And That's Why We Drink - E66 Snowflake Forest and the Bacon Society

Episode Date: May 6, 2018

We're in CrimeCon, so this is the first episode edited by the lovely EVA! Sit back and enjoy Em's alien-themed story about the infamous abduction of Travis Walton, followed by Christine's long-awaited... topic, the even more infamous Robert Pickton and his Canadian pig farm.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we're in nashville right now when you're listening to this yes yes currently we're in los angeles my house okay i was trying to make it sound cooler like in the studio i know i've tried but i was like they're gonna they're gonna call bullshit on that. I know who we are. Yeah, we're in Nashville. I'm on Prapranawal. We have been on a stage, maybe. We have.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We have. Yeah, we have. We have. Two days ago. So, Em might be dead. We're not sure. We're not sure. Well, Christine might be dead because yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, so.
Starting point is 00:00:49 You know what? We might not exist anymore. anymore no we'll find out on our own someone take over the pot eva eva either are you gonna take over the podcast that she literally moved in at the right time great such a sneak such a sneak um okay so bets on how it's gonna go i think let me start because i'm narcissistic um it's not that you're narcissistic it's that you have a lot of thoughts on this yeah i don't wow i've only taken months and months to stew in this i'm just gonna let you go um i do this thing when i get really nervous where i sweat profusely oh me too that's why i'm always sweating but like i it's it's always an all or nothing thing where like i never really sweat but then when i get nervous i'm drenched all your sweat glands are like here we go yeah what we've been waiting for the the uh floodgates open i guess oh great and i'm gonna be shaking a lot i'll bring extra deodorant thank you um bring an extra shirt too because who knows does anyone know the color of a shirt that
Starting point is 00:01:42 shows the least amount of sweat? Because I need to wear that color. A patterned shirt. Oh, yes. Neat. Patterned. I think it's going to be okay. I'm going to black out. And then at the end, after the fact, I'm going to be like, that wasn't so bad.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It's going to go so fast, I think, because we only have an hour. And we're going to finish and be like, wait. Oh, also, that's a really good point. That actually makes me feel better. Because we talk for hours on this thing. And it gets edited down surprisingly yeah we're gonna have to actually really figure out how to like we're gonna have to time ourselves or something or have like a timer on our phone i'm sure they'll have a thing up there and be like okay we can hurry up i'm sure they'll have a thing where we can be like okay my turn i will say luckily maybe not luckily i don't know but how we always start by like just
Starting point is 00:02:25 kind of catching up with each other yeah no one at crime con is gonna care so like we don't that's 20 minutes gone freaking wine actually i might be drinking wine we'll see what you'll just pre-game we'll see what i can get away with oh also speaking of pre-gaming um our mothers are gonna be there so i'm currently with my mom you're with your mom oh the moms are probably alone together and we're probably not with them at all and allison's with her mom because her parents what's happening her parents are coming into town this weekend and i'm conveniently running away i mean allison and her sister are staying at my house with blades so that should be quite a weird time for all it's such a shame though because i really i do like her family and i want them to like get to know me and of course the one time that they come
Starting point is 00:03:05 to LA I'm not gonna be here but absence makes the heart grow fonder they'll be like I'm so fond of em oh hopefully that's what they say always they weren't here this weekend uh well uh I do I am having dinner with them tomorrow and I'm really nervous well that'd be nice where are you going I don't know I'm I'm really nervous about it i know i've already met them but i really want them to like me so i just okay i'm doing that thing in my head where i'm imagining all of the horrible things i could like get blurted out of my face it's not you're literally one of the most charming people you're not gonna there's no freaking way i'm also one of the world's biggest drama queens and not true i tell myself every horrible thing that could go wrong you're a drama queen and not
Starting point is 00:03:46 really not not in real life not in front of other people no just neurotically i mean sure yeah oh okay yeah as long as i like pretend that i'm really cool in front of them and it works i guess i'm good yeah i mean that's what we do on this podcast we're like look how cool we are and we laugh because everybody's like no no one thinks we're cool. Okay, well, we're trying. Okay, anyway, why do you drink? Oh, I have a reason. Speaking of families. So Blaze's parents are like my idols.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I love them so much. And they're like really important to me. Oh, that's how I want Allison's parents to feel about me and how I want to feel about them. I don't know if they feel that way about me. I'm just saying that's how I feel about them. Well, I want to feel that way about them. Okay, so they've been married since they were like 26 like they're just they have six kids and they're still happy and in love and just perfect like i just love them so much so i guess so i guess blaze's dad was like i'm gonna listen to my future daughter-in-law's podcast
Starting point is 00:04:43 and blaze is telling me this and he has his face and i'm like what did my future daughter-in-law's podcast and i was like oh and blaze is telling me this and he has his face and i'm like what did i do what did i say like which episode because like it's enough what it's like far enough when my dad listens to it where i'm like oh no but like if someone else's dad who i'm marrying hi i'm mortified allison thought it would be like not a big deal to tell me that her parents have listened to an episode of the show and i lost my fucking mind it's not it's i'm i immediately remember how much i hate myself and i'm like what what did i say and what to do here it doesn't matter what reviews we have on it's like everything i've said is p is garbage like especially okay at least you know blaze's parents but like i've
Starting point is 00:05:21 literally met allison's parents one time let me tell you the story oh no and then we'll get started so what happened was he listened good old blend listen to the episode where oh no where i said there's a new member of the family and he thought he paused the show and thought i was fucking pregnant and like and he was hearing it on the podcast he was like my first grandchild and i have to hear about it and like told his wife told cherry and like called blaze and it was like a whole thing and blaze is like what are you talking about because he doesn't listen to the damn podcast like what do you mean like christine's not pregnant and it was a whole thing and everyone was like christine's pregnant and I was like mother of god he thinks that I'm just drinking by the way I had already talked about how much I was drinking and then I was like by the way and he's like I thought Christine was
Starting point is 00:06:14 having our first grandchild and was drinking about it and you didn't tell us and she was just gonna announce it on the podcast anyway I'm really scared to look him in the eye now i like that uh blaze's father really read into my are you pregnant are you pregnant are you pregnant like me hyping him up it wasn't you saying are you you were going you're pregnant you're pregnant okay but this is karma for you because you thought it'd be funny and look what happens your father-in-law thought you were pregnant i regret everything so hard I'm so nervous about whatever I've ever anything I've said it's too late and then finding like if Allison's parents try to say anything about the podcast I'm just gonna immediately feel horrible I'm gonna be like
Starting point is 00:06:55 they're gonna be supportive whatever you heard I'm so sorry and also I've never cussed in my life also I love talking about the bible I don don't know. God is my best friend. What's the opposite of what we do? Your daughter is second. I don't know. I'm actually married to God, so too bad. Hey. Yeah. I also wanted to say something, and I forget what it was. So instead, I'm going to tell you about Alcatraz. Are we ready for that, or do you have something else to talk about? No, I'm ready to you about alcatraz are we ready for that or do you have something no i'm ready to talk about alcatraz i've been waiting for two weeks for i know but we had to talk about golden state fucking golden state killer ruined everything he's always there's always got to be someone always in the way um okay so i went to alcatraz with blaze and on our
Starting point is 00:07:39 boat ride there he was like why do you want to talk about this on the podcast because of the murderers and i was like blaze no because like it's haunted he goes what do you mean it's haunted it's not haunted and i was like okay you clearly don't ever listen to this show and he's like why are there ghosts like it just was so infuriating so i was like just be quiet and we'll enjoy the rest of the day i would have been the exact same way because Cause not only that, but it's one of the very first episodes. So it shows like no support in the beginning. Real early. And like he said,
Starting point is 00:08:10 he said, he's listened to the first 15. He's like, I just don't remember. And I'm like, how could, okay. Literally Alcatraz is named one of the most haunted places on the planet.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And he's like, okay. And I'm like, don't patronize me. Anyway, go stand over there. Go start your tour over there. Direct quote.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Don't patronize me from the ferry to Alcatraz your tour over there direct quote don't patronize me from the ferry to alcatraz uh wow it sounds really romantic so far oh yeah it was um and then on the way i got you all right now you got me something what i got you some stuff on the way or on the way why do i keep saying that on the way to i didn't buy it on the did you get it on the ferry i bought you some skittles on the ferry no oh i was about to get really fucking pumped i know i saw it in your eyes. Sorry to disappoint you. I went to the gift shop and I got some stuff for like the studio or for you or for wherever
Starting point is 00:08:51 you want to put it. And you already called out what one of them was. Is that for me? Well, yeah. No way. What is it? The cup? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Okay. It's so... Okay. So here's the thing. I also... Very perfect. Finally finally the wine box has a use for me i can't see what's behind on the chair oh good so um that's why i put it there oh yeah the wine box um okay so i've gone to alcatraz a whole bunch of times i actually used to live in san francisco when i was a toddler so i can't say i remember much of it but i know that that used to
Starting point is 00:09:22 be a regular place we went and i know whenever family was in town that was the place we went right all the normal stuff and then i've also been to san francisco since then multiple times and i've gone to alcatraz at least three or four times and it's so fucking cool every time i always want to go i'll never get tired of it and um the gift shop there a lot of the stuff looks like i mean also i i'm from like movie prop world so like items that really look like they're like fresh out of the moment like are so cool to me and so they have all of these things they have like t-shirts that look like the inmate church which is kind of on the nose of fucked up but still interesting and they've got like um like the same type of
Starting point is 00:10:05 silverware and food tray and meal sets that like they ate off of like the type of plates they ate off of and um just a lot of little knickknacks and tchotchkes from like the stories of things that have happened there but i have seen this one cup there that they used to eat out uh they used to drink out of in the cafeteria tin cup and i wanted it every single time but i could never get myself to actually buy it or like i didn't have my wallet or something like that and then i came here after christine went to alcatraz and i was like is that the cup it's like close your eyes don't look at it so i know about the cup but i don't know about anything else so i got you this cup and i i picked it up and I was like, oh, I'm getting this from him.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And Blaze was like, oh, why? And I was like, because it's really cool. And Blaze was like, okay. And then I found this. He's like, look at this cool thing. I'm like, yeah, I'm getting that too. He's like, oh, you didn't put the cup back. I'm like, I'm not putting the cup back.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I'm buying the damn cup. It's kind of. Okay. It says. Oh, it's so cool. Oh, wow. It's so cool. It looks like I'm.
