And That's Why We Drink - E27 Mr. Carbunkle and A Science Class Murder

Episode Date: August 6, 2017

It's episode 27! Christine and Linda meet (spoiler alert: there are fireworks), we learn about Christine’s “baby watch,” and Christine and Em solve age-old Australian murders. Honestly what DOE...SN'T happen in this episode?! Oh right, also: Em tells Christine about the Monte Cristo Homestead (AKA the most haunted place in Australia) and Christine tells Em about the tragic murder of high-schooler Skylar Neese. And that's why we drink...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you want me to make the noise? No. Oh, I won't make the noise. I thought you were going to trick me and make the noise. No, I wasn't. How are you? I'm fine. My lips keep doing the smacking thing.
Starting point is 00:00:08 I hear it in my mic. That's, there's noise. There's a fucking noise. I told you. I knew it would happen. Sorry. I'm back together. How was your milkshake?
Starting point is 00:00:29 Good. Are we recording already? Yes. Hi. Oh my god, how do you not know that? I don't know. You saw me hit the button. Yeah, but that doesn't... I didn't know that meant record.
Starting point is 00:00:37 You would think after 27 episodes I would know how and when we're recording. I mean, one might think, but I don't think, so... Okay. Somebody else might think that, but I know better. My milkshake today is a s'mores cream frappuccino. However, it is also heavily melted because it took me a half an hour to get here. But this time they didn't put coffee in it by accident, right? No, they did it right.
Starting point is 00:00:57 They did it right. Because that was rough last time. It was a slow day at Starbucks, so I got to really lay down the law on what I wanted. Oh, yeah. Worked out. Speaking really lay down the law on what i wanted oh yeah worked out speaking of laying down the law tell me everything i want to know about this wine okay so i met with a wonderful listener named erin and she's awesome um she's a shit and she brought well first of all she brought you a little bow tie a blue bow tie she said it's a something blue for the wedding isn't that cute that's so cute and then she brought a bottle of wine and it's called the Sheriff of Buena Vista. And it's this big old.
Starting point is 00:01:27 There's literally a sheriff. Yeah. Badge. A badge? Like a real badge. Like a star. Like it's 3D off of the bottle. I can clink my ring against it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You can clink your ring off a lot of things. We've learned that. I just use it as an example. Anyway, so thank you, Erin, for that. I'm really happy about that. It was really kind of you. Why do you drink? Oh, I drink because suddenly my anxiety is rearing
Starting point is 00:01:50 up again because I found out I was selected to be a semi-finalist for the Nickelodeon Writers Program. Which, by the way, is my dream. I'm so proud. No, Christine's not going to give herself enough credit. She got selected. She's one of the 13 selected out of, like, 2,500 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Well, yeah. So, anyway. That's so cool. They called me yesterday, and I thought I made it. Like, I woke up this morning, and I just assumed I made it up in my head at night. It's real, I found out. And my next interview is on Friday, and then there's, like, speed rounds with Nickelodeon executives and things like that. So, I'm like. So, like, you're going to make it you're gonna make it maybe I'm like pumped but they only pick four out
Starting point is 00:02:29 of the 13 so now I'm like anxious okay so just under a third just under you just have to be better than two-thirds of them nine people but the thing is too it's it is like really reaffirming that they picked my script because it was like a blind read so none of my information or bio or anything were attached to it. So it is really reaffirming that like, at least I'm at least you're kind of funny, good at what I do. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. So, you know, sure. Sitting on your couch, cracking jokes. Yes. So to all of you listening,
Starting point is 00:02:54 you don't think I'm funny in your face. I know it. Let's just hope that they don't find out about the podcast before they pick you. Well, that's the other thing. Cause it definitely links to my Twitter or like they have my Twitter information.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Oh no. So you guys kiss that goodbye. Can't't you what you should do is you should tweet wow x teen cheaper is the funniest person ever she's such a great writer and then i'll just keep retweeting it even if your team milkshake this week everyone go whore out christine for the sake of nickelodeon you're such a good friend i do what i can anyway so that's why i drink i'm excited and nervous and terrified all at once and this is like a dream come true so i'm knock on wood hoping that it happens um yeah so why do you drink i drink well i drink for a really good reason because today it's raining it's raining and rain is my favorite weather and i haven't seen rain in i don't know years at this point since we live in fucking LA but it's so nice and I was sitting outside in my car first of all I walked around in the rain which was way fun because I hadn't been in rain in a
Starting point is 00:03:51 long time and then I got in my car and then like this huge crack of lightning happened with like the thunder rolling in and the sky was all gray and horrible I haven't seen thunder or lightning in a long time it was so good and then I saw the rain hitting the windshield on my car and I hadn't seen rain hit anything. Like I hadn't heard rain in so long. I felt like I was way too grateful and appreciative of seeing rain. Everyone who's not, who does not live in LA is like, fuck you guys. Rain is a fucking word. No, but rain's also like has always been my favorite weather. I hate the sun. I really hate the sun. Rain is the fucking worst. No, but rain's also, like, has always been my favorite weather.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah, I love it. I hate the sun. I really hate the sun. I love the sun and I like the rain, but I hate the in-between, like, gloomy days with no, none of either. I feel like if you're going to be gloomy, you might as well go full doom. Totally, exactly. But I really don't like the sun. So, of course, I moved to the sunniest place on earth.
Starting point is 00:04:41 What's the matter with you? You don't like the sun, you vampire. I really, really like the rain so much to me it's like it means that you're allowed to be comfy and lazy all day that's true it's like oh it's raining i can't go do anything productive you stay in your pjs yeah time to just snuggle up and that's true with a milkshake and a good ghost dead we're recording welcome to my apartment and my really cozy ikea furniture so anyway that's why i drink gotcha well because it rains we also have a mutual reason why we drink don't we why uh an event that occurred on saturday that will be remembered in infamy yes we definitely
Starting point is 00:05:20 would you like to take it away let's start from the top away? Let's start from the top. All right. Let's start from the top. So I found out that Em's mom was coming to town. Yes. Cue Linda's arrival in Los Angeles. And so we apparently she had bought tickets to and Em kept saying, you know, some game show. And I was like, oh, because I mean, not to be that person. No, but we hate game shows. We just hate like TV tapings at this point because it's not to be L.A.
