Episode Date: February 11, 2018

WELCOME TO THE ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY EPISODE! Thank you all for helping us get this far. We couldn’t do any of this without you And we’ve got a special surprise for you! But you’re going to have listen to find out. Come meet us at CrimeCon 2018 in Nashville, TN! Get a surprise gift from us when you use our promo code “ATWWD” to get 10% off your order! consider supporting the companies that support us! Hello Fresh - Use promo code DRINK30 for $30 off your first week of Hello Fresh! Havenly - Get 25% off your design package by visiting!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Maybe we have something to say now. No? I don't... I feel like this is a monumental moment, and I don't know what to say. I thought if we ever had an anniversary episode, by then we would know what to say. Yeah. But I still am very clueless. We did not prepare a thank you speech.
Starting point is 00:00:20 No, we didn't. We should have. We should have. Thanks, guys. no we didn't we should have we should have um but uh thanks guys i feel like we're back at our first episode i know it's like stumbling do we talk about how we met what's happening this is called and that's why we drink you want me to start off yeah i'm gonna open this wine marilyn gave me some wine marilyn's a fucking rock star. She made me my anniversary milkshake today. That's right. And it looks like a true crime milkshake because what's the red stuff? Strawberry syrup. She made it look like blood. She had dripping down from the edges. She also used
Starting point is 00:00:56 she also used Oreos as graveyard crumbs and then she used Sour Batch Kids for zombies. It's really cute. It tastes amazing. She planned this for several days um she's the best she bought me this bottle of wine and also she's so marilyn is um you probably see her on the secret group on facebook she's been staying with me for a little bit uh her she's had some troubles lately um her dog was given away without her permission and it took a while but everybody was really helpful and she got her little pup dog back and so she's been staying with me and is trying to find a new place to live so we do have a go fund me going just fyi on the facebook page if you can contribute to help her like pay the down payment on a new apartment we're just happy that dog is
Starting point is 00:01:41 back anyway so she's been really kind and has helped me set up our podcast studio. And she really, you guys did set it up. It's now, we actually have shelves and everything you guys have sent us is now displayed. And we have a whiteboard up and all of our merch is nice and stacked. Like we have inventory. Yeah, the video of like the reveal is going to be on Patreon for $10 donors. And anyway, so thank you maryland for all your help this past week one for your homies
Starting point is 00:02:13 ah the sound we all know too well now sweet happy anniversary so for our anniversary let's cheers first to our one year. One year. Can you believe it? Beautiful. I decided that we deserved an upgrade for our one year. What does that mean? It means close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:02:36 What? You said you didn't prepare anything. Close your eyes. You're so full of shit. Okay. Okay. Elevator music. I'm still sitting here.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Eyes closed. All right, you ready, Christine? Ready. So one's for you. Two. One's for me. What is it? Open your eyes.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh my God! So. No way! Open yours. Oh my god! Open it. We've talked about this... Oh my god, I'm gonna lose my mind. They're like little director's chairs!
Starting point is 00:03:22 Um... This is one that all the actors have. Ready? Oh my god! Oh my god! It has my name on it! M. We'll learn how to open them. Holy shit M! You did not.
Starting point is 00:03:43 If we ever go on tour it carries everything you did not and for my wine I'm gonna cry oh my gosh you guys it's a director's chair and it has our logo and my name on it and then Em has one too here you go I'm gonna I'm gonna trade out your old dingy one now I'm actually peeking the hell out. Happy anniversary. We, like, years ago, or not years ago, like a year ago. Literally, actually, 365 days ago. Literally one year ago, we're talking about how we just wanted our own director's chair someday.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yep. There you go. Okay, goodbye old rickety Ikea chair. And now our audio won't suck either. Look at my new throne! Oh my god! Whoa!
Starting point is 00:04:39 Do you feel like a queen? Whoa! I feel so important, like I'm directing something. Em, this is amazing i know the audio is really bad right now i don't care i cannot believe this we need to take a photo later of them together okay and i'm sweating so much but if we ever go on tour now we've got something you guys we gotta go on we gotta go on tour now yes um yes i'm honestly what honestly i'm just trying to manifest the fact that we're gonna go live one day i mean i put up our vision board we need to like redo it okay well i'm having
Starting point is 00:05:17 a sit on our vision board to make sure that it works okay the magic of our wait we're gonna sit on the vision board we're gonna sit on the vision chairs understood oh understood i thought you meant you wanted me to you mean under sit understood you're dumb i thought you meant you wanted me to take that off the wall so we can sit on it i was like that seems a little weird um these are fucking amazing i am Oh my god and they have our names on them in a cool font. You guys, I'm scared. It's the fonts of our logo. I know, it's so perfect. It's the part that says a true crime.
Starting point is 00:05:52 How did? How? Yeah. It's like one fucking guess. Kirky's at Worky's. No way. Kirky's. You and Kirk are just like the dream team. My heroes. He's a good boy. He's so wonderful.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I'm, am I? I'm losing my mind right now. I'm like, I can't believe this is happening. And now a year later, we're official. Official, and we have a fucking studio with all our shit on the walls. Sugarbush is framed. There's a bulletin board with all the cards you guys have sent us. And a shelf where I'm collecting bottles of 19 Crimes wine.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So it's not going to, like, it's going to be full really soon. Got a Ouija board prominently displayed on my desk. You know, I feel like forever ago when we used to do Milkshake Facts. Those were the days. Those were the days. Back when we didn't think we would last a year but one of the facts about wine was that there's a place that literally has a fountain in the middle of the courtyard you just need one of those in here and then we'll be set okay so you've got a chair with your name on it and soon you'll have a fountain of wine that just never stops
Starting point is 00:06:58 flowing good so that's for your that's that's next year that's year two right right you know how there's like like an anniversary there's like a paper year yeah yeah next year is the wine fountain year wine fountain right i thought it was coming up soon i thought that might be the case i can't wait for blazes my wine fountain year because then i'll have two yeah you crack let's crack into that let's crack into it lacroix anyway so i'm so i you do this to me on air and then i can't really think or breathe so well christine told me uh hey i have everything taken care of tomorrow for our anniversary and in my mind i was like oh i know you because you always do everything i just i just brought
Starting point is 00:07:41 it back i oh yeah now why put our drinks on the table when we've got little tables on our chairs? Who needs a table? Who the hell needs a table? Guys, if we ever go live, you will see these chairs on a stage. OMG. What's it like knowing that one day we'll be sitting on a stage in these chairs? I'm saying it out loud, not because that's actually planned
Starting point is 00:08:00 guys, but I'm trying to manifest it and put it in the world. We are. We're doing a manifest thing and also now. I can't wait to go live live we're very excited to see you and meet you speaking of which we really are going to be at crime con in Nashville May 4th through 6th and I know I keep plugging it but like we really want you guys to be there please help we want people to come and meet us and hang out with us and if you use our promo code ATWWd when you buy your badge you are going to get a a discount and be a special surprise from us yay it's a chair with your name on it it's not it's not we can't we can't pack all of those in our overhead luggage but we do have a special surprise for anyone who used the
Starting point is 00:08:38 promo code um and we have a couple people who've used it so far. And we're so pumped to meet you guys. You have no idea. Come to Nashville. Please. And also, we can just do my bachelorette party at the same time. Oh, no big deal. If you guys come, we can guarantee a version of a bachelorette party for Christine. Perfect. And if you come, you get to pick where we go.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Does that help get you going there? Only if you use the code. Only if you use the code. That's actually the password to the bachelorette party. We want to be invited back. So this is our code. Anyway, Em. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I'm so proud of us. I'm so proud of us. So happy. How many? I can't believe so many people listen to us talk. I know. Wow. So many.
Starting point is 00:09:24 So proud of everyone and us and them and is that why you drink yeah yeah why do you drink because i sprained my spine oh right em and i have really weak spines i was like thinking about your spinal tap and i was like oh thank god like i don't have to go through any of that bullshit that Christine had to go through with her back back injuries are the worst then like 20 minutes later I fucking half broke my back you reverse manifested that and you know how I did it guys guess how Em did it you're no one here is surprised I was bending down to feed Gio a treat and then I popped back up and so did my back you popped up up. Your back was like, bye, I'm popping out. I really thought that I just like vertebrae just fell on my body.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I was convinced that they just decided they were gone. I'm literally was like, OK, hi, I'm here at your Super Bowl party. And then Fedgeo Treaton was like, so I'm going to go to the chiropractor. I'll see you in an hour. And I was like, what? Yeah, I really was here for five minutes. Oh, my gosh. I was terrified. And then I came back and I tried so hard to like not be in pain.
