And That's Why We Drink - E51 The One Where Ross Gets a Pager and a Moment of Silence for Google

Episode Date: January 21, 2018

This episode is a doozy. First, we find out Em’s post-life-tiny-house-minimalist agenda when Em covers the South Shield Poltergeist, who tortured an English family the creepiest way possible, with c...hildren’s toys. And guys, get ready for a big one - Christine covers our pal Ted Bundy, the charming sociopath who killed AT LEAST 36 people, likely more. This episode is sponsored by:Ziprecruiter - Our listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free by visiting!Hello Fresh - Use promo code DRINK30 for $30 off your first week of Hello Fresh! Fabletics - Go to and get two pairs of leggings for just $24!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't know what a celery kiss is, but I want to know. Maybe I don't want to know. Allison, why don't you describe for the fans what celery kiss is. Allison, tell me what's happening. Tell it into that microphone. Talk it into the mic. So I can respond. Say it right next to my face.
Starting point is 00:00:11 Celery kisses, it's when you kiss someone with celery in your mouth. What? Yeah. Why? What the fuck? Four of the seven people I've ever made out with, I had celery in my mouth. Excuse me? Wait, is this like a party game?
Starting point is 00:00:25 No. What? It's just a thing that happened? Allison's just laughing behind me. What the fuck? And that's really fucking weird. Yeah, I've only kissed... Well, now we're just telling the world.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Hi, Mom. We've only... I've only made out with seven people in my entire life, and four of them... You happened to be eating celery? Yeah. That's true. I'm sorry. Well...
Starting point is 00:00:44 Thanks, Al. be eating celery yeah that's true i'm sorry well thanks al so um i was i happen to be drinking alcohol that's what you do when you don't drink actually it's celery you replace i get it well i had a we i went to a new year's eve party right after i broke up with my last ex and then three of them were my sorority sisters and they all felt really bad that i wasn't gonna kiss anyone on new year's so they all drunkenly decided to get in an alley line and just make out with me wait i'm sorry what but they made this plan after like i wasn't in the room when they decided this and so i was hanging out around the party and you know that's like a big bag of celery well no you know like at the table on part at parties they have like the carrots and the celery and like all like the table stuff it's just a table
Starting point is 00:01:28 of celery okay go ahead i grabbed a stick of celery i was just walking around then i went to go find my friends and they were all waiting for me and all of them just went one by one their tongue in my mouth and i was like that's three kisses in a row with celery so that the time i hadn't met allison yet so it was three out of six so I was 50 for 50 on celery kisses I am so weirded out well so then Allison knew that story and then one time I was we were hanging out and I was eating celery and she saw her chance and she just dove for my face that's hilarious holy how often do you eat celery what is wrong with you and often Allison's mouthing the word often so now four out of seven less people
Starting point is 00:02:05 there have been less people in my life that I made out with with celery in my mouth than than there have been more the majority of the time I don't need the mic for this the majority of time that we make out there's no celery oh are you sure though it sounds like there's usually celery she asks for celery to be involved but she's like it's not the same i tell her no it's weird i need some veggies yeah oh my god make some ants on a log put it in there oh i love ants in the log yeah i know em i know how much you like celery okay bye allison thanks allison what a good feature thanks for visiting anyway why do you drink let's just get away from talking about me woof so i guess i drink because this week at nickelodeon we did a faux writer's room where we had like a an actual tv writer who's who did the program a few years ago who writes for he wrote for modern family for a while and a lot of big shows and he was basically the showrunner and
Starting point is 00:03:09 we did like a full writer's room experience nice and on friday we were there for 12 hours like it was just 12 hours the same room 10 to 10 30 oh i would just rip my own head off it really and they were like it's so you know what it's like to be a TV writer. And I was like, oh, is this everything you ever wanted, though? Yes. I'm not kidding. Sick. I know it's sick, but it's amazing. So we wrote an entire.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And we were the first group in the history of the program to ever finish a script by the end of the week. Wow. I know. And so I'm really excited about it. So either it's a really good script or a really horrible script. It's actually a very it's a I'm not going to name names, name the show. Right. But I believe for the show, it's quite a good script. All right. So it's been a very it's a i'm not gonna name names name the show right but i believe for the show it's quite a good script all right so it's been really good and i'm like really proud of us
Starting point is 00:03:50 and i feel like i finally found my career fit and i'm really happy about it so yay meanwhile i have no idea what i want to do when i grow up so i mean you're a year younger than me you have a year to find out okay so anyway besides your sex life what's up oh my um it's everything's great everything's fine good well my spine's better so you don't have to hear about that shit this week yeah we were all wondering also um i was reading one of the emails and i thought it was funny i had like a one up on you for about a second oh um we all know it's more than a second but okay someone is listening to our show backwards so starting at these episodes and playing all the way down to our man i know but she said it was kind of trippy because she's been like
Starting point is 00:04:30 learning things on her own like like she's like she got to hear the episode that you guys were engaged thinking that you guys were engaged the whole time oh man and then so but she uh she said that and then there was another person who's doing the same thing and wrote in saying you know i was listening to the episodes backwards and just thought it was so great that like em has a girlfriend and the girlfriend christine just get along so well and like it's really nice to know that like em and christine like have such a good bond that when em brought their girlfriend in like the girlfriend and christine just got together so well and then i listened to like 20 more episodes and realized that Christine knew Allison for like eight years before and actually introduced her to Em but for like a good 20
Starting point is 00:05:12 episodes someone thought that like I had brought Allison to you well that's I mean it must be fun to feel that way for a minute it felt good to live a lie got you yeah it usually does well that's really fun I wonder that must be a weird thing to go backwards. It must be weird, at least in that case, to be like, oh, well, Em and Allison, Em and Allison. And then it's like, Allison and Christine. Yeah. Who the hell? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Because it really was like, Allison and I went on vacation. Allison proposed to me on vacation. Hearing, okay, so if they were listening to the episodes backwards and then got to that episode and it started that way with like you guys getting engaged and shit. Yep. She had to have been like, what the fuck is going on? Like something's wrong. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Well, sorry. We burst your bubble, everybody. Speaking of which, today, yesterday, a year ago is the day Em texted me and said, hey, you want to start a podcast? That's true. And my depression went no thanks and my psychiatrist went do it oh and here we are i know so it's been an official year since this plan has been molding can you believe it and then it took us a month to set everything up so february 9th is the official podcast release but january 19th yeah was the morning that i texted you yeah and said what would you
Starting point is 00:06:26 think about starting a podcast and i ignored your text for six hours i remember that because i i felt like i asked you something that went too far no i thought i crossed the line and then i felt terrible for ignoring you for so long but i sat on my couch for six hours going well maybe i know bad idea and then blaze came home and i was like what do i do and he's like do it and i was like No, bad idea. And then Blaze came home and I was like, what do I do? And he's like, do it. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Words of the wise. Well, also when I texted you, I had been listening to a podcast and I was like, I should just ask Christine what she'd think about this. And then as I texted it, my coworker was sitting next to me and I was just telling you this. Yeah. Saw me send that text to you and was like, you really want to start a podcast? That'll never fucking work. So you fuck you all right my full family and everybody else so yeah um it's kind of funny because a whole year ago it's so weird to think where we were a year ago it is and it's weird to think i'm just so thankful you asked me to do a
Starting point is 00:07:24 podcast i'm like you could ask anyone to do a podcast because we weren't even that close we really weren't we weren't even close it just goes to show you how little friends i had no it goes to show you how charming and endearing i am right yes well take your pick folks whichever one you want to believe so this would have been an anniversary to eerie in theory but whoops it's more like an anniversary since it's death it's short-lived life hashtag thanks jim thanks jim our podcast was called eerie in theory if nobody really has ever learned if you're not a true fan and you don't know our trivia yet the show was originally going to be called eerie in theory let's do a pot let's do and that's why drink trivia night well that's what i thought i have actually thought about really i thought if
Starting point is 00:08:03 we ever did a live show we could like ask people trivia questions about us and they could like win prizes or something. And that'd be one of the questions. That is my, my ego. So everyone ought to know. That's my ego's like best, best day ever. Really? Cause I'll be blacking out on Ambien or something.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So it's the most performance anxiety of my life. And you'll be like sleepwalking on stage. I'll need something that's going to knock me out cold. All right. But yeah, so I guess I have you to thank for the last year. I have a girlfriend. I have you to thank. Gio.
