And That's Why We Drink - E50 Luvs ’N Laffs and an Alt-Right Turn

Episode Date: January 14, 2018

SASSY THE CLOWN IS BACK! In a big way. In episode 50, Em covers Loftus Hall, which is arguably Ireland’s most haunted locale. It once housed the devil himself, cloven hooves and all. Meanwhile, Chri...stine covers the unexplained disappearance and deaths of the Jamison family in 2009. There are plenty of theories, each one more bizarre than the last.  Big thanks to this week’s amazing sponsors, Lola and Fabletics.  Visit and use promo code DRINK when you subscribe for 60% off your first order!  Become a Fabletics VIP member and get two pairs of leggings for only $24 at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, so do you want to know what she's doing? Mm-mm. Well, I'm going to tell you. So she won't tell... Do you know what's happening? Are you aware of what's going on this weekend? What? Okay, I guess not.
Starting point is 00:00:14 She's planning something. She won't tell me what it is, but she just texted me. She's like, I'm about to go to bed. And then she gave me a list of things I need to pack. And then she said, I'll wake you up when I'm ready to roll you into the car and then today she asked me like my favorite car snacks oh my and then she was like i got an airbnb and i was like what where the fuck are we going and she was like well we're driving a very far far distance are you kidding me she's like like making a whole weekend trip like kidnapping you i'm more scared because last night i don't remember how but we
Starting point is 00:00:43 were having some random conversation caves came up and then i was like oh i'd rather be caught zed than be in a cave and then all of a sudden she like got a deer in the headlights look and i was like are we going into a fucking cave this weekend and she wouldn't say anything no please don't go into a cave so either i'm going in a cave and i also simultaneously ruin the surprise. Or two, she's being very sneaky and hopefully I don't end up in a cave. Why? Don't go into a cave. I don't know what's going on, guys, but by the time you see me on Facebook Live, I'll have had a whole adventure. If you're there at all.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh. Hey, hey, hey, hey. What? hey hey what it's our 50th episode i got you a present for our 50th stop doing that okay but wait it's important you're gonna love it wait what you're gonna lose your fucking mind stop you say this every time and then i seem like a bad friend oh no no okay so i'm giving you something that's very important to me i'm'm already sweating so much. It's actually really, really important to me. And it's very special to me. Wait, I don't want to touch it. What if I drop it? What is it? No, you can drop it. It's okay. Oh my God. But okay. I've had this in my life since I was 13. What? We're 14, 13 or 14. So I've had this for over 10 years. Is it something with SpongeBob? No. Okay. Is it a tie-dye t-shirt? Yes. No, it's not. It is a tie-dye t-shirt. What? But.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Wait, I just made that up. I know you did, but okay, but that's not the good part about it. Oh, okay. I need you to close your eyes. Okay. I'm scared though. Just close your eyes. Okay. You're going to love it. What do I do? Okay. Hang on'm gonna set it up for you so it looks all perfect. Don't hurt me. I'm not hurting you I'm just setting it up. Okay before I before you open your eyes I want you to know the fun part about this is this was my clown school uniform. No. Open your eyes. Wait are you ready for the best part? Are you ready ready oh my god i'm gonna lose my mind the nose squeaks um so it's a treat for you me and gl oh oh my god sweet i'm not kidding it's for you
Starting point is 00:02:58 it's for it's for the show yeah where do i buy one of those frames for jerseys where you can put it in a frame you guys it's a tie-dye t-shirt of a smiley face with a red clown nose and the nose squeaks sassy the clown patio furniture oh geo here's the nose oh no excited baby g are you so excited oh man it was a clown shirt oh man where'd it go anyway okay i actually that is better than anything i anticipated oh i know i was home for christmas and i found it and i was like either it's gonna collect dust in a drawer or someone's really going to love this.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I'm just so pleased that it still exists. I think it should go on our mantle. Oh, it should go in a big, big frame on the wall. But anyway, it's half for you, half still for me, for nostalgia's sake. But I thought no one would enjoy it as much as you. So it should stay here. I think no one would enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying it than our listeners. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Enjoying it via. Let me just post a picture of this. Can you put it on? Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Pull over your car and go on our Instagram. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I'm sweating. Why do you always do that to me? But I wanted to give you something for our 50th. Man, listen, the only thing I have to give you for our 50th is the reason that I drank this week. Look, I already know. Here's what happened. All my worst fears have been realized. I no longer fear death.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Somebody put a needle, my biggest phobia, into my spine a needle my biggest phobia into my spine my second biggest phobia repeatedly somebody repeatedly many many times like over and over listen i can't even tell you how fucking awful it is to get a lumbar puncture. It's fucking awful. And they thought I had meningitis and I don't even have fucking meningitis. Um, what's the pain we all want to know. My biggest fear in the world is spines and needles. And that's why I was like, I'm never going to have a baby. Cause I don't want to get an epidural. And it was my biggest fear. And they're like, well, now an epidural is going to be a piece of cake because it's only one shot instead of like 45 and was it really 45 it was just many many many it was like 15 minutes okay we want to know how bad it hurts is it everything we think
Starting point is 00:05:33 it is and worse it's a it's a it's a nightmare it's like an actual and they can't drug you no they put like um it that doesn't help no i already know what you're gonna say they put lidocaine in it and it's like okay like it's sort of numb, but it's in your fucking spot. It's horrible. It's every fear of mine. How did you stay still? I just cried.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And then the nurse, not the nurse, the lab tech was like holding my hand, holding both of my hands. And I was just like sobbing. I wouldn't have even be, I'd just be like loudly screaming. And she was crying and I was crying. It was like such a mess. She was like, this is really yours is one of the most difficult ones we've done.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Like why is it really easy? I don't know. They have to like find your spine. No, they have to find like the fluid to pull it out. Oh my God. And then, and then,
Starting point is 00:06:20 and then the doctor goes, Oh, show the patient. And she like walks over and holds up a vial of my spinal fluid in front of me. And I'm just crying. What color is it? It was clear. He's like, show her how clear her spinal fluid is.
Starting point is 00:06:35 She's so healthy. I was like, god damn it. Then don't get into my spine. Leave it alone. So anyway, I saw a vial of my own spinal fluid, and now I'm going to die. alone. So anyway, I saw a vial of my own spinal fluid and now I'm going to die. Now I'm pretty sure someone could like kill me right now. And I'd be like, great. Glad to be gone. I think I texted Christine. I was like, how did you actually sign off on that? Because I would have looked the doctor dead in the face and been like, I would literally rather die. Please. I, I would rather,
Starting point is 00:07:01 I would rather have meningitis and pass away. It was one of those things where they were like, no, no, like you don't feel anything. then as I was lying there I was like wait what is actually happening and I was like feverish and like so sick and like whatever and they were like well it actually does kind of hurt and I was like no and I was like fucking strapped to a cat scan table and I was like I'm such also I'm such a little bitch about pain. I'm already crying just thinking about it. If I get a paper cut, everyone knows about it for 45 minutes. I would not be able to fucking handle myself. That would be the, actually the second I got drunk for the first time ever, I would get
Starting point is 00:07:37 fucking hammered. And then the worst thing is that my doctors hurt so much from it today. So like, I could hardly move my, my back cause it hurts so much. And Blaze was like, I didn't tell you what they were going to do. And he was crying yesterday. I was like, why are you crying?
Starting point is 00:07:52 And he's like, nothing. I'm just worried about you. And then later he's like, I just knew what they were going to do. And I didn't want to bring it up because I knew how much you would freak out. And then he was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:08:00 I have to go to work now. Anyway. Meanwhile, Blaze got me a waffle maker that looks like a Captain America shield. So he's good at my book. You guys, I'm in so much pain. Anyway, I don't have meningitis. So shout out to all you people who've done a lumbar puncture before, because I tell you what, it is my nightmare.
