And That's Why We Drink - E295 A Yak Attack and a Kidnapper's Soundcloud

Episode Date: October 2, 2022

It's episode 295, let's get into some spookiness! This week Em thought you were owed enough ghost stories to fill a whole town so is bringing us the tales of the ghosts of Port Townsend. Then Christin...e covers the accurate telling of the abduction of Denise Huskins, who's case was wrongly termed "the real life Gone Girl". And did we just discover a new floofy ASMR fixation? ...and that's why we partake!We only have a few shows left of our Here for the Boos tour! Don't miss out on the last few performances of our spooky live show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 here we are folks i never know how to start this i always start and then you're like oh wow christine started so this time i thought i'd let you start really i thought i would i thought it was the inverse where i was i wouldn't shut up for a while so now i'm trying to let you go hello when we start welcome to the show i'm like the uh mc oh okay mc oh whoa wouldn't wouldn't that be a fun podcast um it is this it's this podcast can i tell you something what i took half an edible and so i think this is gonna be a great episode i really i okay first of all are you okay like did you need to take it for a reason were you having anxiety i mean i'm always having anxiety thank you for asking but i was just very on edge and I was like, oh, I've been trying to do really small micro doses of thing of THC because I don't
Starting point is 00:01:10 really know. I'm never one to smoke. I was never one to do any sort of recreational anything. I'm just kind of tried and true drink boxed wine, you know, is usually the go to. But so I've been trying with like medical marijuana just to like try it every now and then um and i i'm i'm liking it so far because i the only edible experiences i had had in the past were very bad and so i was very cautious so anyway today i was like oh why not you know we had an important phone call earlier and i was like i'll just start anyway so when i started going on about mc i was like this might be telling very telling I'm not sure be a symptom of my behavior yeah exactly um okay well good I'm glad it's not it's it's not for anything uh as we say it's not threat level midnight so I guess I'm not no that means I can make fun of you for being a
Starting point is 00:02:01 little stoned oh absolutely I feel like I'm just kind of, I'm learning about the different strains. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on, you know. Are you not feeling wine anymore? Are you like trying to make a shift? Listen, I love a wine. I just, I wanted to, I've always wanted to try it. And I've heard about micro dosing with THC where you just try a really small amount so you're not like overwhelmed. And I was like, I'll give that a try. This was a couple of weeks ago and I'm finally like
Starting point is 00:02:27 learning more, you know. Cool. Cool, man. Well, yeah, pretty good stuff. You know, feeling vibey, you're feeling good. I'm feeling vibey and I'm learning that sativa is the one that helps you be creative and awake because every time I've tried. You don't need any more creativity, my friend. You are already at an all-time high, naturally. Thank you so much. But the one thing that I didn't want was a repeat of, I wish I knew the exact date and year, but when I fell asleep while you were telling your story, and I was like, I really, I'm learning that's indica because it's, you remember it by saying indica couch. And so I'm not doing that right now or mostly ever because I don't want to fall asleep during the day.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Very telling of my parents, but this is the talk they gave me in high school about. This is? I wish someone gave me this talk in high school. I've known about Indicauch for quite a while. Oh, I thought you were going to be more impressed. So no wonder you already knew all about it. I would be.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I was impressed the first time I heard it too. So you would have blown my mind. Nine, okay. I've just never had trouble getting into couch. So that's like, I've never had to worry about it. It's like, I'm a natural high. You're like a natural low, you know? Yeah, together we're perfect.
Starting point is 00:03:42 We're yin and yang, I suppose. We're MC, you know? Yeah, that we're yin and yang, I suppose. We're MC, you know? Yeah, that's it. Well, is there a reason? I guess it's not why you drink. It's why you take an edible. It's why you partake. Well, Em, I'm very excited because I brought for our after chat today on Patreon,
Starting point is 00:04:00 I've spent like an hour creating like some fun little questions and games and little things. So, oh, my gosh. Wow. Is that because you're on Sativa? No, but I should have waited until after because I probably would have been way more fun. But this was before. And so I don't know. We'll have like a list of just like who's most likely to or would you rather.
Starting point is 00:04:24 There's like a whole little I have little sheet of little fun questions and games. So for our After Chat patrons, look out for that. I'm very excited. I did not know you put that much effort into just talking to me. That's so nice. You know what? I miss you. And I was like, I haven't seen you in so long.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I want to really get to know you. How are you? I'm not as into couch as you are I know you're not but like I I feel like I uh I I don't know I've been having a lot of brain fog and it's making me really mad so okay even I had about an hour discussion about this and how we're realizing other people have been saying the same thing because I thought maybe it's because I became a mom and but so many people i talked to are like the brain fog is getting so bad well i also um i i know that it's supposed to be like one of the leading signs of long covid at this point or something or it's like a lot of people with COVID it's like now one of the top permanent side effects so um I I don't know if it's been since then I've always felt really forgetful so
Starting point is 00:05:32 I really can't tell the difference between now and then with me I'm like I'm not like I haven't fallen from some huge height of like organization or anything right it just feels worse than usual yeah I just feel like i was i feel like i've always been like kind of um a little airheaded when it comes to remembering things and same um but now it feels like i feel like the level i was at i felt like i could control and now it feels like i'm just always five steps behind everyone and i just feel really stupid all the time no i know what you mean it's like this element yeah i Yeah, I've had that too, where it's like, I used to be able, it was like functional. Yeah. And now I'm just like, and now it's like, oh, fuck, I just totally blanked on something that I would never have
Starting point is 00:06:12 blanked on before. I hope it's just mom brain for you. I hope it's not a sign of anything. I never had COVID as far as I know. I mean, maybe it's true. I mean, I've, you know, knock on wood, but like, maybe I just had it without symptoms. I don't know. I don't know. Well, I started thinking about it because after all my heart stuff, I was like, it's so, I talked to my cardiologist and was like, it's just so weird that like so many episodes started happening this summer.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And like, because I've had this since I was 12, but it's happened like maybe once a year and it was able to like correct itself. So it never felt like i was in danger like i've been living with this forever and i never had fear about it but only this summer it just got so bad and like it like what the hell is going on and i actually found out that that's also maybe a sign of um permanent covid damage that how have we never connected that i mean apparently a lot of issues could get worse with covid it didn't even occur to me didn't even occur to me that it's like i like i had heard it
Starting point is 00:07:10 from a million people that like covid finds the things that are already pre-existing and you know it just kicks its ass and like it brings it to life and i guess that might be what happened with me because i got covid in may right after our Toronto show. And then this whole summer has been a nightmare. Yeah, it all began and ended in Canada. I was, I remember having more anxiety when we were on tour starting in February, but like I, the heart thing was really over the summer. So I think maybe that, and maybe that's why I'm now justifying
Starting point is 00:07:39 some of my forgetfulness with brain fog. So, or maybe I'm just fucking forgetful. I don't know. But I mean, i'm sure like psychologically covid hasn't helped any of us with no no no like prioritization and like focus on anything oh but anyway as for um good things because i feel like every time we ask why i drink at this point it's just always a bummer and it's always medical but um a good thing good thing i have a starbucks with me today oh i thought it was that you had a dog in your apartment i'm dog sitting for rj which is very weird i'm sitting in rj's old
Starting point is 00:08:10 bedroom and i'm watching rj's dog and rj is not in the equation wow this is like one of those thriller series where you take over the identity of rj i know well he he he well she Well, she's very lovely, this little dog. Her name's Susie. Susie! So RJ and his fiancee are obsessed with K-dramas, and I guess there's this very famous K-drama actress, and her name's Susie. Oh, that's cute! Well, she's also a golden doodle. Not the actress. The dog. Yes, the dog is not Korean, I don't think. Maybe, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:49 We don't know. Have you asked? I haven't. I don't know if she'd say, if she said yes, I'd be like, whoa. There's bigger issues than the fact that you're Korean because now you can talk. Yeah. No, but she's a very lovely dog. I didn't mean to insult Gio earlier, but I did tell Christine this is probably the most well-behaved dog I've ever met. Zero insult, only truth being spoken. It's very odd. RJ, I think, or at least his fiance, who's actually a peach. The more I get to know her, the more I really like her.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I like how surprised you are. She's actually lovely. surprised you are she's actually lovely well i say that because um so suzy has her own instagram and i was creeping on it last night and i know rj's fiance is the one that handles it and so i was reading through the captions and i was like damn this girl's funny i didn't know that about her is it just puns it's just like she's a 10 but she's teething like it's like oh that's cute that's better than the normal puns i used to write. Yeah, I just thought it was so funny. It's pretty creative. As of today, I have like a newfound appreciation for her in that category. How cute is that?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Oh, I didn't know she was so funny. But so, yes, Susie's very lovely. She knows all of her manners, all of her special words. I can't say this without her probably hearing me and freaking out. F-L-O-O-F o f y oh wait what does that do it means um like go into your crate like apparently she calls it her are you kidding me and so if you just start screaming she like she's and she's obsessed with her crate so she's like oh i can't wait to go to bed i think about two% of our audience just discovered they have like an intense ASMR fixation after you just did that multiple times into the microphone.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I have no way to shout it right now or else I would hear her. I'd hear like the crate like fall over. She's so excited to get in. I think the whispering is doing something for someone, I think. Maybe a dog who also likes that word. Maybe the dog, but you know, someone. I think yeah maybe a dog who also likes that word maybe the dog but you know someone but anyway so I've got a very sweet dog here who's so far has shown no problems except I've got this um if you've seen it on my Instagram or I know you've seen it in real life um behind or in front of
Starting point is 00:10:58 this couch there's a footstool and it looks like a buffalo Susie thinks it's like her worst enemy. I think it's a yak. Because it has long hair. Aha. Yes. Well, she. I'm trying to think. Yak and attack.
Starting point is 00:11:12 How do I make that seamless? But she really hates this thing and keeps going for it. So we've had to cover the yak with a blanket because it really freaks her out. That's kind of hilarious. She's like, there's a scary monster under that blanket. Yeah. She keeps trying to bite it. And then there's tufts of this fake yak fur in her mouth and it it's very gross so anyway i've got a dog i've got my starbucks which actually is a big thing for me medically because
Starting point is 00:11:34 i'm i'm trying i'm bringing caffeine back into my world tonight so i we're testing the waters i'm i'm just sipping on it to see if I react at all. Testing the tea. Anyway, I've got some tea. I've got a dog. I'm good. Are you good? Yeah, I wish I had some tea, but I do have a dog, so I'll take it. Okay, well, we, I guess, should get into some spookiness? I guess that's what happens next, yeah. I think that's what happens next. I guess that's what happens next. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I think that's what happens next. Oh, by the way, I just want to tease you and just ruin your day. Oh, the end. No, I wanted to say I found something online. I was doing a little, not to panic anyone, but we are like 100 days away from Christmas. Jesus Christ, you did ruin my day. Thanks a lot. So I'm doing a thing where every month I'm doing a chunk of the people that I have to get presents for because I'm from
Starting point is 00:12:31 a massive blended family and everyone gets multiple gifts and it's like a big pain in the ass on my wallet. And so just to do it in smaller chunks and feel less miserable by the end of it all, I'm doing some people now, some people in October and so on. You are, I'm currently handling. I get an early, early shopping. Early access. Wow. Actually, I didn't mean to go shopping for you, but every site I went on, I was like, oh, Christine would love that.
Starting point is 00:12:59 So you kind of fell under your brain, under your fold of your brain. So I just want to let you know, I found something that kind of makes no sense but i don't care and i can't wait i'm very excited for you to get it that's from the bringer of the coffin candle and the skull purse and the dino purse could they introduce me on stage like that for now i am right now i think they're going to use this audio okay good okay so anyway just know that your christmas gifts're going to use this audio. Okay, good. Okay. So anyway, just know that your Christmas gifts are going to be handled this year. I'm so very excited. And then it'll be exciting for you because it'll be a few months later and you'll be like, oh yeah. I forgot. I'll be like, wow, I really helped myself out here by having this handled already. Passed me.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I even have a basket in the closet that literally just says gifts for Christine and Eva. I know when you when we filmed our gift video for Patreon or the birthday gift video in your troll hole. It's all sounding very weird. You were like, yeah, I just went through the basket. It's like the basket. Yeah, I because I just find so many things I know both people like. So I just gave myself a designated space to buy whatever I see that you'll like. I love it. Because otherwise I screenshot it and then it's lost in my phone forever.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Exactly. So I just, if I ever see something, I buy it right away, put it in a basket. And then when it comes to like the next holiday, I've got a bunch of stuff. And then when I get five gold stars, I get to pick something out of the basket. It's not a dentist office treasure chest but i wish it would be though because that would be a really fun way to relive my past well don't give me ideas because i have enough time to build you a treasure chest and i just like don't i watch it just be full of toothbrushes because you couldn't think past
Starting point is 00:14:40 the dentist part you're like it's just full of floss it'll be like a really shitty top or something like a spinning top in a yo-yo and i'll be so fucking excited on to the ghosts uh so and i say ghosts because for a while i was going through a we're back in ghost land we're back in ghost i've missed it i'll be honest i've missed it too but i really i couldn't pull myself away from the uh cryptids so we had a lot of fun with it don't get me wrong but i just sometimes i like the bread and butter i just like variety because i i'm always worried that other people like come here for the ghosts some people come here for aliens some people come here for cryptids some people just don't fucking listen to me and probably listen to you only people don't come here at all because they're like i'd rather not stop at this exit you know and that person is everyone in my family yeah same ditto why did they get presents scratch them off
Starting point is 00:15:33 the list actually excellent point they don't get so much they don't get to pick from the treasure chest um okay so because i did so many lore I was starting to get nervous for the people who are hoping for ghost stories. So here is kind of an amalgamation, an accumulation, a situation. What are you, Hamilton or something? What's going on? Okay, I wanted to do like a, it's a lot of ghosts. Instead of just one place, I kind of handled the ghosts of a city. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Because I feel like people are owed multiple ghosts. And I was like, well, let's just find a spooky town. Let's do it. So this is the ghosts of Port Townsend. I hope I'm saying that right. Port Townsend. That's right. To me.
