And That's Why We Drink - E267 Wooing Tactics and the Emothy Sunrise

Episode Date: March 20, 2022

Welcome to episode 267 aka the Christine Schiefer Show! Where Em can't hear the mixer sound effects so it's all up to Christine. We also dive into quite a bit of tub talk, we apologize in advance. Thi...s week Em continues with their break from ghost stories to tell us the tale of Anansi's Goatman from Huntsville, Alabama (also where we discovered Eva's love of all things outer space). Then Christine shares the tragic and gruesome story of Ramsay Scrivo. We recommend making yourself a spiked Emothy Sunrise after this episode... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hi christine how how is your water heater that is being installed currently it's not there yet so i tried to take a bath for the first time since i was pregnant and it got cold like immediately like the water was just cold and I was like, this is not gonna work for me. So now we have to get a new water heater, which is so expensive. I don't even wanna know the price of that, but I hope it works out for you.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Thank you so much. How are you doing? I'm okay. We're only recording this today after yesterday. So I still have the same emotions that I did yesterday. Oh, good good so you're still feeling kind of down going on chip coffee is still my hero what's that oh i'm just talking about chip coffee don't worry about it my headphones are doing that thing again
Starting point is 00:00:56 hon can you keep talking until i can fix this you couldn't hear that can you hear me yeah i feel so out of the loop this is fun i could just kind of take over the show all right oh i got it hello everyone this is the christine schieffer show welcome okay yeah yeah yeah sorry uh i need i have my headphones are back so You can't hear this? Oh, now I can. What? You just interrupted all of my applause. Hold on. This is the Christine Schieffer show.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Okay. I don't know what the other things do, but I'm going to just press one and hope it's a perfect response to whatever you did. Okay. Here we are. Starting the show. Okay. What was that? Oh, it was a perfect response to whatever you did okay here we are starting the show okay what was that oh it was a drum roll but i'm oh oh so actually it worked pretty well okay maybe when you say something hilarious later you know i don't know why you can hear it and i can't hear mine anyway uh yeah no nothing has changed too much uh yet although i it's funny you mentioned a bathtub because i was just thinking
Starting point is 00:02:07 that like now that we have rj's bathroom he's the one that always had the bathtub so now we finally have a bathtub but i don't know our apartment bathtubs freak me out why i don't know i just feel like same thing with hotel bathtubs. Like it's just so many naked bodies have probably been there, but I don't know. You know, like I feel like if it's not like you're only you have lived there, it freaks me out. The potential of how many nude people have sat there. Yeah, I guess I get that. But that's what bleach is for. So I guess. Okay. That's a good point. Well, you got to give me some tips on your bathtub routine because I know Allison loves a good bathtub.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And I've never gotten to woo her with like a surprise bathtub situation. I don't want to know about all that. I'd rather not. No. I like after a long day of work, you like set up like a whole situation for her. But like I've never done that. So I'm I'm really not a bath person so okay that's how everybody feels right here oh why because I
Starting point is 00:03:16 want to crank it the person I love yep boring okay okay I'm sorry I'm gonna I had a lot of coffee today um I so that's interesting that you talk about bathtubs after I talk about bathtubs because I'm gonna talk about bathtubs again so um I okay this is my way of just turning the conversation back to myself um okay so uh I and then I have an announcement that is not that exciting probably to M. What are we sitting in bathtubs together? Like those commercials were holding hands. No, M and I were verified on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Oh, okay. Yes, we were. Where are we going? The reason this is exciting is that I also got verified at the same time and M and I were. we going the reason this is exciting is that i also got verified at the same time and em and i were well i was very nervous that em would take take one again for the team and leave me out of the verified loop but it would have been fair because em has way more followers than me on tiktok but anyway point being um i've made i've decided to make a little tiki talk um series tonight this is me committing to it in advance where i'm gonna i i just i wanted
Starting point is 00:04:29 to show weird shit in my house so i wanted to show like the cherub painting on the wall um the weird ass ceiling and one of the things i wanted to show was my weird bathtub with the fireplace and then the like miniature plasma tv that those people installed i just want to show like random shit in my house and so i like how you started this with em and i have an announcement that's like cool well i figure now that i'm verified i feel like i'm wasting my like i feel like i need to do something with it because it feels so like i feel guilty just being verified with not doing anything so i'm gonna try to start doing some more content
Starting point is 00:05:05 hashtag content i will say i i grew up in an era or in a neighborhood at the very least full of people that had a plasma tv in next to their bathtub so i just it's so baffling to me i'm like i get that it was cool in like 2004 or whatever but it's and like the people it's funny you can see this is probably offensive but the people who were of an older generation aka our parents age every time people come see the house they're like oh that's so smart you can watch tv and i'm like you can literally put your laptop right here and my laptop screen is bigger than that entire tv christine oh that is the most that is the most classic toxic christine thing ever we've all know you would drop your laptop in the water well I haven't I did and I will do it again and that's besides the point
Starting point is 00:05:49 but what am I gonna buy a cable subscription just to watch that dumb tv in the corner that's like eight inches big you know it's just stupid like why is that there I guess if you don't have cable then it's basically just like a little gravesite yeah it's just so random and I can't take it off because it's gonna put a giant hole in the wall so it just sits there and you know it's basically just like a little grave site yeah it's just so random and i can't take it off because it's going to put a giant hole in the wall so it just sits there and you know it's one of those things that was clearly like very in vogue in like the 2000s you know oh yeah oh yeah my mom she snuck a little tv in wherever she could we had one in the kitchen we had one in her office we had one in the i mean i were tvs free in 2005 did you have a tv in your room uh i did but i never used it i i had did because we had an extra one it was actually just for storage
Starting point is 00:06:35 but it didn't have cable on it so like i can only watch vhs or something yeah so it was more like a sleepover see i wasn't i wasn't in this this cool group i didn't we didn't have tvs everywhere but now i do now i have one way late um that probably costs 18 now at like radio shack um i i think uh the only time i actually had like a true tv in my room was the like the quintessential divorce kid experience where like it's your first christmas with two families and they were trying to like one up each other with presents and so my mom got me a tv and my dad got me a tv what that was not the quintessential divorce child experience in my world but congratulations well most people it's not always a tv for sure i'm like one of the lucky ones where i like woke
Starting point is 00:07:26 up and got two tvs but apparently they got first of all i will say they were like i don't know where they went for these tvs they were like i think they went to the same goodwill because i got the exact same exact same television at both places and they were both like these like weird chunky tube tvs when tube tvs were out and so i was like thank you for kind of trying i i mean like you got me a fucking tv i'm not gonna complain but it's clear that you did not pick the best of the bunch you're going for like a we want you to like us the most over here but not that much oh man well that must have been a fun experience my dad read me a really sad story about somebody dying, and I cried a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And that was my Christmas the first year they got divorced. It was a little, it's, we don't, it's fine. Anyway, so the point is. Anyway, I have two TVs, and you have one in your bathtub, and all of them are not used. And I have an iRiver when i asked for an ipod and i'm totally over it don't even worry about it that that is where you you fell my friend because my my mom nailed the ipod thing so i'm very lucky there no um and yet still today i'm trying to recover and buy myself cool things to try and make up for it but anyway so basically i want to do a
Starting point is 00:08:44 fun little tiktok like series mini series of like weird shit in my house and one of them is like there's a literal fireplace two inches from the bathtub and like this really tiny tacky ass tv screwed i could really use that when i'm trying to woo alison with our bath i'm telling you just take her to my house um just install a fireplace don't do that because i'm scared to turn it on maybe i will for the tiktok really any spot is a fireplace if you just start if you try hard enough yeah yeah um yeah so anyway and i'm gonna do like the haunted staircase from the church and all that shit so just a little fun thing if you want to follow em and me on tiktok we now have a little blue check mark for some reason i i don't deserve one but they gave me one so here we are though well thank you for continually promoting me at the
Starting point is 00:09:29 same time when i will be doing not but yours is already like successful and fun like you they should follow you anyway because you already have like you know a content and a following and everything so it's like already in existence i i can show off my like i don't know two tvs or something so you can show off your wooing tactics i've tried no one seemed interested well you said like oh naked bodies in the bathtub and then you were like now i'm gonna woo allison it wasn't quite a romantic combo okay that's fair that's fair i am aware i'm the only one who probably thinks like that i think allison's very excited for a part a bathtub Sometimes you've got to take what you got and enjoy it. Oh, well, Allison, if you're listening, please do not woo me with a bath. That's all I'm going
Starting point is 00:10:14 to say. Woo me with a third TV. That'll be nice. Oh, my gosh. What if you wake up and you have another tube TV? That would be so fun. But also, both of them got me tvs and forgot that like they had to hook it up to cable so i just had two tvs and like could use them so give me a third one of those it's just a very expensive white noise machine just turn it on to static all right so uh i have a story for you christine and it is a cryptid and uh this is and also i feel like next week i'm probably going to jump back onto the ghost train but i have been trying to listen to everyone's cries where like i don't spice it up enough which i begged what i was gonna
Starting point is 00:10:56 say i feel like you're always spicing it up i'm gonna listen to the masses a lot of people seem to think that it's just ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost so here we go okay all right anyway here is a cryptid for you uh in huntsville alabama specifically we've been there eva lost her goddamn mind yeah against all odds em and i did a show there so random but we did um and we went to the huntsville space center Space and Rocket Center well Eva lost her mind because she I we didn't know until we got there actually like obsessed with outer space like the the Rocket Center and all the Rocket Center yeah it was so fun um we had I remember watching her like freak out when she saw that big rocket and I was like girl are you okay and she was like I don't think I've ever told you how much I love outer space that's actually is that true is that when we learned about it
Starting point is 00:11:49 i remember filming it because i was like i've never seen eva this excited wow okay blew my mind yeah so then even i went to the you didn't go with us did you it was no it was pretty cool um they were i had i probably hyperventilated in my hotel room i don't know oh well we hyperventilated eva hyperventilated at the rocket center so you guys have that in common all right well this is not about rockets this is about uh a cryptid this is the i don't know how to pronounce it but i think it's anansi's goat man what anansi's anansi's goat man and i still don't even know where Anansi came from. It's not explained.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Okay. Because you would think it'd be like Huntsville's Ghostman. How do you spell that? Anansi's? A-N-A-N-S-I. Oh, okay. I don't know. Sure. Not to be mistaken, by the way, with the Goatman's Bridge, which is episode 83, or the Goatman of Maryland, which is episode 83 or the goat man of maryland which
Starting point is 00:12:46 is episode 110 why would they be confused just because it's another goat man story oh it's a goat did you say that already yeah anansi's goat man oh i got stuck on the anansi and i think in my head isn't that the name of a spider it sounds like arachnid certainly no anansi spider it's a thing okay i looked it up it's um it's it's a old like either folk tale it's like an old folk tale anansi the spider oh it's like an old uh folk tale okay sorry that's where in my head i thought it was a giant spider so sorry i'm on board now it's a goat if it were a giant spider i wouldn't have reported on it because i've been too busy driving even further away from alabama i'm like i'm not gonna get near this thing um okay so yeah i guess a folk tale goat man or something cool so uh the main character for this situation his name is guy he's 16
Starting point is 00:13:47 um and he was visiting his family in alabama and this i mean it just kind of goes straight in there's no real history do we know what year it was 2012 oh wow recent okay and so uh so guys visiting his family in alabama uh this is just like his one account of it is why i'm going straight into this his uncle had a lot of trailers in the woods where he was visiting on their property for like hunting or camping or i mean kind of just i feel like people i don't i don't want to say all people in the South, but all the people I know in the South just all have like random extra sheds on their property. Yeah, you got all that land. You know, if you have land, you're going to put stuff on it, I guess. One of my sisters, one of my stepsisters, she just moved onto this property where she got the house and then on top of it, she got eight sheds.