Starting point is 00:08:18 We're going to get so many emails now about lumbar punctures. Listen, I can't stop talking about it because I hate it so much that I'm like, everyone needs to suffer with me. Oh no, I would too. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? It was awful. I was lying there thinking we're in 20. I felt like I was like a subject of some crazy futuristic torture chamber. Oh my God. Anyway, I've worked myself up a lot now, so I need you to talk now. Well, I also could not handle it for Christine and so I was doing that thing where when you're really uncomfortable all you try to do is be funny and every joke was backfiring because she was like I got a spinal tap and I wrote wait back up and then I was like get it oh I didn't get it um I was very much not in
Starting point is 00:09:00 not in a headspace to get it sorry oh and then i sent you a picture today of a skeleton holding another skeleton's back and i was like i got your back that was funny because i was not under the influence of it was a really bad time also after you do it they're like you need to lie on your back for six hours but i was googling spinal taps after you after you told me that yesterday i was like what the fuck is she going through right now? And it said you were going through hell. So sorry about that. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And then I was like, you need to lie down for six hours. And the reason I went in was because I was in so much pain in my back and my neck and my head. So they're like, you can't move for six hours. And I had to pee really bad. And my phone died. So I'm just lying in a dark closet. And they put me in a fucking closet where all I could see on the ceiling were like dead bugs in the light fixtures so i'm just lying there for like hours and hours just like did they tell you to go pee first they didn't even warn you no and
Starting point is 00:09:53 i was like maybe i should go pee before i go down there and then i was like oh they said it'll be fast right yeah okay was it actually was the actual needle no it was like 15 to 20 minutes of just like pure fucking torture oh my god oh my god it was horrible oh my god anyway sorry i'm gonna stop talking about myself but it was just awful so also i got a new car this week and that was gonna be the reason i drank but then who cares about that because now there's a fucking did you drive home in your new car with a spinal tap no my poor brother picked me up and was like can we stop at wendy's and i was like i don't care okay your brother wasn't even like let me treat you to wendy's just like i know you just went through hell but i really need some fries he tried he's like do you want a chicken nugget and i was like no so so that was not happening gross anyway how
Starting point is 00:10:40 are you um compared to that i never get to complain again. So fine. Yes, you do. Anyway, I just want to add that now that I've just made this a horrible episode, that this episode is sponsored by... Spinal taps. Sponsored by... By chiropractors. By chiropractors and our $25 donor, Desiree. Thank you, Desiree. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'm so sorry that this had to be the episode that we donated to you. At least it's memorable, Desiree. Desiree, you'll never, unless she probably didn't get this far. She probably listened to like the spine and was like, fuck this. Whoops. And deleted her donation. She probably was like, I'm over it. But since October, she's been a loyal donor. So thank you, Desiree.
Starting point is 00:11:18 That's so nice of her. Episode 50 is donated to you. Tax free. Also, a reason why we drink today is because the Jim Harold harold hey personally on his own wrote out to us on twitter he was very kind and exciting here's the thing all right it's a very interesting crossover because my two favorite podcasts before we ever had one that christine got me into both of them and were the influences for our own show were My Favorite Murder and Jim Harreld's Ghost Stories.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Campfire. Campfire. It's Em's favorite podcast, by the way. Just kidding. Fuck you guys. Say it again. Not you guys, just Christine. Fuck you guys.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Fuck everyone. No, okay. But our two favorite were My Favorite Murder and Jim Harreld's The Campfire. Jim Harreld's Campfire? What's wrong with you? I don't know. I never look at the name. Campfire? My Favorite Murder and Jim Harold's The Campfire. Jim Harold's Campfire? What's wrong with you? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I never look at the name. Jim Harold's The Campfire? My Favorite Murder and Jim Harold's Campfire. Right. And I was just thinking earlier today, like when we first started, My Favorite Murder had just had their 50th episode. And I remember sitting in a car, coming back from your place when we were thinking about doing a podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And I was listening to the My Favorite Murder episode where they were like, I can't believe it's been 50 episodes. That's crazy. And that happened today when we're having our 50th episode and Jim Harrell, the other inspiration for the show, who personally wrote to us on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Oh my God. So I was like, oh the they're combining also they just celebrated my favorite murder just celebrated their 100th episode so it's like we're like catching up yeah we're like well we'll probably never get there but we're always half a year behind anyway all right tell me some good news because my back's just hurting thinking about all this shit okay um this is i just want you to put this do you want me to wear the shirt do you want me to wear let me put elevator music sassy's in the house wait hang on get a video okay
Starting point is 00:13:26 well now thank you for making my day do you know what my clown school's name was the school's name oh my god please tell me loves and laughs it fits the shirt so perfectly l-u-V-S-N-apostrophe-L-A-F-F-S. Oh, the L-A-F-F-S is bad. Gets you going. Real bad. Gets you going. Oh, my God. Very 2006. You know we need...
Starting point is 00:13:53 This is enough for now. I think this is all that I can give you. It's a lot. It's a lot, and I'm going to appreciate it for what it is. The nose is very bulbous. Nose is very bulbous. Did you wear that at Lo and laughs oh yeah oh man oh yeah oh man this is gold you don't have to wear it the whole time it's too late okay perfect here
Starting point is 00:14:15 we go i really want you to wear it the whole time know that when i die and haunt you i'll wear this shirt for you oh my god you'll know i'm about to enter the room with a squeak there's just like a bright tie-dye and a squeak yep fabulous anyway that's on instagram for everyone to you know one day if we get really really famous that's gonna be the one thing you google my name this is gonna be the first fucking picture who pops up who brought that upon themselves huh i was just trying to give you a good time. You're giving me a great time. And isn't it worth it, Em? That I'm enjoying myself? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So, you know what? You brought me Allison and Gio, so I guess I have to do something nice for you every now and then. I give you so much. I really, my whole life has changed because of you. So, here we are. Obviously, mine has too. Right, yeah. Tie thy shirt.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Hashtag loves and laughs. Hashtag loves and laughs. Hashtag loves and laughs. Anyway, here's your haunted story. It's intercontinental. Oh, my. It comes from Ireland. Ooh. I'm not even going to try to do an Irish accent because we all know it'd be bad.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Everyone's going to get mad. It's supposedly the most haunted house in ireland supposedly i feel like ireland's probably pretty fucking haunted too i sure imagine so i forget how young america is as a country you know very young but like compared to all these other places because i was looking at the history and i was like in 1100 and i was like oh what people didn't exist i forget that people had like did shit around the world before the 1770s before america before america i'm like what what do you mean how is that possible it's like in year two jesus was an infant um so this is called loftus hall loves and loftus i'm sorry i'm i cannot the shirt like radiates clown school you know what i got an a all right i graduated with otters oh my god did
Starting point is 00:16:17 anyone get like a c or a d um some people didn't graduate that's really funny i hope that it keeps taking classes i hope they got a report card that was like C-. Like when you open it, water squirts at you or something. Yeah. Frown face. Um. Sorry. Laftus. Loftus. Loftus. And it's on the
Starting point is 00:16:38 Hook Peninsula in County Wexford. Oh my. It starts in 1170. A man named Redmond Fitzgerald, nickname La Grosse. What? Which in French, by the way, means the fat. Oh, how sad.
Starting point is 00:16:56 What a mean nickname. Hopefully he gave it to himself. Like maybe he was just Team Milkshake before milkshakes, you know what I mean? I guess, but I feel like calling yourself the fat is just kind of sad. I mean, we're self-deprecating though. We're really not ones to talk. The alcoholic and the fat. And the clown.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Oh, wow. You said team milkshake. All right. Makes sense. So I can't fit in this shirt anymore that I used to wear when I was 13. Fine. You can be team clown. Okay. So La Grosse.
Starting point is 00:17:26 He acquired the land and the area. And that was back in 1170. He had an original hall. It was known as the hall, which is super douchey. And he... It fell into disrepair. So in 1350, so almost 200 years later, his descendants still lived on that land and rebuilt it and renamed it Redmond Hall after him, which is when it got its nickname, The Hall. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:57 In 1641, so we're really time traveling. Oh, my God. I'm just trying to get to the good stuff. In 1641, the Irish Confederate Wars broke out. Obviously, you know how good we are with our history. I'm just trying to get to the good stuff. In 1641, the Irish Confederate Wars broke out. Obviously, you know how good we are with our history. I mean. So we're going to just fly past this. You don't want me to talk about all the details?
