And That's Why We Drink - E40 A Fashion-Forward Victorian Ghost and Workplace Triangulation

Episode Date: November 5, 2017

It’s Gio’s Birthday-sode! And listen. It’s a doozy. Em covers the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, which once housed a circus-builder who “cured” cancer with watermelon seeds and haunted by a ghost who does NOT wear capris. Meanwhile, Christine gets ~timely~ (and pretty graphic) with her coverage of Edmund Kemper III, the mofo featured in Netflix’s recent drama Mindhunter. And that is most definitely why we drink.Don’t forget to check out our sponsors, BaubleBar (promo code “Drink”) and Firstleaf wines:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 so am i have a question oh jesus no what's the question don't this isn't don't take this the wrong way also allison plug your ears. Oh, no. So I'm just wondering, I need your opinion. About this jacket you're wearing? No, about how my chest looks today. What? I don't want to look. You're wearing the wine bra.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Listen. Is it good? It's okay. I have a lot of thoughts right now tell me and my brain isn't really processing them because while you're so i don't know if you guys have seen the video yet but emmy this amazing halloween video uh like a friendiversary video for us and uh surprised me with all these fun things and then one of the gifts i got was this wine rack. It's called, it's like a bra where you can fill like this thing with wine. It's a bra with like two empty. It's like a wine.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's like a box of wine, like the bladder in it. Yeah. But that's what both of your boobs are held in. Right. And then you put it in like this sports bra contraption and then there's a tube and you like. It's like a camelback, but a bra. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:21 But you fill it with wine. So I was like, oh, this will be so fun. Like Emma will come over and I'll like, you know. be all voluptuous. You do look a little bigger. Well, here's the thing. So while you were doing your notes, I was like, Oh, this is a fun idea. Like it just came to me. And so I was finishing their notes and I was like, okay, I'm going to go and put this on. And so I was like, well, I'm going to put white wine in. put this on and so i was like well i'm gonna put white wine in so did you put half wine and half red no no i put all white wine but it was in the refrigerator and i didn't really think about that are your boobs cold right now so i fucking cold i can't feel my entire chest and so i'm like
Starting point is 00:01:59 sitting here and i had this stupid ass jacket on because I didn't want him to see like giant horrific bulge coming out. And so I'm like sitting here waiting to record. And I'm like, hurry up, come on. Like, don't you want to record? Come on. I was wondering why you were pushing me to finish my notes so fast. Because 10 minutes beforehand, you were like, oh, no rush. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And then you're like, OK, but hurry up. I have like ice cold wine literally strapped to my chest right now. It's better than like, would you rather have cold boobs and good wine or normal, healthy, average temperature boobs and bad warm wine? Or no wine. Yeah, you're right. I would rather have. This is a small price you pay. And then I'm walking around and it's just like sloshing. Nobody thought about this.
Starting point is 00:02:46 So I'm like trying to walk. I was like, hey, can you pass me that tennis racket? So I put on this absurd jacket and I'm like, yeah, one second. And I'm like slowly like meandering. I was wondering why you were taking so long. I was like, give me the fucking tennis racket. I need to kill this fly. And I don't know what to do because now I'm like, I guess I have to drink it all because it's so fucking cold on my chest. It's kind of like Edward Fortyhands for
Starting point is 00:03:08 the millennial. It's like, okay, well you have to drink it all before you can take the bra off. Before your boobs just fall off. Wait, do your boobs make a sound? It's like a boob job that was done really poorly. Oh, it's so gross. Slosh is the perfect word uh-huh does it taste good though yeah that's great although the other thing with it is that if you do use white wine it gets like warm a lot faster because it's like strapped to your body oh really so either go chug it or like just use red wine like a smart individual oh okay you can't have warm white wine and it's just not good well that was your own oh 100 i mean it's
Starting point is 00:03:43 literally pressed against something that's 98.6 degrees right and then i was like well maybe i'll put ice cubes in it and i was like well that's fucking stupid then i just have ice cubes also strapped to my chest so anyway here we are that's what i'm drinking today give it another a round or two and you'll you'll have figured it out anyway why do you drink this is geo's birthday episode can you believe it I know I was trying to figure out if we were making plans or anything for him uh maybe we can try and coordinate something I was really behind this year yeah last year we had a whole party for him that's where
Starting point is 00:04:17 him and I sort of like bonded yeah and uh Allison's birthday was her whole apartment was decorated in a retired hand-me-down Baby G birthday party. That's right. Decorations. That's right. And they've served their purpose over the last year. But yeah, Gio's going to be two. This is his last day as a one-year-old puppy.
Starting point is 00:04:34 His last day, and I'm sad about it. So we'll have to definitely do his horoscope. That's right. For this one. A birthday horoscope. Aw, Baby G. I also want to add that for his birthday, actually, I went to pick up some packages. They weren't for us.
Starting point is 00:04:46 They were for Gio. Oh, good. So someone mailed us these gifts. You mean Gio? Gio. Gio. Not us. I was just the messenger.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Right, right. Literally. What's in it? Okay, it says, a gift for you. Happy birthday, Gio. I hope you like this. I'm not going to say what it is yet because i want to surprise you stay handsome love you keep up the awesome podcast only you guys can make me laugh at 8 a.m
Starting point is 00:05:10 on my way to school jocelyn so thank you jocelyn thanks jocelyn what is it so this is number one shut up it's a white wine toy for geo it's a squeaky toy that looks like a wine bottle here and then i'm gonna give him this one. And it's called Kennel Relaxin instead of Kendall Jackson. And Kendall Jackson is my stepmom's favorite Chardonnay. It's Kennel Relaxin. Wait, I'm going to give him this. And then this is the other one.
Starting point is 00:05:37 A milkshake squeaky toy. Can you give him that one? You want that? Okay, bye. Happy birthday from Jocelyn. Aww. So that was really sweet. I was like, a milkshake and a wine toy. That's adorable. Look him carrying it around oh he's so he's so team milkshake right now wait i
Starting point is 00:05:50 gotta get a picture too he's so happy i'm just gonna use this opportunity to drink some wine out of this tube anyway thanks jocelyn for the instagram post. So cute. So it's Gio's birthday. And in honor of Gio's birthday, I want to make a little announcement. One of our listeners, Jackie, she's having a hard time right now. And her dog, she's trying to find a home for her dog. Oh, boy. And she calls her her land cloud because it's a white, fluffy, I think a great Pyrenees mix. So she's in south central Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And if anybody is available to, like, take her in, she's big. She's 100 pounds. I pinned the post on the secret Facebook group. So if anyone needs to go, you know, get more information, you can look there. And Jackie said she's willing to drive four to five hours to find her a good home because she can't take care of her right now so if anyone is available if anyone's within four to five hours of south central wisconsin uh you can contact jackie through facebook she's on the secret group and that's all i just want to be able to help hopefully help her find a good home anything to help a good dog i know a good pup sweet land cloud and um she did want me to mention that she does have a slight tear in her acl but she walks like 10 miles a day so it's not an issue so a slight slight so like i can't walk
Starting point is 00:07:15 10 miles a day and my acl is quote just fine all right anyway my sports bar is filled with literally literally filled with wine right now so this does not come as a surprise but anyway if anyone has any means to take the take her in please help please help geo would be very proud of you oh that's all my notes for the day i think oh you're done for the whole show yeah i'm done oh i'll just carry it from here then bye really why do you drink oh um cause my boobs are really cold. Okay. Why do you drink?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Um, I drink because, so I'm currently trying to avoid slipping into a depression. Oh no. No, no, no. That's not the bad part. Oh, okay. It sounds pretty bad. Get ready. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:02 So usually to get myself like out of that zone is to be like, like really into cleaning. Productive. Yeah. Get my shit together. And so, and then another thing is like, I, I'm not really a candle person, but I've recently like been trying to like do candles to like, to like, you know, get my anxiety down and stuff like that. So I was with Allison last night and I finally cleaned everything.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I was really productive. I lit up a candle and then we got tired, went to bed and I tried to, no, no, I blew out the candle. And then I was trying to like bring it back to like where we were leaving the candle when it's not in use. And I stumbled a little and all the wax got over my favorite sweatshirt. So now I just have more anxiety and I'm depressed that I can't wear my fucking sweatshirt in case I slip into a bad mood. And I just bought this sweatshirt in case I slip into a bad mood. And I just bought this sweatshirt. It's like my favorite one.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And it was like kind of pricey. So I can't get another one right off the bat. And I bet you it was one of those oil-based candles. Oh, you know it was. You know it was. And so I felt like, let me just throw it in the freezer. Because maybe it'll like harden. Then I can just chip it off. Well, it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Right. It seemed smart. So basically, like my favorite sweatshirtirt's ruined and I'm pretty pissed. That's actually, I'm sorry, that's really shitty. What sweatshirt was it? It was literally just a black sweatshirt, but, okay, we're not actually doing an ad for this, but if they're listening and want us to sponsor them, I'd gladly do it. Because Em needs a new sweatshirt.
