And That's Why We Drink - E43 Listeners Stories: Vol. 43

Episode Date: August 1, 2020

Happy fall... we mean August (when are we, exactly?)! We're talking synchronicities today, and speaking of synchronicities, Em tells us about their first round of randonauting with Allison in which th...ey may have set their intentions to Desperate Housewives. We've got some wild and just a bit too coincidental stories from you all this month, everything from dreams alerting you to a friend's distress to manifesting music festival tickets and snowman hats in August. Also, were we shitty children in a past life and was Eva our mom?? ...and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Head to right now to get started. They’ve saved their home and auto insurance customers an average of $1,127 a year!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 well folks oh good i was gonna say well your eyebrows look great i was gonna come i was gonna i was gonna give you a compliment but why i don't. Because I've been trashing you all afternoon. I don't know what's going on with me. I'm just like, I don't know. I've been calling you sweaty all day. Here's the thing. Hello, everyone. I suppose we're actually recording now. Welcome to August 1st. Em, I guess, is turning over a new leaf, if you will, and has suddenly decided that they are too cruel to me. I don't know. Em was having a great time bashing me and I was all about it. And then all of a sudden things turned
Starting point is 00:00:49 and Em decided to call me Dewey. I think it hit me. I was like, I got to balance this out. So everything like, so it feels like I'm not just like only a mean friend. You got to be like a good spectrum of all of the above. Just like really evil and really nice. Nowhere in between. Right. Well, I called you sweaty, all of the above just like really evil and really nice nowhere in
Starting point is 00:01:05 between right well i called you sweaty which by the way is like welcome to the last three years of our relationship though so that's not fair that's not like an insult it's just the truth right but uh then what did i do oh and then i said that you look pretty yes i think we're good now i think we balance it out like even and i'm just sitting here waiting to see what you say next uh me too um you should you should at the very least uh you have one in your back pocket whenever you feel an insult a bruin you have like a oh you've got like a free pass because i think i i think i called you sweaty twice and pretty once so oh that's so nice well then you call me dewy and then i called my do my armpits dewy so i don't know which one of those was a compliment or not. But in any case, here we are.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And welcome to August, which feels really late in the year, but it feels like 2020 is just the same old, same old every single day. Anyway, sweaty, what do you want? Okay, bully. Well, anyway, Em and I are here to read you some stories that eva has handpicked from a curated collection yes oh happy august by the way that's what i said happy august m's turning over a new leaf you get my my autumn joke my autumnal joke no isn't august still summer yeah we'll let it slide we'll let it slide it's okay i'll save it for september somebody remind me to say it eva write that down so I can say it in September.
Starting point is 00:02:26 That one sentence only. I'm going to read it and go, what does this mean, Eva? I'm just going to go, I don't know. I didn't even know when you said it. Just go, something about a leaf. Just make sure you say it. Something about a leaf. Also, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I think this is why I'm like in a specific mood today. I'm really, because you told me yesterday that you're coming back to visit again. I'm very excited. I think this is why I'm like in a specific mood today. I'm really, because you told me yesterday that you're coming back to visit again. I'm very excited. That's right. Holy crap. Okay, so I will be visiting before this comes out. So like soon, less than a week from today,
Starting point is 00:02:53 I decided to come back. I can't resist. This is the first time I get to know about it. And also Eva's not having an aneurysm because- Yes, I told Eva like, please, I texted her first because you were busy or something. And I was like, by the way, I'm planning on coming next week.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Just don't feel any pressure to do, to hide anything from Em. Em is going to know right away. Everyone knows everything. You don't need to find a box. You don't need to like move an entire wardrobe with your bare hands. Like you're okay.
Starting point is 00:03:20 This is fine. No, I think that's why I'm in like a specific fashion today because I'm just like all like gung-ho and ready for you to get here. Aw, well, I'm so excited. We're going to have cheesecake and that's all that I've planned so far. I literally didn't have to say anything.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I already had a plan. Don't worry. Also, we're going to record in person again, which I'm very excited about because it's been a while. Oh my goodness. Yes. And then you'll look so dewy next to me. I'm very excited. You're going to look so unduey. That's the truth. Maybe we'll like
Starting point is 00:03:49 rub our foreheads together and even it out. It wouldn't be the first time we've done that. I'm sure so. Oh, by the way. Okay. Here's another reason why I'm in a weird state today. I've got a lot of reasons. First of all, I like how when we do like our regular episodes and you're like why do you drink and I'm like I have no idea but then when we do our listeners episodes
Starting point is 00:04:08 I'm like I have 10,000 reasons of things let me count the ways let me count the ways well first of all I am sleep deprived which is probably
Starting point is 00:04:17 obvious to some what a shock well for the last couple days I've been trying to get my sleep schedule back and so I was going to bed at like 9 or 10 and still waking up super late so I was like like, what's the point? So I'm,
Starting point is 00:04:28 you probably need to catch up on sleep. Like your body's probably like, yeah, give me 12 hours. Probably. Um, but anyway, I didn't do that last night. Cause I was like, I give up. And so he lasted a long time. I lasted like a hot two days or three days. But so I found this random documentary produced by Johnny Knoxville. Okay. And I don't know if anyone else out there has seen this, but it's bananas. And it was called like the wild, wonderful whites of West Virginia. What? Have you heard of this?
