And That's Why We Drink - E260 Detective Spatula and Beard Forensics

Episode Date: January 30, 2022

It's episode 260 and the human race is in peril once again! Please welcome the closer of our Wine and Crime guest host series, Amanda! First, Em covers a story close to Minnesota (but not quite close ...enough) with the story of Wisconsin's Old Baraboo Inn, not to be confused with Caribou Coffee. But if anyone out there is at a Caribou in Baraboo right now, please let us know. Then Amanda covers the case of Teresita Basa, a story that's part true crime, part paranormal, and totally right up our alley aka none of us would have any qualms haunting anyone's partner to solve a murder. And did Hannah Montana set unreasonable expectations for what touring looks like? ...and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome everybody to and that's why we drink uh the last two weeks you have found yourself with a couple of gals from wine and crime and now we are hitting the trifecta oh wait now i have to use my windscreen you look fucking ridiculous um i am at my mom's house and uh i'm in a room with hardwood floors and so i have to manually use this pop filter that doesn't have an attachment anymore so i look very foolish will you please tell me that you flew with that marvel background in your luggage also by the way it way, it's Amanda from Wine and Crime. Oh, yeah. Hi.
Starting point is 00:00:46 It's me. No. So this is actually, this was my room divider when I had a studio in Boston. Oh, my God. I love it. And now it lives at your mom's house? And it just, yeah, just sat in the basement for years. And I was like, what am I going to do with this thing?
Starting point is 00:01:01 And my mom refuses to let me get rid of it, which is fine. I don't want to get rid of it. Take it back to LA. Allison would kill me. I bought this clearly when I was single. So, and so. Write it off, write the shipping off as a business expense
Starting point is 00:01:15 and then get a, put it at your studio. You know what? That's not a bad idea. I actually, it's, you know, what's so weird is I guess, so my mom made this room after she made other rooms in the house. And so I don't know what she told the contractors, but they, the room divider is exactly six
Starting point is 00:01:34 feet tall. And this thing is tickling the ceiling right now. Tickle, tickle, baby. It's exactly meant for this. Have you seen No Way Home yet? Amanda. I know. It's a stupid for this. Have you seen No Way Home yet? Amanda. I know. It's a stupid question, but.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I sure have. Isn't it amazing? By the time this comes out, it has been out for like a month, so we can talk about it for sure. We can talk about it right now if you'd like. the unbridled joy, the moments where my partner thought I was an absolute loony tune. Cause I was literally being that like white American yelling and clapping with joy in the theater. There's the only,
Starting point is 00:02:16 the only reason I make sure to go every opening night is because I pray for a theater reaction. That was great. And Alison, look, we got ourselves into a tizzy in our relationship we had a speed bump because of spider-man because i've been telling allison for like a year now i was like december 17th don't you be busy don't be busy gotta be home
Starting point is 00:02:37 and then someone decided they were flying home across the country on december 11th not cool and i was like this is it i think we're yeah like i love you but it's not gonna last it's too anyway i'm home now because we broke up i'm just kidding um but so i don't know how but even though i was the sad one i ended up volunteering to meet her on the other side of the country just to see the movie on opening night because i refused to see it not on opening night and i refused to see it without her and i wasn't going to make her like not be with her family for a week for a movie i was not going to be that person so fine it turned into her brother and sister-in-law joining us and i was like profusely apologetic beforehand because i was like you don't know the type of person I am I'm gonna lose my mind in here people I was like you're gonna think it's real stupid so I need you
Starting point is 00:03:31 to just ignore whatever you see for the next couple hours and then we can get back back on track yeah but the movie okay so a lot of people are saying it's like the best Marvel movie to ever come out I definitely think it's top five I don't know what my favorite one is, but it didn't like break my brain. I think because I've been following the theories for so long, I like we, Allison and I expect if, if you know who,
Starting point is 00:03:55 and you know who didn't show up, I would have been like, what the fuck directors? I would have been like, you gotta be kidding me. Everyone wants this. Okay. But like lasagna Spider-Man. Ohagna spider man's like redemption moment in this movie i wept like a fucking child
Starting point is 00:04:15 i was the person screaming in the theater okay and yeah no as long as we're on the same page about that we're good i loved that non lasagna lasagna spider-man let's call him um fettuccine spider-man i loved when he was like you're part of the avengers that's great what is that like it was very fun i love fettuccine spider-man like unpopular opinion one of my favorite speed mans i like fettuccine better than lasagna. Here's the problem. But I like hollandaise best. That was, I do. I loved that. I see what you did and I absolutely agree.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Okay. I'm just grabbing some juice out of my fridge real quick because I'm fucking diabetic as hell. It's, and that's why we drink. So as long as you're drinking something, you're in the clear. Here's my issue. Honestly. Okay. So it's, it's January.
Starting point is 00:05:04 If you are like super about it you've probably heard the spoilers by now uh so obviously the original peter parker's show up um but here's my problem i really did have like a i did not enjoy this part of the movie is that they introduced both of them into the movie so close together that I was still writing the Andrew high that I didn't even totally process the Toby high. Like I get that. Like they really, within five minutes,
Starting point is 00:05:35 both of them appeared. I, and obviously once Andrew shows up, you know, Toby's going to be there, but I wanted them to make us wait a little longer. Like I wanted, I wanted Andrew to show up and then we like have like his,
Starting point is 00:05:48 let him have his moment in the sun. And then we don't even know about Toby until there's like the final fight scene. And like Tom Holland is about to not make it. And all of a sudden like Toby shows up and saves him at the last moment. And then he gets his like full reveal or something like that. But I, I totally disagree with you really
Starting point is 00:06:05 you're not wrong we just do not align interesting because for the first time maybe ever ever i will i even if they just pushed it five minutes further into the movie i would have been happier because it really happened instantly it was pretty quick but I think there was this weird part of me that was like, oh, this is so cool. I wonder if Fettuccine is going to show up. I bet he's not. I don't know why. In my mind, I was like, there's no way Fettuccine is reviving this role. You can't have the whole Italian spread without Fettuccine.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Exactly. But I was like, I doubt it. I don't know. How? if you're gonna get one of them you gotta get the other can you imagine the the riots in the streets but i just but like i think maybe that was just my own brain playing tricks on me so that because then when fettuccine was served fucking lost it i screamed and I clapped. Like it was so embarrassing. It was so embarrassing,
Starting point is 00:07:07 but like everyone, everyone basically except my partner and a couple other like sane people in the theater. People who shouldn't have been welcome there. We're just like, this is a movie and they can't hear us. So we're not going to do this. So we have a live theater performance,
Starting point is 00:07:20 but whatever. It was incredible. I was so happy. I hear you. I hear you. Also Willem defoe come on snaps for willem the bet the best have you seen the lighthouse no but have you seen antichrist oh yeah because that was a wild ride listen have you heard uh or read the interview from the director of Antichrist?
Starting point is 00:07:45 That's Lars von Trier, right? Yeah, he's way problematic. Oh, I know. But this interview with him talks about how Willem Dafoe's donger is so frighteningly large that Lars von Trier was like, we can't use your natural donger. Like, this is too scary.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Wait, it was a CGI peen? I think it was a prosthetic. Wait, how do you hide a big prosthetic in a... How do you hide the big thing in a tiny prosthetic? I assume there was tucking. Okay. And then the prosthetic was adhered to a tucked, a flatter tucked surface.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I did not hear that interview. I did not hear that interview. I will send hear that. I will send it to you. It's in print, but there's just something so like soothing and lovely about knowing that Willem Dafoe's donger is so terrifyingly large that it couldn't be featured in Antichrist. It's the green goblin and the hobgoblin were attached. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's like Santa is real. That's like all i need to know this is the only like because if that's true then every that like the easter bunny has to be real like it's all real i it like it's so affirming to me to be like yes magic he deserves it for all for everything he's done for his art and for that face it for all for everything he's done for his art and for that face sir the universe listen i'm a libra i'm all about balance in the universe he's got the scariest face he needs to have a scary like mega donger to balance out that face i love you know what was scary in the movie is when he really did he made some great acting choices as a as like a crazy unstable person yeah i don't want to use the word crazy but an unstable person where he was fucking brilliant he did such a good job he was getting punched in the face and cackling it was great anyway this was not meant to be a marvel cinematic
Starting point is 00:09:36 podcast yeah i'm sorry i just also haven't been able to like talk to em on the phone outside of any texting in a really long time so not only are you here to listen to the acclaimed podcast and that's why we drink you're also just going to be forced into some catch-up and casual relationship love for those of you who don't know amanda and i are very close and very much in love, very much in love. And talk about like a multiverse, but our variants are somewhere just married off, just running away on the beach or something.
