And That's Why We Drink - E64 Father Bob and Wronger Answers

Episode Date: April 22, 2018

Em covers the insanely haunted Borley Rectory, which is haunted by a nun, some headless horsemen, and a guy who was not only extra - he was 1863 extra. Meanwhile, Christine goes for a ~theme~ and three crazy locked room mysteries. Oh and if you wanna join our mahjong ring, let us know. CrimeCon Meetup: Broadway Brewhouse Midtown on Saturday May 5th at 8pm Central Time

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Starting point is 00:00:00 will you quit talking to your girlfriend sorry this is a professional environment let me okay how's your bags please also let me pull out my notes since we're so professional oh this is so gross i'm so nasty christine's literally squeezing the bladder of her boxed wine it's sadder than just having boxed wine it's really squeezing for the last drop of the bladder it's like the guts of the wine yeah you say bladder one more time i swear to god you said guts i know how how what oh what's? You want to know what's happening? Yeah. We have an assistant. Ah! We have our very own.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And it's not one of our significant others and or pets. Yeah. For a long time, we were pretending Allison was an intern. And Blaze is probably the in-house intern. But now we officially have an assistant. Guys, her name is Eva. And she's a gem and a half. She's and she's a Pisces. She's aces it almost sounded like i said gemini that's why that's what pisces got into my head do you want a little
Starting point is 00:01:12 shout out say hi there she is she exists we're not making her up for a second i was like what if people are just like okay nice try guys, we really, we got ourselves one whole assistant. It's for real. And guess who showed up with lollipops and wine? Yeah, at her interview, she literally brought me caramel apple lollipops. And then today on her first day, she brought Christine red wine. So it's like, we knew. She had our hearts from day one. She knew what she was doing.
Starting point is 00:01:41 P.S. Just like a slight little ad for ZipRecruiter. That's how we found her. Yep. That's how we found her. Just saying. Also within about 10 minutes Gio was like in her lap so I think everyone here has warmly embraced her. That's what I was thinking is we should have done the interviews just as like
Starting point is 00:01:57 just come stand in front of our dog. And see what happens. Yes. And she aced it. She aced it. Most people don don't so what a life you lead just sitting on the couch watching us perform perform quote this is practice for our live show i'm just going one person at a time next week we're gonna add another person to the couch and one day the whole couch will be covered in people the whole two two-person couch. But so we are getting a lot bigger and a lot of things have been happening. Guys, so much exciting stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So Eva's definitely going to take a lot of load off of us because we were hyperventilating at how much work we had. And I know you guys just hear a finished, polished project. So polished. At the end of every week or at the beginning of every week depending on what kind of person you are but uh there's so much stuff that happens behind the scenes that we were losing our minds a little bit so and eva is very talented so thank god for eva and professional unlike us day one so she's so far this is her first recording sitting in she is and we've never had to do a whole episode in front of someone before so far this is her first recording sitting in she is and we've never
Starting point is 00:03:06 had to do a whole episode in front of someone before so this really is a practice for our live show it really is she's already watched me drop the the uh the mixer uh pour wine out of a bladder of a box um not understand how the audio worked it's been a really nice evening yes so welcome eva it's too late to back out now do you have a reason why you drink Eva oh yeah oh oh something brown on your nose Eva I can't tell if this is a positive or negative reason why she drinks she's she's already texting her boyfriend she's like get me out she's like help sos why why do you drink em i drink because this week um was the first time i ever had poutine wait seriously you went without me i went oh
Starting point is 00:03:57 you're going to alcatraz without me weird touche touche uh allison took me to the canadian restaurant in my neighborhood and it's called spuds and we had poutine and i loved it it was so you'd never had poutine before as much as much as you talk about it i would have thought you ate it every day i just knew inherently i would love it but it was so tasty although we had the very americanized versions of poutine because i had a philly cheesesteak poutine. Jesus. And Allison had a fried chicken and bacon poutine. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:04:31 So did I have poutine? I don't know. But it was really good. You had a Los Angeles or Pasadena poutine. Yes. I also drink because I get to puppy sit Geo this weekend. That's right. House sit.
Starting point is 00:04:42 It's going to be a wild time. You and Allison could play house. Yes house yes also eight days left until avengers so really it's a real party type of weekend also can we talk about how crime con is in two weekends yeah can we talk about how i'm i don't have a lot of propranolol left i'm gonna have to go back to the doctor uh well i will say that our show or our recording is like the first day like one of the first hours so it'll be over with and then you won't have to worry about it for the rest of the weekend that's helpful and if you guys want to come see it it's not too late to use our promo code atwwd to buy your ticket or buy a one-day pass for friday and then we're doing a
Starting point is 00:05:21 meetup in nashville at the broadway brew house midtown on Saturday, May 5th at 8 p.m. Central Time. So be there or be square. And you don't have to go to CrimeCon to go to that. True. Yeah. And also our mothers will be there. So you can get real weird with. But that's also going to be the weekend before Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And it's Cinco de Mayo. Wow. It's a lot of things happening. It's an adventure. Why do you drink this week? I drink because you already saw my thunder, but I'm going to Alcatraz tomorrow and I'm so excited. wow it's a lot of things happening it's an adventure why do you drink this week um i drink because you already sold my thunder but i'm going to alcatraz tomorrow and i'm so excited or saturday but i'm going to san francisco tomorrow all right i'm super pumped i expect
Starting point is 00:05:53 a full review also you should listen to our episode and see if i was accurate actually i forgot yeah i should go listen to it on the way there and then you forgot about our show yeah i forgot about it for a minute i was like where am i what am i doing who are you uh yes and also i feel like i listened back to some episodes and i keep going oh and also i also want to say and it's just so irritating to change it i can't stop myself um we did a this is people have been waiting for this for a long time long time we did a long time at least a year at least yeah longer than a year we did a crossover episode we recorded a crossover episode with wine and crime yes and we recorded two technically yeah so they have an episode and we have an episode um all in the same recording session it was the most fun thing what is the
Starting point is 00:06:41 plant like what day is it's already come out by this time? No. Okay. So it's coming. Yes. We recorded it, but we have not released it. We're working on releasing it together. It was so much fun. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. And we also, I participated in the imbibing of the wine at 1030 a.m.
Starting point is 00:07:04 1030 in the morning. Everyone else of the wine at 10 30 a.m 10 30 in the morning everyone else was drinking and i fell off now yeah welcome to my world christine uh they they were all talking about their little routine that they do before every show and how they get their wine ready and i could see christine's little fomo twinkling in her eyes and so she sneakily grabbed a box of wine mid-recording and i'm trying to swat her away from it away from the microphone like don't you FOMO twinkling in her eyes. And so she sneakily grabbed a box of wine mid recording. And I'm trying to swat her away from it away from the microphone. Like don't you it's 10 in the morning. What's wrong with you? Yeah, yeah. But you enabled me. So here we are. Yes. But it was a fun and then I had a tax appointment right after that. So yeah, how did your taxes go? Did you lose money
Starting point is 00:07:41 or make money? I lost money. I made money. I don't know how that's possible. Are you sure you did your taxes right? I have a tax guy. Your stepdad? Yeah. Okay. Let's discuss this later so the IRS doesn't flag us. Cool. Anyway, that's all I have to say.