Starting point is 00:16:26 hope i'm saying that right port town's right to me um so it is it's in washington um which i've i usually consider the east coast um like the like the massachusetts area all to like virginia i always consider that the most haunted section yeah but i gotta say washington always seems to deliver with the spooky stuff so stuff in both washington oregon where i'm always kind of taken aback like the shanghai tunnels all that very spooky also wait how do you say that state the o1 oregon okay that's how you say it i know i've been saying it wrong i say it like like a heart or a lung. You say Oregon? No, no, no. I say Oregon. Oh.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Instead of Oregon. I've been saying like Oregon, like an organ in your body. I didn't even know there was a third way to say it. I thought you were talking about Oregon. No, but I did watch Law and Order recently and someone said, I'm from Oregon. And I went, I know in your life you aren't. I haven't. And also, no one had the audacity to correct you which was so silly
Starting point is 00:17:26 honestly that is kind of i guess they're all la or maybe they just don't know but maybe anyway i i feel like i just said oregon to someone and i was like oh they're from oregon and everyone was like i don't think i ever picked up on that i've heard you say that but it sounds like you're just saying oregon really fast oregon sure let's go with that okay okay well this is in washington not that place why are we talking about it okay this is in washington uh the population is just under a thousand people and in case anyone needs to hear this fun fact um it is two hours away from forks of twilight fame my brother and d just went there like a couple weeks ago. For Twilight or for Lighthouses or for something else? Just kind of for fun. I think they were
Starting point is 00:18:09 like in the area and they were, you know, they were like, well, that place Forks from Twilight is here. So then they went there. I would like to go as somebody who's obsessed with like sets. Yeah, yeah. I gotta be honest. I'm gonna probably, i don't know if i'd blow anyone's mind i think it's kind of a mind-blowing fact but somehow i have um evaded ever seeing the twilight movies oh so um i wouldn't be impressive thank you i uh wouldn't go to forks because i'm a twilight fan but i would go to forks because I'm excited about it for Twilight fans. Yeah, I get that. But stupid question.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Have you read the books? So when I was 14, I remember the day Twilight came into my world. I do too, weirdly. At 14, I feel like we were the generation where Twilight was the fucking game changer. Peak. I remember, so I've told this before, but there was a um i went to a very small school there were 30 people in my entire graduating class there was 15 boys 15 girls um or so they thought or so they thought and one of the girls there her name was lucy and she uh
Starting point is 00:19:21 i remember the school it must have been in the school library or one person had a copy of Twilight. And it just like it was very cute. And I feel like very like small town in some way. But none of us thought like, oh, let's go tell our moms to go get us Twilight. But all 15 of us at one point or another, like just kept giving each other Twilight to read. And I remember sitting in my geometry class and I remember Lucy talking about this book in front of me and I was like, what are you talking about? And she handed me Twilight and she was like, dude, she was like, you are going to lose your
Starting point is 00:19:56 mind to this book. It's going to, you are going to freak out. And I went, okay. So for someone who doesn't read, I actually did read it based on her. So shocking. You're like, oh, this will shock you. I've never seen the movie. But more shocking is you haven't seen the movie, but you read the book. At 14, I think because I was in high school and already forced to read for school, I was already more open to reading. I don't know. But anyway, she gave me the book and I did freak out and I tried to give it back to her and she went, no, no, no, pass it on to someone else. And so that's and so sisterhood of the traveling Susan Myers or whatever her name is Stephanie Meyer Stephanie Myers but so I remember reading that it really did like rock my world as a 14 year old I was like they get me and then I read oh and I read like the second half or not the second I read
Starting point is 00:20:42 the first half of the next book and then i lost interest so anyway i would love to go to forks because i care about a set i love like a good warner brothers tour all that good stuff so apparently in forks because my cousins are obsessed with twilight they actually have signs everywhere yeah like like they've really allowed it to be a tourist attraction they did they owned it so i would love to go to forks and this is two hours away from there port town it has water on three sides uh the there's a so i think a lot of people have to use a ferry to get there um which love a good water town the land you're gonna say water taxi it was like me too i do love a water taxi water taxi uh uh fun fact i don't know i
Starting point is 00:21:28 just like to throw it in there that the uh land was once uh sklalom territory i hope i'm saying that right uh sklalom territory uh before 1855 and then you know the usa had to do their thing and just be fucking horrible. And then after that, it became a major shipping hub. So there's an article that was describing the town and said that it was the domain of all things working class that include mercantiles and brothels and saloons and just all sorts of general tomfoolery. Just to give you an idea of the town the rich people lived uptown and things were relatively quiet and safe and then
Starting point is 00:22:13 the working class lived downtown and it was very unsanitary it was more dangerous um i feel like that actually was when i used to be a tour guide in yorktown that seems to be pretty popular for old water towns where all of the rich people lived away from the water all the working class point all the working class live by the water and during my tours i hope this is good information otherwise i lied to hundreds of families but unknowingly to be unknowingly but the one of the facts that i had regurgitated from the guy who trained me was that in water towns the rich would live uptown away from the water the working class would live by the water because it was just the conditions were always worse and so it was just cheaper and they probably worked there like and they worked there um but so lobster and crab used to be
Starting point is 00:23:03 like food considered for the poor because they would just pull food straight from the water and like rich people wouldn't eat it. No. Yeah. They fed lobster in prisons often and lobster meat. They were considered the rats. I think. Yes. The rats or the spiders.
Starting point is 00:23:18 The rats. I think it was the rats. I think it was the rats. and then eventually um when property became like when views became something that people wanted and rich people started moving down to the water that was when lobster and crab became fancy people food it's just like the asparagus vase all over again it's just celery i mean brain fog it's real am i right asparagus waste but uh but yeah so fun fact i would be that fucking person in the 18 in the victorian era who just put the wrong vegetable in her display case it's very amelia badelia of you i know i love that's why i relate to her so much why don't
Starting point is 00:23:59 you like the carrots in this vase i'm. I thought orange and green was a better contrast. Oh, boy. So anyway, the rich people lived up there and then the working class lived down by the water. But the people who worked down by the water also had to fear for not just like the regular sketchy people kind of coming into the town and hanging out by the water they also had to worry about things like being shanghaied um which uh is basically these people would get drugged and or dragged uh on board for to join a ship's crew against their will it's like human trafficking human traffic fully um and then this also happened with women where they would get drugged and then brought on board or they would get you know truly then brought on board. Jesus Christ. Or they would get, you know, truly brought into sex trafficking.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Trafficked somewhere else. Yeah. By the way, I cover being Shanghai'd or the phrase Shanghai'd in episode 111. Was it a live show? I don't think it was live. No. Oh, okay. I don't think it was.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Because I think you covered it in Oregon too, right? Or in Portland? I think I did. Maybe you just did I don't think it was. Because I think you covered it in Oregon too, right? Or in Portland? I think I did. Maybe you just did the notes for a regular show. Well, ATWD, listen. Sorry, I'm checking my own to make sure it wasn't a live episode. I don't think it was though. Oh, it was.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Wow, you're very good at this. Yes. Thanks. Let's talk about Brain Fog. You were like, oh, episode 111 was a live show episode. No, it's because I know you did the Shanghai Tunnels at the Portland live show. So I figured we must have recorded it and released it as a regular episode. But I covered D.B. Cooper, I think, in that one. So that's a big episode. You don't get to talk about Brain Fog anymore. Shut the fuck up. That was...
Starting point is 00:25:53 Surprise. episode you don't get to talk about brain fog anymore shut the fuck up that was surprise so anyway if you'd like to go listen to that uh i talk more about uh the gross system of being shanghaied in episode 111 so uptown was one of port townsend's most haunted locations and one of the main locations there is manresa Castle. So Manresa Castle, I'm so angry at myself because I know I've said it at least three or four times in other episodes, but I feel like I've covered it and I never have and one day I will. So instead of giving you all the hot goss today, this is me finally announcing that next episode i will cover manresa
Starting point is 00:26:26 castle because i can't do it anymore oh my god wait sorry what when when you mentioned the forks thing and stuff i was like oh i'll ask xandy because they just went to washington i said you didn't go to port townsend in washington did you and he said i did yeah and then sent a photo of him at the lighthouse there so So here, I'll show you. It's so sweet. Look at him. I know. He looks so happy.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I guess we have a weird little connection there, because they went like two weeks ago. I was making a joke that, oh, was he there for lighthouses? And apparently he fucking was. I was like, no, but I guess so. Well, I guess the second there's a Watertown involved, I can't be surprised. But anyway, so I'm going to do Manresa Castle next week.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Oh, so exciting. I'll cover a little bit here just to give everyone a taste. But I will say, I think it's also the story I cover in A Haunted Road Atlas. Clearly I didn't read it. Clearly neither of us read our own book i really sense we edited it which like what a joke because there's three typos i were aware before anyone
Starting point is 00:27:32 dms again about that i yeah i actually found them while doing the audiobook and then they were like sorry it's already in print and i was like yeah i was as you're doing the audiobook i was really reading my book into a microphone and i just went oh oh, well, I guess since the book's in my hand, there's no way we're going back. That's exactly what I thought. Yes. Okay. So 263. I want to make sure that I am telling everyone the truth.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Portland, Oregon. Oh, no, I did the Shanghai tunnels. Fuck. I thought so. See. Why do I think I covered the Manresa castle I don't know but maybe it's happening places to check out in that must be it I don't I'm not opening my book again but I'm not opening another book for another calendar year thank you very much I don't know what my
Starting point is 00:28:18 deal is but 254 okay no but I've seen I've seen that. You must have used that word somewhere. I did it. It's for, it's for, because I'm so stupid. Thank you. It's because Port Townsend in my head was Portland. It's because it's in Washington. I was like, maybe I did the wrong city. It's the Seattle one. Manor East of Castle. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So I knew I researched this. It still stands that i did not read the book uh at least all of it i only read my part out loud i'm not offended it's okay i'll well i'm about to tell you all about it next next week so right see i just didn't want any spoilers that's all but if you would like to um give yourself the spoilers and you happen to own our book a haunted road atlas now in stores everywhere um you can flip to page 255 and get a little sampling of what we're going to talk quite frankly it's not in stores everywhere because i every time i go into a bookstore i look for it and a lot of them don't have it and i think
Starting point is 00:29:14 it's because the first print sold out i don't know but let's say that so it doesn't hurt my feelings that's what i say in my own brain to make myself feel better um also i thought it was going to be sold in target and apparently it's only sold online at Target. Yeah, it was not sold in at Target. I checked. I was so mad. I checked. But anyway, yes, it even says Port Townsend, Washington.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So maybe next week I'll actually do my first reading, maybe? I'll do like a little excerpt of our book, maybe? Audible's going to sue you. Yeah, how does that work? That's our book. How does that work our book how does that work legally okay wow people who wanted to hear about this story are so fucking pissed we've gotten tangent sorry sorry sorry okay anyway we will discuss manresa castle in detail next week so uh but just to give you a taste of it in 1892 the main character his, his name is Charles Eisenbeiss, and he built this home.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And five years later, his son ended up shooting himself in a nearby building. Oh, God. It was called the Baker Building. And in the Baker Building, Charles Eisenbeiss Jr. was, I think he died in the boiler room there, and he now haunts it. And he's known to spin people around and push them into walls in the boiler room whoa that's very specific so specific and uh i guess it their uh descendant who has heard this story has said oh he's just playing around but if i got spun around and pushed into a wall i would be pissed boys will be boys you know uh and so
Starting point is 00:30:46 apparently in the building the descendant also did uh renovations on the building and said that she could feel her family with her the entire time and she says she felt like they at least were very pleased with the changes which i guess is good um i i assume that's off of feeling and not being spun around and pushed into a wall. I was going to say, she didn't get pushed into a wall, so she must assume they're happy. Right? Yeah. So that's where they haunt the Baker building next door. But in the actual castle, there's two main legends away from the Eisenbeis family. One of them, I'm just going to give you a taste. I'm'm gonna start the sentence and i want you to finish the sentence because i i'm so sick of this exact ghost story happening in every
Starting point is 00:31:31 it's a trope it's a trope at this point so tell me if you can guess how it ends okay in 1921 there was a woman named kate and she was staying in the castle and she was waiting for her husband to return from sea but then but then something happened I'm honestly glad this is a trope because it's such a sad story that every time I hear it I'm like god I hope that's not true it's less believable considering this happened to so many people even the were you on that one tour that ghost or we maybe it was just me and blaze we did a ghost tour here and it was that same freaking story I was like let me guess also i probably could have guessed her name was kate you could have just literally always kate it's always kate it's always kate okay so what happened that the boat returned without her love her without her love her lover her lover i don't
Starting point is 00:32:19 know and uh this is where the edible really gets me. Okay. So she saw that the boat returned from sea without her love and she assumes he died. So she takes her own life only for the love to come home the day later and say, where is I brought flowers? And Kate is gone. Bingo. So, okay. You've heard that about a jillion times. Not quite with as much poise as i just told it i'm assuming but you might have heard it something similar just to add to the trope uh there is a
Starting point is 00:32:51 chance she is uh seen wearing a certain color all the time you want to take a stab at what that dress a white fucking dress yeah um it's always kate in a white dress in the boiler room every now and then you get a red dress but it's usually white the lady in white the lady in red classic oh well i hope it's not true because we've really just were so disrespectful about all of that but yeah that too but it's just at this point like you said it's almost it almost sounds fake yeah um another version of that which is at least like mildly more original is that she cheated on her husband while he was at sea and got pregnant. And then out of shame, she hurt herself. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:33:32 That is a twist on that story. So that's the other version of it. But I don't know if either are true. Yeah. The second one is that there is or that the castle was once a school for jesuit priest students and one of the students ended up hanging himself in the attic after having an affair with a nun oh god but there's no official records of either of these stories and management insists the stories are made up despite the place being haunted they just think that these are the two stories that
Starting point is 00:34:02 kind of explain some of the activity okay um and that's why i said there were two versions to the kate story because someone might be muddling the pre-story and the kate story together which is why they think she cheated and then she jumped and then there's the suicide either way yeah yes so uh as for the ghosts there just some of the activity which i will get into, is that lights flicker on and off. The doors open and close on their own. Glasses on the table will turn upside down on their own. Like they'll walk back into the room and the cups are upside down. Was there liquid in it?