Starting point is 00:18:12 I mean, I'm actively trying not to because can you imagine the Irish who are going to be pissed at us? We have so many factual statements to make. Michael Malloy is going to be pissed. So the Irish Confederate Wars broke out in 1641 and if that's not true sorry don't blame yourself blame the internet i'm blaming google okay by 1642 the fighting had made its way to the land that the house was sitting on so a lot of people were killed there most people weren't but like a third of the people that were fighting on that land ended up dying
Starting point is 00:18:45 there so there's your first series of deaths oh no except for like the 300 400 500 years of family members dying on that property sure so then the although he was the descendant of redmond the guy who the family line who lived there in the 1650s he ended up dying in 1651 and the home finally ended up getting put up for auction so it was in the family for like 500 years oh my god no big deal and it's only 1600 now same nbd it's fine so in 1666 henry loftus uh ended up acquiring the lands and renaming it from redmond Hall to Loftus Hall. Uh-oh, that's probably where the trouble starts. Bad juju.
Starting point is 00:19:28 So that's where this whole story is going to take off. But I just also want to give you some more history about the future. Like our past, but that future. That's trippy. Wow. History about the future. History about the future. By M. Schultz.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Oh, God. A thesis. A memoir. history about the future history about the future by m schultz oh god a thesis a memoir dissertation and thesis memoir by m schultz um okay so in 1666 he bought the house however other people died in these years in 1937 um the sisters of providence converted it into a convent and a religious school for young girls apparently a couple girls passed away there um from uh tuberculosis oh no also in uh 1893 it was purchased later by another guy who turned it into a hotel and named it the loftus hall hotel but the owner his name was michael and one night he ended up dying in the hotel and named it the loft is hall hotel but the owner his name was michael and one night he ended up dying in the hotel and his wife tried for the next several years to run the hotel by herself but one night she just took off without explanation and totally abandoned it left everything in there oh shit just took off and she won't say why oh no the property was left vacant
Starting point is 00:20:41 and for a couple decades people broke in conducting satanic rituals, so I'm sure that didn't help. Oh, good. And I just wanted to throw those in there. So when I tell you about what's going on currently in this haunted house, you can see what other things have happened. Right. The past's future, but our past. Right, sure that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So let's time travel back to 1666 when henry loftus gets this land i'm ready so stays in his family a hundred years later in 1766 the loftus family is still living there and they go out of town for a few months and so they ask their friend charles and his wife and daughter anne to house it isn't that nice when like you could just leave a house for several months and be like oh move into my home because then what does that guy got to do about his house for several months? Does it just become a chain of house sitters? You know what? You got to wonder. You got to wonder. You're right. Someone's got to answer. Oh my God. Anyway. Now I'm just like really stuck thinking about that. Maybe back then because they like didn't have birth control and
Starting point is 00:21:43 they just had a bunch of children.'s true maybe you could just get your kids to a house at your own house i mean there's no labor laws your kids can run the house yeah that's fine also they were getting married to like 12 that's right anyway they're out for several months they get their friend charles to watch the house with his wife and their daughter ann technically not her daughter it was like daughter from a first marriage and then a new wife so anyway while they're staying in this other person's house a huge heavy storm happens a stranger who apparently is shipwrecked shipwrecked what it's 1766 in ireland apparently oh my god he arrives at loftus hall seeking like to get away from the storm the shipwreck oh yep yep well he's like i need a place
Starting point is 00:22:23 to stay until the storm leaves so they take him yep yep well he's like i need a place to stay until the storm leaves so they take him in even though it's not their fucking house and this is a stranger in a storm i feel like this is when i ask you and allison to watch my house and you're like well some people came over oh no i would i would be the first to be like no one is coming into this house allison would be like they were shipwrecked come on allison would probably be that person who's like oh well in tanzania we're just friends with everyone and i'm like okay well we're in america people are gonna kill us downtown los angeles nobody's shipwrecked here that woman can make friends anywhere in the world and i feel like she would definitely take advantage of that here oh an open
Starting point is 00:23:00 house come on in god bless her but oh. No shipwrecks near my house. So anyway, the stranger comes in. He does not kill anyone. Oh, thank God. I thought he was going to be the murderer. I mean, we all thought that was absolutely going to happen. Yeah. He charms his way into the heart of Miss Anne, the daughter.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Oh, no. How old was she? Probably too young. Okay. They end up, quote, beginning relations, the daughter. Oh no, how old was she? Probably too young. Okay. They end up, quote, beginning relations under the roof of Loftus Hall. Oh no. What did I say?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Living in sin? Well, very much so, and you will see why in a second. I want you to remember that sentence. Uh-oh. So, anyway. I don't know how long this fucking storm lasted but a couple weeks later uh this stranger is still there like going to town with the daughter under the roof of this guy's friend
Starting point is 00:23:55 and uh so he's still hanging out they've all gotten to know each other pretty well I guess and they're all playing cards together one night and Anne is looking at her cards and sees that she doesn't have one she doesn't have enough like she's missing a card so she thinks she probably dropped it on the ground and she sees her card on the floor so she bends down to grab it and she, you know, get under the table. You see people's feet. And she went to grab the card and saw the guy. His feet were hooves. Were cloven hooves. Let's rewind for a moment.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So truly living in sin because apparently he's the devil. Nothing more antichristy than sleeping with the devil. Nothing more antichrist-y than sleeping with the devil. Oh. My god, what? I'm thinking like his shoes were really dirty, like he had a knife in his shoe. Listen, so this is why when I said this is the most haunted house in Ireland
Starting point is 00:24:58 I was very iffy because a lot of these ghost stories come from long legends starting in the 1700s. Where they were like... Like, these stories are as old as America. Where she dropped a playing card and there was hooves. Clove and hooves.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay. I'm sorry. Also, you've been sleeping with this guy. Why did you not see the feet before? I'm sorry. That's a really good point. Where his hairy ankles... Maybe he's like one of those guys who likes to do it with his socks on.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I mean, fair. Maybe that's what Lucifer likes. Everyone's into something. That's fine. Oh, my God. Even the devil's into his things. So anyway, she sees the feet. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Okay. She screams in fear, as you do. And upon announcing he's the devil, and he has now been discovered in front of these three people as the devil. Right. My thought is, if you're the devil and this happens you just like blink and they just like turn to ash and your problem's done or you're like whoops i forgot to hide my feet or like you can like mind trick them like go back in time five seconds and put some fucking boots on hold up i was gonna say was he
Starting point is 00:26:00 not wearing shoes all the time and they were just like he's clomping around maybe like his like real self was showing for a second and she caught a glimpse instead of shape shifting. He was playing poker and he was like, his poker face was too intense. So his feet got. Yep. I see. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Just trying real hard to make sense of this. So anyway, that's what I would do if I were the devil. Several other options besides what he does, because apparently. Oh my God. What does he do he was he got called out for being the devil and so he literally shot through the roof of the house and flew away and flew away okay and so he escaped he literally smashed through the roof with his body so that's some superhuman strength to just be like,
Starting point is 00:26:46 and just like break through the roof of a house. By the way, can you imagine, can you imagine being the loftest family coming home, being like, what happened to the roof? Their friends have to be like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:26:59 look, so and was sleeping with Satan and he kind of just flew through the house. We were playing go fish and he got a little out of hand. But really, that is like a very good metaphor for how some families handle a monopoly. Like someone's bound to break the house. It's sensible enough. And all of a sudden you're a little like your little devil starts coming out. You're a little evil.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Just like his cloven hooves were showing. Apparently the 2000s are just like the 1700s in Ireland. Anyway, let's just pretend that that was a really good story. Or you know what? Obviously the Loftus family believed it because it's lasted this long. I mean, something must have happened. Maybe they were just really good friends. Maybe they were like you and me.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Maybe they had like a paranormal podcast and they're like, look, if you're going to say something about the devil, I'm not here to question it. Like we're not going to make fun of him or else he's going to come flying back through that hole. Just be like, oh, the you're going to say something about the devil, I'm not here to question it. Like, we're not going to make fun of him, or else he's going to come flying back through that hole. Just be like, oh, the devil came here? Okay, fine. Fine, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I believe you. And I do think that the Loftus's probably believed it, because at the time, the Loftus family member who owned this house, his name was Henry Loftus. Interestingly enough, an identical story had been told in another area of ireland what um where there was a card game in a lounge a lounge a lodge jesus they're so similar i was gonna say i wasn't gonna question you thank you you're welcome what if i told you the devil broke through the roof i would say well let's patch it up and you're like i do not think so hope he doesn't come back so uh when in doubt stage it out that's right hashtag theron hashtag
