And That's Why We Drink - E246 A Wall of Lava Lamps and Christine the Cackle Burger Witch

Episode Date: October 24, 2021

Please don't give us salads this week, because Christine is taking us to Burger Chef! But first, Em covers a haunting so wild it's known as the Amityville of Scotland, the Hellfire Farm Haunting. The...n Christine covers the brutal and frustrating unsolved case of the Burger Chef Murders, which also happens to include some wild fast food mascots (check our Instagram). And if you need a finger bone returned to a nun, Reneta can help... and that's why we drink! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi christine looking fresh oh i was gonna say look you in your little trashy headband thank you uh i wore it just for you today i was getting getting ready and I thought, oh, I'll add a little accessory for Ennathy. A little trashiness. A little trash. Wink. Oh, I like it. You look very... Trashy.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I don't remember what the right words are. Garbo chic or something like that. You look very nice. Rustic, magnolias. Joanna Gaines. You look very Jg so thanks um how are you doing today how was the baby that will never escape your body pregnant jesus christ i'm so tired of this it's funny because i feel like i'm being people who have been pregnant are probably rolling their
Starting point is 00:01:02 eyes because i'm like i'm only 39 weeks it's not like I'm you know you're 55 yeah I feel like a lot of people go well past their due date and that I can imagine would be like serious cause for complaint and it will be if I get past my due date you will be hearing from me unsurprisingly um but I do feel like 39 weeks I'm kind of like all right let's get this show on the road man um if we have to if i have to personally in my life have this drag out everyone else does i think so yeah yeah yeah if m has to suffer everyone has to suffer that's how i pretty much live my life and do the things i do yeah so uh and also at this point that baby better stay in there knock on wood because next week is halloween and there should be a Halloween maybe water
Starting point is 00:01:46 breakage on the show. That'd be really convenient. Very spooky. Well, next week, to clarify, we're recording our Halloween episode next week as you're hearing this. Or as we're recording it, it's still September. We're not like... Time-wise, we're several weeks ahead. But yes, we're recording our Halloween episode in a few
Starting point is 00:02:01 days and it would be nice if I could be involved in that. Well, also, when this episode comes out, it will be Halloween, though. Or when the next episode comes out. But by then, I won't be pregnant anymore. So I don't think. Right. But they should at least hear during a spooky episode that something really spooky happens
Starting point is 00:02:19 to you. Yes, this is terrifying. And also me via trauma. It is a horror show. You're right. You get it yeah i get it finally it took me a minute sorry i have pregnancy brain christine i by the way i wanted to say i have a very delicious smoothie today it's oh my gosh i know you ordered another smoothie i'm like what's going on what did you get you're in a kick lately since i saw you we had like three smoothies we kept ordering
Starting point is 00:02:41 smoothies i don't know why i'm not usually like a smoothie i don't do that i never three smoothies together. We kept ordering smoothies. I don't know why. I'm not usually like a smoothie. I don't do that usually. I never order smoothies. Maybe Eva did it. Let's blame Eva. Okay. She was here. Oh, it was because I had a nap, remember? And I woke up for a smoothie.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You kept asking for your smoothie and then going back to bed. That was one of the best naps ever. I think I already mentioned it a couple episodes ago. But if any of you mentioned it when you woke up from said nap anyway that smoothie was good this smoothie is good this one is like a banana peanut butter situation that's what i got when i went to the hospital that one time put some protein in there then i went home so it was worthless but so it didn't work got it tasted good um yesterday my mother-in-law called me and said, you should eat lobster.
Starting point is 00:03:25 That gets the baby out. And I was like, I don't need an excuse to eat lobster. So I was like, please order me some lobster. So we ate some lobster and I drank some of my little tea and I ate six dates and I'm still pregnant. So it didn't freaking work. We really got to get you to eat something spicy. I think that would. We did. We did buffalo wings. Remember? No to get you to eat something spicy. I think that would.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We did. We did buffalo wings. Remember? No, we got to find something worse than that. We got to. On brand. For Halloween, we eat ghost peppers. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Okay. Here's the problem. And not to be that guy, but I already have a pretty bad chronic stomach illness. So I try to be pretty careful with my spicy food consumption. So I feel like it's a dangerous game to play I feel like hmm I feel like I feel like that should I feel like I should empathize more but really I just want to see you eat something spicy yeah I know you do I know you just want to watch me suffer but you're doing that already and I don't know why this isn't
Starting point is 00:04:22 enough for you but I do feel like I don't want to get sent to the hospital for the wrong reason like if I maybe while you're there for the if you're there for the wrong reason maybe they'll just like you know do a little two for one situation right reason yeah you know I'm a doctor by the way that's how it works in your mind yeah yeah you get it um why do you drink besides me just torturing you left and right about hurting your own body listen I drink this is a full circle I drink because I can't drink and it's right about now I will tell you the day you left it dropped to 65 degrees it's beautiful out it's like fall perfect fall I'm not kidding it's gorgeous and I was like wow it's hot it's fall it's Halloween season
Starting point is 00:05:02 all I want to do is get like a cider and sit outside and I can't move barely. I can't walk. I can't drink. I just want to enjoy Halloween season. So I'm very excited for, you know, being able to have a glass of wine on my balcony in the fall weather.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It's a very lame reason to drink, but I just miss drinking a little bit. I drink because apparently the second I left the aesthetic really ramped up. It was like 105 when you were here and all of a sudden it's like 65. It's really good old fashioned middle finger from God himself to me I guess. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:05:36 So that's a real bummer. Why do you drink? That's why because I was like oh well while I was with you it could have been like spooky season but instead we were sweating our little tushies off we were we tried we went and bought Halloween decorations like we really leaned into it but it just the weather didn't cooperate so well sorry about that it's fine I guess it's just I feel like I was the evil energy then because the second I leave everything feels more peaceful it's very odd oh yeah suddenly the world is right again you know well speaking of the world not being too right let's tell a
Starting point is 00:06:10 story about that oh by the way here's another reason i drank do tell it's a very it's a personal thing but you've also discussed it enough times on the show thing i smell so bad right now why because my i planned on waking up earlier to shower before we recorded, and now I'm doing it after we record, and I'm very stinky. No, I never shower. Don't worry about it. Every time I, like, no, it's, like, because I'm wearing this shirt. I wore it yesterday also.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And usually that's, like, I'm not going anywhere. I'm still basically quarantined because i like when i'm home i never leave my house when i'm in california so it's basically just a pajama shirt but i forgot to put deodorant on so my armpits are gross i don't like that feeling when you're like uh you just feel even every time i yeah every time i lift my arm to drink the smoothie i i get a whiff of myself and i'm so grossed out so So anyway, as usual, we're going to talk about smell-o-vision, but for once, I'm glad it doesn't exist. So, you know, if other people were here, I would be really, really embarrassed. So I'm going to take a shower immediately after
Starting point is 00:07:16 we record. I told Em this, and I feel like this is just a really random fun fact about my pregnancy that probably nobody cares about. But one thing I have noticed, because I haven't had many like positive things, like, I mean, it's been fine. But like, I haven't had many, you know, people say like, Oh, my God, my hair has grown so much, like all that I haven't really noticed that. The one thing I have noticed is that because my skin is so much drier, my hair gets much less oily. So I have to wash it so much less than usual. And I used to have to wash my hair like at least like every day if I was seeing people or every other day. Now I can go like three or four days without washing my hair. And it is a game changer. It'll probably
Starting point is 00:07:56 stop once I am not pregnant anymore. But this is like the one bonus I feel like I've gained from my time being pregnant. That's very nice. Your hair never looked bad when I was with you too. Thank you. Well, I wash it so often, usually like before I was pregnant. But the thing too, is like now if I'm not washing my hair for several days, I have to be very cognizant of like, oh, I'm also, I need to be cognizant that that means I'm not automatically showering every single day. anyway i feel you with the constant like um no it's like it's like you know it's like it's it's the smell of body odor yeah yeah i smell real gross right it's a native in there i'm wearing my coconut vanilla again today in honor i'm like here's the thing it's like it's so bad i'm afraid to put deodorant on instead of just
Starting point is 00:08:41 shower because then i feel like i'm gonna stick stick the deodorant stick like so I really just am going to tell this story and then go hop in a shower and then I'm going to tell my story first please because I know yeah yeah uh no afterwards though I will tell you the good thing is I'm going to smell so nice I'm going to smell very lovely and then I'm going to make everyone smell. You get it. Okay, here's your spooky story. And Christine, I gotta say, this one's a diamond in the rough. Because we don't get a lot of these anymore. Last week was a poltergeist one.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Which I thought was going to be the height of me finding something super spooky. I feel like I always find one spooky spooky one and then like a couple of weeks go by before I find another like super spooky one. But this one is apparently like very famous. I just have not heard of it before. I've heard of it before and it was kind of on the back burner. Anyway, I'm covering it now. It's considered the Amityville horror of whales. Ooh, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I'm excited so this sweet christine is the story of sweet nice smelling trashy headband christine this is the story of uh the hellfire farm haunting which is also known as hail phonig because that was the original name of the farm. It's also in Welsh and I don't know how to pronounce it right. So I hope I'm doing it okay. Sounds spooky. I don't know where the emphasis is.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So it could be Hale Fonag or it could be Hale Fonag. I don't know. So anyway. Hellfire sounds scary. And then it got renamed to Hellfire Farm. I like that. That's scary i i you know a place is spooky with a bad history when they rename it something worse after the devil's home wow that smoothie really is hitting the spot okay um okay so the year is 1989. We don't know it fondly. Eva does. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Way to call out. Okay. Eva was like a preschooler. Eva was like a baby. Yeah. We were quick to show up. I was almost there. Let's call this one of the last peaceful times in Eva's life.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Oh, that's right. That's before Eva, like something turned and Eva was like, the air is different. And then Eva like went to kindergarten as uh chill went down her spine it was because of us yeah okay so uh 1989 we're in wales and the family is called the rich family so it's bill rich and his wife liz and then his son lawrence from a previous marriage and he's like a moody teenager so uh same three of by the way the three of them all moved to an area called in in an american dialect brecon beacons i don't know if it's if brecon is pronounced differently um but moved to brecon Beacons, and it was on a farm, and the farm was
Starting point is 00:11:45 called Hale-Fanag, I assume, which later became Hellfire Farm. So when they first moved there, their first year there was pretty right out of a storybook, where, this is a quote from Bill, that first summer everything went right my work took off uh i was featured in all the magazines i couldn't stop selling stuff he was an uh an artist by the way um i was featured in all the magazines i couldn't stop selling stuff liz got pregnant and we thought everything was wonderful like like right at the beginning of any good old scary but they did recognize that the first time they moved in although everything seemed peachy keen they both knew something very intense was in the energy
Starting point is 00:12:33 there um they later said that they had they felt like they had entered a force field oh yikes so they ended up having two kids uh at first they have a baby named Ben, and then later they have a baby named Rebecca. And when Liz has her first baby, Ben, that's when the problems really begin. So they start hearing heavy footsteps in the middle of the night, especially when Liz is nursing. So it's like completely empty.
