And That's Why We Drink - E58 and the Return of RicePudding9

Episode Date: March 11, 2018

It’s episode 58 and, as promised, the one and only Alex Schiefer is here to do a dramatic reading of our hand-delivered hate mail. Once we’ve kicked him out of the room, Em covers The House of 200... Demons in Gary, Indiana (Gary Indiana, Gary Indiana, that’s the town that knew me when!). Meanwhile, Christine covers the infamous Richardson family murders that took place in Medicine Hat, Alberta in the year 2006, otherwise known as the heyday of MySpace, LiveJournal, and “American Online Instant Messenger.” Come meet us at CrimeCon 2018 this May in Nashville, TN! Get a surprise gift from us when using promo code “ATWWD”! consider supporting the companies that support us! Havenly - Get 25% off your design package by visiting!Zola is reinventing the wedding registry and planning process. To receive a $50 credit towards your registry, visit Try Ora Organic with 15% off your first order using the code DRINK at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back in the studio. We have Hugh Hefner with us from Beyond the Grave. Hello. His name is Alexander Schieffer now, per everyone's request. Listen, a lot of people were like, put Alex on the show. And I was like, no. And then he showed up in a bathrobe with a glass of wine and his own microphone. He came prepared here's what happened i was gonna say thank you to michelle who sent us starbucks gift cards
Starting point is 00:00:39 and why are you because i like starbucks i know you have to react nobody can see your face oh my face was very thankful thank you to Michelle you just stared at me with an open mouth we want to say thank you Michelle and she sent you one for milkshakes me one for coffee and one for Gio for puppuccinos so sweet and then speaking mail, this is how I was going to segue. We were hand delivered our first piece of hate mail. Yes. And we posted it and it caused quite a stir. A lot of people were very angered because they did not understand the intention of my post.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Which was humor. Yes. Humor based. I was trying to joke. And we have the author here in the house to read a dramatic reading of said hate mail. Take it away. Yes, hello. They want to hear my voice. I know. Tell them what they want to hear. All about that. But they only heard like three words. So I'm probably disappointing now that they hear it more. They're like, ah, never mind.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Okay. Kodesh, I quit while you were ahead. Please read your hate mail. Well, first I want to give some backstory before your fans yell at me more. I listened to an episode where you guys said that you hadn't gotten any hate mail. And I felt like that meant you hadn't made it. Oh, that's so kind. So you're here to do the deed.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I basically helped you make it. Okay, thanks. I guess. Here we are. Now I'll read this to you. Dear Em and Christine. Yes, Em has not heard this yet. No, I don't know what's coming it has come to my
Starting point is 00:02:26 attention that you feel you are overdue for some hate mail i want to stop you already it's it scares me that you're looking me in the eyes as you read this because usually hate mail is not something i get directly told in my face so here we go next sentence is my favorite okay okay then fuck you both yay now that i'm caught up on the podcast i'm finally free from the guilt you pile on me for not being caught up we do that often i'm sick of you two ladling out your nonsense much like it's relevant i'm sick of you two ladling out your nonsense much like a slag pot ladles out molten slag. And like a wise man would say, M and Christine go home. Your father. Wise words. Your friend and brother.
Starting point is 00:03:20 P.S. When will I be invited on as a guest? Hashtag give the people what they want. Wow, that was some foreshadowing, wasn't it? No, it's called Alexander forcing himself onto our podcast. When will you let me on the show? Oh, when you have to read this exact letter. It's also called that's his vision board on that piece of paper. And then you write that a while ago.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I wrote that like a month and a half ago and I was way too lazy to mail it. And then I remembered it was in my backpack. So I pulled it out and it's like, here's your hate mail. He tossed it at me on the floor. That is vision boarding, though, because then all of a sudden people are saying we want Alex on the show. It timed out. You really did give the people what they want. But not everyone, because some people were very upset.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And now we have a segment called mean tweets yeah mean instagram comments i think that's trademarked jimmy kimmel so we'll call it rude tweets no mean sad alex sad alex that's it okay this was after i posted the post on instagram saying oh we got our first hate mail hand delivered and showed the letter with Alexander in the background. So I assume people knew that the letter was from him. And I guess I didn't clarify enough. And people were so kind and came to our defense. But then they also cut him down while doing it.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So here you go. On the one hand, I was impressed and I was excited for you guys. Your fans are so passionate. But then I realized it was directed towards me. Well, this one I want to defend myself. Someone said it takes a certain type of negative energy for someone to be motivated enough to handwrite hate mail. And I did handwrite it, but I was at work and I didn't have anything to do. So you were committed.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah. And then someone said, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Kirsten Alley P. Okay. Yeah, give them the credit. Yeah, that's right. For their hatred. Someone said, who actually has the time?
Starting point is 00:05:15 Crying laughing emoji. That was Darian with two R's and three I's. Alexander has the time, apparently. Yes, I do. Someone said, call their mom. Which happens to be... My mom. There we go.
Starting point is 00:05:32 That was Justin Please, P-L-Z. Thanks, Justin. Oh, Justine, shoot. Justine. I'm new to this. And then someone said, take it as a compliment. They're the ones wasting energy. That was Lindsay
Starting point is 00:05:48 Naomi. He or she can suck it. That was Erica Endo underscore. Hand-delivered hate mail. Check the bushes. Good suggestion, and awkward artist one. I feel like he's
Starting point is 00:06:03 in his bathroom reading fireside chat letters. He really is in, like, a full-blown... Like, he's in a full robe right now. Yeah. Yeah, he came... He wasn't wearing it before he knew he was coming on the show. You guys had, like, four blankets, and we're discussing who would wear what blanket while you were recording
Starting point is 00:06:25 so i dressed them i'm wearing uh cincinnati bengals actually yeah you are so i dressed the part and okay this is where i actually got offended because it was so true uh emily gold hammer or gold hammer said their penmanship could use some work. Well, could it? Yes, but still. The truth hurts sometimes. Oh, someone said that face is looking mighty smackable right now. So what that means is they knew it was me
Starting point is 00:06:55 and they still wanted to smack me. That was mabama20. How funny. Crying laughing emoji. Those chicken shits couldn't have a return address listed just in case you wanted to send your own hate mail.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I'm going to send my own hate mail. It's called knocking on his bedroom door. Yeah, and the reason there's no return address is because it's also my address. And I'll just mail it right back. And that was from Carrie underscore bomb. Thank you. Thank you for your support. I said Carrie Underwood.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I was like, if Carrie Underwood is defending us. Okay, but did someone just come straight out of third grade's first lesson in cursive writing or... And then thinking emoji. Oh, that was Tay underscore Lorp. What kind of name is Lorp? Hate mail to the hate mail. Coming back at ya. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Didn't realize Trump could write anything except his fucking name. No, I hadn't seen that one until now. That's good. That's good. Thanks, Norski with a zero. Someone said, oh, crap, hope you're both okay. We're not. What? Oh god, what?
Starting point is 00:08:08 We're seeing psychiatrists about it. Kim Searle Crafts? Oh my god, man. Oh, there are more that I haven't, oh jeez. Oh, someone thought it was our dad. I'm just so close. Well, he has shared a lot of hatred for this show. Oh, someone said, oh man, more hate mail from Alex.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Wait, where's the first one? I don't remember. Probably just a daily reminder. But Aaron says, Aaron Copland says, your brother is so fit though. Oh, fuck off, Aaron. Wait, I skipped my favorite. I was going to go back to it, but now's a good time. Trisha Rose 95 says, can I date your brother?
Starting point is 00:08:46 No. Go ahead. No. Why not? Yeah. Two out of three, Christine. I'm a great matchmaker. Someone said, WTF?
