And That's Why We Drink - E46 Cinnamontown™ and Pastor Detective

Episode Date: December 17, 2017

Happy Froxing Day! This week Em and Christine discuss several disturbing stories, including the time Christine got her head stuck in a dresser. Em also tells Christine the story of the St. James Hotel... in New Mexico, which was run by this guy named Henry who found most things, including the gold out west, to be unsatisfactory. Oh, he was also friends with a Land Baron named Lucian. Meanwhile, Christine tells Em about Pedro Lopez, AKA the Monster of the Andes, one of the most prolific serial killers in the world. Lock your doors, folks. We’ll see you at the Westin.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning. Good morning. I'm trying to get in the mindset that it's not 11 o'clock or 10 o'clock at night. It's been a really long time. That was totally my fault, though, because I came over here with a bunch of stuff that needed to get done. And I was like, all right, you're going to help me with everything I've been procrastinating on. And shows up and goes, do you have a box cutter? Also, do you have a Sharpie?
Starting point is 00:00:19 And also, do you have packing tape? Also, do you have a glue gun? Never mind. It's all in my car. I found all of it. Also, I'm taking all the keys off your coat hanger so that I can present. Okay. Christine is a very good friend.
Starting point is 00:00:31 By the way, this hasn't happened yet, but in the future, when you're hearing this, it will be Friendsmas or the day after Friendsmas. And so, Christine and I... Friends boxing. Froxing day, if you will. Oh, my. Christine and I currently don't know what we got each boxing, but froxing day, if you will, my Christine and I, uh,
Starting point is 00:00:47 currently don't know what we got each other, but when you're listening to this, we've already know what's happened. And I'm going to tell you, I, I already probably love whatever you got me. It was a wild ride. And also,
Starting point is 00:00:55 um, so we're either doing a recording or a video of us opening our gifts. I think, I think for Patreon peeps, poor Alison blaze and Alexander are just going to have to sit there and watch us do it they're gonna be like and we're like everyone be quiet it's friends mess m open the gift again and pretend you're surprised but i will say that there was quite a hiccup with your gift that everybody knows except you and it was honestly hilarious and horrifying and i hope that it's rectified by saturday so we'll see i have no idea what's going on you'll find I'm just gonna smile and nod it's a good time but really uh
Starting point is 00:01:28 Christine is the ultimate friend because I came over today and I'm was putting on literally it was just one finishing touch for Allison's Christmas gift and it took what three hours we were like weaving Christmas lights and it was it was an experience it was an experience but so Christine didn't complain at all she just took it like a champ and I was like great and it was it was an experience it was an experience but so christine didn't complain at all she just took it like a champ and i was like great and it looks awesome and i'm very proud of you and your gift giving abilities oh well thank you um why do you drink this week is that why um no why do i drink i had a good reason i i really did have a good reason i thought i remember being like this is what i'm gonna say on the show whoops well i have a good reason i i really did have a good reason i thought i remember being like this is
Starting point is 00:02:05 what i'm gonna say whoops well i have a good reason why listen blaze was like hey i'm gonna do this nice thing for christine because i had a really rough note session this week at work and he was like i'm gonna do this nice thing and i'm gonna build christina dresser and it took it was like five hours later the dresser is still like being situated and i'm like why don't i help and so i'm like i'm gonna see what's on the other side of this wood to make sure that you're doing this right and instead i got my entire head jammed inside of the dresser drawer and it got stuck in places like christine take your head out and i'm like i don't think you understand that i can't
Starting point is 00:02:46 take my head out how did it get in there if it couldn't get out that's what he said but i was like you know when georgia brought this up on my fair murder today and i was like thank you someone understands when you're a kid and you put your head through the banisters and it gets stuck yeah it was like that but sideways and also i was in my underwear so it was worse i got a text from you today saying that uh i woke up to a text from christine saying i got my head stuck in a dresser for five minutes today it was and it happened right after my hand got stuck behind a fridge so i felt like we were closer than ever i mean i told him this but i blame mercury it's fine so blaze was like christine come on stop and i'm like get a get Alexander because like he wasn't believing me
Starting point is 00:03:25 and he's like you're in your underwear and I was like don't get Alexander and then he had to unscrew it the the wood to like pry me out of the dresser and I still have like cuts behind my ears like I was jammed in there and I was like crying but also laughing in your underwear in my underwear and I also had had like basically a bottle of wine. Of course. So I thought I was being really helpful in a cold place to unscrew the dresser to pull me out. It was like a firefighter coming to like take me out. He still has a chance to leave. I don't know why it just doesn't. I don't know why it just doesn't do it.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Listen, I don't either. Actually, you know what? I lied. I do know why I'm drinking. It's because Christmas is around the corner. And is this an ad? No. Christmas is around the christmas is around the corner and is this an ad no christmas is around the corner right around the corner um and so i've been really stressed about getting people's christmas gifts like i you're the only person that was easy to shop for to a point where
Starting point is 00:04:16 i literally got your presents last minute because i was like i don't even have to worry like i'll just walk into a store and see a million things. But with everyone else, I've been freaking out for several weeks. Like my own mom included. It's hard to buy for parents, I feel like. Especially when your parents can just buy whatever they want. That's the issue. It's like, what do you want? Oh, nothing.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I already have everything I want. And then they're like, something really personal and homemade and heartfelt. My mom is the opposite, though. She's like, I want something really personal. And then I do it. And then she's like, oh, thanks. Yeah, you're like, here, I made a bucket costume for you with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And then, you know, she did. She left it in California. And she was like, you can reuse it. And I was like, I won't. She literally was like, someone will want this. And you were like, who the fuck would want this? She was like, it's fine. It's only a little bent.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And I was like, oh, great. I only sat in it in the sun for four hours. Speaking of which, everyone is asking about Linda and The Price is Right. Right. And I texted her and I was like, people are freaking out. Everyone watched it. What's the deal? I know.