Starting point is 00:08:32 For even introducing me to this concept. Also, we might not be best friends if it weren't for the show. I know. We weren't even like close. We weren't even really great friends. We really weren't. We just knew of each other and saw each other often to fill the void to fill the dark empty and now here we are see guys we're just creating our own voids we just we just combined our void we now have a bigger void but now like
Starting point is 00:08:56 i'm like gonna be part of your wedding and everything like so much has changed so much can you believe it geo and i are friends now a year ago geo and i were not friends wait speaking of my wedding i have something to ask you hold on oh my sorry elevator music what's happening okay so blaise is here now and he's not even gonna speak but i want him to be here because we want to ask you if you would be willing to officiate our wedding. Shut up. Are you serious? Yeah. Are you really serious? Yeah. No way.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I don't know if it's officiate. Wait, really? Yes. Oh, my God. That'd be fucking awesome. We decided this a long time ago, and now I keep remembering. We never really asked them if they want to do it. Are you serious? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah. Hell yeah. So I wanted Blaze to be here, too. Oh, this is awesome. I think it may have been Blaze's idea, yeah. Hell yeah. So I wanted Blaze to be here too. Oh! This is awesome! It may have been Blaze's idea, actually. Oh, well, I'm going to give Blaze the credit. That's what I do.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Aw, thanks guys. Hell yeah. I'll marry the crap out of you. Are you uncomfortable enough yet, Blaze? I mean, I don't like the microphone. You don't like the microphone? Okay, that's okay. I love you. Thanks love thanks guys blaze go entertain em's girlfriend anyway i want to call me reverend remember when you're like oh i'm a priest i'm like and you're not but i am well we're we're gonna test time now aren't we so no way really does allison know no i haven't told anyone because
Starting point is 00:10:23 blaze and i wanted to ask you and i keep forgetting oh my gosh this is awesome wow the performance anxiety is already kicking in and then i was like what if that's okay we'll do it we'll just try our hand at xanax or something you'll already be drunk on ambien or you know i will say at cc's wedding not the worst experience of my life being a part of the wedding but i had to like wear a dress and all that nonsense sure that was not your thing that was an out-of-body experience but right we had to like carry like we like hold like bouquets bouquets to go down the aisle but one of us in the bridal party had a brilliant idea to hide xanax in the in the bouquets brilliant in case any of us like freaked out or like couldn't stand up there for much longer brilliant so me her name was mariela and her and i just like she gave me a xanax right before we
Starting point is 00:11:11 walked down the aisle and we were just chewing it dry just letting it hit us real good and it worked like a charm but i tell you i was up there totally fine that's the thing i when you told me that when you went to cc's wedding i don't even know if i was engaged yet but i was like write that down, Christine. Put Xanax in all the bouquets, including mine, especially mine. Oh my God. I'm so excited to marry you. Yay.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Isn't that exciting? Oh my gosh. This is amazing. I hope you want to do it. I do. I just have to figure out how to do it. I have to relearn. If you're too stressed about it, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:11:40 But I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm just going to eat a lot of Xanax. It's okay. You'll just eat it. I really will. I've done it before. i'll do it again is that a threat no just make sure i have xanax available when we do like a little brunch in the morning i'll just pass it out with the with the like you're kidding but i'm also like oh no i'm not kidding at all my stomach's already churning we're the same person i'm so excited i'm okay okay good anyway this is awesome i'm so stoked yay
Starting point is 00:12:07 i'm so happy it's it's a funny it's foreshadowing for the future because allison and i have talked and said like if we ever got married like we have to thank christine because she introduced us and we couldn't figure out whose side you should be on so we were like well then christine will just have to officiate so this might be a full circle in the making oh my god and that's what i said because we're like well fuck that i'm not wearing a dress and then i'm like m can be right in the middle in a beautiful suit front and center oh my gosh all right i'm stoked we'll hide the value in your boot in here oh we'll hide it in my gullet it will be churning in my system hire'll hide it under your tongue and you can just go as you please. Just suckle along.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Anyway, so. All right. Well, I'm going to have to learn how to be a fucking reverend. Let's do it. Thanks, priest. I'm excited. Thanks, priest. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:12:55 For once. How do people listening backwards understand anything? I feel like they're like, what, what? Like, they're just so confused all the time. Like, thanks? What priest? Anyway, this is about to become a very interesting episode if it hasn't already with my celery kisses and becoming a priest all
Starting point is 00:13:09 over again this is you are like i'm on fucking fire i feel like you're graduating to all new levels of just you're right and i'm not gonna tell you you're wrong okay so i just want to jump into my story because i know you've got a long one i do and we also know you have to edit this in less than 24 hours so good luck all right this in less than 24 hours, so good luck! Oh, right. No, not less than 24 hours. Less than three hours because it is 9pm and it comes out at midnight. Whoops! Alright, so I will blaze
Starting point is 00:13:33 through this. Does anyone want to know how we do recordings because it is now? It's Saturday at 9. You will be hearing this three hours from this second. Hello to future us in three hours. Hello to me crying on the couch. Hello.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Okay, so I'm just going to get right into this. And it's a fucking weird one. Oh boy. It's a poltergeist. Yes! Which we all love. I fucking love poltergeist stories. I love a good poltergeist.
Starting point is 00:14:01 If it's poltergeist or exorcisms, it's my number one. So good. It's called the South Shields Poltergeist stories i love a good poltergeist if it's poltergeist or exorcisms it's my number one so good it's called the south shields poltergeist i don't think anyone has recommended this yet okay um i found this truly on a whim oh and i was like this is pretty wild okay this is in 2005 oh very recent yikes what the hell was that oh the wind oh classic excuse classic fucking poltergeist true to form i say poltergeist and the wind just starts banging on the window kind of creepy so in 2005 there was a family of three and all of their names have been changed for their protection from the poltergeist. Anyway. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:49 He won't find them. So he looked in the phone book and was like, well, where did they move to? He's like talking to all the other poltergeists being like, do you know where Bill is? And they're like, no. Bill who? So anyway, there's Mark, Marianne, and their three-year-old son robert okay um and it's in south shields which is in northeast england oh okay so there's no backstory they just kind of dive right in as we will too standard so they began to experience uh unexplained paranormal
Starting point is 00:15:20 phenomena in the house pretty much right away so doors were suddenly opening and closing on their own there were a lot of strange sounds coming from the walls like bangs and taps and all that had they just moved there or something it didn't really oh i'm assuming okay i'm assuming um but so they just started hearing really like weird creaks that sounded very intelligent like if they said who that? They would hear a sound again. Oh, no. And very quickly, furniture began to move around on its own. So originally, they were just hearing it being like, what's that sound? They would hear things dragging upstairs or downstairs or wherever they weren't.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And then they would go into the room and the furniture was either on the other side of the room or was flipped over. Ew. Or it had rearranged itself really creepy stuff um chairs were found stacked on top of each other on a table which is holy shit classic poltergeist that's like that creepy poltergeist symbol like yeah like oh just a bunch of what first of all how does it find that many chairs in the house like how come the classic poltergeist thing is, oh, all the chairs are stacked weirdly on a table. Like, how did it get every chair? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Is it just like, this is so inconvenient for you to have chairs on the table? Or is it like... Maybe it's reminding you how many chairs you have for a family of three in a house. It's like, look at all this waste of space. It's like, you only have three butts. You don't need 18 chairs. He clearly lives in a tiny house and is trying to teach the minimalism oh he's like this is not convenient so you just have an agenda
Starting point is 00:16:51 here is what you're saying it's me in the afterlife being like look at how many tables are in this house and how many chairs and three asses so much waste think of the money I could have saved at Ikea. So a large heavy chest of drawers is one example that got moved from one side of the bedroom to another often. So like sometimes the shelves would come out by themselves and then like drag themselves individually across the room or the whole thing would just drag. Oh my God. Very eerie. So it can't just like lift it up and move it it has to drag it well we'll get to that remember that question all right so uh like i said they either they usually heard it they could hear things sliding across the floor but eventually
Starting point is 00:17:35 they were able to witness it and they would just watch like they would see like a bunch of shelving drawers move on their own and then the whole armoire the whole dresser oh my god that's gotta be why are you still in the room after the shelf has been pulled out on its own from the dresser like you should be lighting that thing on fire it's gonna grab you next and you won't even see it coming that's a great point if it's already pulling drawers it's gonna pull humans it's invisible you can't even tell so other occurrences during this time were bangs thuds knocking um and sudden dramatic temperature drops typical typical haunting if i say so myself so the spirits began to turn their attention to robert's toys one night mark and marianne were getting ready for bed they
Starting point is 00:18:19 were sitting in the bed and all of a sudden marianne felt something hit her in the bed and all of a sudden Marianne felt something hit her in the head oh shit and someone had thrown one of Robert's toys at her oh my god here's the creepy part when she picked up the toy it was a black dog the toy it was a toy black dog oh my god and no one in all my research no one like made a connection with that but I'm noticing that it's a black dog and i'm like how did no one pick up on this hello fresh that is insane so there so that was one toy that got thrown at her and she was like what the hell was that because she knew her kid was on the other side of the house sleeping because they also had a baby monitor ah fuck but someone just threw it from the hallway oh by the way if you don't know black dogs symbolize death right or they yeah they're the escorts to hell right yeah no big deal it's it's like it's like it's like what my job will be when
Starting point is 00:19:11 i die no and we've already determined your job is to tell me how wasteful they are um so anyway they couldn't figure out who threw the toy at them and then as they're talking about another stuffed animal hits her in the face too so she's just getting pelted with toys in the face it's like toy story live that's so sad toy story live it's like when buzz lightyear learned how to fly but just right into her face they like got a catapult and started launching themselves like is his name robert or was it andy you know oh man there it is toy story four robert the dog get it oh man oh no listen so uh after the second toy hit her in the face they were like what the hell and then all of a sudden shit you not according to the story toys were pelting at them from all over the room like in parts where toys didn't exist they were just coming like from like the air they were just
Starting point is 00:20:11 coming from there's appearing out of nowhere and just throwing themselves 360 degrees they're sitting in a bed and all they can see is the hallway and like the wall behind them all of a sudden is getting toys thrown at them like they're just getting like pummeled with toys. So they get scared as adults and hide under the covers, which is exactly what I'd fucking do. For sure. I mean, three 60 degrees.
Starting point is 00:20:35 What are you supposed to do? Get low. They won't see you. Drop to the deck. So they cover themselves with the blanket. Um, but then as soon as they try to cover themselves the blanket gets ripped away no no and then mark suddenly screams out in pain and when he took off his shirt later there were 13 giant red scratch marks that appeared on his back
Starting point is 00:20:59 13 13 that's sick also like that means that guy did not have an even amount of claws on his hands. Well, that's what I'm thinking. It's like that one person who's got a sixth toe. Well, maybe it had the 13 clawed hand. Oh. You know? And he was just like, like one time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:17 13 is a lot, though. 13 fingers on one hand is for sure excessive. So excessive. Maybe he had like seven and seven but like he didn't clip one of them or he clipped it too far oh or maybe the thumb was kind of just like didn't fit on like in the picture maybe like he's like look 13's enough yeah that maybe he had 20 and he thought 13 was a more ominous number i mean maybe yeah maybe he had one and he just was like what do you think about accepting that oh imagine a devil with one finger only he's like just always proving
Starting point is 00:21:54 a point he's like actually just be like one claw it's listen you never know and i could be right you really could be he could come down and point at us with his one finger and be like that is true and then he could give us but he can't like sassy snap to us he can't but he couldn't give us the finger all the time maybe he only has one middle finger oh my gosh that's probably what it. Is it a middle finger if there's nothing on either side? I think it's just like a lone finger. Let's go on. Okay. So the scratches completely disappeared the following morning. Did they take pictures?
Starting point is 00:22:34 We'll get there. From there, after the scratches, the spirit seemed to become obsessed with the toys and started using them for more than just throwing them at the couple. He would use them as like props to scare them ew so one day they were walking by their son's room and they saw his rocking horse hanging by its reins from the ceiling what and like hanging by nothing it's not like it was nailed up there like it was literally just hanging in the air as if someone was holding the reins. And the horse was just hanging. What the fuck? There was also a stuffed animal of a bunny.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And the couple found it sitting at the top of the stairs with a box cutter in its hands. No! Like, such a dramatic ass poltergeist. No! Making his point. What a crazy fucking psycho. So so toys would also roll across the floor on their own um they would make eerie moaning noises they would turn on by themselves and then they started having voices of their own growling at the couple good yeah now i'm just
Starting point is 00:23:38 picturing that bunny with a box cutter rolling on the ground and moaning just like all in all in one another time um fun fact the bathroom sink suddenly filled with blood oh and began to overflow onto the floor which vanished right away sure like very much like the movie it or like shining style like yeah you just like blink and the blood's gone or like only you can see it and no one else can. I've never seen it, so sorry. Oh, there's like a very classic bathroom blood scene. I'm that person. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:13 We're going to get emails. Soon, this is where it gets a little weird. Oh, this is where it gets weird. Oh, I was waiting. I was like, why is it so normal? It's too normal. It's like the one-fingered devil playing Toy Story all over again in my bathroom. There's a stuffed bunny with a knife.