Starting point is 00:34:36 Because that would be impressive if it gets turned over and the liquid's still in it. That would, it's like those like shitty kids in a diner where they think it's funny to like make the, the waitress like lift the cup for them, for the, their change or something. What am I saying that right? I don't know. I don't know. I think I know what you mean, but I, I feel like that was a shitty thing. I saw like someone do where they put, I think they put like a piece of paper or a napkin or something on top and then turn the cup upside down and it caused like a vacuum. Yeah. But they, but they put the waitresses like change like her tip change in
Starting point is 00:35:08 there so then she had to like pick up the cup and the water goes everywhere just to be able to get the change i hope it's water and not like milk or something either way it's so fucking mean i don't even know where i heard that from i don't know i never did it but yeah it sounds very rude um just anyway so uh i hope that that's not what these fucking ghosts were doing well i mean go check if there's money under there honestly that's a great point um apparently the glasses will also just shatter in people's hands which i i don't hear a lot but but every time I hear it, it freaks me out. It is. It's something like a physics thing that's freaky about that. One time in the 70s, a caretaker was in room 306 where Kate allegedly died, and he turned around and saw his keys floating two feet above the table and then drop onto the
Starting point is 00:36:00 ground by themselves. Okay, so that kind of goes to one of those questions we sometimes ask, which is when things get moved, do they float their way there? Do they apparate and like, you know, uh, teleport there? Is there a ghost carrying them? Are they mind moving them? So that is an interesting, like maybe the ghost was trying to hide them and got caught. Oh, that is interesting. Take these with me and then drop them. Cause they got caught. I don't know. But you know, what makes it even worse though,
Starting point is 00:36:29 is if that's not usually how it's done. And the ghost was only doing this to get their attention. Ew. Just like, and then it lets you know, it knows how to do both. Yeah. That's worse.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Definitely. Also in room 306, there is said to be a female spirit in a white nightgown with dark hair um and they think it could be kate but it could also be one of the eyes and by's granddaughters um because apparently she died in the building at 13. oh no i will have to look into that because um i don't know more about that and i would like to there is a spirit uh that will actually, this makes sense with your theory, there's a spirit throughout the building that likes to move guests' items around and hide them from you. Oh, so yeah, maybe that's what they were doing. They got caught.
Starting point is 00:37:17 The spirit is said to also love women's shoes. Oh, okay. I mean, listen. Good for them. Good for them. oh okay i mean listen good for them uh apparently as they're looking through guests things to move them around they will leave the drawers open so they're like messy also like they're like a like a petty ghost of like we don't care to clean i'm gonna look through your shit and i want you to know i look yeah exactly i'm not gonna be discreet about it um people also hear singing in the
Starting point is 00:37:43 bathroom people smell something that either to them smells very good or really bad like death oh i wonder if that's based on if the ghost likes you or not yeah or if that's like a perception thing like that tells a lot about a person whether you think the smell of death is wonderful or yeah i don't know or like maybe if the spirit feels like being approached or not we'll give off a different scent. Or maybe it's different spirits. One's evil. We could do this all day.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I know. Also, people say that they have sensed someone sitting at the foot of their bed watching them sleep, which you have now experienced. Yeah, unfortunately. It's not fun. The Room even once had a guest book for guests to write their spooky encounters, but I guess guests got so freaked out that they didn't want to stay there anymore, so the book had to get removed. Yeah, they didn't want everyone to go back through all the old stories. Which is wild to me, because I feel like a lot of buildings are able to use the paranormal as a way to get tourism.
Starting point is 00:38:42 But I wonder if it's like when people show up and they don't know and then they find this book they're like oh i didn't sign up for this shit interesting i see i feel like you and i are the opposite where if we go somewhere and find out it's haunted once we're there it's like oh we'll give us like the penthouse oh yeah absolutely i'm like i already i would like to buy it please sorry hang on a second. You just caught it live, but my heart tried to have an SVT episode, and it stopped. Did I do it?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Did I make that happen? No, I told you, they're just so random. Wow, that was weird, because I felt it come on and then it couldn't happen. You feel okay now? Yeah. Oh my gosh, that's freaky. That was weird.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It was weird to feel it not happen when it was absolutely supposed to happen. Yeah, look at that. It got blocked in its path, got stopped in its path. Yeah. I told you this recently. My doctor told me that they can take away the actual episode but the feeling of it coming on will just stay forever which is awful yeah they said it was like taking like the fuel out of a lighter but like the flint you can still oh like click it oh so like
Starting point is 00:39:58 you can still click it and my heart just tried to like click it but like there wasn't any ability to like make the lighter go off if that makes sense but oh that was i didn't mean to just like totally derail the story but i'm glad that that that you have now proof or like at least some experience that it worked yeah that was it was weird to feel it try to happen though that would have also been so stupid if i was like oh now i have to go be upside down for 10 minutes. I'll be right back. Wow. All right. Well, I guess at least for once in my life, we were able to stop it. Okay, cool. I'm really impressed. That was pretty cool, Em. I mean, you know, from a third party perspective, I hope you're feeling okay. Yeah. Well, now we know I need a minute when it happens, but then I'm good. Okay. Hey, all right. Look at that. You made it through.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Then I'm good. Okay. Hey, all right. Look at that. You made it through. All right. Okay. I'm glad we also got that on camera because I can maybe see what I look like when it happens.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I would like to know. I was like, do I like kind of like zone out or something? I don't know. Okay. Anyway, back to ghosts now that we're all in the clear. Oh, right. People stare at you while you're sleeping. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:41:09 In room 302, that's supposed to be the room that is underneath the attic where the priest is said to have hanged themselves, or the student. So in room 302, directly underneath the attic, people swear that they hear footsteps above them um apparently there's also been an evp caught in the attic of a man saying i'm not here which is so eerie because like either you're you have really dry sarcasm or like it sounds like you're trying to say like i'm not supposed to be here or I don't want you to know that I'm here or it's got some sort of eerie.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Or like my spirit is here, but my body's not here. I don't know. It sounds, yeah, very ominous. Interesting. Yeah. No, it's all funky. Not here. It would freak me out, especially because I can't figure out the context.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah. It could be very funny. Like, ha ha, I'm not here. Good one. Hilarious. That's such a dad joke. It's the old priest humor, you know? You know how it goes.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So also, I will get into this in full detail, don't you worry, next week. But Ghost Adventures has done an episode there. Thank God. I do love how... The only thing I... The reason i know that i've covered it before and why my brain was like why where is this episode why haven't i covered
Starting point is 00:42:30 it yet or why do it whatever it's because i know i've watched the ghost adventures episode for research because i know exactly how zach bagan says manresa castle and he really emphasizes the reese he goes man resa castle i wonder if it's because he said it wrong the first few times and then i had to be like try again man resa you've got this zb you got it um so every i was like i know i've watched this and i know i watched it four notes so but anyway ghost avengers has done an episode there they got an evp of a girl giggling and i'll talk about this um next time too but just to throw it out there um a housekeeper actually talked to them uh when they were doing their walkthrough and said that something straight up punched her in the fucking face oh no and a child's handprint was left on her leg i think
Starting point is 00:43:22 i don't know if it was the same day or not, but really creepy if it was a little kid who punched you in the face. Even creepier if it's a grown-ass mango. I was going to say I wish, but I don't know. Anyway, other EVPs that have been caught in this house are in German, fun fact. So we will need you there
Starting point is 00:43:39 on site, on location to let us know. You can call my manager, see if I'm available. Okay, I'll let us know call my manager see if see if i'm available okay i'll text who is also my manager and i'll be like get christine to the man risa castle right now uh well apparently the eisenbeiss family was from prussia so that would make sense also there's said to be a ghost cat there all all this good stuff. So I will go into full detail on that next week. But another location in Port Townsend is the Jefferson County Historical Society's
Starting point is 00:44:15 Museum of Art and History, which is quite a mouthful. And the librarian there, this is kind of an odd one. I don't know how spooky it is, but she swears by it that she found some documents when working there of a local judge but she found them in like a really weird place in the library where they should not have been and the documents dated back to the 1890s
Starting point is 00:44:37 and she said she felt like they were almost intentionally placed there to be found by someone ew and as she was inputting the information into the computer, she felt like someone was over her shoulder the entire time, staring her down to make sure the information was put down correctly. Or they were like, what is that? And it's a computer and they've never seen it before. It's like,
Starting point is 00:44:58 how are the words showing up on this thing? But so that's one one ghost uh spooky at the museum uh at winwood's gallery and bead studio oh they apparent we all got one they what did you say the labs with the silent g uh they they have a ghost that might also be a poltergeist um because the activity is just so strong and one of the things it does is literally rattles chains ew like chains that aren't there i'm assuming like you hear the chains oh that's gross that sounds like they're trying to be spooky and that's all they can come up with it sounds like a black-eyed kid is trying to be like a stereotype of a ghost right like it's like what are you doing what do you think you're doing make a chain sound uh windows open and close items get thrown around throughout the night and apparently
Starting point is 00:45:56 there's a lot of yarn there and the yarn is always found unraveled and tossed over the staircase railings oh right it's the bead studio so yeah oh so that would suck so you're trying to imagine your whole job is just like having to reroll the yarn oh my god what a nightmare what a nightmare i don't have a cat because i feel like that would be something a cat would cause problems you know that's a great question also how come you've never given your cat a ball of yarn and just put them in a room and just let them go crazy? Because have you seen what happens? It sounds like what's happening in your story right now.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Apparently I need to go to a bead studio and get thrown over the stairs to get the first-hand experience. The next place is the Palace Hotel, which was a popular brothel in the 20s and 30s. It was nicknamed the Palace of Sweets. Gross. Oh! brothel in the 20s and 30s it was nicknamed the palace of sweets gross and all 19 rooms are named after the women who worked there i don't know if that means only 19 women work there or only the 19 favorites which feels fucked up favorites um and people actually still see women in victorian gowns walking throughout the hotel. One spirit there, her name is either Miss Claire or Miss Catherine. I'm going to go with Miss Catherine because a shorter version of that is Kate, just like every other female dress in the world.
Starting point is 00:47:16 She is a lady in a colored dress, but shockingly, a blue dress. Okay, that's new. It's even newer because she's seen coming and going through a portrait of her in the hotel. Now that's the way to go. So dramatic. That's a Linda move right there. Oh, yeah. Oh, you like this portrait?
Starting point is 00:47:34 Just wait until you see what else it can do. And then just walk out of it. 4D, really. 4D. I'm sorry. It's 4D. Another spirit there during a Ouija board session said that her name was Betty and she's 39. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Not as impressive as walking through your own portrait. Yeah, nice try, Betty. Betty made herself known the best she could, I think. Yeah, she's a little more introverted. She was like, oh, that person over there, I'm not even going to try to match their energy there is a housekeeper at the hotel that says that the spirits are very kind and once saw the spirit of a young boy on the third floor and a medium who came to the hotel said that that little boy's name was adam and he went up to her directly and asked where his mother was oh come on that's pretty heartbreaking terrible
Starting point is 00:48:21 um in the basement of this hotel, I guess there was a houseless man who used to sleep there and he is still seen in his plaid shirt that he was wearing and still looks very much alive. People are shocked when they find out that that was a ghost. In the same basement,
Starting point is 00:48:39 a medium said that there's also a lot of sad energy down there because women from the brothel would go down there to bury their stillborn infants. Okay. It just kept getting worse. It just, I had, there had to be a sad section to all of this. Oh, God. The medium also said that in the basement, there was a priest named Father Patrick who would go down there and provide last rites to these infants.
Starting point is 00:49:04 But he fell in love with one of the women oh boy when they slept together he felt too guilty that he like didn't he wasn't he couldn't be a priest anymore he felt like he had sure broken the code and so um he can no longer provide last rites for these babies and his guilt is said to still be felt in the basement wow so he must have really believed in his like priestly duties and vow and then that must have been a horrible feeling yeah so it's a lot of reasons to be sad in the basement um then i don't know where this is in port townsend maybe i i wasn't i couldn't find a location. I just know the ghost of Abigail. She just kind of roams the town. Yeah, she is.