Starting point is 00:05:02 No. Okay. So at first I thought it was going to be like kind of like some satirical like like white people are shitty thing because it was like the wonderful whites of west virginia and i was like okay where is this going um i was like i'm confused and johnny noxell's producing it so it cannot be appropriate um but then it was literally a family whose last name is white and they oh interesting apparently they're like what they said on the show it was like quote hillbilly royalty where like they are kind of like their own
Starting point is 00:05:33 crazy legend where everyone else that lives in their area like doesn't really know how they function or how they get their money or like are they part of some like weird like what hillbilly mob or like they don't and then like all of part of some like weird like hillbilly mob or like they don't and then like all of them have the most you know how i love my drama they all had these wild stories about like um so there was apparently there was this famous mountain dancer and so it's the story of all of his kids like he became famous in the mountains for his like what is a mountain dancer he made his own version of tap dance um and like and so he would like tap dance or i don't know if you would call it tap dancing but he was definitely it looked like tap dancing um to like you know country banjo fiddle music and um he became like famous for this. And then he had like 13 kids and all of them like were kind of royalty because they were related to him.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Wow. And they all have the wildest drama. Like half of his kids, it seemed like, got murdered by their exes. What? Or like they murdered their exes. Or like people were cheating on each other. This does sound like a hillbilly mob different people were like cheating on their wives with the wives cousins and then one of them ended up in a shootout at one point now is in jail for 50 years
Starting point is 00:06:55 all of them have like wild like cocaine and like uh prescription pill parties oh dear oh dear like regularly like daily. It was the wildest thing. Wait, so is this a movie? It was a movie. It was on Amazon Prime. Okay, well, I'm definitely going to check that out because that sounds fascinating.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So anyway, I'm sorry I was ranting on it, but I was up until like four in the morning watching this thing and just confused the whole time. I was like, what is going on? You had weird dreams after that. I did. Okay, so that's probably, wait a minute. You're onto something.
Starting point is 00:07:28 You're probably in a weird mood for multiple reasons. My brain isn't entirely here, nor does it want to be. So that's it. Happy August with where the leaves fall or something. Okay. Where Em like steps on a leaf or I don't know. I forget. I forget.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Okay, anyway, before I continue to spiral like the leaves. And be like me. steps on a leaf or i don't know i forget i forget we're uh okay anyway before i continue to spiral like the leaves and be like me um let's tell our stories because i definitely tell your stories folks yes we already told we are already telling our stories we constantly tell our stories now it's time to tell your stories thank you for knowing when to shut me up okay so um here is the first one this is from amy who goes by she her thank you for normalizing pronouns amy um so this story is called buy one get one synchronicities oh right you did suggest synchronicities as i believe so because eva texted me yesterday and said hey the theme for tomorrow was synchronicities, right? And I went, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:26 She was like, didn't you request that? And I was like, sure. You know what's weird? Maybe I'm not remembering the order of things, but maybe you suggested synchronicities before we even did the Randonautica story. Well, that's what it was, remember? Because we talked about synchronicities in the last listener episode. I forget why, but then in the next episode, you were like, oh, speaking of synchronicities,
Starting point is 00:08:50 I discovered Randonautica or something. And so it was like a weird little double synchronicity. Anyway, so yeah, you're right. I must've just requested it in less. You know what's interesting is we can't, we just can't get away from these synchronicities. Oh, also because I'm selfish with my time i went randonauting what i did i will without me okay to be fair we didn't do anything like wildly creepy i saved that for you but i wanted to see
Starting point is 00:09:16 how it worked um and remember i remember saying in the story that like probably the only stories you hear because they're so wild are like the 0.1 percent of stories and that was pretty much my case too where we we went out six to seven times um like we uh it was like a date idea for me and allison where we could stay in the car so we just went random outing and uh we did we did six or seven different intentions and all of them kind of led us to vague areas um one of them led led us to a a hostess thrift store like a that you like a discounted bakery that was abandoned um oh my but i we tried thinking up uh desperate housewives was our first intention and then we didn't wait where did it bring you it brought us to a cul-de-sac that didn't have like anything
Starting point is 00:10:12 we were looking for really kind of are you sure did you check if there were any desperate housewives inside the homes wait a minute that oh that's what i first thought i was like they're probably inside that's so like it's such an obvious thing. I didn't even pay attention to. Like sleeping with the gardener on the counter. Stop it. We probably drove right past some serious drama and didn't even notice. I'm telling.
Starting point is 00:10:36 But no, we were trying to think of the subtle ways that Rantanotica would bring us there. Like they all live on wisteria lanes. We were like, maybe we'll find wisteria or like, so we were trying to think of like kind of more subtle versions, but you're right. We probably literally were in the driveway. Maybe they were like, this one's easy. Here's to cul-de-sac. Okay. So maybe I actually had a successful random nodding.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I don't know. Anyway, other than that, it was kind of meh. So I assume when I go with you next week, it'll be really damaging to my psyche. I sure hope so. Otherwise I'll be disappointed. Okay. Anyway, sorry, Amy. Here's your story. Buy one, get one. I tried, Amy. I tried to shut them up. I sure hope so. Otherwise, I'll be disappointed. Okay. Anyway, sorry, Amy. Here's your story.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I tried, Amy. I tried to shut them up. It didn't work. I tried hard. SOS. Okay. I've just got a lot to say. You just need to get here
Starting point is 00:11:13 so I don't have to talk to you through a podcast. Okay. Amy says, Hi, y'all. My best friend, Tracy, who goes by she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Tracy.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Tracy and I are both paranormal experiencers. And the most common experiences we have are synchronicities. So I figured this was the time to share the first strange synchronicity we experienced together. Around five years ago, Tracy and I were sitting at a Starbucks when something Tracy said reminded me of a dream I had the night before. I couldn't remember the dream at all, but in that moment, I just had a thought. I haven't talked to my friend H in a while. I feel like I should check on her. For context, H is my oldest friend and one of the sweetest and most positive individuals I know, but we don't see each other often, and Tracy doesn't know her very well, mostly through my friendship.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So when I told Tracy that I think I need to check on her, Tracy's reaction to my thought was weird. Because Tracy looked at me and said, wait, are you talking about H? I just remembered my dream from last night. And Tracy proceeded to tell me her dream from the night before were in her dream. She was in a building. She didn't recognize what looked like the outside of a concert hall. The hall was full of people and Tracy didn't know why she was there. But through the crowd of people, she saw H sitting on a bench crying. Tracy knew that this was already a weird dream because H is pretty much always smiling.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And because they don't, they also don't know each other very well. And when she approached H, Tracy asked if everything was okay and tried to comfort her. Um, and when she approached H Tracy asked if everything was okay and tried to comfort her. Tracy explained to me that the dream felt weirder than her other dreams because she didn't recognize anyone or anything about the building, but could remember the details and said, maybe I should contact H. I immediately texted H and said, Hey, just checking in and wanted to see if you're doing okay. This was not the normal way for me to greet her, but it felt like the question to ask within a few minutes, H texted back saying, i'm so glad you texted me i'm not okay it turned out that h had gone through a very upsetting personal event after a concert the
