And That's Why We Drink - E35 A Popcorn Fortune and a Friend Named Squirrel

Episode Date: October 1, 2017

It’s episode 35, and we still haven’t left our plunger tent. Lord help us. In this episode we discuss the merits of guns in fighting ghosts, Em gives her best impression of a fire, and we record-s...cratch our way through a voodoo-related murder-suicide.Meanwhile, Em tells Christine about Wisconsin’s most haunted house, the Summerwind Mansion, and Christine tells Em about the New Orleans’ Rampart Street Murder House, where the tragic Zack and Addie murder/suicide took place in 2006. And that's why we drink.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So my Algebra 2 teacher follows me on Instagram pretty heavily. What do you mean heavily? Like, likes everything and makes sure to comment on all of it saying I have a cool job. And today she wrote to me saying, I think you have the coolest job ever and I wish you could say, Mrs. Hopple, I use math every day and the Algebra 2 you taught me helps me all the time. But sadly, I know that's not the case. Oh my. Throwing me under the bus there sounds like she cried jokes on her i never got an a in
Starting point is 00:00:30 that class so good thing i don't use algebra every day i love when teachers are like oh yeah it's such a blessing you were in my class i'm like you hated me and also i failed but it's like you hated me and i hated you i didn't hate miss Miss Hopple. She was actually pretty cool. But there were other teachers where they absolutely hated me and didn't try to hide it. And I hated them back. And now they're like, oh, well, you know, I see that you have a really cool job. And I'm like, oh, really? Oh, do you? Really?
Starting point is 00:00:55 You see it now? Okay. Bye. That happens to me now, too. My high school sent me an email being like, we'd love to feature you in the winter magazine. They did that to me. Get away from me they wrote to me and said uh that they had been seeing my success and wanted to feature me in the alum
Starting point is 00:01:12 does not piss you off thing well especially because my high school outed me to everyone so fuck you guys no thanks anyone listening from my high school big old middle finger to you my high school's like suing my mom right now. So I'm like, can we separate? Are we separating those two things? They didn't even out me. They threw me out of the fucking closet. That's not okay.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So and our headmaster is a lesbian. So like whose side do you think she'd be on? Oh, you just outed her on a podcast. She's a lesbian. Look at that. And the funny part is then after she came out, people were like, we stand behind her. We support LGBT shit. And I'm like, oh, cry me a fucking river.
Starting point is 00:01:51 You didn't stand behind me when she helped out me. That's such bullshit. Anyway. And that's why I drink. Welcome to And That's Why We Drink. You just got a nice segment of why I drink. It's a podcast, and I'm Christine. Oh, all right. And I am Em.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Okay, you said that like... Well, I mean, 40 episodes in, we're now introducing ourselves. I mean, we were on a BuzzFeed article recently. We've got a lot of new listeners, and I feel like maybe I have to pretend like we're a normal podcast for a minute. Well, this weekend, yeah, this weekend was pretty big for us. We hit a million downloads. Hey! We're supposed to be eating ice cream cake while we record this.
Starting point is 00:02:39 We're also under a plunger again. Yeah, we're still in our pillow fort because we haven't done anything. Actually, that's a lie. We would have done a lot to create a space, but we don't because Christine was in the hospital. Hey, I'm back. She didn't have a good week. I was emailing most of you from the hospital. I was like, I was up till 4am most nights just like responding to emails. It was really fun. Although shout out to people who uh sent us pictures of them also in hospitals oh yeah they felt very unifying it was kind of nice to be not the only one but here i am i'm alive i'm back i can drink again well you didn't stop i mean i did because i was you know nobody snuck me any booze into the hospital but i told christine
Starting point is 00:03:21 i would sneak her booze because she said she was on a clear liquid diet and I was like, vodka is clear. So I'm threatened to put it in my IV bag. I was like, I didn't threaten. I, I offered kindly. I offered kindly. It was out of love. The only issue is that I was also on a lot of Dilaudid, which is a very strong opiate. And I was like, things aren't going to go well.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I watched Christine get her pain medication and there was a good five Mississippi seconds where she was like, give me a second. I'm about to go for a wild ride. And then later I left the hospital and she texted me. She's like, I'm tripping balls right now. They switched from morphine to like the strong stuff. And I was like, wow, this is much worse. I'm glad I'm not here to witness this. I wish I was.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Anyway, so but I'm alive and you're alive and here we are. And here we are. And our high schools are jealous of us. Wow. They just want me for my obvious thriving fame. Obviously. Doesn't it show. Speaking of thriving fame, do you want to know why I drank this week?
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah. Because our house almost got broken into yesterday. Oh, is it're famous well a couple people joked like oh guys for the record we're not fucking famous before like before itunes reviews start saying that we think too much of ourselves we we we're kidding we're we're kidding we have a show called and that's why we drink we don't think much of ourselves i mean i'm just gonna speak for themselves but i i'm pretty famous i'm totally kidding definitely famous and that's why her house got broken into this week well so a couple of my friends were like oh is it because of your podcast i was like yeah it's because of my fucking podcast no it's because i just moved into a new house and these people i got home and there were um there was this lady and she comes running and
Starting point is 00:05:04 apparently she's my new neighbor and she's like i called the police they're on their way i saw a guy leaving your backyard and when he saw me he screamed we got to get the fuck out of here and two other men jumped over the like seven foot wall oh they just are just like jaguars apparently over it and i was like oh and so she said all three of them like leaped over the wall and then got into a moving suv and drove off and i was like oh shit and she goes check out the backyard and everything and i went back there they had unlocked the gate and they had like kicked in like a basement window oh no but they hadn't gotten in wait is there like a hole in your basement window now it's like a mesh like screen type of thing that they had kicked in but you can't like fit into it oh so why'd they do it then it's stupid to see if they could like access it but once you open it it's
Starting point is 00:05:49 like really narrow um but yeah so they didn't make it in but i was like kind of terrified and geo was all worked up but he's okay baby g and also that was right after you got back from the hospital so you're like day after you're like today could not get any worse and then all of a sudden you know that's a nice way to meet your neighbor at least yeah i was like thanks here's my uh here's my personality and my my my pro traits i'm here to look out for you yep exactly i was like sorry i'm still bandaged from the fucking ivy she's christine still has like bruises and everything she looks like an addict it's pretty gross like all of her where all of her ivs were um but yeah so i i almost got broken into but honestly it like didn't phase me everyone's like are you okay and i'm like well didn't you grow up with that yeah well i counted and this is number
Starting point is 00:06:33 11 of like break-ins i've experienced and i'm like honestly it doesn't phase me which is not good that's not good no but i feel like i would be the opposite i wouldn't be like holy shit i feel like I draw this stuff to me and I don't know why, but it happens all the time. And my car's been broken into and like my dorm room, like everything. I've, thank God, never had any, I've never experienced any version of a break-in or a violation like that. So it is terrifying. The second it happens to me for the first time will be the day I lose my mind. Cause I'm going to, I'm not going to know how to react because I'm not used to it.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Well, it's interesting because I feel like you have paranormal experiences and I don't. And I have all these literal true crime experiences. Yeah, every time a ghost is in my house, I'm like, oh, what else is new? But then you would probably freak out. If there's a fucking ghost in my house, I would set it on fire. Wait. Well, you could try. I would.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Also, speaking of ghosts in my house house i did the died in nobody died in this house i know that's sorry to disappoint i mean that's also impressive for a house that's almost 100 years old yeah that's not so but that doesn't mean there's no ghosts no no it doesn't but i just wanted to clear the air on that because people were wondering but okay that's fine that's good yeah okay makes me feel a little better it doesn't explain why this house is haunted i don't think it's haunted it is i don't believe you okay i mean only time will tell this is me trying to get em to play ouija board with me no no no no you own a ouija board you can just do that without me here but
Starting point is 00:08:02 i'd rather have you here so you can have a screaming human in the corner no also i don't understand why that door freaks me out i was just looking at the door and then i told myself it moved but it didn't but your house is also haunted but anyway i just freaked myself out um i feel like if you did play with a Ouija board, though, I would come into your house and I would just smell that it had been used. I'd be like, there has been voodoo experience here. I feel like I'm one of those people who needs approval. Even though I know you won't give it to me, I'm going to beg for it until you give it to me so that I can feel okay about it.