Starting point is 00:10:27 But also, I really thought it was a nightmare. I remember you being like, at one point you tried to give me dinner. We were trying to feed you a hot dog. And you were like, should I just leave you alone? And I was like, yes. I know. Just go away. I was like, can I help?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Do you want a Tylenol? Can I feed you this hot dog? Do you want me to leave you alone? You're like, yes. Goodbye. Enjoy. I couldn't even, I, it was one of those pains where you don't even care about manners. It was just like, I need you to fucking go away. Yeah. And I was in your house. So like how fucking rude of me, but it wasn't rude. You were like really struggling. I literally fell asleep on your couch in the middle of everybody. She has a couch that's meant for like five people and my six foot body lied on half of it and everyone else had to sit on the floor. It's like a sectional where you took the main section.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And I just lied there and I found pictures of myself on Twitter later. And yeah, that was good. It was a good time. It was a good time. Well, not really, but for everyone else. Anyway, I won't go on about it, but that's why I drank. Have your sweater wrapped around your shoulders like it's a cardigan at a country club. I'm doing it because if I wanted to take it off all the way, I'd have to take my headphones off, and I'm too lazy.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It's really bizarre. I mean, it's not bizarre, but it really looks like you're owning this whole director thing. Oh, yeah, that makes me want to take it off. No, you have it wrapped around your shoulders. It's like I just want to snap at someone to get me an Evian. An Evian, exactly. You do have your LaCroix. Or a LaCroix.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, you do have one. So I just want to say that this episode is sponsored by our special, special friend. CK. CK. Classic Kevin, host of Mirths and Monsters podcast, which I fell behind and I've been binging this week. It's so good. So hilarious. He has scottish accent so you can't go wrong um and ck actually sent because in early episodes we said when if we hit a year or hit 50 episodes or whatever
Starting point is 00:12:16 that we would oh it was a 50th episode we would drink a 50 milkshake and 50 bottle of wine and so ck sent us payp'd us $100 for this episode. He's such a good guy. So we bought, I did not get a $50 bottle of wine. I bought a nice bottle of wine and an ice cream cake and Marilyn made Emma milkshake. And then we're going to, uh, so CK's podcast, Morrison Monsters just started a Patreon. So I'm going to pledge the rest of the money to that. That's that's worth it yeah so that was so sweet of him and like thoughtful and a lot of people have asked like did you ever do the 50 thing and i'm like well also i recently looked up the 50
Starting point is 00:12:54 milkshake again and i don't know how to come across like edible gold leaves or tahitian vanilla bean and shit like that so i don't know how to recreate the $50 milkshake. What I was planning on doing if I were in charge, I was just going to spend $50 on a bunch of weird shit and make one of those like big stacked milkshakes. Oh, just like cookies and brownies. Yeah. Like an ice cream sandwich on top and a donut and shit like that. I mean, buying a $50 bottle of wine probably would have been easy, but I bought instead like four, four, like $12 bottles of wine. Guys, seriously, shout out to C ck though because he's been one of our original listeners he's supported us from the beginning since a year ago a whole year now he's
Starting point is 00:13:33 supported us he's been so helpful he like reached out to us on twitter he's been so kind and just compliments us left and right he's told us if we ever like need to a place to stay overseas he's got our back he's just a good good guy he's a good guy great guy his podcast is so freaking funny and entertaining and it's short like they're like fun short little episodes so you can just easily like binge the whole thing it's so fun so thank you ck thank you m for the chairs i know the chairs, but also for making this year just so wonderful and changing my life. Aw. I was actually saying the same thing about you earlier today at work.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I was just kind of like reminiscing. I was looking back. A year ago, I was not in literally in any place in my life was I where I am right now. Isn't it bizarre? I didn't live in the same place. I wasn't friends with the same place. I wasn't friends with the same people. I wasn't at the same job. Like I was at this in a different department, but like everything, everything around me has changed. And you also gave me a girlfriend and
Starting point is 00:14:36 a dog. Wow. I mean, same way I moved into a house. Like I got engaged. I'm like, we started this project. I got my dream job. I mean, this has been a quite a year. I got engaged. We started this project. You work at Nickelodeon? I got my dream job. I mean, this has been quite a year. Talk about vision boards. Guys, vision boards work. I know people laugh, but I'm not kidding you. That's true.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Take some painkillers. No, don't do that. But that's what I did. But it's for health reasons. They were prescription. It's fine. Make a fucking vision board. It works.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I think one of the first vision board manifestations i ever made i'm pretty sure one of the first episodes i said like bruno mars's 24k album was the best album of the year and it was only february you did say that and he literally just won best album of the year for that album wait did he really a year literally like a couple weeks ago you truly you went called that shit if you can if you can go back and no you can quote that you said that play the clip right here oh god let me do so much work first the elevator music okay here it is i'm gonna do my best to tell you all about this because here's the thing i was also listening to the new bruno mars album while i wrote all the
Starting point is 00:15:41 notes so who knows how scrambled this is? Emily! All right. Maybe I'll be even more messed up than it's supposed to be. It'll help. I promise. Let's go. Bruno Mars pairs well with a nice paranormal story. Bruno Mars' new album is the best album of the year, and it's only February, and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
Starting point is 00:15:59 My soul hurts hearing you say that, but we'll discuss this at a later date. Okay. I told you. I told you. Let's hope i found it i don't i just sat here and drank wine and hoped that my future self will have the energy to find it i told you if not i'll just put elevator music in there just like a loud beat also maybe that audio was actually like real shit maybe you're gonna play it and it's gonna obviously be like episode two it's probably on some like hard drive somewhere too i don't know if i it's definitely not on my laptop anyway guys manifest your dreams and then
Starting point is 00:16:29 maybe a year later you'll have a podcast i mean peak of success podcast i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying we did it em we did we made it here i'm shocked i'm shocked we really didn't think we'd make it we have chairs with our names on them that is something i never thought i'd have we have a fucking bulletin board of like letters and christmas cards and mail from people yeah and it's it's a filled bulletin board like a cork board yeah there's very little space left we're gonna have to get another one for all the great stuff we're getting from you guys i literally am today during my lunch break went to staples and bought that it looks great you did a good job you have good taste i also framed the uh the sugar bush photos so june bride
Starting point is 00:17:14 and finding osama finding osama have been framed on the wall thank you deirdre it's it's oh my gosh the thing you guys made the binder of all the nice things you guys said about me the geo book the yeah where's the geo book in my car i'm gonna bring oh yeah that too deirdre's cross stitch the cross stitch uh the geo saint geo candle that christine gave me for my birthday is here wow that seems so long ago yeah and also uh clarissa great made like this beautiful oil painting of geo it's amazing It's sitting behind me right now. Obviously at the head. I'm going to take a photo of you right now because it's so funny. It's like a photo, a painting of Gio with wine.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And then above it is Sierra. Sierra made us an embroidery of our logo. So I hung that above. I mean, oh, and then um canvas people of me and geo because i just wanted to put that somewhere you guys thank you for everything the only reason this has worked is because of you and we're just so proud and lucky and happy it's true really and we have a fun thing happening today and what's up and what's happening so we listen to you guys on the facebook live which by the way we need to do one this month.
Starting point is 00:18:27 We could do it on the 18th? Sure. Okay. February 18th. I'm putting it in my calendar. 3 p.m. February 18th, guys. Sunday, February 18th.
Starting point is 00:18:38 If you're a patron, just go join the group on Facebook. And we'll talk to you then so from the last one you suggested that we swap themes so this week i have a true crime and christine has a paranormal i'm so excited i'm very nervous because i'm so nervous christine's very good at being detail oriented and I'm not so I feel like there's probably a lot more information on my story that I could have gotten slash that Christine would have gotten but I was also nervous about the like the amount of time I had I mean it's the anniversary we can do whatever we want all right, right. Okay. This story happened 120 years ago. So there's not like a lot of information. So I did dig as much as I could. I just don't know your typical sources.
Starting point is 00:19:31 So for all I know, you actually would have found a lot more. Probably not. I did my best. That's all I ask of you. You know, here, this is so do you go first, even though it's you go first? Oh, is that how? Sure. Should I? Yeah i yeah listen i need to have some more wine before i do mine because you said yours is uh shorter than black eyed kids mine's maybe maybe longer maybe the same oh as black eyed kids yeah wow you really fucking took this seriously oh i went all out jeez i wasn't kidding when i said this was like was this a particular one you've been waiting to do or something yes oh wow okay but no don't i mean i don't know we'll see how it goes i'll just blaze through mine then so you can get to yours blaze through it i'm just gonna
Starting point is 00:20:17 lampignale through it so this is from 1888. And here's the thing. Wait. Oh, my God. What? What is it? What is it? Why don't you say it? Say it.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Is it Jack the Ripper? Yeah. Oh, shut up! Oh, my gosh. Okay. Oh, my God. I'm so excited. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Someone's a fanatic. I said the year. But I don't know anything about Jack the Ripper. I just know he's one of those, like, earliest serial killers. Well, here's the thing. I'm all about, I'm a traditionalist. I like the classics. You're so traditional, so conservative. I know. So standard. I prefer the phrase old-fashioned.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yep. Yes. Yes. Okay. A gentleman, one might say. An old-fashioned gentleman. old-fashioned gentleman a scholar oh no no oh that's too far no too far that's unless we're talking about black-eyed kids you're a scholar of black-eyed kids um okay so i was always under the impression that jack the ripper like murdered a million people just because his name is so notorious i assume that he killed just a it was just a blur of killing for a portion of his life like a ted bundy type yeah or like you who knows what the number is i guess technically who knows what the number is because jack the ripper's never been caught so for all we know you know he could have killed more people
Starting point is 00:21:41 than this for all we know he's outside the number i was like what how many how many five that's it yeah i mean not that's it as in like those those less important only five if he had done 10 then i'd be impressed i know um all right i was gonna say let's crack into it and do the sound but i already did it do you want me to edit yeah actually would you just edit that right on in there just that clip that um audio tech don't you dare stop but i'm sitting in a chair with my name on it now me too now we're both equally powerful what do we do i don't know all right go ahead so um this started in August 1888. And it happened in London's East End. And of course, we're Americans and don't know what that means. So it is in the district of White Chapel. So one of Jack the Ripper's names was also the White Chapel butcher. Oh, he was also
Starting point is 00:22:39 known as Leather Apron. I don't know why why something i probably could have googled but i also was frantically trying to get my notes done leather apron i think it's probably just for the best that i don't know it plays to the imagination it kind of creeps me out so i don't want to know makes me think of like ed gein yes it does like the nipple belt i mean the um can you imagine like what a duo like a superhero duo like leather apron and nipple belt. Sounds like the SpongeBob, like what are they called? Barnacle Boy and Mermaid Man. Mermaid Man. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, which I just realized Mermaid Man is funny. That never occurred to me. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, but instead it's leather apron and- Nipple belt. Yeah, but he also had that creepy, he had a literal apron made of women's breasts. Remember? Yeah. It's, don't Google it.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It's awful. Oh, I know. So it's, it's leather apron and like actual woman's boobs. And like breast apron. Okay. I like nipple belt better. Nipple belt is somehow funnier, even though it's more painful. It's because it seems.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I don't think it's more painful if you chopped off a whole boob. I think because it just seems less realistic. Like it seems more ridiculous. So you tell yourself it's less possible. it's more painful if you chopped off a whole boob. I think because it just seems less realistic. Like it seems more ridiculous so you tell yourself it's less possible to really happen. Yes. It's more absurd. Okay, so leather apron, nipple belt. Yeah, it's like you and me. It's like, which one are you?
Starting point is 00:23:56 I'm nipple belt. You duh. Obviously. I know a nipple belt when I see it and it says Christine Schieffer. Barnacle boy through and through. Oh yeah, I'm a mermaid man because I'm like low-key like dealing with Alzheimer's already. Forget everything. Your back's always broken.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I'm just like, where are you? You're like, I'm a man who's a mermaid. I don't know what's going on. It's fine. People just kind of tell me where to go and I'm like, okay, I'm a superhero. So guys watch SpongeBob. He's a mermaid. I don't know what's going on. It's fine. People just kind of tell me where to go, and I'm like, okay, I'm a superhero. So. Guys, watch SpongeBob. Anyways, Jack the Ripper.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Let's go back. Let's travel back to 1888 real quick. Let's. Okay, so he was known as Leather Apron. He was also known as White Chopper Butcher. But most people know him as Jack the Ripper because that was the signature on a letter that got sent to the police. Ooh, creepy. So, um, but he identified himself as the white chapel butcher in the letter, but signed it Jack the Ripper. So even he's having
Starting point is 00:24:56 like an identity complex. So he's like, I am nipple belt signed barnacle boy. Uh, see, that's not fair. You got to pick one or the other he just wants it all several letters were sent um to the london metropolitan police service also known as the scotland yard ck you must know oh my god that's the board game i used to play that you were like what the fuck and then a bunch of people were like i mean two people but two people said i played that too and then what is the game you promoted yourself to? That Australian alcohol game? Oh. It's like Slap the Bag, but it's their version of that.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It's where you take the bag out of the wine box? Yeah, something like that. Goonies? Goon. Goon. Whatever. They both sound ridiculous. They both sound too weird.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Goonie. Goonie game. So they taunted office the letters taunted officers about like their activities and basically hinted that more were to come um and suspected theories are that like it could have been anyone they have a list of like over a hundred suspects holy shit which is why i always thought there was more than five i guess in 1888 you just like had nothing to do what do you mean like i imagine like these days if there's like something that happened and there's more than a hundred suspects it's because some really wild shit
Starting point is 00:26:17 happened to hundreds of people and now they're looking at everyone but if someone kills five people like i mean it's bad, but you're more likely to, I feel like more suspects. Cause it's like, if you, if like a hundred people died, if like it's much narrower suspect pool, I don't know. I guess that makes sense. I mean, maybe not. I feel like it's hard to say.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I just assume that if there's a, I never hear of any cases where there's over a hundred suspects. So I just assume that means that there's a lot going on compared to like a typical case i just wonder why why was jack the ripper like such a i don't know i it's just i mean i maybe at the time maybe i don't feel like with hh holmes he was like murdering people left and right that's what i'm saying like he was murdering people left and right and there were not a hundred plus suspects for each home so my thought is if there are a hundred plus suspects for this guy he must be killing So my thought is if there are 100 plus suspects for this guy, he must be killing more people than H.H. Holmes. That's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:27:08 But he only killed five people and got all this novelty praise by really weird fans and shit like that. And he's way more known than H.H. Holmes. Yeah, he's known as the first serial killer. Maybe that's why, because he's the first. The other one was Billy the Kid was like one of the first killers. Okay. They were all also both left-handed.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Well, they, um, they're known to be left-handed, but actually recently they found out that Jack, the Ripper is right-handed. How do they find that out? Because they were looking back people.
