And That's Why We Drink - E36 A German Socialist Airbnb and a Myspace Lesbian Porno

Episode Date: October 8, 2017

It’s episode 36, and Gio Horoscopes are back - you’re welcome, Scorpios - but first you have to suffer through our stories. Em tells us about Cleveland’s Franklin Castle, which is haunted by mur...dered children, wanna-be spies, and partying German Socialists. Christine tells the story of the infamous Bathtub Girls of Ontario, who were NOT actors in a Myspace lesbian porno, but were actually two murderous children who got off easy for killing their own mother. And that’s why we drink…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Charades is a game I can never play. I love charades. No, I really hate, I'm so, I'm scared of charades. Like if someone says, we're going to play charades, I'll leave the room and pretend that I'm sick or didn't hear them or on an important phone call so I don't have to play. Hi, I'm sick and I didn't hear you and I have an important phone call. Otherwise I would play it with you. It's not you, it's me in every other way.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Why do you not like charades? Because performance anxiety. I hate being in front of people. Why did you suggest we start a podcast? Because we're not in front other way. Why do you not like charades? Because performance anxiety. I hate being in front of people. Why did you suggest we start a podcast? Because we're not in front of people. You're so like performing.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yeah, but you edit it. That's another thing. I can't correct myself if I look stupid live. Like you can fix whatever I say, except you don't. And I just still sound stupid.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And then I roll my eyes and remember my girlfriend, my mother, and my grandma all listen to this. And I'm like, you brought this upon yourself. I know. Hello, everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Welcome to And That's Why We Drink. I drink for performance anxiety. Clearly. What do you drink about? I drink because I'm starting a real job this month. This month? Is that good or bad? It's good.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's just like very overwhelming. Wow. I got the Nickelodeon Fellowship. Yay! We all knew you would, though. She texted me and said she got the job, and I was like, well, yeah. That's awesome. It was so sweet.
Starting point is 00:01:22 People were posting about it in the Facebook group, and I was like, you guys are, that's awesome. It was so sweet. People were posting about it in the Facebook group. And I was like, you guys are so supportive and kind. Thank you. My mother called me today just to ask about your job. And then we didn't. And then we really didn't talk after that. She was like, OK, bye. Yeah, it's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:01:36 So I'm super excited to finally be getting a paycheck and having a real job. And a big kid's salary. Yeah, salary. It's my first salary job of my life. Must be nice. Yeah, well, we'll see. Must be nice. You know what?
Starting point is 00:01:50 One of us has to be an adult. One of us. It's about time. It just, it makes more sense for you to have the salary because you have the big house and on friends, like Monica and Chandler say, like they're going to have a Joey room. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Like obviously there will be like an M room. Oh, right. It's under this pillow fort that we're still in. Welcome to the plunder fort. Speaking of which, because you're in a new house, this is the key that Gio gave me to the last place. Oh. And I'm declining it now.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Slash requesting a new one. You're not declining it. I'm here to transaction. You're replacing it yeah yeah this is so sad it says geo on it with a little heart okay i'll replace it with a new key okay you take your time with that i expect it tomorrow okay um what are you drinking um well you know nothing your. Your own saliva. I can't drink a milkshake, but I had some milk before.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Okay. I mean, you watched me drink it. It was kind of gross. Christina has this thing where if you drink milk out of a cup, it's weird. It's gross. That's my favorite drink. It's always been my favorite drink. Apparently Blaze does it too, and it always freaks her out.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's so gross. i don't understand why it's like a like in commercials there's like a kid's drinking a cup of milk with cereal well why would you drink milk with you know it's weird okay because your cereal already has milk in it you know what i am wrong because in commercials a kid's always drinking cereal with a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice which which, one, don't mix. Ugh. Two, why does a small child need two whole cups of something? They don't. And three, maybe it was just extra milk for his cereal later.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I'm just realizing that now. Oh. Is that a thing? I don't know. But I saw it and just assumed he drank it, so that's what I did. So maybe I've just been doing it wrong this whole time. I don't know. I just...
Starting point is 00:03:44 But what about the milk mustache ads that got milk that's what i'm saying it's all advertising trap ever a dairy trap the dairy farmers are pulling your leg also why don't you just put it like in coffee or something well that requires more work we're americans we're lazy okay well some of us just drink it right out of the jug, which I don't do because milk gets like those crusties on the rim. Oh. Yeah. Because it gets all moldy on this rim.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Is that what it is? I always told myself it was mold, but I also told myself I was being like really like anal about it. I don't know. It's gross. I always thought it was gross too. When I see people drink milk out of the jug, I'm like, oh, but the crunchy part. And then your spit gets all over it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Oh, I don't care about that. Yeah. But like if someone else's spit gets all over it i'm an only child and don't share oh we'll see it doesn't even cross my mind must be nice so this episode is dedicated before i forget again to one of our 25 patrons named linda barnes okay linda barnes what's up linda thank you for your contribution thank you and also you have the same name as m's mom yeah you said linda and i was like oh no it's another linda i didn't know it was not gonna be my mom we do love linda's around here though so um the 25 patrons also get to pick the topics for upcoming video episodes which we're gonna start um filming soon for patreon members yeah um and we're going to start filming soon for Patreon members. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And we're making the first one soon. A lot of new content coming at you soon. And before we get started, I also want to say our second Facebook Live for Patreon patrons is tomorrow. Nope. Today at 3 p.m. What day is it? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Where am I? Where are we? What is Earth? What is life? What is happening? 3 p't know. I don't know. Where am I? Where are we? What is Earth? What is life? What is happening? 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Yes. Talk to us.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Sorry, I'm like the bed sheet is in my face. I was just trying to figure out my eyesight. So on Instagram, someone sent me a message. Her name on her handle is make. I don't know. Like M-A-K-E. M-A-a-k-e m-a-y-k-e oh makey maybe it's may and then her last name or middle name is ke or some shit like that maybe anyway she sent me a picture uh it was like a tumblr post kind of thing so i'm just gonna read it yeah i thought it was
Starting point is 00:06:00 pretty cool it says my favorite bit of black dog folklore is that in some folklore there is a belief that the first person buried in a cemetery stays there and doesn't cross over but just helps other spirits move on and protects them from evil spirits now naturally people want to avoid this fate for their loved one and themselves so they would sometimes bury a dog first on the property and it would return in the shape of a big black dog and protect the newly dead from evil spirits and occasionally the living as well and then someone replied and said this kind of spirit is called a church grim and then someone else replied and said you mean it's a good doggy a good boy a pupper that just gave me chills though that's really interesting but also
Starting point is 00:06:42 well i guess yeah i guess you have to be lucky and just find a dead dog. Imagine the shitty person who's going to kill a dog just to bury it somewhere before anyone else gets buried. Yeah, but back in the day, like dogs weren't treated as pets like they are today. They were more treated just like. Anyway, I thought that was interesting. That is interesting. I really like that because the black dog thing just freaks me the fuck out. You want to hear a story? Yeah. I don't want to do this one. Get another one. You're just going to be like, I don't want to do this podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:08 No, I had multiple stories prepared today, so now I'm deciding on the spot. Oh, look at you being like the opposite of elementary school M. Yeah, it's a new day, new me. New you, new me, who dis? New month, new me. Happy October, everyone.
