And That's Why We Drink - E300 Bougie Ghost Hunting and Wafts of Fog Friends

Episode Date: November 6, 2022

It’s here, it’s happening, it’s our 300th! We can’t believe we’ve been here for 300 years, we mean episodes. We wanted to do something special to celebrate and since we’ve covered the Winc...hester Mystery House twice, once at the beginning of the podcast and once for the 200th episode, we thought, why not go record there in person this time! So today we’re coming to ya from Sarah Winchester’s carriage house and talking all things ghost and paranormal equipment. First Em gives us a rundown on how each item works and then Christine dives into the recesses of our gmail to find listener stories and creepy EVPs from times you’ve used each item Em talks about. Be sure to check out our incredible tour of the Winchester Mystery House (jump scares and all) on Patreon. And as we always say, all roads lead to Boo Buddy, but that’s for another day… and that’s why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 for the 300th time hello christine uh welcome everybody to and that's why we drink if this is your first episode you're um 300 weeks behind um but welcome as can see, we are not in our usual spots. For example, we're together. Yeah. We are. You want to tell them? We're in a carriage house. Whose carriage house?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Sarah Winchester. Dun, dun, dun. We decided for our 300th, we should really go out with a bang. Something special. Something spooky ooky. For our 300th. We should really go out with a bang. Something special. Something spooky-ooky.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And if you recall, our very first episode all the way back in 2017, I covered the Winchester Mystery House. Our very first location ever. It felt fitting to... So I just flew across the country and met Emma and Eva here. We got a lovely tour. We got like a... A private tour. From the person who runs their tiktok by the way so if you've
Starting point is 00:01:05 been getting plagued with videos like we have of winchester house on all the trends we got to meet them in the flesh it's very lovely we got like a over two hour tour it felt like we saw every room very special i went into the basement first we went to the base that was a first for me to go first into anywhere well I've been to the Winchester house um two other times I think so this is now my third time uh how how was it for you because I didn't get the the same magical aha like you got I was just enamored I mean I was just enamored I just love I love all it. I love the wallpaper that she had some glitzy glam wallpaper. You know, the story behind it is all a little bit sad, but. Christine almost cried a few times.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Just a little bit. For good reason. For good reason. Just a little bit. And we got to hear some like inside stuff. But I mean, by the way, one of the reasons that I know I said when we decided to come here, it's because the first episode we ever did, we recorded an episode on the Winchester House. But also for 100 episodes ago, for our 200th, we decided that I was going to redo it. Oh, so this is now like a tradition, the third time.
Starting point is 00:02:17 This is like our third time now, 300 episodes. I don't know how we're going to top this for 400 and 500 because we're already inside it. Like there's not really much more we can do everyone tagged the winchester mystery house tiktok account and let them know that in another 100 episodes we need to come back here and really blow everyone out of the water um but no so uh we decided that we were going to come here get a tour have some fun we're going to tell you about it and because eva and christine hadn't been before i was in charge of the camera so we're going to try to either insert some clips of the tour or put it on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:02:49 We did a walkthrough for Patreon. So the walkthrough is going to be on Patreon. So you can go check that out if you would like to see the video footage of us discovering everything for the first time. And also getting scared by the Halloween decorations that jumped at us. Yes. That was unfortunately very real and very frightening. It was a blast for me. Yeah, you had a great time.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I was behind. I was, no one else, I just got to watch everyone else get scared. You watched it happen. So yeah, but so we did the walkthrough. We have some clips and stuff from that. And basically, I think what we're going to do is, Em and I prepared separately as always, but Em's going to cover some of our ghosty equipment here. And then I have some stories to bring up the rear.
Starting point is 00:03:28 But also, we figured, you know, since we're here on the property and we have recording equipment, you know, if you're listening to this and you hear any spooky EVPs, we're, you know, there shouldn't be anyone else talking. So if you hear anything, let us know. As far as we know. Yeah. Yeah. So before anyone freaks out, we're not covering the Winchester house this episode. We're just here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:48 We've already done two episodes on it. Yeah. But yeah, we've got some ghost hunting equipment. And I have seen a lot of people in the last few years ask me if one day I would explain some of the equipment. I thought, there's no better perfect time. Better perfect? There's no perfect time other than to do it at a haunted house. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And then I have some real-life examples and some fun surprises for M, too. Okay. So, before we start, happy 300th. Reunited. Honestly. And it feels so good with Lemon. He's looking great. He's more busted than ever he's
Starting point is 00:04:26 literally white now i didn't even know he could turn a new color aging gracefully and i wish you would stop shaming him for his looks he looks like a rock on a like a he looks like you pulled him out of concrete you know what it's really bad if you're watching the youtube version of this by the way you can tell what's the sword that you pull're watching the YouTube version of this, by the way, you can tell. What's the sword that you pull out of the stone? Excalibur or something? Yeah. The sword on the stone?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Sort of the same. Please don't refer to him as Excalibur. Sort of the same vibe, I would say. I would argue. And I will argue. In that he is a complete lore and probably very confusing to a lot of people in terms of science, how he has survived this long. He's a little bit calcified. He's done something's happening. Fossil?
Starting point is 00:05:09 He's harder than he used to be. He was already as hard as a rock. Anyway, Lemon's here to join the party, to listen in on some of these wonderful little ghosty equipment things. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, I would like to say right before we get into it there is um other things we will get to talk about in the very near future that includes these ghosty equipments uh we out by the time this comes out we only have um shows left in austin texas
Starting point is 00:05:40 and then after that we don't have any more here for the booze shows. And we can finally tell you the secrets if you have yet to come, what this whole tour has been about. So if you would like a teaser, a spoiler, something like that, maybe refer to the theme of this episode. So here we go. Christine, would you like to pick something for me to teach you how to use, teach the audience how to use? Okay. What do you got? What do you have on your list? I got a little bit of everything. I got motion detectors. I got thermal imagers. I got your favorite ding dong. I love the ding dong. Would you like to start there?
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yes. Let's start with the ding dong. I would love to start there. Also, in honor of our 300th episode, I wrote out the notes by hand like I did in the first episode. And we still have those first notes, by the way. We do. If anyone's wondering. Okay, so the ding dong.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And by the way, this is probably a more YouTube heavy episode because people are... Yeah, we are filming this in case, but also, you know, it works as an audio episode too. We'll explain to the best of our ability for those who are just listening in. But the ding dong is actually not called the ding dong. This is something Christine has named. Would you like to hold it? Yep. His name's the ding dong. Mr. Ding dong. He is, it's a motion detector, which by the way, $5 at target. So, um, just starting out hot, you don't have to be, you know, bad and bougie when it comes to getting all the bells and whistles for ghost hunting, you can get a $5 motion detector uh at target and the reason christine calls it a ding dong is because
Starting point is 00:07:09 it literally sounds like a ding dong you walk into the store into the strip mall ding dong it's it's exactly the same one but it's a ghost all that matters is it's a motion detector and it's actually pretty good um as someone who's used this before when I was ghost hunting, it's got a really wide range. A lot of people use it as a trigger object or they will use it as a yes or no instrument. So you can just put it in an area, step away from its range so you're not the one setting it off. And if anything walks by, any shadow, it'll pick up. So I've used it in the past. It is very, very good at its job.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's effective. Simple but effective. And Christine calls it the ding dong. I love it. What's this guy now? This guy, I know Christine knows. I love him. This is a spirit box.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I've got a lot of things to say about a spirit box if we're trying to be educational about it. I'm not going to get super scientific about radio frequencies and things like that because I think some people will fall asleep. Including me. Including Christine. And she has fallen asleep on the show before so i'll do it again don't tempt me okay so this is called well take the little speaker out first for people watching it's just this tiny little black brick here and this is the spirit box seven looks like a little mini walkie talkie if you're uh yeah like a little like a scientific pager or something yeah and uh fun fact i learned that ours has a blue black light to it which means or a blue back light which means that it's the older version they don't make this anymore oh they make ones with red back lights we've got a relic on our hands and it's not just lemon so uh
Starting point is 00:08:41 what a spirit box does is you have a you put a little speaker or headphones or something like that into the port. And you turn on the power. And basically what it does is it sweeps through radio frequencies. Because in theory, spirits try to communicate with us, but it's just at a frequency that we can't hear with our own human ear and so by letting spirits manipulate the radio frequencies around us we can actually hear them in real time if we let this scan through um in a in like a sweep if you will so right there's if you watch ghost adventures it's the thing that goes like like scanning through exactly it's very obnoxious so annoying but one of the cool things about it is that uh you uh, hear voices in
Starting point is 00:09:26 real time. So yeah, you can like have a conversation basically. Yeah. We've talked about, um, EVPs a lot where you'll listen back to footage later and hear something that you couldn't hear at the time with a spirit box, despite the really obnoxious sound. Um, you can usually hear a voice come through that is. Could answer your questions like in person. In real time. Yeah. And so there's another one, the spirit box seven, which is what this is, is one of the
Starting point is 00:09:53 most popular versions of the spirit box. There's also a spirit box 11, which is equally popular. The other ones I've never heard of in my entire life. Everyone. It's seven through 11. Seven and 11 and that's it. Um, 11 is extra special. It looks really overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:10:08 When I had to learn how to use one, when I was ghost hunting, it, um, scared me. It just has a lot of buttons to it, but it's basically two spirit boxes in one. So you can do a radio sweep using one of the channels and you can use,
Starting point is 00:10:20 uh, FM or AM frequencies. You can go forward or backward. It also has a faster sweep rate. So it's just a little more classy. You can control it a little more. Yes. And it has a temperature gauge in it.