Starting point is 00:27:37 There are still people called Ripperologists who are still trying to crack the code, even though whoever did it is dead now. Oh my. But apparently they always thought the jack the ripper was left-handed because of how he cut um women but they found out that he was actually strangling them first with his dominant right hand and then cutting them left-handed so they actually don't know if he's right-handed or left dexter's yeah ew anyway fun
Starting point is 00:28:02 fact aren't you left-handed i am that's pretty fucked up em so in the late 1800s in london's east end it was mainly an area of skilled immigrants that were trying to like make a new life for themselves mainly jews and russians lived in that area and it was notorious for like a violent heavy crime area and prostitution at the time was legal it was only illegal if the practice caused a public disturbance that was the one thing that like vetted whether or not it was like inappropriate so just like be discreet and you're fine it's like actually just like go upstairs and then it's fine wow okay but you could be as open as you wanted about it you just couldn't like do it in the middle of the road. Cause a disturbance.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Right. Okay. So there were thousands of brothels and there was also a lot of low rent lodging that just provided sexual service as like a benefit to living there. Okay. So here we've got our saltwater pool, uh, our gym. And to our left is the brothel. There's the sex workers all in there.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yep. Oh my God. That's horrifying. What a time. Can you imagine if you time traveled back there and they were like, Oh, are you part of the brothel. There's the sex workers all in there. Yep. Oh, my God. That's horrifying. What a time. Can you imagine if you time traveled back there and they were like, oh, are you part of the brothel? Yeah. They'd be like, welcome to your spot in the brothel.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah. I'd be like, what? So, at the time, it was also, like, you could basically, like, kill a sex worker and, like, no one thought of, like. Right. They were lesser. Because it was such a violent area. It was such a heavy crime area. It was such a heavy crime area it was such a heavy drug area and prostitution was legal yeah so it was very
Starting point is 00:29:30 easy for sex workers to be traded for like drugs and money and shit like that so a lot of times they were collateral damage and would get killed and so a lot of times sex workers if they got killed no one paid attention yeah so that's and one of Jack the Ripper's MOs is he killed sex workers. Oh, okay. And so people, I guess, started noticing that more sex workers than usual were getting killed. Right. And then they started caring all of a sudden. They were like, hmm, an unusual increase in the murder rate these days.
Starting point is 00:30:02 They're like, it's harder to find a sex worker that i want to have sex with yeah there's five less in the whole town now we have to care i'm my okay so like i said the reality is that they were pretty much used to getting physically attacked or like being somehow involved in that kind of lifestyle right um but the difference between those attacks and jack the ripper's killings is that they were um considered they weren't considered a typical attack on a person they were considered quote sadistic butchery oh no now that sounds more like the jack the ripper i envisioned yeah uh on your vision board and oh i don't want jack the ripper on my vision board. He apparently, his killings gave the impression to people that he had a true hatred for women in general.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Oh, wow. I mean. And his type was, I'm just going to go through like his like MO. He, so he killed five main women. There's actually more like six or seven, but we don't know if we count them or not because they can't tell if they were his doing. Because one of them was so early on that they don't know if that was actually the first real victim. Right. And one happened later and they don't know if that was the last real victim.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Right. But out of the five main victims, they were all about the same age, 30s to 40s. He only killed on the weekends or bank holidays what which is very weird i wonder if he had a day job so he worked a nine to five classic classic classic hard-working man classic jack the ripper yeah oh yeah uh most of them had pelvic mutilation oh no i'm sorry to say oh no no no most occurred between 3 a.m and 6 a.m too so people these days aka us would be like that's fucking early or that guy never goes to bed and that must be like the latest his night goes but back then in the 1880s that was literally considered our like six o'clock seven o'clock now really so that was like wake up
Starting point is 00:32:10 time yeah it was like rush hour traffic although i don't know how many cars were on the streets and it was like rush hour carriage traffic or like you just bumped into a lot of people the streets were busy there were mules and ponies everywhere it's like when our grandpas were like we walked five miles uphill both ways in the snow barefoot no shoes wow you must have come from the 1880s with jack the ripper then you must not have known what a car was so okay okay so 3 a.m was considered a normal wake-up time is what we're saying yeah that was like on the early end of normal early but it was like 5 a.m on was considered a normal wake-up time is what we're saying. Yeah, that was like on the early end of normal early. So it was like 5 a.m.
Starting point is 00:32:46 But it was on a weekend or bank holiday. So it was like when people weren't in rush hour carriage traffic. That's a good point. That's a good point. It was like when your dad wakes you up with bacon at like 5 a.m. And it's like, good morning. Must be nice. My dad would just wake me up at 5 to piss me off with no bacon.
Starting point is 00:33:03 No, mine did not do that either. I'm just saying I feel like it's a very like step you know how i say like the stepdad thing yeah like wake up at five mow the lawn like i feel like all of us had that one friend growing up where like they were such a buzzkill to spend the night at their house yes because they would wake up early on a saturday like 6 a.m and then they'd be like why aren't you waking up and i'd be like you have to be fucking kidding me. And I was like five and knew that that was the right response. Anyway. But yeah, there are those dads who wake up and like mow the lawn.
Starting point is 00:33:32 My friend, like that, her name was fucking Rachel. Yeah, it was. And I hated sleeping at Rachel's. I loved sleeping at Rachel's. I hated waking up at Rachel's. See, that's the key. There's two sides. I didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And they all went to bed at like seven i was like what is wrong with you anyway hi rachel celine's dad would wake us rachel's a mom now she's not listening to this oh my god she's waking her kids up at five in the morning i already hate that kid celine's dad would wake us up going wakey wakey eggs and bakey and we were like no and then he would just come in and be like wakey wakey wakey, eggs and bakey. And then what he would do is he would leave the kettle on to like make that hissing noise. But he just wouldn't turn it off until we got so annoyed that we had to go downstairs and turn it off. And then he's like, you're up. Like he would literally just let it go and go and go and go.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I hate parents. They suck. My mom used to do that thing where she'd be like, Em, Em, Em. And then I'd be like, what? And she'd be like, are you awake? And I'd be like m m m and then i'd be like what and she'd be like are you awake i fucking hate you oh good you're up or i'd be sleeping on the on the couch downstairs taking a nap and then she would like absolutely intentionally be way too loud so i'd wake up and she'd be like oh good you're up and then leave not even to like tell me a story or to ask me to do something she just wanted to wake me up and then just leave.
Starting point is 00:34:46 It's like that thing where parents come in and then leave the door open. It's like, why the fuck did you do this? What do you want from me? I just see Linda stomping around like, oh good, you're awake. She used to do that. Or she would do the dishes louder than she needed to do.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Hi, Mom. Listen, it's hard being a millennial our parents really troubled us as children yeah obviously like our generation had the hardest time growing up like i don't think anyone really understands like between like not getting hit and like child labor laws being there like all we had to do is sit on a couch and, like, stay alive. I mean, and also there was Go-Gurt. Like, life was tough. We had Lunchables. It was ruthless out there.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It was the wild, wild west. That's why we don't know how to do anything now. Except start podcasts. I mean, I don't know. We look like... We have, like, pictures of squirrels dressed in wedding dresses on the wall. So I feel like we've made it pretty far in life. I think so.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I have a fucking oil portrait of my dog hanging on my wall. Life is weird. Let's go back to the 1880s. No, in the 1880s, we'd both have 10 kids by now. Oh, I'd be dead for sure. You don't... Drink yourself to death? I don't live with 10 kids.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Honestly. I mean, I just feel like I have one kid and I'm like, oh, I can't handle this. And then I die. Like, there's no epidurals. There no like oh i just would die like props to everyone who's imagining lgbt in 1880s no exactly what the fuck i would literally die not by choice no exactly anyway let's describe jack the ripper's appearance oh right jack the ripper like we weren't we had a reason to be here, I think. Ew, how do we know his appearance? Because several witnesses after the fact would say, oh, I saw that girl.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And then 10 minutes later, she was dead. But when I saw her, she was walking with this guy. No. OK. So the general consensus of his appearance is. Can I tell you what I envision, have always envisioned him? This is why we have a podcast. This is the only thing i've ever wanted to hear you say what jack the ripper's appearance because in my i've been waiting a year i've established this
Starting point is 00:36:53 weird thing in my head because i don't know anything about jack the ripper except like the name and like the fact that he's jack the ripper right um in my head he he has a big cloak he does in my head too with like a bowler hat he's like a creepy ass cloak and like it's just kind of hunched over and icky oh no like grew from despicable me no no no like thinner he like has a cloak over his head and he has like a knife in his hand a big ass butcher knife in his hand. That's what I picture. Okay. And I think it's because when I was little and I heard Jack the Ripper, it just sounded like.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Like the guy from SpongeBob with the spatula hand. Yes. Yes. That's probably where I got that. Oh God. Everything relates to SpongeBob. Your whole life is a foreshadowing of today. Oh God. So he's described as having a shabby appearance, being about 30 years old, 5'9", fair complexion,
Starting point is 00:37:52 small, fair mustache, and wearing a red handkerchief or neckerchief and a cap with a peak. I don't know what that means. Like a point? I guess so. Like a pointy cap? I don't know. This is how people that used to play with hoops and sticks described him so things have changed um okay so here's the first killing
Starting point is 00:38:12 it happened on august 31st and it was the body of mary ann nichols who was 42 she was found in bucks row um which is now called derwald street and her face was bruised her throat was slashed twice and nearly severed oh so like such deep cuts her head was almost off oh my god her stomach was hacked open and slashed several times what the fuck do you know what happened like for like was she alive when that happened do we know or not really we so that's the thing like i tried to research that kind of stuff but because no one really saw her the last thing that witnesses saw for a lot of these girls is that they were just walking with someone but then he seemed to take them to discrete areas and well and also like the forensics back then weren't like oh we can tell
Starting point is 00:39:02 like the john mulaney thing of a puddle of blood gross mop it up now back to my hunch literally on my favorite birthday they were talking about how back then they'd be like okay so who else can we bring in to look at this like uh reporters like why don't we get everyone on south street to come in and john mulaney does such a great bit about that exact thing about how like gangsters back then like they wouldn't even like put on masks like if they went to go rob right a bank they would like dress up like they were like going to church in atlanta put on a little corsage and then they like shoot their name into the wall he was like what were bullets
Starting point is 00:39:39 if anyone asks it was val and joe and the suggins gang like karen was like are there any children that want to come in and stomp around and look like what else can we do to uh it's like can we get some uh just anyone with eyes actually can they just tell us what they think they should and then george was like uh anyone with shoes like maybe put some more footprints on the walls and on the floor like we, we can't get enough of like people just walking through and spreading shit around. Yeah. Which is like kind of true.
