And That's Why We Drink - E247 Roach Milk and Em-raphobia

Episode Date: October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween! What a special, spooky occasion that Halloween would fall on the actual day of an episode release. Christine is still with child in our worked-ahead world and she's beside herself at... Em's bonnet... tune in to see our costumes and hear all our Halloween trivia (vegan candy corn, anyone?)! Plus Em starts a wildly scary two-parter on the Perron Family aka the true story behind the Conjuring movie. Then Christine brings us the scariest compilation of real life killer clowns. Will Em squeeze in the second part of their Halloween story before Christine gives birth? Check back next week to find out! And that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 now i guess i'll start my camera okay see if you can see me on here oh wait hang on wait first of all your makeup is insanely beautiful are you ready to see my costume yes okay i'm scared. Hopefully it worked. It's really hard to walk around in. Oh, it's because I already get the pun. I love it. I love it. It's because you're a mummy.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'm a mummy. I remember I showed you that picture of the baby brewing Halloween baby shower thing. Yes. I saw that. One of the first pictures Halloween baby shower thing. Yes, I saw that. One of the first pictures is mummy to be, and I was like, damn, I wish I did that for Christine. So I'm glad you're taking advantage of it. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I decided to do a soon to be mummy, or I don't know. I don't remember the exact phrase. Your makeup, this is the prettiest you've ever been, I think. Whoa, wrapped in gauze? How fun for me. You are smoking hot right now, wow. That is so nice nice of you let me see what you got going on over there are you single christine okay here um yes very single as you can tell from my costume with a human inside me i i hope you're
Starting point is 00:01:16 um i hope you're ready for this could be your baby one day brava if it is i'm putting it up for adoption i don't know what to tell you this is terrifying um happy halloween from your future babies since they're not here yet damn so i decided i'd fill in the role listen i'm beside myself at that at that bonnet you're wearing okay this isn't even a baby bonnet apparently it's like um like for like um like your leg no it's oh it's a garter or whatever that's called no it's um it's like old-timey like thanksgiving bonnet yeah that's what i said a bonnet it's a little bonnet i thought i was looking for baby bonnet and shockingly the internet does not have that for sale so that is the wildest shit i've ever seen em this is gonna be a really weird instagram post when we post this
Starting point is 00:02:24 thank you also do you like i tried to make a really weird Instagram post when we post this. Thank you. Also, do you like I tried to make a little alter situation here for you. I can't deal with how good it is. Respectfully so as someone who does not practice. But this is a prop from the Blair Witch Project. Wow. Is that wow? A real one?
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, no, no. I'm not that cool. I mean, you are. That's why I asked because I thought maybe it was possible. Trust me. If I could have stolen something from ISS that had to do with the Blair Witch Project, you would have heard about it by now. Hang on. I'm upping my microphone.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Okay. Yeah. I'm readjusting my mummy. I got overwhelmed by how just intoxicating your makeup is right now, Christine. You want to look at my stomach instead? It's also very overwhelming. Well, I, if it was last minute, as we always do. So we realized this episode comes out on Halloween.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And we were like, oh, God, Christine is going to be unavailable any day. We didn't even know if you were going to be here for this. I was like, am I going to do my Halloween episode all by myself? Is that what's going to happen here? And then last night at like 2 in the morning, I was like, shit, I don't have a costume. And then I was like, I don't know. And so I went to Target and bought all this gauze. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I don't know. How much? So what was the price of all that gauze at Target? Well, you see, I went to buy gauze from the pharmacy section. They were all out. And I was like, that seems like a weird thing to be all out of every brand. Except it's Halloween. Everyone's trying to be a mommy, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah, but then I went to the Halloween section and they had all this gauze. And I was like, aha. This is costume gauze. This is costume gauze. Uh-huh. Yeah. The gauze was $10. And I was like, honestly, if I'm buying a bunch of rolls of gauze, it'll probably be more expensive.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Fair. Like, honestly, if I'm buying a bunch of rolls of gauze, it'll probably be more expensive. Fair. And so I bought $10 of gauze. And then these little eyeballs came from a little jack-o'-lantern kit that was $3. So I spent $13. And, oh, I also here, I have, let me see if I can adjust this. This ensemble, by the way, was not $13.
Starting point is 00:04:22 This took hard work. Yeah, well, okay. Yeah, I know. Okay, mine was hard work because I had to stand for a while. And that alone is a lot of hard work nowadays. I was gonna say how Okay, fair. I was gonna say how did you actually did you have blaze hold a piece of gauze and you just spun around? I literally sat stood in my bedroom like trying to wrap myself up and tie it and rip it and cut it. It was there. You should see the rabbit like on the floor of my bedroom. It's just like pieces of God. I need to vacuum is what I'm trying to say. I have my little pumpkin, my new favorite as I made you smell the whole time you were here,
Starting point is 00:04:55 my cinnamon pumpkin. You do love that orange one. Yeah. That target candle, my little RIP candle that I'm still scared to light, even though like the fun stuff happens when you light it, the coffin. I have the same one. I have the same one. I'm also scared. light, even though like the fun stuff happens when you light it, the coffin. Uh huh. I have the same one. I have the same one. I'm also scared. Have you lit it? Oh,
Starting point is 00:05:09 okay. No, I am scared. I have my mothman and then I have Emmethie. Emmethie. Oh, for those who don't know, um,
Starting point is 00:05:17 I bought the baby, a little monster buddy and his name's Emmethie. Yeah. And Em was mad that I wasn't naming the baby's middle name Emmethie. And so as retribution, now the baby's best friend stuffed animal is emothy which you have to have an emothy and now we're crossing generational lines here there's two emothys for two sheifers well how sweet is that you're welcome um okay sorry oh last thing i want to say not last thing but i want to say for people who are listening to audio and can't see us, we should describe what the hell we're even wearing or doing.
Starting point is 00:05:46 We haven't even told anybody. Okay, well, Christine is a smoke show today, but also wrapped in gauze. But also wrapped up in mummy gear. Is that a bra? What's the black situation here? Oh, it's a tank top with a bra under it. Don't worry. I'm doubled up here.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah, I'm wearing a black outfit with like like gauze all over it and then oh oh wait this is the fun part is that there's two eyeballs on my stomach because there's a baby mummy inside it it's crazy that there's actually two other eyeballs inside your stomach right now yeah okay yikes and then m i guess is wearing a bonnet as you all know already and looks like uh ones oh what did okay hold on i'm now analyzing this onesie situation did that come with a little duck um it oh that's the wrong side it did but um i didn't expect it and it came in i i didn't see that coming but now i'm feeling like this is half of a Phil and Lil situation.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yes, yes, yes, yes. A hundred percent. And then the sticker was a choice, was a personal choice that I did. I love the accessorizing. It says I Heart Mom. And then also on my massive baby bottle, I also put another I Heart Mom sticker on. I can't deal with the bottle and the bonnet together with the onesie. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:04 It's a lot. It's a lot. The bonnet came separate. As you heard earlier from me saying it was like pilgrim costume. So, but I thought I can't, I can't half-ass this. So I got the bottle. If you recognize this bottle,
Starting point is 00:07:17 Christine, Eva and I bought five of them for your house. Oh yeah. They're in my kitchen, which means that this is a sixth, which means that I have five in my snack cabinet and I'm like, I don't know what to do with these five gigantic bottles. Which also means after buying five, I bought a whole other one to be here. Oh, I thought you brought one with you. You had to buy another one. This is the sixth one.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I've bought a lot of big plastic baby balls. Although I will say the suction on them is fantastic. Oh, I forgot to show you the other part of my ensemble. Are you ready? This is to keep, this is so I'll shut the fuck up when you're telling your story. Is it a password? Oh, no. Oh, God. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Make a noise so the camera goes. Do you like what you see? No? I hate it, actually. So much. Wait, why don't you like what's happening here? Also, by the way if you notice this is not baby size this is an adult size repulsive i'm just look you know
Starting point is 00:08:11 what maybe this could fix that that chewing i was gonna say i feel like if you have a fixation like on fingernails or something maybe that's a good like um stress relief toy it does feel amazing on the molars i gotta be honest it feels pretty good so um enjoy that visual yeah i will try my best um if you haven't figured out this is our halloween episode where we're dressed up for the holiday not just for fun um that's the truth hang on should we pose real quick for an instagram thing yeah but how do we get both our cameras on? Here, I'll screen grab it. Yeah, I'll screenshot. Oh, yeah, you can screenshot.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Okay. Wait, let me get my stomach in it. Go ahead and go. My stomach takes up a lot of room nowadays. Screenshot. Hang on. It's not happening, Christine. Eva, Eva, can you screenshot?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Are you there? Oh, yeah, I got it. Oh. Okay, ready? Oh, yeah, I got it. Oh. Okay, ready? Oh, good. Eva's taking a thousand pictures if you didn't hear that. Okay, perfect. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Anyway, back to our daily programming. Yes, this is our Halloween episode. Back to being very professional. Okay, everybody. As you can see, I've also put up a bunch of ghost equipment. I have two EMF detectors behind me and i also have a boo buddy which is apparently the creepiest thing in the whole world yes it is can talk to you and stuff i don't have it turned on because the bear does not like to shut up and i don't know if that's
Starting point is 00:09:34 because i'm not using it properly or there's a lot of ghosts it could be probably the second one um yeah so the boo buddy says things like what does it say doesn't it you told me it says creepy creepy stuff it says like like if you touch its left hand it says something versus if you touch its right hand that way people can document like oh you can get the ghost to go to the left side or the right side or right yeah and it's but it says things like haha that tickles yeah it's not the creepiest thing um so we're not turning it on but it is there aesthetically as well i also feel like it fits your costume of like a baby like you have a little stuffed bear you know it's like a haunted stuffed bear but you're completely right oh my god it just really weirdly goes together i hate it also how do you feel about this massive ouija planchette
Starting point is 00:10:22 do you like it i adore that where did you get that also the it's our it's our front door hanging currently well I love it because it's right here but yeah during Halloween it's one of our door hangings I got it from spirit obviously obviously I adore it so Christine I did want to say uh we did this last time I think we did last Halloween, and I wanted to keep the tradition alive. But I have a couple trivia questions for you. I love this. You might get right. I wanted to start, I was going to do multiple choice, and then I forgot.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So we are just going to do you answer your best. You can improv your multiple choice. That would be fun. I can't because you're gonna know which one's the right one because i'm not gonna hesitate yeah okay um i also want to add real quick i i brought a can of cheer wine where did i put it because i can't because i mean okay while we're recording this it's still september it's the 27th um so when this comes out i will not be pregnant anymore please right lord I don't think it's
Starting point is 00:11:26 even possible you'll be a big old the great big pumpkin or whatever Charlie Brown calls it I still have that pumpkin sweatshirt it'll fit but yes so I don't oh here's my cheer one so I so right now I still can't drink but it's we're still a month away from Halloween, but I did bring this, which is just a gigantic bag of candy. Oh, so well, well done. Thank you. And I'm very sad that I can't be drinking right now with you. I mean, you're not drinking either, but usually I take the mantle on Halloween, but, um, okay. We got a cheer wine instead. So I'm ready to party is what I'm trying to say. Cool. I've got a big baby bottle of water that says I heart mom. Even better. Okay. So here's a couple of questions. I'm just going to throw a few at you. I think I've already asked you this last year, but it's still fascinating. How many pounds of candy corn are produced each year? I will give you a hint. It's in the millions. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:26 4 million. 35 million. Dear Lord. And by the way, also it is rated the worst candy. Who even eats it? So if that's being made in 35 million pounds a year, then like what is like Milky Way up to? What's Reese's peanut butter cups? Well, I was just thinking that because like everybody, there was one, okay, here's the thing about candy corn is I've been trying to find if anyone, my brother doesn't listen to the show, because he sucks, but whatever. But if so don't
Starting point is 00:12:53 tell him I said this, but for two years now, or not two years for one year now, since he's been vegan, I've been trying to find him vegan candy corn, because he's the only person on the planet who's obsessed with candy corn but he can't eat it because it has honey and like gelatin usually in it and so I've been trying to find vegan candy corn it does not exist like you have to home make it and it's driving me crazy so if anybody knows where to find it please tell me um and don't tell Zandy because I feel like that would be a fun uh yeah that'd be a great I also had no idea that vegan that candy corn was not vegan
Starting point is 00:13:25 i don't know what i thought it was but yeah i mean i just kind of stopped at it sucks so yeah i don't like i mean nobody likes it except my vegan brother so i don't really understand like who who the market is for 40 million or 35 million pounds of it but ew uh hmm that's disgusting but i hope he gets what he wants i hope he's happy i hope he's happy while i'm disgusted um the here here's another one uh and this should be a i'd like to thank a low ball um but what is the name of the famous magician that died on Halloween. Houdini? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I was like, if I'm wrong about this, M's going to kill me. And then I was going to, I was going to ask you this question, but I think I'm just going to do these as fun facts because it would be really mean to have you guess these. The original question was, what was the movie Beetlejujuice almost called but here is the
Starting point is 00:14:26 answer for you would you like a fun fact christine can i guess yeah magical striped wizard man no i would have been funny if it was just a different version of beetlejuice like roach milk or something you know oh gross um it was calledetless, which makes kind of sense because like sheets ghosts, I guess. But yes, it's pretty big. Not that Beetlejuice is the most sensical term in the world. So I guess. Sure. But I understand it.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And when you think of it like roach milk, it's supposed to sound disgusting, which is like what he is. Right. All right. So then here's another one. I was going to ask you you what did scottish women hang to see their future husbands on halloween as like a prediction game oh they would hang something up and you should see your future husband through it oh oh a uh i mean my guess is a mirror but that seems not sensical i don don't know. It seems the most sensical.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Yeah. But to me, at least. But it's actually wet sheets in front of a fire. Cool. I guess the shadow. But also, you could look at any shadow and be like, that's... There he is. Look how hot he's hot.