Starting point is 00:07:24 People like that quote you said about um the priests what it was like thanks priests it was like new year new me oh yeah i don't remember that's like weirdly if it weren't for this podcast i would have never said anything about priests and i would have been like what are you talking about but now that you say oh your quote about the priests now because we have we have this podcast, I'm like, which quote? I say a lot of things. Would you ever have imagined that when we first became friends that someday I would say to you, people really liked what you had to say about priests? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Right? In a serious way. Nobody on earth would have ever. It's crazy. Also, I thought of, there was another one of those sappy Tumblr posts where it was like, imagine what your life was like a year ago. And this is the last month I can say this, but a year ago, I wasn't even friends with you. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Think of how much has changed. That is crazy. I know. At the end of this month, we have our friendiversary. Oh my God. And we would never be, we weren't under, who would have thought we'd be under a plunder fort in a new house with Gio? I know.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Talking about ghosts. Who would have known that we would be hanging out? Oh, yeah, that's true. I mean, that alone. Anyway. The only constant was the box wine, and that's still here, but. Thanks, everyone, for listening to the ride that is our friendship. It is quite a ride.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Hold on. Sorry. That's the soundtrack of our love. So sultry. Okay, I'm Sorry. That's the soundtrack of our love. So sultry. Okay, I'm just going to pour the rest of it in. Who am I kidding? I know. You're just going to interrupt me later.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You might as well do it all at once. Okay, sorry. I'm now fully prepared to gasp. All right. You know what? I was reading our reviews recently, and someone was a real asshole saying they didn't like your gasps. Oh, I saw that. And I almost cried. And I was like, you know what? Just reading our reviews recently and someone was a real asshole saying they didn't like your gasps oh i saw that and i was like almost cried and i was like you know what just don't listen to us who am i kidding i did cry but i'm over it someone said they didn't
Starting point is 00:09:13 like my laugh and i was like well don't fucking listen to it i didn't tell you that because i was like i don't want to hurt your feelings oh it didn't hurt my feelings i laughed someone said someone said m's laugh is the most annoying thing on earth or some shit like that. It was like, that's what I sound like when I fake laugh. I was like, congratulations. Like, what? I was like, okay, we'll tell it to the other people who think my laugh is awesome. Like my mom's. My mom disagrees.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I know. There's also a bunch of people who think that they seem to not get it that we, I think you know what it is. I think they're still listening to the early ones and then gave up before we like have been openly saying like we know we're not fucking special our faces are two feet away from a plunger okay but a lot of the recent like like a couple days ago reviews like you guys aren't that special stop thinking you guys are celebrities it's like we don't like what the fuck are you talking about it makes me cry laughing just thinking that people think that about me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Christine's, look at her. Look at her. You can't look at us, but pretend you can because it's not great. Christine's crying right now. It's the fact that somebody thinks that I think it is. Celebrity, it's like probably the funniest thing ever. I actually really enjoy those reviews because I'm like, wow, they must have a lot higher view of me than i do of me i know which is just so it backwards i never thought that we would have haters but there's some quote
Starting point is 00:10:33 where it's like if you have a hater that means you're doing something right yeah and i was like i don't know all about that sounds like a drake quote or drake lyric or maybe but if now that we've got haters it's like all right all right, like, I get it. Sure. Yeah, I mean. If you don't like my laugh, I don't fucking like it either. So I'm not disagreeing with you. Like, you're right.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's like, you don't have to listen to it. I have to live with it. Good luck to you. You can turn off this podcast. I can't. This podcast is my life. So now that we've effectively derailed. For the first, second, and third time of 10.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Let's hop back on. There's that damn laugh again. No, I can't stop it. I've been doing it for 25 years. It's a hard habit to crack. All right, let's crack into it. This is Cleveland, Ohio. Boo.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So for everyone listening, Christine's from Ohio. She doesn't just hate Ohio. I don't like Cleveland. I'm from Cincinnati. Okay, calm down. It's a little thing called a rivalry end. I don't want people writing in being like, oh, and Christine's got this thing about Cleveland. Oh, God, they're going to hate me now.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I said something about Wisconsin last week, and I was joking because I really don't know anything about Wisconsin. And people were like, that was really rude. Were they really saying that? I'm sorry, I really am. I'm from Ohio. I'm not actually shit talking Wisconsin. I have to be really careful. You got really like, I saw the anxiety happen in your face when you told that story. I stopped breathing for a moment. No, I don't have anything really against Cleveland. I'm just supposed to hate Cleveland because I'm from Cincinnati. I'm from Virginia. I don't really know anything about anywhere else at all. Cleveland's a nice town.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Continue. I think it's a universal understanding that Florida's crazy. But other than that, I don't think I know anything. I mean, people from Florida have been like, Florida's fucking crazy. And I'm like, all right, if you believe it. Like, we live in California. We can tell you California is just garbage. Oh, Southern California is also bananas, so don't worry.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Okay, let's just try this. It's called the Franklin Castle. Have you heard about it? I have heard about it. How much do you know about it? Nothing. Cool. It's also called the...
