And That's Why We Drink - E32 Father Beelzebub and 4,000 Salutes

Episode Date: September 10, 2017

In episode 32, we learn about the princes of hell and their love of philosophical chats. We also discuss whether Velma from Scooby Doo got Lasik Eye surgery by now and reveal some exciting news at the... end of the episode!More importantly, this episode features the demonic possession of Anna Ecklund, who was hexed by her father at a young age and lived with demons for her entire life and Luka Rocco Magnotta, a really terrible guy who does really terrible things to both kittens and humans.This episode is sponsored by Classic Kevin - one of our favorite $25 Patreon donators! Check Mirths and Monsters out here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, we're back in our groove. Are you feeling groovy? No. Okay, okay, I'm ready. I'm ready to record. Are we recording? Let's go. Okay, are you ready though? I'm ready. Are you sure? Yeah. Are you positive? No. Okay, should'm ready. I'm ready to record. Are we recording? Let's go. Okay, are you ready, though? I'm ready. Are you sure? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Are you positive? No. Okay, should we start over? No, let's just ride this one out. Things are falling out of my wallet. How do you keep, like, a dreidel in your wallet? No, it's a wooden chip. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. You know, that's more normal. Welcome to the show. The happiest show on Earth. Yeah. You know, that's more normal. Welcome to the show. The happiest show on earth. Welcome. We're really thrilled to be here. Are you? This is episode 32.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It is 32. That is six times. What? It's not. What are you doing? 32. Eight and four is a. 12.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Nope. Wait. Something is with 32. Eight and four. Oh. Six and 12 don't go into 32 um not really okay um never mind welcome to episode 32 it's 30 plus 2 okay yeah hi uh this episode is sponsored by classic kevin who has a podcast right okay yeah he has a podcast a new podcast it's called mirths and monsters it's very good it's really good it's really funny it's really funny and we get shout outs and geo even gets a shout out um so look it up on itunes or
Starting point is 00:01:39 wherever you listen to podcast um what are you drinking slash why do you drink let's just dive into it today i'm drinking champagne because blaze you're yes go ahead what you're dabbling you're lying because i i've seen you switch between red and white a few times tonight all right why don't you hold your commentary to a minimum i'm drinking champagne because bla Blaze got a raise today. So, yay Blaze. Yay Blaze. Also, I'm drinking red wine because I went to the doctor finally. Still don't have my medication, but found out I have to get a colonoscopy soon. And they gave me this bag.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Wonderful. And, you know, I feel like I used to be kind of like not about TMI, but at this point in your life yeah you know i've moved on right so you're just gonna have to deal with it that's fine so this is what no tell me i want to know one day i'm gonna have to do this when i'm 40 or 50 okay when you're 55 60 so okay just prepare me now count your blessings technology will be vastly different by then hopefully so i have to fill this with water uh-huh and drink all of it in a two-hour period oh what's what is it uh it's a laxative what do they you have to drink a gallon of lax i've drank more than a gallon this is it wait what's it supposed to taste like did they warn you of that yeah it's not good i can only eat yellow jello that's weird yeah why i can't have food coloring because when they go
Starting point is 00:03:10 like look at yellow is not a food coloring well they can't have like red food coloring in it oh right right right okay um and then i have to give myself three enemas nice to myself yeah the same bottle is that more or less shameful than what than having someone else do it for you i mean it's kind of shameful because like at least you get to do it in the privacy yeah but at the same time people know i'm doing it so it's like well you just you just said it on on the air only you and i know i'm doing it right no one's gonna hear this right okay just you and me hopefully my dad doesn't listen to this anymore uh yes my favorite is the is the uh the cartoon drawing of someone literally bearing down on the ground the nurse showed it to me and was like lie down naked like this man in the photo and i was
Starting point is 00:03:57 like i want to kill myself and blazes with me at the doctor and he was like i've decided i'm actually in a really good mood all of a sudden this is the funniest thing i've seen in a long time hey god i want to oh there's a lot allison you want to see this oh i already showed allison she was not about it she was she was like bring it closer so i can read it and then it was like that's what i'm doing i'm trying to read it but she didn't know what it was and then she read it and went take it away i'm surprised the instructions don't say like wince and breathe heavy and pretend it's not happening please don't tell anyone about this especially if you have at the very end throw this away with the secret oh yeah don't tell a soul so that's why i drink because i'm not going to be able to drink for
Starting point is 00:04:38 48 hours nor am i allowed to eat anything but orange or yellow gatorade or jello or uh that's the only good part of any of this but I've heard clear broth well I can eat Jell-O any day but I can't and Gatorade eat this orange Jell-O for 48 hours it's such a massive jug it's like a it's like a full gallon like a milk gallon size of just this powder that I have to pour water into and drink all of it within two hours and she also goes oh it's also you have to start it at 8 p.m the night before so then she's like you probably won't sleep that night and i was like oh that's fine i've heard people talk about giving colonoscopies before but they've never
Starting point is 00:05:16 gone into the depths of what it entails and i feel like if i got a colonoscopy everyone would be fucking hearing about it i mean the last one i had was six years ago so i was like mortified and my stepdad kid me kept making jokes about it and i was ready to kill him and then my mom cooked spaghetti bolognese and i was so angry because i couldn't eat food so i was just like lying on the couch just like i made spaghetti bolognese and i'm like great give me my orange jello i feel like for all the people i know who've had this procedure no one's told me about this jug this is really blowing my mind it's really disgusting like like more so than the enema because i expect the enema but this is just the last one i had i had an enema too but i also had to buy six bottles of miralax and put that in water so
Starting point is 00:05:54 it's probably similar i guess but i had to buy the miralax myself anyway one day when i have to have this when you're 60 when i'm 60 what year will that be like 3 500 i don't know as if i can do that math. I'm negative 50 hundred years old. Anyway, why do you drink? Not for that reason. Thank God. I drink for a good reason because Allison moved to LA.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yay. Look how cute she is. Look at her. Look at her face. Allison's over there distracting our dog. Yeah. Our dog. Our dog.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That was fun. Wow. That was audian slip uh that's why i drink all right cool so we're both drinking uh at least yours is for a happy reason you know i had to balance out your enema so i know i feel like mine was like an extreme this week so i'm glad that yours was like uplifting yes yeah um okay so why don't you just tell me a story so i can forget about how i have to drink that gallon of uh powdery water okay um okay so i'm really excited about this story and i actually did my notes pretty intensely there's like a glisten in your eye right now i know i've been wanting to tell you for a while we hadn't haven't had a good possession for a while so i wanted to throw this one in and it's a really fucked up one.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Oh, good. Okay. This is the story of Anna Eklund. What's that? It's the Erling possession, apparently. That's the other name for it. Oh. Wait, but her name's Eklund, right?
Starting point is 00:07:17 So it's not... Yeah. Erling is the town. Oh, oh, oh. Erling, Iowa. So her name is Anna Eklund, but she also goes by emma schmidt or mary x and like depending on those documents like x like the letter yes um i didn't see a lot for mary x but emma schmidt and anna ecklund seem to be pretty 50 50 that's so weird that there
Starting point is 00:07:37 is so different i think it was to like protect her name oh but then it slipped like what her real name was and so it like ended up not it didn't matter which one's a real one anna ecklund oh okay um i think also because anna ecklund this happened um it was all documented by a german priest okay and i don't know why i don't know there was some story i read about like they tried to americanize the name so when it got translated into english people would like care more about the story it's really fucked up even though this girl's literally from america wait what year is this uh so the actual exorcism that i'm going to talk about happened in 1928 oh well that would make sense so what what was her original name anna ecklund and what was the
Starting point is 00:08:19 new name again emma schmidt i don't i just that's more german than i don't have an answer for you so there was a pamphlet written in 1934 called be gone satan oh yeah that one the one that we all read my favorite from ap history class of course of course and so it detailed the possession and exorcism of anna ecklund which happened only like six years earlier holy shit um it was originally written by father carl vogel sure and it was uh it featured like the testimony of people who actually were part of the exorcism fucking carl including the priest one of the main priests who performed the exorcism on anna oh god um it was intended to help priests in like i guess like future catholic priests it was to help them identify real demonic possessions.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So it's like the Be Gone Satan guide to exorcisms. Yeah, it was like Exorcisms 101. Like Guide for Dummies. Mm-hmm. And there are records that go all the way up to the top acknowledging that this exorcism did happen. So a lot of times it's like, oh, well, is this just a myth or a rumor? But there are true clergy documents that this happened. It was also profiled in Time Magazine in February 1936.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Time Magazine, really? Yeah. Shit. And also, I just want to throw this out there. In 1999, just so everyone else is on the same page as me, the Vatican in 1999 issued its first new guidelines in exorcism since 1614. So for like over 300 years, we've been performing exorcisms the same way up until the turn of the millennium. And they were like, Y2K is coming. We might as well.
