And That's Why We Drink - E56 Hell’s Carpet and a McDonald’s Airbnb

Episode Date: February 25, 2018

Welcome to episode 56, featuring a surprise ghost story from Em’s stepmom! Oh, and a full episode of creepy. Em covers the notorious Enfield Haunting, which inspired the Conjuring 2 and features a l...ot of walking furniture. By the way, Em’s source was most definitely NOT a Korean Teen Pop Sensation Blog. Just sayin’. Meanwhile, Christine covers the murders of the McStay family, who vanished near the Mexican border and resurfaced in shallow graves in the desert three years later. Their deaths remain a mystery to this day. Come meet us at CrimeCon 2018 this May in Nashville, TN! Get a surprise gift from us when using promo code “ATWWD”! consider supporting the companies that support us:Visit to get your introductory three-pack of wines for only $15! Visit and use promo code DRINK40 when you subscribe for 40% off your first order! Check out Parcast’s Haunted Places on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I mean, the end of the beginning. Everything in this podcast is the beginning of the end. Or just... Just an end. Just the end. Just an end to the last end. The end period. How are you?
Starting point is 00:00:21 I have to pee so bad. Oh man. Actually, me too. Do we, like, white knuckle it? Or do we... No, let's elevator music it. Okay. Can I count down the elevator music?
Starting point is 00:00:31 What do you mean, count down? Can I count it through? Three, two, one. Okay, are you sufficiently peed? Yes. And I also got to snuggle Baby baby g and i put him in a blanket cocoon and then i put his head on a pillow and then you know what he did he was ungrateful and he just got up and waltzed away he wanted to follow you but he accidentally took his blanket
Starting point is 00:00:57 cocoon with him so he walked down the hallway with a big comforter wrapped around him so sweet yeah such a good boy he He's a love bug. Are you satiated from the bladder? Yes. And all other organs? And unfortunately, I'm refilling it with not alcohol again. I'm refilling my bladder with some natural coconut water. I had my Frappuccino on the way here.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh, so you're at least fulfilling your milkshake part. Yeah, I regularly have a Frappuccino on the way here. It's just because you live an hour away now, I never drink it during the show. Yeah. So. Oops. Also, happy Friday. Happy Friday.
Starting point is 00:01:37 We usually record on Thursdays, but what were we doing last night, Christine? We were doing a really great thing. We were doing a whole lot of stuff. We were watching a live reading of porn yes but before you say mom dad listen it's not the show isn't about porn well it's not what it sounds it's just about murder yes yes uh we were at a live taping or a live show of my favorite murder. One can dream. Well, listen.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Of My Dad Wrote a Porno. One of our favorite and first podcasts we ever listened to. And this was their first show in America ever. And it was only like 10 minutes down the road from Christine's house. It was so fucking amazing. It was at the Orpheum, which is a gorgeous theater. It was so fun and interactive. And they read like a hidden chapter that they hadn't read on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:02:29 If you guys haven't listened to the podcast, please do. It's so funny. It was, it's the best. And we also got to meet one of our fans. She's a listener of In That's Why We Drink. I can't believe it. We were Instagramming about it. And she sent us a DM like, hey i'm here too and so we met
Starting point is 00:02:47 up afterward yep and it was erica and albert yeah they were great so erica was so sweet and we got a photo and she had her sweatshirt had the ho don't do it ouija board on it yeah the garbage humans hoodie it was so cool and apparently she talked to the woman who runs garbage humans and she was like yeah we've got a lot of and that's why our drink listener is buying out buying out our ho don't do it we just stuff which like sold out which i'm kind of bummed because i'm like i want all of it but also you guys are the reason that someone's merchandise is sold out makes me so happy so thank you thank you and speaking of merchandise here we got this oh my um okay and also i know a lot of people have been posting like they didn't get to my gift or they never mentioned it but i promise we just get so
Starting point is 00:03:30 much stuff that it kind of piles up and then hair flip no i don't mean it like that i know i know but we're very grateful it's just like we there's so much to appreciate and so little time that we like how how to juggle it all is a mystery yeah and it's hard because like i'll pick them up on tuesday and then by sunday like it'll be in a pile and i'll get to a couple things so i promise like we have it all we set it set everything up we pin all the cards and maybe we'll just do like a monthly like like a monthly picture of our yeah of our studio that way you can see whether or not we got it yeah i want to post some more photos we'll regularly start posting photos of our studio with like and we put everything up so like we might as well just you can see the updated room absolutely every month like we promise and we geek out every time we get it and i'm sorry if we don't give like personal mentions every time
Starting point is 00:04:18 we really try to but sometimes it's hard to get everything. But we've got some amazing letters. And Cathartic Crochet on Instagram reminded me that she sent this belated holiday ornament. I'm going to show it to you. That's amazing. It says ATWD. That's amazing. It's the Ghostbusters sign. It's the Ghostbusters. And it's crocheted by hand.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And it says ATWD in it. It's super cute. That's amazing. That came. And I keep forgetting to tell Em about everything. Yeah yeah every time i get here like things are remember the days when you used to like wait until i was here to open something i don't wait and now i just show up and i'm like oh that's nice what's this and she's like oh yeah listener got that for us and i'm like what literally em shuts up and goes oh why did you get an oil painting made of geo and i was like
Starting point is 00:05:01 oh no clarissa made that or uh i'll like i saw clinton sent us some really cool stuff and he sent this uh what is the frame it was it i don't you describe it okay clinton made a print and he posted it on facebook and i was like i want that and it's framed now and now he mailed it well okay he mailed it in a frame and the frame unfortunately broke so i oh no had a new frame fortunately that fit perfectly um and it says in this house oh my gosh it's downstairs i haven't in this house we say fuck nope no wrong that's what we do in this house not wrong not wrong but not correct under my roof but definitely says drink wine and worship geo yeah it says we talk about murder drink wine
Starting point is 00:05:42 and worship geo yes and he it's like this beautiful font that he hand drew, and it's gorgeous. So we have that framed. But I showed up one day, and I was like, oh, that's nice. And she was like, oh, yeah, Clinton. And I was like, oh, yeah, Clinton. Right, of course. And he mailed cards that are downstairs that I'll give you the cards. They're really sweet, too.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Aw. And he wrote a really sweet message in my card. And gave Gio a toy. And gave Gio a toy. I actually read your card sorry it's very nice well I'm going to put him on the bulletin board I know I know
Starting point is 00:06:11 this is from Em and Christine with each new episode I want to give you more and more socks nice I can't dream of anything better than that that sounds so nice you whoop thank you for doing what you do cheers julia at socksmith you know i didn't know dot com didn't know a socksmith was a thing but you're about i was wrong you're about to tell me everything behold the socks oh my god. Several. Oh my god. That's at least like 15 socks.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh my god. Wow. That's a lot of socks. And sock. Sock Smith. Oh, her stickers are sock shaped. Oh, that's a good time. Obviously, this is mine.
Starting point is 00:06:58 The wine socks. Okay. Obviously. Yes. It literally is a heart with a ribbon over it that says wine. Obviously, this engagement ring socks are my socks. Okay, so where are mine? Here's some puppy socks.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Okay, so those are Gio's socks then. Got it. All of these are Gio's socks in the end. We all know. Gio loves socks, by the way. Sock Smith, you really, it's really a Merry Christmas to Gio today. Oh, wow. Yes, these are mine.
Starting point is 00:07:22 They are definitely milkshakes. Milkshakes. Actually, you know, if we're being realistic, it's boba tea. Do you like boba tea? No. But I like tea and I like fun. Have you had like the right bubble tea? Like, don't be that way. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Okay. Let's just be, let's just bygones be bygones. But you haven't tried tofu in the right way. Right. Okay. Yeah. I'm sure I've met the right man too. Ice cream.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Ice cream. cream yes love it I want all of these thigh high blood socks love a good thigh high love blood Halloween man ice cream sundae you shouldn't have socks wine
Starting point is 00:07:58 Jesus that's a lot of socks guys I don't she's not even drunk. I don't do well when I... My equilibrium is off when I'm sober. These are some no BS Socksmith socks. They look so comfy, too. These say...
Starting point is 00:08:15 Oh my God, these are Ouija socks. Shut the fuck up. Can I have one? Yeah. How about I have one for my left foot and you have one for your right foot and then we just walk around together as a three-legged race pair. Oh my God, please. And then we just walk around together as a three legged race pair.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Oh my God. And then we can both wear the socks. Can we please, why didn't we each get one of these? This is so dope. And there are these thigh highs. Uh, they're knee highs.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I mean, they're long and lengthy and I love a tall drink of water. So there's that. I love it. I don't know what you're saying, but okay. You guys go to this fucking website. There's so many amazing designs.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh my God, killer clown socks. Those are not mine. Yes, they are. They're not mine. I've never even seen it. There's literally so many socks. It talks about everything that ever happened in the world. Oh, these are ghosts in love.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Anyway, they're so freaking cute. So thank you. Thank you. A thousand times over. Thank you, Julia. These are amazing. Thank you. A thousand times over. Thank you, Julia. These are amazing. We literally are just swarming. Socks are my favorite thing.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, this is all great. I can't believe it. I can't either. So thank you, Julia. I also want to say, oh, and Sierra. I keep forgetting to mention Sierra sent us another package. And so did Lisa G for our anniversary. I love Lisa G.
Starting point is 00:09:30 But Sierra sent us that embroidery. And that's why we drink. And it's beautiful. Too beautiful. And we have it hung up above Clarissa's oil painting of Gio. This is too much, guys. I'm so overwhelmed. Sometimes I look around in this room and I'm like, why did people send of this this is so nice why do you care about it why do i sleep at night
Starting point is 00:09:50 with a gravity blanket on top of me now i don't deserve any of this this is awesome also apparently the the video was from the windgate hotel the oh really one you posted but how i mean they're probably right and i'm not all i can tell you look you guys go searching through the three pages of google and there was at least one page that said like oh room 209 was a viral video at the congress maybe look i told i i don't know i told you guys i'm like not an expert we all know how i was in middle school with my presentations clearly i'm not like an expert at everything know how I was in middle school with my presentations clearly I'm not like an expert at everything I just have a microphone we also everyone was also flipping
Starting point is 00:10:29 out that you didn't mention the the ghost that you see in the video you didn't see that I watched it again and I was like holy shit there's like a white form that moves out of the door shut up yes and down the hallway you can like watch it you okay christine to be fair you watched it the first time next to me and neither of us saw it yeah but i was just screaming because i didn't know what was happening and i was expecting it to be one of those videos that i was just so freaked out by that guy's reaction i wasn't even paying attention to anything else well i i was thinking about those videos my dad used to show me where you're like really intently watching and then it jumps on scares you and he thought it was so funny so i was a little afraid you were doing that to me
Starting point is 00:11:07 no but then i went and watched it again and i'm like oh my god like a white figure just like walks right out the door down the hall that is creepy and then all these people on facebook are like it's fake and i was like you know what go take a hike why are you here then why don't you go sleep in that room unless i go sit under a tree and contemplate. Okay, well then I will say my apologies if it was Wingate, not the Congress Plaza. I'm sorry. Still creepy as hell. I mean, it's still fucking creepy.
Starting point is 00:11:36 That was just an extra addition. You know how like, if we were a DVD, that was the bonus feature. You know what I'm saying? If we were a DVD. If we were a DVD, we'd we were a dvd we'd be straight to dvd non-theatrical release yes exactly well okay well i'm sorry i i mean i slipped through the cracks but honestly i probably slip through them all the time and just never get caught so i don't know for all what who knows i really did just follow google uh i'm gonna blame everything on google
Starting point is 00:12:07 from now on last thing i have to say something really funny happened so you know thanks priests are priests mad at us now listen thanks priests a priest said ah. You're welcome. Really? Wow. I thought that was going a very different direction. So Kate Ratcliffe, C-A-T-E underscore Ratcliffe, tweeted at us. She's an Anglican priest. And she said, you're welcome. Okay, you know what? That's a priest I can totally get by. She's my fucking favorite.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Okay, you're our favorite priest ever. What's her name? Kate. Priest Kate. Thank you, Priest Kate. Priest Kate. Thank you, Priest Kate. Priest Kate Ratcliffe. From now on, she's the poster child for all great priests. I believe she's Canadian also.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Don't you do that to me. I don't want to. Don't you do that. Not here. Not now. Not like this. Holy crap, Em. Someone's going to call the police on me in a minute if you keep talking like that.
Starting point is 00:13:04 That's just a romance novel waiting to happen. So anyway, can you just tell, do you have anything else to tell? Because if not, I have something to remind you to tell. Oh. Please tell about your sister's class. My sister's class. Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding me.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Wow. You were on top of shit today. Because I just wanted it to be said. Yeah. So my sister, her name's Caitlin. were on top of shit. Because I just wanted it to be said. Yeah. So my sister, her name's Caitlin. She's one of many. Hi, Caitlin. And reminder to everyone who asks how I could possibly be an only child and have siblings.
