And That's Why We Drink - E6 The Human Hair Version and the Worst Social Studies Class Ever

Episode Date: March 12, 2017

In episode 6, Em watches Christine’s mind explode over the notorious story of Robert the Doll. Christine tells the story of the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, reminding Em where she got her compulsion... to lock her doors. Turn on your alarm system and grab the nearest drink. We’re going to remind you why you need it.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey guys welcome back to and that's why we drink hello hello hello that is the beautiful m schultz ah i'm not gonna sing okay hello my name is Christine. My name is not. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. What do you want to talk about today? We're chilling here today. What are you drinking today? To my left, I have sweet tea because I'm representing Virginia.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And to my right, I'm drinking my milkshake of the day which is strawberry but it's frozen because we left it in the freezer for too long so i'm waiting for it to thaw oh you're gonna have to pee really soon don't underestimate my bladder like that on live it's not even live on pre-recorded audio i'm sorry i should have thought before i said anything anyway what are you drinking so it's empty that glass is actually empty no this is a bottle here i haven't filled it yet uh this is a smoking loon pinot noir and actually i know you think my favorite is cabernet my favorite type of wine is a Shiraz it's not it's a pinot noir my favorite boxed wine is a Shiraz god but they don't have a pinot noir in a box yet i'm sure you'll create it probably I'm the only one who wants it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Trader Joe's, if you're listening. My, uh, my, I don't know if it's my mom's favorite, but I always knew her to drink Pinot Grigio. That's a white though. I know. But fun fact, that's my favorite smelling wine. Oh. Is a Pinot Grigio. It's a very fruity wine.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Maybe. I like to pretend I know what i'm talking about cool uh i do that too but in life in general but just with every topic just smile and nod yep so i'm drinking a smoking loon pinot noir and i actually really like this wine and it's not expensive i mean surprise there it's probably like five bucks um but it's a i like it good for you it's a good pinot noir i like the sweet tea good came out of a jug because i'm not in the south so everything is preserved here well you know what i gave you sweet tea and now you're complaining about it it's the closest thing to homemade i can get in
Starting point is 00:02:16 california out of out of a container well i'm so sorry that we've disappointed you all right well what's what's next let's see if I get disappointed there. So let's talk about why we're drinking. Okay. Okay. Who first? You? All right.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I'll go first. So I'm drinking today because I had this dream. And I'm one of those people who has like very vivid, like I'll go for a while without a dream. And then all of a sudden I'll have a dream that like seven people have stabbed me to death. Like I just get very vivid, violent dreams. So this time I know it's, it's really sweet. So this time I had a giant hug. Yeah. It's like the universe really loves me. My subconscious wants me to feel really good. So I had a dream that my mother was pregnant. Ew. I know. And I woke up and I was like, ugh, like what a weird dream.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And I texted my mom and I was like, hey, how are you? And she goes, I had this dream that I was pregnant. And I was like, what? And I called her and I was like, you didn't. You're lying. Like what? And she goes, yeah, I had this crazy dream that I was pregnant. I was like, I had a dream you were pregnant.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And she goes, ha ha. And I'm like, no, it's not funny. Ha ha. I know. I was like, she goes, oh, I had this crazy dream that I was pregnant. I was like, I had a dream you were pregnant. And she goes, ha ha. And I'm like, no, it's not funny. I know. I was like, she goes, oh, I'm not pregnant. I'm like, are you sure? She goes, well, I think so. And I was like, that's not an okay excuse. And then she goes, maybe you should get checked out.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And I was like, that's not funny. Did you get checked out? No, but I'm covered. Okay. I got something in my arm. I'm covered too. Hashtag gay. Yeah, fuck you. You'm covered. Okay. I got something in my arm. I'm covered too. Hashtag gay. Yeah, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:03:47 You're covered for life. I just swaddle myself in a big rainbow flag. Yeah. You're like, I'm good. No babies in my uterus. No, not today. I got a rod in my arm that's supposed to prevent that. So yuck.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I got a doctor to sue if that's not working. It's okay. It's equally unfair because you don't have to pay for babies when you finally want them. You know what I mean? That's true. You get a baby for free. For free. You do?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Am I wrong? I mean... I have to file a lot of paperwork and hope someone doesn't hate me. That's true. I do want to adopt babies, though, so... Oh, well, we can do that together. That'll be cute. You will be the mom, and I'll be the mom, and it'll be adorable.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And Blaze can be the uncle. Aw, that's fun. And Gio can be the brother. Yeah, let's throw the dog in the mix. This is the first time I've ever, like, really weirded him out. I don't think, no, I was just, I was thinking kind of morbidly of, like, oh, like, is this going to happen in, like, like time for geo to be around i know that's why i kept my mom she's thinking about my dog dying i won't say anything more
Starting point is 00:04:50 we're moving on i just i just wanted to mention about like having those similar dreams well my friend had a dream uh well her stepsister had a dream and her stepmom had a dream uh where they saw different perspectives of it where her stepsister had a dream where she was sleeping in bed facing the door and saw like a strange man walking in with a knife and then in her dream her mom ran in behind the guy to defend her and stabbed him in the back and then when she told her mom that story the next day, the, her step mom said, or her mom said, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:28 Oh, I had the same dream where I saw a strange man go into your room when you were sleeping with a knife. And so I followed him in and grabbed scissors off of the nightstand and then stabbed him. And both of them woke up right after that happened. So what the hell? I,
Starting point is 00:05:41 I like to pretend that it was some sort of like astral projection thing where like there was actually like a spirit or something like in the house. And like both of their like, they both had like an out of body. Like there was some sort of like spiritual dimension. Connection fight. Ooh, spiritual dimension fight. You know. One of those things. Well, one time when I was little, I don't feel good about this. And my friend from childhood does not.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Her name's Celine. And she does not like to let me live this down. But one night, I had a dream that I killed her in the woods. Cool. How'd you do it? I summoned a jaguar. Good for you. At least you keep it like original.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And it tore her to pieces. And then the next day I was so disturbed by it. And I saw her and we were kind of chatting and she was like, I had this dream last night. She goes, it's pretty weird. I don't know if I like want to talk about it. I was like, what happened? She goes, I had a dream that you murdered me. And I was like, well, really you didn't.
