And That's Why We Drink - E48 The Island of Misfit Priests and the Easter Egg Rapist

Episode Date: December 31, 2017

Happy New Year from the future! Em tells the story of George Lukins (not Lucas), who was famous for his alleged demonic possession and the subsequent exorcism that occurred in 1788. Unfortunately, no ...“magic practitioners” were able to get him out of his mess. Not even Criss Angel. Meanwhile, Christine covers the Original Night Stalker, AKA the East Area Rapist (EAR/ONS). Lock your doors, cause he’s still out there. And be sure to call 1-800-CALL-FBI if you have any information.Zola is reinventing the wedding registry and planning process. To receive a $50 credit towards your registry, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 happy new year my headphones aren't on oh you're playing with your mini plunger yes good uh happy new year it's 2018 it is Can you believe it? Yes. What's your resolution? Realistically, I want to be better with my budget because I've never actually, like, I've always, like, put money aside, but I've never, like, really, like, written down a budget and stuck to it. And then I want to be better with paperwork. Like, I want to, like, start writing things down more. I need to get better at paperwork. Like I want to like start writing things down more.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I need to get better at that too. Those are boring. I don't have anything. No, it's good. It'll benefit the podcast too. Oh, okay. Yeah. We'll use it for good and evil.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Wow. What are your resolutions? I just want to be healthier. I feel like I haven't taken as good care of myself. Shedding for the wedding? Well, that too, but also like with the Crohn's and everything, I just haven't been as good care of myself. Shedding for the wedding? Well, that too. But also like with the Crohn's and everything, I just haven't been as careful as I should be. So my goal is to try and be more careful with myself and healthier with myself.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And my mental health, you know? I think the lists will help with my mental health as well. Yeah. I feel like lists always help me like kind of compartmentalize like, put things aside when I don't need to panic about them. So that might help you. To-do lists. Love a good to-do list. Love a good to-do list.
Starting point is 00:01:35 My resolution is to make more to-do lists, I think. Let's just to-do list the hell out of 2018. Okay. Another resolution that we should have together is that by the end of the year, we somehow on tour doing something cool yeah we better met at least some of the talks we've got to meet we've got 365 days guys let's meet jessica make it happen jessica jessica the one who handles everything make it happen but jessica we're trying to GoFundMe her to meet us. So it's not really her doing. Everyone else?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Everyone else, make a GoFundMe for Jessica and she will make it happen. Bring Jessica to us now. Yes. Come see us at CrimeCon 2018. This is out in January. So I assume we have posted the promo code by now or we're posting it ASAP. So go check it out. We want you to come at a discounted price in Nashville, Tennessee in May.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yes, yes, yes. I just want to say before you get into stories that a lot of people have asked about the episode that was one before last about your mom getting kicked out of a Ramada. And you and I kind of glossed over it because we're like, ha ha, oh, Linda. And everyone went, no, no, no, no, no. You guys have to rewind. And I tagged you in a couple of posts on Facebook and you didn't respond. So I thought, fine. You just call me out in person.
Starting point is 00:02:55 You got to tell us in person. So I don't know if she, I think she was kicked out. I think she was banned and blacklisted. But now it's been so long that maybe she's not on a list anymore, or people just don't. I feel like Ramada's one of those decades-old hotels where they might give up. Yeah, for a long time she was no longer welcome back. I don't know if she's still no longer welcome back, and they've just gotten lazy in telling her she can't be there. Because I know she's been to a few scents, but anyway, I digress. So the main story is she is one of the reasons that when you go to a hotel,
Starting point is 00:03:33 they have... I love this story. Everyone, thank my mother for this. She's the reason why when you go to hotels now, they have notes everywhere that say you can't hang clothes on fire sprinklers or like you know how that's also common sense but my mom didn't have that sense of reason i suppose she uh was hanging one of her business suits she needed a hook she couldn't find a hook she saw like a metal sprinkler from the ceiling and i guess the the if you'll ever
Starting point is 00:04:07 look closely at one of those sprinklers inside it is a little glass capsule of mercury because if there's ever fire it that glass is supposed to be so thin that it bursts and the mercury will sense the sprinklers and trigger the sprinklers to turn on or something like that so she the hanger she threw onto the sprinkler knocked into the glass casing of mercury and set off the water system for the entire hotel and caused twenty thousand dollars in damage to the hotel including her work computer so you know poor her oh my god um and she was asked to no longer come back or be a part of that hotel i just people there was a facebook thread of people being like why do you think em's mom was kicked out of i did see that where they were like let's just make up a reason and one of us is
Starting point is 00:04:55 bound to be right also at one point she um i think this was also in a ramada she got a can of pepper spray and wanted to test it and was like oh if i like spray it in the corner of the room like away from me you never do that she just wanted to see like she wanted to make sure that the spray part was like on like to make sure like if she sprayed it it would work she sprayed it and didn't think where she was spraying it and spray it directly into the vents and so she pepper sprayed a whole floor of people like it went the vents the pepper spray went into everyone's room and everyone started screaming on her floor and she's like what's wrong and apparently a lot of people got pepper sprayed and maced by my mom so
Starting point is 00:05:36 she's got a few of those stories listen we all wanted to hear the story well you got a bonus one too i mean i okay so this is the thing i was prepping for this episode and i was talking to my mom and i was like just out of curiosity because i was like sounds like some shit my mom would do so i was like have you ever been kicked out anything she goes oh yes and i was like what what she goes oh the local youth soccer club in cincinnati and i was like what the hell why what she goes you, the local youth soccer club in Cincinnati. And I was like, what the hell? Why? What? She goes, you know, the local youth soccer club. I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about. What a specific place to get kicked out of. I know. And I was like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:06:12 And she literally texts me. She said, I said, well, I said, LOL, why? And she goes, for attacking a kid who licked Alexander'sander's arm five times and i was like i'm sorry what the fifth time was just too much for an out of that day four times but so then i'm like licked his arm and she goes kicked and i was like oh so you hit l instead of k it was kicked his arm but oh for like a solid 10 minutes, I was like, what the actual hell? So I'm like, what do you mean? And she texts me. I just feel like I have to tone this down because it gets a little. Risqué. Just a little much. Gotcha. My brother is probably, I don't know, seven or something. She goes, I walked during the game onto the field. Grab that.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Shitty kid. Maybe I can read it. Grab that nasty ass, red haired, freckled, huge, tall, white kid by his scruff. What? And whispered in his ear that if he kicks my kid one more time, I will. Kick his ass? What? What? will kick his ass what i will climb in his window during the night and break his legs wow renato had a bad day apparently and then she wrote a new text message and said, whimsy little shit dropped on the ground sobbing.
