And That's Why We Drink - E275 The Thneed of Kentucky and the Stigmata of Squidward Tentacles

Episode Date: May 15, 2022

It's episode 275 and we've got some coffin candle updates! This week Em takes us to the homeland of our pal CK (who we recently met in person for the first time!), Scotland, for the tale of the Glamis... Castle, which involves some very haunting non-secrets. Then Christine covers the paranormal true crime case of Teresita Basa, or the woman who solved her own murder. And tune in to find out how Canada did Em dirty... and that's why we drink!Ps. We're so sorry for the technical difficulties on YouTube!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hey hey hi hi hi how you doing boy christine christine christine hey why do you drink this week oh don't make me laugh too hard my lungs are not the way they used to be oh no oh no i drink this week because folks canada did me dirty man the big c gave me the big c if you know what i'm saying and uh man i have not been feeling right i have not been feeling right i don't know how they let me back in the country but they sure did so that's your fault canada i am convinced that they saw you and a tickle in your throat and said get out of our country you know it's so why first of all this is my any you me and eva somehow have been those smug bastards who have evaded covid this entire time smug and i felt so good about i feel like such a dick now
Starting point is 00:01:12 because i like i like to myself i like i really thought i was gonna like get out of this pandemic scot-free i don't know what was wrong with me same we were those that meme of like in the matrix like avoiding all the you know and that's how all three of us and the fact that none of us got it we were so impressed and like we had a couple exposures so we were you know we were but we avoided it and then I got off the phone with Em and I was like wow man Em's down I still haven't had it and then I got a text from uh the beautiful Kenyon over at Wine and Crime who happened to be visiting town the other day and spent the evening at our place, like just hanging out, playing games, like whatever. And she's like, I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but I just got a positive COVID test like two days after leaving my house.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And I was like, I flew too close to the sun with this smugness. And I'm feeling OK for now. But have you tested yourself at all? I have, and it was negative, but like, I know it takes a few days to like show up positive usually. So I'm, I'm waiting. So, well, you know what? I think it's very poetic that you and I would potentially have to deal with this at the same time. Like, and not even from each other, you know, like we got it separately, but like still, but so anyway, as of right now, I mean, Leona seems okay. I'm mostly afraid of for her, but like I got vaccinated while I was pregnant. So they say that the antibodies, you know, anyway, but I'm glad you're, I, I think I just thought like, oh, I've skipped it this far. Like it was definitely not going to happen. And then I got to Canada and I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:50 this is my one time since the pandemic, I'm going to let myself get loosey goosey. And that was, that was my downfall. So, and I gotta say they, I don't know, I was confident that I didn't have it even when I was sick because I took three different tests and they all came back. Were they all on the same day? No, they were all on different days. Two of them I had, I had to get to get back into the country. Right. You probably hadn't like, but you didn't have symptoms yet. I know I had a really gnarly sore throat, but I had also, this is probably where I got it. My friends, I went to a drag bar and, uh, I did a lot of screaming the night before. So I equated my sore throat to just
Starting point is 00:03:32 like having a good time at the gay bar. But then that sore throat got super gnarly very quickly. And I remember thinking like, Oh, well maybe like I accidentally set off a sore. And now like I'm realizing the stress of traveling and the stress of tour. And now I have to travel back into the country. So like maybe like I'm it's just exasperated by my own stress. So I kept ignoring it. And then when I got here, I just had a head cold and I was like, oh, well. But anyway, so I I just I just thought it was just a cold. And Allison ended up getting it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And I'm a sweet, sweet, stinky witch. And she was like, just for fun, I'm going to take a test. Because, like, things have been going around. And maybe it's all the vaccinated people finally catching COVID and not realizing that that's what it is. So she took a test. And it was positive. And I went, that can't be. So I took a fourth test.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And it was finally positive. Oh, my God. Yikes. So anyway, that's luckily I got tested positive as I was on the mend. So there was no reason to scare myself, but I feel bad for you, Christine. I really hope you don't get it. I mean, listen, me too. And, uh, Ooh, I'm not going to enjoy that, especially with the baby. I hope she's okay. I'm mostly worried about her, but, um, but yeah, I'm your throats. Okay. Currently. Yeah. But I was telling you before we recorded, I'm doing that thing where like, I start to think about a sore throat and then I feel like I manifest one and I'm like, okay, I need to just get out of that headspace of like turning my phantom pains into something that they're not. Um, So I'm trying to just kind of avoid it, avoid thinking too much about it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 But I mean, knock on wood so far, we're okay. Poor Kenyon is sick. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I know it takes, they say like five to seven days, I think, to show up on a positive test. So that's probably why yours didn't show up right away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 So folks, if you think you have a sore throat or if you think you're not feeling good and you're like, Oh, I can still go to that party. It's I tested negative. It, it might still be, it still might be the big C. It's 2022 now. If you have a sore throat and it's a head cold, still don't go to the party. Like don't give everyone else the head cold. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah. I, I don't know who's, who's feeling as loosey goosey as I was. I really risked it all in Canada. I thought I was being seemingly safe. I didn't. I don't know. I'm sure that's how everyone feels before they catch COVID. So whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I did too. And I just had two people over and then, you know. Whoopsies. There we go. So it doesn't even take a drag show, unfortunately. But well, I'm sorry to hear that. I heard you're drinking a G-Raid to get your electrolytes up. I got my G-Raid.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Well, this was Allison's G-Raid, and she is not drinking it. The second I realized I had a cold and we had no cold medicine, I was like, okay, I know Allison's going to get sick, so I'm going to go and splurge and get her everything from CVS. And by go, I mean have it delivered to us. and like splurge and get her everything from CVS. And by go, I mean, have it delivered to us. And she is not appreciating the basket of goodies I've sent her away, including this G-Raid.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So I took it from the fridge. And I wonder if it's because you also brought her another gift from Canada called the Big C. I was like, Christina, I was like, I guess I have smuggled something into the country. And a virus, no less. Like that's impressive. I didn'tuggled something into the country. And a virus, no less. Like, that's impressive. That's impressive.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I didn't even know I was doing it. Anyway, do you have a reason why you drink outside of this? Well, I did. I'm trying to remember what it was. I mean, one of the main ones that I feel like I've been complaining about to you off air is that my mom and sister and stepdad are in Germany for six weeks right and I think we're like two weeks in and I feel like they've been gone for eight years and I like my mom usually comes over every Monday and Wednesday to help with the baby for like from like 10 to 2
Starting point is 00:07:16 just so I can either record with you or record rituals or whatever or even just like, yeah, or with Zandy or take a shower. And, um, I, she's out of town and I'm like drowning. And so I had, my poor brother is now, has now stepped in and he is downstairs. He is with Leona now. They're actually on a walk outside. Um, and he's gotten really good at like putting her down for naps and all that fun stuff. So I just, I'm just, I don't know. I feel very lucky that my mother's around to help me two days a week. But when she's gone, I'm not too thrilled with her choice to leave the country. But I have a feeling Leona's having a goddamn blast because last I checked, Funkle Zandy is like the man with the play out.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Like, honestly, I don't know. I got, I tried. Maybe it's the distance. I'm not not too sure but i do feel threatened and honestly i mean i get it he's blood blah blah blah but you know what you know what leona they both have those big heads though those big head circumference and those big baleful eyes i think they just they just look at each other and see each other. And they're like, I see you, you see me. You get it. I get it. Anyway, Uncle Sandy is like the number one these days, right? Yeah. Yeah. He's the number one, much to my chagrin.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And you know who I'm even more threatened by? Leona's number two. Alison Goforth. Allison Goforth. I was wondering if you were going to say that. Yeah, Allison showed up and Leanna was like, well, this is someone I would like to be friends with. And I was like, good, good choice. And Allison's like, I'm texting Em right now. And I was like, uh-oh. Allison also has big baleful eyes.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yes, she does. And a big head, apparently. And she's got a big ass head, Miss Allison. I love her big old head. But it never shrank at any point. It just keeps going and going. She's got a big, fat brain in there. I know. But you told me, I didn't know this at first, that Leona and Allison play chase together. Apparently, Leona was laughing at everything Allison did.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Everything. Allison would just glance at her Allison did. Everything. Everything. Allison would just glance at her and she'd start laughing. But I think Allison also has a very infectious laugh, as you know. She does. She really does. And so Allison would start laughing and then Leona would start laughing more. And it like became this kind of cycle. And then, of course, I'm laughing. So I'm like, what the hell is going on? But yeah, I taught. Well, Leona taught Allison her favorite game, which is chase which basically means you hold leona over your shoulder and someone follows you whether it's a dog or a cat or a person and she thinks she's being chased and i think she likes like the thrill of it and
Starting point is 00:09:55 she starts like freaking out and laughing and like jumping up and down it's her favorite thing to do so alice she and alice play chase must be nice al Allison they had so much fun uh I'm so happy for them you know one day what I have one day May 30th and 31st you're coming to Cincinnati whether you like it or not because guess what folks we're doing book signings oh my gosh hey what a segue yeah I know I just remembered and I feel like the you're going to end that sentence is I'll have a redemption period with Leona away from Allison and Uncle Zandy. Yes. You know, I'm just going to call it the Gio situation where she'll love me in about three
Starting point is 00:10:32 years and then we're going to be best friends. And more than anyone, you know, more than anyone. But yes, we do have a book signing coming up. Oh my gosh. Yeah, we're signing books basically because our books come out May 31st. We're so excited. If you haven't gotten a copy, it would mean so much if you pre-ordered it because i guess from what i've heard from other podcasters and authors the pre-sale like has a lot of impact on like the
Starting point is 00:10:53 lists that come out and how much exposure it gets um it's called a haunted road atlas we're really proud of it uh we're like super super proud of it and we worked really hard on it and it comes out may 31st but if you pre-order now it'll get to you i hard on it. And it comes out May 31. But if you pre order now, it'll get to you, I think that day or or it'll ship that day. Wow, that was exactly perfectly done. So I'm not even going to contribute. Well done, Christine. I have one final question before you start your story. Oh, how do you feel about traveling with me on like without having a show? Like, is that going to be better for you oh it's gonna be so much fun we're gonna have a blast okay good i just want to make sure you weren't going to be