Starting point is 00:49:51 So her dad was a business owner. And when she was 17, she started helping him with the businesses. When she met a sailor named Brian, and he moved into the building right above one of her family's stores. And they began dating in secret which her father would have not approved because he was of a lower class remember he was a sailor and probably lived by the water and she's she's an uptown girl um so they started dating in secret but when abigail's father found out him and brian got into this huge fist fight and they ended up settling on that they would do a duel no hamilton style yeah and so they did the whole thing where they walked away from each other
Starting point is 00:50:32 and then turned and fired on each other and they missed each other but one of their bullets hit abigail what in the throat and killed her and so now on foggy nights on foggy nights abigail is seen often on the staircase between uptown and downtown which is so symbolic is a beautiful metaphor poetry um yeah hopefully all these stories by the way are a complete farce and not true but yeah for for the reason that they're just very sad yeah they're so sad um there's also there were ghosts all the way back in even the 1800s um there's one story of two men at night uh finding a ghost on the waterfront uh and his head had been split in the middle by an axe oh my god oh no so what the fuck is that about what the fuck is that about um and both of them i guess had
Starting point is 00:51:26 really like they were really well loved in town and had um very good reputation so when they came into town the next day and said that they had seen that everyone believed them so that's a story that's been carried on must be nice must be i could say anything and someone would go okay yeah i don't know about that uh and then the last one is there's another haunted museum uh in washington the rothschild house and like charles eisenbeiss jr uh the head of the rothschild family got really badly hit during the depression and shot himself oh geez um he's still thought to remain in the house and uh the home has stayed in the family or at least it did until the 60s and then it became a museum and many family members who lived and died in the house still haunt there and people can tell
Starting point is 00:52:16 because there's temperature changes doors slam people feel stared at people it's also one of those places where people feel like sick and dizzy and they feel fear and it's almost like you can they're feeding off of you and you can you can feel what they were probably feeling at some point that scares me a lot when that happens just because well a we felt it or at least i've felt it when we've gone to certain places and it's a terrible feeling like you're not in control of your own emotions or feelings and it's i don't know i think it freaks me out too because it feels very internal whereas like oh something brushes by you it was just like on the surface but if it's like in your mind that feels extra invasive if oh super like i can't imagine anything more violating than something in your head yeah um ironically people say that
Starting point is 00:53:01 though the spirits are active here they mean mean no harm, which, okay. Okay. Well, I'll believe you, I guess, as long as I don't have to feel it. And those are just some of the ghosts from Port Townsend. I can't believe how haunted that is. And I can't believe my brother just went there. What a fun little crossover. Now we've got a list of places for him to visit when he just needs to see that lighthouse again.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I said, did you stay overnight in town? Because I heard you covered that hotel and then he said no that night we were in forks for the twilight vibes shut up no way yeah oh my gosh wow hey topical we should have had him on here to tell us the real scoop i'm saying the 411 of washington they were like on the on the ground what do they call it on the scene they were on the scene they were, on the ground. What do they call it? On the scene. They were on the scene. They were also on the ground, I think. Unless they were in that lighthouse. Unless they were in the lighthouse or in the water. Okay. Wow. And that was a great one. I really liked that. I, I love all your stories, but ghosty ones are, um, a personal favorite, you know? Thank you. Well, I, I hope we go to Port Townsend sometime and
Starting point is 00:54:06 I hope we go to Fork sometime and I can freak out about all the things I never read about. I love that, though, for you, because you've probably read it more than a lot of people. I mean, you've read it and a lot of people, I'm sure, have only seen the movies. So when I was 14, I do remember that book and like the original like neon green paperback of the perks of being a wallflower those two books absolutely my identity was wrapped up in those two stories and it i couldn't i couldn't rattle myself away from them for a year i was like what book i still picture in my mind which i don't even think i ever read that one called prep where the belt was like it was like one of those i never heard of that oh okay
Starting point is 00:54:45 i don't know preppy what is it hold on it was a book about like prep school uh but the cover was so like 2000 like i'm sending you the picture it's like a lime green and hot pink one of those belts that were different colors hold on i'm sending it to the geos true um and you pulled it through i don't know how to explain it. It had two links, like two metal links. Oh, you are kind of pulling something out of my brain there. But I never had interest in that one. I used to have those belts.
Starting point is 00:55:13 We all had those belts. I don't even know what they're called. But wow, were they so stupid. No, and I never even read this book. I just very specifically remember that looking at that belt and being like, that is a memoriam to the early aughts there was a book there was a book it was called bad girls or bad girls club or something but it was club it wasn't babysitter's club but i remember the word bad girls in it and
Starting point is 00:55:41 i it was it was in the children's library so i imagine like the most bad thing they did was like smoke a cigarette or something oh god but i i remember my mom saying that she'd even read the book so it must be like when she was a kid so it must be from the 60s or 70s and i remember a copy of it being in our school library and this fucking i'm sorry she was a b word which i don't use often but she was fucking awful the main character no no not in the book a real person in real life she was our she was our school librarian she was so goddamn mean i thought you had in the book no but for many reasons she was truly actually a horrible person. Is it this book?
Starting point is 00:56:26 Sorry. Hmm. Did you send me the text? I just sent it to the group. That must, maybe. I really don't remember what it looked like at all. But it had a cover to it that had gone missing. So it was just like a black book with a name on it. That was released in 05.
Starting point is 00:56:41 So I don't know. I don't know. But this book, all I wanted to do was read it. And I even remember thinking then, I don't really like to read the fact that i want to read i should be encouraged by the librarian be happy about that and she refused to ever let me touch that book and she was like she just said like oh it's too she to be completely honest in hindsight she was a raging conservative right and uh but she told me i remember trying to check out the book when i was like seven and she was like maybe when you're older and then i tried at eight she's
Starting point is 00:57:09 like maybe when you're older i don't think you're allowed to do that well then she said because fifth grade is like the end of elementary school for me and so she was like maybe when you're in fifth grade and you're older and i was like i can't possibly get older in elementary school to a point where I can now qualify to read this book so at fifth grade I finally asked like hey can I read this book and then she said like oh no I don't think it's good for you maybe when you're older and I was like girl I'm going to another building now I'm never gonna come back here honestly you should go back I okay so I did in eighth grade I was like when I went back just to be like I'm gonna read
Starting point is 00:57:43 this now and then she went you can't and I, then take it out of your system. Why does she have it there? I mean, I hated her. She also had a very specific vendetta against divorced children. Oh yeah. We had some of those. Not divorced children. We had those too, but we had some people with the vendetta. She saw us as like broken or from broken homes. and so she would pull all of us aside and like very condescendingly try to let us know that we're important and i was like she was awful she also put me in detention one time for eating carrots i'm not kidding and she didn't have a better reason i was like i what and she was like yeah they just gross some people out and i was like what is going on like carrots like you have a problem with carrots in the bad girls club book
Starting point is 00:58:29 apparently like what anyway very specific niche you know who you are and you know that you're not liked by a lot of children of divorced homes just know that we still talk about it yeah and as another person who who's from a divorced home and trusts Em's opinion of people implicitly, I also don't like you. So there. I literally never use the B word about a person. I can't even say it. I can't even say it.
Starting point is 00:58:54 You haven't even said it. But this person was just, just had such a crisis. I'll say it. You're a butthead. Thank you. Yeah. You know, someone needed to finally say it. You're a butthead. Thank you. Yeah. You know, someone needed to finally say it. She was really just so awful. And it's not even like my 10 year old brain thought it. And now
Starting point is 00:59:10 that I've grown up, I'm being dramatic. She really like was out to just, she was just a miserable person who wanted other people to be miserable too. Yeah. It's scary to look back on people from our childhood and look at them now as adults and still realize, oh, no, they were actively harming people. Yeah, there are some people I can look back on. And I'm like, okay, I get it. But I get it. Yeah. You still have a lot of a lot to answer for. Consider this your call to arms. Oh, boy. Okay. All right. Well, on that note, i hope you're still listening because i got a great story
Starting point is 00:59:49 for her is it about a children of a broken home and eating carrots or something i would never touch something so scary and dark you know oh god what a nightmare so this is the story of the abduction of Denise Huskins. And it's a relatively recent story. And it was when we were like out of college and like starting grad school. So I wonder if you know about this story. So far, no. Blaze knew what it was, sort of, when I mentioned it. Okay. So Denise Huskins, she was born in 1987, and she met her boyfriend Aaron Quinn in 2014 at this nine-month physical therapy residency where they were both attending. They were in Vallejo, California, and both work as physical therapists. So Aaron had recently broken off his engagement with another woman after discovering she had cheated on him, but he was still living with her. So his ex-fiance was still in the same apartment. They were just living in different bedrooms. Awkward. So awkward. But you know,
Starting point is 01:00:58 it's like Vallejo is like Northern California, I think. So imagine the prices on breaking up a fiance and then having to move. Fiscally makes sense. Fiscally makes sense. So he told her this. He told Denise that he was still living with his ex-fiance. But basically, he said, I'm interested in you. And they clicked pretty immediately and fell in love very fast. However, after a few months, Denise discovered that Aaron was still texting his ex-fiance and she didn't feel great about it. Okay. So she confronted him and said, you know what, like not in a mean way, but just like, you know, it feels like you're torn. It feels like you're still pursuing your ex. And I want you to make a choice. Does that make sense? That does make sense. Yeah. And ultimatum. Yeah, basically. And she said, you know, I want you to commit to me or, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:00 we're breaking up. Not in, again, not in like an aggressive way, just like you have to decide if you're in or out you know yeah no it that totally makes sense like I would like open streamlined communication in this relationship where do you stay on yeah no secrets you know no secret conversations and so his ex-fiancee moved out he said I'm all in with you, Denise. And will you come over and we will talk it out. So they had one of those nights that I have had with many, not many partners, but I've had with partners where you're like early on in the relationship, you stay up all night, like either coming to the same page or argue, not arguing necessarily, but just like figuring it out. Yeah, figuring it out. I don't know if that's
Starting point is 01:02:46 just like a me thing, but I feel like I've been in that situation before. So they spent all night in a very vulnerable conversation. And at the end of the night, they both felt like they were on good terms. They were like, we're going to stick together and make this work. And they were very happy with the way their conversation had gone so denise and erin curl up in bed together and again they're at erin's house um and they're relieved that they talked things out and they are looking forward to their future together okay that's nice that is nice that's like best case scenario and now here comes worst case scenario. That night, after they go to bed, after their long talk, March 23rd, 2015, around 3 a.m., Denise is in a deep, deep sleep when she is awoken by somebody, a man, saying, wake up.
Starting point is 01:03:37 This is a robbery. We're not here to hurt you. And she said she was just hoping it was a dream. But the man repeated the saying the phrase and she realized after he repeated it multiple times that this was a real life invasion and there were people in her bedroom okay i guess his bedroom but where she was sleeping terrifying terrifying so at this point aaron is waking up as well and the way he described it i listened to a criminal podcast did a two-parter on this and
Starting point is 01:04:11 they actually interviewed the two of them um and he explains that he woke up and was just so frozen with fear but he was staring at the ceiling and could see like the kind of light that the intruders were holding and there were also red lasers like from a gun you know what i mean like oh shit like they could see the red light uh from a gun moving around the room so so wild uh the same voice which by the way was this kind of robotic voice like very like measured and robotic and pre-planned was reassuring Denise as she forcibly tied up Aaron so they said take these zip ties they're instructing the voice is instructing her take these zip ties which you know we don't like the zip tie thing uh and bind Aaron's legs and hands
Starting point is 01:05:00 and while she's doing this this voice this robotic voice keeps reassuring her and saying you are doing a good job you are staying very calm oh this monotone robotic voice that's so like extra it's cold sinister yeah yeah i don't know what the it feels more evil i guess because you can't even relate to hearing a human voice like i i know that like it wouldn't be better if like some strange man's voice was saying this but i feel like you have no way of connecting to a person so when they take even the voice away exactly and denise said this something really similar about the fact that it was so kind she said it was almost worse because
Starting point is 01:05:46 they it felt like a manipulation tactic like we're being so kind and gentle to you but we're also like forcibly invading your home and it's like you it's like the evil smile of yeah yeah you're like it's almost like you're trying to comfort me you're like playing on it. In a complete crisis you're causing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like extra dark. So as she's tying up her boyfriend, they're saying, you know, you're doing a great job. Just super creepy. And then they make Denise walk across the bedroom to the closet. And as she walked and was looking at the floor, she noticed there were two sets of legs.