Starting point is 00:28:32 theron theron said that um i'm always afraid he's gonna sue me because i'm always like i didn't make that up it's like uhed Theron. So there's a story of another card game happening where someone saw cloven feet. And it apparently was also Satan. Sorry. I didn't even mean to laugh. Also, the place that it happened, the lodge that it happened at was called the Hellfire Club. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And the person who owned the lodge was Henry Loftus. Wait, what? So there's thought that he was into some sort of evil minded magic or rituals because how interesting that he owned two different properties at different times. And but when he owned each property, someone with cloven hooves came in and played cards. Did he happen to be gone both times? Did he happen to sleep with your daughter? Oh, my. Did he happen to wear socks while he slept with your daughter? Ooh, better question to ask your daughter.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Real question. Don't ask your daughter that. Please. Unless you really feel like feeling uncomfortable. I mean, you can ask your daughter whatever you want. It's not my daughter. She's not going to answer you, though. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:29:45 She might break a hole in the roof. Another metaphor for PMS, I think. She might be on the rag. Okay, let's try this again. Because here's the fun part of him just, like, throwing himself into the roof. Before he did that, he also turned into a ball of fire. Oh, so you didn't clarify no so he was basically like the opposite of a meteor shower he was just like
Starting point is 00:30:09 a meteor in reverse a meteor bubble bath that's not funny um sorry wait so he turned okay so the cloven hubs were so he could have turned himself into whatever but he's still that's my thought like why like why were you feeling so cocky that you could just like leave your hooves out right so you were right like there could have been a million other ways to deal with it than blast through the roof like fucking you could turn them into balls of fire they would never said anything and we wouldn't be reporting on this story you know what butterfly effect that's what the that's what the butterfly effect is ripple in our space-time continuum is what it is. Man, you're so good at history. That's science.
Starting point is 00:30:47 You're so good at that, too. You're so good at scholastic adventures. I'm going to blame everything you say on your spinal tap. Okay. The hole that he caused in the roof. You've heard about it. Listen. You're familiar.
Starting point is 00:31:03 The story's been told near and far a poor uh apparently um when he left the whole actually actually never fully got repaired so there's still like a weird shape in the ceiling apparently oh and let's all remember that like skeptic or just a realist in general like the roof could just fall apart after hundreds of years, and that's why it looks a little funky, but we're gonna go with the fact that Lucifer turned into a ball of fire after fucking someone's daughter and then flew away.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Because he was mad at Ghostface. Because that's the most logical in my mind. If I ever house sit and I break something, I'm gonna be like, listen. When I broke into your house to steal fake geo and your phabletic leggings, I should have straight up just been like,
Starting point is 00:31:44 look, the devil is here i didn't ask for it he just did it there were cloven hooves involved yep and i probably would have been like oh shit you've got to talk about this on the podcast here's the best part tell me his lover she became so obsessed with him oh no the devil oh no she was so lovestruck and depressed that he left her like took it as a relationship breakup that's the worst breakup like we're done like i'm gonna destroy this it's not even your roof it's someone else's roof so anyway she was just like i was screaming about his feet if she really accepted him the way he was she would have just moved on can you imagine if a boy yelled at a girl for how her legs look maybe they were maybe they were a little hairy maybe she'd go into a rage too. She hadn't cut her toenails recently.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I mean, who's to say? Anyway, so she was just overcome with grief, could not handle herself. She had lost the love of her life, and she was embarrassed in front of her family because he put on quite a scene. I mean, that much I understand. I'm embarrassed for her, to be honest. Imagine someone meeting Blaze, and then two weeks weeks in he fucking breaks their friend's roof. We're like playing fucking Game of Life and he just like
Starting point is 00:33:09 flies through the ceiling. So her parents didn't handle it well. Oh really? They blamed her. Oh poor thing. And so they locked her in the tapestry room. First of all what's a tapestry room? Tell me about that. They locked her in it for the rest of her life what she died in that room in 1775 she was fucking
Starting point is 00:33:30 sad no locked her in a fucking because she was sad they couldn't handle her like they're like you're too fucking much like you're being way extra about this meanwhile the devil was kind of fucking extra about this he's the one who fucking burned a hole in the roof and she has to be locked in a fucking tapestry. Well, here's the other reason why they might have locked her away. Did she bear Lucifer's son? She just might have. So she was pregnant a couple weeks later. Ah, fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And her parents were very afraid that this just might be Satan's baby. Oh my God. So apparently when she gave birth to the baby, they then murdered the baby in front of her. What? Buried its remains in the walls of the tapestry room, then locked her in the tapestry room until she died and got a Catholic priest to perform an exorcism on the whole house. Why are they still even allowed to be there why were the loftest family okay with keeping her and the dead baby remains in their walls they're like sure you can break another hole in our imagine if like i came back to the house you and blaze had a child at this point at your house yes yeah in my house while i was gone your child had sex with the devil and then got pregnant and then you murdered your
Starting point is 00:34:51 grandchild and then buried it in my walls and then left your daughter in my house until she died and was like you cool with this i don't think they even asked they were just like listen can you look it's a three-story mansion hopefully they'll just never go in the tapestry room because otherwise we have a lot to talk about. Pull that tapestry aside. We have a dead fucking body to put inside it. That's horrifying. Wait, so, okay, I'm sorry. So they waited until she died.
Starting point is 00:35:18 So they must have outlived her, right? Because then they got a priest and stuff. Oh, no, they got a priest as soon as they killed the baby and put it in the walls. Oh, so she just... And so then they brought the priest in while she was alive. Oh, then they exercised. And they exercised the whole house, and then she just kept being locked in there until she died. And the priest, he died in 1773, and his gravestone actually says,
Starting point is 00:35:41 Here lies the body of Thomas Brodders, who did good and prayed for all and banished the devil from Loftus Hall. I'm sorry. Oh, it rhymes. That's the fun part. What a fun little limerick. Also, Anne's grave is located in a local cemetery. However, the difference between her grave and everyone else's is that hers is completely cemented over. Oh, what a bunch of psychos because
Starting point is 00:36:06 they wanted to make sure that the devil could not escape her body and possess anyone this is really psychotic oh yeah so even whether this was like i just i don't even know i this is just beyond so the remains of the child were located in the 1870s so 100 years later when the loft was being renovated wait so they found the remains of the child yes so this child does exist but also this could just been like who knows who who knows chances are it wasn't the devil's baby sure but like they somehow somebody buried a baby in the walls no matter what happened there was a baby in the walls that's so fucked up this discovery somehow probably is the trigger of the rest of the paranormal activity because they disturbed
Starting point is 00:36:52 the body i see ever since then they also think like because maybe it was a hundred years later after it had been exercised maybe like the the demons came back like there's a whole bunch of different legends about why it's haunted. Now I see. But I mean, there was hundreds of fam, like there was a family line of hundreds of years that died there. There was a war there. There was this girl who died in the tapestry room.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Her baby was, you know, it's remains were in the walls. So, I mean, there's a lot of reasons for this place to not have the best juju. Right. So here's the ghost stuff. Let just you've heard enough so there's a lady that walks around the house who's a ghost by the way she's not alive okay there's a lady that just
Starting point is 00:37:35 moses uh the tapestry room oh and walks up and down the grand staircase which leads to the tapestry room um they think that's ann right there have also been disembodied children's voices. There have been phantom cries. There have been the sound of horses stopping at the front of the house, but then you look out and there's no horses. Oh, boy. Sudden temperature drops, feelings of someone staring at you straight in the face.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I don't like that one bit. Flickering lights. People have seen someone standing behind them. And then they turn around and no one's there. People have been pinched and punched. And they have heard a lot of growls. Oh. And there have been hundreds of reports of orbs and manifestations.
