And That's Why We Drink - E232 Paranormal Anxiety and a Seat in the Barking Room

Episode Date: July 18, 2021

How did ghosts handle the pandemic? We tackle this tough topic and more in episode 232 as Em takes us to the Sorrel-Weed House and shares some super terrifying paranormal audio and pics. Then Christin...e covers the mysterious case of the disappearance of Charle's Allen, Jr. also known as Neo Babson Maximus. We also deconstruct the curse Em may or may not have on their sweatshirts... and that's why we drink! Check out the full EVP Em talks about here (at 12:20): Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Use coupon code “DRINK” for $10 off your first box at FABFITFUN.COM Go to today and use promo code SAVE50 to get 50% off your save the dates! Go to and use promo code DRINK to save an additional 15% off your first order! Go to now to get 20% off your first purchase! Go to and use code drink14 for up to 14 free meals plusfree shipping! Go to or use code DRINK at checkout for $15 off your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome to and that's why we drink where we are so scary we were just talking about hot cocoa so i know we're like, what's your favorite almond? Scary. This is a PSA to people if you're looking for the world's best hot cocoa. I know I usually give Starbucks the shout out on my my teas. But when it comes to the cocos, you got to go to coffee bean because I recently discovered that and I've I'll never have another hot chocolate in my life. And I'm saying the coffee bean only exists in like that corner of the world, I think at least on the west coast i'm pretty sure i think i think if i were to move back to the east coast i like coffee bean would now be one of the things that i like miss like you're like right now like when i now that i live out here i miss waffle house and
Starting point is 00:00:59 i miss uh wawa and i think coffee would have to be my West. What's your, what do you miss while you're out there? Like away from LA? Yeah. I miss poke, but I can't eat that right now because I'm pregnant anyway. So I miss sushi in general. Oh, you can't have sushi when you're pregnant? No, raw fish. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I don't know. Yeah, that's like the big one. Oh, good to know. That and booze. I knew about booze. I knew about that one. Wait, one. Oh, good to know. That and booze. I knew about booze. I knew about that one. Wait, so what about, I would imagine, so I have this theory, and I think maybe we could have people like, you know, tweet out and let us know their opinions too.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Is this a theory about pregnancy? Because I can't wait to hear it. No, I have no theories about that. I was like, wow, you're bold. Wow. I'm unqualified about that one. I'm not serious about that. I was like, wow, you're bold.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Wow. I'm unqualified about that one. But I so I was going to say, I would imagine one of the things you miss is tacos, because I have this belief that on the East Coast, there is really delicious Chinese food and really delicious Italian food, but really shitty Mexican food. And then on the West Coast, there's really excellent mexican food but there's only shitty italian chinese food i have yet you're probably offending a lot of people but in terms of like i've eaten at a lot of restaurants and i have yet to be to enjoy italian or chinese food like i did on the east coast and then vice versa for me yeah like same different like levels of yeah i get that
Starting point is 00:02:20 um i do miss tacos i mean you know if I were somewhere like Texas or California, the tacos are just next level stuff, man. I don't have that here. But I do have my runny skyline chili. So like, look, you've got right middle of the road, you got your runny chili on your spaghetti. Like, don't even worry about it. I've only had White Castle once, but it's pretty delicious. Same with when you come, we're going to eat it um i but while we're speaking of these things are we yet are we going to talk about our our our baby moon we can yes we can if you'd like i'm going to leave that up to you because you will be the pregnant one and i don't know if okay people might find it we'll just say we'll just say like who knows but okay we opened our
Starting point is 00:03:06 gifts as we mentioned last week and um we did that for patreon because they gave us our creepy codes which are great uh and we put a picture on instagram if you want to see them yes and they're so cute but uh so we opened each other's gifts and of course like we had m had texted me like a couple weeks prior and said like what are you doing on this specific weekend in september and i was like um i'm hanging out with you that weekend because i already made plans for us that weekend and we had both gotten each other the same gift as which tends to happen and we bought each other or not bought each other but we prepared to gift each other i guess the gift of our presence at the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. And there've been some rumors going
Starting point is 00:03:51 around of people saying, are Em and Christine going to be there actually? And the plan is yes, it's only two hours from my house. I will be extremely pregnant, like, like really, really far along. Like out of sight pregnant that's why i texted christine and asked like i know you're gonna be like for sure nesting and unable to leave your home but what do you think about traipsing an entire property full of mothman memorabilia with me i am honestly like i want to go so bad like my plan right now is a hundred percent we're going 110 we're going um because it's just it's a drive from my house so an m's plan is to feed me like jalapenos until yeah i go into labor at the mothman festival which like not a terrible idea
Starting point is 00:04:31 that'd be a fun story to tell i would be really upset uh if the baby and i are gonna start on really bad terms if they don't let the water break at a mothman festival because that has it has to happen it's i don't make the rules, it has to happen. It's, I don't make the rules here. It's just what's it's God's will, you know, it's God's will and, uh, God's will.
Starting point is 00:04:50 We shall abide by. So, you know, that's the plan is to go to the Mothman festival. If you, if y'all are going, I'm really excited. We already both have our Mothman t-shirts ready.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Um, I'm again going to be extremely pregnant. So don't worry if, if I can't make it, I will, we just won't end up going, I guess. But like if I go into labor early or something, obviously it won't work out. But my plan, if everything is going smoothly.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I'll be like, Christine, I've heard that people's first labor is always the longest. So I'm going to go to the Mothman Festival and I'll take pictures and you keep pushing. You're doing great. I'll let you know how the festival's going. You're going to say, I have a theory about pregnancy. Let me say it to you. No,
Starting point is 00:05:31 we TBD, but like fingers crossed, we will be there. But also I'm going to put out the caveat that like Christine will be super pregnant and probably very uncomfy. So like, if you're going to be bitching the whole time if you do see us please respect at
Starting point is 00:05:48 least Christine's space just no no say hi to me don't say hi but don't but just be aware that you are approaching someone who's gonna be very physically uncomfortable so just like be aware I think I'll probably just be I think I'll be in a good mood I don't know I think I'll be excited yeah if she seems grumpy it's either because
Starting point is 00:06:04 she has a whole baby inside of her or because I did something stupid. One of the two. Or both. Or both. Also, this week, the baby's the size of a Mr. Potato Head, which I guess is now just a potato head. Didn't they change the gendered concept of it?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Maybe your baby wants to be considered a Mr. Potato Head, and that's okay, too. You never know. You never know. But that's the size of it maybe your baby wants to be considered a mr potato head and that's okay you never know you never know um but that's the size of it this week oh i just typed in mr potato head onto google and the first thing that comes up is canceled oh oh my your baby is canceled we knew it would happen eventually and m's first comment was uh what did you say i said oh maybe their butt will open up and a bunch of body parts will fall out that's horrifying i don't think i want to picture that but maybe um and i okay can i say one more thing sorry i have like a little list that i started making my phone of mention on atwwd because i just feel like we have so many things we always want to mention that we forget yeah
Starting point is 00:07:00 and one of the things is that uh so i'm back on youtube now and now i'm really excited because we're both on youtube and i feel like we're finally living out our like you know two early 2000s dreams of like being you know on youtube oh i don't know about that you i think have higher aspirations to be on youtube than i do i just i'm just so excited we both have a channel it just makes me so happy i still don't really technically have an official channel people have to search me to get to my page because my url still does not work as the m schultz oh okay well oh well it's on there though um and people love uh sending me screen caps of the sims and what's going on over there apparently m posts is saying in their story about how you tried to save my date and it was just a disaster it was going really well and then it was really not great tragic um you did have your first kiss though so oh my god
Starting point is 00:07:50 good for me it was really intense i realized i was in an awkward position as your wingman that also plays god in this because i was like how weird am i allowed to make it like i control the physical interaction here yeah yeah i was like okay let's see um you'll make a move uh that's and then you we gave a little kiss but then after that i was like let's let's rain it in let's rain let's slow it down uh god i was gonna say i don't know what to call you god is watching and father m is watching you had a uh it looked like you were having a great time though so it sounds like i was yeah um wasn't, which is why I had to save the date. Yeah, I saw that you were like, she's leaving.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And I was like, no, come back. But yeah, so great. We're both on YouTube. Christine's kissing androids. I mean, listen, I think even if on your channel and my channel, I'm having the most fun on both of our channels. I think so, too. I'm truly there because I wanted to find something
Starting point is 00:08:45 other than Instagram live because my internet was such trash. And then it just turned into this. So it's her it just like de escalate or escalated and devolved so quickly. Bingo. Well, I released my first type of video, which is like a first new because I always do my creeps with Christine, which is just like reading creepy stories with music. And those are fun so i did another one of those and then um i don't know if you saw this i did like a get ready with me q and a type thing which i've never done get ready for what like have you seen those videos that are like get ready with me and it's just like you put on your makeup and like chat that's nice um no i've
Starting point is 00:09:20 never watched one before oh and it was very like tongue-in- cheek because I have no, I like don't know what I'm doing with makeup. And everyone is very nice to not, you know, point out like, Christine, that's all wrong. But it was really fun. And I did like a little thing on close friends on Instagram and said like, what questions you have? Because I don't want to, I mean, I'll talk about Mr. Potato Head, but like, I don't want to spend all day here talking about, you know, pregnancy because it's not, that's not what
Starting point is 00:09:44 this is about. but like i don't want to spend all day here talking about you know pregnancy because it's not that's not what this is about but so i made like a video and it has all these you know chats about the pregnancy what's going on um how we're dealing with the name and the sex of the baby and all that um so it's fun time so you can go to i think it's x teen files or something i don't know but i'm just happy that we're both you know living our jenna marvel's dreams well you're i you we're both living it you're uh the one enjoying both of them probably the most so i will get your channel i someday i will just get propel your channel to such a point that you're like you can't help you have to just i'd be like i think i am just a commit yeah uh
Starting point is 00:10:24 perfect okay well until then I'm gonna have you keep kissing girls uh I listen I'm not gonna say no you just you just play god and I'll just sit back and enjoy it yeah I don't think either of us are having a problem with the story how it's going so far certainly not all right uh did I have anything else to show you I don't think so I don so tell me a tale then okay this one is from savannah this uh i love savannah i have never been to savannah um we should go it's so beautiful and so like creepy well it's like isn't it right i think this and like charleston are like always tied for either the most haunted place in the country and also the prettiest place in
Starting point is 00:11:09 the country yes yes it's uh it's like i think it's well yeah one of most haunted if not the most haunted city in the u.s so creepy and so pretty weeping willows you have it i've also uh that's also where the moon river brewing company is is, which I covered during a live show once. Yes, that's right. I don't know if I actually did the whole episode on air yet, though. But I have the notes. So this is what I thought was called the Sorrel Weed House. And it's actually the Sorrel Weed House.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Oh. Zach Bagans. It's like the Menger Hotel. Yeah. Zach Bagans taught me something, finally. What? Because he kept calling it the Sorrel Weed House i was like what a dumb ass and then i was like he's saying it pretty confidently in front of all of these employees he also has researchers so i feel like maybe
Starting point is 00:11:56 yeah and then also i started watching other videos and hearing other uh people say sorrel and i was like oh it was just me the whole time okay so anyway this is the sorrel weed house in savannah georgia it's 15 square feet 15 000 square feet 15 square feet it fits in your little pocket and uh it's one of the largest houses in all of savannah fun fact oh shit it is also one of savannah's most famous. And I don't know if that's even just because it is haunted. It's one of the first historic landmarks in Georgia. So it's got a hearty history to it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:36 So there's also a Ghost Adventures episode on it. There's also a Ghost Hunters episode on it, which I could not get access to. Oh. And it is, fun fact, the opening scene of Forrest Gump was filmed here. Oh, that's fun. It was filmed on the roof of the Sorrel Weed House. Okay. So if you get a bird's eye view at the beginning of Forrest Gump, they were standing on top of the Sorrel Weed House.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Get that shot. So the building was constructed in the late 1830s i say that because i saw 1837 38 39 and 1840 so somewhere around there uh it was built and in 1954 was when it became one of the first it might even be the first georgia historic landmark so uh there is more of a history to this guy but it really didn't deal with ghosts at all it was just more his background so i didn't really touch on that but the gist is that there's a guy named francis sorrell and he at the time was one of savannah's most prominent and wealthy men which that's how every fucking story starts in these and can you hear this what you really can't hear that no fucking lawnmower you scared me oh my god i
Starting point is 00:13:52 thought like again i don't know why it's francis sorrell obviously don't you hear him he's bragging about all the many monies that he has no the lawnmower guy he's literally technically only about 15 feet away from me so i said i told you i can't hear it i i really can't i'm so paranoid about it so uh francis sorrell is one of savannah's most prominent wealthy men and i will get into it but we could all pretty much guess where this is going that he builds a big house for the social elite they have a bunch of parties a woman dies and then someone in a certain colored dress appears yeah i was about to say that so i like i don't know why we're listening to and
Starting point is 00:14:30 that's why i drink up anymore at this point because that's the story i tell every goddamn week sims updates so he's one of the most wealthy men in the area he marries a 17-year-old heiress named Lucinda. Apparently, they were genuinely in love, which I don't, I'm not sure what his age was. Wait, so how old was he? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Okay. I mean, you could be in love at 17.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I don't know. That's true. I just don't know if he was like 50 or something, and then it gets weird. But they, so they seemed to be very happy. They had three kids. they so they seemed to be very happy they had three kids and then five months or five years into the marriage uh lucinda dies of the devil's disease do you want to guess what that one is it's not consumption i'm assuming because we already have so many fun nicknames for that the devil's that's the hunger disease actually um what about yellow fever yeah oh really yeah
Starting point is 00:15:24 man i tell you biopsychic abilities have gotten like sharper and sharper through this pregnancy i'm telling you that little baby is definitely knows what the devil's disease is so uh so yeah so she died five years into the marriage and apparently they started out in virginia i don't know where in virginia that would be fun if it was fredericksburg but they uh moved to savannah together as a couple and had their kids and so when she died they didn't have anyone to help him with the kids while he was working and i guess lucinda's family wanted to make sure that the kids were raised well and so they it's suggested offered up their other daughter to him uh so that they could get married and their aunt would be the kid's stepmom and would make sure that the kids were raised oh my god um oh no so francis ended up marrying matilda who was homegirl's sister what was her
Starting point is 00:16:22 name okay but i love that lucinda and matilda is just like such a combo you know they are they've i feel like i would want to overhear what they say at a coffee shop they feel like oh my god i feel like they've got a lot going on they're the ones to mingle with at the cocktail party for sure they're the ones who like snuck in the extra whole bottle of vodka in their purse absolutely and i'm pouring it into the punch jar and like not telling anybody yeah yeah yeah so i'm glad we're on the same page with that uh always and so francis married matilda and as a wedding gift he commissioned this house for her so he he made this house for her to be like oh here's your wedding gift and we can live in it together the tour itself because they do have the actual sorel weed tour on youtube apparently that's where i found out that uh matilda and
Starting point is 00:17:12 francis ended up having eight more children together oh my so this guy's got 11 kids oh my of the eight that matilda and francis had only five survived to adulthood the other three uh did not make it the oldest or the one that made it the furthest before passing away she was six and died from scarlet fever oh geez so many fevers you know what i found out allison's sister had scarlet i told you that on the show dude oh you are the one that told me about that. I remember I was like, I heard this recently and it blew my mind. Okay. Yeah. Fun fact.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Carrie's had scarlet fever and I'm still floored. It's one of my favorite fun facts. I just love it. How did you get that? I never got permission to share it, but I do anyway. So I hope that's okay, Alpel. It's too late. One of my cousins got mumps and I was like.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Oh dear. I was like, how did you get fucking didn't carrie also have measles it was like she had all these weird diseases i think she's a time traveler that's gotta be what it is so uh scarlet fever yeah so there are three kids who uh didn't make it to adulthood the one that died from scarlet fever though died in this house um so that's one of the earlier ghosts in this family. And, oh, okay, here's where it gets really sad. So the house itself, because it was the 1800s in Georgia, we can guess who else lived on this property.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And it was several enslaved people. Oh, shit. I was like, mosquitoes? Oh, my God. Mosquitoes, they were also rampant, to be fair. Because it was humid, I guess? I don't know. That's not a bad answer. Oh, Christine.
