And That's Why We Drink - E44 Turtle Tortoise and Frogger: lRL

Episode Date: December 3, 2017

It’s time for episode 44! Em covers a restaurant in Florida, but before you get too excited, it’s not Señor Frog’s. It’s called Ashley’s of Rockledge, or as we like to call it, the Loose Ca...boose. Meanwhile, Christine covers the crazy folie a deux case of Ursula and Sabine Erikkson, the identical twins who not only murdered someone, but also threw themselves into traffic NUMEROUS TIMES - and survived. Also, Em’s first memory is falling through their grandma’s legs, and Christine’s stepdad once drove over her mom’s foot. So hop on the Loose Caboose with us and ride some coattails!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we on now? We just had a whole conversation about olives and blue cheese and nobody got to hear it. Probably for the best. Everyone's probably really grateful. Everyone's like, thank God. At least we're five minutes done already. Maybe we should do that every time. We should just not hit record and talk.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Right. We should just get all of our gab out early. Anyway, guys, the bottom line is I don't like olives or blue cheese and Christine does. And I'm on my third martini. There. That was the moral of the story. Because I bought a dollar martini glass at Goodwill. So what's up? What the fuck is up? Listen, tell me. So much is up. Why are you drinking? Please tell me what you're drinking. I have a lot of reasons. Uh-huh. A, somebody delivered a Christmas tree to our house today, which I'm super excited about. That's all. B, and it's my first Christmas tree. I also watched Christine not tip him.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Listen, I said maybe I should tip him. I was confused. Gia was freaking out. It was overwhelming for everyone. I'll probably email the woman at the company and be like, can you give him $10 and put it on my credit card? I don't know. I'm really stressed out about it. Also, I just want to add, we have a subreddit now. Yay! Someone made us a subreddit. It's ATWWD Podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Perfect. Also, I want to add, this is something m brought to my attention uh a woman named okay her instagram handle is at mj bash 71 she made a license plate that says listen yeah she got her we have our first uh custom something from someone we always thought that it'd be cool if someone got a tattoo of our logo or like we were our goal is to have someone love us enough one day to give us a tattoo but so far this girl's winning because she got a custom license plate meant for us and it says listen i mean come on it's a what state was it texas all right so if you're in texas and you see this the license plate listen that's because of us give her a little love bump with your give her a little listen give her a
Starting point is 00:02:08 little listen uh also another thing is that people are trying to come up with a name for our listeners you know how like my favorite murder is murderinos i heard drinksters i liked that drinksters is good the number one right now on the poll um is boozers and shakers which is funny because it's like boozers and milkshakers okay i'm into that boozers and shakers the only thing is it's kind of long so people are trying to find like a more succinct way of saying it but boozers and shakers is like the number one right now uh and also jessica our wonderful moderator on facebook has created this cool map feature where you can add like tag yourself she's just amazing isn't she she does everything wow she just moderates bless you jessica the hell out of everything also let's go back to the name real quick i like how it's booze like booze and booze like ghosts so that's
Starting point is 00:02:54 a twofer right there it's as my dad would say a double entendre oh uh so jessica made this awesome map where you can like pin where you are so and, and she said so that when Emma and Christine want to create, um, like a tour schedule, they can see. She's, she's basically managing us already. She's, she's not, she's not giving us the heads up to do a tour. She's just like greasing the wheels for us. She's just like, Hey, I'm gonna pave you a yellow brick road. She's like, when you choose to do it, we'll have already all prepared for you.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So just saying. That's there if you want to add your location. Also, before I forget, next Facebook Live is Sunday, December 10th at 3 p.m. Right, Em? Oh, yes. What are we going to do at that Facebook Live? We're probably going to fuck up the wi-fi we're probably gonna fuck up not having a selfie stick the audio might be off and we won't be able to see any comments oh my god great so if you like anything that we just said
Starting point is 00:03:59 what the fuck is wrong with you like do you not want to do you want to miss that no i don't i do but i have to be there you want to miss that? No, I don't. I do. But I have to be there no matter what. Unfortunately, we have to be a part of it. Speaking of Patreon. I want to add that this week's episode is sponsored by Mio Diaz. Nice. Thanks, Mio.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Thanks for the cool name. OK, so it's at MioDoll. It looks like she's... I'm stalking her Twitter because I'm a psycho. Yay! It looks like she's from Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg. Hey! Okay, so that's why you picked her because she's a fellow German.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Noah? Maybe? I think you did. Nepotism? I think so. So thank you, Mio, for your donation. For your charity for your generosity for your philanthropy for your philanthropy for your humanitarianism yeah yeah yeah humanitarianism before people say i said that wrong m just drinks a lot i just have a lot of martinis. I just have a lot of strokes. Oh. Well, that too.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So also there's a fun thing we're planning for our $25 donors that is coming soon. It is coming. And I think it will be available for others, but I think our $25 patrons are going to definitely get an early surprise. They're going to get it faux free, and it's going to be a good time. Real exciting. It's going to be a good time that lasts a long time, if you know what I'm saying. They don't yet, but they will. I mean, I do, but they don't.
Starting point is 00:05:36 But like, it's funny to only you. As many of my jokes are. Right. Also, speaking of $25 donors and $10 donors, we have promised these video episodes and I promise you they're coming. And I'm also coming up with some other fun ideas for maybe posting. Well, I'm not going to. These videos are like our new shipping bullshit where we're like, we promise it's coming. We promise it's coming. And then we figured it out. And now we have something else to horribly just try to we just keep failing left and right we
Starting point is 00:06:10 keep trying and uh but it's the next thing it is the next thing so videos are coming soon and we have your the 25 donors are allowed to submit um topics for video episodes that everyone who pays ten dollars or more on patreon can watch so we're going to start those really soon and we have a couple logged um like eric skull and some other people have submitted their uh suggestions and we're going to make those videos real soon so get ready bada bing bada boom bada bing bada boom anyway why are you drinking you know why i'm drinking i do but like tell me more can you tell people what's happened so far here's the thing you're in the storyline that you're aware of all right go as far back as you can listen so what happened was m has lived in this place for about a year for over a year now for over a year and um
Starting point is 00:07:08 two of the roommates are moving out and so i was like oh i'm gonna find some new roommates so um they found two roommates who are gonna live with them in the house and planned it all out got in contact with the landlord and the landlord was like no you did everything wrong and also by tomorrow i need you to give me five thousand dollars in a cashier's check and that's definitely a condensed version of what happened it's an incredibly condensed version i swear to god my landlord is a breathing walking living nightmare with legs and no heart and she basically a thousand things went wrong and then at the very end all we needed to do we actually signed the lease and she decided okay well I need your security deposit and your rent, your first month's rent. And I was
Starting point is 00:08:05 like, okay, I have a check right here. And she said, No, I need a cashier's check. I had to get $4600 in a cashier's check. But here's the thing. I don't have a West Coast bank. So that that's my fault before people say, Well, you should get one. I know. And that is exactly what I'm fucking doing this weekend. So this never happens again. So I was like, what do I do? And they were like, well, you can at least get it in cash. So I went to the ATM. Fun fact, ATMs only have a thousand dollar limit. And that's where Christine comes in. And that's why I called Christine and I said, I need all of your money in cash now. And I was like, oh, okay. Christine handled it. She will. No, barely. She handled $500 worth because the fucking PNC didn't give me any more than $500. So basically Christine was