Starting point is 00:06:44 What? If you just summoned an animal. Yeah. But in her dream, I actually killed her like was like well really you didn't what if you just summoned an animal yeah but in her dream i actually killed her like oh by myself so i don't know your story's much cooler you're like aquaman for the safari murder my best friend yeah so i don't know we both had a dream and she'll still to this day text me like out of the blue and say remember that time we both dreamt that you murdered me and i was like it must be something fucked up about her i don't know that's fine i'm the bad guy but you know what that's fine but that's why i'm drinking because i just i don't like these shared dreams because i feel like they're supposed to mean
Starting point is 00:07:13 something and like my mom's either pregnant or i'm pregnant and both are just worse than the other option and my friend should look that up one day like a dream dictionary i have one oh yeah i'll google it okay in my book uh i'm drinking because i'm not allowed to say the show that we were working on but it's a show that you like a lot oh it's is it rick steves travels europe no damn it it's a scripted television show that everyone watches so i don't know if i'm allowed to say it yet because oh oh, do they know what I do? Have we said my job? No. I make props for TV and film.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So like any prop you've seen on television, I probably made. I'm like one of five people that made it. She gave me a tour of her work last week and it was just the coolest thing I've ever seen. I let her boyfriend hold Thor's hammer. Like the actual Thor's hammer. Like she literally got to hold the Captain America shield anyway I do what I can it's fine um but so there's a show we're working on right now where it hasn't come out yet so I can't say what show because I don't want to
Starting point is 00:08:16 like ruin the script sure but um also I signed a confidentiality form before I, you know. Anyway. But there's a scene about, there's like a gag that's supposed to be about razors, like razor blades. That sounds like a really fun gag. Well, you watch this show, so you let me know when you think it's hysterical or not. Oh, boy. If you see razors on the show I'm talking about, you know that I made them. And basically we had to Greek these razors. And Greek means like label them with a generic name that doesn't actually exist. So it's cleared and you're not actually promoting a brand that hasn't given you clearance to use their name.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Sure. So we were using razors that you just get from the store. So they had like the name on them. And we had to put fake labels on them. But they came in that thick plastic container. So we had to break them apart to put a label on top of them. And then put them back in a new plastic covering. So we had to basically reconstruct an entirely packaged razor.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And it took literally all day to do. Because the plastic was just being a bitch to try and reconstruct. It was just annoying. What a pain in the ass. Anyway, all that for probably a three-second gag about razors on a show that I don't even watch. And then I'm also drinking because my first childhood friend is pregnant. Right. That's how I should feel.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But it's very much like, oh, shit, the first one's pregnant. Now like time's a wasting and everyone else is going to be like, all the parents are going to be tapping their watch. I'm like, all right, when are you? It's like dominoes. Like the first one goes down and everyone else. It's like how everyone gets engaged and then married. Now everyone's going to get pregnant and I'm going to be like, well shit, I'm a single gay. Like I can't, I got nothing. Your uterus is empty. And my ring finger is also empty listen mine is too and i'm an only child my mother is gonna start losing her hair trying to find me someone before she's gonna be like i didn't want to be a grandma at 90 emily and i'll be like well this is the best i've got i had more babies yeah this is all on you anyway that's why i drink a lot of reasons what a week
Starting point is 00:10:26 anyway let's hear about some ghosts yeah let's do that well i know you're gonna like this because you've been weirdly hinting at it all day really yeah i don't even know what it is i know it's on the board would you like to take a guess it's not robert the doll robert the doll shut up yeah yes it is m i i know i'm not kidding i texted my friend earlier and she goes are you doing an episode on robert the doll earlier today i know you told me this you've been talking about robert the doll like five different times and i said oh my god my friend and i went to see robert though i hope you do it someday for our listeners we, we have a board, a whiteboard hanging in Christine's kitchen that has a list of all of the things we want to discuss one day.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And I came to her apartment today and looked at the board and the only thing written in the paranormal section was Robert the Doll. That's the only request I had. And it was the only thing I had written notes for today too. And I was like, wow, thank God I did that. This is blowing my mind. Okay. I feel like I'm psychic.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And then I mentioned Robert the Doll and I tried to play it cool. And I was like, oh, maybe I'll get to that one day. And Christina was like, no, my friend is desperate. You have to do that soon. I lost my mind about it. And I kept my mouth shut the whole night. You just blew my fucking mind. I told you I would.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm so excited. But do you know the story, then? Yeah, because I went and saw it in Key West. Well, then what the fuck am I doing with these notes? I don't know. I'm so excited. But do you know the story then? Yeah, because I went and saw it in Key West. Well, then what the fuck am I doing with these notes? I don't know. I don't remember. It's just the coolest story ever. It's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Tell me everything. So if I tell you this, are you going to care? I'm going to be so shocked. Okay. I still have like postcards of him. Ew. I know. It's creepy.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I send them to my friend every now and then to scare him. Well, then jump right in if I tell. I don't know anything anymore. I don't know if I even believe you because you seem to really care about this guy. Because I want to remember everything. It's been a couple years. Okay, well, if I say something that I... If I don't say something or if it's wrong, please let me know.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I'm sure it's all going to be... She's pouring her wine to the brim at this point. You know. We'll sit back and relax as i tell you the story of robert the doll all right we start in the late 1800s of key west florida your eyes have a twinkle i've never seen before like i saw through your eyes your body get chills i'm not kidding my friend and i went on a tour and saw it and then that night we did not sleep and we stayed up all night because we were so freaked out we didn't sleep and like we've done every tour and creepy story we did not sleep that
Starting point is 00:12:50 night go on well get ready to not sleep tonight thank god it's basically friday night we can hang out after this yeah and i can tell you other stories too i'm never gonna sleep again settle in christine settled uh we're talking about the Otto family. Not Otto like car, Otto like rocket. That's an Otto rocket. Oh, rocket power! There you go. I was going to wait for you to say it out loud.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Woof, woof. Yeah. My fave show. We are riders on a mission. Okay. Anyway. Rocket power. Yeah, you got it.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Love it. Okay. The Otto family. They were known for mistreating their servants one of the servants that they mistreated was apparently a servant who was assigned to watch their four-year-old son named robert and i don't know if i couldn't a bunch of different sites were telling me that she was either bahamian or Haitian. Most people said Haitian. Yeah. Well, on my, I mean, we did the tour.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Why don't you tell me, Christine? I don't know if it was accurate, but I learned she was Haitian. All right. The student has spoken. I mean, this is just from my one-time tour. Well, by 1905, this, around 1905, that same servant who was supposed to be watching Robert ended up getting fired because apparently Mrs. Otto saw her doing black magic. And then from getting fired right before she left, she gave Robert a doll that was, quote, life-size, which was three feet tall, which I guess is a normal four-year-old size. Listen, I've seen this fucking doll and it's literally like a child size.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like, it's a big-ass doll. I read 40 inches tall. Yeah, it's like one of those Barbies. You know when you were little? Life-size Barbie. Those used to scare the shit out of me at sleepovers. Oh, they still do. Standing in the corner.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's like that. It's like a big doll. He had button eyes and, in theory theory human hair presumably robert's hair ew there's also um aside to this story that says it's made from like a german factory but i'm gonna go with the human hair version oh i thought she made it out of his hair that's what i thought it was the first site i went with and then i tried to you know fact checked sure and then they told me it was in germany and i was like there's no haitian slave going to germany and buying a doll because if you see it it's like all like jaggedy sewed up like it's not
Starting point is 00:15:13 made in like a factory so we have all agreed he's made of human hair so robert ended up becoming very factional with this doll and named the doll after himself and named him Robert Which is fucking creepy I just have to add like naming Just naming a doll after yourself is creepy Sorry There was a whole American girl
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yes but you didn't get a doll and you were like I will name you Robert That's a lie they made like custom dolls to look just like you And then name them after you I had an Emily doll But like if someone gave you like a toy you wouldn't like you and then name them after you. I had an Emily doll. But like if someone gave you like a toy, you wouldn't be like, oh, I'm going to name you after myself. That's fine. I mean, also, I was just not a much of a doll player.