Starting point is 00:18:51 That might make sense for like, oh, wait. Are they the ones that give yellow fever or something? Or what's the thing that mosquitoes have? Don't look at me like that. I don't know. Malaria. Maybe yellow fever. Maybe malaria.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Okay, we gotta stop. Listen. Why do I think i know medicine and diseases uh i don't so yeah the house had several enslaved people and at one of them uh happened to be one of the head servants named molly uh who francis was sleeping with and by sleeping with i mean likely yeah our wording yeah um and so apparently he enjoyed her the most i don't know if i don't i don't know what version of it it is whether he says he was in love with her maybe there's that one percent where it was consensual i don't know um but he actually gave her her own space in the physical sorel home um versus like her being in the quarters with everybody else um so she was treated very nicely
Starting point is 00:19:53 she well you know she was giving relative terms yeah she was giving given nice accommodations um she literally i think slept in a room like right next to their room oh boy oh boy and yeah so she was uh she had a i guess quote better whatever that means quality of life but in 1860 matilda walked in on them and we don't know why it's not officially because she found out that he was sleeping with someone else behind her back. But all we know is later that day, she jumped out of the second story window and landed on her head. And she died in the courtyard. Oh, fuck, dude. This got dark real fast.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You were not kidding. We should have just left it at mosquitoes i i tried i tried i'm like you listen i'm trying to i give and i give and for what um so a week later either a week later or two weeks later molly is also found dead oh shit what and she is found hanging in her room so this could have been molly you know either super upset and guilty that what was happening behind matilda's back or maybe she just wanted to escape herself because of what was going on with francis a lot of people also say it could have been another enslaved person who did this to matilda um some people say it could have been uh one of frank and matilda's kids as revenge on what happened to their mom could it have been francis or it could have been francis who did
Starting point is 00:21:38 this after his wife died and it was a way to cover up everything in case people started snooping around yikes this is and i mean all of it's just bad i mean yeah whatever answer it is it's not good so um after matilda and molly's deaths uh francis later sold the house to henry d weed which gives us the sorel weed house good luck mr henry yeah i'll move in henry i hope you got this thing for a bargain seriously uh so there is some continuity error here and the storytelling because they say oh after their deaths that's when francis sold the house to mr weed which i think is hysterical that should be a dispensary out here agreed that's what i kind of thought you were saying when you said weed house over and over i was like oh that's cool a green house a hot box if you will and so the continuity
Starting point is 00:22:29 error though lies in that there's also some evidence that mr weed actually bought the house nine months before the women's deaths uh which would imply they didn't die there and therefore the ghosts aren't there and there are no ghosts so but like you mean bought it and moved in and they had already been gone but whenever all the drama i see yeah so like how the two women couldn't have died on the property than if they didn't live there and that has i think what we have landed on as a community uh is that there has been proof that francis did sell the house nine months before their deaths but they actually just moved in next door so there's a chance that the women died in the house next door and because that felt less like home maybe they haunt the actual property yeah i was gonna say like i i
Starting point is 00:23:19 feel like people still end up in places that they didn't necessarily die in right and it's your home is literally next if your home is literally next if your home is literally next door it would make you don't have to go far to find it i guess i don't know travel on the astral plane it's just a skip jumping up what is it hopping around i don't know i was gonna say just a quick a quick i don't now i can't even think but i was thinking the same thing and i had it and you didn't pop it twist it around I don't know um it's just a one spin it away you know yeah yeah yeah that's exactly what I was gonna say um and also if she jumped out of the window I feel like adjacent properties I don't know it could be like really close maybe well in the courtyard well this also
Starting point is 00:24:02 ended up being um corroborated by uh someone who wrote a letter about matilda's death i guess he'd witnessed it or something or heard about it from francis and was able to say oh she jumped out of the second story window but from the building next door to where they lived so it would that helps us solve that okay so the their deaths happened nine months after they moved out but they still haunt the building i see okay so in 1914 uh mr weed he sold the house to a bank and then in 1941 a guy named aj cohen bought it and his son ended up taking it over and turning it into storefronts uh his son moved in in the 60s so there were storefronts there from the 60s until the 90s and in 1996 a guy named steven bader bought the house and he seemed like kind of a shady property
Starting point is 00:24:50 owner he had like a lot of like violations on his record and uh he was just like i guess not restoring it properly or whatever he was trying to do people didn't really like him and but he did try to restore at least some of the building. He took off the storefront part of the building to make it look more original. He repainted it. And by 2000, it was sold, became apartment complexes for a second. And it is now restored to how it looked. And they give tours, including paranormal tours. So this is all now just ghosts.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And there's quite a lot. So we are in luck today. Talk a lot. So people feel anxiety when they walk in here which could be paranormal or just us being millennials yeah just the norm people also experience feeling nausea they also experience feeling a strangling and some people have indicated that's like a rope around a back oh god charged electronics will die oh by the way like that gives me plenty of uh reason to throw in the fact that like molly was not the only enslaved person on
Starting point is 00:25:51 this property so there was probably a lot of other really horrific shit going on and yeah could also uh filter in terms of paranormal activity so people have felt their hair getting pulled people have been scratched an apparition of francis has been seen in the dining room, moving chairs around. And one time he was seen literally throwing a candle across the room. And my question is, was that shit lit? Like, can you imagine if you walked into a room and you saw a man throwing a lit candle across the room? And think about all those billowy, dusty curtains they had back then. I feel like that would go up in flames, man. Also, I still have some trauma after my sweatshirt incident. But
Starting point is 00:26:28 imagine the melted wax flying across the room and hitting that expensive antique rug. Are you kidding me? Oh my god, that would be so bad. You know, you don't get that shit out, man. And they don't have a freezer, a big freezer for a big rug. What are you gonna do? Oh, look, I'm telling you. Also, speaking of that sweatshirt, I'm pretty sure i have a curse with with the good fellow plain black crew neck sweatshirts because the wax one the wax thing happened forever ago it had to have been 100 episodes ago now and i got wax all up on this shirt i complained about it i was so upset about it it was my favorite sweatshirt and then lovely lovely lovely listeners all pitched in and got me a brand new version of the sweatshirt which was so lovely that went missing and i don't know i don't know how because i after i got this the new one i was i was like i'm not
Starting point is 00:27:16 letting this one go i'm gonna be so careful around it i have no idea where the fuck it could it be at the apartment maybe maybe but then i ended up getting a third one oh god and that one fucking went missing and i was like what is going on i have no idea i cannot keep it together with these are you sure like allison and rj aren't like borrowing them or something i i don't know what's going on if it makes me so upset though because it really was my favorite sweatshirt um okay i know that people are gonna be like we should buy you another one no no no that was not me fishing for a new sweatshirt i'm clearly gonna lose it please don't do it because it's not gonna end well apparently okay also christine and i were literally just talking
Starting point is 00:27:54 before we started recording that i counted how many sweatshirts i have recently and i'm not gonna say the number on here because i'm embarrassed it's such a big number i guessed it too speaking of my little psychic abilities and was like just take a guess and i guessed number and i was like yeah that's not a hundred but it's also not 10 so like it's not not a hundred i um i have way too many sweatshirts so that maybe there's maybe this is god being like you need to calm down the plain black one can go the plain black one can go i hope one day i find like all three of them like like hidden under a bed or something and i just have three black sweatshirts that'd be fun i mean then i'd like to borrow one because they sound cozy at that point i'd be like okay
Starting point is 00:28:34 yeah you can have one you'll have the one with the big fucking wax stain and i'll get the nice two clean ones i just remember for like weeks we were getting emails like put it in the freezer like i will never forget all the wax tips we got. I'll always like for the rest of time I will know how to get wax out of anything because of all the people who wrote it. Like I know how to get it out like magic, you know. I know how to get wine, blood and wax out of almost anything. There was a spill backstage in San Francisco and Em was like step aside. A wine spill.
Starting point is 00:29:04 A red wine spill on a bright white carpet bright not in our property at all and m was like step aside and like of course the only one in the room who doesn't drink was like listen i grew up with linda i know how to get wine out of a rug and we were like wow it was amazing that bright white carpet sparkled by the end just honestly that part was cleaner than the rest of the carpet i was very impressed thank you uh okay anyway sorry he threw a candle okay i got it yeah so molly's room so he so he's been seen throwing candles around so be careful if you happen to be there don't wear your black sweatshirt over there do not oh i trust you trust me it's so inconvenient um molly's room is allegedly the most active um objects move
Starting point is 00:29:46 around in there furniture rearranges itself and this is uh this is kind of a new thing but people are also hearing the sounds of children whoa sorry that was a weird sound whoa i don't know what that was but wow that that accurately describes how I feel, I think. Like half shaky, but half confident. Yeah, kind of freaked out, but excited. Yeah. So this is pretty recent because I watched one of their tours on YouTube and it had been post COVID. So they were saying that recent, like very recently, children's voices are starting to become a thing.