Starting point is 00:11:28 as nervous about like the book signings as you i mean every moment i'm with you i'm a nervous wreck but yeah the butterfly is just it's the butterflies from my platonic crush i have on you but on top of that it's it's nervousness for what you're gonna whatever ruckus you're gonna start oh right because of my my erratic behavior i see the nerves are all over the place because so were you yeah yeah yeah yeah good point anyway yeah okay well here's by the way i love when you say i have a question for you and i have no idea what direction it's going oh it's all part of my erratic behavior so yeah well hey i dig it okay so um here's my story it is uh hmm i guess a haunting also a mystery you tell me this is uh from angus scotland and this is the glom's castle oh speaking of scotland met CK. Have we talked about that on the show? I just want to throw out there, like, shout out. Maybe we did. No, we have
Starting point is 00:12:30 not. No, we have not. We haven't recorded since we saw him. Yeah, what am I thinking? I feel like I'm losing my mind, but we got to finally meet CK in person, which is just like a delightful circle. I mean, he started listening like episode three or something. Yeah. It's been a several year long wait. Yeah. So anyway, shout out to CK. Go listen to Mirths and Monsters. His voice is so soothing and wonderful. Velvety, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I would agree. Yeah. I think that's a good way to put it. Just tuck yourself in and let CK talk to you for the rest of time. Smooth sounds. Yeah. Anyway, thank you, CK, for finally for the rest of time. Smooth sounds. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, thank you, CK, for finally coming to one of our shows.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Also, he lost all of his luggage on the way to us and everything. Oh, my God. From fucking Scotland? Or where does he live? He lives in England. England. Oh, my God. He literally lost his luggage on the way there.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And he's like, yeah, it's basically all my clothes because I was going to be here for so long. I'm like, that's truly a nightmare. So shout out. Well, you can't have and that's why we drink or personally visit and that's why we drink without having a reason to drink. Oh, my God, we should send him some merch. We should send him some clothes. That's what I'm saying. Like, we should send him some like t shirts and be like, here, now you can wear this throughout the United States of America on your journey. journey also speaking of which uh a spring collection oh my god that's why we drink just came out so new merch sorry this is like promo hour but i was about to say oh let's get him our merch and then also pants and then i went wait a minute we now also offer pants so they're glow-in-the-dark
Starting point is 00:13:59 joggers what's that about it's the greatest invention i kind of wish we put and that's where you drink on the tushy like a like a like a juicy like pink juicy oh pink yeah yeah yeah we'll do that next time okay we'll say we'll say drink it up drink and it'll be velour and it'll be so hot you'll never see it coming except in the dark so good oh except in the dark yeah but that's at if you're interested. And I think Patreon gets a discount code too. So kind of fun. Okay, back to this castle. The Glom's Castle, which I just checked is how you pronounce it.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Because up until five seconds ago, I was calling it the Glamis Castle. Yikes. Oh, dear. How do you spell that? is is okay got it uh so glom's castle is in angus scotland it has 14 000 acres uh including the the castle and then parks gardens and farms whoa okay lovely and it was i guess it the property started getting used around 10 16 oh as a year um at 10 16 a.m and at 10 34 in 10 34 um the land started being used as a scottish royal hunting lodge so that was when the property first started getting used by royalty okay this is also the site where malcolm the second
Starting point is 00:15:33 died fun fact and uh the foundation here's my one of my favorite fun facts of the whole thing when they were planning on building onto this property or when they planned on building a castle the foundation was actually supposed to be on another piece of land and that piece of land was a hill called fiery pans what that was the name of the hill because i guess a bunch of ritual fires used to be lit on this hill whoa and so they were going to go build on this hill but every day the builders would come back and they would see that their work had been destroyed on this hill and so they were like what is going on like what how can we cannot how can we can't build on here and one day they go this in the morning to try again and they hear a voice and this little voice says, build not on this enchanted spot where man hath neither part nor lot, but build down and yonder bog where it will neither shake nor shog.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Okay, Dr. Seuss. And this whole time it was me and my troll hole. I was going to say, get out of my troll hole, go build in a bog somewhere. troll hole i was gonna say get out of my troll hole go build in a bog somewhere um and so they assumed that it was fairies uh who wanted nothing to do with humans and so the builders decided to work uh or build their castle or their property elsewhere and they picked a different flatter space and that is where they pick a bog because that's where they were told to go i don't know if it's a bog but it has neither shook nor shogged so well they're doing something right yeah uh so that's the beginning of the creation of this uh castle so now in the or at
Starting point is 00:17:16 least the property i don't know if the castle was fully built at the time it was officially built in the 1370s which somehow was 300 years later because it feels like it was a million years ago um okay so it was built for sir john lion who was the thane of gloms i don't know you're just making up words every time i see i was reading the word Thane I kept thinking of your bullshit you saying Thneed Eva wasn't feeling well last week so I was like I'm gonna go like do kind of a little once over of the episode and the amount of times I kept saying Thneed and you were having really the worst day of your life and I I do apologize but I don't regret it so this this guy was the Thane of Glombs And I do apologize, but I don't regret it.
Starting point is 00:18:05 This guy was the Thane of Glombs, and you'd be the Thneed of Kentucky. The Thneed of Kentucky. So the castle was built for Sir John Lyon, and this was part of his dowry that he got for marrying the king's daughter. Sure, casual. Can you imagine marrying someone's daughter,, that's not even the best part. You also get a castle. They're like, thank you so much for doing this honor for me.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Here's a castle that you're taking my daughter and now this beautiful, beautiful haunted castle. Thanks for taking this inconvenience off of my hands. Do it in a castle made by me on my dime. On my bog. do it in a castle made by me on my dime on my bog right so since then the castle has remained the home of the lion's family and when i say since then i mean literally since the 1370s oh wow 23 generations later the family still owns it wow so um the castle's remained it's now instead of the lion's family they're're now the Bowes Lyons family.
Starting point is 00:19:05 They've hyphenated, which is so progressive. So progressive. They're apparently also known as the Earl of Strathmore. Okay. So the Earl of Strathmore and his family is said to live here. Although I did see one article say that since the 80s, they do technically own the property, but just live elsewhere, probably because a castle is a lot to upkeep that's what i'm thinking um so there were major renovations throughout the 15th and 17th centuries but since the 18th century not much has changed so again i
Starting point is 00:19:36 can see why people since the 80s have not wanted to live there yeah they're like i all i want is like one of those nest thermostats and it's just not going to work in this giant castle. I just want plumbing. I don't know what is so hard about that. You just want plumbing. This actually was the childhood home of Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who married George VI and later became Queen Elizabeth. Oh! Or the Queen Mother is her other name.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Okay. Princess Margaret was also born in this castle mary queen of scotts has visited this castle and so has sir walter scott they hope he's also stayed here um fun fact this is the location shakespeare used in macbeth oh apparently this is where macbeth literally lived in Shakespeare. That is pretty wild. So imagine having a castle so notorious that literally Shakespeare is like, aha, my main character must live here. Love that setting.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And I don't know enough about Shakespeare, but I feel like maybe he was like trying to appease the king or something. So maybe that's how. That's a good point. The king also didn't live here. Maybe he had something to deal with the Earl of Strathmore specifically. Who knows what kind of like little politics he was playing, little strings he was pulling you know that that Willie P shakes whatever you call him I totally forgot that I called him that what was it shakesy pee or shakesy pee oh that's from that's from a musical but yeah I definitely I definitely stole that from the
Starting point is 00:21:00 musical we were recording rituals and Em just said shakes cp as if i'm supposed to know what the hell is going on well now hey now you taught me what i taught you we're all it's a full circle i think then i called him bill because i was trying to play like i was trying to like play along and i forgot why do you remember every fucking conversation we've ever had you are the craziest person you never know when you'll need it that's's so ominous. I'm sorry. And that's why I get nervous whenever I travel with you. I mean, I don't blame you and I never second-guessed you for one minute. Like, you're right to be scared. Sorry. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Oh, no. And that's how you kill me. Oh, no. R.I.P. Another fun fact is that this building did not have electricity until 1929 so the royals were just like living in literally the dark ages so oh no uh and by dark ages i mean because it was dark okay so yeah yeah i get it okay before someone's like that wasn't the dark ages i just like i know 1929 was not the dark
Starting point is 00:22:05 ages it was also the ice ages because there wasn't heat okay you know what this is why i allow you to scare me every moment okay uh so the castle is now open to the public even though people are said to possibly live there i think it's just the first 10 front rooms you can tour which i think is still like probably for all i know like 12 000 square feet so i think you're fine um and you can also book a virtual tour if you don't want to go there oh that's fun physically which is so fun i don't know if that's a covid situation or if they were ahead of their time but love a good virtual tour um also i went to a castle when i was in canada and i would have certainly loved a virtual tour because that was a lot of walking I did.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And there was a lot of stairs. Yeah. I was gonna say, I saw that you went up all those stairs and you, the secondhand anxiety I got watching that after seeing you on like a set of four stairs the night before. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. What are you doing? I gotta tell you, those stairs were rough.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Those, that was especially because I don't, I can't do stairs anymore with my heart problem. So I think I thought it was one flight and I was like, okay, I'm committed. And then once I got up there, there were like, people were like, there's two more flights. And I went, oh, fuck. Oh no, and you're stuck. That was on one tower. There were two towers I had to do that on. I was like, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I really thought I was going to have to be upside down on had to do that on i was like motherfucker i was really thought i was gonna have to be upside down on the roof of a castle which like wow i was totally complaining about um so here's the eerie thing about the glom's castle uh there is a well-known hidden family secret supposedly so terrible that it might drive you mad what and here's the point where i have to disappoint you because i'm not at any point during this going to tell you what the secret is because you don't know it because i don't know it no one knows well that's almost even better though because then it's like the mystery remains uh-huh well okay i didn't know if you thought i was gonna have something to break to you but i i don't know what the secret is. But to this day,
Starting point is 00:24:06 nobody knows the secret except only three people at a time. So the only people who ever know the secret are the Earl himself, the manager of his estate and the next male gross heir to the throne on his 21st birthday. What a party. They have to tell him before he takes shot a bunch of shots because i feel like what if you forget there's they're like here's a real reason to get fucked up although i guess over there they can drink before 21 that's i was gonna say yeah i don't know why 21 is the age then yeah um but so one ear, uh, his name was Claude Bowes-Lyon.