Starting point is 00:10:32 So it can also tell you if there's heat changes. A thermometer. A temperature gauge. I don't know. So in ghost hunting tech, they usually call it ATDD, which stands for ambient temperature deviation detection. Okay. It's a thermometer. It's a thermometer. All right. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page here. Wink. Wink. So an SP7 or an SP11, both do the same thing. The
Starting point is 00:10:56 SP11 is a little fancier. You can also get extra gadgets for things like this. So there's something called an ANC, which is an adjustable noise control, and it basically filters out the horrible parts of it. So your voices come out clearer. You can use Faraday pouches. You can use this machine called the Portal, which sounds very scary. Immortal Portal. Shout out to Zach Bagans. Maybe that's what he's singing about.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Award-winning song. Anyway, that is the Spirit Box. Okay, great. So you talked about EVPs for a brief song. Anyway, that is the spirit box. Okay, great. So you talked about EVPs for a brief moment. So let's talk about EVPs since that was the thing you said was slightly different from a spirit box. Genius. Thank you. I know. So what you would use in that case is a digital recorder. This is, I think, the most preferred version. If you go on any ghost hunting store websites, it's usually
Starting point is 00:11:45 this exact version that people. And what is it for people listening? It's an Olympus and it is a WS 852. And for the record, I used to use these, um, in journalism school for interviews, uh, plug in a mic, uh, into that. So, I mean, they're multi-purpose yeah um my favorite thing about this one is that it has an internal battery of almost 70 hours so if you're going ghost hunting for like fully overnight until morning you don't have to worry about this battery dying and i would argue it's very cool to just have running in the background because you never know if like you know you're just having a conversation with someone and maybe somebody wants to say something yeah and there is playback function so if you wanted to have an evp session um you could just turn this on and ask some questions turn it off and listen to the file right away um and see if
Starting point is 00:12:35 you caught anything and there's actually an accessory that just came out called the evp spike that you can hold next to this and it will also pick up evps but it will light up to let you know while you're filming it will show you like a time. Rewind real quick. You caught something. Exactly. Now that's genius. I think that's the smartest thing I've found so far in stores.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I will tell you as someone who has listened to hours of audio, blank audio, looking for an EVP, I would have killed for some sort of visual. Kind of wish we had known about that sooner. I will say, I think one of the coolest things to me about an EVP is that you don't even need to be ghost hunting to catch one. Like you can pick up on, say, our audio equipment that we're recording on or, you know, anything. And the difference between that and the Spearbox is that Spearbox you hear in real time and the EVP, basically you just have to rewind to listen to. And a funky little gadget that always gets Christine all like ticklish for
Starting point is 00:13:29 some reason is that this has a built-in USB drive. I mean, it just really gets Christine going. It does because I forget about it. It retracts. It's already in there. And so the second you want to plug this into a computer and download your file, you literally just stick it in your computer. I just got too overeager about the things that I wasn't supposed to be excited about. Anyway, that's, that's a digital recorder. Wonderful. Um, and then I would like you to explain something to me. Oh boy. I, there's nothing I love more than seeing you talk about dowsing rods. They really get you going. You know what? I actually, um, okay, here they are. So for those of you who are listening, uh, dowsing rods, they're, they're these, they're divining rods. They're sometimes called, and they're these two rods. And the ones that we have, um, have handles that are, well, you can hear me, hear me swinging them
Starting point is 00:14:21 into the mic. Oh, okay. Um, wish I could blame a ghost, but I think I'm just really not controlling them very well. Um, but essentially, uh, women in my family have used these on both sides for generations. Um, they were traditionally used to find either water sources or lay lines, um, and other things like that, that you can't see with the naked eye. And they can also be used to talk to spirits. So essentially you give a directive for yes or no questions. So you would say either, you know, a lot of people do yes is when they cross over, but in my head I've always said no because it's an X. It made sense to me in my head.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I know these are getting kind of big on TikTok, and most of the people who use them on TikTok do the opposite. I'm sure we're confusing the ghost. That's why. Yeah. But so I always direct before I do any sort of, um, communicating with these, I always give a directive at first just to make sure. Um, and they work even when you do the directive that most people. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. As long as you give the instruction yeah it's the same with a pendulum where you basically calibrate it yourself um so depending on how you want it to move and communicate you kind of set that at the start and then and so if they if they cross or right they can also pull you yeah yes so uh if you're using them for communication, you know, you might do like,
Starting point is 00:15:51 yes is crossed, no is spread apart or vice versa. Um, and then they can also lead you. It's almost, um, I mean, you've seen this happen. It's almost like a magnetic pole where it feels like somebody is on the other end, like pulling the rods. Yeah. It's very unsettling and alarming of an experience. And, you know, I actually texted my mom last night, classic procrastinator. And I was like, tell me about dowsing rods. And I have the text here because, you know, I should have known something chaotic would come out of asking her that question. Surely. So first she sent me this picture, which is, um, essentially, uh, she Googled it. Yeah. And so that's actually what like original um they actually originally looked like so you would go into the that's a stick yes okay they were
Starting point is 00:16:31 traditionally sticks um and so you would go in the woods and find the proper stick and you uh it would split like a wishbone you have one hand on each, um, on each branch. And so, um, I said, do you know anything about, you know, how they were used in our family? And she texted me a picture of my baby eating tomatoes and we're going to say eating sticks. No, well, maybe it's, it's hard to know. She eats most things in front of her path. Um, she said my grandma on my dad's side used to, uh, look for them in the woods. And then my mom said, I need to go hiking. Okay, so I can find some.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Okay, great. Mommy-daughter date. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. And then she said, we mostly use them for fun or to scare friends. You called people who could do it because you would never want to build a house on an underground spring or above moving water. So that's what they were traditionally used for also if you were interested in buying a house you wanted to make sure it wasn't built on like a water source or like above a spring oh okay um and if it's too late and you've already bought a house or built a house on top of water source you want to make
Starting point is 00:17:40 sure your bed is not above it this is just old tradition um to get better so every realtor should have one yeah in theory you don't even need one just go get a stick that's true yeah yeah interesting because now they're all made of like copper yeah yeah yeah these are typically metal nowadays um i wonder if they're more effective or if using sticks meant that like you had to have more some sort of power inside of you to control the stick i think the theory is even with these that you really have to because i read a couple articles and people who use these professionally so to speak say like if you don't believe that it works it's not ever going to work so essentially it's just all about the intention of
Starting point is 00:18:19 you know directing them to help you find or communicate or find whatever you're looking for. Fun. And then she said all this about houses. And then she said, and to chase forest nymphs. And I was on the plane and I said, I don't know what to do with that information. And she said, in the woods, there is often low laying fog, Nebelschwaden, and they are said to be nymphs teasing humans. You could talk to them
Starting point is 00:18:46 and befriend them. You guys had Ariel from Disney. We had the real stuff. I'm like, I don't think you know what Ariel from Disney is. I think she just has heard of that before. Interesting. She really had me all the way until the nymphs. It went a little far.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I mean, sure, maybe they exist. It gets worse. Oh, she says, those wafts of fog were my playmates. Oh, God, Renate. You had seven siblings. You play with fog. This is why people wonder what's wrong with me. When your mom ends up in a facility one day, nothing will sound different than what's happening now.