Starting point is 00:13:14 night before around 1 a.m which was a little before tracy woke up from her dream after my conversation with h i asked if the building looked like this using the details from Tracy's dream. And she confirmed that yes. And how did I possibly know that? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I told her about how I had a feeling H needed a friend and how that prompted Tracy to remember this dream. And by the end of the conversation, the three of us were definitely freaked out, but also grateful because I was able to reach out to my friend.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Tracy and I have thought about the synchronicity many times over the years. And after listening to the recent astral projection stories, we've concluded that Tracy may be astral projected to a person who is very important to me and then was able to tell me that my weird feeling was correct. And together we were able to be there for someone who needed support. The experience was indescribably weird but ultimately positive since this first time we have experienced a few other absolutely bananas synchronicities together in both dreams and in real life but we both wanted to share this one first thanks for reading if you do i've been listening since 2017 and dragged tracy on board with me last year and we look forward to every
Starting point is 00:14:21 episode stay safe and wonderful love Love, Amy and Tracy. Oh my gosh, Em. That is so creepy. And I love that the friend is in the middle who's just like not having the dreams and not, you know what I mean? Like, and not having the crisis, but just like in the middle. It's like me telling you,
Starting point is 00:14:40 you need to check on Renee or something. I know. Like it's super off. Exactly, exactly. That's wild. I wonder if it's because Tracy had like just a more in tune with that kind of thing. Yeah. I don't know. It would because you would think like, let's say something happened to Deirdre. Like, why would she reach out to you versus me? Like, right. You would have to be more just openly like more spiritually open to that. right? Oh, did I not tell you Deirdre and I are actually like- Do you text in your dreams or something?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Closer than you guys are in real life now. Yeah. In our dream world. That checks out. Oh, well, I will add real quick before, because I completely forgot until this story started, is that the other day after we did the last listeners episode,
Starting point is 00:15:22 my friend Celine, who I literally didn't know, listen to our show. Like I remember our first listener episode ever, like she sent in one of the stories, but I like didn't realize that she listened to the show regularly. So she listened and she said, Oh, I'm OMG. I was listening to your podcast today. And those fucking dreams we had as children, pardon my French, but what the fuck with that little girl? That was so creepy. And so she remembers this. Remember last, last month I was talking about how, when we were little,
Starting point is 00:15:49 Selene and I would dream about the same girl. And I remember saying that in the last episode and then being like, maybe I'm just inventing that in my head. But Selene heard that episode and went, Oh my God, I forgot about that girl until you mentioned it. And I asked her, she hasn't got back to me, but I asked her like, what was that girl's name? Cause she had a name that we would like journal about. It's very creepy. Anyway, I felt like a little less, I don't remember. I just asked Celine.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Cause I was like, I remember she had a name. Cause if you could describe her and like her name and everything, maybe she's in many people's dreams. Like that other people, like other people could write it and be like, oh yeah, that bitch. Like I know all about her
Starting point is 00:16:25 oh my god i have to ask celine because i'm i i have it like on the tip of my tongue but i don't remember it they have but she had there's this sorry i didn't mean to interrupt no no there's this um uh it's i'm sure you've seen it before because it kind of goes in waves where it's like viral on twitter or like in on reddit but there's a sketch of this man that apparently doesn't exist in real life or nobody's seen in real life but apparently everyone has had a dream of this man and uh like he's never seen this the weird part is that apparently your dreams you can only concoct uh real facial facial definition for people that you have seen in real life. So you can't just like, your brain can't create random faces. Every person that you,
Starting point is 00:17:12 even if you don't really recognize them, it could have been someone you saw on the street that day or something consciously. Right. And everyone has seen this man in detail, which means now I'm scared, even though no one's ever seen him, but your brain can't concoct something you haven't seen, is he real or is he like literally a figment that astral projects into all of our dreams? Okay, that's very frightening because also now that I think about it, that little girl Selene and I dreamed about all the time
Starting point is 00:17:34 and it was always like in our backyards, like we'd be playing together, the three of us. Like she was like a third friend that like we didn't know. But like what we would do is we'd like write down like what she looked like and then compare. And it was always the same. She had brown curly hair, but like to this day,
Starting point is 00:17:50 I remember what she looked like, but like I've never seen, I don't know that person or I don't think I ever met that person. If that theory is right, then like both of you must have like been somewhere in public. And then like she like had,
Starting point is 00:18:02 like you all had like some weird like connection where like her face like sank with you. Or maybe she directed, she like manifested that you'll never forget her. Ew. Or like, she's like that guy where it's just somebody that we didn't know who's just like appearing. Maybe that's his daughter. There's a family of like dream invaders. Or maybe now she's grown up.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Maybe she's grown up now. a family of like dream invaders. Or maybe now she's grown up. Maybe she's grown up now. But yeah, so that was a weird thing is because we didn't spend really time outside of our, because we were next door neighbors, but we went to different schools. Like we never, we didn't know the same people.
Starting point is 00:18:34 So it was just always very weird because like it wasn't someone we would have met together. Anyway, that's again, now we're talking about ourselves. I'm so sorry. But thank you for that story. Very creepy. It's August. So it's obviously fall and Gemini season. So it so sorry. But thank you for that story. Very creepy. It's August. So it's obviously fall and Gemini season.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So it's fine. Yes, that's right. Anything is possible in August. Okay. Anything's possible in our minds. Okay. So this is from Chloe. Isn't it my turn?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Oh, right. I forgot that you're involved in this podcast. Sorry. You always do. It's so sad for me. Oh, I don't know why I just really jumped the gun on that. To be fair, to be fair, I just, just told an entire story about myself. So it was probably for that very reason that you thought I was done. No worries. So this is from Maeve.