Starting point is 00:15:56 So I don't really remember. You weren't a doll player? You know what I mean? Like I just didn't play with them. Yeah. They're not fun. One time someone gave me a doll and I was like, what am I supposed to do with this? Let's just like took up a bunch of room in my they're so boring anyway i played with action
Starting point is 00:16:09 figures my mom should have seen it the whole time joe go joe i don't want a barbie to this day captain america is like my favorite person on earth so i love that uh okay so he named the doll after himself and started dressing the doll in his clothes basically became best friends basically it became best imaginary friends with him but with an actual physical doll being there so like would talk to him would have him always sit at the table with them when they ate would like pretend to feed him food would tuck him into bed at night like treated him like a human being right robert started asking to be called gene which is his middle name because robert was the doll's name not his
Starting point is 00:16:51 and uh gene would be heard having conversations with robert where he would speak normally and talk in his child voice but robert the doll would respond in a much lower voice jesus and the mom assumes that he like the like gene would be speaking in a really low voice in response but after a while she couldn't tell because apparently like if the door was closed and she just heard the conversation the voice was too low for a four-year-old to be mimicking like it was just like a like a gargley like old man voice uh you know how all dogs dolls talk so he started uh or gene the human being not robert the doll gene the human being uh he started getting really irritated often and his mom didn't know what was going on and would ask like what was
Starting point is 00:17:45 bothering him and he would say that he like got in a fight with robert the doll or you know oh i had the same problem growing up and uh so one day his mom walked into the room to find gene like sitting in the corner cowering while robert the doll was perched in a chair staring at him and like the sun was like physically like shook like he was like shaking literally shaking and the doll was just staring at him in a chair stop it like how sick is your imagination unless this doll is real right um also household objects were starting to get thrown across the room jean's toys would get destroyed. You would hear giggling in empty rooms down the hallway. And anytime basically that Gene got in trouble, he would tell people that Robert did it.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And what's happening? One time, I'm sorry, we went on this tour and it was like a bus tour and they had all these speakers on the bus. And they were telling us before we got to the museum where robert was about this story and in the speakers like my friend and i were the only people who were not like 65 years old on this tour and we were sitting in the back and all of a sudden she's like and then robert would say that robert did it and all the speakers had like 25 children's voices and they started going robert did it robert did it robert did it and we just like didn't know what to do. So we burst out laughing and the tour guide had to tell us like to stop behaving inappropriately
Starting point is 00:19:10 on the tour. But it was the most outrageous, like 25 children's voices started coming from all the speakers going, Robert did it. And it like still haunts my nightmares. But what kind of like hyped up 65 year olds were on this bus where they went to go see a haunted doll? I mean, this is like, I don't know. This is like Florida.
Starting point is 00:19:25 We're not, you know. Oh, it is Key West, Florida. I mean, this is like Key West. This is like Florida. We're not, you know. Oh, it is Key West, Florida. Yeah, I mean, you know. It's not like the most hip the land of retirees. Millennial town. Well, I was gonna
Starting point is 00:19:32 like, I would love to go on a haunted tour with a bunch of 65 year olds. I've just never met anyone cool enough to They didn't like us very much. The only 65 year olds
Starting point is 00:19:40 I know like want to play Mahjong and Who the fuck do you know that wants to play Mahjong? Actually the fuck do you know that wants to play mahjong actually to be fair mahjong is a really fun game have you ever played no because i'm not like from japan and i'm not 70 years old well that's just racist that's a japanese game it's a great game so is sudoku that's a fun time i do love sudoku there it is all right so uh anytime gene got in trouble for anything at all he would swear that robert did it robert did it robert did it robert did it and uh parents would
Starting point is 00:20:16 so the parents ended up taking robert the doll away and putting him in a box in the attic where he stayed for several years uh and then gene's attitude changed he became like a normal kid again and after the dad died gene was all grown up at this point and lived somewhere else it was married and he was a famous artist and uh but once his dad died gene ended up getting the house and the will so he moves in and remembers it being so big he was like oh i can make the attic like my painting room was he still gene by this point he still went by until he died okay which says something too why wouldn't you just a little weird whatever so he ends up thinking oh the the attic would be a great place to paint and when he gets
Starting point is 00:21:00 up to the attic he finds the box that robert has been sitting in this whole time so he finds it all and immediately becomes attached to it all over again uh and then my next bullet is wife not pleased i don't fucking blame her jesus so just like childhood would take the doll literally everywhere uh they kept him in a chair next to the bed when they were sleeping at night what can you imagine no can you imagine imagine so christine's dating this guy who has a really cool name named blaze b-l-a-i-s-e there's no z it's just the french version not the fun version yeah um can you imagine if like all of a sudden you and blaze move somewhere and he's like oh
Starting point is 00:21:45 here's this doll and then just starts like holding it by the hand everywhere and feeding it and then like putting it next to your bed and talking to it and we have to eat dinner with it and it sits by our bedside and watches us sleep and it's a life-size doll no that's not a thing yeah it is it's a thing here well fuck that so um the wife casually goes insane and dies what that was literally all the information i got that's what happened back then people just like i'm sure there was like a real reason but i thought it'd be more ominous if i left it at that there was no mental health awareness people just went insane and died yeah they're like oh hysteria there it is of course it's too tight she's gone so uh he's still hanging out with robert and you can like people are saying like you could see robert