Starting point is 00:08:39 On my deathbed, you'll be like, please, let's start the Ouija board game now so by the end, you're on the other side. I'll transition you. um oh before i forget i also want to say that this episode is donated to one of our 25 patreon sponsors yay our faves uh and this episode in particular is dedicated to orion i like orion or's great, and he has a fucking awesome name. I'm assuming there aren't many Orions that listen to us, so I'm going to assume this is the Orion that likes all my stuff on Twitter. Yeah, he's very active on Twitter. You can find me at VMSchultz.
Starting point is 00:09:15 All right, aren't we supposed to be plugging Orion, not you? All right, you can find Orion on my friends list at VMSchultz. You're an asshole. Orion is really great and really funny and nice. And I wonder if he has a belt. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. I hope you were the first person to use that on him, but I don't think you are.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's worth a shot. Orion. That's a very regal name. It's pretty badass. Yeah. Like, no one messes with you when you're a kid and your name's Orion. hell no it's like your name being thor oh yeah it's pretty badass um so that's that uh and what are you drinking today sweet tea yeah because we we went into this podcast thinking i would always have access to milkshakes but now that you're an hour commute i can't do it anymore
Starting point is 00:10:04 although to be fair you did have ice cream ready for me in the freezer which was very nice of you I did however also you ate a lot of it so I don't know if I could get a milkshake out of the amount that's left I offered it to you and then you didn't take it so I ate it but we should definitely uh regularly keep like a carton here for me and a blender so we can just make milkshakes on the spot you're right it would be actually kind of fun to have like our own recipes we can make like oh yeah and we could also do like like halftime milkshakes or like i could be like intermission and i'll go make another milkshake elevator music yeah yeah all right i'm down uh we'll discuss it people
Starting point is 00:10:40 send in your ideas i'm drinking a box of wine. Surprise to everybody. Wow. Is it, it's red like always. Is it cab? It's a Shiraz. Okay. It was one of the two. You got to mix it up, man. No. Why are you looking at me like that? I don't know. I'm really tired. Okay. Yes. It's a Shiraz. I'm boring'm boring it's okay you're not boring after you drink a lot of Shiraz that's true so this is just like a vehicle right to entertainment uh yeah one last thing before we get started we are going to do our next uh what is it a facebook live event yeah facebook live event for all patreon donators whether you donate like a cent or like a hundred dollars thank you if you if you were to send us a hundred dollars we no one does no but but thank
Starting point is 00:11:37 you but we can hope uh but we're gonna do that and we want to announce the date. It's going to be on October 8th, which is a Sunday at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Yes. So we're going to post in if you're a Patreon donator, go to the Patreon Facebook group and join it because we're going to post like the time zones and all that there. And you'll be in like a countdown so that you know when when that's going to happen. And if you if you're not available and you have to miss it, it is going to save on the page and you can watch it later. Yep. October 8th, it's a Sunday at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:12:12 We will be there. That's in like exactly a week from today, actually, when this comes out. Do we have a tripod or are we using bread again? I mean... Because last time we used bread. I have a selfie stick if we just have to do it on our phones again like trash. Let's do a selfie stick! That'll be frustrating for only us.
Starting point is 00:12:31 For... And their eyes. Everyone's eyes. It'll be frustrating for the entire world. We'll all hate each other. All right, perfect. I'm ready for a, uh, to be entertained. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I can give that to you. Really? Well, I mean, it's going to be entertaining no matter what i can't promise how oh boy either this will be successful and entertaining in its own right or i'm gonna fail and it's gonna be a really bad story and you'll just watch me flounder and that will be the entertainment that might be more entertaining well that's also what's most likely let's try that one okay so this is the do by the way do you like my notes like things are just scratched out and covered in redding they look really fancy of like numbers and bullets
Starting point is 00:13:09 and arrows actually this is the worst version of notes i've ever done so again entertainment for everyone oh man i'm so ready just not of their own choosing so um christine knows this but i have like the world's worst headache right now yeah i'm on really bad about i'm on six excedrin right now i don't think that's safe but i mean if we mix it with how much wine you drank it would not be safe no and then i'm goes oh do you have any like real painkillers i'm like you took six excedrin i'm not giving you codeine but okay but it would have it would have helped but anyway so i'm just like running on steam right now so what basically i was gonna work on these notes while i was at work and then come here but my head hurts so bad that i didn't have time to actually like format anything
Starting point is 00:13:51 so that's why it looks like this so i'm setting us up for a miserable time i'm setting you up for exactly what you get every week nothing has changed nothing has changed 40 episodes and i still can't fucking figure out a page of bullets. Okay, so this is called the Summer Wind Mansion. That sounds fancy as fuck. In Wisconsin. Not so much anymore, but... Well, was that rude? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I've never been to Wisconsin. I'm pretty sure like two people from Wisconsin listen to us, so they can tell us if it's rude. I'm sorry. I do like cheese, though. So, it all starts in 1916 which is just over 100 years ago it's kind of like this house in 1916 the house was built by robert p lamont as a summer home uh lamont fun fact would later be the future secretary of commerce under president hoover
Starting point is 00:14:45 oh wow so as lamont was going to build i guess he was building around the already like there was already a foundation there and he was building on top of it um and so while he was doing his renovations to move in the maids said that like hey this place is supposedly haunted um they're just you know when anytime we've been here anytime people who have been around this area they've heard a lot of sounds a lot of um people saying their names um just like heads up like this place might be haunted so if you're about to just a little heads up just so you know if something happens i don't feel bad that i didn't say something don't say we didn't warn you yeah and uh per usual per straight white man sure he laughed at the maids and said there's no such thing as ghosts so
Starting point is 00:15:31 oh enter my paranormal story enter the demise of this man so um while they were there there isn't a lot of references that they experienced a lot of haunts but they did say that they felt being watched a lot um they also like would hear sounds upstairs but they assumed they were just like cracks and creaks from the wind and the one and only ghost experience they had was the one that had them flee the house and never come back oh no so mr lamont and his wife were sitting at the table eating ice cream oh it sounds about right which in 1934 were sitting at the table eating ice cream. Oh, sounds about right. Which in 1934, I can't imagine is good ice cream. Well, maybe it is because they use all that like heavy cream and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Maybe it's really good ice cream. Maybe it's like really good. I didn't get a recipe. I have really dumb questions that I feel like people on Twitter are always like bashing me for, but like. No, I appreciate the dumb questions because I'm also probably thanking them i'm taking away from you right yeah uh what were their freezers i guess they were invented around then but you had to be really rich i think to have a freezer well this house also was super um like it was like made for the wealthy so like even president hoover stayed with them a couple times. So it was like a high-end place.
Starting point is 00:16:46 It was a mansion. Okay. And then two of Chicago's most famous architects actually helped build it. Oh, okay. A lot of luminaries were hanging out here. Luminaries? A lot of, you know, Maine big dogs. So there was ice cream.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Okay, I get it. Yeah. We don't know about the freezer. I assume a freezer was there for it to be that cold i would imagine unless i mean it is chicago right oh no it's wisconsin wisconsin so it must have been cold anyway so i'm gonna stop asking questions please go on okay um so while they were having ice cream uh all of a sudden the door to their dining room started to shake and shudder nope and like rattle and then it flew open and an apparition of a man manifested just like showed up out of thin
Starting point is 00:17:34 air it was a black shadow and he thought that there was an intruder and so he pulls out his gun that he just had on his hip because it's 1934 in wisconsin and he fired two shots at what he saw was what he thought was a man and the door between their the room they were in and uh where the door led was to the cellar so basically he shot at the cellar twice and as just as fast as the guy showed up he vanished but there were two bullet holes there to like show what happened. And those bullet holes were there for a long time afterwards. And the man was like, I just wanted some butter pecan. Like I just wanted some ice cream guys.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Um, so they ended up fleeing that night and never going back supposedly. But can you imagine, I'm sorry, we're sitting next to the cellar door and just the thought. Oh my, I forgot. You're right. Maybe I should get a gun. Oh my, I forgot. You're right. Maybe I should get a gun. Oh, well, yes. That's the only logical conclusion. I heard, I heard, uh, I don't even know what I heard.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Just now you freak me out. You heard something. I, I don't know what's going on. I just had a total mental breakdown in my own head. Just a total span of two seconds. Yeah. It was a quick one. I can't even talk.