Starting point is 00:40:09 They didn't give a shit. They would just be like, what's this? And then like smear it all over. And reporters would just be like, let me take a million photos and step everywhere. So gross. Listen, forensics. Am I right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Yeah. You're the rightest thank you so uh the second murder was september 8th a woman named annie chapman who was 47 instead of 42 she was also a sex worker just like the first one was and her body was found in a passageway um behind 29 hanbury street and all of her possessions from her purse were laid next to her body. Oh, no. Her head was almost severed.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Oh, my God. Her stomach was torn open and pulled apart. Oh, what the fuck? Hence the name Jack the Ripper. Oh, that's where it comes from. Sections of skin from the stomach laid on her body. Get the fuck out of here. Sections of skin from the stomach laid on her body get the fuck out of here um sections of skin from her stomach were laid on her body bigger sections of her stomach were laid
Starting point is 00:41:14 over her left shoulder onto the right shoulder so like her entrails he looped them around like a scarf no to like hang over one shoulder go around her neck and fall on the other shoulder. Oh no. But in like, those were her intestines. Let's remember part of the vagina and bladder had been carved out and taken away, taken away.
Starting point is 00:41:37 What the fuck? And that was the second one. Oh my God. The third one was 20 days later on september 28th um and this was right this was actually right before the next killing a letter was received at the central news agency signed jack the ripper so this is when his name first took off oh so it was to the news not to the police yes this was to the central news agency oh okay the name um jack the ripper was signed at the bottom and caught the public's attention um and white chapel the town was now freaking out because of these two murders that jack the
Starting point is 00:42:17 ripper claims to have been responsible for right so there were riots in the street and people started attacking anyone carrying a black bag because the like the newest rumor going around was that Jack the Ripper was carrying his knives in a black bag. Oh, my God. So just like chaos. People were just like. Also, let's talk about like a unified fucking town, though, because anyone with a black bag was going down, going down. We got some Boston strong shit. It's very Boston.
Starting point is 00:42:43 That's so sad for that poor guy who's like first day on the job and he's like carrying his briefcase oh no poor guy um so two days later september 30th at 1 a.m is the beginning of what they call a double event oh no because two murders happened within 45 minutes of each other 45 minutes yeah so the first woman her name was elizabeth stride who was a sex worker she was found at 1 a.m on 40 burner street i'm saying this in case people like want to go on a walking tour of this while i talk i mean i i do but so when they found her while you talk so they're just gonna like just it's like alcatraz like just pause and then they like google maps that's what i'm saying some people might let me know if you do guys if you own a company that does like walking tour audio we can you imagine if we can you guys hire us as narrators we'll fucking do it let's do it for a museum where
Starting point is 00:43:34 we're like 1a if anyone needs a narrator for a walking museum tour I will literally do it I used to be a museum tour guide that was actually one of my first jobs um ever I mean clearly we we're qualified because I'm just going to ride M's coattails and also be qualified. Nothing I love more than a good coattail being ridden. I'm just saying. Usually I prefer the riding of the coattails instead of someone riding mine. You don't really want to be the... I want to be like the one who takes all the credit and does none of the work hashtag this podcast am i right so anyway nothing more than nothing better than a kid for riding up a coattail guys send me coattails i'll fucking
Starting point is 00:44:20 i'll collect them you should wear coattails what if I made a coat made of coattails? That would be very weird. It sounds like the nipple belt all over again. It sounds like a socially acceptable nipple belt. Yeah. Like, look, I'm kind of throwing
Starting point is 00:44:33 a little bit of... A little caution to the wind. Yeah. Anyway, to be continued. What's happening? So, Elizabeth Stride. She was found at 1 a.m. at 40 Burner Street.
Starting point is 00:44:45 When they found her, blood was still pouring from her throat. Oh! Which means they just missed her. That must have been... Oh my God. So she just died. So a lot of people think that...
Starting point is 00:44:58 Was she dead, though, when they found her? Oh, she was a DEAD. Yikes. But when... Because the blood was still pouring from her throat they either think that he got disturbed by his own killing that like it freaked him out and he had to leave but a lot of other people think like he heard us coming that makes so he got spooked and left so that's the main thing 45 minutes later katherine eddowes, 43, was found just a few minutes of a walk away from Elizabeth Stride.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And she was in an alley between, I don't know how to say this, Mitre Square. Spell it. M-I-T-R-E. I'm sure it's French or something. And Duke Street, which is now called St. James Passage, is where she was found. Oh, my God. Ready? 45 minutes later.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Are you ready? Yeah. No. Yes. The body had been ripped open. This is not new. No, but I know it's going to get worse. And her throat was slashed.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Both eyelids had been cut off. Oh, my. And both her nose and right ear had been cut off what the fuck the uterus and left kidney were removed and her entrails were thrown over her right shoulder just like the other girl oh my god a trail of blood led the police to a doorway nearby with a message that had been written in chalk and it read the jews are not the men to be blamed for nothing what and the beginning of world war ii no and then hitler was like wait a second and hitler was like i agree oh my god oh my god um to to your point of how people handled evidence back then the city police
Starting point is 00:46:48 thought that the quote graffiti should be photographed um when the light came up and so they were going to come back later and take a picture of it but before they could the head of the metropolitan police ordered to rub it out so that no jews walking by would be offended mop it up they don't have a fucking lantern to take a photo in i mean jesus i mean obviously their cameras were not high def because they were cheap yeah but all you have to do is get some lanterns up there i know i mean listen listen it's all it takes is a lantern or two. That's my new. Oh, motto. That could we could find a way to make that pretty metaphorical. All it takes is a lantern or two.
Starting point is 00:47:34 A light within yourself. A lantern or two within yourself. That's what I'm saying. Glow from within. So during the investigation of this specific one, they also found a bloodstained apron of Catherine's. Was it leather? That's what I thought, but no. Oh. They found her bloodstained apron in a doorway.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Oh, fuck. On a nearby street. So it looks to the police, who are so great with their evidence, that he used the apron to wipe off his hands while he was mid running away from the murder what a sicko but because he was running while wiping his hands they think oh he was able to think while also in a frantic state so he must know his surroundings right okay so they thought that he must be a local man. Okay. Whatever. Sure. They're using what they can, I guess.
Starting point is 00:48:27 It's fine. As far as, um, so because it was a double event within 45 minutes of each other, the police were like, oh, well, you know, we're going to put more police out there on the streets and we're going to scare them away. Like let them know that we're taking this seriously. And no one got murdered for like another month or so. like it actually did die down for a little bit and people were getting less scared but there's another thought that um that's not the true theory that he stopped killing because he was afraid of the like the increase in police it was um some believe that he actually didn't commit the double event and that the first murder that night,
Starting point is 00:49:07 Elizabeth Stride, wasn't actually him. So he wouldn't have been spooked for police trying to take his double event seriously if he didn't do the double event. Whoa. So they think that he might have not been the murderer of Elizabeth Stride because... Was that the super violent one where the uterus was taken that was katherine eddowes oh elizabeth stride was the one who blood was still pouring out of her throat oh oh right right that was the first one the one at 1 a.m so the main sorry allison texted me and i got a text that said try not to scare me and i was like what the fuck you're like the blood pouring out of her throat um so
Starting point is 00:49:45 there are um a few reasons why they think that elizabeth stride was not one of his victims one is that um she was murdered from the front when usually he would attack people from behind also the location was very different because he usually chose secluded places but because they were able to find her so close to her actual murderer like i mean they found her when she was still bleeding out so like it was a pretty local popular street and that's something that he didn't usually do um they also thought that um her wounds were caused by a different knife than he was using on the other ones. But a lot of people will debate that and be like, well, he could have more than one fucking knife.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Right. But some believers are like, oh, well, Elizabeth Stride isn't one of the main five. Interesting. So the police released a letter, one of the many letters that they had gotten, which was sent to the head of the London News Agency. So the police and the news were working together a lot.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And if there were any particular letters of interest, then the news was publishing them, which these days I don't think that would really happen. Probably not. So because they got a couple interesting letters and had the news release them, what they didn't realize is that a lot of people out there who would get really obsessed with the case would become copycats and send in letters pretending to be jack the ripper so it ended up hurting their case because they thought that if they sent out a letter people could be like on the lookout yeah and use the information well
Starting point is 00:51:18 but then all these letters that they got from fake jack the rippers with people people in 1888 didn't have internet they i don't think they i think they were just bored i probably would be a person who'd be like this is fun i mean if we couldn't have a true crime podcast we would be doing something probably these are all people who wanted a podcast they were just they they weren't in the right time let's go back and bring the microphones they weren't appreciated for for their time yeah okay it's okay it's okay so most of these letters were definitely hoaxes but there was one that freaked out the police enough um and it is now one of the most famous letters that quote jack the ripper wrote and it's called from hell and it's also called the
Starting point is 00:52:05 lusk letter because it was sent to george lusk who was the chairman of the um like the police um the letter i didn't i didn't write down what actually what it said but it was i mean it was your typical serial killer letter of like haha you haven't caught me i'll kill again i am the lord of this city blah blah blah or you think you got me and you don't enclosed with the letter was a piece of human kidney whoa that in the letter he wrote he had taken from one of his victims which conveniently katherine eddowes was the last woman he killed and her kidney was ripped out oh my god so in and i couldn't find this i'm not sure of this but in the event that they didn't release that information to the public this was the most likely this was most likely the actual jack even if they did like who's fucking
Starting point is 00:52:58 fine who's like hoaxing the police with like a fake kidney that's a lot of people think it was like a med student oh that was like it could just been like a cow kidney or something that they got from surgery right they didn't have dna and all that shit yeah so a lot of people are like oh that might not be the real jack the ripper it could just be like an obsessed yeah you know future podcaster and he just has like a random med student it's access to kidneys i mean it sounds like if it were jack the ripper it sounds like he's pretty pissed that all these people are pretending to be him and he's like, no, here's her fucking organs.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Can you imagine if that was him and then people were still like, eh, that was just like a cow kidney. Oh my god, it was totally a med student. It wasn't even scary. So anyway, a lot of people think that the kidney was a prank, but that's because we don't have
Starting point is 00:53:46 documents anymore about whether or not they released the kidney information to the public okay so if they did chances are it was an imposter makes sense and if it wasn't and that was private knowledge then it really freaked people out yeah um so rumors began like just going wild about like who the hell Jack the Ripper was. Some of the thoughts were he was a mad doctor. He was a Polish lunatic, which is a quote, not something I'm saying. Seems racist. Possibly an insane midwife. Wait, as in a woman?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yes. Something that she might have been a woman. Wow. I never heard that. I know. Equality. think that she might have been a woman. Wow. I never heard that. I know. Equality. Hey, girl. Oh, my God. So other people think that he could have been the grandson of Queen Victoria.