Starting point is 00:38:18 At least since the skeletal remains have been found. So like I said, in 1983, it also turned into a hotel, um, where the owner, Michael died in the hotel. Um, also it was a convent for a while and, um, uh, religious school for girls. And apparently that was the closest chapel in town. So a lot of people in town would go to that school's chapel every Sunday. And apparently a lot of people felt like even though it was a chapel, it was incredibly, incredibly haunted and they could feel evil in the chapel. And legend has it they could feel the devil still there because this is supposedly the only chapel the devil ever lived in before it became a church. Okay, that just gave me chills. And that's probably because I'm a Catholic, but Ooh, that creeps me out.
Starting point is 00:39:07 But it's like before it was ever a church, the devil was there essentially. So. Oh my God. In 2011, it was purchased by the Quigley family from Kerrig on Bano. Well, it can't be haunted after they bought it. Can you imagine if that was how people were referred to in America? Like Christine of Ohio. That's so lame. bought it can you imagine if that was how people were referred to in america like christine of ohio that's so lame m of spottsylvania the schultz family of spottsylvania that's pretty cool though
Starting point is 00:39:35 it's spottsylvania sounds like transylvania it does that's probably why it sounds cool um even today there's allegedly one section of the ceiling that looks different from the rest. And it has been featured on the Irish TV show Ghost Hunters and the American TV show Ghost Adventures. It has been the subject of a documentary called The Legend of Loftus Hall. And it is currently, not currently, it has recently been the shooting location for a film called The Lodgers starring Eugene Simon from the Game of Thrones. Ooh. called the lodgers starring eugene simon from the game of thrones oh um per usual it is now open to the public and they do guided tours where you can hear all about the spooky legends and in 2014 there was actually a viral photo of a guy in his 20s his name was thomas beavis as in beavis and butthead oh yep stole the words right out of my mouth he took a picture while he
Starting point is 00:40:25 was there and swears that he saw a woman in the window and it went viral because a lot of people can't tell if it's legitimate or not whoa but they think it's probably and because apparently she's wearing different clothes and all that seen the photo yeah i it almost like it's too real it's so real it looks fake so like if it were real it's very real but if it were fake but it looks like it like if it were fake you'd be like oh well yeah obviously that's fake but if it were real it's very fucking real like it looks like just another person standing there is this it yeah holy mackerel that's like a straight up a woman. Yeah. Okay. Guys, look up Thomas Beavis Loftus Hall.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And it's the Google image and it's like the first one. But it literally looks like it's just someone behind a screen or someone behind a window like that hasn't gone outside yet. But she has that creepy dress on with like the poofy butt. But it's absolutely a woman. Like there's no denying that. Ugh, spooky. Oh my god, the photos get me every time. So, paranormal investigations are also held there with guests.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And there is one group called the Irish Ghost Hunters who have been there for eight years now. And one of their oldest members, Tina, has said that it's the most haunted place she's been to. And a quote of hers is, Our first loftest lockdown had many paranormal experiences we were being pushed and pulled others were overwhelmed with feelings of nausea there were growls children's voices and numerous unexplained shadows it was an amazing night i have a very different definition of what an amazing night is yeah no like watching friends without like pants on and eating my white ice cream sounds like an amazing night.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Amen. There's some wine, there's no spinal taps, and there's a lot of Friends. Oh, right. And also no devil. And no devil. Having sex with my daughter. None of that. No ghosts.
Starting point is 00:42:17 No holes in the ceiling, please. She also says, each time we return, activity peaks a bit more as if the house knows us now. Each time we return, activity peaks a bit more as if the house knows us now. That I will argue because as someone who used to do paranormal lockdowns, the houses would actually get less and less interesting because they got used to us. They got bored of us. Oh, they were like, yeah, we've given you what you need. Yeah. And well, I mean, also maybe they're doing different things each time that they go. Like maybe they're asking different questions.
Starting point is 00:42:44 But when I first started doing, um, my lockdowns, they started as paranormal tours. And so we would bring the equipment and ask questions and like have EMF sessions where we tried to, you know, get yes or no answers on the machines.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And because it was always a guided tour, we always ask the same questions. And so the ghost just got bored of like yes i'm a girl yes i'm fucking 12 like they like clearly got bored and then even during a tour one time i said like it's probably better if you guys ask your own original questions because they have kind of made it clear that they're very bored of us asking the same questions over and over again and when we said that all the meters in the whole room went off what as if like yeah we're fucking bored like we're not even gonna haunt you like we're so done with you you're too boring to haunt so the last couple tours we did before we were just doing
Starting point is 00:43:35 lockdowns we had to tell them like we had to tell our guests like we really need you guys to talk they like truly if i spent the night here by myself they wouldn't even bother me because they're so bored with me really yeah that's so interesting meanwhile I've lived in the same childhood house for 20 something years and those ghosts love to scare the shit out of me so you know take your pick I guess anyway this house recently had um through its renovations and over time it's older than this but the current renovation of it recently had its 666th birthday oh snap the last thing i have to tell you is um there was one skeptic who decided to go on a tour with these guys with the ghost hunters and gave an account of his experience and he was like i don't believe in ghosts this is all
Starting point is 00:44:25 bullshit and then he ended up going room by room and talking about all the shit that happened and so there's five parts of this in the main house a medium came with them and she as soon as she walked into the house she started crying and screaming i was convinced she could see a dark figure hovering over everyone and coming towards her. And then her skin began to crawl. And you could apparently see the goosebumps on her arm move in waves as if something ice cold was going up and down her arm. Oh, no, no. The room became colder, considerably colder. And even though it was already pitch black, it somehow became even darker in the room.
Starting point is 00:45:00 And they also started to be able to see dark images and humanoid shapes but eventually the room brightened and the temperature rose and then nobody could feel anything they were just in a house and didn't feel like there was anything spiritual going on in the morning room can you can you fucking imagine how many fucking there's a tapestry room there's a morning room is there a night room is there an afternoon room is there a dusk room there's probably dusk room that after hours room the daybreak room so in the morning room uh they all spread out and start asking questions very much yes or no's to try and get some sort of response and one person in the room um started asking more demanding questions like trying to like provoke the ghosts and then um
Starting point is 00:45:46 you started to see a shadowy figure show up right next to him but he couldn't see it like the guy that was demanding these questions couldn't see this dark shadow but everyone else in the room could clearly see this thing and when he would ask the questions yes or no the ghost they all saw the ghost knocking on like the window shutter behind him to give yes or no responses. But he couldn't see like the guy was even looking around being like, what are you guys talking about? I don't see anything.
Starting point is 00:46:11 They were like, Frank. Yeah. But other people were watching this happen. Oh no. Um, there was a disembodied voice that kept coming through and then there was a voice while they were all upstairs that from downstairs screamed attention. So clear what it wanted chill out in the upper rooms um you could hear singing and there was a distinctive tug on someone's hair um on the guy
Starting point is 00:46:34 that wrote this it was on his hair and as soon as he felt the tug a young woman on the other side of the bench started sobbing uncontrollably and he was like what's wrong and she said that she felt someone tug on her neck at the exact same time oh my they began uh asking questions like do you want the door closed are you trying to scare us are you enjoying this and they could hear deliberate taps coming from behind them every time that one of them asked so like if you asked you would hear it behind you if i asked you would hear it behind you. If I asked, you would hear it behind me. Oh, no. And it was like very intellectually responsive of like it was happening right after we would say a sentence. So it's not like, oh, it's just the pipes. It was like only if one of us spoke, only that person would get the sound behind them. So the sound was moving everywhere too.