Starting point is 00:08:54 able to give me $500 in cash that night. Thank God I have good friends. Yes. They all helped me out. They all gave me cash. And then I tried to Venmo them back and Venmo has a policy where you can't actually spend as much money as I needed I could PayPal them or some bullshit like that but at this point I've only got a couple days left them a check why are you laughing because the first time I tried to write a check in this story she was like no cashier's check $4,600 in cash tonight all right so it's like a circular it's like just a trigger now for me so i never want to write a check circle of life okay anyway i'm in debt two thousand dollars to people even though i have two thousand dollars and i have the best friends in the world for helping me down to the wire and trusting me to
Starting point is 00:09:37 give them money immediately after they hand me all of the cash in their accounts and then i drove to a 7-eleven in the middle of the night. And then after that, I was so stressed that like my way of going to the bar and getting a drink is going to a hookah bar. And I was desperate that night. So I just drove to a hookah bar on a work night. I met up with my friend Nate. Right. And he didn't know any of this was going on.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And I met him at the hookah bar and I told him I was going to be late, but if he wanted, he can meet me at my car. And so he gets in my car while I'm trying to count all this money to make sure I have the right amount. And he hasn't seen me in like a month and a half. And he opens up my car door and I'm covered in a hundred dollar bills and I'm trying to count it. And I'm like, get in the car. There's no time. Help me count. I'll explain later. And this guy was like, what the fuck is going on? So anyway, it looked like I robbed a bank. I know I took every, you could have just fast forward through all that. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But this has just been a nightmare and everyone needs to share my pain. So guys, if you hear machine gun fire during this episode, M has brought us into a really sticky predicament. Tell me a story because now I feel like listen, I'm drinking my third Nothing can be worse than what I just went through. No, and I'm drinking my third martini
Starting point is 00:10:53 and I ate all the olives out of it. So I feel like I'm at a low point. You're at a low point? I think you're at a fucking high point. I'm at a low point. Alright, this is a restaurant in florida get ready wait is it senor frogs no but i love a good senor frogs um all right what if senor frogs was haunted it probably is someone has gotten a little too drunk
Starting point is 00:11:21 there and done some sort of spiritual damage i think think. Oh, my God. It's probably one of those people who do body shots. Yeah. And they probably died, and now they hunt. It's when they pour that bottle from, like, a yard away. Yes. And it somehow always gets into your mouth. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:35 The body shot people probably are, like, ghosts where they float around with, like, shots on their belly buttons. Okay, go on. So it's called Ashley's of of rockledge oh that's way fancier the name of the restaurant it is in the area north of melbourne and south of coco beach so we all know where that is i still don't know does anyone know where that is not me when i think melbourne i think australia me too melbourne okay and, I think Australia. Me too. Melbourne. Okay. And when I think of Cocoa Beach, I think of Cocoa Puffs. Me too.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Okay. Well, that's where that was originated. It was said to be the site of an old railroad depot, and that railroad depot burnt down to the ground. Oh, that's unfortunate. So it's laying on the remains of said railroad depot. Okay. It was then built back up after the prohibition or after the repeal
Starting point is 00:12:26 of prohibition um aka your heyday listen what would you be like if we didn't if there was like if we still could not drink alcohol what kind of person would you be i would be a um be doing a lot of illegal things wouldn't you a moonshine salesman yep you know my mom uh used to ferment her own moonshine in our basement which by the way is not legal so if you're a cop you didn't hear this but uh she was the reason that a lot of people in my town had their first sip of moonshine nice she was like you want in and they were like fuck yeah i do got him good and drunk illegal i don't know my stepdad makes beer in the basement that's fine it's moonshine i think because it's basically concentrated alcohol and you're in the south maybe it's still a thing
Starting point is 00:13:17 maybe anyway linda she should have kept that business going because apparently she made some good moonshine she had like cherry moonshine and normal moonshine. And it will always baffle me that you don't drink alcohol. It baffles me that it baffles people. Because when I tell you the stories in private about the shit my parents went through or the kind of parties they went to, it's like, oh, well, that's why you don't do it. Yeah. But see, same.
Starting point is 00:13:40 But I went the opposite. I feel like we both had similar situations. But my coping mechanism was like all right i'll just erase it with some gin and i just surrounded myself with a bunch of friends in high school who wanted to get drunk enough that i didn't have to like just got drunk enough that we were both kind of drunks you know if you put their over alcohol content with my underwhelming amount, it made two normal drunk people. See, my dad always said that because he didn't drink in college and all his friends were like crazy drunk like Germans. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I love, I wouldn't trade you for saying. I hate being sober around drunk people because they want to just, I just want to kill all of them. Yeah, but I'm pretty wild without alcohol. And so when other people are drunk, they like finally match up to me. So I'm like, oh, now I'm with the right kind of people. That's what my dad always said. He always told us like when he was younger in his 20s, he would go to bars and stuff and hang out.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And then the next day they'd be like, Bernie, you were doing this crazy thing. You were so drunk. And he was a sober one. He was the only one not drinking. But like was like and they balanced out yeah and when he told me the stories i was always like oh because like they were too drunk i was like little and i was like oh they just didn't know like and he goes no i was actually doing all those things i was just sober and i was like oh god we just finally matched energies exactly so uh before it was called ashley's of rockledge it was
Starting point is 00:15:06 uh called cooney's tavern or well i'm just gonna go through the name uh through the list cooney's tavern the mad duchess the loose caboose which could mean a few things nowadays winner winner sparrow hawk which is weird because those are two types of that doesn't make any sense that's like eagle falcon yeah that's like turtle tortoise swan dove and then it was also called gentleman jims listen before it was ashley's abaclage i like the one what was the one the loose caboose yeah that's the one that's the winner uh so anyway when it was called jack's tavern it was a super classy area um you had like like black tie affair like guys were wearing top hats and women were wearing their nicest dresses. Oh, my. Glitz and glam, I tell you.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Top hats. Top hats and coattails. Ooh, coattails. Love a good coattail. Love riding on them. You know, you gotta ride on them. You gotta ride on them. I don't want to do the work.
Starting point is 00:16:16 It's lonely up top. Let me hang out on the coattails. You gotta go to the Loose Caboose and ride on some coattails. My favorite ride at the Loose Caboose is a good old coattail. I don't know how you don't drink. It sounds like I'm drunk, right? Like who needs alcohol when I'm already, I mean, the podcast is going well. This martini is great.
Starting point is 00:16:38 People probably start halfway through or when they just pick up on a current episode, they're like, oh, Em's drinking. No, I'm not. A lot of people do think you drink. A lot of people think that this is like some conspiracy theory. We're doing it as like a marketing ploy. Like one day it'll hit the tabloids. I'm actually always drunk. Em, do a lot of people think that?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Do they? You just said a lot of people think that. Oh, I was just pretending that. I'm questioning your judgment on that. I like to think that people think about me all the time. So anyway. That's why we have a podcast. One of the ghosts, let's just get into this.