Starting point is 00:30:30 And they think it's because all of the ghosts that haven't seen anybody in a year like even the ghosts are upset about the pandemic and all of a sudden people start coming back in and hordes to do tours and the ghosts are like super excited and they're more active than ever so we're just hearing and seeing new stuff but also not to be like devil's advocate but but to totally be devil's advocate. But wouldn't that also just be that more people are hearing more evidence of things? Maybe reporting more? Maybe I was confused about the why they're hearing children's voices. And then I remember that little girl died from scarlet fever in the house. So I associated with that, but it could very well just be people are hearing more stuff. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:05 But anyway, I like maybe during COVID, they were running around and having a great time and nobody was there to hear it you know what i mean oh like maybe they loved being alone yeah sorry yeah yeah i don't know yeah no that actually makes and now people are just like we hear it now well yeah because you have 200 people in there i don't know i don't know no no that's that's a fair point like they felt maybe they loved the pandemic they were just having a great time isn't it funny that literal dead people are also reacting to a pandemic yeah it's weird it's freaky anyway so fun fact if you ever wanted to go go now fresh after uh covid because uh the ghosts are more active than ever or yeah they might still be like uh coming off their high of getting like
Starting point is 00:31:45 just very active to be like like children home alone for the weekend you know yeah so people see shadow figures they hear voices in empty rooms excuse me especially in the carriage house and there is a lady in black and a lady in white okay here we go this is what i've been waiting for so uh i'm gonna talk about the woman in black later because uh she's in the basement which we haven't gotten to yet oh i just got chills somehow that's freaky well why so we actually don't know which one is which like who's the woman in black who's the woman in white but this is the first time we've had like this crossover between two ghosts we hear all the time. If we heard of like one like brunette woman in a red dress on top of that, I'd be like we've had the trifecta. If there was a wedding dress, I guess maybe the white dress is a wedding dress.
Starting point is 00:32:34 But like maybe add a whole new element to it. It's the most ambitious crossover since Infinity War. I tell you that. So the lady and oh, that was the thing I wanted to say. um so the lady and oh that was the thing i wanted to say uh that was the reason i drink this week because i hope everyone has listened uh or seen loki if you watch that um you have like five seconds to skip ahead if you okay i'm just gonna say it the thing i'm so excited about is so loki ended last night and so this is a spoiler is that what you're saying there's a spoiler yeah yeah so skip ahead for like 30 seconds if you haven't watched it yet but it's also probably just skipped ahead 30 seconds or like why are you still saying to
Starting point is 00:33:13 skip ahead 30 seconds it's it's something we all knew was coming so it doesn't like totally blow my mind but it's a big deal that officially i need you to pretend like you care, Christine. Officially, the Marvel Cinematic Universe now has the multiverse. The multiverse now exists officially. Oh my gosh. It's a very big deal. So we were on one timeline this whole time and now it has officially branched off. Oh, I see. Okay, I get it.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I get it. I get it. That's cool. Everything was one timeline and now there's literally, now it's insane, the amount of things that are going to come out of this there's like there could be 10 of the same character in one show there could be all from different time periods all from different realms from different quantum realities oh my god that's cool so and we're for sure gonna see that because they also in the last episode uh we were
Starting point is 00:34:00 all pretty much guessing it but they basically revealed the new big villain you know how like in infinity war like 10 movies were leading up to this the big purple guy with the glove okay so uh do you do you remember the glove at all that lights up yes okay so i know that okay so the big the big purple guy he he was like the villain for like literally 15 movies. And they just announced the next new villain, which we all were kind of hoping it was going to be anyway. And this guy's all about time travel. He's really horrible. He's worse than the glove guy.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I'm very excited. So anyway. I do appreciate that you use terminology like the glove guy with me. I appreciate that very much. You're welcome. The purple glove guy. But yeah, so now and for all the people who are aware of the spider-man theory coming out uh basically you know how there was a toby mcguire series of spider-man then there's andrew garfield they're thinking
Starting point is 00:34:56 because it's different oh my god that just blew my mind it's like at this point we're all pretty much expecting it to happen but they have not confirmed a single fucking thing. That's wild. But in the new Spider-Man movie coming out, we're all expecting Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland to fight together in a scene that's going to blow everyone's fucking minds. Holy shit. Ah! Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So... Spoiler over. Sorry you had to skip ahead for so long. Sorry. Yeah. I didn't say anything nobody, like, wasn't already guessing, but it's just all been confirmed now so uh okay shadow voices lady in white oh yeah the ambitious crossover infinity war thing yeah so the lady in white is seen in the parlor apparently the parlor is super active that's like where most people get um evps and see shadow figures and the windows and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:35:41 employees hear another uh say that there's another ghost here called captain which is horrific and captain uh has put caretakers into trances before so that only they could see him and nobody else like a marvel villain i mean sounds pretty insane uh so one caretaker got out of bed one time and walked over and looked down at the stairs and could see the captain walking up the stairs toward him. But the caretaker was talking to his co-worker being like, he's here. Do you see him? Do you see him? And nobody else could see this full bodied man walking up the stairs towards him. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Also, so the stairs are near the parlor, which is why I bring that up in the parlor section. The parlor, people also smell perfume. They hear laughing, clinking, piano playing piano playing violin playing basically any party sounds they hear chatter and talking like there's a residual party happening there's also very clear pictures of people in the parlor like creepily like to a point where i'm going to send you some pictures right you mean like apparitions like people take pictures oh like photos and there's like people in the pictures who are not supposed to be there oh shit oh i love that this is the first one let me know when you get it it's uh this is from the tour so the person in the middle was not there so what am i looking at here oh so there's what so there's two little girls who wanted to take a picture in the mirror they want to take a picture in the mirror and the person in
Starting point is 00:37:13 the middle was not there this is horrible m it looks like samara from the ring it looks pretty wild so here's my i just got shivers oh my god i hate it so here's my uh favorite one which is worse here's i don't know if like if anybody can see this on youtube but like we'll put it on person we'll put on instagram oh yeah we'll put on instagram good idea so there's two pictures to this one it was was one's a close up at the bottom. Oh, that person is not supposed to be there. Yeah, that person was not on the tour. Absolutely not. It's like clearly a person.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Clearly a person. Yeah, but like she's wearing it looks like she's wearing jeans. Like who could that be? No, she's wearing like I thought she was wearing like a dress. Like it's like cinched under her. Oh, I miss okay i see what you're saying i see what okay i just saw it like i for some reason it looked like jeans from afar but now that i'm thinking of the cinched dress that makes it so much worse so there's a final one too and this comes from a an article in country living called i captured something disturbing on camera at savannah's sorrel weed house and here is the talk about country living last week maybe i think that
Starting point is 00:38:32 was where they like put in this oh yeah yeah yeah anyway i thought of that but country living oh my god okay i just goose cam central i don't like that i don't like you don't even want to look at it anymore well you know what also freaks me out so bad. Well, you know, it freaks me out is if you look at the previous picture that someone else took on a different tour. It looks kind of like the same person. Same haircut. Same cinched kind of colored dress. The olive color tan colored dress.
Starting point is 00:38:59 No, you're completely right. It looks like the same person. This is bad for me. This is not good for me. I'm is bad for me this is not good for me i'm not into this this is not good um especially by the way oh sorry go ahead yeah i was gonna say especially because in the last picture i showed you it looks like it's almost like overalls or something like there's little straps on the shoulders if you look at the at the picture the first picture i sent you where the uh or the woman in the doorway it looks almost like the
Starting point is 00:39:23 sleeves are a different color than the rest of the dress which would fit anyway it's all creepy okay listen this is the other thing these are all in a mirror right like these different photos are in different all these pictures are in the same mirror in the parlor the same mirror i'm pretty sure oh so they're just oh this is just not good okay right because they they all have that that light in the in the ceiling no you're right and there's the doorway in the background and also what freaks me out is that like do they live in the mirror remember when i requested mirror stories for a listener's episode and it was just like one of the scariest things we've ever done i don't know what it is about mirrors but they are well they're literal portals aren't they until yeah i guess
Starting point is 00:40:01 worlds or their little spaces and also it's interesting that it keeps showing up at near doorways because doorways are also another threshold like another liminal space between something this is so spooky i didn't expect it to be this scary i'm i'm actually quite flipped out yeah the pictures come out really intense like they're clear as day pictures of people it looks like an oil painting it's like an oil painting anyway so people also hear really loud sounds in empty rooms they also hear um wartime ambience which is how i categorize it but it's battle sounds and a marching band and this is because before the sorrel weed house was here this was the area of the siege of savannah in 1779 where this is where there were british barracks and like a thousand
Starting point is 00:40:47 people died on this property oh shit um it was the the siege of savannah was the second bloodiest battle in the american revolution oh my god i don't know what the first one was but it's the second fun fact it was also it's number two in bloodiest battle ever in the American Revolution. But it is number one as the bloodiest hour. So in one hour, no other battle has had more people die. That's horrible. So, you know, perfect grounds with a bunch of like hundreds of troops dead. Apparently, they still think there are bodies buried under the building of troops that they just couldn't dig up. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:27 So people also smell cigar smoke. They see a British soldier near where the barracks used to be. And one visitor actually saw a shadow figure and heard the sounds of war in the house and ends up getting so nauseous that he threw up in the courtyard. In the basement, there's a haunted chair you can sit in and potentially make contact with one spirit and people have been touched they've seen figures pacing and this is where people also see the woman in black who has been caught in pictures glaring at you i see i don't like that she's just in the basement like that doesn't only the ring ring good that doesn't ring right to me you're exactly right and um there's also a man
Starting point is 00:42:06 with a mustache who is also seen downstairs in the basement in pictures mr potato head could be mr potato head could be christine's kid it could also be uh francis's son frank because he was a doctor that lived in the house for a while and he used the basement as his like medical office okay interesting there is also a being down here known as the shadow man you see i knew something was wrong with this place i don't like the basement i'm not into it shadow man is eight feet tall forget it they assume that he was once a british soldier but if you have dangly jewelry on the tour guides will literally tell you to take it off because he steals all of your jewelry oh he can have it i don't care you can have it take it oh i thought they were gonna say he chokes you to death with it or something oh but if he wants it he can you
Starting point is 00:42:54 could be the first don't say that can you imagine if you're wearing earrings and someone yanks on it like that's my fear already yeah i well i wonder like does it just like fade away on you and you don't notice or does it get ripped off is the question yeah or is it like your sweatshirt where it just vanishes well there's also um i don't know why this came into their possession but the the building now has a wheelchair downstairs from like the 1800s like oldest shit wheelchair duper and apparently the ghosts loved it when it got here and so now it's been seen on camera moving by itself oh maybe they were like this is a much easier way to get around maybe they're just like having a good you know how like when you have to go to your like dad's office as a kid
Starting point is 00:43:32 and you find the spinny chair and you're like absolutely this is gonna kill some time that maybe that's what they're doing with the wheelchair just like a new thing to do yeah yeah so is people also in the carriage house uh where the enslaved people were people get depressed obviously and they have a heaviness on their chest they sometimes say they can't breathe and this is bananas to me i uh i don't know what we are allowed to legally show in terms of audio that isn't ours okay um but i can send you the link later if you want just trust me it's the scariest thing in the world uh that oh god ghost hunters they got one evp i couldn't watch the whole thing but i couldn't actually see the episode of ghost hunters i
Starting point is 00:44:17 couldn't find it anywhere but it's such creepy evidence that on the tour of the sorrel weed house they play this now for people so i think we can play it if we attribute it and because we're reporting it basically okay if you attribute it to like the right source or link or whatever okay so we can just put the link in the show notes maybe all right perfect so do you want me to send you the link then yeah yeah yeah let me go find it really quick okay it's at 12 20 okay send you the link so this is on youtube it's called the most haunted house in the united states the sorel weed house and it's the actual tour itself but they play a clip from ghost hunters in a piece of audio that they found on their investigation
Starting point is 00:44:58 so you can find the ghost hunters episode i don't know where but it is their 2005 halloween special i just couldn't find it and that's where they got the where but it is their 2005 halloween special i just couldn't find it and that's where they got the evidence but this itself is from the tour so and what's the can you give them a time stamp again it's 12 20 so that way you don't have to watch what the actual hell isn't that creepy so for those who and you're like giving me like i'm freaked out today so i don't like that just to reiterate um ghost hunters got very clear audio of a female evp uh a woman saying help, and then moaning and then saying, get out of here, get out. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And if you want to go back and listen with that knowledge in your head of what it's saying, that makes it creepier to see the words right now.