Starting point is 00:07:59 There's a lot going on here, though. We got a new computer. We got a new Eva. We got a new couch. We got a new couch in here now which eva is sitting on by the way thank you burrow for that um and we i aggressively bought like these pillows with our logo on them from our store yep so there's two of our logo as pillows on the couch and an eva and an eva and pictures of me and geo all over the world so it's a room of narcissism is what it is we are very vain um so anyway do you have any other updates no i'm ready to just like
Starting point is 00:08:31 tumble into this get scared tumble get spooked tumble downward all right and everyone send prayers to eva because the poor girl has to edit this now also how do you feel about passing the baton as an editor no no moss for you i don't know i'm scared to to relinquish the control i think that i'm scared to be like waking up at three in the morning going i forgot something and then realizing oh wait it will be fun for you though now as someone who just listens that's true because, because now when I edit, I hear the episode immediately and go over in my head and like, da, da, da, da, da. And then I don't listen to it when it's out because I'm like, I don't want to hear it for a fourth time or third time or whatever. Now you get to enjoy it like the rest of us. That is pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Eva does not. Poor Eva. We are sad for Eva. Rest in peace, sanity so all right ready for a story bring it on this one is from England oh I've heard of that oh good you said it so slowly like as if I didn't know what England was no well we're not the best at geography. So who is to say? Fair point. This is in Essex.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Do you know where that is, Geography Master? Yes. Do you? It is in the vicinity of London. Maybe. Within a few hours. Eva? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:10:01 She's like our new, like she's like a. She's our Google. Yeah. Oh, she's like, she's like the yeah oh she's like she's like the thing that starts with an a and is a robot yeah but this one starts with an e and is a human yep nailed it that's what we looked for in our job description we need to be like a thing with like a human who's we need you to be like an echo but also just not one it God, we're annoying. How long? An hour? Wow, you are a little whiz.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It's like people think that I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm that people. I mean, I feel like everything in England, I'm just going to throw this out there, I'm pretty sure everything in England is within a couple hours of London. That's why I said it. Valid, valid. But I appreciate that everyone applauded me
Starting point is 00:10:44 for my intelligence. Okay. We've lost every listener in England at this point, so it's fine. So this is the Borley Rectory. Okay. That's a weird face to start this with. Mm-hmm. You sound like you don't want to be here anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Well, you said rectory like very weird. Rectory? Yeah, you said it like rectory. Well, I don't know why. Sorry. I was saying like recto. Never mind. Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:12 I'm sorry. We've officially lost every listener in England. That's why I was confused. The rectal. Examination. Haunting. No. Okay, so do you know what a rectory is?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yes. My friend lives in a rectory. Really? Yes. I did not. Do you know what a rectory is yes my friend lives in a rectory really yes i did not do you know what a rectory is yes wow you guys are good i'm a catholic born and raised i'm a jew my friend never had to face a rectory alissa's dad moved into the rectory and she had to like move in and live in one of the bedrooms there and it had like crucifixes on the wall and like anti-abortion posters and she's like this is uncomfortable and had to like remove the decor okay so for anyone who's like me and had no idea what this is it is according to google a residence of a minister provided by the church yes so they live in a catholic one okay got it the priest also lives there got it
Starting point is 00:12:05 it's really funny because father bob will like be in the kitchen eating father bob yeah eating skyline and we'll be like hey father bob her house that's the most cincinnati thing i've ever heard father bob eating skyline it's literally the most since yes it is also uh one strong memory out to uh farmer bob who introduced us cheers to you cheers to farmer bob we always say like in memoriam even though i'm sure he's still alive he's probably still kicking but in the future he might not be so we might as well start the in memoriam now he'll die eventually we might as well start you hear that farmer bob we'll remember you're not here for very long no wow he doesn't even know who we are which is the funny part of that so he's very important to us uh moving on from death so it was built the borley rectory was built on the property where an old
Starting point is 00:12:52 monastery used to sit hundreds of years ago um at least all the way back to the 14th century and there was some scandal of the romance type did someone show an ankle kind of a nun who lived there uh and a monk on the other side of town no fell in love and they tried to elope but got caught and so the monk was hanged and the nun was bricked alive in the basement walls of the convent what wait i'm sorry okay hold on hold on it only gets weirder wait wait okay okay okay okay so stone means you get stones thrown at you bricked i assume does not mean that it means you get bricked in yeah like they like lock you in alive yeah she's like buried alive but upright and with bricks and cement what is wrong with people why did he get hanged and she had to be bricked up alive i don't know i don't i really
Starting point is 00:13:53 don't know maybe it's like the monk way and this is the nun way i don't know ask your friend that lives in a rectory if this is what i will okay i'll tell her to be really careful i'm like in the middle of you eating skyline is this what goes on in the basement father just lays down the fucking law yeah so uh that was one of two also don't look at the other side of my paper yeah i see a lot of weird things happening at least you don't know what it means there's like weird images but i know you don't know what's happening i thought you like accidentally printed on the wrong side of your paper oh yep now there's a wall oh my god okay that i bricked a nun behind stop that so also in the 17th century the 17th
Starting point is 00:14:36 hundreds just go with it nobody will know in the 17th century so 300 years later around uh another nun named marie lair uh she left her station and decided to live in the nunnery here because she was at another convent and then moved to this one while she was here she met a man named henry walden grave interesting that his last name has grave in it that is an omen for sure. She met Henry Waldengrave, who owned a home on the same property. Okay. As the Borley Rectory now stands. They got married, but one day, Henry Waldengrave snapped, and he strangled his wife.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Why? Burying her in his basement. So now there are two nuns that have died in basements on this property. What the fuck? Jump far into the future of 1863. Got it. On it. This is where the Borley Rectory was built for the first time,
Starting point is 00:15:37 and it was built for Reverend Henry Bull and his family. During the next three decades, by the way, the ghost stuff happens immediately. There's a dog. It's okay. Can you hear it? It doesn't matter, I guess. Eva, delete this.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Or don't. Whatever you think is funniest. Anyway. Oh my god, go on. 1863. It was built for reverend henry bull and his family so the ghost stuff immediately starts happening uh during the next three decades of the family living there the family witnessed several supernatural experiences including strange footsteps growls crying in awful stenches that would appear out of nowhere above them and then
Starting point is 00:16:25 disappear above them like if they were lying in bed it would show up right that's nasty um townspeople said that the family was convinced they were seeing apparitions on several occasions and all four daughters of henry bulls individually heard strange footsteps within the house and then saw an old nun walking in the yard. Ew. And as they tried to get closer and talk to her, she would vanish in front of them. Why would you go talk to her? I think they thought it was a real nun. An old nun.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I wouldn't want... I mean... I don't know. Maybe she looked friendly. uh several others during the bull family's stay also swear that they witnessed apparitions of a nun as well as a coach being driven by two headless horsemen oh okay but like so many people witnessed this multiple people saw multiple for multiple times in a row throughout multiple years also that they have seen a nun and they've seen a coach being driven by two headless horsemen okay i have a really dumb question listen english isn't
Starting point is 00:17:32 my first language oh my god so i'm wondering isn't the headless horseman like a thing yeah ichabod crane yes yes okay okay moving on i just do you want us to name this after ichabod or something no i just i just want to make sure that i'm not misunderstanding american culture no a horseman is someone who drives horse i guess it's not american this is english but still oh wow we've also lost every listener in america at this point i mean it was bounded um so yes you're you're english is smart enough to know what a headless horse oh good for me you're not wrong um so people began to see the nun and the horseman literally everywhere like just saw them in the yard up in the window like on the front porch people just saw this nun everywhere they saw the horsemen in the driveway. They would hear horses in the driveway.
Starting point is 00:18:26 They would see horse by themselves in the driveway. He just had no head? Just had no head. That's just so bizarre. And two of them. They were twinning? At once? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Oh my God. Okay. Twinning. So people began to see the nun so often that they named the patch of the yard that she was seen in most often as the nun's walk. Oh so henry bull actually thought this was so entertaining that he had a ghost in his house that everyone knew about he thought it was entertaining he thought it was entertaining sure
Starting point is 00:18:55 and he liked the nun so much that he literally built a summer home behind the house that looked over the nun's walk where he would smoke cigars and talk to her talk to the nun that wasn't even there like he'd be like none none and she wouldn't show up but he would smoke cigars and talk to her so she wouldn't show up no it's not like casper so wait so he would just sit there you just sit there and hope she'd show up what a fucking psycho that's what we're gonna do someday i mean i would also build a house as a viewing point of the most haunted area you'll smoke a cigar you'll talk to the ghost that isn't there hey none hey like how you go with blaze blaze blaze blaze none none none can you bring i'm sure that's polite
Starting point is 00:19:38 um that's so i'm sorry that is so at least like he was like super acknowledging of the fact that everyone was seeing this ghost yeah but i mean he is so weird. But at least like he was like super acknowledging of the fact that everyone was seeing this ghost. Yeah. But I mean, he built a whole summer house because of it. He was 1863 extra. He was so extra. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Did he have, did he see the ghost? Mm-hmm. Oh, so he had seen her. He'd seen her, but like then decided to build a house because he got obsessive about it. So it's not just that she like didn't show up for him ever. It's that like, like I think he got a taste i think he got a taste and he wanted a gulp you know what i'm saying so yes i know exactly so an eight oh there goes the box i'm sorry i gotta open it look now i'm now i'm outnumbered i got eva pouring a bottle of wine i got christine cracking open a new box this is all i've wanted. You just wanted to outnumber me in every way.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Nice ASMR of the bladder of a full wine box. If you say bladder, I swear to God with the bladder. That's what it's called. Stop saying it. English isn't your first language. You don't know what I'm talking about. Touche. Touche.