Starting point is 00:22:31 like looking at them through windows or he would move across the room when you weren't looking like you would leave him somewhere and then turn around and then he'd be in the other side of the hall and just staring at you you know it's so how dolls are oh um and so eventually gene also dies again i chose not to look up how i assume robert did it robert did it um so then i'm gonna have nightmares so uh then he i think i forgot to read another bullet there's something in between here that I didn't write down. But basically, it ends up being a vacant house and Robert stays in the house. Like, the doll just, like, got left there.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah. And, like, 13 years later or something like that, someone ends up buying the new, or buying the house, finding him in there. finding him in there and like robert the doll was like also making them go crazy where people would get locked in rooms that he was sitting in like if they found him in there and then saw him and closed the door behind them they were now stuck in that room with him until someone could open the door or you would hear evil laughter on a different floor um and you know the usual so horrible in 1974 um myrtle rooter is the name of the new person who moves into the house um and or she's the new she's the new person that moved in and like was experiencing all this stuff and she has a daughter that by 1974 has now gotten a little older and is trying to play with the doll herself. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And she's now, like, in her 50s or something like that. But she has, like, if there's ever been a documentary about her or someone's, like, gone up to her and asked about it, she swears that her only memories of that doll are it trying to kill her when they were alone what she like won't go into it she's like he tried to kill me that thing tried to fucking kill me i will never i will never talk about it she thinks like if you if she even talks about like its energy will like go to her and so she's like i'm not i don't i'm not going there oh but all she remembers of living in that house for like 10 years is it trying to kill her you would think by that point you just throw the fucking doll away
Starting point is 00:24:49 why the fuck or put it in a fire i would burn it yeah i don't know why people every story i tell i just don't get why people didn't leave right get out so the family moved in they found him put him in the attic a lot of shit happened the daughter is trying to like survive every day god and then the final like blow of it was the owner one time woke up hearing a child's laugh and looked at the foot of her bed and it was sitting at the foot of her bed holding a knife laughing stop it i won't i don't like it so they fled the house and robert was moved in 1994 so 20 years i'm sorry the girl had to deal with this for 20 years of avoiding getting killed by him in 1994 they end up donating him to the east martello museum in West. And the doll is now 110 years old. Or like over 110, because it was 1905.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Fuck, that's an old doll. So he currently sits in a glass box, but people still say that he's haunted and can even curse you from far away. So maybe that girl had something right not talking about him. that girl had something right not talking about him yeah um people regularly see him move in the glass box or his smile will turn into a scowl and one employee remembers cleaning him and the next day he was sitting in a different position with dust all over his shoes even though he had just been cleaned or people will hear tapping on the case when they're not looking and then they'll turn around and his hand will be pressed against the case like he'll like like almost like giving a high five or like a heil hitler like
Starting point is 00:26:29 through the glass jesus you know what i mean yeah um if you take a picture of with him which i know you tried to do so that yep so we'll talk about it if you take a pic with him, a pic. A pic. That's how I wrote it. I did all this in shorthand. If you take a pic, W slash him, the letter U, you have to ask politely to get a picture with him. And if his head tilts, apparently, you have permission. And if you take a picture anyway, then he'll curse you and whoever you came to the museum with. A lot of times cameras also won't work around him where they'll just shut down. And the museum says they get between one to three apology letters a day addressed to Robert the doll for being disrespectful and taking his picture without
Starting point is 00:27:19 his permission. And oh, and the last thing was also apparently someone heard i don't know how accurate this is but someone heard that in history they heard that robert the doll likes candy or sweets or that's what like gene would feed him like give him candy and so when they heard that robert the doll might like candy now people will send candy with their apology letter hoping that he will break the curse that he's caused on them because a lot of people have claimed that they've gotten in car accidents or broken their bones or lost jobs, like, within a week of having taken a picture of him without his permission. I mean, it's really spooky. I mean, we went, and it kind of, it was twisted.
Starting point is 00:27:59 When we walked in, our tour guide literally told us, you have to say, hello, Robert. I, like, I respect you. Well, I mean, even on the bus, you and your friend were laughing, and he was like, shut the fuck up. Yeah, they were like. They were all afraid. They were like, don't do that. What does it mean? It said if he tilts his head, you have permission.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That. Is that. Because my thought is, if you can really get that intelligent of a reaction right away, then why does not believe no that well that when i was there that wasn't the thing the the way they presented it to us was you have to politely say i'm like i hope it's all right if i take a photo with you and then you have to thank him for the photo and then so just be polite yes and like when we walked in he literally said i need he goes i don't care if you believe it or not you have to say like, hi, Robert. It's so good to see you.
Starting point is 00:28:46 We don't mean you any harm. Like it was just very weird and trippy. And then they had an entire room of letters and candy that people have mailed. Yeah. So every, all my research was right. Yeah, no, it was. And they had a whole room of just walls of letters of people being like, and like kids writing to him and like grown-ups writing to
Starting point is 00:29:05 him and people mailing stuff i mean it's pretty weird it's it's creepy we'll post a picture of him on social media but he is a fucking creepy doll i mean he looks like he looks like he's a you know a haunted doll he looks like a haunted it's like what you imagine it looks like a 110 year old haunted doll like child-sized doll oh is it really child-sized yeah he's like what you imagine. It looks like a hundred, 10 year old haunted doll, like child sized doll. Isn't really child size. Yeah. He's like three feet tall. And I mean, the thing with it too,
Starting point is 00:29:29 is that our tour guide was like this 30 year old dude. And he was living in Florida and he's like, I'm just doing this tour guide job. But he goes, we're not allowed to close up at night alone. Like there needs to be two people because people get locked in. People get like the lights will, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:49 turn back on and people get fired or in trouble because we didn't close properly. But so two people always have to be there at night to close up, turn the lights off, lock the doors to make sure they can like be accountable with each other. Make sure they don't get locked in rooms. And he said closing is the worst. Like nobody wants to close. He says just it's so normal now that they'll walk in and the doll will just be in different places yeah just totally different will he at least stay in the case yeah he's in the case but he'll just miss it's surrounded by holy water like like how if you can big glass case and he just sits in it and he literally i mean this guy's
Starting point is 00:30:22 like how come no one has like just like left a video camera running or a security camera? Oh, I think they do. I think they have videos of just him shifting. I would love to like see security footage of his leg just like shifting in the middle of the night for no reason. Yeah, I don't know. I have to look it up. I also wonder why he stays in the case. Because if you have, if you have the ability to.