Starting point is 00:07:50 That kid didn't have any spine. She didn't even touch him. And I was like, what the fuck? And she goes, don't worry. All the parents thanked me. I was like, I'm fucking sure. What were they going to say? Like they were going to get in the way of that woman?
Starting point is 00:08:04 No, no. Sure. What were they going to say? Like, they were going to get in the way of that woman? No, no. Anyway, apparently we drank. We drank on the first of the year. Is it the first?
Starting point is 00:08:13 It's the 31st of the Sunday. Yeah, but we just had the whole conversation about resolutions. Oh, goddammit. This is what happens when you try to be prepared and do things in advance, and then we don't know calendars. This is why we don't prepare don't prepare for anyway you just heard a whole conversation into the future's future wait so we're literally not in the fucking future it's still 2017 guys god damn it we got 24 more hours of this bullshit i'll let you know my resolutions in 24 hours and that's why we drink fuck it let's just tell a ghost story tell me something okay so this is one of the
Starting point is 00:08:44 i don't i remember what the stat was it's like either the oldest possession in england oh or like one of the earliest possessions on record in england something like that anyway it's the 1700s and it's in yatton england great although i'm sure they say yetin because they pronounce their t's they say harry potter you're a wizard harry this isn't muggle cast hi eric so um in the 1700s this is 1769 the main character's name is george lukens or lukens we're gonna go with lukens Yes. Oh, okay. He was possessed in 1769. He's so old. He's lived several lives.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Wow. He started claiming after he did some acting in a Christmas play. Oh, my. That he felt a divine slap in the face, which had him fall over, hit the ground, and left him possessed by demons. Wait. Hold on. He felt a divine slap so like from god or like i think so and then not much else was said god was like i'm gonna slap you to the ground so demons can take over look i think by divine maybe in the 1760s that meant like supernatural
Starting point is 00:09:58 they meant just hellish just slap in the face yep okay and uh great i'm on board okay let's go so then um right off the bat he also used to be known as like a really like like normal guy like totally chill and he was in his 40s at the time this happened okay 30s 40s and so he already had a reputation for being a normal person whenever had had any weird behavior. Joe Schmo. But after this happened, witnesses started saying that he could not hear any virtuous expressions or any religious expressions or see any religious relics
Starting point is 00:10:34 without experiencing incredible pain. Oh, no. He also was described as emaciated and an exhausted figure from not being able to eat, but while contorting
Starting point is 00:10:45 his body for hours on end every day what just a rant it happened out of nowhere so then he started going to doctors to try to get the shit taken care of and one of the doctors that examined him said to prove himself bewitched because immediately he believed he was possessed by demons sure to prove himself bewitched he gave me and many others um relations of the power of witches i don't know what that means but i think he was like no really i'm possessed look at all this information i know about witches oh i thought he meant he was like oh he set me up with some witches on like well like e-harmony. I was going to say J-Date, but witches. On eNonHarmony.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Never mind. Just keep going. He also, when he was also wondering if it was supernatural, he also started looking towards magicians to solve his problem. Criss Angel will not get you out of this mess, my friend. Or magic practitioners, excuse me. Oh, that's different. That is different sure i just wanted to see what you would say if i gave you that you know i'm gonna talk about chris angel
Starting point is 00:11:50 you know i'm always gonna talk about chris angel one woman prescribed a rolled up brown paper bag with pins driven into it and then burnt in a fire yes that is i prescribe that as well. Oh, right, okay. During his convulsing fits. Sure. Other people insisted that he was just the witch and there's nothing they could do. And he was convinced that something magical was causing this. And so convinced that he began attacking elderly women in an attempt to draw their blood to pure his blood.
Starting point is 00:12:26 To purify his blood. He was ultimately looked at by more doctors, obviously. Mm-hmm. And basically, following his hospital stay, he lived in a... Oh. I thought it said he lived in a brothel that would have been interesting i was excited for that he lived at home with his brother he lived in a brother so he lived at home with his brother and unable to deal with george um
Starting point is 00:12:59 his brother forced him to move out and he moved into a house with a guy named richard while staying with richard the fit seemed to end. Um, and so he thought he could move back home and the episodes just stopped happening for like a decade, a decade. Yeah. Where he was like convulsing and yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:17 just like couldn't be around religious relics. Sure. However, in 1787, the Caesars returned. Oh no. And this time, instead of claiming that the Caesars returned. Oh, no. And this time, instead of claiming that the attacks came from witchcraft, he was absolutely convinced that he was possessed by the devil. So he went from, like, maybe I'm possessed, to this is definitely some black magic, to, okay, now I'm really possessed.