Starting point is 00:24:31 It's so normal. So it started getting electronic. Oh, fuck. So all of us, well, not yet. Hang on. I spoke too soon. Okay. The spirit started leaving threatening messages on the magnetic doodle board
Starting point is 00:24:45 in the son's room you know like poor kid you know that like magnetic board that everyone had it was like in the show friends always hanging on the door and like you would write messages on it oh just like a little whiteboard thing it was like a whiteboard but it was magnetic like it wasn't a whiteboard but it was like gray and if you drew on it like magnetic sand drew like an etch-a-sketch type in magic doodle board from friends okay i feel like my german family didn't have this okay it's like an etch-a-sketch but instead of doing it with knobs oh you draw it and also you can't shake it to go away you have to do the thing yeah oh i think i just could yeah okay yeah yeah i think i just confused that with an edges oh yeah yeah it's called a magnet doodle
Starting point is 00:25:26 yeah i for sure know what that is sorry okay so they basically this poltergeist was really into robert's magnet doodle oh no and started drawing a bunch of like eerie pictures and death threats and keep in mind the kids like not even three yet so like like, are we? So we're sure it's not. Yeah, he can't write or read. And he was like, especially he can't read or write this shit. Because the things on the board were saying you're dead. Just go die, bitch. And rest in peace. Rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:25:56 That's creepy. And then there were like weird, strange symbols drawn next to it that looked a lot like pentagrams. Fuck. Anyway. What the fuck and then there was um one said i'm going to kill you and a drawing of an upside down cross was next to it this really does sound like a friend's upset classic chandler they don't know that we know they know we know uh so the messages moved from the magna doodle to emails and texts what and so they started getting random texts saying i got you bitch and die now i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:26:37 what the fuck so it got tech savvy yeah which by the way I'm hesitant about because when I was an investigator in Yorktown, I had to teach ghosts what a phone was. It wasn't like they just inherently knew of the technology or how to control it. But maybe it wasn't a ghost. Maybe it was like a demon, like a like a poltergeist. Like they're more like they're not human based or. Yeah, they're more like they know what's going on in there because like what a ghost wouldn't know what a magna doodle is right right i don't know though i don't know but anyway it's like the episode where ross got a pager oh right yes for sure so they graduated to technology so jesus i'm sorry i'm sorry the one where ross gets aager. This is the episode.
Starting point is 00:27:25 The one where the demon. The one where the demon plays with a magnet. And then becomes tech savvy. So. So he emails them. You're going to die today. Going to get you. And another one says, I can get you when you're awake or I'll come for you when you're asleep,
Starting point is 00:27:43 bitch. So for a while they felt like, okay, well, someone's clearly pranking us or stalking us or fucking with us in some way. They got the police involved, but they couldn't track the number to any email account or any number. And then they found out that the text, which makes no sense, but this came from like cyber police whatever the fuck they're called oh right the cyber police you know what i'm talking about like the people the people in police involved with electronics the people in ncis yes okay everyone that is not merschka hargitay but still important that's law and order s for you thank you very much they they found out that all the texts were coming from their home phone which makes no sense because it's a landline.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It should have not been getting texts, but all the numbers were connected to their house. That's fucked up. It was a very classic scary movie of it's coming from inside the house. Right, right. Oh, God. Okay, so the texts are coming. I just can't stop picturing the two-year-old texting, like,
Starting point is 00:28:42 die, bitch, from his mom's home phone. That's very shining. Yes. Red rum. Don't do that. I'm already scared. Anyway. So anyway, supposedly all these emails and phone calls are coming from the landline.
Starting point is 00:28:57 The emails too? Even the emails. It's like the email address was the number of their house. Their home number? Very weird shit. What the fuck so their their cell phone also was being incessantly called from the landline while they were the only ones in the house but not even like like they only had one phone in their kitchen and they would stand by it oh no and
Starting point is 00:29:17 the phone is not going off no one's touching the phone and the cell phone would be getting calls from that number oh no no no no and apparently it was incessant in keeping them up every night um and they didn't have an attic or any worse where someone could have been hiding it was like just like a one floor house um one time the couple this is another part where it got kind of creepy one time the couple was downstairs with their son and the son vanished in front of them what just like a blink of an eye went boink just gone like oh my god like i dream of genie shit like oh no and then uh they heard him screaming from somewhere and then they ran upstairs to find him and he was on the floor wrapped in a blanket with a plastic table perched upside down on top of him what the hell
Starting point is 00:30:06 yep uh the boy was apparently in a trance and his eyes were staring blankly into the air which means um which means that he probably wasn't the one screaming and then when they asked him like what happened they even said like we could hear you screaming and he was like i wasn't screaming what so it was like they just wanted him to they just wanted the couple to find him upstairs uh remember that story we got it was a listener story of yes that's what i thought of too who ended up in the hallway with a table upside down on him yes yes that's exactly what happened in this story oh no which validates that woman's story by the way let's all remember that poor guy i think it was a guy well i don't remember i think she was talking about her son oh she was
Starting point is 00:30:48 yeah you're right you're right um another time the boy vanished again and they found him in a closet upstairs again tightly wrapped up in a blanket what the fuck okay also like this poor child at three years old is going to school being like i just vanished and they're like they're like yeah you didn't vanish you just played hide and seek really well yeah they're like stop wrapping yourself in a blanket you weirdo so they eventually called people in to investigate so they got two researchers named mike hollowell and darren ritson they set up all their equipment which include motion activated sensors, and other gear. Immediately, they were able to see the toys beginning to move around and make inexplicable noises and even talk to them.
Starting point is 00:31:34 They saw disembodied voices emanated from an old baby monitor that was turned off. Also, all of their gear kept getting turned off or would break. And then they also had knives getting thrown at them from nowhere. Oh, okay. Classic. Classic Poltergeist. So the investigators also witnessed objects levitating. They saw blankets yanked off of beds.
Starting point is 00:31:56 They saw lampshades swinging, lights swinging. And they saw furniture balancing on its own in weird angles. So one thing that they apparently actually caught on camera, which I did not, I actually didn't try to find it, which I don't know why. I think I was kind of freaked out. They captured on film a water bottle balancing on the table at an unnatural diagonal position. So like it was like hanging out on its end. There's something so creepy about that yeah because it's
Starting point is 00:32:27 i think it's because it's something so ordinary yeah like if they wanted to make like this giant loud statement they could have done it with like a couch or a bed right he's doing something so gentle right in front of you yeah it's like as if someone was standing there holding it it's like too tender for something that you know is so aggressive. That's terrifying. So the two investigators say that they also saw the poltergeist in human form in the son's bedroom. Wait, what? They said it was a large, dark, human-shaped
Starting point is 00:32:54 figure on the balcony and it paced around in Robert's room. Marianne was with them and also saw this and screamed when she saw the apparition and the spirit then walked through the room at them and then vanished right in front of them oh no hollowell has a quote about the experience and says the entity walked slowly from the bathroom across the landing into the bedroom as it passed
Starting point is 00:33:20 the door to robert's room it paused and stared icily at me its face devoid of all features such as eyes nose or mouth was cold and menacing it felt like it was burrowing into my soul it was large maybe two meters in height and midnight black it was three-dimensional a silhouette and it just radiated sheer evil i am freaking out a little bit so a camera had been set up in that room naturally wasn't turned on uh so they could have caught it didn't and the thing is they swear that the camera was turned on the last time they went up there they were actually up there to check on the camera and it was turned off so either someone was just clumsy and forgot or this thing turned it off right and the energy in the room like killed the battery right hollow also said it
Starting point is 00:34:10 was a gutting experience we all saw it but the camera was off and we didn't get the proof we needed oh man but that's what they say like you can try as hard as you want to get proof and if they don't want to be seen they won't be seen right exactly um so the poltergeist continued to attack mark but this time he was in shadow form so everyone actually saw him attacking mark and everyone saw him put large scratch marks into mark's back and they said mark here's an answer to the only finger issue the one finger they saw this the thing that scratched him had talons oh it's all multiple so not one talent and then later that night they saw him getting scratched again but they saw it happening and like they didn't see the shadow there anymore they just
Starting point is 00:34:57 watched mark screaming with his shirt off and they watched scratches form in real time in his back with nothing there why was his shirt off because they were looking at the last scratches oh oh okay he just runs around naked during investigations oh this is a nudist colony i forgot to tell you so you could actually watch the scratches forming in real time um and this is another quote from holloway um you could watch you could actually watch the scratches forming in real time first an elongated red patch then sharply defined scratches within it cuts started to appear on the right hand side of his back they immediately bled then mark skin started to change color it went dark almost as if it was sunburned i've seen films and stills of poltergeist scratches appearing before but
Starting point is 00:35:39 nothing like this oh my god um this time they actually did catch it on tape and apparently there's, it's poor quality, but you can find somewhere on the internet, a video of something scratching into Mark at real time. And you can see his back like creating scratches out of, with nothing around. Like you see scratches forming on him. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Um, several other attacks were witnessed um they always targeted mark so poor guy at the end of this he had a lot of welts and scratches and he's bleeding and bruising um then just as suddenly as the poltergeist activity happened it all went away one day just stopped this it's like such a tease it's like we want to see this guy get caught yes yes well listen mariska hargitay would never let this happen she'd be like this is a cold case if i've ever seen one but that won't stop me dun dun dun dun so uh hollowell and ritson they ended up writing a book about this later called the south shields pol Poltergeist, One Family's Fight Against an Invisible Intruder.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And they still swear that everything described in that book actually happened. I keep getting chills. This is creeping me out. They also called this poltergeist haunting. They said it was so rare to get this kind of activity, so intelligent and so aggressive and so violent. They said it was so rare that it should be deemed part of the quote premier league of hauntings i googled what premier league ghost means and apparently it's a soccer team so i was about to say this sounds like a soccer team well apparently it's the it's a premier league
Starting point is 00:37:23 the premier league ghosts it was like an article and it was apparently the the people on the premier league for soccer that are like not as appreciated are really pale yeah oh yes that actually float that are dead and came back they walk right through the goal so marianne has said i don't think i'll ever be the same again if i hear a noise that i can't explain or something was missing, I always wonder if it's come back again. Which I don't blame her. How scary.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And that's why she drinks. Duh. The authors, like at the end, so Holloway and Ritson, they assume that the reason that all this was happening and building and building is because the poltergeist was just trying to create fear in order to generate emotion that it could feed from. But then once they saw that like someone was getting scratched up and like no one was going to leave, it just got frustrated that it wasn't scaring them out of the house and just went away.
Starting point is 00:38:14 It was just like moving on. Yeah. It got bored. Oh my God. But so South Shields Poltergeist, if you guys are trying to Google it. That is terrifying. That is honestly really fucking terrifying it just freaks me out that like even text messages like you weren't
Starting point is 00:38:30 even safe in your own phone no imagine if it like started like posting some like really bad pictures of you on instagram oh god you're right a poltergeist could really with technology really fuck up my social media relationship with others. Like my reputation's online, literally online. Imagine if you just like someone texted us and was like, what's going on with your Snapchat right now? Like, it's just kind of like flying around. Like, it would be like, what are you talking about? It's flying around.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Videos of just like toys getting thrown at you. That'd be pretty cool. I feel like i'd be into it what's with the uh what's with the twitter all about your husband scratches down his back or being like die bitch die bitch that's more alarming anyway i i thought i don't keep looking around i just don't like having my back to most of the room. It freaks me out. I like that my back is to the wall. It is nice to have. It makes me feel safe. Yeah, I'm going to try.