Starting point is 00:15:39 That might be it. Oh, my God. He's so hot. Wet sheet. I have used this fun fact before but not in terms of halloween so i just didn't know one if you listen to me and two if you know the answer um do you know how mystery flavor candy do you know what the mystery flavor is oh my god you have told me this before uh is it just i mean i always thought it was just the leftovers of
Starting point is 00:16:06 whatever they had but is that it oh okay it's the leftover candy from that day all mixed together that's what i always thought because i was like well it's just there's a big question mark on it like yeah it's like even we don't know we don't even know what this is i know with airheads specifically it's not all the flavors mixed together. It's just whatever flavor was last on the production line that day. Oh, that's interesting. So if they made grape that day, you're getting a great mystery flavor. It's so stupid because I always say that one's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:16:35 But if it's different every time, then I'm just a big fat liar. It's kind of fun, though, because every flavor truly is a mystery instead of you figuring it out. I do like that. I love Airheads. That's a fun fact. And then do we know how bobbing for apples started? I feel like it was probably some sort of witch hunt or something terrible. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Horses? I have no idea. No, it was actually like a dating game. And this is from, by the way. game. And this is from by the way. It was actually a dating ritual where you would go to a party with a bunch
Starting point is 00:17:10 of different suitors and every apple would have a different person's name on it and you would try to bite the apple of the person you wanted to go on a date with. I guess before everyone else? So you had to fight underneath the water with your faces? How much spit do you think is in there? That's so gross.
Starting point is 00:17:26 A lot. Not COVID friendly. No, certainly not. Apparently this is the quote from If it only took her one try to bite the apple, they were destined for a romance. But if she succeeded with her second attempt, then he would court her,
Starting point is 00:17:40 but their love would fade. If it took three tries, their relationship was doomed and another approach was it was just a race to the first bite of an apple yeah so they were just clunking heads under the water oh have you ever bought the apples yeah i'm pretty it's pretty easy all you gotta do is just commit you know i don't i feel like they since they're not i've never done it but i feel like the trick is hard to get traction. The trick is you have to, again, commit and throw your entire body under the water. To push it against a surface.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Push it against the floor of the bucket so then you can just find it. You really want that hot guy you saw in the wet sheet. If your shoulders aren't wet after bobbing for apples, you didn't want it that bad. You didn't want that guy. You didn't. And then the last one I'll give you, I think five is a safe number. Do you know which city out there banned trick-or-treating for anyone over 14? Is it in the U.S.?
Starting point is 00:18:33 It is. Okay. Let's see. My guess is somewhere in Georgia or Mississippi. No, but last year when I asked you a question, I said, which state is it illegal to be dressed as a nun or a priest? And it was like Alabama. So yeah, OK.
Starting point is 00:18:50 So yeah, close, I guess. No, so in Chesapeake, I think that means Chesapeake, Virginia. I might be biased because we have a Chesapeake. It just said Chesapeake. So I'm going to, let's run with Virginia. Oh, OK. Virginia. In 2019, Chesapeake became one of the latest cities to ban trick-or-treaters for over a certain age. So I guess this is a
Starting point is 00:19:10 common thing. Oh, for over a certain age. For over 14. Oh, I misunderstood. I thought it was like, if you're a child, you can't trick-or-treat. Oh, that would be more fun for adults, I think. I thought it was like a, like a satanic thing. They were like, this is not Christian. I thought it was like a, I went the thing they were like this is not christian i thought it was like oh i went the wrong direction that's why i said mississippi some would say you went the right direction so some um apparently it's a class four misdemeanor and you could be fined up to 250 well that's sad if you turn 14 and you're an eighth grader with some naivete still like i was and i just just want to trick-or-treat. Actually, I'll throw a bonus one in there. Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'll give you, you can pick one of the five. Do you know what one of the top five most popular Halloween costumes last year was? One of the top five? Yes. I'm trying to remember from when I threw candy from 10 feet away at children. It's much more, oh, sorry. Top Halloween costumes for adults. Oh. In 2020. So lazy costumes.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And it was also quarantined. So oh my god. What would it have been? It's as basic as you think it is. A nurse. Oh. No. What's the most basic costume? With with covid i guess all the supplies might have
Starting point is 00:20:28 been maybe that was a little too on the nose what's like a rain let's see what's like a main character on halloween yeah okay it was witch vampire cat ghost batman whoa okay really came out of the i thought you're gonna go clever quarantine but no okay anyway there's some uh hot Halloween trivia for you I guess how old were you when you stopped trick-or-treating um I would have kept on going forever but there was one year I felt shame because I was alone and I was like oh all my other friends are probably not and you were tall too like I feel like you could hide it if you like looked youth like really small i was i've been this height since fifth grade so um i definitely looked like by 10 i shouldn't be trick-or-treating anymore um i think i think the official year was like 13 okay oh my god i
Starting point is 00:21:18 trick-or-treated till i was 17 like i love trick-or-treating it was so fun and like not ironically like i really just wanted to go trick- trick or treat. If someone ever came to my dorm, why candy? I would give it to them. It doesn't even have to be Halloween and doesn't have to be, you don't have to be young either. If you're just like kidnapped by a creepy man in a van. No, no, no. If you want candy, not if I want your van candy, that's different. Okay. Well, fair. Um, and then in college, I still skirted the system because Allison and Jordan and I, our other third roommate, went trick-or-treating on Embassy Row in D.C. Oh, fun. They do a whole thing. Yeah. And every embassy has like their national candy. So fun.
Starting point is 00:22:01 It was really cool. That's very you and Allison, too. I know, right? It was like the most me and Allison thing ever. Um, and I was a Freudian slip. So, um, I've seen that before.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And Allison was, Oh yeah. Very. Duh. And then Allison was a ladybug. Um, so fun times. Stinky witch.
Starting point is 00:22:16 So cute. Okay. So, um, congratulations on your embassy candy. I did not ever do that. I just did the, the old school pillowcase neighborhood thing.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And then also got shamed at some point at 13. So yeah, I i was michael jackson when i was 17 and then i was like this is getting weird i'm i need to not do this anymore was there ever an outfit you were very proud of oh man one time um i did a good lumberjack i don't't know. I feel like, ah, shoot, I got to go look. What about you? I'm trying to remember what my favorite was. I feel like I was a vampire like five times in a row. Oh, really? I did a good mad scientist at one point.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Oh, I bet that was good. You would pull that off really well. My mom, I was a kid, so my mom nailed it. My mom also one time handmade me a costume, and then I think she was like, you don't appreciate this. I'm never doing it again. My mom only made me a costume
Starting point is 00:23:11 because she refused to buy them out of the catalogs. Yeah. Well, anyway, so there you go. I would say maybe mad scientist. That's a good one. Anyway. Oh, I almost knocked this whole thing over. Okay, so I've got...
Starting point is 00:23:22 You are a baby, so no one can be mad at you. Wah! Okay, so I've got... You are a baby, so no one can be mad at you. Wah! Okay, so I've got... Gross, gross, gross. All right, Christine, here is your story. This is a two-parter. Yay! I know it's Halloween, and I should be giving you the whole shebang,
Starting point is 00:23:39 but let's just say I want to lure you into next week. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, by lure, you, i don't mean the audience i mean you please don't have the baby yet and i'm trying to find out the rest of the story i've tried so hard to have the baby that at this point i'm like whatever fine let's ride it out hold it in for a little longer so okay um this is, okay, I'm trying to figure out how to introduce it, but I'm just going to do my old wing it thing. This is the story of the Harrisville farmhouse, aka the Perrin family haunting, aka the inspiration
Starting point is 00:24:19 for the first Conjuring movie, aka how have I not covered this yet? You haven't, have you? No. for the first conjuring movie aka how have i not covered this yet i you haven't have you no at least not as thoroughly as i'm about to because like wow i this is a two-parter i didn't go to sleep christine i i've been researching all night i've been watching all the videos i've been on tiktok it's been all over the place so you're a hardworking baby. That's, yeah. Wah, wah. That's okay. So. You need a new tagline. I can't deal with that. Also, by the way, I could not be sweating more.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Just like. You look, I'm hot just looking at you and I'm in a tank top. I can't deal. The second that I rip this off, a pool of sweat will just fall right off me. Cute. So anyway, let's. Ooh, a little fuzzy. off me cute um so anyway let's oh fuzzy there this is the parent family haunting and i realized i hadn't covered it when i was covering ed and lorraine warren a couple weeks ago um so they
Starting point is 00:25:14 will be featured in this next week oh my god so excited oh oh so uh the which, by the way, is in Harrisville, Rhode Island, it goes all the way back to the 1600s. It was surveyed by John Smith himself. Oh, and the land was eventually sold to the Arnold family, who we will remember as characters later. So because the Arnold family lived lived here they ended up living here for a long time and the house was originally called the old arnold estate and at one point it was also called the old brook farm and it was originally called the dexter richardson house i guess the richardsons were the first people to move in okay um but it's mainly known as the old Arnold estate. It's also now known as the conjuring house.