Starting point is 00:17:16 One of the main ghosts is a woman who floats down the stairs. And I guess the layout of the building is that it looks like a house. So there's a second floor. But when you are standing on the first floor, you can look up the staircase and you can look up at the second floor balcony-ish. Right, right, right. Like the ledge. And you can see dinner tables and people eating. And they can also look down from where they're eating and see into like what would usually be like the foyer of a house.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Right, right right right um so if you're sitting upstairs or standing downstairs you can see a woman floating down the stairs between the floors fabulous um they think it is they think it's the a woman named ethel allen and she died when she was 19 at jack's tavern oh that's so young it was um the last place that she was seen alive and a psychic who actually spoke to her apparently says that she was murdered there on her way down the stairs so that's why she probably floats there what do you mean she's murdered on the stairs so they think that she was murdered and it started at the stairs so either um she either the killer was a gangster because they think that she was somehow related to the mob or at least some like rough and tough guys in town.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Or they think it was a jealous boyfriend. They think, other people think it was a jealous boyfriend who was in the mob. So it could have been both of them. Okay. But apparently there was an argument on the stairs. She tried to run away from him on the stairs. She got chased out. And then when they found her, she was dead.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Ugh. So that was kind of like the beginning of the stairs. She got chased out. And then when they found her, she was dead. So that was kind of like the beginning of the process that led to her dying. So right. And she was I told you she was 19. Yeah. And that was in the 1930s. OK. So the condition that her body was found in shows that it was a sign of a crime of passion. So she knew the person.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It wasn't just like a a done deal right you know what i mean uh i don't handle the true crime part so i don't know how to say these things i'm just gonna nod okay um the remains were found burned and she was so cut up that you couldn't recognize her what the fuck the only way they recognized her was like a part of her face i guess like i guess she had a birthmark and some other stuff on her face so they could guess but she was pretty pretty not looking great um oh my god and they found her remains on the shores of a river nearby uh a lot of people wonder where the violent murder was but they've just it's just been determined as the stairs um also there's a ghost that's a man uh it's okay so different
Starting point is 00:19:57 different places said it was an entity of a man others said it was a spirit of a boy some said it was of a young girl so a shapeshifter also of a dog and a monster oh yes uh so apparently uh because it was built because remember it was a train a railroad depot right so because it was located so close to the train tracks like i was looking at um like yelp reviews because it's still like a standing restaurant and they're like it's way close to the railroad like it's way uncomfortably close to the railroad so it really was like a depot where people would stand until the train showed up and then they would just walk five feet to the train like right right um but so because it's so close to the train tracks and it's also close to a major highway right um they think that
Starting point is 00:20:50 this man slash boy slash girl slash dog slash monster um they think that either it's multiple spirits or just one that shows up in different ways but probably died on the property getting hit by either a car or a truck oh no there is a story of one man that got arrested at the restaurant in the 40s and he got dragged down the stairs like they handcuffed his hands behind his back his feet like basically hog tied him and then dragged him down the stairs face first and these were cops these were cops so These were cops. So, like, I don't know what their protocol was back then, but it was great.
Starting point is 00:21:29 The fuck? So, dragged him out, and I guess his daughter saw this. Like, his, like, four-year-old daughter saw this happening. And she got scared and ran out into the street and got hit. What? Yeah. Wait, got hit by a car? Yeah. Poor um wait what the fuck i guess because she just was freaked out that's so twisted but so um they know that if they ever see a little girl they like to think that it's maybe that girl because they're that's the
Starting point is 00:21:59 only death of a little girl on the property um and they've also seen her running up and down the stairs and then they've seen her like they've seen an apparition of a little girl talking to someone that wasn't there which is the weirdest part because you can see a ghost talking to a ghost but you can only see one of the ghosts that's weird and then apparently if you like try to get her attention if they think it's like another guest's daughter right they'll be like oh what are you um who are you talking to just trying to talk to like a stranger like a strange child which by the way you shouldn't fucking do just so you know you shouldn't be talking to little kids if you don't know them hello um but so people have been like oh who are you talking to just to watch out for them?
Starting point is 00:22:45 And then when she turns to look at you, she doesn't have a face. What? Okay, listen. I have a thing about torsos and no faces. I have a thing about every other thing.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Listen. But so, yeah, she'll just like turn around and she turns around apparently way slow. Like, too slow. I'm gonna just say this real quick because I've had three martinis
Starting point is 00:23:05 my first nightmare on record i was two and a half years old my i was sleeping in a laundry basket because my parents put me next to their bed in a laundry basket it's fine whatever didn't call cps or anything also they're germans so fine it's like it's not great but it's not awful it's like not great but it's like i didn't remember it for my whole life or anything not great but my first nightmare i was probably two and a half and it was this guy i was in my bed with my mom and the person who i thought was my mom turned toward me i'm sorry the person you thought was your mom oh in the dream gotcha in the dream so i was in in the dream i was in bed with my mom even though my little gotcha laundry basket fake crib was next to the bed and my mom whatever turned around toward to face me and put her arm around me and it was a man with no face and it was just skin over his
Starting point is 00:24:03 whole face holy shit and i was two and a half years old and it's it's my earliest memory that's your early no wonder you drink it was really that's why we drink i think so it was really scary he had just a skin face it was like that's skin over the whole face and i thought it was my mom could you see like the dimensions of like a nose there and everything it was like it just looked like a skin mask yeah it was my mom. Could you see like the dimensions of like a nose there and everything? It was like. It just looked like a skin mask. Yeah, it was like skin over all the features. You were destined to have a true crime podcast. And it was my mom, like in my dream, like I put my arm on my mom.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I was like two or three years old. And then she turned around and it was this man with like no face. Anyway, sorry. So that's what makes me think of. You know, they do say that ghosts come to children in their dreams. And you were kind of living next to a cemetery. And by next to, I mean on one. Not until I was 12.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Okay. That was when I was living above the restaurant. Okay. Was that haunted too? I mean, probably. I mean, I can't imagine a two-year-old pulling that out of their ass. Yeah, I don't know where that came from. I didn't watch TV or anything.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Hmm. Hmm. Anyway. Let's go on. I'm going to have that fucking dream now. It's actually, sometimes I think. I still think about it. And the arm around you is the creepiest part because you're touching it without touching it.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I still think about it because it's. Could you feel the heat of the body? It was like. Yeah. And in my brain, it i still think about it because could you feel the heat of the body it was like in my brain it's still it was like a real memory where like i'm like oh my mom's here and i like put my arm on her and she turns around and it's like this man with no face firm pass it's creepy i was two and a half i was so little my earliest memory i was two or i was about to become two yeah and i was meeting my great grandma for the first time and i was sitting on her lap and i still remember like it's such a vivid memory i don't know what
Starting point is 00:25:54 kind of little albert einstein i was at the time because i don't remember knowing physics at two or just science or how bodies work at all but But I remember sitting on her and her being so brittle that I thought gravity was going to take its fucking toll. And I remember thinking at two years old, I was probably like, what, five pounds. But I remember thinking I'm too heavy, and I'm going to break through her legs and fall onto the ground. the fuck and i still remember how bony her legs were i and i still remember thinking i would have easily broken through her and so i started crying and i remember it was the first my first memory and i remember thinking in my whatever my two-year-old babble was i told myself cry so your mom will get you so you won't break through her legs what the
Starting point is 00:26:43 fuck and so i started crying and there's a picture of all of us and i'm crying and it's my so i have a picture of my first memory and you're like i know what was happening in my brain listen the first time i ever had a crush on a girl there's also a picture of that exact moment too no way very pivotal times in my life like my first memory the first time i liked a girl and knew that i liked a girl there's pictures of both of those exact moments when it hit me in my head how old were you then you can see a just a little speck of my eye my my widening whitening eye i was three or four i was four i was in preschool whatever that age is. Her name was Sierra.
Starting point is 00:27:25 She didn't like me back. So, anyway, there's an entity of a couple more people. Let's get through this. There's an entity of an old man who apparently was an employee at the time. Before his death. Not like while he's a ghost. Oh, thanks. You don't.
Starting point is 00:27:44 You never know. But he used to live upstairs. Kind of like you he's a ghost. Oh, thanks. You don't. You never know. But he used to live upstairs. Kind of like you living above a restaurant. Aww. Aww, this is your future. It is. And your past. Slash my past.
Starting point is 00:27:52 So, he's thought to be a longtime employee because apparently people will see him in uniform and they will see him with a dish towel over his arm or a server's waiter's towel over his arm. Yeah. But they will also feel icy hands on their shoulders and back. Don't touch people. And they will hear whispers saying, it's closing time. Ugh!