Starting point is 00:08:55 No one told any of us that Alexander is hot? Question mark, question mark, question mark, question mark. Oh, my God. This is amazing. Someone said there. Now we're seeing your real reason for getting on the show was just to uh promote yourself did anyone doubt that um my instagram is sheifer740 there it is i've gotten some followers thank you guys oh you're welcome i know i'm why you're here that's actually why we have the show
Starting point is 00:09:20 yeah just to matchmake for you it's about you, actually, I do need a date for CrimeCon. And Christine's wedding. Well, see, that can be a second date. Oh. First date is CrimeCon, so that you have to come to CrimeCon if you want to make the And the second date is five months later. Don't forget to use the code ATWWD. That's right.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I used it when I bought my ticket. We just bought our plane tickets, guys. We're going to Nashville. And so is Alexander. Oh. Y'all. Yeah, Alexander will be there, too. Yep. Yep. Just for you guys. At least as of right now. And to all the women who wish they were
Starting point is 00:09:57 I guess me on that plane. Or men. Alexander. Who knows? Yeah, that's fine. Did you know you and I are gonna be flying back together without christine yes i did it's gonna be our first real adventure together i still bought a ticket i'm flattered thank you you could have not done that i really could have but i did not thank you uh okay i want to put my little spin on this and take this microphone back. I actually laughed pretty loud when someone said, you should call their mom. Because I'm like, wait, that's my mom.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And then I giggled to myself. And then I did call my mom. And I recorded the call. And my mom, I'll play just like a brief response. This is what she said. That's a Shiva thing. I think it's a... This is where, unfortunately, the genes between your father and I
Starting point is 00:10:53 didn't mix well, and the German humor is not working. Blame your father for that one, not me. Blame God? Yep, blame your father. Blame your uncle. Either one is fine with me and so then i decided to call my dad because i was like well he needs a chance to defend himself because my mom said oh this is your father's fault right of course not alexander's it's my father's right at least
Starting point is 00:11:17 it's not yours i mean yeah all in all it's not my fault so then this is what my father had to say about the whole thing i have no idea where he got this stuff from maybe maybe he suffered a little bit under the los angeles sun or what have you but don't blame it don't blame it all on me you know how that sounds to me? You know, that sounds to me, my daughter, who I love very much, that you and Em are running out of anything creative anymore, that you have to call me. That's how low your podcast went, that you have to call me to get something, some red meat for your listeners
Starting point is 00:12:05 or whatever I can't believe this I can't believe this this is how bad it is out there I think I have to come out there and do my own thing with Alexander probably together you know anyway so that's everyone that's the Schieffer family input I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:21 why anybody needed any input but you know. It's family values. I wanted to give everyone a fair shot. We're all about family values here at ATWWD. Also, I think it takes a real man to read your own mean tweets. So I thank you for putting on your robe and your big boy pants all at once. The compliments helped.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah. I sprinkled those in so when i was feeling down i'd bring myself back up yeah i figured i figured as much it worked it worked feeling pretty good thank you guys if only we had rights to the uh the trademark jimmy kimmel music behind the mean tweets yeah i was thinking of putting like some sarah mclaughlin or something back there oh yeah i'm sure in retroactively i know i put music under it so when it comes out you'll see why are you drinking m well alexander what are you drinking tonight wine i'm drinking out of a wine glass alexander's drinking wine and i'm drinking fucking water because i'm on this
Starting point is 00:13:18 whole 30 but this is the last episode we're taping where i'm not drinking huzzah thank god they've got they've been getting boring. All right. You've taken this too far. Do you have a reason you drink this week? It was all that hate, honestly. Oh, good. Well, glad we cleansed the air. And all the love I was getting.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Oh. But I do have a paranormal story that's not much of a story. Oh, great. And I'm going to give it quick. Way to sell it. Since your episodes are like two hours long sometimes so you don't cut things so i'm just gonna say it since you don't cut things oh just while you're here when in rome got it yes well i actually went to the most haunted
Starting point is 00:13:58 place in indiana if you actually google the most haunted place in Indiana, it's the first result. Wow. Yeah. That's how legit it is. What is it called? It's called the Story Inn. Okay. It's about, I think, 20 miles south of Nashville, Indiana.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And you have to take this country road. And it's really scary. And I drove past it when I first went and couldn't find it because the town of Story, which was like a mining town, like barely exists now. Oh, good. And it's basically just there for the Story Inn. In my experience, well, I actually worked for, so my former boss at a record label where I worked, his parents run the inn. So we had our Christmas party there. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And I did not know it was haunted. But I went and my plan was to stay for the whole party and spend the night and then go home the next morning. Well, I showed up
Starting point is 00:15:02 and it was fine. It was creepy, but it was fine it was creepy but it was fine and that's about it did you feel anything i was i was actually legitimately weirded out felt weird the whole time and i'm not much of a paranormal person so it's kind of weird looking back realizing that that it's haunted, but I was actually not feeling myself the whole time. Yeah, I ended, I like went outside and took a walk around because I just couldn't be in that room. Oh, weird. Or in the, yeah. Like it was like anxiety inducing. Oh yeah. I mean, I have anxiety normally, so I don't know if it was just that, but no, I was really weirdly uncomfortable. So I walked around, I wrote a note on my phone that night. Was it hate mail?
Starting point is 00:15:47 No, it was just me ranting about being there because I was so uncomfortable. I legitimately wrote that night about how uncomfortable I was. And I don't do that normally. The ghosts made you log your experience? Yeah, they were like, tell us how it was instead of the guest book. You know, I just wrote it on my phone. And I went back in and I decided I can't stay. I just didn't want to spend the night.
Starting point is 00:16:17 They had a place for me and that was the plan. I said, okay, I'm going to go. And I had to drive back to Cincinnati, which was like two and a half, three hours. And it was like one or two in the morning when I left. And it was like middle of winter. It was, yeah. So I ended up leaving anyway. Everyone was like, why?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Why don't you just stay? And I'm like, no, I'm just going to go. And I drove and on my way home, I got way too tired to drive. So I pulled off the highway and found a really sketchy lot that was, like, there was nothing nearby except for a truck stop, but it looked abandoned. Oh, so you would rather be there than in this inn. Yeah, and so I just parked my car and fell asleep and then eventually woke up and finished the drive home. Yeah, I would have not done that yeah but i don't remember there's like some ghost woman that is supposedly there i'm not prepared
Starting point is 00:17:13 believe it or not you see my robe and you're like oh he must be so prepared you're prepared for vanity on a radio show yeah well that's i mean that's so impressive because we both know you as a skeptic so for you to be that wigged out and to leave at one in the morning and you'd rather sleep in an abandoned snowy lot that's true i mean that's that's proof enough to me okay good so i'm done oh all right are you here with us for the whole show no i need my mic back oh okay well i'm sorry listeners i'm sorry ladies and gents but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna look at the stats for this episode oh god and i'm because i'm gonna post about it obviously oh well and then the stats will just my god your sponsors will be like what
Starting point is 00:17:57 what happened we've never seen these numbers before actually maybe we should just make you do the ads now maybe you'll just rake in the cash that's a good idea um i skip all your ads am i allowed to say that i don't know if you're allowed to but you definitely did so whoops their ads are funny we make them fun yeah everyone listen to the ads they're're funny. I swear. Okay, give me the headphones. Goodbye. Why do you drink this week? I don't know why I drink.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, I drink for, like, it's, for me, it's a good reason. For no one else, it's, like, a big deal. I recently rediscovered Sister Act 2. That's a good reason for no one else it's like a big deal i recently rediscovered sister act two that's a great reason and i forgot how life-changing that music is yeah oh yeah the whole way here you're like a good 45 minute drive the whole way here i probably just switched between two or three songs oh my god it's such a good movie yeah that's fantastic i also recently rediscovered my first crush i ever had miss shania twain and i thought it was whatever her name was i've had a lot of apple bomb or whatever miss apple bomb whatever the fuck her name is from
Starting point is 00:19:18 matilda oh that's what you miss honey miss honey. You told us that a long time ago. You know, I did say that. Here's the thing. I was never, like, much of a playboy. Like, what do you say? Like a... A ladies' man? Yeah, like a player. But, like, in my mind, I was dating, like, ten people at a time growing up.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And, like, Miss Honey and Shania Twain were probably at the same time. Oh, sure. Got it. So, I recently discovered her music again. So, I've got and Shania Twain were probably at the same time. Oh, sure. Got it. So I recently discovered her music again. So I've got my Shania, I've got my sister act. What a combo. It's a good time. My car is an interesting place to be right now.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It sounds like it. So anyway, why do you drink? Well, in Christine news, I was, um, I decided, okay. So it was like 40 degrees the other day and I was, and I had guests visiting and they were freezing. So I was like, I'm just going to turn the heat on in our house. I've never turned the heat on. We live in LA.
