And That's Why We Drink - E42 The Eternal Bromance and Pretty Little Liars 3:16

Episode Date: November 19, 2017

Hi, I’m Peter! This is episode 42, in which Christine gyrates from side to side and Janet just can’t get a break. Let’s just say things get pretty ~eccentric~. Em discusses the Harvard Exit Thea...tre, and Christine “throws Em a bone” and covers Ed Gein, a serial killer, handy-being, and unique interior decorator. Stay tuned for Listen: The Musical.Zola is reinventing the wedding registry and planning process. To receive a $50 credit towards your registry, visit $30 off your first week of Hello Fresh, use promo code takes your favorite photo memories and turns them into beautiful artwork for you to enjoy every day. Use promo code DRINK for a free 11x14 canvas (just pay shipping).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 wait let's see if it sounds better this way what does no it doesn't sound better i'm just smashed their iphone into my wine glass i just wanted to see if it'd work oh my god you're gonna break it's cracking yeah you're gonna break either my wine glass. I just wanted to see if it'd work. Oh my god you're gonna break. Sounds like it's cracking. Yeah you're gonna break either my wine glass or your phone. Um are you drinking for any reason this week? I mean here's the thing. Oh wow that was such a pregnant pause. Not drinking for that reason thank god. you shouldn't be yeah that's true um my dad called again oh the sega continues he had something to say about he listened to the episode where i said that i was really fat as a kid because i had a peanut peanut m&m machine in my room uh-huh and my dad calls me and he goes, you did not have that in your
Starting point is 00:01:05 room. And I was like, just ultimate denial. Yeah. I was like, which is like such a parent thing to do to be like, no, I didn't. That didn't happen. I'm like, wait, you can't that you can't argument. You can't erase a permanent scar in my mind. Yeah. And he's like, well, you're a child. So you don't know. I'm like, no, I remember. And I described it and everything. And then he was really silent for a while. And then he goes, well goes well yeah it was supposed to be an art object and I was like what do you mean like an industrial sculpture filled with candy for you to eat right next to your bed like an installment can you imagine if all art was just filled with candy I again I would be a fat child and I was apparently and so he's like yeah it was an art object that I installed in your room.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I was like, what? Okay, stop. So first it doesn't exist. Then it's an art object. Then he goes, well, I'm going to start something of my own. I was like, what is it? And he's like, it's an, and that's why we drink fact check for every episode. And I was like, well, you're going to have your hands full, my friend.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Especially with your own facts about the past with your own faulty memory anyway so that was the update of the week for me um why do you drink this week my mom called no this podcast is just becoming like a therapy session about the flaws of our parents she I'm actually what she okay she's uh she's engaged as everyone knows right she has recruited me from across the country to plan this fucking wedding no wait are you serious why i mean you are good at planning i guess that makes sense i shouldn't have been so open about it about how good i am at things like that because I don't want people using me that's what you get but she's flaunting your talents I'm also her only child so she can't like shove this onto someone else this is true so that's
Starting point is 00:02:56 why your mom had three she could just space it all out pick one yeah although if I had planned her wedding I was 13 it would have been spongebob themed and nobody would have enjoyed it. Actually, she's going to have a really cool theme. Your mom? Yeah. It's actually cooler than any theme I thought she would come up with. I give her a lot of credit. There's a theme?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Listen. Listen. Listen. That's what I said. Apparently my aunt, who watches, and you can corroborate on this. If you're going to say she watches bridal shows, yes, I can corroborate. She watches bridal shows, and apparently several of them have themes. And so my aunt has told my mom that everyone in this generation has themes.
Starting point is 00:03:35 If you're going to get married, you have to have a theme. And meanwhile, my aunt is 60 years old, and she's wrong. We don't all have themes. What theme? I don't have a theme. I'm saying. I've never known anyone to have a theme. Jesus. G have a theme bitch it's like i'm your theme i'm your theme forever and always to the grave i told my mama she was like that's what she said she was
Starting point is 00:03:56 like i'm gonna howl in your face here's the thing okay so my mom called me and said well i know that everyone your age has themed weddings and i was like no we don't and she was like well i thought that everyone has one and i didn't want to be left out so i created a theme wait what can i know the theme you're yeah no it's actually really creative you're killing me so her and tom are meeting each other in their not 60s what do you mean they're meeting each other like they they know each other like oh they late in life oh and so they're they've always said like i wish i knew you when i was younger and so that's going to be their theme so it's going to be like a memory lane kind of thing where my god each of the tables is going to have like, like instead of tables being numbered, they're going to be different categories,
Starting point is 00:04:46 like different like chapters of life. So like one table is going to be like awkward high school pictures. And one's going to be like Christmas. And one's going to be like family vacations. And it's going to be like them, like pictures of them growing up. Oh my God. Scattered around.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And their, I think their wedding song is going to be, I wish I met you when I was younger it's apparently a song it is it's a really like popular song right now okay well that's like their whole theme and it's kind of like disco sounding so i feel like it's it's a good very tom yeah i feel like tom would really like it but anyway so that's their theme which is a good theme it's super creative and it's original okay well now i need a theme now wine oh okay that was easy but uh that's adorable i think so am i invited allison's invited okay well that does not answer my question i think it does oh i just smacked myself in the head actually that clink sounded better than anyone we've done so far. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I just smacked myself in the face. Yeah. Okay. She's apparently... Well, I'm offended, Linda. I'm offended too, but apparently she's trying to do it on the super cheap. So when did Allison replace me? When I got a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Fine. Well, then... Look, I'll just break up with Allison. It's fine. Okay. I'll take it. It'll work out. No, because I know you'd take Gia before me.
Starting point is 00:06:08 What was that? What's happening? What was that noise? Did you hear that? I heard it. It's like a cat purring. Listen, there might be an alien invasion happening, and there might not be. Well, we'll find out. But we need you to keep listening. Well, good luck to me, I guess, because I get to start this. Okay, but I do have something to say.
Starting point is 00:06:31 What do you have to say? This episode, in addition to being sponsored by our wonderful sponsors, is also sponsored by one of our $25 patrons, a.k.a. donators. Her name's Amanda W. Hi, Amanda W. Amanda w thank you for your service amanda amanda so thank you amanda for making us happy for making this podcast happen you know you're the reason that christine can buy wine so easily it's kind of of like, it's like when people are like, oh, can I buy you a drink? It's like, they're just doing it digitally. I mean, they're buying you a drink all the time now. It's sort of like I manifested my dream life. It's like you put it on your vision board for people to buy you wine every day.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I did. Today at Nickelodeon, I had to do like an introduction thing that we had to memorize. And I said something about how I got rejected from the program last year. And then I put the rejection letter on my vision board and they all started laughing. And I was like, you're like, Oh, you think I'm making a joke?