Starting point is 00:28:15 Saying, get the out. It's semi-sonic being like, closing time. And some people have reported hearing whispers about whatever's on tv in the bar so as if like someone was working in there and made a comment about the tv look cops is on this is my favorite episode um lights and tvs will turn on off by themselves because what ghost story doesn't have that duh um apparently this place has been covered with paranormal investigations a lot of people
Starting point is 00:28:50 go and check it out and one time an investigator actually saw this guy on camera um with a towel over his arm and he was standing by the bar and he was i guess leaning on the bar or something like that and he was looking right at the camera that's creepy like he knew and he saw it and he didn't try to stop it no it's extra creepy when they like know it's creepy when they know especially when they don't have a face um i mean this guy did but either way i'm not liking it don't talk to me about no face uh you know maybe he could have done the pan's labyrinth thing and like put some ping pong balls on his hands. See, the thing is that I didn't watch that movie because of that weird memory I had. You know that the Nickelodeon show, All Real Monsters, the real life version of that would just be the Pan's Labyrinth guy.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Well. Except fat. Yeah, I also didn't watch that movie. And blue lips. Because at that age, I was like, oh, that's my, that dream monster I see. And so I didn't watch that. I mean, really, whoever drew the cartoons for Al real monsters, obviously on inspiration from pads. Pan's labyrinth because he's holding his eyeballs. He's literally he's literally holding his eyeballs all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:57 All right. Another investigator got a picture of the same guy, but he was standing on the staircase this time. Also looking straight at the camera. I don't like that though this is why we have to pepper and shit about nicktoons and my worst memories because otherwise people are just gonna not listen you gotta lighten the mood you know like oh there's no face oh my first memory is falling through my grandma's legs there were demons in my childhood let's lighten the mood um also there seems to be an unknown spirit that nobody can see which is presumed to be the spirit that the little girl is talking to that nobody can see you know the spirit that we can see talking to the spirit that we can't see
Starting point is 00:30:37 what oh oh you know there's a little girl talking to thin air yes apparently the spirit that's thin air that nobody can see likes to move around the chairs and straighten the pictures on the wall so they think that there's still like an employee thinking that they work there because they're doing all this little slight housekeeping that's kind of nice again why don't i have a ghost like that seriously do my laundry so he this unknown unseen spirit may also be very territorial about his status. And because apparently, I guess he used to work near the second floor. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Or so they think, because if this is an employee, he must have worked on the second floor. Because as soon as you get there, he's pretty territorial. And he will push and choke you until you fall down the stairs. What? Like, no big deal. He just, like, chokes you until you... He'll just straight up just like no big deal he just like chokes you until just straight up just like like get you jesus because he wants to be in charge of it's like i'm gonna like maybe someone like has some really dirty laundry and he was pissed about it like here
Starting point is 00:31:36 i am doing housekeeping work in the afterlife someone needs to pay he's like if someone's gonna vacuum this carpet it's gonna be me and it's gonna be done right and i will choke the hell out of you or you know what he's probably choking them because he just vacuumed another muddy fucking feet are gonna trek right through probably he's like i don't think so get back downstairs he's like take your stupid kid with his cheese it's falling out of his mouth it's like oh another crying baby my favorite so the entity of ethel the 19 year old that got murdered on near the stairs oh no she apparently is also very playful and likes to show people how she died well that's me let me just do a dramatic reenactment of how i was murdered if my death wasn't dramatic enough wait until i do it
Starting point is 00:32:25 again i need everyone for the next 200 years to watch i wasn't getting enough recognition for my death before so we're gonna try until it's done right apparently um she will uh start with a loud booming piercing scream sure so you can't actually see the death but you sure can feel and hear it so um there's a scream that can be heard only in the middle of the night coming from this building but coming from every room so no matter where you are you think it came from the room you're in good there have been people who are upstairs and downstairs at the same time and was right behind them from both floors um it's reported that police have even been called because they thought that the scream was legitimate and from another guest then after you hear the scream
Starting point is 00:33:11 the choking happens again but this time apparently the grip is different so they think it's a different spirit because you know how there was the guy who's vacuuming apparently his choking method is different than the one that follows a scream. What the fuck? So apparently people will feel this one's just a slight choking sensation. So she's friendlier. Oh, that's nice. And then it will this choking will kind of drag them like I don't get it. It's lighter and not as harsh, but will also drag you by the neck.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Like it's a lighter feeling, but will also carry your entire human body. Towards the bathroom, towards the stairs, going up to the second floor where the beginning of her death took place. No, no, no. She will also scratch their necks if they try to resist. Okay. they try to resist okay um so anyway she also when she's feeling a little happier she likes to tease the staff in the ladies room so and actually tease them so a few people have gone into the bathroom into the stall looked like under the stall like you know how you see other other people's feet yeah there's someone else standing in the stall with shoes and stockings from the 1930s what um with boot like uh a boot like kind of
Starting point is 00:34:33 shoe apparently with buttons and high heels so it looks like very old school and you'll hear like the woman in there humming or like getting herself ready like adjusting her dress and all that and then when the staff comes out uh they'll see the door open and no one's in there um apparently others have been so freaked out and then they're like frozen in fear because of what they just saw and then they get pushed out the front door ew um there have also been two employees that saw that and just ran out and never came back to work. Oh, shit. There have been other staff members in there who were trying to clean the bathroom, but the door was forced shut as if someone was pulling the other side of it to keep it closed. And like, so the staff member couldn't leave.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Right. And then she flipped out, like freaked out, started crying. And then the door just like slowly cracked open. Like, oh, I guess I took this joke too far. Oh. Sometimes you can also see her face in the bathroom mirror. And that is what she's about. That's all about Ethel.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Ethel. Ethel, my very scary girl. Listen, chill the fuck out. Apparently, there are other spirits out there who like to choke uh a lot of a lot of chokers why a lot of chokers there's a third choker and they think that this one is the her killer um do you think that's why she chokes people why because someone did it to her when she was younger maybe doesn't she choke people too she does the slight choke but a full drag oh she just like carries she just defies all laws of science because what do you mean a slight
Starting point is 00:36:11 okay yeah like she like give me your arm no no like instead of like grabbing you hard like she does it lightly and somehow she still pulls you how exactly okay okay so we're both on the same level of confusion now definitely um there's also a sense of doom felt all over the place especially in the storage area and some of the corridors good um they people have seen a full apparition walk through the front door that was closed um things in the kitchen have broken in front of people including glasses which never actually left the table they just exploded on impact like just exploded in front of you good fabulous um some people get pushed either up or down the stairs and they say it feels like a child trying to tug on their shirt to get attention but so strongly that they end up falling it's like that's
Starting point is 00:37:00 a that's a demanding child oh yeah furniture is rearranged in front of your eyes. Cooking items are thrown and smashed. People report feeling choked in their sleep. The best kind. I'm sorry. No. Someone, there's actually a quote from someone who used to work there who says, I worked there when I was 18 and things were always jumping off the shelves and breaking on their own like plates and cups.