Starting point is 00:14:43 That sounds frightening. I'm like, I don't want to know what she got eight sheds um that sounds frightening i'm like i don't want to know what's in those sheds okay but it's actually so it's like they're pretty big like some of them like one of them they turned into a whole like guest house oh my god uh one of them they turn into her yoga studio oh my god when they turn into his blacksmith forge uh because it like already had a colonial village that she's turning into her own little land her own little island that's crazy and then she's got like like a shed for all the like actual tools like like butter churning and shit i'm just like picturing where you walk around the village and look at all the little buildings i remember her showing it to me and i was like holy crap what state is that or what virginia virginia yeah wow okay sure yeah um so anyway this this she should do a tiktok
Starting point is 00:15:32 t-series of all the cool shit at my house i she'll blow me right out of the water she probably has a ton of baby tvs and all the little shits honestly i remember seeing i went into each of them like the blacksmith forge is legit like the floor is made of metal and shit i mean it's creepy and because it was already a blacksmith forge which is what makes it creepy yeah and so and so now like someone's just how convenient for them that they walked in they were like oh i also blacksmith this will be how convenient anyway this uncle apparently lived on my sister's property and had a shitload of trailers and so when guy was visiting he was hanging out with a group of kids at the family's house
Starting point is 00:16:10 and some of them were cousins some of them were his cousin's friends some were neighbors it was just kind of like a a big group of kids which i feel like is pretty common when you're visiting family you just end up in a group full of people and you don't even know who everyone is just kind of mixed in yeah yeah so uh they all the kids say that they want to go camping and just use one of the trailers for the night and just hang out all together so the group gets to the campsite and a guy said that it started feeling really weird he didn't know how to explain it but something just felt off in the woods oh um he said the air smelled really electrical like ozone and which i hate that yeah and basically there's like nothing else you can really do about it they were like okay that's
Starting point is 00:16:59 a funny smell and they just kind of ignored it and went about their day and at one point while they're over by the creek, I guess another guy that lives near the property and his son like peeked out of the bushes and they were like, Oh, what are you, what are you doing here? You're close to my property. They ended up saying, Oh, well, you know, so-and-so is our uncle and they knew each other. So the guy like was carrying a shotgun by the way, and not to overlook this but it's alabama uh the group was
Starting point is 00:17:27 primarily uh people of color kids of color and the guy was a white guy with a gun oh so already on on edge sure so he's asking like what are you up to what are you doing um and i guess he knew the uncle so he basically said okay we'll just be careful out here because there's something out in the woods oh sure okay thanks like yeah it's me dude there's something out here in the woods okay the guy who was creeping them out had a son who actually seemed pretty cool and he ended up hanging out with them for the rest of the night okay and we like him there's like no like trick to that okay i was ready i was ready i know we can relax okay so the son's name was tanner and he ends up staying back and hanging out uh with guy and the group of kids um and the kids by the way they're like 15 17 so i should stop saying kids they're like teenagers and uh in total there are
Starting point is 00:18:27 11 teenagers okay in the group wow that's now now including tanner yeah i would not be able to keep up i'd be overwhelmed if i didn't know any of them and now i like also the random neighborhood kid popped on and now we're in the scary ass woods yeah i'd be freaking out and a dude was like you better be careful out here there's something out here anyway let me take my gun yeah walk out so uh so there's 11 teenagers some again friends some are just randos in the neighborhood but i guess just kind of saw a group of people and tagged along so it's just a weird assortment of kids um and they all hung out all day and headed back to the trailers.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And Tanner said he was going to go ask his dad if he could come back and stay out later with them and go spend the night. So it was. So two of the other kids decide that they're also going to go with Tanner to go talk to his dad just so he's not alone walking through the woods back to his house. And the rest started hanging back and starting a fire so pretty soon after the fire got started uh guy says that the smell of ozone came back through the area and it was a very quote nasty metallic smell and the kids all start getting nervous because the smell is so strong that they think there's like an electrical fire in one of the trailers oh no um so they get up uh from the fire and start looking around for signs of the smell they're all getting they're all getting in the trailer trying to find like what could have been touched or left on or something yeah and as they're all
Starting point is 00:20:03 looking in the trailer all of a sudden they hear bull rushing footsteps no no no no no no no it ends up being tanner and the two cousins oh thank god you told me i didn't have to worry about that kid and that i could relax and here we are he's bull rushing me all of a sudden and he sprints they sprint towards the trailer they don't even like look around to see who's outside the trailer who's in the trailer they just sprint and keep running until they're inside the trailer and lock the door fuck they run uh when they run straight in uh the three of them are crying and one of them is dirty and they're all trying to catch their breath oh no um so the other kids notice that the fire is also like about to like go down outside so like okay while you relax
Starting point is 00:20:53 we're gonna go find a generator in the sheds and they were like no don't go outside lock the door oh jesus sorry that scared the absolute crap out of me their generator goes off and in that moment i lost my mind what is that that's my to or that he had gone to his house to ask his dad if he could stay out late and the dad said yeah but you should bring a rifle with you which like is the most alabama thing ever um he's like here i have extra yeah and so uh the reason that he said bring a rifle with you just in case is because a few days earlier one of their pigs they found out had been like violently mangled by a different animal in the woods oh no um so before they left uh he was like oh bring a gun but then he ended up changing his mind he
Starting point is 00:22:06 was like actually son i probably shouldn't let you take a gun um that's thoughtful and so he was like it probably won't bother any humans don't worry about it so just you know head on out and you'll be good so tanner and the cousins ended up leaving but as they were leaving the house to come back to the campfire it was pitch black and they heard something in the bushes no which like all of a sudden now they're like i wish i had a fucking gun yeah uh so when they looked out that way with their flashlights they saw someone standing out no no no thank you nope the person was facing away from them. Goodbye forever. And they kept moving and tried to just like avoid whoever that was but soon
Starting point is 00:22:51 they noticed that smell of ozone. Okay I'm getting freaked. I don't like this. They looked back to where the guy was and he had moved closer to the path. Still backwards? No. No no no no no no. No no no. So, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:23:06 So freaked out, they start moving faster and hustling. And basically they started hearing a muttering in the woods next to them. Goodbye. They couldn't tell where it was coming from. So one of them pulled out their flashlight again and they saw, quote,
Starting point is 00:23:22 something jerking itself through the woods. Okay. Oh, you're giving me goose can and they the muttering got louder and louder then they heard the footsteps right behind them no no and they could hear the foot tracks there are the footsteps gaining on them so as they came up the campfire they just full-blown booked it and heard something following behind was it was it still backwards do we know i don't know if can you imagine like as fast as you are at full speed like how scary would that be like it sounds funny but it actually would be so fucking terrifying it like i don't also why are you still like flashing your flashlight to let someone know where you are good point i mean at that point the dark is the your best friend except if you're me
Starting point is 00:24:11 and you trip over every branch but okay yeah i guess you gotta do high knees high knees i can't do that we both know it so uh but yeah so they're but they sprint to the trailer and they hear something gaining on them the whole time. So hearing this, hearing this story, one of the cousins in the trailer is like, oh, my classmate was talking about that. It's like, that sounds like the goat man. But here's the thing about the goat man. So first of all, it's half man, half goat. Shape shifts and bad luck. If you mention it at all.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And now they're just, and now they're just saying its name left, left and right crap. So it feels like a Beetlejuice moment here. So as they're all panicking and still not knowing where this ozone smell is coming from, by the way, out of nowhere,
Starting point is 00:25:04 the smell goes away. So this is a quote from Guy. To this day, I haven't experienced anything like it. Like, usually smell will fade away or lessen, but it literally just was there one second and then not. So it just went goodbye and the ozone smell was over. Okay, that's good, I guess. After that, nothing seemed to happen for the rest of the night they ended up going out and having a fire and they like kind of calmed down because i don't know if they
Starting point is 00:25:31 thought like oh that was just neighbors trying to be dicks or something but they ended up calming down they even stayed out for another night camping and everything was fine until 1 a.m oh no and they're out by the fire and they smell that ozone this time it's more potent than ever and one of them even starts dry heaving because of how bad okay immediately there's this weird feeling in the air that a lot of the kids could sense and got this is a quote from guy well yeah the ones dry heaving all over the place of course it's a weird feeling in the air so guy this is a quote from him saying something wasn't right and we should have all just fucking left yeah no shit oh my god this is the
Starting point is 00:26:18 problem with teenagers and i was one of them teenagers i was exactly in this boat where i was like let's do the stupidest things possible and now i'm like going into the woods was your first problem that's right i was gonna say step one i'm not there anymore no thank you step one stay in the air-conditioned well-lit home that you pay for instead of sleeping outside stay at m's house they have like 16 tvs in all the rooms why would you leave why would you ever leave you know what you're speaking the truth sister okay so uh everyone gets in the camper and just hunkers down because they have this really weird feeling going on smarts super spooky they don't even want to be outside because they feel like a million
Starting point is 00:26:57 eyes are on them they get in the camper and just lock the door and they start cooking the hot dogs on the stove because they're like fuck the fire they're like we won't eat these raw but right so they had three of those um four pack hot dogs so they were just cooking a dozen dogs and after everyone had eaten one one of the younger cousins goes back up to the stove to get a second one now he says it's unfair that someone got to eat two when everyone else only had one now and another person comes back with everyone only had one hot dog each there aren't any left and that's when someone realizes that means if everyone had one and there were 12 12 people are here and then guy is like yeah i only had one too it wasn't me it must be a goat man of course you would i would be like that's em you idiots
Starting point is 00:27:53 well unfortunately for them they realized there were there were 12 pot dogs and everyone only yeah forget it where is that missing one Because there's only 11 of us. Forget it. So in that moment, one of the cousins freaks out and goes, everyone get out of the trailer because there's someone else in here.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I did not know. No. So because if everyone only had one and there's 11, but 12 hot dogs are eight. What happened? And it was me. But everyone was also.