Starting point is 00:05:13 So many people. And DVR'd it. I wonder if people at The Price is Right or at Let's Make a Deal. I was saying The Price is Right in my bed. But I wonder if people at Let's Make a Deal were like, why did our numbers just skyrocket for this episode? It's because all of our listeners. It's weird that the crossover between investigation discovery, like, snapped.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Took a sharp left turn into the game channel. It's like snapped and game channel suddenly just, like, collided. But apparently they, I don't know if she got an email or what but she's also been waiting to see the show and they told her that they ended up pushing the date back and she doesn't know the date yet but when she knows the date she will tell me and i told her to put it in the facebook too so everyone will see sorry guys it's but everyone did a good job everyone was right on the date december 8th was correct yeah we just like forgot and then i forgot too because christine texted me was like so your mom apparently wasn't on the show today and i was like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:06:08 are you talking everyone was messaging me and i was like dude i don't know i was there and i don't know yep well obviously i'm a good kid because i didn't even try to watch the episode we were over it because we were there we didn't need to see it again but we will say we promise it actually happened and it was real and it's hopefully coming hopefully when you do get to see it again but we will say we promise it actually happened and it was real and it's hopefully coming hopefully when you do get to see it remember that what you're seeing on screen know that we were in the audience rolling our eyes being like oh shit you can probably see us in the background just being like god damn it look really hard we're all the way in the back and we're laughing hysterically or cowering i smacked them so hard i was like linda you did look at me and you're like we're gonna remember
Starting point is 00:06:45 this moment forever and it will probably be on tv anyway um also i want to add that uh our awesome moderator who we've brought up brought up a couple times jessica um she we're adding a couple more mods to the group because it's growing so fast that's the secret atwwd podcast group if you're not in it go join but so jessica has been dealing with all sorts of just like left and right issues and helping us out tremendously so um a couple members of the group wanted to a couple listeners wanted to do something special for her so somebody organized uh go fund me to get jessica to crime con oh by the way we're going to crime con we haven't told you that yet have we oh well we did oh we
Starting point is 00:07:25 have in the uh in the facebook live videos yeah so not everyone knows but yes we're going to crime con in nashville in may oh my god we're so excited your tickets in a couple weeks because january 1st is the yeah we get a promo code for you guys a special promo code so wait for that so you get a discount and that also helps us get there it like contributes to our um our trip there but yeah so we were gonna give you a promo code but jessica was saying you know i wish i could go but i don't think i have the funds for it so somebody created a go fund me to help get jessica to crime con which is so sweet and we want to putting it out there everyone go help jessica it's on the facebook group that's all. Gio's having a good time at daycare.
Starting point is 00:08:05 That's why I drink too. Oh, apparently he's made friends. He did. They sent me photos today and I almost cried at work. And they said they had to bring out the dog Kilo who like helps with anxious dogs. But they said that Gio's making great strides. Oh, baby. And he's a little anxious, but he follows Kilo around.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And they gave me a report card. And then I got home and was so proud. And I put it on the table to show Blaze. And then a few minutes later, I went back downstairs, and I found Gio in the backyard, and he had ripped the report card to shreds. So he's clearly making strides, you know, one step forward, two steps back. Well, good. I don't have anything to report.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I got the two new roommates. Right. My job is the same. Great. well good i i don't have anything to report i'm just i got the two new roommates um right my job is the same great i'm training i'm training a new guy because i lost rj so i lost my roommate and my co-worker so i'm now living with a new person and training someone else we miss our job we miss rj well anyway that's why i drink because i miss rj i miss rj too did you ever meet him yeah one time duh right how could i forget a year ago a year ago before we were really friends we saw elf Because I miss RJ. I miss RJ too. Did you ever meet him? Yeah, one time. Duh. Right. How could I forget? A year ago.
Starting point is 00:09:06 A year ago before we were really friends. We saw Elf together. We did. It was a special day. All right. All right. Let's crack into it. I'm trying to make that a real thing again.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Are you really? No. I can make that a thing. I mean, people were into it and then it just kind of died out. I intentionally made it die out because I didn't want to be known for that. Oh. What do you want to be known for? Sassy? The clown? I mean, you were into it, and then it just kind of died out. I intentionally made it die out because I didn't want to be known for that. Oh. What do you want to be known for? Sassy?
Starting point is 00:09:28 The clown? I mean, you're... Fuck you. You're creating all these things for yourself. I am. I'm my own worst nightmare. All right. So, this is a story that was recommended to me by a guy named Cody.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Cody? What a cool name. Or a girl named Cody. Oh, or a girl. By a person named Cody. I'm What a cool name. Or a girl named Cody. Oh, or a girl. By a person named Cody. I'm keeping that in there. Great. This is in New Mexico and it's called the St. James Hotel.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, going for your wine, are you? There's the big bottle. Brought me wine today. Today Christine texted me and was like, so I forgot wine. Can you bring me wine? And so I got her the big kahuna. That's like two wine bottles put together. It's one of the big... It's like if a wine bottle were in like a two liter soda bottle yeah it's one of the big ones that they put on the bottom so that they don't fall off and break it's like one that you
Starting point is 00:10:14 uh that you bring to a giant party but christine's gonna drink it all by herself giant party indeed you would make a good pirate pouring pulling a corks out of bottles with your teeth. Thank you. My parents always yell at me for using my teeth to open things. But look who's laughing now. Definitely me because I've been drinking too much wine. Let's go on with the St. James Hotel. St. Jonathan. What's it? St. James.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Sure. Okay. Thanks, Cody. Okay. So the story begins. Well, the prequel begins in 1862 because you know i love a good prequel we love a good prequel so ulysses s grant oh great um told president lincoln you know they're just hanging out oh sure as they do and he told president lincoln to hire a guy named henry as his personal chef can you see where i'm going with this oh my god very spooky stuff it sounds like a hello fresh
Starting point is 00:11:12 commercial hey have i got something for you have i got something for you so ulysses grant and president lincoln talk about this guy named henry henry henry becomes lincoln's personal chef per request of ulysses that's pretty dope so that was in 1862 three years later henry is still lincoln's chef and then lincoln gets assassinated whoops he lost his job so henry now has nothing to do so he makes his way across to the west in search for gold because it's just like i'm like the gold rush he didn't make enough money to like well i don't know i he must yeah i think lincoln's chef would like i feel like in 2017 if you're the president's chef like you never have to work again but in 1865 theory or something yeah no maybe not but in 1865 you like probably also had two other jobs. Oh, yeah. You were living in the servants' quarters.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Exactly. Okay. So anyway, Henry went on his quest for gold. And when he got there, he was like, all right, I'm not making enough gold. Where? Out west. To gold? Well, he got to New Mexico.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Oh, okay. And he decided, okay, well well the gold out here is not what i expected it doesn't live up to my high expectations as the as the president chef i expected more out of the gold here that's fair so he was like how about i just pick up cooking again and so he started cooking for the miners in town. And it was a town called Elizabeth Town in New Mexico. But the nickname was E-Town. Oh, that's pretty radical. Life changing, some might say.
Starting point is 00:12:53 E-Town. So anyway, in E-Town, where he's cooking up for the miners, a land baron named Lucian Stop it. Walked through and tasted his food. Just, you know, just walked through. tasted his food just you know just walk wait what do you mean what like just like moseyed into new mexico i don't think you know how many questions i have i'm just gonna be quiet so he uh anyway lucian shows up just pops on over i need you to say every time a land baron named lucian okay so clarify a land baron named lucian just
Starting point is 00:13:23 kind of stopped by. Sure, sure. Tasted Henry's food and was so impressed that he offered Henry a job cooking for him in a nearby town called Cimarron? Is that a real town? New Mexico. S-Town is what I'm going to call it. Well, it starts with a C. Oh, C-Town. It looks like cinnamon almost.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Oh. Can you imagine if I just went with the rest of the story and just called the fucking cinnamon town god people would kill me i mean it's not far off from what we actually probably do and i mean dr carob obviously lives in cinnamon town so anyway so in 1872 he's now working in cinnamon town and henry i hate myself hold on henry is working in cinnamon town right yeah and he's cooking cooking under Lucian, the land baron. Land baron named Lucian. So how, like, I don't understand. This guy's just like wandering through and is like, wow.