Starting point is 00:13:34 They are step siblings. So I am the only blood related human being between my two parents. Actually, Em's in a cult and they call each other sisters. Actually, I'm the cult leader and I just call them brothers and sisters so they feel like they're my equal. That's the gag really um she is my little step sister although i have just been in so many brady bunch situations with my family that i don't believe in the word step family's family so my sister caitlin she uh is at school right now at vcu uh virginia commonwealth oh my god it's in richmond um and she was in a forensic science class dope by the way dope by the way following in my footsteps
Starting point is 00:14:20 so she's welcome and she uh she texted me a picture of her class uh up on the board and she was saying that her professor literally stopped class to not knowing not knowing that she's related to me in any way her professor stopped class i don't know if she stopped class or maybe like a tab was open and then she felt like the need to explain herself i don't know if she stopped class or maybe like a tab was open and then she felt like the need to explain herself i don't know what how this began but she sent me a picture of the teacher on our and that's why we website oh no and she had stopped her lecture to talk about how we are so funny that she apparently pees herself laughing a professor said this during her lecture to several students and mrs my eighth grade english teacher are you listening to this because you told me i could never write and be successful and i made a professor pee her pants
Starting point is 00:15:12 and you write for nickelodeon well there's that too but uh but so she sent me a bunch of pictures of my website on her professor's like projection board and that's and was like i don't think she realizes what's she doesn't know who she's talking to but i'm literally watching her on this website right now talking about how funny you guys are and so i said um that i would give my sister a shout out and if that professor the forensic science professor at vcu who went on our website if you listen intently enough and follow us enough that this sunday you listen to this episode her name is caitlin give her an a her name is caitlin and also i'm sorry that we announced that you peed your pants on the internet i like to think it was metaphorical just to save
Starting point is 00:16:03 yourself some face i like to think that it was not metaphorical also i like to think it was metaphorical just to save yourself some face i like to think that it was not metaphorical also i like to think that you are around our age you're not like a professor that's like oh i like you know that you're like 90 no but like a dope ass grown-up okay i don't who knows who i cater to not me whoever you are i appreciate you you've got great taste anyway that's that's the shout out that i want to do also i do have another family related story wait can i quickly add on to that yeah so the best part is that i look closer at the photo and the part of the portion of our website that is literally on the projection in front of the whole classroom just says m's hairy torso because it was the title of one of our episodes and i was like i never thought
Starting point is 00:16:51 i'd see my hairy torso up on a projection in a college classroom yep but but it's happened but there it is a lot of weird things have happened in the last year it's a weird world um anyway kind of proud of myself i'm very proud of that professor the other thing i want to tell you is my stepmom called me and i'm saying stepmom i know i just said i don't believe in the word step but uh i also respect my mother so just to deviate between the parents my stepmother she is uh she has a sister who passed, um, several years ago and she, and my, my stepmom's also Wiccan just as a fun fact about her. I don't know if that like makes the story make any more sense to people, but she's a
Starting point is 00:17:38 big believer in the spirits and the ghosts and all that kind of stuff. And her whole family was, she was raised Wiccan. Um, Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that. And so,
Starting point is 00:17:50 uh, she called to tell me a ghost story. Yes. Where she, in the middle of the night last night, her and my dad are both smokers. I think my dad says he's quitting, but that's,
Starting point is 00:18:03 we'll see. So he's been quitting since i was born i think so they are both smokers and i guess my dad went to bed early and so my stepmom was out by herself and she went to go smoke a cigarette so she was outside and all of a sudden the wind like picked up in a really creepy way where she said like the air was like like that weird like creepy silent like it was too silent and she was kind of trying to figure out what was going on looked around and outside they live out in like the in the sticks like in the middle of the woods and she was looking out into the trees and she said that she thought she was like kind of hallucinating like the the leaves like started moving like they were liquid and she this was like in the middle of the night too
Starting point is 00:18:50 so she's all by herself it's really creepy the wind is like picking up but there's like no sound and then the trees look like they're moving like they're water and then all of a sudden this black mass just kind of came out of the woods what towards her and she is also someone who she has had so much contact and so many stories with spirits that like a lot of things don't freak her out anymore right and she said this thing was like a pit in her gut oh god she just felt something and all of a sudden this mass started rushing at her oh my god like bull rushing her so she goes into the house and for some reason she had no reason to say this she has no reason Oh, my God. Didn't even know it was Debbie. Didn't have like a feeling that it was Debbie. Just the first thing that blurted out of her mouth in a panic was look out. First of all, weird.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Look out. Look out. Debbie's coming. And so she was freaked out. My dad is relatively open minded. I mean, he lives with a fucking Wiccan in the middle of the woods. So what do you think is going to happen? But he's also
Starting point is 00:20:05 still like he just doesn't think about it a lot so that stuff doesn't really gravitate towards him i just think if you're not putting the energy out there it doesn't really show itself often so um he like didn't challenge her on it but was like okay i'm going back to bed whatever like okay debbie's gonna get me um and then my stepmom was like i guess that was kind of weird but like there's you know i don't really know why i would think that it's not like it's her birthday or anything like that like no there's no reason for her to have just shown up like that went to bed and then woke up the next day and called her mom and her mom was like how did you handle last night and my stepmom was like what are you talking about apparently debbie also had two kids
Starting point is 00:20:47 both kids called their grandma my stepmom's mom they called her that night to say that they were totally freaked out and they were in two different areas too so they had two individual stories independent of each other that their mom came to visit them that night what and so my stepmom's mom was like i'm assuming that if her children you know had visits from her their wiccan sister her wiccan sister might have also had some sort of contact so how did you fare last night and she was like that's so weird that you even brought it up what happened to her kids and the exact same thing happened if some black mass and they knew it was her wait but why is this so menacing and scary debbie had a past oh but i mean like was it like a negative spirit coming i don't i mean the first thing my stepmom
Starting point is 00:21:37 said was look out so i'm not too sure rushed inside had a pit in her stomach but like they or she might just had like maybe it was just like crazy energy like there was just so much energy she didn't know how to like handle it or something but i mean i guess if anything's rushing at you but so apparently all of them had the same experience and then my mom was like it doesn't even make sense because her birthday isn't for like another week like there's no reason for her to you know be showing up and apparently and then her mom told her was like no she died that day and not only that but debbie was like really into like the number 13 and always told them told like before she died told them when i die on the
Starting point is 00:22:20 13th year i will come back i will come back and i will make sure that you see me or you like are aware of me and that was the 13th anniversary of her death no yep and she's never shown up really before and so and my and my son had no idea she didn't even remember it and she's like this was the she died 13 years ago and then that happened jesus And then the next day, a psychic came into my dad's office, where my stepmom also works. A psychic came in and said, like, oh, she was either calling, like, to, like, speak to you to either say hi or to warn you about something really bad that's going to happen. Well, the bull rushing seems a little alarming. Well, that's what I'm thinking. But so let's hope she's just calling to say hi, because if she's got bad nudes to warn us about, that means I got to get involved. I was going to say, that's what I'm thinking. But so let's hope she's just calling to say hi because if she's got bad nudes to warn us about,
Starting point is 00:23:07 that means I got to get involved. I was going to say, that's you involved too. Oh, God. Anyway, that was a ghost story I heard recently. That's really scary. I don't have any others. There were no earthquakes in my house recently. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:23:21 All right. We ready? Chicks. Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho. Om right. We ready? Chicks. Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho. Omelette du fromage. Omelette du fromage. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:35 So this is new. This is something new that I'm doing. And it's either going to go really well or explosively bad. Can't wait. We all know which one it's going to be. So here's the thing. I researched some of this just to make sure that this website isn't bullshit. I will say that.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I just wanted to double check that I was getting proper information. But we actually had a listener send in a request a while ago um her name is morgan and she requested this and then not only requested that i told the story but also said here's a link with a timeline of everything that happened if you can at all make it possible i don't want you to read the notes either i want like a real reaction like oh from both of us cool so she did enough research to find this website so that in theory in theory you and i can both react at the same time hell yeah so i have an idea of what happened but for the most part i'm truly going off of a website so if y'all fuckers out there try to say that i messed something up you can
Starting point is 00:24:45 read along with this website people always attack you you get so defensive i'm just ready for someone to attack i think i know everyone's just been nothing but kind nobody's attacking anybody but the day that someone does they'll be like i told you christine me i don't know i'm not gonna i'll just look in the mirror i'll look in the mirror and be like i told you okay if everyone's ready we're ready this website and this is why i wanted to double check some information because i didn't trust the credibility of this website the website is called higgy pop i'm sorry it is a uh korean teen pop oh yeah sensation that's what that is blog well um i i'm just saying the website so if you guys wanted to read along i'm reading along what what is it is it like a supernatural it is i don't know what the actual website is but i had this article so i'm just
Starting point is 00:25:39 wait higgy pop higgy pop oh so like ziggy pop but not zig h-i-g-g-y pop zz top that's what i was thinking about i knew what you were saying but i was also just gonna let it go christina and i have had this weird thing recently where we just are we've bonded on a on a telepathic level it's alarming a little bit where she could say something entirely wrong like ziggy pop and i totally knew she meant zz pop and just rolled with it and zz top see whatever christine and i yesterday i swear there was like two or three different instances where i pretty weird didn't even say anything at all and she was like oh yeah that's what you're talking about like i literally made a shape with my hands oh yeah this is the best one i made a shape with my hands and they're like a little dance with my hands
Starting point is 00:26:28 because i was trying to describe something that i didn't i didn't know how to say it out loud and she's like oh yeah a portfolio folder with string and i was like yeah how did you fucking know that but like that's been happening so recently lately weirdly enough i got the image of what you're talking about in my head. It's because we see each other way too much. It's really, it's really crazy. It's becoming very weird where I feel like probably half of our, have you ever thought about that?
Starting point is 00:26:54 That half of our conversations are probably totally contorted and twisted. And maybe we're not actually using the right words, but you and I just read each other so well that maybe we're reading through the bullshit. Or like an outsider would be like, i don't know what's going on maybe if we listen back to this podcast it'll actually we'll be saying totally different words and we don't even know it right now because we just get each other oh my god everyone's like everyone's like their their own language it's just fascinating it's a cultural study okay anyway this story is called the enfield poltergeist i've heard of this i know you have it's good one you're gonna like this one everyone that knows about it is freaking out in their cars
Starting point is 00:27:33 right now or in their office don't crash don't crash and don't get fired don't spill your coffee and don't do that snort laugh that you guys tweet about don't you do that you'll get caught be quiet play it cool look just debbie we all know you're the one making the weirdest faces right now trying to hide your laughs stop screwing your face up like that look look cool look cool look look the boss is coming the boss is coming play cool play cool play cool oh nice blazer tell him his tie looks nice tell him his tie looks nice no don't do that debbie okay don't listen to em so the enfield poltergeist is the um poltergeist that was in the conjuring 2 oh the conjuring 2 let me check i i mean we know someone's gonna tell me i was wrong that's not
Starting point is 00:28:19 why i know it i don't know why i know it though it's one of the most popular poltergeist stories. Maybe that's why. Yeah. Okay. It is The Conjuring 2. Good to know. Good to know for me as I should have already known that. Okay. Whoops. This is going really well.
Starting point is 00:28:36 On the fly. On the fly. This is called improv. This is what happens when I didn't even do notes for this one because someone told me to just trust them. So Morgan, if I fuck up, I'm just going to have all my questions forwarded to you. Morgan, you screwed everything up. She's a risk taker is what she is because she's really trusting that I'm going to make this work.