Starting point is 00:19:21 No, it's like, oh, no, she always talks about the wafts of fog being her friends. And she said, they were my playmates. I concocted stories around them and she said, anyway, the sticks react to water and also to fog because it's made of water, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:33 You know what? So. Sure, Renata. Anyway, that's how these work. There's crazier things. Yeah. And we've used these for communicating with spirits.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I've been directed certain places with them. I know you've also, you probably, because on both sides, you have some sort of, I don't know, blood energy. So I feel like between the two of us, you probably get more accurate readings than I might. I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I wonder what the science would be. I don't know if you need what the science would say. Well, I know what the nymphs and the fog agree. I think I know what the science would say, and I don't think weymphs in the fog i think i know what the science
Starting point is 00:20:05 would say and i don't think we're going to talk about it on this podcast um anyway so yeah those are dowsing rods so those are fun great thank you for letting me do a little demonstration i'm happy i just i love seeing you in action with those um the next thing i wanted to show well you pick is there anything in particular that's catching your eye? The music box. We love a music box, except we hate these. So I'm going to let you hold this one first because I brought two versions. Okay, here he is.
Starting point is 00:20:35 So this is the old version. Which looks almost like a coffin. It does look like a coffin. A lot of our stuff happens to be discontinued now, which is very interesting. So apparently the paranormal technology is piping hot right now. I feel like we could start our own museum of just like relic ghost equipment. We should just start our own equipment store at this point. Okay. So here's a new version.
Starting point is 00:20:57 So this one is created by Paraforce, which by the way, not an ad, but love your work. If you want to do something with that. Okay. which by the way, not an ad, but love your work. If you want to do something with that. Okay. So this is the older version that is, it actually used to come with like a rubber band attached to it and everything. And it was just so flimsy and it would, it would break a lot. And so pretty much after two uses of this, I realized it was unusable again. And I think a lot of people probably wrote in and complained. So this is the new and improved version. It's a lot sturdier. A lot sturdier. lot sturdier and this
Starting point is 00:21:25 one you could only keep on tables it wasn't allowed to get moved when it was turned on and this one is handheld so you can carry it like how does it so it's a music box it's a music box um it is uh used when you're trying to contact uh either often victorian spirits because it's got a very like it's got some music from that time playing. It also is a trigger object for children's spirits. It's also a trigger object for music loving spirits. So if you happen to be somewhere like in a theater or something, this is a motion detector that traces differences in light.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So if you leave it in a room and it's able to catch the kind of general light, if it picks up a shadow or a movement at all in front of it within a certain range, it will set off by playing music to let you know something's there. And it's like creepy music, like when you see a ballerina spinning on a music box. Let's give everyone a taste. that's enough of that i think we can all agree that's enough so uh basically what you can do is set this somewhere or at least with this version you had to set it down um but it was useful when you were just leaving it in a room with a camera and if you left the room something might walk by and the music would set off and you know something had passed through it and i will say um our butts have set this thing off yes so many times because like if you accidentally back into
Starting point is 00:22:49 the path it'll start going like if you hit if you hit it zone at all music starts going crazy the number of times we jumped out of our skin hearing that just playing with it as soon as it came in the mail and we turned it on it just it running into it. Unsettling. Yeah, so now it's just kind of something you can say, oh, if you're interested in music, you can step in front of this thing and it'll play music for you to dance. I've heard of stories of people catching EVPs through this, of someone laughing as if they're dancing to the music. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Spooky. I love it. Thank you. But that is the Par music box the paraforce one is called the poltertoon they've got crazy names for all their stuff to tune the poltertoon um and that is the one that you can get now the original paranormal music box i don't think they make anymore so um but that's the music box love that i'm kind of pulling them away as we go through why don't you tell me a little bit about Boo Buddy?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Which would you like? Because his little friend's hiding behind him. Yeah. Let's do both at the same time. Peek-a-boo. They're pretty similar. Pretty similar. So I will lead in, actually, with this K2 reader, the one that's glowing right now.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And then the thing beside it that's lying on its side is called a rook. They're more or less the same thing the rook happens to be more sensitive But basically they both pick up on electromagnetic activity or any surges in the electromagnetic field if you're new here or just want to hear it again and theory spirits are made of electromagnetic activity or they can manipulate Electromagnetic energy in the space and let you know that they're there. Right. So that's the main purpose of either of those two machines. And that leads to Boo Buddy. There's Boo Buddy. All roads lead to Boo Buddy. And that will be on a short one. There is Boo Buddy and then there's Boo Buddy Jr. Yep. Boo Buddy Jr. is not as advanced. It's a little simpler. He's a simple Boo Buddy. And
Starting point is 00:24:46 basically he's just an EMF detector. Oh, and if you're listening, this, these are teddy bears. Oh yes. They're like a Boo Buddy. Whatever you were imagining, it was not that. Honestly, whatever you're imagining, I would love to know. Draw, draw a picture, send it in. Thank you so much. Um, but yeah, so Boo Buddy, they're just, um just teddy bears. The Boo Buddy Jr. is a smaller teddy bear. Your pets will attack them, just so you know. I was dog sitting and we almost lost Boo Buddy Jr. Oh no. But Boo Buddy Jr. is basically just an EMF detector, except the reason why they're teddy bears is because they're supposed to be trigger objects for children. Children ghosts. Children ghosts. Or children. Or children or children or dogs apparently apparently um so if you leave it in a room uh by itself you can say like oh you know if you feel comfortable
Starting point is 00:25:31 you can just we left you a toy you can go up to the toy and just by the spirit being near boo buddy at least boo buddy jr the lights in its belly is a k2 meter and it will light off to let you know that something is near it and they're both wearing backpacks. They're both wearing, that's one of the genius parts of the design, is that it hides all the wires and everything in this little backpack. This has a little backpack on. So Boo Buddy, the bigger one, he is, he's very versatile, I suppose. He's very vocal.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Very vocal. He talks. That's a big difference. He's very vocal. Very vocal. He talks. That's a big difference. He also can not only pick up EMF changes, but he also detects changes in vibration, in temperature, in... In ACDC or whatever you said the temperature thermometer is called.
Starting point is 00:26:17 The thermometer. Hang on. I have Boo Buddy written down because he actually, he's very advanced. He is. It blows my mind okay he detects emf movement temperature and vibrations wow so um and he also like christine says boobuddy talks to you um and he has different versions of speech so if he asks a question um a lot of people will take that as oh my gosh something happened something happened because Boo Buddy started talking. But every 30 seconds, Boo Buddy is going to ask a question to try to prompt children's
Starting point is 00:26:49 spirits to give you an EVP. I'll tell you, it sounds, it feels like every five seconds, because if you set him down, he just blabbers away. And even I've used this thing and this wonderful friend. And yeah, so you explained it that, yeah. So if it's asking a question, if he's asking a question, it's sort of like trying to prompt the spirit, but if he makes a statement, it's in reaction to something external, right? Yes. So he has just like Boo Buddy Jr. He has a K2 reader in his belly. And if it glows, it'll let you know that there's a change in the EMF field or in the EM field. But if he says anything that lets you know that there's a change in temperature or a change in movement or a change in vibration. So he'll say like, oh, it's warm in here now. Oh, I can
Starting point is 00:27:29 tell you exactly what he says. Okay. He says that tickles, which is not good. That's to let you know if he feels movement change, if he gets moved around. He'll say, it's chilly in here. He'll say, It's chilly in here. He'll say, did you say something? Yes. Yes, you will. That's the one that gets me. Because I'd be like, hey, Eva, do you want to move Boo Buddy?
