And That's Why We Drink - E68 A Lazy River Cellar and a Buffett Tattoo

Episode Date: May 20, 2018

Get on board with the theybies! It’s episode 68. Em covers the (redundant) Barnstable House in MA and Christine covers the disappearance of OSU med student Brian Shaffer in 2006. And that’s why we... drink. Go Bucks!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can't wait to have babies. Well, I can. I won't be having them, but... Here we go. Welcome to And That's Why We Drink, a paranormal and true crime podcast hosted by M. Schultz, Christine Schieffer, and Boxed Wine. We are here for you, and we're here for your enjoyment.
Starting point is 00:00:21 So, get ready to enjoy some stuff. Yeah, we have stuff for you. This is really hard for me. I don't know why I'm not doing a good job. It's because we're actually trying to do an introduction. I messed it up. I should have just let it go. I tried talking about babies and you didn't, and you didn't let me have that. Have y'all heard about babies? We'll wait for your response. heard about babies we'll wait for your response everyone just said what did you say baby baby instead of a he be or a she be you got a baby yeah it's like um a baby it's like in brooklyn they're doing like they name their kid rain and then they're like hello i thought it was a fucking ghost. I thought it was a baby. It's a blaze.
Starting point is 00:01:07 What's wrong? Nothing. I wanted to mess with you. It fucking worked. I thought that was a ghost. He wanted to mess with us. Well, he's in rare form tonight. The door truly opened and I was like, oh, that's Geo.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And then I didn't see any fur at the ground. And I was like, oh my God, it's a ghost. There's two other humans that live here besides Geo and I assumed it was a ghost. Had to be. babies um i just introduced em to the concept of babies which i learned about at nickelodeon introduced me to a concept i should have known because i fucking was one whatever i mean you weren't one but like you should have been like like all of us really should have been one we all should have been seen as a baby since the beginning of time. Sure. But I feel like that's a long way to go. Give it 100 years. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah. Anyway, babies, it's for people who are not doing gender reveal parties because they know that they don't actually know the gender until the human themselves announces their gender. Yes. I have mixed feelings about it because it's also a little bit like two on the nose of their millennial culture yeah they're a little bit like in your face about it it's like oh my child's name is like rain rain summer astro something rather very hippie culture yeah which sucks because it's like since it's like it's like a whole hipster hippie culture that's creating this term no one's gonna take it seriously that's the thing i feel like it's it's if it was like just like some joe schmo being like no babies are a thing guys and then they
Starting point is 00:02:34 all like high five in the locker room about it for some reason to be taken more seriously because like the general norm but i feel like that's the same with every people would believe with every cultural shift it's not the the joe schmoes the joshmos have to learn from the the people or they just got to get on board but they're always getting on board with the babies because the babies are regardless of your beliefs it's 2018 and babies exist suck it and i'm gonna have so many of them, Allison? She can make her own decision on that. They'll just show up at the door and she'll be like, what the fuck is this? You're like, it's my baby.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It sounds like. It's the baby stork. He arrived early. The stork. It sounds like when you watch like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network and they're, I guess, more like Nickelodeon. And there are those cartoons or cartoons. There are those advertisements that are like, it's a whatever doll bring her home in theater and she loves her bottle and you can brush her hair wow wow except it's like bring home a baby except it's a baby where
Starting point is 00:03:39 you can give them yellow clothes because because the stereotype has been formed on color boys can wear pink and girls can wear blue it's a gender stereotype it's a baby gender's a construct trademark $29.99 a month for seven payments of $29.99 call 1-800 gender's a contract. Shipping and handling not included. Okay, now someone draw us a fucking baby and then draw a whole aisle of them at Target. Actually, let's just make an infomercial. Someone do that. We just did. I know, but I need it in visual format.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Okay, if you're a jingle writer, we've given you some inspo for the night. If you're a jingle writer, you better have sent us something by now. I'm just saying. We've given you a lot of fodder for a jingle. I don't know why you're only now jumping on board. Anyway. And also make a Joe Schmoe baby, because those exist, too. They're just underrepresented. If you give us a hipster baby.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Right. That's too obvious. Don't name it Rain. Name it, like, um. Bruce. Tim. Oh. Or Tim. Bruce, Tim. Timothy, Bruce. they be right that's too obvious like don't name it rain name it like um bruce tim oh or tim bruce tim timothy bruce timothy bruce the baby also now i don't know why we got on this rant but i want to say go ahead the most important thing of all complete what what no i just have no idea where you're going okay complete turn from babies okay on. Okay. On it. Is that okay?
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah. All right. So I'm going to say, please come to our live show on June 3rd in Irvine, California. The details are on our website. It's our birthday show. It's going to be huge and awesome. It's my birthday show. Listen, you get all the birthday love this year.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I don't get any. Birthday love? I have to be on Prandalol on my birthday. I'm stoked for the presents that all of you are going to bring me, right? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. That's right. All right, fine. Come to Em's birthday show.
Starting point is 00:05:33 No, but we come to Christine's too. Yeah, okay. You just kicked me out of it. No, you're included again. Come to our birthday show on June 3rd. The details are on our... My birthday's on a Monday. Let me have this. No, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:05:43 The details are on our website. We're going to have a lot of fun. uh the details are on our website we're going to have a lot of fun um it's a huge venue so we're trying to get as many people to come as possible it's our biggest venue yet and it's i like i know that it seems obvious but i think it still needs to be said out loud that the more people that show up the better we look and the better we look the more places we're going to be able to get booked at bigger future shows. So if this one sells out, we're able to go to more cities. This basically determines what our tour looks like in the coming months.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Like actually, though, this really does determine it. Very serious ways. So if there's any possible way you could come, please come. We would love to see you. And we're going to have so much fucking fun. It's a really it's like our big birthday bash weekend so we're gonna have a great time and we really want you guys to be there and we're doing a fun new thing called and that's why we draw the m created yes you've probably seen
Starting point is 00:06:36 it on our social media but if not m tell them what it is okay yeah i just got excited that i got credit for something i was like wow what do you mean I don't know because I thought I feel like we did it together no you did it you came up with it um it's our they be also if you come to the live show maybe bring like an air horn and just honk every time we get off on a big ass tangent don't do that okay yeah that's too loud don't do that that's too loud um we'll find an alternative um what was I talking about oh yeah and that's why we draw are you drunk i think so it's really hot and i'm sleep deprived so sorry yes um and that's why we draw so at our live shows it was advised to us that we have visuals at our show and so we were like well this is an audio show with zero visuals ever.
Starting point is 00:07:25 So how on earth are we to do this? And I conjured up a plan called And That's Why We Draw. Beautiful. And during our live shows, in advance the week before, we are going to announce key phrases that are involved in our stories that we're going to be covering. And they are key phrases that are taken completely out of text. There's no way you're going to be able to like, know what the story is about. We're not going to be like ruining any spoilers. It's not like you're going to know the story. It's a completely random phrase that we're going to be covering.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And it is involved in the story, but in such an off kilter way that it doesn't ruin the story or the surprise and when we announce it you guys are going if you wish to uh draw your interpretation of what you think we're talking about and we want you to draw them like it doesn't matter you don't have to be artistic you don't have to be artistic it's almost more fun if you're just creative and like can't draw it's also a little more fun if you're kind of drunk and you just send us like a stick figure of something that you think really makes sense but doesn't yeah we're confused we're not about we don't i mean we love the artistic people and there are a lot of you and those have been some of my favorites but don't feel like you need to be artistically we've seen a lot of people post yeah they're like oh well i can't draw so i can't play it's like no fucking play do you think we can
Starting point is 00:08:42 draw this is a show called and that's why we drink do you do we sound like you need to like always be a winner at everything no no no so if you wish to play in the future we will always be posting um we have a specific logo that um my buddy kirky's from work he's made kirk is the fucking best he made our logo logo too yes um and he so there's going to be a specific logo that we post we'll be showing all the catchphrases that we want you guys to draw and email them to and that's why we drink at and please please please put in the subject title and that's why we draw submission yeah because otherwise we're not going to find it or it's going to get sent to like instagram or twitter and we're going to have it's just we need them all to go to one place. This week we had people DM them and we realized it was just a
Starting point is 00:09:28 really like between our personal Twitters and our podcast Twitter our personal instas and our podcast insta our Facebooks our emails like they like I think we gathered them all but I think we did too in the future please email them. Yeah I made the bad call of saying DM me because I didn't know how many now we didn't know how many people would be active participants and the answer is a lot you guys are fucking hilarious and i spent all day like cracking up over all the submissions so thank you but so yes and that's why we draw is officially a thing for live shows and even if you can't come to the live show do not let that stop you from drawing saying like oh well i'm not gonna see my drawing because false whoever the winning oh i didn't even say what the fuck happens after you send in these pictures
Starting point is 00:10:08 so jesus we just laugh and then we just laugh and then that's it um we are going to pick our favorite pictures that get sent to us and they're going to be displayed on the like basically a powerpoint projection behind us on stage right when we come upon that term in our story. Yes. And when I get to that spot or Christine gets to that spot, we're going to say like, okay, so this was the phrase I was saying. This is the picture that we, this was the winning picture of what someone felt we were talking about.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And then whoever wins, we're also going to be posting it on social media after the live show. So you will still get to see your picture as will everyone else. If we think that it is deemed worthy yes which they all they all are but we have to pick one so please participate it's been really fun so far and this is about to be a very common thing in our lives so please join us in the nightmare that is and that's why we draw that i've created it is so funny my own monster they be your monster they be and what a monster they be it is um yes that and uh not only do we have uh that live show but thank you in advance to everyone that's coming to
Starting point is 00:11:15 our actual first non-crime con live show this weekend oh my god when you're listening to this we will be having an a live show that. We are having an anxiety attack currently. Did you see it happen on my face? Like the realization and the fear? Yeah, you kind of saw your breath kind of caught. I, yeah, I realized where, I realized how many hours I have left until I have to be on a stage. So. The countdown is on. And I'm not on my, we're praying a lot right now. Um, so. It's going to be good okay uh my mom's gonna be in town which is why i drink and also because we have our live show um and we're we're stressed but it's gonna be really fun and i have a feeling like it's just gonna be one of our most memorable
Starting point is 00:11:59 nights yet just because our first uh our first show our first show in the theater on stage at a real venue it's gonna be awesome and then thank you to our guinea pigs at crime con who yeah who helped us really like get a sense of what it might look like honestly doing that show really helped me feel better because it was i mean we were able to sit there and have people in front of us and tell a story and then realize we didn't die. Yeah. And so I feel like at least that put us in a better place. Correct. So we have that show and it's helpful to know that it is sold out.