Starting point is 00:39:29 But according to this story, I'm still not safe either. I think a knife could just show up out of nowhere and stab me in the back. Stop it, Em. I'm going to turn this table after we record so that we're both by a wall. I don't know. I'll figure it out. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Here's the thing. Tell me. You want to know a thing uh-huh this is you already called me on it because i said uh it's 10 pages there's so much information but i'm not going to tell you who it is and i'm said oh it's ted bundy and i went no it's not and then blaze was like you're a fucking liar. He's like, yes, it is, Christine. So here we are. Ted Bundy. Everyone is freaking out in their cars right now. We have gotten so many goddamn emails from everyone under the sun wanting Ted Bundy. We're doing it on our anniversary.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Happy anniversary. Happy anniversary. This is what you all wanted. This is what you all are getting. And here's the thing. Happy anniversary. This is what y'all wanted. This is what y'all are getting.
Starting point is 00:40:24 And here's the thing. I didn't know that much about Ted Bundy because I feel like I knew. It's just one of those serial killers where I was like, oh, yeah, I know the gist of Ted Bundy, but like I didn't I don't really know the details. Well, true to form, my mother is involved in the Ted Bundy case. Oh, even better. Even better. What what what is she not involved in besides the South Shields poltergeist? You know what?
Starting point is 00:40:44 She probably was being like, these chairs are disgusting try again she's like do you not even respect yourselves do you want guests in this house i mean low tier ikea is not the way to go if you're having guests at your house anyway she was involved in the case very minimally no one ever like asked for her questioning well it's but one of those things that i hear so many times like through my favorite murder and even our email it's like oh my mom or my aunt or whoever like encountered ted bundy it's amazing how many people he got through in his time so many people also i'm currently oh people are going to email us and be like are we just flying over that linda didn't was involved in this so i'm just going to say it now before we get a million emails can we tell the
Starting point is 00:41:28 story about how linda because everyone knows ted benny enough i think so just tell linda's story um well it was her college roommate i think i think it was her college roommate or where was she she went to school in florida she's a gator there it is u of f university of florida and fsu were like a three-hour drive from each other but apparently his radius his radius was huge because he was also going out of i mean i'm guessing here but i think he went out of his local area so that people wouldn't recognize him yeah he had a tendency to spread out well he so my mom's like i think it was college roommate or sorority sister or something like that um went to the mall and ran into him at the mall and he was being really charming and i
Starting point is 00:42:13 mean that was his thing to be really charming and like a woo woman and he uh then all of a sudden got really aggressive about like oh i'm a photographer and i want to take your picture and um come back with me like i have like this whole setup at my apartment and she was like she just got like one of those gut feelings of like fuck politeness and she was like no i'm not going and he got really aggressive but eventually walked away oh my god and then a couple weeks later he was on the news and she was like oh fuck i would have absolutely died that would have been right around that time oh my god that gives me chills yep i it's one of those things where you hear so many stories of like oh my aunt was driving and like yeah ran into him or he had a cast and like da da da and you're like wow that's crazy and then i read like the stories of how he got these women and it's like holy fuck to be that
Starting point is 00:43:03 close to this guy well fun fact i'm also working currently on the ted bundy movie coming out that was my first bullet starring zach efron extremely wicked shockingly even evil and vile yep zach efron is going to be in the ted bundy movie and they just announced um oh uh they just announced john malkovich is in it too yes yes real excited about i love me some john malkovich is in it too which yes yes real excited about i love me some john malkovich so i like how you said the whole title because um we've been calling it at work use of oh really well we also thought that was going to be its code name because a lot of shows that we work on have code titles use of yeah use it but we thought it was gonna we felt like
Starting point is 00:43:42 that title would never actually land as being the name of the movie. We thought for sure they were going to change the title. Now it's just its code. Long ass fucking name. I know. But apparently it's like a quote that someone said about him. That's what I figured. I figured it was somebody's.
Starting point is 00:43:55 But also the movie, which I'm super disappointed about, isn't actually like the movie we all want to see. It's from the perspective of his girlfriend. Oh, but that is interesting. But it's just so everyone's aware. It's not going to be like a movie version of a documentary of Ted Bundy. Yeah. You don't apparently like I can't really actually I can't say too much. I read the script.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I can't. You did? Yeah. Send it to me. Em, send it to me. I already know what's going to happen in it. I already know. Em, send it to me right now, please.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I'll pay you. In wine. Um, I'm going to scream and kick you in the face. Can you please let me read it? Um, I don't know how much I'm allowed to say. Christine's like drunk winking. I'm not drunk winking. I know. I really, I, I don't know what i'm allowed to say all i know is it's the perspective of the girlfriend okay and there i don't there's i would i if i were ever to see a movie about ted bundy i would want it to be a bloodbath it's not a bloodbath that's all there's definitely i mean you see you get what you want but it's not like like murder every every scene but it is interesting to learn about the girlfriend because she suspected him very early on.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Mm-hmm. And was reporting him to police and didn't tell him and he would come visit her and she wouldn't tell him like, oh, by the way, I've been talking to police. So it's very, it is, it is interesting that she was kind of like tracking his patterns. But okay. I guess I should tell you guys. Just tell us a story. About Theodore.
Starting point is 00:45:29 So. Once upon a time. Oh my. Theodore Robert Bundy was born as Theodore Robert Cowell on November 24th, 1946 at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers in Burlington, Vermont. Oh, no. By the way, how much do you know about Ted Bundy? I really didn't know much about him, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I like to think I know a lot about him, but I bet you're going to teach me something. I feel like I... I don't know, because I have so many notes, but there's so much more that I couldn't fit. And I worry that I'm not really going as broad as I could, but it's okay. But to be honest, I really didn't know too much about him before this. Growing up, he lived with his grandparents,
Starting point is 00:46:14 and he thought they were his parents. Nice. And he thought throughout his entire childhood and young adulthood that his mother was actually his older sister. So they did that for, like, um... Forever. That's the word.
Starting point is 00:46:29 No, not forever. But they did that for appearances. Oh, yes. To say that his mother was his sister. Right. Forever. Forever. Forever.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So some family members actually thought that Bunny's father might actually have been his mother's father, so his grandfather. Samuel Cowell, who was very violent and abusive. According to most people who knew him, he was an extremely racist bigot who beat his wife and the family dog and would swing neighborhood cats by the tail. Fuck. And he also threw his daughter, julia down a flight of stairs one time when she overslept so he was extremely violent so a lot of people actually suspected that his dad was his own grandfather um ted started yeah sick uh ted started showing disturbing
Starting point is 00:47:19 behavior at a young age when he was three his aunt julia woke up from a nap to find herself surrounded by knives oh my that ted had taken from the kitchen and surrounded her with and she saw ted standing at the side of the bed smiling at her uh-uh three years old no no i would i would have already what would you do i would i don't want to say anything because i don't want mothers to write they're gonna freak out but i would do something very unmotherly probably me too i would just because i don't know how i don't know what it's like to love a child so much that even if they surround me with knives and smile that i still love them about geo what would you do if geo surrounded you with knives oh i would never see geo again really i'd be like oh silly geo see i don't have i don't have the parental love yet interesting i would be like, oh, Sligio. See, I don't have the parental love yet.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Interesting. I would be like, get the fuck away from me. If it were a child, I would send them to live with Uncle M. No, no, no, no. No, no, little Billy just needs a couple months to live in the tiny house that you own. The tiny house, yeah. That tiny house would be barricaded and padlocked. You're going to wake up and there's going to be a bunch of chairs on,
Starting point is 00:48:28 on a table and there's going to be, I think I was abusive and I'm like, he's trying to kill me. There's going to be one of those. What are they called? Doodle. What are they called? Magna doodles.
Starting point is 00:48:36 A magna doodle says die, bitch. I'd be like, that wasn't my son. Nope. Not mine. It must be a poltergeist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Or Ted Bundy. It must be Ted Bundy. P.S. Or Ted Bundy. It must be Ted Bundy. P.S. Now that I'm doing Ted Bundy, Blaze keeps making hilarious quote unquote jokes where earlier I heard a noise outside and he goes, oh my God, it's Ted Bundy. And I'm like, stop it. And I was like, yeah, haha. The ghost of Ted Bundy is like, oh, you didn't know he's still alive.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And I was like, it's not a funny fucking joke, you asshole. So just saying. Blaze is a comedian at heart. Blaze is fucking hilarious. All right. Must have gotten it from his aunt. Yeah, I mean, maybe. The rude humor.
Starting point is 00:49:16 All right. So, in 1950, Ted's mother, Louise, abruptly changed her last name from Cowell to Nelson and left with her son to live with her cousins in Tacoma, Washington. In 1951, she attended something called Adult Singles Night at Tacoma's First Methodist Church. Oh, yeah, I go to those. Yeah, I know. I figured you would know all about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Right. For sure. I'm actually going to ordain a lot of their weddings. You're a priest, actually, at Singles Night. Oh, yeah. I'm a lot of things over there. a priest actually at singles night oh yeah i'm a lot of things over there i'm gonna stop asking questions um there she met a man named johnny culpepper bundy and he was a hospital cook and they got married that year and he formally adopted ted as his own
Starting point is 00:50:01 son which is when ted became ted bundy i see uh during his time in tacoma ted would consume large quantities of alcohol and he would canvas the community at night searching for open windows where he could watch women undress and how old was he um he was a teenager neat yep fun times so after high school bundy started at the University of Washington in 1966 to study Chinese. In 1967, he started dating a classmate named Stephanie Brooks, and he dropped out a year later. And that year in 1968, Stephanie Brooks ended their relationship because she described Bundy as immature and having a lack of ambition. But Bundy was so devastated by this rejection that he traveled east. He left town.