Starting point is 00:13:04 By the way, get ready. I know. I's like no completely empty by the way get ready i know i was like i don't love that the connotation of that no for my future so bill again this is a quote from him about the footsteps he says i remember it so well they were big footsteps like a man in hobnailed boots stamping on the floorboards i went upstairs and liz was feeding the baby but no one else was in the house so if you ever hear a man with crazy boots don't worry you're gonna facetime me and be like what is the sound and sorry my boob is out but i have to talk to you christine i have a hunch uh your boob is not going to be the thing that scares me. The horror show. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I'll be like, get out of your fucking house. What is going on? Take your boobs with you. Yeah. So the family also started hearing banging. They started hearing doors slamming. Apparently, Liz started hearing snoring that was so loud that even she couldn't sleep. snoring that was so loud that even she couldn't sleep um and they were starting to smell what was a combination of incense and something sulfuric all throughout the house um which feels demonic
Starting point is 00:14:14 usually it's a very strong smell too yeah and any anytime you smell sulfur in a haunted house they say it could be demonic yeah and i feel like sulfur you can smell like sometimes water has that kind of like if your water isn't there's a lot of like um buildup in it you can smell that sulfuric smell but that plus incense is like a very intense it well also to me that makes it sound like it's like sweet in a way which is how they describe death creepy ew creepy creepy they also started smelling something really rotten in the kitchen sink so that's interesting well that happens sometimes i don't know that also but um anyway they they maybe they were throwing that in there like oh yeah that's also pretty
Starting point is 00:14:58 demonic also while we're here can someone fix can the priest please clean out our sink drain thanks so oh what was the funniest thing you said a while ago oh don't start with this again okay it was literally me quoting lincoln park and for some reason it tickled me tickled me pink i don't know what was going on but christine said it and i just could not keep it together i was like beside myself because I was like I don't know why we're laughing so much I don't remember why you quoted Lincoln Park but I remember you saying it and I I I went into a tizzy I couldn't keep it together I thought you might lose consciousness there you weren't breathing for a while it was startling it was
Starting point is 00:15:44 one of those laughs where like your stomach feels like it's going to rip off of the rest of you. It was like, you know how you're like, my abs, my abs. Well, you have no abs, but you can feel them all of a sudden. That's what it felt like. Okay, so Bill, the artist. So in his art studio that he created when they moved in, he also started noticing around the same time as the smells and the footsteps that items and tools from his art studio kept moving on their own.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I don't like that. From the corner of his eye, he would see paintbrushes flying across the room. Oh, he could see it. Oh, no. Apparently, things would also go missing. And eventually the family started seeing shadows and believing that they had a bout of bad luck it's like you should have believed that the second your paintbrushes were flying everywhere like that's the bout of it's not good luck
Starting point is 00:16:35 you had bad luck already that there's a demon but i'm glad you sensed it eventually um one of the ways that they thought they had bad luck was the family all of a sudden started getting um their first electric bills in the mail um for the house because they had quarterly bills and when they were coming in they were insanely expensive like uh unnaturally so where if i think they said in one article that like if they had turned everything on and had it running for 24 hours and still be a fraction of wow okay so the first the first bill that came in was 750 quid which um by the way in today's world for those who use quid it's 1590 quid or 2200 today okay so your the power bill was 2200 right uh and they were like that no that does not make sense and so uh they called a power company the power company
Starting point is 00:17:37 couldn't do anything about it because they said that the meters were accurate and they were they were going off of readings from that location part of me is like these people are like oh there's something in the the disposal's broken and our electric bill's too high and it's like it's not a ghost you're just like not managing your your power very well like the the people at this power company were texting the plungers next door or the plumbers next door the plumbers next being like, what is going on over at this house? They are trying to like totally rip us off. So they said like, no, we're looking at the meters.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Like this isn't coming from any other location. This is all your energy reading. But the family was like, we don't even really use a lot of power. Like what the fuck is going on? And it was like the eighties, right? Oh yeah. You said, you said the inflation.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Yeah. But so that's like what, like, I'm guessing it was like the 80s right oh yeah you said you said the the inflation yeah yeah but so that's like what like i'm guessing it's like that it's like in today's world it's like 750 power bills per month here and so like i thought it was 2000 some it's that's that's every three months oh that's not that high so if you divide it up it was like 750 a month in power oh that's like what my that's like about that i mean if you have a house if you have a house yeah i don't know i mine's not that but for them it was apparently way too much all right all right fine i'll give it to them and so for uh like yeah it was quarter. And so they called the power company. They couldn't do anything. And the power company's name was Swalek.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And they said that they were only, uh, they were only charging for the meters. And at one point a Swalek employee even came out and Bill showed them like nothing was turned on, but the meters were spinning anyway. Oh, okay. That's weird. anyway oh okay that's weird and uh fun fact they end up opening up some like a local lawsuit against swalik and the person defending bill's family they were like we never mentioned that it could have been spiritual stuff causing this but we did tell them like if they can't come up with a logical reason for why no power is on and yet their meters are running, why should they charge us?
Starting point is 00:19:48 And I think they ended up backing down and they stopped asking for payment. Fun fact. Okay. Okay. That's good. all of the other XYZ paranormal symptoms. In the barn on the farm, people started feeling complete total dread, like something evil was watching them. I don't like that. When it controls your emotions like that, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:20:14 That scares me. So Liz was quoted saying, if you feel something watching you all the time, you have to assume its next step is to do something to you. And that's what they basically lived in constant fear. Do I have to assume that? I is to do something to you and that's what they they basically lived in do i have to assume that i guess so i she did and i i guess that imagine walking on those eggshells that was like i know i'm being stared at and so eek uh liz later also started seeing blue and white lasers like at least lights so bright they might as well have been laser beams in the
Starting point is 00:20:45 barn, which is very interesting. That is very weird. Also near the barn, animals start acting really weird and being really aggressive, including their pet pig, who they named Lucinda Ragwort Rigland. That is the most important fact you've said so far. you lucinda ragwort rigland um oh i love her and uh yeah so she started getting super aggressive uh some of the goats got really aggressive apparently new animals on the farm were all being weirdly born either blind or stillborn or some of my god what some of the neighbor uh the neighbor's goats had some sort of like physical impairment um when they were born um other animals on the farm just out of nowhere started dropping dead near the barn that's so sad and like i said some of them their behavior
Starting point is 00:21:39 was completely changing so i mean i imagine you kind of know your animals after a while and yeah all of a sudden getting really violent some of the i said some of the goats were acting aggressive one of them apparently even trampled its own like babies to death it was like really bad like really rough really rough jesus christ um so the animals are freaking the fuck out the family is also now seeing full-blown not just shadow figures but apparitions around the house one of them was a man with a head injury where apparently he looked like he was fresh out of a car accident because he was covered in blood and half of his face was missing that's like some sixth sense bullshit that's yeah exactly another one was a spirit that was, quote, seven feet tall, dressing all black with the head of a bird.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. That sounds like when my sister got around with her plague mask on in my backyard. It looks like the plague mask kind of. Yeah. She literally wanders around like that. I mean, she's not seven feet tall, but it is really scary to see. Apparently that one just like waltzed into their kitchen one day. It creeps me out somehow even more when it so casually moves about like it's not even trying
Starting point is 00:22:49 to be creepy it's like it's not like in the corner it's just like i'm making a sandwich also there was a succubus apparently there was a woman that uh spirit of a woman who was trying to seduce bill and at one point also in the kitchen by the way he was that's i think that's why they started using like the oh the sink smells rotten and demonic because we're seeing all these spirits in the kitchen i don't know i think they probably tried to combine both parts of their experiences but also in the kitchen there was the bird monster guy and bill had this spirit of a woman trying to seduce him and put him under a trance but luckily bill quote snapped his attention back to his salad so he's like this is more
Starting point is 00:23:33 enticing can you imagine a salad being so good that a supernatural trance can't even hold your i would be so fucking offended if i were the person trying to get the attention and someone was like, this salad though. I'd be like, salad? It's not even a hamburger? Give Blaze the best salad you've ever made and then try to seduce him and tell me what he does. I don't think I've ever made a salad, Em. I mean, maybe... Maybe it'd be life-changing.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I don't know. Maybe the salad. What's your dream salad? What's the salad that would take you away from being seduced by Zachary Jones? Macaroni salad. I don't want a salad like potato salad don't give me a salad oh interesting i love a good salad i'm not a salad person man you don't you you know you fucking like that trout garbage salad yeah yeah yeah like i'll eat like a trout salad if blaze showed i don't know what your thing is with blaze but if he like had like, I don't know if he showed like his six pack. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And you were eating a trout horseradish salad. I think you'd say, Blaze, hold the fuck up. I think both of us would end up in hell for just that very scene. We wouldn't, I don't think we'd be allowed to be like good people anymore. Nothing good would come of that. Also, real quick, just i asked blaze what our bill is it's not 700 it's like 400 or something like it's high in the winter time but it's so wild i didn't want everyone to be like what the fuck is christine doing with a 700 electric
Starting point is 00:24:58 bill honestly i think you're the person that everyone would shrug off if you were doing that they'd be like you've got some weird time machine in your fucking closet plug my cricket machine in too long and like it's just run up the electric bill yeah it's either something really advanced or really unadvanced or really stupid it's like it's like i have a tesla coil for my cricket machine or something so i can make more vinyl yeah like gifts for m it's uh you got a like a self-heated kitchen that can make you trout salad all day or something i mean now i mean see we even have like when we moved in they had this like really tacky little like wine fridge it's like two feet tall like it's not anything fancy but it's stuck in the kitchen and like i immediately