Starting point is 00:07:32 Oh, I guess we can pretend it's not real. And then I went and it worked and they were like, ha ha ha. And I was like, no, but like it really worked. It's like,
Starting point is 00:07:40 you must think that I'm so crazy, but also I can show you the vision board. Maybe that could be your first decoration in the office. Oh my God. I have a giant like pin board. I should just but also I can show you the vision board. Maybe that could be your first decoration in the office. Oh my God. I have a giant like pin board. I should just like. We've all seen the vision board. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Like my wall is made of like thumbtack material. Yeah. Just stick it up there. When people ask what's going on, just be like, oh, that's my vision board. And right here you can see the rejection letter from last year. Like I told you. Oh my God. Did anybody ever know how I put the rejection letter then i put um she scratched
Starting point is 00:08:07 through it and wrote what it should have said i did scratch through the ones that said you didn't make it so that it it looked like it's i mean didn't look like it but it said like you did make it into the program and then i also cut out the back of it which had um because i thought it was fun it said hug me brother and it said um josh Josh Peck from Drake and Josh. And I was like, Oh, that was one of my favorite shows that I'd have a week later. You met him. I met Josh Peck and I didn't, it didn't occur to me until much later. And then I like looked at the vision board thing and I was like, I was like, Oh, I was telling someone, I was like, well, this one came true and this came true and this came true. And then I pointed at that and I was like, my god i hugged josh peck i hugged him
Starting point is 00:08:48 you should have told him i'm also going to work for nickelodeon very soon i did and he was like that's good for you i don't at least he didn't say run while you can he put me in his um in his vlog okay did you see that no oh my god i didn't look at josh peck's vlog i'm drinking a corona in his vlog okay did you see that no oh my god i didn't look at josh peck's vlog i'm drinking a corona in his vlog all right the only reason i knew it is because a bunch of listeners sent me the thing and they were like christine is that you and josh peck's vlog and i was like i don't know is it that's awesome anyway what's up i'm on i'm part of the um the Facebook. Oh, there's a Secret Santa, guys. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'm part of that. I'm in. I'm hip. You're so hip. I post shit to the cloud and everything. Yeah, you stole my joke. And also, there's a poll going on in that same secret Facebook group. Go join it.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Secret ATWD group. Or just group. Something. Go find it. just look on the it's on the cloud our awesome mod Jessica who is
Starting point is 00:09:50 truly saves my ass with this group constantly she created a poll about what merch what t-shirt
Starting point is 00:09:58 people wanted to see next so there's like a poll going on so if you want anything the first one just says listen I'm sure
Starting point is 00:10:04 yeah but there's also like geo stuff related like there's like a poll going on. So if you want anything, the first one just says, listen, I'm sure. Yeah. But there's also like geo stuff related. Like there's some really fun ones and people can add them. So if you have an idea or you want to vote, just do it. Okay. Just like stop doing whatever you're doing and go do it. Would stop listening to our podcast? Just like, like do this in the background.
Starting point is 00:10:25 What we're going to say is not important. We'll give you a minute. Elevator music. Okay, did you do it? Let's hope you did. You better. I'm counting the votes. From the future.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Listen, I need to find my wine opener. I know where it is behind me yeah one time somebody mailed me uh an electric wine opener and it changed my life whoever did that you still didn't tell us your name who are you but truly christine has become a better person because of it and arguably worse person probably just like like just like half a shittier person. I've like stayed on a plateau but it's just going faster. It's going yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 You know it's like it's like it's like I was going down and then now I'm on a plateau and then it's just like speeding up. You're just kind of like gyrating between
Starting point is 00:11:17 like from side to side you're not really going up or down. I'm just like gyrating. You're just a newer version of you. I just like gyrate all the time now. So whoever you are thank you. Thanks for like gyrate all the time now. So whoever you are, thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Thanks for the gyration. Em really appreciates it. I'm going to do this fun little ditty. Oh. From Seattle. Okay. And it's called The Harvard Exit Theater. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I hadn't either. But thank you, Google, for that help. This episode is sponsored by Google. Every episode is sponsored by Wikipedia, Google, Murderpedia. Oh, to be continued. Sorry, I have to open my wine. Sorry, I have to open my wine. Christine, I broke it.
Starting point is 00:12:13 There it is. The Harvard Exit Theater is located in downtown Seattle. The end. That was the scariest story I've been told so far. So in the 1920s, it was called the Women's Century Club. They should have kept that name. They should have. And it was dedicated to getting, for like, you know, women would be members there. And they were fighting for the right to vote and equality and all that good stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Back in the 20s. am i right wow are you are you not wrong i'll tell you that so uh they were also allowed to live there so they got to like live in their clubhouse which was awesome hello that's like our plunger for it I'm saying we are the new century club. Uh-huh. Equality for all under the plunger fort. Can we get a shirt with a plunger fort? Also, we live here. Yeah. Someone make me a shirt with a plunger fort.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Or just, oh, maybe like our first like thing we should hand out to people. If we ever do like a meet and greet is just hand people plungers i feel like you are one you are one of us now like a very like jones town it feels like you are one i'm sorry i was about to make a really bad poor taste oh see there was plunger pun plunger pun oh i thought you meant like plundering a town that would have been better wouldn't it no it wouldn't have so women uh could also live there um and they lived on the second and third floors but the first floor was like a meeting space um and they lived there until the 1970s or right around the 1970s and then um fun fact they still meet there twice a week wait really even though it's not you know it's not really meant for that anymore yeah it's like a theater
Starting point is 00:14:17 but i mean equality still has not reigned 100%. So still needed. I would say I hope in 80 years we're still meeting in our plunger fort. Yes, I hope so too. Can you imagine if we did this podcast until we're fucking 100? Oh, don't. I don't like to ever think that it'll end, but it's certainly better. Like before then, you know? Yeah. It's one of those
Starting point is 00:14:45 things we were like i want it to go on forever but like not really it's like oh and like i will do this right after i like decide to retire like i'll just maybe maybe we could like pick it up we'll do a spin-off those are really cool oh that's right we'll do it and then we'll like have kids and then we'll retire and then we'll do it again right sure okay with our kids with geo's great-grandchildren right exactly so in glad we planned that out that was a blood oath we just made by the way we'd actually just cut our fingers and put them together cut our i sliced my whole hand open oh no the hell it's a lot of blood oh is that what you're supposed to do yeah you're supposed to really you gotta want it okay hold on oh oh i'll use my i'll use my electric wine opener hold on oh oh there it is oh my it's stuck they should have not given us a fucking show who gave it to
Starting point is 00:15:39 we gave it to ourselves and they perpetuated are you here? Why are you listening to this? Go home. Stop. In 1968, instead of it being a club anymore, it was, I'm sorry, an organization. Sorry. It was an organization. God. In 1968, it opened as a cinema, ran by, quote, eccentric film buffs.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Eccentric is what people at my high school used to call me, which was just a nice way of saying weird. Eccentric, I feel like, is a word that people use to describe themselves when they want to be quirky. It's like quirky. They're like, I'm just quirky. And it's like, no. I think if you call yourself quirky, you're probably not. Yeah. I think other people have to recognize your quirks for you to be quirky.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Sure. Anyway, apparently their eccentric film buff meant wild bunch of hippie types, which is not what either of us associate the word eccentric with. Not quite. But so it was ran by a bunch of hippies. And the theater manager became the district manager of the landmark theater chain. Oh, wow. Fun fact.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And so in the 80s, they actually renovated the third floor to make more space and to actually put in another theater on that floor. So now there's a first floor with like a lobby and a theater. There's a third floor with a theater. and a theater there's a third floor with a theater and currently the second floor is more like administrative offices okay just to clarify this is like a like a cinema like a movie theater not like a yeah theater play no it's a movie theater okay and uh now it actually is where the seattle international Film Festival is held. Oh. Yeah. That's cool. So in the 1900s, to go way back before this building,
Starting point is 00:17:33 there was a house that was actually on the site originally, and on the first floor, the first floor now sits on where that house used to be, and in that house, a guy was killed during a fistfight. Ohfight oh geez so it was already haunted before this building was on it and it seems like there's just been like like an increase in spirits like one every decade someone dies or something like that it says there's like five to seven ghosts oh that people know of and one of them died in a fistfight that guy yeah he like he there was already a ghost before that building even showed up. So when women were using it as, like, their main hub.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Right. There's already a ghost there. Oh, good. So the first floor, there's a main lobby. And it has, it, like, looks very 1920s. And it has, like, a grand piano and a chandelier and all that. And the fireplace is usually lit for patrons to enjoy, like to just like, I guess like it's just to make the lobby really look nice until they're waiting for their show to start. Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:37 So that's pretty bougie. I've never gone to a movie theater, but there's like a fire place. Oh, you haven't? No. Oh, that's weird. So the first floor also has a balcony so it's like a a bougie auditorium jesus you know with balconies inside and fireplaces out front so the man that died in the fist fight is one of the first ghosts that um that people notice he's also one of the more frequent ones that people notice um he's been seen as he's been seen and described as slightly
Starting point is 00:19:13 see-through and wearing an old-fashioned suit and he apparently will interact with people oh like he'll introduce himself to people as peter what and then staff says that he will he's a very happy spirit and he loves joking around with people and being social it's like what kind of partier is this guy where even in death he's able to just be a social butterfly he like probably died in a drunk drunken fist fight i know but he's like i just want to keep the party going it's like yeah but i don't want to be the downer yeah no i don't want to be like the reason people go home like i'm not a party foul kind of a ghost but also imagine dying and having so much guilt about ruining a party that you're still incredibly social as a spirit you're like come on you're like i can make up for
Starting point is 00:19:59 it stay it'll be fun i'm peter we're gonna start karaoke soon don't leave so many have felt him standing next to them or um have felt getting pat on the back what ew so he just like like he'll just like like i imagine like he's like joking around with you and laughing and like hits you on the back and he's like i'm peter and you're like what the fuck can you imagine like opening your eyes seeing nothing closing your eyes opening them up again and now there's a man in front of you like i'm peter and they're just no you blink again he's gone it's it's truly a terror and i i wonder because the staff says that he likes to be social i'm like how long is he sticking around with people like do people think he's alive and
Starting point is 00:20:42 are talking with him or do other people witness him talking to people that don't notice him? So he's just talking to nothing? Well, because if he's, like, slightly see-through, it's not like he'd be like, oh, hi, Peter, nice to meet you. I'm the mayor's wife. Like, you wouldn't, like, have a conversation with someone who's see-through, right? I mean. Or maybe it's, like, that thing where, like, we're all overly polite and we don't want to hurt each other's feelings. But, like, maybe he has a condition.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Like, I don't want to judge. Is this a charity event i should have known by the fireplace i didn't realize let's just make a donation oh and eater god damn it peter so anyway that's uh i mean i feel like i like peter though i i think peter so far is my favorite out of anyone all right um many um have also heard him laugh next to them. Oh, God. Because I guess he's telling a joke and he's trying to break the silence. He's probably really funny. I wonder how funny he is. Has anyone actually heard a joke of his?