Starting point is 01:06:21 So she knew wearing all black. So she knew there were at least two intruders. Okay. two sets of legs so she knew wearing all black so she knew there were at least two intruders okay one of them made denise put on a pair of swim goggles and then they duct taped the goggles over her eyes to blind her wow okay i don't like that um he was careful not to pull her hair with the tape once again this like gentle theme of like pulling her hair out of the way to make sure it doesn't get caught in the tape very gross and then he put this just gets weirder and weirder he put headphones on her oh for complete deprivation no no sensory what no they played calming music and it had like a voiceover on this tape on these headphones. Was it like the same Microsoft Sam voice? So it's the same guy.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And he says. So he pre-made a track. He pre-made a track. A mixtape for this occasion. I feel like at this point, it's got to be the fiance already. It's like already so. It feels like it's got to be someone who clearly cares about her and doesn't want to hurt her and is like very specifically trying to make this less traumatic
Starting point is 01:07:31 as if you could do that yeah okay so maybe it's not i don't want to like the it sounds like there there becomes a big kerfuffle around okay i was gonna say you're in the right like uh you're in the right headspace of whodunit you know okay okay i didn't want you're in the right like uh you're in the right headspace of who done it you know okay okay i didn't want to like this but there is an answer at the end so this is not an unsolved cool yeah so don't worry you'll you'll get the at least the the reassurance of of an answer geez okay so it's playing this calming music and then the same robotic voice said things like, stay calm. We are not here to hurt you.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Which, by the way, sounds like an alien to me. I was about to say. Doesn't it? Like speaking in a very creepy voice and trying to make you feel calm, even though there's no way you feel calm right now. Yeah, it feels. Yeah, exactly. It's like very clinical. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Some sort of like. Yeah, I don't like it icky so it says we are not here to hurt you this is not your fault we are here purely for financial reasons this will be over soon and so this is just what she's hearing in these headphones in the closet uh alongside like soft instrumental music that's meant to be calming. So Denise recognized that all this comfort was an intense manipulation tactic. And it was like we said, even more terrifying because it was like the burglars had planned this whole thing. It wasn't like, oh, they just stumbled upon a house that they could break into. It was like, It wasn't like, oh, they just stumbled upon a house that they could break into. It was like we knew what we were doing and we prepared for it, even the psychological aspects of it.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And then she realized that they knew Aaron's name because they. I was going to say that earlier because you said, oh, tie Aaron's legs up. But I thought I thought you were just letting me know that it was Aaron's legs, not that you were quoting it. Yeah, they did say, you know, tie up Aaron's legs and hands. And they told Aaron himself, turn over on your stomach, Aaron. Well, that's what I'm, that, it's okay. So this is someone who clearly cares about, like, trying to talk them dark situation dark time this dark time they've created and also they know aaron so i feel like i already know the answer but i'm probably not right okay it's weird so this is like this manipulation tactic they clearly are psychologically like prepared for what's going
Starting point is 01:10:01 to happen they have a mixtape they already brought with them all very disturbing then the voice said that he was a medical professional and that he would use a concoction of nyquil and diazepam to sedate the two of them and uh fun fact diazepam is valium and azepam is clonopin uh and i, I don't want to say it wrong. Ativan is a lazzapam? No, I don't know. It doesn't matter. Okay. That's not a fun fact that I know benzos. Sorry. Azzapam is Xanax because that's what I have. Okay. Okay. Then I don't know what Ativan is. Anyway, so she's in the closet. This voice is going over saying, stay calm. And then the next thing they do is say, we're going to drug you.
Starting point is 01:10:49 But don't worry. I'm a medical professional, which I guess is supposed to be once again. Are you Googling it? I was. Does it say? Well, I said it. I said it. Xanax is Alprazolam.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Alprazolam. And Ativan is Lorazepam. Lorazepam. Yeah. There you go. Sorry. Fun fact. I wasn't going to steal your thunder, but I wanted to be able to give you the...
Starting point is 01:11:13 No, I'm glad you figured it out before we got a bunch of tweets being like, you don't even know your benzos. Okay. All right. So anyway, they say, say you know stay calm i'm a medical professional and i'm going to sedate you with uh valium and nyquil but i'm a medical professional so it's all okay i guess i was supposed to be calming he even um took their blood pressures okay so like fully either committing to the act or is actually a doctor but also if you're a doctor
Starting point is 01:11:44 why would you be doing that like that does but also if you're a doctor why would you be doing that like that does it like if you're a doctor robbing someone what's the point of checking their blood pressure it's just a weird thing to do no matter what but he also asked questions about their medical history their allergies and he said are you on any medications that might interfere with the ativan or the nyquil and it's like why why do you care it seems like he genuinely cares whether I feel like maybe like the other guy that was clearly involved in this had to be like like Bob we're robbing them like get out like you need to leave out leave work at the office like we've got to he like pulls a blood pressure cuff out of damn it i thought we got all
Starting point is 01:12:25 the got rid of all those he like was hiding a blood pressure cuff on him he's like oh my gosh this is so funky okay weird it's it's very weird it's one of the weirder ones i've done so aaron and denise drank the sedatives because it was like nyquil mixed with um uh valium also it feels like you have have to almost trust what the voice is saying because if they're just going to... Are they just drinking it on their own instead of it being forced down their throat? So then you just have to blindly trust that it really
Starting point is 01:12:55 is that combo, not arsenic or something. Yeah, you don't actually know. I mean, yeah, you could easily be lying. But I'm pretty sure in the criminal episode she said that they said, if you don't drink it we will inject it so oh god this poor fucking girl yeah it's like it's like what's worse you know neither one's good but trauma i can't imagine exactly so aaron and denise drink the sedatives and then the voice starts grilling them for their bank account information and at first you know denise is like okay that sense. They're trying to steal our money.
Starting point is 01:13:25 And she's still hoping this is just a robbery, even though at this point it's like clearly they're in it for way more than money. They're getting way involved with this couple for some reason. And so the voice asked for their bank account information, even their iTunes password. Like that's how thorough, which by the way, I'd be dead because I don't fucking remember my I. The number of people who don't know their Apple ID password, which is everyone on the planet. So I don't really understand how this was so effective.
Starting point is 01:13:56 But I guess it worked. iTunes. Can I ask what the point was of like, what were they going to find? They just said they were trying to rob them of anything and everything they could any dime they could possibly have i i guess i'm not totally surprised by that because if this person is like is i'm gonna roll with this person is actually a doctor or in the medical world in some way i just immediately associate those people with like a type a personality and like having lists for everything
Starting point is 01:14:25 overly prepared hello they literally had their own like fucking soundcloud or something playing so like it sounds like they thought yeah that's probably why they want the itunes password they're like i want to download this on as many people's napsters as possible to subscribe well i i feel like it feels like they beyond overprepared. So I'm not surprised they probably had a checklist of like everything down to an iTunes account. It was like a long list. So they clearly had sat there and gone. And, you know, I've done that before when I'm budgeting and I'm which is a very rare occurrence. But when I'm budgeting and I'm like, what do I pay for every month?
Starting point is 01:14:59 And then I just keep thinking of things like five dollar donation to this or like, oh, that $9.99 I paid for Netflix or what have you. So I wonder if you just sat there, literally came up with every possible subscription you could have. Maybe they have a subscription to like Truebill or something where it just shows you a list of every service. Well, that is promo code drink because this is not an ad, but I tell you, they're a great service. Not meant to be an ad but also like very also good on you true bill yeah so they're asking for every single password including itunes passwords and more um again being eerily quote-unquote considerate the voice asked denise if there's anything on her phone that she doesn't want aaron to see and she's like no and he's like
Starting point is 01:15:42 okay then i'll give it to aaron but also okay wait but so fucking considerate of like oh do you have any like any new any nudes or something any nudies on there you don't want him to see and she's like why on earth would someone care about like if you're i this feels like you know how the um those stories you've covered of like the nicest robber in town or something yeah yeah yeah yeah he's apologizing the whole time yeah he's at least thinking like hey like before i ruin your relationship any further yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly let me help you get rid of like your the dms or something or you know like i'll just close out the dms before i hand him the phone it's so strange and it like flies in the face of every crime like every it's like violent robbery like they're doing physical crime but like they
Starting point is 01:16:32 have such a moral compass yes it's the weirdest weirdest combination and it just doesn't add up you know and so he takes the phone to aaron and he starts quizzing him on even more personal information. He wants everybody's name, everybody's information. And this whole time, Denise is just praying that like, OK, please. Like she she knows, I think, subconsciously, but she's praying that this is just a burglary. And then the voice picks her up. And I'm saying the voice as in like whoever is behind the voice. Like Jarvis is just hanging out
Starting point is 01:17:05 somewhere so the voice picks denise up and carries her downstairs and lays her on aaron's couch he asked if she was comfortable and she said she was cold so he put a blanket over her then the voice went upstairs to aaron and when he came back he told denise there's a problem first of all she's probably like yeah no shit uh you also duct tape goggles to my face there is certainly a problem again she must have um i i hope this doesn't sound victim blaming because that's not that's not what i'm trying to do here but it's interesting that she felt safe enough to like address that she was cold because i feel like if someone said like if someone broke into my house and was like is there anything i can like help you with i'd be
Starting point is 01:17:51 like yo i'm good if i'm alive i'm okay please don't even think it's like on her i think it's almost like this intruder was clearly so good at disarming her you know what i mean like or maybe she was trying to connect or that or maybe she was playing along and didn't want to get you know in trouble so to speak yeah so so he puts a blanket on her then he comes back down he says we've got a problem here and she's like no shit but basically they say to her we thought you were jennifer aaron's ex-fiancee because remember she had just moved out i also like who i'm sorry who the fuck are these people because they're now also you were jennifer my bad so like now they're admitting to the person
Starting point is 01:18:33 they're doing all this to they're just like they're like well now that we have a cute back and forth now that we've got this rapport i feel like i should let you know this was the original plan we thought you were jenny oopsies yeah that's basically how this whole thing goes so they go they go we thought you were Jennifer and they even asked Aaron like does Jennifer look similar to Denise and he was like yeah they both have long blonde hair and they were like oh man we got it mixed up and so who are these people what the fuck is going on and it's such such a bad shit story so it's i don't know what is she supposed to do with that information she's like does that mean i get to go does that mean you're gonna kill me now like you know denise doesn't know what that means oh we thought you
Starting point is 01:19:15 were jennifer um the voice calmly told denise i'm going to take you hostage for 48 hours and he then explained how this was going to work he explained the process for how now you're in the fold you're you have to play along with us you're jennifer for now just temporarily so they say he says we're going to transport you in a trunk and then we're going to transfer you to a different trunk and then we're going to take you to a location and kidnap you for 48 hours. But don't worry. You'll be fine. I'd be like, can you?
Starting point is 01:19:49 Okay. I wouldn't even know what to say to that. We're going to take you hostage for 48 hours. We're going to tell you every step of the way what's going on. We're going to take you in the trunk. And get this. Denise says, can I use the bathroom before we leave? And he's like, sure, of course.
Starting point is 01:20:03 And he just lets her go to the bathroom by herself, like with, you know, just says, I want you to have privacy. So thank you for respecting my privacy. It's so mind boggling. I finally don't feel violated by tonight. Yeah, how polite. And so then he finds her overnight bag that she had packed to stay at Aaron's
Starting point is 01:20:22 and grabbed it along with her purse and glasses to make sure she had all her belongings. And on their way out, Denise asked for the blanket because she was shaking so hard. She was like, can I bring the blanket? And he apologized. And he said, oh, I'm so sorry. We didn't notice how cold it was because we're wearing wetsuits. This guy really unhinged. He's got to just be the worst criminal there ever was he's in that dumb criminal book but it's just him it's a book is only about him because this is next level like is he is he trying to because it would be fucking sinisterly genius if he was just throwing out facts like this to throw her off and he was never
Starting point is 01:21:05 in a wetsuit or something he was in a tuxedo uh-huh you get it or a speedo and he's like yes i do know how cold it is because i'm naked right now but i'll never tell you yeah so he says we're in a wetsuit and she actually said um in the criminal episode she said she thought that was very weird but actually aaron thought it made some sense because they were right on the water. I guess the town Vallejo is like right on the water and there are ways you can you could escape like via waterway. So they plan on like they're escaping a big like a swimming situation. So that's what he said. Maybe he said maybe that's why. So that is what clicked in Aaron's head. And Aaron, because he lived in this town, so he knew.
Starting point is 01:21:45 clicked in Aaron's head and, um, Aaron, cause he lived in this town. So he knew. And then he also said maybe it was a way for them to avoid dropping DNA by basically just covering their whole bodies in a wetsuit so that they wouldn't, you know, shed any hair or skin cells, et cetera. So either way, um, they give her the blanket because she's cold and they put you in, put her in the trunk. And then they say, um um we're going to close the trunk now and so aaron is inside and he can still hear this and so he hears them say okay denise we're gonna put you in the trunk and we're gonna close the lid and he's just helpless inside like hearing his girlfriend being taken away oh my god i like wow trauma trauma trauma trauma and so they put her in aaron's car the trunk take aaron's car
Starting point is 01:22:28 and basically just spirited her way into the night uh in the trunk with her blanket and she was heavily sedated at this point and so she's trying to stay awake but she's drifting in and out of consciousness she's in pain because she's crammed sideways into this trunk um And of course, her mind is like racing with all the possibilities. You know, are they going to set the car on fire with me in it? Are they going to torture me? What's going to happen to my boyfriend? Yeah. Have they killed my boyfriend?