Starting point is 00:10:11 A haunted beach. You're the lasagna to my fettuccine. Or the, you know what I'm going to give you, I don't, I like hollandaise better than lasagna. So I'm going to say you're the hollandaise to my fettuccine. It makes more sense too,
Starting point is 00:10:23 because it's a weird mix, but it makes sense at the same time also let's give a shout out for those who can't see uh who aren't watching youtube your background is also delicious it is the lizzie borden house it is i feel special and seen that you chose that or i don't know if it was for me but you chose it it was a hundred percent for you and that is the story we're going with and it's not that i uploaded this for another thing and don't remember how to turn it off that has nothing to do with it sounds good we're good this was a choice for you it felt it felt i feel special so thank you what what type of juice are you drinking today since we're on and that's why we drink this is cran
Starting point is 00:11:00 raspberry juice cran raspberry it's fucking good i have never heard of cran i've know that i know the classic cran grape and i've heard of also a cran apple but never the raz cran grape is a classic i always forget that like you're from the south and that things are weird for you cran grape is very popular it's also delicious if you insist i i don't know i'm a sucker i like cran apple but cran raspberry is the one to go with when you're mixing cosmos oh and it's also really really really good just on its own when you have just sat down for a recording and then your insulin pump starts to yell at you that your blood sugar is dropping. But now we're see that line going down.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's you have to have that on you at all times. It's literally attached to me with a tube. What? We have to discuss diabetes at some point. You and I would love to. I do a whole tick tock three part me putting on a new pump. Does it hurt? Series? No hurt series no okay well at least that yeah and i'm quick you look you look beautiful darling i'm sure you accessorize it at every turn
Starting point is 00:12:14 i don't you need to i need to get it bedazzled i usually just tuck it into my bra and pray that it doesn't fall out and rip out of my body, which happened three times last week. I got caught on a door handle. Wait, three times in a week? I thought you were going to say in your lifetime. Oh, no, in a week. You change it every three days, so it's not like it's even that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It's like a Band-Aid coming off. Oh, my God. But it's just real annoying, because then it's like, oh, my God, I was supposed to have this sight on for two more days, and I just dropped it out of my pocket, getting changed into my pajamas, and it hit the floor and ripped out of my body this is so annoying any type 1 diabetics who are on a pump listening are like been there oh my god wait so it's always
Starting point is 00:12:53 on you always in you always always always always always it's giving me life-saving geez well i'm bionic baby i'm I'm Iron Man. You know, it is your little arc. Iron deficient man. It's like your little arc reactor when it was like all falling out of him and the wires were everywhere. Yeah. Yeah. Except my arc reactor has a mini USB charger that I plug into at night. So I'm basically, I charge like an iPhone like to my body every night.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Okay. It's so weird. I'm so tethered, dude. I don't wish it on anyone. However, it sounds so badass. You know what I mean? It sounds badass until you roll over and like half your nightstand comes with you.
Starting point is 00:13:32 But yes. Like every Avenger has their problems, you know? Yeah. Speaking of Avengers, this will be the last thing we say and then we'll get into spooky stuff. But since it is past January now, I feel like i can announce
Starting point is 00:13:46 something very marvel-esque uh on the podcast okay for christmas i finally got a captain america shield shut the fuck up i am not kidding i am i'm really mad that you're recording at your mom's house right now because you know I want to see it. Well, it is here, but it is under the tree and wrapped and I'm not supposed to know. So it is with us in spirit. And by the time this comes out, I will have slept with it every night for a good two months or so. You're going to convert it into a bed somehow and you're going to curl up in it like a cat. So, OK, here's oh oh i don't know if i
Starting point is 00:14:26 want to share it's too late it's too late i am one degree away from captain america and said person in between us has offered to get him to sign it for me are you fucking kidding me i am not i don't want to give any more because i don't know if the person wants to have their name out there or anything but let's just say we have a mutual and it i can't wait to find out that this mutual is like scarlett johansson i really i don't want to throw scar joe like my really good actually my mutual to an avenger is just another avenger under the bus like that but i it hasn't happened yet i don't want to like hold my breath on it and may not happen but if it does happen i assure you
Starting point is 00:15:11 the world will know okay i will be watching because i always am i'm also one degree away from uh the love of my life elizabeth olsen so i technically have two avengers that i am close with and like my mind and nowhere else well then i'm two degrees away from these people and how lucky are you you know what i mean that's pretty tight and i don't even need anything from them i can just tell everyone this anyway i know someone who knows someone who's connected to these people well i've said that before i'm like i don't want anything to do with chris evans i don't want anything to do with elizabeth olsen i know myself well enough It's probably best for everyone if that doesn't happen. But I just want the knowledge that I am so close. And that's all I need. That's all I want. So anyway, because Ronan, that's why I drink. That was my reason this week for why I drink because I literally have a Captain America shield and it just may be signed by the first Avenger by the time this comes out. That's so incredible. why do you drink I mean I drink juice because I'm diabetic as hell but like
Starting point is 00:16:09 under normal circumstances I oh man okay I am drinking for so many reasons this week in fact like the the fact that it's 2 p.m. and I'm not having a cocktail or a glass of wine right now is kind of an anomaly because this is as we record this. This is the weekend. Well, no, today is Tuesday. This is the Tuesday before Christmas. I still thought it was Sunday. I don't know what's happening to my mind or my body.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Everything is in retrograde somehow. I certainly feel like there's a chaotic doom just clouding over me at all times yes i'm definitely experiencing chaotic doom and like holiday overwhelm and it's like fine because i'm you know 34 so this is just like this is just a life it's like a hum that's there all the time and then like certain times of year it's like it screams and then it'll level back out and i'm just in one of those scream scream times right now so i i feel the same way um just because of traveling because i left home went to south carolina i'm now in virginia and then that is its own mess because i'm trying to divide my time up between family and friends but they're not allowed to overlap because i have someone who's immunocompromised in my family. So yeah, I'm actually in the middle of quarantining in
Starting point is 00:17:28 the basement before Christmas. And then so it's a whole mess. And then straight from here, I'm going to Christine's house to rehearse for our show. And then we've got three cities to tour in and then I get to go home. So it's just a big old headache, a grateful headache that I get to see family and friends and tour, but like, it's just a lot. It's hard to be away from home that long. And we've all, all of us in podcasting who do tour typically have like had a stretch of time like that. I mean, I know in 2019, we were basically on the road
Starting point is 00:18:02 for like three months straight with very few breaks. Everyone's, i feel like everyone's first tour breaks their spirit a little bit and it's just a lot it's just it's a lot it's really hard and it's really fun and we love meeting everybody and we're like so grateful for the experience and the shows are so energizing but like please know that when we get back to the hotel that night, it is like, we have nothing, people. We are empty vessels. And we're eating bad hotel eggs that were heated up in a microwave. And then we're immediately getting back on a plane the next day. I've never felt so seen.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It's not glamorous at all. Anyone I talk to about it that are like, oh, that's so cool. You have tour dates coming up and i'm like yeah i'm super excited because we've been you know trapped and also a lot of people i think equate tour to like like a hannah montana experience where you've got like the bus and people are like helping you out and it's like i literally really set unreasonable standards and goals like really fucking i have four massive suitcases with me because i'm the one that carries all like the the set deck the stage deck and stuff and and then
Starting point is 00:19:11 someone else's like boxes of merch and someone else's it's just it's a lot to not have more than six hands you know oh and if god if any of us could afford a bus and like a crew i know shit that would be the move i think we would just all have one big tour together and we would just all open for each other and just split the difference on the bus i mean that makes sense to me okay but can we maybe design our bus sometime over this winter break and send each other doodles of our combined bus and see what we come up with yes it'll be you as a knockoff iron Man with your diabetes stuff, and it'll be me as a knockoff Captain America.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I want to be on the front, and my glasses are the front window of the bus, and my mouth is the, I don't know, the grate on the front of the bus. Every one of us gets a window, and it'll be us frozen in a way. Anyway, we'll shop it. We'll shop it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, we're workshopping this, but it's going to be great. Anyway, we do anyway we'll shop it we'll shop it yeah we're workshopping this but it's gonna be great anyway we do not mean to poo-poo on tour of like we're not happy it's just it's hard this time folks and i totally get why you feel like there's like some sort of like an energy over all of us right now because i so feel it well yeah and all both of our you know both of our shows are about to hit the road, and we don't know what the deal is with Omicron, and we're just trying to keep it all together and just make it happen and be safe. And it's just a really scary time to be a person,
Starting point is 00:20:33 and it has been for the last two years, and I think everybody's just fucking exhausted. Amen. So that's why I drink. It's fair enough, because the human race is at peril once again. We're always, always. So for our stories today, you told me you have a bonkers one. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And usually I go first, but since you're the guest, would you like to go first or you want me to go first and you really wow us at the end i mean i feel like it's a lot of pressure to go last but i also want to do christine right fair enough i want to honor her matriarchal legacy we should oh also if you want to talk about people who are like like going through it on tour again very happy to be on tour but this, very happy to be on tour, but this woman's about to go on tour with a baby. With a baby. Because the girl's still milking. Everyone clap a little harder for Christine than for me when we're on stage
Starting point is 00:21:33 because that woman deserves it. I've never known anyone stronger. Absolute badassery. And I'm very, very blessed to know her. She's a gem. And so actually, you are the penultimate episode before Christina's back permanently. So there's only one more guest after Amanda. And it is someone that people on Reddit have been theorizing.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Let's just put it that way. Ooh, okay. I love that. What could that mean? Okay. Ooh, okay. I love that. What could that mean? Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm going to dive onto our And That's Why We Drink while you talk about something creepy. Well, I tried to find something near you, and I got to Wisconsin. That's where we ended up. Okay, well, I mean, I'm mad about that because Wisconsin sucks, but I also am deeply appreciative that you would consider me in that way i so thank you you're welcome i made the effort so this is the old baraboo inn do you know baraboo wisconsin i don't but either in the midwest our uh direct competitor with starbucks is caribou coffee oh well that's not this but you know maybe maybe if you go to the caribou in baraboo that would be a really fun insta post can you imagine the care the baraboo caribou wait how cute are you are there caribou in baraboo
Starting point is 00:23:00 because that could be a whole situation i mean there are caribou in minneapolis but we have a lot of caribou coffee so okay well we'll stick with the coffee side of it but that would be a fun if anyone is in baraboo right now please go to caribou and tag us in a picture that would be excellent i thought you meant the actual animal i was confusing myself there's probably a caribou with an instagram account can you tag us wherever you are actually oh i'm thriving i'm totally keeping up everything is amazing and nothing gets by this gal so i'll tell you what so nailing it this uh this inn has been featured on the travel channel a few times and it is listed in the top 10 of the most haunted locations in the u.s but according to food network so i don't know
Starting point is 00:23:45 what their journalism stats on the paranormal are um but food network comes back at the end of this so stay tuned awesome so in this all starts in 1848 when a couple named george and anna bender they come to uh not caribou they come to Baraboo from Germany. And in 1859, I guess George knew a lot about the German beer over there and decided he was going to open a brewery. Okay. So he opens, he also opens the first saloon in Baraboo called the Bender's Saloon. Love it. And in 1864, they end up moving the location to where it is today so the old baraboo inn has been established since 1864 or at least the structure has um 10 years later george dies
Starting point is 00:24:33 and anna opens up a boarding house upstairs so now it's part saloon i think still part brewery and then also part boarding house we contain multitudes all right i love it i love a variety experience yep of you know and it's like a bed and breakfast but a saloon and boarding house it's like that's fun it's more of what you want anyway a thousand percent so uh a couple years later after george dies anna decides that she's gonna turn oh i used the exact same information here anna decides she's gonna turn the upstairs I used the exact same information here Anna decides she's going to turn the upstairs floor into the boarding house it's called the Bender boarding house
Starting point is 00:25:10 and then when Anna died about 20 years later her son took over the boarding house and the saloon okay family legacy family biz yeah so far so good an easy way to keep up with you know being a breadwinner and providing you got your you got your brewskis at night got your So far, so good. An easy way to keep up with being a breadwinner and providing.