Starting point is 00:09:59 It's time for a new era. New year, new me. The priests were like, new year, new me. New millennium, new me. Bye, Satan. Be gone, Satan. Be gone, Satan. So because they were revamping it, this was also, you know, modern psychiatry had changed a little since the 1600s.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Really? Uh-huh. hundreds really uh-huh and so it the new guidelines to um demand that a person's evaluated by a like a team of physicians a team of psychiatrists in order to eliminate any sort of natural concerns so now they will only exercise people who've gone through like all of these tests to confirm that it's something supernatural so there has to be some sort of proof outside of the quote natural realm that's great such as levitation, abnormal strength, or physical manifestations. If you're levitating, it's probably not schizophrenia. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Who knows? Yeah. If you have abnormal strength, you're not just fit. Like, you're not healthy. It's not like you've been to the gym all week. It's like, maybe the devil's here. Surprise. So the Erling exorcism was performed in three stages.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Oh, God. Between August 26th and December 23rd in 1928. So it spanned like four months. Okay. Did you say they changed the rules in 1999? Yeah. Or 1899? 1999.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So this is before all that. Yes. Oh, okay. I just wanted to throw that out there because we're talking about exorcisms. I did a bad thing by giving too much information. No, no. Sometimes knowledge is not power. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So Hannah Eklund was born in Marathon, Wisconsin in 1882, and she was a devout Catholic child. Okay. That's what we need to know about her. So was I. What does that tell you? what does that tell you so there are um suggestions that in her upbringing she was cursed oh no and hexed by her father and her aunt and not her they weren't siblings like her father and her aunt it was her father and then her maternal aunt oh i know family bonding what the fuck is wrong with them so her aunt mina was known in town as a witch and And supposedly the two of them put hexes on herbs and then would mix them into her food.
Starting point is 00:12:10 What the fuck? So, supposedly, the father was hexing his daughter because she refused to be in an incestuous relationship with him. Oh, no. And that's the beginning of the story. Oh, no. oh no and that's the beginning of the story oh no and so he convinced his sister-in-law and mistress no aunt mina uh to curse her to become possessed to be like i want to have sex with her my mister to his mistress and his can you imagine okay first of all ballsy of you to have a mistress one two really ballsy to go to
Starting point is 00:12:46 your mistress and be like i want a second mistress and i need you to possess her with the devil so she can be my second mistress well and it's also my daughter well and above all else but like i mean she's a small child and it's my daughter uh-huh right the fuck yeah oh no so okay we've talked about how uh my dad wrote a porno sure so not how your dad wrote a porno but not how he wrote one i don't know about that story yet no we will hopefully never hear it so in my dad wrote a porno the podcast the podcast there in this recent season when one of the chapters one mistress is being introduced to another mistress. Right. And they make this joke about like,
Starting point is 00:13:29 for some reason, if you're the mistress, you just like demand monogamy from the guy who's absolutely proving that he can't be faithful to anyone. And I feel like that applies here too, where I would be pissed as the mistress that I, it's now my job to conjure up another mistress for you. It literally conjure like with herbs.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yes. Like not even metaphorically, but like. Anyway, I just wanted. Well, and the other mistress is a small child who happens to be. Your child. The man's. Like your daughter. Daughter.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Mm-hmm. And so anyway, she was like, okay. And helped. Oh, good. What a team player. What a team player what a team player so under that impression in 1896 at 14 anna began to demonstrate the indications of possession she began to display an aversion to anything holy or religious like screaming to take things away from her saying that it burned next to
Starting point is 00:14:19 her um started uh you know the usual the usual 14 year old right and keep in mind like if we're playing the skeptic card she was also 14 like maybe she just didn't want to go to church anymore i was gonna say when i was 14 and i went to catholic school like it changes a person well listen i drew all over my bible like a little brat well she was also overwhelmed by feelings of hatred towards the priesthood again she, she's 14. Everyone was involved and overwhelmed with feelings of hatred. Well, and it also sounds like she had an aversion to adult males for a good reason. She also began to display an unhealthy interest in perverse sexual acts. I wonder why.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So at some point in Anna's childhood, medical opinions okay at some point in anna's childhood um she went to a bunch of uh like medical experts to get their opinion out of all the medical opinions the doctors could not find anything wrong with her um it was all just behavioral and even even though it was all behavioral a leading behavioral specialist and physician at the time said quote she has the least sign of nervousness and she is normal in the fullest sense so health-wise yikes i mean also keep in mind it was like 1800s i wasn't gonna say it but yeah and so on june 28th in 1912 a priest named father theophilus riesinger he was a priest and a monk fun fact for you sure and he was the one who performed uh anna's first exorcism in 1912 this was also his first exorcism so let me go on record again and say if i were to have an exorcist come and take a demon out of my
Starting point is 00:16:03 body i would want someone who's had like years of experience you don't go to a surgeon who's never performed surgery or like a child's body like they're your child's body yeah like if you're the one hiring the person you're not like and also who hi it was not clear about who hired the exorcist because it sounds like the people taking care of her wanted this to happen so like, like, why would they now get a doctor? Right. And she's 14. They're all hexing her. So, he performed her first exorcism in 1912. Where, by the way, oh, you want to know, I answered my own question. Because in 1912, she was 30.
Starting point is 00:16:36 That's why. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We skipped a beat. Okay. So, I skipped 16 years. Well, at 14, that was when she started demonstrating signs of possession oh and 16 years later and 16 years later i guess she was like i might need help so she was the one who contacted i guess so can you imagine being like i think the devil is
Starting point is 00:16:55 possessing me hey for almost two decades maybe i should get this checked out oh yeah although it worked temporarily anna's father and aunt summoned the cast out demons to return to Anna's body. What is wrong with them? Because in the Bible, if you bring demons back from being cast out, they return seven times stronger. Fucking hell. And I guess at 30, she was still saying no to her father and his mistress was more than willing to oblige. That makes me so angry. Like so persistent so
Starting point is 00:17:25 fucked up so in 1928 um which is uh 26 years later or 28 no 16 years later anna was now 46 years old and she has been living with these demonic symptoms that are sevenfold stronger for another 16 years. So even though she wanted to go to church, she felt like there was some, quote, interior hidden power that was preventing her from going. Oh, my God. There were also voices in her head that were telling her to kill only priests and to, quote, tear down the house of God. And the voices had been with her her whole life.
Starting point is 00:18:04 So, again again could be schizophrenia i'm gonna go with possession sure um the logical answer i think so so anna sought help from the church once more and the second series of exorcisms began which is the main thing i'm going to talk about and they were again performed by father raisinger so the same guy yeah oh wow so he performed the original ones like almost 20 years beforehand and is uh what is it reprising his role oh good um so nowadays at this point in time uh raisinger risinger fuck who cares uh he was the most experienced exorcist in America. So he went from performing his first exorcism on her to now being the most experienced exorcist. So he really is like reprising his role. He's like coming back to his roots.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Risinger's reprisal. So he decided to keep her situation private. He removed her from her hometown and brought her to a convent in Erling, Iowa, because it was the closest town that had a convent and a Catholic church. Okay. As soon as she got there, she began to show extreme signs of possession. Oh, no. So she could tell which food had been secretly blessed by the nuns. What?
Starting point is 00:19:18 And refused to eat it, would hiss and spit at the nuns if they tried to come near her. Oh, no. And demanded that any food they brought her would be taken away so she would not eat anything unless she could sense that it had not been blessed what the fuck and even then she wouldn't really eat any food so father reason when he started the exorcism as soon as she got to the convent um he started it in the name of the blessed trinity and as soon as he said that phrase, Anna leaps from her bed in a lying down position. Wait, so she's lying down.