Starting point is 00:28:56 We're just going to do one of those forwards where all our emails go to her instead. Ready, Morgan? Ready. Get ready for a thousand emails. So it starts in 1977. And it's in England. Fun fact. Enfield is the area in England that it happened in.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Fun. Okay. It starts with a family of five. There's a mother, a single mother, and four kids. Okay. Okay. The woman's name is Peggy. Peggy Hodgson.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Okay. And she has four kids,et margaret billy and johnny so um the creepy thing about this is this is one of the most documented poltergeist cases where there is some version of proof like there's a lot of pictures like a lot of people at the time were freaking out about this story so a lot of journalists and photographers came in whoa so there's relatively great documentation of this i say relatively because of course all of it could have somehow been fabricated and not real but if all of it's true this is one of the best documented cases of poltergeists that we've seen so janet was 11 her sister margaret was 13 her brothers were 7 and 10 also her 10 year old brother was away at a boarding school for most of this so fucking pour one out for him because
Starting point is 00:30:11 he got to miss a lot of this crap yeah lucky so one night in 1977 peggy peggy's the mom there's just a lot of names in this story so i'm just gonna keep yes i appreciate that yeah i believe you guys can like handle it but i'm just gonna make sure that you guys are on board with me i'm just knows i can't so i i'm used to you not being sober so i'm used to having to like go over it a couple times so uh peggy the mom one night around like 9 30 she hears a noise coming from one of the bedrooms upstairs and she tells the daughters hey you know quit it don't be making so much noise you gotta go to bed and they were saying that the noise is actually coming from a chest of drawers near the doorway no and so the mom actually ended up like right away witnessing it herself
Starting point is 00:30:57 so i guess she saw the drawers shuffling by themselves and then i don't know if she thought it was like a prank or something or maybe there was someone else behind like in it maybe shaking it but so she tried to push it back towards where it was and then she was walking away and it literally started shuffling towards her thing was literally a little like the the chest like out of alice in wonderland it was literally like walking like waddling oh god and then she was like ha ha ha like you guys are clearly pulling some sort of prank that i'm not getting and tried to push it back then the third time it was waddling behind her again and she turned around to shove it and
Starting point is 00:31:34 this time it wouldn't move like it had turned into like heavy stone and there was no way she could shove it on her own as if some sort of quote invisible force was stopping it the notion of like a piece of furniture like shuffling toward you. That gave me chills. The notion of it shuffling and then all of a sudden deciding on its own free will that it can't move anymore. Like it's now done. It was able to literally lift itself and now you can't move it with all your might.
Starting point is 00:31:57 That's the part that freaks me out. So immediately this mom was like, fuck that brings the kids across the street to the neighbors. The neighbors are called the Nottinghams. Of course they are. So the husband of the Nottinghams, he goes over to the house to like double check, like make sure no one's in there, which by the way, like I get the stereotype is like men should be brave and strong. But like that still takes fucking guts like I don't care if you're a big strong man like you're gonna go protect people like walking into a house where apparently some creepy shit is happening by yourself brava to the sky but I
Starting point is 00:32:35 also feel like most people would be like you're just imagining things like nothing's there you know that will never be me I mean I know it's not you but I feel like most people feel like the furniture was walking toward me I just need to here's the thing when i go into the future and i live in the future um i have to live in a house that is between uh two houses and on one side of me is a very logical family and the other house is a very spiritual like heavy believing family so like depending on my situation i know who to run to like i've got open-minded people being like look shit is haunted over there can i stay with you but then i can also walk over and be like hey
Starting point is 00:33:14 like there's something and i'm clearly like just losing it can you go check the house without fear that you're gonna get possessed because you don't believe in that i'm glad you figured it out okay so you're gonna be to my left and then blaze is gonna be to my right each by a house i'll just go over i'll sleep at you and geo's house and blaze go over blaze and alexander can be on the other side so anyway so mr nottingham goes over to the house um looks around all by himself and even for someone who's not much of a believer he said that there was a knock on the wall that followed him throughout the entire house and then when he got upstairs where the chest was he actually heard knocking on the ceiling right above him oh god so there was a knocking that was following him and he felt the entire time like he was being heavily watched so then later
Starting point is 00:34:00 that night um they ended up deciding you know what let's just call the police just in case. So at 1 a.m., two officers show up and they're looking around the house and there's no crime. So they're like, well, there's nothing we can really do. But before they left, one of the police woman, her name was Caroline Heaps, and she literally saw a kitchen chair near a sofa in the living room okay okay it began to wobble right in front of her no so this thing isn't even afraid of authority like like the legal authority um it begins to wobble and then literally slides across the floor towards the kitchen as if it's being pulled like literally dragging itself and then actually, from my like really quick, my really quick research, I actually did find a quote from her. Oh my, from this detective?
Starting point is 00:34:50 Because this, her, actually she was a constable. I don't know what the fuck that is because. Oh, we're in England, right? Yes. But she actually put in a legitimate police report about this. Like just to have it on file that this did happen. Holy shit, so there's legitimate. Somewhere in the world there is legal documentation. documentation this wasn't like 200 years ago like this was this was in 77 jesus so only 40 years ago that's pretty crazy p.s a constable is a
Starting point is 00:35:17 peace officer with limited policing authority typically in a small town okay so okay so peace officer it is the 70s so i mean she probably had a flower crown i'm saying she had a badge made of hemp oh always and so she actually gave a sworn affidavit confirming that quote a large armchair moved unassisted four feet across the floor. She said that it was not a police matter. And so there was no way that they could help. So this is what she testified. So that was a quote from a different article that I looked into.
Starting point is 00:35:55 This was her full, this is her full testimony. Caroline heaps testified to the investigation as follows on Thursday, September 1st, 1977 at approximately 1. 1 a.m i was on duty in my capacity as a policewoman when i received a radio message to 284 enfield or wood street enfield i went to this address where i found a number of people standing in the living room i was told by my occupier of this house by the occupier of this house that strange things had been happening during the last few hours and that they believed that the house was haunted myself and another pc entered the living
Starting point is 00:36:30 room of the house and the occupier switched off the lights almost immediately i heard the sound of knocking on the wall that backs into the next door neighbor's house there were four distinct taps on the wall and then silence about two minutes later i heard more tapping but this time it was coming from a different wall again in a distinctive peel of four taps the pc and the neighbors checked the walls attic and pipes but could find nothing to explain the knockings the pc and the neighbors all went to the kitchen to check the refrigerator pipes etc leaving the family and myself in the living room the lights in the living room were switched off again and within a few minutes the eldest son pointed to a chair which was standing next to the sofa i looked at the chair and noticed that it was
Starting point is 00:37:09 wobbling slightly from side to side i then saw the chair slide across the floor towards the kitchen wall it moved approximately three to four feet and came to rest at no time did it appear to leave the floor i checked the chair but i could find nothing to explain how it moved the lights were switched back on nothing else happened that night although we have later reports of disturbances at this address what the hell so that is real guys just to hear like an actual like a police officer because you always think in horror movies like oh call the cops and then this is like actually a cop that believes you and she's like i don't know what the fuck's going on and she's like look there's nothing i can do at this point so anyway are you good just turning up
Starting point is 00:37:49 the volume on my heated blanket must be fucking nice i'm free hey you have your gravity blanket that you're supposed to bring i was supposed it's on my bed where it's supposed to be i mean you told me you wanted to record with it every week so i you're right i need a second one guys i didn't all right okay um okay so after that happened um another couple nights of strange shit started happening and so they didn't know what to do clearly the cops weren't going to help and the cops literally said there's nothing we can do um so they ended up calling the daily mirror hoping that they could somehow help either find them a journalist or find them an investigator or something along those lines. So a reporter named Douglas and a photographer named Graham, they became like regular people that were at the house throughout this entire thing.
Starting point is 00:38:34 The Hodgsons were next door at the Nottinghams, their neighbors. They were staying with their neighbors when the journalist showed up and looked around, but they didn't really feel anything unusual. They didn't see anything unusual. The whole house was empty. Nothing was going on. So they decided they were going to leave at 2.30 in the morning, and they told the family, hey, it's all clear. You can go into your house.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Like, as far as we know, there's nothing going on. The second that the family walked into the house, marbles and Lego pieces from, like, walked into the house marbles and lego pieces from like the toys scattered around the house were being hurled at the entire family and the journalist and the reporter why do they do this with toys it's so creepy both men witnessed all these objects getting flown at them by no one like just shooting out of the room they had just been in? Yeah. And one of them was hit in the head by a Lego brick, which I think is hysterical that literally like bullets of Legos are getting shot at people. And he gets one Lego brick to the head.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And that's the thing that got mentioned in this fucking story. I was about to say, do you think it's so dramatic? I mean, do you think it's worse? I already know the answer in my mind, but do you think it's worse to get pelted in the face with the Lego or to like step on a Lego step on them in the dark? Always step on a Lego. Like they should stop complaining.
Starting point is 00:39:49 That's hell's carpet is made of Lego. Yes. Thank you. So anyway, the red carpet into hell, you know, Satan just wakes up every morning and, you know, really gets his feet deep into the Lego pieces on the ground. every morning and you know really gets his feet deep into the lego pieces on the ground yuck um so anyway after that a senior reporter also became attached to the story his name was george and he visited the house um and he also brought another photographer named david and this story was already blowing up like wildfire and the society for psychical research um ended up heavily getting involved okay they ended up having a new investigator recently joined them and his name was maurice gross maurice gross was a big
Starting point is 00:40:32 guy in this story um we gotta look okay so we got i know maurice a douglas uh david so far i'm telling you to remember the hodgson's which the main family, Peggy and her kids, and then the neighbors, because they have been very helpful so far. The Nottinghams. The Nottinghams. And Morris Gross is so far the most important of these investigators. What were the two journalists again? Douglas and... Douglas and...
Starting point is 00:40:59 Grant? No. Graham. Graham. I mean, honestly, every time I hear you mention douglas and graham showing up i i don't know why but i just can't not picture them as like neve from catfish with his like oh and max min max just like showing up like actually this is a whole episode of mtv this is catfish from mtv yes actually the nottingham's just set this whole up uh but doesn't it seem i don't know
Starting point is 00:41:25 you know it does it does in my head they're like we're checking out the scene like i don't know yeah that's exactly what it sounds like actually max gets pelted with the lego and they're like did you see that we got pelted it sounds like you're talking a lot about zach bag i can't get it's he would absolutely get hit with one lego brick and like make a whole episode out of it. He would rip his his. Why did you do that? Rip his acid wash jeans right off and Hulk out. He's the guy who would piss off the ghost and then get one Lego to the face and then have a hissy fit.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Oh, man. OK. Come at me, bro. So Maurice, he became like the lead investigator of all this. All right. So he has a quote. The first visit to the house, the first visit, he was quoted saying afterwards, I found chaos. The whole family was congregated in the house together with the neighbors next door.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And there was a lot of very, very frightened people there. and there was a lot of very very frightened people there um he also told peggy that she should probably just keep a diary of everything going on because someone had to that's what my therapist told me oh cool actually maurice is your therapist and you're peggy so also we're in london also we're friends with neve from catfish it's his dream come true oh right that's my dream um to you know hang out with neve and hell's carpet so maurice actually like within the next few days was already back because more shit was already happening so at 1 15 on one morning they all witnessed a loud crash coming from the girl's bedroom apparently all the kids were asleep but the mom was freaking the fuck out that's so scary from your kid's bedroom i know i know i know
Starting point is 00:43:09 let's not even think about it i don't even have kids and i'm scared so imagine being a parent so this is why parents you made a mistake you could have just ran out of the house but now you've got fucking baggage you gotta drag out of the bed anyway says m who's like i want kids so fucking bad let's just allison i'm sorry for the fucking psychosis you have to date okay think of all the legos oh allison we're not having kids legos are the best birth control so they're hell's carpet and birth control anyway i don't know what I'm saying. Um, anyway, so Maurice showed up at 1.15 and everyone heard a loud crash coming from the girl's bedroom where they were sleeping. They ran upstairs, found the two girls still asleep like they hadn't even heard anything.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And the chair in their room was sitting upside down. Ugh. Um, and it was one of those. Wait, the girls hadn't heard anything? Like the girls slept through it. Like it didn't want them to hear. Whoa. It's like it wanted the people that were awake to hear. It's like enticing them to the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And then the chair was upside down. What is it with the furniture, man? I don't like it. It's just so, I don't know why, it's just so warped. It's like something. It's so twisted. It's, yeah. It's like something that we just grew up thinking like this doesn't happen yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:44:25 so when it does happen it's so weird so out of the ordinary so uh when that happened maurice decided to sign on officially for the entire investigation it's like i'm in meanwhile i would have been like oh that's my ticket out of here bye yes um so anyway the story became like front page news um and the daily mirror which had all the reporters coming in and out. Right. They were the people that got to break the story. And they described that the family was living in fear of strange goings on. Sure.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I would have fucking said ongoings, but whatever. No, goings on. Ongoings is not a word. I'm not saying I'm like better than them. I'm just saying how I would have ignorantly done it. Better. So that evening, Peggy also showed up on a london radio station and she talked about it for the first time and that was the beginning of like everyone knowing about it so bbc radio was involved shit um they ended up also
Starting point is 00:45:20 having another journalist come in who said that um not only did she like come into the show, but like literally came into their house to do more investigations. She witnessed a chair move and shake. And then she watched a bed move and shake by itself. And she also, um, interviewed everyone in the house. And there's a lot of interview footage.