Starting point is 00:25:27 You got your brewskis at night. Got your beds upstairs. You got your wife at home. It's a good life. Beds and brewskis. Let's go. And when he ends up dying, the property gets bought by this guy named August Renakey. And so he buys the property.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And what used to be the boarding house now becomes a brothel. Ooh, yes. So he's making it even more R-rated for the people at home. I love it. In fact, at least two, maybe even three of the spirits that stay here are rumored to be sex workers from upstairs. So the sex workers were probably not having a great time. Probably not. But that is three of the spirits. Fun fact, I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:11 When Prohibition came about, August ended up selling the business because he all of a sudden lost half of his job. But he sold it back to the Bender Sons, and they made it into a restaurant, and then it's rumored they also turned it into a speakeasy cool so speakeasy brothel now you just need the triple trifecta which is a gambling hall which is exactly what it becomes because uh right across the street from this building is the railway
Starting point is 00:26:38 station and one of the direct lines is to chicago during prohibition era so a lot of mobsters including al capone who likes to come here fun he loved bouncing around all over the place in the midwest i feel like he was just everywhere always oh for sure so uh he it's also rumored that there is an execution pole downstairs. What does that mean? I think they would tie people they don't like to the pole and then torture them and shoot them. Oh, wow. Like a literal execution pole. That's bad.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So that is where a lot of the ghosts come from. Yeah. And in the 1930s, when the location got sold it became several variety several versions of cafes bars clubs restaurants and in 1962 it got bought and turned into the old baraboo inn okay so now we're in the 1960s and the baraboo Inn was opened by John and Rose Dombroski. Okay. John and Rose both become ghosts later in this place. So the original owners of the inn.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So in 1979, when John dies, guess how he dies. I want you to guess like something kind of out there. Hmm. Okay. I'm going to say this is either a toilet related incident or a drunken accident type death it's more of the accident okay he like fall off a ladder because i did that this year and it's crazy no yo how tall was the how far up were you i mean i was like to my roof but i my roof isn't super high my house is like a small kind of bungalow but like i don't care who you are or what you do but if you fall off a roof of any size i am scared for you it was deeply it was deeply stupid i was putting up bistro lights
Starting point is 00:28:47 and i have to like put these anchors in the stucco and then put the light on it and then i was hanging them across the backyard to the garage this is like being a homeowner is fucking in it's it's looney tunes um and i like read the directions for the ladder i i was very you know falsely confident i was like i know how to do this you know i'm a woman i'm a w-o-m-a-n hear me roar it's what it was like collapsible like expanding ladder so i put it up a little bit i lock it or so i think and then i get up there and it collapses while I'm up on it and closes on my foot and I like I was like oh I'm falling so I kind of scrunched forward because we just had our at this time we had just had our concrete patio poured and I'm like I'm not gonna hit my head on
Starting point is 00:29:37 concrete and this like this is not gonna be it this is not how I go out doing chores for my home like absolutely not god so i like scrunched forward and then was just i got to the ground and but my foot was stuck in this ladder so i was just sort of hanging upside down with like one shoulder on the ground and smart me the first time i had gotten up on the ladder and i didn't fall was like just in case i fall i'm gonna have my phone in my pocket and then dumb me got down to move the ladder and then like open instagram and then put and I didn't fall, was like, just in case I fall, I'm going to have my phone in my pocket. Oh, smart. And then dumb me got down to move the ladder and then, like, opened Instagram and then put my phone down. So I didn't have my phone in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Oh, no. And so I just started screaming for Bill, who was inside, and he came out and was like, what the fuck is going on? And then his dad was like, well, did you get a picture before you helped her get out of the ladder? And I was like, no. That's the most dad thing I've ever heard. One time I was on fire, and my dad took a picture before putting helped her get out of the ladder and i was like no that's the most dad thing i've ever heard one time i was on fire and my dad took a picture before putting me out one time i was on fire my whole body too it was because we're again you were saying like weird
Starting point is 00:30:36 shit happens in the south and to us a bonfire starts at like a hundred feet okay all it's just like the big it might as well be the beginnings of a forest fire sure you have your own contained forest fire let's just put it that way cool and my dad wanted me to take a picture next his we love taking pictures next to fires to show it proportionally how big the fire is so i was standing next to it and i was wearing a very flammable jacket and all of a sudden it started like curling and hardening because it was like a windbreaker material and all of a sudden it started like curling and hardening because it was like a windbreaker material and all of a sudden it was rock hard like the plastic had melted and it started smoking and then before i knew it the whole back of my jacket went no i was literally like you could have like i looked like burning man or something so uh my
Starting point is 00:31:21 dad was like hang on hang on he was trying to get a picture of course he's a dad so the picture didn't even turn out like it wasn't even worth it oh my his thumb is in the way and then he grabs me by like the cuff of my shirt and like rips me onto the ground and just starts like kicking dirt at me i was like what's going on start rolling that's the closest to danger i've probably been in um well one day you'll have your either traveling camper or your tiny home and then you'll be close to danger all the time because you'll have to like because i i was raised that a normal sized fire is inappropriate and unnecessary so you're right i'll probably find myself in in danger again yeah don't worry you'll get there so uh where were we oh how this man died yes so he he died because a bowling ball
Starting point is 00:32:09 flew into the building from like it just came in from a window and it scared him so much he had a heart attack well there was just no way i was ever gonna guess that so i don't feel bad i know i was like let's just see what comes out of her mouth what how what circle did they live near a bowling alley who was throwing bowling at balls you would think that there would be a story to that but it was there was only on one source and they were like it was said so blasé that everyone should know it obviously and uh yeah a bowling ball came in i too would have a heart attack and fall over are you kidding me yeah also like it had to have been thrown from pretty nearby if it's that heavy it probably just got like pushed into the window right
Starting point is 00:32:55 that's yeah i i like no one can like like who are you a fucking spider man like you just throw a bowling ball from a far distance into a window and hard enough that it shatters the glass something's not adding up it feels like it was a really a newbie shot at trying to kill somebody i am suspicious it feels like a hitman's first day you know um or just like oh or no i feel like this should be added now but apparently this building also had an early history with the beginnings of circuses okay again i i found it nowhere else on the internet i don't know anything else i don't like when little like cool nuggets like that get dropped and there's no follow-up or explanation yeah it's like i wish the writer knew that like they weren't doing anything special by
Starting point is 00:33:48 keeping us in the dark like right you if anything would be the coolest for filling us in right and you blew it apparently like a bunch of like circus performers used to hang out there and they like were like maybe this was the meeting place for the first circus i don't totally understand but i like really cool. But I like to think the bowling ball was part of that. Probably. But I have no idea. They were practicing a new something for their act.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Like a juggling routine or something. Yeah. Something crazy. Uh-huh. So anyway, John dies. He has a heart attack because it's so wild that he can't process it. Yeah. And so that means that him and George have now died on site.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And that does not include the sex workers that died here, plus any of the mobsters, enemies or card cheaters or maybe if there were any cowboys at the time. So lots of death. And the son ends up the son of John and Rose ends up taking over the pub. But by the 1980s, the building catches on fire and enough of it was damaged that they ended up having to close the business wow so the business uh stays vacant for 14 years and then in 2002 it is opened as a restaurant by the new owner his name is bc far which is a wild name to me but bc far fun fact he was the last person to get out of the building when it was on fire okay and then 14 years later he ends up owning it and had renovated it and
Starting point is 00:35:12 i guess the building stayed with him personally all right so before he opened it this is where the ghosts come in uh before he opened it as a restaurant he spent years and a lot of money renovating it so that it was like a brand new building. And it's pretty common that spirits of a building hate when it gets remodeled or their version of the home gets altered. And so during their space. Exactly. And so during these renovations is the real first sign of spirits here. At least that is documented. these renovations is the real first sign of spirits here at least that is documented so when he was renovating the second floor originally he i think he renovated that first and he made it into
Starting point is 00:35:51 like apartments since it was already a boarding home and his thought was if i renovate the top floor first into nice apartments i can rent that out while i'm doing construction on the first floor and still make some money so um while he was doing all these renovations, there were like people, the construction workers were seeing shadows in the corner of their eye, they were seeing objects move, their tools would be missing the next day, they would turn off all the lights and lock all the doors. And then they'd come back in the morning, all the doors are open and the lights were on really just average creepy stuff. then after that people like once it was open to the public people started seeing stuff too and that's when bc far decided that he was going to
Starting point is 00:36:32 publicly announce that the place was haunted because i think he kept it to himself for a while and he was like i spent so much money i don't want to like risk my business being damaged because of the ghosts but then when enough people around him were also saying weird shit was going on he was like whatever I don't want to hide it anymore yeah so um fun fact this is where food network comes in again in 2018 BC Farr retired and he sold the building to food network and so they as far as I know currently own the building okay weird. Weird. Great. And I don't know why. I don't know what they're doing there.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Is it just office space? Is it a studio in the middle of Wisconsin? I don't know. Any house can be a home. That's it. So anyway, in case you were wondering how the food networks motto anyway, if you're, if you're wondering why food network is involved, I'm not the person that's going to be able to explain it to you. So while it was apartments, that was when, again, people started noticing ghosts around the area. And when one of the tenants actually had to break their lease early because the ghosts were freaking them out so much.