Starting point is 00:47:23 The temperature was dropping and then there was a release of cold air as if a door had opened, but all the doors were locked shut. In the tapestry room, at one point, the guide was convinced that he saw one of the people standing by the fireplace, but then turned around and the guy was standing behind him. So he just saw another person like shape shifted that looked like him on the opposite side of the room, but the person actually was. And then this guy was like, I thought that was pretty wild. But then I swore that I could see the guide standing right next to me. And then I looked across the room and he was over there.
Starting point is 00:47:54 So they both experienced the same thing. Oh, in the card room, this is the final room and the card room fucking rooms, dude. In the card room, uh, where supposedly Satan played played cards by the way
Starting point is 00:48:06 at least we know one of his hobbies now i mean sex and socks and cards sex and socks um so in the card room they all sat down at the table and i guess to like kind of make it look like it did back in the day there were cards kind of shirned about on the table everyone was sitting around and all of them started feeling a burning sensation on their legs. Oh. And no one said anything until one person spoke up and everyone was like, I'm so glad you said something because I could feel it too. What the hell? Then the guide grabbed all of the cards and stacked them together to make sure that they weren't falling.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Like you would misplace a sound, but it was a card actually moving. Like he stacked them all up so no one could mistake them for any sounds or anything that they saw. like they weren't falling like you would misplace a sound but it was a card actually moving like he stacked them all up so no one could mistake them for any sounds or anything that they saw so he's holding them super tight in his hand and uh people start feeling really uneasy they start feeling really nauseous hair on the back their neck stands up and then one of them literally got pulled out of their chair oh my like as if like this is my chair kind of thing oh no so he just ended up standing for the rest of the time what a good sport and uh all of a sudden they started asking those like provoking questions again to try to piss someone off like just to try to get some sort of response
Starting point is 00:49:16 and then all of a sudden you hear this huge slam on the table and the guide who was holding all the cards he was holding them and someone forced a card out of his hand. And they all saw a card in midair by itself slam down on the table. Oh, no. As if someone pulled a card out of his hand and slammed it down. And they all heard the bang. What was the card? The devil.
Starting point is 00:49:44 A card had been pulled from his hand and dropped onto the playing surface where we all heard the devil. A card had forcibly pulled, had been pulled from his hand and dropped onto the playing surface where we all heard the bang. We all watched it float mid air as it slammed onto the table. We turned and looked back at the table to see a solitary card with the face of the devil staring. Oh wait, I thought you were kidding.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Nope. What do you mean? A card with the devil? It's like a tarot card. Oh, I thought it was like a playing card. They had several different cards just for like the effect of putting cards on a table oh and out of all the cards the devil one was the one that got pulled and slammed onto the table i thought you were
Starting point is 00:50:17 kidding you know you're very good at guessing things today between that and the tie-dye shirt and that was actually pretty weird that i was like that was a weird thing you did i thought about what does 13 year old m have the same things that 25 year old exactly same thing oh my god that's the loft is all that is called the jameson family disappearances so this was sent um in an email by kevin thanks kevin so not to be confused with classic kevin i don't think i feel like he would have submitted it as ck right i it's from a document that you created that just said from Kevin. So I just, I would have, I would have put CK. Okay. So it's from Kevin who I'm sure is also classic in his own way. They all are. They all are. Um, so Kevin sent an email with the suggestion. It's the Jameson family disappearances. Okay. Let's crack into it.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Let's crack into it. It's pretty wild, if I do say so myself. Well, what isn't wild these days between the spinal taps and Satan? We like to keep you guys on your toes. Okay. So, let's begin. So, the Jameson family lived in Eufaula, Oklahoma. The family consisted of Bobby Dale dale jameson who was 44 his wife sherry lynn leanne jameson 40 and their daughter madison stormy star jameson
Starting point is 00:51:54 six i was about to say like oh those are very southern names of like bobby dale and sherry lynn or whatever their names were yeah and then all of a sudden stormy start i'm like ah they became hippies at some point madison but madison is spelled like m-a-d-y-s-o-n so also very like okay american southern i think madison stormy star jameson so okay uh the family was in the market for land and they had been looking at a 40 acre plot near red oak oklahoma which was 30 miles away from their home so they wanted to move to like a more wooded remote area and they were hoping that they could kind of get away from civilization and live like a more quote peaceful life okay so they were on the hunt for for some land um and everything seemed to be going smoothly and on october 8 2009 the family loaded
Starting point is 00:52:44 up their truck and set off to finalize the purchase fuck okay so 2009 that's a very different time than i was thinking oh yeah i didn't really clarify i was like still back in the 1700s and i was like oh wow so 30 miles is quite a trek they got to get their whole fucking horse ready and now it's 2009 and i'm like oh smart car madison star has to get her whole. That's true. I don't know a single person in the 1700s named Stormy Starr. Sherry Lynn Leanne and Madison Starr.
Starting point is 00:53:13 So they loaded up their truck, set off to finalize their purchase, and they were never seen alive again. Oh, shit. Yeah. Things went south really quickly. So for eight days, no one heard anything from the family and obviously friends and family began to worry hundreds of volunteers dozens of law enforcement officers scoured the area for any sign of them and a few days later the jameson's truck was discovered abandoned in latimer county oklahoma the jamesons were not there but their
Starting point is 00:53:42 dog maizey was still in the truck. Oh, malnourished after eight days without food or water. Oh, baby, baby. Poor baby. She survived. Maisie survived. Good girl. And went to live with Bobby's mother. So she lived out her life as a good doggo. Oh, such a baby, baby. Police also discovered in the car the Jamesameson's ids wallets cell phones their gps system and about thirty two thousand dollars in cash was that something they were supposed to have on them nobody really knows why they had that on them um they were known for carrying large amounts of cash on them apparently they sound a lot like government preppers i mean i could from what not from what well that that they will also keep in mind like i'm from virginia where
Starting point is 00:54:32 i know a lot of government preppers a lot of people want to move to a remote area where they're off the grid and nothing can touch them fair and they don't really know anybody. They can just live off the land. And a lot of people, including my father, don't own credit cards or anything that could put their info. Right. I'm not saying my dad's a government prepper. I'm just saying he is afraid of Facebook and credit cards. But he's like... And now he's the star of a podcast. And now he's afraid of podcasts.
Starting point is 00:55:03 But he's very... And not just him, but a few other people I know, like they refuse to have credit cards. It's very much like I live off of cash. If I don't have the cash and I don't have money, I just don't want any paper trail. It sounds very shady, but it's very much like, I just don't trust big brother. But again, they had cell phones. They had GPS.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Like it wasn't like they were living off the grid, you know? So that does make it more shady. It's just an interesting nobody really knows um there was also a photo taken on their one of their phones on the dad's phone of the daughter madison and it was left in the so the phone was left in the truck and when police went through the phone they found a photo of madison and they tracked the gps of the photo to like this the top of this hill that was nearby and police went up there and they tracked the GPS of the photo to like this, the top of this hill that was nearby.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And police went up there and they found the footprints of the family and they like were able to locate where the exact photo was taken of the girl on this rock. And so they were like, they must've gone up there, taken the photo and gotten back to the truck. But, um, beyond that, they didn't know why the photo was on there. They didn't know like right it had stopped um so police grew even more concerned when family members told them that a gun belonging to sherry lynn was missing it wasn't in the truck and it wasn't in their house oh no um the county sheriff immediately launched a massive search for the family that included
Starting point is 00:56:21 drones tracker dogs hundreds of police and volunteers, some even on horseback. They had mules going through the land. They looked everywhere. They spent eight months searching, and it was one of the most extensive manhunts in Oklahoma's history, and it turned up absolutely nothing. Jesus. Yeah, they followed tons of leads.
Starting point is 00:56:41 They looked everywhere. Nothing. They did find some strange clues. So back at the family's house, they found a witch's Bible. Do you know what that is? A witch's Bible? I had to Google it.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I don't know. It's like a specific book. It has like, I mean, it's what you would think it is basically. Like a spell book? Sort of. And it has like a bunch of like guidelines for witchcraft and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Oh, okay. As well as strange inscriptions scrawled on the inside of a storage container they owned. And it wasn't until four years later that the family was found. In November of 2013, deer hunters came across the skeletal remains of two adults and a child lying side by side, face down in the dirt in a rugged area, approximately three miles from where the abandoned truck had been found. Oh, shit. It's like they just got pulled straight out of the car.