Starting point is 00:45:58 So it sounds like someone either walked in on someone dying or someone it it sounds like someone is definitely in pain it sounds like the last couple seconds of someone's life or someone witnessing another person's last couple seconds i'm unsure but it sounds very panicked and pained and it's really creepy so how do you feel oh my god that was horrible it was so clear wasn't it it was so clear i i at first thought it was somebody talking and i was like will you shut up so i can hear the evp and i was like oh my god that's the evp yeah it sounds like a woman in pain and i don't know if i don't know what the situation is but it's super creepy um i in my head i saw it as like it was when matilda jumped out of the window and it might have been whoever walked up and found her or it might have been oh or maybe
Starting point is 00:46:54 like she survived for a second wait a second yeah i'm not sure that's a good point or it could be somebody telling the kids like get out of here don Don't step back. Don't look or whatever. Yeah. I don't know. That actually, that honestly, that's now that you say that out loud. It freaks me out. Yeah, it does. It sounds like somebody saying, like, get help and then, like, get out of here. Don't look or don't.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah. So just to make things worse, there is apparently in the basement an apparition of a little girl who likes to play hide and seek and bite people's ankles. I mean, come on. So see ya. But to make up for all of it, my favorite ghost I think I've ever heard of is this group of women, which I think it's fun that as they are a collective spirit of multiple people. I love that so much. Like they're just like girl boss squad and they like just click they're a little click a little woman a woman's click um and they're all boss they're often seen in the parlor complaining about the tours well that's not very nice it's so fun though that
Starting point is 00:47:59 they're just like not even afraid to say it they're just like what are you gonna do kill me like here i am i mean truly like they have to spend eternity together oh my god anyway so i think that's fun obviously it could be uh some uh foresight into you and me and in the afterlife just gossiping away in front of people as loud as we can as loud as we can so i usually i don't often do this but i went to reddit to see if anyone had any stories uh about times that they've been there oh i love that one was literally six months ago so this is from fest day 13 um what festay 13 oh i thought you meant like the date like from six no no and i was like i've never heard of that day it's a handle it's a handle so they say this house messed me up for good for a good 12 hours at least i was on the regular tour not the
Starting point is 00:48:50 ghost one and i stayed back to get pictures with no one in the room for the woman's side of the gathering rooms or whatever it's called so they were talking about the parlor rooms sure i assume since i'm male they weren't thrilled about an uninvited male alone in here and i got super lightheaded and almost passed out and i was in a heavy fog uh the rest of the day not super eventful however i 100% never feel like that ever someone else also six months ago named otherwise resident says one of my best paranormal experiences ever i was pushed on my back i love that this is your best paranormal experience it was awesome it was awesome i got pushed on my back in the house and I heard a voice say
Starting point is 00:49:29 move in the basement and my film footage was ruined by a strange black mask that looks like a floating ink stain okay yikes very strange I heard laughing and saw floating lights in a local graveyard when I was alone. Savannah is haunted.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yes. Someone else called The FCC Hates USA says, We were at Sorrel Weed House at the big room, and I believe in the front of the house that has a balcony overlooking the interior room and a staircase. We were standing right at the foot of the stairs and the other couple were a few feet away. We were talking about something. And then one of my friends goes,
Starting point is 00:50:11 what is that? And points up to the staircase. We looked to see a glowing face up at the top of the stairs. It looked like a child's face, pale and luminescent with facial features, but no body. It was floating up in the air, almost touching the ceiling and
Starting point is 00:50:25 suddenly the face zoomed backwards behind these double glass doors at the top of the stairs we could still see it behind the glass and then it dropped down to where a child's head would have naturally been and then back up again then it vanished then it vanished and the entire thing took seconds to happen the other couple we didn't know saw it too oh wow oh so they just saw i don't know what you described i don't know what you call that but a lot of people saw it and the fact that multiple people saw it then and it's not like a recurring thing that people see so it's not like they put a light show on or something to trick you um one other person uh was down in the basement and says that they felt a finger stroking them on the back of their arm.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I swear to God, Em. And pulling their leg. So we're killing me here, man. So before we go, obviously, I have to talk about the Zach Bagans episode. Fun fact, again, I said it earlier, but this is where zach taught me that it's actually pronounced sorrel but this makes me want to also do a quick jump off and let you know that i did just go back to the zach bagans house this weekend and uh on the way there speaking of mispronunciations or maybe proper pronunciations the lift driver kept asking us about the museum and kept calling Zach Bagans, Zach be gone as in like be gone. Satan.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And I'm so mad that we never came up with that on our own. It's excellent. They clearly thought it really was pronounced Zach be gone. And I was like, that is kind of quality actually. So I really into it. Cause I already, already say his name wrong,
Starting point is 00:52:01 apparently, which, whoops, which you told me Bagans, I just say, but yeah, but gone be gone is so good yeah so uh anyway so i but we did go to the alice and i went back to the museum there was only like two new exhibits everything else was more or less the same just moved around and put in different rooms i did find out that zach begans has a seven or 16 storage rooms around vegas because i was like what happens when one room gets taken down like what do you do with
Starting point is 00:52:32 haunted stuff and they said he has like nearly 20 storage units so like i would like to go on the back end tour and go to those storage units where you're just spots oh yeah just in like a 10 by 10 room of the most haunted shit ever and also the possession waiting to happen and all the dolls are like why did you put me in this fucking garage instead of on display like they're probably yeah i like how they're like but but at the house you have to be respectful like this is their home and it's like the other one is in literally 120 degree vegas heat in a storage unit metal box but let's respect this one in their home yeah did you talk to ptd i did see ptd looked her in the eyes um i said hello and i very quickly many times said goodbye and uh they did it that also looks different now i don't know if it's because of covet or
Starting point is 00:53:21 something but all their rooms were used to walk in and just get to stand there and now i don't know if it's because of covid or something but all their rooms were used to walk in and just get to stand there and observe it's now they have the item in the center of the room and you basically only get enough time to walk around it and then leave the room because i don't hung out there for a little bit you and i went in by ourselves and talked to pt nobody else came that wasn't an option anymore like they originally it was like you can go in on your own and talk to her and then leave when you're ready but everyone it was like either you're in or you're out and if you're in we're all gonna walk around it and five seconds later be done with this so got it so i was like this close to her because i had to look at her as i was but i didn't get to like talk to her
Starting point is 00:54:01 allison's favorite part was the dybbuk box room now they don't even put the tour guides don't even come with you anymore to the dybbuk box part they just say like oh go into this room we'll finish up the tour in a second and then they literally leave you in there by yourself they don't come in doing it i mean that's a bad sign and they just play a tv like a little thing in the corner where zach tells you about the box and says like you're about to see the dybbuk box and allison's favorite part because for those of you who don't know allison is much more skeptical where Zach tells you about the box and says like you're about to see the Dybbuk box and Allison's favorite part because for those of you who don't know Allison is much more skeptical than I am and so it was very interesting to only go with a skeptic because almost every other time they
Starting point is 00:54:34 said anything Allison's eyes were just like rolling further back into her head of course but when we went to the so the Dybbuk box part he was trying to talk Zach was trying to talk about all of his experiences and he was like the last time I interacted with the Dybbuk box part, he was trying to talk, Zach was trying to talk about all of his experiences. And he was like, the last time I interacted with the Dybbuk box was when my friend Post Malone came with me. And Allison's eyes were all the way back here. And she was like, I'm sorry, you can't really possibly expect me to be scared when you start a sentence with me and my friend Post Malone. Me and my BFF. when you start a sentence with me and my friend post malone me and my bff anyway so there was a only like one really new exhibit that we hadn't seen before everything else was the same but they have a new uh much more expensive version of the tour where you can um stay like they literally
Starting point is 00:55:23 like lock you in the hotel by yourself for an hour and a half what by not hotel the museum like i trust me it's already on my bucket list for you and me to do oh because we have to do that we can expense it for sure they literally leave it's like at night and they leave you in the entire museum to do whatever you want for an hour and a half uh and we're doing that for sure well there you have it and they they changed up the format a little bit like now there's some rooms that are off limits to general admission because it's part of the package that you get with that where you can see other rooms wow anyway so zach begones uh this is his version of ghost adventures where he was talking to the tour
Starting point is 00:55:59 guide uh who we got that dust thing going on again where my nostrils are freaking out what dust thing i get i like i have an allergy to dust where only the tip of my nose itches oh that's right yeah you did you did tell me that so now i know i have to sweep after this um i don't know if that's worse or better because i have an allergy to dust where i get terrible sinus infections it's oh i would much prefer this because it goes away after like a half an hour okay i was gonna say i mean saying it out loud i guess that's worse but like that does sound very irritating well so uh zach was talking to a tour guide named donna in molly's room and immediately donna feels something intimidating in the room and has to sit down um and feels like she's really dizzy another tour guide says that people have tried taking pictures of him on tour and when
Starting point is 00:56:46 they look at the pictures he is not there but a different person is yeah i'd quit that job instantly like instantaneously like someone's replacing you in photographs no thank you it's also like they know you're gonna take a picture and they are intent it's not like you accidentally caught a shadow walking through the room it was like like it wanted to be ready for my close up. Yeah. And wanted him to not be in the photo, which is hysterical. He's not like next to him. It's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:57:13 This is my time to shine. It's my portrait session. Oh, my God. He also heard people walking around, doors opening when he was alone. And the tour guide also says the parlors are super active. Psychics get a lot in there and matilda has been seen and photographed in there so maybe that's who we're seeing is matilda in the pictures interesting yeah um donna no longer goes in one room in the basement because
Starting point is 00:57:35 i'm guessing this was shadow man she feels like someone bull rushed her and like held her down so she couldn't leave and she felt swirling all around her and ever since she won't go in the room by herself well yeah i mean either this same entity is also seen in different parts of the basement people have apparently experienced it like seen it sitting on a couch they have sat on the couch themselves and felt someone sit next to them and people have also heard the springs of the couch move as if someone sat down on the couch so it really likes this one couch apparently interestingly aaron's camera when they were interviewing donna it wouldn't film anything like it just shut down it looked like it was filming even though it didn't
Starting point is 00:58:16 capture any video when donna was in the room but once she left the room it went back to filming so there was like a weird cut in his footage of like that's always freaky only when donna wasn't there and intentionally didn't record anything and that's also freaky because i feel like they have the top not i mean that show is high like they have the top notch equipment it's not like oh yeah like 10 year old cameras or anything yeah it's super creepy um and also also speaking of technology sorry to like cut you off but like ever since you those photos, I don't know if you can hear it, but your audio has been like staticky, like, literally since those photos came through. And I keep Yeah, it just like garbles your voice every now and then. And I, I'm wondering if it's going to be heard on audio, probably not because it's your recording locally. But it's like freaking me out. It's like little skips. I didn't think about it until you just mentioned Aaron's camera. I'm checking my audio right now and I don't see any little blips.
Starting point is 00:59:15 It's probably just like the Zoom connection or something. But anyway, I just. Well, that's so weird. Okay. Well, sorry. You've been having to deal with that. No, it's I can barely like it doesn't bother me. But at first I was like, oh, that's fine. And i'm like oh my god it's a little it's a scratchy sibilance is that yes it's like little like little staticky moments
Starting point is 00:59:34 well uh apparently people have also felt pressure in their head when they're in the basement which would be where there were trauma patients so they think it might be residual pain um spirits don't like people in the house after the tours end for the day and apparently that's obviously when zach would go to investigate so both zach and aaron at the top of the stairs get really dizzy in the same spot donna was dizzy earlier that day they get a uh female evp again super clear um if you want to go listen it's episode season 10 episode 9 and this audio is wildly clear it is definitely a young woman um when zach is in molly's room and trying to talk to molly and asking her to talk back you can hear a woman say hello really clearly like might as well have just been on camera with zach oh i like have such goose cam right now it's insane i'm honestly like
Starting point is 01:00:31 kind of freaking out i don't know why this story is scary um something hits zach like pushes him and i'm gonna believe that he actually did get touched because usually he would make such a dramatic case over this but he did seem kind of stunned and didn't even really react he was just kind of like whoa and he had to sit down um and while he's sitting down he hears clear footsteps walking towards him and then he says he starts feeling really numb and on camera he seems at least to be going into some sort of little trance and he um narrates over it saying that whatever happened on this investigation in that moment was attached to him for days afterwards.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Once he leaves, Jay also feels something grabbing his neck and Aaron feels something stab him in the ribs. And there's literally like a blade sized scratch on his rib afterwards. So they think it might've been a bayonet from one of the soldiers oh god uh seconds before aaron felt stabbing they got really clear uh audio of a man talking in the basement uh and also what sounded kind of like a door opening or someone walking on the floor when they used the spirit box they asked matilda how did you die
Starting point is 01:01:45 and they got the word hanging which again was super clear this place had only really super clear audio it was really weird that's freaky and what's interesting is they said how did matilda die but molly died from hanging so i think molly might have like might have like interrupted her like like matilda like i'm gonna fucking say something this is about me now yeah what so the word hanging like absolutely came in clear uh to how did you die and trigger warning for uh assault people who've dealt with assaults the r word that was one of the words that came out really clearly in on the spirit box oh shit is what was happening probably to molly from francis so the right next to each other the words hanging and then the r word for sexual assault um came out
Starting point is 01:02:33 clear as day at the same time and then what the f two voices for spirit boxes came out at the same time one said get him and the other said i can't okay good night uh zach then says what would happen if we go into the basement and a male voice says basement as if like mocking him or mimicking him but it wasn't even it wasn't even an evp that they caught and listened to later they heard in real time next to them the guy say basement um so that freaked them out then they saw a mist on the thermal camera but then every time they tried to film it the machine would turn itself off only when they were trying to shoot that see that freaks me out just like when the camera wouldn't shoot on donna the thermal camera wouldn't shoot on the mist um they
Starting point is 01:03:22 started freaking out about it and but they uh when they were trying to figure it out, they started smelling sulfur, which means a demonic force. And the mist ends up showing up behind Zach in a picture when he tells the spirit to push him. So I'm just going to end on this very lovely quote from Zach when he was asked about the Sorrel Weed House. This is what he had to say after the whole episode.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Should I read it like him please our investigation of the sorrel weed house in savannah georgia gave me a three alarm hangover it was very it was very similar to a real one headache nausea dizziness throbbing memory loss but weirder i can usually gauge how bad my hangover is going to be by the interactions i have with spirits during a lockdown but this one threw me for a loop what what does that even mean so apparently he had a hangover from the ghost a spiritual hangover i guess that's i guess cool i guess that it probably followed him home and he had residual side effects from having investigated it but the way that he mentioned it i was like okay zach like thank you we get it anyway that is this a very long story but a really uh intense story i guess also of the sorrel weed house i don't know if it's just like
Starting point is 01:04:46 i'm just like extra on edge lately but i am really spooked by that story i don't know that really scared me the pictures were intense the pictures were the audio of the like get get out of here get out of here that was pretty insane makes it a lot more real okay okay okay well mine is spooky too em i'm ready so here we go this is one of the one okay maybe i just am on edge i don't know but this story that i'm doing today like got me more than usual and put me on edge and freaked me out more than usual. So let's just see. Is it a serial killer? No. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:05:29 What's the other one that always freaks us out? Something that freaks you out. That like. Oh, Unsolved Mysteries. Yes. Unsolved Disappearance. Yes. Oh, a disappearance.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Okay. Yeah. Mm hmm. Okay. So you know what it reminds me of is um the uh what's his name oh my gosh bryce i always think his name is brian plus pizzas i can never get it right and i always feel bad about it okay well yeah i'm excited for this reminds me a little bit of that story so um this is the story of neo babson maximus, a.k.a. Charles Allen Jr., and his disappearance.