Starting point is 00:19:51 And she leaps while she's lying down. As she's lying down, just goes from laying on her back, leaps onto the wall. I'm sorry, what? Across the room, over the door. So like that part. I'm literally picturing like a frog or like a salamander where she held on sideways crouching holding on to the side of the wall and what the what the actual fuck so one of her quote abilities or indications of possession is she could run up
Starting point is 00:20:21 walls and cling to them without falling as if defying and not as if actually defying gravity oh my god um also despite being tied to an iron bed she still had to be held down by six nuns who could barely hold her down um and the nuns no shocker here were too scared to stay in the room with her throughout the entire exorcism so they had to work in shifts can you imagine being one of the nuns who's like imagine that being your day one as a nun and you're like i'm out like sister kathy you hold her ankle down please oh not sister kathy so sad oh everyone go watch the keepers oh shit i just started that i wondered why that name came into my head yeah i'm only on episode two i'm sorry you're gonna hate you're gonna hate yourself by the end of it okay sister
Starting point is 00:21:04 kathy you're relieved of your duty. Sister Ann. Sister Kathy's done enough. Sister Ann, come in and hold her ankle. Oh, no. Okay, so even though she refused to eat, she heavily vomited for 20 to 30 times a day. I'm sorry, how? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:21:20 And she would only, it wouldn't be like a liquid vomit. It would be, quote, tobacco leaves and spices. Wait, okay. 20 to 30 times a day. She was vomiting up tobacco leaves or spices. As if like the ashes from hell, I assume. In an effort to disrupt the rituals, Anna would vomit, defecate, and urinate in quantities that were, quote, humanly speaking, impossible to keep inside at one time.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And it's reported that one nun's job was to just go into the room and back out the room and in the room, just keep revolving, dooring, removing bucket after bucket of waste and green vomit and tobacco leaves. As soon as she would come back into the room, she would do it again. um removing bucket after bucket of waste and green vomit and tobacco leaves it was just like she just kept as soon as she would come back into the room she would do it again i'm never going to complain about this emma or enema and laxative ever again in the enemy the enemy and enemy
Starting point is 00:22:15 i'm never going to complain again um her celli anna's stomach would solidify you could watch it solidify and become hard as stone and if you touched it it would feel like concrete apparently and her body became so heavy that the iron bed frame would bow on underneath her until it was touching the floor so she was so heavy that her iron bed frame was falling apart what the actual hell um parts of her body would swell up until the nuns thought she was going to burst. So her face would become twisted and her body would contort in, quote, impossible ways. At times, her head became as red as glowing embers and her eyes bulged out of their sockets and her lips swelled to twice their size. Immediately into the exorcisms uh every time they would begin
Starting point is 00:23:07 performing a ritual anna would just fall unconscious like bam like just just pass out black out unconscious and would also levitate oh right sure so her mouth since she's unconscious she would not move her eyes were like clamped shut no one could open them her mouth was clamped shut um but there were voices that would come from her throat okay that would taunt the nuns about past sins from their childhood that only they knew about what the fuck sins did they do like steal a i mean like gummy bear like push someone off the swing um these voices identified themselves as various demons and spoke several languages that anna never knew before that part freaks me out whenever they're like oh and also she suddenly spoke
Starting point is 00:23:51 latin well so she originally only spoke english and german so basically anna is you and oh my god twins oh my god and then she's like uh puella as cornelia. And now she could speak Latin. She could speak Hebrew, Italian, Polish. Polish? And multiple other languages unidentified by the nuns and priests. And Hebrew? Latin, Hebrew, Italian, Polish and then a whole bunch of other ones that they'd never
Starting point is 00:24:18 heard of them before. That's fascinating. I bet you one was reverse. Reverse? That's always interesting. Oh, like reverse English? If you played it in reverse. Ooh, like that Jimi Hendrix song. Mm-hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Anytime Jesus's name was mentioned, she would begin to foam at the mouth. Oh, shit. And howl. One of the nuns said when she howled, she sounded like a horde of hyenas. Also, speaking of hordes, hordes of flies and mosquitoes would appear out of no like and also this is in the middle of nowhere there's no windows to her room they would just show up in the room flies and mosquitoes and then as soon as just as soon as they would show up they would quickly vanish what is it with flies like are they the devil's bug i feel like they're everywhere to be continued you'll find out oh good um also a pea-sized lump
Starting point is 00:25:06 was freely moving underneath anna's skin all over her body okay enough with that please don't ever tell me don't ever talk about that again thank you um anna also mentioned that when she'd sleep she would dream of battles between good and evil spirits around her body and she mentioned that the evil spirits appeared to be weaker than the good but um that's also like a regular thing that demons will do they'll make themselves appear weaker so you feel safer like you let your guard down more vulnerable yeah and then they're actually stronger than you thought they were okay what the fuck i mean just in my experience with demons so right just in your possession experience.
Starting point is 00:25:45 So she also seemed to have the ability to predict future events, or at least the voices did, because when she was unconscious one time, one of the voices from her throat said to Father Steger, this was the priest that ran the convent and was allowing Father Reisinger to perform the exorcism. So he was just as involved. The two of them together were tag-teaming this exorcism. Okay. And his name was Father Steger. One of the voices said to Steger,
Starting point is 00:26:15 Lucifer is on his tracks. Just wait until the end of the week. When Friday comes, then you'll see. That Friday, someone was in the hospital and won their last rights right or something so steger had to leave and go to the hospital and his car lost control and he crashed into a bridge oh when he no ended up being fine but when he returned to the convent one of the voices in anna's throat said i certainly showed you today uh what about your new auto that dandy car which was smashed to smithereens it served you right holy oh no that no by the time anna was possessed um there the voices had said that there were numerous spirits in her but there were only four that were particularly prominent that spoke often okay would you like to guess one of them beelzebub
Starting point is 00:27:06 yay have you ever heard that song no about beels what there's a comedian who wrote a song and he's singing it as if he's beelzebub but like in the beginning i get everyone go look up um the beelzebub song i've never heard of that oh it's really funny because like he makes it sound like um like he's like really like scary and like intense um in the very beginning and then all of a sudden you realize he's like this tiny little tiny little demon and he's like my name is satan yeah i definitely don't know what the fuck you're talking about it's really funny it's a really good song anyway it makes beelzebub seem like not a big deal oh good that's what we all need after this well actually in this story he's a big deal. Oh, good. That's what we all need after this.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Well, actually in this story, he's a big deal. So he was one of the more prominent, um, demons that were possessing Anna. Sure. And he is known as the Lord of the flies.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Not the book. Yikes. Um, so he's known as a, uh, 20th century novel. Lord of the flies. He is known as the one that's about to get a shitty remake.
Starting point is 00:28:07 An all-female movie written by two men about the patriarchy. I can't wait. So Beelzebub is also, fun fact, one of the seven princes of hell. Oh, so fun. Right. I think it's actually really interesting. I think it's the funnest of facts, really. So because he's considered the Lord of the flies, that would explain the plague of flies
Starting point is 00:28:29 that was just appearing out of nowhere and then vanishing. Okay, wait. So he's one of the seven. And I know that maybe you'll say this, but like, who are the other six? Is Lucifer different from Beelzebub? Lucifer is like the fallen angel. Right. But he's not one of the...
Starting point is 00:28:44 No, I don't... I don't know. I'm just curious. I, but he's not one of the. No, I don't. I think. I don't know. I'm just curious. I haven't gotten to that part of the Bible yet. Oh, okay. Um.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah. As a podcast about. I know. I'm not doing my research, my, my R and D thoroughly enough. As a podcast about the Old Testament. I feel like this podcast. As a podcast about Lucifer. It's a shame. I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 00:29:04 It is more specifically, not really totallyianity or the old testament but most specifically about like the the princess of hell we only have seven episodes yeah so um so during the exorcism apparently beelzebub was known to engage in philosophical debates with the priests involved i don't know what that means but like as kant once said yeah right it's like if a train is heading toward one person or a group of people and you have a lever cute i just imagine like beelzebub and like a hippie beanie and he's like right but who are we yeah but like where but where are we but what if we're all like a figment of our own consciousness and none of us are really here it's like but what if we're all like a figment of our own consciousness and none of us
Starting point is 00:29:45 are really here it's like but what about the multiverse have you thought about it have you thought about how big and wide the vast universe can be like we're just we're just specks of dust yeah one day none of this will matter there's pink floyd playing in the back of my head now thanks um okay so this is an actual conversation between beelzebub and father racinger oh the one we just had that was an actual conversation oh that was the first night one that they had oh sure okay so this is the second right that was this just paraphrased gotcha so father beelzebub is speaking to anna's unconscious body father beelzebub that's some sort of sin isn't it i literally was about to sip my wine and then i was
Starting point is 00:30:25 like pause because otherwise i'll spit it god bitch slapped me satan was like you're gonna get that all over your laptop please stop um okay father riesinger was talking to anna sure and said who is the leader or prince among you what is your name to the voice i was talking about the voice said beelzebub then he said why are you taking over anna's body and beelzebub said laughed first of all he laughed and he went ha ha ha and then he said did her own father not curse us into her and then that gave me chill and then father reesinger said are you saying jacob jacob ecklund who is the dad are you saying jacob ecklund is responsible for these possessions and beelzebub said what a foolish question he has been with us ever since he was damned himself because at this point he's dead i just got chills i feel like we're telling like such good juicy
Starting point is 00:31:27 gossip i'm like and then beelzebub said he's like would you believe it he said that to a priest oh my god and then i sip my wine and i'm like that fucking jacob i always always knew it i sensed it i knew there was i i told myself to not like him and I didn't know why. I didn't have proof. Today I do. Remember, I walked in the door and I said, my God is telling me this Jacob. This Jacob character is bad news. He's from Beelzebub. I can just feel it.