Starting point is 00:25:42 unplugged it because i was like i drink wine too fast to have this running constantly like it just felt really wasteful I'm like just put the wine in the fridge you know what I mean honestly the thing that is I'm going to spend the most like electric bill money on one day is I've already cleared it with Allison but in the basement at some point um one wall has to be completely a grid of lava lamps. Oh, shit. That's going to be – you call me then and tell me your electric bill, okay? Yeah, that one's going to be a doozy. I'm pretty careful with mine, and it still ends up being high with the heating in the
Starting point is 00:26:15 wintertime. That's the other thing. I feel like in LA, my bill was never that high because we didn't have weather. We didn't have to turn. Right. Well, you never needed the heater. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, that's so irrelevant but no you're good i'll i'll let you know what my number is once i hit that
Starting point is 00:26:30 lava lamp wall i can't wait to compare my cricket tesla coil and your lava lamp wall it's gonna be wild it'll be crazy so um this where were we oh yes. I'm so sorry. Trout salad and he's being seduced. So at this point, not only is he seeing apparitions that are seducing him and also having bird heads. It'd be interesting if the bird head one was the one seducing him. That's pretty sexy. I could see why he then chose the salad. I would agree. Liz is also seeing apparitions, including an old woman.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And this old woman is like the most frequent one. I think Liz saw it a bunch of times. One time she was coming back home and while she was outside, she looked through the window and an old woman was staring at her and then she vanished. She's later seen in Ben, the room ben's room and the kids even commented later saying that when they got older they when they were like toddlers they would see this old woman in the playroom with them all the time just sitting silently and not reacting. I have like total. Me too. Oh, I hate it. And they,
Starting point is 00:27:48 apparently they never said anything to their parents because they thought their parents could also see this thing. And since the parents weren't overreacting, they were like, I guess this person's welcome here. So they just never lives with us now. They just like, they never,
Starting point is 00:28:01 I guess they knew it was, I'm guessing that they knew she was creepy but never said anything. They were like, well, if she wasn't supposed to be here, our parents would say something. Right, right. And but yeah, so apparently she would just sit with the kids all the time in the playroom. And eventually Liz started noticing something dark in the corner sitting with them. And the creepiest part of this old woman was that apparently Bill and Liz one night saw either the woman or a hooded figure at the foot of their bed because they woke up to the door opening and quote, a skeletal hand curled its fingers around the latch and slammed the door shut. And then,
Starting point is 00:28:47 and then they woke up to seeing this apparition. Goodbye. The family also started seeing shadow figures running through the kitchen and someone who was camping close to their backyard reported later seeing a man in the window all night long. They were like, wow, that man just wants to watch us roast marshmallows. Eat salad.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I know. Eat salad. Not know. Eat salad. Not camping. Are you kidding me? Right, right, right, right, right. I was thinking the reverse. There's only so far I will let you take this salad thing. Camping with salad is not happening.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I thought you were talking about the camper watching the people inside. Oh, no. Yeah, the guy in the window was eating a salad the whole time. He just stared out. The silhouette of some kale was coming off the edge of the bowl wow so bill uh was also now having frequent nightmares of a figure with a beak on its face fun fact i don't like that and which could have also maybe been the bird man i guess well that's what i thought is that not what what it was so this guy with a beak on his face was
Starting point is 00:29:43 apparently very similar in looks to the egyptian god horus uh-huh do you know which one i'm talking about the one with the beak on its face you nailed it yeah so uh that was how bill ended up describing it and during all of this the power bills were still coming in at crazy high prices that's frightening and the family decided i don't know if it was at this point or eventually they decided oh the energy bill is always really high because the spirits are using all of this energy to stay so powerful yeah harnessing the electricity it's like when light bulbs like pop because they theorize that they're like using that energy yikes well they
Starting point is 00:30:24 were so liz also later said something about how the lasers in the barn might've just been like such concentrated energy that it was looking super bright or something. So that was just his laser machine next to the lava lamp wall. It's just his Tesla coil that he was subletting from Christine.
Starting point is 00:30:39 From me. So also very a la Amityville Horror, if you recall, and we will eventually redo the amityville horror for those who don't know but the family who moved in later the father of that family as he was slowly becoming potentially more possessed he began closing himself off from the family he started like hiding away in his office and working overtime. And Bill started doing this too and was spending a lot more time in his art studio. And now the art that he was making was much more disturbing.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Oh, no. And ironically, it wasn't selling as well. So I don't know if he was blaming his bad luck of his art on the fact that he was in a haunted house. Or maybe he thought the haunted house stuff would make his art sell more i don't know right but it was his art was becoming clearly more disturbing apparently what he used to paint was like bright colors and you know not the creepy stuff he was not like bird man seducing a guy eating a salad that it would be a disturbing painting it would be a painting i'd buy though We would have it in both our studios, for sure. He was just ahead of the times.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Like, if it were 2021, that art would fucking sell. That Etsy store would be sold out. Insane. Yeah. Insane. So one painting that apparently doesn't get mentioned a lot, but it's just an interesting story to one of his pieces, was that at this time, one of the pieces of art that did sell was a local farmer asked for a painting of his horse,
Starting point is 00:32:09 but Bill for some reason had this like mental block and would not paint the horse's legs. What? And eventually he tried to paint the legs, but like forgot how, how to paint horse legs. And so they ended up coming out looking very broken and within the week the horse's back legs had been no baby that's horrible so i don't know if that's like
Starting point is 00:32:31 him having a premonition or him manifesting it or something but it's just a creepy story also like george letts from the amityville, his attitude became much more hostile to the family and he was now having a quickly increasing interest in the occult. And Liz was also having behavioral changes. She apparently had gone into trances and was speaking in a quote evil hateful voice that was not hers. And also the son Lawrencerence who was uh you know he was an angsty teenager already so prime material to latch on to and make even more hostile he apparently went to so many crazy bouts of rage where he was like spitting on the family and uh cussing them out and he was not himself um that they ended up sending him away oh no and i don't know if it was like sent him away because he's so horrid or because maybe they were saving him
Starting point is 00:33:31 from something spiritually i don't know what the reason was but they had to send him away because of his personality problems and stuff yeah um he's the bill said about lawrence quote it was not him i can't stress that enough it wasn't lawrence that someone else was behind his face and in his face was much older and incalculably evil um also i thought this was fun that one of the ways they tried to describe lawrence as like being like you know crazy with rage is that he painted his room red i was like those crazy kids i know so anyway i thought that was silly that was on a few articles where i was like that's what we're gonna take the time to write um so anyway apparently he also painted his room red and that was what for all
Starting point is 00:34:26 we know sent them over the edge and said you're going to boarding school so um eventually at this point liz is like fuck this place and packs up the kids and leaves that's the mom right the mom yeah she takes her two younger kids after especially because now lawrence is out of the house and so she doesn't have to worry about him and she just takes the two younger kids after, especially because now Lawrence is out of the house. And so she doesn't have to worry about him. And she just takes the two younger kids and leaves. But she's unable to convince Bill to leave with her. So he stays behind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And while alone, Bill is now having even darker thoughts. Apparently he's not thinking about hurting himself, especially in the kitchen where he's already had all this other activity. Apparently in there specifically, he was thinking about all the knives that he was surrounded by um liz also knows that he probably isn't doing well so even though she left she comes back to the house to check on him and when she's there when she gets the house the power has been cut off but bill never told her about he was just now living in a house without power oh no she when she gets inside the house she sees that the power's off and also there's a bunch of crazed drawings all over the walls and bill is quote standing almost comatose and
Starting point is 00:35:40 muttering about dead bodies while walking through the house. Oh, my God. So at this point, she's like, what do I do? And she's like, code red, like the color of Lawrence's room. Yeah, red flag, red walls. So the neighbors, I guess at some point, either hear what's going on or maybe Liz goes to the neighbors looking for help. I'm not too sure, but they hear about it and they suggest that the family goes and talks to the local minister named David Holmwood. OK. And David ends up gathering all of their items throughout the house that when he when he comes to visit them, at least,
Starting point is 00:36:25 items throughout the house that when he when he comes to visit them at least um he gathers everything that could be a potential gateway or a portal for this bad activity to be continuing so that includes the books on a cult that uh on the occult that bill has recently been buying um any of his darker art um oh yeah paintings so and then minister david he takes all this and just sets it on fire outside oh which like apparently you're not supposed to do that right i i don't i don't know but i mean i feel like that's a dangerous don't they say like never set a ouija board on fire which is also a gateway i do believe you're not supposed to set a ouija board on fire from what i've learned but i'm not positive i feel like i've heard that well uh so he sets everything on fire allegedly one of the books that was on fire in the pile ended up flying back out of the pile oh sorry I'm trying to get the
Starting point is 00:37:15 microphone oh there it is okay oh never mind I was trying to get the camera on zoom over here but your high-pitched noise I know on you look i demand people's attention obviously um sorry oh so he as he's burning all the books and art allegedly one of the books that was in the pile of fire ended up flying back out of the pile just to hit david in the face interesting i was like a fuck you of things. I feel like I'd be like, that's the portal, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Like, I'd be like, we, that's proving it. Yes. It's found its way out. The activity goes, it goes away for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:37:54 but, uh, it slowly starts coming back. But by this point, because the neighbors knew it was going on and now ministers come to the house, paranormal investigators are now starting to hear about this. And, uh, also spiritualists,ists mediums they're all coming in at in one article i saw that they were all doing a seance together at one point um one paranormal team did come in and said that the
Starting point is 00:38:18 house had four entities they it had a woman which makes sense sense because the old woman everyone's saying. Right, right, right. Also two men and a dark ancient entity that was haunting Bill specifically. Oof. Is that the succubus? Oh, maybe. Maybe. I don't know. Like, which one's the succubus?