Starting point is 00:12:37 That's helpful. Yeah. We have another live show on Father's Day. Yeah, June 17th. That one's also sold out. So the only one we have left in California is June 3 is June 3. And we need it. This is like the big one. So if you know anyone just the big kahuna pay them to get to the show. I don't care. It's got people. The more people
Starting point is 00:12:56 because the more people that go, the bigger the venue. Oh, by the way, the bigger the seats. We're going to DC y'all'all yeah i forgot to say that on the podcast we posted it online but we're going to dc there's also two other cities on the east coast so we're going to that i cannot say yet because i have not posted the ticket link but dc is for sure happening and then two other big cities in the same week in the same week are happening it's going to be our first big like traveling week yeah east coast tour starting and then there are other cities coming depending on how well we do at these other places so get ready get on board we're so excited and that's why we draw and that's why we draw and
Starting point is 00:13:33 that's why i drank and this is just a big team effort the more people that buy tickets the more places we can get to and the bigger the venues are so more people can actually show up you know like the more people that buy tickets now the less likely it is to be sold out and you can't come it'll be so fun it'll be so fun anyway once i'm medicated i mean we gotta medicate first all right that's all i got i just i'm so pumped for this weekend it'll be really fun we i'm just gonna say it now to hold you to it we gotta figure out what to do for our um birthday video oh fuck huh we do yeah because our birthday is coming up oh my in two weeks what do we do i don't know we'll make it we'll we'll talk about it we'll talk about it we're in talks we're intoxicated
Starting point is 00:14:17 that one of us is so uh i have a story i'm so ready um and before we forget because i know we will um may 27th is our facebook live thank you for saying that um i know we were gonna forget i was gonna forget so facebook live may 27th 3 p.m pacific standard time correct be there be square ask us questions come prepared to say a lot of nice things to us and nothing mean okay thanks nothing mean nothing mean please don't do it okay here is a story about a lovely lady no guess again here's a story about a ghoul well you're closer um this is a place in massachusetts i wanted to make sure there was not anything on the back like last time i checked
Starting point is 00:15:17 there wasn't anything but see it's centered and bolted oh man okay i literally just showed you the title i went like this so i didn't see it i swung my head around you caused a blur i blurred my face so this is the story of the barnstable house in barnstable massachusetts barnstable seems like a like a like almost like an oxymoron. Like, redundant a little bit. Yes. A barn stable. Barn stable. All right. Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I mean, I'm not going to tell them they're wrong. Sure. But they're kind of wrong. Yeah. It's like a college university. Sure. But, like, agricultural. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Like, if you were doing, like, the farm version of that. Yeah. It's like if you were playing Sims and, like, you ended doing like the farm version of that yeah um it's like if you were playing sims and like you ended up at a farm right i just still think about chauncey bliss a lot so that's where that came from chauncey oh i miss chauncey so much i wonder what he's up to chauncey how are you the summer of like so chauncey uh so this is the Barnes Stable House. It is in, can you guess it, Barnes Stable, Massachusetts. Clever. I think so. Let's begin.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It is a house. And it was built in 1716. And it was built by James Payne, who was related to Robert Payne, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Okay. Fun fact. Robert Payne, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Ah, okay. Fun fact. Also, I was told that if we do a drinking game at the live show, if I say fun fact, people have to like fucking finish their drinks. Fun fact, you do say that a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:56 That's a good one that I know. Do you know how, by the way, okay, we're only one bullet in, but let's get into a whole other tangent as we go. Oh, by the way, we're doing drinking games at the live shows. Yeah. That's another incentive um and i had to really dwindle it down because i tweeted out things that you might want to see in a drinking game and literally like 300 people wrote to me with their opinions of things that they should drink to and about five suggestions and i was like everyone would have alcohol poisoning because they were
Starting point is 00:17:28 like every time you hear a gasp a listen a i haven't spoken your english is in my first language sure sure sure sure sure uh here's the thing nope okay what the fuck am it was literally just like everything a script it was like a script of you it like, let's put it all in one document, and then it's just us speaking the whole time. Yes. Cool. Also, this place, all the improv, Hollywood Improv and Irvine Improv, have a two-drink minimum, so we might as well get them some business by playing a drinking game. I'm just saying you're going to finish both of those drinks before we're even five seconds into the show.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I'm just saying, take a Lyft there. Don't drive. Don't drive. Take an Uber. We're going to have a party have a we'll do a pool an uber pool big pool maybe we'll make ashley and hunter drive us again pool party jesus let's get drunk um okay so it was built in 1716 it was built over an underground river uh so it was like underneath it was a river underneath the house underneath the ground okay because uh in the basement of the house you could go in and the water was available there like underneath the house in the basement was like a stream like an entrance into the water oh so you could get access to water that way all i just pictured is like you go into the basement and then you open up like a thing and you take an inner tube and you're like lazy river like
Starting point is 00:18:49 float out of your house i assume that would be ideal but it's instead you have to go down to like your creepy cellar and instead of there being a floor it's like part of the river oh no okay that's not as fun as it was in my head right lazy river basement is more the lazy river cellar yeah somebody eva write that down oh by the way that's one of the drinking things also suggested to us anytime we tell eva what to do when she's not here also she's in morocco so so eva okay are you listening can you hear me eva hello come back we miss you fresh hello fresh is another drinking hello fresh was literally the first one is everyone drunk already i think everyone's hammered uh whoops um
Starting point is 00:19:30 also my throat clearing was uh something suggested guys we have too many options if all the things i listed if you took a drink for every single time you heard one of those you would be fucking annihilated they're not here anymore they're asleep oh thank god i drink milkshakes that that would be a disaster on stage oh man don't you spike a thing you're no i would never but you're you're here to to keep me grounded i'm here to make sure that you get home alive per your mother's request. Sorry, mom. So in the basement, like I said, there was an opening that led to the river so people in the house could go get water. The fun fact, fun fact.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Drink. About, should we just start practicing now? No. Fun fact, the house, this house was actually built out of one tree. What? And was sailed over by a boat in three pieces and then put together like they made the house elsewhere oh in thirds okay and then shipped it over and put it together like a big lego piece i understood i thought you were saying it was like a keebler elf thing where it was like built into a tree oh and also the ground is the river yeah i
Starting point is 00:20:44 thought it's like the floor is lava but the floor is water yeah and you're in a tree oh and also the ground is the river yeah i thought it's like the floor is lava but the floor is water yeah and you're in a tree and you're a keyblower elf and you make cookies for living and you're related to the signer of the declaration of independence yeah i really thought it was like it was made out of a tree like a tree house no not but you're saying it was made the wood was made out of one tree yes and it was put together one whole tree sacrificed his life for that house what and nothing else kind oak tree oh oak okay i just assume sure so uh eventually the house became an inn and a restaurant slash tavern as they all do i like how it couldn't decide it was like i'm gonna be an inn and a restaurant and a tavern all the things that require people to attend this
Starting point is 00:21:22 house don't put me in a box um in the 1970s the barnstable house was vacant for a while but a fire started and probably uh i think they said in the third floor attic was where the fire started or did i not say keebler elf house i mean like they're cooking cookies in the middle of the night it all makes sense yeah there's an oven in there yeah i think so they think the keebler elves are quite culinary artists i think they know how to tamper with an oven they have a they have a they're not what's this thing called sprinkler that's called a fan no no what were you pointing at well you know when it's in the sky on the rain no no that's my sprinkler in the sky is a rain that's my baby's name
Starting point is 00:22:05 no like when when the smoke hits the sprinkler on the ceiling in it oh yeah a sprinkler yeah okay i hear you you were literally pointing at a fan i know i'm sorry it was symbolic something's going on inside my head right now and it's called it's called murderous rage toward christine who won't shut up oh no that's all of us oh that's just the norm that's just actually what the show should have been called um okay so the yes there was a fire and the house ended up the original house ended up becoming a commercial building and now houses several businesses. And it is 268 years old as of the article that I read this on. But I didn't know how old the article was.
