And That's Why We Drink - E65 A Gender-Neutral Wolf and Satan’s Center Mouth

Episode Date: April 29, 2018

Don’t make haste! It’s episode 65, and we’re we’re diving deep into the capture of the Golden State Killer, the murder of Mandy Steingasser, and the 9 Circles of Hell. It’s a choose-your-own...-adventure, where Em’s ideal woman has long legs and steak. In this episode, closed cases are solved, and Satan’s got a triple chin. Abandon all hope, u who enter here. Head to for a free trial and use offer code DRINK to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain!Visit and use promo code DRINK40 when you subscribe for 40% off your first order! For 20% off your purchase, visit and enter promo code DRINK at checkout!Havenly - Get 25% off your design package by visiting!Go to to try a pair of Felix Gray glasses today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you okay? Do you need help? Eva, can you help? Can you put the cork in the bottle? Thank you, Eva. Aw, wow, I was kidding, but it's actually happening right now. Eva's doing it. Eva does things for us that we don't deserve. That's fine. Ugh, Eva, you're fired. Yeah, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:00:22 Eva, you're being timed. How bad do you want the job? Oh, I got it. I got it. Oh, okay. She wins. You're in. You're still in. Yeah, but now I want more wine, so do I have to...
Starting point is 00:00:32 No, don't take it out. Take it out with your teeth like a pirate, Eva. Go. Guys, welcome to episode 65 all right 65 that's a lot and that's not even including the listeners episodes that's bananas that means we're very close to 100 oh total yes yes yes yes yes this episode is sponsored by chloe maze sup chloe? She's been a Patreon donor since October. October. The month of Halloween. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What else happens then? You get married. Oh. Oh, yeah. While we... And I get married. Okay. And it's Austin's birthday.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah, each of us have an opposite... Allison, you heard me say that before Christine, right? Opposite life event happening. So thank you, Chloe, for supporting us. This is a big episode because I have a lot to say. Guys, some of you really like our long episodes. Some of you really don't like it. But buckle up regardless.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Just I hope you're on a road trip. It's all on brand. I hope you have a really long day ahead of you at work and you just need something to listen to and you're hoping that this will be a little longer than usual grab a mr pibb whoa and a snickers bar hashtag ad fuel up no ad no ad just grab it and feel up um i have a lot to say christine has a lot to say especially because a lot of things have happened that are very topical emotions are running very high poor eva has already heard us almost talk about it multiple times tonight poor eva wants to talk about it and i'm like no no i can't talk about it until we start recording eva
Starting point is 00:02:15 has uh is starting to learn that one of the things that christine and i do is we intentionally don't share any personal or important information with each other because we know to just save it for the show and poor evo is like do you want to talk about x y and z and we're like we can't we we're just we just have to have surface conversation until we're done with our tacos and then go upstairs and record we're martyrs we're yeah actually eva just get ready alongside everyone else martyrs for the cause. Also, if you're listening to this backwards, like a lot of people do, Eva, they're like, who the hell is Eva?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah. First of all, rude. First of all, you've got 64 other episodes to listen to is what you got to do. Catch the fuck up. Catch the fuck up. Eva is our wonderful assistant who does things like put corks in our wine bottles when they're not empty yet. Also, I just watched Christine use a lesbian coloring book as a mouse pad and we're not even going to talk about it, I guess. I just wanted to bring it to the attention of everyone. What is there to talk about?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Okay, anyway, let's just move on. I know you want to talk about it. I know you're itching. I see you moving. I'm twitching. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. Let's do a table of contents for what's about to happen okay because we got a lot of things to cover let's go all on brand guys all on brand not making shit up one one christine got a cat oh that's number one no i'm just making sure that we don't forget oh sure okay one christine got a cat yeah two christine went to alcatraz yes three irons irons golden state killer also i have things to say too but i guess they're not as important this is a very christine based what are your things no you're not gonna care what i do
Starting point is 00:03:50 care the avengers comes out tonight and i'm missing it for this show which i hope everyone knows after 10 years of waiting for this movie and i'm here right now i hope you know how important the show is also missing it eva are you a marvel fan oh my fucking god you're hired all over again are you guys gonna leave me oh my god wait shit she's missing it eva for this we have so much to talk about this is not good oh my gosh we're gonna have to record our own marvel episode let's okay christine you have the floor well now i feel like i will say okay let me just have two minutes and then you can do all of your stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Okay, go, go, go, go. Okay. I have waited my entire life for Infinity War. It comes out tonight. It is Thursday night. I am seeing it tomorrow. Why didn't you tell me? We would have moved it.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Because you know I don't pay attention to that. Because Allison also told me that we had to go see it on Friday. Oh, okay. So it's not just my fault. I just want to blame it on you. And so I'm not seeing it until Friday. I'm not seeing it until's not just my fault. I just want to blame it on you. And so I'm not seeing it until Friday. I'm not seeing until tomorrow. And I got the tickets like a
Starting point is 00:04:49 month ago. So we've got center front row seats. So excited. Not front row. It's like you're doing it wrong. And I'm very excited, although I'm very scared because if they're going to do it based on how the comic books go, I'm not going to like what I see. But I'm very excited. And I have a theory. I haven't seen it yet, but I have a theory that my favorite concept in the world, time travel, is involved. And they're going to go back to the first movie
Starting point is 00:05:15 when they first became the Avengers. Eva, what are your thoughts? Eva, here's the microphone. Speak into it as closely as possible. Whoa. Famous, famous words. We need to get our own microphone. She has a lot to contribute.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And I'm not saying that because I read a script or, I mean, I do work at the place where we made everything, but I don't know any more than anyone else does. They've been very hush hush. Oh, true. So you haven't read it in advance. I don't know. I just been have. Now, here's the question. If you had gotten access,
Starting point is 00:05:48 would you have read it in advance or would you have been like, I don't want spoilers? I would have liked to be able to trust myself to not read it, but I would have. You would have done it. I would have done it and hated myself afterwards. You would have been like,
Starting point is 00:06:00 no, I shouldn't read it. And then you would have read it. Oh, I will say, I will say, I'm not allowed to post a picture yet, but i requested at work that i could do it on my birthday as my birthday gift from the office but i can't post the picture until after the movie comes out so i have to do it after may 4th anyway or april 27th what um i got to i got to wear the infinity gauntlet at work which i know you don't know what that is. It's very important. Look at her. I don't understand. It's very important. It's very important.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Just please pretend you're very excited. Wow. Holy smokes. It's like, you know how Captain America has a shield and Thor has his mill owner and all that? Yeah, I do. Okay. The Infinity Gauntlet is like the biggest.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It's the Infinity War and the Infinity Gauntlet has all the Infinity stones. What's a gauntlet? What is that? It's a glove. Oh, I thought a gauntlet was like uh like a like an activity of act like a physical strength well they're certainly gonna have a lot of physical activity in this movie so you're not wrong i thought like if you go through a gauntlet you're like going through physical feats oh okay i don't know anything you're really nitpicking
Starting point is 00:07:01 something that's i don't know what a gauntlet i wore the infinity gauntlet and it glows and everything is it a sword a glove like what's a glove what's a glove it's a glove wow it's very cool and i got to touch the one i got to touch the one that's pretty dope anyway i'm gonna see it on screen tomorrow i'm going to cry i've already told everyone you're gonna cry oh at least three times i've never have i seen you cry before you've seen me cry but you haven't seen me weep which allison is going to see and i've already warned her because at the beginning of every marvel movie they always have like that intro sequence where the marvel like title shows up and it's made out of comic books yes when they show that with the infinity war music in the background i'm going to lose my goddamn mind and i've already told allison i don't care what she sees and she can't judge me for it
Starting point is 00:07:53 and like she cannot like and also let's all have like a three second moment of silence for allison because she has been the best girlfriend she has has watched 18 movies. Well, was one of them the one? Did you buy one on our TV? Yeah, I need to Venmo you. You need to Venmo my brother, because he's like, why are you watching Spider-Man? I thought you were in San Francisco. Yeah, I also babysat Gio this weekend,
Starting point is 00:08:14 and then we bought it, and then after we bought it, we were like, oh, this isn't our Amazon account. Yeah, okay, I owe him money. Whoops. But anyway, we watched all 18. Allison watched all 18. She knows everything. She's entirely prepped for the Infinity War tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And she's the world's best girlfriend. Wow. Anyway, that was my whole thing. That was longer than two minutes. I bet yours is going to be longer than two minutes. Yeah, but you told me you got two minutes. Eva, edit it to two minutes. Okay, go Christine.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Okay, I appreciate your passion. Thank you. Let's talk about this. Let's talk about this. Let's talk about it in whatever order you want. Fucking Golden State Killer. Here it is. Was caught this morning. Yesterday.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Caught. Morning. Like, like actually caught. Literally. Like after like over 40 years of waiting for him to get caught. Captured. What episode did we talk about him on? 48.