Starting point is 00:38:38 And do the other two both have beaks? What's happening? I don't know. Yeah, none of them had a beak. So maybe the dark ancient entity had a beak and was seducing him uh so there's one main exorcist that does come to the house but there's i saw in one article that before him there was another exorcist named john aster who came to the house but i didn't really hear much about that experience um and one that people pay most
Starting point is 00:39:05 attention to is the exorcist named eddie burks who in the 90s i guess really made a name for himself and he also comes to the house with uh maurice gross who worked the enfield poltergeist case oh okay so they apparently come to drag quote drag the evil force into the Christian era. Come on. You can do it. We've all had to do it. I guess he said that this because it was a, quote, ancient deity. It was pre-Christian.
Starting point is 00:39:39 And so he was freaky. He's bringing this thing into the Christian era so that then the exorcism would work i don't really know anything about i don't know anything about religious science yeah like what how do you bring something into the christian world so then that your christian stuff works i don't confused but that's what he did and it worked so during the exorcism uh eddie burks the exorcist his tape recorder made a sound like lightning had hit it. But that was the worst activity. And soon the hauntings ended.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Okay. I guess during this, Bill felt some pressure in his body during the exorcism as if something might have been leaving him, I guess. But afterwards, the whole house seemed, quote, visibly brighter and there were no more hauntings. Wow. But afterwards, the whole house seemed, quote, visibly brighter and there were no more hauntings. Wow. They also once this was over, like I said, they contested their power bills to Swalik Power Company. And then they ended up they stopped pushing them for payment eventually. And even though the hauntings were gone, I think Liz was like i don't fucking care i gotta get out of here i wouldn't want to stay either i don't believe yeah like you really haven't had any good memories
Starting point is 00:40:50 there and they've been there for six years at this point and it was just scary the whole time i mean yeah and so she was like i'm over it and so they ended up moving and uh as a an epilogue, like the aftermath, Bill and Liz later on divorced. Oh, no. And Bill, a while after that, passed away. Oh. But so this case of the Hellfire Farm haunting is now featured on a docudrama called True Horror. And apparently, I think it's a three-episode series. They got three episodes on that show.
Starting point is 00:41:27 So like the first episode. I know it wasn't even just like a one episode thing. And then they went on to another case. They got three whole things. I think many series. Yeah. And there's a book by Mark Chadburn called Testimony, which is considered as accurate as you can get to the true story because
Starting point is 00:41:44 Mark had actually visited the farm and interviewed the rich family um he says quote when interviewing bill he left me alone in his art studio and i started to feel as though someone was watching me and i thought i felt something touched the nape of my neck so even he had a little bit of some spooky stuff happened while he was there. So real quick, while they had all these investigators and spiritualists coming into their house, as well as current journalists and historians, these are some of the reasons why this farm was probably haunted. So this is just a compilation of reasons that either they've been given or we've been given um and many of these theories actually came from when the spiritualists were all coming into the house at the same time so the first one
Starting point is 00:42:31 is that this was the site of a witch coven that performed dark rituals i feel like that one was kind of expected um where a dark entity had potentially been summoned and then never banished away after the fact. Um, like some satanic ritual situation. Yeah. Bingo. Bingo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:49 The next one, uh, interesting is that bill is being haunted by someone he killed in a past life. Whoa. Okay. I put all the blame on bill. Um,
Starting point is 00:43:00 and then another is that the spirits were using Lawrence as a channel into our world, but that doesn't, I guess either they did that until Lawrence was gone. And then another is that the spirits were using Lawrence as a channel into our world. But that doesn't, I guess either they did that until Lawrence was gone. And by that point, they were so powerful, they didn't need him anymore. Right. Or that's not true because Lawrence literally left at one point. He left, yeah. So who knows?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Another one, I think your favorite will be that Bill had ley lines crossing underneath the bathroom in the house and he was apparently destined to move into this property and direct the evil spirits through his home wait why was bill that like why why did bill have the ley lines didn't don't they just mean the house had ley lines yeah like his bill's property had ley lines under the bathroom. Oh, okay, okay. And it was his job to be there and, I don't know, redirect the spirits around the house. Okay, I mean, I like the ley line thing. I don't know if Bill's like a conductor, but whatever. They were making it sound more like it was a destiny situation.
Starting point is 00:44:00 So I think it was like you were meant for this. Like he was drawn there or something. Okay. Another one is that a former graveyard had been disturbed So I think it was like you were meant for this. He was drawn there or something. Yeah. Another one is that a former graveyard had been disturbed during the construction of this house. And this was allegedly confirmed by construction workers later that they found two headstones where the current house sits. That you're going to say two heads. And I was like with beaks. Come on.
Starting point is 00:44:22 No, just the headstones. Beakless stones. Got it. come on tell me no just the headstones beakless headstones got it and uh another reason is apparently in the 1840s this i think like a historian actually confirmed in the 1840s a farmer that was hanged nearby was hanged because he had killed someone with an axe and buried him on the farm oh yikes so all that history plus the fact that there might have been a body on the farm he was i think he was like the last person to be hanged in the town or something it was a lot of dark history that had something to do with the farm um that could also tie into like bill having killed someone in his past maybe he was the farmer
Starting point is 00:45:01 i don't know interesting um and then the reason that Bill and Liz go with, they personally believe that they were cursed on a family trip right before buying the farmhouse because they had gone to Egypt and they'd seen the pyramid of Cheops, chops, chops, where they learned about the egyptian god horus and apparently they feel like they did something that disturbed the area or that like some curse from there followed them
Starting point is 00:45:35 home but it would make sense as to why both of them thought they kept seeing someone with a beaked face they it looked like horus that's i feel a little bit like that's kind of problematic but i also feel like it's kind of probably like i feel like people say like i went to egypt i've been cursed it's like well it's like the same with a native american burial grounds it's like why are you assuming that like because it's a different culture it's been like it's full of like oh i know creepiness i know but that's there another reason that they think that it's because of there is because when they were looking at a certain tomb uh liz saw like blue and white lasers in her eyes and they were the same ones from they were the same ones that she saw at the barn later.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah, I mean, and I guess if they're dreaming about Horace, I don't know. But then they could have just been dreaming about their vacation. Because they saw it. Yeah. I don't know. I don't want to. About their vacation, exactly. Anyway, so I don't know what the deal is, but their personal belief was that it was because they feel like they brought something home from them with Egypt, which yikes but that is part of the story so i'm making sure i cover it it was not what i would think is the reason but whatever one time my my i don't know if i'm supposed to tell the story but
Starting point is 00:46:56 i'm gonna tell it anyway one time my grandfather stole a bone from a tomb um okay maybe you shouldn't tell this okay but keep going in like the 80s i think and uh from a nun like it was like a body of a nun and he just gets worse yeah it's just terrible uh and so he felt like it had caused him all sorts of problems and he was cursed so he had my mom drive it back and put it back so my mom had to take this finger bone and go back and like put it back in the tomb and apologize to the nun oh god i like how he sent someone else to do his fucking dirty work like i'm like i feel like you're such a sucker he has eight kids and you're the one that agreed to do this also i feel like if he doesn't want to bring it back himself then that's on him if even if Renata apologized full-heartedly, it wasn't her apology to give.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Yeah, exactly. You're still screwed, my guy. Apparently, a lot of people will steal rocks from spaces that are considered vortexes. Like holy or sacred. Oh, vortexes. Or energy vortexes like in Sedona. They or like like like energy vortexes like yeah sedona they apparently have like i think i think they have like the ranger has like a post a po box or something for people to send rocks back at when they feel guilty for having stolen part of it's
Starting point is 00:48:18 like at um robert the doll where they have a mailbox for people to apologize to Robert yeah if they took his picture without consent anyway so lordy this is a weird world we live in well I'm glad your grandfather knows somebody who righted his wrong but also yeah if anyone needs help I guess we're not as willing to just you know fix your situation from a tomb a finger or what was it yeah finger bone that's so fucked i know trust me i'm like what does it matter with this guy but it's back correct like it's like the person who like is the overseer of that tomb watch he's like i've been missing a finger no no it's not like his finger has looked weird for a decade. What's been going on? No, I, yeah, the nun's finger is back. This has been decades ago, so.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Jeez Louise. Well, yeah. Yeah, that's, we're probably fine now. We're probably fine. Fingers crossed? Question mark? Who knows? Oh God, oh God.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Anyway, that is the story of the Hale-Fanag, aka Hellfire Farm. That's a good one. I feel like I might have, I feel like this is one of those that I could picture myself having a nightmare about. That fucking creepy bird person. Not Horace, but like the bird person. A different, not as handsome bird man. The other beaked entity, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just feel like that's very creepy and I don't I'm not I'm not like super into it if you're asking so you know you have said that you've you've used that phrase or that inflection enough times and now a lot of times even I will pretend that we're you when something weird happens and we'll go no way we'll go I mean I don't love it um I do say that so often I feel like I feel like when I was with Eva when we were on our way to surprise you I feel like I said that like three or four times I mean I don't love it I mean I don't love it yeah I say that all the fucking time oh boy okay well I'll come up with a new one, I guess. A new slogan. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:28 All right. Well, I have a story for you today. It is called The Burger Chef Murders. Ah! I love burgers. I know you do. I love salads. Not telling you stupid salad.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I'm so mad about that. Let's try the burger thing this time okay let's try with burgers so we are in indianapolis in 1978 and according to indianapolis monthly i'm just going to give you a little summation of what happened uh during this time it was 1978 and according to indianapolis monthly for people living in Indianapolis in 1978, the year must have seemed like the last they'd ever see. That January, a historic blizzard buried the city beneath almost two feet of snow. That 40 miles per hour winds whipped into 20 foot drifts. The National Guard was called out.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Eleven Hoosiers died. And if you're not familiar, Hoosier is the word for the name of the people there. Yeah. Lives like a yinzer in Pittsburgh. Fun fact that also makes sense here. My hometown name, we're called Fredericksburgers. Fredericksburgers. I love that. Speaking of the burger chef guy.