Starting point is 00:21:35 I mean, he laughs at his own jokes. He can't be that funny. I laugh at my own jokes. You think I'm funny? Right? Oh, my. Don't answer that. This is awkward.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Also, personal belongings may be tugged on or moved so he likes to like josh around oh yeah sure the okay so there's a two psychic investigators that came in named jane and jr and they are also tv producers of a talk show called seattle in vogue i feel like that's just our future. We're going to be psychic investigators and TV producers. I'm sorry. Their show is called what? Seattle and Vogue. So we're going to be like. So we're going to have some hipster ass Seattle TV show about ghosts.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Can you imagine if we were trying to be like. We do have a show about ghosts. Well, we do. But can you imagine if we were trying to be Vogue also? Like we gave up on that. I am. am oh everyone likes your glasses by the way oh thanks speaking of vogue thanks for saying that with such like raised eyebrows well no one mentioned my glasses literally three people mentioned your glasses 900 people like that fucking picture and nobody mentioned my glasses i hope you like all all the messages that come in now about my glasses hey i'm peter let me just tell you a
Starting point is 00:22:46 quick joke to uh break the silence so uh jane and jr us in the future m and christine they which one would you be i mean i feel like you'd be jr because it's like two letters like m oh that's the reasoning oh i don't know i don't know i mean whatever what's the reasoning? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, whatever. What's the other one? Jane. Ugh, I don't want to be Jane. Okay, well. JR sounds cooler.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You know what sounds a lot like Jane? Gio. So it's just Gio. So it's just me and Gio having our own show. I'm just trying to get you out of us. Can you tell? Are you like breaking some news to me right now? If Gio could speak speak we would definitely be a three-person show and we all know it it would be a two-person show and i would be kicked out but okay actually realistically he realized what losers we are and
Starting point is 00:23:36 have left by now he'd be like no he'd be like i've been trying to escape for so long um anyway so they the investigators slash producers slash us were uh looking around the place and we're watching a film in the main theater and one of them felt someone playfully toying with their hair no and they were the only two people in the whole theater okay um out of the corner of her eye jane saw a light flicker by the screen. So something to direct her attention there. And she saw a translucent man with a distinguished demeanor watching the film with them. Wait, they were watching a film?
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah, they were in a theater watching a movie. Oh. What movie do you think they were watching? Their own show, probably. That's us. Okay, I agree now. That's us us watching our own show in an empty theater i remember the first time we release an episode and you and i sat on your couch with earbuds and listened to our own show and laughed at all of our own jokes by ourselves oh yeah blaze turned up the tv he was like wait i forgot about that i actually remember that we had a good
Starting point is 00:24:44 time we were like wow we're funny oh man probably not anymore no no it's okay it was beginner's luck i think i'm sorry so the same investigators you uh had a medium come through too her name was sylvia sure it was and uh they spoke to another male spirit besides that one besides the distinguished peter one because apparently peter looks really distinguished is he distinguished or is he like a party or i think he's like that he's like those pictures that we all see of the 1800s where we assume everyone was kind of a dick because we don't have any pictures of them smiling but then if we were to time travel to the 1800s we'd be
Starting point is 00:25:19 like it was kind of chill yeah like everyone's kind of funny that guy like unbutton his vest and was like hey i got a joke i think we would be pleasantly surprised in some people's personalities not everyone i think you're right i think peter's maybe we would be surprised i think people like peter would be like if i saw a picture of you 200 years from now i would have thought you were a very strict man peter i'm sorry i judged you you're distinguished and funny. Funny. And good on you, Peter. Frat boy of the 1800s. A moment of silence for all the Peters in the 1800s.
Starting point is 00:25:52 All right. Gio does not want that. Gio is like, that was me. I'm Peter. So anyway, they brought Sylvia the medium. They spoke to another male spirit. And this one had a British accent. Listen. I'm listening. Okay had a British accent. Listen.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I'm listening. Okay. Just go on. Oh. Spirits have been known. That's it, by the way, on that. What do you mean? She's just like, it has a British accent, that's all.
Starting point is 00:26:14 She was like, oh, case closed. I don't know how to sing what she is, but he has a British accent. So the spirits have been known to, oh, this spirit, the British accent guy. He has been known to be friends spirit the british accent guy he has been known to um be friends with peter so like oh wait that's adorable like goals oh my god it's like friendship goals it's like when you and me and jane and jr basically are like dead and then we're like well let's just like re-watch our own show in the afterlife and really but really and like try to like party with people who are like,
Starting point is 00:26:45 please leave me alone. So it's pretty accurate. Okay, I get it. No, and also, truth be told, when we die, we're still going to be friends, right? Because I've committed to... It's a blood oath. Oh, we just sliced our hands open.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Slice some blood into that cup. I put a cork... Hold on. I gotta... Do you want to drink some blood? No. It looks like blood, though, because it's red. I just put a cork through my hand so you...
Starting point is 00:27:08 I'm cork. I put a corkscrew through my hand so you better be... Cork in your hand? Listen. It's like a tampon. I'm sorry. Oh, right. Because I'm like...
Starting point is 00:27:19 I thought if you cut your hand open, put a cork in it... With a corkscrew, right. And then put the cork? Okay. Just cut that out. You're not going to. I absolutely won't. I'm sorry for everyone.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I didn't even like myself there. You are definitely Peter in a past life. I'm seeing it now. I'm like, wait, I get it. Good to know that I'm similar to someone dead. So the two of them apparently like bro out all the time and it's just it's the eternal bromance it's us oh so sweet um so they've been known to reorganize the film canisters around the projection room when people go home
Starting point is 00:28:02 what do you mean reorganize like just just fuck fuck it up? Like, just fuck it up. That's definitely... Can you imagine if we're dead and ghosts and stuck in one building for eternity? We're gonna fuck some shit up. We're gonna fuck some shit up. Alcohol. So I feel like... I'm gonna have a grand old time reorganizing shit.