Starting point is 00:31:54 He's going to be damned. We've only gotten through one of the four voices. In future, you hate us. Oh, so pumped. The second one that had mainly possessed anna was judas oh sure uh judas is scary the disciple who betrayed jesus um he apparently was possessing anna because i guess in the hierarchy of hell which exists it's like such a bureaucracy down there i hate the politics i'm never going right it's like j I hate the politics. I'm never going. Right? It's like. JK, I'm already there.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I'm never going except. Except I already signed my one way ticket. I don't have a choice. Apparently in the hierarchy, Judas is the equivalent to the patron demon of suicides. Oh, shit. And so he had possessed her because he was trying to get her to commit suicide so that she would have committed an ultimate act and go to hell. I didn't even know Judas was part of like the hierarchy of hell when you're anti-jesus i mean i know he was like a
Starting point is 00:32:50 traitor but i didn't know he was like an actual like figure in hell um we'll speak more on that later sure uh the third one who possessed her was her own father jacob oh no that's so sad he was condemned to hell what a fucker for trying to sleep with his daughter and according to the voice of jacob himself the devil happily allowed me to possess the soul of my daughter so i could finally satisfy my incestuous desires okay i'm sorry this is coming out of her throat right yeah that's okay no ventriloquist can do that let's just say it now this is so fucked up uh the fourth one was her aunt mina what a bitch the mistress followed him to hell the mistress was like wait oh the mistress was the aunt yes i thought there was an aunt and a mistress no oh the aunt and the mistress are the same person yes not to give you like that plot
Starting point is 00:33:41 twist so late in the game but yeah so the mom's sister was sleeping with the dad yes oh so that's why she was willing to help because she was the mistress and she was also like oh yeah i'll help and also you should sleep with the child um what a bitch imagine sleeping with your sister's husband and making your sister's child sleep with your sister's husband let's not get into it i'm not gonna imagine that okay go on and that's why we drink and that's what we're doing uh so god damned mina for obviously being his mistress also for being his mistress or for trying to make him sleep with his daughter i feel like one of the two i feel like being a mistress isn't like hell where it's like apples and oranges to me but whatever really uh no also apparently for infanticide because she okay okay, different stories were conflicting, but either she murdered her four living children or had four separate abortions.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But those, like, I'm just saying, I don't know. I don't know how old these children were if they were like born or not. Oh, gotcha. I don't know the difference. No, I'm telling you, like, those, I can't tell. I see. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Interesting. You know what I mean? Interesting. Yeah, I'm not trying to get political here believe what you want believe what you want whether she committed infanticide or not she also made the man she was sleeping with let's help him sleep try to sleep with his child right right okay let's focus on that i think that's the issue that's the main one let's all you know what no matter what your political beliefs are we all can agree there that's bad i think that's that's very bad it's like i have one last thing for you to know about this great father riesinger while this was happening while this exorcism was going down he experienced a vision of both lucifer who was not one of the voices by the way experienced a vision of lucifer and beelzebub in the room with him um and this is also the only case of possession where the priest
Starting point is 00:35:31 had a lucid like waking vision in the middle of an exorcism he was performing oh so he was exercising her and while this in the middle of it he like went into like some zone where every like he went to like almost another reality because he says that the room was entirely on fire oh god he saw lucifer and beelzebub in the corner how do you know which is which i'm just gonna trust him oh okay um i'm not gonna like go up to two demons and be like no that's not the right one nobody wore name tags but don't know honestly it's rude i don't know how to introduce myself. Yeah. That's a little awkward. Lucifer was extremely tall with matted black fur on his lower hoved body. He was wearing a crown and had a sword made of fire.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Beelzebub was also there. Beelzebub is like, you fucking stole my thunder, Lucifer. Apparently, both of them were pissed to be confined by god's law as usual who isn't yeah who is it really um and so a ballsy of father rasinger because he went up to lucifer to his face this is this is the real gossip to his face and said what can you accomplish you helpless lucifer to lucifer and it also sounds like loser so it's like helpless lucifer uh-huh you're there we're all there helpless lose that landed for sure that was a really good joke let me write that down for my next stand-up set um so the anger that
Starting point is 00:37:01 he felt like radiating off the two of them gave him hope that the exorcism was working and making them weaker. Ah, cause it was giving, getting a reaction. Like he, like they were getting pissed that he was like fighting them. Wow. Fun fact.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I literally wrote it in all caps and I don't remember what I wrote. So let's enjoy this together. Oh, I'm so ready though. The rebel. Oh, I do remember. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Through the revelations that were shown to him in this, um, apparently it was like a half an hour conversation he had with lucifer and beelzebub and um through that experience he believes that he learned information about when the antichrist will be coming to earth okay and that the spirit of judas will be the one controlling the antichrist which is interesting that earlier we called him anti-jesus because that's he is anti-jesus christ you call him by math sure math formulas say he's antichrist then right whatever definitely he's like the um that
Starting point is 00:37:57 what's that thing called that's what i'm trying to figure out too the number starts with an i trying to figure out too the number starts with an i just just drop it uh drop us a line at at wwd podcast i don't even think i think our brains are so good at knowing each other that we just had a whole conversation and we think i think you could listen to this later and be like no one else knows what we're talking about i'm gonna be like what is happening is there like sign language going on because i don't see it okay um okay anyway so irrational number no irrational number no irrational no it's something no i mean irrational that is a we'll ask blaise and allison later they know they probably they know allison do you know what an irrational number is not making any any sense. Okay. Good enough. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Sure. That counts. Okay. So Father Riesinger believes that the time of the Antichrist is coming soon and that the spirit of Jews, Judas, the spirit of Jews. Oh my. Oh shit. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:38:57 We almost made a lot of enemies. Oh, thank God you're Jewish. Thank God. Guys, I'm Jewish. It's okay. That would have been real bad. Wait. So I'm sorry. What year was this that he was like, oh, Judas is coming soon?
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah. Okay. So this was all happening in the 1928 exorcism. Oh, so he's like, it's coming soon. Because he was in the middle of that exorcism. Sure. Had this vision where he realizes information. Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:20 So the information he realized is that Judas will be controlling the Antichrist. A false prophet will arise who will actually be Lucifer in disguise. So someone's going to show up on earth. Everyone's going to think that he's a prophet. It's actually going to be Lucifer tricking everyone. Wait, that's giving me, that's really creepy. He will perform miracles and tremendous feats of healing, apparently. Healing?
Starting point is 00:39:40 That's really scary. So almost come off as Jesus. That's really scary. He will have the answer to all of our problems and he will be worshipped almost as a god fooling everyone. Father Riesinger then says he, this is just like a gut feeling he got out of it, is that the Antichrist will not be born, this is a quote of his, he will not be born of a woman, but will construct a body for himself out of earthly matter in order to plot as a man among men. So there's that. We can all begin to pray now.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I'm really freaked out right now. So Father Reisinger decided after that vision, he was like, fuck this. And so he's going to perform the exorcism nonstop until something something until something good happened so for three days and three nights he did not stop and kept exercising this girl oh my god he demanded in the name of the most blessed trinity that as the devils departed this body they would give a sign uh by giving their respective names so that's how he ended up finding out everyone's names that there was more than just the four oh shit so father riesinger shouted depart ye fiends of hell be gone satan oh yeah quote unquote um after three
Starting point is 00:40:52 days and nights of this anna fell upon the bed and all of the names slowly screamed out of her throat beelzebub judas jacob mina and then a bunch of other names and she opened her eyes and said what a terrible burden have i been freed at last holy and then said praised be jesus christ and she also has now gone on record to say um that jesus appeared appears to her pretty frequently now maybe not now i think she said but well there's no for the rest of her life still alive and every time jesus would appear to her would encourage her to be faithful with to him and i'm like i don't think she needs to be reminded of that like i was gonna say i think that a lot of people who maybe need that more than her how come you're going to her who definitely will
Starting point is 00:41:37 always be faithful to you at this point but you're not going to like other people who are wishy-washy he's like remember that time that like beelzebub was inside your soul yeah like just a reminder that that happened i don't know if you remember but like other people might have forgotten so like i took time in my lunch break to come tell you also wouldn't that give you intense paranoia about how horrible of a soul you have for like jesus is making personal calls to remind you to be faithful oh yeah and you like that's like incredibly condescending of to be like hey look i know you've been um possessed but just here to remind you that i'm important knock knock um i'd be pissed you should probably read your bible verses every morning i'm not saying you do i'm not saying you
Starting point is 00:42:15 don't i'm just saying you should it's just like i don't mean to pressure you not a sermon just a thought not a sermon just a thought so both uh reverend steger the one who helped um in the exorcism and his housekeeper both testify in begone satan that they witnessed true expulsion of demons from her soul and i the last thing i'm going to say is a quote uh which is the testimony of the housekeeper who was i think also a nun she just nun. She just had a side hustle, apparently. Entrepreneur. Yeah. Just making it work in 1928.