Starting point is 00:51:37 That's fun. Did you ever abbreviate it to just like some burgers or was it always Fredericksburgers? No, burgers. I would like to think if we had a if we had like a team name we would call ourselves the burgers i love that you should make like a a minor league baseball team the fredericksburg burgers well well we have the fred gnats but one of the things that minor league baseball does is they have like this like food week every year where they like all represent a different food and so i would like to think that the fred
Starting point is 00:52:05 gnats will get like a chance what do they do burgers for a week they're too they're so brand new that they haven't gotten to be a part of it yet so i'd like to think that they will claim actually i know the person in marketing there i'm going to tell well blaze's team in uh hartford they do the steamed cheeseburgers because that's the local connecticut food so you already got a burger on the table. It has to be a different burger. We'll have to. Yeah, we'll have to.
Starting point is 00:52:28 We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. OK, so 11 Hoosiers died that winter in July of 1978. A man shot a woman named Julia Cyphers at her home. She was trying to show him some items she was selling out at a garage sale. And he went into her home and shot her. She was selling out at a garage sale and he went into her home and shot her. There were also a series of explosions in trash receptacles, a cornfield and a bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:52:55 And this India Indianapolis was just like struggling for lack of a better word. It doesn't sound good. Yeah. Yeah. Every month I felt like some new tragedy was occurring. Unfortunately, what year is this? Sevent okay um and unfortunately they did not know that an even more tragic not even more tragic but another tragic occurrence would happen pretty shortly after called the burger chef murders and this took place at a burger joint called burger chef which was located at 5725 crawfordsville Road. And it was the year 1978. As you can probably guess, Burger Chef was a fast food burger chain. It was started in Indianapolis in 1954.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And they were known for their double burgers, which were called The Big Chef. Ew. But the chef was spelled S-H-E-F. I don't totally get that. Oh. But. I don't like that. I don't like it either for Oh, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I don't like it either for some reason. It throws me off. The quarter pound hamburgers were called the Super Chefs, also with an S-H. And the following, here are their slogans. Okay. Okay. Just for funsies. 1980 to 1996, their slogan was nowhere else but Burger Chef.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Okay. Some of them are just really weird. That one's fine. Some of them get weird. 1976 to 1980, we really give you the works. And then a second one was, this one's weird. Open wide, America. You never can forget.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You get more to like at Burger Chef. Oh, I hate it. i hate it so much and like weirdly burger chef is spelled c-h-e-f but like their food is spelled s-h-e-f it's just strange i don't know oh someone had a really fun time on their first job of marketing and like they were like i'm bringing ideas they're not good but their ideas they are technically ideas and the person in charge of them was like in a in a new romantic relationship and was like do whatever you want i'm busy texting my my lover okay yeah um so then from 71 to 76 they just did you get more to like a burger Chef. Plain and simple. Okay. Yeah, they were like, we got to reel this shit in. We got to reel it in.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And then from 70 to 71, there's more to like at Burger Chef. Okay. And then their final one, which I also find weird, is Burger Chef goes all out to please your family. It's like, why are you doing this? It's just so long. It's so long. You could just say, we go all out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Yeah. Or you could just say, there's more to like at Burger Chef. Okay. End of story. You know what's a fun game, by the way? I know we're already literally doing it right now, but during quarantine, one of my favorite things that RJ and Allison and I would play when we first started being in the house all day is we would quiz each other on old slogans of fast food restaurants.
Starting point is 00:55:43 So fun. Have you played that game? There's a game. I think it's called Logos or something where it's like all different fast foods or like companies and you try to match like either the logo or the slogan. I don't know. It's fun. No, I haven't played an official version, but I literally Googled like fast food slogans
Starting point is 00:56:00 because you don't ever hear about some of them. And like there's other ones that you hear so faintly that you know it's from somewhere, but you don't know where. some of them and like there's other ones that you you hear so faintly that you know it's from somewhere but you don't know like they're familiar yeah yeah like it's always fun to see like how your subconscious because i feel like sometimes your subconscious knows it and you're like how did i know that but it's like because the marketing fucks with your head so much anyway if you're on a road trip right now or if you're just bored in the house after you listen to this episode all the way through, by the way, then go Google like fast food slogans and quiz whoever is next to you. No, what you have to do is go on Sporkle.
Starting point is 00:56:31 They have a really good one. I love Sporkle. Sporkle has some very good fast food slogan quizzes and logo quizzes. Just fun fact. Good for them. Anyway, so one interesting Burger Chef anecdote from Wikipedia goes as follows. In the early 1970s, the chain introduced the Fun Burger and the Fun Meal with packaging. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I know. I know. With packaging that included stories about Burger Chef and Jeff's adventures and friends, including the magician Burgerini, vampire count Fangburger, talking ape Burgerilla, and Cackleburger the Witch. ape burgerilla and cackleburger the witch who's me cackleburger the witch that's i'm sorry his name is burger chef jeff burger chef and jeff burger chef and random fucking jeff and jeff's there too and like burger chef had a friend named jeff and jeff was like include me it's's Jeff was a Gemini and um but they were into some spooky stuff Jeff was a mongoose um spelled G-E-F burger chef fun and Jeff's
Starting point is 00:57:33 adventures oh I'm totally gonna look that up later I'm just I'm putting that down now so I can google it later that's so fun I'm looking this up later as like they're clearly typing no I was I was typing it in so I can check it out late i'll my adg i will never remember if i don't type in it now oh i have photos and stuff i can text you as well they're in my little um appendix here so fun yeah so uh they had this fun so cackleberg of the witch is me um you can be jeff yes okay i am by the way you are jeff i already i already claimed jeff as my own before uh anything else you jeff spoke to you directly immediately um so does that mean hang on in 1973 does that mean that they created children's meals oh it sure does friendo you really called that you really called that
Starting point is 00:58:20 history because so they had these uh these and like these fun meals, they called them with riddles, puzzles and small toys. So then when McDonald's introduced their Happy Meal in 1979, Burger Chef sued and ultimately lost and they ended up going out of business. Well done. So McDonald's really fucked them over. Interesting. OK. Yeah. So they had fun meals. Then mcdonald's came out with
Starting point is 00:58:47 happy meals burger chef sued mcdonald's they lost and burger chef ultimately went out of business in 96 wow and yeah that's uh oh here i have a photo of here i'm gonna text you a photo of jeff i found one oh please do who is jeff you have not even told me this yet I told you he's the friend of Burger Chef and they go on adventures I know I I didn't know if that was like oh is he like the Ronald McDonald is that what this is oh he's literally looks like Ronald McDonald what a creepy little kid yeah he's that's you I love him what I mean he's so he's so i mean this is just such a dumb picture it's such a we have to put this as our he's so stupid i love that they're making two hamburger patties like they have like this whole
Starting point is 00:59:41 grill i'm like gonna cry laughing this is so funny um it's literally the size of the boogatots on the rain this old man named burger chef wearing glasses who doesn't look much like a mascot he just kind of looks like an old man and then this creepy ass red-headed kid with like giant eyes and no pupils named Jeff. He looks like a Playmobil. Yes, he does look like a Playmobil. He does. 100%. But also Burger Chef has pupils and Jeff doesn't, which like disturbs me.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Burger Chef looks like every single person's father. And Jeff looks like nobody I've ever met or once met. Jeff looks like a demonic entity. I don't know what else to tell you. I think the glasses really help Burger Chef from looking so dead inside, but Jeff looks like, like one looks more human and one looks more puppet
Starting point is 01:00:29 and the fact that they're next to each other doing the same thing is like, It doesn't make sense that they're best friends. It just doesn't. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Also, it really doesn't make sense that they're best friends with such an age gap. It's making me really have questions about Burger Chef. Burger Chef.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Also, the thing that's even creepier is in the background there's a literal actual human making burgers and so it's like it's like watching you're right it's like watching one person do the same job as two mannequins it's very creepy and the man and i've never like not doing a good job you You can just tell. Like, there's no way Chef is going to flip that burger patty. Or Jeff is going to flip it. No, there's no way. He doesn't have pupils.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Like, what the hell? How is he going to see it? Also, nothing is creepier to me than a mascot that's supposed to be human. It's very, like, Uncanny Valley situation. It's not good. Yeah. If a mascot is, like, a cartoon animal, fine. But when it's supposed to look more human, it freaks me out.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I'm going to make this my desktop background. Jeff is so fucking creepy. I can't take it. This is going to ruin me. I want to find a full size of a cackle burger. The witch. I just wish my literal background right now on my laptop. Just so you know.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Okay. I'm going to look up this later. There's a YouTube video called burger chef and jeff meet cackle burger the witch and that's basically you and the weird old man meet me um at the burger joint and i can't wait to watch it thank god so um wow i've fully set myself into a contraction with my with my laughing so that's excellent i hope please god let your baby be born now so you have to tell them about Burger Chef Jeff. No, Em keeps doing this. Every time I'm like, every time we're watching something stupid, which happens every five
Starting point is 01:02:12 seconds, Em's like, imagine if your water breaks right now and you have to tell your child that you were watching. Let's see. There was Ghost Adventures Quarantine. There was Are You the One? There was that horrible sexy show. You'll have to name your baby Jeff I'm pretty sure. Oh, little baby Jeff.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Oh, so sweet. Little baby Jeff. Horrible. No offense to Jeffs out there, but I really can't unsee the non-pupil Playmobil creature that we just looked at. It's a lot. So, anyway, that's just a fun fact about Burger Chef.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Unfortunately for all of us uh the chain closed in 96 so that's pretty tragic um m's never gonna recover i can tell i i tried looking up burger chef cackle witch and i didn't see anything so don't worry i have the video uh queued up so i'm gonna watch it after this okay perfect um and I'll send you some screen grabs uh so you'd think that this like whole cackle situation this whole uh Jeff situation would be like the biggest dramatic incident in Burger Chef history unfortunately no because there was some real life tragedy as well enough, this murder took place the day before Jim Jones orchestrated his, you know, memorable
Starting point is 01:03:30 mass murder. Is that why we don't really know much about this? Because Jim Jones totally took over the airwaves? I don't think I thought so at first too, but it was a much smaller scale situation. I think it just happened to be the
Starting point is 01:03:46 day before i mean okay perhaps but i don't know it seems like it's a pretty local story to where it is i don't know people in indianapolis let me let us know if you know about this already because if it is like a local story it might be just more well known there. So okay, day before the mass murder at Jonestown in Guyana. It was Friday, November 17 1978. And there's a medium article written by Sal writes, and it goes as follows to describe what happened, quote, at around midnight, an off duty employee of the Burger Chef branch located in Speedway, Indiana came by the restaurant and noticed something strange. The lights of the restaurant were still on and the door was unlocked. Upon further investigation, he found that four people on shift that day were nowhere to be found and the safe where the
Starting point is 01:04:39 restaurant's daily earnings were kept was also open with around $580 missing. So four employees all gone. Today, that's about $2,000 in the safe that was missing. And this is where we just get, it just gets sadder and sadder because the four people who had been working that day and who had gone missing were as follows. Assistant Manager Jane Freit, who is 20, Daniel Davis, who is 16, Mark Flemons, who is 16, and Ruth Shelton, who is 17. So four very young people. Just sad. I'm going to tell you about the four of them. There is a writer named Nikki M. on Arcadia Publishing, and she wrote kind of a little write-up about each of these.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I say kids. They're not necessarily kids. Some of them are adults, but it was like a group of kids. Like they were friends and they were young. So here is a little bit about each of them. Here's a little write-up about Jane, who was the assistant manager. Jane's career with the fast food franchise began when she was a 17-year-old student at Avon High School. She started working for Burger Chef before transferring to the Speedway location in the spring of 78. Everyone who encountered this is kind of weird. The long haired, dimpled young lady.