Starting point is 00:24:45 This is a quote from him about the secret. If you could even guess the nature of the castle secret, you would get down on your knees and thank God it was not yours. What? Em, what is it? I don't know. So here there's. I would be so bad.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I would tell everyone. You would be like, we have a secret, but. I would tell so bad. I would tell everyone. You would be like, we have a secret. I would tell, exactly. And then I'd be like, I shouldn't tell you. And they'd be like, okay. And I'd be like, but I guess I can if you insist. And they'd be like, no, no, I respect your decision. And you'd be like, no. Twist my arm, why don't you?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I'd be like, you need to come over here right now so I can whisper the secret in your ear. Otherwise I'll probably yell it and everyone's going to hear it. And if I yell it, then I can't tell everyone individually for the next three hours that's right it's no fun yeah um and then you just tell everyone pretend you don't know and then just watch the game unfold so here's the main theory as to what the secret of this castle is yes i'm ready for this uh All theories seem to float around the idea that there is a secret room in this castle and they don't know what the room is for. One rumor is that this room is used for occult rituals. By the way, go follow us and listen to us on rituals exclusively on Spotify. Hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Another is that this room was used to slaughter the enemies of the family. Excellent. Cool. Excellent. Cool. Great. Here's a personal favorite rumor that this room was used to hold a child because every generation, the lion's family allegedly gives birth to one vampire who is then walled up and held inside this castle for the rest of time wait hang on okay so for the rest of time so are there like multiple vampiric children in this room
Starting point is 00:26:34 i don't know if they're all just like hanging out i guess not because i don't have if they're but also like the only way they're surviving is by drinking other people's blood and they're being walled up to protect people from getting their blood drank so be a bunch of like dead vampires what the fuck so that's one theory that there's every generation that gives a vampire child and you just lock them in there until the next one's born okay wait okay first of all i don't know vampire rules okay i know but this i know this is a theory but like whose theory and why? Maybe like someone who really hates vampires. I'm like, I can make a theory too, but like I don't have any reason behind it.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah. I don't know like why they picked a vampire. Maybe at the time that the series started showing up, vampires was a big thing. Like kind of like Twilight. I don't know. started showing up vampires was a big thing like kind of like twilight i don't know so whatever the official secret is uh all we know is that three people at a time will ever know what the secret itself is but some of the earls of strathmore have allegedly just like flat out refused to even hear what the secret is because they didn't think they could take it whoa because they saw
Starting point is 00:27:42 the earls before them either losing their mind or make it seem so dark. And they were like, you don't want to know what this is that people just didn't even want to know. In fact, one estate manager who knew the secret, he refused to ever go back inside the castle after finding out. No. Another estate manager got snowed into the castle and was so desperate to not have to stay the night inside the castle that he made servants dig a mile long path back to his house so he could get home. Holy shit. So something's going on there. Something is going on.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Elizabeth II, Queen Elizabeth currently, right? That's Elizabeth II? I believe so, yes. Okay. So her aunt named Rose, she also, I guess, had stayed at the castle for a while. And she was asked if she knew anything about the secret. And apparently she got really serious. And she was quoted saying,
Starting point is 00:28:43 We were never allowed to talk about it when we were children. Our parents forbade us to ever discuss the matter or ask any questions about it. My father and grandfather refused absolutely to discuss it. Oh my God. Is there a serial killer in there? Like nobody wants to stay the night? Like I cannot understand. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Like it's one thing to also, like I wonder if, I wonder if that estate manager who was like afraid to even stay the night i wonder if he was told like we kill our estate managers like like was he afraid he must have been afraid for his life otherwise why would you not want to stay the night uh documents of the original building do suggest that there is a space for a secret chamber near the charter room but over over time, I mean, literally since the 1300s, rumors have convinced people, and also just time has convinced people that there could be multiple secret rooms as far as we know at this point. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:35 So even though original, I don't know if it's blueprints, but estate property documents say, like, oh, there was space at one point. I'm sure now, with all those renovations since the 15 and 17 centuries, there could be a million secret rooms, which could be in itself the secret. So in 1904, the New York Sun actually reported about this and said that there was a doctor who was staying at the castle and discovered a trap door while inside i was just thinking maybe it's some sort of trap door and you're worried about like falling down the trap door anyway so i think that i think the way that the article went was that he found like a carpet that was lifted up in a way so he pulled it back and found a trap door
Starting point is 00:30:22 he wasn't like falling through it no he discovered it okay no he apparently found it went in there and then came out and so the article says uh when the guy found the trap door quote this passage ended in a cement wall and the cement was still soft leaving the impress of a finger he returned to his room and the next morning he received a check for his services and a carriage was ready to take him to the station for the first train so basically he got paid to keep quiet and fucking leave and there was wet cement down there yeah as if something had just been closed off like a wall had just been taken up and then they gave him a check and they were like get on the first train out of here and then he was like i'm gonna write about this immediately the new york sun will hear about
Starting point is 00:31:11 this yeah i feel like he kind of whatever okay so there's a similar story of another workman who allegedly knocked through a wall during renovations and he found a secret room and he also got paid to keep quiet and he was sent out of the country whoa okay which feels like a mobster kind of way to just say like they killed him or like put him in a secret room to a farm you know it's like yeah yeah exactly he was uh removed from the situation so he just but we don't know what was in the secret room that he found nope that's that's i think that one sounds more like because that one didn't come with an article about it so i think that's a rumor of like oh one time a construction worker found one and we just never
Starting point is 00:31:53 heard from him again right okay so with enough suspicion there have been guests most sources said it was guests but one source actually said it was one of the ladies of the house. And because only male heirs get to find out what the secret is, the lady was also curious. And so her and all of her friends, this is one source, her and all of her friends. Another one is it was guests. They, when the Earl was out for the day. This is us. Like immediately.
Starting point is 00:32:23 The second our parents leave the house or whatever, we're okay we'll play our parlor games in the parlor and then like immediately start ripping up all the carpets this is kind of a parlor game it's a deductive reasoning i suppose yeah it's great fun process of elimination they decided that they were going to take towels and go to every single window that they could open a door like if they could get into a room they were going to throw a towel uh onto the other side of the window and like hang it on the window so that way later when they went outside they could look at all the windows so when they would look outside and they could see all the windows if there were any windows that didn't have towels hanging out of them they could see if there was a secret room and that is so smart that's why we're
Starting point is 00:33:10 gonna do it one day you and me this is you and me and like a third party like eva who's like you know what this is this is fucking big-headed allison and leona at harvard oh boy i knew they to invite themselves somehow i knew it too and uncle zandy probably he's all into his escape rooms they would figure it out forget it the three of them are oddly smart and i don't like invite themselves somehow. I knew it too. And Uncle Zandy probably, he's all into his escape rooms. They would figure it out. Forget it. The three of them are oddly smart and I don't like always feeling like the dumb person in the room,
Starting point is 00:33:31 even when it's just me and Leona. I know. And this was like our plan and our game and our idea. And I feel like they've kind of taken over and done all the smart stuff. You and Leona will actually make quite the ragtag team one day
Starting point is 00:33:44 because you come up with all the mysteries and she's got all the solutions yeah i'm just like what if and uh someone else has to do it for me and leona's like here's what you do mom and she pulls the pacifier out of her mouth like it's a cigarette and she's like you take all the towels and you hang them out the windows i've heard funko let me talk about this so anyway they went they the story goes that after first of all how many fucking towels do you have for a place that has that many goddamn windows yeah that's a lot of windows imagine being like here's what we're gonna do while he's out grabbing milk we're gonna go to every 400 windows can you imagine the the poor staff who works there, like, goes to do the laundry and they're like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Are you telling me I need to wash 450 towels? Also, like, there's no way you have time to recollect all the towels and fold them back perfectly before he gets home. He's going to know something's going on. Yeah, you're in trouble. Anyway, maybe that was like back in the day, their version going out was like i'm gonna take my 20 mile an hour carriage right into the other town and spend the summer there and spend i'm gonna go pick up milk for the summer and i'll be back the cow hasn't been born yet i'll be back with some some butter because uh it's definitely not gonna be milk anymore so uh anyway they threw all the
Starting point is 00:35:03 towels hung them over the windows and went outside to look. And apparently the story goes that there were a few, uh, windows missing towels. And so they were able to see where this, where the secret room they didn't have access to was. Wow. Um, there's also rumors of guests trying to count all of the windows on the outside of the castle and then count all the windows on the inside of the castle and they don't add up.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So there's some that are missing if you are looking outside. So here's one of the main theories. I gave you some of like, oh, the vampire kid here, like some there's two solid. Well-known theories on what the secret room might hold. OK. theories on what the secret room might hold in it okay um so one of them is that in 1486 there were two clans in the area that were fighting they were called the lindsey clan and the og ogilvy clan og ogilvy ogilvy clan so the lindseys and the ogilvys were fighting and the ogilvys came to the castle looking for a place to hide
Starting point is 00:36:05 and the Earl ushered them in, said, quick, come in, come in, and brought them into this room in the cellar, locked them inside, and never returned. Oh! Because apparently, earlier in that day, he had made a deal with the Linsys. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:36:21 That he would trap the Ogilvys inside and let them starve to death. Oh, that's fucked up. So there's a few versions. Different sources said weeks later, months later, years later. So, you know, whatever you want. The Earl was out one day getting butter from the other town or something in the summer. And the servants heard noises coming from somewhere in the castle so they
Starting point is 00:36:45 went looking around and they found the secret room and in the room they found several skeletons laying all over the floor with one person still barely alive who had been eating his family to survive and then you don't ever hear anything else like did they just close the door on that guy like they just like keep door on that guy? Did they just keep him in there? Because I would think we would know if that story was true or not if that guy was able to be found and escape and tell his story. Yeah. I would imagine if he was part of a clashing clan,
Starting point is 00:37:18 he would have quite a lot of vengeance built up and we would have heard about a war or something. Right. That doesn't bode well for him. I mean, I guess it like mentally broke him and he just wasn't able to sure fair enough story i don't know but that's doesn't sound like it ended well no all we hear is that he was found in there and we don't know if they like let him out or anything yeah um another one of the or there's another rumor about what the secret room could hold but it
Starting point is 00:37:46 seems to coincide with after walter scott's sir walter scott's visit i don't know i don't know if he's responsible for this or not but he stayed the night one time i think he was actually looking to become one of the like overnight i don't know if it was a guard or something but the source i saw it looked like he was looking for a job to actually like stay the nights and like patrol at the time oh okay and after one night he was like no thanks so this was in 1704 and walter scott uh he actually wrote about his time there later and this is a quote from his account. Excuse me. I burped.
