And That's Why We Drink - E63 A Good Old Canadian Gaol and the Summer of Like

Episode Date: April 15, 2018

Welcome to episode 63, in which we discuss ghosts, murder, and a guy named Chauncey, who may or may not be a Sim. Em covers the Ottawa Jail, which is now a hostel, and Christine covers the Robison Fam...ily Murders, which all began with a bridge party in the woods. Come meet us at CrimeCon 2018 this May in Nashville, TN! Get a surprise gift from us when using promo code “ATWWD”! and enter promo code DRINK30 for $30 off your first week of Hello Fresh! Use promo code DRINK at for 15% off your order of $100 or more! Visit for a trial month of Hims for only $5!Visit and use promo code drink to get $20 off AND free shipping on your new sheets!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh the whole box is full oh well happy day for christine i was worried this one's almost empty i'm gonna watch you go for it anyway tip it it sounds like you're peeing oh sounds like a really ping who's to say it's the magic of audio i have a face for radio and a bladder for radio kinda uh what's new what is new anything new i have an announcement is it an announcement i know about or no no wait really yeah it's a surprise you're full of shit what is it not am i gonna be surprised you look nervous i am so nervous okay tell me it's a big announcement uh you're pregnant there's a big announcement. You're pregnant.
Starting point is 00:01:10 There's a new family member coming to the Shefa Lampignali household. Are you pregnant? It's a cat. What? Are you kidding me? I'm drinking wine. I'm not pregnant. I don't know what kind of mother you're going to be. This could all have been for a show.
Starting point is 00:01:23 All of us got so nervous just now because you weren't saying no i mean that's why i kind of wanted to do that it hurt i got so scared okay a cat it's a cat it's a baby kitty named we haven't named her yet why are you getting a cat so norma posted in the facebook group that there was a kitten that needed a home otherwise she had to go to a shelter and nobody could take her home and blaze sent me the post and was like this cat needs a home and i was like blaze do you want to get the cat he's like i just thought maybe you wanted to look at it okay and she's this precious little white kitten and apparently she's very friendly and sweet. And she needs a home. And we were like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:06 If no one's going to take her, we'll be happy to take her. And she said we can pick her up on the 23rd of April, 24th of April. And we're going to take her home and give her the guest room until Gio chills the fuck out and learns to live with her. Oh, wow. But she's the newest member. We still have not come up with a name yet oh i'm not pregnant oh my god that really did i didn't know how to react i was gonna be happy but i was also so scared no i knew i was like it's not a good idea to pretend i'm pregnant but you did it anyway but i did it anyway what color is this cat
Starting point is 00:02:42 white that's gonna be hard to not stain with your wine precious oh yeah i mean we know you've dropped a couple glasses on geo's head white is gonna be all hard especially when cats don't like to bathe she's not gonna be white for long she's just gonna be like a crisp burgundy she'll be like a maroon burgundy maybe just name her merlot now since that's what's gonna i'll be like she's gonna look like anyway this weird birth defect where she's covered in you know for now her name is chardonnay but one day she'll be a cab cab the cat oh i love it anyway yeah so we're getting her can i show you a photo she's really precious i know you were a cat person we're not really but like i grew up with cats and blaze went home over christmas break and our little cat Nosy just was obsessed with him and followed him around, always sat on his lap.
Starting point is 00:03:29 They would like cuddle up and sleep next to each other all night. And we got back to LA and he goes, you know, I feel like getting a cat wouldn't be a bad idea. And I was like, okay, all of a sudden you're into cats, but she's a precious little baby. Oh, she's so sweet. Look at that little baby nose. she's so sweet look at that little baby nose she's so cute she's really freaking cute such a little baby so she can't be picked up yet i can't wait but to start giving her puns and names look at her little baby face
Starting point is 00:04:00 so sweet so this is also part of our mission to get geo to be like a big brother chill the fuck out about yeah like other creatures because he can't handle himself right anyway i'm not pregnant that's the moral of the story wow that really was quite an announcement i thought it was gonna be like we got new stickers or something we have a kitchen aid instead there's like a whole new child you're gonna keep alive a little fur baby well no fur babies for me that's why i drink why do you drink um i don't know i blacked out a little when i thought you were gonna just say you were pregnant while you were pouring wine that's a good reason to drink i think um why do i drink um i mean i have another reason. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Okay. Tomorrow will be six months until my wedding. And I realized that today and had like a mini meltdown. Oh, my God. Everything's fine. Are you okay? I'm fine. Are you excited?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yes. You still have time to get out? Sure. You don't. We'll see. Everything's great. That means six months until i have to have a speech prepared yep okay good get on it long as we all know it means less than six months because you better have it ready before the day of yeah oh imagine if i went up there i was like i'm just gonna wing it like improv i feel like i'd be good at that like now that i got my propranolol what can stop me um anyway i don't know why i drink i'm sure i have several reasons but i just don't have them
Starting point is 00:05:34 right now i feel like i usually don't so i think this week i like packed a hard punch okay that's good and then like upset you for a minute about that it was i do want to clarify when you tell me one day that you're having a baby i won't be upset i i just didn't i think i just wasn't ready for it if i was pregnant i would be extremely upset so i think oh okay i mean truly like i'm i'm not about to be pregnant my wedding dress that i just paid way too much money for if allison were pregnant i think we would all be scared we'd all be like how did that happen oh there'd be layers on pun layers of problems it'd be it'd be a good mystery for all of us allison are you listening hello are you pregnant are you still with me did you leave we'll find out are we alone be continued. I think I'm single again. Anyway. Full circle.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Circle of life. I guess I would say that I drink because a week from now, Allison and I will be done with all of the Marvel movies. Wow. You're getting there. We've been watching like. Holy shit. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Holy shit. We only have four movies left. Wow. But we've been, we've watched like almost 20 movies in like a couple weeks. Stupid question. How many are there total? The main ones, technically 18. But that's also if you're not including TV shows.