Starting point is 00:11:04 It's like I was there like really there sp oh united states prison usp alcatraz i'm thinking like rsf wow it really if it's like i it's like it's like cold it's like i went through into time and actually grabbed it fun i mean that's what i want you to feel like here's the second thing it's just a fun little like oh i saw this on your table downstairs i know you did i know you did but i thought i thought it was like for alex or something this is for me yeah it got a little bent i'm sorry because i don't care it looks like it was used gently had a purse with me so i had to shove it in there uh wow this is so cool an alcatraz pennant it's like an old vintage like football flag that you
Starting point is 00:11:44 like hang in your room on the wall but it says alcatraz pennant it's like an old vintage like football flag that you like hang in your room on the wall but it says alcatraz and it looks old school too like it's very vintagey colors this is awesome sorry it has some bends in it and then finally this is for the studio i forget what it says what is this okay yeah it's um one of the the one of the regulations from alcatraz and i i thought I I looked through all of the regulations there they have these like metal placards yeah and I looked through all of them and I was like this one seems to apply most directly to our podcast so I bought this okay you can read it okay regulation number 30 cell house rules loud talking shouting whistling singing or other
Starting point is 00:12:20 unnecessary noises are not permitted so the podcast is quite an unnecessary noise so much unnecessary noise so we're definitely breaking this whole thing this is so cool also one thank you before i become a jerk and just don't thank you but also i love how how like how deep into this friendship are we that blaze still doesn't doesn't understand that we don't just buy one fucking present for each other? Has he seen Christmas? He's like, you want the pennant, so put the cup back. I was like, you can go. First of all, I feel so bad for your kids because it sounds like they're only allowed one present a year.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Well, I think it's because he's one of six. So like, maybe that's why. Oh, he's used to that? See, I'm an only child. I'm like, oh, I want that and that and that. And he's also the oldest. So he's like, well, all the younger ones get like. That's such a sad life. I know, but he's like, doesn't an only child. I'm like, oh, I want that and that and that. And he's also the oldest. So he's like, well, all the younger ones get like. That's such a sad life.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I know, but he's like, doesn't seem to mind. But I make a big deal out of his birthday. And like, he's always like, oh, why? And I'm like, because it's a special day. Anyway. Anyway, if he has, he clearly hasn't been at either of our birthdays or Christmas where we bought each other like 10 things each. Oh, he was there, but he was playing Pokemon on his computer.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Okay, well, thank you for this. This is awesome. I'm going to hang this up tonight. I'm sorry it's so wrinkly. I don't care. I mean, it was going to get wrinkled anyways from my negligence. So thank you for doing it for me. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah. And also, I mean, do you want me to keep the cup here? Would that be nice to you? No, no. I feel like it's a haunted thing. Bring it. okay how about this use it whenever you want okay here's the thing i'm gonna drink wine out of it or will i i was gonna say um okay how about we pick one and it stays in the studio and the other one comes home with me no just take them home are you sure because they're there but they're a haunted thing but all the shit stays in my house anyway because
Starting point is 00:14:04 it's in the studio so you might as well take okay your belongings home as if you're gonna want them and use them if they're not cluttering up your space no cluttering my i literally regulation up to make sure we remember the regulation thing oh yeah yeah okay i forgot that existed yes i want all that i want both of them now okay. Did you have a favorite part of the tour? Besides like the classic. I mean, it's got to be the classic like escape thing, but I really liked the cafeteria when they had the menu. The menu gets me every time. They had the menu up from 1963 and I was like, holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It just feel, I don't know how to explain that feeling, but it feels like you really. It is so. The feeling of being transported in time and everything is as authentic as it can possibly be from a time that is nothing like it is today is just the coolest feeling. It's such a cool feeling. And there's so many people there. But like somehow when you're just like listening to this tour and you're looking around and you're looking at all the cells and like the actual places they ate lunch and dinner. Yeah, it's like someone that happened like actual history happened right there it doesn't even matter how crowded it is it's so cool did you we're gonna get emails did you go in the solitary confinement by yourself i did yeah and so did
Starting point is 00:15:15 blaze and was it the creepiest you see the photo blaze is in there with a and that's what your drink shirt on oh wow he's supportive all of a sudden weird um he wore that shirt the whole time and i'm like you are not repping our brand, sir. And someone could be like, what's that? And he'd be like, I don't know. Like, a shirt? Okay, what did you think of solitary confinement? I don't like it. It's so weird how silence can be so loud.
Starting point is 00:15:41 It's like you're with hundreds of people and you're like fuck all these tourists yeah and then you close the door and you're like i regret it take me back out to all the screaming children isn't it crazy the story of like the button and how they would like yeah throw the button they would rip a button off their uniform while you're in the room yeah tell the story sorry no um i said it in the original episode in episode four, I think. That's why. Yeah. The people in solitary confinement just to give them something to do so they wouldn't go crazy in there is they would bite one of their buttons off of their uniform and then throw it and cover their ears so they couldn't hear where it landed. And then they would get on their hands and knees and just crawl around and look for the button and then do it again over and over until they fell asleep just to give themselves something to do so they wouldn't crack so much fun
Starting point is 00:16:27 anyway yikes i love octra's it was so cool you guys i know probably a lot of you've been but if you haven't check it out it's a good time well well sure whoops it's so fun no and san francisco in general was just so fucking cool and i loved it there so i want to go back you ready for a story i'm so ready bring it on okay let's get comfy what do you think this is about it's just my favorite game i'm always so wrong it's not a haunted toy it's never it's never a haunted toy it's never a haunted toy i It's never a haunted toy. I blew through those real quick. What about a graveyard? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Well, I tried. You want to pick a different topic? Aliens. Yeah. Wait, really? Yeah. I said that earlier. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You brought it up earlier. Like, oh, remember that one time you did an alien story? That worked. That was a really good one. You should do that again soon. It was so popular. Oh. And I was like, mm-hmm. Wow. that's trippy okay great okay so this is the infamous
Starting point is 00:17:30 infamous but i didn't know it fucking existed until i read the notes um the infamous story of travis walton have you heard of this at all i don't think so okay that's fine i don't know so this happened back in 75 okay and the one that i told originally the most famous abduction story of betty and barney hill right that happened in the early 60s so there's only about a 10 year difference between these stories um but so betty and barney hill was the first famous abduction that people really like paid attention to but the travis walton story is the first to be given serious interest by mainstream science. And it caused a lot of nonbelievers to reconsider. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Because it's one of the only alien abduction cases with corroborative eyewitnesses. Oh, snap. I'm so pumped right now. So it was in 1975 in November, and a guy, Travis Walton, was 22, and he lived in Snowflake, Arizona. No comment. First of all, okay. First of all. Remember when I said no comment.
Starting point is 00:18:40 First of all, first comment. Like, political things aside, it doesn't snow in Arizona. No. And that's why for like the first two hours of me doing notes, I thought he was in Snowflake, Alaska. Because AZ, Alaska. Which, by the way, there isn't a Snowflake, Alaska. I just thought.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Alaska's like, fuck Snowflake. We have avalanches. Fuck you, Arizona. We have blizzards. I just assumed Snowfl snowflake i was like oh clearly he lives in alaska and then i was listening to this whole story and i was like i don't know much about what's going on in alaska but i imagine this would be like popular enough that we would have heard of it especially because it was in a town called snowflake alaska but it's not but
Starting point is 00:19:19 arizona that's just bananas anyway okay snowflake desert sure the two biggest things that are not the same it's really memorable um okay so 1975 travis walton 22 snowflake arizona um he was working with his friend mike rogers and mike had a was uh contracted with the Forest Service, the United States Forest Service. And he was doing a job and he asked his friend, Travis, to go on the job with him. And they were doing like logging or something, something lumbery. I like to think he had like a little thing that was like Snowflake Forest Ranger. Yeah, Snowflake Forest. Snowflake Forest!