Starting point is 00:42:50 You gotta do what you gotta do. So this is her testimony in Be Gone, Satan. I was a witness to almost the whole period of the exorcism of the Erling Possession case, and I can truthfully say that the facts mentioned in Be Gone, Satan are correct. Some of the scenes were even more frightful than described in the booklet. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the devils were present, Oh my god. All of the nuns. All of the nuns that were in that combat.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Oh. They had to totally replace their staff. Oh my god. So. There you go. That's terrifying. Wasn't that a good one? That was so good that I still have a milkshake left.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Wow. Usually I just drink through it. Wow. That was so good that I'm like out of wine. Holy crap. Whew. There you go. That's a toughie
Starting point is 00:43:45 mhm I mean so did she just end up living like the rest of her life out just seeing Jesus all the time staying faithful per request just being like
Starting point is 00:43:53 a little bit condescended to by Jesus Christ being mansplained by Jesus yeah exactly you got something to top that I got a good one
Starting point is 00:44:04 for you today I'm excited it's one i've been saving for kind of a while now perfect do i know it i don't know actually um it's the story of luca magnata oh man oh man am i in for a ride you are this is one that i didn't know like it was familiar to me but then i read it and i was like oh shit i've heard about this so you might have heard about it before okay so luca magnata was born eric clinton kirk newman in scarborough ontario canada in 1982 canada canada oh canada this is okay this is basically a timeline um so i'm gonna work backwards a lot of this was filled in kind of later when uh police and authorities like went back and okay and kind
Starting point is 00:44:53 of like pieced it all together so i'm just gonna give it to you in like a chronological timeline um so he was born in 1982 his parents split up and he moved in with his grandparents and was mostly homeschooled because um according to him, he had been told the world is a, quote, dirty and dangerous place. For two years, he did attend a local high school and his teachers and classmates remember him for his vanity and his preoccupation with his looks. So he changed his hair color a lot, like was really obsessed with like what he looked like and what he was wearing. Okay. In 2002, he starts stripping at a local nightclub hey called remington's in toronto and by 2003 the following year uh he appeared in two pornography films um and in both he was a straight man who
Starting point is 00:45:40 had turned gay okay was he gay in real life uh listen i'm gonna read all this to you you be the judge oh my it's a wild ride okay no straight answer for me no no wink straight answer no uh the year after that he was in two more pornos at least that they know of and he started using the name jimmy um which he also used when he became a male escort soon after that um okay so in 2005 newman was convicted of one count of impersonation and three counts of fraud against number one sears canada okay number two the brick do you know what that is uh-uh it. It's apparently a Canadian retailer of furniture, mattresses, appliances, and home electronics. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And a 2001 audio video. So what he had done is he had befriended a 21-year-old woman who had the mental capacity of a child of 8 to 12 years old. Oh, no. I know. And convinced her to apply for a bunch of credit cards and then racked up $10,000 in, like, merchandise and didn't pay it off. Oh, no. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:49 So he was arrested for that. And he was initially actually charged with sexual assault of her. No! But that he had allegedly videotaped as well. But authorities dropped the charge before the case went to trial. And his lawyer at the time later said that this decision to dropped the charge before the case went to trial and his lawyer at the time later said that this decision to drop the charge changed newman's life quote immeasurably with huge ramifications to our society eventually oh my gosh so that's kind of a foreshadowing oh no um so at
Starting point is 00:47:18 this point he pleaded guilty to the like impersonation and fraud uh he was sentenced to nine months with 12 months of probation. So in 2006, he started dating a transgender woman named Barbie. And her... I actually read another article where her name is actually Barbie Swallows. That's an interesting name. At least she's confident about it. Yeah, I mean, why not own it?
Starting point is 00:47:42 Barbie later said that Newman told her he wanted to be famous someday and she recalls his apartment looking like a shrine dedicated to himself okay but by you saying recalls tells me at least she doesn't die no she doesn't okay so thank god there's not a tragic transgender person no no no barbie survives tv show these listen barbie makes it all the way to the end because barbie's a queen that's why barbie swallows is a queen barbie swallows a queen and a half really i mean she goes she goes where no man will if you know what i'm saying oh yeah oh my god i didn't say you did okay uh okay so she said he would always beg me to take pictures of him um and his apartment basically looked like a
Starting point is 00:48:24 shrine to himself so there were like photos of him everywhere and his apartment basically looked like a shrine to himself so there were like photos of him everywhere just grade a narcissist just like crazy narcissistic um so in april several months after meeting newman barbie broke up with him and that summer newman legally changed his name to luco rocco magnata okay which is like just sounds like a douche yeah exactly just a douche move um then he declared bankruptcy he owed about seventeen thousand dollars um and he listed the cause as illness lack of employment and insufficient income to pay debts uh in 2007 he auditioned for a reality show on a channel called out tv the show is called cover guy uh he told judges quote some people say
Starting point is 00:49:08 i am devastatingly good looking the judge has turned him down yikes then he decided to go on another show called plastic makes perfect two two not even the first one oh my god because the sequel was needed oof uh on a channel called Slice TV, which is like... Sounds like... Plastic surgery channelized soon. Oh, okay. Because plastic makes perfect. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:49:32 After undergoing multiple cosmetic surgeries, he told them he had his nose done, two hair transplants, and he was planning on having muscle implants in his pecs and his arms. It just sounds like the Justin Bieber guy. Yeah, it reminds me a lot of that from my strange addiction yeah exactly it's very similar i mean just in that front i mean in 2007 the toronto sun published a story about how magnata had stopped by the newspaper's headquarters to deny online rumors that he was dating serial killer carla homolka
Starting point is 00:50:06 do you know who that is she's called the school girl killer she was in prison for murdering three school girls with her husband oh shit uh and he uh so he went to the newspaper and was like i'm not dating her and they were like nobody said you were right and then they they kind of looked into it and he had under like multiple aliases started rumors on the internet that he was dating carla homolka who was like like he like was just so desperate to be like associated with a killer he just like posted online about like how they were dating on like fake accounts and then um the following year in 2008 like a lot of his so he started a lot of fake accounts um online so he would post comments about himself to start rumors then he would go on other
Starting point is 00:50:53 profiles to like deny the rumors and like try like he was starting his own tabloids yeah about himself he was like on message boards like arguing with himself about himself um he tried to create a wikipedia page about himself and wikipedia deleted it good job wikipedia twice good job again i once made a wikipedia page about myself did you really yeah how'd it go it immediately i have a screenshot but it was immediately deleted how much did you write i just remember we did it in science class in the computer lab because we were supposed to be creating powerpoints and instead i made a wikipedia page about myself and then uh it i hit like refresh and it said this page is up for speedy deletion so i screenshotted it and then it immediately was gone wow yeah but it was there for a minute uh 60 seconds of fame also i saw you
Starting point is 00:51:43 just filled up your wine glass uh is the filled wine glass next to you not good enough? Oh, I didn't see that there. You have two full glasses of wine. Pour them in. Pour them. Make them together. No, I want to pretend like there's less. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Just two full glasses in front of you now. Oh, I didn't know. Both will be empty by the end, I'm sure. Oh, my God. I didn't know that was there. Are you serious? Yeah. It's been there this whole time. You keep almost knocking it over when you refill your wine. You almost spill your wine with your other wine. Listen, in a week I'm gonna have to drink an
Starting point is 00:52:16 entire gallon of laxative, so just... Can you mix, like, other, like, can you mix wine with it? Absolutely not. She's like,'s like no alcohol anyway i encourage it thank you maybe i'll just hang out with you that weekend okay you do not want to hang out with me while i'm like giving myself enemas but you know oh i do i want to i want to know all about it i'll be like okay what happens next and you'll be like now i cry myself to sleep and i'll be like oh good see you there oh no see you there you there be like let me take a snapchat first it's already done in my head it's already been done you've planned it all out um okay so in october of 2009 magnata met a 70 year old man in toronto and they became became quote travel
Starting point is 00:52:59 companions okay uh they went to russia italy and France together. And the man later says that they met at a Toronto restaurant called... What? Called The Pickle Barrel. All right. I just feel like that's such a great place to meet a travel companion. It sounds very Canadian. Like, for it to be a 70-year-old Canadian man, it sounds exactly like where he would be. Like, oh, I'm just going to go to The Pickle Barrel. It's barrel like next to the tim hortons is the pickle barrel and we're gonna meet and
Starting point is 00:53:28 then go to russia it's like oh sure okay why not i mean see you there pickle barrel um at this point so around fall of 2010 um his posts start to get darker and like more fucked up um so on his facebook page he posts a link to a video called three guys one hammer that shows a man being beaten to death with a hammer oh my god um it wasn't his video but he like shared it uh-huh i mean that's enough enough yeah uh the rumors about him dating homolka the female serial killer uh start growing because he's just posting about it everywhere uh in one post about them magnata wrote on a fake account quote luca is unable to live unless there is chaos in his life it makes him feel as though he matters so they went back
Starting point is 00:54:18 through all these fake accounts and he was like writing weird shit like that but he was straight up calling himself out. Yes. He did. You know, the weird part is he probably thought, oh, I'm this isn't real. I'm just going to do it to stir drama so I can correct it. But he was actually looking right in the mirror. You know what I mean? But he probably like on the surface was like, oh, I don't mean any of this.