Starting point is 00:37:23 One time a knife flew across the kitchen like somebody threw it but nobody was there except me and the cook who were standing on the same side of the room the worst times are after the place closes i used to clean up and would be there by myself and i could hear all kinds of noises like voices or people walking i finally quit because i didn't like being there by myself at night especially when the knives started throwing themselves when i was alone what people will also feel an unexplained tingling on their face and a floating orb has been seen in several photographs in the dining area some people have seen the little girl with no face out of the corner of their eyes playing and dancing in the room by themselves but also laughing and clapping for something else that's not there okay is it the same girl that talks to the thing on the stairs i think so oh no she also doesn't have a face and if there's two children without faces
Starting point is 00:38:10 that's just the line the thing without the face i have to go to bed 10 feet away from here in about an hour and i can't handle it um so apparently the show has also been on a pilot called haunted america okay and on the monitor you can see an object floating in midair and it's definitely solid enough that you can you can't see through it but it's like not like it wasn't there before like you see it manifest on the show okay um someone going by the building uh one time called the police because they thought that they heard a couple in the restaurant fighting,
Starting point is 00:38:46 but the restaurant was actually closed. So they heard like people screaming. And so they think that that's also Ethel and her murderer. Right. Um, there's a little girl who's like in kindergarten, like very young age. And she was acting really annoyed.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And she told her grandpa to tell that little girl to quit messing with me. And no one had told her about a ghost at all. And when they asked, like, oh, what about that girl? They said she has a weird face. Listen. Anyway, the other thing is that another team of investigators went one time to the house after night and they watched a chair levitate across the room and then gently settle back down to the floor.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And then they saw another chair levitate and it got smashed into the floor. Like it was angry that I had to do it a second time. Um, floating objects in the, uh, dining room and others have claimed to see toilet paper rolls unraveling from the spools in front of them windows opening by themselves and latches unlock as well as faucets turning on by themselves after hearing a little girl giggle there's also an apparition of
Starting point is 00:39:58 a young girl dressed in quote roaring 20s clothing and equipment will almost always fail after you've seen her walk by whoa i feel like if i were a ghost i would like eat all the cheesecake or something like i would do well one of the ghosts i talked to when i was um doing investigations myself my favorite story is we were explaining chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream to her because she was i mean she died in the late late 1600s early 1700s whoa so she was never around for ice cream which in itself is a crime fucking tragic but so she knew about cookie dough and we were like oh have you ever had um and i guess they had like i guess it wasn't ice cream. They had some custard or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 We kind of described it down to custard. And we were like, well, we have frozen custard where it's like snow and custard put together. So it's icy, but it's creamy and it's really nice. And we have this chocolate chip cookie dough version where you put cookie dough in it. We put cookie dough in the um we put cookie dough in the custard and you can eat it all at the same time and then all of a sudden we heard a little girl um giggle from a court from the corner of the room and this is a pitch black fucking room by the way no thanks we hear her giggle then we hear little girl like and healed shoes footsteps walk towards
Starting point is 00:41:23 the table we were at no and then we hear the giggle louder no and then the table shifted and like it's like how there's a table between us right now the table between us shifted and we heard her footsteps run to the other side of the room where the door was and then we saw the door move as if she ran through it and then we heard steps go down the stairs to the kitchen uh as if like she was about to go try and find some wait that's sad she didn't find any no but to be fair this house during operation hours like when we're not doing lockdowns um it used it's a kitchen it's a restaurant that she lives in so i the beginning of that conversation was saying oh now that you live in a restaurant do you i see do you get to eat a lot of cool stuff?
Starting point is 00:42:06 How about ice cream? And then the machines didn't go on. It didn't, like, nothing went off because I don't think she knew what ice cream was. And so we had to explain it to her. And then she ran away as if she went to go look for some in the kitchen. I mean, she'll probably get all the spaghetti bolognese she could ever dream of. I think so. Anyway, that was Ashley's of rockledge in
Starting point is 00:42:26 florida slash slash christine's hell slash what what's it called ashley's of rockledge no the name uh the other name oh slash loose cabooseoose. That's the one. Okay. Here we go. Are you ready for my story? Yep. This is the story of Ursula and Sabina Erickson. Okay. Do you know it?
Starting point is 00:42:57 I don't know who they are. Oh, man. It's so good. It's one of my favorites. It's going to get me going. It's going to get you fucking going. All right. A friend of mine named Ariana, who we took AP Euro together and bonded over just like the horrors of high school. And she used to write me letters from Patrick Stump, my husband from Fall Out Boy.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Oh, we know your husband. We know. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Just clarifying. So she and I reconnected after years because of the podcast. And she messaged me and said, like like why don't you do this topic and it's something i've always been really interested in
Starting point is 00:43:29 but um never really considered as a topic for the podcast but today i was like i gotta do it so here we go okay let's go ursula and sabina Eriksson. Identical twin sisters from Sweden. Wait, are these the silent twins? No. Damn. Okay. But that's another one. I know.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I know it's another one. I know it's her. We have quite the list, guys. We got quite the list of things coming up. We do. So not much is known about them except that they grew up in Sweden, in western Sweden, with their older brother and they were both born in 1967 uh their entire background section on wikipedia is literally
Starting point is 00:44:12 one line it's one sentence it's just like in the early 2000 or they grew up in western sweden with their older brother and were born in 1967. That's the only background anyone has on these two. That's all of it. All of it. Nothing else. Awesome. I love ambiguity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Great. Fabulous. So in the early 2000s, Sabina was living a pretty normal life. She lived with her partner and their two children in Ireland and her twin sister Ursula was living in America. Okay. Ursula's in America, Sabina's Ireland. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Got it. So in 2008, for whatever reason, it's an unknown reason, Ursula flies to visit her sister in Ireland. And according to Sabina's partner, they were inseparable ever since she arrived in Ireland. So one day, they just up and left unannounced and decided to travel to England. So they end up in Liverpool the next day on May 17, 2008, and they go to the Liverpool police station to report that Sabina's partner and another man have kidnapped Sabina's children. Oh no. So no one knows how they ended up in liverpool or why uh but the twins older brother later said in a cryptic interview in a swedish newspaper that his sisters were being
Starting point is 00:45:33 chased by madmen good so they filed this report and then they immediately hop on a bus to london uh during this bus ride the driver driver became suspicious because they were acting really bizarre. They were holding their bags tightly to themselves. And then he asked to search their luggage because they were holding onto it over their chest and wouldn't put it in the luggage rack. And they refused to let him touch their luggage or them. So he pulled off and asked them to get off the bus the manager of this bus company uh saw them clutching their luggage and just acting like totally petrified and called the police because she was like it i mean it's 2008
Starting point is 00:46:18 she was like i don't know what's going on it might be a bomb threat right right right so some police show up and uh inspect their luggage and they find nothing more suspicious than a laptop and they say you know they're not harmful and let them go so not soon after the police leave the twins decide they're just going to continue their journey on foot so they start walking down the central divide of the M6 motorway. Highway. For you American folk. And this is all actually, you can see this on CCTV footage. Of them just walking down the center divide of this major highway.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Just walking right down the middle of it? Mm-hmm. Bold. So they're walking down the central divide. And then they decide to attempt to run across the highway. Oh, good. Like Frogger. Like Frogger, but like... But like Irish-American Frogger.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Irish-American Frogger, where also you might die. Right. So, you know. Frogger might die. High-stakes Frogger. IRL Frogger. Frogger IRL. Frogger. Frogger IRL. Frogger IRL.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yay. It sounds like a fun app. Yeah. It's just like it's when you have Frogger on your phone and then it demands an update if you want to play. Or it's like you have Frogger on your phone. It's like, okay, now virtual reality, like run across the street and you can see everything on your phone.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Oh my gosh. Can you imagine a VR Frogger? Right. VR Frogger. That's just the quickest way to go. So anyway. and you can see everything on your phone oh my gosh can you imagine a vr frogger right that's just the quickest way to go so anyway so they're uh on cctv they decide to attempt to cross the highway one of them gets hit by a car oh yeah what's up so the police show up and the highway patrol shows up um and of course because this is the world we live in uh a film crew from a show called motorway cops oh my god which is basically like the british version of cops perfect is driving along with the police convenient so convenient so they're just like
Starting point is 00:48:22 happen to be this fucking film crew with the police and they show up with the highway patrol um and so like this they had gotten minor injuries so they show up and they're like trying to get this report taken care of um that's kind of like what real cops is though like cops irl it's like cute like anyone who's ever been on the show cops probably for a second was like oh how convenient that there's a film crew like there's never been one that was like oh this was expected this is what i wanted that's so true but you think about it and every time i watch it by the way i love that show i love that show but i will add that they all have to sign not like yeah the only reason you can see their face is because they've agreed to be on TV.