Starting point is 00:06:58 That's a lot of movies. I mean, that's at least 36 hours. Yeah. And more because a lot of them are over two hours but if you're doing it like the quote like hardcore right way then there's also tv shows that you have to watch and but the tricky part is there's some shows where you have to watch certain seasons and then a movie and then the next season and then another movie and then like other seasons and then another tv show it's like thank you it's very confusing so we just stuck with the movies oh man and i just
Starting point is 00:07:24 filled her in on the way i'm amazed that allison like stuck through all this she's a good one she she's the one that suggested we do this too wow she was like well if well here's the thing i've been waiting for infinity war almost my entire life and when allison said oh can I come I was like no because you have not watched any of them and so if you haven't watched any of them I'm not gonna like sure be freaking out to references just to look at your like deadpan face because you don't know what's going on what's happening yeah who's that again exactly I was like you're not gonna ruin this for me by the way Allison not you I'm referencing myself and so she was like well if I'm gonna be there I guess I should know everything what a babe I can't believe she wants to be there I'd be like
Starting point is 00:08:10 oh what a bummer I think she's kind of into it because she's definitely retaining information because she's gotta be you can't I'm sorry you can't fake the 36 hours you can't I will I'll quiz her every now and then and she's's got all of the answers. Right. So she's, yeah, she's, it's, she's a little Marvel geek now,
Starting point is 00:08:30 whether or not she wants it. Poor Blaze hasn't even tried to get me to watch Dragon Ball Z because I'm like, bye. But I guess, you know, but anyway, I drink because my girlfriend really puts up with a lot of bullshit. So what a gem,
Starting point is 00:08:44 what a gem. Um, a lot of bullshit. What a gem. What a gem. A lot of people have been asking, by the way, we are doing a CrimeCon meetup and we finally have the details. Okay, let's go. You saw them, right? I saw them. Did you RSVP? No.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Well, then you didn't see them. I'm doing it right now. God damn it. I'm going. Okay. So we find, I even invited you. I'm officially going. i'm going okay so we find i even invited you and i'm i'm officially going i'm going linda commented and i'm there so we're officially doing a crime con meetup on saturday may 5th which by the way is cinco de mayo again i will be dragging you out of the building fireman style
Starting point is 00:09:22 fire person with my wagon firefighter firefighter i like a good firefighter wagon what remember in the last episode i said i would drag i just bring a wagon just drag you out like a drunk tank i still mean it i mean i don't doubt it uh it's gonna be cinco de mayo saturday may 5th uh at 8 p.m n Nashville time at the Broadway Brewhouse Midtown. Awesome. It looks like a really cool bar. They have like a milkshake like drink. Somebody just like created the event, but then she had somebody else.
Starting point is 00:09:59 She said on the ground, like finding us a venue who found a place that has like god bless jess a milkshake drink and like beer and wine i'm well i do have a hunch that i've been here before because what well remember i went to the bachelorette party in nashville i've been to like the like the main places like there's like that huge strip where like all the bars are connected to each other and they're like three floors tall i've gone to all those if this is on that street then i've been there well i don't know other than that i don't know we'll find out it's called the it's called broadway brew house midtown we're gonna be there saturday may 5th drinking 8 p.m in nashville tennessee you don't have to be going to crime con to go to this we just want to see anybody and
Starting point is 00:10:42 everybody whether you did go to crime con or not preferably wear and then that's why we drink t-shirts so we can spot you in the crowd oh that's true we should like a like a bar like a pub crawl shirt yes holy shit okay and then we can take a big photo together oh it's gonna be so fun so if you have any and that's why we drink merch wear it that way we can find you because otherwise we're going to be approaching strangers being like do you know who we are and they're going to say no get away we'll be like listen and then we'll realize we're the only people there for us my mom and your mom will be like my mom will go get drunk and break her hand again like she did the last time she was in nashville oh good times so you guys be there if you're anywhere in the area. We'd love to see you. That's all I have.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That's okay. Do you have any more news or updates? No, my life is pretty boring. No, it's not. You're watching a lot of movies. We are watching a lot of movies. Also, Allison and I are looking for a place to live together in the future so you need roommates no i'm just making a life announcement because you made one you're getting a cat i'm getting an
Starting point is 00:11:50 apartment with my girlfriend that's precious and possibly rj so who knows oh man but anyway so that's my life update that's a big one though that's a big one i've never lived with someone that i was dating before yeah blaze is the first person i lived with significantly. That's a big one though. That is a big one. I've never lived with someone that I was dating before. Yeah. Blaze is the first person I lived with significantly. So it's a big deal. It's my first milestone. Fall, right?
Starting point is 00:12:12 That's not till next year. Oh, okay. So it's not like happening now. She lives month to month. Sure. Okay. And then my lease ends in November, but I technically paid through December. Oh, so I have a home until the new year and then she can just drop her lease whenever.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Oh, okay. So you're not like currently like, I'm already current because I'm a planner. No, no, no, no, no. But you're not like desperately seeking a place. No, not desperately. But I've already picked out the five potential neighborhoods we'll be living in. Well, that's fun. Allison does not seem to have an opinion yet, so I'm just making a lot of decisions. Great. It's a good time. Just go for it. I appreciate her just letting me be myself.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I mean, she's letting you watch all the Marvel movies you want, so. She really lets me get away with a lot. Anyway. Bring it. This, where, Christine. What? where's my favorite place in the world oh man um don't don't don't make it harder than it is where's my home chick-fil-a close i mean i'm not wrong no you're not, you're not. Okay. You're really not. Salem, Massachusetts. Oh, God, you know me better than I do. Because, yeah, but also no.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Fredericksburg, Virginia? Okay. Let's try this again. Okay. What's my homeland? Oh, Canada. Okay. Russia?
Starting point is 00:13:36 The land of wooden dildos, apparently. Oh, okay. That would have clarified it. Yeah. Because one time you were like, my homeland, Russia. And I was like, hold on. You just went across the globe to a different fucking continent my boss renee of course she listens to this and she doesn't ever really bring up her favorite parts of the episode she just kind of
Starting point is 00:13:56 throws in subtle things that happen in the shows into our like work conversations where i'll be like oh yeah well this happened in canada and she's like oh well you love canada and i'm like how the fuck did you know that and then she's like wait i'm sorry but aren't you russian and i'm like how you need to stop listening to my show she's me she's like christine's my window into your world she has said she i don't want to say she said it in those words but she said them in quite close words. Okay. Anyway. Canada is your favorite place besides Chick-fil-A, Russia.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Canada is my favorite place I've never been to. Fair. Okay. Here's the thing. It's in Canada if you haven't picked up on that yet. Oh, shit. It is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I was just like giving you a fact about me. I mean, I never know with you. That's a fair point. So canada it's in this little area called ottawa oh heard of it heard of it and it is the ottawa jail which was previously known as the carlton county jail and you know it was an old school jail because jail was spelled G-A-O-L. What the fuck? Like Renaissance Fair kind of jail. That, seriously? No.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Well, it was definitely spelled differently in the past. But it was spelled G-A-O-L? Mm-hmm. Wow. Maybe Canadians just spelled jail differently. They don't. Don't look at me. You're the Canadian one.
Starting point is 00:15:20 You're right. It was opened in 1862, so maybe that's just how they spelled jail back then maybe um at the time in 1862 uh it was the most modern facility in canada the most modern gavel in canada yes part of the reason why it was so quote modern was because it had drum arched drum ceilings which gave the halls really good acoustics what so as a guard you could sit at one end of the hall and even the softest whisper in the cell furthest away from you you could hear oh okay and this building still stands and you can go and like test the arched ceilings yourself and stand on one end of the hall and have someone else talk to you.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Have you ever done that in a museum or whatever where you whisper and it goes to the other side? I haven't, but I certainly want to. Oh, come to Cincinnati. They have that. You're literally like across an entire museum and you whisper into the, like where the water fountain is and the person, you can barely even see them. Like they're all the way across the room and they just can completely hear it it's so that's wild bananas
Starting point is 00:16:28 although if i were to experience this i wouldn't go to cincinnati i'd go to canada in a haunted jail i think that's fair i mean cincinnati is closer i love you you know what um on october 13th when i'm getting married i I think that... I'm still going to be there. I'd like you to go to Canada instead. No, wait. Okay. Moving on. So it was modern for the time being. Great.