Starting point is 00:57:33 It was only three miles away. The remains were positively identified as the Jameson family, but they were so badly decomposed that a cause of death couldn't be ascertained. Really? Wow. So here are the theories as to what happens this is where it gets interesting okay um so things are already very strange considering the gigantic manhunt with hundreds of people over eight months didn't find the bodies that were found three miles away from the car right so that was already where people
Starting point is 00:58:02 were like wait how is that possible basically the the most basic theories were that they got lost in the wilderness or died of hypothermia somehow only three miles from their car um and one of the but beyond those one of the biggest theories was that uh they'd been part of a drug deal gone bad so the cash right um so that was obviously supported by the cash and the the fact that neighbors said that Bobby and Sherry Lynn had been acting really strange recently and had looked very gaunt and emaciated. So some people speculated they might have been on crystal meth, which just so happened to be flourishing in the area where they disappeared. There were meth labs all over the place, that kind of thing. where they disappeared. There were meth labs all over the place, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And also there was video footage taken of the couple on the security camera they had outside their house from the day they left. And it shows them in this sort of trance-like daze as they're packing up their car. And they're just making dozens and dozens of trips to and from the house packing up the car, but they don't speak to each other. They're like completely zombie-like. And they're just still, like it's very creepy. They're just kind of like.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Like no interacting, just get the job done. Right, no interacting, just like very back and forth, back and forth. So people have said it looks like they might be, you know, strung out on something. However, when they searched the truck, they searched the house, they searched families' houses and talked to friends and family, found nothing to indicate they were on any sort of drug. Their friends and family insisted they had been clean. They said they knew them very well. There was no way they were on any drugs. Some people think maybe they might not have been on drugs themselves, but maybe they had
Starting point is 00:59:45 stumbled upon a meth lab or something and had gotten in trouble that way okay like they saw something they shouldn't have exactly so that was another theory and then um a different theory was that bobby jameson the dad's father um might have been involved so bobby had been the dad had been involved in this vicious feud with his own dad who the family had sued over property they were owed after working the family business so apparently they were owed like 50 of the profits of a family business and their dad didn't pay them so they sued the dad and then the dad threatened to kill bobby and his family multiple times so they got a protective order against him and installed that security camera i mentioned so oh okay then
Starting point is 01:00:31 apparently there was there were rumors that bob had ties with the mexican mafia so it was just like maybe he had something to do with it but the police never investigated him very intensively they never really looked into him so nobody really considered him a serious suspect right well then that also instead of the government prepper thought that does make sense though if they were somehow involved in a drug deal right like the fact or maybe they were like trying to get out of like quote the life or something because they're like we want to go somewhere where no one knows where we are right like and let's just bring all cash and i said there's no paper trail yeah like bring our kid in our cash right that makes sense so that makes some sense um the dad himself had an alibi he was sick and hospitalized at the time so people wondered maybe he put a hit out on them but
Starting point is 01:01:13 again like the police never took that as a serious lead so nobody really is sure that that's the answer so some people have suggested that maybe the deaths were a murder suicide within the family so that maybe um one of the parents had killed the others and then killed themselves because the gun was missing but if the gun was missing well i mean i would imagine like a guy like it just fell over and rotted with the bodies maybe Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. But also, like, my thought, though, is that all three of them are perfectly laying side by side on the ground face down. Like, that sounds like someone put their bodies there. Well, I don't know if it was perfectly laying side by side. I think they were just...
Starting point is 01:01:56 Oh, kind of scattered. Oh, in my mind, it looked very, like, there was, like, a system to it. They were lying face down in the dirt in a rugged area side by side. So I guess it does seem kind of like. It just sounded like someone put them all there. Yeah, it does seem a little sketchy. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:19 So as far as the murder suicide goes, both Bobby and Sherrilyn had suffered from severe depression. Sherrilyn's younger sister, Martha, had died very recently in a freak accident where a bee had stung her on the tongue and her throat had swollen up immediately and she had died very quickly. So it was a freak accident, a tragic death in the family. And she had taken it very, very hard. So she had her family said, like, the reason she was so thin and hadn't been doing well is that she was like in a severe depression from that. Had already been battling severe depression and then like wasn't eating enough and wasn't taking care of herself after her little sister died. So that was another thing. And then the husband, Bobby, had been in a really bad traffic accident
Starting point is 01:03:08 that hurt his whole body. So that was another thing where they were like, her little sister died, then he was in this horrific traffic accident that left him in pain constantly. So they were already just in bad shape. Right. So maybe there was a depression angle.
Starting point is 01:03:24 And going off that that investigators also found an 11 page letter that was apparently very hateful written by sherry lynn directed at her husband and it was found in the car weirdly enough oh like she hadn't given it to him yet maybe i don't know or maybe he read it and then killed everyone either way i don't know it was just found in the car as far as I know. And then the gun, as I mentioned, was missing. A coroner had also claimed to have found a small hole in the back of Bobby's skull, suggesting he may have been shot,
Starting point is 01:03:54 but that could have been caused by a bullet or something else because the bodies were so decomposed they weren't sure if it was a bullet or not. And the other bodies had no holes or anything. So, you know, the idea that all three of them were shot is kind of a stretch. The family of the victims say that the Jamesons were a loving family. They were devoted to each other, and none of them would have ever done anything like that. They would have known if there was, you know, some freak thing waiting to happen.
Starting point is 01:04:23 And then another theory, they just get weirder and weirder so another theory is white supremacists um okay let's just go sure let's just take that angle all the way left turn uh you mean right right turn far far the maybe an alt-right turn. Alt-right turn. White supremacists were another theory. So this guy had recently rented a room from the Jamesons. And apparently while he was staying with them, he repeatedly used racial slurs and talked about white supremacy before Sherry Lynn ordered him off their property at gunpoint. And apparently it was just a big mess and she demanded he get off the property it was just a big brawl um and then some say that a pill bottle was found in the truck with his name on it when they discovered the family's truck so people wonder if he or some of his friends had returned
Starting point is 01:05:18 to take revenge but at the same time it's not totally clear from the articles i read whether it was actual evidence that the pill bottle was found or whether it's kind of just a rumor. I'm not really positive. I couldn't really find that. But another thing was, you know, I told you there was a picture of Madison on one of the phones. So the photo of her is actually online. You can look at it. And she's kind of like looking one direction with her arms crossed.
Starting point is 01:05:45 it and she's kind of like looking one direction with her arms crossed and people her own grandmother has said like she would never have looked like that if they were taking a photo of her like she loved getting her photo taken it looks like someone else was there making her uncomfortable so who knows if that's true or not um but it was one kind of weird element to the whole creepy thing. Oh, yeah, for sure. So here is where we go into M territory with this story. So the Jameson family pastor, Gary Brandon, came forward with some odd statements about the Jameson family. He claimed that in the days leading up to the disappearance, the family had told him they believed their house was haunted and that they were involved in what he referred to as, quote,
Starting point is 01:06:28 spiritual warfare. Apparently, the family had claimed that they had made contact with the spirits of a dead family in their house. Oh, no. And that their daughter, Madison, had been regularly talking with the ghost family's child. Ugh. Gross.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Was its name Captain Howdy? What is that from? The Exorcist. Oh, I don't watch that. Oh my gosh. I don't watch that program. That network is something I don't know of.
Starting point is 01:06:56 No, the ghost that possessed the girl's name was Captain Howdy. I don't like that one bit. That's why the font of our logo is called Captain Howdy. Wait, are you serious? Yeah. I thought it was just because it looks like a one bit. That's why the font of our logo is called Captain Howdy. Wait, are you serious?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Yeah. I thought it was just because it looks like a cowboy font. No. I really did. It's like a nautical cowboy. I thought it was. No, that's the name of the demon that possessed the girl and the exorcist. Ah, shit.