Starting point is 00:20:43 You know what? You are honorable with this. how do you say bladder in german god i don't know blaze this is why we had eva so she could google bladder in german even just googled bladder in german and it's almost blaze it's blaze without the i b-l-a-s-e which actually is blaze but it's looks like blaze for a second i just saw blaze and i was like this is wonderful so blaze is your every every circle is closing officially blaze you're my bladder oh and you're his liver i'm his heart can't live without
Starting point is 00:21:17 my bladder oh you know i hope you just tell him that without any reference he's probably just gonna go oh yeah okay christine move on also he doesn't fucking listen to this podcast by the way Tell him that without any reference. He's probably just going to go. Yeah. Okay, Christine. Move on. Also, he doesn't fucking listen to this podcast, by the way, which makes me so irritated. So he'll never even know why he. I was going to say everyone go attack him on social media, but he also doesn't use social media. So it's not even worth it. Everyone just go to your local hospital.
Starting point is 00:21:41 See if he's working. Go to the emergency room. Someone's bound to find him. Yep. Anyway. Actually, we did have one recruit find him in an emergency room. Someone fucking found Blaze in an emergency room. If that's you, if you're listening, someone recognized Blaze in the emergency room and
Starting point is 00:21:56 was like, oh, I listened to this podcast and, you know, blah, blah, blah. And her fiance's name is Blaze. And then it turns out it was our podcast. I was like, i've never been fucking recognized and blaze gets recognized at work and he doesn't even listen love it this is why i drink i drink and that's why we drink anyway let's get back to these guys let's do it in 1892 this is 30 years after they've the house. And they've been living with this summer home for ghosts. Henry Bold dies, but his son takes over the house.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So the family's still living there. Do you think that... I'm sorry. You're... I'm sorry. Your wine box's blase is showing. Okay, seriously. Do you think when he was passing away that he was like i'm gonna be a ghost
Starting point is 00:22:45 q matt that would be fun to be like none i'm coming to you homie right like you don't show up for me i'm gonna i'm gonna play games let's get ready yeah anyway that's all i was wondering i would like tell my kids you hang out in that summer house you're gonna see some weird shit in the nuns walk i'm gonna have a lot of fun in that nuns walk so um so the so he died and then his son came back and his son lived there and apparently ghost stuff still happened but they never really saw any proof that maybe he showed up that the dad showed okay so in 1928 the son has now also died oh god everyone's dying oh that's like 30 years later and uh the son so after the son dies a new family the smiths move in so soon after moving in the smith uh the wife
Starting point is 00:23:36 of the smith family she was cleaning an abandoned cupboard all the way in the back of the basement that nobody i guess had ever touched. Why? And the whole time that that family lived there, they had never touched this cabinet. Listen, don't go into an abandoned cabinet in the basement. Why would you live somewhere for like 60 years and not ever look in a cabinet? Oh, I guarantee you in our house in Cincinnati that was built in like the 1800s, there are for sure things that have never been touched in there, in the basement. Ew. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'm going to touch them all. See you in October. Whatever's about to happen here is what's gonna happen to you uh so she was cleaning an abandoned cupboard and found a brown paper box oh dear and she opened it up and there was a woman's skull in it you're welcome for your experience in october it's gonna be the reason i drink in the week of October 13th. Not because you get married. I was looking for some other reason anyway, because I know you're going to steal my thunder that week. Sorry in advance. So she then began to witness sounds of servants bells, even though they had all been disconnected
Starting point is 00:24:39 for 50 years. That is so creepy. She saw lights appearing in the window heard footsteps dragging across rooms and watched furniture move itself good they also heard horses neighing outside in the middle of the night like that's actually super creepy like the headless horse i feel like that doesn't sound creepy but if you're like lying in bed at night and and you hear horses on a path where horses don't go anymore that's really really upsetting. And this was, sorry, this was all after she found the skull. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Okay. So this was in like 1930s. So she like disrupted the skull and then all this shit started happening. I think that's the correlation that this story is trying to make. But I mean, already haunted stuff was happening before anyone ever found a skull. So I don't know if it's because of that. I don't know if that's what amplified it or not. The skull just happened. Or maybe she was like one of our people and she just came in and was like spooky shit is here and just like open every cabinet yeah that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:25:33 yeah exactly so uh and her husband was also noticing a lot of stuff and so they contacted the daily mirror newspaper the daily mirror nice and they reached out um in the paper to contact the society for psychical research our homies that i talk about often that you used to call cyclical yeah i still regret that um the daily mirror sent them a reporter what in what world was the newspaper sending you people for free well the daily mirror is like really up and coming in the 1930s. Like a tabloid and a half. So they sent them a reporter who wrote the first series of updates for the Society of Psychical Research.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I almost said cyclical. So he went in just to write a bunch of articles about what was going on and then sending it to the main house. Okay. So like the whole research team could get used to it. Oh, okay. The Daily Mirror also sent them a man named Harry Price, and he was a paranormal investigator
Starting point is 00:26:34 and decided to live with them for a year. A year? A year. Oh, fuck. To try and find whatever was going on in their house. I like how he's like, I'm going to decide to live with you for a year. I think the Daily Mirror told him
Starting point is 00:26:46 to. Like, imagine writing for help and then someone just moves in. Someone named Harry is like, I'm going to live here for a year. Rent free, by the way. And I'm probably going to walk around with, like, recorders and, like, watch you sleep. Oh. I was thinking, like, walking around, like, not doing the
Starting point is 00:27:02 dishes or something, but. And also, I won't do the dishes. Okay, there it is. As soon as he arrived, activity spiraled out of control. Stones were flying at them from inside the house. Vases shattered. Screams from the basement. Tapping and thuds from a hanging mirror. Even after you took it off the hook, it would still tap and thud in your hands.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Ew! And the doorbell would go off by itself, even though the wiring had been faulty for years and had eventually stopped working altogether. It's like that and the servant bell thing really creeps me out for some reason. Harry Price said he was able to make contact with the Bull family,
Starting point is 00:27:37 like the guy who died, the guy who was really into the nuns. Apparently, Harry Price made contact with Mr. Bull, who had died in the house although he never said that uh mr bull or reverend bull gave any message just said like oh i made contact with him and then never brought it up again um here's a weird one that i don't think we'll ever see again a glass of wine turned into ink okay hold on i have a lot of questions can you write with the
Starting point is 00:28:07 wine now here's what i have to say did the glass of wine turn into ink or did like the wine in the glass the wine in the glass turned into the glass of wine turned into a glass of ink okay great now here's my second question yeah did we discover this by someone taking a drink of their wine and saying wow this is fucking ink someone put down their glass of wine continually sat there and then went to go grab it again and this time it was about how do you know that it's ink i mean because it's dark ass blue i didn't talk to him i just want i just want to know i just want to think that he drank it and was like this is ink oh yeah and then he got poisoned and also died in the house. Is that where you want me to go with this? I mean, yeah, he probably spit it out, but it's way more.
Starting point is 00:28:48 You know how like when you like a pen explodes in your mouth? Imagine he realized because his teeth were blue and he was like, yeah. Em, that's what I'm saying. I want that to be the visual that I get to keep from this. I was thinking more like you could use the ink now and like write someone a love letter like with your favorite wine. Yes. Really, you could do that with just wine i guess could you yeah write that down
Starting point is 00:29:08 with my wine write it down with wine right quick but not my wine use your own it'd have to be a very viscous wine yes it would have to have a lot of legs if you know what i'm saying yep i learned a lot from my crossover with Wine and Cry and they taught me quite the description for wine. Em was really overwhelmed. I was scared. They were talking about back ends and I don't know what that even means. Em was like, there's a back note of chocolate.