Starting point is 00:13:39 After a 10-year hiatus. Satan is here. a 10-year hiatus. It's here. So, now it's 1787, and he was still being described, after this 10-year break, as an extraordinary man of good character, and he had constantly
Starting point is 00:13:54 attended church and the sacrament. He then, when all of a sudden these seizures started happening, not only were the seizures happening, but he was starting to snarl like an animal, bark like a dog, sing hymns backwards what chanting in a foreign language that he didn't know spoke in both the voice of a man and a woman sometimes at the same time and he would blurt out vulgar obscenities for no apparent reason his convulsing came back and he would walk on all fours downstairs no no
Starting point is 00:14:27 thank you and he was thrown about by unseen hands the the walking down the stairs on no so these weird episodes were completely unpredictable they could last up to an hour and they happened for years on end so like he just like not like he was walking downstairs for several years in a row. But like, it was one of those MC Escher where the stairs never ends. He's just walking down the stairs forever and ever. So like these bouts, like they just weren't going away. They weren't ending like the previous time. And they ended up putting him in a mental institution for two years where all diagnoses and treatments failed. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:15:05 years where all diagnoses and treatments failed yikes um they kept trying to say okay maybe it's uh epilepsy or maybe it's Tourette's or maybe it's schizophrenia and so and no medicine was working no therapy was working so these episodes became more and more paranormally intense great so he would have violent outbursts where he would claw and bite people or smash items with inhuman strength um he would speak in voices that were not his own. He also showed a profound aversion to religious symbols again. He told people that he was possessed by seven distinct demons that would require seven priests to eject them from him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And they think that seven is significant because in the New Testament, Mary Magdalene was possessed by seven demons. So one minister had known George for a long time and said of him, quote, whatever was tormenting him was obviously taking a toll on his health as he had wasted away into an emaciated, withered looking husk of his former self. He's like fallen apart. Yikes. Anglican reverend in Bristol named Joseph Easterbrook. Sure. He was the vicar of the town's temple church, and he heard about Lucan's, or George, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:19 whatever you want to call him that day. George. Heard about him through the town, one of the people in Georgetown wrote to this reverend and was like, okay, seriously, you gotta help this guy. Help. So he was originally rejected from being allowed to perform an exorcism
Starting point is 00:16:38 but after trying multiple times he was able to rally a bunch of ministers that didn't know each other before. He had to find a little A-team that was able to uh rally a bunch of ministers that like didn't know each other before he had to like find a little like a team that was willing to like go about it because at the time nobody wanted to because it was becoming so widely publicized that everyone was like i don't want to deal with this yeah so you define like basically the island of misfit priests so it's and he like i was about to say something like that like it's it's one of those superhero movies where they're like, nobody wants to do this, so
Starting point is 00:17:07 let's get all the underdogs. Like, hashtag actually thanks priests. Thanks priests. For once, we mean it, literally. For once. So then, so it was six other ministers, so they had all seven of them. And they arranged an exorcism on Friday the 13th. No way.
Starting point is 00:17:25 In June of 1788. Stupid. The exorcism started with George singing in a high-pitched voice, which slowly but then quickly dropped into a deep, deep timber that he could not make on his own. And it taunted the ministers and told them that they would fail. Then started picking at them individually about things that he would have never known about them. Oh, no. He alternated between a man's voice, a woman's voice, and a child's voice. And then a really, really, really deep voice that there's no way he could have done on his own.
Starting point is 00:17:57 While shouting rants, threats of violence, and singing a love song. No. Other voices began popping through and talking about different things while also taking turns to sing, bark, growl, babble, brag about their vast powers, and speak in Latin backwards.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Oh. Okay. George also sang out a hymn of praise to the devil, proclaiming that the devil is the supreme leader of all things. And without implying that the devil was possessing him, he said, so that makes me the supreme leader of all things. His body contorted so much that it required more than two men to hold him down as the ministers prayed over him.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And when asked why they were torturing George, one of the demons shouted out with his mouth closed so that I may show my power among men. Jesus Christ. George also swore by his infernal den that he would not leave. And by George, we mean whatever was inside of George. Right, right. And when the priest began singing hymns, George's face distorted, his body began to spasm, and he was making strange agitations on his face. He then, quote, vowed eternal vengeance on the miserable objects and on those present for daring to oppose him and commanded his faithful and obedient servants from hell to appear and take their stations. What the fuck that sounds
Starting point is 00:19:26 like some shit that like if you're babysitting a kid in the middle of the night they just start saying that kind of shit yes take your stations it's like my demon so after i don't know how it was so easy but after two hours of intense prayer george began to praise god and say that the evil presences were gone oh okay great just like a just a quick cleanup just like oh let me mop that up real quick just like say say like uh on on eagle's wings like sing it a couple times everything joyful joyful ave maria they just played sister act actually and then he was fine by the end oh whoopi changed him whoopi changed him i mean whoopi changes us all so uh those who are present swear swear swear that
Starting point is 00:20:12 this was a genuine demonic possession but everyone else in town is like okay like sister act isn't that fucking convincing whoopi can't change all of us so there were a lot of people who criticized him saying that before he was ever quote possessed he was known in town as a ventriloquist and prankster shut the fuck up so apparently on all articles i read that wasn't a one-time thing every ventriloquist everyone mentioned that he was a ventriloquist come on um he also went to get into acting and couldn't and so he stuck with ventriloquism and was known around town as like a jokester hey do you live in la are you a failing actor oh are you like part of uh an improv show or anything like that you know a priest because