Starting point is 01:07:17 That's really cool. I thought it was because it's a nautical. 50 episodes in, folks. I mean, it takes me a while. Patio furniture took me 25 if i remember correctly mind-blowing you really do things at your own pace christine you know what i like to just keep things slow and steady just my brain can't handle it all at once so she'd been talking with the ghost family's child two of the ghosts were allegedly called emily and michael and one of them was reported to have wings like an angel i hope that's michael angel i don't know
Starting point is 01:07:50 well isn't michael the archangel of protection yeah right but apparently not because this is apparently spiritual warfare so i don't know what's going on um looks like an angel apparently bobby jameson had become so upset by the hauntings that he had requested special bullets with which to shoot the intruding entities and cherry lynn had begun to investigate whether the house was built on an old indian burial ground the pastor also said the family sought out a satanic bible in order to rid the house of the presences which is interesting considering the finding of the witch sought out a satanic bible in order to rid the house of the presences which is interesting considering the finding of the witch's bible yeah right so it's a different thing but people were like he sounds crazy but also there were some weird things they did find at
Starting point is 01:08:34 the house yeah so who knows like we didn't find anything oh but we did find a couple things we just found a couple like witch's bibles this is fine um so remember how i said there were words found written on the side of your storage unit yeah so the storage unit said it was written in like graffiti it said three cats killed to date by people in this area dot dot dot yeah witches don't like their black cats killed ew and it's like misspelled horribly but that's what it said on the side of their storage unit that they owned so police never figured out who wrote the messages but in addition to all this weirdness a friend of sherry lynn's was reportedly a witch and apparently several of the family's cats had been poisoned by neighbors oh no um so apparently belief in spirits and witches was like
Starting point is 01:09:26 a just running rampant in the jameson household sherry lynn's best friend nicky 41 would go on to claim quote sherry lynn was interested in witches we both were years before we bought matching witches bibles we put them on our coffee tables as a bit of a joke that's what the police found but in all seriousness that house was haunted i don't want to sound crazy but whenever i went there i felt a horrible presence i would leave feeling so down and depressed it's hard to describe once i was in the living room and the sort of gray mist descended down the stairs what it really scared me that's some evil shit really really creepy she told me on a couple of occasions bobby who was
Starting point is 01:10:06 such a gentle man would suddenly come at her and his eyes would be completely dead and black like he was possessed sherry lynn would leave notes around the house saying get out satan and stuff like that it was her way of dealing with things everyone's got away you know what geez some people burst through the ceiling in a ball of fire people just write the note get out satan so on top of that sherry lynn's own mother said that she believed her daughter had ended up on the hit list of a local religious cult oh no uh she didn't name the cult but she said there were several major cults operating in the mountains there which seems really bizarre but in the 1990s there were several articles written about local cults and a u.s marshal actually said that there were some extreme cults operating in eastern oklahoma at the time
Starting point is 01:10:55 so it is a possibility and then if you consider the security camera footage in that light some people claim the strange behavior could have been due to some sort of like cult possession or even demonic possession which obviously is kind of an extreme but um people think maybe that might be might lend some explanation to why they were so zombie like um but things get even weirder believe it or not what sherry lynn's best friend nikki who i mentioned earlier claimed she was contacted by an anonymous woman who claimed that sherry lynn's best friend nikki who i mentioned earlier claimed she was contacted by an anonymous woman who claimed that sherry lynn had been involved with a cult called the united white knights who had vowed to kill her and her family oh shit so there was apparently an abandoned wreck of a car which was found near the jameson's car, which had been used for a long time for shooting practice,
Starting point is 01:11:47 but also had satanic messages scrawled all over it. And Sherry Lynn had allegedly written messages such as God loves you and peace on it on top of the satanic messages. Ew. But it's unclear how people have determined that she had written them or if they determined that she had written them or if they know that she had written them or not. And then Nikki said that after she got that phone
Starting point is 01:12:12 call from the United White Knights, she said, quote, I went up to those mountains about a year later and near where the bodies were found, there was a line of cars parked with Texas license plates. When we got near the actual spot, there were a couple of gunshots. They sounded like warning shots to me. I don't scare easily, but that place really freaks me out. There's something not right about it. So she thinks that there's some sort of
Starting point is 01:12:34 creepy satanic ritual going on near where their bodies were found. Gross. Then there's this other weird link, which I found a lot of this information from one of my favorite websites,, which I just love. But so this is an interesting theory or just a link. Have you ever heard of the 35th degree latitude?
Starting point is 01:12:57 So it's a strange synchronicity. It's like a phenomenon, the line of tragedy, it's sometimes called. And it's on the 35th degree latitude. And a whole string of brutal murders have occurred along that line. Including the case of Andrea Pia Kennedy Yates, a Houston woman who was suffering from postpartum depression and psychosis. Who in 2001 murdered all five of her children in the bathtub oh my um another famous murder was the murder of pastor carol daniels whose mutilated corpse was found propped up behind the church altar in a crucifix position how is this not one of your
Starting point is 01:13:37 episodes on its own um which is a murder that was widely believed to be tied to satanic activity. And then the 35th degree latitude was also where Timothy McVeigh carried out the Oklahoma City bombing. So all these things happened on the specific 35 degree latitude, which is just a little weird. And that killed 168 people and injured nearly 700 others. And the Jameson's car was found directly on the 35th degree latitude line. So just an interesting synchronicity. Speaking of the Oklahoma bombing. Yeah. My great grandma, she was in the hospital.
Starting point is 01:14:20 And when that happened, not because of it, but she was in the hospital and she was watching the news and then she saw that a bunch of kids were getting hurt because of it and she said out loud um just take me don't hurt another kid and then she died what and when she died the bombing stopped jesus yep so your grandma's to thank for that kind of i guess in a weird way that is wild but that's the story my grandma always tells of how her mom died so holy shit yep well apparently that also happened on the same geographical line and then in addition to all those deaths there was another disappearance that was eerily similar to the jameson family which was a mysterious vanishing of tommy raymond eastup who after visiting ufala oklahoma which was the town that they lived in
Starting point is 01:15:18 completely vanished um police found his abandoned truck on a highway crossroads near wetumka oklahoma lying on the 35th degree north latitude line great so the trail in the jameson case is cold um israel beauchamp the sheriff at the time of the disappearance quit the force in 2011 and moved overseas according to nicky uh shirley and his best friend he couldn't stand the guilt of not being able to find madison's killer the pastor i mentioned gary brandon also left the area shortly after their disappearance has not spoken to anyone about the case ever since and even though the jameson's remains were found and put to rest no one knows what happened to the family and uh their family members still are looking for answers to this day.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Jesus. What do you think happened? I don't know. It sounds more and more ritual. It's just weird. I like the sound of the drug thing, of it being involved with drugs. But too many things like the witch's book and then like the reference on the storage unit about witches and then like i don't know but if you think about that and like if i
Starting point is 01:16:32 like say one of us were killed and then they went through our house and it's like that's weird shit they would find you know it's like easy to be like oh to connect okay well then drugs but i don't know i mean that's why it's an unsolved case because no one can figure out what the hell i mean their bodies weren't found for four years even though they were three miles from the you know like if you think of it were a simple drug case that they would just be yeah killed well also if it were a simple drug case they would have found the money would have found the money yeah exactly so who knows what the hell. Like nothing was taken. It's just super weird. And their dog was left in there. It's just super creepy.
Starting point is 01:17:14 But how are they like three miles away from the truck and no one found them? It sounds like maybe that makes sense. Maybe the bodies got dragged away and then put back later. Like who knows? Yeah. Anyway, good story. It's wild. Wild time. It's a wild ride yes an emotional roller coaster my head hurts thanks for listening guys
Starting point is 01:17:32 oh great jill's gonna come running it's my nose oh thanks for listening guys happy 50th if you're listening before 3 p.m., we have a 3 p.m. Facebook Live video. Facebook Live event happening. Please come with questions that you want us to answer. Come with booze, milkshakes, and questions. Do whatever you need to do to have a good time with us. Be yourself.
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Starting point is 01:19:26 sit it back down ah beautiful

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