And That's Why We Drink - E262 The Quadratic Formula for Our Crushes and AIM Screen Name Numerology

Episode Date: February 13, 2022

She's baaaaa-aaaaack! Our favorite trashy-classy goddess has returned from her parental leave and we're clocking a 1000/10 on the numerology attitude chart! To mark the occasion, Em takes us on a jou...rney from dumpster fires to deities and reads all of our numerology charts, including Leona's, then gives us the history of numerology itself. Then Christine covers the disappearance of Patti Adkins and we learn that the jig is up, not the gig. And be sure to look out for visitors from beyond... Burbank... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hang on a second girls gays and theys girls gays and theys welcome back by popular demand the better half of and that's why we drink weighing in weighing in at pre-baby weight we've got the craziest the craziest silliest drinker you've ever known christine schieffer okay camera switch to me camera because i have to show you something camera oh it's not gonna switch to me huh is it just gonna be on you the whole time it looks switched to you to me oh does it maybe zoom has an update okay also i don't know if i don't know if anyone could even hear me because i know the music was so loud next to the microphone so uh if you didn't hear me we are now welcoming back uh the world's
Starting point is 00:01:05 greatest cryptid america's first seen shifter oh my god okay ready pull it out with my teeth pull it out pull it out it's about time we i have not seen you pour yourself a glass of wine in a year that's not true because i was here for christmas and i drank and you were just here and i drank in front of your face and you have a video of it i know but on like a classic and that's where we drink up i said i guess christmas was different but christmas was a special here i'll do a little clinky with okay clinky clink well clink clink clink what are you drinking today oh man what am i drinking i'm drinking a classic, my $8 Apothic Red. Apothic, I know you love it.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I love an Apothic. And I'm wearing a special, special shirt that I'm already spotted. But let me show you. Oh, I love it. It's my, it's my Cackleburger Witch got me this for Christmas. For those of you who don't know, it was, it was when we covered burger chef or something yes burger chef and it was a chef jeff right chef jeff it was a very odd odd experience for all of us very fever dream experience christine introduced me to like like the backwoods mcdonald's gang and like and so i found a shirt and with cackle which it was like creator of the happy meal but also their slogan was like your family's dinner is ready or something like really fucking
Starting point is 00:02:30 dumb um and oh i'm also wearing my a new i knew trashy classy headband look at you with all your spots it's extra trashy because it has leopard print on it so Oh, I miss your trashiness. I feel like this episode I'm going to be extra giggly because I'm like I got butterflies again, but I'm like back with you. I know me too. Blaze is like, are you nervous? And I was like, no. Should I be? I am.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I'm like all flustered. I'm lying. I am nervous. But that's why I brought a drink. Yeah, I'm nervous. I feel like we're back in the olden days again. Well, again, thank you. And shout out to every single person that came on and took a little spot for you. And thank you to everyone for your patience and letting us have some people on.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Well, Christine took a well-needed break. It was wonderful because I got to listen to all these fun stories. And I mean, not necessarily fun, but all these fun guests. And then people on Twitter were so a well needed. It was wonderful because I got to listen to all these fun stories and like, I mean, not necessarily fun, but all these like fun guests. And then people on Twitter were so kind about it. They were like, Oh, these episodes are so fun. But we miss you. I was worried there were going to be some that were like, God, I hope Christine never but I didn't encounter those. They might be on Reddit. I didn't check. But it is kind of how I feel after blaze was on. I really don't need you anymore yeah I'm sure Blaze was like well Em doesn't have me to talk about sports anymore so there's nothing
Starting point is 00:03:49 you have to be nervous about and I was like oh god oh god he helped me he helped me meet my sports quota like for the next 10 years 10 years I was about to say that oh well speaking of which the song you just played you know that's um that's what they play at my Bengals games as the when the Bengals come out into the field and we just won our first oh did you know that's um that's what they play at my Bengals games as the when the Bengals come out into the field and we just won our first oh did you know that already no I didn't I keep going okay uh and we just won our first playoff game in 31 years since since my birth year our first and I was there I got to go there and be there um and it was so cool and awesome and cried a little bit and it was amazing. So I'm not saying we're Super Bowl champions this year, but like it's possible.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Okay. Good luck. I mean, I don't know. You could tell me that they already won last week and I'd be like, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you, Christine. I was with you when you found out that they like made it to the playoffs. Oh, yeah, you were. Such a big deal. And i was with you when you found out that they like made it to the playoffs oh yeah you were such a big deal and i was for you and i was so for me and i was so honored because like you know i like to when you tell me about things that you're excited about like marvel and stuff and i was like em can i tell you something i'm excited about that you don't care about and you were like so happy and excited to just like i owe you after all of the times i've told you like spider-man theories and like
Starting point is 00:05:07 you're like and poor you you're just like that's excellent i'm so happy for you listen we if nothing else we know there's somebody who will listen to our bullshit um yeah you gotta be you gotta be everyone else's hype man if you want people to hype you up that's exactly right that's the gemini way also we can now finally i know we talked about it a little um in the christmas episode but you have a baby now welcome to full-blown motherhood now you're on the official and that's why we drink side where you're like a parent i know um our our uh my our beautiful friend jess who does the newsletter, sent me a wine glass that says, and that's why mom drinks. It's super cute.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And I love it. And also, when this comes out, she'll be four months old already. So what size fruit is that? What retro game from the 80s is that? Oh, my God. She's a Sega Dreamcastcast she's a big old fucking xbox she is chunky now well you met her finally i did we should update that pie i did i met her i got to meet her we are on okay terms um which like i expected i really went into this assuming it
Starting point is 00:06:23 would be another giovanni situation where like i I was prepared for full-blown hatred for three years. And then overnight it would be like a best friend, like a power story you would only hope for. Absolutely. So I think that's the track we're taking. I think we're getting used to each other. Yes. She's at that age now where she's finally realizing like who I am and who Blaze is. So she's kind of getting a little more hesitant about new people. So I think that's why that
Starting point is 00:06:50 happened. She's also a COVID baby. I think she hasn't like seen a lot of people up close ever. So I think the fact I try I was like, I like to think I was like, not all up in her face, but I was definitely close enough when I was holding her that she looked at me and was like, you were the first person I ever saw her have like a quote unquote conversation with. Like she was like babbling to you. And I was like, she's never done that to me.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I bring it out in the Schaefer's. I don't know what it is. Apparently so. I did. I, the first conversation I ever had with Leona, I was trying to poach her into having a podcast with me and we picked mommy to the curb.
Starting point is 00:07:23 You probably did. I mean, just wait until she could talk and she'll be like, finally, I can confirm that. Yes. But I will say too, Em posted a really adorable photo on Instagram about how the baby thinks the ceiling is hilarious. And ever since Em noticed that, it's all I can notice how much the baby just thinks the ceiling is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And like, i was a little freaked out at one point because i was just holding her my lap and she kept looking over my shoulder and like cracking up and i was like i'm just gonna tell myself it's a ceiling and then em was like it's probably all the ghosts on the ceiling and i was like fuck i was like it's certainly like little cretins like crawling around upside down like spider-man on the ceiling so i don't know but wait till she can talk i'll come with more creepy stories i'm sure we did one time use a ouija board in your home and it said that a little boy named lazarus lives there so if she gets to be lazarus's
Starting point is 00:08:18 age and around like five or six she's talking about hanging out with old lassy you know and remember i heard daddy in that same room. I heard it too. And you fucking heard it. Em was like, you're not going to believe me, but I was just in the kitchen and I heard someone say daddy. And I was like, this is not. This is not home.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I like. Jesus Christ. You say daddy and daddy is here. She just walked in the door. I don't like that. That scared me. Is the baby in his hands? Oh, oh no, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:08:43 You eat. I have wine. Thank you for visiting, though. Thank you, Blaze. I miss you from last week. He tried to bring me Chinese food, which was very nice, but I will spare you all and I will eat it after. Thank you. I do miss the slurping of a noodle around you.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah, no, the baby is, I will say, even cuter than in the pictures, which very sweet. She's definitely kind of bald now because her hair fell out. So it's starting to grow back finally. So she's kind of a cue ball right now, but that's okay. Well, I will say since this is the first episode back with Leona, I wanted to do I wanted to give her a grand welcome. I know you had Christmas Christmas. I'm considering an outlier. Yeah, that was kind of like a special occasion episode back with leona i wanted to do i wanted to give her a grand welcome i know you had christmas christmas i'm considering an outlier yeah that was kind of like a special occasion thing plus christine really like inserted herself into christmas she was not supposed to be there i was like i'm making a holiday special no one asked for it and here it is and so because of that i had a
Starting point is 00:09:38 plan to do this since before you even left to go on maternity leave. What? What is it? I've had this in my list the whole time. And so in honor of Miss Leona, I am covering the topic of numerology. And at the end, we're going to do a little numerology for the baby. Wait, for real? Oh, I've wanted this. I mean, you know that, but I've been waiting for this topic. Oh, I'm wanted this. I mean, you know that, but I've been waiting for this topic. Oh, I'm so amped.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So I know it's not super paranormal or spooky, but it falls into like the, I don't know, it's some, I know, like a cult. It's like groups still consider it as a big thing. Like spiritualism. Even LA granola people love a good numerology set so um and plus at some point i'm probably gonna cover like basic zodiac astrology and stuff so why not we never done that that's fun anyway i do i do appreciate that my uh i don't envy you and the fact that i i feel like my category of and that's why we drink is a little more expansive. I feel like it's more of a catch-all. I agree, but then that also happens with mine because it's like anything illegal is technically crime. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:53 So it's sort of like any cult, anything that kind of takes advantage of people. I feel like we both have pretty expansive categories if we try. That's true. That's fair enough. I feel like mine's more obvious but yours ends up being it could be either of them could be anything uh i will say um eva if you're listening i know you're out there in the in the the back rooms of zoom um but uh i did our all three of our charts and leona's did oh my god i didn't put our like the meanings of our stuff um i was like eva's very excited so um how do you know that oh she texted she said you looked like
Starting point is 00:11:36 up and i thought she was like behind your computer i was like wait a second she's she's actually right there she's rooting me on um and so i put our numbers and I'm going to text it over after I'm done. So you can like look up what the numbers mean. It's just, it's so, it gets really winded, really long winded very quickly. So I don't want to bore people, but I did hours. So later you could look at what each of your numbers mean. And then I did write stuff down for Leona. So just so baby's first numerology chart okay i mean it's about time she's been alive for four
Starting point is 00:12:12 months come on i know hurry i know it listen the second you're actually going to find out you have quite a powerful baby i feel like i'm talking to harry potter's parents i may or may not have created her a co-star already don't don't ask me whether's parents. I may or may not have created her a co-star already. Don't ask me whether I did because I may or may not have. Wait, what does that mean? What's a co-star? What's a co-star? You're not on co-star? No.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Dude. I'm sorry, but I am panicking a little. Co-star as in like you got her a co-star, a.k.a. you're pregnant again? No. I was like, wait, now I'm panicking. Wait coaster co-star co-star it's an app it's a uh zodiac it's a um uh horoscope app or like a zodiac app astrology app that's the right word i see i have not on there obviously zero idea what you're talking about not even on there with kenyan from wine and crime like wait so we become friends with people on there?