Starting point is 00:05:44 douches. But we do work in the industry regardless of how distant of the like we're still in it regardless of how low on the totem pole we are but we're still in it well enough to know what's going on behind the scenes and what it actually takes to make a show oh yeah and so the idea of being an audience member in a game show oh yeah is just horrible it's just a horrible yeah it's not fun and to see all the pas just looking miserable on a saturday morning standing in the hundred degree weather i was like this is depressing well i used to be that shitty pa i used to i used to work at and we happen to still be on the same lot that that i used to work on and so i saw all the same
Starting point is 00:06:24 people running around. And I was like, oh, they're still so sad. But my mom and Tom, they had a great time. But they were so excited. But part of me the entire time just felt, I just felt so bad for every single person working that horrible job. So Emma's a great child. And she's like, yeah, I'll go. And so I went too.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And I didn't realize until the night before that I was supposed to wear a costume because the show was called Let's Make a Deal. Yeah, my mom had told me ahead of time. If anyone follows me on Twitter, they knew exactly what's been going on. But my mom wanted to make a costume because one of the big things on that show is people wear costumes to try and get picked. It's the one with Wayne Brady, by the way. That's how I knew it. people wear costumes to try and get picked it's the one with wayne brady by the way that's how i knew it and so my mom texted me a ridiculous request about a week ahead of time and she was like i want to be a bucket and i was like why on earth and i guess she wanted to be a bucket list
Starting point is 00:07:15 where she was a bucket and had a list coming out of her that said she wants to like be on the show and meet wayne brady right and so in my mind, I was like, look, I get that I make props like at my job, but it's also my job there to do it. Like, I don't want to come home and now have to make more props for you. Sure. They're just going to get chucked in the garbage after the fact. And she treated it like any of my clients at work do, where they just ask ridiculous requests on ridiculous time constraints. And she's like, all right, well, I just need it. So that's how it's going to be. And I was like, oh, i feel like a pa all over again my favorite text that you screenshot that you sent me was uh she was like uh can you actually also put a picture of wayne
Starting point is 00:07:54 brady and a heart on it as well like the day before she arrived that was the day she was arriving the day she arrived i was like okay i made you your bucket and she's like actually can we do this too and i was like you're fucking kidding me i just made you a whole bucket costume and then she's like em was like are you fucking kidding me okay mom and then um and then your mom said she was like do you want me and tom to come over and help you make it and i was like i only made a humanoid bucket for you the last thing i need is for you to come over and slap a heart on it and call it your job call it your project you're like yeah please come over and draw a heart on it to finish the deal what a contribution we'll all feel equal after that it's just like oh do you want us to come help and you're like wait are you kidding me i already made this entire fucking bucket
Starting point is 00:08:35 costume it's like and now you're gonna ask for my help but the bucket was bad fucking ass go on instagram or go on our twitter the bucket is amazing amazing. Thank you. It's truly, and it has a handle. Like, it looks very realistic for a human-sized bucket. It's a proportionally human-sized bucket. And so Linda walked around all day in this giant foam bucket with Wayne Brady's face. We should also add that my mother had requests for how the bucket should fit on her. Oh, sure. And she was like, not only will it have to be a bucket, but my arms have to be able to feel comfortable sure my shoulders have to feel comfortable i'm gonna need straps because
Starting point is 00:09:08 i don't want to hold it and i'm also gonna need to be able to dance stand and sit in it so it can't be a metal bucket because it won't bend and i also needed a certain length so when i sit it's not now covering my view she had all these things and i was like it should also look good with her red shirt you know I'll keep up oh yeah so that's chapter one of this saga isn't it chapter one how much are we
Starting point is 00:09:31 allowed to tell of this oh we're allowed to tell everything except the results okay got it got it so we're there
Starting point is 00:09:36 and we're interviewing and Linda no no no you missed a whole big chunk oh tell me more I don't oh god
Starting point is 00:09:43 I think I blacked out that part that was traumatic so let's let's go even you tell this part i'm getting wine oh okay tell this part okay so after i made this bucket which took me all of my break and lunch at work by the way i didn't get to eat that day my mom has not said thank you by the way uh she i so i made her the bucket brought it home um i had some last minute things i had to do with it and before we even went to the game show the next day christine and i went to dinner with my
Starting point is 00:10:11 mom and tom and linda and i shared a glass of wine and it was everything that i ever wanted or a pool you guys it got to a point where christine and my mother were both like did i even order this i don't even remember oh yeah they brought it to my table and I'm like, I didn't order this. And everyone was like, oh yeah, you did. So, okay, surah, surah, keep telling the story. Fast forward. So the point I want to get across about that dinner is that fireworks were just going between the two of them.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I might as well have not been there. Naturally. They got along just as wonderfully as I thought they would. And Tom and I, my mom's boyfriend, we were like, do we even need to be here? They've already made it. So then we're going to the game show the next day christine finds out at that dinner that people wear costumes to the show so christine's like and why didn't you tell me that we had to wear costumes and i was like well i didn't want to wear a costume so if i didn't tell you then you wouldn't wear one, too. So, yeah. So I wouldn't be alone. Very clever, my friend. And so Christine, at last minute, creates a wonderful costume.
Starting point is 00:11:12 After drinking my pool of wine, by the way. Right. So kudos to me. Would you like to describe your? Yeah. So I made this costume. It's one that I actually wore in college because I'm a nerd. It's a Freudian slip in which I wear a, like, a slip.
Starting point is 00:11:24 It wasn't really a slip. It was sort of like a purple dress thing situation but i wear a slip and then i glue or i taped um words to it like id ego super ego oedipal complex whatever and so i was a freudian slip ha ha ha i'm gonna consider that an homage to my psychology degree that i did it was yes thank you you're welcome so christine looked wonderful in her. It was so wonderful. In her taped up paper dress. I had like postage tape in my purse that I kept like re-taping and then like.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Oh yeah. And then we had also told her that at this show, one of the things they do at the end of the show is they play this game where they tell you, they like, Wayne Brady will come up to you and say, what's in your bag? And he'll pick out some ridiculous item. And if you happen to have it in your bag, he'll give you 100 bucks. And so Christine was like, oh, we have to go home and like get some stuff ready. Let's just find a bunch of crap and put it in my purse.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And maybe he'll ask for it. Oh, man, I put a baby watch in there. It's a watch with little baby. Actually, that was already in my purse. But it's a watch with little baby faces. And they're all crying. They're all crying. Instead of like the numbers on a clock, on the face of a clock. It's with little baby faces and they're all crying they're all crying instead of like the numbers on a clock on the face of a clock it's just different baby faces crying yep
Starting point is 00:12:29 i got it when i was five and it's still in my purse i don't know why uh my friend renee calls it the pedophile watch i also uh put in some seashells oh i put in my l ron hubbard playing cards um you know just like an assortment of household items like that and so uh the next day we go to uh my mom picks me up my mom and tom both pick me up to go to the show um and then we pick christina up and as we're parked outside 7 30 in the morning by the way just fyi uh christina texted me three minutes earlier saying coffee is still brewing so she was a little bit in a rush. Frazzled. And naked. Half naked. My mom is looking on her phone to get the tickets up so she can find the address of where we're going.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And she goes, oh, yeah, it's the 28th, right? And I go, no, it's the 29th. And my mom was like, what are you talking about? And I was like, well, it's not the 28th. And we found out that my mom got tickets yesterday oh my and so as my mom's having a mild panic attack about the fact that we are all dressed up with nowhere to go yes i could see poor christine coming out of her apartment at 7 30 and this little negligee slip she's got like all these random psychology terms, like duct taped onto her. And my poor mom, I'm like, mom, she's about to come out here looking like she's wearing no clothes because