Starting point is 00:20:58 we can get you famous uh others said that george merely suffered from a form of epilepsy which the clergy just exaggerated for the time just to get exorcisms like sure they were to make them aware right right um some say the demonic possession was totally made up by george so that he could avoid having to go to work which sounds a lot like some shit i would pull uh right i'd be like i don't want to i'm not above it can you imagine if i could just text my fucking boss and be like look i'm possessed today all right satan is here i sense him in me take your stations i'll come in tomorrow take your fucking stations okay clock me out for the next three days actually for the next two hours i just need to watch this direct so georgia's exorcism turned out to be one of the most hotly debated and
Starting point is 00:21:48 today still considered one of the most controversial exorcisms that the country ever had um just because there's no proof and based on everything that witnesses swear by how's that in two hours like you know he's totally fine right right because uh later in life he experienced no further incidents of demonic possession and returned to a quiet humble life he eventually returned home to yatton um due to the negative like public reaction of him trying to live in a normal town everyone was like literally go the fuck home this was too much listen go back to yad like you're being way extra good out of our normal ass town he ended up living a poor poor life oh financially he was a bookseller and a bill sticker but was fired from both jobs and lived most of his life after the after the
Starting point is 00:22:38 possession of begging on the streets until he died alone in 1805 well that's really sad well that was his life happy new year guys happy new year damn anyway that was a short one but a few people had requested it and i want to make sure that they noticed that i noticed that they asked about it listen we see you we see you i got a doozy for you so i just gotta jump right in yay i'm gonna tell you the story of the original night stalker no like richard ramirez no oh the original night stalker what the fuck does that mean aka the east area rapist aka the diamond knot killer aka the golden state killer shit today uh i was researching this and one of my co-workers josh was like oh what are you guys working on and like i haven't gotten notes back so i haven't been working on my script yet
Starting point is 00:23:31 and i said oh the east area rapist and he goes what and i said i'm reading about the east area rapist and i said like four times and he kept looking at me he's like that's probably not nickelodeon friendly dude like well no he like looks at me and he goes what and i was like the east area rapist and then he finally goes to uh our other co-worker joanna and goes do you know what the easter egg rapist is and i was like no not the easter egg rapist you psycho and he goes you just said the easter egg rapist like four times so i want to clarify in case you're saying it wrong and you're all slurred for some reason it's not the easter egg rapist it's the fucking east area rapist just to clarify okay sure um so this guy is extremely famous um he has his own subreddit called irons which was a um moniker that a writer came up with when she was studying him
Starting point is 00:24:22 um stands for east area rapist slash original night stalker so a-r-o-n-s erance so as we already clarified the original night stalker is not richard ramirez but is the name given to an unidentified serial killer and rapist who was active in southern california from 1979 to 1986 shit and whose crimes initially centered on east sacramento where at least 50 women were raped between 50 yep between june 18th 1976 and july 5th 1979 he's also known as the east area rapist so i'm just gonna just do it start with the timeline so the East Area Rapist struck for the first time on June 18, 1976 at 4 a.m. in Ranch Cordova, California. Within six months, seven additional attacks were committed by the same man who wore a ski mask every time he attacked. Most victims had seen or heard a prowler on their property before the attacks, and a lot of them had suffered break-ins leading up to the attacks.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Oh, shit. a lot of them had suffered break-ins leading up to the attacks oh shit police believe the offender had a pattern of stalking his victims in a targeted neighborhood before selecting one for attack specifically oh no as part of his surveillance he would call victims before and after the night of the attack sometimes hanging up sometimes pretending to have the wrong number by november of 1976 the east area rapist struck twice in one day in nearby neighborhoods and by april of 1977 there were over 15 attacks by the ski mast rapist and um the sacramento sheriff's sheriff's department was no closer to catching him so after 15 attacks in like a short amount time, the police department was still kind of floundering for answers.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Shit. So during this time, the East Area Rapist began making phone calls to police and victims. Although so far he'd only targeted women who were alone at the time of the attack, in April of 1977, he threatened to kill his first couple. So panic in the area was at an all-time high one of the calls he made one of the early calls was to cops in december of 1977 um all the recordings of these by the way that i mentioned are online and i oh my god listen to them it's highly creepy oh shit the fbi released all the recordings of these. So in the call, you hear someone answering, sheriff's speaking, sheriff's department speaking. And he responds, you're never going to catch me.
Starting point is 00:26:52 East area rapist, you dumb fuckers. I'm going to fuck again tonight. Careful. Oh, fuck. One of his previous victims received a call about a week later on December 9th, 1977. She recognized the voice on the other end of the line as her attacker because she had already been a victim of his and he simply said merry christmas it's me again and then hung up there was another call a little while later um that police kind of put together later on.
Starting point is 00:27:29 A victim, a future victim, this was before she was attacked, she received a seemingly wrong number. And the call went like this. She answered hello, and the caller said, yeah, is Ray there? She said, pardon? And he said, is Ray there? She said, I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. And he says, sorry, and hung up. That same day, the victim received another call, much more sinister in nature, but it was also recorded and identified as being the voice of her assailant. The same guy called and said, gonna kill you, gonna kill you, gonna kill you, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking whore.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And you can listen to it online. It is very unsettling. Fuck. So that call was made to the very first rape victim that had ever been reported of his. So that was a call to his first ever victim out of anybody. Out of anybody. A little bit later, a volunteer for the contact counseling service answered a call from a man who claimed to be the East Area Rapist. The caller said, can you help me?