Starting point is 00:16:53 But it was also, like, not modern according to today because it was built on reform over discipline. Oh, no. So, the prisoners, which, by the way included men women and children what uh and they were treated pretty shitty um the worst offenders were starved entirely because all inmates were served only once a day So if you were incredibly bad and they didn't have any more food, they just wouldn't feed you. At all. At all. Most women and children were from poor families and they couldn't pay their debts.
Starting point is 00:17:33 So that's why they would end up in jail. Are you serious? Yes. Inmates were rarely given tasks. So for 24 hours a day, they basically sat in a tiny cell. In a tiny cell sale in a tiny cell or they were allowed to walk around in the halls of each cell block but that was all they could do for 24 hours because they didn't have jobs to give them or anything right there was also no heat lighting
Starting point is 00:17:57 ventilation or toilets what so lots of illness because they're just sure going to the bathroom in their bed. Not even ventilated. And also like there's no glass in the windows and no heat. So woof. In Canada too. Yeah. Imagine in the winter in Canada.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Uh-uh. Goodbye. So there was also a severe water shortage in the 1870s. So inmates couldn't bathe either or drink water for the most part okay in the 1880s 10 years later the building's wood was infested with insects and the wood had to be removed so they were doing all this construction dirty construction around all these people too who weren't bathed or using toilets or eating or drinking water okay um quote the inmates had to sleep on the floor for a long time they were actually sleeping on or using toilets or eating or drinking water. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Quote, the inmates had to sleep on the floor for a long time. They were actually sleeping on cold, wet surfaces, which of course would cause illness, disease, and so on. So there was 150 men, women, children, and they were crammed into 60 cells. So 150 people in 60 cells, and each of the cells only measured three by nine feet what three people in each of them or not even holy so you were just like tetracing yeah in the room and there's no toilets oh my god and then there were 30 larger cells. So there was 90 cells, 150 divided by 90.
Starting point is 00:19:28 But 60 of those cells were 3 by 9 feet. 30 of those cells were 6 by 9 feet. So there was literally 3 feet more. Right. Sounds like an algebra question. There were 9 feet more. Yes. I'm sorry. Anytime I feel like I can contribute mathematically i force it that's fine whatever
Starting point is 00:19:47 you want i'm usually wrong there were six cells additional cells that were solitary confinement well you wonder at that point like what's the difference like solitary confinement nobody else is eating or yeah i mean i guess you still don't have human contact so that's awful but yeah but at that point i'd be like it almost feel like a vacation you still don't have human contact, so that's awful. But yeah, but at that point I'd be like, it almost feel like a vacation. I don't have someone's feet in my face or poop or poop in my face. It's not funny. So it's not. It was one of those like laughing at a funeral moment.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Like, I know it's not funny. I'm sorry. Inmates were thrown naked. Oh oh no into the dark solitary confinement cells and then chained spread eagle to the floor take back literally every word i just said yeah so they were mother of god stripped naked spread eagle on the floor and then shackled to the ground no and by the way like this is like a ground that's like dirty and wet and damp. And also since you're chained down, you're not using a toilet.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So you're just going to the bathroom where you lay and then you're lying in it. And then they take you out and then put someone else on that puddle. And then they go, who was sent to the solitary confinement. Just people who were like, just people who were acting up, I guess. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:21:08 So the hole, the solitary confinement, is a heavy focus now for psychics. And it's near the basement cell near the laundry room. Oh my god. But a lot of psychics will go there because obviously there's a lot of dark shit. Can you mention the energy that must just like manifest there? I've been in the solitary confinement cells by myself with the door closed in Alcatraz. And that was some pretty dark energy. Did I tell you I'm going there in like a week and a half?
Starting point is 00:21:35 No, you did not. Wow. This is a lot like that Whaley house time, isn't it? I'm sorry. And the time I went to the Queen Mary. Oh, yeah. No big deal. I do this to you.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Who are you going to the Alcatraz with? Remember that time? Oh. We're going to San Francisco. He got a weekend off, so he was like, do you want to book two days in San Francisco? And then I immediately was like,
Starting point is 00:21:56 I want to go to Alcatraz. You are something else. Three strikes in a row. I mean, we just planned it. Uh-huh. And I was going to announce it next week on the podcast as like a surprise, but then I was like, I should probably tell you that I'm going. Yeah, also that would have not been a pleasant surprise, much like the drunk pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Um, listen. It's called a cat adoption. Right, yeah. It was a drunk pregnancy. I mean. A little bit. A little tiny. For a second it was.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Just a tiny bit, but can you blame me? No. No? Yeah, I can. Oh. I was just trying to be nice. I got excited for a second. Okay, so anyway, so that's their spread eagle and naked on the ground.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Yesh. It's the only example left that they have documents of where men were chained naked to the floor. Who's they? Like, ever? Like, as far as documents go, they're only official documents of men ever being chained naked to a floor with this jail.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Wow. Okay. I mean, I'm sure there's other instances, but this is the only official documented record. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry sorry you don't even like what you're about to eat i know but i like them again um so the rings used for the chains are still in the ground so if you were like a really sick person you could like put your hand in one of the shackles i mean if you were sick oh sick in the head yeah and like really wanted to like live how they lived you could essentially be chained to the ground like they
Starting point is 00:23:31 were um i guess sick wasn't the right word disrespectful let's go with that yeah twisted twisted yeah um the jail had only three official hangings. But when I say three official, I mean three official. Oh, my God. Which means there were many illegal hangings where they were never documented. They would just kill prisoners. So not just suicide, like people hanging other people. Like cops would tighten nooses around prisoners' necks and then the other end of the noose was tied to a beam and then they would throw them off the eighth floor balcony oh what the fuck and death row
Starting point is 00:24:14 sat at the top floor which is right above the eighth balcony um so executions were only hangings there and the most famous hanging there was a guy named patrick whalen and he was also the last public hanging there um he so one of the founding fathers of canada's confederacy his name was thomas mcgee and he like very much opposed american expansion moves like motives towards canada sure um and so in 1868 because of his political opinions he was assassinated and a lot of people thought that patrick whalen was the one who assassinated him even though there was hardly any evidence and mainly the reason they thought he was guilty was because just a lot of people said he was whether or not it was true oh shit so mainly like popular opinion decided it not actual evidence wait who's who was patrick whalen again patrick whalen was just like a guy that they
Starting point is 00:25:14 assumed assassinated him they had like nothing was he like the only evidence they had was the night that um thomas m McGee was assassinated. Patrick Whelan was in the area with a gun that had the same caliber, like held the same kind of caliber bullet. So wait, but was he like a police officer, like a citizen? Just a citizen. A random dude. I'm pretty sure he was just a citizen.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Oh, okay. But so I don't really know like his background, but a lot of people just said he did it. And so whether or not they had a lot of evidence, they agreed and they were like okay you did it wow so um there's actually writings about mcgee's assassination where apparently he was he came home late from a meeting one night um was couldn't find his keys and so he had to wait for his landlady to greet him outside and then as soon as the landlady opened the door for him to come in, quote, a bullet sliced through McGee's neck and exploded out of his jaw, sending his dentures flying.