Starting point is 00:26:07 So, um, so it's, listen, it's a Gemini. It has a lot of personalities. You can just call it whatever you want and they'll probably come to you. uh,
Starting point is 00:26:17 in Harrisville, Rhode Island, it is January, 1971. And the parent family is parents, parents carolyn and roger and they've got four daughters named andrea nancy christine hey cynthia and april um you're going to learn a lot about andrea and this story by the way okay so i do want to give her a shout out um because she like could not be more active still doing interviews and she's written three books about
Starting point is 00:26:53 this and she is willing to answer any and all questions she guest starred on a ghost adventures episode so she like she's made it her calling of like telling people her story according to her nobody remembers feeling or sensing anything paranormal about the house until they officially moved in that day. They had been to the house and like checked out the property. That's sneaky though. That's sneaky of the house to be like, no, I'm fine. And she does talk about that too, where it's like it felt very intentional that these spirits brought them in. talk about that too where it's like it felt very intentional that these spirits brought them in because i've looked when i was looking for houses i remember being like this house has a weird vibe
Starting point is 00:27:29 like i remember you could definitely tell when you walk into a place and if it doesn't have any weird vibe and then you move in and you're like wait wait wait wait wait yeah that just seems unfair feels super creepy it does so all uh like i said hindsight, she knew something was up. And now looking back at it, too, she remembers the cellar's last words to them were leave the lights on at night. OK. All right. Sneaky little cellar. Even the cellar was like, here are the keys. You can't turn back. Leave the lights on at night. That is unfair to say without any explanation so when andrea was 12 uh that was when they moved in and the first moment of living in that house they all
Starting point is 00:28:13 had an experience so i guess the guy selling them the house or the guy who lived in the house before them or was renting or something he had like stuff at the house and he was there packing his stuff up while they were moving in so i don't know if he was just kind of like hanging out until it officially sold yeah i don't know he's like i want every last second of what i paid for i guess so but also why would you after you hear this story i guess so yeah so uh his name was mr kenyon and apparently so andrea is 12 and the dad says says Andrea go take this box into the kitchen so Andrea is taking this box walking through the dining room and sees Mr. Kenyon was standing there and there was another guy with him that was like watching him collect all of his stuff um the other
Starting point is 00:28:59 man did not acknowledge Andrea at all andrea thought about him do people around here really dress that odd and she ended up getting to the kitchen and asked her mom who was the man that was with mr kenyon and the mom was like there's nobody here like it's just him the the his son's gonna be here later but he's not here yet um And so just kind of got, I guess, ignored or pushed aside because they were kind of in the hustle and bustle of moving. Right. And so she didn't even think about it. She was just like, oh, like, no one's here. You're, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Well, then I guess there her sister Christine then walked in and said, Mom, who's that guy standing next to Mr. Kenyon? And the mom again was like like there's no one here what are you guys talking about just keep keep moving boxes and then the sister cindy came in and asked the same question and then like a sitcom okay and then nancy came in and whispered to the sisters and was like did you see that man with mr kenyon because he just disappeared so in the first moment of being there four out of five sisters all and of course it's all the kids which is just like great the mom doesn't see it the kids do and they all knew something was up when they when andrea saw the man oh i just got chills thinking about it also pay attention to these
Starting point is 00:30:18 little oh i haven't even been looking uh this one's supposed to be blinking like that it's next to something with a heavy battery just okay okay yeah we got the emf readers gone if you're listening audio wise yes yes yes yes yes we'll tell you if anything happens don't worry you'll hear christine go actually if i hear me you'll see me go like hey okay can i can i have a minute um so they also knew that something was up with this man because when her dad went to go talk to Mr. Kenyon and the man was standing there, their dad didn't actually acknowledge the guy at all. But the girls could see him. Ugh. So it was like they were, it was kind of like in the movie It.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I know you haven't seen that. But if you watch the movie It, it's like when the parents are ignoring that they're in like a room full of blood and like the kids are freaking out that the dad's like washing his hands in the sink full of blood. Like it's like they're just completely unaware they're oblivious so oblivious and so andrew was like i knew something was up when my dad didn't notice him and i was looking right at him and apparently he was like a solid dude like they thought he was a real guy right like i could just walk up and touch him if i wanted to focus Focus booty. Focus booty. If you want to. Booty. Happy Halloween. Okay. So, uh, yeah, I got ignored all day just because they were moving and the parents didn't really pay attention to the girls. Um, but as you can tell, as you mentioned already,
Starting point is 00:31:39 the spirits immediately took to the kids first and soon they were all seeing apparitions the weird thing about this house that's also pretty consistent is everything happens so fucking fast like the second they moved in they felt something later when other things kind of get eerier it happens right away like it just it's there's no waiting around they're like let's it's time to fuck around and there's no like escalation it's they're like slow escalation it's like bam yeah zero to sixty yeah so like day one they see this dude hanging out in the dining room and then right away they start seeing apparitions who were like hanging out with them as like family friends so it's not just like they're walking by it's like they're hanging out
Starting point is 00:32:21 with them so pretty quickly the girls could see one apparition named manny or they nicknamed him manny um andrea says quote my little sister was not inventive with nicknames and he was a man so that was my guess yeah yeah i love it so they think manny was actually most likely to be john arnold one of the arnold the family members who lived there apparently he died from drinking some sort of poison which was i guess in small doses was able to get you drunk without killing you and they think john arnold just accidentally drank too much and killed himself by accident oh no um i just said accident a lot i just noticed but uh andrea swears she's like i know that the coroners like they listed his death as a suicide but we hung out with him all the time and like we know that he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:33:15 have done that on purpose like it was wait this is like next level of like he would never have done this like we know he's a ghost and we've never actually met him, but trust me. They were like, it was definitely accidental. He probably just wanted to get a little fucked up and just overdosed. These kids are like, no, he loves to get fucked up. That's what you don't understand. And this is a quote from Andrea. She says, I had a close thing with him and he showed up at the house a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:41 We referred to him as more like a member of the family. And I never had the sense that he tried to kill himself himself and i don't care what the coroner's report said and honestly you're that confident like yeah shit i'm gonna trust the person who's been hanging out with the dead man this whole time who like could have gotten that information out so like truly just like i imagine this guy is just coming in just like hanging out on the bed with you talking up a storm like and he's a dead person. And another apparition happened very quickly where for the first two months after they moved in, the girls all said that a woman they didn't know
Starting point is 00:34:13 would come in and kiss them on the forehead each night to like say goodnight. Oh no, no, no, no. Andrea said, mom smelled like ivory soap and this spirit smelled like flowers and fruit. And one of the other sisters, I think Cynthia said like, we knew it wasn't our mom but when you're a little kid you kind of just like roll over and just you're like oh someone else was here and right it's just good night so they just ignored it at this point they're like we have so many family friends i
Starting point is 00:34:38 guess just kind of waltzing through for the course so the spirits would also mess with the girls toys which eventually made the sisters actually start fighting when they thought that they were taking each other's stuff and that was kind of like the first if you can i'm imagining that was the first version of anything sinister where like it was turning them against each other their toys would get moved around or they would get hidden like in the barn or under the bed and the sisters started fighting a lot but then their mom made them talk about the golden rule of like treat people how you want to be treated and that was when cindy started sharing her toys with anyone who came into her room she's
Starting point is 00:35:17 like mom said oh no oh no one toy that they didn't like of hers that she i guess was willing to share with them was a record player called a close and play where it was just kind of like pop it open. It was like a CD player. Yeah. Pop it open, put the record and close it. And it plays kids. The CD player is like a newfangled player. You don't understand any of these words.
Starting point is 00:35:38 A CD player is just half a record player. You don't flip it over. So, yeah, one of the toys they did not like of hers was her close and play record player apparently they broke it and they also broke the record she was playing in it which was her favorite record at the time nice um and a lot of the spirits here the girls just got used to them so quickly that they kind of assumed they were harmless but some got creepy right away oh so on top of these other things that are happening all the time just like manny walking in and out and girls kissing you on the forehead um what a fun time
Starting point is 00:36:12 cindy apparently i uh one at one time andrea's i heard andrea have all in a lot of interviews one of them she said this was the very first night they moved in um said that cindy would crawl into her bed at night saying the voices are surrounding her telling her that there are seven dead soldiers in the wall forgot no oh that makes me ill so andrea did say later she was like the house was built 40 years before the signing of the declaration of independence like there's so many battles that have happened around here. And she said, I have every reason to believe there are, in fact, bodies on the wall.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Like, why wouldn't you? I need two now. I mean, geez. Honestly, I'm just going to trust all of these children. Me too. So Andrea also said when you would hear door latches clicking around the house, they had, like, memorized every single door's latch opening. Because then they
Starting point is 00:37:05 would at least know like who was coming from where and you never knew if it was your parent or a sibling or nobody or something really dark and they just kind of lived in this constant state of anxiety of like am i about to like have to deal with a ghost or is like my sister saying it's time for dinner or is she saying there's bodies in the wall you never know there's bingo so she was just always on edge um and apparently there was one spirit that would call out mama at night it was me it was you and i was like plugging my ears like no um apparently people would hear voices footsteps banging doors would open and close they experienced an overwhelming sadness apparently no matter who you were if you were there long enough you'd start feeling really sad one sister ended up becoming friends with one of the apparitions who was a
Starting point is 00:37:55 little boy named oliver richardson and the richardsons were the family who first moved in in the 1600s 1600s oh my god i know and apparently there was also a father and child with their dog and all three of them had died on the premises but now their spirits were all together looking what they what andrea says is like they're probably looking out a window from when they had a window there but it just looks like they're staring at a wall it's very creepy creepy is that and they will not interact with you they it's like they're just kind of a residual like they're just looking out the window together and that's it that is horrible that's like that blueprint theory where they're stuck in their own old house sort of oh my god oh i hate that so much well so remember
Starting point is 00:38:44 the blueprint theory later too, because that comes back. Um, we might have to, I forget where the notes are in this, but we might have to bring that up next. It's fascinating to me, this whole blueprint thing.
Starting point is 00:38:54 So, uh, some people, so I found this, sorry, I was digging through the candy. I found this baby bottle pop. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:01 I love a baby bottle. Remember when the Jonas brothers were the ones who sang the Baby Bottle Pop theme song? Yes. Baby Bottle Pop. Baby Bottle Pop. Oh, children, Gen X, you don't know what that is either. But listen, it's okay. You missed out on a lot.