Starting point is 00:09:07 If you would like to travel back to 48, where we did not know the future. We did not, and I said, he probably won't ever get caught. And now, here it is. Bananas. So weird, because I have been reading Michelle McNamara's book um I'll Be Gone in the Dark who's Patton Oswalt's wife I mentioned it briefly on our episode but I wasn't really like fully in it yet so I didn't really understand like the impact of that book but so her book she passed away before it was published so then it was posthumously published by her
Starting point is 00:09:40 friends in Patton Oswalt and some researchers and I had started reading it and I was about a third of the way through and I was reading it one night and I fell asleep I woke up the next morning literally like six hours after I'd put the book down and he was fucking caught and it was the most like surreal and what's the just in case people don't know what's the book about oh so it's about her research into the Golden State Killer, a.k.a. Euron's, a.k.a. East Area Rapist slash original Night Stalker. And she has been, she passed away, but she had been tracking him and researching him and doing her own. She has a, had a website called True Crime Diary and was a true crime, you know, researcher and journalist. And she wrote this book was working
Starting point is 00:10:27 on this book um and it's incredible it's terrifying and it's a really well done account of just everything that he did during the 40 fucking rapes and 12 kills and insane and um just like theories as to like why he hasn't been caught who he is. And at the end of the book, she theorizes that she's like, a lot of people think that he died because, um, his sort of like reign of terror just suddenly ended very abruptly.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And she basically theorized in her book, like, I know you're alive and i don't believe you're dead and i don't believe you went to jail like i know you're out there and you're going to be caught and she passed away so it was like really emotional wow they actually caught him and it was like she's not here she was right i know that right and she's not here for it so patten oswalt posted like this is the definition of bittersweet like she did it yeah also like she can't be here for it anyway so i've cried a lot today but it was crazy and i know a lot of
Starting point is 00:11:33 so like case file is one of my favorite podcasts and they did a five-part episode on the on the golden state killer back in the day which is like the most thorough episode i've ever or thorough podcast i've ever listened to about him uh we covered it obviously in episode 48 but i don't want to pretend like i like right knew what the i mean hindsight is a very powerful thing yeah and i covered it and it's just amazing because i'm like oh yeah i remember researching all this but now it's just so like in the forefront that i can't pretend to know how like we'll have to do like a an analysis episode or something we're like thinking that you look at back at like the original notes and it's like oh well this was happening in this
Starting point is 00:12:13 this and this totally i was thinking that too because like a lot of people tweeted us like i was listening to your episode and then like knowing what we know now and putting it on top of it is such a weird layer crazy yeah um so he anyway if you haven't listened to it yet or if you have just sum up um golden state killer he uh in the 60s to the 80s i think early 70s to 80s early 70s to 86 raped at least 50 women terrorized towns in across california up and down california murdered at least a dozen people um just like traumatized yeah it wasn't just raping them it was coming back into their lives in the future and making sure that they didn't forget who could but psychological torture like just really really bad and just then vanished um and and making sure that they didn't forget him. Who could, but... Psychological torture. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Just really, really bad. And just then vanished. And I know... So My Favorite Murderer did a kind of like... As it was happening, they just released an episode the day of. I know a lot of podcasts are going to be talking about this, but I just kind of wanted to update anybody
Starting point is 00:13:20 who maybe doesn't listen to those episodes or whatever. And I don't know how much you know about all this i know our episode oh okay and then i mean i i like watched the conference yesterday at noon yeah at the press conference um although i did watch it uh at my lunch break so i didn't get to watch the whole thing. I was like slowly catching up. It was pretty short anyway. I feel like it wasn't as like illuminating, I guess, as many people had hoped. But since then, a lot more information has come out. So I'm just going to kind of like sum up what happened. So Golden State Killer was at large for over 40 years. A lot of people theorized that he had died.
Starting point is 00:14:06 for over 40 years a lot of people theorized that he had died nobody really knew where he had gone whether he had gone to jail or what yesterday they finally caught him it was like a shock to everyone even people who had worked the case for decades because a lot of people had just assumed it would never happen like at least by this point he was dead a lot of people assumed yeah exactly the very at the best that he was dead at the lot of people assumed. Yeah, exactly. At the best, he was dead. At the worst, they would just never figure it out. And it was one of the... He was, like, the most prolific cold case in the history of America. Like, it was...
Starting point is 00:14:37 No fucking joke. So, his name is Joseph James D'Angelo. They found him in Citrus Heights, California. He is 72 years old. So it turns out he served in Vietnam for 22 months. He graduated with honors from Sacramento State with a degree in criminal justice and
Starting point is 00:14:55 then joined the Auburn Police Force. So he was actually a police officer. He had been... So he was actually a police officer for all but one of the east area rapist attacks so every single one but one he committed while he was a working police officer he was dismissed from the police force on august 29, 1979 for shoplifting a can of dog repellent and a hammer from a Sacramento drugstore.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Great. Not sketchy things at all. No! It actually reminds me of, um... Robert Durst? Yeah, Robert Durst, who also was fucking caught... He, like, stole a band-aid. A sandwich and a band-aid! Calm the fuck down. That was one of our early episodes, too.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Episode two, guys. It was, huh? The band-aid. Yeah, so shoplifting for no reason other than, like, I guess a thrill or maybe hiding the brand or whatever. You know, whatever reason you have to shoplift. So he was dismissed after shoplifting. So he was dismissed after shoplifting. And that's actually when his crimes shifted from East Area Rapist down to Southern California, where he began murdering his victims. So it escalated.
Starting point is 00:16:16 So he not only was dismissed from the police force and moved to a new county, he also escalated his crimes and started murdering his victims so after he committed 12 murders at least uh then he just suddenly stopped and the murders ended and he spent the rest of his he actually was working his job was this is so bananas i saw this on reddit his job was across the street from the fbi headquarters in sacramento oh my god so if you look at google maps it's like fbi headquarters and then this the distribution center that he worked at was like across the street which is just nutso the whole time he was across this fucking street 30 years he worked there hiding in plain sight hiding in plain sight for real uh so basically the sacramento county sheriff
Starting point is 00:17:17 scott jones said the task force had been conducting surveillance on him on d'Angelo for several days and they retrieved his DNA from a discarded item like a soda can or something in his trash then they they at first didn't say like how they came to suspect him and today it came out that they actually used like or 23andMe one of the ancestry like DNA sites and a family member had like submitted their DNA for ancestry testing and they had been able to look at the family tree and track down relatives who fit the profile and they were able to find him as someone who was born in the right time period lived in the right area and that's how they basically pinned him down wow yeah so it was like through one of these who'd have thought like family lineage sites exactly one of those like ancestry sites and they haven't confirmed which one it was but they have said that that's how they were able to initially zero in on him they also said that the way so the way that in the press
Starting point is 00:18:34 conference they said it had been six days that they had been like plotting this capture or this arrest um they decided to wait until uh d, D'Angelo left his house. And a lot of people theorize that it was because, you know, if you swarm in on someone while they're in their house and they're older and they're, they know they're guilty, they might commit suicide on the spot to evade capture. So instead of swarming in on him they waited really patiently several hours before he was arrested he was seen in his garage working on his boat just kind of like puttering around his house and eventually he went outside uh and i have a quote here um He went outside and he was arrested.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And as the FBI and law enforcement was arresting him, he said that he had a roast in the oven. And the FBI said, we'll take care of it and took him into custody. Just like I just don't know. A neighbor, a lot of neighbors were shocked by the arrest because a lot of them had lived there for literal decades and had known him since childhood. Right. And were like, oh, he was just like the nice neighbor who helped my dad build a pool or helped us build a fence. or right helped us build the fence um a lot of people said he was quirky and he swore a lot and he would be in his front yard yelling at himself if he lost his keys or he like had a weird anger problem but it was mostly just like a weird quirk of an old man like right nothing like that simpsons
Starting point is 00:20:16 guy who used to yell at clouds or whatever the fuck like just like a quirky old man with an anger problem um so people most people were shocked. Some people were like, he always gave me the creeps. One neighbor said he had once found D'Angelo prowling in his side yard and then had to hop down a bike and run away. So some people had gotten the creeps from him, but most people were like, oh, I just thought he was like an elderly dude who... Right. An ex-cop. You know, why would you think anything of it?
Starting point is 00:20:47 He has three adult children, three adult daughters. Oh, my God. Yeah. One big thing was that. So a lot of victims, if you read I'll Be Gone in the Dark, a lot of the victims said that not a lot, but several had said that he during the attacks they would hear him whimpering and crying and like gasping and one of the things that he would say is i'm sorry mommy and like or like fuck you mommy and like get really worked up about it and some internet sleuths looked into this and did some research and it's now coming out that he had actually been engaged at one point and it had been broken off to a woman named bonnie and one
Starting point is 00:21:34 of the victims had said he wasn't saying mommy he was saying bonnie oh no so that's another twist where they're like, shit. Like, maybe he was not saying mommy or whatever. He was saying Bonnie. This was like revenge. Yeah, he had like, he had issues. Oh, no. About the engagement that was broken off. So that's another theory they're now looking at.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Because one victim swears he was saying Bonnie, not mommy. A neighbor, Gabby Ramirez, who's 14 and lived a street over played with d'angelo's granddaughter all the time said he was a normal grandpa said like she never felt weird around him he was just a nice man who would take them out to get ice cream sometimes um the neighbor said oh he was just like a friendly guy you know i mean classic like cliche fucking serial killer um he was very meticulous about his yard and his boat and like he painted lines on the driveway to make sure his boat was parked exactly to the right inch but other than that nobody really suspected anything um and at this point all we know is that he's been arrested his dna is 100 match to the
Starting point is 00:22:48 murders um across the board and so it's definitely definitely he's the one wow yeah he lived there for 30 over 30 years in that house well i i only found out about all this because one of my jobs uh at work is to like um do our like twitter updates and all that and so i went on twitter and one of like the trending things like east area rapist and i was like why on earth is this trending and i was like this is a weird time but i'm gonna have to go look at this and so i like clicked and everyone was talking about it which is funny because you texted me like did did you know? And I was like, oh, um, since 530 in the morning, I've been in this just like deep hell hole. I found out at like 11 or whenever I texted you, it was when I found out. And then you were like, oh, I'm not doing any work today.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I'm literally like ready for the conference at noon. And I was like, there's a conference at noon. I've been staring at the fox 40 like like streaming soon for like an hour and a half knowing it's not even coming yet but just like waiting and the twitter oh my god it's nuts and a lot of people have so we had three adult daughters and a lot of people did their like reddit sleuthing and like found the daughter's professions and stuff and it's like a little bit fucked up because like they had no idea and yeah can you imagine like what those three daughters are now going through and the family i mean they're victims in their own right you know
Starting point is 00:24:11 and it's like we don't need to be plastering their fucking professions all over the internet i think one of them was like a professor like they're very established adult i mean they're and that poor girl like now has to like i'm sure people are going to be horrible and like for some reason blame them or say like you know they're horrible things tracked down right they're being right exactly like they're being attacked they don't like they just found out their dad was this guy like chill the fuck out they've had enough they didn't the poor wife yeah so the wife that gave birth to three of his children so so it was an ex-wife poor bonnie oh well bonnie where's bonnie no no so he was engaged to bonnie
Starting point is 00:24:54 and then that broke off i know but poor bonnie like if bonnie hears about this even if they're not together i'm sure bonnie will hear listen bonnie bonnie will hear about it oh my god poor everyone that's ever known him. Yeah, poor fucking. And poor victims. Let's also remember that. Poor everyone that actually had to meet this guy at the worst. Did you see in the press conference when the brother of one of the victims. So it was the brother of one of the victims and his wife.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So his brother and sister-in-law had been killed in i believe 1980 by the golden state killer and he was at the press conference and he basically scolded he said like i do remember this thank you to the thank you to law enforcement for figuring this out but also like everyone can finally sleep well he said like shame on you for not utilizing dna in the right way and being able to like yeah do this better and then he basically said like to all the victims uh sleep well tonight he won't be coming in your window and it was just like the most chilling there was an article i read about um the youngest girl that he attacked who was 13 and like his her sister was in the room and her dad was in like or they were like in down the hall yeah and she said that um they're like she never spoke to any of the other victims but she knew that all of
Starting point is 00:26:12 them were like celebrating together like she like without like ever speaking to them she knew that everyone was like thinking of each other today it's just heartbreaking and so at least at the very least they get some closure on that and the family members i mean and like if you listen to the book or read the book it's like the number of just like marriages and lives that were ruined even if people survived you know like it ruined marriages like people weren't able to look at each other they just literally couldn't look at each other just even have sex again ever with anyone or like sleep comfortably or just yeah just the trauma of it and not and so finally at least hopefully he like gives a reason like he like yeah says something soon like makes a statement of why he fucking did it and he's on
Starting point is 00:26:54 suicide watch so like think like hopefully they can make sure he doesn't fucking do anything stupid before he's yeah held accountable for his shit you know anyway that's my rant and i keep refreshing twitter so okay we'll see if anything else happens but yeah crazy crazy your cat oh i have a kitten her name is juniper and we love her her name is juniper slash juni slash june geo and juniper geo and june geo and junie whatever you prefer i was geo and junie that's fine junie it's so cute g and jew oh nope well whatever it's like from bobsburgers jju it's like oh you're my angel dust nope that's a drug nope that's a race of person um uh well eva and i met juniper
Starting point is 00:27:48 at the same time we both bonded on our stomachs trying to get the cat to hang out with us but she's still a little skittish she let us play with her a little bit i forcefully grabbed her and made her let me hold her she was fine she hung out for a little bit geo i'll tell you your question everybody geo is not into it geo's pissed he was like i'm an only child and i don't approve of anything i get it i'd be the same way m would understand yes geo and i will bond as only children yeah m showed up and i could already tell geo was like look what's happening in my house he looked frazzled he was like someone needs to hear me when i say help. Get this little white ghost out of my house.