Starting point is 01:06:07 All right. So in the fall of 2007, 22-year-old Neo Babson Maximus was in his senior year at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus when he mysteriously disappeared. disappeared. Neo was last seen at 3 a.m. on October 13, 2007, around College Lane in Dartmouth, Mass., in a situation that was pretty out of character. So at 3 a.m. on October 13, it sort of appeared he was trying to break into a woman's house via her second story window. And once he got inside, this woman got up and was like startled. he said oh i'm i'm sorry i was looking for my friend mason and when she said mason doesn't live here he politely excused himself jumped back out of the window and disappeared into the woods in that moment i would have put a bunch of bricks in that window and made a wall and that guy could never come back i would never live there again i don't
Starting point is 01:07:04 know what i would do but i would be be terrified. I'd be like, officially I just have, like, a home alone, like, trap set up at that window for if someone ever tries to come near it again. One million. One million percent. Especially at 3am. I mean, that must be terrifying. But this was the last time he was ever seen. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:20 So the woman reports this to police, adds the fact that she thought it was strange that the man was wearing nothing but running pants, not even shoes. Oh. And Neo never returned to his off-campus apartment in New Bedford, Massachusetts, nor did he show up at college or anywhere else. In fact, this woman would be the last person to ever see him. Wow. And you know something was up because no one runs in the woods without shoes.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Yeah, especially in massachusetts in october like that's gonna be chilly oh forget about it no no something was up something was up so neo was born april 26 1985 and he was completing his final year studying psychology uh at university of massachusetts dartmouth campus um and he was known to be extremely intelligent who a guy kid who thrived at whatever he was doing he was 22 at the time um and there's a podcast called thin air that did an episode covering this case where they interviewed one of neo's best friends named anthony and anthony was also interviewed in the disappeared uh episode on discovery plus shout out uh and anthony had been living with neo over the summer so he has kind of
Starting point is 01:08:27 like good insight into him and his character and what was cooking so what was cooking so this friend anthony said that neo was one of the smartest people i've ever known he had a very good memory a photographic memory you could basically give him a credit card show it to him and give him 20 seconds and then he could just remember the card number anthony also continued he was goofy um but if you didn't know him very well you'd think he was serious he was one of those people where if he set his mind to do something he'd do it and excel at it um so there seemed to be like nothing that strange at the time that people noticed uh worth reporting but looking back i don't know hindsight is 2020 there's some weird stuff that had happened so a month before his disappearance neo had legally
Starting point is 01:09:11 changed his name so to neo right to neo exactly okay so although neo babson maximus is like you know whatever a pretty badass name i guess uh he He was actually born Charles Allen Jr. after his father. Okay. And he was really close with his father. So it wasn't like, oh, I'm changing my name to, you know, remove that aspect of my life or anything. Had, like, the Matrix just come out and he was, like, just so, like, blown away that he had changed his name? Well, kind of, yeah. Oh!
Starting point is 01:09:43 So he played this video game called half-life which i don't know if you've heard of um and his no and he his video game username had always been neo so half-life is like this first person shooter game anyway in the game he had always been known as neo and it came from his love for the matrix character neo so you're oh completely right um he said he identified with him so far i'm pretty sure i can crack this case okay maybe just based just based on uh being able to be right on that one thing i think on that one thing okay perhaps uh so far one out of one guesses has been right. So let's see. So far. All right. Let's keep going. So any guess as to what Maximus is from while we're on a roll here?
Starting point is 01:10:33 His gluteus, obviously. No. Whatever. The movie Gladiator. So. Okay. And then Babson was a family name name it was his mother's maiden name so neo like i said was his name on half-life but he didn't just play half-life he was literally
Starting point is 01:10:52 the number one player in the world holy shit yeah so he was a gamer but like professional like he did this very took it very seriously um yeah and some of his family members said like he was one of the best in the world his friend anthony said he was like number one in the world so i think i don't want to just say blanket number one but like top player one of the top players in the world um he had actually just attended a cyber athlete professional league event um and he had gone to dallas to compete against players from all over the world so like cyber athlete that is so fun well yeah like esports i had i just never had never heard it but heard that phrase before that's such a cool way to phrase it yeah my cousin johannes works in esports and it's a very fascinating field um it's just a wild it's like a huge industry i like don't know much about it but he was big he
Starting point is 01:11:48 was uh a really competitive does johannes know about this person oh i don't know i have to ask him maybe that's a good question i'm gonna text him they've heard of them yeah if you're just cracking this case right now i'm gonna freak out this is gonna be just a wild a wild day for me so in a rare video uh it's a youtube video of neo at the dallas event you can hear neo saying to the interviewer when i get addicted to something that's when i start to understand it that's the lesson i've learned in gaming if you want to get good at something get addicted to it so just like a note into his you know personality sure um and oddly the video was published a couple days after his disappearance but i think that's probably just coincidental
Starting point is 01:12:33 that they did that but i mean i don't know maybe they did it on purpose but it's just kind of weird timing so lately neo had become addicted to two things do you want to take any guesses? Yeah, I was going to ask. Can I take a guess? Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Okay. Okay. Okay. So just like get in the mind, you know, get in the mind. Okay. I'm going to say some sort of fitness. Yeah. And I'm going to say.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Good job. Was it something like experimental drugs? No i don't know what do you have a guess as to the fitness thing just like running like track or tennis climbing oh what the fuck okay i know random really random i'm just amazed you even guessed that like that far so my my thought was if i were trying to go back to him like running up that window oh sure sure i was like and he's like doesn't have a shirt on or anything i was like maybe he's like learning more about like survival instincts or running or something anyway well tennis but you know close so i i i was close but no cigar no cigar so like i said
Starting point is 01:13:42 he took things very seriously including gaming so he got obsessed with tennis and he was playing it constantly and he decided he wanted to become a famous tennis player um which i mean listen you're already a cyber athlete you might as well right i mean yeah might as well get become a physical athlete too damn why not he decided his name charlie charlie allen jr just wasn't going to cut it so he changed his name to his gamer name which was neo which is so weird because charlie allen sounds like such a tennis player i completely agree i think he wanted it to stand out like be more newsworthy you know like neo maximus like it's quite a name um but you're completely right that char i think charlie allen jr it does sound like somebody at wimbledon like charlie
Starting point is 01:14:25 charles yeah chuck chuck allen chuck allen okay um so he had changed his name to his uh video game name and this was months before i want to point out like this wasn't like the week before he disappeared this was like the summertime he had done this and uh he disappeared in october okay got it just to give a timeline so uh he told his friend anthony like he like showed him his id list he was like look what i did i changed my name and his friend was like you've got to be kidding me and uh neo said the that the woman at the police station who was like filling out the paperwork had laughed at him for doing it and he was just so proud of like this i don don't know. He seemed like a very spontaneous person also.
Starting point is 01:15:06 So like. He also seems like he was really invested in like really cared about that thing where his name was like the game where his name was Neo. So like I could understand if he was like taking it seriously. Like, no, I want to be recognized as this thing. Right. And I identify with that part of me or that person. Yeah, completely. No, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And the second thing neo was uh fascinated by and this didn't come up in the uh in the disappeared episode so i just i wonder why but apparently he had become really fascinated by scientology oh did not see that coming okay i know that like that's i mean even when you said an athletic thing or whatever you said i was like if m says fucking like a religion or something i'm gonna lose my mind i'm gonna lose my mind because this is so random my not so medium skills only go so far so i mean you already impressed me with everything so far so it's fine thank you so he uh he became fascinated apparently by scientology um he had told his friend anthony how he was intrigued by scientology's anti-psychiatry
Starting point is 01:16:15 and anti-medicine movement which if you don't know is a big part of scientology beliefs and the exact opposite of my thinking he was getting into like different drugs and steroids and stuff like that good point good point right well it's okay you were like on the spectrum just like on the other side i was like i was definitely on the spectrum and that i was on the polar opposite but the spectrum nonetheless so if you it's like a circle if you hop one skip and a beep bop or whatever we called it a twist it it, yeah. A bop it, twist it. A bop it, twist it away. You're close enough.
Starting point is 01:16:46 It's fine. So he was fascinated by Scientology. He thought it was really interesting how they were against medicine. He had explained to Anthony that Scientology says that you don't need medication. It's all a placebo and a waste of money. bow and a waste of money um and that is something that they do is they you know take you off medications especially like any mental health medications and try to you know fix it with their cool fun machines and shit so don't worry about it they're little tin cans on a string or whatever it was yeah yeah it works no it doesn't work please don't do it this school of thinking got
Starting point is 01:17:22 so in in his head that he took himself off of his own medications and Neo suffered from bipolar disorder. So dangerous thing to just suddenly decide Scientology is going to fix me. I'm going to go off my medication. Yeah. And so, you know, in the again, in the disappeared episode, they did not touch on this. in the again in the disappeared episode they did not touch on this um his sister kind of explained it as so she told like one anecdote where they had been hanging out and he had been on these mood stabilizers since high school because he had uh in his teenage years he'd always been really shy and then all of a sudden he started kind of having these manic episodes and it was so noticeable that
Starting point is 01:18:01 his family took him to a psychiatrist they found out he had bipolar disorder and so he was put on mood stabilizers and while they seemed to like work fine and he got into college and was doing well um i guess he like a lot of people i've i know who've experienced something similar was on these medications and thinking like i feel numb like i don't feel like zombie yeah yeah zombie exactly and so he had had this conversation with his sister where she was like apparently really really upset about something and was like sobbing like just was very very very upset and apparently he just looked at her kind of blankly and said like i'm just jealous you can feel something like that you know and so wow it's just yeah it is chilling um and so that was kind of her explanation as to like, he just didn't want to be on the medications anymore, which I mean, I understand.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah, totally get it. Yeah. And so I guess he had kind of had an on again, off again relationship with his medications anyway. So I just want to paint that clear picture because I don't want it to be like a week earlier, he went off his medication and then he vanished you know like it wasn't that black and white and like his family is very clear that like they've known him obviously his whole life and he they knew when he was going to be having a manic episode they usually built up to a certain point sure this was just uncharacteristically yes okay and like his sister made a good point like people just hear like mental illness or bipolar and are like oh he was just crazy and he ran away and it's like such a stigma yeah yeah such a stigma and it's so much more nuanced than that and so anyway i just want to paint a full picture of that but yes he
Starting point is 01:19:33 did have bipolar disorder he went off his medications for a number of reasons i guess and um his friend anthony for example knew him really well um he said it was never anything like a jekyll and hyde situation that you see like with a stigma. People didn't even know he had it unless he told them. And he kept it pretty quiet for most people. So a lot of his friends didn't even know. And so he had been going off his medication as of like I think that summer. So when he changed his name like that same time period.