Starting point is 00:50:50 He enrolled for one semester at Temple University in Philadelphia. And one of his biographers, Ann Rule, believes that this is the time when he visited his birth records in Vermont, in Burlington, Vermont, and discovered that his sister was actually his mother and that his father was unknown. So this is where they think he kind of had that moment of like. Like his own breakdown. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Like he went to look up his own records and was like, ah, fuck. Like everything I knew was a lie. Right. um so he moved back to washington that fall and he started dating a woman named elizabeth klopfer who i think is probably the woman whose um account is in the ted bunion liz yeah liz exactly because she kind of is a character throughout the whole rest of his life yes so in 1971 he started working at seattle's suicide hotline crisis, which is really interesting to me. He worked alongside Ann Rule, who I just mentioned as one of his biographers. So she was a former police officer and an aspiring crime writer and was his co-worker. And they got really
Starting point is 00:51:58 close because they spent a lot of nights together. And she wrote later, wrote one of the definitive Bundy biographies called the stranger beside me um yeah and i haven't read it but it's on my bucket list because it's just like really close i mean she was working with him for years and uh it's fascinating because she said she saw nothing disturbing in his personality she trusted him completely um she described him as kind, solicitous, empathetic. I watched a documentary a couple days ago, and she even explained that he had saved so many lives working at the suicide crisis hotline that she couldn't believe that he... Isn't that wild? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Like such a philanthropist, such a saint. I think it's just a power thing, you know? I think so, too. It was just like a move for a move for control yeah must be because it's just crazy so she said like the two of us saved so many lives it was so hard for her to wrap her head around i bet it also helped him like rationalize like okay well i killed this many people but i saved this many people's lives so maybe i cancel out yeah maybe um so the new yorker called her biography perhaps the most unnerving true crime book ever published so obviously wow it's gonna be good summer beach
Starting point is 00:53:14 read for me i'm very excited to read ah hey and that's where we drink book club oh yes oh that'd be a great idea i think so right yeah and then the movie club should be Yusev. Yusev. Well, especially because the movie's coming out. And since they already read the H.H. Holmes one and the movie's coming out, Devil in the White City. We'll see. All right. Bundy began.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Okay. So, anyway. After this, Bundy began working as an assistant to Ross Davis who was the chairman of the Washington State Republican Party his co-workers his co-workers described him as smart aggressive and a believer in the system on a Republican Party business trip to California Bundy rekindled his relationship with Stephanie Brooks the woman who had dumped him before um he presented himself completely differently as a transformed man and they rekindled their romance but he continued to date liz klepfer in seattle or tacoma or wherever they were so neither woman knew of the other's
Starting point is 00:54:20 existence i see so their relationship grew extremely serious um she visited him in seattle all the time they discussed marriage he even introduced her to people as his fiance and she was head over heels for him and then in january of 1974 he abruptly broke off all contact he wouldn't return any calls or letters and when she finally got a hold of him and asked what was going on he calmly said, Stephanie, I have no idea what you mean. And hung up. She never heard from him again. He later explained that he just wanted to prove to himself that he could have married her if he wanted to.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Trifling. Narcissistic. Trifling. Gross. Brooks later said, so Stephanie later said that she believes he deliberately planned the entire relationship in advance just as vengeance for her breaking up with him in 1968. Okay. Then, mysteriously, young women in the Pacific Northwest began to disappear. Around midnight on January 4th, 1974, this is the first documented murder of Bundy's, although it's highly debated when.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Right. It's the first documented, but maybe like the 10th or 20th. 100%. Actual one. Exactly. So midnight, January 4th, 1974, Bundy broke into the basement apartment of 18-year-old Karen Sparks, a dancer and a freshman at University of Washington. He bludgeoned her with a metal rod
Starting point is 00:55:46 from her bed fuck and then proceeded to rape her with the same rod oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i know causing extensive internal injuries yeah fuck that's horrible. She remained unconscious for 10 days, but survived with permanent disabilities. Fuck. I mean, this is... Oh my God. I mean, I'm just going to say this. This is one of those things. This is why I'm going to tell you the truth, because I've had three glasses of wine.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I didn't do Ted Bundy for a long time, because it has always bothered me when people are like, I love Ted Bundy. I'm in love with him and have posters of him. And I'm like... Well, he does actually have like real fans yeah that really to this day defend him no i know like he was getting so many love letters in jail yeah because he had charmed so many women that they really like even with all the stories of like he is known for charming women he has charmed hundreds of women all of them would be like that that's not true. I'm the only one. He told me I love him.
Starting point is 00:56:46 He's a narcissistic sociopath. And it's like when people like kind of romanticize like, oh, he's a serial killer, but he's handsome and he died. It's like, yeah, but he also raped a woman with a metal rod.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Like it just has always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Like wake up, guys. Yeah, it's always rubbed me the wrong way. So that's kind of why I've always been a little bit hesitant to do this.
Starting point is 00:57:12 But fuck him. so that's exactly what satan's doing to him right now actually so probably yes so i was watching a documentary on this and at the end literally at the end of the documentary it said something like people always like glorified ted bundy as this like handsome sociopath serial killer. And it's like, but nobody ever remembers like the brutal shit he did. Dozens and dozens of women that died. Like no one knows their names, but everyone's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:32 Ted Bundy. I want to buy a Ted Bundy. Like, like when in doubt, like imagine that was someone you cared about. Like they're dead now. And everyone's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:41 I love the guy that did that to the person you care about. Yeah. Or they at least like talk about him and remember him and it's like there are dozens of women who are 18 years old or 19 or even like they have gone unmarked like they're still cold cases because they never got found out yeah exactly anyway that's my tiny little rant but going on tiny little rant we have a fucking podcast called and that's why we drink you're right i should probably spend another hour on this ready go um okay so she survived with permanent disabilities in the early morning hours of so this is kind of where i go into like hey this is what happened i'm just gonna list them all yeah in the early morning hours of february
Starting point is 00:58:21 1st um of that same year 1974 less than a month later bundy broke into the basement room of a university of washington undergrad student named linda ann healy whose job was to broadcast morning radio weather reports for skiers which by the way he was an avid skier and that was the one thing in his childhood that every every biographer can agree on is that he loved skiing and he would like steal like passes to this ski resorts and things like that. Yeah. But he was he loved skiing. He was like an avid skier. So her job was reporting the weather.
Starting point is 00:58:55 So that's how he probably knew who she was. Probably. He beat her unconscious before dressing her in blue jeans, a white blouse and boots and carrying her away. before dressing her in blue jeans, a white blouse, and boots and carrying her away. Female college students continue to disappear at the rate of about one per month. On March 12th, a 19... Can you imagine every month one, just like another student, just vanishes? It sounds like a 90s horror movie of like, oh, you're a gang of six. Well, how about that that a month later and four
Starting point is 00:59:26 of them have dropped dead like and then there were five yeah they just keep going on march 12th a 19 year old student at the evergreen state college in olympia washington named donna gail manson left her dorm to attend a jazz concert on campus but never arrived on april 17th susan elaine rancourt disappeared while on her way to her dorm room um two female central washington students later came forward to report encounters with a man wearing an arm sling asking for help and carrying a load of books to his tan volkswagen beetle gross what an adult way of i lost my puppy what a sicko right yeah on? Yeah. On May 6th, Roberta Kathleen Parks left her dorm to have coffee with friends but never arrived. So at this point, all these women are going, like young women, are going missing.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Detectives from the King County Sheriff's Office as well as the Seattle Police were obviously growing more and more concerned, especially because they couldn't find any physical evidence and they had a hard time linking the victims, because they couldn't find any physical evidence and they had a hard time linking the victims aside from them being young attractive white college students with long hair parted in the middle so basically the only thing they could um link the link between the victims was like their hair was long and parted down the middle and they were white college students but it wasn't much to go on um so on june on june 1st of that year 22 year old brenda carol ball disappeared after leaving a bar in burien washington near the seattle tacoma airport and she was last seen in the parking lot talking to a brown-haired man with his arm in a sling in the early hours of
Starting point is 01:01:01 june 11th university of washington student geianne Hawkins was walking down a brightly lit alley between her boyfriend's dorm and her sorority house when she vanished. And it was a really short distance. So she was just like, okay, I'm going to head home. And it was supposed to be like a 30-second walk, and she vanished. Jesus. And she vanished. Jesus. During this period, Bundy was working in Olympia at the Washington State Department of Emergency Services, which was an agency involved in the search for the missing women.
Starting point is 01:01:34 So he was literally working for the organization. To just throw them off. Yeah. Or just to like have a hand in what was going on or to know what was going on. Yeah. And to look like there was no way it was him. Yeah. He knew everything. It was such a sociopath move of like so manipulative he's so manipulative and like getting himself
Starting point is 01:01:50 involved um and while he was there he met and started dating a woman named carol ann boone um on sunday july 14th of that year at a crowded beach at lake samamish state park in osaka washington five female witnesses described an attractive young man wearing a white tennis outfit with his left arm in a sling speaking with a light accent possibly canadian or british who introduced himself as ted and asked for their help in unloading a sailboat from his volkswagen beetle so four of them refused one walked with him to his car then saw there was no sailboat and fled good yep uh three additional witnesses saw him approach a 23 year old woman named janice ann ott who was a probation caseworker at the king county juvenile court they saw her leave the beach in his company and And about four hours later, Denise Marie Naslund, a 19-year-old woman who was studying to become a computer programmer,
Starting point is 01:02:49 stepped away from a picnic she was having with friends at the beach with her dog and went to go use the public bathroom. Her dog returned to the picnic, but she never did. Oh, no. Like, all of her friends were right there. Yeah, she just went to the bathroom and never came back. And they found the dog wandering. Fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:10 So, at that point, the King County Police finally had a detailed description of the suspect and his car. So, they started posting flyers throughout the area. They had a composite sketch that was printed in regional newspapers and broadcast on TV. a composite sketch that was printed in regional newspapers and broadcast on TV. Elizabeth Klopfer, his girlfriend, Ann Rule, the one that he worked with at the Suicide Hotline, and one of his professors all recognized him, his sketch, and his car and reported him. But the detectives who were receiving about 200 tips a day thought it was unlikely that a clean-cut law student with no criminal record could be the perpetrator of course so multiple people who like professionals who worked with him reported him
Starting point is 01:03:54 and they thought there's no way that when your own girlfriend is reporting you like take it seriously yes so i'm sure that's probably part of the movie. I don't know. But it's fascinating to me. And a former police officer who worked with him was like, I recognize this guy. And they were like, no. He's a law student. He's a white guy who goes to law school. Right. Of course.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Because lawyers have never done anything. No. Anyway, let's just erase that before we get a million emails about lawyers. All lawyers go to heaven. Right. Yes. anything no anyway let's just erase that before we get a million emails about lawyers all lawyers go to heaven right yes in august 1974 bundy moved to salt lake city utah leaving his girlfriend liz in seattle he caught her often but he dated at least a dozen other women while living in salt lake city geez which i bet you if he had current technology and social media, she would have found out about.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Or she would have caught that real quick. Real quick. Imagine how much more important trust was. Yes. Back then. Like, I'm moving to Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I'll visit you once a month. But, like, he's dating at least a dozen other women. Like, you really had, like, you had no way to check. I mean, granted, you should trust someone enough that you shouldn't have to check
Starting point is 01:05:04 these days. But, like, really, there was no firewall to check. I mean, granted, you should trust someone enough that you shouldn't have to check these days. But, like, really, there was no firewall. But you never know. You never know what STDs he's bringing back from Salt Lake. Yeah. Just saying. Also, was he actually dating most of these women or dating slash killing? Like, where did he vet between, like, oh, I'll date you.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Oh, I'm going to kill this one. slash killing like where did he vet between like oh i'll date you oh i i'm gonna kill this one what it seems from my research at least my very minimal research is that he dated people and then he would then he would kill them no not them but like how would he decide which ones he wasn't going to kill because i think it was a thing of like he had a life of like going to law school and having girlfriends and blah blah blah and then he had a completely different gotcha compulsion to be like i'm gonna murder someone and then go find an 18 year old yeah with brown hair jesus i don't think it was a thing of like i'm gonna get to know this person and then kill them i think it was like he really had to have no interest in them or like he just had to do it on a on a compulsion or something or compulsion yeah i'm not sure but i
Starting point is 01:06:11 it feels like they were separate um because his girlfriends weren't the ones he was killing like he was visiting them and yeah talking about marrying them and I don't know. So the following month, September of 1974, a new string of homicides began in the Salt Lake City area. Surprise, surprise. On September 2nd, 1974, he raped and strangled a still unidentified hitchhiker in Idaho. Jesus. Then either disposed of the remains immediately in a nearby river
Starting point is 01:06:44 or return the next day to photograph and dismember the corpse uh biographers are unclear of which one it is okay on october 2nd he abducted 16 year old nancy wilcox in a suburb of salt lake city he dragged her into a wooded area he later claimed he was intending to de-escalate his pathological urges by raping and then releasing her. Oh, my God. But he strangled her by accident in an attempt to silence her screams. Her remains were buried near Capitol Reef National Park about 200 miles away, according to him, but they were never found. On October 18th, can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:07:25 They were never found. So she was 16 years old. Her parents never... Oh, my God. It just killed me. On October 18th, Melissa Ann Smith, the 17-year-old daughter of the police chief of another Salt Lake City suburb called Midvale.