Starting point is 00:37:43 One tenant ended up leaving because they heard scratching on doors, and at night when he was sleeping, he'd wake up to a woman calling his name. Okay, well that's rude. And the scratching, uh-uh. I don't like the scratching, but I particularly hate that it's intelligent enough to know the person's name. That's very unsettling. And then once your attention. But I also also i feel like
Starting point is 00:38:05 maybe it's because of all the movies with ghosts i feel like at least that would give me some idea of that this thing is trying to communicate with me which like yes that's true but it's like you can talk so i can respond the scratching is so like ambiguous and it's harder to tell is this sinister like what are you trying to achieve see i feel like i can confirm immediately it's sinister because no i mean i don't know but i feel like there's no nice person i know currently scratching on my doors that's fair and so maybe the etiquette changes in the afterlife but i feel like the scratching is very much like i want you to be freaked out you know yeah you're probably right okay you're especially because i feel like there's a lot of spirits out there where like i feel like if it gives you creepy
Starting point is 00:38:53 vibes it wants you to be creeped out like they're powerful enough to not freak you out if they don't want you to be scared so i feel like if they if you feel freaked out in a room it's on purpose and so i feel like the scratching is like, we know this is going to bother you, you know, maybe not. Maybe it's like some sort of residual haunt where like, listen, I hate all of it.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It's all, it's all bad. If I could, if I could opt out of the experience, whether it's positive or negative, I'm going to do that. Yep. One of the tenants actually tried taunting the ghosts one time i think it was zach bagans that's brilliant and he said come on casper
Starting point is 00:39:32 come and get me and then something started knocking on his door so why are people so dumb i don't know like i don't know on what planet is that what your go-to, I know what I'm going to do. It's very, I mean, I really, it's such a Zach Bagans thing to do of like, oh, I'm going to taunt these. Like, if you, I don't know, it's just a personal opinion, but if you want an experience with a ghost, maybe just ask nicely and then also ask them to leave nicely afterwards. Yep. I feel like manners are universal. It doesn't have to be like this manners are universal it doesn't matter what plane you're living on so i love that yeah i want that on like a tea towel yeah manners in every realm yep so uh other tenants would wake up at night to the
Starting point is 00:40:19 sounds of live music and glasses clinking and people laughing in the room when they were alone which i have experienced that before and it's so horrific it's i mean it's just chilling because you have the knowledge that you're alone and yet you hear what sounds like a full rager of a party going i mean that would also deeply trigger my fomo and be like this is a party that i can't even fucking go to that's just rude manners on every round but manners you're still not invited i'm fun i like i've heard it and it really i can't explain it but it sounds like on the other side of the door the party is booming and when you open the door it's going to be like nothing and there's nothing it's so creepy so uh people have
Starting point is 00:41:05 experienced that just because i guess the place has such a history of being a bar in a social area another tenant watched a light fixture fall out of the ceiling and onto their bed nope and another tenant had uh a constant issue with water dripping into her cabinet from nowhere nope no thank you that's a firm because now you're also giving us repairs that we have to make you gotta fix that water damage now it's expensive yeah now you're fucking with my money and i don't like that as for the staff the dishes and cups would get thrown around uh the owner saw a broom float across the room one time the doors open and close and then the basement walk-in door will close you in and turn the lights off if the spirits don't like you like we'll just
Starting point is 00:41:52 be like you're done you can stay here now jesus meanwhile if it likes you the spirit will make sure the door stays open and the lights stay on for you when you're in the walk-in closet or the walk-in pantry or whatever it is great okay so dice roll right you just gotta like you gotta i guess i'm already anxious enough as a libra about who out there that i don't even know likes or doesn't like me i've gotten over a lot of that thank god but it's very much like i don't need it from ghosts too you have to give a good first impression or else you're really fucked especially in uh psychology there's something called the halo effect where if you fuck up one time it takes six uninterrupted consistent good impressions to make up for the bad first impression and then vice versa if you have
Starting point is 00:42:45 one really good first impression it takes six times for six bad impressions in a row after that to uh make people change their mind about your good first impression i really have to please people i've pissed off six times in a row times in a row yeah if you mess up one time then you have to start all over again i know oh that explains a lot yeah you got to be consistently good and that is just not where i fly that it's not my that's not my safe space i guess a lot of people just aren't gonna like me then i curse and be sarcastic and cry a lot and people don't usually vibe with that. So wow. So also in the brothel area, which I guess is still the upstairs, but the tenants were
Starting point is 00:43:34 having their own experiences. And then the owner, BC far, once the tenants moved down, he was using the second floor again. He started hearing a baby crying in there. And he also went, no, I really can't hearing a baby crying in there and he also no i really can't tolerate a baby crying no not on an airplane and not as a ghost honestly like as a as a ghost like as a baby it's like okay throw a pacifier and it's right and i can see that baby i can see where that crying is coming from and i can know that it
Starting point is 00:44:04 it will pass but when it's a ghost it's crying for eternity which means i have to hear it for eternity no i mean no and it doesn't have to be a baby anyone anyone who's like really in their feels as a ghost i'm like wow this is like exhausting for you and me you know so they of bc far also one time saw a basketball sized orb morph into the shape of a dark black bear and then fade into the wall. Holy shit. There are so many experiences documented in this place. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:36 It's also I love how creative some of them are. Like, yeah, an orb was already massive and then became a bear and then left the room. That's just cool. Like you could have, you could have not done that. That could have your choice of the night ghost could have been to just leave people alone, but you really went for it.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Uh, many people have also witnessed actual full bodied apparitions in the building, including an older woman, an older man, a cat and love and a cowboy named jed cool uh in particular many people see the spirit of a woman in period clothing that the staff have called mary because i guess one time one of the sex workers who died there was named mary so i guess they're just assuming she's the same person okay
Starting point is 00:45:19 um many people claim to see mary going about her day- to day. They also see her dancing in the bar a lot, like just ripping it up. She's having a nice time. In particular, if you want your best chance at summoning Mary on the dance floor as your partner, you can play the song The House is Rockin' by Stevie Ray Vaughan, and she eats it up. She also, I hear, loves the song every morning by sugar ray so she's a big fan of stevie ray vaughn and sugar ray i look heads up play either and i will certainly be on the dance floor yeah let's go i don't know how they figured that out like what her interest was as a like in ghost music but i love that she's got a song and i love that it's not from a time where she
Starting point is 00:46:11 no live in there like she like hung around and said you know what in about 40 years i'm really gonna have my my moment on this is gonna be a banger and i'm gonna be ready yeah yeah i like to think now that there's like a ghost from like the 1600s who like loves olivia rodrigo who's like she's like that's my girl i've been waiting for centuries for her you know billy fucking eilish let's go at the drop of bad guy like that's when like the victorian ghosts get crazy. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:46:47 that's a tick tock that we need to make. It's waiting. It's someone out there who's a better and more creative than I am. Do it. There are also apparitions of a, the spirits of a boy and his dog that apparently the children, living children that patrons bring in have played with before. They'll like say that they've hung out with a little boy in his oh no no no no no when it's confirmed like that we have a ghost like that
Starting point is 00:47:12 in fredericksburg where uh everyone knows that if you see it's a restaurant that's it's now called billikens if you're from fredericksburg but back in the day it was not billikens and no matter what people have always seen a little boy playing with his trucks in the corner. And they just know to, like, not talk to him. And they have, and also his sister, they see her, like, leaning out the window and looking out into the street. Have you seen this? I've seen the little boy. I have not seen the little girl.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Oh, you've seen the little boy? Yeah. And so that building actually, by the way, I'm sure is bananas haunted because never has a business been able to run longer than a few years there. And every single business before they move in hires a priest to bless the house because they like are like there's something kooky going on up there. Oh, absolutely not. I know. No, no, no, absolutely not i know no no no no no no no no it's it's pretty wild so there's a little boy here he's got a dog which would actually make me more inclined to approach him uh even if i was told not to and then there's the spirits of uh cowboys in
Starting point is 00:48:22 the tavern mobsters in the back bars and many people have heard a lot of voices partying in there as well and when upstairs in the old brothel area people have heard the sounds of sex and empty rooms nice and they've even seen uh i guess investigators have gotten sls footage of it which if you i don't know if you've ever watched any of the ghost adventures but sls is structured light sensor. And it's this machine that it's like a big camera, but it lets you see ghosts on the screen in the forms of stick figures. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:56 So basically they have gotten footage of stick figure porn. Well, I'm going to need, I'm going to need to review that footage. Immediately. I would like a link directly sent to my inbox please it will be in the group chat if you're a stick man and know where we can find some of your porn yeah send it our way we need to know if you're a ghost or not yep weirdly this building like i said has some early history with contributing to the beginning of circuses in town. And one of the spirits here oddly looks like a circus performer. BC Farr, the owner, said this is this is a quote from him. There was a guy standing there, a full body apparition with a blank death stare face.