Starting point is 00:20:02 That sounds like something on like Candyland. Patrolling the snowflake forest um so the snowflake desert i guess yeah yeah yeah so uh mike and travis not only worked together but they were best friends travis was even dating mike's sister dana and they ended up actually later on life getting married oh um so it was mike and travis and then five other guys on the crew who are also friends and on november 5th at six o'clock at night after they were working the crew finished up their job and they got into mike's truck so they could all drive back to snowflake okay let's remember this is also like seven guys so like they're in like the back of a pickup truck
Starting point is 00:20:44 okay before people are like how did seven people fit which by the way in my high school days i can confirm that many people can fit in the car hell yeah well and especially in the 70s no one gives a fuck yeah exactly like what seatbelts don't exist so um i know they do don't try and email me about it don't email us about car safety we know we're making a joke i'm this is a comedy podcast okay so um i like how we have to be such dicks about that now like okay i'm really not trying to be a dick i just want people to know we're not trying to but also we don't want to answer 50 people telling us what a seatbelt is but i don't i don't want people to think that i don't aggressively care about rules because i'm german and i care about
Starting point is 00:21:25 seatbelts so much christine's never used a seatbelt and she only texts when she drives i don't i only text i don't i what you just said she only texts when she drives yes i only text i don't look at the road i don't yeah i close my eyes and i text well you also just stop your car in the middle of traffic too right really abruptly yes but mostly and then scream at other people because they're mad at you for some reason that doesn't make sense yeah and also if someone's going really fast behind me then i stop in the middle of traffic yeah yeah oh no i know okay just make sure i've been in the car with you right right so the crew got in the truck in the back of a pickup truck and they were driving back to snowflake and the basically they were all reported that as they began driving home
Starting point is 00:22:07 they saw a bright light from behind a hill and they drove closer and closer like it was toward they had to drive that direction not like they drove towards it sure they drove towards it because they had to and saw a large silver disc hovering right over them and it was shining really brightly. It was about eight feet tall. Oh. Not eight feet above them. The actual vehicle was eight feet tall and 20 feet in diameter. Okay. So Mike stopped the truck and immediately Travis like jumped out of the truck and ran
Starting point is 00:22:39 towards it. Oh, shit. And in hindsight, in interviews, he said, I can't explain it. I was awestruck and entranced by the beauty of the thing. I thought it would in interviews, he said, I can't explain it. I was awestruck and entranced by the beauty of the thing. I thought it would take off, but it didn't. So he like ran towards it to like stare at it thinking it'd fly away. Oh my God. Apparently the other guys started shouting at him to come back to the truck. And then the guys ended up reporting that they saw Travis basically right underneath the flying object.
Starting point is 00:23:03 they saw Travis basically right underneath the flying object. And then the flying object began to make a noise similar to a turbine. And it started wobbling from side to side. And a beam of bright blue and green light came out and hit Travis, like hit his whole body. So exactly like you would think, or like a beam comes down and you're encompassed in the beam. Beam me up, Scotty. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Beam me up, Travisty exactly me up travis i'm sorry and uh basically there's a quote that says travis rose a foot into the air his arms and legs outstretched and shot back 10 feet while caught in the light so he was just like literally on his back suspended in it yeah he was just floating in the light oh no they got so scared that they drove off they literally drove like bye peace buddy that's a good friend because he was suspended and he was i guess he was just floating there and then he ends up getting thrown out of the beam and his right shoulder hit the ground and his body sprawled over the ground and he ended up unconscious whoa and so like he's on the ground and they're able to grab him and that's when they take off oh so they had seen this they
Starting point is 00:24:14 saw that happen and they were like bye they were probably like oh those things are gonna fucking hurt yeah they're like if if they can pull him up in the air and hang him and then we're not safe in this truck exactly but so out of fear out of blind fear they drove and then they realized that they forgot him and so they drove back they were like holy shit they literally forgot travis oh fuck they were like i guess i can't blame them it's like and also now in hindsight in um interviews travis says like he thinks what they did was heroic and that they came back knowing that that could happen to them came back i'm like i thought they saw what heroic and that they came back knowing that that could happen to them. Oh, I can't believe they came back.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I'm like, I thought they saw what happened and were like, bye, we're never coming back. See you never. Wow. So they got scared, drove off. They forgot about him. So they drove back to get him and he was gone. They called the police and reported, did a missing persons report. I wish we could hear that 911 call.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah. I so do. There's a guy missing. One of our bros, Travis. So like there's this blue and green light like i let's not let's just make a long story short rooms i'm telling you it happened so deputy sheriff ellison he um he was the one that took the call and he met with them to hear like their case on the missing persons report and he was quoted saying if they were acting they were awfully good at it like that they were just terrified apparently a big group of them so there was six men they would have had to all be and two of them were crying
Starting point is 00:25:35 like they were scared boys don't cry they never do boys if you cry, don't. Stop. Stop crying. That's for girls only. I don't know who thought they could tell you to do that. They were wrong. Boys and girls are not equal. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Do not email us.
Starting point is 00:25:54 We're making a joke. Boys are really strong and girls cry a lot. And girls are not strong. No. Yeah. I got you. Okay. Glad we're on the same page.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I'm right there with you. Great. So all of them were very convincing that there was that they saw a ufo and the officers immediately became suspicious because there was no physical evidence to prove it but more police and volunteers kept showing up to the the area where he was last seen and they couldn't find a trace of him but they originally obviously assumed that he was not abducted that he was just lost in the woods and they were afraid that if they didn't find him soon since it was november in the winter he was going to catch hypothermia and die out in the woods fuck so they were originally looking for
Starting point is 00:26:36 him so they wouldn't find a dead body in the woods later not because they thought he was actually abducted like they just wanted to find like a lost guy they weren't really they weren't taking the ufo thing seriously yet this is snowflake arizona you will freeze to death right and uh so they ended up the officers ended up going to his mother's house and telling his mother and his mother asked weirdly calmly if anyone else knew about this yet, which apparently struck suspicion amongst the cops. Well, yeah. At about 3 a.m. that morning, the mother then called her other son, Dwayne, like freaked out that he was gone.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And Dwayne got in a car and drove to Snowflake to be with her. Okay. At this point, there's still no trace of him. And there was a lot of suspicions that the ufo was a cover-up story for a homicide that all of his friends actually killed him fuck and so all these guys were now like being treated as suspects that they murdered him oh my god and among the people who started showing up because basically everyone wanted to know what was going on like ufo people like people who are really interested in like aliens and stuff were coming to snowflake
Starting point is 00:27:49 cops were coming to snowflake they were um using like helicopters and horse mounted officers and jeeps and dogs like everything to find this guy holy shit and like just they had news reporters they had ufologists they had people who were just curious in the paranormal, us. Em and Christine were there, I heard. Going to Snowflake just to either like they didn't know what they were looking for. Like for all they knew, they were just looking for proof of a homicide or they were looking for proof of a UFO. Right. It was like a mystery. Yeah. And so one of the people that showed up, his name was Fred Sylvanus, and he was a UFO investigator.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And he interviewed them a lot. A lot of their interviews are still online. And Mike Rogers, his best friend, was noted saying that because of the search, he was going to be unable to complete his contract with the Forest Service. And his best friend, Dwayne, said... Wasn't it his brother? What? Oh, I thought Dwayne was his brother. Oh, yeah. No. Dwayne is his brother and Mike is his bestane was his brother oh yeah no duane is his brother and mike is his best friend and they were duane is mike's best friend yeah i can
Starting point is 00:28:50 sorry jesus no you're hang on i'm messing it up travis is the guy who's abducted yes mike is his best friend duane is his brother so you're you were right oh okay duane is the brother but the brother and the best friend were being interviewed at the same time got it got it got it got it and mike said um that he was not going to be able to complete his contract with the forest service and duane the brother said that him and travis grew up always being interested in ufos and always said that if they ever saw a ufo they would take the chance and run up to it no what a weird thing to say if you don't know where oh my god and duane also said that he had seen a ufo himself 12 years earlier holy shit that's creepy so without meaning to do so that interview between the two of them
Starting point is 00:29:31 ended up creating like a solid like uh foundation for like people being skeptical of them later oh shit which i'll get into in a little bit excuse me so marshall flake which by the way it's hysterical that there's a marshall flake of snowflake there's a snowflake flake make this story up yes what if you were like so you pulled this shit on me before marshall flake of snowflake arizona oh the poor guy he never had a chance huh and uh so he showed up and suggested that the mom was hiding something or someone and people started saying that that wasn't true and so she made this rule where she would only interview people like away from her house because she was afraid of people like trying to like look
Starting point is 00:30:15 through her shit and try to find them yeah yeah um there was another guy named spalding and he uh worked with the ground saucer watch oh yeah me too uh the gsw which was another ufo investigative organization and spalding said that the organization was offering to provide a doctor for an exam if he ever came home and oh he also suggested that as soon as someone finds travis to tell him to not pee until he gets tested just to see if there's anything in his system what like if the aliens injected him with stuff okay okay okay um so anyway five days later out of nowhere shut up travis shows shut up so he's been missing for five days shut up literally the dogs are out looking for him. Has he peed, though?