Starting point is 00:19:16 He uses she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. Maeve with a V? Maeve, yeah. That's a great name. I've never heard that name before. Really? Yeah. Oh, we had a classmate at BU named Maeve, but she maybe wasn't in. Oh, she wasn't in my classes. But she's, Maeve is one of my favorite names. I think it's really pretty. So Maeve says, synchronicities.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Hello all, my name is Maeve and I have zero real life experience with true crime or the paranormal, which most of the time I'm thankful for, but I love your podcast and hearing your listener stories and always wished I could relate or share a story of my own. My time has come because I have a lot of experience with synchronicities and spooky coincidences. Over the past few years, I've been starting to gather that it may be related to intuition or possibly manifestation. Basically, I've had many instances where I've known something would happen moments or hours before they actually do. Sometimes they are very harmless. For example,
Starting point is 00:20:11 I had never in my life seen a snake in the wild. Thankful for that. I've always known that little garter snakes live in my area, but in my 22 years of life, I had never seen one out and about. One night I was walking out to my car and I had this overwhelming feeling come over me. And I thought to myself, wow, I'm really about to see a snake right now. We've all been there. You know, I have been in, I have been there in different ways where it's like, for no reason, I knew exactly what was coming. So yes, yes. Thankfully when that's happened to me, it was not a snake. So thank God. Yeah. I'd rather be like a serial killer, I think. OK, I thought to myself, wow, I am really about to see a snake right now. Sure enough, two seconds later, there was a little snake crossing the sidewalk in front of me.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Little instances like this have happened to me my whole life. I'll know when I'm going to get a text from someone or I'll know when I'm going to bump into someone that I haven't seen for a while. I've always considered them coincidences, but sometimes the feeling that I know what's going to happen is so overwhelming or sometimes the events that happen are so specific that I can't help but think there's something bigger going on. Just last week, I was cooking dinner while my dad was sitting at the table. I was facing the stove with my back to the rest of the kitchen. I heard him get up from the table and start walking toward the door to our deck. As he passed behind me, I had an overwhelming feeling and i thought to myself he's going to fall gosh i turned my head and said dad and immediately watched him trip and fall landed my open dishwasher
Starting point is 00:21:35 and hit his head on the ground holy shit oh my god he is okay there was no damage done aside from some broken dishes but the fact that i knew it was going to happen kind of scared the crap out of me. What if her saying dad was the thing that he turned and tripped and she was like, oh, my bad. It's like you create your own butterfly effect. Like you manifested it accidentally. Yeah. I usually have these feelings about events and people,
Starting point is 00:22:00 but I've also seen places in my dreams and then later see them in real life. That's happened to me too. That's also really scary. Ugh, yikes. I had a dream that I was kidnapped and taken to this very distinct, rundown-looking, salmon-colored house. While out on a summer drive with my boyfriend at the time,
Starting point is 00:22:16 I got the same overwhelming feeling. I then saw the house and was certain it was the same one from my dream. I figured it was a coincidence and that I must have passed the house at some point in my life, subconsciously remembered it and dreamt about it but what i couldn't explain was that i was so certain that i knew what the inside of the house looked like
Starting point is 00:22:31 i saw the window in front of the house that faced the street and i knew that i had looked through it before from the inside goodbye well full goose can i also do wonder like if i had a dream about something and then saw it in real life i would take it as a sign that I needed to approach it, you know? To like see what, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like go knock on that door and then like the love of my life is behind it or something, you know? Or you're going to get kidnapped like in your dream. Oh, well, it depends on how my dream went. I would determine what happens next.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I think this dream she was trapped inside a house after being kidnapped, so maybe don't go into the house. I see. inside a house after being kidnapped so maybe don't go into the house i see but you know my thought always is like you know quantum and like parallel uh parallel timelines and like maybe there was like a blip like a crossover where that happened to you in another timeline i always see those things as um past life like coming coming back like if i all of a sudden saw if i knew what that house looked like from the inside i would immediately assume oh it's because i lived there in a different life right well well she was kidnapped there though oh okay in the dream anyway sure i i don't know i mean not as not as fun of a thing that i would imagine but it could have been a past life i mean
Starting point is 00:23:42 maybe she was kidnapped in a past life fingers Fingers crossed. I wonder though, like, I wonder, I wonder if it's past life or like just alternate timeline. Who knows? It's all spooky. Like no matter what, it's all very frightening. No matter what the answer is, I don't entirely love it. Oh, good. There's more. Okay. I knew I'd looked through it before from the inside. I asked my boyfriend if he could turn the corner so I could try to see the back of the house. He obviously confused, asked why. I told him that I needed to see if the back door was broken. Sure enough, the back door had a broken
Starting point is 00:24:14 hinge and was slanted in the doorway. Holy shit. I had to really turn my head and look through the trees to see the door. So I know that I could never have just passed the house on a drive and remembered this. I've never known how to explain these occurrences. It could very well just be coincidence, but sometimes it feels a little too spooky to be just that. I'll wrap this up with a cute and funny time. This happened. Feel free to not to read that. Nope. I'm going to read it. When I was in my sophomore year of college, I met this boy on Tinder. We'll call him Tyler. We did the awkward college friends with benefits thing for a few months and ended up becoming great friends. The hooking up part
Starting point is 00:24:48 fizzled out. We both went on to date other people, but we were still best friends and would hang out almost every day. About two years later, I was having dinner with my friend. We'll call her Paige. She asked me why Tyler and I weren't dating at this point. I told her that anything romantic between us had faded away years ago and it's just never come up. Later that night, I was hanging out with Tyler. Everything was 100% normal. We were playing video games and decided to order food. Mid-conversation about calzone fillings, I got the overwhelming feeling that I knew exactly what was about to happen. I thought to myself, is this boy really about to make a move right now? Tyler is not smooth by any means, so I can assure you there were no other hints or flirting going on needless to say a move was made my friend page really got a kick out of that when
Starting point is 00:25:30 i told her the next day thank you for taking the time to read all of this and thank you for being such beautiful people i'm sending you all my love during this insane year and hope to see you live in philly this november oh boy oh boy know what? Also I came up with, and, uh, and like those five seconds, I was thinking. A new quantum theory. Kinda. No,