Starting point is 00:45:38 There's actually also like documentaries, mockumentaries, movies, like, like you can find so much about like even the kids were interviewed um it's a wild ride geez so then this is another guy that you have to know and it's easy to remember this guy's name because his name is guy guy guy play fair um although what a name i know um so his first visit to the house he was also another investigator like he was
Starting point is 00:46:06 part of like that whole community um he was part of like that whole research group and he was also an author and he had written a bunch of paranormal books he also wrote another book about the enfield poltergeist um and after he he actually it was funny he wanted to take a break like he wanted to take a vacation after like investigating and writing books about ghosts he's like i'm gonna like give myself a minute and then they were like you have to go check out this house and he was like okay it's like out of a movie like i know finally i'm free from all my and it's like oh they just keep reeling me back in duty calls so guy made his first appearance to the house that night. And it was the first of 180 visits to the house.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Holy crap. Which in 25 of those nights were all night vigils. No. Yeah. So the family, like, I guess also wasn't just staying with their neighbors. They were also staying with Peggy's brother, John. So they were staying at that house for a while. so she it was peggy's brother john and john's wife okay um at one point and this isn't just next door this is like on another part of town let's remember that
Starting point is 00:47:17 um they say we were staying at her brother's house and the wife was making tea and all of a sudden out of nowhere a child's toy appeared in front of her face. Like in midair, just like blink, just was there. Like genied out of nowhere. Was it a Furby? Yeah. Can you imagine? Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Wow. That is the hell's, that is, that is. That is the hell's. That is the hell's nightstand. Decor. Sitting amongst the mountain of lego pieces um so a child's toy appeared in front of her face and literally dropped to the counter right in front of her no um so that's like proof that it wasn't just uh like it wasn't just in their house like it was following so was it peggy or was it
Starting point is 00:48:04 it was his wife it was john's wife john's wife okay she was just making tea while the family was in the house and then shit started happening to her that's awful also i want to make a correction apparently i i said the address already was 284 wood street and apparently that's the um like the the protected name oh but it's actually green street what so you're giving the unprotected name i think it's just been so long and they don't live there anymore so it's like safe to say so at the time they gave it like a like yeah and like the original stories was called wood street or something like oh got you but i i do remember it saying green street so i just want to correct myself before other people do it for me uh the bbc radio team visited again
Starting point is 00:48:43 and this time they had tape recorders they had like millimeters and all sorts of ghost equipment like just to try and see what they could find and at one point they were taking like a tape recorder to every single room and this is the footage they have where they were able to get 30 um like taps in a row and like against the wall like 30 intelligent taps like responding to things yeah so like they would just hear like oh god just the oh gee and why would you do that i i forgot his ears are better than ours so so much stuff was going on and not only just like the paranormal stuff but like the media was always around and apparently if you listen to the interviews um i know that they had said that
Starting point is 00:49:31 it was just so chaotic that year where the door was always open because it was just like a revolving door of media people coming in and taking pictures and mediums and psychics and photographers and reporters like it was just like everyone was always in that house so it was like really wearing on the kids and so they ended up deciding to go on a vacation like just go get away for a week good idea while they were gone while they were gone maurice who is the main investigator on this right um he decided he was going to stay in the house while they were gone just to see what he could get on his own without the kids around right he decided that he was going to have a some sort of
Starting point is 00:50:11 communication with them and he decided to do it with knock since knock seemed to be the most prevalent way that this thing was communicating makes sense and he started off by trying to ask like simple math questions that way he could guarantee, like, he wasn't getting, like, a random knock. So he'd be like, what's five plus five? And then wait for ten whole knocks in a row. What if he was like, what's 38 times 11,000? Well, then he is much smarter than me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Or not, because then he has to listen to, like, 800,000 knocks. Yeah, I meant smarter than, like, oh, he can do math really fucking well oh yeah yeah yeah but then imagine if all of a sudden he just heard like 27 000 like oh no so um that would be a distinct sign that there was something there i think um so anyway so he did a couple series of number questions just so he could confirm that you know it was some sort of intelligent response and then he said okay do one knock for no two knocks for yes and he asked um did you die in this house and he got a yes and then uh so questions like that kind of kept going around and then eventually he only got a response for like how it's like either one knock or two knocks for no or yes
Starting point is 00:51:34 yeah after a series of questions eventually the ghost just started answering with three knocks okay which isn't one of the options and so maurice was like are you trying to like play a trick on me are you trying to like have a game with me like do you think this is funny and instead of a knock a full box a cardboard box full of cushions flew two meters into the air and then hit him in the face so like just fuck you i guess like haha but a box of cushions i'm glad it was at least it wasn't like a box of nail guns like jesus nail guns i don't know i was trying to think of something painful but that would be indeed very painful oh yeah um so they also invited a psychic into the house um and then they also brought in a couple investigators who brought in
Starting point is 00:52:25 magnetometers, which reads like electromagnetic field. Every single machine does, it seems. Right. During the psychic going through the house, the pillows from the beds were thrown at them from two different rooms. And each time that that happened, the equipment would show like huge spikes that like there was some sort of activity going on oh shit um at 5 a.m one morning janet who's
Starting point is 00:52:53 the 11 year old girl yeah and the most important of all the children in this story um janet you know she was obviously scared in this house and a lot of people had said well why don't you just if you think it's trying to say something you leave a paper and pen out and see if it leaves you a message like fucking santa like leave it cookies and see what happens oh my god so she literally left paper and pen all around the house and then literally spoken into existence and said leave me a message um oh how that gives me creeps five minutes later this seems pretty unbelievable to me but five minutes later this this is what this is what this website says and i'm not gonna deny it um five minutes later she found a note that said quote i will stay in this house do not read
Starting point is 00:53:39 this to anyone or i will retaliate that sounds too specific to me you think yeah like for what reason it just sounds a little fishy like it's it sounds like if i were a skeptic i could easily play that off as like that's a kid playing a prank that's one of the siblings playing a prank i mean that's one of the investigators really wanting a story covered and like not seeing any proof i mean i feel like no matter what it said it would be easy to like i seeing any proof i mean i feel like no matter what it said it would be easy to like i know but it's so wordy like when we when people do get either the courage or the stupidity to talk to a spirit fair there's always like one or two word answers energy to write a fucking yeah and to write a paragraph to write two yeah to write two whole long sentences
Starting point is 00:54:25 just seems really taxing like it'd take a long time yes although it can throw a box of nail guns i mean pillows there it is so who knows you're not wrong so uh so remember the kids are staying and the kids and peggy are both staying at um Peggy's brother's house so one day John who's Peggy's brother went into the girls bedroom to check on his nieces to see that Janet was sleeping on top of a radio which was on top of a chest of like a drawer like a what like a clothing chest so like not in her bed like and like a radio I imagine that's like the size of like a fucking lunchbox or something like then it was like a microwave or something yeah imagine like waking up and seeing like a microwave on a dresser and your fucking niece is sleeping on it and not even aware of it and they're like well maybe she was you know awake and like a lot of
Starting point is 00:55:22 the skeptics try to say like oh the kids were pulling me all these pranks right somehow what is she like 10 oh yeah she's 11 or 12 she's 12 at this point okay and so they were saying like oh well maybe she was pulling a prank and their excuse for this though is that she was having so much trouble sleeping through all this that the doctor that day had prescribed her 10 milligrams of valium so she could sleep so she was knocked the fuck out and she was sleeping on top of a lunchbox microwave radio you know that that thing that we all had go to zola and buy me one off my registry so uh wait so people say the valium like she should have been unconscious and not able to have climbed up there to pull the prank I got you although
Starting point is 00:56:08 but other people could say sleepwalking I was gonna say although maybe it affected her sleep and yeah who knows who knows either way it's fucking creepy as hell so multiple other times Maurice the investigator found Janet asleep under her bed
Starting point is 00:56:23 and according to maurice she was completely limp as if she was entirely unconscious and maybe not even alive apparently after that maurice was like checking in on them a lot more and like just being like okay are you good are you alive wake up look alive um she so maurice went into the room the next night and janet and her mattress had been thrown across the floor what with the mattress on top of janet i said janice i meant janet um with the mattress on top of janet and 20 minutes after that the mattress was back on the bed but she was flung into the corner wait like, like he saw her? He like saw the aftermath. So again, skeptics are like,
Starting point is 00:57:06 she could have set it up to look like that. What a weird psycho little girl, if that's the case. If that's the case. That's its own story, if that's the case. So then another medium comes and offers spiritual help and shows them like examples of things that the psychic has already been able to do with past clients where she got them to like under hypnosis like draw pictures and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:57:31 like what was going on so they since janet's the one that's been the most affected they decided to try that with her and she drew nine different pictures all of them featuring elements of blood death and knives she also drew these images while she was semi-conscious and has no memory of drawing oh my god oh my god oh my god um so another night this is nearing the end of 1977 so like this was a this was like 14 months of hell like this just kept happening for over a year so one night after 1 a.m janet was pulled from her bed while sleeping and she was described like she wasn't described she described it herself later in an interview that she felt like she was being pulled by the arm but what makes this
Starting point is 00:58:19 different than all the other times she'd been pulled out of bed because she'd been pulled out she was so fucking used to it at this point onto a microwave the only the thing that made this one different is that maurice saw it happen watched it happen and not only did she get thrown from her bed but before she got thrown out of her bed her bedroom door opened by itself and maurice is watching this. The door opened by itself, watched her get flung out of her bed. And then an invisible something was dragging her head first from her bedroom floor through her bedroom door into the hallway and then down the stairs head first. And she slept through the entire thing. Head first? Like was dragging her, like almost like dragging her by the hair and like
Starting point is 00:59:05 on her back or was she like standing no it was like drag it was dragging her so like imagine like someone's dragging her by her hair and then walking down the stairs and she's like her body's like following it so it's like she was like he's not like he wanted to see what happened i guess he was like he was like this for science. It's a concussion. It's fine. And she slept right through it. She was unconscious the whole time. Like, it didn't want her to wake up.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And she wasn't unconscious because she smacked her head on the stairs? No. She was sleeping. I imagine she wasn't. I imagine her head was kind of up if something was dragging her by the hair. All right. I mean, none of this makes fucking sense. I don't know why we would even argue that.
Starting point is 00:59:44 You and I are on the same team here, first of all. So then a student physicist named David Roberts also joined Maurice on this investigation and recommended that a bunch of physicists were just fucking there, like doctors, to just make sure she was okay. Especially since she's getting dragged downstairs. I mean, it seems like they need some help yeah they also um needed physicists because right around this time um the investigators had also started to challenge this thing to start speaking like no more bullshit with the voice like come on enough is already happening like don't piss this thing off like don't poke a bear don't be like here show us
Starting point is 01:00:25 more of your powers yeah right so anyway the voices began sure per request and uh it of course you decided to use janet as its ventriloquist on me poor janet i keep saying janice janet janet like the planet yeah sure interplanet janet she's a galaxy girl what is that schoolhouse rock oh god um so at first like it started with janet being doing just like whistles and like dog-like barks and so also skeptics like to say oh she was 12 years old going about to go through puberty and she was making a lot of vocal tics she might have had Tourette's so a lot that's another skeptical thing which I'm just going to bring up because someone else someone will email me about it if I don't say it so I like to pretend it's a ghost um so then the people who listen to this agree with you you don't need to like staunchly defend yourself i feel like if i stop defending myself then all of a sudden people be
Starting point is 01:01:31 like well what about this and i just want to cover all my bases all right i want i we have i will say we've gotten a couple messages where people are like how come like you don't ever cover the skeptic side? So here I am. The whistles and dog-like barks also started turning into like gruff growls, I guess. And it was a male voice that was coming out of Janet. And as a 12-year-old, like she didn't have like the vocal, like the throat capacity to create these sounds. It's one thing to be like barking, but like to be speaking as a man. An old man too. So the voice sounded like an old man. And then because the physicists were now on board,
Starting point is 01:02:12 they were doing all these tests on her to make sure that it wasn't her like faking this. The voice on the, of the ghost speaking through her said his name was Joe Watson. Okay. And there's a whole conversation somewhere in the world caught on tape by maurice but then joe left and then another spirit officially started speaking through janet regularly and his name was bill wilkins bill bill wilkins and he apparently was super chatty and made it very clear that he died from a hemorrhage in the house while sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And here's the thing. They bought the house from the county. So it was already furnished with the previous owner's furniture. And so Janet, who's 12 years old and did not know the person living there before, would all of a sudden start like waking up in the middle of the night sitting in the chair no oh my god the terror and would point at the chair and say that's where i had a hemorrhage and died that's in an old man's fucking voice fucking terrifying um and actually the exact quote um actually you know how like there's a quote and then there's the dash and then like who said it like when you look at a quote oh yes the who said it like the dash and then the name is spirit of
Starting point is 01:03:32 bill wilkins but the quote is how do you put that in mla format yeah um so the the quote was i went blind and i had a hemorrhage and i fell asleep and I died on a chair in the corner downstairs. Oh, my God. Coming out of a little girl's mouth. They also found Bill Wilkins' son and it was confirmed that that's exactly what happened. So Bill Wilkins was a real person. Bill Wilkins was a real person and had a son. I think his name was Ted.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Oh, no, no, no. They asked him without bringing up any information they were like so you had a father where how did he die and describe the exact same story no no no so um bill needs to leave this 12 year old girl alone i'm saying so then december 15th 1977 was one of the most important days because the girls were sleeping um and one of the physicists his name was david um he was like they were just like on 24 hour watch at this point while they were sleeping all of a sudden um david was sitting outside their bedroom with a camera so he could see what was going on inside the room and all of a sudden objects such as pillows and books started moving around
Starting point is 01:04:45 until several objects in the room in unison levitated no uh one of the things that levitated so high that also forcefully got thrown upwards out the window was a red cushion and it landed on the roof of the house imagine the arc like the perfect throw that a ghost had. It went out the window and onto the roof of the house. So like upwards. Like almost like a half a circle. What? The investigator said that it couldn't have been thrown out the window because the window was hard to open.