Starting point is 01:20:04 as of like i think that summer so when he changed his name like that same time period and he had also started like fully spinning his sleeping pattern out of whack which can also be really not good yeah it can like totally tip you in like certain at least in my experience like directions mentally and sure yeah otherwise and so anthony remembers that neo wouldn't sleep like normal people quote unquote he'd take a nap from 12 to 2 then he'd play tennis and then sleep 5 to 5 30 then he would be up for another two hours and have another nap he'd only sleep in increments of 30 minutes to two hours every couple of hours interesting yeah and there's actually a name for it but anthony said that in combination with the medication he now wasn't taking made him
Starting point is 01:20:45 act differently got it okay so just a number of things going into this apparently so leonardo da vinci had this polyphasic sleep pattern which is where he would allegedly take 20 minute naps every four hours interesting so like only get one sleep cycle in per ever, per every, I don't know. Yeah. Isn't 20, isn't like 24 minutes, like the amount of a sleep cycle or something. So then he would wake up and then do his thing until he needed another sleep cycle. I've also heard a sleep hour is an hour and a half. So I don't, I don't totally go through the whole thing, but I don't, I know you can take power naps for 15 to 20 minutes.
Starting point is 01:21:22 And I was going to say, I used to take, I don't know why 24 stays with power naps for 15 to 20 minutes and that's i was gonna say uh i used to take i don't know why 24 stays with me maybe i just made it up but in college someone must have said it to me and i just ran with it but 24 minute night naps to to tea like would really get me going like those really powered me through i i like rarely nap but now that i'm tired all the time i do nap and i always set my uh timer to 25 minutes because it's enough time for me to fall asleep have like a 20 minute sleep cycle yeah up again so it might be it might be what it is um and he slept so i guess da vinci slept 20 minutes every four hours okay so there's this article on insider uh called 14 bizarre sleeping habits of super successful people um and so like michael phelps
Starting point is 01:22:07 for example like it's just people where it doesn't totally surprise you they have like a weird way of sleeping but also you would never guess it so i guess michael phelps sleeps in like an oxygen deprived chamber or like a high altitude chamber huh like he literally said he has to go into his room and then there's another door to his bed because his bed area is a higher elevation at like 8 500 to 9 000 feet so that his body works harder while he sleeps which i'm like i don't need it i don't need to be working harder while i sleep the fact that he found a way to exercise while sleeping is so gross also horrifying i could never well i mean i have i have i like to think i kind of have a weird sleep cycle where i sleep in like multiple four hour periods
Starting point is 01:22:53 like yeah like i don't ever sleep for eight hours i'll sleep for like four hours and then after like so long i'll take like a quote four hour nap which is basically my second sleep and for a long time when i would sleep like that it worked really But no, working out or sleeping for only 20 minutes, 20 minutes a day is 20 minutes every four hours. And that's how you live. That's only like two hours of sleep. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And I guess Nikola Tesla also did that. Wild, like maybe it would never sleep. I don't know. I mean mean i know we joke a lot about how we're actually like weirdly good at being productive and creative when we're slap happy yeah like maybe that's how they were able to come up with random fucking theories it's like they were delusional honestly
Starting point is 01:23:36 it's entirely possible and like in that article too it said something fascinating about like it would have helped da vinci be more productive but it would have been really hard to maintain long-term projects do you know what i mean like apparently just the way you sleep can so affect like your productivity and your creativity and so it might have just been like he had so much time and it was like that kind of yeah right awakeness what a fun little deep dive that was oh my gosh so interesting so So interesting. Was there anyone else? Oh, yeah. So Stephen King's pillows all have to point in a certain direction, like the opening of his pillowcase.
Starting point is 01:24:11 What a nut. That's crazy. Okay. Oh, I have a very similar thing, but I think that's just OCD. I don't think that's like that doesn't like help my productivity because I'm no Stephen King or Da Vinciinci but it does definitely give me deep anxiety but um and so so da vinci did this so the name of it is the uberman uberman sleep cycle okay um which is that like polyphasic 20 minute naps um and apparently that's just really hard for like long-term projects uh you should do more deep dives christine it definitely takes away from
Starting point is 01:24:45 the horror that you do you know what and it's funny because i feel like during your story too we did a couple like roundabout like and it just adds so much more i don't know you should do more deep dives if you can find a way to insert them respectfully like that was so nice that was so fun oh good well i have um a couple more here uh charles dickens always says said he had to sleep facing north um and said it it improved his creativity a lot of these people also suffered from insomnia which like hashtag relatable um and nikola tesla never slept for more than two hours a day so uh i know that apparently he once worked 84 hours in a lab without any sleep. I mean, whatever. It worked.
Starting point is 01:25:26 I mean, listen. Yeah. Who am I to judge, right? Like, I have plenty of unhealthy habits. Oh, and I think my favorite is Mariah Carey. I can't wait. Does she sleep on a silver platter? What happens?
Starting point is 01:25:39 In sequence pillows? Well, probably. That probably wasn't even enough to put get in the article like that was probably like assumed but um she apparently surrounds her bed with 20 humidifiers um wow she keeps that uh those vocal cords moist i got it yeah uh she said basically it's like sleeping in a steam room so like fully i mean i hope that they get that place checked for mold every now and then because that seems like a lot of for sure but also like she i like that she's never talked about that when it comes to like explaining why she has amazing skin yeah good point they're like i am
Starting point is 01:26:17 sorry but i refuse now to believe any of her like beauty product brands that she works with like she she literally sleeps in a sauna like okay she's getting a sauna and she has to sleep 15 hours a night oh for fuck's sake okay so it's like how is that even possible like i sleep i can sleep a lot straight but 12 hours is about like my max out if i'm to go to a sleep study like she needs a doctor to make sure that's okay like yeah and apparently tom i think it was tom cruise let me double check he also had a weird thing about sleeping um a lot of weird things going on yeah speaking of scientology but yeah he sleeps in a soundproof snoratorium because he snores so loudly and i'm like i feel like sorry you're okay um i'm sorry so snoratorium
Starting point is 01:27:06 let's talk about that real quick i am kind of grossed out at myself that i've never named my bedroom something like that because like so for a long time after we watched charmed i was convinced that alice and i would be referencing to our apartment as the manor i was like oh you tried to do that i was on board man i need to bring it back i i it was just laziness that kept us from doing it but the fact that i my favorite my favorite room i haven't named that's upsetting okay so snoratorium that's the one thing i actually he's actually done it right finally you're gonna take that away from this whole article is snoratorium is all you're going to take away i love it yes obviously the bathroom is the poop deck i mean that's that's a given obviously i don't know about the kitchen yet but absolutely snoratorium is a truly i think is the greatest thing he's
Starting point is 01:27:54 given me um my mom calls my living room what does she call it the the parlor or something like really obnoxious fun it's just stuck in my head now. And I'm like I'm going to go sit in the parlor. And it sounds so douchey. When you start using it normally. That's when it's a problem. You should call it the drawing room. I thought about drawing room. And then I thought about.
Starting point is 01:28:16 What's the other one? A sitting room. I don't know. There's all these ridiculous words. My mom calls one of the rooms in our house a sitting room. And I'm like you've got to be kidding me. We don't even sit in there. It's the room that, like, everyone's got a room in their house they just don't fucking use.
Starting point is 01:28:31 And that's the room that she calls a sitting room. Well, that's kind of what this room is as well. This parlor room that, like, just kind of is there and it's night. I mean, it's like, I sit in there sometimes, but there's not, like, a TV. Like, I don't, like, hang out in there, if that makes sense. My mom uses it sometimes to talk on the phone but that's as far as she gets i'm like i'm like why do you even try like we should have just boarded this room up that's like made it a haunted room that's where the dog like barks at the mailman so i guess that's part of the sitting room the parking room
Starting point is 01:28:59 the barking room okay that actually works way better. So anyway, that's a fun sleep study situation for you. A sleep dive instead of a deep dive. Come on. That was pretty good. Where are we? Heaven? I'm confused. Hell, most likely.
Starting point is 01:29:15 So sleep dive. Just a quick sleep dive. So he was... Anyway, point being, he was doing this strange 20 minutes every four hours sleeping situation. Or not every four hours. Sorry, that was Da Vinci. But Charlie slash Neo was sleeping like these weird two hour shifts every now and then instead of like a full night of sleep. And anyway, that plus the not taking medication, you know, that that could have had an effect on according to his friends.
Starting point is 01:29:43 It did have an effect on his behavior um but that all started during the summer and also around this point um his friend anthony realized he had been sleeping out of his car which was very strange because he had an apartment with a bedroom like there was no like he wasn't you know out of a home or like it was just he just slept in his car and he had this Ford Expedition. So it was like a bigger car and it had a backseat with a pillow and a blanket in it. And he just slept in there, which is interesting. I guess if you're sleeping two hours every now and then. You know, there are times when I have in the middle of the night, I know I have to get something done. Like, for example, my notes today, I started them at like,
Starting point is 01:30:26 two in the morning. And my God, I truly it was pure, actively not wanting to do my notes. I like was, I was just like on TikTok. And then I was like watching TV. And I like just had no interest in it. But I was getting super sleepy before i started my notes and so i intentionally went to bed at like midnight in a very uncomfortable position so that i would be more likely to hear my alarm and wake up no but that usually if i have to get something done but i'm really sleepy and i know i need to nap for me to even be functional to do the thing yeah i will make sure that i have an uncomfy nap so that way i'm more willing to wake up what was the uncomfy position oh i just slept it like in like the the chair the
Starting point is 01:31:12 upright chair and so the couch and then that way i was like my body was like not really totally relaxed and it was easier to wake up later so i'm trying to think like maybe and then i got my notes done in an hour and i went to bed like it wasn't a big deal and you're not even trying to be a professional tennis player you're just trying to get your notes done not yet but i'm sure i could hyper fixate on that any day now but like he but i'm imagining maybe he like was trying to find a comfy slash uncomfy situation so that way he would perhaps it'd be easier to wake up in the two-hour thing if he was trying to get himself into that listen mindset it could be and like you got the neo you got the sports activities maybe honestly maybe that's what he was doing he was like this is my new sleeping fixation i'm trying to become
Starting point is 01:31:55 the greatest tennis player and this is how i do it i don't know yeah maybe he read michael phelps and was like i have my own thing i don't know maybe maybe he was driving up to a high higher altitude i don't know you know what that is up to a higher altitude. I don't know. You know what? That is worth checking out. Any mountains in Boston you could maybe be driving up to? Perhaps? Maybe he just parked his truck on the Sitco sign or something.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I am not sure. Oh, my God. That was next to our apartments. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So anyway, this just kind of is a summation of what was going on in the months leading up to his disappearance.
Starting point is 01:32:31 So Neo's family would last hear from him October 11th of that year, and he went missing October 13th. So just two days, two or three days before he disappeared. His sister Brittany was looking to chat with her brother on Facebook, and they apparently chatted all the time. Like that's where they day today like chatted with each other um and for some reason he had messaged her earlier that day and she went to message him back and his account had been deleted and so she was like what the hell and they were really really close um and so she called him immediately and was like why did you delete your facebook and this was 2007 so this was like when facebook was like in its young person heyday.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Like when people didn't use it just for minion memes. It was like, yeah, we actually, you know, exchanged like messages with our friends. It wasn't all Farmville. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:15 It was Farmville, at least for me. Farmville and bumper stickers. Remember bumper stickers on Facebook? Oh shit. Yes. Oh my God. That's trippy.
Starting point is 01:33:25 I remember I played Frontierville. I didn't even play Farm. That's trippy. I remember I played Frontierville. I didn't even play Farmville. I played like the off-brand like Frontierville. It was so fun. Anyway, so she calls him. She's like, why is your profile deleted? And apparently she's like, she said, I could hear his heart sink. Like he like freaked out.
Starting point is 01:33:41 And he was really alarmed. He said, I didn't delete my profile. And he and she was like, well, it's gone, you know, and he apparently got super upset, super paranoid and freaked out. And he was out for a walk. And he then went on to say that he had recently emailed some powerful people. They were now after him. He didn't feel safe.
Starting point is 01:34:03 She wasn't safe. And that she had to go to her dad's house and he her their dad was the only one who could keep her safe and he wouldn't say who he had emailed uh he just said i i got involved with like i emailed somebody and they're dangerous and we're not safe um and the thing about the facebook i, is what like triggered him to be like, okay, things are bad. So she to this day is like, I think something was really up. I don't think he was like, this was an illusion. I don't think this was something that he was making up or imagining.