Starting point is 00:54:33 What? The doctor of Queen Victoria. What? A Dutch sailor. Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice in Wonderland. What? Or the Freemasons. Oh, just like the collective Freemasons.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Just like actually the whole peanut gallery. Just like everyone who's a Freemason. Oh, just like the collective Freemasons? Just like actually the whole peanut gallery. Just like everyone who's a Freemason. Okay, wow. They also think a lot of people on the police force could have been involved because there were a lot of police officers who did not have to divulge all the information that they knew. So what? They were like hiring sex workers and that's why? Or like, I don't understand why they were involved. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I... What the fuck? Wait,wis carroll yeah well apparently how dare you someone out there in the world made some assumption that if you rearrange enough of hit the paragraphs in one of his books each of the first words writes out like confessing to killing sex workers what wait what but i mean think of all the paragraphs lewis carroll has ever written like thousands of you could literally get any sentence out of the beginning of his paragraphs but some someone made that realization and i mean it's pretty fucking weird but also like in what what prompts you to be like i'm going to rearrange
Starting point is 00:55:43 every lewis carroll because someone who doesn't have a true crime podcast. I decided he is a serial killer. Anyway, November 9th. I'm so confused. Mary Jeanette Kelly was 25, not in her 40s. She was found in her room right off of Dorset Street, which is now Duval Street. Okay, you guys there yet? Yep. We wait google maps we'll wait we'll we'll wait elevator music are you on devol street okay i think they're there okay now look to your left
Starting point is 00:56:19 okay um and what they found there was what was left of Mary Jeanette Kelly. Um, her rent collector found her and said, quote, I shall be haunted by this for the rest of my life. It looks more like the work of the devil than a man. Oh, end quote.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Mary's throat. Typical had been cut. Oh no. Her nose and breasts had been cut off and dumped on the table nearby oh no why why why so he just put him on the table he was just like i'm done with this now he's like i don't want these anymore i'm just all i think of is that old movie flubber don't call it an old movie. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:57:07 That makes me feel... I like that that's the part of all of that that you were offended by. But you know, like, I'd imagine like a, like a, like a lone boob would feel like Flubber. I guess. I'm doing a hand wave dance. It's like 40 year old version where they're like, he's like, yes, it feels like sandbag. wave it's like 40 year old virgin where they're like he's like yes it feels like sandbag but if you could you know like you just get like if you just get like a ball of boob you know yeah yeah it would be it would just be kind of like you know those water snakes
Starting point is 00:57:33 yeah not actual water snakes guys it's like a toy it's like a balloon filled with water and like it just kind of moves around you know those fun creatures that em and i play with in the river no those things that like fall they like fall out of your hand because they're like those are fun ever flowing constantly moving those are fun that'd be a lone boob yeah but also if it's chopped off it'd probably have already bled out so it's probably just like so that's just like old tissue yeah this is disgusting i'm sorry if i offended anyone with boobs or without boobs listen i'm not sorry okay i'm i'm sorry if i offended fl with boobs or without boobs. Listen, I'm not sorry. Okay. I'm sorry if I offended Flubber.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I'm just kidding. I'm actually really sorry if we offended you because I'm so paranoid about it. We meant it in a Flubber way. Guys, we just like boobs a lot. I'm sorry. I love boobs. I mean, it's fine. It's fine. I love, I would never want to disrespect boobs.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Let's just know that now. It's like you love boobs and I love my boobs. Oh, there it is. Okay. Anyway. Anyway, we all feel bad for Mary Jeanette Kelly. Really, if anyone should be offended, it should be her rolling over in her grave. Oh, she's going to truly haunt us now.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So the public outcry that came after this whole instance, the head of the police force, the chief of police, ended up resigning because he just couldn't take it anymore oh fuck fair i mean i don't blame him um also when like shows like law and order aren't out and like you don't like normalize this in your own head and then you just walk into a room where this is like the freshest thing you've ever seen i'm i'm not surprised he resigned well and when you were saying that the rent collector was like, this looks like the work of the devil, not a human. And nowadays, it's so... Sadly, almost common and expected.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yeah, or it's even just part of pop culture, where you're like, oh, people can do this. But I feel like back then, it wasn't like... It was the first of its kind. ...normal to understand that a man... You can't compare it to anything else. Yeah. So many people think that the police were the ones involved,
Starting point is 00:59:26 like I said, as a way to get sex workers off the streets. Well, that's what I was wondering when you said police might be involved. Holy... What the fuck? Because a lot of them weirdly fled at odd parts of the case. So like when one of them resigned, it happened to be right after a murder,
Starting point is 00:59:44 and then no one else was murdered for a while. Or someone ends up taking over the spot of another police officer who resigned. And he just happened to know a lot of information and didn't have to divulge most of it. And he had the biggest picture. So he could probably lead anyone in any direction he wanted. Do they think they were paying someone? Or they actually were a lot of people think the freemasons were involved with the police with a cover-up that
Starting point is 01:00:10 it might have been some sort of ritual in a freemason initiation or ceremony and because they have people higher up they were able to oh so the police were able to just be like oh it's fine yeah oh whoa holy shit or that some of the police were freemasons and they just all look after each other like yeah anyway um there's like i said over 100 people who've been considered suspects but the main one out there he was a lawyer and his name was montague of course i mean he so a lot of people think that he was definitely jack the ripper because he was very involved with the police force during this time and the last of the murders happened right before he disappeared and his body was found floating in the thames what the fuck well it was yeah it was found
Starting point is 01:00:59 floating after the last murder and then no other murders happened so a lot of people think that he was the well what was it like was he murdered or like do we not know i we don't know oh my god for all we know he could have like killed himself and he was floating around in the water but after that there were no more murders and he was a prime suspect so it literally just stopped yeah oh my god so um in 2011 uh one british detective named trevor Marriott was denied access to uncensored documents on the case by the Metropolitan Police because they include, quote, protected information from police informants and handing it over could impede on possible future testimony. It's 2011. Yeah. What? Who's getting fucking charged?
Starting point is 01:01:42 Future testimony. Yeah. Who's getting charged who's going to jail because of this everyone's dead just let just open up the fucking files everyone's dead also in 2014 an author named russell edwards claims that he has proven who jack the ripper is with dna because he somehow got his hands on the shawl belonging to Catherine Eddowes and used the blood spatter on the shawl and found out that the DNA points to a man named Aaron Kosminski, who was a Polish immigrant and one of the prime suspects during the entire investigation. Many believe, like I said,
Starting point is 01:02:18 that he was right-handed, but more recent discoveries say that might not be true. There are many records that were destroyed during the London Blitz, and so we're slowly still figuring out which documents just got misplaced versus, like, totally destroyed. But the most recent finding from a recent letter that got found in 1993, so I guess it's not as recent as, like, 2011, 2014, but the thing that's been sticking for the longest in recent years is that um one suspect named francis tumble tea um he was a quack
Starting point is 01:02:53 american doctor at the time of the murders oh boy and he was considered a suspect from the very beginning he was known by friends and family to have jars of uterus specimens and when asked why he didn't invite women to dinner he quote his face turned as black as a thundercloud and would say no i don't want any such cattle and if i did i would as your friend sooner give you a dose of quick poison than take you into such danger and he was known to quote fiercely denounce all women especially fallen women what the fuck but apparently he matches the description and all that so oh my god so we still don't know who it is no we never will because it's we never will We never will. Oh, my God. That's horrifying. Time machines, are you listening?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Hello? Hello. Fresh. Listen, think of all the crimes we would solve if we could go back in time. Let's make it. Think of all the crimes we could commit. Oh, wow. Oh, no. TV show.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Are you listening? TV? TV. Hello, Fresh. Fresh, are you listening? Hello, Sci-Fi Network. Discovery? Take us. We'll do whatever you want. Hello, Sci-Fi Network. Discovery. Take us.
Starting point is 01:04:05 We'll do whatever you want. Travel Channel. True TV. True TV ID. The Learning Channel. There's so many options. It's like, why aren't you here calling us? Hello, Drunk Mystery.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Hello, Drunk Mystery. It's us. Okay. Are you ready for my ghostly adventures oh yeah so i i was gonna do the dlf pass i thought you just might i was going to mm-hmm and then at the last minute i just i, I changed my mind. All right. So you better do that soon. Oh, I plan to. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I actually kind of hope that you wouldn't do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I feel like you'd do a really good job of it and I want to hear you do it. But also I was like, you know what? There's something that I'm more passionate about and know more about and I'm more interested in and it's not a typical ghost story.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Uh, so I hope it still counts, but it's not a typical ghost story. So I hope it still counts. But it's something I've been fascinated by since I was really little. And it's like past life experiences, like children who experience like past lives. I love that shit. And I have a lot to say. Fascinating, right? Yes. So I've been studying this literally since I was probably 10 when i got when we got a desktop computer a dell and i was like constantly googling weird shit like
Starting point is 01:05:31 children who were pilots in world war ii like i was really psycho did a tv show for a while too uh yeah it was called um the ghost inside my child yes it was such a good show too annie baby it was such a good show, too. Annie, baby. It was such a good show. Annie, why the fuck did you quit that? Are you listening? Hello? Fresh.
Starting point is 01:05:50 We want a show. We want a show, and we'll bring that back. That was a great show. The Ghost Inside Us. Oh. Dark Mystery. The Ghost Surrounding Us. The Demons Within.
Starting point is 01:06:01 The Demons Within Us. CrimeCon. Okay. The demons within. The demons within us. CrimeCon. Okay. So this is going to be sort of similar to your structure of the Black Eyed Kids episode,
Starting point is 01:06:12 where it's kind of like... All I want are the stories. Just give me the stories. It's literally like some history theories and then just like a bajillion of people's stories. Good. It's so fascinating. That's all I want. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:21 So I just want to give credit. These are where I got... Okay. So I got a lot of information from Ranker, Buzzfeed, Psychology Today, Bustle, Collective Evolution, University of Virginia School of Medicine. Hey UVA, how you doing? And a variety of other articles. So I just want to point out like this is not just from some blog. Like I got this from all over the internet, including like actual medical websites. Okay. So i know that past life experiences slash the
Starting point is 01:06:48 word reincarnation is a buzzword and a lot of people are like oh god you can go ahead and turn off this episode if you'd like that no don't come back because it literally says in my notes but don't turn off the episode thanks em because even if you don't necessarily believe in it, these stories are creepy and are unexplainable, even if it's not reincarnation or whatever. It's just still creepy shit. So, as I was saying, a lot of people are like, bleh, reincarnation, bleh, like past life experiences. It's bullshit. Which, okay, you know, it is kind of. We respect your opinion.
Starting point is 01:07:23 We respect your opinion. It's not proven, blah, blah, blah. But don't turn off the podcast yet, okay, you know, it is kind of... We respect your opinion. We respect your opinion. It's not proven, blah, blah, blah. But don't drop the podcast yet, okay? So here's some things I have to say. A few decades ago, American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan... My homie. ...stated that, quote, There are three claims in the parapsychology field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study.
Starting point is 01:07:46 One being that young children sometimes report details of a previous life which, upon checking, turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation. Amen. Quote Carl Sagan. Quote Carl Sagan. Just saying. For the people who like to use sources. Anyway, I assume every person who's a scientist is now on board, right? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:08:11 The only one I'm waiting on is Neil deGrasse Tyson. You got a quote from him? Come on. He's on there. He's been on board since day one. It's my man crush. What a boy. What a boy.
Starting point is 01:08:21 So anyway, talking about UVA. University of Virginia psychiatrist, Dr. Jim Tucker. what a boy so anyway talking about uva university of virginia psychiatrist dr jim tucker so he is one of the world's leading researchers on the topic of uh past life experiences within children and he actually works at the university of virginia school of medicine in the division of perceptual studies department which i envision you will probably be an assistant or like a, whatchamacallit, when you're like a temporary professor. An adjunct? Or like a visiting professor.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Okay. I imagine you'll be a visiting professor there someday. Fun fact, my senior thesis in college was on the supernatural. Yes, that's what I thought. Yeah, it was on parapsychology. God, see, you belong here. My 40-page thesis. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Was about ESP. Can I please read that? Yeah. Really? Yeah, I don't care. Okay, send it to me. Do you want to read mine? Sure.
Starting point is 01:09:16 You're like, no. I will. Okay. Division of Perceptual Studies Department. Blah, blah, blah. Uh, division of perceptual studies department, blah, blah, blah. So in 2008, Dr. Jim Tucker published an article in a journal called explore of several cases that suggest reincarnation.
