And That's Why We Drink - E24 A Ouija Board PSA and Lessons on Limes

Episode Date: July 16, 2017

Welcome to the smooth sounds of episode 24, in which Em and Christine most likely summon ZoZo the Ouija Board demon by accident and go on to talk about a demon in his own right, the family annihilator... Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes, who killed his family and vanished in 2011.Lessons learned this week include: 1) Stop playing with Ouija boards, and 2) Lime is a type of rock.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, go. Pass the cranberry sauce for having mashed potatoes. Ooh, the turkey looks great. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being there. Everyone's naked. The whole world's naked. You were naked.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Us were naked. You killed the turkey. There you go. We're so talented. Thank you. Welcome to the smooth sounds of... And that's why we drink. I can't open it. Give me it.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I can't open it. Hang on. Give me it. Muscles. Impressive. Thank you. Er, how are you? I'm living my best life. How are you? Good. I have news. Oh news oh tell me i've been wanting
Starting point is 00:01:07 to tell you this since a while several days what tell me okay uh on friday i i was at popeyes and i heard uh people sitting behind me and they were talking they were like oh this podcast is so good you guys have to listen to it it's called and that's why i'm not breathing i'm not breathing they were he was saying it to his friend i'm not breathing it was like they are so good and one of them apparently works around here shut up i know they were like straight up listening talking about you serious so i went up and shut up i know i had my first i was the celebrity at a celebrity signing and so i approached them and i was like you guys are celebrity signing are you kidding me and so i approached
Starting point is 00:01:45 them and i was like you guys are talking about my podcast and they flipped out and i decided i signed an autograph i am losing my mind are you kidding yeah no i'm no i'm not i'm not kidding it's funny because allison the other day was like do you ever think that you could be walking down the street and see someone who lives and i'm I'm like, probably not. It's not like there are that many people. They're not all in L.A. That is amazing that you heard someone actually talking about it. Well, I heard them talking about podcasts. And I was like, there's no way of all the podcasts are going to talk about mine.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's unbelievable. You know, Popeyes. I know Popeyes. And they're like, and one of them works around here. And it was on my lunch break, so they're not wrong. And you're like, hello. Like, I've arrived. I heard my name but yeah that
Starting point is 00:02:27 i've been wanting to tell you that for almost a week now profusely sweating right now well there you go i can't believe that that's also the reason why i drink can we just like go around everywhere together in a pair and be like oh yeah i'd be like we've been waiting for this moment with the sharpie so in case we need to sign anything did you get a photo with them no i didn't get a photo with them it was kind of a whirlwind romance wow it sounds beautiful in a pop also i was waiting for my chicken so i had priorities so sure obviously wow wow i told them i would talk about it on the podcast though so they're somewhere oh my gosh so they're gonna hear this that's pretty incredible yeah they're somewhere. Oh, my gosh. So they're going to hear this. That's pretty incredible. Yeah. And that's why I drink.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Why do you drink? Oh, my gosh. Because I wasn't there. I didn't want to be there. Oh, man. That is... My mind is blown right now. What are you drinking today? I'm drinking a beautiful Block Red from Australia.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Don't you drink that all the time? Yeah, but I'm trying to sound like i'm mixing it up okay well i was drinking a chocolate milkshake but it's already gone good so i'm drinking sweet tea well starting off strong um mine's out of a box uh i do have one thing to say that i forgot to say earlier we got got a message. I went on Instagram a few days ago or a week ago and I looked at our private messages and I guess we had all these
Starting point is 00:03:52 message requests, but they don't show up as notifications unless you go into the messages. And I was like, oh my gosh, all these people have been messaging us for weeks. So I found one that I'm just going to read to you. What the fuck christine so i just i'll let you have your own experience okay okay um so this is a message from uh ak underscore jd underscore sing on instagram and um this was after the
Starting point is 00:04:20 episode on the stanley hotel she sent us a lovely message uh that said i just have to tell you that my very first orgasm was on the bed from the set of the shining what the fuck my boyfriend's parents bought the bed and put it in their guest room and i went what and i said i don't even know how to respond to that and she wrote, that's my claim to paranormal fame, but forever I will know my first orgasm created by anyone else was the shining orgasm. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:04:49 can I talk about this? She's like, yeah. It's just like, I don't know what to say about that. I don't either. I just don't know. I feel like you said that hoping I'd have something funny
Starting point is 00:04:59 to say. I just need someone else to like validate that there's nothing to say to that. Was the guy she's hooking up with named Danny? So she could say, come play with us, Danny. Red rum. That would've been pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Oh man. I should ask. Don't. Okay. Um, all right. Well, that's the cooler story that I think anyone else has. Yeah. That is a pretty baller story.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And now that every single one of our parents listens to this podcast, what great way to throw it in i was about to make a comment like well my and then i was like nobody i'm not gonna go there what what you meant to say is you never have because god is good and you're not married yet so i'm wearing white at my wedding yes pure exactly what's an orgasm i don't know what does that mean i think it's like a little animal that lives in the jungle like a you know like a plant or an animal oh i don't want. What does that mean? I think it's like a little animal that lives in the jungle, like a plant or an animal. Oh, I don't want one then. Like organized. I never want one.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I know that. Organism. Okay. Good to know. I don't want one either. Okay. They sound dangerous. Jesus Christ is a cool guy.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'm married to God. Okay. Now my dad's even more mad because I'm like making fun of God. Okay. I'm sorry. Okay. Back to earth not heaven i do have a
Starting point is 00:06:08 all right let's go jesus we're smooth okay um i have a story that several people have requested it's also a sequel to a previous story i've told you. So when I told you about last week, I told you about Roland Doe. Right. The kid that was possessed. Right. The exorcist. Yes. Inspiration. So he was, you know, driving an ambulance. We've added sound effects to our podcast. Okay, so Roland Doe is possessed. Remember, you had that weird, like, the demon had a weird name, Pazuzu. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yes. So I'm talking about Pazuzu. However, Pazuzu's not his only name. Oh, man. Paz is only uh from one of the very first references about him but his true name is zozo what the fuck this is also a demon where the more you say his name the more likely he is to show so this is gonna be a real doozy for everyone did too bad my brother told me i wasn't allowed to sage the apartment because it smelled bad well he's gonna regret that maybe pazuzu will tell him i feel like i've heard of zozo somewhere maybe because we were starting we kept saying pazuzu no i haven't heard of that one
Starting point is 00:07:39 though oh okay maybe i don't know maybe i'm making that up well this is just yet another psa for you because zozo is known as the Ouija board demon. Shut up. That's probably why. Probably because I Googled it. Maybe. And was like, that's not real. He is the most likely demon to come in contact with during a Ouija board session.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Oh, no. And there are documents and references to him all the way down to like the early 1800s. documents and references to him all the way down to like the early 1800s so um he's often said to mimic the voices of the dead who oh god um the user of the ouija board is actually trying to contact that so if you're trying to like it will it's fucked up because if you're trying to like contact your mom like it'll pretend that it's your mom what the fuck um and he often likes to tell people that they're going to die soon and that he is going to possess them in another life. What? He'll also give people a countdown and say, like, in 30 years I'll come back and good stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And his favorite thing is to tell female victims that they're going to die because of him. Oh, my God. So that's all neat. so that's all neat supposedly zozo the name actually comes from a tattoo on the forehead of the three-headed dog that guards the gates of hell what uh and it's also a term claimed to mean six six six oh no in every language apparently zozo means something different and it's it all means bad things. Oh, gosh. Some of the experiences that people get, like the main things that happen when they come in contact with him, is thoughts of suicide, depression, incredibly bad luck, and a lot of female board users get molested.