Starting point is 00:18:49 What's happening? Stop looking at the door. You're freaking me out. You freaked me out. I forgot we were next to a cellar door. We're not eating ice cream. It's fine. I usually have ice cream,
Starting point is 00:18:58 so that thing would be coming for me. I did just eat a lot of ice cream. Okay, hopefully it's coming for you. Because you have wine in your glass and ice cream in your stomach. I just wanted some boxed wine. Where's the charade? Hold on, my helicopter's arriving. It's dropping off.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I have arrived. All right. Okay, where were we oh yeah two bullets in I forgot get it laughing laughing laughing
Starting point is 00:19:37 laughing laughing I'm sweating so much laughing remember how we got new listeners and now they're all gone oh man so i we're i'm just gonna try and recap real quick there was someone who who basically I died, came back as a ghost, wanted some ice cream and someone shot at me twice. So fucking rude.
Starting point is 00:20:09 So fucking rude. By the way, if I haunt you, don't do that. Don't shoot you? Try not to. Oh. I mean, it's not like you'll kill me. Well, then don't try to steal my ice cream. It's like I offered you some in real life.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Actually, you know, it would be really sweet if you left ice cream out for me on Halloween or on my birthday or something. Oh. Because some of my family is Wiccan. Mm-hmm. And the big thing for Halloween,
Starting point is 00:20:31 which they don't call it Halloween, but they'll leave food out that night for the spirits of their loved ones because since our world and their world is the closest
Starting point is 00:20:40 on Halloween night, then it's essentially having dinner with them. That's really sweet. One night a year. So if I do die, you better leave some ice cream out that's a jewish tradition too or they leave um i guess it's not for your loved ones but it's for uh it's for elijah they leave a plate out for elijah all right well so and then they leave like a place setting for him well then leave ice cream for me all right you're elijah today 2.0. So basically they fled because I couldn't handle it.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Sure. And then it sold, like the house changed a bunch of hands in that time, but it basically kept going back to this family called the Keefers who owned it and they were just renting it out to people. And that was during the 1940s. But they actually, I guess they knew about the stories of it being haunted and didn't actually ever step foot in the house they just would like give like their renters the keys and be like good luck like just leave oh they actually lived in an rv parked outside the house
Starting point is 00:21:36 wait what they like would not go in the house they just happened to be the landlords of the haunted house and they lived outside of it and they lived outside all right so um that was more of a fun fact nothing really came out of it so in the 1970s a family finally bought the house and they were the hinshaws arnold and ginger hinshaw ginger hinshaw ginger hinshaw and uh it was the two of them and their six kids, and they moved into Summerwind, but only for six months. So they knew that the place was weird as soon as they moved in. They felt shadows and saw shadows in the hallways. They heard mumbled voices in empty rooms. And then if they went into the room, that was when the sound would stop, as if, like, you had found the sound.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Or once you were looking for the sound, it didn't want you to find it. So they just basically, it was like it didn't want you to find it. So they just basically it was like typical things like furniture would move around the house. And so they knew that there was something going on. And they also started seeing an apparition of a woman who would just regularly float past them down the hallway. And friends of theirs also saw this woman walking around the halls when they were alone and appliances like their hot water heater would break down and then repair itself before it could get fixed or it would break and then until they said oh we need to get a fix then all of a sudden it would fix itself what um windows and doors would close and then reopen themselves and
Starting point is 00:23:02 then if there was a window that was like particularly hard to open it would only open and close itself and like all day long um the only way they could keep certain windows shut is if they nailed them shut otherwise they just kept opening and closing by themselves all day so uh another time arnold henshaw he walked out to his car for work and the car literally caught on fire by itself and there's still no reason for it it just like went poof that was poof if you didn't hear it oh yeah that was the sound of fire I thought for a second that my house was on fire when I know I wanted to reassure you that you are in no harm it was so realistic so despite all of this like weird uh all these weird events it didn't really stop them they just tried to explain it away with oh well you know the it's just really old and so the floorboards creak and that's why my car catches on fire it's like no
Starting point is 00:23:59 big deal so they thought their way to fix it was to do renovations so they started hiring a bunch of work to a bunch of workers to come into the house and fix it. But a lot of the workers in town would refuse to go into the house. And most of them would fake sick and say they couldn't come in. And some of them flat out just said, I'm not going in that house. Is it because they knew beforehand or they were just like, I don't get a good feeling? I think a combo. But I mean, people did know about the Lamont ghost where he shot at nothing and stuff like
Starting point is 00:24:27 that. So, so many workers were calling out sick that eventually the Hinshaws were like, well, let's just do the renovations by ourselves. So one day they decided that they were going to paint a closet upstairs and it was Arnold and Ginger, husband and wife, and they were going to clean they were going to paint the closet upstairs so they had this like uh i guess a shelving unit that was essentially nailed to the wall or at least leaning against the wall and they tried to take it away so that they could paint the whole wall and not get any paint on the furniture so they pulled it out and there was this hole in the wall
Starting point is 00:25:05 and it was like a dark space and so no he tried he grabbed a flashlight and he started looking in there and he thought he could see in there but he couldn't get a really good look and right when he thought that he was uh you know done trying his flashlight caught a glimpse of a corpse i'm sorry what and he couldn't see he assumed that maybe it was like an animal that was dead or something in there he was like oh maybe like a raccoon got in there and died oh maybe this is where they store their halloween decorations yeah yeah and so so he couldn't get in and the hole was too small for them for him to be able to like climb in and so he waited till his kids got home and recruited his daughter, Mary. No, no.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And he was like, Mary, girl, you're going to take one for the team and get in that hole. And so he pushed her into the wall from upstairs, gave her a flashlight, and heard her screaming and pulled her out. And it was a human corpse. I'm sorry. And he made her go back in and then pull out the core father of the year i'm sorry are you fucking kidding with me no so uh basically uh it was a human corpse it was supposedly a woman with uh there was still some brown hair left on the skull no mary are you seeing a psychiatrist?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Mary needs a drink. Mary needs to go to a bar. Mary, can I buy you? Mary was 11, by the way. Can I buy you a beer, Mary? Mary needs a whole fifth of whiskey. So she pulled out a skull that still had old black hair on it. No.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Also pulled out an arm and a portion of a leg. What the fuck? So then, I mean, he's already making good decisions, right? Oh, yeah. He's father of the year, like you said. So then he decides not to report it to the police. They put it back in the wall. What? And they left it there.
Starting point is 00:26:55 What? They just put it back where they found it. He was very much me. He was like, let go, let God. I don't want to know. Not my business. Don't approve. He's like prison mentality. Keep your eyes and ears open keep your mouth shut he's like mary take
Starting point is 00:27:09 this skull covered in hair place it where you found it place it exactly as you saw it don't let anyone know that it has been touched it's not finders keepers in this house mary your fingerprints are the one all over that corpse not not me. Oh, my God. Mary. Mary made a mistake. Mary. Author after Mary. Oh, my God. Mary, run, girl.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Mary. Run, bitch, run. Okay, so. Mary, I want to help you. I think Mary's long gone. Can you? Oh, she did. Well, this was in like 1974, 70s?
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, 70s. She's kicking. She's kicking. She's probably like our parents' age. Oh, man. Another reason why that generation had kids like us. But that's the thing. Because they all had some weird fucked up experiences.