Starting point is 00:30:41 But think about him in that box, you know, he was kept in that box for. Oh, like it's three years it's a home for him no but just like he didn't oh that's true he stayed in the box until somebody else got him out you would think if he's a doll with enough like like paranormal like strength in him to move he could just like with his little legs that kick all the fucking time apparently just kick the box open you know like who knows that like if he was sitting up there in an attic well maybe he likes to just sit there and like curse people yeah i mean every time anyone's ever seen him do anything scary he was just sitting and staring yeah but i feel like if he like i mean maybe that's just
Starting point is 00:31:21 what he's meant to do but anytime anyone saw him he's also like moved from room to room by himself i wonder why a box like his his kryptonite is a fucking box like maybe plexiglass that's weird i don't know but uh wasn't the theory that she was doing like voodoo and had she well that's that was the thought that the ha Haitian servant who gave him the doll. Because she was fired. Yeah. That the last black magic she did there was to curse a doll, to put a curse on the family for firing her. Right. So she created a doll to look like the son.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And I remember. Well, I mean, if it is made of his human hair, like how, that's pretty typical black magic in my book. Of like taking like some sort of like hair or skin or something from the victim or whatever and putting a curse on it and then giving him his own cursed human hair well that was and then having him like always next to it yeah i remember them saying that it was very weird because the family they had a falling out they fired her it was not they did not leave on good terms and they found she had left the doll in the child's room and i remember the tour guide saying it was very weird because the parents were like we just had this huge falling
Starting point is 00:32:36 out like why would she give us yeah she like cursed us and like stormed off but she had like time to make this doll and left it in robert's room and it looked exactly like him i thought as if i have an employee who's doing black magic i'm not gonna fucking fire her like she officially has a job forever like she's got it like if i knew someone had the ability and the knowledge to put any voodoo hex on me i'd be like you now have all of my loyalty and respect i bow down to you want to raise you fucking got it well and the thing is like clearly they believed in it if they were like we don't want you doing black magic here get out i mean maybe they like didn't believe in it and assume that she was just crazy and now they're like getting a taste of their own medicine
Starting point is 00:33:18 you're wasting time on our dime i don't know but i mean if you're you're right if you're scared enough to of someone doing black magic that you're willing to fire them you must believe in it a little yeah it's a little weird any of my future employers just do black magic and i'll give you a job voodoo because i'm afraid of you officially i'll make a doll the size of emily and give it to her don't i'm six feet tall don't give someone a life size emily doll use your human hair oh oh that story always gets me i tell you well i hope i did it justice with your friend you did i i we're gonna post photos look up robert the doll he is literally the creepiest thing on earth it's so nobody could wake up and find that at the foot
Starting point is 00:34:04 of their bed and be not scared right i mean it's been probably four years since i went there and i regularly think about it and get i'm not kidding like i think about this every day no but like i've gone to like plenty of ghost tours and paranormal but that is the one thing that like still spooks me for some reason well there's something about dolls there is especially like have you seen like the dolls and like uh amish communities they i mean i'm part of a lot of amish i say i live right by an amish community i do too we live right by a big amish town yeah um but their dolls don't have faces what like they have like blank it's like it's like you know the stick figures on like a like on a public restroom sign it's like that is a 3d doll why um there's there's it's like a i should know it but there's like a very obvious reason it's like the i don't want like a yeah they don't
Starting point is 00:34:59 like to have like their representations of themselves it's something about like maybe modesty yeah like because they don't like photos or anything where like they're replicated on another i don't know what it is well i mean we're literally spewing bullshit right now well no but there's something like that something about modesty or like um uh like it it would give you ideas of like how you should look or something like that because I don't think they like to replicate the human form. Like, I don't think they like any sort of photos or drawings of themselves. Also, are they a community?
Starting point is 00:35:32 I know this is more like an Indian tribal community, but they don't like pictures taken of them because they think, like, part of their soul gets taken in the picture. I don't know if that's so much Amish, but it's something on that level. No, that's Amish, too. Yeah. It is? Yeah. I didn't know if that's so much Amish, but it's something on that level. No, that's Amish too. Yeah. It is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I didn't know that. Yeah. Anyway, that's Robert the Doll. Robert the Doll is going to haunt my nightmares forever. All right. Also, there's now a tab on their website where you can get your own Robert the Doll. If you ever. I will not.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Do not. I will not. I will never forgive you. swear i will not i don't want to ever hold something that looks like that i don't everyone i mean especially because it's probably made like in the room next to the actual robert the doll like a little bit of his spirit like if i were robert the doll i would for sure curse all of those replicas i don't even want to i don't even want to think about it it's horrible but it says like get your own robert the doll as a tab and i was like firm fucking pass i should send that to my friend celine who saw the doll with me this is a test to see if she's actually
Starting point is 00:36:34 listening to our podcast all right well let me just move on to something even more heartwarming just horrible okay or heartwarming depending on the kind of person you are yeah but it's pretty much horrible so this is something that like speaking of personal things that really upset me this is something i remember being in the fifth grade and this being a huge story and my for some reason my social studies teacher what is this do i know about this yes i think he took it upon himself to drag us through this whole case. It's the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping. Yeah, I know this.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yeah. And instead of studying any sort of history or social studies, he spent the entire year, I remember my mom being so mad, teaching us, like, telling us every little bit about this case. And, like, we followed along with it. And I remember not sleeping i remember telling my mom like we had to get an alarm system like oh yeah it was the first i think everyone our age who currently has some form of ocd about being alone in a house is it's because it was the first story we ever heard about yeah was the elizabeth smart case it was a really upsetting case it i remember not knowing anything about i mean we were so young i don't really remember ever having to pay attention
Starting point is 00:37:52 to the news and this was the first time that i remember something being on the news all the time right it was huge and i like i was two years younger than my little sister is now and i don't even want her to know about stuff like this. And just thinking, so listen up girl. Yeah. Hope you're not listening. Um, and so I just remember, I,
Starting point is 00:38:10 it just really shook me. And I remember going home and being like, mom, we need, and we had break-ins growing up and stuff. So I was like, we need to, I never had a,
Starting point is 00:38:17 that's like of all the things that I've ever experienced. Thank God. I've never experienced a break-in. That is truly the most petrifying. That was like something that was sort of standard in my childhood for some reason. Jeez, I don't know if we were cursed or what. We had a friend that I went to school with and she was one of my neighbors down the street and they got broken into like five times. And I don't know how I like, thank God they didn't go five more houses down.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Right. But like there's nothing scarier to me than that kind of, like, violation. Well, that's a thing. Like, I mean, remember that episode where I talked about Tamra? Yeah. The reason The Strangers is the scariest thing on earth to me is because someone is coming into your home. Right. And is, you're now helpless in the place that you're supposed to consider the safest.
Starting point is 00:39:04 There's nothing more, like, violating than that. Ugh. It freaks to consider the safest. There's nothing more like violating than that. It freaks me the fuck out. Yeah. All right, take it away. I'm going to just keep talking about it. I'm just going to fucking stress drink. Okay. So on, there's some details on this that are just really interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So I just thought we'd go through it. Bring me back to fifth grade. Here we go. 2002, baby. bring me back to fifth grade here we go 2002 baby june 5th 2002 14 year old elizabeth ann smart was abducted from her bedroom in the wealthy federal heights neighborhood i already hate it salt lake city her younger sister who was nine at the time named mary catherine witnessed the abduction as they shared a bedroom nope i know it know. It just gets me to my core. I mean, we were like 11, 10 years old.
Starting point is 00:39:49 This is just so, okay. She pretended to be asleep as she watched this man take her sister by knife point out of her bed. She pretended to be asleep. She could hear the man tell her sister Elizabeth to be quiet
Starting point is 00:40:04 so he wouldn't hurt her and she remembered recognizing his voice but she wasn't sure where she had heard it oh my god so christine i've never actually had a problem with any of the stories we've told yet you really just like brought it home today didn't you this is we're not gonna sleep tonight oh could i spend the night yes you're gonna we're gonna have to buy some sage does albertson sell sage i think sage is not needed for the story i think everything i think sage is needed i think a i think a bible is needed i have a bible we'll get it out okay okay so she snuck out of bed to tell her parents uh but she saw the two of them in the hallway checking in, looking into her brother's room.