Starting point is 00:13:05 You can see your match, you know what I mean? Why aren't they sponsoring us? That sounds like such a fun little thing. Oh, it's amazing. So you got to get on there because now Leona and I both have one. Wait, I want a friend to request Leona and be in her top eight of the astrology charts. You should because you'll be
Starting point is 00:13:22 one of two, me and you. Ah, okay, perfect. so uh anyway here we go with numerology and before we get started i do want to say that like there was one part that was so confusing to me um and like not in the way that you would expect so numerology uh i'm going to talk about different types of numerology that are out there but basically you every letter or number has a value and when you calculate them to figure out what your formula is that's when you figure out what your numerology numbers are okay so the thing that confused me was all of these in some way require your full name and so I was like okay are we talking legal name are we talking changed name
Starting point is 00:14:06 if you get married or if you change it for if you transition you know or if you just have a nickname and you don't identify so i wish i could be the person to give you that answer but it was such a mixed bag like so many sources said so many different things um a lot of them were like part of your name i don't they were not trying to sound transphobic but i'm just gonna like take it personally and be like that's transphobic but they were saying like your full legal name is required when you do your numerology chart because it's like imprinted on your soul when you're born and it's part of you no matter what i call bullshit on that then there's because i feel like the the name you identify with is the one that exactly if we're talking about energy exactly
Starting point is 00:14:51 the one that you connect with which should be the one that makes sense and my thoughts exactly so that's my like hot out of the oven take about names is like i'm with you on that i personally think you should be rocking with the one that you identify most with especially because there's a whole other argument that was like pro use the name you prefer um because they i guess there's some like rumors in the entertainment industry that people will change their name on purpose before they get big to like based on numerology manifest that they will have success wait what no way they're like oh my numbers will be better in numerology i guess they say like it's really bonkers i'm not saying this is like lady gaga did not do this but they used her as an example of
Starting point is 00:15:36 like the numerology for lady gaga versus the numerology for like stephanie stephanie whatever her last name germagata is that her last name yeah i think so like the numbers are totally different so she could have if she wanted to changed her name so that way she was bringing in different energy for her career so uh i did see one thing on a website i think it was the same one that referred to lady gaga they were like maybe try out your professional name versus your personal name and see if they bring different energies okay so that's interesting um so anyway i say use whatever name you vibe with because apparently this is all about vibrations so exactly um okay so here is numerology do you want to take a stab at what the definition of numerology is? Oh, geez. I have no clue. I mean, I guess every number carries with it some sort of energy.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I mean, I don't know. It's my vague understanding. It's the study of numbers and their effect on individuals and the world around them based on the vibrations they emit. So it is one website I saw called it a way that the universe communicates with us. And it's the notion that everything in the universe can be analyzed through numbers because these numbers connect to different types of energy. So once you know the energy behind each number, you can kind of analyze and predict ideas around you or how things are going to go. I feel like this is every skeptic's nightmare
Starting point is 00:17:05 because they're like you're really using math now you're using ladies and allison have both turned off completely or at least lowered the volume so they can say they listened but like didn't you know they completely muted it but if you look like the time stamp is still moving it's moving that way like they're giving us the download really, they don't have to be a part of it. We don't care. We want the download, so we'll take it. So depending on which system you use, because there's different types of numerology out there, depending on which system you use, your numbers can also be ruled by planets, gods, even colors. It's kind of like astrology, if you will. Okay. Here's a fun fact for you numerology or it was called at hogwarts athromancy it was hermione's favorite class see i love that
Starting point is 00:17:57 anyway so you can be like a smarty pants and also into some spiritual stuff if you want. Blaze, are you listening? So in 1907 – No, he's not, and we already determined that, but okay. In 1907, the word numerology was first introduced. Numerology has been around for far longer, but that exact coinage was recorded by Dr. Julian Stenton. So only since 1907 have people been officially working with numerology okay um as it's called there are a few different types but the most
Starting point is 00:18:32 common one is western numerology it's also known as pythagorean numerology um it started back in the 500s bc with my man p fag pythagrist and every math teacher is having a heart attack right now they don't like pfag what's going on it's like how i call well i don't want to get into it yeah yeah yeah yeah i've heard it all from you from your dumb little mouth i've heard it all yeah for those who don't know i call my phone my peahone and I not unironically no like fully without thought without second thought or first thought really just I just if I if I lose it and I'm around you I'll be like oh my gosh have you have you seen my peahone the first time you did it I was like have I seen what like I really did not know what and
Starting point is 00:19:21 then one time I said like do you want to go probably to Starbucks and you were like let me just get my s-hose and I was like excuse me you're what my s-hose you get it look the second you say it you get it also I there's only three words that I do it with and nothing else but I do pejon my s-hose for my shoes and my g-lasses okay g-lasses I'm still not on board with that's the one where i'm like i can't fully get behind it i don't know where it came from but i really it's it's impossible to stop and even if i could i'd choose not to okay okay glad you heard it here first folks it's a part of me maybe i should do the numerology for those words and see like what's happening in my world you know oh no i don't want to know about g lasses numerology vibrations so pfag uh he is a
Starting point is 00:20:09 greek mathematician in case you didn't know and he was very very very into the idea that everything could be explained through or broken down into single digit numbers um i guess he really got into this when he realized that you could correlate numbers with musical harmonies and different musical notes. And since each musical note has different vibrations, you could assign numbers to those vibrations. And so this is a quote from T2C Online. But I just really didn't want to change the sentence um but basically b-fag he looked into it more after he realized that you could correlate numbers with vibrations and he was able to quote use people's birthdays and the vibrations of the notes that correspond to those numbers
Starting point is 00:20:58 to give accurate descriptions of people's personalities okay if they taught this in math in like algebra i would be so much more invested in my i would have gotten much better than a b minus if it were if it were algebra i'd be like what is this person's vibe compared to this person's vibe and then what's the slope of that you know the slope what is the quadratic formula relationship with my crush i need to know actually i can tell you it's just a steep decline because it's actually a line that goes immediately down the whole time it's a vertical line with an arrow yeah the bell curve requires you to go up at one point and it never did there's no curve involved so uh
Starting point is 00:21:38 pythagoras i really have to fight to not say the other one. Pythagoras, he is technically considered the father of numerology after this discovery or this at least active use of numerology. Even though there were versions that existed way before him. So there is really there was numerology in China and Japan and India. In fact, when he was learning about his own numerology theory, he actually studied Chaldean numerology for like decades, which we will get into what that one is. But so there are, by the way, a bunch of numerologies I'm not covering. There's Chinese numerology, Indian numerology, Tibetan, Egyptian, Arabic, Greek, African, shamanistic.
Starting point is 00:22:24 That's just some of them holy um so there's a bunch of different ways you could use numerology and that's actually one of the ultimate criticisms of like well if it works and why are there like a million different versions um but i'm just going to cover the main three that seem to be the most common even today. One of them is Western, the Pythagorean version, which I will cover later because that's the one that's most common. And so that's the one that I used for Leona and us and all that. So I'll break that one down separately later. But the other two that are the most common are Chaldean and Kabbalah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 are Chaldean and Kabbalah. So with any of these forms of numerology, you can analyze the initial number you got. So I said this one time, I think I must have done, it must have been when I covered the lucky number 13. You did, yeah. That's when we talked about numerology like slightly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:24 So one of the things I said then was in numerology, the individual numbers and the combined number mean different things, but it's all important. So for the number 13, 1 and 3 are both important in numerology. But when you add them together to get 4, 4 is almost like the ultimate uh i don't know the umbrella number of it yeah okay yeah well like it ends up like four is the one that people pay the most attention to but if you want more detail on the inside of if you want more info on 13 you look at one and three break it down into the separate parts okay got it got it got it got it so with any of these forms of numerology you can analyze the initial number you get or you can take that multi-digit number and look at each individual number and get a
Starting point is 00:24:15 better rounded analysis of yourself okay um so the first one i'm going to talk about is chaldean it is spelled c-h-a-L-D-E-A-N. So I hope I'm saying that right. But Google and YouTube both told me it's Chaldean. That sounds right. The whole time I was doing this, though, before I looked at the pronunciation, I was calling it Chaldean. So I'm very glad I checked. I don't think that's it.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I just, I had no, I had never seen that word before. So I was like, oh, Chaldean. Okay, Chaldean. Okay, Chaldean. It is the oldest form that we know of, of numerology. It's from ancient Egypt and Babylonian times. And many people say that this is still the most precise form of numerology. Ooh, okay. One community that actually took Chaldean numerology very seriously was in what is today,
Starting point is 00:25:07 it's Iraq today, but at the time it was called nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar what how do you know that because i went to catholic school oh come on say it again okay i feel like i i want to make sure i'm saying that right but nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar i think is how you say it Nebuchadnezzar something like that I'm pretty sure that's how you say it Nebuchadnezzar I feel so fucking stupid sorry everybody it's like a million letters long so it's not I don't think it oh Eva says that's how I learned it too okay um thank you well obviously I did not figure I did not go to Catholic school okay so also I could have literally just looked it up and I don't know why I didn't. So Nebuchadnezzar. Okay, so that.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah, the like Iraqi, yeah. So they were a big community that used Chaldean numerology and they were known to have, quote, strong prophetic abilities by using this numerology. So people still attribute this to like their belief in numerology that it could have really strong prophetic abilities and they base it all the way back to then. So how it works is that each letter in the alphabet is assigned a number one through eight.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And one through eight, the number that's assigned to each letter is based on the amount of vibrations it emits. You can use the letters in a person's name to figure out what numbers their name holds, aka what vibration their name is and what vibration they are. So the idea is you can use numerology to better suit your environment because if you're vibrating at a number nine and you're hanging out in an environment that's seven, then you might be off. So it's a good way to see what traits you have or what goals you have or what opportunities are coming so that way you can always stay in balance and have a more harmonious life. Just leave those sevens behind. You get it.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I get it. I've done it, you know. So you can – once you've calculated that number, you can analyze traits, goals, etc. It's, again, very similar in some ways to astrology. The calculation is adding each letter, which is assigned a number, that you have in your name. And then adding them until they get a single digit number. So if I added up my name, let me send you a chart just so you know what it looks like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So this is the Chaldean numerology. So it's 1 through 8, and it shows the alphabet. And it's not actually in A through Z. It has A, B, C, D, E, U, O, F, I, K. Oh, okay. through eight and it shows the alphabet and it's not actually in a through z it has you know a b c d e u o f i k so okay based on the number that that letter is assigned you add up all the letters of your name and so mine ended up being like 36 so you can add three plus six and get nine so my final chaldean number is nine. But if I want to look at my individual digits. It's actually five plus four in case anyone comes and checks,
Starting point is 00:28:11 double checks your work. But yes, it does equal nine. Well, and three and six also equals nine. I didn't know if you needed the individual digits. Just in case somebody looks it up and it's like wise okay so if you add up all of mine my final chaldean number ends up being like if you spell i think i used m schultz i think for mine oh okay so i thought you were just doing em and i was like i think that's five four no no no em sc your whole thing got it okay never mind got it got it got it interesting though that m also equals also equals 9 on its own. It does. So that must be, like, a very special number.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Actually, it is. In Chaldean, the number 9 is sacred. Oh, God. Here we go. So that's why. So if you look, when I describe later Pythagorean, they use 1 through 9 instead of 1 through 8. Chaldean doesn't use that because they think 9 is so sacred that it shouldn't be included in this ranking. So you're just not part of it at that point so they were just like only the special people get
Starting point is 00:29:08 a nine okay um so uh if you wanted to add up yours i already did your number for you and you are a one like a fucking negative five what your caldean number is officially when you add everything up at seven but if you were to add up the single digit seven plus zero equals seven, which would be your official Chaldean number. So it's seven? It's seven. Okay. Fun fact. So then I did look up what that means for you.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Oh. So you're sacred. We got that covered. I'm sacred. And then I just left it at that. I didn't want to know anymore. You don't need to. Yours, though, you are ruled by the planet Neptune in the color white.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And you have a very developed gut feeling. You are good at understanding people's intentions behind their actions. You have a deeper meaning. You see the deeper meaning in everything. And you have a profound insight. Okay, I'll take it. It's probably just telling me what i want to hear but i like it i'll take it again one of the criticisms is like it's just complimenting you but also it does i will say numerology it's very much like um i would say astrology or tarot and that like with every meaning there is a positive and a
Starting point is 00:30:26 negative. So sure. So anyway, that was that's how you would find your Chaldean number. And for Chaldean numerology specifically, what I think is really fun is that so I had 36, which equals nine. But the the single digits in your number, the single digits represent the person on the outside, whereas the double digits show what you're like on the inside. So the number nine for me represents what I'm like on the outside, but the double digits of three and six more, more analyze what I'm like. Okay, so you're sacred on the outside. Yes. Well, what are you on the inside? I'm a three and a six, and I don't want to know what that means.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Dumpster plus fire. So here is Leona's. She is 82, because you gave her so many fucking letters in her name. Leona Lampagnalli, are you kidding me? Okay, 82. I also, I did use her full name until further notice so i added i threw her middle name in there too cool according to caldia number blog spot um i quoted this whole thing because it was just a very very well said this is one of the most powerful numbers oh boy and it can elevate
Starting point is 00:31:39 even an ordinary person to the status of a ruler oh no i don't know if i'm ready for that imagine this as a teenager living under your roof uh duty conscious which she currently is with those diapers uh-huh with unceasing efforts they will dominate the scene in any field they're placed in they will attain the pinnacle of fame by making a fortune either in horse races or car races okay i don't know about that okay she's gonna be a horse girl they create unnecessary problems in their love matters and will be over adamant in nature but their eyes have magnetic powers and if the power of this number is properly understood in practice then no physical or mental feat is impossible to perform she sounds like she's gonna be a badass
Starting point is 00:32:22 okay i like that because it's like there's some like critique in it like it's like they can be a little much whatever i kind of like that it's like you know what get it be be be bold uh somebody commented on her instagram post and was like her they were like her eyes like she's i can tell she's an old soul. And I was like, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, it's happening. Well, okay. So that was her initial double digit number, 82. But if you add eight plus two, you get 10, which is still double digits. So you get one plus zero, which equals one.