Starting point is 00:20:17 We don't turn the heat on, but I was like, okay, I'm going to turn it on low. Turn the heat on. You know how when you first turn the heat on, like there's, it like kind of smells like burning a little bit because there's dust and stuff what the fuck did you do well okay so what happened was i turned the heat on and everything was fine then i was like oh wait there's a heater in our room too so i turned it on but then i realized the whole dial was broken so i just had to like poke at it and hope i was doing something the whole cover fell off so it's just all these wires so i was just kind of poking at the wires.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And then, I know, everyone's like... No comment. Just rolling their eyes. And so, then I was like, I need to take a shower. So I'm in the shower, and la-di-da. I'm like, why does it smell like smoke in here? Fuck, Christine. And I jump out of the shower, and I realize Gio has left the room,
Starting point is 00:21:04 which is not a good sign and i'm like something smells like it's on fire well i guess our heater was not prepared for to be turned on ever again probably ever and probably me poking at it for 20 minutes didn't help um and so as i like peek out of the door the fire alarm in our bedroom which i didn't know existed starts blaring and i'm like uh-oh um and so then i jump i grab blaze's nightstand and jump on it and i start like poking at it but then i realize i'm naked because i was just in the shower and i realize like all our blinds are open so i'm just jumping up and down on blaze's nightstand knocking everything off and love it poking at the thing and it's not turning off and then the second i finally get it
Starting point is 00:21:49 to turn off the one in the hallway starts going off and my brother's like what the hell is going on so i grab my bathrobe speaking of robes and um i pull out a rolling chair and i'm like alexander fix it and like he climbs under this rolling chair. And I'm holding him in my bathrobe. And my two guests from downstairs are like, what is happening? And I'm like, I think something's on fire in my room. I don't know. I think the heater's on fire. Anyway, so it took us about a half hour of disabling.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Was anything on fire that you could find? I don't think so, unless it was inside the giant furnace thing. OK. But I'm imagining there was fire in the furnace i poked out a lot until it stopped all right so i don't really know what happened i'm a little scared well but anyway i jumped around a lot and i ruined blade's nightstand and i think all our neighbors saw me naked so that's fine it's like it's just been one of those weeks i lived across the street from the same people for 20 years they've've seen a lot worse, I think. Yeah, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Although your friends were in town, and so it was a double feature for me because I was meeting your best friends from college and meeting Allison's best friends from college at the same time. It was quite a doozy for you. Because in case you're starting at this episode, like some of you like to do it and go backwards, you and Allison were college roommates with two other people as well so i met the whole gang so my worlds are colliding which is really weird to me it's just weird but yes yeah but i had a good time it was fun yeah super super it
Starting point is 00:23:16 was fun except when i woke everyone up because i insisted on taking a shower and turning the heater on okay so there's no good segue out of that all right you want to hear a story i mean well we're here so i mean i might as well whether or not you want to it's kind of our duty now here is a story from indiana weirdly enough oh is it the story no can you imagine though if i if that happened that would have been that would have been a game changer nobody would have believed you the address to this place is 3860 carolina street in gary indiana gary indiana gary indiana gary is that a song are you serious i'm sorry on the new me one nope where's that from the music man oh which is weird because i love musicals never never cared for that one that's the only one i i really like fun fact gary is my father's name fun fact michael jackson's from gary indiana
Starting point is 00:24:25 that is a fun fact thank you it is pretty i think so i'm pretty quite a thriller i know what is fun and what is not fun you're just gonna ignore it huh oh god it's okay that's fine that's fine i mean you just insulted my music man so really michael jackson is the music man yeah last week you guys called him the king of oh no you called elvis the king of pop we're all kings of something you're the king of boxed wine and that's okay well don't what why you have to say it's okay like that it's's very patronizing. Why would you think it's not okay? No, you're right. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:25:07 It's okay. No one's judging your kingdom. You're making me feel real... Oh, I bet your throne is made of boxed wine. That would be a good time. That is something you need to make me at work. Done. The house is also known as the house of 200 demons.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I'm sorry, what? Another fun fact. I was not expecting that um although i think that's a little dramatic i mean do you think it is because i think it is i mean they didn't line up for us to count them that just seems really dramatic it's a little too much for me anyway it begins in 2011 why do you i'm i mean i'm just always surprised when things are happening in this very recent i didn't know demons were still like doing their thing popping out they do every now and then okay um so the family her name is latoya and she had three children and her mother rosa um i also want to clarify before i do this story that i am doing this story because it is very relevant and timely and you will see why at the end we like timely also relevant and timely are kind of the same word so redundancy
Starting point is 00:26:21 is not my thing okay redundancy is it is exactly my thing i'm just trying to avoid it but i can't so the story begins when they move into the house in 2011 i assume it was not called the house of 200 demons then actually that is exactly what it said in the classifieds and latoya was on it she was like let's go and rosa was like rose was like bring it on she's like i'm not dead yet let's do it the class that's where people look right or like zillow i mean people definitely don't look i mean maybe in gary indiana they do but maybe can you imagine going on like truly and it's like the house of 200 demons and you and i are like oh that's our recording studio now hello like zestimate free your soul okay not funny so uh as soon as they move in they start hearing noises that
Starting point is 00:27:17 latoya thought were footsteps on the basement stairs and creaks from the basement door you have that experience with your cellar don't you yes yes the door not really steps though um in due time don't do don't put that on me latoya has also interviewed and given information to us so a lot of this is to us to us specifically i called her yesterday i didn't oh every second i was like this is shut the fuck up this is timely it actually happened five minutes ago. Latoya is my friend. I was just kidding. I wasn't listening to Sister Act 2.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I was talking to her. I'm a phone on the way here. She, so she has talked about this pretty openly since. And so there's a couple quotes that I'm just going to throw into this every now and then. She says that it started out as little things first that it was quote streaks of bad luck that things would go missing and then reappear and we would just blame each other i think we all know what that's like latoya that's why we get it um rosa her mama uh repeatedly woke up to a shadowy figure
Starting point is 00:28:22 and then when she got out of bed to face it because she's a badass rosa's got guns rosa she uh she would get out of bed to charge at it and she would find a large wet boot prints oh on her floor that just gave me the creeps um on her oh was it carpet like wet boot prints oh can you imagine oh the carpet oh but it's like oh the stains oh it's gonna leave a mark god i feel like monica from friends oh i bet he left rings on the tables too not using a coaster so at night they would hear the footsteps from the basement stairs and in the morning they would find the footsteps from the basement stairs. And in the morning, they would find muddy footprints from the basement leading to the middle of the floor. So like someone was walking up the stairs.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Do you know how scary? Because you'd think someone was in your house. Yeah. It's like, am I scared because you're a demon or because like you could actually be. I'd probably be more scared someone was breaking in and like burglarizing. Walking into my bedroom. think so um so they started seeing muddy footsteps but they would either start from the basement and end in the middle of the room oh my god or they would start in the middle of the room and lead to nothing
Starting point is 00:29:39 like they would just stop in the middle of the floor someone like planted down in the middle of the floor yeah oh how creepy so they decided to put a middle of the floor. So it's like someone like planted down in the middle of the floor. Yeah. Oh, how creepy. So they decided to put a latch on the basement door since that's where all the sounds were coming from. And then they started hearing the footsteps either start at the bottom of the basement up to the stairs and would hear a door slam as if something tried to walk into it. Or they would hear pounding on the locked door as if it was trying to get out of the room. Which, by the way, it's a fucking ghost. can get through stop complaining it's just trying to like be intimidating um rosa also recalls seeing a swarm of flies appear on their porch in the dead of winter where no when no flies exist uh-uh i mean not like you know in the winter i mean they exist somewhere just not in gary indiana this is our resident uh insect i'm
Starting point is 00:30:28 actually the crocodile hunter but right but flies i don't know the fly hunter um so latoya and rosa said that the daughter this was the beginning of the real spooky stuff um the daughter they went up do we know her name or no no none of the kids names are known all we know is that their ages were 12 9 and 7 this had bear some resemblance to my story maybe this is the the aftermath of your story and then your story is the prequel to mine can't but we're doing it out of order you'll see oh my okay so unfortunately the 12 year old who is the daughter um they went upstairs to her room and found her levitating above her bed unconscious like while she was sleeping someone lifted her up um eventually she descended onto the bed and when she woke up when she landed on the bed she had no
Starting point is 00:31:25 memory of it because she was fucking unconscious in case we forgot and rosa remembers because she's also been interviewed she remembers telling her daughter latoya we need help we need to talk to someone who knows how to deal with this one one one instance in and rose is ready she's like let's fucking call rose tried to charge at it she clearly has seen some previous demons she's like you can't she's like this isn't my first rodeo no um so i guess moving wasn't an option because rose's first thought was let's get out of here yeah i know like in the past we said why don't you move and like a lot of people say why don't these people just move but it is is true that you can't just necessarily move. Financially, you just can't do it.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I mean, even this lease, we signed this lease for three years. And the thought of, we could never afford to leave if it was haunted. Well, it is haunted. Oh, God, I just jinxed myself. Knock on wood. Can you open this? I don't want to break my nails. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:25 LA has changed you. No, they're the, they're the kind that, that you don't like when they come off. I know. I don't want to talk about it. Just drink your La Croix. That's really pretty. Anyway, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:39 So moving wasn't an option. So they performed their own cleansing ritual. That seems safe. Well, they did it off of the suggestion of the church and clairvoyance that they knew. And Yes. And No!