Starting point is 00:25:51 but like at least a new, like, uh, damn, why can't I think of the word? I don't know. I'll let me rewind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So another thought to the Maeve's previous story of the house is what if there was someone that was kidnapped in there who Astral projected to her? Ew. Who was trying to ask for help. That is a good point. Like after the last story. Yeah. That's a really good point. Like what if she just glimpsed into somebody else's experience?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah. Oh my God. What if there's someone in there that's been kidnapped? Maybe you should go check that out again. We got to call somebody. Because I was thinking about like, let's say like our previous story where someone who didn't really know the friend was the one that was most openly like who was most open to it.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Maybe it was just someone out there kind of meditating and whoever like had like the strongest signal got connected. Picked up on that, especially since you seem to have this going on throughout your life. And that's so creepy. Not to like put a total bummer on that, on the end of that story, but like it was just another theory.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Maybe let's just, why don't you, Maeve, why don't you Google the address and just see if anything comes up. Yeah. Just a quick glance. I mean, I'm sure, I'm sure it's just, why don't you, Maeve, why don't you Google the address and just see if anything comes up? Yeah. Just a quick glance. I mean, I'm sure it's nothing, but just still really creepy that you knew the door was broken. That freaks me out.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. Okay. That's so specific. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Anyway, moving on, kind of. This one's from Chloe and Ella, which i immediately recognize as another c and e duo so cute love that i love it love that for them love that for us love it for us so chloe and
Starting point is 00:27:33 ella say who are both she her by the way thank you for normalizing pronouns uh chloe and ella say oh they're checking in from the buckeye state welcome back christine hi sorry that was really just one aggressive just one aggressive wave sorry um so they say since christine asked for weird synchronicity stories we thought we would tell you ours we're bffs who met through our third bff and we have been twins in a past life because everything in our current lives keeps syncing up and mirroring each other's. So that's a pretty fun story or a theory. That's super fun. I think Em and I maybe thought about
Starting point is 00:28:11 maybe we were twins one time and then went, no, I think we were probably just like frenemies or something. I'm pretty, I like would bet money if there was a way to like gamble and then find evidence of this, I would bet one of us murdered the other in a past life. Em literally is stuck
Starting point is 00:28:25 on this theory, which makes me a little nervous that it was me and I'm just living in denial. Well, what are the odds that now we're like very close and only talk about death
Starting point is 00:28:33 all the time? Only talk about death and are weirdly obsessed with it? Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like we've got a bond that just we can't shake. It's like this lifetime
Starting point is 00:28:42 we came back in order to like face our literal demons and like uh conquer our our past maybe the suicidal relationship maybe the final episode of this of the show will be us like figuring out our actual past true crime on each other in seriously in real life can we like go to a like a past life regression a thousand percent because like i know i knew you in a past life in some capacity i just don't know what it was without question it was without question we were probably shitty children eva was our mom being like i can't wait to get away from you in
Starting point is 00:29:12 the next life and then we just dragged her back in okay or eva okay uh when we met this is chloe and ella again when we met we lived a few blocks away from each other and had never previously met until our third friend introduced us. Okay. We are both the only other person either of us knows who doesn't like potatoes. That's a strong sign. I was going to say, I don't know anyone who doesn't like potatoes. So that is a strong sign. Chloe, if you could let me know what that house is called so I can do a story on it. Well, I'm just going to say, like, I don't know. I think my mom's is in contention with that for that title. So can confirm as someone who has spent many nights there compare and contrast maybe uh the paranormal investigators who came to ella's house said it was the most haunted house that they've ever investigated again holy shit ella i want more info on this
Starting point is 00:29:59 can i just do a story on both of their houses yeah Yeah, I'm curious. Send us, don't send us your address, but maybe. Well, like, maybe send us half of the address and I can figure out the rest. We were both married when we met. Chloe's husband's birthday was a couple days before Ella's birthday, and Ella's husband's birthday was the day after Chloe's. We both separated from our husbands within the same year for the same kind of reasons. And when we both started dating again, it was to the exact same type of guy down to the no driver's license at living at home with elderly parents.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And Ella's new bow looks like Chloe's ex while Chloe's new bow looks like Ella's ex. Whoa. We both have a black cats named after sci-fi characters. Both of our great aunts traveled overseas together in the six together in the 60s as part of the same retiree travel group um and we didn't even know that until they both passed away so you literally have relatives that were like together that's weird that's bananas that is uh we were both born last name we were both born last name straight out of the Iliad.
Starting point is 00:31:06 We were both born with last name straight out of the Iliad. Sometimes we have the same dreams on the same nights and we instinctively know when the other one is having a rough day. It turns out we both had always wanted to start an art gallery. So we did. And now we're also business partners. Thanks for reading and keep up the great work we both love the podcast chloe and ella okay well that's him they're giving us a run for
Starting point is 00:31:31 our money on the friendship i was gonna say we got some two best friends that are coming in hot as twins we got the gemini twin thing going they got the like past life twin thing going so they might be winning whatever chloe and ella one of us kind of probably killed each other in the past life. So whatever. Okay. Yeah. Beat that. One of us went to prison probably. No,
Starting point is 00:31:50 one of us got away with it. I'm pretty sure. One of us for sure got away. If it was me, I didn't get away with it, but if it was M I'm sure they did get away with it. I like to think I was scrappier in another life. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Oh, boy, boy. Okay. This is an email from Ashley Curtin. He's a she, her pronouns. Thank you so Oh, boy, oh, boy. Okay. This is an email from Ashley Curtin. He uses she, her pronouns. Thank you so much, Ashley, for normalizing pronouns. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:10 The subject of this email is a UFO synchronicity listener episode 43. Okay. Oh, is this episode 43? Maybe. Is it? I honestly don't even know. Who's to say? Maybe Miss Curtin.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Who's to say? Maybe Miss Curtin knows. Okay. So it says, greeting friends. Nope, it does not. That's not English. Salutations. Salutations.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Take me to your leader. Okay. Greetings, friends. A request was made for synchronicities, or as Em calls them, weird-ass coincidences. And boy, howdy, do I have a fun one for you. My mom is really into fun supernatural stuff. She specifically enjoys a good alien show or story.