Starting point is 00:28:17 So over the years, managers have opened the building and found the movie projector was already on and showing a film that they didn't have. Or would play movies from a projection room and found the movie projector was already on and showing a film that they didn't have. No! Or it would play movies from a projection room that was entirely bolted shut and locked by a key when the manager left, and the door would be wide open. Ew! Yeah, ew.
Starting point is 00:28:39 In the 1940s, a woman was suffocated in the building. What do you mean? Like she was suffocated. Like with a pillow? Probably not probably by hand you mean like strangled i don't have any more information for you this was a tough cookie to research i'll tell you that okay all right i'll just take it just know that and also apparently she is not like part of the bromance, which is kind of sad. They only find her by herself sobbing. So wait.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, do you think she's like a little too clingy? And they're like, oh, yeah. No, she's like the third wheel. Mm hmm. I think so. She's got FOMO. It's like me in the relationship between you and Gio. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I'm the one who's just like, oh, I just want to be your friend. Look, OK, but between the two of us, like it breaks even because you're miserable that you can't be part of our squad goals i get it i would be miserable too but also i have to leave him you get to live with him that's true so like who wins it is like like the only reason we like jive so much is because every time we see each other it's like a condensed impacted amount of time so it's like a love triangle and geo's like the common denominator yes okay you get it so she just cries a lot she just cries she's just needy she's on the balcony of the first floor theater um she has been felt and seen and anytime people feel her or sense her they feel someone sad in the room with them oh and then they've also seen her so a janitor was vacuuming and suddenly felt like she wasn't alone in the room in the room anymore on the patio no oh i thought on a balcony
Starting point is 00:30:12 do you know what a theater balcony is oh i literally thought you meant like outside there was a balcony and i was like it's weird to have a balcony on the first floor okay that it would be weird although it is weird to have a balcony on the first floor. Okay. It would be weird. Although it is weird to have a balcony on the first floor inside too, isn't it? That should be more weird, but for some reason it's not. Okay. Sorry. Vacuuming. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:30:32 A janitor was vacuuming. Just vacuuming the cement. That's cleaning the pavement. A lot of leaves out there. And suddenly felt like she wasn't alone in the room. And she had like an overwhelming sadness. And in the balcony, she saw a woman wearing an old-fashioned Victorian dress standing there. And since the janitor, a lot of other people have seen her too.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Like she's become a very regular person for people to recognize. And if you just see a woman in the balcony, usually it's her because apparently that balcony is now blocked off. Wait, for real? Yeah. And people aren't allowed to sit there. None of the balconies are. I think it's because they're just old. Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:14 But so if you see someone there and they're wearing a Victorian dress, it's her. I'm going to wear a Victorian dress to that theater and be like... You're a force to be reckoned with, I think. Listen, I'm really wild if you ever find out a place is haunted you're gonna be like tell me everything so i know just how to fuck with people i'm going to haunt everyone i'm just like i like to lead like a wild life come on i'm always crazy i'm always crazy for far four um so two different female entities and their friends have been seen in person and in photos um so like someone will take a picture of an empty room like you'll just be taking a picture of like how nice it is and that there's a fucking fireplace and
Starting point is 00:31:58 shit like that and the empty photos they'll show up oh and people without taking pictures have been in the room and seen them and apparently it's two two girls and their friends so it's like a little fucking posse like taking selfies and shit wait so they get to be a group the two bromance get to and then that one girl's just like crying by herself this sounds like high school all over again it sounds like high school very badly oh no you got the pranksters you've got the populars the selfie takers and then you've got like that poor girl who like eats in the bathroom me that was me too oh we would have had fun imagine if we like we're sitting in the same stall from virginia and ohio i like how we pretended to be the bromance one and we're like actually
Starting point is 00:32:43 no we're actually the i saw a tweet today where, it was a picture of Eeyore and people were like, this guy used to fucking make me so mad when I was a kid. And I'm like, Ooh, I get you Eeyore. But like, you want to think you're not him. And then you're like, you're like, okay. Oh, but I feel you so hard. Like the day you remember you, like the day it hits you that you're Eeyore, your day just, you just really self-actualization has finally hit you. Yes, it's like... It's a good thing and a bad thing all at once. It's like I get everything makes sense.
Starting point is 00:33:11 You can't lie to yourself anymore. So anyway, the theater manager at the time, her name was Janet. And she met these spirits multiple times and felt that they were very positive and polite. Which I don't believe. They sound like a bunch of plastics. They sound like a CW show. Yeah, they sound like Pretty Little Liars. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Which is not CW before people try to say something. Actually, I think it is. Isn't it actually on Disney Channel and also National Geographic? It's on Disney and HBO. And Discovery. Yeah, and in the Bible. But only the Old Testament. Disney and HBO. And Discovery. It's, yeah. And in the Bible. So. Only the Old Testament.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I'm pretty sure a group of girls huddled together being polite was in Genesis. So many duck faces. Anyway, on one of her first days, Janet, the theater manager, went into the lobby and saw a woman sitting near the fireplace reading a book. The woman had her hair in a bun on top of her head and a long floral dress, and she was slightly see-through. The woman then slowly melted into thin air. Melted is a weird word. Melted? Melted.
Starting point is 00:34:26 In future encounters with this spirit, the woman reading would look up to Janet, smile pleasantly, turn off the lamp, and walk out of the room. Oh, ew. Which is kind of a side eye of like, you're fucking bothering me, I'm trying to read. It's like, oh, sorry. Like if my roommate looked up at me, smiled pleasantly, turned off the lamp while I was still in the fucking room and walked out, I'd be like, okay, point taken. I'd be like, fine, get
Starting point is 00:34:42 out, I want to watch TV. I'd be like, goodbye. Um, okay. Actually, I'd be like, I'm i want to watch tv i'd be like goodbye um okay actually i'd be like i'm so sorry did i hurt your feelings i'm gonna be honest before blades listened to this and was like stop trying to like pretend you're somebody you're not so um okay so the fire it was the theater manager's duty every night to light the traditional fireplace that people would stand next to while they were waiting for their show. Like an Olympian torch. The traditional fireplace. The traditional fireplace. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Sometimes the manager would come into the room and the fire would already be perfectly lit as if it had been lit a while ago and is now at a nice roar. Oh, God. oh god on these occasions the chairs have already been moved around the fireplace to welcome people in or as if people had already been sitting there chatting oh these seem like really hospitable ghosts like can they come do my fucking chores like maybe janet's right maybe janet should just leave him alone yeah janet sometimes uh janet didn't have to even enter a dark lobby at night because a tall female spirit would leave the lobby smile smile at her, and then switch on the lights as she left so Janet could see in the room before she had to go through. So there's one ghost who's turning off the lights. There's one ghost who's turning on the lights.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Like, obviously they're evil twin sisters. It's clearly a CW show. I mean, a Discovery Channel, HBO, National Geographic show. Bible. Bible show. Old Testament show. So the spirit who's apparently super nice, her name is probably Bertha K. Landis. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It just might be. It's not a name. Big Bertha, because she's also apparently super tall. She was one of the presidents of the Women's Century Club when it was at its height, and she was Seattle's first mayor. Wait, shut the fuck up. Yeah, and she's so nice. Wait, a woman was Seattle's first mayor. A female. That's amazing. Unless I did my research wrong, someone can tell me about it later. But that was definitely in the facts on its own. I didn't like research it and find that out. It was part of the news of what a badass big bertha and she's nice so during the investigation with you me and our buddies jane and jr right sure and with our buddy the medium the medium also spoke to a stern older
Starting point is 00:36:59 woman who wanted to know why they were in her place. Oh no. This must be the one who turned out the lights. She told the medium that she and the other ghosts know that they're dead and to not tell them anymore that they have to move on. Quote, we like it here. This is our home. You wouldn't want to leave your home in the middle of the night and neither do we. Wait, whoa. Yeah. Wait, can I say a little personal thing? Yeah. So a woman that I'm good friends with out here, she moved to a new house and hadn't had any really paranormal experiences before.