Starting point is 00:29:37 There's a dusting of pomegranate and then everyone went, ooh. And I was like, what the fuck's going on it was very weird you were like no wonder i was fucking jealous i was they had a vocabulary i'll never know that's really funny it was like a little back end and then i was staring at me like what do i say and you're like just say nothing okay if you say nothing they can't hear you and if they can't hear you they don't know that you are exactly and then meanwhile i'm fishing around for a box of wine and emma's like it's 10 a.m stop i'm like i'm already grossed out by who we are please don't drink that box wine out of a dirty wine glass at 10 in the morning and then you told them it was the dirtiest she literally blew into an old dirty wine glass she was like she was like
Starting point is 00:30:27 it's fine like clearly had been used and dried i mean it didn't happen eva take that out listen they're gonna hear it in the episode itself because you announced it so you might as well hear that eva shout it from the episode itself because you announced it. So you might as well. Hear that, Eva? Shout it from the rooftops. Delete it and then put it back in. Just delete it and then put it in the beginning of the episode and make the volume 10 times louder. Actually, just put this in and then repeat this 100 times until we've made an hour and a half. Delete everything else except that.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Write that down with your wine. Yes. Not mine. So back to Harry. Damn damn it i don't even know where i am i don't either where what the fuck oh yeah he may okay oh yeah obviously the wine turned into ink that's where we were obviously so that was the last straw on the smith's the last straw indeed i would fuck that i'd be like goodbye don't fuck with my wine so the smiths left only nine months after living there.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Oh, wow. Next moved in the Foister family. They sound like a fun gang. Yes, I think so. And they were cousins of the Bull family who once lived there. Oh. So I think they were just getting desperate at this point. They were like, anyone that we know, let's just get them in the house.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Okay. So the Foisters surprisingly lived there for a full five years um they kept a list of experiences that happened to them in the home oh like a guest book yeah but for themselves and the ghosts oh okay but they kept a list of experiences that happened that were paranormal in the house all the way through 1935 including bell ringing window shattering, bottles being thrown at them, bottles being smashed onto the floor, bottles that they never brought into the home appearing on the counter to then be chucked at them by nothing, and getting
Starting point is 00:32:15 locked into unlockable rooms. Bottles of what? I think anything. Maybe ink wine. bottles of what i think anything maybe ink wine yeah i mean i like the part where you're like yeah bottles just appeared but then not when they just get thrown at you that's but the thing to me that's very ominous of like i feel like it knew that they knew that if there was a bottle around it was going to get thrown at them so they were already scared and it was just fucking with them like creating bottles and leaving them places it was like oh you got rid of all the bottles in the
Starting point is 00:32:47 house it's like i'll just create more and just throw those here's a new one exactly well that's fucked up um i agree so ultimately uh in that little book where they wrote all the experiences there were over 2 000 events that occurred in those five years. 2,000? Yes. Okay. Which over time also included glass objects appearing out of nowhere, like I said, items going missing, the apparition of Henry and Harry Bull, items like pebbles and an iron flying at them. Pebbles and an iron. I mean, yin and yang. Like, you got tired of bottles bottles so just grabbing anything but a fucking
Starting point is 00:33:26 iron no that's terrifying that's wild my story has an iron in it too by the way oh i did that on purpose i know um after an exorcism attempt attempt that sounds like it went really well the wife marianne began getting thrown out of her bed in the middle of the night getting slapped it's not funny but like what getting slapped 24 7 oh my god and getting her hair yanked and fist-sized stones hitting her in the shoulders she also was almost suffocated by her own mattress which is extra creepy on the fact that like you have to be on top of the mattress and a mattress is so heavy that if you were under a mattress you would find you would know you were maybe it pushed her head into the mattress oh i was thinking it was like that listeners episode where all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:34:14 someone was like underneath a mattress underneath the mattress or whatever like she woke up and she was under the mattress she walked out and her little son was underneath it underneath a table no a dresser in the hallway. And he was like three, so he couldn't have lifted it. But the dresser was on top of him and he was screaming. And it was upside down. Yeah. The dresser was upside down sitting on top of him.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah. Perfectly balanced. Fucked up. And that's a listener's story. That's not even something I reported, guys. That's a real thing. We didn't say it. We didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:34:42 We're sorry. Let's see. Let's see see let's see what else i can throw you let's see um the kitchen bells the servants bells also used to sound like and this was according to marianne who witnessed it all the time said that the bells sounded like they were ringing at the exact same time although based on how they were built it's impossible for them to be operating at the same time oh great so it was just becoming like a surround sound um there also began to be writing scratched into the walls saying marianne please help ah and mass prayers ew and the foisters uh would even watch them get scratched into the wall in real time and tried
Starting point is 00:35:27 to paint over it but it would re-scratch itself through and she started writing back on the wall saying i don't understand please tell me again or tell me more no don't no no and then more like illiterate scrub like scribbles would show up and then she'd write. So here's one of the. Is that what the bullshit on the back of your page is? God damn it. So this is the scribbles. The Marianne and the scribbles are what something etched into the wall. And then the more legible stuff is what she wrote in response.
Starting point is 00:36:01 It wrote that Marianne. Yeah. Did it write this marianne yeah ew ew ew it looks like somebody like you know when you write with your left hand like i'm left-handed okay sure bitch hello i'm so insensitive you know when you write with the opposite hand it looks like someone's writing that yeah it looks like it looks like chicken scratch like a child kind of like writing on top of itself
Starting point is 00:36:31 that's so the marianne is creepy and then the pink one it says marianne light mass prayers which like in catholicism you light candles at mass oh and say a prayer well that's what that said i don't like that one bit um so the foisters uh due to his health due to reverend foister's health the family ended up having to leave five years into living there but a lot of people thought that they got scared out of the house but they like they were going through that shit and apparently it didn't scare them enough to leave they're just like okay like imagine something just scratching your name into a wall and you're like i'll just keep hanging out i mean i probably
Starting point is 00:37:19 would because i'd be like cool you'd be like oh let me get my pendulum actually i'd be like hey guys this is why i drank this week someone scratched into the thing check out my instagram it'll be on there you'd be like let's open up the ouija board again on facebook live um so mrs foister um this is where people stopped kind of believing in the legitimacy of all of this because she swears that every attempt actually happened at least once but the frequency of the events that was reported is not accurate because she on her own reported that things happened more often than they than they did because she was having an affair oh man with the ghost oh okay no i'm kidding i'm just fucking with you okay you really just i know i watched your brain flip itself upside down you threw me for such a loop but she was
Starting point is 00:38:10 having an affair um i guess they were they opened their house up to lodgers and so she was sleeping with one of the guys that was lodging in their house man and anytime that mr foister started asking questions she would use the paranormal explanations to cover up her adultery. Are you kidding me? So apparently she swears that everything that's ever been reported did happen, but maybe only once or twice, not five to ten times, like she said, because she was using them as excuses. But how do you like, oh, no, I wasn't kissing him. There was just the wall was scratching itself. Here, Blaze, are you listening? No, but if you are, if you ever want to cheat on me, all you't kissing him. There was just the wall was scratching itself. Here, Blaze.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Are you listening? No. But if you are, if you ever want to cheat on me, all you have to say is, oh, that person, that weird voice you heard, that was a ghost or like that weird text that came to my phone. It must have been a ghost. I would believe it. Allison, are you listening? I didn't. I wasn't cheating on you.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Just a ghost was throwing stones at me. It's it's the same thing, actually. That iron that threw across the room. Yeah, that wasn't cheating on you just a ghost was throwing stones at me it's it's the same thing actually that iron that threw across the room yeah that wasn't me that was just your imagination um okay so they ended up leaving because Mr. Foyser got sick which means that the building was vacant again and guess who moves in but Harry Price the paranormal investigator who lived with the Smiths for a year he He's been obsessed since the beginning. Oh, it gets creepy. So he moves in to conduct his own research and he pays a year long lease up front to stay there. And in the year 1937, he moves in to conduct his own research and he advertises in the paper for help with his study.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Oh, dear. This is his ad. oh dear this is this is his ad haunted house responsible persons of leisure intelligence critical and unbiased to join of a group of observers in a year's night a year's night and day investigation of alleged haunted house in home counties scientific training or ability to operate simple instruments in advantage house situated in lonely hamlet so own car is essential and let's go okay but so many people so many people applied to this for real and he couldn't choose and so he invited 48 people to live with him in this house for a year.
Starting point is 00:40:26 What? So there was nonstop paranormal investigation between 49 people for an entire year. I should use slash drink. Yep. Yes. Sorry. Wait. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And if we weren't negative 60 at this point, we would have absolutely joined the team. Wait. So, question. So, all these people were, like, qualified to be? Enthusiasts. I mean, how qualified do you have to be in 1937? But they weren't just all randos. Like, he picked the people.