Starting point is 01:05:17 And it would have made a noise that David would have heard. So it just kind of just fucking showed up on the roof. Like almost went through the roof kind of like how in that other story like yeah i don't know either went through the window or went straight just through the roof and just showed up there and then didn't he you said he saw it go through the window or no he saw everything levitating and then this red one he saw it getting somehow like thrown or more violently handled and then it also ended up on the roof so they don't know like the middle part um they don't know its journey to
Starting point is 01:05:51 the roof well apparently someone else does what because one of the things that the poltergeist did not think about was uh passerbys passersby thank you yeah goings-on passers-by you wouldn't say bypassers because that's a different word people walking across the street jay walkers walkers jay yeah that's the one um so hadn't taken that into account however there was a woman named hazel who was a in england you'll have to describe this one on me all right like as if i know was a local i thought you're telling me to describe it sorry you'll have to describe the name hazel to me right away um she was a lollipop lady that seems like sounds like a great fucking job it It seems like sexual to me, but I don't know. Oh, I was just thinking like an ice cream man, but a lollipop lady, like just hands candy around.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Well, are you sure it's a lollipop? Because they call lolly... What does lollipop mean in England, guys? Because a lolly... Wait, what are they... I think it means the same thing, but an ice lolly is a popsicle. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Okay. Let's Google this real quick. I to know i need to know oh my god it's a crossing guard oh my god i'm like it's a i'm like it's a lady of the night i'm like maybe it's an ice cream man oh my god okay so a crossing guard got it i for sure thought it was i for sure thought it was like a sex worker oh great well it's not it's a crossing surprise surprise guys we all learned something today so hazel the lollipop lady england learned nothing that we did if anything i've learned that if you just call something boring a cooler name people will be more intrigued i want to be that now i literally when i thought it was a woman who just goes around and gives people candy legally i thought that legally i was like that's my that's my new job not illegally though well i was thinking like someone was like oh you want some candy in my van pervert right yeah uh so she oh okay proof that i'm reading this on the fucking fly because i read the first
Starting point is 01:08:13 half of the sentence come on that said hazel a lollipop lady she worked on the pedestrian crossing outside of the hodgson's house although then we would have thought she was selling lollipops yeah maybe illegally illegally um so she around 11 45 a.m was returning to work from her lunchtime shift also returning from lunch at 11 45 sounds like a sad job oh yeah well if you do like 6 a.m oh good point so really brunch she really brunch. She had a brunch shift. She had a brunch. She noticed a red cushion on the roof of the house. While she was looking up at the house, she heard a bang. So she was seeing this real time as this was happening. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:08:54 She saw a red cushion. And then she was looking up at the house and she heard a bang and saw a book hit the front bedroom window. So she saw shit being thrown around in the room. Next, she saw a pillow fly across the room quote when i looked up a candy stripe pillow hit the window as well that came after the books and i was i don't know if i was frightened or not just fascinated the windows were still closed then after a little while i saw janet so janet also ended up getting thrown around oh janet was being thrown yep and she got that's how it was witnessed because this lollipop lady i like how she specified that it was a candy striped pillow i know it sounds that right okay i feel like
Starting point is 01:09:37 that she's asking to be seen as the fucking willy wonka deliberately turning this into a board game called candy land yeah uh-huh so anyway uh she watched janet levitate inside the bedroom window and described it as if quote janet was going up and down as though someone was just tossing her up and down bottle bodily in a horizontal position how scat like as if someone had got hold of her legs and back and just throwing her up and down. Oh my God, this poor girl. It's almost like, you know how you hold kids flat and you just kind of throw them in there and catch them?
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah. Like in a fun way. Except this is a 12-year-old girl. Like, I don't know what you're benching, but that's like a bigger child than usual. Hazel was not the only witness apparently there was also a local tradesman that walked by and saw this and his name was john rainbow could we be making this up this is a board game willie wonka and the oompa loompa walked down by hazel the lollipop lady
Starting point is 01:10:40 and john rainbow this is not real this is this is alice in wonderland this really is um he was also passing the house and he also saw janet floating around the bedroom and even saw her banging against the window um hazel really scary hazel also said quote i don't know if there's a bed underneath that window i definitely saw her come up about window height but i thought if if she was bouncing, she would bounce back from her feet. She wouldn't be able to get enough power to bounce off her back to come up that high again. But she was definitely laying horizontally, coming up and down multiple times. How scary. So after that, they decided to bring another psychic slash healer slash slash paranormal author i'm sure um into the house
Starting point is 01:11:28 and his name was matthew and he decided to bring some equipment with him as well like a microphone and tape recorders and all that uh spoke to bill who is the voice coming through janet by the way so we sat down and had an interview with Bill. Bill Wilkins. Bill Wilkins. And talked to him and then watched the microphone fall and break itself. And so he went for his backup tape recorder, but it was all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:11:56 missing. And he walked around all day, couldn't find it wherever he looked. True to form, several of us have experienced this with spirits. Later that day, as he was about to leave he heard a crash from upstairs where he had not been and found the chest of drawers that was originally moving at the beginning of this story had been pushed over and the only thing that had fallen out of the dressers was his tape recorder yikes yikes so this is where uh another um series of skeptics believe that janet was faking things
Starting point is 01:12:30 so another paranormal researcher was in the house and he caught janet sneaking out of bed and peering down the stairs as if she was making sure the coast was clear to like a stunt. Oh. And so a couple people believe that this is an obvious sign that she was trying to trick everyone. She was just looking down the stairs. True, but even Janet herself now, because she still gets interviewed about this. Oh, my. Actually, a couple years ago was the 40th anniversary of the hauntings,
Starting point is 01:13:03 and so they actually went back to the house with the warrens with lorraine warren yeah sure and um and walked around and had an interview but she did say that a couple times her and her sister would pull pranks on the paranormal researchers just because they were kids and fucking scared and trying to be kids and then people would mistake them for them trying to like plan all these fucking hoaxes. So they were just like playing around. They were just like trying to save like a sliver of childhood left. Yeah. They were like, well, you know, when, you know, people were walking in and out all the time and we needed to entertain ourselves, we would just like try to pull pranks like any other kid would.
Starting point is 01:13:37 But people kept telling us that they weren't pranks. They were us trying to trick them that none of this was really happening. But skeptics will like feed off that and be like everything was a prank so she maintains that like she says the big stuff actually happened she says the big stuff happened and she said that there were a couple times that they tried to pull pranks but every time before they were ever to pull a prank because there were so many people in the house someone always caught them so they never even pulled one right um she says that anytime something like paranormal or supernatural happened in this house she says quote two percent of 100 of all this horrible stuff that happened was fake
Starting point is 01:14:14 like two percent of it was like either an exaggeration or was fabricated in the news or it was a prank that kind of almost happened but then we got caught so it didn't really happen two percent two percent so she says 98 of all this is totally real and the rest was fabricated by the news um two days before christmas yeehaw um the family woke up and found their two pet goldfish had mysteriously died during the night no don't kill the pets when talking to bill the voice said i'd done that adding that he electrocuted the fish with spirit energy what the fuck what does that mean what does it mean don't i don't want to find out on the same day maurice filled janet's because everyone was saying she's pranking you she's pranking you she's like using her own
Starting point is 01:15:06 voice to make this old man voice she's spiritually electrocuting the fish so to prove otherwise Maurice filled Janet's mouth with water and taped it shut I'm sorry and then asked Bill to repeat the same phrases he had just
Starting point is 01:15:22 said and then other notorious ones that he apparently had been saying throughout their conversation conversations such as bottle of beer because apparently he would say like i want a bottle of beer i don't know janet's just like we all know your ghost would say give me a glass of wine so you know it's janet just pranking them like no i just really want a beer please give me a beer i'm an old man see i'm old i'm old enough i'm not 12 but apparently um the water and tape in her mouth didn't at all affect the voice's clarity and you could still fucking hear her talking oh god with a tape a taped mouth so her
Starting point is 01:15:58 lip should not be moving and water and a voice should not be happening and there was no gargle or anything you could straight up fucking hear a voice talking right through it that's wild anyway also i do want to say because i i also heard about this so i wanted to look into it a physicist uh tried an experiment on janet with something called a layer laryngograph laryngograph and it indicates um like i'm just gonna read this straight out of my notes because i'm not gonna pretend i'm a fucking scientist or blaze um it indicates an effect known as plica ventricularis ventricularis which is um muscle tension in the throat which can produce sounds independent of the vocal cords oh so they were thinking like okay maybe she fucking cracked that code at 11 years old right so um however like for people where this happens where they're able to create sounds like false sounds without using their vocal
Starting point is 01:16:57 cords when that does happen there are severe side effects within six months or within six weeks sorry within six weeks of it happening and janet never exhibited any of those side effects within six months or within six weeks sorry within six weeks of it happening and janet never exhibited any of those side effects like i guess like really hoarse voice like you're like you're bruising your own throat and she never like they never saw anything and then also a ventriloquist said that the voice was being produced via the diaphragm or by quote false vocal cords which who knows what that fucker means but it was disputed um to a point where maurice was so convinced that that was not the case he offered what is 500 euro euro or pound what's this oh what's the it looks like a fancy l with a line it's pounds okay um he offered 500 originally
Starting point is 01:17:47 and then later a thousand to um a nominated charity if any child could replicate the voice under the terms that he had specified and nobody could either took up the offer or tried so it's just like proof of like okay it's we believe that that this is not her real voice holy shit so i don't know what a budgie is but it's an animal apparently apparently from what i'm seeing christmas day the hodgson family woke up and their pet budgie had passed away in the middle of the night but bill says this was not him he like it was not his responsibility but later that day christmas day janet was sitting in the living room by the window and one of the curtains wrapped itself around her neck in front
Starting point is 01:18:30 of the whole family and apparently that happened a total of eight times during this whole situation take the curtains down right so of course next up is peggy's birthday and on the evening of her birthday um margaret the other daughter walked daughter, walked into the bathroom to find the word shit smeared on the wall. In shit. No, I was afraid you would say that. Wow. Peggy's birthday. On Peggy's birthday?
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yeah. Happy birthday. Oh, poor thing. So she also saw an apparition that night for the first time and while she was going down the stairs or while she was going upstairs she saw an apparition of the bottom half of a man's trousers and as i went to look up i got a very quick glimpse and it faded completely the trousers were the type my dad would have worn the turnover style he used to wear in 1945. Oh, so old ass pants.
Starting point is 01:19:28 And then before she could get like beyond the pants that already disappeared. I looked up a budgie. I think it's type of bird, like a parakeet. Oh, okay. Why is he killing their animals?