Starting point is 01:34:36 She thinks it was really real. And some people say this was just a part of his manic episode. But who knows? So, oh, my God, I forgot the like the creepiest part of his manic episode but who knows um so oh my god i forgot the like the creepiest part of that whole phone call so he told her there's somebody after me and you and i are not safe um and then he said the answers can be found in the periodic table of elements now we're doing an escape room thing okay i know I know. And then he hung up. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Well, I don't like it. If I got that phone call from you, I'd be like, well, I don't know what I would do. I don't either. That's super scary. Also, I really, the hint itself is not useful. Yeah, it's freaky and it's confusing. It's like, wait, explain yourself. Yeah, it's bizarre.
Starting point is 01:35:25 And he was clearly outside. And so right after that, so he hung up on her and she was like what the hell was that and she was like this is not a thing he did he didn't she never experienced this before with him so straight after that he calls his parents neither of them pick up so he leaves separate voicemails on both of their phones so on his mother's phone he tells her a similar thing like someone's after me i'm in danger and he says i'm going to head to florida i'm going to florida just a heads up then he calls his father and leaves a voicemail that says all the other same stuff except instead of florida he says he's going to either texas or mexico so it's just like all over the place and on both calls according to his parents he was running he
Starting point is 01:36:06 was out of breath and he was running through a forest through the woods they could hear like branches snapping and they could tell he was out of breath so already i'm i'm trying to piece it together with the first part of the story where he ends up running so they probably he probably called them when he was on the way to this building to find mason so that was this was two days earlier oh okay he's he's running in the woods a lot okay he's apparently just in the woods and nobody really understands why weird like he didn't like i as far as i could tell he wasn't just running in the woods for fun every day um maybe he okay sorry it has nothing to do with anything yet i'll save my theories for the end He wasn't just running in the woods for fun every day. Maybe he... Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 01:36:45 It has nothing to do with anything yet. I'll save my theories for the end. Sorry, go ahead. I can't wait to hear them. There's some really wild theories about this story too, by the way, that you're going to be like, it's just freaky stuff. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:56 So it's odd because obviously it's odd in and of itself, but then it's also odd like, okay, he tells one parent Florida, he tells the other one Texas. It's just like strange. And according to Anthony, the news about him just getting up and going somewhere wasn't completely out of character. So, like, even though he said, you know, Mexico, Florida, or Texas, apparently Anthony said, like, it's not the first time he's kind of up and, like, spontaneously gone somewhere. Okay. So, I guess around September of 2007, which is a month before his disappearance, had been watching the u.s open which was happening in new york and then he randomly said to anthony hey you want to go to the u.s open and anthony was like no not really like we're in school right now and
Starting point is 01:37:36 you know i am not i am not as invested in tennis as you are my friends exactly exactly yeah it's like this is your thing and i'm so proud of you but like i'm not participating so he's like you want to go and anthony was like no but apparently the next morning anthony got a selfie in a text message from neo which was with one of the tennis pros and neo had driven up that night after he had just decided this on a whim slept on a bench and snuck into the tournament and between games he would hide in the bathroom and then sneak into the next one so this is just like a thing that he did i guess he was very spontaneous um and according to uh his family once he and his sister and mom went on vacation along the east coast to watch some tennis and when they were leaving to return home he wanted to stay but they were all heading home
Starting point is 01:38:25 so he hopped out of the moving car and hid in some bushes uh so neo called up anthony to tell him what was happening during this event and said if my sister or mom calls you don't tell them where i am and when the family called anthony to be like he? We, he jumped out of a moving car and we don't know where he is. Obviously Anthony was like, he's fine. He's safe. He he's hiding from you. And he called me.
Starting point is 01:38:51 And apparently Anthony got a voicemail from Neo saying something along the lines of, Hey, I just want to let you know, I'm pretty mad at you. I'm pretty mad that you let them know where I was. I was going to buy you a Dodge Viper, like the car.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Oh, okay. For when I became a professional tennis player but now I'm not goodbye so it's just like strange that sounds the most unstable that I've heard so far it's it's surprising to me because it's like you jumped out of a moving car to hide from your mom and sister and then you told your best friend like don't tell them where I am and it's like they're worried they just want to make sure you're okay i don't know yeah the part of with like the dodged viper and all that seems so like grandiose of like yeah like the things i am capable of or the things i will be capable of one day and like
Starting point is 01:39:40 you've let me down like but part of it to me um i don't know if this is true but part of it to me sounds like a joke like i was gonna buy you a fancy car and now i'm not because you told them where i was oh yeah like it's all about the tone it's all about the tone yeah and like he did say like he was a goofy guy and like people thought he was serious but he was like actually he didn't take himself seriously so at you know me my first thought was like oh i was gonna buy you this nice convertible and now i won't because you like i don't gotcha okay and they it didn't like affect their friendship so i don't think it was like he was actually mad at him but you're right like if it was serious then it was like that's a very strange thing to bring up so i don't know i guess that you're right it does depend on the tone
Starting point is 01:40:17 um but either way jumping out of a moving car not really the most standard of behavior still not still not great still not great so um what was strange now is that he had panicked so aggressively about his facebook being deleted and um according to his sister he was really really online like all of his stuff was online he talked to everyone online he was very i mean he was cyber athlete. Like all of his shit was on the internet. So when his Facebook was deleted, he was apparently like really flipped out. And so after speaking to his family, he was supposed to meet his friend Mason. Remember Mason? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:57 And he was supposed to meet Mason to go to a house party. And apparently, so Mason was a guy that he played tennis with and they had gotten close playing tennis and mason told him oh the girls tennis team is hosting this party and charlie or neo was really excited and mason by the way called him charlie because mason didn't even know that he had changed his name like he didn't okay so they hadn't talked in a little bit no no they hung out every day he was meeting them him that day oh and he just like he still hadn't been told like they just never came up tell him he just didn't tell him and he didn't know he had so it was after he went missing that mason learned he had changed his name and that he had bipolar disorder he didn't know either things about him and so they were more like i guess acquaintances but they hung out a lot um and so he was supposed to meet mason that day they had played tennis together that day
Starting point is 01:41:49 the 13th and we're supposed to meet to go to this house party and apparently neo slash charlie was very excited because he was like i want to talk to some girls and just like hang out he was very looking forward to it but mason waited like 45 minutes at their meeting point and neo never showed up uh and at first mason was like just assumed he had like forgotten about it or just went without him and so it didn't strike him as odd at first but then later when people investigators asked him like how was he acting that day uh he said he said this is just so random but he said this incident happened at dinner and he was like i didn't think much of it at the time but looking back it's kind of odd so i guess they had dinner at the university cafeteria and at one point they're eating and
Starting point is 01:42:38 hanging out and neo just reaches over and picks up a piece of mason's pizza and just starts eating it and mason's like dude what are you doing with my pizza and uh charlie or neo says oh sorry i thought that was mine and mason was like it was just so odd because like he took it off my plate and then was totally flabbergasted like oh god i'm so sorry i thought that was mine like just strange strange behavior where it's like i mean i don't know huh yeah i don't know where you could like if you could look back and be like oh that was just nothing but then under in the context of the greater picture it's like maybe that was something i don't know maybe i mean i'm trying to think like oh maybe he thought they were like splitting the pizza and like there were two slices and he was supposed to grab
Starting point is 01:43:28 one. But then also I think like if you, surely, if you grabbed something off my plate, I'd be like, Christine, what the fuck are you doing? No, and like, there's like two bros like who play sports together hanging out and he's like, this is mine? And then he's like, no, no. Like, I don't know. I feel like in that situation
Starting point is 01:43:43 if I were Mason and I were like, it was weird i feel like he probably had a better understanding of like the tone of it you know what i mean no i trust it i trust that it's weird got it okay but yeah so that he's like that's what he did earlier that day so i don't know it's just one of those strange like it doesn't sound that dramatic but i guess it's pretty weird if, like, that's not a thing that. I mean, I guess there's no real threshold that, like, like, we haven't determined, like, what makes something weird or not yet. So maybe that's just, like, one of the lesser weird things compared to, like, jumping out of cars and shit. Yes, exactly. Like, maybe this was something he did and, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Exactly. Maybe this is just part of his personality. But I don't know exactly. Maybe this is part of his personality. So as mentioned before, he did not go to see Mason at 8 p.m. for the party. But instead, at 3 a.m., was found in a random woman's house in the second floor saying, I'm looking for Mason. And he knew Mason's address. Like he knew this was not. And that's the that's the big point.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Exactly. That is that he had been to Mason's house many times and vice versa. point exactly that is that he had been to mason's house many times and vice versa so there is no reason why he should be climbing a second story first of all so either he's either he's lying or he's mentally unwell it's yeah like it's not it's one of the two either he's something chemically is going on or he's lying or he's lying right and the fact that he just kind of was standing there and then this woman said he doesn't live here and he said oh god i'm so sorry which is like again kind of reminiscent of the pizza thing like oh i thought that was mine oh god i'm so sorry i thought my friend lived here i'm gonna get out of your hair and like it's almost like in those two instances
Starting point is 01:45:14 he was just super forgetful like just confused yeah just guffawed like oh what flabbergasted yeah yeah so just really odd so um he obviously was found by this random woman in her house and uh he said i'm so sorry she said he was extremely polite like she was interviewed and she's like he just was like taken aback was super polite said i'm so sorry jumped back out the window and disappeared um so again he'd been to mason's house many times it's really odd that he just forgot where he lived and thought it was in some second story of a random building. Right. So in the following days after the voice messages, Neo's parents became worried.
Starting point is 01:45:53 The content, obviously, of the messages had alarmed them and now they couldn't reach him. So eventually they contacted Dartmouth campus police who checked his computer. police who checked his computer and according to a website called missing souls which is like a missing person's uh website uh the computer had been completely wiped clean and he had said to his sister remember i sent some emails yeah and oddly the emails from like the last five days had been completely wiped off his account um so just strange do we know if there's any theories about him interacting with the dark web hmm because i don't know about dark web or like dark dark net or whatever it's called because like if he were inter if he were talking to some people that could have been you know bad people and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:46:45 his facebook is hacked and he's emailing something like maybe he i don't know i don't know or it could have been that's one of the theories um so you're you're definitely on to something and i'm going to definitely point that out in a little bit okay um near the end but yeah you're definitely on to something so it's basically unclear like did somebody else wipe these to erase evidence did he clean them out to erase a trace of where he was going like who knows but they were completely gone um and there was so there's like no electronic trail for investigators to follow his credit cards were not used his mobile phone was not used his bank accounts hadn't been touched and he had just vanished into thin air and his friend anthony said you know as much as like nobody thinks he would ever just disappear for the hell of it like if anybody could do it he
Starting point is 01:47:33 could do it like if anybody wanted to change his identity and do it he could do it yeah already changed his name um clearly it was he could already be on the way to do that if he wanted yeah and he was savvy enough to do it and creative enough to do it and dedicated enough or fixated enough to do it but so again people are like he would never have done that so you know i i do trust when families are like like i'm not going to discount a family saying like we know him very well you know yeah but his friend did make a point like he was he'd be able to if he wanted to um so the charlie project notes that some breadcrumbs were left behind so his blue 1999 ford expedition with the maryland license plates was found abandoned on the university campus um and it had like i said
Starting point is 01:48:17 the pillow and blanket in it to confirm that he had been sleeping in his car uh then a few blocks from where he had broken into that apartment they found his backpack full of school supplies uh and his shoes were found on a completely different road near a wooded area so all three of these things had been kind of abandoned in different spots um strangely enough his keys cell phone and charger have never been found so those were with okay sure or they've gone missing somewhere else and just haven't been found but now we fast forward to two years later because just nothing's happened for two years um and there's an unofficial sighting in 2009 when a resident of new bedford which is like right in that town where he lived uh named steven reported that a young man rang his doorbell at 4 a.m and uh steve said he opened
Starting point is 01:49:11 the door there was a kid he looked disheveled underdressed for 4 a.m like winter weather and the the young man asked him for directions to the smu campus now this is creepy so smu stands for southeastern massachusetts university and that is what university of massachusetts campus dartmouth campus used to be called before 1991 oh so it's like the old name for it like not even when he went there weird right i just thought that was creepy that i don't even know how to like unless you're just trying to like sound original like i can't think of a single reason why you would do that unless you had like again weird memory loss issues yeah yes exactly and it kind of freaked me out and then i was thinking like you know maybe it's not him because it's somebody else but then who did go to smu back in the day but then i was
Starting point is 01:50:11 like no the guy said he was a really young guy like he was a young kid or a young guy a young man like he wasn't old enough to have attended this university before 1991 and this is the school he went yes it's weird right it's just like unsettling somehow i don't know it's very it's like black-eyed children almost where it's like yes oh god yes it's like you're trying so hard to sound correct yes and you're still a little off and the weird part is he was in the town of his campus and his old apartment. Like he was whoever this guy was, was like right there in town. It wasn't like he was somewhere across the country and lost. Was the guy he was asking older and maybe he thought he needed to use the original name of it?