Starting point is 00:09:19 What? By other, like... By incubus slash succubus. What? Yep. Oh? Yep. Oh, no. So he's also known as, like, the main sexual assaulting ghost. What a fucking perv.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Um, okay. So he goes by more names than just Zozo. He goes by Pazuzu. And he goes by Oz, Zo, and Za, and that's because usually the way that he shows himself on a Ouija board is he will keep spelling Z-O-Z-O-Z-O, and so it spells out Zozo eventually, but like, he'll do it non-stop in this, like, figure eight rainbow kind of pattern. Oh no. And the really fucked up part about that is there's a rule in when using a ouija board that you should never go from right to left spelling something because apparently
Starting point is 00:10:11 that's a way for a portal to open up in a ouija board oh great so it starts at z and keeps going z o z o so he's like slowly opening up a portal um also a some of the common signs to show that he's around besides just moving the planchette like that is uh if you ask how old he is he'll say that he's zero and if you ask his name he will just spell demon so wait he doesn't say his name is zozo he says his name is demon well if you ask his name and he does zio zio zio and ask what he is he has no problem telling you that he's a demon oh okay gotcha he'll also say that he's scarier than satan oh god i'm sure satan doesn't like that one bit well what's he gonna do good point damn him to hell so there's a um there's a theory that zozo's been around since the 1800s, but the first real case where people took him seriously was when Roland Doe got possessed. And that was in the late 40s, early 50s.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Wow. So only like 100 years later, people actually are really documenting it now. now but the biggest cases that pazuzu slash zozo has been a part of are the roland doe case um in 1972 someone in la got haunted um and her family so another thing that zozu does is he oh god he not just attaches to you but he's like parasitic like he'll leech onto everyone and everyone gets possessed um in the 70s the enfield poltergeist i think that was the conjuring 2 okay um that was also zozo and 2012 in nevada there were a bunch of soldiers uh that were off duty and were playing with a ouija board and came in contact with him and then that night one of the soldiers started acting out and got really possessed like like had all the symptoms of getting possessed and drove everyone off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Oh! And had left a letter saying that he had the intent to do that. Oh my god. So someone, I mean, you could say, like, oh, it's some sort of PTSD or he did it on his own. But they like to say that it's because of the Ouija board. He'll also respond to demands before the question's even finished asking. So if you're about to say, what's my middle name? name before you even ask the question he'll know how to spell it out or if you say can you blow out a candle it'll blow out on its own um the first reported incident of
Starting point is 00:12:37 him is in 1816 in france there was a girl who got possessed and she said that the demon's name was zozo and that's according to the infernal dictionary which i should get my hands on but uh are they looking for staff writers apparently she became a vessel for a bunch of demons and one of them like the main one taking over was zozo that's so sad the same um and uh in the same area another girl was also possessed at the time by him and now he's really popular as of 2009 because someone decided to write in their own experience and so um which i'm gonna read that a little bit later but so a lot of people say that Zozo maybe isn't even real. Maybe he's kind of like a slender man where because someone brought it up online,
Starting point is 00:13:29 now everyone thinks they've heard of a story about Zozo when maybe there really wasn't anything. Sure, like, oh, my great aunt said something. Right. So there's a lot of controversy about whether or not it's real. Right. But if you look back far enough, there reference wow to it about 200 years ago creepy um can i ask a quick question so like when you say that he has a habit of like um imitating loved ones so does he do that as a way to get you vulnerable right and then he reveals
Starting point is 00:14:01 himself okay and when he reveals himself he goes from being um a nice spirit to all of a sudden getting really really aggressive really violent will threaten you and like again we'll say that he's gonna either molest you or fabulous um he's gonna possess you or take over your life or kill you or whatever is there a way when that starts to like stop it or are you, like, screwed? I guess close out of the Ouija board the best you can. I know one of the things is if you ever come in contact with someone on a Ouija board, you're supposed to never use that Ouija board again, because now it's, like, a used... For real?
Starting point is 00:14:35 It's a little more damaged. Like, it's used instead of brand new. You know what I mean? Oh, man. So. It's expensive. Also, they say to just never say his name because apparently he is all hearing. Wait, never say his name when we play Ouija board or never say his name ever?
Starting point is 00:14:50 Ever. So as we're on this podcast and I'm just saying his name left and right. Fabulous. Let's see what happens. In my apartment. Okay. Okay. So I have a few stories that I looked up in a couple of accounts that people had i'm ready there's three
Starting point is 00:15:07 short ones and one long one uh one of them was two friends used a ouija board and contacted zozo and their friend the friend that was staying the night started to get a really terrible headache and she woke up the next day or she went to bed that night and uh started sleepwalking and i never slept walk before and she started banging on the door to get into her friend's room literally broke the door down and then ran off like hissed and screamed she hissed at her screamed die and then ran away and literally they couldn't find her for three days what yeah and she ran away away she ran away away and then she i guess blacked out because she doesn't remember what happened for those three days did they where did they find her she just
Starting point is 00:15:48 showed up one day she just popped back in i'm back can you imagine someone hissing at you in the middle of the night no that is my nightmare uh in another story a group of people were at a party and they uh used the ouija board and the planchette started going zio zio zio it was like and it's not like a slow one. It's like it aggressively moves on its own. And when they asked what the spirit wanted, it spelt out her and then spelt one of the people that was there's name. They started provoking the spirit by cursing at it and all this fun stuff. And I guess they pissed him off because the planchette then became, like, white hot.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Like, no one could touch it. And one of the girls later said that the air got really heavy. Something was wrong. She didn't feel like herself. She blacked out. And the only thing she remembers is that the planchette was so hot that she thought it was going to melt. Oh, God. Because the plastic was so warm.
Starting point is 00:16:40 She also reported later that she felt nothing but hatred and anger and began laughing, crying, and screaming at the same time. I do not want to go to that party. It's called finals. Yeah, that's normal. And then the other short story is the first real case of Zozo that was found in the recent couple decades was in the 1950s. that was found in the recent couple decades was in the 1950s uh someone moved in and found this ouija board where on the face on the top side it looked like a normal ouija board and on the back
Starting point is 00:17:13 it flipped over and looked really dark and creepy and zozo was etched into it uh-uh and they found it in this weird crawl space like they had moved into this house found in a crawl space surrounded by jars of dead birds what yeah and apparently the birds were supposed to be guarding the board so something couldn't come through it oh my god because i in certain folklore pozuzu has some sort of relationship with raven and crows because those are the worst birds and so those birds had been sacrificed and left in jars to keep keep the board from excuse me that's not okay so those are the three quick stories the last thing i have is a it's some account that someone wrote in about their experience with zozo and this is actually the main one that people talk about. Right. I've heard about this on Reddit. Yeah. Yeah. So he wrote it in, and his name is Darren Evans. Okay. He's from Tulsa. And he told everyone about an experience he had after using the Ouija
Starting point is 00:18:17 board. And that was the story that kind of was the catalyst for everyone thinking, is this real or not? Sure. Because now there's been books about it there's been movies about it he's actually been featured in a couple like ghost adventure shows seriously like it kind of mildly took off wow and so they think well maybe this was just like a weird little pocket of sure okay so i'm just gonna let's just call this a listener's episode for five minutes oh great um so everything i say i'm just reading exactly as he will go thanks darren thanks for your submission okay he says this creature often starts claiming it's another spirit or tries to act friendly and nice more often than not he becomes super violent and no matter how many boards you use he can always come back if you've met him once he said on most occasions after revealing himself, he will not deny what he is.