Starting point is 00:27:52 Did you say something? I'm like, yes, I did. Stop yelling. Those 30 seconds of silence really trick you into thinking he's not going to say anything again. Out of nowhere. So it really scares you every time because you think. Let's play. Oh, my God. out of nowhere so it's it's really it scares you every time because you think let's play oh my god so anyway if you were to have your own boo buddy i would suggest having either a camera and or a
Starting point is 00:28:10 digital recorder next to it so that we can pick up any evps of children's spirits that show up or the camera can pick up if his belly glows green so or you can just have a nice little soundtrack of him chatting away or you can have a snuggle with the little buddy. Just call it a night. Yay. That's boo buddy. I know we're running out of time, so I don't want to take up too much more of anyone's stuff. But I can do like a rapid fire real quick. Yeah. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I'll get my notes ready. Okay. So the K2 reader and the rook we've already done. This guy, which if you'd like to hold it oh i love this guy so this is a thermal imager and basically all it does is it registers heat signatures and it can let you know dramatic changes in temperature i think it goes from like negative 10 to like 800 or something like degrees i'll say my stepdad has this just for finding air leaks in the house yes so i was going to say one of the best things about this is if you notice a temperature change, you can use it to actually, it'll show heat
Starting point is 00:29:09 signatures in the walls to let you know, slash be able to debunk if there's leaks or if there's missing insulation, or maybe there's a power grid under you that's causing a heat wave. But it's a really good way that if you sense temperature change, or if one of these other meters goes off, it'll let you know. Oh oh can we put the picture in if we still have it that i captured that one time yes we actually got a full heat signature of a man standing next to i was like who's that by the and it was over by the controls and anyway we'll tell me more about that next week but um but yeah i i've caught what I thought was like a person standing there. And the cool thing with this is you can like snap a snapshot of the heat signature.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Do you know how many pictures this can hold in one sitting with its internal memory? I have literally no idea. 55,000. Oh, how many did I take? 54,000. I'm pretty sure I almost maxed it out. So that's the thermal image here. That's a really easy one because it also comes with a laser. So you point and click in any part any point that a laser can touch even i love the
Starting point is 00:30:09 lasers it'll take the exact we're like cats we just have fun with the lasers speaking of lasers this is eva's actual favorite part of any of the equipment we have which today it's choosing not to work last night when i tried this it was working so dun dun dun sarah winchester strikes again but no lasers under her roof this is just a simple laser they actually come up they have much more fancy apparatuses now um i think they actually have one that can uh like measure shadows and everything by like the inch like crazy things but basically the only point of having a laser especially if you have one with one of those like grid scopes so it looks like a whole wall of stars or something. Like projects sort of. Projects on the whole wall.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Yeah. The whole point of it is it's just if you leave this in front of a camera, if something walks past it, you'll see the disturbance in the lasers. You'll see that something passed through it. And it's just a way to let you know that, hey, if no one was in the room and something went through the lasers, that was nobody else's shadow. That shouldn't be happening. Yeah. So that's what this is. So you would recommend like filming that area definitely if you were leaving the room definitely this is definitely something you leave it's not gonna set off like otherwise you're gonna walk through it and think you found a ghost in there there are many times uh this is a phasm cam this is kind of the the
Starting point is 00:31:24 newest version of ghost hunting camera equipment. I actually personally like the now discontinued version more, but this is a full spectrum camera, which means it catches visible light, it catches infrared, and it catches ultraviolet. And infrared is what people call night vision. So if you get anything that has full spectrum, it means that it's seeing things whether or not it is pitch black in the room. Which is when you see, when you watch Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, and they have that kind of like spooky tint to it. That's the infrared night vision. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So that's the camera. On top of that, there is this guy right here. This is a floodlight. I love that guy. There you go. It's purple you go it's purpley it's purpley half of it is visible and half of it is not because the top half is infrared and it's catching everything in night vision currently so for those of you listening it's basically a little little rectangular box that says it's a phantom light it's basically it's more or less a flood light so that way your camera can capture even better quality images when it's filming so but it's just but it's like it has night vision
Starting point is 00:32:30 included has night vision and everything so if you have a camera that doesn't have full spectrum you can use one of these floodlights with it and that way light the room in infrared how cool is that exactly and um it does work with cameras that already are full spectrum you'll just get doubly bright light. Doubly infrared. Doubly infrared. And then I think we only got one, two, three, four things left. Okay. So this is really quickly.
Starting point is 00:32:54 This is similar to a Boo Buddy. This is called an EDI Plus. Sure doesn't look as cute. It does not look as cute, but it's so much more durable. It literally comes with this huge rubber backing. It looks very intimidating. Yeah. It just looks like a brick with a lot of buttons for people wondering. That's how most equipment
Starting point is 00:33:08 looks. It's also neon orange. Neon orange covering. And what I love about this, this is actually like probably one of the more expensive things that I think we spent our money on. What's it called? An EDI Plus. It checks for temperature. It also does EMF. It also measures for vibrations. But also what other machines don't do, it looks for barometric pressure and humidity changes. And it's got a graphing data log in it. Oh, geez. So basically what it does is you can press record and you have a memory card in here. And it's going to record all of those measures for as long as the machine is on.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And then visualize after. So then after you go ghost hunting, you can take the memory card out and put it in your computer and it will create a spreadsheet for you on any fluctuations at any point. Excel sheet for you. That's for the data nerds. I'm, I'm more like,
Starting point is 00:33:54 where's the lasers? Well, it's so useful when like, if you're, you know, recording in a room and you think something happened, you know, you can check the time.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah. You can sync up. Yeah. Then go back to the spreadsheet and be like, Oh my God, the humidity changed or the temperature changed. And you can check the time yeah you can sync up yeah then go back to the spreadsheet and be like oh my god the humidity changed um or the temperature changed and you can even do there's one button on here where you can just press a button and if you think something happened it will mark it for you so the graph later will let you know that this is something you were curious about okay well that i did not know about that is very cool that you can hit a button it's
Starting point is 00:34:21 one of my favorites because it just it checks on so so many things. It's just a very cool concept. This one's easy to explain really quick. This is a shadow tracker. It tracks shadows. Wow. It has several sensitivities and modes.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It'll tell you what direction the shadow came from. This thing is a big black box that looks like bigger than Em's head. Big black box. It's got a bunch of what should be LEDs,
Starting point is 00:34:42 but it has been used a lot and is now broken. It's been banged up a bit. But it's supposed to just, it also works with infrared light. So if it's pitch black, this will still catch shadows. Okay. And then we've got our REM pod and our Melmeter, which the REM pod and Melmeter, a Melmeter basically just picks up EMF detection and has ATDD, which means it is a big thermometer.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Right. The REM pod, so anytime you see a machine that says REM, I know I've been talking forever, I'm sorry, Christine. No, go for it. But anytime you see something that says REM, it stands for radiating electromagnetic. So that means it's creating its own electromagnetic field. So that way with all these other pieces of equipment, when ghosts are using them in theory,
Starting point is 00:35:28 they're depleting their own energy trying to manipulate this machine so that it can show you're there. I see. But this pumps out its own energy, so that way a ghost isn't depleting its own energy. In fact, it can use this field. And if it enters the field at all, if it tries to mess with the machine at all, it's not wearing itself out.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's using the energy from this machine. And when it does enter this field, it goes, it makes horribly shrieking noises and it lights up. And it's an extremely horrible sound that I don't think we should test out. Fair enough. Fair enough. We can, but. That's it for me. I've got one more, but I'll do it as like a closing out afterwards.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Oh, okay. But I think you'll like a lot. Oh, okay. That's it for me. I've got one more, but I'll do it as like a closing out afterwards. Oh, okay. But I think you'll like a lot. Oh, okay. That's it for the equipment. Do I know what it is or no? You do know what it is, but I think you'll like that we saved it for last. Is it lemon? It's not. We already did lemon.
Starting point is 00:36:15 But lemon and Boo Buddy can hang out together for your part. Okay, this is what I did. I first, because we had sort of discussed a plan here. And at first I was going to look up, you know, real life stories of how this equipment works and real life examples. And I did find some online and then it hit me. I was like, we have a treasure trove of stories in our freaking email inbox. I'm going to go see like what our listeners have sent in about using this equipment and see if there's anything good. Oh, there's some good trove of stories in our freaking email inbox. I'm going to go see like what our listeners have sent in about using this equipment and see if there's anything good. Oh, there's some good stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:49 You know, I, I did, I said in the beginning, cause I was like, Oh, I'm going to cover ghost hunting, ghost hunting equipment we have. And you do like actual stories from that. And I thought I was getting the easier end of it because I was like, I can't, poor Christine, she has to go looking for stories. Didn't even occur to me that we have an inbox. We had them. Wow. To be fair, I spent a long time not thinking of that. So I did waste quite a bit of my time on like Reader's Digest.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Oh, Christine. That's what I would have done too. I would have used my Beach Too Sandy trick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did. Go on Yelp or something. I was Yelping it and I couldn't find a gosh darn thing. I read this whole story and I was like, wow, this is so good.
Starting point is 00:37:25 And then, oh my God. What happened? I bookmarked it and then I went back to like copy paste and, you know, get all the right credits. Realized it was from a fiction writing contest that somebody had won. Oh my gosh. About a paranormal... It was called The Spirit Box and it was a fictional story.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I was like, wow. But apparently it was damn good. I and it was a fictional story. I was like, wow. But apparently it was damn good. I've got to say, I was impressed. So, you know, I did some light reading on the side. I'm happy for you. Well, I'm excited. I can't wait to see what some of our listeners have actually gone through.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I have some really fun ones. I even have some like examples to show you of what they sent us. Okay. I have my headphones ready. Yeah. I haven't heard these before. No, you haven't. And we've never done this before, Like played actual, oops, sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Played actual clips, um, that people have sent in. So I'm kind of excited about that. But first I searched for dowsing route stories and I found this one from Eric from November of 2018. So a lot of these are old and I don't know if they still listen. Eric, wherever you are, I hope you're well. Well, Eric says, I'm Christina and Gio, I hope this finds you well. It did in 2022, Eric. It sure did.