Starting point is 00:39:15 It's okay. It was Nick Jonas before Red Dress. So I don't even know if that's relevant anymore now. No, probably not. so I don't even know if that's relevant anymore no no probably not uh so some people with all these spirits some people had it easier with the spirits than others like Andrea uh said in an interview that she could just basically tell them to leave if they were bothering her and they'd listen but there were other people that got taunted a lot more I imagine Cindy was one of them just because she was more open to that and was like sharing her toys and stuff another was cynthia let's just all collectively like just cheers to cynthia because it sounds
Starting point is 00:39:50 like she's really been through it um so i mean they they've all been through it but cynthia in particular sounds is she the one who heard the voices that was that cindy i think cindy which voice are you talking about sorry the voice is saying there are seven bodies that was cindy i think cindy which voice are you talking about sorry the voice is saying there are seven bodies that was cindy i think okay i think i don't know i the cynthia and cindy was a was a bad call in naming your children it's very confusing i can't keep up um oh that was that was cindy that was cindy okay okay control f dead bodies listen the amount i do that on a daily basis so cynthia was uh in bed and this is just one of the times where she was getting taunted by these things uh oh okay so she was actually upstairs playing
Starting point is 00:40:40 when the closet door opened and she thought one of her siblings was going to come out but it was an older woman with her head tilted to the side oh this is like that fucking haunting of hill house she had lady she had a gray dress with yellow flowers and an apron and she was holding a handkerchief and as far as cynthia saw there were no. And she could hear the woman telepathically saying, come to me, little girl. I hate that so much. I don't know. No, thank you. Goose camp, goose camp.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Another night, she saw something hovering over one of the beds. And moments later, it was dragging her out of bed. She kept blinking like, what is that i see what's that what's that weird shadow thing and then she was getting ripped out of her bed and dragged towards the cellar no bad cynthia uh was also once in bed when the bed itself was dragging all over the floor and levitating in the air. So she was lying down. She woke up. Her bed is flip flopping everywhere.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You can't even like leave the room because you're stuck on that flying carpet bed. And she was, she remembers being really pissed that her mom wouldn't come help her because quote from Cynthia, the house somehow had a way of kind of bubbling your scream. There were times, there were times that we would be upstairs screaming our lungs out and the person could be right downstairs and you'd never hear a word. I was wondering because I was like, if the bed's scraping all over the floor, you'd think you'd hear it. But I guess not if your screams are being bubbled.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Nope. So not only would it keep you from getting help, but another thing it would do is it would throw voices and put people in trances oh so it'd be like you're across the hall but you're like you're not home at all and you just hear the person talking to you that's not good so it was mimicking voices it's probably a better way to put it right um so one thing that a lot of people remember from the conjuring movie itself was the hide and seek game where you would close your eyes and you would have to find someone by with them clapping so you've never seen this movie obviously so i'm like wow so it was you'd close your eyes if you were the seeker and the person would be hiding but they would clap to give you like a like a marco polo thing yeah or like hot and cold situation of like oh i'm over
Starting point is 00:43:03 here i'm over here um and in the movie they're playing hide and seek and then all of a sudden like they hear a clap and no one's there and like things like that so apparently that idea was i'm guessing inspired by the fact that the girls would actually play hide and seek in this house and they ended up getting into some ghostly trouble while playing hide and seek so cynthia again this poor fucking girl she decided that she was going to hide one day in this wooden box that had no latch it had no heavy lid it was just like a lightweight thing that she could get in and out of and i'm assuming had gotten in and out of before and like you cannot you're not getting trapped in this box situation.
Starting point is 00:43:47 But she hid in the box or in this trunk. And eventually she realized, oh, I guess the game's over. No one's looking for me. So I'm just going to get out of the box and leave. It's like a younger sibling curse every time. Also an only child curse. Okay. Also an only child curse.
Starting point is 00:44:02 No one even started the game with me. That's sad. That's extra sad. I would just hide for no one. started the game with that's sad that's extra sad i would just hide for no one oh it is so sad um so uh eventually when uh cynthia realized no one was looking for her she tried to get out of the box and someone was holding her no no no no no, no. It felt like someone was sitting on the box. There was no way she could get out of there. She screamed forever, and she was within screaming distance, but nobody could hear her.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And apparently she almost suffocated in there for being in there so long without air holes. And screaming so much. She's probably using a fire. Oh, my God. And probably hyperventilating. Oh, my God. When they pulled her out, apparently she was soaking wet from just like sweat and crying.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It's really sad. And she was eight years old. That's traumatic. Fully traumatic. I'm almost 30 and I would have, I would lose my fucking mind if that happened. Can you imagine being eight years old? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:00 And so this happened another time to Christine instead of Cynthia. Oh no. Not Christine. Even creepier Oh, no. Not Christine. Even creepier because this one involves throwing voices. And all of the sisters apparently were downstairs and the mom, Carolyn, was there. They were all making sandwiches for lunch. And all of a sudden they realized that Christine had vanished. They were like, where the fuck did Christine go?
Starting point is 00:45:20 I'm sure the 12-year-old said that, I think. I think you said that. You say it a lot. Where the fuck did Christine go I'm sure as the 12 year old said that I think I think you said that you say it a lot even is she paying again everyone starts freaking out looking for her they're like go check the go check outside you know everyone's kind of like scattering around looking for her and they find her upstairs trapped in a box and when they pull her out christine is freaking out and like even like shoves the mom away and is like why would you do that to me and the mom is like what are you talking about i was downstairs with everyone else and christine says she fell asleep on the bed
Starting point is 00:45:57 and carolyn her mom came in the room and told her to get in the box i am no no but christine apparently didn't know for sure that it she thought for sure it was carolyn but she wasn't sure because when she was woken up by carolyn's voice and told to get in the box she felt completely frozen and could not move and couldn't open her eyes all she could do was hear the voice oh my god so whatever was there was keeping her from being able to open her eyes and run so how did she get in the box so with her eyes closed and completely still something lifted her off the bed and put her in this box and i guess it was also an easy lid she should have been able to get out of but she was also stuck in there. This is so bad.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I'm so freaked out right now. It had her mother's voice. And also, creepily, it kept calling it the box when what her mom always called it was the antique trunk. So for her mom to, like, also, like, it feels. It wasn't even like what her mom called it. It feels like a black-eyed kid situation where they were trying to sound like. Yeah. They tried to sound correct and they were still kind of off oh so it's like if your mom always calls it the antique trunk and now she's saying get in the box it's just extra do we know is it something like they had like was it original to the house or was it like i think it was just
Starting point is 00:47:19 i think it was just something of theirs they They just brought with them. Yeah. Um, so even though all of this scary, but seemingly maybe non-evil spirits, even though those were all there, there was one specifically dark entity in this house and the parents refused to talk about it. I think maybe Andrea talked about it in her book a little bit, but they like, don't talk about it. And maybe andrea talked about it in her book a little bit but they like don't talk about it and andrea did say quote let's just say there was a very bad male spirit
Starting point is 00:47:53 in the home with five little girls so kind of a you do the math situation dear god oh no um also about a dozen they said on they if they had a guess between 10 and 12 entities were frequently at the house um i don't know if this like super malevolent one was one of them but they said there was like a good dozen spirits they were just familiar with at all times horrible um while this is all happening by the way because that's just the kids and they're like not telling their parents about this stuff unless like they get found out like being trapped in a box but they're not talking about like oh manny is hanging out with us and right our little sister's friends with one of the original richardson boys like they're not talking about that stuff so while that's all happening to the girls carolyn the mom is having her own evil experiences um you okay yeah okay i thought i thought you froze for a second and i went oh
Starting point is 00:48:53 no sorry sometimes when i eat i like do this like horrible freeze frame where my eyes don't blink so that's probably what happened i can't wait for your baby to also do that it'll freak you out every time he's not not going to love it. So while this is all happening, Carolyn is having her own experiences, and the spirits seem to be most threatened by her. So she's getting the real brunt of it. So is it just the mom and the kids? It's also the dad. So the dad's Roger, and he apparently didn't believe any of this for a long time.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Great. Okay. Go figure. Yeah. and he apparently like didn't believe any of this for a long time great okay go figure yeah i there were there was some differing notes that i found on different sources some said that he was aware of it but didn't have a problem with it because he was only like they were only treating him nicely oh great there was another one where like he didn't know for a long time there was another one where he ignored it there was another one where he felt uncomfortable but was aware and just didn't talk about it right so i'm gonna go on the assumption that like he was just kind of like blase and unaware until real shit started happening sure and so when this was all happening carol was having her own stuff and
Starting point is 00:49:59 andrea says quote we started seeing changes in my mother and she did not divulge to us what was happening she was having outrageous things happen to mother and she did not divulge to us what was happening she was having outrageous things happen to her but she did not tell her five little children obviously um so for carolyn it started with hearing like the broom sweeping which okay that sounds pretty dope like do my chores and then i'd be like my kids don't sweep i imagine my dishes are dirty too um you can do those next um she would see the broom or other items moving around they heard scraping and shuffling um but soon the family was starting to smell especially carolyn and i think this is where the dad started noticing something
Starting point is 00:50:37 they started waking up to the smell of rotting flesh yeah and they're a weird thing to wake up to also one article said it was every day at 5 15 a.m yuck uh also their hair and their legs were getting pulled and they had a lot of bats like hundreds of bats every night oh i guess in the movie they did kind of the same thing with crows and they said we did have crows but the bigger problem was bats um and they also said one of the bigger problems was flies which is super demonic yeah um Andrea said in an interview oh my god the flies bought flies by the millions the bot flies are only found around corpses and when we moved into the house we moved in in the middle of winter we moved in during a
Starting point is 00:51:26 snowstorm so there like shouldn't have been fucking flies oh no and within a day there were big fat black fuzzy flies and they were by the thousands we had an exterminator out twice but he could not find a breeding place anywhere in the house for them and then even creepier christine is later when the family started talking about all their experiences all the flies dropped dead at the same time okay yuck um first of all yuck second of all i don't mean like gross about bats in general i just mean an infestation of bats has got to be very scary for people i mean like it's like living in, like, Dracula's castle, I imagine. The flies that are supposed to be around dead bodies, no bueno.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I don't like that. Well, also, they're showing up, I guess, before. They're showing up in a house that's also smelling like rotting flesh. Yeah, exactly. I wonder how they all died at once. That's bizarre. So Lorraine Warren's theory is that they were harbingers of something to come. yeah exactly i wonder how they all died at once that's a that's bizarre so lorraine warren's theory is that they were harbingers of something to come and they maybe weren't actually real but
Starting point is 00:52:33 they were kind of a hallucinogen and they were announcing this is a quote they were announcing to you the mortals in the house the presence of the spirits okay wow and when you acknowledged what was because they dropped dead when they all started talking about what was going on with each other and when you acknowledged what was happening in the house their work was done that's heinous heinous as you like to say yuck yuck um also i love that you said hallucinogen instead of hallucination i know i know like they're eating it i wrote it out though just so you know untilinogen instead of hallucination. I know. Like they're eating it. I wrote it out, though, just so you know, until you've speed bumped me and let me know.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Riley, do you hear that bumping? No. Well, now it's gone as soon as I said that. Oh, my God. Like the flies. They're a harbinger of doom. Yes, the bowling ball- sized flies are jumping everywhere um that's true demonic shit