Starting point is 00:31:06 That's what I want to know. Basically, at this time, he is currently wandering around and nobody knows this. While this is happening, Mike and the remaining crew workers are taking polygraph exams because people think that they murdered him. And so they're taking polygraph tests and um being asked if any of them caused harm or knew if anyone caused harm they all said no no one had touched him no one knew where he was and the official report states quote these polygraph examinations prove that these five men did see some object that they believed to be a ufo and that travis walton was not injured or murdered by any of these men if the ufo was not real all five of these men had no prior knowledge of it
Starting point is 00:31:50 whoa so all five of them swear by it and their polygraph said yes that's bonkers so i just got chills travis walton is walking around right now five days later and this is his side of the story oh my god okay i'm ready after approaching the ufo that night the last thing he remembers was being struck by a beam of blue and green light oh that happened i remember that we all do i was there when he woke up he was on a reclined bed with a bright light above him and the air was heavy and wet. I don't like that one bit. Thanks. He was in severe pain and had trouble breathing. But his first thought was that he was just in a normal hospital. So he didn't think twice.
Starting point is 00:32:33 He's like, oh, that's fine. I'm just in a hospital. He's like, oh, I'm in a hospital. That happens. And then he realized that the three figures around him weren't nurses. And they were wearing orange jumpsuits. And the figures were not human. Oh, they weren't nurses. But also they weren't nurses and they were wearing orange jumpsuits and the figures were not human oh they weren't nurses but also they weren't they weren't these don't look like nurses to me
Starting point is 00:32:52 in fact they don't look like people oh my god okay they look like the so-called greys oh i don't like that and his exact description is shorter than five feet. They had bald heads, no hair, which is what a bald head is. Good point. He then said, well, maybe no body hair. Oh, OK. I don't know. He then said their heads were domed and very large. They looked like giant fetuses.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Cute. Enormous eyes without much white in them. Their eyes just stared through me. Besides their eyes, their ears, nosees, and mouths seemed really small, maybe just because their eyes were so huge. Yeah, definitely not nurses. That checks out. I know a nurse.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Jesus. So then he says he felt weak. He has an aching body and a migraine, but he was able to get to his feet, and he shouted at the creatures to stay away he grabbed a glass-like cylinder from a shelf next to him and tried to break it to make a knife but found the object unbreakable so instead he waved it at the creatures as a weapon they were probably like oh honey that's not gonna work well it scared them away they left the room but i will take the second to talk about one of my wild high school stories.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So, oh, I'm going to sit back and get ready for this. So I used to be I never drank and I never did anything, but I still participated in several of those stereotypical high school teen parties where it gets way out of hand. I think that makes you worse because you're like you weren't even. Yeah, I inebriated as an excuse. I actively chose that lifestyle early participating yeah and it was like if anyone has seen project x where like that one party went so out of hand that like things were on fire and the car ended up in the pool it almost it never got to that point but everyone that I did party with in high school
Starting point is 00:34:42 we've all watched that movie together and it took a really long time into the movie to be like oh no we haven't gone that far like you're like this really tracks with our experience like we were trying to see like at what point we could no longer relate to the movie and it got really far into the movie all I did was listen to fall apart and eat so many micanics I don't understand I had such a great high school experience I had like the exact high school experience everyone like hopes for out of the movies literally all I did was eat candy and listen to Fall Boy I don't know how you okay anyway tell your story so one of the um parties that this story relates and it made me think of this is that we had one party it was a wild wild party there was like easily 100 people there.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And Deirdre's brother, who is also married to Cece now, he was getting into a fight with someone downstairs. I don't remember the other guy's name, but he was getting into a fight with this guy. And so Deirdre's brother's name is Ryan. Ryan was unable to handle this guy. Like this guy was just unbelievably drunk and Ryan has a best friend Adam and Adam and him have been friends for as long as me and Deirdre have so all of us have grown up together and Adam has that best friend blind loyalty Adam was hammered but saw that his best friend was about to get in a fight oh christ and so adam was like i'm gonna beat this guy's ass i'm gonna freaking kill him if i have to and so adam trying to be like really tough
Starting point is 00:36:10 literally takes his shirt off in the middle of the party and is screaming at this guy grabs an empty beer bottle and tries to smash it against the beer pong table but it won't break and so as he's trying to look so cool no but he's literally like the whole vibe paused just so he could try to like smack the bottle wearing a shirt and he was smacking the table easily five or six times and it wouldn't break oh bud and he was trying to look so tough but anyway so this it reminded me of that number three like you gotta just drop it like just give up just give up it's not gonna work anyway that i thought of that when he was like it wouldn't break so he just waved it around and i was like that's exactly what i was like i got a bottle it doesn't break
Starting point is 00:36:53 but it's really hard and i'll hit you with it poke you in the eye with it anyway shout out to adam hey adam um come to my next party you sound like a riot no i don't know if you want that crowd there it would turn into project x um okay so anyway they got scared enough and so they walked out and skeptics find this story really hard to believe because if he was as weak as he says he was how was travis then able to jump out of the operating table that's what i'm sorry i mean adrenaline makes people do crazy things you lift a bus legs do crazy things like you can okay no i'm with you okay so they ended up leaving the aliens ended up walking out of the room and he didn't know where he was so he was trying to leave he left the exam room that he was in and ended up in a room that
Starting point is 00:37:42 was in the shape of a circle so thank you waiting room there was highlights he was in the oval office oh we went different directions oh okay the oval office waiting room he was in a circular shaped room and it had only one chair and it was in the center oh oh no as he walked towards the chair which travis don't no, no. As he walked towards the chair, lights began to appear in the room. Travis sat in the chair. What? I don't get it. Maybe he's just in so much pain he has to sit down. Yeah, right, yeah, the adrenaline. So he sat in the chair
Starting point is 00:38:16 and the room was filled with lights. The second he sat down, it was almost like motion-censored that then all of a sudden all these stars projected on the ceiling like a planetarium oh wow but what he thinks it is is like he sat down in like the next to the motherboard or something and could see out of the ship at the actual stars oh shit um that's amazing technology is a fancy thing especially when it's not on 1975 1975 not earth uh-huh um so he was sitting in the room filled with lights and the chair
Starting point is 00:38:48 so the chair had two different things on its arms so on the left arm of the chair there was a short lever with an oddly shaped handle and on the right there was a bright neon green screen about five inches tall with black lines all over it. Who knows what that means? All right. Walton decided to push the lever, which was no comment. Why would why would you you're literally on something that you don't understand. Travis. So Travis pushed the lever and he says that the stars started to rotate around him slowly. So it's like he had like a controlled planetarium of the actual stars. him slowly so it's like he had a like a controlled planetarium of the actual stars and then he said when he released the lever the stars remained at their new positions like he was like basically
Starting point is 00:39:30 turning the ship he was turning the ship or he was turning like the the dimension not the dimensions the perspective yeah yeah of the planetarium and he stopped using the lever because he was like i don't need to find out anything else. And he left. And when he got out of the chair, the stars started to disappear. So like the chair really was like the on button. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He heard a sound behind him and it was a tall human figure. No. Wearing blue coveralls and a glassy helmet. Stop. Why are they always wearing blue coveralls? I'm sorry. These stories are all the aliens that are trying to be humans. I mean, even in Deliverance, they're wearing blue coveralls i'm sorry these stories are all the aliens that are trying i mean even in deliverance they're wearing blue coveralls dude no um at the time he did not realize how odd the man's eyes were because they were larger than normal and
Starting point is 00:40:15 they were gold that ought to do it but he was also wearing a glassy helmet to cover it and he was also surrounded by actual aliens so he was also on a spaceship so travis get your shit together are you okay he asked the man a number of questions but the man only grinned and motioned for travis to follow him uh so travis did the wrong thing and he followed the man to a door travis just keeps running after everything that's gonna he's like a force to be reckoned with he really just finds trouble he seeks it out yeah he's like where's where's the the right way to leave and then how do i go the opposite way he like heads into the dead end of the corn maze you know what i'm saying classic travis so uh the man motioned for him to follow him and travis followed him and saw other disc-shaped