Starting point is 00:38:29 That was not Walter Scott. That was me. He said, as I heard door after door shut, I began to consider myself too far from the living and somewhat too near the dead. Ooh. So he felt like something eerie was going on there in 1704. And even though he wrote about his time
Starting point is 00:38:47 from 1704 that account never really got published until the 1830s so like much later weird and shockingly i don't know if really shockingly but interestingly after his account came out in the 1830s the 1840s 10 years later is when this other rumor started about what could be in the secret room of the glom's castle so i don't know if this was a random theory and walter scott's account came out at the same time and that kind of pushed the mystere i don't totally know but um this is this the main theory i think of what people know the Glom's Castle for. The secret was that there is a hidden chamber in the castle that hid the Earl's son and rightful heir to the family's fortune. And the son was named Thomas Bowes Lyon. He was born in 1821 and he was, quote, sorry, everybody, horribly malformed.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I was afraid we would end up in something like this yeah it seems to be i feel like i feel like this isn't even the first castle where we've had like a quasimodo situation yeah yeah like it's hiding away someone who looks different like so um here's a quote oh was that girl you told a story about a girl who had like blue skin or purple skin or something or maybe her hair her hair was blue no something was blue violetta something like that aquafina was what i thought but i know that's i know that's not right no i think it was aqua something oh, maybe. Yeah, Aqua because blue. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I don't know, but you're right. There was someone else who got hidden away because she was different. I don't know. So not only was there one source calling him, quote, horribly malformed, here is a whole quote describing him. Oh, boy. He is so unrepresentable. Oh, no. Oh. He is so unrepresentable. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Oh, he is so unpresentable that it is necessary to keep him out of sight and out of possession. A monster was born into the family. He was the heir, a creature fearful to behold. It was impossible to allow this deformed caricature of humanity to be seen
Starting point is 00:41:06 even by their friends his chest an enormous barrel hairy as a doormat his head ran straight into his shoulders and his arms and legs were toy-like and then in different sources he was referred to as a human toad and an enormous flabby egg this poor poor kid. I hope it's not real. I'm not sure. I don't know. So here's the reason. The theory is that he was obviously tucked away from society, but the story on paper goes that the baby died only a few hours after being born.
Starting point is 00:41:45 That's what official documentation say. But then other people were realizing like, oh, there's no gravestone marker. There's no proof that he was buried anywhere, but there is proof of a baptism. And so now the rumor has spread into, oh, for the public, they made it seem as if he died and they faked his own death. But really, he's been alive, living in the castle this whole time.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Oh, God. So and he's now known as the monster of Glom's castle. Oh, boy. This is dark. And so they would lock him away during the day to hide him from friends and family and the public but at night the monster of gloms would be allowed out of his room for air great how nice yeah thank you and locals would catch a glimpse of the monster and so that was that's one of the haunts of like oh you might see the monster walking around the castle at night part of the property is actually called the mad earl's walk and some think that it was named the mad earl's walk because of how the monster would walk around at night oh yeah um again there's
Starting point is 00:43:01 another rumor of a workman who allegedly ran into the monster, who, by the way, they named Thomas. But then after he allegedly died, they had another son and they also named him Thomas. Oh, great. Excellent. So they completely removed this kid from their life. So Thomas, quote, the monster. Yikes. their life so uh thomas quote the monster yikes um a workman allegedly ran into him while working and they he caught thomas in the middle of one of his midnight walks where he was quote let out for air um and he was also paid off by the earl and told to move out of the country legend has it that Thomas lived for
Starting point is 00:43:46 over 100 years and died in the 1920s and his room was walled up for good. And the story about the monster was featured in the New York Times in 1864 and Oxford University Press in 1908. And he also may
Starting point is 00:44:02 have inspired the 1950s 3D movie called The Maze the maze so if you see any similarities i know so if you uh are into 1950s 3d flicks go check out now go check out the maze and tell me if it seems similar to what i'm talking about and as if um hmm if this was a secret it would make sense why as of the 1960s um no earl has heard about the family secret sentence so when we say the family secret of glom's castle since the 60s no earl knows what the fuck the secret is anymore like it died with one of the previous generations and if this was if the secret was about thomas the monster and he died then i guess there's no reason to have a secret anymore because the secret could die with him and they
Starting point is 00:44:59 have no shame anymore right so there's not there's still three people who know it to this day it's like nobody knows it that's what i think that's what i'm gathering so there the 16th earl was in the he was around in the 1960s and he said that the secret died with either his father or his brother who was killed in the war um and if the if it really was about the monster or something like that then since the scandal was dead then i guess there was no point in having the secret anymore yeah yeah but i also wonder why like what was why would like that estate manager like be so scared to live that's what i didn't totally get that part doesn't seem to make much sense um what does make sense
Starting point is 00:45:46 is like somebody the guy who said like if you hear it you'll wish it wasn't you because like what a horrific thing to learn that you're like keeping yeah this person behind i mean it's very disturbing yeah and i think that story is also what um the spinoff of the vampire child came from of like oh there's a monster in the walls yeah that was born into the family or some whatever the horrible jargon is but um but so that seems to be like the best known secret and on top of it the story of like the skeletons being found in the walls because those two clans were clashing um those are the two main things that people think the family secret could be but i also don't think either of those are like horrible i mean i think they're horrible but i don't think
Starting point is 00:46:36 they're like horrible enough that people would be afraid like need to be especially the skeleton one where like oh we locked a family away in the 1400s but then like 300 years later and a state manager is afraid to stay there that's the one that that's the one story i can't wrap my head around the guy who's who had to get out i mean maybe that was just part of the rumors of like oh the secret's so bad he won't even stay the night like maybe that just didn't even happen or maybe yeah because you'd have to be afraid for your life i think if if you were if you had if you were so desperate to get out i don't know i don't know what it is some people actually think some people in the family even
Starting point is 00:47:16 thought that oh the secret is that there is no secret and it's just that's what i was wondering too yeah it's like it's just something so horrific that it's just going to keep us all on our toes. Or keep us in society's good graces, but at least keep people talking about us. Like notoriety or something. So we don't know what the secret is, but I think since the 1960s the secret has died out. Do you have a guess? No, I would imagine it's just that there's no secret i really hope it's not the the monster of glom's castle i do too i don't want that to be
Starting point is 00:47:52 the truth obviously i think i'm almost fine with any of the other things i'm totally cool with the vampire child thing yeah i mean not him being locked in the house but yeah the existence of one is pretty dope um no i i think there's just no secret yeah i think maybe bizarre honestly one thing that they never even covered which i would be open to is like there being a secret that has something to do with like free masons or something like some sort of like you know organization having like a or a society having a secret in the castle yeah well they did say like a room that with occult practices right like maybe yeah because that was one of the okay
Starting point is 00:48:30 i just totally lost my train of thought oh cool cool fun um i completely forget what i was gonna say but that's bizarre i wonder i wonder if we'll ever know or if there was no secret or it is it's like kind of annoying because the fact that we don't know makes it so much more interesting yeah but i want to know so bad i i know well i think the i think they were hoping that just like some nosy gemini's would hear their story one day and we would be like god tell us please god it's just their luck i know stepped onto the scene do you have a guess at all um i feel like i could see it being another one of those disturbing stories like the monster of gloms where it's like oh like there was a especially because like you hear about a lot of these families marry into each other and then,
Starting point is 00:49:25 you know, birth, like, uh, deformities happen, that kind of thing. And I don't know, I don't want that to be it, but I could sort of see how a Royal family might be like, we don't want that to be presented to the public. I mean, as I don't agree with it, but I can certainly, if someone told me that like, you know, a family line that's huge in the public eye would care about looks like, right. I would not be surprised. Especially like quote unquote back in the day, like not, you know, but so I really hope that's not the truth, but that would be disturbing to find out that your family's keeping like a child or whoever in a walled off room i mean yeah i don't know i don't know well on top of the uh mystere of this castle there are a few ghosts okay that's what i was gonna say that is when i lost my train of
Starting point is 00:50:17 thought i knew you would pull it pull it i got you thank you don't you worry my little bunny rabbit or what did you call me before we started recording? I called you my gay bunny because you said you were wearing a shirt with little bunny ears and rainbow colors. My shirt, if you're watching YouTube, I have a subtly gay shirt. Maybe not so subtle, but more subtle than others. Yeah. A gay pride shirt. And the brand is like something bunny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:42 It was like a Facebook ad or something. Yeah. I don't know what it is it's got a bunny on it bunny ears is the logo but um christine called me her gay little bunny my little gay bunny and then you were like you're my little carrot yeah oh i love our love i love our love too it's just so uh it's just so wonderful i'm to end while we're ahead because I almost made it weird. Okay. So you don't say.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I'm just so good at it. So the ghosts. So what I saw in most of the sources is that there's definitely at least nine ghosts. Okay. But some sources said up to 20 ghosts. Okay. But most sources were like nine is the number. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Wow. They were very fervent on that. My mistake. I'll keep it a nine. Yeah. So the main one or one of the main ones is the gray lady, which in moments like this, I don't know why they didn't call her the Grady. But she is thought to be the wife of the sixth Earl. And her name was Lady Janet Douglas.