Starting point is 01:19:38 Cause I can, I don't know. It's really mean. Another message was in the bathroom too, but this time it was using strips of tape that belonged to david robertson with the rest of his production materials equipment but he had lost the tape prior and the tape read out i am fred what so who the fuck is fred i can't wait to find that out so guy and maurice concluded that this couldn't have been fake because the girls, because
Starting point is 01:20:08 the children were on such severe 24 hour watch, someone would have seen them do it. And the sentence was made with like over 20 individual pieces of tape and it would have taken too long for someone to not notice. So next up, BBC radio comes back to the house to see what's going on and janet's sister is also starting to speak like bill wilkins oh my god jesus christ margaret's version of the voice lacked the intensity and duration of janet's fun fact for all of us interesting then bbc scotland shows up because why not make this intercontinental come on um the crew actually got footage this time which showed the poltergeist speaking through janet and i will say this is a
Starting point is 01:20:51 fucking creepy interview you watched it i i didn't watch it when i thought i was going to cover this but i have seen this in the past and it's creepy because she just smiles the whole time no no no she's smiling the whole time and just speaks through a different voice and like she switches in and out and like she explains i remember them saying like are you saying this or do you feel like you're just like being compelled and she says she feels like she's a puppet and she can feel like a hand on the back of her neck forcing her to say things should i put it in here should i like play like, play it? Sure. Okay, I'm going to try and play it here. So get ready for your ears to be scared.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Go. I want you to tell me whether you remember what happened to you when you died. Just before you died and just after you died. There is before I died, I died. I went blind. Then I had an hemorrhage and I fell asleep and i died in a chair in the corner downstairs
Starting point is 01:22:09 oh god i know i'm gonna be editing at like 2 a.m and have to watch that oh god so at this point maurice uh decided to leave the family alone and give them some space although that is the opposite of what i would fucking want and said hey peggy like just keep a diary just like write any instance of anything paranormal going on and he came back only a couple days later and she had logged 155 incidences and that apparitions in human forms were beginning to become more and more frequent throughout the house to do something there was also an incident where i'm sorry there were multiple incidences where uh there were several spontaneous outbreaks of fire that then put themselves out so shit is just now igniting on fire so then ed and lorraine warren come in my homies they're just like we got this they're like hang in there
Starting point is 01:23:05 buckle the fuck up however this is the first time i've ever seen any poor reviews about them because apparently they showed up uninvited and two more reese was like we're basically just here because we're gonna make money off of this case what and they were only there for a day they didn't come in to help so that's fucking rude so that's a huge um uh what do you say uh in the movie the conjuring 2 the warrens seem to be like the main character oh i didn't even know they were in that movie okay um so basically that's like a huge like difference between reality and the movie that like they weren't actually very involved they were only there for a day and then claimed to only be there for the money oh okay or that they could like make money off of
Starting point is 01:23:47 it by writing a book about it or something okay um well that's kind of shitty of them yeah super disappointed apparently like in in their following notes and all that later lorraine and ed say that they were keeping up with the story from america and just weren't able to get to london so that was kind of their defense so like oh we can only be there for a day because of like how traveling all worked out but who who knows what the truth about that is interesting so uh i guess now the kids this is at this point this is may. And this all ended in, I think, like in that August. Okay. So we're near the end, guys.
Starting point is 01:24:31 But then, like, I guess now they're trying to, like, hang out outside of the house. They're hanging out, like, outside, like, in their little yard. And the sisters, Janet and Margaret, were out in their garden and arguing with the children next door when all of a sudden they a bunch of like like handfuls of stones were getting thrown over the fence at them and so the girls thought that they were coming from the neighborhood kids that they were fighting with but then the neighbor across this is the creepy part the neighbor then comes around into the their yard there weren't any kids that they were arguing with he was the one out there it was a grown adult not children that they were talking to and he said he was pissed because they were throwing stones at him when
Starting point is 01:25:19 they weren't someone else that sounded like children on the other side of the fence were throwing stones at them but then it was actually no one was there and a grown man in his yard came into their yard and was like why are you throwing stones so he thought they were coming the other way yeah oh god what the fuck um uh and the girls also say that the stones slowly turned from stones into like bricks and rocks like much bigger ones like meant to hurt them no but like an invisible force sounded like children arguing with them and throwing rocks at them and then someone came around was like there's nobody in my yard and why are you throwing rocks at me bricks at me yep um so apparently the warrens claim to have come back from what i've read though they only
Starting point is 01:26:04 showed up one time so maybe this is two different instances or maybe it's one instance and they're calling it two okay but basically it's um these notes are saying that after the warrens visited it was decided that janet needed to get out of there and was sent to go live in a home run by nuns probably smart i think how was that not the next move you did? My God. Also, I will say before I forget, in some of my notes that I did prior, Janet and Margaret both confirmed 100% that weeks before any of this stuff started happening, guess what they were doing? No.
Starting point is 01:26:40 They were playing with a fucking Ouija board. No, they weren't. So, open a a door let strangers in um actually that really scares me so there that is okay um so uh I haven't talked about him for a while but the guy that was um following Maurice around whose name was guy he was able to arrange for Janet to be admitted to an institute of neuropsychology oh my and states in his book that this was the first time janet had ever crossed the river into south london fun fact oh well that changes everything um she went through a whole bunch of testing and therapy
Starting point is 01:27:20 and when she was visited at the hospital there were no unusual incidences going on and she seemed to be in good health good health so when they asked her like why do you think that there's no unusual activity happening here she said the power can't build up because there's no one else to help build it up which is very creepy they're like she i guess she like i'll read it again the power can't build up because there's no one else to help build it up so maybe like she was like too much of a believer where like she was almost enabling it to happen but it doesn't sound like her right she's still there at the hospital she probably means other people right i know but maybe she's like not like maybe like the thing is still in the house but nobody else is like vulnerable enough
Starting point is 01:28:09 for it to feed oh i understand what you're saying it can't build up because there's nobody else there to be the one that helps build it understood yeah um yuck so six weeks later she comes home and she's like they gave her a clean bill of health and within a half an hour no she saw a figure in the kitchen that looked like a little boy no bye girl you're back with the nuns just like a portal or something um a friend of guys recommended another medium can you believe it and guy said he wasn't sure um like if he should even come over because at this point like what's helping jesus it's getting worse um and also this one couldn't even speak english so anyway they decided to give him a shot they were like okay you can't speak english you can't
Starting point is 01:28:56 you're at this point who cares well like we can't understand anything you're doing who knows like how you're helping or how you're healing or whatever but by all means like we can't understand anything you're doing. Who knows like how you're helping or how you're healing or whatever. But by all means, like we've tried everything else, like just come in. And so this was actually October of 1978. And he guy now says in interviews, there was no sort of ceremony performed. So we have no idea what he did. But he went up to the bedroom on his own came down later and implied that that was it what and after he left things definitely calmed down wow so whatever this and he was dutch what
Starting point is 01:29:32 was his name his name was don't make me do this is fucking dutch dutch names are great don't know gemillig mailing perfect so everyone can be mad at me now perfect so despite the fact that the house had calmed down one newspaper ran a follow-up piece um and the starting line was for more than a year now strange and seemingly seemingly inexplicable events have taken place in a house in enfield and middlesex the family who lives there and many other people besides them believe that what's happening is caused by a poltergeist. So this stuff was still going on. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:30:19 So even though this was like things had died down, investigators were still coming and there were still 13 hours of audio that had been captured, including like footage of things being levitated. The camera itself levitating. So like there's like it looks like you're flying when you look at the screen. There's also reported witnesses seeing rocks appear from nowhere and, quote, spontaneous removal of the wallpaper in the kitchen. Spontaneous? It literally just tears itself down, apparently. But anyway, so since the Dutch medium came in, it definitely definitely died down and there were only a few isolated incidences after all the investigators left. But the thought is like,
Starting point is 01:30:49 they just, the investigators energy kept coming in, but once they slowly started trickling out, when the story started dying down, then all the, wow. Energy also started dying down. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Janet said that after all these, all this quiet down, um, it never actually truly stopped until the family actually left the house. But the family didn't leave the house until Peggy died of, I'm assuming old age,
Starting point is 01:31:15 but like she died years and years later. And then her brother Johnny stayed there, or Johnny or Billy, one of the brothers stayed there after the mom died. And he even says like that place was still haunted after she left like you can still feel like daggers at you in the middle of the night um and then another family after they moved out after the hodgesons were gone
Starting point is 01:31:40 another family moved in and within like two weeks they were already out of that fucking house because that was also a single mother of four children no and each of her sons within the first like two months of living there had all had experiences of men random men walking into their bedrooms in the middle of the night and shaking their beds until they woke up holy fuck that's terrifying and the mom was like fuck that and left all of them experienced that all of them experienced it in different times seeing a black shadow man walk over to their bed and shake their bed until they were upright and awake that is traumatizing so the house is currently occupied by another family who do not wish to be identified. And the mom says, quote, I've got children.
Starting point is 01:32:29 They don't know about it. I don't want to scare them. Good mom. Good call. And I just want to add, like, in my notes, the freakiest, I just wrote a list of some of the freakier things that happened in that house. And I mean, there's nothing freakier than like the levitating and all that shit. Also, there is a famous picture if you look if you just type in enfield poltergeist on google you will see a picture of what looks like janet jumping off of her bed because that's what our brains would tell us is what's happening in that picture but it's actually a still that a camera
Starting point is 01:32:58 got of her midair being thrown out of her bed so it looks like she's jumping off the bed, but that's actually her getting thrown out of the bed. Oh, no. I like all the old posters. I know. There's also a bunch of pictures that apparently were taken second by second, and you can actually see,
Starting point is 01:33:19 it looks like a still right now because it's only one picture, but if you see them in sync, apparently you also see the curtains all flapping on their own and a pillow like twisting itself in the background i don't like super creepy stuff so there were also um i mean a bunch of random stuff like people things were getting thrown around door chimes in a still room would like move by themselves things would appear in different areas small fires would start and extinguish themselves
Starting point is 01:33:43 um all that but the thing that just really freaked me out was such a little thing but someone uh i'm sure i'm sure by someone i mean like multiple investigators but saw um on the same night that the legos were getting pelted at them there were also a bunch of marbles that were getting thrown at them but whenever the marbles would hit the ground they would land without rolling ew so they would just literally just thunk anyway but i know that was a long one guys usually i'm able to like prep my notes but it just seemed too good to be true for someone to be like i want you to read this live so thank you mor Morgan. Morgan, get out of here. This is creeping me the hell out. Look at this, Em. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Creepy. Ugh. All right. Okay. You ready? Oh, yeah. Ready for something else? Do it.
Starting point is 01:34:42 This is the story of the mixed day family murder. Mixed day? Mixed day. Like a McDonald's offering a stay. Yes. A mixed stay. It's like Airbnb sponsored by McDonald's. Actually, that is exactly what that
Starting point is 01:35:00 is. Trademark. It's a mixed stay. Don't anybody... I'm loving it. It's ours. That would be how you'd like rank it at the end don't if you had a good time cool i'm borrowing your charger that's fine the mixed day family murder cool i'm ready i thought you're gonna say something no i was just trying to think of like how you would like you like if it was a mixed day but you didn't enjoy it would you like mcleave you'd like but then i i don't know there's so many we could get really creative with it and we probably just
Starting point is 01:35:30 don't have the time and everyone's gonna be like you missed all the great puns oh i'm gonna feel terrible about ourselves don't even put this in okay the mixed day family let's see. We've got Joseph McStay, age 40. His wife, Summer, age 43. Their children, Gianni, not to be confused with my son Giovanni. Gianni was age four. And Joseph Jr., age three. So, Joseph, the dad, managed a company that built decorative fountains. Me too. Me too. managed a company that built uh decorative fountains me too me too made of it actually pours out wine and only wine actually just wine just wine and then one for ice cream and we just build decorative we build one for us and that's all maybe he can build you the wine fountain for
Starting point is 01:36:21 your wedding maybe um so right so he built fountains and summer his wife was a licensed real estate agent so they had recently bought a new house in fallbrook california okay and we're working on renovating it um on february 9th 2010 joseph's father patrick received an email from his son joseph's partner, saying that he hadn't heard from him recently. So... Uh-oh. Moment of silence. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:55 So his family and friends grew concerned when they were unable to reach them on February 15th, Joseph's brother, Mike, uh, climbed into an open window at their house, uh, to see what was going on. Cause they wouldn't answer the door, their phone. And they didn't find his brother or his brother's family. Uh, they didn't,
Starting point is 01:37:17 then the police were, you know, they called the police, the police did a search of the home. Police found no evidence of a struggle or foul play, but there were indications of a quick departure, including a carton of raw eggs that had been left out on the counter. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Two child-sized bowls of popcorn, full, sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, and paint cans in the kitchen, which was being renovated. The family's two beloved dogs, Bear and Digger, had been left behind in the backyard with no food that's that's the real crime of this whole thing real heart-wrenching they were fine they were okay um and nearly 100 000 remained untouched in joseph's bank accounts i'll take it listen the decorative fountain business is where it's booming it's booming booming i mean a fountain of success one might say oh one might say that
Starting point is 01:38:14 the the bubble will burst oh one saying it's yes you're right i'm just gonna stop one might say it's a not a windfall but a waterfall never mind i don't know just pouring money just streaming oh god revenue streams get it we're horrible you can turn off the podcast you don't have to listen anymore in fact maybe that's what you should do actually yeah just just actually it's over let's just wrap up why close up shop bye why are you still here all right let's get through this so some of the early clues the police tracked down a neighbor's surveillance camera and found that at 7 47 p.m on february oh gosh what was it i think february 8th an suv that was later determined not to be the mixtase family car had pulled out of their driveway
Starting point is 01:39:17 and driven off and in the surveillance video you can't see who's inside the car. No other cars were around, and the car never returned. The same day, around 8.28 p.m., a call had been placed from Joseph McStay's cell phone to his business associate, Chase Merritt. The call went to voicemail, but his cell phone pinged a tower in Fallbrook, so it pinged a tower that was, like. So it pinned a tower that was like in town. What year is this?