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, there's a book called Wikipedia. That's. And it makes me so excited. Brilliant. I don't know how accurate it is, but I think about it often. Oh, okay. I do. Well, because my stepmom i'm like oh i should buy that for her but then i'm like she already knows everything in that book i know
Starting point is 00:33:09 it's a fun coffee table book i know i know she's got a lot of weird shit on her coffee table already yeah okay um so they decided to do their own cleansing ritual where they burnt sage and read psalm 91 out of the bible while walking around the house. They also, according to the church, they listened to the church's suggestion where they poured olive oil on the children's hands and feet and then smeared oil in the shape of crosses on their foreheads and then every window and door of the house. Okay. I don't know the significance of that, but I'm just going to roll with it.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's a thing in Catholicism. Cool. Also, it's a mess. Can you imagine getting oil off the windows i don't wanna um so the clairvoyance and this is a quote from latoya uh they told me that the original owners of the house were in a cult and did rituals there both human and animal human like human sacrifices no yeah christine no um animals quote he said the house was infested with over 200 demons over 200 and that it was so dark in the house from all of the spirits that he
Starting point is 00:34:16 could barely see when walking through holy yeah um latoya said nothing happened for the next three days but then things obviously got worse as they do the kids eyes began bulging they had evil smiles and their voices deepened every time they spoke oh my god no um latoya said that she felt weak lightheaded and warm and the youngest boy would sit in the closet and talk to a boy named trey that nobody could see oh and uh so that was his thing and then the other son was uh able to describe what it feels like to be killed oh what so rosa who's probably fucking fed up by the way she's like trey stop talking to fucking trey he's not real she said the seven-year-old boy flew out of the bathroom as if he had been thrown.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And one time one of the headboards cracked in half and smacked into the daughter's head, causing a wound that needed stitches. Oh, no. So it's like actually injuring them. Yeah. The 12-year-old girl said that she sometimes felt like she was being choked and held down so she couldn't move or speak. She said she heard a voice that, um, she heard a voice in the middle of the night before she would
Starting point is 00:35:29 go to bed that told her that she would never see her family again and wouldn't live another 20 minutes oh can you imagine the trauma god kid hearing that some nights it was so bad that the family would sleep in a hotel why didn't you just move into the hotel finally finances yeah who can afford to move into a hotel um so finally in desperation they they went to the family physician uh which led to a child services investigation of abuse yeah i mean she got her head bashed in um well also they didn't believe them that there were ghosts they just thought that their mom was doing all this i mean i know but like you have to if a kid comes in with yeah mysterious injuries you know so um did i ever tell you how that what happened to me when i was little yes your mom wait which the one that she like doesn't like you telling people because
Starting point is 00:36:23 she's afraid she'll like get kicked out of the country no not that one but we'll save that for another day what um no i went to the pediatrician and i bruise really easily and i guess i my legs were covered in bruises one summer because i just bang them up all the time and i guess um she made my mom leave the room and was like are your parents ever like mean to you and i was like oh yeah all the time she was like hmm are they ever really mean to you and i was like yeah they're actually horrible and she was just like um do they hit you and i was like no why would you say that and then i realized i was covered in bruises from like just being clumsy anyway my mom was furious but my mom used to think that the babysitter was beating me up because i have apparently it's called mongolian blue spots
Starting point is 00:37:10 what where when i was born i just for the first like year random blue patches would just show up on my body and they looked kind of like bruises but they were brighter blue or something are you an alien no i'm mongolian oh that explains it duh but uh she thought the babysitter was beating me and she just like i think they fired her oh i'm not sure what happened my mom fired her i mean i'm fine listen we're fine we're obviously not i mean we have this podcast so uh so at this point now the child protective services is involved although here they call it the department of child services so dcs instead of cps oh okay whatever it's the same thing gary and diana likes its own rules yeah they play by their own game um so a lot of things at this point now get recorded as child service reports okay oh
Starting point is 00:38:07 interesting so um and they also got interviews from like medical staff and everything because they're at the hospital right now right um so the sons started cursing out the doctor in demonic voices and the youngest boy was lifted and thrown into the wall with nobody touching him and this is literally in a child services report uh oh shit the boys abruptly passed out at the same time and woke up in the hospital one of them was fine and the other started screaming and thrashing and it took five men to hold him down so he had like inhuman strength um and that's also part of the report also in the same report quote hospital personnel examined latoya and her children and found them to be healthy and free of marks or bruises a hospital
Starting point is 00:38:52 psychiatrist evaluated latoya and determined she was sound of mind so even that's child services like we don't know what's going on that's terrifying the seven-year-old boy started growling and had his teeth showing his eyes rolled back in his head he stared at his brother when his eyes came to and he began to growl again saying it's time to die i'm going to kill you oh no the nine-year-old boy in response had a weird grin oh my god looked at everyone in the room and walked backwards up a wall to the ceiling what he then flipped over and landed on his feet and yelled parkour sorry um quote from his grandmother uh he walked up the wall flipped over and stood there there's
Starting point is 00:39:43 no way he could have done that and then a doctor said he glided backwards up the wall, flipped over, and stood there. There's no way he could have done that. And then a doctor said he glided backwards on the wall, on the floor, wall, and ceiling. What the fuck? According to, also, a police report. So, there's a lot of records saying that this literally happened. Holy shit. So then, after the kids went home, more things began to happen can you imagine for example a dog would bark in the kitchen even though they had no pet great um the blinds and walls started dripping a weird clear oil um the children became violent obviously spoke in tongues and convulsed
Starting point is 00:40:21 a lot of people can excuse away the convulsion since one of them was around the age that kids are still having seizures for no reason at all um the spirits was if that's what we're calling them would keep them up all night throwing things and moving things in the home so they kept hearing furniture and things crashing into walls a bottle levitated and wobbled before being thrown at latoya um horseflies fell dead on the porch in dozens and were swept away to reappear in the same spots the next day. Latoya said, We all had to stay in the same room
Starting point is 00:40:55 because if I let one of the children go to the restroom, it would pick them up and hold them high and then throw them down onto the ground. Oh my God! One time Latoya went to grab her bible and saw a shadow from hell her quote a shadow from hell stare her down from the other side of the room keeping her from wanting to grab her bible oh it was blocking it yeah oh no lamps and vases were thrown out of empty rooms and smashed onto the ground in front of them so like imagine looking
Starting point is 00:41:23 into an empty room and then something flies out of it and crashes at your feet during one visit quote one of the oh this isn't a quote this is me quoting myself what if we just started quoting ourselves quote i'm awesome unquote um quote i'm drunk unquote christine yep standard um quote unquote during the during one of the visits um child services and police both had their recorders malfunctioned and another um another time they actually got on footage a recording an audio recording of someone whispering hey um they also watched a febreze can lift into the air and then get hurled at them and then this is a quote caseworkers medics and law officers have all given eyewitness testimony of seeing latoya's three children being thrown across the room flung into furniture and walls they have witnessed them convulsing and speaking in satanic tongues. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:42:27 That is crazy that police reports. I know. And medical and child services. So like literally everyone that could try to cause a problem for you are all agreeing that you're in the right. Jeez. Latoya also said, one time we were running from the house in fear. As we were running, it picked up my oldest boy and threw him off the porch and it flipped him over my youngest son said he saw an old woman who he had seen before with a bow and arrow aiming at
Starting point is 00:42:50 him to shoot him a bow and arrow how creepy dude that's like some american horror story shit apparently the old woman that he saw had red eyes um and had only been seen by latoya's children but nobody else. But all of them could confirm that they had seen her at different times. Poor kids. The youngest one was seeing a boy named Trey. He would sit in his closet and talk to Trey for hours. And Latoya said, we don't know if that's his real name or a name he just came up with,
Starting point is 00:43:23 but Trey would tell him to do bad things to hurt people and then would describe him the same way so he was like seeing a physical person there oh um the clairvoyant at the time had also warned this is why latoya took it seriously the clairvoyant had told latoya that a boy and his mother had been brutally murdered in or near the house so she knew that information before and then they were coming to her about someone named trey and a woman so it sounds like mother and son jesus um she didn't know if that was like true like maybe the clairvoyant was making it up but she did get confirmation from the chief of police that there was such a murder right next to her house um so a mother and son definitely were murdered near her
Starting point is 00:44:05 house um the next day on her younger son's eighth birthday child services did an emergency stop and took the children into custody just in case because they were like we don't fucking know what's going on yeah um at that point um at the hospital the chaplain at the hospital that had watched this happen to the kids called Reverend Michael Maginot. Maginot. Maginot sounds more realistic, right? How do you spell it?