Starting point is 00:09:18 My favorite company is called Goodfellow. It's in the men's section of Target right now. It was a lot of the stuff that I recently bought that I made you shop with me on FaceTime and tell me if it looked good or not um but I'm just gonna I already told Allison I want the sweatshirt again for Christmas which is like kind of a dinky present to like just get me a sweatshirt but at the same time like she saw how bummed out I was I was like I'm so upset oh anyway if anyone else wants to buy me shit from goodfellow go ahead i'm a size large um all right anyway that's all i got today cool all i've got is a good story
Starting point is 00:09:53 oh that's it that's all it so uh a lot of people have asked about this and recently a couple more than usual people wrote out to me on twitter um suggesting this so i think everyone's just in the mood to hear about it wait that's so weird because one of the sorry to like interrupt but one of the crimes gonna like be quiet and suck on my little wine one of my uh one of the true crime stories i've been looking into all of a sudden a ton of people messaged me about it and i didn't know about it and all of a sudden a ton of people messaged me about it and I didn't know about it. And all of a sudden I got, and I don't know if it maybe was on the news recently or something as like an anniversary. I don't know either. It sounds like something like this happened too. Yeah. So this is the, uh, Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, so, um, Eureka Springs, what a name. And this is a real doozy. It's, it was really hard for me to break this down to the normal sized amount of notes that I use. Yeah. I noticed cause I was sitting here with a freezing cold chest. Yeah. Usually I'm done with my notes before I even come here. And today I got here like two hours ago and I've still been working on the notes cause I'm trying to condense it, but so much juicy shit has happened that it was hard to pull things away. So I can't wait. So I'm just going to do what I do best and just scatterbrain read this out to you. But the history, it's one of those good ones where the history is like maybe two bullets in the breast is just ghosts. So, all right, let's just let's crack into it. Let's crack into it.
Starting point is 00:11:22 In 1908, the hotel was actually opened as a college it was called the crescent college and conservatory for young women and served as like a basically a really rich wealthy prep school um the school closed in 1924 because they just couldn't keep up with you know the payments sure um and reopened a couple years later as a junior college. But that only lasted until the Great Depression. And then they really couldn't keep up with it. And they just stopped trying. But then a couple years later, in 1937, it became a cancer hospital.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Oh. It was called the Baker Cancer Hospital. And it was ran by Norman Baker, who is a character. Why does that name? Oh, I was thinking Norman Bates. I was thinking Norman Bates. Well, he's just as crazy. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So just some backstory on Baker. He was a circus builder. I'm sorry. In Iowa. So he would like build the frames of tents and stages and platforms. Okay. And you know that's because of your background. Obviously. I mean, I didn't just do hours of research it just it just comes to me it's not
Starting point is 00:12:29 like you did you know plate what is it called on the plate spinning plate spinning without actually really good at plate spinning oh believe me you've told us oh my uh i'm just saying you know it's not like all that had to go to waste you know oh baby geo just brought me my milk my milkshake squeaky toy he knows that i'm making fun of you i know he's like don't don't be sad don't be sad he's like i'm a therapy dog i'll i'll comfort you so anyway he was a circus builder in iowa he started several radio shows um so you know kind of like us he's like us oh my god but all of his uh radio stations all the shows that he had um somehow circulated around anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic viewpoints. Okay, he's not like us because you're Jewish and I'm Catholic.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Okay. Paranoid rants, that is us. Well, that's accurate. And then he also supposedly broadcasted his own sexual encounters. So that's you. I mean, you're a dick. And then he would also play hillbilly music. So like me.
Starting point is 00:13:30 So I'm the sexual encounters and you're hillbilly. I'm sorry. I lost the tip to my wine straw. Please hold. God damn it. You ready? Are you ready to rumble? Ready to rumble.
Starting point is 00:13:46 So anyway, he would cover those very important parts in his radio segments. And he's also reported to have owned only purple cars, wear only lavender suits. And one day he decided he could cure cancer. Using injections of clover, corn silk, watermelon seeds, and water. Watermelon seeds. So he, that's where, that was his next passion project. I'm sorry. I just don't even know how to like break all that down and process it.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I'm not asking you to. In 1937, he opened the Baker Cancer Hospital and he claimed a 100 success rate that he would carry your cancer so cancer victims from all over all all over the world were just desperate to get into his hospital because they wanted to live oh yeah no this isn't a happy story um one of his miracle cures was if you had a brain tumor graphic, he would peel back the patient's scalp and then pour a mixture of hot boiling spring water and ground watermelon seeds directly onto the brain. Um, he's really into the watermelon.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It's really weird to me. I mean, I love a good watermelon, but I don't want it on my, on my brain. Inside your brain. No, inside my gut. That's what I want. So dozens'm sorry i'm sorry i'll wait i just need to tell you did you ever the rugrats episode oh oh yeah that's where i was going i think what is it chucky thinks that the watermelon is gonna grow in his stomach was that really where you were going yeah i was just gonna say like did anyone ever tell you growing up but yeah the rugrats that's where we were heading where you were going yeah i was just gonna say like did anyone ever tell you growing up but yeah the regrets that's where we were heading where you swallow a seed and a watermelon grows i
Starting point is 00:15:28 remember that episode it still scares me i still don't need watermelon yeah you've literally just said there you want them all in your i don't need watermelon seeds oh come on those just go in the brain those are just meant grind them up pour them right on. Gross. Those people died, right? Oh, yes. Okay, good. I mean, not good. I'm sorry. I meant like, okay. This is like,
Starting point is 00:15:49 this is a story about ghosts. So people have to die somewhere in between here and later. Okay. You know? Yeah. Rest in peace, of course.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yes, that's fucked up. So dozens of patients died and by dozens, I mean hundreds. Oh, no. Baker was said to have hidden the bodies for weeks until he could actually burn them in a in a morgue later because he was still
Starting point is 00:16:10 probably claiming he could cure cancer so because he claimed that he could cure cancer in a matter of weeks which was his big cure because not just cure cancer but you know by the end of the month um so the press was like eagerly waiting for the first patient to show up and be like all right it's been a month oh no and they kept dying and so he decided that his next plan would be anyone who couldn't be cured would go to an asylum because they were an extreme or advanced case are you kidding me and really what was happening instead of them going into um an asylum he was actually just killing them oh my god um that way when people uh basically no one would know that they died of cancer they would just think oh they got sent away oh my god and he would then also write to the families of those patients as if he were them to pretend that they were still alive so that nobody would catch him on the
Starting point is 00:17:06 fact that they disappeared. So he now that they've renovated this building, they said that they've seen a lot of human skeletons come out of the walls and they've found jars of preserved body parts. But potentially hundreds of people died
Starting point is 00:17:24 in the hospital during that time and he was just making money off it because people thought that yeah you know you're gonna save us we'll give you whatever you want um and that is like a cult that's like yeah fucking cult leader so one investigator estimated that um baker actually got about four million dollars out of cancer patients at that time time? At that time. Holy shit. And it was 1937 through 1940. Holy. And during the Depression, right after the Depression.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Holy shit. Yeah. He was arrested for fraud, and then he was only jailed for four years. And when he got out, he died of cancer. No! Yes. Do you think he poured watermelon seeds into his own brain um he just might have what a mofo if he believed it i mean that's the creepy part he really believed
Starting point is 00:18:12 this he didn't think he was like jipping anyone that was my next question was like he actually believed it yes well i also remember he had several radio shows about paranoid rants like he really thought like he... He was kooky. He was a little kooky. And he literally thought... Watermelon seeds, clothes. Even though nobody was getting healed. What a fucking nut job.
Starting point is 00:18:33 He just thought they were extreme cases that he wasn't ready for. Because he also didn't have a medical license. Let's remember that. He was, like, a shitty DJ. Kind of. Like, he just had a radio show, and then he was like, oh, I'm also a medical marvel. That's me i'm gonna next my next task so anyway the original autopsy table is still in the morgue and at one
Starting point is 00:18:53 point there were body parts kept oh i already told you that they were preserved in formaldehyde in jars and those jars are still in the room too because this hotel of course now does ghost tours so they take you to all the main spots they better um and so they make it look creepy that you know the table's still there and i want to go to their end listen next time we find ourselves in arkansas we'll go i thought it was in utah eureka springs arkansas oh i don't know why i thought utah eureka you're drinking it's not it's not anyone's fault but your own. Put my straw back in my mouth. So, also, fun fact, the ghost of Baker himself has also been spotted in the hotel in the old rec room near the basement.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And he has also been seen near the staircase at the bottom. What a mofo. Those who do see him says that he looks lost and he can't figure out where he's going. It's like, to heaven or hell, hell. Go down, sir. says that he looks lost and he can't figure out where he's going it's like uh to heaven or hell hell so go down sir just keep going down until there's only fire during the construction of the hotel um back in the i think 1885 there was in a young irish stonemason named michael and he fell to his death while supposedly trying to get a young woman's attention. If that isn't fucking me, I don't know who is. I don't know. Like, I would be the clumsiest person. I mean, just ask Allison.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I was not smooth. Did you fall down a well or whatever? If there was a well, I would have fucking fallen down it. Metaphorically, you fell down a well. Oh, yeah. I've even asked her multiple times since then. I'm like, am I smooth? And she's like, no.