Starting point is 00:40:56 He picked 48 out of several others because he thought those 48 were the most qualified. It wasn't just anyone who applied. It was, like, you have to at least show that you. Right. You have to show that you, like, you have to at least show that you... Right. You have to show that you have a car and know how to operate a machine. Okay. At the end of the investigation, after an entire year, they were disappointed in the lack of evidence that they had collected.
Starting point is 00:41:17 But they did perform several seances throughout the year and made contact with two ghosts in particular. One of them was Marie Lair, who was one of the nuns that says that she was stuck wandering the property until she had a proper burial wow another one named sun x emers yep i tried googling it it doesn't it does there's no like i was thinking like that's like a demon name or something but it's not that sounds like someone's name just was that software platform sun x immers she so she was the other one that showed up in the seances a lot and she warned that the rectory was going to burn down soon and that a murder victim would be revealed the body in the wall so almost a year later 11 months to the date of that conversation
Starting point is 00:42:05 a new family moved in the gregson family and when they moved in they were unpacking and an oil lamp fell over and burnt down the rectory yikes neighbors swear that while the building was on fire a nun was in one of the windows of the room that no longer had a floor was she just standing in the window she was hovering in the window no after the fire ended harry price the guy that's so obsessed with this place why are you so obsessed with me went back to the site and excavated the ground to see what if there was anything underneath and found remains of a female skeleton certified by pathologists. So just like Sue Naximer said, a murder victim would be revealed. I mean, so he had a reason to be so obsessed.
Starting point is 00:42:53 He knew what he was doing. He had a feeling. The remains were buried in a nearby cemetery in 1943. And for being so active in this house, Harry Price shot to quote paranormal stardom and was known to don't laugh. That's what I'm trying to be. I'm not laughing. That's why we have this podcast. I'm trying to reach paranormal start. I'm laughing with you and Zach Bagans.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Harry Price was known to others in the community, though, in the paranormal community as a total joke. Oh, Harry. in the community though in the paranormal community as a total joke oh um harry but to the public he was considered the father of paranormal research goodness and he wrote two books one in 1940 called the most haunted house in england and 1946 he wrote the end of borley rectory so they were both about his experiences there um but he was considered a joke to everyone else because they realized that as soon as all 48 people were around him all the time all of a sudden there's no activity going on because he couldn't like do any hijinks without getting caught but in these grand in this grand
Starting point is 00:43:58 house with few family members that are all scared he could do whatever he wanted and probably make it look like the place was more haunted than it was okay so the the main theory is that he made things look more haunted so his reports would look bigger so that he would reach paranormal start i mean like he used this house yeah um after harry price died the english society of psychical research and the london society of psychical research both published their own individual findings that were as such. There were no verifiable events that could not have been natural explanations and the most popularized events were all caused by Price himself. So pretty much a lot of people think that most of these were just jokes. But the rectory, although it it burnt down there were still remains
Starting point is 00:44:47 left and it was officially demolished in 1944 and life magazine did a like spotlight coverage on the building and when they covered the destruction of the building they did capture a picture of a brick among the rubble hovering feet above everything else holy shit ew so for as much guff as people gave harry price that is a brick floating by itself in the rubble on the day that it was officially demolished and that's a brick for sure oh no thank you so anyway that is the story of the borley rectory rectory rectal re rary all right how do you feel i feel mentally where are you i feel a little bit like feel a little cheated no i don't feel cheated i mean i feel like harry price like got a little ahead of himself i think harry price needed a girlfriend or a boyfriend yeah he needed a hobby
Starting point is 00:45:51 aside from this obsession harry price is someone i like i think i love this my job and i think i love ghost so much but i have to like i'm like what would the worst case scenario be if i really fall in my passion i could turn into her it's that well and you know what bothers me about that is that it takes away from like real experiences and where people are like this guy's clearly making shit up versus the listener story where someone's child was under an upside down dresser in the middle of the night and was like i don't know what to do and it's like i just feel like people like that i'm like i know you're trying to like prove you know but at the same you're backfiring don't let harry price get you down guys it takes away from real experiences anyway that's just my opinion but anyway anyway oh am i supposed to talk now now you go oh god damn it just kidding i'm excited. I have a really good one for you today.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Oh, good. Yeah, I'm really pumped about this, actually. And I'm stealing the charger back. I have a themed... Oh, my. Iron. The iron. Is that the theme?
Starting point is 00:46:59 No. The iron is an element of one of the themes. What's the theme? The theme. Okay, here we go so i'm gonna list the stories first and then tell well first i'm gonna wow nothing has sounded louder in my ears ever it's like niagara falls okay okay first i'm gonna list the names of the stories, and then I'm going to tell you what they have in common.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Okay. Isn't this fun? Yeah, but how many stories are you about to tell me? Okay. This is the stories. These are the... It's like a series. These are the stories.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Bum bum. Okay. Isidore Fink. Okay. Joseph Elwell. Bum bum. Okay. Isidore Fink. Okay. Joseph Elwell. And Julia Wallace. What these three victims have in common is that they were killed. Were all killed in locked rooms with no explanation of how their killer got in and or escaped.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Wow. Okay. Murder mystery. Yes. Which is a big fiction genre, but actually has roots in real stories. And these are the three stories that are like the main stories that that fiction genre has roots in. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Okay. Yes. They're called locked room mysteries. Wow. I wonder why. R.A. Yes. They're called Locked Room Mysteries. Wow. I wonder why. R.A.M. Just get going. I want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:48:31 So I was on my favorite website, And there was an article published by Brent Swancer last week. And it was about these locked room mysteries. And it was published like eight days ago. And I got real excited. The article is called Mysterious Murders in Locked in locked rooms and then i went down a rabbit hole and looked up all these three people and it's just a wild ride so let's start with isidore fink okay so the year is 1929 my favorite year of all yes isidore fink is 30 years old and owns a small
Starting point is 00:49:03 laundromat in new york city and he also lived in said laundromat oh because people lived it was like above it or yeah no i think like above it okay he lived in like the building of it so on march 9 1929 a neighbor named lachlan smith uh heard sounds of a scuffle uh coming from isidore's home and summoned i almost wrote called summoned a police officer someone's better to investigate but i wrote called and then i was like oh he didn't he literally didn't call him he had to go out into the road and find a fucking police officer oh really because it's 1929 and they lived in a really impoverished neighborhood and didn't have phones. Like they had to old school call someone.
Starting point is 00:49:50 He had to summon. He had to call with his voice. He had to call out the window. Yes, exactly. So he summoned a police officer. Anyway. Okay, got it. Just like heads up.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Vocabulary is going to be a big thing in this story. Got it. This is where we're at. So the officer arrived at the laundromat only to find all the doors locked from the inside. All the windows were nailed shut. None were broken. There was nothing open. They did notice that there was like a little, so picture a front door and then there's like
Starting point is 00:50:23 a little window at the top where you can kind of like open the flap and it like lets air in okay so they were able to open that um but obviously like an adult was not able to fit in so they did classic 1920s police work shoved a kid in there they found a small child and they said please climb into this window and like unlock the door good so they fucking found us i mean it's just beyond me did they summon him from the street or they summoned him right young boy young boy they went into the window and called him so they found this little boy they were like they hoisted him up they had to find a really skinny boy too because a normal size child did not fit like they had to find a really skinny boy too because a normal sized child
Starting point is 00:51:06 did not fit like they had to literally find a skinny skinny kid and push him through and then say okay now unlock the door for us but this poor kid okay so they push him through the like the little window and inside is the dead body oh my of isidore fink lying on the floor in a pool of blood. So the little kid climbs in, opens the door for the police. They find Isidore Fink's body on the ground. He has three gunshot wounds. One had been shot close range into his wrist. And so police immediately assumed it was a suicide because obviously everything was locked.