Starting point is 00:32:59 So her official Chaldean number is one. Oh, okay. I see. So according to Divinity World world number one means quote it represents having a strong winner mentality in order to gain success people who are represented by the number one are also very creative and perfectionists they do not like to do things themselves and rather like to outsource their work to others which i i understand girl hell yeah but i don't want to do the work as but I don't want to
Starting point is 00:33:25 do the work I'm gonna be the one as a parent probably who's outsourced too I'll have I'll relegate that to daddy she'll go she'll go mommy and you'll go blaze blaze it'll be like an automatic chain reaction so fun fact I did try this on myself just to see like, I tried my dead name and I tried my current name that I go by just to see like if I was right that the energies change. And so I tried my dead name and I got the number 62. And the description I got for 62 was the disaster full of gravest warnings for the future. Did I not say dumpster fire? Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Wow. Beautiful. Gravest warnings. Holy shit. Then I used my current name. I got 36 and it is a creatively influential kicking in the doors and telling people what's the deal. Great sense of humor, charisma. So I was like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Oh my god. I was like, okay, you know what? That proves it right there. You go with the name that you feel you best identify with. You just fucking like swerved out of that dumpster fire direction you were going. It said gravest warnings for the future. And I was like, mom, you should have just done my numerology and you would have known a long time ago. Come on.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So anyway, that is the Chaldean number system. It's very basic. It's just your first name. You add up the letters, bada bing, bada boom. Love it. Okay. The next one that is very common is Kabbalah, which you can use. This one's kind of crazy because there are up to 400 different results you can get.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Holy shit. Because there are up to 400 different results you can get. Holy shit. So because the way that they have the grid that they have, there's like 22 different options. Let me just send it to you. Okay. Something about the vibrations. There's like up to 22.
Starting point is 00:35:21 It breaks down to there's 400 different results you can get once you put your whole name in there. Ooh, okay. Because there are more potential vibrations that you can assign letters, I guess. So in Kabbalah numerology, it encourages the idea of wisdom and knowing yourself very well to best understand your results. And so it's considered the most complex
Starting point is 00:35:38 because you have to be really honest and have done some self-work to really see what the meaning of your numerology is. Uh-oh. I imagine you have to do that with any of them. But I kept seeing like that emphasis for this particular numerology. Okay, interesting. Stating it. Fun fact, some people believe that the Old Testament was written in a secret code. And they use koala numerology to decipher it. Okay okay just saying it's a fun fact so i'm not saying anything code chapter 32 if da vinci just used numerology and figured it out i'd be like that
Starting point is 00:36:13 was really not that hard to like you know i mean what like it's hard okay so uh you can this is how it works you calculate your name this one's more of a math problem. So you calculate your name pretty much the same way as you did with Chaldean, but you divide it by nine afterwards because that's how many options there were for the range was one through nine. So you divide it by nine. And then most of the time you will end up getting a number that comes with a decimal afterwards. Oh, sure. So what you care about is the number immediately after the decimal so let's say you divided
Starting point is 00:36:49 i don't know what the actual thing would i can only think of even things that will end without decimals let's say that you divided your number by nine and you got like 52.3333 or something you would worry about your name is like 800 letters long okay fair enough times nine okay okay i get it i get it i'm just so then you would take the three like you wouldn't worry about anything else just the number right after the decimal just the one digit the one digit and then you you add that let's say in this case it's three you would add one you always just add one to the number after the decimal oh okay so even if like the example i could only think of in my head was like if you got nine for some reason and then you divided or if you got 81 and
Starting point is 00:37:37 you divided by nine and it would come out to 9.0 even if it's 0.0 you still add one so you'll always have at least one as oh okay does that make sense i feel like no it does without a whiteboard i feel like i'm just like yammering on no i get it i get it so then that becomes your official life path number oh okay so every uh so i think every number yeah every number then ends up being either one through nine. So because even if you have a zero at the end, you add one and you get one. If you have nine at the end of the decimal, you add one, you get 10, but it breaks down to be a one again. Okay, I get it.
Starting point is 00:38:22 So it'll be, so everyone's life path in kabbalah numerology is one through nine and each of these things represent a different aspect of life to show you what direction you're heading towards or what you're destined for so one is progress two is and these are very like very concise and spark noted like there there's actually very long, whimsical paragraphs you could read about these, but I'm giving you like short bullet notes. So one means progress. Two means expansion or development. Three is love.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Four is lack of fortune. Yikes. Hope I'm not number four. Five is creation. Six is completion. Seven is spirit. Eight is impulse. And nine is success impulse okay well so uh
Starting point is 00:39:10 leona's eight which is impulse so uh in different ways it uh represents abundance achievement charisma and karma but that does sound like the other thing you read of like, just like be the center of attention, outsource the work, go big, go home. Exactly. It's basically good karma coming around. And I mean, it sounds like success and you're just going to make it work however you have to. She's like a horse racer, right? She's a...
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah. Oh yeah. She's going to be a bookie, I think, is what's going to happen. work however you have to. She's like a horse racer, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. She's going to be a bookie, I think, is what's going to happen. Oh, that tracks. Yeah. So in case you were wondering, Christine, and I'll send this to you later, yours is a five, which is creation. Okay, that fits.
Starting point is 00:40:02 What's yours? Mine is nine, which is success bitch fuck so well no wonder i hitched my wagon to you i was like i'm creative but i can't i'm not successful i'm gonna just follow him around when it comes to the the final one the western pythagorean one we actually do have a lot of similarities which in numerology world I think explains why we're very, why we work so well together. Intriguing. So those are the two less common of the main three, like, but overwhelmingly, the most popular one these days is Western Pythagorean numerology. This is just my PSA before I get into numerology, Western numerology.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Just like tarot, just like astrology, it's best that like, I mean, I'm giving you basic information that I learned yesterday. So like, I'm giving you the best that I can. But if you happen to know someone who is more, has more expertise in this, you're going to get probably a much better answer to some of these things. So if you're ever doing your numerology chart, and you happen to know, maybe an actual numerologist or someone who's really invested in this kind of stuff, I would suggest having them analyze you instead of doing it on your own. Like if you know PFAG, just ask him directly. Honestly, if you know PFAG, you give me a call because I got a lot of questions about why I flunked all of my math classes.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's because it's not because you're a nine. It's no, no, no. I don't know what to tell you. You get it. So I had a little PSA there. It's fun to do. But if you can get someone to actually analyze your numerology chart and not just get some like website to do it for you, and it's probably the same cookie cutter answer that they give
Starting point is 00:41:39 everyone, then yeah, let us know what your numerology is. And if you do that, let me know. I would love to like, obviously paid, but I would love to. Yeah, I would love if you're into it. I would happily get an official numerology chart. Maybe we can expense it. Oh, that'd be a great idea. I feel like this is a business expense.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And if it goes completely against what I told you about us with this, then I'm going to feel bad and stupid that i clearly didn't know what i was talking about if they give you a completely different answer um after i read our charts so uh with this system the western one you use your name and your birthday for calculations okay and there are six as far as i know some sources were saying it's just five but i'm just gonna give you the additional one too and say there are six. As far as I know, some sources were saying it's just five, but I'm just going to give you the additional one too and say there are six main numbers that you're looking for in your numerology chart.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So a numerology chart, once you have all six, it can show you your strengths, your weaknesses, your potential opportunities. It's very much horoscopy to me. Out of the six numbers, three come from your birthday and three come from your name okay so the ones that come from your birthday i tried to break this down as easy as possible because i feel like talking about math without having a like a pencil and paper is like really awful for some people we've like tried rhombus conversation rhombus talk remember rhombus talk that i remember rhombus talk and it poorly well I think I was able to figure out how to make it palatable.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So the three numbers that come from your birthday are your birth number, your attitude number, and your life path number. Your attitude. Uh-oh. I don't want to know. So the attitude number is the one that, like, wasn't on some of the lists. They were, like, the other five are important and the attitude is just, like additional fun one it sounds like the one like cosmo girl added it's like find your attitude number follow this flow chart if you work for cosmo and next month i see something about an attitude number in your magazine i'm gonna know you listen to this podcast we better get a check
Starting point is 00:43:41 in the mail yeah so in order I don't know if it's in order, but to make it easier for people to understand without visuals, it is the easiest way to look at it. The three numbers are your birth number, attitude number, life path number. Okay. Your birth number is just your birth date, just the day. Your attitude number is the date and month. Your life path number is your date, month, and year. So it just keeps adding on. is the date and month. Your life path number is your date, month, and year. So it just keeps adding on.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Interesting. Okay. So your birth number is just the day you were born. So Leona would be one because she was born on the first. You would be the fourth. I would be the third. You kind of get it? So what is Eva if she's 11th? Is that two or is that 11?