Starting point is 00:22:51 So it's at least 268 years old. Okay. And the house is known as the house with 11 ghosts. So there was a guy that used to live here called Dr. Savage. Dr. Fred Savage. Dr. Fred Savage. Wait, Fred Savage. No, I'm kidding. But his name was Dr. Savage.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I was like, do you even realize? Fred Savage is not a doctor, by the way. Well, I was like, do you realize what he created? The Wonder Years? No, I mean, do you realize what this Dr. Fred Savage like? Oh, yeah, yeah. Later brought about. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yes. Okay. The Wonder Years. do you know what he created and do you even know do you even know um okay by the way the wonder years is the show that i watched when i had no job really i watched the entire series oh my god i was actively disappointed at the finale by the way really really really was not happy with the time that i had spent watching that show got it um okay dr savage he owned the home at one point and apparently experimented with the occult in the house you know as they do no no there was also a little girl that lived there at one point named lucy and she was between four and seven and she was the daughter of one of the early owners okay lucy uh so lucy died otherwise why would she be mentioned in the story sure thing uh lucy fell through the opening that led to the river
Starting point is 00:24:18 because she was playing with a ball and the ball got in the river and she went to go get it and then she got stuck and drowned um i know i regret my what your my thing about the lazy river and how fun it would be yeah it was the opposite of fun actually i'm so sorry um poor baby a former owner also that also lived at this house he lost all of his money during the revolutionary war and he hanged himself from one of the trees out back oh no so that's at least two deaths and like tragic deaths too there's two deaths and someone who played with the occult beforehand oh sure and it's not like death's like oh we died peacefully in our bed right exactly horrifying there's also uh a ship captain a sea captain who lived here named captain gray and apparently he's a real pain in the ass still as a ghost because he is known as the one that sulks around the basement cellar moaning and slamming doors what a drama queen such a drama
Starting point is 00:25:16 queen um there's also several women who have lived in this house when they were alive that are still seen like women are primarily the spirits that live here. Oh. However, I will list a few of the men first. By the way, there's really no background. It's just ghosts. Great. In case you didn't notice.
Starting point is 00:25:34 That's what we like to hear. So, there is the ghost of Edmund Howe. Wait, I know that name. Do you? Yeah. He's famous, right? Is he not? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Okay, sorry. I didn't look him up for anything except how he died. Okay, never mind. He was the one that hanged himself. Oh. Should we Google him real quick? Yeah, but my internet's not working. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Eva isn't here to do it for us. Goddammit, Eva. Apparently Edmund Howe is... Oh, the last thing I Googled was Fred Savage. Hold on. Apparently Edmund Howe is... He works at the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress. So I guess either way it really fits. I mean, yeah, it's still suitable. Maybe I'm inventing that. I think maybe I was thinking of somebody else. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Sorry. Edmund Howe, the traumatic stress doctor. I mean, you still technically like won the argument. No, no, I did not. This is not the man that I thought he was. Many men are. Not the man I thought you were. So Edmund Howe, who may or may not have been a doctor involved in traumatic
Starting point is 00:26:45 stress he was seen throughout the windows and the upstairs um which by the way was a sealed attic so nobody is there no one's even breaking into the house and able to get into the attic and yet people can see him walking oh great all around the attic fabulous there's also the ghost of captain gray the nasty one i told you about who likes to slam doors the moaning guy yep his apparition is seen in the cellar puttering around as if he's trying to finish a chore can you imagine what a nightmare what a nightmare if your eternity is not completing a chore you're just like puttering around trying to it's like washing all the dishes for eternity and always getting to that one last dish and when you like put it down in the dish rack you look in the sink and it's all
Starting point is 00:27:28 filled again oh man you're like i just want to sit down and have a beer but like i need to finish vacuuming and it just never ends like i need to keep vacuuming but i can't get that one last corner what a nightmare there's also the entity of several several tavern servers dressed in colonial garb. Oh, cute. Which seems like one of those, like, what do you call them? Like the reenactment dinners. Right, right, right. So you go to like a murder mystery kind of dinner or renaissance.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Where they're wearing the uniform. They're like in character. Right. So apparently there's a lot of tavern servers because remember, it used to be a tavern. So apparently there's a lot of tavern servers because remember it used to be a tavern. Um, and people have seen men in colonial attire passing their table while carrying a tray of old fashioned tankard mugs. Oh, like actual servers though. So like I'm thinking of it as a reenactment, but in reality, if these are ghosts, it's
Starting point is 00:28:20 because they were servers during our colonial time. How sad too, that you're just like stuck like you're still serving what all these people would you rather be in food service for eternity or never be able to finish your chores i mean it's all bad it's all equally bad i'm gonna be honest i don't think you win okay so basically they were colonial servers um and the entity of lucy the little girl is apparently a very sociable little girl what a sweetie and tries to find people who will play ball with her honey that makes me sad uh she appears in front of you and plays mischievous pranks which i don't like what
Starting point is 00:28:58 i think uh no being dead qualifies you as like a mischievous prank on its own if you're still showing up like you're alive that's as pranky as you need to get around me don't prank me if you're a dead child yeah like psa if you're listening hello fresh after the fire in 1970s apparently when they were moving things around because uh it turned into like it turned into commercial buildings. So the the tavern itself actually remained, but it moved to a different location. So after the fire, a lot of shit was damaged and they're like, OK, we're going to turn this into a commercial property, but we still want to just reopen somewhere else. OK, so they brought over some of the furniture from the original tavern that wasn't damaged to the new tavern okay so after the fire apparently lucy attached herself to furniture that got moved
Starting point is 00:29:54 and so she actually haunts both places the original building and the new tavern she's like we i'm going with this couch yeah and apparently some of the colonial servers also attach themselves oh no and so even though they actually weren't spirits originally on that property now people will still serious people will still see colonial servants i didn't know that was a thing that they could split up like that like she could like split to two places i don't know walt likes uh walt Walt likes Alabama, too. Walt likes Alabama. He does, right? Walt's the ghost that lives here, if y'all are listening backwards. Also, should we ask his request?
Starting point is 00:30:34 What request? Remember, Walt had a very specific request for us. What was it? I mean, ask it. I don't remember. So, we're talking via a board that sounds like squeegee yeah you probably haven't heard of it and uh there has been a request to find his family oh there has hasn't there and oh i forgot about this uh i tried using facebook i cannot find them but maybe if we can reach out this way and other
Starting point is 00:31:06 people can try to track them down but also don't don't stalk any don't don't stalk anyone don't harass anyone and don't talk to anyone don't harass we're not asking you to go message random people but if you like you know if you're if it's the middle of the night and you feel like stalking someone like privately and then not reaching out to them. And then telling us. That would be great. Apparently, Walt's name is Walt McNeil. And he doesn't know how old he is, but he has three living descendants that all live in Alabama. And I think he said Birmingham. I think he said near Birmingham or something. Alabama.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And he has a descendant named Mike Lawson, who is in his 50s in his early 50s and mike has twin children named uh jason and hattie and they should be around 14 years old i can't believe you remember that i tried looking them up and i could not find them so if you have the powers that i don't on social media to find matt or jason lawson and Hattie Lawson that are 14 or their father, Mike Lawson, who's in his 50s and they live in Alabama. Let us know. Let us know because it was requested to us from beyond the grave. You know, casually. It's just literally a death wish.
Starting point is 00:32:20 It's fine. It's just a post death wish. It's like NBD. it's fine it's just a post-death wish actually nbd and also guys if you literally can find a guy named mike lawson in alabama in his 50s with twin 14 year olds named jason and hattie we have proven that ghosts fucking exist get on it get on it i mean it's just like a tall drink it's just a tall order it's a tall drink i was gonna say a tall drink of water but i was talking about myself actually okay anyway that being said do your magic internet come on internet and do it respectfully please don't harass anyone i really don't need to go to jail no okay so anyway as i was saying
Starting point is 00:32:56 jesus we keep getting off on okay so she attached herself to furniture and so at both places she has been seen pulling mischievous pranks such as uh locking doors that of rooms that you're in by yourself so you get locked into rooms she changes the radio she's like guys i just want to listen to like fall out boy it's fine i mean me um she shows up oh she doesn't show up under beds oh my god that'd be terrifying oh um she hides the silverware when the staff is setting up and it gets found under beds and couches also me um she visits both buildings so i guess she's like a commuter um and that's that on her oh she likes um flashlight interviews i saw a couple videos of people trying to talk to her and people leave her like um a ball and toys sweet and uh she has on multiple accounts said her name into evp and a spirit box so like shit people know they're talking to her um she likes playing with the toys that people leave her and she is seen
Starting point is 00:33:58 skipping down the hall into rooms that are empty so if you go try to follow her the room will be empty after we've seen her skip in her mother also has been seen um in the house and she is seen sitting in her rocking chair and sometimes the chair like sometimes you see her in the chair sometimes you see a rocking chair rocking by itself and they've gotten evps of a woman humming you can also hear humming in the attic when nobody is upstairs because it's been locked off they've also gotten evps of a child singing and giggling okay so no no thanks um so this woman they don't know if it's her mother or another woman but there's a very common entity named margaret and margaret has been seen the windows and halls wearing a white gown dress and long blonde hair floating instead of walking
Starting point is 00:34:45 oh that's nice so during the fire in the 1970s um also the place was vacant at the time but the firemen that got there didn't know that they just saw a house on fire so they went in and it wasn't like crazy on fire like only a portion of the house was on fire but the people didn't need to rush out it wasn't sure you know i mean being said, firemen were walking through making sure that the house was OK and they saw a woman. Let me backtrack because hang on, you'll get it. So the firemen were looking through the house and they looked out the window and they saw a woman looking at them through the window um on the third floor like some had gone inside and
Starting point is 00:35:26 some were standing outside to like check the perimeter of the house and they looked up and they saw a woman on the third floor in the attic which as we know is locked off but they didn't know that they just saw someone in the house and thought someone lived there oh got it so they said oh someone's on the third floor um and so they got up to the room but the room was empty oh god then when they were in the room they looked out the window and saw the woman floating in the front yard staring at them and then disappearing in front of them two of those firemen said that the woman looked exactly like the one who was following them through the house who they thought was the owner of the house so like they didn't even question why she was with them oh my god and so
Starting point is 00:36:09 when they said when the other firemen were like what are you talking about they said that a woman was following them around the house and asking them strange questions about their uniform and said that she missed her old room strange questions about their uniform like not like she was so from so far long ago she didn't know what they were doing there creepy and uh the fireman said they thought it was weird how she got downstairs outside so fast considering she was just talking to them only a minute ago so some people were outside looking up to the third floor in the attic that's locked off and she was there people that were there were looking down on the ground and she was in the yard right other people in the house she was literally following around and talking to them oh my god so she's just she's all over the place
Starting point is 00:36:53 and everyone had a different story oh great um the first floor of the building is now a law office and uh one of the last uh entities i was trying to avoid the word spirit for the millionth time. So I kept saying entity in my notes. Entity is nice. The last entity is there was a former wife of the house. And she's often seen on the first floor, especially in the dining room. she's often seen on the first floor especially in the dining room so since the first floor of the building is now a law office that and that's where she's often seen um a lawyer who works there was sitting at his desk when he saw and heard the latch to his door open his office door and he saw
Starting point is 00:37:40 a woman walk in without feet like just floating floating with a hatchet in her hand. Oh, no. Calmly floating through his room, stopping at his shelves and staring, like staring in the middle of the room, just standing there with a hatchet. And she also is floating. Can you imagine how traumatic that must be? As a lawyer who is nothing but logical, too. It's like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Traumatic. The same lawyer has also seen her multiple times churning butter by the fireplace so he's just like i feel like this is like the beginning and end of the relationship of like geo and juniper but like in the beginning geo probably saw juniper as someone without legs and a hatchet and now he like just walks past her and like she's just like churning butter and he's like i still don't really know why you're fucking here but it's better than it was but i guess i'll let you turn butter in my law like just stay over there just stay over there and we're fine that's crazy though like that guy must be super in tune with spirits
Starting point is 00:38:39 or something why i guess he's always seeing her so So during one investigation, they taunted the ghosts in there. And for some reason, I don't, they were not using Havenly. Was it Zach Baggins? No. Taunting. Nope.