Starting point is 00:44:35 M-A-G-I-N-O-T. Maginot? Maginot, I guess. That's what we're going to call him. Sure. So called Reverend Maginot and was like you need to perform an exorcism on these children because they're walking on my fucking ceiling um
Starting point is 00:44:51 uh so reverend magno went to their house and after a four hour pre-interview at the home he was convinced that there were demons in the house um the child service case worker went over to the house also just to check on the condition of the home and asked police officers to come with her so they were taking pictures and recording samples of all the property and they actually one of the cops that was on that tour took a picture that is going kind of viral right now of it looks like there's a woman standing on the porch staring at you what wait a cop took this photo yeah holy shit um they do say that it's not one of the professional on record photos however he did take this photo at this property while this was happening and people are very excited about it do i get to see it um yeah
Starting point is 00:45:47 okay here's the picture i searched for house of 200 demons ghost oh sure and then google image so this is the front of the house and nobody was in the house when he took this picture ah ew so it definitely looks like there's a woman there right it looks like there's something it looks like a a figure a human it looks like it could be a mannequin but there's no one or like a skeleton a court yeah according to him though there was no nothing on that porch that should have made that picture but it looks like she's like even pushing like the curtains away to like check on i didn't notice that with the arms oh god okay so who knows but also it's going kind of viral right now so so timely so timely hashtag timely so um also anyone that actually worked on
Starting point is 00:46:39 that case around this time within the same week ended up having some sort of electrical um malfunctions on something in their personal lives like their phone or their car um the chief of police actually his personal car not his cop car but his personal car um that he drove up because he wasn't on a professional like tour he was just like kind of accompanying the caseworker um he went back to his car and the seat was broken in half in his car what and the mechanic because he brought it back so that the motor had just fallen apart in his car so it would have actually caused an accident had he not
Starting point is 00:47:17 checked it ahead of time so like there were all these everyone went through something that could have caused them harm broken too like it was like one of those like motorized reclining seats oh and the motor itself had just like fallen out oh the motor of the seat yeah and so the whole car i was like oh no but so the whole seat like wouldn't move up or forward but had he been driving he might have like gone backwards and oh but so each of them kind of went through some sort of electrical malfunction that would have caused an accident like it was like all of them were somehow in danger or attached to a potential danger um the child service um looked around the house and so they didn't notice
Starting point is 00:47:59 anything because also the the photo they hadn't looked at any of the pictures or anything they just got a vibe i guess that it was safe enough for the kids to go back right um so the kids came back but they were going to a psychiatrist and the daughter told the psychiatrist that she saw shadowy figures in the house and she also had gone into trances twice on her own oh my god and the sons told the psychiatrist that the doors would slam and start moving around on their own um latoya herself was also examined by the psychiatrist who has said that she quote does not seem to be experiencing symptoms of psychosis or thought disorder wow um so the case worker for child services went through their house again and she found some of that oozing oil liquid in the house and she was finding it on like um the blinds on their windows and on cracks in the wall and like in puddles in
Starting point is 00:48:53 random places and she just touched it to see what it was and she said it felt really sticky even though it like it was slippery but sticky at the same time. Ten minutes later, she went into a full-blown panic attack and said that her finger was burning. The one that she touched the oil with. Oh, no. Her finger was burning. She looked at her finger and it was white as if it had been blistered over. And then she said that her whole shoulder went numb and her arm felt like it was broken.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Well, that's fucking awful. awful so did they test the oil at all or not really not like not that i could find but so she also happened to go through several experiences where she almost gotten to big accidents that's awful within the month after she went on that last tour so she had in literally 30 days afterwards she had experienced broken ribs broken hands broken ankles and third degree burns so multiple accidents had tried to get her throughout the the month after she ankles jesus so the priest that was looking around the house and um uh magino um he told the police that he wanted to check under the dirt um under her her basement to make sure that there weren't any pentagram or personal objects that might have been left if this
Starting point is 00:50:14 was like a ritualistic area right um so the police oh right they could have like hidden like yeah how creepy okay so the police uh went down to the basement which still had a dirt floor and dug a hole beneath the stairs and they found a pink press on fingernail no a white pair of underwear a woman's underwear no no no um they didn't say women's underwear they said panties but god forbid i just want to vomit why i? I hate that fucking word. I don't know. I don't know. And then the word moist, moist panties. Literally, when Blaze's little brother came, he's in high school and we were playing a game and he kept saying, he kept answering every question with moist panties and I didn't
Starting point is 00:50:56 get it. And Blaze said, apparently it's a thing because there are two terrible words that everyone hates. And so now people say them to bother each other. They're horrible words. So there we go. We're cool and hip like high schoolers yay wow i miss being in high school with your boyfriend tristan oh he was on the football team guys you know what he was a good boyfriend i'll tell you that he was also not interested in me so we did a really good job of
Starting point is 00:51:23 faking it till we made it i guess except we never made it we broke up faking it till you break up fake it till you break it um fake it till you break it so they found a press-on fingernail a white pair of women's underwear um an object that looked like a weight for a drapery cord i don't know what that fucking means um a weight for a drapery cord okay yep i didn't read that wrong yep and then a political shirt pin like a political pin for your shirt a lid for a small cooking pan socks with the bottoms cut off below the ankles it's like ankle socks oh oh like like leg warmers yeah but i think they were clearly socks first oh yeah like homemade leg warmers um and then candy wrappers and a heavy metal object
Starting point is 00:52:13 that they could not identify so like just a weird assortment of shit literally the most random shit although i will say i'm wearing white underwear and have press on pink nails good we'll just dig you in a hole then and leave you there okay okay to leave one object of mine behind yes at a time we'll also cut off half of your socks oh right we got to do that first um so the police said that they wouldn't the police were so freaked out because apparently the clairvoyant or the reverend um when they found all the stuff in the basement apparently one of the old rituals if that place were cult like yeah um is that each of those items might have been something that meant something to other to a person involved so they might have all been leaving their mark this fingernail means a
Starting point is 00:52:59 lot to me yeah actually this candy wrapper did me in. So the police actually said that they were so freaked out that they wouldn't even stay in the house past dark. Oh, my God. And priest or Reverend Maginot did a, quote, intense blessing and performed a minor exorcism. He could not do a major one because it was not backed by the Catholic Church. Oh. So he like unless the bishop approves it, then you can't technically do an exorcism. Oh.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Just a mini one. Just like an itty bitty one. Like a snack. Like snack size. Fun size. Fun size exorcism. Oh, fun size exorcism. Yes. The whole time he was doing this snack sized exorcism, whatever we just said.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Fun size. Fun sized. People said that they felt like someone was in the room with them and someone was breathing down their neck the whole time trying to get them out of there um the reverend told latoya to look up the names of the demons that were tormenting her because each name has like kind of like how when they say the name of the demon to cast them out and it's like more powerful with a name um they said since each demon has a name and a personality if he knew the names he would be able to address them and get them out better
Starting point is 00:54:10 how would she look them up though so she looked up the demons on google wiki how doc on wikipedia wikipedia um and she just searched demons that represented the problems that her house was having. So like there were flies. So our favorite Beals showed up. Beals above? Mm-hmm. Beals. Good old Beals. Good old Beals.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Always trying to make that nickname stick. I know. It's never going to work. Bubby. Bub. It's never going to work, Bub. So they were looking up all the different demons and the computer kept shutting down and she said that she felt sick and lightheaded every time she