Starting point is 00:32:52 She would always record ancient aliens and would often force me to watch top-secret alien files on TV. I'm jealous of your mom, just saying. Yeah. I wish my mom were more interested in that instead of, like, Lifetime movies. I wish my mom was interested in anything other than Tony Robbins. So I always forget about your mom's obsession with Tony Robbins and it always gets me every time. So here's a weird thing that I'm going to talk about real quick. So my mom and RJ, I think were either they knew each other in a past life or they were like related in a past life.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It's very weird they're like so i know this has nobody knows how i've like turned this into something both of them are obsessed with tony robbins is where the connection came from um but it's weird because when i think about rj he literally like kind of has too many similarities to my mom and they both are like weirdly obsessed with each other too. Like RJ will be like, oh my God, how's your mom? How's your mom? How's your mom? And then my mom's always like, how's RJ? How's RJ? And like never asks about like anyone as much as she asks about RJ. They both love each other because they both have so many similarities. He really wanted to get into business for a while. My mom literally offered to like be his mentor. Like, I don't know what, I don't know what their deal is, but their first bond and their first love ever was Tony Robbins. And I, my mom
Starting point is 00:34:11 has been obsessed with Tony Robbins for as long as I can remember. And when I met RJ, he already had some like tendencies that reminded me of my mom. And I was like, that's interesting. I'm kind of like friends with like, uh, like a 20 something year old Linda. And then he was like, Oh my God, by the way, while we're friends, have I told you how much I'm obsessed with Tony Robbins? And I was like, oh no. I was like, get out of here, Linda man.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And so anytime I hear Tony Robbins, which like I just brought up on my own, I always think of how weird their relationship is. Anyway, moving on. Anyway, moving on. So Em's getting like third wheeled in their own family. Maybe they killed each other in a past life. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Maybe we all killed you. I mean, it sounds like it's starting to become more apparent that you were the problem in all of this. Yeah, that's fine. I mean, I made it out alive the next life, so. Oh, boy. Okay. In the summer of 2014, my family went to Myrtle beach, South Carolina with some of our family friends and my boyfriend. One evening, my mom kept going on about
Starting point is 00:35:11 how she wanted to walk on the beach and look at the stars for aliens used to her enthusiastic rantings. We didn't think much of it. In fact, I couldn't even know. In fact, I even remember making fun of her for it that same evening. Tommy went went out on a late run kayleen and i i assume these are the friends yes i think so and the boyfriend sounds right kayleen and i headed out after him but decided we would just walk as kayleen and i were heading out my mom told us to look out for aliens in all capital letters okay that's us as parents it is make sure you snapchat them so that we get proof. Bring every single ghost piece of equipment you have. Instead of like pack a charged cell phone, we're like pack an EMF detector just in case.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Don't come back until you find Mothman. Okay? And bring him here. Our rental houses were down near the Apache Pier, and as we started off on our walk, we headed north. It was already dark when Kayleen and I started walking. For those of you who are familiar with Myrtle Beach, you know there's lots of houses and hotels along the shoreline, making the area bright even if it's at night. But at some points along the shoreline, you will reach a darker area where there are no lights shining off the water. It's in these areas where you can enjoy the noise of the sea and the
Starting point is 00:36:20 quiet of the evening. Kayleen and I had reached a dark part of the shoreline that was about a half mile long. It was here where we saw something we couldn't explain. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a single bright light above the water. It was circular, like a spotlight, and it was close. I turned to look, thinking it was a boat or something, but all I saw on the horizon was the single light. Kayleen turned to, and as we watched,
Starting point is 00:36:43 more lights began to turn on. First it was the one, then Kayleen turned two, and as we watched, more lights began to turn on. First it was the one, then three, then five, until a whole line of lights was hovering in a horizontal line above the horizon. There were a few strange things I noticed. One, the lights seemed really close, but we couldn't see anything except the lights, and it was a clear night. Two, we couldn't hear anything except the ocean. The next part is a little hard to describe but all the lights began to move and circle around the original light they were they were different colors too green red and white and they didn't stop moving until they all combined into the original bright light and then winked out goodbye oh i remember thinking this is it. This is the end. I turned to really, oh God. I turned to Kayleen, who was in utter amazement. Before we could even figure out what to say, we then saw the lights again. They repeated the same pattern, one light, then three, et cetera, in a horizontal line hovering above the ocean. Large and big and bright, but no noise, nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:45 big and bright but no noise nothing being the only ones on the beach we turned and started to quickly walk back to our rental house we ran into another person who immediately asked us if we had seen those strange lights in the sky oh yeah somebody else saw it this person was clearly as wigged out as we were tommy showed up a few minutes later and he too had seen the lights even though he had been farther down the beach completely confused the three of us raced back home to tell my mom, who was so jealous of us and didn't understand why the UFOs and aliens would show themselves to us non-believers when she, a true believer, wanted to see them. She manifested that too, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:16 She told them, like, look out for aliens, you know. Either manifested it or she knew it somehow. Like she knew it was going to happen and was like, go walk out there and find it. Duck and cover. Duck and cover. She walked the beach every night of our vacation after that. Oh, no. Poor thing, looking for the aliens.