Starting point is 00:38:51 There was a heavy cast iron statue of a whale in this building. Oh yeah, you're right. No Havenly involved there. Uh, nope. Just good old my decorations and just good old But so a heavy cast iron statue of a whale so that's a fucking
Starting point is 00:39:06 heavy statue a heavy statue if you were gonna get a statue of anything it would be not only cast iron but also the shape and size of a fucking whale if you're gonna get such of anything heavy you would literally pick a whale over anything else yeah got it like i need like i need something that just makes this room feel heavy oh what's more heavy than a whale cast iron statue? That no one can pick up. Okay. So they were on an investigation. They were taunting the hell out of the ghosts because they were immature and disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Rude. And this statue just fell over like it was nothing and fell in front of them and actually damaged some of the floor because it was so fucking heavy. It like damaged the floor and fell behind them break their ankles or something that would have been scary uh they have also on investigations asked what is your name in a very clear evp uh shows a man whispering the name andrew blackburn which was one of the people who used to live there like clear as day really specific um so that's all the stuff for the barn stable house but two minutes down the road is the barn stable old jowl jowl gal gal we like a good gal love a good
Starting point is 00:40:16 gal um so yes the barn stable old jail it's literally called the old jail good good good to this day and actually if you google a picture of it which i advise it's literally called the old jail good good good to this day and actually if you google a picture of it which i advise it's pretty adorable looking from the outside does it look like a little old schoolhouse or something yes oh what is it in boston it's in barnstable massachusetts right next to the barnstable house two miles away there it is and uh the reason it looks so old-fashioned is because it was built in 1690 and it's literally one of the it's so old looking it's the country's oldest wooden jail a jail made of wood only it looks it looks exactly like the country's oldest fucking wooden jail yeah if you look at a picture it looks like exactly where a farmer like puts a
Starting point is 00:41:05 guy in time out but calls it jail goodbye because it's so it's so adorable but it's so creepy stay in there for a little bit yeah here's your like complimentary whiskey in your quote jail but also look at pictures of the inside it's like it's actually terrifying it looks like a cracker barrel on the inside it's entirely wooden oh this looks terrifying to me yep but that doesn't look like your cracker barrel that looks like i was thinking more of like the ones like the wooden lobby kind of sure okay because one of the like jail cells looks like fucking solitary confinement with a stool in it but then you're right like the the outside looks a little bit like it has a a little bit of a it's got it's got the southern charm new england it's got a warm hospitality yes it is the new england new england it's the martha stewart yeah of jails actually
Starting point is 00:41:51 sprinkled her magic on it a little bit um also funny how you mentioned that looks like solitary confinement because it's literally described online as distinctly a 17th century torture pit oh okay so i'm gonna have you do something real quick i don't want to do anything with that google i don't want to participate with that barnstable old jowl uh wood plank and then let me see it because i gotta point out a specific thing so okay i'm looking at it there is literally a wooden plank that as they were recently cleaning it out they found this wooden plank that had been over there for more than 300 years and it has carvings in it from the original inmates in the 1690s oh my god i see it now and one of if you look at it closely that
Starting point is 00:42:46 plank of wood says w bartlett 13th day of october to the 27th day of october 1698 1698 and they just found it it's just been sitting there this whole time i see it bartlett oh my god this is bananas you guys google it what is it called barnstable barnstable old i spelt jowl instead of jail gowl gowl sorry sometimes it's a soft g oh is it really maybe i'm saying i mean no i was fucking with you i have no idea wood plank um wood plank and then probably type in bartlett or something and you'll get it you gotta scroll 1698 scroll down a ways we'll post it we'll post it so uh we always say that we we never do we're gonna do it just until you eva eva fresh so yeah so that's how fucking old this place is literally just like a wooden horrible jail that's actually really fucking creepy this plank well also so it
Starting point is 00:43:44 looks really adorable on the outside, this jail. It does. But on the inside, like you said, 17th century torture pit. Nope. And it was, if you look at it, it literally looks like a tiny little farmhouse. Yeah. Like a house. Doesn't look like a jail.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah. And it actually could only hold up to six prisoners at a time. Oh, my God. Adorable. So cute. But. Miniature. Miniature. time oh my god adorable so cute but miniature of course they did not pay attention to uh maximum
Starting point is 00:44:08 capacity at the time and it actually still holds several inmates at once and only inmates who could afford it got to eat uh what so it was actually jam-packed and they're like sardines and they were fighting each other for food for the people who actually bought food well that's fucking great fighting each other for food for the people who actually bought food well that's fucking great um it's so tiny too it was a it's like a tiny house yeah dreams um so it was a jail until 1820 and then it was actually moved from its original property and piece by piece brought back over and rebuilt in a location where they were like it will suit this area it will do here guess where they brought it a cemetery oh my god so where things are go to die if they're not already dead apparently so they can be they can suit the place right so in cobb's hill cemetery now sits the barnstable old
Starting point is 00:44:59 jail wow um ghosts came with the building, obviously. Sure. And investigations and overnight tours were done for a while. And the main tour guide, his name was Derek. Derek. I know. And he said that the ghosts would often bump into people, push them, throw items, drop rocks by their feet. So, like, just to get attention get attention like feel something by your foot and then look down and someone's dropped a rock that's not nice um they would growl whisper and very
Starting point is 00:45:30 clearly in the evps say move aside help i'm cold because remember it was new england in the 1600s and it's a wooden jail in a wooden building where they don't give a shit about you and there's no heating they don't give a shit um oh that's there's no heating. They don't give a shit. Oh, that's so sad. And then there's also an EVP that says, can I get out yet? I am. Super sad.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Apparently, there are two apparitions that walk throughout the house upstairs. You can see them through the windows, and you can hear their footsteps and shuffling. You can also hear the cell doors lock and move on their own. And the doors will open and move on their own. And the doors will open after you've closed them. There are heavy knocks on the walls, and there's also knocks and snickering in a cell when you are in there by yourself.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Oh, gross! People often see Edmund Howe, the guy that hanged himself, because it's only like two minutes away. I'm sure he doesn't mind the brisk walk from his barnstable house to the barnstable jail in the cemetery. Why not? And so anyway, he's often seen standing outside in the lawn staring at you. And he's the one who hanged himself, right? Yeah. Ugh. With long black hair.