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's German. Oh, no. Oh, no. Hannes Tiedemannhaus. So Hannes. Hans. No, that's not Hans.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Hans is with just H-A-N-S. Hannes? Is that really his name? Yeah, Hannes. You're not going to make me look like an asshole and say the wrong thing? No, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Okay. We'll see. We'll see you next week when people Hannes with no E. Hannes. Oh, is it short for like Johannes? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So in 1881, the house was built for him and his family. Soon into living there, his 15-year-old daughter, Emma, died of diabetes. Oh, no. Very shortly after that, his mother also died in the house. Uh-oh. We just go straight into death, by the way, in this story, in case you guys didn't notice. Nothing has changed in this podcast. Three bullets and two deaths.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So in the next three years, three more of his children all died. I'm sorry. How many did he have? Apparently a litter. Oh, no. So three more of his kids died one of them who was only 11 days old baby so he said well okay so a lot of the stories i saw was that there's speculation that he was actually a killer like a murderer oh shit um that's a turn there's a suggestion that he killed all of his
Starting point is 00:14:07 children and he just made them all look like mistakes what the hell so that comes up later but so to distract his wife from the fact that all their kids were dying uh he decided that he was going to renovate the house to make it look like a lavish mansion. To distract his wife from her dead children? Yeah, and be like, oh, look at how pretty the house is. Ooh, a chandelier. Well, there's plenty of those, because he ended up making a 30-room mansion with intricate carvings on the walls, gas lighting installed throughout the house, because this was the 1880s.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Wow. And he added a whole ballroom, which ran the length of the entire fourth floor. So you had to go up three flights of stairs and then you were in an entire ballroom. There was a fourth floor, first of all. Yeah. All right. Second of all, it was a ballroom. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Um, he also had stone walls, marble fireplaces, dumb waiters, wine cellars, and hidden passageways. Oh my God. He also had gargoyles to the front of it to make it look more like a castle. passageways. Oh my god. He also added gargoyles to the front of it to make it look more like a castle. These secret passageways, by the way, they also had sliding panels in the walls to hide the entrances to get into them. So you had to like, they were like false doors in the walls to get into these secret passages. It's rumored that they were also used, that the secret hallways and all that, they were used for bootlegging during the prohibition oh cool so he just had his whole little alcohol system yeah sounds good to me it
Starting point is 00:15:32 sounds like something you would put in your giant house that you have now that's what the cellar is i was gonna say what goes down there why won't you let me see it's called a wine cellar oh um like i was saying it's rumored that he was a multiple-time killer holy shit they say not only did he kill all of his kids not all of his kids i think like one of them lived um oh that was nice they say he also hung his niece rachel from the rafters in the secret passageways for possibly either for sleeping around and being an embarrassment to the family, or for being mentally ill and wanting to put her out of her misery. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:16:12 He also supposedly killed his illegitimate daughter, Karen, either also by hanging her or by an axe. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. There's another story I saw that said that it may not have been him that killed her, but a boyfriend that made it look like he was the killer. What is wrong with these people? I don't know. There's also a story that he might have killed another woman who was either his mistress and he killed her for trying to marry another man or leaving him for another man.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And he killed her for trying to marry another man or leaving him for another man. Or it was either a mistress or it was a servant in the mansion who refused his advances when he tried hitting on her. That makes me so angry. One of the two. So anyway, a lot of drama. You know how it goes. I just like, I can't believe that back then you could just like get away with murdering all your kids and being like, it was an accident. I know. So then I just like glanced at the back of your page and being like it was an accident i know so then uh i just like
Starting point is 00:17:06 glanced at the back of your page and all i see is lesbian porn movies you're welcome for the future i'm just like you're welcome for what's coming your way just like haphazardly like staring i'm like lesbian porn movie look over here look at the plunger okay okay so uh even i forgot about the lesbian porn you're bringing me back how how could one forget anyway the house later got passed through other hands i guess um they ended up just leaving they ended up not living in the mansion i mean they didn't have any kids left i know or anyone to kill too many rooms they the house got passed their other hands and eventually got sold in 1913 to the german socialist party great you know anything about that not really okay they used the house for over 50 years and supposedly it was supposed it was meant to
Starting point is 00:18:01 just like hold meetings and parties but it's implied that it was actually a secret club for German spies during World War II. I will say a German socialist party sounds like a lot of fun. Yeah, I know. Or they think it was either German spies or it was German. It was people in the German socialist party who wanted to like be spies like they were their own. They're just like like, be spies. Like, they were their own. They're just, like, wannabe spies. Like, they, like, were trying to get their own information about what was going on. It's like a clubhouse for, like, the people who didn't make it through spy school.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So, a reason that they think it was a, like, a spy house, whether or not it was, like, an official regulated spy house or people just trying to learn what they could. Years later, a German shortwave radio was found hidden in the rafters. And a couple like pieces of paperwork and documents that they were trying to save was also found. That's so cool. The party also would rent out rooms of the castle to other borders. So they would make it like a hostel. Like an Airbnb. Like a german socialist airbnb it's no big deal i just like feel like if you're a german socialist or whatever sermon spy or wannabe spy like living in a castle in cleveland is really like the least discreet place that you could live like no wonder you
Starting point is 00:19:20 didn't get caught right like a Like a German spy school Airbnb. Like, no one let you be a spy because you're living in a castle with, like, hidden trap doors. Okay, go on. So, one of the people who stayed with them was believed to be a doctor who performed, quote, strange experiments using human remains. No, thank you. I mean, at least they were remains, I guess, but no, thank you. I know, but did he make them remains? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Oh, yeah. Where did he get those? So, anyway, more on that later. Okay. We'll be right back. So, do you want the paranormal haunted stuff now, or do you want me to get through the history and then just tell it all to you? I'm just kind of, like, into the history right now. Cool. now or do you want me to get through the history and then just tell it all to you i'm just kind of like into the history right now cool so uh the so there was another family that moved in after the german socialist party called the romanos and they moved in in 1968 and all i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:20:17 is a lot of haunted shit happened to them and they sold the house in 1974 oh i'll get to the juice later okay um so in 1974 they um moved out actually you know what i'm just gonna tell you fine ignore my wishes it's fine no i'm just gonna tell you okay i'm just gonna list some of the things the romanos had experienced and this isn't just the romanos this is um from the beginning of the house being built all the way through the romanos living okay so since the 1880s i'm ready doors would explode off their hinges i'm sorry what would just go poof and then it would just have to like rebuild the door didn't i use boof as a different sound yeah you said boof last week for, I think it was also an explosion. Oh, it was a fire.