Starting point is 00:37:36 But she moved to a new house in Pasadena and had all these weird experiences. And one day she went into her bedroom and she had a necklace that was kind of hanging on a lamp or something. And it was just like spinning really fast as if someone had like hit it. And like her car alarm would go off and just like weird little things started happening. So she did like a caustic record stuff. So she like did some spiritual research, let's call it. And apparently it was two children.
Starting point is 00:38:04 She's like, okay, good. I know what to do. Like, I'll help them move on. And I guess she was kind of, like, told, like, no, they don't want to move on. This is, you can tell them to, like, leave you alone and don't bother you. But, like, this is their home. They want to be here. And, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And you signed on to two more roommates. Congratulations. And they're both children. And they're children. But, yeah, so she's like, yeah. So they, I was basically told like, no, they, they want to be here. They're allowed to be here. Don't, you can't force them.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Isn't that wild? Cause we always see in movies that like, you're trying to cast them away or tell them to go to the next place. And it's like, makes you think like, why wouldn't they want to? Yeah. And her spirit guide said basically that they're here for the time being because this is where they're meant to be right now and they're happy there and maybe they'll move on their own time exactly and i was like that's really
Starting point is 00:38:54 fascinating yeah because they were having fun she's like yeah they would like play with my stuff and move my jewelry around and like honk my car horn and the only thing i'd be scared of is like once i accepted that reality and i was like okay i live with two children spirits i would feel i wouldn't want them to think that now that i'm open-minded enough to let it happen that all of a sudden shit would just be flying across the room in front of me and i'd be like no no we're gonna have some boundaries well no she like did a thing she was like you know you're not allowed to touch my stuff you're not allowed to like interfere with my life or whatever. You can stay here.
Starting point is 00:39:27 But and then nothing ever happened again. Oh, wow. So obedient kids. So anyway, on to the second floor. Sure. So the woman who is strangled. She said she was suffocated. Suffocated.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yes. Okay. Apparently she was strangled. The woman who died. Let's just leave it there. She is dressed in a Victorian period long dress. Although the hauntings mainly occur on the first and second floor, that girl, the one who cries a lot, she apparently also visits the administrative offices,
Starting point is 00:40:02 which is literally us going into the bathroom at high school because no one would be there. That's true. Oh, my God. So she goes to the administrative offices and floats down the hallway or cries until you approach her and then she vanishes. She's like Moaning Myrtle. Yes. She's Moaning Myrtle.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I have a Moaning Myrtle costume. So we've got a bromance, Moaning Myrtle and the plastics. Yeah. Whoa. What an interesting environment that is. Oh, and they're all dead. Wait. Pause. Let's write a and the plastics. Yeah. Whoa. What an interesting environment that is. Oh, and they're all dead. Wait, pause. Let's write a sitcom about it.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Done. I'm like not kidding. Okay. Okay. Trademark. Don't steal that. We have it on audio recording. November 15th.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's on the cloud. Do not steal it. So she's. Oh, wait, let's rewrite that trademark. that trademark bromance moaning myrtle plastics from the bible oh right right it's i don't send the old test obviously religion matters here right sure it's also a religious show november 15th trademark so um so moaning myrtle she will wait until you approach her and while she's crying and then she'll leave okay she's like she's also kind of like a crazy girlfriend really needy yeah she's kind of just like i want you to see me crying but i don't want you to think you can fix it but also you better
Starting point is 00:41:12 want to yeah yeah she's like and then also when you try to approach me i'm just gonna leave and i need you to feel confused about that right she's like i'm fine and then you're like okay and she's like oh that's it you're not gonna ask me like you're really it's like leave oh, that's it? You're not going to ask me? It's like, leave. Fine, I'll leave. So you're really just going to leave like that? You're going to walk out? Whoa. Okay, anyway, third floor. Let's just ride that elevator.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Let's leave her down there. The spirit of Big B, Miss Bertha. Big B, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's been seen on the first and third floor lobbies. And apparently she's just always super nice my home girl dude if i had to have a ghost i wanted to be my main bertha bertha the mayor i mean geez birth of the mayor and the president of the woman's century club and like whenever she was also mayor right i don't want to think about the year right then yeah a while back um regularly people will
Starting point is 00:42:06 not just see big bertha they will oh also we have to throw her into the sitcom trademarked november 15th oh wait yeah yeah yeah yeah okay my old testament okay oh you know what would be the ultimate feminist move though is if big bertha in our show is god because she deserves that listen anyway not only do people see bertha they see a thought form no that's not which is an apparently a name for this thing a thought form like a cloud like when you're thinking of something that's what i thought like a comic bubble like bubbles yeah no apparently it's like a like a cloud oh dear Where people post shit. The cloud. But they've named it the thought form, which a lot of people will feel intensely.
Starting point is 00:42:51 It's like a lot of emotions. What? But only a few people can see it, but everyone feels it when it's nearby. Wait, have you heard of this before? No. We're all learning something today. The thought cloud? The thought form.
Starting point is 00:43:04 The thought form the thought form which i think is just like this like staff's wording for it i think it's just an energy wait so it's people can see an actual people have seen an actual cloud but mainly people feel it and it's a very overwhelming emotion what emotion let me tell you so alan big al right um he took over for janet when she just couldn't handle that many hospitable ghosts in one environment and i was like i just want to make the fireplace one time he's like do i get any credit here stop turning the lights on for me so alan took over as theater manager and when he first got there he always felt something super hostile always following him around. Oh.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And one night he was locking up the theater with his assistant and they both thought that they saw this cloud entity thing. They didn't really think they just they saw like a gray mist essentially. Yeah. And they kind of assumed that maybe it was like a dust cloud or something. I don't know. They were just trying to rationalize this shit. But they saw this giant cloud. And then before they could ask each other about anything, they heard a giant bang behind them.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Oh, no. So they were looking at this thing probably like 20 feet in front of them and then hear a giant bang like right behind them. So they freak out and run upstairs where they hear some like leftover guests talking. Just thinking like, oh, let's be near people. Right. Which is funny that the staff is like relying on the patrons of like, oh, let's go hide by them. If it follows us at least we can hide behind the guests. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:35 They're disposable. So they ran up to where they heard a bunch of people. And then when they got to that room, no one was actually there. No. And everyone had left. where they heard a bunch of people and then when they got to that room no one was actually there and everyone had left so they looked around and they heard a door close that goes up to the roof and they were like okay well that's not good we're already closing who's going up to the roof oh geez and they thought that was where the voices trailed off that they went upstairs yeah so they
Starting point is 00:44:59 ran over and nobody could have closed the door like Like, they saw the door close. Right. And they should have seen people walk out with it, and they didn't. They just saw a door open and close. But they thought, okay, maybe we were just really slick, and we weren't paying attention. Right. So they ran over to try to open the door, and it was like one of those doors you have to pull open. Mm-hmm. And someone was holding it on the other end, behind it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So the two of them together finally yank it open. I would run away from that. Why would you want to open that? Right? I'd be like, okay, you win. Go on the roof. I don't care. So they finally yanked the door open and nobody was there.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Oh, no. Oh, no. And also it was like a small roof. You could look around and just see if someone was there or not. And no one was there. So it was like a small roof. You could look around and just see if someone was there or not. And no one was there.