Starting point is 01:07:40 So she was the daughter of this police chief. She disappeared after leaving a pizza parlor. Nine days later, her body, nude, was found in a nearby mountainous area, and an examination indicated she may have remained alive for up to seven days after her abduction. Just awful. On Halloween, October 31st of of 19 what year are we in of 1974 uh 17 year old laura and i'm aim i'm disappeared after leaving a cafe just after midnight her naked body was found by hikers in a canyon nine miles away on thanksgiving day
Starting point is 01:08:22 so it took three weeks to find her body both she and melissa and smith had been beaten raped sodomized and strangled with nylon stockings bundy later described his post-mortem rituals with their corpses and he described um that he would shampoo their hair and apply makeup after death fuck in the afternoon of november 8th of 1974 bundy approached 18 year old telephone operator carol durant at fashion place mall in murray utah he identified himself as officer roseland of the murray police department and told her that someone had attempted to break into her car he asked her to accompany her him to the station to file a complaint um and she got into his car and when she pointed out that he wasn't driving on the correct road that led to the police station
Starting point is 01:09:15 he attempted to handcuff her and during the struggle he accidentally fastened both handcuffs to the same wrist and she was able to open the door and escape. So that's interesting to me. Well, it's interesting because he was like a master of disguise. Like he was able to put on, that's why he evaded people for so, I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:35 there's multiple reasons, but one of them is that he was able to put on all these ridiculous disguises like facial hair and he changes hair hair color and he changed his identity and he was able to lie and say he was a police officer or a fire department firefighter whatever um so it's interesting when you said like your mom's friend met him in a mall or whatever he was a photographer yeah exactly it's just so creepy and also back then you had no way of checking there was no facebook you can't Google the guy. Oh, thank God for Google.
Starting point is 01:10:08 God, do you realize how many lives Google's probably saved? Probably. Thank you, Google. Google. If you'd like to sponsor us, let us know. Well, thank you for everything. This episode is sponsored by Google. Except it's not.
Starting point is 01:10:20 A moment of silence for Google. I will remember just get going all right i'm going hello google hello hello fresh okay later that evening deborah jean kent a 17 year old high school student disappeared after leaving a theater production at her high school uh on january 12th 23 year old nurse karen eileen campbell disappeared while walking down a hallway between literally the elevator and her apartment door oh they were right next to each other and i saw a fucking picture of the hallway and it's like 50 feet it's like the elevator how did he get her so swiftly i'm sure it was like a ploy of like oh can you help me with my
Starting point is 01:11:15 horrible i mean it's awful he was like really young you know he's like 30 something and he's like sicko um so her nude body was found a month later next to a dirt road just outside the resort she had been killed by blows to her head and her body had deep cuts from a sharp weapon all over it on march 15th veil ski instructor julie cunningham 26 disappeared while walking from her apartment to a dinner date with a friend and not to be that bougie asshole but i went to veil like pretty much every year growing up and avail is like the teeniest tiniest little precious town and when i was like in college and we would visit i would just go up by myself and be like we'd all be like okay good night see you tomorrow and then I would like
Starting point is 01:12:05 leave and go hang out with people so just the thought that like someone was just walking around teeny tiny cute town veil and abducted is just horrifying um anyway this is just the episode where I say nothing except fuck
Starting point is 01:12:22 and Jesus the two opposites sides you're like me with the gasping and say nothing except fuck and jesus i know you're like two opposites sides you're like me with the gasping and like what the fuck i just don't know i don't know what else to say this is all horrible i know i don't know how we're gonna come up with a title for this episode just apologies everywhere oh man fuck ted bundy okay so bundy later told investigator so julia cunningham was the ski instructor who right was abducted so bundy later told investigators that he had approached cunningham on crutches and asked her to help carry his ski boots to his car so she helped him carry his ski boots to his car and then he clubbed her and handcuffed her then raped her and strangled
Starting point is 01:13:07 her at a secondary site near rifle colorado weeks later he made the six-hour drive from salt lake city to revisit her remains ew yeah uh denise lynn oliverson 25 disappeared near the utah colorado border and grand junction on april 6th while riding her bicycle to her parents' house. Her bike and sandals were found under a viaduct near a railroad bridge. On May 6th, Bundy lured 12-year-old Lynette Dawn Culver from Pocatello, Idaho, and then drowned and then sexually assaulted her in his hotel room before disposing of her body in a river on june 28th susan curtis vanished from the campus of brigham young university in provo utah on august 16th 1975 bundy was finally arrested by a utah highway patrol officer fucking finally the officer had observed Bundy cruising in a
Starting point is 01:14:05 residential area in the pre-dawn hours like a big fucking creepo. He fled the area at high speed after seeing the patrol car. The officer searched the car. He noticed the passenger seat had been removed.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Have you seen the pictures? No. You haven't? Of the car yeah no do it everyone everyone just go google ted bundy's car it's the fucking creepiest thing in the world they have it on display at a museum yeah like no it'll show you the inside oh at the museum of crime and punishment it's so creepy so he would keep he they cut out a he cut out his seat so he could put a body there that was all like handcuffed and hog tied so no one would see a girl struggling from outside of the car so like that's where girls that's like that's what's creepy if you're looking at the picture right now know that exactly in that spot several several women were scared and about to die
Starting point is 01:15:07 that's is so sick it's sick it's so sick it's i read somebody tweeting the other day it's just a creepy car it is it's also a creepy also it's a nazi car just saying also it's a Nazi car. Just saying. Also, it's got the color that a serial killer would probably pick. That tan color. It's just trying to blend in. It says, the faded beige Volkswagen Beetle. So gross. Yuck. Where is the National Museum of Crime?
Starting point is 01:15:38 Is that in D.C.? I don't know, but let's go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Jessica? We want to go there. Jessica! make it happen oh i thought you meant let's go like come on let's go i was like okay okay no no i meant jessica get us to the museum
Starting point is 01:15:53 of crime and punishment okay i was like sorry i'm sorry um oh it is in dc i've been there okay well let's go back let's go back there yeah it'd be cool if we could do like a vlog where we just traveled all of these places uh a and e travel channel are you listening annie hello hello annie fresh no hello everyone write to annie right now and pitch the idea and hopefully enough people hear it that they reach out to us and then we'll have a show on annie remember that time when i said talk to nickelodeon about it and everyone tweeted Nickelodeon and look where I am. I'm working at Nickelodeon. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Okay. So if we just speak it into existence, maybe it'll manifest itself with all of us as the ambulances fly by. Oh man. I'm great. And Christine's microphone just broke. This is very honest. Maybe we don't want to show on A&E.
Starting point is 01:16:44 No, okay. Maybe we don't want to go to the&E. Maybe we don't want to go to the crime museum. I regret everything. Anyway, how about we leave it to y'all? If you write in to A&E enough times, maybe they'll reach out to us and then it will just
Starting point is 01:16:57 be, it'll just, if it's meant to be, it will be. Listen, if you want to make fate, bring us there. Just make fate bring us there. If you want to be in charge of our destiny as we ask for it, maybe try writing the right name. Do you want to or do you not want to? Or Discovery.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Discovery might do it. Yeah. National Geographic. Even SyFy. SyFy would do it now that they've changed their cool S-Y. Or True TV. True TV would be all over it everyone right into true tv what's the other one io or i oh investigation discovery oh ion i'm thinking ion
Starting point is 01:17:33 anyway right to just everyone actually listen it wouldn't hurt i mean everyone get onto facebook and everyone agree which would most likely take us and then all of you just ambush and berate them until they say okay. It's fine. If Cartoon Network wants us, that's fine. I'll do it. Christine can write. If VH1 wants us, that's fine. If PBS wants us, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Okay. I'll stop swearing for you, PBS. Okay. Maybe TLC. We could do it in a tiny home. TLC. Tender love and care. that would be fun okay so anyway tlc ted bundy same thing speaking of tender loving care uh so the officer who arrested him found his car with the front seat missing creepy asepy as fuck. Mm-hmm. He also found a ski mask, a second mask fashioned from pantyhose, a crowbar, handcuffs, trash bags, a coil of rope, an ice pick, and other items that they assumed were...