Starting point is 00:26:17 So his teeth flew out of his face. Oh, no. So everyone in town thought it was Patrick. But they never figured that out. They just sent him to the gallows and hung him and 5,000 people watched. Holy God. And that was in 1869. The final official execution at the jail, because he was the last public hanging.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Patrick Whalen. Patrick Whalen. Okay. But the official, the final official execution was a guy named Eugene who was hanged for killing a police detective. Oh, boy. Just a fun fact, I guess. So fun.
Starting point is 00:26:52 A fun fact. That's not fun. So much fun. We're having fun. So when Whelan's body, when Whelan died, his last request was that his body would get sent home to Montreal. And instead the authorities decided to just bury him on the jail property. Oh no, he's going to haunt the shit out of this place.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And he warned that, um, like he swore he was innocent. He swore he was innocent. So he warned before his death that because he was innocent as proof of it, no grass would ever grow on his grave. And so now on the property's parking lot, there's a certain patch that never grows grass. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And they don't know if that's where he was buried, but it's assumed it was somewhere in that general area. Because there were all these unmarked graves, so they have no proof of it. They just built parking lots on top and stuff like that. But there's one part that refuses to grow grass. Wow. So they think that might be where he's buried. That is creepy. And then just to like make you believe even more that maybe that's where he was buried.
Starting point is 00:27:55 There were two students on a tour at this jail that were joking around and saying, we can find the spot, we can find the spot. And so they found the patch without grass and started jumping on it no and making fun of it and uh at the same moment both boys got profuse nosebleeds so just like a weird thing i was like are they gonna get struck by lightning that would have been cool no they just got really bad nosebleeds, but at the same time, but a nose that's pretty, that's like some Harry Potter, like a prankster. So, um, so that's like the first sign of like any paranormal stuff. And then the rest I have for you is paranormal. Yes. There's a quote from someone that went on a tour that I found on it was like some like a yelp or a room it was it was a some sort of review that i found said the eighth floor is one of the
Starting point is 00:28:51 claustrophobic single cells so much unexplained activity occurred on this level um there were footsteps in the hall cell doors slamming closed and disembodied voices and no one could spend the entire night there and they would always leave demanding their money back it got to a point because also this became a hostel over time oh shit so um so people would come and then they wouldn't even spend the night and they would demand their money back because they didn't want to be there wow and then i'm finishing the quote it got to the point that the hostel even offered the rooms for free to anyone who managed to remain there the entire night. They've never had to give a complimentary stay. No sooner that our tour guide finished telling us these details when a door slammed somewhere down the hall in an unused section of the floor.
Starting point is 00:29:39 What? So wait, so they've never given away a complimentary night, meaning nobody's ever stayed the full night? Yeah. Like they keep offering, like, we'll give you a free room if you can just stay the night. And no one has ever done it. So they just probably must make a shit ton of money. Yeah, I guess so. I feel like if I worked there, I'd wander around like scratching on doors and like.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, yeah, probably. Slamming the. I mean, maybe that's how they get you. I mean, that's how they get you i mean that's what i would do so uh in the death row area at the very top you can feel a crazy heavy oppressive feeling um can you imagine sorry sleeping getting a hostel room in the death row area of an old oh yeah i i can't imagine an old gowl a good old canadian gal um just makes me think of jowls makes me think of
Starting point is 00:30:32 galas the gals galas oh it just makes me think of like okay yeah i know what jowls are jowls yes i see what you're saying some canadian jowls ate too much poutine. Stop it. Now I'm just thinking of a Canadian with like hamster cheeks with they just keep poutine in them all the time. That's disgusting. I'm sorry, Canadians. Also, I have yet to go to the poutine restaurant, but I'm still. What poutine? Oh, the one.
Starting point is 00:30:57 The one near my house. Can we go? Can you take me? It's called spuds. I'm so excited. Can you take me, though? Oh, just like how you're gonna take me to aquatraz or queen mary or the whaley house uh did you or did you not go to those places
Starting point is 00:31:10 before we had a podcast before you took me there don't be that way okay okay i took your girlfriend there she wasn't even my girlfriend yet it doesn't even count oh okay that was like two days before i even met her before i introduced you to the love of your life get over it she's so cute shut up okay so also in this hotel hostel gowl gowl you can hear chains swinging and bangs on the ground in the solitary confinement rooms when they're empty. Ugh. And the reason you can hear chains swinging and bangs on the ground is because people
Starting point is 00:31:54 used to, when they were locked there and couldn't do anything, they used to beat the ground until they broke their hands to go to the hospital. And you can still hear someone banging on the ground when it's empty in there. Those aren't rooms now, are they? I think they just might be. Are you? Look, I don't have an answer for you.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I know what you're thinking and I agree. You haven't had that response in a while. I'd be like, oh, let me ask you a question about your story and you go look i don't have an answer for you sorry i'm inquiring as to the facts of your story it's fine it's fine um people will hear help whispered into their ears oh fuck no men they'll hear men crying that they're hungry they'll hear children screaming mommy m christine when asked what they wanted uh they use a spirit box so you can actually hear voices in live time uh they were using a spirit box and said what do you want and out of any like you would think a horror movie would say like you
Starting point is 00:33:01 or oh no i'm scared what does it say no it would the spirit box just said food no i know and that's so much worse and then the spirit box said please and then that fucking breaks my heart and then someone said how are you and the spirit box said cold sick and help so not all ghosts are mean not all canadians are nice not all canadians are nice look at these jailers the people that ran this place they were clearly not from canada i refuse to believe it you can hear whispers talking to you um but you don't know if they're next to you or from far away because of the arch ceilings you never know if some like something's actually haunting you right next to you or taunting you from the other end of the jail which has got to be a total mind fuck it's like step one am i actually hearing this step two
Starting point is 00:33:55 where is it coming from because you can't even trust that something's whispering in your ear no on evps they have heard find me where am I and I'm still here oh my god that's dark um people will feel their ankles grabbed when they're in the solitary confinement room because they were shackled to the ground so if they were to grab you it would have been your ankles
Starting point is 00:34:17 at the opposite end of the death row hall is a door that vibrates on its own uh there are rattling windows doors Opposite end of the death row hall is a door that vibrates on its own. There are rattling windows, doors that creep open on their own. Voices come from empty hallways. And someone has seen a man up by death row saying, help, I'm stuck here. And they thought it was a visitor. So they went up to go like help a visitor that got lost or trapped.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And nobody was up there. So they think it was actually Patrick on death row up to go like help a visitor that got lost or trapped and nobody was up there so they think it was actually uh patrick on death row saying help i'm stuck here like i'm stuck here like i can't leave no yeah no yeah that's so fucked um another uh visitor said we were staying in the ottawa jail and close to midnight we were wandering death row with a few others inside of Waylon's cell we set up a Ouija board no the board was very active clearly telling everyone we were talking with Patrick Waylon himself the question started out light how was it like to live in the jail and asking about his experiences no that sounds really light yeah right then getting on the subject of mcgee's death that was when the room shifted and everyone felt incredibly uncomfortable the air got really heavy and really cold and you could
Starting point is 00:35:36 tell that whatever was there didn't want to talk anymore as if he was like i don't know how many times i have to tell you i'm innocent. Fuck. So apparently after that, someone else in the tour said that the tension was so palpable that they decided to leave their investigation early and never went back. Whoa. Like, it was, like, so intense they didn't want to be there anymore. Whalen's cell on Death Row remains one of the most haunted spaces in canada wow um noises are heard at all hours of the night and whalen himself has been seen in the cell and walking around in the hallways up on death row holy shit so people will see him and there was
Starting point is 00:36:19 that time that someone heard someone at death row saying help i'm stuck here that's upsetting which freaks me out that it's it goes two ways of like help i'm stuck here meaning it could have been a visitor but it was literally a ghost saying i'm stuck in this like realm it's so dark people have had items thrown at them from higher balconies good and some have even had their own items that they thought were in their pockets thrown at them what What? So like wallet, keys, etc. That is what I would do as a ghost. Like pickpocket you and then throw it at you. And then just go ha ha and hit you in the face.