Starting point is 00:45:51 So right around then is when our favorite investigator slash TV producers. Sylvia. Oh, no. Sylvia is the medium. Right. Okay. So she came with them on their little scout to investigate. So it's Jane and J. J.R.
Starting point is 00:46:01 J.R. So they showed up right around that experience okay and one of the things they did after hearing that story is they left a magnet by the door that led to the roof and they left cameras there and they just had it rolling and like continually charging and playing blah blah so they were recording that door with a magnet next to it and um when they looked back at the tape apparently they saw this thought form cloud oh no like manifest itself on one part of the hall walk across the hall wait it's a person no it's a it's a like float across the hall oh a cloud it had feet jesus sorry i'm just we're like creating new people i thought you meant it manifested like into a person oh that'd be wild um no like a cloud just showed up out of nowhere okay like
Starting point is 00:46:51 just formed out of nowhere the cloud then floated across the hallway and then opened the door and left out the door oh geez and the roof door yeah okay and as and you can see the as it gets closer and closer to the door the the magnet starts freaking out. And when it walked through the door, the magnet couldn't... It was just spinning and spinning and spinning. No. Because it couldn't handle it. So when Jane and JR and Sylvia...
Starting point is 00:47:20 Sylvia, my friend. The medium. When they all tried to sit down and talk to this thought form they uh came to this conclusion because everyone was like what the fuck is a thought form is this a ghost or like what is this and essentially it is a collective mass energy from all the spirits over time and it's like all their leftover residual emotions just balled into one energy. No. So it actually has no personality. It's not a remnant from a human spirit. It's only a collective will meant to surround people with all the leftover emotions.
Starting point is 00:47:57 So is it all negative or is it just a mix of everything? So the medium Sylvia decided, not decided but came came to like this kind of conclusion that after talking to it like as she was talking to it she was hearing multiple voices like the everyone everyone's residual feelings were kind of coming out to her so it wasn't just one person she was talking to it was all this leftover stuff from different people. And she said it was molded over many years from several spirits and probably began with the group of women fighting for equality who had really strong energies all built up and they were all living together. Oh. So it was all those energies probably kind of combining themselves into this one big force.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Because remember, they were eccentric hippie movie buffs. Oh, right. The eccentric ones. Right. Yeah. The quirky ones. Yeah. And also the 60s and 70s, people are doing drugs and all that.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Right. And also they were super spiritual. That building was also used not just as like a strong feminist organization, but they also taught about spirituality, including how to communicate with spirits, how to do seances, all that stuff. So that probably just added to that energy. And then the renovation of adding the third floor in the eighties also
Starting point is 00:49:16 probably caused a buildup because for some reason, renovations always stir up weird energies that are residual. So it probably began with the energies of the woman. It was followed by all of that spiritual communication practice and finished with the renovations of the building. But it was probably mainly all the strong women who were watching over the building because this thing seems to watch over the building. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 So it doesn't matter. Like to answer your question of like what people actually feel, the emotion changes all the time. Like people can feel dread or excitement or empowered or anything. I want like an empowerment cloud to follow me around. I want a productive one. Someone teach me how to get shit done. And anyway, that's why I drink this week. Wow. So, okay. So that's why you drink this week. So what's your story?
Starting point is 00:50:14 Gotcha. That's a good one. Bum, bum, bum. So here's the thing. So here's the thing. I decided to do somebody today to cover a murderer. Okay. That you expressed interest in a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Ed Gein. Yes. Yeah. He's my favorite. I know. I've been saving this one for you. So today I was like, what should I do? And I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:50:45 Let's throw Emma Bone, you know? Scratch my back. know what? Let's throw Emma Bone. Scratch my back. Get it? Throw Emma Bone. Ed Gein. Never mind. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Stop.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Let's move on. So I'm going to tell you all about Ed Gein. A.K.A. Leatherface? Yes. Okay. A.K.A. Oh, God. He had so many names texas chainsaw massacre inspiration norman bates aka he was the inspiration for a lot of people silence the lambs aka buffalo bill buffalo bill aka what what a nut job aka sorry for your. sorry for your ears. Sorry for your ears. Literally.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Dun, dun, dun. Never mind. It doesn't come across. Sorry for your nipples. How about that? You'll get it. You'll get it in a minute, guys. I almost made a nipple joke, and then I was like, I'll save it, but I'm glad you did it.
Starting point is 00:51:41 All right. Okay. Sorry for your nipples. Ed Gein was born on august 27 1906 in lacrosse county wisconsin his parents were not in a happy marriage surprise but they stayed together because of their religious beliefs about divorce healthy no comment his mother augusta moved the family to a farm on the outskirts of plainfield wisconsin to prevent outsiders from No comment. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Augusta, his mother, had some pretty strong religious beliefs. She was a fervent, devout Lutheran. And she told her kids that the world was immoral. Correct. She said drinking immoral. Correct. She said drinking was evil. Probably. Wrong. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And all women, excluding herself, of course, were prostitutes and instruments of the devil. Isn't that always fun when they're like, women are whores. It's like, okay, but mom, aren't you a woman? You're confusing me me that argument gets me every time it's like oh so you're no longer a prostitute but you were or you still are or you're just like a totally different or you're like the virgin marriott of like it's like but you're also telling me i have to go like populate and have kids for you and you can't wait to have grandkids but where in the sea of 100 prostitutes
Starting point is 00:53:05 am i supposed to find a non-prostitute yeah what a good anyway no comment uh she basically said like any woman they ever met was a prostitute instrument of the devil like they couldn't trust any woman she said alcohol was um like devil's play thing basically it was evil which their father was an alcoholic so like that messed with their brains even more basically um so she would read the bible to them every afternoon okay it was um this chapter of the old testament called like the plastics and a bright the cw sitcom it was oh pretty little liars 316 got it that was my favorite passage growing up yeah i used to got me through my mom read it to me in sunday school okay so every afternoon she read the bible aloud usually picking the extra graphic Old Testament verses about death, murder, prostitution, like revenge of God, etc. Ed himself was somewhat effeminate, so he got bullied a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:14 But he was also pretty weird, and sometimes he would just laugh loudly to himself for no reason. His mother wouldn't allow him to make friends. no reason um his mother wouldn't allow him to make friends uh she abused him and his older brother verbally and decided they were destined to become failures like their father oh um so when ed that was big bertha woof you ever think us as spirits because obviously like when you're in like time and space mean nothing to you. Sure. So you can just bounce around. I mean, do you think that ghosts can time travel? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I like to think that my spirit like haunts me, like fucks with me all the time. Oh, like your future spirit. Yeah, like my future spirit time travels back to right now and fucks with me all the time. So fascinating. I was just thinking like maybe your future self and my future self slash our spirits are hanging out in here right now.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Like just fucking up our microphones all the time. No wonder my wine's always emptier than I thought it was. Oh, you can drink it so much faster when you're dead. It's actually a great excuse for me as an alive person to be like, well, it was my ghost. I don't know how to explain this to you. Every time I fall, I'm like, well, that was my future me just like pushing me. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Stop bullying me. Anyway. Anyway. Ed was pretty effeminate, so he got bullied a lot. He was pretty weird. He would. Okay. He was pretty eccentric.
Starting point is 00:55:44 He was pretty eccentric. Oh, wait. He was actually. He had a lot um he was pretty weird he would okay she was pretty eccentric he was pretty eccentric oh wait he was actually um he had a lot of quirks he was he was part of this movie club oh my god really with a bunch of hippies or some shit i don't know i mean i feel like he cried a lot on a balcony that was either indoor or outdoor i'm not sure oh he's the one the victorian dress that's no wonder they thought he was effeminate. Okay. I love when we do like collabs. I mean, I feel like. It's like we planned it.
Starting point is 00:56:10 It's like a mixtape. No, it's not. Okay. So, what should I say next? Break it up. Okay. When Ed's dad, George, died in 1940, Ed and his older brother started working odd jobs to help pay the bills.