Starting point is 00:51:48 So in 1537, her husband died. And I think there was some politics surrounding this. And it basically came to people thinking that Lady Janet poisoned her own husband and she was ultimately accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Oh, excellent. When she probably did nothing. And her ghost can be found lurking in the clock tower. And she's also often seen in the chapel praying at the altar. Doesn't feel like a witch thing to do, by the way. And that's sad.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like she's still trying trying to like repent herself or something um fun fact there is a seat reserved for her in the chapel that nobody else is allowed to sit at nice um i don't know if she actually uses that chair because she's usually seen standing at the altar or kneeling at the altar and when people have seen her in the chapel they will often see her disappear into a wall the visitors uh coming into the chapel are also told to knock three times to make themselves known for her so she won't scare them or they won't scare her um your camera just went blurry oh put your hand up to it maybe and then like pull it away oh there it goes it's back that was weird sorry, it's just you were just in a haze looking at me. I guess so. It hurt my head though. Actually, can you imagine if it didn't blur at all? And that was just your
Starting point is 00:53:14 first sign into the COVID world. Oh, no. Nope. Your eyes are just stuck all cross-eyed. And you're so attractive that my it makes my throat my glands swell up. My throat hurt. You were about to say throat and then caught yourself. Something happened where you only said the T-H and I was scared to death you were going to say thneed. I love having this power over you. It's really just like a fight or flight experience at all moments with you. experience at all moments with you um okay so other than the grady uh ancestors several oh actually here's a super creepy thing about her not only is she seen in the chapel um and in the clock tower but there's one story of someone actually seeing her as they were driving in to the castle and she glided next to their car the whole ride there.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Ew! I would turn right around that little, you know they have one of those pretty driveways that's a big circle. Just turn right around. I'd do a sharp U-turn and hit her on the way out. Yeah, yeah, good point. Don't even get all the way in. So that is the first ghost. And then another one is the Tongueless lady cool excellent she is known
Starting point is 00:54:29 to wander the castle and she is screaming silently while pointing at her mouth which has blood pouring out of it oh my what the fuck the story goes that she was an employee who overheard the earl and his estate manager talking about the secret that's not her fault apparently well here's the thing apparently the secret was so horrific that she threatened to tell people and expose them why would you like just go do it just leave pretend you didn't see a goddamn thing have you is this your first rodeo clearly not a gemini i don't know what she was but like ears open mouth no. Ears open, mouth shut. That is the rule at all times. Thank you, Em.
Starting point is 00:55:17 But so she threatened to tell people and the Earl had a guard chase her down, cut her tongue out and kill her. Holy shit. I don't know if that's real or not, but. I know, you're right. Yeah, I sure hope not. Either way, people now see a ghost whose mouth is just pouring out blood. And she's trying to tell the secret. Oh, how spooky.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Here's the worst thing you're going to hear. Oh, great. You're not going to hear it right away, but we're going to get there. And it's, I don't want to talk about it, but we're going to have to. So there's another ghost called Earl Beardy, like a beard, Beardy. Okay. Who is the fourth Earl of Crawford. His name was actually Alexander Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:55:59 So he was one of the Lindsays. Oh, okay. Of the clan. So Earl Beardy, he's one of the most active spirits here. He was known as a person to be a terrible, terrible person. And he drank a lot and he liked to make people miserable, which is an understatement. Okay. So there's a few versions of the ghost story involving him. But I think the gist of it is one night he was visiting the castle and he was playing cards
Starting point is 00:56:26 he got super drunk and he was demanding someone to play another round with him and I guess people weren't willing to play or someone was saying like hey maybe you should stop playing I don't really know what the deal was but eventually as he was saying, I'm going to I need to play another round. He said, I will play cards even if it's only with the devil himself. And soon there was a knock on the door and someone, a man well-dressed, walks into the billiard room and nobody knows who he is. And I do. I do, too. And the man sits down with Beardy
Starting point is 00:57:09 and plays games with him all night, plays cards with him, and I guess people could hear them in this room just shouting and cussing and rolling dice and playing cards all night long. Apparently, one servant even went to go look through the key hole to like see what they were up to and all he could see was a beaming bright light that allegedly blinded him in that eye afterwards whoa and or according to a different version
Starting point is 00:57:38 he was zapped into flames oh okay okay sorry i got a you're that one that one got me of like zapped into flames and he lived to tell the tale okay oh he lived to tell the tale i thought he died right there and someone was like well i'm not looking at that keyhole i don't know how anyone else would have known that he was zapped into flames if he didn't tell them but i don't know couldn't they see him oh i don't know like he peeks in a person of flames and they're like don't look in that fucking keyhole nothing good happens good point i don't know but i don't know can they see him oh i don't know like he peeks in a person of flames and they're like don't look in that fucking keyhole nothing good happens good point i don't know but i don't know but it's not anyway so they're the devil in theory and beardy are playing cards and they're making a raucous noise all night long and uh some people say that beardy is cursed to play forever because he was gambling with the
Starting point is 00:58:27 devil on the sabbath oh and so god forbid literally god forbid so he's still seen around the castle as a tall scary looking man and he sometimes wakes people up by touching their cheek or standing over them and staring at them. Yuck. One guest actually woke up from a cold air and saw a figure of a man in what looked like knight's armor. And then he watched the knight walk into the children's room and moments later heard the children scream. And they said that they were woken up by a knight peering over them in bed. Here's the horrible part. So when I said said beardy was a terrible man and that was an understatement one of the things he did for fun um on the property
Starting point is 00:59:13 is he stripped a servant and i don't know by the way if this is a servant or an enslaved person but let's roll with enslaved person yeah i mean yeah i don't i don't know what was going on at the time so i don't know what the right jargon is but this feels like something you could only do to an enslaved person yeah um he stripped the enslaved person nude and then hunted him for fun and the dogs tore him apart allegedly god yeah and so that servant is now said to be one of the spirits horrible they call him jack the runner because he was running away obviously and he apparently looks very scared and basically if you ever see anyone running on the grounds it might be him that's fucked up i tried to warn you and uh he's also known to pull pranks on people staying there which like first of all fucking let him
Starting point is 01:00:15 like right if that's the worst that he wants to do geez apparently he's known to trip people which like he fucking deserves it if that's what's happening like he deserves a lot more and like anyway so there's a allegedly the ghost of a servant who pulls pranks on people and i don't know if they're the same or not but if it's this poor soul who died that way you could be doing a lot worse and people should be turning a blind eye every time. Agreed. As for the other ghosts, people see faces in windows. They hear footsteps. They hear hammering. They hear banging.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I wonder if the hammering is part of the lore of they were building up false walls or walling people in. People hear banging. They hear knocking. They feel cold spots. And they see apparitions in the courtyard and apparitions looking out the windows at you. and they see apparitions in the courtyard and apparitions looking out the windows at you. There's also a hangman's chamber where apparently a butler hanged himself and he is known to maybe still haunt that area. And during World War I, this was used as a war hospital,
Starting point is 01:01:17 so tack on all the spirits of soldiers that might be lingering here. But for the most part, that is the Glom's castle. I didn't cover all nine ghosts i kind of clumped them together but those were the main ones so kind of glommed them together ah anyway there's the glom's castle and that was one of my favorite stories you've done in a long time i just really liked it i don't believe you really i didn't think that i was i go into a lot of the stories thinking oh this is going to be a winner and I didn't feel that with this one I thought this was just a story no I really liked it I think I just
Starting point is 01:01:50 kind of like the mystique and like the secrets and the and the fact that like it wasn't debunked you know what I mean I feel like sometimes it's just kind of like at the end it's like it's all very spooky but then it's like but it's probably not true I feel like this one there's still some like mystique you know what i mean there's definitely something that the family at least passed on to one another that's very exclusive and pretty weird family uh-huh yeah well anyway and it's certainly certainly said to be haunted so that that part i can tell you with soy tinty soy tinty that part I can tell you with soy-ton-tee. With soy-ton-tee. On Beach Too Sandy, I lit it once, and I was like, Em got me this cool candle, and let's just say chaos ensued, and there's multiple TikToks about it now.