Starting point is 00:19:07 He'll outright tell you that he's a demon from hell, even once claimed to be Satan himself. Although the last part was probably out of a scare tactic, there's much more evidence in ancient entities to suggest that he's known as the destroyer of gods. Oh, God. that he's known as the destroyer of gods. Oh, God. Also, another account I read was someone asked this spirit, not knowing it was Zozo, where is paradise, thinking it'd be like,
Starting point is 00:19:34 they'd say something really nice and lighthearted, and it wrote out hell. Oh, God. That was cool. Nice. Darren also said, today I even refuse to pronounce the name because i believe it can manifest itself as soon as it hears it's being mentioned and he said once it actually cussed out cussed me out using latin
Starting point is 00:19:52 and hebrew mixed together oh which by the how did he know latin and hebrew to know that they were this is on the board darren sounds like a scholar it's spelling spelling out Latin in Hebrew. Cornelia. Pictura. Yeah, that part I could get. If that's what Zozo had to say, I'd be like, I know what you're up to. You'd feel real smart. You read Eke Romane just like me. So one time after Zozo was being extremely evil, I walked into my bathroom only to see my one-year-old daughter about to drown.
Starting point is 00:20:24 What? Someone had turned on the faucet by itself and the tub was overflowing. Instinctively, her face was tilted up and we took her to the hospital where she was admitted for 14 days with some weird... 14? 14, so two weeks. Jesus. For some weird internal infection that doctors never got to diagnose. At this time, my girlfriend maintained in a trance-like state and her personality changed from a very sweet person to withdrawn and uncaring.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Zozo said before any of this happened that he was going to possess her and eat her soul. What? Okay. I was recording music for a project and I remember jokingly asking what I should name the band. And Zozo wrote back Iron Tongue. Only later that day, my daughter's tongue started swelling up in the hospital to a point of asphyxiation. They said that her tongue was as solid as iron. Like an iron tongue. Uh-uh. When guests would spend the night in our house, they would claim that they heard frightening voices coming from inside the walls. Objects would get thrown around.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And my girlfriend's brother complained that he couldn't sleep because of the conversations that were so loud he couldn't rest. He believed in ghosts and thought he wasn't afraid of them. But these conversations were in nothing but growls. Okay. You know, casual. Lights would turn off and on by themselves doors would open and unlock themselves one night in our bedroom uh this giant laughter emanated from nowhere and to this day i can't explain it 30 seconds later i was choked by absolutely nothing and when it released its
Starting point is 00:21:58 script and gas for air i heard go kill yourself oh my god in the middle of the night oh my god uh and then the last thing he said was another night my brother and i were standing outside on the back porch jokingly i was pretending to be an actress and i said i rebuke this curse in the name of jesus christ there was a giant vibration across the house and a huge boom that was so loud that the neighbors came over to ask if something was wrong. My girlfriend decided to get a Ouija board to figure out what was around us, and when we found out it was Zozo, we asked if it could show itself,
Starting point is 00:22:39 and when I wrote down words on a piece of paper no one else saw, Zozo would repeat them on the Ouija board. Oh, God. One night we asked the board if it would show itself again, and the board said to turn out the lights and take a picture of a necklace that was hanging on our door. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. They took a picture of it and saw a winged skeleton surrounding the necklace.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. And at least four evil faces that they had no recollection of. I have chills. I've sent this picture to experts, and all of them say they can't explain the images in the picture oh my god that was darren's story wait so i thought it started with a ouija board how did it it was it started with a ouija board and then they they ended up like they moved they moved to michigan oh and it came with them i guess it followed them yeah i see okay so then she got another Ouija board to see what was going on.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, no. So, yeah, that's, those are, like, those are just the better stories I saw, but apparently there's hundreds of stories out there. There's a YouTube video out there of someone claiming that they're being possessed by Zozo, and it has, like, seven million downloads. What?
Starting point is 00:23:43 So, it's becoming a big thing. We've said his name so many times. Yeah. Is that bad? We'll find out. I feel like teenagers probably sit around doing it like Bloody Mary. Yeah, exactly. I'm sure we're fine.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Okay. That's a great way to get to stay safe. Well, good. Oh, my God. That's creepy. Okay, you are. That's the first time where i'm like maybe a Ouija board isn't a great idea oh it only took that i'm not thoroughly convinced
Starting point is 00:24:10 because i feel like there are safeguards yeah like the ravens in jars okay well let's not go that far so that's reason a million why i don't want you to make me play with a ouija board so is there why is that the thing that is so dangerous compared to other methods of communicating with ghosts i think because it has the like the background of it like everyone knows what a ouija board's meant for i feel like it's got like that historical touch to it yeah i don't know it's interesting i don't have an answer but i know that a lot of people say that newer like science equipment it's fine but for some reason ouija boards just have the the aura of fear maybe it's just a more direct way of communicating i don't know maybe yeah i don't know that so if you watch the exorcist or the conjuring 2 that's they're the
Starting point is 00:25:05 same demon spirit yeah demon i was just gonna say also if you think about it ouija boards are played with by children and people who don't have access to like other and people who don't know or care if it's exactly yeah or who are just playing a game as opposed to where you're playing you know if you have scientific equipment you paid for it and you know what you're doing. So I feel like people might be more vulnerable using a Ouija board. Interesting. Sounds like all of a sudden you've sided with me now. No, because I'm not a vulnerable child. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Like I wasn't back in the day. Okay. Now I'm a real grown up. Right. With your own Ouija board. You're not my real mom. What's your story this week? My story.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I need wine. I need wine. That's your story this week? My story. I need wine. I need wine. That's my story. All right. Buckle up. Okay. So my story this week is called the DuPont. What day?