Starting point is 00:38:34 The three of us are still not sure what we saw that night. It was definitely a UFO. And even though I don't believe it was aliens specifically, I can't explain what I saw. If you're interested at all, a few videos exist online and there are comments and threads about the phenomenon ranging from 2008 to a more recent video in 2018. And to this day, all three of us still remember the lights and the patterns that it made in the sky. My mom missed them, unfortunately, but maybe a part of her knew that her UFO buddies were hanging out nearby the night we all went out. She still complains about how she missed them.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Hope you enjoyed this tale. A few more fun things to note. My mom still loves aliens. And when I called to tell her I was sending in the story, she answered on the first ring, but in classic mom style, never answers when you truly need her to. Right. Of course. And my 2014 boyfriend, Tommy is now my husband. Yay. That makes me happy. I love when people give us those updates. It makes me happy i love when people give us those updates it makes me happy um and kayleen was my maid of honor at the wedding oh and who was i was gonna say go lights above the dance floor i was gonna say and the alien was the groomsman i'm confused dj stay spooky y'all give the fur babies a cuddle from me tea milkshake with love Ashley I love that that was great that was so creepy that would also definitely be us as as parents of like oh yeah if our kids
Starting point is 00:39:51 say oh we found a haunted house and there was definitely a demon I'd kind of be like why do I only have to hear this now why don't I get to be a part of it I would be like everybody back in the car take us there I feel like I I'm so glad I wasn't there but i'm so mad i wasn't there yeah yeah i'm like jealous a little bit so my final story because i know you've got another one but my final story is from joe lee um who goes by she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and the subject is weird cool kind of unexplainable randonautica experience oh so this is what jolie has to say hey y'all hope you're doing well during these crazy times and taking uh some time for important self-care this podcast is literally one of my favorites um and is a huge part of my me time so thank you for all
Starting point is 00:40:40 you do yay me time so my story uh started So my story started after the episode where Em covered Randonautica. I vaguely knew about the app, but mostly just heard about the horrifying story of the kids finding the body in the suitcase. When Em went into more detail about it, I became super interested. And even though I was kind of freaked out, I wanted to try it for myself. So I love that I like caused a wave of Randonautica. You did. I'm very proud of us for that because there's obviously most stories I tell if it's a ghost story, it's because the story already happened. And now there's a dead person who's a ghost. Like it's like already happened. This is the only time arguably that we'll ever
Starting point is 00:41:21 get to say, oh, here's a thing and now like beat beat it before the trend is over for sure and i i love that you like uh spark this wave but also in a way of saying but don't put like death and demons as your intention like do it in a positive way so most people most people i think stuck to that which which made me happy fingers crossed although someone said that they did listen to us because we said like, oh, make your intention. That's why we drink. And someone ended up in like the back alley of a Nordstrom. And I was like, I don't know how that really does. Oh, they did say that. I did see that. I thought they said something because I responded to that. And they said something about like cheesecake, like there was a cheesecake factory there or something. Or maybe I made that up. I'll look. I'll check later. Let's pretend you didn't make it up because anytime I want to intention us, I also want cheesecake. So it made sense to me. Um, so Julie says, I figured if, uh, I figured it kind of works
Starting point is 00:42:15 like a Ouija board. Maybe if you use it with a clear mind and a positive intent, you will receive that back. And that made me feel more comfortable. So I decided to go for it. That's a great way to put it. And I don't know why I didn't think so true why didn't i think of that when i spent like 20 minutes trying to explain how randonautica works i literally could just said it's like a ouija board because if you like put the effort into it then maybe something spooky will come out because it's what you're looking for a message that day after the episode uh i downloaded the app and drove to an empty parking lot in my town. I sat in my car for a few minutes with my eyes closed and took some deep breaths while I cleared my mind and focused on my intent.
Starting point is 00:42:52 The thought in my head was clarity on what I want to do for a career. Okay. So that was the intention, clarity. That's a good one. That's a really good one. I think so. That's a good one. That's a really good one.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I think so. Recently, I've been struggling between picking between two of my very different passions. Part of me wants to be a tattoo artist and the other wants to be a lawyer. You can be both. Why not? Yeah. I mean, I guess they're probably saying like they didn't know which one to put their energy toward. Two different paths.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Anyway, I figured I'd use the app for, uh, basically just shits and giggles. Um, with my intent in my mind and speaking it aloud, I pressed the button and it generated the coordinates and put them into my map. It was about 10 minutes away in a part of my town that I haven't been to. Um, and I started driving and eventually stopped at a stoplight less than half a mile from the location. I figured I should be aware of my surroundings. So I looked ahead of me and right across the street from the stoplight was a tattoo shop. I instantly had goosebumps, but I also felt a little bit disappointed, I guess. Well, I still had a little bit to drive. So I turned right at the stoplight and no joke, right around the corner was a district court.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Oh, maybe it was just all the hype from the app, but it just seemed too weird for a coincidence. and no joke right around the corner was a district court. Oh! Maybe it was just all the hype from the app, but it just seemed too weird for a coincidence that it had me drive on a route with a tattoo shop and a district court that were practically right across the street from one another. I don't live in a big town, so it was a pretty weird coincidence. I've kind of, it's like, did not give you clarity at all.