Starting point is 00:38:29 We're doing okay. I wanted to share with you two quick experiences I've had with the spirits in my area. So I think I'm just going to, yeah, I'm just going to read the first one, which is a dowsing rod story. So here we go. I'm so excited. So in my small picturesque town in southeast Missouri, there's a road that goes from the city and quickly turns to countryside after you cross a very sharp turn on a low water bridge. If you don't know the turn is coming and you don't slow your ass down, you'll go nose first into a creek. Locals call it burnout bridge.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I've had a handful of friends tell me how they've been driving through late at night and have seen a tall creature that stands like a human, but otherwise appears like a huge dog in all other aspects. Forget it. Immediately forget it. I've driven that road many nights with my friends and I've never seen it. Never really gave it any thought. Then one night I met up with three friends, two of them I hadn't seen in quite some time, but they heard that I had dabbled in ghost hunting. It was pretty simple that I only used dowsing rods and they wanted to see if anything would communicate with us at the bridge. We parked and I asked some simple questions and was getting punctual and precise responses. Is there a spirit here?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yes. Are you old? Yes. Are you good or malevolent? Malevolent. Really? The worst question to ask. I know. But also the most intriguing favorite like do you want to harm me oh i'm like don't ask that i just always hope the answer don't give them the i'm somehow upset i'm like you're surprised i'm like what do you think you're gonna do eric says i'm pretty empathic and have strong feelings and i began feeling uneasy when i don't feel confident about who i'm speaking with, I usually close the connection. I asked one more question, where are you? We were sitting in my friend's car and the dowsing rods pointed behind me where my car was parked. Why? Sayonara.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I freaked the fuck out. One of the friends I hadn't seen in a while, as it turns out, dabbled in Wiccan things while on a spiritual search of her own and decided to take over. She told the spirit that it knows better than to enter somewhere without being invited. When asked if it was breaking the rules, it said that it wasn't. So she said maybe it was because I left my car windows down. Maybe it felt like it was an open invitation. Or maybe it was lying. Or maybe it was malevolent.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I feel like if it says it's malevolent and then you're like, you breaking the rules and it goes no i would never yeah uh so all of a sudden we started to smell wet dog see ya and by the way as a dog owner that is a very it's a rancid stink smell like you know what it is i love a dog i don't love a wet one they're not a hundred percent perfect they don't smell great when they're wet um and eric says which i've heard is a sign of a demon along with you know a goddamn dog creature yeah that'll do it eric uh-huh i just know that i was ready to leave those damn dowsing rods in the creek with this beast months later i drove through again with different friends who didn't know about my experience. I crossed that bridge and immediately all my car electronics turned off. The screen, the back lights on the controls.
Starting point is 00:41:29 The only light that remained was my speedometer and headlights. I stopped talking to my friends. Our music abruptly stopped. I was stoic. No one said a word, but they know it's nothing good when I become that quiet. I like that you call yourself stoic and not like shitting your pants because like that's oh i'm just being stoic i'm just gonna throw my dowsing rods over this bridge i'm just gonna go catatonic but no no it's stoic but don't worry i'm very calm about a mile past everything rebooted as if i had just
Starting point is 00:41:58 started my car then i hear uh why did everything turn off and i started to tell my story i should also mention a few weeks after that i drove drove past and everything turned off and rebooted the exact same way. I don't go out that way anymore. Good call. Thanks for reading and thanks for your great content and work. See you in St. Louis, Missouri. Eric. I hope you enjoyed us.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Old times. Old times. Old tour. What up, St. Louis? Yeah. So that was a dowsing rod story great terrible terrible and also great this might be one of my favorite i have one more dowsing rod story this is from casey in march of 2019 he says i had never really had any experiences with the paranormal before but i loved watching
Starting point is 00:42:39 all the ghost shows i could find on tv my fiance and and I went to Hannibal, Missouri. Okay, they're both Missouri stories. That's weird. On a ghost tour that drives around town and stops at supposedly haunted buildings talking about the history. It ends at a cemetery where we got to use dowsing rods to try and communicate. I was holding the rods and walking around not really sure if I was following the rods or if my hands were moving on their own. I was following the rods as they turned in this direction and the next and then they started to cross so i stopped thinking i did something wrong i shined my flashlight around at the tombstones and in front of me was one with the name herbert jr jones i was shocked my grandpa passed away a few years ago and his name was herbert jr jones
Starting point is 00:43:21 you're lying i mean truly hello that can't be true i didn't have any negative feelings and almost a calm sensation came over me i haven't experienced anything since then but this will definitely stick with me for a long time to come wow how spooky in like a good way but like what a weird way it's sort of like someone was like oh you're finally using something i can use to send you a little sign. Yeah. And then from their perspective, I imagine it's like, what are the odds I would find this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Wow. Yeah, especially because it really does feel like you're being pulled by somebody. It feels almost like someone's dragging you with them. I've seen it happen. I've luckily never been pulled, i i don't really want to either unsettling feeling but um sounds like herberge and your jones was happy to pull on those dowsing rods like what it's not like sam smith it's like a unique name too oh my gosh i love that um so the next category i looked up were of course evps have to yeah and so these are the last couple i have um
Starting point is 00:44:27 and uh here's the first one it's a short one from sam they them july of 2022 this was oh so you might still be that be here sam uh sam says my experience takes place the night before halloween 2021 a few of my roommates and i decided to do one of those haunted house things at an old hospital slash reform school for girls near my college town. That's all I need to hear. The end. The end. Thanks, Sam. Like most haunted places, they had their own stories,
Starting point is 00:44:56 including a little girl ghost who can be seen by guests near the exit. My story... Oh, sorry. Ah! That was me. I knocked him over. That was Lemon, for sure. My story includes I'm sorry. Ah, that was me. I knocked him over. That was Lemon for sure. My story includes my roommate, Elise's EVP. During the tour and being scared by actors, she had it recording until we reached the end. When we were sat in the car, we heard two words in a quiet part walking between buildings that weren't us talking. One was a little girl that said, no more.
Starting point is 00:45:21 And one was an adult male voice that said, vegetables. We thought it was weird weird but went to dinner the creepy part happened while we were at dinner when i was reading articles trying to find out more about the history of this place in one of the articles a lady who grew up across the street and used to play in abandoned buildings with her sister recalled an experience where her sister locked her in a cabinet in the house and went home first of all demonic child demonic living child yeah like actual child oh my gosh uh so this lady as a child was stuck in the cabinet for a while before a ghost opened it up and as she was leaving the cabinet the ghost said we need more vegetables and that was the quote in the article and the ghost was renata
Starting point is 00:46:05 by the way because that's the the fog and i discussed it and we really need vegetables on the grocery list enough vitamins what a weird well first of all like i can't imagine a ghost just open i mean that's not even a oh the door opened by itself that's a oh so a full-blown apparition could see you needed help or maybe not like maybe it was like a blueprint thing maybe it was just like they were checking the pantry and you're saying we need more vegetables we're out of veggies open the cabinet spooky whoa whoa whoa um and i love that like they got a clip of vegetables we're like that's weird and then like found this article and said hold on meanwhile i have gotten some crazy evps that make no sense. And you wonder, like, maybe if that did have some sort of meaning that you just don't know about.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Like, maybe it was reclaimed. Yeah, well, I'm clearly not looking at the right of the vegetable newspaper, apparently. Talk to anyone who's stuck in the cabinets. Sorry, that was so freaky. It's so eerie, right? Yeah. The way that we also got that word and a word that isn't very common to be used and it was in the article is really strange. Oh, and this place was actually
Starting point is 00:47:08 featured in Ghost Adventures. I'm not sure what season or episode, but it's the St. Anthony Reform School. Oh. If you're ever around those parts. You know who's... Check it out. You know where Zach Bagans has also been. Where's that? Ding dong right here. Mystery House. Aww.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And was like, didn't he take his shirt off here? I was like, he takes his shirt off everywhere. I feel like he took his shirt off here and asked if Sarah Winchester liked his tattoos or something. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I really hope that's wrong because everything we heard about Sarah Winchester today is that she's like the last person on earth who deserves that. Yeah. Just let her live in peace.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Okay. She's probably like, oh, my God. She's like, let her live in peace. Okay. She's probably like, Oh my God. She probably was just rolling her eyes at him. But no, we, uh, it is weird though. The last time I,
Starting point is 00:47:51 I have been here, but the last time I saw this place was watching the episode of ghost adventures. And I was like, Oh wow. Like this is pretty, it's pretty cool to see it in real life after that. I imagine.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Um, okay. So I only have two more. And, um, this first one has an audio file for you to listen to that accompanies it. Okay, so I only have two more, and this first one has an audio file for you to listen to that accompanies it. Okay. Alright, so I'll
Starting point is 00:48:10 read you the story, and then I will play you the clip. Okay, sounds good. This is from Kay from August of 2018. Kay says, I just started listening to your podcast a few months ago. I'm glad I came across it while looking through comedy podcasts on spotify
Starting point is 00:48:25 and my mom and i binged the podcast for mother's day oh that's nice anyways i wanted to share my experience from mansfield reformatory that's in ohio yeah yeah yeah way back when i was married and still very much in narnia i assume that means in like their like old life honeymoon phase or something yeah i think like maybe they're it's like, if you went to Narnia, that should be the story. That's the story for another day. Unless it's like the lion from Narnia. That's like such an email trope we get of like, but that's anyway, the other time when I saw 18 demons by my bed, but that's a story for another day. I'm like, why say it now?