Starting point is 00:28:30 So here's the here's a quote from Guy. Basically, nobody had noticed because it was such a random group of people. No one had noticed there was a 12th person. Oh, right. Because they don't know each other. Oh, my God. Quote from Guy. There had been 12 people in the cabin but but being that everybody didn't really know each other well nobody had really noticed the whole fucking time that there was an extra person and then i realized earlier that i had kind of noticed something was off
Starting point is 00:29:00 you know how when you're dicking around having a good time and you don't sweat the small shit and you don't always keep track of stuff i'm sure now that someone else had been in the trailer with us and that they had been there for at least a whole fucking day eating with us yucko oof yucko so the kids book it out of the trailer and when they count up the, now there's only 11 kids again. And I like that. Which means they know someone is still in the trailer. Oh, eating all the hot dogs. They're like, there was actually a fourth pack. No one knew, but I did.
Starting point is 00:29:39 When someone, some of the older kids got really brave and they grabbed a bunch of sticks. Stupid, stupid. And they charged at the trailer. Like, I don't know. Yeah, okay. And, but nobody was there. It had already, this person slash thing had already slipped away. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So since they knew that the trailer was empty now, all of them raced back into the trailer and locked the door. Oh, boy. the trailer was empty now all of them race back into the trailer and lock the door they basically they all realize uh what's happened and even one of the friends had noticed that there were 12 people in the group and when she tried to mention it apparently this 12th person quote grabbed her leg hard and leaned over toward her and said something she couldn't understand what ew so i i'm again guessing like it either freaked her out and she had been scared to not say anything the whole time or like if it's some mystical being it maybe like put her under some sort of chance or like maybe it was talking to her but she couldn't really hear it and it muffled the her awareness her awareness i don't know so uh they all stay up as late as as long as they can
Starting point is 00:30:51 eventually they some of them started falling asleep and by sunrise they start to wake up um it's still barely light outside but they're already packing their shit. They're like, let's get out of here. Good idea. Most of the kids had the good idea where they wanted to get home, but they were already a divided camp because some of them were like, let's leave now. And some of them were like, let's wait until it's fully lit outside. And some people still thought that everyone was just bullshitting them and trying to ruin the camp trip. And they were like, we want to stay. Okay. Good luck with that so unfortunately for guy he apparently had to stay back with that like stupid group because it was his uncle's cabin and he had to lock up
Starting point is 00:31:35 i would have been like first of all fuck you i'm in charge here because i have the keys and we're leaving yeah or i would have been like i'll take the heat from my uncle here are the keys you stay and do whatever the fuck you want yeah you take care of this cabin yeah i would have been like, I'll take the heat from my uncle. Here are the keys. You stay and do whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, you take care of this cabin. Yeah, I would have been like, it's cute that you think you have any fucking say here. We're going. So a group of the smart kids that did want to leave during the morning, they left pretty much as soon as possible. Which means that now that some of them are left there's now only
Starting point is 00:32:05 eight people left in the group so which is wild because i think there'd be more than three of the 11 who wanted to leave you'd hope so i mean i would think so but i guess not well i guess one of them was guy who didn't want to be there and then another one who volunteered to say was tanner and so then there were six more and then there's six more so still over half what are they thinking i guess they're teenagers i don't know i don't know they're silly silly kids um so tanner one of the eight that stayed behind he promised he would come back but he was going to go to his house while it was uh well lit outside and grab a gun he was like i, I'm not fucking around this time.
Starting point is 00:32:47 He's like, you were right. Which also, like, if I were the dad and my kid was like, I'm coming home to grab a gun because I'm scared out in the woods, I'd be like, just don't go back in the woods. You're coming home to grab a gun and you're not leaving the house anymore. You're just staying here. Or, like, while it's well lit, like, just have all those kids over at our house and we'll just have a campfire here.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Like, I don't understand the. OK, whatever. Yeah. So. So the group of seven kids stayed all day while Tanner said he'd come back. And even though Tanner was supposed to be back by now, he hasn't been seen. No, no. So the group has been waiting around for Tanner to get there all day.