Starting point is 00:20:23 She's like, let's move on and not answer that question you know what you you got me and we should just focus on that yeah let's move past it so anyway he died and uh he died when he landed he landed in what is now room 218 which is now the most requested room in the hotel because it's also the most haunted of course sad so michael's a very active ghost um he likes to play tricks with the lights and turn them on and off he'll turn the tv on and off and the volume um also he will pound loudly on the inside of the walls isn't that funny isn't that well so kind i was just thinking like oh they're fun pranks but like but like if you heard that that'd be terrifying those don't sound like fun pranks.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Well... They sound like he's like, get me out of here. It's also apparently like a boys will be boys kind of club because a lot of people have been like, oh, he's such a prankster because he like grabs girls' butts. And it's like, oh yeah, that's hysterical. Oh, you mean he's a sexual predator. Oh, okay. Oh, it's still alive and well.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Boys will be sexual predators. I'll put my straw back in my mouth. Truth hurts, guys. So he also messes with the maids. He does not sexually harass them. He actually does just prank them. Where if they're trying to like pull a laundry cart out of the storage room or, you know, if a guest is trying to pull a suitcase, he'll hold on to it to like keep you from being able to do it just to like kind of psych you out and then
Starting point is 00:21:48 he'll let go and or like you can even tell him like hey michael stop i'm working and he'll let go of it and leave you alone oh that's kind yeah you know he's trying to like bounce back from his predatory habits yeah yeah he's a good he's one of the good ones i know all of a sudden he's all changed so he'll also show up in the bathroom mirrors and try to reach out and grab you. So, you know. I take it back. Mending his ways. Take back everything I said.
Starting point is 00:22:12 In the summer, he'll turn the heat in the room all the way up because he's a bastard. And in the winter, he will turn the air conditioning on full blast. Occupants of the room will also wake up to find the windows and doors wide open and uh there's also um actually another ghost there in 218 who we don't know who it is but we think it was the um one of the lead physicians when it was a hospital because 218 used to be where his office is uh very often they will find a quote, gentleman, I guess because he doesn't assault women. Sure. And he wears Victorian clothing
Starting point is 00:22:50 and is a bit of a grouch apparently. But he... Take it away, Gio. Guests have seen him staring at them while they try to sleep and his eyes glow. I'm sorry, he just stares at people. Why? Why do we call him a gentleman i'm confused he will also slam the door shut on you
Starting point is 00:23:10 after you try to open it and he will push you out of bed when you're sleeping and right when you're about to fall asleep you're in that like kind of in between he'll shake you violently so you like get back up i mean he sounds like quite the gentleman well one guy actually uh was sleeping and felt someone shake him really hard and when he woke up he heard like footsteps run from his bed to the door as if it was like like the guy almost got caught that was a doctor not the prankster guy i don't know at this point it sounds a lot like michael i was gonna say the doctor unless the doctor was like why are you sleeping in my office? Yeah, right. Exactly. So also in room 419, it's the second most haunted room. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Sorry. What's happening? Real quick. 419 is Alexis's favorite number and her birthday, 419. And when we lived together, we saw 419 everywhere. And my lucky number is 49. Yeah. And that was like one of the weird things we like bonded over where I was like 49 and she's like, oh, 419 everywhere and my lucky number is 49 yeah and that was like one of the weird
Starting point is 00:24:05 things we like bonded over where i was like just like 49 and she's like oh 419 and every time i hear 419 it's just like oh it's a sign that's like when i see 22 exactly i see them literally all the time i see 22s five times a day and alexis he's 419 everywhere one time her dad woke up at 419 when he was like traveling and called her. Just to make sure she was okay. Yeah, and was like, I'm sorry I woke up at 419. She's like, you said you didn't believe me. My mom does that too. Anytime we see a 22, we text each other just to make sure that the other one's okay.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's just so funny. Anyway, so 419 is very like close to my heart. Well, in room 419 where Alexis apparently lives, it's known as Theodora's room. So Theodora was a cancer patient oh no um at the time and she that 419 was her room that she was staying in and it's kind of sad because she doesn't look like a patient like when people see her like she's not in a gown or anything she just like looks like a guest and um people have seen her fumbling for her keys outside of the door and she's had conversations with the guests telling them that she's tidy and will organize the room if it's messy and she's even packed guests belongings i wish i had a
Starting point is 00:25:17 ghost like that and also as a cancer patient it's like okay you can pack up my shit but i can barely fucking do anything and i'm like like, okay, and healthy. That's sad. And also, doors will mysteriously open by themselves in that room, and the feeling of someone brushing past you happens. Oh. Visitors in general now, this is just the hotel, visitors will get touched, poked, and pinched. And one time in the morgue, there was a loud squeaking sound
Starting point is 00:25:43 as if a gurney was being pushed. You could also hear heavy sliding doors behind the seating areas. And basically, just, it's all bad. Especially in the morgue area. A three-year-old girl who was on a tour with her family was silent the entire time until they were leaving a particular room. And she started saying bye baby bye baby and that was the children's room oh my god during uh an emf read one guest asked if michael was listening and whether he preferred brunette's blondes or redheads and as soon as
Starting point is 00:26:19 they said redheads the meters went off and they hadn't been going off at all all night. Oh, boy. In everyone's bathrooms. Because remember, this was like an elegant hotel. Or it is now an elegant hotel. It used to be a hospital. And after that, it turned into like this like croquet and golf and tea time. Like people who like tie their sweaters around their shoulders. Like my dad and stepmom have been there.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Good. Oh, really? Probably. My mom has probably too has probably oh i guarantee our parents have been there and my mom yeah probably linda and bernhard probably played croquet together honestly not would not be surprised so uh now there's like in every bathroom there's a jacuzzi tub and the water jets in the bathroom will go on and off by themselves. Even if the bathtub itself isn't working, like if the, if the water isn't filled, so you'll just hear like the motor running. Because just to add to that, I have a, when we moved in here, the landlord was like, by the way, the master bathroom, which is our bathroom has a whirlpool tub.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And one day I was like, I should try that out. Yeah. And I couldn't fucking figure it out. And I guess if the water isn i should try that out yeah and i couldn't fucking figure it out and i guess if the water isn't to a certain level like it won't fucking work yeah so the fact that it was going off even without water in the tub like it needs water to actually yeah turn on that's creepy so in norman baker's suite he also used to have two giant saint bernard dogs for protection what are you protecting yourself from by the way good cancer patients from watermelon that you're murdering so one water so one couple stayed in the room that night and uh they stayed in the room that used to be norman baker's room
Starting point is 00:27:56 i would not want to stay in that room and that night they kept hearing scratching noises in the stairwell outside the door and they kept hearing howling and like gruffs like like little like you know how dogs don't bark they go like boof geo does that yeah yeah when he's mad that i'm making him stop barking yeah so he just goes boof yeah boof um watching you do that is so entertaining b-o-o-f buff buff anyway yeah i'm sorry we lost all of our listeners except the dogs they're all here every dog is now crowding around the iphone um so anyway they could hear dogs essentially all night when they were staying in that room and they kept telling themselves that uh that there was nothing there and then they went on a tour that night and found out that the room they were staying in was the one the dogs used to be in they didn't know so
Starting point is 00:28:48 even the dogs haunted wait it's actually kind of sad that the dogs have to be stuck there i know um so one guest also uh shouted out that she didn't believe in ghosts during a tour and then water started pouring out of the ceiling from no pipes there was like there was not an area where pipes were water just started pouring out of the ceiling nice of them though to make it water not like blood or ectoplasm at least you can clean water you know i'm surprised it wasn't some sort of concoction of like clover and watermelon seeds that would have been a neat trick can you imagine i can it would have been great it would have been wild so anyway let's get to this morgue which is also called the portal i'm ready oh my i'm ready so it's uh right outside of the morgue
Starting point is 00:29:33 guests will for some reason turn pale and faint oh fuck and this has been happening for decades and it's only in this spot so a lot of people lose consciousness and they, they recover pretty fast. And there's no reason why that everyone across the board will just faint in this area. Yeah. Um, but it's only known to occur in that one spot, which is, and it's like, it's in the lobby, but it's directly above the morgue. Okay. Um, Oh God.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Ew. Yeah. So it's not even that they know they're at the they have no idea they're at a morgue and faint because they're in a place where there are a bunch of dead bodies they're just in the lobby or in whatever right above the morgue is that's where they're fucking standing and they just all fall over and faint so the guests have reported seeing hearing and feeling an apparition in their room during their overnight stay um some have been described as getting sensations of people whistling them to sleep what um visitors have seen a woman in