Starting point is 00:49:01 I would love to just put in the search bar of our Gmail, but that's for another day. And just see how many weird ass lines people end an email with. We should find all those lines. Like, why? Say it now. I would love to just put in the search bar of our Gmail, but that's for another day. Yeah. And just see how many weird ass lines people end an email with. We should find all those lines. I bet there's some. Maybe that should be a theme for a future listeners episode. Like, but that's for another day. The story that you said, today's the day that you saved all the stories for. It's time.
Starting point is 00:49:18 That's for another day and we've decided it is now. And it's today. Okay. My sister-in-law hit the lotto and booked an investigation night for family and friends in her paranormal group we walked through on the tour to find all the hot spots as you do and then we're set free to do our own investigation i had with me two recording devices and a camera that had night vision and all the works unfortunately i didn't catch much on camera other than pics that could be easily explained away as matrixing what's that
Starting point is 00:49:50 maybe it's like when lights make i don't know i don't know i know i just like made everyone think i'm an expert for the last 45 minutes but i have no idea i mean i'll take it she's a narnia so who knows it's not part of our world over here we don't know that i spent time alone in solitary and felt some heaviness but nothing got recorded I didn't even get to experience the pushing around described in the tour that happens to some investigators. Oh, nuts. Oh, boo. But around 1 or 2 a.m., I was walking through the front of the prison alone where they did intake for prisoners. I was asking questions and almost giving up on any activity happening that night when I heard a yell. At that point, I thought it was my group and figured the investigation was over and they were rounding everyone up.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I walked toward the next room where I heard the scream and in the room I found no one. Dun, dun, dun. Later when I went through all the photos I took and the video
Starting point is 00:50:35 and the recordings, I found that the scream I heard was actually a disembodied voice. I'm sending you the cut down version of the clip with just the scream. Keep up the good work. You're amazing
Starting point is 00:50:44 and we enjoy listening to your stories. Thanks again, Kay. So I have this scream. Also, I'm friends with the cut down version of the clip with just a scream. Keep up the good work. You're amazing. We enjoy listening to your stories. Thanks again, Kay. So I have this scream. Also, I'm friends with a lion and Narnia, but that's for another day. But that's for another day. I live in Narnia. Okay. So you got your headphones?
Starting point is 00:50:55 I'm ready when you are. All right. With the dongle. Dongles attached. Dingle dangle dongle. Okay. So is this connecting a pair of headphones? Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:03 All right. So here it is. I hope you can hear it. I don't also want to ruin your ears. I'll play it a few times. Do a slight, in the middle of medium and loud. Okay. I should have heard that.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Isn't that gross? That's a full-blown scream screaming that's a full that's a full-ass man screaming inside a prison yeah it sounded like he was in pain for sure it's hurt or or just crying for help or something yeah yeah unsettling i heard pain i heard pain yeah and to think like oh um maybe that's the tour group and then like nope they're not here i heard either pain or to think like oh um maybe that's the tour group and then like nope they're not here i heard either pain or like someone like truly losing it like in solitary yeah yeah yeah great just kind of losing it um wow so that's the first one i got thank you k thank you k and now oh my gosh that was so spooky i have our finale here okay this one has a little bit of everything because i wanted to touch on some things so we
Starting point is 00:52:05 have uh the spirit box is mentioned uh we have emfs mentioned and evps so um evps there look at all this there's no boo buddy in this story but you know we can use our imagination yeah all right um and so i'm gonna read this to you uh first of all, it's from Lauren from July of 2021. And the subject is our ghost hunt at the Zach Bagel Bites Museum. So, of course, it's the finale for many reasons, including that subject. At least in our hearts, it is always the finale. It's the finale for sure. And it has two clips that I'm going to play for you.
Starting point is 00:52:43 So let me read the story first. It says, I recently came back from a trip to Vegas with my fiance, Josh. And before we arrived, I insisted on going to Mr. Bagel Bites haunted museum for a tour. After a bunch of eye rolling, he agreed to go with me on the day tour. What a good sport. To my surprise, he had an absolute blast and he immediately asked if we could do the ghost hunt at the museum later that night. Everyone has a good time. I know we, I know we say a lot of things about bagel bites, but that is one great show he puts on. He knows what he's doing. He is a businessman.
Starting point is 00:53:11 He is an entertainer. If anything, he's those two things. So he even bought me a ghost hunting kit from the gift shop so we could use it that night. I knew I agreed to marry him for a reason. So romantic. Fast forward to that evening we're waiting outside for the rest of the attendance and of course a storm is starting to roll in making my anxiety worse as i'm questioning my life choices we get inside and josh starts the
Starting point is 00:53:34 evp recorder that came with our kit so we could document the whole experience as we walk around with nothing but our flashlights we hear an emf meter going bananas in the room with the devil's rocking chair i don't remember that oh that one um that wasn't there when you and i were there but it was there when i went with allison last year and apparently it they actually had to close down the uh exhibit for a few months because the like within the first like three months of it being open multiple people needed like severe back surgery what ew because if you sat in the chair forget it well some people don't sit in that you just like walk by it but i guess at the time they were offering like if you want to sit in the chair like you've been warned like people they
Starting point is 00:54:13 say that their back hurts afterwards ck touched the chair the haunted chair i do remember i'll never forget absolutely ck don't you dare sit in that chair don't sit in that chair i'm warning you you will not be the first that needs back surgery we don't need to we don't need to do do any go fund me's for any of our listeners but the devil's rocking chair was in an uh a oh i'm not gonna remember of course right now but it was an exorcist story i covered um or a possession story i covered at one point oh and the chair is from the exorcism that was done in that story. I do remember. I feel like you mentioned it.
Starting point is 00:54:47 If you go to and that's why we and click the listen tab, you'll see our episode guide. You can probably just control F the word possession and see what happens. And see 60,000 episodes. And maybe listen to all of them and find the rocking chair. You'll do it. You'll find it. You'll find it. So the EMF meter is going bananas in the room with the devil's rocking chair.
Starting point is 00:55:05 We start asking the usual questions. If there's anyone that wants to talk to us, are you still here? Et cetera. The EMF detector has been quiet for a while and we decide to move on. It's when we leave and Josh says, I definitely want to come back here that the recording device picks up a loud voice that says in an Irish accent, you won't find us priest. So yeah, I have a clip of that and uh it is extremely unsettling so i'm gonna play that should i play that now yes you should i'll play it now also i think the possession case was arnie cheyenne johnson oh yes that's just right that's
Starting point is 00:55:41 never nothing's ever come to my head that quickly in my life. And I'm going to play. So remind me again what I'm hearing. Okay. So Lauren actually made a video and put captions here so we can actually. Okay. So this is in an Irish accent. After Josh says, I definitely want to come back here, the voice says, you won't find us, priest. All right. And here you can voice says, you won't find us, priest.
Starting point is 00:56:07 All right. And here you can watch it as you. I definitely want to come back here. You won't find us, priest. Shut the fuck up. Are you kidding me? That's not even like, you don't even have, I didn't even need the words. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And it was just them. That was honestly, okay, so I know other people will have just heard this, but in real time, as I'm experiencing it before you, like, saying I want to come back here was harder to hear. Yeah, than the actual phrase. That was loud, crystal clear, like, without question, that was a man in the room saying it. Yes. Okay, let me play it one more time. I definitely want to come back here. You won't find us for any time. It sounds like he's watching TV in the background or something.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Yeah, isn't it freaky? It's like clear as day. Yeah, and so there's a little more context to that in a little bit. So Lauren says, at this moment, everyone else is investigating upstairs and we're downstairs. Everyone was respectful and quiet the whole time we were there, yet it sounds like someone shouting. And so that's that, yeah. Yeah. Probably worst of all, we did not hear this voice at all until I played the recording much later,
Starting point is 00:57:11 which we've experienced too with EVPs where it's like so loud in the recording, but on camera you can go back through the times, like find the right time stamp, and like we don't react because we don't hear it in real time. Exactly. Very, very creepy. I was confused as to why this voice may have been saying priest until i remember josh was wearing a wooden cross that belonged to his late father shut up right oh my god oh my god ew oh my god they're like eyeing your jewelry they're like
Starting point is 00:57:36 get out of here wow that's okay so they like that that just makes it even worse because to hear you won't find us priests you would think that maybe it's like the blueprint theory and they're saying it's residual it's a residual like it's not interacting with you but for it to see you acknowledge you and be able to intellectually say something about it yell at you forget it nope so lauren says this led us to finally venturing down into the basement a place where satanic rituals were once practiced and where the tour guides won't even go. Even I haven't gone. Personal note for us, when we went, it was roped off. And they said, you're actually not allowed to go down there.