Starting point is 00:44:19 I'm going to get to Eva. Oh, oh, oh. Hold your damn horses. So hang on. Eva, you would look out. So I would be a three. You'd be a four. Leona would be a one.
Starting point is 00:44:32 And it's basically the first impression that you give. Oh, and Blaze would be a two. So we got one, two, three, four. Ah, that's so good. Do we know anyone who's a fifth? Gio? No. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yes. Look at us go. Wait second that's hang on a second i've really inserted myself into your entire family i love that i'm the only one who's like doesn't live in that house we needed a three hey you needed a third wink wink okay so um so your birth date is just the first impression you give. And to answer your question that you were going to ask, let's say someone's birthday was like the 23rd. It's the same thing where you would add the two and three together to get five, but the two and three individually can tell you more about yourself than just the five. So they just get more intel.
Starting point is 00:45:22 They kind of just kind of are luckier in that way. Yeah. But Eva is particularly interesting and I'll tell you why later. Can't wait. So the attitude number, much like Christine's like a thousand out of ten. Yikes. Off the charts. Your attitude number is just the same thing.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Your date plus the number of the month. So we would have six because we're June. If you were 12, it would be one plus two, which equals three. So you're nine and I'm six plus one? Yes. Okay. Yep. I just want to make sure I follow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:04 No, you're, so date plus month. So you would be six plus four, which is 10. Plus, yeah, so it's one. Yeah, so then it's one. Okay, got it. So that's just your attitude in life. That one's pretty easy to explain also. So the next one, which is the date, the month, and the year, which is your life path number. That is the most important out of all six of these. The life path numbers, like if someone were, it's like the, like you're,
Starting point is 00:46:26 if we're talking horoscopes, it's like what your sun sign is. Oh, okay. Got it. The one everyone knows. Right. So if you were talking to a numerologist, they'd be like, oh, what's your life path number? This is the most important one. So date plus month plus year.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And so you would be 1991, it'd be one plus nine plus nine plus one. And then plus. It's a lot of math. I know. But in case people are thinking, like, is it 19 plus 91? Got it. So it's just all the digits. Take them all individually and just put a plus sign in between everything.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Okay. So this is your most important number. It's who you are at your core. It's your path to a fulfilling life life what could come from it what obstacles you might face what opportunities are there for you um leona is a seven in case you need to know that later i i was curious and uh your life path number is three which is interesting because my life path number is three no way and since these are the most important it's again very much like how we're how to gemini's get each other i imagine two life path threes i love that and it's funny because
Starting point is 00:47:31 like you're six three i'm six four but you're 1992 and i'm 1991 so that digit like makes up for it yep oh my gosh um is there like a word for path three or is it like no i wish i wish there was a cool a cool thing to say but impulse was worth were threes that would just be what it is i like it so if any other number in your chart corresponds to your life path number those features come easier to you than others so um later i'm going to talk about your personality number. So if your personality number is a three and your life path number is a three, then your personality is maybe more easygoing or people can read into who you are better versus like you're really misunderstood or, you know what I mean? Okay. Okay. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Or there's a destiny number. Interesting. Or there's a destiny number. So if your destiny number and your life path number are the same, your destiny might come easier for you or there will be easier, more opportunities for you to succeed. Got it. Okay. So those are the three from your birthday, your birth number, your attitude number, your life path number. The next ones are the three numbers that come from your name instead of your birthday. Okay. So this is done pretty much just like Chaldean and Kabbalah, which it's you look at the chart, and you just add up your name and you add it until you get single digits. Right. So the there's one number called the heart's desire or the soul's urge. Oh, soul's urge. I like like that and it's basically your desires are what you need to be truly happy in life okay so the way that you get this is you have to use your full name which is
Starting point is 00:49:12 why there's some controversy aha yes but you have you it's when you add up all of the vowels in your name that's when you get your desires the vowels oh my goodness okay people say what about the letter y and they actually have an answer to this really which if the letter y in your name is next to a vowel at all it's a consonant right so right so if it serves as a vowel in that it's then it is a vowel it makes sense yeah yeah so like taylor because it's next because the y is next to another vowel it's a consonant but tyler because it's in between two consonants it becomes a vowel i see sometimes why i get it yeah so uh so your soul's urge or heart's desire it's it's called different things based on different sources then there's the
Starting point is 00:50:06 personality number which can you guess how you figure this one out if the last one was add up all the vowels is it the consonants sometimes why okay got it i'm following all the consonants and it's just your personality the next one is your i saw different names everywhere but it's either your destiny number your expression number or your power number depending on which website you're looking at and it is basically your full name not just vowels or constants so they say it's your soul's urge number plus your personality number but really it's the vowels in your name plus the constants in your name which equals your full fucking name. So it's just add, it's just do your name.
Starting point is 00:50:46 That's what your destiny number is. And the destiny number is the second most powerful number in your numerology. So your life path is when you add up your entire birthday and the destiny numbers, when you add up your whole name and both of them kind of are the most encompassing, uh, well-rounded numbers for you got it um and your destiny number is your strengths your goals what you're destined for
Starting point is 00:51:11 so obviously i checked our charts fun fact our heart's desire and our life path numbers are both similar and they're both uh i think they're both let me see oh no they're there so we both have a heart's desire number eight and we are both life path numbers three so even though they don't overlap with each other the fact that ours overlaps so well we both have the same desires in the world the same things that we want and you know prioritize and our life path of like the direction we're heading is exactly the same. So that makes sense. That would be so awkward since we literally own a business together. But so it makes a lot of sense when you think about it, why all of a sudden. It does. So anyway, fun fact. I love that. So here's why I wouldn't answer your question earlier about Eva because I'm pouring my wine. Eva happened to be born
Starting point is 00:52:05 on an 11th. And in at least in Western numerology, I don't know if it's all numerology, but at least Western numerology, there are three numbers called the master numbers. And in your first round of calculations, you might end up with double digit numbers like 77 or 55 or you know a number that has 69 no like if it's got the same digit twice oh okay okay or really any double digit number but there's only out of all the double digits out there there are only three that are super powerful and they are 11 22 and 33 and so if you have if you have one of those, you don't need to simplify it. You already have a master number. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:52:51 It's like a badge of honor. I love that. I miss like having Eva's like text commentary come up on the side of my screen as we record. So Eva, this is for you. so for the master numbers 11 22 and 33 for some reason it doesn't exceed that there's no 44 or 55 it's just those three and according to which i consider the highest source on numerology uh these master numbers quote represent the three phases of creation 11 is envisioning 22 is building and 33 is sharing so 11 is this is another quote from numerology 11 is the visionary
Starting point is 00:53:34 22 is the architect and 33 delivers it to the world so if you have one of those numbers in your chart you don't need to simplify it because you basically are like i'm a fucking master he was the visionary holy shit so people with uh master numbers in their big six chart a lot of times do have greater struggles or burdens oh well i mean look at who she works for we are what the universe brought you eva. She's like, I have a three and an eight. That I have to deal with. We are your destiny, Eva. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:54:11 To conquer great struggles. Because they, since they have the, it's basically the Spider-Man with great power comes great responsibility. If you have a master number, there's a higher expectation for you to understand the world's problems so you can best cater to it. So, to be able to embrace. Did you spider-man yeah it literally is with great power comes great responsibility if you have a master number and you have this kind of innate power or potential for power then you have to understand other burdens to be able to know how to best use your power so uh f, having these numbers in your chart simply does mean you have the potential for it, but it is not like a destiny guarantee thing. You have to want it. So fun fact, if you're doing your chart and all of a sudden you see like a 33
Starting point is 00:54:58 and you're panicking that you have all this responsibility, you get to choose whether or not you want to do anything. Eva says, wait, I want it. So I think that confirms. Well, here, Eva, here's more for you. So if you're an 11, this is If you're an 11, you are a seer and an empath and you hold powerful intuition, spiritual awareness, and you're very cooperative with others. Well, that's true. If you are 22, you are... Which is your lucky number. Well, that's true. If you are a 22, you are the-
Starting point is 00:55:26 Which is your lucky number. Which is my lucky number. I don't, I looked around, I don't have 22 on my chart at all. I think 22 just is a, it's a fluke lucky number. That's a bummer. But cool that one of my lucky numbers is a master number. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:38 22 is known as the master builder because it can actualize anything. It's very methodical and it has a fear of failure because it knows how great its potential is oh that's deep and if you're 33 which is the one that delivers this creation to the world um a quote from numerology says 33 is pure love and light guides others to healing a channel for divine messages and is the most profound wow i wonder if we know any 33s i look i was really hoping one of us would be a 33 in something and nothing i feel like that would be too much like if one of us were and one of
Starting point is 00:56:15 us weren't it would be like whoa i'd be like honestly threatened honestly i don't. Oh, my God. Eva just said, are we 133 together? Did the three of us make 33? Probably if you fudge the numbers a little. Yeah, I guess we could. Just change them to be 33. Yeah, I guess. Ask PFag. He'll be cool with it.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So one thing that I did find funny is that, you know, Eva is an 11, which is a master number. But you, Christine, are a 4. is that, you know, Eva is an 11, which is a master number, but you, Christine, are a four. And according to one of these sources, four and eight have the same thing, where apparently they are, quote, the numbers known as the numbers of fate and karma.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And when four or eight is a single key number of birth, which yours is because you were born on the fourth, the number was chosen by that person before birth as a way to balance heavy karmic debts i just got chills and like probably it's true so basically you did you have some correct hey i'm trying really hard i believe it one and two i'm trying really hard maybe that's why your baby has an old soul because she knows what you did i was about to say maybe that's why my baby has such attitude problem already according to her numerology. I like to think that she showed up and she was like I'm back Christine you thought you could leave me in the last life and I'm here now. I remember what you did. Remember your karmic debt?
Starting point is 00:57:38 Well I am your karmic debt. I am your karmic debt. Just catch me at the horse races you'll be sorry. your karmic debt. I am your karmic debt. Just catch me at the horse races. You'll be sorry. So the basic criticisms of numerology are confirmation bias, that the second you see like a 22 somewhere, you think that something special is going on in your life.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Another is that numerology is based on a man-made system. So how could it be spiritual at all? Okay, but there's numbers in nature. Okay, whatever. True. And the criticism too is that there's so many nature. Okay. Whatever. True. And the criticism too is that there's so many versions of it, then how do we know which one is correct? Another is that it's unreliable if it changes based on your name change. So if I went from my dead name to my current name, all of a sudden the energy changes or the vibrations change and
Starting point is 00:58:19 the definitions change. So it feels... But I could see like i could see why it makes sense the way you described it earlier yeah i look i feel like i was doing a service by finding out my dead name means like nothing but failure means like trash trash trash triple trash and also in different cultures numbers might be associated with different traits and so they might be analyzed differently based on wherever in the world you're doing a numerology chart. That's a good point. I think that one's a valid argument. So anyway, that is numerology.