Starting point is 00:40:49 So she snuck back into bed, pretended to be asleep for two hours quietly, waiting for them to leave. To this day, can you imagine the guilt that fucking girl has? Nine years old. Oh, my God. Like a little baby. She's our age. Yeah, she's our age. Yeah. The little sister, she's 24 age she's yeah she's our age yeah she's 24 now she would have been our age yeah she's 20 i'm 24 god so oh my god she uh this is what she said later she later told police i thought you know be quiet this is when she was nine right uh because if he
Starting point is 00:41:20 hears you he might take you too and you're the only person who's seen this happen. What a smart fucking girl. I know. So she was like, I know what happened. I can't be kidnapped. Not because I don't want to be kidnapped, but because I don't want my sister to be taken without me knowing what happened. God, she's a brilliant child. She's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Weren't they all brilliant children in some way or another? Like, Elizabeth Smart was known to play. Yeah, she played the harp. Yeah. They all did something really. They were successful, like, smart children, yeah. Jesus. So what happened was she finally felt safe.
Starting point is 00:41:50 It was around 4 a.m. She finally felt safe enough to run into her parents' room. She told them Elizabeth was gone. Her dad told her she was just having a bad dream. But when her father got up to, like, bring her back to her room and didn't see Elizabeth, Mary Catherine told her dad, you're not going to find her a man came and took her he had a knife that's when he went downstairs noticed a screen window that had been cut open with a knife oh my god i know and called the police this shit makes my skin crawl i know and the reason they lived in a multi-million dollar
Starting point is 00:42:20 house wealthy safe neighborhood in salt lake city the reason they didn't even have the they had an alarm system but the reason they didn't they didn't have it on was because um the dad said like sometimes the kids they had six kids and they said sometimes the kids would get up at night and it was a motion sensor alarm and he said i don't care i would rather wake up 10 times a night to find out my kid made a fucking sandwich then wake up and find out one of my kids is gone so he said that night they just didn't turn it on because they knew like the kids were gonna be up and about so they just were like i will leave it off you know my mother i swear i've been telling her since i was a child probably because i just floated around in my whole psyche i always told her please get an actual alarm and i i promise you she always says oh we'll do it
Starting point is 00:43:08 later and it has been literally 20 years linda get an alarm get a fucking alarm we have one and it has saved our asses there's i'll tell you about that break in another day anyway um so a massive search began for elizabeth they couldn't find her they actually arrested a handyman who ended up being innocent but he died in jail from a brain hemorrhage so it was just like really tragic the guy was in prison in jail he said i had nothing to do with this and then he died of a brain hemorrhage and they were like oh wait he was innocent so that was kind of upsetting god then they had no leads and for several months they had no leads in october several months later mary catherine the little sister suddenly remembered where she had heard elizabeth captor's voice and she said to her parents i know who it is i remember
Starting point is 00:43:57 where i heard his voice she said it was that man named emmanuel who worked at their house for one day in the November, like November before. Um, and the smarts, the family, they were known for helping unemployed people in the community by hiring the homeless and hiring people who were unemployed to come to their house and do odd jobs, um, around the property. So one man named Brian David Mitchell, who called himself Emmanuel,manuel uh had helped out on the roof raking leaves uh for just one day for about five hours and mary catherine had this moment where she thought oh my god that's where i remember the voice this guy who came to our house so the police were skeptical and they thought you know she's only met him once a year ago she's nine
Starting point is 00:44:41 she doesn't know what she's talking about so they didn't follow through the family fully believed mary catherine and good for them yeah they actually hired a sketch artist to draw emmanuel's face because they all remembered him um and they really it's so weird that someone works on your property for five hours and everyone a year later remembers his face and voice he must have been a weirdo he either must have been a weirdo or they must have had like that visceral gut must have been a weirdo or they must have had like that visceral gut feeling of like remember this shit well they knew it was and i'm he was a weird i mean even just reading his background he was a weird weird guy so i don't think like i think he was pretty memorable he was the kind of guy who was he wrote his own scripture about how
Starting point is 00:45:22 he was the messiah so i I mean, he was just starting. I feel like I tell a lot of stories about irresponsible parents. And you tell a lot of stories of parents that just, like, believe their kid to the end. Like, when you did the Sodder children. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And this episode, and then I did the story about, like, a ghost throwing a dog against a wall and a chandelier falling on their child and they're like whatever we'll be fine it says a lot um so they actually used a sketch artist they released
Starting point is 00:45:52 the image to the media and john walsh the guy who hosts um america's most wanted uh who had his own child abducted revealed it on larry king live and on his own show america's most wanted uh literally the day after america's most wanted aired a guy bicycling in uh in sandy utah noticed a man walking with two women wearing veils covering every part of their body oh i remember this except their eyes uh so he alerted police told them like what intersection he had seen them on they rescued elizabeth wearing a gray wig sunglasses and veil and what she actually said to them when they uh rescued her was oh i know who you think i am you think i'm that elizabeth smart girl just spooky and they took her in and interrogated her and found out it was indeed elizabeth smart so was she brainwashed into really thinking that she wasn't elizabeth smart or did she have
Starting point is 00:46:55 stockholm syndrome and like feel for the guy or was she afraid that if she outed herself she would die i think there was a mix of those things it's not totally clear but i i know that a lot of people theorize that she had stockholm syndrome um she was held captive for nine months just with him with this man and his wife um god and she was 14 and so a lot of people do theorize that her dad to to this day says that's not what it was like she was just trying to Her dad, to this day, says that's not what it was. Like, she was just trying to protect her family. And she also had said that they threatened her with violence and death.