Starting point is 01:09:33 So the way that Jim Tucker describes reincarnation is that a typical reincarnation case, um, is subjects reporting a past life experience, a past life experience. Is subjects reporting a past life experience, a past life experience, 100% of subjects who report these experiences are children. And the age when they start remembering their past life is at 35 months. Jesus. So it's always, it like matches up from case to case that it's around 35 months. So like, what is that? Like two and a half?
Starting point is 01:10:04 I don't know. Well, 36. No, no, like three, almost three, two and a half i don't know well 36 no no like three almost three two and a half three years old yeah three years old uh their descriptions are often remarkably detailed and specific and the children typically show very strong emotional involvement when they speak about their experiences that's awesome some even cry and beg their parents to take them to what they say is their real family. There's also a project called Aware, which was created by Dr. Sam Parnia. And I got really excited when I read this because he's the assistant professor of medicine at Stony Brook University School of Medicine. He is really famous in the work of near-death experiences. He actually wrote a book that I love that my dad recommended to me
Starting point is 01:10:52 after he heard an interview with Dr. Parnia on NPR and recommended this book to me. And it's so, so good. It's called Erasing Death, the science that is rewriting the boundaries between life and death. And he's like a cardiologist, like a doctor. And he basically has all these case studies of people who've technically died and then like their experiences when they're resuscitated. And like, oh, I saw myself from the ceiling or he did this study where he would put like, there would be like a painting or symbols or something above the bed where the person, where the patient couldn't see it from their bed. And then after they were resuscitated or whatever, they could describe what was happening like on the walls and what the image was above their head.
Starting point is 01:11:41 So stuff like that. It's a really good book. It's called Erasing Death. So I got really excited when this was part of the story. Anyway, the point is that there are medical doctors, like truly cardiologists and like cutting edge scientists studying this phenomenon. And there are a lot of theories out there that are actually being taken seriously by the scientific community,
Starting point is 01:12:06 I'm going to say something. I'm ready for it. There are pretty strong arguments. Okay, so we're going to talk about, real quick, past life regression. Oh, yeah. Let's do it. Which is different. Different. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:21 So there are pretty strong arguments for and against past life regression which i completely understand because um it's typically done through hypnotherapy so you know uh people get really interesting stories and uh you know memories and suppressed memories and things like that but it's like pretty the argument that um you, it's hypnotherapy and leading questions and that kind of thing. Like I totally understand that. So, uh, skeptics have typically argued that like it's manufactured memories caused by the therapist leading questions. Um, which I understand that argument. Um, however, according to recent research, which just blows my mind uh past life regression might not be as linked with reincarnation as people have always thought so
Starting point is 01:13:11 brian g diaz phd and carrie wrestler md phd at the york's national primate research center in atlanta georgia recently discovered that memories can actually be inherited so they used mice to demonstrate this which my mother has told me since i was little but apparently they only just now like confirmed have scientifically proven it's been like a theory for a long time because my mom would always tell me like like our family was you know lived through famine and lived through whatever and it like the trauma is passed through DNA. And I always was kind of like, okay, that seems,
Starting point is 01:13:46 I guess I can always be translated like psychologically. It could be translated as like, oh, well if they're stressed out and then like you're, you know, raised by them, then you just raise up, you are raised to be a nervous person.
Starting point is 01:13:59 And then like being nervous and stressed is inherited because of the behavior. But it's cool that like the actual memory can transfer. Literally proved that like trauma from like a great-grandparent, whatever can like manifest in offspring. Right. Not just the, not just the causal behavior.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Exactly. Not just like the, the, the extra like environmental situation, but like the actual, um, DNA. It's so crazy. It's like the image itself can transmit. So this is what they said. Uh, they use mice to demonstrate that an aversion to the smell of rose blossoms was passed onto their offspring genetically. And even more fascinating, they determined that their DNA of the offspring was actually altered as it was passed on to their offspring genetically. And even more fascinating, they determined that their DNA of the offspring was actually altered as it was passed along to the offspring.
Starting point is 01:14:51 So they would create this aversion for the rodents or the mice, and then they would study the sperm, and the sperm would literally have been mutated to adopt this. So before the offspring was even born it had adopted this like um mutated gene or whatever yeah like develop this so that's why they think a lot of times when people do past life regressions they might just be accessing like right trauma and fear that like didn't actually come from them it's like it's just something yeah ancestry and it's getting muddied up which i think is equally fascinating like if you're if
Starting point is 01:15:28 you're accessing stuff that's been in your like genetic line but again that's like completely different from this theory of like children who've experienced past life so i just want to put that out there because i think it's like equally fascinating, but it's a different topic. So do you maybe want to hear some creepy things children have said to their parents about their past lives? So much. Oh my gosh. I hate that this is an episode where we have to like edit. I'm trying so hard to keep my mouth fucking shut.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Why? I know I'm not doing a good job, but like I'm trying really hard. No, no. Why? Because I have so many stories to tell you about this wait tell me all them you tell me yours first okay i have like 8 000 i'm stoked okay this is your story i'm trying to not carry it it is it is weird to have the other person do the like the thing you're most passionate about well also like that this in itself isn't even an episode this is something you and i could talk
Starting point is 01:16:24 about for probably five hours and look at the clock and be like that was 10 minutes ago i feel like we maybe got into this once and it went way off the rails and it was 4 a.m i think we chose to stop talking yeah i miss when we used to talk until 4 a.m remember those days let's keep let's do that again let's do that okay good before our birthday let's have a sleepover and do that okay wouldn't that be so fun yeah okay um so beep boop bop so i'm gonna tell you a couple like of the famous big stories and then just some like really short like uh do what you gotta do anecdotes so um german therapist trutz hardo in his book children who have lived before uh tells the story of this boy um and the story was witnessed by a man named dr eli lash the boy was of the druze ethnic group and in his culture the
Starting point is 01:17:15 existence of reincarnation is accepted as fact yes he was born with a long red birthmark on his head the druze believe as some other cultures do that birthmarks are related to past life deaths yeah when the boy was old enough to talk he told his family he had been killed by a blow to the head with an axe damn it is customary for elders to take a child at the age of three to the home of his previous life if he remembers it what a great fucking tradition why can't we not all disagree that that's respectful? What if you were like, where did you live before? I'd be like, just trust them. Rodeo drive. My fucking ass would be like outer space.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Good luck. But also that makes, that's interesting that they agree that the 36 month thing. Cause it's interesting. Yeah. It really, yep. Three o'clock. It matches. It's three o'clock and you're three years old. I heard it. It's three, three, three. It's a. Yeah. It really. Yep. Three o'clock. It matches. It's three o'clock and you're three years old.
Starting point is 01:18:05 I heard it. It's three, three, three. It's a magic number. A village local said the man the boy claimed to be the reincarnation of had gone missing four years earlier. Oh, no. His friends and family thought he may have strayed into hostile territory nearby. The boy also remembered the full name of his killer.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Love it. When he confronted the man, the alleged killer's face turned white, but he did not admit to the murder. The boy then said he could take the elders to where the body was buried. In that very spot, they found a man's skeleton with a wound to the head that corresponded to the boy's birthmark. They also found the axe axe which was a murder weapon so faced with the evidence the murderer admitted to the crime said he had killed the man
Starting point is 01:18:51 uh so that's that's one story how okay anyone listening right now how can you not if there's a skeptic out there i need you to explain yourself stories go on and on and on and on there's thousands there's thousands how can you not believe this and i understand that some people are like well it's a lie and the parents are but like all of these stories they can't all be they yeah it that kind of shit all right you explain that to me and they were just like yep this is normal okay like it wasn't weird to them you know what's that to me. And they were just like, yep, this is normal. Okay. Like it wasn't weird to them. You know, what's weird to me is that you think it's weird that it's not weird because you and I are going to be those exact parents.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Oh, for sure. If my child was me to your killer. Okay. Can we make an agreement right now on audio record? When our children are three years old, we must ask them where they came from just to see if they have an answer. Yes. But I will say that the advice from Dr. Jim is that you don't ask kids. You just let them tell you?
Starting point is 01:19:57 Because otherwise they're likely to just make up answers. Okay. But what does like Dr. Bill N nye say he's probably all about it listen bill nye says a lot of things but he's also very fond of the scientific method which is not about leading questions so i think listen i'll tell you i know my kid i'm gonna be disappointed if they don't have a story at three years old oh my god m i expect a lot from them i like how some parents are like i'm gonna be disappointed if they don't like learn the violin by age 10 oh my kid never has to learn a musical instrument but they better have a past life your poor kid's gonna just make up a fucking story just to make me happy i'm just gonna be like listen just tell him that like you were a
Starting point is 01:20:40 fucking pharaoh and it'll be fine i'll lose my mind okay here we go here's another one but this one isn't actually a child which i thought was interesting this is the only one that's not a child okay retired assistant fire chief jeffrey keen felt inexplicably overcome with emotion and strange physical sensations when he visited the site of the civil war battle of antietam as a tourist when discussing these sensations later the words not yet appeared strongly in his mind he took a new interest in the civil war and while flipping through a magazine on the topic the words not yet in quotation marks jumped out at him general john b gordon had emphatically repeated not yet while holding his troops back at the battle of antietam oh no which he hadn't known the physical resemblance between himself
Starting point is 01:21:33 and gordon was striking and i looked up photos and they literally have the same face his chin has this like crazy jut out of it and like the the old timey Civil War dude also has the same. It's really weird. Like he could he might have been. That gave me so many chills. It's bananas. So the physical resemblance between himself and Gordon was striking. Furthermore, many of Keen's fire crew seem to resemble people who fought for Gordon in the Civil War.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Like they all came back together yes band of brothers come on wow keen discovered other similarities between himself and gordon including birthmarks on his body where gordon had been injured uh this case was studied by dr walter semku a psychiatrist who works as a reincarnation expert at the institute for the integration of science so that's one so it makes me so mad like i'm so jealous i would love to know my past life but see this is why people say it's it really is that why people say like be skeptical because so many people like want that to be i know part of their story or their child you got a story like that like i oh no it's amazing so heartwarming yeah it's like really really cool but that's why they say like sometimes they like parents will encourage their kid to like
Starting point is 01:22:54 right keep talking but kids also do have an imagination so sometimes like it is kids just being like yeah my dog's name was molly and like makeup stories i went to sedona arizona one time and i got a past life regression reading but i don't really believe it what happened she gave me three stories i have entirely forgotten the first one she told me the second one i was a woman who fell in love with a man who uh we were having our unexpected child together but we were both very happy and we got married because of the pregnancy this wasn't like it sounded very much like 1700s whoa and apparently i died from the childbirth then this one sounds more up my alley i was a cowboy yeah that's better but i also still don't feel
Starting point is 01:23:45 like i'm telling you i know i said it on the show before i know i was like most of my lives were from the colonial period yeah i know it like i don't need a past life regression to know that it's a very weird feeling yeah yeah i mean and you're from e. Yeah. And Greece. Oh, okay. That's another one that's been always through my life. I always told myself I think I died at Woodstock. Oh, whoa. But I think I just really wish I went to Woodstock. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I didn't know you were like a Woodstock fan. High school was a different time for me. Me too. I was very much a Woodstock kind of person. Me too. Wow. We're the same person. Maybe I was you in a paststock kind of person me too well we're the same person maybe i was you in a past life and you were me oh that makes sense yeah okay quantum physics