Starting point is 00:33:24 And now it's dusk and it's getting dark and they start feeling antsy about it getting dark and the kids are all sitting in the trailer one of the kids while they're all sitting in the trailer together one of the kids realizes that one of the girls that left that morning is standing by the fire pit what facing away no no no no no and all of a sudden the kids start to smell that ozone smell again fuck they get a gut feeling that something's off and she straight up stands out there for 20 minutes i don't like that. I don't. Not once. Not once looking at them. Nah. Don't love it.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Don't love it. One of the girls that's part of their group decides that she's going to leave the trailer and try to go talk to her. Okay. But stops dead in her tracks halfway to her and begins dry heaving. As if this thing is what's causing the smell or something. This person smells like ozone now or something. But here's the creepy thing. Creepier thing.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Begins dry heaving without making any sound. Almost as if it's laughing. And by it, I mean like the person that is part of their group and like left the trailer to go talk to her. Right. But now she's acting out of sorts. So I don't know. So she's dry heaving, but actually it looks like she's laughing yeah she's like oh oh oh stop oh don't do it no no uh so she here's the quote from guy it was this fact that it was silent but
Starting point is 00:35:01 she was dry heaving while silent it was this fact that made me realize that there was not a fucking sound in the whole woods it was dead so it had turned everything silent yuck and uh she basically that girl had like a moment of what the fuck is going on why am i driving heaving to this smell she runs back inside uh and locks the door and they all close all the window blinds and like kind of peek out to check on that girl still standing by the fire pit to be like why is she out there why isn't she talking to us why is she standing not facing us and so they're just staring at her, just waiting for something to happen. And then all of a sudden, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Starting point is 00:35:49 What? Tanner is at the door. Again, this guy loves to make an appearance. Didn't they see him coming if they're staring out at the other girl? They were looking out the other window, probably. I don't know. Okay. But he's shouting at the door now, like, let me in.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And when they open the door for him, they realize that their friend, the girl from earlier, is gone. Oh, man. Tanner says that he saw the girl when he was coming up to the trailer, but didn't recognize her as someone from the group. What? So either it was her or it was something shape-shifting to kind of look like her. As he approached the trailer, the girl that was standing by the fire pit stared at him and, according to Tanner, seemingly got closer and closer to him without ever moving. And so now that Tanner's there there the group all day was seven people
Starting point is 00:36:47 and with tanner there's now eight and yet when someone when everyone's kind of stops talking for a moment tanner whispers to guy and says you know there are only seven of us in here right even there's they're supposed to be eight oh no so sure enough there was never eight people staying behind oh no that person or that thing or whatever it was was hanging around and involved in the conversation about staying behind and was part of the head count of eight people even though so like nobody was like who the hell is that i guess so i don't know they need to be a little more astute of their aware of their surroundings i would say but yeah at this point i'd be if i knew that there was a stranger among us right all strangers i would be trying to learn everything about every person i'd
Starting point is 00:37:42 at least memorize everyone's faces i mean you'd think you'd at least recognize the people you spent multiple days with but whatever yeah but also maybe if it's you know it this thing was like grabbing that girl's leg and like kind of muttering to her and like kind of warped reality for a moment maybe it has that effect where like no it was everyone was kind of blind to yeah that's true that's true i feel like that happens in your story sometimes yeah so uh so yeah there one of them wasn't supposed to be part of the group and was currently not there since there were only seven people okay well that's the only good part of this so far yeah so the other person must have been hanging around all day and only recently got locked outside. So Tanner tells them that he was like,
Starting point is 00:38:30 I told my cousin who also lives around here that, you know, what's going on. So he's going to come spend the night with us. He's also going to bring a rifle. Like if you have to bring this many guns into a situation, just don't be there. Just leave. Just go home.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Just go home. So the cousin's name was Reese. So tanner says reese is gonna be here soon and he'll drive us back in the morning so when reese gets there he has uh a rifle and a lantern and he mentions that he assumed the kids were cooking when he came up to the trailer because something metallic was in the air they were cooking a bunch of forks on the grill. What do you mean? A bunch of blood. He also says.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Where's your other friend I met coming up the trail? Oh no. No no no no no no no. He says there was a girl on the path. That stared at him as he walked by. And anytime he tried to talk to her. she was unresponsive to his questions. And she was staring at him? Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:39:30 She was staring at him and she smiled as he left. Goodbye. As he kept going, she seemed to follow him very slowly. Like she was lagging, basically. Like she couldn't keep up. It was so weird because she was walking backwards, too. And he was like, you can walk normal. This time she was walkingging basically like she couldn't keep up so weird she's walking backwards too and he was like you can walk normal this time she was walking on her head she was just break dancing around me uh she he said that he tried to always like even he was trying to walk slowly to see if
Starting point is 00:39:59 she would catch up with him and she could never keep up yuckuck. Was she trying to lure him back? Or she just can't walk fast? Whatever. I guess she just can't walk fast. I don't know. Eventually she muttered something and so he couldn't hear what she said so when he turned around all of a sudden she was right up on him. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:40:20 So for someone who couldn't keep up all of a sudden apparently could keep up this whole time and was like nose to nose with him when he turned around yeah um and he asks if she's okay and if she needs help are you okay do you need help yeah that's what i would say and when he went to touch her shoulder though uh she seemed to have moved away without having moved at all. I swear I should have been able to touch her shoulder, but my hand fell. So he's like, does not know what's going on. She's shifty. She's break dancing around. And eventually she disappeared and he assumed that she had just taken a shortcut or something
Starting point is 00:41:00 and he would find her back. She's just taking a shortcut. I like how in his mind he was like, i'll catch up with her later but it's like i pray i'll never see her again she's going somewhere far far away from me so right before midnight that ozone smell comes back and soon there's a sound at the door christine and it is quote half knocking half clawing goodbye and a voice oh no at the door and apparently the voice sounded this is okay i like how guy couldn't think of any other example he said it was like a of like one of those youtube videos where it sounds like your cat is talking. Oh, no. Where like your cat like. Mimic a sound.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Like mimic a word. Yeah. Oh, yuck. Oh, yuck. And the voice just kept saying, let me in. Nope. What if it was just a cat? What if it was just that silly break dancer and her cat?'s a tiktok famous cat we all know about who
Starting point is 00:42:06 likes to talk about closed doors so yeah this voice at the door now starts saying let me in yeah so after a while of this you could start hearing someone walking around the campground and then coming back to the door and then walking around the campground and coming back to the door so at least now they're like validated that there was something following them all fucking day right um and here's where it gets crazy after a few hours of just hunkering down in the trailer reese says fuck it and he opens the door with his rifle and just starts fucking shooting out there okay well that's not really the greatest plan but whatever no and uh eventually he must have hit something because all of a sudden you just hear guttural screaming oh my god and later reese reported that he did hit something he saw something crawl out of the bushes towards the trailer which is what he shot at
Starting point is 00:43:10 this is his report in the police station when they're like you're under arrest for shooting somebody i i don't i don't know so although they kept hearing the screaming for a little bit they basically they stayed in the trailer they're like we don't want to find out what that sound is. Good idea. Sort of. Sort of, yeah. So they stayed in the trailer for the rest of the night and they were just hoping until morning and they were like, I imagine they were like, what are we going to see when we get out there? Yeah. So just in case. Also, they're out of hot dogs. Like, what are they even eating? I'd be so hungry. They're eating gunpowder. Okay. Oh, yuck just like the old days that's why it smells so metallic they're trying to cook it on the stove it's just
Starting point is 00:43:49 their breath yeah so uh so they all are like okay everyone just try to go to bed tanner volunteers to like keep watch of the door in case like this person or whoever somehow gets up and comes back to the door or if another person shows up i don't know but tanner was like i'm gonna volunteer to stay up and he sits there watches the door uh and after the screaming stopped which i don't know how to take that but tanner started to fall asleep i knew it i was like let me guess all these all these like super hot shots who are like i got a gun i'll protect you i'll protect you blah blah they're all falling asleep falling asleep on the job it's like sounds like someone else should be in charge of you know protecting us maybe ask that girl who's standing backwards
Starting point is 00:44:36 over there and smells like metal she's she seems to be sturdy in her convictions her constitution is very strong so just in case uh yeah tanner volunteers to stay up and fall asleep and at one point while nodding off to sleep this is what he told guy later but he didn't tell anyone for a couple days at one point he's nodding off to sleep and he realizes someone he didn't tell anyone for a couple days at one point he's nodding off to sleep and he realizes someone he didn't recognize quote coming out of the bathroom oh no and then laying down in the middle of the floor and going to sleep and then he's like night night now i'm going to sleep well before he could really fall asleep he uh he was like what do i do because he was like if i try to attack it or or attack this person or something it could hurt someone
Starting point is 00:45:35 else in the trailer like quarters like it's clearly i don't know it's it's clearly a scary situation where i guess they thought this person was at least faking it so maybe I'll fake it too and yeah it's still playing it's just it's still playing this weird trick with us so um so he basically said I wanted to attack it I wanted to kill it I wanted to piss it off because it's like this weird shapeshifter thing but Tanner pretended to sleep all night and watched it the whole time and quote this is from Guy
Starting point is 00:46:10 when Tanner told me later he said it would stand up in the middle of the night and do this weird jittery thing okay forget it or heave like it was laughing but then lay back down oh god Em I hate it and it did that all throughout the night oh okay so no wonder so he i hope he didn't fall asleep because my adrenaline
Starting point is 00:46:32 will be through the fucking roof at this oh yeah i think i mean for you to can you imagine watching it then get up just to stand there and do like a weird dance and like silently you like have your gun ready and it's like anyway back to bed and you're like oh okay. What a weird confident power move too of like everyone's sleeping and I'm not getting shot. I'm just gonna do a little dance real quick. Yeah. So the next
Starting point is 00:46:55 morning everyone woke up and left immediately and Tanner who hadn't told anyone yet that this is what he saw because he didn't know who was in the group and who wasn't like who was the outlier and he was like i just i'm gonna stay back and everyone else like just start walking towards the trailer but i'll lock up the cabin and then jog up to catch up with you afterwards okay so while everyone started walking tanner checked everything in the trailer and realized the whole time that nobody had ever locked one of the windows.