Starting point is 00:28:27 S-O-S. He hates it. He hates it. And to answer your question, also, a lot of people are like throwing out names. We considered all of them. Some people said Casper and we almost named her Casper. Are we even going to mention that I also suggested casper on my own i was gonna say i can't remember if you said ghost or casper i said casper like the ghost but casper like the
Starting point is 00:28:50 cat that's true i forgot about that and then i said spirit because it's alcoholic and she looks like a ghost because she's white so i tried casper for a while and it just didn't i also said perseco that's a good one and muscato all right all right all right all right all right okay okay i tried to think alcohol and ghost we tried them all and my brother was like stop with the alcohol and i was like okay it was m's idea but so casper i tried and i was like cassie like i tried it but just juni just a june it just like worked better and someone had suggested on the Facebook group, like, oh, when you were reading Chio's Geoscope, you said, oh, Scorpio, Jupiter's in your house this week, this month. And someone was like, why is she not naming the cat Jupiter?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Like Jupiter's in your house and will help you adjust to new circumstances. And I was like, that's fucking perfect. So Jupiter, but Juniper. But then I was like, Juniper's like an easier nickname but juniper but then i was like juniper's like like an easier nicknamey cute and i've always liked the name june all right junie and also emma and i were born in june so so it's still got that little narcissistic flair little vain little cute jupiter juniper june same thing junie i think of junie b jones the book yeah the best book except amelia bedelia
Starting point is 00:30:05 well we won't talk about it um we're never gonna stop otherwise probably the most advanced book i ever read oh really you were able to read it i wasn't even halfway oh that's amazing anyway um and cosby okay let's talk about bill Cosby Sorry Bill Cosby was convicted Cheers On all counts Clink Yep Congratulations
Starting point is 00:30:28 We're happy you're gone Goodbye Get out Get out Also new kitten What else do I have on here Alcatraz Oh shit okay
Starting point is 00:30:36 Jesus Christ guys This is such a long episode Should we just bring that up next week Should we We'll bring up Alcatraz next week guys We're gonna talk about Alcatraz next week Because this is way too long already Which means Christine and I can't talk About next week guys we're going to talk about alcatraz next week because it's way too long already which means christine and i can't talk about the one thing i desperately want to talk about with her for another week sorry it's fine it's fine i just
Starting point is 00:30:53 want to add before we get on to this shit is that wine and crime our episode comes out this tuesday yes may 1st yes listener episode comes out the same. It's going to be a doozy of a day for you. And that's a, what day is that? A Monday? Tuesday. And a day before that you get a whole episode from us. You also get a Facebook live video from us. Jesus. Guys, you are just going to get covered in content.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Stop asking so much of us. We're also going to be doing our first fan mail video. Extravaganza. We've already done one. Yeah, but this is like a whole month's worth of stuff. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And we're going to start posting that video once a month as well. On Patreon. On Patreon. So if you donate a certain amount. And now we have someone to videotape us. So it's not Em and I passing the camera back and forth. Right, right, right. So we're also
Starting point is 00:31:47 going to be doing that this weekend. We're doing that after our Facebook Live video so you can expect that to get posted soon. 3 p.m. today when this comes out.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Facebook Live, 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Cool. Hopefully you're there. Ready? Oh, God. Oh, my God, yes. Please start talking
Starting point is 00:32:01 because I'm just so worked up. Okay. You want to take a guess what I'm going to talk about? You're going to get wrong. I just want to hear what you have to possibly say. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. I guess that it's a haunted toy. No.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Although I wish. There's just not enough haunted toys. Guys, that's probably a good thing. I guess so, but like, wow, it's running me out of business. You guys are cleaning me out. I don't have a lot of haunted toys left he's cleaning me out gosh now i gotta start talking about aliens and shit just to keep up oh aliens is that the topic no not yet i got real excited not yet well then don't tease us like that okay it's a little lengthy but i think everyone's
Starting point is 00:32:41 gonna really get a kick out of it i was thinking about doing this for our live show are you looking around what is it I really need everyone's validation right now um I'm mad that I'm doing it today I wanted to do it for a live show but I also just want to do it so hopefully I find something just as good for the live show also I want to do this while I'm like conscious and we all know I'm gonna black out at the live show so probably better to just do it now what is it let's talk about the nine circles of hell what the fuck yeah i just wanted to talk about it so so uh i'm not talking about a ghost this time around but i was like you know what let's fucking go let's fucking go there hell yeah let's go hell yeah oh everyone pointed at me and i was like why is everyone looking at me um okay so i tried to print out a little chart for you oh thanks because there's quite a lot
Starting point is 00:33:35 i learned that there's not just nine circles of hell there's 24 regions so we're gonna be doing quite a globe trot i tried to print this out it's very complicated i don't even know if it's worth it jesus okay abandoned all right sure okay i'll just let's just i'll use that as a reference when it's needed how about that okay orders okay calm down just take that away okay um so here's the thing yeah yeah tell yeah, yeah. Tell me the thing. This is based off of Dante's Inferno. Sure. In case you haven't figured that out yet. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Um, I, it's also a lengthy, lengthy story that I have brutally chopped down. I mean, you didn't read the book, right? Well, fuck no. I just said Emilia Bedelia is the best i've ever done so um what if you read don hayes in front but you couldn't finish what if instead of a geoscope i just read like a snippet of amelia baddily every week like just a quick quote wait actually i'm gonna do it okay write that down even um so um when you stop yelling at her she's gonna keep um grow embittered toward us so here's the thing it's very lengthy i would literally if i wanted to do this justice i would have to
Starting point is 00:34:50 recite an entire fucking book to you don't do that so i know i'm gonna miss very heavily crucial parts oh so what we're saying is don't tweet us like you forgot yeah don't tell us that this is inaccurate i fucking know um i also i just took out all of the parts where they like in between each circle they like have their own trip and they talk to these certain people and he notices certain people at certain circles of hell like i i avoided all that i just we're all here for the torture and types of punishments that the devil likes to whip out so that's what i that's what we brought to the table that's what we're all here for we're all here for the grotesque part. Think of it as like Krampus again. Yeah we're here for like what the golden
Starting point is 00:35:28 state killer is going to experience. Yeah that's so here are all of our options guys. Okay vote cast your votes. Cast your votes. Where's he going? It's like American Idol call 1-800 email and that's why we drink at cast your vote. Where he going i was gonna say don't do that but now eva's doing email so you can do that okay if you if you want eva to not quit please don't actually cast your votes because we'll literally get thousands and eva's gonna leave and then we have we can't it's i honestly i can't breathe just thinking about it so just do it in your mind and in your heart and we'll hear you so we got you um a quick snippet of like what the fuck's going on in dante's inferno just so everyone like has an idea of how we don't even know what's okay so dante's inferno uh is obviously about dante in the 14th century and inferno is actually a
Starting point is 00:36:20 the first part of a three-part epic poem. So this whole book, there's literally fucking three of them. Fun poem. Really, if I wanted to do this justice, I'd have to recite three books in 20 minutes. So this is why no one's getting what they want out of this. Totally.
Starting point is 00:36:35 The three-part epic poem is called La Divina Comedia, which is the divine comedy. Right. Okay. Wow, you know so much. Listen, I went to catholic school wow they teach you a lot there i know about the devil i'll tell you what okay let's see how much
Starting point is 00:36:51 you know um so dante in this story he is lost in um some dark woods where he is attacked by three different beasts which are allegory allegorical a leopard lion and she-wolf oh sure don't know why i can't just be like a gender neutral wolf but the fuck ever 14th century we can update it to 2018 standards yeah okay the gender neutral leopard my favorite um also there's all of this analysis that i would love to delve into but i i just shouldn't it would take too much time that each of them represent different things and but they're just i just don't have the time they're just like animals just fucking google it also i do want to preface this with we are going back to old school 1300 oh no i mean i mean we're back to like the 14th
Starting point is 00:37:40 century in this story but like me telling the story is old school high school m because my two main sources were fucking cliff notes in wikipedia so oh the part where you go okay this is a presentation that i made in eighth grade that i'm just gonna like i literally the my like initial muscle memory took me right back to spark notes online and i just just was like dante's inferno and i just i mean you know what it got me through high school and it got me through college and it got me through grad school I'm certainly gonna you have a master's degree couldn't have gotten that wrong anyway so there's this woman named Beatrice who once again I can't go into details but she is Dante's ideal woman wait no let your mind wander I need details
Starting point is 00:38:21 I do too I literally skipped over it because i knew we didn't have enough time um i don't know she's got long legs and like steak i'm not sure steak that's what my fucking ideal woman was like allison are you listening so oh man um oh yeah beatrice bullet three i meant um okay so beatrice uh sees that dante is lost in the woods and calls for an angel to bring him of all people the roman poet virgil oh yeah me too and uh has the angel bring virgil to the woods to help guide dante in his journey out of the woods so that no harm will happen so my ideal woman can also summon a fucking angel and then the angel can summon the roman poet virgil in the 14th century to help me out of the woods oh i see how about my ideal woman brings me some fucking gps and a steak and a steak and
Starting point is 00:39:16 we're fine yeah that's my ideal woman actually and her name is allison oh she's a cutie okay so the only way out uh of these woods by the way sure is through hell well i mean obviously obvious so uh basically all of inferno the synopsis is they journey into the underworld and underworld into the underwear on into my underwear what i don't know long legs steak long legs and a pair of underwear i don't know where this is going me either hell it's going to hell that we're for sure um also let's play the game of which level of hell are we going to oh the one with all the babies i know there's one with babies no there isn't yes there is well then i didn't do my research right unborn babies there's not a no okay maybe that's just maybe it's just not an inferno maybe like just a fun rumor
Starting point is 00:40:11 maybe it's really fun or maybe i didn't do my notes well enough i don't know eva anyway um google unborn babies, hell. Eva, do your job. Come on. Don't make haste. Make haste, make haste. Yeah, I was like, no, make as much haste as you possibly can. Okay. Which level?