Starting point is 00:58:56 But I wanted to read Leona's really quickly in case anyone wants to do a chart for us. So Chaldean, the Chaldean number for Leona is 82, but simplified it's one. Leona's Kabbalah number is eight. In Western numerology, Leona's birth number is one. Her attitude is two. Her life path is seven.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Her soul's urge or heart's desire is 10, simplified to one. Her personality is 24, simplified to six. And her power slash destiny slash expression number is 16 simplified to one her personality is 24 simplified to six and her power slash destiny slash expression number is 16 simplified or 16 simplified to seven wow so um i feel like i've been talking for a long time the only thing i had left was a description of who she'll probably become but i'm gonna read it i'm so curious so this is i went on like 20 different websites and like looked up all the numbers.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And these were just the most common things I found for each of them. So this is her Western numerology description according to Affinity Numerology. Okay. I'm going to go by number. For her birth number, it represents leadership, independence. She sounds a lot like Blaze because she actively is going to seek information. And you see that in like all of these numbers she's like a big science head um they do things she's gonna listen to this one day and be like what a bunch of bullshit she's gonna completely like you know how like kids rebel from their moms oh she's gonna be like ghosts aren't real and then
Starting point is 01:00:20 i'm gonna have to have a real talk she's gonna going to be like, I'm going into STEM, Mom. You can't stop me. No! They do things without feeling compelled to consult others for feedback, which I love. And she's very innovative. For her attitude, she prioritizes family, home, nurturing, healing, and responsibility. She loves harmony and enjoys visitors.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Wait, that's so sweet. Visitors from beyond? I don't know. Visitors from Burbank. visitors wait that's so sweet visitors from beyond i don't know visitors from burbank hey that's me um her life path number is that she's very introspective analytic intuitively connected to ancient wisdom oh boy um she is analytical her life circles around research investigation and science like that's the most blazing i've ever said in my life what it doesn't come from me for sure this okay but tell me this isn't you this is like i'm not i didn't these words were next to each other on infinity numerology so tell me if this is not blaze plus you equals leona oh life circles around research, investigation, science, as well as spirituality and solving mysteries.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Oh, my God. Quality and intelligence in others is respected. Urges to accomplish perfection, good judgment, dedication, intense reasoning, which is going to be a problem for us. Uh-oh. Relaxation and study are both going to be best done in quiet places away from bustle. So maybe use that for the future. Wow. Her soul's urge and heart's desire number says that she has a strong need to be self-sufficient and direct her own life. She's independent at heart. She is going to be determined to reach her goals and reach them on her own effort she's loyal and friendship fair and business and
Starting point is 01:02:05 a safe leader a safe leader and personality she's all about nurture home harmony beliefs responsibility and their thoughts often tend to be on others and their needs and they are capable of deep affection and personal sacrifice for others and And then her destiny number says that she has a quest for knowledge and teaching others of that knowledge. She's intelligent, intuitive, scientific, and enjoys writing, reading, inventing philosophy and solving mysteries. Okay. I love that.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I will take that. I love it. You know what's interesting about numerology, like about all of this stuff? I know people say like, oh, you can read into it, whatever. But if you read that for me, I'd be like, that does not fit me at all. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, I know. Like it's so easy to read into things.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Sure. If they're like, you're kind, creative, whatever. But like that would not fit me at all. So I'm curious to see if that actually does fit her someday. Right. So anyway, I don't know i i i have a hunch between the science and solving mysteries you really landed yourself exactly what we were all expecting our new research assistant anyway that was very long-winded i it got i got i started getting yammery because i haven't talked
Starting point is 01:03:22 to you in a long time well i also inserted myself once again into your story. That's numerology 101. Wow. And I'm now going to send this to you and Eva. And you now have your own numbers to look through later. I know Blaze lowered the volume earlier, but I feel like if he listens to this, he's going to be like, yeah, that's my daughter. You know? I feel like that's like a really cool,
Starting point is 01:03:46 proud thing, like research oriented, but also like family and deep affection. And I don't know. I feel like nothing I found was problematic about your kid, which is like super cool. God, except her,
Starting point is 01:03:58 like getting her fame from car chases or something. So, and also like being a bookie. Yeah. Uh, anyway, there there there you have it oh i love oh my gosh eva says thank you you really sent all of our things oh i love this yeah fascinating um i know i mean all that science is definitely not genetically related to me so okay well i mean relax think about it if if she becomes a scientist like that came from blaze not me well that's a fact but if she becomes
Starting point is 01:04:33 the next zach bagans aha well science and zach bagans in my mind aren't really in a venn diagram together but i mean i could be wrong but also i one of one of the numbers i saw at one point did say that she's like gonna be like problematic in love like she's gonna like care too much which makes me think she's gonna end up with a zach bagans at some point no so oh no i'm warning you now she's going to probably be into the bad boys that's what i'm thinking i don't or girls or babies just saying i have told you enough times behind closed doors how excited I am for her to come out as queer one day. I'm just saying. If she chooses to do so.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I'm expanding upon your assessment that you never know. If she ends up with a bad girl, though, or a bad baby, honestly, I'm going to be equally blind to it. I'm going to be so excited for her. I'll be like, oh, my God. And then we'll all be hurt together as a unit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're going to be like, you make a great couple. I'm going to be like, for her. I'll be like, oh my God. And then we'll all be hurt together as a unit. You make a great couple. I'm gonna be like, and that's not what I asked you here for. This intervention is not about that. The swaggiest, coolest, like fuck boy lesbian. And I'm gonna absolutely eat it up for her. I'm going to be leather jacket, not leather, obviously, but this is the future we're talking about but wow yeah i can't uh i can't
Starting point is 01:05:45 wait anyway that would be here's to you leona good luck here's to me okay i'm the one who needs all the luck and uh help anyway please tell me a silly silly story that isn't very silly at all i feel like this the silliness feel like the silliness ended here. The silliness ended here, but give me one second because my other thought is, what if by the time she's like three, she's like, I want to go by Leo or something different. I wonder if that will change. Funkal M is going to redo the numerology charts.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Is that what's going to happen? You know, I'm curious. Maybe she's like, fuck science. I kind of don't care how she identifies but she better just go by leo no matter what it's leo is a very cute name so like maybe but then i'm worried that i'm gonna try to make it leo and she's gonna be like mom don't try to make my name for me you know so she might be like it's actually ona or like what's leona backwards somebody tried to write it and they wrote it wrong and i was like close uh let me see lee it's noel a a noel a noel i think so so the like opposite of noel a noel oh fun fun
Starting point is 01:06:58 anti-christmas okay anti-christmas anti-christ uh-oh okay wait actually i forgot to tell you her whole numerology chart was just six six six every all the whole way down oh my god i already knew that okay so now i have like let's rein it in let's be sad we had fun we had fun we had so much fun together we had fun we had so much fun together this is the story of patty adkins is patty adkins the the victim or the she's the victim she's the missing person got it okay so patty adkins actually saw this uh story on an episode of disappeared uh shout out to discovery plus and um that's where i first saw it i think it's also been on dateline but this is the disappearance of patty adkins so we're in 2001 july of 2001 and uh it's july 8th and a woman named marcia pitts has not heard from her sister, 29-year-old Patty Atkins, and she's starting to get nervous.
Starting point is 01:08:06 So Patty, Marsha's sister, worked at a Honda factory in Marysville, Ohio, and she'd actually worked there for 10 years. And she was particularly looking forward to the 4th of July because the factory was shutting down that week for the holiday, for the whole week. So everybody who worked at the factory was able to have a vacation basically she was like i'm getting out of dodge she's like i it's ohio we're gonna go to a lake somewhere yeah what is like the what's the thing for for july 4th what do y'all do in ohio uh illegal fireworks and fun beer i mean you know probably what you do in virginia i imagine same yeah i'd be excited to get a week off of work to do that too hell yeah yeah hell yeah cheap beer boats i think that's pretty much i love july 4th boats yeah that's the fun stuff i agree all right um so she couldn't wait because she had a plan to go on vacation with her boyfriend
Starting point is 01:09:07 and their vacation was to canada oh wait a minute i like that fourth of july a lot better ultimate romance also like the like ultimate like anti-american thing to do for july 4th valid point love that such a good point wait can we all just go to canada do for July 4th. Valid point. Love that. Such a good point. Wait, can we all just go to Canada on July 4th next year? No,
Starting point is 01:09:30 Canada's like, no, we don't want that. Please God, no, no. Keep your illegal fireworks to yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:40 So they were going to Canada. Love that for them. Leave the country to celebrate Independence Day. Yep. And so in preparation on Thursday June 28th Patty dropped her golden retriever and her cats off at the vet where they were going to be boarded and dropped her seven-year-old daughter McKaylee off at Patty's ex-husband's house before her final day at work on Friday, June 29th. And this was the day before the big vacation, the big 4th of July week. Got it. So that she was like, where the hell is my
Starting point is 01:10:12 sister? Like we got to make plans or we got to figure out. So sorry, I think I got this confused or I think I probably didn't clarify this enough. But so I started off with Marsha, who's waiting to hear from her sister patty patty's the one who's been working at the honda factory is very excited for her trip dropped off her dog and cats and uh dropped off mckaylee at her ex-husband's place and i got it got it marcia is has not kind of re-entered the story she's not she got it okay we're here but yeah so patty dropped off her pets she dropped off her seven-year-old daughter um had her last day of work friday june 29th and here
Starting point is 01:10:51 comes this big holiday weekend so the plan for mckaylee was to stay at her father's house before moving on to her aunt marcia's house later in the week so marcia's the one I mentioned up top who is waiting on July 8th, flash forward, to hear from her sister. And so she's watching McKaylee, her niece, basically. So now over a week later, Marsha and McKaylee are together and they are waiting for Patty to come back from her trip, but they had not heard from her all week. So like I said, Patty was on holiday. She did say she was going to Canada to kind of a remote spot where there wouldn't be much signal. This is also 2001. So I think it was a little more spotty to be out in the wilderness. More normal to not be able to hear from each other right away.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Right, exactly. Like more like, it's not that weird to say I'm going up to some cabin and I'm not going to have service. Right. So they didn't think much of it. But after a while, Marsha got worried because Patty wasn't one to be late, especially because she was supposed to be picking up her daughter.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And Marsha just thought that was odd. So Marscia called her sister's phone every 30 minutes uh that afternoon trying to get a hold of her and then started calling basically non-stop like every three to five minutes like regularly and no answer i can't imagine the panic the panic just hearing the voicemail over and over again. Or like, yeah. Especially if it's every five minutes. Like, I don't know yet what happened to Patty, but if she's able to see that like her phone is being called every five minutes and like.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Oh, God, that constant ringing. You know, like knowing that someone's looking for you. I didn't even think of that. So time is moving on. Still no sign of patty so marcia decides to ring up the guy that patty is with in canada uh to see if he knows where patty is so she calls his office and a woman picks up it is the man's wife oh done done done plot twist it's a plot twist for us however Marsha knew about a plot twist for me double plot twist I see okay so Marsha is like I
Starting point is 01:13:17 knew that this man's wife was going to pick up but to be kind of discreet and I guess kind toward her sister, she pretends like she's a customer. So she doesn't like blow up her sister's spot. And she asks if this woman knows where her husband is. She's like, I'm trying to get a hold of this guy. Can you let me know where he is? And the wife says, oh, he's not back from his trip yet. So Marsha's like, thank God. Okay, they're just running late from their vacation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:56 They're just out of service, whatever. Wow, sneaky, sneaky for Marsha to like. Right? Like not throw her sister under the bus, but like figure out what she needs i love that marcia is a homie i was gonna say she's a homie she's she's loyal to her side yeah loyal yeah she knows what she's doing yeah so marcia's relieved uh she's like all right if he's not back then probably patty's not back yet so she waits a few more hours and then at 5 p.m she's like i don't know i still haven't heard anything so i'm gonna call again but this time the husband
Starting point is 01:14:30 picks up he is back from his vacation and when marcia asks about patty he says patty who and it could have been because he was with his wife and had to play dumb? Yeah. So. Okay. Probably. Question mark? Oh, so no. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Not sure. She says, what are you talking about, Patty, my sister, the woman you went on vacation with? And he says, I don't know what you're talking about. Patty, Patty who? Patty Adkins from the Honda factory. Weird. Why would I go on vacation with her? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And Marsha is like, because you're dating. And he's like, I barely know her. What? I know. What the fuck? So this sister is like,
Starting point is 01:15:19 I'm excited to see where this goes though. Like, was he lying through his teeth? I guess you'll have to wait and find out. What is your gut say? My gut is he's lying. But I also don't know how the rest of this goes yet. You're right.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Okay. He's lying. Okay. He was like, I don't even know this man. And he was gaslighting me through your story. I was like, wait a minute. Does he not know her? 100%.