Starting point is 00:21:07 You know, it's all the same stuff. Yeah, yeah. Instant fire makes the sound. Okay, sure. Faces will stare back at you in the mirrors. What do you mean faces? Like faces will appear in the mirror and stare back at you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You know. I thought you meant like your face. I was like, well, that's what happens. Thanks. What a dad joke. Did you know a face will appear in the mirror if you look at it it's your own right i like how you're like i see you like saving that one for the future just like storing it it was like oh yeah i'm putting it in my head for when i have kids so uh lights freely go on and off by themselves you can hear
Starting point is 00:21:40 the sounds of people dancing in the ballroom you can hear babies crying in the walls no you can hear um what can you hear oh you can hear murmuring voices uh that are clearly having a conversation because there's multiple ones talking to each other um but you can't actually hear what they're saying and it's an empty room so you'll walk in and then the voices go away mirrors fog up with no logical reason uh heavy chandeliers will swing around as if they're they're weightless they'll just like flop around just flop around i heard it like a fish like a fish um a newspaper boy uh one time knocked on the door and a voice told him to come in and once he was inside the foyer he saw an apparition of a woman in white who glided down the staircase and disappeared
Starting point is 00:22:32 through a closed door well that's terrifying so i would stop working for the newspaper industry immediately that day oh absolutely i would i blame the papers Just like turn in my resignation. At 12. In the ballroom, it said that a large bloodstain appeared on the marble floor even after the marble was replaced 30 years later. Oh, ew. Heavy marching would come from the third floor as if telling people to stay away. So at this point, the Romanos are there. And when they feel like the spirit has basically claimed the upper floors, they tell the kids that they can no longer go up there and play. And the adults also weren't allowed to go up there without the buddy system.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Oh, my God. In your own house. So friends decided to take a look at the third floor because they didn't believe them, of course. Of course. They saw a vaporous blanket of fog materialize right in front of them. And when one of the braver friends walked up to it, she began to lose her eyesight. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:23:36 So one night the phone rang at midnight. This was a separate occasion. And Mrs. Romano's sleeping. The phone rings in the middle of the night. And a child's voice on the other end says, can I sleep with you tonight? Okay. And then hangs up.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Okay. About a week later, Mrs. Romano woke up next to her bed on the floor, like in the middle of the bedroom floor. She just woke up, kind of like that Listener's episode where he just woke up with a table on him. Oh, no. She woke up in the middle of the floor screaming, and she had been screaming and didn't know it. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:19 My whole arm is covered in goosebumps right now. Like, mimicking her screams. Like, what do you... Okay, so at that point, they don't tell you the rest of the story. Did she, like, just roll over and get up later and be like, well, that was a good fucking time? Or... Like, was anybody else home? Did she, like, black out and then wake up in her bed later?
Starting point is 00:24:35 Like, is anyone, like, stop screaming, Mom? I'm trying to sleep. Did someone help her? Oh my God. Covers would get pulled off of people while they were sleeping. You could hear phantom organ music from the ballroom. You could hear footsteps, voices, laughter, and clinking glasses as if a party was going on upstairs. Oh, you mean a German socialist party?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Oh yeah, that's the one. On the day they moved in, the children wanted to bring cookies to the girl crying upstairs. Oh my god. And when the mom followed them upstairs, no one was there. But the kids saw her all the time, so they would always be hanging out with... Isn't that weird that siblings, like, would share a friend, and that friend didn't actually exist? That has guts to send you to therapy later in life. Well, what about that listeners episode where the guy was like,
Starting point is 00:25:20 oh, my childhood friend from recess just never came back one year. Oh, Miles. And they were like, we didn't want to tell you, but that guy is not a real person. You are always talking to yourself on the playground. That was one of the coolest stories I've ever heard. If you haven't heard that, it's one of our listener episodes about Miles, the friend. We don't want to spoil anymore, but it is a great freaking story. I mean, we just told the whole story, basically.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I mean, but you do nothing. Go listen to our listeners episode. Oh, man. sold the whole story basically but i mean but you do nothing go listen to our listeners episode oh man so uh so yeah on the day they moved in and then the kids saw him all the time or saw the girl all the time right and because of that over time where they wouldn't give in to the fact that this girl didn't exist mrs romano consulted a catholic priest in an effort to get an exorcism. And weirdly, here's another quote you can find about me on priests. He didn't get, he refused to perform an exorcism or bless the house. I don't understand. Isn't that your fucking job? Did he, was he like, oh, it's not haunted?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Or he just was like, nah. Because he said he declined to perform a religious cleansing however he made sure to tell the family there is a bad presence there and they need to get out immediately do they what is there like a rule that they have to do it can't he like i feel like he was just scared may i mean can't he find another priest to do it that's what i would think i feel like if your whole job is to like... He was like, nah, I'm good. And he just walked out.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That'd be me as a priest. I'd be like, nope. That's you like always. That's me as a reverend. That's you every time. I don't think so. Every single day. He also said that one of the spirits was apparently Hannes.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Hannes' wife. And she had been trying to possess Mrs. Romano in her sleep. Oh, God. He also said that one of the ghosts that had been running up and down the halls and slamming doors in people's faces was Emma, the one who died of diabetes. Well, she's having a good time. She's having a blast. So after the priest did nothing, thanks, priests. Thanks, priests.