Starting point is 00:47:27 It's coming in and out. So it had been slipping in and out whenever it wanted. Goodbye. And when Tanner stayed back, because he was like, the whole group will go ahead of me, including whatever this person creature thing is. When he stayed back, he saw that one of them was lagging behind my my and so he grabbed the keys and he jogged up to the rest of the group but before he did he got a look at this creature lagging behind them and it stared him in the eyes and then disappeared into the forest oh god and that is the creepy pasta called anansi's goat man do you know i know that story or i i was gonna ask is this a creepy pasta because back in like
Starting point is 00:48:15 two was it written in 2012 it was when my brother i was in college or just finishing college my brother was in college and he was like there's a sub subreddit. And I wasn't on Reddit. And he's like, it's called Creepypasta. And I remember going, Creepypasta, what? And he sent me that story. And I remember reading it like halfway and going, I'm not, I can't do this. Like I just, I like bailed on it. I was so freaked out. And so as you were telling it, it was the part where there was like an extra person
Starting point is 00:48:41 in the room where I was like, oh, fuck this story. Now I'm being forced to listen to the whole fucking thing because i never finished it i was so freaked out and that's when i learned what creepypasta was well so this is ranked as one of like the top 10 best creepypastas wow i that scared i remember i was like on an airplane or something i was like this is not doing it for me alexander this is too scary um i will what's so wild too is it was written by unknown it was like anonymous or something that makes it creepier somehow it makes it creepier but also can you imagine being the person who wrote one of the top 10 stories on reddit like i know it was me yeah so anyway that's that is a that is a wild one um yeah and i wonder why it's called
Starting point is 00:49:27 anansi whatever yeah that's interesting yeah i don't know yeah i got as far as the hot dog thing and then the like there was an extra person in the room and i was like i've think i've gotten a taste of what this reddit website is and i don't want to be a part of it anymore like i i can read the vibe yeah i remember when uh i remember hearing about creepypasta for the first time freshman year of college and when my roommate was really into creepypasta and she was like oh do you do you like creepypasta and i thought it was a type of pasta of course and i i was trying to be cool and i was like yeah i love creepypasta so good oh my god we had like a good this is like the time i was like talking about chip coffee and
Starting point is 00:50:04 you were like yeah totally and i'm like em This is like the time I was like talking about chip coffee and you were like, yeah, totally. And I'm like, Em doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about and is pretending. One of Deirdre's brothers at one point at a party, the band or the music like Cake was playing. Oh God, here we go. And at the same time he was eating cake. And so someone came up to him and was like, man, I love cake. That's stupid. But the guy was talking about the music yeah and he was like man i love cake and deirdre's brother was like yeah i this cake is i love this cake was he like do you want some it's chocolate it's like i
Starting point is 00:50:39 love cake um anyway so i don't know there you have it i wanted to do something that is just terrible i mean it was also easy to research because i just had to tell you the story it's so freaky um guy i didn't know what to call him so i just called him guy because he's a guy oh there's no it wasn't like a name oh the whole the whole thing no i definitely narrated it differently than like the verbatim story but like the narrator didn't give their own name. Yeah. So I just called him Guy. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Guy. Oh, gosh. That is freaky stuff. I was like looking behind me in the video the whole time, like freaked out something was going to move or I don't know. Gross. I know. The second I read someone was standing, not facing, but following them, I was like, that's enough. It's actually really not great for my mind, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Wow. Okay. What a tale, Em. Are you guys happy now that you made Em branch out or whatever the fuck? Okay. So I have a story for you today also um believe it okay and it is the story of donna and ramsay scrivo oh i do not i feel like i would remember the name scrivo yeah i didn't know it at all okay before uh so i watched an episode of snapped uh about this i know you'll love snap you know how
Starting point is 00:52:02 i love it you know how i love it. You know how I love it. And so we're going to be looking into this case. There's also a true crime YouTuber called That Chapter who did a great video that summed up the case as well. So that was a lot of the information. So we're in 2014,
Starting point is 00:52:20 only two years after the Anansi Goatman made his big debut in Huntsville,abama you know it well i remember it like it was five minutes ago um so it's january 27th and 60 year old nurse donna scribo walked into the police station in saint claire shores michigan to file a missing persons report for her son 32 year old ramsey scribo and there's actually a video of this she told police he went out for a walk yesterday at about 6 30 p.m and didn't come home as far as she knew he'd only left the house uh to get some cigarettes and only taken his wallet and phone with him
Starting point is 00:52:57 she'd already checked the bars he frequented as well as other like spots that he was known to go to but she couldn't find him. And she also found it disconcerting that she had called his phone over and over again, but he wasn't answering the phone. And she explained like she was particularly worried, even though he's 32 years old, she was particularly worried because he was suffering from severe paranoia, anxiety and mental health issues. So Donna was worried like something bad had happened to him. It was also a very cold winter, even for Michigan. And she feared that he could have gotten stranded somewhere.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And thirdly, a year earlier, Ramsey had gotten in trouble with the law when he had assaulted his friend at a bar and he had been struggling with drugs and alcohol. So now she's worried any of the above or he's in trouble with the law again and she needs to find him whoa okay so there's a lot of possible avenues and none of them are great um so police start searching for ramsey they call his friends the people he's known to see often but no one seems to know where he is um they try to track him down via his phone and his credit cards but none of them showed any activity it seemed like he had just vanished into thin air so let's do a
Starting point is 00:54:12 little may 10th 1981 ramsey scrivo is born to donna and daniel scrivo uh he graduated in 1999 from de la salle collegiateiate High School in Warren, Michigan. He had a bachelor's degree from Wayne State University, and he worked as a staff accountant at Allstate Insurance. And then decided to go into building construction trades and started a lawn maintenance business just before his hospitalization for mental health crisis, basically. Okay. So Donna and her husband Daniel had bought Ramsey the house they were currently living in together in 2006 because they were worried about him after his diagnosis with paranoid schizophrenia and depression. about him after his diagnosis with paranoid schizophrenia and depression. And he, one of the things that kind of came about as a result of his schizophrenia is that he was always afraid someone had poisoned his drink or had planted like a nano chip in his tooth. And so his paranoia was just like through the roof. And so his mom is like is like we're gonna live together under the same roof
Starting point is 00:55:26 so we can keep an eye on you and keep you safe sure yeah which makes sense um and he so in 2010 he got into a fight at a bar which led to him cracking his head open on the concrete holy shit yeah my god what kind of fight are you getting into i know he was also very drunk so i'm sure that had something to do with it. And this event led to more drinking. And, like, with the mental health crises he was in already, the drinking did not help, obviously. And he started to get into more trouble with the law. He was charged with assault for the fight and was given a probation officer. And police would later say they had been in contact with Donna fairly regularly already because of legal issues with Ramsey.
Starting point is 00:56:09 But, yeah, he'd been getting into a lot of fights, that kind of thing. So it got to the point that because of his severe mental illnesses, Donna was granted guardianship of her son at age 32. And that was in May of 2013. And this was another kind of tumultuous thing that happened. Meanwhile, Daniel, the dad, was actually struggling with terminal illness as well. So they're having a hard time under this roof. This poor family. Holy shit. They're going through it and unable to properly process his dad's condition it seemed like ramsey was turning more to drugs alcohol and medications to cope um and so donna was like just freaked out about him and like his safety and she said uh when his dad went so would he that was like her fear is
Starting point is 00:56:57 that like if his dad passed he would kind of go off the deep end as as it were um and it was believed that ramsey wasn't taking just his own medication but was even taking his dad's morphine um and you know he's on psych meds and that kind of thing it's just not not good i feel like every five seconds i'm just going oh it's like another blow yeah yeah geez oh my gosh and also her name is monica donna donna donna wow donna sounds like her name is donica no it's not i'm sorry it's like emothy and jimothy it just makes me laugh for by the way i don't think you realize how how potent emothy has been in my life really you realize allison's trying to say it yes al thank you. Thank you. She made me a drink yesterday. I've been having a thing where I'm going through a mocktail phase.
Starting point is 00:57:50 That's fun. And so Allison's been trying to make me mocktails. And yesterday it was called the Amethy Sunrise. Wait, stop. That's so cute. It was also very tasty. But I feel like you think that you said something once and just manifested that it would leech out into the world. But see, here's the thing is, remember when I said it and I was like, what do you mean I always say that?
Starting point is 00:58:09 And you were like, no, you don't. But I say it in my head all the time. And so I think I've just manifested it mentally for so long that like by the time I said it once, it like blew up into a sensation. It's like everyone could sense the power that came with it. Also, empathy just has such a nice ring to it. I everyone could sense the power that came with it also emothy just has such a nice ring to it i don't know it's just like emothy it's just so easy to say um so i was talking to one of my hometown friends and they were asking like oh if you would ever change your name what would it be and i jokingly was like oh well christina always calls
Starting point is 00:58:40 me emothy no oh no and then she looked at me like i was the dumbest person she was like maybe pick a different name and i was like i wasn't gonna actually first of all uh who's that because i have someone i have someone i need to talk to she's her name by the way we all call her cloudy so okay the winner cloudy i thought you and i were pals hey i don't know what to tell you i i she didn't like emothy that was for sure all right we'll talk i'll talk to her i'll get her on our side don't worry get her on the horn after this horn also cloudatha may i speak with you also can you tell al pal that i would really like a spiked amethy sunrise whatever it is i think you
Starting point is 00:59:30 would it was um it was uh orange juice cranberry juice uh grenadine and club soda oh hell yeah throw some gin or some vodka in there i'm in sounds delicious i feel like most of the drinks i like end up pairing well with i'm sure especially because alice is great at cocktails so she just removes the booze and it's a mocktail yeah yeah oh i miss my little bartender um okay what's her name by the way al pal okay or alice sunflower sometimes she calls me christine the mom and i call her alice sunflower uh she calls me jine the mom and i call her alice sunflower she calls me jb it's a whole thing we have a lot of names anyway she just texted me recently was like there's someone at my work named jb
Starting point is 01:00:16 and she's like and i was like yeah now you have to think about me every time you work i didn't know justin bieber worked at her office no i do jb jb's not justin bieber get out of here i had that name first okay so anyway back to this horrible story so donica what's her name donna sorry now i'm really thrown off okay oh my god okay donna and ramsay uh and then daniel is the dad. So Daniel was ill. Ramsey was going through it. Donna's going through it.