Starting point is 00:14:13 He's kind of like how I turned into a clown and a ghost hunter and then have a podcast, but also work in props. Like, it just happens. Like, things just take sharp left turns always. So someone just walks through. He was like, not not even he just like became the president's chef and then he just went to the west and then he didn't find gold during the gold rush he did but he just wasn't but he wasn't disappointed but so how did ulysses s grant
Starting point is 00:14:36 even find him to be like hey president lincoln see that's the prequel to the prequel and i did not get that got you okay okay okay um so anyway hen Henry's cooking for the land bearer named Lucian. Right, right. In 1872 and becomes so successful that he begins building his own saloon down the street. Nice. In Cinnamon Town. A lot of things in that sentence were so wrong. Sounds like a board game.
Starting point is 00:14:58 It does. Like Candyland. It's like Candyland the spinoff. It's like the knockoff Candyland. But the better version. Cinnamon Town. Let's make that. Seriously. Trademark. Trademark like the knockoff Candyland. But the better version. Cinnamon Town. Let's make that. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Trademark. Trademark. Yeah, you got it. Okay. Copyright. Whatever symbol needs to be after Cinnamon Town. R with a circle. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:15:16 I don't know. Let's try this again. So anyway. Oh, am I distracting you? Henry's cooking. Just cooking away. he begins building his last his last name is lambert henry lambert he makes lambert saloon and billiard hall sounds like a fun time so lambert saloon becomes wildly popular catering to cowboys miners frontiersmen traders everyone that existed in the Wild West. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:15:51 The saloon was doing so well that he also added 30 guest rooms, and it turned into the St. James Hotel. Cool. Wait, wait, wait. Who's James? A saint? The fuck? He's just like... I liked his name. Yeah, I don't know why it didn't become Lambert's Hotel.
Starting point is 00:16:01 You'd think so. I feel like if I were rich enough to make a business after myself obviously my name would be in there oh yeah i don't know he like wasn't up to the standards of gold so maybe he wasn't up to the standard of his own name on the saloon he was like lambert's saloon is so last year so he's like since no one has anointed me as a saint right m's empire i'm trying to think of a good name m pyre yeah m okay there you go pyre you got it yep you're there i'm there um so anyway they could this seems to be the exact same sentence i say every fucking time i'm describing the history of a hotel give it to me
Starting point is 00:16:39 it was considered to be one of the most elegant luxurious hotels west of the mississippi how many of those are there i feel like it's kind of like how in all those commercials they all say we're the best like you know like an elf it's like world's best coffee good for you congratulates everyone yeah yeah i feel like every single hotel in the 1800s thought it was the only one the most luxurious so even if it was a piece of crap it was still the most luxurious west of the mississippi because nobody had ever got in more than five miles from that hotel. So they had no idea. Anyway, so it became a very popular saloon, as they all seem to.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And before long, the hotel was filling up with really famous people that were out in the Old West, like Jesse James stayed there a lot. He always stayed in room 14. Oh. were out in the old west like jesse james um stayed there a lot he always stayed in room 14 oh and when he would like sign like check-in he would always use the name rh howard which was his like aka whoa that's pretty badass so um buffalo bill was also there annie oakley was there she's my hero by the way oh neat lover well she used to rehearse for the Wild West show there. Wyatt Earp. I know Wyatt Earp. He was staying there at
Starting point is 00:17:53 the St. James on his way to Tombstone, which sounds like another place we should cover. Nobody should go there. And that's where he became friends with Doc Holliday. And Zane Grey penned fighting caravans while staying in the hotel and governor lou wallace wrote part of ben hur there what the actual hell um other famous guests for doc holiday billy the kid bat masterson kit carson and bob
Starting point is 00:18:17 ford who killed jesse james holy crap so since it was just covered in violent cowboys, at least 26 men were killed in gunfights at the hotel. Oh, my God. Nobody to. They tried to bury that that lead. But I know. But also here we are. My favorite is that back then that was luxurious. Now, if 26 people were killed in a hotel, it's called the Cecil Hotel.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And they're like, don't go. It's like, actually, it's called the stay on main. Yeah. No, right. Don't tell us. We have to totally rebrand for the ninth time in a row so um anyway the St. James uh well the ceiling okay so here's the thing here's my favorite fun fact of this story oh my so when Henry uh built this saloon slash hotel he knew that it was there was going to be a lot of violent cowboys walking in.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Also pompous of him to think that he's good enough. We've already determined that Henry is so full of himself. I know. Gold is not good enough. And so he knew that a lot of bad guys would be coming in. So when he built the saloon, he added three feet of hard wood above the tin ceilings because he knew that bullets would be shooting left and right. And he didn't want the bullets to go through the ceiling and go through the floor of the
Starting point is 00:19:32 upstairs and shoot people. That is crazy. He intentionally doubled up the floor so that people upstairs sleeping wouldn't get shot by accident. Also, why are you fucking sleeping there if that's even a possibility? why would you sleep on that floor i would sleep like four floors up i would sleep in a different county oh yeah i would not be there at all that's a good point okay your your childhood and my childhood were very different we were like i'm getting shot like four floors up it doesn't really matter i'm like just put a couple feet in between
Starting point is 00:20:01 my mind just in my mind i'm like okay i need a couple feet in between me. I'll sleep just fine. In my mind, I'm like, okay, I need two states between us. Okay, so over time, mining and ranching became less popular jobs in the towns. Population declined, just like every other story about the hotels. I don't even know why I do the history anymore. I feel like the next time I say, hotel, we should all just copy and paste my script. Yes. And just be like it was the most luxurious of its time in the west of the mississippi and then one day it declined because of railroads you know how like the trains took out a lot of people bang bam boom let's just
Starting point is 00:20:36 all remember that from now on okay remember it um so it fell into disrepair as they all do and was passed from owner to owner as they all are until the mid 1980s where it was 1980s i know oh wow a long time we jumped forward oh we we sped through time it's very uh my my dad wrote a porno i'm like oh we're in the 1980s now my favorite is when he goes oh no it was a different paragraph it was a new paragraph they're like wait we're in a different week and he's like yeah it was a new paragraph like that denotes like a total skip in time i like where they're like what the fuck do you mean that was a time lapse um so anyway in the 1980s you remember those sure yes uh they this the hotel was purchased and restored to its original state um almost all of the furniture is
Starting point is 00:21:23 original just like every fucking story i don't know why i do this is this my old notes i think i just wrote on top of oh my god what if they were just like a different yeah i'm not i swear i use a different word document every time but like also i wouldn't be surprised if someone wanted to claim that i do that i mean the way you fold them up in a little piece of paper and put them in your pocket i would never know if it's a new like it looks all the same that's true it all looks like a mess um but anyway so all the furniture is original all the way from the antique chandeliers to the beds and dressers in the guest rooms they're all from the old west that's pretty cool when people slept in them so like room 14 bed like jesse james slept in that