Starting point is 00:56:30 They both worked as handymen. Handy people. Handy people. Handy people. Handy beings. Handy beings. They started working as... Handy souls. I can't stop.
Starting point is 00:56:41 We're getting more and more ethereal as we go. Handy beings. But Ed often babysat kids around the neighborhood, too. Which, no, don't. No. I am confused. I mean, whatever. We'll find out what happens.
Starting point is 00:57:00 So, Ed was always trying to make his mom happy, but his older brother started rejecting his mom's worldview and was like, no, you kind of fucked us up. Good for him. Yeah. He was concerned that Ed himself was too attached to their mother for obvious reasons. Oh, hashtag Norman Bates. Hashtag Norman fucking Bates. Hashtag my true love. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:57:21 Freddie Highmore, not Norman Bates. I met Freddie Highmore one time and I almost cried. Hi, Blaze. So his older brother started talking, like, criticizing his mom in front of Ed. And Ed was, like, not having it. On May 16th, 1944, there was a brush fire near the farm and the brothers went out to extinguish it. They got separated and by the time the fire was extinguished ed reported to police that his brother was missing oh no they organized a search party and ed just casually led them
Starting point is 00:57:52 directly to his brother's body which was laying on the ground there were shall we say suspicious circumstances surrounding his death um the ground he was laying on had not been burned at all. Ooh. And he had bruises all over his head. But police dismissed the possibility of foul play and no charges were filed against Ed. Okay. Even though a lot of investigators argued that Ed had something to do with it.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So after this, Ed lived alone with his mother because his father and brother had both died. And then she died after several strokes on December 29th, 1945, which was about a year and a half after the death of his brother, which is when Ed kind of lost his mind. Okay. Hashtag Norman Bates. Hashtag your boyfriend outside of your boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah, that one. So Ed kind of lost it at this point, and his mother had been basically his only friend. His, like, true love, he called her. Yeah. I know. He basically said he was absolutely alone in the world at this point, so he was a lost soul. He continued to live on the farm, though, and he supported himself doing odd jobs. He boarded up all the rooms that his mother used to use, including the whole upstairs, the downstairs parlor, living room.
Starting point is 00:59:18 And then he lived in a small room next to the kitchen. So he just boarded up everything. It's actually creepy. There are photos online of his mom's bedroom and stuff like he just boarded them up and left them alone for years um so at this point he developed an affinity for death cult magazines and adventure stories of course and so did we right moving on i mean i was like okay with us being like jane and jr and like watching our own show but but also we're like we're kind of slowly getting there but like purely for science fair death cult magazine sounds like our kind of jam it sounds like something we would at least
Starting point is 01:00:01 crack open let's fast forward about 12 years on november 16th 1957 a hardware store owner named bernice warden disappeared her son who happened to be a sheriff uh told investigators that ed gein had been in her store the night before she disappeared and said he'd be back the next day to buy a gallon of antifreeze they looked at her sales receipts and the last sales slip that she had signed was a gallon of antifreeze and that was the morning she disappeared that was the last receipt she had on the register okay gotcha so police were like let's check out ed gein and see what he's up to they went to his farm um and they found bernice warden's body in a shed
Starting point is 01:00:50 oh that was easy let's talk about what happened here okay maybe if you have children or if you are my dad and eating a marmalade muffin stop listening okay okay good disclaimer all right um she had been hung upside down by ropes at her wrists with a crossbar at her ankles she'd been decapitated and she had been um her torso which we know how you feel you know how i feel her torso had been gutted like a deer uh they determined she'd been shot with a 22 caliber rifle and had been mutilated after death so at least at least like if there were silver lining at the time they're right there's not but like the tiniest but at least least this happened later, but still. Then they were like, I don't know what they were like.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah. They probably were just like, oh. They were probably vomiting. I mean. I imagine. Yeah. So then they went to the house. This is what they found.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I'm just going to list it. Okay. Four noses. With the bone or just flaps? No, just like the nose, like the cartilage. The noses. Mm-hmm. With the bone? Or just flaps? No, just, like, the nose. Like, the cartilage. Ugh. The nose itself.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Got it. A full nose. Like, the emoji. They found, like, a bunch of emojis. Oh, right. Okay. You didn't think these were real? They were ahead of their time.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, how it looks in the emoji. Right, yeah. That's what they found. Yeah, it was actually Steve Jobs jobs's house perfect okay they found whole human bones as well as fragments of bone they found nine masks made of human skin yep they found bowls made from human skulls yep 10 female heads with the tops sawed off human skin covering several chair seats oh my god the head of a woman named mary hogan who was a tavern operator who'd been missing for three years oh my god uh i think her head was found in a box they found a wastebasket made of human skin they found bernice
Starting point is 01:03:00 warden's head the woman's body who was in the shed. They found her head in a burlap sack. They found her heart in a plastic bag in the stove. Oh, my God. They found a bunch of women's fingernails that had been pulled off. I know. You know how I feel about. Listen. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I'm sorry. I just tried to throw that in there casually. I'm pressing them down just to make sure they don't leave. Ooh. A necklace made of tongues. I mean mean it's not something to joke about let's all be real but at the same time it's like i wonder why he saw a tongue and was like that's perfect jewelry no versus something else but for real because some of the stuff he made were was such a random like i would never like also he that's some cocky personality to be like oh i can just leave this as my chair seat now yes i will someone this is someone could maybe come over ever yeah
Starting point is 01:03:54 maybe he just always thought if someone comes over i'll just kill them maybe that's just i don't know if he was thinking much at all to be honest okay that's fair but also like a heart in a plastic bag in an oven like i hope he wasn but also like a heart in a plastic bag in an oven like i hope he wasn't planning on cooking something in a plastic fucking bag i did read that oh no sorry it was in front of the oven the plastic bag but i did read that evidence showed he did eat some parts of bodies okay but interesting i don't know that was only in two sources the necklace made of tongues okay and okay this one i saw a photo of oh bless you an apron made out of swaths of stretched out human skin uh-huh um and it was sewed together like you know like
Starting point is 01:04:34 patches like on those shows where the coroner like in a crime show where the coroner has like those huge stitches uh-huh oh like when they do an autopsy like a big chunky so so it was an apron made out of swaths of stretched out human skin but there was like a face on it yeah oh no so that was like a face and then one was like a breast so it had like a nipple on it and one was like a thigh like oh my god he just sewed it all together into an apron i'm like but that's what you were saying like an apron like what like why would you it's not like you saw one person's face was like that is half of an apron now i just have to find the right boob yeah like which nipple will make the top of the apron right yeah like i feel like he was just
Starting point is 01:05:21 desperate to put them somewhere yeah it's so weird it's almost like a minimalist mindset of like i need to make use of all of these things so let me just find a reason to need it but then why do you need why do you need this at all like why is the head of someone who died three years ago why is that in a box it's like that's like some shitty christmas gift you didn't want you to shove it in a box and never look at it for three years that's like some hoarder shit like when you if you're gonna cut someone's head off didn't want, you just shove it in a box and never look at it for three years. Yeah, that's like some hoarder shit. Like when you, if you're gonna cut someone's head off, isn't it because you need it for something? I don't know. I don't understand
Starting point is 01:05:50 it. I don't get it. I'd love to tell you. I'd love to answer your question. I just have so many questions and none of them will ever be answered. I think. And I don't even want the answers. I don't think any of us need the answer. I don't think he knows the answer to be honest. Alright. The next one's just even worse all right bring on my commentary they found nine vulvas in a shoebox