Starting point is 01:24:30 so here's the story of ryan tell me so when ryan was four years old he started experiencing frequent horrible nightmares uh when he turned five he made an announcement to his mother quote i used to be somebody else he would often talk about going home to hollywood and would beg his mother to take him there he told her detailed stories about meeting stars like rita hayworth dancing on dancing in broadway productions and working for an agency where people would frequently change their names he even remembered that the name of the street he used to live on had the word rock in it ryan's mother cindy said that his stories were so detailed and so extensive that it just wasn't like a child could have made it up cindy decided to check out some books about hollywood from her local library thinking that maybe
Starting point is 01:25:18 something inside would catch her son's attention and it did so they were flipping through and this like they had a bunch of books about old time hollywood basically and all of a sudden ryan stopped her and said oh that's me and just pointed to a photo and was like oh there i am and what are the odds that that would like he would be in the book well they they got like a ton of ton of material and they were just going through and going through and there's one photo and he goes oh there i am and and then named the other people in the photo crazy yeah um so they decided to seek the help of that jim tucker guy i was telling you about uh and he started researching after approximately two weeks a hollywood film
Starting point is 01:26:04 archivist was able to confirm the identity of the man in the photo like it was just like a random guy in a photo uh the photo was from a film called night after night and the man was named marty martin and he had been a movie extra and then later a powerful hollywood agent before passing away in 1964 he had danced on broadway worked at an agency where stage names were often created for new clients, traveled overseas to Paris, and had lived at 825 North Roxbury Drive when he said I lived on a street with a rock in it. Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Ryan was also able to recall how many children martin had and how many times he was married which is crazy because he knew martin had two sisters but martin's own daughter didn't know that her dad had two sisters so he was like yeah i had two sisters and the daughter was like no he didn't and then they looked into it and like apparently he did but he just had never told his kids about it weird yeah oh so he so he met his kids basically yeah so he met his kids uh yeah i think they did bring him to la that's awesome and he was like a child imagine though right now getting an email how creepy is that and someone's like i know this is really weird but i have a three-year-old how weird who is your father like someone that passed away and they want to say hi it's so weird it's like an added creep factor to like
Starting point is 01:27:33 oh someone died and then their ghost came to say hi it's like oh they died and then came back and now are saying hi to my face and they're here in person right so weird and they remember you yeah so creepy he also so he remembered 55 specific facts from uh marty martin's life but then by the time he was like about six or seven pretty much all of it was gone that's sad which is typical i know but sad too um okay here's another one this is a really famous one so after turning two james started to experience vivid nightmares that would make him scream in his sleep on may 1st 2000 his mother andrea heard her son screaming airplane crash plane on fire i love this one little man can't get out andrea ran to his bedroom and saw james struggling under his sheets the same nightmare
Starting point is 01:28:25 kept recurring four to five times a week when andrea asked who the little man on the plane was james replied it's me when bruce his father asked james who shot his plane down james said the japanese when he was asked how he knew that it was the japanese who shot down his plane, James replied, Oh, the big red sun. Okay. He told like the flag. Right. He told them that his ship's name was the Natoma. When his parents asked for the names of other people in the nightmares,
Starting point is 01:28:56 James stated that, uh, his name had been James also. Okay. Which was his current name. Right. And that he had a friend who was his co-pilot named jack larson uh he also started to demonstrate an unusual knowledge about airplanes for example when his mother gave him a toy plane with what looked like a bomb under it james looked at it and said that's not a bomb
Starting point is 01:29:19 mommy that's a drop tank oh my god and like knew all these weird specific details about the planes and what they were called like all i mean i didn't include all the details but like he knew what all the different types of planes were called and his parents were like we didn't know what the hell was going on like that's cool though yeah it's crazy except that it was also traumatizing, but it was crazy. So James's dad, Bruce, got a book on aircraft carriers that were engaged in the Pacific. They were going through it when James stopped his father at a section on the Battle of Iwo Jima and told his dad that that's where his plane was shot down and crashed and where he died. that that's where his plane was shot down and crashed and where he died uh bruce his dad was like uh what the fuck and researched it found out that there was a uh there was a ship called the natoma and it had participated in the battle of iwo jima which is just so specific. Right. For your five-year-old or whatever to know. So, James also gave his G.I. Joe dolls really unusual names, including Billy, Leon, and Walter, which were names that his parents had never heard or, like, none of his friends were named that.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Oh, they were his buddies. And they asked why he called his G.I. Joe dolls those names, And he said, because that's who met me when I got to heaven. Aww. I know. So Bruce, his dad, was like a pretty staunch Christian. He was like a little bit alarmed by this. And he did not want to accept that this was, you know, a past life. Like he was just really like hesitant to
Starting point is 01:31:05 to kind of give into that um but james's knowledge of world war ii aircraft where they couldn't figure out how the hell he knew this stuff made him like inspired him to research the details and he started searching through military records and archives and learned that the natoma bay crew held reunions so he decided to attend one of the reunions and went to the his first natoma bay reunion in san diego on september 11 2002 a year after 9 11 at the reunion bruce learned that 18 aircraft carrier pilots from the Natoma Bay had died during service in the Pacific. One of them, one of the pilots, was named James Houston Jr., and his co-pilot was named Jack Larson. Bruce also learned that James Houston was the only pilot to die in the invasion of Battle of Iwo Jima, and he died on March 3, 1945.
Starting point is 01:32:08 invasion of battle of iwo jima and he died on march 3rd 1945 so literally he had said oh my friend jack larson and jack larson was literally the co-pilot of a guy named james houston jr and james would sign all his like when he would he would draw these really intricate drawings of like helicopter crashes and like plane crashes and he would sign them james and then the number three and he was like james jr whatever and so now he was the third james oh so he was signing them like james three oh my gosh it was pretty bizarre and they kept asking him and he's like that's my name like you didn't couldn't explain it that's so weird all right so the rest of these are pretty pretty just like short little anecdotes okay when my daughter was in kindergarten she had the hardest time with letters mixed up b's with v's and h's with n's her teacher didn't know how much how such letters could be mixed up and neither could i until I was helping her read one night.
Starting point is 01:33:06 She kept asking me what sounds the letters made. She kept saying, I don't remember those. I showed her an H and asked her if she remembered that one. She nodded and said confidently, that makes an N sound. She kept saying how she thought there were more letters. I asked her what kind of letters she thought there were, and she wrote some out for me. And then there's a list of russian letters oh and then she said more than that too i asked her where she learned those
Starting point is 01:33:32 she said vlad taught me before he disappeared i asked her who vlad was she claimed he was her brother she kept telling me that he disappeared and the next day a man came and killed her family oh what it's a list of russian alphabet jesus okay here we go my daughter had a nightmare that she was playing paper dolls in her mom's bathroom when a man came in and murdered her and her brother she's never even seen paper dolls before so i looked it up and sure enough there was a girl her age nearby who was murdered while playing with paper dolls in her mom's bathroom in the 1970s oh my god okay uh our son is named after a marine that was killed in action on my husband's last deployment one day when when he was three, we drove by the military base
Starting point is 01:34:25 where his namesake is buried. And our son said, I'm buried over there in the ground. You know, from when I died fighting bad guys with daddy. Very interesting, though, that, like, you really lucked out naming him after the person
Starting point is 01:34:40 that ended up reincarnating into your son. Like, if you had two friends who passed away. And you named one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? And they're just petty for the rest of their lives.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Yeah. Although. I feel like. I mean I don't know if this is true. But I feel like maybe you like know to name your kid after. Yeah. It just happens. You just.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Because like. I think you just know. You just know. Sometimes I think like. Not that I've had a kid. But my mom would say like oh i knew you were someone that i knew like yeah it might just click but yeah uh before okay so i said you know from when i died fighting bad guys with daddy before i was your kid she said we'd
Starting point is 01:35:20 never even visited that place before he had no clue that graveyard was there um that's another question too of like if you imagine you have a kid right now imagine yeah and then all of a sudden they start talking to you about like random shit you did like in college or something and then you like find out that your friend from college passed away and this person knows all your deepest darkest secrets but it's your three-year-old child they're like you're a fucking drunk mom no your child's gonna be like remember that time we got hammered together oh how awful mom remember those rumple rumpleman shots we took oh my god or imagine them going to their teacher me like my mommy and i did shots oh my god and then you go to jail. And you're like, no, no. It's just.
Starting point is 01:36:05 I love that you laugh when it's like you go to jail. It's like, no, no. My kid just is having a past life regression. It's fine. It's fine. I live in L.A. You understand. It doesn't.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Yeah, it doesn't help. Here we go. My three-year-old niece told me she used to drive. I said, when you're older, I guess. But she shook her head in frustration and said, no, when I was a grown-up. Now I'm too small. I humored her and asked her what her car was like. She told me in the surest tone, a 66 Chevy Camaro.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Bam. Good taste. She continued, that's a nice car. Favorite. Till it crashed. Can I watch Teletubbies? What? Okay, next. it crashed can i watch teletubbies what okay next my husband and i joke that our son is my dad reincarnated because he's just like him he was conceived three months after my dad passed away
Starting point is 01:36:54 from a sudden heart attack and was born with a birthmark right over his heart if that's not enough the first three letters my son ever wrote were G-U-Y, which was my dad's name, Guy. Wow. I was watching The Great Gatsby at my friend's house, and her three-year-old brother started talking about going to parties like those and about the financial crisis that followed. Three-year-old? God, the economy these days, guys. I don't even care if that's real i just think it's funny okay i would tell my older sister about my death i told her my husband was captured and fire was
Starting point is 01:37:34 everywhere i took my young son and ran i told her my son couldn't run fast enough i knew we would get killed and i had my husband's knife on me i I wanted to leave a clue. I wrote in capitals, Croatoan, which was the word carved into a tree on Roanoke Island at the site of the lost colony in 1590, by the way. Remember the missing Roanoke colony?
Starting point is 01:37:58 Croatoan. So when she was a little girl, she said, so I carved the name Croatoan into a tree and I knew we'd be captured i told her we were caught and how my son was killed and then i was killed i told her i was stabbed in the stomach with a knife then i went about playing with my dolls oh man she says i can still picture the scene and my son in that life to this day damn that's wild that's weird that i
Starting point is 01:38:28 because crowatoan is such a specific word such like a three-year-old it's not like frog or cat yeah i wrote my name in the tree yeah it's like a very well-known yeah it's pretty wild when my kid was four we were watching a documentary on the titanic the scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans he pointed at the tv and said that's wrong the boilers were on the other side and i was right there and he pointed to a small space in the boiler room that's where i was and that's why i don't like water anymore oh fuck how fucked up is that that's wild how fucked up is that okay my daughter was born with a heart condition and is very sickly one day she said that she missed the old not sick her i asked her what she meant since she had been
Starting point is 01:39:20 born sick she said you know me but the other me with red hair oh that's sad and creepy and creepy when my daughter was about three my sister and i were telling her about the day she was born she corrected us by saying you mean the day i came back shut the fuck up this is one that i heard a long time ago. Getting my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied, Oh, nobody scroofs me there. They tried one night.