Starting point is 00:13:53 she thinks we're going on television. So Christine shows up and she opens the car door to get in. I was like, Hey, are you hungry? Do you want to go get breakfast? Because we can't actually go to the show. So we're all just dressed up with nothing to do. Meanwhile, we get breakfast and my mom decides that she's going to go on this frenzy to get us tickets. She's determined to get us tickets. So she's buying us tickets for like, what, three to five different shows. She's signing up for every show with different email addresses to try and get us tickets. And she ended up getting us a show for later that day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Which takes us to. To the actual event. To the actual event. So it was the same show. Still, let's not. Or let's. Let's make a deal. It just was a different time that day.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Right. So we got breakfast. I was sitting in a Denny's in my like half naked outfit. You look like what you should have looked like at midnight in Denny's. Right. I looked like a morning after. Yeah. In a Denny's.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Except with your parents. Except with like a grown family. Yeah. morning after yeah in a denny's with your parents except with like a grown family yeah and so we go to this uh taping and it's like a six hour affair like five hour affair i don't know the reasons why we did not want to go because we knew how long this was going to take precisely so they like heard you around like cattle you know shuttle you here there i mean it was fun because everyone's in costume and it's like really light-hearted and so and of course linda's there so she kind of her big bucket in her bucket and okay let me say because i worked at a network where this exact situation happens where there's a game show and there's casting for all that like i also keep in mind this wasn't the actual show i was on so i was like if it's anything like the other shows this is how it might go so my mom uh took all of it to heart and
Starting point is 00:15:28 in a very aggressive way where she thought that it was like a cia operation oh my god she thought every single person was watching her at every move which is not what i told her by the way i know nobody told her that i told her a very specific set of things that she totally blew out of proportion and she was like there must be cameras on me at every at every turn and i'm gonna be as on as possible chipper loud laughing we were in the parking lot before we even met anyone and like the people that were helping us park our car she was like i'm going on the show like she's like i love And then she looks at us and goes, what's the host name again? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Wayne Brady. I love him. And, uh, we can't say what happened. All I'm going to say is go watch the episode. Yep. And it will air.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I think we were told December 8th, December 8th. I know it's a long way away and we're struggling through it. I'm just saying it would be worth your time to go see this episode. You can do what you want with that information. That's all we have to say. Maybe the bucket helped her. Maybe my advice helped her.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Maybe it didn't. Maybe it didn't. Who knows? Maybe you'll have to watch. Who's to say? Maybe you have to watch. Maybe you should watch the show. Or maybe not, but maybe you should.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I'm just saying, I'm just saying i'm just saying watch it just watch it just do it god like get over yourself and do it all i'm gonna say is that christine and i and the audience were surprised by everything that happened yes we were in a state we were in a state an excited state and no matter what did or did not happen we agreed to each other that we would never let my mother live it down. And I will also say that I'm going back on Thursday as much as this sounds like the last. Without me, by the way. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You're happy about that. Christine and my mom got along so well that they're going back to Let's Make a Deal without me because I'm going to work. Yeah. She's like, I was like, I have work. And we're like, you don't need to be there. So I'm going because now I have the intent to meet Wayne Brady in person it's my new intent I'm gonna wear my like weird leopard onesie because it's a lot more comfortable than that stupid slip maybe when we record again you will
Starting point is 00:17:35 have a car I mean let's only fucking hope we can have a company car a company like fiat or something you know it's funny without you even having said that my mom without you in the car at some point this week was like you know if you had a car what if you just like painted your logo all over it and i was like like a company car she's like yeah well maybe i'm getting ahead of myself but i think it'd be a good idea it's a great idea and now you're saying it you're my fucking mom i know anyway that's the whole story. Oh, actually, before I forget. So I'm going on the show Thursday. Can you make me like a human-sized bucket?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Are you kidding me? Because it's like I need a human-sized bucket. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, you can borrow the one I already made. How about that? For anything you want. Fine.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Fine. I can make you something if you want. No, I'm all set. Thank you, though. I'm going to wear my onesie because it's just comfy and covers my entire body. fine i can make you something if you want no i'm all set thank you though i'm gonna make i'm gonna wear my onesie because it's just comfy and covers my entire body and i don't the next morning i was sore and i'm like why am i so sore and you dance so much and you're sweating non-stop nope it's because i was sucking my stomach in the whole day because i was in this skin tight lycra dress
Starting point is 00:18:39 situation not even it was like polyester shit and i was sucking my stomach in because it was so tight and i was like on camera and then the next morning i'm like why do my abs hurt that's so pathetic that you've been pressing into your ribs all day and that's why we drink and that's why we drink uh so thanks for listening to that rant well this is my first international story really the first one yeah oh wow well i guess well no you did jonestown i was gonna say well gianna and i was this is my first international story. Really? The first one? Yeah. Oh, wow. Well, I guess, well, no, you did Jonestown. I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:19:08 well, Guiana. And I was like, oh, that wasn't me. Guiana was not you. No. Okay, so, this one is, I tried to find one in Canada,
Starting point is 00:19:18 but everyone's so fucking nice in Canada that no one... There's a lot of murderers in Canada, though. Well, sorry. I guess no ghosts stick around in Canada. All right, all right all right so i chose my next favorite place and it's australia hey hey down you know how they feel about our accents they don't like them we don't we actually don't have australian listeners anymore i'm sure they're all gone so this i think this is in australia oh god um now they're really gonna be gone new south wales that's australia right
Starting point is 00:19:47 it is in australia yes okay second i thought it was in england no no you're thinking wales no i know wales is but i thought also yeah okay makes sense okay so this is in a town called juni juni spell it j it's june like the month with an extra e oh i would say junie okay junie oh oh no oh stop sorry junie i can't help myself june june june that sounds like forrest gump jone jene oh jesus christ please i'm so sorry for everyone with ears okay junie new south wales Okay. Junie, New South Wales. Okay. And it is called the Monte Cristo Homestead. It's supposedly one of the most haunted places in Australia. Nice. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So it starts with 1884 and this is the Crawley family. Okay. They sound creepy. Creepy Crawley. Crawley family. So Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley built their house in 1884 and they had seven children who survived to adulthood that has nothing to do with the story i'm just amazed that they had seven children more than that and seven of them lived good for them
Starting point is 00:20:56 how many did they birth i didn't even want to know but i'm gonna guess 40 just to make the story interesting probably right i think so. I think you're correct. So while the Crawleys lived there in this house, this is like super fast history too. Sure. So while the Crawleys lived there they had some tragedies. For example
Starting point is 00:21:18 one of 33 of their children died. I only have a story about one of them. So one of their 33 babies was thrown down sorry i forgot for a second somehow that like i just watched wine almost just fall out of your face okay one of the 33 okay one of the babies was thrown down the stairs by a nanny oh my god but the nanny says that um so some people say that the nanny threw her okay some people say that the nanny dropped her and she just happened to go clunk clunk clunk down the stairs oh that was oh it just happened i didn't
Starting point is 00:22:00 mean that okay so the other the third story which is the one that the nanny goes by is that something pushed the baby out of her arms oh it wasn't there oh my god um which is terrifying on its own yes either way it's fucking awful yeah just has a twist another another tragedy that happened there was one of their maids um committed suicide by jumping off the balcony. Again, a second version of that is that someone pushed her off the balcony. Oh, no. And she didn't actually want to commit suicide. But they think that she committed suicide because she was pregnant by Mr. Crawley. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:22:37 And I'm guessing he either said, get rid of the baby or I don't want the baby. What if he pushed her off the balcony? Oh, your true crime is coming in. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I just assume everyone's trying to murder everyone else. Yeah. I assume everyone's the baby. What if he pushed her off the balcony? Oh, your true crime is coming in. Oh, yeah, sorry. I just assume everyone's trying to murder everyone else. Right, yeah, I assume everyone's a ghost. Yeah, naturally. And then the third thing that happened while the Crawleys lived there,