Starting point is 00:36:52 When you didn't even know it was gone. You can also hear the cries of women and children from the basement. They will scream your name for help. Oh. Like your name? Oh no. Excavations revealed several unmarked graves not just patrick's which confirms the multiple illegal hangings um there was also a vampire maybe i'm sorry what um there
Starting point is 00:37:17 was a secret staircase that was found in the jail there was and a mysterious note that was left um on the top of the stairs and the note said i am a non-veridical vampire who will vanquish you all one by one i will ornate your odorous flesh with famished fangs but who are there 94 or 95 steps to the ninth floor a book on the top shelf will lead you on the right path well it makes no sense hold on wait wait sorry so they who found this note hold on it was found when they were excavating like they were like doing renovations for the hostel they were doing excavations and then found this staircase and then this note was at the top of the stairs what and below all that text is a circle with an inverted S3A. They don't know if that's a signature or like a code.
Starting point is 00:38:08 What? They don't know what it is. What the fuck? And then also there was a group of people who stayed there one night who they were pissed that nothing was happening. They were like, we were told this is really scary and nothing's happening. Come on. I know. nothing was happening.
Starting point is 00:38:21 They're like, we were told this is really scary and nothing's happening. I know. But so they went down to the, like the guy in the lobby and was like, we want our money back. And right before they left the cash register on its own opened and a coin from inside the cash drawer flew up into the air and stayed there for five seconds before throwing itself at them.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Like as if the ghost was like, take your fucking money. money i'm like we don't want you here either yeah god um so that's all the stuff all the haunted stuff that's happened surprisingly this jail was in operation until 1972 wow so not too long ago people were still living like this. And the jail, once it was closed, was found to be unsanitary, duh. And the conversations, the conditions were considered deplorable. A man named John Wiley suggested that they renovate it into a hotel. And in the same year, it opened as an international hostel. And a lot of the structure has stayed the same to preserve the history. The hostel has been, quote, brought into the 21st century because it has free Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Free Wi-Fi. It has free pie. It has free pie to fill your jowls with. Not poutine, though. not poutine though the hostel has been quote brought into the 21st century with free wi-fi a keypad entry for security and your favorite a bar in the basement but in the basement okay the bar part is your favorite bring that to the rooftop you mean death row then we'll talk um much of the but much of the structure is the same to preserve the history. Wow. And the rooms that you stay in are definitely larger than the original jail cells, but they
Starting point is 00:40:10 still contain the iron bars on the doors, stairs, and windows. What the, I can't believe that like they've turned this into an actual place to stay. There's, you know, that's pretty incredible. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I wouldn't stay there, but I would also do it very respectfully. You and I would stay there. I would be in shock the entire time. We'd both be like, holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:31 We wouldn't be like, eh, nothing's happening. It's not even scary. Like, give me a Ouija board. Yeah. I would be like, oh my God, Christine, let's both hold each other in this corner until the sun rises. Yes. And I would be at the bar the entire time. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:44 We'll both just sit at the bar and cry until the sun rises yes got it yep cool cool cool that's tour in our in 2019 tour date in the basement well i do want to say one last thing actually before we take off onto your story take off i mean before i take off verbally mentally okay um so i found this um i found this story on a website called the great canadian bucket list come on because i was just you're just browsing for memories you're you typed in great canadian bucket list i i did type in places to go in canada before i die so that did happen i'm not gonna sit here and pretend like it didn't but at the same time i thought that you might also enjoy some of the other things i found on this list of things i must go to in canada you know i will okay let's get let's get real weird with it okay get weird with me
Starting point is 00:41:46 okay girl what else so when are we normal with one another here are a few things that i have also been told by the canadian bucket list uh accumulatively people have posted these things and i these are my personal favorites one sleep in a, sure. One, sleep in a nice hotel. Sure. So why not? Also something called the Velo Volant, which is the world's highest suspended bicycle ride. I don't know about that. Wait for it.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I got pictures. Here's the little caption, like the blurb underneath it. Watch the ground disappear beneath your feet as you pedal off the platform it's like ziplining but in a bike thing it just looks fun yeah oh okay that's like better than i thought in my head but i have a it's like ziplining but in in a bumper car i have a fear of heights we'll'll talk about it. Okay. The next up is the Glacier Skywalk. Oh, I'll do that. It looks beautiful. That sounds great.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It feels like you're walking on air, and it's a U-shaped observation platform that gives you an entire view of the Rockies. That's beautiful. So that's number three on the list. I mean, number four if we're counting the gowl. Oh, then go dog sledding who wouldn't and why wouldn't you i feel like this is very like not actually canadian i feel like this is like all the canadians hate me right now yeah they're like that's not a thing so here's another thing it's called magnetic hill and apparently it's like a natural illusion and you can put your car in neutral and it will roll uphill. What?
Starting point is 00:43:29 So anyway, there's that that I need to do. I also need a car. Facebook live the shit out of that. And then two other things. One is an obvious because it's the only place I really, really, really want to visit before I die. Preferably multiple times. Allison, are you listening? The Aurora Borealis. Oh, sure. really really really want to visit before i die preferably multiple times allison are you listening the aurora borealis oh sure so i mean if i could live under the aurora borealis i just might that's fair and then finally something i think you and i can both hate together i'm just going
Starting point is 00:43:57 to give you the blurb i can't wait in the long past its boom town of Dawson City. The downtown hotel bar serves up the sourdough cocktail. When added flavor from a real life severed human toe. I know about that. And there's a picture of the sourdough cocktails main ingredient. Yep. That's a dude that's fucked up. Did a thing about that. Nope.