Starting point is 00:49:39 He was wearing what looked like a circus shirt and he had blousey sleeves and orange stripes with with ruffles and then he slowly disappeared all right so we've got clowns we've got porn we've got dogs it's a party we've got sugar ray stevie ray vaughn we've got a someone who really likes more modern music this place has everything it's a uh a real mixed bag if you will and people also hear a ghost that likes to whistle through the halls they often smell perfume near the woman's restroom people have also smelled cigars they've smelled flowers they've also had rocks thrown at them i don't like that that's don't choose violence i feel like finally there's something physical happening to people like finally in the story not like finally i wanted someone to get hurt but yes
Starting point is 00:50:31 finally it's shocking how many ways a ghost can present itself without directly interacting with a person so i was kind of waiting for violence to show up and apparently rocks have been thrown at people i think it was more investigators than customers um so at least they know what audience to pick on what level of activity they want to be a part of sure uh people have also watched bar stools spin on their own and tip over onto their legs and some delivery drivers have claimed that when they walk in to drop off bulk items they have seen apparitions glaring at them from the doorways. Welcoming. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:51:11 Even BC Farr's at the time fiance, quote, saw a picture fly off the wall and a 200 pound griddle move on its own. Damn. Which makes me think like if a ghost is strong enough to lift 200 pounds i'm in trouble like i like that ghost is can just fling me around you're going out the window honey you're done i'm grateful it hasn't happened yet but i kind of wonder why too because if i had super human strength in the afterlife i would be dead waiting everyone you know or like dead lifting everyone yep without fail if i die before you and you're floating around the middle of the night just know i'm testing
Starting point is 00:51:49 my strength that's all i love that thank you and i want you to as someone who needs words of affirmation can you compliment my strength when it happens to you yes like you're so brawny you're so strong i bet whatever ghost this is they're super handsome and strong and smart and they know everything about spider-man stop it also i like that makes me come up to a point of like maybe all ghosts maybe some of them need words of affirmation and if they throw a griddle around maybe just be like wow that was really impressive right maybe we maybe we like some gentle but then is it incur yes it's like's like, where do we tell that line? I can see you want to lift something really heavy right now.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Maybe we move over to this item. Maybe that's good for lifting, you know? Maybe we find a different way to express our feelings. How can I help support you? You get it. So people have also been touched at the bar. They've had their hair pulled. I mean, same, but not by a ghost.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Okay, maybe this experience is actually better i don't know maybe i prefer the ghost for sure another investigator felt like he was being crushed in the basement oh so i guess he was one of the ones that did not make a good first impression i've experienced whistling for sure like really close to me to the point where you could like feel breath from the whistle on your neck and then i was in the basement getting wine out of the wine cellar of the old restaurant i used to work at which was in a like long since retired firehouse one of like the first firehouses in minneapolis so it's an old fucking building and i like whipped around thinking that somebody was fucking with me from the staff
Starting point is 00:53:25 nobody else in the basement not a soul down there forget it you know not right you know i have thought before about like the experiences i've been in where i didn't realize it until afterwards and then i was like oh that was fucking creepy but then there are other times where like it's so direct. Like there, you know, something weird just happened to you. And there's nothing you can do about it. I've told this story before, but with my ex, there was a little girl ghost that would haunt her house.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And I guess one time me and my ex were doing some kissing. Yep. And right next to us, you could hear a little girl giggle and then go like no it felt so violating in so many ways and like you could you could tell the feeling was just like a like a little sister taunting like oh i saw you kissing but it was so creepy that like clearly i'm being watched when that stuff happens oh i hate that so much i hate that so much and then we were like that was weird we both looked at each other freaked out like did you just see did you hear that juice hear that and then we kind of like laughed it off and 10 minutes later we tried to like get back into things and no the same thing happened mood
Starting point is 00:54:41 is over the moment has passed you're done. All of a sudden you like the, you heard again, ha ha ha. And then little footsteps run away. Get out of here. You little ghost perv. Get away. You're a freak.
Starting point is 00:54:55 And like, honestly, I respect that and your journey, but it's, it's time to leave the room, you know? But also when like, yes,
Starting point is 00:55:02 I respect a freaky little ghost. Absolutely. But like knowing that the freaky little ghost absolutely but like knowing that the freaky little ghost is also like a child watching you but also here's the creepy part have your sexy times here's the creepier part is that a lot of times in stories the little children are actually demons in disguise so you feel safer around them so great thank you i don't know thanks just saying if you ever hear a little girl ghost oh okay cat calling you i don't know probably a demon it might be a demon might be a little cat calling you i'm not sure but either way i don't like it great i really appreciate that information that I definitely needed. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:55:46 You're welcome. Yep. So also the the basement because that guy felt like he was getting crushed in there. This basement apparently is pretty wild. I mean, this is also where people are like getting the door closed on them if they don't like them. But apparently there is a quote suffocating gloom and people dread going down there. And the owner has even had a hard time finding staff that's willing to go in the basement to do their own job. And there's a quote, overwhelming darkness.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And one source suggests that the darkness might actually be that mob hit man who was in charge of the execution pole. Oh yeah. Well, I mean, that would make sense. Like canonically right what's going on down there yeah i don't know yeah and just the energy left behind by
Starting point is 00:56:32 people being like knowingly taken into a basement to their death there's gonna be a lot of really dark energy just from like those folks even if they're not necessarily actively haunting that area i hadn't even thought of that it's gonna be there that's so dark and spooky oh god and maybe that thing if it doesn't like you is also trapping you in that behind the door because it's like you're next i don't know super creepy several investigators uh have been to this building and they've also hosted a lot of ghost events there um and one source says that there have been many mediums who've come in and tried to get a reading on the building and one has even said that up to 30 spirits live here wow one of the investigating groups paranormal md uh one of their members mary marshall says quote i consider my paranormal
Starting point is 00:57:27 experiences at the old baraboo in some of the most profound and exceptional ever and i guess mary's been an investigator for 18 years okay so she's seen some shit she's seen some shit yeah she even says this property is definitely in my top two favorite haunted locations to visit and then didn't tell us what the other one was okay that's rude i wonder if she has like a book out though she's like you have to read to find out it feels a little like a pick me girl of like oh like i'm gonna bait you into asking me so like i have like anyway i'm not calling i'm not trying to insult her but also why didn't you tell us why didn't you tell us the first i obviously you didn't say that without thinking about people wanting to ask the question next yeah it was what gives like also you didn't even say top three like
Starting point is 00:58:11 that would have made sense but top two you're asking for people to be curious you know anyway that is the story of the old baraboo inn in baraboo wisconsin well when's the next time you're in wisconsin like are you going through there on tour i think so I'm unsure I don't I also understand that answering that question is like impossible you know what our first show is homie oh I do and I am ready I'm actually a nervous wreck because we still have to practice our script a lot um rehearse. We've got two days of rehearsal that we're doing. See, you guys actually rehearse. We don't.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Well, we just write our cases and we fucking do it and hope it goes. Okay. But that was so when we were saying earlier that like the tour can like break your spirit. It really, it took a toll on us to have to do new. No,
Starting point is 00:59:04 I don't even know how you still do that i have no idea how you still do it it's a lot to do individual stories for every place we get help we get help but yeah i mean it's it's work a scripted show i gotta tell you the way to go the way it's and it's such a good show so i don't even care i feel like a lot of people kind of like get bristly about like oh well it's a scripted show it's nothing like the actual podcast i promise you if you come to the show you're gonna have a fucking good time it's just damn right you just gotta commit but it's i gotta give you a round of applause just for being able to do individual shows on top of your podcast shows on top of all your bonus content you guys put out.
Starting point is 00:59:45 It's, I don't know how you do it. Oh, stop. I'm very impressed. Thank you. All right. Tell me a spooky story.
Starting point is 00:59:56 You know how, like, or are you noticing how teenage heartthrobs of in the ballpark of our generation are like scrambling to play ted bundy there's another ted bundy movie out on hulu wait what ted bundy is played by chad michael murray what he doesn't even look anything like him no and you know if you listen to wine and crime and if you don't i encourage you to do so because that's my job to encourage you to do so um we've talked about how like kind of absurd but also pretty good but still absurd the um who's the high school musical hunk who is this guy Zach Zac Efron's Ted Bundy was he did a pretty decent pretty decent
Starting point is 01:00:40 Bundy I got a uh a fact. I worked on that movie. Second of all, I love saying it because everyone in our generation and who is a fan of true crime apparently went to go see that movie. Yeah. Immediately. Yeah. So I like being a part of something culturally. But no, it's it's also so on the nose that like people of our generation love Zac Efron people of our generation really found a niche in true crime and so of course Zac Efron would be like I know where
Starting point is 01:01:12 the fucking money's at you know a thousand percent and that's just smart business Chad Michael Murray was like I want a piece of that pie and it is bad. It's not good. Why? I personally hated it. Because it wasn't accurate? No, it was fine. I hated the
Starting point is 01:01:37 pacing. I hated the acting. I hated the score. It was like it was like camp that without being self-actual and i actualized enough to like become camp because so much about camp is that you're not taking yourself too seriously like everyone knows it's camp even the actors know it's camp yeah yeah this was i don't know i i so i want i want people to come for me like please defend this movie because i'll just i'll disagree with you at every turn but if you
Starting point is 01:02:12 also agree with me i like that even more because i like when people think i'm right that's that's so weird i didn't even know that there was another movie i actually actually, it's so just came out. I just watched a different one when I was with Allison's family and it was, it's sort of Elijah wood. Oh, it was a very weird, it was also like, I love Elijah wood. This is a Ted Bundy.