Starting point is 01:02:37 What? I did light it, and it's... You just have to watch it. Should I watch them now or later? You should watch it right now. Okay. Is it your TikTok? It's the Beach to Sandy TikTok.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Oh, God. By the way, folks, go follow that. We have some fun times over there. Beach to Sandy. Let's see. Wait, hold on. Let me tell you which one to follow so there's coffin candles first watch that one first it has 33 000 views i see coffin candle you're just bragging that
Starting point is 01:03:14 you've gotten 33 no because it's tagged you it's only because it's about you now watch how badly the next so it's in one right after that about the candle of death yes it really here's the thing though i think you were actually smelling squidward burning because because that candle does not have a smell when it was lit in my house well that's what i said oh i said it's there's like a part when we actually recorded the podcast episode there's a part where you can hear me say like oh it smells just like candle like it doesn't smell like anything and then like after like an hour we were like what is that smell and it just smelled so i think you were singeing krampus i don't know okay well maybe i think you were summoning them also i will you, that's got to be on a plate because the entire thing literally melts into a puddle.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Well, but don't worry. Everyone on TikTok told me, like, please stop. They didn't say please. They said stop fucking lighting giant candles that are top heavy. Could you be burning the shelf? I could be doing a lot of things. Oh, my God. I don't know but the candle um
Starting point is 01:04:28 can this be the continuation tiktok on your beach to sandy but like this is only as far as we got it was so tragic yeah there's something you're burning something that is not the candle okay well i'm gonna try it later it might be the plastic on that shelf nothing's burnt over here though look underneath the bottom the shelf is there anything in just a little bit okay i don't know i'll tell you we burnt that whole thing in like three days never once even smelled a single thing seriously the entire candle was gonzo in like 36 hours and we never smelled anything i must have just been ignoring everyone on tiktok and really creating a fire hazard and i do apologize by the way i do love that i got a little like a little shout out on your you it's just sandy all we do is talk about you it's it's
Starting point is 01:05:15 actually probably very annoying for alexander but here we are well we talk about him a lot on this show so i guess it's just a nice little fair that's true anyway i'm sorry sorry for that little uh little side tangent um i had a great time also but before we get going though within the tiktok where you talked about how you nailed squidward to the wall with in his head i gotta be honest not a single part of that surprises me after being friends with you. I do think it's really sick, but I also like finally someone's on my side. I mean, I'm on your side as in like, I get that he is floppy and you needed a quick fix because you, you do not do well with slow fixes. So certainly don't a nail to the head for understanding me.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I do know if I left you in a room and I gave you a task, you would find the fastest way to do it. Which, by the way, is why I'm convinced you also have ADHD, my friend. Yeah. I mean, the more that I learn about it and talk to Blaze and hear about it, I'm like, oh, yeah. But I'm also like, doesn't everyone do that? And then he's like, no. So I guess I'm learning. that and then he's like no so i guess no i'm learning if you would also uh listeners if you would also nail squidward to the wall via his head and not even think twice about it you might
Starting point is 01:06:33 have adhd i didn't think twice but i did apologize because i do also have some some pretty strong ocd tendencies and i felt like maybe i was causing him some emotional trauma but I did apologize so I you know what you found the fastest way to to a solution and I gotta give it to you I'm gonna tell you on the comments you should go read the comments later like here's one comment no walls are safe with Christine and her pocket full of nails because of your curtain stories. Like the comments on here are basically like about me nailing curtains to the wall and how you're going to feel about this. And so I feel like. Christine, they're 100% right.
Starting point is 01:07:15 If I left you with a hammer, nails and things that needed to be attached to anything, I know exactly how they would get attached. If I left you with tape or nails or glue, you'll always pick nails. There's something kind of wrong with you and with your relationship with nails. They work better. I mean, I did go to Catholic school and I did learn a lot about
Starting point is 01:07:35 nailing people's, you know, wrists versus hands to the wall, to the cross. Please don't refer to Squidward as Jesus Christ. I'm not. To be clear, I'm not. I'm saying you can with me. There's no stigmata. I promise.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Just through his fucking head. Only through the back of the head. It's fine. He's fine. It's fine. We're all fine. But yeah, a lot of those comments reference you, MC. You might want to read them.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Thank you. The longer we talk about this, though, wow, the worse it gets. Yeah. I feel like maybe I should have just shut up and said yeah i've never lit that candle next time someone asks about squid we're being nailed to the wall just say well i was raised catholic so i was and i don't know what anybody wants me to do about it except just reenact the trauma that i had to watch over and over again honestly it's like playing dollhouse in a therapy session so whatever i get it thank you thank you right. Quickly to the real
Starting point is 01:08:26 murder that you're going to discuss. Right. Today, I'm covering a story that I had never heard of somehow because it is so up our alley, down our alley, up our street. I don't know. Across the street. Across the street. It's called Teresita Bassa and her murder. street it's called teresita basa and her murder and i'm just going to read a line uh this is written in an article by vernita vergara uh on the lineups website and this basically sums up like why this is such a perfect story i almost wish i'd like saved it for some i don't know special event special day but here it is quote true crime aficionados and fans of the supernatural and bizarre make up two distinct demographics members of one group may also belong to the other like overlapping circles in a venn diagram but it's rare to find a case that straddles the divide
Starting point is 01:09:19 straddles so that word but i like that's what you take out of this i know oh ah i do i do like that they're gonna combine forces like we have with this podcast well yeah and that's so this this story is like a paranormal slash true crime story i feel like they're so rare for some reason like we don't we've covered all the ones we thought we knew i feel like the only ones that we've ever covered before were when like a ghost through a ouija board like confessed to a murder or something well we did like veliska axe murder you did that one oh yeah yeah yeah i will still never get over the fact that uh well maybe we'll do that a switch every one day because i've always wanted to cover that but um you did already did a good job on it so i probably shouldn't what oh i bliska axe murder yeah i do feel bad in hindsight that i know you shouldn't feel bad it is very haunted but we really should have this is
Starting point is 01:10:11 why we should have learned a long time ago to just tell each other what our topics are so we can combine forces but there's a lot of things we'll never learn there's a lot of things we'll never learn let's just leave it at that yeah um okay So some of the sources I used were Unsolved Mysteries, and it was actually on the show in 1990, this story. All That's Interesting,, The Lineup, and this really amazing article by Jen Baxter on Medium. Oh, and there was an article on Morbidology that I'm going to mention later too,, and those were all the sources.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Okay. So let's crack into it, Emothy. Teresita Basa was born in 1929, raised in the Philippines. After getting her bachelor's from Assumption College in Manila, she decided to move to the U.S. to get a master's degree in music from Indiana University. And although she never lost her love for music, she ultimately decided to transition into medicine and became a respiratory therapist. So now we're fast forwarding to 1977. Teresita is 47 years old. She's living in Chicago. She's leading a happy life as a respiratory therapist, and she works at a hospital called Edgewater Hospital. And now I have a fun fact about the hospital. According to All That's
Starting point is 01:11:23 Interesting, the hospital hospital which was located just outside of chicago illinois once boasted frank sinatra as a patient and was the birthplace of serial killer john wayne gacy and hillary rodham clinton whoa weird right big things happen in there this is like a lot of a lot of stuff going on like across the board i would love to look up my hospital and see if anyone notorious besides me has been born there yeah how do you even look that up like i don't know if that would be i don't know i don't know if that would be anywhere public you know how like colleges have like notable alumni i feel like hospital should have that too
Starting point is 01:12:01 right they're like we had so much but then if it's like john wayne gacy it's like i feel like hospitals should have that too. Right. They're like, we had so much, but then if it's like John Wayne Gacy, it's like, I feel like that would be something you would not want to be bragging about. Bragging about. I do feel like notable alumni is a pretty diplomatic category. You're completely right. You're completely right. It's not giving them any more or less better or worse credibility,
Starting point is 01:12:23 you know? Okay. But I do wonder, like, do you think John Wayne Gacy's alma mater has him on the list that's a great point and no i don't think he deserves you don't i'm more curious i really wonder like i feel like if it were a wikipedia page i feel like he should not be listed because he doesn't deserve the extra publicity but i do think maybe in the text he should be mentioned like like you have to do the reading to find him i feel like the opposite actually i feel like it
Starting point is 01:12:52 would be on wikipedia because that's a more just like public like anybody can edit that and add the information whereas like the school curates their own documents and might be like let's just not mention him you know what i mean yeah? Yeah. Who knows? Somebody probably knows. So let us know if you know. Okay. I'm curious. I will say I was in my notable alumni on my college's Wikipedia for like three months and then someone erased me. So I didn't, and someone, someone else put me there. I didn't put myself there, which like, I was like, Oh my God, I made it. And then it got taken down and I went, Someone else put me there. I didn't put myself there, which like, I was like, oh my God, I made it. And then it got taken down and I went, nevermind. Oh my God. I wonder, that's, wow. I guess you're not notable enough.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Not to one person. Not to that one person. I like to think the president of my college, he's like 80 years old and just sitting at the computer being like, absolutely not. Delete off of Wikipedia. Delete. Absolutely not. Delete off of Wikipedia. Delete. Okay. So that's just a fun fact about the hospital where she worked. So around this time, Teresita also decided to go back to school to get her doctorate. Oh, okay. She is a smart cookie. And so she decides she's going to get her doctorate in music at Loyola University of Chicago.