Starting point is 00:53:31 right there by the way though right yeah so uh eventually this is where things get real rough so eventually andrea has a dream and i it feels kind of like an actual projection situation because she's hovering over or standing in the room where Carolyn and Roger are sleeping, where her parents are sleeping. It's in the middle of the night and above her mom, Andrea sees a woman with no hands, but sticks under her sleeves. who knew andrea could see her hovering over her mom and her dad in the meantime looked very scratched up like he was attacked by an animal and roger was so even though he looked attacked he was i guess sleeping next to carolyn but carolyn could see this woman so andrea is seeing the mom awake, seeing the same thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Okay. She sees her dad either asleep or looking real fucking dead. Cause he looks attacked by something. Jesus. And the mom is awake seeing this woman with sticks for arms, staring at her. And the, the woman with sticks for arms knows that the daughter can
Starting point is 00:54:45 also see it yes oh yes um oh that's so fucking weird so i guess uh carolyn who was seeing this woman floating above her was trying to get her husband's attention but he was she thought he might be dead or something because he was not waking up and it could have been that like weird experience that people say they have with like sleep paralysis where like you're screaming for help and nobody can hear you or like maybe it bubbled the sound or the experience right but she was like grabbing at him and he wasn't moving so he like was completely like in a trance and unaware of what was going on or she thought he was dead and she was next. How scary.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And so, yeah, Andrea does a great job describing all this. There's two interviews on YouTube with a I just want to give them a shout out. It was a channel called 757 Paranormal, which I think is also virginia because 757 is one of our area codes oh so um uh they did two hour-long interviews with her and that's where i got a lot of this information so shout out um and so she's seeing all this happen she's seeing her mom like struggle to like wake her dad up um and the next morning andrea goes downstairs and sees her mom drawing something and she's drawing that woman and she says mom like we haven't talked about this stuff yet but like be honest with me what's did that happen to you last night and carolyn said yes and then her
Starting point is 00:56:20 dad came downstairs and his back was all scratched. Another night, Carolyn wakes up to the smell of smoke and no one else is awake. This is all Carolyn's story. She wakes up to the smell of smoke and she sees two tall apparitions at the foot of her bed. And then a woman enters the room. This woman had a snapped neck where her head was hanging off of her body no it's the bed neck lady she was holding a torch and in a very intimidating voice started chanting this incantation this is the long version that I heard Andrea recite at one point in one of her interviews. This was what this woman was chanting.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Twas mistress once before you came and mistress here will be a non will drive you with fiery broom and drive you mad with gloom. Jesus, what? What? what what which i guess was saying like i was the woman of the house before you get out we'll do whatever we have to to get you out of here like just you are not welcome here you're not welcome here and then i don't know if this was at the same time one of the one of the sources made it seem like it happened right after this chanting another source said it happened um on a different day but carolyn felt something stab her in the leg well okay oh no and they ended up saying it was perfectly circle as if like a sewing needle had impaled her ew was the quote perfectly circle as
Starting point is 00:58:00 if a sewing needle had impaled her um and so it wasn't like a weird stab or cut it was exactly a circle and after this i don't know if it was because like they had like gotten inside of her body at all by the stabbing motion or whatever but after this carolyn started rapidly declining she was super tired all the time she was super like they said she was like withering away um they said she was like girl what is sorry i'm sneezing so i have to keep myself i thought you were laughing i was like this is not a game no no i promise i uh i keep sneezing but i have to mute myself so i like do this whole rigmarole and I didn't want to interrupt. And like, here I am like doing worse than interrupting, like literally creating the
Starting point is 00:58:49 whole diversion. Do you need a minute? So sorry about that. I'm trying to also turn my phone on. Do not disturb. But I have the new update. Have you gotten the new update? And it's like, I'm very confusing.
Starting point is 00:59:01 So I'm trying to know you're good. She is getting picked up from his haircut So they keep texting me He's gonna look so handsome I love him He was so good when I saw him He misses you so much So uh
Starting point is 00:59:17 Yeah so she was in rapid decline Apparently she was like aging very quickly That's very creepy It was almost like now that they had made like physical contact with her they were like sucking the energy out of her i mean they're literally stabbing her too like i wouldn't feel good either yeah no i would not uh carolyn then decides she's like i need to look up the history of this house what the fuck is going on around here and while looking through the area's public record, she sees that there were eight generations of the Arnold family, the family that lived there forever.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Eight generations of them lived here, and many of them died on the property in very weird ways. Some of them died in ways including suicide. There was apparently multiple suicides. There was an attempted murder of an 11-year- old after a sexual assault on the 11 year old there was typhus drownings some one of the neighbors died from exposure after he passed out drunk um just a lot of death and andrea was quoted saying virtually every entity we were able to name had as living beings either died by their own hand or died so traumatic a death and so sudden a death that they didn't seem to know
Starting point is 01:00:31 they were dead that is terrifying oh i just got goose camp and then they're like why are you in my house yes that is going to be important later with that with the blueprint theory good call christine i'm so freaked out so uh one of the allegedly dark things to happen here was the murder of a baby for satanic rituals. Oh my God. What? So I said, allegedly,
Starting point is 01:00:56 cause we don't actually, there was a, there was a baby who died on the property and the rumor kind of spilled out that it was, um, on the property and the rumor kind of spilled out that it was um one of the neighbors was named Bathsheba Sherman wow what a name what a name and Bathsheba Sherman apparently was um or I think I don't know if Bathsheba because this she ends up being the main spirit in the Conjuring I was gonna say haven't you mentioned that name before I feel like i remember i think in the end lorraine one i did yeah because i remember commenting like with
Starting point is 01:01:28 the last name sherman and then i know sheba it's like what a combination i don't know if that was i think that was her name in real life too but her her maiden name was thayer okay bathsheba thayer that's a lot that's i hope you don't want this that would be a terrible curse oh no um so they i think the rumor just kind of spilled out that she was a witch in the area and i i think the way that the notes made sense to me was that she was actually watching a baby on the property and the baby did die in her care and they kind of turned it into a much more horrific version right yeah um which like to be fair i don't know she could have been a murderer she could have been but also it was like the early 1800s or mid 1800s and babies just die sometimes
Starting point is 01:02:16 so i don't i don't know if there was a disease going on i mean there was already typhus and other ways of people you know an accident so we don't know but there was already typhus and other ways of people, you know, an accident. So we don't know. But there was apparently a baby who died in her care on the property. And the story became that she was a local witch who killed the baby in exchange for like a pact with the devil to have everlasting beauty or something. Wow. Yeah. Was Bathsheba beautiful forever because that would answer that question I don't know and like I want to see her
Starting point is 01:02:50 at 95 like why do I feel like a man created that um why do I feel like it's like it must be eternal beauty that's the only thing a woman would kill for what else would a vain vain lady want yeah and uh apparently she killed the baby by stabbing it in the neck with a with a needle oh oh oh like a sewing needle like some say it could arguably be the same needle that from beyond stabbed carolyn fucking hell so um either again different sources had different stories so i'm not sure on the truth here but either there was no actual trial and this is all a fucking rumor, or they actually, she was, like, brought to court on this, and they ended up deciding there was no solid evidence to hold her,
Starting point is 01:03:37 but because of the story going around, the public already hated her anyway for the rest of time. Right. So either, she ended up just being hated uh there are also rumors that she had four kids and three of them didn't make it past infancy um but they use that as backing up the fact that she'd killed babies for satan okay that's versus like hey you could have just had three babies pass away in the 1800s. And people are turning it against you. Oh.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Yeah. Like, can you imagine? Like, she already lost three of her fucking babies. Yikes. The argument against that, too, is like, she had, like, why was the fourth baby worth keeping? And like, he grew up and got married and everything. Oh, so she had, right. So, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Whatever. Why was that one not, like, was she done with her pact at that point i don't know so uh she there's also no proof that she was actually a practicing witch at the time this could just all become part of the lore although one of the people that carolyn talked to in her research was a historian who actually did know bathsheba when he was a boy and he said that she was a bitter evil woman and uh he did not like her he at the point at the time that he met her she was already in her 70s and was just like a really nasty person um there's also rumors that she had farm hands on her property that she like tortured
Starting point is 01:05:04 oh god but again i don't know how real that is i don't know if that's just like part of the she had farm hands on her property that she like tortured. Oh God. But again, I don't know how real that is. I don't know if that's just like part of the, the lore that she was a witch that beaten starved everybody, you know? And I also feel like if I were in my seventies and everyone fucking hated me and blamed me for the death of my children,
Starting point is 01:05:19 I'd fucking hate everyone back. Yeah. Yeah, truly. So I don't know what the deal is, but a lot of people use all this information i think the producers of the conjuring used a lot of this information for their version of bath sheba i mean um and so lots of lore is wrapped around how she died
Starting point is 01:05:38 also there was different versions of how she died they all say like oh she was a witch that when she died her body turned into stone but like i'm pretty sure she had a stroke say like oh she was a witch that when she died her body turned into stone but like i'm pretty sure she had a stroke like like i'm pretty sure she like had like literal paralysis or something and so they all said that she when she died it was as if her body turned to stone just to make the story more interesting yikes so um anyway remember bathsheba for a little bit later on i will not forget her. Don't you worry. But currently, you just have to know that Caroline saw this woman in her dreams and got stabbed in the leg.
Starting point is 01:06:10 And it's implied that Bathsheba was this woman. OK. So while looking for answers and doing all this research, she also this is 1973 at this point. They've been in the house for, I think, three years. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. While looking for answers, she sees an ad in the paper
Starting point is 01:06:28 about an organization called PIRO, which is Parapsychological Investigation and Research Organization. Love it. She called them in, and as they were looking around the house, this, by the way, was led by two investigators who are brothers
Starting point is 01:06:44 named Keith and Carl. Classic. house um this by the way was led by two investigators who are brothers named keith and carl uh and classic keith and as they were looking around the house once they got there they immediately started hearing footsteps and all these noises and they were like they were like it was as loud as day like these were true footsteps of someone upstairs and then we looked at the kids being like oh who's up there and the kids were like do you not understand yet like this is what this is oh my god it's like that happens every day that's manny he's getting fucked up again carl apparently saw a black fog in the corner of his eye um which like moved towards him and it surrounded him he was surrounded in this black cloud and then it vanished um and this fog becomes something that everyone that's lived in that house has seen at least once um including andrea she said that the fog was actually the most common thing she
Starting point is 01:07:36 interacted with um but so carl also saw the black fog zach himself zb has seen he did not oh he did he freaked the fuck out actually this ghost adventures episode was really good it was a 90 minute special and he was fucking losing it he was i want to see that the ones where he's where they're genuine when he's genuinely freaked out actually genuinely freak me he was genuinely freaked out yeah yeah um and so carl saw the fog and as for keith when he was doing the walkthrough, there was a window that never closed. I guess it was stuck, like it had warped or something. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:10 And when he asked, like, oh, are you religious? Like, you should, if you are, you should call upon Jesus and ask for help. And as soon as he said the name Jesus, the window slammed shut so hard that the whole house shook. Oh, no. And that was when Keith knew that there was a demon. Yeah. Yeah. They're like, don't you say that name in my house.