Starting point is 00:41:02 crafts the man led him to another room where there were three more human figures resembling helmet man. They were not wearing helmets. And so Travis asked them questions and they responded by just grinning and grabbed his arm and led him to a table. And once he was seated on the table, the woman held a device like an oxygen mask over his face and before he could fight back he passed out okay can you imagine all of these golden eyed
Starting point is 00:41:32 alien creatures grinning at once like it really i know it's just grinning and touching you lightly and just being like come with me but not even saying come with me just motioning that really the thing that freaks me out is they like the reason they weren't saying anything is because they literally didn't know what he was saying and they could not speak english like they were just motioning because they could not understand him like he was probably just babbling to them and they were like okay just come here good though because and they knew if they opened their mouth it's kind of like that guy from galaxy quest where every time he talked he was like well maybe they don't speak like you know what i mean like maybe they speak differently because the ones that came
Starting point is 00:42:09 oh yeah during mothman like they spoke like through telepathically through your head so like you would hear them speak you're right maybe they don't speak with their mouths and they would pretend to be human so they would talk but you wouldn't their mouths wouldn't move and you would just hear it in your head okay Okay. And they wore blue coveralls. Just saying. They always do. Creepy, creepy, creepy. So guys, if you ever see anyone in blue coveralls, call the police. Run.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Okay, so anyway, he could not fight back when they put the oxygen mask-ish thing on him and he passed out. When he woke up, he was outside of a gas station in a town over from Snowflake, Arizona. No way! One of the disc-shaped crafts was hovering just above the highway and after a moment the craft flew away and travis stumbled to a telephone and called his brother-in-law holy shit he thought only a few hours had passed oh five days had passed holy shit and everyone has been looking for him yet was he like super skinny like how do you
Starting point is 00:43:05 literally people from out of town and news reporters and helicopters were looking for this guy and all of his best friends had been put in polygraphs for possibly murdering him i mean you have to remember that like imagine if he just texted them i know it's 1975 but imagine that was today and he's texting them being like where you at and he'd be like and the police were like we're holding where are you at seriously um he is quoted saying um his experience at the time they forced me down on a table but i lost consciousness and the next thing i remember is waking up on a highway consciousness returned to me on the night i awoke to find myself on the cold pavement west of heber arizona i was lying on my stomach my head on my right forearm and cold air brought me instantly awake whoa so i mean at least they let him sleep through whatever the hell
Starting point is 00:43:54 else happened that that's true five days at least they're like take take a dine off we'll just put you right back on the sidewalk so um okay so he's back and as soon as he called his brother-in-law duane immediately drove over to phoenix duane found out that he was there and before reporting that he was found he immediately drove him to phoenix to meet with a civilian ufo research oh my god duane also a civilian ufo research group what other i guess Yeah, I'm sure there is military. We'll talk about Area 51 one day. Don't worry. Oh, God. So he, I guess, had already arranged a meeting with them that if
Starting point is 00:44:32 Travis were to ever show up, they promised to arrange an exam for him by two medical doctors and a hypnotist. So the second he showed up, Dwayne was like, get in the car. We're going to Phoenix. Get in, loser. We're getting hypnotized. Get in, loser. And so was like get in the car we're going to phoenix oh fuck get in loser we're getting hypnotized and so get in loser and so uh the ufo research group i don't know what it stands for but it was apro oh um it stands for aerospace i would imagine it's like american paranormal research organization all right you know what fine take it away from me it's fine
Starting point is 00:45:06 oh no maybe it's arizona phoenix researcher organization that's definitely what it is whatever um so anyway they it got wind that apro was working with um travis to see what happened and who calls but the national inquirer and favorite they promised to finance the entire investigation in exchange for cooperation and access to the walton family love it and apro said sure because apro needed it and apro has no reason to say no apro's just open-minded that's allpro just understands a dollar when he sees it. So when hypnotized, Walton, this is something that was abnormal
Starting point is 00:45:53 from other abductee cases. When he was hypnotized, Travis's conscious recall and unconscious memory said the exact same thing. He was able to say the story verbatim regardless of whether or not he was conscious okay and he could account for only at most two hours of the five days he was gone oh wow whereas all the other abductees were able
Starting point is 00:46:18 to talk about all these things that they did and all these people they talked to but he really blacked out most of it i mean it's probably good yeah and then other than those two hours they tried to ask him other questions about other time to see if they could crack through his memory and figure out what happened and travis said there was an impenetrable mental block and actually said that if the regression continued he would die uh what like the aliens put a thing on him where they were like you can't access these or else he'll die or else your brain will explode or something who knows so the medical exam between the two doctors revealed that he was in totally good health but there were two things that they noticed one was a small red spot in the crease of his right
Starting point is 00:47:02 elbow that looked like there was an injection, but not near a vein. Then the second thing is they looked at his urine. So I guess he did not pee. Okay, great. Fabulous. And there was a lack of ketones, ketones, ketones, ketones. And apparently, if you go five days with little or no food, your body should have a high level of ketone in your urine. Oh, so you think and so they think that he was being nourished, either he was being nourished five days with little or no food your body should have a high level of ketone in your urine oh so you think and so they think that he was being nourished either he was being nourished or he was like or even if he wasn't being nourished if he he was somehow thriving and it didn't show up anyway okay i don't know they don't really know they just thought it was an abnormality in his
Starting point is 00:47:40 health yeah sure um they also found it odd that there were no bruises on him even though he had been like thrown from the beam onto the ground right so they were like how come you're not scratched up so they thought that was weird so the national inquirer also wanted a polygraph and instead of from the other crew members they won one from travis himself right before the exam he admitted that he had smoked marijuana in the past, and he and his best friend Mike had, in the past, committed check fraud, and he admitted to both those things just in case there was any... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Just to get any outliers out of the way. Oh, he had smoked weed? You know what? This whole story is... It's 75. It's 1975. No, I don't believe anything anymore. It's the drugs yeah it's the
Starting point is 00:48:25 drugs well i guess they wanted to know that in advance because skeptics would think that he was just high sure sure sure um so travis says that he was high for five full days five whole that sounds like but he was fully nourished and all his ketones were in balance his ketones were fine the fuck he just really went on a good trip so travis says that the polygraph examiner was behaving unprofessionally oh and insisted while the um examiner insisted that travis failed the polygraph and tried to cheat what at one point how do you try okay just go on sorry at one point like tried to cheat so that it would say that he was telling the truth okay but like tried to cheat by like by a series of like holding your breath a certain way so like trying was trying to your
Starting point is 00:49:09 trying to make it look like he was telling the truth that he wasn't reacting okay at one point travis says that the examiner asked travis if he had colluded with anyone to perpetrate a hoax like was like did you is this a prank and travis said he didn't know what the word colluded meant and apparently the examiner was really like snooty to him about it and got really aggressive and said colluding means planning or conspiring with someone just like you did with your forged payroll checks so like was trying to pick a fight dickhead but so then get him riled up i mean you're not supposed to get them like to get him riled up so that hit it would look like he was lying on the polygraph right you start sweating and we're all screwed exactly so um
Starting point is 00:49:55 the walton family apro and the national inquirer all agreed to keep the results of that polygraph a secret because the examiner's objectivity was like in the way of it like it definitely messed with the results because he was pissing him off on purpose problems he was or he like desperately wanted to not find out that aliens are real so again his own problems travis later took two other additional polygraph exams and passed them and that like so a lot of people immediately because obviously at this point word had gotten out that he was alive and fine and he had passed two polygraph tests that were public and everyone was like oh aliens are real this guy got abducted but then word got out that there was
Starting point is 00:50:36 that former polygraph that was kept secret and it looked like he wasn't telling the truth on it and so then all these skeptics came out saying, but how about that one hidden one they don't want you to know about where he didn't pass the test? And then skeptics also say that there was a strong financial motive for all of this. Like if it didn't really happen, it happened for money. Sure. And they think it was a prank because we all knew that Mike Rogers, this is what they were saying. We all know that Mike Rogers is not able to complete his contract with the Forest Service. And so he must have set this all up so that he could invoke the act of God clause to dissolve the contract without fault.