Starting point is 00:47:33 They threatened her family. They threatened her siblings. So it's kind of unclear, but she... I feel like at that point, you're just... I mean, it sounds like they just manipulated her enough to be like, pretend you're not you or else we'll kill exactly just and i mean the craziest thing about this whole story is that she was in the community like she was just around yeah and people were she probably saw people she knew all the time all the time so she could have asked for help at any second exactly and people were looking for her
Starting point is 00:48:01 and ran into her and at least that had to be comforting for her though to like walk around town and see signs like knowing that people were looking for her you know yeah like at least she knew if she heard any buzzing yeah but then that also makes like her captor an idiot because if he's in the walking around with her and sees that people are actively looking for her wouldn't he want to bring her somewhere else well the weird thing was that he was so good at well i mean okay just as an example um at one point the threesome so it was him his wife and uh elizabeth went to a party uh in town and um they were drinking beer uh she had her like costume on her veil and i actually read an article by a woman who is mormon and she said to be honest like it sounds so wacky that this guy's walking around with a woman in a young woman in a veil and another woman who's his wife but she
Starting point is 00:49:05 said it's really not that abnormal to see like a guy walking around with two women there's like you know polygamy and that kind of thing and people take young brides and there's weirder things so it's not right like a gigantic red flag necessarily in the mormon community community um the host of the party was like kind of taken aback because this guy mitchell or emmanuel or whatever was trying to force the girl to drink absinthe and she refused to drink it i mean remember she was 14 at this point and also how like how strong are you to say no to someone at 14 who's like keeping you captive yeah i feel like if they're molesting you and threatening to kill your family if they say drink absinthe you just fucking shut up and drink the absinthe yeah i guess they tried to pour it down her throat and she like wouldn't swallow it
Starting point is 00:49:57 so did he really think that she like happily was with him at this point or did she did he know that she didn't want to be there i mean i'll just give you like a brief timeline what happened was he kidnapped her made her hike up the mountains behind her house held her captive literally behind her house in the hills for several months she was chained to a tree the first night he uh had a wedding ceremony where he quote unquote made her his wife, raped her several times. Every day of her captivity, he raped her. And Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I know. And she had mentioned later that she didn't talk about that for many years, but she said later that that was just the most horrible part because she was raised in such a conservative Mormon community that like she had committed herself to celibacy until marriage. And then she was raped every day, at least once for nine months. And she said, and she was 14. And she said, when she went back and tried to be a normal life and she went to high school in her Mormon community and they did these classes about like, if you have sex,
Starting point is 00:51:02 modesty and all that. Right. And like, if you have sex, men don't that right and like if you have sex men don't like you're not going to be desirable you're not going to be wanted and she said it was just the most horrible thing to be like and they use these metaphors like oh it's like a wooden fence or you're like a beautiful picket fence and every time you have sex with someone like you just get like nails screwed into right it's like the flower thing where if everyone takes a petal off of a flower at the end of the day do you really want like this flower with no petals exactly and she said it was just all those metaphors that made her feel it was just like no one asked her to like step out of the room she said in her interview she said i couldn't believe they knew i was sitting there and they just kept the
Starting point is 00:51:39 conversation going about this and so that was i think that was just the worst part but anyway so she she was that's the worst part not the actual getting raped well think that was just the worst part but anyway so she she was that's the worst part not the actual getting raped well i mean i think the worst part of the worst aftermath yeah and so she obviously so she was held captive for several months and after a few months he allowed her to be free i i mean personally i don't know and i don't want to like make any assumptions but from what i've read it sounds like she did have stockholm syndrome because I mean, personally, I don't know and I don't want to like make any assumptions. But from what I've read, it sounds like she did have Stockholm syndrome because he took her into town. He took her to shops.
Starting point is 00:52:11 They went after that party, like a little while after that. The three of them went to the library downtown and they were confronted by a homicide detective who knew like everyone was looking for her. And he knew that she was in disguise people had said like look for someone who's covered up or who's you know and he had been told there was like this report he approached them and asked elizabeth to take off her veil but mitchell the man stepped in and he said, like, back off. This is part of our religion. Like, my wife can't show you her face and she can't speak in public.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Like, you're threatening our religion. And somehow, oh, I'm sorry, he said she was his daughter and that this other, his wife was his wife. And the officer said Mitchell stayed calm through 15 minutes of questioning. He, the officer said, I couldn't find any reason that he was lying. I didn't want to, like, step on his toes and threaten his religion. So he let him go to take Elizabeth back. And, like, I think what they said later when they tried to, during the trial, his defense attorneys tried to claim that he was – tried to plead insanity.
Starting point is 00:53:25 And one of the pieces of evidence that he was fully – he fully understood what he was doing is that he was able to lie about it successfully to a detective, making up a story about how she was his daughter and it was part of his religion. up a story about how she was his daughter and it was part of his religion like he knew what he was doing was totally wrong and he made up a whole like lie about it because he knew that the detective was going to figure him out so that was kind of what they used to to incriminate him as being this is horrible it's it's really dark um obviously wow you really picked a winner well i mean it's it's also dark because it's more recent i feel like a lot of these serial killer stories are from the 50s and 60s and they feel yeah they feel so far away yeah they're part of culture now yeah and it's well this is also something that we actually experienced sure like not to say we were the same age not to say that jonestown is like a funny thing to talk about but it's something we've never had to hear people speaking about as relevant news.
Starting point is 00:54:28 It's like more removed for us. I mean, the whole thing with him, according to his stepson, he ate a large dose of LSD in the Utah desert, realized God wanted him back in the Mormon church. back in the mormon church so he took his third wife devoted himself to the church took it way too far uh obviously uh ended up outside as like a well-known beggar in the downtown area uh he would curse people who didn't give him money he would hold his arms out and pretend he was jesus christ being crucified he wrote an entire 27 page revelation revelation called The Book of Emmanuel David Isaiah, gave copies to friends and relatives. He believed he was, like, the Messiah. What friends did he have who, if they followed the same kind of original, initial religion as him, would grab this book out of him and be like, you're crazy. He was actually excommunicated from the church the same week he kidnapped Elizabeth Smart.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Ah, so like this is like a mental break. It might have been. So, I mean, yeah, so church authorities obtained a copy of this like book he wrote and excommunicated him the same week he took Elizabeth Smart. the same week he took Elizabeth smart. And actually it's kind of telling his father wrote a 900 page document about how he was like the second coming. And he wrote about how he had to have sex with young women to, it was part of his religion and how they could only eat a vegetarian diet and just all these wacky things and 900 pages so that was
Starting point is 00:56:06 his father so obviously he was not in a good mental state as a child um so it the whole thing is twisted but i mean thankfully she was found safe she's now spends her life advocating for rape victims and kidnapped children oh my god it's great she's done a lot of work she's met with presidents she's met she's done a lot of tv shows um she's written a memoir and yeah but like as great of things that you're doing like i cannot imagine like like recovering from like there's no recovering from it no no no I mean especially even your family like that's just oh so I mean you know in the end like she's helped a lot of people but obviously just Tamara in real life that's just just getting to you it's it's a dark story and I just it's something that I want to talk about because I remembered it growing up and remembered how much
Starting point is 00:57:02 it just shook me and I went home and thought I told my mom lock the damn doors like yeah i didn't remember i remember like seeing it in pieces on the news but i think either my parents were trying to protect me or the news just wasn't on a lot but i mainly heard about it that i knew that it existed and then they made like a some version of like a lifetime movie about it and I remember watching that and getting all the pieces at the same time and being like oh shit like it was that really happened like I remember the scene in that movie where the guy abducts her and the little sister is hearing it like I that little girl I mean to my I just remember the moment like
Starting point is 00:57:45 because my teacher truly he made us follow the whole story like in class and I remember thinking my mom was not happy because I was coming home in tears every day and she was like you should be learning about not this like about history I mean technically that was a really smart teacher because he was teaching you history that wasn't yet history sort of he's like teaching you history because he knew it would become history yeah he was sort of one of those people that liked shock value though like he would come into class and tell us like murder like it was just i think he liked to be the shock value guy so that we would go home and be like wow like guess what we learned and he really like a lot of parents were like please stop telling us about how they're going to get abducted in the night out of their beds they're 11 years old like let's let's save that for whether the parents
Starting point is 00:58:28 want to talk about it i had a teacher who taught history and i think he was a vet with ptsd because he taught it a little too intensely like he treated us like soldiers oh and he told us he was doing it for the um like the real life perspective of war and i was like we're nine right we're we don't know and we don't care and that's the thing that like you learn from your parents or from you know what i mean like you get exposed to that in real life not like you don't need to learn that at age nine at school i mean it definitely left an imprint though so if that was his goal he did it I mean I didn't sleep for weeks after this and my mom was like god damn it like look what you've done and I remember it being fascinating and terrifying I mean and the whole thing where he would walk
Starting point is 00:59:16 around with her in a veil and she just saw family and friends and didn't say any I mean it really got to me and the part about the little girl seeing her sister get abducted and then months later saying, oh, I like, it was that guy. I remember him now. I mean, it just gets to me. It's just like, it's like, I guess if you had to break down my biggest fear, it's just the sense of helplessness. Yes. Yeah. I just like, I not to say that I always need to be in control, but I hate not having the option to be in control, especially in your safe zone, you know, especially in like the place you're supposed to feel the safest. Yeah. So that just really got to me. Anyway, so I thought that's a big one. Get out of the way. Well, what am I supposed to say now? Like, good job. Like I was supposed to take a
Starting point is 00:59:57 drink and just understand that that's why we drink. That one one got me that's a heavy episode what was what did i say in the first episode my oh my core was rocked my core was rocked dude uh i don't know our do you think our parents are still even listening to this no well well i know um my mom had an opinion about the last couple episodes we did. Oh, do I want to know it or not? Oh, I mean, it's just she just live tweeted her opinions as she listened. What? This is for, but here's the thing, because like, side note, these are pre-recorded.