Starting point is 00:54:51 tried to research something like it didn't want her to know um so she found beelzebub lord of the flies not the shitty movie remake that's coming out um and after the minor exorcism the reverend said that the bishop finally gave him permission to perform a life-size exorcism king size a king size exorcism size family size you know everyone's the king of something i'm saying and the bishop's the king of exorcisms yep and beelzebub is the king of flies and i'm the king of boxed wine. How sad for me. Your throne. My throne. So the ritual was basically the same as a minor exorcism, but it was more powerful because it had the backing.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And ultimately, he performed three major exorcisms, two in English and one in Latin. Oh, great. And he said he could tell how strong the demons were because of how much Latoya convulsed oh how awful when he was performing the exorcism on her so she said she felt something inside her was trying to inflict pain it was different from a natural pain but still as intense as giving birth and she said that she felt like all of her limbs were trying to tear themselves off how fucking unfair uh-huh she already gave birth leave her alone three times leave her the fuck alone eventually she passed out which according to the reverend is the demon's way of lessening the rituals effect because it's like if she's not conscious to expel the spirit it could just like
Starting point is 00:56:16 it can just hang out there oh no so it sucks because it's better for her because she's not like i know convulsing in pain but oh so uh one of the assistants to the reverend during the um exorcisms came up with a backup plan in case latoya had any problems after all of this where she wrote the name of a demon on a piece of paper and tucked it into an envelope and then surrounded it with blessed salt and said if she had if latoya had any more problems she would burn the envelope latoya did have more problems where she complained of having nightmares of something trying to like quote seep into her brain oh god so she called the assistant and the assistant burned the envelope and saved the ashes to burn later in a church and after that the
Starting point is 00:57:02 nightmares ended wow so they performed one final exorcism and latoya and her mother um felt fine afterwards drove back to indianapolis where they now live away from the house and everything is supposedly okay thank god the only reason that i chose to do this story and why it is so timely is because the most recent update to this house is that it got bought for $35,000 and destroyed. Oh, ask me who bought the house and who destroyed it. Who bought it? Your favorite douchebag.
Starting point is 00:57:38 No. ZB. He did not. He did. He bought it for 35 grand and destroyed it on the spot and the demolition was for a documentary releasing this year called demon house and you know what else he definitely drove the wrecking ball and yelled the whole time as he knocked down the house wow he's such a fucking class act and he was also wearing acid wash jeans
Starting point is 00:58:05 why wouldn't he i mean did he have frosted tips while he was at it jesus trying did he shotgun on its grave i'm so trying to to paint a picture for everyone um so zach baggins who is the lead investigator of ghost adventures and my true love slash true hate your frenemy for life my frenemy who he doesn't know because he blocked you he really doesn't give a shit about me his quote was something was inside that house that had the ability to do things that i had never seen before things that others carrying the highest forms of credibility couldn't explain either there was something there that was very dark yet highly intelligent and powerful i mean that's great that he got rid of it he also interviewed numerous police officials and the actual case worker from child services for his documentary he would not say whether or not he interviewed the family but latoya has said in
Starting point is 00:58:58 interviews quote when you hear something like this don't assume it's not real because i've lived it i know it's real lat Latoya, you poor thing. And Demon House, his trailer, Zach Bagans' trailer for Demon House is now out. It looks very Blair Witchy to me. Ooh, okay. All right. Ready?
Starting point is 00:59:20 Oh yeah, we're not even going to intro this. We're just going to jump right in, huh? Intro it. You just went, all right, ready? Is that your intro? What do you want me to say? I don't know. I wanted a little razzle dazzle.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I literally don't know what you're talking about. Okay. I don't know. What did you say? I don't know. I think I said, you want a story? That's not much more razzle dazzle. I don't know. Okay. I said, you want a story? That's not much more dazzle dazzle. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Okay. Well, do you want a story? Yeah. Now I feel satisfied. God. Okay. So this is the Richardson. Now you have me all self-conscious.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Okay. Take it away with your story that I'm so ready for now. I really am ready. I feel like you're. No, I'm not. Mocking me. No. are we having a fight yes okay okay so this is the richardson family murders i don't know anything about that okay so usual was suggested by alex danielle and then on twitter uh was suggested by at my nightmare oh well okay and also two of a kind and true crime did it in their third episode way back when and that was the first time i'd ever heard of it oh cool okay so lots of feedback lots of lots of suggestions this takes place
Starting point is 01:00:42 in your favorite country not russia not russia last week you were like in my country well in my homeland oh my god okay whatever not russia but canada oh okay i'm ready in medicine hat i love it alberta oh i don't love that noise i i'm sorry i was trying to contain it okay so settle yourself in i oh yeah i'm here let's go back to 2006 let's oh let's not actually can we stay was a rough one can we stay here i don't i don't want to know 20 2006 was not let's pretend it happened now okay no let's not because i don't want this to be happening now. Neat. 2006, MySpace was at its heyday. That's all I remember. Everyone was ironically bullying each other for having a Zango while also having a Zanga.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Totally. I had a live journal, Rice Pudding 9. Stop it. Is its little graveyard out there somewhere? Could someone potentially still go look at Rice Pudding 9's live journal? Yep, it's out there somewhere could someone yes potentially still go look at rice pudding nine's live journal yep it's out there guys you know it was a big thing back then too was that instant message a.i.m a.i.m did you say a.i.m or aim okay i said a.i.m i always said a.i.m too okay good because some people are like it's called aim and i'm like it's also called we're
Starting point is 01:02:00 in 2018 it's also called aol instant messenger loser america online okay america online instant messenger suck it if you want to get real weird with it i do so we're back in 2006 we're all really self-conscious and i've got a lot of acne developing body hair yeah i mean if you're not you know in your 20s you were probably i'm wearing checkered patterned shorts somewhere in the world me too yeah everyone was who wasn't oh my god the double collar oh god yes puka shells okay let's stop all right let's stop everything okay let's stop this podcast goodbye um anyway on 1 p.m on april 23rd 2006 a six-year-old boy went to his friend jacob's house to see if he wanted to play he peered in the windows and instead of seeing his friend he saw the bloody bodies of jacob's parents mark richardson 42 and
Starting point is 01:03:01 his wife deborah 48 on the basement floor oh no six years old oh no so he had to go tell somebody yeah a shrink yeah yeah um when police arrived they found um the parents in the basement stabbed to death and then they went upstairs and found eight-year-old jacob's body in his bed his throat had been cut from ear to ear and he was surrounded by blood spattered toys so police looked around the house they found no sign of the family's daughter 12 year old jasmine so they thought she may have been abducted um so they put out an amber alert for her the amber alert was sent out um and meanwhile police investigated her school locker and quickly realized she wasn't a victim but a suspect oh and she's how old 12 oh all right so uh police were obviously shocked um her name she's known as jr because canadian law
Starting point is 01:04:07 prevents young offenders like minors from being identified um so jr and her boyfriend jeremy allen steinke steinke were arrested the following day in saskatchewan okay and here's what went down okay they kind of had to work backwards to figure out what the hell happened all right so jasmine age 12 jr as she's officially known uh she and her boyfriend jeremy had met a few months before uh at a rock concert or a metal concert or some sort of music that was popular in 2006. And they stayed in contact via Me too. Same. That's how you and I met.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Good old 2006. Yep. Rice Pudding 9, the Vampire Freak. I hate you. Rice Pudding 9. Yeah. yeah they also communicated on a canadian social networking app called nexopia why wasn't i on that well it's still there if you want to get on it everyone find me there okay um 2006 so jasmine's username was Runaway Devil. Definitely cooler than Rice Putting Nine.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Yeah, you knew she was edgy. She was edgy. Your parents were afraid to invite her to the party. Yes. When I was 12, man, my username would have been like... Eyeliner Extreme. I don't know. Are you good?