Starting point is 01:22:53 Like any possible number of horrible things that could be going on. And speaking of boyfriend, meanwhile, Aaron's back at home. And this time he gets headphones. And so he gets a set of headphones on him and this also has a pre-recorded message the pre-recorded message explains that they were kidnapping Jennifer but then they had to put like the little brackets and say Denise you know like all of a sudden they put like they had to rewrite it like a correction yeah like how our book we couldn't correct the typos in time that's
Starting point is 01:23:25 kind of what happened it's like it's already printed into my sound cloud so i can't change it now but just imagine every time i say jessica that i'm sorry jennifer that i'm saying uh denise is what i imagine they told him so they said we're kidnapping denise for ransom and they had very explicit instructions for him. They said his phone, computer, and house were all wired. And if he tried to call the police, they would hurt Denise and hurt his family. They said they knew everything about him and gave him instructions on receiving phone calls and emails from them. And it said, you will pay $15,000 if you want to get Denise back. So this is what this SoundCloud recording is saying into his ears so
Starting point is 01:24:06 eventually aaron who had also been sedated passes out and when he wakes up he immediately follows the instructions that the voice had left him he exchanged emails and texts with this mysterious intruder who told him to wire over two separate payments of eighty five hundred dollars because i guess that was the cap of like where you'd have to report it I think $8,500 so it was two separate $8,500 payments again talk about being type a like they thought that they knew that like they really did their research yeah it's weirdly researched but then could not execute with just announcing your plan half the time. Great point. Great point. Greatly executed until or greatly prepared and not well executed. And so as they had instructed him, he called out of work and then he texted Denise's boss and said, oh, she had a family emergency.
Starting point is 01:24:56 So she won't be coming in today. This is what they told him to do. OK. Finally, he's so desperate for help. He doesn't know what to do because he's been told not to dial 911. And like, think about it. His fear is I call 911. What if they kill Denise? They're like, well, you broke the rules, you know, and he doesn't want that, obviously. So he calls his brother and it just so happens his brother is a special agent for the FBI.
Starting point is 01:25:19 They didn't research that, I bet. They clearly didn't. And he said if if they saw that I was calling someone, I would just say, oh, it's just my brother. And they could confirm it was his brother. But, you know, they didn't realize that he was working for the FBI. So he calls his brother and his brother is like, we got to call 911. We need like the whole police force behind this. So as soon as the police arrived they unfortunately acted suspicious of aaron so they asked uh if he was on can you imagine can you imagine calling your brother
Starting point is 01:25:51 and being like i need help and then they go what did you do yeah exactly they're like well we think you should go to jail now thanks for calling um so they are suspicious of him they ask if he is on drugs and he says yes they this they this intruder drugged me. And they're like, so you've been partying. And he's like, oh, I'm not partying. I've been drugged by force. I can't imagine thinking you finally like have a way into getting help. Just getting I can't imagine the the panic to like not just like the frustration of not being heard, but the of like you're not taking this seriously and my girlfriend is fucking taken somewhere it's like one of the most infuriating things i feel like we see with with true crime when people when victims are not taken seriously or taken at their word it's like just painful to watch and read about and so yeah they're they're like oh so you've been partying, huh? And he's like, no, I'm not partying. I've been drugged by an intruder and they took my girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Then they asked if he was drinking. He's like, no, I have not been drinking. And they're acting super casual as if like he didn't just tell them Denise's life was on the line. They wandered around the house a bit. Then they asked Aaron if he'd been fighting with Denise. And pretty quickly Aaron realized, oh, wait, I'm not a victim here. I'm a suspect. around the house a bit then they asked aaron if he'd been fighting with denise and uh pretty quickly aaron realized oh wait i'm not a victim here i'm a suspect so they take him to the police station and they take his clothes as evidence um and put him in prison sweats almost immediately
Starting point is 01:27:18 as if he's already you know whoa there and they sent in a guy, which, by the way, I want to add to that. Apparently, he did not ask for a lawyer because he had seen on so many shows and stuff that if you call a lawyer, you're guilty. You know what I mean? Like only the guilty ones immediately lawyer up, so to speak. And so he didn't call a lawyer right away. And I want to point out right here, folks, you have the right to an attorney. It doesn't matter why. If you're in that position, call somebody because they can really they know tactics to make you say whatever they want.
Starting point is 01:27:55 It's just a scary situation to be in, I imagine. So, you know, just just just a little PSA. You can always call for a lawyer. So they're asking they're acting like he's a suspect. They put him in police sweats. And then they bring in a guy named Detective Matt Mustard. Is he related to Colonel Mustard? That's my uncle, Colonel Mustard.
Starting point is 01:28:21 It's like nepotism. I know, right? Because he ends up, I don't know if he was sergeant at this point but yeah he was sergeant detective matt mustard is what his name is so this is just colonel mustard it's like prequel i think so his arc story okay his his villain arc you'll see why so oh shit okay yeah we don't love matt mustard despite the awesome name um so meanwhile denise was transferred from Aaron's car to a different trunk. So like second location, basically in the trunk of the car, and then ended
Starting point is 01:28:52 up blindfolded at a strange house. The voice tells her to shower and give her some and gave her some privacy. And he said he didn't want to quote dehumanize her more than he already had. Thanks. Finally. So glad you care. Yeah, really. I mean, I wonder if this is how Stockholm Syndrome happens, because I'm like, this is so twisted, this mind game, you know? And I wouldn't blame her.
Starting point is 01:29:14 No, not at all. So meanwhile, Denise is at this new place and she takes a shower and has the privacy during this period, at least. Well, she doesn't really have privacy. But he's acting like he's giving her privacy. And then the voice explains to her. And remember this whole time she still has the goggles on and duct tape over her face. So she can't see.
Starting point is 01:29:34 And the voice tells her that he and his colleagues were part of a highly organized group that collects ransom for people in debt and with other needs. collects ransom for people in debt and with other needs okay so basically like a black market they said for helping people get out of debt but like they're the good guys it's sort of i imagine it's sort of like a robin hood thing where they're like we're taking money but we want to do it as painlessly as possible and we're doing it to help people i don't know is what the vibe was to me sure um he said now this is where you will probably laugh because he said it was his first mission he ever led with the group and i think that tracks i was gonna say what a surprise surprise he is like basically face palming because he's like oh i thought you were jennifer and you know he already the second he said wetsuit i feel like the guy in the other room went are you fucking kidding me like he's like or the like clearly the second guy did not like like fact
Starting point is 01:30:39 check or qa the uh the audio when he's like, I am a doctor. Dude, what are you doing? You don't have this much creative freedom, we told you. So he said a week ago they had already been in Aaron's house and that would have been before Denise was staying there. So they're like, we had already scouted
Starting point is 01:31:01 the house, which is also creepy to think that they had already been in the house before and just like left without touching anything. Yucko. Hate it. It's super violating. Super violating. And they said that night they were going to do more and attack that night, except there was a heavy local police presence. So they postponed until this this night
Starting point is 01:31:26 so he told denise that the members of this group he was in were highly skilled some were ex-military she had no idea at this point what to think um or like what he was even going to do to her he left her alone for a while and then came back and said we have another complication while and then came back and said we have another complication now what it gets pretty dark here because he tells her um you know we thought you were jennifer as she's like i fucking know already um and we had collateral on jennifer we knew we did our research we knew all the kind of things we could hold against her as collateral damage but we don't have anything against you to not rat on us so now we have to kill you we have to rape you a video of it as collateral damage that's what he says to her he says one of the men is going to have to rape you. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:25 He said sleep with you. But, you know, I'm using the proper verbiage here. And he says they they would record it. And if she tried to report any of these details, then they would release the video as blackmail. And she's thinking to herself, OK, release it as blackmail. But it's rape. So, like, why would that be? You know, right. release it as blackmail but it's rape so like why would that be you know right but so he tells her
Starting point is 01:32:46 in order for it to not look like assault i want you to make it look consensual and so she's put in this position like for what she said in the uh criminal episode that she felt like she was acting for her life like trying to make it like not make this person angry that she was like faking her acting, quote unquote, but like obviously still being brutally attacked. So how do you wait that that happened? Did it actually happen? Oh, yeah. So they God, I don't know who I think it was the main guy, the voice, he raped her. And they taped it it and said we have this now and if you try to report any of these details you know we have this footage and we will say it was uh oh my god and so he said this was the collateral in case he messed up another quote mission and they said
Starting point is 01:33:43 it was collateral he's like don't worry it's also collateral against me because they can show if i mess up a mission they can show it to my fiance and she'll think i'm having an affair like what i would fuck i would immediately just show everybody just punch him in the nose i can't oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I thought this. I thought I was working off your energy and everything seemed like it was playful up until now. It was. I mean, not playful, but you know what I mean.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Yeah, yeah. I thought I was expecting to hear at the end of this. So, like, oh, either she was in on it or the boyfriend was in on it or something. And this was all a hoax. Well, wait, there's more. Oh, wait, there's more. So, okay. So she goes through this horrific trauma on top of everything else. And he says, but don't worry, it's also collateral for me because they'll show it to my fiance if I, to out me as a cheater, if I mess up another mission um and he even told her big yikes that it was more of a punishment for him than it would be for her you know that's just
Starting point is 01:34:51 like i mean i can't even that's forget i heard it i heard it the first time and i went fuck that forget it yeah um and it went on like this uh the voice clearly liked to think of himself as kind and really like a gracious host almost uh he gave denise movies to watch he at one point even got her pizza and wine for dinner like brought her wine and he tried to joke around with her he told her she was strong and admirable for the way she was handling the situation um all while like simultaneously dehumanizing her and assaulting her etc and it's like those two that dichotomy is so disturbing for some reason because we expect a criminal to act in a certain way yeah and it just doesn't
Starting point is 01:35:30 line up in our minds i guess it just makes it extra creepy um meanwhile detective matt mustard is interrogating aaron and they played a clip of this uh he basically tells aaron this is a verbatim from the transcribed interrogation recordings quote listen to me for a second the story you're telling here i ain't buying it at all there ain't no frog men came into your house nobody dressed in wetsuits it didn't happen that didn't happen uh he told aaron he knew that aaron had killed denise uh he said maybe it was an accident but we know you killed her and we know you know where she is oh my god and they're like and Aaron goes you have my phone check my phone and they go not one person has reached out to your phone for ransom and he's like well shit
Starting point is 01:36:16 like if they were reaching out then maybe it'd be proof that you know this is real someone else is out there uh and so they say you know what since we confiscated your phone, nothing's come in. So he's just in this horrible, horrible position right now. And despite hours of interrogation with detectives insisting to him that he killed killed Denise. And at this point, you can see once again for the millionth time how easy it is for someone to be coerced or manipulated in a high pressure situation like this, especially say they have like, you know, learning disability, or they have, you know, a certain thing riding on, on this, or yeah, who knows what, but like for mental illness, whatever it may be, you could see how, like, forcefully, people get pushed into answering
Starting point is 01:37:06 a certain way. And so for hours and hours, he's like denying like I did nothing to Denise. I did not. And so, like I said earlier, he was afraid to ask for a lawyer because in the cop shows, it looks like, oh, the if you lawyer up right away, well, that's a red flag. You probably had something to do with it yeah um he wanted the police to just trust him and he felt confident in his story so he felt like he didn't need a lawyer um but they just did not believe him no matter what so instead they got the fbi involved in the interrogation and unfortunately the fbi also said hey we need you to just confess to what you've done because we know that you harmed Denise. What the hell?
Starting point is 01:37:47 They said, this story that you're telling is just way too off the wall to be real. Okay. And they said, we're going to call Denise's family now and we're going to tell them we're looking for her body. And they're trying to pressure him basically they even told him he had uh failed a lie detector test without like showing the results like they were really pushing this um but denise's parents were dumbfounded they were like uh we don't think aaron would hurt her um and i want to point out like an interesting fact here too they've only been dating for seven months at this point. Like this is a very fresh relationship. So even though the family didn't know him that well, they were like, no, I don't think he would have done this.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Something's not adding up. So it just gets weirder. So meanwhile, the kidnappers are watching TV and they say the news and they see that Aaron has been arrested on suspicion of killing his wife, Denise. So they contact the kidnappers, contact the San Francisco Chronicle, and they release a statement to take credit for the abduction. They even recorded Denise's voice saying she was alive and safe and released it to the public to take credit for the kidnapping. To brag. Yeah, to be like, no, no, no, he didn't do it. We did it.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Not even to brag necessarily, but to say like, oh, no, Aaron didn't do it. Like they didn't want him to get the credit. Yeah. Or they didn't want him to be in trouble. They were like, oh, yeah, because they're so fucking kind. Yeah, because they're so gracious. And so they're like, oh, no, no, that wasn't kind. Yeah, because they're so gracious. And so they're like, oh, no, no, that wasn't Aaron. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:39:26 That was us. And guess what? They think Aaron is setting this all up behind the scenes and pulling the strings. What did Aaron do for the entire police force, including his brother, to be so prepared to have to, like, go in on him? Well, you know, there's this, like, trope of the husband did it. And you hear such a whack out story of, like, oh, this guy played a meditation into my ears. And I mean, I feel like if someone's going to like. Like try to trick the police, like at least pick something like believable, right?
Starting point is 01:39:56 Yeah, it seems outrageous. I feel like the more unbelievable, the more I'd be like well that's original like i would like to think you're not that stupid that you would say that to us if you want us to think that this is a real good cover up like yeah yeah it feels like if you were going to cover it up you wouldn't be like anyway they were also in wetsuits and they played the soundcloud mix right like i think you'd pick something like like inconspicuous that would be hard to track or something but we do hear those stories where the people who did do it come up with the most fantastical like that's true reasons so i'm sure they've heard it all as far as like how they got in possession of this gun or how like you never know i feel i still feel like the brother should have been able to hear panic in his brother's
Starting point is 01:40:38 voice and taking it seriously no the brother that's the thing, fully believed him. Oh, OK. So the brother wasn't the one who said, you know, he called the police because he said, we want to make sure we find Denise. He didn't call the police thinking, oh, my brother has done something horrible. So for what it's worth. And I think I mentioned this later, but they actually did try to convince his brother that he was having a schizophrenic break. And his brother sat down with him and went no he's not like i know he's i know him and i know he's not having a schizophrenic break so you know nice try boy um so they still think at this point that he's sending himself scheduled emails and texts posing as the abductors and called the san francisco chronicle and made all this up.