Starting point is 00:44:21 So that's not something I want to do. It's something I would like to watch someone else do. would not want you just might be that candidate my canadian candidate you're not allowed to take the toe with you and so there's that if you have any other suggestions of weird hidden gems across the canadian realm send them to m not me send them my way i'm not gonna show them down via twitter then because otherwise christine won't show me okay thank you your turn okay my turn finally here we go i am gonna tell you about the robison family murders all right all right so it all began at a bridge party in the woods. It always does.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I mean... I mean, I met you at a bridge party in the woods. Don't you remember that? I do. It was my 21st birthday. It was a weird time. It's also where I'm holding my bachelor party, too. Oh, in the woods.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I love it. Bridge party in the woods. Best kind. You'll be cheap. That's the fun part of that. You know, you just sit in some trees and play. Bridge like the game or bridge like a troll lives under it? No, like the card game.
Starting point is 00:45:34 A bridge party. Old ladies playing bridge. Got it. I was hoping there was a troll involved, but whatever. Also now realizing this isn't supernatural. It's actually real. So nevermind. That would make more sense that there's no troll.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Oh, for God's sakes. Oh, oh what time is it time to go to bed keep going i'm stay i know i fell asleep one time i'm alert i'm with it i'm ready to go get with it there's a bridge party as in ladies playing bridge nice okay yes cool see you at the retirement home see you at my bachelorette party. Okay. So we're at Lake Michigan, just north of Good Heart, Michigan. The time is 1968. Summer love.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Almost. Summer time. Okay. Almost summer of love. Summer of like. Summer of like. Of like. The summer of infatuation.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Summer of crush. Yeah. You you know the summer of smitten yeah got it got it so a group of women was having a bridge party in their cottage as you do as you do the summer of like it was a good one it only got better next year just wait if the summer of like has bridge what is the summer of love have strip mahjong oh two different directions we went strip poker is probably the right no that's that's still like that's the summer of infatuation that's the summer of lust you you mix them many do many do mix love and lust together you know i have a hard time differentiating mahjong is definitely the game of love well you gotta love
Starting point is 00:47:11 someone if you want to play mahjong with them just saying wait till the summer of shuffleboard real wild i like how we started with bridge which is like arguably the oldest possible person game you could play and then went back to like the fall of gin rummy like games the winter of bingo we went back to shovelboard where you're actually like actively standing all right okay that's the last funny piece of this whole story yeah we're done now glad we got a laugh or two god we got a title out of this that's all there was that's all i asked for is that we get one little clip i think we've got the jowl gals Summer of like... Help. Help me. Okay. So, as I was saying, a group... It's 1968, summertime, group of women having a bridge party in their cottage when they
Starting point is 00:48:13 notice a terrible odor coming from one of the nearby cottages. The cottage of strip poker. It's the Mahjong tent, actually. They called the caretaker whose name was obviously chauncey bliss that sounds like the guy that tosses out the cards like a dealer at the casino chauncey another please chauncey bliss it sounds like like a weird it sounds like the name you put into like pac-man at the end of an arcade game. Like when you want a record.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Can't you only put three letters? Clearly you could spell Chauncey Bliss with 30 letters. It sounds like the name of a sim, though, doesn't it? Yeah, it definitely does. Like a really weird sim. Like the original sims. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where they didn't really speak.
Starting point is 00:49:04 They were like, Hust had weird sex under the covers that wasn't until sims 3 okay fair sims 1 they just went sims 1 if they like were on fire they'd go they were in the pool they would just wave at you on fire and then you'd take the little uh the ladder out of the pool and they'd be like and then they were like gravestone you were like oh they're dead anyway chauncey god as i was saying chauncey was the caretaker, obviously. So the ladies called Chauncey and they said, the smell is so bad that we are unable to continue our game of bridge. And what did Chauncey do?
Starting point is 00:49:56 He just looked around and shook his head and then waited for you to tell him what to do. And then there was a question mark. And then he went to play a video game even though you're like you have to pee chancy and then go to the toilet and then it started getting dark uh and then he got mad that he didn't have a job don't we all yeah because he fucking didn't wake up god the sims made me so angry anyway we can't get passes i'm sorry i can't get passes i just feel like this happens where we get on the subject of like cdROMs and then it just doesn't stop. I did have a friend who was incredibly high one time at a high school party and he asked me if he thought that God was just playing a game of Sims and we
Starting point is 00:50:36 were all just the Sims. And I was like, this is too much for me. I'm 16. I walked away. This is why I'm scared of weed because i'm like the second i start having those thoughts it's all downhill i mean sometimes you walk into a room and you're like what was i here for and i think that was that's this exactly it's like wow pulling a chauncey chauncey is i have chauncey brain yeah walk into a room you're like oh chauncey Bliss. What was the summer of Bliss? Was that like 1965?
Starting point is 00:51:10 I feel like that might have been Domino's. I'm trying to think of what game they played that year, but I don't remember. That was Pickup Sticks, actually. Oh, that long ago? Yeah. Okay. Jax.
Starting point is 00:51:20 By the Soda Fountain. I'm sorry. Everyone's already signed off. I'm just going to stop talking for the next several minutes. Oh, yeah. Okay. So Chauncey goes to find the smell. And he expects to find a, you know, a dead animal raccoon or something in the cottage. He goes to take a look inside and he knocks on the front door.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Nobody answers. to take a look inside and he knocks on the front door nobody answers so he enters and immediately sees a woman's body sprawled in the entryway her clothes in disarray covered in blood uh behind her he sees several other bodies on the floor in pools of congealed blood uh he had discovered six bodies in total okay richard and shirley robeson and their four children oh no so let's rewind to the summer of bliss everyone's playing pickup sticks okay uh it's the summer of 1968 richard and his wife shirley who live in lathrop Village in Detroit, Michigan, decide to take their kids to their holiday cabin at Lake Michigan. So they're an upper middle class family. Richard is 42.
Starting point is 00:52:34 He works as an advertising executive. He owns a magazine called Empresario. And his wife Shirley is 40. She takes care of the home and the kids. And the four kids are 19 year old richie 16 year old gary 12 year old randall and seven year old susan and what year is this in 1968 oh okay i just i didn't know if it was like the same year my mom was born i mean i told you it was the summer of right my mom was born 62 that was like the year of like the wooden hoop
Starting point is 00:53:03 the wooden hoop are you like hit with a stick that was not in 62. That was like the year of like the wooden hoop. The wooden hoop? That you like hit with a stick. That was not in 1962. You're evil. Whatever. Oh, that was a joke. No, it wasn't. I don't know. My mom was born in 63.