Starting point is 00:25:58 I know of this. You do? Yeah. Ooh. No, I don't know. I don't know. It's funny because earlier I was like, I didn't know anything about this. I I don't know anything to be able to help you but I've heard of it interesting so okay you're still gonna sound really educated to me Dupont de Ligon murders I think that's how you
Starting point is 00:26:15 pronounce it my friend lived in France for a long time and speaks French and I asked her but it's I've seen it with the accent without the accent so I don't know if that's right but I'm just gonna call them the Dupont de Ligon. And if anyone has a problem with it, please don't tell me because it'll hurt my feelings. Okay. Okay. So let's see. On April 13th of 2011, residents of Nantes in France contacted police concerned because
Starting point is 00:26:40 they hadn't seen their neighbors, the Dupont de Ligon family, in over a week. They noticed the shutters of the family's home had been closed for over a week, and the wife, Agnes's car, hadn't moved from its spot on the street. So the family, they came from an aristocratic family in France that actually had something to do with Versailles, the family that lived in Versailles, and was comprised of six people. It was Agnes, who is the mother um so Xavier or Xavier I don't know how to pronounce that in English Xavier Xavier because like the university is Xavier so I never know Xavier I guess I've always said Xavier um but
Starting point is 00:27:20 I asked my friend she's like oh it's, it's Xavier. And I'm like, okay, I'm going to say Xavier. She sent me like an audio clip on her phone. Like Xavier, Xavier. Agnes, Xavier, Arthur, who was age 20. So those are the parents, Agnes and Xavier, Xavier. And then the children, they had four children. Arthur, age 20. Thomas, age 18. Anne, age 16.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And Benoit, age 13. Benoit? Benoit. All right. Cool, right? Yeah, that's much cooler than Arthur in Agnes. Arthur. Benoit.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, the little one got a cool name. Right. So on April 21st, which is a week later, police searched the family's home. They found a severed leg buried under the patio. No way. And then further digs revealed a one-legged corpse and four other completed complete a one-legged corpse yeah because they found a leg like oh i didn't know if they were from the same body or just they conveniently built a whole new person
Starting point is 00:28:16 wait what they built a whole new person like if it if they had one body missing a leg uh-huh and they found a leg it's like oh we can make a whole i mean they're like a person in the same like garden so they're the okay i know we were gonna like frankenstein a new person together let's no okay just checking okay yeah so they found a leg and then they found um the leg body that was the rest of the body right the corpse owner missing the leg and four other corpses which were believed they're without legs they were full corpses okay complete believed to be the dupont de ligon family um so there was they found the bodies of agnes arthur thomas and anne and benoit um and then with them investigators found the bodies of the family's
Starting point is 00:29:05 two labradors leon and jules wait what was the last name of this family dupont de ligon leon de ligon that was their fucking dog's name they have france aristocrats okay right french aristocrats jesus okay Okay. Obviously, I am not. All right. The father, Xavier, was nowhere to be found. Dun, dun, dun. He probably had both of his legs, too. You think?
Starting point is 00:29:37 You don't think he left his leg there by accident? He didn't, like, get away on foot. Hopped away. He had to get away on feet. Sure. You should be an investigator. You know what? Not the first time I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Sure, it's not. Let's see. Autopsies revealed that the family members were drugged and then shot with a rifle while they were sleeping. They were shot with a.22 caliber rifle, which is a type of gun Xavier had inherited from his father five months before the murders. He had also started target practice, conveniently. Oh. The bodies were wrapped in sacks and covered with lime,
Starting point is 00:30:14 which he had bought days before. What does it mean to get covered in lime? It's like that lime... No. Not the fruit. I'm an idiot. Tell me things. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Like, what, you just built a fucking... He went to Costcoco and was like give me all the limes you've got no i feel like wrung out a lime tree lime like the stone like limestone oh jesus you can buy lime and like right would make it for that would make sense so he it looked like a construction scene almost like he had covered it right um so they found out that he had bought all of this the uh days before the murders um did you want to say something i just i'm i'm 25 years old and it took me 25 years to find out what the fuck line is all right now you know yeah now i know maybe some other people listening are like yeah like what did he cover them in citrus yeah and then the other people are like, what fucking idiot? That's why there's tea milkshake.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'm just kidding. Okay. So after this, things get messy. So it's like, oh, clearly this guy did it. It seems very like, oh, he snapped and killed them, whatever. So they start to look into it. So I'm going to give you a sort of timeline of events, um, because there's just so much craziness that happened, um, that investigators were able to piece together. So in March of 2011, so they were killed in April. In March of 2011,
Starting point is 00:31:35 um, Xavier purchased rifle bullets and registered at the shooting, uh, shooting range north of their town. And he visited four times in one week and obtained his firearms license his two sons thomas and benoit had also started to learn how to shoot and his other son was scheduled to start they found a receipt in the home from a store about three and a half hours away that was dated on a wednesday near the end of march that listed several purchases including a roll of giant trash bags and plastic paving sl. So I don't know what that's about. What is a plastic paving slab? Well, it's plastic and it's a slab that you pave either with or on, I think.
Starting point is 00:32:12 See, now you're the construction expert. Maybe they did it with lime. With or on. Maybe lime was involved. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe. It's up to the user. Choose your own adventure. It is.
Starting point is 00:32:24 It's up to the user it's choose your own adventure it's up to you all right on the first of april thomas the oldest left college where he was studying and didn't turn up at the pizzeria where he worked which surprised his boss who said he always came by on the first to pick up his paycheck um that same day they found out xavier bought cement a shovel and a hoe on saturday he bought the four bags of lime from different shops in the area which i thought was strange i don't know if that was like him covering his tracks because obviously he wasn't like hiding much he left the receipts in the house right but he went to four different shops i don't know maybe they didn't have maybe he just overlooked it maybe he
Starting point is 00:33:00 was trying so hard to cover up other stuff he forgot, like, receipts. Maybe. Which is the first thing you should get rid of. Yeah, you'd think so. Wow. Apparently someone has a small penis and feels like overcompensating. That's my uncle. Yes. That happens. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:21 On Sunday, April 3rd, a neighbor named Fabrice sees agnes for the last time uh shortly after he sees xavier putting large trash bags into his car the parents and the three children uh also go out to dinner and the movies that night so this is april 3rd at 10 37 p.m that night xavier leaves a message on his sister christine's answering machine it said quote we spent our sunday evening in the cinema together, then in a restaurant, and we've just got back. I'm just calling to ask if it's too late to speak to you on the phone,
Starting point is 00:33:50 and now I see it's gone to voicemail. Anyway, sending you my love. If it's not too late, call me back or send me a text and I'll call you. Okay, I'm going to put the kids to bed. Say hi to everyone. See you soon. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Dot, dot, dot. Hmm. The next day, Monday, April 4th, Anne and Benoit did not show up to school due to illness. The children's friends were concerned because they couldn't reach them. They tried over the Internet. They tried over text and they didn't hear anything back. There was a rumor that the family was leaving for Australia because their father had gotten a job transfer, but they thought it was strange that the kids wouldn't have said anything before they just up and left.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And that same day, Xavier speaks to his sister Christine on the phone, and she later reported that everything seemed normal with him. That evening, the 4th, Xavier dines alone with his son Thomasomas at la croix cadeau a high-end restaurant of course the two waiters remember thomas feeling unwell near the end of the meal and that xavier and thomas barely spoke with one another during the meal so investigators believe that uh he had murdered his wife and three of his children the night before and then um murdered thomas on that evening after their meal oh yikes okay so the rest of the family is believed to have already been killed shot yeah killed who were do i hear about this leg eventually i know you have a thing with the disembodied i just want