Starting point is 00:27:33 The Northeast Ohio, I said it wrong last time, and now it's like how, you know how I can't say the right way for half as ardly anymore? Yeah. I don't know how to say it the other way. Is it like archdiocese or something? No, it's, I'm going to say cyclical, and I know it's not cyclical. Psychical? Oh, that's right. You said cyclical. I know it's not cyclical psychical oh that's right you said cyclical i know like what's going on like i'm saying cyclical the psychical sure is that right psychical psychic oh oh yeah psychical yeah psychical i just hear it but where it's not like
Starting point is 00:27:59 popsicle i well i just hear cyclical now. Anyway, the Northeast Ohio Psychical Research Group performed an investigation on Franklin Castle, during which time one member is said to have run screaming from the premises. Oh, no. So anyway, those were all the manifestations up until now. So the Romanos sold the house in 1974 to a guy named Sam Muscatello. Okay. Two, a guy named Sam Muscatello. Okay. And he was in the church and he turned Franklin Castle into a church and gave haunted tours of it to raise money.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Oh. So once during a tour, he actually had a film crew in or a radio crew in. And the host had a tape recorder and he felt it get pulled off his shoulder and thrown down a staircase. And everyone watched it happen. Oh, no. Another time, Muscatello was looking for the secret passages that everyone had been talking about. And in there, he found a pile of human bones. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Behind one of the panels. So some think of the bones. Some people believe that he really found them there. And it's proof that Hannes was really a murderer. Oh, no. But some people think he stashed them there to prove that they were haunted so more people would come
Starting point is 00:29:08 for tours and he'd make more money. Sure. What a jerk if he did that. Others... Also, where is he getting all these human bones that he stashed in there?
Starting point is 00:29:17 I know. I mean, the fact that there's human bones at all says something about someone. It's its own story. So he also still brought in Hans Holzer,
Starting point is 00:29:25 who was a paranormal investigator. At this time, he had actually just finished covering the Amityville house. Oh. So he was renowned. And he said during his investigation that he had made contact with a 13 year old girl who had been killed named Karen, who is the niece,
Starting point is 00:29:43 the illegitimate daughter oh shit so he was right about that so then over time muscatelos sold the house to a guy named george and george lived in the house by himself and but he had many visitors because a lot of people still wanted to give to get tours so he was a popular man george was a good guy and he actually didn't believe in ghosts so he was happy to live there silly george but when people would come for tours he would ask them to write down things that they experienced in a guest book and when he read back on them it said um women claimed that they felt they were being choked in the tower room just like how that one girl had been hung or hanged. Um, some spotted a woman in black in the tower room, which happened to be Rachel. And then there's another woman in white who happened to be Karen.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Oh no. Um, based on the descriptions. Right. And other people said that they felt temporary paralyzed. Oh no. Some people said they experienced incoherent babbling and some said that they just felt really uncomfortable walking around that someone was staring at them why don't okay i have a question in all these stories it's like people
Starting point is 00:30:56 go to these places and they just experience like oppression and feeling like being watched and feeling like they're being choked or their hair is pulled. Why doesn't anyone feel like, oh, I feel like I just drank three glasses of champagne or like, oh, I feel like I'm eating warm cookies. Like, why does nothing good happen? You know? I don't know. Because Santa didn't die and haunt the house, I guess. I mean, they were having parties there. Why doesn't it feel like you're having like a beer with some German socialists or something? I mean, that'd be awesome. But I feel like realistically, it's like it's whatever the last energy you felt was maybe or it's just like the more like powerful yeah i don't know whatever emotions you had during your death i guess yeah yeah okay that makes sense so he uh
Starting point is 00:31:37 didn't believe in ghosts but eventually after reading enough entries from his guest book he was like okay it's haunted and he decided to sell the house oh shit so in 1984 he sold the house to michael devinco who was actually mickey dean who was um judy garland's husband oh wow so he sold it and mickey dean spent about a million dollars restoring the house including finding original furnishings from the house from the 1880s so oh my god that's so cool 100 year old furniture at that time he claimed to have no problems with the ghosts but he would joke around and say that it was because he was actually like maintaining the house and i guess keeping them happy and he left 10 years later he ended up selling the house not because it was haunted he just sold it
Starting point is 00:32:19 so it sat there for five years by itself. And in 1999, Y2K. Y2K. It was sold to Michelle Heimberger, who was 25, and paid for it in cash at $300,000. I'm sorry, $350,000. Oh, yeah. Sounds doable. Sounds like our lives. Because apparently Michelle Heimberger was the founder of Yahoo.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Oh, good for her dude 1999 women doing things what a badass she literally is a fan of yahoo that young i guess i didn't realize how young she was i know it's kind of like us with this podcast it's like casual one day we'll be able to buy a 350 000 hundred year old haunted house castle castle in cleveland Castle. In Cleveland. In Cleveland. So she had the house for not even six months and a vagrant lit it on fire. What? And it ended up burning down and causing almost a quarter million dollars in damages. Holy shit. And apparently for several years after that, Michelle was like getting harassed and fit for lawsuits and shit because she wasn't fixing the damages in time.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So she ended up just letting it kind of fall to pieces oh that's so sad in 2003 a guy named chris milsass bought the castle and he started this campaign where he wanted to turn it into the franklin castle club where it was like an elite membership only you know sounds country club so three years later there had been no repairs and they found that all of the publicized photos that he had spread around were actually just close-ups of other buildings where he was like showing like progress on the building so it was basically a sham like he was just trying to get people's money to like agree to these membership fees that's way more interesting than i thought it was going to be and so they were like so what have you been doing in this house anyway and they found out that he
Starting point is 00:34:10 had been using it to film lesbian pornography i'm sorry his company a voodoo media group had produced at least two lesbian porn movies that he sold online. That he made in this like decrepit castle in Cleveland? That was burnt down to a crisp kind of, yeah. So like Cleveland... Also because it was 2003, or at this point I think it was 2005, 2006-ish, they only found out that that's what he was doing because he left a public message on MySpace. Oh, MySpace is so cool.