Starting point is 00:30:32 victorian clothing at the foot of their bed and then after the trip they will see her in photos the chef there has seen a little boy with glasses who is skipping around the kitchen while he's trying to open up i'd be pissed if i was that chef i'm like it's 5 a.m i'm trying to open up this fucking kitchen and you're just skipping around like it's not 5 a.m right and you don't have a job and get a job little boy also well it was also from like apparently he's in victorian clothing maybe he did have a job at that age maybe it was just to skip around he was probably a coal miner so another time uh that same chef was opening up the kitchen again and when he turned on the lights all of the pots and pans came flying off the hooks
Starting point is 00:31:10 yep i knew that was coming uh-uh one employee saw a man looking out of um like he said out of a book basically like victorian clothing like old school clothing oh i thought he meant he was like reading a book and the guy was looking out of the book i was like it's like this isn't pennywise it's like some sort of harry potter shit um so he like they described him really well they stared at him long enough to get a whole look at him and said that he was dressed in a long black cutaway coat with a tall shirt collar and ascot like cravat top hat and his face was adorned with mutton chop sideburns whoa his trousers were gray with stripes but as i continued to gaze down his image um it ended around the middle of his lower leg it didn't go all the way to the floor his image was there it was completely lifelike and
Starting point is 00:31:58 it was not at all wavy or wispy he just happened to have no legs and was floating in midair oh i thought it meant the pants ended but like his legs he wasn't wearing capris he was like he just didn't have legs he could have been like a a fashion forward oh yeah he could have victorian ghost that's him but uh well you know they used to wear those things and then they short pants and they would have socks i got you okay you're no you're right you're right you like the you don't look like i'm right oh well because you weren't but you could have knew it so there was also one woman who died there named irene castle okay and she was like a big socialite at the time she was really into dancing she taught dancing
Starting point is 00:32:42 classes she helped open dance clubs like all that good stuff um one guest was giving their daughter a bath in their room and the the little girl started talking to someone who wasn't actually there oh no no no no and she said that she was standing behind the girl was she said that she was talking to the person that was standing behind her mom but her mom didn't see anyone. And the mom thought it was unusual because her child was saying words like pirouette, ballerino, tango. And someone was saying, you're a princess, I'm a castle. And they didn't know what that meant. And then when they went downstairs to talk to the front desk, they said, oh, she was literally saying she's a castle because her name
Starting point is 00:33:25 is irene castle and she used to stay in that room oh my fucking god during during her dances wait so the little girl was saying you're a princess the little girl like the mom was saying what is this oh what is she saying to you and she's saying that i'm a princess and she's a castle m i know but also love that log line like she like as a ghost she's still witty and creative being like you're a princess i'm a castle definitely that's very like a real housewives intro absolutely i'm writing that down for a future pitch so also in room 419 a camera kept going off um this is theodora's slash alexis's room and a camera kept going off and taking
Starting point is 00:34:05 pictures sporadically by itself even after the battery had drained out when they developed the pictures it was um the pictures were showing different parts of the room all from different directions but when the camera was freaking out it was sitting still on the table oh um also orbs will fly not just around people but through them there is a smell of uh pipe tobacco in room 212 um and i think that's where dr ellis used to leave his office from room 218 and go smoke okay um books will fly off the shelves like frisbees an emf meter will speed up or slow down on command um one guest while she was on a tour saw a man in a hospital gown say what about my treatment oh my god and when she thought she was crazy she saw on um two other women who were on the tour staying next to her and they kept
Starting point is 00:35:00 double taking behind them and they said that through their like peripheral vision they had just seen a man in a gown at the exact same time she heard the man that she saw save him no no no one guest got goosebumps and then found it really hard to breathe and then other people on the tour at the exact same time said does anyone else feel that we can also hear a little girl giggling and while they were saying that the tour guide seconds later said well at this exact spot a little girl landed after falling to her death from the fourth floor no so they were standing in the spot where she landed and they were hearing a girl giggling and they felt goosebumps god um one guest saw the list just fucking goes on with this one i'm totally this is what we started the podcast for oh yes so one guest saw a ghost sitting at the bar in the lobby and tried to speak to him
Starting point is 00:35:52 but he was ignored and he just kept staring ahead like this ghost kept staring ahead and looked real enough for someone to want to approach him and have a conversation another guest also came into the bar after the first one and tried speaking to that guy and he also got no response from this apparition um so both of them walked away and like looked behind them and the guy was gone and they're like that's weird maybe he got up and left when they turned back around he was on the second landing staring down at them what so then they ran upstairs i don't know why you would run to the thing that scares you no but as they were running to it it faded away in front of them and then they both felt something that they couldn't see very firmly pushing them back down to the lobby
Starting point is 00:36:34 no thanks um locked french doors in the lobby will fly open and spirits will walk through walls right into people's rooms norman baker has like said, has been seen in the basement rec room and near the foot of the steps, and he freaked so many people out in the basement rec room that the basement rec room is now closed. For good? For good. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That being said, the switchboards in the lobby will regularly show that calls are coming from the basement. No. No, Em, no. And it has been locked up for years, but the staff, anytime they get a call, will still go down there to investigate. And there's never anyone there. The phone, it doesn't even attach to the wall anymore.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And they'll come back up. And then there's several calls coming from the basement, from everywhere where there used to be a phone down there. Can you imagine being that employee and they're like, your turn on the job? And they're like, by the way. So whenever a phone call comes, I need you to go downstairs and investigate. And it's like, yeah, you probably have to draw straws who has to go down there. Oh, yeah. Imagine like their idea of tenure is like, I don't have to fucking go in that basement
Starting point is 00:37:34 anymore. That's right. People have seen the little girl that fell from the fourth floor. They've seen her falling again as if they're like watching her death happen. So they'll think a little kid is falling off the railing. Which is traumatizing to watch. Yeah. And so they'll call like the front desk and be like, I just watched a little girl plummet to her fucking death.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And they're like, no, no, no. She is fine. That's normal. There's also several nurses that in the middle of the night are pushing dead patients on gurneys down the hallways. No, thank you. that in the middle of the night are pushing dead patients on gurneys down the hallways no thank you which is the time that the nurses used to push the dead patients to the morgue to keep the people that are still alive with cancer thinking that nobody's dying and they also didn't know there was a morgue at the time because they were told they were going to live 100 percent success rate
Starting point is 00:38:18 no one was going to die but you need a morgue if you're going to live yeah yeah um so uh also at least once a month there are guests that are sleeping on the couches in the lobby because they're too afraid to be in their own rooms some guests have complained that they wake up to find their clothes scattered throughout the room and their bags entirely unpacked they need to call theodora i'm saying she will fix that shit right up she's on it her cleaning unmatched room 419 you find her there um the hotel's dog jazz it was the hotel's owner's dog that's sweet um refuses to stay alone um on the upper floors because that's where most of the ghostly sightings have been and not be not for that reason like she doesn't know that we've reported those sightings but she's like listen i've listened
Starting point is 00:39:05 to and that's why we drink podcasts she's like told me i've been here i've been there i've been around i'm not interested so at the end of tours um this is a good one at the end of a tour um usually the lights will come up in the morgue because they it ends in the morgue and they'll turn the lights on and they will the guide will ask people do you want to go in the morgue because they it ends in the morgue and they'll turn the lights on and they will the guide will ask people do you want to go in the morgue and have us close the door behind you so you can be in the pitch black morgue by yourself no well they do that in alcatraz too and i've done that before you tell me about where they put you in solitary confinement by yourself no thank you um so like dream team squad goals a mother and son yes. Yes. We're like, we want to do it. And so they went into the walk in cooler and the door got shut behind them.