Starting point is 00:40:37 I don't know. Which level do the dead babies go to? I want to go to four. You want to go to four? Yeah, what's that? Okay, calm down. Well, I'm excited now. I'm trying very hard to not make this like my normal staircase flaw where i like can't figure out
Starting point is 00:40:49 floors floor eight measure if i'm like okay circle six room five subtract two okay okay so your guess is four i honestly don't remember in what order these are so i'm gonna say i want to be in level six okay i know i don't but i'm just gonna throw a number out and see where it takes me deeply want to be like choose your own adventure yeah eva where in hell do you want to go what number oh three okay okay three four and six i think he was gonna have the best life probably it would suit us well so um okay oh yeah they get to thought that's where we are so just entering the world sure sure sure sure, sure, sure, sure. So Dante and Virgil, they're on this journey.
Starting point is 00:41:29 They have to get through hell to end up back home on Earth because apparently these woods weren't in fucking Earth. So they're at the gates of hell and the gates are marked with an inscription that says, Abandon all hope. You who enter here. You who enter here. You who enter here enter here you who enter here okay ye i forgot we're in the 14th century how could you wonder if like satan like updated it recently i think there's like a modern he was like y'all or he like put the letter u like omg like come on in you who enter here omg he doesn't say god doesn't he no because he's satan oms
Starting point is 00:42:09 so jesus christ so they enter the outlying region of hell right known as the anti-inferno oh okay where the souls who in life could not commit either they basically they couldn't commit to either being good or bad so basically it's limbo essentially oh um so they were like the people who stood by and watched no this is like purgatory okay got it i'm just not gonna analyze it just go where they uh they basically it's considered like the first circle of hell because like it's the outskirts of hell. And as you get deeper and deeper into hell, you go into like further and further circles. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:59 So the first layer is like the nicest layer. The like less bad one. Yeah. And nine is like. So why did I pick? Why did I pick six i because i forgot as we guessed as we guessed eva congratulations you're gonna have a less shitty afterlife three instead of one so we'll see what happens okay so here's what's going down
Starting point is 00:43:15 uh-huh um when you are in limbo um you are for eternity running non-stop while hornets bite you and maggots drink the fallen blood what i'm sorry hold on hold on that's my 12th level that's my all the way level what could be possibly worse i remember there's 24 regions so even though i'm saying nine a lot the answer is 24 how is this possible that's the worst thing that could ever happen and those are just the people who couldn't like decide it. Like, should I be a good person or a bad person? And then like,
Starting point is 00:43:48 this is what happened afterwards. Maggots drink your blood. Um, so basically this is like the house of pagans that they call it the house of pagans, but anyone who was not baptized or never followed Christ, this is where they go. So,
Starting point is 00:44:03 okay. Oh, I just want to to i'm going to use this as a reference and make sure they don't fuck anything up sure sure sure sure um and here's the weird thing about it um so that's like supposedly one story that actually happens like that the maggots and hornets chase you and eat you and all that but then they also say that this is considered like an alternate heaven because it's the best case scenario of hell so like you actually while this is happening also live in a castle with seven gates which symbolizes seven virtues and the whole time that you are living in this anti castle you're struck with grief from the lack of god's present presence um so apparently you just that's the rest of your life if you aren't super religious if you just
Starting point is 00:44:56 like don't know what to do right okay the hornets decide for you um okay so then at the border of the second circle there's a monster there named minos and he assigns you to what circle of hell you go to oh so it really was like a purgatory of like like that's like okay that's step one okay be happy that you never had to meet minos okay and then minos is like i'm gonna send you and so minos is uh the way that it was described to me as like he was a like very large cat fox thing oh like the devil's pet maybe sure he curls his tail around himself a certain number of times and that indicates what number uh-oh so you're going to keep going you're like, no. So if that boy is coiling, you are going straight to Satan. I'm just picturing Gia's butt curtain like one, two.
Starting point is 00:45:51 How many swishes do I get? So, um, okay. So like I said, the circles gradually increase into like a more and more horrible afterlife. Yeah. Um, and if you get all the way down to the ninth circle of hell that is the center of earth where satan is held in bondage fuck so they say like you have to that's why they're walking through hell because they have to get through hell to get to the center of the earth to then get to earth i don't know how fucking dante got so lost by the way hold on how did he listen i get they didn't have google maps but like how how many turns do you have to go wrong on to end up outside of the center of earth backwards through hell and then in some like telekinesis yeah
Starting point is 00:46:41 telepathic angel woods where the leopard of death tries i'm confused we were just like i think i went too far i think i would probably end up there if i didn't have ways on my phone but i mean i don't know you know ways can tell me how many cops there are but they don't tell me how many allegory lions there are and that's the real problem let's bring that up okay so anyway stupid um okay so yeah remember this is an epic poem so it's pretty fucking epic um so the sin basically everything is like through poetry like it's how everything has a meaning in this story so the sinners in each circle are punished basically the more wicked the punishment is proportional to how wicked their crimes were and how bad their sins were so fair fair so if you just weren't baptized and didn't believe in god
Starting point is 00:47:37 then you only had hornets to deal with you just had to get maggots but if you were like irons you know you're probably gonna like hang out with like Satan. So, um, and each punishment is considered a contrapasso, which is symbolism for poetic justice. Interesting. So every, which I'm sure if we wanted to take everyone's fucking time, we could go through each of these and we could be like, but why is it this? Like what poetic?
Starting point is 00:48:04 Let's do it. You know what I mean? Why is why is the jaguar like what does the jaguar mean like angelic what's the symbolism behind him so anyway if you guys care for that i'm sure there's so much out there there's an atwwd like allegory club or something eva anyway i don't know what we're looking at you for, but... Eva, do something with my eyes. What am I saying? Make it? Join it?
Starting point is 00:48:30 I don't know. So the people who sinned but prayed for forgiveness, they were... Those were the ones that ended up in purgatory. So a lot of people are like, what's the difference between purgatory and hell? It's if you prayed for forgiveness before death. Oh. You end up in purgatory and you can essentially get real forgiveness you get like like you get an op like ideally you would then labor like you would work hard enough to eventually
Starting point is 00:48:55 be able to free yourself from your sins like you get like almost a second chance like you're in the dog house but you have a chance of like proving yourself that you don't need to go to hell. Okay. Okay. Okay. Like I, I guess purgatory is the idea of like you're in this endless limbo. Right. But according to this, it's that you're only there until you've proven yourself otherwise. Oh, that's comforting.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yeah. You know, so, um, Dante's three major categories of sin are symbolized by the three beasts that he saw in the beginning okay um they are incontinence violence and bestiality and fraud and malice so incontinence actually in this case back in the 14th century incontinence meant like lustful gluttonous hoarders wasters wrathful like anything that was basically like one of the seven
Starting point is 00:49:45 deadly sins oh okay seven sins there's seven yes there are some i'm jewish um so you sound like me with my like english isn't my favorite um the only sin is not gossiping enough so that's what I'm used to. Let's pause so everyone can laugh. Okay. They're not done. Oh. All right. What if we just did this forever? It's died down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I don't think so. I think there's still like a hard chuckle. If you talk really loud, you can get their attention back. Wake up, guys. So. Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. up guys so um so anyone that uh was considered uh in the incontinent category they had a a better version of hell because they were still um within the first four circles of upper hell so they were in circles two three they were in circles two through five do you have a question no i was in circle three oh okay oh shit yeah i thought we were raising hands okay wait i just was recognizing myself no no no hold on i'm in circle four so we're both
Starting point is 00:50:57 there you're both there unfortunately for m's not unfortunately for me uh so anyone that's in circle two through five they endure less torment than those in lower hell and lower hell is located within the walls of the city of dis wait so you're bricked in basically yes yes like we discussed last week yes okay you're bricked into the lower level of the deeper levels are organized into one circle for violence which is circle seven two circles of fraud which are eight and nine so i guess i like just made the cut i'm like on the outskirts of the walls of the city of dis but i'm still considered in lower hell not upper hell yeah you tell yourself whatever you want like upper hell there's purgatory then there's upper hell which is circles two through five and then the outskirts of the city of hell like hell
Starting point is 00:51:46 proper is where i am circle six you're like in the suburbia of hell i'm like on the outskirts of the county line and then within the walls is circles seven through nine which is like that's like lower hell you guys are in upper hell. You're like going to make it. We're fine. So we're good. Oh, my God. So, like I said, so now pretend we're in the city of Dis, OK, where there's the last three levels are seven, eight and nine.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Seven, eight and nine are the worst ones. Remember? I see it. So circle seven, which represents violence. This is where like it gets tricky so everyone have a little bubble graph circle seven circle eight circle nine yeah circle seven which represents violence is divided into three rings okay so from seven there's there's three options from circle eight there's ten jesus and from circle nine there's four okay and they're all different things like so in circle eight there's ten jesus and from circle nine there's four okay and they're all different things like so in circle seven there's three rings in circle eight there's ten
Starting point is 00:52:52 ditches and in circle nine there's four regions we're gonna get through all of it it's okay guys it's okay but basically if you add it all up that means hell is divided into 24 divisions okay okay so we have done the first circle, which is the maggots. So now that we have crossed the bridge into lower hell or upper hell. So we're out of purgatory. We're out of purgatory and we're starting our descent into upper hell, which is circle two. Okay. I'm sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I know this is a lot of numbers. No, I'm into it. I'm into it. Okay. This episode is for two. Okay. I'm sorry, guys. I know this is a lot of numbers. No, I'm into it. I'm into it. Okay. This episode is for the fast thinkers. So, in... Catch up. Catch up.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So, the second level is... Does anyone want to guess the sin? Gluttony. No. Almost. Lust. I say almost because gluttony's coming up. I was like...
