to go watch it if you're one of those people who likes
Starting point is 01:35:37 to watch streams go for it hey i'm so excited i am scared but i'm excited also all right and that's why we drink

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