Starting point is 00:21:58 shit oh ew that's a little gross so staying there today is quote eerily similar to staying there today is, quote, eerily similar to staying there in the Wild West days. It's so originally stored and so meant to look like it did during the Wild West for you to feel like you're part of that world that it's not at all a modern hotel. Oh, my God. Which means there's no phones, no radios, no televisions, no air conditioning. The hell? In New Mexico. Why does anybody? Why would you pay to be there i want
Starting point is 00:22:26 to go there for a minute and then leave it's very much yeah i want to look around be like oh and then go to lunch um take me to the ritz-carlton now yeah i'd be like okay we got to get to the marriott sure i'll take the marriott it's fine sure sure sure uh do you have a favorite hotel um no oh i do what's yours the w oh oh i love the w very she she w like here in la i mean it's like more than just is it a chain yeah it's the westin but spruced the fuck up because alexander's boss old boss used to live there oh i would absolutely live at the w i mean yeah but he's also a multimillionaire. Yeah, you have to stay there.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's such a nice... Oh, my God. His apartment was... Yeah, I imagine. Bananas. Guys, if you've never been in a Westin... I'm sorry, not a Westin. Ugh. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:23:17 How dare you? I'm sorry. I sound like Henry right now, but if you have not... Do you sound like Henry? If you have not stayed in a W, you are not living your best life. Listen, I've never stayed in a W. You're not living your best life. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:23:29 One day we'll be so rich and powerful that we'll live in a Weston. Not a Weston. Damn it. We'll live in a Weston. No, we won't. We'll live in a W. We'll visit the Weston and laugh at people. M just solidified our fate that someday we're going to live in a Weston.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Especially a motel. At least I'm not saying like a motel eight or like oh that's what it's called ramada did you know my mom is banned from ramadas i did and also did you know people always call my mom ramada and they go oh like the hotel because her name's renata so when you tell me that i'm like oh our moms are like kind of related yeah interesting my mom will probably be banned from knowing your mom too so it's it's a full circle and probably call her ramada so it's like oh absolutely my mother will call her ramada um so so back to henry sure uh the hotel fell into disrepair in the 1980s oh yes we time traveled in the 1980s it was purchased and restored and it has no television disgusting oh foul it reminds
Starting point is 00:24:23 me of that episode of friends when joey like, you don't have a TV. What the fuck do you point all your furniture at? That's how I feel about this hotel. It's like, where does everything go? Literally, how do you function? So in 1881, Henry was playing cards with some men. This is where the spooky shit starts happening. Get ready, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Everyone tune in. Get ready. In 1881. Oh, because we've gone back in time now. Wait, wait, wait. Literally 100 years. ready. In 1881. Oh, because we've gone back in time now. Wait, wait, wait. Literally 100 years. Okay. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:49 My name is Rocky Flintstone and I just don't know what I'm doing. I have whiplash. A hundred years worth of whiplash. Anyway, I think it was very stressful for me to see that there isn't a television in this hotel. And so I needed to report it before I forgot to. You were like. I was like was like anyway back to 1881 hold the non-existent phone back to four years before marty mcfly gets there in the third sequel right sure so um henry was playing cards with some men on the in the card room because of course there was one. Right, right, right. And he was so confident in his hand that he bet the hotel.
Starting point is 00:25:27 He's such a dumbass. Maybe Henry didn't even want the hotel at this point. He was like, it's old. It's not good enough. So a guest of the hotel named TJ Wright, he also felt very confident in his hand and agreed to the bet. And he won. Wait, what was he betting like he was like oh you think that your hand is good enough and you're betting the hotel i'll take that but yeah
Starting point is 00:25:50 but like was he like saying and if i if you win like what did he get from him oh i have no idea who knows pride taken away i don't know so anyway he won and essentially got the hotel jesus he went upstairs his room because he was a guest there. So he went upstairs. Not like he was like, now I own the place. This is my room. This is my domain now. He went upstairs to his room that he was staying in to go to bed.
Starting point is 00:26:16 And while he was walking down the hall to his room, he turned the corner and was shot from behind. Sure, of course. I just feel like in those days, like, don't you know someone's gonna shoot you if you like win their hotel like this happened i feel like if i first of all i would never thank god i'm not a lucky person because if i if i won anything from anyone i would just assume they're gonna kill me i'd be like oh no here we are no have it back please it's like are you lucky at that point no no like honestly you're luckier to not be lucky and not have to be in that situation poor tj so poor tj he didn't poor tj he did not die right away so he stumbled into
Starting point is 00:26:52 his room which was room 18 fun fact oh no shut the door and slowly bled to death while waiting for help but nobody came because the owner shot him so or well so they think except he wasn't the owner anymore because tj was the owner and there it is or was did he ever really lose the hotel if he shot him right away let's not get philosophical all right let's just avoid that what do you mean that's what this podcast is all right yeah it's uh yeah for all the philosophy majors out there welcome to your test just listen to us for an hour and try not to rip your hair out so try to explain what's happening because explain to us because we don't know and then you'll solve everything the meaning of life so uh he stumbled to his room and died and room 18 is
Starting point is 00:27:36 now considered the most haunted room in the hotel nobody is allowed to enter the room and it is pad locked at all times no one's allowed to enter it and there's a padlock on the front door you can see it locked what do you mean they just like do they they're like no nobody can hear anything oh my god staff says when any whenever anyone goes into that room something bad happens in the hotel so that could be like a fire or um a robbery i don't know they didn't give me a list tell me more or like i don't know like you cook something in the microwave and it comes out cold in the middle so like wait no way that sounds seriously i would never want anyone in that room fuck that um uh rumor has it that the reason they won't let people stay there is because there's actually been a more than average number of mysterious deaths happening in
Starting point is 00:28:26 that room wait what like seriously so a lot of people before they locked it up a lot of people were staying there and just dying for no reason okay that's worse than just like the microwave is it first of all there's no way they have microwaves there if they don't have a fucking telephone but okay that's a good point that's be obviously so then that's not even in the in the running then okay so people are dying is top of the list now left and right okay so then they were like okay we gotta like tone the shit down and we're just gonna padlock it if we if nobody can get in there no one can die mysteriously and so sure so far it's working seems seems logical um there basically there wasn't a strict record at the time of people staying at the hotel or people dying in the hotel.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Because back in the 1880s, it's like, well, everyone's dying. Right. So why? Why write it down? Everyone's dying. Everyone's getting shot by cowboys. I mean, 26 of them died in the hotel. At some point, you just got to be like, why even write it down?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Like where we just need to find a place to put like i have a handgram too many people so since there wasn't like it wasn't like a priority of the time there's no record of tj's death in the hotel but there's proof that tj right existed because he was born in new mexico at in the year that he said he was born. And one of the original guest registries that they found during the restoration in the 80s, the 1980s, they found like an old registry and it said that T.J. Wright was staying there for three nights on the night that he supposedly died.