Starting point is 00:53:44 Okay. So, the second level so they only they're like lust each each circle is for a different sin yeah they're like you're fine at lust like you're fine but then gluttony's worse than that hang on so the the second circle is lust and your punishment is you are violently back and forth blown first of all lol blown um by strong winds for eternity preventing you the ability to have peace or go to sleep what a weird because remember everything's a poem and everything's poetic justice and everything's there's wind and so the strong wind symbolized the restlessness of a person who is led by desire for fleshly pleasures.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Fleshly pleasure. Yeah, I chose that, not Wikipedia. Fleshly pleasures. I'm just kidding. Wikipedia did that. That's my new band name. Fleshly pleasures. And then like read a second circle of hell.
Starting point is 00:54:40 It's from Dante's Inferno. You probably wouldn't even get it. No. So, okay. So the third one is gluttony which is where eva is oh that's you so what are you glutton the souls are overlooked by a three-headed monster named cerberus yes okay here all of the souls eva are you listening this is your future forced to lie in a vile slush that is produced by a never-ending rain of filth and human excrement what the vile slush symbolizes personal uh degrid. We still can't fucking do that word. Personal degradation of one who overindulges.
Starting point is 00:55:28 So it's literally smothering you to represent like you like not like taking in excess. How much a lush you are. Like how much you're willing to like put in your body right now. Why am I not that? Listen. That's me. Also, while this is happening, while literal shit is raining on you until you're drowning in human shit, the three-headed monster Cerberus that I mentioned, he's guarding you guys from leaving.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And he is mauling and flaying you with his claws as you howl like dogs. And you're just forced to lie in this slushy poop. Hey, it's not me it's her i'm number four get ready she says she can stay okay eva um scale of one to ten are you satisfied with how your life turns out i feel like she's wise she's like i think she's like it's like a game of chess it's a game of strategy it's like i may hate it but i might actually really appreciate it later i don't love it but also i'm not gonna say no just yet yeah it could get worse let's see if this reference says anything else oh no bombarded with human excrement great okay so we're on board
Starting point is 00:56:33 okay okay here's the fourth circle you ready christine is that me that's you greed oh so uh greed funny enough is divided into two groups oh so it's between hoarders and spenders the people who don't let anything go and the people who just give everything away when they don't even have like when it's not efficient for them okay um so what they do is the hoarders they are forced to push heavy boulders for eternity into the center of a circle no i'd rather go to the experiment rain the spenders which one would you be a hoarder or spender i well i don't know is spender like you give it away or is it like you spend it on shit to buy for yourself i guess i'd be greed though oh well this is great fuck um i guess hoarder if you want everything like it's basically
Starting point is 00:57:25 do you take hers do you take or give i give okay then you're a spender okay so the hoarders are constantly pushing a heavy weight and heavy stones into the center of a circle the spenders have to then take those bowlers and push them back out and so for eternity you're just so either one's an equal fucking nightmare it doesn't even matter if you want to move into the circle or out of the circle which one i pick it's just like a constant just you're just rolling a boulder for eternity so it's like sisyphus yeah it's basically the whole idea of it is that it symbolizes your selfish drive for fortune during your lifetime jesus it's also guarded by the ruler of the
Starting point is 00:58:05 underworld pluto oh fun fact we're learning mythology he's just bitter that it's not a planet anymore oh you know what that's actually a valid point i think you look into that um okay so write that down write that down so the fifth circle of hell is anger oh boy let me just double check my sources here yes yes yes okay we're all this is squared away geo's punishment oh probably right now right now we'll have to warn him about the fifth circle circle of hell yeah with a kitten so basically all of the souls here depending on what type of anger they had they fight each other on the surface of the river of sticks which by the way is in this storyline the river of sticks is just coated in garbage which is not how i was raised with the river of sticks was but whatever so apparently in this one it's like a horribly rotten smelling so it's like all the
Starting point is 00:58:57 rain that rained all over eva yeah it's now pouring into the water like an offshoot yeah and if you are an aggressive angry person, you and everyone else who is ever an aggressive angry person are fighting each other on top of the water. Like you're just running through a river. On top of the water. Like not walking on water but like you're sledging through the water and trying to beat
Starting point is 00:59:18 each other up. That sounds fun. For eternity. While the passive people who are passively angry their entire lives That's me also. Which is fucking Megan from seventh grade. Fucking Megan, what bitch? Those are the sullen angry ones. And they, because they were passive and never did anything with their anger, they are slowly sinking in the sewage mud and gurgling underneath the surface.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Dude, that's... And not able to breathe. For sure, me forever. While the active angry people are literally trampling over them fighting with other people oh my so like imagine like everyone's had this experience at least once where you're in the ocean then like the tide comes and you can't get out of the tide and it's like holding you under out of control imagine that but dirty garbage sewage and people are fighting on your back but for eternity and you're like oh i'm not
Starting point is 01:00:04 even gonna die to remove myself from this but like you feel you're for eternity you're like oh i'm not even gonna die to remove myself from this but like you feel you're gonna die you're like i'm already dead okay the sixth circle of hell this is where i am guys oh m's turn this is yay um yes oh this is a good one so heretics that's totally correct that's totally the outskirts of the city of dis and um the demons of hell guard the gates here and literally for my entire life if i end up here i will be sitting in a coffin that is um on fire just burning forever that is um on fire that is um uh yes on fire so anyway we've gone through the six simple ones wait that's it you're just in a coffin on fire oh yeah that's it oh there's nothing more than that that's it um and also what was your sin
Starting point is 01:01:01 uh heresy okay so like you're just like we're just gonna say you're fine i leave you it's like fine like we've got other things to attend to it's like we're guys garbage rain and yeah yeah but so like i said and that's just the six of the nine we're about to get into the more complicated actual city of death the like lower hell we didn't even make it that far okay so here's the thing i know that i just want to preface for everyone again i know that there's so much more i literally just went through fucking two-thirds of a whole book so like so much happened in between that of like all their travels and who they talk to and all the symbolism is all in there allegory it's all there so if you
Starting point is 01:01:43 are interested in what i'm saying which you're a kind of a lunatic if you're not um by all means go pick up this fucking book and read it it's a doozy book club eva no it's a thing jess i'm not gonna i'm not gonna make anybody read fucking dante's inferno i'm just saying, if you need a good light read in the bathroom, you know, this will really get you spooked. So, okay. No comment. Who's ready for the seventh circle of hell, also known as the Plane of Fire?
Starting point is 01:02:14 Let's send Blaze, though. Eva's ready. Oh. Are you and Blaze in a fight? Sounds like it. No, I'm just thinking who else can I send? There's Blaze, Alexander, Allison. Uh-huh. You can send Allison. I don't need her. Let's send Allison first. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Allison? We'll send Blaze and Allison into the next one. Yeah, she's fine. She'll make it out. She'll be fine. Okay. Okay, Allison.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Where are you going? So seventh circle is violence. Oh, my. This is divided into three rings. Okay? Okay. Everyone with me? The next three things I talk about
Starting point is 01:02:43 are all in the same circle. Sure, sure, sure. So imagine like a dart target you know how it's like like a bullseye yes think of a bullseye so there's a dart target how about everyone goes and fucks themselves because i was trying really hard i was trying to think of the word bullseye and it just wasn't hitting i just like how you went a dart target i was like if i basically i was using your ears as like a google search engine i was like if i say enough words kind of correct the right thing will show up it worked it did so bullseye i just kind of caught it a little late okay so bullseye bullseye um target i know you were right with target that makes okay so bullseye you know how it's like multiple circles? Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Okay. So seventh circle, three rings. So think of an outer ring, middle ring, inner ring. Right. The outer ring is, these are all different rings of violence that have to do with a different type of violence. So the outer ring is violence against neighbors. The middle ring.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Like others, basically. Okay. Violence towards others. The middle ring is violence against neighbors the middle ring like others basically okay violence towards others um the middle ring is violence against yourself and uh inner ring is uh violence against god art and nature what so hang on let's let's get into it it's just gonna be quiet so the outer ring violence against others uh this includes murderers war makers um tyrants of any kind basically you know i just allison in her prime allison is a fucking tyrant half so uh basically here there's a river of boiling blood and here's here's a's, here's a little quote. Here's a little quote. As they wallowed in blood during their lives. So they are immersed in the boiling blood forever.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Each according to the, each according to the degree of his guilt. So basically like based on how bad your sin was, how hot the blood will be that you boil in. They just like change the fucking temperature. And it's like different jacuzzis of blood oh gross and so not only that but centaurs are net are guarding the entire ring so even if you try to swim out and get out if you float too high to the surface in the boiling blood and they think
Starting point is 01:04:59 that you're not like sinking enough they will shoot arrows at you oh a horseman will be like no yeah stay yes so if you like float to the top they shoot arrows so it's like do you want to get shot or do you want to like just let yourself drown in the blood boil in blood forever so that's if you are if you hurt other people if you hurt yourself which we apparently is worse well because that's like the ultimate sin according to the bible it's committing suicide the ultimate because apparently it's not the worst right well not according to this i guess but just whatever just shoot it's bad enough listen i'm a centaur shooting holes in your theories that's all so okay anyway middle ring if you uh If you are violence towards yourself. Sure.
Starting point is 01:05:53 This is, they put you in the wood of suicides, which I'm, we don't need to make funny, but I'm just, I'm just reading, reading the notes. The wood of the suicides in which the souls of the people who attempt to commit suicide, who have attempted or committed. Oh my God. I know. And so people who have gone through that oh my god i know and um so people who have gone through that this is where you'll end up i was on circle six so i'm not too far from you apparently um wait this is where i end up yeah i'm in circle six you're in circle three
Starting point is 01:06:17 no i was four oh you were four eva's three why am i here you're not here oh i thought you said this is where i'll end up this is where i'll end up this is where they'll end up apparently who people in the middle ring oh okay you were looking at me i'm so cute right across from me um okay so apparently you turn into trees sorry which seems like the least worst problem oh Oh, that sounds great. Yeah. I don't see the... Everyone should turn into a tree. I feel like that's, like, not the worst thing to happen. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:06:51 You turn into trees that get fed on by harpies. What are harpies? Oh, Christ. Those are those, like, horrible, like... Oh, those. So... Oh, hideous clawed birds with the faces of women? I went like this.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Thank you. Where's the face of a woman? They're demon birds that are women that, like, claw you. Okay. There it is. Yes. Yes. Thank you, Eva.