Starting point is 01:14:08 in music at Loyola University of Chicago. So she was known as reliable, led a quiet and unassuming life, and even gave piano lessons out of her home during her free time, which, as you can imagine, her free time was very limited because she's getting a PhD and also working full time. Yeah. So Monday, February 21st, 1977 had been a pretty routine day for Teresita. She worked her normal shift at the hospital, then headed home to her apartment. And around 7.30 PM, she received a phone call from her friend Ruth, who worked at the hospital with her. They talked for like 20, 30 minutes. And then Teresita said, oh, hey, I got to get off the phone. I'm expecting a male visitor. Like she's expecting someone to come over and ruth didn't ask for the man's name or any other details so almost an hour later a couple down the hall
Starting point is 01:14:52 thought they smelled smoke oh shit they informed the janitor who immediately called the chicago fire department and started evacuating residents and by the time firefighters rushed into the building the hallway was filling with smoke oh firefighters quickly determined that the source of the smoke was apartment 15b which was teresita's apartment they forced entry into her home and were able to extinguish the flames in minutes but once the fire was out they found that the source of the fire was a mattress that had been set ablaze oh okay they lifted the mattress and were shocked to find the body of teresita basa she was nude and she had a butcher knife embedded in her chest holy shit wow okay so this person really this was not an accident at all certainly not and oh my god
Starting point is 01:15:43 they went in assuming that the fire had been an accident and then quickly realized that was not the case. Yeah. So detectives were called to the scene and confirmed they were dealing with a homicide. It appeared that whoever had killed Teresita had lit the fire to try and cover up the evidence, basically. So trying to cover up the murder. So trying to cover the murder. So the murder had thrown a pile of her clothing on top of her body, lit the clothing on fire, then had put the mattress on top and lit the mattress on fire as well. It's just really disturbing.
Starting point is 01:16:15 And this was what, 77? Yes. Yeah. So an autopsy determined that despite what investigators expected, Teresita had not been sexually assaulted prior to her death and on because her body was found nude so they thought that might have been part of the MO but it was not and on top of that a search of the apartment led to no physical evidence that could point to the killer so they flew Teresita's body back to the Philippines for burial and it was obvious that Teresita's apartment had been ransacked and that a struggle had taken place, but they weren't able to determine. She lived alone. And
Starting point is 01:16:50 so it was really hard for them to determine like what was missing, like what was there that no longer wasn't. So they were just kind of shit out of luck because nobody could tell them like what looked off or what looked different. So finding clues was really hard. Nobody could tell them like what looked off or what looked different. So finding clues was really hard. The only clue they could find was a note that Teresita had written, which read, get theater tickets for A.S. But they had no idea who A.S. was. So detectives spent the next several weeks interviewing Teresita's friends, co-workers, neighbors and classmates.
Starting point is 01:17:25 They learned she was kind, quiet, polite. She was dedicated to her job. And although she did date occasionally, she wasn't married. And mostly across the board, people were just shocked that someone had wanted to hurt her because she was just such a docile, gentle person. Sure. For this reason, detectives had no leads and the case went cold until six months later oh okay i thought i was afraid you were gonna say like until 2022 thank god it was faster than that uh so in July of 1977, the police department received a call from a man named Dr. Jose Chua Jr., a doctor who lived in a suburb of Chicago called Skokie and worked as a surgical assistant at Franklin Boulevard Community Hospital.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Dr. Chua said he had information about Teresita's murder. So police went to his house to interview him at first Dr. Chua seemed embarrassed like embarrassed yeah like he didn't want to share what he knew oh okay and how he got it but after a few minutes of small talk he finally asked the officers if they believed in the supernatural or the occult oh shut up oh my god hang on so the way the years it's 1977 ah i was hoping there'd be like a spiritualism factor here nope not yet okay so they were polite but they clearly thought like this is a wasted trip we just like wasted our time on some you know rando calling us and saying I have information. But they waited him out and heard, you know, heard him out.
Starting point is 01:19:08 And finally, Dr. Chua told them why he was asking and what had happened. It turns out his wife, Remy Chua, was having what she called visions or what he called visions about Teresita's murder. Oh, shit. So Remy was actually a co-worker of Teresita's at Edgewater Hospital and had also emigrated from the Philippines. And at first she attempted to ignore these nightmares, but they continued to happen.
Starting point is 01:19:33 They persisted. And what would happen in the dreams is she would be standing in the locker room at work and she would see her friend Teresita Basa and then she would see a man's face behind her. And then the dream would end. And she kept having these dreams and she would see a man's face behind her and then the dream would end and she kept having these dreams um and she she would try to ignore them but things escalated so one day while she was taking a nap she went into a sort of trance-like state and started speaking to her
Starting point is 01:19:57 husband in someone else's voice what hang on so wait okay so she's speaking i'm like okay got it i'm i'm on board but i'm like not totally on board i mean it really sounds like one of your stories yeah now i know why you always seem a little confused like i go okay yeah it's just like what so she's like so someone else is talking through her exactly so dr chua explained it as almost a comatose state and he didn't recognize the voice his wife was speaking in so suddenly his wife started speaking to galag and she told him that her name was teresita basa and her killer was still at large well i think we did know that since the case was cold yes oh okay oh yeah yes so far we're not learning something i don't know teresita like not to be a dick but like yeah girl we know em is not impressed okay i am i am i am
Starting point is 01:20:54 so this voice of teresita proceeded to go into full detail about her murder and even named her killer she told dr chua through his wife that she had been stabbed to death by an orderly at Edgewater Hospital named Alan Showery. Oh, A.S. A.S. You, ding, ding, ding. When asked why she let him into her home, Teresita's voice explained that Alan was a friend and he had arrived at her apartment to help fix her TV, but had attacked her while he was in her apartment.
Starting point is 01:21:27 So she asked Dr. Shua to go to the police and then the voice faded away. When Remy woke up, she remembered none of it. No memory of this happening. Interesting. Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I'm trying to, I'm trying not, it's not you. It's not your storytelling. I'm trying to like put it together in my head of like, Hmm, how could this go? How could go how could this go any theories or thoughts the only theory i have which like so far i don't know if this like even has any weight at
Starting point is 01:21:55 this point but there's a law and order svu episode where the the case they're they're trying to crack the case and all of a sudden out nowhere, this medium comes to the, the right. Whatever it's called their office. I remember this episode. And he's like, Oh, I could,
Starting point is 01:22:13 let me, I, let me tell you, like, I see her lying by a body of water and blah, blah, blah. And he ended up being the killer.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yeah. I mean, that sounds like, uh, that sounds like an SVU. Sounds like, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, episode. Sounds like dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun. It's just, so in my mind, I'm immediately ready to jump to like, oh, this person who's like telling them information knows the information because they're the killer. Yeah, I can literally see Finn Tutuolo being like, this crackpot comes in.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Like, I can see the whole fucking conversation you mean to tell me there are killers on the street yeah dude oh my god yeah where have you been bud it's like we've been doing this together for a long time now all right sorry sorry okay so when remi woke up she remembered nothing at first the two of them decided not to go to the police for fear they would sound foolish. And they didn't want to draw attention to themselves because they were like, well, we have information about this crime. And they're going to be like, how do you have this information? Are you involved? So basically what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:23:18 And they were like, we were too freaked out that we were going to get pulled into this. But Teresita was not done. Her ghost was persistent the following week remy was possessed by teresita again and expressed anger at dr chua for not having gone to the police okay he defended himself to her and said like hey i don't want to go to the police without any real evidence like i can't i can't just say oh you talked to me through my wife you possessed her and blah blah blah i need like actual hard evidence something people will pay attention to yeah so teresita gave him some oh she told dr
Starting point is 01:23:53 chua that alan showery had taken some of her jewelry several unique pieces that her father had purchased in france and given to her mother and alan showery had given these pieces to his girlfriend okay the voice even gave the names and phone numbers of four people who would be able to identify the jewelry as hers all right hey that's that's it's at least something that's meaty it's meatier than body of water you know yeah so now we cut to the interview with police and this is the first time they're so they're kind of like eye rolling like okay guy this they're tutuola like this crackpot guy is telling us all sorts of shit. But then he mentions the jewelry and they this is the first they've heard about jewelry having been stolen.
Starting point is 01:24:36 So their interest is kind of peaked, but they're still dubious, obviously. This was not what they were expecting when he said he had information on the case. this was not what they were expecting when he said he had information on the case then again they knew about alan's initials the note as and that is weird and phone numbers and yep this guy didn't know about as so so they were like that is strange that his initials would have matched so the detectives just decided why not we don't have any other leads let's just do a background check on alan showry uh and they noticed he lived close to Teresita. So after a co-worker recalled hearing Alan mentioning that he would actually be fixing Teresita's television, they were like, okay, this is getting a little weird. So we're going to go pay him a visit and see what is going on.