Starting point is 01:08:30 If you would like me to stop, that is the first half of the Perrin family haunting. Dude. A.k.a. the Harrisville farmhouse. Freaky stuff. I'm genuinely going to be, I think, going to be scared tonight. It's a good one, right? I think I'm genuinely going to be scared. I was like, this be scared tonight. It's a good one, right? I was like, that's genuinely going to be scary. I was like, this feels very Halloween-y.
Starting point is 01:08:48 It does. This feels super spooky. Scary, dude. Welcome back, everybody, to Christine wrapping her body with gauze. Listen, here's the thing. I tried to go pee and everything went to shit. Not literally. Sorry. that's wrong
Starting point is 01:09:05 terminology what i meant was all my bandages all my bandages fell off not my bandages my mummy gauze listen don't worry about it well anyway i hope you enjoyed my um my my scary house it really freaked me out i'm not gonna lie i i wasn't watching the emfs the whole time i was like too distracted by like part of me kind of wishes i told the whole story today just because i want to keep the the vibe like while it feels all spooky and everything so i'm gonna need you to really channel that next week when we were oh always i love it this way we have two weeks in a row of super spooky yes exactly all right well now i have oh we're okay i got scared for a second you have a lot of responsibility okay when you make these flinching motions i know it was my bad send me into a tizzy so tell me a story that is equally spooky and if it's not i will scream out of anger not out of
Starting point is 01:10:08 fear like it's like i should on halloween being a big baby just okay okay i thought we'd gotten past that i guess not tell me a halloween time story i'd like to be spooked please okay i had to take my that was fucking spooky i just watched you regurgitate candy i don't know you could see that that was my lemon head i didn't want to keep chewing on it and make the sound really awful for everybody so i put it in the wrapper i know that's gross i'll eat it again later okay that's the gross part christine what are you talking about okay anyway moving forward okay so i have some fun stuff today um i originally had some notes prepared and then i looked at them last night and was like oh no these are way too much of a bummer like just
Starting point is 01:10:52 just it was just too much and it was about you told me there was a lot of children getting hurt yeah it was just a lot of stuff toward children i was like that's not a hollow in the halloween let's leave that for next week hi juniper um so. Um, so instead I was like, what is Halloweeny that I have that I have prepared? Um, and I remembered that last year, I think it was like a year and a half ago now. Um, I, so I have my little YouTube channel, the X teen files, and I had done a, an episode on creepy clown stories, like true creepy clown stories stories and I still have the notes from that and I um I have like a whole list here some of it's not on the video of like uh real life creepy clown stories from around the world so I'm gonna share them oh okay and um some of them are in that
Starting point is 01:11:40 youtube video some are not some are not and then in the youtube video I have other people who've emailed in their stories to me. So those are not on this because I didn't get their permission to share it on the podcast. But I have that. And then I have some other little listicles and fun facts and stuff. Love a listicle.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Oh, my god. Me too. So this is from, I mean, fully upfront, it's from Wikipedia. But they had the best summation of creepy crime, true crime clown stories available. Sometimes Wikipedia has it. They do and they list their sources, you know, it's like, listen, it got a lot of hate when we were in elementary school, but I feel like it's a pretty great source. Look, I've used it a few times. Sometimes it's all you can do. That's true. When I was QAnon, how on earth do you explain something like that without looking at a different plot summary first?
Starting point is 01:12:32 Yes, exactly. And then they give you sources. They cite their sources and you can build off their sources. Anyway, I'm a lover of Wikipedia. So the episode that I originally did was called Followed Home by a Clown. I didn't even re-watch it I don't know if it's any good but oh I'm gonna redo it here or at least do like a different spin on it so um first off I want to mention that do you know this is a little quiz do you know what
Starting point is 01:12:56 the fear of clowns is called a phobia of clowns sawin phobia what no oh oh i was thinking of the fear of halloween yeah no that was one of the things that was one of the things i almost asked you in my trivia oh that would have been like that was a very fast and very wrong answer wow and something a phobia um no i don't know clowns it's called coulrophobia spelled c-o-u-l-r-o ph-O-phobia. I feel like I've heard of it or seen it before, but I'll never retain it. Yeah, probably not. I'll ask you again next year. Okay. So from, coulrophobia is the irrational fear of clowns can cause panic
Starting point is 01:13:36 and nausea. Although it's a rare phobia, many people find clowns creepy, if not downright scary. So even people who don't have an actual phobia of clowns, many of us understand why they're creepy. Sorry, I'm sorry. No, they are creepy as shit. Yeah. And got a degree in it for some godforsaken reason, but that's okay. I felt like being creepy, I guess. I don't know. I mean, you did a good job and you're still going strong. Thank you. Okay. So this is a story from Australia. I'm just going to read these and you can respond in kind.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Okay. Australia, two 12-year-old girls were with a parent, I believe this was 2005, buying ice cream when they were attacked by a creepy clown. While attacking the girls, the clown tried to steal one girl's phone. I thought it was going to say ice cream cone, but it says phone. phone that was me as a clown that was me yeah yours is even more sinister you took their ice cream right out of their hand um can i ask um 2012 what what was the year where like the year of clowns where like it was really fizzy creepy that was was this, uh, I think this, this year, uh, I think it was 2012, 12 or was it 2015? Hang on. There was like, for those of you who don't remember, there was a year where like, it became like a really sick prank where like everyone would 16, 2016, sorry. 2016.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I remember being in college. Everyone was dressed as, or I guess it was after college then. Yikes. I was like, I'm not in college at then yikes i was like i was not in college at that point everyone was like people were dressing up in clowns and like like standing in front of people's homes and like acting like they were gonna like stalk them that's what these are from sorry i should have been more for more clear about that yes these are no no stories from that like year-long period where everybody was like all over the world can you imagine if during that time there was also tiktok i feel like oh i feel like everyone first of all everyone's algorithms would have been fucked and i feel
Starting point is 01:15:35 like there would at least been double or triple the amount of scares it would have been bad like it didn't really a new level yeah because we did have youtube and all that but this tiktok would have made it so much worse yeah no you're completely right um so yeah these are all kind of from that the clown scare of that like year-long period what a weird thing to have to tell our grandkids about one i know they're not gonna make they're not gonna understand it i literally talked about that in that youtube video i was like because two people sent in clown stories from their like adolescence and i was like i want to look into this and i i was like god i don't i don't know i'm just so glad i wasn't a participant in any of this because i feel like that would have gotten my coulrophobia
Starting point is 01:16:18 sky high i don't know uh-huh yeah i would have developed it for sure. For sure. Okay, so Finland, October 18th. There were two sightings of people dressed as clowns. First, around 10 people dressed as clowns jumped out of a gray van at a playground at the school. They started to hunt down three kids who escaped to an underpass where another clown was waiting with a chainsaw. Holy shit. These are real stories, like news news articles these aren't like urban legends also like hunt that was like that was the word we chose okay whoever's this journalist is like very intentional with their verbiage uh later two adults with white overalls and pig masks were
Starting point is 01:17:01 running behind at least one child and a few teenagers. Oh, good. So we're in the purge. Yeah, it's literally the purge now. On the evening of October 22nd in Helsinki, two clowns jumped in front of a 30-year-old man who was jogging with his dog. The dog bit one of the clowns. Good puppy.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Good boy. Or girl. Good boy or girl. And the man punched another of the clowns. However, the clowns managed to escape. the man made a police report of the incident the police did not find suspects i mean even like something i'm stupid face hang on let me get it i'm gonna get a screenshot because i think eva's internet went out okay i just wanted a screen grab of that um i'm doing my job i'm keeping with character exactly and i wanted it for posterity's sake yeah show this to your baby one day when it's like this could have been you but you didn't
Starting point is 01:17:51 want to come out yet so i had to take the reins my baby's gonna get emrophobia and never want to look at you lying all right i'm lying i know um okay so i mean even like i know that these are like oh a clown jumped out and scared a man while he was jogging. But like if that happened to me, I'd be fucking terrified. Oh, I mean, like it's funny when like you first hear it and haven't processed any of the information. Yeah. Like the second you put yourself in that person's shoes, if anyone, whether or not they're in an outfit, is jumping out at you. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Can you put yourself in that person's shoes? If anyone, whether or not they're in an outfit, is jumping out at you. Exactly. Let alone something even more jarring and freaky as something people are already uncomfortable with. And your poor dog. I mean, your dog's never going to recover from that. Your dog officially has whatever that phobia is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:36 The first dog. It's going to be on Dr. Phil someday. Trying to process. But, like, good for that person. Honestly, like, I am very especially especially the year of the clowns when people were trying to scare people and really freak them out like i'm all for punching those clowns in the face absolutely and like get the fuck away from me this isn't funny attacked yeah whether you're right like you're completely right whether they're
Starting point is 01:19:02 in a clown costume or not like you're being attacked yeah of course you're gonna get terrified and defensive well the thing that freaked me out with the in 2016 was that enough people thought it was funny that people who thought it was who took it seriously and were dangerous people were also playing along with it to get people near them so it's like eventually everyone needed to really be aware of what you don't know that person's intentions. They could literally be stabbing you. Yeah. Or just doing it for fun. They could be hoping you get near them and their prop knife is like actually a real knife
Starting point is 01:19:32 and it's awful. Yeah. Put your pacifier back in. Okay. New Zealand. On October 2016. See, some of these are just silly. In October 2016, a person dressed as a clown stole a box of beer and handed it to a bicycling
Starting point is 01:19:44 accomplice. That was literally me trying to help you that was a bicycling accomplice in a baby bonnet uh grab the beer that was me grabbing the beer and passing it off to you that was it that see that one's fine because like i mean you know don't steal but at least you're not like harming a person i feel less threatened by that yes that's like their own personal game they're not like yeah exactly they're in and they're out you know they're in there's no sick waiting game what if the bicycle was one of those like 12 foot bicycles because it's like okay you know i really wish you just only told me the headline with that information of like there was actually 12 smaller clowns stacked on top of each other all bicycling
Starting point is 01:20:25 one big trench coat on a tricycle yeah uh let's see in england on october 12th uh a tradesman in lancashire apparently tackled a knife-wielding man dressed as a clown and suffered serious injuries yep the clown was said to have had a green way okay well you'll hear hold on no spoilers the clown was said to have had a green wig and was wearing a quote silky green tracksuit with yellow lines down the sleeves and long gothic black boots it was later revealed to be a hoax the man oh okay the man had simply fallen on broken glass and fabricated the clown attack he was prosecuted for wasting the time of the lancashire police for wasting time why would you do that i wish i could call the police on people wasting my time like i would be in jail for the rest of
Starting point is 01:21:18 my life okay clearly you're putting people in jail for wasting your time, how come I can't call it out my time? You're right. Your time is very valuable. She's in Newport, Kentucky, folks. Go get her. Honestly, I just think it's wild that you fell on some glass and instead of admitting it, you were like, no, a clown in a silky green tracksuit did it. It's like, why is that the better option? What a specific description. Couldn't you just say a clown in clown clothes? he went that way and then just run i think he was probably
Starting point is 01:21:49 in too deep and they were like well what was he wearing he's like a track suit what color was it green really like playing a guessing game there with himself oh that just seems like it's like when people say the more specific you are the more more like if you're lying, be vague. Yes, exactly. You sound fishy when you're like it was gothic boots. Like you're so specific. Like he was wearing clothes. The end.