Starting point is 01:15:43 He's like, Patty, who? Oh, you you mean that woman that random lady from the honda factory it's like i in my mind she he i'm so easy easy to be manipulated clearly like i was almost like wow patty has been lying this whole time you never know right it's like especially with something kind of shady like an affair you know i mean i'm with you like i should never let a man do that to me again i don't know what i was you shouldn't next next thank you next so uh he's like i barely know her so patty and um the guy had met working together at the factory but and i want to be clear that the man's name has not been released to the public that's why i keep calling him the husband the man oh really yeah
Starting point is 01:16:31 because we do not know the name of the husband or his wife because did he not go to jail like spoiler alert no typical okay anyway classic okay classic christine's back on the podcast infuriating okay so so we don't know his name that's why i keep calling him the husband so they had met at the factory but according to the guy the husband there was nothing romantic between the two of them he was happily married with kids he would never have randomly gone on holiday with his colleague like what are you talking about so obviously Marsha thought this was strange she's like my sister's been talking about going on a trip with this guy and she's like smitten with him. Why is he pretending like he doesn't know her? And why isn't he telling her where his sister was?
Starting point is 01:17:32 Right. So at this point, she's like, something's not right. Whether her sister's lying or this guy's lying, something's wrong. So she asked, what did you do to her? And he didn't give any information. He's like, I still don't know who you're talking about. So she hangs up the phone. She knows something is wrong at this point.
Starting point is 01:17:51 So she calls up their other sister, her and Patty's other sister to explain the situation. And they were like, all right, by 7 PM, two hours later, if they do not hear from Patty, they are calling the police.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. A thousand percent. Yeah. So according to the Claremont Sun, Marsha goes over to Patty's house to see if A, her sister is there, or B, if anything suspicious can be found. So Patty's car is still in the garage. The house seems to be in full order. Nothing seems weird. And 7 p.m. soon rolls around.
Starting point is 01:18:25 So there is no sign of Patty. So Marsha goes into the police station and reports her sister as missing. And that night around 3 a.m., according to Kylie's true crime blog, otherwise known as It's Crime O'Clock Somewhere. Hey! I've referenced it before, but I think it's crime o'clock somewhere hey i've referenced it before but i think it's the best name ever uh marcia is able to use her sleuthing abilities and find the husband's home number not just the office number and she calls him at three in the morning his wife picks up this time she's like you know what fuck this i'm not going to protect my sister's like affair anymore i'm going to tell the wife that her husband is
Starting point is 01:19:13 having an affair with my sister i mean if he was like being that openly yeah also very quickly do i get the classic and that's why we drink five of like a cocky fucking dude oh my who's like he has a lot on the line that is very easy to risk this woman on the other end is like i know you're having an affair where the fuck is my sister and he still has the nerve in the home he shares with his wife to be like what are you talking about to be like what patty who yeah yeah like in that moment you would think you would have been super cooperative to be like please don't fucking tell her where i was you know frightening yeah it's it's scary so she calls exactly and it's like well fuck this i'm not gonna like the gig is up
Starting point is 01:19:55 basically and tells the wife everything wait what the gig is up the jig is up the gig is up the jig is up the jig okay first of all i've been meaning to bring this up since uh before but you can have a beef with someone okay my father-in-law who works worked at a newspaper for many years literally sent me he listened to that episode for some reason, and he sent me the article from like Oxford English Dictionary being like a beef. And also, I got a lot of support about that on the internet. So you're full of shit. Okay, fine, fine, fine, fine. Fine.
Starting point is 01:20:36 The jig is up? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think that's unless you're saying it like your bullshit gif crap where you think that no,, that it would still be jig if you think it's a silent J or a. Oh, my God. It is. The jig is up. You don't realize how long it took me to realize it's not nip it in the butt.
Starting point is 01:20:56 So it's OK. We all make mistakes. OK, fine. The jig is up. The gig is up. What did I say? The gig. Thank you for correcting me. That would have been so awkward.
Starting point is 01:21:10 It's okay. The jig is up, but you can have a beef with someone, okay? You have a beef with me clearly, so... I do. Okay. Look it up. I believe you. I don't need to look it up. I already have... You don't believe me, but I'm going to send you an article later about it. Oh my God. Okay. Have a beef with someone. You can have a... I'm need to look it up i already don't believe me but i'm gonna send you an article later about it oh my god okay have a beef with someone you can i'm gonna look at it
Starting point is 01:21:29 look it up right now i have a beef with you meaning beef is meat from a cow it's also a word for a complaint if you have a beef with someone okay it worked says if you have a beef with someone so does you're not sharing a steak you have a gripe okay thanks okay or you're right be sharing a steak like don't make that call whatever you would never share a steak let's be clear you can certainly have gripes you wouldn't share a steak with anyone. So to be clear. Okay. The jig is up.
Starting point is 01:22:07 The jig. You're right. Jif. Gif. Okay. It's. Okay. That's embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:22:17 All right. She's like, the jig is up. She's like, the gig is up. And the wife is like, I think you mean jig. And she's like, yeah, that's what I meant. So the jig is up she's like the gig is up and the wife is like i think you mean jig and she's like yeah that's what i meant so the jig is up and uh she's like i need to tell you that your husband is sleeping with my sister and they went on a trip and now my sister is missing it's three in the morning i'm freaking out and the wife is like uh i think you're lying oh yeah wow she does not believe marcia hey if i almost got gaslit by that guy i imagine being married to him has really done a number on her psyche so maybe maybe she really just fell for it she really did because
Starting point is 01:22:58 she was like i don't know what you're talking about so after 15 minutes of trying to convince this woman that her husband is cheating on her she passes the phone to the husband himself and is like you talk to him then and the husband is like patty who i'm like i got this guy it's fucking creepy full of shit so the wife just didn't believe her and marcia's's like, I have proof. I know all this random shit about him. How would I know this if my sister hadn't told me? Like, I know the gifts.
Starting point is 01:23:32 We went on vacation. The gifs. The gifs. She got him so many gifs. God damn it. She bought him so many gifs. God damn it. She bought him so many gifts. We went on holiday to Florida and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe and she was like, we were on vacation and we went to the Hard Rock and she bought him a t-shirt. Like I know all this stuff about him. And the wife is like, I don't
Starting point is 01:24:00 know. I don't think I believe you. So the husband's on the phone. He's like, I don't know i don't think i believe you so the husband's on the phone he's like i don't know what you're talking about i would never have a relationship with my colleague 45 minutes later the phone call ends without any more you know information confirmation so the next morning police begin their investigation into patty's disappearance They visit her house. But like when Marsha went, there's nothing that looks out of place. It doesn't look like she's been forced out of her home. It doesn't look like there's been a break in all her clothes, all her items of value. Everything is as normal. So they did take her computer and her financial records and they interviewed her co-workers. So it was discovered that on the final day before she supposedly went on vacation, Patty had hitched a ride to work with a friend, which was odd.
Starting point is 01:24:56 She didn't drive herself to work that day. And it was confirmed that she left the Honda factory at 19 seconds past midnight. That's so specific. Very specific. So this was like on security footage or whatever. So we have the exact time she left. What happened after that is where everything goes kind of up in smoke. Nobody knows. But it does seem strange to the police that she would just leave her daughter, her seven-year-old daughter, alone with no reasoning or phone calls or anything. So the guy, the husband, tells police he left the Honda factory around the same time that Patty did and arrived home at 2.30 in the morning. Okay. What was he doing that whole time then right so that's like a big gap right that's a massive that's like a two and a half hour gap two and a half hour gap so apparently he was driving his friend home uh in kenton ohio
Starting point is 01:26:00 and they stopped at burger king for dinner and were like, but that shouldn't take you two and a half hours. How intense of a conversation did you have at Burger King? Or like how many specific instructions did you have for your burger? He was like, the line at the driveway was, it was so long. The drive-thru was insane. That's literally what he said.
Starting point is 01:26:21 A two and a half, sorry. Literally the last time i came home from an airport eva picked me up and we went to taco bell and the line was going to take three minutes and so i said eva take me to a different taco bell like it like if which like if you're i'm sorry if the line was two and a half hours long or even two hours long and a burger king you were talking to an 11 and you made an 11 take you to a different Taco Bell? What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 01:26:49 And she did, by the way. She was like, you're right in this. And I was like, I know I'm a sacred number nine. She's like, I'm the visionary here, but I guess you're sacred. So I do what you say. I envision that you need a taco in three minutes or less. And I said. Three minutes or less.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Okay. He said the line was 45 minutes long. He's like, I was stuck in line. envision that you need a taco in three minutes or less and i said three minutes or less okay he said the line was 45 minutes long he's like i was stuck in line for 45 minutes then i drove my friend off and then i headed home so sounds what was going on at this burger king like it sounds like a in-and-out experience it does like he might as well have said in-and-out, and it would have made a little sense. A little bit. So the husband tells police he spent his weekend at home with his wife and kids, not in Canada. But he did say he did go on a brief fishing trip the following week. So they interview the wife. She's like, no, all of this was true. He was home with me. He was never in Canada. And she says, there is literally no way that my husband could be having an affair because his work schedule is just so crazy.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Wow. And it's like if you believe that he's in Burger King drive through for two and a half hours, I don't necessarily trust. He clearly has enough time on his hands. He can go to Burger King for that long and like not work. Yeah. And so she's like, there's no way his work schedule is so crazy. And I'm like, OK, girl, I don't I don't know about that. But thankfully, there was other evidence that seemed to suggest otherwise.