Starting point is 01:41:29 So the detectives contact Aaron's brother, Ethan, this one I was just telling you about, and they tell him, oh, it's a psychotic schizophrenic break. And he killed Denise because of this psychotic break. And so Ethan gets to Aaron and speaks to him and is like, no, it's not. I know my brother. It's not. and thank god he had the wherewithal to secure a lawyer for his brother for aaron so finally aaron has a lawyer gets released and meets with police later and this is when the police didn't even make this point but somebody on his team noticed that his phone was on airplane mode and they're like well no shit you haven't been getting any contact from the kidnappers the phone's on airplane mode so they take it off airplane mode and a flood of emails texts communications voicemails from the abductors come in they
Starting point is 01:42:17 must have been wondering on the other side like why isn't this fucking guy they were they were like i mean they left so many voicemails he said that his voicemail inbox was like full they just couldn't even access it anymore and uh so basically i think one of the more infuriating parts about this too is that they like aaron later found out that if they had been tracking these calls they would have been able to pinpoint where the phone was coming from oh that's just i can't even imagine and instead they just turned it off essentially and just didn't so like if they needed to find her they could have traced the phone and you know probably rescued her but anyway so basically all these flood of texts and emails come in and guess what the police say you caused this you might you must have just
Starting point is 01:43:06 sent these from a different email account or phone so what does he need to do to like literally walk on water i have no idea like i think this is one of those where it's like they've decided something and they're just digging their heels in no matter what you know like like la la la plug in their ears like they must have been so busy with other cases. They were like, we just will find any excuse to not have to deal with. No, I think it was like they got their guy in their mind and they were like, we will nail this guy for it. You know what I mean? Like they were just so focused on putting him away for it that they just refused to accept any other.
Starting point is 01:43:39 And there were reports later that they absolutely ignored evidence and just barreled through. One of the officers actually later sued the police station for the department for wrongful termination because I guess he had been questioning what was going on and he had been asked to delete text messages off the phone. Oh, fuck that. Yeah. So like really, really, really bad cover-up stuff um so anyway they oh they turn the phone on and they're like well you must have just scheduled all these hundreds of voicemails and calls and texts and meanwhile uh the kidnappers with denise are like why the fuck won't this guy answer the phone we told him to talk to us and to follow our instructions yeah and so so the next morning march 25th it's only been 48 hours since the abduction but now they would now in theory they're going to release her
Starting point is 01:44:33 yeah the voice drops denise off in huntington beach at a public bathroom and leaves sets are free sets are free and she gets out and she's looking around and she's like, oh, I'm in Huntington Beach. So like Southern California near Los Angeles. And she realizes, oh, this is where my parents live. So she's like, I'll go walk to my mom's house. But unfortunately, her parents were in Vallejo because their daughter's missing and so they had flown up there so she's walking around and she manages to find one of her neighbors and has them call for help so around 9 30 p.m Vallejo police uh public information officer lieutenant Kenny Park under the supervision of chief Bidu held a press conference and this is where like I just want to scream but he tells
Starting point is 01:45:29 the media that police now believe Denise and Aaron had worked together to orchestrate the entire abduction simply for attention so full-blown victim blaming full-blown full-blown like the definition of um I'm gonna read you this line from the press conference uh it's infuriating today there is no evidence to support the claims that this was a stranger abduction or an abduction at all given the facts that have been presented thus far this event appears to be an orchestrated event and not a kidnapping mr quinn and miss huskins have plundered valuable resources away from our community and taken the focus away from the true victims of our community while instilling fear among our community members. So if anything, it is Mr. Quinn and Miss Huskins that owe this community an apology.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Is that not mind blowing? I. i it's like when some when someone becomes an arsonist if it's for if it's for a situation like i would want to burn the whole fucking department down i would be like i'd be oh my god i would go on a spree i would not know how to i wouldn't even know what to do yeah when he it's and it's so hard to imagine like he's describing his aaron was describing his anger and he's like i've never been so angry he was just shaking but he's like there's nothing I could do like nothing you're just cornered I can't imagine and that poor fucking girl the poor okay the poor guy Aaron who is so desperately trying to get someone to save his girlfriend yeah and can you can you imagine the guilt later when he finds out that
Starting point is 01:46:59 she was yeah r-worded and and on top of it like his phone was on airplane mode so i'm sure part of him thinks like if i answer the phone sooner or something well that's the thing it's like they could have potentially tracked the phone before she got raped and saved her so it's like you know there's no way to know obviously and then they say that they but because she's alive it's sort of like well it all turned out fine you know and it's like so also you owe us an apology yeah well yeah and so they're basically saying well isn't this convenient she shows back up and uh having just escaped from this fucking nightmare and just hoping like finally i'm free and she even described it like i wasn't sitting there you know i didn't realize i would have to be sitting there going what
Starting point is 01:47:42 can i do now in my kidnapping situation to later prove that this really happened? Like she said she went through spirals where she was like, should I have like gotten more injured? Like would an internal injury have proven that? And then she later realized like, no, nothing she would have done would have convinced them. Like no amount of bruising would have convinced them. Right. Because you just hit yourself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because you just hit yourself. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:05 Yeah. They could explain it away. I mean, he's apparently calling himself over and over, you know. Did they ever get justice? Ever? Yeah. So, well, so this is still on this. There's more.
Starting point is 01:48:17 But wait, there's more. So Denise was reunited with her family only to find out not only did she have to now recover from this trauma, but she also had to get a defense lawyer to fight criminal charges because the police department is now leveling these charges against them for wasting resources. And not only that, but now her reputation is like destroyed because they've tanks because they've gone on record. The police are saying that she plotted her own kidnapping now this is when we get the name of this case which is the real life gone girl because they dubbed denise one of the reports dubbed denise the real life gone girl in reference to the book and movie about the woman who fakes her own abduction and the media went absolutely nuts and to the point that uh detectives on the case started calling Denise Gone Girl instead of her actual name.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Well, also, like, how demeaning on top of everything else. We can't even say her name. Absolutely. Like, talk about dehumanizing once again. But so I had mentioned this to Blaze. And, you know, what's terrible is when I started researching this, reading up on it, I was like, oh, right, that woman who actually faked her own abduction, because that's all I remember. Yeah. And Blaze, when I mentioned it, too, I said, do you do you know about the real life gone girl case? And he's like, oh, that woman in California who invented her whole abduction. And I'm like, no, because that's all
Starting point is 01:49:39 we all heard. Like all we heard was, oh, my God, can you believe this lady faked her own abduction we never heard the update of oh hold up she didn't fake it right oh my god the story stuck like for me at least and for blaze we both remembered it as that oh that crazy lady in california can you imagine like it just like really makes probably her and me also feel that like oh so the police won like they totally covered it up to a point where now like her reputation was already sullied and they like made sure to like completely get her in a nickname and everything really yeah it's like it just stuck as that story and i think it just wasn't as compelling when they found out oh no this was real i just think that wasn't as compelling news and so people didn't people picked up on the first part of oh this woman faked her kidnapping and then nobody really got the correction you know oh my god because i mean i'm embarrassed as a true crime podcaster
Starting point is 01:50:34 i'm like i thought she invented the whole thing like i didn't even realize there was this update to it where it's like oh no they tried to make all of us believe she invented it. It's just really sad. And so they call her Gone Girl. And she had, by the way, not even seen the movie or read the book. And she said she later did. And that's when she realized, you know, no amount of bruising myself or hurting myself would have convinced them out of it. Because in the book, it's so wild that she's like, yeah, anything I would have done, they
Starting point is 01:51:04 would have explained away. So Aaron and Denise started writing down every detail of what they had. I mean, they're being gaslit every five minutes. So, of course, they write down every detail of what they could remember of this nightmare while it was in their minds to use in their defense down the road. And so Denise confided in her lawyer at this point that she had been raped. And he contacted investigators for a rape kit immediately and of course this is not going to go smoothly either because they tell him oh well we don't have time today so just make sure she sleeps in her clothes aka the ones that she had been held captive in and raped in so incredibly triggering
Starting point is 01:51:41 objects right in front of her just don't change your shower and sleep in those and we'll do the rape test in the morning like how dismissive and horrid um the police for what it's worth deny that this happened but denise and her lawyer insist that it did and i think if um anyone's been proven to be more trustworthy it's it's her uh and so it's just a mess and she had told the police at first no i haven't been raped they asked were you raped and she says no and later her she confides in her lawyer that she had been and so of course they use that against her and say well you said you weren't she's like yeah but i was also threatened with like this tape that they were going to release you already didn't believe
Starting point is 01:52:22 me like i wasn't going to confide yeah like explain explain to me why i should at this point trust you at all you with my trauma yeah so exactly so were there do we this is so stupid to well i don't know were there women working on this force um i don't know i just don't know if they were like part of the problem. I don't know. I'm just wondering. I don't know either. I mean, I'll keep my mouth shut about, yeah, nevermind. We, we, we all know how we feel.
Starting point is 01:52:53 We'll go there in an after chat maybe. Okay. Um, so they say they're going to do a rape test in the morning. Uh, and they're like, just have her sleep in her, uh, clothes that she's been in for, you know, 72 hours or whatever. So now Denise on top of everything is being publicly persecuted by the media. They're calling her like this horrible, horrible person who's, you know, just clearly unhinged and like all this horrible shit. And she later said, quote, you go through something like that.
Starting point is 01:53:21 And every moment, every ounce of energy is about how do I live to see another second? That is all you can think about. The last thing that you're thinking about is if I do survive, I need to make sure that I'm believable. Oh, my God. You shouldn't have to think that way. So on March 26th, the kidnappers, they decide they are just so sympathetic to Denise's plight. Okay. And they decide they're going to contact the media again and clear things up and say, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:53:50 It was us. We did it. Wasn't Denise. They even provided photographic evidence of the room where they held Denise and said, look, here's a photo of where we held her. Okay. And the police still insisted that Aaron and Denise were the ones sending these photos and that they were just digging the hole deeper and adding more layers to this. When in reality,
Starting point is 01:54:13 the kidnappers were like, you who I'm right here. Here's a photo. And just not nothing they could do. Well, it was going to convince them a few days later on March 28th, the abductors again contacted the newspaper with more details attempting to clear denise's and aaron's names so they're like it's
Starting point is 01:54:32 not even necessarily about the credit it's more like no no they didn't do it i wonder i wonder what the like what the criminals were actually thinking this whole time of like wow should all four of us just team up together against the police because like we really want this credit weird it's so weird it's like you got away with it you know yeah like you'd think you got away with it go leave you think that you would never hear from them again exactly and it's almost lucky they did because it's like well at least someone was on their side and it was a kidnapper. Like, you don't expect that to be the person who's rooting for you. Right.
Starting point is 01:55:10 Certainly not. So even stranger on March 30th and March 31st, the abductors emailed the police department directly demanding that the police publicly apologize to Denise and Aaron. What is going on here? I't know it feels so bad circus which like i i am very aware of like the fact that they like tortured these people yeah they like the whole thing but at the same time it's like now you're like opting out of like not being the villain in some way where you're just like i mean i know it's for their own gain of like oh they want the credit but it's like how are you being more helpful than the police it doesn't it's just the strangest turn of events that police department should be so fucking embarrassed
Starting point is 01:55:54 honestly that might be part of why they were like what fucking criminal would do this obviously there's something you know what i mean like that's almost where i can see like yeah it's almost like they're trying to be so helpful that they're hurting. It's yeah, it's almost too ridiculous. It's like in what planet have you ever heard of the criminals calling multiple times to force the police to apologize to their victims? Like, right. Just such a bizarro thing that I can see a little bit why people would get like I don't I'm not saying the police had any excuse for the way that they handle this at all but i can see why people who read just the cold facts would be like hmm eyebrow rays about like okay your kidnappers are calling the police and demanding an apology on your behalf
Starting point is 01:56:37 yeah right that doesn't seem feasible which it doesn't but apparently it is amazing it's really wild It's really wild. It's really wild. So they're like, you need to apologize to them. And the police are like, no, we still think it's them. So through the next couple of months, April and May, Denise and Aaron are just trying to hold on to their sanity, hold on to their lives.
Starting point is 01:57:00 They were hated internationally. And I remember when this went viral and i was like what a sicko who does this like i really believed the headlines and i remember thinking like what kind of sicko fakes their own kidnapping you know and like think about all the real victims and i guess i was part of the problem i guess i i mean i i feel like they did a really good job of taking the narrative away. Yeah, that's true. Like taking the power away. Yeah, they didn't really have much say.
Starting point is 01:57:30 So internationally, they were hated. There was this merciless public who thought they were like sick in the head, thought they were liars. And now they are preparing to be prosecuted for a crime they didn't commit. And the only thing on their side were their families. And I guess I would argue also the kidnappers seem to be on their side it's a weird thing to argue but like at least one percent is like it makes sense but here we are even if it's for personal gain they're at least being somehow more helpful or at least they're actively trying i don't understand something we don't really know what's going on um wow so they have
Starting point is 01:58:05 their families and denise and aaron both said that family support is what kept them going um as well as their love for one another and i guess it's it's good they were still in that honeymoon phase seven months in because they uh they had their love for each other and they held on to that also talk about trauma bonding like if they were for. If they weren't close before, they are now. Exactly. So when all hope seemed lost, there was a breakthrough that changed everything on June 5th. Around 3.30 a.m., The Voice attempted to attack another couple. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:58:38 In Dublin, California, which is about 30 minutes away from Vallejo. Do you think it was on purpose to be like, well, if we couldn't get credit for that, we better get credit for this? That's a great question. I wouldn't put it past them at this point. To be like, well, clearly we have to do it again. Stop, stop, it's me. Call the police.