Starting point is 00:53:16 There definitely weren't wooden hoops even in Germany. Just keep going. What if... Okay. I think I missed the joke. I'm sorry sorry i don't even know if there was a joke oh okay are we okay no okay okay uh so anyway the four kids 1968 the robesons were basically what you imagine a 1960s upstanding church-going white family to be like they just had four kids who were all well behaved and like good at school the oldest was in college the parents didn't have any enemies they went to church every sunday like they were
Starting point is 00:54:01 just a very standard upper middle class family uh they had a fam a family cabin at lake michigan and they often spent summers there so they decided to spend this summer there it was not abnormal uh they went up there and a few weeks into their holiday everything was going fine but unbeknownst to the family a man had been lurking around the cabin. And he was looking through the windows and waiting for the right opportunity to strike. He's going to ask if Tamara's home. I knew this would get under your nerves. On June 25th, the lurker used a.22 caliber semi-automatic rifle to shoot through one of the side windows at richard robison the dad once the killer saw that richard was down he entered the cottage
Starting point is 00:54:52 through an unlocked door to finish off the rest of the family he shot each family member in the head with a 25 caliber semi-automatic pistol and then bludgeoned richard and his seven-year-old daughter with a hammer in the head jesus he posed shirley's the mother's body to look like a sexual attack uh so her clothes were in disarray and she was the one that chauncey found in the front hall when he opened the door um and then he left the cabin with the dead family inside and the bloody hammer still inside. And this was before DNA. Yes. Great.
Starting point is 00:55:28 So he could just leave that wherever he wanted. He just was like, oh, here you go. Have this hammer on me. So it took 27 days for the bodies to be discovered. And that's when the women playing bridge were like. That's when they were like something smells. There's a horrible smell happening. women playing bridge were like they were like something smells there's a horrible smell happening so almost a month later uh the bridge playing ladies reported the smell and the police were
Starting point is 00:55:51 called and investigators discovered bloody footprints uh on the floor that led them to believe there's only one killer but by the time the bodies were discovered they had decomposed so badly it was hard to pin down many details they They weren't sure if Shirley was sexually assaulted or if it was just that she was posed that way. Um, and again, we're in the 1960s. So forensics were not,
Starting point is 00:56:14 you know what they are today. Um, and at first police were baffled because like I said, the family was really well off. They were happy. They were, you know, had no enemies uh and the kids all did well in school and were very good natured so at that point the the town
Starting point is 00:56:34 good heart michigan found itself all over the headlines of like national newspapers it was just this huge like fear-mongering thing of like is there a serial killer on the loose and right you know people are living in these little summer cabins and obviously there's no like alarm systems right stuff like that so people were freaking out um and people would read the newspaper every morning hoping they would catch the killer but it just wasn't happening but two weeks into the investigation police finally latched onto their first suspect. So it took that long to even find anyone to, like, question. And the first suspect, his name was Joseph R. Scalero III.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Hmm. He was 30 years old, and he was actually Richard's employee. Okay. So when they questioned him, he had not been seen or heard from for more than 12 hours on the day of the murders none of his alibis checked out uh he said he was at a plumbing convention and had spoken with a number of clients on that day but not one client remember seeing him not one person at the convention can provide a statement saying they saw him there he had also purchased both of
Starting point is 00:57:46 the exact same murder weapons determined by forensic tests have been used in the murders but he said that he had given those guns away oh okay that's casual yeah yeah you know as you do but a neighbor reported seeing the rifle in sclero's house right before the murders uh there were also a lot of details about the types of guns and the bullets and the casings that uh and the cartridges but like i'm not going to go into all the nitty-gritty details but the point is it basically all 100 matched to him. And he owned the exact same assault weapons. Got it. That were used in the murders.
Starting point is 00:58:29 So they did some more digging on him to find motive, and they found out that he had actually been embezzling money from his employer, Richard's company. So he owned that magazine, Empresario. And it turns out that when Richard went on vacation with his family he had left joe scolero in charge of the business and more than 60 000 in 1968 just like went missing out of the account police found evidence that multiple phone calls between robeson and sclero were made the day of the murders like from the cabin to sclero and the theory that police came up with is that during
Starting point is 00:59:12 a phone call between robison and sclero uh robison told sclero that he found out about the stolen money and um sclero panicked took off from detroit drove north to good heart where they were staying uh murdered the family and then came back okay to prevent you know richard from coming forward saying i know he embezzled all this money from the company right additionally because that's not enough during the courts of the investigation sclero failed two lie detector tests a third test was judged inconclusive um he also it was noted officially that he tried to deceive the polygraph interviewers in his interviews so they could somehow tell that he was purposefully trying to like twist the truth or whatever to trick the polygraph.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And then they found, okay, so they found this bloody footprint beyond the shell casing that they found that matched his weapons. The only physical evidence they found was a bloody footprint. And they went into Joe Scalero's house, found all of his like shoes and found a boot that matched exactly size, brand, everything. But the boots were brand new and had never been worn. So they could not use that as evidence. And they were like, what the fuck? Like, this is the exact. Very weird.
Starting point is 01:00:42 What an odd thing later like way later after all this happened uh police learned that joe scalero was known to buy two of everything that he owned oh what the hell yeah so they found out he bought if he bought a suit he bought two suits two shoes two guns and so presumably right he had two pairs of those boots and had gotten rid of the ones that were covered in blood exactly but that yeah but that wasn't discovered till later so at the time they were just like what the fuck these boots match perfectly and couldn't use it in the case perfect so anyway with all this evidence the two investigating agencies presented their case report implicating Joe Scalero as their prime suspect. And in mid-January of 1970, the prosecutor decided not to bring charges against him because the murder weapons were not available and the fingerprints were not at the crime scene.
Starting point is 01:01:42 So the prosecutor... No, no, no, no, no. But... Yes. The prosecutor said there wasn't enough evidence. Got it. So police were, like, pissed, and they were like, I mean, we know it's this guy.
Starting point is 01:01:56 So they kept going with the case. A few years later, in 1973, they reopened the case, and they finally felt like they had enough to charge him with uh the conspiracy to commit murder so officers went to go pick him up to finally charge him again and say like no this time we really have you uh but when they arrived at his home uh it was too late he had shot himself in the head before they arrived like he knew it was coming yeah he heard that they were looking for him and had killed himself so they arrived uh he had shot
Starting point is 01:02:33 himself in the head and they found a suicide note and i'm gonna read it to you okay but first i need a drink okay how was that i mean i really needed it because woof okay got it this story okay this is the note that he left behind i am a liar a cheat a phony and then he listed a number of people that he had either swindled in business schemes or had wronged in some way or another and then he added a handwritten note a separate note to his mother that he hand wrote on the same sheet of paper saying quote i had nothing to do with the robisons i'm a liar but not a murderer. I'm sick and scared. God and everyone,
Starting point is 01:03:27 please forgive me. And that was the end of the note. So he still claimed that he did not, he said he had nothing to do with them. Right, but he probably was. Most people still believe
Starting point is 01:03:39 that he is the main suspect at the time and still today. Also, if you say you're a liar but not a murderer are you lying good point just a thought i mean what are you like socrates got it nailed it yep we're also full of philosophy experts uh m critiz oh my christine critiz woof i regret it i regret it i do okay does that make you happy yeah okay so since michigan law
Starting point is 01:04:15 does not permit an open murder case to be closed officially ever uh scalero's suicide placed the case um as inactive but not as closed so it just kind of went to like inactive state uh but many people as i said still consider him the chief suspect even to this day um but there are some people who doubt the theory and i'm going to just give you a little bit of an idea of what other people think might have happened so some critics say there's no way that scolera could have driven from detroit to goodhart shot the robinson fit or the robeson family and then driven back to detroit in the gap where he didn't have a solid alibi got it some people suspect a man named john norman collins who was actually a uh serial killer who was convicted of killing several people in that same area, usually young female college students in the 1970s. And they point to the fact that this is really weird.