Starting point is 00:49:07 And like rarely you'll see someone's face blurred out and you're like, oh, why are they blurred out? And you're like, oh, right. They're the smart person who was like, I don't want to be on this fucking TV show. Exactly. Same with like one of my favorites. If I'm ever in like a real depression spiral. Yeah. I just binge watch old episodes of To Catch a Predator.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Oh, it's so's i cannot get it off have you they picked it back up no i haven't seen that you have it no it's like it's something it's else hansen hansen versus predator is the new it's already out it's already out what's it on um youtube but like it's literally he this man has not aged by all by at all botox probably he looks exactly the same that's why i was like he kind of has a little by all by at all botox probably he looks exactly the same that's why i was like he kind of has a little gray hair is he trying to go for like the bob barker thing where he looks wise now dude i was like no it's been 15 years i didn't know at all oh but but all of those guys like if you can see their face they signed waivers right saying that
Starting point is 00:50:01 they want to catch a predator and like they're all like please i don't want to be on tv please don't show my face on tv but it's like we okay but you're i can see your fucking face so you definitely signed something after this was filmed i talked to my co-worker joanna who's from england and she was like why would people go like we were talking about the show catfish and i was like it's so fascinating like when it first came out it was just such a fascinating look at like culture and American society. And she's like, I just have a hard time believing that these people would actually go on TV. And I'm like, people go on TV to do way stupid shit just to be on TV. Like they don't get any attention is good attention in America, apparently.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Yeah, they don't get paid. They don't get I mean, usually their reputation is ruined, but they're on tv like there's nothing five minutes of fame there's no redeeming qualities from being on it but yeah so basically this show called uh what's it called again like oh motorhome cops motorhome isn't it what rv cops what is it called trailer park cops motorway cops sorry 40 and slip because i plan on living in a fucking mobile home one day so mobile home cops we laugh but also that really is a dream of mine so they're all there they're checking out what's going on when, without warning, get ready. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Without warning, what the hell could happen now? Ursula, you can see this on footage, climbs over the divider and runs into highway traffic. Oh, no. She is hit head-on by an 18-wheeler truck. Semi-truck. In England, they call it an articulated lorry already i don't know what the fuck you call it it's an 18 wheeler it's a big rigger big rig going at 56 miles per hour which is 90 mile 90 kilometers per hour fuck before police can even react to her getting
Starting point is 00:52:01 hit by this fucking 18 wheeler sabina her sister jumps over the divider follows her sister into traffic and is instantly hit by an oncoming car going at full speed oh shit she bounces off the windshield which completely cracks she flies into the next lane and falls unconscious and both women survive this adventure into oncoming traffic oh my god so ursula tries to get up but her legs have been completely crushed by this fucking truck kind of like what i did to my grandma's legs excuse me when i fell through them oh i was like you drove you were there obviously you hit your grandma with a truck? Okay, I get it.
Starting point is 00:52:46 She's rolling over in her grave right now. Listen, one time my stepdad drove over my mom's foot with a car, but we're not supposed to talk about it. One time I was on a date with a quote date with a quote boy. And I don't know why boy was quoted. He was definitely a boy, which is why I didn't want this date. It's just like a lot of quotes. But my mom almost hit him with her car on the way to dropping me off he she literally was inches away from hitting him but i mean it didn't work out but for different reasons what if it was just because
Starting point is 00:53:19 linda almost hit him with a car that was the beginning of the end i will say that that's when you really set shit in motion i'm changing my entire outlook on life he's like mom because of that i will never date a boy again and i meant it no my stepdad in germany drove over my mom's foot did he break it or was it one of those weird stroke of lux things uh he broke it and then we were never allowed to talk about it again because they had just so you're just broadcasting it to the world oh yeah they were just started they had just started dating and my stepdad had just met my extended family we were in germany and he was like that's horrible if i were like it's worse because it's like meet the fuckers we're like yes or meet the parents yes we're like you you have no one to laugh with because you're the outsider.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And I was laughing and Tim was like, do not ever. Because my mom's like me. She's like, oh my God, it happens. It's fine. It's okay. I'll get it fixed. You know, whatever. And then Tim was like, do not ever bring this up ever again.
Starting point is 00:54:22 But now I'm across the country, so I feel like, whatever. Come and get me. Anyway. feel like whatever come and get me anyway haha come and get me um anyway so she flies across the lane blah blah blah uh both women survived so ursula's legs had been crushed by the truck and sabina was unconscious for 15 minutes because she had been hit by a volkswagen fair oh so she gets hit by a volkswagen is unconscious the one that got hit by a fucking trailer is conscious the one who got hit by a Volkswagen. Fair. So she gets hit by a Volkswagen and is unconscious. The one that got hit by a fucking trailer truck. Is conscious. The one that got hit by a trailer truck and can't move.
Starting point is 00:54:50 But her legs are completely shattered. Alright. Give and take. Listen. When paramedics tried to treat both of the women, they resisted. They fought, screamed, they spit at them, they attacked the officers and the paramedics. They were not having any of it.
Starting point is 00:55:06 At one point, Sabina shouted, they're going to steal your organs. And Ursula turned to the police officer who was trying to restrain her and said, I recognize you. I know you're not real. What? Then how can she recognize him? Telling you. Sabina stood up. She was the one who got hit by the the speeding volkswagen uh when a police officer tried to persuade her to stay on the ground so
Starting point is 00:55:33 she could be treated for her injuries uh sabina punched her in the face wow and went running back into traffic on the other side of the highway oh my gosh uh it took several emergency workers as well as civilians who had pulled over to restrain her and carry her to a to a waiting ambulance where they then sedated her um an officer later said it was as if she was almost waving them around like rag dolls on her arms like she was so strong even after getting hit by that fucking volkswagen going like 70 miles per hour uh she was so strong even after getting hit by that fucking volkswagen going like 70 miles per hour uh she was so strong that she was able this might be an insensitive question to ask but was she drunk because some people have that weird hulk power when they get drunk they just
Starting point is 00:56:15 get hit with cars and just keep running no um or just like fling people around like they're ragdolls i mean the the most the closest thing to that was people uh suspected they might have been on pcp or something oh that's a good one too because all that super strength which like alcohol won't get you like that far but pcp will make your brain like super crazy okay that's a better but i should have just asked if she was on anything at all but um the talk screen showed no alcohol no drugs in their systems whatsoever yowza so no uh that theory was debunked okay um so both women were rushed to the hospital ursula was put in intensive care and she stayed there for several weeks sabina was only in the hospital for a few hours before being given a clean bill of health and being transported to the police station.
Starting point is 00:57:11 So, again, tox screens showed no alcohol or drugs in their systems at the time of the incidents. At the police station, Sabina was suddenly a completely different person. She was calm, polite. The officers even called her flirtatious. Just very easygoing. And two days later, she pled guilty to trespassing on the highway and hitting a police officer. And she was sentenced to one day in custody. But since she had already spent a night in police custody, they basically determined she'd already served her time.