Starting point is 00:51:21 to dissolve the contract without fault. Everyone else that believes in Ghost was saying that's not valid because not once during this disappearance did Mike ever say that he was going to invoke the act of God clause. Like he never even mentioned that you guys are just looking for something. Right. Like he wasn't saying, oh, well, guess now I got it. Exactly. Like if he wanted, if he did this, I would have taken advantage of it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:45 He had five days so the sheriff also said that walton might have been hit on the head and drugged and taken to a normal hospital where he had confused the details of his exam and they confused the details of a helmet gold-eyed man listen some nurses really do look like sometimes nurses look like that and that's okay gray Like gray aliens. This was dismissed because no hospital had records of him. Oh, shit. That's interesting. And the exam had no trace of head trauma or drugs in his system.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, wow. So skeptics also noted that the Hill incident, the Betty and Barney Hill, had recently been broadcast on NBC just a few weeks before his disappearance. So they think he might have been inspired to make up his own story so Walton they thought that they thought that Travis might have been inspired to start a prank that had to do with an abduction because the show had just come out right and also his best friend Mike admits that he watched at least a portion of the program so they think that they conspired together or colluded you know what does that mean oh it's like when you like forge your paychecks and all that oh shit when i do that yeah so in 1978 travis wrote a book called the walton experience that detailed his claims with the abduction but in 1993 um the book was adapted
Starting point is 00:52:57 into a film called fire in the sky and it was distributed by paramount but paramount admits that his real story wasn't dramatic enough. So most of the movie is rewritten to be scarier than it actually was. Shit. So, you know, take it with a grain of salt. What's the movie called? Fire in the Sky. Fire in the Sky.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Currently, Travis sponsors his own UFO conference in Arizona called the Sky Fire Summit. So we got to go to that one day i'm there and uh travis appeared on a game show on fox called the moment of truth and was asked if he was abducted and the polygraph on the show said that he was lying i thought it was gonna be family feud but i guess nope they said he was lying it said it was he said he was lying i mean they're not whatever 100 accurate right only 97 of the time polygraphs no way less than that that's why they're not used as admissible evidence you know for a long time when i was younger i wanted to be a polygraph examiner growing up i mean i didn't know but i sort of knew because i feel like that because
Starting point is 00:54:02 you know me because i know you so in 2016 he appeared on ghost adventures with your best friend slash boyfriend zach baggins there it is and in 2017 this is how like people are still trying to like figure this out this was last year um the frontier analysis limited organization reported the soil composition of the location directly beneath the ufo that night and they found two abnormalities in the soil where travis was standing okay um so they found that iron high amounts of iron were in the site soils compared to control soils like a like crazy higher amounts of iron were in the particles and calcium magnesium and potassium were all significantly higher in the samples as well as iron interesting so what that means is there usually there'd be a natural reason for that like clay deposits influencing the chemical changes sure um and
Starting point is 00:54:58 that's usually like the possible reason but that's just for the calcium magnesium and potassium if just those three were really high in the soil then they would have excused it with something like that but the increased iron cancels out that theory in any plausible theory to date so to this day it makes no sense like naturally why there would be that high of iron in the particulates of that soil And the only thing they can explain it with is UFOs. Wow. So their determination currently is that, or one of the possible ways that the iron levels were so high
Starting point is 00:55:33 is because in a hovering craft propulsion system, there is a powerful electromagnetic effect that would have drawn out iron to the top of the soil. And while hovering, an electronic force field theoretically surrounds the craft to protect it from everything. And that also causes an ionizing effect on the materials nearby. Holy shit. So the only excuse they have and the only answer they have is that there was a UFO. As of last year. That's the only thing that explains it. The only plausible theory is that that there was a ufo as of last year that's the only like thing that
Starting point is 00:56:06 explains it the only plausible theory is that a ufo was there oh my god i know that one was really long i tried to make it shorter than usual no i like couldn't do it so let's go to snowflake oh okay all right my turn okay ready yeah there's a big one is it a long one yeah okay okay this is a big one a good one and one that we've gotten a lot of requests for jeffrey dahmer no okay albert fish no um we already did ted bundy it's not that it's not it's not like a big notorious case it is a big notorious case but it's not one that you've necessarily heard of oh then i don't know what it's the story of robert picton oh yes the pig farmer i know about that i only remember picton because one of our listeners literally did the notes for us oh and emailed us and said like went above and beyond of just like hey uh here's
Starting point is 00:57:08 a really cool story um it's not i'm not just gonna give you a request i'm literally gonna do the research for you and then gave us a word document oh well oops did you not remember that and did your own notes anyway i did my own notes whoops okay well i'm not gonna use someone else's research anyway i would have. I would have. And I would have read it on the fly just to see live reactions. All right. Well, thank you to whoever that was because you put it in my brain and a lot of people have requested this. It's a very well-known case and we got a couple more requests this week.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Okay. Go ahead. Crack into it. Fabulous. Thanks. Effervescent. Gross. So let's crack into it.
Starting point is 00:57:53 We just did. Let's go. Robert Willie Pickton was born on October 24th, 1949. My lucky number. When Robert Pickton's mother died in 1979 he and his brother david inherited the family pig farm in british columbia outside of vancouver and he began to run an unlicensed slaughterhouse on the property ops this is in canada okay i was gonna say we're just skipping over that one huh i mean i figured you would bring it up so i was trying to be respectful of no one okay
Starting point is 00:58:26 uh neighbors described picton as quiet and odd but he ran the family farm and eventually became a multi-millionaire oh must be nice it's just such an effect from a pig slaughter farm okay so that's what we should go do then right right? Yeah, let's drop everything. Cool, on it. Great. After a while, the Picton brothers began to neglect the farm, and in 1996, they registered themselves as a non-profit charity called... I'd like you to take one guess as to what they called their slaughterhouse charity. Charity.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Here's a hint. It ends in society. Okay. Bacon society? What? I don't know. No, it's pretty good. It was called the Piggy Palace Good Times Society.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Oh, right. The thing that I almost said. I know that that was second on your list uh and this non-profit that they started claimed to organize coordinate manage and operate special events functions and dances dances like hoedowns just dances that was a non-profit okay of of worthy organizations how clean is this not not okay i was gonna drink out of it that's the alcatraz the alcatraz cup is what i was referring to i thought you meant at first the pig from i was like really not the pig farm is subpar. Really the opposite. Below the standard.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Okay. So these events, these like dance parties and all this, they put this in their non-profit registration and they followed through. They started having raves and wild parties on the farm. Pig slaughter, like a wild rave on a pig slaughter farm yes and the farm became notorious for these parties and as many as 2 000 people would go wow to the party sounds like my high school parties yeah except not right so attendees included a lot of sex workers and members of the local Hells Angels.
Starting point is 01:00:45 It was just a lot of like people on the fringe of society would show up and it was just very raucous and like just a party hard kind of party. Gotcha. One day in 1997, a passing car was flagged down near the pig farm by a woman at the side of the road who was naked and covered in blood her name was wendy lynn eistetter and she worked as a sex worker she later told police that she had gone back to picton's farm to have sex with him but she fought back when he attempted to handcuff her she managed to grab a kitchen knife and stab him with it in the stomach wow okay before fleeing his house and waving down a car that called an ambulance so this is a weird detail he where's the weird detail are you ready coming up picton and wendy ended up in the same hospital getting treated in vancouver um and nobody seemed to mind
Starting point is 01:01:40 except wendy uh an orderly found a key in picton's pocket that fit the handcuffs on wendy's wrist oh no so picton was arrested and he was charged with attempted murder but the charge was dismissed in january of 1998 because wendy had a tumultuous past and was addicted to drugs and therefore considered unreliable so all charges were dropped got Got it. Not by her, by the police. Pickton claimed Wendy was a hitchhiker who had attacked him. So police just went with that story. Okay. A few months later, the Picktons were sued by local officials for violating zoning ordinances
Starting point is 01:02:17 because they were neglecting the agriculture that was zoned on their property. So they were supposed to be a farm and they were like neglecting the farm so they were sued by locals and they had altered a large farm building on the land for the purpose of holding dances concerts and other recreations and instead of like doing anything about it the pictons the brothers basically ignored the pressure the legal pressure and instead held a 1998 new year's party and after that they were faced with an injunction that banned any future parties and the police were then authorized to remove anybody who ever attended an event at the farm and then the government removed the society's non-profit status oh but it wasn't because of the parties it was because they refused to procure they were unable to procure financial
Starting point is 01:03:03 statements oh okay they didn't give a shit about the rest of it right yeah they just like weren't able to show like the right tax forms they were like we're gonna disband you as a non-profit got it anyway uh let's see over the next three years one of the workers on the farm a man named bill his cox started noticing that women who would visit the farm would eventually vanish hiscox reported his suspicions to the police but there wasn't much they could do about it because it was hearsay and they didn't have a warrant right basically what hiscox and what some other people reported was that i'll just tell you what robertton would do. Okay. He would visit nearby Vancouver's downtown east side, which was notorious for being a seedy, crime-ridden area.