Starting point is 00:29:59 In room 18? It didn't say, I don't know. Oh, that's so creepy. But so like there's proof that he was there yeah and he never left so good one wild ride over here wild ride for one for one and only one party of one so employees of the hotel advise all of the guests to avoid that area while traveling through the floor so like if they want to get to their room to take a different route than like crossing the room why would you go there one former owner of the hotel even says that someone pushed her down the stairs while she
Starting point is 00:30:34 was trying to get into the room to clean it um while other witnesses say that they have seen a ball of orange light floating out of the room and others have seen like if the door was open like i guess sometimes staff has to get in there they have seen the chandelier in there swinging so crazy that it's flipping itself over oh um those who have sensed him say that he's incredibly unfriendly very angry and wants to be left alone and they assume he's very angry because he died instead of winning a hotel i mean i would be fucking angry too and then no one helps you and you bleed out in your room but that's kind of sad that you didn't even win the hotel and now you're just gonna like hang out there it's like in the afterlife he's like well then i'm just gonna stay for as long
Starting point is 00:31:18 as i want like just to to get his yeah but he was also like violently murdered and no one came to his rescue i feel like i'd be like bitter i mean there's a lot of reasons to be better okay i mean like if i were to die and be a ghost and god was like okay do you want to like be an angry bitter ghost or like a happy one i'd be like well i mean i still got a lot of shit to to be mad about i would just go haunt everyone i think that's what he's doing yeah so i'm on his side oh i would haunt you is what i'm is the moral of this oh if i go first like i'm gonna haunt the shit out of you i mean i thought that was already agreed upon but it's fine all right i mean i'll just like i'll be a friendly haunt though like i'll make sure the
Starting point is 00:31:58 wine always stays filled wait really no if you die tonight that's why because I'm oh nope what because that's the only bottle of wine you have and you don't want to go shopping for more I thought that was funny and then I said it out loud and I was like
Starting point is 00:32:12 that's horrible I don't mean it aww please be safe don't please don't die oh my gosh guys
Starting point is 00:32:19 guys oh my we're having a moment oh my please leave us alone we're having a moment oh wait nope don't leave us alone come back're having a moment. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Nope. Don't leave us alone. Come back. Come back. God damn it. I don't want to be alone. I'm trying to get through this story, man. I'm sorry. I'm not helping.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So employees avoid the room at all costs and avoid it so much so that it has not been renovated in decades. The only things in there are a table playing cards a shot glass and an empty bottle of jack daniels ew and a chandelier and a chandelier this is the creepiest room ever i'm picturing i wonder how old the bottle of jack daniels is but it's apparently just like bare bare bones because they don't even want to go in there and touch stuff i don't blame them i mean why would they put stuff in there you know i think in case it like the door opens it looks relatively decorated oh
Starting point is 00:33:05 maybe but like yeah you wouldn't want to take anything out either you're like yeah i don't want to fuck with it so anyway it's just they try to avoid that room at all times so henry's wife mary lived in the hotel with him also like gave birth to their kids there two of their kids died there and then she also died there in 1926 oh so we're just time traveling again sorry so i'm into it uh i'm just keeping you on your toes as usual so staff call her the protector because apparently she haunts the place as well but she watches out for people and they will smell rose perfume and she has appeared to people as a full-bodied white apparition so just like a white light in the shape of a human oh wow um if you are staying in her room which is 17 which is
Starting point is 00:33:52 right next to room 18 god it's like good versus evil i was about to say battle um if you leave the window open while you're sleeping she will start tapping on the glass because she wants you to close it and then if you ignore it it'll start turning into banging on the glass until you can see the glass vibrating i mean i feel like okay maybe she did protect her spirit but that would scare the absolute shit out of me or she's just like crazy anal she's like excuse me close the fucking window she's like my ocd will not let me pass to the afterlife imagine if you still if you still have OCD after you die? That sounds horrible. That's its own curse. So anyway, she'll tap
Starting point is 00:34:29 slash beat on the glass until you actually close it. Wonderful. Also, her two and a half year old son Johnny died there from fatal burns of hot oil to his body. Oh my god, what? He like was running around and one of the servers had a bunch of fried foods. No, no, no, no, no. And it fell on him that's so sad guests have
Starting point is 00:34:47 guests and staff sorry have seen him running around the hallways playing in the hotel and getting into mischief one bartender saw him in a long white gown spinning a bottle while sitting at the bar a two and a half year old by the way sounds like your child he's like listen i do i have stories to tell listen the reason i'm spinning this bottle is because i chugged it first who wants a kiss these walls could talk man so anyway the poor johnny the bartender saw him sitting at the bar by himself because the two-year-old really needed a drink he somehow climbed onto a bar stool and he was like i'll have what she's having. Yikes. And thinking he was a guest. Thinking the two-year-old was a guest?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Well, I guess assuming it was like a guest's kid. Oh, okay. Said, hey, why don't you go find your parents and go back up to your room? When Johnny looked up at him, half of his face was horribly scarred with burns. And he jumped off the stool and disappeared into the floor do you have any idea how much that would scar me like i would quit that job immediately yeah that's terrifying i mean like all of a sudden he looks up at you he's got horrible scars and then he like literally dives into the floor just even the notion when people say like a ghost looks them in the eye like it
Starting point is 00:36:00 knows you're there that's you could be the prettiest ghost in the world if you look me in the eyes we i don't like it i'm done though so there are also the hey pretty lady ghosts you heard it here first there are also two little girl ghosts who died of diphtheria in the late 1800s diphtheria yeah it's one of those like oregon trail diseases well i know that because i i died to that a lot when i played oregon trail oh really oh you died of dysentery and i was like probably i always drowned when i was trying to fix the way it was always dysentery or diphtheria or cholera i never died of cholera oh i always died i regularly died of dysentery that was probably 90 percent of my everyone died of that it's just horrible diphtheria i think is like a virus all right i'll believe you i don't know i made that up okay i believe you okay okay because
Starting point is 00:36:53 we're best friends and we just if one of us is stupid then both of us are so um both of the little girl ghosts are polite and well behavedbehaved, and that has been determined because they have been heard saying, Thank you, mister, and that's not funny, Johnny. Anytime Johnny does something mischievous, you'll hear a little girl say that. When Johnny looks people in the eye and then burns into the floor. When he dives into the ground. Just melts into the hardwood floor. No.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I dropped my notes. Oh my god. That's not funny, Johnny. Oh my god that's not funny johnny oh god anyway as one of the perks at this hotel if you were an employee there you get to live there oh yay thank you actual fuck what a great benefit don't get a phone you don't get internet you don't get a tv there's you get fucking i was like yeah you can live here for free with no amenities and no fun. Also, a lot of fucking ghosts.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Demons are just always with you. No big deal. So, one employee, her name was Lyle. I'm just gonna nod. Okay. Lyle started working there and moved into the room directly across from the Mary Lambert room, who was the protector and watcher of people. 17.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Mm-hmm. So, it was right across from 17 which means it was right next to room 18 oh shit so right away she was like in the crossfire between like good and evil good and evil she immediately started having problems sleeping and would wake up several times at night for no reason at all like no noises were waking her up she would just wake up in the dark and there's no fucking all. Like, no noises were waking her up. She would just wake up. In the dark and there's no fucking... And there's no TV to distract you.