Starting point is 00:35:18 to know why it's not on the body there's zero explanation okay i just needed to know that now i feel like i have to tell you that early on i think that should just become a regular thing if something's about to have no explanation just warn me you're right i should have said something because otherwise i'm gonna think about it the leg i think may have just been he was trying to get rid of the bodies and maybe just fucked it up collateral damage sure okay let's go with that. Okay. Let's see. They don't even say who's, like, it was, so I don't know. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:55 So they actually got some clarity as to Thomas's whereabouts from a university friend that he had been staying with that afternoon, who actually said he saw Thomas on the 5th, which was the day after that, and said he was with him. They played music, watched TV, andomas had planned to spend the night but his dad called and said he had to return home because his mother had been involved in a cycling accident oh my uh so he quickly ate dinner with his friend and went home uh so his friend his name was matthias texted him several times that night and just kept getting like strange texts back that said i'm really ill um i'm out of battery. My dad's looking for a new charger. Like his dad was using his phone to like... That's the thought.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It sounds like a dad text. Yeah, it said, I'm not coming to yours. I'm ill and really ill. I'm not coming to class. Two days later, he got a text that said, I'm out of battery. My dad's looking for a new charger. And they were dead at this point.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I wonder if he also threw in a dad joke at this point so um i wonder if you also threw in a dad joke at some point ha ha ha space ha um additionally sometime before the murders here are some things that happened that i'm just gonna lump together because it's just all crazy okay the lease on the house had been terminated all bank accounts had been closed the children's school was informed that the students would no longer be attending, and the remainder of the tuition was paid off. Agnes's employer was informed that she was suffering from gastroenteritis and moving to Australia. A message was placed on their mailbox that read, please return all mail to sender. Thank you. And the house had been completely emptied.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Thank you. And the house had been completely emptied. Xavier's immediate family received a letter, a typed unsigned letter dated April 11th, that said he had been working covertly for the American Drug Enforcement Administration, the DEA, and the entire family had to relocate to the United States as part of the witness protection program and he asked his relatives to circulate reports on social media that his family had moved to Australia there's no proof that he wrote the letter but his family was all dead right oh I mean like his extended family sorry I'm sorry like sorry. Like his sister and his mom. It's like his family's kind of dead. They can't complain at all. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So he wrote this letter to his extended family and said, we have to supposedly move to the U S for the witness protection program. Um, but there's no proof or DNA now that nobody knows if there's been DNA analysis or anything like that. Um, did you ever see that Disney movie with Selena and Demi and it was like princess protection program or some shit like that um did you ever see that disney movie with selena and demi and it was like princess protection program or some shit like that never saw it but that's what i
Starting point is 00:38:30 think i don't know if i saw it but i know what you mean yeah i always thought it was fun that they were best friends since they were little and then you get to do a movie together that is kind of fun anyway that'll be us someday oh princess protection program oh yeah that's exactly what i it's all i've ever dreamed of anyway um okay so police searched the house and found no signs of a struggle the trash had been emptied sheets were folded on beds and the dishwasher was full of six plates six sets of cutlery from their last meal which i think was like curry or something like i would rather die you don't like chicken curry no what's wrong with you a lot of things you don't like any of it i like i mean blaze and i eat it like three
Starting point is 00:39:17 times a week oh my god it's all right all right let's just leave it there um anyway uh the family had shown no signs of using their phones or internet connections since april 3rd so that's why they believe that they were killed the majority was killed on the 3rd uh during that week this is really sad where did wait really quick where did thomas think his whole family was that they don't know that all they know is that he went to dinner with his dad was acting weird his friend said he was acting weird and then his dad said oh your mother was killed in a site or not killed your mother was in a cycling accident and then nobody then they vanished gotcha gotcha but yeah so he was later so the rest of the family
Starting point is 00:39:56 but i wonder why i bet he was the favorite child i think he was at university so he was right he was like with his friends probably a better reason than him being the golden child or that or that whatever. Um, so, um, Oh, this is sad.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So during this week, um, neighbors hurt reported. They heard the family dogs howling for two consecutive days and nights and then suddenly never heard them again. What kind of sick bastards don't go check on a howling dog? That's what I thought. I'm like, if go check on a howling dog after two days? I'm like, if two dogs are howling all night for two days.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Also, if they're howling during the day, that's even worse. That's right. Of course, the dog is going to howl at night. But when it's daytime and everyone's doing things, what are they howling for unless they need help? Totally. Especially if you don't see your neighbors, they don't leave their house. I don't know. It just seems sketch.
Starting point is 00:40:43 So sad. don't see your neighbors they don't leave their house i don't know this just seems sketch so sad on april 6th arthur who was the oldest i believe his girlfriend hadn't heard from him in a while so she went to his house and knocked on the door she said a light was on on the first floor but the family's dogs didn't bark so she got concerned oh no um but weirdly enough reports started to come in that neighbors had seen agnes, the mom, after the supposed murder. Like, several came in. It's claimed that she was seen on April 5th around noon and again on April 7th. Plus, an employee of a hairdressing salon nearby swears she saw her on April 5th around the same time on the phone.
Starting point is 00:41:19 A lot of people, there were several reports that came in that said, I talked with her briefly. Like, I was bringing my kid somewhere that said, I talked with her briefly. Like, I was bringing my kid somewhere and I had a chat with her. So, one person said they were walking their dog and talked to her. So, that's kind of a weird, contradictory thing that nobody can really explain. On April 8th, Xavier wrote on an online Catholic forum at the house. So, he was still using the IP address at the house. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:52 So, again, it's like five days after he shot everybody um he was they were a very catholic family too um at least on the outside like they were very uh staunchly religious and a big part of the church um i know the daughter the photo of her that they put in the papers she's wearing a little cross necklace she's super adorable and sweet um and i guess she was very um like her faith was really important to her but so the dad would go on these catholic blogs and there were these strange posts he would write where he would say um that he was superior to other catholics because he has the intelligence and the you know whatever to be uh higher than the masses or right it was just like creepy shit it sounds like but uh during the veliska axmers it might have been the priest who like he was saying he did it to rebuke something or yeah yeah yeah he did something for god well and then what i thought that was interesting so i looked into, that angle of it.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And I guess this guy who studies religious-based crimes and murders said his belief was 100% that it was not religion, like, motivated by religion. So it's just weird. Like, I don't know if he would just go on these forums and, like, he got kicked out of several forums. Like, he was just too aggressive. And like he got kicked out of several forums like he was just too aggressive. And I guess he was really Catholic. But also a lot of people said like he wasn't really part of. Right. It might have just been like a weird front that he put on.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I'm not positive, but I know based on what I've read, he wasn't really that into the whole religion. His wife actually taught at a Catholic school and taught catechism. So she was actually like very heavily involved with the church but i think he was more just like for show sure um and to brag on catholic forums online which right what the fuck is that's christian that's weird that's a good christian another word catholic online forums i mean yeah what do they talk about modesty and how great how better they are than everyone else i don't know like compete with like bible verses or oh you could probably do like bible trivia or like oh yeah um okay something i don't really want to do talk
Starting point is 00:43:57 about how you're married to god you know that's what i do on forum. Asking questions about what an orgasm is. Oh, yeah. I still don't know. Oh, man. So he basically, that was the last time that he used the IP address at the computer. So then authorities put out, after all this, so that was just like a timeline of what was going on before and after. Authorities, when they found out what was going on, they put out an international arrest warrant on Xavier. They went on a complete international manhunt.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Like, it was crazy. They determined he had spent the night in two hotels between April 12th and 14th. The first one was a five-star hotel where um the owner told this is an article from the daily beast um the owner said i spoke to him during dinner and found him to be very elegant very well spoken and very relaxed um she saw him later standing on the balcony of his junior suite and he waved at her as she walked by and she just remembered him as standing out because he was alone um and i guess he told her he was in the region on business
Starting point is 00:45:12 ordered half a bottle of burgundy and ate a four-course meal including a pork filet and a dessert of creme brulee so he's over there spending he's whining and dining and that sounds like a great meal too it does and then the night there i think cost like 220 pounds which is a lot of friggin money um and for a night or maybe that might have included the meal i don't know but it's a lot of money and then he went straight to like a shitty motel um and that was he spent either one or two nights at the shitty motel in southeastern France. There was CCTV footage of him there. And then he checked out of the hotel the next morning and left his car in the parking lot of that hotel.