Starting point is 01:00:49 So Ramsey's world was rocked May 16, 2013, when Daniel, his father, passed away. The family was obviously heartbroken. Ramsey, as Donna was predicting, started to spiral. And this was about a year before he went missing so court documents obtained by the detroit free press revealed that ramsey's anger after his dad's passing had escalated to unsafe levels and he uh threatened suicide multiple times and with ramsey being the worst he had ever been mental health wise donna petitioned the court to have him hospitalized ramsey consented and the following month ramsey told authorities that he had intentions of ending his mother's guardianship in six months on the conditions that he would cooperate with treatment
Starting point is 01:01:35 take his medication and follow his mother's rules so uh those so it seemed like maybe things were getting better he was saying you know i if i'm going to take my medication, I'm going to follow the rules and I think I can be on my own again, basically. So those plans were paused, though, when in September of that year, Ramsey had one of his teeth crowns removed, thinking there was a speaker that had been planted in his crown. There wasn't. But, you know, that was just his paranoia. Right. And so following that incident, doctors diagnosed him with psychosis born from his paranoia. And after 90 days of treatment, he was released from the medical center on the basis that
Starting point is 01:02:18 he wasn't deemed dangerous, but he was still under his mother's guardianship. So he moved in with her at her home. Now, it wouldn't be long until the scriva family were met with yet another life-changing event so and obviously not a good one the hits just keep coming when it rains it pours that's right and also the house burns down because that's what happened so oh no a fire started in the basement um of the house which happened to be ramsey's room um donna managed to get out of the house call the firefighters and when they turned up they went in and were able to rescue ramsey thankfully even though he had been
Starting point is 01:02:56 in his room during the fire happened was it a candle or something um there was actually never they never were able to pinpoint what started the fire it's questionable in my mind i mean it started like in his room and nobody did an investigation so we just have no clue okay but thankfully both of them survived uh so they moved into ramsay's home in saint claire shores and lived there while his mother's home was being repaired um and like I said, they never investigated the fire. So there's no way to figure out what had happened there. Many also started to question, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Some people were, like, kind of judgmental of her saying, like, why didn't she save Ramsey from the basement? But it's sort of like, I feel like nobody really knows what they would do if their house were on fire. I 100 like nobody really knows what they would do if their house were on fire and i 100 don't know what i would do and like you're told not to run into a burning building i mean as much as we like to think we would to save somebody i mean i don't know with any with any crisis i can whatever situation i could carefully plan in my head right a superhero right but like it's probably
Starting point is 01:04:06 99 chance not gonna especially exactly especially if that is where the fire is like she called the fire department you know whatever so part of me would assume that like oh the anyone else who's down there can clearly see the fire and they're maybe they're already out yeah who knows i don't know i don't know but then also you could see like maybe they're trapped i don't know yeah i'm not sure so so it worked she called the fire department they saved him thankfully um but now we're moving forward to ramsey's disappearance she files this missing persons report she's like i looked at all the bars i looked everywhere i keep calling him he won't answer his phone um so while ramsey is missing police ask donna for a photo of ramsey to send to the media so they can broadcast the photo on the news and uh she said she didn't want the media
Starting point is 01:04:55 involved uh so like kind of strange i guess but i guess that's her prerogative i don't know that's another thing where i'm not really sure where what i would do uh-huh i don't know um yeah so she's like i'm not giving you a photo of him just seems strange it does seem strange but then ramsey's phone was found uh in the front garden of one of the neighbor's houses oh shit and police looked at the phone they couldn't figure out any leads any clues to where he was but there was one odd thing that they discovered when they looked at the phone huh was it that she hadn't called him at all there were no missed calls from donna and that's where i begin my suspicions good call though you really nailed that one hey i just read like a creepypasta so i'm involved in the story you're in like a narrative headspace i got you i'm a i'm a i'm a i'm a literary genius
Starting point is 01:05:52 is that what you are oh i don't know some say it that person is me some do nobody knows quite who but it could be m someone has said it and it was 100 not true but it was said but it was said and it was said five minutes ago on the podcast by m um and then the day came about that everyone had been fearing on january 30th 2014 a woman was driving and noticed a few trash bags on the side of a snowy road oh god she thought somebody had you know dumped had been poaching deer and had dumped some parts on the side of the road she pulled over and quickly noticed there was a head and intestines oh yes wow i mean i knew there was a body in there but i didn't know that not good i didn't know that that detailed wow yeah so not good she calls the police um they show up and realize that not only are there a couple bags there down further down the road
Starting point is 01:06:53 there are more bags with more body parts like human body parts um and they are spread out all around the side of the road um and so they immediately turned this into a homicide it was hard to identify the human remains but in one of the other bags they found a jigsaw not a jigsaw puzzle a jigsaw yeah yeah i got you sorry i'm not a very handy person as you know i nail curtains to the wall so a saw for when the jig is up for when the day is all right all right settle down class okay uh so they found a jigsaw four saw blades woman's women's clothing and a coke bottle um in another one of the trash bags super strange and so after some investigation they determined they were dealing with the remains of a white man uh in his 20s or 30s
Starting point is 01:07:44 and so the following morning, the police got another call about another bag outside of an off ramp nearby. And in that clothing, they found some charred paperwork, but no more body parts. And the paperwork seemed to be in relation to Ramsey's Scribo. So now they're putting the pieces together of like, oh, over here in this part of the, I think it was a different county. There's like this missing person's case. And over here we found these mysterious body parts. It might be the same person.
Starting point is 01:08:13 So fingerprints of the body were taken as missing people from the area were cross-examined and ruled out one by one. And then finally they were able to determine that, yes, the remains were those of 32-year-old Ramsey Scrivo. So according to Monsters and Critics, though the body had evidently suffered post-mortem thermal injury and charring, the autopsy made it clear that Ramsey had been drugged with Xanax four times what he was prescribed. And he was like a big guy. So he had been like overloaded with Xanax. And that amount of xanax was actually enough to kill him um but that's not what killed him so he was like
Starting point is 01:08:52 overdosed with xanax and then he was strangled with a ligature uh his that which killed him and then his body was hacked into 14 pieces and set on fire so and that is that where we think the fire came from no because he was rescued from that oh right right sorry i just heard fire and i was like i know about a fire okay you're right i mean it is a weird quinky dink i don't know maybe if they're related somehow but yeah it was not that fire specifically um his cause of death was asphyxiation due to the ligature around his neck. He'd been strangled. Oddly, his right arm was never found. So that's kind of freaky.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I think it's probably still on the side of the road somewhere. Yikes. And you know what? Think about this. He was paranoid about being poisoned all the time. And then he fucking was poisoned i know isn't that horrible i actually had not put that together it just makes it extra sad um that like someone was able to take advantage of his you know paranoia and god also like it like
Starting point is 01:09:58 i feel like it's if he were around if he survived it, he like all of his paranoia would have been validated. Yeah. Or to him, at least he would have been like, you kept gaslighting me into thinking that I shouldn't be worried. And then you fucking poisoned me. And it happened once. It could happen again. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:17 So around the time that it was released that a cis white man had been found murdered, a tip arrived for the police. a cis white man had been found murdered a tip arrived for the police a witness came forward and said that she remembered on the 30th of january she had seen a woman driving an suv dropping off trash bags on the side of the road and she thought like it was a dead dog or a dead animal that this woman was dumping on the side of the road um not realizing it was literally a human and so they tracked down cctv footage from a nearby gas station and they spotted a woman uh on the footage getting gas and police were like that must be the suspect in this murder so sheriff tim donnellan took to the news to reveal this information and he commented we're going to be releasing a picture of a person of interest that we hope citizens can help us
Starting point is 01:11:01 identify as well as a vehicle so probably not a surprise to literary genius m schultz but the woman from the footage was identified to be donna scrivo herself donica actually donica to you donica scrivo herself she was immediately brought into the station for questioning and you can watch her interview on youtube but here's like a little reenactment. You ready? Oh, I sure am. I'm going to play the part of Donica here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And the detective. So everyone, really. I'm the star. Okay. Oh, okay. So I'm the literary genius and you are the A-list celebrity. You just take notes. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I'm the A-list celebrity. So the detective sits opposite Donna and says, I have some unfortunate news. I know that you've seen the videos the TV reports up in St. Clair County. We believe that that's your son. Donna bursts into tears and whimpers, oh, my son. The detective asks, did he have friends in St. Clair County? To which she replies, not really. The detective asks, when's the last time you were up there?