Starting point is 01:05:19 So this guy, Collins, a serial killer, attended michigan university at the same time that richie the 19 year old son of the family that was shot attended the same university and they roomed together during orientation week oh isn't that weird that is a weird little coincidence they shared a room together so either there's something that's a clue or it was just a really strange coincidence. Yeah. You know, which it could be, but even still, that's very weird. Even if it is just a coincidence. So, you know who I miss talking about?
Starting point is 01:06:00 Who? Chauncey Bliss. Who could forget Chauncey? So some people think Chauncey had something to do with it. What? I know. Not my good sweet Chauncey. Not my sweet baby Chauncey.
Starting point is 01:06:19 So some people think he might have had something to do with the murders because, A, he was considered eccentric. Okay. Well, when your name's Chauncey Bliss, what's... You gotta be. Are you a dull man no no you're living in the summer of dominoes oh yep that wooden hoop and a stick the year of the wooden hoop and the stick what a passionate summer that was you really fought for what you wanted back then like fun what about the can kick the can oh the year of kick the can that was back in the 50s though gorgeous the trees were beautiful that year oh sunset man who could forget
Starting point is 01:06:59 it's in the history books just like when he gays off into the distance about it the year of the kick the can um so some people suspect chauncey might have had something to do with it so actually it's really sad chauncey's um son one of his boys died in a motorcycle accident shortly before the robeson murders so he was obviously devastated. Got it. And some people in the area think that he was slighted by Richard Robeson and the way that he responded to his own son's death. So they said that Richard, the father of the Robeson family,
Starting point is 01:07:42 like didn't respond kindly enough or like understandingly enough or something like just slighted him in some way after his son after chauncey's son died got it and that chauncey you know took revenge and basically murdered the entire family but at the same time it's like a little far farfetched that he was grieving and then was slighted and then like murdered an entire family. And it's possible obviously, but it should be noted that also police did not follow that lead or find it like any sort of valid evidence in it.
Starting point is 01:08:21 It was just kind of like neighborhood gossip. Right. Okay. And then, so despite all these theories and all the evidence pointing to scalero the case is officially unsolved even now and this year it's been 50 years since the murders so there is no way to tell who did it. Wow. Scalero is still the main suspect, but again, he has passed away. And it's unsolved at this point.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Not closed, just inactive. Like all of our Sims, rest in peace. Like all of those Sims games games we abandoned not closed just inactive just inactive just still swimming in that same pool without a ladder just on fire going oh my friend selene killed our gerbils one time and i didn't talk to her for like three weeks about oh like not in real life no i was like that's valid no in sims life i became like a fucking psychopath about it she still talks about it she's like remember how and she was like six like she was really little and i was just a big mean bully about it so selena i don't want to take this moment to apologize
Starting point is 01:09:42 to be fair though if i like ever get a weekend to myself and i find my like an old laptop that actually like works with sims oh i still play sims sometimes i was gonna say i would totally go play some sims right now my brother does i just like it's like designing the houses and all that it's like in again oh is it yeah i mean the 90s are coming back so that means the early 2000s are on their way in my brother plays it with his friend on they like talk he's probably gonna be like don't put this in the episode too late uh they like they need a baby okay this is so weird so they play the game and like his friend will be in his ear and he'll be playing and then his friend
Starting point is 01:10:27 watches like his screen as he plays or whatever and then he'll be like one time he's like christina we're gonna name one of like our weird triplet babies after you and i was like no don't do that but they did it anyway and so they named all these like children it was just so upsetting and now that one of their sims is named after me and i really fucking hate it i never got i never got so tech savvy with sims because i think the highest i ever went was sims 3 like i didn't even know that was like i'm saying like old school like horrible pixelated they couldn't even have sex yet i took sims really far it was pretty upsetting i took the original
Starting point is 01:11:06 sims very far like i think the the newest one i had was either sims 3 or the pet one the pet one was good and other than that i never got i never played anything further i had a phase in college where i torrented like the newest sims and went like a little batshit because i was so crazy in college like i was like so stressed about schoolwork that I just, like, completely diverted my attention to, like, I'll just, if I can't control this, I'll control something else. Yes, exactly. It was, like, really fucking bonkers.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Maybe we're all just a result of God in college procrastinating. Oh, my God. Like, he has other things he needs to do, and he was like, I'll just make a planet and a whole galaxy and just control everything i'll just force em and christine to make a weird radio show can you imagine if he was as obsessive about us as you were about your sims and maybe those sims are so obsessive about this i like to think that god is as obsessed with me as i was about my son and on that note thank you for listening you can find us on facebook twitter instagram at atwwd
Starting point is 01:12:10 podcast you can also find our patreon at atwwd podcast you can also find our website and that's why we and our store and that's why we drink that big uh wine glasses are back in stock so are stickers and koozies should be back in stock any day now. And we also have an email, and that's why we drink at, where you can write in your personal true crime slash paranormal stories. We put out a new listeners episode every first of the month. We are also having a Facebook Live event in a few weeks, April 29th at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:12:45 We'll put an event in the secret or in the patron-only Facebook group. Weeks, April 29th at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Correct. We'll put an event in the secret or in the patron only Facebook group. Yes. 3 p.m. on a Sunday, April 29th. Oh, my God. You can meet my new kitty. And everyone can meet the kitty. Yay.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Maybe we can all talk about a name for it. Great. Cool. It's on uh also again just to clear just to remind you uh crime con meetup in nashville tennessee saturday may 5th 8 p.m central time at the broadway brew house midtown can people still get tickets for crime con or is it no tickets are still available if you use promo code atwwd our show is on friday so if you want to buy a daily ticket those are also available now if you use promo code ATWWD. Our show is on Friday, so if you want to buy a daily ticket, those are also available now if you just want
Starting point is 01:13:28 to come on that Friday. Friday at 2.15pm. Correct. And if you can't come, you can still come to the bar meetup. Yes. Where you can meet both of our mothers. The two who created the lives that are in your ears right now.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Magic! We also two who created the lives that are in your ears right now uh we also have our live show may 20th at the hollywood improv theater we also have another show that's also sold out june 17th at the hollywood improv theater can't believe it those are the only live shows we have right now but we are working on getting more we have some rumors that other big cities are happening. Yes, but they're just rumors. They really are just rumors. Oh, and the wind got so excited about it. The wind has something to say. Holy, be careful driving home.
Starting point is 01:14:20 This is alarming. Anyway, but please, yeah, we have other shows coming so stay tuned our booking agent andrew was like really excited that we sold out both shows so he said he's looking into other cities so stay tuned all right we love you guys and that's why we drink and that's why we drink clink oh shit i fucked it up you have to just just set it down oh shit okay that's pretty good
Starting point is 01:14:50 oh wait wait I'm just smashed a box cutter into a wine glass wait you ready this is the one yeah oh so beautiful
Starting point is 01:15:03 bye

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