Starting point is 00:28:35 And the volunteer said, what's the problem? The caller said, I have a problem. I need help because I don't want to do this anymore. The volunteer said, do what? And he said, well, I guess I can tell you guys. You're not tracing this call, are you are you no we are not tracing any calls i am the east side rapist and i feel the urge coming on to do this again i don't want to do it but then i do is there anyone there that can help me i don't want to hurt these women or their husbands anymore the voice was pleading but then became violent again are you tracing this call the volunteer said we're
Starting point is 00:29:05 not tracing this call do you want a counselor and the caller said no i've been to counseling all my life i was in stockton state hospital i shouldn't tell you that i guess i could trust you guys are you tracing this call the volunteer said no we are not tracing the call and then the caller said very angrily i believe you are tracing this call and hung up in december of 1977 the editor of the sacramento b the sacramento mayor's office and the kvie 6 tv station received a letter from the east area rapist it featured a poem called excitement's crave and it talked about mortals and his own power yada yada yada kind of that stereotypical like serial power struggle kind of thing yeah serial killer like you can't get me yeah i'm not a mortal blah blah blah like a above all sovereign citizen totally super ego yep um about a week later investigators discovered
Starting point is 00:29:59 three notebook pages near the scene of one of the East Area rapist attacks, where a suspicious vehicle had reportedly been parked. The pages have been dubbed the homework because the first page features an essay about General Custer. The second page is a journal style entry where the author writes about a school teacher who made him write lines and how humiliating it was. And then, oh, and the journal entry is titled Mad is the word and the essay starts mad is the word that reminds me of sixth grade like sounds like my ninth grade journal yeah sounds like a fallout boy song it does sound like a fallout boy song um and then the third page featured something called the punishment map which was a hand-drawn map of what appears to
Starting point is 00:30:45 be a suburban neighborhood which one detective believed to be um a map to a fantasy location representing the east area rapist desired stalking ground so he thought he had just made this up as like his fantasy stalking ground and then on the back of the map uh was written the word punishment just scrawled across in big letters shit over and over just scribbled on it gross on february 2nd 1978 a young couple in sacramento um the man was named brian maggiore and he was a military policeman at mather air force base and his wife katie were walking their their dog when a man approached them and began to chase them. And when they fled, he shot them both dead. Fuck!
Starting point is 00:31:32 And their deaths were later attributed to the East Area Rapist. Suddenly, the call stopped, the attack stopped, and investigators were baffled. It just completely stopped. investigators were baffled it just completely stopped um what investigators now know is that the east area rapist moved from northern california to the bay area and then southern california which took a long time to figure out because the precincts like you know the jurisdictions were so different across the state um especially at the time there wasn wasn't DNA testing yet and all that. So it took police a while to link them, but precincts began contacting each other to warn them when he was on the move.
Starting point is 00:32:16 They noticed that he had developed a pretty consistent MO. He used to target single women or women who were home alone, and now he preferred to target couples. So he had kind of like transitioned into attacking couples. What he would do, this is Emma. Yeah. He would break in. I already know. You do know?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Just, I think, just go. He would break in, wake up the occupants, threaten them with a handgun. Then he would bind them, often blindfolding and or gullying them with towels that he took from their own house and cut into strips carefully. blindfolding and or gagging them with towels that he took from their own house and cut into strips carefully. He would force the female victim to tie up the male with bootlaces before she was tied up herself, and then he would separate them. He would stack dishes on the back of the male victim, then tell him if he heard any rattling, he would kill everyone in the house.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Fuck. He would then spend hours in the house, ransacking closets and drawers, eating the victim's food, coming in to utter more threats. Sometimes he would be in the home so long that the victims weren't sure if he had left. So it was reported that in some instances the victims believed he had left and started to, like, move. Only to see him, quote, jump from the darkness because he was still there. And then he wouldn't kill them? Sometimes he would, sometimes he wouldn't. Shit wouldn't shit he had like a mixed track record on october 1st 1979 an intruder broke into the home of a couple living in goleta california so now he had moved to uh southern
Starting point is 00:33:39 california which was like these these are the crimes that weren't initially connected to the rapes in to the serial rapist in northern california so this is where it kind of split off for almost decades until they could actually verify that this was the same person so um on october 1st 1979 an intruder broke into the home of a couple living in Goleta, California. He tied them up and began to chant, I'll kill him, repeatedly to himself. When he left the room briefly, the couple tried to escape, and the woman began to scream. The intruder fled. Their neighbor happened to be an FBI agent.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Oh, good. Convenient. Maybe that's why she screamed. She was like, be ready. Seriously. Who pursued the attacker. The attacker dropped his bike and a knife and got away. On December 30th, 1979, Dr. Robert Offerman, 44, and Dr. Deborah Alexander Manning, 35,
Starting point is 00:34:35 were found shot dead at Offerman's condo in Galata, California. The bindings that had been on him were untied, indicating that he had gotten free and lunged at the attacker. Prints from a large dog were also found at the scene, leading investigators to believe the killer brought it with him. There's also evidence that the killer fed the dog some leftover Christmas turkey