Starting point is 00:46:42 He wears a white colonial shirt. And he just stares. Ew, he has long black hair and a colonial shirt white colonial shirt. And he just stares. Ew, he has long black hair and a colonial shirt. That's the creepiest thing. He also, people have also experienced in this jail during the tours, their hands being squeezed by children-sized hands. Tugs on the shirt. Breath on their face. The sense of being stared at.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Chairs sliding on the floor on their face oh the sense of being stared at chairs sliding on the floor on their own and there's also a woman that appears to you does not speak and will stay there if you don't speak to her but if you question her she will vanish so it's like if you're cool with a mute ghost she'll chill with you she's like don't question me but also like for a while i was like why are all these like children and women at this jail but it's also sitting on a cemetery like these it's just covered in ghosts now so apparently who's to say who's originally part of the jail and who's not right right right they're just it's equally haunted as the barn stable house two minutes away i just realized i was thinking about elias how oh who invented the modern sewing machine. Okay. Not him.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Not the same, but like, look at him. He looks he looks like an Edmund. He looks like an Edmund and he looks like he would have been around that time period. Yes. So, that's why I was confused. Sorry. And he's from Massachusetts. Oh. So, anyway, that is creepy.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Where is Barnstable? Do you know where that is? Barnstable? No. I should have probably done my r&d but i assumed eva would do it but she's in fucking morocco who goes to listen who goes to morocco morocco when you've got a job where we're your boss you're so fucking lucky eva excuse me god she's so lucky and stupid and fired stupid and fired i keep um stalking her uh her instagram because i know she looks like she's having a blast oh my god so much fun oh barnstable is like on the little like a hook in massachusetts like down there there's boston up there and there's barnstable oh cool like literally down in the in the little shoe in the little little baby shoe all right so that's that listen i got some things to say too
Starting point is 00:48:52 oh boy hang on one second though sorry i thought something was happening but it wasn't that sounded like something was happening yeah it was me inhaling really intensely okay okay go ahead what were you gonna tell me okay i was gonna tell you a story oh if that's okay one whole story okay sure sure sure so my story goes out to columbus ohio this week oh my papers just got thrown on the ground. Don't knock the rest of them. We all know they're going to get on the floor anyway. Damn it, Em. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Shout out to Columbus, Ohio. Shout out to Columbus. So I was just in Columbus actually for Blazes and my friends Amanda and Evan's wedding. And it was the first wedding of many that we're going to this year. So it was like the kickoff wedding. And ours is like the seventh one out of all the ones we're going to. And we had a lot of fun. And she's actually an avid listener of the podcast. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Which is so sweet. And she like when I got back to L.A., she sent me a message and it was a screenshot of her. It was on Monday. So on Sunday, we hung out with them a little bit before we flew back to L.A. Their wedding was on Saturday. So on Sunday, we hung out with them a little bit before we flew back to L.A. Their wedding was on Saturday. And on Monday, I got a message and she was like, she like went back to work for a half day and was like, your podcast is getting me through my half day at work or whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And I was like, that's awesome. So sweet. Like not like your brand new husband, but my podcast. Okay, thanks. It was so sweet. And her friend at the wedding came up and was like, oh, my God, are you Christine? It's so nice to meet you. Like, it was really, really sweet. So she's like doing the Lord's work out there and promoting ATWWD.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And so speaking of Columbus, I was in the airport on the way home when so Blaze went. So I was like, I want a glass of wine. So I was going to walk to the wine bar. Surprise. What is the surprise no surprise at all and i blaze was like let me go pee first so he went to the bathroom and i sat down and i like his seat next to me was empty and the airport was crowded and this woman and man walk up and they're about to ask me a question and i put my hand on the seat and i'm like oh sorry because
Starting point is 00:51:04 i think they're gonna ask for this seat and then she goes hand on the seat and I'm like, Oh, sorry. Cause I think they're going to ask for this seat. And then she goes, this is going to sound weird, but are you Christine? And I didn't know what to say. Well, it finally happened for you. I went, maybe. Cause my first thought is what did I do? So I'm like, no, actually my name is M Schultz. Yeah. I'm actually, um, and so I was like, maybe she was like oh my god like I thought it was you and my husband said she looks so familiar and then blaze was of course wearing his and that's why we drink shirt and she's like and then we saw the shirt and thought oh my god that's Christine and I was like and actually what I said out loud was, are my dreams coming true? Because I've never been recognized anywhere.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Christine has been privately wishing for this for so long. Not so privately. I've been bitching. But anytime I've said, oh yeah, I got recognized. Christine's been like, God damn it. Like, when is my time going to happen? Blaze got recognized before me. Like, it really bothered me.
Starting point is 00:52:03 So finally somebody came up to me and was like so sweet and so her name was maddie and her husband's name was nicholas and they like apparently got married last october and on their way home from the honeymoon they listened to our podcast the whole way and now i like how romance is like weirdly dead and alive all at the same time like we're involved in the wedding and the romance we're intimately involved with the happy couple intimately keyword um so so she was so sweet and we got a photo together and blaze was like and then the guy next to us was like oh uh do you want me to take the photo of all four of you and blaze was like oh no they don't want me in it like because blaze is like i'll take the photo and the guy's like i'll take it
Starting point is 00:52:47 for you and he's like no no i'm not meant to be in this photograph this is really not like he's like i don't want to be associated with this any more than the shirt i'm wearing so it was really sweet and they were so kind and wonderful and um then i went and had a glass of wine and talked about it for 10 hours so that was really awesome i guarantee the second blaze realized you're being recognized he was like god damn it my fucking vacation's over the best part is he walked out of the bathroom and he's like why is christine talking to strangers why does this always happen and then and then he was like oh no i'm never i'm not gonna get a word in edgewise for the next 10 days it got worse but yeah so that was amazing columbus treated me very well um also my best best friend Renee lives in Columbus because she goes to OSU law school there, which I never really showed her or told her, but I bought an OSU law school shirt. She was in Cleveland for Mother's Day. So we happen to miss each other. But I went to I walked past her apartment like a big creep and took a bunch of photos. Oh my god. And then went to the bookstore and bought an OSU law shirt and wore it all weekend um but so she texts me about so you could look like a lawyer got it
Starting point is 00:53:47 yeah actually a lot of people in there everyone probably respected you like oh wow it was amazing and they went go bucks and i was like excuse me there were a few times where people like buck eyes and i was like i'm sorry what and i didn't get it but apparently that's yeah i hear buck eyes and i'm like, I love the chocolate too. Oh, I ate so many of those, by the way, this weekend. Love Buckeyes. Peanut butter. So anyway, point being, Renee actually suggested this a while back because she lives very close to where this happened.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And since I was in Columbus and they showed me a great time, I decided to do this topic. So Columbus, this one goes out to you. And I used to kind of hate on you because I'm from Cincinnati. I don't really know much about you, but I just have a blind, raged hate. It's just like a blind, like, like not just an ignorant friend of me. The rage goes to Pittsburgh and Cleveland, but like the simmering, like, dislike goes to Columbus, but not anymore. Now I like you a little bit.
Starting point is 00:54:43 So this is the disappearance of Brian Schaefer. Do you know it? I feel like I do, but I don't. Like you'll probably get to a specific point where I hear something. I'm like, oh yes, it's all coming back to me now. Okay. I feel like that's fun though. Yeah, no, I I'm excited to find out when that happens in the story. Cool. Cool. Cool. It'll be the last bullet let me and that's the story oh my god now i recognize it oh my god i was waiting for the words the end that was the trigger why didn't you say this sooner okay so let's go back to 2006 let's not because i was fucking 14 and that what was happening was atrocious man um jonas brothers were alive and
Starting point is 00:55:22 well oh i saw that movie in theaters oh me too i also saw them live when i was 14 woof i saw it was the hannah montana best of both worlds tour featuring the jonas brothers actually pretty cool i was the most 14 year old person alive wow i was just on aim making like fake accounts and talking to my crushes been there a psychopath i was doing that too i was doing that too um anyway 2006 columbus ohio myspace was all the rage it was a good time oh yeah i just sorry you said myspace and it took me back even further that was when i thought i was emo and so i put a lot of really fun things on my um page of skulls pink skulls and shit myspace was the year that we all
Starting point is 00:56:02 thought we were computer hackers because we had learned how to like get behind the system and code a little bit yeah i was like oh i know basic html and i am just uh i am on fucking fire the president can't stop me i would turn the skulls into like bigger skulls and be like look at this yeah yeah i bet you can't do that mom mom and my mom was like my mom's to this day probably still doesn't know that that's what i did on myspace she probably thinks that i just like picked a color oh no i mean i don't think my mom really even understands i don't think she wants to know what the fuck myspace was i i mean i listen to like um billy talent does anyone know billy talent except my brother me do you know billy talent into the river below okay i'm not gonna sing it but it's about it's very dark canadian weird emo well if it's dark and canadian is an oxymoron but uh i'll listen to it i tell you what i used to
Starting point is 00:56:52 listen to that so loud then my aunt came to visit my aunt was like turn it off and i've never liked her since anyway and neither did any canadian don't talk to her okay okay moving on jesus myspace jones brothers do you want to hear more about my myspace no okay brian chafer was a med student at the ohio state university go bucks that's right book guys that's right eat some peanut butter in march of 2006 during his second year in med school um unfortunately his mother died of uh myo myelodysplasia which is a form of bone marrow cancer um and he obviously took it hard but like managed to handle it well we just dive right into the story by the way right okay sorry not even a playful beginning yeah i mean i tried with the myspace that it doesn't know it landed it landed i tried but yeah the story itself doesn't really start on a good foot so uh he so his mother passed
Starting point is 00:57:52 away and it was obviously a tragedy for the family um he managed well enough to continue with school um and was able to kind of continue with his classes and exams until the semester was over. He also had a serious girlfriend at the time whose name was Alexis Wagner, and she and her friends and family knew that Brian would be proposing soon, and they had recently planned a trip to Miami for spring break in April, so that's kind of when she thought that the proposal would be happening. Yeah, exactly. So it was sort of like one thought that the proposal would be happening. Yeah, exactly. So it was sort of like one of those like not so mysterious surprises that was coming.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Brian was a big fan of tropical locations like Miami. He really liked... Same as my mother. Yeah, yeah. Like Linda, like a lot of Ohioans actually liked the notion of like a relaxed atmosphere, like a tropical location where you can just kind of chill. And although he liked studying medicine and you want to be a doctor, he would tell people
Starting point is 00:58:54 that his true ambition was to start a band that played music in the vein of none other than our good friend Jimmy Buffet. Oh, I love a good Jimmy Buffet, though. Do you have any idea how much I don't like a good Jimmy Buffay? Probably like on a proportional scale of how much I love Jimmy Buffay. It wasn't until I listened to My Brother, My Brother and Me and they had Jimmy Buffay on an episode that I was like, all right, I can get down with this guy. But it took me a long time. Oh, no. It's such a like dad thing. And I i know but one i'm gonna grow up and be the most dad dad m no second of all okay here's the fucking skinny on jimmy buffet i don't even okay okay one i grew up on jimmy buffett because um of course you did because my mother is chris
Starting point is 00:59:40 jenner and i have the most like i was just i've i led a very lucky childhood i'm from silver spoons and i it's true i'm i was very very lucky growing up and so like i had like we had a pool in the backyard like a very nice pool in the backyard and we had pool parties all the time like my summers i remember every, it seemed like every single day in my childhood memory that we had an M quote must be nice. Yeah, no, it was a, I was, I had a great childhood. And so like, I remember like just parties all the time with my mom's friends over all the time. And I distinctly remember Jimmy Buffett always playing in the background. So it's got that good feeling nostalgia memory. Right. But also Fredericksburg has a weird obsession with Jimmy Buffettett i'm not surprised
Starting point is 01:00:25 by that and there's once a year jimmy buffett comes to fredericksburg or not really it's like near fredericksburg and everyone in the whole town goes like all the stores shut down like people get fucking wild at the jimmy buffett concerts my mom i feel like she's never missed a year yep the whole town like just goes like radio silent for Jimmy Buffett Day. Everyone goes bananas. And I can't do it. I love it so much. This is why I hate it.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I'm like, all these middle-aged people. I mean, yeah, it's just drunk, white, middle-aged people. Yeah, that's kind of what I hate. Which I'm not a fan of, but I love hearing the stories of when my mom likes to get down. And she always gets done on a jimmy buffett concert selene and i so selene has a her parents have a house in florida and we would go down and her stepdad would be all like jimmy buffett and we were like no we don't know i fucking love jimmy buffett it's just one of those things that like growing up we were like get out
Starting point is 01:01:22 of here you could play i i obviously won't do this because i want to keep our friendship but you could play any jimmy buffett song i know every word yeah we're not gonna play that you could play any uh billy talent song and i couldn't say every word so maybe we can play a fun game of that oh no that would require singing and twice the amount of propranolol okay well moving on all i'm saying is, no thanks. Point being, on his MySpace page, Brian described himself as such. Quote, I am a second year medical student at Ohio State University. Go Bucs! He didn't say the Ohio State, so that's a little questionable.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I have only two years to go. I have an awesome and amazing girlfriend. She's super hot, one word. That's how I describe Allison. Yeah, I was waiting for that. And lots of fun. I thought you were going to say that's how you describe me. I was like, oh, thanks.