Starting point is 01:02:35 He was the detective, but it was like, I kind of didn't like it either because the, it, it was after all of the murders, not that I want to see any murders but there the whole thing was very slow because the entire um the entire movie was him ted bundy and elijah wood as the detective in a room where they were interviews it's like a mind hunter thing yeah
Starting point is 01:03:01 and it but it was the whole thing like i swear 90 of that movie was filmed in the same room and it was just the two of them talking and i was like nothing's happening here folks you know this chad michael murray one is almost exactly the opposite like it's it it a little bit includes the investigation but it's really just him going around being gross and murdering people and like it's so poorly acted and so weirdly cast that you don't even i feel like it does such a disservice to all of the victims of ted bundy because you like i was gonna say was it respectful barely like you don't care about these women they are like vapid teenagers who are who like have no substance whatsoever i just was like what is this like it's just it it felt like a
Starting point is 01:03:47 high school film project where like somebody got their hands on a really good camera and they pulled off that part of it and then the rest of it was just fucking trash crazy and also michael murray i mean he was such a great well it's a 13 year old me he was such a great well to a 13 year old me he was such a great actor come on I was like I'm pretty sure this guy Cinderella story yeah I was like you would think he would at least carry the show with his acting but maybe he was like I'm Chad Michael Murray like
Starting point is 01:04:15 you fucking act it was kind of meh I'm just gonna say two words and then I'm not gonna talk about it again and then you need to text me when these two words resonate after you've watched it. Okay. Mannequin scene. What? Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I'm not going to say anything else. That's all I'm going to say. Okay, sounds good. And then you're going to go watch it, because you have another, you know, 24 hours of quarantine to check for symptoms. What the fuck else are you going to do? I've got literally until Christmas, I'm not allowed to leave the basement. My mom threw a couple apples down here, and that's like as far as I go. You're getting a metal tray through a slat in the door.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Do you have a bathroom? Do you have water? I have a bathroom. Actually, you know what's so funny is this, it's very cute. I know, I hope everyone's okay with a little rambling today, but this episode is being recorded in what used to be the kids club which is you can't see it obviously because there's this marvel thing behind me but um i'm in what is now a bedroom because when my mom remarried he had several children and we needed to just find
Starting point is 01:05:20 find places for them which means i had to sacrifice my kids club but uh when i was like nine me and my friends who i'm still friends with we all made like an official club down here this was the part of the garage that was like or part of the basement that was like just studs and cement floor and just completely unfinished and we like we were really serious about it like it was a big fucking deal the kids club and like you had to take a really hard test to even get into the kids club. It's like the American citizenship test. It's an LSAT. I actually found a copy of the test and it is literally like we made it so that you could not get into the kids club.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Will you please administer the kids club test on me at some point while you're bored this week waiting to get out of quarantine? Happily. Yeah. A thousand percent. I'm not fucking kidding. You won't get in. Oh, okay. Adult me can't get in.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Okay. I can't figure it out. I don't even, I don't think even I knew the answers. I was just writing words down. I did need help to get out of your escape room. So none of this surprises me. None of it. Also, I want to give you a shout out because you were the first person to actually try my escape room and you were so kind to me about it i loved it
Starting point is 01:06:30 thank you i want another one thank you i'm supposed to be making one right now i i'm literally i was supposed to do one actually a couple months ago and that one got entirely skipped because mental illness oh hi um there haven't there hasn't been a last four months yesterday it was july and now it's christmas i don't know what it was i i could not get myself out of bed for like months unless it was like like like i had to work or something i don't know what my deal was and so anyway now i'm back at it and i'm doing a holiday one so you will get another one but anyway i appreciate you liking the last one okay tell me your story okay so we've established that this episode is being released like probably end of january or
Starting point is 01:07:11 february in february so this is kind of i don't know i don't know anymore but somewhere in january we don't know ish but it's fine because regardless we're coming up on the anniversary of this murder on february 21st so if it comes out around that time, that will feel like extra fitting. Okay. You're going to go nuts over this. And you also may have heard it. So I get it. What?
Starting point is 01:07:34 But, I mean, I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if you've heard of this. You know, a lot of people think I know anything about true crime. But the art of having a true crime co-host is she teaches me everything. Other than that, I'm not a part of the world. So I don't know. Well, I appreciate you saying that because same. about true crime but the art of having a true crime co-host is she teaches me everything other than that i'm not a part of the world so i don't know i appreciate you saying that because same like i wanted to cover something that combined true crime and paranormal and since like app algorithms are literal mind reading machines talk talk actually recommended this case to me
Starting point is 01:08:00 probably from like reading my texts and emails between you and me and my anxiety is now spiraling but everything is fine we're constantly watched there's no such thing as free will so here we go um i had not heard of this case either and it's it's possible that you've heard of it because it does have a paranormal aspect but like i am also the most out of touch true crime podcaster on the planet so we share that very much but we're gonna go on the way way back machine not quite as far back as you went we're going in 1977 star wars had just opened in theaters early apple computers were hitting the market the apple 2 computer had just launched elvis presley died roman polanski was arrested new york city blackouts you know like are going on for a day or two you know it's a wild time and 47 year old respiratory therapist teresita basa is murdered
Starting point is 01:08:57 in chicago oh so she had worked at edgewater hospital which no longer exists but it was a thing at the time. And after finishing a shift, she made her way home to her apartment on Pine Grove Avenue in Chicago. She had been living in Chicago for many years after making her way to the United States from the Philippines as a pretty young girl. Not pretty young as in like she was beautiful and young, but like she was fairly young when she came to the United States. I say, yeah. And also ugly as sin. I just hate being like she was beautiful and young but like she was fairly young when she came to the united states i say yeah and also ugly as sin hideous i just hate being like she was so beautiful um she had made a lot of friends she lived a fairly quiet unassuming life she was super well liked everyone just remembered her as like just this quiet kind of gentle person.
Starting point is 01:09:46 She came from a well-off family in the Philippines. She had traveled the world. She studied music and she had devoted her studies to respiratory therapy in the States so that she would be able to like have a good stable job. And that led her to her job in Chicago. But while she was working at the hospital, she was also pursuing her doctorate in music and teaching piano lessons from her apartment. Wow. So she's like really bored on the weekend.
Starting point is 01:10:11 She's got nothing going on. No, she is not busy. She also couldn't get out of her bed for three months during a global pandemic. She has no ambition whatsoever. She was saving the world from the pandemic, it sounds like. Probably. She just sounds like a super ambitious and like generally lovely person good for her okay so but you know good for her and also rest in
Starting point is 01:10:31 peace right so late at night on february 21st 1977 neighbors down the hall called the fire department to report smoke coming from terracita's apartment firefighters had arrived and the janitor of the building had like evacuated all the, all the residents. So everybody else was safe and they found the source of the smoke coming from Teresita's apartment and broke in to investigate. The fire was quickly extinguished,
Starting point is 01:10:57 but as the smoke cleared, they found a gruesome scene. Oh God. Okay. It's always a gruesome scene y'all. It's I mean, yeah, that's true. That's, i mean yeah that's true that's i mean that's true crime for you so tarasita's body was found nude with a knife still sticking out of her
Starting point is 01:11:14 chest covered by a mattress that had been lit on fire like in the middle of her living room oh my god yeah so she was pretty badly burned though it it's pretty it was pretty clear that the burns were post-mortem so she had died before the fire was lit so at least i mean there's no like fun way to die but at least it wasn't like multiple ways at once it was i don't know what the right way to say that is i don't think i'd pick burning to death as like top of my list that seems really painful i mean i if the options were get stabbed in the chest or get stabbed in the chest and fire i'm gonna pick just stabbed in the chest yeah just i'm gonna go with just one yeah i hear you i don't want either option but i guess like at least she
Starting point is 01:11:59 suffered in less ways than possible exactly um it was fairly clear i mean especially since she was found naked that she had been sexually assaulted yep um she was killed and the killer had tried to destroy evidence with arson so that's when they went into her room got the mattress dragged it out put it on top of her and lit it on fire thinking that they could get rid of any evidence i see got it got it so although there were no witnesses who saw anyone enter or exit the apartment that night a colleague and friend of tarasita's remembered a brief phone call with her earlier in the day so this friend had called to invite her to like hang out but tarasita said she was expecting a visitor like a gentleman visitor and it wasn't clear if
Starting point is 01:12:46 this was a romantic thing or if she was just expecting someone who happened to be a man to yeah to stop over right could have been a buddy yep and this is also the 70s so we just don't have like security cameras in the hallways we don't have forensic evidence technology like we know today so without a name for the visitor who came by or any witnesses to give a description or even confirm that a visitor had come over at all right the case offered very few leads and there was like one tiny bit of evidence found at the scene that was just a scribbled down note in Teresita's handwriting that read, quote, get theater tickets for A period S periods, like initials. Oh, OK. So like, could A.S. have been the gentleman caller? Like, who is A.S.?
Starting point is 01:13:37 I don't know. Right. Got it. Makes sense. So police spent weeks interviewing friends and coworkers looking for a possible love interest, seeing if anyone had a grudge or an issue with Teresita, and nothing came up to indicate that she could find that showed that it was like a robbery gone wrong or like there wasn't like a bunch of stuff missing. It just it didn't it didn't seem to make sense. They couldn't narrow down a motive and now they can't even narrow down any semblance of a suspect. Right. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:14:24 So months go by and the case goes cold. At this point, about six months had gone by when the lead investigator in this case, Detective Joe Statula, who I will be referring to as Detective Spatula from here on out, which I don't even think I named him ever again. So it's just Joe Spatula. Detective Joe Spatula came into work to a strange note on his desk the note told him to give another precinct in another jurisdiction outside of chicago like still in illinois but not chicago pd okay to give them a call about the terracy debasa case so he makes the call and they give him the name of a man to contact, a guy named Dr. Jose Chua in Skokie, Illinois, which is just north of Chicago. It's like a northern suburb of Chicago.