Starting point is 00:34:58 from the fridge. A few months later, on March 13th, Charlene Smith, who's 33, and Lyman Smith, 43, who was about to be appointed as a local judge, were found murdered in their homes in Ventura. Charlene had been raped. A log from the fireplace was used to bludgeon both victims to death, and their wrists had been tied with a drapery cord. The cord was unusual in that it featured an unusual Chinese knot called the diamond knot. So that's why he's sometimes called the diamond knot killer.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It's a very specific knot. On August 19th, Keith Harrington, 24, and Patrice Harrington, 27, were found bludgeoned to death in their home on Cockleshell Drive in a gated community. Patrice had also been raped. Patrice was a nurse in Irvine, and Keith was a medical student at University of California, Irvine. Keith Harrington's brother later spent nearly $2 million supporting California Proposition 69,
Starting point is 00:35:52 which allows for the collection of DNA samples from all felons and from people who have been arrested for certain crimes. Good. So that's like a really cool cause, at least that small thing that came out of it. Yeah. really cool cause at least that small thing that came out of it yeah um on february 6th manuela wittoon 28 was raped and murdered in her home in irvine detectives remarked that her television was found in the backyard which was possibly the killer's attempt to make it appear like a botched robbery on july 27th sherry domingo and gregory sanchez 35 and 27 respectively became the 10th and 11th murder victims of the original night stalker both were attacked in domingo's house on toy tech way in
Starting point is 00:36:32 galeta the offender had entered the property via small window in the bathroom and she had been raped and bludgeoned a single piece of shipping twine was found near the bed and fibers of an unknown source were scattered all over her body. Then on May 4th, Janelle Lisa Cruz, who was 18, was found bludgeoned to death in her Irvine home. Her family was on vacation in Mexico at the time of the attack. A pipe wrench was reported missing by her stepfather and was thought to be the probable murder weapon. She had also been raped. This was the last known crime
Starting point is 00:37:05 associated with the original night stalker so it wasn't known until years later that all of these cases which were across several counties um in southern california were linked in northern california although uh many investigators had suspected the link it wasn't until 2001 that forensic testing could like verify that they were connected. So these were happening in the 60s and 70s. So it wasn't until 2001 that they could be sure they were looking for the same guy. Throughout the years, several suspects were questioned and then released. All in all, he had attacked across 15 different jurisdictions all the way through the state of california he had committed over 50 rapes over 12 murders and over 120 residential burglaries
Starting point is 00:37:50 as of today his whereabouts are still unknown the fbi is currently offering a fifty thousand dollar reward for any information leading to his arrest and conviction and they've developed a nationwide multimedia campaign to bring the case back to the public's attention so the campaign includes so this is like very new so this is like 2017 2016 at the latest is like when all this information is coming out so the campaign includes victim testimonies updated composite sketches of what the killer might look like today as well as a voice recording of the subject uh if you have any information you can report it anonymously by calling 1-800 call fbi or visiting they're still looking for any lead they can get um they did
Starting point is 00:38:39 create a psychological profile so i'm going to give you just a fun little list of what we're looking for yeah um so experts think that this man the east area rapist slash original night stalker irons is a white male who is dressed well and would not stand out in upscale neighborhoods he drives a well-maintained car had an emotional age of 26 to 30 at the time the crimes were committed so would currently be around 60 to 75 years old uh engaged in deviant paraphilic behavior and brutal sex in his personal life shit engaged in sex with sex sex workers has a criminal record with a teenager that was expunged that's very specific uh had some knowledge of police investigative methods and evidence gathering techniques has some means of income but did not work in the early morning hours hated women for real or perceived wrongs if married probably
Starting point is 00:39:38 has a submissive spouse who tolerates his sexually deviant behavior. Intelligent and articulate, likely began as a voyeur in his late teens or early 20s, lived and or worked near Ventura, California in 1980. Neat and well organized in his personal life, peeped into the windows of many potential victims who are not attacked, possibly unmarried and did not enter into long-term relationships, self-assured and confident in his abilities sexually functional and capable of ejaculation with consenting and non-consenting partners was a skilled and experienced cat burglar and may have begun that way was in good physical condition would appear harmless would continue committing violent crimes until incapacitated
Starting point is 00:40:23 by prison death or some other intervention and finally would have been described by those who knew him as arrogant domineering manipulative and manipulative and a chronic liar so if anyone knows this guy geez listen go to the website just type it in yowza can't hurt um in 2013 the sacramento county sheriff's department revealed that microscopic paint chips were discovered at three of the crime scenes including two homicide scenes and a rape which suggests that the original night stalker may have worked in construction possibly using a paint spray gun at one murder site there was construction work taking place nearby so police are currently working with the developer to identify any subcontractors who are working at the site and obtain employee records, basically.
Starting point is 00:41:13 It's known that the East Area Rapist also took things from crime scenes as like trophies, sort of. Coins and jewelry in particular. And the FBI has asked that the public be mindful of that uh one detect one fbi agent said we know that our guy took items so for some reason people whether their family member is deceased or they're cleaning out a storage unit come across a weird collection of items such as women's ids rings earrings anything that's out of the ordinary it could be significant in october 2017 so two months ago, law enforcement released new information about the items. They said if anyone comes across a class ring from Lycoming College, any ruby gold jewelry, or fine china in Southern California, they should contact the FBI immediately.