Starting point is 00:57:46 So they said she was free to go. So Sabina starts wandering around the streets of Stoke-on-Trent. She was carrying a clear plastic bag of her possessions that the police had given to her. And that evening,
Starting point is 00:58:02 after she was released, at 7pm two local men spotted sabina while out walking their dog the men were 54 year old glenn holland said who was a welder paramedic and former worker for the royal air force a lot of things that that glenn is up to he did glenn had quite a resume glenn had quite a resume he was also a father of two kids he's done a lot with his life you know glenn glenn was an accomplished a well a well-esteemed man yeah an accomplished glenn you know classic glenn classic glenn um and then he was with his friend peter malloy oh so mike's brother that's Mike Malloy's brother.
Starting point is 00:58:46 That's all the information. You know, can you imagine if that girl who's flinging paramedics like ragdolls and Michael Malloy decided to get together? That baby would be the Antichrist. Just saying. Or that baby would just rule the fucking world. That guy would be in a frat for sure. That guy would win every flip cup tournament i'm just saying he would do a keg stand at two years old oh boy um okay so glenn and his friend peter are walking a, and they see Sabina, and they're like, something's up.
Starting point is 00:59:26 She's wandering around by herself. And Sabina kind of stops. She's friendly. She pets their dog, and they strike up a conversation. And she asks them for directions to any nearby bed and breakfasts or hotels. And Glenn is like, you know what? Why don't you just come stay at my place? No.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And Glenn is like, you know what? Why don't you just come stay at my place? No. So they walk back to his home. And on the way, Sabina tells the two men that she's trying to locate her sister, who had again been taken to the hospital. Right. So the three spent the evening drinking and talking. But apparently her behavior was super weird. She offered them cigarettes, but then immediately snatched them back
Starting point is 01:00:06 saying they might be poisoned uh the second anyone even did that that alone i'd be like okay turn it in for the night goodbye please don't sleep here i'd be like hey do you see that outside why don't you go look at it and then i'd shut the door and lock it for a guy like glenn who's been around the block he doesn't seem to have learned much glenn he seems like that guy who would still like try to hitchhike or something but it's like that guy pick up a hitchhiker yeah i mean he literally just did i mean he kind of a walking hitchhiker a walking hitchhiker i mean it's one of those things where it's like your weakness you know like like a young woman who seems troubled and you want to help you know damsel in distress you know glenn sure glenn classic glenn god damn it glenn okay so she was also carrying multiple cell phones
Starting point is 01:01:00 and a laptop on her um and wouldn't explain why um she kept looking out the window the entire night anxiously just like peering out the window eventually maloy went home and sabina stayed in glenn holland's head's home for the night so the next day holland's head offered to help sabina find her sister ursula because she was super concerned about where she would where she was so he began calling hospitals to try and help locate her and that evening at 7 40 p.m holland's head came outside of his house to ask his neighbor frank booth for tea bags because he wanted to make some tea okay but his neighbor frank was washing his car and he
Starting point is 01:01:46 said as soon as i'm finished washing the car i'll come over and bring some tea bags with me so glenn holland's head was like okay great i'll see you then he walks back into his home and uh sabina was waiting inside with a kitchen knife uh moments later ho, Hollinshead's neighbor watched Glenn stagger outside his house and yell, she stabbed me, before collapsing on the ground. Sabina fled. The neighbor called an ambulance, and it turns out Sabina had stabbed him five times with a kitchen knife, and Glenn Hollinshead died on the spot of his injuries oh no so soon after a passing driver spotted sabina wandering the streets smashing her own head in with a hammer
Starting point is 01:02:33 oh my her own head her own head she had taken a hammer from glenn's house and was smashing her own head in with a hammer oh my god so this driver got out and tried to tackle her in an attempt to take the hammer away uh but while he was trying to pull the hammer away she somehow grabbed a roof tile out of her back pocket and stabbed him in the head with it which what which temporarily stunned him. Temporarily. So she didn't kill him, but she basically knocked him out with a fucking roof tile.
Starting point is 01:03:13 So at this point, paramedics were there. They began to chase her. She ran to a bridge and fucking jumped off of it. So she's taken a hammer, either blunt end or sharp end to her head multiple times and somehow hasn't hit herself in the head that stops like motor functions and she's still she's also been hit by an 18 wheeler going at 60 miles per hour but her brain is working
Starting point is 01:03:38 enough that i would feel like if you damage yourself that much at some point your brain tells you to just like at least at the very least the part that like helps you damage yourself that much, at some point your brain tells you to just, like, at least, at the very least, the part that, like, helps you move your arms and shit is turned off. Stops. Yeah. Or, like, at least the part of your brain that is telling you to do this stops. Nope. It just, wow. To sheer will.
Starting point is 01:03:58 She just, she sees the cops. She runs to a bridge and she dumps 40 feet off the bridge onto a highway. Oh, my. She survives. God damn it. She had several broken bones and was taken to a hospital. And while she was in the hospital, she was arrested. She was discharged on September 11th and charged with murder.
Starting point is 01:04:27 was discharged on september 11th and charged with murder uh she pleaded guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility the following year on september 2nd 2009 she only ever responded to questions with quote no comment even uh extensive police questioning so no matter what anyone asked her she always said no comment there was nothing nothing um the defense claimed that she was a secondary sufferer of folia de which is uh like the madness of two and they said that she was influenced by the presence of her twin sister who was the primary sufferer and she was kind of adapting to her sister's illness. So the plea of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility was accepted, and Sabina was sentenced to five
Starting point is 01:05:10 years in prison on September 2, 2010. But she had already spent 439 days in custody, which meant she was eligible for release in 2011. So this is pretty much the last anyone knows of what happened to the twins. Except that Ursula supposedly ended up back in the U.S. and joined something called the Sacred Heart Church, where she received the RCIA rites of scrutiny, prayed over her as she opened herself to the illuminated and healed by Christ and delivered from emptiness illusions and death-prone effects
Starting point is 01:05:46 of evil wow that is a long long thing you said it's a lot of words and apparently it means that the demons were expelled from her doubtful sure uh it's believed that sabina her sister is back in europe living in norway and probably not mentioning any of this garbage totally just like living her norwegian life in silence with lisa i'm sure isn't she from norway who's that oh lisa yeah who's that i thought you meant blaze's aunt oh lisa g lisa sounds like she'd be involved in this story listen lisa g's from norway all right tell us tell us how that girl's doing lisa it's your job now is she your neighbor do you where what did you do what have you done what did she do let us know one of the theories okay so there's a lot of theories as to what happened with the
Starting point is 01:06:37 sisters and what the fuck was going on so folia do the uh shared madness of two it's like a rare psychological illness where if one person has a psychiatric breakdown the person who another person who's really close to them for example like it's common in twins identical twin yeah and it's not like common in twins no it's not common for twins to have it it's common for people with that to be a twin right sure yes exactly or like a sibling or something so like one of the theories is that like ursula had this fucking breakdown and then sabina kind of like empathized a little too strongly right like went on board and that's you know madness shared by two that's kind of like us when we're trying to do shipping board and that's you know madness shared by two that's
Starting point is 01:07:25 kind of like us when we're trying to do shipping or something that's kind of us like every fucking day um but so everything so there's theories that range from that um to demonic possession to mk ultra which i think is really fascinating well if you don't think it's fascinating, you just don't know about it. You just don't know. And I read a lot of articles about how they might have had some sort of association with that, which I find really interesting, which, again, conspiracy theory, you know, you're all going to probably be like, that's bullshit. But it's interesting to think about.