Starting point is 00:27:59 They're psychologically damaged. Social services was not as good as it is now. Hello, everyone. Are you over the age of 40? You're psychologically damaged. That's the statement this millennial podcast is making you're the reason all of your millennial children still live with you i'm joking please don't hate me you can find our patreon help um okay so they just put the corpse right back where they found it. And they just decided that that was the best place for it to be.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Oh, it was, for sure. So soon after this, can you imagine, things got worse. Oh, also, fun fact, the skeleton bore a strong resemblance to the spirit of the woman that everyone had been seeing walking around the house. Can you imagine how traumatized those children must have been? They must have just felt like, I don't even know what they thought. I don't, I have no idea. Imagine thinking, in my mind, if you're a small child and you just see someone walking up and down the hall, I would think it was like a maid or, you know, maybe your friend's
Starting point is 00:28:57 parent that's always around. And then all of a sudden you find them again on the other side of a wall and it's only their bones. And they're dead and decomposing. Yeah. And you have to touch their skull. And then my sister Mary's throwing her back into the wall saying, I saw nothing. I saw nothing.
Starting point is 00:29:12 My sister Mary. That sounds like a great horror movie. My sister Mary. That's a lifetime movie waiting to happen. So the Hinshaws did not report it, put it back, left it alone. Things got worse. I'm sorry. This is making me drink.
Starting point is 00:29:28 How did you get through that other one so fast? Like, listen to your story and then get back to me. So Arnold began staying up very late and having pretty wild insomnia. Which one's Arnold? The dad? The dad. Arnold got some pretty gnarly insomnia, started staying up super late, and eventually just never slept.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Oh, no. And he began playing the organ at all hours of the night. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. They had a Hammond organ. Did they, like... They, like, bought it. It was like a wedding present or something.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And then they always had it. And he never really played it until, like, all these events started happening. And then he would only play it loudly and poorly all night long. It's so funny that like I put that on our wedding registry also. Did you? On our Pottery Barn. Well, when Blaze starts playing at a 3 a.m. run, the organ. Can you imagine if I was like, I'd like a $2,500 organ from Pottery Barn.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Thank you. Please. So that's the beyond part of dead bath and beyond by the way so he began he began playing it all night long and it became like a basically a frenzied mixture of sounds oh no it had it made no sense he was just playing random distorted chords yeah my favorite thing is that you said he started playing it badly like poorly yeah yeah all night yeah and so he also claimed because his wife was like, I'm trying to sleep. Like, can you stop?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Please. And he said, no, I have to do it to keep the demons at bay. No, no, no. Yeah. So his playing became so chaotic that his wife and children started sleeping in one bed together, crying and cowering in fear. By the way that's kind of dramatic like if i mean it's one thing to play the organ badly but don't act like it's the underworld you know it's like dad just can't get the minor scale wrong we're all sobbing
Starting point is 00:31:15 it's like what parents probably do like hold each other at night when they buy their kid a set of drums it's like yes what did we do where did we go wrong so during this time uh while he was like losing his mind at night ginger also attempted suicide oh no didn't succeed but attempted oh no um while arnold was sent away for treatment to like maybe just get a fucking nap in ginger and the kids moved to live with her parents do you know what she did as like committing trying no okay i don't know um probably could have looked it up i just chose to carry on so arnold and ginger uh ultimately got divorced but she ended up marrying another guy named george and she lived with him and things seemed to be going fine
Starting point is 00:32:02 because now they were all out of the house right Right. So they're not living there anymore. Were the kids with her? The kids were with her. Yeah, probably. Her and George. Yeah. And a few years later, her father announced that he was going to buy the Summerwind Mansion. And he wanted to turn it into a restaurant and inn with his wife.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That seems like a great idea. Well, also this guy, I found out he was a popcorn vendor as his career. So I don't think he, first of all, what a time where you could be a popcorn vendor and just like live off of that. And then also buy a mansion. What a time, what a life, what a, what a life, what a life buying a mansion off your popcorn fortune. I don't know what kind of popcorn he's vending but i think it's laced and it's the 70s so you know he was making it oh it was the 70s huh some some uh sprinkled some quaaludes on it or some shit i don't know some acid popcorn
Starting point is 00:32:58 um so he wanted to turn into an inn and he has no idea what happened to his daughter there. Like where, like he doesn't, they didn't tell anyone about how haunted it was. Did the husband, the previous husband still own it? Or like, how's he getting ahold of it? He sold it cause he had to leave to go get treatment. Apparently it was very vague, but basically the family moved out and split up. So he sold it to the the he sold it back to
Starting point is 00:33:25 that poor family the kefirs who just can't get their hands off so then her dad was like i'll take it yeah okay um apparently he figured out through the kefirs that it was haunted and it didn't stop him but he was very fascinated with paranormal activity. So he got way too curious. Oh no. He started using a Ouija board. Nope. And he, I guess, fell into a trance where he saw himself in the basement of the house and he was looking through the cellar and he found a deed. Deed. I don't know if that came out right.
Starting point is 00:33:59 He found a deed to the house and it, um, apparently he spoke to the spirit in the house named John Carver, who's not a woman, by the way. So apparently there's more than one spirit. But John Carver also has the description of the spirit that Robert Lamont saw, the one that he shot at. Yeah. Oh, shit. oh shit so robert lamont like i like described what he saw and it's eerily like the figure that was seen in this trance with ginger's dad yowza and apparently the guy said his name was john carver he was i guess some frontiersman who um oh he something about how he owned the property but he was looking for the deed because he made a trade with an Indian tribe on the land.
Starting point is 00:34:51 And they gave him a third of Wisconsin. But he couldn't find the deed. Oh, okay. Just like, you know, a third. And apparently, so this whole vision while it was happening, I guess John Carver, the ghost, was saying, I need your help to find the deed. It's somewhere in the foundation of the house. And he won't rest until he finds the deed to own the land. Also, for skeptics out there, there was a reporter who actually dug into this and tried to find a deed.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And it supposedly does not exist. They've also talked to people who back in 1916 helped lay down foundation. And they said that they never hid anything in the house. And even if they did, it wouldn't make sense because like, I guess 130 years after John Carver died is when they laid the foundation. So how would John Carver have even known and something about like the government ended up saying that agreement land agreements with Indian tribes weren't valid. So even if they did find a deed, it would be worthless. And also it didn't belong to Ginger's dad. So it's not like he could like, like have a valid land agreement where he owned a third of Wisconsin. I don't really know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:36:03 What on earth? But there was for skeptics out there wondering if any of that was proven correct or not. It was looked into and it's just kind of like understood that there's no real answer. Okay. While he was in this trance, he began regularly having experiences with John Carver, either in dreams and other trances or while talking through the Ouija board. This just became a regular thing. Oh, no. He also ended up writing a book that was published in 79 under the name Wolfgang von Boeber,
Starting point is 00:36:36 which is a ghost, a ghostwriter name, obviously. A ghost, right? Yes, Christine. Good job. I'm sorry. I'm trying. And it was a book called the carver effect and it was basically a tell all of his experiences of his communication with john carver um it's also
Starting point is 00:36:53 apparently very out of print and very hard to find in case anyone's trying to google it right now as you listen to me talk to the sultry sounds of m schultz i'm not gonna you didn't you didn't give me the chance i'm just gonna blankly stare at you and let you finish that off so um anyway as even though he knew it was haunted he was like we already bought this house so i might as well like just try to like work on it and make do with what i have so ginger ended up moving back in with her husband, George, to help her dad and her brother. So the dad's son also came and his name was Carl, the Ginger's brother. Classic Carl. Classic Carl. With a K, by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Oh, for God's sakes. And so Carl, who was Ginger's brother, and then Ginger and then Ginger's husband, George, all moved in with the dad to help um with renovations and poor ginger was probably like look i've been doing renovations on this house a while back and i seriously don't want to come back to this so as they were wandering around and they got to the second floor her husband spotted that the closet had a secret compartment in the wall oh come on because ginger still like has this like like she's the one you want on your side in prison she doesn't fucking say a word does
Starting point is 00:38:11 she for her husband to not know about this yet if i thought i was never going back to this house because there were several years between her leaving and her father buying this house right if she thought she was never going back the next guy i married i would have for sure been like you want to hear some bullshit right like apparently maybe we could get some money off a radio deal i have some stories i want to hear a wild story about my last husband listen one glass he literally left a corpse in the building after our childhood efficient after she made my daughter touch its skull yeah so anyway he knows she never said anything to him because he found the secret compartment and he was going to start looking through it. And she was like, no, don't go there.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Don't go. Don't go. And he was like, why? You're being really fucking weird about this. And she was like, okay, listen, there's a corpse. I mean, listen. In the wall. Like, I'm not trying to freak you out, but I'm just saying, like, you're going to find
Starting point is 00:39:03 yourself a corpse if you keep looking. Like, don't not trying to freak you out, but I'm just saying, like, you're going to find yourself a corpse if you keep looking. Like, don't overreact. Honestly, if you overreact, I'm going to overreact, and it's just not a good time for you. It's not, and it's not good for the children. Let's just all breathe. It would be foolish to think too hard on this. Yes. So anyway, he heard there's a corpse in the wall, and he was like, fuck you, Ginger.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I'm going to go look in the wall and he was like fuck you gender i'm gonna go look in the wall and see it and so he rushed back and tried to like pull it out of the wall but there was nothing there so and also by the way that never gets resolved and there's no answer to it so the corpse just disappears it just went away so a couple theories one thinks like either someone went back and took it at some point or the corpse itself was its own haunting where it was replaying something that happened at one point so it's like a residual yeah oh shit um they think it was like an like an emotional or like energy imprint that happened on the house. And they just kind of saw it and experienced it and interacted with it. And then it went away.