Starting point is 01:03:50 There were a lot of street gangs, biker gangs, drug dealers, pimps and sex workers. The elite of the Bacon Society. The Bacon Society. Yes. Yes. Bacon Society. A lot of them had addiction problems and or were mentally ill. And 80% of them came from outside Vancouver, but the rest, a lot of them were indigenous women. So like, look like Native Americans. And what Pickton would do is he would visit this neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:04:19 And he actually, there was a rendering plant nearby, which is where he would basically bring the waste of the animals like the pig guts and all that yeah exactly and he would dispose of them there and then he would wander the strip and so that was his excuse for going to the neighborhood and then he would wander the strip and talk women into coming back to his property by promising drugs and money imagine like being covered in like pig remains and like oh by the way up a girl he didn't use gloves and the people at the plant were like they later at way later were like yeah we always noticed him because he refused to wear gloves and we would offer him gloves and he wouldn't put them on so like he was literally filthy and imagine that guy approaching you and
Starting point is 01:05:00 hitting on you and saying come back to my farm i'm covered in pig guts but that's why he was there because he was preying on vulnerable women who had you know addictions and who needed the money for their families or whatever like he just preyed on women who he knew didn't have much of a choice so he would talk these women into coming back and then they would get into his car and go back to his farm. So in the spring of 1999, an informant told the Vancouver police that a single mother and drug addict. Single mother and drug addict. Okay. Great.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Perfect combo. Sorry. I copy and pasted that. Lynn Ellingson had told this informant that she had seen a woman's body hanging in Picton's slaughterhouse and that he had been skinning the woman's body. No. And when she was questioned by police, Ellingson initially denied the story. I fucking bet. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:59 She was like, I didn't see shit. Much later, she admitted that she had seen the body and that she had seen him skinning the body. I know. But she didn't report it because Picton was dangerous and she depended on him for money and drugs. Yeah. He could have killed her. Yeah. If I saw someone skinning another human being, that is the most closed my mouth will ever be.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Because it's like, OK, you can clearly skin a person and not feel bad about it i'm not about to be your next victim yeah especially if you're dependent on that person yeah yeah for your livelihood um so around that same time in 1999 bill hiscox that same employee on the farm uh contacted the police a second time because he had heard from one of picton's close friends lisa that there lisa yelled that there was that she had seen women's clothing uh purses and ids at picton's farm and house so he contacted them again like he was the one who originally was like something fishy's going on women are disappearing and the police were like we can't do anything he contacts them again and it's like i heard there were, like, IDs and clothes and jewelry
Starting point is 01:07:08 and stuff of random women, like, at the house. And the police tried to question this woman, Lisa, but she was uncooperative. And again, like, police did not have enough to get a warrant. So they were like, we got to drop it. So meanwhile, in Vancouver, rumors of a serial killer were circulating in downtown Eastside. Sex trade workers began walking in groups and writing down license plates of cars. People were really scared. People who ran like shelters down there were like, I remember people just disappearing like women would just.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Oh, shit. And it was a really, really scary time. a really, really scary time. In 1991, the families of missing women, along with advocates for sex trade workers, established an annual Valentine's Day Remembrance Walk as a memorial to murdered and missing victims. And they demanded a thorough investigation, but the police didn't really respond.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And they were like, oh, we'll get to it eventually. But meanwhile, women just kept disappearing. And so a lot of criticism was brought against the vancouver police for you know disregarding the fact that the victim or disregarding the victims because they were sex workers because they were indigenous women like there was just no reason for the police to be that sluggish in responding to this terrifying like epidemic um in early february 2002 a truck driver who had once worked for the pictum pictons told the police that he had personally seen illegal guns in picton's trailer home oh no so finally the police were like okay we have
Starting point is 01:08:40 finally something we can like search him for this. Yeah. Right. Like, they finally have enough for a search warrant. Someone, like, specifically told us, I saw this. Mm-hmm. So that was enough. So they went and searched his property. They searched the pig farm, and they did indeed find several illegal
Starting point is 01:08:56 and unregistered guns, but they also found some items connecting several missing women to the property. The police launched an investigation into the farm while Pickton was arrested on the weapons charges. He was released on bail, for whatever reason. Yeah, okay. But was kept under surveillance
Starting point is 01:09:14 and wasn't allowed to return to the pig farm while they were raiding it. Oh, God. So that's nice. Police found, among other things, handcuffs, women's clothing and shoes, jewelry, and an asthma inhaler prescribed to serena abbott's way one of the missing women they found the blood of another missing woman named mona wilson on one of the walls of his trailer oh shit so it's just bad news bears on february 22nd picton was arrested again this time on murder because they finally had the evidence, the DNA evidence.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Meanwhile, the pig farm became the largest crime scene in Canadian history. Investigators took 200,000 DNA samples and removed more than 600,000 samples of evidence from the property. Oh my gosh. And the investigation cost nearly $70 million. $70 million? Yeah, like in the early 2000s. Wow. And the investigation cost nearly $70 million. $70 million? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Like in the early 2000s. Wow. They found the DNA of over two dozen missing women on the Picton farm. That's crazy. They found body parts in the freezer, including the heads, hands, and feet of two girls. Was he eating them? I'll tell you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:22 They found bones and teeth buried throughout the property and finally they found dna human dna in the ground up pork oh okay so that kind of answers the question right there yeah we're gonna we're gonna get dive deep okay okay we're gonna dive deep in 2004 the government revealed that the meat picked and sold and served at his big raging parties may have been pig meat mixed with the human flesh of his victims which is so weird because human meat and pork are supposed to taste relatively similar that's probably why so like no one would know yeah weird all right so they actually said that the police may have purchased this meat oh no like members of the police force may have purchased this meat and the whole time they were like oh yeah we can't really do anything about it and they were fucking
Starting point is 01:11:08 eating the victims oh my god yeah yeah so not only was picked in a total piece of flaming shit he also was pretty fucking stupid so while he was being held in jail a an undercover cop posed as his cellmate and questioned him about the murders and so picton was like oh this dude's i'm gonna brag to this dude brilliant stupid uh he bragged about his murder spree in detail told the man that he had killed 49 women and he said he was disappointed in himself for not reaching 50 or as he called it the big 5-0 he said quote i made my own grave by being sloppy doesn't that just kick you in the ass now and then he said i was just gonna fucking do one more to make it even and he bragged about being bigger and better than serial killers in the united states
Starting point is 01:12:04 he also described some of the ways he murdered his victims including injecting them with syringes And he bragged about being bigger and better than serial killers in the United States. He also described some of the ways he murdered his victims, including injecting them with syringes filled with antifreeze. Which he said would kill you in five to ten minutes. And so it was a very effective way of murdering his victims. Oh my god. And the whole thing was recorded on video. Brilliant. And it's on the internet.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I thought you were going to say like, and it got deleted. No. Or, and he lost the footage. No, it's on the internet. That's wild. When I first started researching this, that was the first thing I watched. And I went, oh, fuck no. You hit play and he goes, yeah, I was so close to hitting the big five oh it's you know i was sloppy so i fucked up what did you search for this just uh robert picton robert picton
Starting point is 01:12:53 not even i just wrote like robert picton okay and it was like this is the video that sealed his fate basically gotcha but like it's disgusting but can watch it. And it's crazy because you see the, there's like a camera up there and you see the undercover cop being like, yeah, what do you mean? Like, holy shit, that's so fucked up. And he's like playing along. Yeah, yeah. But you're also like, what is he thinking this whole time? Like playing along and being like, holy shit, 5-0, haha, big 5-0.