Starting point is 01:22:13 That's all I got for you. He was a clown. I don't know what to tell you. I was too busy paying attention to him attacking me and not his tracksuit. Okay. So now we're in the United States. So we're going to go by states. okay so now we're in the united states so we're gonna go by states so in california on october 5th a person dressed as a clown was accused of trying to kidnap a one-year-old child from his
Starting point is 01:22:32 mother see yep and no arrests were ever made and the guy was not caught so it's like that's not good that's terrifying could it have been one of those wrinkles situations wrinkles situations the clown named wrinkles oh that thing you may try to make me watch even though i demanded you Could it have been one of those wrinkles situations? Wrinkles situations. The clown named Wrinkles? Oh, that thing you may try to make me watch, even though I demanded you turn it off. Which, by the way, I hope you're covering him in these notes, because that's certainly a 2012, 2016 vibe of clowns. I'm not covering Wrinkles. For those of you who don't know, just go watch Wrinkles on Netflix or Hulu or whatever it was. It was on Hulu.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Don't watch it. I already told Emma. I was like, I know what this is turn it off it's a it's a guy for hire who dresses as clowns and intentionally terrifies children he like hides in like trundle beds at night the parents know like they pay him to do this and he like hides under children's beds like those parents should be arrested i'm sorry that's horrifying um okay kentucky here we go on october 1st a woman reported that while she was walking on a trail at night a clown came out of the woods assaulted her and attempted to drag her into the woods officials reported that the woman was able to fight the
Starting point is 01:23:37 clown off and escape while also stating that this is the first clown sighting in clark county kentucky on the same, a man in Bardstown mistook a woman wearing a white Afghan out walking her dog for a clown and fired a warning shot with an AR-15 to scare her. That sounds like Kentucky. The first like machine gun comes into play and it's my state. Love it. Well, like also how do you mistake someone in a white Afghan as a clown? Well, like, also, how do you mistake someone in a white Afghan as a clown? For a clown? I mean, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:24:08 What is that person's interpretation of a clown? I think the lady's walking a dog. Like, leave her alone. Yeah. Like, if anything, at least the clown isn't doing anything. Yeah, like, it's not attacking you. God. And so that's horrifying. Chicago, Illinois.
Starting point is 01:24:21 A person in clown attire was spotted in a cemetery in Chicagoago illinois in july of 2015 see ya yup this occurrence involved two residents who spotted the quote creepy clown scaling the gate at the rose hill cemetery late at night after the clown entered the cemetery they turned to face the residents other two of them sorry after the clowns entered the cemetery they turned to face the residents and began waving slowly. Oh, it's the slow wave. It's also the intentional slow wave of like wanting you to be so disgusted. And the people there videotaped it, I guess. After waving for, oh, sorry, I misread it. They meant they as in like we don't know the pronouns of this clown.
Starting point is 01:25:02 So it was. Well, that's polite of them. They're at least fair. Yeah. They're at least fair fair yeah yeah we're using words like um what was the word they oh hunt but we're also right isn't they them pronouns they are hunting them they are hunting the children um yeah so the closed clown attire guy scaled the fence two residents spotted the clown attire who turned around and started waving slowly and they videotaped it after waving for a few seconds the clown ran into a dark wooded area and was not seen again police investigation of the sighting did not lead to any arrests also that's really weird that this clown is climbing into a cemetery late at night meaning
Starting point is 01:25:39 like he doesn't know anyone's gonna see him yeah like what's he doing what if no one's there what was the hope there that you wouldn't be seen or that you would be seen because either way i hate it yikes and i would say like maybe it was a prank but if the people literally went and reported it to the police like i imagine it wasn't just like a youtube hoax whatever okay michigan two attacks were reported in sterling heights a detroit suburb in the first incident a seven-year-old boy was approached outside of his home at 6 50 p.m by a person of an unspecified gender with red hair a red nose and red facial features wielding a sharp object the clown scratched the boy's arm with the object then fled the boy suffered a minor injury i know it's horrible like some of the some of those
Starting point is 01:26:22 clowns like the point was they wanted you to interact with them. And then all of a sudden they're hurting you. Yeah, it's terrible. It's terrible. No, no, no. I'm not a fan. Also on October 6th, two 14-year-old girls were terrorized by two teenage women dressed as clowns who jumped out of a car and chased them. In a press release after their arrest, the Roseville police chief referred to them as morons and idiots.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Oh, classy. That's nice. I mean, they're not wrong. I think they're... Gio! You look so handsome! My TikTok star! Come here, show Uncle M your nice haircut. Let me see your little tushy. Let me see your fluffy tail. Look at M over here.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Oh, well, he can't hear me, can he? No, he can't hear you. So sweet. Wow. You are so floofy. It's torture. Look at that soft, blow dried hair. I know he's all clean for once in his life.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Silky. Silky smooth. Sorry, I couldn't get a good angle on that. But trust me, he looks better than usual. Oh, good, good. Oh, his booty is all floofy. Wow, that's new. I love a fluffy tush.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Oh, so handsome. Okay, let's see. So we did in Michigan, morons and idiots. North Carolina. On September 4th, children in a Winston-Salem neighborhood reported to the police about a person dressed as a clown trying to lure them into the woods. They described him as wearing white overalls and gloves, red shoes, and bushy red hair. His face was described as white with a red nose. They claimed he offered them treats if they would go with him.
Starting point is 01:27:57 According to police, an adult heard but did not see the clown. It's even creepier to just hear. Yeah. Ew. Hi, folks. Like the clown voice. I have treats for you.'s you it's almost worse come into the definitely not worse it sounds awful though of like hearing someone lure children away yes it does the most classic way that we're all taught not to believe the like class right
Starting point is 01:28:19 the classic which makes me wonder like the people who are trying that line it's like don't you know everyone's been i mean i guess it's still sadly successful sometimes but i would think like when you try a different tactic i guess that's the maybe that's their point if they're trying to just scare you they're like doing the most obvious like oh right right you know it's like what else would be scarier to hear from a creepy clown i hate it it's bad um well we're in ohio now my other home on september 29th a woman oh that's today no that's in two days a woman was attacked while on her porch while she was smoking she claimed that a man dressed as a clown grabbed her throat and said i should just kill you now are you fucking kidding
Starting point is 01:29:02 me see what this is the problem folks this is it right here are you kidding me yeah like on her porch she's minding her own business like on her property and now she's been like not only wildly physically assaulted but beyond threatened and like probably traumatized the victim also stated he said that quote some students and teachers would wish they were never born at the junior and senior high school today. Oh my God. So I realized now when it says Reading School Superintendent, which is literally in Cincinnati, so I was like super duper.
Starting point is 01:29:37 That prompted Reading School Superintendent Chuck LaFotta to cancel Friday classes in the area, prompting local private school Mount Notre Dame to close as well. So apparently this was a Cincinnati event. Well, hey, I'm proud of the teachers for being like they took it seriously like we're not going back to school then like at least they took it seriously i'd be terrified to go back to school the day after like oh yeah oh my god no very very happy that they at least did something versus like just shrugged it off like they took it seriously um oklahoma on 16, 2016, just outside the city limits of Pryor, Oklahoma, a female motorist was reportedly attacked by two clowns after being flagged down by a woman posing as a motorist in need of assistance. She said the clowns forcibly dragged the motorist from her vehicle, choked her, extinguished a cigarette on her face, and wrote the words clown posse on her forehead.
Starting point is 01:30:23 She later confessed to having made up the story and said she was responsible for her own injuries ew she wrote clown posse on her own she burnt herself with a cigarette oh no people are unwell is all i'm gonna say but i mean sadly it had gotten to a point at least in 2016 i wouldn't believe that a thousand percent i know because it's like things, I mean, if someone's getting choked on their own porch and. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Yeah. It wasn't just like, it really did start in the beginning of like being far away and just like giving a creepy aesthetic. And it very quickly became like. Someone out there is going to realize that it's a trend now to completely cover your face, be unidentifiable yeah the fuck
Starting point is 01:31:05 you want with the intention of freaking someone out it for notoriety like that was it was such strangers easy cocktail for like bad people to get in the mix and it happened especially when they just targeted children too because it was like oh such a haha trope to target children with yeah costumes i mean that's sick it was was awful. Well, here's my, I think the creepiest one. This is the last one of the state lists. This is South Carolina on August 21st, 2016.
Starting point is 01:31:31 There was an alleged clown sighting in Greenville at the Fleetwood Manor apartment complex. Children in the complex reportedly witnessed clowns or a group of clowns attempting to whisper or talk to the children. Oh no. Especially in an apartment complex like that's people's home you're home you live there that's not even a park or something where you can run away right it's literally at your home yikes the children told their parents that the clowns equipped with
Starting point is 01:31:56 flashing green laser lights said they lived in an abandoned house in the woods near a small lake greenville police came to the complex to investigate and did find a trail in the woods leading to a small house and small lake, but no evidence of clown paraphernalia was found. While some of these reports have been harmless, other reports have been more suspicious. In one instance, a woman reported a person in a clown costume was standing in her backyard and ran away as she took a picture. In one case, an individual heard clanging chains and a banging noise at his front door, while other cases report a clown offering money or candy to children to follow them into the woods. Oh, my fucking God.
Starting point is 01:32:36 What in the world? One town in South Carolina. Like, yuck. So that's terrible. That's just a list of some fun fat fun true crime clown facts um now i have a little bit about the fear of the coulrophobia oh the thing i now have cool thing we all have now you're welcome um from oh i'm so glad the fear of clowns m what do you think what causes it uh i would imagine it's something about their the makeup and
Starting point is 01:33:09 like taking away facial expression oh okay i like that i mean i was just kind of being sarcastic because it says a traumatic event so well yeah no i think on a deeper level you're 100 right like i some here's something that you'll now notice about people, everyone. I always notice when someone's eyebrows don't move. Yeah. Like when people with Botox don't have expressions. It freaks me out. No, like I've met people who like have, like, I don't know what, just naturally, like they like aren't expressive in their eyebrows and it freaks me out.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Like even when they're making faces that like would warrant your eyebrows to move. Yeah. They just stay and it freaks me out. Like even when they're making faces that like would warrant your eyebrows to move. Yeah. They just stay. And it freaks me out every time. And so I think there's something in the eyebrows and the fact that you take them away and you make like little rainbow arches and stuff. And then you like your whole face, like all of your lines are covered up. I think it's got to be something like that. Well, aren't you the one?