Starting point is 01:07:20 A blonde. No. Did I not make that face? Yes, you made the face of a blonde thank no um so you know what shut up so um so that's what happens the harpies attack the trees it was nice with the trees i thought that's where we were going i was like oh you like turned into a tree that's great it was great for a minute um okay so guess not okay entering where apparently so i was confused why being violent against God,
Starting point is 01:07:46 art and nature would be like so much worse than like murdering people. Um, but apparently according to Virgil, um, art is created because of nature and nature is created by God. So art is essentially the grandchild of God. And so if you're being disrespectful or violent towards art then you're being disrespectful to god's grandchild i think that's not true towards
Starting point is 01:08:14 art okay well basically the main reason was that art and nature are the only two legitimate sources of wealth in the 14th century and so they were like if you disrespect either of those then that's disrespect capitalism yeah yeah okay got it so this is what happens there there are um this is where blasphemers and sodomites go oh my so here's what's going on with them the blasphemers the ones who are violent against god they are stretched out on burning sand and they oh and flakes of fire slowly fall from the sky slowly though and they just have to lie like this and like let the flames hit them but just really slowly just really slowly isn't it blasphemers or am i wrong bless i thought it was like blasphemy blasphemers okay maybe i'm wrong then the sodomites who are violent against nature um they are literally just told to run in circles on the burning sand for eternity so there's like
Starting point is 01:09:10 people stretched out with slow flakes of and people around you just running forever i mean realistically if you're gonna like have to run or lie down forever which would you rather do exactly exactly and then the usurers is that a a real word? Usurers? Usurers? They are the people who are violent against art. Spell it. U-S-U-R-E-R-S. Usurers? Usurers.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Okay. Well, this is what's going on with them. They are violent against art and they are literally just crouched and weeping the entire time on the burning sand. So it's like, would you you rather run lie down or cry i feel like whoever's running this place is just like also in hell because they're like fuck this i just have all these people crying and weeping for eternity and i have to monitor them it just sounds like a nightmare yeah i wonder how they're getting paid to monitor all this awful um okay so now that's the seventh circle of hell if you're violent towards anyone that's what's gonna happen to you great um eighth circle of
Starting point is 01:10:14 hell is fraud oh my the eighth circle of hell is also the messiest because there's 10 ditches so here's the thing the eighth circle is called the malabolga which means evil ditches so here's the thing the eighth circle is called the malabolga which means evil ditches and it's shaped like an amphitheater but divided into 10 chunks jesus um with a bunch of bridges between them so you can walk between each of the ditches that's nice but each ditch causes its own um hellish punishment so so i make sure that i get all these right okay there's 10 ditches like i said and the guard is his name is guryon and he is a quote winged monster with the general shape of a reptile dragon the general general you know just you know how they're so versatile it's just the average um but he has
Starting point is 01:11:05 the tail of a scorpion oh sure he has hairy arms uh a reptilian body and the face of an honest man which with a body like that there's nothing honest about him but i'll move on that's how i see men all together i'm sorry what so okay so he guards the place sure not many people get through him i think so he's like a winner like you're like oh he was like the jock in high school it's like god damn it he's just gonna win again he's just the guy where you're like listen i'll marry him and my life will be fine it'll be like if i saw him at a bar i'd be like look buddy i don't want any trouble i just want to get my drink and leave. Please leave me alone. Look, buddy.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Look, buddy. Look, Garyon. Okay, so here are the ten ditches. I'm into it. Let's go. Once again, they're each for different sins. So, if you are a panderer or a seducer, you are in ditch number one. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Here you make, the panderers and the seducers make two lines each ditch number one. Uh-oh. Here you make, the panderers and the seducers make two lines each, like they, panderers, seducers, and they march for eternity
Starting point is 01:12:13 while being whipped by horned demons. So that's just option one. That doesn't seem as creative, I feel like. I feel like they're really, like they're not.
Starting point is 01:12:21 They're like the hornets in the beginning. Like they're getting bored. They're getting bored here. At least the people in the beginning had to run that's pretty fucking awful yeah now they just march walking so then uh ditch two are the flatterers they are steeped in human excrement oh dear and they are forced to fight each other i think in one of them um i'm pretty sure they're just like yeah in eva's one that she was also getting rained on by human excrement yeah and this one they're just sitting in it which is worse and fighting
Starting point is 01:12:48 each other though yeah yikes okay so here are the simoniacs they buy and sell religious favors so like pardons and stuff like that oh the the the what's the word with the i idiots yeah the one where they would sell uh things where they'd be like oh god we'll forgive you if you buy this from the catholic church oh shit sorry guys why did you do this it's gonna drive me crazy it's fine someone's gonna scream it at me on twitter i'll figure it out okay well those people just know that i know the word and i'm just drinking too much wine indulgence thank you eva god indulgence is why we have eva indulgences if you sell indulgences
Starting point is 01:13:33 it was like what the catholic church did back then and they would like charge enormous amounts of money for people to be like you won't get to heaven unless you buy this indulgence well then that is ditch three of the eighth circle of hell they are and guess what happens to them they are placed upside down headfirst into holes with flames burning the soles of their feet okay and the heat of the fire is proportionate to their amount of guilt sure i imagine that that is specifically exactly what they deserve right yes then um ditch number four obviously sorcerers sure thing obviously sorcerers let me just double check here oh yes this is a good one okay so sorcerers does not just mean witches it also means um like fortune tellers psychics anyone that so us this is
Starting point is 01:14:23 realistically where we're gonna end up up. This is actually us. Their heads are twisted around on their bodies. Oh my. That way they are compelled to walk backwards for eternity so they cannot try to cheat God and see too far into the future again. Oh, so they actually believe that they can see. It's like another symbolism thing. Oh.
Starting point is 01:14:42 So then ditch number five are bear-ators. Bear-ators? Cor corrupt politicians sure um i mean we all knew they they would get here so um they are immersed in a lake of boiling tar which is guarded by demons that are named evil claws cute. They are torn to pieces with Evil Claws' claws and grappling hooks. That's all. They just have to sit in boiling tar for the rest of their life as a demon tries to tear them apart. Get clawed. Ditch number six are Hypocrites. They walk around a narrow track weighted down by lead robes.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Okay. Okay. Lead robes okay okay lead robes got it um and actually one of the people that apparently dante saw here was the high priest that advised that we crucify jesus but he has a very specific punishment here where instead of having to walk around with everyone in a robe made of lead he himself is crucified to the floor by three large stakes and everyone is walking on top of him. To the floor? So imagine people with heavy lead robes walking on top of you forever while you're crucified.
Starting point is 01:15:54 It's not Pontius Pilate, is it? Mm-mm. Oh. No. I don't remember writing that down. Kykiaephus? Okay, never mind. I'm not religious, guys. Please don't even say it. Clearly I am and I don't remember. I didn't write it down. Okay. Okay. I'm not religious guys. Please don't even say clearly I am.
Starting point is 01:16:09 And I don't even know. Okay. So ditch number seven are for thieves where you are bitten by snakes and lizards who will curl, curl themselves around you. Um, and then once you have been bitten, you will explode into flames and then rise from the ashes where they bite you again.
Starting point is 01:16:25 What? Then ditch number eight are for fraud, where basically you are literally just inside a giant flame and burning alive forever. They're like running out of ideas. I think so. It's like their wife was like, dinner's ready. And they were like, okay, I got to write. I got to finish this up. Just like put them on fire.
Starting point is 01:16:45 It's fine. So the next one is Sours of Discord. What the fuck? This one's interesting. They, these people are hacked and mutilated for all eternity by a large demon wielding a bloody sword and they must drag their bodies around in a ditch trying to heal. And once they are healed, the demon will then recut open the wounds oh my god so they have to like keep reliving the same torn open wounds that's the
Starting point is 01:17:10 most fucked up thing i ever heard so some of them have their tongues cut out and when it's finally scarred over they just cut more of the tongue off some people's eyes are gouged out and they'll just keep stabbing them in the sockets and some people apparently are carrying their own decapitated heads um healing every wound continually heal and reopen the last ditch of the eighth circle of hell is for falsifiers any version of anyone who's like relatively lied and just as they were this is the allegory part just as they were a disease on society they are now each afflicted with a different type of disease so but it ranges all the way from like a cancer to um a stomach thing to thirst like immense thirst where you think you're gonna die
Starting point is 01:17:57 rabies um and they uh all just have to attack each other and just live like that for the rest of their life. They also are compelled to have to, um, like they can't stop scratching their skin until their skin comes off. Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure. So then now we're at the ninth circle of hell. Oh god. Which is also known
Starting point is 01:18:21 as the pit of hell. I'm there. Okay. So the ninth layer of hell is for treachery okay and so this is divided into four regions of the pit of hell right um so this has four chunks and this is again based on how serious the sin was, is how tough it gets. But the fun fact about the pit of hell, because when you think of hell, you think of fire. But the ninth circle of hell is all made of ice. Whoa. It's like Greenland and Iceland.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yes. This is actually Greenland. So there's a frozen icy lake called Cocytus. Okay. Cocytus. I don't know who cares um maybe satan who cares i mean um and then okay so they're in a frozen icy lake and then each of the four um like levels of your sin based on how bad your sin is is how deep in the ice you are so and also each um region is named after one of the uh famous people who actually did this sin so round one is called cana which is named after cain who killed his own brother. Yes. And this is for traitors or people who betray their family. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:47 And here they are almost submerged into the ice water, and they have their necks and heads out of the ice and are allowed to bow their heads to protect them from the wind. Well, that's nice. So that's the best that they get. And that's the best that it does get. Then the next one is called Antinora. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:04 After Antinora, who was a trojan soldier who betrayed the city of the greeks because this is for people who betray their community so that's worse than betraying your family yeah so there's betrayal of family betrayal of community betrayal of guests which i don't understand and then then Betrayal of God. Oh, okay. So, the Antinora. So, he betrayed, for people who betray their community or their country or anything like that, like treason, basically. Oh, okay. They have, instead of having their necks available so they can bow their heads, they only have their heads above ice, but they can't bend their necks, so they have to deal with the windshield. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Also, they have to eat each other if they want to survive. Oh, okay. You know how it is. That's specific. So then round three is Ptolemy, named after Ptolemy, who invited his father-in-law and sons over and then killed them. Right. So betrayal to your guests.
Starting point is 01:21:07 killed them right so betrayal to your guests and these people have to lie on their backs on top of the ice um while they're or not on top of the ice but like basically they're floating in the water and the only thing like they're looking up but still frozen in the water you know what i mean okay yes they're on the surface like their face and their toes are revealed oh i, I see. So there's a merge except for their face and toes. And this allows them to cry, but the tears freeze on their face
Starting point is 01:21:33 and they can't wipe it out because their hands are under the ice. So they can't even blink and they can't even cry. What in the fuck? And then one of the souls that Dante crossed here
Starting point is 01:21:44 said that even if you are still alive after you sin, your soul has actually already died and a demon hasn't taken over your body. So like even if you have committed a sin and you think you're alive, your soul has already actually gone to whatever circle of hell you're going to end up at. Even if your living body is still living it's just inhabited by a demon so he said like i committed a sin and my body and my soul came down here and i've been here ever since but my body died 10 years later i just wasn't in control of it so that's a fun little theory okay um okay so the last round of the last circle of hell sure it's called judaica okay named after judas and so this is a betrayal to god where in this area it is completely silent and all of the sinners are fully encapsulated in ice distorted twisted in every conceivable position and cannot even speak just have to stare into ice for eternity
Starting point is 01:22:46 so that's all the circles of hell regions of hell all 24 but what happens at the end spoiler alert it's a wild time it's really not not after that so um it's been a wild time anyway dante and virgil they make their way through all nine circles of hell. They've reached the center of hell. And here they meet Satan himself. Oh, man. After the last realm of hell. And Satan is described as a three-headed beast with six bat-like wings made of leather. Gross.