Starting point is 00:34:45 So he had a bulletin post. Oh, sure he did. And it said, it was a picture of him in a room that looked a lot like part of the Franklin Castle with two lesbians. Or two actresses. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah, stop labeling them. We don't even know. We don't even know. No, we don't know. You don't even know no we don't know you're right because a lot of straight men also do gay pornography and also there was a whole other category where they were i guess filming um gay male porn as well it was a whole gay pornography very diverse for 2006 i'll give him that it's like a lala palooapalooza of... Yeah. Lollapalooza is a music festival. LGBT Palooza.
Starting point is 00:35:27 LGBT... All right, I'm just going to stop. Keep going. So he left a message on Facebook with pictures of the people on set. I'm sorry, I thought it was MySpace. What did I say? Facebook. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm living in 2017.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I shouldn't... God, you should just revert back to 2005 again. God damn it. The message he wrote on myspace said all the guys and girls here say hi and of course we miss you around the castle oh shit so that's how they caught what he was really doing for sure dude uh as a weirdo or legend yeah but he's also like collecting people's money for well oh okay there yes what a snake oh yeah i don't mean that he made lesbian porn so as of 2012 he was uh the building was now being converted into a multiple unit property okay so it's just
Starting point is 00:36:16 gonna be apartments i guess or oh that's kind of cool something the new owners are really serious about keeping curious people away so they have security cameras and signs everywhere. And the only update since 2013 is that it has been on Destination America's paranormal lockdown. Cool. And it is not open to the public. Oh, I wonder. I always hear about those stories about people who live in like really old apartments in Chicago or New York. And they're just like crazy haunted because they're so old and so much shit went down. I can't imagine moving in there. I would feel
Starting point is 00:36:49 so uncomfortable. I'd be like, no, thank you. Also keep in mind they do. Um, Oh, the other, the only other update is that people have looked for these secret passageways and cannot find them. However, um, current owners have found mysterious chunks of concrete on parts of the floor and in the walls. They think that they covered it up. But they really have not found any passageways, which would
Starting point is 00:37:16 pretty much make this whole story an urban legend. Who found the shortwave radio? That was just in the rafters of the attic. So that's real. But the rafters of like the attic. Oh. So that's real. But the part where Hannes might be like a killer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:35 If that's not true, if the passageways aren't there, then there's no bodies for them to find, which means there was no skeleton for Muscatello to find. Right, right, right. So there's a little, if they can't ever find the passageways, then it's kind of believed that it's all urban legend. But a lot of people also think that maybe the passageways got burnt down in the fire or maybe they knocked them down at a different time. I mean, the pieces of concrete are already kind of fishy. I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Plus, if it's on Destination America, like it's on TV, so it's got to be real. I mean, obviously. That's how the world works right i think so i mean as someone who works in tv i know how realistic i mean as a writer for nickelodeon like you know what's real and what's not yeah i know that like spongebob is a he's a real sponge yeah yeah and he likes to sing there's there's a real neighborhood in the ocean called Bikini Bottom. Ready? I like to think so. Ready for some blood. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Okay. So this topic was suggested to us by Andrea via email. Hi, Andrea via email. That's her last name. Via email. I thought it was all one name. Andrea via me. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:43 That's the one. It's French. Oh. This's the one. It's French. Oh. This is the story of the infamous bathtub girls. Love it. Oh, man. Sounds like one of Chris Millsap's lesbian porns. It takes place in Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:38:59 On MySpace. It was filmed from MySpace in a castle in Cleveland. Okay. It's actually much worse and darker than that, unfortunately. Whoops. So this story actually takes place in 2003 in Ontario, Canada. Don't do that to me. You know how I love a good Canada story. In Mississauga, Ontario.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I believe that's how you pronounce it. Okay. Just going to say I'm not 100% sure for all the people who might be mad at me. We're not from Canada. We don't know what's happening. We just love you fondly and wish we were there. We just blindly care about you. So in Ontario, there was this family called the Andersons. It was a single mother, Linda, and her husband had left. So she was parenting her two daughters, Sandra and Beth, alone. Linda herself was born April 15th, 1959. So at the time of the story in 2003, she was 44.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Her daughter, Sandra, was 16 and her daughter, Beth, was 15. Unfortunately, Linda had an alcohol dependency problem. Yeah. She also suffered from severe depression and was working two jobs to try and support her kids. So she had just a lot going on. Um, and apparently her daughters,
Starting point is 00:40:11 Sandra and Beth started to become really frustrated with their mom specifically because I thought she was spending too much money on alcohol. Okay. Uh, they were also unhappy that their friends had better things than them like swimming pools and clothes. Okay. So they're brats. So they were also unhappy that their friends had better things than them like swimming pools and clothes okay so they're brats so they were brats and i don't know if they mean like they had better things like swimming pools and they had clothes or they just like had better
Starting point is 00:40:35 clothes i just made a weird phrase i don't think they're just naked outside of a pool wishing that they had clothes in a pool i think i think're separate. My friends have swimming pools and clothes. I think it's better clothes. Not just clothes in general. So the sisters became more and more frustrated and they hatched a plan. Did they? Unfortunately it was not a
Starting point is 00:40:57 Mary-Kate and Ashley type plan. Aw man. I was thinking like you're invited, you're invited. Let's switch places. Okay. Oh, wait, no, that's Lindsay Lohan, parent job. Never mind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Why don't you take a guess of what they did? They take away all of the alcohol. That would have been much more mature. What did they do? I'm going to get it wrong. They started Googling ways to kill their mother. Oh, okay. Police later found 14,000 hits on their computer's hard drive for the keyword drowning.
Starting point is 00:41:36 They must have really wanted a pool. They must have not known how to Google if they had to search 14,000 times for one keyword. Things I love I haven't looked up 14,000 times for one keyword. Things I love I haven't looked up 14,000 times. Hell no. And then there were also searches for codeine and bathtub. You know, I feel like if I were to kill someone, if the cops were to look at my internet research first, if I were, like, if I didn't know how to, like, erase it and everything. Right. You know, in a dream world where I'm a crazed killer, apparently, I would like want to know how to delete things.