Starting point is 00:39:50 And it was totally dark in there. And after about 30 seconds, uh, the mom was banging on the door saying, please get us out of here. My son is sick. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:01 once they pulled her out because she's a good mom and didn't hug her child first, she was like, you guys have to see this. And so she pulled out her phone because she was recording at the same time. And there was a glowing dot over her son's head the entire time, which began swinging back and forth. Another orb began glowing next to it and got so bright that it was brighter than a camera flash.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And then it immediately went dark, but you could still see it floating around above him flash and then it like immediately went dark but you could still see it floating around above him and then it went into his head and that was the moment that her son started getting really nauseous and you can hear him on the on the video go like i didn't see this i'm reading a description i don't know where to find this video but uh then he was saying i don't feel good and that's when she banged on the door and said like let us the fuck out yeah but then she showed the video and you can see something go inside of his head. And that's when he started feeling nauseous. It's like, I want to do these things because I'm like, oh, that'll be cool to experience
Starting point is 00:40:52 something. But then I'm like, if something went into my body or like my friend's body. Oh, just the thought. So some guests claim to that at one point in the middle of the night, this has happened to a few people, that in the middle of the night, guests will scream and run out of their rooms saying that they have seen blood splattered all over their walls.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Oh, fuck. In room 202, there is a misty figure, there's a picture, and the photo is of a misty figure slouching in the closet. Like, he's just leaning in the closet, but it's definitely a human being, like a human body figure, hanging out in the closet wait what do you mean like a picture like someone
Starting point is 00:41:29 took a picture in room 202 oh not like a frame it was like a framed image i was like no someone took a picture of the closet and there's definitely a figure of a body just leaning in there nope and when the guy took the picture of that room, he was the only one in the room. No, thank you. Ghost Hunters came to the hotel, and they got a thermal camera image of what looks like a human body in one of the rooms, like, just walking around.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And that's considered, like, a big deal, like, to get a human figure on a thermal imager yeah and so after that episode came out even more people showed up sure but all of a sudden it became like a huge paranormal like destination hotel and so now approximately 30,000 people go on the tour every year 30,000 30,000 holy shit so that's the hotel but i will end on the fact that just like the Menger Hotel. Menger. Everyone yelled at me about it. The Menger Hotel.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Why didn't they yell at me? They probably didn't. I don't even want to know because I just saw your face get so frustrated. They did. And I got 8,000 emails and Twitter DMs on our account pages. I'm sorry. Okay. Menger.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Menger. Menger. Menger. Menger. Menger. Menger. Just like that hotel how they had like a house drink. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Okay. So the Crescent Hotel also has a house drink. Are you ready for it? Yes. It's called Liquid Therapy. And it contains Malibu, melon liqueur, pineapple juice, and fruit garnish. Can we talk about how it has melon liqueur? Watermelon? Like melon? Oh, that that's fucked up that's so fucked up that's fucked up they don't do that i'm sure
Starting point is 00:43:11 they did that on purpose well they said it's a signature green cocktail named for the norman baker era totally melon liqueur that's fucked up dude anyway there is the crescent hotel and it cures cancer and oh here's the thing tell me the thing tell me to listen tell me to listen i'm always telling you to listen no but do it again do it the way we all want to hear it listen there it is i drank too much of my broad wine oh you're getting a little loopy not loopy just like you know you know how like oh okay i was gonna say you know how when you're watching a movie and you're not even cognizant of how much popcorn you're shoveling in your mouth uh-huh were you doing that with the wine well there it is you know how when you were like a drink with a straw and you're just kind of like just slurping away
Starting point is 00:43:58 and you don't that's the problem with this thing is it's like it's a straw so you just have it in your hand and you don't feel like you don't have to pick up a glass right right and you can't see how much it just gets you getting drunk without even knowing how much you're drinking and yeah you can't see how much you're drinking because it's all in your boobs right now you can't it's all in my boobs my boobs are getting smaller and smaller i tell you what but your stomach's getting bigger and bigger it is as your ego i'm sure though i, those two are always on an upward trajectory. Okay. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Enlighten me. So I don't know if you have been watching Mindhunter, have you, or no? Not yet. I almost made, that was rude of me. I almost asked Allison to watch it with me last night. I almost forced her by gunpoint to watch it with me. Well, literally, as I was about to say, do you want to watch Mindhunter with me? I hear everyone's freaking out about it. She suggested a show. And so now we're probably going to watch that first. Wait, which show?
Starting point is 00:44:54 I don't remember, which is why I didn't say it. Okay. So you have not watched Mindhunter. No. Moral of the story. Okay. So I watched it twice because I watched it once at home when I was in Cincinnati. And I asked my brother, cause we wanted to watch it together because I watched it once at home when I was in Cincinnati. And I asked my brother because we wanted to watch it together. I was like, oh, do you mind if I watch it myself? Because he was going out to meet his friends because he's super popular and I'm not. Right. And he was like, no, no, go ahead and watch it.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And so I like binged the whole thing while I was visiting home. Was it so good? So good. And then I got back and Blaze goes, hey, I have a surprise. And I'm like, what? And he's like, we're going to watch Mindhunter tonight and i was like so sweet wait did you tell him i watched it and he was like oh i thought we were gonna watch it together and i was like oh i thought that was my brother oh my god said that too you suck you know you should have just kept your
Starting point is 00:45:39 mouth shut and just been like oh wow i'm so excited to watch it for the first time with you i can't and then been like i have a hunch something really cool it's about to happen i'm a good liar but i can't lie because i my guilt oh i would have absolutely lied i would have i would have been more guilty about the fact that i watched it before i promised but i didn't remember i literally said no i but i want to watch it again so i was like let's watch it again and watching it again i got so much more because i was like oh like because it's such a crazy, like, psychological show. So anyway, point being, I watched it twice. So good.
Starting point is 00:46:09 If you guys haven't seen it, I know people have been not into it. I don't know, but I love it. And basically, a lot of the episode or a lot of the series revolves around Edmund Kemper, the co-ed killer. Co-ed killer. Got it. And interviewing him and the interviews that they do with him. Actually, if you once you watch the show, seriously, if you watch the they've made videos of the interviews that they do with the actor who plays Ed Kemper on the show and the real
Starting point is 00:46:43 interviews that they did with the actor who plays ed kemper on the show and the real interviews that they did with ed kemper on film and the actor has just it's so creepy to watch like i'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it how like he's got all his tics and mannerisms down and like that's crazy that's a good actor too yeah and it is creepy as fuck because it's like a real like it's actually what happened weird so it's like very based in reality it's it's creepy anyway point being i'm trying to be timely and hip so ed kemper is the cool subject how relevant today's story i told blaze and he's like wow how relevant of you i was like shut up well that's because i'm just trying to be blazed every day of my life you really are just like halloween in case you're wondering em and allison dressed up as blaze and me for halloween and if you haven't seen the photos just go
Starting point is 00:47:29 fucking look because i can't even it blew them away we also we had been planning this for a long time so we actually stole they broke into my house we didn't you gave us the key that was your own well i mean for emergencies this was one okay when Christine left she gave me a key in case anything were to happen I could get into the house and then the next day Allison and I were just shopping around at Goodwill and I saw a white coat and I was like look I'm a doctor I'm Blaze and then I was like wouldn't it be funny if we dressed up as them for Halloween and then we both looked at each other and we were like this is exactly what we're doing and at one point alison was like i just really want to get clothes that i know christine would wear it's such a shame we
Starting point is 00:48:10 don't have a key and i was like we do now and m turns to look at us and like a good 80s movie as of 10 hours ago we have a key so we went into our house we stole fake geo um and we stole him for like two weeks and you never made a comment we We had a whole alibi in case you were like, have you seen Gio? And we were like, no. Fake Gio, by the way, if you don't know what that means, is like this cuddle clone thing that my brother won at this raffle where you could get your pet cloned as a life-sized stuffed animal. It looks exactly like him.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, it does. And so we were like, oh, we'll go as Christine, Blaze, and Gio and be the whole family. So fucking funny. It was really funny. And then, you know, we, we'll go as Christine, Blaze and Gio and be the whole family. So fucking funny. It was really funny. And then, you know, we, you know, we did the whole thing and we got to the house and Christine and Blaze were like, what the fuck are you? And then realized like two seconds later, they're like, oh, my God, we're looking in a mirror. I mean, Allison literally had my, wasn't my brother who gave her the sash? Yeah, she had the i'm the bride sash like miss to mrs engagement sash and then uh was
Starting point is 00:49:07 wearing like my favorite like nightgown t-shirt with leggings surprise uh and a glass of wine and oh my god she had the ring okay do you remember when i texted you that when allison texted you the picture of the ring oh i was pissed okay so a while ago when when allison and i were planning this she was like i absolutely need a ring so i can clink a glass because that's what christine likes to do and so i went to my work which is a prop house and i got a ring and then that night i had her wear it and i was like tell christine we got engaged tell her we got engaged for your birthday it wasn't funny it apparently was not funny i was at a concert a fallout boy concert like 10th row like anyway it
Starting point is 00:49:47 didn't land it didn't land but uh but so that was where the ring came from we've had it for that long and suddenly i felt a lot better because i texted renee i was like okay there's a reason they had that they didn't like just get a ring just to fuck with me like it was for a costume yeah we had it to be you actually so really it turned into an entirely form of flattery yeah well and so then allison came in banging her fake engagement ring on a and that's why we drink wine glass i mean it was i laughed for three hours straight like i could not stop laughing and then allison and i put our hair up in buns without doing it on purpose we both just turned around and i was like our hair's the same way and it looked even more realistic it's actually very creepy so go look at the photos
Starting point is 00:50:28 anyway and m got like a fake badge made that said like blaze lamping down it with his photo yeah i got his i made a uh his hospital badge at work and was wearing scrubs i had a stethoscope and i wore it the same way blaze wears his uh-huh but the best part was when we came into your house we tried to tear your house apart and tried to put it back so that you wouldn't know anyone had ransacked your home but we dug through every single box of clothes and every like we looked through everything in your fucking place trying to find the exact shirt that you would absolutely wear but wouldn't know was missing it's that's that's quite a feat that you did anyway so mind hunter so let's go back to my story um so edmund kemper the third was born december 18th 1948 in good old burbank california of course where i work now as i also triangulate my workplace there it is um let's talk about his youth oh goody so he was born weighing 13 pounds
Starting point is 00:51:29 speaking of watermelons jesus that's a big fucking baby i weighed like 11.5 pounds by the way i was born two feet tall i don't know what i don't know what that correlates to in weight but i know i was a big fucking baby i imagine you just like standing. Essentially. When you were born. Yeah, I was a humongous baby. Anyway, he was intelligent, but exhibited antisocial and psychopathic behavior such as cruelty to animals. When he was 10, he buried his family's pet cat.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Ah, fuck. Alive? Alive. Oh, my oh my waited for it to die jesus then dug it up decapitated it and mounted its head on a spike holy shit 10 years old oh great we've got a lot to work with now we're on the first paragraph woof he later said that he... You mean meow? Meow. He later said that he found pleasure in lying to his family about killing the cat. Gross. When he was 13, his family had another pet cat. Not for long.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Not for long. He decided that the cat favored his little sister over him, and he didn't like that. So he killed it with a knife all right and then kept pieces of it in his closet until his mother found them um he also did this really fun thing with his sister's dolls uh they were like these sort of dark rituals that basically ended with him removing their heads and their hands uh one time his older sister was teasing him and asked him why he didn't try to kiss his teacher. And he said if he did, he would have to kill her first. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And speaking of his teacher, he would take his father's bayonet, go to his second grade teacher's house, and watch her through the windows. Oh, my God. Some of his favorite childhood games to play were Gas Chamber and Electric Chair. Do you want to know how to play those games?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Yes. So he would have his younger sister tie him up, flip an imaginary switch, and then he would pretend to die of either gas inhalation or electric shock on the floor until he was quote-unquote dead. Oh, wow. And he just made his sisters like play with him. Um, just all right. He just like played death dead.