Starting point is 00:51:44 But then they were like there's no gun like they could not find the murder weapon so they searched the whole house um couldn't find the murder weapon anywhere they looked through his belongings no money was missing the only fingerprints in the room were finks himself um and his iron this is where the iron comes in his iron was still on he had been ironing was face down on the ironing board on a clothing item and had not been there long enough to burn the fabric it was on so they like just got there yes so it was like that like the iron was hot and it was on and was on a piece of clothing but it hadn't scorched the fabric at all so like so he like in 60 seconds basically like
Starting point is 00:52:26 that quick exactly um so they had no idea what happened um they questioned fink's customers because he was like owned a laundromat and a lot of them had felt apparently really inconvenienced because over the past year he had started locking his door and he would only let people in that he recognized and was super paranoid about getting robbed but again they lived in a pretty impoverished neighborhood so it wasn't that abnormal um but at the same time like they just couldn't this wasn't a robbery like nothing was stolen from the house so the case completely and utterly baffled investigators and to this day still does. They, you'll like this. They even searched the whole house for hidden doors, secret passageways.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Oh, I do like that. I knew you would. You had me at secret passageway. They like looked in all the like wallpaper. They tried to find any sort of way that somebody could get in or out. Nothing. And no theory has managed to hold up one theory suggests so one theory at first was that somebody had been able to shoot him through that little window up top um but the powder burned so like he was shot on the wrist
Starting point is 00:53:39 and you could see like the burn from the gunpowder, which means it was like really close range. So that kind of eliminated that theory. And then the police commissioner at the time, whose name was Edward Mulrooney, called it an insoluble mystery. And basically their best is so ridiculous. I mean, again, they just shoved a small child through a window so whatever but the best theory they could come up with was that an extremely thin gymnast had crawled through the tiny window shot fink for like some unknown reason three times and then instead of going out the door from inside climbed back through the window and escaped so that was like their best bet. But they were like, there's literally no. That's our best bet.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And we know it's not right. And we're all laughing about it. It's so absurd. Like a little elf just dove right in. I mean, it might as well. Exactly. So it was just absurd. And nobody really knew that.
Starting point is 00:54:41 That was the most plausible theory that the police could come up with got it um so i researched this story and then i went and read like i went on reddit and read some like um theories and like people's thoughts and some of them were actually pretty interesting so somebody said um what about the iron so someone focused on the iron and said what if is there any way that the iron could have heated up and steamed up and gotten hot enough to like shoot a like shoot projectiles at him like maybe i don't know what they were but into his wrist and whatever um and then he like fell over and died and i was like that's kind of absurd but at the same time a neighbor said she heard a scuffle and shouting but no gunshots so i'm like maybe something
Starting point is 00:55:34 maybe it wasn't gun like bullets i don't know because they never said whether they found bullets right um and then the other theory is that maybe someone was hiding in the room when the police arrived so someone had come in and he had locked the door and welcomed him in he was safe felt safe with him and then when they went in he was like hiding which i think is a plausible theory um and then one of the more more sensible theories in my opinion is that he opened the door uh got shot in the wrist or whatever and then like or got shot and was able to close and lock the door before dying okay and that actually happened um in california a few years ago a guy opened the door and he was stabbed several times and was able to shut and
Starting point is 00:56:25 lock the door before dying and he didn't have time to call the police they originally ruled it a suicide it turns out that he had managed to like close and lock the door before dying gotcha so and then some people think he was killed by a ghost me m thinks he was killed by a ghost or somebody actually if i i forget who was like a famous author i mean i don't remember the name but someone who researched this case historian said he thought it was possible that he had physically because he had such paranoia that he physically manifested his fears oh wow being shot and somehow like his energy was that strong he literally created bullets which is no gun yeah okay and shot them into himself got it okay eva deletha just kidding because it is a theory i don't know i guess there's no right answer right now
Starting point is 00:57:19 i'm telling the facts there's more more. There's wronger answers. That's one of them. This is full of wronger answers. In fact, this whole segment that I'm giving you today is full of wronger answers because everyone is more ridiculous than the next. So let's move on to Joseph Elwell. So this is around the same time, 1920s. Elwell was a wealthy socialite. was a professional card player okay what's happening and a playboy oh okay i just want to tell you about his life there was a heavy pause on card playing i just i started to think no no i started to think about
Starting point is 00:57:59 like a professional card player and i just got really lost in the thought. Sorry. What card game would you play? Oh, I'll tell you in a moment. Old maid. No. What? I don't know. Crazy eights.
Starting point is 00:58:14 No, I'm just kidding. Okay. So he was a professional card player and a playboy living in New York City. So he had recently learned the quote, new card game called bridge. What year are we in again 1920 okay and he was also in his 20s so he learned this hot new game called bridge the newest craze so remember how last week was the last week we talked about summer of the hoop the wooden hoop with the wooden hoop we talked about summer of Mahjong. We talked about the summer of bridge. It was June. He learned bridge.
Starting point is 00:58:48 It was the summer of fucking bridge. Yes. We found it. We found the summer of bridge. 1920. June 1920. Summer of bridge. Evil, log that down. Add it to the calendar. Put it on your calendar for June. Go to your iCal.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Our birthday is the month of bridge. 1920. Oh, wow. Yes. June 1920. In memoriam. A bridge. Farmer Bob.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Okay. So, summer bridge? Yes. Sure. Okay. So, on June 11th, 1920, Joseph's housekeeper arrives to work, unlocks the door, the front door, and then she's cleaning and she finds Joseph sitting upright in his living room in a chair with a bullet hole in his forehead.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Oh boy. And he is dead. So aside from the bullet hole, he looks like he's kind of just chilling in his chair. All right. Like he has a piece of open mail in his lap he has a pile of unread mail that he's like going through beside him it's like time froze yeah yeah exactly he's just like sitting there in his armchair with mail um and then better yet next to the pile of mail someone had placed the bullet that had shot him in the head upright on display
Starting point is 01:00:06 next to the mail yes like it had done its job yes it's clearly a murder yes so clearly this one is clearly not a suicide um so when police arrived they found every door and window had been locked when the housekeeper arrived um the murder weapon was determined to be Elwell's own gun, which was a.45 automatic that he kept for defense in the house. And the house was full of expensive belongings and cash. Nothing had been stolen. This was a hit. Yeah. So there was no motive of burglary.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And there was also no sign of a struggle no sign of a break-in no fingerprints aside from elwell's own um and then neighbor neighbors also hadn't seen anyone suspicious and hadn't heard anything so it didn't look like elwell had tried to fight anyone off uh the they determined that the bullet had been shot about three to five feet away at an angle lower than his head so it was as if somebody was sitting next to him having a conversation and had kind of like had a gun next to them like hiding them yeah hiding the gun or just like had it in their lap what a crack shot by the way yeah it's really fucked up just like square in the forehead and you just kind of guesstimate you're like oh what's that letter from and then just shoot someone in the head right
Starting point is 01:01:28 so apparently it was like as if someone were sitting right there three feet away and i'd shot him right in the head but that's what just look out hilarious m you laughed hashtag gun Hilarious M. You laughed. Hashtag gun control. Am I right? Okay. Yeah. 2018. My bad. Hashtag politics. Okay. So police. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So this is different from the first one. Police had no issue of finding motive because Elwell had made enemies all over New York City already. He was busy cheating people out of their money playing bridge. Oh, bridge. Yeah yeah you know what we should do we should start a mahjong cheating ring oh i could get into that we would be so bad i was gonna say good but well put me in a round of uno and it'll get real funky oh yeah okay okay we did it yeah let's do it okay okay so uh okay so he had made enemies by cheating all these people he was also sleeping with a bunch of married women so that didn't help um and according to this article that i read on mysterious universe by brent swanzer there were
Starting point is 01:02:40 so many potential suspects that police did not know where to begin and were like overwhelmed with the number of people who fucking hated this guy they should have hired an eva eva would have googled that shit instantly we we were really overwhelmed police you should take a a page out our book help we don't know what to do and we are paralyzed just go to zip recruiter and get an evo this has all been an ad. Hashtag ad. Hashtag ad. Hashtag sponsor. Hold on. I need a drink. How was that for you? Like not great because I feel like everyone's watching me. Oh, okay. So beep boop bop ba da ba so the only way they could narrow so they were overwhelmed because they didn't have an Eva right so they were like how do we narrow it down
Starting point is 01:03:30 um and they decided like so the person who shot him must have made him comfortable enough to let his guard down and sit down to have a chat while looking through his mail like it had to be someone right someone close and then they were like oh literally no one fits that bill like there's no one that he knew where we can be like
Starting point is 01:03:51 oh maybe this guy came over like not one person not a single person liked him no so they were like well we can't find out who did it but like also we can't find out how they did it um so obviously there was a question of getting into the house then there was the question of getting out of the house because everything was still fucking locked and then of course like the display of the bullet like why maybe it was like a loan shark for all of his bridge maybe maybe he like unlocked the door to let them in or unlock the door and then like sho shove their way in then they were like let's just have a talk and then bang right in the head yeah how did he like escape
Starting point is 01:04:30 the house did they like grab his keys and lock the door on the way out no no it was all like bolted dead bolted from the inside that i don't have an answer for yeah all of these by the way i guess i didn't clarify but all of these like the doors have been like dead bolted from the inside where i thought it was just like a key yeah they needed to be like got it yeah um so his murder remains unsolved to this day and was actually the basis of a famous novel by someone named ss van dyne and the novel is called the benson murder case and that's credited with jump-starting the locked room detective novel genre which sounds like a blast like i need to start reading those books i can't believe there's so many versions of a story like no it's like a huge genre it started in like the 1930s wild yeah it's like i feel like it's sort of like escape room style like mystery you know right like who done it how do they yeah and then the last one
Starting point is 01:05:26 we gotta end with a woman oh julia wallace okay we're gonna fast forward to liverpool in 1931 we're gonna fast forward to liverpool we're gonna fast forward to 1931 we're gonna travel to liverpool and then we're gonna travel in time to 1931. Like think Carmen Sandiego. Got it. Sure. Okay. So we're in Liverpool in 1931. Julia Wallace lives in Liverpool with her husband, who is an insurance salesman named
Starting point is 01:05:57 William Herbert Wallace. And on the evening of January 18th, 1931, Mr. Wallace arrived at the liverpool chess club where he was an avid member oh me too yeah me too just kidding i only know how to play checkers i'm so dumb okay do you know how to play chess i love chess really yeah i keep asking people to teach me and no i'll teach you really yeah will you actually because i feel like i've no one else. I'll teach you. Really? Yeah. Will you actually? Because I feel like I've asked so many people. No, I'll teach you. Okay. It's really fun. I have Simpsons chess.