Starting point is 01:05:44 are you good i was not allowed to wear eyeliner age 12 i'll tell you what okay um anyway so her profile claimed she was 15 years old even though she was only 12 rebel rebel and her user page ended with the text welcome to my tragic end this was that was literally in my buddy alert totally my away message yeah this was me at age 15 she was just like a little early welcome to my what and my tragic end oh yeah i'm pretty sure that's my chemical romance lyric that i also had in my away message or everyone's live journal post whatever also rice pudding nine definitely put that somewhere welcome to my rice pudding end my tragic rice pudding it really takes the edge away if you you know guys just say rice pudding anywhere in your really intense sentence it's gonna deaden it a little bit
Starting point is 01:06:37 it deadens a lot okay um according to jasmine's friends her parents had punished her for dating Jeremy and did not approve of their relationship because he was 23 years old. Whoa. And she was 12. Okay. So obviously they did not approve and she did not like that. They'd be bad parents if they didn't. Exactly. If they did approve.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yeah. So shit just gets weirder from there. Oh. Her friends also, for obvious reasons, didn't approve of their relationship. Jeremy claimed he was a 300-year-old werewolf. Oh, here we go. He said he liked the taste of blood, and he would often carry a small vial of blood around his neck. I don't know where the blood came from.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I don't understand. I don't know where the blood came from. I don't understand. But apparently he adopted the persona of a 300-year-old vampire and she was... So he's Jacob. Yeah, before that was a thing. So he wrote Twilight, actually. He's actually the inspiration for Twilight in a much more upsetting, violent version. So Bella is fucking 12.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Oh, yeah. Yep. I mean, she lied about her age her age too but only by three years not by like 250 it's like i'm old that's true this is just uh the prequel to the prequel of twilight yeah so she lied right so she jasmine lied by three years he lied by like 200 and lied by three years he lied by like 200 and can you imagine if you're like oh i'm 15 really i'm 300 that's some little red riding hood shit trying to one-up you um yeah so jasmine became infatuated with jeremy he was goth and she kind of adopted the same goth persona. Their posts were deleted ultimately from Nexopia, but you know that I am an internet sleuth.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I can't wait to see what you found. And I tracked this shit down. It was not that hard. I just like to use the word sleuth. Okay. So some of the messages that transpired between them. I'm so excited. She messaged him.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Are you stalking me? Cause that would be super. That's what you say to follow up all the time. And they're like, no, we're not. Please, please leave us alone. Uh, he once posted the following buckle up. She continues to think that I came into her life to help her out and stop what they keep trying to shout oh p.s this is a poem oh okay you're welcome world their throats i want to slit
Starting point is 01:09:12 they will regret the shit they have done especially when i see to it that they are gone they shall pay for their insolence finally there shall be silence their blood shall be payment and post a zenga yeah or whatever this is next next tropia next plan on next one just kidding that's the name of my birth control oh but i don't know well that is your tragic end then isn't it so i okay just keep going if i have a question i ask later. Some of her musings included here, you know how, okay. So I used to take these quizzes because I don't know who didn't, but they were like personality quizzes and you'd like answer like, last time you cried, favorite food,
Starting point is 01:09:59 whatever, and post it on your MySpace. Oh, you mean you would post a bulletin on myspace of your like that whole like surveys yes there's a survey bulletin yes what they were called sure yes yes post them in your every day i did them on your page they were my favorite yeah i think they were every like vain child's favorite because you're like let me tell you all about as if anyone read the name of the last person you texted exactly if anyone ever read mine and actually cared but i read my crushes and then i was always jealous that they're like someone would be like oh i was texting a hundred percent dan and i'm like who the fuck
Starting point is 01:10:34 is dan and then i would be trying to like subtly say something to my crush and they would like obviously never read it the whole point of it was to subtly say shit to your crush yeah or like last time i cried and i'd always go last night and then i was like that's not like later i was like why do i always say i'm crying but i want to know you always say you're sweating i always imagine if people did fucking myspace bulletin surveys today when was the last time you sweat and you'd be like oh my god when wasn't i swimming 24 7 listen maybe i have gland issues i don't know i don't know stop it i feel attacked um if anyone on facebook wants to start a uh bulletin survey i definitely have some of those still saved
Starting point is 01:11:19 from literally fucking doing right now on facebook let's do them nobody cares that's the thing what if we didn't and that's why we drink themed bulletin survey like most interesting serial killer is that too dark we talk about ourselves constantly everyone knows enough okay i i'm too vain i still like to talk about myself after all this time all right her musings included have you ever been arrested not yet and have you ever cheated on one have you ever been arrested? Not yet. And have you ever cheated on one? Have you ever cheated on someone? Yes, dot, dot, dot, many years ago. You're 12.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Oh, my God. You cheated on, like, your fucking teddy bear? Like, what do you mean? You cheated on your fucking math quiz? Yeah, like, you're five. Oh, my gosh. Many years ago. But also, that was so the scene back then like at 14 people were saying oh
Starting point is 01:12:07 yes so forever ago i got my heart broken when you were like what 13 and a half yeah but 12 i know but i also remember being 12 and i i know she meant it she somehow meant it oh my god no she she just wanted to like seem cool i think like badass. I feel like I would have fallen for it. She was also pretending she was 15. As their relationship grew and her parents disapproved, they started exchanging emails such as, she would send him, I have this plan.
Starting point is 01:12:38 It starts with me killing them and ends with me living with you. She was obviously upset that her parents had forbidden her from dating him, um, was furious and was deeply in love with him. And he replied, well, I love your plan, but we need to get a little more creative with like details and stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Oh shit. One night they watched their favorite movie, natural born killers. Oh, whose characters, uh, become lovers and mass murderers and kill one of the characters own family members and that's when they decided it was time to act on their plan
Starting point is 01:13:11 yeah that was their their aha moment yep and that was their favorite movie uh jasmine and jeremy entered jasmine's home uh wearing jeremy was wearing a neoprene mask and carrying a knife. He stabbed Jasmine's mother, 48-year-old Deborah Richardson, 12 times, including a 12-centimeter deep piercing to her heart. Her husband, Jasmine's father, Mark, heard his wife screaming, came downstairs to help and was attacked by Jeremy, who stabbed him 24 times, including nine times in the back. Then Jasmine and Jeremy went upstairs to her brother's room. Eight-year-old Jacob, who was laying in his bed hiding,
Starting point is 01:13:59 and he pleaded for his life saying i'm too young to die she said were his last words uh and asked why she was doing this she stabbed him five times um and she stabbed him five times um and later said that he emitted a gurgling sound as she stabbed him. Oh, no. And then Jeremy finished him off by slashing his throat from ear to ear. Oh, no. He later said it was Jasmine who slashed her brother's throat while he watched from a doorway, so it's unclear who actually did it, but she stabbed him either way.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Small potatoes. Yeah. She later said she killed him because it was too cruel to leave him without parents yeah okay the cruel part fucking kind can you imagine he's like literally asking his big sister like why are you doing this i mean anyway this is really upsetting jeez two hours later jasmine and jeremy were seen laughing and kissing at a restaurant. Okay. So they were arrested pretty quickly the next, the day after the bodies were discovered.