Starting point is 01:12:01 She thinks for a second before she replies, I had a patient up there a couple years ago and the detective stops in her tracks and says well i'm a little confused i know you were in saint claire county yesterday and because that's where the gas station was and oh yes yes yes donna goes no okay wow and uh the detective says master master manipulator manipulator a-list celebrity uh and then the detective goes would it help if you looked at the pictures and donna says pictures of what and she's like you can look at them and hands over pictures of her on the cctv and donna says that is me you got me like what like so quickly uh no so yeah yep that's me i mean and then she says if you're telling me that i got gas there then i must have just been driving around looking for ramsey as if she like totally fucking forgot and the detective says i'm hoping that you're going to start remembering a little bit more so we can figure out what in god's
Starting point is 01:13:04 name happened here and donna says i don't have those answers for you the detective says, I'm hoping that you're going to start remembering a little bit more so we can figure out what in God's name happened here. And Donna says, I don't have those answers for you. The detective says, we know you're not a bad person. I think you're just a tired person who's been dealing with a son with severe mental issues. That wears. I couldn't do it. So now she's playing like, you know. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Woe is me. Woe is me. Like, we're just going to try and guilt you. Or like, what's the word? Like, try to kind of good cop bad cop like oh i'm sure it was just so hard living with this son you know blah blah blah so she just goes i didn't kill my son uh and the detective says did he kill himself but you didn't want people to know that and you thought this might be a way to cover it up and she says ma'am i didn't kill my son i
Starting point is 01:13:42 don't know what you want me to say and she says i don't know just the truth and then she said i think it's time i find me a lawyer so that is the interview um yikes so needless to say donna was arrested january 31st as the main suspect in her son's death and was charged with the dismemberment of her son's body um she was not charged with murder because the autopsy had come back inconclusive somehow even though he had died by strangulation but whatever okay and according to m live while in custody donna threatened to hurt herself so jail officials moved her to a mental health unit of the macomb county jail but she was found competent to stand trial and so donna herself i'm just going to give you a little bit of like background info on donna so she was from texas born february 4th 1954 as donna chaffin in dallas and from a young age she
Starting point is 01:14:34 knew she wanted to be a nurse um she married her husband at age 24 her husband's name daniel scrivo and she actually met him she was like working in a jail and he was an inmate there so oh kind of a weird backstory that just kind of gets glossed over but it's like okay so they got together um two months later she had her first son Jason they moved to Michigan where Daniel was from and three years later Ramsey was born in 81. And so as we've already determined, their lives were not super chill and easy. Daniel had obtained hep C as a teenager, which forced him to undergo open heart surgery. And that's actually what ended up killing him when he was 61 in 2013, when he had that terminal illness. Donna also had heart issues. She actually had a heart attack in 2003, and she survived it,
Starting point is 01:15:29 but it made her anxiety levels extremely high, and so she started doing home nursing instead because it just took such a mental toll on her, and working out at the hospital was too much. So in reference to some Facebook posts that you can actually like see the screenshots of facebook posts between donna and her son ramsey and it seemed like they have a pretty normal like mother-son relationship like wow there weren't any red flags it makes sense by this episode was on snapped then right i was thinking that too i was like this is so weird how all of a
Starting point is 01:16:05 sudden like things just 180 almost as if she snapped it's almost as if one could say yeah so in one facebook post for example from november 6 2010 uh ramsey says sometimes you have to lose to win it takes a real man to understand that thanks to all the strong women in my life who've taught me that especially you mom and uh just kind of like you know cheesy posts like that and then um she'd pulled the classic mom thing where she would post like weird mundane posts on his wall all the time like one of them literally said look at these pictures neat and it was just like pictures of like iguanas or something like it's like okay mom thanks classic thanks that's a iguanaga no that was stupid oh i tried hang on hang on oh wrong one oh that was the
Starting point is 01:16:57 hit the green one there it is much better much better the first one was a drum roll and i don't think that one fit sorry oh i thought it was it didn't oh it is wait oh yeah i guess that is what that is sorry so you did it right this whole thing is wrong this is all this is all yikes i feel like i should just play the crickets and stop talking but um i'm gonna leave everyone alone oh okay so yes she posts all these iguana photos or weird shit like that. And one of them is another photo or like a link and it just says, do you remember this lady, which is like the most mom thing ever to just be like, hey, remember this person? It's like,
Starting point is 01:17:34 yeah, mom, that was like the dentist or whatever. I don't know. I just think it's so silly. So Facebook also revealed that a while before Dan passed away, the dad, Donna went to a high school class of 1972 reunion in Dallas, Texas. And there's a classic comment on this photo by a guy named Billy Jack Campbell. There's a photo from this reunion. And the comment is for like the number four, for simply great girls. Think a lot of y'all was great to see y'all class of 72 rocks so just like it's it's just kind of freaky going through the photos because it's like so normal and like mundane and
Starting point is 01:18:13 like inane it's like you wouldn't know everyday human face yeah yeah like such as just like cliche mom stuff um and so in that uh youtube video that by that chapter they mentioned uh saying it was it was thought that at the reunion donna reconnected with an old flame and when she returned she seemed to be texting someone non-stop that she had reconnected with at the reunion could it be billy jack campbell um it was not billy jack campbell um even though you imagine those texts for you i do class of 72 rocks he ends every text with that message the emoji of like finger guns no it's like the rock emoji like rock on class of 72 rocks he uses the seven and two icons i love him.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Yeah, no, unfortunately. Well, I guess fortunately for him, he wasn't involved in any of this. Just as a side commenter on her Facebook photos. He just became the star of the show. He just became the A-list celebrity. He swooped me right out of the way and said, I'm actually the star now. So it was also thought that after Dan passed away, her husband, and now that her other son, Jason, had moved, she had been thinking about moving back to Dallas to be with this new guy she was seeing. Um, but then Ramsey all of a sudden vanished.
Starting point is 01:19:34 And so back, back into the investigation, police obtained search warrants for Donna's car and Ramsey's condo. So initially it was a little tricky for them to get their hands on Donna's car. And the reason is because she immediately donated her car to a donation program. Because I assume she knew that it was gonna get her in trouble. I don't know. But as soon as she's arrested, basically, they're like, she's like, Oh, I just happened to give my car away. Sorry, can't have it. How convenient. How convenient. Yeah yeah very sus um and when they do collect the car finally they get their hands on it they find ramsay's blood in it so that explains why she got rid of it that'll do it that'll do it so neighbors had complained to police there was a smell of
Starting point is 01:20:20 something an awful lot like bleach coming from ramsey's house and the police uh searched the house themselves and also noticed just the overwhelming stench of bleach from the house not a good also do it that'll also do it um so the house was evidently a crime scene ramsey's blood was found in the bathtub i mean this is giving me all sorts of weird feelings about your bathtub thing earlier sorry i'm just like a little freaked out now hey i i was i didn't know i was so in the right about being i didn't either and i don't oh no especially there was um we did it was either vermont or maine where we had a show and i stayed in a really weird hotel after you and eva left and i stayed behind to like i remember that
Starting point is 01:21:03 and i remember there being a it was like it had not been touched since the 60s it was very old and creepy and there was just a bed it was a very small room and it was just a bed and just a hot tub in the middle of the room on carpet I'd like I'd like to clarify this was not when I was booking the travel this is when I decided to book their own travel. 100% me. And I remember thinking, like, I mean, technically I could get in the hot tub. And I was like, but really, I won't be getting in the hot tub.
Starting point is 01:21:35 But really, let's all be honest here. Let's all be upfront about what's going to happen here. I feel like someone 100% was murdered in that hot tub. Or something even worse, like bodily fluid. Like, I don't want to know what happened in the hot tub but something something with bodies something unclean happened in there i don't like it even just sinful in general it's bad spiritually emotionally physically not good um so yeah they found ramsey's blood in the bathtub uh on the bedroom wall on the porch and on the hand railings of the house. So all the fuck over the place.
Starting point is 01:22:10 The bathtub also had burn marks inside of it. So clearly that's where she was probably trying to burn the body. And also it does make you wonder, like, with that first fire, was she – so that's that's why people say like why didn't she go in the basement like maybe she set the fire. Yeah. And tried to kill him that way. Yeah. But then she realized it wasn't working. But then like yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Right. Then he survived. And now I don't know. So everything seemed to be linking up. In addition to all of the above a local store had footage of Donna heading into their establishment. I think it was a Lowe's where she was seen buying a jigsaw and then she returned the jigsaw that evening and god can you imagine buying that being the next customer and i know i i have thought about that before with like the rental deals they have there where it's like what was someone doing with this before i got it
Starting point is 01:23:03 yeah and apparently they they even asked her like oh what do you plan on doing with the saw because they were trying to help her buy one and she was like oh just this and that around the house you know just just a little here and there jigsawing um and so she returned it and said oh i had trouble charging it so i'm gonna give it back to you uh yikes however um there seems to be plenty of evidence to cast a suspicious eye in her direction but there was also an element that kind of added a little bit of doubt and that's that donna's dna could not be found on ramsay's body so they took her nail clippings and hair samples um and although uh they did find her dna on the coke bottle in one of the garbage bags they
Starting point is 01:23:45 could not find any on ramsay's body but despite that she did go to trial in may of 2015 in macomb county and one of the people who took the stand was ramsay scribo's neighbor darsha darsia darsha what's wrong with me i i don't know that's like i don't even know how to make that an emothy nickname d-a-r-c-i-a darcia or say darcia i'd say dar oh i'd say darsha i said darsha but then it sounded weird i don't know all right i don't know so uh miss d i'll call her uh well i would imagine isn't that how marcia brady spelled her name this is marcia darsha yeah yeah i guess that's true i don't know why it sounds so weird to me all right but so yeah so according to m live um darsha whatever her name is took the court or told the court how she heard quote sounds of an electric saw or chainsaw which wasn't unusual because he was always doing renovations but it just sounded suspicious like he was trying to be quiet about it which was strange because he
Starting point is 01:24:48 was always doing renovations it would stop start a little bit stop and start a little bit again like he was trying to cover up a noise i assumed it was him so another neighbor called patricia testified that she saw donna struggling to carry three black garbage bags to her silver suv just days before investigators made the shocking discovery uh but the climax of the trial was when donna took the stand herself and in this snap episode they're like 90 some percent of cases in murder cases the defendant does not take the stand but for whatever reason donna takes the stand wow uh-huh and um basically uh the prosecutor blasts donna about her son's murder and it's not the smartest thing i guess to get on the stand that's probably why most people don't
Starting point is 01:25:34 uh but so we see the prosecutor question why she had bought carpet shampoo uh right before ramsay disappeared uh we see him interrogate why the Xanax that was traced in Ramsey's body was from Donna's own prescription and why after the murder, there was only one pill left out of the 90 day supply that she had gotten at the beginning of the month. Holy crap. Okay. All excellent questions,