Starting point is 01:06:28 I have Simpsons chess. You do? Yeah. Is it like... We have the same chess board. Yeah, I'm sure we do. Wow, we're such losers. God.
Starting point is 01:06:37 We're learning so much about each other through this show. Let's just like take a moment to gaze into each other's eyes and let everybody just... And think about how I don't even watch The Simpsons and yet i have a simpsons chess board let's think about it okay well i'll teach you with that one then because that's the one i learned on oh great well that's convenient i'll have my mom ship it another full circle for us we're full of circles yeah we're full of full circles there it is yeah so on the evening blah blah blah so he's at the liverpool chess club playing simpsons chess that's my only that's my tweak of the story oh um and then he shows up and this guy who works there is like oh you have a phone message he's
Starting point is 01:07:18 like a phone message from whom and he's like a man called rm qualtro that's my after hours name with the chess ring the chess ring yeah just go back to back head to head chess ring sure uh-huh uh so yes rm qualtro aka m yeah so he's like i don't know that person they're like here's the message this guy wants to wants you to go to this certain address and help discuss an important insurance issue immediately and so it's a little fishy because it's like well you don't know this person why are you going to meet this person at this strange address but you have to remember it's a great depression and right okay everyone's really hard up and he's like okay you know what if this is like a big deal or whatever like i will go to this address to meet this rm qualjo so he got on a train, headed over there. And when he got to the area, so the address that was given was 25 Menlove Gardens East.
Starting point is 01:08:32 And there was a Menlove Gardens, like, street or avenue or whatever. So he's like, oh, it's probably over there. So he gets there. He finds out that the address does not exist there's a menlove gardens west south and north but not an east so it's literally the only one that doesn't exist weird um he goes around asking if anyone knows of an rm qualtro nobody knows what the fuck he's talking about and so finally he's like i'm gonna go home so he gets home and he sees that the front door has been locked with a deadbolt from the inside and then
Starting point is 01:09:10 when he finally manages and then he goes to the back door back door is also locked has some neighbors come over and then the back door he tries the back door again and it opens ew that's when i'm like okay neighbors I'm staying at your place. Something's wrong. But so he gets inside, turns on the gas light in the living room and finds the body of his wife surrounded by blood spattered walls. She had been brutally beaten to death. And the blood spatter went at least seven feet high onto the walls it was like extremely fucking brutal um police later estimated that she had been savagely bashed in the head
Starting point is 01:09:55 with stunning force at least 11 times by a heavy blunt object fuck but they could not find the murder weapon anywhere and there was no sign that anyone else had been murdered in the home with mrs wallace so there was no weapon there was nope what did i just say that anyone had been murdered in the house did i just say that it's fine i don't know what i said it's fine okay who the fuck knows what i said uh You did. Oh, shit. There was any... Okay, so there was no sign that anyone else had been in the house with Mrs. Wallace. There was no weapon. There was no evidence.
Starting point is 01:10:33 No witnesses. None of the neighbors reported hearing or seeing anything out of the ordinary. Mrs. Wallace's handbag, her cash, her valuables, everything was still there. So robbery was eliminated as a motive and then um so obviously people started like theorizing like oh this rm qualtro person maybe had something to do with it uh how was that connected to the death and so police tracked down everyone with the last name qualtro in liverpool and there were several because apparently it was a common name which weird okay doesn't sound like anything i've ever heard but yeah apparently it's a common
Starting point is 01:11:12 name around there um and they had absolutely zero evidence that any of those people had anything to do with the murder so with no other leads obviously husband suspect number one right so uh there weren't any reported marital issues between mr wallace and his wife but some details of the case seem to implicate him as a possible suspect uh first off the call placed by RM Qualtrough had been made at a phone booth 400 yards away from his home. Ugh. That would correspond with how long it would have taken him to get from there to his chess club. Gotcha. So it was like, the timing, you know, was a little fishy.
Starting point is 01:12:05 And then there was a testimony of the tram driver who had taken him to the fake address who claimed that Wallace had seemed suspiciously over eager to make it clear that he was a stranger in the area and didn't know his way around. So he was like, he seemed like he was forcing. Right. He was making sure I knew that information. Yes. And then apparently while he was out there in that strange neighborhood he also talked to a cop but instead of uh asking for directions he told the cop uh the whole story of like getting
Starting point is 01:12:37 the call from rm qualtro and saying like this is what he wanted this is why i'm here and then he said oh it's not eight o'clock yet is it and asked the police officer to check the time so the police officer pulled out his watch to say oh it's 7 45 p.m um and so that's kind of what they based their case on is that like oh well he was trying to prove like his alibi by saying right to this police officer what time is it specifically you know um but so it wasn't anything concrete but they arrested him anyway and then when he was in court i guess he was a little bit like he wasn't very personable to the jury so they within an hour convicted him are they they uh they decided he was guilty um and he was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of his wife
Starting point is 01:13:35 um but there was this new fun rule in england called are we in england where are we yes liverpool yes sorry there were three stories yes we're in england so the appeals rule like like to be able to appeal a ruling was very new it was 25 years old at this point so uh they basically overturned the ruling before he was executed and said, like, okay, it didn't really prove that he was the killer. Right. So he got... Put in jail? Freed. No, they literally just let him go.
Starting point is 01:14:19 He was sentenced to hang. And then his... I know they were like, okay okay we'll just give you jail time oh no so his legal team like appealed the the decision and they were like yeah you're right we don't have enough evidence so they let him go because the only evidence was like oh he was acting fishy with a tram driver and like the phone booth was 400 feet from his house but there was like nothing concrete so they appealed it they won um and then obviously he couldn't live in liverpool anymore because he was like oh like a a wanted man by the public yes i was gonna say that he has a bad rep
Starting point is 01:14:59 yeah gotcha he was uh people were talking people were people were chit-chatting so he moved uh to the country and then a couple years later he had kidney problems and after a surgery went wrong he died so he died only a couple years after the death of his wife. And so any info that he had, he would have taken with him to the grave. And then basically the way people look at it now is that if Qualtrough, this like character who left that message, if that wasn't Wallace, it must have been someone that Julia and Herbert, the couple, knew well. Because Qualtrough would have had to known about Wallace's Monday night chess plans at the chess club. And despite the fact that this place was really small and obscure and it wasn't a well-known thing. And he wasn't a well-known person either he was just like an insurance broker kind of down on his luck like it wasn't he wasn't like a big target
Starting point is 01:16:12 uh and julia would have had to know that this quattro person too to let him inside um and then lock the door you know for this person to kill her right and also she was considered a shy and reserved woman who wouldn't have like let somebody some stranger in the house um so people you know theorize well he obviously knew so much about them that maybe it was wallace himself okay so some people think a lot of people think that he made the phone call to the chess club, showed up at the chess club and was like, oh, how weird, and then placed his alibi, you know, the whole thing. So the 400 yards from the Wall's house, it does sound like he might have done that on
Starting point is 01:17:01 his way, but at the same time what if you know some creepy dude knew where they lived and was waiting for him to leave and then called you know so it's kind of like up in the air whether that was him wallace himself or whether that was a stranger um and then the most convincing evidence that it was wallace himself was that while he was out in this area of this like Menlove Gardens or whatever, that he was so adamant about proving that like he was looking for an address. So I didn't really say this earlier, but he was kind of he talked to like four people to be like oh where are we what address you know he was like yeah asking like where am i where's the address and everybody was like this doesn't exist the street doesn't exist right he asked a cop he told a tram driver and a taxi driver um and he was like super aggressive about telling everyone like, I am looking for this person at this address, you know.