Starting point is 00:54:39 But he was actually like admitting his deepest concerns about himself. It was really twisted. And a lot of it he says he doesn't even remember posting which also might just be bullshit but at the same time it's like no matter what it was it was fucked up twisted yeah um so this is where i don't want to even talk about this part come on tell me okay on december 21st 2010 a video starts circulating online called one guy two kittens oh i don't want to know i don't want to know just let's just skip it what's the next bullet okay just do it i know other people want to know i don't know if they do though okay but just rip
Starting point is 00:55:18 it off like a band-aid just say it fast uh it features a man with his face concealed placing two kittens in a sealed bag and then sucking out the air with a vacuum. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. To suffocate them. It's nervous. It's nervous. It's nervous laugh.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Oh, my God. Are you serious? This is why I was screaming earlier when I was taking notes. Oh, my God. That's it. That's all, right? There's not another sentence. Christine.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Oh, my God. I didn't. I can't talk anymore. I i'm really it really upsets me do you want me to do it no i don't want to do it don't make me i i'll tell you okay so that was removed from the internet but not before animal activists learned about it uh-huh uh shortly after that a former u.s soldier named ryan bole created a Facebook group called Find the Vacuum Kitten Killer for Great Justice. A true American hero. Like, that is the kind of American.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Wait, on the count of three, let's all salute that man. One, two, three. Salute. I don't care if you're driving. Take your hand off the goddamn wheel. That man deserves. What's it? Purple heart?
Starting point is 00:56:21 Yeah. Well, that's if you get injured. Okay. Well, haven't we all just been mentally injured? Every everyone of us has been injured take jesus take the wheel double salute to that guy listen did he find him okay keep going listen so it's called find the vacuum kitten killer for great justice which the last part okay uh under the the name Save Kitty. About 4,000 people joined the group, like, immediately. Okay, 4,000 salutes. Got it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Keep going. One, two, three. Keep counting while we talk. It is believed that Magnata himself joined the group under an alias, at least one alias. Oh, no. When the group would go down the wrong path searching for the killer magnata would go on message boards and post pictures from the video where his face was no longer blurred so he would literally post photos of himself on the message boards to like draw attention back to himself oh my god like he was
Starting point is 00:57:15 desperate yeah because usually if you did something that fucked up like you would hope and encourage them to go down the wrong path but he was steering them straight to it every time right it wasn't like he was going in the group to, like, fuck up their search. It was like, no, I'm right here. Like, it was really twisted. Oh, my gosh. A few days later, an animal protection group called Rescue Inc. posted a $5,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of the vacuum kitten killer, a.k.a. VKK. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:48 arrest of the vacuum kitten killer aka vkk okay a week after that on january 4th of 2011 magnata called his lawyer in new york city and said he was concerned that the animal activists were closing in on him and we're gonna figure out he did it and i'm like you were the one posting photos of yourself in the message boards but okay so he was all like freaked out um and that's when this group called the animal beta project or the ab project came in um it was an online like amateur detective group with 11 members that decided they wanted to stop magnata before he killed again um because a lot of a lot of people at this time were speculating like you know how um animal abuse and animal murder is like the first step to serial killer yeah yeah of course right so a lot of people were like we gotta find whoever the fuck this is um so they were these amateur sleuths and they analyzed the video frame
Starting point is 00:58:34 by frame and like pinpointed the furnishings and the clothing he was wearing and compared them to pictures of magnata that had been posted online so they like found they were able to link the video to him um they were able to find a ton of information about him online and then eventually they were able to track his physical location so they like backtraced one of his photos to toronto then they contacted the prevention of cruelty to animals of toronto who then reached out to the toronto police so they the tor Toronto police opened up a file on him, um, in February of 2011.
Starting point is 00:59:07 And we're like tracking him. It just gets worse. Um, okay. But before we get worse, let's just like, I have a question though. So how,
Starting point is 00:59:16 if it's like this loose, we're like openly saying in this page, Hey, we're going to like try and find this guy. And he's probably seeing all these posts and didn't even try to escape or hide any of his images or block everyone. He just straight up let this happen. Well, the second group was a group of 11 people.
Starting point is 00:59:34 So it was really small. So he felt like, okay, good luck. Well, I don't think he knew about that at the time. But he knew about the big 4,000 person manhunt out for him. Gotcha. And he was kind of involved in that uh but he didn't know i don't think he knew about this like mini detective group that was going on right um but yeah so he he was kind of like involved in that big facebook group but i don't
Starting point is 00:59:58 think he was involved in in whatever that was um okay just keep just let's just do it okay um in november of that year more kitten killing videos appear oh my god in which he murdered his own pets no they were baby kittens oh my god which means he bought them just to kill them yeah i'm not gonna tell you how he did it, because I can't. I can't. I told you one, and I can't tell you the other two. Was it worse?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Can you... You have to... One of them was he fed one to a python. Oh my... While he was wearing a Santa hat. What? He put... Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Just... He carried the kitten out in a little Santa hat. He played with it on the bed. And then he brought a giant snake and fed... Okay, okay. But that's all. I'm not telling you the other one. I was, like, taking a punch to the gut.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I'm going to throw up. I'm going to throw up in my mouth. Oh, my God. It's so sick that he played with it. And, like, made it cute. That part really, like, hit me. So that happened. There was another one.
Starting point is 01:01:04 At this point. Can you ever just, I don't, I honestly, I didn't even write it down. Cause I wrote, I can't tell you what he does, but it's horrible is what I put in the bullet.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Cause I, cause that's when I started like yelling loudly while I was taking notes. And I was like, that's enough. I can't. Oh my God. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:23 So just, just know that it's not good. Right. Okay. Wasn't good. Okay. So the sun in London. Also, P.S. You can look this up, guys, if you really want to sickeningly know what he did to the other cat. You can look up the video still? No, but you can look up what he did.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I hope none of our listeners do not look. I'm sure you can look up the videos, but don't look them up. Don't look them up. Don't encourage any of this shit. It says something about you if you do. Okay. So the son in london uh printed a story about the quote kitten killer and then magnata turned up at their office remember he's like canadian too so it's like he turned up in london this man is canadian i forgot he's a disgrace to canada oh yeah and everything that their stereotype is so anyway he shows up in london at the office of the sun the newspaper um to deny that he killed a kitten and they were like no one was even looking for him nobody had mentioned him so he just went
Starting point is 01:02:19 up to be like i'm not guilty and they were like we weren't even looking at you yeah and then they were like wait what the fuck is wrong with this guy yeah yeah and they later said like he just like wanted the attention yeah obviously um so two days later the son's offices started getting threatening emails from a mystery person that said quote next time you hear from me it will be in a movie i am producing that will have this that will have some humans in it, not just pussies. So that was that. So they start, but then they were like, which means, which at the very least means he's now fantasizing about doing the same thing to people. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:55 So basically if he's writing about it in a movie, he's still thinking about it. He's like producing quote unquote a movie. Yeah. Right. And so all these people who were like, oh, this is the first step in like something worse. Yeah. They're probably right. He literally admitted that he's on his way to worse.
Starting point is 01:03:08 So they like reported it to the police, but the police were like, there's nothing we can do at this point. Because they were like, anonymous letters. At the time, they were anonymous. Now they can trace them back. But at the time, they didn't know, you know, who that was or whatever. So in early 2012, investigators with that AB project those 11 people that i told you about yeah um got a tip that magnata might have moved to montreal so they started searching through all
Starting point is 01:03:34 his photos and like just obsessively looking through anything that could connect him to montreal and there was this one photo with like street lights where they were like this they were able to locate his location on google street view like on google maps really yeah on google street view based on like the pattern of the street lights in one of his photos wow that's mad impressive to the neighborhood so these people were able to like locate the literal intersection oh the real uh this is like my dream job i was gonna say this is like this real Scooby-Doo gang. Yes! What are they called?