Starting point is 01:23:19 He weeps from his six eyes. He weeps from his six eyes and his tears are made of a mixture of bloody froth and pus from the sinners as they pour down his three chins. What? He also. Three chins? He also. Well, he has three heads. Oh, I thought.
Starting point is 01:23:40 So six eyes, three chins. He was just real fat. All the way down his double chin. Not double chin, but but triple got it so he um in each of his mouths he is chewing for eternity the three ultimate sinners brutus cassius and judas wow and judas has a particularly bad chewing in his mouth okay so anyway no so brutus is being chewed on cassius is being chewed on another mouth and then in the center mouth is judas but judas is getting chewed even harder than everyone else because he's the ultimate ultimate sinner and uh he is being
Starting point is 01:24:19 gnawed on while lucifer is also flaying him around from left to right. So his body is like getting broken left and right. And Lucifer is clawing and shredding him to pieces over and over again for eternity. Cute. Okay. Fun fact, all interpretations of the three faces of Satan have to do with the perversion of the Trinity. have to do with the perversion of the Trinity because Satan is impotent, ignorant, and full of hate, which are all in contrast to God being all powerful,
Starting point is 01:24:50 all knowing and all loving. There are also thoughts that the three faces, because one of them is red, one of them is yellow, one of them is black. And it's supposed to be like the main original colors of people. Those are the colors of Germany. Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:04 okay. So he's also German. Makes sense. Where's Hitler in this? No, he never got mentioned. No comment. Also,
Starting point is 01:25:10 he wasn't around in the 14th century. So where do we think he ended up? Let's talk about it later. He and Irons are down there together. Okay, good. Um, okay.
Starting point is 01:25:17 So last bullet, um, Virgil and Dante. This is also how, you know, I got this from fucking spark notes because even, I don't know what this means. I just decided to throw it in and see what other people go for it i'm just going to read it
Starting point is 01:25:28 as is virgil and dante begin their escape from hell by clamoring down satan's ragged fur feet first and when they reach satan's genitalia the poets pass through the center of the universe and emerge a little before dawn on the morning of easter sunday 1300 a.d this sounds like a weird bad screenplay that eva had to read while she was like satan's genitalia happy easter like helping a screenplay competition in los angeles like no like read the log line no this is not where's. Where's the center of the universe? Oh, it's through Satan's dick. Surprise, surprise. And then it's Easter morning.
Starting point is 01:26:10 But it's not a comedy. It's a drama. What the fuck? Okay, so I know that was long. Sorry, everyone. But wow, was it good? Wow, was it an adventure? It was informative.
Starting point is 01:26:20 I learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about Eva too. I like to think everyone at least kind of figured out where they're ending up because no one who listens to this is going to heaven i hope we know that i hope we can all agree we're at least getting rained on by some excrement but guys um 50 years from now facebook meetup um seventh circle of hell we're all gonna be there byob And that's that. As long as I'm allowed to be Y O B.
Starting point is 01:26:48 I don't really mind. Well, he was going to be Y R B. So B Y O B. Okay. All right. B O O B. She's in the easiest version of hell.
Starting point is 01:26:59 I'm sorry. All right. All right. Let's just have me stop talking. Your turn. I'm turning the fan down. Okay. Eva, how did you feel about that?
Starting point is 01:27:10 What's your takeaway? Personally, publicly? You know, it made me feel like I didn't listen very closely in high school. Can you imagine if that's what they taught in church? All of a sudden, I'd be like, oh, we're going to church all the time. Dude, that is what they teach. Oh, i don't really want to go to church well in catholic shit when you're a child they're like by the way satan will fucking do all of those things to your skin off until you die like truly that is what you learn as a child in catholic school or if you live
Starting point is 01:27:39 in germany where they give you fucking children's books about scissor hands that is also accurate yes okay they're like we'll cut your thumbs off if you don't pay attention in school and it's like well then yes i cut away bitch i gotta okay let's talk about my story okay i feel like we got a like a double feature from you because we definitely yeah i kind of went on a little little rampage we know you like your rampage it's okay but here's the thing i as you can tell had a really hard time focusing on anything else this week besides golden state killer right so uh i went ahead and i had trouble finding a case where i was like i just want to cover this
Starting point is 01:28:24 like i had trouble finding something that i felt like i could put as much energy toward as researching golden state killer so what i did was i was researching cold cases and i found a cold case that was solved yesterday shut the fuck up alongside golden state killer and of course it got no attention because exactly and that's why i wanted to do it because i was like it deserves some attention even though it wasn't as high profile right okay so that's what i'm gonna do cool and it is the murder of mandy steingasser all right so let's go back to september 1993 Travel back. My brother was born that month. I was one.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Almost 25 years ago. We're in Tonawanda, New York. And Mandy Steingasser was a 17-year-old high school senior. She was happy-go-lucky. She was really popular and fun and quirky. She loved animals. She was really close with her family she loved to party with her friends and after a night out drinking and partying on september 19th of 1993
Starting point is 01:29:33 mandy vanished and nobody knew where she had gone nobody could find her they spent weeks searching with no luck the night of the party when police looked into it the she and her friends had gotten an older friend to buy them bottles of whiskey and rum they went to a house party and then a rock and roll bar in buffalo sounds like rockin time a rockin time uh where they were turned away for being underage. So womp. Uh, but that's the last of any, that's the last anyone knew of Mandy's activities that night. Uh,
Starting point is 01:30:11 almost five weeks later. So we're talking like a month and a half later. Uh, she still hadn't been found. People were still searching. And then that week, two young men who were out looking for mushrooms. Neat. Neat. And then that week, two young men who were out looking for mushrooms, neat, neat, in Lewiston's Bond Lake Park in New York found the body of a young woman in the lake or near the lake uh someone had strangled her and fractured her skull in two
Starting point is 01:30:46 places and the area was actually known as dead man's path because it had been home to several other attacks throughout the years oh no yeah not a good sign um a 16 and a 12 year old girl had both died there been attacked there yeah in previous years so that's pretty bananas um so police immediately suspected mandy's classmate whose name was joe belstat and he was the last person that mandy was actually seen alive with so about 1 20 a.m on september 20th the night of the party mandy got into a car at oliver street Fifth Avenue with an 18-year-old male student from her high school. And his name was Joe Belstat. Joe insisted to police that Mandy was only in his car briefly and said he dropped her off a few blocks away.
Starting point is 01:31:42 And at the time, theories were all over the place no one knew what happened i mean she was 17 years old and her classmates like didn't know where she was and then all of a sudden she would turn up not only dead but murdered so everyone at school was throwing around like theories the i'm i was reading an article where the counselors were like yeah we were just constantly like we spent the entire year just trying to help students like cope um that's really sad it really fucked up really sad her family was obviously devastated her friends were going to school every day like not only knowing that their friend was murdered but also wondering if their class like make one of their classmates did it yeah like which of their
Starting point is 01:32:23 classmates had done it or like if one of their classmates had done it um and essentially everyone was paranoid and no one had real answers but the police the whole time were convinced it was joe this classmate that multiple witnesses had seen putting her in his car and that was the last that anyone had seen her alive. Excuse me. So unfortunately, they didn't have enough evidence to bolster their case. So they just needed to work on collecting enough evidence against him. For almost 25 years, he was the prime suspect, but they could never quite pin him down. So among the evidence that they did have so they had like i said the witnesses
Starting point is 01:33:06 who saw them together hours before she disappeared uh he admitted that she had been in his car but he said he dropped her off a few blocks away he claimed that after she had gotten into his car she changed her mind about going with him asked to be dropped off so he dropped her off at a nearby church four blocks away that was his story that's awesome it's awesome i'm just kidding i was like just wanted to see if something happened great it's really awesome um but police believe he had taken her to a local lover's lane where things got out of hand and then he murdered her um that's awesome also it's not a new catchphrase i don't know i don't know what's happening that's our new catchphrase i just wanted to see if it would stick it's it's doing it for the worst not work not what we need to do that's
Starting point is 01:33:56 awesome i don't know it's not working no okay not yet we'll try something else. Okay. Keep, keep, keep them rolling. Keep workshopping it. Okay. Just shop it. Just shop it a little bit. I think you need to shop it a little more. Okay. You'll get there.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Okay. I'll come up with a catchphrase eventually. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Just write that down. We'll work on it. You write it down. You write that down.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Uh, so, uh, he said he dropped her off at a church, but police thought he took her to Lover's Lane and murdered her. So her so uh also police had witnesses who saw joe cleaning his car at a coin operated car wash at two in the morning that night basically within the hour that they believe uh mandy's body had been dropped off at the muddy part of the lake. Very convenient. But Joe continued to insist it wasn't him. And according to police, Joe asked his friends to lie about his whereabouts after he picked up Mandy. And told his friends to tell the police that he had been in Canada. So they did. Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Yeah, they lied for him. And they told police, at least two out of three told police that joe had been in canada after uh he had picked up mandy in his car but the second police were like hey by the way this is a murder investigation all of them were like okay fuck this never mind we don't want to be involved like our friendship only runs so deep totally send him to the eighth layer oh i didn't mean canada i meant he was at the crime scene i mean he was outside a muddy lake is that same thing yeah so basically they all caved under police pressure um and they actually told police that they had seen their friend joe coming back from the car wash having washed his car inside and out between 2 and 2 30 a.m that night after mandy went missing convenient
Starting point is 01:35:51 convenient joe told police that he had dropped mandy off with a person an individual at the church okay but when he described the person police, oh, he basically made up a composite of people he knew into one person. Okay. And was like, oh, that's the guy. Like, just combine, like, qualities. Like, brownish, greenish, bluish eyes. Totally.