Starting point is 01:00:39 So the one that's most recently out, that's the one that she did a live tweet on. What did she say? I'm nervous. And by live tweet, I mean text. So don't try to see her tweets. I'm trying to find my mom on Twitter. She literally got a Twitter just so she could follow me. And by follow me, not even like Twitter follow me, but like call me and ask me what all my tweets mean.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Follow me, not even like Twitter follow me, but like call me and ask me what all my tweets mean. So, so as she listened, she texted me these things in this order. Oh God. I do not drink barefoot. Yuck. So everyone go listen to episode two while I read out my mother's opinions. Linda. I thought she did. And I said said then why is it always in the house
Starting point is 01:01:25 and empty and she said i bought it from my friends they drink it in mass then she said i drink prisoner that will go well with your show and then she said make them sponsor you as if i can just call prisoner wine make them yeah uh i said i'll make sure to let them know she says next if barefoot was in the house it was because i did not drink it i like fit wine very tasty and then she said halo ice cream yum yum and then she said imagine halo flavored or wine flavored halo oh yes i'm imagining that then she said your dream come true i want to eat and drink with christine my dreams are all coming true and then she says uh because we talked eventually about like how we don't succeed at anything and that's a fun conversation i mean it's just also the reality she says uh when you told me you were starting a podcast i didn't unscrew the wine bottle i had my
Starting point is 01:02:26 butler serve it to me like because my mom thinks she's a fucking comedian now that there's a platform for people to hear her jokes uh then she said next time you get an oreo mcflurry add m&ms they will do it if you pay them for it because my mother is the expert actually you should get your butler to do it for you that's the real way christine's coming in hot with the jokes but um uh she then said oh the next thing it'll probably become the caption to a t-shirt that she's on at some point great i want to meet her dog it It's going to be a picture of her and my dog. Oh, and then we started
Starting point is 01:03:07 talking about how our friends had tuberculosis and cholera. Scarlet fever. Yeah. And I said, oh, all we need is someone with dysentery. So she says,
Starting point is 01:03:17 Uncle Joey got dysentery last year while traveling in Peru. Oregon Trail, bitches. We've done it. The trifecta. So I wrote to her and I said, I'll make sure to get all this addressed in episode seven.
Starting point is 01:03:33 And she said, why not six? And I said, it's been pre-corded. Don't have a fit about it. And she said, cool. Just hearing about Robert Durst. Robert was in all caps oh uh and then she wrote the name of the guy that said hello mrs linda do you want some chocolate she said his name with hearts and then said how is he i miss him i knew it and then finally
Starting point is 01:04:01 she sent me a picture of a mudslide, like the drink. And she said, I just ordered a frozen mudslide and I'm listening to your podcast. Frozen mudslide is the perfect blend of milkshake and cocktail. Tell Christine hello. Linda gets me. Linda needs to calm down. No, she's on it. She's on her game.
Starting point is 01:04:22 She's decided if she can't be a stand-up comedian i she'll just filter her jokes through me you know what do you know my mother did listen i called my mother and i said have you listened to our podcast she goes i can't get the video to work and i was like it's not a video it's audio and so finally i figured out how to tell her to listen to the podcast and she goes great i downloaded it i'm almost done and i was like where are you and she's like i've listened to eight minutes and i was like that's god i'm almost done with your hour show yeah so like the next we released episode two and she didn't listen to it for days and days and i was like mother you are so embarrassed like emily's family is so supportive they are and i called my mom today and i told her
Starting point is 01:05:05 we had you know 600 downloads and she goes well i'd like to be a guest on your podcast i was like suddenly you're out of 60 yeah suddenly you're what you want to be involved that's so great you're such a gold digger and then she goes yes and then my stepdad asks who she was talking to and she goes oh i'm talking to christina Christina about her ghost story and murder situation show. I was like, are you kidding me? Okay. To be fair, her first language is German, correct? It is.
Starting point is 01:05:34 It sounds like she tried to explain it to a translator and then it came out like in broken translation. Murder situation podcast. Her name is much better. Perfect. Rolls off the tongue anyway so our parents big try they they try sometimes it's okay the second my mom heard podcast i think she heard like potential fame my mom heard oh god another waste of time but we'll see where it goes we'll see who's right linda or renata one of them's gonna be right
Starting point is 01:06:04 eventually we'll get a we'll get a picture of both of them oh my and then we'll see where it goes. We'll see who's right. Linda or Renata. One of them's going to be right. Eventually we'll get a, we'll get a picture of both of them. Oh my. And then we'll Photoshop them next to each other. And they're going to be drinking not barefoot wine. Mud slides, apparently. Mud slides.
Starting point is 01:06:14 All right. Well, good. That was fun. That's a, that's a nice happy note. Besides murder. We needed to end on it.
Starting point is 01:06:21 We need to, a palate cleanser. We went from Elizabethizabeth smart to our mothers there's no other way to go it's a good segue yikes all right guys thanks for listening again if you have any suggestions let us know tweet us facebook us email us also we are doing as you know some mini sodes with people listener stories so please write us either your ghost or crime stories and we will feature them on the show and we love you all and thank you so much for listening and that's why we drink drink good one

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