Starting point is 01:34:02 I think you taught me something about, you taught me a lot about clowns. Don't get me wrong. But I think you taught me something about, you taught me a lot about clowns. Don't get me wrong, but I think you taught me something about clowns where there were different types of clowns. Right. And what, what are they again? Do you remember the,
Starting point is 01:34:12 the main one, the one that freaks me out, it freaks people out the most is white face because it has such, it has such few characteristics on its face. It's like a literal white face. And so there's at least the other ones like they're at least depending on the makeup if it's like circles and everything it's creepy but at least more friendly versus some other clowns that do like triangles and corners and
Starting point is 01:34:36 like subconsciously freaks people out that it's like danger because it's corners and sharp whoa that's very freudian isn't um but isn't there one that was like a sad clown that gets made fun of or something and then one is like a am i making that up i thought there were like three types of you're right i'm trying to remember them now i mean i'm putting you on the spot this was like years ago that you told me this no it's just if you don't use it you lose its situation but if you just type in three the three types of concerns white face the only reason i know white face is because that's the one i was i was the oh god three types of clowns see i should have done this research in advance i'm sorry the white face the august and the that's the one you
Starting point is 01:35:17 told me about yeah august is like the sad one i think yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um and then there's one just called the character clown but that's yeah oh the hobo that's the one i know yeah okay um okay interesting yeah i remember you teaching me that and i was like oh because i feel like the concept of clowns comes from such an old creepy tradition anyway like there's yeah that's um it's white face uh august and then hobo or the tramp but the tramp has a whole bunch of like categories subcategories including hobo and things like that wow but yeah the i think the hobo is or the tramp is usually like the the sad one and the august is like the funny one and then the white face is like the straight man, I think. Okay. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:36:06 I think that's how it works. I'm definitely blanking. I just feel like it comes from such a creepy tradition anyway. Or like not a creepy tradition, but like just such an odd tradition that it was bound to be creepy no matter what. I don't know. It's just a creepy concept. It really is something I think about covering up all of your facial expressions to imply that someone. That's my, it's totally just a personal thought.
Starting point is 01:36:27 But I would think if you can't distinguish non-verbally that you're a safe person. Yeah. Then like, and if the fact that everything, all their personality is so over exaggerated. Yeah. It's like really overstimulating. It's like very jarring. Yeah. No, I totally agree.
Starting point is 01:36:43 But then there's something creepy about the fact that like all these creepy people they're not even doing anything they're just standing there with really happy smiles on and just like slowly waving and it's like none of it feels like a normal human i wonder if that's part of it too is that like they're usually so bubbly and bouncy so that when they're creepy and still it's like yeah off i don't know oh yeah i mean that's kind of like if you're i imagine if you're like laughing and having a good time that's one thing but if you're like standing still all of a sudden like it's really really disturbing yeah I agree okay so that you don't like about about clowns um you know I would agree that I get uncomfortable when I can't see somebody's that I can't read their
Starting point is 01:37:24 face I think that's it. Because I don't love the mascots. I'm just not like a, I don't know, it just freaks me out to have like super friendly fake face at me. Yeah, agreed. It is unnatural. I think that probably unsettles people, I would think. So Healthline says phobias often come from a variety of sources, usually a deeply traumatic and frightening event like probably all of the above. Occasionally, however, you'll come across a fear with roots you can't identify, meaning you don't know why you're so intensely afraid of a thing in question.
Starting point is 01:37:54 You just are. In the case of coulrophobia, there are a few likely causes. First is scary movies. There's a connection between scary clowns and media and people being intensely afraid of them. Viewing too many scary movies with clowns at an impressionable age can have a lasting impact, even if it was just once at a friend's sleepover. Okay. Aw. Sad. Two is traumatic experiences. Having an experience that involves a clown where you are paralyzed with terror or were unable to escape the situation could be classified as a traumatic experience.
Starting point is 01:38:25 or you're paralyzed with terror or were unable to escape a situation could be classified as a traumatic experience. Your brain and body would be wired from that point to flee any situation involving clowns. While this isn't always the case, it's possible that your phobia may be tied to traumas in your life, and it is important to discuss this with a therapist or family member. I'm loving the mental awareness. I know. Mental health awareness here. I know. I love a good Healthline article.
Starting point is 01:38:43 I read a lot during my pregnancy. I love that they're on the up and up of clowns. Yeah. They're like, we got you covered. Don't even worry about it. And then the third one is a learned phobia. And it says, this one is a little less common, but it's equally possible that you may have learned your fear of clowns from a loved one or trusted authority figure. We learn rules about the world from our parents and other adults. So seeing your parent or older sibling terrified of clowns may have taught you that clowns are a thing to fear so um i mean and then you think about like john wayne gacy and it's like well he didn't fucking help right like i don't know he was not um one of our favorite clowns no for sure he didn't give them a good
Starting point is 01:39:21 reputation that to be desired i would say not did not, did not, did not, did not. So that's the end of my clowning. But I do want to, I did also do a little dig into, just for fun, Halloween true crime stats to see like what I could dig up. And it is, I've learned it's pretty much an urban legend that crime goes up on Halloween. The only thing that really does go up is like vandalism uh-huh which is a crime obviously but in terms of like the stuff we cover like true crime um it's not necessarily true that like you know there's a big spike in violence i would be i would expect i guess i under like are they talking like burglaries and
Starting point is 01:40:05 stuff because people are out and so you could break into houses and steal or definitely that too i think mostly like i would my thought was like egging houses all that mischief stuff but also i think burglar burglaries and that kind of thing perhaps as well um but i know uh from high school i can tell you underage drinking goes up for sure. Oh, that I believe. Crime in that way. Also, I imagine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I found it a little listicle here. And this is from a website called emc So fully a biased website about a security home security system but they had some fun facts about security on halloween and tips that you can do to keep yourself safe so i thought it
Starting point is 01:40:50 could be helpful um so they say take the following steps below to ensure you your family and your home safety on halloween uh if you leave the house leave the lights on because, as Em said, you know, if burglars don't think you're home, well, not good. Don't post on social media until you're home. Even if you're out at, like, a party or whatever, like, save that for when you get back so that you're not leaving people to know you're not at home. Smart. Posting a picture on Facebook of your pets or kids at a party across town lets criminals know your house is empty and a prime target clear your car of any valuables because also with people like roaming the streets you don't know how people right someone's gonna just slide in and be
Starting point is 01:41:38 under the radar um let's see remove anything uh you don't want to lose from your car keep your doors and windows locked even when you're home it's easy to forget to lock your door after you finished handing out candy so even when you come in from just handing out some candy just lock it behind you you never know that's also a Christine a desperate Christine ask of you because always lock your damn door if Christine is asking please do it please or just tell me you did to make me feel better but that also makes it just as easy for a burglar to slip in when you've stepped away from handing out candy so lock your doors uh move valuables out of sight because if people are coming to your door they can see your tv they can see so smart right like cover up anything that
Starting point is 01:42:23 might be laying out even someone's shitty father who's walking them around trick-or-treating could come up to your door and see what you've got going on there so they can come back later that's some crystal goblets in there i'm gonna come back for those later i am i would i would break into someone's house for some crystal goblets you kidding me in that bonnet too and it would be traumatizing i would do a slow baby wave i would develop whatever the fear of oversized babies is um because i think i already have it uh let's see uh let's see yeah move eyeballs i would say if trick-or-treaters can spot your flat screen screen tv from your doorway so can a burglar uh smart or crystal goblet i guess um sign up baby and then
Starting point is 01:43:06 this is kind of horrific baby uh and then sign up for monitored home security which you know you could go with emc security they seem to be on top of their shit but you know you could do any home security system you want this is not an ad i just found their website so they do seem to be promoting themselves though with like you're gonna want to read this article on our security website and it's funny because i read like several and i was like oh this is like the most helpful though like this is the most like actually interesting one um so they did a good job but yeah so if you you know just lock i guess just don't treat i know people on halloween it's kind of like people are coming to your house for good times and people are coming in and out or like up into your door but like you know you never know who's in the
Starting point is 01:43:48 who's not everybody has good intentions i guess is what i'm trying to say um i hope nobody dresses as a clown this year if you do please don't come to my house i'm not interested and just like if you do stay far away like that's the best thing you can do is like maybe just take a selfie, put it on Instagram and then go take the makeup off. And then do something different. And that's only if like if that's your profession or something and you're known in your area as that, fine. But if today's the day you become a clown, I don't I don't want to be there with you. I would rather not participate in that experience with you. I can't wait to hear about it later, though.
Starting point is 01:44:24 Yeah, true. Fair. Send it in to us for sure um i'll also say like this is for your own safety because i feel like people now have kind of a uh a go card like anytime they see somebody too close as a clown like they can lash out and be violent toward you so it's for your own safety like it is for your own safety a thousand percent. Just keep a hula hoop with you maybe and put it on you and just know that that's the safe space. Don't get closer. COVID safety also. So there you go. Social distancing, clowns.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I'm into that. I'm into that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Man. I guess no matter what you're dressed as, keep your distance from strangers. Okay, that's fair actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to write my own article.
Starting point is 01:45:04 It's going gonna be really messy and i don't know i just want to write a listicle and that security website's gonna be pissed at you for stealing their idea oh i'm just jealous that's all anyway so that's all i've got just some creepy listicle fun facts love a good listicle love a good clown love a good uh safety tip yay be safe out there everybody i hope everyone has all of their favorite candies do you have a favorite candy this halloween you're hoping to get you know it's a sweet little baby oh god um great question m thank you for asking i really like anything chocolatey with like texture so like a snickers i love a good snickers I love a good Snickers.
Starting point is 01:45:46 You love a good peanut. Everything you want has a peanut in it. I love a good Almond Joy too, though. But you don't like that, do you? I love a good Almond Joy. I don't like the mounds. I don't either. I'm not a fan of the mounds.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Yeah. What do I want? I love the green Kit Kats. I've already told you about that. Oh, those are fun. Yeah. Yep. And they're called Witch's Brew flavor, which is so fun.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Well, now that it's Halloween, obviously, I've got a bowl of Count Chocula waiting for me in the kitchen. So there's that. And then. I love Kit Kats. Oh, my God. By the time people hear this, Halloween will have already passed. But since it's the beginning of October.
Starting point is 01:46:20 It'll be on Halloween. So it'll be like the day of. Yeah. Well, right. Yeah. Well, right. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:30 And right now in current you and me time. Yeah. I'm very excited to get the apple cider cracked open and do some spooky stuff and watch some spooky movies. Yay. As for Halloween though, I'm sad that that means that like people feel like they, that might have to end in the next week or so. So I hope that everyone is coping well with the fact that spooky season is coming to an end
Starting point is 01:46:49 I hope you get all your last fall festivals the good news is it's still sweater weather still sweater weather and we still got pumpkins so don't worry they're not going anywhere well I hope go to all your fall festivals while you still can figure out your Thanksgiving plans if that means staying home and eating mac and cheese like I did last year, it's a good plan. I've tried it. Tried and true. And other than that, happy Halloween, everyone. I hope everyone feels spooky.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Christmas time. Don't worry. We're going to do it all over again. It's okay. It's just not the spooky times. The cycle continues. I know. But we'll keep the spooky times.
Starting point is 01:47:21 We always do. That's kind of what we're here for. All right. Well, I guess we'll talk about those holidays when We always do. That's kind of what we're here for. All right. Well, I guess we'll talk about those holidays when we get there. Oh, and then our tour's coming. And then, like, you'll be fine because you'll get to see us. Basically, by March is when you should really start worrying about yourself. Then we're going to be sad.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Yeah. And that's why we drink.

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