Starting point is 00:42:16 But if the cops saw it, I would imagine it would just be like frantic research on every possible way to do it to someone. Because I would want to know the best answer. But I guess they really committed to drowning before they even went onto the internet. That's what it seems like. It's like if they search that 14,000 times, did they have time to search for like... That took heart. Yeah. They really wanted it. Like drug overdose or like falling off a roof.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Like, no, it was just drowning from day one. So, drowning codeine bathtub. Bad combo. Basically, they believed that if they killed their mother, they would get the insurance money and they could get the things that their friends had, like swimming pools and clothes. Oh, right. Okay. They actually had specific plans that they wanted to use the money for.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Do you have a guess of like what maybe they wanted to buy? Besides a pool and nice clothes? Yeah. Are they like things I could actually probably answer? Because I would think a 16 year old wants a car. No, actually no cars. A cell phone. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:10 They wanted to go on a trip to Europe with their friends. Okay. They also wanted to purchase a large house with a backyard filled with flowers. Okay. I want this one with flowers. Yeah. It's not going to have like gravel. i don't know what i don't know what the fuck else you put in your backyard a dog they just needed it to have flowers you wouldn't think
Starting point is 00:43:32 they'd want a dog or anything no right like you'd think like oh a convertible on a dog but like a dog to fit in my convertible oh sure in my flower yard and they also wanted a marijuana farm oh well that's where that's the 14 year old talking for sure there it is um so then they In my flower yard. And they also wanted a marijuana farm. Oh, wow. That's the 14-year-old talking for sure. There it is. So then they tried to settle on a way to kill their mother, and in the end they chose to drown her, as we've already suspected. Right. Because they believed it would be fast and unspectacular.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Huh. Ugh. That's just so sick. Kind of weird i guess that like without even them but like before the murder they're even telling you that they have no remorse it's like i don't even want it to be interesting yeah they're just like whatever let's just get it done i just want my marijuana farm right um then they told three of their friends who apparently encouraged them and laughed at the idea of them murdering Linda.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Oh, my God. Not one of them was like, maybe I should, like, tell my parents or a teacher or something, whatever. This is where it gets hairy. Yeah, and sad. After months of planning on January 18, 2003, around lunchtime, Sandra and Beth started to give their mother liquor in order to get her drunk oh they wanted to get her drunk so that she could not resist their attack they also gave her six tylenol three tablets which um is tylenol like acetaminophen with codeine in it so it's the extra strong um because they wanted to slow down her heartbeat um while they waited for the drugs to kick in, they decided to go online and talk to their friends who knew that this was happening.
Starting point is 00:45:09 So they were messaging with their friends. Oh, no. And one of their friends ended the conversation with the phrase, well, good luck, wear gloves. Oh. Oh, my God. So the friends, like, knew this was happening while it was happening. So the friends like knew this was happening while it was happening. So Sandra and Beth filled the bathtub with water, then told their mom like, oh, come take a bath.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And she was like somewhat sedated. So they led her to the bath, but she had trouble getting in because of the booze and pills, obviously. So Sandra and Beth put gloves, latex gloves on, helped their mom into the bath, and then started to give her a massage. And they were like, oh, have a nice warm bath. A few minutes later, Sandra told her mother to turn around under her stomach because she wanted to scrub her back and give her a back massage. She held her mother's head down underwater for four minutes and didn't let go. And after four minutes, when she released her mother's head, Linda was dead. And then she and Beth decided to go meet their friends at a nearby Jack Astor's Bar and Grill.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Okay. To celebrate their victory and to create an alibi for themselves. So this was all planned out for months. And these were the friends that knew this was happening. And they met there to help give them an alibi, essentially. That night, they got home and called 911 and told authorities that they found their mother dead in the bathtub when they got home. The operator was giving the girls instructions to do CPR, but the girls refused to cooperate. They wouldn't even take their mother out of the water, even though the operator was pleading with them, like, take your mom out, get her out of the water. And they were like, we can't resuscitate her.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And they were sobbing and sobbing and crying and told the operator they couldn't resuscitate their mom. So when police arrived, they believed Sandra and Beth's story. They determined that Linda's cause of death was drowning and they found a lot of alcohol and, you know, codeine and acetaminophen in her system. So the girls got $133,000 in their insurance payout. And for a year they were in the clear and got away with it. and for a year they were in the clear they got away with it but sandra would go to parties and brag about the murder to people um and there was a guy i guess who was into her at one party and she insinuated that her mother's death was not an accident so he got super weirded out and told
Starting point is 00:47:40 the police and the police gave him a car that was wired with audio and video recording devices wow nice i know and um they caught sandra and beth describing how they killed their mother so they were obviously arrested tried and sentenced um but they were only sentenced to the max amount of time allowed for kids their age um who commit first degree murder in Canada, which is 10 years. And they were out on parole after four years. Ooh. And since both of them were under the age of 18 at the time of the murder, under Canadian law, their identities were protected. So Sandra and Beth aren't even their real names.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Oh, that sucks. Yep. So their identities are never going to be released. There was this Toronto Star reporter named Bob Mitchell who actually read a book about this. It was called it's called The Class Project, How to Kill a Mother, the true story of Canada's infamous bathtub girls. And he actually, I read an article in the Toronto Star where he talked about the friends and like their accounts and how like either they were too scared to go to the police because they thought they were going to be implicated. Or, you know, one girl who was like, oh, I don't know. I just didn't.