Starting point is 00:38:29 You can't just, like, play the radio or TV. Uh-uh. No. She can't, like, listen to our podcast to get through it. God. That sounds like a dream slash nightmare. Can you imagine a world without people being able to listen to our podcast? It sounds a lot like what the world was like in January 2017.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Sounds like a pretty hellish time for everyone. So right away, she started having sleeping problems and would wake up several times a night for no reason at all. And paranormal investigators regularly toured the hotel. And so when she found out when they were coming in, she found a psychic working with them and was like, you have to check out my room because I don't know what's going on but i can't sleep anymore and without being given any info the psychic told her that someone named tj was trying to possess her no and someone named
Starting point is 00:39:14 mary was stopping him no okay so she was literally in the crossfire i just got chills she was being a pawn in their game so mary's like sticking around to stop that's so fucked up dude yeah so she was right across the street from someone taking care of her and next to someone trying to possess her this is horrifying like in her sleep i can't so she was like oh well i still want to stay in the room because lyle apparently is an idiot lyle and the psychic was like no move and so she moved into a different room and as of that night doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:50 They need to shut this place down. But apparently she kept waking up because she was like spiritually like getting disturbed. There's fucking spiritual warfare happening. Yeah, right over her. Right through her. Yikes. So there's another spirit there. This is the last spirit i think um
Starting point is 00:40:05 and he is a mischievous gnome-like man named the little imp i left him for last because i thought you'd enjoy that merry friends miss he likes to play tricks on the living especially annoying new employees he once appeared on a barstool and laughed at the young man uh that was working because he had to clean up the dining room like just like showed up and was like and just teased him and then popped away i like how the two-year-old is just like sitting at the bars drinking like he's lived like a century's worth of wisdom and the full-grown like weird imp man it's like acting like a two-year-old yeah i don't know i like how that was your takeaway from any of this i just keep picturing that creepy two-year-old
Starting point is 00:40:51 with a white gown drinking or whatever he really does like put on such a somber appearance of sitting so creepy sadly at a bar and then this little imp just pops up what's his name the little imp all right so um anyway this little imp he also has taken a steak knife and stuck it into the floor between two owners of the hotel while they were arguing oh my the little imp was like if you want to get crazy we can get fucking crazy he's like i am here he's like i'm ready for this kind of mischief. I've been waiting for this moment. He's like, I sense tension and I'm here to bring it to a full throttle. I'm here to introduce weapons. Zero to 60, the little imp.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Oh my god. Is he a human that died? I don't know. Oh my god, what the fuck? I don't know. He also makes lampshades and glasses crack all by themselves and objects disappear and reappear in other places. all know that yes um many of his tricks are followed by an eerie chuckle whispered into your ears oh god he sounds like a troll under a bridge yeah he sounds like you have to like
Starting point is 00:41:55 answer my riddles three to cross the bridge like yes anyway and like do you imagine if a ghost just popped up one day i was like answer my riddles three and i'll disappear and i'm like oh okay we would fail immediately i feel like i just want to answer them right the first time so you go but that's that's the true torture too it's like if you're not good at riddles he's just gonna keep haunting that knife is just gonna come straight what if instead of exorcists we just tried answering riddles and just saw what happened what's wrong with you we would never succeed at Yeah, we should just call the exorcist. Yeah. So two girls were staying at the hotel together
Starting point is 00:42:29 and one of the girls went to go take a shower and the whole time she was in the shower, the door to the bathroom kept opening and then slamming shut, followed by a laugh. Okay, this guy's becoming less fun and like more and more creepy. And so the little girl, or not the little girl, well, that'd be even creepier
Starting point is 00:42:45 um so the girl kept telling her friend to quit but it happened every couple minutes where the door would slowly open and then slam shut and then you'd hear a laugh so when she got out she went to yell at her friend but the friend wasn't there no and she found out later that her friend had been out the whole time at the pharmacy so um in in the hotel, you can also feel cold spots. You can smell cigar smoke. Guests and staff will regularly feel like they're being watched in a very evil way. Things constantly fall off the wall of shelves counters. You hear a lot of laughter from either the little girls and or the little imp.