Starting point is 00:40:10 So it's one theory. Okay. So eventually everyone was like, look, I'm going to get out of this house. This is just too weird. Smart. So the only one that was hanging around still was Carl.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Classic Carl. Classic Carl. Oh, uh, that was hanging around still was Carl. Classic Carl. Classic Carl. So basically he went there for last minute repairs one night and it started to rain. So he was going around closing all the windows while he was upstairs in the hallway. He heard someone call his name, which is when I would run the other direction. Hell yes. But of course he walks right into the room where the sound was.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And he kept hearing his name and he kept hearing it in whispers and then laughter. Carl. No, like Carl. Oh, oh. Fucking creepy. You're going to give me nightmares. Like some Annabelle shit. Carl.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Like that game, the clapping movie. Have you ever seen that one? Of course you haven't. As if you think I've seen that. It's called, it's not hide and seek. It's some scary movie where it's a haunted house, and the way you try to find it is you have to play hide and seek with it, where you follow the claps.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Absolutely not. So you keep, like, from upstairs you'll hear like, and then as you get closer you'll hear like, No, thank you. Why the fuck is that a movie? And then it kills you. And then it kills you and then it kills you um so anyway so he follows it and when he gets to the room that happened to be the room where
Starting point is 00:41:33 robert lamont and his wife were once eating ice cream all of a sudden he hears two pistol shots and he can smell gunpowder and then he turns around and the wall that's leading to the cellar now has two bullet holes in it. That at one point had been covered up during earlier repairs, but now they're right there again. Oh, no. And he went over to see if they were fresh, even though he couldn't find anyone in the house. Nobody could have possibly shot it and then ran away in time. though he couldn't find anyone in the house nobody could have possibly shot it and then and then ran away in time but he went over to see if they were brand new and they were the same old ones that had been like like the edges had been worn down and everything but for some reason like
Starting point is 00:42:13 the whatever they used to cover it up was just now gone oh no so the structure of the house is just like disappearing and showing up at its own will that was that was basically the end of that where like it was just like they had smoothed over and they were definitely the old bullet holes that were covered up but for some reason are showing up again yikes so uh more workmen were refusing to stay on the job they kept saying that tools were disappearing and they kept getting stared at and they were hearing people laugh at them and talk to them and like whisper to them and even the wife was like like like, I agree. I feel like someone's staring at me whenever I come to visit this house.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And the last super weird thing about this house, which is also very original for a ghost story, is that the size of the rooms kept changing. What? So like the rooms would expand and shrink on their own. It's like you would measure a room and it would be a totally different size the next day. What? So the measurements were usually larger
Starting point is 00:43:10 than what the blueprints had originally said. And then they'd go from either incredibly larger to like half the size of what the blueprints said. What the fuck? At one point, it was estimated that you could have 150 people in one room, and then they remeasured it, and you could only get 70 in there. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:43:29 And photographs were taken of the house. So, like, they took pictures of every room. Right. And then they compared them to Ginger's pictures when she used to live in the house with her ex. Right. And the pictures, so, like, when she lived with her ex there were these certain curtains that would hang on the window and then since they've moved away and times past
Starting point is 00:43:50 those curtains weren't there anymore but when they took the new pictures those curtains were in the room in the picture but if you know if they were standing in the room and took a picture of that room on like the picture that developed and was in their hand would have the curtains but if you looked at the window there would be no curtains there what the hell so um pretty wild anyway so the they ended up saying this is too much and they ended up abandoning the project um to this day the deed was never found and then in 1983 or 1986 a bunch of canadian investors tried to buy the land and thought they could do something with it but ends up just never working out like just financially they couldn't keep up with it and then two years later in 1988 it got struck by lightning and uh it the whole place caught on fire like by the time the fire department got there, all that was left was a couple chimneys and just all rubble.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Oh, no. So now, per usual, paranormal enthusiasts are trying to raise money to restore it and then turn it into a bed and breakfast. A bed and breakfast. Because that's what everyone does. But that is the Summer Wind Mansion in Wisconsin. Oh, my God. Did I ever tell you about the time when we found like a secret, a secret like room, not a room, but like a secret area in our attic at my mom's house growing up? No.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Wait, how long had you lived there before you found this? A few years. That's what makes it creepy. Yeah, it was yeah it was what was in it my friend and i decided we were like treasure hunters and this is celine who has all the paranormal experiences i've never met celine but i love celine i know she has like the craziest fucking stories and so i was always just like along for the ride and i was always into it and i was like let's find treasure so we had this like metal detector that we got from somebody
Starting point is 00:45:42 and we're like we're gonna find treasure in our house. And you did. It was so stupid. We were like, we're going to walk around and like pull on the floorboards. Cause we, you know, read too much, uh, Hardy boys and Nancy drew. Exactly. And we were like, Oh, we're Harriet, the spy. We will find clues. And so we were looking around and then in my attic, we had this in my bedroom we had this little like closet door that was about two and a half feet high and it was purple and like you opened it and you could like we would like sit in there and watch movies and like sneak like cocoa puffs up there and eat them at night whatever um and one day we found this like panel on the side and we like put the metal detector and it was like going crazy and we were like oh let's get the the wood paneling off and so we like pried the wood paneling off and there's this giant
Starting point is 00:46:30 ziploc bag of jewelry back there up and we were like whoa we actually found treasure wow the one time children actually think they're gonna do something and it works and my mom was just like whatever it's just like the last kid who lived here probably hid his mom's jewelry upstairs but we right sure and now looking back i'm just like that's too fucked up it was fucking weird and we still had i'm it's probably still somewhere but like we have a big ziploc bag and it had like oh this jewelry and shit in it and it was hidden behind like this panel in the teeny tiny attic closet and then covered in a trash bag and we like pulled it out and we were like wow oh my god treasure and now i'm like holy fuck that's so creepy that's so creepy no one put
Starting point is 00:47:16 something in a bag in a floorboard in a wall in a hole in an attic for like a laugh and the kid like there is a reason my mom always told us it was just the kid who lived there before us and he was like younger than me so he was probably like nine and i'm like i don't know if he would have thought to like drill plywood to the wall or go in an attic by himself yeah nine years old and hide his mom's jewelry or whatever so anyway the more i think about it the more i'm like that's kind of fucked up but that's entirely fucked up that is not the story that happened by the way like god it was just here to shake you into reality like your nine-year-old did not hide his mom's jewelry in the wall i've always been told so now that you tell me these things i'm like maybe it was a
Starting point is 00:47:56 little weirder than that i only think of the you remember the movie the little vampire with jonathan lipnicki no someone will but i'm sure everyone but me will um you know jonathan mcnicky he was the big head in jerry mcguire the little the little kid who was really cute he was in stewart little he was in the little vampire and his basically he lived in a house that used to belong to like be like the mob boss vampires like like the castle of the vampires and a whole bunch of shit that like keeps them alive or is supposed to save them is hidden under the floorboards in his bedroom so every time i think of anything being in a floorboard i think of the little vampire that's kind of cute it's much cuter than what it probably really is yeah right right anyway you want to tell