Starting point is 01:36:14 And was like, oh, you were, like, sports clothes. Whatever. Like, he combined qualities of people he actually knew. Like, he has skin and hair. Yep. And he spoke a language. Oh god i know that guy yeah that guy yeah yeah yeah so they were like this is not verifiable in any sort of way um so joe also failed two lie detector tests one was administered by state police and another was administered by the FBI. And he failed both of them.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Authorities said he walked out of a police office during the first polygraph test because he was upset by the tone of the questioning. Don't you hate it when they get you there? Sassy. During the second test, a polygraph operator felt the subject gave untruthful answers to two questions these are the questions that they felt joe lied about question one are you involved in the disappearance of mandy and are you withholding any information joe answered no to both questions and those were the two questions that both times showed as lies gotcha but all of the above was circumstantial polygraphs don't count great you know that's awesome people saying i saw him at the car wash doesn't count like the da was
Starting point is 01:37:37 never gonna move forward with this case so they just didn't have anything. And they spent decades trying to pin him down and they just weren't able to do it. So different from the Golden State Killer case, like they had no idea who it could possibly be. In this one, they were like, we know who it is. We just can't find them. Right, right, right. We can't pin him down. So they never stopped looking into him they never closed the case because they knew who their suspect was um and joe himself told which by the way he had the
Starting point is 01:38:13 same name as golden state killer joe joseph just just saying just saying wasn't even on purpose your name is joseph i'm i'm weary of you you got wary wary. Yeah, weary. Okay. What's happening? You said weary. Oh, well, we also know I say ZipRecruiter, so. Sorry. No surprise there. Sorry. Listen.
Starting point is 01:38:34 I just slur my words and I'm fucking sober all the time. English isn't my first language, so who am I? You get it. Who am I to say what is correct or what is not? I don't know. You could be also very, I'm weary of him as well. Okay. Okay. So, this guy joe joseph he told buffalo news in 2016 quote this is great fab ready i don't want them to stop investigating i want them to find out who did this but it wasn't me as long as they keep looking at me as a suspect they're
Starting point is 01:39:05 never going to find out who did it because it wasn't me the former classmate joe spent time in prison in the late 1990s after he was convicted of stealing and burning a car oh i did that yeah everyone does it's just teenage years what level of hell does that send you to, though? Car arson. Carson? Carson. Yeah. Yep. I mean, really, at that point, it's like a pick-your-own kind of game.
Starting point is 01:39:34 Oh. I want the one where I'm lying down and not moving. Yeah, you're just like flakes of fire. It's fine. Falling, yeah. Yeah, that's what I want. Okay, me too. Joke's on him.
Starting point is 01:39:44 I'm into that. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. it's fine falling yeah yeah that's what i want okay me too jokes on him i'm into that um so he spent time for carson uh he currently lives in the buffalo area has a family of his own kids wife etc he said quote was i a screw-up back in the day yes i was but i never did anything on this order i have a beautiful wife and young kids of my own i have a good job these investigations all these years i've been through pure hell over this i'm not the guy they make me out to be pure hell like pure like ninth circle kind of pure ninth circle like judas level contorted body he's in satan's center mouth wow yes that's rare satan is crying blood and pus all over him pus into his contorted body he's experienced it he's saying he's been there. So I'm going to have to believe him. He's saying other people put him through it.
Starting point is 01:40:47 He didn't even do it himself. But the only way he's here today is because he climbed down Satan's genitals and got to the center of the universe. And now here we are. And you know what? It wasn't even because he denied God. It was like he did nothing wrong.
Starting point is 01:41:01 I mean, it wasn't even a big deal. He's just being a baby. The rest of the world did it to him. So that's how it always goes yes it's never anyone's fault except everyone else's here's the thing he was lying i know who to thunk i know who to thunk what's the level for liars there's like an early level for liars something about maggots oh right there's like maggots and like um maybe excrement right raining i mean eva you know more about excrement than we do so she's the expert on excrement she's the expert excrement expert excrepert nope why wasn't that on your resume eva excrement expert you're fired yeah sorry okay let's go on about five months ago from today wow so this
Starting point is 01:41:51 happened in 1993 about five months ago prosecutors reopened the case to take another look at the evidence um they had more sophisticated dna technology obviously, so they were like, we want to reopen the case and look at the evidence again with new technology. Yesterday, April 25th, 2018, same day Golden State Killer was arrested thanks to forensic testing. Police arrested Joseph H. Belstadt outside his home in Tonawanda on his 43rd birthday for for the murder of mandy happy birthday happy fucking you got what you deserve guess what iran's golden state killer just started celebrating his retirement last week happy fucking retirement happy retirement what are you gonna do with all the time off i'm gonna hang out with this motherfucker in the ninth circle of hell is what they're going to do. So he was arrested about 6, 10 p.m. Tuesday by officers.
Starting point is 01:42:52 They approached his car as he returned home from work as a tow truck driver. He apparently rolled up his windows and locked the car doors as they were coming to arrest him. This won't get them they'll he literally closed the windows and locked the doors and just sat there and apparently they had they'll go away they'll knock on the window a little bit and they'll just head out it's like that little kid thing of like if i cover my eyes they can't see me right yeah so apparently they had to tell him it doesn't matter whether you close your windows they literally said it would make no difference whether or not your windows are open or closed
Starting point is 01:43:33 your doors are locked to your rest like it's not gonna next time like satan's at my door i'm just gonna roll the window up it's like i'm just gonna be like no you up. I'm just going to be like, no, you can't. I can't actually get to the icy pond right now. My windows are closed. I can't put my face in the pond. Yeah. I actually can't eat the other people around me because my doors are locked. So try. Good luck getting some maggots in here.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Yeah. Waterproof. Don't even think about it, bucko. My Ford has waterproof windows my subaru does a whole lot of damage let me tell you right now don't even take another step they literally had to tell him it would make no difference whether or not to whether or not he was arrested whether his windows were open or closed so finally he was like okay i guess i'll unlock my fucking car door and they were like thanks uh what a weird exchange what a weird fucking it's like a moment
Starting point is 01:44:31 like a hallway conversation in school like okay thank you like it's like very odd it's like a bad date i guess arrest me if you have to i try to avoid it in the most awkward way possible, but okay. Yeah, so the assistant public defender, his name is Dominic H. Saraceno, and he's the one who's defending Belstadt in court. So he appeared with Belstadt in court, and he said that, so his argument is that Belstadt received a letter six or seven months ago telling him that they were reopening the case. And he's like, listen, if he did it, he would have run. And he didn't run.
Starting point is 01:45:13 And he's still here. So weird. So that's his argument. Well, good argument, I guess. Not. But not really, because he's lived in the same place. Well, so the Eurons eggs 30 plus years thank you exactly exactly good point so he said he didn't run he stayed here and that's like his
Starting point is 01:45:34 only argument he has no other argument as to like why he's innocent um so the a retired north So the retired North Tonawanda detective chief named Gabe DiBernardo, who had called the Steingasser murder the most frustrating and upsetting case of his more than 35 year career, said this was one of the happiest moments of his entire life. He said, for years, I've prayed for this. Every night I would pray for my own two daughters and then say a prayer for mandy i knew this beautiful little girl i knew her family her father was my friend for 50 years and the family was like a really close family friend of his the daughter he said i watched a video on like a local news site in buffalo and he said um that mandy was like a daughter to him too like it was like his own daughter he was that close with her father and the family so he said every night he would pray that this would get figured out and now he's been retired since 1998 and 20 years later it's
Starting point is 01:46:40 finally been solved so this is like a huge moment for him and the whole department he said he knew the dad richard steingasser for more than 50 years um and was friends with him but unfortunately richard uh mandy's father died last year at the age of 70 so he wasn't alive to see that sucks yeah the capture of her murder she had no brothers or sisters um so her mother lorraine is still alive and is the only surviving member of her immediate family and still lives in the same home where they grew up where mandy grew up which is just very very sad just very sad she had no brothers sisters um they she didn't respond any uh questioning about this she was just like i need space and i want to be alone and fair for obvious
Starting point is 01:47:33 reasons um and d bernardo the investigator said i feel so bad because i always promised richard and his wife that we would find out who did this but richard didn't survive to see the arrest of her killer which is just really tragic um but belstat joe belstat pleaded not guilty on wednesday afternoon to the one count indictment before niagara county judge sarah sheldon who set his bail at 250 000 cash and scheduled his trial to begin September 10th of this year. Wow. So same day as Golden State, same day as fucking Cosby. People are getting locked down. I guess we're like, I mean, if we're learning anything, it's that if there's a killer on the list,
Starting point is 01:48:18 like look in town, clearly he like lives right here. Look next door, man. Yeah. Clearly he like lives right here. Look next door, man. Yeah. Someone on our fucking Instagram. I posted a photo of like, oh, I can't stop talking about whatever.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Golden State Killer. Someone posted he lives on my street. And I was like, what? But like people truly. That's it's such a personal home. So scary. Home hitting thing anyway so that's i just felt like i know this is not going to get any coverage because golden state killer is happening the same day so i wanted to find something that was like she also deserves some justice of like
Starting point is 01:48:56 recognition like totally so that's what we're here for we're just saints actually that christine the saint we're not going to any realm of hell what are the realms of heaven because i'm going to that one oh that one there's actually just a river of the purest wonderful aged wine cabernet there's some gummy bears yes oh that's all you need yeah it's really all i need my My long legged woman who likes steak. She brings you steak. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sounds good. That's all I got, man.
Starting point is 01:49:30 That was a wild trip for me. It's all been a wild time. Wow. All right. Well, thank you guys for listening, I guess, if you're still here. I'm fired up. Do you want to tell them where they can find us yeah okay if i remember all right so check us out on social media we're at atwwd podcast uh you can
Starting point is 01:49:53 email us at and that's why we drink at um eva's now helping us with emails so say hi to her too uh you can send your listener stories there we do a listener episode every month we're doing one coming up on the 1st of May which is this upcoming Tuesday we have a wine and crime episode releasing that same day you can also check out our shop at and that's why we
Starting point is 01:50:18 you can donate to our Patreon at atwwdpodcast and is that it? we have our Patreon at ATWWD podcast. And is that it? I'm trying. We have our website. Oh, that's why we That's a thing.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Um, we're going to crime con and it's your last chance to use our code. ATWWD for 10% off your badge. Come meet us. We're going to be there doing a live show. Our first live show. We have a live show at two 15. And then on Saturday we have a meetup in nashville
Starting point is 01:50:45 in nashville um it's gonna be a big party because there's a whole lot of people that have said they're coming so we want to meet all of you um and our moms do too oh yeah and then we've got our live show we've got both of our live shows already sold out um in may and june we don't have any updates for other live shows yet but stay tuned we have an update in that we have updates that are coming we have an update that we things are on the horizon but we don't have details tbd tbd tbd tba tba that's better okay they're being determined but they're going to be announced. Yes. TBD slash A. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:51:29 All right. And. By that. Nope. One, two, three. And that's why we drink.

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