Starting point is 00:53:50 All right. All right. Um, he did actually have two near death experiences. The kid, uh, at one point his older sister tried to push him in front of a train and then she pushed him into the deep end of the pool where he almost drowned, but he survived. Um, he was really close with his father but his parents separated in 1957 and he just had this crazy dysfunctional relationship with his mother she was like neurotic um domineering she was an alcoholic she would verbally abuse and humiliate
Starting point is 00:54:17 him um she even made him sleep in a locked basement uh because she was afraid he would like hurt his sisters which kind of don't blame me which i mean fucked up but i also don't really blame her but like at least there was precedent for it yeah i mean like if she was doing it because he like was a kind polite boy that'd be absolute abuse but also like she's kind of protecting her and her other children sort of put a pin in that oh my um so he, and so she would mock him for his large body size. He was six foot four by the age of 15. Yowza!
Starting point is 00:54:51 She refused to give him affection because she thought it would turn him gay. Okay, so you know what? Okay, you're right. I'm going to take that pin back out. Yep, take it out. And she told him that he was a reminder of his father and that no woman would ever love him. Didn't she love his father? I don't know if she loved him.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Okay. She just kind of like, Oh, I understand what's happening. I was like, she's kind of an idiot. I thought she was saying that nobody would ever love his father. And I'm like, she kind of did something with him. No, she told him he reminded her of his father and no one would ever love him yeah that was me being stupid let's just say that experts who look back now often say that um she may have suffered from borderline personality disorder ah my favorite so when uh he was 14
Starting point is 00:55:41 kemper ran away from home to find his father in Van Nuys, California. Oh, where I work as I triangulate my position in the world. Yes. Uh, his dad had remarried and had a stepson and he lived there for a little while, but, uh, was soon sent to live with his grandparents on a ranch in North Fork, California. He absolutely hated it there. Uh, he called his grandfather senile. He basically projected his hatred of his mother onto his grandmother.
Starting point is 00:56:06 So he just hated it. He said she was constantly emasculating him and his grandfather. So let's move on to August 27th, 1964. What? Kemper and his grandma, whose name was Maude Matilda Huey Kemper. Great name. I just included it because I was like... Someone oughta.
Starting point is 00:56:27 You know, it's a name. Someone oughta. It's quite a name. So he and his grandma had an argument. He stormed out, grabbed the.22 caliber rifle his grandfather had given him for hunting. Oh, Jesus. He walked into the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:56:40 and his grandmother told him not to shoot any birds. Instead, he shot her directly in the head and twice in the back. Of course. Why wouldn't you? He proceeded to stab her post-mortem, then dragged her body into the bedroom. That's some anger problems right there. P.S. He's 15 at this point.
Starting point is 00:56:57 When Kemper's grandfather came home from the grocery store, Ed went outside and shot him in the driveway. Even his grandpa? His grandpa. Then he was like, wait, now what do i do right so guess what he did he put them in the morgue and pretended they were alive and wrote to their families saying that they were okay no what he called it he called his mother oh of course he uh his mom told him to call the police, which he did. And he just waited at the house for the police to show up.
Starting point is 00:57:30 All right. So they just took him into custody and brought him in. They asked him why he did what he had done. And he told them he just wanted to see what it felt like to kill grandma. Yep. I mean. I mean. I mean.
Starting point is 00:57:43 When they asked why he killed his grandfather, too, he said, oh, well, I didn't want him to come home and find out his wife was dead. Kind. I know. So thoughtful. So court psychiatrists diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia and sent him to the criminally insane unit of the Atascadero State Hospital. While he was there, though, doctors and social workers completely disagreed with the diagnosis. They said he had no delusions, hallucinations. They didn't think he was schizophrenic.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And he had an IQ of 145, which is very high. He was re-diagnosed. So he's a sociopath? I mean, yeah. Okay. Watch Mindhunter. Oh, okay. Got it.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Got it. Got it. That's a trailer for Mindhunter. I understand. He was re-diagnosed as having a personality trait disturbance, passive-aggressive type. Passive-aggressive? I could have had some roommates that I could label as passive-aggressive type, I tell you what. Yeah, I have some exes.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Well, yeah. Yeah. Actually, maybe it's a self-diagnosis, but let's move on. So, let's see like all good psychopaths ed was a model prisoner okay and he you know was rehabilitated by prison right i can't wait to hear how that worked out oh yeah he endeared himself to a psychiatrist and was even trained to administer psychiatric tests to other inmates. He later said that working so closely with these tests and how they functioned helped him to manipulate his psychiatrist. He also said he learned some other lessons from the sex offenders who were there, including the lesson that it was best to kill a woman after raping her
Starting point is 00:59:20 to avoid leaving witnesses. Oh, my God. So that's a great start. On his 21st birthday, which was December 18th, 1969, Kemper had, quote, proven himself rehabilitated and was released on parole. Against the recommendations of psychiatrists at the hospital, he was released into the care of his mother. Oh, great. was released into the care of his mother oh great who was then working as an administrative assistant at the university of california santa cruz um in fact psychiatrists considered him so rehabilitated that they permanently expunged his juvenile record so he had literally killed his own grandparents shot them but they thought in cold blood and they thought he was so rehabilitated that he should have that struck from his record so it wouldn't affect him later in life.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Jesus Christ. The last report from his probation psychiatrist described him as, and I quote, a very well adjusted young man who has initiative intelligence and is free from any psychiatric illness. free from any psychiatric illness it is my opinion that he has made a very excellent response to the years of treatment and rehabilitation and i would see no psychiatric reason to consider him to be of any danger to himself or any member of society so bullshit let's get into it bullshit so kemper tried to become a state trooper but he was rejected because at this point he was six foot nine and weighed about 300 pounds he's a big boy fucking gigantic a big boy um he remained friends with santa cruz police officers he would hang out with them at a bar called the jury room even though he had been rejected from uh police duty okay uh meanwhile his relationship with his mother was just hell it was turmoil he described their fights as horrendous violent and vicious verbal battles um over just the stupidest things they
Starting point is 01:01:11 were never they never got along um so he saved enough money to move in with a friend in alameda california um and apparently he still couldn't escape his mother who would literally just call him all the time and show up for surprise visits at his apartment. So like they fucking hate each other, but she would just always be like there, you know? Right. And so and he was also still dependent on her because he didn't have a lot of money. So sometimes he'd have to like live with her for a few months and. Right. Just a bad situation.