Starting point is 01:25:58 but the prosecutor could not have predicted the 180 Donna is about to fucking pull on all of us here. What is she gonna do she what is donna gonna do now she had a whole new story she says this is what really happened to my son she says back to january 25th think back i'm in the basement i'm doing laundry and all of a sudden in this brand new on her testimony the police haven't even heard this story she says she went upstairs after doing the laundry and sees that the front door is open she goes to check in on ramsey and she is confronted by a man wearing a mask who is
Starting point is 01:26:36 holding ramsey in his room and the man and the man in the mask says to her mrs scrivo i didn't know you were here and then the masked man told donna to shut up stuffed a scarf in her mouth handcuffed her to the bed and killed ramsey in front of her very eyes oh huh that is a 180 that is quite a tale he then made her dispose of her son's body and if she didn't do it he would kill her as well uh reaching reaching your honor i think reaching yeah what's that facebook group it's my favorite it's called like are you a yoga teacher because damn what a stretch that's my that's what i'm thinking here um according to donna the masked man was with her for five whole days at the house like keeping her captive um and she was i feel like it's i feel like how do you forget to mention
Starting point is 01:27:28 that this whole time on yeah that's because it didn't happen that becomes the question as the police are like wait a second like you just forgot to tell us this you didn't feel like we needed to know about this yeah so yeah she says she's been handcuffed to the bed for five days um apart from when he ordered her to do something like dispose of the body um he was the one who told her to buy the saw so she went and bought a saw uh he was the one who told her to sell her car or to like donate her car and then he would always be waiting in the condo uh standing backwards running at you at full speed break dancing in the bathtub yeah so at this point everyone's like excuse me what what's going on so they start off easy saying like well did you recognize this person uh do you know who he is she says no and they're like then why were
Starting point is 01:28:19 you at the store when you were at the store didn't you ask an employee for help or say like call the police and she just says i couldn't do that uh and then the prosecutor really goes in on her and at one point in the beginning of her cross-examination um asks him she asks him are you done and he replies oh i'm just getting started oh step aside donna sit you better believe it oh my goodness uh in one clip he asks why did he let you live and when this man is allegedly in your car when you're at the police station why don't you go to the officer and say officer the killer like the one who killed my son and is keeping me hostage is in the back seat of my car he murdered my son in cold blood he put me in handcuffs he
Starting point is 01:28:59 beat me he chained me to my bed and he's in your parking lot please help me to which like yeah the ultimate question and to which donna responds he wasn't with me at the police station which is like okay even more of a reason to say he's at my house go get him so you were even more free yeah you were more safe you'd think um so donna's asked why it's taken her so long to reveal this information um especially like to police and she maintains that though she didn't uh say anything that she maintains that she didn't say anything because she wanted to keep her and her family safe and i'm like well it's too late for that but okay so according to usa today she was afraid that he would kill her other son nieces and other
Starting point is 01:29:40 relatives uh she said that she did exactly what the man told her to do having no faith that the police could keep her family safe um she said i trusted the man who was holding the gun to my head so she was too afraid to tell police and in this moment where donna's asked to explain herself more she comes out with this statement sir i didn't want to testify i'm gonna so that was the other thing is they're like so why are you telling the story now if you still are so afraid that this man is out there and is going to kill your family and she says yeah sir i didn't want to testify i'm gonna be confused on having to speak and he hits her back with you didn't want to testify you had the right not to testify and you're up here testifying i get the right to ask you questions whether you like them or not so let's keep going okay
Starting point is 01:30:21 so it's like really dramatic um is a three-hour questioning which ultimately like she just can't like her her story just doesn't hold water um and she maintains her innocence the whole time the only thing that's like actually helpful is that her dna wasn't found um and so she says you have technology and equipment that can detect blood after cleaning it if there was something on me if i did what you said some of it would have showed on me some of me would have shown on ramsey and some of him would have shown on me and you didn't bag and tag my clothes or anything so this is the only thing she's like that actually works in her favor um so donna's defense uh pulled focus onto the image of this like frail donna they're like, she could never have lifted
Starting point is 01:31:05 this very heavy person into the bathtub herself. She's so weak. She's so weak. She's like this grandmotherly figure. And so that's kind of the only thing that they could lean on besides the DNA. And so as part of the closing statements, according to Daily Mail, the prosecutor called Scrivo's account fake. He said, you either believe that or you believe the physical evidence. And her defense lawyer rounded all of it up by repeating the things he needed to like cling on to the fact that her DNA was not found on his body. And that how on earth could his 110 pound clientna lift the body of her 235 pound son into a bathtub and to that i say well clearly she cut it up with a saw but okay whatever i feel like
Starting point is 01:31:54 that one was easy she answered that herself like there's several garbage bags of proof if you need it yeah yeah which also it's like pretty fucking sad i saw a comment somewhere being like she threw her son away with like her coke like she like tossed her coca-cola like something about that is so icky you know i mean obviously it's icky to begin with but just like the callousness of like oh and i'll throw my empty soda can in with his remains is like oh my god it's just like out with the trash like really thought of him as trash yeah it's so fucking dark um so the uh her defense attorney also asked the jury what reason she would have for killing and mutilating her son which is like lord knows but that's what we are
Starting point is 01:32:39 all wondering i guess what what did she say she uh so he commented um so this is just him saying to the jury her lawyer saying to the jury like why would she even do such a thing like you have to understand like she would have this is what he said she would have to be the stupidest murderer in the world unless she was forced unless she was directed at gunpoint to do these seemingly stupid things so according to usa today after the jury spent one hour and 40 minutes only deliberating, Judge Richard Caretti sentenced 61-year-old Donna Scrivo to life in prison as she was found guilty of first-degree premeditated murder, disinterment, and mutilation of a body, and removing a body without the permission of the medical examiner. The judge called this one of the most heinous crimes and said it was mind-boggling to do what Scrivo did to her very own son, who looked to his mother. Donna desecrated her son's body, and this is something that is only seen in, quote, B-horror movies. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:33:37 This is a bunch of bullshit. To this day, Donna unsurprisingly maintains her innocence. She's serving her time in the Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility in Michigan. And it's still, I think the most unsettling thing about this is, like, we still don't totally know what her motive is. Like, I guess it was that she wanted to move to Texas, but she couldn't take her son with her because he didn't want to go and she was his guardian. But it just seems so extreme to like yeah you know like i mean i don't want to be that guy but i feel like he was so had so many mental health issues she could have found a like easier way to blame this on like a suicide
Starting point is 01:34:18 or something not like i mean if she if she were going to kill like even like didn't he yeah wasn't that one of the things that the cops even like baited her with of like did he hurt himself right you were trying to get rid of the evidence or you were trying to you were scared people would find out or whatever yeah like that and he had threatened suicide so many times i feel like you know seemingly because the xanax too would have already was enough to kill him she could have said it was an overdose it's just so weird to me and i don't know like even though i do believe she did it like i don't think there was a masked intruder behind it but like i don't think so like why i don't know it's so strange i don't really know all of it all of it feels very like literally
Starting point is 01:35:03 snapped snapped impulsive and like not thinking yeah i mean obviously not thinking clearly you killed fucking somebody but no but you're right like it just seems like it just imploded or something because like what my favorite part of this my favorite part of our show is when we get to your story and we both are trying to rationalize something irrational something so irrational yeah we're like but wait a minute that doesn't make sense it's like i know i know but like you'd think at least like there was no life insurance payout you know at least usually people have some sort of like especially for your own son like you'd think you need a strong motive for that but like maybe she really did just snap like she just had enough i don't know but like again their wall to wall so to speak was so just like inane and like cutesy it's like what the fuck happened but anyway last bullet here
Starting point is 01:35:51 according to the detroit free press donna had testified that she told her sister-in-law at christmas time 2013 that her son told her she didn't do enough to save his father and when asked if that made her feel bad she said yes adding i feel like a failure as a mom as a wife and a nurse um and she also testified that sometimes uh her son got loud with her and they argued um but again like i just that doesn't seem like enough to me from an outside perspective but who knows if there was a fight or something that we just don't we won't ever know about um and like i i'm trying to think like was she just like broken down or worn down enough after like having to like shitty phrasing care for deal with him yeah yeah yeah like i mean maybe maybe she was just over it i can't imagine
Starting point is 01:36:38 being so over it that you would ever even consider that but i mean maybe she was already like battling her own mental health stuff on top of taking care of him i don't know yeah who knows like what else was going on behind the scenes um so yeah that's the story of donna scrivo and uh very sad but you know just another shocking one i guess it started even really horribly like you listing all of the just the tragedies yeah everything that family was going i feel sad too for the older son who just lost like everyone in his family you know like his dad dies of an illness then his brother gets murdered and then it turns out his mom did it and now she's in jail yeah it's just sad how long was she in jail for do we know she's
Starting point is 01:37:23 still there uh she got a life she got life in prison okay okay um and she was sentenced i think in 2015 i put my notes away but i'm pretty sure 2015 um so yeah she's still there so anyway fun fact for you oof well that was a doozy. What an episode. I feel less bad about the Donica jokes. At first I was like, oh shit, am I saying something about a victim and am I going to regret that? But now I'm like, nah. She'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Yeah, I think so. She's gotten much worse to deal with on her plate right now so it's okay. Who is... I'm trying to think. I feel i feel like oh i'm thinking of a different person named danica never mind patrick oh no who is that is that a race car driver car driver um no i was thinking of someone i think she was in the wonder years or something oh i don't know anyway uh thank you for your story christine it's uh we're start we're ending the episode earlier than we usually do because we
Starting point is 01:38:32 recorded earlier than we usually do so what are you gonna have oh you're on the east coast i was gonna say what are you gonna have for lunch oh it's 4 p.m here i'm getting ready for happy hour and dinner time what's gonna be your drink today maybe an emothy i sincerely was sitting here going what do i have to make a cocktail with i don't know i'm gonna have to go do a little peekaroo a little peekaroonie a little peekaroonie all right well i'm gonna go have another emothy sunrise i think i'll send a picture i'll send you a video i took a video of myself like twirling it. Cute. And I ordered Shake Shack, which I'm very excited about. Oh, hell yeah. I'm going to order food too.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Yum. All right. And that's why we drink. It's not so bad.

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