Starting point is 01:15:11 So what Dr. Chua told them was bizarre, to say the least. Dr. Chua. Yeah, this is where we're going to get to the part that you're going to like. Oh, OK. Dr. Chua's wife, Remyy was also a respiratory therapist and colleague of teresita they had become pretty close friends because they were also from the philippines so this both of these people and these families are immigrants from the philippines got it remy had been devastated by teresita's death and was also dismayed that there were no leads in this case
Starting point is 01:15:42 one night remy woke up from a nightmare in an agitated state. She'd had a dream that she was talking to Teresita and that Teresita was begging her to go to the police and tell them what happened to her. The dreams became more frequent, and night after night, Remy would wake up upset but not really remembering the details that Teresita had told her. So it's like, think of how agonizing that is.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Like your friend is visiting you in a dream and being like, please tell them what, please tell them what happened to me. And then you can't remember the parts of the dream where the friend is telling them what happened to you. It's first of all, so frustrating. And second of all, if you're a ghost with that kind of power, like you are like, puttering down at the worst time like you need to be like really make those certain scenes stick so that person can
Starting point is 01:16:31 help you oh it's just like what a mean trick or like what a but she's also i'm trying to give her a little i'm trying to give the ghost of terracy to a little grace she's new to being a ghost okay that's fair she maybe she hasn't figured it out yet hasn't figured it out yet and she ramps it up so she she delivers eventually delivers and like she's probably also frustrated that this case is remaining cold and she's like i'm fucking telling my friend what happened and then my friend is not doing anything about it i clearly need to up the ante here okay okay you're right you're right i shouldn't have uh jumped to conclusion so soon with i didn't give you enough information not to so that you know that's what we gotta do we gotta
Starting point is 01:17:12 jump it also it it's kind of a good warning for the people in my life to let you know if you're listening that if something were to happen to me and i come to you in a dream and the first time around like it's not doing it like I'll be back I'll figure it out you know I am not only like I have the tenacity and I'm irritating enough and I also have eternity to figure it out like you got time we're gonna figure it out together so the first time is not the last time. Yep. So then Remy began talking in her sleep. Shut the fuck up. And during one of these episodes, her husband, Dr. Chua, remembers Remy speaking to him
Starting point is 01:17:55 in a voice that he says does not belong to his wife. Forget it. No. Yep. What kind of voice was it? Like Teresita's voice. it was not remy it was teresita oh no channeling herself through her friend wow she really does ramp it up quick immediately she was like i'll figure it out i will fucking wake up your husband and just talk
Starting point is 01:18:21 to his ass because you are remembering shit when when you wake up this is clearly not working so she wakes him up and says she is teresy tabasa and that a man named alan showery as had killed her she said alan was an orderly at edgewater hospital and then remy would wake up from these like sleep talking episodes with no memory of her dream or the conversation with dr chua really so even after the husband be like you don't remember talking about alan she'd be like what are you talking about yeah like she wouldn't she wouldn't remember and then dr chua dude is a literal doctor like man of science is like well i'm not immediately gonna go to the police because my wife who is grieving the loss of her friend is having these like episodes in the middle of the night like it i get where he's coming from
Starting point is 01:19:19 i get it too but i want him to be like fuck fuck this. This is crazy. Oh, Teresita fucking takes care of business. I love this woman. I like to think, sorry, this fucking thing is on my last note. It's my favorite thing and I can definitely take you seriously 100%. I feel like it's like a Christine and Blaze situation because Blaze would obviously want to like be the skeptic in this situation but christine would be like blaze if i need to turn into a literal fucking demon for you to take this seriously that's what's gonna have to happen and i'm doing it yeah i feel like that's literally what's happening right now um pretty much teresita is like fuck this shit if they won't solve it i'll solve it and i
Starting point is 01:19:59 will channel that is the most christine thing i've ever heard by the way i'm like i've got it i also feel like christine would have no issue irritating one of our partners into action over the course of like a month and a half oh a thousand percent yeah like if if you were murdered crit and and christine knew or like was channeled like you would channel christine to annoy blaze into waking up and going the fuck to the police and christine would do that for any of us 1000 i would certainly love to scare blaze too because i know so fun it would be so fun i'd be like blaze you are going to learn like i've been telling you for years and now you're gonna believe it and if you don't believe me then you're not you know you can't help solve a crime
Starting point is 01:20:45 so what kind of guy do you want to be please you know yep and you know dr chua again he's a doctor so i think he's also approaching this from like a okay my wife is grieving this is like grief and anxiety that's manifesting in these like bizarre sleep episodes. That's not like an uncommon thing. Sure. And I don't think if I were like a respected doctor, I would necessarily want to call the cops and be like, okay, investigators, a ghost is inhabiting my wife at night.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Honestly, telling me who this lady's killer is. But if I were to believe anyone, it would be the skeptical person who believes in medical and science and logic. I'd be like, if this guy's freaked skeptical person who believes in medical and science and logic. I'd be like, if this guy's freaked out, I don't even need to ask questions. Yeah. But, you know, Teresita, in true Christine fashion, would not give up.
Starting point is 01:21:33 No. And kept visiting Remy night after night, who in turn would awake her husband and beg him to tell the police about Alan Showery. to tell the police about alan showery so during one of these episodes remy who is possessed by teresita asked dr chua why he hadn't gone to the police yet which i love that like what the fuck are you doing get off your ass why haven't you gone to the cops it's like are you not reading the room my guy like what's happening here get out there and dr chua is like well i guess i'm having a chat with the ghost now so he responds that just there simply wasn't any evidence pointing to alan showery and he can't go implicate someone in a murder based on recurring sleep talking episodes like i can't in good conscience go do that which is fair and i respect it okay fine
Starting point is 01:22:15 but teresita had a solution to that she told him that alan had stolen some of her jewelry on the night of the murder and gifted it to his own girlfriend. So with something that can actually be like investigated and corroborated, Dr. Chua finally went to the police to disclose what had been going on at his home. Okay. Obviously the police think this is completely nuts, but also they have, the case is cold.
Starting point is 01:22:44 They have nothing else to go on you might as well go with it you might as well just see what happens right may as well go with it and this is someone who works at the hospital it's not like they have no reason to go question this person again and they had brought in like basically anybody who had ever worked with teresita had already been brought in for questioning so like they've talked to alan before so they just wanted to talk to him again it makes sense okay so they had brought him in previously but he had presented an alibi that either investigators thought checked out or they just didn't really pay attention to it who knows as you know i think cops are often useless that's my hot take but
Starting point is 01:23:19 as they questioned him this time things are starting to like look suspicious and i think alan starts to realize that he got caught or like he might be caught people are sniffing around yeah yeah so i think he's maybe offering up more info than he previously did so alan lived within walking distance of terracy's apartment he admitted that he had gone to her apartment that night to fix her television but that he had gone home her apartment that night to fix her television but that he had gone home i know right that's what they're calling it that's also like that well also talk about like a smoking gun like now you've all of a sudden owned up which you didn't before that you were in her house the night she was murdered ding ding ding okay well this is
Starting point is 01:24:03 really funny too i found this may not even be true but i found this in one of the articles about this whole debacle that like when they followed up with the girlfriend which they do and we get to it she was like he wouldn't have any fucking clue how to fix a television like that's a bullshit story really like there's no way he would have known how to do that that that's not the reason he was over there so she immediately was like no that's like if if i ever go somewhere and say like oh i was helping them with laundry and the police go to allison also be like laugh in their face be like lock them up like that's that's a big old fucking lie like why do you talk to the big mountain of clothes
Starting point is 01:24:44 that's in our room right now because i'm pretty sure nothing's happening oh i have so much laundry to do i'll do some laundry tonight i intentionally i think i'm gonna do more laundry than i ever have because i intentionally under packed for this literal month-long journey i'm on so that i have to keep doing my laundry i You're building habits. I don't know. You're going to build good habits. I'm at least going to build good travel habits.