Starting point is 01:02:13 No, no, no. No. I really love music. And this whole doctor thing is really just a job. Parentheses only temporary. Said Blaze. Until I get my band together and put out a record. Said Blaze. Said Blaze never, dude. Blaze doesn't even. No. only temporary said blaze until i get my band together and put out a record and said blaze
Starting point is 01:02:25 said blaze never dude blaze doesn't even no literally never i want to own an island someday or at least a beach so i can listen to buffett all day and drink margaritas with my senorita that just sounds like a life but i just love that he's like in med school and he's like this is just a temporary it's just a temp thing it's just like hold on i'm still trying to find myself i'm on that journey and it leads to jimmy buffett but like to be a med school student who's by the way he studied microbiology for six years then went to med school and then he's like oh this is just a temporary thing i'm like no like a job at best buy is like a temporary thing. Not a job as like studying to be a doctor and going deeply into debt. He wants a very specific skill set before he lands on his forever job.
Starting point is 01:03:11 I guess so. So he's like, this is a temporary job until I can get a band together and own an island. Okay. Just so specific. I mean, I guess you have to be rich to own an island. So maybe that's why. Anyway, so whatever so on march 31st of 2006 which was three weeks after his mother had passed away um and a week before spring break when he was
Starting point is 01:03:32 supposed to leave with his girlfriend alexis to miami um he brian and his dad so it was the last day of classes in the semester do you want to close that for me? I want to sing Jimmy Buffett to them. Please don't do that. Living on sponge cake. No, I don't like that. Watching the sun bake. Stop it.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I really don't like it. Okay. Keep going. Okay. So on March 31st of 2006, which was three weeks after his mom passed away in a week before the big trip to miami with his girlfriend alexis uh it was the last day of the summit of the spring semester so uh he and his dad went out to celebrate his dad's name was randy schaefer and they went out uh to go for a steak dinner together um and again like his mother
Starting point is 01:04:27 had just passed away less than a month ago so it was still very like new and new and open wound open wound open wound and randy the father noticed that brian was like pretty exhausted uh but it made sense because he had been pulling all-nighters because it was exam week and can you imagine med school exam week and your mom has just passed no i can't i can't that's a hero it really is it's really rough um so he'd been cramming for exams um and so his dad he and his dad went out for a steak dinner and uh although he didn't say anything at the time his dad randy said or thought like he shouldn't go out tonight with his friend clint like he was planning but he didn't really say anything and he was like i want to let him do
Starting point is 01:05:09 what he wants so that night at 9 p.m brian ended up meeting with his friend william clint florence at a bar on high street which is i'm not going to triangulate my friend, never mind. Nearby. Which is nearby. At a bar on High Street called the Ugly Tuna Saloon. And it is a famous bar in Columbus. I feel like I've heard of it. Famous bar on the OSU campus. I really feel like I've heard that before. You might have.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah, so it's a famous bar on the OSU campus. My friend Renee... Goes often? No, but she lives near there um so she had like mentioned it and actually when i was in columbus for the wedding at osu i like passed it several times so i feel like this was all pointing to this story yes it was written in the stars written in the stars uh so he went out with clint an hour later uh brian called alexis his girlfriend who had actually gone back to toledo to be with her family for a little bit before her trip to miami because it was spring but like spring break was starting soon um and he called her and told her
Starting point is 01:06:16 he loved her and good night and he missed her like normal you, relationship type call. And then he and Clint decided to go bar hopping. And according to Clint, they took a shot at each bar they went to. And then after midnight, Brian and Clint met up with a friend of theirs named Meredith Reed. And she agreed to give them a ride back to the Ugly Tuna Saloon for one last round. So they were out bar hopping. And at the end of the night past midnight she drove them back to the ugly tuna and while they were there uh brian separated from his friends and they looked for him they called out for him but they didn't see him anywhere so when two o'clock
Starting point is 01:06:56 rolled around and the bar was closing they waited outside for him um to walk out but he wasn't in the crowd of people leaving the bar so they were like well that's strange he must have he lived really close by and he had been going out and studying and staying up late so they were like oh he probably just got exhausted and walked home and went to bed so they let it be okay uh but brian shaver was never seen again. Hmm. That weekend, uh, Alexis and Brian's dad, Randy called him repeatedly, but he never answered his phone. On Monday morning, Alexis went to the airport for their flight to Miami, hoping he would
Starting point is 01:07:38 show up. He did not show up. Um, that'd be the moment I decided he was dead. And so that is exactly when they reported him missing to the columbus police i would i wouldn't even think he was missing i would be like he's a dead person it was the last hope yeah so police started their search at the ugly tuna because that's where he was last seen um and the area actually had a notable crime rate so the bar had installed security cameras like okay pretty much around um the whole building uh columbus actually has the most security cameras
Starting point is 01:08:11 of any city in ohio more than cleveland uh toledo and cincinnati combined so which is like kind of a crazy amount because cleve at least cleveland and cincinnati are pretty big cities so um they obviously looked at all the footage and it showed brian meredith and clint the three friends going up in the escalator to the bar's main entrance at 115 a.m at 155 a.m um brian was seen outside the bar talking to two young women one of whom he had been friends with in college then he said goodbye and walked back into the bar. And then the women left. But the footage never showed him leaving the bar.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Weird. So the footage showed him entering the bar, talking outside for a few minutes, and then reentering the bar. And it never showed him leaving. And neither did the emergency exit camera that they checked. So he, like, died in the bar. Sounds like someone in the back killed him and put him in a wall well m's on the case i'm cracking it now so um they also studied uh footage of cameras at three other nearby bars so like all the bars on that
Starting point is 01:09:23 strip have security cameras they studied all the camera they thought maybe he had like put on a disguise and left the bar but they studied all the cameras and did not see him in any of the footage um they thought maybe he left through another exit but there was one service door there was an emergency exit that did have a camera he was he wasn't on that camera there was also a service door that opened onto a construction site and if he had managed to get out there it would have been like extremely difficult because it opened onto like a very dangerous construction site um it would have been difficult to walk through sober much less intoxicated um it just didn't seem likely because he wasn't found anywhere near there and
Starting point is 01:10:06 it was a very difficult path to walk uh so the so they began to fan out the search they went from the ugly tuna outward um they took police dogs so police officers took police dogs looking closely into dumpsters other containers asking local residents if they had seen him, posted flyers everywhere. He had a tattoo on his arm from the album cover of Alive by Pearl Jam, which was one of his favorite bands, on his arm. So they posted all those details. Mine's the single Cheeseburger in Paradise.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I hate you so much i was actually surprised i was like he didn't have a buffett tattoo well also like you didn't use like you didn't talk about your tattoo like your giant back tattoo of the fallout boy album i am actually getting a fallout boy tattoo are you really yeah well i cannot stand you a leonard co Leonard Cohen follow boy tattoo okay well I mean we'll see it when we see it you'll see it are we gonna see it June 4th as an anniversary to your most recent tattoo actually Renee and I are getting matching tattoos really adorable yeah you know you know adorable one day you and I should get the ATWWD logo we should dude we should but we have to make sure that when this ends it didn't end poorly otherwise it's going to be a big mistake that we've got that
Starting point is 01:11:29 tattoo well i was listening to my favorite murder when they talked about that and they're like what if we get it and then like and then hate each other a year from now it's anxiety it's too much we have too much anxiety to do that yeah i feel like to do it would be like the kiss of death on a great relationship and a great agreed i feel like we have to wait till it like dies out and then we can memorialize it. Yes. I think it will be like, that will be the. Once it's a happy memory. Once this goes away, which it never will because I refuse to let it.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Sure, sure, sure, sure. But one day when it does, it will be closure. The tattoo will be like the final nail in the coffin of the show. Nail in the coffin. But like a happy nail in a happy coffin. You know what in the coffin. But like a happy nail in a happy coffin. You know what I mean? It'll be a happy nail in a happy coffin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Yes. It'll be like a ta-da, like closing the chapter. Ta-da. That's what I'm going to put on the Instagram post. Ta-da. Ta-da. Happy, happy nail in the happy coffin. Hammer it in.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Hammer it in. It's over. Cover it in cement. It's over, folks. All right. But Hammer it in. It's over. Cover it in cement. It's over, folks. All right. But also, it's never going to happen. So he had a tattoo from Pearl Jam. Got it.