Starting point is 01:04:07 I know it's the Mystery Machine. But what's their... The gang? The gang? I thought so. The Mystery Gang? Sounds right. The Mystery Machine.
Starting point is 01:04:15 And I was just called... Scooby-Doo and Friends. Sure. Okay. Scooby's gang. So this is just, like, Scooby's day off. Yeah, this is like Scooby in the 21st century. But also without Scooby's gang. So this is just like Scooby's day off. Yeah, this is like Scooby in the 21st century. But also without Scooby.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Sure. This is Scooby's gang in the 21st century. This is Fred and Velma in the 21st century. This is just Velma, actually, because we all know she did it all. Before she loses her glasses, this is Velma. This is Velma with glasses. That should just be the name of their gang. Maybe with contacts now, since it's, you know.
Starting point is 01:04:46 With corrective LASIK. With LASIK eye surgery. Chug the wine, chug the wine. Gotta take a swig. Okay. So they were able to track him to the specific, like, neighborhood in Montreal. And around this time, Magnata's online activity started getting like even crazier so we started posting about necrophilia sedatives just like crazy shit um
Starting point is 01:05:13 just do it this is where it gets even worse guys you can't see christine's face but she's fucking losing it over here like you can't the wine is getting closer and closer i have both of my glasses right here but you can't even think okay just just do it so from may 15th to 16th um of that year which was 2012 uh there were these references that started appearing online to a video called one lunatic one ice pick oh no which wasn't a video that One Lunatic, One Ice Pick. Oh, no. Which wasn't a video that had even been posted yet. But all these sort of like weird references started popping up on like forums and discussion boards and that kind of thing. One reference depicts a person in a purple hoodie with a fist holding an ice pick.
Starting point is 01:06:07 On one site, a user asked, where can I watch the one lunatic, one ice pick video? And that's believed to be similar to earlier patterns where Magnata would go on. Right, he's trying to throw himself into the game. Right, would build buzz about a video using aliases before even posting any video. Another post on May 16th on a psychiatric forum thread under the username AnonymousGirl4 said, Firstly, don't worry. I am not posting graphic details or links to the video. I am just curious as to what would possess somebody to do this sort of crime there is a video of a guy around age 20 from san francisco he
Starting point is 01:06:51 apparently made real snuff films that depict cannibalism and necrophilia along with the murder i'm doing research on this and i would very much appreciate any and all the advice and help you could give me is he a psychopath or antisocial or what i know we don't have a lot of details but based on the crime itself thanks in advance that was him posting about the video that hadn't even been so people are like maybe he was trying to like self-diagnose or like nobody nobody really knows what that was about um weird but he like anonymously posted that but again like the video hadn't even been posted yet right right right so after all of these like posts um his online activity appeared to just
Starting point is 01:07:32 go black for a few days i can see it in your eyes on may 24th concordia University student June Lin fails to show up for his job. On May 25th, the following day, a video called One Lunatic, One Ice Pick is posted online. Oh, my God. It depicts a young man bound on a bed. Oh, my God. Initially alive and then lifeless. Someone then repeatedly stabs the corpse with an ice pick. Proceeds to dismember the body with a knife. Feed pieces of the body to a dog.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Also, there's necrophilia and cannibalism involved as well. Oh my god. Four days later, staffers at Conservative Party headquarters ottawa receive a package containing a uh disembodied foot god damn it your favorite is this like the 10th disembodied foot there's something there's something just wait afterward montreal police find a torso you know that's even worse you know how i feel about torso i know how you feel about a lone torso there's a disembodied foot and there's a torso so they find a disembodied foot and there's a torso. So they find a disembodied foot, then they find a torso in a garbage pile in Montreal.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I don't like that our two least favorite things came from the same body. Same day, same body. And in Canada. That's disrespectful. A day later, Montreal police named Luca Rocco Magnata as the chief suspect in the murder. They saw him in post office footage and were able to track him to his apartment. So they searched the apartment, which was mostly empty, but they found blood on the mattress, refrigerator, the table, the bathtub and other spots in the apartment there was a closet which on the inside of the door in red ink was written quote if you don't like the reflection period don't look in the mirror period i don't
Starting point is 01:09:34 care oh just creepy a few days later police identified the victim It was an international student from China named Jun Lin who was studying at Concordia University. It was then confirmed that Magnata had fled to France right after the murder. So they actually were able to find him in an internet cafe in Berlin
Starting point is 01:10:00 where he was reading stories about himself on the computer. Oh my god. He was literally reading articles about himself on the computer oh my god he was literally reading articles about himself in the internet cafe oh the following day two elementary schools in vancouver received human hands and feet in the middle elementary school yeah oh my god the day before they like had school um there were also severed hands feet and a head found near the hollywood sign but police declared there was no link to magnata so those were just like casual hands and feet no big deal it's like whatever those weren't related right right right just that i'd throw
Starting point is 01:10:33 another disembodied foot for you why wouldn't you why wouldn't i um on june 8th concordia university created the june lynn award um his family said it says his death was a destructive blow that left them physically and psychologically spent um reactions in china were actually highly critical some believe the murder was racially motivated um because actually uh the killing that killing was the second high profile murder of a chinese student there in um like a year oh no yeah so oh no not good news for them no so chinese chinese the chinese government like questioned public safety in canada and that kind of thing especially for student like young students um so his family was just devastated it's really actually really
Starting point is 01:11:18 fucked up um magnata pled not guilty uh all charges on april 12 2013 magnata was indicted on charges of first degree murder offering indignities to a human body distributing obscene materials using the postal service to distribute obscene materials and criminal harassment junlin's father flew in for the trial and he collapsed during the trial because it was just so upsetting. Wouldn't you? Yeah, absolutely. Your son? They had video evidence and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:11:53 I wouldn't know what to do. There's no way I'd be able to handle that. I can hardly even talk about it. On July 16, 2013, Edmonton police charged. Okay, so the website that he had posted that, um, Magnata had posted the video on was called best And it was meant to be like fictional videos for people who like, like fucked up gory shit. Um, but they Edmonton police charged the owner of the website, Mark Mark with quote, corruptinging morals because they said he knew that the video was of
Starting point is 01:12:26 like a real murder and disembodiment and necrophilia um and that i guess is a really rarely used obscenity charge uh corrupting morals right because like how do you vet that exactly so i guess that they charged him with that in 2013 um magnata, who's now 33, is currently serving a life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years. I found an article in the Montreal Gazette online about the letters that he writes to his many, quote unquote, friends slash fans. Oh my god. I know. And it's really fucking infuriating. One letter said quote our doors are open 90 of the time so for me i feel like i'm in a university setting um he says he works about
Starting point is 01:13:14 seven days in the prison kitchen uh and then he otherwise relaxes with art music sports and reading he said he bought celine's dion out cene dion's album and a lot of others he has a stereo he likes to suntan outside while listening to selene dion um there's a photo of inside the prison where magnata is dressed in casual clothes he has a versace shirt on which i'm like casual clothes yeah okay me too right sure i'm sitting here and you know he's in los angeles on my podcast with my casual versace shirt oh sure yeah it's know he's in los angeles on my podcast with my casual versace shirt oh sure yeah it's like he's in prison for life you can get one on our patreon or big cartel you can get a and then that's why i drink casual versace shirt patreon for the low
Starting point is 01:13:58 low price of three billion dollars can you imagine if we sold like personalized versace shirt can you imagine if we got versace to sign off on us posting a shirt that just says it's my casual wear like it's like casual brunch wear yeah it's like sunday relaxing sunday shirt that's horrifying i can't even never mind we're not even not even going to go there. Okay. Okay. And he also had designer sunglasses on, surrounded by other inmates, including a known pedophile named Jonathan LaFrance Rifford. Okay. The photos also show him posing by his artwork and posters, including one of Marilyn Monroe, on the walls of his cell, which looks sort of like a dorm
Starting point is 01:14:46 room um apparently uh he had some complaints about certain doctors and guards um in the chocolate section at the prison i'm just gonna let that sink in but otherwise he's enjoying his time in jail well it sounds like it fuck if i were in jail and i was getting like the new album every week i'd be having a good time too listen if i had a chocolate section anywhere i don't care if it's in jail and I was getting like the new album every week, I'd be having a good time too. Listen, if I had a chocolate section anywhere, I don't care if it's in jail or like in my life. Right. Yeah. Right. If I had a chocolate section in my bathroom at work.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Life is good. Yeah. I don't get to complain. That's all I want. He ends a lot of his letters with like these like really upbeat farewell messages like, quote, love forever. Your delicious little cupcake. XO, XO, XOoxoxoxo does he dot his eyes with hearts oh i'm sure gross um he just like it's like how do i describe this for what
Starting point is 01:15:34 is going on in my head he just sounds like he's one of those guys that like somehow the world has literally come crashing down and he still has never had to understand the repercussions of anything he's done yes like he's like what are you talking about life's great and it's like wake the fuck up like how to yeah but he doesn't like give a shit which is like infuriating but also a lot of people who've like analyzed these letters and stuff are like this guy has lived his life just like creating lies and falsehood so like he might very well just be like bullshitting to be like yeah oh it's fine life is great and it's like so like how to like escape from like he's very aware of what he's done yeah or like to even fuck people over because a
Starting point is 01:16:15 lot like all these letters kind of created a repercussion on the canadian prison system being like what like he's allowed to listen to celine dion while he's sunbathing you know what doesn't like a canadian jail in my mind to me canadian jail is american luxury that's the first accurate statement right now the friendliest jail um he does write like a lot of letters uh this is one uh quote so all this chocolate for val apparently it's like a chocolate thing okay so all this chocolate for valentine's day is ruining my diet period lol period from jail from a canadian chocolate jail these fucking assholes said they would add ferrero rocher and they didn't which like honestly i'd be pissed about too but whatever uh they just want all their
Starting point is 01:16:58 choices on the canteen some people are so fucking selfish it pisses me off and i'm like oh wow so another uh letter said quote i went outside and played in the snow today and made a little snowman lol i know it's juvenile but it's still fun same with snowball fights ha ha ha thankfully we have hot chocolate here there's nothing about him that isn't juvenile also was the hot chocolate Ferrero Rocher? Guaranteed no. Because people are so selfish. People, like, he want, that's all he wanted. That's all he wanted. It's like.