Starting point is 01:18:07 But then again, it's like possible that, well, maybe he's just kind of a socially awkward guy who, you know, it's 1931. It's literally like the depression. And he just like gets this lead of, oh, like I have this really big insurance claim for you and he's like i just need to find this address like maybe he was just desperate enough to say and he was a little bit hard on his luck like maybe he was just desperate enough to say i i need to get to this place right um so it's kind of hard to argue either way a lot of people debate the fact what you know debate whether or not he was this qualtro guy and then in 1980 so obviously along so this case went unsolved and then in 1980 a radio program uh
Starting point is 01:18:55 pointed the finger at a co-worker of waltz's as the killer so this was like a whole new theory and the story went that the man who had an alibi of being with his girlfriend on the evening in question had actually appeared at a garage on the night of the 20th needing his car completely cleaned and the garage attendant noticed blood soaked gloves inside the car and then in 1980 the radio program i just mentioned tracked down the man's former girlfriend that he had been dating and she said oh no he wasn't with me at all on the 20th so like his alibi was shot uh and so that was like another another weird theory but again like they hit dead ends they were like we can't
Starting point is 01:19:46 prove that it was him so it just kind of added to the mystery of like who the fuck did this and right and like once again how the fuck did they get in or out without unlocking a door like it's just so weird um so the murder remains unsolved to this day. So the question really overall, the question most people argue is whether Qualtrough was a prop of Wallace as an alibi or whether it was like a super clever killer who managed to frame Wallace while, you know, executing the murder by himself. And so people still debate this to this day um author Raymond Chandler like famous novelist was utterly fascinated with this case he called it he said it will always be quote unbeatable and he wrote like an unpublished manuscript based off this whole case oh cool yeah and he was like completely fascinated by it um and it also added to this whole like there was this whole like baroque fascination with uh these locked door murder mysteries where
Starting point is 01:21:01 like nobody knows who got in or out or how how could they have done it um and yeah so nobody knows who did it with any of any of the above oh great yes but a woman recently in 2013 actually she claims that she knows that it was the husband. Okay. She says she's done enough research to say, and to be honest, when he was opening the doors and the back door didn't work and then all the neighbors came over and then the back door suddenly opened. That's another detail.
Starting point is 01:21:38 That's like, why was it suddenly not bolted from the inside? Questionable, but who knows? Those are good ones. So many murders! I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm having a stroke.
Starting point is 01:21:52 I know. You seem like you're breathing heavily and like... Yeah, I don't know what's happening. Struggling. Anyway. Sorry about my stroke. Do you think it might help if I have a... Geoscope?
Starting point is 01:22:02 Yep. Yeah. Okay. Scorpios, are you listening hello geo left the room fresh here you go geo and scorpios jupiter is in your sign exclamation point yay i don't know what that means this approximately one year transit comes only every 12 years and serves to bring you out of your shell. You're ready to take on the world. This is a time for exploring your needs and pursuing your dreams.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Your personality image, body image, and confidence in yourself expand to new levels with jupiter that's it no oh okay i usually you're like a dramatic pause no i'm taking it all in you know usually you go like i know i usually i dance around it i want to give a full analysis okay you are seeing whole new possibilities and your vision of life is panoramic you are more willing you are more willing to enjoy new experiences and to rid yourself of those things that have been holding you back from truly living and owning your life scorpio i like the part about his body image i knew you would and his confidence i mean he definitely has confidence because of all of us here. But I also think his panoramic view of the world is going to change soon because he's going to be a big brother on Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:23:33 He's going to hate himself. He's going to hate everything. His body image might change. His confidence will drop. It might. I hope this. Hopefully he remembers that Jupiter's on his side. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 You know what? This horoscope might bolster him into really feeling confident. feel like i should have known this my whole life but did you know that all the days of the week are named after different planets yes um just learned it today today today are you i didn't go to a great school i went to like a bougie school literally you're talking about how you got laptops earlier. Yeah, but I didn't Google the planets or weeks with it. I didn't, like, Saturn. They didn't teach me anything important. Are you serious?
Starting point is 01:24:09 I literally, today was like, Sunday, sun, sun, Monday, moon, moon. And I, like, lost my mind. I was like, does everyone know about this? And everyone was like, yeah, we fucking know. Oh, my. Sorry. Oh, my. I shouldn't have ended on how uneducated
Starting point is 01:24:26 I am, but here we are. That's how we begin and that's how we end. And that's the circle of life. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. Do we have anything else? We have our Facebook live event next Sunday on the 20...
Starting point is 01:24:42 I don't know when it is. When is it? 8th? 29th? 29th. 29th. At 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. It's already my calendar.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Good for me. So if you want to hang out with us for an hour... And you do. On Facebook Live. Oh, you'll meet the kitten. You'll meet the kitten. You can ask us questions. You can do whatever you'd like.
Starting point is 01:25:04 You should be on Facebook at 3 p.m. You can meet eva if she's there will you be there eva eva's gonna be there you'll meet her if she's there i don't know um it'll be fun yeah i think that's our only update crime con is may 4th through may 6th i just put in my uh out of the office request at work and i put mine in a long time ago yeah i forgot and then i looked at the calendar and i went oh motherfucker i literally forgot about crime con one day because my boss was like yeah you're gonna be gone on may 4th what's that for again and i was like i don't know i got a text where i'm being like do we have something on may 4th i was like oh do we i don't know maybe it's our fucking
Starting point is 01:25:46 vacation in nashville where we are doing our first live show but maybe i don't know that's also coming out of the mind of someone who doesn't know the names or the days are named after the planet so that's a really good point and then i was like oh there was also like a marvel movie that came out that day so i was wondering if i took the day off i was like what the fuck it's a fair it's a fair point um anyway anyway we love you what's our email and all that oh you can find us on our facebook twitter instagram atwwd podcast which eva is now going to be in charge of she's going to be helping us because we did all the help we can get dumping all this shit on her eva you can run but not far but not far geo will catch you by the way geo ran away this morning wasn't gonna talk about it but i am now he ran away and it took my brother
Starting point is 01:26:32 and me took my brother now like maybe 20 minutes to get him back found him on the porch of a neighbor looking for cats and he ran into the road as a van was coming and i was like geo's about to die and yeah i know that i haven't trained him well enough i listen i put him through all the advanced training he still won't come at least he's excited about cats for tuesday you know until he realizes he'll have one then he's like oh this was not worth it he wants to eat it probably um so eve is going to be handling attempting to handle the social media while we can actually like personally reach out to you guys and comment and all that stuff. Cause it, the backend is just a wild time.
Starting point is 01:27:12 The wine and crime podcast taught me the word backend, by the way. Backend chocolate nuts, legs and God. We also have an email and that's why we drink at where you can send your personal stories. We do a listener's episode at the first of every month. We have our website and that's why we We have our store and that's why we We love you.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Is that it? I think so. Twitter? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. and we also um like we said atwwd as a crime caught crime con code if you still plan on oh wait eva what's your social media yeah oh what's my social media it's ew gross on those things okay ew gross yeah it's usually how many okay i to say, I feel like there's more than two S's. EW Gross with three S's. And get to know Eva.
Starting point is 01:28:11 She's a gem. Get to know us. We're all right. We're also gems. Oh. And that's... Why we drank. Bye.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Okay.

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