Starting point is 01:28:19 So for starters, police knew that Patty, unfortunately, had been giving this guy money. So both her sisters and her banker knew about this. None of the three of them were very pleased about this fact. Understandably, it's their youngest sister. She's like, I'm giving a married man money secretly. It just seems shady so yeah it's not good it's not good um over so they dated for a year it's calculated that patty had given her boyfriend this marriage yeah ten thousand ninety thousand dollars in a year in a year hang on what is ninety thousand divided by 365
Starting point is 01:29:15 that's 250 a day holy shit are you fucking kidding me me? Like, that's a, that's, I don't even know what color is past red, but that's a flag. That's a big fucking flag. He's gotta be going to Morton's. Why is he going to fucking Burger King? Waiting in that line.
Starting point is 01:29:36 You gotta get that. If you're making $250 a year by dating somebody secretly. A day, not a year. Yeah, you can afford to not be sitting in a Burger King
Starting point is 01:29:47 that's what I'm saying like what are you doing or like working at a Honda factory yeah you don't need to have a job at all you're a kept man wild yeah so she's given this guy over ninety thousand dollars wow she has liquid. What was she making at Honda? Hang on a second. Well, she has like liquidated all her assets. She's like taking a mortgage out on her house. Like she is. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Yeah. Stretching everything she has to give this man. She was going through it. $90,000. She was going through it. Wow. So the reason she gave this man so much money is because he told her, so he had a company with his wife, like a side company. And he said, in order to leave this company, I need to buy out my share for my wife.
Starting point is 01:30:34 And I can't leave my wife until I buy out this share from her. So he tells Patty, okay, you need to help me buy out the share for my wife and then i can leave her cleanly and be with you so that's the quote-unquote logic there so patty obviously wanting to wanting this to happen uh and believing that he had every intention to leave his wife and kids helped fund this humongous sum of money. Oh, my God. Yeah. She withdrew. So, like I said, she took out a second mortgage on her house.
Starting point is 01:31:15 She cashed in her stocks. She withdrew $30,000 from her 401k. And all of that amounted to over 90 grand. And something makes me think that he also made her pay for that fucking trip to canada like he was like i can't afford it after the burger king my walk is so expensive yeah right fucking bullshit so when patty's family finds this out uh predictably they were not supportive of this um patty told them don't worry uh he's going to repay me he has plans to repay me two days after we get back from canada oh patty yeah so this is a
Starting point is 01:31:56 humongous like you said which shows intent by the way right exactly that's the motive because he's like uh the deadline for me to get this to you is two days after canada so like come with me to this log cabin away from everybody and in two days you can expect all your money except psych no you won't i have to kill you first uh yeah basically yeah so when the when marcia the sister tells police like well she gave him all this money but she said he was going to repay her two days after they got back from their trip police are like ding ding ding that's the motive exactly so according to a blog spot get this it's called dark matter 69 i feel like we need to i'm sorry did you or did you not have an
Starting point is 01:32:46 online aim relationship with him when you were i'm always crazy 444 did rice pudding 9 have something to do with dark matter 69 we have to do the numerology on all of those screen names and see what the fuck our screen names say about us because i'm sure it's vow to you i vow to you the next episode we record together i will have the numerology for your screen names that oh my god okay but remember i'm always had a z in it i'm not gonna remember that like actively i'll choose to not remember that hang on i'm literally opening up numerology so i don't forget later i'm always yeah jesus crazy was it like three wise no four four four just three fours okay got it just three fours okay can't wait to look that up later okay continue i'm so scared um so according to that awesome blog by my friend i mean somebody
Starting point is 01:33:50 i don't know named dark matter 16 my ex my ex-boyfriend the one from algebra with a bell curve um according to that blog during the search of pat's home, police had found a bunch of those paper money bands that go around stacks of cash. So at this point, they were like, well, shit, she was giving him cash. So we can't link this to him because he never deposited it into his bank account. You can never trace it. So they can't trace it. And she never got a receipt. She never got a contract.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Like, even though it's literally $90,000, there's just no way to trace where it went. All they can tell is that she took it out of her bank account and gave it to somebody in cash. It makes me feel like he's done this before for it to... Yeah, like he knows what he's doing. I feel like even if I know, like, don't leave a paper trail, I don't even know what that really means. Like, I'm definitely creating a paper trail when I'm trying not to.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Yeah, I'm like, an away message isn't a paper trail, right? Like, it's not paper, technically. Yeah, I feel like even if I were trying to be smart about a crime, if it were my first crime, there's no way I would get away with it. I would be so dumb. I would. Yeah, I would text everybody about it and be like, well, it's digital. Like, I don't know. I feel like exactly like this is wild how easily he's getting out of the shit.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Speaking of which, he says, I never got any money from Patty. Again, he's like, Patty, who? Like, OK, it's infuriating. And they couldn't prove it. They could not prove it. So he's just saying, I never got any money. And her sister is like, he got 90 grand. So when the police interview all the friends and sisters, they got more disconcerting information so unfortunately uh to the husband's dismay if more people knew about their relationship than he thought so when he's saying like oh patty who he thinks oh no one will catch catch me on this but like sure at work are like yeah we knew they
Starting point is 01:36:00 were seeing each other like he underestimated that people kind of knew. Again, it's that over cockiness. He thought he was hiding it well and he wasn't. And he wasn't. And people were like, well, duh, like we could tell they were dating. So according to Chilling Crimes, Patty told one of her friends at work about the relationship. And she also told her two sisters and her best friend. And then the people at work at the factory also suspected this. So Patty's sisters and best friend. And then the people at work at the factory also suspected this. So Patty's sisters and best friend revealed that the husband had told Patty, remember their trip to Canada? I sure do. He had told Patty, don't pack any clothes. Don't pack anything. Forget it. Forget it. He said, I don't want you to draw any attention to our relationship at work. So when we get to Canada, we'll buy you all new clothes, like pretty woman style.
Starting point is 01:36:50 We'll buy you all new outfits. Don't even worry about it. Don't bring any. I'd be like, jokes on you. If we're leaving for the weekend, I'm bringing 10 pairs of underwear. You're an idiot. So apparently she brought a small teal bag with blue lingerie. And that's all she brought with it.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Bold. Okay. Bold. So the husband seems to be on high alert when talking about this trip. Like he doesn't want anyone at work to get suspicious that they're going on vacation together. And he took all these precautions like don't bring any suitcases, don't bring any luggage. We don't want anyone to know and so patty's sisters told police that he had told patty she needed to hitch a ride to work that day so that when they went to canada together after work her car wouldn't be in the honda parking lot uh wow he really i'm it's one of those things where in hindsight it's clear as day.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Yes. Like, yes. But like, poor Patty, like, then again, like,
Starting point is 01:37:50 who knows what I would have believed? Like, exactly. You're in a relationship and it's like, well, I don't want anyone to find out yet.
Starting point is 01:37:56 We're trying to keep this on the DL. I don't want your car being at work. It worked so well that he was already trying to hide something from his wife
Starting point is 01:38:04 because he could really say I needed to be a secret and like it was not suspicious to her. Don't bring a suitcase because we're trying to hide it. Exactly. It's like it had such an ulterior motive that she could never have known. So Patty had also told her sisters some other troubling information. troubling information she said that the guy her boyfriend had told her she was going to have to hide in the trunk of her his pickup truck even worse because it's like the wind like an open yeah in the back like the most disrespectful place to put someone that you're fucking up like that's got to be a country song like i'm sure it is like she hid in the back of a pickup
Starting point is 01:38:45 truck or something like that it seems so disrespectful like yeah hide in the back of this pickup truck um and he said hide under the uh like the cover like a the bed had like a tarp like a cover that you can purchase i don't know if it's a tarp or like a plastic cover but like you're gonna hide under this plastic cover uh while i drive my co-worker my friend home remember the friend the burger king friend wow so like we're gonna literally stow you away so the third person that's in the car doesn't know you're here and then we drop him off we can drive five blocks down the road and then you can get into the car exactly exactly also like at some point like i
Starting point is 01:39:25 bet he didn't even buy her a fucking whopper i bet he didn't even buy her a fucking tarp i feel like she he just said lie down and just like threw leaves on her or something like oh there's a tarp or not a tarp but a um it's like a hard shell so like maybe it looked like it was so there is a cover it's called a ton t-o-n-n-E-A-U tonneau, tonneau cover. It's, it's basically like the, a pickup truck cover. I think it's one of those plastic ones you buy. Gotcha. That's still like at some point, granted, like I'm aware she got herself in a sticky
Starting point is 01:39:55 situation having an affair with a guy that was married, but like at some point, even though like not everything you're doing is super tasteful or moral like you have to look within a little bit and be like he's literally like hiding me in the back of a truck like i would i would feel okay but think about it too she's in her 20s like i feel like the stupid shit i've done for people i like had a crush on or thought that like oh i'm i'm totally not judging her i've done a lot dumber yeah i'm just trying to put myself in her shoes of like i wonder what she was thinking like i would have felt so sad i would probably still fucking done it but i would have been like same but i wonder too if it was like exciting you know like oh we're having an affair and i'm
Starting point is 01:40:39 hiding it like i mean i don't know that i mean mean, you're right. Like, it's degrading. So maybe there was a gut, like, feeling of this isn't good. But, yeah, I mean, looking back at my own relationships, I'm like, God, if someone asked me to do things today or, like, put me in those positions today, I'd be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? But, like, I've done it. I've told you some of the things I've done for someone who was 1000% not worth a fraction of my time. For critical of love. Right. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Exactly. So, yeah, who knows what she was thinking. Obviously, her older sisters and friends were like not having it. Right. But they just couldn't stop it. It's one of those things where it's like when you watch your friend fall in love with someone who's trouble and it's like, well, there's no point even trying to reason. I'll just wait. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:30 You got to let them figure it out sometimes on their own. Exactly. And then like the 90 grand and all that is like, shit, this is worse than we thought. That's so rough. Oh, my gosh. Every section of this is worse. It's bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Oh my gosh. Every section of this is worse. It's bad. Yeah. So basically he's like, get in the back of the pickup truck under this cover. We're going to like secretly go to Canada together. I mean, to be fair, Emma, I think if someone told you like, if Allison was like, hide in the back of the car, I'm going to drive you to Canada and I'll get you a burger on the way.
Starting point is 01:41:58 You'd probably be like, sign me up. Honestly, regardless of my opinion of a person, I would probably get in the back of a truck if someone offered me food in canada i'd do it exactly so you know who knows yeah was she told to bring her passport to get into the country or was he gonna like smuggle her into canada that's a great question great question question. I don't know. But also, side note, this is July of 2001. So I don't know how strict. This is several months before 9-11. And I know that security went up massively. And I think getting into Canada is easier than getting back into the US. So I'm not totally sure. Well, that's what my thought is, too. Because if it's easier to get into Canada than it is to come back to the.s but he never planned on bringing her back to
Starting point is 01:42:49 the u.s would he even tell her intriguing to bring a passport very good point because then also he could leave the passport at her house and then be like see she never went with me anywhere like right exactly like yeah yeah i don't know interesting I don't know. Interesting. I don't know. So basically he's like, hide in the back of the truck. We're going to Canada. And although the coworker who kind of told police his information was able to corroborate the all that information, the employee, the manager at the Burger king on that night who worked that shift told police that despite the husband's testimony there was no long line in the drive-thru that night wow kelse praise okay so but the co-worker is saying yeah yeah we waited in line for 45
Starting point is 01:43:39 minutes so his co-worker is for whatever reason, backing him up. I see. So he's got a little, like, not totally an accomplice, but certainly someone. Like an alibi. Yeah. Yeah. Saying like, no, we were there for 45 minutes in line. And the manager's like, no way. There was no congestion that night.