Starting point is 00:22:54 a stable boy burnt to death on his straw bed. Oh, my God. As a punishment for being lazy. Wait, what do you mean? Like someone set him on fire? Like he was the stable boy and i guess he wasn't doing his job efficient enough uh-huh and got set on fire wait by who the theory is mrs crawley she was known to be a real bitch oh maybe she pushed the other girl off the balcony
Starting point is 00:23:19 oh yeah maybe she found out that that girl was carrying her husband's baby oh snap oh we cracked the code i mean listen this is why law enforcement needs to pay us a lot of money you were a private investigator i was um also so wait so she set him on fire for being lazy so here's two different stories neither of them make any sense great um the that mrs crawley set the stable that he was on on fire while he was napping as a punishment for him not doing his job well enough. I don't know why you couldn't just fire him. The other story is that he was walking around in the morning, got really tired, and then felt sick. And so he fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I think it's actually a combination of the stories. Because that version is he got really sick and so sick that he just fell asleep and was out cold and then the stable caught on fire by itself and he never woke up to get out in time i think mrs crawley set it on fire and he happened to be sick and didn't wake up in time i think it's a combination of both so you think she set it on fire on intentionally yes because he was late quote unquote i don't think it was fair no i just think it happened okay so you think it was like intentional yes okay she was known to quote rule the house and servants with an iron fist oh that's not good and she wore a black lace dress with a lace cap a cape with a stand-up beaded collar you know how like jerks did back then oh yeah what a bully she
Starting point is 00:24:43 just sounds like someone who would set a house on fire. She sounds like a mean girl of the 1880s. She just sounds like a crazy ex-girlfriend. Yes. You know? Like, oh, you're lazy. Yep. So, Mr. Crawley died in 1910.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Probably from his wife. Actually, the, uh, did they have autopsies then? I'm sure they did. I think so. Yeah. 1910 seems like a good autopsy year. then i'm sure they did i think so yeah 1910 seems like a good autopsy year um they he died from heart failure from a carbuncle excuse me exactly what i thought until google image taught me that that was an open it was like an open wart or boil like a really gross ingrown like a cyst or something
Starting point is 00:25:21 yes it's like a cyst it's called a what a what a carbuncle it sounds like the name of like carbs and uncles two weird things sounds like a really elderly cranky man yeah like mr carbuncle yes so he died from heart failure from a carbuncle on his neck because it got infected by one of his collars which caused staph was it a studded collar like his wife his cape no but his were starched i don't know if the starch in the collar infected the carbuncle which led to staff which led to heart failure but apparently in 1910 all of that happened ouch dude in the bedroom where he died there are still a couple of his collars for you to look at to see what kind of shit was rubbing
Starting point is 00:26:02 up on his neck collars like just a shirt collar yeah like back then the collar wasn't attached to your shirt was it you look at me like i know let's ask let's ask people in norway again hey lisa g what's going on with collars in 1910 america hey lisa we need to know about this oh by america i mean australia the sleepwear in australia in 1910 okay so um and fun fact, this is now a bed and breakfast. That's why people know about the collars. They're not just like floating around. Oh, it's currently a bed and breakfast. Currently a bed and breakfast.
Starting point is 00:26:32 So like you can go into the, like the Whaley house, you can like look into the rooms and see stuff of theirs. And people stay there? Oh yeah. Oh my. So after he died, Elizabeth made the attic a chapel so she could have Bible study at any hour of the day. Sure. This is kind of interesting about her. After he died, Elizabeth made the attic a chapel so she could have Bible study at any hour of the day.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Sure. This is kind of interesting about her. She, after he died in 1910, she did not die until 1933. So 23 years. In 23 years, she only left the house again twice. What? And I don't know what those events were, but I'm hoping they were real ragers. Oh my God. so she just locked
Starting point is 00:27:07 herself away oh my god when she died the house remained in the family until 1948 and it was taken over by a group of caretakers one of the caretakers named jack was the next person to die on the property because he was this was 1961 he got shot in the head by a boy who had just seen Psycho. Shut up. Yeah. What? So I'm sorry what like on purpose the kid was like he like was influenced by seeing this guy just murder his mom. How old was this kid? He's a teenager. Oh my god. And then he found a gun and shot the caretaker. What the fuck? Just because. And then a mentally ill man named Harold. Oh. His father was a caretaker on the property during this time.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Okay. And his father, the caretaker, was not a good guy. And because his son Harold, and it was the 60s, was mentally ill, he had Harold chained up in his outhouse for over 40 years em you're kidding when they found harold he was curled up next to the body of his dead mother like baby spooning for warmth wait in the outhouse in the outhouse why was his mother there just a dead mother was there with him in the outhouse in the outhouse someone put the mother in there i mean they also put him in there 40 years ago oh wait so she was locked up in there too yeah oh i thought you meant she died and then he like put the body in no no
Starting point is 00:28:34 no oh so she was they were locked in there with her son yeah for god's sakes and then when they found him and that's what they saw they then brought him to a mental institution where he died, like, right away. Poor baby. So, um... Fuck. The house fell into disrepair after that, and in 1963, I guess the caretakers weren't doing well for those two years, and the Ryans, which is the family that lives there now, moved in. And that was in 1963. So they lived there for over 50 years.
Starting point is 00:29:07 now moved in and that was in 1963 so they lived there for over 50 years right and um mrs ryan the wife and the family says that she knew it was haunted since the day they moved in because as they were approaching the house it uh the quote is mrs ryan claims the entire house was lit up as if glowing from the inside but once she reached the thresholds every light had burnt out and then when she went to go complain about it and said like hey the house is all lit every single light is on um the real estate people were like well there's no electricity in there so how could there be the fuck any light and then as she was walking closer the lights were going out what the fuck so she was like hey that's fishy so then after 50 years of being there they still say that they feel the presence of the crawlies and other spirits like the baby and the maid and uh mrs ryan said it's just something that we accept it's a
Starting point is 00:29:58 little spooky some days but other days it's just fine my sisters have seen spirits here and they don't want much to do with the house and i'm like i don't really blame them really you don't say that's nice she's also said that she's felt hands on her shoulders and she's heard her name called when no one was there she's heard footsteps on the balcony and when you go out there's no one there her son lawrence who now lives there with his wife which why why go away he grew up there and said it always felt like someone was watching me lawrence leave lawrence lawrence you had a chance and also lawrence's wife why did you marry him no get out if i married someone they were like i live in the most haunted house in australia i would not be like let's let's go live there let's live there with your mother so the ryan family their kids
Starting point is 00:30:43 would always complain about a farmer peering into their bedroom window and their bedroom was on the second floor oh my god and they would always hear a farmer tapping on the window and peering in like hands cupping into the window and everything that the uh both of their pets in the beginning when they moved they had a dog and a cat both of them would hiss and snarl at the house during moving day and when the family tried to bring them into the home they both ran away from the property and never came back um it was three years before any pet would actually be willing to stay on the property because every single one of them would flip out and the only animals that have ever chosen to stay on the property have never gone within 10 feet of the actual building
Starting point is 00:31:24 they're just outdoor animals oh and they refuse to go on the property have never gone within 10 feet of the actual building. What? They were just outdoor animals. Oh, no. And they refused to go inside. That's not a good sign at all. Also, they had a lot of chickens. And the caged chickens were all found strangled and mutilated in their secured pens. What the fuck? And there were no foxholes or anything.
Starting point is 00:31:38 They just keeled over one day. Were they, like, eaten or just, like? Just strangled. And, like, their body parts would be ripped off and like just lying next to them the fuck the family parrot who was an indoor pet was also found choked to death in this cage oh my god wait who hates birds some i mean i hate i mean i fucking hate birds yeah but nope just found him with his neck broken oh um other pets died in strange circumstances as, mainly from strangulation and or mutilation and or petrified heart attacks where they're just frozen solid with their eyes open when you see them. That's scary.