Starting point is 00:45:54 He left on foot with what looked like a rifle case on his back. And this was a full week before the bodies were even discovered. So they were like way behind the trail at this point. They did find his car there um but they really didn't have anything to go on third this is a weird thing 18 miles 30 kilometers or 18 miles away um a woman named away from where he was staying a woman named colette derome disappeared mysteriously from her villa both her car and her keys were left behind and her body was found a month later.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The weird connection is that Xavier and his wife Agnes had lived in that area during the 1990s and two of their children were actually born in that town. So investigators explored the link and tried to figure out, you know, if something was linked, but they concluded that it was a coincidence
Starting point is 00:46:42 so he wasn't linked to her disappearance or death. So it's still coincidence. So he wasn't linked to her disappearance or death. So what? It's still like a mystery what happened to her. Oh shit. So some theories are that, um, so again, Xavier explained that he was a secret agent for the U S government to his
Starting point is 00:46:55 friends and relatives and had to return to America to enter a witness protection program because he had given evidence in a big drug case. So that was one story. Then the other one was, you know, how he had to move to Australia for a career change or something. Right. From the Daily Beast article I mentioned earlier, they found out he had a mistress who he reportedly gave £45,000 through company payments that were kind of disguised uh the woman as soon as she heard about this went to the police because their relationship had ended two years ago so she was like wait i know who this is and so she went with you know the information she had she said
Starting point is 00:47:37 the two of them would meet regularly for sex um she gave the police texts and emails from him and she had actually recently gone to court to get back a loan of $73,000 that she had given him in 2009 and she reportedly showed the police a letter she had received from him on April 9th of that month of that year that read
Starting point is 00:47:57 quote we had a good time together but something bad may now happen oh and so after that according to friends and family she went into hiding fearing for her life and well maybe she should have joined the witness protection program like him you know if i told my friends guys i have to leave i was i'm a spy they'd be like no you're fucking not be like no you're not i know i read somewhere that people think his family's just in denial and are trying to like find a way to explain what happened yeah um yeah it's very sad so they looked into his finances and as i said
Starting point is 00:48:33 that he comes from an aristocratic family um from versailles and i guess he had squandered his fortune on a bunch of failed businesses nice so they enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle so they had like nice cars they the kids went to private school but apparently he had xavier had debts of at least sixty thousand dollars which doesn't seem that much i mean i have worse right student loans are more than that yeah but okay so he had these debts um and he had reported revenue of less than six thousand dollars last year uh oh yeah a bailiff not good a bailiff actually i forgot about this part a bailiff sent by a creditor came to his home on april 5th so like literally the day after everyone was
Starting point is 00:49:16 murdered or two days um because he owed a thirty thousand dollar debt so this guy is like coming to his house banging on the door and didn't get any answer little did he know everyone inside his shot today right right right so he was being hounded and then the woman who said he owed her seventy thousand dollars and the mistress you know so i think that's one of the theories is that there was just so much like financial pressure and you know how they have that there's that um what do they call it family annihilator or there's what there's a term for a man who is the head of a household and sees his family as an extension of his failures and so he kills his family i've never heard of that it's i've seen it on like criminal minds and svu that's pretty cool but it's i mean you know well yeah it's it's like a fascinating
Starting point is 00:50:03 concept that like they have a break and they just assume that like everyone else is better off without them dead. Oh, then like living with his failures. Yeah. Oh, so it's just a fascinating theory. But again, nobody knows if he killed himself also, or if he's still alive. So they haven't found him at all. No, not one trace.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Wow. He's at least, least well that maybe it's because he's an arrest an aristocrat he could probably just like pay his way but he's not like he's he has no they didn't have any money he made like six thousand dollars they lived in like a suburb it was just his family came from that lineage so i guess he killed himself then right but then here wait hang on oh there's more, there's more. I have more. There's more to unravel. Listen, there's more. Yeah, you'll see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Okay. So he, like, going off the thing about his debt, I guess he created this company in the U.S. called NetSurf Concept LLC, which sounds exactly like a European trying to make, like a cool american company right net surf like i'm pretty sure my cousins used to say surfing the net and i'm like stop i've said that no you don't i have when it was like in 1995 maybe yeah oh right it's 2011 or some shit yeah that's like calling it the cybersphere. Exactly. The World Wide Web. Yeah. Anyway. Using dot com at the end. Dot com. The World Wide Web dot com.
Starting point is 00:51:29 HTTP. Yeah. Anyway, so NetSurf Concept LLC, a company that was cataloged in Florida. His advisor was a guy named Gerard Corona, who was a French expat who managed the company called Strategy Netcom. And Corona actually specialized in assisting foreigners with legal procedures in the U.S. and helped foreigners open bank accounts and anonymous bank cards that would allow them to withdraw money anywhere in the world without leaving a trace. the world without leaving a trace so it's also been theorized that this guy helped him you know uh use the tools that he had the services uh of the anonymous bank cards and anonymous bank accounts in order to stay disappeared okay so everyone's like well maybe he killed himself and we can't
Starting point is 00:52:20 find the body we don't know what's going on in mid-july 2015 so this is uh four years later okay um a not journalist received a photograph of the two of two of the sons um so it was arthur thomas benoit and write their names well and wasn't the son okay well then you've only got three to choose from just eliminate one all right i'm just gonna say two of their sons get rid of benoit actually one of them was benoit i know that because he had a cool name um yeah okay so i don't remember which two sons but there there were two sons sitting at a kitchen table smiling. And I think one of them was Benoit and then maybe Arthur. And they were sitting at a kitchen table.
Starting point is 00:53:11 It was an actual photograph. And on the back of the photo scrawled in blue ink were the words, I am still alive. Oh, shit. And then in smaller print below were the words, from then until this hour. Oh, shit. It was xavier dupont de ligon so they were like what so the journalist immediately went to the police and was like i got this creepy photo um there's no way like nobody knows right who took it or who sent it but it was just a creepy aspect of the case that it was an actual photograph so it
Starting point is 00:53:45 was like where is this from and if they were alive why would they want you to know unless it was like the kids themselves but it wasn't if it was signed differently sure and exactly and the family or the family's lawyer so his sister christine and his mom's lawyer have said um or she said the lawyer said why wouldn't he send his family a secret note that said like hey i'm still alive not like the a journalist who was going to put it in the media you know it's just a weird twist so whether it's real or not it's a kind of a creepy thing um there was actually this is a more recent story uh recent update, there was a sighting five years after he went on the run. So it was October 2016.
Starting point is 00:54:31 So it was literally this past October. Oh, shit. I know. It's creepy. So there was a sighting in a casino in France. CCTV footage shows him withdrawing money from an ATM. And I saw the photo and it i mean it's like his face like you can see the guy you can see him oh weird and part of me is like why are you still
Starting point is 00:54:50 there yeah like go go somewhere go to jamaica like i know run away so it's just kind of strange and you'd think at that point you'd be good at hiding yourself but maybe it was just so who knows i don't know but it was kind of creepy. So it actually instigated a fresh manhunt in that area, but there haven't been any updates since then. Much of his family believes he's innocent. They cite the bodies of the family, which police said were the bodies of his immediate family, but his extended family was never allowed to ID
Starting point is 00:55:25 them or see the bodies. And supposedly they rushed the process of getting them cremated and the funeral and all that. So I guess the family claims that there was something fishy going on and they never got, you know, complete closure that it was actually their, you know, the family and the people they said it was. closure that it was actually their you know the family and the people they said it was and then they also cite the um various uh sightings of agnes the mom because so many people there was somebody a journalist interviewed somebody who had initially said no i saw her on
Starting point is 00:55:56 the street and a journalist interviewed her years later and she said no i i still know it was her like it was my neighbor i saw her and I talked to her years later after all this. I don't know if it was Amanda Rowan. But here she still claims that they're 100% sure it was her that they talked to and saw on the sidewalk. So it's still a very weird nugget. Yeah. Nugget. Nugget.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's a weird little nugget. You know. Is thatget. Yeah. Nugget. Nugget. It's a weird little nugget. You know. Is that where we are now? Like, is that all the information we have up until now? Yeah. There's one more thing that I found in an article on That's my favorite website. Have you been on there?