Starting point is 00:58:11 So when we went, that was, what was that, 2018? 2018. When Eric was writing in. But no, back then when it first opened up, it wasn't even an option to go in. And now in the last couple of years, or at least since COVID, because I just went with Allison in 2021, they now have like different tier packages of your ticket experience. And so one of them is that you get like silver, like premium, whatever. And then you can go down.
Starting point is 00:58:46 The platinum experience. The platinum experience is that you get to stay after everyone else in Ghost Hunt after the museum is closed. Well, that's what she's doing. Yeah, yeah. So she got like. Damn. Yeah, but there's like a middle tier where you can like go around and walk for like five minutes. But an attendant will not go with you.
Starting point is 00:59:00 They will just open the rope and say, you can go look. And when you're done, you can come back up. Like downed into the basement. Yeah, yeah. So I've never seen the basement but people i've watched people come back up afterwards and seem rattled not good yeah it just feels like i remember looking down the staircase with the rope in front of it and being like thank goodness it's not even an option on the table remember they was like um who was who it was a kendra no who's it was it was someone from uh i think it was kendra it was like a a model or it was um it was a famous person who wrote in anonymously at the time and has recently it
Starting point is 00:59:33 wasn't someone named kendra but i remember the i remember the if i know if i hear it her uh her and her brother apparently used to watch her parents do sacrifices. Yes. Yes. Yes. So, um, I think we've even gotten emails about that. Okay. So, uh, we started making contact almost immediately after asking who was down there in our recording.
Starting point is 00:59:54 You can hear the phrase, the devil come through. Neither of us said the name, but Josh asked if I heard it and I confirmed, I then asked, is that who was down here with us? So this is what the spirit box, by the way.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So could they're hearing it like in real time. Oh my God. Um, I then asked, is that who is down here with us? So this is with the spirit box, by the way. So they're hearing it like in real time. Oh, my God. I then asked, is that who is down here with us? And we immediately get the response, careful. After that, Josh gets called out again by name. And we start to get phrases like kill, stab, everyone dead. That's when we decided to nope the fuck out of the basement and take a breather. Josh started to get pretty emotional after this and later confessed to me that he kept seeing a tall black shadow figure with white eyes in the hallways of the museum.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Truly, truly a pass. No. He doesn't really watch Ghost Adventures and didn't know anything about the museum prior to going. Once we got home, we watched the quarantine episodes where Zach and friends tm uh is what lauren wrote zach and friends tm investigate the museum and some of the guests talk about their experiences there was one person in particular who through tears explained she saw a black shadow figure the same one that josh described to me i look over to see he is visibly shaken and distressed hearing his sighting confirmed by someone else luckily i'm pretty sure nothing followed us home spirits just
Starting point is 01:01:04 seem to really enjoy messing with my partner also this poor man like he went in like kind of begrudging about even doing the normal tour and then you got him so wired he was like let's do the full one and then he went home traumatized satan himself said welcome josh like josh thanks for having interest for five seconds besides hanging out with satan himself i got to play hide and seek with lily the doll we talked to some skeletons and the dybbuk box called josh a cigarette fiend parentheses he is and he had cigarettes in his pocket they know way too much about his like interior his accessorizing something about his character hobbies it feels really vulnerable he's a smoking priest.
Starting point is 01:01:46 We caught a shit ton of voices on our digital recorder during our spirit box session, so if you want to hear any of it, let me know. As Josh and I were walking down the hallway upstairs, just deciding where to go next, we hear clear as day what sounds like a little girl laughing or singing. We both freeze, and you can hear my brain short-circuiting as I think to myself someone brought their kid wait kids aren't allowed to be here i then asked josh did you hear that he confirms that he did and we creep toward a door on the right that's barely cracked open josh takes the emf detector to the door and it's lighting up like a christmas tree he fully opens the door and surprise it's peggy the doll's room. Well. PTD. Kel surprise. I hope you enjoyed that story of one of the scariest nights of my life. I 100% recommend doing the flashlight tour and bringing a recorder.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I don't think anyone. Sorry. I highly recommend this experience. Yeah. Yeah. This is an excellent time. Girl, I don't trust you. To be clear. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Josh is probably like. Josh is like, I do not recommend. Don't you dare send anyone else in that basement, Lauren. I don't think anyone would have believed some of the shit we experienced without that without the recorder to like have evidence mr bites even retweeted one of the recordings i captured wow so i guess i can put amateur ghost hunter on my resume now and i think um prince of paranormal is freaked out that's right you know you've done something i think we're gonna sign off on your new resume uh your new uh addition to your resume thank you for all the work that you do i look forward to your episodes every week and y'all have even inspired me to start my own podcast with my best friend of 20 years uh so i have the the peggy the doll and i saved this for last
Starting point is 01:03:21 because we know that our equipment sometimes malfunctions when she's brought up. That's honestly so thoughtful of you. Honestly, Eva was so not happy with me earlier when I said, guess what I have? And the name of the file is Peggy singing. What? You know what the dumbest thing I did was? You played it in the car or on the plane? You played it on the plane.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I played it on the plane. You're so stupid. I was like, oh, what's this? I literally bought Wi-Fi and then sat there there actually why did i do that but to be fair i had like my old in san jose by the way we are currently in san jose and for those who know the birthplace of lemon which is why he's here i didn't even think of that that's why i brought him oh i get it well but no this is where this is where evil began for us as i like to say this is a birthplace of evil but every time we're in san jose for some reason unsettling for some reason a crisis happens
Starting point is 01:04:11 it's always a crisis dove right into crisis by listening to this i said i think this is the time to bring her back into the picture and i will say i had those um my old headphones that have the the lightning cable and they're just like the normal in, you know, corded ones. And so I was like, I don't really hear anything. And then I went to the hotel room and I was like, Oh, well let me play this at max volume in a quiet room. And I was like, Oh, I hear it now. So I hope you can hear it with headphones. Okay. Let me play it for you. Tell me if it's too loud or too quiet might be too quiet we'll see okay here we go okay you can even hear her say did you hear that no
Starting point is 01:04:54 okay no that's that's for sure turn up you did again yeah because i heard mama i don't know what that song is but that's horrible i just i feel like i just summoned her i think i some if anyone summoned hurts me it's me. You can stay back. We're already scared. And all the lights shut off. Yeah. Bum, bum, bum. No, and I will say, too, I wanted to mention this because, like I said, I couldn't really hear it through my earbuds.
Starting point is 01:05:34 And as someone, you have listened to so many EVPs and, like, just blank audio listening for EVPs. Like, you recommend just over- ear headphones, right? For this? Well, I, I have like sensory issues with earbuds. Oh, you do. So that's the only reason I've always stuck with them. Plus for a moment, I thought I looked like real cool, like eighties with them. So that helped my need for them. I see.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Isn't this an aesthetic thing? Yeah. But also in my brain, they work better for EVPs because I feel like it's like sound in general. I mean, they work better for sound in general I mean they work better for for most sound uh I feel like you could probably check for EVPs doing whatever but I I notice a difference if I'm not using headphones I gotta say uh if you want to really like listen for something like that and really I mean a noise canceling over ear headphone is definitely the way to go. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:25 So those are the EVPs I brought from our lovely listeners. Well, now that you've brought up PTD, let's bring up, let's close out with our final toy. Which, let me describe it. Let me describe the umbrella. I legitimately don't know what you're about to pull out. You're going to figure it out in like five seconds. Okay. to pull out you're gonna figure it out in like five seconds okay um the umbrella category for these uh for this piece of equipment is a either a word scanner or an itc device love this guy
Starting point is 01:06:51 with which is it uh i think it's called instrumental transcommunication or something itc device but it basically means it's a machine that talks back to you sometimes they're just simply called word talkers. Okay. And so there are a few out there. There's one called the Poulter script, which is like the new and improved version. Apparently you can use it in French. There's the paranormal puck, which is supposed to Bluetooth to your phone. It's kind of the connection is weird when I've used it.