Starting point is 00:32:16 They just keeled over in fright and just died. So in 1990, Lawrence experienced the bright light thing in the house. He experienced it for himself now because when they moved in, he was a little kid. Right. And then he came back to the house after a year of college and the whole place lit up. And when he walked around to see if there was anyone in the house playing a joke on him, everyone was actually out of town. Good. They were actually all at a ball.
Starting point is 00:32:43 And in 1990, what balls are happening in 1990 they were at a ball a ball australia do you have balls still like galas isn't that the new word we have galas or galas or whatever they're called i still have never been to a i think like cinderella balls right like in a ballroom yeah yeah yeah yeah where you're all dancing so lawrence's wife the crazy one who has also chosen to move into this house actually is very spiritual herself oh good and so i think she just saw it as a fun challenge because she um finds herself she thinks of herself as a medium of some sort and i like how you say it's so salty she thinks of herself as a medium because wait so wait
Starting point is 00:33:22 she has minimal proof but after her own private discussions with the spirits there she realized that she was actually one of the maids in a past life exactly like okay are you just trying to get in on the attention or do you like i don't know what to believe like i want to believe because i believe in everything i know but it's like that's way too i shouldn't judge because i do say crazy or shit i mean we're lunatics we're lunatics but for me to be a lunatic about this stuff and still not believe her makes me think like this is all too coincidental it's a very convenient story yeah exactly and if any of you know her or the family i'm sorry if we're insulting anybody i really don't want to but yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's just a little fishy.
Starting point is 00:34:11 She also says she can communicate with the spirits, which are apparently releasing different energies in different rooms. Okay. She also said one time she saw a flickering candle that was surrounded by all still ones. So, like, if there was a gust of wind, all of them would have moved, but only one of them moved. Okay. And so she's saying that that was a spirit passing through the room it's like i feel like you think you're an expert but you're not i just think i'm not trying to be a skeptic to my own story and here we are i'm not even saying that like she thinks she's an expert but it's like we so one candle is flickering and the rest are not so you're like well that means there's a ghost
Starting point is 00:34:43 like why it says who i feel like if you're really a medium wouldn't you be able to get more out of a story anyway i'm just i mean i'm just being bitchy so but then you know she said oh yeah i do i can i am a medium and i'm getting all their stories and i know everything then we'd also be fished out or like you know fishy about it so agreed who knows so anyway now the house is a bed and breakfast and it offers tours to groups and visitors have experienced unforeseen um like they've seen well basically the main thing that they've seen is they've a lot of forces like pushing them out of the house like they've felt hands pushing them towards doors to get out of the house jesus um they've also seen a bearded man in a brown suit follow them around and they thought oh it must be another
Starting point is 00:35:28 visitor to the bed and breakfast but then they'll see a picture of christopher crawley on the wall and it's him um so guests have also complained about strange lights disembodied sounds a weeping woman in the bathroom and unexplained additional animal mutilations around the property even to this day that kind of thing creeps me out like birds will just be like on the ground and it's really creepy that's really fucked up if you're sleeping there sheets will be pulled beds will be pushed while you're sleeping in them one visitor even woke up and felt a gust of air on his feet and then it woke him up to look over and see that his wife was making this weird noise no um as if she was having a nightmare so he woke her
Starting point is 00:36:11 up and she said that she felt a giant weight on her body and couldn't get up and she felt like someone was sitting on her chest and she was trying to wake up her husband and her husband was like what are you talking about i'm awake i'm waking you up right now. But she, it was like sleep paralysis essentially. And she was trying to move him and like shake him to wake him up. Oh my God. And she couldn't do it until he woke her up. And then she said that she felt like a human body sitting on her and she couldn't get up. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So they complained to Mrs. Ryan the next day. And her response was the dead maids like to play sometimes. Oh no, that's not funny. And her response was, the dead maids like to play sometimes. Oh, no. That's not funny. They like to sit on your chest. And tickle your feet with wind. That creeps me out. No.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Photos. There's also been a lot of photos that have suggested that there were spirits there, including figures lurking over babies' cribs and strollers. Why do you take your baby there stupid um and hands that don't belong to anyone in the picture that just random hands will show up in the photograph in the photos oh no um there's also been a little girl named molly that's on the property apparently and they think it's like the little girl that would have she would have grown into the little girl but it was the baby that fell down the stairs and so they say oh that's molly but it's like a five-year-old girl that runs around
Starting point is 00:37:29 and wow uh people have also seen uh a boy in the stables crying for help as if he were the boy that burnt down um and then people have seen apparitions of a maid in the mirror who screams at them when they're by themselves. And some insist that they've been touched by ghosts during the tour. But there's like a lot of skeptics that like there's one. There's one theory of infrasound. Yeah. So when sounds have such a low frequency that the human ear can't hear it even though you can't hear it you can still sense the sound like it's almost like a
Starting point is 00:38:11 humming drone on your body have like a physical reaction right so it's kind of like you know how there's not just white noise there's like brown noise and pink noise and they all actually like psychologically kind of fuck with you a little bit yeah so infrasound is one of the theories for why we think we feel something grab us it could just be that you're in a place with a sound with such a low frequency level that you can't actually pick up on it without the sense of touch that's one of the theories for the dial-up pass incident oh really do you know about that no okay i'm gonna do it in future episodes don't google it but that's one of the theories um so anyway mediums have also visited the house and they've sensed an infant near the stairwell and they've sensed a uh someone who died of neglect and starvation outside on the property
Starting point is 00:38:55 and they've only sensed it where the cottage used to be so they think it might be harold the mentally ill patient um you can also hear a piano playing upstairs, but there's no piano in the house and hasn't been for decades. And visitors will be in the house for even just like a brief moment and we'll get severe migraines, mood, I was going to say swings and shifts. Mood swings. Mood swings.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And, or they just generally hate the house. They'll just walk in and be like, I don't want to be here. Right. Even if they are the ones who really wanted to show up all of a sudden their whole mood will change and they want to go home right um so there's a movie coming out actually i think the movie is already out but in austria they filmed a movie called mirror house okay and it's based on the events that happen in the house it's a scary like a thriller or something okay and while they were filmed this
Starting point is 00:39:46 is the last note i have but i thought it was fitting for both of us um during the making of that movie one of the poor pas was upstairs turning off all the lights after they had filmed that day and he walked into a room and saw mr crawley standing at the doorway nope staring at him and pointing out the door as if to say get out nope and so he was like fuck and so he ran and he never came back he like he quit crew that day he's like this is not worth ten dollars a day this is not worth free yeah this is not worth no money my volunteer efforts and sweat anyway that's that and that's why we drink and that's why australia drinks yeah that's why
Starting point is 00:40:25 australia drinks i bet guys baby geo's sitting right next to me and i'm petting him and he's so sweet i've been to baby bb bitty bitty baby so good the baby gb my baby baby baby all right tell me all about death okay sure thing intermission intermission we're sorry i tried i tried to get christine away from the alcohol but she drank it i'm sorry m's making noises with her milkshake that's why we have to re-ord so shut up okay my peeps my peeps and hoes that is a derogatory term boats and hoes so here i go all right watch me go watch me fly hate to see you leave love to watch you go yeah you do so this is a um story suggested by casey thanks casey thanks casey it is the murder of skylar niece nope so skylar was a 4.0 student from morgantown west virginia
Starting point is 00:41:34 she was 16 years old and a sophomore in high school and she worked at a local wendy's part-time on the morning of july 7 2012 uh skylar's father went into her room and noticed his daughter had snuck out the night before uh from an abc news article his quote was then i knew she snuck out last night he saw the window open is how he knew and then oh my god she snuck out last night and she's not home so it was the feeling of like oh shit my daughter snuck out and then but where is she where is she uh he knows she hadn't taken her cell phone charger and the window had been left open so he assumed she had intended to come home so she missed work that day for the first time ever uh so her parents called