Starting point is 01:15:14 And they were obviously in different prison cells, but they were exchanging letters. And so Jeremy asked Jasmine, quote, okay, just imagine every U is the letter U. Okay. my favorite okay just visualize it you said you wanted to get engaged then here's a cue will you marry me if so then it is a verbal agreement really romantic yeah right and then she wrote back ah ha ha ha ha i never thought i'd find myself hysterically laughing in a holding cell in these kinds of circumstances but still ah ha ha ha ha i never thought i'd find myself hysterically laughing in a holding cell in these kinds of circumstances but still ah ha ha ha you make me so happy yes yes i will i would love to this is hours after they fucking stabbed her family later uh asked why she committed the murders uh jasmine said i loved him so much I thought it would bring us closer together
Starting point is 01:16:07 and Jeremy later said when he was interrogated you ever see natural born killers I think that's the greatest love story of all time wow so in June 2007 Jasmine J.R. at the time was aged
Starting point is 01:16:24 14 and she went on trial for three counts of first-degree murder, was found guilty on all three counts, and sentenced to 10 years in jail, which was the maximum that's allowed by Canada's Youth Criminal Justice Act. So there was no way she could get over 10 years because she was a minor. I mean, she was 12. In 2008, the following year, Jeremy was found guilty of three counts. Oh, by the way, they both pled not guilty.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Just saying. Great. Jeremy was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to three concurrent life sentences with an earliest parole date of 25 years. He's changed his name in prison to Jackson May and has made several failed appeals against his sentence and is still there. In 2012, Jasmine was released under conditional supervision and became a so she was basically allowed to be free.
Starting point is 01:17:17 But she was almost like parole, like she was being monitored and had a curfew. But she started college at Mount Royal royal university in calgary alberta uh and she basically lived out the last few years of her sentence that way and then um according to one of her lawyers she's become a poster child for rehabilitation uh so apparently while she was going through like intense psychotherapy and all sorts of stuff over the last 10 years, she has supposedly come to understand and regret the horror of her crime. In 2016, so two years ago, at age 23, Jasmine received parole and was released from prison. at age 23 jasmine received parole and was released from prison if she remains out of trouble until 2020 uh the murders will be completely expunged from her record so wow basically it'll just be like it just totally just erases itself gone um she's since changed she's out now she's free she's trying to live like a low under the radar life she's changed her name um so it's unknown what her current whereabouts are so some of the research
Starting point is 01:18:31 shows that most young homicide offenders so minors who commit murder don't usually commit murders in adulthood so i guess that was part of their like thought process throughout this rehabilitation that like it's very unlikely she'll repeat the repeat offender um and then the actually the detective who was on the case when they discovered the bodies who actually has said it took it's taken years to even just get the pictures out of his mind and it said it really traumatized him and several of um the other officers and he said like the four of them are still really close because they were the only ones they could talk to because they went through like just the trauma of finding like the little boy's body and all that and he said it just took years to recover but even he and at the time he said he was so angry like he couldn't
Starting point is 01:19:25 believe she'd only be away for 10 years but he now has said um that he doesn't think his name is secondiac and he says he doesn't think she's without hope he said quote i don't think she's truly evil i've met some of those people that are bad to the bone and she's not one of them. So that is the story of J.R. and the Richardson family murders. Weird. That shit. It's a doozy. That guy. I cannot believe.
Starting point is 01:19:54 I mean 300. Oh, sorry. I forgot he aged pretty quickly there. Yeah. Wow. That's wild. Yep. So that's the story.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Got anything positive to say? There's a Deirdre update on her haunted house. Tell me. Apparently, she called me last week because she was having a little get-together at her house. And I've been to her house house so i know the layout of it but basically they have a back door and the only you can go through the back door if you want but really the only people who would ever even see the back door is one of her roommates because um there's a basement a main floor and then a top floor but the top floor is basically like an
Starting point is 01:20:42 attic right so there's only one bedroom up there and um or there's only one guy sleeping up there and when he goes down down his stairs it leads straight to the back door he can see it if he goes up and down yeah but other unless you're that guy you would never be upstairs to his room right you'd never be there um so she was having this little party she thought he was upstairs and they were getting kind of loud and when she um at one point they all heard like a huge door slam from upstairs and she was like oh like he must like just be really mad that we're really loud and you know i was trying to like do the whole like shut the fuck up passive aggressive yeah but she said it sounded like an angry be quiet you're being too loud slam right right right and um so they tried to be quiet and then like an hour later he came home
Starting point is 01:21:35 and she was like freaked out and she asked people at the party that she was like you guys heard that shit right like you heard a door slam like we all heard it's not like anyone came down after that or like yeah no up there nobody nobody was there nobody did it but everyone they even like stopped talking for a second and looked around they're like oh shit he must be really mad shut them up because it was yeah and so she and this is after she's been hearing a bunch of knocks and thinking someone was trying to come in and then she'd open the door. No one was there. Don't open the door, Deidre.
Starting point is 01:22:08 It was like her bedroom door to like the main floor. Oh, ew. So on her bedroom door. So she well, she also lives with five guys. And so she always thinks if one of them is knocking on the door, like it might just be them asking her a question. Yeah. So she'll always open the door. No one's there.
Starting point is 01:22:21 And then this slam happened. And then last night i woke up to a text this morning saying that there was more knocking no um and it was like apparently like a creepy like it was like a weird polite knocking as if like it knew it had creeped her out and then this morning she woke up and the lights in her bedroom were on and there have been times um where she's told me that she like came home and like her tv was on or like she had unplugged her tv and it had plugged itself back in like i'm pretty sure she told me that maybe i'm making it up but i'm pretty sure she told me that i'm gonna have to check with her
Starting point is 01:22:56 but the door slam definitely happened and um she's very very very freaked out and holy shit i told her to get a crucifix and sage yeah sage that shit yeah when in doubt sage it out yeah my sister's getting that tank top from our shop oh she can't wear anything with a wine glass to school but sage definitely but yeah she's like that's the only one i'm like i'll make you a milkshake one i will so sweet p.s speaking of which we have new merch go check it out we do yep um that's it on my end yeah i thought that was a good one it was a good one right got me going yeah yeah um thank you guys you can find us on facebook twitter instagram at wwd podcast you can also find our patreon at at wwd podcast please donate you don't realize what you're doing for us we are still going to at atwwdpodcast. You can also find our Patreon at atwwdpodcast. Please donate.
Starting point is 01:23:45 You don't realize what you're doing for us. We are still going to CrimeCon May 4th through May 6th. We're officially going. We bought our tickets. So we have to go now. So we will be there. So if you want to meet us, please use our promo code atwwd. Or meet Alexander if you want.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Or Renata. Renata will be there. Go on a date with Alexander. We should just start pitching it by saying Renata and Alexander will be there i'll be there my mom well she won't be at crime no but if you want to wander nashville she'll be somewhere find her um we also have our website and that's where we drink dot big uh dot com and we also have our shop and that's where we drink dot big where you can get our new merch you can email us at and that's where we drink at where we put out a new listener story every first of the month so send in your personal stories true crime or
Starting point is 01:24:30 paranormal or drunk um or and or anything else oh yes we just like fun stuff um you can follow us on our personal accounts vm schultz and x teen sheieffer. And Schieffer740. And GeoTakesLA. Pitching himself. Um, and that's it. That's it. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:52 What a, what a, that's too concise. What a ride it's been. I know. I know. What a ride. What a ride.
Starting point is 01:24:58 And that's why we drink. Oh, fuck. Shit. I just spilled everything. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Okay. Sorry. That's it. Bye. Bye.

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