Starting point is 01:07:22 So I don't know if I recommend that one. And then there is the Envoy. There's a whole bunch of different versions of it, but the one that everyone knows, especially in the paranormal community, it is the hottest item you can own amongst anything. Motion detectors, EMS, anything like that. There is nothing like the Ovilus 3. Nothing like it. This is the big kahuna. Did it happen during COVID or something?
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah. I think we mentioned it on the show too, but somehow I got my hands on one. They are very rare. They're like a hot item, and if you are a ghost hunter that owns an Obvious 3, you have like this renowned respect. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And it's specifically a 3, because there is a 4. There's It's the item. And it's specifically a three, because there is a four. There's actually now a six. Oh, wow. I just found out the Obvious Six has a setting called Mind Block. Well, I don't know if we need that in our lives.
Starting point is 01:08:18 But there's something about the Obvious Three, just like how we only pay attention to the Spirit Box 7 and 11, Obvious Three. That's the way to go. It is the first edition base set Charizard of Pokemon cards, if you will. It's the rarest. It's holographic.
Starting point is 01:08:32 It is the item. And we have one. And Zach Bagans has one. Zach Bagans has one. So I feel like we're reaching these heights. I just love this guy. The only thing we need in our kit these days is Zach Bagans. Oh, my gosh. Okay, so here he is wow ovulus three i don't i don't know where we're zooming in but it looks like uh i don't know how would you describe it just like another gadget literally
Starting point is 01:08:55 all look like the same gadget just looks like a brick and by the way since 3d printing has become a huge thing especially during covid when everyone needed to like learn a project to stay sane and everyone learned 3d printing. I think that's one of the reasons why all this ghosting equipment is coming out now because like 90% of ghosting equipment that gets sent to me is 3d printed. Yeah. So they like make it themselves. Yeah. So if you don't like a version of it, then they come out with a new one and a new one. So this is not 3d printed, but these days it feels like everything is, um, This is just a black box. It's got two little meters on the top, and it's got a screen. And this is the thing that we talk about on the show all the time that sounds like Microsoft
Starting point is 01:09:31 Sam. Microsoft Sam, yes. So this is, like I said, a word scanner or a word talker. And basically what it does is it has a database of words in it. It has a dictionary inside of it that I think probably uses some version of binary code. And this machine is able to, I guess, manipulate the environment and can hear words that we can't hear with the human ear
Starting point is 01:09:56 and will, through binary, can be like, oh, those sounds equal this word that's in the database. Right, so it almost translates essentially what we can't hear into words. And I've seen some Ghost Adventures episodes that genuinely frightened me. I think the Dorothea Puente house, they used this.
Starting point is 01:10:17 The Cecil Hotel one was fucking horrifying. It genuinely scared me. And actually, I'm glad you mentioned that because one of the reasons that the Ovilus 3 is so much more in high demand or sought out is because a few research teams have tested it and have said that on average, 75% of the time they get an eerily accurate response to whatever's happening. So there is that 25% where like, maybe the word doesn't make sense. Maybe they're saying something that you don't know the context of. Maybe we need more vegetables and you just don't know why.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Can you imagine if you go into a house and it just says vegetables and you're like, okay. But then someone else knows the whole story about the vegetables. They're like, oh yeah, that's the guy. Yeah. So who knows? All I know is it does not have a, um, like a random generator in it. So you don't have to worry about just picking words. It really will just stay silent.
Starting point is 01:11:03 We've used it and it'll just be quiet. And then all of a sudden it'll say like 10 words in a row and we're like, okay. Yeah. Should we try it? Yeah. Okay. So this is a turning dictionary mode. It says, and I used, I had to warn everybody. I was like, it's about to turn on.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Don't be alarmed once Microsoft Sam starts screaming dictionary mode. We can just see if anything pops up. Okay. If you wanted to ask a question, you can, but we can also just see if anything pops up okay um if you wanted to ask a question you can but we can also just see if it wants to do anything we can say if anybody's here uh could you could you say something say something that's important to you something that means something to you if all of a sudden it says winchester mystery house i'd lose my yeah i'm sure although then i'd be like somebody programmed. Yeah, I just sat here overnight being like. You learned binary code to type it in.
Starting point is 01:11:48 The non-binary learned binary. That's stupid. Wow, now that's a plot twist. But yeah, like, so sometimes it won't do anything. But then there really are times where all of a sudden it'll just pop up. One time I used care. Carriage house. We're in the carriage house.
Starting point is 01:12:04 When my uncle died died i turned this on just to see if anything happened and three times in a row it said uncle like and i i turned it on the day that he died but just like random things like that and then it won't say anything so yeah i don't know anyway is there anything you'd like to ask before we part ways? Do you have any messages for us? Anybody in the vicinity? Anything you'd like to say to us? ASMR? Would you like to scream at Microsoft Sam? By the way, this isn't an EVP if you're listening to this and you're like, someone's talking. It's M whispering. Yeah, we can hear you in real time if you'd like to say anything. They're going to say. Leave.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Nothing. Yeah. That was the other thing. Even I've used this and it just kept saying leave. And I was like, well, I don't really want to, but I guess. You also get the word murder at one point or something. Kill, murder, knife, blood. It got like extremely graphic, which I thought was interesting because that's what happened
Starting point is 01:12:59 to Lauren and Josh in the basement. They said like. Yeah. It's like stab. The second they made a contact, I started saying about which happened to us. And I said like, yeah, it's like stab. The second they made a contact, I started saying about which happened to us. And I was like, is this like a prank?
Starting point is 01:13:09 Like, I almost felt like it was just trying to like scare us, you know? Yeah. Oh yeah. No, I know with, with these,
Starting point is 01:13:16 one of the, so the obvious three is known to, uh, for this dictionary mode where I'll just say a bunch of words. And I think it's got like somewhere like 3000 words words in its dictionary but there are other ones out there i said there was one called the envoy it literally has emojis built in like like crazy things where like it'll just all of a sudden be like angry face and it's like are you fucking is that for like a modern ghost like how does it know so that the envoy has a informed aha okay it's for an informed modern ghost right
Starting point is 01:13:47 um but so the envoy has a bunch of settings where it has a dictionary mode it has a an alphabet so it can spell it out like a ouija board that's cool it has yes or no it has numbers it has emojis like it has all these things it has emojis is amazing whole keyboard for yeah a ghost and then um now now i don't know i don't know if anyone can make sense of this let us know make some uh make it a little more clear for us jim the name not the not the word the name jim i don't know jim's jim we gotta end this sorry jim thank you for talking to us thank you for the attempt but i'm i'm getting i'm i'm losing you i'm losing you jim we're going through we're going through a tunnel okay jim this is nice talking to you see you guy what does it say no it didn't did it really stop you turned it off bye you're right we didn't even get to show it
Starting point is 01:14:48 you turned it off bye you're right we didn't even get to show it no i i you're right we didn't i i don't know what's wrong always turns the equipment off the second it works just one of my pet peeves listen i feel bad it did say bye i should have heard that on the screen bye okay well thanks jim thanks jim bye jim Was there a gym that worked here? Okay. I don't know. Okay. Winchester, Mr. House does not know about a gym either. Thank you for the fear. All right. Well, that was our very quick sampling of the ovulus. Next time maybe we'll throw out the envoy and see if we can get an emoji of Jim. See how he's feeling today. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Well, thank you for joining us on our 300th episode. It's such an honor. I know. I can't believe we've been here for 300 years. 300 years? That was Jim. Sorry. That was talking through me. That's Jim.
Starting point is 01:15:32 300 episodes is a long, long time. So that means in five more years, there'll be 600 episodes. That seems right. That seems right. That seems right. Wow. So much time. So many memories.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I hope everyone enjoyed our actual stay at the winchester wait oh you keep talking i'm just okay singing you out you'd be my okay well i can't think now um thank you everyone for coming to uh do you know any more words to it? Well, you want me to keep going? I can. Thank you so much, everyone who came. I will say before I, if I gave you one more piece of advice, it's that if you ever use any of this equipment,
Starting point is 01:16:14 including us with the Omnilus, make sure you say goodbye. Make sure you say goodbye. Close out your space. Don't let anything come home with you. Set your boundaries. Except I can never set a boundary with Christine, which is why she sings like that as I talk. make sure you say goodbye close out your space don't let anything come home with you set your boundaries uh except i could never set a boundary with christine which is why she sings like that as i talk thank you everyone 300 episodes i can't believe some of you have been here this entire
Starting point is 01:16:34 time some of you are new we appreciate you so much and uh as as jim would say bye oh my help i'm tired

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