Starting point is 00:42:16 911 to report her missing and that's when the investigation began uh later that day schuyler's best friend sheila eddie called her parents to tell them what had happened the night before. She said she and their other best friend, Rachel Shoff had convinced Skylar to sneak out so they could drive around and get high together. They said when they dropped her off at home later that night, they dropped her off at the end of the road instead of directly in the house in front of the house because they didn't want to wake up her parents. Uh, so the apartment complex had a surveillance camera and it showed skylar getting into a car at around 12 35 a.m and on july 9th skylar's
Starting point is 00:42:54 disappearance became public and the main theory that investigators believed was that skylar went to a house party and overdosed and that she and Rachel were too scared to admit to it. So they hid her body. So that was the theory they were going on at the time. OK, so an investigator named Jessica Colbank went to interview Sheila for the first time, and she thought that Sheila's demeanor was suspicious. She told 2020 later that she was, quote, just complete blank on emotions and there was absolutely nothing. It was like iced over. And then she spoke with Rachel, the other best friend, and she seemed extremely nervous.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Plus, their stories were identical, which we all know from SVU is a bad sign. Right. Which means they were rehearsed. After viewing surveillance video and cell phone records, that proved that Sheila and Rachel were lying about what happened the night they last saw Skylar. Uh-oh. Because they got into the car. The surveillance video showed her getting into the car at 1235, even though Sheila and Rachel said that they had picked her up at 11 and dropped her off before midnight. So there was already that, that like fishy element to it
Starting point is 00:44:05 so police told uh dave and mary niece who was who were skylar's parents that um rachel and sheila had a secret so at this point dave and mary niece classmates and even strangers started to put pressure on rachel and sheila to tell the truth and tell what happened because they were obviously hiding something um and actually i read that the town was really divided on this like some people were like leave these kids alone like stop harassing them on the internet and like people were you know losing their minds over it and then other people were saying like no they know what happened they need to tell their story so it's all very divisive um and then on december 28th 2012 after she got back from a catholic church camp uh rachel had a nervous breakdown she was committed to a psychiatric
Starting point is 00:44:55 hospital uh where she had no contact with sheila and was discharged about a week later on january 3rd 2013 which is when rachel told her attorney and police that she and Sheila had stabbed Skylar to death. What? And police were actually really shocked by this because that wasn't even a lead that they had been following. Like, they didn't think that the two of them had actually murdered. Wow. It wasn't even... They thought it was like an accident.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, they thought... That they were afraid to admit to. Totally. They thought they were hiding something, but they didn't think that they had willingly stabbed her to death. Yeah. They were best friends. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So Rachel actually led the police to the site of the murder to find Skylar's body. Um, she tried to talk to Sheila with a mic on, but Sheila wouldn't incriminate herself. Ooh. Okay. Sheila sounds like she's done this before. Yeah. Sheila is a trouble trouble troubled gal instead um the discovery of schuyler's body which they found and the blood on sheila's car which turned
Starting point is 00:45:54 out to be schuyler's blood was enough evidence to arrest both of them oh shit so here's what happened actually uh so schuyler met sheila at the age of eight and they were best friends oh uh sheila became part of the family uh skylar's dad even said she was one of my children like she spent so much time at our place um they considered her part of the family and then sheila and skylar met rachel in high school and they all became inseparable so there were three of them um they started having issues in their friendship uh you know skylar was getting jealous that Sheila and, um, Rachel were becoming so close and felt left out.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And so there was, so she was being Janice Ian. Yes. So she, right. So she felt like left out. So here's some of, just to give you an idea,
Starting point is 00:46:38 since we're in, you know, at this point, 2012, some of Skylar's tweets, uh, two days before her murder included, it really doesn't take much to piss me off and, quote,
Starting point is 00:46:49 sick of being at fucking home. Thanks, friends. Love hanging out with you all too. And the day before she was killed, Skylar tweeted, you doing shit like this is why I can never completely trust you. Then hours before she snuck out of her bedroom window um on midnight of july 6 2012 uh she retweeted a friend who had posted all i do is hope and that was the last tweet she ever posted oh so what happened was that night sheila
Starting point is 00:47:18 and rachel convinced skylar to sneak out with them even though they had been in a big fight. So Skylar had been upset with Rachel and Sheila, but they convinced her to come out with them anyway. So after a series of texts and calls, she decided to join them. She got into Sheila's car around 1230 a.m. and they headed to a spot where they sometimes smoked weed together. But what Skylar didn't know is that Sheila and Rachel had been plotting her murder for months. No. In science class.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Ew. So they left the house with knives, paper towels, bleach, cleaning cloths, clean clothes, and a shovel. They hid most of it in the trunk and hid the knives on their body, like on their person. Wow. Once they were out of the trunk and hid the knives on their body, like on their person. Wow. Once they were out of the vehicle and were going to smoke together, they told Skylar that they had forgotten to bring a lighter. So she volunteered to go back to the car for hers.
Starting point is 00:48:15 The second she turned her back, Rachel and Sheila counted to three. And on three, they began to stab her. She attempted to run but wasn't able to make it more than a few feet uh rachel tagged her rachel tackled her to the ground and continued with the assault skylar managed to wrestle her knife from her cut her knee um and sheila continued to stab her until there was complete silence and, quote, niece's neck stopped making gurgling sounds. Holy, oh my gosh. Holy crap. It turns out Skylar had died from over 50 stab wounds.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Jesus. So afterwards, Rachel and Sheila attempted to bury her body. They dragged her body to the side of the road along the creek, but the soil was too hard and rocky for them to dig like they had planned. So instead, they just covered her body with rocks and branches. Then they went to the car to change and clean up. And then they left the scene, threw away their blood-soaked clothing, and went home.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And then they left the scene, threw away their blood-soaked clothing, and went home. So the break... So at this point, police hadn't even considered that a possibility. Like, it was not even on their radar because the three of them were so close and all their parents said, no, no, they're best friends. Yeah. So the break only came when Rachel admitted that she and Sheila had plotted her murder. So then the police were like, holy shit we gotta look into this um it was extra shocking to skylar's family because sheila who had been her friend since age eight was actually there help handing out missing persons flyers with the family and like alongside them while they were grieving and, you know, trying to help with her search.
Starting point is 00:50:08 One theory that I read, which is really interesting, is that since, you know, Skylar and Sheila were friends from the age of eight, but their friendship had been strained when they met Rachel, which I mean, you know, having been a girl in high school myself, like I understand how three person friendships can be really straining on one person. It can be really hard. And apparently it bothered Skylar that Rachel and Sheila became so close and allegedly she witnessed the two have sex at a sleepover. What? So then there's that aspect. at a sleepover what so then there's that aspect um and it's one of the theories is that the girls may have feared that their secret tryst would become public if uh if skylar you know ratted
Starting point is 00:50:54 them out yeah exactly whoa that i did not see coming yeah so that's one theory because i didn't see it coming either and i i read it and I understood like because I know I've been in those relationships where it's like three girls in a friendship and it's so hard because it's hard with three there's always someone who feels kind of left out um but so the whole relationship thing would make it even harder because well I have friends in high school how to go through that yeah where it was like a three girl group and then two of them started dating and then the other one was like what do i do totally it's kind of like me you and alison oh it's like a group of three friends wow and then two of them start dating and it's like oh so what are you gonna do murder me i mean we're plotting it in science class no no just on our
Starting point is 00:51:44 own time. Okay. Let me know. If you ever decide to... If we ever decide that we need to get a lighter and you just run out to your car, just double take. Just... Actually, don't. Just don't...