Starting point is 01:39:47 2010. Wow. Okay. Cause I hear like anything that even remotely says McDonald. And I think like, Oh, the beginning of America, McDonald,
Starting point is 01:39:56 what are you talking about? Like the, like the beginning of like farmland America. I just imagined like old McDonald. Why are we talking about old McDonald? Cause any, cause it's, his name was mixed day. So in my mind, I just imagined like old mcdonald why are we talking about old mcdonald because any because it's his name was mcstay so in my mind i just assumed like oh he's like an early irish farmer you took a lot of leaps there i know but then i heard 2010 i was like how did his cell phone ping a tower on farmland in the early 1900s oh my i really assumed a lot of things going into
Starting point is 01:40:23 a lot of things uh that were opposite of the several things i said already i know i was listening to all of it and i was like this doesn't add up maybe it'll explain itself later and then it was just that i mean also that he was a we we definitely delved into the fact that he was a decorative fountain i mean i was absolutely involved in that conversation multiple times now and it still had not and yet he was a farmer in 1900 maybe we should just start quizzing at the beginning of your stories being like do you know the time period do you where are we and we'll never get anywhere we won't get past the first five minutes not at all okay um so when the police investigated further they discovered that on february 8th the family's 1996
Starting point is 01:41:07 azuzu trooper was towed from a strip mall parking lot in san diego near the mexican border it was believed that the vehicle had been parked there between 5 30 and 7 p.m that evening and it was towed at 11 p.m so a search began for the family but many thought they had intentionally fled especially with the car being left at the border right um so for all intents and purposes it became a missing persons case and for a while the police were convinced that the mixed days had crossed the border on foot they even had uh security footage from cameras at the border it's hard to see but i'll show you okay um that they actually believed for a long time to be them the family oh creepy they're holding hands and everything yep mom dad two kids and they there's like no that's just a
Starting point is 01:42:01 total guess it could just be another family probably no said they couldn't confirm it, but that was the same time period. And it was after the car had been left at the border. So their main theory was that they had walked across the border. Was there, I'm sure you're going to get to it. So just say yes or no right now. But is there a reason why they felt like they needed to flee? Because McStay sounds like they were very American. Like, why did they need to?
Starting point is 01:42:23 Why did they need to McLeave if they were McStay? Why did they need to McLeave if they were McStay? Why did they need to McLeave if they were McFine and then McCountry? I don't understand. And they were McStaying. Yeah. I don't McGet it. I get it. I just wanted to say Mc. McHelpme! You know how I sometimes
Starting point is 01:42:42 think I'm Michael Scott? Where I just keep going. And I smile the whole time because I think I'm Michael Scott or like I just keep going. Yeah. And I smile the whole time cause I think I'm funny and I'm aware others don't. And then I like have like this like weird complex. You it's honestly, I'm going to blame you because you let it keep going. I'm just,
Starting point is 01:42:58 I'm smiling. I just hate silence and I keep trying to fill it. Actually. That is what I learned in journalism school. It was to keep quiet and people would just spill their guts. People, that was what I learned in journalism school. What, to keep quiet and people will just spill their guts? People will keep talking because they don't... It's true. They don't like awkward silences
Starting point is 01:43:10 and if you can hold out longer than they can, they will keep talking. You'd be a great spy. Thanks. Or like a, I guess, a cop, like an interrogator. I was a private investigator, so... And how many people did you interrogate? I mean, I did a lot of online snooping good job
Starting point is 01:43:27 email snooping a lot of snooping love a good snoop love a good snoop you know d-o-double-g so what happened was okay so they were like we we think the McStays might have left voluntarily. That was the main theory. Why are you smiling? Nothing. What's wrong? I'm nothing. I just, I really don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:54 I was just happy to be here. I don't know what's wrong with me. Are you okay? I think I'm just slap happy. Okay, well, things are about to get dark, so. Oh, okay. Well, then let me enjoy my last three seconds of smiling, then. Okay, great. you okay i think i'm just slap happy okay well things are about to get dark so oh okay well then let me like enjoy my last three seconds of smiling okay great i just like smiling smiling all right you can't be michael scott and elf at the same time never wanted to be either and yet
Starting point is 01:44:17 somehow i'm both it's really quite a life you've you've led and that's why we drink. Okay. So after they came up with the theory that the McStays had left voluntarily, investigators found searches on the family's computers for the following. What documents do children need for traveling to Mexico? Okay, they're guilty. Spanish language lessons. Guiltiest. On February 19, 2010, California police notified Interpol to be on the lookout for the family. And in April 2013, the San Diego County Sheriff's Department announced that it believed the Mixtays traveled to Mexico voluntarily. traveled to Mexico voluntarily.
Starting point is 01:45:08 So there were several unconfirmed sightings of the family in Mexico and elsewhere, perpetuating the hopes that they were safe and had left voluntarily. Relatives, however, doubted that they would have traveled to Mexico, saying that Joseph and Summer avoided the country because of the safety threat posed by recent drug wars. And other critics noted that the McStxtaes had more than a hundred thousand dollars in bank accounts but there were no withdrawals and it hasn't been touched since they left um summer sister also said that her passport was expired although it is possible for a u.s citizen to enter mexico without a passport you just need one to return oh so three years later
Starting point is 01:45:48 on november 11th 2013 so basically this was a missing persons case and that was kind of the leading theory uh three years later november 11th 2013 a motorcyclist came across a skull in the desert near victorville california which led to the discovery of four sets of human remains buried in two shallow graves. Oh, no. The bodies were stacked two to a grave, each parent in a separate grave with one of their children. Shouldn't have called them guilty. You spoke too soon. Yeah. called them guilty you spoke too soon yeah i mean if someone based whether i was guilty of something
Starting point is 01:46:28 based on my google search history i'd be fucked he'd be mcfucked i'd be really really screwed joseph's body was found with a white extension cord wrapped around his neck and he was wrapped in a futon cover taken from his own home summer's skull was fractured and one of their son's heads was bludgeoned seven times with a sledgehammer why seven the first fucking sex weren't enough nope um and they were only three and five or something they were little babies joseph's uh and summer's skulls had also been smashed multiple times um so gianni the little one he's four years old seven times uh joseph had a broken leg and rib he was tied with an extension cord um the evidence seemed to indicate that the family had been attacked and perhaps even bludgeoned to death at their own home before being taken to the desert. There were signs of renovation work, you know, the paint and new hardwood flooring in their house that they had just bought.
Starting point is 01:47:38 And Summer, when she was unearthed, she was not wearing a shirt and her bra had paint spatter on it for like the same paint that was being used in the kitchen um and the sledgehammer also contained smears of the same paint so they think it like might have been their sledgehammer yeah they believe the sledgehammer was taken from their house as well okay so they just brought a fucking sledgehammer to mexico they were no one's in mexico what nobody is in mexico at this point oh okay we're in victorville california so they never actually i thought they crossed the border no i said they saw a photo and we're like we believe they crossed the border based on this photo oh i think i just followed the photo this whole time and google spanish language learning and then so there's that's there's that just a chance it's not confirmed that they actually did it all i remember
Starting point is 01:48:35 you saying that sorry no they never did because they found their bodies in california yeah okay so three years yeah three years later a motorcyclist found their bodies in a desert in Victorville, California. Okay. I think my thought this whole time was that they went to Mexico and then someone brought them back or something and buried them in California. I don't know. I need to stop. Nope.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Being so extra in my thoughts. Okay. So her bra was spattered with the same paint that they were using in the kitchen to paint the kitchen and um the sledgehammer that had been used to kill them and had also been buried with them also contained smears of the same paint investigators also believe summer may have been raped before she was killed great uh two days later the remains were officially positively identified as those of joseph and summer mcstay and their two children the deaths were ruled a homicide and san bernardino county authorities said they believed the family died of blunt force trauma inside their home
Starting point is 01:49:37 so obviously age of the internet there were amateur sleuths all over this um a radio host named rick baker had published a book called no goodbyes the mysterious disappearance of the mcstay family in february so this was before that they were actually found he traveled around the world chasing international leads on supposed sightings of the family he interviewed the couple's family friends business associates like it took him all over the globe um and when he heard the news that the family's bodies had been found he was completely devastated he said i thought i would meet them one day i've traveled around the world to what i thought were verified sightings i thought they were part of my family and i grieved when i heard never in my wildest dreams or nightmares could i have supposed that Geez.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Baker actually asked to take his book off the market and has promised to personally refund the purchase price for anyone who bought the book. Wow. Because he saw it as a means of... Like, gaining from the experience or. Well, he said he saw it ended up being. He wanted to find out what happened to them. And then when he found out what happened to them, he was like, I don't want to profit off this. And I don't want to perpetuate this idea that they're still out there somewhere where clearly.
Starting point is 01:51:01 Right. He's too. Yeah. Heartbroken, broken, broken even think about it so um he also went on to say that he didn't believe that drug cartels were responsible for the deaths based on what he knew citing that the placement of the vehicle after the after the disappearance at the border didn't make sense because cartels wouldn't stage the car at the border um even though this was a theory that was like also going around once they found the bodies um basically he said a cartel wouldn't leave the
Starting point is 01:51:37 car by the border then drive the bodies out to the desert and bury them like 50 yards away from a road or something too much work well it would not even it just wasn't done very well it was very amateur like the bodies were not hid well enough they were only like 50 feet 50 yards from the road um the car was like planted whereas like a cartel would have found a way to hide it. I don't know. Did you say how far into them being buried they were found? Yeah, three years later. Three years. Yeah, you just said that.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Okay. Yeah. So no supporting evidence has ever been found about relating to a cartel. The mystery deepened when rumors spread that despite substantial bank holdings, the McStays experienced financial difficulties in the months before their disappearance. A former neighbor told the Daily Mail that the family was on the verge of eviction just before they purchased their $230,000 home in Fallbrook. But investigators and family members deny finding any evidence of financial problems. So it might just be a nosy neighbor trying to get a quote.
Starting point is 01:52:47 Gotcha. Who knows? Additionally, Summer, the wife, had been known by a number of names. So this was another weird detail. She was born Virginia Lisa Aranda, but she had also been known as Summer Martelli summer aranda martelli lisa aranda lisa martelli and lisa aranda martelli um she invented the name summer even though i don't think she was even using it legally uh she took 10 years off her age even though there was no confirmation that she legally used it on her legal documents.
Starting point is 01:53:29 Family members insisted that her name changes were only a facet of her eccentric personality. But it was just another weird detail that they didn't quite know how to fit into this whole puzzle. know how to fit into this whole puzzle um so investigators and the public then focused on mixed day's business partner chase merit who was the last person to have had contact with right there's like the phone call that went to voicemail and all that yes and was the first to notice his disappearance and tell his dad oh hey i haven't heard from him in a while yeah so according to state records, it turns out Merritt had felony convictions for burglary and receiving stolen property. In 2001, he was convicted of the theft of $32,000 worth of welding and drilling equipment.
Starting point is 01:54:19 An acquaintance of Merritt's told a reporter, I think police should look at him and anyone associated with him. In 2013, Merritt admitted that he had spent more than an hour with Joseph the day that the family went missing. Merritt also said that he had passed a polygraph exam and didn't know anything that could help solve the mystery of the family's disappearance. When he asked if he thought Merritt was a suspect, Joseph McStay's father, Patrick, said, I have to have faith in Chase because I have to have faith in my son. I believe that he trusted Chase and believed in Chase. Do I think Chase is involved? I don't think so. And I truly hope not. So it's just heartbreaking because they were really close friends and his dad was like it better not be true yeah um so in
Starting point is 01:55:06 january 2014 interestingly enough uh chase merit decided he was going to write a book about the family that he called a tell-all in which he alleged that summer had anger issues and that joseph had potentially been poisoned by his wife. So as it turns out, Joseph had actually feared that his wife was poisoning him in the months before they disappeared. Supposedly, he was suffering from a mysterious illness that doctors couldn't diagnose. He would spend days in bed, unable to walk. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:55:41 It was bad. Doctors could not figure out what it was. Oh, no. It was bad. People, like doctors, could not figure out what it was. So in his book, his business partner and friend, Chase, was basically planning to reveal that Joseph told him he would stop eating his wife's food and start eating out because he was concerned that she had something to do with it. She was slipping something in, yeah. Yeah. So the book was called Afraid of the Light, and it was going to detail how the couple was having major problems in their relationship and had not had sex for more than a year before they went missing.