Starting point is 01:13:21 You know, he's like playing along and it's like, how fucked up, dude. Like, he has to play along with this guy that's crazy bragging about murdering what's it like knowing you're in a locked cell with this guy exactly right and he just wants one more you know yeah and you gotta pretend to love it or else you're gonna be fucking called out yeah so fucked up and this is another weird detail i found in another article so when he so then they removed the the cellmate the undercover cop guy they were like we're going to take him out um and although picton knew that there was a security camera in the ceiling he immediately took off all his clothes and started masturbating in the jail cell.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Okay. So it was almost like he was bragging about killing all these women. The second they took that guy out, he started masturbating in the cell. Okay. Just sicko. His friends, quote unquote, added fuel to the fire. They told police that he would often brag about killing the women and feeding their bodies to the pigs on the farm to get rid of the evidence oh which is another thing that investigators said probably happened which is why they didn't find all of the remains is because he would feed them
Starting point is 01:14:35 to the pigs right so even if they weren't necessarily in the meat or whatever he would feed them to the pigs and then the pigs would be killed and then it would just sick yeah sick um so the cops had been receiving tips about robber picked in since 1971 so and how long did it take them this was on youtube at this point so like 2002 and so people were understandably pissed that it took so long to arrest him um because new so many tips that come in and they had so many opportunities to search his farm and search him and they were just so sluggish they just never they didn't want to spend the time or the the resources yeah all in all picton was charged with 27 murders although even though he's admitted to 49 yeah and 38 of the 64 missing local
Starting point is 01:15:29 women are still unaccounted for oh shit so there were during that time 64 women went missing and to this day are still unaccounted for 38 of them are still unaccounted for and he was charged with 27 of those 64 picked and pleaded not guilty but was ultimately sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for 25 years so um which is the most her second degree murder in canada uh in 2007 canada lifted the media ban on the case and the public finally learned some more details of what they found on the farm and i'm gonna read to you some of the things they found okay and prepare yourself because it's pretty fucked up they found skulls cut in half with hands and feet stuffed inside of them oh okay the remains of one victim stuffed in a
Starting point is 01:16:17 garbage bag and her blood-stained clothing found in his trailer part of another victim's jawbone and teeth found inside the slaughterhouse a 22 caliber revolver with an attached dildo containing both his and a victim's dna what yeah that's a lot that's one for the books and he was bragging about how many different ways he killed his victims there was also they found an electric saw with one of the victim's DNA on it. So, Robert Pickton is the most prolific serial killer in Canadian history. In 2016, so recently, Pickton was back in the news when he wrote an autobiography called Pickton, In His Own Words words in which he claims he was innocent and was in fact the fall guy for the investigation and the police just needed a
Starting point is 01:17:12 scapegoat okay uh as to how the book got published he smuggled it out of prison by passing it to a former cellmate who was a convicted child molester. Great. Who then sent it to a friend of his in California named Michael Childress, who typed it up for him. Oh, my God. Basically, his cell. This guy transcribed a stolen manuscript from prison that a child molester gave him. Yes. Got it. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:17:41 You got it. I hope he feels proud. got it 100 you got it i hope he feels proud so basically he this guy michael childress told the washington post that it took about a year and cost 2500 to publish the book and when it was released with his name on the cover so it was like the story of michael picton in his own words by michael childress so it was like his name is the author um he posted on facebook i just published a book and linked to it oh my god okay great you didn't write the book even what are you talking about you posted on facebook the book itself was 144 pages uh it was rambling and interspersed with passages from the bible because you know that
Starting point is 01:18:26 always makes every book better so uh key to a good book uh the book claims that picton was set up by investigators without offering any hint at who might have killed the 26 women or why the police may have found uh the women's dna at his farm so it's like offers no explanation as to why 26 of the women's dna was there but it wasn't him of course why would it be no why i know so michael childress later issued an apology uh as did the publishing company who published the book and childress was basically like yeah i looked him up on wikipedia but i just assumed since i read the book that like the manuscript that like maybe he didn't do it so i thought oh it can't hurt it won't be a big deal and then this publishing company was like shit we didn't mean to like so obviously the sparked outrage like among the victims and their families yeah the publishing
Starting point is 01:19:21 company like revoked their revoked the book and we're like we didn't mean to cause trouble and then amazon canada had been selling the book and so they were like and barnes and noble and once amazon removed it apparently barnes noble was still selling it for a while so people were like posting like to fucking delete this and i looked up the book and i found this one website where you can, like, download, like... In a sketchy way. Yeah, some weird... Like, on the dark web.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Some sketchy-ass thing of, like, reviews of books. And it was that book, and there was a review by a guy named Keith, and it was like, this book tells the story of how the police are incompetent, and one man who clearly didn't do what he said he did or what the police say he did and just needed a scapegoat and i'm like he literally went on the jail internet and wrote that fucking review yeah his name is keith that's there's no fucking way anyway it's just absurd um so they deleted the copies off the internet, picked on himself, is now 68, and will hopefully rot in prison until his dying day. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:30 And here's a picture of all the women who were missing during the time, and a lot of them are still unaccounted for. Oh, that's so many people. Yeah. This is just from Vancouver during the time that he was murdering women. And the upsetting thing is that um some of these people like were confirmed to be victims found on his farm but a lot of them police have said you know if he really did decompose the bodies the way that he says he did or that his friends there's no way of seeing any too late you can't find it and it's been you
Starting point is 01:21:02 know decades many decades and they still haven't found trace of any of these people there or anywhere else so a lot of these people are presumed to be his victims especially when he brags about 49 plus victims yeah how come when he had he knew there was a security camera in his cell i don't know i think he just was like wanted to brag and his narcissism got the better of him you know i feel like these guys sometimes just don't know. I think he just was like, wanted to brag and his narcissism got the better of him, you know? I feel like these guys sometimes just don't even care. Care.
Starting point is 01:21:29 At the time. Yeah. Wow. Anyway, that's the story of pig farmer Robert Pickton. Oh, great. Canada's most notorious serial killer. Oh. Ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Time's up. Time's up. Time's up for you, motherfucker. I guess so. Yeah. Time's up for you motherfucker i guess so yeah time's up for a lot of y'all wow do we have a geoscope after that one uh sure or a juniper scope oh my god let's do a juni scope a juni scope baby honey. She's so teeny tiny baby. For Pisces. Little baby Pisces girl, which is a fish and she's a kitten.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Aww. Dear little juniper. You continue to be busy with your social life, community plans, and various groups and clubs. Yes. Nevertheless, delectable Venus in your home zone could draw your attention to domestic chores that need to be done especially those that help keep your place happy and harmonious yeah i wish with so much going on in your social world you might enjoy entertaining people in your home if you do it should go very well. Well, it hasn't so far, but we'll keep trying.
Starting point is 01:22:46 You might enjoy... If you do... You'll certainly impress them. Most of us. Most of us. All but one. Just not you. However, you might need to draw the line and say no to too many requests for help. This weekend could see you reaching out yet again to assist another when you might be better off
Starting point is 01:23:05 taking a long rest oh my god this doesn't mean that you shouldn't help at all just that you might need to set some limits if someone else can step in and take your place so much the better is there a um a relationship like a scorpio pisces god let's see if they are a match made in heaven eventually. Let's do this. Let's do this. Scorpio and Pisces. Pisces are naturally sensitive and instinctively know what others need even before they ask. She's always the first to arrive at a friend's or family member's doorstep to offer assistance in a world full of takers a pisces
Starting point is 01:23:45 woman kitten is a truly is truly a breath of fresh air for she gives unconditionally um she dreams of being loved immensely she's often lost in lala land so she matches well with someone who's capable of snapping her out of it and gently bringing her back to reality right yes she is truly an amazing partner for she knows how to love unconditionally scorpio is desired by many women oh wow ain't that the truth geo but his elusive heart can only be won by one his elusive heart can only be won by one he is not the type to take advantage of his admirers because he takes love seriously. Bullshit. This man is very intense in everything he does and love is no exception.
Starting point is 01:24:35 He does not want to waste his time and effort on someone who might break his heart. He wants to be in control, so his partner must be submissive she must be very careful not to ruffle his feathers or his butt curtain i added that his butt ruffles his butt ruffles with actions that will trigger jealousy so what i'm hearing what i'm hearing is that once geo gives her an opportunity it's gonna be an an emotional, emotional time. So serious. Like, he's never going to let her go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:09 It's just a matter of time. They're going to be BFFs for the rest of time. It's just a matter of time. Is what you're hearing. Oh, yeah, I'm hearing it. What? Tell the people where to find us. You can find us at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon, at ATWWD Podcast.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Please help us. Please donate. You're the reason that we're able to do all this. You can find us at our website, and that's You can find our merch at andthat' We added some new stuff. You can find our email, and that's whywedrink at, where you can send in your listeners' stories.
Starting point is 01:25:44 We put out a new listeners' episode at the first of every month and eva's doing those now so you can say hi to her oh we're going to crime con which i i don't think you can still use the code can you no because when this comes out it's over oh yes we were already at crime con so never mind um we have to our wine and crime episode go listen to our wine and crime episode go listen to our may first listeners episode that we put out last week we also have a live show on father's day that's already sold out the hollywood improv theater and oh we forgot to announce this we have another live show guys what's big news we and also know we don't have a link yet for where you can buy the tickets but as soon as we have it we will post it everywhere for you but you guys know how seriously we take our birthday so seriously too seriously and we have
Starting point is 01:26:30 a birthday live show yes as of today Irvine California on my birthday June 3rd to ring in midnight which becomes Christine's birthday on June 4th. If you're not there, you're a big dummy. So get ready. If you're in the California area, if you can get to Irvine by June 3rd, just be ready to purchase tickets. We'll post it wherever we can. And in the meantime, if you want to send us any fan mail, which we will open in our monthly fan mail video for our Patreon donors,
Starting point is 01:27:01 for our Patreon donors. You can mail it at 1920 Hillhurst Ave, number 265 Los Angeles, California, 90027. Good job. That's impressive. Yes. That is correct. And I think that's it.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Guys, thank you for listening. Yeah. We love you. We love you. Eva, thank you for editing. Thank you for editing, Eva. And there's a lot of fun stuff on the horizon we can't wait to share it with you and we can't wait to meet you in person and we are excited about thank you in advance to everyone in nashville that we saw last night at the meetup thank you in the past in advance thank you from the past to the future but also the past again yeah because it's as we're
Starting point is 01:27:47 saying this it is our future but when you hear this it is our past so thank you for the in-between where we are going to meet all of you and our moms are going to meet you and thank you to everyone coming to our may 20th live show at the hollywood improv theater and our june 17th live show at the hollywood improv theater everyone who actually shows up in a shirt in nashville or attends our crime con live show thank you thank you and thank you in advance to everyone that comes to the irvine show june 3rd oh man we will keep you updated hearty man and then we are also we can't not we can't tell you because it's a secret, but we can't tell you because we truly don't know, but we are planning other shows for the East Coast
Starting point is 01:28:30 soon. We're looking at DC, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. So those are all potentials, but we truly don't know anything and they're very far in the future. Yep. So get ready. Get ready, guys. We're getting ready.
Starting point is 01:28:46 And that's why we drink. We're champions.

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