Starting point is 00:51:53 Just stay put. Don't look around. If you ever ask me to go get high in the woods, I'll probably not... Probably not join you. Wow. You really just like... You guys just stole each other from me. I get it.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Uh-huh. We did that. I plan to use this to my full advantage. Well, I'll let you. I'll let you. You found me a pretty girl, so you can say whatever you want. I'm the bride. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Okay. Anyway. Anyway. So that's just one of the theories that supposedly she had said she had seen the two of them having sex at a sleepover. And again, this is 20. How old were they at the sleepover? 16. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Okay. And at the same, it's sort of like, you know, again, this is 2012. So like, I know that's only five years ago, but even the concept of at least at my school, and again, I went to Catholic school, so it's probably different, but like the concept of two same sex people having sex was like not a thing when I was in high school because they were so like sheltered from all of that. So, I mean, it must have been kind of jarring in 2012 for her to feel like oh my best friends are now suddenly in a relationship and i'm not a part of it maybe that could i mean and who knows that's just a theory so i want that to be what happened though that they murdered her because they were well i mean they murdered her regardless i just want there to be a juicier drama beforehand yeah i guess um okay so what happens next okay so um the weird thing was i mean there's a lot of weird things but one of the weird thing was weird things was that she like kept up
Starting point is 00:53:35 appearances on social media throughout this and really guess who found her twitter account tell me it's me i found it oh whoa i read all her tweets they're still there they're still there when was the last time she tweeted 2013 yowza mm-hmm ew so here's what happened i wrote down some of the juicier or not juicy but like more telling tweets okay so here we go so her first tweet after skylar's disappearance was on july 7 2012 the day after uh she killed skylar and it was a tweet wishing her friend a happy birthday uh in the months that followed uh sheila regularly tweeted about tv school hating homework other typical teenage things. And here's some other ones.
Starting point is 00:54:27 No one on this earth can handle me and Rachel. If you think you can, you're wrong. After Rachel confessed, remember after her psychiatric incident, Sheila still tweeted like everything was normal. She tweeted, staying home on Tuesday is the best because Law & Order SVU is on all day. Then here's some other ones that she tweeted that i went and found those were in an abc article these are the ones i found on my own just going through twitter everyone complains about shitty shit that happens and i'm like lol try my life for a day okay yeah that is telling p.s this is after she murdered her friend right exactly this exactly. This is, you'll appreciate this.
Starting point is 00:55:08 So, Sheila tweets, getting mascara in my eyeshadow totally ruins my day. Then, I clicked on the tweet and read the responses. We got one that says, you know what else ruins your day? When your best friend kills you. Yeah. And then another person tweeted, I heard getting stabbed sucks too. Yeah. That's a great point.
Starting point is 00:55:30 There are a ton of tweets because people went back and started like. Everyone's just trolling her at this point. Right. Exactly. And then another, right after that, she tweeted, I think one of the hardest decisions a girl has to make is what thongs to get at Victoria's Secret when you can only get five for $26. And this was after she stabbed her best friend 50 times that's right known since she was eight years old so on the morning of march 13 2013 the u.s attorney's office uh publicly announced
Starting point is 00:55:55 that they found the remains of skylar niece in a wooded area in brave pennsylvania and then this is what sheila tweeted rest easy skylar you'll always be my best friend i miss you more than you could ever know and then included a collage of the two of them like jesus christ different photos of the two of them so i maybe i just i'm jumping ahead but does she ever have any remorse or show any remorse oh no she's an absolute sociopath oh okay good okay 100 uh i mean just even reading like oh my mascara got on my eyeshadow like six days after she i know but i i mean i can think about it and like the level of she's trying to save herself with a cover but do you think she really meant it like do you think it was a cover do you think she
Starting point is 00:56:42 really just was thinking about her eye brew her goop i really think that she was thinking about her eyeshadow yeah or whatever because there are hundreds of i mean i had to scroll for 10 minutes to even get down to yeah two months of text it was and when the investigator said oh i went talked to her and she was just like no emotion just like cold weird and had her story ready and wasn't even reacting and the fact that um she just claimed like i don't know i just dropped her off at the end of the road who what could have happened to my best best friend yeah whole world okay right and then the friend rachel is the one who had the breakdown and said like we did it like you know okay so rachel's less looney tunes so i think rachel was the non-sociopath who got roped into it and like enamored with uh
Starting point is 00:57:33 sheila and right right right you know i mean at least that's what i see from this whole situation love makes you crazy yeah apparently uh so during her confession in 2013 in january of 2013 rachel uh told authorities that she and sheila had planned uh her murder planned skylar's murder in science class the plan was to pick skylar up from her house at night drive to a remote area to smoke marijuana once they were in the woods they would count to three and then stab her to death about a month before sheila was arrested she tweeted we really did go on three wow no before before she was even arrested whoa it's like she was like taunting like she was like desperate to like outcry to someone something she just goes we really did go on three that's eerie creepy so rachel pled guilty to second degree murder on may 1st 2013 and she was remanded and sentenced
Starting point is 00:58:34 to 10 to 30 years in prison she was indicted by a grand jury on september 6 2013 with one count of kidnapping oh no sorry this was sheila so So Sheila was indicted by a grand jury on September 6, 2013, with one count of kidnapping, one count of first-degree murder, and one count of conspiracy to commit murder. She pled not guilty to all of the charges, but she later pled guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole in 15 years. When investigators asked why they killed Skylar,
Starting point is 00:59:06 Rachel's answer was, we just didn't like her. Oh, wow. So because the Amber Alert wasn't issued when Skylar went missing because she didn't meet the four-step criteria of the Amber Alert, Skylar's death led to Skylar's Law,
Starting point is 00:59:23 which modified West Virginiaia's amber amber alert plan to issue immediate public announcements when any child is reported missing and in danger regardless of whether the child is believed to have been kidnapped wow that's good yeah so it wasn't it doesn't necessarily have to be that you were believed to be kidnapped it's just if you're if a child is missing and in danger amber alert is issued and it's called schuyler's law um and to honor their daughter uh her parents schuyler's parents transform the site of her murder into a memorial and her father often makes a 20 mile drive to pay his respects uh and his final quote um in an abc article i read was something horrible
Starting point is 01:00:04 happened here but i wanted to take the horrible thing that happened here and try to turn it into something good. A place that people can come and remember Skylar and remember the good little girl that she was and not the little beast that they treated her like. Oh. Very sad. Very sad. And she was an only child, so it was her only daughter. That's somehow even worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:26 And it's just really twisted. And I think the girl, Sheila, cuckoo. I mean, yeah. You don't just... See, I don't like that girl. We didn't really like her. She annoyed us. Yeah, it's like then you go in another room.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And she had no remorse. And the other girl had like an actual mental break and right she probably at least had morals totally even if they were buried all the way down there yeah and like i said i read through the tweets and after so i looked at the dates that like the news articles were telling me and after um rachel had confessed to the police, Sheila posted something. Sheila tweeted something like, oh, you're such a pathological liar. Like, you know how teenagers on social media
Starting point is 01:01:13 post like passive aggressive posts that are meant to be for somebody, but they don't say who it's meant for or like emotional lyrics. I mean, I was a teenager one time. Were you? Only once. Me too.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Wow. What a coincidence. once. Me too. Wow. What a coincidence. Yeah. Not everyone does that. No. But yeah, so she posted something like, how, like... Megan. Megan.