Starting point is 01:43:58 The manager would be like, my ass would be fired if there was a 45 minute wait at a drive-thru. Exactly. He's also probably getting nervous now like my boss can hear you claiming that shit like for real like i'm finally manager and like that is not how i run this ship there is not a 45 minute line and he says like there is never traffic between 12 a.m and 2 30 so like no way i really? Like, who's awake for there to be a 45-minute? Okay. Like, just the Honda factory, I assume, and nobody else, you know?
Starting point is 01:44:30 Like, what the fuck are you talking about, 45-minute line? And so the distance from the Honda factory to the husband's house is only 35 minutes total. So there's, like, no freaking way that this was a two-and-a-half-hour situation. And the husband failed a lie detector test but as we know that is not admissible in court so just more red flags piling up so july 13 2001 this is two weeks after patty was last seen the husband told police fine search my home i don't care you can look through my house again the cockiness the cockiness because always the cockiness they fucking found shit of course they did he's like search my home there's nothing uh and the even if i wasn't part of a
Starting point is 01:45:19 crime i would be terrified for my place to get searched because i'd be like i'd be like yo they're gonna find everything here. Somehow a magical little evil fairy is going to put all the evidence in my bedroom. There was literally a TikTok I saw today of a guy being like, every time I get pulled over, I think like there must be a warrant out for my arrest that I don't know about. And I'm like, that's me. Like every time I walk through like a beepy thing outside the store, I'm like, I must have shoplifted eight hundred dollars
Starting point is 01:45:46 worth every time i go through tsa in an app at an airport i'm like they're gonna find all 20 guns on me and like i accidentally packed a bomb and i forgot yeah right exactly i get so scared but this motherfucker is like come on in and he has something to hide guess how i know because i fucking found it so they go through his house and they according to the lieutenant they uh found a couple of items that circumstantially validated the story that we were getting from other people about their relationship so strap in this is what we got buckle up okay they found a hard rock cafe t-shirt oh yep they said homegirl said that her sister bought him a shirt yep that which by the way the sister was probably like yeah we had to fucking go to hard rock so she could buy him a t-shirt i mean like i'm sure at the
Starting point is 01:46:38 time she was like really that married guy you're buying him a t-shirt and now it's like oh we found the fucking t-shirt yeah that corroborates the story. Yep. A phone that Marsha said Patty had bought for him so that they could have like discreet conversations. They found a birthday card. And when they found it, the husband was like, oh no, that's from everybody at work.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Everybody at the Honda factory, that's like a generic card. But they opened the card and Patty's the only person to have signed it. And it's like a generic card but they open the card and Patty's the only person to have signed it and it's like yeah nice try like people don't hate you that much yeah yeah exactly it's like she's the only one I doubt it did it say with romantic love hugs and kisses the whole staff of Hondaonda your your shift manager yeah no but they found a romantic letter that she wrote him as well uh and the letter was written about the relationship and how much she wanted to be with him so like he's full of shit they also
Starting point is 01:47:40 eerily had a cadaver dog go to the house who picked up a scent on what was newly poured concrete in the garden. Fuck off, Christine. Yeah. I can't wait till you get to the part where you explain to me why this man is not in jail. I know. So they excavate the concrete, but they didn't find anything. However, they did learn that the cement had been taken from another site. But they, I guess, never figured out where that was from or they never investigated the initial site because that was a dead end.
Starting point is 01:48:15 So the most potentially damning of all the evidence is that they noticed the husband's truck was all set up for a truck bed cover, but the cover was missing. Okay. Remember the cover. I know, I know. So a coworker said in their interview with police that the husband had said he installed the cover on the 29th of June. And that's the last day Patty was seen. So he just happened to install this cover that day. He explained that he had used it
Starting point is 01:48:45 for his fishing trip, but he had taken it off for some reason. And it was now at another one of his properties. Okay. When asked, why did you take it off? He said, Oh, because the truck belongs to the company Honda and the flatbed was used for everyday use. And so I can't actually have a cover on it to do my job. And it's like, so you put it on and then two days later you took it off because you can't have it to do your job. But why did you put it on? Right. Like what you knew.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Okay. And also where is it? I'm so tired of this man. This man is exhausting. And so they take the cover they find it it's a different property they find it they take it in to be examined they find blood i want to say i'm shocked i feel like you wanted me to be shocked there but instead i did this you did big eye roll and i should have known because yes that's the exact reaction i had
Starting point is 01:49:47 so they find cat hair and blood uh in his truck how dare i ask how much blood like so not much but like traces like clearly something happened yeah a very little amount of blood and they're like okay we have this blood and they find cat hair and is he gonna have the nerve to say oh a cat died in here so they take the cat hair and they are able to match it to patty's cats right i love science i know so does my daughter apparently i know how fun no comment she's just got a big fat brain that's all so they're able to fucking connect it but it's circumstantial like they're like well maybe somehow the cat hair got here but we can't say it's because he murdered patty right so they
Starting point is 01:50:41 have the cat hair uh they have a trace amount of blood and it was so tiny and it was 2001. They're unable to. Here's the thing. They have this trace amount of blood and they say we can test it with the kind of rudimentary DNA forensics we have. But if we do that, there's not going to be any blood left. Oh. So they said we could wait until advancements in DNA testing. Oh, okay. And hold on to this sample. And so they decide to do that. But, like, it's so small that they, like. There's only, like, a tiny bit. Like, even if they're, like, they're taking the risk of, like, we could put him away and find out now.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Yep. Or we could really confirm it later. Yep. Yep. So like on a technicality, he is like able to like evade getting in trouble. Exactly. So they say, let's wait until it's more until we can confirm this with more accuracy. And because of that, they don't test it.
Starting point is 01:51:41 So they can match the cat hair, but they can't match the blood. they don't test it so they can match the cat hair but they can't match the blood which just goes to show you folks if you've got a pet like them being like a furry mess could save your life one day or at least give people some solid information like give you some evidence yeah if you ever went missing i would hope the amount of animal fur you constantly have on your clothes would be something i could track later or like i could give i could like hand geo to the police and be like not to sniff not to sniff anything out because he's a terrible he is like he is about as much he's about as oblivious as i am but yeah the fur maybe we could track yeah um so unfortunately the case still has not been fucking solved because they just have circumstantial evidence. So the courts officially declared Patricia Ann Adkins dead in 2006.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Patty's disappearance is treated as an open homicide case because the sheriff's station does believe that she is not just missing but has been murdered. So they believe this is a homicide. And they couldn't even get a warrant to like break through the concrete they did so remember they did they they did break through the concrete and they found nothing but they learned that the concrete had been taken from a different site and they weren't able to figure out where that original right site was so wherever that was maybe that's where her body is and that's why the dog smelled it sorry so it's obvious that well it's obvious who's a key suspect and why uh but there's been no arrest uh because there's enough reasonable doubt and if they take this to trial and he's
Starting point is 01:53:20 acquitted on like and they can't try it again they can't try it again. They can't try it again. And this motherfucker is free. So it's like the same as with the blood evidence. Like they just have to hope they can get enough to put away. Like now he just has to keep his mouth shut and not accidentally admit anything to anybody. Yeah. And hope that like DNA evidence doesn't fucking nail him. Which like. What do you think his wife is dealing with right now?
Starting point is 01:53:42 Do you think she really just has no. I wish I knew. And, like, that's a frustrating thing is, like, since we don't know their names, we can't know if they're divorced. We can't know if they're still together. Girl, if you hear this, divorce him, please. Or, I don't know. But do it sneakily so he doesn't know what's going to happen. Or just, like, tell us what you know.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Tell the police what you know or something. I mean, like, to be so confident when the sister called and she was like he's not having an affair like there's nothing like he's a-okay in my book but then to like see all of that evidence like oh we're just friends i or oh i barely even know her and then it turns into we're just friends to romantic letters to her blood is in my truck like yeah her cat hair is in my truck. I mean, and like it became very clear they were having an affair. So whatever, whether she was murdered by him or not,
Starting point is 01:54:31 they clearly had a relationship. So he was lying about that at the very minimal, at the very least. So yeah, who knows what she did in response to that information? I'm very curious, but we don't know yet. I say yet, because I'm hopeful that we can eventually get to the bottom of this. This blood is apparently still in the lab. So I'm hoping that the family or whoever is able to kind of push for because now
Starting point is 01:55:02 they're I mean, it's been 21 years, Like there's been so much advancement in DNA testing. I'm hoping that they can get this tested. But Patty Adkins, for what it's worth, would be 49 years old nowadays. She's described as by the Charlie Project as a Caucasian female, five foot eight inches tall, 120 pounds, pierced ears, pierced belly button, and a tattoo of bluish green flowers placed horizontally on her lower back. At the time of her disappearance, she was wearing steel-toed sneakers and an all-white Honda work uniform consisting of pants and a long-sleeved shirt with two red outline
Starting point is 01:55:42 patches on the upper chest. One of the patches says Patty with an I, and the other says Honda of America. She was carrying a small teal-colored duffel bag, a maroon coin pouch, and a keychain with her Honda identification card. Jeez. As for the husband, swiftly after Patty's disappearance, he quit his job at the Honda plant. And that's all we know. We don't know about his relationship with his wife.
Starting point is 01:56:07 We don't know anything. If he moved, we don't know anything else. Obviously, justice needs to be brought to Patty's family. McKaylee, who's now 27, commented in an article by ABC that, quote, it's been a challenge growing up going through 15 mother's days without a mom, 15 birthdays without a mom. We want closure. I hope someone will let us know what happened. And if you have any information on Patty Adkins disappearance, again, this is from an Ohio case, you are urged to contact the Union County, Ohio Sheriff's Office at 937-645-4110.
Starting point is 01:56:45 Wow. And that is the case of Patty Adkins. Wow. 15 years. That's, well, whenever that statement came out. That's so sad. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:56:58 So it's one of those where I'm like hoping one day I wake up and Twitter is like tagging me in a bunch of stuff saying, hey. I feel like with the power of TikTok, all it would take is one person who works at that Honda place to be like, I remember him, you know? Yeah, like I have some intel. Yeah. Yeah. You never know how little like one observation can turn into something bigger. So see something, say something. See something, say something.
Starting point is 01:57:24 That's all. That was a good story it did some good storytelling yeah thank you so much i figure i'd start with like not a super duper long one but still you know a powerful one and uh hope we can get some closure someday we'll see yeah well i'm glad you're back christine oh i missed you i missed you i am it's it's i'm just happy to see you again i feel like every time i like every time someone else was on i was nervous i needed to like be the ringleader and now i feel like i can be like no no i've got my fellow gemini here to just start chaos don't worry christine will start to if there's any silence christine will fill it it's okay she'll let me know when the gig is up i can't believe i said that and didn't hear
Starting point is 01:58:11 it in my own head it's fine well uh i guess we'll see each other next week or now now that you're i don't know when am i actually seeing you i'm actually seeing you like literally i'm seeing you in a week in a week i'm coming to la i know that's gonna be fun we're gonna get some work done i know i'm off maternity leave officially it's about time we can have a sleepover in the and that's why i drink apartment or something all right well i'll see you then and you'll hear from us next week folks and that's why we drink yay

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