Starting point is 01:17:31 He didn't want attention. He didn't want tabloids talking about him. He didn't want a serial killer for a girlfriend. He didn't want any of that. He just wanted his chocolate in jail. He just wanted some designer Italian hot chocolate. With his Italian designer glasses. How freaking hard is that?
Starting point is 01:17:46 Just, it makes sense for them to be together. It's like Canada. Get your shit together. Canada, we know you're nice. We know you can make it happen. He also said they have pizza parties. They get Italian food and ice cream and have movie nights. And he gets to watch any movie he wants.
Starting point is 01:18:03 So a lot of this, people are like, bullshit. He's bull bullshit he's bullshitting bullshit bullshit which makes the rest of everything else sound like bullshit too but yeah exactly but it's also really sad because i guess a lot of the jails have come under like severe criticism oh i would be pissed if i were like in charge like if i were like can you imagine being the man's the man he killed's family who's, like, horrified and they're like, oh, great, he's suntanning in prison and we found the head of our son in a lake in a local park? Who's the guy in Orange is the New Black, whoever the main guy is, Caputo. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:39 If, like, that jails Caputo, I would be pissed. Can you imagine? Like, if, like, I'm assuming it's all bullshit and it's just a normal jail. Right. And for to be under this kind of scrutiny of like, oh, you have like the least backbone of a jail in the world. Like nothing's getting done under your watch. Like I would be so scared for my job.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Yeah. Because you're right. Exactly. Because like your whole job and career and environment is coming under fire. Yeah. Because of one guy who gets so much attention on the internet it's like so who knows i mean there it's not like clear whether this is true or not but a lot of people say like he's like i mean i think it's clear he's at least exaggerating
Starting point is 01:19:16 at the very least but the canadian uh prison system also said they do allow um like they do have ice cream and they do have like other things that he did talk about right so i don't know um so uh this past june he actually so like two and a half months ago oh no uh he married a fellow convict okay named anthony jolin who's serving a life sentence for killing an inmate named kevin winder at a canadian prison in 2003 but they don't they're not at the same prison um pen pals yeah they were on a dating site for inmates okay uh they're also not the article was like the article was like um magnata look at magnata to be married but not able to consummate because they're, like, not allowed to consummate the marriage.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Oh, my God. Nor are they allowed to apparently meet their in-laws or anything like that. So they're not even allowed to, like, be in the same cell. So they've never actually met. I think they can meet, but they can't live in the same cell. They can't meet each other's family. They can't consummate the marriage. There's nothing.
Starting point is 01:20:31 It's just like a weird... All right. Again, people speculate it's an attention thing. Right, right. Probably. More than anything else. There goes Christine's... Just like that.
Starting point is 01:20:41 There goes Christine's windscreen. God damn it. Anyway. Yeah. But people just kind of speculate it's more like an attention thing than anything else, which obviously is... Probably true. Believable.
Starting point is 01:20:51 But yeah. So that's the story of this mofo. Great. Such a bad guy. Oh, yeah. His family, if you see the photos, it's devastating. I don't want to. I don't want to.
Starting point is 01:21:02 His parents are like, we him to america for school or to north america to canada for school and he was like immediately murdered and dismembered and they found his head in the park in a river after an anonymous tip and his it was oh my god the video has him like did you watch the video no they just... There was an article that was like, please don't read Beyond Here if you can't handle it. And I was like... Bad. Bad. It was bad.
Starting point is 01:21:32 It was really bad. And his dad was in the court and the courtman had to hear every single detail from the prosecution about how his son had been dismembered and murdered and raped and whatever it's it's really really really really upsetting but his parents were like he was our pride and joy and he's been taken from us so it's very upsetting see at least because i i researched
Starting point is 01:22:02 the paranormal very rarely is there a video to watch. And usually when it is, there's a bunch of YouTube comments about how it's fake. So, like, I'm sorry for what you have to go through for this podcast. That's why you drink so much. Exactly. That's why. Let's blame that. As soon as I show up to record, Christine's always already got her wine ready.
Starting point is 01:22:22 And I'm like, what were you doing? And she's like, researching. And I'm like, oh. And always looks at me like are you are you okay are we gonna be funny now like what's happening oh before every episode i'm like all right christine get ready to be funny like it's time to get in your headspace anyway he's in prison stunt tanning to celine dion so great i hope he has a stellar life it sounds like it's good sounds like he's having a better one than me sorry ck that this had to be your episode he stopped listening forever ago he's got his own podcast to worry about now ck is a gem and a half um is there anything else oh i do have one more thing to say typical guys guys it's uh good news for you guess who's gonna be on the podcast next week
Starting point is 01:23:09 who christine lisa lamp and ellie she's gonna be uh guest starring is she gonna tell a story yeah she's gonna tell a story i don't know if it's paranormal true crime yet or both but she's gonna have her own story to tell on the podcast and it'll be a good time she's so nice and she's she's such a every time we see her she's just a real gem she's like a real celebrity guest yeah we have a wow good for us how we did it wow all right no offense allison but this is our first celebrity guest she can't hear me she has headphones in yeah okay guys thank you so much for listening um we have like social media oh you can find us i i just need a simple one can you
Starting point is 01:23:53 tell this part yeah you can find us at facebook instagram twitter at at wwd podcast we also have an email address where you can send your listeners episodes we do that at the first of every month you can email at it and that's why we drink at we have a website and that's why we you can also shop our merch at and that's why we
Starting point is 01:24:18 and if you would like to be a donator you can find us at patreon on and that's why we drink ooh and uh oh I guess our first facebook live will have already happened by the time this comes out but we're doing hope you enjoyed it wasn't it fun guys we haven't done it yet but by the side okay it was so fun right we had so much fun let's pretend that we know exactly what's gonna happen remember that time that one guy said that one thing he was so kind it was and that other person remember how pretty they call me so pretty and i was like oh i was like no no i think it was you drunk you did
Starting point is 01:24:51 that oh i said that about you said it and everyone disagreed to be nice i said it and then the reverberation it like kicked back and i was like whoa right someone called me remember that time that you just took over the whole show and then geo and i left and never came back oh that's oh yeah that's actually yeah okay um so anyway we're doing a monthly facebook live for all patreon donators so if you want to donate like you know anything at all give us your credit card information i'm just kidding that sounded really sinister but also do it but also do it because we have like wine glasses and uh tote bags and tote bags buttons cardicals oh bumper stickers i thought
Starting point is 01:25:29 you were saying cardigans like no cardicals i will never make anyone wear a cardigan bumper stickers we have stuff we'll have a cardigan someday no no anyway thanks guys uh and that's why we drink and that's why we drink bye oh oh i just what are you doing oh wait it's not gonna it's not gonna cling give me your other give me your second wine use my gallon of uh oh here's two of my enema solution cheers sorry to the whole world

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