Starting point is 00:42:03 As of this summer, there are also updated sketches of what he might look like today, and these weren't connected to law enforcement specifically. So apparently what happened is they're on the Internet and have been reported by news media, but apparently what happened is an FBI agent hired a forensic, what are they called like artists or a forensic sketch artist yeah something like that he hired basically like a sketch artist to uh advance the age of the all the sketches they had from the 60s and 70s to like what this guy might look like today mm-hmm so technically the police aren't using those yet but um they're based on the original sketches that the fbi recently re-released so they kind of damn
Starting point is 00:42:54 age advanced them so it's creepy to look at them because it looks like the guy in the early photos or the early drawings advanced to like being 65 years old it's creepy um in 1991 a previous victim received a phone call from the night stalker and this is the last time anyone has ever heard from him it was years before that anyone heard from him and nobody has heard from him after she received a call spoke with him for one minute she said she could hear a woman and children in the background which led to the suspicion that he had started a family yeah um the original night stalker slash east area rapist case was the motivating factor in the passage of legislation leading to the establishment of california's dna database
Starting point is 00:43:45 which um authorizes the collection of the dna of all the accused and convicted felons in california so that's the good thing that happened but um again the fbi still has no idea who this guy is right um there's a fifty thousand dollar reward so if anyone knows anything just put your info info out there they said one call can change lives yeah can lead to an arrest and there are still people many people alive who were victims so geez yeah so that's the story of the original night stalker not richard ramirez that's so brutal sorry i feel like feel like I just, like, blew through that. No, you're fine. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:44:30 That's a lot of talking. That's brutal. Isn't that fucking nuts? Yeah. So he, I mean, Ventura, that's close. That's where the fires are right now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Well, I know there's no good way to uh come back from one of these stories well a geo horoscope ought to do with the trick oh would you horoscope you say yes all right well i got just a thing for you this is the geoscope for the day aka if you're a scorpio you're welcome you thought you were all done hearing confessions from your friends since you've let them know that nothing can surprise you anymore. Suddenly, though, someone calls to reveal something new they feel guilty about. Uh-oh. And now that you know, you may feel a little guilty, too. Aww.
Starting point is 00:45:21 You know what it is? He is having such a good time with that, though. He knows it's wrong. You know it's wrong. I do know it's a little wrong. I got him a bone that's bigger than him in height and length. Oh, my God. I got home today after work.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And this was on Saturday. This happened. And today's Tuesday night. And I got home after work. And Gio just kept crying at the closet. And I was like, what is happening over there? And I finally opened the closet. And I see that Gio has just stuffed this, like, four-foot crying at the closet. And I was like, what is happening over there? And I finally opened the closet and I see that Gio has just stuffed this like four foot bone inside the closet. So I pull it out and Gio's like, yep, that's what I'm waiting for.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And I'm like, God damn it. It's peanut butter flavor and everything. And the poor baby, he tries to carry it around. It's literally the size of him. So it's like him trying to drag his own weight in his mouth. It's so sad. So he has, he found like one little tear in it that he can get with his teeth and he just kind of drags it across the floor i just love when he's like carrying it carrying it and then he drops it in the whole house like
Starting point is 00:46:13 shakes yeah it's so heavy um also when he what my house my living room is so messy because i've been wrapping so many gifts so it's like boxes everywhere so he'll start walking with it but like one and we'll get stuck and he can't anyway if you guys want to see our friends this video it's on patreon he really is trying so hard and um this is now very delayed for you guys but christine recently had her um engagement photos with blaze oh yeah and i definitely jumped on that bandwagon and was like oh well you're gonna need someone to like handle geo so funny when you guys get your one-on-one pictures like because they wanted geo and some of them sure i was like oh well you know what's gonna happen to geo who's gonna take care of him and like hold the leash and everything so i threw myself into the mix and i was like i'm coming to
Starting point is 00:46:59 your engagement photos and i'll play with geo when he's not in the pictures. And then Blaze ended up not being able to show up right away because of work. And so Christine and me and Gio have like an hour and a half to kill. And all of a sudden I find myself in Christine's engagement photos. I mean, it's like hardcore. Like, put your heads together. Look at each other and smile. Put your heads together. Now hold each other.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Like, put your arms around each other. Sit in Em's lap and hold Gio. Yes, we did all of it. Bananas. And it wasn't even, I think for any other friendship that'd be weird. go now hold each other like put your arms around each other sit in em's lap and hold geo like yes we did all of it bananas and it wasn't even i think for any other friendship that'd be weird but for us it was like okay how do we how do we make it weirder you're right it was it was like this isn't this isn't uncomfortable enough you know it should be i don't want us to stop doing this until i'm cringing yeah like we got to be extremely uncomfortable for this to cross a line so let's cross the line and we just couldn't make it happen and so we one of our listeners erin was the photographer and she did amazing erin vintage fox photography vintage fox photography she's
Starting point is 00:47:57 fucking dope and uh blaze and i also just on the on the sidelines got some uh engagement photos taken it was it was mainly it was supposed to be a christine and blaze engagement photo shoot and what ended up happening is it was me and christine and then me and christine and geo and then me and geo mostly you and geo mostly me and geo and then blaze stopped by and then blaze was like why don't i just come in for a little bit so it was great, I got professional portrait shots of me and Gio, which if you follow my Instagram at The M Schultz, you have seen it already. Go check it out. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And I look like a proud parent. I just couldn't be happier with a dog. It's honestly really fucking funny. And if you want to see her photography, it's her handle on Instagram is Erin underscore M underscore Fox fox that's right erin m fox is it under the underscores yeah you're correct yep and um listen i know you guys don't give a shit about me but if you want to check my uh engagement photos out or anything or me and geo or whatever i see a lot of people on m's post comment who cares about christina blaze i care
Starting point is 00:49:04 about m and geo and i care about M and Gio. And I'm like, that's fucking great. Also, the best part is, so I somehow got looped into the email that Erin was sending Christina and Blaze. She was sending Christina and Blaze their photos, and I got looped into it. So I got a personal link to all the photos, too. And the title of the album for their engagement shoot is christine geo blaze and m instead of like christine and blaze engagement shots i'm pretty sure i'm ahead of blaze i think it's i
Starting point is 00:49:32 think so it's christine i felt like such a dick because i'm like i don't look at them yet because i just want to look at them with blaze first but then i'm like then i feel like an asshole because i'm like m was there first but also we did christmas cards together we did out now aren't they no oh yeah they're if you're a patreon donor you've gotten one in the mail right not yet maybe they should be there or they should if you haven't gotten one yet it's coming but there is a depending on the holidays it's coming but there's definitely uh a couple good shots of us in Santa hats trying our best to look festive in an 80 degree weathered area we tried so hard anyway go to x teen sheifer on instagram okay so now we're throwing each other's handles out to put my handle out you put yours that's true that's true yours out pretty
Starting point is 00:50:19 much every episode I do a lot of people are like oh yeah the m schultz i'm like oh yeah and also uh when i went over i guess christine and aaron had had met previously i hadn't met aaron before so when i knew that i was gonna i knew i i got there first because christine texted me and said she was still um in traffic and so i parked my car didn't know if i was in an area where my car was gonna get towed so i just went up to the first person i saw i was like hi do you know if my car, didn't know if I was in an area where my car was going to get towed. So I just went up to the first person I saw and was like, hi, do you know if my car's safe here if I park it? And just coincidentally, it happened to be Erin. And so she recognized me and I didn't know who she was.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I didn't know who I was looking for. But I was like, oh, is my car getting towed? And I heard, hi, VM Schultz. And I was like, oh, my God, is this what being famous feels like? It's happening. So anyway, that was my first claim to fame, I think maybe a little bit. It felt good. This is what your friend-
Starting point is 00:51:13 It also felt jarring. I feel like I gave her kind of a deer in the headlights look. So I was like, no one's ever just known my name without me introducing myself before. Because this is what famous feels like? No, this is what your friend paid $400 and this woman's going to take photographs so she knows what the fuck you look like.