Starting point is 01:56:21 In 2013, local news reported that the McStay family had called Summer's ex-boyfriend Vic Johansson a person of interest in the case uh they believe that he had been obsessed with her for years and and he had an extensive criminal history and a pattern of movement around the time of the disappearance that they considered suspicious but the police department had no comment and defended its own work in the case and said we don't think that that's a good lead for whatever reason meanwhile chase mara is writing this tell-all book about his wife and etc and their sex life and police are trying to zero in on who might be responsible when our good friend dna steps in oh god my best friend my best friend in the mixed-day family car that had been towed right on the steering wheel and on the gear shift police found none other than the dna of chase merritt himself no he was arrested on november 5th 2014 on the counts of four murders he never got the chance to write that lovely tell-all that he
Starting point is 01:57:26 was planning oh sad so sad why didn't he use like gloves or something like he just thought oh well obviously i can like have my dna in the car since it's my best friend or literally i have no idea i don't know if you like had a quote or anything no i mean i guess in one part of your mind it could be a foolproof thought of like you don't have to worry about your dna being any like if deirdre's whole family like god forbid got murdered my dna is all over that house yeah for the last like 20 years of my life like me and that would you know well he claimed he had never driven their car oh okay well that changed the game yes um but then he said that his attorney said that the evidence was a trace amount and could have been from the time the last two met up and shook hands following a business meeting at oh my chick-fil-a restaurant in rancho cucamonga okay don't disrespect
Starting point is 01:58:24 for chick-fil-a like that yeah chick-fil-a has nothing rancho kookamonga okay don't disrespect for chick-fil-a like that yeah chick-fil-a has nothing to do with this i know thank you that is a wholesome godly restaurant thank you very godly my pleasure not open on sundays that's the sin of the century i think out of all of this that's the sin um yeah so he claimed that like maybe it was from a handshake like okay it was on the gear shift and the steering wheel um yeah who knows why he didn't wear gloves i mean maybe he did and then at least say you've driven their car before you know like just to cover your ass yeah but you don't know if they asked him before and like he couldn't backtrack.
Starting point is 01:59:05 You know what I mean? Like, who knows how they got that out of him? Weird. I don't know. But yeah. So he hasn't come clean about anything? Is he still in jail? So here's what happened.
Starting point is 01:59:19 Prosecutors alleged that Merritt had a gambling problem and had killed the family for financial gain. They said that he wrote checks totaling more than $21,000 on Joseph McStay's business account in the days following his death. Not a good look. Not cute. He then went on a gambling spree at nearby casinos where he lost thousands of dollars. The trial has been delayed as Mer merit has repeatedly fired his attorney or attempted to represent himself always good the best goes really well every time as of february 2016 he had gone through five attorneys all himself he just kept firing himself
Starting point is 02:00:06 he's like okay we can try this one more time it's like okay but if you if you make me look bad again i don't know where we're gonna where we're gonna stand i'm gonna need a raise this time uh in july 2017 marriott's trial was tentatively set for September 25th, 2017. And then in August 2017, the judge set a November 13th date. And then on November 13th, the trial was waived until today, February 23rd, 2018. You're kidding me. I didn't know that until the last line of my notes. And I went, holy fuck.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Well, if that ain't a sign. Seriously. So today, I mean, the day we're recording. line of my notes and i went holy fuck well if that ain't a sign seriously so today i mean the day we're recording that's some eerie stuff it's weird i don't think i've ever felt so close to a story before his trials happening literally happened today ew i looked is there like breaking news there wasn't anything when i checked a few hours ago i can look now very weird how timely literally so timely so timely i'd like to say i did it on purpose but i totally didn't i mean i don't see anything nothing new but yeah so that was that was the story and it's
Starting point is 02:01:21 obviously not fully solved but at least they have somebody in custody. He claims his innocence. It's just fucked up. And it was in California? Yeah. So literally in this state, it happened today. Yeah. How creepy.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Yeah, so who knows? But it's pretty fucked up and like just the fact that there were some weird details like the poisoning or like the potential poisoning yeah that always freaks me out yeah me too like things like that were like it's like subtle but like so evil like yeah and from someone that you're supposed to trust so much on by doing something so simple like feeding you yes like cooking you dinner yeah oh it's so fucked up but like and his family like all swore they were like he was extremely sick like he was in hospitals like he was weird but so then you wonder like if this guy merit was like i'm gonna write a book about how
Starting point is 02:02:25 his wife did it like did he have something to do with it if now he's under arrest for it yeah especially like i mean if he knew anything and was letting it happen and then all of a sudden he's dead he's like oh well i guess i can profit now yeah it's like why weren't you fucking helping your buddy out then or at least prove that like try to put the blame on the dead wife instead of being yeah like when he was at a doctor when you asked them to like i don't can you do that like try to put the blame on the dead wife instead of being yeah like when he was at a doctor when you asked them to like i don't can you do that like figure out what someone was eating i know like when it's a dead body you can like during an autopsy you can see like the last thing that they consumed and see if they're like a tox like a what's it called screen is that what's
Starting point is 02:03:00 called toxicology report yeah like i wonder if you can do that on a live person like why didn't they just like check the contents of his stomach and see if there's poison in there? I don't know if that's how it works. I don't know. I'm going to tell myself. I mean, in an autopsy, they literally cut open your stomach and check the contents. I wonder if there's, like, a way you could do it to a live person. Like, in a different routine version of it.
Starting point is 02:03:22 I mean, I think it wasn't to a point where he was like holy shit i'm being poisoned i think it was just like like an off like a one-off like ugh maybe i'll just start eating out like i don't even think it was a very because also they're both their families swear like no that's not what was happening it's only this guy who says it was happening and also he's probably the murderer so okay i guess it's it's like i don't know how much weight that really holds at all um i just like to believe because it's a little extra juicy no it is and it adds like a weird wrench to the plan to like it's like oh makes it a little less clear what happened yeah and then but it's true he could absolutely just be lying for all we know they were having the happiest marriage in the world.
Starting point is 02:04:06 Yeah. Who knows? And like her with her like eight names, just weird stuff like that. But yeah, it's sad and scary. And who knows, like the car that showed up in their driveway and then disappeared. Yeah, right. It's just creepy. But that could have also just been someone like lost and turning into their driveway
Starting point is 02:04:22 to turn around. Well, it was parked there for a while. It was just parked. I know. I'm just trying to, i'm trying to rationalize my head around otherwise yeah it was parked and then eventually pulled out and drove away it's so creepy it's just weird it's just weird so creepy so that's that story the mixtape family murders and it's very sad it is very sad two babies oh that is the sad part it's really sad so that's my story of the day oh yay um drink all my coconut water i had my frat before i even saw you i'm ready for bed i'm ready for bed too which is so weird because we should be like so adrenaline rushed to like not want to go to sleep because of how spooky the stories were
Starting point is 02:05:11 but i'm also like i am aware i'm tired the only thing i'm nervous about is like how this is gonna fuck with my dreams that's the thing then you get scared to go to bed yeah yeah yeah totally this is after we recorded last week is when i fucking thought there was a ghost in my room and it was just an earthquake. Also, we do want to say on a on a happier note, we would appreciate your creativity. And, you know, after we went to see My Dad Wrote a Porno, we, you know, we did go because we truly enjoyed their show. And they're actually their podcast is one of the first ways we ever bonded before we ever thought of having a podcast either. But now that there is like the reality sinking in that we could very well be doing live shows one day. We did want to go and kind of take it as an opportunity to research and, you know, observe how they did it.
Starting point is 02:06:02 So we know what we should do and they had some really clever cool things going on during their podcast like live show there was interactive parts to it they definitely had the crowd involved and so um if you guys have any ideas of things you would want to see from us from a live show because it looked like their show was about two hours live and yeah um granted if you just heard an unedited version of any of our episodes it'd be like four fucking hours long so i don't know how we're gonna learn how to shave it down no we're only at 2 15 right now and that was a long one well we're getting much better we are getting much better we're getting much better but if there's anything that
Starting point is 02:06:40 you can imagine like wanting to see or like if there's any way we could get you guys on stage for something or if you know we could have you guys shout things out from the audience or um dressing in costume or anything you can think of like wine slash milkslakes slash geo slash vision board slash drunk mystery related just hit us up and put it in your put it in the email title so we see it right away like in your subject line right like idea for a live show yeah like live show ideas or something yeah something so we like it grabs our attention and we see it right away because we want to start planning because we are finally hitting the patreon levels where we're able to start actually planning
Starting point is 02:07:18 things like this and tours and stuff and we want to get on it and we and a lot of you have been like so nice about saying we'll be there which is just fucking awesome yeah because my personal biggest fear has been like wherever we go there won't be enough people like you know like not like i just i'm always afraid that we're gonna rent out this place with like a bunch of seats and only one personal show and that freaks me out i just for my performance anxiety i mean i think my own thing i think after crime con and like meeting all of you and it'll be so much more reassuring that like there are real people out there who yeah like are our friends our listeners i know i and it's it's totally my own personal complex but like it's weird for
Starting point is 02:08:01 someone with performance anxiety who kind of hopes no one shows up but like i also need everyone to show up because otherwise worse if no if no one shows up then i'm like oh well this is for as someone who's performed improv in front of a full audience and an empty audience it's way worse with an empty audience because then you're too you're going so but this is why we've been saying you know please help us on patreon please help us you know get where we need to go because this is actually going to help us travel to you and we can you know and you're doing it and yeah i mean so we're getting to that place where we can actually consider this but once we actually can afford to make this happen we want to already have a plan in mind so if you guys have any ideas of how we can get you on stage i feel like a lot of other
Starting point is 02:08:44 shows have these ideas and create them and then like behind the scenes we can get you on stage i feel like a lot of other shows have these ideas and create them and then like behind the scenes and then they get on stage and you guys are wowed by all the stuff that they've done meanwhile like i think i was saying this to christine but i think one of our like things is that we try really hard to keep everyone involved and yeah like how close you are so you know your input matters to us we want to know what you want to see. So tell us how you would want things to be played out. Yes. We want to make you happy. We will consider them.
Starting point is 02:09:13 So anyway, I wanted to end on a happy note that we crave your creativity. We crave your creativity. We crave your support and love. Support, love, hugs. Alcohol. Alcohol. We crave your support and love. Support, love, hugs.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Alcohol. Alcohol. Also, I am going to say it every time until May 4th rolls around, but CrimeCon. May 4th to May 6th. Nashville, Tennessee, y'all. I keep trying. It's not working. It's the trying so hard is what does it. I think.
Starting point is 02:09:41 I try to be subtle. Y'all. Y'all. Y'all. hard is what does it i think i try to be subtle y'all y'all y'all um use promo code atwwd for 10 off your badge and come meet us you'll get a special gift if you use our code and you're meet and greet with us photo up etc we'll have merch there uh it'll just be so fun and we can't wait to meet you so so go ahead and do that. Please.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Please. Please. Please. Please. Okay. Okay. Thank you guys. Did you do it? Did I do it?
Starting point is 02:10:12 No. Did they do it? Well, you could have done it better. I mean, I think they had enough time. I mean, they might as well have just turned this thing off and walked away if they didn't do it yet. Well, that's rude. Betrayal is quite a pain.
Starting point is 02:10:23 I mean. Quite a painful experience. And I know they wouldn't want to do that to us. Tears on my pillow tonight. Strumming my pain with your fingers, man. With all of your fingers. So many fingers. All five.
Starting point is 02:10:35 All million. How many listeners do we have? All their fingers are strumming the pain. That's a lot of fingers. A lot of fingers strumming my pain. Okay, let's stop it. Okay. You can find us everywhere at ATWWD Podcast.
Starting point is 02:10:50 You can also find our Patreon at ATWWD. You can find our personal social medias at Xteen Schieffer and VM Schultz. You can find our website at AndThat' as well as our shop, AndThat'sWhyWeDrink.Big why we as well as our shop and that's why we if you are also another professor at vcu and happen to have my sister in your class and you were to throw our website back on the board that's fine we'll talk about it on the show and post on instagram if you are a professor at any university and want to throw our website on the board if you have any opportunity to ever promote us and want to take a picture and send it to us, we just might put it on
Starting point is 02:11:26 our Instagram and talk about how great you are. What else? You're welcome. You're welcome, actually, not us. You're welcome, students of America who are trying to get a college education. I think that's, you can find us on Spotify, iHeartRadio.
Starting point is 02:11:43 I'm not done. I watched your face go excuse me I zip my mouth shut real quick you can find us on Spotify iHeartRadio iTunes just about anywhere any podcast destination as they say you can also
Starting point is 02:12:02 thank you Christine find us at our email and that's where we drink at where you can send us your listeners stories and we put out a new listeners episode every first of the month which means next week you will be seeing one on march 1st it's coming up fast because it's a short month it is oh oh we need to record one. Oh God. It comes out on Thursday. Oh no. Fuck. I did not plan for that. Maybe next year on anniversary number two, we will have our lives sorted better.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Keyword. Maybe, maybe not. Um, you guys are awesome. And if you get the chance and you, and you have a Podcasts, if you could rate and rate our podcast. I know you subscribe, but. But if you could like leave us a quick, you don't even need to review, but at least rate us the little five stars. That would be amazing and helps us so much.
Starting point is 02:12:55 And preferably review us and talk about how great we are. Well, sure. We love a good compliment. Love a good compliment. Here's a compliment for you guys. We love you so much. You have no idea how appreciative we are of you guys. You're so great. You're best best of all time yes and that's why we drink
Starting point is 02:13:13 clink

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