Starting point is 01:18:36 Like his whole murder kit. Yeah, basically a murder kit. Bundy explained that the ski mask was for skiing. All right. He found the handcuffs in a dumpster for handcuffing sure sure uh he said the rest were just common household items but they searched his apartment they found a guide to colorado ski resorts with the check mark by the wildwood inn and a brochure that advertised a viewmont high school play where deborah kent had disappeared so he literally found a fucking brochure of her play
Starting point is 01:19:07 and went and fucking abducted and murdered her how horrible horrible um but unfortunately the police did not have sufficient evidence to detain him so he was released on his own recognizance uh he later told investigators that searchers had missed a collection of Polaroid photographs of his victims that he had. Oh. And he destroyed the photographs after he was released. How fucked up is that? He was like, well, got away with that. Let's burn any bridge we have left.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yep. Ha ha. Any evidence that they could find. Salt Lake City police placed Bundy on 24-hour surveillance. Evidence that they could find. Salt Lake City police placed Bundy on 24-hour surveillance. Some investigators flew to Seattle to interrogate his girlfriend or interview her, Liz Klupfer. She told them that in the year prior to his move to Utah,
Starting point is 01:20:05 she had discovered some objects that she couldn't understand in her house and in bundy's apartment including crutches a bag of plaster of paris and a meat cleaver that was never used for cooking oh my additional objects included surgical gloves an oriental knife and a wooden case that he kept in his glove compartment and a sack of women's clothing um he was she like never questioned it wasn't like well she had already reported him like at least that's how she just knew and she was like i don't know why these things are here and yet but it is weird it's like she reported him multiple times but at least she reported it but then she saw like very obvious evidence and just knew at that point don't even ask yeah i'd rather just be alive that's true she's probably like i know he's a killer i see a sack of woman's clothing so for my own personal safety for my own safety i'm just gonna pretend i don't see it well and the interesting thing too is like
Starting point is 01:20:53 she didn't break up with him like he just well also would you break up with a serial killer or would you be afraid that he'd kill you if you broke up with him well i for sure wouldn't want him staying with me for a week in my house. I know, but it's almost smarter because, I mean, in my mind, I would think he hasn't killed you yet. He's clearly, like, shown that there's some sort of relationship of where he actually trusts you enough to leave this shit around the house. Fair. I would just keep playing dumb. I feel like I'd be like, I'm really busy all the time.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Don't come visit. Yeah, I'd be like, I'm sick. Yeah, I don't know if I'd want him in my house. But you're right. How do you... Or I'd be like, I'm visiting my family and then fly away. And then just fly away. Just flap my wings.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Listen, you just fly away. It's fine. So, here's the thing. Beep, bo boop bop. Bundy was perpetually in debt. Klopfer suspected that he had stolen pretty much everything of value that he owned. When she confronted him about a new TV and stereo that he had, he warned her, if you tell anyone, I'll break your fucking neck.
Starting point is 01:22:01 She said Bundy became very upset whenever she considered cutting her hair which was long and parted it in the middle well please get rid of the middle part let's start there well they said every one of his victim i mean it's the 70s middle parts yeah that was the thing it was the thing middle parts were sexy um she would sometimes wake up this is the creepiest part to me she would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to find him reading quote reading with a flashlight what what's that mean oh wait tell me okay she would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to find him under the covers examining her body with a flashlight yeah what do you mean reading he would always excuse it as oh i'm reading under the covers with a flashlight yeah what do you mean reading he would always excuse it as oh
Starting point is 01:22:46 i'm reading under the covers with a flashlight your pubic hair under the covers well no like if she if if she woke up and he got caught he'd be like oh i'm just reading and i didn't want to wake you i didn't want to turn on the light so i'm just reading my book sicko with a flashlight what book i don't know her vagina well because he would literally be under like hiding under the covers like a child with a flashlight examining about what a fucking creepo he was looking at her body and she'd be like what is going on he was like oh you were sleeping i didn't want to turn on the light and wake you so i'm just reading with a flashlight i'm gonna kill him anyway so bunny was charged with aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal
Starting point is 01:23:24 assault in the derange case but he was was freed on $15,000 bail by his parents. That's not even a lot. $15,000. I know. Crazy. And you only pay 10%, so what, $1,500? Yeah, literally. Yikes.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Seattle police had insufficient evidence to charge him in the murders, but kept him under close surveillance. charge him in the murders but kept him under close surveillance on march 1st 1976 he was found guilty of kidnapping and assault on june 30th he was sentenced to serve a minimum of one to a maximum of 15 years in the utah state prison but in october he was found hiding in the bushes of the prison yard carrying an escape kit that included road maps airline schedules and a social security card oh my god so after that he spent several weeks in solitary confinement and later that month colorado authorities charged him with karen campbell's murder on june 7th of 1977 um he was in court and he was serving as his own defense so he didn't have to wear handcuffs like he wasn't bound by anything um and during a recess he asked if he could visit the courthouse law library to
Starting point is 01:24:31 research his case so he was in the library he was concealed behind a bookcase he opened a window jumped from the second story sprained his right ankle as he landed but he shed an outer layer of his clothes walked through the aspen roadblocks that were being set up and uh just hiked up into a mountain why did they not think that they should like have a guard go with him oh who who the who the fucking judge was that who the fuck knows uh when he was near the summit of Aspen Mountain, he broke into a hunting cabin, stole food, clothes, and a rifle. And then he wandered aimlessly on the mountain for two days before stealing a car and driving toward Aspen. So at this point, he was cold, sleep deprived, and in constant pain from his sprained ankle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:21 He drove back into Aspen, and two police officers noticed his car weaving in and out of his lane and he they pulled him over and at this point he'd been a fugitive for six days so he meant his face was everywhere yeah and he had managed to escape for six days but they finally caught him but still crazy yeah on the night of december 30th with most of the jail staff on christmas break and all the non-violent prisoners on furlough with their families bundy piled books on books and like files on his bed covered them with a blanket to look like his body climbed into a crawl space that he had built and he built this crawl crawl space by sawing a hole um between the steel that
Starting point is 01:26:08 reinforced the bars and his cell ceiling while other prisoners were showering he managed to lose 35 pounds in prison so that he could fit through this little hole jesus yeah um and apparently like while he was building this hole multiple reports were made of um movement in the ceiling at night but nobody ever investigated it they thought it was just like made up or like people were hearing things yeah but uh so he managed to while most of the staff was on Christmas break, he finally climbed through that hole and he escaped again. He broke into the apartment of the chief jailer who was out for the evening with his wife, changed into street clothes from his closet and walked out the front door. he stole a car drove eastward but the car broke down on i-70 and a passing motorist gave him a ride into vale where he caught a bus to denver boarded a flight to chicago um it took 17 hours for the jail crew to find out that he was missing so by the time he was already like in chicago wow 17 hours later so he's finally in chicago when he's in Chicago, he takes a train to Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Then he takes a break to go to a bar to watch his alma mater, University of Washington, defeat Michigan in the Rose Bowl. Because, you know, why not? Five days later, he steals a car, drives to Atlanta, boards a bus, and arrives in Tallahassee, Florida. Oh, God. On the morning of january 8th um he rents a room near florida state university he later said that he had intended to find legitimate employment stop all criminal activity uh because he realized he could probably steer clear of jail if he just managed to stay out of police right basically um but when he applied
Starting point is 01:28:08 to work at a local construction site they asked for id and so he just immediately gave up and started stealing credit cards and uh wallets and purses etc in the early morning hours of january 15th 1978 one hour after one hour one week after arriving in tallahassee for his new crime-free life right he entered fsu's chi omega sorority house through a rear door with a faulty locking mechanism uh he bludgeoned 21 year old margaret bowman with a piece of oak firewood as she slept then garrotted her with a nylon stocking entered the bedroom of 20 year old lisa levy and beat her unconscious strangled her tore off one of her nipples what the fuck i'm sorry i saw it coming i didn't know how to prepare you oh my god yep everyone go back and play that sound again because it's something that's never come out of my body oh my god you
Starting point is 01:29:13 really just tried to fly right through that were you testing to see if i was listening what the fuck christine's with her hand with his hands probably with what oh my oh my god tore off one of her nipples why again just get through with this sentence bit deeply into her left buttock and sexually assaulted her with a hair mist bottle so like a hairspray oh my god I know I know I know I know know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:29:45 I know. I know. In an adjoining bedroom, he attacked Kathy Kleiner, breaking her jaw, deeply lacerating her shoulder, and Karen Chandler, who suffered a concussion, a broken jaw. She lost a lot of teeth, and he broke her fingers. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I'm not kidding. Why? Does he have a reason? It was a fight. I think it was just violent sexual assault. Fuck. Oh my God. Tallahassee detectives later determined that the four attacks took place in a total of
Starting point is 01:30:17 less than 15 minutes. So all of the above that I just listed happened in less than 15 fucking minutes with an earshot of more than 30 witnesses who heard nothing what yeah oh my god after leaving the sorority house he broke into a basement apartment eight blocks away and attacked fsu student cheryl thomas where he dislocated her shoulder fractured her jaw and skull in five places she was left with permanent deafness for the rest of her life holy shit and had equilibrium damage that ended her dance career oh my god on february 8th bundy drove 150 miles east to jacksonville florida in a stolen fsu van in a parking lot he approached
Starting point is 01:31:01 14 year old leslie parmenter leslie parmenter, the daughter of Jacksonville Police Department's chief of detectives, identifying himself as Richard Burton, Fire Department. Which reminds me of Burt Macklin, FBI. In like a much less funny way. Right, yes. But he retreated when Parmenter's older brother arrived and challenged him. That afternoon, he backtracked 60 miles westward to Lake City, Florida. And at Lake City Junior High School the following morning, 12-year-old Kimberly, which 12, my sisters, 12-year-old Kimberly Diane Leach was summoned to her homeroom by a teacher to retrieve a forgotten purse and never returned to class and vanished seven weeks later after an intensive search her partially mummified remains
Starting point is 01:31:52 were found in a pig farrowing shed near sawani river state park what the fuck okay we're getting toward the end here i promise on february 12th with insufficient cash to pay his rent and a suspicion that police were closing in on him bundy stole a car fled tallahassee drove westward across the panhandle about three days later he was stopped by police um when they noticed his volkswagen beetle was stolen when he was told he was under arrest bundy kicked the police officer's legs out from under Jesus. they found three sets of IDs belonging to female FSU students, 21 stolen credit cards, and a stolen television set. Jesus. They also found a pair of dark-rimmed non-prescription glasses and a pair of plaid slacks,
Starting point is 01:32:53 later identified as the disguise worn by, quote, Richard Burton Fire Department. So he had, like, a disguise. As Lee transported his suspect to jail, he was unaware that he had just arrested one of the fbi 10 most wanted fugitives he didn't even realize who it was he heard ted bundy say from the back seat i wish you had killed me wow so bundy was then charged in Miami, Florida. He stood trial for the Chi Omega homicides and assaults in June of 1979. And that trial was covered by 250 reporters from five continents. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Yeah. And was the first to be televised nationally in the United States. Wow. Despite the presence of five court-appointed attorneys, Bundy decided he wanted to be his own defense again. Jesus Christ. Hashtag narcissistic. So the... What do you call it?
Starting point is 01:33:55 The prosecution presented impressions of the bite wounds that Bundy had inflicted on Lisa Levy's butt. Yeah, and he had really fucked up teeth. Oh, did he? He did fucked up teeth and oh did he he did have weird teeth didn't he at least on the something about his one of his front teeth is like sideways or it's like it's his two front teeth aren't straight so one of them's crooked but that was like one of the biggest things that got him got him caught because Because they had forensic orthodontists. No, I'm sorry. Forensic odontologists who were able to match his teeth marks.