Starting point is 01:51:00 That's a good question. I'm not sure. The guy was interviewed and he didn't seem that. Oh, you know what? No, that was a different. I'm trying to not sure the guy was interviewed and he didn't seem that oh you know what no that was a different i'm trying to think if the guy was interviewed maybe he wasn't um you know i don't know i hadn't thought of that but the guy was like what are you talking about and steve said uh that his wife was getting freaked out for understandable reasons and was like you like don't open don't open the door any further for this person we don't know him so he shut the door and called the police being like this could have been a robbery like
Starting point is 01:51:28 we didn't know if he was trying to get into the apartment sure yeah so he called the police um and by the time the police arrived the man had disappeared and in the following days steven then saw the missing persons report for charlie allen jr and was like holy shit that is the kid at my door that's the guy on my porch so he was insistent like that is the same guy i saw him and even the fact that he was standing there not dressed for the weather you know fits but it's also creepy that it was two years later you know like what has happened in those two years i feel like he hit his head i feel like that's what i said okay sorry i didn't mean to scream but i wrote at the end like maybe a head injury like
Starting point is 01:52:09 i don't know if he's running through the woods everything about him being so like like almost there but also being confused but also having like a lot of anxiety amnesia thing yeah it seems like there was some sort of like injury like a traumatic injury or something or or drugs like i don't know i don't know it feels like i mean he's definitely if you were to tell me he was hallucinating i couldn't not believe you like it so um yeah something chemically is not okay yeah it's see and if that was him and it's it's also like i guess it could be someone else but it's a really weird incident slash yeah if that was somebody else but maybe it was maybe it was just a random thing and he just happened to look just like the guy but it's just weird it's just weird um so oddly enough after that there were no other sightings
Starting point is 01:53:01 official or unofficial and no further clues or information have ever been found um they did a a very like intensive search of the woods um the family hired a private investigator and they did this like really thorough search of the woods that um one of the investigators said was they think the largest in new england history it was like really thorough um and they found nothing they found some bones but they turned out to be animal bones um and the private investigator basically said like i don't think he's in those woods like i don't think i think we i think with the amount of with the amount of time that has gone by he could be anywhere yes exactly and and
Starting point is 01:53:40 so that's some people think well okay, okay, we'll get to that. But basically, so nobody really knows what happened to Charlie or Neo. His body's never been found. It's not clear whether these people that were after him were real or if he was hallucinating. Maybe this was a suicidal situation where his lack of medication, lack of sleep, maybe some paranoia that could have affected it. Maybe it was a tragic accident. Sure. Maybe he's still alive.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Maybe he's a Scientologist. You know, who knows? I don't know. For all we know, he changed his name again. Like he could be like walking around and like just not in the system under what we know him as. Yeah. He could be, like, walking around and, like, just not in the system under what we know him as. Yeah, and they did say they have his fingerprints and everything put, his DNA and fingerprints in the database so that if he's ever taken into protective custody or arrested that it'll ping as, like, a missing person.
Starting point is 01:54:36 Sure. So that has not happened so far. His dad, it was really sad. His dad said he still keeps his cell phone line active on their plan. Like, he still pays for it just in case which is just like tragic um also like i wonder like he he either isn't here or he is still unwell or he has a lot of guilt and shame about what happened it's got to be one of the three if he hasn't reached out you know yeah he's yeah i mean right like either there's a reason he's not reaching out or he can't like he doesn't remember or he he's yeah i mean right like either there's a reason he's not reaching out or he can't like he doesn't remember or he has passed yeah i agree i feel like that's
Starting point is 01:55:11 broad but i feel like you're right those are the options um and then if he were if he were like totally like you know back to how they knew him like lucid he would have called them and been like oh where what's going on right like i don't doubt that either and his family was very clear like we were they were so close and they were like he wouldn't just like intentionally hurt us like this or if he if something really happened where like i mean we don't know what it is if it was the dark web or maybe like he pissed off some scientologists and oh god i didn't even think of that and like maybe they like i mean they like took down his facebook and then all of a sudden he was like you're not safe that feels scientology ish to me of like thought of that of like they're gonna come after me which means they're gonna come after you maybe i had not thought of that that scientology angle is a
Starting point is 01:55:54 good point because maybe um maybe he's not talking about because he was telling the truth and they would all be in danger if he reached out or maybe yeah he became a full-blown scientologist and had to write off his family anyway so yeah that's a really good point i hadn't thought of that there is one theory on reddit that actually kind of aligns with that or is similar um without the scientology aspect and this was written by a user oh it's not from reddit sorry it's from web sleuths and it it was written by a username JoeySTA, who says, is there any possible motive? If I remember correctly, he stated he had not removed his Facebook account someone else did, which would take some computer skill. Though I know very little about Charles slash Neo, I do know he was a top Half-Life player for a couple years
Starting point is 01:56:38 around 2001 and 2002. Then I read the European, maybe German teams took over, which might have left some resentment in Neo. In 2003, Axel Grebb, I assume this is a German person, or Ago, nickname A-G-O, hacked into the Half-Life's company files to leak the beta version of Half-Life 2. The owner asked the Half-Life community for help finding the culprit, and the community helped, and Axel was caught. And the owner thanked the community for helping track down the person who had hacked the system. And then somebody said, the same guy says, does anyone know if Neo assisted or played a role in identifying Axel as the one who had hacked the system? And that it would have been revenge on Neo. Yes. And he says, with Neo's neo skills it's quite possible and if he did he may have this may have caused some resentment which gave me the creeps because i was like with that back context it's kind of
Starting point is 01:57:33 creepy like yeah well that's why i also thought maybe dark net or something just because he was a gamer and so involved in digital worlds then like maybe he also was like looking up some other stuff i mean i feel like the dark web is a like looking up some other stuff i mean i feel like the dark web is a good place to look up like i mean i'm not saying he wasn't didn't have integrity with his gaming but maybe he was looking up cheats or something with his game and just kind of stumbled into the wrong people or something yeah it sounds like there was a lot darker shit happening than anybody really knew on the surface like the fact that this user was like oh there was this whole like crime thing happening behind the scenes during the time that you know he was involved with gaming um and apparently axel came off probation not long before neo's disappearance so just so he
Starting point is 01:58:18 had gone to jail this was like a very serious accusation and crime that he was convicted of um and has amazing computer skills for obvious reasons and now this part is like very circumstantial but also very creepy to me the user says i wonder if the ag in ago not are not only the first letters of his first and last names but also stand for the element silver in the periodic table yeah we met we totally didn't even pay attention to the periodic table this whole time his name was yeah ago uh what's ag for silver ago yeah anyway just freaky stuff so i you know who knows it seems like a stretch because like why would you say that but would you ever did you ever see any other rumors like that involved the periodic table? No, that's all I saw about that, about the periodic table.
Starting point is 01:59:08 How weird is that for like, unless you and I specifically had an inside joke about the periodic table, and then I all of a sudden I'm like acting really frenetic and I'm like, the clues are in the periodic table. Yes. You better be like, what the fuck do you expect me to do with a periodic table? Em doesn't know what a periodic table, like I'd'd be like neither of us know what a fucking periodic table i'm telling you now if you were to imply something about the periodic table to me i would expect that you're talking about like plutonium from back to the future like that other than that i'm like i've
Starting point is 01:59:39 got fucking method the tannins in wine or something i feel i feel like the only yeah the oh my god i forgot what i was even about to say oh yeah that would be like if you said something like oh the the clues and the angles of the rhombus the geometry yeah i'd be like i'd be like um get back on the phone real quick because like you expect me to know what to do with that not enough information i can read your mind to a certain extent but like math and that's just too far so it's really honestly if i were about to like what if i thought i was on the run and i had to leave you with a notion like the clues are in the periodic table i would hang up and be like christine's never gonna figure it out like i'm done goodbye
Starting point is 02:00:19 i'd be like why did i even why did i even waste my breath trying to give her a clue like that? So stupid. No, completely right. And so, you know, maybe that's what it referred to. It seems, again, like a stretch because like, why would his sister know that? Or like, this person wasn't even as far as I know, relevant to the family at all. So just really odd. And you'd think you'd say it more clearly. Like, yeah. Oh, it's a some German guy that I emailed.
Starting point is 02:00:44 I don't know. Or like leave a note under your bed or something for someone to find you know but so it's really strange um so some people think maybe it was a half-life related murder some people um think maybe he did go off to play tennis somewhere under a different name and he really is just some accomplished tennis player somewhere and uh i'm gonna give a little like just a summary of who he is, what he looks like, just for everybody to keep an eye out. So Neo slash Charles, he was known by Charlie by his friends and family, has been missing since October 13, 2007 from Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 02:01:20 He was 22 at the time of his disappearance, and he would be 36 years old today. He's a Caucasian male with light brown hair and brown eyes around 5 foot 11 or 6 foot tall weighing between 175 to 190 pounds he was last seen wearing black sweatpants with a red stripe down the side and a white 2007 us open t-shirt that he always wore he wears glasses he wore his haircut very short everyone who knew him called him Charlie. He may have been seen approaching a truck driver on Route 6 in Dartmouth shortly after his disappearance. So some theorize that he hitched a ride and left New England. If you have any information, you can share it with the Dartmouth Police Department at 508-910-1775. And that's the story of Charles Allen Jr. or Neo Babson Maximus. And for whatever reason, this story, like, I just have a gut feeling that he's still alive. I don't know why.
Starting point is 02:02:11 And I don't feel like that's maybe right to say because I feel like, who am I to say that? But I just have a strange gut feeling like maybe this can be solved. Maybe his partner listens to our show. If you are dating somebody and you are unsure of their past, maybe they are this person. Honestly, something like that would be just great for the family. Like, that's what the private investigator said. Like, he might have died by suicide, but he said, like, the greatest thing ever would be, like, if he just showed up one day and was like, you know, I've been gone and now I'm back. And like that would just be or even if they can get closure because the sister again said something like, you know, how can I grieve something that I don't even know whether it happened? So I feel like even just an element of closure to solve the case would be a huge deal.
Starting point is 02:02:57 So if you do have any inkling of a thought or a red flag or anything, it's worth checking. You never know. This is how crimes get solved is just people have a hunch or people act on something weird and who knows so oof and that was also such a good one because there were so many so many like i don't even know how to keep up with all the weird little behaviors like yeah the periodic table the looking for mason in a place where you know he isn't yeah the scientology scientology odd the the facebook thing all of it it's like i don't even know where to start on that and the fact like if you i recommend watching the episode to anybody who
Starting point is 02:03:36 has discovery plus if not go check it out um but they they they interview the family and it's it's i don't know gave a whole new perspective when you hear the mom saying i had lunch with him two days earlier i saw him several times a month like he was not off he was not acting weird she's like i know i know when he's acting weird i know when he's approaching a manic episode i know when he's you know kind of feeling it could have been i don't i don't know enough about mental illness but could it have been an underlying thing they hadn't even realized like you know perhaps showing up right i yeah i have no clue so it's really interesting to like hear a perspective of an investigator saying you know i believe it had to do with his mental illness
Starting point is 02:04:13 and then his family saying like we would have known if something was off like it's just really interesting to hear all this perspective so you know who knows but uh just really that would be great to figure that out wow that's a great story christine this is a wild episode today i don't know why this was a this was a a lengthy a lengthy lengthy story uh it was and my notes were like two-thirds the length of normal so i don't know mine too i thought for sure this was gonna be like a zip zap zoop and apparently it was i thought it was gonna be a skip and a hop and a beep boop bop and no we're still here it really i think we both saw it was short and therefore we thought we could like get chatty oh it happens every time we're like we're like don't worry this will be quick like
Starting point is 02:04:59 what the fuck are we thinking no no no wow okay well thank you so much and uh for those of you we don't know how it turned it out yet but uh if you're listening on sunday when this comes out yesterday was our uh our auction our poetry slam oh it's gonna be so fun so we don't watch it you can still watch it we don't know how it went because we are in the past currently but um i'm sure it's gonna go great and we're very excited thank you to everyone who is about to come slash did come and uh yeah we will and if you missed it you can watch it on demand so go check it out um the link will still be up i'm sure in our social media um and we will let you know uh about future live show episodes we are working on our tour right now it's super exciting finally um and
Starting point is 02:05:46 it please come please god because we worked so we worked so hard on this show like we show up fucking years ago so if you could just like humor us it'd be excellente thank you so much we'll try so hard to entertain you there will be booze please please i don't know what i'll do i'll i'll show my baby what did you say i'm like oh i was saying lion king i was saying like yeah when we go to cincinnati christine will like hold her baby like the lion king on stage yeah it'll be a whole a whole production okay don't worry we'll do whatever it takes we'll do whatever it takes i'll turn my child into a. A little lion. Okay. And.
Starting point is 02:06:28 That's. Why. We. Drink.

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