Starting point is 00:56:39 No. Oh, it's actually a great website. What's it called? Okay. My favorite murder actually did one that they found on there recently, and I was like, oh, cool. Interesting stuff. Cool cool interesting okay my favorite murder actually did one that they found on there recently and i was like oh cool interesting stuff cool interesting stuff yep um and that's our sponsor jk they're not paying us zozo and cool interesting stuff the two words we've said the
Starting point is 00:56:58 most today um yeah so his sister christine um so from that from an article on their website, I read that his sister Christine also references an email that her brother wrote to two of his friends in July 2010. So it was the year before the family was murdered. He wrote of accidents that might befall his family, and he ended the email with the following words. So I hope that even after a police investigation my parents brothers and sisters will never be led to believe that i intentionally caused these accidents even if the evidence is strong um okay but you did yeah so that was like a year before the murder so it's like what the fuck was he doing all this time it's so creepy that's pretty crazy four four four always crazy especially because he bought all the supplies like three days before
Starting point is 00:57:47 the murders it wasn't like oh he was well if he's also saying he wasn't guilty it's like then why were you having a four-course meal the next week like wouldn't you be sad and not be able to eat and it's fucked up right and he's gone he's disappeared vanished nobody knows where he is that's crazy that he was at least ballsy enough to still go to a casino yeah what's that about like aren't you supposed to still care if you get caught he's still young he's 55 so it's like he also if he wrote if he did write that that picture like i'm still alive for the next hour right maybe he offed himself maybe or up until this hour or something creepy like that right from then until now anyway creepy creepy creepy it's very sad
Starting point is 00:58:28 and that's all the updates we have that that's it the family it's really sad they show the family and it's four kids they're all smiling and they're it's just so sad and the youngest was 13 benoit benoit the daughter was 16 and was going to her last year of high school and it's just very sad that is really really sad so who knows what's going on there it's a mystery i don't know i i would say i don't know hmm yeah i don't know how i'm still on the leg the leg to be honest oh boy well you know what maybe i mean they saw him last october maybe there'll be some leads this year and i can help you resolve your issues with the leg anyway um oh really quick before i forget because we have a little time left um my dad called me
Starting point is 00:59:23 today and was like oh so i don't think i've ever i don't know if i've ever told this story i'm gonna tell real fast it's a ghost story so uh it's at my dad's house um my dad's very like he's catholic very catholic very staunch very like um pragmatic but he definitely i think i like, my beliefs in the supernatural from him. And he, when they moved into this house in, it's a really old house. And it was my stepmom's, maybe, like, great uncle's house. I don't know. It's just a really old fucking house in Ohio.
Starting point is 01:00:00 And they always joke that Mr. Chatfield was still there right and growing up i was like whatever weirdos like i didn't like i didn't know what that meant and i feel like as a kid i never really had much of like a connection to that kind of thing um but my dad was always like oh yeah mr chatfield he is always like messing stuff up messing around with stuff um and he had died in my bedroom of course um like back in the day and so nothing i like growing up i just always heard footsteps and stuff and i just sort of assumed it was like a normal house normal i did the same shit okay because looking back i'm like oh my god like no people would be like why was someone going downstairs to get water in the middle of the night yes and i'm like no one
Starting point is 01:00:42 was that's just how houses work. And they're like, no. That's exactly it. Exactly. Because I moved there when I was maybe like 10 or 11. And I just was always like, God, like there's always people walking around. Yeah. And it never occurred to me that like, nope, nobody's there. So I just was always like, Alexander, stop stomping around all night.
Starting point is 01:01:00 You know, I thought he was like wandering around. Yeah. So I just always, I don't know. I just, it never occurred to me. night you know i thought he was like wandering around um yeah so i just always i don't know i just it never occurred to me and then in high school i lost my retainer which i got back to my mom's because i used to have dinner at my dad's um once a week and i got back to my mom's and i'm like i can't find my retainer and she's like this is the third retainer you've lost like i'd lost so many and they're like freaking expensive oh i lost probably 18 retainers right they're
Starting point is 01:01:25 so expensive i know my mom's like having like clenching her fists right now listening to this but i lost this retainer and my mom's like you go back to your dad's house this weekend and you will find it i'm not paying for another one or you'll pay for it basically so i'm like okay whatever it's not there but i'll look so i called my dad crying and I'm like dad you have to find it he's like we had walked our dogs that night outside in the woods so he's literally in the middle of the night out there in the woods with a flashlight like searching till one in the morning for my freaking retainer because he thinks I fell out of my pocket or something he searched the whole house he searched he had the cleaning lady look everywhere like nobody could find it so my mom's like well you go find it so that weekend i went to my dad's and i'm like
Starting point is 01:02:08 crying because my mom's like mad at you i'm so mad at me and i'm like i don't have 300 she's like well that's your own problem so i'm wandering around the house looking everywhere and i'm like there's only two places i could have been it's my bedroom or the like brick room like the living room area my mom's like i don't care look everywhere so i went to the brick room, like the living room area. My mom's like, I don't care. Look everywhere. So I went in the living room. I like turned every pillow upside down. I was like digging through everything.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I was pissed off. I couldn't find it. I looked under all the furniture. And my dad and my brother went to Rite Aid for like, I don't know, a night call or something. And I called my mom from like our little brick room area. And I'm like, mom, it's not here. I swear to God. And she goes, look one more time. And I'm like screaming and I'm like, mom, it's not here. I swear to God. And she goes, look one more time.