Starting point is 01:25:21 So they go to Alan's apartment on August 11th. And at first, so they take him in for questioning. And at first he admitted he knew Teresita, but said he had never been in her apartment. But pretty quickly that story falls apart. And he then says, well, he did go to her apartment to fix her TV, but he left some of his tools at home and therefore he left shortly after arriving. And they said, well, why didn't you come back? He said, oh, he explained that he and his girlfriend had been having electrical problems at their apartment. So he stayed at home to fix the electrical problems and didn't go back to Teresita's. So he had no idea how she ended up dead.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Okay. Interesting. So obviously they were skeptical of this story especially because it's like changing as they interview him uh so they contact alan's girlfriend and she said electrical problems we haven't been having any electrical problems so first red flag yes and besides she said alan would have no idea how to fix any electrical issues, even if we did have some. So to me, they didn't really mention this. But to me, that's kind of red flag, too, about the television.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Like, does he know how to fix the television or is this just like some bullshit thing? Yeah. If he doesn't know how to fix electrical problems, I don't know. Good point. So they asked whether Alan had given her any jewelry recently and she said oh yeah in february uh he gave me a couple gifts claiming they were belated christmas gifts and she said i'm even wearing two of the pieces right now and showed them a pearl cocktail ring and a pendant around her neck so police contacted the four people that were mentioned, uh, by Remy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:05 And all four of them said, Oh, yep. Those are Teresita's. That's Teresita's jewelry that this woman is wearing. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Well, I'm at a loss now. I know. I don't know anymore. Bananagrams. So when police then confronted Alan and said like, Hey, so fun fact,
Starting point is 01:27:23 these people say that your girlfriend is wearing Teresita's jewelry like how could this have happened um he immediately broke down and confessed uh he admitted that he had gone to Teresita's with plans to rob her for rent money so I don't think the tv thing was ever in the cards uh she let him into her apartment because she was expecting him obviously to repair the tv she considered him a friend and she had even planned to give him theater tickets as a thank you, which is why she had the note, get theater tickets for AS. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:56 When it came to the crime itself, Alan explained he had waited for her to turn around and lock the door. And that's when he attacked. Uh, he stripped off her clothes to make it look like a sexual assault had taken place and he stabbed her once in the chest holy shit but after that he went looking for cash and apparently teresita didn't keep much cash in her apartment so he only found 30 and obviously this was not enough for rent money so he took the jewelry in an attempt to like make it worthwhile then he set the fire uh to cover up the crime as they had suspected so obviously he's arrested he his trial is set but now he does a 180 and despite his confession earlier alan showery now pleads not
Starting point is 01:28:39 guilty to terracita's murder explaining that he was just kidding when he made the confession jk wait what what a hilarious joke by the way that's the he should be a stand-up comedian comedian agreed also i just such a small stupid thing that probably is not useful to the mystery but uh if he stole the jewelry to help make up for rent but then just gave it to his girlfriend did he not really need it for rent yeah that's what i thought too but i i wonder if he took enough that he gave like her a couple pieces and then like those were the scraps maybe yeah or like maybe he kept the unique ones so that they wouldn't be found in a pawn shop i don't know gotcha okay um because apparently the ones
Starting point is 01:29:21 that she had were like very distinct like maybe he was like i don't want those floating around out there i'm not really sure but yeah it's a good question um or maybe he just was like well shit i didn't get my rent money this way i'll just grab some jewelry and find a different way to make it yeah i don't know um so according to a really great article by emily thompson on during show Shourie's trial, prosecutor Thomas Organ roared, Well, Alan Shourie, you weren't kidding when you... Okay, sorry. Let me say this again because I forgot. Please roar it this time.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Kind of goes back to the other point. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay, so like I said, despite his confession, Alan pleaded not guilty to Teresita's murder, saying he had been just kidding when he made the confession. And so now, according to an article written by Emily Thompson on, during the trial, the prosecutor roared, Well, Alan Sherry, you weren't kidding when you plunged the knife into Teresita Bassa's chest. Aha, I see the context. So, yeah, so clearly the joke was not funny to anyone. Right. But him himself.
Starting point is 01:30:31 So during this trial, which the media, by the way, dubbed the voice from the grave trial. It was very sensationalized, was like splashed across headlines all across the country. Allen's defense lawyer suggested that Remy Chua faked the trances because she had been fired from the hospital. And his defense lawyer said, never to my knowledge has a man been arrested because of a vision. So his angle was like, this is all hocus pocus baloney. Right. And so the trial, for what it's worth, ended in a hung jury and was therefore declared a mistrial. And so a new hearing was scheduled for February of 1979, but for unknown reasons, while waiting for his retrial,
Starting point is 01:31:10 Allen had a change of heart and changed his plea to guilty. Oh, maybe he was just sick of waiting. I mean, that's like a year and a half of waiting for your new sentencing or your new trial, right? Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I feel like maybe he was like, I'm already in jail? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:27 I have no idea what his thinking would be. I guess so. But if the chance is to get out of jail? I don't know. I don't know. I guess it was just a total change of heart of like, okay, they're right. It wasn't very funny when I stabbed her in the chest.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Well, here's the theory on it. So basically, what probably happened is his lawyer said you need to plead guilty to get a more lenient sentence um you know if you plead guilty now we're going to be able to get you you know whatever a lower sentence than if you went through trial and were found guilty but there were rumors there were whispers that perhaps Teresita's visit or spirit had also paid him a visit in jail. Oh, OK. But I think most likely his lawyers were like, you need to plead guilty. Get a better get a better chance of getting out of here.
Starting point is 01:32:18 So whatever the reason for his guilty plea, Allen was sentenced to 14 years in prison for the murder of Teresita Bassa, as well as concurrent terms of four to 12 years on the armed robbery and arson charges, which is so weird to me. Like four to 12 years for robbery and arson, but 14 years only for murder. Yeah. They do not feel like they have the same weight. I don't think so. Um, and guess what? He served just under five years in prison and then was paroled so super duper oh my god and he's just like still out living around now just walking around oh yeah uh so alan showry was paroled july of 1983 evidence suggests he moved to new york city shortly after his release but we don't really know where he went uh i imagine he's trying to
Starting point is 01:33:03 stay off the grid a little bit. To this day, the detectives have no other explanation for the information they received other than it being supernatural. All they know is that the intel was true and it led them to solving the case. So some of them say like, I don't believe that it was paranormal. Some say, well, we have no other way to explain it. So it's kind of unclear. But it's a mixed bag. Wow. That being said, there is a non, some people believe there is a non-paranormal explanation for all this. So some online sleuths, some web sleuths have tried to piece together what could have happened.
Starting point is 01:33:42 And as it turns out remy and alan weren't exactly strangers so they actually worked at the hospital together and alan had recently complained about remy's work quality and she was fired because he had complained to their superiors okay so this could be a revenge situation yes but at the same time like he clearly did it and how did she know the specifics of that yeah so some people think she may have overheard him spilling the details to someone at work some people think that perhaps she had subconsciously pieced together like various suspicions and this is how it manifested either way it does make some sense that she suspected
Starting point is 01:34:23 alan of having killed teresita but was like too afraid to go directly to the police and say, I have these suspicions and instead kind of put it on like a paranormal ghost thing. possible that the woman knew who her daughter's killer was it was like the husband but uh was worried they wouldn't believe her so she like invented a ghost and said like oh the ghost is telling me it was the one that does feel real it was the one um you covered it when we were on a guest episode what were we on what show were we on sinister hood and uh you covered it it's the guy or wait maybe they covered it sorry they covered it it's the guy who um his he killed his wife and he had like seven wives or something he had a ridiculous name and uh oh i wouldn't remember it i i wouldn't remember the name and his mom and her mom was like, like he like tied a, he's like, oh, her favorite scarf. And he tied her scarf around her neck in the casket.
Starting point is 01:35:31 But really like they exhumed her body later and like his hand marks were on her throat. Uh-huh. Yeah. And her mom was like, oh, her, my daughter's spirit is visiting me at night. And she told me exactly what happened. And so one of the theories is like either it was paranormal because she had all this information or she just knew what had happened and used that story to kind of get some weight. Because sadly, a courtroom believed the ghost more than they believed a woman. So, you know, who knows? But anyway, it reminds me of that story.
Starting point is 01:36:01 But basically, one of the theories is like she she knew Alan was responsible somehow, but she was too afraid to go tell the police herself. I see. But at the same time, like, how did she know the names and numbers of all these people? Yeah, I have no idea. I still am kind of wavering on the side of this being supernatural. Yeah, like that's I mean mean the police believe it even like i i got i got nothing when it comes to like any other trying to debunk it and for what it's worth remy has vehemently denied that she had any sort of like knowledge of this she continues to insist she was possessed by teresita's ghost and teresita wanted justice and got it. So whether Remy's experience was actually supernatural or not, it very obviously led to the capture and conviction of Alan showry.
Starting point is 01:36:52 And Jen Baxter's article on medium makes a really great point too, that because of Remy, whether this was a real supernatural event or not because of Remy, people still remember Teresita's name. And so I'm going to read the last line of the article to end the story because I thought that Jen put it really well. The case got no publicity when Teresita was first murdered. It was the claim of the paranormal that won over the news media.
Starting point is 01:37:17 Teresita Basa will forever be remembered as the woman who solved her own murder. That's pretty badass. I think so. And so whether it was true or not, like at the end, they got the right guy and justice was served. So that's the story.
Starting point is 01:37:34 How have we never heard of this? I really don't know. And I feel like I've heard that name before. Yeah. I feel like maybe I've, I feel like people must have suggested it before and we just never got to it or something. I don't know, because you would think a supernatural solved crime would really be the ring ding dinger for us.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Ding dinger indeed. Yeah, I feel like if we had heard this, we would have covered it. I mean, I bet if we search our inbox, it'll be like 8000 people. And yeah, everyone right now is like, I've told you to cover this before but or someone on TikTok tagged us in a video or something probably probably but anyway so that's the that's the story morning glory oh well what that's the word hummingbird or whatever it is uh oh my gosh well that was a great one good. Thank you so much. I had a fun time with you today, Em. I had a fun time with you also. It's always fun to have a story that you end on where I don't feel horribly just like burdened for the rest of the day. Yeah. And now Eva wants to hop on the Zoom to talk to us about the books.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Oh my goodness. We should probably go do that. We have a whole meeting we got to go to, folks. We actually run a business behind the scenes. I don't know if you know that. Well, Eva runs a business. Eva tells us when to get on Zoom and she tells us about business. So there's that.
Starting point is 01:38:59 And that's why we drink. Yay!

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