Starting point is 01:01:43 So 1971 was a particularly eventful year for Kemper he was 23 years old um he got a job working for the highway department he began dating a 16 year old high school student oh my uh who he later proposed to okay and he was hit by a car while out on his motorcycle probably for the the best. So, unfortunately not. What? With the money he got from the suit against the car's driver, Ed bought a yellow 1969 Ford Galaxy, and during his drives, he began to notice a large number of young women hitchhiking. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:21 So, it's just crazy how domino, like, the domino effect of he got hit by a car but with the money from that he got he bought his own car yeah like he was probably just better off that makes you think though because like if you think of horrible horrible people and you it's like what would you do if you you know came face to face with this person and you think oh i'd obviously want to hurt them it's like maybe that would benefit them later it's like what would you do if you you know came face to face with this person and you'd think oh i'd obviously want to hurt them it's like maybe that would benefit them later it's like maybe you just shouldn't yeah maybe that's the trigger that creates the monster yeah basically so he noticed these hitchhikers and that's when he started packing tools in his car every time he went to drive okay uh you want to know what these tools are let me guess a shovel actually no no shovels oh
Starting point is 01:03:07 interesting mixing it up uh plastic bags oh no knives blankets and handcuffs oh he then began to pick up hitchhikers he actually picked up 150 hitchhikers brought them to their destination and let them go before ever feeling the homicidal urge so strong that he had to act on it but he remembered 150 yeah he said well he said it was about 150 he's like damn he said he packed actually it was weird he said he packed all those tools in his car in case those homicidal urges resurfaced. But for 150, he was able to control himself. And he even called them perfectly acceptable victims.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oh, my gosh. He's like, I picked up probably 150 acceptable victims, but was able to just drop them off without imagine being one of those people now and looking back and being like i could have died it's like all those people who have ted bundy encounters you know it's fucked up yeah so uh he eventually said his homicidal sexual urges came back um he called these urges his little zapples something about that little zapples fuck off with your cutesy terms um so this is where things kind of just spiral wonderful so in may of 1972 kemper was driving in berkeley when he picked up two 18 year old hitchhikers named Mary Ann Pesh and Anita Mary Luchessa who were students at Fresno State and they were trying to get to
Starting point is 01:04:52 Stanford so he drove them for about an hour before bringing them to a secluded wooded area fuck that he was actually familiar with because he was working for the highway department. So he was really familiar with all the surrounding woods. He handcuffed Pesh and locked Luchessa in the trunk. He then stabbed and strangled Pesh to death and then did the same to Luchessa. He later said that while he was handcuffing her, he brushed the back of his hand on one of her breasts and it embarrassed him. So he said, whoops, I'm sorry. And then murdered her.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Whoops. My bad. He was like, yeah, I was embarrassed and I felt bad. So I apologized and then fucking murdered her. I know. I just don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:37 I know. Um, on his way home. So he put their, their bodies in the trunk and on his way home, he was pulled over for a broken taillight. This is like a fucking movie. Oh yeah, for sure for sure pulled over for a fucking broken taillight but didn't arouse any suspicion psychopath um he took the bodies into his apartment and had sex with
Starting point is 01:05:56 their corpses before dismembering them putting their body parts into plastic bags and abandoning them near loma Prieta Mountain. This is, I'm going to say, a thing that he did to almost all his victims that's just fucked up. He had sex with their severed heads before disposing of them in a ravine. That was one of his, like, things that he did. Wow. Wow. That he did. Wow. Okay. On September 14th, 1972, Kemper picked up a 15-year-old Korean dance student named Aiko Oku,
Starting point is 01:06:32 who had decided to hitchhike to dance class because she missed the bus. He drove her to a remote area, brandished a gun at her, then locked himself out of his car by accident. Yep. But he somehow convinced her to let him back in he was like that manipulative jesus uh he proceeded to as soon as she let him back in he choked her uh unconscious raped her and then killed her he put her in the trunk had drinks at a nearby bar then left the bar and opened his trunk to admire his catch like a fisherman, is what he later said. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Back at the apartment, he had sex with her body and disposed of her remains. It's really fucked up. Aiku's mother put up hundreds of flyers searching for her and looking for any answers, got nothing. It was just completely a dead end. On January 7th, 1973, Kemper was living with his mother again. He was driving around the Cabrillo College campus when he spotted 18-year-old student Cindy Shaw. He drove her to a wooded area and shot her, then brought her body to his mother's house where he kept her in a closet overnight. Ew. When his mom left for work the next morning, he raped her corpse, removed the bullet from her, and then dismembered and decapitated her body in his mother's bathtub.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Oh, my God. He kept her head for several days, having sex with it regularly, then buried it in his mother's garden facing upward toward her bedroom because his mother, quote, always wanted people to look up to her. That's sick. Sick. Then he threw the rest of her remains off of a cliff. Oh, okay. February 5th, 1973, Kemper got into a heated argument with his mother and left the house in search of victims.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Because, you know, how else do you blow off steam? Right, of course. There were suspicions of a serial killer preying on hitchhikers in the Santa Cruz area. So students had been warned not to get in any cars unless they had university stickers on him. But lucky for Ed Kemper, his mother worked at the university. So he was able to get a sticker from her. Fuck. And put it on his fucking car jesus so that he could drive around and so he found 23 year old rosalind heather thorpe and 20 year old alice alice helen alice and lou on the ucsc campus uh according to
Starting point is 01:09:01 kemper thorpe entered his car first and that reassured lou to also enter uh he fatally shot both of them and then wrapped their bodies in blankets brought their bodies back to his mother's house uh but he beheaded them in the car first then brought them inside raped their bodies then dismembered, removed the bullets to prevent identification, and discarded their remains the next day. When questioned as to why he removed the victim's head before having sex with the body, he explained that the head trip fantasies were a bit like a trophy. You know, the head is where everything is at.
Starting point is 01:09:37 The brain, eyes, mouth. That's the person. I remember being told as a kid, you cut off the head and the body dies. The body is nothing after the head is cut off. Well, that's not not quite true there's a lot left in the girl's body without the head oh my god yeah wow on april 20th 1973 ed kemper was at home when his mother got back from a party he woke up when she arrived and entered her room where she was reading a book she looked at him and said i suppose you're going to want to sit up all night and talk now. He responded, no, good night, and left.
Starting point is 01:10:11 As soon as she fell asleep, he bludgeoned her to death with a claw hammer and slit her throat with a knife. Shit. He decapitated her and then had sex with her head. Oh, my God. The same way he did with the others. Then he took the head, put it on a shelf, screamed at it for an hour, threw darts at it, and then ultimately smashed her face in. Fuck! He cut out her tongue and larynx and put them down the garbage disposal.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Apparently, the garbage disposal couldn't break down the larynx and it came back up into the sink oh my god um and he later explained that that seemed very appropriate because quote as much as she'd bitched and screamed and yelled at me over so many years he's then raped his mother's corpse hid it in a closet and then went out to drink fuck wouldn't you jesus christ that's a fucked up man when he got home he called his mom's best friend 59 year old sally hallett over to the house for dinner and a movie oh my god when she arrived he strangled her to death decapitated her and then spent the night with her corpse then he stuffed her body into a closet and left the police a note that said, no need for her to suffer anymore at the hands of this horrible, murderous butcher. It was quick, asleep, the way I wanted it.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Not sloppy and incomplete, gents. Just a lack of time. I got things to do! Exclamation point. Oh, my God. So he left in Sally Hallett's car driving east and was listening to the radio, trying to hear if anyone was going to report on the murders right by the time he got to pueblo colorado he hadn't heard anything
Starting point is 01:11:49 so he found a phone booth and called the police to confess because that's what his mom told him to do last time maybe he just was like all right they already had enough of this he killed his mom that was kind of i think like the crux of the whole thing um they didn't take him seriously because again he was a friend of theirs who always drank with them and hung out with them yeah at the bar so they were like oh come on stop it and hung up and so he waited several hours called again and was like no like i killed all these people and gave details that only the killer would know so they finally believed him he then just sat there and waited in his car or in sally's car i guess uh until the police got there and he confessed to all of the murders including those of the six students
Starting point is 01:12:35 jesus which is why he's called the co-ed killer he was killing students um he was indicted on eight counts of first-degree murder on May 7, 1973. A psychiatrist revealed to the court that Kemper had admitted to engaging in cannibalism, alleging that Kemper sliced flesh from the legs of his victims, then cooked and consumed the strips of flesh in a casserole. On November 8, 1973, the six-man, six-woman jury convened for five hours before declaring Kemper sane and guilty on all accounts. He asked for the death penalty, requesting death by torture. However, there was a moratorium placed on capital punishment by the Supreme Court at that time. Supreme Court at that time. So instead, he received seven years to life for each count of murder to be served concurrently and was sentenced to the California Medical Facility for Incarceration and
Starting point is 01:13:31 Medical Observation. So as of now, this year, 2017, Kemper remains among the general population in prison, is considered a model prisoner. Of course. He's in charge of scheduling other inmates appointment appointments with psychiatrists is an accomplished craftsman of ceramic cups uh he's also this is interesting a prolific reader of books on tape for the blind huh a 1987 los angeles times article stated that at the time he was the coordinator of the prison's program and had personally spent over 5 000 hours narrating books i mean i want to like give him an applause but at the same time it's like of course it's just going to kill time oh yeah like congratulations you get to read aloud and get attention for it from the fucking los angeles times yeah um so if you watch mind hunter you know that his interviews were extremely helpful for the contribution to understanding the mind of serial
Starting point is 01:14:29 killers which was kind of like the basis of all these interviews they did the fbi did with him fbi profiler john e douglas described kemper as among the brightest prison inmates he's ever interviewed and capable of rare insight for a violent criminal. He's very forthcoming about all of his crimes and like his mental state and what he was thinking when each happened, very self-aware. And he said that he has said that he participated in the interviews to save others like himself from killing. He even said at the end of an interview called Murder, No Apparent Motive, I guess that was either a TV movie or a book, I don't know. He said, there's somebody out there that is watching this and hasn't done that, hasn't killed people and wants to and rages inside and
Starting point is 01:15:20 struggles with that feeling or is so sure they have it under control they need to talk to somebody about it trust somebody enough to sit down and talk about something that isn't a crime thinking that way isn't a crime doing it isn't just a crime it's a horrible thing it doesn't know when to quit and it can't be stopped easily once it starts but there's always that grain of salt that remember this guy's a fucking psychopath and he knows how to play people. Right, right, right. So he also said there was a Cosmopolitan magazine reporter who came and interviewed him and asked how he felt when he saw a pretty girl. And he said, one side of me says I'd like to talk to her and date her.