Starting point is 01:08:03 So for those who don't know, MKUltra was the human research program conducted by the CIA. It was very real. It was very real. It was real. It legitimately happened. Yeah, the CIA, the government, you know, admitted to it and explained what it was. It started in the early 50s. And it involved unwitting test subjects who were fed LSD, who were subjected to hypnosis, isolation, sensory deprivation, and even torture.
Starting point is 01:08:35 And the ultimate goal of the project was to find the most efficient way to control someone's behavior. And supposedly, the research ended in the 60s slash early 70s, but people tend to argue about that. And some people believe that Ursula, who had been living in the U.S., might have been part of one of the MK Ultra experiments. I read something interesting that it has been suggested that sight of the police acted as a post-hypnotic trigger on the sisters, causing them to self-destruct. Which is something that, like suicide triggers, was something that people associate with the MKUltra experiments. Right, right, right. Where part of this plan was creating these triggers that would cause their subjects to self-destruct so oh i see gotcha so to you know like if they were to see police in uniform they would self-destruct okay such as run into traffic and get hit by an 18 wheeler oh shit to uh avoid being questioned or, you know, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:09:45 So that's part of the... one of the theories about... That's how I feel about disembodied feet. It's a trigger. I just lose my mind. You're just gonna run into an 18-wheeler. Well, kind of in real life, though, wouldn't you if you saw a disembodied foot? Wouldn't you just, like,
Starting point is 01:10:02 run the other direction, regardless of what's there? I would. I mean, I wouldn't run into traffic on purpose but like you know i mean you don't know you don't know what could happen i guess i don't know until i experience it so no one knows exactly what happened that day uh except ursula and sabina themselves uh at this point you know sabina's in europe living in norway uh ursula's in the u.s part of some church that's expelling her demons and of course nobody knows their backstory no one knows about their children or their family uh people believe they might be part of mk ultra people believe it might be a a folia dos scenario and nobody really knows what happened so it's just kind of a
Starting point is 01:10:45 creepy ass story yeesh i like the mk ultra version me too it's fascinating you know who else was an mk ultra um 11's mom i see stranger things i'm just saying maybe maybe if ursula had kids maybe their name is a number and maybe they were found in Indiana. And MKUltra was an actual thing. Yeah, MKUltra legitimately happened. It's not like a theory. It's like an actual CIA project. And they said it ended in the 70s.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And again, they were born in the 60s. And a lot of people don't believe that these experiments actually ended in the 70s. So, you know, who's to know? I mean, realistically, there's absolutely somewhere in our government where they're doing some sort of testing about this kind of stuff. Oh, for sure. I mean, MKUltra never died. It just changed its name. For sure.
Starting point is 01:11:42 For sure. So when they say, oh, MKUltra died, they're technically not lying because they just changed its name for sure for sure so when they say oh mk ultra died they're technically not lying because they just changed the name it's now mk extreme mk supreme anyway uh so that's that that's the story of these these wacko twins who who fucking they were like superheroes, but also self-destructive superheroes running. And that's what we would be, though. It's us. Actually, it is us. Oh, my God. Running into traffic. And really, I don't like how closely linked I am to this story.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I'm sorry I brought it up. You know, my niece, who's 11 uh-huh not 11 from stranger things let me correct myself her name is katie um close enough close enough but she's 11 years old she recently started listening to the podcast which mortifies me precious um she's one of our biggest fans she texted me last night and said for christmas all i want is your merch bless her bless her fucking adorable she also sent me um a ghost story no it's very quick tell me she texted me and said i have a ghost story and then she said when we moved there are there's a bunch of this old guy's stuff still in here from when he lived here and we found his diary and the first day we moved in my sister was playing with
Starting point is 01:13:13 the air and talking to someone that wasn't there and kendall her sister is like five six oh no so we just assumed that it was the guy that lives there we just assumed that it was the guy that lives there okay of all things um because he actually died in the spot that she was playing in and he died because of heart problems or cancer i forget which one good good note there i love kids she's really fact checking um he seemed to be following us because when we left we took the diary with us and brought it to the new house and we talked to him and he's really nice. So just laying it out now, he's awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:50 He doesn't, uh, he's not a creepy ghost. P.S. Missing you. Listen, she's a good one. I love her.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Anyway, I told her I would say it on the show. What a baby. But also like the fact that she's like, Oh yeah, we talked to him and I'm like, Oh, excuse you. I love her. Anyway, I told her I would say it on the show. What a baby angel. But also, like, the fact that she's like, oh, yeah, we talked to him. And I'm like, oh, excuse you. Oh, hi, by the way. Also, he's nice, not creepy. So, like, you know, he's not sitting next to me or anything and making sure I tell you that he's good.
Starting point is 01:14:15 But, like, he's good. But, like, also, I'm going to tell him afterwards that I told you he's good. Oh, for sure. And, like, we have his diary. And it says in there that he's good, so he must be. And we know where he died on the spot, so. Like he, we have his diary and it says in there that he's good. So he must be. And we know where he died on the spot. So because my little sister plays with the air around that dead spot, it's like fine. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Hi guys. Bye. That was supposed to be a good note, but it's a bad note. I like it. It's an, it's a, it's a child's pure story. It's pure and angelic. She wants to grow up and be me, I think. And I don't blame her. Listen, she probably wants to be me, I think, and I don't blame her.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Listen, she probably wants to be me, but you know, whatever. Okay. Let's take it down a notch. If you like what you hear, one, God bless you. Two, we have places you can find us, but I'm sure you already know about them. But here we go anyway. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram at ATWWDPodcastd podcast you can find our website and that's why we you can find our shop which currently has even more cooler options so many things so many things including fan art on coffee mugs and posters buy some christmas gifts y'all um and you can find that at and that's why we
Starting point is 01:15:22 you can email us at and that's why we drink dot big cartel dot com. You can email us at and that's why we drink at Gmail dot com where you can send in your listener stories. We do one every first of the month, which happens to be. Two days yesterday. Two days yesterday. So if you haven't heard it yet. Two days ago. If you haven't heard it, listen in. You can find us at all that great stuff our patreon you can
Starting point is 01:15:45 also find us at wwd podcast please please help us raw uncut uncut anyway um also geo's doing fine i just thought i would throw him i've missed him a lot i really needed him this um this week also let's all give christine a round of applause for giving me thousands of dollars in cash or at least being willing to. Also, by the way, we didn't mention this, but Christine was also having a party, like had a couple friends over that night. And I just showed up at her house and she hadn't gone to the ATM yet. And I just crashed her party that I wasn't invited to, by the way. Pulled her out of her own home when she ordered pizza they started eating the pizza and I dragged her away and took her to a 7-Eleven
Starting point is 01:16:30 I was like take all of the money out now. It wasn't a party it was a weird. It was a powwow. It was a powwow and all I wanted to do was give you $500 so like you made my night. Anyway the fact that you're gonna give me much more than that brava i would have given you more and geo could sense that it that i needed a hug so let's all give geo a round of applause too geo's an angel anyway thank you guys for listening sorry that you actually made it this far i'm sorry god we're sorry hopefully you drank along so you're good and loose now loose caboose listen be a loose caboose like us. But don't have a loose caboose. Have some respect.
Starting point is 01:17:08 You know, have a little like a... Be a dignified caboose. You know, be a dignified caboose. Be like an elastic caboose. Ooh, do your thing. Do your thing. And that's why we drink? And that's why we drink.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I'm going to smash my martini glass and my wine glass together. Because we mix alcohol on this show. Cheers. You have to hold it from the tips. Okay, but by we, you mean Christine. No, you have to pinch both of them. Yeah. Better.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Okay, just stop trying. I'm going gonna break it just start trying clink it was only a dollar goodwill it's fine you should probably just cut it there okay bye

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