Starting point is 01:25:14 And then when I get home, I'm going to take the suitcase, unzip it, dump everything on the floor and go, good night. Yep. 1000%. Or you can do what I do, unzip the suitcase, keep using stuff out of the suitcase for about a month and a half after you've gotten home until the suitcase is finally empty and then you put the suitcase away oh it's not until the suitcase is empty because then it becomes a new laundry hamper and then just and then eventually you build on top of it and i finally do laundry once i have so much clothes
Starting point is 01:25:39 that when i start putting the clothes away i find an old dusty suitcase at the bottom. And I'm like, where did you come from? And then I realized I never put it away four months after my journey. Oh, I can't wait to up my meds. We are depressed. We're nailing it. We share so many habits. I love us. I don't even feel unsafe telling you that. It's just a very silly thing that poor, poor Allison has to live with so i feel bad for her at the end of the day allison and bill should maybe start a their own private chat like a grief counseling situation their own support network because i'm fine having a messy room it's once you're in a relationship that all of a sudden you realize that like you can't live
Starting point is 01:26:22 in squalor you know yeah and bill is not like the most tidy like he he also has clothes out but like i take it to a whole new level oh i make it offensive like yeah me too he also owns like three things so i i don't want to say how many t-shirts i have but i have four closets y'all two dressers and four closets okay i feel i feel better about myself i'm a problem i'm a huge problem this way i have a thick thick uh like wooden dowel that holds all of my hangers and it is on the verge of snapping in half because i have so many clothes hanging off of it i love that how i know it's bad so you're amazing and perfect. Don't change anything. Okay. So the cops then shortly, where was I? Then they spoke with Alan's girlfriend who, like, weirdly enough,
Starting point is 01:27:12 had recently received jewelry from her boyfriend, Alan. Oh, interesting. Okay. And after she had already thrown him under the bus about the TV thing, she was like, yeah, I'll bring that jewelry into the police station for examination. She sounds like she was on her way out anyway she was like i'd like to think that i'd stand by my man if they were accusing him of murder but if you know i do think that sometimes it's like the tv thing nah that did not happen i again with the laundry thing i feel like if allison heard that like i was cheating on her she'd be like that's impossible but then if it were like he ends going somewhere else to do laundry she's like no it's like no the whole
Starting point is 01:27:50 relationship is completely ruined it's irreplaceable irreparable it's irreparable yeah oh i love that so um the jewelry was investigated by members of teresita's family and they were able to confirm that the jewelry had belonged to Teresita shut up that's so I mean that's like your smoking gun basically yeah but also like the smoking gun left by a fucking ghost like how crazy is that bananas it's amazing so this next part is I am just quoting directly from an article uh posted by the lineup that says quote shortly thereafter showery confessed to the crime he said that after he left her apartment the first time he planned to return and rob her so like he did go over there under the yeah i'll come fix your tv even though he had no fucking clue how to do it
Starting point is 01:28:41 then he left and then he went back i see i see which is also creepy to me i yeah because also a lot of times you they they'll say they come back or they say they will come back and then they never do it's actually kind of odd when they do show up again and it isn't for like a i don't know i feel like a lot of killers will come back to the scene of the crime because they after they're dead after they're dead but to come back and like almost do like a round two situation on a person is so creepy it is really creepy because it shows it shows like a level of premeditation and intent that and a confidence like a confidence where he's like oh yeah i'm gonna come over and it's like
Starting point is 01:29:23 he was scoping out the place seeing maybe how many neighbors were coming in and out it's just like he was covering his he was like feeling out this situation and then built more confidence to come back knowing that he could assault and kill yeah and again again it's also confidence of like, oh, I can also take my time with this whole plan because no one's on to me. Exactly. So he came back to rob her, but his efforts yielded little reward because Teresita kept very little cash in her apartment. So as a result, he ended up taking the jewelry that eventually led to his capture. Without those pieces and Remy's aid, he would never have been caught.
Starting point is 01:30:04 While his plan to mask the robbery as a sexual assault quickly unraveled okay so i guess this i this i totally miss in the it had looked like a sexual assault because she was nude but then they ran an autopsy because she was like burned but not so burned that they couldn't do like a rape kit and, and do a full investigation of her remains. And so those results showed no indication of sexual assault. Oh, okay. At least in terms of like penetration.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Sure. So they were still like, okay, this could be a sex related crime, but we're not, there's like, there's no semen. There's nothing to show that she was penetrated,
Starting point is 01:30:41 but that doesn't necessarily rule out some kind of assault but like that's not what you know we didn't go we didn't go there so he it turns out had stripped her to make it look like it was like a breaking entering rape robbery even though oh okay it wasn't really that he just wanted to rob her sure And then didn't get what he wanted. He probably got pissed off, stabbed her, and then was like, oh, shit. And then tried to plant it to make it look like something else happened. Yeah. Yup.
Starting point is 01:31:14 And then the fires had been pretty effective in destroying any physical evidence at the scene, even though what they would have been able to collect at the time probably couldn't be properly tested for fucking years sure um showery was charged and tried for terracita's murder despite confessing to his crime to detectives he pleaded not guilty which is pretty common and a lot of lawyers i think will even recommend doing this because then you can get a plea deal or yeah you can like barter down your sentencing so i think that's pretty common when the trial ended in a hung jury though it seemed like showery might get away with murder but while he waited in prison for a retrial he had a change of heart and pleaded guilty um the obvious explanation for his like quote-unquote change of heart though was there was a sentence reduction and a deal they the state probably didn't want to go back to trial because if there was a hung jury the first time you never know what can happen the
Starting point is 01:32:08 next time so they just want to like fucking be done with it um but you know people also thought that maybe terracita's ghost had visited him in prison and been like listen motherfucker that would be so christine too that would be like i would be like you thought you could get away from this situation you can't i am here for the ride until you are no longer here either exactly wow so i like to go with that theory because i like to think that she i like it too if you have the power to come back after death and say whatever the fuck you want to people like i should hope that you would find your killer and really really, I just fucking rip him apart. Get your own justice, honey. I love it.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Yeah. So, you know, whether you believe this was supernatural visitation or not, I fully do. I fully do. How Remy got this information remains a complete mystery. So she has, like, always adamantly maintained that Teresita was visiting her in dreams. Wow. So she has like always adamantly maintained that Teresita was visiting her in dreams. Is it possible that Remy like overheard some shit while working at the same hospital as the killer? Sure. But there's nothing to suggest in any of the articles I read that he talked openly.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Like he kept this a secret. You know, so like, yeah, like he's at work going like oh i fucking totally killed her and i stole some jewelry and gave it to my lady i mean it sounds with the information we have like the only way anyone could have found out is from terror to herself who is now a ghost there was also an alleged dispute between remy and alan for complaints that he made against her at work that led to her employment like with edgewater being terminated so like they maybe had a little bit of bad blood but also like that's not enough to be like that he he stole her jewelry that nobody fucking knew he took he gave that jewelry to his girlfriend like the details that nobody else was able to provide brought closure to terred's loved ones and closed
Starting point is 01:34:06 this case like period full stop no matter how we think she got them but I'm fully team ghost I'm I'm fully team ghost too 100% and also there's a uh I'm forgetting the name now but there's another story of a ghost solving her own crime. So, I mean, it's happened before. Yeah. I mean, that is what I Googled, and there were lots of options. And then, obviously, this TikTok came into my life, and I was like, this is fucking badass. So this case has also been featured on Unsolved Mysteries
Starting point is 01:34:40 and this epic show that I feel like maybe I've screamed at you about before. It's called Beyond Belief. You have. Yes. It's one of my favorite terrible shows from the 90s ever. And listeners, if you have never seen it, you have to watch it. It's specifically called Beyond Belief Fact or Fiction. It was hosted by Jonathan Frakes, who famously played Commander Riker on Star Trek.
Starting point is 01:35:06 And the entire show is just him introducing three different weird stories and then the series like reenacts these stories by terrible actors in the most terrible 90s scenes you've ever seen in your life and then you guess at the end if the story is fact or fiction and he reveals at the end which which ones are fact and which ones are i wish you could like text in like american idol i know that they should have really thought of that it's so deeply absurd and my friends and i are obsessed with the show and you can watch it online and we are also convinced that jonathan frakes is like one of those cis straight guys who like is too enthusiastic about cunnilingus like loves it too much there's a line
Starting point is 01:35:49 like trust me there's a line and I have yet to find the line I don't know what you're talking about I've dated one person who was like towing that line and there were moments where I was like something's off here what makes you think that he is like that
Starting point is 01:36:05 just a vibe you get? it's just something about his face and how like you're gonna hate me so much he's like always shiny like I'm convinced his beard is always wet and it's just like the way that he talks like you can just picture him being like I just love the taste of a wolf like he just
Starting point is 01:36:21 seems like that kind of person okay I know you've given like a uh a ringing endorsement for this show for other reasons and yet i'm only gonna go now watch it for you just have to watch it with this mindset where it's like and you'll immediately see it you'll be like oh shit yep there it is like i'm about to youtube it as soon as we hang up you'll find it well i mean the timing is perfect because i'm done now i just had to leave everybody with freaks is too too enthusiastic about cunnilingus he's like it's like too enthusiastic on to the point where it's bordering on like you're i'm pressuring you
Starting point is 01:36:58 into letting me go down on you that's where that line i feel like is it exists and there are there are dudes out there that are like that. And I am telling you right now, I have nothing to back this up, but he's one of them. I, you know, we started with stick figure porn and we ended with this man's forehead.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Apparently. So circles back. I somehow we found a way to loop it all together. I want to do some forensic testing on that beard is really what I'm saying. Come forward, Franks. I want samples do some forensic testing on that beard is really what I'm saying. Come forward, Franks. I want samples. Well, maybe be in a room with him long enough and get to know each other. And if you're comfortable, he'll suggest it.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Use myself as bait. Is that what you're suggesting? I'm saying for science, it would be good for all of us. I would do it in a heartbeat. Oh, my God. Okay, well, get back to me on that. I would do it for all of us. I would do it in a heartbeat. Oh my God. Okay. Well, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:46 get back to me on that. I'm going to go watch the episode because I have to know what you're talking about now. Okay. And, uh, thank you so much for being on here. I really appreciate you and Kenyon and Lucy all helping out,
Starting point is 01:37:57 but I did want you to, to be last because you know, I, you have a special place in my heart. So I love you. If you don't, please go check. First of all, if you're watching YouTube, this is the in my heart. I love you. If you don't, please go check. First of all, if you're watching YouTube, this is the dumbest thing that's ever happened.
Starting point is 01:38:08 This fucking pop author. I love it. Please go check out Wine and Crime if you have yet to listen to them. They are all delights, as you can tell individually. But collectively, they're a real rowdy bunch. You're on tour now. Yes. As this is coming out in February, we're hoping, yes, that we are currently on tour now yes so uh as this is coming out in february we're hoping yes that we are
Starting point is 01:38:28 currently on tour and is there anything else you need you want to plug i mean just not really i mean check us out head to our website wine and crime that'll have like all of our tour dates we sell our own line of wine we have all kinds of fun merch and you can find us literally anywhere you get your podcast we're on twitter instagram and facebook at wine and crime pod come uh come hang and uh i thank you again for coming on and teaching me all about this banana story yep uh and that's why we

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