Starting point is 01:15:59 The other side says I wonder how her head would look on a stick. And that is the story of Ed Kemper, the co-ed killer. Wow. Sorry, I barreled through that, but I had a lot of notes. No, I did the same thing. Jesus. Can you imagine being that writer for Cosmopolitan? And they're like, hmm, okay, high heels.
Starting point is 01:16:20 You get the high heels story this week. You get like the sex, the Kama Sutra article. Oh, and you also get Kemper and possibly assaulting women before and after death. Why don't you interview him about murdering his mother? Heads on a stick. Jesus Christ. Yeah, so that's that fucked up guy. And I only knew part of it because I watched that show and I was like, whoa, what a fucker.
Starting point is 01:16:42 And then I read it and I was like, what a fucker. Oh, my God. Like, he played fucking gas chamber as a kid, whoa, what a fucker. And then I read it and I was like, what a fucker. Oh, my God. Like, he played fucking gas chamber as a kid. Like, what the fuck with this guy? So anyway, he's still just, like, doing his thing in prison. Well, good for him, I guess. I do recommend you guys look up the, if you've seen Mind, well, A, watch Mindhunter, but B, look up the comparison
Starting point is 01:17:04 side by side of the interviews between the real Ed Kemper and the actor. It is like... No, I'm for sure going to watch it. Chilling. Yeah. That's awesome. It's crazy. Well, not awesome.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Fuck. You know what I mean? No, it is. It's like fascinating. Fascinating is a good word. It's really incredible how the actor was able to like... Pick everything up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Well, it gives me chills. Happy birthday, Gio. I know. I was like, I don't know how to do this for his birthday so i just kind of separated it from the story you just totally uh devolved i actually did google dogs that saved potential victims and it was like we don't google's like stop we don't we don't know what you want google's like look even can't. I don't know what to do with that. They're like, put your wine bra on and do something else. Do something else you're good at.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Well, so then do we have a geoscope? A happy beaded geoscope? Oh, boy. Let's look up the geoscope. Geo! Everybody drink. People have made drinking games where every time you call like, geo, and every time I say, listen. People drink. People have made drinking games where every time you call like, Gio, and every time I say listen. People drink and they all get hammered.
Starting point is 01:18:08 You guys must be wasted ten minutes in. There's my sleepy boy. My good baby baby. Oh, such a sweet pup. Okay. You woke up from your nap just for this. Oh man, you're so sweet. Also, happy birthday.
Starting point is 01:18:22 A lot of people have said the same birthday as Gio, so happy birthday. Happy birthday to everyone from Gio with love. As a Scorpio born on November 5th, your artistic talents are matched with the shy and determined. That's false. Determined personality. You have a gift for the arts, although you may not expose those talents often. Well, that's for sure. The art of snuggling, maybe.
Starting point is 01:18:43 God help me. You are determined in your efforts and will always do the work necessary to reach your goals while talented you have no desire for the limelight also false oh baby g okay so all right so i found the onion one um that therein recommended to us scorpio horoscope this Truth be told, you haven't been a very good father, but it's not your fault that the mothers of your children haven't informed you of their existence. Do you think there's baby Geos out there? Oh, can you imagine if there was a baby? I would lose my fucking mind. I've thought about that. First of all, I like how it says multiple mothers.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Let's not forget about that. Me too. But I do think if I found out right now that Gio was about to be a dad and there was a litter of puppies coming, there's no way I couldn't adopt one. Like my mom has, I've told my mom, I'm like, what would you do if I got a dog? And she's like, honestly, you're fucking 25. Like, I can't tell you not to get a dog and in my mind i always think like i should get one but i also know that like i just couldn't handle one right now like i couldn't afford one i couldn't like i wouldn't have the time to take care of it but if i found out that geo was about to be a dad and there was a puppy geo out there i would be like fuck it i'll figure it out you actually would not because i would keep all of them but i'd want just
Starting point is 01:20:06 one could we make a system where like i would just swap them out every week like i'd take one home yeah oh it's so cute oh my god if okay i need to calm down clarify that geo has been neutered and there will be zero puppies coming oh but because i'm a good human and I know there are plenty of dogs that need to be adopted. Baby G. We don't need to make more of them. But Gio is a mutt and a half. He's my little baby mutt. And there are lots of other cute mutts. This is my Bob Barker PSA.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Spay and neuter your pets. Well, hopefully we have a good happy birthday with Baby G tomorrow. I'm so excited. hopefully we have a good happy birthday with baby G tomorrow. I'm so excited. I have Lisa, Blazes Aunt Lisa sent a package of dog cheesecake mix
Starting point is 01:20:53 so you can make like a cheesecake for your dog. Perfect. I will be there. Can you eat it? Can humans eat it too? I don't think so. Oh, fuck. I'll make something else for us. Well, we'll see. If you guys are interested, hopefully you're hearing this, you know, soon enough that you can also follow my Snapchat story of whatever happens. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:12 We'll be snapping away. Thank you guys for listening. You can keep reaching out to us. We have social media galore. Galore. We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ATWWD podcast. How many Facebook groups do we have facebook twitter instagram uh atwwd podcast how many facebook groups do we have just the secret group just the secret group i mean they can like the page too but the the page is the not so secret group that's what you're saying that's just like
Starting point is 01:21:36 liking a page but the secret group you can join and like chat with everybody it's really fun we also have our website and that's why we we have our shop and that's why we we have our patreon please donate please please please atwwd podcast um we have our email and that's why we drink at and you can write in your listener stories either true crime or paranormal we put out an episode at the first of every month um do we have anything else well we're gonna do another facebook live soon oh yeah when's that we have a tripod and an ipad holder so this time we're not gonna fuck around with all that noise that you guys were irritated about um i don't know what day can you
Starting point is 01:22:15 do next week sure let's do one next week next weekend next well yes next week okay saturday or sunday isn't it usually sunday at three uh it's usually been i think saturday at three but i can do or wait or is it sunday at three i think it's sunday at three let's do sunday at three okay so next sunday at three o'clock and that is how we do things here as i'm like pulling my straw up to drink out of my bra uh next sunday november 12th at 3 p.m all right work for you works for me 3pm seems to be a good time across the board
Starting point is 01:22:48 we don't care if it works for you okay we're gonna make it happen we're gonna do it anyway so um thank you for all your support thank you to all of our
Starting point is 01:22:56 Patreon donators thank you to just everyone being so kind and all your good words and thank you for all the presents especially baby G's thanks Jocelyn alright
Starting point is 01:23:04 thank you guys and that's why we drink's thanks jocelyn all right thank you guys and that's why we drink and that's why we drink that was pretty damn good wait here i'll slosh too bad i've drunk so much of it that it doesn't slosh much anymore okay bye guys

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