Starting point is 01:58:55 Stop, stop. You know, I don't know. So they tried to break in, but this time it seemed like the voice was alone. The husband fought back and the voice had to flee but dropped his phone on the way out of the house are you fucking kidding which again makes me think either he's the worst burglar or he's just trying to get them to notice him you know and like get get the credit so he drops his phone and so police were able to track its owner a guy named matthew muller
Starting point is 01:59:23 and at first they get a hold of his mother who confirms like, yes, that's my son's phone. And this guy, Matthew Muller, he is a former U.S. Marine. He's a summa cum laude graduate and a Harvard Law School alumni. So, okay. Or alumnus. But first of all, he doesn't seem to be a medical professional. So I don't know what that's about. He must have lied about that. If he's just dropping his phone everywhere, I feel like he might be dropping his murder weapons everywhere. I feel like if he's a doctor, he's dropping a scalpel everywhere. Yeah, he's apparently a lawyer, but not a medical professional.
Starting point is 01:59:59 So I don't know um but a new detective misty karasu went along on matthew's arrest at his family's lake tahoe cabin and there she found squirt guns with laser pointers taped to them to to look like the rifle you know laser interesting and so she's starting to put things together she sees swim goggles covered in duct tape with blonde hair stuck to the tape and she knew no one in the recent abduction in the dublin california abduction had blonde hair and she's like okay well he must have and she hasn't put this together yet but she's like he must have done this before so she tracks down matthew's car uh which was stolen to an owner who lived near him like like a neighbor. And she began putting
Starting point is 02:00:45 pieces together and remember seeing this gone girl kidnapping on the news. So she Googles gone girl kidnapping and finds out about Denise and Aaron. And she reaches out to the Vallejo police and the FBI who quickly respond. And they find in Matthew's cabin one of Aaron's stolen tapes where he'd held Denise hostage. So they find the address where he released Denise programmed into the car's GPS. And they're like, OK, I think finally we have enough proof that this is the guy who did it. Oh, my gosh. They basically have that Huntington beach address in his gps so they're like okay so they're like well clearly this is our guy so surprise surprise denise and aaron were telling
Starting point is 02:01:35 the truth all along and you know even even in the beginning when we were hearing the story it really does seem like i don don't know, this person clearly like cares for Denise or has some sort of ulterior motive or knows them. Now it makes me wonder that like, maybe they just really need the money, but they felt so bad about it. Like maybe the guilt was really seeping in, but like, was the guilt really seeping in when all of a sudden they were R-wording her? Exactly. And they're doing it again now at a different place. or to have the nerve to be like oh i you can shower by yourself you can go to the bathroom by yourself i don't want you to feel uncomfortable but also let's assault you yeah exactly like are you kidding me yeah and it's like was the group real was it just him yeah
Starting point is 02:02:20 i don't know i don't know but so we we find out who. Oh, yeah. So sorry. So this guy, he's law school, blah, blah, blah. And so now this this misty detective, she's putting this together. And finally, the police have to face this fact that, hey, they were telling the truth all along. They have to go back on their theory. So Matthew was charged with kidnapping in federal court and in state court. He was charged with two counts of forcible rape, robbery and burglary. He was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in federal court and 37 in state court. He will serve the sentences concurrently and will be released in 40 years. So despite Aaron and Denise insisting that there were other people involved in the attack, police didn't press to investigate these claims any further. And Matthew said he acted alone.
Starting point is 02:03:09 So either he's lying and he's covering for someone. He's covering for someone or he was alone and he just fooled them into thinking there was more than one person. Because apparently they also found like blow up dolls at his house. And they were like, what? Maybe when she saw legs, like maybe he was trying to fake that there were other people in the room. I have no idea. It's it's just so weird that I can't really wrap my mind around it. But then who are these other people?
Starting point is 02:03:35 Why on earth are they involved? And did he have like. I mean, did he give a reason? No, it's so strange. I really thought by the end of this, I was going he give a reason? No! It's so strange. I really thought by the end of this I was going to have a reason. It's just like... Like what? It's like we have an answer, question mark, but it doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 02:03:56 It feels like he's definitely covering for somebody. I guess, but then the second attack he was by himself, so it's like... But I don't know maybe he got help the first time around and then the second time maybe he was the only one so desperate for the credit that he was like I'll go again yeah I guess that's true but like was it was that whole group thing real of like we're a black market group who is ex-military and we help people in debt you know that's what he claimed so i'm like is that real or is he just making all that up it seems pretty wild but like then again all of this
Starting point is 02:04:30 seems pretty wild so yeah it's hard to tell what's real and what's not but so yeah matthew claims he did it alone uh even though denise and aaron were like i promise you there were other people in the room so like who am i to say they're wrong? You know, I mean, if they saw or heard other people. If no one else is believing them, we believe you. We might as well believe what they're saying. They were right about everything else. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:54 So basically, at this point, Denise and Aaron have realized they'll need to somehow make peace knowing their other abductors are still at large and will likely continue to hurt people. If it's true that there were other people in the room, then they have not been caught and could still be doing this. So when asked in an interview, how they feel about Matthew and his sentencing, Aaron said he never wanted any gratuitous punishment for Matthew, um, that bordered on hatred. He said it was enough that Matthew was removed from the public, so he can't hurt anyone else. So it's almost like they don't even hold this like, you know, vengeful feeling toward him.
Starting point is 02:05:28 They're sort of like, just get him out of the streets. What a nice way to go about that. Because I would be, I would never recover. No, me neither. I'm sure part of them never recovered. But like, what an honorable way to handle this. I'm sure it changes you. Yeah, What a very mature way to look at it because they said, you know, the sentencing isn't about hurting Matthew, but about protecting other people, which is very
Starting point is 02:05:52 like higher road, high road, very high road. And I wouldn't blame them either way, you know? And so Denise said she felt empowered at the sentencing when she gave her witness impact statement and she was able to like look at Matthew because this whole time she had had these goggles. She didn't know what he looked like. So she finally got to like look at his face and tell him how much he hurt her and share her story. And she believes she made him really see her. And it was just a very empowering moment for her. moment for her um the vallejo police department sent denise and aaron a private apology and promised to release a public apology once matthew was charged well surprise surprise that didn't
Starting point is 02:06:30 happen um and so several of the fbi and police detectives instead of apologizing have been promoted in recent years uh matt mustard himself was named officer of the year in 2015 and uh i did a little quick googs and found out he's been in trouble for some racist jokes so i say jokes with a heavy heavy quotations uh and so you know clearly there's some just some trouble happening all around in this department if i seem um over them well i think we all know why now if if I've seemed anti Vallejo city police this entire episode, now, you know why I think we all are, I hope we all are. Okay. And so Denise and Aaron sued the Vallejo city police and settled out of court for two and a half million dollars. Uh, and, and you know what, something that I thought was really interesting
Starting point is 02:07:22 is Aaron mentioned in the interview as well, that just feels so fortunate that they had the resources they did because they had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for their defense lawyers. And he was saying, like, you know, I was able to sell my house and we were able to take out of our parents' retirement funds. And at this point, he was only 30. So they were very young. And he said, you know, we had these resources and we were able to defend ourselves but like he just said he's now developed this newfound like just respect not respect that's not the right word like this newfound desire to help people who've been um you know imprisoned unjustly because maybe they weren't believed by police or they didn't have the resources to
Starting point is 02:08:04 hire a good attorney. And so he said that really just, you know, changed his perspective. But yeah, so I mean, fortunately, they were able to make their way out of this. But in December of 2020, former Vallejo Police Captain John Whitney filed a lawsuit against the Vallejo Police Department over wrongful termination. This is the guy that I mentioned earlier. I forgot that I had this bullet in here. So here's some more information on that. He said that during the investigation, he filed multiple complaints against officers for the way they handled the Denise and Aaron case. He said all of his complaints were ignored. And he claimed he was also instructed, as I said, to delete text messages relevant to the case to destroy evidence
Starting point is 02:08:44 against the department which is just so blatantly wrong like at that point you can't say oh we just misunderstood it's like no you were intentionally fucking with the case yeah it's it's horrifying and still no apology interesting no certainly not um they did end up giving a half-assed one but what they probably went sorry that you're mad at us? Yeah, yeah, sorry you feel that way. That's like my mom's biggest pet peeve when people say that. In 2021, Denise and Aaron actually wrote a book.
Starting point is 02:09:12 They published a book on their experience. It's called Victim F, From Crime Victims to Suspects to Survivors. And the book tells their story in excruciating detail. And they found the experience of writing a book empowering. They could finally tell the narrative that they knew to be true, that they had taken away from them, like you said earlier. And it wasn't until media outlets started to reach out to the Vallejo Police Department on the eve of the book's release that the department finally issued their short, half-assed apology of, sorry you feel that way. Sorry you read the book and having a different opinion yeah exactly you're seeing it differently um so for what it's worth
Starting point is 02:09:53 i guess they sort of said sorry um aaron said in a recent podcast interview that the apology didn't really mean much to them uh obviously understandable he and dilly he and denise believe actions matter not words they said they don't want an apology they want the vallejo police department to make real actionable changes to make sure no one is ever victimized or abused by police the way they were yep and aaron says looking back on the way he was interrogated he now believes there must be thousands of innocent people in print well yeah, yeah, could have told you that. But yes, probably more innocent people in prison in the United States who either confessed falsely or are there because of a hunch that police couldn't be dissuaded about. And he said the only reason he didn't give in to the kind of psychological mind games they were playing on him was because he knew
Starting point is 02:10:45 if he just gave up and said, yeah, you're right. You got me. I hurt Denise. Then nobody would look for her. And so he said the reason he never just gave in and admitted is not because he just was strong enough. It was just that he had this reason. He said, I wanted to make sure we found Denise. That was the only reason I didn't give in. And I imagine if she had been found dead, maybe he would have said, whatever, I did it just to get out of the get out of this like mind game, you know. And so he said, just the fact that she was still missing and in peril, he said, I wasn't necessarily stronger than anyone else in this position. I just had this motivator, this like outside motivator to keep saying, no, someone has her. You have to find her. Wow. I'm glad at least one person was looking out for Denise. And I feel bad that no one was looking out for Aaron. That's a great point. It's like you're blaming the one person who's like pushing to find her. It's so twisted. Blame the advocate. Yeah. So disturbing.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Well, he hopes that speaking out on his experience will bring comfort and motivation to others who have been wrongly accused and imprisoned in the U.S. by corrupt investigations. And Denise hopes that she will empower other rape victims by unflinchingly telling her story. And you know what? There's a happy ending to this in that the couple are now happily married um they both still work their dream jobs as physical therapists and they are raising a daughter together and they're very happy together and you know they said that this experience was awful obviously but also made them stronger and they uh held on to each other through it and are still together so wow and it could have been so easy for them to pull away yeah i imagine that she even said like you know people always say wow that would have torn a lot of couples apart um yeah somehow they made it through so yeah wow that's the real
Starting point is 02:12:36 life gone girl case the accurate telling of it yeah yeah yeah yeah not the media one well wow oh my god that's so sad it is sad um and it's just so stupid it's just so stupid like the fact that like this this guy could have been caught i mean we've been talking about it for the last literal hour but like the fact that he gave so many clues and he was waving like it's me was straight up with a bullhorn saying, I'm guilty. And then the police are like, looks like Aaron to me. It's like, what the fuck? Oh, my God. Well, I hope wherever that couple is, I hope that they're okay.
Starting point is 02:13:14 I do too. They deserve a hug. They deserve all the happiness. And this is why I did these notes and then prepared with an after chat session. So I'm very excited to do that with you thank you well i um i'm very excited about that but also i for a second thought you were gonna say and that's why i drink and i don't know why we've never just ended episodes like that like isn't that how we end episodes no but like just like oh did you say oh wait i like that
Starting point is 02:13:40 just to sum up a story just to be like and that's why we drink. Wait, shit. That's so clever. 300 episodes in. Fuck. Okay. Okay. Wow. We really should have had like one meeting before we started a podcast.
Starting point is 02:13:53 You think? No. That seems like a lot of work. Well, anyway, from now on, if you don't know how to end something, just go in. That's why we drink. Yeah, honestly. How did we literally never do that? Well, and that's why I drink. Okay, honestly. How did we literally never do that? Well, and that's why I drink.
Starting point is 02:14:05 Okay, great. Did I do it? I kind of, yeah. You said kind of our start, the title of our show. Okay, I'll say it again. Wait, say something that makes me drink. That we haven't come...
Starting point is 02:14:19 I don't know. This is why we don't pre-plan anything. Okay, I'll say it, I'll say it okay i'll say i'll say i'll say man it took us almost 300 episodes to find a way to end these and that's why we drink we've had a long time to practice and have just done none of it maybe i'll say it and then you say and that's why we drink okay okay okay catch it catch us on on patreon after this
Starting point is 02:14:45 if you'd like to watch our after chats if you'd like to watch more of this bullshit okay god it's god it took us 300 episodes emba and i we took us 300 episodes to finally find a way to end these episodes that's the worst way of saying that okay and and that's why we no i can't do it and that's why we drink

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