Starting point is 01:05:55 OK. Interesting writing. Specific on the physical aspect. But yep. Known as Sweet Jane said she was a happy person who was person who was always ready to tell or laugh at a joke. She had a zany smile that always reminded me of Lily Tomlin because when she smiled, her eyes would crinkle up into these crescent moon shapes, said Lori Shufflebarger, who was a year behind Jane in high school and frequently ate lunch with her at the same table in the cafeteria. She was well-rounded, did a number of activities. She was on yearbook staff, pep club, drama, gymnastics. She worked as a library assistant and also did her part-time burger chef job on top of getting
Starting point is 01:06:32 good grades and being really active in school. And was the assistant manager. She's like kicking ass. Wow. So now there's the second young woman, Ruth Ellen Shelton, who was also 17, was very poised, professional, went to Northwest High School. And when she wasn't working in the Burger Chef dining room, she was an honor student who took STEM related classes, which was very rare for young for girls at the time in the 70s to be in like STEM classes. It was not as common. Yeah. So she took a lot of stem classes um she was pursuing a double major in business and math even though she like she she was in high school but she was like preparing her class load because she wanted to pursue a double major in business and math um to get into a good college and she wanted to work in computer science so okay so burger chef was really churning out some like real power women that's the place to
Starting point is 01:07:30 go if you're like a talent scout for like apple i guess burger chef is where to go apparently so like that's just that's just uh burger chef is a one-way ticket to San Francisco, I guess. And the Silicon Valley. From Burger Chef to Silicon Valley. I can see it now. I know. So classmates said Ruth Ellen was a quiet, studious, and creative girl. She studied voice at University of Indianapolis, which back then was called Indiana Central University. She worked in the youth ministry at her church.
Starting point is 01:08:06 She loved her fellowship group. And like other girls her age, she had younger siblings and was really close with them. She filled her diary with details of her life. And apparently that like one of the last entries, which was Christmas of 1977, she recounted all of the gifts she received for Christmas, but concluded with the realization that she learned how much she loved her mom and dad. Oh wow Jesus I know fucking sad I know it's fucking horrible can you imagine I mean I don't even want to probably go there but too late can you imagine if like you lose somebody really close to you and then like a for example like a fucking 17 year old and you go through their diary and find like wow I just love my mom and dad. So, I mean, it's just. It does feel a little like a message from beyond the grave.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Yeah, that's true. I would definitely find a way to place more importance on it than there probably was. But like. Yeah, that's true. But still like for that to be like one of the last things you see your kid saying about you behind closed doors. Like I can't imagine how gutted you've got yes yes gutting exactly but you're right that probably ended up being a comfort in the long run at least i hope so yeah um okay so now there's mark flemmons he's 16 he was now get this he was the
Starting point is 01:09:16 youngest of seven children born to robert and blondelle flemmons that was his mother's name now blondelle i'm gonna take a stab at it. Blondel sounds like she knows how to throw down. I just feel like that's, you know how some people are meant to have a name? I feel like you can't have a name like Blondel without being just two tons of fun. You live up to that name and we know it. Yeah. Blondel Flemons.
Starting point is 01:09:41 I don't know what her maiden name was, but wow, Blondel Flemons was meant to be. her maiden name was but wow Blondel Flemons was meant to be It'd be funny if it was Brunette Del Blondel Brunette Del What the fuck I don't know It took a long time though I don't know Shut up Christine
Starting point is 01:09:59 What if it was like Smith though It was like Blondel Smith and it was like Blondel Flemons No there's no way Maybe it was like Burger Chef Jeff or something. I don't know. It could have been Jeff. I'm Blondell. You can be Jeff. I'm Blondell. You're Cackle Witch or whatever her name is. I'm Cackle Burger. You're right. Okay. So Blondell, Eva can be Blondell. Stop saying Blondell. I can't take it anymore. So, okay. Interestingly enough, Blondell and Mark, the parents, were devout Jehovah's Witnesses.
Starting point is 01:10:29 So I guess actually maybe they didn't throw down as much as we hoped. Wow. We gave Blondel a lot of air time. And also Blondel was probably like, don't paint me in this light. I was not a partier. I'm against this. I don't even celebrate holidays. I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Right, right, right. Sorry. She's a sister elder, right, right. Sorry. Sister elder or whatever they're, whatever she is. Sorry. Blondel and Mark raised eight children. Nope. Seven children. And, um, oh no, sorry. Mark was the child. Robert and Blondel were the parents. My bad. Okay. Mark was the youngest of their seven children. Um, and although Mark had some trouble adjusting to high school and struggling through freshman year he was doing a good job he had like kind of come up and like made uh made his way and like survived that hard transition into high school it's kind of weird they described it as follows
Starting point is 01:11:18 speedway high school officials were convinced that the friendly boy who took pride in his appearance would make it after all it's's like, oh, oh, OK. Who's writing all of these little setups? Like, it's kind of like digs. I don't know. It's like she was she I can't even think of it. I feel like whatever they'd have to say about me would be so mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yours would be like, well, they were OK. It's like I like how John Mulaney is like, I love how you'll just wear anything. Yeah, exactly. I feel like that was so brave to wear the same shirt twice. Yeah, it's like he took great care of his appearance. Everyone was surprised he got a B sometimes in school. It's like, whoa. M smells so nice once they finally get in the fucking shower later today.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Which we're still waiting for to this very day. So that was Juniper. Sorry. Juni's playing hike Mount Everest on my leg right now. Okay. Fun. Yeah, it is super fun for everybody but me.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Okay. So that was Mark. His father was also very encouraged by the grades he was getting now and despite i guess combing his hair all the time or whatever like a boy in the 70s did to care for his parents um and so he let his son take a job at the burger chef to make some money on the side this upsets me because my sister is 16 turning 17 and has two jobs and i'm like you would just never think like oh this is a is a dangerous, life-threatening thing. I mean, hey, think about everyone that's got a 16-year-old at high school right now.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. I'm saying like, especially in America where like school shootings are so dangerous. Like imagine just like having a teenager and being like, oh, you're going somewhere that should be fine and be fine and safe yes exactly it's like you don't think you're not sending them off to like party like you're sending them off to to do responsible work and yeah make some money and it's just scary um so he got this job then daniel's the final kid he's a junior at decatur central high school he loved to laugh tell, have a good time. He had just started on this shift, on Friday night shift, the week before, which is also like, ouch.
Starting point is 01:13:34 He had a passion for photography. He even had a darkroom at his house. He was also fascinated with aviation and planned to enlist in the U.S. Air Force after high school. He was a model employee like the other three, and they never gave their manager any trouble. And so all four of these kids, according to the manager, easily worked between 20 and 30 hours each week while maintaining their grades,
Starting point is 01:13:55 and they had earned their manager's trust. When he thought about it, he could not remember a time that any of them had been late for their shifts. They were truly an exceptional crew. Aww. And also, like, wow. Dagger to the heart. had been late for their shifts they were truly an exceptional crew oh and also like wow heart yeah again like just churning out power forces yeah just like oh they were good kids they were
Starting point is 01:14:13 good workers the managers like holy shit all four of them were exceptional employees it's just fucking awful so i guess i'll tell you what happens now all right yep i guess i have to so the police were called to the scene this is another one of those where you get angry. Sorry in advance. The police were called to the scene of the crime. They found two empty currency bags and an empty roll of adhesive tape next to the open safe. There were also two purses left behind in the restaurant. Some of the employees jackets were missing. And the assistant manager, Jane, the first young woman i talked about her chevy 1974 chevy vega was missing the car so from wallets to coats mark jane daniel and ellen each had something important left in the restaurant and it seemed inconsistent because
Starting point is 01:14:58 it was like why would this one leave her purse here and this one take her employee jacket like it was just odd like the things that were left behind and the things that were missing right immediately i would think that this was like some sort of like personal hit if like they weren't getting robbed of all the yeah like like they were missing along with like very specific of their own items it's just weird it's just weird um especially because like if they had left of their own volition, you'd think they'd take their purses with them. Right. So they basically took a look around and immediately concluded the case.
Starting point is 01:15:35 They said the youngsters had gone for a joyride. They'd taken the money out of the safe and went out partying. The end. Even though we just spent the last like what half an hour hearing how wonderful and trustworthy they are. Okay. So they decided this is not urgent. There's no investigation needed.