Starting point is 01:34:34 It was one of the biggest pieces of evidence that got him in jail. Fascinating. Because his teeth were so unique that they matched the bite mark exactly. That's fascinating. Oh, how awful. But he bit so hard that, like, a teeth imprint was there. Fuck. They had a full set of his teeth,
Starting point is 01:34:54 because they showed, like, a photo on Wikipedia, even. There's, like, a full set of his teeth. It's disgusting. So the jury deliberated for less than seven hours before convicting him on july 24th 1979 of the bowman and levy murders three uh three counts of attempted first degree murder and two counts of burglary um the death sentence was imposed for the murder convictions and six months later he was found guilty of the abduction and murder of Kimberly Leach.
Starting point is 01:35:27 So during, this is interesting, during the penalty phase of the trial, Bundy took advantage of an obscure Florida law providing that a marriage declaration in court in front of a judge constituted as a legal marriage. As he was questioning former Washington State DES des co-worker carol ann boone who he had dated who had moved to florida to be near him he um who was also testifying on his behalf during both trials he asked her to marry him she accepted and bundy declared to the court that now they were legally married shit he just casually just casually was like, oh, will you marry me? And she's like, sure.
Starting point is 01:36:07 And then he's like, well, now we're married because the judge is here. On February 10th, 1980, Bundy was sentenced for a third time to death by electrocution. As the sentence was announced, he reportedly stood and shouted, tell the jury they were wrong this third death sentence would be the one ultimately carried out but it wouldn't be not it would be nine years before it was carried out uh in october 1982 boone gave birth to a daughter and named bundy as the father uh while conjugal visits were not allowed at the prison inmates were known to pool their money in order to bribe guards to allow them um intimate time with their female visitors
Starting point is 01:36:51 so they think that's what happened um shortly after the conclusion of the trial and the beginning of the appeals process bundy initiated a series of interviews uh Stephen Michaud and Hugh Ainsworth. He basically gave these interviews in the third person to kind of remove himself from guilt, from confessing. So he would talk about his crimes in the third person. And this is when he first divulged the details of his thought processes and like why he killed.
Starting point is 01:37:26 He said sexual assault fulfilled his need to totally possess his victims. Jesus. He said he killed his victims as a matter of expediency at first to eliminate the possibility of being caught. But later, murder became part of the adventure. The ultimate possession was, in fact, the taking of the life and then the physical possession of the adventure the ultimate possession was in fact the taking of the life and then the physical possession of the remains so after his execution date was set he finally confessed to the full details of the murders including details of what he did to some of the victims after their deaths he said he often visited their crime scenes repeatedly to perform sexual acts with their decomposing bodies until putrefaction forced him to stop.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Jeez. And I also read that it was actually very rare because usually you're either a, like a rapist and a murderer, but it's usually not wrapped up with necrophilia. um, necrophilia. So apparently he's like weird, very unique case of he sexually assaulted women and murdered them. Yeah. Defiled their bodies and was a necrophiliac. So apparently it's a very rare combination.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Yeah. Um, he confessed to detectives from Idaho, Utah, and Colorado that he had committed numerous homicides, including several that were unknown to the police. He explained that when he was living in Utah, he could bring victims back to his apartment where he could reenact scenarios depicted on the covers of detective magazines. He said he so what he did was he would withhold a lot of details in an attempt to like delay his execution so he would
Starting point is 01:39:07 say like oh i did kill this person but i'm not going to tell you all the details to like try and yeah keep himself alive basically but um it had the opposite effect where investigators basically wanted him dead yeah because he kept they're like whatever it takes at this point yeah they were he was like playing them and they actually called it ted's bones for time scheme because he would be like oh there's the body somewhere but i'm not going to tell you where yeah um so during his final interviews with investigators uh he talked of suicide because he didn't want to give the state the satisfaction of watching him die. But he did die in the electric chair at 7.16 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, January 24th, 1989.
Starting point is 01:39:56 He was 42 years old. Hundreds of people outside, including 20 off-duty police officers, who all sang, danced, and set off fireworks, and had passed her across the street from the prison as the execution was carried out. Then cheered loudly as the white hearse containing Bundy's corpse departed the prison. His remains were cremated in Gainesville, and the ashes were scattered at an undisclosed location in the cascade range of washington state in accordance with his will which is so interesting that they respected his will yeah it's like fuck you i would rip that will up well remember we talked about hh holmes and how that he requested to be buried in cement yeah so i wonder like who is required to travel from fucking florida to washington state to spread his ashes can you imagine being on that plane carrying his ashes do you know what i would have been like
Starting point is 01:40:49 that you whoops i would have flushed him out of the fucking lavatory toilet exactly exactly fascinating i wonder who's required you guys if you know tell me because i'm curious yeah what's your job title who gets who's hired to do that it's just like the government pays for that it's so wild to me anyway um while he eventually confessed to 30 murders ted bunny never accepted responsibility for any of them even when offered the opportunity prior to the kaya mega trial which would have averted the death penalty for him so even when he had the chance to avoid the death penalty um he deflected blame onto a wide variety of scapegoats including his abusive grandfather the absence of his biological father um alcohol the media pornography the police society in general violence on television uh he blamed television programming which by the way he was
Starting point is 01:41:47 watching on tv sets that he had stolen for brainwashing him into stealing credit cards right uh on at least one occasion he even tried to blame his victims by saying i've known people who radiate vulnerability their facial expressions say i am afraid of you these people invite abuse by expecting to be hurt do they subtly encourage it question mark what the fuck right what the fuck what the fuck so in the end uh the true total of uh homicides by ted bundy remains unknown um published estimates have run as high as 100 or more, and Bundy occasionally made cryptic comments to encourage that speculation.
Starting point is 01:42:30 He told Hugh Ainsworth, who interviewed him in 1980, that for every murder publicized, there could be one that was not. When FBI agents proposed a total tally of 36, Bundy responded, add one digit to that and you'll have it. And that's the story of Ted Bundy.
Starting point is 01:42:49 And, fun fact, he refused his last meal. Oh, did he? I didn't know that. They gave him the standard coffee and whatever. Toast or something? Yeah, and he refused it. He said, I'll save it for later. What a sick bastard. Also um apparently they think that he
Starting point is 01:43:07 might have gotten his girlfriend pregnant in jail by uh jacking off into a condom and then putting the condom tied off in his mouth and then kissing her to pass off the sperm for her to insert later because he wanted a legacy yuck also in like a half an hour before his death he did one last interview and all he did was swear that it was entirely pornography's fault yes and he was another thing he said that hands down every single person he ever met in jail is in jail because by the time they were like 12 years old they were watching pornography and it was interesting because the person he interviewed was like a very avid like anti-pornography yeah person and so one of
Starting point is 01:43:55 like a couple websites i found were very adamant like it was like a very they were like very christian like, like pornography. Your children will become Ted Bundy. Yes. And he said there, he said pornography turns children into Ted Bundy's. Yeah. Well, also he said in that same interview that he was raised in a wonderful home with wonderful, with wonderful parents. And it's like, no, you weren't like like you're just trying to charm us right now well and all but like pretty much every biographer who's seriously written a book about him has said
Starting point is 01:44:28 um that he did that as like just one more like fuck you to be like i can control my story however i want basically yep and people still there's still websites that are like do you want your child to become ted bundy and there's still women out there who defend him and say like he i was gonna marry him he wanted me to marry him once he got out they all think that they're the one even though he made it very clear that he was not there for them and didn't like them and didn't want to be with them that's the one thing is like this story is so broad and there were articles about his mother i mean there's so much on it and like i wish like it's just i couldn't have covered all of it but there's so much fascinating shit about this story so i know we're gonna get messages and like corrections and whatever but i wish i had been able to do more but i just wanted
Starting point is 01:45:15 to cover all the i mean that was a short abridged version guys like lucky you you get a long episode this week we're still at two hours for the episode yeah so wow sorry guys if you didn't want that much but also you wanted ted bundy and we this was the shortest version we could do listen i try to do what you want okay it's like pick your battles make up your minds do you want a ted bundy story done right or no we tried to do it right and short and we still ended up at two hours sorry i don't know what more could you possibly want from me yeah not much i think except the world it's like they ask the world of me and and then get now when you give them the world and a half thank you i hear you someone finally understands i'm on the same playing field oh you guys thank you for listening thank you for listening if you've made it this far, I'm just going to
Starting point is 01:46:06 quickly do the spiel. If you for some reason don't follow us anywhere, what the fuck's wrong with you? Fuck you. And you can find us late to the game on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram at ATWWDPodcast. We have a website and that's
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Starting point is 01:46:43 Please help us. You really don't realize how much you're helping us really really don't understand every time we get an email saying so and so pledged we're like jennifer yeah thank you thanks megan we have like a little like tearful moment so thank you all it really means a lot to us um i want to also add that i'm sorry that we swear because a lot of people have been like listen i, I want to show you to my family, but you say, what the fuck? And I'm like, well, well, we're in our 20s and in 2018. So I don't know what you want us to do.
Starting point is 01:47:13 Sorry. So thank you guys for listening. We really do thank you guys so, so, so, so much for your Patreon support. Even just listening. If you guys have the opportunity, if you're listening on iTunes, if you could leave us a quick review, that would be... Oh, yes, please. It helps a
Starting point is 01:47:32 lot to leave us a review on iTunes. So if you could do that, that'd be awesome. If you want to follow Em on social media, it's at the Em Schultz with no T. If you want to follow me, it's... Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Forget about it. It's XteenSheifer. Just figure out how to spell it. You'll figure it out. And you can find us on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, iTunes, Google Play. Yeah, Google Play's been struggling, but we're on there. We should be on there, but we've gotten a couple emails saying it's being weird. It's because Google Play is struggling. Yep our fault stop yelling at us yes and you can
Starting point is 01:48:10 find us on audio boom too oh and on audio boom oh and you can find us in nashville on may 4th yep at crime con where you can uh your our discount promo code if you would like it is atwwd hell yeah is it it is okay well then you can get 10 off of your tickets and you better be there because we want to meet your face we really want to meet at least someone we have this thought that no one's gonna show up worried and like how embarrassing is it if we have maybe a show and no one laughs or just a booth and no one shows i'm gonna be so fucking embarrassed i'm gonna be humiliated i'm gonna show up in a mustache and no one shows i'm gonna be so fucking embarrassed i'm gonna be humiliated i'm gonna show up in a mustache and be like hello i like this podcast it'll be
Starting point is 01:48:49 why we drink i'm gonna have booze under the table so if you want to come meet me and drink booze with me oh she'll have her wine bra on oh yes i'll have my wine bar and you can come have a sip come to nashville tennessee we'll sign things for you if you want us to sign things. Fuck yeah. May 4th through 6th, Hillbilly Horror Stories is coming. So you guys better come. That's a fun little feature. A-T-W-W-D.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Use the promo code. We'll be there. Okay, good. Maybe Gio will be there. I'll figure it out. And that's why we drink? And that's why we drink. Nope.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Nope. Do people... Are people pissed off about this probably here use the bottle no here what okay that's pretty good here wait try it again that's very good and that's why we drink oh fuck bye

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