Starting point is 00:48:41 me something else it's not cute yes let's talk about something else besides my childhood horrors. Okay, so just like you were saved by Kyler and her suggestion last week, I got a suggestion actually today. And I had like three other things that I was kind of... Iffy about? Yeah, like debating between. And then today, a new friend named Natalie emailed us. Hi, Natalie. Hi, Nataliealie and she sent this uh suggestion and at first i was like i've never heard of this before and so i just thought oh i'll google it and i got sucked in and is it a ride and a half it's a ride and a fucking half and uh to quote
Starting point is 00:49:20 natalie it's a uh bowl of wild A bowl of wild. Bowl of wild. Have not heard that one before, but I like it. I like it too. And so this is the story of the New Orleans Rampart Street Murder House. Oh. Or the Zack and Addie Murder Suicide. No, I have not heard about this.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Me neither. Okay. Let's do it. Let's do it. Soalie had heard of the story because her friend is a historian and was actually a tour guide for a haunted history group in the area in new orleans so she got like the background scoop so it was really cool to have her um her take on it and then i went and researched it myself and it it's just fucking crazy all right so some of the sources i used were historic destination america and abc news you always make me look like a piece of shit when you like cite your sources i don't because i feel like for mine it's like real people and their
Starting point is 00:50:17 facts about like how they died and shit and mine's all theory yeah i feel like it's for the record uh my sources are always the first three pages of google just in case people are wondering but that's the thing i feel like i have to be more careful because it's like i don't want to like slander people who don't any information i ever give on this podcast can be found on the first three pages of google if you type in the house i'm talking about yeah so i'm just trying to make myself sound better than him that's fine it's pretty easy okay i'll let you have it uh so let's go in october of 2006 police responded to an emergency call from the omni hotel in new orleans louisiana okay when they arrived they saw that a man had
Starting point is 00:51:00 jumped off the roof roof of the hotel oh no had landed five stories down on the roof of the hotel, had landed five stories down on the roof of the parking garage, and had died on impact. They immediately noted that it looked like a suicide, and their suspicions were confirmed when they found a five-page suicide note in the man's front pocket. The man's name was Zach Bowen, And the note he had written included instructions leading police to the apartment. He shared with his girlfriend where they would find pieces of her dismembered body spread around the apartment.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Oh no. So a little bit on Zach Bowen. So a recap. So let's rewind. Hey, it's Zach. You're probably wondering how I got here. Record scratch.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Oh my God. Oh, but it's not funny. It's not funny. It's not funny. It's like not funny, but it's like exactly the way that I set it up. I feel like I'm presenting it like it's some sort of ABC family. It's super fucked up. Like the cops found a note in his pocket and then like freeze frame record scratch hey guys probably wondering
Starting point is 00:52:09 how i ended up here let's rewind oh my god okay okay anyway wow so there's we're assholes i know before you guys write to us saying we're assholes we're assholes we know we know we know we know and that's why we drink god damn it we know We're sitting literally under a plunger tent. A plunger with a child sheet. We're not good people. Don't be shocked. Don't be. We may have voices of angels, but, you know, don't be fooled.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Our voices may lull you into a false sense of security, but. Yeah. We have hearts of charcoal. Hearts of charcoal. If hearts at all oh man it's getting weird it's getting dark and weird so anyway you may wonder how zach bowen got there zach bowen i'm gonna give you a little rewind on zach bowen. He was a I mean honestly
Starting point is 00:53:06 the way they described him was that he was a typical dude. Pretty decent. That's not a typical dude by the way. Pretty decent. Pretty decent. It was a low blow but I needed it didn't be said. You wouldn't know. Alright. Zach Bowen. He was a low blow, but it needed to be said. You wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:53:25 All right. Zach Bowen. He was a pretty standard dude. He was like not... Standard, way to put it. I saw you change it. What did I say before? You're like, he's a typical guy. He's a standard guy instead of just like a decent guy.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Oh, a decent guy? Went from decent to standard real quick. All right. He's a pretty... He's a guy. Is that better? He's a man. He's quick all right he's a pretty he's a guy is that better he's a man he's a man he's a man uh he was not you know particularly attractive he wasn't also he wasn't unattractive he wasn't like a mean guy he wasn't you know he's all around average average guy he wasn't like super popular. Joe Schmo. Joe Schmo.
Starting point is 00:54:06 He was pretty average American. He had plenty of friends. He was sociable. Um, but at the same time he was like, had a lot of shit that he was hiding from people. So when Zach was 18 years old, he met a 28 year old stripper named Lena Shupak. The two got married. And according to some sources, uh, Zach joined the military in order to support her and the two children that they had together. So he joined the army and he pretty quickly rose to the rank of sergeant and he toured in Kosovo and Iraq. So, and he was also in Abu Grape. At that point, some of his friends said that he kind of had changed. His attitude had changed. He was less happy. He wanted to come home. He was struggling. You know, makes sense. You're spending a lot of time abroad in war zones. Sure, that's bound to happen. So after a while, Zach got his wish to come home.
Starting point is 00:55:05 He was discharged from the army. He did receive plenty of medals, including the NATO medal and the presidential unit citation. But he was also kind of bitter about leaving. He felt like it wasn't the most honorable way to leave the army. And when he returned, he decided to become a bartender in New Orleans. So he started working in the French Quarter, and he and his wife, who he had been dating, or who he had been married to that whole time, ended up separating pretty quickly after he returned.
Starting point is 00:55:37 And pretty quickly after that, he met a woman named Addie Hall, who was another bartender. And the two loved to drink, which was like their main... Oh, so did you. So me. It was like their main thing they had in common, basically. And then, sadly, tragically, Hurricane Katrina hit. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Which, as we all remember, was... Not good. Not good. Just a fucking nightmare and a half um so they actually became sort of local heroes during this time because they decided to stay in town and ride out the storm um and they actually they were featured on a lot of local news articles because they were almost they were called local folk heroes in some articles because they shacked up together they refused to evacuate and would sort of like they went to survival mode
Starting point is 00:56:32 for example they fashioned their own makeshift stove they would barter with other people in town uh they would even serve cocktails for people who were like stuck in town and couldn't leave so they really became this sort of like staple in town during the storm um and they they sort of lived the survivalist lifestyle where they didn't have electricity they didn't have running water but they they sort of thrived made it work yeah and they almost thrived in it where they like love just being in that environment of like it's just us against the world and we're gonna you know band together really like a fucked up romance yeah exactly like exactly like they're something intimate about in times of conflict banding together totally totally and that's how they thrived so uh hall
Starting point is 00:57:17 the woman um addie hall she actually gained some notoriety in town because she would flash police officers and show her breasts and that in turn would increase patrols in their neighborhood you know what doing what you gotta do entrepreneur i mean right i mean the sex sex workers are the reason that a lot of cities in america lasted are thriving that's the the reason that a lot of cities in America lasted. Are thriving. It's the only reason that a lot of cities, like, got built up. Yeah. So not knocking them at all.