Starting point is 01:15:54 They closed the case. And because the restaurant was due to be open that morning, they brought the next shift of employees in and had them clean the restaurant as usual before the shift oh for fuck's sake getting rid of all evidence getting rid of any evidence that could have been there fucking kidding me they literally brought them into mop and were like just clean up and go back to work without four four employees just missing and oh god several of the minors like oh so the police left the burger chef with one photograph of the scene uh and the burger chef was reopened as if nothing had ever happened so they didn't even like take any pictures photos okay it's horrifying and i i'm gonna tell you right now i'm just gonna tell
Starting point is 01:16:40 you to warn you in advance this is an unsolved case which makes it even more infuriating thank you for telling me because i know just been getting angrier and angrier waiting for the for the resolution i know i because i know because when i was researching this i was like i cannot wait to figure out who the and then it's like oh oh you just don't get to do we're screwed yeah okay great so obviously at some point evidence cropped up pretty quickly that suggested Okay, great. them returned home afterward so that and the fact that the chevy vega that jane uh owned was discovered later in the morning abandoned about a mile and a half south uh was another red flag so this was an indicator that foul play was involved and authorities began considering the possibility that maybe instead of culprits these four were actually victims of a kidnapping uh yeah surprise no shit um so two days later uh sunday november 19th
Starting point is 01:17:49 a few hikers uh discovered four bodies it's just bad all of whom had been brutally murdered oh my god do we do we know that it was them yes Yes. Because it was only four days later. So they called the police who were able to confirm that the bodies were those of the four missing Burger Chef employees. They had been discovered 20 miles away from the Burger Chef restaurant. I want to give a little warning here. This is pretty brutal. I'm just going to describe how they were killed. An autopsy revealed that Ruth and Daniel had been shot repeatedly with a.38 caliber revolver.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Jane was stabbed so violently that the blade of the knife broke inside her chest. I know. I'm sorry. Oh my god. That's from a Medium article. And now this one's bad too. Mark's autopsy concluded that he was
Starting point is 01:18:41 beaten to death by a chain-like object and ultimately passed away by choking on his own blood. Oh my God. I know. I know. Also, like, the variety freaks me out. It freaks me out, like, it almost, it was experimental. Like, I don't know if that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:19:02 It makes me think it might have been more than one person, but don't know yeah i'm not sure yeah it's yeah to me like being killed that many different ways makes me feel like we my first gut instinct is it's like it's some random sicko who just wanted to like kill someone in a bunch of different ways and did them all at once i i don't think so because we do find out why Mark was killed by beating. At least we have a theory that we learned why Mark was killed that way and then why the other two were shot and stabbed. So I'll get to that.
Starting point is 01:19:36 But yeah, it is weird. And it makes me think there's maybe two perpetrators instead of one, but like maybe one had a gun, one had a knife. I don't know. But yeah, it is weird. It is weird. So police found valuables such as watches and money on the victims who were still wearing their Burger Chef uniforms. And this led police to believe that the motive was more than
Starting point is 01:19:56 just robbery because they didn't even take their valuables after they killed them. So the case was moved to be one of the highest priority and the indianapolis police launched into a full-blown investigation um and there's an article on insider that reports the community tried to help find the killer and console those who knew the victims burger chef and indianapolis based chain posted a reward of 25 000 for information leading to the arrest and a lot some people still thought this might have been a burglary burglary oh my god christine i just combined burglary and burger and robbery okay sorry have i told you have you watched those videos of people with scottish accents or oh yeah you were telling me this last
Starting point is 01:20:37 week they can't get it together i still haven't seen it but you told me about that last week it's really funny because i guess they don't they like roll their r's that sound like l's and so burglary is like it's a lot it's a lot of very close together yeah um well apparently i say burglary which yikes okay like worst placed pun that was not intentional i promise um i meant a robbery or a burglary so they thought this could have been a robbery gone wrong. And that one of the theories was that during the robbery, one of the robbers realized they knew Mark, who wasn't supposed to be working that evening, and panicked, kidnapped and murdered them. So that was one of the theories. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Okay. That's a solid one, I think. I would say so. Yeah. Especially because he wasn't meant to be there. Like he was new on the shift. I don't so. Yeah. Especially cause he wasn't meant to be there. Like he was new on the shift. I don't know. Right. Right. But at the same time the Indiana state trooper, Jim Kramer was like,
Starting point is 01:21:30 why would somebody kill four kids though? Like it still seems like an extreme reaction to a robbery. Right. And an extremely violent one, like extremely violent. It's not just like shooting them and leaving them behind the building. It's like driving them away, like violently attacking them. them yeah i would like to think if i like well again i feel like i play this game every fucking time we record it's like i'm not a murderer so i don't know but if it were like just a random they wanted to get this one guy and then they had to like begrudgingly kill three others i think they would try to do it in the quickest you think so intimate way possible
Starting point is 01:22:06 versus like every single one of you is going to die so and everyone has to get in the car so that we drive you somewhere else like it just seems so yeah like too drawn out yeah i agree so i thought that was odd as well um an anonymous tip came through from an alleged witness uh who said that they had seen two white men both of average height at the restaurant on the night of the crime. One had a beard and the other was clean shaven with fair hair. And they created like sketches of these people based on the eyewitnesses testimony, but they didn't garner any new leads. so things kind of dried up until a man who was drinking at a bar in greenwood indiana sort of let slip to another patron that he was responsible for the burger chef murders oh was he that's a weird thing to brag about for him at the very least you got away with it keep
Starting point is 01:22:56 your mouth tell us more right it's like it never i will never understand that yeah the confidence the just like the oh I got away with it. The idiocy and the confidence, yeah. And now I'm going to get away with it again by talking about it and admitting it? It's so dumb. What are you talking about? Okay. So he was brought in for interrogation and a polygraph test, but it was determined pretty
Starting point is 01:23:17 quickly that he was not even involved at all. He was just bragging, which again- Which by the way, fuck you. Which by the way, why the fuck would you do that and brag that that you were involved when you weren't it's beyond me yeah um so though he had been objectively unhelpful uh the man did hand over knowledge to the police about a gang he knew about who was uh committing fast food chain robberies around the area so he gave um information about the people he knew were involved hoping that maybe there was some crossover and the people he knew robbing restaurants were the same people robbing
Starting point is 01:23:50 this restaurant so they suddenly had these new descriptions and they continued the investigation and they found a man that perfectly fit the description of the bearded man that the eyewitness said they had seen at the restaurant that night. And coincidentally, when they brought him in for questioning, he shaved his beard the night before for the first time in five years. Oh, huh. That's magically convenient. Very convenient. Magically convenient. Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Well, that's the next burger chef slogan. Magically convenient. That actually, you know, for a fast food restaurant would be pretty nice excuse me it's better than like my fam your family will be okay and we'll have a decent time here at this burger chef we try really hard here and also so does jeff and also so does jeff and stop judging the lack of pupils that he has uh okay so they also found a clean shaven man who matched the original description of the other guy that was with the bearded guy and he was doing jail time for robbing fast food restaurants oh okay so that is kind of a lead it's a good lead yeah and for whatever reason they couldn't find any evidence
Starting point is 01:24:58 and by whatever reason i mean because they literally vacuumed and mopped the entire restaurant right for whatever reason how For some mysterious reason. How magically inconvenient, by the way. Magically inconvenient reason, thank you. So, fucking A, that was a dead end. Which is like, that could very well be who it was, but we just don't fucking know, because they don't have any evidence to tie to this guy.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Pisses me off. Which, like, can you imagine if you were the guy who committed that, and then you find out that they got rid of all evidence, and you're like, whoo, dodged a bullet oh my everything got vacuumed up it yeah terrible so on march 5th 1981 an undercover indianapolis police officer arrested a 30 year old man on charges of conspiracy to sell cocaine his name was james freit and he was the brother of the burger chef victim jane freit oh okay so when they interviewed him um they were like maybe he has some connection to jane's disappearance and murder because he had this like really strong involvement with this drug ring and unfortunately james
Starting point is 01:26:01 denied having anything to not unfortunately that he didn't have anything to do with it. But unfortunately, it's just another dead end that he was never charged. But it was just another weird coincidence that her brother pretty shortly after was arrested for being deep into a drug ring. So they were I would have thought for sure that that would have been a really nice lead. Yeah. Yeah. It feels like all these are like very good steps in the right direction and they're just dead ends again because for some magically inconvenient reason right right so later in the spring of 1981 two prison guards working at the Marion County Jail observed a quarrel between James Freed the brother and a man named Alan Pruitt so James the brother and a man named alan pruitt so james the brother of uh of jane said you need to talk
Starting point is 01:26:48 to pruitt about the murder of my sister he knows oh shit and they were like aha that's why they're fighting because james says this guy knows something about the murder of a sister so according to that insider article i mentioned earlier pruitt told the officers that on november 17th 1978 he had witnessed two men abduct the victims in an orange van and Jane's white Chevy Vega drunk and swaying outside the Dunkin Donuts next door. Pruitt figured the men, whose names were Tim Willoughby and Jeff Reed, were just some young people heading out to party, even though, as he told the investigators, he saw one of them slam Mark Fleming's face into the side of the van. Oh shit. And he's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:27:27 but they're just probably all going out to a party together. They're just being silly. They're so silly. These, these guys. Yeah. Jeez. And so they,
Starting point is 01:27:35 he was like, I believe that these two were the murders. I saw them dragging these kids into the car. I assume they were all going to a party together, even though one of them was really rough with one of the guys. This is another like punch in the wall, perhaps worse. It turns out that he had completely made up the story and lied to the police because they pissed him off and he just wanted to send them in the wrong direction. And it's like, you have to do that for the sake of the family, too.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Like, it's one thing to piss the police off. It's another to like steer a case wrong for your own benefit so he said they really pissed me off they started bugging me and hounding me and pushing me and pushing me and pushing me i just got to the point i finally just started telling them anything they wanted to hear if i knew who killed them kids don't think for a split second that i wouldn't rat them out because i would. So they were like, shit, he lied. And this is another dead end. And they would not have another lead for eight more years. Years? Oh my God. Years. Wow. So it's just so infuriating again that like, okay, all the DNA was gone.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Anything they could have salvaged was now compromised because even if they did find a hair or something left over, there were all these other employees that had been working there and they'd opened the restaurant for the day so it's like nothing everything is contaminated at this point like this is not professional but i would just be like i give up like i would be like well there's there's no there's no like how do you even go forward. I would be like, because of my own negligence, this has to remain a cold case. You need like a confession or something. Like that's the only way you're going to get anywhere. Yeah, truly.