Starting point is 00:44:23 It literally just brought you to like your you're, you're at the end. That's it doesn't take you to like, that was my first brand and Nautica experience and I'll probably go again just for fun. Thanks for reading this. Um, PS, I still have no idea what I want to do, but I'm leaning towards going back to school to get my BA so I can go to law school. Uh, there, there are way too many injustices in the country. And I'll always be a defender type.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I was literally called a lawyer as a child by schoolmates. So I think it's my calling. Oh, yay. But also like you should be a lawyer that like also like does tattoos on the side. You could probably get like some YouTube. I mean, I know being a lawyer takes up a whole lot of time. But once you're established as a lawyer, maybe you can like start doing get inked up inked up um wow em that's creepy but like you're right it didn't give any clarity i thought we were gonna like she was gonna turn the corner again and end up at like and there's
Starting point is 00:45:14 gonna be a person like with a sign that said her name and said you're a lawyer yeah yeah yeah or like there's like a tatted up lawyer leaving i don't know i thought it was gonna be more uh more clear but that is interesting because i guess it never claimed to like give you answers it just claimed to like hear your intention and like take you to something related to it so anyway interesting interesting this is from shelby and the subject is oshaga synchronicity okay i hope i'm saying that correctly o Oshaga. It says, hi Eva M. Christine and all the furry creatures from beautiful BC, Canada. Hello. My name is Shelby Sheher. I am such a fan and was supposed to be at your Seattle show right in the front row.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I may have shed a few tears and drank a bottle or two or three of wine to get over my heartache. Me too. If that makes you feel any better, I was crying right alongside you. Christine asked for synchronicity stories for August and I will admit I was unsure of exactly what I would email. Nope. Unsure exactly of what that would entail. Then I listened to Em discuss how Randonautica works
Starting point is 00:46:17 and how things seem to appear or manifest. Then I realized that I finally had a story to submit. It was August, 2017. And I flew out to Toronto to spend the long weekend with my best friend. She's my person. We've been best friends since high school. We busted from Toronto to Montreal for the Oshaga music festival. She was part of a choir called choir, choir, choir, with an exclamation point after each one. And they were invited to perform there. Before I left, my mom had given me a book
Starting point is 00:46:46 called E Squared by Pam Grout. It gives you nine basic 48-hour experiments to prove that there is a positive force to help shape your life with your mind. Okay, this is my kind of book. Wait a minute. Where do you find that? I need to write this down.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Nope. E Squared by Pam Grout. I'm going to find that later. I'll read it and then I'll give you the spark notes, Em. Oh, thank you. I am glad you know exactly what. Does it have a lot of pictures? Because maybe I'll also get it.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It sounds like maybe it doesn't seem like a picture book, but maybe. It gives you nine basic 48-hour experiments to prove there's a positive force to help shape your life with your mind. I cracked into it on the plane and was hooked right away. One of the 48 hour experiments that I decided to try was basically where you put a random but specific item into the universe. Okay, love that. So it was August and I figured how about Christmas? Then to be more specific, snowmen and Christmas lights.
Starting point is 00:47:41 No way I will spot those. Good point. Sure. When I met up with my girlfriend, I found out she couldn't get me a pass for the festival passes were pricey and money wasn't a luxury luxury for me by any means. So I figured, okay, no problem. I'll walk around the area where our Airbnb was, which was a super cool and artsy part of old Montreal and enjoy where I was. As I was wandering around waiting for her to arrive back from the festival, I decided I would
Starting point is 00:48:04 also try to manifest passes for the festival. the heck not right well this is actually quite smart yeah that night my girlfriend returned and surprised me with a day pass for the next day i was shocked what was the coincidence we went to a shaga and it was so crazy amazing the energy and the people with the music was just overwhelming as i'm pushing along with the crowds i look ahead and holy shit it's a group of friends all together wearing snowmen 2ks okay this is the word that eva had to look up did you see that in the email no what 2k yeah what 2k t-o-u-q-u-e oh what? Okay, apparently it's like a hat with a pom-pom on it. Ah, that's what that's called? Huh.
Starting point is 00:48:49 In Canada, I guess. Like the beanie with the pom-pom? Yeah, but I don't know if it's toque. Oh, it's pronounced toque. Sorry. Okay, but snowmen, let's start there. That's fucking terrifying. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And like shocking. Not terrifying, but like very eerie. It's terrifying. I'd be terrified. I'd be like, wow, I did not see that coming. Holy shit. It's a group of friends all together wearing snowmen tokes, goose cam. There were so many more synchronicities that came up that weekend, but the one that got me,
Starting point is 00:49:17 my girlfriend, her husband, and I went over to one of their friend's apartments downtown. One of those huge open brick exposed two-floor hip apartments i came around the corner and the huge two-story window facing the city was lined with multi-colored christmas lights i couldn't believe it anyways i hope you enjoyed my story hope it wasn't too long and i hope i can see you on tour soon thanks so much for making something i look forward to every sunday stay spooky from me and my kitty finnegan. Oh, wow. I mean, that's so I know I said the word terrifying, but I think the word is more like just jarring and that jarring. Yes. Like even if it wasn't like threatening at all, I'm still creeped out. It's like it's like
Starting point is 00:49:57 disarming. You're like, wait, disarming is a good word. I wasn't expecting to see that, even though I was in a way. Right. So's so wild. I want to play that game. I'm going to download that book. Yeah. No, it sounds like a book right up your alley. And when you're here next week, we can go randonauting. Yes. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Em, I cannot wait. I'm so excited. I'm going to start brainstorming intentions for us. I will also, I got to say, mine was probably not super scary because I was telling Allison I wanted to go before it got dark. So that way, if we got anything creepy, at least it wasn't awesome in the dark. So I think it took away some of the creepiness
Starting point is 00:50:32 because it was in broad daylight. I get that. I don't blame you though. I mean, sometimes you're just not in the mood for like full on terror. Not always. Not always. Anyway, thank you guys for listening.
Starting point is 00:50:44 And I apologize to everyone for how chatty I've been. I'm just like in a totally specific form today. I was like up here this week, but I'm all about it. I don't know what's going on. It's like I've never had caffeine before or something, but I don't know what's going on. Baby's first ice cream, baby's first coffee. But thank you everyone for letting me
Starting point is 00:51:04 just like ramble and ramble. So, well, that's what we do every week. If you have a story to send us, you can go to our website and that's way to
Starting point is 00:51:13 and submit it there. And we have like a little spot for if you want to put your pronouns, if you're comfortable with that, if you want to put your subject and your story, just email it. It'll go straight to our inbox
Starting point is 00:51:21 and Eva will sort through them. Yes. I don't have a subject for next week. Obviously you have August when the leaves fall. So September is like September's when the, when the heat wave comes in. I don't know. I don't know. Step on a, step on a leaf. I don't know. You know, classic September snow. Listen, this is a free for all. If there's a story, here's what I want to request. If there's a story, because a lot of times we read in these things, people say like, oh, I never thought I had a story to send in until you suggested this theme. So if there's
Starting point is 00:51:55 a story where you're like, I don't know if that fits or like, I don't know, send that in. Because I want to hear the stories that people aren't sure if like it fits the theme or whatever. Like just if you have anything and you've been on the on the edge of sending it or not this is your sync this is your sign your synchronicity from the universe that you should just go ahead and hit send and uh send it our way yes all right we'll see you in september oh god oh my word okay and that's why we drink. Yay.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Bye.

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