Starting point is 01:01:35 You know who you are. Megan. Megan. She posted something like, as always, you're a pathological liar. Like, you can never change your ways or whatever. After Rachel had confessed. Yeah, and shown a pathological liar. Like, you can never change your ways or whatever. After Rachel had confessed. Yeah, and shown where the body was. I would be afraid if I were Rachel.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I'd be like, you know what, now that I confess, maybe she'll kill me too. I'd be scared. I'm sure she would have if they hadn't arrested her immediately. Wow. So anyway. So what's it like to go, because I haven't done it, and I know it would mess me up but to go look at someone's tweets and see like pictures of the people you're reporting about like is because
Starting point is 01:02:10 it's so the reason i can get through it is because it's so far removed for me totally like you're literally looking at someone's personal twitter with their personal pictures i didn't expect her twitter to still be up and i found it and every single tweet and it's interesting because you go through the tweets and any tweet you click on in the that she had posted in the last couple years you see that and it's like that's a remainder of somebody who will never it's weird how the day before she died she tweeted stress will be the death of me god damn it like actually your friends in 24 hours god it's just awful because you know these girls are going through so much like emotional struggle and it's high school and you're going through hormones and like shitty
Starting point is 01:02:51 friendships and shitty relationships and like you never get to get past that yeah you never get the chance to find good friends like real friends i mean if you're friends with someone since you're eight years old it's just very sad it's very like sobering almost you know yeah i'm like bummed out it's very it's a big bummer there's something about social media that makes it all very much more real real exactly like you can immediately just jump into where their life stopped you're like one degree away all of a sudden yeah um so it's just very it's like i don't know if this ever happened to you but like if someone that i know passes away or someone someone i know through a friend or like if one of my friends friends um friends or something like that passes away and you all of a sudden you can see their whole life access to their facebook yeah yeah it's like you see what happened the day before or like you can it's just weird because like it's
Starting point is 01:03:49 almost like there's i mean it literally is a moment captured in time where you can be like they had no idea 10 hours later absolutely it's like makes you realize that you really have no idea 10 hours absolutely you get like a really personal glimpse yeah it's really heartbreaking so yeah jesus so that's that um it's very sad it's very fucked up it's why i drink um it's why i drink now i know uh but yeah so it's really good that the um skyler's law was uh created to alter the amber alert so any child who's in danger oh yeah gets a public alert i mean if there's a silver lining that came out of it totally totally so yeah so that's that's that um very dark very sad uh teenagers suck teenagers suck that's the moral of this episode yeah what do we say now we say
Starting point is 01:04:48 um be careful watch your kids uh listen to them if they have uh emotional issues uh-huh they're real they're real even if they seem exaggerated yes and um i have exaggerated issues that are real yeah so we all do yeah you're right and um you have exaggerated issues that are real you have real issues that are exaggerated sometimes you have issues at all sometimes you haven't done it all what what what was the last thing you said i don't know i was thinking about my milkshake and how i'm mad it's empty so So I was just kind of talking. You made like a... I believe it. It sounds like something I would do.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Anyway, guys. Sorry I brought it down. Listen, I was going to tell the other story that everybody kept telling me to do. The one that I said I wasn't going to do. That would have been a real bummer. I wasn't ready for it yet. Is it coming? I think so.
Starting point is 01:05:42 The murder I'm talking about was the death of Sylvia Likens. Mm-hmm. And it's a very upsetting story, and a lot of people have said... I asked in one episode, should I do this or not? And a lot of people have messaged me and said, you should do it because it's worth talking about as much as it's just twisted and dark and upsetting. Right, right, right. So I think I'm going to cover it. Okay. I'm going to cover it okay
Starting point is 01:06:05 i'm going to try okay prepare yourselves okay i will give you all a warning beforehand luckily geo is a therapy dog thank god we can we'll just prop him up next to us during this episode if anyone needs him to be mailed to them personally don't i'll i'll have to come with him yeah okay and we'll fly herself to wherever you are exactly so yeah so i probably do the death of sylvia lichens at some point um it is very dark it's very upsetting uh and obviously now that i've just made everyone feel really shitty i'm gonna look up geo's horoscope thank god do you are you ready you're ready to learn about your future buddy he gives zero shits about this i hope you tell him that he's gonna be so handsome he's gonna keep going let's see i'm ready got a geo horoscope okay let's hear it
Starting point is 01:06:57 daily horoscope for geo for scorpios baby baby so sweet you can come out now it's finally safe it is geo that means whatever you've been trying to forget about will finally become no more than a distant memory gee in the meantime you can do yourself a tremendous favor by simply letting go of the anger and resentment you've been feeling let go feel love geo and what finer way to do just that than by taking yourself out for a ride. Gio! A ride! A nice, long one. To the home of someone who appreciates you.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Like my house! G, let's go! He's looking at you like, what is happening? Help. Do you want to go on a ride with me to my home? Look how he's falling asleep. Aww, he feels safe. So that's that. Gio needs to take go on a ride with me to my home? Look how he's falling asleep. Aw, he feels safe. So that's that. Gio needs to take himself on a ride.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I'll go on a ride with him. All right, take him away. Baby G, so good, my good boy. Stinky, stinky boy. Christine, he's so handsome. He's such a babe. Ah, he gets his looks from me. Yeah, I can't deny that i know so that's that
Starting point is 01:08:07 folks we just released our august listeners episode we did so our september one is coming out soon so you can email us at and that's why we drink at you sure can and you can find us at our website and that's why we you can find uh shirts to pre-order and totes and wine glasses yeah baby and that's why we drink.big you can find us on facebook on instagram on twitter at atwwd podcast uh you can also find us on audio boom yeah you can and as far as our merch goes um we have some pre-order items up and a lot of people have expressed interest in those but i do want you guys to know we are like making them better so we are making them better for example the tote bags were still work like as the photos are on there but we're still adding like the logo to the back
Starting point is 01:09:01 and we're putting some more stuff on there so the products you'll actually since you're pre-ordering them the products you'll get are going to be better and the best possible version of whatever you order yes and all we care about is you guys oh it's a nice way to end this i've listen i'm i've been drinking i've been drinking some sheriff wine so how do we do this now? Do we just do this the way we did it last week where it just worked out all on its own? Or are we trying what we've been trying forever? Sure. I mean, the thing is, I like really sad to leave this episode, so I don't want to say
Starting point is 01:09:36 bye yet, but we have to. Oh, okay. Right. I mean, I don't care, but it's your editing in the future that will matter. I know. Okay. We should say bye. You in the future right now is like, no, go.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Get out. Sign off. Me in the future is smashing my fist into the computer. And it's all your fault. So. We love you guys. And. That's.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Why. We. Drink. Here, I'll cheers myself. I'll get my bottle from the floor. Sorry that i just made you spill milkshake all over the place goodbye bye

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