Starting point is 01:39:57 They kicked the door in and tried, but I fought back. I died, and now I'm here. What the fuck? She said this like it was nothing. My wife and I were catatonic. Two and a half years old. Oh my God. And she said they kicked the door in and tried to scroof me down there.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Oh Jesus. Can you imagine? This is another quote from a kid. Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other mom are so old now. They were okay when the car was on fire, i sure wasn't oh my god i wonder if those people could like if they still retain the memories like then facebook them later me too because it's like well and some of them have found like the people there was one story of a of a boy who said he had died in this
Starting point is 01:40:44 village or whatever and they brought him back and his widow like he was like a little boy and the widow was asking him questions and he knew all the answers it was so trippy like that's okay here's the thing we always talk about like if one of us died like how we would haunt each other but here's the thing if you die like tomorrow and then i have a kid one day and it comes back and it's you and like that plane thing where like he was like oh that's not a bomb that's a tank something if i ever point on a microphone my kid is like no that's that's the stuff we got from our sponsor and this is audio boom it's like listen oh my god if my kid has the wine i
Starting point is 01:41:21 was gonna say if my kid's favorite food is wine i'm gonna be like oh no but we need a code we need a code like welcome to your future self if i die tomorrow and then come back as your child if you ask there has to be a certain question that you ask what's the question the question is what's the question what if i went hello and then i have to wait for that imagine if a three-year-old would fresh now that's how you know but that's creepy hello all right fresh that's it that's the key okay what's the password hello all right you heard it here okay listen i have more yes i was singing a song to my three-year-old daughter that my great-grandma used to sing to me when I was small. My daughter smiled, stroked my cheek, and said, I remember when I used to sing this to you when I was the mommy and you were my little girl.
Starting point is 01:42:15 Aww. That happens a lot in these stories. That does happen a lot. And I do definitely have a strong, strong belief that, like, the closer you are to someone, whether it's familial or friendly, but, like like the closer you are to someone whether it's familial or friendly but like the closer you are to someone the absolutely more likely you are to go into the next life together a hundred so i mean like that guy being a general and all the soldiers and then them all coming back to the same firehouse oh my god how crazy that's very much like i mean i'm a
Starting point is 01:42:43 strong believer in the universe puts you with the right people or keeps you with the right people yeah like i don't know totally no i i have have recurring dreams of my mom and me and it's always flip-flops there's a dream where i'm her dad and she's my daughter and then there's a dream where she's my mom and we're in egypt and i'm her daughter. Like we did. I have these like recurring dreams where we flip flop roles, but it's always like we're child and parent. Anyway. All right.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Next. When my brother was about two or three, he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right alongside a cemetery when my brother took off running towards the gravestones. My dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply read here lies austin oh shit no name no date my brother didn't know how to read uh and this headstone wasn't visible from where we were yet he ran right to it and couldn't stop touching it isn't that weird just still connected so weird so weird uh luke was two years old when he started talking to his parents uh in cincinnati ohio
Starting point is 01:43:54 about a past life in which he had black hair was a woman named pam and died in a building fire in chicago after trying to escape by jumping out the window which like what a creepy specific thing for a small child to say it's not be phased by it just be like yeah this is what happened i jumped out a window and died an african-american woman named pamela robinson had died in 1993 in a fire at the paxton hotel in Chicago. She had jumped out a window while the building burned. Luke's parents asked him what color his skin was when he was Pam. He's Caucasian. He replied without hesitation, black.
Starting point is 01:44:34 His mother printed out several photographs of different African American women, including one of Pamela Robinson. Luke pointed to the photo of Robinson and said, oh, that's Pam. Hey, girl. Luke's story was told by the A&E network program, The Ghost Inside My Child. Okay. I like that show a lot because they also, if you, if those kids had any memory of having kids, they would intentionally try to pair them together. I always thought that was cool wait what like if the kids said that in their past lives they had children oh then they were bringing them together the network would bring them together dope i always thought that was pretty
Starting point is 01:45:14 cool that's the only type of reality tv i want to work in i like hope that one day someone would contact me and be like so my child apparently used to be and i'm. I'm going to be like, my goddamn child. I know. I just, I would like to think that if there's anyone out there that's three years old and remembers me from a previous life,
Starting point is 01:45:33 if they were to contact me, I'd be on board. I'd be like, find them. I want to talk to them. That'd be cool. I want to watch that web series. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Just me with a bunch of small children and me quizzing them on it about me talking to this microphone okay almost done a couple more when my daughter was three she told me several times that she knew me my sister my mother and my dad before she was here now she said all of us women wore white dresses and worked in white tents with red crosses on them she said we all helped fix grandpa after he got poomed poomed which was her word for gunshot sounds when she was little oh so sad she also told me that we have taken turns being the mommy she said I was doing a good job this time. I've actually accidentally called her mommy a couple times when I was really tired.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Which just is so interesting. It's her three-year-old daughter. My little boy spoke what sounded like German as a baby without hearing it before. And when he was older, we had a german babysitter that was surprised we only spoke english because she said he was speaking low german at her house oh that is that is you that's me christine hello i am a prodigy and also reincarnated okay so those are all the stories that i have but here's like a little tidbit i was researching like the studies they do on these children and families etc so this is what to do if your child is talking about memories that appear to relate to a past life dr tucker's advice which
Starting point is 01:47:20 can be found on the university of virginia of Medicine's website, is to be respectful, especially if the child is showing a lot of emotion about the memories, and avoid asking pointed questions because asking specific questions could lead the child to make up answers on the spot, which could blur memory and fantasy, and then it kind of muddies the real answers. And it could also upset the child if they're emotional about the topic, especially if it's about how they died or their past family. Uh, what you should do is ask general open ended questions such as, do you remember anything else? Also make sure to write down any statements about a past life the child makes, especially if it will help to identify a deceased individual they might be describing.
Starting point is 01:48:12 So he said, make sure to write it down or ideally record it just so you have it if it needs to be researched. Parents also should not become so focused on these statements that they and their children lose sight of the fact that their current life is what's most important now. If children continuously say they want their old family or their old home, it's helpful to explain that while they may have had another family in the past, their current family is the one they have for this life. Parents should acknowledge and value what their children have told them while making clear that the past is still in the past.
Starting point is 01:48:44 He also says they do not recommend that children undergo past life regression hypnosis because it's just a lot for a young brain right um and if you do have children who are currently talking about memories that appear to relate to a past life this seems like a um dr phil or Maury show pitch, but email University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies at dops at Wah-hoo-ah! Oh, but actually just email us. Yeah, but email us.
Starting point is 01:49:16 Because we just want to know. And all your information will be kept private and confidential. Not by us, but by them. My grandpa that I still feel around me all the time, that I saw when I was little. Yeah. He supposedly is now my cousin, Leah. What?
Starting point is 01:49:37 Well, his name was Lenny. And my cousin was named after him. And before she was born, he was building her a rocking horse oh and then when she was in her crib one day after my grandpa had passed away he died and then she was born very close to each other yeah and then he she was named after him and she was in her crib and when she was able to talk she pointed at the rocking chair the rocking horse and said i made that and then my aunt was like no you know grandpa made that the rocking horse and said i made that and then my aunt was like no you know grandpa made that and she was like yeah i made that for leah how fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:50:12 is that yeah that's nuts and apparently they look a lot alike i say apparently because when he died i was seven so i don't really remember what he looks like that's wild though yeah i mean it's a fascinating topic anyway it's something i've been obsessed with forever so i just wanted to have my moment to rant about it it makes me think about a lot like we could talk about this for another hour because i have a lot of theories and a lot of things i want to talk about but i don't want to bore anyone or make you have to edit it out so i'm just going to keep my mouth shut well we'll just do like a a patreon episode or something oh that's a good idea let's do a patron episode on it i really have so many things to say about me too i have like personal stuff too but we're like at two
Starting point is 01:50:54 hours so we should probably oh we'll we'll we'll cut it okay but so we'll do that for like a patron thing okay cool okay well thank you guys for uh tuning into our anniversary episode we truly never thought we'd ever get here and we're so happy and proud and we love you all so much a whole year of seeing each other every week that's bananas that's that's the part that's crackers it's bananas because we literally weren't even like close before we started this we weren't and now we've officially committed to seeing each other a career multiple times a week truly a career i mean the thing that like i remember when m first came
Starting point is 01:51:31 over i was like oh no and i vacuumed and i lysol and whatever and now i'm like god damn it m's coming over i'm not gonna fucking lysol the counters like i don't vacuum when m comes over but that's how we were when we first started the podcast. That's how you know that we weren't really friends. Yes. Because, like, we were trying to impress each other. I was like, I don't want Em to see my dirty carpets. And now I'm like, I don't give a fuck. You have a real question.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Where's the Gio wine? On the bar downstairs. We should put that up here. I think so. Yeah. But, no, that's... It's been quite a ride. It's ride a ride it's been a fucking ride all right let's wait let's speak into existence where are we a year from now oh man we didn't even think we'd
Starting point is 01:52:14 be this far like what are we gonna do a year future us has to listen back to this part of this episode to make sure that our dreams came true future you is gonna make future me like edit it where i have to go find this clip hi future true future you is gonna make future me like edit it where i have to go find this clip hi future me put that in in the future all right okay well what about in a year where we have a tv show in the works wow that's a tall mystery a tall order i'm down i mean a tall order was also that we have a room full of shit people sent us that's true a year okay truly a year ago today if we were to have spoken into existence we could have not even listed the things that we have now i remember saying if anyone ever sends me anything wine
Starting point is 01:53:00 then that's like the epitome of anything i could ever accomplish in life our goal when we first started patreon was if we ever hit double digits if we ever got ten dollars more than ten dollars yeah yeah and now this is becoming like a actual career where we can just like this really is becoming a job i mean it's amazing yes it's becoming a full-fledged job it's it has moved from a hobby to like a true commitment it's not yeah it's not like oh well just do this when i get bored it's like oh this has to get done this has to get done this has to get done but it's awesome i've never asked job i never thought i'd have a job that i like no it's really crazy that we no we literally created our own job like isn't that wild yeah it's bananas we created our own job. Isn't that wild? Yeah, it's bananas. We created our own job.
Starting point is 01:53:45 And we have people that listen to us. Oh, man. Listen. Okay, a year from today, a TV deal would be a fun thing to flirt with. Okay, okay, okay. I'll take it. Because I just think based on our knowledge of how long it takes for something to get greenlit and all that nonsense, it takes for something to get greenlit and all that nonsense. I think the idea of someone suggesting like having a TV deal as a reality fair, a potential reality, not saying that we'll
Starting point is 01:54:13 have a TV show because that's impossible. But to have someone talking to us about a TV deal would be wonderful. I understand for us to be going live. Live for sure i think on the table live tour that live tour would be would be my ideal for next year that'd be fun someone tell us how to do that and we'll do it let's see what else we need three things three big things well i will say that i tweeted this but i had a dream last night that and surprised me with a trip to um portland oregon for our first live show and then we got there and realized we were accidentally in portland maine and i was like whoops and i was like well all right i guess we'll just make do you okay the third thing that we're gonna manifest is not that i never fuck up again because that impossible. I can't promise you that that wouldn't happen.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Well, it seems like pretty standard of what... Maybe the goal is that we get to either Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine. Let's go to Portland something. Okay. Okay? That's a reasonable... Let's shake on it. We'll go to Portland something.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Okay. That's a reasonable deal. Shake. Okay. All right. We shook on it. We're going to be in Portland. So one of three things will happen within the next year who knows what hopefully we don't hopefully all three let's
Starting point is 01:55:30 hope we end up you know what would be a nice let's do a stretch a stretch one okay we can quit our other jobs and just make this podcast the best fucking thing it's ever been listen let's create an empire let's be the chris jenner's oh then that's why we drink i don't want to be that i linda will do it all right fine linda or not it can be that okay all right thank you guys um we love you and thank you for making this a possibility for us you can find us on all the places that i always list and that's why we drink bye you have to do the flick oh shit oh wait oh here we go oh there's milk there's ice cream all over it ow and that's why we drink bye

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