Starting point is 00:43:23 The little imp. God, he sounds so much more harmless than he actually is i know the little imp or the creepy or like the creepy or the little pervert stalker pervert so computers and phones at the front desk regularly break down and will only fix themselves after the spirits get scolded okay and it's like little imp you come down here little imp join your little geek squad and figure out why you're like to your little johnny come up through the floor right now i need you to rise from the head from the floorboards i saw you melt into the ground don't you make me come down there cameras and video equipment often break or don't work correctly a lot a lot of times they'll
Starting point is 00:44:02 shut down within an hour of being there the dining room, which was previously the saloon part of the hotel, still has its original mirrored bar. And many guests swear that when they're sitting there, they can see through the reflection of the mirrored bar a cowboy sitting next to them. And they'll finally look up and nobody's there. A previous owner said that every time she would turn off the lights before leaving they would be on again before she even got to the parking lot like she'd get to her car and look into the window and they'd still be on and it happened so often when she was the last
Starting point is 00:44:36 one there that eventually they just started leaving the lights on 24 7 so the electric bills probably were wild oh i don't even. Yeah, except they don't have. Except they have. Maybe it breaks even. Don't have TVs. Yeah. Psychics have identified at least seven constant spirits in the hotel, but there's also many passersby. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:44:54 And the show has been featured on A Current Affair, Ghost Adventures, and Unsolved Mysteries. The show? You mean the hotel? The hotel has been featured on shows including a current affair ghost adventures and unsolved mysteries what's a current affair i don't know okay oh man oh man thanks cody thanks cody whoever you are what's your story do you want to know about um pedro lopez the monster of the andes yeah so i get emails from the lineup which i don't know do you know the lineup yes okay so it's a school website they have like a lot of creepy horror like true crime
Starting point is 00:45:33 and paranormal stuff and they send kind of like a weekly newsletter and so today i got this email and i was like i wonder who the monster of the andes is and i was like how on earth have i never heard about this person right have you heard about him all right you're in for a wild ride an interesting time interesting time indeed so this guy actually uh when they described him they described him as one of the most prolific serial killers in the world that people have never heard of so well makes sense why i haven't heard of them yeah that would make sense so let's start from the prequel love a good prequel as i would say love a good prequel okay so pedro lopez's father uh his name was midardo reyes and he was a member of the colombian conservative party during la violencia which was colombia's civil war so this
Starting point is 00:46:25 was in the like early or the first half of the 20th century so after an argument with his wife on december 28th 1947 reyes cheated on his wife with a sex worker named benilda lopez de castaneda and then she got pregnant oh so she got pregnant with pedro lopez okay the subject of our story i understand um so three months into her pregnancy with lopez on april 4th 1948 uh pedro lopez's father medardo reyes was defending a grocery store from a rebellious mob when he was shot and killed so six months later pedro was born uh in santa isabel his father had been killed right and his mother was this sex worker that his dad had cheated on his wife with um and he was born as the seventh of 13 children holy shit so he was a polite child um he wanted to be a teacher when he grew up but he led a rough childhood um he was obviously the son of a sex
Starting point is 00:47:27 worker and that was really hard for him uh when he was eight years old his mother caught him fondling his little sister oh so she kicked him out of the house at eight at eight years old it was 1957 and he ran away to bogota uh where a stranger offered him a bed to sleep in because he was living on the street and so he took the offer but instead of taking him somewhere safe the man took him to a deserted house and repeatedly raped him oh shit eight years old so when he was 12 um he was taken in by an american family who had seen him living on the streets and he was enrolled in a school for orphans. While there, he was sexually assaulted by a male teacher.
Starting point is 00:48:10 God damn it. Yeah. So after two years at the school, he ran away and by the time he was 18, he was making a living stealing cars and selling them to local chop shops. So he was arrested and jailed for car theft when he was 18 and he was in prison for seven
Starting point is 00:48:27 years and while he was in prison he was gang raped by a group of men fuck he just can't get a break um and in response he hunted down and killed each of the men with a homemade knife while he was still in jail wow so he went after each and every one and slit their throats jesus so after he was released from prison um lopez continued his violent streak he had basically gotten a thirst for blood and was like okay i enjoy this and instead of targeting men he started targeting young girls oh gosh so he was living in peru and he started luring young girls to remote areas where he would rape and murder them um what he would do is he would lure them away from marketplaces with the promise of giving them little gifts like mirrors and like fun little toys and trinkets.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Oh, so he's like little, little girls. Little girls. Oh, my God. And he would basically look for girls who looked like they could be taken advantage of. Like they were from lower social status and that kind of thing. A direct quote from him. He said, I walked among the markets searching for a girl with a certain look on her face a look of innocence and beauty she would be a good girl
Starting point is 00:49:51 always working with her mother i followed them sometimes for two or three days waiting for the moment when she was left alone so he'd basically stalk and prey on these little children geez um so he would take them to these secret hideaways where he had already prepared graves for them. Fuck! Sometimes he even had bodies of earlier victims already in the graves. Oh! And he would
Starting point is 00:50:16 This is really, really, really, really messed up. He would basically lull them into a sense of security by cuddling with them. By grooming them? No, not grooming them. them no just he would like literally cuddle with them just trick them yeah he would like hug them and like lay next to them and make them feel safe and then he would rape and kill them always at sunrise apparently it's really, really, really, really, really upsetting. So he also said that he often followed and wanted to capture the blonde haired children of visiting tourists.
Starting point is 00:50:56 But he said he never got the chance because their parents were too watchful. So he had an easier time like targeting locals who were comfortable in the area and that kind of thing. After dozens of murders, he was attempting to kidnap a nine-year-old girl when he was captured by members of a local indigenous tribe. So they planned to execute him by burying him alive. Good. And before they could kill him, a Christian missionary intervened and convinced the tribe to hand Lopez over to Peruvian police. He deserved to bury. So they were like, give him a fair trial, whatever. So Lopez was
Starting point is 00:51:32 deported to Colombia because that's where he was from, but he wasn't charged. Of course. So it was off. Yeah. He lived in Colombia for a while, then moved to Ecuador where he later said, I like the girls in Ecuador. They're more gentle and trusting, more innocent. And at this point in his life, he was killing about three girls a week on average. Jesus Christ. For how long? You'll find out.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Oh, my God. So he continued this murder spree until he was trying to snatch 10-year-old Maria Pavetta, but her mother saw Lopez walking away hand-in-hand with her daughter. Oh shit, and she went mama bear on him. Yeah, started screaming. An angry mob pounced on him and held him there until police arrived and they took him into custody. And he wasn't cooperating when questioned so to solve the problem they sent an undercover detective into the jail with him and his name was
Starting point is 00:52:33 pastor gonzalez and one article i read not gonna name names what sources was but they mistakenly i believe called him a pastor because his name was pastor oh no he wasn't a pastor because i was reading and i was like he was a detective and a pastor like i was just so confused maybe he'll meet a pastor named detective get out of here i'm sorry pastor detective anyway so this guy named detective gonzalez went undercover posing as an inmate. And this is how he described his time basically rooming with Lopez. With Pastor Detective. No.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Okay, so this is how he described it. He said, for 27 days, I hardly slept, afraid I'd be strangled in my sleep. But I tricked Lopez into confessing by pretending I was a rapist, too. He boasted to me of murder after murder in Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. It was beyond my wildest nightmares. He told me everything. Jeez. So that's how they got their confession.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Can you imagine your job being you have to go undercover in a very very very violent prison he literally was afraid for his life for an entire month yeah i would be too especially because this guy killed there was some show forever ago it's like only clips of it are on youtube now where guys were voluntarily and women too but people were volunteering to go into the prison system just to see like what it was like and see like what i forget what the show was but i remember there being a guy who was like he was a marine and was like at least i can handle myself when i'm in there and only like 48 hours and he was like this is yeah so he confessed to this other guy the detective who also had to pretend to be a rapist just to get the confession um he confessed to over 300 murders in various countries and police didn't believe him they
Starting point is 00:54:41 were like that's insane but then a flash flood unearthed the mass grave with dozens of his victims in it. That was God shaking the world being like, it's true. Like, hello. Yeah, seriously, though. Pastor Pastor was like, he was like, I knew it. Show him. I knew it. So he was charged with 110 murders in Ecuador alone.