Starting point is 01:12:31 That's where we left off. I don't know. That was part of the missing poster. It's also a part of the drinking game. Oh, shit. So it was something else we just said what did we say sure sure sure sure oh it was just me okay um the police even persuaded the city of columbus to let them into the sewer system and search there so they searched the entire sewer
Starting point is 01:12:58 system there was nothing uncovered uh they actually went to so his girlfriend alexis went to his apartment uh which was only six blocks from the Ugly Tuna. His car was still parked outside. Nothing appeared amiss inside the apartment. Nothing was missing. His glasses were still there, which was kind of telling because he had been wearing contacts on his night out. But he would have needed glasses to see. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:24 I hear you. Beyond like wearing his contacts. And then Randy Schaefer, so the dad, received a tip from a psychic. So apparently he was kind of like reliant on psychics during this time. And he received a tip from a psychic stating that Brian's body would be found in a body of water. stating that Brian's body would be found in a body of water. So he and his other son, Derek, along with some other locals, spent many hours searching along the shores of the Olentangy River,
Starting point is 01:13:59 which flows past OSU's campus and is a mile from Brian's apartment. And actually, it's sad. I read that Randy would just spend months walking up and down the shores, just looking for... That it's sad. I read that he, that Randy would just spend months, like, walking up and down the shores just looking for. That's so sad. Really sad. Looking for any sign of Brian. I mean, also because, like, his wife died, like, just died. Less than a month ago. Just died.
Starting point is 01:14:17 And then he just had dinner with him that night. That night. And he thought, he said he, like, just. He remembers thinking, like, don't go. It's not a good idea. Yeah. It's not. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:28 That's why parents, folks, friends, if you have a gut feeling, you fucking follow it. Tell it. At least say it out loud so you don't have to feel like. You don't have the guilt. Just say it out loud. It's just rough. It's not, I mean, I'm not saying it's his fault. No.
Starting point is 01:14:41 At all. By any means. But for your own clear conscience i just like clearly if you have a gut feeling just listen to it his gut was clearly telling him something um so everyone who saw brian that night the night he went missing march 31st uh or morning of april 1st was given a lie detector test uh everyone agreed to take it except clint his friend okay uh who not only declined the test but also lawyered up oh which bad sign seems like a bad sign but at the same time you can kind of look at it both ways because if the police were kind of badgering him
Starting point is 01:15:22 like obviously your first instinct at least what they tell you if you're. Is don't talk to a cop. Is get a lawyer. If someone's like, oh, you might be a suspect. You know, you get a lawyer. That's. Okay, that's smart. Standard procedure.
Starting point is 01:15:33 So it does seem fishy. So when you're like, when you're in a state of shock, like anything you say is not. It's not good. You're not thinking clearly. So you're not going to be speaking clearly. And it could be used against you later. And he said, like like i told them everything i knew and they were badgering me so like i got a lawyer which is like okay i understood i would probably especially like if my parents knew they'd be like get a lawyer like yeah whether you're guilty or not it you know um
Starting point is 01:15:57 so it you know it's it's something but it's like say the police were targeting him as a suspect then yeah i don't blame him for getting a lawyer if i go before you and you get badgered get a lawyer i'm telling you i'm telling you in advance thanks ann hey renee who's in osu law school will you be my lawyer thanks can you be mine in case christine goes first oh god okay okay thanks bye okay thanks um so it is a little weird that he wouldn't take a polygraph but he later claimed that his lawyer told him not to so i guess i guess that's an answer to that um the women that brian had been seen talking to outside on the camera were later identified and claimed they had never been asked to take the test but at the same time he had walked inside and they were had never been asked to take the test but at the same
Starting point is 01:16:45 time he had walked inside and they were seen on the footage like leaving the premises so it didn't necessarily seem like they they were guilty of anything no yeah it would have anything to do with it um so alexis his girlfriend called brian's phone every night before going to bed for months. Just to hear his voice on the voicemail. It is really sad. And it went to voicemail every single time. But one night in September, it actually rang. It rang three times before going to voicemail.
Starting point is 01:17:20 And she said she like. I would have lost my fucking mind. Freaked out. She was like, I didn't know what to do if someone answered like i didn't know what to say or think um so she kept calling and the police got involved and brian's phone pinged a tower in hilliard which was a suburb 14 suburb 14 miles northwest of central columbus um and after that the phone was off again it never picked up again and singular the the phone carrier wow 2006 singular wireless anyone else remember the little orange man yeah my dad had singular good times um apparently singular said it could have been a glitch um and it could have been nothing But like a lot of people in his family took it as a sign of hope that maybe he was alive.
Starting point is 01:18:10 But at the same time, it pinged 14 miles outside of Columbus. So like some people thought maybe someone stole the phone, picked up the phone and turned it on. Yeah. Right. Somebody just found it or somebody because it was months later. Like maybe somebody just picked it up and found it. Right. Who knows? or somebody stuck it was months later like maybe somebody just picked it up and found it like who knows um so they think it was maybe a glitch that she had called so many times that it just happened to go through at one point so it's hard to say but that did give them some hope um and the police also received a lot of tips but none of them really were breakthroughs in the case and actually speaking of pearl jam at
Starting point is 01:18:45 a pearl jam concert in cincinnati later that year uh lead singer eddie vetter took times between songs to ask for tips and brian's disappearance um but wow yeah but all the tips that came in weren't really helpful to the case there were sightings in michigan uh texas and sweden of all places and they were all investigated nothing turned out fruitful and uh actually one of the theories one of the things that police actually investigated was that it may have been part of the smiley face murders which i don't know if you know about that okay good because i'm gonna i was gonna say i don't think i want to know because i'm sure you're gonna cover it i'm gonna cover it i've heard of it but i've like i've heard of the phrase smiley face killer but i don't know
Starting point is 01:19:35 what makes it smiley face i think it's like he draws a smiley face on them or carves it in them something really fucked up i'm sure no but you know i mean my mind goes to the worst of course it sounds like it sounds like something out of criminal minds where they cut open your face or something right but no like make you look like you're smiling creepy it's not like joker status got it it's a different thing but i'm gonna do it in a future episode but so some people thought um that maybe his uh death was part of the heavily disputed smiley face murder theory which is also not a proven theory it's something that two detectives have taken several disappearances and kind of turned it into a possible theory like a possible pattern
Starting point is 01:20:18 but most mainstream detectives don't believe that it's true. So the only problem with that is that all the other victims of the so-called smiley face killer, their bodies have been found. And so his body has never been found. Got it. So it's hard to really say that this is part of that pattern. Okay. So things like, believe it or not, things actually get worse. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I know. I know. Cool. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. So in September of 2008, so like two years after Brian's disappearance, Randy Schaefer, during a heavy windstorm in central Ohio, so this is Brian's dad, he was out in the yard of his home in Baltimore, Ohio, cleaning debris and trying to clear out the yard when a branch flew out from a nearby tree and struck him and killed him.
Starting point is 01:21:18 No. And his body was not found until the next day. What a freak accident. Freak accident. that's just the scariest so after his obituary ran online they posted one of those like online condolences where you could leave um your you could leave your condolences in comments on the page and a comment came through that said to dad love brian parentheses u.s virgin islands what so the police immediately obviously traced this and thought maybe it had something to do with brian's disappearance obviously i think someone was just fucking around being a troll they traced the um ip address ip and it went to franklin county ohio
Starting point is 01:22:08 and it was oh my god determined to be a cruel hoax what is wrong with people that's horrible what a psychotic thing to do yeah that's like not funny not funny and no not funny in any sort of way um now if you said love christine like parentheses jimmy buffett concert also a cruel hoax hashtag 69 69 except that's funny love you mean it from rice pudding nine at the jimmy buffett concert but not on someone's fucking obituary okay that's true literally anywhere but that right right right yeah so it yeah so that was like a really fucked up thing where and like if you think about it this is the worst part so derrick the older brother had lost his mother then his brother and then his father in like a snap of a finger they were all gone his whole family his entire immediate family that's i was just gonna be like that blows but
Starting point is 01:23:12 like obviously like that's such an understatement and that did he go crazy i would have and then people go on the internet and write like stupid hoax messages to be funny i would have waltzed myself into an institution and just check myself in and been like, I need, I need to be watched. I don't know how you could handle it. I would not be able to handle it.