Starting point is 00:48:59 They didn't care or whatever. The friend's point of view and like why they didn't stop them or anything. Yeah. Like tell their parents or anything like that. So Bob Mitchell's book actually was the basis of an indie film that came out a few years ago called Perfect Sisters, which starred Abigail Breslin and Georgie Henley. And the movie got a lot of criticism and was not rated well because, including from Bob Mitchell, the author himself, because it portrayed the girls as much more innocent than they were in real life. invested by making the girls more heroes than they were because in the movie, you know, the mom was, you know, an alcoholic and they lived in this abusive household and they were just trying to protect themselves when in reality they spent months. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Like planning this whole thing. Yeah. And it was a lot more fucked up than it was presented in the film. Mitchell, who was the author of the book, he criticized the movie and he said the main reason for the murder was getting their mom's insurance policy. He said he remembered the day in court because he he actually reported the whole case for the Toronto Star. He said he recalled the day in court when autopsy photos were displayed and the sisters were giggling. Oh, no. So he said also much more planning went into the murder than the film shows.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And one of the girls' biggest concerns in the immediate aftermath was that they wouldn't be able to party for a few weeks because they had to seem sad. Oh, cry me a river. Yeah. So after release, they were released after four years, Sandra was accepted to the university of waterloo with a two thousand dollar scholarship beth traveled to ottawa with the intention of
Starting point is 00:50:50 applying to university and studying law that i don't know no comment no comment except of course and of course they get away with it because they're not sure if these are real names yeah so they can just live a normal life. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? You could be in class with someone or hanging out with someone and have no idea that they actually, their name's legally secret and... They murdered their mother. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:16 By holding her head down in a bathtub. Yeah. At 16, it's not like they were five and didn't know how to... Yeah. They had brains. It's not like they were five and didn't know how to. Yeah, they had brains. So it's apparently they were like a couple of the reports that Bob Mitchell wrote about the friends and like their accounts said that the girls seemed to regret it. And Sandra seemed to regret it, but only because she found like apparently she found a stash of money that her mom had been saving for their college education and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:51:48 But it wasn't he said it wasn't that she was sad morally or like she just was like, oh, I fucked up, but not my mom's debt. You know what I mean? Yeah. And she also apparently said it was really hard to hold her head down for that long. Yeah. Oh, I bet it was. She's poor thing. She said it was hard physically, but not emotionally. So it's just like, what the fuck? But anyway, so that's the story of the bathtub girls. Yeah, that's not as sexy as I had implied it might be. It's not the MySpace lesbian porno that you expected. But I do have for you a geohoroscope i was just thinking about those
Starting point is 00:52:30 this week i was like we have not done a geohoroscope that is like the most touch and go thing we've ever guaranteed people a hundred percent since my milkshake facts because we came up with oh since the milkshake remember that uh because we came up with the idea and we're like great we're gonna do that from now on and then we just like did it one more time but yeah i have one for you today okay okay geo today your horoscope is as follows okay also to all you scorpios we're providing you an extra service by reading you your horoscope also yes of course you and geo all share the same horoscope. He's the, people give me a lot of shit because I say I don't like Scorpios and I agree and
Starting point is 00:53:09 I don't know what is wrong with me for liking Gio so much. But I will say Gio and I really hated each other at first and I didn't even know his sign. And then all of a sudden, true or false, Christine, one day I looked at you and I was like, he's being such a fucking Scorpio right now. And Christine was like, he's actually a Scorpio. And I was like, no, it's like, that makes sense. That's why we hate each other. It all makes sense. It all makes sense. All right. Well, here you go. Ready? Okay. Gio, just say no to that loaded bacon cheeseburger. Even if it is grass fed.. G-O! Today's full moon in Aries and your salubrious sixth house
Starting point is 00:53:46 sounds the call for healthier living. Baby G. Deprivation isn't the answer, but a short-term detox from inflammation-inducing foods like red meat, dairy, wheat, and sugar will keep your body humming like a finely-tuned machine. But they're all Baby G's favorites! If you can't cut them out,
Starting point is 00:54:03 crowd them out with more clean, green fare. With a new season afoot, swap your kale salads for warming options like roasted veggies and carrot ginger soup. Wait, is this like a fucking like... Baby G, he would spit all over that. He'd be like, I don't think so. Can you imagine if we got to give him a bacon cheeseburger? Can you imagine if I... He would lose his fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:54:25 His favorite foods are cheese, red meat, bacon, and bread. Can you imagine if I, like, made him carrot ginger soup? He would look at you and be like, I'd rather die. Thank you. I would be the most LA dog owner of all time. I would come over and I'd be like, I got a text from Gio being like, help, SOS. My mom's feeding me ginger kale. I'm eating, like, frozen Trader Joe's burritos and making my dog like shave gingers that is the ultimate dog mom eating
Starting point is 00:54:50 like garbage so your dog can eat like royalty also hang on what episode is this 36 and that comes out on the 7th or on the 8th and 9th yeah no sorry the 8th the 8th and this is the 37th episode 36 36 okay so 37 38 39 do you 8th. And this is the 37th episode? 36th. 36th. Okay, so 37, 38, 39. Do you want to hear something amazing? What? Our 40th episode. Yeah? Comes out on G's little B day.
Starting point is 00:55:12 No, it doesn't. Yeah, it does. Are you kidding? Little baby Gio. His birthday's on a Sunday. Holy shit. Number 40 comes out on Gio's birthday? Baby G!
Starting point is 00:55:20 Oh my God. Aw. It's also the week after Halloween, so we gonna have a busy Fucking week. Guys get ready Oh that's gonna be such a good episode for Baby G We should do dog stories No we shouldn't do dog stories No cause they're all just scary and depressing I lied
Starting point is 00:55:35 We should do cat stories No No Baby G You guys thanks for listening Again be at our Oh, okay. Baby G. Itty bitty baby. Okay. You guys, thanks for listening. Again, be at our live thing. So it's quote today.
Starting point is 00:55:54 It's today, October 8th. Yeah. Yes. Sorry. Hopefully you're listening to this beforehand because it would suck if you listen to this at night after it's already happened. On Monday the 9th. Yeah. Whoops.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Oopsies. We can't wait to see you there and uh other than that check us out online uh yeah do you want me to do the spiel uh-huh you're good at it you do it every week oh it's the one thing i do right and prepared. No. We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ATWWD podcast. We have our Patreon, ATWWD podcast. We have our email, and that's whywedrink at, where you can send your listener stories. You do them every month on the 1st.
Starting point is 00:56:38 We have our website, and that's We have our merch store, and that's God, there's a lot we got a lot going on also we're planning halloween stuff so just we are planning halloween stuff get yourself ready and that's why we drink that was beautiful Beautiful.

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