Starting point is 01:29:14 I mean, they didn't, they didn't have, I already know the answer. They didn't have security cameras then, right? No. At least not that, not that I read anywhere. Yeah. I think this. Cause that would have really solved some answers. Yeah. Yeah. I think that that would have really solved some answers. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:26 I think that that would have been too convenient for the story. For this whole story to still be a mystery? Yeah, to be completely unsolved, yeah. So another fun fact that is just so infuriating is that, remember when I said they took one photograph of the scene before they left? Uh-huh. It wasn't even a good picture or what? It was blurry.
Starting point is 01:29:46 No. It's actually worse. So it's the photograph that they took. Apparently, according to one investigator named Tom Davidson, it surfaced that the picture wasn't taken when the police initially responded to the crime scene. Instead, the officers later returned to the restaurant and staged things after the fact, after the restaurant had already opened to customers. That is beyond negligence. They just went back after everyone had already been eating there and then reset up the scene and took a photo. That's so...
Starting point is 01:30:17 From memory. At that point, why would you even set up... You're literally taking a picture of a fake crime scene. You're making up a crime scene because it's by memory you don't have a photograph to go off of you're like wow this was over there this was over there that could not be dumb what fucking police chief was like that's the plan we're gonna go with they're like did you get any photos no go back and get one but everything's moved put it back like what do you mean put it back? There's people eating burgers right there. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Well, okay. So we have negative evidence. Now we're going backwards. Exactly. Because now this photograph like could not ever be used as evidence because it's like any good attorney would be like, well, you staged this, right? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Out the window. It's not evidence. What the fuck evidence is that? Yeah. I know. So on January 9th of 1989, police were interviewing a convicted rapist named Donald Forrester. And all of a sudden, he started to chit chat a little bit about these Burger Chef murders. And he was currently seven years into a 95 sentence for 95 year sentence for stalking, abducting and raping a woman in Castleton. And he his name had actually come up in the tip line a few times. So when he started chatting about the Burger Chef murders, they were like, we got to we got to actually write this down this time. Somebody get someone take one fucking note for the photograph or something, anything.
Starting point is 01:31:42 So on January 9th of 1989. Oh, sorry, that was when they were interviewing him. And according to an article in Insider, in reference to Indiana State Trooper Jim Kramer's account, there's some gore here, just FYI. Donald Forrester, the rapist, convicted rapist, told police he was involved with a drug gang. The murders, he said, were a hit over a debt that jane the assistant manager owed uh when he and his accomplices rushed the restaurant's back door that night mark tried to play hero and mark was the one who had been beaten to death with the chain okay and so he said he and his accomplices nearly beat him to death while the other kids were bound with wire and forced into a waiting van they were all begging he said that night in the woods forrester said he popped some demerol's and demerol is a narcotic uh for those who don't know stooped down where ruth was lying and shot
Starting point is 01:32:37 her in the face in front of everybody else in the van yeah Yeah, or in the woods, but yeah. Oh my God. Then he stabbed Jane low down low with his hunting knife, end quote. Oh my God. Ooh. And does he give a reason for why? Well, just that he burst in. Okay, I'll read the first line again. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:33:01 No, you're fine. It's a lot. The murders were a hit over a debt that jane owed so he's saying jane had a debt to this drug ring which i'm kind of like jane i feel like it was like actually like a kind of like how you know me being a mobster tell me all about it well like usually it's like if someone owes you something they just will hurt your family instead or you know maybe they were just going after jane because james actually owed them something that's what i thought because i'm like why would jane oh like the background we have on her there's
Starting point is 01:33:35 nothing criminal there's nothing yeah it might have just been like oh if you don't pay us back like you know your sister better watch that's what thinking. Like, that's the only connection I can think of. And then there were just so many other people involved that when they had to go pick her up, they're like, everyone kind of just became collateral damage. And they said that Mark tried to, like, attack or tried to defend them and play hero, quote unquote. And so they got pissed and beat him. And then they'd either been seen or they i mean they were clearly on drugs if he's taking painkiller narcotics like who knows things clearly got out of hand if this is
Starting point is 01:34:11 true um right right so that's one theory about why mark would have been like beaten to death first because he tried to defend the restaurant or whatever play hero and then why the others were killed differently again we don't know if that's the case but that is one explanation so the Marion County Sheriff's Department weren't convinced however Forrester was able to lead them to exactly where they had found the bodies which was not really necessarily public information and so as one of the investigators remembered after a length of time it just seemed like for sure he was the right guy he knew a lot of things that weren't public however his confession fell through because there wasn't enough evidence
Starting point is 01:34:56 and it's like so even if he is legitimately telling the truth he still gets away with it it's just like well he said he did it can you imagine getting to like confess to a multi-person get it off your chest like and just feel cleansed by the end of the day just for nothing to happen to you and then go home are you kidding me yeah so the star uh paper still publishes confession along with his mugshot and until this day some believe he is the burger shove murderer for obvious reasons um one uh indiana state trooper the guy i mentioned earlier named jim kramer told insider in 2020 that he is confident that forrester's confession was a lie so he doesn't believe him um but he is reluctant to take anyone off the list for good he says even after all the lies sitting across from Forrester in 1986 Kramer felt
Starting point is 01:35:46 a twinge of concern at Forrester's final warning uttered just before the interview shut down entirely he said quote if you send me back to prison you'll never solve this at least on that count he was telling the truth so question mark he died in prison in 2006. They did not solve it. And the latest in terms of like what's been going on with the case is that it has been handed over to Detective Nicholas Allspock, who's 36 and a Rock War veteran, joined the state police in 2007. He was born and raised in Johnson County, Indiana. And his father and grandfather were both Indiana State Troopers. And his grandfather was the crime scene technician who lifted the palm print of Jane's car
Starting point is 01:36:29 after the murder. And so he said, I grew up hearing about this case. Now I'll see what I can do. So he has like a mission to solve this that his grandfather was initially involved in. And it's been passed down. That's very precious. But I also can't imagine being any cop who's been
Starting point is 01:36:46 handed a basically a cold case and it's like um you fix it and also like time is only making this a further and further yeah like thing that you can solve and like oh and here's a photograph it's basically like a dollhouse we set up because none of it's real and you can't actually use it for evidence but here's right like i mean can you like i wonder if there are cops out there or detectives who are like my dream is to solve a cold case but then there's like if i were a cop or detective i'd be like do not give me one of those like there's clearly nothing has been able to be done oh i would be like i want to solve all the old puzzles but i feel like i feel like there's always something to be said for like getting a fresh look at it or a younger set of eyes that's true but in my i would immediately sense
Starting point is 01:37:34 doom or failure and be like if it hasn't been able to be solved since 1978 then how the fuck am i supposed to know but i feel like especially nowadays with like the advances in DNA and genetics, I feel like there's so many new angles you can take. Because I mean, there are cases that are being solved regularly that are like being passed down, that are being reopened for various reasons. And I feel like nobody,
Starting point is 01:38:00 the good news is nobody expects you to solve it because they haven't been able to do it. That's true. There's no pressure. There's no pressure on you. It's like, well, here you go if you want it. Take a look. Yeah, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 01:38:11 I love that storyline, though, of the new cop takes a look at an old case that hasn't been solved. I just think it's a cool story. Clearly more your dream than mine. I know. Because I want to be the cop. Give me the armchair story. I want to figure it out. I just want to be the stereotypechair story i want to figure it out i just want to be the
Starting point is 01:38:25 stereotype that sits there and eats donuts and like well obviously that's part of my armchair situation don't worry i just get painting couch with an arm with a fucking arm full of donuts okay perfect perfect also don't you doubt it um so i have a couple more bullets here the burger chef murders um i know i already told you this they're still unsolved as of right now. I mean, let's see if this guy, this new guy can take a fresh look and say like somebody missed something. Maybe. You never know. It happens. Still haunts the Speedway Indiana community. So in the summer of 2018, they raised money to plant four red oak trees in honor of Jane, Daniel, Ruth, and Mark. And those are there to this day, along with a memorial. And that's all I've got for you.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Wow. It's sad. Yeah, that's not good. I mean, none of the stories you tell are. No, exactly. Exactly. It's just another one in the bag. Geez. Well, good telling it. And also, I appreciate the ability to banter early on with Burger Chef Jeffery. We got a lot of fun info in the beginning. You're right. Like, I love a good. We learned. I love a good slogan. I love a good logo logo i love a good history of a restaurant and its little characters i'm loving what was the can you recite the uh what i consider the cereal monsters
Starting point is 01:39:52 of fast food industry oh my god there's like absolutely chocula blueberry yummy it reminds me of like hamburglar and all those guys like mcdonald's clearly was yeah but it's all spooky so that makes it oh that's true so to me i think like count chocula's gang no you're totally right i didn't think about that they are kind of halloweeny so we got the we got burger chef and jeff wow who could forget we've got the magician burgerini we've got the vampire count fang burger count fang burger i like him i do too we've got the talking ape burgerilla which i guess that's more like a uh a king kong i was gonna go with a king kong situation yeah yeah and then we've got cackle burger the witch which is my favorite we all
Starting point is 01:40:37 know cackle burger is the favorite i i do have i do have a personal allegiance to the witches. Yeah. But Cackle Witch or whatever her name was. Was it Cackle Burger? Cackle Burger. I love her. I love her. That's me. You love me. I am going to go find a shirt with Cackle Burger.
Starting point is 01:40:56 I'm going to send you this YouTube video and we're going to watch it together. And we're going to post the picture of Jeff, who's so so scary on our Instagram if you want to check it out his little eyes have been staring at me for the last 40 minutes from your desktop? yes well you can check us out at ATWW podcast that's where you can see
Starting point is 01:41:18 Jeff on the most recent Instagram post and I guess until then catch up with us next week and see if Christine's had this fucking baby. We'll see. And that's why we drink.

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