Starting point is 01:06:13 and two of them were from 15 year old girls oh i know i know oh no no comment move on they found skulls on his bedposts uh they found several organs in the refrigerator they found a this one's weird a pair of human lips on like a drawstring of a window shade so it was like why do you need that that's what i'm saying it's so fucking weird like it was like blinds but then on the string there was like he had sewn a pair of like human lips onto it how creepy is that i'm trying to think of if he thinks he's being you know how people like think they're artsy and sometimes they're just like they're not hitting their stride they're like i'm eccentric i'm you wouldn't get it i'm trying to think like what like if was he going for art like i don't think
Starting point is 01:07:07 i mean i'm trying to make sense of it i don't think it's possible the only thing i can think of is like if it's the string of a drawer like of the window that kind of looks like a tooth at the bottom and then the string looks like floss so it's like a mouth i mean i don't fucking know i don't know and it's all fucked up and i shouldn't even be like an string looks like floss. So it's like a mouth. I mean, I don't fucking know. I don't know. And it's all fucked up and I shouldn't even be making an apron. It looks like it has nipples in a mouth. You're right. I don't even know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And for some reason, this guy's like the most fascinating to me, but that's why it's because there's so, Oh, you don't even know what question you want to ask first. Totally. It doesn't make it because it's so outrageous. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Um, and let's not forget horrible. Well, sure. Before we come off as too insensitive. Yeah. And let's not forget horrible. Well, sure. Before we come off as too insensitive. Obviously. They found a lampshade made from the skin of a human face. Oh, my. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And then famously... The nipple belt. A nipple belt. A belt made from human female nipples. Which is easy to find on Google Images, by the way for the uh sick and twisted btw a lot of these are on the internet a lot of them are but the nipple belt is like in documentaries about him they will show pictures of the nipple belt like that's like that's like the thing that he's known for i will also say that maybe if you want to research this, don't do it when you're working at your job for three weeks and you work at Nickelodeon and you use their work internet
Starting point is 01:08:32 and you're like, let me research this guy. And then you're like, wait, is that what I think it is? Oh, okay. That's like the worst place except like a church. No, I think Nickelodeon's worse because I could get fired from there. Oh, okay. At least I can ask God for forgiveness. Okay, that's fair. it's like a church no i think nickelodeon's worse because i could get fired from there oh okay at least i can ask god for forgiveness okay that's fair so keen was questioned by police duh um and he told investigators that between 1947 and 1952 he made about 40 nighttime visits to local graveyards
Starting point is 01:09:01 to dig up freshly buried bodies oh my god he said this happened while he was in a daze-like state, and sometimes during his visits he would wake up from his daze, realize, like, see where he was, leave the grave intact, and go home empty-handed. Oh, so, like, this only happened when he had some sort of dissociative experience. Like a sleepwalking or a date. What? A sleepwalk? Jesus Christ. Stop taking Ambien, Ed Gein. how many times do i have to tell you sometimes he dug up the graves of recently
Starting point is 01:09:32 buried middle-aged women that he thought looked like his mother um and then he would take their bodies home and tan their skins oh so that he could use them for his like projects gross uh they weren't sure at first if they believed that Ed Gein could actually single-handedly, like, dig up a grave in a night and rebury it. So they had to exhume two coffins, to be sure, and they found both of them empty. So he was telling the truth. Ed explained, this was his explanation for what happened. He said after his mother died, he decided he wanted a sex change.
Starting point is 01:10:07 And he thought the best way to go about this was to create a woman's suit out of skin. So he could crawl into his mother's skin and become her whenever he wanted. Oh, wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, just let that soak in. He denied having sex with the bodies but only because they smelled too bad wow a 16 year old boy whose family was friends with gene and who had gone to
Starting point is 01:10:33 baseball games and movies with him listen uh reported that gene had showed him shrunken heads that he had said were relics from the philippines sent to him by a cousin who had served in world war ii so police were like let's check that out yeah they found out that the shrunken heads were actually human facial skin that had been peeled from cadavers and that gene would use as masks oh my god um he was found guilty of first degree murder but because he was found to be legally insane he spent the rest of his life in a mental hospital a few months later while gene was in jail his house burned to the ground and police suspected arson but when they told gene he just shrugged and said just as well so who knows what the hell happened there in 1958 gene's car which had been used to transport the
Starting point is 01:11:22 bodies of his victims was sold in a public auction for $760, which nowadays is $5,718, to a carnival sideshow operator named Bunny Gibbons. I know Bunny from my circus days. Oh, right. Yeah. Oh, so it was like patio furniture and Bunny Gibbons. Yeah, we all hung out together. The show.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Well, you guys never mind never mind you guys had quite business quite a business acumen because you started charging carnival goers 25 cents to see the car i mean i did what i could i mean it was a hard time it was the beginning of a recession that would happen several decades later yeah and i mean i was just preparing for the worst your friend was named bunny so like what else could you do not much you were like kind of in a really low spot of your life i haven't gotten out of it you're still there still you and bunny are still down there it's fine uh gene died of cancer on july 26 1984. He was pretty quiet in prison.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Like, you know, there wasn't much news that happened while he was there. He never gave an explanation? Yeah, he said he wanted to crawl inside his mother's skin. I know, but like... I don't know what I'm looking for. I know, I know, I know. Insane. Like, he was found legally insane.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Okay. There's not sense to this. I know, I know. like he was found legally insane okay there's not sense to i know i know um so obviously as we said as far as pop culture goes his story was adapted numerous times texas chainsaw massacre sounds of lambs uh psycho etc um there was also this is literally my last bullet point there was a musical no called ed gein the musical that premiered in 2010 in menasha wisconsin why the hell was i not in menasha wisconsin ed gein in 2010 can we like reboot that yeah where is that go to our patreon page so we could reboot that that's something else who lives there there? Let me see it.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Just show me one picture from it. I want to be in it. No, I don't. No, wait. Never mind. Wait, I want to be Bunny. I'll reprise my role. Wait, I want to be Bertha and...
Starting point is 01:13:37 In the plastics. Yeah, yeah. All of them all at one time. I want to be Peter and just be like, hey, I'm Peter. I don't know. And then walk away and never get killed. Oh, except you do because you're peter i don't know what's happening or where we are but i just have a really funny joke i feel like that's me at every party what i just feel like i don't
Starting point is 01:13:56 know what we're doing i don't know why we're here but i have a funny joke it's pretty accurate that that's what you guys can expect if you ever meet us. Now don't you want to meet us. How lucky you will be. Well, good for you because we will be at the premiere of Ed Gein musical. The second premiere. Really soon. One day. We'll be there. And that's why you drink.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Listen. You're right. All right, guys. We're probably going to have a spinoff show. It's going to be called Listen. Listen. The musical. The musical.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Ah, listen. off show it's gonna be called listen listen the musical the musical listen all right guys give them the spiel i'm gonna give you a spiel thank you guys for listening to us um and that's why we drink episode a bajillion it seems um if you would like to follow us and for some reason don't yet you can wrong with you that's the first question the second thing that you should do after hating yourself or questioning yourself you should go to the internet it's on the cloud it's on the cloud and you can find us at twitter or instagram or facebook at atwwd podcast you can find us at Twitter or Instagram or Facebook at ATWWD Podcast. You can find our website, and that's You can find our store, and that's
Starting point is 01:15:13 You can find our Patreon at ATWWD Podcast. You can find us. I mean, you're already listening to us, but if your friends ask, we're on iTunes. We're on Stitcher. We're on Spotify, iHe on stitcher we're on spotify iheart radio um the cloud the cloud i can't stop saying it and uh we also have an email and that's why we drink at where you can submit your own personal true crime and or paranormal stories because we do listeners episodes on the first of every month that's right um and there was something
Starting point is 01:15:48 i was gonna say and i forgot so it doesn't matter it sounds about accurate okay guys thanks for listening we love you and that's why we drink and that's what you're doing do you want me to hit the Ow. Wait, here. That hurt. I'll try this one. Oh. Bingo. Bingo bango is what I have to say to that. Bada bing, bada boom.

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