Starting point is 00:57:52 They do what they gotta do, and it works. Sex sells. And she, sex sells. And she wasn't, you know, she wasn't a sex worker. Some people thought she was a, some people say she was a stripper, but she wasn't a sex worker. But she did show her breasts to police, and I guess for that reason it did increase patrolling in their neighborhood so a lot of people were really thankful for her um and basically they loved it but then pretty soon after that uh things in new orleans returned to you know quote unquote normal uh people were recovering from the
Starting point is 00:58:23 storm people were coming back to the city, rebuilding and that kind of thing. Zach and Addie moved into a new apartment above the city's famous voodoo spiritual temple. Ooh. Have you heard of that? No, but it's somewhere I want to go. It's at 826 North Rampart Street. And it's, well, I'll tell you what it is in a minute. All right, please do.
Starting point is 00:58:44 So they moved above this voodoo temple, and their fights, according to the landlord, reached an all-time high at this point. Oh, no. Hall stopped going to work. Zach started taking drugs and alcohol, and it just became, like, part of their life. Apparently they had a friend named Squirrel.
Starting point is 00:59:02 All right. Sure. Why not? We all need a friend. I have a friend named Meatball. All right. Sure. Why not? We all need it. I have a friend named Meatball. So, you know, I'm not kidding. I know. So, you know, they probably met in college, like on that Meatball.
Starting point is 00:59:14 You don't really get a name like that as an adult. You don't. You know? Yeah. You gotta like. It just sticks with you. Adopted early on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:21 You gotta really want it. I tried to be Chrissy Kiwi once. I'm sorry. Say it again. I tried to be chrissy kiwi once i'm sorry say it again i tried to be chrissy kiwi once chrissy kiwi it didn't work who why to who did you request that and when i don't know my eighth grade latin class there it is yep let's pretend that didn't happen uh so squirrel was allegedly supplying them with a steady stream of cocaine so on top of everything else they're you know they were doing drugs. They weren't going to work. Their fights were intensifying, and it got to a bad point.
Starting point is 00:59:53 So on October 5, 2006, the couple got into a big fight. Addie accused Zach of cheating on her. So Zach strangled Addie to death in the bathtub and then in his note that they found after he'd committed suicide he explained quote i killed her at 1 a.m thursday october 5th i very calmly strangled her it was very quick he then cut her body into pieces. He placed her head on the stove and put her feet in another pot with her hands and then put her legs in the oven. The fuck? Why? To store it?
Starting point is 01:00:34 The remainder of her body, her torso, which you know how I feel about torsos, was put in the refrigerator in a large ziplock bag. Right. That needed to be cold. Yeah. But the disembodied feet that I love so much had to be in a pot with hands let's just cook those down yeah this is so gross he then cooked the body parts um in what he called an attempt to separate the meat from the bone uh it's assumed now that he was trying to get rid of evidence because there was no uh evidence to suggest that he ate any part of her so he he did
Starting point is 01:01:06 cook like pretty much all of her body he was just cooking it down what a specific way i mean i understand you're from louisiana so you know how to barbecue so you're and if you're ever going to learn how to separate meat and a bone do it in the deep south but like if you're why wouldn't you just like throw it in a river? Or burn it? Like, put it on fire? You'll find out. Oh, my God. I know.
Starting point is 01:01:28 It gets there. I know. It's crazy. Just wait. Once Addie was dead, Zach spent some time in the apartment spray painting messages on the walls and writing his five-page suicide note. In addition to those fun hobbies, he also went out drinking he went to strip clubs he did drugs with his friends and 11 days later he jumped from the roof to his death so as far as a letter goes uh they found it in his front pocket after his suicide
Starting point is 01:02:00 um and it told police where he lived where they would find find Addie, and why he did what he did. So I'm just going to read like a, I mean, it was a five-page suicide note, but I'm just going to read one paragraph. This is not accidental. I had to take my own life to pay for the one I took. If you send a patrol car to 826 North Rampart, you will find the dismembered corpse of my girlfriend Addie in the oven, on the stove, and in the fridge, and a full signed confession from myself, Zach Bowen. I scared myself not by the action of calmly strangling the woman I've loved for one and a half years and then desecrating her body, but by my entire lack of remorse.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I've known forever how horrible of a person I am, ask anyone, and decided to quit my jobs and spend the $1,500 I had being happy until I killed myself so that's what I did good food good drugs good strippers good friends and any loose ends I may have had I didn't contact any of my family so that'll explain the shock and I had a fantastic time living out my days. It's just about time now. Wow. And that's one paragraph out of five pages. You know, at least he, I mean, there's no at least, but at least he, like,
Starting point is 01:03:20 like, at least gave them, like, a confirmation of, at least he gave them a confirmation of, you know, I did it. For sure. And they actually compared it in an article I read to albert fish and ed gein where it's like they never had any remorse they never had any like second thoughts yeah whereas he like clearly had like demons and was living with guilt and and he at least had remorse for not having remorse for sure like he knew there was something wrong with him right Right. Yeah, exactly. So that was that was an interesting twist on it. Is that like it? Yeah. Like he was aware that there was something wrong. Exactly. He also provided the police with his keys and the information for his landlord. So when police finally got into the apartment, they found spray painted messages on the walls that said, please call my wife. I love her. I'm a total failure. Look in the oven.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Please help me stop the pain. God. He also said that he had burned himself with a cigarette for every year of his life as punishment for his failures. Jeez. Em? Yeah? This is where things get interesting.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Um, okay. Take me there. So Zach and Addie had been living on the floor above New Orleans' well-respected Voodoo Spiritual Temple. Uh-huh. The Voodoo Spiritual Temple was established in 1990 by Priestess Miriam and Priest Oswan Kamani. It's the only formally established spiritual temple with a focus on traditional West African spiritual and herbal healing practices currently existing in New Orleans. So it's like a well-respected and established voodoo center. And some people believe, this is pretty common belief actually, that dark forces surrounding the voodoo spiritual temple took a hold on the couple. Not surprised. And drove them to madness.
Starting point is 01:05:04 As a believer, if you're going to move into something called the voodoo temple yeah what the hell do you think is going to happen to you well it's interesting because like every time you look up this article or this story it always has that aspect to it it's not even like you can find it you can't find the story without that yeah angle and the only thing is like the the voodoo temple is like highly respected. It's very positive. Typically, like there's most, the people who argue against that say like, it's not a negative place.
Starting point is 01:05:34 There's not negative energy. So that's the only kind of, I'm not trying to say like, oh, it's voodoo. So it's gotta be like nasty, evil, whatever. But it is, it is like a big theory. gotta be like nasty evil whatever but it is it is like a big theory um so to add to that theory several people who lived at this location whether they knew where they were living or not because it's kind of an apartment building above uh have reported severe paranormal activity including feelings of being watched hearing voices and feeling as though the apartment itself was physically pressing in on them. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I know. Natalie, who sent us the email about it, she mentioned that the building is haunted by a little boy who isn't violent, but just seems scared. So Natalie's friend, who's the tour guide there, ran into a couple of guys who lived in the exact apartment where addy and zach lived and they said oh for sure it's haunted so just like a personal experience so in the aftermath of the um tragedy some people have started to wonder if there if there like is a supernatural element involved um and it's it's kind of conflicting because a lot of people believe
Starting point is 01:06:42 you know he there was obviously drugs and alcohol involved. He had been in the military. So PTSD, you know, may have played a big part. But a lot of people believe that there's no way that like such a well-liked, wonderful, you know. Well-adjusted guy could have done this. So it's kind of up in the air. I could have done this. So it's kind of up in the air. Some people even believe that Bowen, Zach Bowen, had been possessed by an entity who resided in the voodoo temple. But at the same time, like I was saying earlier, it's hard to believe that the priestess who lives there named Miriam Chimani,
Starting point is 01:07:22 she's very well respected, very positive in the community. and people have a hard time believing that she would have anything... To do with it. Yeah, or would have allowed such a negative entity to be, like... Around. In her sanctuary. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. So, as of right now, the Rampart Street Murder House, as it's called, is on New Orleans' list of most haunted properties.