Starting point is 01:23:31 So it's really tragic. So shortly after Randy, the father's death, Neil Rosenberg, who was Clint, remember the Clint who wouldn't take the polygraph. Yep. So Clint's attorney,
Starting point is 01:23:46 Neil Rosenberg, wrote to a private investigator who was volunteering his time to help the Schaefer family find Brian. And he basically... So the private investigator asked Neil Rosenberg, like, why won't your client take the polygraph test? So he basically insinuated that he had learned that the Columbus police investigating the case believed that Brian was alive.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Oh. And in April 2009, Ohio State student newspaper, The Lantern, disclosed the actual exchange, which basically was that Neil Rosenberg said, if Brian is alive, which is what I'm led to believe after speaking with the detective involved, then it is Brian and not Clint who is causing his family pain and hardship. Brian should come forward and end this. He said that Clint did not have anything to hide and had told the police everything he knew from the beginning and did not see the value in doing so again.
Starting point is 01:24:50 In 2014, the Columbus police said they were still receiving at least two tips a month on the case via the local Crimestoppers hotline, although none had proven useful. The evidence in the case filled four boxes of files. One of the original investigators named andre edwards told the columbus monthly that after extensive review of the camera footage at the ugly tuna from the night brian disappeared he could say with quote 100 certainty that brian
Starting point is 01:25:17 did not leave the bar police say they have three theories on the case, but they've declined to discuss them even generally with the public. Wild. So basically, the theories are just that either, you know, he was fucking killed in the bar somehow or like he was part of some sort of drug deal gone wrong or like the restaurant maybe covered up his death because he was killed on the construction accident or construction site like nobody knows or he just went off on his own and uh started a new life somewhere because of he was just tragically upset or he committed suicide like nobody knows jeez and now ugly tuna saluna this year renee called me recently and told me they're closing officially this year. Really? Wow. The bar is shutting down.
Starting point is 01:26:10 So it's now timely again. The bar is back in the news. They've been around for a long time, and now they're closing up shop. Wild. Yep. And nobody knows where he is, but a lot of people have this case as their kind of like pet project. And similar to like Euron's, a lot of people are kind of armchair experts and are like looking into all the details. And with the internet now are trying to find exactly what happened to him.
Starting point is 01:26:39 So hopefully we find an answer. Nice. That's the story of Brian Shafer. Wow. It's the story of Brian Schaefer. Wow. It's a good one. Don't do that, Blaze! Jesus Christ! At the exact end of the story.
Starting point is 01:26:54 I waited. I waited. Were you just standing outside? Are you going to work? Yes. Jesus, it's 11 o'clock at night, guys. He's going to San Francisco to go go to work are you going to another conference no he's going to work at a job his job in san francisco i'm sorry what he picked up a
Starting point is 01:27:13 ship he picked up monthly shifts in san francisco why because he's fucking insane are you that money hungry what is wrong with you you're literally driving for six hours to San Francisco right now. No, he's flying. Taking a bus. He's taking a bus. You're taking a bus in your scrubs to get directly to the hospital and start working? No, I gotta go to the vet and get my badge and stuff like that. He's a lunatic. He's a lunatic.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Is there a real reason behind this? Does it like get you brownie points or a raise or something? They pay me extra to go. Okay. There's that reason. I love you. I love you too. Guys, we all experienced that together. this is it like you brownie points or a raise or something they pay me extra to go okay there's that reason i love you love you too yeah guys we all experience that together i'm sad you're leaving i know i'm sorry i'm sad eva keep this in this is good this is gold make geo sleep upstairs geo always waits downstairs when blaze isn't home So if he waits downstairs, Blaze won't come home tonight.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Oh my god. I have to carry him upstairs to make sure he's... That's such a loyal son you have. Don't be upset. Don't be upset. I love you, okay? I love you too. Please be safe.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I will. I don't like buses. He was a bouncer. He's fine. Okay, I love you. I love you too. I love you. I love you too.
Starting point is 01:28:32 I like how he's waiting outside for us to finish precious anyway that's the story of brian shaper all right that was uh gnarly gnarly indeed dude can you believe the next time we tell a story we're gonna be on a fucking stage i know you're upset but i feel like we're gonna do fine yeah that really okay yes i am excited to go on stage with you i'm just gonna wait it out i mean it's gonna be the same as the live show uh in nashville where where we both had a fucking nightmare panic attack yeah but then we looked at each other we were like did we even start we blacked out the whole thing hopefully that's how this goes it will but also guys allison's gonna be as drunk as a skunk because i requested it because. Oh, she told me. She's like, my rules are that I need to be drunk, sis-gum. Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:26 For Em. I have, my, my fear is of being on stage is very specific where the closer of a relationship I have with you, the more nervous I am to perform in front of you. A lot of people have messaged us or emailed us being like, tell Em that a lot of people who like, tell Em to bring their mom or their like friends and family that's the worst thing i could do i don't think you understand that's the last thing i want so truly the last thing and the worst part about this whole live show is that it's in la where all of my friends bought tickets and then because they don't understand my fear texted me saying i got tickets to your show and i was like i want to not be fucking friends with you anymore and it means that they love you i know but my brain doesn't read it that way it's just the the less i know you
Starting point is 01:30:10 the like if i fuck up i never have to see you again so who cares but like if i fuck up and i know you you i have to look at you in the face eventually you fuck up and they don't know you they're gonna write a mean thing on itunes Whereas if they fuck up and they know you, they're just going to say you did great and you're never going to know otherwise. Yeah, but I know when my friends are not being truthful and just trying to be nice. I don't want to have the fear
Starting point is 01:30:34 that maybe they're just doing that. Nobody else is on stage doing shit. So like they don't have room to be like, you didn't do a good job. Anyway, I requested that Allison and all my friends get hammered. That way, hopefully, they just don't remember it. So that way, I can look them in the face
Starting point is 01:30:47 the next day if I mess up because they won't have remembered either. Alright, let's go with that. So, if you see Allison, she's going to be good and friendly. Good and friendly. Renata will be there and we're going to brunch on Sunday morning at a German restaurant in LA and we're
Starting point is 01:31:03 starting with beer at 10am. Are you going to be drunk on the stage? We're going to brunch on sunday morning at a german restaurant in la and we're starting with beer at 10 a.m so are you gonna be drunk on the stage we're gonna have a good fucking time dude all right renata's wearing her shirt her atww shirt we're gonna have a good time um um tell them about the cool website that i just created like ours yeah i know there was like a new square square space i did create a new site on square space yes there's a there's a new updated version of our website correct yes but i moved it from a totally different it was on wordpress and now it's on square space i made a whole new website oh i hear what you're saying i thought you meant meant like, oh, okay. Yes. I will tell them. I'm going to tell them. Just tell them about it. You can find us at ATWD Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. You can also find us at ATWD Podcast on Patreon.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Please donate. Your donations are unbelievably helpful. Huge. And the reason why we've been able to grow so quickly and in such a blur. Yes. Such a drunk blur. Right, Christine? Blur indeed. You can also find us at our website and that's why we you can find our merch we have new merch out
Starting point is 01:32:11 and that's why we you can also find our email and that's why we drink at where you can send in your personal true crime and ghost stories where we put out a listener's episode at the first of every month. And by the way, some people have written like, oh, you didn't say my story in the past month. But I'm like, please understand that we do a personal listener's episode. We do six stories a month. Six stories a month. And we get thousands a month. So please don't feel like we're ignoring you.
Starting point is 01:32:41 It's just in the backlog. We're getting there. The backlog. Yes. And then also, you. It's just in the backlog. We're getting there. The backlog. Yes. And then also, you threw me off my groove. Sorry, but I just... You can also send us fan mail. You can.
Starting point is 01:32:51 You can send it at 1920 Hillhurst Avenue, Vermont. We're not in Vermont. We're in Los Angeles, California, 90027. No, you didn't say the number. Number 265. I always forget, don't I? Yeah, but you also didn't say the number number two six i always forget don't you also didn't say the street hillhurst ave oh i thought you were saying vermont because that was my old street yeah i was trying to sidestep that let me do this again you can also uh send us fan
Starting point is 01:33:16 mail please and our address is 1920 hillhurst ave number two six five5 yep 256 265 uh Los Angeles California 90027 and we are now also for our Patreon support we also have a fan mail uh video that we put out once a month so that's it is extra really fun and we just open all your mail and it's a great time. And we have our Facebook Live May 27th at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. And we also have our live show at the Irvine Improv at 7 o'clock on June 3rd. Yeah, we do. My 26th birthday and the last day that Christine is 26 years old. It is. And we need you to come so that we have the potential to prove to other people in other venues that we would do well at their venues.
Starting point is 01:34:08 So please, please come. Also bring me presents. That will make me feel better. What about me? Bring Christine early presents. It's also my birthday. And. And I'm not going to say that's because and.
Starting point is 01:34:20 And. And we're also going to some other East Coast shows soon, if we can get some of these shows filled up. So please come. We are going to D.C. in November. So be there or be square. Find the info on our website. And that's why we drink. And also it's going to be my birthday, too.
Starting point is 01:34:40 So don't steal it from me. And I'm a Gemini. You know I need half the attention. And that's why we drink.

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