Starting point is 01:02:45 And I'm like screaming at her. I'm like, it is not here. I have just like three people. I've turned this entire house upside down. It's gone. She goes, look one more time and just hung up on me. So I'm like, and I'm so angry. I'm like 13.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah. I walk out and I'm like walking back up to my room to look one more time in my bedroom and like in our formal living room that like nobody sits in and that i just completely torn up there's like this pillow that has been moved from like a throw pillow that's been moved from like the corner and i set it all back up because i was like my stepmom's gonna kill me if i fuck it up it's like been moved to the middle of the couch and my retainer just like casually sitting on top of the pillow so i'm just like frozen and i'm staring at it like completely frozen because i'm like maybe five minutes ago i had torn this couch upside down
Starting point is 01:03:31 and i'm like dad like and no one's home so i locked myself i thought i literally thought someone was in the house so i locked myself in the back room and i called my mom and i'm like hyperventilating i'm like i found it she's like oh my god you found it i'm like yeah but like it's it was moved onto the couch and blah blah and she's like oh for god's sakes like i'm just glad you found it you dummy yeah yeah and so my dad comes back and i'm i didn't touch it i'm like dad did you put that there like did alexander put that there and they're like no get it off the pillow yeah disgusting um and so it was just one of those weird things that happened where my dad's like oh it was mr chatfield and i'm like what and he goes oh he
Starting point is 01:04:08 does it all the time like he'll move keys around and stuff and i'm like okay whatever so i just forgot about it and then i was listening to jim harrell's campfire recently and this uh woman told this story about how her younger brother had lost his retainer and i'm like i know where this is going and she goes after days of searching and whatever um someone found it in the middle of the stairs just like completely directly centered we propped up perfectly propped perfectly centered in the middle of the stairs like where someone would have stepped on it if anyone had walked and um so i told my dad that i'm like i remember that weird story with the retainer and so today he called me and he goes, um,
Starting point is 01:04:45 Hey, like I've been meaning to tell you, I can't believe I forgot when you emailed me about the day you emailed me about the retainer thing. Um, I was at home and I guess he's had this calculator since he was like in his twenties or something in university. It's like this crazy ass calculator that has all these weird function.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I don't know. Cool. Like he's an engineer. I don't get it, but it's all this crazy, like gotcha. And it's as this crazy ass calculator that has all these weird function i don't cool like he's an engineer i don't get it but it's all this crazy like gotcha and it's this fancy ass calculator and he's had it for i mean decades like he's had it for a long long time and it's um and he said a year about a year and a half ago it just vanished and he was like really bummed out because it was you know he's had it for so long so he a year like months later he ended up buying a new one because he looked everywhere couldn't find long so he a year like months later he ended up buying a new one
Starting point is 01:05:25 because he looked everywhere couldn't find it thought he had just like lost it somewhere on an outing or something and he said the day that i called and told him about the retainer story he was sitting at his desk and you know thinking about it and then he turned around and the calculator was sitting on the floor in the middle of the floor like in front of his bookshelf that he uses every day that's wild and he goes and like nobody goes in there my stepmom's out of town and he goes he was like i there is no i mean the cleaning lady comes and like vacuums like i've he's like i've vacuumed the floor like there's no way it's been sitting there for a year and a half yeah a year and a half and he's like i his office is tiny by the way so it's like he turned around was like it was just sitting in front of me at my feet i wonder if they i wonder if it was this whole time was just a play
Starting point is 01:06:14 a prank or if it was like oh it's clear that you really need it let me show you want it back yeah it's and he goes it was the day that you reminded me of that so like it was in his head thinking about it all day he was like i remembered how strange that was and then my calculator that's been gone over a year and a half just appeared in front of me i wonder if they have like a little nook and cranny where they keep all the shit that they hide i wonder or is it like just like it like blinks away from a different dimension right yeah just floating around in some other world i just thought that was so wild he called me a couple hours ago and i was like what do you think when it popped up on the floor do you think it just truly went
Starting point is 01:06:46 and like showed up out of nowhere or do you think some little invisible thing kind of dragged it like through the air floated yeah that's so weird right i mean i'm not kidding when i found that retainer i i truly thought like a robber was in the house listening to my conversation was like let me fuck with her like yeah i was like there's no way that this thing just like i tore the cushions apart i mean like destroyed the couch yeah it was sitting in the middle of a pillow that's happened to me before where i mean it wasn't me but my friends have had like jewelry missing forever and then it'll i've they it will be placed perfectly in the driveway it's creepy like like as if they wanted you to find it in such a random place yeah like on the stairs or yeah and i remember walking past and
Starting point is 01:07:31 it's a one of those formal living rooms that you like i wasn't ever sitting there it's not like i lost it's the way no one sits in totally and i like walked past it and i remember like sitting out of the corner of my eye and going that's not like that can't be it and i like panicked and i looked over and i'm like, oh, no. And I didn't touch it. I was like, I didn't do that. Oh, my God. It was so creepy.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Anyway, so I just heard a similar story. And then my dad was like, oh, yeah, that also happened to me the same day. It's just freaking weird. Well, good. Daddy-daughter bonding. Anyway, you can come visit the house when you come to Cincinnati. Yay. For my wedding.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Fun fact about retainers. One time in high school, I was dating a boy. I know. Fun fact indeed. It's okay. I wasn't into it. He wasn't into it. Listen, I was dating a boy in high school.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I wasn't into it either. So I'm just kidding. It was Cole. And this is how good I am. You ready? I'm so ready. We were at lunch in the cafeteria and he put his retain like, on a napkin or something for him to eat. And then he threw it away by accident.
Starting point is 01:08:29 And he had to go to class, and I took my whole free period digging through garbage to find his retainer for him. You are such a gem. I know. You are the person who would do that. Yeah. Well, I did it. I did that, too. I threw my retainer away, and I prayed that my guardian angel would find it for me.
Starting point is 01:08:44 threw my retainer away and I prayed that my guardian angel would find it for me because the the literally the um crew that lunch crew was like okay but we have like 45 bags of trash so and I had wrapped it in tinfoil oh yeah no I I straight up had to dig it was the same thing tin just buckets of garbage I skipped class and I dug through trash and I was like oh it's wrapped in tinfoil and they're like that what isn't okay dear like good luck and I was like, oh, it's wrapped in tinfoil. And they're like, what is it? Hey, dear, like, good luck. And I was like, I like prayed to my guardian angel, which is not a thing that I've done. And he was like, I don't have time for this bullshit. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:09:13 But the first back, I just like picked a random bag. And that was it. It was in there. That's pretty cool. It's my retainer. Maybe I had a magical retainer. Maybe your guardian angel was having a slow day. It was like, I guess i'll help my my fucking retainer is always like the the that's the only paranormal
Starting point is 01:09:29 should i've ever experienced with my damn retainer i feel like my guardian angel has never been that quick to respond i'll be please and they're like no not yet through that you need to take through six more trash bags let's build character first and then I'll help you. This is part of the learning process. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ugh, anyway. We're good. Just thought I'd add that in there. Wonderful. Thanks, guys, for listening.
Starting point is 01:09:50 What, this is coming out on the... I can't do math. What's nine plus seven? Sixteen. July 16th. Okay, so we've got two weeks left
Starting point is 01:10:00 for the next listeners episode. Yeah. So send in your stories. Get those stories in. I'm going through them. I swear. If you would like to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, you can find us at ATWWDpodcast. You can also follow Gio at Gio Schieffer.
Starting point is 01:10:22 You can also follow Christine and me on Twitter or Instagram. Yeah, you can also follow christine and me on twitter or instagram yeah you can or snapchat or snapchat also you can email us and that's why we drink at people are i feel like we sound like bueller bueller you can find us on twitter or you could just go on our website there's like a contact thing oh yeah and that's why we that's actually worked really well people have sent a ton of stories through that okay well then you heard it here okay and that's why you also also if you'd like to donate to our patreon oh sure there's there's that also yeah yeah there's a lot of things you can do in your free time we are working on some cool stuff such as more merch and live shows
Starting point is 01:11:10 and setting up our online shop yes which a lot of people have been asking about and i'm like it's coming but people have been like i want to buy a shirt or like buy it so we're working on that promise yeah we are we have it all kind of set up so it's just we need to pull the trigger final touches and that's all i have for you today that's all i have too oh lovely oh oh i'm sad it's over everyone's like end it please okay um and that's why we drink peace okay um and that's why we drink peace

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