Starting point is 01:07:42 on New Orleans' list of most haunted properties. It basically didn't get much mainstream attention until these murders, for obvious reasons. The place was on paranormal lockdown this past February on TLC. Love a good TLC show. Me too, and I haven't watched that episode, but I'm going to do it after this. Interestingly enough, there was also a documentary called zach and addy which played at the 2014 new orleans film festival and uh it featured a it was
Starting point is 01:08:14 about it was about the two of them and their murder suicide and it featured one of their best friends named margaret sanchez who was star narrator. And she talked about how her very best friends, Zach and Addie fell in love, like during the hurricane and how they survived it and how tragic it was and all that good stuff. Imagine being that girl. Imagine, of course you're going to write, make a documentary. Like how else are you going to get out all your energy about that? Yeah. So she, she was basically the,
Starting point is 01:08:44 almost the narrator of this guy's documentary, being like, I can talk you through, like, because she knew both of them so well and was so close to them. So, fun fact. It's not fun, is it? It's not really. What? Margaret Sanchez, who I just mentioned, two years later was arrested with her lover, Terry Speaks, for stabbing and dismembering a 22-year-old woman in New Orleans. Weird. Yeah. So either she had those sentences already or they influenced her.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Something like that. So in June of 2016, she pled guilty and was sentenced to 40 years in prison um so she was the main character in this documentary about yeah about her best friends yeah and then shortly after that she and her boyfriend also stabbed and dismembered a 22 year old dancer it's almost like they were copycatting or something really weird way too close to home really weird there are articles called like the woman close to both like you know the common denominator yeah like she was like but also if you saw your two best friends go through this and one of them tried to disembody someone and it didn't work out well why would you do it next well this is my this is my
Starting point is 01:10:05 going back to your earlier point guess how they got caught how she tried to hide the body parts they tried to hide the body parts in the bayous but natalie my good my new good friend hey natalie uh she she gave me some info on that And apparently the reason they got caught is because the bodies are so like moist and like warm that you can't dispose of body parts because they won't, they won't disintegrate. They won't rot. Like they will just stay there. So they found all these body parts scattered through the bayous and that's how they caught her.
Starting point is 01:10:42 So it's like, just remember when you were saying like, why wouldn't you get get rid of the water yeah so that's how their friend got caught two years later so basically so the moral of the story is don't disembody anyone because no matter what you'll get caught yep i'm just saying so basically after months and months they found the body parts so she was caught um she was put in prison for 40 years but it's really crazy to watch the documentary and see her talk about her best friend and she's crying she's like i can't believe this would ever happen he was such a good guy but it wasn't like oh she just like accidentally killed somebody it was like she and her boyfriend like it was like pre oh totally premeditated they lured a 22 year old girl by saying if you come to our place we'll
Starting point is 01:11:26 give you more money and she had a little daughter oh this was really upsetting she had a little baby and the the aunt or whoever took custody of the baby said like she still cries i know it's but it's too much it's too much it's too much um but so, yeah, it's just crazy. Like, she, it was just, like, such a weird twist that she. It's, I mean, in my mind, it's, like, did she really feel that way when she made the movie of, like, I can't believe it, I can't believe it? Or was it all a ploy? It's, like, I don't know. For all we know, it could have even been to, like like hide the fact that she could ever possibly be capable of it. Maybe like give herself an alibi two years in advance.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Maybe. No, you're right. Like and I watched it and it's so weird. And she does seem like very distraught. But it's also like she kind of seems a little crazy because she's like, yeah, kind of wackadoodle. So it's like, you don't know what she's going to do. She doesn't seem stable to begin with. So who knows like where her brain is at but yeah so that um oh and then last fun fact before i forget
Starting point is 01:12:30 from natalie she said the original oven and fridge and bathtub are still in the apartment even after there was a fire too but like it's all still there and she said she's seen shows and videos of people going into the apartment and it's weird like you can literally look at the the oven and be like oh someone's arms were someone's legs were cooked in that oven rough isn't that horrifying people like you know they cook food on that that's the thing how could you ever take a bath in a bathtub where someone was dismembered like just the thought makes me want to vomit. Like, oh, let me just shower and pretend that I don't know how much blood was once sitting in this tub. Or, oh, let me just make my fucking Kraft mac and cheese and my fucking rice-a-roni on the same stove as someone's body.
Starting point is 01:13:20 But, Em, it's a whirlpool tub. You can't blame me. Anyway. Isn't that horrifying? Yeah. I have never heard of that before in my life. Someone's body. But Emmett's a whirlpool tub. You can't blame me. That's disgusting. Isn't that horrifying? Yeah. I have never heard of that before in my life. And me either. So that was kind of a random one that I decided to take a leap of faith.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Well, you did it. You guys, thanks for being you. When does this come out? This comes out on the 1st of October, which means it's also Listener Story Day. All right. So twofer. All right, all right, all right. Lucky for you guys.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Poor for Christina for editing. Lucky for me. Also, I pay rent on the 1st, so neither of us are having a good time on the 1st. Me too. Oh, my. And we just paid our deposit, so it's like... So you have no money right now. No money.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yes. And that's why we drink. Our Patreon can be found. Just kidding. Also, apparently people still are having questions about where to find our merch. And by people, I mean people in the generation above us. Like your mom? Like our parents.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Oh, okay. Because my dad called me, who doesn't call me often, by the way, called me to be like, I want one of your shirts. Where do I get one of your shirts? Your uncle wants a shirt and I don't know where to get a shirt. And I'm like, do you? You clearly just want the shirt and not listen to the show because we tell you all the time where to get the shirts.
Starting point is 01:14:35 A hundred percent. If for some reason this is your first time ever hearing that we have merch available, you can find it at and that's why we drink dot big cartel dot com. Correct. Would we like to like to you want to uh all i'll say is that we've sent out all our patreon merch today which is not today that you're listening to this but it came out this week should be if it's not there right now it should be there either tomorrow or tuesday uh and now that I'm in this house with a lot more room, it's a lot easier for me to ship merch. So we have an actual shipping room.
Starting point is 01:15:11 We do. We have an actual room where all of the all the stuff that goes to you guys gets stored and put away. It's so much nicer than an apartment. So much nicer. There's like a printer and like I have different sections for each t-shirt size like gosh great that's beautiful it's like your own little in-house store it is i feel like i'm like an etsy seller but less creative but yeah so um check out our merch we have it there for you if
Starting point is 01:15:38 you're a patreon subscriber uh we have uh uh uh discounts for you. Jesus Christ. Listen, it's been a long day. Thanks guys for listening. There's nothing else to report here. I don't think so. We're so happy you guys are a part of our lovely little group
Starting point is 01:16:00 and find us on Facebook. If you like our page and that's why we drink, there's a link to our secret group where we can chat and talk about all sorts of crazy shit. It's a secret and that's why we drink group. Yep. And then we've got Twitter, Instagram.
Starting point is 01:16:19 You can follow our personal pages also. You can send in your listener stories and that's why we drink at We also have a website where you can look at some cool stuff about us uh at and that's why we our patreon you can find us at atwwd podcast or and that's why we drink i think it's slash atwwd podcast you would think we would know what whatever it's just that i'm i'm really humble so i don't like to think about like people giving me stuff modesty is your greatest quality it is it is thank you i'm glad you know okay i just looked it up slash atwwd podcast yep and you can find us on well you're already listening to us so it doesn't matter where you can find us. But if your friends ask, we got Audioboom, Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Anywhere else? Stitcher. Stitcher. All that good stuff. And if you guys can, it would be super duper helpful if you write us a review just because that helps us a lot in the rankings. Gets our name out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:22 So feel free to write a review if you have the chance. Unless it's a bad one, then just don't do it. Then please keep it to yourself. That's what journals are for. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. Thank you. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Cheers. Wait, it's by the microphone. Okay. Okay. It sounded like we broke something.

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