Starting point is 00:51:26 But okay, close enough. I'm going to call it fame. Listen. Me too. Anyway, thank you guys for listening to us. Thank you. Also, sorry for listening to us. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Happy New Year's Eve. I hope everyone is safe tonight. Have fun. Be safe. Be very safe. I also hope everyone got safe tonight. Have fun. Be safe. Be very safe. I also hope everyone got good Christmas presents if you... Or Hanukkah. If you follow either of those celebratory events.
Starting point is 00:51:52 If not, if you're a Saturnalia kind of dude or gal, I hope you got Saturnalia gifts. Anyway, everyone's celebrating the New Year. I hope you figured out your resolutions since we already think it's January 1st. Jesus Christ. Yeah, we think it's November 1st. We think actually it's 2023. We are living in 1942 and we're very confused. So if you want to learn more about us and you don't already know where to find us, you
Starting point is 00:52:20 can find us at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram at ATWWD Podcast. You can also find our Patreon at ATWWD Podcast. Please help us. Hi. We also have our website and that's We have our merch and that's We have our email address and that's where you can send in your listener stories because we put those out every first of the month, which means tomorrow you're getting a listener's episode. Which means my ass is currently sitting there frantically editing before we have to celebrate the New Year.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Editing through New Year's Eve. Your last moments in 2017, you're frantically editing, as probably was bound to happen anyway. I'm swearing at our own voices. She's texting me being like, I can't believe you fucking said that five times, Em. And now I have to edit it out. God damn it, Em. None of this makes sense. Anyway, everyone give Gio
Starting point is 00:53:10 a little kiss for Happy New Year because we all wish we were kissing him for New Year's. I won't be. I will be. Oh, I'm so jealous. I know. I'm also not going to be kissing
Starting point is 00:53:19 Allison for New Year's, so I'm going to be flying stag. I won't be kissing Blaze for New Year's. He'll be in L.A. You and Blaze can kiss. Oh, no, you'll be in Virginia. Oh, yeah, that's fair flying stag i won't be kissing blaze for new year's he'll be in la you and blaze can kiss what oh no you'll be in virginia oh yeah that's the reason why we won't kiss oh sure uh anyway guys thank you so much for the wonderful year you've given us so far holy shit you guys have given us the best fucking year thank you and in a few weeks it will be our anniversary i can't even breathe about it
Starting point is 00:53:46 thank you for making this the most so 2017 you you did it for us so thank you i believe you guys made this possible thank you i'm telling you and christine's telling you that this time last year at the turn of 2017 we had no idea one we'd even be friends no we were friends for maybe a full 30 days at this point yeah we maybe had spoken twice and had no idea that we would even be friends no we were friends for maybe a full 30 days at this point yeah we maybe had spoken twice and had no idea that we would be having a podcast wild oh what if i'm so close to having a dog myself and i don't even know it yet listen that's the kind of shit that happened when i had new year's and i was like i wish i could have a dog but i can't and then two weeks later i had a dog so you never know oh you'll never know thank you guys for everything we really love you guys happy
Starting point is 00:54:27 end of the holidays happy fucking new year let's make 2018 boss let's make it the best fucking year boss let's make it like um boss babe action b-o dollar sign dollar sign fuck yes let's make it the best upside down i upside down that's horrifying we love you guys happy new year thanks for the best year ever and that's why we wait to make 2018 even better and that's why we drink oh damn hang on got out no you gotta hit the tops. I feel like those glasses just don't work together because they're both so big. Oh, that's even worse. Sounds like you're banging your head against something.
Starting point is 00:55:16 No. Wait, here. Let's try both. Here, I have an empty one. Oh, wait. That's the one you were eating. Yeah. Okay. Go.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Wait. Wait, there's a wine bottle behind you. an empty one. Oh, wait. That's the one you were using. Yeah. Okay. Go. Wait. Wait, there's a wine bottle behind you. Use that one. A wine bottle? Should we use two empty ones? No, no, no. No, here. Use this.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Use that and an empty one. I think that'll work better. There it is. That's what we drank. That was so easy was so easy m god we're so talented

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