Starting point is 00:55:08 so he was charged with 110 murders in ecuador alone and in 1981 he was sentenced to the maximum sentence in the country at the time which was 16 years oh my god police said lopez could have been charged with 350 or more murders uh of missing girls but the trials would have been all across various countries and it was just too complex and costly to like get the legal systems in place for that so it was colombia peru ecuador they think like he could have been responsible for 350 or more murders so 16 years nothing yeah um after serving 14 of the 16 years he was released and deported back to Colombia because after being released, he, I guess, was re-arrested like a day later for being an illegal immigrant. So they like found a way to. They found a loophole.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Re-arrest him. Yeah. So they extradited him back to Colombia. And that was in august of 1994 and he was declared insane and sent to a mental institution four years later in 1998 he was declared sane and he was released for good behavior on 50 bail okay um in an interview from his prison cell he described himself as the man of the century and said oh right me too yeah yeah me too also right okay hi and said he was being released for good behavior uh after he was released so this was only four years and he visited his elderly mother and
Starting point is 00:56:40 she said that he asked for his inheritance and then upon being informed of her poverty, sold her only bed and only chair to people on the street. Then vanished because there was a 2002 murder that he was being connected to. So there was talk of connecting him with like another murder that had happened. So he peaced out um and to this day no one knows where he is he's gone he peaced the fuck out and he's gone um so police said lopez could have been charged with 350 murders um at that time now it's probably even more yeah and that was in the 90s, so who knows what's happened then. And the people that were interviewed about who were connected to the victims, to his victims, said, like, Lord help anybody who's near this guy.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Like in his path, yeah. The mother of the young girl who was almost taken, who started screaming. She said, he won't live long. It will be a kindness to the world for someone to murder this fiend. The monster of the Andes won't last long on the outside. So nobody knows where he is or like there's varying reports. Some say like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:59 he was arrested in this country, but there's no proof of that. And other people say, no, he like fled to a different continent like nobody knows where the hell he is that's terrifying but he's not very old so yeah how old would he be right now well he was born in well he's pretty old he's like in his he's probably 70 69 70 like not old enough there's some sprightly
Starting point is 00:58:27 70 year olds yeah and it's not enough where you would like assume he's dead you know yeah so that's the story of the monster of the andes 350 people oh my god to date and that's as far as we know and that's like a prediction like you know but he was literally charged with 110 murders just in ecuador alone of young girls just only you know what's creepier too is that now that he's older if he's still out there doing this now he's got like the grandpa persona to play off of it's like he can go up to young girls and they just think oh this is a kind old man because that's even creepier so totally it really is upsetting that he hasn't been found so oh well we can all sleep easy
Starting point is 00:59:12 tonight at least lock your damn doors all right that's the story of the monster of the andes pedro lopez thank you what a mofo for that gift you're welcome thank you for your gift. You're welcome. Thank you for your gift of Henry St. James. That's what I'm calling him now. All right. And the Lord Baron, Land Baron. Yeah, what the hell happened to him? I wanted more about him. Don't we all?
Starting point is 00:59:35 I don't know. I like to presume he lived a long life. I miss him. A long, hearty life. I miss him already. I'll let him know. Thanks for that. That was that was fun yeah i do what i can uh is there anything else that we need to say listen guys love your neighbor oh be good to
Starting point is 00:59:59 one another okay spay and neuter your animals yeah spay and neuter your pets listen to bob barker don't fret don't do drugs don't do drugs and don't fret unless it's weed unless it's marijuana and you are a responsible adult or alcohol if you know I feel like that'd be Christine's first asterisk and footnote on that. Caffeine is also a drug. That's true. Tell the soda and coffee drinkers. Do caffeine. Unless soda.
Starting point is 01:00:35 That's not good for you. Okay. Do coffee. Coffee and tea. Do coffee in the morning. Red wine at night. Mm-hmm. Throw some ice cream in there.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Do what I do. Oh. Be do. Oh. Be me. Oh. And you'll be fine. Get a two liter bottle of wine meant for a party and drink it yourself. But don't get it yourself. Make your friend do it.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Right. Yep. Yep. Thank you guys. You can find our social media on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, ATWWD podcast. You can also find our website at and Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, ATWWD podcast. You can also find our website at andthat' You can find our shop at andthat'
Starting point is 01:01:15 You can find our Patreon at ATWWD podcast. You can also find our email at andthat'swhywedrink at where you can write in your listener stories. We put them out every first of the month. And we are reading them. We're behind, but we're reading them. I them. We're behind, but we're reading them. I promise we're behind, but we're also not as behind as we have been. We're catching up, but we're still getting those ones that are like, did you get my email? And I'm like, they're coming.
Starting point is 01:01:34 We're coming. We're at least going to respond to you. Eventually we care about you. Um, I think that's it. That's it. And also come meet us in Nashvilleashville in may yeah come to crime con but also don't commit to it yet until january 1st when we have a promo code so like just think about it put it on your own vision boards put it on your mantle put it on your mantle put it in
Starting point is 01:01:58 your brain and your dream journal and be like this is my thought but i haven't committed yet also i don't know if this is something they can do but you guys should write into the webbies and tell them to nominate us oh yeah also that's a thing we we are we have been invited to the webbies yes we have not been nominated for anything yet and i don't know if and maybe them bombarding the webbies judges would be bad for us but it might also be good for us us just put it on your vision half of you agree to write into the webbies some of you do some of you don't some of you just dream about it just put out the energy put out the vibes put out the vibes hopefully they'll catch them
Starting point is 01:02:34 vibe it in there they'll catch it in their web get it god okay stupid and in their world wide web come on you can't say it's stupid and then make your own joke um also this comes out on the 16th on the 17th i don't know which means the next one that comes out will be christmas eve oh my god or it's the germans call it christmas oh all right it's my christmas well until we that's wow we gotta figure that shit out yep okay we'll be there guys well you'll you'll hear something from us we don't know what it'll be but it might be a long distance skype conversation merry christmas eve who knows eve if you are jewish happy hanukkah it is hanukkah. It is Hanukkah. Yes, it is Hanukkah. Happy currently is the third day of Hanukkah. Happy third day of Hanukkah.
Starting point is 01:03:31 But when you hear this, it'll be the fifth day. Oh my God. Sixth day. Sixth day of Hanukkah. God. Shabbat Shalom. Shabbat Shalom. Don't.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Anyway. Schwitz around, you know. Putz around. Whatever. I'm Schwitzen like usual nope god all right anyway guys um thank you and that's why we drink and that's what this is literally the reason and that's why we drink and that's why bye clink shabbat shalom in the home

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